To ADATERTIEEMS.—We have completed arrangements which enable as to contract for'aiver- Ming in , the leading newspapers of the CANADAS, both English and French. on the most advantageous terms. S. M. PETTENOILL & CO.. ki'ewsraper Advertising Agents, No. 37 PARK POW . , New lock. Swiy & SONS, nutri ror ou;r At SLASPJS EROS., 1000 CHESTNUT Street. PIANOS Masow erEcK Ct CO' •S HAMLIN'S n tAI CABINET ORGANS STECK at CO.'S • J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. TEM POPULAR CLOTHING 110IIBE OF PAHA, "OAK HALL." ak Best-class goods and moderate prices. WANAKAKER Sz BROWN. S. & earner SIXTH. and MARKET Stroeth, Custom Department (to mike to order) No. 1 S. Sixth at WIEEELEP. & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM LO OK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES THE CUEArLs.T, srmPLEST, AND nnsT, Salesrooms, '704. CHESTNUT Street. above Seventh =MD_ STEVENSON. — Ikt Wilmington,Del., on the Sth inst., in the 52tt year of hor Sarah .1. StocenSoli, Widow of the late Samnyl Stevenson, of Philadelphia. Interment at Alleglooly Cemetery, near Pittsburg.. * PHIPPS.—On the fth inst., TiaelielPhinia, in the GM year of her age. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend her flinerni, from tbr millrace of James 5. bberwiu, No. 223 'North Ninth street, on the Si :KW-day morning (Ow 13th,) at A. M. To proceed to Uaohland, Chester county. *5 HOLLIS.—On the: oth instant, Nary Elizabeth, wife of Pelham Hollis. and daughter of Thomas T. and Susan E. Webster, in the 2311, year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday noorn in 12th inst.. at 10 o'clock, from the residence of her father, Tacony road. above the U. S. Arsenal, Twenty : - third ward. OFTTON OF MP A.MI,F ?CAN LIFE IN. , ;VRANCN AND TRV , T COMPANY, WALNUT ... , TREET, SOUTHEA2 , T CORNER OF FOURTH. PurLADELTITTA, May 9. 3 861, M a special - meeting of the TrusteeB of this Company, held this dos-, the foilowiu6 preamble and. reseiatioas were adopted: Whereas, it has pleased an All-wise Providence to remove from our midst our esteemed friend and fellow trustee, CHAIILES F. IIEAZLITT, got., and while we bow in submission to 1/is will uho doeth all things Well: therefore, be it Resolved, That we express our heartfelt sorrow and sympathy will; thmily of the deceased at their loss as well as ours, which will be long felt in thd!l OS'S of his counsel, lo:wows:Mr bruring, and courtesy, which ever distinguish (id hi. i storsourse with us. _Resolved. That we will attend his funeral as a mark of our respect, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased. Resolved, That the above he published iu the daily papers. ALEX. WILI MAHN, President: Attest: :roux S. WH.s..N, Secretary. It RESSON & SON HAVE JUST OPENED - 0 -'" Black Camels' Hair Barge Long Shawls. -" 13arege Square Shawls. " Grenadine llarege Square Shawls. " Silk Grenadine Square Shawls. • " Mousseline de. 1,10110 Square WlchaWle. White and Blael: Slcepicerd Plaid Mobairs, 11734d_ Valenciao, 62Yit 70c, Snic t W., and .51. ST a yard. Wbite and Black Striped Skirting, 75C. Black neat Check rare:ref, S7.'..fc. rrrylo MOURNING 5T0RE,N0.9.1.°3 CHESTNUT Street EYRE & LAND ELL ALWAYS KEEP Beat Black Slk in the City. Black Silk sa• u, Iper yard. Black File Silk for Coate.. Black Silk Pitman, yard wide. 'Mick ilk, I'urpl ,- - SIN - age. Blnck Sills 10T Sacks. nr= JOHN B. GOUGH, ESQ., WILL LECTURE, FOE THE LAST TIME THIS SEASON, ON ANCE, CONC:ERT HALL, FRIDAY EVENING; MAY 12 At 8 0 . elOCk For sale 'fa ISACTIEN - S, 600 CHESTNUT Street, on and altar WEDNESDAY MORNING, at S o'clock inylo-4t ilgr=. w ST. LIME'S CHIIRCH, GERXAN. To yit..kSHSGIVIINT3 SERVICE will be held in ST. I,l'l.:li.'S tl - FLUILCH, Germantown, THIS EVENING, May 11. :it ti j o'clock. WOTICE.—TIIE STOVE. RANGE. REAPER, 1 tOLLt/W-WAR.E, :and TIN-WALE 3dAITUFACTUREits, or respectfully roquestra to at tend a general Ines che trade on \VEDNESTDAY - tie - nth S at. the Room,. 1307 CILEAFFT Street - , :blgtory. A :ell of the trade is requested, es matter, of importance will be brought before them. - It AN All-TOURNED :113F.F.T.iNta OF the CITIZENS OF THE FOURTEENTH 'WARD, irrespective of po rty, will be held at SPRING GA RDEN BALL, THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, at S . clock. Precinct Committees are requested to be present, and report definitely - their collections. The list of Silhaeri bera ter t the fund, under the two former calla of the Pre sident, has been published in The Trees of the 10th inst..and copies at the list Will be ready for distribution at this meeting. W:if, B. THOMA% PrePidont. Tao, R.. DeVIF. :,:ecretary. It Inr'SIXTH WAR.III 110ITNTY The Precinct Committees are requested to attend a Meeting THIS EVENING, May 11th, at 8 o'clock, at IL G. Walbom't., No. 5 North SIXTH Street, fur the purpose of receiving the Trr,,nrer•, ttn.,l report. CHAS. WELDING, Chairman. Jon:: HAGF.N, Seen,filry. RISE, PROGRESS, AND _FUTURE OF IRELAND.—By special request Rev. R. A. GARDEN, ' O. will repeat this Great Lecture at the DIEURAINIUS" feALL, turner of FOURTH and G BORG E Streets ,on TUESDAY EN'ENI.IW, 17th, S o'clock. Every true Irishman should hear thivrreat and eloquent lecture. Tickets 2.5 cent,. mayll-It. GI EAT CF.:I"..ERAY.• MITTEL' ON :FINANCE AND DONATIONS. PHILADELPHIA, Kay 9, 15134. SVTISCIIIPTIONS, Phi/a and - Railroad. Co Franklin Fire 111,11.17:inc, C. Brown Brothers & C. C. P. Fox, Esq., and 1`.1i,,!: Fox Horace Binney, state Society or The Cinciallari. J. M. Morales & Co., Thlralla • • Muller & Co., Havana C. llhrbaell Sr. Co., Matanvas... Frank - Parkins & Co W. F. Safford &C 0., Card,'nas Juan Fenin, Esq., Cardenas. J. Blanco, E-q., Cardenaa•-• ernes Fisher, Esq., k'ardena Together, being jroc.sds of *1.095 in gold, re mitted to and handed in by Messrs. T. Mason a Coed to 57 Preciongy acknowledged ¶55,6) 00 A. E. BORIE, Chairman. Total soyll-6t iler AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BANNEKEII INSTITUTE, held April 26th, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, Through the dispensation of Providence, We have been deprived of another highly-esteemed co laborer, and have lost the counsels and large expert ence of one who had been closely identified with pro gress and reform; therefore, Reeolved, That in the death of our honorary member, JNO. the Inetitnte has lost an ardent and earn est supporter. Rego Thai malliuching , and. uncompromising advocacy of all. mea,ures leading to tho amelioration of the condition of our people won for him in life the high est esteem, and in death will secure for his memory the liveliest recollection,. 12Asoiroed, That we offer our sincerest condolence to the members of his family, and point them with confi dence to that God whose inviolable promise makes them the subjects of his favor. Reiofved, That a copy of these resolutions, attested by the proper olitcen , , be nut to the family of the de ceased, and tbat they he published, JACOB C. WRITE, Sn., President. Sr. GEORGE R. T,". :bon, Secretary. it* CASJL CONTRIBUTIONS RE. CEITED iuold of the Suffering Loyal I)eslifute Cherokee Indians: From Wilorium:iii,bel —IL L.McCoinb;s2s; John W. Tatum, $25 ; T. "W., 5; - ( 4 . L., 510; 55; H. P. Gib -POUF, ki'lo; li. D., V. D. ;C. .T, $5 ; . William Tatnel, 515; Ell-5 art' 11‘11:111, 55; 31., 55; C. W.How land,.cclo; Ashton 111,1mramn, i4O; I.l..Mlieu Satter thwaate, $l5O, Join: I'...mMs., 5'2; Merritt Canby, $10; John K. Latilner, '1.'25; W. S. 11., $10: Mahlon Don,. Tatum, $ - 2 , .); Dr. Win. R. Bullock, i,klu; E.I ward Betts, •''''ll); E. "%Lorimer Bye, Sri; M.D. - 11/Om, 54; 11. , $2; Mary _Richards, $5; .T. T.. <_::MeDatilel,"slo—" 5300 of the above annelid : in the aggreFate, was preoiougy acknowledged a- received :.out friend John Tabun. _Received 514.!.50; 111,0, Wm. 111111 s, $2O. John B. Gefit, attorney at laW, Philadelphia, $lO. JOHN ROSS, Chief of the Cherokee Nation, No. 297 PENNSYLVANIA Avenue, WASHINGTON, P. C rInfi.diNIEJLP.IFIA, MAY OT /The -it lanite Ohio Telegraph 0 , ..,2aa , g , Poi the purpose of carrying into effect the resolutions of your Board of Directors, unanimously adopted on the 14th day of April, liO4, and the arrangement made With the Western. Union Telegraph Company, by which. the lines and property of this Company will hereafter be under the control and DlAnagement of that Company, you are requested, if you desire to exchange your stock for the stock of the Western Union Telegraph Company to call at the (Idles of 11. 11. SHILL - I:WIWI% Esq., secretary Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph Company, No. 3 FORREST PLACE, 12334 South. FOURTH - Street, or forward him a power of attorney for that purpose. As soon as the transfers are made and a list furnished, the Secretary of tile Western Union Telegraph Company at Rochester, New York, the stock of that Company will be sent to the Secretary of the Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph Company for delivery. The transfers must be made and the list fnrnished on or before the Pith inst. isprestuunid meet of the Stockholders will avail them - 'selves of the right to psalm the exchange provided for, and it is important it should. he done by the time stated, that they may be eutitivd to their quota of the exten mien stock of tin , Western ltalon Company in the Over /and Russian Line to be built by that Company. A statement showing the condition and prospects of the Western Union Telegraph Company and its connec tion with the Overland 'Russian Line, has been furnish ed me by the Secrentrymf that Company, and suck stock holders RS desire to 1-Xuluille it can do so at my office. The transfers received will be regarded as fur ex change unless otherwi-e indicated, D. BROOKS, Agent In. , tern Tnion Telegraph Co., Tnylo.6t 1.05 South Tlll - 1:b bit-ea Iltaf'' THE ANNUAL MEET ING of the PENN RELIEF' ASSOCIATION, for Sick and A oumietl 8 Idlers, will be hell on FIFTH DAY (Tlrerrdity)-lIVENINC, the lab_ Met., 7.4 o'clock, at the In,,tirnte, N. E. corner BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Street< The Public are invited. m 10 , 3 t. ANICA P. LITTLE, Secretary. nr= rNie - N LEAGUE HOUSE, 1118 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILAD&LPHIA, May 2, 3964.—A special meeting of the UNION LEAGUE of Phi ladelphia will be held on THURSDAY EVENING, the 12th instant, at 8 o'clock, to take into consideration the acceptance of the Charter lately obtained from the Le gislature of the State of P, , ansylvattia. By order of the Boil of Directors: my3-tmyl2 CEoItGE ll BoKE, Secretary. A .11[0:113,'. lIKESSIONAHN AND TRACT TIMM NG will be held under the au picps: of the Phil:..!.-b.!. t'onfocenco Tract Society, at GREEN-STREET Di . c'cicl l 3. 4. l!?, citeen , ahlY!' Tenth. biirTnum Y ENI isi (;, MnylZ, 1664. lfolt• Thomas T. Tnsher, Sr., willnreside. Short addresses will lo• ,b•liverod by Rev. Bishop Sim - won, 11ev. J. D. 11ev. Mr. Eicher, of "Harmas, and 'Rey. Cor,nel Moody, of Ohio. Prof. Fischer and hi. Choir Will conduct the singing. A Collection will bo token for North. Pam M. E. Church. COMMITTLE Ilk AIER...I.NaIOWNTS. A. MANSHIP, AMOS PHILLIPS, B. F. PRICE.; H ED N W. WORN' S. W. THOMAS ! Ch ARLES SCOTT. JAS. FLANNIIIIV. 1 mylo-St SW` DE PAR T:WE NT OF PUBEIC HIGHWAYS.—OFFICE OF CHIEF COMMIS EIONER, S. W. corner of WA L\ UT and FIFTH Sts. EA, May 7,1931. NOTICE.—The Commic:cc on Highways will sit in Common Council Chotni.-e, on WEDNESDAY, the 11th jnstant, at 3 o'clock P. M., fur the purpose of hearing all persons interested in the paving of Broad.street, from Columbia avenue to Germantown avenue. W. W. MEDLEY, Chief Commissioner of Highways. PIANOS, Prexos PIANOS. lieserved Seats XI cents $lO,OOO 00 1,000 00 000 00 000 00 ....... 500 V) MO 00 $302 07 182 14 . 15314 150 14 ISO 14 • 180 14 91 08 . 60 70 $14,721 57 . 40,925 57 APPE A L-111NION VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT SALOON. the citi.ns , tf Philadelphia It will be three years on the 27th day of May*lB64, since the UnimitYo - Refreshment Saloon commenced it:, operations. The Committee never have pressed their claims. Nei ther have they lost sight of the fact that there were ether institutions equally worthy of •public confidence and support; and , they have endeavored to discharge the duties entrusted to them in au honest, economical, (inlet, and unostentatious manner. Up to this time we have been generously supported by contributions frdm our friends and a portion of the moneyed corporations of Philadelphia. We have tried to lessen the burdens of our kind friends by annual fairs in June; lb first was a MOMS; the second comparatively a failnro, in conga. (pence of the raid into Peimsylvania last summer, and there is no prospect of holding one this season, as in tendey. The high price of provisions, and the heavy and constant demand on our Saloons, have nearly de rioted our treasury, mid as the signs of the times point to a series of protracted battles, and as there will no doubt be stilt further culls on our limited resources, we are compelled to make this appeal to the liberality of the citizens of Philadelphia and vicinity for assistance, otherwise our future usefulness will he very much im paired. Contributions in cash, and notice of Provisions and Sanitary. Stows for our use, will be received by the fa ll:owing gentlemen: Rev. Dr. Thomas Brainerd, No. 6.34 Pine street. Themes Robbins, Esq. E President Philadelphia Bank, Chestnut :Amer, west of Fourth street. P. Cummins, Esq., President of the Girard Bank, Third street, near Dock street. S. A. Mercer, Esq., President of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Chestnut street, below Fifth. .1. it Austin, Esq., President of the Southwark Bank, Second, below Smith street. . N. W. Woodward, Esq., • Cashier Manufacturers' and liferlaiuics' Dank, northwest corner Third and Nine streets. Thomas T. Firtb t Esq., Treasurer Pennsylvania Rail road, Third and Killing's alloy. James C. hand & Co., corner Market and Decatur streets_ Samuel B. Fales, Esq., No. tIIA Walnut street (who has consented to act as General Financial Agent ter di,: institution). Or by any member of our committee. The Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon is situated at the southwest corner of Washington and Swanson streets. The citizens of Philadelphia and vicinity, and strangers, are respectfully invited to visit the Saloon, and witness for themselves the arrangements made for the refreshment and comfort of the brave soldiers pass ing through the City of Brotherly Love. ARAD BARROWS, Chairman. 1. B. Wens, Secretary.. an` - 141 THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.— A Meeting of the GENERAL COMMITTEE will be held at the BOARD OF Pit ADE ROOMS, 505 CHEST NUT t3treet k on WEDNESDAY EVENINti next, the 11th inst., at u clock. Punctual attendance is requested. in no-2r IiONACE HOWARD FUR NESS, Secretary. TILE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.— Subscriptions or donations for Committee of One Day's Labor, Income, or Revenue, received TO-DAY by JOHN W. CLAOHORN, Treasurer, (Mice No. 1.1.8 South SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia. bet all. pronoPp ly respond. Subscriptions and remittances marl duiy recoroted for, anti acknowledged in the pers. ap'23lza ILIECIFITRES PEFORE TILE PILO. TO trl' API III; SOCIETY' OF PHILA DEL pm A by Professor Iii.NRY MORTON, at the Laboratory of the Episcopal Academy, No. 3.311 LOCUST Streect. Lec ture first on \VEDIC ES DAY, Mayll, at S o'clock P. M., "On the No tare of Light." May - 18th, ' `Oi. Opticallln strumunts." May 2.503, "On Polarized. Light. " Also, on FRIDAY, May 13th, by Prof. J. 11. 1110- QUILLEN, on "Anatomy and. PhyBiology of Expres sion_" Tickets for the Course, $l. Mho had at McAllis ter's, J. W. Queen's, Wenderoth & Taylor, F. Cigte koost.,s, and R - Leypoldt's. nty6-6t . _ _ CITY BOUNTY NOTICE. OF• FICE CITY BOUNTY FUND COMMISSION, No. 412 P.nUNE Street, April 1, 1861. The City bounty will continue to be paid until further notice. - • No applications for Bounty will be entertained from recruits who enlisted prior to the date of thePresident'a Proclamation, October 17, 1563. All future powers of attorney for the City Bounty, from new recruits for Pennsylvania Regiments, mus tered hi after this date, must be endorsed by the officer in charge of the barracks that the man has been re ceived there. - - By order of the Commission. apl-tf SAMUEL C. DAWSON, Secretary. 1107 cm -row COAL AND IRON CON'. - PANY. A meeting of the Stockholders of the Clinton Coal and Iron Company will be held at the office of the Penn Mining Company, No. 319 WALNUT Street, on WED NESDAY, May 11, at 4 o'clock P. M. ,to accept the Char ter and organize for business. By order of WILLIAM B. THOMAS, President. Jam" H. Witrniz.ra, Secretary. it Itgi OFFICE GIRARD FIRE ANEO 3101- NE INSURANCE COMPANY, 415 WALNUT Street, May 10, isra The Directors have declared a dividend of FIFE PER CENT. for tie last six months, clear of taxes, and pay able to the Stockholders on demand. inyll-wfinia ALFRED S. GILLETT, Treasnrer. 111rBRIGGS GOLD COMPANY.—THE T111:1(PF of the It OoLD COMPANY have declared a Dividend of ONE PER CENT., (out of the net earuingo of the Company for the month of April,) to 3tiayaLle at the OBice Street, May IGtly 18114, 9f t a l i ' l e ar t 'etrd ' et Y iifl 9, Ce B rl, j ar t r ee claw of ldimittegg tint day. WALTER E. LAWTON. Traa9trer. NO. S 1 JOHN . Street, New York. May 501,1564. mytDIR MANDAN MINING. COMPANY-- PHILADELPHIA, May 10, Mt . —The _lnnn Necting or the Stock - hohlers of the MANDAN MINLI.S"‘; COALPANY (01 Lake Simi:Huy) will he hold at their or lice, No. 324 WALNUT street, on THURSDAY, the 00th It o'clock A. At, for the election of Direc tors:lna the transaction of other losiness. my 11-14 ' B. A. HOOPES, Secretary. RIME IMEAVELEY OIL COIIIP_47 I ITY. —The Books for Subscription to the above Com pany are now open at 41S WALNUT Street, from 9A. M. to 3P. M. EDWIN E. SIMPSON, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE WESTMORE LAND COAL COMPANY, No, 230 South THIRD Street, corner of Willing's alley, RITILADBLPHTA, May. 4, 1364. A meeting of the Stockholders of the WESTMORE LAND COAL. COMMA NY will be held at their Office on FRIDAY, May 20th, 1854, at 11 o'clock A_ to vote on the acceptance of the act of incorporation, approved April 30, 180.1, and to elect a Board of Directors to serve until the next election. F. 11. JACKSON, zny&-14t Secretary. 11W' OFFICE OF THE MINERAL OIL COM - PANr, 524 WALNUT Street, PHILADET,PHIA, May 9, 1861. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of ONE AND A MALI' PER - CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable at the Mike of the Compaufon and alter the EA h. L, clear of .141110 talces_. 'no transfer boo* will be closed after the 14th inst., and be opened on the 19th. mylo-5t - THOS. E. SEAN.LE, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY, 524 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, May 9. 1861. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER. CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable ea and after the 16th inst. at the Office of the Company, clear of State ta-e, The transfer books will be closed after the 11th inst., and be opened on the 16th. mylo-It - THOS. R. SEARLE, Secretary. OFFICE 11011EMIAN MINING COMPANY, 132 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, April 14, 1864. Notice is hereby given, that an assessment of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS per Share on each and every Share of the Capital Stock has THIS DAY been called by the Board of Directors of the BOHEMIAN MINING COMPANY, due and payalde on or before the 15th day of May, 1864, at the Office of the Compaayol.32 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. By order of the Board of Directors. L. MACTIER, Secretary. OFFICE 01' THE VULCANMINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN. . . }!IIILADF:LPTf TA" April 27,-1564 The eta tetrannnal meeting of tiie STOCK:HOLD EA'S' of this Company will be held cm THURSDAY, May 12th, at 1.7. o'clock H. at tla,ir office, - No. 323- WALNUT Street. An election for Directors will take place, to tOrVe the Company the ensuing. year. ap2S-ISt F. K. WOMRA.TH, Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTICE. YF a 9 OFFICE OF THE PERRY OIL COMPANY, Southeast corner of WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, PHILADELPHIA, May 0, . . The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend out of the earnings of the Company pr.:rums to M a .ylst of TWO PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, pay able at the Office of the Company, clear of United States and State Tax, on and after the 18th i nstant. The Transfer Books will be closed on FRIDAY, May Mb, for FIVE DAYS. inylo-7t* JAMES PERRY, Treasurer. - NT0113)111E,1AT S — CENTRAL RAILWAY C(.I4IWANY_, 13Ahrtatotts, May 6, 1944. At a meeting of the President and Directors, hold this dav, the following revolution was adopted: Pkwlred, That a di vidOud of TWO (2) PER CENT. ha declared on the Capital Stock of this Company, and on the Instalments paid in, for the quarter cutting the 13th instant; and also an extra dividend of THREE (3) PER cent. on the same. Said dividends to be paid free of State and National taxes on and after the 23th instant. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from the lath to the 2.3 th instant. 13y order. nry()-mwflOt J. S. LEIB, Treasurer. MANZI . OF CO2IIIENUEIRACE. PIIMADELPHIA, May 3, 1361. The Doar.l of Director- Lave this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE per cent, „payable on demand, clear of taxes. J, A. LEWIS, re y4-ws3t Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK OF PITTS. .Afov U,156-1. The Board of Directors of this Bank have declared a dividend of FIVE PER GENT. out of the earnings of the last six months, payable on the lilth inst. Eastern stockholders will be paid at the Western Bank of Phila delphia- The Government excise tax will he Paid by the Bank. ANDREW LONG, my7-10t Assistant Cashier. 11W= . GIItAILL, DANK,. PHILADELPHIA, May 3, 1861. The Dinctors Dave this day declared a Di,idond of FIVE per cent. out of the profits of the last six mouths, payable on and after the 13th inst., free of all taxes. W. L. SCHAFFER, Cm,hier. iler XECHANICS , BANK. -, PHILADELPHIA, May 3,189[. The 'Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of SIX per cent., payable on and after the 13th Wet. J. WI/Xi - AND, Ja, , my-I-DnyllCashier: CORN EXCILANGE RANH.. - PHILADELPHIA, May 3, 1864. The Directors have declared a Dividend of SEVEN per cent., payable on demand, clear of State and U. S. (3 per T. W. TORItY, - rrry4-tf Cashier. m- BLEAILLEY OIL COMPANY, OF FICE AVIS WALNUT &MK. The above Company own, in fee, FIFTY AC,IIE,S OF FIRST-CLASS OIL TERRITORY, situated on TWO MILE RUN, Venaugo county, about four miles fram Oil City. There are now two wells on this property, which produce Oil of about thirty degrees gravity. One of the gentlemen interested lives on this property, and giv ing hie per ,, ma I attention, obtaining the neco:n.ary tna chinvr fur it farther dt,etopinstit. Thug n. 1,0 own lease of three and one half acres, situated on the POPE FARM, on the Allegheny, two and a half miles below Franklin. On this lease is a well, with engine, tank's, derricks, &e.,complete. - This well leas produced as high as Forty Barrels Oil per day — : sample of which, obtamed by the Committee appointed to visit the -properties, may be seen at the Mace of the Company. The Company intend to com mence immediately a vigorous and energetic develop ment of both prenntlieS% Further information may be obtained qt. the Office, where the Books are now open for Subscription. SYLVANIARALLROAI)EOU YF EOM. PAY/7—T REASURER'S DEPARTMENT, PH [LAPEL- Punt, April eft, ]Sr.4. NOTIGE TO THE STOCKHOLDETZS.—The Hoard of Directors have this day declared a semi-an n nal dividend of five per cent. on the canital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after May 11, ISG-1. Dlank powers zit' attorney for collecting dividends can be had at the Office of the Company, mt. 232 Smith THIRD Street. Stock and 6,911, certificates for the extra dividend will be ready for delivery on and after May 2.1, but no stock or scrip certificates will be delivered I,,tween the 10th nay THOMAS T. 'FIRM. Treasurer. OFFICE OF TILE UNION PETRO ( . I. ' ' 7 . LEU:II COMPANY, N. 147 South FOURTII Street. DE I LADE!.PETA, Hey 0, IShi. The Directors of the Union Petroleum CeMnallY having ileciared a dividend eat of the profits of the ComPany, forests 11101LtD, of TWO PER CENT. Pal-a ble, clear of United States and State tax, on and after the 113111 inst, The Transfer Peeks Will be closed on the 13th inst. C,rrificawsof Stock are IValy ready, and can be haa. upon appli ration at the of the Commit' y litylo-;3i. CHARLES A. DUI, President. COMPANY.—TIIE Cdpital Erork of the FAREL OIL COMPANY having all been snl,,,erilled, the Sharehohl , ,i, are re quired to pay tilc alni,Unt of their submriptimm imme divlciy to the Troa.,:rer, at No. 55 North THlRDSireet. nr3-10-3vi tiElf. W. McWILLIAMS, Treasurer. IerELEILADELPIIIA COMMERCIAL WHARF AXD RAILROAD COMPANY.—No tice is ltereby given that a meeting of the Commission ers appointed by an act of the General A,isinnbly of the Commonwealth Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to Incorporate the Philadelphia Commercial wh ar f an d Railroad Cloteno. ny, approve,' the twenty-fifth day of May. A. 1). 15i1. to open books, receive subscriptions, and organize a company by the name, style, and title of the PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL WHARF AND RAILROAD COMPANY, will be held on the TWENTY SIXTH DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1864, between the. hours of ten O'oluck A. M. and four o'clock P. M. at No. 32/ WALNUT Street, second floor, Room No. 2, in the city of PIIILADELPRIA, and from day today, in frocuauce of said act of Assembly, and for the purposes therein naentiond and provideed. EDMUND A. SOUDER, 17).7114D ;JAYNE, SAMUEL T. BODINE, J. VAUGHAN MERRICK% E. W. WARNER, TITUS S, EMERY. PHILADELPHIA, May 2. 1864. IfY:3•ft" lag — A MEETING OF THE STOCK wiII be heldL a D t E i z ll ho S f oni th p e an ß y lp s om oin sb o n e fg at lr r o m n u M ) any Co 'lumina county, Penna., on WEDNESDAY, May 18th, 1864, for the purpose of electing nine Directors to.serve the ensrtilto; year, and for the transaction of other busi ness, WM. E. S. BAKER, Tre ' surer cad Secretary. No. 21:2 North WATER Street. PHILADELPHIA, April le, 1864.- aPI3-30t. RETAIL DRY - GOODS. EDWIN HALL & . CO. , 26 SOUTH SECOND STRUM', flare now OPOn one of the best Stocks of SILK GRENADINES, • ORGANDY LAWNS, AND • JACONET LA WNS, EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS CITY. Many of the above are of our own importation. N. B.—Just received, VD MAGNIFICENT ORGANDY LAWN PORES. FIGURED, PLAID, AND STRIPED GRENADINV.S, in white, light, and drab colors, and black grounds from a recent auction sale. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., above Willow. SUMMER SHAWLS, From unction, itt less than usualr pricer,. -- Printed Border Grenadine Shawls. Satin Plaid Centre rege Shawls. Plaid Mozambique Shawls. Black Lace Points.r.l , l y. 74, Mack and White Lama Points. t'7:: OURWEN STODDART k BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND SI., above WilloW. SPRING AND SUMMER - CLOAKS, MANTILLA S, SACQUES, of new and tasty styles, in choice material and best workmanship and finh.h. CURWEN STODDART ft; BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., above Willow. SUMMER DRESS GOODS, On banti, a large stock , at less than usual prices CURWEN STODDAET & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 4-54 N. SECOND St., alio-e WilloW F ANCY DRESS SILKS. Solid Colors Silks. Small Check Silks. Small Plaid Silks. Large Plaid Silks. At less than usual prieea. • CERWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., above Willow DLACK SILKS. full line, comprising all grades, from $1.50 to $G Per yard. CUPWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 45 1 1 N. SECOND St., above Willow inyl.o-3t ONE CASE NEAT STRIPE. BUMMER SILKS at isl yer yard. India Silk, ',R. Foulard Silks, 87,i; cents. Black Lace Shawls and It Otundas. White Lace Sh awls and Rotunda-s. Suininer Shawls, in great y a Silk r,111(11leti and Circulars. Wide Mantle Silk*, the best quality imp . arted. LDWIN HAIL St CO., my3l 26 South SECOND Street. ARMY GOODS. FURLOUGHS. Officers and Snidiers,visiting the city on Entlouh, needing SWORDS, And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, are invited to the very extensive blanufacturing Establishment of GEO. W. SIMONS & SANSOM-STREET HALL, SANSOM Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice, which, for richness and magnificence, challenge competition, no other house in the country combining the 111,1_NUFACTURING JEW ELER with the PRACTICAL SWORD-MAKER. mlll2-2m FROTHINGHAM 4t WELLS HEAVY, MF.DIUIV R I, Av A E N P D °u LI P. G AT IR MEETINGS AND SHMTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND - - • - - - - - BROWN, BLEACHED AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 w OASTEP YAR N, arc. se2-111-tf MILLINERY GOODS. FT, GRAND SUMMER ~ OPENING ! 'sfz — . _ The attention of the LADIES is called to "MRS. J. HAMBURGER'S OPENINC, ' • on THURSDAY, 12th instant, where they will find a handsome assortment of BONNETS, HATS, 4c., of the latest and most desirable styles. MRS. J. HAMB URGER, myl-.21* No. 25 South SECOND Street. • • t 4 2. MISS M. A. BAKER, No. 1346 CHESTNUT STREET, Has opened a large assortment of PARIS MILLINERY, apl3-3m* For the Spring and Summer of 1554 CLOTHING. A HOUSEHOLD WORD'! WANAMAKER & awny - N - S Popular Clothing House, Sixth and Market streets. The pea rl.,-hare found onE to their great satisfaction'that there a place where a good artiste of Clothing. handsomely cat and carefully made, can be had at a -moderate price. We nem- ker S Brown have by far, the • largest stock of DEAL NEW STYLES, FRESH, THIS SEA SON'S' MAKE, of Fashionable Clothing, to be:found in this city, which they are tudlingt in immense for and at low prices for the times. .rhe place, • • SIXTH and MARKET Streets. The name, WANAMARER & BROWN. CLOTHING. myll-inws2mi f LOOKING GLASSES JAMES S. EARLE, & SON, 816 CHESTiTUT STREET, PHILA.. Have now in store a very fine aaiortment of LOOKING GLASSES, of every character, of the VERY BEST MANUFACTURE AND LATEST STYLES OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, ap2o PICTURE AND PIIOTOIGRAPH FRAMES. IVORYTYPES..-.NONE ELSE ARE of so pleasing a character as those made at B. Y. REIMER'S, Simplicity of style, tasteful in arrange ment of accessories, and exquisite coloring. 6i:34 ARCH St: --- GRAND OPENING_ GEORGE MULLET., Mato of No. 24 Nortli Sixth street), will open his new and splendid Unger Beer Saloon ON THURSDAY, THE 12vir OF MAY, Northwest corner of SIXTH and FILBERT Streets. His friends and tile public in general ore respectfully invited to attend. myll-2t. ONFRIDAY, MAY 13TH, 1864, THE profit's on utleso. f kFiatjonery, Phote,, ,, TaPh Albums, Pictureo,and "Fancy Book=, oods, at Store titZ,S Street, will be contributed to the 'United States aauintry C0111111i,i:4011. itnyll-2Pn HENDERSON' & REIMER'S VERY POPULAR AND meritorious Pictures are. in great demand at his popular Gallery, StCOND Sc., above Green. Sec their line Colored Photographs for tn only. lte TEE UNIVERSAL TESTIMONY OF this critical ie that It. F. stiperiur =cylee Portraits, Life-size Photographs ilt Oil COlOl,, MIT' nu ,l!rraissett. as truthful liks.uesses. Gal tory, 624 AIZCIT Street. I.t* AE I IERICAN HOT.-MRS, F. DANSE leave .1111Priert at the end of June (0 open her :601001 in CARISIttiIIE, barman} - . Parents and tivardia us wishing their daagh tors to be under her care are requested to send notice before the 25th of June, either to Profesger A. De Ilse, Pittsburg, Pa., or "William Malin, lista.Banker, 4-SiIi.X.CILINOE Placc,NeW York, at which places circulars can be had. niTll&23-2t PHILADELPHIA, - JULY 2, 1862.- •Thie is to certify that I was afflicted with cancer ender any left eye for three years; any physic:laq pro ni!lltleilla it •, cancer, I placed myself 0 tide: AiLtsc; 1-IISKLE, ' 254 North TIIIWITENTII street, who made a perfect cure it, three 11101lth. -nli.e. ELIZABETH RUDOLPH, - 211-I at., between - Twenty-first . . - and Twenty-second, below Arch. -ACERTAIN CURE FOR CANCERS, - Tr:mum AND TETTER—By Misses M. and H. 111-NKIJ.:, No_ 254 North Tll IRTE,ENTI Stc,,of. Vine, Philadelphia, vAorn can he oidained, at any thee, the TEPPER 012cPMENT, wide ] , lia.; etle , taally cured Ts-tter of 15 or 20 years' tailing. Salvos for Rheumatism, Piles Corn s , Erysipelaa, Fetom, and Pills for purifying the blood, A number or ecctincates can to examined at H.' , aliave 1111 yERFUAIED PARLOR MATCHES.- : Just received 25 additional cases of these celebrated (Mil:tinder's) Matches, for sale to the trade only. app. -em R()WE tic EUSTON, 1.57 & 150 I•7_ Tltra.Th Ct. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN EYES Inserted Ts - Min - tit pain, 6- JAMES W. QUEEN & 924 C lIESTNUT SARA OPERA. GLASSES AND OFFICERS' FIELD GLASSES. Microscopes for Physicians and StildontS. A very large assortment for sale by JAMES W. wiEE:v & CO., 024- CHESTNUT Surat. MATHEMATICAL DRAFTING IN INSTRUMENTS. Chestermaree MetaDieu ad Ste .1-tape Ikraasurera. For title by JAMES W. (11J IF & CO., 1174-1- CHESTNUT Scr,..k. Priced and Illustrated Catalogues gratis. ml-:3-lin LONDON BROWN STOUT, SCOTCI-I ALE, BY THE CASK OR DOZEN. - ALI:Sr...IIT C. IT.6OI3EIEVT, DEALER IN FINE CROCEILIES. mh.24 Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. TT EATON& DENCEL A, HARDWARE COMMISSION MERC HANTS, 507 COMILEXCE, and MO NORTH Streets. offer [or talc; Anchor Brand Nails; Plymouth Mill Rivets. W. & S. Butcher's dart Steel; Eaglc, Cabinet Locks. Putnam' s Horse Nails; Locke's School Slates. Culver, Brass, end Iron Wire! Cotton Ca rdo. - Air°. a foil enrolment of Anioricon Hardware. feMmif TIEAF MADE TO 'HEAR-ACOUSTIC Anrieltot. Cornets. Artificial Ear Drnoo:, and sixty varieties. of Bar Trunipots, &C.. at P. AtA.l)sllt/V5 Bar lax , trument Depot, 1.1.4) SowSouthTkiiiTti. Street. Dayr.)-U: THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1864. THIRTEEN VW . NEW BOOKS. Religious history and Criticism. By Ernst Rona¢•.3 5:11 Nepentlte. A chartuingl y-writtea new Novel Peculiar. Epes SZI rge ' s vary succe - isful Novel. • ro The Life of Jean=. By Ernst Renan The Art of Conversation. An admirable Guide •• • • 123 Tales from the Operas. With all the Plots 1%1 fled-Tape and Pigeou-Hdle generals. A Spicy Book 1. 25 Private Miles O'Reilly. 1116 Comic Book. 111118- • trated 125 The Yachtman's Primer. For the Amateur Sailor . SO Game Fish of the North, A Book fur Sportsmen— •1 50 HugQ's Lc.s Mherabl(T. In the Spanish Language• 400 Airs. Holmes' New Novel, Da rkne• 3nd Daylight, Hotspur. A New Novel by the Anthor of " Lulu. ' *.*Any of illese books will be sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price, by myti•ws if CARLETON, Publisher NEW YORK. NOW READY. THE CAPITAL ray ,- HOVEL W 0 0 JD 13111 E. A Novel by ROSA VERTNEII JEFItitY. "Author of Poems by Bona.' 1 vol., Wan°. Price 51.150. m'osn His Low - pram, jrnfrnal. "A Novel Min tied ' Woodburn,' by Mrs. R!)31, Vert tier Jeffrey, who, under the nmn of pi 71.1ne at 6 ROM ,! has achieved so bright a reputation as a l'ootess, is forth coming from the press, of Sheldon & Co. New York. Der legion of admirers trot a world of enraisity ren!ect intt the book. but no solWi ado: they ['entitle implicitly, a as well they my, in her rare tins boantfful Power , . We predict for Woodburn tt very rapid and evteusive Silia,DeoN & myci-mw2t Evr Y 0 ft C 0.,. HE AMERICAN CONFLICT. T A HISTORY OF T 1 EF, IiEBELLION, by Iforar.e Greeley- - In two volumes of over 600 pa areS eaOh• Vo lume I Will be issued on the Ist of June—volume II at the close of the war, P., cc per volume iuembosccd cloth W.,10; in embossed leather, 454; in plain leather, lihrary.ety le, $4. raid for on delivery. For f.ale by=eartys,:sera olds-, and will not be for sale in tinl b6Bl , ..gtorng. Oftlerg golieitod_ V. FELT, No. 14 South FIFTEENTH Street, Agent for South and East, Philadelphia. Canvassers wanted immediately. my?-rawa' (1 A R D.—TO THE LAWYERS OP rerrn,ylv:.-01a—I am now the PubliSlitir of the g Volumes of GRANT'S CASES: the :Id volume will be ready by thel4th inst. I haye_alsa a namerons collec tion of Law and Miscellaneous Books for sale cheap. mylo-1m JOHN CAMPRELL,4I.9 CHESTNLITSt. THE MOST THRILLING BOOK OF THE NEAR.—Raids and Romance of Morgan and his Ty - Mrs. Sally Rochester Ford. anther of Tninian," Mary Bunyan, &c., with a splendid portrait on steel. From Mobile edition. 4-11.50. Life, Services, and Campaigns of Stonewall Jackson. with an accurate Portrait from life. From Richmond edition. Portrait of Stonewall Jackson. IgxlG inches. - $l to Pollard's First and Second Year4if the War. 2 vols., royal tiro. Official Confederate Reports of Battles, - Rai&,' and Sieges The above will be sent, poktpaid, on receipt of retail price, by JAMES CIIALI.kN St SON. 1305 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Or C. B. RICHARDSON, mylo-3t 594 and 596 BROADWAY, N. 1L AISBNIEAD R NVANS, Successors to WILLIS HAZARD, 724 CHESTNUT Street, Have received THE FERRY BOY AND I . FINANCIER. A popular Life of Secretary Chase. A splendid hook for boys. - THE SMALL HOUSE AT ALLINOTON. Trollope's new novel. Finely illustrated. - WOODBURN. A novel by Rosa Vortuer Jeffrey, au thor of "Poems by Rosa. " RAIDS AND ROMANCE OF MORCiAN AND HIS MEN. By Sallie Rochester ford, author of " Oran Truman.'' Reprinted from the Mobile edition. - - EUROPEAN MOSAIC. By Howard Payson Arnold. Bound in vellum cloth. IRVING'S KNICKERBOCKER. Riverside edition. nue NEW MILITARY BOOKS, JUST RECEIVED. HAUPT'S MILITARY BRIDGES-Illustrations. MENDELL ON MILITARY SURVEYING. MORRIS' FIELD TACTICS FOR INFANTRY. THOMAS , PLED ORDNA N i3E-1 I 1 oAraletl. 13ENEVS MILITARY LAW—Now Edition. CRAIGHFLL'S PRINCIPLE OF STRATEGY AND GRAND TACTICS. MILITARY AND SCIENTIFIC DOOR'S. A large assortment on hautl and for sale at low prices. LINDSAY Sc BLAICISTON, roy6 No. 25 South SIXTH Street. NEW BOOKS NEW BOOKS ! JOURN A L OF THE DISCOYERY OF THE SOURCE OF THE tur.E. By John Nanning Speke. Il lustrated with Mops, &c. TEN ACRES ENOUGH: Showing how a very small Farm may be made to keep it very large MAN AND NATURE; or Physical Geography' as mo difted by Human Action. by (leo. P. Marsh. THE BOOR OF JOB IN POETRY; or, a Song in the Night. By Rev. Henry W. Adams, M. A. AMERICA AND 'HER COMMENTATORS, with a cri tical Sketch of Travel in the United States. By H. T. Tuckerman. ' ROUND TUE BLOCK: An American novel. Mug trate& _ _ O. BUTLER IN NEW ORLEANS. In G . ermn F r . 0;610 by WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, my 3 006 CHESTNUT Scra,lt. THE SUNBEAM STORIES, Containing the charming, bright stories of TRAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM, CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING - , D 01505 ON THE ROCS, ONLY, OLD ,TOLLIETE, MERRY CHRiSTMAS, DREAM CHINTZ, STAR IN THE DESERT, &c. Six beautiful volumes, illustrated, 4t2.50. WILLIS P_ HAZARD, Pah fe2B-tjyl '2l South SIXTH Street. APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA.. The Agency for this invaluable Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street, second story. Also, RECORD OF THE REBELLION. By Frank Moore. fell-tf THE CAPTURED • SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT Olt THE PHILADELPHIA ENQUIRER ESCAPED, AND HIS FULL ACOot`NT OF THE FIGHTING: IS UP TO SATURDAY LAST, And al: nuts np to latent Illoinellt to THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER : - OF THIS moRNINC, DOUBLE SHEET, PRICE TWO CENTS. SOLD BY ALL NEWS AGENTS. it Sent by moil for fifty ceuts a month. T ily CAPTURED SPECIAL COERESPONDENT THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Es( APL AND HIS PULL ACCOUNT OF THE FIGHTII.3 IS UP TO SATUPDAY LAST, Ai l WP 11]) to tilo 10trct 1110111411 • THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER (I F This moltNiNG, DOUBLE SHEET, I'JiIOE TWO CENTS:. SOLD BY ALL NEWS AfiENTS. It Sent by moil fot• fifty cents a month. T HE CAPTURED SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT OF THE PHILADELPHIA INcitrinEn. ESCAPED AND HIS FULL ACCOUNT Oft I PIIE FIGHTING IS UP TO SATURDAY LAST, - And all news up to the latest moradnl in THE PHI lADELP HIA INQUIRER. OF THIS MORNING. DOUBLE SHEET, PRICE TWO CENTS. SOLD BY ALL NEWS AGENTS. if Sent by mail for fitly (wilts a mouth. PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. FINE PICTURES JAMES S. EARLE cC SON, 810 CHESTNUT STREET, Are again in receipt, to-day, of IMPORTANT OIL PAINTINGS, Prominent. among - which i s the first of a series iltri.tra five of SCENERY AND LIFE AT THURINGEN, iu Switzerland, by J. N. T. VAN STARKE,NBORG 11, of Dusseldorf, entitled "A WEDDING PROCESSION IN THURINGEN," teeether with fine specimens 17 SONDERMAN, WERNEIL&c. " THE DERBY DAY, ' by Forth, now On Free Exhibition at EARLE'S GAL LERIES. my9-It SELECT FAMILY BOARDIN (I SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, MOUNT JOY, Lancaster county-, Penna. Session opens on the FIRST TUESDAY of May. For circulars, upl7-fho. MORRISOZ , T, Principal. MUSIC LESSONS ! MUSIC LESSONS 1 Youpg Ladie=, if yon wieo. th.)rough instruction in music, special opportunities are afforded at GREASON SEMINARY, slx miles west of Carlisle. Beat of board, able teachers, pleasant home. Address ' C. HUNTINGDON SAUNDP,RS, apl2-Im Plainfield, Cumb.'eci., Penna. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN- STITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1.530 ARCH Street. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., E. CLA RENCE SMITH, A. Ili., Principals. Ninth Year. Three Departments: Primary, Acade mic, and Colle,, , date_ CO in Classics, Mathematics, higher English, and Natural Science, for those who graduate. :Modern Languages, Music,Paint ir*, and Elocution by the best coasters. For circulars, ra e l i yal a t . he Institute, or address Itc. 2EII P. 0. , THE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO - 1 - snpply a few vacancies 110 w existing at a select Boarding Seminary, six miles west of Carlisle, Pa. Pa rents wishing to leave the city during the mouths of July and August, can lowinl with their children._ TWO Deplirtmcnt*. Pupils of both ~41.X.F,e, and all%Tea re ceived at any time. Inquire at the Cumberland Valley Depot, at Harrisburg, Pir Tickets to (treason. Terms quite low. Instrumental and Vocal Music taught by the beet roasters. Circulars obtained of J. .11,LIPPI,), _ com & co., MARKET Street. Mace,. ilfill/e• diately, C. ITUNTINC; DOW SAUNDERS, ap26-lm PI al n fiel .1 Cumberland co.. Penna. -1-PELLEV ITE FEMALE INSTITUTE— A roARDiNG scnooL FOR. GIRLS. . . This Institution, b 6; di Flvrt n.Fhen 7 t7,fo 7IN located, In the northern limits of ATTLEBOROUGH,Backs coun ty, Penna., will come: once ite Spring and Summer Term on the 10th of FIFTH MONTII next, and continue in see blen twelve weeks. The course of instruction in thorough and complete in all the Elementary and higher Lralmilesof an ENGLISH CLASSICAL ANY> MATE lIMATI CAL EDUCATION. The French Language is taught by a native French teacher. Circulars, giving fall particulars, may bo had on ap- plication to the Principaie, A toe - borogh P. 0. Ducks county, Penna. ISRAEL J u . GRAHAME,' JANE P. GRAHAME, - inhlP-Sin _ Principals. STATIONERY Si. - PLANK BOOKS. IMPORTANT TO NEW COMPANIES. We Lave the Pattern', and are prepared to, at short notice, all the BLANKS AND ACCOUNT BOOKS, SUCH . AS CERTIFICATES OF STOCK, TRANSFER DOOK, ORDER OF TRANSFER, STOCK LEDGER, STOCK LEDGER BALANCES, REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK, DIVIDEND BOOK, BROKER'S PETTY LEDGER,- ACCOUNT OF SALE, Of good materials and at Low Prices. MOSS Sr STATIONERS, ap2s-!f 432 orrEspigtiT STREET NEW COMPANIES FORMING CAN be supplied with CERTIFICATES OE STOCK, TRANSFER IioOKA STOCK LE bfIERS. CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, And every variety of Account Books and Stationery, on reasonable ttqw, at wild - JAM MANN'S, Stationer, Printer, and Blank Book Manufacturer, 43 South FOUBTII Street, Bp24 -2m Philadelphia. TILANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. BANKS, BANKERS, MERCIIANTS, MAMIE/X. TIMERS, RAILROAD COMPANIES, &C., Will gild it to their interest to order from the under signed ELANR BOORS, PAPER, AND STATIONERY. All -lands for Busfne*.a, Prole4siona/, and Prtrate Md. For sale at moderate prices WILLIAM MANN, Stationer. Printer, and Blank Book Manufacturer, .15 South INURTH Street, ap2l-bn. rtaladoliAlta. NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEXT WEEK EDUCATIONAL. INSURANCE 4 „,, ~,• • 'LAVE YOU PROVIDED FOR YOUR-, FAMILY AN INSURANCE ON YOUR LIFE?' HONE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, MUTUAL, WITH AN AMPLE CASH CAPITAL WALTER S. GRIFFITH", PRESIDENT I. H. FROTIIINCIIIAN, TREAS G. C. EirrLry, Scv. WILLIAM S. COFFIN, AOTTIAMII PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Hon. William Strong; Re, Matthew Simpson,D,,,D., Bishop of M. B, Church; Huy, Albert Bill'ileth D. D.; Rev. Jemre M. Crowell ; Thomas Rubins, E•st.,- Lewis R. Ashorst. Esq, i SOmuel Welsh, Esq. ; James Deeinv• Esq. ;W. R. LeNee, Esq. ; John Rice, Esq. ; Charles Humphreys, Esq. ; John B. Austin, Esq. • S. C. Palmer, Esq. ;C. B.Mount . Esq.; Saronet C. 'Perkins, Esq. ; ,rohn E. Puumv, Esq., Field, B6(1., Messrs, w. Clark & Co. • Bucknor, PleCummon, & Co, ; John B. Myers & Co. ;' . l3enj:uniu Bullock & Sees; Win. S. & ;C:corge B. Reese, Son, & Co. ; J. B. McCreary & Co. ; George Cookmaa & Co. ; D. B. Ker shaw & Vo. ; Kay & Brother. JOHN Ir. PACKARD, M. D., Mnntrur, EXAMINEE:, No. 1225 SPRUCE•' STREET, In attendance at AgenraOffice daily front I to 2 P. M PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, CORNER FOURTH AND LIBRARY STREETS B. K.. ESLER, AGENT_ rip4-mm , f3in INSURE YOUR LIFE IN YOUR OWN HOME COMPANY, A3IIP-1 OF PIIIL,ADF.,L,PEIIA, S. E. corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. Tamers in this Company have the additional gaaran tee of $250,000 CAPITAL STOCK all paid up IN CASH, Which, to gether with CASH ASSETS, now on hand, amount to OVER • sispo,ooo. INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1863 OVER 's2o-6,000. LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR AMOUNTING TO OVER $ 6 2,0 0 O. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY, Was aiding the in cured to pny Premiums. The last DIVIDEND on all Mutual Policies in. force December 31, 1863, was t'f.!'s'j , FIFTY PER CENT. Of the amount of PREMIUMS received during the year. Its TRUSTEES are well-lcuown citizens ija our midat e entitling it to more consideration than those Whose managers reside iu distant cities. - Alexander Whilldin, J. Edgar Thomson, George Nugent, Mon. James Pollock, Albert C. Roberts, P. B. Mingle, Samuel Work, ALEX. WHILLDIN, President, SAMUEL WORK,'"Vice President. JOHN S. WILSON, Sec. and Treas mys-12t MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE,. No. a SOUTH FIFTH STREET CHARTER PERPETUAL. MUTUAL SYSTEM EXCLUSIVELY. DIRECTORS FOR 3864, , Caleb Clothier, . William P. Reeder, James Smedley, Joseph Chapman,• Thomas Mather, Joseph W. Moore. T. Ellwood Chapman ' Sonoca E. Malone, Simeon Matlack, Wilson M. .Tenkins, Aaron W. Hoskin., Lukens Webster. CALEB CLOTHIER, President. JAMES SMEDLEY, Vice President, TITOMAS MATHER, Treasurer. T. ELLWOOD CHAPMAN, Secretary, FAME INSURANt No. 400 CHEW) PRILADI FIRE AND INLAI DLML•'C' . _ Francis N. Ruck, Charles Richardson, Henry Lewis, 0,--W. Davis, P. S. Justice, George A. West, ' _ FRANCIS N. CHAS. RICH yr, I, BLAgpliAnn, Secret. L YON'S ICATTIAIRON. Hathairon is from the Greek word "Kathro," or "Kathairo," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate, and restore. This article is what its name signifies. For preserving, restoring, and beautifying the 'HUMAN HAIR it is the most remarkable preparation in the World. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill, and attention which gave it a sale of over one million bottles per annum. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft, and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald headS. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use LYON'S KATLIAIRON. It is known and - used throughout the civilized world. Sold by all respectable dealers. DEMAS S. BARNES & CO., New York lIAGAN'S MAGNOLIA. BALM. This is the most. delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the sun-burnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty,im parting the marble purity of youth, and the diBtin,o66 appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples, and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent, and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin Patronized by actresses and opera-singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Prepared by W. R RAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to - DEMAS S. BAIINE* & CO., New York. lIEIIISTREET'S Da3IITABEE HAIR RESTO HATIVE.—NOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, Impaired by age or disease. All instantaneous ayes aro composed of Lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Heim , street's Inimitable Coloring not only restores the hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair LUXURIANT BEAUTY, promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It has stood the test of time, being the original Nair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Th.ed by both gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all re spectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. S. BARNES St CO., fl'o2 BROAD WAY, New York. Two sizes, 50 cents and MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. The parties in St. "Louis and Cincinnati wl.o htiVe been counterfeiting the Liniment, under pre tence of proprietorship, have been thoroughly estoppea by the courts. To guard against farther imposition, I have procured from the United States Treasury a private stccl-plate revenue stamp, which is placed over the tOp of each bottle. Each stamp bears the foe simile of mY signature, and without which the article is a counter feit, dangerous, and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. This Liniment has been in use and grout ing in favor for intillY years. There hardly exists a hamlet on the habitable globe that does not contain evi dence of its wonderful effects. It is the best emollient in the world, With its present hndreved ingredients, its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made useful, and untold ills assuaged. For noises, sprains, rheumatism, swellings, bites, cuts, caked breasts, strained horses, &c., it is a sovereign re medy that should never be dispensed with. It should be in every family. Sold by all druggists. fell-mwfSm&eowani D. S. BARNES, :Kew York, ICE CREAM. *.`• THE BEST ICE CREAM Brought into the city, made in Delmar° County, FROM PURE CREAM, and brought in FRESH EVERY MORNING. Hotels, It estanraute,Boarding, Houses, Private Fami lies, Fairs, &c., supplied, on reasonable terms, at short notice. CALL AT EASTERN MARKET CHEESE AND ICE CREAM STAND, rum STREET, BELOW MARKET. ap2B-t£ W. H. SLOCOMB._; REMOVAL.—DR. R. J. LEVIS rtA.S regoveil to ri r o. uo* A/wit Street. ap26-1.2.? 24-4 William J. Howard, Samuel T. Bodine. Julia Allrinan, Charles F. lloazlitt, Hon. Joseph Allison, Isaac Llazlehurst. DE COMPANY, MUT STREET, oELPHIA. INSURANCE. John W.. Eirerman, Robert 13. Potter, Jam Kessler, Jr.. E. D. Woodruff, Charle, Stokes, • .Toseph D. Rills. . BUOI, President. ARDSON, Vice President. ary. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. GE°. DEMERIT & Co., JEWE f;ERS, 303 BROADWAY, NEW YOR, Werner Duane Street. ) 100,000 Watches, Chains, G o ld Pens, and Pencils, WORTII €500,000! TO BE SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR. EACH, WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE. Aud not to be paid until you know what you will receive: SPLF.NDID LIST O 1 ARTICLES! All to be sold for $1 each. 100 Cold Hunting Cased Watches *7OO 00 each. 100 Cold AV:Aches 60 00 each. 200 Ladies' 'Walelie, 3.3 00 each. f:altiliver ',Vol dins till) 00 to 25 02) each, (101 l Neck and Vert Chains.— 12 Ott to 11 00 each. 1,000 Chatelaine and (in n r d Chains. 000 tori 00 each. 3,000 Vest and Reek Chains 4 00 to 79 Oil each. 4,060 Solitaire:let:mil Gold Breo :hes -1 00 to SOO elicit. 4,000 Coral, Lava, Garnet,&r., fr o ((SET es ............................... .. : ; 3 ' 3 1 ° o ° o3 1 1 1 ° , 0 . :8 , ° ( , 1 1 ° 1 ) e , e ; :l l ' 2 t, u c e l l l l‘.. 6,000 Oval Build linientelii 300 to 800 each. 2,000 Chased Itliteel(18 000 Diamond Pins and. 5 W W II) (39 each. 1 • Mugs 2 511 to SOO each. s ono cola Watol, Keys 250 to 0 01/ eatdi, 1,000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons and Sleds 2 00 t 00 Cash. :3,000 Cold Thimbles 1 nit to 600 racy. 0,000 I(lioiaturo Lockets 2 7 00 each. smo 101,,tat0re 1.,,e1tet5..1 1 1.•. 4 40.... t 1 1 1 t o aoo :4500 Cold Toothpieks,Crooses, ke.. 2 oil t,, 110 ' t. 3,100 Fob and Ribbon .-sides 2 RI to 0 PI each. :4000 Chased-001d Rings 2 110 to Ii tri each. 4,000 Stone Set 200 to 01/ each. 6, ixo•••!ets Ladies' .17. w el ry—Jet and 'Gold 0 00 to 15 00 each. 6,000 Sets Ladies Jewelry—varied - _ styles 3 00 to 1.: 00 each. SOrti Cold Pens, Silver Case arid Pencil 400 to S 0.) cacti. 4,000 Cold Pe us, 01 it Case and Pcu oil 5 00 to 10 Ott each, 6,000 Gold Pens, Cold-mounted 11 older•••• • • 2 00 to 000 each. All the goods in the above List wilt 1/3 wdd, without reservation, FOR. ON.F. DOLLA it BAIA Card (icates or all the Varlet:a artiele , :tre placed It,sintilar 1.11,01 r,p,, 01111 f , (411,,d. T.111 , f, , V 0101, ,, 01111 h, scat hy • undl, oe delivered at 00) cc, withent retard to choice. On receiving:l certificate you will ..1 1, • ))'het article it repro knists, and it is optiotial with yen to send one dollar and - receive tile article named,or any:tiller nt 1110 list or 01:)1111 value. In all tr. I:sad - hill:: 11y mail WO charge for forwarding' the el 1 H111(:Ilt.e, PlOrtaa: I. l . l ata!-W l , :111,1 the 1/11::1110 ,, , 25 cis. - each. • FIVE linfriarnwrEA will . 1,„ 14111 t. for - Slt 10)01. for *2! Ta Jan - for 415: fur 1010: and 021-: 111:Nnitiin fnri3ils. lip this (node wo Ow selections f rlllll :1 of fine goad., or the he s t tnake tort 10,1 styles, and of hall:101V WOllll, :It a 111/1(1111:il price, 0011111.1)11 have a cite are of set:11011,4 arti• cies of the very highest value. -- - We guarantee entire aatiA,etion cur ry lost:moo, hut's. and if itow should be any person 21;0101:ItiAlet1 With any article they may receive, they may immediately return. it, and the price will be - itliliriTa. -- We allow the , e ne,ti 'la - as Ascents Ten Cents on each Cortificute ordered, provided their reit/Atom: 01110111.1 t to 011 , ' Maar. - 'they-will collect 2 - i cents for every Certificate, and retaining 10 cents, remit to us 15 reacts for each. !IQ— Address CFO. DEMERIT & CO., inyll-ws6r-ltW 303 BROAD WAY,NewI7OOI:. FINANCIAL. FIR 3T NATIONAL SAND PHILADELPHIA. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES_ 10-40 LOAN. This Bank has been authorized and is now prepared to receive suimeriptions to tho , NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. This Loan, issued under authority of an act of Con gress, approved March 3, 1861, provides for the issue of Two Hundred Millions of Do ('b200,000,000) United 6tate4 Rends, redeemable after tea years, end payable forty years from date, IN COIL dated March 1, 1801, bearing iutereet at the rate of FIIVE PER CENT. per annum IN COIN, payable semi-annually on all Bonds over $lOO, and on Bends of $lOO and less, an nually. Subscribers will twelve either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer Registered liouds will be issued of the denominations of fifty dollars (300), one hundred dollars ($100), Ave hundred dollars (9000), one thousand dollars (91,000), five thousand dollars ($5,000), and ten thousand dollars (310,000), and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars (300), one hundred dollars (WO), Ave hun dred dollars (30OO), and one thousand dollars (01,000). INTER - EST will commence froni date of subscription, or the accrued interest from the let of March can be paid in coin, or. until further notice, in U. b. notes or notes of National Banks, adding (00) fifty per cent. to the amount for pre mium. C. li. CLARK, ap2-If President. NEW 110/f,;'!rN. IL S. 10408. JAY COOKE 4; CO. OFFER FOR SALE THE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Bearing Five Per. Cent. Interest IN COIN Redeemable any time after TEN YEARS, at the plea sure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS after date. Both COUPONS and REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan, of same denominations as the Five-Twenties. The interest on SOO and 65100 payable yearly, but all other denominations haft yearly. The TEN-FORTY BONDS are dated March 1, 1664, the half yearly interest falling due September 1 and March 1 of each year. Until• Ist September, the accrued interest from Ist March is required to be paid by purchasers in coin, or in legal currency, adding 60 par cent, for premium, until further notice. All other Government Securities bought and sold JAY COO= S.; CO., 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET 10-40 LOAN! THIRD NATIONAL I3ANIi. OF PHILADELPHIA, • S. W. CORNER OF BIA.RKET STREET AND PENN SQUARE. Having been designated a Depository of Public Moneys and Fiscal Agent of the United States, will receive sub scriptions to the new Government 10 - 40 LOAN, Issued under the Act of Congress approved March 3d. 1504. Redeemable after ten years, at the option of the Government. Payable in forty years in coin_ Bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum in COIN, Registered and Coupon Bonds of different denomina tions. Interest commencing from date of subscription, or from the ibt of March last. ;4,7 DAVID B. PAUL, ap2s-ina President. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE laT-E'OlariErY LEAN RECEIVED BY. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, S.NUFF BROWN, Far Dyeing . Silk, Woolen and 311 x -eel Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, 1:1111 , nu,, Gloves, Bonnets, Ha r;;, Feath ers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of W.,aring Apparel. CHERRY, DEPOSITORY OF THE PUBLIC MONEYS, CRIMSON. Eh • DARK DRAB, Lr.turr A.7C JE'II,..A_NTIKJEO4ORID. This Bank has been designated by tho SECRETARY 01 , THE TIIEASURY a. a FINANCIAL AGENT UNITED STATES, And authorized to receive subscription to the .NEW LiiirrED STATES LOAN, bearing tutored at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. Per Ammm IN. COIN. Bon& from , 7 ,5.50 to $lO,OOO. In terest to commence either with the date of tire bond., March Ist, 1864, or at the date of subscription, at the op tion of the aubscribera. - apIP-lm 'WILLIAM H. RIIAWN, Cmhier. HEAVES & RAHM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No 52 South THIRD Street, Dealers in GovernMent Securities, Specie, Bank Note% and City Warrants. Stocks bought and sold on Cnm inission. Collections promptly made. : my4-1m 5-20 COUPONS, DUE IST MAY, ISt 0 T_T 11. 9r . ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS ATTENDED TO DIIE•‘"ET, aple-lin ti MINING COMPANIES. BLACKLI A IV li. GOLD TVIIINTITS - Gr COI.I2P—ALMNPV. NINES—BOBTAIL, GREGORY, &cc., LODES—GILPIN CO., C OLORADO; CAPITAL, 50,000 SHARES $lOO EACH. TRUSTEES. P. IL JUDD, Now York. • W. L. LEE, Colorado. ANTHONY ARNOUX, New York. GEORGE BLISS, JlL . ,_New York. 0. W. CHILE, New York. J. E. WILLIAMS New York. J. HALL PLEAS/NTS Baltimore. LEONARD SWETT. 'Washington. CARLOS PIERCE, Boston. - President—F. JUBD. Vice President—W. L, LEE. 'Trete-ewer—WALTER, B. LAWTON. Secretary—D. LITTLEJOHN, Counsel—JOHN S. WOODWARD. General Director—DlYLO LEE . OFFICE, RiCi CLIFF STIQE - P, NEW WANTS. A YOUNG MAN (AGED 20) DESIRES Responsible re,ltion in eithe r or Mercantile ITouse where there wilt Ile a i.a.opect of fidvalieeinrlll. Would nr) West with good parthes. Ad. dress, until May 14th, "West,"Presst Office. inylo-11* _ A SMART, HONEST, SOBER (SIN GLE) Yonne( Tian wants a Situation as Groom by the 18th inst. is a good driver, and understand, th e rare of hors', well. Good reference. Address "Harry Bieower„' Poo.; °ince, till said date. myle-2t. A - P R A CTICAL ENGINEER DE SIRES a Stationary SITUATION; can give good re ferences. Address "R. II.," ThePres.9 Office. inyG-6t . ('OLORED HELP, COOKS, WAITERS, and Cll AMTIERMAII/i 4 , for the and Long Ilraneh. J. 01-IVEll'Sollire,ll.lll3 PINT; Kt. tnyll-et* . .• OIL LANDS WANTED.—PARTIES having. gond produeiiig WIiT,LS are requested to eommnniode statistics and price for tho same to " It. P. Co.,':Bo:: lltte2, New 17 \irk City 0, my 9 7 3p W — ANTEE - —ROY IN A. couNTING _Room Apply to ElnlrNl) YARD & CO. n - 11•`lt. , W\ 111 SITUATION,. I'l AS foe three (Wt..", lelo:ekeePer,' Pre.iot ollb.o. 7;l'' WANTED—THTRTY lACITINISTS and Twenty Boiler Makers. Permanent empiny inept, Apply to S, P. WHiTINC:, Spperintrlolent National Iron Armor and Ship Betiding Co., IiZAIOHN'S POINT, N. J. inyn-61 , YOUNG - " G MAN, JUST W (11 11 / 4 1ot E rordrrool service and having for 501110 Me filled the peSi inn id' Coln modot!'s Ch•rk, sires::01;1100011 In, Clerk. or Copyist, Employio ., lit the nialeria oldetd. Tesl tettnia given- Addrel prex, °Hire.lll yll.-2t. . WANI'ED-T HU Ell OR FOUR Steam Engines of from algid to falltb`elt-horse power ea ell—pa rta I,io. ivtgi ;IPS Prerl.rvocl. Ad sta - ting capacity and Ivbere they can be Keen, • ' Ea tt,aa, 7' Lox ' , hill,. P. 0. Tnylti-re ia,TANTED—A YOUNGGENTLEAIA_N or ediunC on in a Shipping and Cunimi,i o n IGn •n 'Arid lint Arent, whore.. lin will reenive knowl,nige oT t In , businet4n,- Add ros, " Box 2'749". 1.1)., hill.. I,nd I , etddenen_ 3:0 git hwy. .• mylll-31* WANTED 1W .A SINGLE GENTLE MAN, a Inro SHED ROOM without Ildayd,and with accommodation fir it. vol.nrod pian.• set' vaut. Aut drefqr. Box 21-M Pont. . W I; A 1 1 ,1.1.1 T . IIIE F 'by a yoilagiiian,accurato and thorough in cvory rogani; 'writes Clerloan also. Salary moderate. Sati,*etlon gun ranters. .Fi r,t- el use city reforencot 4 given. - Fee ill • thqUi LOU'S F EWBBRGER, or addnuse "Care Arnold, Nusinoun, & Nirdlinger, niy!)-3t. AT ANTED—TO"SELL OR -- EX- CTIAINGE— The El [little Sewlog Marihises The Grover & Baker Sensing Mashi nog • Flue Singer Sr - wine Ifiteltineu:. The Howe and :11l of the principal gewingliaelanes,- All furnished from their principal alerts. Also; all kinds of second-hitnd Machines for sale, and repiired,at the new - office of LEAVENS & FAULKNER, 106 North EIGHTY!. street. . . Over ten years with Singer & Co. 860. A MONTH WANT AGENTS LASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL -BURNERS and 13 articles. Fifteen circulars seut free. Address sp3o-dSrulni JOHN F. LORD, Biddeford, Maine. 87F, A MONTH !—I WANT TO HIRE AGENTS in every County at $75 in month, ex rienaca paid, to sell mv new, cheap Family Sewing . Ma. chines. Add rems S. 31ADISON,Alfred, Me. [fel2-d&W3m $25,000T0 S3O,OOO.—WANTED A PURCHASER loran established Ma nufacturing Iliti:iness, located in tile city of Philadel phia, in 4iiverissful operation, and doing an extensive cash trade now, with in good Prospect of doling it for HOMO time to Caine. The fllllollnt required is $2,1,000 to eismo.i. For further information applv to J. E. molrmis & . PryG-1mP61. 4 co. 3i) :iunth THIRD Strm.t.... de WANTED—FOUR OR FIVE ROOMS, or a moderato-sized HOUSE for a Chemi cal School. Apply by letter to nooTII 4: GARNETT, 10 CHANT Street. Troth, above Chestnut. ap2.7-ivfaiGt:' 4M, DENTIST WANTED ON ME CUANICAL WORK. Mast be of a good cha racter. A Yonne Man, apt to Mayo, can Mul ft good place, at No. 2901 North TENTH Street. my9-3t., BOARDING. • ,14,EVER A L CI MICE ROOMS, SINGLE 1 . ,,,,br0n...1 i.i.2:3(:11:.% St Chnit.o , :.(411'11 'lllll . 1 . 11 I Atlnr. . . 11l • - - - Ql_7lll3llllt BOARI)I.NG WANTED w herr thew. ara raw ar no boardarA, by a rf,entl,•inan, lady:, two children, mat nnrse, an or near the Peo,,sl - North l'exim‘ylvania, or lloattli lac Railroads pre ferred. Athlre.s Box 1108 Ph in. P. 0., sf ng Pal tit:al:as. 11103-gt. PERSONAL. IF =.3HIS. LEONTINA. BERG, WHO stoppo4 :a the United States , Hotel, Bunton, abort three weeks sge, w 11l address " Mr. Charles Aslil-, I Box 7!(i, Philadelphia 0., giving her address,.shn wlll comet., a f4vor anti i,ar swat:tiling to her advan tage, . inyl.o4lo LOST AND FOUND. LOST OR 31 - 1 - SLAID—A PERPETUAL POLICY 01' INSURANCH, Issued by . dm Trii,:tees of lb° .hko , ociatiou. to - sAmulir, K. •111 - 1:, May 2, for 813,01.10, ad tivisferred lo JOSEPH Mccbtriu, Nay 23, 15 , 57. Auy information thereof will be received by WM, S. FRICK, roy6-finwl2l* No. 821 GVITH Strout. FOE SALE AND TO LET. 1 4 1 OE SAL E—A FILE OP " THE -I- PRESS (nearly complete), Crete .Tattnarylst, to the pre,ent thee. Atittrees "R. S., et ibis 0 111 co. m yll•tit* FOR SALE—A SUPERB SOLID WAL NUT BOOK-CASE, flaisbrl in oil, :tad perfectly now; mule by Meling, 004 Plimstrect; Blum arranged for ratif,: an elegant tame for a private library_ Apply at roya-re VMS GREEN Street, ZOOMS AND STEAM POWER, TO LET.—Apply to CIIAELES EVANS, my9.ot+ Garner BREAD and QUART; IC Strode, TO LET—THE SECOND, THIRD, AND -A-fourth Floors at 2.35 MARKET Street, throagli to Church alloy. mli)-tf et FOR SALE—IIANDSOME D WEL- MaLINO, 311 rim, Ptrer t , on accommodating terms. mylo-fit* R. iIteCITHDY, 330 'WALNUT Street. ETO LET-A PLEASANT COTTAGE, at Olncy,on. the SeCond-ntreet turapik; The lionce has parlor, ;lining-room, kitchen, and chantherc, Perfect order; carriage house, ctahh , l, Apply to ,SAMCEL C. FORD; - myl.l.wfnelt* 127 South FOURTH Stroot, i t FOR SALE OR TO RENT-A. DE STITABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCI.,,' talks roan Schenck's :Ration, and 2 miles from Bristol, noar the NesharnellY, With good garden, plenty of shade and le K IIAI.ES, Newnorkville, nlylo-6t,* FOR SALE AT A GREAT BAR GAIN, or exelaogo for smaller house, the fine large DWRI.LIKG Nn. 202 FRANKLIN Street. Apply at 234 CHURCH Alley, Philada. ap9.7-Im* el FOR SAL E—THE BUILDING AND LOT, No. 308 CHERRY Street, south side. Lot 60 feet front, 10.5 feet deep. At 82 feet in depth widens to 76 feet, to an 8-feet alloy, running to Cherry enact. Apply at the Office of Christ Church Hospital, 226 WALNUT Street. ap2l-6w FOR. SALE—A VALUABLE piece of Land, containing about 0 2 ters e ,. with Ittam , !on ]louse, large stone Barn, and oilier bnialings, on the Norristown Railroad, near the Junction of the Reading Railroad, and fronting on Allegheny area [ie. This place is admirably situated, and will be sold .eery low, and on accommodating terms, if .90/fixotra. B. P. OLLSN, mylo 123 South FOURTH Street. 41TO EXCHANGE FOR CIT 1 PR0.3.. . 3 .. PEATY. —Volusbloimproved FARM; 116 acres, 1.3 miles out Telma .R. R. FARM, 82 acres, 2 miles from the city of Trenton,N.J. Fine FARM, 217 acre=, fronting an the River Delaware, 25 miles out. FARM, 64 acres, lieut. Quakertown Station, N. I'. R. IL Riser-front near Shamany Station, Phila. and Trouton It. It., and many others. Call anti examine Register of Farms. my6-tf E. PETTIT, .12.3 WALNUT St. inFOR SALE—SUPERIOR STORE and Dwelling, S. E. corner Fifteenth and Itaco: Dwelling 192 E Mount Vernon do 2.1 M do; do 2121, 2123, and 2227 Suring Garden street: do 11l South Tw,intieth do N. E. corner Nineteenth and Sansont t do S. W. corner Eighteenth and Breen: 614 North Sixteenth, 36 foot front; do 323 South Fifth; do 404 South Eighth; with many Otilol, In various localities. Ah,o, a large num ber Building Lots, Cottages, and Farms, R. F. tiLENIIi, 123 :5, FOUWEII St. and rny7 S.W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and OR SEX Sts. TO $2,500.—F0R SLE, ONE 8 A 2 9 000 of the hest paving puniness to he ihnnd, Any enterprising man with thin'amnia or capital can make money. Satisfactory roa,ous given for selling oat. Business already est - Nadi:Med. , . Achim.. The Peese, with fan name and address. It rann $4.0,000, D fora term of Seas, at tiye per cent. per annum. -- Apply to. LEIWIB H. 11.P.DNP,11, nryln-31;! , - No. 152 tioutL. POMITIT Str,sot. 'FAMILY DYE _COLORS. • (PATENTET , OCT. 11. ISM. 5 - • A SAVING OF SO PEE. CENT BLACK FOR. SILK. - DARK BLUE, MORT MATE, FRENCH BLUE. CLARET BROWZT, T.TORT DROWN' DARK BRAIWK. FAWN nizan, 1,10 HT FAW:i DEAI3, DARK GREED),' 7d li [l. MAGENTA, . - Per 25 cents is can color as man? . le as would otherwise cost five times that sum. - Various shades can be produced from the stuns dye. The Process is and any one'con use the aye with ',effect success. Di rections in English, French, and German, inside of each pack. n ge.. NAIOO • lILVIZOON, ORANGE, • FMK, ROYAL - PURPLE, PURPLE, SALMON, SCARLET,SLA Ls TE. so simiTO. Vint ET = -LEATHER. For further information in Dyeing, and giving a per fect knowledge what color' are best adapted to dye over others (with many-valuable recipe-), Purchase Howe & Stevens' Treatise on Dyeina;and Coloring. Sent by Man on receipt of miea-10 conk. Ma nn ([1 alt rod 1)1' HONE SI 51'ES - E2 5, 260 BIWA DWAY, DA O n. For :-ale by druggist' , and dealer, generally. :ay:-11aii --- TREAS - URY DEPARTMENT. - . OFFICE OF TM: CO3IFTEOLT.EIt Or THE CCIMENCY, WAsirm - crox, :Ably 4, ISBI. WHEREAS, by satisthctory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that THE SEVENTH NATI t /NAL BANK Of Pill itAVELPHI nt y or nina del ph is , a nit Slate of - Pennsylvania, lots been duly organized, natter and according to the require mentx ot the act of Congress entitled "An act to pro vide a National Currency, secured by a'Pledge of Hutted States i- , tneas, and to provide for the circulation and re demption t reef, " approved February 2, , ),1663, and has complied with all the prOVimiolls of rata act required to be,complicd with before commencing the business of Barking: - Bo w , therefore, 1, HUGH. McCULLOCH, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that THE SEVE:Mt NATIONAT, DANK GP PH ILAPELPHIA - , county of Philadelphia, and State of Peuusylvauia, is authorized to commence the business of Banking under the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof,"vvitness _my hand and seal of Oillee, this FOURTH DAY OF MAY; ISt [Seal of the Comptroller of the Currency.] HUGH aleCtix.r. or a my6-2m Comptroller of the Corvettes'. , - -: --- ----7- • SOUTHWARK J. VAtiMAX MERRICIr. WILLIAM 34. .T.ITZT F. rOr... FIFTH AND WASIIINCTON STREETS, riA. Piril..tiv.ri _ _ lig3sgrairica. .t, pici,16,%. • FOUNDRY, mor3INEERS AND INIACIIdNISTS, Manufacture High and Low Proiuire Steam Eugine 4, for land, river, and marine service. Boilers" tiitsonicters, Tanks, Iron Beats, &c. ; Cast ill,: Dr all hip, oinier iron or brass. 1 • 1--- 1-,• , -- 2- , ,Work.. , walcihops. Rail. ~..._ .. • Co_ road Sciiii,,,,,, liar Retort li :, nud as 3Licliiitery of the latest and moht lin. proved c.o,Araction. Every description of.Pla illation Machinery, such as Sugar, t3itll, and Orist l‘tilL , , Vacuum Pauq, Coca Steam Trains Defect, tors, VII tevo, Poroping FdigineV. &C. Sole agent .'ton N. Billietm•'s Patent Sugar Boiling Ap paratus; Nesinytk's Patent Steam Ila miner, and Aspin all St. Wages's. Patent Ceutriinal kluilar Draining Machine. aull< AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIP. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, May 11, 1.864: Seventh Night of the GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL In aid of the GREAT i-ANITA EV FAIR. Fifth and Last Mfolt Litt One of the (iron& Enultak Opera, by Will Henry Fry, entitled NOTICE DAME OF PARIS, Itepreented wader the management of Mr. L. E. Harri son, of New Dirk, BY THE AMERICAN OPERA COMPANY, Characters the (Vera: ESMERALDA li me COMTE BOIDMI I:111)111F Mrs. JENNY KEMPION. 'OF CfIATEAUPEIit , Mr. WM. GASPE:E. DOM FROLIJ) Mr. S_CAMPBELL. OFASIMODO Mr. EDWARD SF:ORIN, FLORIAN Mr. WM. SIZAATS. GRAND ORCLIESTRA OF SIXTY ! FULL MIL ITA ;BAN D OF THIRTY !! GRAND CItORI , I3 OF ONE HUNDRED!! Ballet and Auxiliaries, One liuudred and Fifty!!! CONDUCTOR THEODORE TITOMAS. ltdioh-s!on to rquet,. Parquet Circie, ;end 11:d eon y.. 41. R.rn red sehts 50 rents extra. (To he hod t the Academy and at 6011111'S, S. E. corner .=.4',' , /^lrih .4,1 Übe.- t stleOtkl. I Cirele 0 :1 rentg. Do)r opnll :it 7 1 , 1:11).1Y, Alen - 1854, Lively ei r i he RPeed OrlOth of NO'I'RE DAME PARI6. SATI - IiDA 17, 'A ItY 14, )SG,, ta :t ti , elr,ok. Tlelotg to r‘ IL nfttgg Of tl/0 M=Mn= . _ GOVER'S CHESTNUT-STREET THEATRE.. LEONARD CROVEP tyLA t i A tm, (Also of Grovel' h Th , ` o.l`e, W:.-hin;tan) D.C. The Chnrining MB ROMANCE OF A Yowl: '1.7 , )UN(1 Or, 'Pita L!!A 1.1%11 oommu. S. graft. Entirely New Music, by Nonlncz. Grand Collude Misr on Scene, by Si Delightful Quartet, by nnd °Valid Chorus of the Pc.,-par), l'icw find Magnificent Apptinticontg, 'WALNUT-STREET TH E T E TifiS (Wed beht/tly) EVENING, May 111 h , Drag cinht hnt therm , of Mr. 'lntl MN. W.. 1. FLO -IZENCE. who wflf rereat their great ehareriee, Robt. Drierly and Finny St. Evromund, in Tom 1 . 40,,c,, wonderful picture of Engi b.h ryory-dav life, Clltli 'FIIN ET , I LEA VIC Mil aii• performed by them tn d aen ote bodrcnd twty-ft va nighty at the Wiatei !Jar dhen., :cew York. and I , •a 0i veal in thin ri IV lay elit 1711,45 t ic andientiii, tin Fill I/At Tila.y 1:i, farewell Benefit of Mr. and Mr ,- ; .T. Lone-NCB. MRS: JOHN DREW'S NEW dRO.H. 7 STREET THRATI:E. THIRD NIGHT - OF FRANK DREW. THIS (WEDNESDAY i NIGIIT. MAY liTts, 15AL HANDY ANDY, nanny Andy, with Song , Fritiik Dieu , To conclude vitir the Om of ALADDIN, OE THE WONDERFUL LAMP. . . The Widow Tr. - rm key _ Fru ni: I 'wets , The Sultan Stuart 11.1kon A lilfitiirl Mis, i I eury The Prinee , —. 'NI i ,, , , E. I 'rico .FRIIiAY, BENEFIT OF FRANK DREW 3300111 OpPH Pt 714% VI Cu rtmi 11 11S, AN - ENTERTAINMENT 1:e Jivou at the NOETITEAST 1301":,' (01.VAIMAI: SCIIOOI. NEW 6ter.ol, below SECoNI), in a ill ,If the GREAT :s.INITAIVY PAM. On WEDNEt•DAY EVENINti, Ma) - 11t11. Tickets 35 cenb. Children PI Tickets billy be procured at the does•. • IN ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, CORNER TENTH AND CHESTNUT. SECOND WEER!-SECOND WEEK! Delighted Crowds. More Presents. Delighted Crowds. More Prosentx. WOODEOFFEIS BOHEMIAN TROUPE EVERY WORT WooDRoFFEIS DOB RAILS N TROUP): EY!: It NIGHT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY APPERIVOONS. EDNESDAY A ND. SATURDAY A FTERNOWI.IB. ( - 1 0 Splendid the Pre..nt ! Splendid Present 6! 4nd Secs Itlawers. usyn4n. • (k) and See the Dlowen. KCAL FL:\ D BALL, Tcs At OR vornest splieitatifm hiNnihinor3w. , admirers MEMEM23 Itas 1.111- rATItIOTIG 1; jiA ON. 711 r fl o'clock. TICKETS 2r, CI4iTS-I'ol,o pronol,d at. Martlen'n, 606 Chestnut. trot Conld'n,ti,voith and Cin.stant,; Sixth and Chestnut, awl at the door nn tho ovnning the eutertniment. nir7 , •*tu‘vtli CONCERT .N EST UT ST., above Twelfth. —Gra ad Vocal nut ruitrumeutea Concert, for one la iglit "oid v, by t 11111.111111iON FAMILY, Verne. Benefit of the ttre eu Labor, inodne , , and or the (treat Central Fair, oli Taunspez EVENIIsib, Illayl2th, IS.III. TO:lms to ally part or the ITall, 21 rents; Children, 15 teats. Titicels to be hod at Music Stores. m )1-6t. . . . . . .• WLEVENTii-ST. OPERA. HOUSE. " THE "FAMILY ILEWYRT." . CAMICR NOSS AD DIXEY'S LIIN . STEELS, TILE 01:EAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD, In tlinir sm,r,ar ETNIOPIAZT SOIREES, Splendid Singing, 'Beautiful Unlacing, Laughable Bor. lemuiwa, Plantetion Ficonos, Sre, , Sen„ by TWENTI"PALENTE,LI ARTISTS. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tlelce6,2seelite. Demi,: open ftt 7 olnlndk, f027-Stn J. L. CARYCROSSI, 1311N1tiess Manager. p HI LADE L P HT A NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, No. IN SOlith BROAD Street,—The 14winunintr iirrpaytmont of this po pular Institution NVan ormned taint 111 ednesdu y, with very fair promnr at of allot r finecesPif I Lad lea' hours from 10 A. 111, to :US fon rt, for lilxstar, awL Cientimaro from 0 it, 71. 1.0 5.6, A. M.. WA from 9l'. to I', 111, Artur 0 I', 1/uutlenwn ouly. 11(}aoon ticket,, cold :30 per cent. lower than I 11MEa.11.1,1, !WW2. phpil warranted to 'barn to whin witida .11,5 month, }or particulars, coo ci rea I ars. my9- 0 3t NOWP N-TITE FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL MC111131'34 oN . ens SeT1T.,1"1131:1.1, at the. I'ENNSVLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE NINE ANTS, CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth. Open from 9 A. 741. till 7P. M., awl from S till 10 In Ml* evening. • • ititlVetr SUMMER RESORTS. COUNTRY BOARDING,—MRS. Bitooßmi. now pt,s4n.t.ot! to recotvo 140A111.4:11.t4:1 ber bongo at MT. AIRY'. Apply at 1402 WALNUT Street, bef)reo A. M. or after I'. M. In y6-12t• SEASIDE HOUSE, TOOT OF PENNSYLVANIA ATLANTIC CITY. N. S. The undersigned Inform+ his friends and rorto , tr pa trons that Ma house Lk 1111{V open for the roceptlon of ane.,ta .1 have al.° a number of Rt/01111 and a private Parlor to rent itt J, ' Whl rill I cottage, lippipite. mylo-10t DAVID SCATTERD,pc.D. CONGRESS HALL, CAPE ISLAND, NEW JERSEY. This favr.rite Hotel will be opened fertile reception of gnostp. ou .11TNE 111 NT. - The Enure lifts burn refitrubdied and thorenghly ren4- vated. Writing awl 'loading lieents and a Telegraph. Office have been added fer the excla,:ive time of the guests. • The proprietor feel, warranted In rt , ltri lig the public that, with the MnitlOPlli nlO 1111 d eetnnotont edieleA ea cured, each department viii be conducted to the outira satisfaction of the most - - Iles:slot', full Band ha:, been engaged exelusiv , •ly for Cengres, hall. - Any further information will be cheerful' v civet. by addressing J, F. rnye-tf Propri,rer. HOTELS. - _ " AV E2l HOUSE " ? WASHINGTON, D. C. The undersigned having leased the above House, sita. ated on the corner of SEVENTH Street and PENNSYL VANIA Avenue, for a term of years, he n.flielts the former patronage and the travelling pablle generally, and will at all times be happy to see his old friends. Respectfully. C. T. JONES, WASFITIii:TON, D. 0., March 3, 1864. .Ifllll4-6112 LEGAL. T N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -I- CITY AND COUNT OF Estate of hew. ROBERT J. 13LACR,deceased. The Examiner to whom Ira., referred the petition of Jtn:q3lll C, AHNETT, praying for the exetarion Of parol contract of said deredeur, for the conveyance of is certain lot of growud situate on the seuthwestwerdly side of Cameron street, in the Fifteenth ward of said city,' upon ground rent, by ilte executrix and heini ii said decedent, will meet the parties inte,,sted is said petition, at ble office, No. 530 WALNUT Stre..q, 011 WEDNESDAY, May IS, lfd4, :it 4 P. M. ROBERT D. COXE. Examiner: IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEA& OF ELAM COVIS T NV, PA. BLAIR _STY. SS. - - THE COADIONWEALTTE ryp pENN•SyLvA_ NM To rniE SILERIFF OF BLAIR. C‘.T2.; ry, IiRIiIiTING: WITEREA6. lierehkire in our Court of GOMM 0 it Plea fr of Blair oath IT, before ourjudges at Hollidaysburg, h. wit: Tn the tOrill of November, 1542, a uoutain upon promise , was instituted , wherein Joseph Ottiuger was plaintiff, anti John Wallrtir and Johnston tu iiffiere, pleated a. tohomisaieus a St I.Asi MI1(11111, slotenslSlllts, tho said cause holm; nundiored No. 164, Droventher Tenn, 1640 which wa, tied front the Common Pleas of Beam.' emtuty to the UOI,IIIIOII Pleas 00 illair county, according to the :Let of Assembly, and which remains undetermined : out whereas, the death of the eahl .fia•rph t Olinger hula been suggested upon the records of env it COOrr s and that letters of adminisdratien. have Lem. granhsl t. Charles Ottinger• and whereas the death or the said John Wa.ler bads Ilkewl, lsve.ts .114s•as , -4 ,, 1s a-n.l th, hroimediug,is in the said aetion Luce heel. susponded foe want of .a party plaintiff, and the said Johnston P. Moore survivinu administrator of dl Lt. Moore, de ceased, haying lieStuffit no, to pr.feide for hint It ,oita ble .TNIICtIy ill this 1 1611Slir, We do ralin . a . /1 that by hoar -, st laweal awn ,111 neck, you make known to the said Charle) tittim4a.u. ad:alni -[tutor of Joseph f utinger, dim Ito be and tot- Pear InftMu our judges at nal ndaysharg at a Court M.' Common Plea., to he held at litoLLI11AYS131:1 10, for the county of Wait. ? al tl.n fourth 3RINDAY of h next, to sow ,if :myth roe e nit knows. or 1111111 to Oily - Why inO not ,ideditnted as a party plaintiff in Ow aawepald action. And have you thou and there the !1:1111C, of I Ile-0 by whoa: you ',hail to,tl,:a tlic same known to him flint this writ. the Hon. 61...A 1 1101i TA - VT.Ol:s I'l'l , llloM of our s.sstid Court, ,t 11,11.1sitsysanIrg, tio::!ssls .1,4.1!1. if_ ISO 4. A. S. )101!1101V, toyll-w4t Pim iiiimitary. BARGAIN - 6 IN MACHINERY. WILL BF, ;50hD DY AUCTION, TUE,, , , , DA Y, MAY 1701, At the corner of TWENTY-SECOND and WOOD Sta.. All the MACHINERY nod FIXTURES of n hula MANUFACTORY tll PAPER HANGINGS.. Cow:miry: of rutoIINPINO tILAZINti and PRINT ING MAGDA NEs, SG: PATTERNS, and all the MATERIALS for carrying en tl,f , busine,a, -.A fine opport ern it), !,1 Do IV offered to ao into the bhsl - tqi, n, there is btu ).NE FACTORY WAN' theill Jti,liE. , a spleadid bitsinm: atti (otother latiCh ISAAC PUGH, -1-11r7 WALNUT Strm, third story • Or. WI LLIAM CURRY: TWENTY-SECOND and CALLOWHILL Stl'Oer.l, 111r7 -St . wtce FOR ALBANY AND TROY, VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CA- 11w lirgo MONTEREY, Captain 4, PanvorF, is liorir letal.,- at clue lira wharf below Spruce sliver, a int will limy:: for the above points on wEIysESD AV. 11th. at 6 P. M. - For freight, which wilt be taken et reasonable rates, apply to D. L. FLANAGAN. A2xlit., in3O-3t. No. 30-1 south Dtil AWMIIi Avoune. illotCA - I` , .TE-g.P.A.T CHAIR MANUPAC . TORY-WAREROOMS, Nos. : 7 4 33 etch . 137 ' s ''" 7l SIXTH. Street, for Parlor.-, Pining-Noinns, and. Chauibers, Camp Chair, &r. .1. IL Wl6L3li— m3-10-st. gitCOTTAGE FURNITURE, IN SOLID -Walnut and e,.11.1 Oak, Als4i, plain and fancy Extension Table , , at .Nos 223 and 25 Norte. SIXTH Street, rat;rlo-.M , 3 - 1. 11. W.I.SLEII. j,... . S. OIIWILSON, 161)ImpOriel' and dealer in WATCHES and fine A JEIVEL/1.17, manufactured of SiI.VES WARE. No, 112 North NINTH Street. above Arch, Phila. The ltigl: V: . E price paid far eld gliver. iity6-tui• _ _ EDWIN A. HUGHES, UNDERTAKER. m), South TENTH Street, above Spruca, MYS-1M PHIL A_DELP/Ifil. • LADIES TRUSS AND•BRACE STORE—Coudacied by Ladies, TWELFTH Street, Bret door below Race, Every article in that live oleo-out, easy, :Ind correct in umlEe. FL Nall- DLES, Pr.iirietor, attends to Geutleinen, on the corner of TWELFTH and RACE Street;. N. R—Pronvisionsi. accuracy insured. ruy4-[Loll Wt. r .r. CORRECT PIANO TUNING.— Mr. C. E. SARGENT'S Orders for Tuning and Repairing Pianos are received at MASON St CO.'S Store. 907 CHESTNUT Street, only. Mr, S, has had eleven years' factory experience in London, and five ye&rs' employ -inept Philadolishia. BptcrAL. —Pianos rdeatherkto sound as Heft and sweet-toned as new, without removing. Terms for Tuning,sl.oc`M.Sin - v MONET TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED upon Diamonds, Watettes, Jewel ry. Plate, Wattling, at JONE.n dr CO. 'fit Old Established Loan Office, egruer 'rani and aASEiLL Stroctv, below 14 , 04L 1 4.rd. iplOakif cants Opera comtue:tea, tB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers