The Trade in Petroleum. Toney Eirttor The Pres: Sta w ithin trade that has sprung tip in Detre. lenm, the last three or four years, in this and other cities, render' it an article of great coin. mercial Importance; and as a Philadelphian, interested deeply in our business prosperity, I feel &nations that our city should be come the great oil mart or the &entry. Nor is this improbable or Impracticable. If our citizens !Vint* the activity and enterprise which ought to Characterize them. lam sorry to say, how. ever, that a City of much smaller population, on the COCOON Western border of the 410ingiOnWealth. and With mush more limited means. his thus far out stripped pc completely in her efforts to secure to her people the prod's and advantages of this Most lucrative article of trade and export. Why is this I Is it on account of the superior energy of her citizens, o - because of Showier:counta ble asd hlPNCUsablex indifference of our capttaliats and business men to cur hue and palpable interests? Some may attrihute it to the fact that the citizen* of Pittsburg were hearer the vast fields of the Northme.t, and on that account were earlier awa kened to the value and magnitude of these oil depo sits, and to the probable extent of the trade growing Out Of their development; but it Is still inexpli cable to me that we have not been scene[ amused to the immense importance of this subject, and to that 01 securing to our people the handling and manufacture of the almost incredible quantities of petroleum that have the world for a market, and can ever be supplanted by soy arrisle of humeri. akin or production- The prineipal portion or the oil -busbies of the country Can easily be done in our city, Mr. Editor, if proper steps are taken to secure it ; and I trust no one who has at heart the real interest of the cite will join in the Miserable croakings of the Rip ran Winkles who frown upett all in oil/ territory and oil Wells, Mid Who would have us supinely slumber on until It is too late to obtain for our people the benefits ati- Cluing nvw the judicious employment of our ever. glee and a reasonable proportion of out, surplus capital in this direction. Ever since the discovery of oil in the Venango gton it has been gradually but surely advancing In price, and today commands a better figure than it did three years ago, notwithstanding the opening up of flowing wells, yielding from fifty to a thousand barrels per day. be Pittsburg Commercial, of recent date, quotes etude nil at 29 and 30 cents per gallon, packages included, and says "its latest reports from Oil Oily represent the mars ket as unsettled and high, holders demand ing extravagant prices " And that there will be a still greater and early increase in its price I feel well aasured. The value of the article four years ago Wag and is no criterion of its present and prospective value, for the reason that its use was confined to a few, and it bad to encounter in its in production a number of rival 'nominator!, Which bad monopolized the market for years. Now, however, when it is supplanting camphene and other dangerous burning fluids, became of its greater safety, cheapness, and brurtancy,the demand for it must largely increase and the price correspondingly advacce. This being the case I am n6t surprised that many of our heaviest capitalists and shrewdest business men are investing their means in oil lands and undertakings, sensibly concluding that the pre, sent supply of the article will shortly be wholly in adequate to the demand. In a future article, Mr. Editor, with your leave, I propose furnishing some interesting oil facts and statistics, going to show the profitableness and the growing importance of the trade in petroleum. A READER. THE .1-'t)l,l4OE. Meier° Mr. Alderman Boitlar.3 Juvenile Thieves and ifieeeiver Richard beybert. Henry Wilmer, and Lewis Resler, small boys. with uncombed hair end nnwa-hed faces, wete arraigned at the Central Staten. yesterday after noon. on the charge of tnett Joon Mariner. the keeper of a junk chop on Cattu rine street. below Second. was also arraigned as a receiver of • c.llen good. The boys were charged with shelling 13 , 8 es oabtinge, moulds, &c.. the property of Mr. B. B D ott. lamp manufacturer. on South h.cond street. Charles A Wartman. the foreman of tht establishment, testified that the moulds and cast ings misted from the factory could not be replaced at a sum Ices than twelve to fifteen hundred dotia , s. None of the defendants are ciao", ed to the manufactorg. Deiscilce Levy testified as to the arrest of the boys and receiver. and the respArery of -time of the stolen articles Eighteen pounds of brass castings for lamps were re covered at the shop of the receiver They bad been sold at the rate of 16 cents per pound, their real worth being 60 cents per p nod. wr Levy said the boys made tiolean breest of the whole affair. and said they had sold setae of the stolen menlds 2.04 castings to a men who goes about the street. with a wegm Oa the parson of one of The boys a silver watch sad chafe and several big-sifed pocket knives were found The lad said he pt.rcia aced the watch for OWL being a part cf the proceeds or the sale of thins he end tee other two lads had stolen from Mr. ',colt lip. n being onestioned by the Inagi!trate 88 to the places whore We boys passed th e i r even= ge. ft was ascertained they frequently Visited several of the lower orc er of the concert saloons. The hove were committed in &Matt of glean bail each, and the receiver in VAX, to answer at con& Discharged. Thomas McLaughlin and Patrick Walsh, arrested a few days since on the charge or the larceny of a pocket book belonging to Sylvester Often. of Wittlesbarre, were discharged. .The investigation developed the facts that the prisoners brought a conpte of recruits from Troy, New York, and had them enlisted in Philadelphia. There was something. sesmigriy. in this transaction that suggested an idea of tounty-junitung. and there fore the parties were bsld to await a farther hearing. In the mean time inqatries were mode, and from the statement made by . the recruits, the magistrate had formed the proper opinion. Tye recruits were, of course. carefully watched, and by this time are somewhere upon the "sacred soil of the (Ad Dominion." The magis trate, in dismissing the prisoners. a id • "I am not satis fied with the evidence that you robbed Mr. Liana. but I am esti. fled that y.•n are or have been engaged in the bonnty.intoping business You are free to go. but my advice is tr at. if you have any more r.ernite. yon had better not bring them to Philadelphia. It might go bard with yclit." The prisoners having received the above lecture, started front the office. Magistrate and a Lawyer. Kerrie Ebel t a colored boy belonging to -mum toasty, Delaware, wee arrested Yesterday. by Meer Register of tbat pace. hPon a Variant issued by the constituted autbo , Wes charging him with the larceny of some clothing, the property of a Zit s,ng, to wham t h e pri soner was indentured as an ~p prentice Luring the in yeitiga ion of the c..e, the f,illuering scene occurred: hir Register having b,ea sworn he testified that the acettad had beet arrested by him on a warrant charging him with larceny. Question by magic trate What did he steal? Answer. Mr. King told me that— . - at this - point, Incas Hirst interrupted and said. "Don't mind; you need not answer that air." " Mr. Hirst." :aid the Immigrate. • Ido not with you to interrupt the witness " "I am csvinsel for the defendant " 'I don't care If you are; YOU mutt not interrupt the witness; you must keep your mouth shut " I base a right to—' You lave no right here, sir." responded the magis trate. quickly • I haven ?" • sir, you have uot." "I think I have "' •• Well, sir. do n 't yon interrupt the wittiest-. I think I am able to conduct this case myself " The Investigation Unneeded without any further re marks from the ceuneel Officer Williams testified that the prisoner told him that he wss an apprentice to Mr. Ring for one year. and when the time was out he re-en. Mined with him for four years mere He admitted that he hr d stolen a shirt and some Other thing!. The alderman asked the defendant whsther he desired to ask any questions, and he rep led, "so, sir, • ' die you Willing to go back to the State of Delaware wih Mr. Reg ister? " 'Ho. air,' replied the prisoner. "Then you stand cotouutled to await the arrival of the proper requisition papers •• He was committed. Slobbery at Weashin4ton. Henry Farmer. otherwise snow., as eingl , h Harry. Was arraigned at the Central Station 7 e , terday after noon. on the charge of robbing at.- Alfred Mcgasen. at a hotel In Washington. D C.. on the night of the Id or 3d of December last. It seems that she complainant put up at thehotel an found considerable amount of money in his pocket. Bethat he liartsbeen ushered Into a double-bedded room, and. for neuter security, folded his pantaloon- and placed them beneath lug pillow. In a short time a'tor he got into hest the prisoner came in, end, taking off h a coat and vest, got ikto the other bed In the morning, Mr. McQueen f tins hie pa- taloone had bees removed, and his pocket book. containing all his money. gone The stranger was also among the miss ing Mr. McQueen raffia tr Phiisdetpnia. where he new lives, and, a dsy or two since. htvtig seen the de fendant for the first time since tee robbery, adopted the most effectual ineanr. a to have him atruted Farmer' stoutly denied being in WasMengtou at the rime of the robbery. " Are you certain," said he to the ccmplairant. that lam the man ?" Mr. McQueen Was to this. The defendant was corm - fitted to await the proper requileition papers nom Washington. [Before Mr. Alderman Dougherty.: Heavy Robbery. Jamie !Jeff. the keeper of a public house at Seventh and St Mary streets. and a deaf sod dumb colored Irian, nsmed N th e seiel Wood. have had a itaring on the charge of bbery of a colored woman, named Sarah JRller of the sum froms9 e.ems Oat Mn Miller re ceive-ends money her .husbaod and two brcs here who had enlisted in the army. 'he was to carefully keep it forthem. On t aturday last, she says, as she IMO • • twang along St. Mare street," she was stopped by a rick colored Woman Says she "Mrs. Miller, am sort swang to treat ?"' " Say s I. what for ?" " Base."said she, "I's sick dig yen mornin', anti only wipt a gill " • Well, says L come into Mrs. Rent So me and herself went in thar. and I calls for a gid ; Mrs. Reif gibe her dat from quantity. and I pulls cut my tic k lerd takes a dollar from it to fety. Jim at Chic very time this yore domb nigger grabs my money and pitta off and I hasn't seen none of it slow I !interned, oh Lor' a musty, dummy's got money; didn't you see him take it, Mrs. leg; and jtU3 at die time she turns her back on me, and says no she did not; I wouldn't eared so muabout it, if he'd only left mr, lye dollars to teed my little or- Dballa" We are thus Parlitttlar la describing this affair th at _the general read.r ixt.,y form some idea as to the state of society in the Cla.sie locality of St. Mary and Seventh streets • female, such as may be indicated by her frequenting a Pubbe house. in such a neighborhood, to have been entrusted wtth so large a sum of money, is, to *ay the least, rather singular Wood was committed to answer Mn. Feff was het tto bail to await a further hearing. on the charge of being imPlicated la the rob ber?. THE COURTS. District. Court.—eludge Shorewood French, Richards, Co. ye. Jacob Ambrose. Jr, ad ministrator of Jacob Ambrose. deem- ad Set fa ant mortals& Bo &ORM V., dirtf rplaintifforSBB6s3. Jaw. s Moran r.. The City of V . biledelphia An action to recover a balance al:esed oo be dna for tbebailding of a bridge across Canner's Eon beret ce at the p/ ai Etta tad aimed) been paid on that nilLmore hau $l4OO. which was more than the wort was Ivo, th; and ' , archer, thst, the tonitructlon of the bride. tor been ordered by the then Chief Coromisaioner of Hishways alone, and not as re quired by ordinance, by the Board of Commissioners of litgliwass. Plain .iff niffered a non-snit. J eeee Johnoonve The CAy At. action to recover for repairs wade to the pavement in Catharine street. from Front to Filth streets. Oa behalf of the city the same defence was set up as In the twee of Moran ye The City, but the evidence did not sustain it. Verdict for plaintiff for $676 tAI District Court — Judge Hare Bebbs vs. Brants. Before reported. Verdict for plain tiff. 91.248.21 Thos B. Cahill ye. Wm. Janus An action to recover en book account a balance alleged t be due for ice fur nished e afendang by plaintiff Defence that plaintiff did not furnish the ice regularly at tip. times and in the quantity stipulated for. Verdict for plaintiff. $4BO Renews Bendmeyer va. The German 'Union Building and Saving Fund Astotistios Au bolos to recover the value or certain shares of Ivo< k orate German Union Building and Paving Pond Association. hypothecated with plaintiff by Mr. P rattle. as cOlateral security for the paynene of a p OMIEBOn note for El tOO. madeby Penchi' in ragletiffs fever. A p liver of attorney was at the same time exewited by taw former. authorizing the transfer of the stock to platattff in the *vest of the son- Derwela of the note. Ferrara Ives me 1 0.4. vent. ant failed to pay the note. whereupon plaintiff presented the DoWer of attorney at the ogles of defendant, and re quested the transfer of the stook to his name. The se owlet) refused to do it. aseignite as a reason therefor that Pencils was largely incebted to the as•radation for borrowed money. I, 14a knit-was then inetitut-d to ro arer. The defence was that Pemba wee indebted to the aesociation in the sum of St tic. money loaned, and that the aseociation bad no notice of a prior hypOthses lion of the mock which they regarded as .ecnrity far the - payment of the las% made by them. Jury out. Court of Quarter Sessions—trudge Tbsaisap eon Charles Barrett. James wanton and George Knorr -were charged with the Litany 0! a ehow-_eaae contain -Mg shoes. the property of Mr. Mead-on, Poplar street. between Eleventh ano Twelfth. We. , 11,111 it was in evi dence. coolly puP the coca stowed it away under arin. and-. k icked mpa n y I..ith Barren. walk e d off with it. Knorr, though in the eiciette.was not shown to have d a d agyadnp so' do with tee oas B a rret t wa acquitted. Ti,. two others were convicted. was senteneed . to 12 months. And Watson. upon this and another charms of larceny of which he was convicted. to 18 months' reltmia r a e a rj .win J. Bodges. an employee of the Philadelphia Club. was &instated of stubtzilicir vote of toe feuds of the eatabllshment, and was sentenced to am inkprieola- Awn of three months. 40 sham Frey tag and his wife Sarah were charged ',ebb as i eta and battery on Ph-lip Schaneman, and be with assault and battery on them. The patsies are ready mate elothingdsalere down town. ant got into a quarrel shout the right of possession to too nninsitY pallets a' on g the street. each party being desirous of their ctur Rrt-in words they oboe fo b.ows. Xeitherparty ben g oath lied, an alderman was applo to. and they finally mono themselves In court. the jury convicted - Lo . s, side& and they were sentenced each to pay a line or $2O and the costs. PRILADELIMIA BOARD 01 TRAM' WWII. N. BTOICRL 030. D. TATHAM. 1 Cowart= or Tan iforrix. , MAR6RALL. MARINE INTEIWLIGENCIL POILT OF PUILADELPIIIII. diorn 90.1804. mm, 70( WI MIL 40 -12 07 shipßoinory. Wilber. from Liverpool. Dec SO. vie ()weedily , " Feb with mane to Peter Wrigm & so ne . Bark Ifoasolte p ( a sr i t Cookeoy. 90 days from Po-to (At hena, with coffee. dee. &e. to Doilett & boo. Le ft brie Aunt as (Br) te Nth March, for New York Bobs ft je Moser. artisan/am*. to soft April Ist; bark Mae Wins, Lett & wind at Lary w 0,,,; NOW Met for New York sailed oor do 57th apsti. latit. tat 10. lon 70 2 11, spoke Br brig Lade Tied VIA. fret!lie,sl) 'Fmk for Instants.; lltb, lat 41, low EPA spar* Br brig J B Ellicott. from New York Par Jam SUM llie. ler SBA ion 70 06. F Eimpeenser, a nottivelkif Daum art, la yews old, was washed off the• pelt, sad dri wiped notwithstandinx every Mimi .I. roads th salsa him . rr Behr .7 .7 Spancer,Fleming, S dale from Graters,* with iron and rnaar to I) S Star** & Co. Bahr Freemason. Furman, 1 dry from LaMar Direr, Del.with co Wilms L Bewley dt Co Scir E Norman. d front ZlOrlitik, is ballast to captain. BCII7 Prince Alfred. Garwood. 18 days Croat IlfeWasch. lbailast to captain. Ear Sarah Erma. .Carroll. from %algal tocaotato. Scar 1.011114 Gras. Bow**, from Port ballet to amain. Scbr R Tannentan. Vanneman. from Psanfert. In bal last to captain. YSchr Borrows C. Clark. from Port Royal, in ballast to Tylrra Co. Ittiebr Judge itnnvon, Ludlam, from New Rayon, in ballast to L Andanyied .1 Co. Sobr Lath Dish, Bontiot7. frmu Port Rossi. In ballad to captain. Balm Lucy Suers*. 1 day floor to B Lea. WBmarter to atord•oo. . Si hours from New ork. from Brandi wins. Del. with with mire to W 'Baird & Co. w al i s t t b . az a eL S r A r Wa a kar ird Sb at er o ilt. 24 hours from New Tork. b Steamor rbililpo, 24 hours from New York, . stub mars W M B&W & co. CLEARED. Bark Pathfinder. Robinson. New Orleans. .7 I Berle, a FCobo. : arras Eye. Townsend, Key West, D S Stetson Ai Co. Behr Oen Marion. Prwrinirtor. Boston, D Cowan. Solar fenny Keating. Porter, Beaton. Ywcile Sal' Clara Ball. Cottrell, Button, Tyler & Co. Scbr Exchange, Patterson, Waehtmeton, do Scbr John Dorrtince.Rice.Fort Monroe. do Bcbr liturows, C Clark. Port 'loyal, do Fahr B Doron. Jarvis, Port Royal. do Rob r Nary Anna Dunlap, Alexandria. do Pere Curtis Goodwin. Laird, a. do Behr EVannaman Vanneman, • Scbr Judge Runyon. Ludlam, New Haven, L ried & Co . . Ande &lir Maryarted Patterson, Godfrey. Fortress Monroe, L & CO- Behr Eliza Neal. WeavPr. Boston. 11 , litrittort. Par D 8 Siner. May, .0 °eon, Wannamscher & Max itsld Fclir ()coal Wave. Baker, Boston, QatuttrA & Vpad, Co. _ - _ B Bailey, Robinson. Lnn. do Behr B& L Corder', Babcock, Salem, J G& G ti Rep plier. gar C Moore. Ingersoll. Lyna. D Pearson & Co. Bohr 9 Applegate, Huntley, New London, Blakiston. Orsff,•& Co Par Bettie Bops. Poland,_ Portland, Day & HaddelL Far Elisabeth. Metcalf. Boston, do. fit'r B Willing, Dade, Baltimore, A Grove% Jr. Et'r Novelty, Shaw. New York, W Zd Baird & Co. :Correepondence of the Philadelnhla Exchange. 3 Lltwss, Del , Lori , rt The 13 S gunboat Pee diontas and steamer Jesse Eater. went to sea this afternoon, in compete with scars Snook Moore. for New York; Wenonah, from Fortress Monroe for do; brig Nellie. for do; sabre erthnr Simpson.. for do, and Gohatsett, for do. steamer is in eight, sling ,ert. There are no viewed. at anchor in the roads:eat The wreckers are very busy in unloading the ship IS es 4-set and brig John Chrystal. Wind SW; weather mild and ~taltoN P. §. —The ehip reported to be the Tonawanda was the Marcia O Dar. MEMORANDA. Ship Tonawanda. Stains. from Liverpool 23Fult. for this port. was spoken on the 33th. lat 96 17. lon 25 40. Ship Elisabeth. Gillespie, sailed from LonaonderrY 81.1 nit for this port. , Ship Valley Forge. Crowell. at Hamburg 2d last, from Callao. Bark S D Ryerson, Easley. hence at Antwerp 2d bat. via Queenstown. Bark Minnesota, Watson. cleared at New Orleans 9th InFt. for this port. Bark Malls Metcalf. Arm, from New Orleans. 39th nit. at Providence 16th inst. Bat*. Mary Edson. Bickerso*: Sicilian. Lavender, and St. Saler. Wood, hence at Boston 18ca inst. Bark Belle (Br), Wood, for this port, salted from Havana 12.11 Inst. Brix Flora. Mayo. sailed from Otenfnegoe inst, for this port. . Fl NANCIAL. F IRS T NATIONAL 3ESAN'IM PHILADELPHIA. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT MEM UNITED STATES. 10-40 LOAN. nu Bank ban been authorized and is new prepared o receive subscriptions to the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. This Loan, lamed under authority of an act of Con gress. approved March 3, 1884, provide, for the lame of 'two Hundred Millions of Dollars (3a00,003,000) United State. Donde, redeemable after ten year.. and payable forty years from date. IN COIN, dated Mara 1,1884, bearing' interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. per mama IN COIN. namable semi-sunnalty on all Bondi over Coo. and on Bonds of NIOO And leer. An. nnally. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be issued of the denominations of fifty dollars ($6O), one hundred dollars (COO). dye hundred dollars (506), one thousand dollars (01.000), Eve thousand dollars (6.000), and ten thousand dollars (10.000), and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of (My dollars (1160). one hundred dollars ($100), live hundred dollars (lan and one thousand dollars (al,000). INTEREST will commence from date of subscription. or the ac crued interest from the Let of March can be paid in coin. or. until further notice. B. notes or notes of Na tional Banta, addinz (50) Any per cent. to the Amount for premium. C. H. CLARK, zuhriMf .President. • NEw IL OA. N. U. S. 1040 s. JAY COOKE al 60.. OFFER FOE SALE THII NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Fleming tre per cut interest. In coin. Eelleasable any time after TIM MUM at the pleasure of the Government. and payable FORTY IELES after date. Both CJOITPON AID REGISTERED BONDS are Wind. for this Loan, of same denominations as the ?bre- Wanton The Interest 01 WO and $lOO payable yearly, on all other denominations half-yearly. The TEL BONDS are dated March 1, 11354, the half-yearly Interest falling due. September 1 and March 1 of each year. DEM let September. the accrued Interact tram let Marsh is required to be paid by norobasers In coin. or in legal eurreneg, adding dO per cent. for premium, until farther notice. ♦ll other Government semuhlea bought and sold. JAY COCUTLE CO., mL29•ti 3.14 SOUTH MEW STREET. U]STITED STATES TEN-FORTY BONDS HEADY FOR DELIVERY, AND ALL OTHER GOVERNMENT SECURITIES POE BALE BY E. W. CIaA,Mr. it Co., 71.5 1301:1TH THIRD STREIT apls-6t, SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE TAN-FORTY LOAN 2/011,131) BY MI SECOND NATIONAL BANK or rfaILADILMII. AT This Bank bass been designated by the SICRBTARY OP THE TBZWIRY as as DEPOSITORY or THE PUBLIO MONEYS, FINANCIAL AGENT Or TIM UNIT-ED STATES, And authorized to receive subscription to the VW. WAITED STATES LOA bear i ng &Wrest at the rate of FIVE PER. CENT.. Per Anima IN COIN. Bonds from *OO to $lO.OOO Tu tored, to commence either with the date of the bonds. Marsh 10,1864. or at the date of oubsoriptioo. at the option of the subscribers. aolll-Ifa WILLIAM H. SHAWN, C.ahior. • JOHN BOHN, JR., STOCK - COMMISHOII BROKRIL Ho. 140 BOOTH THIRD STRUT. fur etAm.) PHILADHLPHIA. - BRIERINC18: Mesen.Thes. A. Wails A Co: afessaaw,lisealorley. a 00. Messrs. B. & Whalen A Co. Messrs. Drexel k Co. Meas. Busby A Co. Hears J. Wlllisaulen under Biddle Hsu. LP. Iletekholoe. a X.- Trout iii. 0. aw - AS Sam RAW Tor& mialh fa. bu IMILLiHOND NATIONAL tANKTONN. \BANK OF imps i a - - - " 6:144a1ia sy nIASING TO P R1L163 07 17. NA A. PARIAIN -- WII.Z.LAn X__ _ _ _ . _NAM" MAL/. UAW oaks Pailatelatia Bask.) DilnOrd= : WAWA. SlLlalt_ 734.13mina.. e . E. Iff,__B.HAwir, y. BowuurD, ,7, 16 . ioN E. ENTDIR, - II J. EL DAWN. 1. WAND E gi J BM 000 w• .. A • nano Bask g st r ic l o rlebia Is Ism ems at sa r mat t& _ .hr ths tram. 0 .. a ll= Blades= won as weal ~ . . afar an assardble potateisin be mats l ! t ia ° I l ui P likirialk ""st , l ft. =AWL alabier. r , . tnir*WUTAL. ALL I'HE 0-20 PONDS monomial! FOR TTIRORGR 118 i s, it I:1 NOW READY FOR DELIVERY riSSONS HOLDING OUR R.RONITHR WILL MUER GALL AND RIORIVE TN= BONDS. JAY COOKE & 00., 114 SOUTH THIRD STREIT. FOURTH NATION - AI. SANS PHILADELPHIA_ CAPITAL 8100,000, MS PRIVILEGES OF INCRE&SING TO $500.000 PBEBIDINT. WILLIAM P. HAMM. VICE rEssiDarr, ALBERT C. ROBERTS. CASHIER. SAMUEL J. MAcMULLAN Mann& . WM P. HANK WM. Tumors, Ai BENT O. FORESTS, D BRADLEY. JAS. O. BUM JOHN PANSIES. WILLIAM . IirOHLNY. THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK ie now too at No. 7113 Axel'. Street. for the trammel:lon of s General Banking business, upon the neuelfterzus. Collectione made on 0.11 points at the Ifni lowest rates. Sub.criptions received for the United States 10-40 Bonds. BAWL 3. itaoltliiLLaff. aplM2t. Cashier, 6-20 COUPONS, DUE IST MAY, 13 0 IT GI- Ii T . ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRIBB Arrszumr TO spl.9-7m DREXEL & CO. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER or THE CIIRERNITI__. WASIITNOTON. AIbFOOI7 Mb, itist. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence Preeented to the undersigned, It has been made to apPear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia. and State of Penney/mania. has been dyly organized under and according to the requiremente of the act of Congress entitled "an sot tolnrovide a na tional currency. secured by a pledge of United States stocks. and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof." approved February 26th, Ha and has cons- Piled with all the !provisions of said sot required to be complied with before commencing the Madness of Banking, Now therefore I, Hugh. McCulloch. Com_ptroller of the currency. do horeky_ certiftth at the FOUR ra NA TIONAL Be DIN OF PH/A. coanty of Phila. doping,. and State of Pennsylvania, is authorised to commence the luminous of Banking, under the set afore said. • . In testimony whereof, witness my band and seal of office. this twenty-sixth day of February. Het HUGH MoCULLOCH. mhi 4m nonintrootewetf Ova Oernmpttit. EDUCATIONAL.. R,F LEC T FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG Mille ADM SOYA. HOLM. JON. Lax cat.i6r county. Pa. Session o_oeus on the I'IRST TPERDAT of May. For circulars. address sole am * B. A. MOBRISoN, Principal PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN"- STITIME FOR 'YOUNG LADIES. No. 1530 ARCH Street, Rey. CHARLES A. SMITH. D. D.. B. ca. A . aMIT EL A. IL . Principals. Ninth Year Three departments! Primary.- Academic, and Collegiate: Wall college course in Classical. Nathan/14- mM, Lieber English, and liataral Science, for those who graduate Modern Laureates. Music, Painting. and Vo ce doe by the beet mastere.For eirotdars &Par at the In sit tate. OT address Box 2611 P. 0., Philadelphta.Pa apl3-810 IVITCSIO LESSONS! MIISIQLBSSON3I 4 -'-• Young Ladies, if you 'wish tboronah instruction in music, iriectal opportunities are afforded at Asolf SEMIIIi ART. six miles west of Carlisle. Beet of board. able teachers. pleasant borne. Address C. HpIITINGTON Eli UNDER% salt im Plainfield. Comb. en . Pa. BELLE v mil FEMALE INSTITUTE . BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Thin 'methadon, beautifully andhealthfully located. in the not them limits of ATTLIWOROUGH, Backs Goan. ty. , will commence ite Spring and Slimmer Term on the lath of FIFTH MONTH next, and continue in Emden twelve week a. • The coarse of Intimation is thorough and complete in all the Elementarread higher branches et au 'ENGLISH. CLASaICAL. AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION' The French Language In taught by a native Frans), teacher. Circulars, giving full particulars, may be had on ane. Oration to the Principals, Attleb °rough P o,._Ettraks county, re. ISRAEL .1 GRAHAMS. JAMB P. GRAH A MS, EMS Sin Principals. VILLAGE GREEN' SEM.INAI3I, JAR MEDIA. PL—Pupils received at any time. Ingltsh, Mathemstios, Olanates. and Natural mange taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping. and Civil IM gineering taught. Blithe expenses about *3 per week_ Boys of all ages taken. Refers to Wm. H Kern. ex. Sheriff; John U. Capp & Ao. 23 South Third street- and Thomas J. Chtyton. Beq., Fifth and Prune streets. Address Bev. J. BASTAF BABTOM. A. AL . Wass Gatin PA eo7-if HOTELS. JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA., RORNIN m.ARFarr MUT AND HARKS! IKK/A.13 A Ant-dim holm. Tana% .2 Dar 1426402 C. H. MUM “AVENUE HOUSE,” WASHINGTON, D.C. The vmderabgned having leased the above Houle. dtnated on the corner of SEVSN L TH Street and PENN BYLVaIIIa Avenue, for a term of years, he solicits the Winer netroneee and the travelling Dahlia generally, tad will at all Masa be happy to eee Ids old Wends. WASHINGTON. D. e l rareb 3 0. T. 1864. mhiIJONIEL-603 WINES AND LIQUORS. cc HER MAJESTY" CHAMPAGNE. . THE ROYAL WINE OF ENGLAND. A Waited quantity of this superior Wine has been se cured for the undersigned. and the first shipment of 60r CUBS has arrived, by the steamship Olemints, three from the cellar, of the well-known house of MESSRS. DE VENOGE & CO., at Eperns.v. Prance. The present Invoice will be Intro. diced into this market at the very low price of • TeMirri DOLLA-1113 PER OiJillt OP QUARTS. Payable in currency, which is much below its first oat. The superior quality of this Wine is guaranteed. and it is offered with confidence of ita approval by connois seurs. Ordeals for one er more easel may be addressed, by let ter or otherwise, to the undersigned, WE[. HEN R! WARD, Wine and Fruit Dealer. No. 7 BROAD. Street, near Wall NEW TORS. IMPOBTEIIB OP 111131103 AND LIQUORS, LAUMAN 8a BALLADE, No. MS SOUTH RIMS SPERM - lotareen Oheetiret and Walnut. Philadelphia. - O. K. LAURA,. aLen-em IL BALLAD& CABBB PINET, CASTELLON, & cO2lll COGNAC BRANDY, landing from-bris from Bordcz ta hrre r bz wrom 00., apt 11 final) FNONT Street. COMI. GENUINE - EAGLE VEIN COAL_ Stinallot superior to Lehigh.. Also, Hares Me Me Vitra family RataboW Coal; Du and Stove shoe. $9 OM Large Ned, ;SAP per ton. Coal forrebed if not tall weight as per ticket. Depot. 1419 04.E.LOWHILI. Street above Broad. °See YAI. South FOURTH, be. low dhestruit Call and examine. Orders by dirpatoi promptly attended to by nol2-6m .ALLIS BIUNSOII n 0 A L.--SITGAR LOA F, BRAVED 1 .• MEADOW, and Spring Nonntain Lehigh Coal, and best Los= Nonntatm from Schoilion; prepared ex pressly for Family use. Depot , N. W. corner EIGHTH md•tf end WILLOW Ste. Olio& No. UN Booth A SECO NDIIO. St J. 1, LTO, BLACK HAWK GOLD MINING- COIVIPA./%71r. MERE—BOBTAIL, GREGORY &a.. 00., COLORADO. OAPITAT.., BOsooo SHARES $lOO EACH. TRUSTSBS. F. R. JIIDD, few York. W. L. LEE, Colorado APTH'•HY AItRODX. Weer York. GEORGE BLISS. .11.. Hew York. W. W. CHILE. New York. J. R WILLIAMS. Saw York. .1 HALL' PLItaBANTFi. Baltimore. LEONARD SWEIT. Washington. CARLOS PIERO)/ Boehm. President—F. H JUDD. Vies President—W L LEE Treasurer—WALTEß B L ANTON. Seetetery—D. LITTLEJOHN. Counsel—JOHN S. WOOD WARD. ISTLO.LEB, OFFION, No. 25 CLIFF STREET, NEW YORK. arris-lm BRIGGS GOLD CO. • MITES-BRIGGS & GREGORY LODES, GILPIN COUNTY, COLORADO. emuprivir. 10.000 SHARES—xIOO. MAIM • J. SMITH BRIGGSTRUSTEES. • ......••••Oolora4a. 030. M . PULLMAN Memo. ANTHONY ARN0UX.......-- New Yolk. 1133R3 0000 ILL. IL CORNILL WRITS ''—• .. C. O. ALGSL[Liam, Mr. Y. WM. G. ANGILL Providence. B. L Presidia., J. SMITH BRIGGS. Trimmer, WAL rER 3 LAWTON. SesmaryD. LiTTLEJOHN. Oonnow. a. 8. WOODWARD. Mining finperintendegt. CL I FF IL BMW% Willa 03c0 Al 5 CLIFF Street. New York. HOPE GOLD COMPANY.. imoris- - GOLD MT LODI; Olodu @miy. Coiorado. CAPITAL. 50.000 MUM, ii 6 amok. JONI EVAN&TRI73 Collllll3.lorado. H. JIIDD. New York H. H. COWL New York. WILLIAM MOLLS& New York. eso. W. OBA1111: Baltimore. snows nit New York, tCORNEV 2. New auk. r. C TIM New York. ARIKIL . Prorldeaee. PASSEDINT. The Naceel y lea re a ey JOHN IVAN& Ooveraor of Colorado Tenho,. ParaunkadlL • HON. S.: TO _AHNoI.D. Dr. P. H. DD._ Trourarer, WALT= B. LAWTON. Neeretary. J. P. DMUS. Natalia °Nee. No. X 5 CLINT Hired. New York. IMAM WATSON'S imaxannis Rai 16 Drum Llano variet6 o , • tail IIW 411 MM. THE PRESS. - PHILADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1864; ELECTRICITY -ITS WONDERS AS a " A THERAPEUTIC AGENT. . . . . The object of the following Advertisement la to set forth at mottling' new in the development of a nem phi losephy t some, hMg true. having for its basis immutable &Me; sometting reasonable. speaking forth the minge of nature. and something important, as it reveals the only true rationale for the physical ills of man. Nearly five years ago. Prof 0. K BOLL'S Mated, himself in the city of Philadelphia, at 1220 WALNUT Street, and announced his great discovery in the thera peutic application of Magnetism. Galvanism. and other modlliCittionS or sttotricity for the cure of the moat ob stinate, acnte, and chronic diseases. In announcing to the Wino a discovery so intimately connected with the well-being of our race, it may be deemed proper to make a few prefatory remarks to Prepare the mind of the reader for the reception of ell deices and facts too incredible for belief. Thin discovery I. the result of more than ten years' bird and ecientillo investigation. It develops not only a reliable system for the diagnosis of disease but the only efficient and reliable mane of cure. Its great enpe• 1101rilY Over all other systems for the cure of disease has been practically tested for more than ten years. and for nearly Aye yearn in. Philadelphia, where twelve thou sand invalids have been treated. angering from almost every form and condition of disease common to all sec tions of our countrY. who, after treatment by the most eminent medical men in Philadelphia. Boston,. New York, and Nor on*, bad been given up an insurable: and in Dearly every close a peace. cure had boon etteettel by Professor BOLLS& Many of the moat obstinate of the above ease, treated. ba4 been warranted by ISPBCIiII contract. and not a fail. ben Made in any warranted case. As haat& table evidence of the foregoing 'statement, Profeheor BOLLES has adduced in the following advertisement. testimonials from citizens of Philadelphia, who had suffered from a complication of diseases, for (oar, tea, and even thirty year•, and had availed themselves of the best medical akin in this and other cities, and were green OD as incurable, but afterward were fully restored to health by a few applications of Blectricliy. bush an array of evidente as will hereafter appear in this adver tisement. is not merely to show that Professor BOLLES has made an important discovery in the application of Blectrlcity as a therapeutic agent, but emphatically to Chow that nearly all diseases which have been consider. edircurable. in all past ages, and are 'to considered at the present time by the most eminent medical men. can be speedily and permanently cured by the different mo difications of Blectrwity, when applied inharmony his discovery of the action. of Eittitgleity through the cerebro•spinal axis. Professor B. has cured, is curing, and further pledges himself to core a cerl ate class of disease., acknowledged to be incnrab7o by any Known process of medication. dinettes that never have, nor never can be controlled, only by his mode of applying the various modifications of Electricity- • He is often asked for what diseases is Blectrioity best adapted? In reply he would say, for all diseases to which flesh is heir—acute or chronic. inflammatory or Paralytic. In ell cease where medicine is beneficial and in all cases beyond the Mance and control of medi elms. Elsoiricity has the power of arousing, the vital force by changing He 'mittens% thereby regulating se cretion, excretion, digestion, and circulation, and bring ing the system back toe condition of harmony and health. Thousands of the most reliable individuals in this city who have hem, treated by Professor 1220 Walnut street. can and will vouch for the above statement of facts In their own astonishingoares. He verily believes that be has core. more obstinate diseases during the five Imam or nearly, (.4 his practice in the city of reiladei phis, than all the medical men that have ever practiced . In this city, either allopathiratilY, horeceopathisally, or by an. other pethy. This assertion may look like boast • ing. but it is true, every word of it; for who ever heard of such astonishing cu. es? ne if by magic. obstinate dis eases, which have for many veers resisted all other treatment, are often cared in twenty minutes, and often in less time- and in ell cases a w.rrantee is even when the patient tit sires it. Who shall properly estimate the incalculable blessing thus so speedily conferred on But fering humanity, When, instead of bang drugged for months, and thrown on bees of /anguishing. is restored by Profe.sor BOLLeB' treatment In many cases almost instantaneously? In conclusion, we would say, for the snowaragonent. of the dyspeptic neuralgia. COn armpit's, rheumatic, paralytic , , epi.eptic, and, in tine al. those on whom medical treatment ever did and ever Will prove a total failure, that there is still hope In your care, and a fair chance for your recovery at 1220 WALL BUT ntreet. 00111 1 .1.151ENTARY RESOLUTIONS. —non IiEDtOAL MEN ADD OTHERS.— it the close of a aouree of Lectures.... _delivered to us. members of one of the many Climes of I - Professor C. 11. °CELE% who has been developing his discovery for nearly four years, at IIEO Walnut street.-in the city of Phioldelphia, in the application of Galvanism, klagnettem, and other modifications of Electricity, the folioning resolutions were unanimously paseed ; Resolved. That as we have been eye witareeee for many weeks in the Institution of Prof Bolles, and have good reason to believe that be has discovered new prin ciples in the apptication of the different modific bons of Eitctricity to the various diseased conditions bf the hu- Men 'system; and that, in the treatment of different diseases, we have been convinced that, in his hand, as also hie students. the application: of Electricity is a relia ble thsrapentie: and that he has taught us a new, ra tional, and acieniific Philosophy. and we believe the mils reliable theor of disease and mode of sure. Resolved. That early nr demonstratede pailosoohy vented, and so cle in the Coarse of Lectures, is entirely new and original with Professor Bolles. and not known to the Medical Profession, and that the great anomie which has attended his practice in this city is alone the result of his scientific discovery of Electrical laws hitherto anknown to man, and that the many failures of other men in this city, using thia mighty agent. is owing to their ignorance of the true principles of Electricity Resolved. That we. in duty to suffering humanity, and for the great progress of the human race in approxi y i t l - melts g to a condition of health and happiness, commend the Professor and his theory and practice to the public. ens bid himlllod-speed, as we believe his great mission is one of benevolence and mercy. and calculated to bene fit humanity in the only selentine and reliable way to a final restoration of health and physical happiness. Resolved, instructionnder to Prof. Bolles thanks for his lucid and End attention tons, indi vidually and en a class: that be has redeemed every pledge or assurance beat wishesm, and that in part nig from him he has onr for his happiness and prosperity, and we heartily commend him to all scien tificinintiinvestigators. and also to the diseased of body and Also, Resolved. That the piroaeedingis of this meeting be slat ed by each member of the class, and published in the city papers By order of the Class. N. GALLOWAY, D Chairman. W. B.Brown. iTh.arate ellsn. three doors N. A. Reel. M. D. east of Fortieth street. 3. C. Reed, M. D. S. W. Bechirith, No 9 Wood- It T. Elliot B. D. land Terrace, Frederick Wwk, Allegheny Z. H. Nash, 313 North Sixth _ _street North liar- I M S Tattle. m. D. shall street, Phila. .7. H. Bartholomew , Alle. W. H M. D. gheny 'louse, Phila. Philadelphia, Alas 4th. 1883. ASTONISHING RESULTS. The following report is not the restat of hearsay. or far-off sorties& es or reports of men of d otbsfal veracity, but from reliable business and professional men in oar very midst, whose report war arrived at after weeks of careful Investigation at 1220 Walnut street. where Prot BO.LLES has been testing his discovery in the applied. tion of Elestricity, for the speedy and permanent cute of acute and chronic diseases, for nearly ten years, in which time he has treated more than seven thousand. In valids with success. FROM A. FEW RELIABLE MEN beenILAEL PHU. —We, the undersigned, having treated for obstinate dieeares by Professor Bolles, at 1220 Walnut street, Philadelphia, which had resisted for a long time the treatment of the moat eminent medical men In this y; and also having witnessed the resalts of his treat ment on a g eat number or our acquaintances and friends. for acute and chronic diseases, do - therefore take great pleasure in recommending 10 the public him important sit covery. Be has been tended over four years at 1220 Walnut street, testing his treatment on many thorutands of our most reliable citizens by his new discovery of applying Galvanism. Magnetism, and other modifications of Elec tricity. and basing watched hie enacese in the speed , ' and permanent cures of hundreds of our friend,, as well as ourselves, and especially that class of diseases' never benefited by medicine.; therefore, Resolved, That we, the undersigned, regard the great success we have witnessed for months lathe treatment of consumption. Rheumatism, Paralysis, Insanity, Dia betes. Bronchitis. all Nervous Dls-ases, Catarrh, Aman- Aphonia. Asthma, Agne Chills. Contraction of Limbs, St. Vitus' Dance Coldness of Feet. Hands, or Bead; Deafness, Dyspepsia, all forms; Eptepsv, Hamar rhage. White Swelling , Menial Depression , Neuralgia 'Withered Limbs. Convulsions. Palpitation of the Reari. and Lockjaw. as indubitable evidencee of erofessot scientific application of Electricity for the speedy cure of all en; able diseases. Z. A. Staele. M D.. Germ s Tw street: Wm. H. Shriver. Haines street, ntown; L. C. stoat. ten. 2 6 Market street, Philadelphia; Sohn McCormick, 1220 Ridge avenue: Thomas Allen, Fortieth ant Chest nut. West Philadelphia; Charles H Grigg, Nos. 219 and 221 Church alley Emanuel Rey. 707 Ransom street, At torney•st- Law; Isaac D. Gayer, 2 Woodland Terrace,. IL N. Nash. 214 Ra. str e et;h atreet EL Craig, 1725 Arch street. 19.9 Bi nd Robert D. we in, 51 North "1 bird street: A. G. Oro% northeast corner Tenth and Mark et streets. FL B.- Professor Bollee takes pleasure in referring the sick to the above names. and the following, whose cer tificates have been or will be given in full for the good of humanity : Judah Levr. Bronchial Consumption. 814 South Front etreet Reward T. Evans. preacher of the M Churcn, Dysne_tola of long standing. Laryngitis, and Lumbago. lea Helmuth street William H. Shaine. Paralysis of lower limbs. Paraplegy . and Epilepsy. publisher of the National Merchant. 16 iloutn Second street Thomas Owens. Congestion of the Brain, and severe Hemorrhage of tha lam is and Diabetes. American Hotel, Philadel phia.. James Nugent, Deafness for six years, and ring ing and roaring in the head, Fifteenth and Bedford eta. William Heim. General Debility. 401 Spruce street. Thomas Garrey, severe Diabetes, Hese Mills. Wert Phi ladelr hist George Grant, Rhettinatio Gout. long stand ing. 610 chestnut 'street. EL T. 'DeSilver, Chronic Neu ralgia and inflammatory Rheumatism. 1736 Chestnut street. O. H Carmick Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflam mation of the Kidneys., Chestnut and Fortieth streets. George W. Free*. Epilepsy. 1492 North Thirteenth street. Anthony Carboy. Consumption. 1217 Market street. Ed ward McMahon, Consumption, 1227 Froat street. Chas. B. Grigg, Dyspepsia and Constipatio Tenth and Arch street., J. Rickel. Chronic Bronc hitis, Constipation, and Congestion of the Drain: 619 Callowhill street. Rev. J. Mallory, Apbonia, Philadelphia. Owing to the anxiety manifested by medical men and ethers, to learn the theory and practice of...Medioal Electricity. Professor C. H. BOLLES has consented to give another course of loam& and fall inane. tion for applying Galvanism. Magnetism, and other modifications of Electricity, as a reliable therapeutic agent for the cure of Acute and Chronic diseases. • - Thecourse of Lectures will commence MAY 17th.1884, at the institution. 1 AInWALNUT Street. Phaadel r. , - bbia. . anls-Imes 61,* RIXOTRIOITY.-- WHAT. IS LIFE -.-• WITHOUT HEALTH t—lfesers. GRIM a ALLEN. Medial liestristans. having dissolved_partaership. the Prattles will be_ *outlawed by TEIOS. .1.1111. at the old established Mee, NO. TB NorthMl Street. between Deities and Brown, whets he will treat and ease all curable diseases (whether Amite. . Ws. ovary orParalytie, without a shook or anylisin.) with the ea.. Slone 'mediations of Ilestrialty and GalysullM.. Thim treatment has been found remarkably imagoes= in all same of Dronehltia, Diethests. and other diseases of the throat and rasyiratory imams. Gonsumption, arm and se- Ink:masa and Gatarrh_ eond stages. General Debility. Pe= ' Diseases of the Liver or N Kidn. Fever and Agne Diabete eys s. Convesttoi. Prolawmt Uteri Walling of deem. the o PY setwela. ProlaminW mh).e Ant (or Piles / M.blellOMLlll4 Nocturnal Itudesions. dm Bronaldtis. Deane's. No odium for consultation. Moe hours 9A. IN to II P. H. Testimonials to be seen at olive den Om TABBAN ra ISPVI • BELTEER IH A PERIENT, - Tor TIMMY YEARS has received the Favorable It a commendation of the PUBLIC. and been MHO and Fn. 8031127.DA1is Inan PHISHHANS IX THE LAND Ai Tern . BEET 11.1111 EDI =OWN cn sick He o adsets,. Persons Headache. isoebe Bow Mamma., Cestiveness. Lou ifffettianout, fiffietion. Torpidity of the 'Lbw aravel. Rheumatic ffections. Piles. Mimi bum Sea thohnem. Mona Attacks. Fevers. to-, duo. Yee Teatimes% Re.. lee PamphlS with ea& Bottle. Ifflukuhistared only by_ TARRANT & ,178 GRIMM/ICH Street. Dew Tort 501..1v TOR WWI BY ALL DRUGGISTS. AThiBLLE'S OOMPOUND SYRUP OP mcur le eueeeretal as a reareds. 1 6. 01 3 ,14 the s wbi me It pronoun,* It the beet COUGH SYRUP, the beet Blood Purifier, the meet efficient Invicorabir, and the best eore for genitals eller offered to the mobile Sold bY the Prolnilitor• t. matrika.x. IMO MAIT etrillti mhumint And BKI all Bruerdete. TAYLOR'S ARNICA OW OR EMBRO 'DATION neva Llls to rare Ithommattna. Sprains. Frosted Filet. Chsvp•d Elands , sid all 11 &tosses Price Mr. and Whobsodo and Eaten by R. 1 1 0 A1FLOTL DranlatMlirrilsod OILLOWITILL. 1104* DOCTOR A H. STEVENS IS CURING 81101mm:de Direasee, both of- LADI18• sad OEN TLIIIIII2, bs a new method la the ace ofELBOTRIOITY. without shocks or pals. Board for a limited number of Patients frm ati.611111117 be had at reasonable rates in tl Doctor ' s family. A araphiet of alitsen pages. Gan tt:lrking certilicsdes sad other information. seat gratis to 011 orders sesomparded with a stamp. Office and "el' d COG), at 1441 BOUTS piIIaN SQUABS, being central d accerol "le by s•reet•eare from every railroad depot in the atty. PHILADELPHIA, dpril, 2884. PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS. with fall descriptions Of Cl/ Imam- _ens DAY and SIM/DM, . J mia9-witmask it% Ili 4470211 Wok MEDICAL. TO THE DtEd.l3llD PROPOSALS, ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE PROPOSALS will be e t oG.AMiL PHI At. A sp r °M O e M unt il SATIJKDAY. 23d inst.. at 12 M., for the aelivezr. in this city, of -200 Mx mule Army _Wagons, complete. GOO sets sir-male Harness. One-half in the above to be completed and ready for de• liver? on or before the Ilith of Ma, balsams on or before 10th June next. The right le removed to reject all bids deemed too high. and no bid from a as/milting eonusetor will be received, By °rear Col G. R. CaOlthbilf. lailot it K. GensreL aplB-65 A. BOYD. Capt. and A. Q. K. A SSISTANT QUARTERMASTER Ars- 6ENBBA.L'B OFFICA. - Primaosarzre. Aoril 18. 16611 CAVALRY 170P.Eig9 wanted immelibitely. One hun dred end forty-flue doliars oar head will be maid tor Ca valry Horses delivered at the Wllliam Penn Hotel in tale city. Horses to be coned In all particulars not lase than five. nor more than nine years old: from 101 to 16 hands WO. 11111-fleohrd. compactly built,. bridle Wise. and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. An officer mill be in attendance to inspeet ant pay for the horses as delivered. Q. 01‘0811.0i . spill tf Asa Q. M. general 11 11. I,OOOARTILL lIIRY HORSES WANTED AT ONO& CHIRP QUARTBRMABTIIIO3 OFF/4111. USPOT OF Wasmaprou. MASHIBUTON, D. 0., april nth, 186 t. 1,000 HORSE& anitabxe fur artillery aerviei?.. Win bo purchased at thin depot by,. the undersigned open market. from date until MAY Ilth. IBM in lots oft to 60, at one bundred anti seventy dollar. (0170) per aniatal., each animal to be ent , jected to the tonal Government in spection before being accepted. Monte to be delivered to and inspected br Capt. C. H. Tomt ins. A. g_ it 0. 8 B_, corner of TrogiPoostood. and 0 streets . Washington, D. H Brig. Gen and Chief Haartermaster, 002-241 Depot of. Washington. D. 0. 3000 HORSES WANTED. 2 WAR GIIPARTREAT. CAVALRY timulau. OFFICE OF GRIEF QUARTERMAHTE__E L. WASHINGTON. 0. o.. Kama 8 105 L One hundred and nfty 011601 dollaruer head will be mad for all CAVALRY H 0.11.8103 delivered within the beat thirty (80) days at the Govern meat Stables at Giesbere, D. C. Said bersee to be sound in ell particulars. not less then five (5) nor more than nine (9) yearn old; from 1.4% to le bands high. full fleshed. compactly built, bridle wine. and of size snfficient for cavalry PliMOlste. Tkeee apeetteatione will be strly adhered to and figielk enforced in every particular Payment made on delivery of Gan (TM and over. Hours of inspection from s A. 11. to e P. K. JAMBS A. SKIN. Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster. mh24-306 (Tawdry Bureau. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. °Felon OF WIN Col.l7feRIA. AID PORT DB. POSIT RAILROAD COMPANY, cowsuns., Pa. , Aprit 6, 1864. Sealed Proposals fc , r the Graduation and linsonry of that porthin of the COW:Mei!. AND PO dT DEPOSIT itamßoAD. between Colombia and the Lead of the Old Maryland Canal, a Melange of twenti. nine miles fin o sections of one mile ). wilt be reoeiv. at the Offila, In FROAT Street, below Lomat. until noon of the Alt in stant. Plans and Profiles of the work will there be ex hibitedlor one week previous to that d•te C. KAUFFMAN, President. .1. A. SMIAPP. Chief lolizieeer. api) tardS O FFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY OP SUBSISTBDOR. WASHING/TON. D. C. April 16. 1884. - PROPOSALS FOR FLOnft SHAVED PROPOSALS are invited until the 26th inst., at 12 o'clock M., for tarnishing the Subsistence Depart men! tvi,h EIGHT THOUSAND (8.000) BARIUM Or FLOUR, The propesale wilt be Mr what is known at Mtn depot as Nos. L 2. and S. and bids will be entertained fur enar quant' ty less than the whole Blue must be In duplicate, and for each grade on sepa rate sheets of paper. The Flour tr be freeh around, and delivered in new oek barrels. head lined The delivery of the Flour to commence within Ave days Iron) the opening of the bids. and in such quanti ties daily as the Government may direct; delivered at the Government warehouse in Georgetown, at the le hares', or railroad depot in Washington, D. a. The delivery or all Flour awarded to be completed Within twenty dm, s from the opening of the bids. Pa) meat will be made in cart floats* of indebtedness, Or such other kWh% as the Government may have for disbursement. . • . The unite! Government inspection will be wade just before the Flour is receiv.d. and none be accepted which is rot fresh ground. An oath of allegiance moat accompany the ma of each bidder who has not the oath on Ale in this office, and no bid will be entertained front parties who have vrevlona ly failed to comply with their bids, or from bidders not present to rei•rond. Government reserves the right to reject any - bid for any co nee. Bide to be addressed to the undersiothed- at 80. A. 83 G West endorsed "Proposals for Flonr." aplerfl a. C. ORME, Captain and 1. 8. Y. ASSISTANT QUARTE BMASTER o.llNirn r,v, appicE . PrirLdnaLPHTA. ADM 1884. PHOPOSALS will be received a r t this office Until SA. TUBB AY. 23d instant, at noon. for the Conetroct'on of a Well or Wells, having a continuous flow of whole • some water, sufficient to supply the McClellan 17. S. A. Hospital with MOW galena per day. ' 1 The contractors will be required to furnish and set av, complete not lees than two (S) Pumps of the Woodward or Worthington pattern with all the pipes, Min/cooks, and connections remind properly to discharge the water through the tanks and pipes now in use through• out this Hospital. The whole apparatus. when completed,must be work ed from the present steam boilers • an Th valv n s ac ln r l u oh n v e h he r u - e p o ro f n aplelthteh p in p e r s o , p ecrotcyk os,f the Hospital. which s hall be thrown out of use by -the proposea new arrangement. Before the award of theft:intent a bond, with satis factory security, will be required, guaranteeing a con stant supply of not less than one hundred thousand (100,' MO/ gallons of water, as specified, during all Plans or the Hompital can be seen, and information received, at the office of J. AferatTinfli, Jr.. Architect, 2110 South SIXTH Street. By order of Colonel 0. H. Croeman. Assistant Quarter master General A. BOYD. stile 7t CaPtain. and A. Q. if. RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE 4 -s- OFFICE, CINCINNATI, Ohio. April 6, 1854. PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned until WSW) EaDAT. April 29th, 181, at 2 o'clock P. M., for tarnishing this Department (by contract) with: Blank ei• - woolen Army standard. Camp Kettles, do. Color Belts, do. '- Drams--camPlets. dos Felling Axes (first quality only, and to wallah from 434 to 53 Pounds). No. Felling axe Hanales, do. Guidons (Cavalyr), do. Kersey. Sky Blue. do. Pick Axes, do. Pick. axe Handles, - do Spades, do. bhelter Tents, do. Samples of which may be seen at the Oilice of Clothing and Equipage in this city. To be delivered free of charge. at the U. S. InspeatiOn Warehouse. in tills city, in good new packages with. the na goods he party furnishing. the article nd 'quan tity ofdistinctly marked on each and pack age. Parties offering goods must in all eases furnish sam ples, marked and numbered to correspond with their Proposal. and distinctly state in their bids the quantity ofoodsg they propose to furnish , the price, and the time Of delvery. A guarantee, signed. by two responsible person, must accompany each id, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his proposal. Bids will be opened on WEDNEEDA.Y. April 20th, DAL at 2 o'clock P. M., at this and bidders are re quested to be present. Awards will be made on TWORSDAT. April 21st. Bonds will be required that the contracts will be faith hilly fulfilled. Telegrams relatincto Proposals will not be noticed. Blank Forms of Proposals may be obtained at this office, The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order at Col Thomas Swords, A. Q. M. Gt. w. nfOritTON, Captain and A. Q. K A 88JSTANT QUARTERMASTER GE. ."-‘• /URAL'S 0111011, PHILADELPHIA, April 7,180 ,1 1. ISHAVED PROPOSALS will be rootived at thin Wiles until WIDNB) , DAY. the 2011 f inst. , at 12 o'clock M.. for the supply and delivery of all the Coal and Wood re quiredibr the use of the various Hospitals, Codices. Store houses, and Public Buildings in and around Phila delphia, from the let (IMAM next until the 30th APRIL, 1800, inclusive. Deliveries are to be medh a! nch times and in mush quantifies as required. and to inclnae Germantown. West Philadelphia, Hicelown, Fort Summit House, and Chester. Pa. Coat to be of best 4 /natty—anthracite. stove. egg, or broken—u may be desired. subject to inspection. and to weigh 2240 lbs. to the ton, tree from dirt. Wood to be of best quality, oak or pine, as required. ' • The right is reserved to) eject all bide deemed too high. and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. BY order. Colonel G. H CROaMAIL Assistant Quartermaster General, A. D. Y BO tapRA Captain and A. Q ,II„ S.A. pIitOPOSALS FOR FORAGE. ONEIP alvairrnanswrgsW Oman, Wnsurrarron Dams., De/ember 8, ma. hiLLINID PROPOSALS are Invited hy the andendaned tor. supplying Mee 11. S. Quartermaster's Department, at Washington D. 0.. Ds.ltintors, AI an d Tort Monroe, la.. or either of these Pialiet, wi th RAY. Ann, °ate, AA Straw. bide will be reselyed for the deliverr of 1.000 buskusig of sore or Oda. and 60 tone of hey or drew, and trw wards. Eidders mud state - at whisker the &boys-named points they merl make deliveries, and the rates at which they will make deliver* thereat. the quantity ei sash article Proposed to be denYenK, the thus when said do liveries shall be commenced. - end when to be oomplated. The price must be written out in words on the bids. Corn Mb* put up in Load, stout masks. of about two baobab. sash. to like seeks , of about thmebnaheis sash: The mom so be tarnished without extra sheave to the 00•0711MINIL Thil hay and straw to be essuretif baled. • The particular kind or description of oohs. soya. hay. or draw. proposed to be dellvarsd , rand be otated in the ths Ratifies °tared under the bids herein Invited will be subject too riled inspestion by the Government Inspector before being asseented. Contrasts will be awarded from WM* to time to the lowest responsible bidder. as the Interest of the Govern ment may require, and raiment will be made when the whole amount contrasted (or shall have been delivered and tempted. The bidder will be required to aeonsimar his Propo sal with a guarantee, signed by two rerponmbio Persons. that it: ease his bid is assented he or they Will, within ten days thereafter, execute the sontram tor the saws, with good and nallielent sureties. in sum" equal to tn. mount of the contrast, to deliver the forage proposed in conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and In sass the said bidder should fail to enter intothe 'antra* they to makenood the differeme between Medlar of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the 'arson to whom the smutted 111117 be awarded. -1 th i es e i z :l2 ° Z l . l :llll. ° Vi i : ren=1:4•41 4 070 _tor of Onstoms , or any other other ander the NW &atm Ocorernment, or responsible Parson known to this AD bidders will be drily =tiled of the asesptance or rekotion of their itrefosele. TAO fall name and poet ones address of sash bidder smut be legibly written in the propoeaL Propoeala mast be addreseed to Brigadier General B. H. Bucker. Chief Depbt Quartermaster W n,_lo CR.,-1111* should be plainly marked. " • for ri ritd* mat equal to the amount of the minting. signed b eontractor and bo b i dder nnerantore. Will b e Tog of the snesessfelor bidders aeon unbar the contrast Blank orins of bide, Muranteek and bonds may by obtained upon ennlicamon at this °Bee. FUBSI 07PROPODA.T. (Town. County. aria Sisk • I. therubseriber, do hereby propose to tarnish and de. liver to the United States. at the Riuntsramater's De nutmeat at. agreeably to the terms of _your advertisement. • inviting propmels for forage. dated Washington DUO, Desember). lISL the following aril. elm via: bashate of Corn, in seeks. at per Milked of II Pounds. bushels of Otte. in *km at Nudist of U • Pds. SONS of oun baled Hay, at —peplos ofVlOO Pounds. tons of baled Strew. at -- per ton of 2.009 pounds. Deli ell _lO 1101onlenall On Of before the day of . AM • and to be completed on Or before the day of —, and Madge mysrdf to enter Into a written eontrest with the United mates. with good aid Jimmied seiturities, within the rime of tan days after biru You r oeelbedient that an my bid been assented. • sery Mace Dermal D. 11.. Funase. Chief Beset 428 V ill nadj kai r4 i . D. Q. OtfAJLIUMIL We. the naderaigited, rpridente of it the eonaty of ----. and / fate of hereby. 'mutts and severally. covenant with the United States. and guarantee, in emis the forego bid of --- be sesereed. that he or they will; *Ala tea days after the sessatanse of said bid, execute the 'entrees for the same With toed_ end saglcient sureties. In skean ea* to the amount of the (entrain, to famish th• forage _Proposed In sonfonniti e. to the terms of advertisement dated De *ember 8. under which the bid wee made. and. la mise shall fail to enter into eon nsm as aforesaid . we fraarentectio =lke growl the Mad* be tween the am by the said and the nett row* rerpo r be aw nsible bidder. or the person to whoa the *wog Buarded. win* a Glom under our heads and scale this—L— doy of i soropy sonny mi d to m• beet of ay lotottiodg alii belief. tos asooo-zsaanuttoro azyugood out ram (teat as sureties for theatiosat for WIWI. they elks to let mecuity. or l ltenTh at r a4l l 7 o 111. "I" 944" th e pl e 4l" 10 4 214 r o iletatal a l t.artnat or 4madtple rano known , hit to*oesto tweetvei wets! Dit i advatiatia id e be wean sad esoodoed at sate e pa W Saturday of 'slab week, •t 1! X. awe era - 14taltei to be Memo at the oyealoyfa r Sof 0 ' holl-W, Ihinfeklet lieDetol owl Chumetanasator. DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN. WIT for be last twenty years. SII9 'TINS lit. below ThirAiasorts the most beautiful TUTU of the age. =owns's! oa tee Gehl, Platten, snow. Vatic . = Cowan*. Luber. ac , atz e irr. for Rost And /E._ Womb. more reasonable any Doatlat In tem MVOs Mate. Tee= to Mot lor lib. Artlllolal Teeth repaired to e 10 pala la norkellas. Ali work oram /*ISA MISS/BUM PASHA pROPOPALS WILL • BE RECEIVED at the TRILISORY DEPARTMENT. OEce of the Suporvishag Architect. Wee Gibe/TOE, D. 0., until 12 M of the 14th day of Kay. GEC for all the fire and berg lar-proof fieFES and VaDLTS required by the Dresser? Dopersmeet prior to May I. 1655. Pleas and spialflratiOnil Mtn be obtailed by laPPlisation to this office personally or by letter. Bids to be per. superficial fool. including door had all necessary fixtures, measured.on the outside; the prise marred te cover all charges whatever. except the freight and the actual travelling expenses of workmen to the place Where the Vaults are to be erected. Owen to be delivered at the Railroad Depot Or Steam boat Wharf, for treninioriatiOn. in good order and sea &Dion. without charge. Locks for the Vaults or Safes will be furnished by the Departments but must be property put 'on by the con tractor without charge. gas bids meat be accompanied by the bond of two re sponsible Men' in the sum of dye thousand dollars that the bidder will accept and perfo m the contract. if awarded to him: the anfiltdency of the sevority to be certified to ,by the Collector of Internal Revenue of the District. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all the bide if it be considered its Interest to do eo, and no bid will be considered that does not conform to the re quirements of this sdvertisenteat Bids to be enclosed in a whaled envelope. endorsed "Proposals for Safes and Vaults IS &lan ROGER'S. reb9o- wadi Supervising architect. CIFFWE OF SUBSISTEN ids Ire. Four DaLAWens. Delaware. April 7, wet SEALED PROPOMALS. In dffilllollo. Will be received at this odica anti) 12 &eon. noon. on MONDAY. April 28th. ifire (at which time they will be opened). for fur. niebine the most with Fresh amt, to be delivered at the @sperms of the contractor. ig each quautitiel an may from time to time be required, and on such days as the commending (Soar may designate. The beef Who of good malty of cattle weighing not lam than (201) Mc buttered Pounds dresewl. nee planks, and kidney tallow excluded. The betf of all Bulls. tibias, Olen Co we, and Heifers will be rejected. The necks of the Cattle slaughtered fir beef to be deti vered than be out off at the fourth vertebral joint, and tLe brPabt trimmed down. The .banks of the forequar ters to be cut off our inches above the kr eejoint. and of the hindquarter's eight lychee above the gambrel or boor joint. 'the beef to be tarnished in equal propor tions ot fore and hind quarters. The. Government will claim the right to reject the whole or an/ part of the beet furnished which may be of a Vol l i t Atilo a k=enTart r a t rin t 4 l . f 47k a t a lfin a vrttiten guaranty of two tespon.ible persons. as follow,: We, —, or the county of State of do hereby guarantee that is (or are) able to fulfil a contract in accordance with the terms of his (or their) proposi tion, and should hie for their) tomanitilon be accepted, be (or they) will at once enter into a contract in accord ance therewith, and we are timbered to become Ms wen rives, giving good and satUcien bonds for ita faitlimeat. The reopen tfollity of the /guarantors mrpt be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dirtri o t Court. or of the United etates District Attorney, to be en elosedwith the bid. The. Gotarittaeet remerves to their .the right to reject say or all bid* considered enreaeonable. PHlMent* to be made at the expiration of each month In *rich tends as mfty boon handl if hone On hand. to be mode so coon as received, Proposals mot be distinctly oa:weed `•Proposale for Fresh Beef. " and ~ d drefeed to Captain Gilbert 8. Clark, C H IT a , Fort Delaware, Del. IT a bid is to the came of a, firm, their names and their post. race address moat appear, or they will not be eon altered. Each pareon or member of a arm offartag a arapoeal Mast accompany it by an oath of We ace to the Trotted Staten CioVerelnellt. If be Lae not a lready Mee one in this office. All bids noteomplyincstrietly with the terms of this advertisement will be Tweeted. . ap 1-mwrit DISSOLUTION OF PARTN ER SH IP. Botice is betwe e n ven s ubscribers. artnership here- Wore existing the under the Inn of Latltale, BALLADS, & CO., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent GYR7II LLITEAN AN DEB ,Af SALL ADE J. PHILADELPHIA, April 12, it. BIT LUG. 1804,. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS agatnat the firm el SdLLADE, CO.. Will' present the same to LaDISAIf & sata.ang. in whose names the bulneee Will be eondneted to Altera. Amen, 12, 3814 . LIITEAN & SALLADS. • apl342t DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. -e-"" REAM W ICANAOk hemlait Mireheeild the in of TREVOB 7. FOWLER, and TIIPLOW JACE BOta, ha the business heretofore carried on in the Girard Botuse, ander the idyl. of KANAOA. FO WORT/ # CO., the partnership is smelts declared to be dissolved. All parties incebted to the said arm are requested to make settlement with. Henry W. Hansen. 1E(B*131 , W. Kai &Gk. TRRIMIR T. FOWLIIR, TUTLOW J4.OlEBOlf. PHILADELPHIA. April 4. len_ NOTIOE.--CHABLES C. KN IGHT IS admitted town Interest to our business from this date. 0, D. DORSI ail $ • Iron awl-13feet merchants. W. L corner SECOND and yam Streets. and diet and 4* Aorgh SRONT &red, PHILADELPHIA. April I. Mi. aial-lae T EE UNDERsIGNED HAVE THIS DAY entered into copartnership and having par chased the interest of PITHS T. WEIGH & CO.. will eon thine the Wholesale Drug business. ender the Emilie of STRETCH. BEENATT Otr.. at the ind stand. No. 609 MARKET Street • AARON STRETCH. JOSEPH 8. El ANN lITT. PHILADELPHIA, Aroll 1. MK im TN 'I HE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -AL CITY AND 9937_11gY OF PHILADELPHIA.. _ State of SAKES & WO - 011 - WAHD. 11eceiled The Auditor appointed by. the Court to andit.settleAnd aSjost the account of ANTHONY W. WOOD WARD, JOSEPH A. WoODWAND. and IsRAY.I. E. JOHNSON. Executors of James It Woodward. dec.ased, arid to make distribution of the balance in the hanas of the accountants, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment. foe TIIEsD '6. 1864.'at 4 o'cicsarP. M., at his office, 131 • South MTH btrest. in the city of Philadelphia apla Wm& GEORGE M. CON/LEBO& Auditor, TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR -L. THE CITY AND. COUNTY OF PRILADRLPHIA. Estate of MRS. MARGARET WOOD. deceased... The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle. and • a djost the account of L AIRRTIA. D. WOOD, JOHN 1108 h, and WILLIAM erottitELL. Executors of the lair]. of. Mrs. Margaret Wood. deemed, and to matte distribulion of the balance in, the nude of the account ant, wil! meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment. on MONDAY. April 25th, Mi. at 4 o'clock P. M. at No. 1148 South SIXTH Street. in the city or Philadelphia. Arli-urftebt S. E. WALLACE. Auditor. IN' THE AND OOURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY ON PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM PINOHIe. &ceased. • The Auditor appointed ti the Court audit settle, and adjtust the account of ILIA tlif J Cd11,73$ Exe cutor of the will of WILLIAM PINOHIN. deesaced, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties interested for the put poem) of his appointment, on ?PASOAN. aril 28th. 1664. at 4 o'clock P ffi ,as No. IHS South SIMI% Street. in the city of Philadelphia. apiS•tvfniSt H MILER. Tr.. Auditor. THE ORPHANS' COURT FOB THE TN -a- CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADSLPHIA. Erefit deceased The uditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle, and adjust the account of the Pennsylvan ta Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities. trustees under the win of Katy resent, deceased, and to report distribution of the baler ee in the hands of the Kneen , t aut, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY. April 26.1864. at 4yi'clock P. M , at Me office, 8. B. corner B.R.TH and WALNUT Streets. in the city of Philadelphia. spirt- fmwht D. W. O'BRIEN, Auditor. ESTATE OF BOBEBT DENNIS, deceassd —Letters of Administration on said Estate keying beer duly granted to BBBEcCa DBNNIS. of the oily of Philadelphia, all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and all persons having claims against the same will present them, without delay, to NEBBOan DENNIS, Admiatetratrix, apla•St* 1734 WILEY Street NOTIOE.—LETTERS TESTAMENTA RY to the Estate of MARGARET EMS 04.decessed. haying been eras ted to the undersigned. all persons In debted to the Estate are molested to male payment, aed those haying claims will present them to JACOB P /ONES, Ext., roble-wet* No. 1608 matKEr Street. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR D. S. • N. CUM TBSTATITENTO ASIONEXCI.— Letters on the Relate of GROBBE CLAY. late of the city of Philadel phia. deceased, haeln i t . been granted t+ the enbeeriber oy the ltegieter of W sof the sits of Philadelphia. all Persons indebted to mid Estate are rave gad to make Payment, and those haying claims or demands against the same to present them without delay to Montgomery LEAP. POTTSTOWN, Co. Pit Or to his attorney, ellaltidle LB*, mhift wet* 81 North SIXTH Street.Philads. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF CHEST= C OUNTY . RULE UPON HEIRS. ONESTEII COUNTY iStS. ; A Bole is granted by said Court upon ROBERT' ALISoIg, of Frederick county, Nary. Is P AL. 'R }land ; GEORGE ALISON. of Bucks county, Pa.; JOSEPEI PABESLL, and. RACHEL. his wife, of philadelphia, and upon all the noire and legal repretentatives. and all Persons. interested in the Estate of SUBSET ADM IN. late of tfachian township, said t ene t, deceased. nearing thentto be. and appear, at an Orphan,' Court to be held at WEST unto's% on MONDAY. the 25th. day of April next, then and there to acwpt or refuse said Estate at the valuation thereof; or to show cause why the same should not be sold accord- Jug to law. BY the Court. THOMAS H. WINDLII, Clerk. NEES WELL Shalt SHERITT'S 0711C1 , WHAT OHASTAIL, ADM?. A. D.. 1864. ape sea NOTICE.—YSTATE OF NANCY ,A -N SIMMONS. late of West Nottingham township, 'chem., county, deceased. To .10/11,1 SIMMONS. who volunteered in the service of the United States. and has not been heard from since tie first day of May. A. D.. 18d3. and 1.4 believed to be dead, a son of seta deee fent ELIZA. SIMMO SS. widow of JAMES T. gialefOlSS, who died in Ohio about live years ago • and to NARY J. and ANNA V. daughters of the said s JAELES T. and ELIZA. which said. widow and two daughter* have since removed. as the petitioner has been informed. to the unk n own irginia. and whose resldeness are therefore to him. which said JAMES T. SIONS was a eon of said de cedent ; the said Parties being, with others. heirs and legal npresentatives of the acid NANCY SIMMONS. de ceased. and to all others interested in the estate of said decedent, TARE NOTICE. That an Inquest will M. held and taken on WEDNES DAY. the 20th day of April, A. D. 1004. at 11 o'cilNlk A. M., at the premises late of said NANCY SIMMONtI, dimmed, situate in the township of West Nottingham. Chester ;Meaty, being a messuage and tract of land bounded by lands of Sarah Mullen Josiah P. Lee and others. containing TeIsTY ACRES 00 A I more or lass with the appurtenances. for the purposes of making par tition of the said Neal Estee toand among the heirs and legal representatives of said decedent. if the same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole. other- wise to value and appraise the same according to law, at wriloh time and place yen are hereby Iv:Aided to attend If lOU think WOWS. RBIS WALSH. Sheriff. Enznisn's Orr ca. Was? Canavan. Pa . April R, 1861. apt- wSt IN - THE ORPHANS' 00CRT OF DE LAWARE Otel In the matsir of the partition of the Reel Ratate of WILLAM SIDDOMS. late of the Borough of Ches_ter. in the County of Delaware aforesaid, deceased. =quad awarded February Term. 1864 NOTION. IS BERABY GIVEN W illia me Ball, Annie Londerbeck, George Dickerson,iddone.George Bidden Joules Madan*, Lard/ter Biddone Sarah Elliott, Rettig ktddons. Blizabeth Bidden,, George Siddons, Amanda Flanders, and Rachel Bidden*. a part of the halts ar d legal =prom ntatives of the said decedent. that, by virtue of the inquest awarded as aforesaid, an inqui sition will be held and taken upon the premises, situate in the Borough of .Ohester aforesaid, late the property of the said decedent described as follows, to wit: 80. 1. Bring all that aertainbriet rut ssuage and lot or Dieted around Situate at the southea:t corner of Front and Filbert streets. Bounded by Janda of Richard 0,0611 and wife. by lands of the heirs of Sarah Scanlan, ac cessed, and by the said Front and Filbert streets b O . 2 Being all that certain storehouse, wharf, and lot Br piece of ground situate at the soutbweet corner of Front and Filbert streets aforesaid. Bounded by lands of dOnlitbali Pennell. by Cheater creek. and by the said Prong and Filbert streatis. 00 Rang all those two certain brick massnageel, stone mesettaie..and lot or pteoe of ground situate on the west side of Front street aforesaid. Snended b lands of Frederick Fairlamb by lande of George and Charles Shari/lees and by Cheater creek. On the '6 kkiTH DAT OF MAT, 1864, at 10 o'clock in the ?ORIN. , CLIS, for the InirDenti of making partition or valuation and apprateemant thereof, at whom time and Vaal you are requested to T attook,_if -.on think Proper. . AB B e alt ARR AST. Sof laware county. EIitOOMALL Wenn, Attor'heriffye for Peti De tioners aptS-wgt• DRAIN, PIPE, DRAIN PIPE. VITRIFIED TERRA COWL DRAIN P. 1711-01 *tem. from 2 to 16-inch ilinoter. with all - kinds of Mealtime. beads, and traps . for Mat t in any Quality. 3 bkilk Ince rir Yti a 13216 4 •• 44 4111 48 „, " ** •• ONt. TERRA OOTTA. OFIIIENEADPS, For Cottages, Villas; or City E Ol / 684 .'Psteala whia b ril Tone, for sluing mmllry_eitimarms. from 2 to 8 feet hick. ORIARRATAL GARDEN VASES Fonstaism Fodostaii&_ _and Statuary . Itarbi. Buis. Drastroto. and Manta • PHILADELPHIA TEFL DOTI% WORE& 1010 oBESTKEIT Moot. delB=fe4wtf - S A. HARRIBOX: UP Et 0 LB T - ElialtT 451 , St____,oo Northeast corner - THI Al A" onssrauesio. 04/1,1411 and 111. m.. rumi• a MAL • i - A - arag - , 1.1.1 r a ' 1 Vann wittiest , ; ukbAD-Sm CLARET IN`CASKS AND OASES, , In doi~,Rad ter- YINTion & matt-IX Mitt NI Mai a prim 4 IIIMM!! PROPOSALIA. SILBERT O. CL I.IIIE. Captain and C. S. Vola LlDL==m LEGAL. ATJCTIOaf SALES. JOHN R. MYERS & CO., AUCTION SeglL P 303 and 934 WEARIEST Street LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF EUROPEAN, INIMIA. AND 1111Rlii AN DRY GO We will bold a large sale of BristrhGer m an , Nana. and emerican dry goods, by estalogne. On 1011 r months' credit and part for cash OS THURMAN MORWINO. pricingpresteety 775 PACKAGES AND LOTS ef British, German. Preach, Indic. wad Anterlican dry goods, embracing a large. fell and trash amortinsat of women, wonted, linen, cotton, and silk goods Err city and conntrY skim. pr. H.—Samples of the samewill early on tor ex amination, with catalogues, early on tire morateg of sales. when dealers will find it to their Internet to attend. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FOREIGN AND DO MBEIT/U DRY GOODS. COTTON Bar TS: NOTICE —lntended la oar orate of foreign and &OMSK. tic dr, Widdi ON THURSDAY MORNING 6 April 21kt. At 10 o'clock, will be gonad in part the following deli,. rable articles, vie: cases neat stiles American prints. cocoa neat Myles American ginithams. owes English and German fladbarda• canes apron cheeks. cases blue denims. cares tiakings cases bine stripes. cases black and colored Silesigs. cases brown sad bleached winalins. eases fancy rottonadee. mum pane end minium CUM onarorly d r. ea 111,049. cases fancy lawns arid isconeta cases poplins and mozsminqueii. • cases fancy reps arta potl de chewer. eases de bear and moos de lanes. —pierces moos and silk alpacas.' pales cotton baits, LINEN GOODS. ON THDRDDLY mottlizet, April 2tet. pieces 7-4 and 8.4 Barnsley damask.. pieces white and brown dam mks and clothe. pieces damask and hock towels. pieces diaper and plain towels. Dineen bleached and brown Baas bucks. places 11-4 and 124 linen cheminge. pieces elastic canvas dozens fa' and linen cambric handkerchiefs, -- pieces linen (Hamra TAILORING GOODS. - ON THURSDAY MORNING, April 21st. pieces flue French blue, black, and colored broad clothe. MOMS heavy bearer and pilot cloths. k pieces black doeskin end omeimeree. -- pieces dark and mixed doeskins. pieces fancy satinets. Also wool shawls. silk- ties, sewings, hoop skirts shirts and drawers, bosiery. milled collars seal cuff,, cord tag- Eels. girdles, fancy trimmings, cheoli 'es. fringes. but tons. spool cottons. 01ten twine and laps Ike Also, a Mock of staple and fanny dry goods.. PALM HATS AND Sliatilliß HOODS. ON THURSDAY. April 21. will be sold, t 7 cases Men's-And boys` palm hate, and women's and mime.' palm hoods. GALE OP CARPPIPINGA. VATTING& &O. ON FRIDAY HORNING. April 22d, at precisely 10% o'clock, will be 'sold, with out reserve. by catalogue. on four months' credit, an as of Brunei]," three•ply, superfine, and sae grain. Venetian. hemp, and rag caroettngs; white and red dbeok Canton matting. dm, Which my be exami ne d. early on the morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF /RENON. Mitt, GERMAN. AND BRITISH DRY GOODS, me., FOR SPRID &SALES. Os MONDAY MORNING, lorll Mk. at 10 o'clock, Win be sold, by catilogue, on four months' ors d it, about 550 PefiKaGßß AND LOTS Of French. India, German, and British dry good& hc.., embracing a large and choice assortment of fuser mid staple articles in bilk, worsted. woolen, and cotton fa brics N B. —Nair Aloe of the same Will be arranged for ex. a m i ps it oh , With catalogues, early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will fled it to their Interest to at tend. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1.100 PACKAGES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS. ARM. GOODS. STRAW GOODS. as • TUESDAY MORNING. April 28. at 10 o'clock. will be sold by catalomm, with• out reaerve. on four montbe' credit. about 1,100 packages booth. shoes, brogans. cavalry boots, dol. embracing a Prime and fresh assortment of desirable artiatee (or otell, he omen and children. of city and Eastern mantifactare. Also, **raw moods, dm B. B.—Samples with eatslognee early on the morning of sale. IN NEW YORK. MiNRY U., LEEDS & 00., AIIO TIONIERS. SUPBRB COLLROTION OF OIL PAINTINGS. STATUARY, &c HENRY H. LITHOS & CO. will tell at Auction on THURSDAY IVENS°, April 28th. at 73‘ o'c'ock, at the old DIFSASbOORF LLB ," 5118 BROAD WAY. next door below TIFFANY & sintlteit ANT E. MICERCHE PRIV ITS COLLEC TION - OF PANTINOIA AND STA tUARY— Seine the entire Galery fR. BROORI*G. Esq.. of this city, and Purchased by him pH/ell:1111y In Europe. from the the ownerduring the past ix years. and sold only as the owner la about leaving to reside to Barope. We cuk con. fldently say that this collection will be found equally interesting with those heretofore offered by Ile. Among other choice artiste are the following: Professor ED u.DEBRAND, or Berlin. JOBBE DUVAL, of Faris. EPRINOM. of Amsterdam Louis HAMM. or London. FLORRNT WILLANS. f Brussels. R La Pomm's. of Paris. Lome NETER. y of the Hague. T. CoUTIIIIE, of Paris. B. C. Boss Noss, IL /HANEY. BECHAR, of Berlin. A. (Y. TEN KATE. of Amsterdam. • P. BOBENIET. of Brunel% Otritrattuf. of Faris. • TROYON, A. AORENBAcH, uIIDIN, LANDINWL BODDINGTON, CoUTOURIER. LiNTON, and other equally distinguished artists. They will be ready for exhibition on and after Wednesday, 20th inst., a/ above. _ STATUARY. 6TATIIETTE by Bartolina. frusomixon AND PronLITY. from the collection of the late Joseph Bonaparte, and 16 a portrait of his daughter, the Frineese Canino. when child: A. B.—No other Pictures but those belonging to this collection will be offered ill this sale. ap2o 23-27 TOR SALT: AND TO LET. FOR S ALE 8,000 FARMS 1 FARMS 1 1,550 Houses in PhiladelPhlall A 1544 000 Building Lots in Philadelphia! Also, MILLS! COUNTRY SEATS! TIMBER LARDS, Arc, COAL LANDS! WESTERN LANDS! OUR CATALOGUES SENT raw FERRIFILVANIA FARE REGISTER I NO.ITOOMERY COUNTY FARM RIGIENTRI DELAWARE COUNTI yam mourn r CHESTER COUNTY FARE REGIME! BUCKS COUNTY FARM REGISTER! . NEW JERSEY FARM REGISTER t DELAWARE FARM RENISTERI MARYLAND FARM REGISTER! HOl7Bl REGISTER! CHEAP DWELLINGS!i ALL of our RECISTERS now ready. Sent FREE to any address. AFi' Please call or rend. GEORGE N. TOWNSEND br. 00" sp2•svlm IBEX South FOLIATE-Street. LET.-THE SECOND, II HMO, -5- and fourth floors at 23 MARKET Street, through to Chtoeh utraft•tf STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS 011 SALE. —1 pair of low-pressnre. double acting vertical beam ENGINES, with 88-inch cylinders. and 7 feet stroke. having a 20-feet-gear fly wheel. with 181 coge. Length of cog 18 inches,_and. 4-inch pitch. Also, a jack-gear of 62 teeth. Theme lingines are rated at 400- horPe power, and were built by Cornea & Nightingale. androvidence. and are exceedingly amOoth•eforking substantial machines. The two cylinders can be operated as oue machine, or separately. They would be sold singly or together. 6 Rehm-Flue BOILERS. 22 feet long. with 75 inch shells. Each Boiler has 20 fines, 6 and 10 incites in di ameter. The boilers are made of 3i , inch iron. are in good order, and will be sold. with or without fronts, pipes, valves. dm The above are to be sold for no faults; Engines of don. bie the power being required for murpresent work. _ They are now standing, in good working order. a nd can be examined at any time. upon application at the NAIIMEIAO MILLS, Salem, Mass. mike-waif JOE KILBURN, Agent. alh FOR SALE OR TO LET—TWO 111 - 1. Large STONE BUILDINGS. suitable for Follndr7 or Factory. Also a large BESWEST. Address GEO. KEIGH, No. 1233 RICHMMID Street• aolaira* maOVER 300 HOUSES, ALL SIZES, for rale and exchange, RANSOM ROGIRS. Js 240 north T22TH Street. mh2l-Im* TO LET—A COMMODIOUS ala DWSLLINO, Re. UN North FRONT Street. Real moderate. Apply to WETRERILL k RRO. „ ooNkf 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. FOR FACTORY OR LIVERY -Iw.n STABLE. a lot North SEVENTH Street. above POP LAR Street. $2 feet front by 120 feet deep, With back tot 28 feet by 90 teat to an outlet fonninn an •L." with two brick dye/Hoge, a brewery and vault now on IL For We low. Apply to BONSALL BROS.. 116 North IT [NTH Street; or, GUSTAVUS BB BONES LIBRARY Street. apla firatt* da FOR SALE - -IN N ORTH WARD, mmosaths. vriek HOMES. and one Frame; Ave on market stree, beginning at IR19; BM on Carpenter street, beginning at 812 All welt-built; good dnt cel lars; will readily rent for ten per cent or wiles wim pnr• chase them. Persons wishing a good home for from one to two thouseed dollars had better call early. Terme easy. B H. MEOWING Wit,. Co - Pli . OfiloO foot of If Ti sit g IEIS Sreet. CaliDitli, N. J. apl6.lm• de FOR SALE, 'PRICE $5,OOO—MO - au. three-story IMBUING. with side yard, NS feat front. situate No. 1320 .13FFsBSON Street ape-willt* it J. DOBBIBS.IOB South YOUTH Bt. fa FOR SALE—A VERY DESIBA, Atm BEE PROPERTY, the residence of the late Dr. Jacob Sharpies% deceased. with Eighteen Rases of superior Laud attached.* It is situated in the borough of DOWNINGTOWN, Gassier county, within tea minutes' walk of the Cheater Valley and Pennsylvania Railroad 'Stations, at which all trains stop The Dwelling is very coirresisnOY and eubstantially built. with Barn. Tenant Nouse, Spring Bowe and all necessary out bundled's. There is a greet abundance of Shrubbery. Fruit. and Shade Tuna Part of the land will be sold with the building% It desired. Appl7 to ABM. 8 A 5 4/11381D08. DOWITIVGPOWN P. 0. FOR SALE THE "MANSION mot' HOUSE," at Atlajitlo OMIT, with FURNITURE, and everything eoinelete. Also, tan:knout cottage., 9 roomy each. Also. Building Lols, near the Bathing around, ••Palladelpais Howse, at Oa e Mena. with 451 without furniture. very low. B F. GLENN. ap2 193 South ItOiTETH Street. en GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR .131441.—.4 ye desirable PROPERTY, within ten minntee walk of Warne tion Germantown Railroad; larie with all the modern Improve melds; Stabl e , spying house, lee-hones tiled, and Coed t Gaden; plenty of Fruit and large Shade Toes. Apply o W. W. 'KNIGHT inhso.ty 509 009955.011 Stre,et. al VALUABLE CHESTNUT-STREET dminntoPlEWlrg. —The enbeerthem offer at private sale, ',property on OHBOTNWT Street. between Seventh and Mghth greets: 41 feet front on Oheetnnt street, and lit feet deep, running to Jayne street with the prlyttege TT a)5 feet mgage-way rig:gun to Ilightb mone y TT TIIOIIIIAIID - DOLLARS Of UmpurohasO ma remain on the property at a ground 111111.0 r by bond eno Mortgage. Zattriflif & BALLADS, 151(4801ITH NINTH Streetrobetf Pollsdelphlta. a c FOR BALE.- THE . SUB-illa RIBES offers for sale his COUNTRY B E AT, em•ft within half a mile of Wilmington. Delaware. on the Newport nibs. containing EIGHT ACHINI of good land. In the centre of which le a large . lawn. MAPL E S e va rie of EDAM TREAS. DVERGEMENS. LIN DENS, and others, •in .all over a hundred full-grown trees. The imivrovements consist of a large and comma dious Alleiow, two stories and a half high. four coed A HYDRAULIC. with a hall eleven by forty4wo reek A RAM forest Water from a spring M one. of the lots Into the upper story, of the house It has the modern improvements . There Is also an Iron Pump and Itydnat under a covered area at the Ithahen door. The out-buildings coatiet of a STABLE and CAIIRIAO3. HOUSE; ancient for four horses clad several carriages; stso., - en MOINE EIMER and Milf-H017889. The ico-honse is fluid with lob and the stable has a tiLirtiot in it flood NEDBIS„with several varieties of D wslitt PEAR and GRAPITIIII6I3 In MD. bearing 'there %realm several varieties of APPL.N. CHERRY. and CHESTNUT TREES. ' Terms mom modauag. Pommel°ls even at any ttma in the LEVI. G. OL AMIE. fel‘ rawftf Oa the Prawns. AV FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.—: • • GitgliN Leff" Peßlf _n. Arm of 277 scree of good land near; MILTON. Union eon reeneylvattie: two name Holmes. large Rum, and other Om-buildings• in mood ordert•'.ll7l.le OrehaM and otber,Prelt. 70 acres of Timber._ Laud ender good enitlvation. and Yields i abundantly. — Fume good. Beauwel plam. Will be bold or exchanged :.a bar {n; _ GIO 17 TO WNSIIN O & CIO 1111733 g Smith gOURTEI &reek 1=11213 AA FARMS FOR` EL- 52° ACRES • very -desirable country Residence, near the- Pox 6 miles from Plaisdeloble m Acres. Orem townahro,.:Plke rowdy. 60. 90. and 80 dom.. Irony Gheedant RUI. WO Acres, min? Long- a•Countaz N. Jr: de Amos:Want:midi, take mealy. I,COO. 1,200 Me. 1 . 18 me. nadetbere, Delaware. 90J Acres near Media. • •,."' • • Also, many. others ht estrionelocelitisiL. Also. *lsms number of desmisble Oottaaes in German towm Obeetiant HUI. and other Plea". some of which Will be exchanged for ony.nreprodon For list OfDivelltßipv es% IfortV4iniUr and V 8. saps& • aF. latiaiNF A llll_B.- F O litett._. pa at IL W. log. winalan Nit amis., AUCTION MATIES , I BRIN LEY ,it o --. .•. _ FEWNESS, n No. 616 CHESTNUT and egg to • ------- kg 1.1.606 SALE or Pnz snft DRY' alf. h . ' k 4 ON FS)DaY AGA klNci. '''' mon Aprilths f 2. d l it. ag, at 10 o'clock, by actalccA., cre ". of r IFS packages and lots of fancy and stapl e I t g tiso Ni "da till.R OF BARONY - WOVEN 1)11811 Q, ~. 1 1 Beteg the satire balancta of the !moor , 41, 4 0 1 4 ,1 ifriuneider D " 01 FRIDAY NoRIONO. Joril 22, at 10 o'clock. Particulars b,,,,,,... SA/..2 OR 1,110 0 aRTOWS OF RIOg,), AND TBINNING RIBBONS. ANT LA i i rty. ov Ph MAT IMRPIPO. Ap r i )2 , It , t cewtons No 4,6t6 corded edge posit de tip. . black. White. seals. amine& attic. sod oa cn i o6l r e i r l i , carious 4040 newest shade. gait carious WM tripill cbain sutra quality hi. , emleva brochir figured. plaid, • , t i,. colored ditto. etai Its• varickno 1}4420 Deese blank silk eel Pet .ii, b ° q t 2to PIEUES PLAID AND p•moy BLOR ~,, MISSES.M GOODS. OP T_HIJ j 4 POitrafj,; ti COARLIte PAYS, & 0 OA FRIO slf 1163.111111vG, 1 1 Extra quality black lustiubs. assorted width) Extra quality black taffetas. assorted wldta.' Extra C P intent black. assorted Width ( '' Solid colors pout do sole. assorted width. Drocbe figured double faced. assort.g wid i l , 4 Extra qualky Alley. souumed width 4. ' SHAWLS AND BALK .S,ku WOO fancy new riyies swing shawls. 1,600 largo tine b..lmorials. II ; v . 90011 7 & ' ERRS AND COB( tigION 622 Oh ISTAltir StrePt a od (lIS SANSOII, SCOTT & ttatroa BR I T_ILTW aes of ?CR Auctioneer'',NWfl in.B., tit O,or of ell so al aIo RON, deacrtatlona.ano FORAORR or pp l i o 1 , 4 1 b0t,,,41,0ip oz. Ain MO, ‘Tif ocrn.ra or at atotr.loaftat, Rod tq u i n „ atss Nos. 622 ChElrsup arid 616 USW! 8 .reat 414 GRAND SALE OF FINE II'ALLeN MARE;. ADD ()ARDEN STATITAIRY AST° iirel.,3 e t tra AND ALAMAATRIL AND 8 AJAR 'lns 4 11 11 Vi l i m p eon d Co). laly by Messe r , yid Bro t „ r, THIJESDAT MORAL:Y(4 Mat iset.,_at if o'clock. at our sa'eero ea fr tHESINUT Street, we will sed a large e ' I ti tie 1 above. /Amog the colleeMon will be found one fine ''l . 111 ell I. . c o pied from th e origin,' by Eocene 4, Ai '' ' I , extinieite groin:, 'Fidelity." or Dsrrstra 1 1 exquisite group. "The Paithfut C ' ' Cherie'. ompailos line figure. "The Coquette." by Salads:" n. q , French original. 1 group, • ' liacehtlF and Arlad a% " by Tolond 1 fine bast Hon. Danvl Webstsr. bY Roachl. 4 1 fine btuat H Poran Henry (3.y by Burnet 1 figure. •' yer. 'br Deride. 1 figure, "'Fiera," by Davide 1 Faure. Canova e • ' Faiewty," by %met 1 small madonnas 1 bun Zachary rev, 1 group, ' Bey and nog ; I-' Diville Love" in Ph 1 Guitar Girl of Palermo ;" 1 010.10 . ... Th e 4 v , calk " by Taa.d. 1 figure, 'Prayer." nr Samuel: I large ettdee, '.Autumpi" 1 Pli alley do do: 1 tine old Imo, ti) antique ' rornelia. Mother of Olio Grarch. "1 , Garibaldi: 1 euverb recumbent figure e e p,A,.,, , five feet in length, representing the "Flora 0) 1 il; boll Gardena of Florence, and 2, nue monumental figures, repreeenting "kw Grief '. 1 figure. Den Franklin, for garden. The whole win be open fur egaminatlec with logne on TUESDAY next . LARGE BALE OF WO CABIS FRENCH STIIII9GI OD Yitll; AY MORI:11AG near the 22d blatant, at lu o'clock precisely, we eti , catalogue about 500 case , straw goods of new a d 4. able sbapes, cOinprising RealL.4i NOR strew PIC ' and gray hair bonteta, Erdai and epeni•li bat., and eolor,d ho , de die ( onntre merebancg. ~. the city trade, will do well to attend till% a4le be the meet wtritcdve ever offered in 'hie ie er L y , ARTIFICI al., BON'vET MESONS ac Included in bale will be found 301 - 1 cam , n* of 1 artificial flowers noun de sole and taffeta tense bone, crepe.trirnmtnre, Via_._ _ _ • nig rirgetteras. Also, one invoice of muff and cane trlmmiti sale. &e. The whole will be arranged with catalog on reornii g of Bahl WOMB COLLECTION OP OIL PSlSTrliili. o'clock RpDrAi Y T ANnD 2 3 3 aTR w1 Y !ell a ate ofoithable on minting*, eemnildltul a coati, sad choice private oollectiona; among than found specimens from old masters, besides r l / 1 the present titres. included mastsale ll fi resund painting, Sinn lowing oldTI. yin : 10 Marrattl, Site Bear. Simon Bowan, together wish aAverti tr etuditie of J. Hamilton. E n P. M me, Winner. Leemares, 'Warren. i Merin. 611017, Pain Hit Bosse, and many other talented artists. GREAT SALE OF UNCLAIMED EXPRESS C( PES. o.a TEM A aV CKAG MORNING * April Eeth, at ID o'cl-olt, at our a.sleareatv, C.b.tont atreet. and Gl5 Ransom streak. , thot nnelaimed packaue of the foilowLeg &rpt pantos. viz: Howard f . s ro. 'a Explaa§. Rat*' lONISERS. o. 240 MA.._ LARGE POSITIVE SALE .0P 250 Lim Al AND IMPORTED DRY 00008. Einf WHITE 500DS. dic . by Catalogue, TRIS MORII:10. April 20, commencing at 10 o'clock m 64 prieing a general assortment of .easosabls gosh will be found worths the attention of bayere, Included In sale will be found, yis— liEulD 'MIES MID LACS 00053. An invoice late styles embroidered jaccnet sea. watet•. edgings. inserting.. Also, a fall line of lane black silk lace v.ios, /Lino- WI& and gents' linen cambric han k gents' linen alsirt fronts. &e. RIBBONS AND MILLINERY PDX Also. bonnet and trimming ribbons. artificial joined blondes, white and black silk laces.msthe bonnet materials, dm PALM HOODS. 60 cases 'smite and colo.ed palm and NVIIIJA hoods. HOSIBRY 0001 , 8. dm Also, an Invoice ladles', gents', and children and brown cotton hose, silk and Lie'e gloom di HuOP SHIRTS. EOC doz ladies' and mimes' woven tape hoop Assts. or beat makes. for city r4t , ll•Filfl Also, stock goods, notions. hair rolls. tare. P HILIP FOR)) do 00., 45.17CT10„ 5M5 MARKET and 5221 C0M3161111 Efr LARGE POSITIVE SAL% OF 1,000 CAW SHOES, DO.OO ANS. BALHOR.AL , , THURSDAY /AOKAING, April 21st, at 10 O'clock precisely, lei!, be •uii 'ague, for cash, I (10t cases men's boys', and tuz kip, and grain boots, balmorals. Oxford lie boots, &a. ; women's, misses'. and cnildrot goat, kid. and morale° heeled boots and sh, gaffers, buskins. andalso city•mada geode. 49r Open for examination. with ehhntxtak the morning of sale ON THURSDAY MORNING, April 21. will ba sold on account of •• awes boots and Ehoea, slightly dame fly HENRY P. WOLBER'. B Y ACTIONEER. So. *OS MARKET Street. South Side, sbor Sales of Dn• Goode, Trimmings. Notions, MONDAY, WONISDAY. and FRIDAY Ns manning at 10 o 'clock. DRY 000D8, BR/Rlll 14111111II1TCIS, CLOII MUSm THIS HO S, RN A ING. April 20. at Ineelock. will be sold, dress ;a gOodll, steel•spring skirts, wool and mei,. cloths es ssimeres,onecktlee. Idles, hosiery, ehoes:Ar M. & SONS, it and 141 South TOM' Pale at Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth 0 SUPERIOR, PURNITUSE. LARG3 31 , 330! WOOD PIANOS. PINS VaLVICT O&M ON THURSDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock. at the auction store, the sap tare; rosewood piano, by Reichenbacht Co.. Hew York; also. three mahossor lame French plate pier mirror, mantel nitt:o extenston table (lienkere patent) fine Telvet carpets. French china. Also. fine Cane Air Gun, SALE OF ELEGANT efiD POPM,CR ON THIIRSDI,7I AFTERNOON, April 21, at the auction stare. acoollectim and elegant books on various Interesting Fn editions of thepoets, &tt , the chief Portß coptes tn. neat and. expensive bindings. Also, of line engravings. NAM; FOB, ACCOUNT OF UNITED 'll WOOL AiND COTTON curr ON SATURDAY MORNING, Szt inst.. at 10 o'clock. et the notion top of wool. cotton, •nd sole leather enteniro. paper. Rd Bale No. 41a Wethorlll Street. 611PBBIOR PIIIINFITMII. OVAL MEMOS. OARPBTB. arc. ON TUBSDAY MOBNIBO4 April 211th, at 10 o'clock, by catalagna. at t Merin great. between Broad and F hewn low Pitt* street, the satire household fare prate oval mirror, oil palatlnge. Brasses a 'May be examined at B o'clock on th OFFISH OF ASBISTANT QUART: WASEINOTON. AI AUCTION. —WILL BB BOLD. oe 19th day of May. at the attilroad Dine , II ViTabA: MO Tons of 0/d Railroad Iron, 100 Tons of Old Car 18184 110 Tone of Cast scrap Iron. 100 Tons of Wrought Iron. - Ton s of Old Base and Copper , 9(0 011 Barrels Terms: Cash in Government Fonds Tea to be paid at the time of n nrcitue, the eAI vary property 3XlUee remove be awithin ti dabo of sear _ w aplB-0- AZE , STEAM WEEKL VIMPOOL YOUCEUNG AT 6 Work Baibor.) The , well Steams aotd. Raw York, and Polladelphla ices are intended to sail as follows: ETNA .»....... - and Way succeeding gainidig itinco• ZiOIITH Myer. -- - - - - --. TUTU OF PaSSAGH. Payable In Gold or its equivalent it 1 FIEgT CA SIN• •sts.s•es6o 00 SI SilltaG ll . Do. to London go o Do. to ,1. 01 Do. to Park.... .:....., 90 co Do. to ~•",' Do. .to Hamburg .go 03 Do. to .; Passengers also forwarded to Havre , ' darn. Antwerp. &c., at equally low rate , TWOS from Liverpool or Queenstown: PC SW. 81109: Steerage from Liverpool k RV. Those who wish to send for their frt tickets here at these rates. For further information apply, W I Otiose -- :mu At& ~.a.111111HIP• L 1 1,- .. t. D P s i a a T d U lp Dl a, SanfrLmsAWhcro tto r e b ton s o t it in Satrd iP Atat in -1 5 1 il ta f t r af f) Capt. Baker, from Boston for Ptailadelv Iprll 111, at 4 o'clock P. IL These nsW find inbetsptial steamehil II lin g from each port prinefmailli , Imnroolom eflootod at ents•hall the P re OA 'an vessels. . ?relate taken at fair rates. abipper• are mteeetod to eoug Bli Lading with their goods. /or Freight or Passage (havlna , Sue apply to /MIRY W+, zat9 335 Elontb DS cc BEDFORD WATER," -1 4tla sad dealeve will be =arta , Water. fresh from the Banns. at th ( the followlair rates: For barrel. IV One= (oak) watt • do .. Half do (muii;r;i)••••• The bar Mis mr• welt Mount& g.) depend IVO* reeelving the Water ae the Ern. All wawa addressee rob 7-Stro • L. ASDRRN 4 4 1 Tluorry• _woNP , INTIVIC DISCOVERY All Inlit 6 =fed by special pnereot...o.: patient. at laStO WALNUT btc. la ease eta tattnre ni abeam to ons.di o elate= with ascertain medical ^a sr formed by llamtestom Galsanna' nobs of Blectriaity. without shool”. san.alco. For farther infOrnmn Pllnablat, Which contains bunarit a 0 eons* of Ws MOSI sellable men P 3 cr base been apWily and ermanectlf, treatment from medical nap b e 8 24 . ,. thousand cured , in lase than Ns r EDT Street 11 —Medical men and othere!l Ist g• of my new discovers, at AT: F: of lecterns May 17th. 118e4. dF WALfirfr latreet. Prof BOLL ic i e thantandydra amain, 171 2 p.,.. 1 V1 -- -- WALT at?' 74511... COShartu for; WV and preserving the eoroplev , Wonderful eolnvolutd of the se Coale. powder,mat undo, bisiont.D. f Doeltnia. it beig compheed bent* extraordlnerf goal /t ett skin. making it soft, smoote. ouo makes the olti appear y_onna the 0 , handsome MOM Mitalilll. Had the a ,. Pries 15 arid 50 cents. PrePariod„., ,° Ptrfoonere, 411 South 11100T 0 4,F1 glheatant. and 133 9 vutho/" . " - IA •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers