r MARRIED_ sri:7BOII—LOYD —At 9t Clement's Church, April tto Roy. H. S. Sosektaan. chaplain 13;o. Forenson.of Canada, to Katy Loyd &nth. ter je Lite Wllltam. Loyd, of tht' city, • DIED. L'.s - 1 ,-2 f —On Monday, 19th inst.. Anna. wife of John . tte will be given of the funeral. s ILO QUI o.—ln this city. on the 29th of March. Mrs. p;tnnsLBUISI Bargain. in the 46th year of her ere. a ,ease of Matanzas, and late of Texas (Texas Danrs v an Veate copy l WAD.- - it llesAing.on Saturday, 161 h inst.. Cortland Boyd. in the 75th year of his age Ftm , rai this (Tuesday) morning—to proceed to Belli /item ikEETIER. —At Norristown. on Sunday . Sort' Mb , wife of Adam %needier. F. a..., the 77.11 year of l Ae a Ale,..Bs and the eof h farnil3' are affecilallatielY 'lnvited to attend the tuntrA, Iron: the residence of her a str_set.ori Wednest. ay hatband In Notrlstowa. .7eti to montgomery Cepe morning, at 10 o'olock. Tu tory. A gyEß_ —On the 16th instant. Albert Warner. in the sea, ~ar of L's . Pate. ste s iaii ces and friend* and' Marta Lodge. No. 2145, y. of . also the — Sots of ci..w England " are re spectful 3 . tasted to attend his funeral from the resi dence of tar bsetber-in-law Ar_te_mas Partridge, 1616 Master street. on Wednesday at 3 o clock. top DE.A.S.. —on the 16. h • icing Dean. relict of ihe late Joseph Dean, of Newark. Del., aged 8t years. Eer csistivse and friends imd thane of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the real dance of her eon in' law. George T. Jones. near Heston • si ve, on Tuesday, 1.9111 inst.. at 12 o'clock. without fluiber notice. interment at Mewark. Del. Care leave Broad and Prtme streets at c onvoy ... oe pro videdto and fr' ID Newark T.tIITTIVO g the came day "• LACK AIPAOAS.-J1 ST OPENED, a large Mock of /Gomm and Glossy Mohair Lasirea. 37% Cent: to $L 00 a yard. Lapis's Bombazines. • Summer Bombazines. Chalye. " Tamlees. • " Nowiselines. " Bareee HernrrL " BESS Cra OM & BON. ve Maretz. acid other SumG sT m ORS.er Goods. apil No 918 nGesrruur Street. 4-4 GoArs HAI GLAULNA, L. Ladies' Simmer Sidle. Tourist Fall Habits. Nessorsble Dross Goods. Ssasonable New Sulks_ fhairla of our ordering • • EYRE & LANDRLI. Si W. 117,.e::B1kit OF BROAD AND WALBUr —Stated -zietitizis-,I'ziVRISING It 1;."61FP P AND Nridia —DR 1 1E1. will deliver a Lecture an •-a?niP TO .. EGY O T, -' at the f...c , nre 'doom ni the Plgh school_ ER01.12 and ORE Str.ets. on Nor tAT EVBRING. April 2';th, at 8 o'clock. Pro re..'` ;be Sanitary Commission. 25 cents. streets for sale at Gottld's. the ave , ol I , nd Chestnut streets ; Allmaad tivan - the Cce Sanitary Commission. 130 , Chestant . at 11Z.t t att. door on the evening of the hectare. R.E.TINGS POP. UNITED P.R DALLY. 5 o clock P.M -- , :horrO of the Spiph.ny, cEp:, , 074!), Monday and . Thursdai: Presbyterian cbunp, Penn Square. Tne!day Roo Baptist Clw , Broad and Arch Wed,eaday and &lc:Mai. 015 is , ..3ee NEW ENGLAND —A MEE TING OF the DEW 'ENGLAND h./LB:BIS& "IS ISIS ASSU cjASII,I;.• alPenns the Society of h e ldS Naar Thin, t) relvanis. le ill he on WEDNES DAY hVSNINO. 20th inst ,st 8 o'clock. at the mon of POIEREOr Readall. corner THI- DIEN arid LOGIISP RreetE., Per order. JAS B ALVORD, apl9.2t■ THE. 'NINTH AIIiNIVERSABY OF the tbEVENTH-SrREST SABBATH KILO. L. FLEFENTEI Street above Washington are mpe, will be held THIS crueeaey) aysburTa. a t 7i 3 c ac ntsreeting Exercises by the Children, ad- Inhoo-n xl cirds. Chiidren 15 cents. It* THE FOURTH LECTURE OF MR LOtto'S COURSE OR THE raid.. OF ROME and ;hr 16.*= revortant of Cho Cour,e. w il t 13.. ogio,n in the - BALL the InsivritaTy. ,n TUESDAY siraNINO. Ayril Ihtb, at 8 o'clock. Subject,—Rens,onl why Ark iiVrater?..cience. Laws. Philosophy. theconservatire tape - aces of the old eLyiiization,did not arrest the anin.• garTnic GREAT CENTRAL FAIR A Meeting of the GENWEteu COMM. rrsE ( which roceilt , of the chairmen of the varion..omositn,w) will be held cu wIDNEbDAY 200 that . 8 cricck.at. iLe BOARD OF TRADE tiOtAelo. 50501[851'- 3'a Street_ Attendance ie r• rims od 111 order of the haecetive Committee. 210. E. 130.11eCE HOWAT'.3. FURNBSS. Sec'y. PHILADELPHIA , APittlrs Ye. 864. — ale CSECIaI Mestieg th eNO tad SRN USER' TI FiClt•li AND bTKAM FIRS, Elcata o—ait'AoY, or , the above date, the following members ware ari polntd a Committee to receive donations of molter, srnden hio. on behalf of the Company for the Great Central Fs.`r for the Sanitary - Cotton sauna. viz: S. EC. YUEN- Jr . Chairman; A. M Rsek,n, U. D. Baxter, P. 31 Wall Hamilton Diotoo.P NOMA.. A. C. Fejgo,y. . A COD; 541 . • L. Buck, and Wm It. *luck. peso -_e In - bating to contribute can do so by calling no on the Cm - on:Wee. who sitdaily atthe Bali of the Company. IthW EIATHEr. above Coates street fr. M 9 A. M to 10 31 - CONRAD B. AND eat Attest: GEV , . S. AUSTIN. Secretary. apl9- tnthet* --- orFIFTEENTH WARD BOUNTY FT:IND. —A meeting of the Etymon:We Committee and recent ambito:dors willbe held at the school house, nar .0/aka end TWISIiTiE r a Streets, on W eD IEDDAT EVENING, 20th gnat:. at 8 o'clock. A fail and pnactrsl .. , F.ISIIdaDCS is requetted. NOTICE person' baying claims against the Fonivr bend of the Fifteenth Ward will present tham at tee (The of E. R. 11 aliir.KINE Esq No. 2143 EOPlyr VERNON htreet. on or before. WEDN'Esu BVEhING tlOth hist at ba.l p.at 7 o'clock. Bo claims still be cix.sidired after that Uwe THOMAS W. PRICE. Chairman Ex Com. orNOTICE. —MEMBERS OF CO F. 21,4 Regiment. P. S M., commanded by .telonel Ilexaf.dt.r Murphy, who served in Sant.mber. 1863. are lErety relnested to call at No. 120 CANS emu I' Street, ttair, telween the home of 9 A. It and 1 P. M . and rich a Power of Attorney TO toners% their pay. Friends (Q members elient from the city will confer a favor by idvitivg tie where I can w rite them JOHN W. Late MON, Jr. Captain Co. F. MarIONTY N ATD WiTalgtO — Pinr4l2 ?he Git 3 Bounty Ri Continue to be paid until farther . aPPlications for Bounty will' be entertained from Tecrnitt who enlisted prior , o the date of the President's ?reclamation, October 17, 1563 - - • - - • . In famre, powers of attorney for the City Bounty, from new r.,crultE for Pennsylvania Regiment. . __ inu,tered In liver this date. mast be endorsed by the -officer in charge a the cart.: cks that the man has been received there. By order of the Commission apl-tf Skial7Bl. 0 DAWSON Secretary. OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUND, No. 412 PRUNE Street, April 1e.1864. ccn.equence of a despatch received from Washing *hie day. the COIIIIMBPI.4 I / 1 have e ater mined. to 00N TOPE THE CITY BOUNTY of Mt until further notice. B P. KING, chairman. GitzllT GERI I ' I /.4A FA/R1 PEULADELPHZ roRTICtiLTIMAL AND FLONAL DEPAIITIMMT. the Ctmmittee in charge of this Department revect taily contributions for either .exhibition or sale. ai th.., PAL' in Inne next, of Fruit, Flowers, and Vege tables; 0150. 'Phantom Bonanota. 'Autumn Low— . 1V t _, FI utomu 4qtkisti4s _ owel Seed•, Garaening Books, Fontaine, Horticnitural Iron Work. • Havging Baskets. ?low Er htaLdB. Fern Cater, iviares. 6airde7rTi::.g Implements, (llldt-IS6AtS andvaesa. " Pottery, Cat Fl.merr, Dried Fruit. Dried " Foreign or Bx.: tic Trait, W 23 " Wax Fruit. Li , thef " Garden Statuary, la snort. Rustic Adornments of every kind. or any thins sf R;nral or rustic character that does not strictly r:orfq, to the .errictutural Department I'lily contributions of cut tower& bouquets. designs, etc SO as to insure a constant And regular sup tb the Fair. will be very. accept ble.awl con ciliators will please arrange with the Chairman of the Cemuittit... on 'Baskets. Designs. and Bouquets, Mr. E4)l4b.ftT EILVINGTON. Florist. LOCUST Street, near WEST PHILADELPHIA. as to the days Whkb their contributions will be required centrlbudone of Fruits and Vegetables, not only ier prl7itt=ion and sale. but also for the use of the Sestan- MT, ale.) be thankfully received. Its time fixed for evening the Fair is the FIRST ILL.SDAV IN ..tUng. NEXT, and it will continue two wets. All articles except cut flowers, fruit. and vet/e -ll ke received on or before the preceding day. DV: itlatinL; from the interior of this State. ant from beimare red brew Tereey. can he forwarded by any all cororeyanee free of freight. and should be die ta,tiv :ra,kes. "Great Central Rar Logan &mare. Eorticulturat• ..M-pa , tmew. Care of 1'23 Cheßtnyt Ono. Phi taddzihia " • • For So k" or • - Far Exhibition," as may be d- Fired. Bills of Ming ..han - o alp* be forward.,d to the same address. D. hOLNEY SING. Chairman of Gentlemen's Corn ni!tee. _ Ho. J. RHEA BARTON. Chairman of Lailas' Com =tree. Apl9 trithaties MX Il II IMPI 0 M OF ARMS AND TROPHIES. IN BEHALF F THE T C - EaTRAL F AIE IN O MD OF THE UNITED STATES SOU rAEF TO OPEN FIRS, WEEK IN JUNE. MI. TWELFTH ATM GIBARD HISEETB... PHILADELPHIA. March 5. 1261. : 136 GPle of the 'United Mates know well the object for rrb a Groat Central Fair is to be held in this Cl;,. .he Sanitary Commission. in aid of which the Fair is !.eitaken, is the representative of the organized de tos of the American people. of every age, and sex. id claw to the comfort and care of the brave men who ti between the nation and its enemies. gathering up 6. hie:Wink into harmonious bung the countless scat id elements of kindred love and common charity._ "bounty boundless as the sea. and love as deep." Go_ mission stands one of the noblest evidences of € etc ilintion of the country—a consolation in the midst Ica! Through the smoke of battle. and by the pale Bre of the camp, its form may be seen stooping ttse its heating care to the sick and the wounded, or disf er in the ear of the dying soldier the last earthly aftri. add. to the interest of the 'Fair. the Mansgers have eked to combine exhibition with sale, and to attract by the display of a variety of objects. Coamlttee propose to carry out this double par- By awning arms and trophies of wro Amer ates mats B. and. individuals. and relics ofican e. If.au the early struggles of the Colonies to the Cti lime; whatever mar retell the memory of the 8161 i the Indians. Or the old Freneh war. When land and Prance fought out on American soli their ent struggle: whatever precious relies of the Reve al. in which our fathers won for us our liberties. I.l.ered into being the nation whose life we now ed. whatever remain of the trophies well earned by .Tad sea in the contest of 1812; whatever won in war with Mexico. under the hero whose form hying trophy—Will be welcomed. nines which have floated proudly over citadel and carried by victorious hands. or strlPPed from the I of the enemy; flags stained with heroic blood. Es fading lustre is lighted up by the bright light of el ensigns which have waved victory from the mast d • f tallant shipe-of-war-201 will be welcomed, and. Id the more Practical contributions will draw the to a contemplatiOn of the gnerdon for which the whiter fights—the glory and de'ence of hie country. 121 n vot , d. by Congress or by States; early and eels ed cenimissions; swords won in action; presents 'wield. and arms of every kind from the crowned garlanded cannon of Louis XIV to the plain Deed , and Parrott, which frown on modern battlements; trim the tomahawk of the Indian to the broken t from the last battle-field—will have their appro. re place .cci articles will be cared for, guarded with t tfe4ele, andpromPtly returned to , their_ s owners. those d. laneis proposed to gather from the frien d s lane and devoted nem who have Mid down their ` - n thle holy War such personal elite as they 1 31 9' t o oo y o u t o the sympathising interest of the lacosed together and as a tribute o f respect to swillhad. ties. touching ces of individual. pain 'make an interesting feature in the Lilo totlot o Tie Patriotic public are requested to send r:or-Mee such articles of the above-named natu re ta, be able to control, for sate, as well as Ittr `ttY object of interest no matter ho w trifling. which te , kiEr i* the field may send, will be rece iv ed and d fur. to any of the Com 'ita,;zil7.6.Breicileiraptrwerlimbaeyreirurminendt by the_o Wee on Treasurer ,ere4 a ) Committee In the name of the C ommittee Trop.oiea. a ectogigk &C. w, 9. Park.,ras cast to C01..0. and Girard C10..•r/,.h .o. of the Committee. Twelfth ail; or the Munson Companies in the 'United will!. be free of eharge. EE Mt' 1 , 11 an. COMMI Ri TT m Commodore Hoff. 4.411- ','.." filli •CadWder Mree ColonelAkoemlin. 5k1.1 Biro. Colonel Biddle. Gap-; Mrs Colonel Prevost. Ohlil Gibbon., Mrs. Lieut..ColonelPalMer. (~,igL:t Tyndale. Mrs. Landts L 44 , 1 Patterson.. Arms: At'it'rZz7rsindorff. admiral Dupont. Mrs. Capt. T. M. Franey. I!4,l lLardner. Mrs .1 Edgar Thomson. •', aisodore Turner. MRS. GENERAL MEADS. Chairman. its 5. E Street. OASEY, Seeretars. 1703 20 W 37 AL P K IN UP street. l 'itniral Charles Stewart. U. B. N., Bordentowe. L Perrin. Trenton. N. J. Adziral 8. P. Gamma. U. S. N , Wilmington. ars e S 1 , 1 aComh, Wilmiu . silon, Delaware.upent. q Sao., g. le " o .• 41 1% Ifs° ammti.Pa. a•re o. K. St . rlbliaa, U S N. Philadelphia,. 'ao du% .R. G. Stockton. Willem street. T. S. Laidler. U. 8. A.. Frankiftsi Arsenal. A %rd. SA. Twelfth and Girard streets. Tho as. mas Cadwalader. corner Twelfth and • nt r“ Greer. 1620 Spruce street. 141!:carlea Smith, KG 8. Thirteenth street. a , c` ( kaa. 2.12 Pine street. Ole. 128 S. Nineteenth street. . c 31 Girard Street. .Cs. ° !'Yimr. Jr.. 2X9 8. Sixth street. ci,!k' tut. Unitary Storakeeper.Sehrtilld/1 Antonia , 4rE Tl s to o li r i b Twelftb. and Girard streets . Zl7-. OMB, do. dO c - C°l44 . lit .1.0 . 3 Broad street. let 0 10A0.8 a 0/208Me N. Chairmen. Twelfth and Girard streets. fawrigegg. NO. SA4 Chiltrd stroote. MTillie GREAT CENTRAL FUR YOR THE UNITED STATS 9 SANITARY RON OFFICE OF THE COMMITTER ON LABOR. INCONEL AND ItIVENUBi. No ns Burnt' 4 EVENTir humer. commITTNE oN AND DI WINE ANDLINS. LIQUORMIAL CRS tiTIL The undersigned having been appointed • Bab pot- mitten on WIND MID LIQUOR DRA.L CRS dull DIA TILLERg,for the States of- renneylvanis. and New Jer • s e y. would call your attention to the CRAWL' RAM to bAeld in this city in the month of June next. The special design of this Committee is to solicit of every individual in the above named business the Pro ceeds of oza DAY'S LABOR. INOAIR. or RBVIINTIR. As this promists to be %Brest success, on account of Its wortirt object, and as all Trades Profewoons. and Ocen- Patine will be represented, and are now nonly respond ing to prosecute the good work, we most respectfully ask your co operation. . . Your utmost activity and zeal are earnestly invoked. and any cont3ibuti - 1...3AL *tay tai.lco to faciltti.te 11: objects of the Fair Will be thankfully receive/ and droy aclrti owl* dged Plaice Address all communications and cotarlbiz.lotis immediately to • J0315P.4 F. TOMAS, Chtirman, Not.. 206 and 203 Smith FROST Street, J. E. KNORIL, Secretary. COMM:II'FR Joseph F. TO:4M neon" C Ottotor., John Patterson, Jr HARDWARE BRANCH GREAT CE.N4 RAL F tag noderatithed Committee ealnextly aolleit from all directly and indirect tY CO4- meted with • Onr Trade" to mend their Cootrihations, be they large or await. moues or merchandiee, to either of ths undersigned JOSEPH C. ORIIRB. No. 2E6 Market street. WILMA M . FL bOWERS. No. 412 Commerce street. WILLIAM P. wIL STAGS . . No. 38 North Third street. AVG. B SHIPLEY. No CM Commerce street. CHAS. A. rrill,Lert. N 0.414 Commerce Street. JOHN C. WIRE No. 614 Market street. r Ft • S. J. FEASD, No. 6: , 3 Market street D eNIEL STEINMETZ. No_ 601 alommarce street. JOHN A. MURPHEY, Do. 922 Chestnut street. IsAAC S WILLIAMs. No _716 Market street. #4. L A NDIS, o. 211 Market street. W. H. ALLEN. No 115 Market street. D FAUST. No. 49 North Third stre et. JOS. S. FISHER, N. B. corner. S ixth and Commerce streets A. M T. WATSON, No. 61.2 Commerce street. aol9-1144tflm VC , THE TREASURER OF THIC COM. MIT CBE on Benefits. Jr antbitions. and Enter tainments. of the CENTRAL FAIE for the Sanitary Com• motion. nes nowledges the following receipts: Aprif9—Of Mrs. Henry M Watts. proceeds of entertain ment for S. C.. March gl $l6OO April 15--Of Mrs Louisa Drew 2)) 16 — Of Mr. Joseph D. Murphy...". ........ .. . 20 MGREAT CENTRAL. FAIR.— T E Committee on Finance and Donations acknow leo an the following smbscliptione, to thin date. Ids A B P- ]lcSesv. 6. & W. Weld! J . • . ohn Gibson. SonS..k Co horns.' Fparks Therms Elniber, jr John A. Bri`WlL 1.021 . e] & co .. . B W. Clark & Co. •- - LOOO C. .4 E. Bort. L 000 S b J. In Flanagan 1.000 Philadelbbia Saving Fund 1.000 abiladelphia Cor tributlonahlp In anranae Co. •..... 1.010 rennavivazda Life and annuity Company 1.000 J P. Butratinson 750 Allentown Iron. Company 70) Pop Ma. Donaldson 0)0 hi. L I/awson .. 500 . . . .. Vi. B. L. WM 800 North PmPrican Insurance Company 500 Pfl.f. Inhtmal Insurance Company 500 SouthcrAtk Bank za Eon. John lit Head ......•• 100 S/4.300 The Committee again aelr their fellow citizens to come forward in liberal aid of this noble charity. A. B. BOIL'S, Chairman. ramon'ehprliA. 14th ApriL 1864. sae et mrTHE COMMITTEE ON FINE ARTS OF THS GREAT MISTRAL FAIR FOR Tait Ss (DANT comatinsioN respectfully and °arse stry rt qv:est all onr citizens and patriotic persons eitewhere, I , xv•ns tine works of an in their possession. to forward. wi hoot delay. a memorandum of their intended contri -1 Wiens to JON s SARTAIN, Reg , the Secretary of the Committee. 72S SAMSON Street. The works of art thus solicited comprise oil paintings, {valor-color drawings. marbles. bronzes. and original models in clay or plaster, or other material. In the col lfction of water color drawings alone it is the hoed of the Committee to present a very fall and brilliant exhi bition. as we are known to have in our city a very large number of such drawings. which it is hoped will he *,nerougly placed sit the diens:mai of the Committee by the owners. A Gallery will be erected on Logan Square of such ma teriel as will insure the safety of the pictures placed in it In ore er to make proper arrangements tor the risen tion and disposition of the various works of ar: setae t uted, the Committee must have early knowledge of their approximate number and character. It is the desire of the Committee to make the Gallery of the Flne Arts one or the most marked features of the Crest Central Fair, and the public is, therefore. earnestly appealed to to fill, by their generous contributions of pictures and other works of art, a Gallery of larger d if Is believed. than any ever erected in tide coon ry. The Committee hope to make our exhibition in every respect one of great attraction and interest. Although circulars have been largely sent to persons known to possess Works of art, and many responses Lave been .received. this method of attracting Panne alter don is used as a reminder to an, and particularly to those who may not have received elm:dere, of the needs, hopes, and desires of the Committee. and of the short time remaining in which to collect and properly arrange the contributions. JOSEPH HARRISON. Jn., Chairman Committee on Fine Arts Great Central Fair. PRILADELPEELS, April 15,1964..ap16-9t MTHE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR OB THE SANITARY COAIRLSION, to be held to Ebiladelphia. JUNE 1164. To the Woo/en andeoitsn Manufacturers and Wool an onDeadere. We addresethe Manufacturing interests of this Nate. and the adjoining States of Ilew Jersey and Delaware— interests . representing the basis of our great commercial prosperity, in a cause that presents no ordinary at peal to the sympathies of all loyal and patriotic men. Again, and again has the President called upon the p. ople, and again and again have they nobly responded. The o oil of the drum was heard tin oar midst, and our streets have re echoed to the tramp of armelsoldiere, and today nearly one million of resolute men. forsak ing home, family, and business . are battling with darr sere, privation!. disease. and all the untold horrors of War. for the honor of the old flag and in defence of _the lispnblican Government established by our fathers, that we PM, in arester security pursue the pleasant paths of ponce Prom every battle-lield made glorious by a Union vio t,ry, from every hr spiral crowded with the wounded and. 'dying—from the unmarked but honorable graves, stretching in one broad belt of sorrow and desolation from Port Hudson and Vicksburg in the Southwest, by Chattanooga - and ffn.xville across the mountains of Ter - TeHee and Virginia to the fatal swamps of the Chicks.. hominy and the fields or Gettysburg in the East—there ounce an appeal to us for sympathy and aid. The Government has done nobly in providing for the roams of such large armies as are now in the field. Yet there is much suffering to be alleviated—much yet re mains to be done. We who live in perfect security at home, must do all in our power to assuage the sufferings of thin e brave men who have sacrificed home pleasures and home comforts for our country in ire great need— and thus may we discharge in some degree the debt wly oh we and our posterity will ever owe the in. We must give of our abundance. or according to our means, to those who havegiven up everything for their cotibttrand ottremintry. .I.et sue sites be woray.sikhe. breaSiOA, end worthy of ourselves Rarely have there been times of greater commercial prosperity.and seitom, it ever. has labor of all kinds been more amply reward. ed—especially is this true of the great manufactnring interests of the country. Let us all, then, Dealers and Manufacturers. employers and employed. act in concert r this noble purpose! Individually and collectively. let no do our test now ! Let every Manufacturer show what he can do! Let every man, woman, and child, in his employ, show what they can do! Let every loom. shuttle, and spindle work for the gallant patriot soldier! And when the history of the present becomes the story of the past, we may need no p: ender record in this most trying period of our country than our conduct towards its brave defenders. In forwarding merchandise. mark the packages `` George Morrison Coates, Philadelphia," with the con tritntor's name and post.onice address in the margin. Donations in money may be addressed to "Edwin Mitchell, Treasurer. 24 North Front street, Philadel , phia." or to any member of the Committee. Receipts of contributions will be promptly acknow ledged. GEORGE, MORRISON GOATS& Chairman. '127 Market street. ED WIN bIITCRieLL, Secretat yr and Treasurer. Si North Front street COMMITTEE. Osborn Levis, F. W. Cattail, Win.B Stevenealgwartuk. A. Campbell, Manaynuk, C. Spencer. Germantown, Robert L. Martin, Lanni. semi. K. Wilson, Trenton E. Gamed, Frankford D Trainer. Marcus Hook, James Irving. Chester. S. Kiddie, Glen Riddle. Wm. Dean. Newark, Del., Jas. Riddle, Wilmington, Thomas Tacker. Paley. Wilmington H. H. Paul, Wash. Ma ,/g J. rations from Manufacturers is committee. miles stuth3t cht:i l ltd*Ti'Lts ' George Bullock, Edwin Mitchell, Thomas WC, W. C. Houston. C Hem y, Bear, A. Dohring, William Divine, Joseph Bey, Tbemas H. Craig, Seth B. Stitt. William Steele, W. W. Justice. P. Lewis Reece Clement H Smith, David. S. Brown, Teter 0. Erben. . 111 contribution and don should be made through dd. IMTHE MASTER COOPERS OF PM LADELPHIs have seen an advertisement in the daily Papers. Inserted by the Journeymen Oak Coopers, eel tag. for the third time within a year, for a further advance in Wallea.. The states ant in said ad vertistmentleuniust. as it only states the advance on men who work by the week, while those who work by the piece ere making as high (if not higher) wages than other mechanics at the last rate of prices. The Master Coopers have, therefore, determined to unite to resist the evil. not being able to conduct our business for the reason that we are unable to make contracts from the fast that we do not know at what moment a farther ad vance may be demanded. By order of the Association. THEO. R APPLE, Secretary. Aram 18. 1864. tie MOFFICE. OF THE BIA.NEULTTAN LICE 11/SCRAM WI COMPANY. No. 31 Nassau Street, MeW links March 8,1M4. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of this Compa ny, held THIS DAT. the following important resolution was adopted, atter mature consideration: " There shall be added to each policy issued, or here after to be leaned. the following words: 'This policy is incontestable after lye Team from its date for or on ac count of errors. omissions, and mis-statements in the application. except as to age.' " No other American Company offers this important ad vantage to Insurers. All policies in force five years at once become incontestable, under the operation of this rule, greatly enhancing their value both as to families and to creditors. This liberal and just measure should secure to this Company increased favor and patronage, as exhibiting the strong desire of the Directors to throw every proper and safe advantage Wawa the policies. Many have objected to taxing life policies, that in case of error, it mattered not how innocent, the long- continued Payments become lost, and families are deprived of the advantages proposed. This objection is now removed by this Company. Every State has its Statute of Limi tations, not to cover fraud and crime ham punishment, but to protect the innocent and unwary. This is a 191 Mi• las proteetion to policy bullets. PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, No. 418 WALNUT Street. JAMES B. CARR. Attorney and Agent. api9 What pg. NOTICE.—APPLICATION HAS been, made at the office of the Delaware and ot ecapeairc Canal Company for the renewal of a Gorda sate of One Share of Meek in that Company, in the name of JEREMIAH EMLBE, deceased. the original having been mislaid or destroyed. WM. P. OREsSON. Adm. ctim Test. &c. of the will of Lire's Eat LBW. ViILCTILAR LOADITIOYAD • - S °Filo." OF THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVI GATION COMPANY.—FHMADIILYHIA. Marchl9. 1861. To all holders of Certificates of Loan or Funded Debt of The Lehigh Coale and Navigation Company. " ',- cured by their mortgage of March 7. 1841: The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company having de termined. under authority conferred by Legislative enactments, to - liens a new Mortgage Loan. having twenty years to ran, from the first of April, 1884. and bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum. payable quarterly: Rollos is hereby given. that holders- of the present ea-Jenne Loan oft be Company will bepermitted to ex change their Certificates for Certifica te of the new Loan, at par: Provided, notice of their intention to do Bo is given on or before TUESDAY. the 19th of April. IEB4. at the office of the Company, where a subscription book In open, and where all information desired will be given. By order of the Board of Managers. aple-It ED WIN WALTER, 'J./VIM/Tr. TBACASUNLWALIE IitiSPARTAIN.NW NORTHERN ORNTRAL RAILWAY CO. CALvaRT STATION._ BALTIMORE. April 1,1864. Notice is hereby giv en. that the Capital Stock of the Northern Central Riiway Company. for the purpose of completing a double track to Sunbury. Will be augmented to an amount soma to that of the ilaietinff Stock. Before offs/Ink it to the public, those who appear as Stockholders on the Company's books on the 6th of April. 1869. will be allowed the privilege of subscribing. at the par value, to an amount equal to the Stock by them respectively held. Beebe will be opened for that purpose at this Ilialeth and kept open from the 6th day of AP IL, 1869. until the 6th day of MAY. 1861. Bo subseriptionwill be received for lees tban par, pay able as follows: Twenty (9B) per rent. at the time of subscription, and the remainder in instalments PP such amounts and at such times as may be ordered by the hoard of Diree. ors. The books will be shoed from 0 P. M. on the 4th of April until 10 A. M. on the eth of April, and no transfers allowed on thebth. By order: ap4.412t-thetutmyB J. LSIB. Treasurer. arNORTHERN LIBERTIES AN D rzair TOWNeHir RallatO dal comfAxr. PHILADELPHIA. AMU 12. 1864. The Annual Meeting of the btoekholdara of this Com pany will be held at the office of the Philadelphia and Heading Railroad Company, No. 227 South FOURTH Street. on MONDAY. the an day of May next, at ten o'clock A. ht., at which time and place= election of cers will be held. WM. H. WEBB. apl2-dtmy2 Secretary. pg. OFFICE BOHEMIAN MINING COM. PANY, 131 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA., Aorn 14. 1664 'Notice is hereby given that an amassment of 01611 DOLLAR AND FIFTY CINTS per Share on each and every Share of the Capital Stoat, has THIS DaY been caned by the Board of Directors of the SOIISIBAN MtUiCle . COMPANY. dne andimyable on or before the 16th day of May 1864. at the Office of the Company. 131 weLmur area PHILADSLPRIA. By Order o fthe Board of Directors. ARNAB734 NANT/18. deoroliuY• Wi. G PifishrinC. Edmund C a.-Wl9-tiwi apuths3t $1,720 GEO. GILPIN, Treasurer. . 2.500 1.000 1.000 ......... 1.000 lIMIst AGE REABLY TO THE CALL OF THE Dutton - RATS COMMITTEE, the Loyal Citizens of Philadelphik, who are favor of a vicar - me cntiun of the war and the speedy gnomes glen of the rein lion. will assemble in their respect ye wards. on FRIDAY, Aprll 16. at 8 o'clock P. M . at such places as ma? be denigrated by the officers of the National Union Associations, for the purnore of planing in nomination candidates for Delegates to the vat ions Conventions to be held under this call; also. to filed a Judge and two Inspectors, from each precinct, to conduct an election to be held in said precincts on TUESDAY,. April 19. UK between 6 and 8 o'clock P. M. At the elections held under this call, the citizens of each precinct will vote for one Delegate to a Convention consisting of wards comprising a Congressional district; said Delegates shall elect two Delegates and two Alter nates to a NATIOBr..L CONVECITION. to be betel at Baltimore. June 7. 1861 to nominate a PRESIDENT and VICE PBESI DENT of the United States. Also, one Delegate to a Representative and one Dele gate'to a Senatorial Convention, to elect Representative sod Senatorial Delegate* to a State Convention to be held at Harrisburg. April 28,1884. for the purpose of electing Delegates at Large to the Baltimore Convention, and the sal. ction of an Electoral Ticket. The Delegates elected, as above. to the several Con ventions shall meet on THURSDAY. April 21. 1864. at 8 o'clock P. M at such places as a majority of their num ber *ball by advertisement deals-nate. and transact the purposes of their election. At the meetings and elections held under this call. the rules governing the National Union party will in all eaves be adhered to, and be considered as decisive. Bs , order of Ste City Eseentiva Committee of the Na tionel Union party. JAMES FREEBORN. President. JOAN J. FRANKLIN, HENRY B GARDINER, } ar , l3 Bt frov HAWN STATE CONVENTION. The loyal men of Pennsylvania comprielna the NAT lONA I. UNION PARTY will meet in State Conven tion in the Hall of the limes of Representatives. at HARRISBURG. at noon. on THURSDAY. April 28. met. Each dietrict will be eutitied to the seine renresenta• tion it now has in the Mate Legislature, and the dele gates will be chosen at such times and in sue i manner se shall be directed by the respective. County Com mittees. The State Convention is called for the purpose of placing in nomination an Electoral ticket, selecting delegates at 'tactile the National Convention of the Union Party. to be haler in Baltimore on the 7th Jane. and taking such action as it may deem proper in reference to the approaching Presidential canvass. The selection of the dietrlct delegates from Pennsyl vania to the National Convention is left—where it pro perly belongs—to the people, assembled in their County Conventions, but the different County Committees are earnestly reettested to adopt such measures as will pro cure a full attendance at their respective conventions, and thereby secure, In the choice of aelegwee. a full and fair expression of the will of the people. The Committee cannot forbear to congratulate all lovers of liberty and the Union upon the recent triumphs of the good canoe in New Hampshire and Connecticut, and to exprees the hope. shared by tall...loyal men, that they are only the forerunners of more *Wei:aid - victories BCE 11 to be won in the same canes, alike' by the bullet and the ballot. In behalf of the Union State Central Committee. WAYNE inoVSAGH. Chairman. OEO W. HAMERELY, S ecretaries . W. W. BAYS. ap9.tf MFIFTH - WARD.-AT A. SINN:PING el the citizens of the national Union Party, held at the Good Intent Hall on Friday evening. 15th last . on motion. the following places were designated to hold the election for Del egatee on TUESDAY EVENING next, 191 b finer. Po: is open at 6 o'clock, and close at 8 o'clock. First Division, Schwartz's, Third mod Gaskill streets. Senor d Division, Schnell's , . No 210 Pine Street. Third Division, Grenser'e. No. 603 death Fifth street. Fourth Division. N. W corner Front and Union eta. Filth Divixion. Holder's. No 281 Spruce street Sixth Division, Burns', No 438 Spruce street. Se vent') Division Wergand'a.l4 , 436 Sprite. street. Is Big lath Division. Derry's. Do IC6 Smith Sixth street. HOBERT r. AM% President B. Emu!, Secretary. apiB-21 InC.AT A 111ENTIEIG OF THESEVENTH WARD DA•rionnt. UNION Petal'. fa pur suance of he call of the City Executive Committee. the fo lowioß persona were eeleoted to conduct the tilection. TED) (Therday) EVENING, April 79, 1864: DIV. JUDOS. INSPECTORS ... . - - lac. D. *eiathionr.•••.J. B. Parsons. Ohms H. Smith, 3d. Geo W. Myers Thomas Little, Joseph Govett 3d. J •sbna-Anttall.....William Mollie. James Christy. 4tb. John Wilson W. J. Verdett, Smiley Orr ath. John Oaitons Jsaac J jarlien. Wm. Robinson. Mnln . John Barr. Daniel Woke'. 7tb. Betjamin Ogden. John Sands. Edward Dales, Si].. Jot a Hanes _Robert Harris, George Quinn. Election to be held at tne following Places, between 6 ano 8 •-'clock : tat Divbiom at D. M. Mathieves, Lombard etreet. above Eighth. 2,1 Invi,ion, at the nenai place. N. R. corner of Twelfth and Lombard streets. Bcl Division, at the lanai pace. S. W. cornerjof Thir. teeeth and Lombard streets. 4th Division, at B. White's, S. W. corner of Sixteenth and Lombard streets. Sib Division, at the usual place, Bighteentiand eon streets. • , . 6th Divi#ion, at Richard Stokes'. S.W. corner of Twen tlFte end Pine strests. 7th Division, at Geo. Connor's. N. W. corner TerentY second and Lombard streets. Bth Division, at James Ralston's. Twenty-second and Earn stead streets. WILLIAM ELLIOTT, President. DAVID PRIDC4E, Secretary. EIGHTH WARD —AT A BIER 4- IRO OF THS RATIONAL UNION A830C1.6.- 'IION, held FRIDAY, April 15, 1864. the following ce. were eel ecied 'tor holding the Election on TUES DAY EVENING, April 18, 1854. for Delegates to Con gre.elOne I. Fountain'. RIM Representative Conventions: First Precinct, at Office of Alderman Ogle, Seventh street. below Chestnut. 'Second Precinct, at Hotel S. W. corner Twelfth and Locust streets. Third Precinct, at Mellen's Hotel, Broad, above Lo cuet etteet. Fourth Precinct, at Lafferty's Hotel, Eleventh and Ss nsom streets. Fifth Precinct, at Brown's Hotel, Twenty:Erst and Locust streets. Math Prech ct. at McCoy's Hotel, Twentieth and San sone streets• POLLS OPEN from 6 to S o'clock P M 1, J. LOWRIE BELL, Secretary TENTH WARD —AT A law Anew e Lnyal Citizens of the Tenth Ward. held on Phi DAY EVENING. April lOth. the folloxvingpreamble and resolutions were nnaoimonely adopted: Wh,rsa.s. A period is approaching colon the citizens of the Unit( d states will be called UP= to express their preferences in relation to candidates for she next Presi der ay ; and Whereas, The Tenth Ward. ever loyal and prompt. rennet in a matter of this kind be indifferent, nor should not be bell indhand : therefore, Resolved As the opinion of the freemen of this Ward. that A BRAH AM 1•I *COLL the present Chief Magi& trete of the United States, is fully and fairly entitled to a renoL,lcation and re election. . . . Resolved, That we will give ABRA H AM LINCOLN a candid and hearty support for these among other rea -BCM. ; - • p...canse we belleTo him to be honest. capable, B.DII faithful; at once uncorrupted and incorruptible. • eccn& Because, since his election to the high office which he occupies, he has administered the affairs of tt e Government with conscientious fidelity. and with a c.nstant view to the restoration of the whole ffnion. Thly d. Because he has neon tried and tested. and readzsd the expaccations of all loyal and reasonable te-a Fourth, Bemuse a change at this time (the wicked ret,el7ion not wholly crushed) would be inexpedient and oangorono. Fifth. Became no other candidate has been named who combines equal qualifications of head and heart, of moral duty and unswerving patriotism. . . . . . . . . . hl.7th_ Beenese he is identified in every leading move ment of his executive career with the noble and God like cause of universal liberty, a cane in which millions of money have been cheerfully expended, and thousands of lives have been freely devoted. b'evenl h. Because the renomination of President Lin coln will insure the unites action of the loyal mamma under our glorious banner, and at once inspires and le>d to a signal and ove rwhelming victory again. therefore, we pledge ourselves to the rencomnallort and re. election of the sterling patriot who now occupies the White House at Washington, and we earnestly invite and confidently expect the cooperation of our brethren, not only oi the various WELT de of Philadelphia, bat every where throughout the mullion where the brawn is the risked too the Hag of our country respected. Resolved, That the VII anßsof this meeting be and they are hereby tendered to the Hon. Salmon P. Chase, the able and accomplished Secretary of the Treasnry, for his dianterested and patriotic withdrawal from the Presiden• tial contest st a moment when union was so essential among tbo f bands offthe Union. Hheleben not be forgot. ten HENRY ti. ROWELL, President. Wet. R. LEEDS, Secretary! it IIMnNINETEENTH WARD. —AT A . meeting of the RATIONAL UNION ASSOCIA TION of , hss ward the &Jawing places were designated to bold the Delegate Elections to take place on TUES DAY lIVENINEI. 11p/ill9. 1854: Firkt precinct, Captain Horn's. Germantown road. Second precinct, D. Curry's, Oxford and Howard ate. Third precinct. McClure's. Richmond and Norris sts. Fourth precinct, B. Collins',Frankford road ab. Norris. Fifth precinct. A. Streeter'e. Frankford road and. Adams street . Sixth Dr. einet. Wm. Hankin'a. Emory and .Edgertiont. Seventh precinct A Ihries. Third, ab. Columbia ay Eighth precinct. York and Coral. streets. Ninth precinct. Wm. Rats', Fourth and Diamond sts. Tenth precinct, John Doer's. Ellaland Amber streets. BERT F. lIRWILER. Resident. Sac Ittimmear. Jr., Secretary. It* WTWERVIT-FOURTII WARD —AT A hetting of the Loyal Mit - Irene of the Twenty fourth ward, held on FRIDAY EVENING. April 15. h, after making nominations for Officers of Election and De:elates, the following resolution was offered and unaniteously adopted: ReBolv.d. That this Meeting recognizes fatly and heartily tbe great services and signal abilittes of that Fore katriot ant Wise Statesman, ABRAHAM LIN COLN, in the discharge of the ardons duties of his high and responsible office as President of the United States, during the present wicked, causeless, unjustifiable re bellion • and so entirely impressed are tie Members of this 'AssoainTlON with. his eminent and peculiar Ethan. that they regard him la the most suitable case idate r re-election, not only as a recognition of his servicte in the past, bat also because the coun try cannot at this particular crisis of Public Affairs dispense with his tried experience and distinguished sagacity. HeNRY O. TOWNSEND, Prea't pro tem, 3A?IZ6 haws/in, Secretary. it" . FrREDUCTION IN TUE PRICE OF CORR —ln accordance with a resolution of the Gard of Trustees. passed on the 25th instant, the price of Coke from the Market-street and Spring' Garden Work. has been reduced to 10 cents per bushel. and rout the Feint Breeze ant Manaymak Works to 9 cents per bushel. JOIIN C. CRESSON, Chief Engineer. PHILADELPHIA OAS WORE& March PB. 1864. 110140 lnl pirs. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH ZINC COMPANY, No. 121 WALNUT Street. Puma. DELPHIA, April 19. 1864. —The Annual Meeting of sae Mace holds , aof the Lehigh Zinc Company will be held on WEDNESDAY, May dtkprox . M. o'clock A, ii.,for tho elacticia or seven Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other business. GORDON MONDE& spl9-14t Secretary. OFFICE OF 'rum AMERICAN FLEE IP eIJEAMCII COMPANY. PHILADREPHIA, pril 11th. 1664. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SEVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CHATS per share for the lest eix montbe. which will be paid to the t tockholdera or their legal representatives, on and after the 21st inst. , clear of all taxes. apl2-9t* ALBERT O: L. CRAWFORD. Secretary. NOTICIL—THE FIRST ANNUAL' meethig_Ll the Stockholders of FREDlill COAL COMPAIff Will be held at the Office of the Com y, No. 311% WALNUT Street, on TUMID Vir, May Sd, at 1211. , when an election will be held for rive Directors to serve for the waning veer. apl4-12t CHAS D KNIGHT, Secretary. /rte TIOGA. IMPROVEMENT COM PANY.—Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Stockholders of the Tioga Improvement Company will be held at No M 5 MIRO HANTS' EXCH./NOS, in the city of Philadelphia. On the 8d day of May next. bs twain the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, to elect Managers. a President. and Treasurer of said Company- WILLIAM ELLIS, Trewsurer, zoli3l-tinsB No. Ts* MARKST Street. OFFICE OF THE CONNECTICUT MINING COMPA p a R Y AA N D o E . L V E S TA N: A AN I C I T 6, 8 1 ; 364 re ot. The a nnual Meeting of the Moat holders of the "Con necticut Mining Company " will be held at the Office of the Company. t o LitobSeld, Connecticut, on MONDAY. the 2d day of ffiay,lB64. for the purpose of electing Di. rectors to serve P•r the ensuing year, in accordance with the Charter and By-Laws of the Company The transfer Books of the Company will be dosed on the 234 day of Aprll. 1864. and reopened on the 6th day of IDs 1864 at the Office of the Company. No. 408 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. W. 8. STEWART. 5p16.3.41 5 President. vire THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE OLD TOWNSHIY-LINS ROAD OOMPANY. are hereby notified that an election for Directors of said Company will be held OR FRIDAY. April 224. Mt, be gen 11 A. M. and 12 N.. at No. RS ENOIEISNDIS. GAO. U. COLKIH. arfi.frttat Secretary pro tern. gisr mirnineAr, PURVEYOR'S OFFICIO No. I North SIFTS Strait, PHILAMILPHII,4I. Nov. 12. Lm_porters and Dealers in MEDICOS& HOSPITAL RTORI2I3 HOSPITAL PEREIPME, BRDDING he.. are invited to submit their Price Liete from t ime to lime to this Office. J. MURRAY, noIR-Oltsuotf Itommon and Medical Purveyor- SONIUNLICIIAL. AND SUSQU um ANNA RAILAOAD 00., Office 227 S. YOU TS Street. Prtmapscrion, April 4, 1864 The Annual Meetinwof the moan noldera of this Com pany, and an election for President and six Managers, Will take place. at the Office of the .Company, on MON DAY, the 2d day of May next. at 12 o'clock N. apt. tame WM. H. WIIBB. SsoretarY. IFriEILADMIsr/NM. MID MEADING EAILIOAD GODrabli Ogee IBM Saab MTH Stree PHILADILPAI. September 2. MIL DIVIDEND roincut—The following-named Dersonf Eolsentitled ton Dividend on the Common Stock of the mpany. The reddens* of several of them Is, wn. and It . therefore. nesersary that the se - m i ss of atook should be presented on swam for Dividend. 11. BEADEft 'weasel ETOCHHOLDERIP NA S. Lsnatster. }Henry B. ler. John Mclntyre. Andrew Turner. Dent E. Itewpms. Mrs. Roble's Myles ilO-011101 THE PRESS:-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1864: A DIE ir IA a OF TIVEG STOCK.- HOLDaRS F Tn& 8L0011813t783 filt). lB .10 Pahly wia be held to. the Comp; ny e aloe at lrosdale. Celntobla ennui's. Penns., on WSDNFoD May .8 h. ,188.1. for the pnripoee of electing nine Direct , re to serve t 'enacting !tear end for the traneact.oirof other bcsittear. WM. A. 8. BAKER,. Tr.a.urer ard B.cretary. Na a• 3 Noah WAI,:aR street. Philadelphia. Aprill6, 1864. epiB-5.0t. Ipite. GOOD SPRI F LIg IL K A Lp l i f i tO A fL a ft l ie sel The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of Ibis COM. ppaanyy will be held at lb • ~lffio. or the Philadelphia and d elphia on MONDAVI. the gd day of May next. at 11 o'clock A. M., at which time and Place an election for officere N9lll be held. WU. WS6 3. apN.l6t Secretary. EMBROIDERED COVERS. PIANO COVERS, MELODEON COVERS, • TABLE COVERS, STAND COVERS. Sheppard. Van Harlingen, & Arrison, epl9 tatbeSt 1005 CHESTNUT Street. SPRING GOODS. SECOND OPENING OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS Jer THE STORE OF JOHN F. "YOUNG, No. 70 North FOURTH Street. Ireloam a soltudid Rao of Vlmind. ORMADINES. Plainand'Plaid POPLINS, dtc Special attention Is Invited to styles and peon. ap[94.nthaßt LINEN GOODS. SHIRTING LINENS. COTTON SHEETING& PILLOW LINEN, PILLOW MU4LINS. LINEN SHEETING.% DOMESTIC SHIRTINGS. D.* MASK CLOTHS. NAINSOOKS, DOYLIES, JACONSTS. TOWELS. SWISS MUSLIN& TOWELINGS, INDIA TWILLS. WAFER. PLAID CAMBEIGS. TABLE LINEN. ENGLISH HULLS. NAPKINS, QUILTS, WINE CLOTHS, BLANKETS. FRUIT DOYLIES, FLANNELS. UPHOLSTERY GOODS. SATINS. PIANO & TABLE COVE6S BROCATELLES.. LACE CURTAINS. REPS, CORNICES. FLUSHES. • SHADS d, MOQUETTA E. SHADE EIOLLANDE. WASTED DAMASKS. TASSELS. PRINTED LASTED GS. CORDS. TAPESTRIES, LOOPS. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, Apia-eh:LULEA! 1008 CHESTNUT &reek. MANTLES AND CLOAKS OF UN usual elegance. Taffeta Mantles and Sacqnes. Plain and Richly Trimmed Mantles. Chesterfield.. in Silk and Cloth Short Sacques of handsome Cloths- French CI MANTLI oth Cloak S s BUDS TO ORDER. Spris g Shawls in light colors. Summer Shawls &good quoin,. One lot desirable Summer Shawls, $3.. Black Thibet Square Shawls. $8 to $7. COOPAR & CONANT/. MO S. N. comer NINTH and MaBB eT Sweats. FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. 3B "V .A. S 8z HASSA LL, Fanners, Regimental and Company Flags. Swords, Seabee, Belts, Paaaants. Epaulets, Hata, Cam, Can teens, Haversacks. Camp Hits, Field Glasses. and everything pertaining to the complete ontfit o Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. at ia-lm FURLOUGHS. Officers 'and Soldiers. 'visiting the city on FtirlOttgli. needing SWORDS, And other MILITARY EQUIPMENT% are Invited to the very extensive Mannfaetaring Retailßaiment of GAO: W. fE;IIVIONS .Sa SRC , .• BaDTBOM Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice, which, for richness and magnificence, challenge competition, no other house in the country combining the MALI lIPACTO KING JEW BLISS with the PRACITIOAL SWORD-MASSIL =hit!. gin IQROTkIINGHAM & WELLS HBA SH/RTIAOS. NEDIME. AND LIGHT SHENTINGS AID STANDARD DRILLS. DEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASH.NGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AID SILECIAS. BROWN ,_BLEACHED, AID CORSET JEANS. No. is Vroir.STED iota' 21 GENTW !FURNISHING GOODS. 1864. 1864. NEW STOOK. liINFCPFLJD MaTS32CEIsTS, A. w. CORNED SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. NOW OFFERS A LAEOE AND LLB:I - ANT NEW STOOL OF. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. All the choicest novelties in this department constantly on h THE BEST-MADE SHIRTS IN THE CITY. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. PENES REASONABLE fe24-stnthtta7B/ JOHN •0. ARRISON, Noe. 1 AND 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, THE IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT, - FIRST OUT BY S. BURR MOORE, .-~; ~ ~ 4 rp c~ e ~ FURNISHING GOODS. N. B.—All articles Made in a superior manner by hand and from the best Materials. apl4-6m FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS. whbh they/make a speciality in their business. also. sonllantly receiving_ NoVELTIS YOE GENTLEMEN'S Wit&E. GENTLEMEN J, W. ll TU SC NICS 'R OTT ING STORE, Jo 00., No. 814 CHESTNUT ST., JalEttl Pour door• below the Continenlal. ItEMOVAL. ALEX. WEEILLDIN b SONS Nos. 20 and 22 South Front Street, Where. from most desirable stocks of WOOL AND WOOLEN YARNS, COTTON AND COTTON YARNS, They will be pleased to serve all customers. fe2o-stethil EMERGENCY MEN OF 18621 EMERGENCY lON OP 1862!! EMERGENCY MEN OF ISM ! ! can have their Pay-Rolls cashed. collected, or adjusted. at the Military and Naval Agency, No. 431 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH E. DEVITT & CO. WE SNOW OF ALL THE LAW ! MIL BOUNTIES—How. when. and where they are paid and of the aid provided for families. and of the resiments that a soldier can enter. and where trey are located. s berefore. 7011 want to avoid being cleated and deceived in any manner. you are invited to salt at our I nice. where ad matters relative to volun teering are explained to you. free of charge, for your Protection. Jpply iniierson or by letter to 0811 PH E. DEVITT h 170 , No. 427 Tir:AiNtri 6t.. PNITADBLtiIid, The Military and Naval Agency VETERANS, RE-ENLISTED I AT TENTIONI ATTRITION! WARD BOUNTIES! WARD BIUNTIES I CITY RuUNTIES! CITY BOUNTIES! TO NNSIIIP BOUNTIES! COUNTY BOUNTIES! COUNTY BOUNTIES! STATE BOUNTIES UNITED STATES BOUNTIES ! Promptly collected and forwarded to an, part of the connby. at the MILITANT AND pNhAV AL AGENCY. N0.4%1T WALNUT StreeJ Ph EPH l B. DEVITT & 00. - APPIy either in person or by letter. It PO WOUNDED SOLDIERS.-ALL 6OLDINER who have been discharged by reasoner wounds received in any battle, and who have not re ceived the MO bounty, can receive the came at once by applying at the Military and Naval Agency. No. 4H7 'WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH B DIMITY & COMPANY. ANY WIDOW, OR PARENT, OR Orphan, Or Brother, or Sister of any Soldier. Bettor, or Marine killed. or who has died in the service of the United States, who desires ninety-six dollars (xs9e) a year pension, from one hundred to eleven hundred and ninety-tlve dollars ($1.196) cash bounty. and all the ar rears of pay due him. rbonld sell at once or write to JOSEPH B. MoDIVIIT & COMPANY. No. 427 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia Also State Pay, County. City, Wald. or other Bounty , . &e., Se...if there Is any due. Apply either in person or by letter. it A R OYI- PRIZ E MONEY-PRIZE MONEY (—Discharged Nary or Army Officers, Sea• men or Soldiers. their Widows or Heim can ha promptly paid their Psis/And Bounty . Moneys and Back Pay. pro vers Pansions. leatihe Military and Naval Agency. No. 4E7 WALN U+ Street,.Philedelabia Apply either in person or by letter. JOSEPH N. DEVITT & CO. City. County, and State Bounties. It WE RATE JUST RECEIVED, PER ”Eiteamer Persia," an assortment of colors of BHAKSPIABIAII TERCENTINASI BADOM. for the comtna celebratlon. WM HORSTMANN & SOIL Me /UV/ ima MUT MO, RETAIL DRY GOODS. ARMY GOODS. 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SARSOM•STREET HALL. reMI3IIZED MANUFACTUBEB OF Importer and Manufacturer of GENTLEMEN'S YARNS. RAVE REMOVED TO 21 and 23 Letitia Street, PHILADELPHIA., NEW PUBLICATIONS. SIX '1 BOUSAND CO PIES WERE Lc_ TO.LLY SOLD IN 011 E DAT. became° the book to by a will-known axd popalar anther—one'''. whore the 'people Love CUL Heine THAYER'S (AUTHOR. OF 6 THE PIONEER BOY." &O.) YOUTIIPB HISTORY OF TILE REBELLION will find its way into every family as soon as its many real merits become known. While the especial atm o the History is to interest and instruct THE YOUNG, it is prorettally well adapted for GENERAL FAMILY USE, containing. as it does, the substance of the more volutai noes Histories, at about ONE-FOURTH THE PRICE Tie entire historical sorrectnees ol the work can be re lied on, and special pains 'have been taken to preserve the etirricg facts and inciden , s of personal experience, which shire vivacity and spirit to the narrative. Ivalybod, that hat, read the book says IT IS JUST WHAT IS NEEDED, And predict for it an immense circulation Elegantly illustrated and tattefally bound. Nothing could make a handsomer or more valuanle present. Buy It of your bookseller. If he happens to be out of It., Rend KM to the priblisharit. and they will aarid von the book by return mail. Mail orders solicited. WAJLIKETt, WISE, CO.. PUBLISHERS, 245 WASHINGTON STREET. BOSTON. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS WANTED Mr=t!MIMNISTOR,MWMM This offers unusual inducements to Casvassers, as the boob is attractive, and can be sold to almost every fami ly, and the terms are liberal. From $lO to $2O per day cap be easily made by agents: Apply.in person or by letter to WALKER., WISE. & CO., .2-1-5 WASHIN Gros. Street. 'apl9•tnth2t NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD. A NEW EDITION READY BY THE AUTHOR or gs OUDJO'S CAVE." Neighbor Jeckvrood has been pronounced by literary pereon. of good judgment the best American novel ever written, and the rem:oaten of the author gained from this work is MARINO IMMENSE SA_LEi for CUDJO'S CAVE In all parts of oar country and In England BOTH BOOKS lINIFO.III. PRICE $1.50 BACH. Sold by ell principal booksellers, and sent by mail by the publishers. J. E. TILTON & CO., apl9 What BOSTON'. SPRING FLOWERS FOB THE PARLOR AND GARDEN. by Edward S Rand. Jr, Price $2.50. THE PARLOR GARDENER. Price 750. SKETCHES FROM NATURE FOR TOTING ARTISTS, (a new series of desirable drawing coplen ) Price 60c. THE An OF biESTCHIIIe FROST NATI:MIL by Thomas Sovebotham. Price 400. J. E. TILTON (SI CO.,' ayl9-tuthe3t BOS PON. P CrBLI4IIg RS f 6 A S FASCIN.A.TIN 0- AS A A-a.RO MANCE AND AB MAE,VELLOUS AS AN ARA BIAN TALE!" A HISTORY OF acb} - IN LAW, IIISSISSIPPI BUBBLE. BY ADOLPHE THAR& TRH DISTINOIIISHED FRENCH HISTORIAN JOHN LAW WAS THE NAPOLEON OF FINANCE! RE INTRODUCED THE FIRST BANK AND THE FIRST PAPER MONEY INTO FRAN OE, Revolutionized the Financial Affairs of the Country, inangnrated file widest speculation") , which gigantic fortunes were made in a day. and consummated his pro jects by a grand MISSISSIPPI SCHEME, which, exploding, caused almost universal financial ruin Etta miecry. The incidents connected with that era of remarkable expansion are as strange and friel• Eating as those of a romance. az- The circumstances attending JOHN LAw's Career are almost identical with those which now mark this speculati re era. and hence should be universally studied. The fatal climax, it is true, has not been reached, but let every speculator be forewarned, One vol., 12mo, cloth. Price sl.2i JAMES G. GREGORY, PUBLISHER, ar118.91 No_ 46 WALKER Strait. Naar Topk. WILL BE READY APRIL 20 A BRILLIANT NEW AMERICAN NOVEL .DADTGERF.I.ELAD'S TWIST.; OR, BEFORE THE STORM. A NOVEL OF AMERICAN LIFE AND MANNERS 1 vol., large 12mo. Price $1.1). This Will be a moot interesting story, and will give a =opt powerful sketch of American Life and Manners Previous to the Great Rebellion. It is the production of a polished and experienced pen, qualified by ranch travel, experience . , and literary practice in other walks of literature, to attempt an elaborate story of American Life, Politics, Letters. and Factions. whose clashing led to the "Great Rebellion." This work, we believe. will prove the most brilliant novel of the year. SMEY,DON & CO., ' PUBLISHERS. 335 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. S. it 00. 7 S LATE PUBLICATIONS MU'S EC SI, B 7 MARIQN EtAIILLND, author of "Alone." "Hidden Path," and "Nemoslo.' One volume, 4/no. Price $1.50 Marion Harland is now the moat popular novelist in this country. Over 100.00 volumes of her works have been gold. The New York Commercial Advertiser says: She has struck upon the right path to literary success. She writes with a purpose. Her books have a meaning, and hence they make an impression. aplB 2t WSW BOOKS I NI W BOOKS ! Just received by ASHMEAD & EVANS, • Successors to WILLIS P. HAZARD, 724- CHESTNUT Street. .11E/C.41511 REL/G/008 HISTORY and oturzorsai. MAN AND NATURE. BY Oeorgo P. Marsh. IS/MENTHE. A novel by the author of • • 011 e " A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION. By Wyn. M. Thayer. MY CAVE LIFE IN VIONMICRG: with letters of trial and travel. BY a lady. . TEN ACRES ENOUGH. A practical treatise for the million: showing how a very small farm may be made to keep a very large family. ardB AMERICAN CONFLICT-A 19 of the Rebellion in two volumee. By Horace Greeley. Volume Ist will be issued the let of June: volume 241 immediately after the war. Bach volume Will contain upWards of 600 pagee, abundantly illustrated with Azle steel engravings. mans. 4c. rriga g 1 For volume. • . Two good canvassers wanted immediately. Address "V Fell." agent for South and Best Districts of Phila- delphia. 415 South FIFTEENTH treat. aeld4t. NEW MAP 1 NEW MAP I I -1-1 MAP OF TEE AMERICAN CONTINENT. IThow- Ina the aew States, Railroads. &c.. extending to the Pa cific coast. The latest and most reliable map published. The Soldier's Books A Pocket Diary for accounts. dm Templeton's Engineer, Millwright. and Mechanics' Pocket Companion, with mathematical tables. &c. A Catechism of the Steam Engine. in ite Application to Steam Navigation. Railwaya,ilic. By John lionrno.C. E. My Cave Life ill. Vicksburg, with Letters of Trial and Travel. Bound the Block. An American Novel. Illustrated. WIWI°. An Role of the Olden Moorish Time. By Bliss T. Pecter Beach For 80.1~ WK. S. & ALFRED /LAWMEN, CTS.'-LADY'S FRIEND, FOB MAY. PITCHER'S. SOS CHESTNUT St. apll3-3t CATALOGUES OF 7HE IDELEBR TED JOHN ALLAN COLLECTION, to be sold la NOW York, 2d May, Gan be obtained of EDWARD COO AN, ES North TENTH btreet, Philadelphia. Price to cents aple• THE ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIO DIS COVERY. and TSAR BOOK OF FACTS FOE 1864. ' FEBADY THIS DAY, co:ea./nuns. The most important Discoveries In Mechanics, Name factures. the Deetul Arts. Philosophy, Chemistry, Cleo logT, Be., ae. One volume 12mo. AL SO. THE NATIONAL ALlite.BAC, POE 1983 For sale with all Near and Standard KC NNTIPIO. and SIMasDLAN SOUS. 80085 by LINDSAY- & BLAHISTON. Publishers and Booksellers. apl2 No. *5 South SIXTH Street, above 1 hestnut. pHOTO GRAPHS OF 100 GENERALS - on bs , mall on receipt of 26 cents. PHOTOGRAPHS OF 100 sarous cent by mall on receipt of 25 cents. PHOTOGRAPHS OF UM ACTRESSES scut by Mal on receipt of 26 cents ' A FULL CATALOGITS OF PHOTOORAPIN FROM LIFE, Statuary. Copies of Paintings. sent by mall on receipt of 5 tents. Address all orders to. - G W. PITCHER.- SOS CHESTNUT Street, spl2-12 Philadelphia. Pa. APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPIDIL. The agency for this invalnable Library of Universal Information is at ZS Sonth SIXTH Street, woad store. Also. ItiCORD OF THB BZWILLION. By Frank fall-tf THE SUNBEAM STORIES, • Gortiatateg the eharsing,bright stories o f— TRAP TO CATCH A MI MI AM. • CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING - ONLY. aomprilairatfiltidt DHEAH CHI TZ. STAR IN TtIR DlO3llO ate Six beautiful valuta ulna/ nt e d ar2 to • • WILLIE PrikAusii, Pallaher :171 6904 ULU Oath B 0 0 K S. iiSk.lulJii EV==l=l WE HAVE LEARNED NOT TO BE astorriehed at anything. Years of eggerleuse. and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe, have turned theories into fact. and established a bash from which we need not err. We are not eurprited at each facts as the following. although the persons who write them are. We know the persons and circumstance% hence feel at liberty to endorse their statements: " NEw BEDFoRD, Mass., Nov. 24, 1363. "DEAR SIR: I have been afflicted many years, with severe prostrating cramps in say limbs, cold feet and bands. and a general disordered system physicians and medialnes failed to relieve me. While visiting some friends in New York, who were ming Plantation Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I commenced with a small wine-glasefal after dinner. Peeling better by de gde- grees,lft a ft.W days I Mg futtonished to And the coldness hirlYhad left me, and I coned steep the not done for years. I feel like another being. My apetite and strength have Rl5O great/7 improved by the nee of the Plantation Bitters. night and cramps through, b had which . " lteBPBefltilYt JUDITH RErssEL. ,, REEDSBIIEY, Wie.. Sept. M. 1883. • * * * I have been in the army hospital for four teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bittern. * * • Three bottles restored WY speech and cured me. G. A. FLAUTE.” The following is from the Manager of the Union Home gohool for the Children of Volunteers : "HAVSYBYsn MANSION. FIPTY•SEVENTH ST., - New Tone, Segnst 2, 1882.- " Da. DBASE : Your wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children, suffering from weakness and weak lungs', with most happy effect. One little girl, in particular. with pains in her head, loss of appetite.. and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill bad been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaspoon ful of Bitters a day. Her appetite and strength rapidly increased. and she is now well. Respectfully, Afore. 0. M. DEVOE." " I owe ranch to you, for 2 verily believe the Plantation Eiden have Aiwa nw life. REV. W. IL WAGGONER, Madrid, N. T." " • * • Than wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation 'Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their 1:1Ae. Thy friend, ASA CURRIE, PLUAdelphia. Pa." " * * * I have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia. anti bad to abandon preaohing. * * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me. Rev. J. S: CATROBB. Rochester. N. Y." " * • • I have RiVIM the Plantation Bitten to bun. drede of our disabled soldiers with the most astoniehlat G. W. D. ANDREWS. Superintendent Saldiera' Home, CLucintati. 0." " • w • The Plantation Bitters have mired Imo of liver complaint. of which I was laid up prostrate and had to abanden my business. ' H. R SINGSLIIY. Cleveland. 0." a a * The Plantation Bitters have eared me of a derangement of the kidneys and ortnary organs that has &droned me for yeare. It acte like a charm. 0. C. MOORE, No. 254 Breadmai." &a, Ate, &a., atc.. ate., ato The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are volumed dale celebrated CaMaya bark, win tergreen. sassafras, roots, herbs. tka.s alt Preserved in Perfectly pure St. Croix rum. S. T.-1860.-X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weaknese, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, leak of appetite, diet trees after eating. torpid liver. constipation dro.. deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities, and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable. perfectly pure. and harmless. Norma.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. It Is put up only in our log-cabin bottle. Beware of bot tles refilled wilh imitation deleterious stair, for which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, unetw- Moted. anti our signature on steel-plate side label. -- sod by respectable dealern throughout the habitable globe. P. H. DRAKE & 00., fe2..3.tuthest 202 BROAD WAY. MILLINERY E0013.R. P. k. HARDING & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS 07 STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. 418 ALIELVII STRaraireff. PHILADELPHIA mh9-2in 1864. 1864. WOOD & CARY, 726 CHESTNUT STREET, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS_ P. 8. —MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS are Invited to examine before Drirehasins. ma our STOOK IS FULL sad mow LOW. mbe-ena WOOD & OMIT. MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 805 CHESTNUT STREET, Are now readying their SWIM Importations of SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS, Ell:TON AB PANOY AND PLAIN RIBBONS. GROS DE NAPLES—Anshades. BIAROELLINES AND FLORENOBS. PREECE AND ENGLISH. CRAPES. LACES AND JOINED BLONDES. ILLUSION AND MALINE NETS, &0., 8,0. Also, a fall assortment of FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS. ml/15 tutham SPRING" • 1864. BROOKS & ROSENREDL 431 MARKET STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN RIBBONS, BONNETS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS, FLOWERS, AND • MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY. mhSlm 414 WE RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF 'X 7L" Me A IN TO OUR STOOK OF - SPRING. MILLINERY ' GOODS, WE HAVE NOW OPEN . A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH FLOWERS, RIBBONS, BILKS, L . /ICES, VEILS, ac. BERNHEIII, 726 CHESTNUT THE - ET: WM-1m MISS M. A. BAKER, No. 1346 CHESTNUT STRUT, I P Has opened a large aasortment of. PARIS NILLINBRY; apl2-Sm 6 For the Spring and Samoa? of 118 L CARTES DE VISITE.-B. F. REIMER can snit you with any style. His specimens em brace many, pleactng and natural. When. YOU dance any, try him. !Kt ARM Street. ltie SPEOTAGLES TO SUIT ALL SIGH-TS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN IT Inserted without Pahl+ bY zanie w. .. 211 di CO.. UWE OH HUT Street. OPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS' FIBLD GLAEMBiI Microscopes for Physicians and Shoholbs. l_Ver, assortment for oats by JAMBS W „QUM= & Stro.. 11:04 ullBl5rNuT aL MATHEMATICAL DRAFTING DT STF.DURNTS. Cb Warman's Metallic and Ikea -two Maaearai, For sale by JAMae w. Wl* & Street prised OHNSYNUT Street Prised and Illustrated Catalogues gratis. islAg-lm II : a 8, : I • r 1 : and expression See and obtain an In wanable llsonaes I.lfit•aize Photographs in oil colon, at 6. P. 81111188 , 8 Gallery. 6W4 ACRUH Street. lt* fIA.B.PETS, OIL CLOTHS, AND WIN. "L" DOW SHADES—New stook of loitifsh Chtmettarist received, and for• sale *heap. at WIL cauiseranarkh Mo. la bia ANT North SECOND Nutlet. below Nob h le.. MA old& w-lsatt EirOBGAN, 088, & 00., STEAM EN. ANA- GINS BED:11. troll. /maws. sad Or galialatsasa ller ilakulhao. 16/9 IMIALOW ILL mut WANTS. A.- ,11 N G A.RRIED MAN, o 4.064 a.:lrt.l LAIR& ct I.b es to engage witk a bad ne.- zr It or any thing he can be useful at: in a fair primp... CRO give. the beat of city retereaca. • B ." at Um. I A PRAOIIOAL BOOKKEEPER AND Accountant desires a ffitnetlon in a Wholesale House or Manufactory Beat reference given.- Address W. B ." at this Office. apli 6t• P ARTNER WANTED-IN A GOOD ViPIZOLESALE StrSINE3S, to take the Place of a retirlre partner: moods cold for ce,h. A perami with about I/5, COO will find [Mc a cood chance to enter We a cafe and eatabl 4 phed broinece. . . • - •. Address. ic ith real name. • A. B 5.." Box 1051. Post Otlisew RECRFNARV WANTED -A GOOD &oft- keeper. familiar with the transfer of Itook., good reference regal's& Address B . J. G ' this office. aol9 2t,* Tn Pit3NTl it PRACTIO PRINTBE.IthoIec, mnetent to take charge of the He char:cal Department of a Print ng Olaca, and can COM. mood a +mall amount of CASH, ma? hoar of , rare op portonity of Pernbliablog himself in .4.04 the oldest and be.[-paying Newspaper and Joh 0111CP.+ to the interior of Pennsylvania. b 9 anom,t, to F,,y , & 0.. Advertising Agents. N.IR corner of FIFTL( mud ...ITIATNUT ',tweets. tr. TO"URNITURE DEALERS.- Wanted, a situation by a person thoroughly co 0.11,3. tent to act as talesman and Book-keeper. Be_st ra. feyense, in this oily and New York. Address k." this ottlee. spill 3t* TO PIANO-'IUNkR3 D MUSICAL. INSTRUMENT REPAIR ERS. —I wish to enters the best Tuner and genei al Repairer and Worker on Musi cal Inrtruments tbat can be found, to go to Washington City to bat% constant employ and' good pAy, In oly es 6 tanlithraent. IlAddreee, for three days, stating vottr qnslifications, care of LEE Sr WALK ift, 724 OtIEiT NUT Street, "tying name, residents, drc., JOHN F ELLIS, aple-St. WANDINGTON. D. C. TO AUCTIONEERS. - W ANTE D, A stimuli., by an ex-auctioneer. Comoetent to sot at ealee.n...o and book-keeper. Beat of references. Ad drE "S. M. A.. tbis Mike. apl6-3t. WANTED -AN EX PERIEN 0 ED SAILEATADY In a Dry Goods store. Apply at No. 70 North FOURTH Street, for two days. apl9-2t WANTED -A FIRST CLASS ENGI JEER. competent to run a 90 borne power Curling Fusin°. Add , o.s " Tie Lockwood Manufacturing C 0.." 255 South THIRD Street. it* WAN TED-A MAN CAPABLE OF keeping a plain eel, of books. and to make himself generally neetal in tht. Oil Badness Oood testim Intel; required. Address Poet Office. Box 1216. apl9-2t ANTED-BY A GENTLEMAN and Wife the Dwelling part of a HOURS in the vi cinity (.1 Independence or .Wambington ikitteres. on or before June 14 Would take the cam of tam Very best of references given. ♦ddrees Box 1.4 A Post Office. ii bl 7 theta tr 'AV - ANTED-BY A SOBER AND IN • duEtrions man, a SITUATION an Acabitant Bock kat per Would be willing. to collect, or make himself cnerallv necfnl. Peet of reference Riven. tad r.s. Useful. " and left at the office of this paper. will re ceive attention. apl9.2tv WAN E D 20 WAGON. MILKERS aDd 20 WHEELWRIGHTS Apply to HENRY SLIVONs. U. S National Wagon Works, Factory SECOND and CIIIBIBERL ED StrelnS. aplB-26. WANTED -TEN SOBER, CAREFUL TEAMSTERS. Steady work. Aoply to HE IRY SIMONS 17. ii. rational Wagon Works, Factory lIR' 3 OND sad CUMBERLAND Streets. aplB-20 WAN') ED-A • YOUNG L A.DY BE. TWEEN fifteen and twenty yearn of age, wao Lae a good education Good' referent• a required. For further particulars address . Post Mee. Box 2834. Phila delphie. apti-at. WANI ED-A SITUATION BY A LAD of fourteen, la a Wholesale House, to learn the butdrees—Hardware preferred. Address ••.1 W. M." Pri,9B aloe WANTED—A: SITUATION BY A cowetent,BOOKKEEPER. Bast refarentn eivn. Ad dram , -8. P 'at this °Mae. apl6.4t. 85,(.1011 710 $lO,OOO.- A PAR, ['NKR `--• SHIP Wanted with:this am - raut in a carat business. already establisbed. Address, stating when and where an InteryieW can be bad, •'ll, W, G.," at this aloe. apl9-2i. $76 A MONTH WANT TO HIRE MAIM. in every Canny, at V 75 a month. ex ren.ea Data. CO .911 my new cheap Family Sewing Ma atom Addreee 6. /1..4.D1501T, Alfred, Me. Cfel2. d+IIWSW at WANTED TO RENT-A. RES"- I=I.DRICCE ON ARCH STREET.-1 three-story dwell ing, with back buildings and modern improvements, wanted by the 15th of May Rent from $5OO co $BOO. ed. dreel Box 1P59 Post Office. ap1.5.6t• BOARDING. C 9 PE ISLAND.-SELECT BOARD • MG. 3n s large cottage Pleasant location. Apo' at 608 SPBUCE Street, Reference. exobanavd. aplB.6t* 295 SOUTH BROAD STREET.—VA cant today. an elegan , Parlor, newly furnished, and large cbamber communicating. second story. Other yacaccie% for families and single persons. apl4-6' FOR SALE AND TO LET. THE BEST COAL YARD IN THE CITY FOR SALE. Inquire at OST North w&INIII St.. below Girard avenue. Terme easy- apl6-7c* MONEY ON MORTGAGE AT FIVE PER CENT. PER ANNUM.-16.0J0. $lO.OOO, and other amounts, to loan for a term of veers. LSWIs REDUEL apl9-3t. lA% South FOURTH Street. in FOR SALE-DESIRABI E RESI JIM DEM CBS. militated at Nos. 1401 and 1463 Locust st., above Broad. Apply to 808% MACON no:3JB, It 419 WALNUT threat. a FOR SALE OR RENT-A COTTON MRFACTORY. a few miles oni of town. or a Partner would be admitted addre.e Box M. P. 0 era St. FOR SALE-TWO DELIGHTFUL, SITUATIONS, near DARBY, one with four, the other with three scree. Apply to apt St. B. la IDD LBTON, fir., D &EBY. de FOR SALE—A COUNTRY SEAT maLat CHESTNUT HILL, of about 8 ao: es, handsomely located, and with all modern immovemente. Address Box No 920. Philadelphia Post Office. It* FOR SALE--k LARGE LOT, 105 Jima by 190 feet, and superior ItiIBIDSDICII. situated at the S. W. corner of Thirty-fourth and Bridre streets, Mantua. Also, a large number of Lots and Residences situated on all the mein streets West ehiladelphlit. Apply to - ROBERT MACORWOR. it 419 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE-A NEA.T COT- Jffia TA OR RFRIDRYCE and five acres of Land on the Byberry and Andalusia Turnpike. 1.3 i miles from Anda lusia or Cornwall's Station, on the Phila. and Trenton Railroad. '1 he Home is new. in cottage style, convent. ent. and well finipbsd, surrounded by ev.rgreens and Other ornamental trees, There ie Woos thrifty young or. chard or choice vatieties of apple. pear. cherry. anti other trees. For further information, terms. dm. app vto CHAS 0..81LY, apl9- tnthsat. Byberry. Twenty-third Ward. Phtla Elf FOR SALE OR TO LET—BEAII - TIFUL country SB&T on the Brandywine. six to Wirt, acres of Land; stone Dwelling hoagie, 62 by 33 feet, including large Kitchen and Bathroo m, contain ing twelve Rooms, with valuable Ice-house adjoining, and neseegary ont-buildingP, all elected within the last eight years; well shaded, with good supply of fruits. epp'ee. peaches. cherries. &c. ; Vegetable Garden well stocked; located two and a half miles (rein Chadd'e Ford Station. on the Plelladelplas. and Baltimore Central Railroad. commanding a fine view of the Valley of the Brandywine and Surrounding' country. For farther particulars inquire of it • anbicriber, adjoining. . VirOBL PFEIL apin-tnthaea.. Chadd'a Ford. Pennsylvania. al TO 'RENT-THE OLD ESI AB. Wa."LHOTED Beddinx, Feather and Mattress Ware house. 7e19 South SECOND. below Dock. Occupied for the above boldness for thirty years. Apply to B. A. MITC.HI3LL, .N. E. corner FIFTH and WALNUT. 11148-2 t. A,TO LET-A DESIRABLE DWEL LING. GOUSE on Price-street. second east of Han cock s treet. Germantown. Rea tissoo OH 011.1113 ALBIRTHON, 1200 GIRARD Avenue. or Queen street, beyondlerson, Germantowxt, SPIB dr* TWO GEBMANTOWN COT •waLTAGIEQ, well located. will be excbanged for good city property. B. F. GLENN, 123 S. FOUR PH St. aple Mk FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL ode- , TREES AT PUBLIC AUCITIOIL —Will be Bold at Public Bale. on THURSDAY, April 21. 1664, at the P AIR. VDSW NURSERIES, Borlinston county, N. J.. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Evergreens. of extra size and Quality also, Blackberries. Raspberries. and etrawber• ries. of choice collection. JOHN PERKINS Proprietor. ap'6.2t. AUCTION SALE. pIMENFE AUCTION SALE OF A Large and Elegant Collection of Rare and Beautiful'. SE♦ SHELLS. At SCOTT STEWART'S, 11912 CHESTNUT Pleat. To be sold without ally reserve or limit as to price. fifty cases direct from London, England. of some of the most splendid MARINE SHELLS ever witnessed in this country, with various other Natural Curiosities. com prising Corals, Cameos. Pearls, &c.. consisting of over LOCO liPoolMene ' snob as have never before been offered for sale in Philadelphia, and a rare opportunity is now offered to the citizens. The public, and the Ladies in peritonitis, are invited to examine this magnificent assortment of CURIOSITIES from the dominions of Old Neptune They are works of Nature, and no artist that ever lived could imitate them in shape or color—the wonders and beauties of the mtglity deep. Also, a variety of Chinese Fans. Japanese Norm and rare Inkstand.. The first sale will take Place on MONDAY MORNING. AptillBll, at 10 A. M , and at 3P. M.. and continue lEf TiIeDAY and..7o EON ESDAY, at the same hours. Terms Cash. By order T. BONTON, stag St* American Agent for the Company. BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS. Stock Brokers' Purchase and Sale Books. Stock Brokers' Receipt & Delivery Books. ORDRRS SOLICITED FROM BANKS. INSURANCE. RAILROAD. OIL. ADD MINING COMPA DIES AND CORPORATIONS. BX ECIIVID PROMPTLY AND AT LOW PRICE& MOSS % CO.. BLANK BOOK AND ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS. KENNEDY, STAIRS, & CO., Nos. tao and 132 North Wharves, ABOVE ATIOR WFBEET, WHOLESALE.. DEA.LESS PICKLED AND DRY FISH. • large stock, in assorted visitant% suitable la Conn try Trade. always on hand. ap732,, RE IME R' s - COLORED EhrfoTo. GRAPHS feral era unentwaued In atyla. finality; and aoloyinii, and it lAoderate Oman% 'within the reach of all. Oo to Gallery, 1311COND.Ba „ sib ; Green. 44. WATON 4: DENOICLA,RARDWABE • 11 ^..- Commission Iforahanto. 50100M8114Q1 nal Ha NORTH fiends. offer for Ws: Anchor Brand loMla • Plymoo.thlah Sive& W. & 8. Butcher's Cast noel; le o ßahinia Soaks. Patnam's Boras Nano; Loaka'a c ool Mak& Cower; Bros.. and Iron Wirer n Bari& Also. a toll iumartmant of Arnwhan !faraway& heignilf Mc ORD% PATENT AMERICAN Ha SLY, BATTON.--Tbe best Ineerameai of alarm and defence In the well& Sold by the lawator, No. 145 X. SIXTH, below NAM. No koaeekeeper should be without one. iufrenthe ists MONUMENTS AND GRATE STONIIB.---A large assortment of Grays. Stones. of variona designs. made of the lined and American Marbles. cosign% on band at the Marble Works of ADAM ITTRIE /menu, below Sleventb. Mat. rtaladt le. splB g 43% SHREITNITT Eltvaat ABIUSEMENT, GC,ROVER'S CHESTNUT-BTREEf THILATER LEONARD °norm vaw.cin (Also of Of segag's Theatre. Washington. N. 6.f GRAND OPERA. CA 1111.—Tbe Measlier heal leave to atate that th.“l4- son or tr rand Opera cannot poe.siblv be extended 5-uncut theVereeent toce.k, as the Opera Coihpany Lave to appear La neRtAIL Os Monday Beal, April 25th. TEESDAT EV*HUNCF, APRIL 199 1964. SECOND NIGHT OF THE OPER i , Latit Night but Four. B.a h BAB or bISVILIA I Comae Open', in three act,, by Ihment. , Count AlmavivaH. Mahatmas. Figaro K. Steina:FO. BP rtnla.. M. Oran' Don Bonilla M li'ronlaid. Foolno Mad Jobannsan. Bertha - brae la Roche - • Fiorillo M. Zingh , whn. Cal.t. AIiSCEILTZ --- - Conductor. DCOTA Open at 7 o'cloc'h WEDNEEDAY EVENJN( I . , Aprll2o, Third Night or tha hp.ra. FATT S T. • oRAND OPERA NE OOlllff7D. R.,,sed Seats for oaTe Oonld'e Nagle Store, and et the - Rox Office of tho Thoet,o, at the following RCA L OF PRIG 58 °rat etre Chair+, Dross Circled Pau tral r.,:t rhonte for reserving: 50 gents. Ceittb extra Tor re'lierving. 'Pt Virci.. Pri nts a 25 te Beses $lO Ce 00. p 81 1 1. 1 )FELD, Boolnee, Agent. WA N STRlt,,"t Tll EATBE. - mars (Tos.is7) - Evar:Txr,i. &Dr 1119tb. POSITIVELY I. AST bilf.iffi' rTI I' RrlE' THE WAL- TitiGfr-D bIiYORT ALL! A NOB. On which occasion will he rpreat.d. by psrtlcaleu . re for cineAirst, . Wai the grandlecit. e. tit Hista led lcaL Itornascs. written expressly „Bs IRON MASS: Or, TUE VEARVIII, 90i1M. Mr. J. M'allaak as Laos de - Boerb..a: Mr F. L. naven. e Hogifeavt; Aire, Flume as ger port aP rochfort, lame de 1113rDZIOar . To conclude with the Farce. called Box' 610 COY. ATIIS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET THEATRE. HoneEe crowded In eiliTy part. Third weak of MR& JOHb DIM,. Tbird weir and grand ancceas of ROREDALR: Olt. THE RIFLE BALI, With It.: GRAB t) StIRDIRRT. FM AI:TING. MECHANICAL IMPRCTB,_ _ and BRILLT a NT DANCING. . nal LEIGH HIM JOHN' DRWSIC FRIDAY. MR I 3. JOHN MEW'S REMIT. Seats Secnrgd one week in advance. Play to nom:l:lane. , at I; t.< 8; terminate - at apIEI•3I ANNA E. DICKINSON WILL SPEAK. ON "RECONSTRUCTION," AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIO, THURSDAY PyBPiliNG. April Met, at 8 o'clock Admission 25 cents. Reserved Seats 60 cents. Tickete to he obtained on and atter Monday, April IS, at Ashmead & Event', 724 Chettnnt ntreat, and at the Academy of Muria apls.6t. 0 R I 0 N. BY Rev. RICHARD S STORRS, of Prooklyn. "IRE NATION AF [1.12 ITS nRUBAL OP BATME!" At CONCERT BALL, THURSD eir EVE .1 LNG. April 21st Tickets 26 cts.; R43E43;17(.41 Sea's 60 cts.—at I, B. GO it bi Music Store. Seventh and Chestnut streets three days in a civet ce ; at the Hall, on Thurday- apl6 stutioh4t. A CADEMY OF MUSIO.". og•-.- Or and Musical Soiree la. the Bq left; of the GREAT' OEN TRA.L FAIR FOR THE SANITARY CO er.LMISSIOpT, By the Pupils of the DIOIIDIT VEIINos OI fr• (MI ECTION. RKA)/ SCHOOL. • THIRD S On WEDNESDAY EV.BNING, April 20th. 18134, at 7 o'clock. Tickets 20 cents, to be had at the door on the Evening of the Concert. anl9.2t• CONCERT HALL.-JAMES E M UR- DoCEf . Esq., will give a Scriptural and Patriotic Pending on FitiDAY EVENING. A p , ll 22d, at 8 o'clock, for the ' ' &earnest's Home' of this city. The programme will include the 1011( Whig geIgeNCLII from the barred deriptares Generals. Legend and Poem, ''The Hermit "Parnell. • The Story o: Jo.sph and his Brethren Genesis. B ew Orleans (Subject. the fight of Ferment's Fleet and the Nebel Forte). Cleo H. Bolter. Me Murdoch will rend this Poem for the first time in pnblic. Poem, "Brushwooi " T. Buchanan Read Poem. "Gettyettirg" Francis De Rees Tanvier. The Building of the Ship Longfellow. Commodore Turner. P.. S N. hae kindly consented. to presideited Many of the clergy arid naval officers have bblessinv Veleoto—ltoNerved goats, BO cents; to be procured at Martien's and the Episcopal Book Stores, üBEATIVIIr Strket, and at the doors. apl9 4t. TER ES A CAERENO—THE 4E = NIPS and Child Pianist of only ten years of age, takes pleasure in announcing her Bret appearance in Philadelphia. in °HAND CONCINIP at tIUsICAL FE FAD HALL, THURSDAY EVENING, April 2lat, aided by her Company of talented Artiste. acilbtf C ORRESPONDENCE. - PHILADELPHIA. 11th April, Het. PHILIP LAWREECE: Saturday, the 23d April, be ing the Annivercary r.f the Birthday of Shakeneare, it Would afford us mash pleasure if you would give a Heaeing. at the Mu.ical Fund Hall, on that evening. as we feel confident it would afford the highest gratification to all admirers of the great poet. We mmain. dear mr, your sincere friend. Alonz ) Potter, James Pollock, Morton McMichael. Eicholaa H. Maguire. Deo H. Baker. J. W. Panes. .12 Shelton Mackenzie, Alfred Nevins. 1 aniei Dougherty. B. D. Saunders. PHILADELPHIA. 19th April, 1884. ClEariamuN: I accept, pith the greatest pleaspre, your flattering invitation to read on the Anniverattry of the Birthday of the Immortal Bard, and on that occasion I shall be assisted by some of my best pupils I remain, gentlemen, yours most respectfully. PHILIP LAWRENCE To the Bight Bey. Bishop - PoTrEn. Ooy. rob - boos. and otherp. N. K. RICHARDSON WILL GIVE • SELECT RE &DINGS, at the School-room of the N. J. Church, on CO MIRY St., above Twentieth, 't UES DAY Evening at 8 o'cloct. Tickets SOc.; for tale at the door. * O NLY FIVE DAYS MORE OF J. INSCO WlLLlallifr PANORAMA OP TSB BIBLE. at Concert Rail Lecture Room. CHEeT OT Street, above Twelfth. Open ewe'', Afternoon at 3. an d 'Swelling at 7M 0 clock. Ticket', 55 cents; Children, 15 cents. Children to Matinee, 10 cents. arl9 5 ELEYENTR-ST. OPERA HOUSE. •• THE FAMILY HESOET." CARNOROSS tND DI CEY'S MINSTRELS. THE OREAT ETAS TROUPE OP THE NVONTIE In their SELECT IiTHIOPInkr SOIREES,. - Splendid Singing, Beantilni Dancing, Latighablg longues, Singing, Scenes, dm, gm. b 7 TWENTY TALENTED ARTIST S EVERY EVENING THIS WEEM -. Valets 21 cent;. Doors cpen at 7 o'clock. feT7-13m J. L. CARNCROSS. Engine!. lifAtotam pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Up THIS FINS ART,_ 30%115 OBBSTISIIIT ITITABT. - - - - CLOSED to Prepare for theAfiNDAL EXHIBITION Will open on the Mbth of APRIL. By order of COMMITTEE ON EXHIBITION. ap9•tf (RRMANIA OROHESTRA.-PUBLAU RERSABSALS ovary SATURDAY, st 3 &Stock, at the MUSICAL POND HALL. Single tloketo gents. Packages of six tickets, M. To be had at AO. DEB'S. 1104 CHESTNUT Street, J. E GOULD rx. VENTH and CHESTNUT. and at the Hall door. felo-tt MILITARY. A NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD BOUNTY MONEY! MEN PAY AND PRIZE RONEY! Et MEN W &MED fat the NAVAL SERVICE and MA RINE CORPS, who will be entitled to all the City Bonn ties, in addition to Prize Money. Seamen will receive an advances of three months' pay as bounty. .Application to be made at once, to WK. K LEHMAN Captain and Provost Marshal First DlstrlcaPanna.. mbSU.tf 5145 South THIRD Street. PERSONAL:. INFORMATION WANTED -0 ON. MINING the whereabouts of ANTON cud HER MAN BRINGS. born in Waldvelen. H. Sorken. B. S. Meineter, Elnadom of Prussia. They emigrated to America in the spring of 1862 t Masons by trade. and when lest beard from were working in the vicinity of Philadelphia. Pa.. in the year 1854. since which' time nothing has been heard of them. Any information con cerning them will be gladly received, by shah- aged and afflicted lather,. who mourns for them as dead. Address JOHN H. H. BRINGi, Waldrelen Mies, Horgan. B hieloster Prussia, . Or WILLIAM BRINGS. Co. H, Seth Reg't 111. Vole. Chattanooga. 'Pain. LOST AND• FOUND. .OFT— ON S A TURDAY, 16ra APRIL, a amall•Crimeon VELVET CABS. containing two Diamond Stride. A reward of SBA will be paid on their preeentation at the office of the St Lawrence Hotel. apl9-2t. If . OST-A OERTIFIOAI E OF 5-PER GBVT, LOAN OF fiTATS OF PUNSYLVANIA. for 051.6.06, dated March 12. 1130. - No. 754. in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also. a Certificate of 5-tssy cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the of IWO. dated Jane 80. 1545, No. 1452, in the name of ELI K. PRICE. administrator of William Meredith in trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a =- sepal of said CertilfLoatof fell-Sm ELT K. PUCE. No. $3ll. ARCH Stmt. LEGAL. -ITHE ORPHANS' COURT FOR 1, / T I3E CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of BENJAMIN ROBINSON. Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle. and adjust the account of BENJAMIN ROBINSON end JOSHIIa ROBINS(>11, Executors of BENJAMIN ROBIN hON. deceased. cud to report distribution of the balanee in the hands of the accountanta, will meet the parties tiote•ented. for thepurpoffies of ble appotetotent. on TUEsDAY, Mar Sd, 1E64, at tour 0;104 P, office, No. SSW - South FOURTH 4itreet. in tea lady of Philadelphia. WM. O. HANNIS. Auditor. tuthste* INSURANCE. FAME INSURAN No. 400 U H ?HILA]) FINN AID IIL •iplasil N. Busk, DIM! guano Hielowdoon. Holo , Lowis, O. W. Davis. P. Jodie*. "Jeorze A. West, ri.ANOIS x. SE COMPA.N'I I ,. brITT BTBBBT. LPHIA.. D INIBURADOL • TORS. John W. Hyena:, Robert B. PONY. CHAS. W. L BLANCHARD. Rears YELLOW OR. OHESI'ER4B - PRINGS -IL SUMMER RESORT, CHESTER COUNTY, PA.—The • subrcriber will open this beautiful Scimpserßesort for the reception of Visitors on MST 1. 1664. 11-br . farther infer- • (o. inquire of Messrs. SABNIENTO. Melni.A.lll. 'IAO, uIiIibTPIIIT Street, or address ttse anbAp4ber at ]himn 41 A. D. SNYDER. Saperigtende.nt.. 60 BARRELS Y 0 IT NaE R' S. ALE', at. Anne's Brewery. In In store, and for sale by A J MS. TEATISN & am w i r e. Been FRONT ,Streat MLLE, BEVERIN REPAIRS AND- Cleans all sorts of Loom and Einbroideries,realgini ; them equal to new_ bO. SOS LOMBARD St ADS Iltt . me i Ma FoB+. ALBANY AND TROT, :ta Delaware and NarkEn (lanai. The barge MONTREAL Capt. E DANVEM, is now loads nka at bt Wharf below SPEDCE strsetithe above Pointe. and will leave on WEDNESDAY. at 3P, if. For freight. wbia- will be taken at. reannable rates. twEdy to D. L. FL &NAGA...LI „ Agnt. =Nat 2306 South Dolawitre Wail% WRITTEN AND VER./IAL DF. ; s o c u ßl l74 ° . .inli c o h s a lir t itgr iltl igalk , ,ltult —. Rh , stou t :. mar- majorovement. Manaaament. Instal 011ILDBIN, R9sial adaptation, itc., and aveninn. SWIM L. Odllitt. Nbraltol2lo.st and irrooknelien. miLlN3tatb. No. as s.TENTti mead. ascots Chtstaint. MONEY TO ANY AM,OVNT Lo.Nr.D. upon Dismcodo, wat c h" 3,,,,„d r y iw , W i Plato. Clothing, got,_. at J 031111 3& CO !a Old: gatabliabod Lino O& corner VILIRD and GdFICILL Manta. below Lombard. at* Brik 001111E0l i litnutze. 0. a BARGawys (wars 1:10.W. fqr gLilivsta re•obre.l rars i VRHAMMT gibe, oak. at:NAROII Ur. B. haz e I litray a rs utiatAt.-1. re VA /Mt I °o "S swost-ton•d• as ww. pgkilogi Tame tor TualliL 0 vertare et 8 o'clock. -$l. 00. E, P , WIT& (Mar ph isa Rohm. Jose . NOOK. dartire :DBON. Visa Pres Liszt fa44l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers