ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. tabard—CheStiotat is - t.• Ricers MLY}I2II Ira C 111sain C Clnelie ceil, ld Phllada B al Hutchinson. Pittabutg W Blanchard ,NeW Halide Chas llwmg S B C tillserthorn, II y Chas N Segur.Wash. D 11 Dr D C Colby, N y w 8 Parker, II 8 N J Morrie. Shaw York .8 Vern. New York A Thee Smith. Wash. D C John Btu, bWitzerland Chas Myers New York J W Webster. Philada 43 Wharton &la. Oermant'n 43 W Cox. Wash, D Jas Watson Perna ,area Solnalej A Bowan Penns Mrs Si Pittsburg mpeon. Penne Rohl Miller. Baltimore Cnas Slocum, Ohio L Robinson, Ohio' Jim Fl.-ming. indianit Sand Eimpecn, lndlana Jerome Taylor, Buffalo Wm Johnston. Banal. C G Wi;tan Indiana C P Wilson. Indiana • Geo F Perry. Indiana 0 T Terry. Ohio C Lukens. Baltimore • Jadkins, Baltimore X Foilend. Peane. S6 OO paimatter. England Ryan. Eralaca B Peterman. England Janice Boyd. Penna Mrs 8 A Mansfield Miss Mansfield Miss El A Manslleld.St Louis T Wood, Kentucky 4' It Ritchie. Kentucky J R Oral. Kentucky R Cochran. Middletown J Coulter. Lake Superior -T. B McCormick. Franklin R Hutchinson. Louisiana W H Hopkins, hi Orleans L Parkhill, Penns, H Fetterman, Jersey City Concannon. New York .1 Williamson, New York M F McCoy. Baltimore .8 K McCoy. Baltimore W B Tacit. Tai-ton Bowman. Penns B M Hoer. Lake Superior J Francis. New York Win Baker. Newark. 0 .1' Seeker & wf. New York S S Donal&or.. Ashland -C P Shoes er & la. Tamaqua 5 6 James. 13arlinsion 3B G Miles W Chester 0 0 Burnett. Philada W 'Meister. New York Jas Williams. Perry co Geo Williams. Perry co Henry Williams. Parry co David Gresher. Perry co Saul Megaughy& la, Boston _ . Mas*er H.emer. Penns - W Humphreys. Best Fork T Robinson. Cincinnati F • 'Cunningham. tha W F °twity. einduzist , .Tos 11 Christ,. Cincinnati R Gale, Jr. Cuba W ale, Caba W H Joes. Pittsburg H A Fem. Saab n G Jr M Crinnk qfrs M Chunk J.Lansrblin. iestrville T A Matthews. Kentucky f E F Dancer, Portland. Me imrs A T Daaver„ Portland !Mies Brown. Portland. Me I Miss Harding, Portland, Me Chws tukmons, Hartford H Hale, Hartford fno wricaro. Petersbard Bellketon. PezerAnig acre eassway. Petersburg C J Arnold, Newport Edw NOWP V Flooly. Ahon. 11l 'P F Driscr.ll& arf. Minim J W Vii,beter, New York Pomeroy Penns ad Cllestasvit. milireato. 18111.8 St Ainth an & its, Lau V I Geo Thorop4on. England lolivor Johnson. Bow York E L Trier. Brew York Mira Tyler. Ben , S ork C L eattby, Titnaville, Pa W ,_aiifortaa E K Ottoon.. California. Comtluteatal—Wirm.M. N J Jambs, Haw York B Simpson. Bnffalo Asa Farr. Jr. New York F Wcmrath G Graves, Jr. Albany Geo H Gravea. Athens - JP Boyle. Neva - York H D Hears. Washington • Ducar:port. Mae "W B Jones. Baltimore J Stewart. New 'Fork Pierce. New Y. • Swirls. New York C R WiMon. New York C Veen J W Satchel:. & is. Ba't W H Tress. Hattiracre G &Kirkland, Baltimore Mr Dodge. New York F Wilson. Prey. RI J L N Stratton, N Jersey W Welch< r. moss T Virkolcott Connecticut Martin Flan nery, Wash John k Fel guaon Bdw Clare. Washi ngton W SPatVili'MCO Pittsburg Jas O'Cannyr„ Pittsburg J B LH City Atobt A Colvm, F.entooky John N Turner. Kentucky semi Be. den TJ N Bs Kayser. U t; N AM Keith. U S N John Doke. Boston Geo M bteinman, Latcaster Mrs Ste-lumen Lancaster ni Tick err, 801113/ -C S Maltby. Baltimore A Notinscn. New York J G Ogren. Jr. Bewßerk W Diet Wosldnattm 'Cot JfiGoodenough.BNarY Atlitilhon. New 'Jerk & Mrs .1 M. Forbes.Boain JD Doty. Utah J.Jant C B Fullwoed ja • S DI Green .TS T Greer. Mrs Magraw airs W Coleman -h ch. N Y W Preintar. Aew York Mr&Mrs E .Timenaich.N Mrs A A Valentine. N Tosh A.Lawrance New York J H W P.-co. Boston Dolt Von Reed, U S A John Turmbul, Jr. Balt Geo 31 . liimenson,New York S Stephcrs. Montreal Alre B etapbens Montreal John Bioxhain:New York F W Allen. New Tork 13 0 Pearce, Ntw York Ydw Hertz. New York F Baldwin. New York Geo A Allen, New York Wm Emptier, New Bork Dr Jones Delaware L Sliel, Laporte S Bart. Mb. higan Wm M.Betta•EtaLfOrd,COMl B Phi Mack, Bostosi T P Sit.hie. Boston .. Preston & wf, Ohio Mr & Mrs N Jereey Samuel Wright. U S A W Wright. IT S A B Bevis. Boston Aug R eirtp;e, New. Turk , 1S Jo bey, et Louis John B Uhl. New Yore Ay &Mrs 43G .t.ele.Baffilo Cspt r H P..oe, US A IP SY Vaal. Newark. N J W Dctrge. Newark, N J ISaml I she, Batten, Pa I J B Collins & new fork Miss Coiiim, rew York C Allen & la. Piny. R I Miss Allen. Providence. RI :at s Newt ,n, Rochester. A Y 1 , 3 B Loomis. Alexandria, V N Sh Penner B afatts e a. New York Mir-13 JHa e Penner . MU. Boaz:, Pen ea !Isaac &hen. Penal. IL Ripley. New York Chas H Dana. New York T-cqb LinEtziairer. Pott‘r j Came, tioiumbis. Pc IF W nOrthrOP. Now Haven A t Davis Wm J Sterrett. Penne. i Win a Aagetl Prov. R I B B Floyd. ma 7:wad 6Gr.rera wf, Washington 'Mop , eloopee. Jr W :Shuster i 1 P Haven. New York . . , Gso R Rkz wen. New fork Win orr, Redgt.ttlela. J. a E Hani, • S S Herth & wf, York, PA E Y Hale BO3LOII L Matt,on, Port Carbon al.. ItAber_ Pothiviil. I H Traphagen, So a , York W T P.cerson. Whop ing I.aac 8 Loyd, New York ➢1 1 tikiddy it Hooper. Toron%o Wm F Ater. Jr. dew York ukurter, New York & Jonmon at ma Miss Isabel Evans. N York Robt Rneee'•l Booth. N York -Toe T Duryea. Saw York F F Blionwood. Honhem a. Wierd New York • • - • • Mm limn, New York Mtge Fullmer.. New York M Soule, New York J Pettereon, New tura D Ward, New lork earth St. below Arch. J R Bloom, Prov., Pa. Merchants' Hotel—l , H 8 Brim.. Poltsville d White. Wash. D C 3 M Marks Lancaster H A Story. New York C Rotas. Strasbneit Jos L Heirs. Wash. D Semi Motley, 0 rreto wn Jacob Retidig, .fhippensb'g J A Clark, Shinpensbarg J W Hantialien Pa .J E Boosall, Beech Creek A Brldgens Beech Creek A Rankin. Centre co. Pa i Mire Leech., Centre co. Pa A Vortenbanah & wt. Pa Miss M. Utz, Halifax, Pa W Bloody Hun, Pa Mrs 13, W Baird. Ohio Reiss a Booth, Ohio Jobn H Swaney, Harrisb'a Hiss N Painter. Sunbury Mrs Murdocla, Milton, Ps Ithi Patton, Milton. Pa Mrs Belly. We,shingtonv'e TH Hawn &la Leinabarg P French. Tn.kerten. N I John Occult, Hartford. Ct Warren. Boston , . O T Keim, Newport, Pa Chas (3 Biter. Put tart B Miller. MIN ton. 0 David Logan, Centre co X Lowenbacli, New York E M Shatter Sr. - wf. Pa Miss Ehza Etmh;e, Pa 3:drs Evans, Eton . • ~ . • 31T Bne , oner Litiz. Pa Dr Jobn K Haab, Lane co T Uhler, ,cnca•t.r co Geo W Bt-mtel, Lanc co I Jobn L Bnime. New Jereeryl J M Eckele, Ashland, 0 D Brindle. Mechanicsburg. Mrs Rhodes. Bollidaysb't W Kline Mercer. Pa J Earnuli, La.ncaste r,Pa Geo Dittman, Obamberso'g E Stanton, Bedl.)rd. Pa Hershman. Bedford, Pa Miss Kate Wasbabangb, Pa A B Orem/ r. Bedford- Pa W Tomlinson. Fredericka 0 Lcgar. Dover AThanns CLogan. Doper J QElodes. ..Danville* J Dateeman, Milton • A Weiderinamer. Mdion D Weidanhamsr. Milton Jas McHenry, Columbia A Bond, Media. Pa 371 13 ' IIV rdee'r W B Deacon, Mt Bell v.N. Wrialyr, Newark. NJ P Campbell, Newark .5 A. wanton._ blew York k L B rod head, Lrf Gap ! Mr, L W Brodhead ' D Sh , oiihnzt Sc in, Danville Miss Runyon. Travertm G C COMPLOII, Vicksburg Jacob Barr, Laoc en ge,mnei Keel, Ft W.syne M IL Manic. New Jersey C Ste Loan Baru IT.) T Itenio;3: Wilmington tent st.. above IFlfth. C W Poulson Connemicat Thor Thorp. Now York Jos F Taylor. Minamilla .21 W &foes. cam Jona Miss E Pal mar, Tamaqua Wm Spencer. Min rayiVe Mr & Mrs Mr C 13ram hill. DC Mr & Mrs A BiPchoff, Wash A W Rneeell. Maryland James Ryan. New York H W Biker, Felarord. Del an lemon. Tifewark J Edw Wdal- s, Marylani 13 M Wilkins. Maryland N P Lnlf Felton. Del American Hotel—Che Wm Hobart it lady H N 2111 - are Anderson. Kent co. lid W EC/ 10 18. new - York 11 Lewin. Hew York S Belden. USN a Keith, S N E S Keyter. II 8 N James A If:Madmen Jae Breen, Wilmington, Del F C riniitett. Wilm, Del Drum Wad:dation A Nicole & la, Wa,,laington W Lein, II S A (ieorae IF Swath W C lioneton, Delaware J 3iltchell. New Jenny Frantz, Lancaster M Daimler. hat. N J BF Orratn Pottivitle W A Earum,r, crepeona J D Davie. Reading :M Famt. Atbland A J Walt. New York W D Wyoinct. Witehiogion BF Zimmerman Walsh Alloway, if J II Fithian, Brlageton,N . . S Silver, Delaware J Smithers, Delaware ••===n A Delaware MPS B Radler, nelaware Wes Ji Xadden, Del .ware J S R Powell ac wt. Del Klan A Johnson. Delaware R S ObinAey, is ton Ar 2.74. Cleveland C Cllevehntl. C S Sion. , Yew York C - 3 Dunning, Haw York St. I.ortls—Cbestrattt W BEETS Washis dos, DC , R Galbraith J H Brirdo.l. New York Platt. I , ,SY Ym 3c Ceo Smith. New York Almse at la Chicago .eergß Thompson D York RR Pallor', hew York C It Collins, Nets - York B W Leory, Baltimore M Mitchtll, New York -. - 17 B Brings, Rem ork C.has Walters. Washington eo Armstrong, New York R B Darling. botton Si Rhodes. Briton Jas D Dungan.. Montreal Wilt Folsom, Ohio W C Menlo St Louis 3am Bartram & la colcago i R H /doorman, Cone Henry Petetwan. Bo ton Waver & Troy. NY •aeo L 110E8. Oswego. ti Y Jas Hendermor, Baiii more fir sad Mrs Mel car Wamit'n Sir and ler, Dods,. Pa street s above Third. zi J S Wliliams, Cinein - mti, 0 IL WomnelAdvrff P o i, v ina {John Hower, Gi.erdsoille ii H Fraz, wt ealtimure H. M Ludlam, N jersey ' W F Moore. New Jersey John Braudriff, Jersey Jar H ut mond, New York T B Morrison, Trenton. N J Saml Hoffman. Jersey City A H Cady. New York IT A Richards. Wash.. D C I J Thomas. Georgetown. D C IL S Delarditin, Wheeling. Va I Douglass Moore. Wash D 0 Henry Fox, New York Cspt shepherd Now York T flares wf. Newark, 0 H P B-ady. Denville Pa tVITJ C N Jobeyni. hnsonDel so, re B Lient H Pierce. U 5 A. W R De Pew, Fort Del . . E 1:1 Dailey, Vew York W Beers F Cronise National—name John MenAflold,Lebanor. co y. Liernt Briags shy. Mt Joy, Pa Patel Stroud. Ohio liiee L Shinier. Sunbury Bhatib, Lancaster Yin Nhanto Lancaster W 8 Filbert Womolt•dorf A 6 am Rise. Lebanon Win Ltueer, Lebanon Martin Rocker.llockersyle H Steinmetz, Lett co Mobley At la. Schnyl Irs 8 Filbert Sally! co 1 A Weigley, Peuna X Li Bowman. Palmyra John uElninger. Lob co WS Bre] nor. Lebanon co M Groff, Dauphie co L Bickseciter. Mt Joy, Pa Sinter. Phila. Greider, Mt Joy C W bier. Dorlesnywn All Wetzel Lewisburg %RAW. 'LeXinszton, Pa LB &teener. Wisconsin S C Pinkerton. Latr co 'Lewis Lenhart Perry co SP A Weidman. Pen. a J Shanacel, Halifax °et, above Third. P L Faust g la. Ephrata. Pa John We dler, Lances er W Whitman, Lebanon co M L 13owman. Lebgnon John F Patschke. Parry co Jacob Holman. Perry co B Matter liauphin no Miss ?flitter. Danpbin co Mrs F...ulk Dauphin co r , amuel Hauer. Lebanon C Et grate, nchnyk'l Haven W 13 keidy. Schnyl Haven 13 R. Mager Bloomsburg Mrs Ahi. Bloomsburg miss Peterman !Miss Brow' Mrs Me Dowell. Bloom ebarx Miss Rodgers. Manny Henry Grover. Penns A Berninger.Columbia co S Grover, Penne. J x Longenberg. PennEt, N H Greedy. Catawissa D 31 - Bank, Bast Haven W Lerk. Pine Orovo Porr, Ringtown S a Bethel& Cittawiesc, Miss B Reibold.Catawlssz Mrs Hess, Orangeville a J 33 Robarts, Pottstown T W G oucher. Doy:ertown Jsterts Eg eon. Patna FDencer D Skinter.Franklto co S T Ochs. Qoakertown H Graham 8 1e. • hEcter Co Har , shorn.Ch.ster 3 C Bond, Newtown S.fe darbor waP , on, Buck.: co John ERr hoc F bEfe ILlt•bc.r. John Bomcs, übc.stoc co Conlbon. Ohio BRollio.on "Lonco,:tor co W Christteln. ary l 4lr,i Brown lEntylaztl W B Eder. Slit( n Std W 3.l3lenizer, Putti•to? n wet, ebeersk cheats:net PT &Luting, Lancaster c 3 Miss Haines. Chester cu Miss Rainy. Cheater co Geo 1" Leonard. Berke co H K Sager, Dorlectown M Packer. York co J 1. McConkey. York co John Lackland.Maryland W Taylor. Mar) land Thoe Ponunov.isosboxy.Pa T Bobinson.Prondence. Pa Wm iharpless. Chester CO R Peinon. Chester co 7. Lamborn. Chester CO AMOS COlB. Chester CO Is,rs EameeY• Oxr.". Pa iLeMl*Allide:tgrfle. W Cannthers.W Chester %tate' LlssJon. Blar/ae W H Bake), Delaware C Jameson. Delaware J W Roane. Delaware - hall St-barn. Pe , aware 1?, Lim , ...fi4d.Miltlin. Pa McClain. Pew:Lk— Eria, Wonameport B Pro At. Ohl. John Dyer. aleabelm. Pe Adam Hillsr. PA -Nur" • Panto n.. U 15 R Pairlaxub. Penta keedf,Dl.l, j'a D Hiatine . Leesville. Ohio Bald 1r -tr. t street, above Slane W S Snyder. ElHottsbnre. !L Strohm. Lee's X It etas !John K ireAs, re P Kelly, Penns Sami Hays, Hoar York .1 F Matlack, Parksburs. Pa Semi L G arrett, WLr, Del Hicnolas Bench. Parma semi match, Perry co. Pa Win Breen. Penns M V Boyer. Maryland. - Region—Third al David Pa 'Wm in. 11 , 6.' ill to K I- ni , l4 . 0 Lfilfrci SI A B W A ?fri.aiJ,ew... Onal,et town I Chaa Dohs. Prnn,inur3r BO Dram, Penn,hcry BUJ Etont, Pl.]] 34 :bury Botb. Pa BL Menu. renua B eoc, my. In tens!ter co 3 obnli Betnina. Arm Lind:m.llth. Dis anon co JTHummel. Mita Hummel. Enuamel.t'a beet, above Callowhill !Simon Roads. Dauphin co 113 1 , " DOHS, Penusbury IC C Spangler. Lebanon ca IB R Frei, Berke co +.IK Fetherof, Lehigh e) i M BrossMan, Beading W Schoonover !J IL: Clarke. Stioetnakersto'n la bi Snell,. retina .1 . I) K Hninhart. linete co I F.hristieu Nogel. Easton 11R 17 Glover. Hazleton BauLl Bear. Peens N H Schetler Beading H Jonee Heston lid street. abode Arch. 1h P Thompson, IN a Ili B Smith L Briton. Pennsylvania James Walters. Pottsville G sicamey. Harrisburg H 8 Waiters, Harrisburg C g Watson. Salem, A J d- 4 OuUt Vernini - -Secol Pine. Nsw Jortay Jonson. Tnnton. 3 J James licarisin. Di Y Wm Jon. 4 & wt Di 0 Robert Gain's. Pa P onism:err. Pa l'haßesu olds. Y Barley Waeta—Second street, below Vine. trElkins. Baltimore . IS Harper, Fox Chase ..T., Baldwin. Ba.!timore A B Johnson. New Hope 4 Jaws. }Unborn Major D Todd. 11 S A IS Gardner lieW Xr , ey Miss Todd... New York u J ohnston:New Jere- V I Widien, tiolebuY as isms Mouse--Second r avlbOve Market II McNeal & la, Perryv. Pa ...pith/m ai . Ohio Mies Morgan, ntrowlelnwg 'Y Gaudy. Pew Jersey trees. below Blf beau J Karnali. Baltimore Jamea Bell . Mercer co, Pa H W Phileson at la, 0 'VII ArinbtrJug, Baatou , 1 Harmon. New York M P DromaPr Now Yore Kr &litre Wreyea,rdontreal !Hies WrayA.e. Montreal W Sicom.ffew York A j Emery Buffalo P Roland. flew Holland H Shirk. heir Holland Heuer Brubqk , r. P. 47 a% B N Brubaker, New Hol , and W J iloble. New Ho B Dlllor.New Hollandlland P V oi intrelder Webber, N ff4r. Poona man - B maletz. Boston k SIIIiril • Be vr York Leon E Jones A May, West Chester 'es BM McGee, 011 City, Pa Mr 1t;Ooy W FergeltOti &wf _ . . J F Brown & wf, Wash Jno &Collins, Delaware R R Brobaker. 4.1111 C Chao Burka. Penns I A NorrilS. Lancaster .has P Norm. Lancaster W s lidagrare. linalitfgdon I P Finsley, Perryville W J Beatty. Harriabarg Bsatti . Harrisburg Mrs Mary Bwell. Now York Mrs 'Uttar Uarroon. Cal Miss MI McLain. LeWlitown Jno Bran/tonne to wr, Pa Win Soricklan, Penna. lire Jes M Hiegter, Penna alt*sPeter. Penes W F Ferzoson & vrf dire S • Martell-4d, SE Louis ,has Wthon, Jr, II( Seney - . S4ml Alexander. Penna J Gilds, l elaware S Gottle, Ohio G W Coffey, Leesburg, Pa Thu Mallon—Arch s G H Hooper & wt N York J Barb ley. WM. Del H 8 Eberly, Lancaster P Brower. Doylestown JH B H Diller, Dayton • smith. Philada P Applebacb, Penns Mae s Bartholomew. Penna J 8 WEBOCO, Line CO W B Rana, Lanc to C BMW, Ilechantabrult J Focht, Potteyllle H B &singer. Pt Carbon fi Jones, Tamaqua C Henry. Lebanon J Bamberger W C Gould. Logan. 0 W B Giffoi a. New York It F. Warlord. New Jersey D Beck, Scranton Black Bear—Third s L Heist. Charleston, Pa W H Echoll, Charleston, Pa a H. Good. Nazareth, Pa J n Burkhart. &maidDe John W Hessler dt la, eeh co gam'i Landis, District. Pa itenj Helfrich. Long swamp J S. Grim. Grimeville Mark Hoffer. Lebanon co D .11 Harper, Olney, Pa P.rnimeg Hotel—TM W Wallace. Wash. D C B ranklin co Eal W Reese..R Chas Jones, Newark. N _ Wm Leary. bewark, R ..TW Baker kr or f. Peons SPECIAL NOTICES- HOYT ' S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RBSTORATIVIL HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE, HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR ABSTORATYVII. In Longfellow's Poem Hiawatha was adjudged to hays conferred the greatest boon on his tribe because ha brought to ite notice 'torn. Hvery one will admit that our preparation is Worthy of the name. for the benefits it confers when It to known. WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOH& It restores faded and gray hair and whiskers to their original color. It brings up the natural shading of one hair with another, thus giving the hair a per&et life sp. pearance, so that the most critical observer cannot de. tee its use. It makes harsh hair soft and silky, stops its falling out. cleanses it and the scalp from all impurities. is as readily applied and wiped from the skin as any hair iress:ng, and entirely overcomes the bad effects of pre cious use of preparations containing sulphur, sugar of lead. dm The proprietors of the Hiawatha published the follow , ing challenge to test in the I(eW York dallies three weeks, which WAS DEVER ACCEPTED: • yet some well known andodisinterested persons ap point. one to the proprietor of each preparation for the hair to bring np the color. Emery proprietor to use no. thing but Me own preparation, and tin person nothing else during the teak A certificate of the result to be widely published at the expense of the unsuccessful eom• •etitore. fold everywhere. JOSEPH HOYT & mhl9-ly 10 University Pincer New Yorer. COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, in such universal do. nand. Is made from the CHOICEST materiels, is MILD And EMOLLIENT in its nature. FRAGRANTLY SCENT. En. and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL in its !anion lIPOD the Skin. Tor sale by all Dlnuists and Haney Goods dealers. ia264athslY FAMILY SEWING, EMBROIDERING, BRAID ING. Quilting. Tucking, are.. beautifully execateri on the GROVER & BAKER SEWING nikagmr. Ma ebines.with operatore,by the lay or week.73o NUS Street. apt atathSm Rant DYE! HAIR DYE I ! BATCHELOR'S celebrated. HAIR DYE is the Beet in the World, The only Harmleee. True, and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is paled—changes Fed. ElleY, or Gray Bair instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, without injuring the Hair or stain ing the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; im parts fresh 'vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color. and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. the genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR : all others are mere Imitations. and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists. Arc. FACTORY. Si BARCLAY Street. Dew York, Batchelor's new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. iy29•ty ONP. PRIOR CLOTHING, •OF THR LATRET STYLES, made in the Beet Manner. exuresely for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our ONE-PRIGS SYSTEM Is strictly adhered to. All are theta). treated =like. de2S-/Y JONES & CO . OOlk MARKET Street. STECK & CO.'S MASON HAMLIN-3 ffMll CABINET ORGANS STECK & 130.76 SEVENTH TIM POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE OF Patha n "OAS NALL." Beet-elan goods and moderate prime. WANAMAKBR & BROWN. • S. E. corner SIXTH and KADICBT Streets. Onatom Department (to make to order) 'Q. IS. Sixth at. WIECEELEF• WILSON'S HIGTHEST EM 1 GINS Tn ell - PA PEST, SIMPLEST, AND DEST Scaesrowns, 701• Chestnut greet above 7th. MARRIED_ MGCLINIE—BROO36,—At the National Hotel. Wash. Inston, D. 0., on ThureJay, April Dn, by riay. Dr. Atkin, B. Irvin McClure, 11. d A.. to Julia P. daughter of the late John Brooks, Neg. , of Harrisburg, Ps. THICKINS—THOHAS.—On the ev.ming of the lath inst.. at the residence of the bride's father, by the Hey. George W. 'Menial:ehlin, Mr, William Tuicains of Potts- Bille, to Miss Caroline R daughter of William Thomas, sq of Germantown, Pa. ksi • 0 WH—LOGR. —By Rey D. L. Patterson, JannarY 20tb. 1864. Mr. kredelick Brown to Mies Eilzsbeth Lour. IIOMRIGHAIIS3N—HI br.. —By Rev. D L. Patterson, March 7th. 11284. Mr. William Homrlghansen to Miss Susan Hill, all of Philadelphia. BOOEBB.—On the 10.1 r inst., John B son of daMuel and Lydia Boners, in the 16th y ear of his age. The relative. and friends of the fami y are respect ally invited to attend the funeral from the residence of his Parents. 80. It2B yin. street. on Wednesc ay, 13th Inst. at 3 o'clock P . . KINDLN —Suddenly. in Caradrn, on the 9th Ind., of congestion of the brain. Gi uudy Handle The relatives and friends of the family. and members of Camden Lo' ga, No. 15. A. Y. 11. , are rest,cifutly in vited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, in Second street. abdVe Bridge avenue. Camden, N. J. on Wednesday: 13th inst . ~a t 2 o'clock P. M. To praseed to Evergreen Cemetery. us. htreß.—On Saturday, the 9th bast "t Chestnut Hill. Care line G • Wire of Jon fl Love, and daughter of John and Ar ne, Limon. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of her father, Ne. 818 North Seventh street above Brown. on Wednesday afternoon next, at 2 o'clock. BAC( /X —On the 9th inet.._of disease contrasted while in service. William Bacon, Co. B. 3d Regiment Pennsyl vania Cavalry. The friends and fellow-soldiers are invited to attend hie funeral, on Tuesday morning, 12th lust.. at 10 o'clock, from the rooms of the Ladies' First Union Association. No. 5e7 Berth Eighth street, Handel and Haydn Heti. *. RENY ADItIo. —On the '9th inst.. Mrs. Elizabeth Ben ;4lvZ.e an f d Id o sial i ret - praT3TA ine:Auzhf — of T.L. relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the foneral from the residence of her father. No. 1231 South Fourth street. on Tuesday after- MOOD. at 3 o'closk. Interment at Colon Cemetery se Is ARTMA.N —On the 10th inst., hire.—Ann. Elizabeth Hartman. in the 89th year of her age. The relatives and friends bf the family . tee respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Stew art. 123.6 Market street, on Teesday. the 12th inst., at 2 o'clock. without further notice. *. EAWRIE.—On Saturday: the 9th„ after a short illness. Swan N. Lawrie. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend the -funeral from the residence of her mother, 8 E corner IV Tenth and Locust streets, on Tuesday morning, thellth, at 10 o'clock. 71.4. • • . PAIIIRS.—on the evening of the 9th irk., Sarah Peters; daughter of the late Sic - nerd Peters. Est/. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral. from her late residence. Ito. 2011 Walnut street. on Tnesday. 12th inst., at .I,q o'clsac P. M . without farther notice. ea OAT.—On the 9th inst., hire. Charlotte Oat, in she 82d year of her age. - The relatlyee and Mende of the family are remedially invited to attend her =oral. from the residence' of her daughter. No 1182 Coates street. on Tuesday afternoon. Jinni 12th. at I o'clock, without further notice. Inter ment at Saint Andrew's. PIERCE On the evening of April Biti, 1864. Mary H.. wife of Wm H. Pierce, and daughter of the late Jacob Bldridge. of. Philadelphia. The relatives and friends of the family are raapactfelly invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband. Ho. 223 Shipley street. Wilmington, Del on Tuesday afternoon. 12th mg.. at three o'clock, without further notice - - . BNAKIRT.—On the Sth inst.. Conrad. Neakirt, in the 77th 3 ear oz his age. - The relatives and friends of the family, also Lodge No. 3, A Y. M , and the Order In geseral, are resusat fully Invited to attend. the funeral, from his late resi dence, 80. 1017 North Second street. on Wednesday morning, at ten o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill Cemete , y. at • OBITUARY. On the 9th inet., of pneumonia. GOTLELB GREITEI, aged 32. ovganist of the takers& of the Aegazaptiost. Ewing Garden. He was a native of the Canton ht. Gail. Switzerland: He was a gent' eman of extensive classi• cal attainments. having graduated with honors at the Academia Turiceneis in 1891 Az a linguist he was meet perfect in all the European languages. Mr. Greith wag destined by his family for the priesthood, but a pas sion fox music reversed that dentiny. and he became a devotee to Orphans—a choice wherein Fortune did not favor hie efforts. In apparent vigorous manhood. he soddenly fell a victim to disease. Of reserved manners end modest bearing, he was seemingly unfitted for the struggles of business, and thus his magical merits overshadowed. With ripe scholarship and varied talent he blended the simplicity of the child. The closing days of hle life were cared for ti rough the.aymoathies of a E.:WISE; lady, who knew his family in their Fatherland, and in whose house he died. BEBSON & SON HAVE COMMENCED receiving their Spring and Summer Stock of Mol7Bit• ISO GOODS. and have now in store— 'Slash Byzantine'. Bunnell Bombazines. Florentines. French Bombazines '* aaaaa Bernard, Summer Bombast/lA. " Crape Musts. Chatty. Baragas,, Monsselaires. ' Silk Grenadine's. Tamises. Mack, and Black an White Fontarde. die. • MOURNING STORE, Flo. 918 CHESTNUT Street. Pip() PER YARD, BEST BLACK 1111 A- -, SILK IN THE CITY. Wide enotalt for a Dress with two seams. Best Brown Silks In the City. Fake of Baclnalve Styles. Tull Stock of Ordinary Silks. Black Silks. front It to kb CO. Colored bilks. from $1 to 1113. art. EYRE & LAIIDELL. ST. VINCENT'S 11031W—FAIEL, IN aid of the Orphans, will continue oda THURS DAY EVENING. apl2-30 err CONSECRATION OF ST. GLIB /MT'S IiBUBCH,(I . WEITIETH and CHER EY buena.) Tale Cburch will (1) Y.) be connerated by the Bight Rev. Blakey PM ER. THIS MORNING. at Il o',lock. The Bev. Dr wAsEtsuxer (Realer of St. Bark's Church) will preach the Consecration Sermon. frie C hMtl i ra G etf l • Zfe C anTit i l l Church en . terarise in this city, will meet at i4lO FIiANKLIN THIS (Tuesday) EVENING', at 8 o'clock, ItarA. LECTURE BY THE REV WH. T. IVA. on Our Country's Flag." A choice selection of Music by the Choir. under the direction of Mr Ja101136 whin. for the benefit of the Penn Widowe' A.ylurn. in the First Presbyterian Church, Kensington. 011ta HD Avenue, ab. Columbia avenue, on Taussper hVBNIPO.ApriL 14th, Mt at VS o'clock. Tickets for sale at the door. apl2-9i* MOFFICE OF THE AMERICAN .PIRE lESURANCR COMPANY. PHILADALPIIIA. April Mb. IEB4. the Directors have this day declared a Dividend of BLVEN DOLLARS AND PIETY ONATA impr share for rho '.set six 'Eoliths. Which will be paid to the I'toohholderc or their legal representatives. on and after the 21st inst. aOl2 - 9t• ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. Secretary. MC. YELLOWSTONE MINING COE TAD It OF .1111.0010•01. —NOTICE —The first 0 .n nt..atintr of the 0w 0 ... miming Company of Nicht- Fab, under it clan of issoidation. will be held at 140. 319 We T Sweet. Philadelphia. on MONDAY. the 18th of A Al. 1864. at 10 o'clock A. M. CHAS 0 JACKSON. me RAI &D 11.106 MOOSE. Two of the ansociatea of said Corporation. PHILADELPHIA, March 10. 1864. Athal-titstat•plr treet. above Third. lae Shloss. Pottsville Oollsehmidt. Ohio H High & svf. Baltimore Miss A. Of Hitchell , Belt • J H Dubbe. Pottsville H Counard , Jr. Healing A H Shellenherger. liar bg H nniilito. Green Cantle _ Mra It C Hoff it eon. Panne A P Cropper. Maryland D W Castla, Harrisburg S Foster, Pottsville H. Parker. Pottsville R0R431% & la. Tamaqua Mrs Schosmaker.Seranton Mrs GepiA, Neranton Sirs Snyder. Scranton Kra Bistrrox, Scranton T Senior. Phoenixville t.. ftbov Sam't Johnston. Leb co. Pa Beoj Bufiogton.Harrisbnrg John Bechtel. Beclaslville /Senn Zeiner. Contra Valley L R Brit:Lain. Hanoi:Wu tianft F Storer. Hamburg Jacob ahaffeer. PetMit 111 S Brign t. Bernville W Yeager. Linalestown,Pa- rd street, above Race Ina Frame. Trenton. Hiram Jones, rristown Amos Munson. Belvidere Jackson Beemer. N Jareey A lanterman. Soh H4V4311 .1 M Jonas. New York PIANOS PIANOS. I. E. GOULD. and cazsrxur Itir GREAT OEN_TRAL FAIR FOR Trig SANITAR Y MMITTEE COME tSSION. CO A DAY'S LABOR. A DAY'S INCIONS, A DAY'S REVENUE. Office, 115 Borgia SWAM% Street. corner of Santora Street. Second Story. Front Room. This Office will by open daily from 9 A. Ai. to 6 P. N.. to receive Subscriptions of ONE DAY'S LABOR ONE DAY'S INCION ONE DAY'S RIIVENt B. From All Who Labor, or Rave Incomes or Revenues. Every Family has Fame relative or friend in the ARMY OR MANY t Let all bring in their off,rings to swell the great tide which in to culminate in Logan Square In the month of June next. WE WILL RECEIVE • INDIVIDUAL eUtiSCttIPTi INS. HODSESOLD4UBSCRIrTIONS. ASSOCIATION SUBSCHIPriorts. SCISCRIPTIONS OF A DAY'S L BOB.k A DAY'S INOOSIL A DAY'S REVBArm IN MONEY. LT MANUFACTURES, IN PNODUCTS The poor man or woman mill thus have an opportu nity to contribute to the objects of the Fair. whoivould otherwise be shut out of participation Is it. Cit:lens are invited to call at the Moo. whore a COM mates • ill be constantly is attendance to consider their eusgesttone, and to EPPOint Sub committees for City or Country. L. MONTGOMERY BOND. Chairman. MoGREGOR J. MITOHESON. Secretary. JOHN W. er..AatiOßN. Treasurer. ap&6t 115 South SEVENTH Street. M. UNION STATE CONVENTION. The loyal men of Pennsylvania comprising the NATIONAL UNION PARTY Will meet in State Coaven. lion in the Heal of the House of Representatives. at HARRISBURG. at noon. on THURSDAY. April 29, 1854. Each district will be entitled to the same representa• tion it now ham in the State Legislature, and the dele gates will be chosen at such times and in site i manner as shall be directed by the respective County Com mittees. The State Convention is called for the purpose of placing in nomination an Electoral ticket, selecting delegates at.large to the National Convention of the Union Party. to be held in Baltimore on the 7th Jane. and taking such action as it may deem proper in reference to the approaching Presidential canvass. The selection of the dtatect delegates from Pennsyl vania to the National Convention is left—where it pro perly belongs—to the people, assembled in their County Conventions, but the different County Committees are earnestly requested to adopt such measures as will pro cure a tall attendance at their respective cenvenione, and thereby secure. in the theism of delegates. a full and fair expression of the will of the people. The Committee cannot forbear to congratulate all lovers of liberty and the Unienupon the recent triumphs of the good cause in New Hampshire and Connecticut. and to express the hope, shared by all loyal men, that they are only the forerunners of more splendid victories sot nto be won - in the same cause. alike by the bullet and the ballot. In behalf of the Union State Central Committee. WAYZI NoVEACH, Chairman. CEO. W. HA MEASLY.. s ee! s m i l e!. W. W. Case. ap9-If 11Z3NICAV YORK SANITARY FAIR.— TWO IiFidiNDIP n droltDB, contributed by TIF FANY & CO.. to be awarded by the popular voice. Th e ,e Swords will be presented bY the ?Ant —one to the General, and the other to the Naval Outer desig nated b a plurality of subscription*, at 005 Dollar each. The Boots of BettiStry are open to both eases and all ages. Persons out of New York. wishing to ex press their preference for any of our Naval or Military Heroes in this coarttable manner. are requested to re mit to the subscribers. who will guarantee the dispo erten of the money and the vote—ortnneFANY CO,wvotyoofobrKevGereTyyd.ol hpr remiltted, N EW apll- 3! or. REV. JOHN LORD'S LECTURES ON THE FALL OF NOME.—the Second Lecture of this n•W course will be given in HALL t)F THE UNIVERSITY. on TUESDAY' EVENING, April 11. at 8 o'clock. .Subject—" The Shame and Miseries of Roman Society —The VlCBBvbich prepared the way for Violence and Ruin." Tickets for the residue of the course $1; Single Admis sion 10 cense ap9-3t._ NOTICE.—APPLICATION HAS yid been made at the oWee of the Delaware and Creeaceake Canal Company for the renewal of a Orman.. cate of One Share of Stock in that Company, in the name o' JEREMIAH EMLEN, dteettood. tha Original baring been mislaid or destroyed. WtL P. C ItEbSON, Idm. cum Tem., &c..of the will of ml3t• LYDIA NINTII• WARD NATIONAL UNION AELOCIATIO.)I.—a reaular stated meeting of the Nitta-weld ILIAIOI3OI Union. ARSISCIALIOD will be held ea TUB-DAY EVENING- April 12th, at Hall TWELFTH and FILBERT atreete, 7, 1 4. o'clock. %einem of import ance. CaplL2t*] J 0312 L. HILL. Secretary. IM• CITY BOUNTY NoTio.E.-OFFICE GM BOUNTY FUND COMMISSION, No. 4121 PnuND Street, April 1, 1064 The City Bounty will continue to be paid until further notice. No applications for Bounty will be entertained from recruits who enlisted prior To the date of the President's Proclamation. October 17, 1863. In future, powers of attorney for the City Bounty, from new recruits for Pennsylvania Regiments. mastered in after this date, must be endorsed by the officer in charge of the barracks that the man has been received there. By order of the Corarais.loa. apt.-It SinsUßl, C. DAWSON. secretary. OFVICM. OF TllO re - Ew YOfU AND MIDDLE. COAL FIELD RAILROAD An COAL CO.—A Special Meeting of the Stockboide , e of the Company will be held at their Office, No. 204 South FOURTH Street. on TUESDAY. April 26th. at 11 o'clock for the trallertekinn of bneineme of miv,rtance, PETER K. LANDIS, Sec , etarg- Philadelphla. April lE ISM apl2-4t REDUCTIOM IN THE PRICE OF COKE. —ln accordance with a ratan:ion of the Board of Trustees., passed on the 26th instant, the price of Coke from the Mazy et.street and Spring Garden Works has been reduced to 10 gents per bushel, and rout the Point Breeze and ktanayroak Works to 9 cents per bushel. JOHN C. CEBSsOlst, Chief Engineer. PHILADELPHIA GAS 'WORMS. March 28. 1864. mh29 lm TREASURER'S DE PART MENT NOIt.THIsHN CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. CALVERT STATION. BALTIMORE, AMU 1, 1864. Notice is hereby given, that the ~ .3apital !stock of the Northern Central Railway Company. for the purpose of completing a double track to Sunbury, Pa., will be augmented to an amount equal to that of the existing Stock. Before offering it to the public. those who appear as Stockholders on the Company's books on the sth of April, 5664. will be allowed the privilege of subscribing. as the par value, so an amount equal to the Stock by them rsepectively held. Books wilt be opened for that purpose at this office, and kept open from the 6th day of APRIL, 1664; until the 6th day of MAY, 1864. lio enbscriptionwill be received for lees than par, pay able as follows: Twenty (20) per cent. at the time of subscription, and the remainder in instalments of such amounts and at such times as may be ordered by the Board of Dirac. ors. The books will be closed from 6 P. M. on the 4th of April until 10 A. M. on the 6th of April. and no transfers allowed on the 6th. By order: ap4.41.2t-thstntmy6 J. S. LEIB, Treasurer. Mr OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF TILE CITY OF FETILADELFERA, March ad 1865 k. bIVALED PROPOS'ALs will be received by the Mayor of Philadelphia until 12 o'clock noon of WEDNESDAY. April 13th. for the purchase of the whole or of any part of the SIX.PEN-CIMIT. LOAN of the city of Philadel phia for one million two hundred and fifty thrones, d dollars, antho ized by au ordinance of the Select and Common Councils of the said city. approved March let, 1864, and likewise of the his-per•cent. Loan of the said city for two millions of dollars, authorized by an ordi nance approved March 58th, 18E4. bush proposals must be addressed under seal to the Mayor, marked "0 tier lor City Loan. "and will be opened by him in the presence of the City Treasurer and City Controller at the time above designated, the richt being reserved by the Mayor to reject any bid for illSainolenCY of price. There loans are redeemable at the expiration of thirty years from deist tteir repayment is secured by Sinking Funds provided cotemporaneousiy with their issue, for the maintenance whereof the faith of the city is specially pledged. Their interest will be paid, half yearly, on the drat days of January and July, at tbe office of the City 9 resproar_ without deduction oL nr liability for. State or City Taxes ALEX ANDF.Rgrmy. apt-stuiliSt Mayor of Philadtlphia, MASSESSOR'S OFFICE, 43154 NVA.LO BUr STaBET —UNITED . STAVES INTERNAL RAVENUE, FIRST DISFSICT PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADALPHI e, April 6, 1864. FItcAL NOTICE —Delinquent Tear Pa.sece are hereby notified to make application to the undereigned, WI Ili- IN SIX DAI S FISO3I THIS RATS. for License, under the Saulse Laws of the United States, and thus avoid the penalties prescribed by law for transacting business without License. WASHINGTON KEITH, Assessor, ap7 5t Finn District Pennsylvania. SCHUYLKILL AND SUS 4 IZU EH AINNA. M.s.ILE.OAD 00., offias 21:11 8. 1917ftiTH. Street. PHILADELPHIA. April 4,1884 The Annnal Mooting of the Stoat holdera of thia Com pany, Ind an election for President and six Managers, will take place, at the Office of the Company. on MON DAY, the 2d day of May next, at 12 o'clock K. tniy2 WM. B. WEBB.. Secretary. g'OFFICIE OF THE FRANKFORD AND S.,)VPITIVARIZ PHILLDIM.PRIA. OIPY rANsiIt , OBR RAILROAD COMPANY, Berke (tate Chatham) street, below FOl3llll. PHILADELP ;ETA, April 8,.1864. By a resolution of the Bnard of Directors of this Company the entire receipts of the road on TeceedoS steut, April 12th, will be approp•tated to the IT S. Sa nitary Commission. CHAS R. ABBOrr. ap9 St Secretary, TIOGA IMPROVEMENT CONE PANY.—Notice is hereby given that a breezing of the Stockholdeire of the Thus Improyeroant Company will be held at No 25 MBROHANPS' F.:v . :aeries. in the city of Philadelphia. on the Sd day of filay next, be tween the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock. to elect Managers. a President, and Treasurer of said Coatany, WILLIAM EL IS. .reasurer. inb2ttiria3 No. 724 HARNEY Street. MC.PETROLEUM STORAGE COM PANY OF Ph ILADELPHIA. —The snbscrilers to the Stock of this Company will meet at No. 337 WALNUT Street. second Root. Room No. 2. in the city of Philadelphia_ on TUESDAY. the 12th day of April. A.D. 1564. between the hours of 12 o'clock M. and. 2 o'clock P 11. tor the purpose of choebriv Dir , ekors and organ!, Imo said company M accordance with the Dro , sisions of its charter. TITUS S. EMBRY. J. M. DUNCAN. JOHN S. TWELLE. SAMUEL DIITTOa. Philadelphia. April eth. leat. Corporatora. ap7-st. Emr• car. colaraATY, NEW.-.S.IO,IIGSPOPE. bible party. Two walla now romping on the bird. Apply at once for Shares and a Prospect's& Box 2550 P 0., Philadelphia. Stock Book closes fines/7y on Wednesday. ap6-13t11. tarTHE STOCHHOLDERS OF THE OLD Tolvwsilir.Luva ROAD COMPANY. are hereby notified that an election for Directors of said Company mill be held on FRIDAY. April thl. 1221. ba tireen 11 A. M. and 12 k.. at No. 25 EXCEL &NG& GEO. H. CO LICE P. arS•frtn4t Secretary pro tem. CgrMONITOR MINING COMPANY OP MICHIGAN. —No ma —The First Meeting of the Monitor Mining Company of Michigan. under it' Ar ticles of Association, will be held at No. MD WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. on MONDAY. the 18th of April, IS4, at ten o'clock A. M. CRAB. C J1.01C30151, MAMMA:CIE MOORE. Two of the Associates of said 00PDODEEHOH. PHILADELPHIA. March 80, 1964 , nall3l-thetntaplB. MO7'5EOO itzirinte CoN.PANY OF IMED:3AI. °Mit —The First Meeting of ! lie Corpprators of the • 'Northern " (now changed to eeg~i) Minh ; ComPsey of Miehigan. under its articles of Association, will be held at No. 310 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the 18th of AIDTII. 1864, at ten o'clock A. M. . CH S. 0. J cire3o N. MARA...Ai:IIIKB gooßg. Two of the Associates of said Corporation. PITILADELEBIA, March Mi. 1664. inisidt-thettitatittie ALCONA MIMING COMPANY OF AIICHIGAti. —NOTICE —rhe first meeting of the Corporator, of the Excelsior" (now changed to "Al gona.") Mining Company ,f Michigan, under Its Articles of Aspociation, will be held At No. PIM WALNUT street. Philadelphia. en 1114)21paI, the 18th of Atoll. 1854, at 10 o'clock A. M. Ch AB. C. lACKSOIf. MAXMA.OIIKE MOORS. Two of the Aseociatee of said Corporation. PHILADELPHIA. Match 30. 1504. mhal-thstataplB* pcOFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN FIRM MO RANCE COMP.& fa Y. PHILADELPHIA. April 4. pm. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company. held thie day, a eemi•annnal dividend of six per cent.. and an extra dividend of ten per cent., was declared on the capital stock. payable to the stockholders, or their legal representatives. on demand. - ap6-9t J. NiceASTS.B. Secretary PTO tern. OFFICE OF THE ROClVOiracold- FAINT OF PENNSYLVANIA, ciao. 3 FOREItar PLACE. rear of aavi South FOURTH Street. An addittomal instalment of SIXTY CIINTE PER. SHARE, on the Stock of the ROC& OIL COMPANY will be payable on TUESDAY next. 12th lust .from 10 to 2 o'clock, JOHN F. GRAS'S% ape•st Secretary and Treasuer. BIUGDIVAL puiviniractinws OFF/CM No. Z North FIFTH titre& . . . Pirmsnst.rur_,A Nov. 32, ISeS. Im_porters and Dealers in BIRDIODUED, HOSPITAL STORBS. HOSPITAL FITANIRODE, BuDDING, are invited to submit their Price Lists from time to time to this Office. J. MURRAY. sel.3-6tamit litirgeosi and Medical Pam7or. or. PUILLAD.IIIWgigia gam MaRADII. (MRAILROAD commurr. wk. saw mina TH Street. PRIMADELPEXA. September 2, 1865. DIVIDEND OVIOIL—The following-named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the Oommon Stook of Wu Company. The residence of several of them is un known. end it is, therefore, necessary that the satin seta of Moab &mild be _presented on Calling for the Dividend. g. BRADFORD. Tricumnir. OTOORROLDRILF NAMES. S. Lancaster. rimy B. Sharer. John Mclntyre. Andrew Turner. Beni. N. Bewlart. Mrs. Rebecca. - ses-stnieti THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1864: FIFTH WARD BOUNTY T'l7ND—% Meettne of th. Go•lec log Co„ mtteee ot the Fre e•ncte eNnuricitiz the Fif , k ev0..1 win •A h.slA PHIS (ru.oday)EcEININC. at No 212 South FIF.1:118iroN. at 8 o'clock. . . Punctual attecdancA is earnettly reque.lcd. It - JOHN J FRANKLIN. Secretary TWELFTH w AltD —la DIETING of tie lieuonal Union Actoclatlon of TWelfli Ward yi;l be held THIS (Tnesday)AVENt NG. Anvil 13. at 8 o'clock. AIPPES' HALL corner of FOURTH and OR RN. Ur] THOMAS A. GRACE. Sec'T. PRESENirATION AND READING. The Ladles of tlie THIRTEE'S TEC WARD will present an ADIERIC AN FLAG t 3 the Thirteenth WM& Union I.ssotu. THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOOY, a. a Oclock. at the northvest corner of FRANKLIN . and 81J1TOBis WOOD Slr• eta The sadies and cllizsne are Paitienlarly invited to attend. Eminent Sneakers e 111 be Present, THE UNION VOLUMWEEII. FREER MENT COMMITTEE acknowledge the tot lo Will a Subeeriptione; Commercial-itoom Aelsociakiou (belay fourth enbacr)ption). *800; Supervisory Commit tee for Recruiting Colored Troops (proceeds of R. Theme son's Lecture). 6202 C 4; Union Society of Upper Darby, two hams; Henry Gnarde. Captain Spear. *59. It Me NOTICE —THE STOCHHOLD ICES of the Eio WE'S EDDY OIL COMPANY are here by notified !bat the Certificates of Stock are ready for delivery. at the office of the Company. 410 WALNUT Street. WM. PETTIT. Secretary. Philadelphia. April 11. MX apl2 dt" MILITARY. I COAL BOUNTY FUND COMI[ITTKE WILL CSONTMIIMI TO DAY W.W.Di 11101.4114A.15tS DOE EVERY RECRUIT MUSTERED INTO HANCOCK'S SECOND ARMY CORPS. EDI tf ALFRED DAY. Chairman. I - WAN TED-A FEW MEN FOR THE Parma. Vole., 0o). ileorg, P. McLean. Also, one toed Fife Major nod several Fifers. None bat good 11/1181Ciarts need Pirmly to Lieut. T. Q, KORONY. 18.1 d FAO, P. V.. 402. W. No. 41 North SIXTH street. VOLUNTEERS WANTED POR VETERAN RgEILIIENT S. Twenty men for the Slat Prunsylvat la Volunteers wanted now, at the office. 8 south FIFTH Street. 808 L ap7-15t. Captain and iteerniting Officer. GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, No. 611 CERSTNUT Street. THE LAST CHANCE. Recruits wanted for all the 01d IBYLVANTA CAN ALEX. ARTILLERY- and INEA.InitY Readtaente now in service. not already full ALL AUTHORIZED BOURTUTS GIVEN. • NarE —By virtue of the Proclamation of the President of the Milted State's. dated _Executive Mansion. - Washing ton, March 14th. 1864. crafts on the stomaching - draft willnot be given after April 11th, 1861; consequently, all local bounties will C.F.ASS at that time. _ . ell wbo contemplate enlisting sbould apply at onto. Cif .S. Di CnoWALLUOIia. Capt. and General Recruiting Officer. A NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD BOUNTY Arivincs PAY AND PRIZE morarrt MEN WANTED for the N , VAL SERVICE and MA RINE CORPS. who mill be entitled to all the City Boun ties. in addition to Prize Money Seamen will mince an advance of three months' pap as bounty. Application to be made at once to D. Id LAMS, Capt. and Provost 'Marshal Fourth District. Penna.. apt 12t BROAD and 6PRING GARDEN Streets. 1 1 . CITY AND WARD BOUNTY! ADVANCE PAY AND raizs MONEY! MEN WANTED for the NAVAL SERVICE and MA RINE CORPS, who will be entitled to all the City Bounties in addition to Prize Money- Seamen will receive an advance of three months' pay as bounty. Application to be made at once to, EDWIN PALMA, Captain and Provost Marshal Second District Pennsylvania, M 56 South TWELFTH Street. mhifltt Philadelphia. I NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD BOUNTY! ADVANCE PAY AND PRIZE MONEY! MEN W ...SATED for the NAVAL seams end MA RINE CORI-S, who will be entitled to all the City Boun ties, in addition to Prize Money. Seamen will receive an advance of three months' pay RN bounty. Application to be made at once, to WM. E. LEHMAN Captain and Provost Marshal First District Padua., rnb3o•tf 245 Sobth THIRD Street. THE .A NNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC PIS COVE-HY. and YEAR BOOK OF FACTS FOB 1864. :READY THIS DAY. cos-rAlnlltet The most important Discoveries In Mechanics, Mann facinr.s, the Useful Arts. Philosophy. Chemistry, Geo logy. c. , &c., 14c. One volume 12mo, ALSO. TEE NATIONAL ALMANAC. FOR 1864 For vale with all New and Standard MEDICAL, SCI ENTIFIC. and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS by LINDSAY & BLAigISTON, Publishers and Moksellers, • apl2 No. 95 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. TTOSPITAL SKETCHES, BY MISS L. . 1 "- M. ALCOTT% 10 cents. See Bedpan:a Busks for the Camp tires. B W OMB & CO. sell them. It AINSTONE'S HOUSEKEEPER 46 ..- has proved the most successful book that has been broils ht before the puntc. htvimalready reached its It is uniform in style with that other remarkable novel, "PIQUE," a Tale of the &Mit& Aristocracy, the 810 HIM edition of which is now printing NAINtiTONWS HOUSSSEKPER Is a novel of great power and vigor. perhaps is the best as yet produced by a woman's pen. Tne characters in it are numerous, and all are strongly drawn. There is life in every page. The heroine's character is one of mingled strength and sweetness, and meriteuno toatified commendation, Richard Wenlock is a model, a second "John flaiifax." and commands the admiration of every reader. The interest is wrought up to vividness, and is admi rably sustained to the close. As a whole, for beauty of style and diction, passionate earnestness, effective contrasts. distil: otness of plot, unity and completeness. we think this novel unrivalled. One thick l2mo volume. Price El 76. J. B. Lippincott & Co., Peterson & En:4lmm aelimead & Scene, Moith. English, & CO , and F. Leypoldt, sup ply them in Philadelphia. LORING, Publisher. aplP-tnth2l 319 WASELIE GTON btreet, BOSTON. PHOTOGRAPHS OF 100 GENERALS sent by mail on receipt of 25 cents. PHOTOGRAPHS OF 100 ACTORS rent by mail on receipt of 25 cents. PHOTOGRAPHS OP 100 ACTRESSES sent by mationxeCeipt of 25 cents A PULL OkT/LOGUR OP PROTOGILIPMI PROM LURE, Statuary. Copies of Paintings, Am, Sent by mail on receipt of 6 coats. Address an orders to G W. PITCHER. SOS CHESTNUT Streak apl2-tf Phltodelphla,..Pa. NEW BOOKS I NEW - BOOKS 1 Jwit matted. by . ASHMEAD & F.VANS. Successors to Willie P. Hazard, No 721 CH.E3TNUT Street MY CAVE LIFE IN VICKSBURG. With Lettere of Trial and TravaL By a Lady. . . _ . na.crsTßAsiori or UN fYSIZSAL riliNtß33s. A Series of Diegutlion.. By Heriwrt Spencer. AN INTRODUCTION TO MUNICIPAL LAW. De signed for general readers and students. By John Nor ton Pcmercy. CHURCH ESSAYS. By George Cumming McWhorter. HINTs TO B. FLEXES.By W S. Cleveland. OBNEBAI. GRANT AND HIS CAMPAIGNA By Jct. lien B Larke. With Steel Portrait, Views of Vicks burg,*o *O. TEN ACRES ENOUGH A Practical Treatise for the Million, showing how a very small farm may be made to keep a very large family. . MACPHERSON, The Great Confederate Philosopher and Fonthern Blower. By Alfr..d. G. Bills, editor of law Orleans Era ap9 NEW YORK ON STERLING RIC CHAINGE.—PhtIIips' Sterling Exchange, reducing Sterling into Currency and Currency into Sterling, at rates varying by from 60 to 100 per cent premium. on sums from one Fhillime to *5.000 Sent free. for $4 a single COPY *3.75 each for 11 copies. and *3.50 for 100 copies. A PHILLIPS, New York, ap9 40► No. 3 STAT 3 Street. THE SUNBEAM STORIES, Containing the oharmin_g, bright storiessf - TRAP TO CATCH AL SUNBEAM. CLOUD WITH SILVER ' LINING, • HOUSE ON THE ROUX. ONLY, OLD JOLLII`PE, MERRY CHRISTMAS, DREAM CHINTZ. STAR IN THE DESERT, Re. Six beautiful volurabs, illustrated. $2 50. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher. fe2B-t IT/ 31 South SIXTH Street. APPLE ON'B NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. The agency for this invaluable Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street. Ileiona storY. Also. RECORD OR THE REBELLION. BY 'Prank Bloom. fell-tf FIRST EDITION EXHAUSTED ON -A- the day of publication. • OUP OF PRISON. 1 vol. 1235n0 $1.25. This extraordinary work, by a popular New England author, is already attracting much attention. Inch has been the demand, that the first edition, al though large. was exhausted on the day of publication. The second edition will be ready very BOWL It should be read. and we have no doubt will be. by thoneande. who will each add their testimony to the value of the work G SAVES & EMIG, apll-It -... • Pablishers. Boston. NEW BOOKS, NEW BOOKS.- Out of Prison. A new and interesting book. Brother Reginald's Golden Secret By F. M. S., author of Reno On. Martha's Home, he. School Stories• or. some Coats that Fit. By Mrs. nacho Harris Phelps, author of Home Stories lthe National Almanac and Annual Record for the Year 1E64; combining interesting and valuable Information. Counsel and Comfort spoken from a CiorPa'plt. By the author of the Recreations of a Country Parton. For sale by WM. B. di ALFRED MARTIEN. apll 600 CHESTNUT Street. s IMO ;INI ;WO ;t:WIA W:l4 WA Di :A STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS Stock Brokers' Purchase and Sale Books. Stock Brokers' Receipt & Delivery Books. ORDERS SOLICITED FROM BANKS, INSURANCE, RAILROAD, OIL, AND MINING COMPA NUBS AND CORPORATIONS, ES- , • DOMED PROMPTLY AND AT LOW PRICES. BLANK BOOK AND ENVELOPE MISS M. A. BAKER, 13110 ceEsprair STRUT, . Has opened a large aseoquaent of PARIS MILLINARY. apl3-3m• For the dpri tot and Summer of 1864. THE UNANIMOUS OPINION OF ALL judges pronounce REIMER'S Colored Photographs, for the email charge of SI of rare merit and of life• like character SECOND Street, above Green. ltr McCO RD '8 PATENT AMERICAN RAI TLJE BATTON. —Tbe beet instrument of alarm and defence in the world Sold by the inventor. No. 145 N. SIXTH, below Race. 810 housekeeper should be without one. apt.-tuthe lm• FOURTH NAT lONA L BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO, with the priyilego of increaelog to A5OO (CO WM. P HAMM. ?mold ant. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. Vice President. BAWL MachIVLL•II. Cashier. . . Wm. P Femur, Win. Brooke, Albert C. Robert?, D. W. BindLev', Jar. U. Keith, John Pamirs, Wm. 6- Staler. The POWITH NATIoNAL BANK is now open at No. 723 ARCH Street, for the transaction of* General Bank ing bnsinees. noon the usual terms. Collections made on all points at the very lowest raise. Subscriptione received for the United Stated 10-40 Bonds. - BAWL J. M.AoMOLLAN. apl2 tf Cashier, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, AND WIN DOW SHADES —Nem stook of English Carpetslust received, end for 848 cheap. at wat. CELskislifarg. No. No. 447 North SECOND Street. below Nobleh2 2-11e . Met e. m NEW PUBLICATIONS. FU UIiTH EDITION. MOSS Sr, CO, MANUFACTURERS. 43% SHESTNIIT Street biaiako4i RETAIL DRY GOODS. GANT DE SUIDE_ JUST RECEIVED, AN INVOIOE 07 AG, A MIT DE SITI DE, 9171 , 11R10111 Qll LLTTY PERIM IMPORTATION THOS. W. EVANS dr , CO., SIB and 820 CHESTNUT Street BLACK GROUND FRENCH ORGANDY LAWNS, OF A CELEBRATED MANUFACTURE In Brown, Blue, (Veen, and Purple Reliefs At the very low price or 3'2' 40 30 Di '1" JAMES B. CAMPBELL, Sc. 00., NOW OPEN, PARIS-MADE MANTILLAS AND SPRING CLOAKS. Garments of our own manninetare. . OF THE LATisST STYLES. and _ GREAT VARIETY. J, W. PROCTOR & CO., IMO CHESTNUT Street JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO.„ 121 CHESTNUT STREET, HAYS MADE EXTENSIVE ADDITION'S TO TBEIE POPULAR STOCK OF SIMAK.S. SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, Which they continue to sell at MODERATE PRICES, NOTWITHETANDINO THE ADVANCED COST OF RECENT IMPORTATIONS. WHOLESALE ROOMS UP STAIRS. ap74171 SPRING GOODS FIRST OPENING OF SPRING. DRESS GOODS. ==l YOUNG, (Eflocessor to T. Frsttrat) No. 70 North. FOIIITH Street JOHN F. YOUNG is now opening one of the most complete eelections of MOMS BTtrtri3 that can be found - in this market. Special attention is directed to the styles and prices. mh29.Mthetf 628 HOOP SKIRTS-LA.g9 . 9t MISSES'. AND CHILDBEN'S'a —The most complete aesortment in the city. every style and size. For finish. durability, and oheaortass. have no equal in the market. ManuMetursd at 6213 AaOff Street. likirts made to order. altered. and repaired. Also, bargains in Eastern-made Skirts, kid-padded and rivetted, 15 springs. 65 'cents : 20 El3lll/10, 10 cents ; 25 sPrlsge. 95 cents ; 30 springs, 5.5.1 ; 40 springs. $1 20 ; springs, diamond-tied, 80 cents. ap12.61. FURNISHING GOODS.-WE ARE - 2 - now offering a large stock of LINEN GOODS at prices far below the present cost of importation. Persons in want of any kind of Furnishing Goods may rely upon caving a considerable sum by examining our stock. We are selling a good fringed Napkin at $1 25 per doz.; 5; do. $1.75. $2.26. $2 60. $3. $4, $5. $6 $3, and $lO par doe.; 8 4 Table Linen, 75c per Tara; real Bart:Mee , $t per lard ; double Damask, of superior quality, $1 60 Per yard. We have in stock some of tie very finest Table Linens in the country. Turkey red double Damask. for tea cloths; 2% and 3.% yards wide figured Floor Linen; band. loom Table Linen 87%. now being *old at $1 and $1.12; brown Table Linens 624 c; Towels $1 60 per doz.; fine 'rowels; Crash: Huckabacks at W. 25, 31 37. 50. 62, and 75 cents per yard' lZurs.ry Diapers, Glass Towels, German dole, Marseilles quilts, Lancaster ditto, Prencla Dimity, Honey Combs. do.; Fronting Linens and heavy Shirting Linens. Alto, a large stock of Muslin. B. D. & W. H. PENNELL, 1021 fdaIIECET Street. AWNINGS. HEAVY TWILLED HERSEY. suitable for Awnings. Wagon Covers, &c. CiTRWEN STODDART BROTHER, 450, 452, and 451 North SECOND Street, alll - 3t above WILLOW TAGG & BRO., CORNER TENTH -A- and PINE. open from suction bargains. 3 IV!, White dregs Pianos. 31 44, and 600. 6 White Swiss kaolin& plain and spotted. 25 to S lots White Nainsook Muslins, very cheap, 33,40, 45. 56, and 65c. 1 lot Ladles' Lisle-thread Vasty, very fine. $L 50. 1 Gents' Gauze Merino Vents, 36 in., $l. 1 " Undressed Rid Gloves—best finality, No. 1334 to 734. 2 iota Ladies' Suokelan Gauntlet Gloves, $1.26 and UM. not Ladles' biourning Gloves, kid flesh. Me. 1 Black Crape Collars bugle trimming. Re to $l. S lots Linen Fans, black, mode, and browns. 37 to 61c. 1 l ot extra flue Grenadie e Vella, all colors, 30s. 1 Barege Veils. silk borders, all colors, 60e 3 letn small Falinleaf Fans, natural and bone handles, 123 to Mo. 1 lot Gentle heavy. hemmed linen Hdkfe.. 1 heavy shining Linen, 48a by the piece. 1 " 4.4 diets Linens. white and buff grounds, 623yc. 1 " mode and tan colors. No. 40, bonnet Ribbons, 440, worth 620. 10 lots trimming Ribbons. all colors. plaid and Vitali. $1.26 per piece I lot tummer Balmoral Skirts. very wide, $3. Also, several lots Hair and Tooth Bunehes. Ha!r Pine and Combs; Ladies' thread Gloves , half price ; - Feather Dusters, 16o; Velvet Ribbons. all colors; Neck Ties, 23c; also, several lots Dross Goods. AU at less than wholesale prices. MI3=M3MGMMI SPRING TRADE. E. M. NEEDLES T_s now romininii, and offers for wile below Meant market ri tes, many noveltiee In LAGS nilD WRITS GOODS. He would sell slpeolal attention" to him assortment of over 20 different new fabrics and— styles of White Goode, writable for "Ladies Bodies and Dresses." in stripes, plaids, and figured puffed and tucked Moulins. 100 pieces of figured and plain Buff and White Piques, bought Wore the resent ad,- Neer lirrolces or Guipure and Thread Lace., Thread and Grenadine Veils, Wirings, Insert in ge. ltionncinse, &c. Broad Hem-Stitched HANDKERCHIEFS. eat /inert. good quality, from 25 cents nn. p tik B RIGHT P 1 AIDS. Polls for children, 31 and 38 etc. Drab Wool Delaines.llnest quality. 8236 etc. Black Wool Delaines. 48. 60, and 6236 Double width Wool Deleines. 8l to ml. Bl. Eine Drab alma& 62. 76. and *l. Soperllne Black Alpacas, lie to 50.31. Traveling Dress stuffs. Large stock Black Silks. Some bargains. In Dress Goods COOPE RD. mh3l S. N. corner NINTH andMAßK E TStreets IT STEEL & SON HAVE NOW OPEN cholse assortment of NZW SILKS. Moire Antiques. $3 to $6 Plain Corded Silks, $L62% to $8.60. honed Corded Silks. *L62.6". Plain Poll de Soles. $126 to $3.25. YABe, Silks. 15e. to 75. Black Gros Grain Silks. $1.26 to 63.21. Vignred Black Silks. $1.26 to $2. Plain Black Silks, 873ie. to $6. - Plaid India Silks. 82320. Light. irround Bich-Snared Foulards. $1.25 to $1.62 fe2o-st nos. 713 and 713 A. TENTH Street. DESIRABLE GOODS. FROM AUCTION, 25 Pieces Banda Diaper, $2.75. 20 Pieces Russia Diaper, $3. 60. 85 pieces Russia Diaper, wide, $4. 14 pieces Ruesia Diaper. vary wide. $3. Also 10 lots of Table Linens—all prices. Plow open as JOHN H. STOKES'. mit2o 74)* ARGEI &rook REST BLACK SILKS IMPORTED. Wide and heavy Bleck Corded Silks. Magnificent Moire Antiques. all colors. Splendid quality Corded Silks. all colors. Bich °krona Stripe and Plaid Silks. Magnificent Grenadian and Organdie's. New etylesSpring Shawls. New style Cloths for ladies' cloaks. EDWIN HALL It CO. WI Smith SKUOND Street. THE CELEBRATED -a- "HEN Hors" CUUDERL AND COAL; . For eale by TB EO. D. EMORY & CO tam Holo9 Sont& FOURTH *Amt. THE FIRM OF CHRIST lAN & WHITE I. this day. by mutual consent, dissolved, GEORGE H. 0111i161.1AN having purchased the interest of ,rrt- LIAR WRITE therein, and assumed the liabilities thereof. The Commission bedews will be continued as heretofore at No 248 CHESTNUT Street by eIIoRGE. H. CHEIBTIAN & CO. also. 11. atittreriaN. Juiaeit Philadelphia, April 1,186 t apl2-41* 727 CEEERPNIIT 9fram PLANTATION BITTERS. WE RAVE LEARNED NOT TO BE idtoldated at anything. Years of experience. and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe, have turned theories Into facts and established a basis from which we need not err. We are not surprised at such facts as the following, although the persons who write them are. We know the persona and eircumetaneee, hence feel at Marti to endorse their statements: "NEW BEDYNI.D, Mass., Nov. 21, 1883. "DEAR Sin: I have been afflicted many years. with severe prostrating cramps in my limbs, cold feet and hands. and a general disordered system Physicians and medicines failed to relieve me. - While visiting some friends in New York, who were mans Plantation Bitters, they prevailed =mums to try them. I commenced with a ma ll wine-glassful alter dinner. Peeling better by de grees, in a few days I was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me, and I could sleep the night through, which I had not done for years. I feel like another being. My &petite and strength have also greatly Improved by the nee of the Plantation Bitters. "Respectfully. JUDITH RUSSEL." RanDeStritY, Wis., Sept. le. 1883. • • • I have been in the army hospital for four teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton. a a T ll kr l.. oe bon theyg ie a s ir r e e m st e or a ed bo m tt y le s o pe f e P o l h an a ta nd tio c n ar titte m r e s : • aar3 C. A. FLAUTE." The following is from the Manager of the Union Home School for the Children of Volunteers: • HAVENSTER MANSION. FTFTY-BEV23TPIE ST.. NEW YORK. AII/4115t 2, 1863. " Dn. DRAKE: Your Wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children. suffering from weakness and weak lunge, with most happy effect. One little girl. in particular, with pains in her head, lose of ametite , and daily wasting consumption, on wbom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been enti r ely restored. We sornmonsed with bat a teaspoon ful of Bitters a day. - Her appetite and strength rapidly increased, and she is now well. Respectfully. . Mita. 0. M. DEVOE." •• • • • I ewe much to yon. for !verity believe the Plantation Bittm have raved my life. Rev. W. B. WAGGONER. Madrid. M. Y." • • • Thou wilt send me two bottles more of th 7 Plantation Bitters. My wife bas been greatly benefited by their nee. ASA.CITARLE, Philadelphia. Pa." Thy friend, " * • 4 ' I have boon i'gregt aufferer from Dygpansia. and bad to abandon preaching. * * • The Plantation Bitten, have cured me. Itsv. J. 8. CA.THORW, Rochester. IL_ Y." ,o • • • I have given the Plantation Pitters to hun dreds of our disabled soldiers with the most setonlshiur G. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Soldiers! Home, Cincinnati, 0." • * * The Plantation Bitters have eared foas of liver complaint, of which I was laid trb prostrate and had to abandon my bn•imoss. H. B. HINOSHEY. Cleveland, 0." The Plantation Bittern hare cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for Team. It acts like a chasm. C. G. MOORE. No. 2154 Broadway." &0., aso. a... ac The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan• guld brilliant. and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated CaMaya bark, win tergreen. sassafras, roots, herbs, Stc.e all Preserved in perfectly pure St. Croix rum. S. T.-1860.-X. Persons of sedentary habits. troubled wfth weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart. lask of appetite. dis tress after eating. torpid liver. constipation &c., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the bigheat medical autho rities. and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable. perfectly Dire, and haul:dem. Norunr.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit iEtYB itl bttlk ttr 1.7 the gallon is a swindler and impostor. It is put up only in our log-cabin bottle. Bewareof bot tles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, unrau- Wated. and one signature on ettiel.nlate side label. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. P. H. DRAKE & CO., fe3-taths3m 2102 BROAD WAY GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 AND 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTURER OP THE IMPROVED P'ATTERN SHIRT, FIRST OUT BY I. BURR MOORE, WIDEANTSD TO FIT AND GIVE SATISFACTION Importer and Manufacturer of GENTLEMEN'S FUI3NISHING GOO DB. N. B.—All articles made in a superior manner by hand and from the best Materials. kat 1864, 1864.. NEW STOOK MAII•TFC:I72...7=O 14T.732K.T.5, N. W. CORN= SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, NOW 03 , F11413 A LARGE AND ELEGANT NEW STOCK OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOADS. All the choicest novelliee in this deyirtment constantly on hand. THE BEET-MADE SHIRT 3 IN THE OITY. ORDERS rLomrna EXECUTED. - PRICES .1411ABONLEL.P. fe2.4-stutlitmy9l FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. FINE The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF sHIETS. which they make a speciality in their business. Also. constantly receiving novwrix FOE GENTLEMEN'S _wimit. J. W SCOTT & CO worrLinufals F KNI SHI NG STORE. 814 CHESTNUT ST., Four doors below the Continental. ARMY GOODS, FURLOUGHS. Officers and Soldiers. visiting the city on Furlough, needing SWORDS. And other MILITARY EQUIPMEVTS, are Invited to the Tar, extensive Mannfaelaring Establishment of GEO: W. SIDICODTS •Nr. SRO., SANSOALSTHEET HALL. SANSOM Street. above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice. which, for richness and magnificenwi, challenge competition, no other house in the country combining the MANUFACTURING BLEB with the P.ILIOTICIAL swou-miazz. mhlo•tim FROTHINGAAM & WELLS RAVI FOR BATA. HEAVY iEIBAGS MEDIUM, AID LIGHT SHESTINGS AND STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CARTON FLARRRLS. WASIL.NOTON ADD VICTORY CAMBIUM AID BILECIAS. BROWN,_BLBACHED. AND CORSET .TRANS. Ho. WORSTBD YARN. dm. steffiftt INSURANCE. INSURE YOUR LIFE IN YOUR OWN HOME COMPANY, AIVI_ErrIC CIF PI-lII.A.DEI.LIPIELA., S. E. corner Fourth and. Walnut Streets. Insurers In this Company have the additional gas. rantee of 8250,000 CAPITAL STOCK all paid up lIY CASH, which, to gether with CASK ASSET% now on hand, amount to OVER XBOO,OOO INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1863 OVER 6200,,000. LOSSES PAID DIMING THE YEAS AMOII.WTING TO OVER 662,000. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY, thus aiding the in sured to pay Premiums. The last DIVIDEND on all Mutual Policies in force December 31.1864 s was FIFTY PER CENT. Of the amount of PREMIUMS received during the year. Its TRUSTEES are well-known cltizsns in our midst. entitling it to more consideration than those whose rawntgers reside in distant cities. Alexander WhiMain, J, Edgar Thomson, George aliment.. Hon. James Pollock, Albert C. Roberts. P. B. Mingle. Samuel Work. ALEX. WHILLDIX, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. JOHN S. WILSON, Sec. and Treas FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT STRIINT. PHILADELPHIA. TIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRSOTORtt. hands N. Bask, John W. Evermaa. Charles Richardson. I Robert D. Potter, Henri Lewin. John Reeder. Jr.. 0. w.Davle, B. D Woodruff. J P. S. ostles. Charles Menem. George A. Wort, Jose& D. BID& Piter.olß N. BllJOß„preeldent. WU& BIOBABDBOrt. Ma President. W. I. /11,13WHALaD. Secretary. ia1441 LATOUR OIL.-500 BASKETS LA TOUR OLIVE OIL received per Ship Mies and for We tii • JAORETOHR St LATEREINR. - Sole Agent& 03,b31.-12 • SOS and MGM S. YEOJT S. lEONDON BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE, Dl TES CASK 03 DOZEN. • ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN PINE GROCERIES. m 1.21 Corner BLEITNNTII and VINE Streets. William J. Howard. Samuel T. Bodine. Jobo. nikman . . . Charles F. HennHtt. Hon. Joseph Allison. Isaac Ha4ohnrst. WANTS. A I . BAOTICAL COOPER AND CAPI TALIST WANTED to tate a meet BARREL PAC. rox i• in the VenaPco Oil Region. on the river above Oil City, having , IfKi acres of land heavily tim btriAi 'with oat, and a frontage of one mile of good oil urrit,ry, partly otveioped. The factory has an engine f rower, and can turn maid OM staves and heedinge per day The regular priceo. oil barrels at till City la 40.60; cost of &livers , . five cants each. Rare chance. Ter m , resentnahle. Andresen • Box 11522,"y. 0. aoll 31* ricAL INSTRUOTION IN BorJK. KkEPING. in it different branches: Pen uniphip. Ptah and dram-.:tali Concro4rolal Moe e. Commercial Law. Yorm, ,et Cat erzitiE Ceinineleal College, 037 CUES OT Street. cnrner of seventh. apll-3t WAN '1 ED-WAITERS, AT BELCH ER'S. opposite the Poet 011ie% Philadelphia It* WAN 3 ED -BY A YOUNG hi &N, A Situation in a Dry Goods, Jobbing, or Commiß *lon Eicnee. or large Retail eters; is 18 years of ato. and a good penman. Address •' V. L.." Box 2233. apl.2 21• WA N TED A POSITION A S 401 'MMUS, either in the city or cogatry_ by lady competent to teach English, French. Spanish and Meek! -Address II DITSTRY, at Press office. an WANTED -IN- GERMANTOWN. AN untarnished ROOM, with permanent 1301 RD tar a istiy end two children. Address /Mx 2771," hila• delpitis P. 0. WANTED.- A GOOD BOOK-KEEP ER, capable of tailing full Ors rice of the Books and Financial matters Elderly man preferred. Address, with name and reference. Box 3826, Philada P. 0. lt. IXTANTET-500 CHESTNUT' "TELE- T GRAPH Pnimii. II ADDIS at the Pollee and Etta Telegraph Office. S. W. corner "urn and CHESTNUT Streets. apl.26ts WANTED.-A LABORING MAN haying *BOO to Loan his employer can hear of a Fool Situation, and security for to e amonnt,by addrePs ig . r" Pre,,,9" office, ap9-30` WAN TEL-BY A YOUNG- MAN thorttsghly acquainted with Book-keeping, a SI TUATION as Assistant Book keeper or Entry Clerk in a 'Wholesale or Commission House; writes a good. hand. and is quick awl accurate at figures. Salary not so much an object BA a good ultootion. Address W. C South /VIETH carnet WANTED -AN EXPERIENCED Life Insurance Canvaeffer. For au efficient man a liberal ralary will be paid. GEJ. F. WILLIS. Agent Massacburetia Mutual Life Incurance Company. 419 WALNUT Nireet. actfi WRITTEN APPLICATIONS FOR • I Female Colored Ferrante, as COOKS, CHAP& &c , will be registered and answered from time to tine, ss applicants can be sappited. Letters ad dressed to BOBBLT it. COILSON, Philadelphia P. 0., Box No. EB3. ar9-stirth3t W.A GUN WANTED.— AN. JENNY I , I Lit& York, or DOggy W. i p m , in gu a or d er ,. o r WAS rn'n make . Addrese Box 2047," stating kind of wagon, price, bow long in nee, and where to be seen Bc. WANTED-BY A GENTLEMAN • • and Wife the Dwelling part of a House in the vi cinity cf independesco or Washington Squares, on or before June let Would take the care of office. Very beet of references given. addree, Box 1401. Post Office. rohl7 theta tf -I $76 AGEfigi N trev . :l7 a l l 1 1 ; month, 1 1 , tames mid, to Roll my now cheat, Family Serritistlia- Addrosa S. HADISON.AIfred.Me. Ifol2 el WANTED TO PURC/1 ASH OR miwaL BENT—A HOUSE AND LoT at or near CHEST NUT HILL, or TO RENT, for the mammon a place at CHELTBN DILLS, near the line of the North Penn• SY Ivan% Railroad. Addr.f.e -W.H. L . "Nn. 8 1 1 ARCH Street ao7-It• FOR SALE AND TO LET. "FOR SALE. —THE UNDERSIGNED have Lean appointed a Minn/it en by the Stone hold ers to make sale of the OAR LAND AND PITTSBDItri AND AHNBREVILLE RAILWAYS. or either of them, with Foramen . and will receive bide there mall May ht proximo If not sold by that state, pro posals will be received for the Iron and Wood of the re spective Railways. notice of the di. P - sal of the equipments, dm., will be given after May let aforesaid. For particulars refer to eithel• of the undersigned. WIN A. HallartN, JOSHUA RIEWDES. HAMLIN% !SORROW. CHARLES SISYRADT. A. R. HELL. MM• ltif Si Committee. TO LET.---7M{ SECOND, IRMO, -• and foarth 800 re at 235 MASKS!' Street, through to Church ape,. mute tf FOB SALE A. VFSIRABLE PRO. PkRV! In Second Ward. on DIARIOTT'S LANE near - Fourth St.. will be sold on accommodatlac tor me. For particulars, epror to CABS. W. ZULIMERALCi. Real lie tate Agent, IMO EAOYASIgtrAING Avenue. apithot-St. SMALL 0 ROUN D RENTS.-S EV E ItAL well-aecured old GROUND RENTS of Noo. *6OO. 0.0. WOO. and *SJO. for solo Aoolv at !ha °MCA Of JAMES H CASTLE, atll 9t) , 115 Boath FIFTH Street. fi v OLD 1 GOLD I ! GOLD!!! 0.260 in GOLD.—WAISTBD, Modern Dwelling In gmd 'oration, - with all the modern Improvements, the price of which will be paid in GOLD. GE(. N. TOWNSEND k CO.. aD9.6t 1.2,334 South FOURTH Street. E EXECUTOR'S SALE. The modern-built dwelling, No, 407 South EIGHTH Street, below Fine. containing in front 11) feet, wi4114 feet in depth to a three-feet alley. The House is built in the best manner, with all the modern improvements. having always been occupied by its GWILOIS; is in perfect order, and calculated for a family to lake ixamediate poseeeslon, without any ex pense. PRICE, $9,800. Terms accommodating. Inquire on the Premises. apl2 tails 6t f e FOR SAL E- SUPERIOR D -ER& Illgoa, with every modern convenience, SLY,• VENTEI Street, below Spruce. Apply lo4ka WALNUT Street. I.t* 12 FOR SALE-DWELLING NO. 513 -Mi. PINE hired, with back buildings. &c. OHAULSS RHOADS. aol2-15t. 216 South ShVENTH Street. fi t FOR S4.LE -A THREE-STORY BRICK 110IISE, with seven rooms, with toe, bath, and water closet, NO. 1141 F/ /Z wATBE Street P session Myen imp:me lately. if required. apil 6t. et FOR SALE OR TO LET--GER• -Mat MARTOWN Roma PRICE Street. lower side. se cond of ihneoelt. CHAS ALBERTSON, 1200 GI RARD Avenue, or Goeen abase Green, Germantown. apl2-3t. FOB SALE-A NEW. WELL built COITAOE, No. 2435 GREEN Street. with the modern improvements. for 153.5 DJ. apP-St. fft FOR SALE-A NEW THREE RTORY HOUSE. wilt two-story It - olt-britldinFts, No. 666 North Tiverity.fifth street, for $2,600 clear. on easy terms. ap9 de A VERY DESIRABLE RE-SI -110k DEntlE, pinnate in the village of WELDON . , one• half mile from Abitaton Station. North PeannSdranitt atlroad. in For Rent for the summer monton. Tema, UK Apply, April 9th, to WAS. G. HU LER. apP-3t* At Weldon. FOR SALE—THIRTY ACRES OF -A—Land, eligibly situated on the Haddonfield tarnpike, moles from the city, adjoining frillier's Hotel. Will bs ~o ld at English's Hotel, Camden, on the 13th instant, at 2 Y. IC . . From Itg proximity to tire city this property le well worth the attention of purchasers. apl.2-2t* LOST AND FOUND. LOST OR MISLAID A CERTIFI CATE, No 1610. dated May 11th, 1853, in the name of JOl J. LEWIS, for *l, .100 in the Loan of the SCHUYL KILL NAVIGATION CO. It cannot be transferred. and le of no 1108 except to the owner. A reward will be paid for iie retnra to the and erAigned Application has balm, made to the Company for the issue of a new certificate. apl2-twit R. F. TOLLEY. No. 42 South THIRD Street T ,OST-A CERTIFICAI E OF &PEE -a-• CENT. LOAN OF STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, for $838.03, dated March 12, 1830, No. 764, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also. a Coxiiiicato of 5-pe. sent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, tor the ram of 820). dated Jima 30. 1346, No. 1462. in the name of ELI Z. PRICE. administrator of William Meredith in treat. As , Idication has been made to the Auditor General for a re• newel of said Certificates felo43m ELI K. PRICE. No. 511 ARCH Street. PERSONAL. J STEWART DEPUY, • at Si MaHAN'S. 2433 South SECOND Street, above PPRIICE. would inform those who Would par chase Carpets, 011 Cloths. Zdattings, or Window Shades, ito that he Is now selling from the largest and beet stock that he has shown ror many years. ap.2-etuth6V, - pERSONAI .-JEWELRY BY MAIL, -a- free of postage, to any part of the United States on receipt of the following prices Single stone imitation diamond tinge, $1; cluster inl.ation diamond tinge, $2 heavy-p ated vest amine. Si; b (MVP plain rings, will stand the strongest acid, 50a; small round black-enamel ed ear drops, 60c; heavy-plated black-enameled sleeve buttons, 21c; gents' imitation diamond studs, $1; genie' traitatim diamond pins, $1; bracelets, $1; handsomely chased medallions, $1; complete sets carbuncle etude and buttons. $1; complete he mblack-etamelled studs add buttons with pearl satiny. dilt tansy watch keya. trOer, pen and perch). with extension case, Ill; ladles' long guard and chatelaine chains. $1; ewe - tains pins, $1; as. nine watts percha chains , $1; ladies' and gents'mints tnre pies for likeness or hair. $1; seal rings, *l. Direct to BSTLIN & MANN. apa6t* 916 RACE Street, Phila. - LEGAL. ESTATE OF HENRY NESTER, DE OFASSD. —Letters testamentary upon the estate of Henry Neater deceased. having been granted to the an derkisned. all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to Present them, without delay. to ABIGAIL WIVE% Executrix, Kinentor. apl2-to6t• Nleetown. Pa. 1 - )0NOT LET THE OPPORTUNITY pass without go' Brig yourself a good Portrait. such as B. F. RlllMRit'si Life-size Photograpse in Oil Colors prove. 62.4 ARCH Street SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. ip ARTIFICIAL HUNAN rzEs Inserted taithont pain. by JAMES W. QUERN & CO.. 924 CHESTNUT Street OPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS' • FIELD GLASSES. Microscopes for Physicians and andante. Avery large assortment for sale ty - JAMBS & CO. 9EI VElgsrlitm !Adel MATHEMATICAL DRAFTING LN STRUM-MTS. creatermaais Metallic and Steel-tape Maaatires. For sale by JAMES W. QIIIIEN a 00. , 924 CHESTNUT Street. Priced and Illnatrated Ilaialontiaa VOIT DESIRE CORRECT AND PLEA SING Atyles of Coates de Visite. then do not fall t Main them . Of B. F. REingft. ;4 631 ARCHtreat! Ile never fails. it* MLLE. EEVERIN REPAIRS ANII Cleans all ear; eof Laces and Embroideries, making them equal to new. 70. 307 LOMB &RD St. apS 12ts JIPATON & DENOKLA, HARDWARE Commission Mardian* 507 COMMEROB and SIO NORTH &nets, offer for tale: Anchor Brand Aisne; Plymouth Mill Rivets. W. at B. Butcher's Cast Steel: Eagle Cabinet Leask'. Putnkm's Horse Nails; Locke's School Slates. r Coppst_ Brae.. . and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. lino, a aALtVilsO _ WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE SCRIPTIONS of Character, Conctitntion, and Ta lent, with ADVICE on Baelneee, Health. /Mica. non. Heil. Improvement, Manasement. and Train ' int_ of CHILDREN. social adaptation. dm tin] and evening, by JOHN L. CAPRI& inrecolegist and Bookseller. mhl9-stnih No 20 S.TENTEI Street. shove Cheetnnt GREEN BAIZE AND WOOLEN FLOOR CLOTHS, of all widths. at Carpet store of WM C.S.F.AOMILE. No. 441 North SECOND Street, below Noble. East olds. zela22-11¢" A CADEMY OF MUSIO. CELEBRATION OF THE THIRD ANNWER3ARY FIRST REGIMENT INFANTRY. (Or Reserves./ GRAND MILITARY AND CITIZENS' DREBe SOIREE AND PROMENADE coriciar. TtIEeDAY EVENING, APRIL IS. 1865. Proceeds to be devoted to the GREAT CEITILLI. FAIR UNITED STATES SANITA RY COMMISSION. _ _ _pm:HITTER ARRAMIEDtENTS F. P . Atcholson. Limit. A. R. Fering. Inaj William H. Kern. Lient Charles K Ids. Capt. J. Londenelaser., Lient Geo. F Delleker . Capt William W. Allen. Lista Jas. C. Wray, Capt George W Gardner, Lieut, B. M. Dusenberry. Cart. J. Parker Martin. TICKETS. TITHER DOLLIES. Concert to commence at D o'clock. Ds- o .lng at 10 o'elosit. Tickets can be procured from any of the above-named Committee. Also, members of the Ramitatant, ato oak ford A Son's, under the Continental Hetet. and at Florins & Co 'e, No. 13 North Second strata apli-8t A d VADEMY OF AICTSIC LECTURE BY GRACE a kcEs Wl' WOOD. HE BENEFIT OF TH FOB ET COMMITTEE ON LABOR. INCOMES AND REVENUE OF THE , GREAT CENTRAL 'PAIL FOR MB HABITANT COMMISSION. MONDAY EVENING. epril 18th,186 , 1, SUBJECT, • • LIGHTS OF TEla Wail t. 11,0111)." TICKETS FrArY CENT 3. Po extra chars Bookeserve seats. For sale at the end Mask stores CONCERT AILAVTE/T1,7 s eHESTNUT ST., J. W. WILDER, SECOND AND LAST WilElf OF SIMMONS. THE GREAT ESCaMOTEI3II and Incomnrabentdble , BASIIXONTHAIIMaTIITtOIST, who, in compliance with the wicheeof thowlande of per sons, who have not hcd an opportunity of attanling hie SEANCBS MAGIQUES during the past week, will commence a second series of Soire,s ea nt astiques ON Koh DAY EVENING. APRIL 11th. in the come of which he will exhibit A OATAA.YBII OP WONDRII9 of en sn , hely novel and unfathomable deecription, in cludirg. In conjunction with TEL BLOOD ILED CALIGRAPET and the ILLIIKOK- A - hi in gAcLas which have already created so great an excitement in Spirituel Circles—a carte, or new and unparalleled TOURS D'ADDRES 4I . conrtitutiag an antounding Expose of the frauds prim ed by the wick,. d and Blaepeemone Pretenders who beve skol i ht and forted their InTlllll3 AMONG THE CREDULOUS by their impudent aseumndon of - SUPERNATURAL POWER!! Among these he will expose and perform the celebrated Spiritual grand known as , TUE ROPE TYING, in which heiwill allow himself to be tied by any person in the audience with any number of ropes. Ana IMMEDIATELY FREE HIMSELF! He will also perform his GREAT YARADOXIOAL FEAT. called LE TOUR DB r DENIS: or. SELF-DECAPITATION, of which due notice will be g,ven. He will also, for the Stet Otos. do We great PI -CATOR,.AL FEAT of producing VASES Or Ti,H AND WATSR. EOM ROTH ENG, and go through with a greet variety of Interesting TOURS OE PASSTIDIGITATIOS, as performed by the SORCARARE AND NE,: ,, ROMLNOIRS or carka AWD JAPAN. SPECIAL NOTICE In order to give every penon an opportunity of 'Kt nopming the reysnoer.. PO CV &RS OF THIS &ar0:3134a OF. THE _REALMS OF MAGIC, the Manager beg.% leave fIREQUACtI ihat ke baypedea uspourio/i la the PRICE OF ADMISSION. which will be bc.t,. TWENTY. FIVE MINN to all parts of the 'house. Doors open at. 7P. M. Seances at B. NATI,. BE SATURDAY, AT 2 P. M SEE SMALL SILLS AMERICAN AC A D KATY OF MUSIC. (35 UN ASTICII3E. FOR THE,RENKFIT tiF THE (*REIT OF.XTELL FAIR OF THE SAND TARN COM SIISStobT By request of the Committee on Exhibitions. and Entertainments. A eutEilE GYMN ISTIQUE, _ AND LAST. GRAND RE. CMG'S of the Climes connected with the P1111.9.1)13L1.131.1. ICATATOKIIIXI AND PHYSICAL INSTLITTE, brut b* held at the ACI.DEVIT OF RUSSO, TlTESi*nif EVENING. apell 12th. The clato.e. of Masters and young Gentlemet , under the direction of Dr. WM JANSEN - , The cimees of young Ladies led by - Mfrs d F. HOPEC,Drn. The cleeeee of Gentlemen conducted by Mbebfil RARMON sad OTDOPI. The whole performance being a tall and practicsi intitration of ail the branches of modern G cninnetice and Physical Culture. and executed entirely by ama.teure, m.mlbers cf the Institution The Orand Orchestra of thirty.six tint class perform. ere will. In itself. or, v. a great attraction Directr of the General Music Hr. HESSLER. Director of the Mimic for the "Light Oytankettac." Mr LOSS[ F. LEYPOLDT, corner e CHESTNUT and JUNIPER Streets, has bren appointed Treasurer, and Agent for the sale of , ticket'. PRICE OF ADMISSION: Payola and Balcony FengilY graft 4 1 34 . ~,,,,,, 30 ems lio extra charge for refereed 'feats. Sale of plena to commence on Tuesday. Ma rch Doors open at 7 o'clock. The performance to commence punctually at 9 o'clock. The sale of tickets at Mr. F. LEYPOLDT'S Book Store Will close at 4 o'clock P. M. on fneeday, the 'nth. era 5t WALN UT• STBEET THEALTBB. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, April 12th. second night of the engagement of the DAVENPOR (i•WAL. LACK ALL IANCE (welcomed last night by a large and enthusiastic audience ). on which occasion will be pre vented bhakspeare's great Trcaedy of M. 4.C13 TH. Mac beth. Mr. .I. W Wallach; Macduff. M. E L. Daven port; Lady Macbeth. Mrs. Fii.reen Vie performace will' conclude with the laughable farce of ICI oal I" IS LE FRatiCA b. To morrow. Shakapoare'n tragedy of HAMLET Bvs office open daily from 9to 9 o'clock. Performance commeocee at quarter to S o'clock. R OVER'S CIIESTN UT-STREET THEATER. LEONARD GROVER. • • '' MAILLIIIII IMMENSE. SUCCESS IMMENSE SUCCESS of Boncicanit's [Ant American Drama, tha OCTOROON, OCTOROON, w MANIC ke_Teßsi4e,i THIS y,verma with all its MAGNSFSOEP'I' SCENERY. GREAT CAST; &lIPBBB MMHG. &ad &c. FRIDAY NIGHT. April ID, Ni, FIRST DIOHT of GRAPH) OPERA. When will be traduced Gonnod'h Grand Opera of FAUST. apll MlO. JOHN DREW'S NEW AROH. STREET TEE:SATES. SECOND WEEK OP MRS. -TORN DREW. UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS ROSE - DALE. on.) THE RI ELE BLUR, With it SPLENDID SCENERY. ELBE AGTINS. MECHANIC LI. EFFECTS, • and BRILLIANT DANCING BOSA. LEIGH. JOHN DREW. Boats Secured one week in advance. Play to commence at Mti St terminate at Mi. nal if GRAND SOIREE, FOR THE BBEEFIT OF THE ------_ GREAT CRilr - RAL FAIR. Two HutgrtedomAtits, combining Mnttc and Calisthe nics, will he elven by 1100 Pupils d , f the • Pin Et.I , ITEI WARD YUBLIO SCHOOLS, Under the direction or Mr. Ny:11...9,...FUCE18R, at the ACADEMY Or MUSIC. On RIinDAY EVEN MG. April 115 at 8 o'clock. and bAT PAP AI 44Fakali/tni. APti/ 16, at 3 o'clock Tickets, adinittinit to either hintertainment. 2u cents. to be obtained at the Medd titoree and at the door apll.6t. TABLEAUX, SINGIIO, AND RECITATIONS. LADIES OF THE J, gOliioir ►DAMS SCHOOL. THIB (TUE6D AY) EVENING. April 12th, At HANDEL AND HAYDN . HALL. 1I A MATEIJEt CONCERT, UNDER THE direction of SIG. PERELLL on WEDNESDAY EVENIIG, April 13. 1864, at Kumla. POND HALL. . . allftrieite ---" MC*l . In Vgato" Rossini. Dnfitto—**Gn .. iunin the bionee lona". Dempana. Cavatina—" Ione" Petrone. Brindlid—"Lucretia Borgia" Denizen'. Deetto—" RIB oletto" Verdi. Romany,— ' Butte Becht" Franz ibt. Bolero—"Veopri SlcilianV 7 Verdi. Duetio—" The ...opine morning" Kuck an. Aria—Shadw Bong, " Dinorali" . Kev artt4er. Quartette—" Rineletto" ...a Verdi. PART 11. . . Swiss Sons, E.kert. (layette a— Barbiere di Dnetto— . ' I 7 Sublets di Siviklia"...• Rosen'. Boman za—" Maria di Baden s" Donis ttti. Cavatina—" La Sonambn la" Molar& Ballad—" Roclt , d in the Cradle of the Deep".•..Knicht. Terretto—" Louisa Verdi: Tickets for sale at principal UMW stores. Doors open at hall past 7 o'clock, concert to commence at 8 o'clock. apl.l-3t A LECTURE WILL BE DELIVERED by the Rev. JOiIN BALKER JACKSON . . at the ACADEMY OF MU1,13 oh EANCED AV ammo ; Aprlll6, at o deck. Subject—"ANDßEW JACREON. ' For the benellt of the FAMILIES of Captains BooTaay and WIBLE, and the CREWS or the Schee aer COQUETTE and TWO BROTHERS. who were captured in the Rap pahannock river last August. and are now confined tti rebel dungeons in SkltibuTy. North Carolina, Governor A, 4, CII.RTIN will preside at the Lecture, Tickets to be bad at ruou'd BOOK &Ore, S. W. cork ner of SIX' a and CHEM NUT &treats. Jefferson Cornet Band will be in attendance, apll-61° GEORGE THORNTON. Treasurer. VLEVE.NTR-ST. OPERA HOUSE.. "THE FAMILY RESORT." CARITCROB9. CND DIXEY'S MINIMS THE GREAT STAR, TROUPE OP THE WORD. In tbely SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beantiful Dancing, Laughable rag. league% Plantation Scene!! Sm. &c.. by TWENTY TALENTSD'ARTISTS, EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. fe27-3m 3. L. CAE VROSEi 840111088 Mania& Tielnota 26 cants. Doom wan at 7 o'clock. CLUB GARDEN. For the better recreation, enjoyment, and prates tion of decent and respectable Citizens, Egglesfield will be established C a LUB GARDEN. Positively private and exclusively accessible to mem bers. toe the very liberal conditions in the Subscription Books. laid out at Earulesileld. at Library-street gall. and at Restaurant. S E corner SPRING GARDEN and BROAD Streets. For the Committee, ar.9.4t. Dr. G. A. WETZSTEIN. THE GREAT PICTURE AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE ROOM SEVENTH WEEK - , Commencing MONDAY, April J. Incoo Wllliams' celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This is the most complete and finished Paintlogof the Sadred Scriptures in the world, comprising over Mir of the most SUBLIME AND TERILLING SCENES Of the first throe thousand years of Biblical History. forming altogether one of the finest exhibitions of UM age. OPEN EVERY EVENING at a Quarter to 8 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. N. B.—Matinees on Wednesday. Thursday, Friday. and Saturday afternoons, at 8 o'clock. Admission for Children 10 cents. felfi• aE PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS, 10115 CHESTNUT STREET. CLOSED to Prepare for the ANNUAL EXHIBITION. Whi open on the 25th of APRIL. BY order of COMMITTEE ON EXHIBITION. apg-,f f4ERMANIA. ORCHESTRA.—PUBLICI `-^ REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, it 3 &deal 111, at the ESUSID/J, FUND HALL. d ingle Nadi gents, Packages of Mx tickets, 161. To be bad at e DEWS. 1104 CHESTNUT Street. E. GOULD. VENTH and CaLESTNTYT. a n d et the Hell door. tell-rd g444l=N FOR HARTFORD, CONN. DIRECT'. via Delaware and Barite; Canal. —The Philadelphia Steam Propeller flomPany's Steamer "MARS," &ramie,' Master. is now discharg ing and receiving freight at Webster e wharf, 2d above Market street.r (MICE DESPArGFI. For ratee of freight tti,l,l 4 k ort board. or to WM. M. BAIRD& COLaants. apll -St .132 South WaarveßA t i ma tot FOR ALBANY AND TROY, via Delaware and Raritan Ilanai. The barge 8. FLANAGAN. Captain TAYLOR. la now loading at let Wharf below tiritllol3 street, for the above p o lutb, and will leave on WEDNESDAY, at BP. M. For freight, which will be taken at reasonable rates, apply to D L FLANAGAN, Agent, 304 South Delavre Avenue. MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT I 'l t LOANED noon Dbmoedo, Witches. 'Jewelry. e PAW- Ciotti &e.. at JONES &CO Oa- Setabliebed Loan Office corner THIRD and GAIKILL Streets. below Lombard. EDID. Im it ifFpn CORRECT PIANO TCNINO.. —Mr. O. 8. 81.11.081 IT'S Orders for Tairiox and .P.4llll.lPianos ate received at MASON * CO. vs Store, SPOT CHESTNUT Street, onig, Mr. FL has had eleven years' factory_ exoerienss in lletv , ton. and five Inane employment to Philadelphia SINCIAL —rialtos retwathered to sound as soft sat sweet-toned as new. sottlsont meowing. Terms for Tiudas. IL 0,14-1101 Minazer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers