PENNSYLVANIA. The Grave of Jenny Wade. the Heroine of attyabarg To the Editor of The' Press : SIB : Having recently visited the Material Cle• nnetery, where repose the gallantdead who fell st (let tysburg, I casually inquired for the grave in which -Jenny Wade was buried. It was with great dim •oulty that I found the spot— " Where heaves the tart in many a mouldering heap.' Without anything to distinguish her last reitiug place, Jenny Wade sleeps in the grave as she lived, unknown and in humility. Appeals have been made to the people of Gettyaberg and Harrisburg for the purpose of raising funds to erect a monument to the memory of Jenny Wade, but as yet no responses hetes been received which justify the hope that Ibis courageous and kind hearted woman Is to be remem bered by her countrymen or women. In wilting to The Press, my object ii to call the at tention of the ladies of Philadelphia to this subject, and to appeal to them to move in a manner which will secure The creation of a /mil - able monument over the grave of Jenny Wade. The heroine of Ciettys. burg was the fist Northern woman to yield her life a sacrifice to crush rebellion, having fallen amid the carnage of battle, while engaged In acts of good will and cheer for the soldiers of the Union. Is it UOt right, therefore, that the women of the North should commemorate hell When a hero soldier falls, at once a shaft is raised to his memory. Why should not the same honor be extended in perpetuating the memory of a gentle girl, who, in the freshness of youth, and with life's hopes brightest and most beau tiful, passed from earth to heaven, a victim to a ann. diet in which the dearest interests of her country were involved SUSQUEHANNA. SUDDEN MEATUS —The case of Par. Hill's family, in West Chester, where several of the members—in feet neatly all—were taken suddenly sick, is a very distressing one. They recently moved to West Ches. ter, OelMplid a dweliteg whion had been shut up for nearly two years. The house was probably very un fit to be tenanted, although it was whitewashed be fore it was occupied, and the cellar is represented to have been foul. On Monday night of last week, all went U. bed apparently in the usual health; On Tuesday, tour smug oeughters, aged eight, ten, twelve, aid fourteen years, were taken sick ; one died on Wednesday, another on Thursday;'on Thursday they were buried in the same grave,. By this time the mother and another boy were sick— the mother unconscious. The suddenness and viru lance of the disease very naturally created quite a ,hock to the neighbors. On Sunday morning an other of the children died. We understand the other members of the family were moved on Sunday in another house. The family consisted of the mother, lather, and eight children. We give no opinion of the nature Or cause of the malignant disease. The prevalent opinion is that the cause was purely local. The disease is considered, by physicians, malignant typhoid fever; although it is reported by some spotted fever, &c. In ths family of Mr. Paxson, two children died one, a son cf 'seventeen or eighteen; died after twenty-four' hours' indisposition. In this case, it is sato said, local causes promotive of disease were found of a powerful character. The ease of Prancia Windle, of East Brandywine township, Cheater county, was a remarkable one. He was apparently in his usual health on Monday mornig test, and died on the someday, from a ma. lignanT attack somewhat similar to the above. These cues, and some others in Chester county have baffled the medical faculty.—Viltage Record. A - FATAL NBRIINABB.—Oa Sunday evening a young man named John Shoemaker was killed by another named Rouchelsuder, both of Randolph township, under the following circumstances : Rau ehelander had been married on that day, and is the evening a number gathered around his house to en. gage In a "serenade," as is the custom in some corn. munities, composed of aii merrier of hideous noises. In this amusement Shoemaker, as we understand, WAS not engaged, but was inside of the house, being a particular friend of Rouchelander. About eleven o'clock several of the serenaders entered .tha house, Which in incensed Renate/ander that ho aerzegl a stick of firewood and aimed a blow at one of teem, which, being erad.d, struck the deceased upon the head, from the effects of which he died the :Mlle night. Rouelbelanaer was committed to jail on Tuesday.—likadeville Rgmblican. DEATH OP JUDOS TAGOAHT.—The Hon. Thomas Taggart, of I.veoming county, recently died at hie residence in Ilitincy, at the advanced age of 8-i pasts. The deceased was a member of the convention to amend the Constitution of Pennsylvania ; repre. sented his county in the Legislature two sessions; served ten Nears as an associate judge in the courts, and filled other minor positions of honor azid trust timing his life time. He lived to a ripe old age, and pommelled the respect and esteem of his fellow eitiverua OIL SPECULATORS are extending their purchases and leases and searches not only the entire length *1 Oil Creek, but of the Allegheny and different vel leys and streams in the neighborhood- Or late, con siderable inquiry has been made for lamla along French creek, and much of the territory lying be. tween Franklin and Utica has already been leased. These wrll all receive a thorough investigation this summer. THE Western Pennsylvania Sanitary Fair will open at Pit:it:au gon the 7th of June. The building used at Cleveisnd for the Ohio Sanitary Pair has been purehued for $B,OOO, sad removed to Pittsburg 'So be used for a like purpose there. Poulin DEAD.—Mr. Harvey Childs, proprietor of an oil well, a few miles below town, was found lying dead at the edge of tee water on eriday morning last. Mr. Childs was a native of Pittsburg,— Venda go Spectator. GODIS TO Tall FRONT.—The 11th Pennsylvania Regiment, Colonel R. Coulter, left Harrisburg on the 28th, en route for the Army-of the Potomac. The new results in this regiment belong principally to Westmoreland county. THE'; CITY_ Therwaeuxecor. 1 APRIL 4.1883. . APRIL 4, 1864 . 8 .4. 31 . 12 34....11P:W. OA. w.....t2 34-...3 P. Y. 32 38 34 38 49 ..... .. .49 wurn. WIND _N_.... . -. . NNW__ NNW ENE.. Rim AND OUTRAGE.—Henry Shelly, a well•known and respectable industrious colored _man, a white-washer by profession, was employed to 'whitewash and coal tar the femme and some other property of the Memos. Bullock, =attune:unser', at Conshohocken- Mr. Shelly has already had-one eon killed in the Army of the Potomac. He was a servant to a colonel. Mr. S. engaged a house near the Oonshohceken bridge, wherein to live while he was doing the work, a somewhat extensive job. He engaged three other men to assist in the work— Robert Thustin, Joseph Hart, and William Cooper. About half past eleven o'clock, on last Tuesday night, while these men were asleep, the house was -suddenly assailed by a crowd of dissolute young men dressed in the United States uniform, headed, it is said, by a lieutenant. Besides these, there was a crowd of people in citizens' dress, numberingaistY -or seventy, who stood looking on the scene of riot without owing to offer a word, or snake en action s in defence of the four colored men. - The rioters burst into the house; Mr. Shelly sprang from his bed, and, though overpowered, he succeeded in knocking down a number of his assail ants. Be was dreadfully eat on the head. Joseph Hart also defended himself, and was considerably it jured about the head. Thustin rolled himself in a Blanket and stowed himself away in one corner of the house, and escaped observation. Cooper jumped out of a window, and escaped the fury of the assail- SIAN. The house was completely torn inside out, the stove thrown into the road, and the bed and bed ding carried to an iron foundry, about fifty yards distant. The riot lasted about twenty minutes. It ended by the rioters pelting the front of the house with boulders weighing from one to two pounds each, and then discharging the contents of twenty ..or thirty pistols. The house belonged to a Air. Hol lowell, a tailor, residing at Conshohocken. The next morning . Mr. Cooper, who had escaped the night before by Jumping from the window, was going to the cars to come to Philadelphia, when he was mobbed. He ran to several houses for pro tection, but the inmates closed their doors upon him. He finally dashed into s store, and was se. •ereted in the cellar. The mob followed in, but were put off the track by being told that the fugitive had escaped out of the bask way. In the darknera of the night he walked all the way to Philadelphia, as the rioters steadily watched the railroad trains. -Conshohocken is in Montgomery county, and though it contains among its respeetanle residents solid "Union men, yet it has within its borders a most villainous class of Copperheads, who are as igno rant as they are depraved and brutal. If thtt party who made the attack upon these industrious colored men are flatly soldiers, then they must be of that class of cowards who would skulk in the hour of battle, jump the bounty, resist the draft, and commit murder. They should be put in the front ranks as speedily as possible. A COMPARIt3OI4 of some of the Meteoro: logical Phenomena of March, 1664, with those of Diana, 1863, and of the same month for thirteen years, at Philadelphia, Pa., Barometer 60 feet above mean tide in the Delaware river. Latitude 39 deg. ;0 - 7X min. N. ; longitude 75 deg. 10K min. W. from Greenwich. By James A. Kirkpatrick, ~ X. 1 March, March, ' March. for 1 1864. 11363. 13 years. 27terniornsfer. 1 -,---- Highest---- deare. .... 121.00 0 65 00° 78 too Do. do. date-.. 12th 25th. 3d 1861. Wannest day, mean... 48.50 06.67 66.00 Do do date- . 13th. < 95th. Sd, Mt. Lowest degree 20.00 15.00 4.00 Do ds date 221 sth. 10th. MEL Coldest day. wean.- 27 33 24.17 •11.50 Do. do. date.-- 291 15th_ 10th. 0356. -wean daily o cillation. 13.55 13 St 14.78 Do. do. ranae. . •••• 5.11 • 6.47 6.08 Do. at7A M. 34.35 32.29 01. SA Do. at 2P. 91_ 45.07 40 94 41.54 Do_ MOP. 21 99 03 Fr 41.03 *: Do. for the month- - - 2948 36. 35 40.157 1 --- ----- Barometer. .31 Rost, inches 30:131 in 39384 in. 30. emu. Do. date 3d. 21st. 3d. 1652. <lreatest daily m. pros. 30 090 30.311 .9 - .415 Do. do. do. date 3d. 20th. lith, 1357. Lowest, Inches 29 184 29.422 28.188 Do. date. 25th. 17611.1854. Least daily meanpres. , 29 aoth 246 79 497 29.246 Do. do. do. date._ 30111 25th. 39t5.4861. -Mean daily range 0.176 9.214 0.194 31ean at 7 A. M .29.723 29 881 ' 29..841 - Do. at 2P. M 29.656 29.839 29.784 Do. ata P. M. .... .. .. 29.699 ‘ 9 880 23.821 Do. for the month... 29.694 90.. 884 29.315 Force of Vormr. Oreatest, inches 0.361 in 0.445 in. 0.519 in. Do date sth, 25th. 18th. 1859. Least. inches-. .164 .150 .023 Do. date 20th. 15th. tth, 1.958. Mean at 7A. M. .148 ,197 I .181 Do. aid p. m..........-.. -149 .151 .176 Do_ at 9P. M .160 .153 .178 Do. for the month... .152 .150 .172 --------.- Relative HurniditP- Agreatest, per cent- ... • 96/9 ct. 94 'ii ct. 10011 ct. Do. date Slet. 11th. .otten_ meast. per cent . 21 20 0 Do. data. Bth. 2711,_ ' .51.t 1 7'166(0. mean at 7A. M 715 75.4 .0 Do. at SP. M 594 56. 4 53 . Do. at 9P. AI 658 70 2 e ..... . 7 .0 D 7 o. for the month... 62.6 67.4 61.8 cloud& Shuster of clear days". 10 days. 4 days. 9.9 days. Do cloudy la s s 21 do. 27 do. 21.1 do. - Mean shy cc lid SA. .111 61 019 et. 68.1140 t. = 9 9 'D ch Do. do. 2P. M. 63.5 47723 6L I M. 150 3 165 1 45.3 Do. do. for monthlsl4 3 .2 165 55.4 12trin & Melted Snow. ----- I -- I --- Amount In inches 5 .2431 n. 6.379 is. ! 3. 241 in. Ito. of dal . . 011 which . i rain or snow fell 10 am... 15 days. !10 7 days. I. Winds. Mesa direction—from Times in 101311 ... . . IN.4B°W. ti.3744W 221 235 *Leen than one-third covered at the honre of observa tion. Hotnr&r. TTICKB.—The following persons were admitted into-the Pennsylvania Hospital ye.. Ow terday en Duffey, axed fourteen years, lost a portion of two fingers of his right hand by being caught in the machinery at the woolen factory of Campbell tr_ Potts, Twenty.nrst and Washington avenue. George Wadrerly, had his left arm and left leg badly crashed by being run over by a railroad oar, at Pennsylvania avenue and Coates street. Se was driving cattle alongt he road at the time the accident occurred. The surgeon would have amputated the limb but she /AO Will In too weak a state. It ls hardly probable that he will recover. SWORDS TO BB PBBSEN'TED. —A beauti iol word. made to the order of the veteran. of the -28th Regiment, for Lient. poi. Bobt. L. Bodine, bepresented to him at Major Berry , * Marquee thi s evening. Also A Splendid aword will be pre. -tented to ()apt. T. B. Timer, of the 691 h Regiment, at us mine time and place. Both these weapons Joe th ed. very elaborately finished and appropriately In ear 1 1 "FouND Ditaix—About six o'clock last evening a man named Jerry NcLain, aged thirty. five roama Sentohman. was found dead on the Trenton Railroad, above Orthodox street. It iv sup. poled - that he tell off the platform of the ear and broke his neck. He resided at Torreadale, and leaves wife and five children. The Coroner was notttled So held an inquest. MEETING OF THE GOARDIANG OF THE Foam—The Board of Guardians held their regular stated meeting yesterday afternoon. Mr. Emily, piesident pro tem., in the chair. The home receipts were reported as being $233.42. The report of the Bosid of Visitors forthe month of March was then read. It shows the total expels dig urea as $4,419.94N; number of persons sent to Almshouse, 267; number refused, 256 • number of white adults relieved, 3,157; white chi ldren,4,6ss; colored adults, 498; colored children, 72i; Arnett. cant, 1,630 ; foreigners, 2,020. 'Whole number reliev ed. 9,026. The report was adopted. The census of the Almshouse for the week ending April 2d, as by the house agent, Wal— Number in the house at 1211 T 2.421 Do. do. same time last year 2,630 Decreele Admitted within the last two weeks Births do. do. Heaths do. do. Discharged do. do. Elcped do. do. as Indentured do. do. 2 number-granted lodgings within laid 2 weeks.. 24 Do. meals do. do. 69 The outdoor agent reported having received $287 12 !Or support oases, The treasurer reported haviatl paid $l,/10 88 Into the city treasury. The committee Qn farms reported adversely to the communication of the Philadelphia Skating Club, in relation to granting a portion of the Almshouse ground for skating purposes. The report was accepted, and the committee diseharged. Mr. H. H. Msocy was then elected assistant physician Of the Insane Depart merit. A communication was received front the City Solicitor, enclosing an affidavit of James W. Powell, eeclaring that the $l,OOO bet upon the elec tion held in October last, is still in the hands of Jas. E. Caldwell. The matter was referred to the City Solicitor, with instructions to take action against that gentleman for the amount. The contract for furnishing coal to the Almahouse urns given to Perrin & Co., at $6.93 per ton of 2,240 Its. The steward's requisition was then read and granted. Adjourned. ARMY HOSPITAL REPORT.—The folloWing report of the Army Hospitals in the Department or the Susquehanna, for the week ending April 2d, was received at the Medical Director's office yesterday: Broad and Prime Islington Lane TarnersLane Camas's Woods Cliestnut Hill Summit House ...... Sontb street McClellan. Caster. Germantown Comp Curtin Convalescent Fort Miffiia Chambersborg York. Pa Satterlee Christian street Total The Medical Director's office has been removed from 1103 Girard street to 906 Walnut street, where all business with that office will be hereafter trans• acted. I DECRAERD SOLDTER.—Sergennt John Bra. zili, of Co. E, 26th Regiment P. V., died about three o'clock yesterday morning, at the Citizens' Volun teer Hospital, corner of Broad and Prime streets. He had been sick about two weeks.,Q His funeral will take place at 2 o'clock this afternoon, from the hospitaL The deceased was born in Limerick, Ire. land, and bad been In this country only three weeks when he enlisted in the Nth Regiment. He was in all the battles in which the regiment was engaged. He was wounded at Bun's Run and Chancelloraville. The members of the 26th in Philadelphia are re. guested to attend his funeral. He had no relatives in America. Those be left behind on his own green native isle may be consoled by learning that every attendance neeessary was paid him during his dying moments, BOARD OF SURVEY.—A meeting of this board was held yesterday morning, at which a redo. 111ti011 was passed recommending Councils to autho- rize a revision of grades on Twenty-third and adja• cent streets. The opening of Wildey street, between Palmer street and Montgomery avenue, was recommended. Also, the construction of a three foot culvert on the line of Hanover street, from Richmond street to the river Delaware. Alao, one on New Market street, from Willow street north to Dana street, about eight hundred feet, with an lindoe diameter of three feet; alsO, two inlets at New Market and Pegg streets, and one at Dana street. The name of Adams street, Nineteenth ward, from Commerce street to Kensington avenue, was, by re, solution, changed to Huiseman street. DEATHS OF S o En s . —The following deaths were reported st the Medical Director's office yesterday: Convalescent Hospital, William Crumb, Company A, 112th Regiment Penna. Volun teer; Summit House Hospital, — lentac Short, Dom pary K. 32d Regiment U. S. Colored Troops ; Alex. Brady. Company F, same regiment. Chestnut Hill Hospital, Jacob Fremoy, Company .11, 24 Penna. Cavalry Regiment BAD ACCIDENT.—A young man, named James o , oonnel, living in Burlington county, while attempting to jump from one of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad care, on Sunday evening, was run over and seriously iejured. He TM conveyed to the Citizens' Volunteer Hospital, where he died in a few hours afterwards. The come ner held an inquest on the body yesterday, and ren dered a verdict of accidentally killed. ARRIVAL OF REFUGRILS.—SOMe five or six families of refugees arrived in this city, yester day morning, from Virginia. They are intedigent and neat-looking persona, but without money. They were fed and quartered at the Union Volunteer Re freshment Saloon, lest evening, and are expected to leave for Ohio today. Fnoar FORErUN PORTS.—The following vessels arrived at this port yesterday: Brig S. ',- Merrick, Captain Norden, from Matanzas, with 60 hogsheads, 55 tierces, and 116 boxes sugar, 462 hogs heads molasses, and 2,600 pounds old iron. Brig Al bert (Br.), Captain Irwin, from Demarara, with 100 puncheons of molasses. WORTHY OF ATTarprioN.—A fair for the sale of fancy and useful artiolem WAN opened last evening at the Assembly Building, and will continue ler a week, =der the direct supervision of patriotic /tidier. The proceeds will be for the benefit of - Union sufferers in Tenneaaee. A NEW CHITP.CH ENTEEPRISE.--Alll Will be noticed in another column, a meeting is to be held, this evening, at the house of James Snitch, Elul., No. 210 Prank/la street, to form a new Oon. gregationel Church In the central part of the say. New Englanders and all others favorable to the Ob. ject are invited. The Continental Murder The Pistol is Traced and Identified—Verdict and-Ar raignment. In regard to the young men who shot Margaret Baer, at the Continental Theatre, on Saturday night, his name is William Anderson Maguire, In the 20th year of his age, son of a very respectable blacksmith, residing in ilmington, Delaware. The prisoner, when the rebellion broke out in 1861, en listed in the 29th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volum.. teem Col. Owen. He was attached to company H, Captain Thomas A. Smith. In his military caps. oily be behaved himself pretty well, but was inclined to - the tise of strong drink. Re Served during the three Months , term. The name of Wm H. Mitchell was assumed, and it was from this cognomen that the deceased was called Maggie Mitchell. In stature he ia five feet eight or nine inches high; has hair almost black ; his eyes are blue" which gives his countenance rather a soft expression. Re is a tole. rably good•looking young man. His father and a brother were with him yesterday, and he also was permitted to receive a visit from one of his soldier companions of the three months , campaign. He seems to bear with hie misfortune quite calmly. His demeanor yesterday was of a character that would rather excite sympathy. h•ECIE IMCSAJ3EID. There is little or nothing known About the de, ceased. An eminent physician, resident of Potts vile, Pe., who viewed the corpse, says he well re members that only a few years ago she was quite a little child in that inland city. Whether sne was born in Pennsylvania or in Germany is a matter that is not satisfactorily explained. She talked the -pure German fluently, and it is said gave evidence of rather more than ordinary education. Her body will be laid out to-day at the undertaker's, Mr. Cyrus Horn, No. 23 Eleventh street. The funeral will take place at four o'clock. For one hour Dreg- Gusto this, the corpse will be subject to public vieW. The proprietors of the Continental Theatre auh• scribed $26 towards the expenses. A soldier claiming to be a captain of one of the companies 'of the eeth Regiment P. V. (veterans), it is said, also raised, or guarantied, $lOO towards the expenses, and suggested to the Coroner that her calla should be silver-mounted. • The excitement relative to this tragedy, though not fevetish, yet seems to be widely extended. We heard the affair alluded to in all parts of the city yesterday ; in the ears in the exchange, in all places of business that required our professional at tendance, the Continental tragedy was A chief topto of conxersation. Of. COWS% this afternoon a great crowd will be present to witness the lag Bad rites paid to the remains of one whose fate has eiagromed so much attention. At four o'clock retie/day afternoon Coroner Tay lor called the jury to order, at the Central Station, Fifth and Chestnut streets. The office was well Bile/ The following evidence, some of it import. ant, and therefore interesting, was elicited : R. D. C. Miller aworn.—l reside at 815 Walnut street ; I was not in the Continental Theatre until after the arrest was made ; I was is Bancker's sa loon at the time of the shooting. (The prisoner wall andught from the aelL A chair was handed him,he seared himself. He looked a little fresher than on the day before. — lle was calm as could be expected. His aged father and an older brother were provided with seats on the bench within the bar.) Charles Logue:sworn—Reside at 130 south Ninth street ; I ant earpenter at the Continental Theatre ; I was standing in the flint entrance on the stage, ready to shut the scene ; I heard no quarrelling; heard a pistol shot, and then saw two Bashes, and after this saw the dead woman ; this is all I know; I never saw the young man before I went to the box; saw that the woman was dea d; we took her body back on the stage ; the prisoner was then la the custody Of Officer Sparks, and two of the city police • one of the girls told me on Saturday night after t hee shooting, that she heard the young man threaten to shoot the damaged. The meat important witnees was not present, and the Coroner adjourned the further investigation. Before the jury separated, however, the witness ap pearcd. The ease was then continued, and the fol lowing important testimony was given in: Robert Hoedley sworn.—l reside at 1129 Ellsworth street; I was at the Continental Theatre on Satur day night. By tie Coroner. Now tell the jury how you came to lend the pistol to the young man. Tell them all you know about the shooting, Witness. Between 8 and 9 o'clock I went to the theatre to see the ,performance ; I met with the loner, and two otter parties were there; I had a pistol in my pocket , and I lent ittO the prisoner ; said that he wanted it for self protection; he said that he saw Maggie in the box, and he was going there; he Monett may be some of the men there might attack him, and he wanted the pistol to de fend himself, as he was going to speak to her; he was afraid that the man with her would draw a weapon, and this was the reason why he wanted the Pistol ; it wa. then that I lent him my pistol ;Mils conversation took Islam, at the bar- he,.went Away one/ remained at the woe ' maw Officer Sparks and him together as he going toward the back of the the are ; I saw the prisoner go down to the box Where Maggie was, and there I heard three shots in quick succersion ; I had no ides that a woman was shot ; I thought the man we. shot, and not Maggie ; when I heard the Shots it mast not more than five minutes after I lent him the pistol; when I lent him the weapon we were stanoing about the centre of the bar; he appeared to be somewhat under the influence of liquor; we both drank at the Continental bar; I saw him on Saturday at the Bed Robin and several other places ; it was between 3 and 4 o'clock when saw him at the Bed- Robin; I do not knoW whether Maggie was there or not; the place was pretty full ; I heard no quarrelling there; lie played a game of euchre with me and others, and drank gin cocktails; he made no remarks in reference to Maggie ; three barrels of the pistol I lent him were loaded about a month ago ; two of the nipples were broken ; I lent the pistol to another party, and he broke the two nipples. Question by the Coroner. How did the prisoner know you bad the pistol? Answer. Well, I presume he saw it. toQ. Are you in the habit of carrying a loaded pis ll iIiESEI E=0321 THE POLICE_ {Befoul Mr. Coroner Taylor 3 THE EVIDENCE. A, On Friday night, a man relieved we Of my Watch, and I got my ptatot in ease I should meet him. did you 'show it to him ? aoCtne r W k i ia ll o y w ou y a o n u sw ba e d r m a y p q ui n to es i t i ton I How did the pri. A. I can't say how, unless he knew I had It; be asked me to lend it to him, and / did, for sell: pm. , tettion, Q. Did you mention to Maguire that you had boat Your watch, and that you had 6 pistol, and was look• ing for the man who took your watch? A. No, sir. A. . N D o id , a y t o r u , e e ti p sert th th e us m e a th n a w t P h il o t irto l ? le my watch drew one on me. h ad a Plato] Q. by a juror. Now tell us how did lie know you A. Well, I do not know; I cannot account for that unless he saw me with the pistol previously. about Q Hthe ad sou any conversation at the Red Robin pistol? A. No, air :.had no eOnversation only about ott• Ohre; there was no allusion made to any difficulty the prisoner bad with Maggie. Coroner to prisoner. ffiaguire, do you wish to ask the witness any question ? Prisoner, rising from chair, replied in a calm, low tone, ',comely audible, "No, sir.” Question by ajuror to witness. Did you ever hear prisoner threaten Naggiet Answer. No, air. rdr. S. R. White was now called. His evidence was entirely without point. Hoodley. reaslied.—The Coroner handed hint pistol and asked him to look at it. The witness Mi. amined It very closely, and then said : This is my pistol—it is the one I loaned him " This witness was required to enter bail in the sum of $l.OOO to appear at court. The evidence here closed. The jury retired into the office of Mr. Franklin, chief of the detective force, and in a few minutes agreed upon the following 146 135 ll!!!!!M13741 • • • • That the said Margaret Baer, decease, came to her death from pistol shots, on the evening of Aprll 2d, about 9 otclock, at the Continental Theatre, three shots having been Bred by William Maguire. THB .11.1tRAIGNMENT. The verdict haVieg been duly reilOrded, the Coroner and jury and members of the press, and attending police officers, proceeded to the cell wherein the pri soner was confined. His father was seated beside him. Both arose to receive the officials. The fol lowing scene took place: Coroner to prisoner. What is your name r Answer, (Mihaly). William Maguire. The father suggested that he had a middle name. Yee, responded the youngraem—Anderson. This was said in a very low tone. , Coroner. How old are you f A. Am in my 20th year ; will be 20 years old on the 71h of next June. , 8 2 Coroner. What do you do for a living? z , A. I help my father at blacksmithing ; I have 18 4 fired up on the Baltimore Railroad. $ 25 Coroner. Well, William, you are charged with its baying committed the murder of a'young woman at 126 the Continental Theatre, and the jury have ran- Mi dered a verdict to this effect. It, therefore, becomes 1 07 my duty, as the coroner of Philadelphia, to commit v ,„ 76 you to pr isons s l i ghtly wait your trial. The t bowed his bead. le After a few words with the father, who desired v that his unfortunate eon should remain in the cell niover night, that his younger brother might see him, 1 '6 the Coroner made the request of Lieut. la - oxide/won, of the Reserve Corps , who affirmatively resoonqed. with kindness and official dignity. The business having thus been transacted, the visitors retired, and the sorrow-stricken father was left Mona with his unfortunate son. (Before Mr. alderman White.] Selling Liquor,*ie. Alexander Robinson was arragned yesterday on the charge of selling liquor on Sundays and to minors, quite small children, about ten or twelve years of age, at a place on Gothic street, Fifth ward. He was bound over to answer at court. lUnittd States Circuit Court—Judge Cad- The April term of the United States Circuit Court for the argument of causes on the equity list and the trial by jury of oases at law began yesterday. Jurors were discharged until this morning, after which, the Wu - lona liars having been called, and causes either assigned for hearing or continued, the court adjourn• ed till this morning. Supreme court in sane—Present, Wood ward, C. J.. and erliouisesou,Stroug, Head. and Agnew. Justices. - In the following eases opinions Were read or filed without reading : Br WOODWARD, C. J —Baumgardner vs. Stewart. Northumberland county. Judgment affirmed. Edwards , appeal. .Orphitna' Court, Philadelphia. Decree affirmed. Wearier vs. Huster. Montgomery county. Judg ment affirmed. .Luckenbach vs. AnderiOn. NOrthuMberland min ty. Judgment affirmed. Spear vs. Evans. Carbon county. Judgment af firmed. Appeal of Wm. S. Smith & Co. 0.P., Northum• berland county. Decree affirmed. Appeal of the Corporation and Borough of Easton et al. C. P.. Northampton county. Decree affirmed. Clewelrs Appeal. C. P. Northampton county. Decree affirmed. By Tnomrson, J.—Lewis VI. Lewis et al. Wayne co. Judgment reversed, and procedendo awarded. Miller vs Limbach. O. P. Northampton. county. Judgment affirmed. - Sheimer vs. Jones et al. C. P. Northampton county. Judgment reversed, and a venire de novo awarded. Shaffer vs. White. C. P. Monroe county. Judg ment reversed as to Win. A. Brodhead, and - affirmed as to the other defendants. Blumer & Co. e t al, vs. R. E Wright et. al. 0. P. Lehigh county. Judgment affirmed. Blumer & Co.'s Appeal. C. P. Lehigh eounty. Decree affirmed at the cost of the appellants. Thos. Faust's Appeal. Luzerue COUnty. Decree affirmed at the cost of the appellant. By STRONG, J.—Reber and Wife vs. °emit. Barks Co. Judgment affirmed. In the Matter of the North Whitehall Township. Lehigh Co. Order reversed. Coinpton & Chldsey vs. Sandt. Northampton Co. Judgment affirmed. Bristol & Cohill vs. Brown Brothers, Warren Co. Judgment affirmed. Conroe vs. Conroe and Wife. Warren Co. Judg ment reversed, and a venire de novo awarded. Physick , s Appeal. 0. 0., Philadelphia. Desiree corrected as per opinion filed. By BRAD, .11 —Appeal of Mary Honker. C. P., Delaware CO. Decree affirmed at the cost of the appellant. McKinney vs. Martin. C. P., Warren Co. Judg ment affirmed. McElroy vs. Harris. Certiorari to Nisi Prins. Decree affirmed. Cost to be paid by the estate. The court here adjourned for the term. It will neat meet at Harrisburg. ' In the two District Courtovjary trials for the March term began yeitterday. District Court No I—Judge Shorewood Win. Waterhouse ye. Wm. Hill Moore, Wm. Sharp, and Arthur O'Brien. nit( was an action of trespass to recover damages for an alleged forcible entry and detainer of the premises occupied as a marble yard, north aide of Arch street, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth. The alleged dispose session of plaintiff occurred in 1858,-he claiming at the time to be the owner of the business there car ried on. The defence was that Mr. Moore had purchased the stook and material at the place, at sheriff's sale, and was the owner of them and the business ; that the plaintiff was there only se his agent to conduct the same at a Salary, and that subsequent to the sheriff% sale and purchase by Mr. Moore of the pro petty in question the plaintiff never had any interest therein. On trial. Juvenal and Longstreth for plaintiff. Suakin for defendants. District Court, No. 2—Judge Stroud The trial list, was called, but no case being ready he court adourned till this morning. Court or Common Pleas— Allison. The March term of this court began also yesteo- day, and jury trials were in progress all day. The cases were all trivial, and of no interest. . Court of Quarter Be.sslons—Judgo Thomp son. The April term of this court began yeaterday. John X. Ogden was appointed Foreman of the Grand Jury, who, having been instructed by the judge as to their duties, retired. The court then, there being no business until the Grand Jury eat upon bills to be presented to them, adjourned till this morning. Arrival and Sailing of the Ocean Steamers. TO AHEM. SNIPS FROM FOR DATE. Tentonia..... ... •Benthamp4On• •NeW York Mar. 19 Kane/woo Liverpool New York Mar. 19 City of London ••• .Liverpool New Y0rk.:.... Mar. 23 Hibernian Liverpool ......Portiand ..... Mar. 24 Persia Liverpool New York Mar. 26 P a maims Liver pool Portland Mar. 31 Borussia. aonthampton.• New York April 2 Aria Liverpool New York April 2 TO DEPART. China ...... York Liverpool....... Apri l B North nercan..Pox April 9 C•of Manchester. .New York...... Liverpool April 9 ..... lfew York Bremen April 9 Africa.• ...... .... Boston Liverpool April 13 Ocean Queen....•. New Y0rk......A5pinwa11..... April 13 Tentonia New York Hamburg April /6 City of London-1f ew York Aron 16 Hibernian ........ Portiand.. •." . Liverpool April 16 LkTTRIEI. BAG 4. t AT THE MERCHANTS EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. Bark John BonDon, Davis Lasmayra, soon. Bark David Laps.ley . . Brown Port avant, soon. Bar Dart, Conrad Barbados. soon. PHILADELPHIA. BOARD OP TRAWL OEO. L. RUBY. EDW. C. BIDDLE. COIOCTTAN OF !ma Norm THOMAS 11 PARBOIL MARINE INTELLIGENCE. p)itelL l )7B;Pliff,llo 401V;IClir.TTIJI:MT.T1# SITH RISES- 6 39 IGEN SETS. 21 HIGH WATER.-- ..... 14 Allitlyra. - Bark Union, Heard, 29 days --from Pernambuco. with sugar. cotton. &c.. to Lewis & Damon Bark Belinda. Buckman, 18 days from Havana, in bal last to B A Bonder & Co. Brig Samuel 1, 7 Merrick, Norden: from Matanzas 19th Wit, with sugar and molasses to B C Knight- Encounter ed violent gales on the Passage; split galls. lost deck load (63 hhds molasses). and snatailted ether damage. Brig Albert (Br). Irvin. 2t days from Demarara. with molasses to Thomas Watson & Sons . Brig Warren. Smith, 3 days from New York, with salt to 1.1 mßorom & Bon. • Fehr B W Tun. Haley. 9 days from New Orleans, in ballast to D Stetson & Co. Passed in the bay brigs Dudley. L em Port Royal; Wthonah, and J W Sawyer. Hcbr • C Major,(Br) Perrjrao days from lialifax.witir .6 ~& Treomoo7. stairs. .h O. Rohr Sydney Price. Godfrey. 10 days from - Pensacola, with lumber to Navy Yard- On Saturday forenoon saw two brigs being towed to the Breakwater, and another &masted. said to be the Charles H. Frost. On Friday. ten miles south of Cape Healopen, saw a disabled schr. steering SE. . . Srhr Sar ah & Mary, Morris, 1 day from Dover. Del, with grain to Jit MC. Barrest. Ear Col Eddy. Coombs. 10 days from Belfast, With lodre to A CI Catlell. Behr Omega, Hurled, 3 days from Newtown Bid, with corn to J W Bacon. St'r Frank. Shropshire, 24 hours from Meer York, with zudse to W M Baird & Co St'r sw York, FalEz, 24 hours from New York, with =dee to W F Clyde. St'r II Torrence Philbrick. 24 hours from New York, with mdee to W P Clyde. tit'r Black Diamond. Meredith, 24 hours from N York, With recite to ki Baird & Co. St'r B W Fairchild. Trout. 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. BELOW. Ship Eastern State, from Liverpool. Bark Maria, ft.( m Liver pooL Bark Garibaldi and brig. E M Strong'. both, from Ma tanzas. were in the bay on Sunday, at 2P M. Wilting up. Brig H Prost. from New Oteane. at the. Delaware Breakwater, dierasated. BAR Marie Louise. Smile. Barbados, J Elhtzley & Co Brig Lagrange. Whiting. S W Pans. Curtis & Knight. & Schr Richard Law. York. Providence. L Audeuried Co €chr J D-Backa'oo, McElroy. Norwich, L Andenried Co. Eclat Elizabeth Ann, Bangs, Beaton, I. Audenlied &Co. ffehrJes Buekaloo. Bennett, Norwleh, C.etaer, Sack . neyy It le i t i r i lie la r t inrowell. Boston, Castnsr. Stickney. Sr Wellington. &Co Behr 1 Laffrienier, Coleman, Boston. Noble, Caldwell iciir Ida V McCabe, Anderson. Alexandria. Tyler & Behr George Pales, Nickerson, Providence, B S&W ye' & CO acir - ifail, Merrill, Bridgeport, Westmoreland Coal CO. Echr Re' e Merrill, Weeks, Port Royal, D S Stetson & Co. Steamer .7 S Shriver. Dennis. Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. - Steamer Samson. Dunning, New York, W. P. Clyde. - WorresPondenee of the Philadelphia Izehange.7 ifttliallAWgig. N. . April A. 'Milne The failWalbg Vatalid CMS ashore cm Long Baulk. the Barnegat Liabt mouse, on - Friday evening last, chip Sultana. archibold. from NeWport. Wales, Pierson load e d al w it h s u gar Yok m ola sses . s Lizzie Mae. . with sugar and and Hannah. from Swazi'. with a circus oempan7 on board, and two knits %LOP:WWII. Act 11, 94 Wet. JOhap,a J. Immix, THE COURTS. wslader ,CLIARIIS THE PRESS.---PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1864, FIRS T NATIONAL S.A.N.MC DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT 10-4,0 LOAN. This Bank has been anthortred and is not prepared 0 receive enbecriotions to the r NEW GOTEENNENT •LOAN. This Loan. issued under authority of an Cot of Con gress. approved March 3. 1869. provides for the iesne of Two Hundred Millions of Dollars fttoopoo,cooi fruited States Bonds. redeemable after ten years. and payable fort, years from date. IN COIL dated March I, 1884. bearing interest at the rate of p er a win g, IN COIN, payable seuil-aannally 011 all Bonds over $lOO, tad on Bonds of $lOO and less. an nually. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be issued of the denominations of fifty dollars ($6O), one hundred dollars ($100), five hundred dollars (000). one thousand dollars ($1,0)0), flub ihonsand dollar. (6,000), and ten thousand dollars - (10.0(0), and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of lifty dollars (060). one hundred dollars ($100), five hundred dollars ($6OO, and one thousand dollars ($1,000). Eubscribere will be required to pay, in addition to the amount of the principal of the bonds in lawful MOUSY. the accrued interest in coin, (or in United States noise. or the notes of National Banks. adding fifty per cent. for premium until further notice.) from the first day of- March or September, as the case may be. until the day of subscription and payment. . . NEW LOAN. JAY COOKE & CO. OFFER. FOE SALE THE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Rearing live per cent. interest, in oolth Redeemable any time after TEN YEARS. at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY 1 , 8 aRS after date. Both COUPO/f AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan, of same denominationg,ae the Five- Twenties. The interest on $S and $lOO payable yearly, on all• other denominations half-yearly. The TEN FORTY BONDS are dated March 1,'1864. the half-yearly interest falling due September 1 and Marsh 1 of each year. Until let September, the accrued interest from Ist March is required to be paid by purchasers in cola, or in legal currency, adding VO per cent. for premium. until further notice. All other Government securities bought and sold Jr.4.3r CO., TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFIOS OF COMPTROLLER OF THE CITRRENOT, WARM:VC/TON. February 26th, lem. Whereas, by satisfactory. evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth DiMienal Sauk of Philadelphia, in the omit* of Fhtladelpnla. and State of Pennsylvania. has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Commas. entitled "an act to provide a na tional currency, secured by a pledge of 'United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," appioved February 26th, 1863. and has com plied with all the [provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking, Bow. therefore I, Hugh McCulloch. Comptroller of the Currency do hereby certify that the FOURTH NA TIONAL BANK OF PEIIL•DELPHIA, county of Phila delphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Ranking, under the act afore- In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of oince, this twenty.sixth day of February. 1864. HUGH MoCULLOOEf. Comptroller of the Currency. JOHN .R . 0.8N, JR., STOOK 1:10MMISSION BROKER, No. 140 8011TH TIM) STREET. (up STAIRS.) PHILADELPHIA. - . REFERENCES: Mesera.Thoo. A. Blddle Co. Mess.Gew,Meeslester, Clo. Memo. E. S. Whelan k Co. Messrs. Drexel d; Co. Messrs. 'Busby A Co. Han J. Williams Eq. Alexander Biddle. Esq. I. P. lintohluson. MIL G. N. Troutman. Esq. D. E. Cam mine. PA./. Jas. G. Murk Sons, New York. fe76-2m SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PIEULADELPHIA,__FBANRFORD. CAPITAL 0100,000, WITH THS PRI'VTLINEE or IL ORIA.SING TO *lOO.OOO. WILLIAM H. BRAWL Gu ......... NATHAN . HILLES. Preeident. ider (Late of the Philadelphia Bank) DIRECTORS: NATHAN NlLLltik_ CHARLES KREMER. GEORGE W. RBAWN. BENT. _ROWLAND. Jx... 811 NON B. SNYDER, BENJ. H. DRAGON, EDWARD RATER, JONI( coormm. LEWIS SBALLOROSS. The Second National Bank of Philadelphia is now open at N 0.134 MAIN Street. Prankford, for the trans action of a General Banking Business upon- the usual terms. Collections upon all acesusible points will be med. neon liberal terms. liserestrallf. feVito W. mi. TUT A 'WM. Cashiss EDUCATIONAL. BELLE VUE FEMALE INSTITUTE A DOANDINO SCHOOL FOB GIRLS. This Institution, bkauffially and haaltkiolly located. In the AO, theta limits of ATTLESOBOUGH 9 Hncassenn. ty, Pa , will commence its Spring and Summer Term us the 19th of FIFTH MONTH next, and continue in session twelve weeks. Te course of instruction is thorough and complete in all the Elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH, CLAaniCAL. AND MATHEMATIOAL IiDUCATION. The French Language ie taught by a nanve Freud, teacher. Circulars, giving tai particulars, may be had on ay. PUCatiOn to the Principals, Attleborough P 0. , BUSES county, Pa. ISRAEL .1 GRAHAME. JARS P. GRAHAKE. Principals. Mbl7 3m CIECIRGE A. NEWBOLD HAVING Leased EATON ACADEMY, KENNETT S4I7AEL Chester county, expects to commence a apring Sento' there the lith of Fourth Month (April.) For circulars. address Geo A. Newbold. JenkintownNonta. Co .Pa.. till the 4th inst., or Wm. Chandler . kennett Sawn, Chester county. Pa. mhl2.-lne VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY, MEDIA. IPA. ranile riosived at any Ham Almeida, Mathematics. Classic!, and Natural getelleal taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping. and Civil lin• "Wearing taught. Entire moonset about el 3 per Week. Boys or all ages taken. Reform to W. H. .Hern. WC. Sheriff; John U.- Capp & CO.. No. 23 South Third WWI and Thomas J. Clayton. Esq., Fifth and Prone streets. Address Hay. J. HAUMBY BARTON. 1 AL Green. Pa. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. The undersigned Would inform their friends and the publicgenerally that they have removed from their 014 gland, 017 Ana &net, to their SPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, No. 9111 ARCH STRRET, where they will continue' the sale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, ttC. Having associated with our house Mr. MARLIN PACE, (formerly the Principal Designer for Cornelius & Baher,) we are now prepared to execute orders for Glaa Fixtures of all grades and designs, from the totalled to the moot maeerve rout eelaborate, _ . VAN KIRK IX CO. felitAm No. WA ARCH STRUT. GREEN BAIZE AND WOOLEN ".-^ FLOOR CLOTHS of all widths. at Carpet Store of WM. CRRAGMILE. rfo. 447 North SIIOuND Street. below Moble. Beet side. PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, ea 00., 510 MINOR STREET. manufseturers of ROLL WHAPPSSS, DOl LE end aufeths HBDII3II. CAP, and GROWN DLAMILLA. on hind, or made to order. Highest pries paid for rope in large or small quanti ties. fe26-9os CORNS AND BUNIONS. PETERSON PETERSON PETERSON PETERSON CORN CORN C ORN ORN OINTMENT , OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT Will thoroughly care CORNS and BUNIONS. without an alr pai b n iDriggiete everywhere. Price 25 cents. JOHNSTON. HOLLOWAY. & °OWNS'S. Agents. mhss Ims 523 North SIRTE Streak. GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM WATER.HRATINO APPARATUS, li For Warming and Ventilating Pablo nudlnen and Private $8111d0110438. uji n o tn i fam inm t ju ured b . h i tte wA TERRRATING COMPANY 01 PRILADELPIA JAMBS P. WOOD. • 41 South FOURTH Street. roh7ittan2o B. M. FRLTWELL. Snnerintandent BUILDING HARDWARE. STRAY HINGES T HINGES, REVEAL HINGES. I SKUTT= STRAPS. and all Mode of wron_ght Hlnges,larka or email. BOLTS_. NECK BOLT.B. and nom, articles of Building and Carriage Hardware. mannlaetured and kept on han JACKS d ON at IRON WORKS. °Mae No. 236 CHURCH Disronfactnriut nr Warranted REAM and HAY SCALES. EVEYVARIETY OF FRUIT AND Ornamental Tress. Shrubs. Grapevines, and Ever greens. at BIIISIT'S RIIRORRY. Darby Road, at the yen . lowest rates. Examine the stock, or address B. BUMP. DARBY ROAD, Philadelphia. WILLIAM WHITALL. • No. 1110 FILBBRT Street. COLLECTOR OF RENTS. OROUND RENTS. ac. AlsoLdgent for Lyre- PowerConty Mutual Insurance Co. Refers to Tho. s. William B. ThomaAN T. B. Wood. Algernon.S. Roberts. Whiten. Tatum. co.. and others ap2.7t pICICLES.-100 BBLS. PICKLES IN vtnelar. SO half &bin. Pit& lee le vinegar.. Also, tbree•sallon and tive 7 eallon kegs do. Tor sale by RHODES & mums. toh26 107 South WATER Street A n BARBELS Y 0 1 J l'N GER ' S ALE, Bt. Anna's Brower7. In ugs. In store, and for esio by WILLIAM H. TElTellf & CO., apt 2Ol South FRONT Streak. DIXON'S STOVE POLIBEL 010. 14GLLE CO., Sa44l-/Ise 40. • had• du= d FINANCIAL. PHILADELPHIA. UNITED STATES. FIVE PER-CENT. C. H. CLARK. President F. S. 10-40 s. 114. SOUTH THIRD STREET. COPARTNERSHIPS. (10P.AIVI 1 , RESHIP .gOTIOE. —THE underelentd hays this day entered into copartner. chip. for the trantaction or the wholesale Hoot and elsoe Commiesion busineee. under the Arm of 8. L, Pumas & CO.. at 421 coma:Este& Street RD WARD L. FULLER. kllGAitT.LfliDeLat. PHILADELPRZA, April 4,1864. ar4-ot* DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. -61E0• IL PEDDLE. having sold his interest In the firm of CHASE & PEDDLE to MOSES H. caws, the partnerehip to THIS DAY dissolved. All indebted to the Erni are reameated to make PAYMArt them ose* Et Chase. end those having claims to present for settlement to him. MOSER H. CHASE. EEO. R. PEDDLE. mhni etathSte March 24th. 1864. ATOTIOE.-OHABLES C. KNIGHT IS &.• &dratted to an interest to our business trona this date. 41, D. RO SRI •8 & CO,. Iron and Steel Merchants. • N. E. corner SECOND and VINE Streets, and 4!,11 and 41 North FRONT Street. apt-Ice PHILADELPHIA. Amin, 1861. THE UNDEIO.IGNED HAVE THIS DAY entered into copartnerebip. and having par ed:mead the Interest of PErits T. W EIG r & CO., Will continue the Wholegaie Drug business, under the name of STRETCH. BERNITY & Cu., at the old stand, No. 609 MARKET Street. AARON SPRETIN. JOSEPH 6. B Sri% PrIMADELPITIA. April 1, 7fel. apt- im NOTICE. THE FIBM OF RE AD & , CO . Bankers. ie this day dhwolved by mutual con sent. The bueinees will be settled by either of the an derelped. H A. READ. JAMES M. PATTER. The undersigned will continue brietneas as Broker, at 4 /2 South TRIED Street, Philadelphia JAMES M. PATTER. Philadelphia, Pa., April 1, 1884. ap 2-31. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS—JUNE TEEM.—RACHEL EVERSON, by her next Wend. •E. w. K. KVEHEIEN. Sin: Please to take notice, that a subucena having been duly served cyan you in the above case. and you having not appe within twenty days after the teturn day, the court Las e ppointed David Paul Brown, Jr.. Exami ner, and the interrogation having been died according to rule, the Witliefeee on behalf of the Libellant mil, be heard before the said Examiner at his office, No. 128 South FIFTH Street. Philadelphia, when and where you ma y appear on the fifteenth day of APRIL IBB4, at four o 'clock P. M. DAVID PAUL BROWN. March 21- 1864 Per Libellant. ,_ To EVERSON: kespondent above named_ RSTATE OF WILLIAM. MONTELIUS, A- 0 ICEASED. —Letters testamentary upon the estate of WILLIAM MOBTBLII7 deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persona indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against It to present them, without delay, to JA51138 ABBorr, 1420 Anna Street. Or, .5A3111131, DIJITINI:D. 4- N. FIFTH Stteet, Streentors. mb22 tut , " TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR TB B CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHI A. Jonathan B. Barnes vs Daniel B. Smith. December Term. 1163; No. 219; yen ea., on covenant. The Auditor appointed to make distribution of the fend arising from the sale under the aboOe salt of all that lot 65 place of groom& with the buildings thereon erected. situate on the north side of Hamilton street (formerly Greer street). at the distance of 233 feet weetwa d from the west side of Twelfth street, in the city of Philadel phia; front on Hamilton stress 14 feet depth northward. between lines parallel with Twelfth strew, 45 feet. will attend to the duttee of his apointment on 91 - 01 i DAY: I April nth. 1864 . at 4 o'clock P. Lat his office. No. 325 North hINTH Meet, in the city of Philadelphia. when and where all persons are required torment their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fond. 5k. , 12-I..vithst• PIO. L. SHOEMAKER. Andttnr, IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR mar, MY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of MARY ANN PETTIT. &emend. The Auditor appointed b the court to audit. settle, and adjtutt the account of LIZ PETTIT, ad ministratrix C. T. A. of the estate of raid deceased. and to report distribution of the balance in the hande of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the pur noses of his appointment on MONDAY. April 4th. 1864, at 4 o'clock Phi at bic office. No. 529 VINE Street, in the city of Philadelphia. VW. d. CAIKPBELIi, na.26-ctuth6t* Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR -a- THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estateof-WILLIAM H. KENTON. deceased The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the second account of THOMAS S KaNTOM, Administrator of the said WILLIAM H. KENTON, de ceased, and to make diatributten of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY. April 12, 1881. at 4 o'clock P M., at his Mike. No. 849 A.P.CH Street, in the city of Philadelphia mb2B•tntbs-8t• JOSEPH R RHOADS, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THB CITY AND COUNTY_ Op PHILLDELPaIit' l;etate of JABIESC — REMP — TOE. deceased. The Auditor aprointed by the Court to audit. settle. and adjust the account of EDWARD HOPPER Esq., Administrator of the Estate of JAMES C. R - ExProx, deceased. and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accounts, t. will meet the parties iiperested for the purpose of his appointment. on MONDAY, April 11 A. PM. at 4o'cloch P. M.. his Office. No. *A9 WALNUT Street, in the city. of Philadelphia. reb2B-tnths•Sts JOSEPH P. MARGER Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR A L THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of THOMAS G. HASLEN. deceased. Notice is hereby giver that HETTY HASLESE., widow of said decedent, bait filed in the said Court her petition, end an appraisement of the estate which she sleets to retain under the acts of April 14. 1851. and April 8. 1851, and the same will be approved on Friday. the 15th day of April. 1864. unless exceptions be died thereto. AMOS BRIGGS, mh29-tof 4t* Attorney for Petitioner. L ETTERS TESTAMENTARY UPON the Estate of THOMAS BROOKS. late of the city of Philadelphia, deceaesd. having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills for the city and county f Philadelphia, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same to present them without delay to ELIZA. JANE SHOOKS, MUSTER Street. Germantown, Phila. JOHN BROOKS. QUEEN Street. Germantown, JOHN ALLEN. MILLER Street. Germantown. Phila. BENJAMIN AL LEN. MILLER Street, Germantown Plilla. JOHNHARLESIeeO ACttKny roh29-tnet* No. 126 N. FIFTH Street, PIA. CEMENT. MIE=II USEFUL AND YALITABIag DISCOVERY HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT! ..Arratosb laalArt to s tho Me fe of more general Minima UMW than any invention now before the public /t lute been thoroughly test ed during the last two yawn by frastleal to man. end prononsad bT all be InITITITOR TO AU Adhesive Preparstioa lokowie BILYONI3 INSOLITBLI OEM= A New Thing now thins. and kIA moult of roan 001 of stu ICTIIdy;Q ttooorobtastion L to OR R ratitorri.i And under no aromatarmil Of 'hangs of temporaturo. will to bo som* oomipt or molt any ofinotro Its Combination BOOT AND BEIOEI Manantobirerih =inn wrokirwr, will Ind it the best article known for Cementing the Ohannels L as f t works without delay, is not wait by any 'hangs of tentrerarara. eTEWEIrEBEI Welnd It snilleiently albeit,* for their Die. as has Man proved. Boot and Oboe Manufacturers. jewelere. IT IS ISP TO EOULLY EIL ADAPTS]) LEATH Asa we slam as an esseelal merit. that It stick* Patches and Mufti, to Soots and Shoes anNolostly iill9lllllFilhout MIMI= IT IS IHZ ONLY Families. LIQUID CEMENT Zretaxt. that Is a. our* Wax for usendhur c rinr U n ati. ' TOYIk BONN, IVoRY. And *Aisles of Household use. It la a Liquid. BEDIEriIDER ‘ llBon's Insoluble Cement is ul g t i zorz. aad as 'WY Remember. //SIMON'S memo: um oximwr IN busanblo in wider or oil. KILTOWS lISOLDBLI aslGErf ►dhsrss oflv inthstanais. Solppltod is Vomits or Monultkotit to& rastigoto ems 2 mums to 100 lbs. NILTOI BIM i 00.. rzovuoixos, It, L Agamta Ia rl.usa.ll►htt LAING & RIAGINNIS. No. 30 North THIRD.EIt. Josicen GODIritIAY & co. N 4.38 North FOURTH St. ie26•tnthely COAL. pUBE LEHIGH. COAL-HOUSE. KNEPEBS can rely on getting a pure article at 8. E. corner PHONT and POPLAR. mlilll.lm* JOHN W. HAMPTON. (ZENUINE EARLE VEIN COAL- Rana' if not imperior to Lehigh. Also, Hart's lie Fitts Ultra Family Rainbow Coal; igg and Stove sires, WRI. Large Nut. 10.76 per ton. Goal forfeited if not lull weight its_Der Mektit. Depot. 1410 0 ALLOWRILL Street, above broad. Oillee 1W South FOURTH. be low Chestnut. Call and examine. Orders b, diminish promptly attended to by nol2-6m ELLIS BEAYBOA COAL.- SUGAIi LOAF, BEAVER IirEADoW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Goal and. but Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill! mama& a:- streellff for family u.s. Depot, O. W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Mtg. 011 a, No. 1111 South MOND Si. anS•ly J. WALTON & 00. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the CENTRAL TRANSPORTAPtON COMPANY, a Penn sylvania. will Sc held at the. , Office. corner of THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets. West Philadelphia. on MOND tY. the 113th day of April next, at 10 o'clock. A M., for the purpose of electing nine Directors, a Treasurer. and Secretary. to serve for oneyear. Notice le also given that at said Stockholders' Meeting it in proposed to increase the Capital &octet said Central Transportation Company by adding thereto one handred and guy thetuand duller,,, for Use parDoee of extending Its present business. By order of the Board of Directors. 0. W. CHIL OS. President. J. F. COTT/1010ER. Secretary. nb2B.lBt TO HOUSEKEEPERS. - ••••Ia Makirff y our spring GdrehaSee, be sure Wire. vide yonnelf with the beet—the only RELIABLE and WAREATITED CLOTHES WRINGER THE UNIVERSAL WRINGER. With /the Patent COGWHEEL RIGIILATOR. which POSITIVELY prevents the rolls from Bitgantgot or mom- Miro on the shaft and tearing the clothing, a* all wringers Without Cog Wheele will do, however strongly it may be aaeerted to the contrary. No family can be without THE 1711INEEsaL WRINGER. It will pay for itself in six months, in the saving of garments alone, in the smallest family. The , amity else/ are 117 end SlO, and are WAR ANTED in every_partindar. Bator wile wholesale and retail, by E L. 1117RNHAH, Elannteeturees Agent, No. Swath SIXTH Strad. between Chestnut sad Market. Philadelabia. zoldi-bn 7. 'AMMAN lINAZIOE. WILLIAM N. 11:1181110N. JOHN IL 001.1. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREIT& PHILADIMPRIA. SiggitßlONS. & 110/1•• ENGINEERS AND HAOHIAIff Nannfaduro High and Low Proems Ston i e inghma,!for land river and marine ser•loo, either fro of Salemds. Gasometers, n o Tanks.b rains. Iron Boats. ka. Hastings all kinr Iron frame Roofs for Gam Works. Workahogo,GlAUroad Stations. gm. Retorts and Gas Mashiaeryaf the Weft and most int. Proved construnson. •‘, Ivory description of Planation Nneldruny. snob se Wps : Saw and Grist Mlls,yeannin Pam Open Steam wer•, Patera Pumping Embank -- IM - Aa s rta f it or N. Rillionx's Nitwit Sugar Ap• weans. centyth's Patentliteein Hammer and As ita : wall Jo ober Patent Cientrilassa anger D eattee rabaktal LEGAL. Froprilrlon 40 O LNTS PER POUND TAX ON TOBACCO. The Government is about to snit a tax of 40 eents_por Pound on Tobacco. Ton can save 00 per sent. bp Ton gen save 60 per coat by YOU win save 80 per coat. by TOIL can save 60 per sent. by_ Suing now at DEAN'S. NO. 836 1¢ .81111 rt. Buying now at DEAN% No. 395 cIINSTNI7I. Buying now at DIANS, No. 336 CHEST=rp. !truing now at DN'it, No. 335 CHBIITNUT: "Tim e Navy Tobacco, 70. 76 and 800. per S. xrfine Cavendish Tobacco, 70. 76 and SOL pay Prime Pionnder Tobacco. 70, 75 and 30g. Par b. Prime Congress Tobacco. 66. 70 and 76c. per 16 - . =rime Fl and Twist. Tobacco 76 and 80e. TM D. DEAF sans Old Virginia S ea t DEAN sells Old Virginia Sweet Cavendish. BRAN sells OM Virginia Rough and Beady, R R cells Old Virginia Plain Cavandisk. ILAN sons Old Vi rginia COUglail. BAN Belli Old Virginia rig and Twi s t DEAN sells Old Virginia Smoking Tobacco. DEAN'S Kanawha Pine Cot Chewing Tobacco DEAN'S Kanawha Nine Qat Chewing Toluene Cannot be aoudad. Cannot be Nonalsd. BEAN'S Cigars are superior to Othell. DSkArB Clam are anterior to all He raises his own _Tobacco, on his own plantation la Havana _Be sells his owe Cigars at his own store. NIA 336 ogmb_Direst, PhUadelkhis. DIAN'S Ilinnehaha Smoking Tobago) is_zifaotorsi from pure Virpfight Tobareo , and contains no nangervas eomoidlons or weeds, Berks. and Opium. Pipes _Pipes. Neerseharun PIPS.. Brier Pipes. Non .011. Ilos. Mahogany Pipes, Aloboy fin PIPS% Cherry Mart Gulls Plum Oiay vr a. „ 4 pu m p. Asir pipe down and Kstporm Cigars, as.. at DIANTNo. 85S onestnnt three s = them you will goo mu wnolesale and Retail Marks CO /WM around waiting on Onsfronero. me Army of the Potomaknow order all their Cigan. de.. front _DRAW& lit est glari aa r They know DRANnalls r&te 100 OASES PINET CASTILLON, 00.11 COGNAC BRAlimlr Landing from brit - i r k " from sordia r 211101r1Plauth F T PLO ILLk irr semrat. . CARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, MINW4iil 4 WWlrik 111 IL Young lit. PROPOSALS. .pßorosAT S FOR THE ERECTION OP FIFTY DWELLING HOMES. Hanstenatto. Idarehll.llMi PEOPOSALS ere invited for the building of five blooke of ten housee enallo of wood or bract. to be located on the grounds of the Lochtel Iron MW Company. Plans and Erpeolficatiolis may be seen at the office of William colder. Proposals:will be received for one or more blocks until April 12th. Address proposals to WILLIAM COLnElt, mb224 tapl2 Chairman Building Committee. OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND EQMPAGE. TWELFTH and GIBAED Streets. PHILADELPHIA. April let. 18 64 . SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock Al. on WEDNEsDAY. the 6th inst . for supplying the Schuylkol Arsenal with the following articles r 34• inch crimson silk lace, Army Standard. lath scarlet Worsted lave, dv. dv. Hospital tent pine. large. do. do. Hospital tent pins, email, do. do. • Wall tent pins, large, do. do. Common tent pine, do. de. Spades, do. do. bidders must state in their proposals the price. which Menet be given in Writing. as well ea In figures. also the quantity bid for, and time of delivery. Bide from defaulting contramors will not be received. Blank forms for pi oposala can be had upon application at this office. • - • •• Proposals most be endorsed, • • Proposals for AMY 811.1Plles, " stating the parttonlar article bid for. 3,000 HORSES WANTED. WAR DEPARTMENT. CAVALRY BUREAU. OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, WASHINOTON, D. 0.. March 8. 1884. One hundred and fifty (SOU) dollars per head will be raid for all CAVALRY HORSES delivered within the nexi.thirty (10) days at the 00YeIn. ment Stables at Gleaner% D. C. Said horses to be sound in ell partknlare. not lees than five (6) nor more than nine (9) years old; from 14ii to 16 hands high, hill fleshed, compactly built. bridle Wise, and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. These specifications will be strictly adhered to awl rigidly enforced in every particular • Ferment made on delivery of ten (10) and over. Hours of Inspection from 0A.M.t06 P. M. - JAMBS A. EKIN, Lieutenant Colonel luta Chief Quirtermaster, m1124-80t Cavalry Bureau. A 1331. - Y CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE "'" OFFICE. Crworustemr. oMarch 2i, 1884 PROPOSALS ARE INVITED BY TH'Il UN DRESIGNED until TUESDAY, April 11th, 1884, at II o'clock 21.. for fur nishing this Deportment (by contract) with— Cavalry Standarda—ermy Standard. pagiee, -with extra Mouth Pieces —Army Standard. Trumpste. with extra Crooks. do. Trumpet Cords and Tassele. do. Forage Calte, do. Leiters, from A to N. do. Figures. from 1 to 0. do. Canteens, B obber Poncho Tent Blankets, do. owsers—Footmen. do. Trow sera—Horsemen. *do. Samples of which may. . be seen at the °Moe of Clothing and Equipage in this c ity. To int delivered fr f charge, at the V. S. Inspection Warehouse, in this city , in good new packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quan tity of goods distinctly marked on each article and package. Parties offering goods mnat. in all eases famish sam ple% Marked and cambered to correspond, with their proposal, and distinctly state in their bide the quantity of goods they propose to tarnish, the prise, and the time of delivery. A guaranty signed by two responsible pereons. mast accompany each bid. guaranteeing that the bidder will supply tAarite awar ded toin under l proposal. v r i lg nluza a y e .st o o'clock P at Minoa& and bidders are rannectod to be present. Awards will be made on WEDNESDAY. April 6. Bonds will be required that the contracts will be faithfully . Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank forms of Proposals may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. B 7 order of 001. Tools LB SWORDS. A. Q. - N Q. W. MOULTON. mh24-llt Captain and A Q. IL ARMY. CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OurantwArl, Ohio, March 22,1861. PROPOSALS are invited by„the undersigned tint!' THURADAY. April 7th,1864, at 12 o'clock M., for fur nishing this Department (by contract) with: Rational Colors, Army Standard. Regimental Colors—Artillery. do. Do do Infantry, do. Garrison Flags, do. Storm Flags, do. General Hospital Flags. do. Company Order Books, do. Lo Clothing Bookg. do. Do Descriptive Books, do. . Do Morning Report Books. do. Post Order do do. Post. Letter do do. Poet Guard Report do do. Regimental Letter do do. Do Descriptive do do. 'Do Index do Do Order do. do do. Hat Feather Sockets.. • do. Ostrich Feathers, for Hate, do. Ohevrons—Service, do. Do Ordnance Sergeants , silk. do_ Do Himmel Stewards, do. Do Cavalry, Sergeant Majors, do. Do do Or Mr. Sergeants.- do. Do do let Sergeants. do. Do do Sergeants, ” do. Do do Corporals, do. Do Artillery, Sergeant Majors, do. Do do BM. bergeants, do. Dodo let Sergeants. . do. Do do Sergeants, do. Do do Corporals. do. Do Infantry, Sergeant Majors, do. Do do BAL Sergeants, do. Do do let Sergeante, do. Do do Sergeants, do. Do • do Corporals, . do. Dram Reads—Batter,do. - Drum Heade—Snare. do. Fifes, do. Haversacks—Painted, do. Cotton Duck-10 and 12 oz.. do Samples of which may be seen at the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this city. To be delivered free of charge. at the U. S. Inspection Warehouse. in this city, is geed new packages, with the nuns of the pariy furnishing, the kind and clllan. tity of goods distinctly marked on each article and pack age. P.Parties offering goods must in all cases furnish sam ples, marked and numbered to correspond with their PrePOsal, and distinctly state in their bids the quantity ofgoods they propose to tarnish , the price, and the time of delivery. A guarantee, signed by tWo responsible persone. must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will simply the articles awarded to him under his Proposal. Bids will be opened. on THURSDAY. April 7th, r /864. at 2 o'clock P. M. , at this office, and bidders are re quested to be present. • awards will be made on SATURDAY. April 9th. Bonds will be required that the contracts will be faith fully_faltilled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank. Forms of Proposals may be obtained at this office, The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order of Col. Thomas Swords, A. O. M. G. Captain OIMTON, gab2tl-121 and A. Q. M. psOPOSALS FOB - FORAGE. Onnte tarammteltssram's W,LenrsoTon Thum, December 8,1861. 1511•1103 PAOPOSA_Lif are invited by the undersigned for roP.Plrlog as U. N. ellartannaster's Department, et, Waemnsioni i D. 0.. Baltimore. Alezandrik_and Tort Monroe, vs, Or either Oflbese PAM, with Day, Corn Oats. and Straw. Bids will be resolved for the delivery of 1.000 bushels of corn or oats. and 80 tons of hay or straw. end an. Wards. • .../Elia:fere must state at whisk of the above-nalned points they propose to make dellearies, and the ratee: at whim; they will make deliveries thereat, the quantity of each article proposed to be delivered, the time when said de liveries shall be sommensed, and when to be completed. The price must be written out in words on the bids. Corn to be pit MP in good. stout sacks. of about two bushels eash. Oats in like seeks. of about three bushels each. The *asks to be furnished without extra alumna to Die Government The hay and straw to be securely ba Theed. partleulir kind or description of oats, corn. hay, or straw, proposed to be delivered , must be stated la the Pr n m ilhe articles offered under the bids heroin invited will be subject to a rigid inspestion by the Government Inspector before being aseepted. Contrasts will be awarded from time to he. to the lowest responsible bidder, es the interest or the Govern. ment may require. and payment will be made when the whole amount contrasted for shall have been delivered and accepted. _.. The bidder Will be required to accompany his. propo sal with a guarantee , signed by two responsible persona, that in we his bid is &welded he or they will, within tan days thereafter, execute the contrast for the same, With good and atildelent sureties, in II elm equal to the amonnt of the contrast, to deliver the forage proposed in conformity withthe terms of this advertisement; and la ease the said bidder should fail to enter into the until:et, they to make good the differensebetween the offer of sai d bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contrast may be awarded. The responsibility cd the oarantors most be shown by the °distal certificate of a & District Attorney, 1301. Loiter of (instoms, or any other cringer under the United states Government, or responsible person known to this ° See. All bidders will be du i li o notilled of the asseptanee or reje Ted i nnt r at r egs t Oahe Maus of each bidder must be legibly written in the proposaL Pronoun' must be addressed to Brigadier General D. Bucker. Okla DdPSt Quartermaster, Weshingtoai C.. and should be plainly marked. • Proposals fo rd o , -- ,Simids, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, signed by the contractor and both of his imarantors , wi ll be required of ths successful bidder or bidders upon signing the contrast. Blank orate of bids guarantees,_ and bond* may be obtained upon appjleation at this Met Fol2Bl OF PEOFOBI.B. (Town, gusty. and (Date)— I. thesubscriber , do hereby propose to furnish and a.. liver to the United States, at the Quartermaster'. De partment at agreeably to the terms of your Advertisement. inviting proposals for forage, dated Washington Dennt, Dessraber 8, 1668: the following aril. des, vizi bushels of Corn. in seeks. at per briskets!' II pounds. bushels of Oats, in seeks. at per bushel of $1 Pounds. tons of baled Hay, at par toes of 2,(230 pomade. tons of baled Straw, at per ton of 2,000 pounds. Delivery to 0011 llootice on or before the ---- day of , and to be completed on or beano the.-- day oflBB , and pledge tared f to enter into a Written contra s t with the United States, with good and approved securities, within the space of tan days after being notified that my bid has been accepted. Your obedient servant, Drigadia General D. H. Bumunt, Chief Depot Quartermaster, 112AIrtja WOoktnitillts D. O. We. the undersigned,43ll7 residents of In the /bounty of and State of ---- hereby, 'anti? and severally, covenant with the United name, and guarantee, in ease the foresoing i bid of --- be emoted: that he or they will, wi thin ten days after the acceptance of said bid, execute th contrast for the same With good and sai lcient sureties , n a awn equal to the amount of the contrast, to tomb& the forageproposed in sonformity to the terms of advertisement dated De em:her 9,166 x, under which the bid was made, and, in ease the said shall fall to enter into a contrast as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference ba t Ween the offer by the said -- and the next lowest responsible bidder. or the person, 19 when the untwist mat be Awarded. Witness i I Givenunder mu hands and seals ----. . peal.] ilteaL I bomb, certify that. to the best of ley knoWledse and belief, the albove•named reuerantors are _kood sadjus cleat as sureties for the ltigiaaat for WWI= they dzOle 110 robe milled by The United States Diet riot Attornay. Goll ester of Gm tonic or any other oses' under me Unitedekates Government. or responsible person known to this Men All pro resolved under Gigs advertisement will be opened and examined at this ones on Wedne=d Satprday °leash Week, at 74M. Bidders are r 17 hwited to be Drama at the qualm of bids if the; denim. D. H. =akin. Illeigadtar "Osiaral and QUILAIIIIIIMAIR- G. H. camsifAar. Asst. Q. M. General 17 111. A ale FOR SALE THE "MANSION .wat Holm,- at Atlantic City, with FUMTI7.IIII, and everything complete. Also, two neat Cottages, 9 rooms each. Also, Building Lots, near the Bathing•ground. The "Philadelphia House," at Cape 'lsland. with or without Paraffin*, very low. B. F. GLUM. apt 191 South FOURTH Streak gAii. FOR BALE-THE FOLLOWING - 93 acres Media Railroad. 9 miles from Market Penn 44 near Fort Washington Station, fforth Penna. Railroad. 70 acres near Sellersville, North Peniut. Railroad. , 56 acres at Holmeebnrg. river front. as acres at Bridgeville, Del. 200 sores do. With many others in various ' ENN, a 32 123 South FOUR T H Street. FOR SALF-A THREE-STORY -mat Brick HOUSE, with back buildings, No, 412 ARCH Stmt.: Whet front, 90 feet deep. where it widens to 40 feet, and extends 44 feet deep of that width; whole depth of lot 124 feet, with the privilege of a btu-foot alley run ning into Arch Shiest. APP I 7HURLE. ap2-ttuthll* No. 2019 South S A ZVNIATH StreYet. OM VERY FINE AND ELIOIBLI Ma-located Germantown residence. worth $15.00a MAO. neat residence at Ohohen Ellie. near P. Railroad. worth $O, 000, for sale or exchange for farm or city hone!. Apply at 2313 CiIIIR,C 2 Alley. Also, a neat house in Germantown to rent, firrniehed or unfurnished. mh3l thstul2t* maTO LET—A SMALL OOTTAVE, on SUMMIT Street, Chestnut Hill, With Gas. Bath. and Water. Address " Box 981," Postlohise. mh90.6t.• GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR very desirable PROPIRTY, within tan minutes' walk of Wayne Station Oermantawnßaitroad large Dwelling-house. with all - the modern improve ments; Stable. Spring hunk lee.hottee aed good Garden; plenty of Fruit and large Shade Trees. AoPIY to W. W. NIGHI% mh3o-tt 509 00111111511011 Street. de OVER 300 HOUSES, ALL SIZES, A= for eale and exchange, RANSOM BOMBES, Ja., 240 North TENTH , Street. natZT-lm" di TO LET—A COMMODIOUS Alm DWELLING, N 0.132 North FRONT Street. Rant moderate. Apply to WISPRERILL at BRO. oeSS•tf 47 and 49 North SEOOND Str eet. Si al sLE PROPBR FOR SALE—A reeldeute of VERY DESIR. TY. the the la te A Dr. JACOB lIIIARPLESS, deceased, with Eighteen MIME of superior Land attached. It le situated in the borough of DOWNINGTOWN. Chester countywithin ten minute.' walk of the Chester Valley and ' Pennsylvania Railroad Stations, at which all trains *ton Tie Dwell ing is very conveniently and substantially built, with Barn, Tenant House. Spring House, and all uetesaarr out-buildings. There is a great abundance of Shrub bery, Fruit, And Shade Trees. Part of the land will be sold with the buildings, if desired. Amply to ABM. S. ASHRGIDGN, fe6-2m DOWNINGTOWN P. 0. VALUABLE OHESTNUT.STBEET PROPERTY. —The eubscribert offer at &rivets. sale WiTigrattLZMIBATF Street . betw een 178 feet deep. ?tinning to Jayne street, with the priv il ege of a 35 feet passage. way running. to Eighth street. FIF TY •THOUSAND DOLLARS gro u n d purchase money may remain on the property an rent or by bolsi and mortgage. LAMM aN & SALLA.DII. 15151 SOUTH NINTH Street Philadelphia. ELECTRICITY.— WHAT IS LIFE Hedf WITHOI7T HEALTH f—lliessrs. GINN .airshipk ALLE,N. Electricians havinz dissolved the practice will be continued by THOS. LEN. at She Old established aim Na. 423 North TEETH direst. between Coates and Brown, where he will still treat and care all 'usable diseases (whether Asute. Chromic, Pulmonary orParalytle, withou t e a shock or any pain.) with the va rious inodilleations of Bleelzieity and Galvanism. This treatment has been forted remarkably snowman' in eases of Bronchitis. Diptheria, and other diseases of the threat mid noirstory organs. Consumption. Int and se- fulness* Cud Catarrh. Pied stases. General Debility, s Neuralgia. Dis Kidneys!.eases of the Liver or Fever and Arms Diabetes. Congestion. Prolians 17teri (Falling 01 Asthma. the Womb). DysPepela. ProlaPsus Aug (or Piles ) Rhensostissa. Nocturnal Emissions.. age. Bronshitts. Deafness. No allure for consultation. Office hours 9A. N to 8 P. M. Testimonials to be seen at olEse. de26 em TARRANT'S IFFERVESONNT PRI, For THIRTY YEARS SELTZER hag received E th NT e 'Favorable Es eommendation of the PUBLIC, and been USED and PRE. SCRIBED b the JUST PHYSICIANS IN THE LAND AB. TIM BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOB Sick Headache, Nervous Headache. Dyspepsia. Sow Stomach. Bilious Headache. Diszinese, Costiveness. Loss of Appetite. Goat. Indigeetion. Torpidity of the Liver, Gravel. Rheumatic affections. Piles. Heart- barn,Sea Sidman. Mons Attache. revere. to.. dus. Per Testimonials. ks,, see Pam on . y 1 Pamphlet with "4h Bet" sma-ly & 00. :. BY ALL BRII4jOIST - gr y Teak JIIMELLP'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP DOCK le successful as a remedy, beta Use their* WU me it monotones It the best coma 81 - 117 P, the bast Blood Purifier, the most efficient in7I,SOIStOr. and 0,04201 Mire for Scrofula ever offered to thepnbili Sold by the proprietor. P. .717MELLS. 15211 ISARKET Street. cnh'lo-9fn And all Drcurciala TTAYLOR'S ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO CITION nese, falls to aura Rheumatism, itanralsta, Sprains, Frosted Feet, chapped Rands and all akin Plitsi 2Se. ata wh0u,,,,,,b, .1 Amman by 11. TAYLOR.DrIISitiat.TREMTfanti CALLOSTHILL. QUEEN OF BEAUTY WHITE 'VI COSMETI C, OF ANTILLS: A new RESDKOT for beautifying, whiten ing, and preserving the complexion it is the moat wonderful compound of the age, There la neither chalk. powder, wee seas. bistnnta, nor talc in its corn petition. it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence lie extraordinary qualities for preserving the in. making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent It makes the old appear young. the homely headeome, the handsome more beautiful, and the most Leant divine, Prise 25 and 60 mite Prepused only by RUNT & CO., Perfumers. 41 South EIGHTH Street. two doors above Chestnut, and 133 SontbESIIVIINTH &treat, above Wab nut, lunlB-81u _ _ COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANTU of AM ntunbon *aka brands. Esvon'a Duck A - anima Twills, of all dossrtption& for rents. Awnince. Trunk and i vriuton oo.Am Pam ...fiudliotwors Drio rata, from Ito 5 Got rite. l'wouirta. nolsing,Sall JONA W.:11 coo. MlSir AUCTION HAZEN. JOHN B. MYERS & CO„ AUCTION Ir BENS. Nos. 232 and 234 meßgsr Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE Opt om) PA Mr AWN 8C1371. SHOES. ARMY GOODS, Cape., Yitilllrd, Aa . TElls DAY. A CARD —We invite the early attention of dealers to the prime and fresh a.sortment of boots, shoes, army ,gooss. bats. cape . trunks. &a • embracing samuMs of 1 ICO packagest to be peremptorily sold by cab:Snow. On four months' credit, commencing this moraine: et 10 o'clock prtelealy. LAROS POBl7 IN'S SALE OF 1,100 PACE/JUN 80079. SHOES.:IIROGAES. ARMY GOODS, &MAW GOODY. dm. NI NG. A TH Aril 6th, at 10 o'clo lS ck. MOR will be sold by catalogue, without reserve. on four months' credit, about 1.100 packages boots. shoes, brogans, csvalrs boots, dic.. em bracing a prime and fresh a.nortmont of desirable arti cles for men. Women, and children, of city and Eastern manufacture. Also. btraw Goods. dm. N. B.—Samples, with catalogues, early on the morn ing a sale. NOTICE.—Our sale of boots and shoes, &c. • on TUES DAY 111012NING..AprIl 6th, will comprise. in part. the following fresh goods, to be BON without reserve, viz cares men's 24-inch leg grain cavalry boots. cases me n's and boys' nailed boots. cases men's and boys' thick boots. cases men's, boys', and youths' c3lf, kip, and grain boots. cases men's, boys', and youths' calf and kip brogans. cases men's. boys' and youtho'calf and P. L gaiters, ra — easel men's, boys', and youths' calf and kip balmo le. cares women's, misses', and children's calf an! kiD heeled boots. cases women's, misses', and children's goat and kid heeled boots cares women's, mime', and children's morocco and enameled boots. -- cases women's. misses' and children's galtele, bal morals. &c. cases men's and boys' Oxford ties. eases women's and mimes' nailed boots, he above will embrace a prime and general aseortment. well worthy the attention of buyers Open for examination early on the morning of sale. Also—A stock of a deater in boots and shoes. LARGE:PAM _5_4.1,4 OF 817,11QPEA2f, - AND A klartfacilf DRY GOODS. btu. We will hol dryarge sale of Brlti,h, German, French. and goods, by catalogne. on four months' credit and Past for cash. On THURSDAY MORNING, April 7th, - commencing at precisely 10 o'clock, corn. pining NOT% PACHAODS AND LOTS . . . of British. German, Freugh. 1101 a, and American dry goods. embracing a large. full. and fresh assornneut of woolen. worsted, linen, cotton, and silk goons for aft,' and cnuntry sates. B —Same ea of the same will be arranged for ex amination. with catalogues- early on the morning of sale, when dealers will find it to their Wend tO attend. LARGE IMPORTANT SALE OF GLOVES. GAUNP LATS. Arc.. TEE IMPORTATION OF MESS.B.S. JOIIIN B. ENGLISH lk. CO.. Who win Bell through ne— On THURSDAY MORNING, April 7th, by catalogue. on four =anti's credit, a-large end com plete assortment of their choice importation. consisting of gents' buck sod beaver military gauntlets. Mick. Coster kid header gloves. lisle and Tilbury Rine Com pany do., ladm.' black and colored Parte kid. Silk. lisle. and brogans° gloves. Gantode. Swede. and Muscatine gloves. and beaver, lisle, and silk gauntlets. Also, English silk and cotton hosiery,ailk and lisle vests and pants. LAEOE PEREMPTORY BALE OF FOREIGN AND DO• iniST/C Ditr 000DE1, NOTlCE.—lncluted In our sale of forage and demesne thy goods, On THIIII4DAY HORNING. April 7th. At 10 o'clock. will .be found in part the following de 'Arable articles. :- - cases neat et, lee American prints cases neat styles American irimrtisma. cases Anglian and German gingham. oases apron obecks. cases blue denims. cases tickings cases bite stripes. cases black and colored Silesias. casts brown and bleached muollno. -- cases fancy- cottonadea. . cases jeans and mixtures. cares &MOW dr* se goods. cases fancy lawns and j somata. cases pop/ins and mozambiques. -.- cases fancy reps Imo poll de cheYres. eases de begs and mots de Mines. 100 pieces mote and silk alpacas. - lAD RN BOOM. THURSDAY, April 7th, pieces 7-4 and 8 4 Barnsley damasks. Pieces ',white and brown dam 'aka and cloths. pieces damask and buck towels. pieces diaper and plain towels. pieces bleached and browzrlinen bucks. pieces checce cloths pieces el asticcan ire& dozens hi and 4% linen cambric handkerchiefs TAILORING GOODS. Tau2tispor : April 7th. pieces fine French clothe.. vases heavy beaver and plot cloths. pieces black doeskin and caseimeres. Pieces dark and mixed doeskin. pieces fancy satiaste. Also, wool shawls,silk tles,sewings hoop skirtkehirts and drawers hosiery. ruined collars and cuffs, cord. tas sels, girtbes, fancy trimmings, chentlies, fringes, but tons, spool cottons, cotton twine and laps, &c.. &c. SALE OF CARPSTINGS. MAPPINGS, &c. ON FRIDAY SiORN/NO; April Bth, at precisely leh - o'clock, Will be sold Without reserve. by catalogue, on tour months' credit, an assort ment of Brussels three-ply, superfine, and fine ingrain. Venetian, hemp. and reg carpeting*, white and red check Canton matting, &c.. which may be examined early on the morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OP PRESTON. INDIA, GERMAN, AND BRITISH PRY GOODS. &a., TOJ SPRING SALES. On MOND KY MORNING. April llth. at 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue, on four months' credit. about "4150 PACKAGES AND LOTS Of French, India, German and British dry goods, &c.. embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles in silk. wonted. woolen, and cotwa fabrics. . lt. B —Samples of the rams will be arranged for exa mination, with catalogues, early on the morning of the sale. when dealers wilt find It to their interest to attend. FOR SALE AWD TO EDT. al FOR SALE—HOTISR No. 1516 JIM NorthTWELPTH Street, 11 room: lot 17 by 118 feet to Fawn at.- Apply on premises. Price Ni 4,800. ap2,-7t* erg FOB BALE OR EXCHANGE, ---&—avrell-treproved FARM c ontainte comb% near Tacit, twenty-live miles ou'r. ng 78 acres. Also, several other Iltst- class fame, with possession thia spring. by purchasing stack, &c. R. PETTIT, sp2 363 WALNUT Street. MEDICAL. Alp CTIOR -_JOAA,IIIIII BEINLEY, & F ÜB ti N o. E aceEtitstri , arid st* strißrs SALE TH IS NOESINOOTUASDAV), a , is , our sale be attention of mlichascwo /, our sale THIS HORNING OTtwoday), 9, ..., 1 , o'clock. on 4 months' credit. comorlotn or a ,h,„Ltli, sritMent of Saxony and Patt,e dre-e gouda, en ii . flannels, balatoralc hosiery, pimp and is, darn A a L sk ;a..F h O a ß wl" CASH. ON CUNT 0 1 P u3. 12%r c? D t'4441 WRITER 3. Pa, Bleck &pecan, Messiah oust Mack and c0.,•0t- • o t Also, 110 Pair harm army blankets. ou TO: BERUHANT TAILORS. Inside THIS HORNING. 10) pieces brie in ar r fine London black Italians Alan e.lttenttiatV'leer, 800 PIECES SAX EM MORNINO9I/- WOVEN G. LollAtii T 800 pieces Saxony-Nolen dress goods. pi a ., hr.:with agars& , oL,L, BLAME AIM WHITR CHSCEri, TO Saxony o pieces plain and Jacossard figured black lei whi i9 hecks. ALPACAS *ND HOHAIRS. Black, brown. and tan alpacas. Brecho figured satin striper alpacas. High-colored strive Bros trains. ExtracEs PARIS POPLINS. FOE CITY Taapk. quality Paris plain poplins. Extra quality small plaid . popling. Erni a quality iv oche figured_ poplins. • 2 000 ser,statteLs JUST LANDED 6 cones extra quality new sty iFt spring balmoralo ITALIAN CI.OTEIB, OciTTONAklia. AND IN. pieces fine to extra Site black Callan clothe. 100 pieces Weary cottouades and &tenons. COTTON HOSIERY. 600 dozen 8-thread white and brown cotton float LOMESTIe GOODR. FOR CASH. bales and eases brown and bleached Laaoline FRENCH F ALL WOOL 100 pieces French ail- wool flannels, extra flue. BALE OF IMPORTED AND- DOkIESTICI DRY 11101). THIS MORNING'. April 6. at 10 o'clock. by catalogue. on 4 months' 60u package 4 and lots of fancy and staple g "It. DAMAGED' GOODS, On account of Underwrlters. for OWL, ON TUESDAY MORNING. .1 pill 5, at 10 o'clock. for cash. 1 case 6.4 back glpeccee 6 fancy dress gocds. tllgbtly damaged on voyage of Importatlon, fyt stPamers Louisiana, Pennsylvania. ac. ANCOA ST & VARNOCK, ALT° TIONEERR, No. 5340 MARKET Woe. LARGE POgITIVII BALE OF 750 LOPS Alfinfil an .aND IMPORTED Hey GooDS. MILLINEICY 00004, WHITE GOODS. ardßY CATALOGITS. On WEDNFADAY near. April 6th, Commencing at 1 1 18 o'clock precisely, comprising so attractive assortment of seasonable goods. Included wlll befonxd. viz - An BROIDERIES_ A n in:voice or rich EM and new styles embroideries, ken l a nd e d, comprising lit Iri s e ts , edim to very and oods. being full lines of vol tars, infants' waists and robes. interlines. edgings, Bc. rat. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEF& Also. a fall line of ladies' 6 8 anti gPnte . 3-4 and 88 Plain. bem-stb shed, and hemmed linen cambric head kerchiefs, from low to very tine numbers LACE VE L 6 AND LACES Also. an invoice Paris embroidered black lace veils, black and write silk laces,Atu. a fall line ail widths, BONNET RIBBONS AND lIILLINERY GOODS. Also, 100 cartons choirs spring styles solid colors plaid and fancy pouß de sole b Ns net ribbons. Also, rich spring et, les Paris artificial flowers, black and white nets, joined blonde. &c. P HI LIP FORD &- CO., AUCTIONEERS, 523 MARRST and 52 C0MM611.0.11 Streets. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,000 018E3 Boors •ND E , ROBS. ON THURSDAY MORNING, April7th. at l 0 o'clock precteely, will be sold by eats, 14)1713nt0r curb, graloggarinallronlea.hodaTry% 3.°4 women's misses'. and Children& boots, SbrOeS bal• morale, gaiters, &C. OAXIP/10114 a general aetotecroat of geode. Open for examination, with cAtalOgnet, early on the morning of elfin B Y HENRY P. WOLBERT AtrorioNsoi, No. SOS MARSET Street South Stde. &km! 6e60 Sales or Dry Goods. Trimmings. Notions. its . Ovary MONDAY. WEDDISDAY, and FRIDAY Morning, tank mancing at 10 o'clock. STOCK OP A RETAIL TRllkiiiiirOS SrORR. ON WRDNIbDAY MORNING. April 6tb. at 10 o'clock', will be sold the stack of 4 (i -tal. Winn - tan slue: also.drees and domestic goods. CIA. einem, skirts, shoes. &c. 'kr THOMAS & SONS, I'LL. Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Straot CARD.-Pales of Real Estats. Steeke ke . at !be SX CHAI'GS EVBEY T.IISEIDAY. Pamphlet CatateliaTi each t at nrdar Pre. l o l 3B. /1611" FURNITURE at Auction Store THUNSDA ys. FALB FlMNIT1:1$11, No. 1110 Cann:Oar 13TREBT. NOTICE —Catalogues of the superior Wartime to ba sold Tuesday morning. at No 1110 Chevaat street. ara now ready.. Included in the sate, a superior rosamouj piano. 7 octaves, made by Sehomaskar. Dish„ made by aisle. a large namber or superior hair mastreaa a a fine feather beds. blankets. elegant mantle ani phr nom handsome chandeliers; also, a quantity of dna preserves. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS, Mit Anrlt. CAR.D. —Our *ale Tr u ed ay next, at O'cleek, at tit Exchange, will commies a large amount of oropm 7, b a . muding several large and valuable iota : one of on acres. 23i miles from Market-street bridge: several on WSJ tint street. Twenity•reeond Street &a City dWebingt and stores. • Aleo, first-class bank and other stacks. pamphlet catalogue. Sale No. 1110 Chestnut street. SUPERIOR PIGINIPUR.B. MANTEL AND PM MIR. - NANO, PINS CARPET& CHANDELIERS.U. THIS MORNING. April oth, at 10 o'clock. at No. 1110 Chestnut street, by catalogne, the entire parlor, dining-room. and chamber furniture. flue hair =stresses, feather beds, tko. Alec, the kitchen utensils. Isar May be examined at 8 o'clock on morning Ostia SALE OP RARE AND VALPARLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS MOSS A LIBRARY, TRIS AFTERNOON. April Mb, at the auction store. commencing at 4 o'clock. a collection of rare, valuable, and Interesting books from a library. SILK OP A VALTIADLE LAW tIBEARY. OR WRDRESDAY AFTERNOON, o'cloApril Elth, at the auction store, commencing at I ck, the valuable law library of the late Colonel R. M. Lee. which comprises a number of the Pennsylvania and other Reports. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth !greet. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO.FO RYE% FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS. IRON SAFES. FIE S ilaanrs, ON THURSDAY MORNING. At Frenchk. at the auction store. superior furniture, fine plate oval and pier mirrors. superior Goan. tern, fine carpets, Herring's fire-proof. &c. Seile—No 5113 /forth FIFTH Street, 817PIRIOR FURNI CURE. BOOK-CASE, FINN =- SOIL VELVET CA EWEN, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. April Bth. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue. at No. SIS Worth FIFTH Street, above Buttonwood stress, the superior furniture, roseword secretary. book, case, French plate Pier mirror, feather beds, matresses, velvet carpets, .y-May be examined on the morning of sale, at El O'Ciock. rxecntor's Sale. No. 17 South Ninth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. GRAND PIANO. MIRRORS, CANTON OHINA, FINE CARPETS,. CHANDMIZENS. No. . ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. Aprlll3th, at 10 o'clock. by catalogue, at No. 17 South Ninth atrium, the entire furniture, inclnding an elegant rosewood parlornd piano, made roomhikering, snperior plush furniture. dining and cham ber furniture. tine =tresses, elegant carpets, eto.: also, the kitchen utensils. rale. May be examined at eight o'clock on morning of Fele for account United States. FRENCH ZOO APR CLOTHING AND Giant ON IiATUR: AY auction More, 16th. at 10 o'clock, at the auction More. without reserve. 9.770 infantry privates' coats. comma, 9.194 vests. 17 trumpeters' coats, 4 744 leather gaiters, 12,605 linen gaiters. 26 forage cape Terms each., air The above are a partf on of Ole and are Imported in the early part of duo war, and are sold on account of being tee small to issue to our troops. May be examined three days previous to sale. SALE OR CONDEMNED WAGONS, CARTS, BUGGIES. AND WHEELS. CHIEF QUARTARMASISRiA OFFIcB, DEPOT OF WASHINGTON, WASECINOTOAN, th. March 31. RN. Will be sold at Public ATICCIOII. at the soath end of TWENTIETH Street, near the Government Corrals, 12 the City of Washington, D. C., on 61014 DAY, Aptillllh, Mi. at 11 o'olcck A. M , a lot of— Government Four-Horse Two-Horse, Spring,lifetaille, and Hay Wagons. Carte. Wazon Wheals wa gon Beds, together with a number of Articles pertaining to 6 wagon transportation. the same haying been con demned as unlit for public service Successful bidders will be required to remove the arti cles within five (6) days from day of sale. Terms—Cash in Government funds. D B. RUCKER. Brig. Oen. end Chief Quertermaster, • Depot of Wa...hiagton. D. SALE OP OLD UNSERVICEABLE GRAIN SACKS. STOVES, COPPER. CAST IRON. SHOVELS, dm. dre. , CHIEF QIIAICTEBMASTRA'S OFFICE. , DEPOT OP . -WASEINGTom. D. C., W MarcA SFIINOTONh SI. mat Will be sold at Public Auction, at SEVENTH-STREET WE ARV. in the city of Waehibgton. D 0.. on FRIDAY. April Bth. 1884, at 10 o'clock A. .111.; 40,000 old end un serviceable Grain Sacks. Also. at 12 o'clock N. of the same day, at Government Warehouse. No. 5 NEW YORK AVENUE, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets. will be sold Stove., Ranges, Camp Kettles. Coal Hods, Mess Pane, old and new Scrap Conner. old Cast Iron, Stove Pipe, Shovels. Scales, Wheelbarrows, DORN di., Sra. Encoe,fidl bidders will be required to remove the era else within five (6) days from the day of sale. Terme cash, in Government funds. Qua CE. Brig. Hen. and C h ie frtermaster. apl-6t Depot of Washington. D. CI SHIPPING. s sfah STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER POOL toushing at Queenstown. (Cork Bee bor. ) The well.known Steamers of the Liverpool. NeW York.aed Philadelphia Steantsbip Company are intent. eti to sin es follows: CITY OW DIADCHSSYDD..... - Saturday. April 9. CITY OF LONDON,. a •.-•• •«••• AVM /S.ETD Saturday. And ovum meteseding Saturday at noon, from Fier 44 North Raver. RATES OF PASSAGE: Ilayable in Gold. or its eanivalent in Currency. riEsT CAD/N. $6OOO BTBEILAOS. 930 00 DO. to Undo& 55 00 Do. to London. 34 00 Do. to Paris, DS 00 Do. to Paris, 40 01 Do. to Hamburg. 90 00 Do. to Hamburg.37oo Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen. Rotter dam. Antwerp ac, at equal y low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cabin. $76. MC DIM Stsereite from Liverpool and Queenstown. *35. Taos@ who wish to rend for their fried, ean buy Negate home at they rates. For further information.apply at the Oonipeav'sofiloes. - JBB O. DAL& Agent. sps 111 WILLEM Ihrost.Philndelphls, FSMBOSTON AND PHILA.DBL- Plll4 anklif&HlP LINN. saillmi from omit puss on nnTOBDAYIS. from first wharf above PM treet, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf. Boston. The steamship NORMAN, Cant Baker, will Ban !row Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, April I), at 10 °West A. 31. : and steamship SAXON. Capt. Matthews. from Boston for Philadelphia. on same day at 4P. M. Thee. new and cube/tonna steamships form a Dials! no., railing from each port punctually on Saturdays. Insurances effected at one-hall the premium charged on call Nessele. Freights taken. at fair rates Lippere are requested to send Blip Receipts and Bills La S ding with their goods. For Freight or Passage (haying flue aocommodattons) aptly to HENRI' WI DSOR At CO.. nag 33E South DELAWARE Avenue. Bo EVANS & WATSON'S MOR SALAMASDIS WWI la A_ 1301:1Th POURTH MUT, PHILDELPHIA. PA. A. large varlet', of .Ifl 2 / 1 -PROOP ging always oa mad. 46 THOMSON'S LONDON' KITCHENER. OR EUROPEAN RAMIE. for f* miles. hotels. orpublic institutions in - TIV}INTY DIFFERENT &MSS. H eate rs/hitt Hangat. Hot Air Furnaces. Portable . Low oWn Gratee. Fireboard stoves, Rath, Mewl:tole Plates, Broil ers. Cooking &OTOS. .at wholesale and ratan. bV the kedwatotaisers. CDs SE wareyez. & THONSOM • tuthallin No. 2410 N. BSOOND Eitroot, 'DR. FINE,. PRACTICAL DEN TIST for the Diet twenty years. faIE VINE Bt.. below Third, Inverts the Moth Deantiftll TBATH of the age, mounted on line Gold. ?wine, eneer, Yolesults t Coreatte, /libber. ac.. at vela's. any Denti s t and soledantial Irma, more reasonable than any Dentist in this city Stets. Teeth . plawd to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired toe nit. - too pain in extracting. AU Work war• ranted to It. Reference, beet families. inh23•Bni ► V qz ice:' 6 airy : . 3)' tarriPoitTua fr S. ma , 9 . nets gaiter eminent medial poise Lac es mob • Yelelens IT. Yeareettelly nun to • 1 at her residence..loll9 • ' • ecielDhle. (to woad eounterfeits.) Thirty tiu). ',raids tuff* Mon advised b 7 their 'antiphon to am the 1:1 :e4lll , ,,it T liat,°, 4 l l : 4 ":!etafrant • MACK EBEL, HRDSIN6. SHAD. . 20 00 bbleHass. Nos. 1, S Nsokeral, bite•eattita fat fish; in snorted packaosa. 2.0:0 bblo New ligatpott Fortune Bay.' awl Unlike Herring. S. SOD boxes Lubec., iSealed. and No. I Bening- leo bbls new sire a • 260 bona Ham er coxitiig Cher ak In store a ny ag by names a goon. aro. 140 Amara waaaix.v..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers