RBLIGIOTS INfELLIUEKCE• 151ACIONAILT DIIIIITINO OP Till FIRST Borcurtarro „DUTCH OBtygon.—We learn that the celebrated SM. day.Schnel Missionary, Mr. Stephen Paxton, will address the SundarSchool Missionary meethig, to be held at the First Reformed Dutch Church, Se. tenth and Spring Garden streets, to-morrow (Sun day) afternoo n , at 3 o'clock. Mr. Paxton has been One of the mod zealous and anaemia' laborers in the field for many yeare, and his public addresses are alwavii replete with practical information on misk subject to which he is devoting his RIR We be. speak for Mt. Paxton alarge congregation to.merrow afternoon. Rev. Mr. Suydam, the pastor of the church, and ottien, are also expected to tshe part la the exercises. CIO7tOREGATIONAL ClottliCH MOsT.—W °b eery° that the Congreaationalist are moving for She establishment of a Church of their order in this city, at some central point. Numbering, as they do, many hundreds in this city , it is remarkable that they have net before ma secured more churches. But it seems to have been the habit of the Zietir Englanders to connect themselves with other deno. minations. The denomination has been a great sue* aeaa in Brooklyn and in the Western cities. Om. eregationai preachers are always well received among us, whether they appear in our pulpits or as Reimers on the platform, iNpd we cannot doubt that the settlement of one or more of them in our city would be welcomed by all other Christian churches and ministers of Philadelphia. We therefore wish success to the movement 'which is on foot, and Which is to be openly commented by a meeting at the resi dence of James Smith, Esq., 210 Franklin street, on next Tumidity evening. THE Then:noun:tar. APRIL 1,1862. i APRIL 1, 1864. II A . M.... 12 W..... 3 P. 11.'6 A. 1K ....1114.......3 P. N. 36 36 142 51.... 51 WIID. WIND. W by N..WNW..WNW NE....N by E....... Ix MEMONTA3L—The Colored Peoples' 7..."ni0n League of this city held a special meeting on Thute d ey g yeutog, at their 'manatee. The death of Hon. Owen Lovejoy being announced, eulogies upon The life and character of the deceased were pro nounced ; after which, the following preamble and revolutions were adopted: tram - ewe, It bath pleased the Supreme Haler of the Universe to cell from incessant labor to a melt inheri tance, and a mast glorious reward, the long-tried and faithful advocate of hums.nliberty. Ben Owen Lovejoy, of Illinois—a noble type of the tine Christian states. man, loyal. patriotic. prat, and brave; ever as true to these principles. whether in prosperity or adver.ity, as the needle to the roles And whereas, the cotored paonle of these tattoo States, as well an the G..etrerament he no ably and felatfully 'rived la tole great national oriels. Into lost in him an advocate who was a tower of strenzth and a "terro , to evil dons," as consistent, wise, and prudent, se he was honest and upright is principlif. Therefore Resolved, That we cannot murmur at this strobe of ]Providence. since death is the common lot all, and we vsioies that heaven snliend so groat and good a man to live thus long 'mot get mt. whr.es labors in one behalf lo as been crowned with so oh sign al success; whose word, and d tads 'will live after hid. to enlighten and cheer the pathway of others to the world's great battle of right against wrong:. who, though dead, yeeepeaketh." and 'who, like !tithes and Simeon of old: true and faithful to Principle. having lived sae the beginning of the end. was enabled to fold hie some in peace and be borne by zninintorine angels to his place of real in tho bosom of his Father_ Resolved. That while we can add no new lustre to the grandeur and glory already worn be the &parsed hero, our love for the true and virtuoue of every race as well en the grateful memory written on our hearts by hie many deeds of kitten, se and devotion to oar cane, for bids our silence, and awakens emotions of the deepest Sorrow for our loss, thafigh it is his infinite gain. De:solved, That we root usteond to one clergy the pro. priety of duly honoring the memory of ono so true and laithfc Ito the Intereeta of our race. to whom the Lord 1 - atb said. " Inasmuch as ye done It unto one of the least of theeemt brethren, in h er it e done 1- unto us; acme ye, blessed of my Felber. the kingdom prepared for Yon from the foundation of the world." Regatrect. That these resolutions be published and co pies sent to the friends of the deceased. with whom we feel a common bereavement, and that a copy of the same Le recorded among the records of this organization. BRADY FOR ANY EXERGRNCL—A. meet ing of the field, staff, and line officers of the lit Re giment of Washington Guard was held at Berry's NOW, on Thursday evening, for the purpose of re- organizing the regiment, and placing it upon a foot ing to meet any emergency which the spring cam paign may develop. Col. Small presided, and Capt. 'Wm. P. Smith acted as secretary. Co taking the chair, Col. Small stated that it was not only possible, but very probable, that in prosecuting the War for the Union during the spring campaign, the GOtreinffient would push all the veterans and Old volunteers to the front, and replace them by drafts upon the militia for a short term. It was, therefore, highly important that those who intended to answer such a call should prepare themselves accordingly. Lieutenant Colonel Berry moved that alt the offi cers and members of the regiment be invited to co operate in this movement and that the invitation be extended to others who are desirous of pm-thaws = g, which was agreed to. Major William F Robinson stated that three hun dred men had already put their names down, in Southwark, for six months' service, during any emergency which may arise during the present 3 ear. Reports were reeeived from Capte. yir. P. Smith, J. A. O. O'Donnell, Henry De Fraine, and J. F. Brant who stared that they were ready at any tithe to move their companies. It was also stated that anew company was being organized in the Fifteenth ward, and one in South 'G axle, lar the purpose or joining the regiment. A resolution was adopted to meet every Thursday &vsning_ and authorizing the commanding officer to call out the regiment at any time when he may be authorized or required to do so. BEING ImPnovED.—The improvement to the Raihose Depot at Ninth and Green streets, are nearly completed. The main entrances to the Depot are upon Green street, and also several waiting 2eoßla which extend the whole length of the build• log. There are two separate apartments for ladies and gentlemen, each being thirty feet in length by eighteen in width. There is a dressing room at the upper end of the ladies' department, while a small room at the east end of the gentlemen's department has been set apart for the keeping of baggage. Be. twses, the two is a room for the Ticket Agent awl ;Superintendent. The offices of the President and Treasurer will remain as before, in the second story on Ninth street. The ear house has been altered considerably, the roof being raised several feet so as to give more light and venailation. In order to avoid the mistakes which have frequently occurred In the past, but one platform for passenger purposes Will be used. The trains for Germantown will ran upon the track to the right, and those for Norris. town on that to the left. To prevent the sidewalks from being blocked up the track on the side of the Depot next Ninth street has been set apart for milk men to place their cans. BASE BALL.—The new ground upon Which the Olympics, Athletics, and other clubs will play hereafter, is situated at the junction. of Jeffer son street and Turners , lane, near Twenty-fifth street, and one square west of Girard College. The Ridge avenue oats will take you to the spot, is twenty minutes from the sorrier of Ninth and Arah. The ground is leased from the city by the Olympias, who underlet it to their friendly rivals, the Athle tics, and to other base.ball associations. The Olym pics contemplate many handsome improvements ; a new building, new fence', seats, eta. The ground is now being rolled, preparatory to laying the bases. Should the weather prove favorable, there will be play on Wednesday next. In the course of the month, it is probable several important matches will be played between the Olympics, Keystones, and Athletics, the proceeds to be devoted to the Sanitary Fair. The Athletics and the Camden clubs are also to have a friendly contest in a week or two, and the former will have to play with ell their might, or they will sustain a serious defeat, for the Camden boys are remarkably skilful Due notice will be given Of the grand opening day. AKERICA AND IRELAND.—This is the Sub 3eat of a lecture to be delivered at Handel and H spin 3,1414 comer of Eighth and Spring ilisrdan atroata on Monday evening neat, April 4th, by the Rev. R. A.. Carden, one of the most eloquent and learned of our pulpit orators, and a gentleman in every way calculated to make the subject an interesting and in structive one. Dr. Carden has reared a church, and formed one of the largest and beet congregations in the city, In a locality where, though all people of his persuasion thought a new church particularly dad. - sable, yet all shrunk from the responsibility attached to its erection, until Dr. Carden put hie shOulder to the wheel, and the result was the build ipg of one of the handsomest church edifices in thd' city. The Doctor is an orator of that earnest and impassioned school whose words fad their wrap to the hearts of him auditors, and who rise from under his preaching impressed with the truth of what he utters, and with the belief that it is the result of his own convictions. He is among the mostelcquent of pulpit orators, and every one who feels any interest in the subject, and desires to hear it most ably treated, should not let this opportunity escape them. THE allslTTAlty 0014XIO&ION AND THE thISTRAL HIGH SOHool;.—The pupil. of the Boys' High School are making vigorous efforts to excel all other public schools in the city in contributing to the funds of the Sanitary' Commission, and ren dering the coming fair a grand success. The sum of five hundred dollars bee already been collected and tlaced in responsible hands. It is in contemplation og ve a grand dramatic exhibition, somewhat after the plan already adopted by the Girls' Normal School. The students have organized a special committee to carry out the plans of the school iu this matter, and the following officers have been elected: Preiddent—Ralph M. Townsend Setnetnrs—Lewis Ashmean. Treaturer—Barry Clay Brown. Without doubt the Central High School will in this mattir, as in all others in which it has taken an interest, sustain its good reputation, and show an example to the lower aehoo3a that will be well worth 1111/1111114. THE CITY FINANCES. —The City Con troller has submitted to the Mayor a statement which shows that the expensee - of the city during the current year will exceed the revenue $2 480,. 708.81. The total revenue will amount to $4,169,- 448. U., as follows • Estimated revenue from the sources other titanium' forlBB4 Estimated receipts from outstanding taxes... Estimated net amount of taxes of 1864. after deducting as follows - For allowances and discounts for prompt pal merits 830.000 For taxes of 1884 not oolleotod during the VIEW 50,000 Leaves net amount estimated to be received. 2.329.088 00 Cash on hard 344.073 74 Total 114 169 40 64 The total appropriations amount to $6,640,167.45; of this amount $750,000 will be required for interest on loans on the first of Joie. DISASTER AT BEl6—The ship Empire Queen, which arrived at this port yesterday front Liverpool, brings intelligence of a disaster to the British bark Falmouth, which was in a sinking condition, with colors tlyir g, .Union down, in Jath tune ss 19, and longitude 73.38. A heavy gale pm veiled at the time, with a tremendously high sea Twining. which made it impossible to board her. The Empire Queen lay close by her until the gale abated and the sea subsided, when the crew sue needed in taking on board Captain Tucker, his Wi ems and mew of the Falmouth (fine= persons in all), saving nothing but what they stood in—left one man dead at the pum ps , and shortly after leaving the bark raw her go down head foremost. FROM FORBIOI4 PORTS: The following vessels arrived at this _port yesterday, Dark Irina, Capt. Russell, from Gardena% with 249 !Mille., 60 bores mug's, and fe bbds. molasses ; brig Herald*, lospt. Davis, from Matanzas, with 26 8 Wide., 7 to. Molnar*, 3 *musks coffee, and 83 oaks sugar ; 'noon. er Ida F. Wheeler, Capt. Dyer, from Cardenas, with and hhde. sugar ; bark 224 bads., 33 tas. Ursiom - Capt. Heard, from Pernambuco, with 1000 sacks sugar, and 460 bags of cotton. NEw ButmaNos.—The following permits were lamed for new building. during the month of 11DAMAN : Dwe s—threentory, 47 ; two .2 ; ono *tory, 8; barn, I;'betb-house, 1 englnea, 5 tante -17.1, e ; founderies, 4; greewhouse, 1 ; milli 1 ; Union League house. 1; stows, 2; storehouse, 1 ; stables, 6 ; offices, 3 ; shops. 7 ; slaughterhouse, 1-- 127 ; alterations and additions, 67. Total, 184. ACCIDRYIT.-311% Peter Wil bazar, while employed at 41, moron ■awiog tutor!, corner of Twelfth and Hamilton streets, on Thurs. eay, had his right um saugat by the machinery, and embed into several pleases below the shoulder. He was taken to Dr. Steel' office, who proMptly rendered all the aid necessary. A. VALIIATtLE Wous.—Mems. Robert (nark & C7e., of Cincinnati, have priblishisd a me sea and blanks for use of attorneys and others, in pemelOos,_ bounty, and pay. The book C l 7 lllllg as approval of the Commissioner and Examiner of Peasionik See advallooment of Sort maul *0 mentor lemma ARRIVAL OF SICK i3OLDIRREI.-01143 kin dred and nine sick soldiers, belonging to the 3d New Jersey Caval arrived at the toot of Washington greet, yeste rday afternoon, froin Trenton. They were conveyed here by the steamer Edwin Fount Th e w orm of them were suffering from wounds received by kicks from their horses. The majority of them were conveyed in ambulances to the Cal. tens' Volunteer Hospital, and the remainder, tern. pora ry, to the . Volunteer Refreshment Saloon. These were also conveyed to the same phut a when the ambulances returned, LEO BROKBN.—About twelve o'clock yes terday John Mackin, while driving a horse and wagon in the vicinity of Girard avenue and Howard !street, was kicked by the horse and had Ma tog broken. He was taken to his residence, Ito. 181 Girard avenue. DEPARTURE OF A COLORED REGIMENT.— The portion of the 25th Regiment United Stater colored troops, will& was announced as having left for New Orleans on Thursday evening, did not go till eight o'clock yesterday morning. REMORATION OF A CONTROLLER. —Mr. Thomas Potter tendered his resignation as control ler, at a resent meeting co-' the school directors of the fifteenth section, and Mr. G. A. Hoffman was elect ed For the unexpired term. ORDENATiox—Robert M. Luther will be ordained on Monday evening, April 4, at Niestown Cnneh, Germantown avenue. Rev. Meseta. Rich. arils, Cathcart, Cheshire, J. H. Smith, Hall, and others will take part in the services. THE: E'Ol,lOE. (Before Mr. Alderman Bonier./ ',Dente at the Central Station. A young man, giving the name of Edward Pelein, was arraigned at the Central Station, yesterday af. ternoon, on the charge of pickina the pocket of nix. Jacob Alberger of three policies of insurance.; The following Rroceedings took place : o'cloHammond testified that a little before 12 ck,On Thursday night, he was at Fifth and Shippen streets, and having his attention attracted by something near Bedford street, proceeded there, and observed the prisoner and another man with a bundle ; the man with the bundle ran away, and the prisoner was attested and taken to the Second Dis trict eaten -house. On the way he attempted to secrete a aekage somewhere in his coat. The offi cer took charge of it, and, upon examination, found it to contain three policies. The prisoner was asked what he had to say. He replied "that he found the package on Sixth' street, and that he Intended to advertise it to morrow: At this stage of the proceedings, Mr. Alberger ex pressed the bdiet that lie bad dropped the Weaken. The prisoner's eyes brightened a little, and a plea sant smile played upon his counterman. "Yea, sir," said Mr. Alberger to the magistrate, "I think I must have dropped it." "Where did you find it!" said the loser to the prisoner. "On Sixth street,n be replied_ "Yes ; I went borne by the way of Sixth street. Alderman, I don't think he stole It." responded Mr. Alberger. The Alderman laid his pen down, and looked like patience on the drat of ApriL The detectives were like so many statues ; thethieves among the audience Were ready to bur ns with laughter, i 0 was the pit. loner, as he put a handkerchief to his face to dry the perspiration that glistened on his brow. " Where about/ in Sixth street did you find the package, young man," said Mr. Alberger to the pri soner. n Near Shippen street, sir," was the reply. The Alderman now addressed Mr. Alberger, Cud asked him if he did net say to a Matti on Thursday night in Bower's, on Ninth street, that he had made $20,000, and had it In his pocket. Mr ! Alberger replied " that he might have said so in a joke." " Were there any persons in the bar-room at the time?" " YES. tir ; four person' that looked like suspicious fellowa.ll Was the pawner one of them V' " Can't say positively ; think he looks like one of them." Mr. Alberger now addressed himself to the pri• 'loner : " Where did you find the package?" , " Near Shippen street," he replied. "That's a mistake," responded Mr. Alberger. "I got into the ear at Spruce street." " Well," replied the accused, "I am not mush ac quainted with the streets in this city ; the street I mean had a little thoroughfare not far from it." This suits the location of Sixth and Spruce streets. Magistrate to prisoner.—" You are free to go." Exit prisoner, followed by several who are fre quenters of what the police call "crib"on South Fifth street. The policies of insurance were re turned to Mr. Alberger. Charles Barrett, George Knorr, and James Wat son, were arraigned on the charge of the larceny of a showmase, containing nine pairs of shoes, the pro petty of Owen McAdams. in Poplar street, above Twelfth, and a piece of table linen, the property of F. G. Craig, a storekeeper in the same vicinity. The robbery is alleged to have been committed cm. last Monday evening, between eight and nine o'clock. There was evidence adduced showing that the trio were acting together ; that at least two of them took lures in carrying away the show-case, The parties were also seen In front of Mr. Craig's store about two minutes befole the flannel was missing. One of them was heard to say: "Don't take it al l , leave the fellow come." Officer Reward, of the Twentieth ward, made the arrests. A couple of billies and a dangerous knife Were found upon two of the prisoners. The magis trate made the following disposition of the case Watson $2,000 bail, to answer both charges of lar ceny. Barrett and Knorr $1,200 on one larceny, each to give $6OO additional bail to answer the charge of carrying concealed deadly weapons. A Termagniat. Sarah Costella was committed yesterday on the. charge or Malicious mischief. She was arrested on the afternoon previous, at an intelligence office, near Sansom and Eighth streets, for drunkenness, and on the charge of stealing a fur cape. The owner of the cape did not appear to prosecute the case. The prisoner, shortly after being locked in the cell, commenced smashing the glass. Officers entered with a rope and tied her. She relieved her ielf from the rope-tying, a 14 Davenport boys, and such a clattering and smashing of things that en sued would not have done discredit to the spirits. The officers reentered the cell, and this time bound the woman hand and feet, as they were afraid she might injure herself. In a short time she had loosened the knots, and again commenced to smash things generally, using language decidedly repug nant to the Christian feelings supposed to be en throned in the bosoms of the police officers. The termigant was finally secured. It required twenty four hours to sober her. At the hearing she declared that she did not break any thing in the cell. It is very evident that she must have been crazy from the effects of very bad Whisky. Arrests made by the police during the month of March, number as follows: • =NM I W r i.: •16-11 . 26 3.... .• 215 14 14 4 300 15--.... ... . . 4' 390 16 6 .... 151 Reserve Home. 7 . 123 Chestnut Hill 8 85 Harbor Police. • 9 112 290 Total-- 11 129 THE COURTS. _ -Yesterday was a dull day in the courts. The only two courts in session were the D. S. District and the Orphans' Court. United State* Diet"let 'Court—Judge Cad- The United State. vs. The sloop Annie Thomp• eon. This vessel was captured in Warsaw Bay, in the vicinity 01 Savannah s wldlat attempting to run the blockade. She was brought into this port for adjudication, and yesterday the vessel and cargo, consisting of cotton and tobacco were by decree of the court condemned as lawful prize. Judges Thompson and Allison sat In the Common Pleas for Orphans' Court business. LITTER B&G 3. AT THIS XISAGHAIiTS' 83.GHAROZ. - PHILADELPHIA • Bark John Bonlion, Davis Lagnayra, soon. Bark David Lapsloy, Brown Port Spain, soon. Behr Dart, Conrad Barbados. soon. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP =ADM OEO. L. BDEBY. BDW. G. BIDDLE., tOominmus 07 THR MONTH THOMAS 8 FIENOM MARINE INTELLIGENCE. POEM OF PHILLADMIXI-I.IA, Apr 112.1864. '4U7 BIEGS- - .5 431513 N BE - TEL_ .. 17 SIGH W.173:1 ».... ARRIVED. • Ship Empire Queen. Moran. from Liverpool Feb 12, with mdse to Peter Wright & Bons. Bark Irma. Russell. 15 days front Cardenas, with su gar and molasses to John Mason& Vo—vessel toll A tort der & Co. Bark Mahlon Williamson, Thompson. 14 days from Hey West, in ballast to I) 6 Matson & 00. Bark Tills Van Name, Cook, 35 dale from New Or ients, in ballast to captain. Bark Pleiades. Miller, 22 days from New Orleans, With 3,000 sacks salt and 7 bales cotton to order. Brigßruno & Marie. (Bomb ,) Bore. 5 days from Mow York, in ballast to John Mason & Co. Brig Karnak. Hissam. 7 days from Port Royal. in bal last to .5. B. Barley & Co. Brig Herald, Davis, 16 days from Matansar,with sugar and molasses to George W. Sarandon & Bro. Has been 9 days north of Hatteras With very heavy weather. • Brig Cuba. (13r.,) Pierce. 10 days from Bt John, N. B . with boards and pickets to Gaekill & Calvin. Behr Ida P.M , heeler, Dyer.lB days from Cardenas. with sugar and molasses to John Mason & Co.—vessel to C. C_ vanßorn_ Behr Artie Garwood, Godfrey, 6 days from Port Royal, in ballast to captain. Behr James batterthwaite, Lona, 15 days from Bier West. in ballast to captain. Experienced. 224 alt. the worst gala she ever encountered; split sails, sprung fore mast head. &c. Behr Julia Grace. Babson. 4 days from New York,with Mdse to C C Van Horn Behr Thos Jefferson, Fon, 6 days from Boston. With mdse to Spears. Holbrook. & Mersa. Bohr Maria Louisa, Poss. 6 days from Boston, with rodeo to Spa are. Holbrook. & Morse. BELOW. . . . Barks Pleiades, from ß'ew Orleans; 111 Williamson, from Key West; --. Van Name. from —. lieu; Union. Union. from Pernambuco. Fehr D D Flowors. 7 days from 'Roam, an masa to Crowell k Collins. • Echr Ambition, Beard. 6 days from Ohoptank river. with ship timber to Henry Simons t chr Mary. Hendrickson, 1 day from Odessa, Belorith grain to Christian & Co St'r Ann Bibs, Rieharda, 24 hours from New York, with =dee to W P Clyde. St'r 1) Viler Phillip., 24 hours from New York. with mdse to Win k Baird & Co. Str Tacony, Pierce. 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Win 12 Baird Co._ $1.059.996 90 ...:.27.000 00 . . . Bark Dresden. Reed, New Orleans, Workman & Co. Brig Breeze, (Br,) Brown, Port Spain, Thos Wattson :one Brig Olive. Gandy. Boston. Wells & Co. Bohr J C Patterson. Willetts. Port Bos al. Tyler & Co Behr Grace Watson. Nickerson, Alexandria, di. Behr Jot Diverty, Carroll. do do. Schr Sarah Fisher. Edwards, do do. Schr B H Shannon, Sprague, Fort Monroe, do. Behr .1 X Vance Bards° Dorchester, do. Bahrßeadimr ER. No M. Elmttb, Hampton Roads, do: Behr Wm XeCobb, Chipman. Fortress Monroe. Ham. matt. Van Dusan. & Loehman. Seim S.l Vaughan, Smith. Salem. do. Scbr X Smith. Risley, Middletown. Ct, W H Johns. Behr Sarah X Sherman, Berry, Providence, Wanne r:packer & Maxfield. . gar L Btiviona, Whitmore, Bodon, /bine. omorou. & Co. Behr Fremont. Powe. Provincetown. via Delaware City. 800 B Kerfoot. Bchr H Staples. Gibbs. New Bedford. Cochran & Boa seD. Bchr Neptune. .Hodan. New Haven, Birkieton. Graff. is Co. Behr W e Andenried. Hewitt. Providence. Wines & Co Seim S H Pool, bieVadden, Cambridge. Gelatin' Ii Ward. Sebr Courier, Curtis. Portsmouth. NH, Wainwright & Bro. Steamer Diamond. Keene, Washington. R Jones. H B Steamer H L Oaw, Her. Baltimore. a. Grovea. Jr. Steamer. Et Seymour. _Boom. Washington. I' Webster. Su amer Beverly, Pierce. New York. W P Clyde. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Ixehanga. 77 Lawns. Del.. March SO. The him John Chrystal. before reported ashore, re' mains with six feet water in her hold; the sugar, which is between danke,wtll Probably be saved. The molasses will be lost, as well as the vessel, which was much in lined by the continued isles eao experienced from Cape Hatteras to Herilopon. There tea large number of vessels at the Breakwater. among them one steamer unknown, and the steamer Hudson. from Hew . Orleans for New Y ork. She had en countered two gales. and Out In for a harbor. • Some of her passengers left by land for their destination AARON( MARSH aLL. TELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP 01 1 DOCK is =cassaba ea s remedy. bessase those ark, nee It pronoun, It the beat • 00IIGEI BYW.TP. the but Blood Portlier. the most ancient Inviaoratoz and the best cure for Iftrofals ever offered to the =btu Bold by the Madam Z. IBIBILLN„ 1695 MARKET Street, mlaCt-9m And all On:uremia TAYLOR'S ARNICA OIL OR RAMBO- A-CATION nom fails to onto IthanniatLem. swath& Frosted Yost, Chapped . liandssA.4 Ski* ilium& Prim dirtn and WhoLoaals and wan by H. B . TATIOILDinsaIATINTHadd BALLO MEM& gab}* Larceny Cases. lEa=l f Districts. 211 f 12 2,777 walader. CLEARED RETAIL DRY GOODS• NOT IC E.—THE COPAIVINBREI k A , G t o f ora ,,, r wi. s between the undersigned under the firm of COWPERTHWAIT & 00., is this day as. solved by mutual consent. JOSEPH CIOWPBRTH WAIT. JR.. TEEM G. STRAWBRIDGE. FICBAVAILY 19. 1931. OWPERTEIWAIT & 00., • wcrold intone their Mende, and the public itenerallY. that they will continue the Dry Goode laminate at their NEW STORE, S. E. CORNER NINTH AND ARM STREETS, and would call the attention of buyers to their brae and utesugya STOCK OF COTTONS. Comprising all the popular makes. inch as New miti Yorttah, WLUlamevi ll e. Wa Forestdale. Waite Rook. attregaa. Semen. Idem, rousekesPer. M.* Together with all the bid makes of 6-4. 6 4 . Sheeting% both BLEACHED AND lINDLELOIIND. OUR STOUR OF LINERS. aomPrigins SlittgriNGS, TABU. LINENS. TO WBbINS. NA G PKINS. am.. Willuonof thosein w be offeredat want ofgoshm heh go wi od ll s. command at. theea DRESS GOODS. Out assortment is now cemfdefe.aled In variety. style. and Price, we defy eoteYeff non. BRAWLS of all descriptions. adapted to the present 118110011. BLACK 81LK5...11 widths and qualities, which will be sold at very LOW pßiGlie. PLAID IBM SILK 9, in all colons. extra width. very cheap. GREAT BARGATPIS IN MARSEILLES COUNTERPANES. maintain a call, and we will convince you that we still our reputation of selling the beat goods at the lowest prices. NEW STORE, SOUTREAST CORNER NIN E TIII AND ARCH, PHILAD J. COWPERTHWAIT & CO. mhle-stuthtf SPRING GOODS. FIRST OPENING OF SPRING DRESS GOODS, AT THU BTUS OF (iacceasar to T. Fisfrgic). No. 70 North FOURTH Street JOUN F. YOUNG is now opening one of the most comelete seieetion t sif LADIES DEEMS SM h ITS that can be found In e market. Spacial .attention is directed to the styles and prices. mhatuthstf OPEN I N 4 PARIS-MADE MANTILLAS FJPRING CLI3 ON TUEBDAI, DIA.ROH 29TR. J. W.- PROCTOR & CO_, THE PAWS • MANTILLA EMPORIUM 930 CHE9TNOT STREET. g‘ AT RETAIL." JAS. B. CAMPBELL & CO., VI CHESTNUT STREET' "twits attention to their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS 33M C3F4COCOMINII. Of very recent importation. embraelnir the most extrn sive and desirable saeortments that they have ever offered. COURVOISIEWS KID GLOVES, BLACK. WHITS. AND COLOBBD ADOUTCWIDIG- GFCINODIEL, 5.4 and 84 BABEGE ararcatu. 3.4 and 8.4 CRAPE MARETZ. 34 and 84 TAMARTINES. 3.4 and 6-4 DELAINES. BYZANTINES and FLORENTINES. FRENCH. and ENGLISH BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities. MOURNING JACONETS. BLACK SILKS in great variety. All widths and best brands. LINEN CAMBRIC DRESSES. We have now OPOII a fresh stock o PRINTED LINEN CAMBRIC% FOR DRESSES. The &Aisne are verr Watts. and the Prises quite moderate. Ladies should make their selections while the assortment Is complete. S. MILLIKEN & CO., 828 ARGH STRUT. and 32 8017TH SECOND SIMERT. LINEN GOODS, CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. —Will open, this morning. 10 pieces Hand Loom Table Linen, at WI; same that is being sold at $1 other places. 1 lot extra heavy. at $1: worth snore money. Bleaches' Table Linen. at sm. 00 and $l. Bxtra quality and width, at $1.25 and $1.50. Also. a large lot of double satin - Damask Barnsley that are extra heavy and beautiful patterns. some of them the most desirable ever imported.; and a great variety of other Table Linens, in various qualities and patterns. that I am now selling far below she market prices Barnsley Linen 13heetings, very heavy, at $L 50, 31.75, and $2, in all the widths. • Pillow Linens, Ma'. 13i. and 136 yards wide. Napkins and DOYliee, in various qualities, of the very best makee and patterns. . Huckabacks. boils bleached and half-bleached, in large quantitieti avery quality. Towels of evey deseription , with or without fringed ende, In red and bine borders. crash. at 123 y, 14, 16, 18ks, and 200. 1 lot Richardson's Shirting Linens. at 60c.—these are a great bargaln, being under price. Marseilles Quilts. that cannot be surpassed for quality and beauty by any in the city. ertenvlLLE B H &INES. 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. BRIGHT FL AIDS. Polls for children. 31 and 38 eta. Drab Wool Delaines. finest quality. 6296 ate. Black Wool Detainee, 48, 60, and 62% ate. Double width - Wool DeUdine. $1 to $1.31. Fine Drab alpacas, 62. 76. and $l. Superfine Black Alpacas. 31c to 81.31. Traveling Drees Atnffe. Large stock Black Silks. Dome bargains in Drees Coeds COOPER & CONAUD, mll3l S. B. corner NINTH and MARRST Streets DESIRABLE GOODS. FROM iliatlON. 25 pieces Russia Diaper, 'B. 76. . 20 pieces Russia Diaper, so. 60. -- 25 pisses Russia Diaper. wide. *4. 14 pieces 'Ramie Diaper, very wide. $6. Also 10 lots of Table Linens—all prices. sable How open at JOHN R. sFORIFF. 7011.1E0H Street. IT • STEEL & SON HAVE NOW OPEN a atazaa• UANsortutent or NSW SILKS. Moira Antiques. $3 to 112 Plain Corded Sllire. $1,62300 $l.OO. liMP a ofl o je l t3 l oieZ k i l i 2 1 6 1" t? 4.25. Fancy Silks. 76c. to IS. Black Gros Grain Mika. $1.26 to SUL Planned Black Bilks. $1.26 to $2. Plain Black Bilk. 87,N0. to $6. Plaid India Mike, 67 c. Rica-fiatued Poi:dards. $1.22 1.21)41t iron Moe. 713 and lAD TBNTII Street. P.Cq 4:1141 RILING ELUL E M. NEEDLES Is now receiving. and offers for sale below .present market rates 'fumy novelties in LAGS AND Wain GOODS Hs would eaII"WOW attention" to hit assortment of over2o mixerent new fabrics and styles of White Goalie. Minable for "Ladies Bodies sad Breams, ' in stripes. Plaids. and figured puffed and sucked Manures 100 Pieces oftowed and plain Buff and White Planes. bonght Wore the resent ad -1111611. VOW horeiees of anima and Thread UMW Thread and Grenadine Vella. Edging'. Insert bap, Plouneinge..te. Broad He-Bitched HeADKEECHINIEL aft Linen. good guilty. from 25 cent" Ina UFT 11.1 BEST BLACK SILKS IMPORTED. Wide and heavy Black Corded Silk% hiagnilleent Noire AlltiqUed. 0010r11. Splendid quality' Corded Silks, all colors. It oh °Mina Stripe and Plata bilks. Magnineent Grenadines and Organdies. NoW styles Sprlsg Ef&AW&I. , New style Cloths for liaise cloaks. BOWIN HALL & CO., midi go South MOONS Street. YARNS. REMOVAL. ALEX. WBILLDIN di SONS HAVE EIBIEOVED TO Nos. 20 and 22 Sonth Front Street, 21 and 23 Letitia Street,. PHIT.LDS'LPHIL. Whore, from most desirable stooks of WOOL AND WOOLEN YARNS, COTTON AND COTTON YARNS, They will be pleased to seryeall customers. te2o-ehithtt 00 - BNB AND BIINI.ONS. "..." PETERSON PETERIIO3 PETERSON PETERSON . OAS Coal -CORN COR.N OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT a W it tek.oro D uslily once CORNS azid. pri El: l; lONS uls. without lOSTlET r git ia llOrMiris 00'MPO sr 211131) 40 FIT *go= t E - "■ A SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1864: FIRS T NAPTION.EI+.I.i 33.ELMJIM DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT Thip Bank has been authorized and is noW prepared to receive subscription/ to the This Loan. leaned under authority of an act of Con• grass, approved March 3. VOL Provides for the issue of Two Hundred Mllllone of Dollars ($I00,000.000) United States Bonds. redeemable after ten years, and payable forty sears from date. IN COIN, dated Marsh 1,136!. bearing Interest at the of per annum IN COIN. payable semi-annually on all Bonds over $lOO, and on Bonds of $lOO and• less. an nually. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Sonde as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be issued of the denominations of fifty dollars ($00), one hundred dollars ($100). Ave hundred dollars (600), one thousand dollar. ($1.0))), five thousand dollars (5,000). and ten thousand dollars (10.0(0). and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars (1450). one hundred dollars ($100), dre hundred dollars (1110). and one thousand dollars ($1,000). Subscribers will be required to pay, in addition to the amount of the principal of the bonds in lawful money. the moiled interest in coin. (or in United States notes. or the notes of National Banks. adding fifty per cent, for premium until further netiee,) frem the first day of March or September. as the case may be. u n til the day of subeoription and payment. - C. R. CLARK. President. NE W I. 0A N SAT COOKE & CO. OFFER FOR BALE THE NEW GOVERNMENT .LOAN, Bearing Ave per cent. Interest. in coin, Redeemable any time after TEN YEARS, at the pleasure of the Government. and payable FORTY 'ISLES after date. Both COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan, of same denominations as the Five- Twenties. The interest on WO and CEO payable yearly. on all other denominations half-yearly. The TEN FOAMY BONDS are dated Marsh 1, 1151. the half-yearly interest falling due SopteMber 1 and March 1 of each year. Until let September. the accrued interest from let Marsh is required to be paid by purchasers in coin, or in legal currency. adding CO per cent. for premium, until further notice. All other Government securities botiaht and sold TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OP COMPTROLLER or THE CIIREBNOT. WASHINGTON. February 26th. 1864. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organised under and accordig to the requirements of the act of Convects. entitled "an act to provide a na tional currency. secured by a pledge of United States slocks.and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof." approved February 25th. 18 il. and has com• plied with all the !provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking, Pow therefore I. Hush McCulloch. Comptroller of the Currency. do hereby certify that the YoultrEf NA- T/027.61 DANK OF PIaILi.DELPRIA., county of Phila. demhiet. and State of Pennsylvania, is authorised to commence the business of. Banking. under the act afore said. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this twenty-sixth day of February. 1284. WWI MaCIILLOCH, Comptroder of the Currency. JOHN HORN, JR., BTOCK•00101188ION BROKER. No. 140 SOCITH THIRD STEM (UP STAIRS.) PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: Hessrs.Thos. A. Biddle 4 Co. Mess.Gaw, Ham Meter, Co Messrs. R. S. Wham Se Co. Messrs. Drexel .0 Co. Metter% Busby h Co. Hearyfi. William% 104. Alexander Biddle_Eso. I. P. Hutchinson, Esq. G. M. Troutman. Beg. D. N. Cummins. SI Jas. 0. Kintit Bons. New York. fe -2 SECOND. NATIONAL BANE OF k- , PRILADELPHI.A m _REANRPOSJ). CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. WITH THE PRIVILEGE' OF IN CREASING TO IMOO.OOO. NATHAN HILLIS& President WILLIAM H. BRAWN Cashier, (Late of the Philadelphia Bank.) DIRECTORS: NATHAN HILLIS% canBLE6 B. KREMER, GEORGE W. RHAWN. BENJ. ROWLAND_ 35... SIMON IL SNYDER. BENJ. DELCON. EDWARD HAYES, JOHN COOPER. LEWIS SHALLOROSS, The Second National Bank of Philadelphia is now open at No. 1396 MAUI Street. Prankford. for the trans action of a General Banking Business WOE the natal terms. Collections upon all accessible point. will be mad. neon liberal home. .11441,44We11y, En.q,!bn 14. 12.11.01/11. Cashier DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. --43130. D. PEDDLE, having sold hie interest in the firm of CHASE do PEDDLE to MOSES M. CEASE, the Partnership is THIS makeissolved. All indebted to the firm are requested to payment to Moses M. Chase, and those having claims to present them for settlement to him. MOSES M. CHASE, MD). R. PEDDLE. March 24th, 1864. mh26- stathbe THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE exiadog between Missal' PiIITT & WALSH, Straw and Fancy - Millinery, No. IMO North NINTH Street, is We day Fancy by rim:Anal ',Dumont. Philada.. March SI. ISe4. L. WITT, apl.3t."` H. WALSH. NOTICE. -CHARLES C. KNIGHT IS admitted to an interest in our business from this dais. C. D. BOBBIPS & CO.. Iron and Steel Merchants. N. E. corner SECOND and VIBE Streets, and 42 and 44 North 'FRONT Street. PHILADELPHIA. April I. 1864• - ani-lms THE UNDER9IGNED HAVE THIS DAY entered into copartnership. and having Pur chased the interest of PETER T. WEIGHT & CO., will continue the Wholesale Drug business, ander the name of STRETCH. REENETT E CO.. at the old stand, No. 61.19 swum Street. • • AARON STRETCH. JOSEPH S. BuNNSTT. Pnw.,imumnrri, April 1, IESt. apl.Lm COURT. OF COMMON PLEAS-JUNE TERM. —RACHEL 'IVERSON, bY her next friend. vs. W. R. Evawsort. thin PIOOSO to take settee, that a subprena having been duly served upon you in the above case. and you having not apnea red within twenty des a after the return day. the court bas appointed David Paul Brown. Jr., Exami ner, and the interrogation having been filed according to rule, the witnesses on behalf of the Libellant wiL be heard before the said Examiner at his office, No. 129 South FIFTH Street. Philadelphia. when and where yrn may appear on the fifteenth day of APRIL. 1864, at four o'olook P. M. DA.VID PAUL BROWN. March 21. 1E64 Per Libellant. • To EVERSON, Respondent above named. mh24-thstutit* ESTATE OF JOHN FRAZIER, DE GRAMM. —Letters of Administration on the Estate of JOBE FRAZIER, deceased, late of the city of Phila delphia, haying been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills for the City and Comity of Phila delphia, all persona indebted to maid Estate will please make payment, and thote haying claims against the same to make them known to JANE FRAZIER. Administratrix. mh6-16t .3300 ARCH Street. Or to her Attorney, ISAAC 0. PRICE, B.IW. cor. SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Eta, TN •THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TBB CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM HENRY BECK. The auditor arpointed by the court to audit, settle , and adjust the account of HENRY PAUL BECK sled JOHN T. MONTGOMERY. executors and trustees of William Henry Beek. deceased. and to report distribution of the balance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the pulposee of hie appointment. On FRIDAY. April 8, 1864 at 4 o'clock P. M. at his office , southeast corner SIXTH and WA.LIIIT Streets, in the city of Philadelphia. mh244behat D W. O'BRIEN. Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE cmsr AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. ketate of NARY ANN PRTTIT. deceased. . . . "Ihe Auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle, and adjust the amount of BLIZ &BETH PATTI?, ad rolnistratrlx C. T. A. of the estate of said demand. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties interested for the pur poses of his appointment on MONDILY . ,..Am 4th. 1564. at s o'clock P .m. • at his office. Na. sWai v ia ' Street. in the city of Phila . delphia. EDW. S. CAMPBELL. mb~etnthOt • Auditor. INTHE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TRH CITE AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA_ AuditorTh WILLEAH. KENTON. deceased. appointe b e Ile Comet to audit. settle, and adjust the second account of THOMAS 8 FCENTODI. Administrator of the said WILLIAM H. HUTTON, de ceased, andto make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY. Aprlll2, 1864 at 4 o'elock P M.. at his office , No. 8219 AkCH Street ' , In the c ity of Philadelphia mh2l3-tuthe.6t• JOSEPH It. RHOADS. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' OOURT FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY 01' PHILADELPHIA' Estate of JAMES C HEMPTON. deceased.. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle. and adjuat the mount of EDWARD HOPPER Hag., Administrator of the Estate of JAMES O. HAMPTON. deceased. and tomato distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountss t, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment. on MONDAY, April 11, A. EL.. ISM. at 4 o'clock P. M., his 01110 e, No. 4014 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. UiliTS•tUtbe•St . JOSEPH F. MARCHE Auditor. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. • The underftned would inffisrm their friends and the public generaay_that they have removed from their Old tand. InT ARCH Street. to their . SPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, • No. SIMI AURAS ISITIASSIST, where they will continue the sale of " GAS PIXTU.RES CHANDELIERS COAL-OIL BURNERS, &o. Havinit associated with our house Mr. asenwsa PAWL. wee(forly the Principal Designer ord e r s rnelius & Mater,) are now prepared to execute for Ges fixtures,of all grades and designs, from the Plainest fe the most massive and e laborate. VAN cEEIRIS. db. 00., telft-gra ' Mo. 01.111 SACS STOWS: RELIABLF.-113E GALLAUDETT'S -AL.._ HAIR RESTORER. It Is pot .a. dye.- restores the hair to Its natural color. It does not stain the'skia. It needs no Bandanas or otherdrosterit..:-It is a dressing of Prlce Moderate - Tr, • • p Th i ts e: e ‘d 0 e ,1 3, 0 by L a OLlVRll.4pOtilaeCkdr • a b OT .44 *, 44 4 WWCA PHILADELPHIA. UNITED STATES. 10-40 LOAN, NEW GOTESIMENT litliN. • FIVE PER CENT. T. S. 10405. JAY COC)I:E. dr. CO., 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET COPARTNERSHIPS. LEGAL. NEW PUBLICATIONS. TBREE PRICES FOlt A NOVEL! - - /LIM BABOISNT'B ORSaI , BOOK, PECULIAR. Which continnee to be the leading novel of the year, is willing id the following "Peculiar" prices : • NOT ONLY are thousands and tens (Athol:Lunde °resales being bought in this country at 1140. AND IN DEMAND. where it has been reprinted by tie London Publishers. Hurst & Biaokett, in the usual three-volume style, price .63 Is 6d., and.where even at that • ' peculiar" price the demand Is enormous. EDT IN DIXIE, where the Smash copies are (not) blockaded tbronght the ee/Ung price in gold le somewhere about $137. and even at tbatr *peculiar" price It Is no wonder the !Zabel aristocracy rush after the book and make UP clubs to bay it. for they read everywhere of its marvelous merit, and hear everywhere of its wonderfVul eIT nemas, and MIIBT RAI at an♦ price. even if paid in " greenbacks." ariari•ELßE. EDITION is last ready. atd it will be swept off before half the orders are supplied. Every one Rho desires to heap up with beet Adieus of the day le reading or will read PECULIAR. A handeome'oloth•bound novel et 81.60. mhi6•aWelt tbsItLEYGIA. Publisher. New York. alb TRIM NEW BOOKS.. I. WALTER BATIRBTP'S new work. entitled VIGOR. A powerful matter-of fact noTel, rounded upon events In the history of this Clay. By the author of "The Old Merchants of New York." ltuo. Cloth, 51 50 A spicy and goo slimy sketch of camp and military We in the Army - of the rooms% ant - tiled END TAPE, AND PIONON.HOLN USiIZttALB. A-capital work. humor ous and pathetic, by a citizen soldier. limo. Di0th..1.210. One of the best volumes of poetry that has recently ap peared. entitled LYRICS OF A DAY, embracing by one author, many of the beet known, most quoted. and most popular anonymous contributions to the Prom of the day. 12mo. Gloth, •: Hold by ail booksellers. and sent by mall free. on receipt of prise. by CARLETON, PUBLISHBB. NEW TORS. mh29•wett ►rHE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW CCIII.—Fos APRIL. IBEK. • EDITED BT PROF. JAMES RIISSELL LO WELL, AND CRARLED IMO, NORTON. EPA. CONTENTS ANT I.—Theodore Parker. ll.—Shakepeariea Pronunciation. 111. —The Sanitary Commission. IV. —St. Louis and Joint , Me. V.—The Navy of the United States. - Future Supply of Cotton. VII.--Carl Ritter. VDT —Loyal Work in Missouri. IX. —West Point. X.—Oenersi McClellan% Report. XL—critical Notices. Editorial Note: Letter from the President. THE /FORTH •MBRICAII REVIEW is published quarterly. on the first days of January, April. July. end October. in numbers of sbout-thren hundred pages saoh. oontatn. ing matter equal to four ordinary oetavo volume& Tamen —Five dollars a year. or one dollar and tWentY. Eve cents a c umber.- ***The first edition of the January number having been almostontirely exhausted. the publishers bays, stereotyped the number, and are now prepared to supply orders. CROSBY & • lOHOLS. Publishers. 111 WASHINGTON Street. BOSTON: 4 r May be had of all Booksellers and News Dealers. apl-St B ISHOP HOPKINS' GREAT WORK ON SLAVERY.— A Scriptural. Ecclesiastical, and Historical VIEW OF SLAVERY, from the days of the Patriarch Abraham . to the Nineteenth century'. by BLIMP ROOKIES, D. D., D This is the most complete and exclusive work on the gni - jest ever published , and should be read by those who differ as well as by those who agree with its Learned au thor. Also. Card Photograph. Wnolesale and Retail. °GALLEN, Pahsher at d Bookseller. I U 3OB CHESTNUT Street. WEDDING CARDS. ENGRAVED AND WRITTEN. VISITING CARDS. LATEST STYLE. FASHIONABLE NOTE PAPER. ENVELOPES. MATCH PERFECTLY. INITIALS STAMPED GAMS. MONOGRAM CYPHER CRESTS. Coats of Arms engraved and printed. in colors or plain. In the highest style of art. MOURNING PAPER AND ENVELOPES. MOURNING GARDE_ written or engraved. All kinds of fashionable Stationery. CHALLEN, Bookseller and Stationer. apl-St 1308 CHESTNUT Street. LIFE AT THREE SCORE. THE FIFTH EDITP3N. Ready this day. A Sermon delivered at the First Presoytertau Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. ALBERT BARNES. Pries SO cents. Also, New Edition of BARNES' WAY OF SALVATION. 1 Vol. BARNES ON THE ATONEMENT. 1 Vol. BARNES' PRACTICAL SIMMONS 1 Publishers. No. & BLARISTON. Publishers. No. 95 Borah SIXTH Street. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! WORK AND PLAT ; or, Literary Vatie:les. ,By Efo race Bushnell. THE camgeNßE. THAL, and other Writing,. From the German of Jean Pant Fredeirich Richter. MABEL'S EXPERIENCE; or. Seeking and Finding. By Marton Eliza Weir MAR.TORIB FLEMING. A Sketch. Being the paper entitled "Pet Marjorie."' A story of child-life. PEPPY YEARS AGO. By John Brown. M. D. CHRONICLES OF THE SCHONBERG-I:IOWA FA MILY. By Two of Themselves. GILEAD; or, the 'Vision of All Soul's Hospital. An Al legory. By Y. Hyatt Smith. For sale by WM. 8, & ALFRED lIIARTIM zuh2B 606 CHESTNUT Street. TRW BOOKS I NEW BOOKSII lout reoeived by ASHMEAD & EVANS, (Succeesors to Willis P. Hazard.) Do. 124 CHESTNTIT Street. BED-TAPE AND PIGEON. HOLE GENERALS. As seen from the Banks. ba Citizen Soldier. THE VEIL PARTLY LIFTED. AND JESUS BE COMM) VISIBLE. By W. B. Furness. VIEW OF SLAVERY. By Bishop Hopkins. THE GANPAIFER THAL. and other Wri Inge. Prom the A° German orJean Paul Richter. REMORSE AND REDEEMED. An Investigation of the Atonement and of Eternal Judgment. By Charles Beecher. VIGOR A Novel. By Walter Barrett. Clerk. WORK AND PLAY, or Literary Varieties. By Horace Bushnell. COUNSEL AND COMPORT. By the " Country Paxson. mh2S THE SUNBEAM STORIES, ciontainbig the charming., bright stories of— TRAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM. CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING._ HOUSE ON ONLY * OLD JOLLIFFE. MERRY C H RI ST M A S. DREAM OHIBTZ. STAR IN THE DESERT. am Six beantifal vohnnes lll us tr ated. $2 80. WILLIS P. HAZARD. Publisher fe7/5-t 171 El South BIX IM Street APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN (STOLOPBDTA. • The agency for this Invaluable Library of universal Information is at ii South SIXTH Street, eeeond atom Moore. Also. RIOOND OF THE REBELLIOX. By Fra,nk PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. ELEGANT MIRRORS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT NEW ENGRAVINGS, FINE OIL PAINTINGS, JUST ILEOEIVSD. EARLE'S GALLERIES. ito2l-ti 816 CHESTNUT STREET. MVIi,rTI . MT .' VMIM .. MMI77 I i I I BRYSON & SON, NO. S NORTH SIXTH STREET. PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS, mils, AND INKS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Corporations. Banks, and Business Men supplied with everything a memory for the counting-room. mla2-lm MOTELS. “AVENUE HOUSE,” WASHINGTON, D. O. The undersigned having leased the above House, gituated en the corner of bEVENTH Street and PENN. SYLVANIA AvennA, for a term of 3 , 138111, he co ll ate the former trorrage and the travelling public generally. mid will at all Smuts be happgto see els old friends. Respectfully. 0. T. JONAS. WAISHINOTOL D. Q.. marsh & PAL nahll4m JONES HOUSE, ' HARRIBBURG, PA., warn KAMM STREET AIM SUSHI! SWIRL A trit-elan ham. Terms. 14 Per day. lefiAm a. H. NAIL WINES AND LIQUORS. IMPORTERS OF AID LIQUOR& LAUMAN, BALLADE, di 00. i No. lAD SOLITE AIDTH 81.11113 T, Sotwoox Oltootonl suill Walnut, Plalladoblds. AI:MAIL A. I I I. BALL L ALLADS. ooD-on. J. D- BITTING. pArEs WABE.HOUBE. FARRELL, IRVING, dr CO., 510 MINOR STREET. Monotnottirers of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE and STOLE MEDIUM, OAP. and CROWN steajwak. oa hand, or mode to order. Blighoot price rola for !ova in largo or moll quanti ties f 076-80 D O YOU ADVERTISE? JOY, COE, & GENERAL NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, R. R. CORNER FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PRILAIELPIILL By means of the system of conjoint Advertising ren dered practicable by Messrs. JOY, COB. & CO.,hrough their Newspaper agency , the expense to malt adver tiser is greatly reined. Advertisers save the postage and avoid the labor or corresponding with publishers, risk of remittances. unseasonable and repeated milli of stranger' With separate bills. the Vitiations deceptions of journals of dubious character, and losses from con tracting with incompetent and irresponsible pe rsons. "Business men may learn through this 'meg lust what journals to advertise in to reach elf ively and cheapty the sections wherein their trade may . be tended. " U. B. JournaL Mir - Advertisers receive copies of Journals in which itch , adcatiraeraenis are inagetaaL fag-airautt GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM WATER-MEATIMWAPPARATTJEI For Warming and Ventilating Paella Building@ and Private Redden.... Manufactured Dr the IIaION MUM 1311 WiTRILIDIATING OOMPANI OF PHILAMILPIA. JAMBS P. WOOD. 41 South FOURTH Street. mblAtaplSh B. B TIILTWICLL. SnDertntandent. BUILDING HARDWARE. . _ T HIKOIS. 7.IBVEAL HINOKB I sturrrirs. STEEPS. iiikd all 'Muds of wroniht Hinges,.large or small. I SBUTTIE BOLT I RACK BOLTS. 1 Ind 'Mane articles of Building and Carriage. Elardmaret manufactured and trent on hand at JACKSON molar WOBKiiie Jlle rsfa . _; ..019.•• l i tl w ' l o. B sl4l. 4111171 4 01 5114611 " " PROPOSAN.S. pROPOSAIS FOR' THE ERECTION A- OF FIFTY DWELLING HOM3ZS. HARRIdBUBO. Karen 11, Med PSOPOSALY are invited for the holland of Eve bleeke of ten harems each. of wood or buck. to be located on the grounds of the Lochiel Iron Mill Company. Plane and ePeetAcattons may be seen at the office of William colder. Proposals will be received for one or more bloats until April NM. Address protiosals to WILLIAM COLDEE. oda - he taPIT Chairman Buildtna Committee A BMX CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGI -EA- orincta OFWOINNATT. 0. March 2j.. 1861 -- PROPOSALS ARE INVITED BY TER RIDS SSIGINSO null' TUESDAY. Aoril 6th. 1864. at 11 o'clock R.. for fur nishing this Depertment (by contract) with— Cavalry Standards—Army Standard. Bugles. with extra Month Pleooo —.army Standard. Termyets. with extra (books. do. Trumpet Cords and Tunis. do. Forage Caps. do. Leiters, from A to K. do. Figure% from]. to 0.. do. Canteens. do. Rubber Poncho Tent Blankets. do. Trowsers—Footmen. do. Trot' sers—Horeemen. 'do. Samples of which may be Been et the Office of Clothing -d g q .ir -.4 in thie city and iFqnige in this city. To be delivered free of charge, at the 7. H. Inspection Warehouse.. in this city. in good new packages. with the name of the party furnishing. the kind and quite - Lay of goods distinctly marked on each article and package. Parties offering goods must, in all oases furnish gain- Pies. marked and numbered to correspond. with their proximal. and distinctly state in their Olds the onantity of goods they propose to furnish, the prise, and the time of delivery. guaranty sign ed by two responsible persons. must accompany each id, guaranteeing that the bidder will " Rat t C h irl a tfro . 4 - ,:arn df i d u t alli ' l l Y u Np e Ar 6 ° fr3C:nr. o'clock P M.. at this office, and bidders are requested to be nreeent. Awards will be made on WEDYiIidD &Y, April O. Sonde will be required that the contract. Will be faithfully ful filled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be notloed. Blank forms of Proposals may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order of CoL Thom to Swonno. A. Q. N 0 W. Amur:row. Eib24-nt Captain and A Q. M. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, Corboraron, Ohio, Harsh 21, Mi. PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned until TRUItoDAII. April 7th, lid, at 12 o'clock H., for ti- MAMAS this Department (by contract) with?. National Colors Army Standard. Regimental Colors—ArtillerY. -> do Do . do Infantry. do. Garrison Flags, do. Storm Begs, do. General Hospital Maga, do. Company Order Books. do. Po Clothing Books, do. Do Deseriptbre Books. do. Do Morning Report Books, do. Poet Order do . do. Post Letter do do. Poet Guard - Report do do. Regimental Lonw. . do do. Do Descriptiire do do. Po indeg -do do, Do Order . do do. Hat Feather Sockets. do. Ostrich Feathers. for Hats, do. Chevrons—Service, do. Do Ordnance Sergeants, silk. do. DDo Hospital Stewards. do. o cavalry, Sergeant Maltife. do. Do do Or Sergeants. do. Do do let Sergeants.do. Do do Sergeants, do. Do do Corporals, do. Do Artillery, Sergeant Major*. do. Do • do Q lit sergeants. do. Do do let Sergeant€, do. Do doSergeants. do. 10 do Corporals. do. Do Infantry, Sergeant Majors. do. Do do _ o Y. Sergeants, do. Do do lit Sergeants. do. Do do gergoaote. do. Do do Corporals. .- - .elv• - do. Drum Heads—Batter. - .11)Y-t- do: Drum Heads—Snare. do. Fifes. do. Havenafla—Pidoted do. Cotton Duck-10 and It or ., . . do - Samples of which meg be seen at the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this city. To be delivered free of charge. at the C. S. Inspection Warehouse, in this city. in good new package+, with the name of the party furnishing. the kind and goon thy of goods distinctly marked on each article and pack age. 1. Partied offering good. mutt in all cases furnish saw. plea, marked and numbered to correspond with their Proposal, and distinctly state in their bids the quantity of goods they propose to furnish, the price, and the time of delivery. A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will auopty the articles awarded to biro under his proposal. Bide will be opened on THURSDAY. April 7th. 1661. at 0 o'clock P. Dl.at this office, and bidders are - re quested to be present. Awards will be mute on SATURDAY. April lith. Bonds will be required that the contracts will be faith fully fulfilled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank Forms of Proposals may be obtained at this office, The right to rejeet any bid deemed einressonable is reserved. BY order of Col. Thomas Swords, A. Q. M. G. W. MOULTON. mh26.12t Captain and A. R. M. PROPOSALS FOB !ADLER. CHIMP QIIARTEEMASTEE'EI OFFICE. DEPOT OF WABEINOTON, WASHINGTON, D O.March ed. 1864 • SRALED PROPOSALS will be rec e ived at this once until MONDAY. April 4, 1864, at 18 o 'clock M. for fur fishing the Government with Two Thousand (2.090) 'MIMES, to conform to the following • PS All to be in good S fIeshC IPIOATIONS.. All to be ton.teen (14) hands and over In height. All to be eound, eervleeable Moles for draught pur poses. to be over three (3) and under nine (9) rears of age, and to weigh not lees than seven hundred and ten (710) rounds each. PROPOSALS Proposals to be for five hundred (600 and upwards. - -The tali name and post office address of the bidder must appear in the proposal. If a bid is made in the name of a firm, the names of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal of the party signing it Proposals from disloyal parties will not be considered. and aboath of allegiance must accompany each proposi tion Proposals mast be addressed to Brigadier General D. a. Buck er, Qrmaster United plai n ly ma r ked Wash ington, D C. nand should be plainly marked " Propo sals for Mules." GUARANTY. The ability of the-bidder to fill the contract. should it be awarded to him, must be guaranteed by two respon sible persons, whose signatures must be appended to the guaranty. The reeponaibil its of the gyearantors 'must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dis trict Court, or of the United States,District Attorney. Bidders must be present in person when the bide are opened, or their proposals will not be considered. Bonds In a sum equal to the amount of the contract. signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be reauired of the successful bidder orbidders IftiOn sign ing the contract. As the bond must accompany the contract, it will be necessary for bidders to-have their bondsman with them, or to have bonds signed in anticipation, and ready to be produced when the contract is signed. Blanks for bonds can be procured upon application be ing made at this office, either personally, by letter, or by telegraph, POEM OP OrfABANTY. We, the underoigned, residents of --, in the 7 , - - county of --, and State of --, hereby jointly and severally covenant with the United States!. and guarantee in case the foregoing bid of -- be accepted...that he or they will at once, after the ac ceptance of said bid, execute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to furnish the Mules proposed in conformity to the terms of the adverti s ement, dated March No, 1804, under which the bid was mad e; .and in case the said -- shall fall to enter Into a coh ered as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the diffe rence between the offer of the said -- and the neat lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. - Given undo- our hands and seals Witness : 1 this - day of -. Neal.] [Seal.] I hereby certify that, to the best of my kis owledge and belief, the above-named guarantors are good and suffi cient as sureties for the amount for which they offer to be security. - - To be certified by the United States District Attorney, -Collector of Customs, or any other officer under the Uni ted States Government, or responsible person known to this office. INSPECTION. DELIVERY. ETC. All Mules contrasted for under this advertisement will be subject to a rigid inspection, and those not co:storm in. to the specifications will be rejected. The Mules must be delivers d in this city within twen ty. (20) days from the date of signing the contract_ Payment MO to) made upon the completion of the con trast, or so soon thereafter as the Depot Quartermaster shall be le funds. Any informality in the bid of non-conformance with the terms of this advertisement will ensure the rejection of the proposal. These Mules will be awarded in lots of five hundred (500) each, unless the Depot Quartermaster should deem it for the interest of the Government to vary the number. The Depot Quartermaster reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bids that he maY deem toe lark D Et 2.1:1013.BR, Brigadier General and Chie f Quartermaster, mh2.B-6t Depot Washington. pROPOBALB FOR FORAGE. Omar Givaartmaesrns's Or/Im. W DIMINOTON Dip Dece m ber & 11611. fiIIALSD TROPOSIJII are thrum by the undersigned for supplying the U. B. Quartermaater's Department, at Washington D. D. CI.. Baltimore. Md., Alexandria an d Fort Monroe, Va.. or either of theiewiscles, with king. Corn, Oats, and Straw. Bids will be received for the delivery of 5. 000 bushel's of corn or oats. and 10 tons of hey or straw, and up wards Bidders mast skate at which of the above-named Wats they propose to make deliveries, and the rates at which they will make deliveries thereat, the quantity of each article proposed to be delivered, the time when said de liveries shall be commenced, and when to be eompletad. The price must be written out in words on the bids. Corn to be put up in good, stout sacks, of about two brakes eaosh. Oats la furn i shed ,of about three bushels gash. The tasks to be without extra charge to the Government. The hay and straw to be securely bale& The particular kind or dessrfoilen of oats, corn, her. or etraw, proposed to be delivered. must be misted the pr of artistes offered under the bids herein invited will be =Weil to a rigid iniswtion by the Government Inspector before being accepted. Centimes will be awarded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder. as the interest of the Govern ment may require, and Payment will be made when the whole amount contrasted /Or h a ll have been delivered and aseepted. Tbe bidder will be required to acessmesay his propo sal with a guarantee, signed by two responsible p e r s o ns , that in ease his bid is accepted he or they win,.within Zen days thereafter. &theta the contrast lOW the came. With good and sullelent sureties. in a sum equal to the amount of with ntrast. to deliver the forage proposed tonfoneity the terms of this advertisement; and th ease the said bidder should fall to enter intothe contrast, they to make_wood the different", between the offer of said bidder and he next lowest responsible bidder, or the Person to who the *entreat may be awarded. The responeibility of the Learanters mut be sheten TAY the °Seim certificate of U. Diarist Attorney, Col lette/ of Onstems. or any other °Meer under the United Mates Government. or responsible person known to this old All s& bidders will bedaLnotiled of the aseePianse or !election of their pro The full name and post else address of seek bidder mast be Wails written in the preleoseL Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier Otherel D. B. Bucker. Chief Dorset Quartermaster,_ Washington. D. (1.. and should be plainly marked. • 'Proposals in c T 4 o- M eby th a contractor a o n h both u is t o g f uar h antors, will be req uired of the successful bidder or bidders noon Flank oe eo nes of bintrast. ds, guarastews, and beads may be obtained upon appliakon at this (Mee. FORM OF FEOPOEIAT. (Town. County. and Math I. the selbseriber, do hereby Proposal(' furnish and de liver to the United Rites, at the Quartermaster's De partment at --. agreeably to the terms of your advertisement. levities rroponsis for forage, Wathiagt9 D6PBt, Deeenther 8. NM the follewingdated slew vas: ---- bushels of Dorn, in seeks, at ISt 101111101 of N pounds. bushels of Oats, fa seeks. at per bushel of IN pounds. ese- tons Of baled May. at per on of VW Penna. tons of baled Btraw , at per ton of 2,0001101114 h Diverx_to Gorman', on or before the day of Tee . and to be sompleted on or before the day of ----, 186 ,and Pledge myself to enter into written contra c t with the' United States. with good and approved sescuitise. within the spas. of ten ern after being notified that my bid has been amok& Your obedient meant. w r i ess iler General D. H. Room, Chief Meet Citts. OIIABADTiIk wn, We. the undersigned. reeldents of in the *aunty of . and State of merely,. ointly and severally. revenant with the United State's, and dearehtee, in *Me the foregoing bid - be mooted, that he er they will. within ten dale alter the acceptance of said bid. execute the contrast for the same. with good and suMelent swells& in a sum equ al ie s ea amount of the contract. to furnish the forage ro 092:0:102 t tO the terms of adverthement *ember B. under Which the bid was made. any:ilit4 'sai Aa if a as saes Wecareat M e srlreoesee b Men the offer by the .414 ,--— end • nekt lowest responsible bidder, or the person to View the Naked may be awarded. . . W nsess s IGiven tinder of our bands wed seals Way —. . I hereby won thatet kis . to the boa of my11:0010111002d belief, the aboveriiesoed. r ood dent as suretlisfor amount kw 'shish they rum to be sesnrity. To be eertiled by the United Moles District AtiOVILIP. Coll ester of Customs, or any ethic officer under Ms U nitedthates e Government.; or seessonsibla *won known rill v an Rhat W altee. ildVathielkikt2.lllll , of en at °ass= woulm•••AW• week &RI M. Midden are :000111:01. Sy taunted to MOO& at this opaahicof desire. • Illaws. lisnasesl neariamortee. . I riABD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, It HuIRWAI4b 1160W31. 111 U. 'MTH V. rao'ZMIA I,9 . OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. TWELRTLHsiaNO.Ics2A nBD ib lases 3 61 BEALRD PROPOSALS will ba reddlrg p At this oloca until 12 o'clock M. on WEGNE2DAY. tbe 6th Met for supplying the bohn7lkill Assenal wit the following articles: X,•lnch oilmen silk lace, Arm,' Stamfo rd ' Ai inch scarlet worsted lace, do. do. Hospital tent pine. large , do. do. Hospital tent pine. small. do. do. Wall tent pins. large, do. do. Cozotoon tent pine, do. do Fpades, do. do. bidders must state in their proposals the price, WAioh must be given in writing. as well as in figures. also the quantity bid for. and time of deliver*. Bide from deforming contractors will not be reoeived. Blank forms for proposals can be had upon Application at this office. Proposals most be endorsed, " Proposals for array Outplles, stating the particular article bid for.ROSKAN fl. C. fog Aest. Q. M. General II B. A. pROPOE4LS WILL BE RECEIVED -a- at the TREASURY DEPARYMEET. Office of the Supervising Architect WASEURGYON, D. G.. until 12 M of the 34th day of May. 1864. for all the fire and burg lar-proof SAFES and VAULTS requires by the Treasury Department prior to May I. 11361 -Plane and aptelitcationg can be obtained by &Pinged= to this office personallY or by letter. Bids to be per-eupetilcial foot. including. door and all necessary fixtures. measured on the outside ; the price named to cover all charges whatever. except the freight and the actual travelling expenses of workmen to the place where the Vaults are to be erected. Saves to be delivered at the Baitroad Depot or 'Steam boat Wharf for transportation, in good order and cOtt dbiog. without charge. Locke for the Vaults or Safes will be furnished by the epartment..but most be properly pat on by the con tractor without charge. All bids must be accompanied by the bond of two re sponsible persons in the elm of five thousand dollars that the bidder will accept end pert°. pi the contract. it awarded to him ; the sufficiency of the seciltity to be certified to by the Collector of Internal Revenue of the District. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all the bide if it be considered its interest to do CO, and no bid will be considered that does not conform to the re rpairements of this advertisement Bide to be enclosed in a sealed envelope. endorsed “Propoeale for Safes sad Vaultlli AIAH BOMB. Supervising Architeot. mbSO. main 3,000 HOBBES WANTED. • WAS DEPARTMENT. CAVALRY BIIREAIT. OFFICE OP CRISP QUARTERMASTER, WASHINGTON. D. C. March 8 1864. One hundred esnd 'grey ($ 160) dollars . bead will be Dahl for all CAVALRY HORSES delivered within the next thirty (30) days at the Govern. meat Stables at Westboro. D. C. Said horses to be sound in all partiosdare. not less than five (a)' nor more than nine (9) years old; from mg to 18 hands high. hill fleshed, compactly built, bridle- Wise. and of etre sufficient fcr cavalry pacam. rheee epecificatienee wild be etrWly adhered to and Kota!, enforced in evens Darticutur Payment made on delivery of ten (10) and over. Hours Of luspeonlou from 9 A. BC to 6 P. H. JAMES A. . Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, mhB4-30t Cavalry Bureau. CEMENT. Gamar DiscovEar I USEFUL AND VALUABLE DISCOVERY HILTON'S ' INSOLUBLE CEMENT I 43 of more moral practical Mint, than any invention now before the public it haa been thoroughly blat sd dories Um led two yaw by Praotleal nsanal, andto pronounctd by in AppliUsefu l cable Alta to the EITT/8102 TO ANT d-thoolvo ?reparation known. EILTONII INSOLUBLE Gomm DI a new thllig, and tail maid of Tiara of Oudot Ita combination bon • New Thing . . PALINOLPLAL wider no oininuistanois OT shanks of tomporstaro, will tt to. oome sonmpt or emit any olosistro Ita Combination. BOOT AND BROE Sanureetertors o axles Mhakinait . will find It the best artisle blown for Cementing the Channela,. ea it works without delay. is not agistol OW &Dm ahasure of temperstaxe. JEWELBIIS Will find It sufficiently adheetve for their ass. as has been "proved. IT l L'SPBCIAL LY ADAPI9II6 VO LRATHIII. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers Jeweler& dad *a claim u an sandal ntarlL that It atlas If stain and Ltniniot to Booty and Shoes aullitenuv strong without tattahlud. IT Id THE ONLY ram Weak LIQUID CEMENT Utast. that Is a sera thlsx far mending rvrannizz OZOCKRIY. TOYS . Sin, XV0.1117, ft ie I.u.einsa. Aso Amides rT Bousehold low REIvrEMBER, tlton's Insoluble Cement liquid form, and me emit! aspliali as snits HILTON% INSOLUBLE OZNINEY Ts taeoloble in water or oil Remember. nthyos% asoLmms -mmu Ad.b.stem olls elbstainess. 4.l n u:a. in Vxmily or litoontootil ;ors Posicom :roma 3 Nutria to BO %IL BROS. 8 0.., &somata Lip Plalladelphia— LAING & MAGSENIS. No. 30 North.THIRD St. JOSEPH GODFREY &00. No,,N.S North FOURTH St. 3e25-tnthely FOR SAME AND TO LET. Of FOR BALE—SEVERAL RAND MOLSOME COTTAGES. COUNTRY MATS. Ste. at Choi tenlls. Germantown. and Cheetant Rill Apply to Wit. SMELL ALLEN. sontbeint corner Faint:rm. and WALNUT. second floor. mh3l-3t. et TO LET-A SMALL COTTAGE, Mat on SUMMIT Street, Chestnut Bill, with One, Bath, and Water- Address " Box 981," PowliOffiee. mh3O St* el GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR mat SALE. —A. very desirable PROPERTY, within ten minutes' walk of Wayne Station. Germantown Railroad; large Dwelling•honse. with all the modern improve ments; Stable. Spring house, Ice-house tiled, and good Garden; plenty of Fruit and large Shade Tr, es. ADPIY to W. W. IiNIGHr. mhSo•tf 509 COMIIIME Street, Lltt OVER 300 HOUSES, ALL SIZES, mafar sale and exchange, HANSOM NOOSES, Ja 240 North TBNTB. Street. mb26.lm■ a TO LET—A COMMODIOUS • DWELLING, No. 13E North FRONT Street. Beat moderate. Apply to warnanzrz d< ORO., oe2B-tf 47 and 49 North SECIOND street. t ra VERY FINE AND — ELIGIBLY men - located Germantown residencesworth $15.000. also. neat residence at (Molten Bills, near 24 P. Railroad. worth $O, 000, for sale or exchange for farm or city house. Apply at age (wawa An., Also. a nest house In Germantownto rent. furnished or unfurnished.. mhgl thstulgt* SUMMER BEBIDEN WAN TED mas. For four or five months. a FURNISHED HOUSE near the city (neighborhood of Germantown preferred). A gentleman desiring to leave his Country place for the season can place It la careful hand% 41 4 fair rental, Inquire at 112 S South PROM" Street. mead door, or address "F. L. 8.," Box 20113. P. 0. nahriAnthest. al FOR SALE--A VERY DESIRA =a. VILE PROPERTY. the residence of the late Dz. JACOB SHARPLESS. deceased. with Eighteen Acres of superior Laud attached. It is situated in the borough of DOWRIBOTOWN. Chester county, Within ten minutes' walls of the Chester Valley and renneylvania Railroad Stations. at which all trains stop. TY e Dwell ing is very conveniently and substantially built, with Barn. Tenant House. Spring House, and all necessary out-buildings. There is a great abundance of Shrub bery. Fruit, and Shade Trees. Part of the land will be sold with the buildings. if desired. Amply to ABM. S. AMBRIDGE. fe6-2m DOWSINOTOWN P. 0. da VALUABLE CHESTNUT-STREET PROPERTY. —The enbeeribere offer at private sale It a i) g r i czn;"i t Y o Tele?frronton h b e e strr:t rte v t e , and a l l 4 feet deep, running to Jayne street t with the privilege of a 15 feet _passage.way running . to Eighth street. FIF TY THOUSAND DOLLARS of the purchase money may remain on the property as a ground rent or by bond and mortgage. LAIIMAN & SALLADR, 125 SOUTH NINTH Street, Philadelphia. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT Ab M•FOR BALE.—On the Bristol Turnpike, near .i.es=e Eiolmesburg. about eight miles from Philadelphia. very accessible. bylgteamboat and Railroad, eonvenient also to Churches and Schools. For healthiness and beauty of situation, as well as surrounding advantages. this pro perty is unsurpassed in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The Mansion, of brown stone, commanding fine views of the Delaware River, built and finished in the most thomough manner, is spacious and replete with all the Modern conveniences for both summerand winter. Tim Grounds 'tempts. about twent:y three acres. beau tifully laid out, and ornamented with agreat variety of old and young Forest Trees and Shrubbery. ••largo Garden. with abundance of Fruit, Orchard, he. On the premises are also emoted a Gardener's Cottage. Lodge, OrchardtHouse,.Green Rouse. Conservatory, Gee Renee, and extensive Stabling. No expense haying been snared to make thin, in all respects. to a grst•elass residence, Apply C. EL WIREKSID,- Bro. 203 SontIrSIXTH Street MARSHAL'S SALE. MARSHAL'S SALE.-RY VIRTUE of a writ of elle, by the Hon JOHN CAD WALA DER. Judie of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. in Admi ralty. to me directed will be sold at Public Salo to the highest and best bidder. for cash, at 1111 1 3HINER'S Store. N 0.142 North FRONT Street. on eMONDaY. April 4th. 1864. at 12 o'clock IL. nine bales of Cotton. new in my custody by virtue of a writ of attasshmeht nitsly leaned out of this court st the suit of Charles Sewell and others, and 10 be sold at perisbab'e. WILLIAM MILLWARD. U. B. Marshal IL D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADIELPHIA: March EL IRE. mh29-et NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN THAT the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the CHITRAL TRANSPOBTATON COMPANY, of Penn sylvania. will to held at the. Office. corner of THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets. West Philadelphia. on MOND aT. the 18th day of April non, ' at 10 o'clock. A IL. for the se of electing nine Directors. a Treasurer. end mcretarY, to serve ror one year. Notice is also aiven that at said Stockholders' Sleeting it is proposed to increase the Capital Stook of said Central Transportation Comnany by adding thereto one hundred* and fifty thoniand.doilars. for the pumas of oadrapling lie present business. Hy order of the Boar 4 of Directors. J. filllLDSPresidant. J. P. COTERINGIit. Secretary. mh9ll Int TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Ia mak.t g your spring purchases, be sutra to moo vide_ yout sell[ with the _ beet—the only RELIABLE ani WARRANTED CIL/MBS WRINGER VEY. WEIRDER._ _ with 'the Patent COG.WHEEL REGULATOR. whisk Yosmovent resents the rolls from BILAAJLING or TWIST. I l 'attlt h ekl a g C i rel a r 41 1 10 1 1; t 4g k r g lIt a :o l eil l ; MIT; hoesserted to.the - oontrary. Mo family can be without THE URIVERR&L WRINGER. E. NEE Rai for itself in six, months, in the saving' , w iinainito *lona in the smelled' imully. The madly elms are 87 and EQ.' and are.WAZ. ANTED in every particular. Blear sale wholesale and retell. by • . E. L. BURNHAM. 114.aurantnr•en EMU No. ST South SIXTH attest, between Chestnut and Market. Philadelphia. mhB-11a DIXON'S STOVE POLISH. GEM. T tti atMas 00. In 4 011144 mhl9-lm• its AOKBREL, HERRING, SHAD, ••••••• &a,. Ito. • 9.000 bbla Mum. Nog I. 2. and 8 'ltsiokortil, lit‘tiouskt ,fat flab in snorted packatm 2,000 bbla Raw Eastport. Podium Bay. asid2 Herrin 2.Opp bg. ozo Lubec. malt*. 1 Rutin. • ifio ned i r a il ki r e r c ittL =" and tor sale %Mit 403-1( 1 1.10 WmasT - . . • - - JOHN MYERB it - CO., A Up' :; ANUS. VOL 2351 sod-334 MARKET LAROB PERIMPPORY SALE OF Pggri r , GgkMAN AND GRIMM DRY - SPRING §ALES. i ' ' MONDAY MORNING, April dth, at 10 o'clock, will be so/4, by • four months' creo it. giblet seat,, 750 PACHaellit AND Lore Of French, India, German and British dry e , em bracing a large and choice assortment of ;, 4 maple articles In silk. worsted,Wooten,/I.T fabrics_ H. M —Samples of the came Will be arr natation. with catalogues. early on the 406; 1 sale, when dealers wilt and it to their interest LAAGS SALE CF FRE DRlt NCH. S HOO•oIr 8, s G . Included in our sale of French omen. sit , 10. Y OhNiNG„ April 4th, will be found I i ll. BLOB SiLH3. piece. Mark gron da rl;ta siring.. taffetas, point de eoie, Marcelines. 6:6 FANCY Kraig pieces solid colors plaid ` 1 pools de sole and Bros de Naples. Piorenois. ,f Dralsb 0,.y0D —pieces Paris plaid and fancy' 4 ' biquea, crape, mows, plate and fancy mote ;0' poplin.. foulards. alpacas. gingbams lawns erpgep. organdies." Mc. • 13 BRAWLS. Merino. cashmere. thibet, Meli a 0 in blacks. modes, high colors, striped, ez z . •it RIBBONS —boxestblach sad solid colors poqi, b oruno i r ibbon., trimmings. blaelt silk vo ret , t IbigwoiyhpAg. AND LiNll ilogps _AJ . :I O 4 jeconet banded cobra in set h s esan gnd el pie a c n e d e ; wa s laces. imiertir gs, rofilinge, linen cambric bdt ika SUN UM BR t•LL.AtI. packages silk and glad, timbrsDas. Also, lace and grenadine veils black ming b, end hoop skitta hid and lisle slam. bar. K , Mach ells cravats and neckties. fans. belii og ,' articles, Ac. • LARGE POSKPirg SLUR OF 1,100 PACliingq SHOES,.BROOseiS. ARMY GOODS. mew p. ON TUB9DAY MORNING, /mil OIL at 10 o'clock. Wlll be sold by withont reserve. on four months' credit, mimes boots. shoe., brogans. caviar,/ boots, it r bracing a prime and fresh woodmen t of desirib ales for men, omen, and children, of city g a l minufasture. also. straw Goods. dm N. B.—Samples. with catalogues, early oft thi ing f sale. noticn. —our sale of hoofs and shoe,, tn., 0 ,, DAY MORNING, April 6th. will commies, i „ I. ,; t following fresh goods, to be sold. without reserv e ,, cares mon's 24-inch leg grain cavalry boots. eases men's and boys' nailed' boots. cases men's and boys' thick boots. —cases men's, boys'. and youths' calf, kip, and boots cases Men's, boys', and youths' calf and kip y tq Casesmen's, boys' and youths' calf and r L g, cues mew% boys', and youths' calf and kip n rale. asses women's, misses', and children's tilt at heeled boots cases women's, misses'. and child/Ws goat ta t heeled boots. cases women's, mlasise, and children's mono. enameled boots. cases women's, misses' and children's galte, morals, Ac. cases men's and boys' Oxford ties. cases women's and mines' nailed boils. N. B.—The above will embrace a. prime aad acaortment, well worthy the attention of harem cen7 on the minim of tale Also—A stack ofa dealer in boots and shoes. LARGE,BREMPTORY SALE OF EUROPEAN, L AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, do. We will hold a large sale of Britbh. Oerman. PI and Amatiaan dry goods. by catalogue. on four audit and part for caah, THURS On DAY MORNIIIG, April 7111, commencing at precisely 10 o'clock. prising 715 PACKAGES AND LOTS of British. German. French. India, and Americ an goods, embracing a large, full. sod fresh seaman woolen, worsted. linen. cotton, and silk goods big and e,antry sales. V, B —Snap ea afire HMO will be arranged . fo r urination, With catalognes. early on the morning sale, when dealers will find it to their intern: attend. SALE OF OARPETINGE. MATTINGS. No ON FRIDAY MORNING - . April Bth, at precisely 103 o'clock. will be sold wit reserve. by catalogue. on four months' credit. an at Dant Of BrubSele three-ply, superfine, and ties llagr Venetian, hemp, and rag oarpetinge. White 554 check Clanton matting. Ac., ',high may bs sza , early on the mornincof sale. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO.. -a- No. 615 ONNEITNITT and 612 JAYNE 6 BILK OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC! DRY 00( ON TUESDAY MO SOTruct. April b. at 10 o'clock. by catalogue. on 4 =Nabs' or 00d packages and lot. of fancy and staple goods DAMAGED GOODS, On account of Underwrlturc for Gash. ON TUESDAY MORNING. April 5. at to o'clock. for cask. 1 CRBB 6.4 black RIM ccas 6 ca.ok fancy dross goods. slightlydamaged on voyage of Impartatioa. dimmers Louisiana. Pennsylvania. Ire. PANCOAST A WARNOCK, a' TIONNERS. No. A4O MARKET Strest. LARGE POSITIVE SPECIAL SALE OF STRAW Gin BY onTnboous On MONDAY zoning% April Ith, Commencing at 11 o'clocE precisely. Included wil found about 900 eines fashionable styles for le misses'. and children's wear. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 150 LOTS kiln D IMPORTED D BY GOODS. MILLINEgY or WHITS GOODS Zre BY CATALOGIIS, On waiMBSDAIt next. April 6th, Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, comnrißing attractive assortment of seasonable goods. PHILIP FORD & 00., AUOTIONM; MD mama and ME CONMIXOE Street , . LARGE POSITIVE SALE G O O F 1 8 ,000 1,000 OASES BOOTS, ON MONDAY MORNING, April 4tb, all) o'clock precisely. evld be sold by at loans, for cash, 1,000 cases of men's. boys', and you: calf. kip, and grain boots, brogans, balmorals, carp boots, women's, misses,' and children's bc sloes, balmorais. gaiters. Es., from city and Egg usai I:tractor% comprising a general assortment or g” to Which the attention of buyers is Invited. Opsi , examination, with catalogues. early on the trorstni, sate. LARGE POSITIVE SAL SH oF 1.000 CAS ES AND OES. ON TRITRSDAY MORNING. April7tb, at 10 o'clock precisely. will be gold by c! logos, for ca. b,1,C00 cases men's. boys and r outes' ( kip. and g rain boote.bogane. balmorals. cavalry Iv Ac , omen ' s, misses ', and childrene' boots, BhOBA, morals. gaiters, tko, comprising a general aosorta of iteOdli Open for examination, with catalogues, ei on the morning of alas BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, Iwo. lima MARKET i'g r erP: Bide, lawn Se w n • Provriston. MET& MT 000168, TEIMMINOL am. On MONDLY MORNING. April 4th, at IC o'clock. will be sold. skirts. .1W domestic goods.. trimmings. fancy shirts, metre. shawls, caps; hate, de Also, oafs, chairs, blinds, &c. PROVIDENCII, B. L Bales of Dir Goods. Trimming% Notions, Bca , MONDAY, WE D 1 and FRIDAY Morning, ranting atlo o , cloak. MM THOMAS & SONS, . VOL 139 and 141 South 70IIRTH St ClARD.—Balea of Neal Estate, Rooks, its., at Us ORASOS BVSRY Ttl - SWAT. Pamphlet Oattloi sash saterdatulivietta. ASP - FtfitArrutc3 at Auction Store TIIIIRSD AI& Ceara -Our 7aTe — oia — Tu — atay" next, at 12 o'clock. at Exchange. will compriee a large amount of ProParir. canning several large and valuable into; one or 10 act y, milse from Market-street bridge: SeVSVAI on Wet street. Twenty-tecond street. ha. City daret.ittga stone. Also. first-olavr bank and other stoeto. pamphlet catalogue. Peremptory Sale on the Premises. ELEGANT RE6IDENCE AND WN FURNITURE, 03115 TO ON MONDAY MORNING 1p) if 4th. 1584. at 11 o'clock. will be gold al Pabilo 4 without reserve, on the premises. Rut Walnut lay Germantown. ELEGANT MOI ERN MANSION, STABLE, AND COS'. HODS 5, and large lot, 875 feet front by 260 feet, to Hermes Wei *gm Full descriptions ready thehabis. immediately after the sale of home, will be ei commencing at precieely 11 o'clock. the entire stein drawing-room, dining-room, and chamber foreign superior book-case, grand piano. flue satin nztrtatm. comets. chandeliers, &c , 80. &Sr-Sale peremptory, owner removing from the St (analogues now ready. Sale No. 1110 Chestnut street. EUPERION. PONNITURS, NANTSL AND PISS 21 BONS, PIANO, PINS CARPBTS, ONANDSLIF.SS,! ON TUESDAY MORNING, April sth. at 10 o'clock. at No. 1110 Chestnut street, catalogue, the entire parlor, dining-room, and One furniture. tine hair mammies, feather beds, &c. Alta the kitchen utensils. Aar May be examined at 8 o'clock on morning of .lle Eale—Ne. 518 North FIFTH . Street, eurmoß FURNITURE. BooK•oess. ram JII I.OR, VELVET CARPETS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. April Bth. at 10 o'clock, by catalogee. at No. 618 Wor FIFTH Street. above Buttonwood street, the stmeN furniture, rosewosd secretary. book• cogs, French pier mirror, feather beds, thatreseee, velvet oarpatz. o'clock. Sir MAY • be examined on the morning of sale. at S ALE OF CONDEMNED WAG 'CART& BUGGI3I3. AND MIMS. CHIEF. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OF WASIMSoToS. Wasn't:rayon, D.G.. March n is 34. Wifl be Bold at Public inction at the south' end ! TWIIHTISTH Street. near the Government Corral , the City of Washington. D. 0.. on MONDAY. Aolll litt 1564. at 11 o'clock A. M a lot of— Government Four-Horse. Two-Horse. Spring, Distant and Hay Wag oink Carte,Buggies, Wagon Wheals-,Yi: son Beds. together with a number of articles Writ= tol wagon transportation. the same having been co demned as unlit for public service Successful bidders will be required to remove the art glee within five.(s) days from day of sale. Terms—Cash it. Government funds. . RUCKER. Brig. Gen. end Ch i ef ß Qaortermagter , Depot of Wa.bington. D C. S ALE OF OLD UNSER - MEAD , GRAIN SAM'S, STOVES. COPPER, CAVI.• /RC saovELta, ac /cc CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICI DEPOT OF WAZHINItTo:t.,, WASHINGTON, D. C.. March Si ISt Will be sold at Public Auction, at StIVENTR.ST at WE ARP. in the city of Washington, D C., on FELD , April Bth. 1864, at 10 o'cle9k A, A, 10,000 cad and serviceable Drain Seam Also, at 18 o'clock M. of the same day, at Governtat Warehouse, No. b . NEW YOBS AVENUE, betty« Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, will be sold Stove Ramses. Camp Kettles. Coal Hods, Hess Pans, old so new Scrap Copper, old Cast Iron. Stove Pipe . Shovel' Scales. Wheelbaraows. Desks. Ac.. Ac. Successful bidders will be reqttlred to remove the art eles within live (8) days from the day of sale. Terms cash, in Government rondo. D. H KII MB& Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermtgter„ C artl-tit Depot of Washington, D. PDBE LEHIGH GOAL.— rto ut: IrEZPEE can rally on “tting a pare article at b. corner ruoisur And POPLAR. mhlB4m* JOHN W. HARM% fIENtITNE EAGLE VEIN COA- N-P' siva' if not onoortor to Loblik. Moo, Hart' Pin Ultra Family Rainbow Coal* nu and MOT ° " r OO . Larne NOt, $7.76 Pb? ton. Coal forfeited Li oil weight as per ticket. Depot, 1.409 0.11,10 Street. above broad. Oleo 111/11. Booth FOURTH low Uneetnnt. Call and examine. OrderalkY dl Promptly attended to by n032-Bm /4. 0 A L.-SUGAR LOAF 8RA.171 `,.." MEADOW, and Spring Mqnxitala Lehigh Mgt beet Loeust Mountain. from preparect,A prosily tel 'Family tun. DtSot, M. W . swim Ha" and WILLOW Ma. 011 ea. Na 31-1,6 mouth oolip WILLOW J. WALTOW fIUEEN OF BEAUTY -Qv WHITE VIRGIN' W 6.7,01 ANTILLES. • mew FEENOM COSMETIC for beausify tux. will , ing, and preserving the eomrdeadon. Is is the us wonderful compound of the. axe Thera is neitr chalk, powder, maenesis, bismutti, nor tale in its co hetition. it being commeed entirely et mire Ylegin Wt ence its extraordinary gnalitles for preserving makesaking it soft. smooth fair, awl traneparset the old appear r_ounietheliomelp handsome , 1 ' handsome more beautiful and the most beatitifal dtvlo Price 96 and 60 cents. P repared only by HOST C I Perfumers. 41 South SIGHS% Stremt two doors sto, Chestnut, and 133 . Southpaws:cm kil m t. A bove ',is' ant. - mhit- MRS. JAM BETTS' OBLEBRA. SUPPORT=I FOB 141g1111. and the only gurim nadironiloont pairamo. he i st hrsiolass art rasped 7 IHKlniated WAR/4 I TV 1.8 . BIM& at her !salamis. luxe Vir rdWrola. (to avo id eennterfsUL) TWAT taro' railer Alma bats tavisei 1: 7 (1.4, pu r em&taLo 0 pplanoodt. %Amp cols ore "mam' bring -- BMW aorritht; laWil 0 4 1 1 ti lieZ. " ligni" P l ' lbw am ins fluvvorlara. luriik isidinkinsla. ^0.6-- TI Lee hor " DR. aro FINE, I:lt tr A!) ... ll . o 2 AL vi.. ) ignowntra t hw o rop o i l mom beautitai T &se, Mounteil on ins acid, Manus. Myer. aortal*, Amber, at jprloes. for nest and to t etio work. Teet h able Juan any Dentist , 14 State. plumed to last for Me repaired to s uit pain in Wresting. LJA "Vf• ranted to it. Reference. best rant,tea. THO.MSO.NNi t aON Erratum. OR ITX&OPIAN BAN** =Mos. hotels. oft. 2.0.ti0 institution% Ber DIPPE&INT Elms & Alsok ra PhiladwPDa 0, Hot. Air Furnaces. Portklas L ow to TireboirOltotte_. Bstkpolllva. „ a d rst 1/11.7=1:1171. 116. 15." QHe SHARPI. &TT gablta.t4s4a No. SOo N. sficv REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. 6th April COAL. ELLIS BASSO:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers