The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 02, 1864, Image 3
Thursdanglet alt.. In Brooklyn. after a ' A ' i'neee Harr4t Amelia Game. aged 48 ea" riatives and frinds are in to attend the ! h e - , - On liondaY. 4th blatant, at S a o clock, front the dace of herbrothar, Dr. 0 B Omuta. seiner Twelfth a ,e r sh Amts. without farther a otice. Intermentsn us( Nortek Cemetery. .-LBAS —On the 91st blatant, Marla Mercer. aged 2 rs and 7 months. eldest surviving child of William d ij..abeth M. McLean. rte f oneral to take 'place from the redence et her out., 1889. Poplar street. on S a t ur day . April 3. 1 21 . 3 :Nina —Suddenly. on the 21st ult. Mrs. Amanda ith, in its 72d year of her age. :er relatives. and friend a of the family. are respect in to ilYkeld to attend her funeral. from the residence of 1son; swami Smith. No. 1504 North Seventh street. TOJefferson, on Monday, dPril 4. in6G. at 10 o'clock. Prom. dto Mochenies' Csmeterr- [TroY, Whitebait. slok Dew York papers please COM. ] WT. —On the Srsh istant. 'Mrs. Rachel Klett , re of the late John Klett, in the 6it a year of het an.. r relativse and friend. are respectfully invited to n o be: funeral from her late residence. Mo. 9IM Mount nn street. on Saturday. fd instant, at 2 o'clock. to red to Monument Cen eterv. see the Olth inst.. Mrs. Lydia Van D. Wide, wife of Wm. J. nalunie. aged 25 years and 7 .ntbs. be relativiss and friends of the family are mama:fatly ted to attend the funeral, from the residence of her .ther. Maigare S a turd ay oses. HOB Beach street. Birk nth ward. on afternoon next, at 2 o'clock. ESSON & SON HALVE 0011i.MENOED remiv i ng th.i r spAng and Summer Moak of 110111111- CI - 00Db. and have now in store— Isfk Rizantines, English Bombazines. Florentines. French Bombazines. • • Barns Bernath. Summer Bombazines. • • Crtmo Mares, Ohall7. 7:arori. Monssolanss. Dili renadines, Tamisee, Blink. and-Blush an White Foulardk&n. MOURNING 'BTORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. YEE & LANDELL, 400 ARCH sr., Eave ordered thin season. for their beet caste's. B Wheat Silka imported: Shawls of exclusive sty in.: Dseaa Doeds. Paris stela.: arming }Mutt es. Cioth and Silk mei 2.6 0 BEM, • FOR DESTITUTE INFANT CHILDREN, Under the care of the SISTERS OF CHARITY. ,Ithwtnt corner of EIC,HTSEDITH and WOOD Streets atroncre the Orphan eld for the support of the dr and helplein the Home. apl2 5 3t* . - Aza.E.RICABOTti AND RA IRELAND. L BY REV. N. A CARDEN, D. D.. At " HANDEL AND HAYDN HILL," BIDADAY. April 4 8 o'clock P. at. American and Foreigner should hear this cure. Tickets 215 cents. - JURIST IDOBIGHRIGATIONAL CHA ►'i pEL. FEANKFORD ROAD and MON roost aRY VENUE—Rev D. 1.. GEAR preaches SAB BATH. a; 21 A. D. and 7% P. H. Communion at 8% P 11 _ NEW-STREET LUTHERAN ClVollca .11. av - & - W- HinTitil. — Oontlrmatlon. •ITiceoTO-MORBOW( • unday )MoßNlNG,lo%wciock. on iuunioa services in the EVAXING at half pall evr, lt TIMILD REFORMED DUTCH F. CHURCH. corner's WITH and FIL B6RT Streets. DFNIB WORTMAN. Pastor. Service , : TO-HOB• •OW. at TX o'clock in the maming. and 7% in the eye ing. if MON X. W. CHUtt,CEIr WOVILTH 8 - reet, below ARCH —Preaching TO lio eRO W. t;; o'clock A M , by the Pastor. Bev FRANK - UN ,00331. D. D. Prayer Meeting at 6% o clock. in the tore Hoom. le PC #C. h Or M ., plautteg of • • - ional Cbtirch in Philadelphia are M meet o • tiI.SDAY ENSAILIIe. April 6.13., at 210 FaaliflGl • .treet CRITRCH OF TUE INTERCESSOR. SPRIREI istror)A S:reet —CON IRMATION. —.Bight Rey Wit. B. STLVIttIS. D. D., ill preach. Bad administer the Fate of GOleirruatiog, n 61714 DAY Eyornick, o'ciock Rev. Dr_ CAA ISN will preach at 10% A.M. t* FIRST REFORMED DUT G II i K . ; CHURCH. corner of SEVENTH and Spring Har .en.—Rev .T. HOWARD blrl DAM, P‘stor. wif (l) V.) vreach TO-MORROW at 1034 A M ~-nd 7% P CIL In the ternoon. at 3% o'clock, / Mr SPEPE[iN Pe-XON w il l eddreng tha Sabbath Schools is the talnrch- 1,( 1 . Le...nrebv Bev. L. 1, Bitious. 1.0.m01l Row .T.VaNittd . . at 2% o'clock. Churea. LOCUST' and JITAI rER Street." t* tairSOWING WILD. OATS-A. BA.D CLOP 10 REALP-- , arm333 141-11101.P.0W. at 7.14 'Y. BE. Itt Univalist Church. L'JNBARD , above Forcrth,l l T Nev B Fattor. 'OrMEDIATION OF CHRIST.—THE Twelfth Sermon of the series by T H SPOOK- O2t. at Et-EVENTH and WOOD Streets, S f. 813 ICH AFTSRICOON, 3..% o'clock. Special Topic: The Actions rf 'Valet At 1036 A. M., 687111011 by A. CLattli on .7•65, , s- _soot but Unknown_ All invited. ADVENT OF CHRIST AND El A.T TU. o.l' ARMAG hDDOT, ABOUT 1866-72 " rv6l. 13 A X rER. author of ' Lou's flano.eon. D,atined Monarch of the World." toubli -had at 606 C ElEErrNtrr stre.ta eron this at HORTICULTURAL HALL. WAL NUT atd BIiOAD. fliniDalt, tyke et three awl ball ',ll sT Preaching there also 817HDAY awastleiGt. - • - gge. PHILADELPHIA TRACT AND MISsI.O2I SOCASYY.—A Sermon in behalf of this f...keieltY. will be preached by Bev WM. M. CIORIIBLL. 1., I u".. on BA EBATH MVBNING, 3d Inet , at 73 6 ocl , ck. ~,,, :be Central Presbyterian Church. corner of AIGIII9I amICILEREY. Tract Metal:item and all friendly to the canoe. are 'lnvited to attend. ll' J INSCO WILLIAMS' GRAND P FoF ASIA OF IlitE BIBLE will be exhibited wnis AFTEaLi iOlgiat 3 o'cleck. and again in the Even inc. at Concert Hall Lecture Room, CHBSTNIIC Street fltrwe Twelfth MSPIRITUALISM —DRS. IL. P. M. BROWN. of Clayelani. by reoneet. will Lecture nrdannrpr 4IPIIIOII/1 at SANSON-sTit&ST HAIL, on ,SCADaY, at log A M.. andsE M admittance 6 eta 11. IMSERIES OF SERMONS ON THE ISEhlallON OF CHRIST—CHANGE OF oil ti- JECT.—The reunions of Christians of various denomi nations at the Church of the Din IV TESTA ifENT. corner of bleventb. and Wood Streets. on bunday afternoons, ore still continued. The new illustrations of hisdistori. al separateness from and superiority to mere humanity. Zara been derived hitbeet_ from the pectmar ansat.aof Christ. The Sermon of 10 litOttliOW AFTERZWON, being the Twelfth of the Series. is to open a new view— introducing hiediatorial peculiarities or Action or IldOit. personal. social, legal.miracolous. &c In these relations. ales, tie sAvirte dignity of the Rsdt emer.Dz. STOCK PON claims, will be found irresistibly manifest and impres sail,ln the morning toe Junior Pastor, Glatt[, reach at this Church. ficTIIIGREAT CENTRAL FAIR TO TEE WHOLESALE DEF. GOODS /11BE• CHANTS OF PENNSYLVANIa. ParLADEEPIII... March, I£6l On behalf of our sick and wounded soldiers is the tamp. hospital. load on the nattle-teld, Mee undersigned appeal to the WhWeeale Dry-Goode Merchants of Penn sylvania to lend their powerful aid to the GREAT CEN TRAL F OF THB SANITARY COMMISSION, to be held in this city the first of June next. The tabors and achievements of this great national or ganization are too well known to you and to the world to need any detailed description at thls time. - The Sanitary Commlesion was recognized by the Go- Tex nroeut rirthoritiee at an early stage of thic war, and has silently. bet faithfully and most efficiently, con tuna he labors from that time the present. horough,y charitable in its spirit, compact in its or estizati.n, and systematic and practical in its work ings., established especially for the benefit of our own sick arid woundedsoldier. at the same time it extends aid to those of either artily. recognizing them all as brethren and citizens of a Common country Its field of labor embraces the whole theatre of the wsr, from Neworleans and Texas, along the Mieslesippi Tansy, across the bloody plains of Tennessee and Vir ginia. to Antietam and Gettysburg, and every battle field on the Atlantic coast. Each vast operations require correspondingly vast re amen le sustain them. and the aaproatling Fair is intetdrd to in providing and maintaining these re. sw• MSS. We appeal to you confidently for liberal contributions. ce,i e r the belief that all who are following tneir amts. ten,ed bmAness pursuits in security at home will esteem it a priyile g to do all in their p..iwer to alleviate the eurreriege or those who are nerdy sacrificing their ea.., net risking life itself In behalf of their country. We lrili wee receive thankfully smaller donations from any in your etoploy, earnestly requesting that yon will en swarms them and others over whom yonr influence ex tends to ntribute to this noble charity. contributions are earnestly solicited In money or mer tbeedi.e. Nita& may be sent to the .Jhairrean or either of rle comnVee. DAVID B BROWN. 44 and 46 South FROM' Street, Chairman. Piltiel B. CumMins (Girard Bank), Treasurer. P. Jeiht 6mith, Secretary. 4 40 / B Myers. 232 and 234 Market street. Gt..lge F. Peabody. 24 South Front street, Samuel S. St kes, 18 South Frost street, Stacy 13. Be* croft, 405 and 407 Nan et street, 1- , .must C. ffin. 231 Chestnut stmt_ It ii Kirkham. 230 and 232 Chestnut street. Betty Lewis. 2313 Chestnut alt Vpiism C Kent. 23a and 211 North Third street, Witham C Ludwig. 36 North Third street. < , torgeD Parrish. 312 Chestnut street. Thomas E eat:need, 126 Chestnut street, johri P. Whits, 421 Market street, C WI atton. 214 Chettont street. Richard Wosd. SID Markel strew., J. S. Fenton. 6i7 Chestnut street. Charles B. Wilkins. 19 South Second Street. Theodore f rothingham„ 34 South Front street. • William S Stewart. KC Market street. ascot Riegel. 47 North Third street. Charles Rithardsou. 230 Chestnut street. Coorles• A lionnt, Chestnut arr. et, William T_ R. Duncen,2l6 Cheetnut street, S W_De CeuresY, 631 Chestnut street. Thom,- B Tunis, 233 and 236 Chestnut street, Jamie B McFarland. 51 South Fourth street, Jeremiah M. Brooks. 122 and 124 Chestnut street. J. T. Way.= Chestnut street. Octrso W Johnee. 517 Market street, Samuel T_ Canby 314 Market street John .5. Wilson SM Chesinnt street. Robert K Smith. 329 Starke street. Edward Bain!, 40 North Third street. ap2-aws3t CITY BOUNTY NOTICE.—OFFICE CITE BOUNTY ITV D COMMISSION. .110. 4121 ?RUNE Sin-et Aprill.lB64 me Cal" Bo catty wlil continue to be paid until farther Aotice. • i 0 application's for Bonnty will be entertained from :feting', who enlisted prior to the date of the President's Preclanai:on. October 17. 156.3 In future. powers of attorney for the City Bon nty. front htly recruits for Pennsylvania Regiments, mustered in after this date. must be endorsed by the officer in charge of the barracks that the man has been received theta. 131 order of the Cotesnirmien SAAINBI. DAWSON. Secretary. Me , AT AL MEETING Or THE. ART ISTIo' FUND SOCIETY, held March 30, the fol lowing resolutions were adopted .Frao/ved, That each member of the ARTISTS' FEND NOCIETS be requested to present to the CENTRAL FAIR for the t MANY COM:MIMI° N. if he be a na'nter. a Me. /are, in alto ten by twelve %ghee. more or lees: and. if :nets not a painter, then, work of MA 07 a to an equal 'sane. 2 That a Committee of three bo aopoluted, by ballot, to collect such Works of art as may be subscribed for thle Perm& 3. That the Committee be Untreated to convey. UOC- Lir.l7. ench Works to the Fine Art Committee o f t r ue ".tral Sanitary Fair. as a Rift from the ARTISP,.' 'nap SOCINIT. W T. RICHARDS. 030 0 Committee. ALEX.ILAWRIE, fae OFFICIO OF THE MAYOR OP THE CI PROPO S AL ILADELPHIA, March 30 Mayor of will be received by the Mayor 'c't Philadelphia until 13 o'clock noon of WEDNBaDAY. 411113th. for the purchase of the whole or of a _y part of the SIX-PEE- CE NT. LOAN of the city of Philadel- Idda for one million two hundred and fifty thousaa d rjoilsre, authorised by an ordinance of the Select and 44oninon Councils of the maid city. approved March Ist. and lit eWiee of the Six-per-cent. Loan of the said till - for two millions of dollars. authorized by an ordi -I*lnc. approved March 28th, 1804, ROPOsalg mutt be addressed under tealto the r 7, !t, rs keit. `•olferlor City Loan "and will be °palled — 3. him in the presence of the City TreaSurer and Ca,' kentroter at the time above designated, the right being ltrerved by the Mover to reject any bid for iasufficlency Drlc,3 - There loam, are redeemable at the expiration of thirty : rani froln date; their repay went is secured by Sinking tiihth - I '.` l4 .rd cotemporaueompy with their teens, for i) Wt. tee an el:, whereof the faith of the city Is specially Vldged. Their Worried wig he paid half yearly, on the daisof January and July, et the o ffi ce or the City cF""urr r. without deduction o f.' or liability for. State or nr Taxer ALEXANDER HONEY , Mayor of Philadelphia. r OFFICE OP THE OILP.A.IP OEN. "-oa r ., THAL FAIR FOR CHESTNUT ARE HO 1307 STREET. March, -- 4 —The Committee . on Finance ana Donations of the treat Central FairePpeal for contributions in MOSEY o tholm of their fellow-citizens who sk i llot propose esdnig to the Fair the products of their and inane 'll. by far the largerportion of the money reserved on il eceettelon of the Fairs held for the benefit of the bani '9 Commission in Cincinnati, SOOtOn, st.a Brooklyn, "letired from direct donations in CASH. and not Proceeds of the sale of a. tidies exposed. What unitary Commission needs to afford relief so the sick Isec .rit itontided soldiers is money. in large amounts and sit sources. We call. then, upon all bankers, cor t gyration capitalists. persons living upon incomes. pro; , ?still or otherwise; in short. upon all who will . not 2,:i 4 Preastted in the Fair by their productions, to Imi tx s example of those who will. and to contribute 2ra lly m idoNET for this great object. In New York. I.,,orith their Fair is not to be held for two weeks. don ,ections a more than $200,0U in cash hare been ;3-mvoir received a single department of trade. that of ?iiS . l °4 . having made more than half that sum. NQ e r n y nc u l i lincitinati have each contri ii rtl i i i iammti iotiten of Phil " adelaral l &lardly be c onsidered r as trit.Zl u6 aaucirs. than that of these communities. Con "S will be thankfully received by any of the '-tears or the Committee. A. B. BORIS. Chairman. R A MERCER. SAMUEL WaLER. Tao/INi SPARS% A. J. Affrstwo, CALEB COPE. JoaN MO - - THOMAS HIN M BSE. T. A. BOM% S. W. CLAIM. Witf. C KIST B. O. Kageirt, aL7 eiamwtt Er. (*moues Tiacomrsom, OF ENGLAND, Tim Orator of Freedom, the distinguished 'mediator of John Bright and Richard Cobden in the detenCO of Ante flout institutions, ►ill, by invitation, deliver AR AD DRESS, in the AGADSMY OF =KO, on MONDAY MIMING. the 4th of April, at 8 o'clock—the net pro ceeds to g 0 to the benefit of the COOPER-SHOP and lIHION REFREt3HMENT SALOONS Subiect — " AN ENGLISHMAN'S PLEA FOR DB 110- . CBATIC FREEDOM" Admission. 26 cents. Bemired seats, 6D cents—to be had at THE 'ONION LEAGUE. NATIONAL UNION CLUB. SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE BOMBE No. 1210 Chest nut street PUGH'S. corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets. ANTISLAVERY ROOMS. Tenth tared. above Arch. REFRESHMENT SALOONS. and at the BOX °FMB OF THE ACADEMY. ntli2B-6t THE GREAT CENTIME. FAIR Office of the committee onl i a ll bor s . tr ln ee c t. Income, and Revenue. No 1113 South SIEVEti delphia The undeied. Treasurer of this Committee, no t nr/lße,d J. s ii. the . 13 03 o : p o o l l d o . w y cn Les crip t 1 0 s Fr • " 1 The . Clerks nod workmen of the P erfumery Laboratory of X. Darin , one day 's salary.. S 1 17 • • Four Yonne Ladies. same establishment, one d,y's .alary 2 75 •• The Teacher. and Children of Swaps' Church, Widow. day's collection 30 00 • • A Widow. a Peruvian dollar 1 00 •• A 'Widow, whose eon is in the army 800 • • A Lady, two days' earnings 100 " .A Poor Woman ...... . ......... 100 •• Rev. Edward Mitchell 165 • • FJijah Hethingion, one day 's Bala - y 201 • • A Y oung Lady two days income 3 00 • ' Young Men's Bible Class of Second Reformed Dutch Ch .rch ' 10 00 - " Hall W. Mercer. Em 00 00 • Mrs J. H Mercer —. lo 03 • • Bobt. James (farmer) and wife ---.....• • • 20) " Martha Drury and AlllllO tillOttAn 200 • William Gibson 1 00 " An Episcopal Clergyman 300 • President, Officers, and Employees of the Far mers' and Mechanics' Bank of Philadelphia, one a'y'e salary • • r•••.... 162. 42 " Right ay. James F. Wood. Catholic Bithop of Pennsylvania 100 0) .• Cant. Theodore Kitchen. Philadelphia 1 1 00 " 'W L. J Riuderlip 900 • A Working Girl .. 100 Donation of handsome Flag. from livens & Hassell. - for office. Frprel a Lady Bo 28 Officers and Keepers of Philadelphia Coun ty Prison VT, 83 71 " The Philadelphia Bank • 000 o 1 " The Clerks, dtc . Philadelphia Bank 100 03 JOHN W OLAGHORN, Treasurer. Other snbrcripiions and remittances by mail duly re sainted for and acknowledged. an2.2t MC. UNION REFUGEES AT CAIRO.— Acknowledgnients of cash received to April 1, Seel: Philadelphia —3. B. M. $10; cash.42s; J. M Morrie & $10: J . B. Caldwell it Co.. $ 25• Morris, Wheeler. & Co $25; G Merchant. $lO. Collection at Cheater. Pa . through Rev. Mr. Sproul. $73.90. Phitadetphia — H. H. F. ss: Mrs- Murphy. $1; John McAllister. $5; W. D. 13.;11. $10: James B. Goddard. $5. Burlington, C L. Tan Bensallesr . *6. Chatter r Pa—Upland Baptist Church. $2746: JBl. S. &Ad, $10; Mrs. Samuel Field. $5; B. W. Bailey. $2O; cash. $10; Israel Morris. $2O; A. F. Henderson. $5: A G. Cattell & Co., $26; Z Locke $5; M+ Firers. $3;; Chas. Bower. $5; J. Si. Fmith. $5; W. Brooke. $5; Charles BD, cht. $5; Chas Rayner. $10; 3. S. & B. 1.. Perot. $10; T:Ricictoson & Co, $10; P. W. Carlin, $1; Thomas A imee. $5; J Steel & Co.. $5: DN. Huttin. each. C.: C. E. Hoffman. $5; Howard Hinchmen, V . ; John P. Crezier.Sso: Mrs. John P Crozier. $5O; Semi. a.Cr,zier, s2s; J. Lewis Crczier, $25; Hobert Hall Crozier. $10; J. R Crozier, $l5; B W. Clarke & Co.. 650; Drexel.% Co., $lO. Friends at Chaster. by Mrs M. El Baker. *52. Fhiimiciphia. — Joseph Bayard. $3l Collection. Wit ttamehrerg. Pa.. through Jno. Moore. $551. Philadel plaa.—Mise Burt. $6 M A. P.. Roxbury. Pa .Si 50; .11 friend. SlDTPrififieiti. Pa . $3 Phaaaeintrin. — Kra Hopkins. MiSS H H. Stoke!. Moorestown. IVIJ: .$5. Wilmington. Del —Avails of a public meeting in Han P.esbytertau Church aud contributions trout citizens, through Rev. Wm stkmaa. $327 73 Christ Church, Christiana Hundred, Del.. Additional. $5. Philadelphia. —Thomas A. Hand. $l5; Board of B ro a ere, through Thomas A. Biddle, 16110: A F. W.. 862; Central P.eebTterhtn Chnreb,sloo; Wilmington, Dell—By Rev. Mr. Wiewell, FCC; Brandywine t sheath school, $lO West Chester. Pa —Collection atlPablic.neeting. *lie 00 • A Friend, $2B; Yrefessar Hyatt's Military School, Philadelphia. —Mrs James Orne. $5. Norristown. —Collection $4140; Bev. J. G. Raison. $10; Mr. Arthur. $5: Jas. Hoover, Maq. $5. $2 345.30. Previously a ernowledaed. $1.517. T0ta1.6;.88430 H. 13. TrumiEL 9%9 P CH o r H ESTNUT Street. t er. H. Polsona. rat- THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. The Committee on Benefits. Exhibitions, and lin tertoinments requests that the proceeds of all Benefits. .Ehlbiti.ns. am_. public or private. given for the GRE Mr CENTRAL FAIR. be remittedto Kr. GEORGE GILPIN. Treasurer. 227 DOCK &rest, by whom they wilt be properly acknowledged GEoRNE TROTT. Chairman, 321 South ELEVENTH Street. FRAYcrs WELLS, Secretary. 724 South THIRTEENTH Street. mhBl.4t or THIRD QUICRTE RLT REPORT OF TEM FIRST NATIONAL PRIL BAERI. MI. P OP HILADELPHIA., A RESOURCES. Loans and, discounts SL IM, 62S 42 United Skates Bonds deposited to _secure circulation 600,000 03 United States Bonds deposited for otherparDeSes 200.000 00 United States Bonds and other United States securities on hard 1,182 221 S 3 33 - - -,002,852 76 Special and Legal Tender Notes. 511.980 4S Bills of Solvent Banks 4,753 CT Vetted Stater Five per cent. Le gal Tenders 000,000 CO Cash Items. &c 31.368 63 line from Banks and Bankers... 314,4%7 17 Beal haste 81,198 'S Expense account 17.138 07 ---- 1,912,375 43 4 915.228 18 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ----- 51,000.000 00 Cirailating Notes Issued 318 000 00 Profit and Loss 64 th 9 43 Due to Banks and Bankers 557.892 01 Due Trea.nrer of the United States . .... 1 328,647 02 Dne Depositors on demand ...... 1,158.859 73 ' 414 4i6.2i8 15 NORTON NoMICHIEL. in., Cashier. GAIM-71111E . SUBSCRIBER BEGS leave to return thanks to his many friends, and the public generally, for their liberal patronage. be stowed upon him during his connection with the firm of S. P. 1011 & Co. Being obliged to withdraw from the firm in consequence of ill health he would respectiully solicit a continuance of their favors for his successors, Rho Will continue the business at the old Mind, north• east cotter of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. S. P. IKEA Trar.Aparrorie, April 1, Nag. - IMSTATE. ISAICK. AT 'CAMDEN, N. a.', APRIL 1.1564 —The Directors have this day de clared a reel:liar Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. for abe last six months, and an Extra Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., both payab:e to the Stockholders on demand, clear of taxes - ap2•St• J. TOWNSEND. Cashier MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY.— An adjourned meeting of the Edockholdere of the MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY will be held at the office. 369 WALNUT Street, THIS DAY (April :Id), at 12 o'clock Id W. DADRINOTON. Secretary pro tem. OFFICE OF THE BUTLER COAL COMPANY. No. 108 South FOURTH Street. MARCAr 31. NEU • OTICE.—A meetly r of the Stoekholders of the HU LKS. COAL COMPANY - will be held on THEtteD aolti net, at S o'clock P. St.. at their office. No. 105 S. Foimill street. to consider the propriety of restoring the Cspitri Stock of the Company to the r•um of Five Hundred Thousand Donets. H. N. BURROUGHS, Prost. and Director. Z. D. HOWELL. Director. ard•ewkf JOHN DBHBYSHI CM Director, pirREDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF COKE. —ln accordance with a resolution of toe Board of Trusteee, passed on the 2Eth iabtaut, the price of Coke from the Man et-street and Spring Garden Work. sae been reduced to 10 gents per bushel, and som the Point Breeze and Manevrink Works to 9 cants' per butte'. JOHN O. ONNSSON, Chief Engineer. PHILADITAIITA GAS Wonne, March M. 1061. inted9 im TIOGA IMPROVEMENT COM PANY.—Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Stockholders of the Tioga Improvement Company 'will he held at No 25 MERCHANTS' BXCEIA.SIGS. in the city of Philadelphia. on the Sd day of May next, be !wet n the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, to elect Managers. a President, and Treastp or of nata Company. WILLIAM ELLIS, Treasurer. Igo. 124 MARK Sr Street. Eib3l- tmaa PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN BOOK-MOPING for Wholesale or Bets% Job bing. Importing. friannfacturing.Commission. and Com pany SPecula , ing,Forolgh. and Domestic Shipping. /M - E-took Company and Ranking Rnainaaa„ dea ,ha Pea manEhip in all its branches; Commercial Calculations. Commercial Law. ha. 6c., at CRITTSNDS WS Com mercial College. 637 011.13STDIIT St , corner of Seventh. Students Instructed separately. and received at any time. mb3l-4t lIMPARTSIN.NT OF SUILVAYS. Omer. or THE CHIEF Eget:rem AND SIIR.VEYOI2. PHILADELPHIA, March 21. 1864. NOTICE. -Duplicate plans of the resurvey and regu lation of that portion of the TWENTY-SECOND WARD as is embraced within the following limits are now pre pared. and deposited for public inspection. at the Office of the Surveyor and Regulator of the Ninth burvey Dis trict. via- No 1.86. Third Section. Bounded on the N. S. by Germantown avenue. S. B. by West Washington avenue. S. W. by Green street. N. W. by Carpenter street. No. M. Fourth Section. Bounded on the A. E. by Green street. • S. R. by West Washington avenue. S W. by Wissahickon avenue. N. W. by Carp.nter street. .. No. 204. Ninth Section. Bounded on the N. B. by Menton avenue. • S. 'S by Nast Washington street. S. W. by Chew street. N. W. by Gorges street And the Board of Surveyors have appointed MONDAY, he 4th day of April. liii, at half past 10 o'clock A. M . o consider any objections that may be urged thereto by EMT citizens interested therein. STRICKLAND KOMAR% Chief Engineer and Surveyor. mh2S 26apl St MII S. riIIfSPWAMBIA.I.R.SCVM.ISUIC-- econd Collection District of Pennsylvania, cool pricing Fire, Seventh. Eighth, !Ninth, 'and Tenth wards of the city of PhiLadelphia. NOTION, The annual assessment for 1883. for the above-named district, of persona liable toe tax on Carriages, Pleasure Yachts. Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, and also of persons required to take out licenses, having been completed, ROMS IS HIIRSBY GIVES That the taxes aforesaid will be received daily by the undersigned, between the hours of 9 A- M. and i P. M., (Sundays excepted.) at his office, southwest corner of THIRD and WALBUT Streets. on and after MONDAY. the 7th hist and until and including SATURDAY, the da7 of. April next ensuing PENA.LTISS. All persons Who fail to pay their annual taxes upon Carri Pleasure Yachts., Billiard Tables. And Gold or Silver ages Plate, on or before the aforesaid 2d day of April, 1864, will incur a penalty of ten pet centum additional of the amount thereof, and be liable to costs, as provided for in the ]9th section of the excise law of Ist July. 1862. All persons who in like manner .hall fail to take out their licenses as required by law. on or before the 241 day of April, la% will incur a penalty of ten per centum ad ditional of the amount thereof, and be subject to a pro secution for three times the amount of said tax, in ac cordance with the provisions of the dOkh. section of the law aforesaid. An payments are required to be made in TreasnrY Notes under authority of the United States, or in notes of Banks organized under the act to provide a na tional currency. known as National Banks. No futther notice will be given. JOHN H. DIEHL, Collector. lob? 29t ELW. cor. TRIED and WA talIT BEL MOFFIONG BRAVER. BINDELDOW RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY. PHILA.- DILPHIA. March 28. 1864 —A Quarterly Dividend of two and a half per cent. on the capital stock of this Company bas been declared this day. payable on and after Theirs. day, awn 7th. L. CHAMDDRLAILL Treasurer. MID 6t• NOTION. TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the JUNCTION RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on MOND +E, the 4th day of April. 1864. at 12 o'clock M., to Philadelphia, at the (Mee of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company. - Annual Election for President and Directors will be held same day and place. inhl9.l4t JOSEPH LESIANY. Secretary. faue EXCELSIOR MINING COMPANY OF atIOHIGAN.—NOTICE —The first meeting of the Excelsior Xining Company of hfichigam under lts Articles ofAssociation, will be held at No. 3 OD WALNUT Street. Phil adelphia. on MONDAY, the 181 b of April. 18E4, at 10 o 'clock A. AL CHAS. O. JAUFIBON. MLICOIADUKS MOOSE, Two of the Amanitas of said Ooruartition. ,D , isn • arch SO . • -thatat . • : • . FAT OF MICHIGAN. —NOTICK —The first 112 C. meeting of the Yellowstone Mining Company' of Kiehl earl. nnder its Articles of Association. will be held at Pro. 319 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the Nth of April . 1864, at 10 o'clock A, M. CHAS G JACKSON. MARMADUKS MOGEN, Two of the Assimilates of said Corporation. PHILE DELPHIA. March 80. 1864. mhtl-thstnt tple,* - - - MC. MONITOR MINING COMPANY OF MIOHIGAN.—NOTION —The First Meeting of the Monitor Mining Commas' of Michigan , under it. Ar tiol.s of Assaelatien, will beheld at 80. 319 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. on MONDAY. the 18th of April. 1664, at ten o'clock A. N. GRAB 0 .11.01C908L NARMADUKB 1100113. Two of the Associates of said Corpooration. Pgriatinnuria. March 50. 1864. mtal-tnatataplBo MNORTMMRN MINING COMPANY tn , MICRIGAN. —NOTIOII.—The Pied Ideating of the Northern Mobil Company of Michigan. ander its Articles of Aesociatlonorillbe held at No. 319 wikuncrr Ftreet. mph=PhiIMnMONDAY. the 18th or April. 1801. at tap oht. CH4B. 0. J &Mrs° 3, NARSIADIIICS NoOB3, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. pzELADELIgEs. Marik 30.11/101. sahat-thotasopir VOVR.IIIIENTH WARD—NOTICE— LAB P CHANCE for exemptioncertific gee at $l5. PriF then, of once. to the teljoarnedi meeting at SMUG GARDEN HLL. THIS EVEHING• at 8 °' Bl4 "' and sada as in oar 1ab.... it /BOIL S. Avis. Beeretari. WM. B. THOlghth President. 111 M. FIFTEENTH WARD BOUNTY FIIIID.—At at meeting of the citizens of the IF. TRIM( WARD. held on THEUSDAY. Slat nit.. It was Resolved, That the Executive Committee be anthorized to eive to each contributor to the new (Bounty) Fund of Ten Thousand Dollars a certificate of the sum paid by him. end A guarantee Pleat. In case of failure to procure the somber of men requisde to free the ward from draft., tbe balance of the fund rem sininfron hand shall bedivided pro rata among the contributors who may be drafted. in proportion to the eum paid in by each. Immsdiatg ae will cow evidently, either enable the Committee to profit' e the Men Or, faint a , in this, will secure to cash drafted contributor a' toast the amount of his oulmerip tion and perhaps much wore. A westing of .be Committee and Collectors will be held on SATURDAY 'KV ENING. 2d instant. and every evening thereafter until further notice. at the School house TWIN:OI'OITH and COAT/18, when the certifi cates will be on hand. and no person will be ached to contribute unless Per:fecal, satisfied with the efficacy or the plan prt - poered THOMAS W. PRICE. Chairman. .T. ATLER WHITE. &Mt •17 It E MILITARY. THE I COAL BOUNTY FUND COAMITTEE WILL CONTINUE TO PAX WEN 'T"V" DOLLARS POE EVIBMT RBORUIT MUSTERED INTO HANCOCK'S SECOND ARMY CORPS. ALFRED DLY, Chairman A NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD BOUNTY! E. ADVANCE PAY AND PRIZE MONEY! Dm WANTED for the NAVAL SERVICE and II &- RINE CORPS, who will be entitled to all the City Rami fies, in addition to Prize Money Seeman will receive an advance of three months' pay as btvtoty. Application to be made at once to D. M LANE. CAA and Pro•nse..t ko i Ma lt M u g 1 1 4 ' ll i aN neen. ti CITY AND WARD . BOUNTY ADVANCE PAY AND 1 5 FUZE MONEY! MEN WANTED for the NAVAL SERVICE and MA RINE CORPS. who will be entitled to all the City Docuitiee in addition to Prize_Honey. Seamen will receive an advance of .thtte months' pay cc bounty. Application to be made at once to EDWIN PALMA, Captain end Provost Marshal becond Dletrict Pennsylvania, 556 South TWELFTH Street. inh./9-tf Philadelphia. NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD BOUNTY ADVANCE PAY AND PRIZE MD sly MEN W aIITED for the NAVAL SERVICE and MA RINE CORI S. who will be entitled to ell the City Bonn ties, in addition to Prize Money. Seamen will receive an advance of three months' pay as bounty Application to be made at once, to WM. E. LEHMAN Captain end Provost !Hershel Pint District Panne.. ish3..).tf 214.5 South THIRD 'Street. HEANUARTERS DEPARTMENT iOP THE SULQUEHANNA, CltillillEßAßUlld, Pk.. Nara 24, isa. [extract.). s • • GENERAL ORDERS NO. 20. Authority having been ffrauted,,bY the War Depart. meet to the Ce Emending General of the Department of the Snecinebanna, the let Batted in three rears' Penn s). lvtents Tolanteers (formerly !OR months 'volunteers). consisting of six Campmate!), mustered into the United Stales service for three years or during the war. is au thorized to remit to ten companies of the maximum strength. This Battalion is on Provost duty in this department, and it offers a good opportunity to those persons who have been in the service and bale been honorably dis. charged. to re-enter, and to those of good character who have not been in the service to enter the same. Only those known to the recruiting officers and DereOng att. thoriz. d to recruit as being reliable and trustworthy will he received, as the nature of the linty this Battalion is called upon to perform is such that it requires soldiers in whom the commanding officer, can place confidence. Perso. s taking advantage of the benefits arising from enlistment in this Battalion will receive the bounties paid by the Government se authorized ln existing orders. The officers most be men who hat's had some experi ence in the military service. Intelligent, and of gold clic racier, and only those bringing the requisite number of men and possessing the above qualifications will be rec.rEmenden to the Governor of the State for copmis alone. Recruits and persons having squads of recruits will reptrt to Captain GEO. W. eiBIiBICK. let Battalion arra years' en. Vote-, and B e all:Sting Officer for the lame, at HARRISBURG', Pa. • By command of Major General COUCH JOHN S SCHULTZE. east Adjt. Genera. Official: T. N. POTTER, Aid-de -Camp mliii 101 ANDIRSON C tiVALRY, (15TH PENNSYLVANIA. CAVALRY.) Suitable young men will be accepted as Re cruits for this Regiment, now on service in Bast Tennessee. WM I. PALMER, Colonel Commanding. (Mee in WaSHINGtToN BIILLDING, mlO9-110 No. 274 South THIRD Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE EVENING TELEGRAPH!!! MAMMOTH NIMBER!!! THIS A.rTERNOONN:7..! Double Sheet:; I 56 Columns !I I CONTAINS A MAGNIFICENT ENGRAVING OF THE NEW UNION LEAGUE HOUSE ON BROAD STREET. PRICE, TWO CENTS!! Served to Subscribers in all parts of Philadelphia and adjacent Cities, Towne, and Villages, at Twelve Cents Per Week, payable to Carriers._ Sent by sail for six dollars per 821.111115, or 50 cents per month, payable in advance Sold by all Agents and Newsboys. It NOW READY. THE ONLY CHEAP AND ACCURAT E EDITION Or M C REPORT ADITP OXIVIPAIGEDII3, To supply the immense demand fora cheap. yet accu rate and complete edition of this. the moat important: book that has yet been published on the War. SHELDON &CO. Publishers ,9 335 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Have issued a chcap edition. One vol.. 12mo. bound in boards. Price, $1.25 One Nol., 12mo, bound in cloth Puke, $1 50 This edition is printed from the sane stereotype Plates as the elesant octavo edition It contains all the Maps last as prepared by General McClellan solely for this edition. . It is the only edition that contains the "CAMPAIGN IN WESTERN VIRGINIA." It haa all the corrections made by General McClellan. [From the Journal of Commerce. ] The edition published by Sheldon St Co.. under Gene ral ifcClellan's &litho , My. is acurste. [Prom the Boston Post Yro man can feel that he has a copy of McClellan's &Dolt without a copy of this edition. [From the Chicago Post.] The edition published by Sheldon $ CO. is complete and authentic, and is the ONLY complete and authentic edition Sent fire by mail on receipt of the price. This is the edition for CLUBS,. A liberal discount will be made by the hundred or thousand. It R.AFF'S MANUAL of PENSIONS, BOUnTY, AND PAT. A Manuel of Pensions, Bounty, and Pay, containing the Lawe. Forme. and Regulations relating to Pe.eion,,, Bounty land. Bounty Money. Pay. Claims for Horses. and other Property destroyed. &c.. with Notes of Oficial Decisions. and Opinions of the Attorneys General, with reference to the subjects named. By 080. W. SAM 1 vol. 12mo, Law Sheep. $2. Sent by mail prepaid on receipt, of pdoe. "PENSION OFFICE, WASHINGTON. D. C.. Nov 4, 'sl "I know of no other work that so nearly approaches my ideal of a convenient and reliable work on Pensions and the related topics: and it has my cordial commenda tion. JOS. B BLEREPP. "Commissioner of Pensions." "PENSION , OFFICE, WASHINGTON. D. C . Dee. 6. 'flk. — From personal experience as Fenatainere in thin of fice, we know that a very large majority of claims are m necessarily delayed. sometimes for a considerable length of Czar . through a want of knowledge on the part of claimants and their agents. in properly worming their papers. Phis knowledge can easily be obtained by con sulting your Manual, which has been prepared with much care. and we commend it to the favorable °onside. ration of all those who have claims of any kind against the Government. EDW. S. DANA. • ' WM. W. WHITTLBSEL "wm B EINYDSB. "HERBY B. MINIM. "Examiners." - - PNkiSIC N, PAY AND BOUNTY BUNKS: Claim of ("Nicer or Soldier for Invalid POl/810U. OWE/ of Widow of Deceased Officer or Soldier. for Pen- 510 D. Om of Mother of Deceased Of or Soldier, for Pan- sion. Claim of Guardian of Minor Sisk r of Officer or Soldier for Pension. Claim of Children for Pension Claim of °dicer or Soldier for Arrears of Pay, Bounty Money, itd Clam of Widow of Deceased Officer or Soldier for Arrears of Pay, Bounty Money, Ac Claim of Fa, her of Deceased Officer or Soldier for Arrears of Pay, Bounty Money, &c -• Claim of Motber of Deceased Officer or Soldier for Arrears of Pay. Bounty Money. &c Claim of Adult Children or Guardian of Minor Chil dren, or their Joint Claim for Arrears of PAY, Bounty Money_ Ac. Claim of Brotbtr or Sister of Deceased Officer or Soldier for Arrears of Pay. Bounty Money- fko. APolication of Officer or Soldier for Payment of Invalid Petition. oplication of Widow for Payment cf Pension. Officers' Certificate of Disability. The aboye Forms have been prepared with great care, and conform in every re.Pect to th' latent regulations of th e Pension and,Decond Auditor's Offices. AU the Forms pertaining to an application are printed upon one sheet, embracing the. Declaration of the Applicant, Certificate of the Magistrate, Certificate of the surgeon, Power of Attorney, Clerk's Certificate, dic with ample blank spaces and Inn Metruotione for titling up. Price. 70 cents Dar Quire. Bent by mall _prepaid on reeeipt of Price_ ROBERT CLARKS & CO Lew Publishers. Booksellers. Stationers. and Importers, It CINCINNATI, Ohio. UNABRIDGED EDITION. Tme DAY. ni PUBLISHED. COMMENTARY ON THE ROMANS. By Charles Hodge. D. D. Unabridged Edition. Revised, and in a great measnrerewritten. I vol.. syn. Published by WILLIAM B. A ALFRED MARTIEN. 606 CHESTNUT Street. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET FINE styles ikenesses for Si only. EBINSB.I3 popular and pleasing Colored Photographs. Bee specimens. and engage one at SECOND Street. above Green. lt,* pH. LA - FIBER'S WINE HOUSE, 24 13. -I- FIRTH likreet, above Chests:wt.—The best brands of Mane Wines on hand at reasonable prices, wholesale and retail. apt-2! HOW LIFE-LIKE THE EXPRES MONT and fresh, warm. and impressive the color ing of tiaose superior portraits. B F. IiBIMBIL'd life•stse - Photographs in oil colors, made at 644 ARCM St. REMOVAL. -B. LIF,BER, IMPORTER of Wines, I ignore. and Cigars. has removed to 238 Broth SICOND linnet bet Dock and Spruce api-3t• ipor RATON & DENCKLA, HARDWARE Commission Merchants, 501 001110001 and 510 NORTH h_triets. offer for tale: Anchor Brand lath ; Plymouth Mill Rivets. W. B. Butcher's Cast Stool; Eagle Cabinet Looks. Putnam's Bores Malls: Looks. &hoot Slated. Cower. Bran. and Iron Wire; Mn C ar d s . a fall saaortinent Of Aznertean Hxt3ersza - THE PRESS:-PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, APRIL 2; 1864: LADIES THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR Csa procure the teltowing at a liberal reduction on regular retail prices: Zephyrs, Shetland Wool. Gilt Braid. bilk Embroidering Braid. Worsted Braid. Embroidering 811 k, Floes Thread. Puree Twist. GERMANTOWN WOOL. This article le as rich in colors. nearly IL9 fine in tor- WYE'. and as well adapted for mnuy kinds of fancy work as the German Zephyr, and is at least ONE DOLLAR per pound cheaper. Also. WOOLEN AND OASIIMERE Of the finest grades. suited for Ladies'. Gents'. and In fants' wear. and various Fancy Articles. ALSO. A fail assortment of the following at regular retail Prices: Basle GimpS, Gimonir LRCM. tiiik Beltusgs. bookings. Gloves. Corsets. Towelin so. Drillings. Dress Banging from fifty cents to one dollar and a quarter per yard. of a good quality. and at Meet ten ciente per yard cheaper than usual pricee. Ladies will do well by examinieg them: and also our Black Delaines. before purchasing elsewhere. air - Follicular attention is invited to our stock of of 'a ht ch. we have a large assortment at reasonable prices. Orders carefully and promptly attended to. Persons order in g from the country will please name their eavrere or nearest stage route. iIP• Cat this mit for ratersnes OPENING OF SPRING CLOAKS 1511 MANTILLAS, ON TURF DAY, APRIL - sth. WILLIAM P. CAMPBELL, ar2-stn2t 1124 CHESTNUT Street BOYS' cm,oaaaiN - (3-.. NOW READY, OBI:D.IR:11%TiOr 19 1 1eITLEI191, JACKETS, PANTS, &e. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. Comer NINTH. and MARKET Streets. mhl2-asaf 2m WIDE INDIA SILKS. • Just received at JESSE WILLIAMS' Dry Goods Store, No. '73a ARCH Stoiet. 4 doors below EIGHTH St., One case. & PC!. 1,600 yards extra wide INDIA SIL good quality. price $1 per yard. itpl2t* WEBLEY CORSETS.--MRS. STEEL, TENTH Etreet. below Obestunt. has just received beet quality, elegantly-fitting WERLEY OW: MEW All kinds of Corsets made to order. apt-3t• TUCKED MUSLIN, FOR BODIES OR - I- Waists, fall yard wide, only SI per yard, about half price: a •lew pieces only at this low price. SWISS MUSLIN--Would Invite attention to the 25, 05. 60. and 05 cent qualities, they being vety mush ander their present value. BLACK FIGURED SILK NET, IS cents to $2 per yard; many desirable patterns at 38, 40.92 44. and 60 cents, and among the hand-worked Posher Net. from Bac to 01 75. One lot. three patterns, of superb quality at $2 a yard. measuring nearly yards wide ENGLISH tiAXONY LaUE, for pillow-case trimming; a number of choice patterns. three inches wide at 10 cents a yard This Lace is pretty and durable. INFANTS' EMBROIDERED WAISTS. tine goods.s t 75 and r 2 25: excellent value for either piece. INFANTS' EMBROIDERED ROBES, finest work in Robes. balance of en invoice imported a few years since; to be sold for mach Itsa money than will replace them. BLACK TRIMMING LADES—ReaI. Guipure. imitation Guipure, real Brussels, Imitation Breese's, finest imi tation French Pusher Laces, medium and lower grades. Parties losing Black Edging or Laces are likely to be suited from the immense quantity at WOBNES' Lace and Embroidery Store, • lt* 80. 38 North EIGHTH Street. O W EN EVANS Sc CO., NO. 45 NORTH ' l / 4 " EIGHTH Street. (successors to) .1. R. ces IBLIOIRRY, will onen, on MONDAY next choice DRESS GOODS and SILKS, of the importation of L. & B. Curtis & Co , sold at the auction sale of Messrs. Wilmerding & Mount. . We have BARGAINS. 1 case Chemist Mozambiones. Choice Dress Goose, from 28c. np to 50c. 1 lot Taffeta pals Poplin. Sic.. double width. worth EL 1 case Plain Mohairs, 42c , worth 66c. lots plain all-wool Deltdnes, pink, bine, purple, modes. tan, azellne, very fine—a bargain. 3 lots choice plaid and striped Delaines, cheap, all wool. BLACK SILKS. BLACK SILKS. Black Silks, all prices Yon know we always have the name of selling Good and Cheap SILKS. Plain P. 11 de Sole Silk, extra fine, $1 50. Foulard Silks, choice styles. 85c . worth $l. Choice Black Figured Silk, $1.25, worth $1 50. KID GLOVES. KID GLOVES I should think most all the ladies in Philadelphia had seen our choice Hid Cloves, from the immense quantity sold; but if 3on haye not. I would say to JOU. GUI A FAIR, and try them. Bent quality Kid Gloves El 36. stitched. Best do do. $1.25. plain. Bach p•ir is warranted not to tear, and, should they, another pair is . given you free of charge. Yon run no risk. and get a beauti fal, cheap Glove, of the beet quality. Kid Oloves.l6l 26, stitched. Jaavin Kid Gloves, El. best quality. White Kid Gloves, 6334 cents. CHEAP tiARPSTS. IMPORTED CARPETS. HEMP CARPETS. AT BARGAINS Yon can cover your doors CHEAP, to LOOK PRETTY. anti save labor and the scrubbing brush washing floors Selling feet; come noon. Hemp Carpets. 40c... worth 623i0. Imported uarpets. 41c. worth Pic. Choice Carpets, 60e., worth 83s BA LMONALS BALMOR ALS. We have opened a new style of Crinoline Balmorals, pleasant to wear in hot weather, and comes at a low price. Yon know we never- allow any one taunder• sell us. Choice Balmorals. 852.25. Parisian style lialniorals, cheap. NEEL i IA S. MIISLINS. We sell Muslims the lowest of any one in town. Every body says that . New York Mills Muslin. 43 cents. Muslin, cheap. Semper Idem. Wanregan, Watertwist, and all lead. 12,1, zosk.. on batml. IT'S THE PLACE WHERE YOU GET CHEAP GOODS. OWED EVANS & CO . (Successors to CasselberrY.) No 45 North EIGHTH Street. P. S.—Our HOOP SKIRTS are selling fast. They are cheep. Closing them out STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKg. STOOK BROKHRS' FUROR &SE AND SALES BOOKS. STOCK BROKERS' RECEIPT AND DELIVERY BOOKS. OBDBES SOLICITED PROM BANKS, INSURANCE RAILRuAD, OIL, ADD MINING COMPANIES AND CORPORATIONS, ExEctryED PROMPTLY AND AT LOW PRICES. BLANK BOOK AND ENVELOPE 66 HER MAJESTY" CHAMPAGNE IRE ROYAL WINE OF ENGLAND. • limited quantity of this superior Wine has been se cured for the undersigned, and the first shipment of 6V cases has arrived, by the steamship Olympus, dire. from the cellars of the well• known house of MESSRS. DR YEROGE & CO., at Bpernay. France. The present invoice Rill be intro• duped into this market at the very low price of TWENTY POLL LES PER CASE OF QUARTS. malls in currency, which is much below its tint cosi. The superior quality of this Wine is guaranteed, and it is offered wish confidence of ite approval by connois seurs. Orders for one or more cases may be addressed, by let• ter or ot4erwise, to the undersigned, WM: MORT WARD, Wine and Frait Dealer. No. 7 BROAD, Street, near Wall, NRW YORK. WILLIAM WHITALL. No:01119 FILBERT Street, COLLSOTOR OF RENTS. OROUND RENTS. &c. Also. Agent for Lyco- MIME County Mutual Insurance Co. Belem to Ttio. H. Powers, William B. Thoman, T. S. Wood. Algernon 13. Bober% Whitall. Tabun. & Co.. and others ap3.7t,* $2., REWARD WILL BE. PAID FOR information leading to the detection and convic tion of the scoundrel or scoundrels who sawed off my Sign-post on the night of the 29th Inst. ED. S. It &ACUFF, d4* SPRING 112111,13/ili Street. mb3l-11t UPHOLSTERING-. H. B BLANCHARD & CO., Northeast corner THIRTEENTH and CHESTNIIT'Sts Carpets and Matting made and laid. Bedding . , Hair Math...use% &C. Ink3o-3m Verandah awnings VVERY VARIETY OF FRUIT AND Ornamental Trees. Shrubs, Grapevines, and Ever greens, at MST'S NURSERY, Darby Road, at the very lowest rates. Examine the stock, or address R. BEIM DARBY ROAD. Philadelphia. apt-3t« GREEN BAIZE AND WOOLEN FLOOR CLOTHS, of an widths, at Carpet Store of WM CREAOMILE. No. 441 North SISCuND Street, below Mehl°. East side. nah2S4m. LATOUR OIL.-500 BASKETS LA.- 'TOUR OLIVE OIL. received per Selo lac and for sale by JAHRSTOHSLA g ent VERONE. Rola As. - 2020 and W)4 S. FRONT et. mh3l-12t AIM EXTRA EARLY PEAS, WITH twenty other choice forte: Onion Sete; keparagns Roots. and a MG assortment of Garden Seeds, at H. A DRESS'S SUS , wkienctoua. 1t• casertiuT St,eet. *COTTON SEED AND TOBACCO BUD of the finest quality, Tor este by -1) LtiDRZT a * BOA, - it* No. fil and NM South SIXTH Street. DRY GOODS RETAI PREPARING ARTICLES FOR Embrol tering Canvas. Zephyr Patterns. Crochet Cotton. Blik Cords. Tidy Cotton. Machine filk. Crochet Needles. YARNS, Sun Umbreilas. Travelling Bags. Pocket Books. Hair Brushes. Combs, Perfumery. Matting Bindings Scissors, 13almorals. BLACK ALPACAS. SUN UMBRELLAS, JOHN M. FINN, S. E. corner SEVENTH and ARCH Streets. MOSS •Sr, PdANUFAOTTTRERS •-• 433 131189T311T Street WE RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE TO Otrß STOCK OF arum MILLINERY GOODS. WE HAVE EOW OPBri A BEAUTIFUL AssoBTIEENT or - FRENCH FLOWERS , RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, VEILS, C. BERNHEIM, 726 CHESTNUT STREET. SPRING. 1864. BROOKS& ROSENILEIM, 43/ MARKET STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN RIBBONS, BONNETS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS, FLOWERS,. AND MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY. mh9:3-3ra lUfILLINERY GOODS- ::JOHN STONE & SONS, 805 caEsTrtur STREET, Are ithr receiving their Spring Importations of SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS, FANCY AND PLAIN RIBBONS. GROS DE NAPLES—AR abides. NAROELLINES AND FLORENOES FRENCH AND ENGLISH CRAPES. Phuadepkta. aplaw2t LACES AND JOINED BLONDES ILLUSION AND DIA.LINE NETS, &a., &a Also, full assortment of FRENIMI AND AMERICAN FLOWERS. rahßtnt ham . 1864: 1864. WOOD & CARY, 726 ORESTNITT STREET, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. P. S.—MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS are Invited to examine before purchasing. u our STOCK IS PULL and PRICES LOW tob.9-2in WOOD & OAST.. P. A. HARDING & CO s 9 IMPORTERS AND SOBBERS OM STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. 413 ARCH STREWN. PHILADELPHIA. _ . nitt3-2m 43 MRS. H. WRIGHT, No. 131 PINE Street, WILL 04EN FASHIONABLE MILLINERY h. 30 3V Oa THURSDAY, March 31, 1864 dipMISS E. CALDWELL, NO. 824 ARCH Street. Philatielbia.will exhibit her Mil liner) to oneforaers, on TUESDAY, April 6th.1864. RAW 61- FOR I'HE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS I-I A. S S I-4 -1-d, DITJUITA.ItIr VTJILN-11313EILS, Banners. Regimental and Company Flags, Swords. Sashes, Bette, Peasants, Epaulettes. Hata. Caps. Can teens, Ravessacke. Camp Kite, Mold Wawa, BPura, and everything pertaining to the complete ontdt of Army and. Navy Officers. • ♦ liberal discount allowed to the trade. mlblo-1m- FURLOUGHS. Officers and Soldiers, visiting the city on Furlough, needing SWORDS, And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, are invited to the very extensive Manufacturing Establishment of simcows BRO., SANSOM-STREET HALL, SANSOM Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice, which, for richness and magnificent°, challenge competition. no other house in the country combining the MANUFACTURING 'SW ELBR with the PRACTICAL SWORD-MAKER. mhlo•2m FROTHINGHAM & WELLS wakvir,_ SHiR MSDIUN, AND LIGHT MEETINGS AND TINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY GARTON FLAMM'S. WAGHNGTON AND VICTORY OAMUIOS ND SILWJIAS. DIOWNDLNACHND. AND COBEINT 3311113. No. .1N wORSTED TANI. dro. se= tf BRIGGS GOLD CO- CASSELBBART. MINES-BRIGGS & GREGORY LODES, CAPITAL 10,000 SHARES-6100 EACH, J. SMITH BRIGGS GEO. M. PULLMAN ANTHONY ABNOU X.... HARRY COOGILL R. CORNELL WHITE C. C. ALGEL Hudson. N. T. WM. G. ANGALL Providence. B. I. President. J. SMITH BRIGGS. Treasurer, WAL rES. B LAWTON. • Secretary. D. Li TTLEJOHN Counsel, J. S. WOODWARD. Mining Superintendent, CERA, H. BRINGS, apt lln ' Office 25 CLIFF Street, New York. HOPE GOLD COMPANY. KINES—" GOLD DIRT LODE. Olivia county. Colorado. CAPITAL, 80,000 SHARES. *26 each. • TRIffiTBRO. JOHN KVANn. Colorado. F H. JUDD, New York H B. COM,. New York. M WILLIAM OLLER. New York. GEO. W. GRAFFLIN, Baltimore. HERMAN FUNKS. New York. R CORNELL WHITE, New York. M. C TYLER. New York. S. G. ARNOLD. Providence. Hie Excellency JOHN EVANS, Governor of Colorado Territory. VMS PRESIDENTS. Hon. B. G. ARNOLD, Dr. F. H. JUDD. Treasurer, WALTER B LAWTON. Secretary. J. P. DAVID'S. mhH lm Office. No. 25 CLIFF Street. New York. LONDON BROWN STOUT, • SCOTCH . ALE, HI THE CAM OR DOZEN. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, Corner ELEVENTH end VINE Streets. 6 ' B EDFORD WATER."-INDIVIDII aIe and dealers will be supplied with "Bedford Water." fresh from the RIME, at the Shortest notice, at the following rates; For barrel. BP Wien!' OA) $9 00 Half - do do . -- 2 00 Half do (mulberry) 9 00 The barrels are well steamed, so that purchasers may depend upon receiving the Water as pure and fresh seat the Spring. Ail orders addressed to zolll7-3ra Z. 1.. APIDBEIBON. Bedford. Pa. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN RIKS Inserted without pain, by • JAMlllii QUEER & 9A W. O rtwATRUT Street OPERA GLASSES AND OPFICIERS' FIELD GLASSES. Microscopes for Physicians altd Students. A eery large assortment for" sale by Was W. QUEEN Co.. A 4 Qmran' tarok 3/ATHENATIOAL DR kFTING IN STRUMENTS. Obastennan'a Metallic and intlel-tape Measures. For sale by JAMB W. QUITS & CO.' ea* Wiwi Tim Sired. prima and Insisted Cataloynaa gratin _WM-1m jocl OASES PINET, OASTILLON, & 00.'6 000NAO BRANDI. landing from NM ••Louls,"lhat Bordealtr,._ For ealcks WILLIAM M. zmATOMik 00.. mdi MOl FAO= OMNI. Y GOODS SUOR AS ARMY GOODS. 418 ARCH STREET? PHILADELPHIA. GILPIN COUNTY, COLORADO. TRUSTEES. M2SiIM METALS I i IMPORTERS AND DE %LEM IN PM TIN, PIG LEAD, BOLT COPPER, SHEET COPPER, THERBER , ANTI-FRICTION METAL, WIRE OF ALL KINDS, BABBIT METAL, N. & G. TAYLOR CO., GENTS* "FURNISHING GOODS. 1864. NEW STOCK. LII•TFCrEtr) N. W. CONNER -SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STRUM A LARGE'AND ELEGANT NEW STOOK GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. All the choicest novelties in this department constantly on hand. THE BEST-MADE SHIET4 IN THE OII`Y. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXEOUTED. PRICES SIASONABLE fe24-stuthtmySl JOHN 0_ ARRISON, Nos. 1 AND 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, THE IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT FIRST CUT BY J. BURR MOORE, WARRANTED TO FIT AND GIVE SATISFACTION aCIPODS. N. B.—All articles made in a eaperior manner by hand and from the beet Materials. Jam VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. me subscribers would invite attention totheir IMPROVED COT OF sums. which they make a speciality in their business. Also, cons tantly_receiving NOVELTISt FOE GENTLEMEN'EI WAR. J. W. SCOTT Bc, CO., OERiLLEMENT FCKNIfIHLNO !;'PORE. No. 814 CHESTNUT ST.. Four doors below the Continental. BASKETS AND WILLOW WARE. LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED WOODEN-WARE A. IL FRANG/SCUS, 513 MARKET AND 510 .15051311GR0N. WADDING, BATTING, TWINES, WICKING - , CORDS, doßDsau, BUCKETS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, BASKETS, TUBS, CE.URNS, MATS, WHIPS, TABLE AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, BIRD-CAGES, MAN WARE, WINDOW PAPER AND SHADES, I'UTNAINFS OLOTAES-VIIINGER, LOOKING GLASSES, CLOCKS, FLY-NETS, FANCY BASKETS, &0., &e. mb29•lm FANCY BASKETS. A. 11. FRINCISCUS, 513 MARKET AND 510 COMM - RUM STS.I Have Just opened a large and well assorted stock of Sue GERMAN AND FRENCH FANCY BASKETS OF HIS OWN IMPORTATION. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO THE TRADE. wh29-lm A CLASSICAL TEACHER, SINGLE man, wanted for a flrst•rate position. near the city. 1t TSAGHER'S INSI'ITUTE. Rll7 S. THIRD St. G E R M A N-DAY (1017RSZS,-IN STRUCTION and Admission (Saturday excepted) DAILY, 400 CHESTNUT Street. It. A LADY, WHO. HAS BEEN A SETO ceesfal Teacher of Music, desires to form an en gegen eat to teach MORO in a school. or to Rive lesions at private riddance% lieferei ceir given. iid4roslk. " 'Numb sr, " at thig office. ap2•3t A N I.LLU6TR.A.TED COMPENDIUM AN of the QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, N. B. corner of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. snowing complete interior views of the establishment has just been issued, and can be had on application at the of fice. lt.* TEACHER WANTED.-AN EXAMI NATION will - be held at the SCHOOL. at MOR GAN'S CORNER. Radnor Township. Delaware county. by the County Superintendent. on WEDNESDAY. the 6th of April. commencing at half past 9 o'clock A. M., to select a PFAU LIS TEACHES, to take charge of one of the Public Schools of said Township. Bone need apply Un less ruby competent to teach all the branches required in the. Public Schools. Compensation $33 per month. School open ten months. • To-commence the MONDAY following the examination. ap3.31.* THOMAS R. PETTY. Secretary. Colorado. Chicago. r••••liew Yo k • • BRYAIVT, STRATTON, & BANNIS TER'S STATE AND NATIONAL CON gIitOIAL OCLIBBB, S. B. corner of BlNEltiria and Cali3Dgill' Streete—Designed to impart a coned Businees Education to the young men of the cmutry. The principal - branches pursued' are: Book-keeping. Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmetic, and the higher Mathematics. Business Penmanship. Business Corre spondence. and Telegraphing. Young men, who desire to qualify themcelveo for the duties of active business life: are invited to call and examine the futilities afforded at this Institution. mhlO went. SELECT FAMILY BOARDING• SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN AND STEIL MODE'! JOY, Lancaster county, Pa. Session opens on the FIRST TUESDAY of May For circulars, address mh19.12t• R. A. MORRISON. Principal BELLE VUE FEMALE INSTITUTE • BOARDING SCHOOL FOR OIRLS. This Institution, beavt/fulfy anal healthfully located, in the tics therm limits of ATTLEBOROUGH, Backs corm ty, Pa. , will commence its Spring and Summer Term es the 19th of FIFTH MONTH next, and continue in session twelve weal s. The course of instruction is thorough and complete la all the Elementary and higher branches of an. ENGLISH : CLASSICAL, AHD MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION . The French Language ie taught by a native French teacher. circular% giving full particulars, may be had on ats plication to the Principals, Attleborongh P 0. , _Bnekt county, Pa. ISRAEL J GRAHAMS. ! Mall .P. GIBAHAMS. Principals. mhl7 gm GEORGE A. NEWBOLD H.A.VINEI leased EATON ACADEMY, KENNETT SWAMI Chester county. expects to commence a Spring Seembra there the llth of Fourth Month (ADM.) For circulars. address Geo A. Newbold. Jenkintown Monts . oo .Pc, till the 4th last, , or Wee. Chandler, Kennett Square, Cheater county. Pa. mhl2•lm* VILLAGE GREEN SEMINAR'', BEAR MEDIA. PA. —Pupils received at say Una Emtlleh. Mathematics, Classics, and Natural &Mums tanaht. • Military Tactics, Book-keeping. and Civil En. musering taught. Entire sup oo bout AS per weeds 8 , 13 , 6 of all ages taken. Refers to Wm. H. Kern. =- Sheriff; John U. Capp a Co., No. d 3 South Third street: and Thomas J. Clayton. Esq., Fifth and Prune attraaks. Address Rev. 3- ItAMVEY CARTON. A. IL.. Green. Ps.. end-tr IVORYTYPES.—SEE THOSE FINE specimen, at B. F. REIMER'S Gallery. CM 4 ARC H Street. Bone excel thee lx Wixom and tleaccer l i re' loring. or rare 'Mlle finish. 6fl BARRELS YOUNGER'S ALE, •-• St. Anne's Brewery. hi Ines. • In store, and for sale by WILLIAM S o uthATON it Co.. taol FRONT Street • G IbRPETS.—NOW IS THE TIKE they ere !mat, a3ld very best of adore. Jnet saltaitlm• WM. CIRSACIMILS, No. 447 N. SECOND St . bet. Moble. eaai sid. DWRITTEN AND VERBAL DE p.ORIPTIoNS of Ghanalei. Clonal Station. and Ta lent. with'AD l 7lol on 13tudneu. Health. Mona. Lion Ilielf•lmplovement, Managemeat. and Tra in . ingot CIEtawRIIN. social adaptation. ina. , dal ukd eundni. by Miran°l J gliti an dd Ho L. CAPIN. oka,ller. • tabl9-atalh /ipo. SI G. TUTU direst. above Okeetank METALS METALS ! f ! INGOT COPPER, BPBLTER, ANTIMONY, BAR TIN, BAR LEAD, CAST-BTEEL, FILES, &c. &c. 303 BRANCH Street, PIIILADUTTIIk. NOW OFFERS XLLNUFAZTTIRRA . OF Importer and Manufacturer of GENTLEMEN'S s rocs OF COTTON GOODS IN THIS CC;IINTRY WHOLESALE DEALER IA EDUCATIONAL. A LAD WANTED TO LE A.BN THE Drn ¢ ard Chen Ical Busineiss. No. 1911 MARKS? Pf•r.• apl-2V A el ICADY, AC TINE YOUNG MAN, 1 , 1 auate of the .. - ehtrsl Echool, desires it M. taah. oo 1•. as ore or manufacturing establishment. Could keep the books. as he understands book keeping. and realm himee.f generally useful. Best of reference given. Address, stating business and locality, D. BB B. office of The Pr's& er.2 St' A - PARTY HAVING FROM THREE to Flvo Thousand Wollirs would 'llea to I.'ve , xt It to •eme eefe beam esa, wborn 13a would give hi* r.eru,nal attention. . . . ay OD. wishing sncb an ereount will pleas address Box SN. P 0., with 9rct•class setwencss. apt 3t• H h STNUT -SI BEET S'FORR._ WAITED. by the 15th day May, a moderate.size - d S LORE on CHESTIAIIT, above Euxra Addrese. stating location and terms. box MU Post Mee. it GtARPE'I! SALESMEN.- WANT riD in a Wholatiale Carnet H.rapo. to Haw Y N•lc. rn.or two Omni-lance and competent Salesmen. Those having au ElVallaintance buyers pre erred.. and er•ii he line roll" irnatA with. For_partimain apply to JAMES I. ELLIorr az CO, No 411318 aRKET St . rhila anl-St. "JAN TED—I OIING L &Fab's TO make San Umbrellas, 500 MARKET Street. -I.k. WANTED -BY A GENTLEMAN and Wife the Dwelling part of a Howe in the v.l - d on edede or Washtn Snuaros, ol or before les. Wonlci take the urn of office. Very beet of references given. Address Box 1404 Poet OEM rehl7. theta tf WANTED— BY A YOUNG MAN, who understands book•heeoina. and who ono mine well recommended. a SITUATION In mama basl• ness. where he can make himself useful. Salesman or Book keeper in a retail house preferred. addreau 60137 8. Jr.. Press office. 11" WAN 3 ED-A SOBER, INDUSTBL * cue MAN. to take charge of a Tailoring Establish meet. He most be a good Cotter. and Dractical boat neem man, One who can come well recommended can bay° a good situation by oalliartgamelifttelr* T. OM, pl-6t• QUAKT.RTOWN, Backs comity. Pa. WANTED -A QUICK, ACTIVE young man (unmarried) to attend to Books and Shlppir gat a manufacturing establishment a short dis tance tram the city. Apply at INIS South FRONT Street, tic cella floor. mb3l.. St° WANTED -DECENT AND RE spectable citrons as subscribers for a Club Gatden at By glesfield For particulars aes preface of sub scription. boots laid out at Eualesfield acid at Library street Hall, back of tbe.Post Office. mh3o-6t. WANTED- CLOTHING.-PERSONA • Navin[ OlotitinnJai iihnoso of will please call on or addrere 0 MILLER, ian.tntbe3m• 'go. 403 CIEOf3IIIIIT Street. 4t 7F t A MONTRI-1. WANT TO HIRE lu• • •-• AGENTS la every Contry, at *l5 a month, ex penes. paid, to eell my new cheap Family Semi ex Ma ehin at Ad dress B. MADISON. Alfred. Me. Ctsl2.ddarka WANTED TO RENT, FOR THE nminer. a Pirrnithed HOUSE in Germantown. Addters "Box 2417," Po •t Office. 1864 do WANTED FOR TEE SUMMER Month!, a furnished or nufarnishea House in tha country. with easy communication to the city. Address Ben 936 Philadelphia Post Office. mliffi et• FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE- 8,000 FARMS! FARMS! A 150.19550 Houses in Philadelphia! Also, 600 Building Lots in Philadelphia! Also. MILLE! COUNTRY SEATS! TIMBER LANDS, ho. COAL. LANDS! WESTERN LANDS! 01:11t CATALOGUES SENT FREE! PERNSILVANIA FARM RSOISTEII ! MONTGOMERY COUNTY FARM REGISTER! DELAWARE COUNTY. FARM REGISTER!'" CHESTER COUNTY. FARM REGISTER! RUCKS COUNTY FARM REGISTER! DrkW JERSEY. FARM REGISTER! DELAWARE FARM RENISTER i MARYLAND FARM REGISTAR ! HOUS3 REGISTER CHEAP DWE U114'6311 ALL - of our REGISTERS now ready. Sent FREE to any address. Sir Please call or vend. - GEORGE N. TOWNSEND & CO., apl swim 1633 E South FOURTH Street. SMALL GROUND BEN TS.-SEVE HAL wea.recured old ground rente o' *4OO. *5OO, *BOO. WM, and *BOO, fur esle. Apr , y at the office of JAMES H. OWLS. apl-3? 115 S...nth Ettrf Street. TO LET-A DESIRABLE FRONT OF.. FILE, on the second Son , &Ike /merlon haildinge, south+ ast corner , p.:!IIkIll WM P. Apply to r OI : S E/ 3. 7.. ...LEN. in rear of said office mh3l,3c. TO LE T .-113. E SECOND, T HIRD, and fourth hOOlll at Z 313 MAIIKST street, through to Church alloy. mh29•tf "F‘OR SALE-30 ACRES OF LAND eligibly situated on the Haddonfield Tarnoike three miles end a half from the city. adjoining Killer's Hotel. WiU ), at the WEST JRRUIZ HO EEL, oh the THIR TBENTH instant, at 2 P. M Prom its proximity to the city, this property is well worth the attention of pur chasers. apt 3i FOR SALE-LARGE STOCK OF ICE and business complete of an old- established ICE COMPANY. It le offered for sale on account of the Dro• nrietor engaging In another bminese Inqntre at the office of the ROME LIFE INEWRABICR COMPANY, corner Ft~IIRTB and LIBRARY Streets. mh29.6t en FOR SALE—ROUSE No. 1516 •=s- North TWELFTH Street, 11 rooms; lot 17 by 118 feet to Fawn et. Apply on premises. Price $4,800. ap7•7t* frn FOR SALF—A THREE-STORY aia Brick BOUM with back baildinge, No. 412 &BCH Street; 20 feet front, 60 feet deep where it widens t., 40 feet, and extends 44 feet deep of that width; whole depth of lot 124 feet, with the privilege of a fonr-foot alley run ning tato Arch Stied. Apply to A. A HURLEY. ap2 rtuth2t* No. 259 South tIIVEN TR Street. in FOR SALE-HANDSOME MaIDWELLING. 160 S North FIFTEENTH Street. Car riage Home and Stable; Side Yazd. Lot al feet by 23% feet. Inquire of W. 7. REED. from 11 to 12 o'clock, at S. B. LES'S. er,l-Sto 43 North EICIBTII =greet. FOR SALE-THE THREE-STORY DWELLI ICC No 671 North ELEVENTH Street. Apply to WIC RUSSELL ALL.BN. southeast corner of FoUSTN and WALNUT, second floor. mh3l.3t• FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE, a well FARM. In Chester county, near twen47-914miles ors , . containing 7S acres. Also. severa other ftrat•elass farms. with pos spring. l by purchasing of s it, & e. E. PS ? session this apt 323 WALNUT Street. Mb GREA r I SALE OF FRUIT TREES, at Auction. at the TORRESPALE NURSERY, con- Sigh gor about 80,000 Year and Peer s.tocks. Apples and tabor Prnit Prem. takes place on APRIL 4th , If % 'QM legye the Heneinaten. Station atli A. M. 2t* JOHN sa-saWOOD. ift FOR SALE- THE "MANSION .Wat HOUSE," at Atlantic city, with FIISNiT EIRE, and everything complete. Also, two neat Cottages. 9 rooms each. Also, Building Lots, near the Bathing - [rend. The "Philadelphia House," at Cape Island. with or without Furniture, very low. B F. GLENN, sad . 115131 South FOURTH Street, 4 41. FOR SALE-THE FOLLOWING /MS: ha • gala Railroad. 9 miles from Market at. 93 acres oh Waslithaton Station, North Fenua 44 acres near Baiiroed. - 0 ,41 puma. Railroad. 70 acres near Sellersvllle, ES acresHolmesburg, river 316 acres at Bridgeville. Del. 2CO acres do. With many others in yariona localitiaa, ap2 123 South B O FR THNNe t. $2OOOO, $15,000, $lO,OOO, AN D , otber_nm k to LOAN on first - class Mortgage Security. at FI V E PER CENT.. for a term of years. S. KINGSTON MCAT, inb3l.-St* 431 WALNUT Street. GENTLEMEN WILLING TO PAY liberally can be accommodated with two hand. eomely- furnished coromunienting PARLOII9, ois first door. with snit of famished Chambers. in vicinity - of BROAD and WALNUT Streets. Breakfast if desired. Address ' ' S. M. ," ti is once mh29 St* STEWART DEPITY, " • at M MAHAN'S, NIS3 South SECOND Street. above SI'IIUCS. would inform those who would par share Carpets. 011 Cloths. Alattings, or Window Shades, Ire, that he is now se'ling from the largest and best stock that ha has shown for many years. ap 2-ettabfits pb.,RSONAL —JEWELRY SENT BY mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States., on receipt of the following prices: Single atone imitation diamond rings. $l.OO cluster imitation dia mond, $ 2.10; heavy plated veal chains. $1.00; heavy plain urge, (a in stand the strongest aaid,) 60 eta • emali round black enameled ear-drops. 00 ate ; heavy plated black enameled eleeve - buttoue, 20 eta. ; bracelet., 331,00; handsomely oilseed medalli )113. 41.00; complete setts carbuncle etude and buttons, $1,00; complete setts black enameled studs and buttons, with pearl setting. $1'00; fancy watch keys. 80 eta ;pen and. pencil, with extension case. $1,00; ladies' long guard and chateline chains 41.60; genuine gotta perches. chains. $l.OOl ladles' and gem a' miniature pins, for hair or likeneas, 94,00; seal Tinge. $l.OO. Direct to ssrutw & MAY x, 916 RACE Street, Philadelphia. LOST -A CERTIFICATE OF 00Uld 2ER COPPER COMPANY. No. 252. for two hun dred shares leaned In the name of S. M. DAY. has been lose. Application bee been made to said company for a renewal of said certificate. S. if. DAY. fnh3l-tbstu3t LOST.LOST. CERTIFICATE No. 181 FOR 1 - Share in the POINT.BRIRZI PARE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADBLPHIA. In the same of BENET D. LENTZ. As application will be made four weeks from the date hereof for a renewed certificate. notice ie hereby riven. • JACOB S. LENTZ. ml 9 sviSt. Executor of Henry D Lentz. deceased. 14°8T- A. CERTIFICA r t E- OF &PEE GIFT. LOAN OF STEPS OF PBDINSYLITAN/A for 3010. 0.5, dated March 12. r 1830. Ho. 764, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also. a Certificate of 6-yet cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, .tor the sum of SM. dated June 80. 1846. No. 1401 . In the name of IL H. P 13.101. administrator of William Meredith in trust. AP. plication hacheen made to the Auditor General for a re newel of said Certificates faio-3m ELI H. PRICE. No. 811 ARCH Street. INTEE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR TB 3 CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Jonathan B. Barnes vs Daniel B. Smith. December Term. 1E68: No. 219; von ex., on oovenant. The Auditor appointed to make dharlbation of the fend arising from the sale under the above salt of all that lot or piece of ground, with the buildings thereon erected. situate on the north side of Hamilton street (formerly Greer street). at the distance of 233 feet westwa• d from the west side of Twelfth street, 1n the city of Philadel phia; front on Hamilton Street 14 feet depth northward. between lines parallel with Twelfth street, 43 feet. Will attend to the duties or bin apnolntment on MOP vain April 13th. 1604. at 4 o'clock P. 14., at his office. No. 3 2 5 North SIXTH Street, in the city ' of Philadelphia, when and where all person coming uired to preterit their claims , or be debarred from n upon said fund. ap2-stuthst. J3O. L. SHOEMAKER. Auditor. BAZAAR-NINTH AND BAN -. " -42 *IL-8014 6TREK7E4. SPECIAL SALE OF HORSES, TH C o SDAY NEXT APRIL 7TE. Commencing at llo'clock. in eon/maraca of the trade Pale Qf oErfillEoB OR Wed nesday. we Isbell bold a epecial sale of horses on Thurs. (lac next. slar No carriages 'will be offered on this &lg. ALFRED Ef. HIRKOFE39. Austioneen mt s l3 ) H :r t z tg--N IN TH AND SAN- 250 CARRIAGES AT AUCTION. 35TH TRADE SALE AT PRIG AOSLPIIIA. APRIL gill take place on WEDNESDAY, 11111. 1884 AT 10 O'CLOOK A. N. The assortment will be very extensive and complete. comprising ak least two hundred, and arty carriages. Iron the oat manufacturers of this city, and WI/SPICA' ten. Delaware. Mr Alergick'e invoice alonewlii 'Lucinda near one hundred carriages. The Carriages) will be arranged and opened for °gaud - Bali= reveral days previous to sale. which will pod tively take place on the above day. withont regard to Weather ALFRED AL HERNNIIdB. atli Slit nuottoneer._ OS.A GE OR A NOE SEED. A Emslll.o% of FREW BUD int received, and for sale by D LANDRITH & SON. ere. Al and A 3 death *MTS. Street. WANTS. BOARDING. PERSONAL. LOST AND FOUND. LEGAL. AUUTIOI4 SALE. G R OVER' S CHESTNUT-STREET THDATBIL LBONABD GROVRE MUlfekllll. ALSO ol+ GROVItR'iI THRATRE WAHINGTON. THIS (SATURDAY) AFTZliffoolt. APril GRAND peanut' ifATIVIBB MOTARTAISIMIT, troon which oommion a new Tendon of the beenttfat Drama entitled AN CRON, will be produced. In F which Kra. CECILE Stfig will kppear for the first time in men? years in this city. THIS (Saturday) EVENING. Ayrtl 2. / Sixth time of Boncicanlt'e gnat American Dream the OCTOROON, OCTOROON. MBS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARON +3.+- STREET THUMBS. POSITIVELY LOT EIGHT OF MB. ♦DID MB*. MAIMPEY WILLIAMS. TO•ISIGHT. SATITRDAL AnTO Td. ELL HALLOW EVE. Body O'Connor Barney William Kitty Killeen Wra Barney Williams. YANK COURTaH Barney Mre. Barney William, THE OMNIBUS. Pat Rooney Barney Williams. On MONDAY. the great play of ROSINDALB. Re. imearanee of MRS JOHN DR.sw. Price s as urn al. Curtain risen at .7k,' oleloek. Our Jemims WALN TIT. STREET 111 - EATBIL TEIB (Saturday) EVENING April 2. Sixth night of MISS LAURA 111111wIL who, with her New York company. Win appear lit TWO SPLENDID MEM. MISS LAURA If BELIE cc RAM3EI. THE Ene:Pala. received lan night by an appreciative audience with moat unbounded marks of approbation. hII S LAURA KEENE as Widow Cheertir. In Cherry's bps utiful comedy of the SOLDIER'.. art *RTES. Box Offic , open from A fill. Commence 7X. MESeRY, CROSS AND ! I ARVIS WILL GIVE THEIR THIRD sOIRRE OF . CLASSICAL, MUSIC FOYER OF THE ACADEMY . OF MUSIC, ON FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 8 GRAND LITERARY AND MIISICIAL SOIREE BY THIS ALUMNI OF THE 01KW_HIGH AND NORM §CROOL. OF ACADEMY OP MC .411. MONDAY EVENING. Aral 11, IRE& At VAAL o'clock. . . Reserved Seve can be °bitable! at Gould's Matto Store. corner of Seventh and Chestnut. without extra charge Proceeds for the Sanitary GOMIX118A:011. CONCERT DALE, J. W. WILDER FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! CONLINTSN(II NG MONDAY Fxr.s 'NO. April 4..1914 t4MMONS. MIEA('.UI OOS .!LL1213(03116T, TEE NESTOR 121!? AkT, _ AND AtITODRAT OF l'll% BHALMs OF MAGIC. FROM THE OPERA HOUSES AND THEATREE OF tsollDOtt the Cidea and Omuta of , :enttnental Europe. Aus tralia. China, and from the Courts of the TYCOONS AND 3iliiil)ll4 JAPAN. . . Firm which Le brings testimonials which tncoutestl bly demonstrate him to be th,. GREATEST MASTER OF OCMILT MYSTERY wbo has ever visited the shores of America. In order to MVP full eff,ct to the WONDERFUL PERFORMAt./CES of this most extraordinary A tint, CONCERT HALL will be colayerte4 OZIR I IMMENSE iDLOR, from which will he Agen the Illusory Miractss And NOVEL T, CRS u'AD DRESS of the GREAT SIMMONS. aided by • NO OLITTERIISI, APPARATUS. abetted by NO CONFEDERATES. The repertoire of ibis MaGNIPOTENT ARTIST embraces A TBOUSAND ILLUSIO3S. which will defy the comprehension of the moat astute, nullify the perception of the 'shrewdest. and battle the knowledge of the wont scientific, in.. eluding the meet beautiful and royeterl one of the foto performed by 'THE SORCERERS OF CHINA AND JAPAN, including the GREARJT PA EFL SE HT P O L T N E A B E TUEMFYLT.ERY; the most Pleasing. graceful. and beautiful feat ever witnessed; and . . . . . LE SABOT JAP ►PISSsa OR. TOP•SPINNINO ON A SINGLE THREW Toge Goer wilt an expose of ASTOUNDING DECEPTIONS practised by MODERN SPIRILTTALMTS AND CHARLATANS. ix cludfue the BLoOD• RED WETTING ON THE &BM; OR, BONOTOBRACHIGEADRY: AND TRE WRITING BY TittE INVISIBLE RAND, seemingly traced by 11ADIIII FINGERS, and apparent', THE CALIGIRAPHY OF 'FEE DEAD, For further particulars see pamphlets Admission Gallery. ..00coats. IA i-laaa-La.l digi'eii 7 nnder ten 9014211 Doors open at 7; Seeance at 8 o'clock ASSEMBLY BUILDING, TENTH ADD CHESTNUT STREETS - TB& MONARCH OF MABI , HANS6 WYMAN, WYMAN, WYMAN. WYMAN. WYMAN. WYMAN. WYM AN, WYMCX. In his Select and Entertaining Matinees and SOireeB de Prestidigitateur. THE PRESTEDIGITATEUR, THE PRESTIDIGITATEUR, - WIZARD, AND inINTRILOQIII3T. WIZARD, /ND vzNrßiLoclursr. Will appear in one of his choice Exhibitions THIS AFTERNOON, THIS AFTERNOON, To commence at 3 o'clock. To commence at 3 o'clock. And also in a grand Soiree Prestidigitation. TO-NIGHT, To-NIGHT, To NIGHT. TO.IIIGHT, TONIGHT, TO-TIGH r. TOM KING'S EXCELSIOR CIRCUS, MARKET. above TWELFTH Street. The great Spanish Artiste SENORITA LOL &LEH MAN. will appear during this week in some of the moat attractive scenes of classical equestrianism. A rich pro. gramme also. by the entire Excelsior Trorme. kfatines on WM:11/ . 1,80AV and SATURDAY •FTARNOONS commencing at 2 . ,ti o'clock ; soening, (pnter before o'clock. Admission 25 cents Stage SE ats, 20 cents. mh2B 1w CARL WOLFSOHN Rom:warnll, announce! hie FOURTH CLASSICAL SOIREE, To take place on TUESDAY EVEMIDIO, April 5, 1684.. FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. When he will be assisted by THEO. THOMAS. THEO. HAMMERER. A. /2003ENBIIIIABIL THEtt. ANION% Single tickets, $l. Can be had at the door on the eve ning, and previously at the Music Blom, Doom open at 7; commence at S. SHINGTON HOSE COMPANY'S ANNUAL BALL, 3N'ICAL FUND HALL, MON DAY EVENING. April 4, 1884. Tickets. *1 Master of Coremonite — nomas M'Oulloust. Floor Managers—George Warner. William Dongaton. Aeslstant Floor Managers —Joh a T. Duckett, Jesse 'Jen sen, George W. Allen. John Clark, John Kenney, Frede rick Breyer. Treasurer—James E. Kryder. apl.3t• 308. J. RYAN, Secretary. VLEVENTH.ST. OPERA HOUSE. AA "THE FAMILY RESORT," CARIICROSS AND DIXIVS MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLIe. In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing. Laughable no league% Plantation Scenen, Sco. etc., by TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTE. EVERY: EVENING THIS WERE 'rickets 2.5 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. f027-Sm J. L. CARNOROSS. Business Nallagelf. THE GREAT PICTURE AT CONCERT HALL LEOTURE ROOM For a short seas o n..' - 014431 EVABY EVENING Pow A. J. Immo Williams' celebrated PANORAMA OF PRE. BIBLE This. ts the most complete and finished Painting of sacred - scr zntltrte 111. the world. comprising over tiff; the th e at si/Br i nc e API) Tlngmmo NUM th j . , tsand years of Biblical Illgtollr. Of Ile firth. throe lttlact exhibitions , of the Ur forming altogether one th.e half past 7 0 *le& UPI N EVE.RY EVENING Admission 215 cents. - N. B. Matinees on Wednesday a.d..x Eutnrday afttv tonne. at 3 o'clock. Admission for Children It cents. OERNIAIsir A. ORCHESTRA..—pErard REHEARSALS every SATURDAY. et 3 o'cloek, , at the kIUdICAL FUND HALL. Single ticked 445111145. Packages of six tickets, $l. To be had at A.W. DES'S. .1.1.04 CHESVIDT Street, J. GOULD, SI, TENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door. ften4t pENNSN LVA NI 4_ ACADEMY CSC THE FINE ARTS, .110915 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M.. N.O 6 P. H. ♦ azateelon 29 cents. Children half price COPARTNERSHIPS, THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO FORE existing between Messrs. B. P. IFILL & CO. ii this day dissolved by mutual consent, in the with drawal of SAMUEL P. IFILL therefrom The businese will be continued at the old stand. 11 Z. corner of T3STU and OHESTAIIT Streaks, under the title of C. X. STOUT &CO: O. M. STOUT & CO. Philadelphia, April 1et,11361. NOTICE. -THE FIEM OF READ & CO. , Bankers, le this day die•olved by mutualeon- EMlt The bneiname will ba settled by either of the an• dersigned. H A. READ, JAMES M PATTER- The undersigned will continue business as Broker, at Nor. 42 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia JAMBS M. PATTED. Philadelphia. Pa , April 1, ltifit ap THE UNDERSIGNED HERESY PUB LISH the terms of a Limited Partnership, which. they have formed in compliance with the laws of Pada sylventa. ' First. The name of the firm under which the said part nership is to he conducted is GEORGE V. NIIVILLE Second. Ihe general nature of the business inter ded to be tralleactesi by the said firm or partnership Is the. GOSiltildeloN PIIODUOP, Third, They General Partner of the said firm is GEORGE V. NaVILLE residing at Hoirus,isutg. In the !Twenty-third ward of the city of Plalladelp:, to, and tha Special Partrer is JOHN WHITENS:T. melding at 316 South Tenth street. in the city of Philadelphia, Fourth The said Special Partner has contributed• to the common stock of the said firm the sum of five thou sand dollars. Fifth, The said partnership shall commence on the first day of Janury, in the year of oar Lord one thon sand eight hundred and sixty-four. and shall term•nate on the tint day of December. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. GEo V. NEVILLE. JOHN WHITEN &N. 'Witnees at signing, JongWert,. apt St Waggmig WEST CHESTER. AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD. VIA MEDIA. SPRING ARRANGEMENT—CHANGE OF DEPOT. On and atter FRIDAY. April 1. 1861. the trains will leave Pnlledelphla, from epot corner of THIRTY FIRST and 1111.11KST Strgoic ! ( Welt Pitiiadelphia.l at 8 and UM A. M.. andat23o. .4 30. and 0 40P, M. Leave West Chester at 6'20. 7.95 and 11 A M., and at 2 and 445 P. M On Sundays leave Philadelphi aalB3o A. M.. and 2.50 P. Id Leave West Chester at BA. M. and 4:30 E. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 4.30. P Id connect at Pennelton with trains on the P. and B. 0. It for Concord, Irennetk, Oxford, &0., dro. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggage. and in no ease will the Comp anbe liable. for any amount exceeding DM. .HIIIIIIT WOOD. apl General uperintendent. Ana BOSTON AND PHILAADBL. WHIR EITRIANSHIP LINZ. IMMO rro port. faEIRDAYS, from trai. Whorl libooro m M litroiit, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf. Boston. The steamship NORMAN. Cart. Baker. will sal/ from Philadelphia forJiloston on lietorday, April D. at ISt riclotir A. M..• and steamship Capt. Matthews. from Boston for Philadelphia on same day at 4 P. Y. Thinil ROW mkd pntbstantial steamships foiMsa Moho Uwe, mailing from snob port ranetnallyonnasurnays. Inane= sweated at ono.haLf the 'realm eharts4l on sail Freight. taken at Ms rate& indprers guyrea¢ pd tO mead MI. Siboototo mad SW. ; Labatt With that! eate r por Sreouht or Piumato thuagyl441 1 011SIOaSolo OA 0). . " DIY t° SIM South DILAEI Avows. lota ma or i i=j l , FOR ALBANY AND TROY, VIA DELAWARN AND RADITAN CANAL. —The Barg_e HAPPY RETURN, Cu rt ABM , Barns. is new imolai et gm Wharf Wow &Irma Street, for the above note* and will leave on BaTQB DAY, al do'cloeh P. X Po) freight. which will be taken coo reearle terms. aDvlx to D. L. FLANS.° . Agent. No. 304 South DELAW Avenue. LAID - 111 . h, OIL CLOTHS, AND WIN DOW SHAD'S -New stock of EngkWh Carpetsrat received, and for sale cheap. at W. 1:1411AGWIL Wm 447 North SBOOND @ treat, holey Noble. est whll-144* ..»-Ma.oq~r 81A$ 0 1{