wet, below Hlsth. B B Bateman, Hew Jersey JasJ Hlgtinson. Boston D WUkowOci. Hew York 8 Harlan, Hew York Chas H Siiaw, 8 Francisco Mr Fickey. Jr. Baltimore Chas H Craven F H Crandall H C Penton H M Hamilton, Freehold A A Kendall. Boston J P Matquard. Jr, N York Jas Gordon, Ind , . Jas W Tufts, Medford E F Jnaningp, O A Heffeton, Uroana. O A Bern. New Fbilada, U Geo C Eckert, US A M V Hauett, U 8 k jnyß d, Michigan W W B wr, Clarion W L Corbett) Clarion T FI Wilson W w Irwin, Harrisburg H MeWalters. Harrisburg A L Baker. Leavenworth J D McKee, Pittsburg < W P Smnll, Harrisburg J«mes Hender*on, N Y PS Wilson, Bellefonro C B Horth, Le wist own B N Morton, Delco, Pa cbas Middleton, Del co Levi L Brigham. U S N A II Curtiss, Boston A Thompson. Maryland W Miller, Baltimore W Ward. Chester. Pa A B MoCalmot, USA Cbaries Ripley, S Y C H Ripley, Hew York A W Thompson, H Y J C Gates. Germantown Hon JR Morris. Ohio T McNamara. Hollidayeb’g Pergt J Pa?ris H Johnson A la. Boston Mrs a P Plunkett, Wash’n HMStIUe, USA S Perkins. Baltimore Themas Harris Baltimore George B Pomeroy T Y Brown, Bea-iiox H Chee>bro» New Fork James E Edwards. N x N D Fowler. Penna E H Baers. Danville. P» D Davie, New Jorb G H Harkins, New York IChcstnut.tr ifarriebnrg rr. Lancaster yer, USA Fbilft . New York ier. USA Georgetown & wf.lnd aa, Ind rsly, lad rickett, DBA. . Altoona mi g tiaxaiv;. Baltimore TnaacS Jones, Baltimore "W Careys Baltimore Tourf Evison, Baltimore S G Hemingway, Wash Col B P Smith & wf. USA 3 Knapp Washington . John Thomas. Alexandria Dr Dyers, U 6 H Isaac McNulty, Jersey Xient Maiinnis T B Jordan. Penna J FLeamia. Hew Jersey K Ludlam, ff« w Jersey S Allen. Chicago J X Grier, Danville A 8 Knecht, Easton V B Hummel. Harrisburg e Q Nielee, Baltimore S Schott _ B B Payne, Few York j B Parsons g Gardner n n Grubb, Lftnea&ter Jacob Singer. Harrisburg K b Coleman* U & A * m Sherman, Hew York Mrs J B Beck, Hew 1 ork - 0 1 y b Bmbick, Hew York r J Fox. Easton Mrs A W Thompson, H Y C S Stones. Hew York ME Flanagan. Hew York 5 q Brown, Penna Sapt J S Warner. Penna j b Grout A la. Hew York S B Oeoojne. Delawa v e ? R WeitzeL. Mauch. Chunk IF H Armstrong, Easton WGauley, Baltimore S H Bichard, Hew York IL McAboy, alletbeny t A Lovett, Hew York rohnG Arey. How'S ork ) C Bellon. Hew York ' E Butterfield. Pitt*burg >avid 8 Hart. Hew York *t»nt iti above I W Duffv, Philada IA C Tall man, New Jersey D Worrallt New Jersey F Ea-k ft w, New Jersey a. H Blaisdell, Maryland Ja& T Dickerson, New York fci J Christ, D 8 A Rick, Jr, Sealing W W Schuyler Easton Tho* P Davis, USA A W Fellow*, Luzerne co A Sisson, Mass 8 Dyer, New Jersey Theo A Sterling. D S A H De Ford ft lady Marcus Vidal f$ a HaywaTd Jas G Wright. Penna Thos G Thomas, Harriab’g •amael Jack S Gower, New Jersey _ Thos Paterson, New Yor* ■ John Gorman, Boston Jame*> Joryee. New York {Tfcon Sallivaa, New York: i Jas Webster : John Scott !G Alien,Baltimore ! <’api J B Cochran, U S A J*s Thompson, New York !Mi>s Jennie Parker, N Y I w J Williams New York Capt A B Molen ft wf, N J Htis HAMolen. Trenton J G Phillips, Kentucky J H Sanders Kentucky S N Skinner, Boston John A Fulton, Boston, bnerican Hotel-Chei II Barton. Delaware co lames McCarty A wf 3CBUI.USH rhomae B Bentley lacob Wagner , , , lohnC Crale. Maryland lames Bntier. USA D Jackson r W Bennington 1 Broom. Washington I Wilson __ . ? Hooper, Jr, USA 3 J Albright Phiiada tßichaxcson, Baltimore 5F H Redden, Illinois 1 Levi eon. Hew York G A Btgerscn.Hew York Wm Anderst n. Penna John K Brown, Delaware E Challenger. Delaware W Davl» Stroudsburg. Pa W B White. Maryland John 8 Maginnis W H HaUidaj. Boston 0 Lovett, Hew York Gao 0 Scott. Illinois Senj Pierce. Chattanooga A T Sehropp. Bethlehem, Pa Cbas 8 tan ton. Hew York D H Barnet,Newark.H J J W Bennington 23 R Waterman I t> TMo JH«y. USA „ Xient W B Jvhcson.TJ S A W 8 Warner HM Sutton. Delaware ,Taa H Sutton, Delaware Wm Gencher. Wath, D C mrtli St* below Axcb. M Hamlin, Boston Hon iH Goffroth, Somerset E R Mart. Columba*. 0 J Allen & son. Steubenville G G &sh, Delaware F J Pdarce J Beed. Mercer, Pa J Thompson & la. IT Y T O. Hara&la. Binghamton Mrs R Baleomb, Binghamton Mrs E Q Goodrich, Penna J H Case, St Louis Silas Alden, Bangor J Aehem, Pittsburg D ZolKrs, Ohio J Schilling, New York G 8 Kitcham, Jersey City J B Roberts. Steubenville £ R Xian. Steubenville iG G launders. B idenburg j J B Hogkins- Bridesbarg |L L Logan H Wyltenbaek, USA j H B McCauley ! J G Getz. Lancaster, Pa iT F Sharpnaek. Salem. O :wHSharpiiick, Salem. O ;J A fir-dun, Illinois ! Ja* S Barnerd, Illinois iD 8 Metzgar. Port Brron,lll ! F P*liner & la- Wilcesbaxre I'J <'■ E-ett, Jr, Pittsburg ! B W Miller, Pittsburg !a W Adams, New York Merchants’ Hotel—P < EFHonvr, Fchley p Graetf. Pittsburg A N Wood- Kfittoa Jon L J C Elmer. H J TTanzer, Hew York W Johnson. USA r Sharp, USA Macon, USA C Haynes Boston i B Aldridge. Jr. Maryland > W Mead, W Acton, Moss V MeGomber. Boston J Beam. Hew Paris, O 7 D Jay. Hew Paris. O lent W F fcilvernead, USA J Smith. Penns* Ivania ALThompson. Washington ’W A Goreman, Washington J L Hunt, Athens, Tenn j L Hunt. Jr. Athens, ?6nn; JBKoch, Ohio £ F Heouser. USA I Bient C McKinstry. H J I B Godfrey. Pittsburg i Lias B t rr A la, Orretown wus u V4l »» la, ■>-'” “ C Burnett, Stroudsburg k Pervllu, Peoria. 11l ; A WBaynJcnd.Frankiin.Paj j c GeUenaorff.lEdiaa&pobe! "W H Lilly. Alient« wn j OH Myers A eon. Easlon *? S Bragdon, Boston "Cbas H Gass, Boston M Aronson A la. Pittsburg street, above Third, Hr & Mrs J C Steel, N York J Hendley, Baltimore W ft St Clair, Lancaster DrHM Wells, DSN B J Carr, Scranton, Pa W Tewht'bary,Ssxanton,Pa Mrs M. J Wit ton. £1 Jersey J H Poor, Haverhill EB Bigler, Ohio D Foley, Pennsylvania M Pratt J H Kingley W Van Aukin C Alien, Net? York J Hayaley S Richardson, U S N J H Hryaa, U S At JSWilcox, Wash,DC IC Hall, Boston E 8 Foster, Wash, D G O L Davis A Horner, Baltimore S Horne*, Baltimore , J N Boopall | J J£ Bichardson |C Mange, Jr, Baltimore St, Louls—Cheitnut & S Cadmus A wf. H J _A C Yatef. Hew York "F Patterson. Hew Jersey W Van Aukin ,t gtebbins- Harrisburg B Blske J p Burba A la. Chicago \Z Steeve*. Wash, DC 1 Lutkenhous. Reading S G Walker A son, Reading *T B Badway, Bedford co JBBoiles, Hew London, Ct S 6 Hand- Hew London, Ct HBees. Hew York !T Wilkinson, WellevlUa, O J B Plotter. St Louis J S Irick, Yincentown, H J Col WB Murphy. H Jersey s Stockton,-Boxdentown,flJ <5 Winscck Ala. Hew 1 ork J Brennegan. Wilm, Del G B Judion.lHew Yolk W B Henderson A wf, H Y ,JS Miller, Brooklyn 8 T Bose. Harrisburg- H Bronson, Troy, H x itreet) above Clresnut* » Jno F ranee, Delaware co J B. Vanhorn, Doylestown A Jones, USA Benj Stephens. TJ 8 A Miss Lv on. Port De posit, Md r W O Walker, W S W Treat, New York J H Lytle. Maryland Mies Lyons, Maryland ! Herbert Page. TT S a Wm Walker Wilm. Del W M Holt. Wilm, Del W H Brown, Delaware John Qaisrc Jos Btewart, Boston ft F Bennett, Boston Jas Smith, Boston Geo Williams, Boston L C Miller, USA D R Clemens, Chester co Commercial—Sixth, st o W Landreth,Lancaster co T W Sweney. Beading A Brittain, Penna J Leidy, Clinton co IE S Bartholomew, Penna CBpt A McGitttgen, Chester J L Brown* Baltimore Capt W G Dunn, USA Geo Barlan, Bikton, Md Peter Heating. USA ! Win Cox. Hew York John-Wix, Hew York Jas Bfciuhue. Hew York L Deimor«, Sew York ? Fellows,' Kew Y oik liehd Murphy. New York iVm Overend, Cincinnati i P Overend, Cincinnati Foote ft la. Chester co Fohn McGowen, USA Yteaton Morris reety above Third. D Radman. Reading G Parker. Mauch Chunk W Lotard, Tamaqna, Rational—Rnceati J F Morris, Wash, D C PMcCJuie&la, Boston J Aiiman, Pottsville <3 Latham. Pottsville J Pouty. Potts vilJe J F Kjeineiiina, Pottsville W Hcllwrsib, Pottsville i S E Stein, WaaHicxtoa. D C • R Keller. Centre Bill, Pa SF Baber. Penna .. Abteil. Troy, 0 X. Bounds, Maryland. J McCarty, Wash, D G A Anderson & la, U S A B K Warford, Doylestown S Grubb, Centre co, Pd J 8 Flimbreek. New Berlin J J Shouk, Plymouth NPeiar. Wheeling, Va D Nag-e, Pottsville D G Matthews, Pottsville Bald Eagle-Third street, above Callowliill, B Barlzoe, Easton | G Herixog. Allentown fhas A Fiey. Easton ! W K Peter, Saegersville Henry Neeld. Bucko co j D M Eveland. razaaqua Isaac K BriggsM Chunk iSebasrian Poh ’•'wen A Mitier, Lehigh co iEdw Hocker SPECIAL NOTICES. Gray Hair and Baldness Prevented.— Gray Hair Restored. Gray Hair Restored. Baldness Prevented. Baldness Prevented. London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. Restores Gray Hair without Dyeing. TMb discovery for the preservation of the human hair is taking the lead of all h:dr preparations; besides re* storing the color, and making hair grow on bald hwads, il ls a beautiful dressing, keeps the hair soft, smooth, and flexible: removes any eruptive disease, itching, scruff, dandruff. Ac. W* ay -who -were bald and gray cave h*d their lair permanently restored. Only one preparation. Price £0 ctnts Six bottles, $2.50. Sold, wholesale and retail, by Dr SWiYNE & SON, Ho. 330 North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. It Hoyt's Hiawatha Hair Restorative HOYT’S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT’S HIAWaTHa HAIR P.ESTORiTIVB. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA. HAIR RESTORATIVE. In Longfaliow’s Pcern Hiawatha was adjudged to have conferred the greatest- boon on his tribe because he brought to ita notice corn. Every one will admit that our preparation is worth;.- of the name, for the benefits St confers when It is known- WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOES. It restores faded and i' ay hair and whiskers to their original color. It bringe up the natural shading of one ba!r With another, tint* giving the hair a perfect life ap pearance, so that liißioost critical observer cannot de tect its ufe. It ma» es harsh hair soft and silky, stops its falling out, it and th* scalp from all imparities, 3s as readily applied &i.d wiped from the skin as any hair dressing, and entirely uvercomes the bad effects of pre vious use of preparations containing sulphur, sugar of lead, Ac The proprietors of the Hiawatha published the follow lug challenge to ie*t in the Sew York dailies thro* Weeks, which WAS MEYER ACCEPTED: Let some well known and disinterested parsons ap point one to the proprietor of each prepaiation for the bait to bring op tbe color. Every proprietor to use no thing but his own preparation, and the person nothing else during the A certificate of the result to be Widely published at the e> pense of the unsuccessful com petitors > old every where JOfcEPH HOYT & GO,, iahl9-ly . IO University Plaee, Hew York. Electricity carefully applied by Dr, A. H. STEVENS, at 141 H SOUTH PEHN SQUARE, Phi ladelphia. mhS-tf One-Price Clothing, op the Latest fsrn*sa, made in. the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST felting Prices marked In Plain figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfae dory. Our One-Prick Ststem i« strletly adhered to. All axe {hereby treated alike. deSS-ly JONES <* CO.. 604 MARKET Streak Mason Stick & Co’s HaMLIN'S Fi FrP CABINET ORGANS. 3TBOK & 00.’ SEVENTH The Popular Clothing House OF FhilA., "OAK HALE.” Best-clsi** iood. aad moderate prleSA wanamaker i, BBowir. 8 B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Qutom Department (to make to order) Vo. 18. Sixth It. Vsebleb A Wilson’s Highest Vhejiix’M The Cheapest, Simplest, and Best, Salesrooms. 70, Chestnut Street above 7ffi. ...Ds CORDY-—IIoU. I eCordy.aaed 23 rear.,tat. Actin* Third As h ft. N.. of dieaaee contrac d Grille serviutr hi* country, in Charleston harbor His friends ars le-p-ulul y inrited to attend his 'n- Aeral, ou Monday March 21st. at ths rsßidsnce of his father. 311 Catharine stres: at 12 M., to proceed to Jnest hnt wharf, ther.es to orf-.lk. Va eea ” J a K s I f!l B 1 i K -T 011 h “l 1 . • Qoorge Bred. Kimber. Co. ft 20th hegimeit Penns. Cavalry, In the 18th year of AM Sfe. Thar*l alive* and friend* of the family are invited -o attend the :unerai from 7d6 *>uth Tenth street, on Tue i lan<iB tb * 224 lnBt * £t 10 M To P*««eed to the Woo’, Seventh day, the 19th last., John nJJii re^a tive« and friend* are invited to attend his fa asm o a Third day, the 221 inst., at U o'clock a. at , from the residence of his sister. Mary M. Palmer. Can- C °Ac’KE^B.MAN?—°0n Saturday morning. Maroh 19th. after a lingering illness. Mart C., wife of Clinton M, Aekerxnan. In the 22dyear of her a^ge. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, on Thursday morning next, at 10 o'clock, from the residence of her parents, on Fifth street, above Cooper, Camden, M, J, «* BACBB —On Saturday, lfajch 19,1851. Franklin B&ohe, M Th« fnnerftl eerylce will take place at Uuthouaeon Tuesday, at UK o clock precisely. Interment at Laurel GBAFLT.—On SundaTmorniiu. them tart., Samuel ®P? or Chris* opheT and Ann Graft?, a relatives a pd friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, to meet at Rt Thr»m ««■ WMtemarak, Pa? on’ May MiSS’jU al residence of "or \i?r. W ? K i o v to^r n ' Cheater conn tv. Pa., Caroline of her B ag*' ° f Jolm Hn S ll »- in the thirty-ninth year t U ohn FT Deah 6 6Teßing of >Bth inst., Ann H.. wife i 'f ha relative, and frlecds of the family are reipectfn'l y i invited to attend her funeral, from her haaband’e rest ?*• M® North Sixth street, on Tn.eday mornlnt, wltnont fnrthernetice. “ . hBJ.LKS. —March 18, at the residence of Rev. C W. ifhaffer, Cermantown, at half past 7A. M.. Bav. T. A M. Keller, pastor of St James’ Lutheran Church, Kaad fee relatives and friends of the family ajewspectfally invited to accompany the remains to Heading. Tuesday morning, March 22, at 8 is. on special car. Die L.—tin the e renin*or «■* M»i }”f s -- F af( S' a 1 ,lll>rt but painful illnet*. Ann H., wife of John F. Deal. t Htt iSBIKEIT—f > the 18th inst., Mrs. tfSS^wtdew'ofthelate George Hlrneisen, Esq The reTativra and friends of the family are respectfully Intithd to attend herfnneral. from her late residence. No. 1222 Walnut street, on Monday morning, the 21st inst. at “kellle. -March 18th, 1884. at the residence of HeV C w. Schaeffer, Germantown, at half past seven A. M., v'ev. F. A. M. Keller. Pastor St. Jame*’ Lutheran Church. Reading. Remains will be taken to Reading. ** AODBNBIED.— On the evening of the 15th inst., Mrs. AsnaC., relict of the late Lewis Audenrled, in the 88th y*ar of her age. - The relatives and Mends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence. 512 North Seventh street, on Monday afternoon, 21st Inst.« at 2K o’olcck, without farther notice. To proceed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. **** Weekly Deaths and Intermeni the 12 tl CAUSES OF PEATS. Asthma • . Asphyxia* aiuenla. ♦ »*•• Apoplexy. •••' Burns and Scalds***' Cancer •**•••• •V of the Colon • • • * Uterus. I •* of Stomach-. Casualties • ♦*» Croup.* •••**••••»»•♦•* Congestion of Brain.. Lungs Cexebro- Spinal Me ningitis Consumption, Lungs. ** Bowels Concussion, Brain... Cow ulsionc. ...*••♦•• Cyasosis Diphtheria* •< Dlarrhcca * • • • Dropsy-* • * - Brain Disease of Brain. * * Heart. “ Liver. 14 Lung.... 44 Bladder *• Hip. Drowsed. Dysentery Debility*** Debauch.. Effusion on Brain. . Erysipelas, .... ...... Eularrement, Heart. Bmiyeina**..... Fracture of Skull***. ** Leg..--..* Fever. Catarrhal.**. ** Malignant. -- " Hervous.,.... Total*...— or THB ABO' Under 1 year...*'*'* From 1 to 2«...«». “ 2 to 6 ** 6to 10 “ 10 to 15... 16 to 20...... ” 20 to 30 * 30 to 40.-*.—....... SI Total.. “ 40 to 00 311 WARDS. | WARDS. j WARDS First. .27-Tenth 13 {Nineteenth Second [Eleventh 12 Twentieth.•.« —23 Third ..**-*-9 Twelfth...ll Twenty-first..... 8 Fourth —l7{Thirteenth...... 6 Twenty-second.. 8 Fifth 13:Fourteenth 19 Twenty-third. ...12 Sixth...... 9 Fifteenth 23 Twenty-fourth..S3 Seventh..... 21 Sixteenth 12 Twenty-fifth.... 9 Eighth.... 7 Seventeenth 16 Unknown....——2o Ninth SI Eighteenth 17 T0ta1.... Deduct deaths from the country.—... »—— Ifet deaths In the city... 375 Nativity—United States, 297; Foreign, 76; Unknown, 22. From the Almshouse, 12; People of Color, 28; from the country, 20. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond ing week 0f1863 and of last week, was as follows: week ending March 2 ! , 1863. was 264. Week ending March 12.1861. waß ?S6. . Malts, 222; Females, 173: Boys. 116; Girls. 98. Deaths and interments of soldiers, 26, By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM BEAD. Health Officer. fVESSON&SON H. Tpoelviuc their Spring an DffG GOODS. andhayenow Black Byzantines, “ yloTentines, “ Barege Hetn&nl, ** Crape Hareta, '* Bareges, 1 ‘ Slli Grenadines, Black, and. Black anc T>EST BLACK SILK IN THE CITY. H Best Brown. Silks. Spring Fancy Silks. Paris stile Cbenie* London style Shawls. Broadway style Cloaks. BYES k LANDELL. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, GENERAL THOMAS FRANCIS MEAGHER Will deliver an Oration on GENERAL MICHAEL CORCORAN, Tfce Tine Irishman, the Loyal Citizen, and Bravo Soldier, ON MONDAY EVENING, March 21st, at 8 o’clock, for the Benefit of the COOPER-SHOP VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT SALOON. Tie JEFFERSON CORNET BAND has volunteered 1U services for the occasion, and will discourse a choice selection of Music, including the National Airs. Admission 25 cents. Reserved Seats £0 cents. Doors open at 7>£; Oration commences at 8 o’clock. The Sale of Tickets will commence on and after Mon day. Harvh. 14th, fit Ashmead A Bvans’. 794 CHEST NUT Street, and at the ACADEME, on the Day and Eve ning of the 21st. Also, at the Cooper-Shop Saloon, 1009 OTSEGO Street. mhl4-7c APPIiICAVION WILL BE MADE let to the Managers of the MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY for Renewal of Certificate of one share of Mock. No. 2490, standing in the name of WILLIAM 8. BaX5£L, the same haring been lost or mislaid. It* c HURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, SPRING GARDEN, below Broad street— PaS falON WEEK. —Divine service and sermon every eve. sing this week, at 7J-* o’clock. “The Holy Commu nion* 1 on THURSDAY EVENING, Divine service aud Btxnon on GOOD FRIDAY, at 11 A, M. Strangers ar» cordially invited. . It* MONUMENT CEMETERY. —NO- fbCb TICE -An assessment of SIXTY GENTa on each and every Lot in th® Cemetery <not heretofore exempted from laxation) will be due and payable at the Offi-se of the Cem* r ery, No. 141 North bIX rH Street, on the first day Of APRIL next. The payment of FOUR DOLLARS AND FORTY CENTS on any one Lot, together with the aesessmsnte now due, will exempt the tame from taxation or assessment for ever hereafter if paid before tbe first day of April next. If paid after that time, the assessment then falling due must be paid In addition, _ . mh2l-tapl E. TAYLOR, Secretary. UNIVERSITY OP PENNSYLVANIA. (DEPARTMENT OF ARTS) —The Examination of the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman Claeses. at the close of the Second Term, will be held in the following MONDAY. March 21st.—From 9 to 11. Juniors-, by Professor Keidall (Differential Calculus), and Sop'io ?nor«** by Professor Frazer (Chemistry of the Metalloids), written. From 11 to 1, Freshmen, by Professor Allen (Herodotus), oral. #BI . TUESDAY, 22d. —From 9 to 11, Sophomores (Trigo ncmetry). and Freshmen (Algebra), by PiofesHor K*?n dalJ, written. From 11 to 1, Juniors, by the Provost (Intellectual PhL'otophy), oral. ■WEDNESDAY, 23d —From 9 to 11. Juntor* (Javen&l), and Sophomores (Cicero de l?Aoectnje),by Professor Jack son. written. From 11 to 1, Freshmen by Professor Cop ore (Hbfrvy). oral. THURSDAY, 24th.—From 9 to 11, Juniors, by Profes sor Frazer (Dynamic*). oral. From 11 to 1, Sophomores, by Profewor Allen (Thucydides), oral TUESDAY, 29th. —From nto li. Juniors by ProfnsHOr Allen (Demosthenes), or*l. From 11 to 1, Sophomores , by Professor Corpse (Logic), oral. WEDNESDAY. iOth.— From 9 to 11. Fresnmen,by Pro fessor Jackson (Horace’s Satires), oral. GEORGE ATtLhN, Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. »» EIGHTH WARD.-A MEETING OF the Citizens of the Bigiitii Ward wilt be bold on TBUR&DAY EVENING. March 24. atS o’clock, in frirsi cultural Hall. S. W. corner BEOAJ and WALNUT, to raise men and money enotgh to fill the Quota of the ward under the n*w call for 200.000. Judge Strong, General Gibbon. Colonel Biddle Hon. H. C. Garay* Keefers. Cuyler, Brewster, Gilpin, Saunders, Charles B. Lex, and other distinguished gentlemen, have been in vited and are expected to be prevent ;^ J. G. £OSSNGABTBSf, mh2l-4t Secretary Executive Com Eighth Ward. eighth wa rb national union ASSOCIATION. —An adjourned special rotating of the Association will h« held T IiiSDAT EVENING, March 22d, atS o’clock, at the Hall of Schuylkill Company. T. LoWRIE BELL, rph2l2t Secretary. < MEM OF THE FOURTEENTH ABOUSI!—ONE MORE EFFORT AND WE ABB FREB.—Women of the Fourteenth Ward, do yon want your fathers, your husbands, or your eons conscripted ? IfnatJirge th*m to give ue their countenance at our mewtingswe have avoided a Draft under the former calls of the President, and desire to do so again but the citizens must show, bn their presence that they are interetted in the resu t and not leave all the labor for & few gmtlemen in the ward, otherwise the effort will he abandoned. ■ . .. ' , v An Aojourned Meeting, irrespective of party. Will be held in SPRING GARDEN HALL on next WEDNESDAY EVENING, at 8 o’clock. Let every one that can attend. We will then determine whether to proceed or not. • FREDERICK a. Van CLBVE. President. Tiro>. B. Davis, Secretary. mbsi-st mcum TWENTY-first ward bounty FUND.—The quota of the ward for all the differ ent calls, up to the last one for 200,000 men, has beau The Bounty Fund Committee can confidently assure the citizens of the ward that the present can also, if they will come forward promptly, and famish ihe means. Do n*t wait to be called upon, hut attend tbe Mtetirp, at M*BONIC HALL, Me.na.yunk, on MON DAY bVSNIEG, March *2lst. at 8 o'clock. Lei ihr>«e who cannot attend authorize some one to an* nounce their subscriptions at the meeting. By order of Executive Committee. GEORGE A. SMITH, mL Secretary. Pianos. ESf** PAIiBSTINB AS IT WAS, AND I*3** AS IT IS; Or, Forty Days in Je u?alem By Rev. wm WHITE WILLIAMS. A. Jtf.. of New York- This lecture will ba illustrated by nine Maps, sixty rKiorps. and many oriental Costumes and Curiosities Df'hi-the holy Land. It will be given in Rev. E. E. Alr<i.rls ??oTth Broad-street Pivsbftertan Church. N. E. £°. r -S ei \.. of and GREEN Streets, on TUBS ■S 4 X: . J rl < L rc k at ?H o’clock, and in the Elevamh 8.-pf.t Ghnrcli, TWEI.FTH Sir.et, ■ ahov. Kr.ee, (P.e». J Hj-.tt Si,.lth), on THUBSDAX BYESIHO, ftt 7,’i ° clcck del9-4t pianos. J. E. GOULD, and CHESTNUT. gsr l I -<> * 9KIOI.DBHS •Tfv 1 ,‘‘P 'ME LMIGH COAL AND NiVi- GAiION COMPaHT, f hii.ahsi.vhia March 19. IBM. *fo all hoJd*r« of Certlftcates of LOas or FITVDBn DEKT . f "THK LBHIQH COAL ANB ATIOI COMPANY,’ - secured by their Mortgage of March 7, 1S TheLßHirjH COAL AND NAVIGATION COHPANY having determined, under authority conferred by Le gislative enactments, to issue a new Mortgage Loaa, having twenty years to run, from the first of April, ]Sd4, and bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, payable quarterly: , ~ Notice is hbeebt givex, that holders of the present existing Loan of the Company will be permitted to ex change their Certificates for Certificates of the new Loan, at car* Provided* notice of their intention to do so is t /ehih or hefore TDESDAT, the 19th of Ami,. MM. te^eWh? Sl Byorder of the Board of mhßl-St Troaenrer. M- THK GREAT CKHTRAX. FAIR k!» office of the Committee on Labor Incomes Sdßevenueß,”No. 118 South SEVENTH gtieet,Phila delphia The undersigned will be at the office as above TO DAY, from 10 to 4, to tarnish information and receive . D hs„i P «o» &N IT. GLAGHOKN, Treasurer. Subscriptions and remittances by mail daily aeknow ledged in the Philadelphia newspapers. mh!9 lm HEW EHGLAHD —A STATKD meeting of the New England Soldiers Relief As sociation will be held on MONDAY EVENING, the 2Ufc in« , at Prof. Kendall’s rooms, THIRTEENTH and LO CUST Streets, at 8 o'clock. Per order. mhW-smSt* JAS B. ALYORD, Secretary. eport of Intermenti. HsAiiTH Offiob, March 19,1064. (9 in the City of Philadelphia, from i to the 19/ft of March . CAUSES OF PEATS. Fever, Puerperal... “ Spotted....... “ Scarlet “ Typhus Halig * * Typhoid ** Petechial.... Fatty Began, Heart. Gangrene Haemorrhage, hangs. Hooping Conch Inflammation Brain “ Bronchi 4 * Heart 44 Kidneys..... * 4 Larynx ** Liver. ... “Lungs 11 Peritoneum.. 14 Sto & Bow. * 4 Throat 44 T0n5i15....... Insanity. Inanition Induration Spleen.. Intemperance....... Mauia-a-P0tu....... Malformation. .... Marasmus Measles... Mumps Neuralgia. Heart.... Obstruction, Bowels. Old Age.....-' Pa15y.......... Small-Pox.. Still-born Syphilis Suffocation .... Tetanus. Unknown... Worms. ..... Wouad«» gunshot •• ra THEEB WHRB— -76 From6o to 60. 84 “ 60 to 70. ♦ 40 44 70 to 80 S 3 “ SO te 90..... 15 “ 90 to 100 12 44 ICO 10 110. 47 2O AVE COMMENCED id Eammn Stock of MOUBN- In store— English Bombazines* French Bombazines. Sommer Bombazines. Cbally. Moosaelanes. Tamiees. White Foulards, *e. MOUBNINO STOBB, Vo. 018 GfiESTVUT Street. (gjj* ttIITSO STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. SUMMARY TO JANUARY l, 1884. Work now in PrognM in the Army ot Rest. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION ST ATI INS LARGELY IN- CREASED IN NUMBER. THE WORK ABUNDANTLY PROSPERED. Many Mora Stations Heeded to Meet tike Wants of tl»e Army* UNPRECEDENTED CALL FOR DELEGATES ASTD SUPPLIES- PRVPARATIOK FOR TIB COMING CAHPAIOIT WiTB ITS MOVEMENTS AND BATTLES. The Christian Commission depends mainly upon direct contributions, and must not be forgotten by Loyal Chna- wants demand increased libs ralitt, Receipt* of Money* Stored, &e., to January 1» 1854, $3,148,093 94. Number of Boxes of Stores, Ac., shipped to the field or distributed at home, 16 639 Dumber of Delegatee sent, 1.663. Copies ol Scripture* distributed, 668,275; Hymn and Psalm Boofcß. 602 616; Knapsack Books. 1,370.346; Li brary Books 43.163; Pamphlets. 165,145; Religions News papers, 3.31&2C0; Pages of Tracts, 22,930.428; Silent Com* loiters- 4,115. The United States Christian Commission has seized the present golden opportunity of rest for the Army to ex tend its worK for the good of the Soldiers. STATIONS nave been multiplied, each with its chapel and store tentß. free writing tables, and olothing, com forts. end rcadlncmatter for gratuitous distribution. VOLUNTARY DELEGATES, in numbers greater than ever before, have been sent to preach the Gospel at the *t»tion« and in regiments, batteries, and camps without Chaplains, distribute reading matter and stores, and labor for the good of the Soldiers A PERMANENT FIELD AGENCY has been Butfiotently extfT-ded to establish stations and superintend the work. THE BLESSING OF GO D rests signally on all parts of tbe work. Many thousands have been oi eered. bene fited and saved. Still a large part of the Army remains unreeched, and doable the number, both of stations and delegates, are seeded to meet the urgent demand for them. The Christian Commission offers to the people a par ftctly reliable and wonderfully economical channel to reach the entire Army in all its various fields. The money given goes in fall measure, in benefits for body and soul, directly to the Sotdiera, and stores also, imme diately f> om the hands of delegates from home, who add words and deeds of kindness to the gifts when bestowed. Let the people give the Money and Stores, and the work will be done. The large Corps of Delegates now in the field will serve as a grand corps of relief when the umUi shall move and battles he fought, and the vreater their number the more prompt and effective wUi be the relief they shall render. Let not the present work languish. Wait not for the cry of the wounded and dying before providing relief. Bend MOW and Bend ABUNDANTLY, both Money and Stores, and the Soldiers' blessing shall be upon you. Pend money to JOSEPH PATTERSON, Treasurer, at Western Bank, and Stores to GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman Christian Commission, 13 BANK Street. Philadelphia. W. E. Boardmak, Secretary U. S. 0.0. fe7-mthtf RELIEF ASSOCIATION FOR EAST 10» TENNESSEE. CASS RECEIPTS- Clarkson ACo $25 09 Smith ft Randolph . 25 0J Barker, Brother, ft Co 26 00 West Arch-street Presbyterian Ohmch, per Wil ted Hall, treasurer 26 00 Per A G. Cattell, accompanied by the fol lowing note: “When the fact of the great destitution among the Union people of East Tennes see was made known to the C'lrn Ex change Association that body unanimous ly resolved to give up their nsaal annual dinner, the period for which was dose at hand, and to give the amount usually expended therefor from thefandsof the Association to the gallant people who have suffered so much solely on account of their devotion to the Union and their steadfast allegiance toiour time-honored Hag.") Corn Exchange Association 209 00 Henry Wlnsor - 60 00 A G. Cattell ft C 0....— 50 00 Elias Hunsicker 26 00 C. H. Grant. 25 00 Allman ft Wenger** 26 00 John Hartman 25 00 H. H. Mearsftflon. 26 00 D. W.Herstin* —2O 00 Alexander Young 25 00 Brown ft James 26 00 Wallace ft Brown 25 00 TbeodoreC. Lewis*. 1000 Thomas Wi150n............. 10 00 J Geddes, Jr. 10 00 8 M&tiack 10 00 William C. Push ft Co 10 00 James Barrett ft Bon 10 00 C. J. Fell ft Brother..... «•*♦*-*■ 25 00 Bbarpless ftßiter - 20 00 J. S ftS. L. Perot ~ 20 00 A. Heron. Jr. »*• 26 00 23 , 18 . 18 - 12 .. 1 *. 1 Humphreys&H 25 00 Lambert Thomas ft Co.. 20 00 William Brice ft Co 20 00 Rowland A 25 00 S Alter.-.. 10 00 *uddft Coxnly **•« 20 00 W. B. Thcmas ft Co • 20 CO George B W00d...... 60 00 PeacGcb.Z . ft H.. 20 00 JohnL. Bedner —.... 10 00 Charles Knecht 60 00 Copeßrothers • 60 00 Henry Cope. 50 00 Alfred Ceps. 50 00 J. McKinetry 10 00 John Gibson. Sons, ft Co. 60 00 Richard M. Lea. 10 00 Brooke ft Pugh *•••* 10 00 DetwilerftHatranft 10 00 J. W. Bacon S 00 G J. Rogers 6 00 C Boiler v 10 CO T. L Beal 500 A.JtleßlroY 6 00 T. Wright— 6CO E. T McCaaker 5 00 J. I>. Tustan., . 500 L. G. Graeff.— •• ............ 6 00 J. J. Derbyshire. 6 00 George Keck.*.. § Q 0 T. Mackey— 5 00 8. N. Winslow 6 00 P. Scernan.... 5 00 G. C. Naphevs...... 5 00 J vryan&Co 500 j. H 10 00 1,273 00 J 25 00 German Lutheran Church. Roxboroush, Pa., per Daniel Kimber, treasurer 7 CO Pie&byterian Church, Bellefonte, Pa , per James Linn. 42 75 Presbyterian Church, Gravel Run, Crawford co., i Pa., per J W. Dickey..... 10 60 Church of Washington, Presbytery of Erie, Pa., per ditto... «... 4 53 Presbyterian Church of Hiller’s Bun, Pa., per Willism Smith 20 00 $1,483 VS Previously reported. . ..$22,293 69 *nq 977 qj CALEB COPE, Treasurer. It Office of the Philadelphia Saving fund Society. U S. INTERNAL RIVEIUE- Second Collection District of Pennsylvania, com prising First, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth* and Tenth wards of the city of Philadelphia. NOTICE. The annual assessment for 1668, for the above-named district, of persons liable to a tax on Carriages, Pleasure Y achts. Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, and alto of persons required to takeout licenses, having been completed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEY That the taxes aforesaid will be received daily by the undersigned, between the hours of 9 A. H. and 3 P, M., (Suudsye excepted.) at hia office, southwest corner of TBIfcD and WALNUT Streets, on and after MONDAY, the 7th inst, and until and including SATURDAY, the Md«ofAprn M x te |™j SiiTlßs All persons who fail to pay their annual taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Bullard Tables, and Gold or Silver Plate, on or before the aforesaid 2d day of April, 1864, Will Incur a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, and be liable to costs, as provided for in the 19th section of the excise law of Ist July. 1832. All penons who in like manner ihall fall to take out their licenses as required by law. on or before the 2d day of April, 1864, will Incur a penalty of ten per centum ad ditional of the amount thereof, and be subject to a pro secution for three timeß the amount of said tax, in ac cordance with the provisions of the 69th section of the law aforesaid. .... , , _ All payments are required to be made in Treasury Notes under authority of the United States, or in notes of Banks organised under the act to provide a na tional currency, known as National Banks. No fuither notice will he given. . JOHN H. DIEHL, Collector, mh7 24t S.W. cor. THIRD and WALNUT Ste.~ Mw NOTICE—THE FIRST MEETING Of the Corporators of the RESOLUTE MINING COMPANY, under their Articles of Association, will be held at No. 334 WALNUT Street, in the city of Phila delphia. on the 21st day of MARCH, 1864, at 11 o’clock A. M , for the purpose of completing the organization of the Corporation and transacting any other proper busi ness. JOHN R. GROUT, B. A. HOOPES. Two Associates under said Article*. Philadelphia. March 2. 1864. _ mh4-ist » PHILADELPHIA AID READING railroad co., office, 3»t south fourth Street, Philadelphia, March 17,1864 Notice is hereby given, that the Transfer Books of the Comnon Stock of this Company will be closed os the 31st lust., to he reopened on the 14th of APRIL next, at which time the Stockholders of this Company, vrho have New York certificates, are requested to return them tvtho Fttrfl’GTe 9 Lean and Trust Company, No. 66 Wall street. New York, who will give a ieceiot for th* same, end furrifh in a few days thereafter certificates from the Philadelphia office, in exchange for said receipts. The Transfer Office Tot the Preferred stock of this Com paiyat New York will be closed permanently on the 3Ut inst That for both the Preferred and Common f tock in Boston will be permanently closed on tie 31st MA RCH. S. BEADFOR D, iplilB fmw*lUApl4 Treasurer. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.— The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the JUNCTION RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on MONDAY, the 4th day of April, 1864. at 12 o’clock M., in Philadelphia, at the Office of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company. . , Annual Election for President and Directors will be held same day and place. „ _ • mhl9 l4t JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. a LECTURE UPON THK LIFE AND LABORS OF THE LATE ARCHBISHOP HUGHES will be delivered by the Bt. Rev JAMBS ROOSEVELT BAYLEY, D. D.. Bishop of Newark, N. J.,at the ACADEM? OF MUSIC, Broad and Locust Ftreets, on MONDAY EVENING. March.9Bth. 1864, at 8 o'clock. Proceeds for the benefit of the Poor. 1 Tickets 26 cents, can be obtained at Peterson s Book Storo. No BG6 Chestnut street- of the Sextons at the principal Catholic Churches, and at the Catholic Book Stores. mblo-lat MILITARY. f HANCOCK’S 2d ARMY CORPS All Eeciuxting Agents are Invited to meet the COAL BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE Daily, at from 12 M. to 2P. M. , at the COAL EXCHANGE ROOMS. 205 K WALNUT STREET. Liberal inducements will he offered for recruits to fill up the OLD PHILADELPHIA REGIMENTS, Viz: 69th, 71st, 73d, 106th, of HANCOCK’S GALLANT 2d ARMY CORPS. SGENEB AL RECRUITING OFFICE, No. 611 CHESTNUTIBtreet.—RECRUITS wanted for all the old Pennsylvania CAVALRY, ARTILLERY.’and INFANTRY I REGIMENTS now in service, notelreadv full. ALL 888 BOUNTIES GIVEN. CHAS. N. CADWALLADEB. Captain 2d Artillery. 112tb Regiment, F. v. • mhl9 6t* General Recruiting Officer, « GENERAL RECRUITING STA. TION IN INDEPEBDENCE SQUARE. Recruits wasted for any of the Regiments of thl* State now in the Service. BOUNTIES. Government (for Veterans) “ all others 800 City - - 2«0 Ward 25 $348 before leaving the City. E. A. LANDBLL. Captain 118th Regiment P. V. • mb!6-6t* General Recruiting officer. Q.OLIVS IMPROVED STEAM AND WATER HEATIND APPARATUS, FOR WARMING AND VENTILATING PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES, Manufaetnred by the UNION STEAM AND WATBB HEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. JAS. P. WOOD, 4:1 Boath FUDETH Street. B M. FBLTWELL, Superintendent. p A RTFS DE VISITE OF MOST pleasing character in style, execution, and finish, are Gaily made at B. F. RElflißß'9. 65341 aRCH Street. Go early and secure good Pictures. it* THE PKESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1864. COMMITTES. ALFRED DAY, JAMES NEILL. JOHN R BLACKrSTON, dayis feabson, J. Q. FELL, WM. HUNTER, Jb., R N. RATHBUN. mlilB-6tif RETAIi DRV GOODS. QPENING. TUGS. W. EVANS & CO. Respectfully anuouace that they will open oa TUESDAY, 2Sd INST., PARIS BTYLS MANTI L L A S, Embraeiui all the LATEST NOVELTIES. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. mh2l3t QPENING. T. 3VX. lIA-PIjEIGH, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN OK WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, Paris and American styles MANTILIjAS. mh2l3t JjJDWIN HALL A 00., 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Will open this morning two Cases ol INDIA SILHS, wide; GLOSSY. PERFECT GOODS, AT9I.IIK. And neat Plaid ffleistoei: sxx.:k:s AT 91.C0. AND SARA GROUND FOULARD SILKS, Of our own Importation. mh2l-m&w2t C. STBAWBBIDGE & 00., (FORMERLY COWPERTHWAIT A CO.), HAVE NOW OPEN, A fine assortment of BlackSUks, .Small Plaid India Bilks, Plain, Striped, and Plaid Poplins, Superior Black and Colored Alpacas, Pink, Blue, and Buff Brilliants, Pink, Bine, and Bnff Percales, Striped and Figured French Chintzes. SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS. 100 Lama WoolSwawls, from 92 60 to 98. IGO Mozambique “ $8 to 97. 10Q Bilk Check “ $4 to 99. 1W Black Stella “ 93.60 to 931. We *l3l have an Immense stock of COTfON AND LINEN SHEETINGS AND SHIBTINGS. GOO dozen Towel* and Napkins. A fall line of Barnesly Table Lliens. The celebrated Power and Band-Loom Table Linens, Huckaback, Birdeye. and Diaper. Lancaster, Manchester, and Honey- Comb Quilts. Pink. Bine, and While Marseilles, . Counterpanes and Quilts. Cloths, Cassimeres, and Cloakings. A full assortment of Sackings. A full assortment of Cloths and Gassimerea. A lull assortment of Boys’ wear. At Wholesale and Retail, N. W. Corner Eighth and Market Streets, mh2l-mwf tjyl (XWE N EVANS & CO., NO. 45 NORTH A-/ EIGHTH Street (successors to J. R. Casselberry) have opened the following new.attractive, and desirable DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, SILKS, Ac.. • from the cash auctfon sales of Messrs Haggerty & C0.,0f New York and cheap auction sales of this city: 1 lot Plaid Floi enzas, 28 cents. 1 lot Royal Plaid Asonas. 31 cents. 1 case China Plaid Fleur&nee, 40 cents. 1 lot Paris Bilk Plaid Adonias,* 56 cents. Hot new shade, choice,figured, all-wool Delaine, £6 tents. 1 case Cretonne, new shade Mohairs, desirable. An i many other new goods too numerous to mention, all at onr usual low prices. BLACK SILK*. PLAIN SILKS, $lO 000. TEN THOUSAND DOLLAESJOT CHEAP SILKS. NOW OPEN. This is the place where you can bny those good brands of bilk, that always give satisfaction. We sell them, low, and have all Iprices, from $1 ap to $3.62}*. You can save money by examining our stock before pur chasing. NEW BALMORALS. GHOICB BALMORALS. We have opened three cases of new-style Balmorals, Paris style, handsome desUn, from $2.25 up. SPRING COLORS KID GLOVES To the thousands of ladies who have bees to see ns about onr new light spring colors WARRANTED KID GLOVES. 1 can now say that they have just arrived from Paris, and can furnish yon with choice colors; will have them open to morrow for the first. 1,0(0 dozen new colors Kid Gloves. 1,000 dozen light colors Sid Gloves. The above gloves are guaranteed, and If they should happen to tear, another .pair will be given you in the place of the torn or es. Jonvin Kid Gloves, $1 White Kid Gloves, C'laC, We have cpened, and the ladies all say they are very cheap, CHOICE NEW SPRING SHAWLS. SEW COLORS SPRING CLOAKING CLOTHS. CHEAP BOYS’ AND MBA’6 WEAR. ALL-LINEN TABLE DAMASK, a bargain. 3 FINE AND CHEAP SHIRTING LINENS. ARW STS LE CHINTZES. FRENCH PRINTED TABLE-COVERS. The above goods are at low prices—lobs than generally gold for such fine quality. You know we always sell VGfir CHEAP. NEW CARPET. NEW CARPET. Imported Hemp Carpet, 45 cents. Plaid Imported Carpfct, 60 cents That is a very low price for the goods, hut they had to be sold at ruinous prices. OWEN EVANS St CO . ~ (Successors to J. B. Casselberry ) No. 45 North EIGHTH Street. F. S.—Closing out HOOP SKIRTS CH3AP, to sell them off mh2l2t CASSELBERRY, pHEAF DRY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, and WINDOW SHADES. V. E ABCHAMBaULT, Northeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, will open on MONDAY MORN* ING, from auction. Ingrain Carpets, wool filling, 60 to 76c; Ingrain Carpet*, ail wool, at 76c, 87c. 91, and 9 3/: Entrj and Stair Carpets, 16 to 87c; Hemp and Rag Gar* pete. e 7» 60, and 62c; Floor Oil Cloths, 60 to S7c; Stair. Oil Clothe, 36c; Table Oil Cloths. 62c; Gilt Bordered Window Shades, 76c to $1.60; Buff and Green Shading, C * CHEAP DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. Muslins, 16 to 45c; White Sheetings. 40c to $1; new Spring De Laines, 31 to 3Se; Poplins, 37 to 50c; Spring Alpaca?, 37 to 75c; Black »ilks, $1 to 91.76; Spring Chintzes IS to 75c: Plain and Fancy Casiimeres, 60c to 91 60; Fine Irish Linens, 60 to 87c; New Tor* Mills Mullins, 43c by the piece; Fancy shirting Flannels, 37 to 87c; Table Linens, 50c to $1.50: Tuwelinge and Nap* bins. 14 to 60c; Ladies* Cotton Hoes, 25 to 50o; Ladies’ Gloves, 12 to 76c; Linen Hdk/e. • S to 60c; Embroidered Hdkfs.,26c; Coates* Spool Cotton, 9c; Skirt Braids, 9c; Pine,Ac; Books and Eves, 3c; Palm Soap, 8c: Neck* ties, 18 to 60c; Veils, 87c; Spool Silk, 3c; Colored Spool Couon, Bc. Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods. Carpet, avd Trimming Store. N. E. corner ELBVE9TS and MARKET Streets. mh2l-mwflm T IN BN GOODS—CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. Will oren, on MONDAY morning. 10 pieces hand-locm Table Linen, at 8734 c.; same that is being sold at $1 a ( . other place*. One lot extra heavy, at $!• worth more money. Bleached Table Linen. atS7>£c . 90c , and $l. Extra quality and width, at 9125 and 91 60. Also, a large lot of doable eatin Damask Barn lie y. that are extra heavy and beautiful patterns; some of them the most desirable ever imported, and a great variety of other Table Linens, in. various qualities and patterns, that I am now telJinc far below the market prices. Barnsley Linen Sheetings, very heavy, at $2. 60, $L 75, and 92, m all the widths Pillow Linens, ijtf, IM, and 1 % yards wide. , Napkins and Do;life in various qualities, of the very ; best make* and patterns. Buck&backs both bleached and half-bleached,in large Quantities and every quality. Towels of every description, with or without fringed ends, in red ard blue borders. (hath at 12M, 14,18, 18&, and 20s. „ gfe One l<t Richard eon’s Shirting Linens, at 605.; these are *% great bargain, being underprice. Marseilles Quilts that cannot be surpassed for quality and beauty by any in the city. GRANVILLE B. HAINBS. mh2l'mtuws4t 1013 MARKBTStreet, abv. Tenth. -REST BLACK SILKS IMPORTED. A> wide and heavy Black Corded Silk*, Magnificent Moire Antiques, all color*. Splendid quality Corded Silks, all colors. Rich Churea Stripe and Plaid Silks. Magnificent Grenadines and Organdies. New styles Spring Shawls. New style Cloths for HdiasVcloaks. _ BO WIN HALL St 00., mh2l 26 South SECOND Street, TTEATON& DENOKLA, HARDWARE A-L commission Merchants, 507 COMMERCE and 510 NORTH Strtets, offer for sale: Anchor Brand Bail?; Plymouth Mill Rivets. W. AS. Butcher’s Cast Steel; Eagle Cabinet Lockl. Putnam’s Horae Nails; Locke's School Slates. Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. Also, a full assortment of American Hardware. CLBEAT IRISH NATIONAL FAIR, at BRYAN 3ILL, CHICAGO, Illinois, commencing EASTER MONDAY, March 28- 1864, and continuing du ring the week. Harps from Ireland, Old Battle Flags, Old Books, Letters, weapons. Ac., belonging to Emmett, Tone. Fitzgerald, and other Irish Heroes. Souvenirs from the Ladies in Ireland. The FENIAN BROTHERHOOD are making prepara* tions for a GRAND IRISH NATIONAL FAIR, to take Slace in Chicago, at Bryan Hall. The fund arising from is Fair will be devoted to tlie Rational Purpose* of the Brotherhood. The Ladies in Ireland furnish sundry articles—Harps. Books, Flags, Weapons, and miscellanea which belonged to the Hexoeß of Ireland, or which are valuable from association or intrinsically. Bog Oak Jewelry will form a conspicuous feature. Donations are solicited from every Irish person in the land. Those who cannot » end articles may send money. Any article will be received, and any sum.however mo dest. Farmers iu the Northwest are requested to send in anything in the shape of Produce. Official acknow ledgments will he made by the Brotherhood in the pub lic prints. Each State will have its table. Upon the opening of the Fair the articles received from Ireland will be put up in Lottery. Any persons who cannot visit the Fair, can, by remit ting to the undersigned, take chances in the drawing. The numerous Book**, Pictures, Weaponef Letters, Flags, be., celebrated in Celtic Hirtory. will be disposed of in this manner. Schedules of article*, with number of chances to each, and price, will be duly published. For the week of the Fair, lrishmen are engaged to Lecture, whose names and subjects will ap pear in due season. After the Lecture, each night, there will he a Celtic Concert, by distinguished Irish profes sionals, at which the National Instruments will be used and National Airsplaved and sung. We make an appeal, confidently, to Irish men an women everywhere in the United States. Send forward by express anything that may be available. Let the Irish Ladies work, and convince the people at home that they arsist themselves. Ladies in Eastern and Western cities can form committees and furnish a nice colleccion. All receipts will be published on arrival- Ship by ex press. Ac., SCANLaN BROTHERS, 138 South WATER Street, Chicago, Illinois _ [Signed] MICHAEL SCANLAN,) P. T. SHERLOCK > Committee, fell-thtmhl&thmtd H. O’C. MCCARTHY. 3 T OST- ON FRIDAY EVENING, BE AJ tween Nineteenth and Walsnt and Nineteenth and f berry t-treets, a BUCK LACE VEIL. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving It at No. 11.3 North NINETEENTH Street, or 306 tooth FRONT Street lit* WHAT CHARMING PICTURES and Mich faithful Likenesses are those finished IVOBYTYPES as-they are made at B. F. BEIMER'd Gallery. 694 ARCH Street! Perfect gems of Miniature paintiuA! It* A SEW PUBLICATIONS. JyJESSES. TICKNOR & FIELDS PUBLISH THIS DAY THREE NEW WORKS. INDUSTRIAL BIOGRAPHY Ikon Workers avd Tool Makfbk. By Samuel Smiles, author of ’Self-Help, "Brief Biographies, "and “The Life of George Ste phenson. ” -*t vol. 12m0.» neatly bound in maslln. Price $1 25. *' The true Epic of our time is not Arms and the Man, but Tools and the Mon, an Infinitely wider kind of epic. l ' - Thomas Carlyle, * INDUSTRIAL BIOGRAPHY is a companion volume to “Self-Help," and is fall of the same interest and useful ness as that admirable work. Although but recently published in London. 16,000 copies have already been sold. New editions are also ready of Dr, Smiles 1 previous works, viz: SELF- HELP. I vol 12 mo. T 5 cents. BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES. 1 vol. 12mo. With sis Por traits. 91.26. LIFE OF GEORGS STEPHENSON. With Portrait, lvol. 12 mo. 91.26. COUNSEL AND COMFORT. Spoken from a City Pulpit. By the **Country Parson." lvol. 16mo. handsome ly bound in muslin, silt top. and bevelled boards, price 9L 60. This volume adds another to the series of the writings of the “ Country Parson,” whose popularity as an essay let 1b Inferior to that of no writer of the present day. New and uniform editions are now ready of the <l Country Parson's" previous writings, as follows: • RECREATIONS. 2 vols. 93 LEISURE HOURS, lvol. 91.56. THE EVERY* DAY PHILOSOPHER IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. 1 vol. 9L50. GRAVER THOUGHTS OF A COUNTRY PARSON, lvol. *SLGO. CHURCH PASTORALS: Htmns and Tunes foe Public Aini Social Worship. Collected and arranted by Nehemi&h Adams. D D., Pastor of the Essex* street Church. Boston. One handsome volume, Bvo., mus lin.. Price $L 60. This important work has been delayed by additions and revisions, which will give it Increased interest and value. It contains nearly one thousand hymns, and Upwards Of four hundred tunes. Many of the tunes are newly derived from the ecclesiastical music of England, Scotia*d. France, and Germany, and are, in a proper sense. Melodies, both of the old choral and the freer style of music, all salted to congregational singing. Choirs also will And in these melodies everything to satisfy the most liberal and cultivated taste, while in the harmonies they will feel the work of master hands. CHURCH PASTORALS is designed for all plaoes and occasions of worship—in the ohnrch, lecture room* family, and parish social meetings, and Is confidently recommended as equal to any Collection of Saored Music ever published in this country. Tlia above work, are for sale by all boo.ellers, or Trill be sent post-paid to any address on receipt o( price, by the Fnbliehere, TICKNOR A FIELDS, ■ 135 WASHINGTON Street, Boaton, Q.REAT SUCCESS. BIGHT THOUSAND COPIIB BOLD IN TEN DAYS. COPYRIGHT AND ONLY ACCURATE EDITION GENERAL McOLELLAN’S REPORT, AND CAMPAIGNS. THE NINTH THOUSAND BEADY IN A FEW DAYS. Tht, 1b the only edition which contains the CAMPAIGN IN WESTERN VIRGINIA. This edition has been Corrected and Revised by Gen. McCiellan, and is published under his sanction. Thu Government Edition of this Report has many ex traordinary omissions and inaccuracies, and all other editions except this one follow the Government copy, and have all its errors. [From the Journal of Commerce.] We regret that the Congressional edition, the Rebellion Record ed ition, and other cheap editions of the Report are incomplete and Inaccurate, omitting entirely some portions which present the most interesting and im- Sortant view of tl e relations of General McClellan to the abinet. the army, and the country The edition pub lished by fcheidon A Co., under General McClellan’s au thority, is accurate. [From tbe Boston Post ] No min can feel that he has a copy of McClellan's Re port without a copy of this edition. One vol., octavo, illustrated with maps. Price 92-60. Sent by mail on receipt of the Price. SHELDON A CO., Pnblishera, TVrORBISTOWN HERALD AND FREE PRiSS. THE “HERALD AND FREE PRESS,” PUBLISHED AT NORRISTOWN, PENNA , BY WILLS A IREDELL. ONE OF THE OLDEST PAPBRS PRINTED IN THE STATE* HAS BERN MUCH ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. Philadelphians wishing to advertise, can find no better way of reaching the people of the rural district* than through its column*. It .iJHB GREAT SPEECH hon. b. gratz brown, The Radical Senator from Missouri, in the United States THE ONLY FULL REPORT, NEW NATION, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1864. Fries 7 cent,. Sold by all newsdealers. Publication office 271 BROADWAY. Hew York. American Hews Company, 131 NASSAU Street, General Aleuts. It FINANCIAL. CHBEVE~& KEKDRICK. *3 Ho. 33 WILLIAM Street. Office Ho. 15.1 __ HISCBLLABEOUB bTOCKB AHD BONDS. ST AT*. COUNTY, and CITY. Al.o. BAILKOiD SECURITIES of all descriptione, not quoted at tie flew York Stock Exchange, bought and .old on commlsslmi- MISSItSIPPI AND MISSOURI FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. Eastern Division. ' ~ „ MINNESOTA STATS BOHDS. Issued to Railroads, (interest nnpsid and repudiated ) MILWAUKEE CITY BOHDS, Issued to Railroads. (interest unpaid and repudiated ) IMIIAKAI’I.Mt, CLtYBLAHD, AHD PITTSBURG E NE wVoRKAN ONE W HAVEN RAILROAD STOCK UNITED STATES TELEGRAPH STOCK. MORRIS CANAL STOCK AND BONDS. NEW JERSEY STATS 6s EaCINS AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD BONDS WiRTED. COUNTY, CITY. AND TOWN BONDS, of the State of Wisconsin, issued to Rat road Companies, purchased. mh?i- 6t • department. • A OrricE op Comptroller op the Currenot, Washington. February 26th, 1864. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it haß been made to appear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the requirement* of the act of Congress, entitled ‘* an act to provide a na* tional currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof. ” appi oved February 25th, 1863, and has com plied with all the [provisions of aaid act required to be compiled with before commencing the business of Babking, Now. therefore I, Hugh McCulloch, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NA TIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, county of Phila delphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking, under the act afore said. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, ,hi. twenty-sixth. «Wjftgg>SSgfrLLOOH, mb!- 2m Comptroller of the Currency. JOHN HORN, JR., ** STOCK-COMMISSION BROKER, No. 140 SOUTH THIRD STREET, (DP STAIRS.) PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: Hesers.Thos. A. Biddle A Co. Mess.Gaw, Maealester, St Co. Messrs. E. S. Whelan St Co. Messrs. Drexel & Co. Messrs. Busby A Co. Henry J. Williams, Esq. Alexander Biddle, Esq. I. P. Hutchinson, Esq. G. M. Troutman. Esq. D. B. Cummins, Esq. Jag. G. King St Sons. New York. fe26-2m David B. Paul, President. R. Glendiiwiitg, Cashier. Third national bank of PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL, 9100,000—PRIVILEGED TO INCREASE • TO $500,000. Philadelphia, March 14,1864. The Third National Bank has this day opened for bu lihfii* at the Southwest corner ef MARKET Street and FEN N Square, where all banking business will be trans acted the same as in other City Banks. The location is a very desirable one, and central for all Merchants and others doing business in the Western parts of the city. Collections will be made on a’l accessible points, on the most favorable terms; and the interests and require ments of the enstomera of the Bank will have careful and prompt attention. mhl4-10t B, QLENPINNING, Cashier, CECOND NATIONAL BANK OF CAPITAL 9100,000. WITH THE PRIVILEGE OP IN CREASING TO 9600.000. _ . NATHAN HILIiES, President. WILLIAM H. RHAWN, Cashier, (Late of the Philadelphia Bank.) PIBBOTORS; NATHAN HILLES. CHARLES B. KBEMBR. GEORGE W. RHAWN, BEN J. ROWLAND, Jn.. SIMON R. SNYDER, BENJ. H. DEACON, EDWARD HAYES, JOHN COOPER. LEWIS BHALLOROSS. _ The Second National Bank of Philadelphia Is now open at No. 134 MAIN Street, Frankfort, for the trans action of a General Banking Business upon the usual term*. Collations upon all accessible points will be made upon liberal terms. Respectfully, - feS-fim W.h. RHAWN. Gsahler CARPETINGS. CARPET WAREHOUSE. The subscriber has just received a well-selected stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN C ARPETINGS, FOB SFBING TBADB. JOS. BLACKWOOD, mblB-2m 83H AKOH BTRBBT. BELOW NINTH. t>eimer's colored photo ax GRAPHS havA a widespresd reputation. No pic tures have exceeded them in rtvle. artistic coloring, and popularity. Only §l. Go to SECOND Bt.. above Green It* PATBUP AND SAUCES FOR SALE, V at 4-13 RACE Street. mhl4-12t* W. A DAVIS*CO. No. 335 BROADWAY. MEDICAL. KATHAIRON. la from the Greek word "Kathro/'or *Ka- Jhairo,” signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate, and restore. This article Is what ite name signifies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the HUMAN HAIR it is the most remarkable preparation in the world. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill, and attention whlok gave it a sale of over one million bottles per annum. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates sourf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes tbe hair rich, soft, and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use LYON’S KATHAIRON. It Is known and used throughout the civilized world. Sold by all respectable dealers DEMIS S. BARNES & CO.. New York. KAGAN’S MAGNOLIA BALM. This to the most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the sun* burnt face and hands to a pearly satin textuie of ravishing beauty, im parting the marble purity.of youth, and the appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It re moves tan, freckles, pimples, and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent, and smooth. It contains no material Injurious to the skin. Patronized by actresses and opera singers. It to what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Prepared by W. B. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DEMAS S. BARNBS A CO.. New York. HEIMSTREETS INIMITABLE HAIR RESTO- BATIVE.—NOT A DIE, But restores gray hair to Its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural snstenanoe, Impaired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic , destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Helm street’s Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process* but gives the hair a LUXURIANT BEAUTY. promotes Its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It has stood the test of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and to constantly increasing In favor. Used by both gentlemen and lsdlee. It is sold by all re spectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. S. BARNBS A CO.. $6019 BROAD WAY, New York. 7wo sizes, 60 seats and 91. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. The parties in St. Louis and Cincinnati, who have been counterfeiting tbe Mustang Liniment, under pretence of proprietorship, have been thoroughly estopped by tbe courts. To gnard against farther Imposition, I hare pro cured from the United States Treasury a private steel plate revenue stamp, whleh is plaeed over the top of each bottle. Each stamp bears the/ac simile of my sig nature, and without which the article is a counterfeit, dangerous, and worthless Imitation. Examine every bottle. Tbls Liniment has been in use and growing in favor for many years. There hardly ei tots a hamlet on the habitable globe that does not contain evidence of Its wonderful effects. It to the best emollient In the world. With its present improved ingredients, its effects npon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Bores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals mads useful, aud untold ills assuaged. For bruises, sprains, rheumatism, swellings, bites, nuts, caked breasts, strained horses. fto.« it is a sovereign remedy that should never be dispensed with. It should be In every family. Sold by all druggists, ft22-mwf3m&eow6m Dr 8. BARNKB, New York. MILLINERY GOODS. 1864. _ 1864. WOOD & CARY, 726 CHESTNUT STREET, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. F. B.—MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS are Invited to examine before purchasing, aa oar BTOOK IS FULL and FRIGES LOW. „ „ mhS-2m WOOD St GARY. P. A. HARDING & GO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. 413 ARCH STREET, FHir.ADßLpara mhS-2m ARMY GOODS. JfOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and. Company Flags, swords, Bashes, Belt*, Pastants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Can teens. Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Sours, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers, A liberal discount allowed to the trade. mhlQ-lm pURLOUGHS. Officers and Soldiers, visiting the city on Furlough, needing SWORDS, And otter MILITARY BQTJIPMBnTS, are Invited to tie very extensive Manufacturing fietablisiiment of GEO. ~\V» SIIUONS «Sfc BHO., SAMSOM-STBEBT HALL, SANSOBi Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Hade to order at the shortest notice, which, for richness and magnificence, challenge competition, no other house in the country combining the MANU? AC PUKING JEW SLBR with the PRACTICAL SWORD-MAKER. mhlO'Sm * WELLS bat* for sALa, HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AJTD SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. __ HEAVY (JAETON FLANNELS. _ WASH; NGUTOiT AND VICTORY CAtfBHIOS AND SILBCIAS. . _ BROWN.BI/BACHBD, AND COBSETVBANS. No. IN WORSTED YARN, Ac. aettlftf insurance companies. T7OBMAN P. BOLLINSHEAD’S A INSURANCE AGENCY. No. 312 WALNUT 6treefc, Philadelphia. Insurances—Fire, Marine. Inland, an! Life, effected til responsible and well-known companies, without charge to applicant for services. Nine years of practical experience and extensive ac quaintance in his business is a guarantee that all matters entrusted to his care will be correctly attended to Agent for the following well-known and reliable com* P Howard Insurance Company, of New York (1826); Sami T. Skidmore. Fres’t; Henry A. Oakley, Sec ' Irving Fixe Insurance Company of New York (1862) i Mason Thompson. Pree’t; MartinlL. Crowell, Sec. Adriatic Fire Insurance Company, of New York (1868); ‘William A. Beaver, Prea't; Frank W. Lewis, Sec. Commercial Fire Insurance Company, of New York (I 860); Joseph Petit. Pres’t; M V. B. Fowler. Sec. - Mercantile Fire Insurance Company, of New York (1852); William A Thompson, Pres’t; John Baker, Sec. Albany City Fire Insurance Company, of Albany, New York (]&6o)t William Tillinghast, Pres’t. John H. Bice, Statement of Affairs of MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York December 81, 1863* Cash capital... ••<■>s2oo,ooo 00 Surplus..-. 31,360 62—5231,960 62 Invested as follows: Cash in bank and on hand. »•«*«* 911.260,62 Bonds and mortgages,first liens ... __ n on real estate.. ■*«*«• "M W Unitea States bond?, 7 S 10 and . = certificates •••••• &7.0C00Q- Call loans, secured by bank _ stock. 800 00 Interest acciutd. Lojsm hOLLTNSHKAD, Aeent. mhoi.m-nrfßn go. 3lg WALNUT Street, Phila, IB COMPANY, NUT BTBKKT, >ND INSUBANOB. ibotorS; _ T7AME INSUBAN* r »°* FIBB AND Itihk: pin; ■ Francis V. Buck, Charles Blcbardson. Henry Lewis* O. W. Davis. P, 8. Justice* George 1. West. FRaNOIS V. GHAB. Kiev W. 1. Blawoharb. Secreti BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE, BT THE CASE'** OH DOZEN. ALBERT C; ROBERTS, DEALEB IN FINE GBOGBBIES, mill Corner ELEVENTH and TINE Btreeta. fiOBHEQT PIANO TUNING, h frl >-Mr. 0. B. SAKQENT’B Ordera for Tnalat ftiwsis^w 8 iK* Oh had eleven T«n° fac torrexperleaea la Be* toaTand It* rear* employment_ln Philadelphia SPECIAL.—PIane* nlsathtred to *ooad aa soft an* eweet-toned aa aaw. tettAeat ramonfe*. (ami for Tualac. tL oali-tal' 350 00— 5234,360 62 JohnW. Evefm&n, Bobert B. Potter, John Kessler, Jr. • S. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph D. Bills. BUCK. President. . LRDSOfr. Vise Fr«std«mb ITT. Ufl4-tf WANTS. RANTED IMMEDIATELY, JK> GOOD SILVER PLATERS. WAGES *2.50 PER DAY. STEADY WOBK WILL BE aCARAHTEED. JAB. M. FRAZEE & CO., 40, 48, and BO MECHANIC Street, mhl7Bt HEW ABE, Hew Jeney. WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS SALES adB?tod *® «®llin* dress tools WANTED—RASTERS AND OPERA ’ ' toes, on Armj Clothing. Highent mi c#e el „ B Mono bn) best hands need apoiv Also, a Priw curacy of WlffTH and WALNUT Street* W3Q - Agents wanted—a rare chance for making money offered. Hone need an. ply except good bnslness mjn For farther pirilcalare addrees post-office Bos 2834. Philadelphia. m: 17 st* Book-keeper wanted—a young man Who understands Book-keeping, One from the county preferred. Address **W. S., of this paper. mh!9 at* WANTED— AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN, on Woolensand FancyOaasimeree. Address J. y.,** at The Press office, mh2l-6t WANTED—A YOUNG MAN, TO * * sell goods by sample, for a Dry Goods Commis sirn Home. Apply to EVANS A GO., 53X4 OHUKCH Alley. mh2l 2t WANTED—IN A MANUFACTUR "" ING ESTABLISHMENT, an active, intelligent young MAN. a good penman, correct and quick at figures, and willing to make himself generally useful. Stood city reference required. Address “Entry,” at this office. It* JJOTICE— A YOUNG LAWYER, OF ... ® lx yeais’ experience, desires to connect himself with a member of the bar, either in Philadelphia, New XOTK. or Washiniton. He is possessed with education and ability; can materially assist in the prosecution of claims, in toe editorial management of a newspaper, or in any capacity suitable to his position and acquire • , u he*ceptiouable references as to character and abiJUy furnished IT required. Address “Member of the Bar. ” office of Th* Pre**, Phllad-1 phla. mh2l-3t* COLORED HELP OF ALL DEBORIP . ** hmt wegefc Orders received for Fteed Help, at J. OLIVER’S Office, IXI3 PI HE Street. m alS St* ■WTANTED—A GOOD BOOKKEEPER »1 —one whonnderstands hie business, in a maun factory. Box 119 F. O. mhlB -3t* WANTED—IN ZANESVILLE OHIO, » Jobbing Boot and Shoe Store, a Jobbing Dry Goods House, and a Jobbing Queennware and Glassware Establish rnent, where there Is positively a most excel-' f I I L, a V, - or either of the above bueln«»Rß*. Address Locked, box 109, Zanesville, Ohio, mhlfr»7t* A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE **P * ** AGENTS In every County, at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma ehlnee. Address S. MADISON, Alfred,Me, Cfel2d&wBm MONTH! — I Want Agents at IPU'-'tWa month,expenses paid, to sell my Bverla&tina Pencils, Oriental Burner#, and 13 other artlolre. 15 circa lars sent/rgg. JOHN F. LORD. Blddeford, Me. JaZ7-2m M WANTED TO BENT—A D WELL ING HOUfiE, by first of Jnne< with modern fra- Srovementei situated above Chestnut street, and within ve squares of Post Office. Rent, $4OO to $6OO. Address Box JOBO Phllad. Post Office. mhlfi St* EDUCATIONAL. A LADY DULY QUALIFIED WITH £*-„tbebe,t of ref.renc., v.lll give instruction on the KJ,4£° limited number of poplin. Address Bos 1031 Font Office. mhdl fit- BOARDING. TLfJES DARE, 1123 GIRARD STREET, ha* elegant communicating BOOMS, handsomely rarnlshedi second and third storie», Honse newly far nlshed. mhiief 99 P. SOUTH BROAD STREET—VA CAHT, TWO DOUBLE BOOHS, third and fourth stories. mbSl-St” U)«T AND FOUND. TOST—A CERTIFICATE OF 5-PEB '■*-* CEBT, LOAN OF STATE OF PBHBSYLVABIA, for $818. 05. dated March 12. 1880, Jfo. 754, In name of WILLIAM 1 MEREDITH. Also. a Certificate ofTnif cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, tor the earn of $2OO. dated June 80. 1845, Ho. 1452, in the name of ELI K. PRICE. adifilßlstrator of William Meredith In trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re* newal of said Certificates feiO-gm ELI K PRIGB. No. 81l ARCH Street. FOR SALE AND TO X.BT. rfO MANUFACTURERS AND CAPITALISTS. Avery large LOT OF GROUND, on North SECOND Street, C 6 feet front. 802 feet deep, widening on the rear to 168 feet, with*a 25-feet-wide bach outlet; containing nearly one acre of ground; suitable for FAGTORT, SUGAR REFINERY BREWERY, or WAREHOUSE. Storehouse* erected on the lot will pay a very good Inte- rest. For sale at a very low price, and terms accommo- dating. Apply to Ho. 110 Horth NINTIT Street. mh!6-6t* riHESTNUT-STREET BUILDING V/ LOTS, went of Nineteenth, S 3 ly 178 feet, for sale by HENRY B. CHEW. No. *O4 South FOUttTH Sheet. mbl9-4t* M HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, OR TO LET. on an improving lease on the north side of Arch street, between Ninth and Tenth; 25 feet front by 140 feet deep, 10 an alley leading Into Cherry street Apply at Ho. 4.08 CHESTNUT Street, between 9 and 1 o’clock- iniul-St* m FOR SALE-'A SMALL-SIZE Jfiiia- new COTTAGE,S3436 GREEN Street, with 9 room*. Including bath-rocm; front and side porticoes, he. mh!93» Mfor sale—a superior cot. TAGS RESIDENCE, pleasantly situated on Locust afreet, aeeond house above Thirty-eighth itreat. West Philadelphia. Apply to ROBERT MACGRBGOB, mbai-it 410 WALNUT Street. m FOR SALE—A MODERN BUILT JuAthree-story DWELLING, with water, gas. bath, Ac : one of me most delightful and healthy situations In WEfcT PHILADELPHIA, commanding an extensive ▼tew of the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers and the Jersey shore; a new Barn: lot 84 by 176 feet; situated la the vicinity of the new Park. Property rapidly ad vancing in price. ■ Or. Bouse TO LET and Furniture for sale Inquire 9254 CHESTNUT Street, mli2l-6t* Second Floor. FOB SALE—A NUMBER OF JuiOBEEIS STREET BESIDES CEJ, S 3 feet front by different depths. One of those desirable residences. SPRING GARDEN Street, above THIRTEENTH, south, side. Handsome residence South TENTH Street, below SPRUCE. Also, ELEVENTH and TWELFTH Streets resi dences. and a great number in other localities, call and examine Register of city properties. E. PETTIT* mb 2l No 3»3 WALNUT Street M SPLENDID MANSION AND A C»OUNTRV*SEAT. NEAR GERMANTOWN, Fi-R SA/jE —The subscriber offers for sale a very eie . cant MaNS' OK BOUSE, situate at the corner of Man* helm and Green streets, Germantown. The house has spacious bach-buildings, built of stone and finished in the veil best manner, regardless of expense, with large ealoov, parlor, spacious hall, and staircase of solid caS; large dining-room, pantry 'with fire-proof and kitchen on the first floor; four large chambers, bath-room with all the modern conveniences, and library on the second floor, and four chambers on the third floor; gas and water throughout, with stationary washstands; cellar paved and very dry. The stable and barns are com plete. Flue garden in good order. The most attractive feature consists in the Old Shade and Evergreens, com bining one of the most desirable places to ba found In the country. There are between 7 and 8 acres of ground lu the estate. Convenient to Wayne and Day’s-lane sta tions, and near the Main street. Can he examined every day in the week. For farther ticulars, apply ti LEWIS &SH- REDNhR, No. 15tt South FOURTH Street. DELAWARE COUNT V PRO ■A— PERTY FOR SALE —Possession April Ist, 1801. FaRM of 61 acres two miles from Chester; excellent mansion, and other buildings; fine spring; abundance of flint, good land, good road to station on lailroad. * FARM oi 23 acres, first- class improvements, at Media, and convenient to railroad; fruit, shade, Ac. FARM of 6 acres, large stone mansion, and all neces sary Improvements; fruit and shade; at Media, and convenient to station bight acre:: of Land, near Westdale station, on Media Railroad: iirdt-ci»Bs Dwelling and good out-buildings. ‘•Owner going West.” 26 acres of Land. flr»t-class Cottage: shade, spring, and'all improvements for a comfortable country home, i. ccessible from Westdale station on Medi&Sßailroad. LJAS. R CUMMINS, Surveyor. mh2i-3t* MEDIA, Delaware county. Pa. JB TO RfcNT.—A BEAUTIFULLY ■laLsitnated COUNTRY RESIDENCE, with coach house, stable, and garden, within three minutes walk of Wiesi* noming station, on the Trenton Railroad, seven miles from the city. Apply at *717 WALNUT St mh!6 6t* Sf" ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT EEa. JOB SALE.—On the Bristol Turnpike, near —*■- Holmetsburg, about eight miles from Philadelphia, very accessible by'Meambo&t and Railroad, convenient also to Churches and Schools. For healthiness and beauty of situation, as well as surrounding advantages, this pro perty Is unsurpassed in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The Mansion, of brown stone, commanding fine views of the De’aware River, bnllt and finished in the most thorough manner, is spacious and replete with all the modern conveniences for both summer and winter. The Grounds comprise about twenty- three acres, beau tifully laid out, rod ornamented with a great variety of old and young Forest Trees and Shrubbery. A large Garden, with abundance of Fruit, Orchard, St c. On the premises are also erected a Gardener's Cottage, Lodge, Orchard£House,‘Green House, Conservatory, Gas House, and extensive Stabling , Ko expense bavin? been spared to make this, in all respects, a flrst-dae# residence. Apply to ml-set C. H. MUIRHEID, No. 303 Bouth SIXTH Street. 5619 non $B,OOO AND $3,000-—THESE sPA't'jv/Wj amounts to LOANon improved city gropertiee. Appily to E PETTIT, 333 WALNUT treet. . mfrai «M 7 nAfk AND $15,000 TO INVEST sPJ- I jV/ULf first mortgages, on good city and near country properties, or will be divided. D. 8. CAD •WALLAIiBB, 10S South FOURTH Street. mhl9-6i* IBGAI. F! THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Estates of WILLIAM SCHIVELY. deceased, JOHN SCHIVELY, deceased, and ANN SCHIVELY, de- ceased The auditor appointed to audit, settle and adjattthe first accounts Of GEORGE 8. SCHIVELY, administrator dbnc.t.a-, of William frcbively, deceased, of John Schively, deceased, and of Ana Schively, deceased, and to make distribution, will attend to the duties of hi* sppointment on MONDAY, the ELEVENTH DAY OF APRIL, A D. 1864 at4o’clock P M., at his office, No. 271 SOUTH FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadel phia, mh-2l mwfst Fr THE ORPHANS* COURT FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Trust Estates under will of WILLIAM SCHIVELY, de ceased. of ANN SCHIVELY. deceased, and of JOHN SCHIVELY, deceased. , fi ...... The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the First Account o/ GEORGE S. SCHIVELY, Trustee of Rstatce of WILLIAM. ANN. and JOHN SCHIVELY. ind to make distribution.' will attend to the daties of his appointment on MONDAY, the 11th day oi ipiU, A D *16647*“ 4 o’clock P. M.. at his office. No. 271 booth FIFIH St roe , in the city of Philadelphia. mb2l-mwf-5t rsi the court of common pleas for THE CITY AND COOET3T Of PHIL ADEL PHIA ' IB tin “ a ' l H VumON CANAL COMPANY. aml O. THOMPSON, traiteea under a car tain indenture of meitsate of the Chian Canal Oompaur, daMd October 28. 1857, and to make distribution, will meet the parties in Interest for the purposes of hi, ap- SdiLtment. on FRIDAY, the Bth day or April. A. D. 3864. at four o’clock P. M. ,»t his cHce, No. 271 Bonth FIFTH Bt;eet, In the city .of Fhiladilphia mhSlinwfdt Anditor. TV/T AGEE’S ENVELOPE MANOPAO ATX TORY AND PAPER STORE, 31« OHEBTNDT St. Envelope Manufactory, Envelope Manufactory, Envelope Hannfactory, _ Envelope Manufactory, _ , Mti Chestnut street, 316 Chestnnt .treet. Sl6 Chestnnt street, 816 Chestnut .treet. 316 Chestnut street, 316 Chestnut street. Paper and Envelopes. Paper and Envelopes* ' Paper and Envelopes, Retail Wholesale and Retail, and Retail Wholesale and Retail. . aSd Kotall. Wholesale and Retail. Wholesale ana norau. At the lowest prices. At MAGEE'S. hetween^hlfd and Fourth, corner of Hnd»ou* mal ' AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIO. SOIREE GYMNASTIQtJH, “GREAT CEHTBAL FAIR" OF THE BAHITABY COM MISSION. andEntertaigmsiits on Exhibitions, Beneite, A SOIEEK GYMNABTIQUB AND LAST GBAUD EgBNrOM N»'!jATnVTnM < ’ 3 »N t n“£?, t^„^th the PHII.ADBI.PHIA held at «5» HD PHTBIOAt INSTITUTE, will to ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL 12. The classße of Masters and young Gentlemen nnder th. direction of Dr. Whrj.Nßße. The classes of young Ladles led by Miss 8. t. HOPKINB The classes of Gen tlemen condncted by Messrs. HaRRIB*ON and GIHON The whole performance belli* a full and practical mils, traiion of all the branches of modern Gymnastloa and Physical Culture, and executed entirely by amateurs, members of tbe Institution. The Grand Orchestra of thirty-six first-class perform er« win, in itself, prove a Treat attraction. Director of the General Mneto Mr. HABBT.gR of Masia for the “Light Gymnastics," If . Lo*se _&I*YWLD*. corner of CSgSINDT and JUNIPER sole of TiSfJte en apnolllte d Treaeurer and Agent for the oli! lh « entertainments will be ready IowiDK?,S,“ T ' Msrch »• “d e »“ be had At the <3- P fcv Dr. O. A Smith. 1530 Arch street Meeere. Hoyt A Bro*„ IfOO Che.tnntet™.. Meters. Andre A Oo .’llMCheftng? I .?,™?'- Mr Join Kisley, Continental Hotel ***** Office of Sanitary Commission, 1307 r 'he»tmit .I.*.** ..j Hatatorinm, Broad street, below strflB t' *** PRICE OF ADMISSION Parquet and Balcony Family Circle and Amphitheatre No extra, chans tor referred seats Kale of sea ts to commence on Tuesday, March 22 Doors open at 7 o’clock. The performance to* com mence pnnctnaJly at 8 o clock. mb2l- 3t EXHIBITION PENNSYLVANIA ■* -J HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. NOTICE.—If contiibutore can. brio? their Plants to the MUSICAL FUEL HALL on the 21it, from 12 M, to 3 o'clock P. M.. they will oblige the Committee. No Plants received after 10 o’clock A. M. on TUESDAY. tbe22d. The expense of hauling the plants will be refunded br the Society. ffHE SPRING FLOWER SHOW or THK Pennsylvania Horticultural Society WILL BE HELD AT THE MUSICAL FUND HALL, LOCUBT Street, above Eighth, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 22d, 1864, PROM 11 A. M. TO 11 F. V; 111 artlolu tor competition and exhibition nut be staled by 10 o'clock A. M. on Tne.dar. Ztd. Application tor apaoe meat be preieoted to the Gdmnrit tee on or before 1 o’elook P. H. on Monday, 21at Schedules of Fremlnme can be had or the Beoretwr, Members can act the tloketa by maklac avplloattoa at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. A. W. HARBISOff, mbit 8t Ho. go Booth SEVENTH Street. INSTITUTE HALL, WILMINGTON, GOmCfIALK’S FAREWELL CONCERT IK AMERICA. Mr, M. STBAKOSCH reepcotfolly inform the oUU«n* of the above-named city tliat he faaa succeeded In ma-triMg jrrao,. ff .nt s^th« l .. ; i.brat,d Pianist and Oompow. ■ ’ owiara, upon which occaalon be will perform m.nr of ble most admired compoultlona. He will be ai.leted brthefol lowing madamAM^JOT.^ 181^ Prime Tenure of the Anschutz Opera Company and prim, olpal European opera bopree a KONOU CARLO P iTTf, theyoungand highly talented VirUtoUt. brother of the muelcal celebjltiee-Adellna Patti, Uariotte Paul, and Madam* Patti Strakoscb. S. BEHRENS,..... MnnioaL Director and Conductor Adnmitna hi. Reserved Sente fIG cent* extra. The RALE or b«ATS will comiosuca on THURSDAY MOIININO. March 24, ut OH AS OKOBE'S Music jt«r£ MARKET Street TAMES E. MURDOCH, ESQ, HAS kindly contented to deliver an ADDRESS. with Mltcellaneont Readinje, tor the Widow, and Orphans or tboHe who have fallen In defence of the Union, ah aUo the frmlllesof Disabled R-OdUre, under thecareof TUB LADIES 1 FIR&T ONO-N AttSOOIATION, AT HANDEL ADD H \YDN HALL. EIGHT! rI AND RPKIKCI GARDEN STREETS. On FRIDAY EVENING, March 2Gtb. at 8 o’clock. Tickets 60 cents. For sale at the room* of the Association. No 037 North Eighth street: Gould** Music Rtor*. Cbehtnut B Clinton’*, Chestnut, abnv* Ninth: Mr*. Davis’ Fancy Store. Eiahih. above CheHtßDt; at the Drr»g jjtorw* Fifth and Green, Sixth and Green, Sixth and Vino Ninth *a.i Vino, and at the door of the Ball In the evening. mh2l-6t WALNUT- ST BEET TH BATHE. YY —RFCOND WBEK OF RD WIN ADAMS. On MONDAY andTUEtDAY EVENINGS. MarohJlaud 22, will be presented the Intensely exciting, thrilling, and all-absorbing Drama entitled THE DEAD BEaRT. THE DEAD HEART. In which In which wtii EDWIN ADAMS, t EDWIN ADAMB. Will sustain bis original character f ROBERT LANDRY. « Young Sculptor. Box office open from 9 till 3 o’clock, Performance to commence at 7 H o’clock, BONSALL BROS. , GB O V EB’S SHESTNUT STREET THEATRE MONDAY EVENING, March 21, LABI* NIGHT POSITXVRhY LAST NIGHT POSITIVELY Of the Great Irish Scenic Drama. COLI&KN BiWN. COgLESI BAWN. TO-MORROW (Wednesday! EVENING, Last time of the TICKBT-OF LEAVE MAN. In active preparation. Boucicoult’s interesting and ex* citing Drama, THE OCTOROON. Ti/18. JAMES E. MURDOCH WILL JFA deliver his Popular Address, entitled PROVIDENCE AND LOVE OF COUNTRY. AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. On TUESDAY EVENING, 22d instant. For the Benefit of the * U. S. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. In the course of the evening Mr. MURDOCH will in trodnee the following recitations: GBTTYSBURG. (A new Poem.) By F. Da H. Janvier. OUB HBBOES. Written for the occasion, and read foe the first time. ON BOARO THE CUMBERLAND. Geo. H. Boker. THE SONG OF THE BUGLE AND DRUM. T.8.8e*4. SCOTT AND THE VETERAN. Bayard Taylor. THE COVENANTER’S BATTLE-SERMON; delivered by Ephraim Mae Briar on the Battle-field of Drumolog. THE AMERICAN FLAG. F Rodman Drake. Tickets 25cents Reserved seats 60 cents. The sale of tickets will commence on Friday morniac. 18th Inst, at 9 o’elook. at MARTIES’S, 606 CHESTNUT Street Tickets can also be had at the door of ol« AC* DEMY on the evening of the readings. Doors open at 7 o'cl’k. Readings at 8 o’cl’k. mal7»st “fJBEAT GATHERING OF THE VA CLANS” GRAND SCOTTISH OOBOERT. AT THE MUSICAL FUND BALL, THDRSDAY t E S TBDlNG?Ma^c!i h 24th, 1864, FOR THE BBNBPIT OP THE LIBRARY OF THE CALEDONIAN CLUB, UNDER THE UNITED AUSPICES OP TEE St. Andrew’s Society, Germantown Barns’(Rob. Scots’Thistle Society* Philadelphia Carling Club, Burns’ Association, Keystone Carling Club* Caledonia Beneficial Society Caledonian Club, Daniel Mclntyre, Conductor. Duncan Wright, See. Doors open at 7Jtf o’clock. To commence precisely at S. Tickets 25 cents,to be bad at John Booth’s, 1616 Market street; Wm. Cameron, Jr., 228 N. Eighth street; A. & G. McClement, 338 Chestnut street, or at the door. mhl9-6f MBS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH iWL STREET THFATRB SUCCESS WITHOUT PARALLEL* Second Week of the Grand Engagement of Mr. AND Mrs. BaRNEY WILLIAMS, HOEDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS* ALL HALLOW EVE Bo<iy O’Connor, (with song) Ur. Barney Williams. Bitty Riileeir Mrs Barney William*. To be followed bv the roaring Farce of LATEST FROM NEW YORK. Widow Sprouts Mrs. Barney Williams. Phil Mulligan ...Mr. Barney Wllti&nu. To conclude with GOOD FDR NOTHING. Prices as usual. Curtain rises at 7)£ o’clock. mh2l-2t TOM KING’S EXCELSIOR CIRCUS, x MARKET, above TWELFTH Street. SBKOBITA LOLA LEHMAN, a Spanish lady, of great beauty* and celebrated as a daring, dashing, and thrilling equestrienne, will make her first appearance on TOESDaY EVENING, 23d, and continue oaring the week. She. is THE BRIGHT PARTICULAR STAR of the Exce'sior Troupe, The proiramme of entertain ment is entirely changed for the present week by the ve teran Tom King, as to bring into full development the various talent of tbs great Troupe Admission only 20 cent?; Stage eeats, 60 cents; commencing at quarter be fore 8 o’clrck Matinees, by gaslight, on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERN DONS, commencing at o’clock. ' mh2l T?LEVENTH-ST. OPERA HOUSE. XJ “THE FAMILY RESORT.” CARNCBOS9 ».ND DIXEY’S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAB TROUPE OF THE WOBSiD* In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES. Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable leagues. Plantation Beenes, ic.. Ac., by TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets 20 cents. Doors < pen at 7 o’clock. fe27-5m J- L CARNCSQSB. Buslneps Man agar. nASINO! CASINOI OASINOi CHESTNUT STREET, above Sixth. . GRAND VaRIETY ENTERTAINMENT. ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, BALLETS* PkNTOMIMES, VOCALISTS. COMIC SINGERS _ mbl7-10t» EVERY NIGHT. THE great picture a AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE ROOM For a short season. OPEN EVERY EVENING FOR A SHORT SEASON. Thin is the most complete and finished Painting of Iks Sacrtd Scriptures in the world, eomprUing over lfrr t? thexuott SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES 0/ the first three thousand years of Biblical Hbfterp* forming altogether one the finest exhibitions of the age* OP* It EVSKT RVBHING at half past 7 o'eloek, Admission 25 cents. B. KatlnSea on Wednesday and Saturday aftw> moods, at 3 o’clock. Admission for Children 16 cents. GERMANIA. ORCHESTRA—PUBLIC 'J BBHBARSALS every SATURDAY, *t S o’clock, F. M, at the MDBICA L FOB It HALL. Single tioketi 91 c.,ntv Package* of alac ticket*. #l. To be bad at AJS DKE’S. 110* CHBSTNUT Street, J. B OOULD. «k- VBKTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door. feW-tf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OB’ A THE FINE ARTS. 10*9 CHESTNUT STRSET. OPES DAILY (Snndayi excepted) from 9 A. M. tffl 6 P 1C Jd mission 30 cento. Children half price. ja33-tt OF REMOVAL. The nnderFiruei would Inform their friends and the public generally ihat they have removed from their Old 6land. 917 ARCH Street, to their where they will continue the tale of Having associated with onr house Mr. OHARJfiW PAGE, (formerly the Prirclpal Designer for Cc>rnefltaj A Balter,) we are now prepared to Fixtures of ail grades anti designs, from the plainest H» the most massive and elaborate. CP3£CTACUES TO SUIT ALL SI&HTS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN EYES Inserted without pain. ME3 w QUEEN * 00.. 9»* CHESTNUT STJEEBT. fXF KRA GLASSES AND OFFIOBSa’ FIELD GLASSES. Mlerosoopea for Phyeiolanß and Studoala. A very large assortment for sale by JAMES W. QtTEE3 * CO . ftaa CHES CBTOT Street MATHEMATICAL DRAFTING IN AM. STRDSIBNTS. * Chfcstormau’B Metallic and Steel Tataa For **’.* by JAMSfi W QUEEN 4 CO.. OS* C3&INOT Stnwfc. Priced and Ulnatrated fcrjLii*. fis^ 1 tsa ANUBEHIRNTSi FOR THE ZHHVBFIT OF TNfi Poore open at 7.Ut Concert to commence a* 6. mn2L3t J. Ineco Williams’ celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE SPLENDID NEW WAREBOOMS, No. #l!» ARCH STRBETt GAB FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, *c. VAN KIRK & CO., No <ll a ARCH STREET. • •••.00 cents.
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