NOTICES. /S, and Consumption.— . and tile testimony of thousands >T its nso, prove that JiTNE’3 )ut exception, the most reliable t COUGHS COLDS, ASTHMA, IPTION, PLEUaiSr. CBOOP, SPITTING OP BLOOD, ani all IBTS. Here Is a portion of tha trotesttnt Episcopal Church, imption, I recommend Jayne’* lIS WAQJttSR. now ia command CbeJtonJßUls. Pa , write.?: tf New York, writs® * - fence, I brieve the‘Expectorant b9oaeof thsbest remtdl6efor Coughs»ndColds." Mr- SAMUEL C. DAWSON, of No. 1217 Clarion street, kiladejpbia. says: * ‘‘After suffering for monthswith Bronchitis, I am bsppy to say. by the nee of Dr. Jayne’s Expectorant, I ijji once more like bf former self.” Bbt. L. J. ROBERTS, the wall-known Chinese mUsion iry, writes: •• For Pulmonary Complaints I find the Expectorant always easing the pain and removing the yuiptoms.” Mr. C. T. POOLER, Superintendent of Akron Schools, Uiio. writer: “ In thiee daye the Expectorant cured me of aloug landing and troublesome Cough. ” Mr. W. C. FISHER, of Weston Spalding. Lincolnshire, island,writes: “A little nephew ©f mine was receuUr thoroughly tired of the Whooping Cough by Dr. Jayna f> Exposuo *nt.” Bev.B.F.HEDDEN. of First Bapiiet Church. Camden, I- J.»writeß* “Toor Expeciorr-nt has completely cnrfd mo of a overe Cold, and entirety remu.ed tee accom^anyinff loaraenees. ” Mr. apiksw of Barfield, 0, W,. Jarue'a Expectorant has effectually cured me of a iolent attack of lnilinimatiou of the Lunge.” JOHN Seq.-, of Stewartstorrn, N. H., rates: “Oneof my children obtained immediate and effectual elief from an. attack of Group by the use of Jayne’s Ex >f ctorant. ’’ Rev A. WIBSEG, of Wittengen, Hanover, writes: ** A friend who was troubled with an obstinate Cough, arcompanitd hr SpHtinc or Blood and Hectic Pcvar. has entirely recorded bis health through the use oi Ur. Jayne’* Expectorant.” y T JOHN VANWOhT, of Aurelius. Mich., writes: ‘‘After suffering from a hard, racking Cough until I wa« thought pa?t all cure. I tried Jayne’s Expectorant, using two bottles cf which 1 found myseif welJ, i 05 gh t and hearty/’ Mr, G. W. WHISTLER, of Mercer countr* Pa,, says: “Your Expectorant has entirely relieve! me of a 7e ry painful Cough, accompanied with Sore Throat. ’ ’ Bev. Dr. RUFUS BABCOCK, formerly President of College. Maine, writes: »• The Expectorant I highly esteem as a safe as well as eiainentiy beneficial remedy. ” j >r . D. 0. GASKILL, of Milton. Nova Scotia, writer “The Expectorant T believe to be abou: the best medi c:ut in nee for the diseases for which It is recommead- Eev. J. J. WALSH, Missionary of Presbyterian Board, .Tnttegueh, India save: “His within my knowledge that Dr. Jayne’s Expec torant Las been the means. under Providence, of curing a case of Incipient Consumption.” Mrs.HAKNAH J. PUGH, of <furman,Sullivan county. Indiana, write*: “After suffering for some months with Consumption, yny case being pronounced hopeless, 1 was eventually restored to good health by persevering in the. use of Jayne’s Expectorant.” The EXPECTORANT, nnd all of Dr. D. JAYHE & •SON’S FAMILY MEDICINES, are prepared only at No. SAfc CHESTNUT Street. mh9 2t ' The OhLY Known Restorer of Color AUdPbbfeot Bain Dressing Combined—A Sure Pre- TBKTIVROF BALDNESS. “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ” “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.” “ London Heir Color Bestoier and Dressing. ” I am happy to add my testimony to the great value of Ihe “London Hair Color Restorer,” three bottles of Which restored my Lair, which was very gray, to its original dark color, and the hue appear* to be perma nent. I am satisfied that this preparation Is nothing like ady e, but operate* upon the secretions. Tt Is also a {beautiful hair dressing* and promotes the growth. I purchased the first bottle from Edward B Garrigue*. Druggist, Tenth and Coates, who can also testify my hair was very gray when I commenced its use. MRS MILLES, No. *3O N. NINTH Street. Phila. Sold by Dr. 6WAINE & SON, No. 330 N SIXTH St., Philadelphia. Price &-■ cents. Six bottles, $l5O. It One-Pbicb Clothing, of the Latest Styles, made is the Best Manner, expressly for BET AIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked is Plain Xlcures. All Good* made to Order warranted satisfac lory. Obi Oxb-Fmo® Ststbm 1, itrietty to. All are thereby treated alike, des-ly JONES & CO., 601 MARKET Street. Electricity carefully applied by Dr. A. H. STEVENB, at I*lB SOUTH PENN SQUARE, Phi* ladelphia. _ mhO-tf > Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment curbs Sums and Scalds immediately. Certificate. —Still Anothf.r Curb by DE. SWAYNK’S COMPOUND BYBDP WILD CHBRBY. * 4 l«nffexed four months with a violent Cough, accom panied with, painful tightness of the chest, great diffi culty of breathing, tore ihroat, sleep disturbed from eoußtant coughing. Tried a number of remedies without jjenefit 1 was advised to try Dr. Swayne’s Compound gyrup of Wild Cherry, which gave quick relief, and, after using two bottles, a perfect cure was the result. I Stye this certificate freely, as 1 want all the world to know Of this truly valuable medicine. “HUMPHREY ,7. EVAITS. Slater, 13 f SOUTH Street, Philada. Prepared only by DR. SWATHE & SOI, Ho* 330 Sforth SIXTH Street. Philadelphia. It Hair Dyil Haib Dybl! lATCHKLOB'B .eltbrMed HAIB DTB U the Best 1* gn World. The only Barmless, Trot, and BsHoiU My, known. Yhl» aplendid Hair Dy« ia yarfMt—«hm»M BM. Boaty. or 6ny Hair, Instantly to a Olosey Blaek or Batumi Broom, without injuria, the Hair or ctaln- IlKtha Skin, leaylnc the Hair Son and Beautiful; in* Mfts freen yltaUty. frequently reatorinx it. prletin. oolor, ud n<Ul~ tha 111 affe.ii of bad Dyu. Thl nsnln, U aimed Wiuuii A Batcbxlok; all other, an mare imitation., and ehonld be ayoided. Sold by nil Bnutiiata. he FACTOKT, 81 BABGLAY Street, Hew York. Batehelor’a new Toilet Cream for Drenln, BheHain . Irtß-ly Mason Strok & Co’s HAMLIN’S CABINET OBGANB. stick & co. ’ Th® Popular Clothing House op PhiuUj '•OAK HALL.” Best-class rood* and moderate prices. WAN AM AKER & BROWN, 8 8- corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Gutoxa Department (to m&Xeto order) No. IS. Sixth. «t. ,Whe :eler <6, Wilson’s Highest mwra , Tub Cheapest, Simplest, and ' Salesrooms. 701 Chestnut Street above 7th. D/C-A-aS-JR-IBID- MYERS—THOM'S 'N. —ln Dover, Del., on tlie Btli Sust.. by Rev, T. J- Thompson. Mr Wilbur H. Myers, Of Philadelphia, to 2Jl»s Smuft W. Thompson, daughter frftheoflsiatisff cl**«YntaiL. * DEED. JJBADFIBLD.—On thefith i net,ln Perry county,Penn at the residence of her son-inla-w, Jacob B. PlipyrtteTf Elizabeth Br&dfLeld. relict of the late John Sndfitidi of Piurede-phla, Ss the 75th year of her age. The relatives end f: tends of the family are respectfully Invited to abend her funeral, from the residence of her £on, John B Bi2.dfipld,So I4ilCallowMU street, north east corner of Fifteenth, on Thursday morning, the 10th aunt, at 10 o'clock. * BTACKHOUSS —On the evening of the 7fchinst. ,How godli.. son of D !•. and Elizabeth B. Stackhouse. The relatives and friends ol the family are xespeefully Invited to attend hi# funeral. from the residence of hie emreate. Bo Gitren street, on Thursday afternoon, at So’dock, without fen her notice* To proceed to Laurel 3fell. ** HABBIBON—On the 8:h Inst-, James H Harrison. 3>ue notice will be given of the nweral. Bristol papers his residence at Birkenhead, Liverpool, e>n 23d of Liverpool. Edward Frazer Patou, formerly a resident of this ciiv. and late of the firm of Rlchardaon, Spence, & Co. * AiTTKENS —On the 6 k Inet . Taey f. Lnkena, daughter g>f Jacob T. Lukeos of White Marsh. * SWAIN. —March Sib, 1664, John Linn Swain. His relatives and the friends of the family are invited So attend the fnnenil. from the residence of hie brother fc.lsw. Dr. Samael Monts, 1831 Pine street, on Thurs day afterncou. a*. 3 o'clock. To proceed to St. Peter’s —On Saturday. March 6, in the city of New Tfork, Mrs- Sarah A. D’Wolf, widow of the late William Banirß’Wolf o' Bristol, R. 1., and daughter of the let* I 36T, William Rogers. D, D., cx Philadelphia, lu the 621 —Fell asleep in Jeans, on Monday, Bfarch 7th. after a lingering, illness..which she was enabled to bear with Christian fortitude, Mrs. Mary Stevenson, In the 41st year of her age. . Her relatives and friends, and those of the family, are Respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence ©f her husband. John Stevens m, No* 1119 Catha* 3ln» street, this (Wednesday) »ftern° It. clock, Without farther notice. To proceed to Motuinent Leme* Eery. "Biereed are the dead that die in the Lord Test from their lahc’B. and their works do follow them. JOHKi-ON.-Oc the 6:h Inst, Wzu 6. Johnson, son of fthe late Topi iif John' on, In the 33d year of his age [Ban- Sor(Maiie) vapors please copy. 3 ~, . . His male friends a * invited to attend his funeral. I*s® Jrislate readme*. lir> 1823 Wallace street, on Fouxth- B«f morning w u o'clock. CLAT.—On tbe eiL inst,, George Clay, is the 75iK year fif hlB age Bl* relatives and mala Meads are Invited to attend his ftnenl, fiom hi-, laie residence. Mo. 1207 Baca street, this atl ° o’clock. * . uSSItow?? -- *- 111 U 1 ® 6tt inst - • Sarah. E., wife of Robert Whitaker, ag« d 55 years. . of the family are reepeetfally funeral, without farther notice, ! ‘ r^i ' i ®nce, Wo. 610 Locust street, this meriting at 10 o clock, lu®ift« O n for c d Church. Twenty-third ward. *** *dSS^l? IO D * _ S a w Sanda Z’ March 6th, Mary C.. daugh- Sreuof h«fj e ni Katcr Co<! ter Champion, In the 7th ' relatives and Mende are Teepectfallv invited to at lhJ® < Wednesday) afternooi. 9tn Ina* , stemantown fr ' ,n h * T parentB residence, Walnnt Lane. OBiTUABT. WAereas. It has pleased God to remove from out midst Isaac Dunton. of Philadelphia: therefore Besofwd. That rn this dispensation of Divine Pro vldenee we have lost one who. when with us. was one of our most active members. • uaß Resolved. Whilst we cheerfully submit to thin armnint 3nent of Providence we mournth! Bmof.Sf P wfflSl XJhricttkß walk a*d gentlsmauWdirimentvJ o 5 Lljhcet one wboae ability and finality eaexhlhltedamon*ns leadns tJtheoonJlctionthat Vf ' P ‘ wonli lave been an orai- Swlwrt, That we extend to Us bereaved friends our tlie Expectorant ia*al«rars Pianos. PIANOS I. E. GOULD, and CHESTNUT. SEVENTH warmest sympathies, and commit them In faith to Ms G< &“* Su-tolt we as a Hall wear the ran* badge ol lE Sf'*o& f ' , That a T cocy ef these resolutions be cfrSYSyed to the friends ofonr deceased brother, *nd be published In 27w Princeton Standard. OTTO BEKGNEB, KOBBRT sloes. • Committee H. MELVILLE 3UBLEY, “““ee. B. P. ELLIOTT. Vmo Hau,** March 4.lBftL WESSON & SON Hj receiving their Spring as 150 GOODS* and have now Black Byzantines, *' Florentines, 44 Barete Hemanl, Grape M&rets, Bareges, 44 Silk Grenadinei, Black, and Black and ™ W< -VE COMMENCED id Eummor Stock of MOURN- In store— Bnglieh Bombazines, French. Bombazines, Summer Bombazines. Ohally, Mouseeianes, Tamiaes. . White Poniards, ft* , MOTJRHINQ BTOBB, to. 918 GHES’TOUT Street. 4-4 BLACK. SILK VELVET lyoas Velvet I>* yards wide. Magnificent Spring Silks Stoutest Black Dress Silks. Richest Spring Organdies. fcM SIUWIB 0f " BW6,t StTJ I ? YEB a LANPBLU [g* WHE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR FOB THB SANITARY COMMISSION. PHILADELPHIA, 1?07 Cfk3tnitt Street. Feriutakv 20, 1864. The undersigned, members of the Esecntlve Commit tee of ;he Great Central Pair for the Sanitary Commis sion} beg to invite the co-operation of all their fellow citizens* especially of those resident In Pennsylvania, Delaware* and Hew Jersey, in this important enter prise. It ih proposed to hold the Fair in PHILADEL PHIA in the tint week in JUNK next, and it is confi dently expected that the contributions coming from a population so benevolent and patriotic an that which In habits the Central Etwten, and representing the most important ?rd varied branches of industry and art, will eecuro a result in aid of the fands of the Com* mission and for the benefit of the Soldier at least etjaal to that which has attended similar undertakings in other cities. It is not necessary to say a word to stimu- late sympathy for the soldier: we feel for them all u brethren, and the popular heart seeks only til* best mode of manifesting that sympathy* in the most efficient and practical way. These Fairs in other placeß have been productive of great results. By this means Chicago has recently raised for this object $60,C00, Boston $150,000* and Cincinnati mire than s<£o*ooo. We appeal, then, with the greatest con fidence to the inhabitants of the Central states, especi ally to those who constitute the great industrial classes, to send U 8 contributions, the productions of their shill end workmanship. We appeal to them in the Interest of no party, radical or conservative, Republican or De mocratic. administration or anti-administration. We kuow only this, that to send our national soldiers in the field supplies to supplement those Government un dertakes to give them, but which they sometimes laU to receive, find thus to relieve them when sick and in luUevy* is a work of Christian charity* aud that it is a wots, of intelligent patriotism also, as economizing their life* health, and efficiency, on which, under God, the nation depends in this its time of trouble. We therefore ask every clergyman to announce this hnmnne undertaking to his people* and to advice them to do what they can to further it. We ask the press to give it the Widest publicity and the most earnest en couragement We call on every workshop, factory.and mill for a specimen of the bett thing it c- n turn out; on every artist, treat and small* for one of his creations; on all loyal women for the exercise of their taste aud isdusiry; on farmers, for the product* of thetr field* and dairies. The miner, the naturalist, the man of science, tke traveller, can each send something that can, at the very least, be converted into a blanket that will warm, and mar save from death* someone soldier whom Go vernment supplies kave failed to reach. Every onn who can produce anything that has money valne fc invited to give a sample of his best work rr an offering to the cause of national unity. Every workingman, mechanic, or farmer, who can make a pair of shoes* or raise a bushel ; 0 f apples, is called on to contribute something that can i be turned into money, and again from money into the ( mean* of economizing the health and life of our national soldiers. Committeeshave been appointed in each dopartcaent of industry and art, whose business it will be to solicit contributions for thelFair, each intits own spacial branch. These committees will plaoe themrelves in communica tion with those persons who may wish to aid ua. In the meantime. It is recommended that local committees or associations be formed In every portion of Pennsylva nia, Delaware, and Hew Jersoy, with a view of organi zing the indufitry of their respective neighborhoods, so as to secure contributions for the Fair. Committees of Ladies have also been organized* to co operate with those of the Gentlemen in soliciting con- tribntiona. , ~ ,„ . , A list of all these committees will be shortly published and distributed. In the meantime, those who are dis posed to aid us, or who mar desire any fti rther informa tion on the subject, are requested to address CHABLES J. STILLS, Corresponding Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Great Central Fair, No. 130 T CHEST NUT Street. JOHN WELSH, Chairman. CALEB COPE, Treasurer. C. J. STILLS, Cor. Sec’y» H. H. FURNESS. Bee. Sec’y. 8. V. Merrick, B. H. Moore, J. H Orne, Jno. Robbins, Wm. Strutters, Wm. M. Tilghmaa, Geo Trott, Ihos. Webster, Geo. Whitney* Geo. A Wood. I George W, Childs, W. H. Ashhurst, Horace Binney, Jr.. A. E. Borie, JT. B. Browne. Jaa, C. Cre.soa, D. B, Cummins, Theo. Cuyler, Pied, Giaff. J. C. Grubb, Joseph. Harrison, Jr., R. M. Lewis, fe2s th bWSW s6t THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ~ OP TUB GREAT CENTRAL PAIR POE THE SANITARY COMMISSION, to be held Is this city in the month of JUNE next, be* leaTe to announce that a PUBLIC MEETING, In behtlf of the Fair, will lake place at the ACADEMY OF MUSIO, ON THURSDAY EVENING, March 10th, at 8 o'clock. I Addresses, explanatory of the objects of the Pair, will I be made by Bight Bev. BISHOP CLARE, of Rhode Island; Bev. Dr BELLOWS, of New York; Hon. Judge I SKINNER, of Chicago, and others. I Hassler’s Orchestra will toe In Attendance, ] On and after Monday next, ticket. may he praenred ] gratnitonsly at the Agency of the Commission, No. 1307 Chestnut street. Union League House, at the nrinclpal I hook stores, and at the Academy of Music. mh4-6t K 3» A GBAUD CONCERT WILL BE Ec3» given by the CHOIR OP THE ELEVENTH B*P TIBT CHURCH. TWELFTH Street, above Race, on THURSDAY EVENING. March 10th, at 8 o’elock,inald of the funds of the church. Price of tickets, CO cents. Over thirty talented performeiß are engaged, and ef forte have been pnt forth to make this a very pleasant entertainment. mh9-2t* ltd, THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE IN BURANOB COMPANY, . , Maech 7. 1864. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend Of SEVEN DOLLARS AND PIPTY CENTS per Share on the Stock of the Company for the last el* months, whlen will be paid tc the Stockholders or their legal re pro eentatiree after the 17th instant. m hB-10t WM. G. CROWELL, Secretary. KENSINGTON . LITERARY IN |o> STITUTE.—The Annual Meetlag of the Members of the Institute will be held en THURSDAY EVENING, March 10th, at7JS o’clock, at the Ball of tho Kensington Engine Company, RICHMOND Street, above Marl" borongh street. An Election will take JAMS for Officers and Managers to Berve for the ensning year mhB-3t* QBORGB W VAUGHAN, Sec’y. •K 3, COMHENCEHENT.-THEANNUAL IM* Commencement of the PHILADELPHIA COL LEGE OF PHARMACY wUI be held on THURSDAY BYEBING next. 10th inst , in the MUSICAL FUND hall, at 8 o’clock. The Valedictory Address will be delivered by Prot PROCTER. The public are reepect -oThe entire class of 1864 are requested to meet In the lower room at 7 o’clock. Gtrmania Orchestra will be In attendance, mhB-3t a^CO»M£NCBMENT.-THK BLE |Ak YJSNTH Annual Commencement of the P£«N MiDICAL UNIVERSITY will be held at CONOERf HALL, on WEDNESDAY, Marsh 9th at 3 lyclockP. M. Valedictory addMtt by Prof. C Hall LEB MURPHY. The puMic invitedT J. 8. LONGSHORE, M. D.. Dean. mh7-St* .. ■d- JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE. —The Annual Commencement will be held at MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY next. 10th in etant, at 12 o’clock. The Charge to the Graduates wiU he delivered by Prof. DUHGLISOH The public are in vited to be present. HO BLEY DUNSLISOST. mhSSt Dean. EIGHTH WARD 19*500 CITIZENS OP THE EIGHTH WARD WHO BATS NOT TOT AIDED IN THE ETfORT T 9 AVOID THE DRAFT. Lees than five hundred of your fellow-citizens, generously coming forward, have contributed nearly §20,000. Look oyer the list recently published; yon will find there the names of many ladies and old men, not themselves liable. Of the three thooiand men now subject to the draft, hut few haye done anything. Five dollars paid by each of these men, or by their wives and mothers, would furnish the balance required, and thus secure them against conscription The names of all who contribute prior to the Ist of March, (Including some who were omitted in the list above referred to.) will be pab ished. Thus a record will be had of those whose patriotism is evinced by acts, and not by words alone. Ton thousand dollars are needed. You are appealed to to raise it mh2Bt By order of the Executive Committee, Wg l a EIGHTH WARP BOUNTY FUHD.- -All men mustered in to the credit of the Eighth Vail be paid their bounty on presenting their yoneheraat Ho. i!JH LOCUST Street, daily, from 4 to oP. Jh. vouchers of men absent In the field or else- must be aceomparied -with powers of attorney. Thebountj of men credited before the 4th of February is Fifty Pollers —or all ©there, since that date, la Twenty, five Dollars. mh7-flt ISgs» TWELFTH WARD —CASH BOTJN TY s3s.—This ward having entirely filled Us onota under both calls of the President, will still con tinue to pay the Bounty to all volunteer* accredited to Twelfth, ward until the unexpended balance in the hands Of the Treasurer is fxfcausted. Committee sit &#*£•*" “aSiSfY 2 mh7 6t* Chairman Dlabarmnt Committee. TWENTY-FIRST WARD BOUNIY P^ft D 4B H OLD P | C HOTIl U ?an. , o?‘i o ch? J !f? i l i WMMBSDAY BTOUXTO next, March 9, at 7X o clock. SS TOUertfe* committees will have all sabscriytton. iinaaii nn bT that time. and return the books to the Chairman of the several oraeinets: also, to have pre rare d» revised Hat of all mbacribeM rarca ß/Sraerofthe teecntire SMITH, Secietary. ah 7-31* THEBLEVBNTH anniversary »i?^ ! lf»*n w Vmiier Singing by the choir of QfWß* «d.C9B», TO THE GRAND C ELEBRATION OP THU organization NATXOWAI/ UNION OX.XJB OF PHILADELPHIA. The Eeaentive Coaaaitioe of ihe national Union Olnb liaylLK directed ttio Qomxnbttea on Meetings to mxkQ at' rangeroents for celebrating tire Anniversary of the Or- ganisation of the Club, the undersigned give notioe to their follow citizens that She Celebration will take place ACADEMY ©F MUSIC, On Friday Ercuing, the licit instant. Thefollovrlng distinguished gorellomen hefrs sonsented to beproseat and address the mealing: Foa- HANNIBAL HAMLIN. Vice President of the United States, His Excellency GOVERNOR CURTIN. Senator LA-DIE, of Indiana. Hen. HfiNBY T. BLOW, cf Missouri. Hon. GREEN CLAY SMITH, of KsutttAy.' Hon. AMOS MIERS. of Pennsylvania, Kith other distinguished local speakers. The Poors of ihe Academy will be'opsn at S BT E N O'CIOOI; And the proceedings will commence promptly at iA.U.I' PAST SEVEN. Tickets may the CLUB HOUSE, 1105 CHESTNUT' ST. RESERVED SEATS FOB IIADIBB Will be obtained ONLY from the undersigned members of the Committee on Meetings; GEO, T. THOBEE, Chairman, DBi WM. GBEGG. J. B. FLANIGEN. CHAS HUMPHREYS. S, BEEPER LEIBY. HEEBY BUMM, JAMES FREEBORN. JOHN B. 088. 8. DANIELS. JOHN FRANKLIN. WM. M. BULL. mh9 3t r-at*. trilK "MBKCHANTS AJSD BAWK py- BBS” COMMITTEE oi the Siskh>W&rd Bounty " U i.d, acknowltdie the following additional subscript tlonB: r T». C. A. CLiEKE. Chairman. WM. H K.RNJSS, Treasurer. H. C. BOMD. Merchants I JAMES J. SWOYER* Committee. isg Vil'S&SkT. JOHN BII'EK. I JOSEPH FOSTER. CJflfib $lOO 00 Col. Thomas B. Webb, (additional)• Union Hotel. 25 00 John Brackenridga. Wm H. Greffg *.«.»« • i«ntt«tt*i ll dO W Geo F. Omorly. (additional) ■> Z 5 go D. l’axton.. - - - j®oo J. B. Price 00 2fi 00 Stuart & Brother . j® 00 Tredick, Stokes, & Co * 25 oo H&nriu ShOTtrMffe. * Co 25 00 Frothingbam & Wells... .... 25 00 W. H. Larned & Co 25 00 Hazard&Hutrhißßon 25 00 B. I« Carson & *5 00 Lewie & C 0.....« 2o 00 Whitney A Lawrence »•** .......... 25 00 H.P. &W. P. Smith • 25 00 C. B. Mounts, 25 00 Billings. Koop, * Co. 25 00 Coffin 4f Altemus. 25 00 W. W. Wunenger..... 25 00 M. Chnplme 25 00 J, A McGrow..., -*••*** 25 00 W. MfConch * * 25 03 Geo W. Thorn. ‘ ggg D H Merrlman 10 00 F. & J. M. Jones. ..•*•.** ***** Jones & Tindall. 5 00 Wm. J*. Th0mp50n....... goo Wm H. Sowers 5 00 Brooks* Rosenheim*.... gro J.M- Borer.-... »••««** gOO PerklnpineAHiggins..... ’•••* Williams & Coons... g w f£ * Smith 600 Norman M. Kerr. 500 S.B. *Co 6 00 W. C. McKibbin JO 00 J. S Tnnna & A1temu5,,,,,,,,,,- JO 00 A. M. Bell nap... J® 00 A. A. Ehumway fr C0...,—, * JO 00 J.M. Foster (additional).. , JO 00 J. H. South worth. JO 00 Field & Bardie JO 00 Tryon* Bro,, ~ —, JO 00 Gates, KUbnmfrOo.. Jp 00 Johnß. Myers JO 00 Charles - JO 00 Wolgamuth Raleigh, &Co * 10 00 Aldrich fr JO 03 Jones, Warner, & Co— JO 00 M. K Harris (add) ,~ * JO 00 J). H. Joslin ~ JO 00 Chae. W. Eldgway JO 00 Wm. E. Sharpe (additional).-." »•* JO 00 Seryerfr Eon JO 00 Geo. W. Seed * C 0....... jo oo Chas. Bichardton JO 00 Cash JO 00 W. S. Stuart * Co 6 00 James C. Hale.... 6 00 Atwood, White, fr Co 6 00 W. A. B. fr Co 5 00 J>. B. 6 03 H • 0 00 J. H.&W. C... 600 Edward Turner - .6 00 cash. B. H. JO 00 Cash 5 00 T. B. Tunis - JpOO Georgeß Eeeee. Son. 2003 Lewlsßoatdman&Co«.— 10 00 Cash 6 03 E. K. hlauthter « 00 J C. Caldwell 6 00 Bartaiett ft Blynn 6 00 B. A. Hunter fr Scott. 6 00 J. Binswanger & Co 6 00 B. H. - 600 John Price. 5 00 Cash, A. N. 4N J 00 G. Hoff * Go 6 00 A. Taylor, (add.) 6 00 G. 6 00 B. S. Janny * Co. 5 00 J. C. Hopkins*Co 5 03 J. 6 00 Jacob Harley. 500 Cfteh.** * 5 0j Goldthorp. Woodward, & Co 6 00 P. M. Perot * Co - g 00 T. E. Gi11... - 6 00 Wm. Mollenn (add.,) * 0* Ritter, Claghom, Co gOO Stephen Wayne (3d Shb), 5 00 DanielSohler.a..aa.A 6 00 Joiepb Housnm 5 00 Jacob K. Swoyer (additional) * 6 00 Williemß liwln 500 J. E. Schell. 5 00 Morphy ft Koons 6 00 John Power . ...» 5 00 Cheesebronghft Pearson. 555.......*.*..«. 500 Tbomaa 8nxne50n...........5 00 Simoneftßrother. ~«*.«*.*•»» 5 00. AaahelTroth & C 0.... ... OQQ J. BinaldoSank&Co... 4 «......... 5 00 Buckner, McCcmmon, ft C0.•«.♦.«0 00 William Jones 5 00 Hiram W. Rank 6003 Join H. Kanse (additional)......., 25 00 Bavid B. Elder (additional) 5 00 L. Herbert (additional) 5 00 8. A J. Moore....*«,*»«*»** 5 00 Cash —— 5 00 R. Kirkpatrick. ® 00 JobnMcßemott.. 6 og Jacob Borser o od Gash, S. C. £ 10 00 J. B. lon &Co MOO Thomas Potter 10 60 John M. 5he1d0n....***•........................... 10 CO John Trenwlth (add.) 5 00 Cash .... U. 5 00 Cash. B. B. A, (add. ). 6 00 Cash, H. u. H.i (ad 0,)... 5 00 Cash, P B. D., (add.) 500 Ca*h 603 Cash....* 6 00 H. M. Borefaeimer*. 10 oo Jacob Aleber 10 00 Joseph Hahn 15 CO '■Henry B. Schaeffer...... 3 00 Stillman... 2 00 Cash 2 CO Bond, Bro. & Co 5 00 "Wplp. ft C0.......D 00 J. Be Haven & C0.....6 00 J. B McCamant (add.) 6 00 Cash J. D. B B 5 00 Wfetson ft Janny.... 5 00 John Kmetl 1 (add. 5 00 J. B Arnieh (add 1 500 H. 31. DorJand (add.),..- 10 00 JdwardPott. (add) fl 00 E. L Dod.e 0 CO 6. P. Brwir ® 00 T. M. Jllen 10 00 J.lnford Lnkans (add) S OO Jon n B. Potter 10 M J H Davison * 300 M. O Brian 3° co Benjamin Bullock & unit 25 00 Famuel Zane • • ?9 22 tmfcscrlptionß. cash . . 9 03 in Sixth ward,per Samuel Biepham. 50 00 Bank of Commerce .!"!/.!! 60 00 Union Bank...•• 50 00 Mechanics* Bank 6) i;0 Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank 153 00 fbHedtlpbla Bask. 100 00 Sr-btcriptions of freotact Committees will b© pabUehad in Sod day papers. It »» LORBERRY GREEK RAILROAD w3* COMPANY.— Philadelphia, Jan 29.1864- . The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the LOR BEhRY CREEK R h ILRuAD COMPANY will be held at the office of the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Com pany. »o. »»T Bonth FOURTH Street, Philadelphia,®* WEDHBSP AY* March 9th, IS6I, at 1 o’clock P- M-. for the election of a Preii&ase and six Directors to MfVft for the current rear, and util others shall be elected. feßKiabd W. 0. WBBB. Btercianr. THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1864 “ORATION OH RADICAL CHRIS TIAKITT.”-K4dicaltsm in all things, No Biavery to Man, nor to Appetite Benefit for the First Progressive Ohri*tian Church, at SAMSOM-STREST HAlili, THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING. March 9ih, at 8 o’clock. Bev. IS. M. LANDIS, M. p., will deliver Cfirst time In this city) his celebrated, rrachcftl, and humorous Oration on Radical Christianity, which de lighted and drew together crowded houses in Wathlng ton. and other rlaces. , _ Curious Letters will be read from Bishop Alonzo Potter and other clergy- We hope the pnblio wilt lis ten to the elerlirg eloquence of Dr. Landis, whilst they aid our cause. Tide’s 26 cents. A email quantity yet to be had at Mr. Gould’*, corner Seventh and Chestnat, and other stores. JOHN WARRINGTON, \ Lecture inhg 4t* .TAMES MILLER. ( Committee. MEDICAL BOARD-HBADCIUAK ■*3=* ters Militia. Hospital De partment, Bakkibburg, Pa.. March 1. 1864. The Rtate Medical Board of Pennsylvania will meet In Philadelphia on THURSDAY, the 10th ol March inst.. and continue in session at least eight days, to examine candidates for appointment as Assistant Surgeons in Pennayivanla regiments. The object is to provide for vacancies in the recruited regiments, whioh may re quire additional Assistant Surgeons Physicians in good health, furnishing satisfactory tes timonials of their industry, sobriety, and loyalty will boadmUfced to the examination The Tcome in which the ex-ruination will beheld Will 1)6 Indicated 1n (he city papers on the day of meeting. By order of the Governor. , mh2-9t JAMES KING, Surgeon General Pa. V S. INTEttMALUEVBMUE- IfO* Second Collection District of Pennsylvania, com' prieingfFiret, Sevenih, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth wards of the city ol Philadelphia. NOTICE. The annual assessment for 1563. for tho district. of person* liable to ft tax on Carriages, Pleasure YaclliS. Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Piate.aad aiso of persons required to take out licenses, having bean completed, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEY That the taxes aioreeaid will be received dally by the undersigned, between the hours of 9 A. M and 3 P. M., (Sundays excepted.) at his office,southwest corner of THIr J> and WALNUT Streets- on and after MONDAY, the 7th inst , end until and including SATURDAY, the 2d day of April next , Hg All persons who fail to pay their annual taxes upon Cfirriatres. Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables* at«d Gold or Silver PI ale on or before the aforesaid 2d day of April, 1864, will incut a penalty often per centum aoditiona] of the amount thereof, and be liable to costs, as provided for in the 19th section of the excise law of Ist July. 18S2. All perAonswho m like manner >hall fall to take out their licenses as required by law, on or before the 2d day Of April, JB6l, will incur a penalty of tan par centum ad ditional of the amount thereof, and be subject to a pro secution for three times the amount of oatd tax, in ac cordance with the provisions of the 69th section ol the law aforesaid. All payments arc required to bo mv3e in Treasury Ifotea under authority of the United Stales, or iu notes of Banki* organizea. under the act to provide a iia lorel currency, known as National danks. No fuither notice will be given. .TORN H. DIEHL. Collector, S. W cor. THTRi> and WA '.NUT StS. ALLEKTOWK RAILROAD COM PANY.— Philadelphia, Feb. 19. 1864. The annua - * meeting of the stockholders of the ALLEN TOWN KaII.KOAD COMPANY will- ba held at the office or the Piiludelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany. No- South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, on. WED NESDAY* March 9fch> 1554 at 12 o’docfc fi£ 4 for the election of a President and Directors to servo for the CUT rent ' ««ar, and until others shall be elected. feSO-ttnb!) W. H. WEBB, Secretary. |K3b- VULCAN HIKING COMPANY.-THE wcf* firrt meeting of the VULCAfI MINING COM PANY, under Sts articles of association, will be bold on SATURDAY, the 12th da? of March, 1834 at No. 384 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, at 11 o’clock, A. M. r JOSE PR H. TROTTER. B. A. HOOPES, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Phit.ADKLPhVa. FeVr. 2:4. 1864. fe24-Jflt f<p< HESTOKVILLB, MANTUA, AND FAIRMOUNT PASSENGER KaILROaD COM PANY. Philadelphia. March 7 1864 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Klection fov Presided and Five Directors will be held_ on FRIDAY, Him lQib day of March, 1564, at No. 4HH WALNUT Street. The Pvlls will be open from 12 M. uutM IP. M. R. T. FRAILEY, Secretary. n>h7-llfc • : Ma. NOTICE.-THE FIRST MEETING of the Corporators of the RESOLUTE MINING COMPAKY, nnrer their Articles of Association, will be held at No. 3%4 WALNUT Street, in the city of Phila delphia. on the 2l*t dfty of MARCH, 1861, at 11 o’clock A M , for the purpose of completing the organization of tbe Corporation and transacting any other proper busi ness. JOHN fi. GROUT, B A. HOOPES. Two Associates under said Articles. Philadelphia, March 2. 1864. mh4-15t PITTSmrnG, FORT WAYNE. AND tSt» CHICAGO RAILWAY company. • OFFIGB OF THB SbORETART, Pittsburg. Pa.. February 12th, 1884. The Annual Meeting of the Stock aud Bondholders of this Company for the election of Directors, and inch other business as may come before it, will be held at the Office of paid Company, in the city of Pittsburg, on the THIRD WEDNESDAY OF MARCH, A. D. 1864. at 10 A. Stock and Bond Transfer Boohs of the Company, at their Officein tbe city of Pittsburg, and at their Trans fer Agency In tbe city of New York, will be closed ou the Ist day of March, at 3 o’clock P. M., and lemain closed until the 17th day of March thereafter. fel&-tinl7 W. H. BARNES, Secretary. a» MEDICAL PURVEYOR’S OFFICE, No. 9 North FIFTH Street. w PHILADELPHIA, Not. 12, 1363. Importers and Dealer m MEDttSSfcS, HOSPITAL STORES. HOSPITAL FURNITURE, BEDDING. 108, &c., are invited to submit their Price Lists from time to time to this Office. J. MURRAY, nol3-6tamtf Surgeon and Medical Purveyor. - S GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, No. 011 CHESTNUT Sfeat. RECRUITS V. ANTED for all ilia old CAVALRY, ARTILLEE.Y, and INFA.NTRY REGIMENTS, BOW in eervice.rahetfi i» thl» STATE. A few mood men ean yet bt enlisted for Mis Fim Artillery (Light) P. V , end for the Third Artillery (Heavy) i\ Y.» arationod at Fortress Monroe, Va., by applying at tills oihca imme diately. BOUNTIES. Veteran. Volunteer $675 AH other VoJnntMeis • «.» $575 ss4B cash in hand. Becrnits will be accredited to any lockiity in the S'tate of Pennsylvania they may desire, and receive thf, local bounty. „ CHAB. N. CADWALLADRR, Capt and General Recruiting Officer. G. W. J3LAO3ON * CO., AIAHUFACTURHRa OB' OIL CLOTHS, No. 18* NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Offer to the Trade a fall Stock of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS. GREEN- BLAZED OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW tolil-2m SHADES. Q.EORGE W. HILL, Manufacturer and 'Wholesale Dealer in CARPETINGS, MATTINGS, RUGS. ALSO, COTTON AND WOOLEN YAENS. At very Low Prices. No. 1»6 NOBTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE ARCH, mhl-Sta Philadelphia. 1864. 1864. FINE ol othing AT WHOLESALE. We are now prepared to show to cash buyers as exton* siye a stock of medium and fine Ready-made 01othinc. for Spring sales, as can be found In the United States. Buyers can save their expenses to New 1 ork, and find the coeds they want five and ten percent, cheaper in Philadelphia. An examination of onr stock is solicited. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAS HALL. • fell-lm if g. B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Sts, MILITARY. GLOVES. TO THE LADIES. We be* to inform the indies wo have just received a larfe assortment of Coarvoifeier'e Alexandre’s, and Jou- Tin’s French Kid Gloves: also, lad'ea* French Beaver, with single ana doable bu-ton. An assortment of ladles’ Buck skin Gauntlets and Traveling Gloves on hand, of onr own make. HBALY&CO., Fourth and Ohestnnt Sts OIL CLOTHS, &c. CLOTHING. MILLINERY GOODS. 1864. _ 1864. WOOD & CARY, ' 126 CHESTNUT STEEET, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. F. S.-MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS are invited to examine before purchasing, as onr STOCK IS FULL Mid PRICE 3 LOW. S WOOD & CART. P. A. HARDING & CO., IMPORTERS ARD JOBBERS OP STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. 413 ARCH STREET. PBn.ABKI.PHIA. mh3.2m JyJARKLEY & SHAFFNEB, SUCCESSORS TO SHAFFNEE, ZEiaLER & CO., CONTINUE THE WHOLESALE HOSIERY AND VARIETY BUSINESS, At the old stand* f«26-18t* V0..36 NORTH FOURTH STREET. OF REMOVAL. The undersigned would Inform their friends end the public generally that they have removed from their Old Stand. Al 7 ARCH Street* (9 thpir SPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, No. DM ARCH STIIRKT, where they will continue the rale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, &c. Haying associated with our house Mr. CHARLBS PAGE, (Formerly the Principal Designer for Cornelias A Baker,) we are now prepared to execute orders for Gas Fixtures of all grades and designs, from the plainest to the most massive and elaborate » VAN KIRK & CO , Ho el> ABCH STRBBT. r»BB-EMlNENT AMONGST THE X beet Pictures will always stand B F. BEIMBR’S superior Portraits, life-size Photographs In oil color*, splendid specimens of ait. ABOB Blrtst It 'T’BCSE FINE, NATURALLY COLOR A ED Photographs, so immensely popular, made for $l, are destined to become a permanent ineUttmoa: ad mired and obtained, by all SKGONJI Strttsti GRAfiN. U* SILK ASTI> DRY-GOODS JOBBERS, JUST RECEIVED, IN CHOICE AND ELEGANT DESIGNS, FRENCH ORGANDIES, JACONETS, AND PERCALES. RICH AND HANDSOME 2STEW STYLES SPRING AND SUMMER WIIAWLS. M. L. WALLOWELL & CO., mllß-lSt OXS CHESTNUT STREET. CBAKIES WATSON. FRANKLIN JANITET. SILK HOUSE WATSON & JANNEY, No, 383 MARKET STREET. WHOLESALE DEALERS IK BILKB, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, &c. To which they respectfully invite the attention of buyers. mh9-3m 1864. Bi ™ G 1864. DRY GOODS ! RIEGEL, WIEST, & ERVIN, IMPORTERS AITP JOBBERS OF DRY GOO DB, HO 47 N. THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Have now in Ktore.&nd are daily in receipt of, all kinds of FRESH sri lim DRY GOODS, OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES. Have a Full Stock of all the different kinds of PHILADELPHIA-MAD £ GOODS. Merchants will find it to their interest to call and ex* amine our i»tnck, as we can offer them UNEQUALLED INDUCEMENTS. rah9-2iQ IJIPOUTEKS. A LEX. "WRAY & CO., »39 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Importers of British DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. &c.. &e , have last opened, in addition to ihe above, a verv large and vailed assortment of MEN’S SPRING UKDERSHIRi’S, consisting of Merino, Imitation Me rino, India Gauze, and Brown and Wiiite Cotton, a which they most respestiully invite the attention of onyUFi. /e29-loa* BETAII DRY GOODS. “A T RETAIL.” JAMES R. CAMPBELL & CO, 121 CHESTNUT STREET,- Invito attention to their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS AND X>HXSSS G-OOI3S, Of very recent importation, embracing the most exten sive and desirable assortments that they have ever offered. COURVOISIER’S KID GLOVE 3, BLACK, WHITE, AND COLORED. MOUBNING GOODS. a. 4 and 8 4 BAREGE. HERNANI. 3-4 and 8-4 CRAPE MAHETZ. 9-4 and 8-4 TAMARTINES. 3.4 and 6 4 DELAINES. BYZANTINES and FLORENTINES. FRENCH and ENGLISH BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities. MOURNING JACONETS. BLACK SILKS in great variety. All -widths and beet brands. mh9 E. & L. EYRE & LAND ELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, ABB OPENING FOB SPRING BABES, 1864, FINE PLAID BILKS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, INDIA PLAID SILKS, BEST GLOVES ONLY, STANDARD SHEETINGS, BROCADE GRENADINES, SHAWLS, NEW STYLES, 68 PIECEB FANCY SILKS, MAGNIFICENT ORGANDIES, FINE PLAID BONNET SILKS, ORDERED POULT DE SOIES, 100 PIECES GOOD BLACK SILKS, MAGNIFICENT PERCALES AND CHINTZES* fel3 nmwtiel3 p* D I A SHAWLS. <3-330. pryeh, 916 CHESTNUT STREET, Will display on MONDAY. March7th, his SPRING IMPORTATION OP REAL INDIA SHAWLS. The handsomest and lariest assortment he has ever ahown. The attention of tho ladles is rcfineeted. Also, ELEGAJIT SILKS* ORGANDIES, &cu and other description of Shawls. LACE CURTAINS. CURTAIN MATERIALS, LINENS, HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS. SHEPPAKD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, 1008 CHESTNUT Street. mli7.mws3t a nnn dollars. ft,UUU four thousand dollars in black SILKS. We JKW offer the greatest bargains in BLACK GEO DB &HIJNE& ever offered ill the city. Heavy Black Silks at 51,25 yer yard. Beavy Blach6iikaatsl.ii7 per yard. Beavy Black fcilfes at SufiOper yard. 34- inch-wide heavy Black Silks at par yard* The above goodsare a great bargain We desire to turn them Into cash immediately, and give oar cnatomers every cliauce. THOMAS SIMPSON St SONS, 923 and 921 PINE Street. mh9wths*St T INEN GOODS, OF ALL KINDS, JLi EXTRA CHEAP. -Heavy band-loom Table Linens, at 87Mc 90c. and SI; unbleached Table Linen at 70c, iwfcc. and SI; half-cotton at 62Kc 75c. and 87>£c; bleached do, pure Linen. 75c. 57Kc,, 90c. SL and S 2 25; extra width and Quality at $1 Si 50, SI 75. and #2. I am now selling great quantities of these on account of their cbeapnece. . , NAPKIKS of every variety; ddmash and snowdrop at S 2; heavier do at $8 £0 and $3; extra Quality at $4 and *°DOT LIES at $1 00 aid *2, either plain or with red holders also, colored for frnit. TOWELS with red and bine borders, with and without Mused ends, at $2.25; due do., with border all around, at $3: extra size do., fringed, at $3.60; Terr fine do., at S 4 60 DIAPERING of all widths. , , ~ Richardson’s heavy HOUSEWIFE LINENS for family nte. at 60c, 02Kc, 66c, 70c. 76c. and 87« c. Thew are very deniable, beleg extra heavy. HOCK .BACK, both bleached and hall bleached, at 25c, Sl>ic. i7lic. 40c and 60c. , . , „ LINER SHEETINGS of the Barnsley make, at $1.60 and $176 One lot. 12-4 wide, at $176. Three bales. «xtra wide, heavy CRASH* at 14c and 16c; better and finer at 18c B mh7-mlnwe4t 1013 MARKET street, above Tenth. IUB4 CHBSTNPT STREET. SPRING TRADE. E M. NEEDLES |0 Is now receiving, and offers for sale below Present market rates, many novelties in P J.*CS AND WHITE GOODS S He would call "special attention*' to hie a assortment of over 20 different new fabrics and g styles of White Goods, suitable for "Ladies g Bodies and Dresees,” in stripes, plaids, and g figured, puffed and tucked Muslins £g 100 pieces of figured and plain Buff and White Piques, bought before the recent ad- T n£w invoices of Guipure and Thread Lac»w, § Thread and Grenadine Veils, Edgings, Insert- g , Trofd°H’eß-Stltched HANDKEHCHIBPS. all linen, good anal ly, from 26 cents np. IUR4- CHEST] Pf THE CLOTH AND CASSIMERE PUPARTMISHT will be found Harris’ Mlxtd, Striped* and Plaid Casslxcereß. Mixtures for boys’cults, 'Water-proof and Colored Closings, Pine Black Clota* and Casalmeres, Casslnieres all prices, ml 6 TTEATON & DBNOKIiA,HARDWARE AX' Commission Merchants, 507 COMMERCE and OXO NORTH Btr«eta. offer for tale; Anchor Brand Natl*; Plymouth Mill Bivets. "W. &8. Butcher's Cast Steel; Ragle Cabinet Locks. Putnam’s Horse Nails; Locke's School Slates. Copper* Brftss, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards- Ajro, a full assortment of American Hardware, fc&flml { OTEOICAti, KATHAIRON. Katbairon la from tba Greek word “ Kathro," or “ Ka tlairo," signifyiny to rejuvenate, and restore. This article is what Its nxme BlfinifiW* For preserving, restoring and beautifying the HUMAN HAIR H is the most remarkable preparation In the World. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill, and attention which gave it a sale of over one million bottles per annum. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keens the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft, and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off sad turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use LYON’S KATHAIRON. It is known and need throughout the civilized world. Bold by all respectable dollars DEMIS S. BARNES & CO., New York. This is the most delightful and extraordinary article oyer discovered. It change* the snn-barnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, parting the marble purity of youth, and the dtitinov.e appearance so inviting in the *ity belle of feahion. It re moves tan, freckles, pimples, and roughness from the Bkin, leaving the complex*®* fresh, transparent, and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by actresses and opera singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Prepared by W. E. HAGAN. Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DE3IAS S. BARNES A CO., New York, HEIMSTREET’S INIMITABLE HAIR RESTO RATIVE.—NOT A ME. But restores gray hair to it* original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All inataitUsnevu&dti&i are composed of lunar cavMiCt destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Heim fctreet'e Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, hut gives the hair a LUXURIANT BEAUTY, promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It has stood the tost of time, hoing the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing In favor. Used by both gentlemen and J*di®s. It Is sold by all re spectable dealers, or can be procured-by them -ot the commercial agents, D. S. BARNES A GO;, SO3 BROAD WAY, New York. 7wo sizes, CO cents and $l. The parties in St. Louis and Cincinnati, who haye been counterfeiting tbe Mustang Liniment, under pretence of proprietorship, have been thoroughly estopped by the courts. To guard against further imposition. 1 have pro cured from the United States Treasury a private steel plate revenue stamp, which is placed over the top of each bottle. Each stamp bears th * fats simile of my sig nature, and without which the article ie a counterfeit, dangerous, and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. This Liniment has been in use and growing In favor for many years. There hardly ez lets a hamlet on . tht> habitable globe that does not contain evidence of Its wonderful effects. It Uthe best emollient in the world. With its present improved ingredients, its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable, ‘Sores ftJTO healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made useful, and untold ills assuaged. For bruises, sprains, rheumatism, swellings, bites, cuts, eaked breasts, strained horses. Ac., it is a sovereign remedy that should never be dispensed with. It should be in every family. Sold by all druggists. fe£2-mw ftm&eow 6m .. D. B. BARNES, New York. T>UBLISHED THIS DAY: JL LIFE OF GENERAL BUTLER, Price Twenty-five cents a copy TAB LIFE AMD PUBLIC SERVICES OF MAJOR GE NERAL BENJAMIN F. BUTLER, THE HERO OF NEW ORLEANS, now commander of the military Department of Virginia and North Carolina; also, commissioner for the exchange of prisoners; with a portrait of General Butler. Price twenty-five cents a copy, or five copies for one dollar, and sent free of postage everywhere at these rates- Agents supplied at $1 75 a dozan, or $l2 50 a hundred. Address all orders and remittances, to receive immediate t 0 ft bkqthbes, ■ It 306 CHESTHPT Street, raiiaaeiphia. J'OB TPE ARMY AND NAVY EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FTHRMBHEIIS. Banner*. Rexlmental and Company Flags, Swords. Bastes, Belts, Passant*. Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spnrs. and everything pertalnina to the eomplete outfit [of Army and Navy Officers. A liberal disconnt allowed to tbe trade. felO-lm JIROTHINGHAM a wells HEAVY. MEDIUM. AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. _ STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASH.NGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND BXLECIAS. BROWN.VILE ACHED, AND COSSET JEANS, No. u Worsted yarn. he. *as,n\t Q.REAT OPENING OP CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. 8.000 DOZ. COHN BROOMS. S.COO DOZ. FANCY PAINTED BUCKETS. 1,000 NESTS CEDAR WASH TUBS. 2,000 CEDAR STAFF AND BARREL CHURNS. 1.000 DOZ. WILLOW MARKET BABKBTS. S.OOO BALES COTTON-WICK AND TIB YARN. Z,OOO BALES BATS AND WADDING. RETICULE BASKETS. OIL CLOTHS, LOOKING GLASSES, CORDAGE. Re., Re. All Goode are sold at tbe Manufacturer's Lowest Cash Prices. Orders promptly filled. mhC-etlf 157 and 159 NORTH THIRD BTBEBT. mill.2m Three Doore below Race. THE cheapest, most conveni- J- ENT, THE SAFEST, AND VERY BEST PORTABLE LIGHT FOR HODSEHOLD USB, RAILROADS, Re.', Re., EVER INVENTED! ' ■* THE ARCHER & PANCOAST CONVEX REFLECTOR LANTERN, (PATENTED APRIL, 1863,) FOB BURNING COAL OIL OB KBROSBNB WITHOUT A CHIMNEY. In bringing this article before the public, the proprie tors do so with entire confidence, inasmuch as it pos seeies many qualities which highly commend it, ana is pronounced, by all who have tested its merits, altogether the MOST DESIRABLE LANTERN they have met with. 1. It gives a pore white light—without chiunst. 2. It stands quick motions in any direction. 3 The flame is regulated from the outside. 4 It is neat and eompaot in form and eiee. 5. It is substantially made. PBICfi ONE DOLLAR. For sale by Coal Oil, Crockery, Hardware, Wooden and Wallow- ware dealers generally. Made by AEOHER & PANOOAST, Manufacturers of Gas and Coal Oil Fixtures. Lamps, *e., Bob. 9, XX* 13 MERCER STREET, NEW YORK. mhs 6t* The ARCBEB & PANCOAST CONVEX REFLECTOR LANTERN, For burning Coal oil or Kerosene without a Chimney, xor For sale by MUBSBLMaH & 8188. _ No. 13 North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, Dealers in Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chains, Wood aed Wiliow-ware, Ac. mho-ot ■pAPEB WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING, & CO., 510 MINOR STREET. Manufacturer* of ROLL WRAPPERS... DOUBLE and SINGLE MEDIUM, CAP, and CROWN MANILLA, on hand, ormade to order. Highest price paid for rope in large or email quanti ties. • feas-3m BAGS. juat received, Nob. Vs.S’e, andS’e WHAT IS PRETTIER THAN A FINE IT Carle de Vislte, and whose superior to those made by B T. BEIMEB, at his new and eiegant Gallery, 034 ARCH Street ? !**__ gPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. ARTIFICIAL HOMAN STBS Inserted without pain, by J^lM#|gr^RiKT. FiPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS FIELD GLASSES Microscope, for Physicians and Stndenla. A very Urge assortment by & oq 09* CHBSfNUT Street. JOHN H. STOKES’. 70» ARCH Street. u/l ATHEMATICAL DRAFTING IN JJrI strumentb. Chestennan’e Hetallle and Steel Tape-measnre*. For sal, bv JAMBS W. QUEEN A CO., tor 99* CHESTNUT Street Prl«ul and Illustrated catalognes gratis. 1e23-lot HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. MEW PC BMC AXIOMS. ARMY GOODS. 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. HATH FOR BALB, CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE OITY. KOW SELLING AT BARGAINS. ROWE & EESTON, GENOA RAGS.. And for rale by Q w QjjußCEß, It* 33 South FRONT Street. WAXTS, Agents wanted to seliTthe STANDARD HISTORY 0? THE WAR. A rare *hfloce to make money. Agents we clearing from $lOO to 92W per month. 200 000 volume* already sold. Send for circular*. Acdresb JOKES. BROS., &COU Publishers. mbT.tmbi"* BALTtBOiiS, Md. TTDDC ATIONAL.— WANTED, A situation a* Teacher of English, Mathematics, or Latin, by an inctroctor of several years’ experience; or would give lessons in private schools or families, or to Students piepartug for examination, on the most riasotmble terms. Certificates of thorough qniwinca ««* and testimonials to integrity of character may be obtained, by applying 10 o o>* w AMJWOIN SOHOOL INSTITUTE, -”>l9 21* Wo. 35 R. FOURTH Street. Philadelphia fJ-AP MINE NICKEL STOCK.— TO PHROHASS-A fewhundred .liare. of v* e above stock. Address, stating price and number ofeharta “ Orem. 11 at tbig office. CALESMAN WANTED ISabhoM SALE NOTION HimSE. To cue who nan Inauenea a toed Pennsylvania trAde.aliber&Jsalary will be raid Address, wiili real same and reference, '•Notions " Press Office rnhs-lt'’ WANTED—SECOND AND THIRD * * story Room, suitable for a Laundry. Address, iw 100. Pest Qilice mt>9 St \\T A N TEI- A SALESMAN IN A n Wholesale Boot and Shoo Store, who can nasd a Ifew Jersey Trade. Address, Box Post Office. mh9-3t* WAKTED, AN ASSISTANT, AC -11 quainted wHli the Retail Drat business. Unex ceptionable reference will bfl mnired, Apply SPivUCt. Street. TST ANTED.—A YOUNG MAN, AGP. A “ v DUATE cf Criitendsn’s Commercial College tf&nts a SITUATION as Assistant Book-keeper or Entry Clerk, Bei-t of reference given- Address “ B&le,’* Press OJHce. WANTED THBEE PERFECT " copies of "THE PRESS” of Aojtisl 20Lll, 188} > good price wHI be prJd for them at this office mnS-tf WANTED—AN ACTIVE OB SPJB ' ' CIAL PAETNEB, with 910,000 to 515,(K0. in a tS e net ca*h manufacturing bUßiness. Address E. Y ■ till, office. lnh3 6t» Or>( > 'WANTED—A PARTNER Sr with n,in amount in a Sash, Door, an<l Monidin* Mill, dolna an,od ctah basinets. Address or apply lo E. BUNT, si the Mill, GIKABD Avenue and VI ENNA Streets. IvensirSKon. mt\9-2t* A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE 'IP ® A/ AGENTS in every County, at 975 a month, ex rentes paid, to sell hit new cheat, Family Sewing Ma chinee. Address S. MAIHSOH, Alfred. Me. Crel2-dCtWBm A MONTH!— I Was? Agents at 60 ft month-expenses paid, to sell aiy Everlasting Pencils, Orienta lßumerx* and 13 other anicLs. 15 circu lar* *ent/r*j. JOHN F LORD. Biddeford. Mb. ja27-*2m PERSONAL. TNFOBMATION WANTED OP WIL LIAM WILSON, a boy of about twelve years of ago, light 1 air. fair complexion, blue eyes, and large for hie age. Be left homo 1* October, 1863. Any person know Id* of his whereabouts would confer a great favor by informing hie parent* Address PETER WILSON. Dan ville. Montour county, Pa. mhB-:k* HEIRS WANTtfD.—JAMES old. HAM and THOMAS OLDHAM, brothers of the late Mrs. 6-ARK. of Belfast, Ireland, will hear of some tlinic to their advantage, on applying to SAMUEL Ho. » CASTLE BUILDINGS, Belfast, IrdaalPf Further particulars on application at the office of .T. H. & W. CREIGHTON, 11 and 13 STRAWBERRY" Street. mhd Bt* LOST AND FOUND. T OST- ON THE EVENING! OP 7th -*-4 inet., In the Academy of Music, a LADY’S FUR CAFE. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the satne 6t g£B MARKET Street. __ It* T OST.- CERTIFICATE No. 18L FOR 1 " UUJAI*» the FOINT k BREEZS PARK ASSOCIATION OF PO ILA DELPHI A, In the name of HENRY D. LENTZ. Ai; application will be made four weeks from the date hereof for a renewed certificate, notice is hereby given. „ JACOB S. LENTZ, mo 9 WfSt* Egeeator of Henry D Lentz, deceased."! T OST—A CERTIFICATE OF 5 PER CENT, LOAN OF STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, for $516.05, dated March 12. 1830, No. 754, In name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 6-per cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, lor the sum of $2OO, dated June 30. 1845, JS 0.1452, In the name of ELI R, PRICE, administrator of William Meredith in trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re* newal of said Certificates felO-fim ELI K. PRICE. No. 811 ARCH Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. T AEGE BOOMS TO LET—SECOND •AA and third Btorlea of Tl4b CHESTNUT Street-the best location in the Mty, Hjh3>3t* pOAL YARD FOR SALE—THE BEST fitted up yard in the cUy. Capacity for doing any amount of business. Inquire at No. V 57 North NINTH Street,below Girard avenue. Terms eaay, ins 6t* TITHARF AT GREEN STREET FOR » * SALE —The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com pany offer for sale, on accommodating terms, their wharfproperty on the Delaware front, at Green street now in the occupancy of JAMES S. WATSON. A Plan of the Property may be seen at the Company’s office. No. Iffig South SECOND Street, mh7-3t MBENT $350. —MODERN DWELL ING. 9»G North ELEVENTH Street, Apply al Office, 1109 COATES Street* mte ftfc m RENT SSOO.—FINE BUSINESS -EaL STAND and DWELLING, 24 feet front, S E. corner ELEVENTH and COATES Streets. mh9-3fc Mto let, STOEE 509 MAEKET STREET'. Possession lut April. m TO LET—A HOUSE WITH eight looms and stabling. Apply to mbB-3t* E. MIDDLETON, Sr . Darby. m TO LET.—A GENTLEMAN HA ■IYIKQ a comfortable HOUSE, centrally located, in vitee three or four gentlemen to join him in housekeep ing, and share expenses. Address ‘* C. D., M office of The PresSi mhB«2t* Mto rent—house and fub- NITUBE, with all the modern improvements and pleasantly looated. Address, ‘ ‘A. B. S. Press Office. xrh9 2t* m for sale—a new three. Jstfl STORY HOUSE, stabling and 4 acres of ground, Darby. Apply to E. MIDDLETON, £R., Darby. mhB-at* m FOR SALE, AT A BARGAIN— Mol House 35310 MT. VERNON Street. Apply to JA9.. FDLTON, 71)3 WALNUT Street. mh9-6r» MFOR sale—THE THREE-STORY MBB6TJAGE, 504 Wood street, and lot of Ground, ftoctaiztiDif in front on Wood street IS feet 9 inches, and in depth 86 feet, and breadth on the baok end 37 feet 1 inch. Apply to SAH’L L. CLEMENT, mb9*6t 330 South THIRD Btreet. Mfob sale—a handsome COUNTRY SB IT in CHESTER COUBTY, contain ing 20 acres. House modern hnilt. with all conveni ences. The grounds abound in Shade and Trait Trees of every description Convenient to stations on throe different railroads For further information apply at No. 905 CHESTNUT Street mh9-w3t* 43 FOB SALE—A MODERN BUILT JBiißthree story brick DWELLING, with water, gas. bath, frc.; one of the mo*t delightful and healthy situa tions in WEST PHILADELPHIA, commanding an ex tensive view of the Delaware and Bcburlkiil rivers, and the Jersey Shore- A good barn, lot 91 by 175 feet. Situ ated in the vicinity of the hew P&yk property, in a neigh.* borliood rapidly improving and advancing in price. In* quire at 933 CHESTNUT Street, second floor. mh9-3t* M FOB SALE—A LARGE MODERN Residence, with IK seres of ground, at CHESTNUT BILL. Also, fi.tenement houses at same place. Also* two adjoining Farms in KENT county, Del., of 400 and 2)5 acres Also, one bnildin* lot In MANTUA, at Westminster Avenue and Preston Street, 120x180 feet. *. Also, two thousand acres of land in Wisconsin and lowa. Apply to mb9-Tvfm3t* M PLEASANT RESIDENCE, N. W. corner of Eleventh and Filbert Sta., 20-feet front, with back bn-ldings and usual modern conveniences slot 127 feet deep, and suitable for many kinds of business. Early possession given. For sale by A. P. AJ. H MOR RIS, 916 ARCH Street. mbs-4t* M GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOB SALE by M Thomas Sc Son. on TUESDAY, . March ID, —A large and convenient HOtJShE. on CHURCH LANS, in the country, yet near to railroad station, markets, stores, churches, dee It has heater, hot and cold hydrant water, and a well of excellent water, gas, and long porches. . . _ ... _ ... Lawns on three sides, well shaded With fine old trees. A good atone stable and large kitchen garden. The pro perty will be shown by the tenant Terms easy. __ IBAAQ PUGH, mhB-6tu* Nc. 407 WALRUT fctreet 3d story-. M to let—a commodious DWELLING, No. 13» North FRONT Street. Bant moderate. Apply to WSTHBRILL Jt BRO., oSa-tf afed *9 fforth SECOND Btreet. HOTELS. JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, Pa., CORNER MARKET STREET AND MARKET BQUAJti A 4«k-«l«t honi*. Term!, (2 Mf 4*T- Ja96-3m FINANCIAL. QHREVE & KENDRICK, No. 23 WIL- G LIAM Street. KßW YORK; Office, No 15. „ County, City, and Town Bonds of the State of w la* COUSIN, issued to InsolTent KaUroad CompaaiM. Ptir ehated at high prices. Also, all other MISCfiLLANBOCS SECPBITIEa Bought and Sold. m** 9 6 V TOHNHOBN, JB , O STOCK -COMMISSION BROKBB, No. I*o SOUTH THIBD STREET, (UP STAIRS,) PHILADELPHIA. BEFEBENCE9: Meesrs.Thos. A. Biddle ft Co. | tfesa.Gaw, Mac&letter, ft Go. Hessia. B. S. Whelan & Co. Messrs. Drexel ft Co. Uesaxa. BuzbyftCo. I Henry J. Williams, Bsa. Alexander Biddle. Bsq. I. F. Hutchinson, Bsa. G. M. Troutman. Bsq. (D. B. Cummins. BsCU Jftfi. <?, Kl&ff ft Sons. Hew York. ie26-2m CECOND NATIONAL BANK OS FRANKFORD. r _ CAPITAL #lOO,OOO. faITH THE FBIVILBQB OP IN- W CREASING TO #BOO.OOO. „ . NATHAN HILLES, President. WILLIAM H. BHAWB .Cashier, (Late of the Philadelphia Bank.) DI&ECToas J __ NATHAN HILLES. CHARLES R. KBBMBB, GEORGE W. RHAWN. BBNJ. ROWLAND, l£- SIMON B. SHTDEB. BEN J. H. BEACON. EBWAKD HAYES, JOHN COOPER. Bank of Philadelphia open at No. 13* MAIN Street, Frankford. for the tran»- action of a General Banking Bnaineea npon the nenal all aeemlble points will be made npon Überinerm.. t^ m ,w ß .cui.i.r TREASURY DEPARTMENT. A Office of Comptboi.i.f,b of thb Ci'HKRF(:r. Washington. February 26th. 18M. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence 5™ e “ that the sss’Es&Ji Aa Philadelphia, and State of e . n “ B SYhe said act reanlred to be So^uJd h w\th th bS T 1 commencing the Tmsines. or « c . kJ .ul tl)tcruforß) t cruforR I, Hngh McCulloch, Comptroller of thoCmeiw dS hereby certify that the POUR PH KA. TIONAiTbaNK OF PHILADELPHIA, connty of Phila delphia. end State of Pennsylvania, la authorized to commence the business of Banking, nnder the act afbro- Ba jn* testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this twenty-sixth day of Februarv. 1864 „ HUGH McCULLOCH. mhl am Comptroller or the owwaw. MATERIALS FOB MINOE PIES. BUNCH, LAYER. AND SULTANA BAISINS. CITRON, CURRANTS. AND BFIOS#. CIDBK. WINES. *« ■ *«. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, LealOf In Fine Groceries. Goner ELEVENTH and Y'.nn ibwte. f& phrenological examin a y TIONS. with fnll dsßoriptloas ofciaracter. given l'& S7ESm6 ' Vb » JIJUBICAL FUND HALL, Refpf ctfullv Informs Mb friends and the public in ■»«, ral that he will stye a VOCAL ANT? INSTRUMENTAL! CONCERT, ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 9, 1834. ATTH| MUSICAL FUND HALL, Auieted fcv the following prominent Artists of this eßr* Mr*. HENKIKTTE BEHRENS, Mr. CARL WOLFPOHN, Mr. THEODORE AHREND, , Prof. JULES HOLSTEiN, Conductor. Tiebete fiOcebUs to La had at the Music Stores of/; H. y®l“° nn«l O. Andie & Co., and on tbeSrenin at the Stt^i? 00 ™ 7 o’clock. Coneertto commence at 8 o’clock. mb7-» Assembly buildings, tenth AT»» CHKSTH3'T. ’ Vf EDNESr>’AT, oth.Matck, R’P m LECTURE ON THE HAND. Tickets at Mr. LeypoldVs Foreim Bookstore, Cheetnn above TtWifentii. or on ofoninß at the o(ii:e. mlid- fs W st« T 'HE TSIRI) ANI> LAST LEOTURB ®F THE ffOCSSE Will he fflyen by MR- DE COSDOVA, „ AT CONCERT HALL, ON THOBbSAT EVENIKO, MARCH 10rc.' puhject; OUR FIRST BABY, my,. UA > TALE OP HO2IE cit£*JSd , tY tt irSwdl?» l:ett attend by toe elite anm J*&k one TWc * bo the “™* Poors open at 7 Leotora nt 8 o'clnefr. mi)s-4t' DfiKW'S NEW ABOH -BTEKST TUXAT7V2 ™ AJSUH.- BOTJST'S Jffrtir'r"*v LAST WBKK uT il m™ li Tt-w LadT Teazle. * ar\ j«hi> r .w Mr- Crabtree .....stnavt To conclude with the LOaN »F a lover ' * o * ,w * 1 * Gertrude * Mm. Joba Drew. lettr rKUllT,' BIKEFIT OF MBS j6IIN%YIV-J?b,Ml - as utuel Curtain risoft at TA o'clock. WALK UT.STKEET THEATER. "" TBTS (Wednesday) EVENING, March 0. Being the Last Night but throe of w . MfSi? E’i’TlE HENDERSON, Wno, 07Tfrjne*-t. will repeat her charming Imperious. tloa of FANCHON, THE OUrCKET. Afrerwhich, the Nautical Drama of the OCEAN CHILD. U T»«?fP®w sn \'s ,, **' B 1 -- , l , U r on; Marv Helm. Miss A.Graham, BENEFIT AND LAST NIGHT BUT 1 ONi; Q/tl,*j!i, WOTeH t ( rf _•••" MI-6 ETTJfi HENDEEBON. Boa 03<o npea from 0 till S. Curtain ilsea at 7V o’clock GROVER’S CIIE3TN UT - STREET - 'THEATRE. LEONARy GKoVER comtiwued popu&fcsmr , COLLEEN B\WN, which will ns Ti?Bsent«»d with fwl tli*j BEAUTIi'CL ttCENJJHY, _____ ORIOINkL MTJSia. an 3 the GRKAT CAST OF CHARACTERS POKE GOLD and TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAW will ba ebortly repeated. T?LEVENTII.XT. OPE3A HOUSE. “THE FAMILY HESDRT.” CARNCEOSS OR DIXET’S MINSTRELS THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD. Tn their a , j-a SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES. Splendid Siniciufc, Beautiful Deuctsia'. Ls-uchabU Bur lettinflfv Plantation BcfQp.3, &c.. &c . br TWiUTV TALENTE.D AUTtSTB - EVERT EVJSNJftQ THIS week. Tick€t£2s cents. Doors f pen ai7 o'clock; fe27*Sm J. L. CAENOROBS, Baciaesß M&ancw. THE great picture j- AT CONCERT HALL LECTOBE BOOK For a short season. OPEN EVEEY EVENING FOR A SHORT SEASON. J, Xflfico WiiitePM’ celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. Tbls is the most complete and finished Painting Of UA« Sacked Scriptures in the world, comprising over fifty ©-< the mott Of tbe first three thousand years of Biblical History, form in a altogether one the finest exhibitions of the Sf ft, OPIN EVERY EVENING at half past 7 o’clock. Admission £#* cent". Ji. 3. Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday altar* noons, at 3 o clock. Admission for Children 15 cents. rj.EEM ANI A ORCHESTR A.—P CTBLIO REHEARS iLS every BATITKDAT. >t 3 o’clock. F. M t at the MUSICAL FOND HALL. Single tickrti If cent*, Package* 6f Mis tiek&t=, $l. To be had at AV< DEE'S. HO* CHESTNUT Street. J. E GOULD, B* VENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door. *B2i*tf PENNS YLVA NI A ACADEMY OF A TETE fine arts, 10515 CHESTNUT 6TRBET. OPEN DAILY (Snndayi excepted) from 9 A. M. ttll Admiwion 25 Children half price j428-kf T>RYANT, STRATTON. & BANNIS- STATE AND NATIONAL OOHMSRCIAL COL LEGE. S E. cor. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT,—laetrne* tlon in Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Commercial Cal culations. Business Pennmans.hip, Business Correspond* ence. and Telegraphing. An excellent opportunity for young men to prtpare themselves in the most effective manner for the duties of active business life, by attend* lug either day or evening. Call, or send for a Circular. n»9'4t* "DISSOLUTION OF PARTNELIBHIP. J-J —The firm of Warner, Glllin, &Go la this day dis solved by the withdrawal of Michael Glllin WILLIAM WARNER, MiCHASL GILLIN. The business of said firm will be conducted under the sajne and style of WILLIAM WARMER & CO. Aiip*r sons haying claims against, or due to. the abovo firm will present or pay them to WILLIAM WAttNBB & CO,. No. 7TG Sonth SWANSON Btreet TYISSOL.TJTION OP PAR'L'NE fctSHIP. J-'-The Ftrmflof HTTIiL.'OORLIBS. & Co., of Phila delphia. aid GEO. K. SMITH & CO , of Yorktown, Carbon county, t’a , arc this day dissolved by tba trltti dra«&l of Sami. W Stockton and ffm P. CorliM, THOS. HULL. BAMIi W STOCKTOSf, TO. P. COBLIBS. March 4,1364. Tli 0 business of the above Firms (Mining and Shipping Lehigh. Goal) will be conducted under the name and Style Of THOS, HULL & CO- All persons having claims against, or dua to, the above Firms Will present or pay them to THOS. HULL & OOi. WALHUT Stret. mh7-3t* /SUPPLIES FOR THE WATER DE FABTMENT. SEALED PBOPOSALS will be received at the office of the Chief Engineer* FIF TH, below Chestnut, until TUESDAY, the 16th lust., at S o’clock P. If., for the fol lowing articles, free from Government tax: First—For IRON FIFE, by the pound, as follows: 100 3 Inch Pipe, 9 feet long, weighing 330 fei eaeh. 1,000 4 inch do. 9 do. do. 190 do. 2,000 8 inch do 9 do, do. 310 do, SO S'lnch do. 9 do. do. 400 do. SO 10 inch do. 9 do. do. 490 do. No allowance will be made for any metal three per cent, above the specified weights. 35,000 pounds of branches, bends, &e. Second—lßON CASTINGS for shop, as may be’or* derod. 30,000 pounds of eastings for stops, plugs, &c. Third-BRASS CASTINGS for shop 5,000 pounds of castings for stops, plugs, ferules. Me. Fourto—GASKET for laying pipe. .. . 2.0C0 pounds of gasket. Specimens to be furnished With the bids Fifth-PIG LEAD. 25.000 pounds of lead for pipe, 4rc.. Sixth—OlL for machinery. SCO Rail on sof best winter-strained lara oil. Specimens to be furnished with the bids» Seventh—TALLOW fo* machinery. 1.000 pounds of clean tallow. The articles must be delivered at th a works or yards of the Department, as directed by the Chief Engineer,fre« of charge, as rapidly as required tor use. Any deficiency will be filled at the expense of the contractor The Department will subject the materials to such teste as may be deemed sufficient, and will be the judge of the •quality and flth«s*, , , . Bids will only be received from those manofactarluc the articles bid for. „ , The Deuartmentresems the right to increase or dimin ish the above amounts twenty per cent , . No bid will be received unless a bond of five hundred dollars he deposited with the City (solicitor, as per or dinance of May 25. RT pM . bIBKINBINK. Chief Engineer of the Water Department. mh9 wtmst ' Philadelphia. JOS. C. TURNER, ear walnut street. TFOBMAN P. HOLLINSHEAD, A No. 315* WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA* INSURANCE BROKER AND ADJUSTER. Marine Losses Adjusted. _ . - • Marine. Fire, Inland, and Life Insurance ejected in. the most reliable Companies at reasonable-rates, with out CHARGE TO THB ASSUBEU. ' , x .. All business relating to Insurance attended to promptly and carefully. FORMAN P. HOLLINSHEAD’B INSURANCE AGENCY, ■ N». 3JB WALNUT STREET, fhii,aj>bi.phiA.. Agent for the following first-class Companies: __ HOWARD INSUBAfiCECo . OF NEW YORK. (Organized 1825. > cash capital, $250,000. ADRIATIC FIRE INSURANCE Cl)., OF NEW YORK. (Organize! 1858 ) CASH CAPITAL $300,000. COMMERCIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF N. YORK. (Orsart(46d 1850.) cash capital. $200,000. MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF N, YORK. (Organized 1852 ) CASH CAPITAL $200,000 „ _ ALBANY CITS FIBE INSIIHANCS, OF ALBANY. N Y. (Organized I 860.) inhl-m CASH CAPITAL, *300,C00. ~ C.H. MINI. AMHSEMEIJTS, MASTER I. R I O E, PUFiL OF CARL WOLFSOHN. SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES EDUCATIONAL. COPARfNKKSHIPS. March 5.1864. PROPOSALS. INSURANCE COMPANIES. CE COMPANY, OTTOT STfiEBT, 2LPHIA. k ND IfISUBAHCB IXOBS. John W. Bjroruna. T7AMB INSUBAN A. No. 406 CHES PHTIiADi /lEE AND INLAI PIBKO^ f r&nels IT. Back, Cbariee BJeh&rdeoA* Hoary Lewie, O. W. Darii, p. S. Jnetleo, Oeorce A< Wilt. I’BIWCIS JL. CHAS. KICHj W. I. Blanohaku. Secret! NOTICE. THE PHILADELPHIA. AND NEW YORK EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY Have resumed tlieir regular dally trips between Phila delphia and ITewTork* * LEAVISO DAILY AT 8 P H- Freight received at MAKKET-STKKBT WHARF. Phi ladelphia. and foot of WALL Street, Mew. York, and da livered in either city in TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Goods forwarded with deepatch to all points free of commission. The facilities of this Company are such. as to insure shippers superior accommodations and reasonable rates. WM. P: CLYDE, Agent No. IA South DELAWaBR Avenues Philaia. JAMES HAND, Agent. No IAT WALL Street, New York. WILMON WHILLDIH, President. mh9 6t FOE ALB ANY AND TROY. JMSBiMiviA DELAWARE A»J> BJ.RITAN STEAM The Barge CHA*. B. HUL. Caotaln Babcocß, to noir loading at first 'Wharf below Sornce mil leai* for the above points on SA.TUAPAY r. Jtt., at •> ° Jtf'ftelffht, which will ba taken oa reasonable terms, app-y to it B «. S. rLANAfJAN. Aleut. Jf o . 38-A sogth UMmAV? ABB Avenow _it— NOTICE,— THE FHibA.. > n*r PR7A STEAM PROPELLER 00. <>> Delaware and. will reunme'taifew Toff.Vu MoaDAT. March 7, IBM. of tMa Company are of th» Fim o2S:»Ma[}| s 5P. M. Delivering thel. cargoes in New taien on cbo«oiiii^odatituc CORBECT PIANO. TONING. RTTf f-Mr. C. S. SdBGEHT’d Oedare fig TnniM lid Eepiirto* 9t»n«* a» recntred ItlSStoK,* tMJ. * Store, 90» cftSSTHBr Street. wAv, . , _ Hr S. bu had eleven nix' factory experience in >es ton. end fixe Teare' employment la PMledelptiU . _ . BPIXvJAI. —pianoe reUatKtmtfl to Hotrod ee eoft ref ewoai-toned renew, leUhoHtMmntltt, Turn for Tudor, fil pi MOV AIt.—JAMES H OASTJJB, Attomer m 3 OonTayaaoat. haaremoy&d W* 0»m ui»UIS. fifth Ba»<- we* CasMuat- ftu-ua^ • ManEK«r. Bobert B. Potb*r. John Kessler, Jr. * 35. D Woodruff. Joseph D- Bills. BOOK, President fcBDSOtf, Vic* President irr. I*l4-11
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