CITY ITEMS. The Otsthh-Packlko Business—We hsd no idc»i until a few day« elnoe, that Philadelphia con taiuedeueh an extensive and well-managed esta blishment aa that earned on at 333 south ivoni sod 332 South Water streeta* by Messrs. F. B- Baird anil B. F. OooLBAUoa, trading under the firm of F. K- Bated Sc Co. In out ignorance of this br.noh o' trade, we thought Baltimore (where we kno sv a very large eapltal i< in vetted in the business), a!Imosl monopolize* it, and that onr S oo ' “ ' aHoeether an outsider lu comparison with it. But we have Men agreeably undeceived by an But we tav „ auim >th establishment of the for here everything on the most complete, eyatematie. and exlemive scale- O* rte " C4nuc ‘>' s P loell > n ‘ vA v; the *£■ll in numbers and quantity unsurp*sted, are put up and, by tpecisl anangementa with express com panies and railroads, are sent promptly and in splen did condition to ail sections of the loyal States; »nd ny t!»viug indefatigable agents and epeeialpri vileges iu Norioik and other great Oyster Dfipote, they are enabled to iteep up a cODstant supply, and thus promptly fill all orders. When -the oyster is not in season there gentlemen are engaged in packing and hermetically sealing, for exportation and home me, fruits, tomatoes. &c. We were pleased to learn that the firm is eminently and deservedly successful. AWobdebfijl Piece on Mechanises, —The po pular Giover & Baker Sewing Machines, sold at 73P Chestnut street, have the distinguishing notoriety of having taken the first premium wherever tney have been exhibited in comparison with other machines. This, with the fact that, among the thousand* 0/ fa millet throughout this land who have the Grover & Baker Mschines in ueej-there is noi to be found one Who would substitute any other in its stead, is no mean pit ol that it possesses more merits than any lival machine. The most rigid tests have demon strated that for many icneona the Grover & Baker Stitch is preferable “* embroidered garments displayed an the windows of Iheir establishment in this city are a splendid oar* of what the Glover & Baker Machine can do, and £hey attract much attention. Second Lecture et Cordova.—We are-sure that the signal success of De Cordova’s first lecture, on last Thursday evening, will be more than realized io-morrow evening at Concert Hall, when that cele brated wit and humorist will deliver his second leo lute of the serieß, on Mr. Perkins’ Christmas Din r,er (a Tale of Shoddy). We understand that almost enough tickets have already been sold to fill the hall. Applications for them should therefore be made early. Tickets for the two remaining lectures can Jje had at ue cents. Tbv All, and Bur the Best.— The agent for Jhe sale of the Florence Sewing Machine in thi3 city, Mo. 630 Ghestsut street, has thrown down the gaunt let to his rivals with marked boldness in defying if or.. The truth is, the “Florence” is a young giant among the sewing-machine wonders cf the day, and Rtl who examine it are unwilling to purchase any other. It does all that any other ma chine does, and a great deal more, and does it bet ter; and, what pleases everybody, is the fact that every Florence Machine sold can be returned for the money after three months’trial if it doeß not give perfect faturaotion. The FrasT Day of Sfeing.—Messrs. C. Somers 4t Son, ueder Jayne’s HsU, are now opening a mag nlflcent Spring Stock at their popular dotting Establishment, 625 Oheßtnut street. Their impor tations are the largest they have ever made, and the taste displayed in the selection of their elegant •pring fabrics we are sure will be universally ap. proved. They ere scltirg off the balance of their Winter •Clothing cl greatly reduced prices. A Seasonable Hint.— We will embrace this op portunity of advicing our readers who may be in want of Coal, to buy it now, and to be sure to order itatw. W. Alter’c, 535 North Ninth street, as he Nells tto best and cheapest coal in the city. An Elegant Stock of - Gbntlembn’s Furnish ing Goods, embracing everything necessary in that line for a man of taste to wear, will be found at George Grant's, 610 Chestnut street. His “Prize Medal ” Shirt, invented by J. F. Taggert, is the shirt of the age. The Gf.iv.t Central Fair.—The Great Central Fair will open in Philadelphia in June, and it will attract hither swarms of people. The sight to be aeen inside will be attractive, and every patriotic and humanitarian feeling will be appealed to. Strangers will also be enabled to visit our city “lions,” and if they are wise they will take advan tage of the opportunity to procure new suits for themselves al the Brown Sjpme Clothing H*U of BockhiU & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Win tee Lingering in the Lap of Spring.— Yesterday, Match Ist, was ushered In adorned as a bride, airayed in spotless white. Old Winter, and pis young blide, Spring, may their honeymoon ba of Short duration, and the old gent leave for his North ern heme right speedily. His young bride we will keep with us; and, when loosed from his chilling embrace, she arrays herself in beautiful green ves tures,and flowers e trow her pathway, and the joyous birds carol lorth a welcome to her rosy face, we will so forth to meet her, strayed as .becometh her ad mirers, in elegant, graceful, and fashionable Cloth ing from the palatial store of Granville Stokes, No. 669 Chestnut street. Great Seduction in Prices. Great Keduetios In Prices. * Ladies’ and Misses’ Fine Clbaks. Ladies' and Miß3es’ Fine Cloaks. Also, Kiel, Furs of all kinds. Kich Furs of *ll kinds. In anticipation of the dose of the season, we are DOW prepared to make a large concession from for. tner prieeß on all our stock. J, W. Peoctob & Co., - The Paris Cloak and For Emporium, 920 Chestnut street. ** A THAT? is KNOWN liT THE COMPANY SB Keeps.”—This old saying has a rvival in these times, as the following incident shows: At Camp 'William Penn, the other day, a. man was found who had nmuggled whisky into the camp, which is aeainst the soles, whfiQ Colonel Wagner had him dressed up in » barrel, marked on H, “I smuggled whisky into cami>,” showing that a man la known sometimes by She clothes he wears. How often, when we see well, dressed gentlemen in the street, do they seem to say to us, 11 1 buy my clothes ol Charles Stokes & Co., Under the Continental.” Conns, Burnous, Invbstbd Nails, Enlarged Joints, and all diseases of the feet, cured without pain or inconvenience to the patient, by Hr. Zaeha> Bie, Surgeon Chiropodist, 921 Chestnut street* Refer* £o physicians and surgeons of the city. j*33»tf ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS TO TWELVE O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT* Continental- Ninth ai Wm Beiter, St Lon’s Wm H Norris, Baltimore W H Tompkins St Lonls SMclntof-b, New York Campbell Tucker RWiater E Becking, Wheeling, \ a H.B Wheat, Wheelinr, Ya Jas 0 Little. "Wheeling. Va S 0 Mitchell, .Sandn»ky,o Zobt Dalzcil, Pittsburg John Bisfell, Pitisbarg WL BisseU* son. Fittsb’g jt A Crosby, New York NfrsßF Butler, *ew York TKieslE O Butlei, New York JIISB L ABiUler New York TEmser, X>ew York. C W Kilo ball. Maes Keller Eur z New York CaptEvson, FtSlonree H BButee’l Connecticut C Adam* & la. Sew York Biss Emma S Y Kiss Mary B Adams, h Y jl H Adams, Sew Yoik Jas W Dufining, B. ooklyn JE&VTi Paris , .John S Knowles > Bedford CeO E Bridges. Bonos J S Turner, Chicago *TF Newton. Newport, El J F Foster & la, Baltimore 3Dee Lilly Jackson. . JohnL Wilson, Bait’.more Capt baml K Schwenk, Pa Pevßl) Murphy L P Noble, New York A TBainbridee. Lc-uisville S Leggett, New York A G Goooall, New JLG Gray , London. Eng A M Zimmerman, Illinois Albert Joseph: New York AL Keith, Mfess&chusstts Girard- CKcstmit s’ Jl J Davis. Sew York T Willis. Sew York IG James* Bnrlvcgton *V9 F Ftrnuson “W KnocW Harrisburg ■*TC Smith BanUbuis X Kennedy, Few Y ork Jzs T Kiley. Kcwl erk Xieut Matters USA JWKo3er,USA , ItfW Hay. F’t Delaware SWElte* Oregon *rtom&B Jones ©eoFßicwu Jo> Iilo; d Nhw i ora. 3> Brainerd. Chicago WfffiJSZWm* TCCooibangh, Monroe eo 3? 6 Speafcm&n, Penna Stone, USA J S White. Hew-Jersey JH&rcoaxt, England 3f D Flyxt, Cincinnati SO Jolley, Few York ,TT Conrad. Few York £P Boyer, up. css Ct Oznoxcd. 'TfliLft-ina « Yoet, MaEgnoyCity *W Tennant. Xforistows 7. Langdon, Jefferson, Mo G Lane & wf. Jefer«cs, Mo Capt A F Smith. Fauna •Capt G C Eckert. Fenna 3 Platt, New Y ork J pnffinyton. lowa Senry »t»ler« lowa 3» Fought, rtnnts IG Lai ton. Chits«o 3 r Haven. Chicaso 3 E Haipls. Sow Havon J C Dimmore saw haven *W W WenrictAwf.Ycrk co Sites S Wenritk, York co 3188 A Weniics. York co Jas Hart. Bnriirtton Bon lasac Tel’e7**isbkiii <J G Be livogi Dried Hotel— S A Bowers Sewvule Jk. J White, Cban bersbarg J 5 CLawteraborg SKCUrt. Siffyioa Dtl • Neville % 3F Fiehfer. Viigicia Pail vrsburg S *'*'w Haven Capt J Qc Macfsrlaa A Oxr, M3ei«ou i" Bihimore TT TPiv"' £? rf ‘ 5 kVa AJ Con , aaa.Waalu2j. W j 1 JChri & t;an. *lb,ty Putsbnrg Indiana W WIiSOS. It niufin K.txascSng j * I 4J r rS2 Da ? be >’’ Brie. Pa Erie ip Kraut?t?i?2£“ lOa -tfDndley t WY?S“ A. Tucker,-Omaha, N t S^*S.V a£d * JJPjgbraey & la, Jid CMcCHarB. Pittslm** JBJoseeAvf. PriWon Fleebiager -J W Brown, Bedalehem Lit cl Chestnut streets. Geo B Biesell Pittsbnrg E Gardiner, New Yolk C E Elmer & wf, New York Mies Thompson, New York W W Johnston. Indianan’s S S Moffett, Madi*on, Ind .T J Jackson. Jr. & la, ff Ya J C Neal, Virginia B Pl&utenane Captain Crane. USA Lieut Col Boyd, U 8 A w S Barker, St Louie Geo “F Moore, Portland John H Herrin*, Penna * Fowler, Baltimore JC Ward. USA S a Whitney, New Jersey Mrs Fox, Connecticut W|K Laverty, N J Mrs Pickerell. Baltimore Hiss Pickerell, Baltimore J Seward St la, Boston B A Kosenbanm, ’& J WBO Mills, New York _ Sore J B Morrison. U S N S H Shreve, New Jersey L B Larey, Hudson City J Fanen John T Beatty, Conn. W Soil*.. Bneland Capt T j Tedford Rootß Oheswood. Nj„ Geo P Patterson ft la. Conn E S Sanford St la, N Y Mias Downing, New York 3 Phalon. New York !L H Smith. Pittsburg iST Scranton, New Jersey !E T Heron, Scranton. Pa 1 W B Culver, Scranton, Pa ■C. Dinsmore. New York < Jco F Reeyes, Newark |C Ra-rder, Newark F J Kenney, Wash, B 0 :reet, below Ninth. (Thoa J Ingham, Laporte I Jesse Banka, Heading IA M C Wool, New York * 1 H A Beed. OgdensbuT* IClaas Shrader. USA Mias 8 Richardson. Balt Lt J B Robinson, Haz-It on V McSweeney, Neve York i P Doffy, New York LB Foss, Boston 3 B Master, Jersey City . Isaac B Diller, Springtield I M Kreiter Harrisburg W Bnnton & la HissßCaiseroii.MiddldiowiL B I* Adair, Pott Wayne D Flint. Chicago 3 Robinson, Penna 1 Mrs Cavalier. St Lonia j Miss Cavalier. 8t Louis ; Mrs Starlet, St Louis E Damming. New York . _ Hr & Mrs Failing, Elmira E F Harper. New York R Crain. Columbia G O Draper. New York H Holmes. New York. J R.Bbji Harrisburg J B amxaett, Cincisaatt J D Hamilton. Delaware P P Collins, Delaware J Kennedy New York • W S Hudson, Paterson, N J !LDI erkes. New Y ork ! J Hanson, New York IR~W Sommers, Lancaster ; W Cornell, New York iG a Davis & la, Trenton jE King. B&Himore H Ring. Baltimore r Harden tt wf, Lewlstown D Haines. Lancaster co Geo Dawson, Albany Edw Young, Baltimore A T Lowering, Baltimore David Gates. Trenton J W Boder. USA John Fisher, Baltimore lurth St,bdowAi«h. Gao Starkly. Newark. 0 P Bosserman.Kewpprt.ra J Barclay. Beavar. Pa A Levlte. Somerset, O H Blair. Alleabeay. Pa Mia* C Be*?.-, AUegheny.Pa * WPatclilii, Cleveland B K Jameßon, Carlisle B F Fountain, Delaware i1i.,5 D Schultz lioalevllle S siroh. Danville S Fullerton, Freeport. Pa S A .Barbour. Freeport. Pa ZI Israel. Chicago Sa.m’l Mayer, lowa City* Geo L Carrington,Goon 3,001* Goodman, Ghic&si M J Palmer, Chicago ;R Wills. Boston _ !0 W Wilhelm,Mauetctiuiik 1 W H Brißbel. USA iXriWEßrtsbel, Bo,ton ' F H Yanderhoof, Allentown i Bon Asa Packer, M Chunk j J R Price, Maryland ;JohnGutb, New York : W Lilly, Penn Haven ;HB Bowman, Alton* 111 G? Saxton, Harrlabarg £ Suser, New Jersey £i?Si mpBon - Norfolk 14? kheem, Carlisle • IvA heater. Independence l r ?y B ?T te * Wellsburg. Va I«« M khade, Colnmbua, O A Snade, Columbus, O TnJ?£ Clark. McVeytoWn iv Holiidaysburg ! % Columbus, 0 *W9fe, Pittsburg tstnnt siy above Fifth. Horace Temp Mon, USA Jos Cogan W Johnson & la, Baltimore Titus Eddy, Trov, S Y K Bdmoneton, Washington J R Jones, Baltimore £ 8 Baker. New York R H Jacobs, New York w u s^ uh * York > Fells Barr BobtSTait, New York Simon Thornton. N York b New Kingston Jackson, Maryland r Williams. Troy, NY G W Whitaker, Penna L Riegoi. N Jersey t Mrs M A Haskell, Maine Boui Shore. Dryden, N Y Geo aui, Dryden, NY FG Johnson Drrden. MY Leon G riswold, Dryden, NY W ruffy W 0 Moore. Pittsburg C J Richards, Prov,K T __ Gro W Mooney, Troy, N Y W A Reed, Tennessoa _ J H Primro3e.Smvrna.Del VP W Hill » wf.N Jersey Miss B»iley, Pawtucket, R l Amerlcaia Hotel—Cbei J E Williams. Delaware 1 D Barge, Na-hville E K Jones. Providence. EI T J Hll>, Providence, BI VOS Mowty. Ikov.Bl Mi.-* Gray, New To* G p Kingsley. Warhington j> B Brown, Poltsvllle A G Thompson, Poitsvilla j,.!m V Kalbach, PotfcßYille G W Beck- Polt&vttJe rapt H A Lute, Beading B £ Cleveland, Beading G«o P Rhoads, Beading Lieut E P rhipna, ft Jersey Capt F M acton, N Jersey Chan Ar trim, ft Jersey Capt John B JMbeier, Penna H <1 Allman JQtmailwood.H Jersey WT Wagner F Bunders ale.Ft Mifflin B tfcilvain, Baltimore Jos Wanij)g,Hew York . P Bjrron, New To. k 1 waiaon, New York E Bsiin, Pew York Wm I* .Mcßride > T Atwood* Winterport •l WMi*. USA J W xiAmacy, Kor Utovnz St* Louis —Chestnut J T O'Biten, Washington John Goidner JSawYork 0 fil J= nktns, BAliimure S 3> Button Chsp H item* . Jks'Wtiiiains-, New York Ota* Y oik .Tas ® eW ar r Geo W DumJaeit.ft Jersey TottfP HftUg, Boston fib,-, G If taper U F Reading .ta FiiirJaiub, wheeling BIC Haag, fililcon. Pa R GrcenfcanJi & wf, Conn Jfte Barnet, Yew Orleans Geo T Hf-ndloy & drm.Pa Geo B • S F Bjer)y, Car.'isio. P«, G Deezborn & wf. Peoria, 111 I>r J C Clnrlc.U S A R * Rosenbaum, 8 Jersey W White. Orant-e C C LTatch.ftew York Ti.Ob B Blick, Baltimore BakiEagSe-TMrd str iSfU Ohio William Barr, Ohio lul Wesley. Petna Wm S Wright, ir i»ltowa M T? BSmmel. Lane co H T StrassturKtr. BSUtown Wni Key, 31 j erAtown, Pa Adam Hahn, Leliigh. co L Cl Scout Aarcn Ei«enhart, Lehigh co Tol £T Hees, Eimugtowa P Barley. Appit-bacUville Ail® Li*k, AiUntown T H MiJlar, Easton W>lammer, Berks co Jeremiali Mufsig, Berks ce 31 M Bradford. Scranton Wm Bayloy, Penn a W H Cole, Allentown Je&J-e Grover, Bucks co Frank Ruth. Soricgfcowu 31 Reeder. Becks co Barley Sheaf-Sccoui J Bay wood&'a.New Jersey S Wail on i Solebnry Ja« Taylor, Trenton. J Hawaine, Trenton J Bowman, ftew Hope D .'oars Si In, ftew Yc»k Ohss Palmer, Bucks co ,7o1«n Wivinier, Doslestown Pajcaou Kuchee, Solehury F.oss 31 Knight, BYberry C H Banes, Byberry FaicuelGarr, Bnck> co Wm S Bean. Euefce co J 3i Reeves. Lambertvillc Alex Grant, LaxnbertviUe S A Grant, Lambertviile Lester Comley, Byberry Erasmus Miles. Backs co R fe’erry, Boston A Street? below Vitae. Geo <3 Riggs, Bradford ilonzo Gridin, Wayne co ST Bachman, Newtown Wm G Watson, Bucks co Mrs Large. Lahaska Euitner Walton, Bucks co L E Grosman. Newiown Eqw 3nlder*ton. Newtown Chas SJcßlroy. Newtown M. Ugbteap, Bucks co Peter P*rrjr, Bucks co Howard Bothers Bucks CO D S Weehaut, USA Thos Corson. 0 S A Vlie X 7 nion-Arch m JL Robot ham, Wilm, Del I P ET* nauer, Ohio 0 Woif, Cincinnati Jos Kuhn, lowa W Temple. Allegheny City A Mclntosh. Alleg) eoy Cty E S Holcombe, new Jersey B. H fiieman, Pittsburg Mrs F Oldeoh&ueoi Ponca B R Stees. Pinegrovo, Pa W r'orre-.t, Pinegrove, Pa Col R Ratcliffs, Geo C Beckwith, Mass j Isaac H Rich & w, Tam aqua W H Sioone, Washington W H Barrie, Penna B G Cobb, Boston Jas L Whitaker, Bridgeton itwet, above Thlrdi I Geo Street. Salem J McPonna. N Jersey w Datesmau. BethUhem\ J A EHason. Delaware S E Fitch, New York L W Ward, New York S B Lamberton, Pottavllle J W Bverett. Spring Run. JC Bell, Ohio Mrs Cregan, Lancaster Hire Reford, Lancaster J P Wallace. Penna in W Howard, New Jersey . H 0 Harmans. Scranton N F Palmar, Scranton D J Brown, Scranton A E Brown, Scranton Black Bear—Third si Geo Moyer, Montgomery co J S Werly. Weieenburg' W Baner, Leban<-u HYerkes, Jr, Wanninster HFSeagreave. Allentown S B Price, fiockendaqua A Trollingtr, Fennsbnrg J Ptichter, Penusburg J Weiler, Mucungie,Pa D Bwi-yer, Peima P HiudricS. 6eiger&ville G L Koch. Hockendaqua D R Clemens, Ches, Valley National—Race street. above Third. W Jones, Penna Samuel AChenbacli.Jr, Pa H“B Eby. Lebanon 518 Hughes. Penna F Users, New York H C Conner, Penna H L Bopcblll • . . Mrs H B Bowman. Penna Mrs Whitaker, Cape Island J Ferguson, Halifax, Penna Miss Conner, II Chunk W T> Hyde, Mlnersville H Arndt, Nauheim D HBoltorer- Chicago V K J liner & wf, Berks co MT eager. Wash, d c W Carper, Lebanon co, Fa MS sa BrUan. Potts villa J S Thomas. Pittsburg " ' ~ S P Heath,Pittsburg States Vnion-Market street, above Sixth. H Roberts, New York KYMytoa, Huntingdon B Adams. New York J M St Glair, Penaa JPicoch; Maryland W R Lohr, Huntingdon J Feuthy, Pittsburg E MeHaster, Clearfield T J Burnett, Harrisburg H Fettinsrer, Altoona J> Rife, Dnnean. Pa George Williams, Ohio J M Garrett, Delaware eo E Hamilton. Manch. Chunk John Dutton, Delaware co CM Clark, Ohio G W Axe, USA H Lndington, Pittsburg EP Sersey, Elizabethtown SeptimusElflwma. NJ B Hoffman, Lancaster co WJ Ihrick, U S A 14 M Hoffman, Lancaster co H A B Williams. N J Madison House—Second? above Market, John Finney-New Jersey JI» Wyckoff. Stroudsburg S $ Donnell & sister, NJ P Burroughs, Penna J B Walton, Bucks co J H Collier, Maryland R Van Dike, Delaware T B Staples, Stroudsburg C A Gill, Penna ME Taylor, Taylorsville J H Lovett, Penna E E Blake, Penna Thos Simpson, Delaware D Peters, Stroudsburg Robt Haerton, Penna R .Laagworthy, New York Har»lson Carver, NJ MB Postens, Stroudsburg D S Paikhurst. Delaware H L Arndt, Easton O M Short, Delaware L B Scot;, Newtown J>: Dreher, Stroudsburg Ccuimorclal—Sixth at Geo M Station, Del J G Moon. Chester co Mr & Mrs Bartolet, K B J H Greenfield, Penna W P Hoang, New York A Marshall. Delaware 1 AW Bailey. Chester co W Porter, Chester co J Bailey. Chester eo JVanderslice- Phconixvilie H Paige Warren co LB Brown 1 TMCNesbitt, Maryland B&rmim’s Hotel-Thli J Pecker, Hilxoy, Pa I M SouthwoTth, Milroy,Pa £ Bec&er. Trenton, N J N L Chamberlain, N York D Low, New Jersey John Benedict George W Johnson W H Grosscup. Norristown Jas Wilkinson, Norristown Mount Vernon-Secoi ThosCaWiPennft, B B Brown, USA A B Patton. USA £ F Black. Trenton E Jones, Muncy. Pa J Mullin. New York E L Pratt W O Mills, New York SPECIAL NOTICES. Dr. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. DB. WISTAR’S BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY. DR. WISTAR’S BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY. DB. WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. DR. WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. DR. WISTAR ? S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND HOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR COUGHS. COLDS, WHOOPING-COUGH, BRONCHITIS, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, ASTHMA. HOARSE NESS, SORB THROAT, CROUP, AND EVERY AFFEC TION OP THVTHROAT, LUNGS, AND CHEST. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONY From Bet. Francis Lobdsll. Pastor of the South Con gregational Church,Bridgeport, Connecticut; Bbidgepobt, January 21, 1864. Messrs. Seth' W. .Foists & Go, : Gektlbmbk; I consider it a duty which I owe to suf fering humanity to bear testimony to the virtues of Dr. Wistak’b Baesam op Wied Chbbry. I have used it— when I have had occasion for any remedy for Coughs, Colds, or Boto Throat—for many years, and never, in a single instance, hae It felled to relieve* and cure me, I have frequently been very hoarse on Saturday, and looked forward to the delivery of two sermons on the following day with sad misgivings, but, by a liberal use of the B*leam, my hoarseness has invariably been re move d, and I have preached without difficulty. I commend it to my brethren in the ministry,, and to public speakers generally, as a certain remedy for the bronchial troubles to which vre are peculiarly exposed. Entirely unsolicited I send you this testimonial, which you are at liberty to use in any way you choose. Per haps the Balsam does not affect all persons alike, but it always removes iny hoarseness, and flts use for the minis ter’s hard-working day—the Sabbath. Very truly yours, FRANCIS LOBDSLL. PROM PETER CANNON. ESQ., General Agent of the Sussex Railroad; Nuwrox, N. J., January 21,1863. Messrs. Seth W. Fowls & Go : Gxstlemek: Having used Dr. Wistar’s Balsam or Wild Cherby in my family, with great advantages, for many years, in cases of setere colds, I most cheerfully give my testimony of ita efficacy, and recommend it to those who are suffering from Coughs, Colds, and Pulmo nary Diseases of long standing, as being a safe and re liable remedy. PETER CANNON. For sale by J. P. DINSMORB, No. 491 BROADWAY, New York; S. W. FOWLS & CO., No. 18 TREMONT Street, Boston, And by all Druggists. fes-w&St Oke-Pbicb Clothing, of thb Latest TYI.Ee. made In the Beet Manner, expressly tor BET AIL SALES. LOWEST Sell'me Prices murlsel la Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted iaUe£as lorr- Out Oss-Fbicb Stbtbx 1. .trietlT adhered to. all are thereby treated alike. de5S3l7 JONES At CO.. GOA HABEET Street Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment CUBES fool hache in one romate. Kendall’s Ahbolinx, tOB THB HAH AHBOLISE KOISTEEB. BEAUTIFIES. OBOBATEB. LBITGTHBJre, IHYIOOBATBS. NOURISHES, EMBELLISHES THB HAIR. A PURELY VBGBTABLE COMPOUND, made entirely from atimnlatias extr&ete of BOOTS, HERBS, AND FLOWERS. Prevents the hair falling ont or from turning pr,MS t rrely aray. Ladle, who desire a lnxoriant head 0] ehoold not toil to lire the AMBOLINB a trial. Fri.a si per box, containlnx two bottles. PREP ABED OBIT BT KENDALL A CO.. ■OS BROADWAY. New York. AQKYT3 IN PHIT.ADBI.PHIA, JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY, A COWDEN. daT-jaw*Sm No. 33 North SIXTH Street* Hair Dy*l H*nt D*sU BaTCHILOB’S eelebrated HAIR DTB t* the Meet to ... world. The only Barmlesi, True, and Be Haiti ” .rl—e Thit iplendld Hair Dye Is parfest-ehanxw or Gray Hair, instantly to a Olotn Bloc) Brown* without injuring the Hair or stain Hair Sort and HeanHtol, 1» freanently restoring its prisHn. »*, rtj rl.ltiM ths ill sffeets of bad Dyes, Tht Wior, and wen* a, BATOHEtoa; all other. W “ U ,‘lSHoneand abonld be avoided, gold by “• ie WOTOEY. 81 BASCLAT Street . a»w Toilet Cream for M he Hair. ' street, ehove Tfttrtt. J G Hudson, Lewistowu H Hudson, Harlem. N Y j P Evens Maryland H Gath, Allentown J> Gaston, Jr, & wf. Pa I & M Garsed, St Joseph RB Soever, Allegheny City Cbas T Gomley, Erie Dr A W Mackay, New York. Wn\ Mouteiiua. Penna G Vogt. Cincinnati A Truen,Cincinnati J B Pro, Cincinnati Jas Elliott, New York & Barton. Boston Wm J Roberta Scranton E Fouik.Naw Hope Walter Rosser, Scranton 12 Conway. Boston H L Purnell. Trauion,lT J P B Harris, Belvitlere. N J Thos Berlin New Sork R J Davie, New York J N Keadall.New lork ’cet # above Callowhill Bspj G&ry, Bocks co a w howls, Solohurr, Pa SAB'own, Jroaton Wm Kelso. Eas'oa B Shafer. Mlentown John Ur-gal. Allentown Adam Simpson, Allentown G W il jward A Y M«.eke & wf- Friedens'e Sami 0 Reeder. Bucks c * k Johnson, Norta'ptoa co C NOt'Ch’tOflCO Mrs I\ 'stenbade Nortiiu oo Miss, Nch'taco J Sch *tt. Easton Mrs Montz, Easton G A Hassinger- Selinsgrove David Seheertr, Lehigh co Maratt Thomas. M Chunk Mrs fc Briggs, M Chunk Peter Sta&tas, Bensalsm Wm Acan, New York Silas M Slack. 3oleb ary A RHtenbouse, Rising Sun W Davidson, Chelten Hill t,, Above Callowlxlli. John Malebergor, Beading W Berner, Pennsburg EEshbach, Caurchtowa J A Mumugh, Oatisauqaa Alahion Luther Lehigh!c j Gbae Harper- Penna John Hersh, Pennsburg Theo Verkes, H&tboro J Euth. Jr, Snmneytown TBM Addes, Penna J Yan&rsdaien, Penna A Stonffer- Exeter HSiegfrieJ. & la. Berks eo Mrs A Jones, PoUsville Wm Shammo, Halifax, Pa. trcetj above Chesnut.l J B Smith, New York W H Elder, Maryland Boht Maxwell. USA H W Fisher, Wheeling, Va W T Seal, Carveraviile G Markly, Chester co A Coateß. Chester co J S Ely. Newtown W S Jackson, Chester co G Dincee* Westgrove J Hager. Westminster C P Thatcher, Decatur Ird street, above Race. S Newkirk, Reading S H King, Salem, a J 1 M Underwood, Salem. NJ B F McCormick. M D, Pa Chasßob&rU, Penna James C Hildebrant W C Sampson, N Brunswick Capt A A Slack ad street, above Arch, W WfeHig. Itoex Haven B Knight, New York A Black, Now York A Walker, New York H A Dawson J Mitchell, New Jersey Wm Turner, New Jersey J Foll&nsbee, New Jersey Thb P opblae Clothing Housk of Phila., “OAK HALL.” Beet-class goods and moderate prices. WANAMAKER & BROWN, B A aorner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) No. 18. Sixth at. Stegk & Go’s Mason HAMLIN'S CABINET OKGAN9. steck A CO.'S SEVENTfi Wheeler & Wilson’s Highest fp.kmium The Cheapest, Simplest, and Best. Salesroovxs. 704 Chestnut Street above 7 th. JvX-ADRJRIEIX FRILBY-KIFZER.-On thelslinst . by the Rev. O. F. KrolC], Mr. John M Fraley to MlsjLanra V. K\n- daughter of the late Mr. George W.-lxinzer. (St. Loub papers plpaee copv.] _ _ ’ KNIGHT—ALLEN.-On the let Inst, by Mayorßenry, G. Fdward Kmgbt. of this city, to Lizzie C. Allen, daughter of Btisjamin Allen, Sea-• of Bristol, Pa. * DIED. HART.—OaTuc: day March Ist. Win. B. Hart, ill tUfl 62d year of Me rge- SHANNON. r ln New York. mT iday niglit, Feb. 25, Fopbia. Ensenm <l>-u)ihter of Horatio N. and Sarab L. Kll . s S?,* eil . l y , e “ r - Bttontbß.'Bn4ll days. * AJht:HJS,K.—At the residence cf bis parents, New York cty, Ffbmary ?8. ultimo, Norman L. Archer- of Baton Rouge, La. ar«d 2S years, son of Ellis S. and Mary Ann Archer, formerly of Philadelphia, Bis relatives and friends, and those of the family, are InvUed to Mb fanem, without furtlitr notice, from the retldouieof his uncle. John J. Robinson, No. 413 North Tenth street, Philadelphia, on Wednesday, 2d instant, at 12 o'clock M. Interment f»t Laurel Hill Cemetery. ** OLa - ?.— On ibe £Bth ult., William VauxCtar, sou of Joseph A* and Cornelia Clay* in the 20th year of his age. * His relatives and friends are invited to attend the fune ral from the residence of his father. No. 313 South Fifteenth street. Wednesday, March 2d, at Jlo’cloek A. M. , VaNzast. —Onthe 28th ult., John Vanzanr, in the 46th }• ear of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, *■ Mill street, Bristol, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock- - ** HORN.—On the 28th February, at her residence, iu FJouitowu, Montgomery county. Pa. Mrs. Ann Horn, relict or the late Henry Horn, aged 74 years. Due notice of the funeral will be given. ** PBICHETT.—On Monday, 29t i February. Margaret Barclay, infant daughter of William C. and Mata T. Frichett. Jurerai to take place on Wednesday, morning, at 10 o'clock. ** METTS —Ou the 28th fo«t., Mrs Hannah F. Motta, re lict of the late Captain Thomas Metes, in the £B:h year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from k«r late residence, No. 1010 Moyamending avenue, on Thursday afternoon, March 3d, at 2 o’clock. Interment at Lafayette Geme • tery. **** WINSLOW.—On the morning of the let instant. Ella Louise, younyett daughter of Dr. Winslow. . * X3ESSON & SON HAVE COMMENCED receiving their Spring and Summer Stock of MOURN ING GOODS, and have now in store— Black Jdyeazitinds, Euglish Bombazines, ** Florentloes, French Bombazines, ' * Barege Hernani. Summer Bombazines, •* Crape Marets, Dhaliy, *’ Bareges, Mousselauss, ** Eilk Grenadines, Tamlses, Black, and Black and White Foulards. Ac MOURNING STORE, felff Wo 018 CHESTNUT Street. A-A LYONS BLACK SILK VELVET Lyons Velvet I>£ yards wide. Magnificent Spring Silks Stoutest Black Dreaa Silks. * Richest Spring Organdies. Shawls of newest styles. fe24 BYRE dr LANP^LL. EIGHTH WARD TO THE 11f,500 CITIZENS OF THE EIGHTH WARD WHO HAVE NOT VET AIDED IN THB EFFORT TO AVOID THE DEAFT. 1 Le*s than five hundred of your fellow citizans. generously coming forward, have contributed nearly 8?20,rC0. Look over tbe list recently published; yoa will find there tbe names or many ladies and old men, sot theioxelveA liable Of tbe three thousand men now subject to the draft, bat few have done anythin*. Five dollars paid by each of these men, or by their wives and mother?- would famuli tbe balance repaired, and thus secure them against conscription. Tbe names of all who .contribute prior to the Ist of March, (including some who were omitted in the list above referred to ) will be pub tshed. Thus a record wiUbehad of those whose patriotism is evinced by acts, and not by words alone. Ten thousand dollars are needed. You are appealed to to raise it mh2St Br order of the Executive Committee, SU PREEDMKMS LON. PB*HSTI»VA. BELIEF ASSOCIATE The Treasurer has received since lasi report: Henry u. Lea »«..$5O 00 A. B- C 20 00 Lindley Smyth "00 00 E. S. WheJen 100 CO Mrs W. Bn.knell....iro CO Abigail Goodwin .... SCO Benjamin Emlock.... 50 Co. Eev. J. Gord. Maxwell 0 00 M. H fftO Thomas Garrett 50 00 Famh’m, Kirk T m&G0.250 00 C. h. C 5 00 A. G. C ... 2* CO Eedwood Warner. ....100 00 Henry BUckaller..... 6 00 George h. Parish & Co SCO 00 Educational,* -.100 oo %. Schxaeder 2 00 B. Jj ICO 0:1 F. B. Eefcee 60 00 Samuel Bettie. 60 CO Eobert L. Johnson—>>loo 00 T. J. Megear ....100 10 C. D. Cleveland 25 00 E. S G. 60 00 Bichaid 5harp......... 90 00 Bethany Mission for Colored Children."*6 00 B, Br Bathhun 00 Gerrge F.*y1w....,..25Ma L. Audenrled & C0....260 00 Pavia Pearson..»•*». IDO 00 Thos. Kimber, Jr 125 OO Joseph Lea- 26 00 Church oltheCrucifix*' lon, per Bev. J. B Moore..-. 19 00 John Wright. 1 5' 1 Pittman s oo A. W. U 30 031 John Skirving ,10 00 2 ladles, per J. W. W * • 2 Oil ■Previously acknowledged,, $38,491 03' E. W. CLARK, It TlfiffS Penna. Freedmen’s Relief ABRodatto|i. ftegg* NDTICE.-A MEETING OF Att those opposed to the proposed act of Legislature which compels our Street Passenger Railway Companies to run their cars on the 8A88&.T3, will be held In the SECOND UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Race street, below Sixteenth, on THURSDAY EVENING, March Sd, at 7M o’clock. All friends of the Sabbath are earnestly requested to be present, mha-2t» |>» CITIZENS’ BOUSTY-FCSD COM MITTEE.—A special meeting of this Oommittaa will be held at the BOOMS OF THE BOARD OP TRADE, on FRIDAY, March 4, at 12 H- precisely. Puneiual at tendance is requested. , THOMAS WEB3TER, Vice Chairman. Louiy Blodset. Secre.ary. mh2-3t » SPIRITUAIiISM -MR. Hit. WOOD, vC?* of ('omecticut, will lecture at SANdOM-STRSST BALL, 2HIS EVENING at S o’clock. Admittance 25 Outs. It* |»fe> THE MANAGERS OF THB PHILA w3» DEI.PHIA CONFERENCE TRaCT SOCIETY meet THIS DAY at 3 o’clockßP. M. u«ual place, on"BPd *ial business'. Clt*3 A. MANSHtP, Secretary. Md the CLERGY AMD THE PRESS approve the ILLUSTRATED ORIENTAL LSC TDBBbyBev. WILLIAM WHITE WILLIAMS. A. tf., of New York. It will be given at 7KP. M, on THURS DAY in the 015 vet Fresh * xerian Church, corner MOUNT VERNON and TWENTY-BBCONU Streets. Emlueut Divines fn nearly all the Evangelical denomina tions have highly recommended this lecture. Unique costumes, remarkable relics, and rare curiosities the Holy Land, will be exhibited. mh2-3t* s». MEDICAL BOARD -HSADRUAR bCr* TER3 PBMKSYr.VAUIA MILIILA., HOSPITAL DE PABTMBJfT, Babrisbubo, Pa., March I, 1864. The Hate Medical Board of Pennsylvania will meet in PhUad eiphla on THURSDAY, the 10th of March inst., and continue in session at least eight days, to examine candidates for appointment as Assistant Burgeons in Pennsylvania regiments. The object is to provide for vacancies in the recruited regiments, which may re quire additional Assistant Surgeons Physicians in good health, furnishing satisfactory tes timonials of thelrindustxy, sobriety, and loyalty will be admitted to the examination, The rroms in which the ex ruination will be held will be indicated in the city papers on. the day of meeting. By oxder of the Governor, Ioh2’Dt JAMES SING, Surgeon General Pa. PHILADELPHIA SOCIRTY^FOR PROMOTING AGRICULTURE—March. Meeting at Room 3556 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, 25th Inst, at ll o’clock A. M. mhl-2t* Wok. hosueopathig medical cor*- (CP* LEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA.—The Sixteenth nnual Commencement for confewiag Degrees will be h«id in tbe Musical Fund Hall, LOCUST Street, on ■WEDNESDAY, March 2d, at 12 M. Valedictory Address by H. N. GUERNSEY, M. D., Piofeskor of Obatetrica. Thg g _ BROOKS. M. D- D,an. IKX. HKPAHTMKST OF PBBMC HIGH- OFFttiB OF CHIEF COMMISSIOHEB. ». W. corner of WALNUT and FIFTH * treat.. PHIIADBLpniA, Feb, 25. 1*64. Notice is hereby given, that the ANNUAL SKWES RENTS, now duo the city. a?e payable at the Office, less five per cent . until APRIL L 1864 Office hours from 9 o’clock AM. until 8 o'clock P. fe2S*3t THOMAS M. THIOL, License Clerk. mw PITTSBTJHG* FORT WAYkE. AND CHICAGO RAILWAY COMPANY. Oppice op ths Secretabt, PiTTSBiThe. Pa., Pebrnary 12th, IS6L The Annual Meeting of the Stock and Bondholders of this Company for the election of Directors, and inch other business as may come before it, will be held at the Office of said Comnany, in the city of Pittsburg, on the THIRD WEDNESDAY OP MARCH, A. D. 1564, at 10 A Stock and Bond Transfer Books of the Company, at their Offioein the city of Pittsburg, and at their Trans fer Agency in the olty of New York, will be closed on the Ist day ot March, at 3 o’clock P. M . andiemam closed until the nth day of March thereafter. felfi-tml7 W. H. BARNES, Secretary. aio» VULCAN MINING COMPANY--THE flr*t meeting or the VOLGAN MINING COM pANY, under its articles of association, Will be held on SATURDAY, the 12th s*y of March, laM at No. 3»A WALNUT Street, ll A B 7 A. HOOPES. Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Philadelphia, Feb. 23.1864. fe24-15t ALLENTOWN RAILROAD COM- PANY.—pHiiAUEKPHI i, Peb. 19, 1864. The annual meeting Of the Stockholders of the ALLBIs - TOWN BaILROaD COMPANY will be held at the office of the Philadelphia and Reading Bailroad Com pany. No- 2581 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, March 9th, 1861 at 12 o’.lock M , for the election of a President and Directors to serve for the cur rent year, and until others shall be elected. fe2o-imb9 W. H. WEBB, Secretary. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL HOAD COMPANY. PfitHADBITBIA, Feb. 15,1864. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. —The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY. the 7ih day of March, 1864, at the Office of the Company, No. 23? South THIRD Street. The polls will be open from ten o’clock AM. until six o’clock P. Sf , . ’ • No shsre or shares transferred within sixty days pre ceding the election will entitle the holder or holders thereof to vote. EDMUND SMITH, fe!B-tmh7 Sacretwy. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ft CS* ftpplififttloa has been made to the t.himu of the FIKB association. of Philadelphia* for the re newal of a Policy of Insurance* No. 13.413, for IDW. Issued January 23. 1849. in the same of J>*ni«i Went lin*. which has been lost or mislaid; any information thereof will he received by _ Wit HOBART BROWN, 036 North EtQHTEENT Street. ftfl-mwf-lgt EMPIRK COPPER COMPANY (OF K9> micbioah). —Tha first meetie* of tile Empire Copper Company nnder its Articles of ABWsdatloo. will be held on THURSDAY, tho third dor of March, IBM, at Mo. 3»4 WALHUT Street. Phi adeipbia. al 11 ojcioo* A. M. SIMON MaBDLBBaUM. B. A. HOOPBB. Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Philadelphia, Feb. 13, IBM rels-ict rSf- LORBKUHy CREEK BULROAD |G> CtmPABl.-PHILAPKI.I>HIi. Jan a», 18S1. The annual emUii or the itocbholdera or the LOR BERBY CREEK RalLßoaS COUP AN Y Will be bald at the cffioe of tbe Philadelphia and Reading Bailro td Com pany. 80. J»aT South FOUBTa Street. Phaadelpb)a,<m , - . „_ T WEDNESDAY, March 9th, 1864. at 1 o'clock P M.. tor T> EMOVAL..—JAMES H. CASTLE, THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA, Pianos, pianos r, & GOULD, and CHESTNUT. th&following contributions C. D. Cooper $33 03 Daniel Neall SCO 00 Collection Presby’n <S United Pros Church- es Gilg&Ulnd. cj Pa 87 60 Billings hoop, & Co. £0 00 James B. C0x......Mi10J 00 Joseph Mendenhall. 10 00 Morar’n Ch.,Naath.Pa 17 OE) Bev. Geo. Morris 40 00 John S. Haines 100 CO John Aihurat 100 00 T, Kimber, Jr ,2d con. 125 00 A Member of Christ Church, Br’wnsvUle, Pa , per Rev. J. F Ohl 10 00 Miss Mary Boyd****.* 20 00 8. FU5agan. ...........200 00 a G. Cattail & Gor. . .200 oo E. A. Sender & C0....100 00 Frederick 8r0wn..... 50 CO H. G 5 00 P. P. Randolph 60 00 Mary D. Brown,Trus tee.... 00 Sharp. Weiss, fit Co ..1)0 00 B. P. Hunt 100 00 Miss N B Peters...... 50 00 Mr*. S. Peters 50 00 tf. F. G 25 00 Mrs. Bowie*. 100 00 Mrs. L- R Ashnrst .. 50 01 Thro 1 Rev. Mr. Brooks 40 00 > For the Cherokee Indians: Mrs. C S. Dungan 20 09 A Friend.. 25 00 B. R. Loxlev .... 500 George B. Wood. 50 03 iCharies-Yarneli 53 00 Afriendat Ablng ( ton-........... 5 03*15300 $5.016 00 . .80,473 08 Is£r ■*' " 1 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR FOB THE SANITARY COMMISSION. PHILADELPHIA, 1?07 Chestnut Street. PEBRtfARt 2D, 1834. The undersigned. members of the EaecutiveCompiit* tee of the Great Central Fair for the Sanitary Commis sion, beg to invite the cooperation of all their fellow citizens. especially of those resident In Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey, in this important enter prise. It is proposed to hold the Fair in PHILADEL PHIA in the first week in JUNE next, and it is confi dently expected that the contributions comint from a population so benevolent and patriotic as that which mhabits.the Central states, and r©presenting the most important and varied b-anches of industry and art, will securo a result in aid cf the funds of tho Com mission and for the benefit of the Soldier at Hast equal to that which bus attended similar undertakings in other cities. It is not necessary to say a word to stimu late sympathy for the soldier; we feel for them ail as brethren, and the popular heart seeks only tho best mode of manifesting that sympathy in the most efficient and practical way. These Fairs in other places have been productive of great results- By this means Chicago has recently raised for this object $60,C00, Boston $150,000, aifS Cincinnati more We appeal, then, with the greatest con fidence to the inhabitants of the Central States, especi ally to those who constitute the great industrial daises, to send us contributions, the productions of their skill and workmanship. We appeal to thm' in the interest of no party, radical or conservative, Republican or Da* mocraUc, administration or anti-administration. We know only this, that to send oar national soldiers in the field supplies to supplement those Government un dertakes to give them, but which they sometimes Call to receive, and thus to relieve them when sick and In misery, is a work of Christian, charity, and that It is a wort "of intelligent patriotism also, as economizing their life, health, and efficiency, <n which, under God, the nation depends in this its time of trouble. We therefore atk every clergyman to announce this humane undertaking to his people, aod to advise them to do what tbey can to further it. We ask the press to givo It the widest publicity and the most earnest en courf geroent We call on every workshop, factory, and mill for a specimen the bait thing It c nturn out; on every artist, great and small, for one of his creations; on all loyal women for the exercise of their taste and industry; on fanners, for the products of their fields and' dairies. The miner, the naturalist, the man of science, tbe traveller, can each send something that can, at the very least, he converted into a blanket that will warm, and may save from death, seme one soldier whom Go vernment supplies lavo failed to reach. Every one who can produce anything that has mangy value Is invited (o give a simple of his best work as an offering to the came of rational unity. Every workingman, mechanic, or farmer, who can make a pair of shoes, or raise a bushel of apples, is called on to contribute something that can be turned into money, and again from money into the means cf economizing the health and life of our national soldiers. CcrdittHieeshave been appointed in each department ofindußlxy and art. whose business it will be to solicit contributions for tlifJFair, each iafits own special branch; 4 These committees will place themselves in communica tion with those persons who may wish to aid us. In the meantime, it is recommended that local committees or associations be formed In every portion of Pennsylva nia, Delaware, and Now Jersey, with a view of organi zing the industry of their respective neighborhoods, so as to eccme contributions for the Fair, Committees of Ladies have also been organized, to co operate with those of the Gentlemen in soliciting con tributions. -- A list of all these committees will be shortly published and distributed- In tbe meantime, those who are dis posed to aid ns or who may desire any farther informa tion on the subject, are requested to address CSARLBS J. fcTILLE. Corresponding Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Great Central Fair, No. 1307 CHEST NUT Street. JOHN WELSH, Chairman. ~ CALEB COPE, Treasurer. C. J. STILL®, Cor. Sec’y, H H. FURNESS, Bee. Sec’y. W. H. Ashhurst, Horaceßinney, Jr., A. E. Boric, N. B. Browne, ‘Jno. C. Cresson, D. B. Cummins, Theo. Cuyler, Fred. Graff, J. C. Grubb. Joseph Harrison, Jr.* £. M Lewis, MILITARY. f VOLUNTEERS.—TOWNSHIP AND County Agents, from Backs and other counties, who pay C*EH BOUNTIES to Volr-cteers, call on me- at the BolTs Head Hotel, ELEVENTH and MARKET streets. Cfe29-3t*D J. J. ESHLEMAN. Nj-A TO VOLUNTEERS. Wanted, a few good Men to complete Com yWfg pany C. 18th Cavalry Regiment- Ad men vo lunteering in this company will receive all bounties immediately on muster- The largest bounties paid. Apply to Capt. FREDERICK ZARRACHER, No. 105 South bIXTH Street (C. M. Berry's), Lieut SAMUEL JONSON, Market-street Railroad Depot. BRINTON, Green’s Hotel. We4t Philadelphia, Serat WILLIAM M. SMITH. Pottstown, Montgomery county. Sent. W. D. HALFMANN, Penn fccuare. N. B —One good BUGLER wanted. mhl-3t FINANCIAL. £JLARKBON & CO., BA NK ERS, Ko. IHI South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Government Securities of all Issues PURCHASED AND FOR SALS. STOCKS* BONDS* AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOU) ON COMMISSION* Interest Allowed on .Deposits. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MAD*. fsfl-lm TOHN HOBN, JR, W STOCK -COMMISSIOB BROKER. NO. 110 SOUTH THIRD STREET. (OP STAIRS ) PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: Messrs.Thos. A. Biddle A Co. Mess.Gaw, Macale*ter,&Co. Messrs. E. S. Whelan & Co. Messrs. Drexel & Co. Messrs. Bnzby & Co. Henry J. Williams, Esq. Alexander Biddle. Eeq. 1. P. Hutchinson, Esq. G. M. Troutman. Eeq. D. B Cummins, Esq. Jas. G.Ktne&Sons, New York. fe2Q-2m pEOPLE’S TELEGRAPH, NEW FIRST-CLASS LINES. PHILADELPHIA OFFICES: No. 411 CHESTNUT STREET, , GIRARD HOUSE, MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE READ ING ROOM, (BIGHT HARD SIDE. MAIN ENTRANCE ) mh2 Sl* jypATtKLEY & SHAFFNER, SUCCESSORS TO ' SHAFFNER, ZEIGHVER & CO., COKTIKBK THE WHOLESALE HOSIERY AND VARIETY BUSINESS. At the old stand, fe2S-lSt* No. 36 NORTH FOURTH STREET. MATERIALS FOB MINCE PIES. BURCH. LATEX. AND SULTANA XAISIRS. DRSOI, OUKBANTB, AND SPICES. GIDSE, WIRES. &«.. Su ALBERT a ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Groeerl**, d»l» Corner Jsl»EVssrm *-»4 Via ft Btreete T IFE-SIZE PHOTO GRAPHS. AN OIL Aj Colors, made at B. F. BEIMEB’B. 634 AKCH St., ta) e precedence of any style of portraits. Bee them, and you Vlll be convinced of their worth. It* A DMIRABLE STYLES CARTES DE VISITS. —Those executed at B F. REIMER’S, ARCH Street, satisfy > ou hy their clearness, accuracy, and tasteful finish. Go early, and secure good like* nesses ; . always 3N demand, AND AL •AA- ways up to their original standard of excellence, REittER’S fine and naturally-co) ored PHOTOGRAPHS, for $1 only, at SKCOftD Street, above Grean. _ It* ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO- A CATION ndver fails to cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains. Frosted Feet, Chapped Hands, and all skin dii eases. Price fide. &ud Wholesale and detail by H. B. TAVLOS,DruKiiBt,TBNTHand CALLO WHILL. mhl-3m DEPARTMENT. A Office op Comptroller of the Cprrrxop. . Washisuton. February 26th, 1834. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act Of Congress, entitled “an act to provide an a tional currency, sectij-ed bya pledge ofUahed States Btocks.and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,.” appjoved February 25th, 1863, and has com plied with all the [provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of B Bow? r therefore I, Hugh McCulloch, ComptrolleT of Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NA TIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, county of Phila delphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking, under the act afore* S *ln* testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, twenty.,** Comptroller of the Currency. 528. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. SPRING STYLES NOW BBADY. . t The most complete assortment of new ana. aeslr&DU i allies and sizes of Hoop Skirts for Ladies, Mieses, ant. Children to be found in the city. In every respect FJBST CLASS We solicit an examination and com parison of oor Goode and Prices, with all others. Made at Manufactory, No. G«8 ARCH Street, above Sixth. Bkirts made to order, altered, and repaired. mhl 6t» TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION Having been appointed AGENT for the sale of Dr. D. AHL’ti “ADAPTABLE FELT SPLINTS,’; the attention of Surgeons and Doctors u Invited to their great superi ority over all others now in use. Also on hand, instru ment# In every variety, and of the most con- Ft ruction, to assist the hearing, at R MApnIKA. 8, mhl»6t 116 South TENTH Street, Phlla. T ACE GOOD S.—DEALERS IN -Lf Laces, Embroideries, and Illusion Goods, desiring new patterns in Spencers, Berthas, Capas. BreteUes, Chemisettes. Glove Trimmings, ftc., con have them made to order in the latest Parisian ity lee, l# w** or single articles, by addreasing ‘B. D., ’ Booms 39 and 90, No. BROAD WAY..Hew York. . . . , . N. B.—New styles made every month, and forwarded If desired. Orders taken from samples. ma. 3* Behoved —john Oliver’s em- FLOTMERT OFFICE rhaa Ibsen REMOVED to. 1113 FIMS fittest. CoMred help for the OttT fil'dJ’S'S l " , tiy -wepted. PHILADELPHIA, W« uid respectfully invite attention to their LARGE STOCK of leading DOME3TICB, DRESS GOODS, MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR, and many popular good* of PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURE. mL2-9m CASH HOUSE. GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD FOB CASH. LITTLE & ADAMSON, 393 MARKET STREET. IfiYlls attention to their ootlre new and Splendid Stack SERIAL DRESS GOODS, BLACK BILKS, MOURNING SICKS, FANCY SILKS, POULT DE SOIES, - SEASONABLE SHAWLS, CLOAKING CLOTHS, MANTILLA SILKS, MANTILLAS, Manufactured by themselves from late Paris Styles, mhfc'm i £. V- Merrick, B. H. Moore. J. H. Orne, Jno. Robbins, Wm. Struthers. , Wm. M. Tilghman, Geo Tfott, Hi os. Webster, Geo. Whitney, Geo. A Wood. .f«35 thswswsfit WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2,1864. SILK AND DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. SPUING 1864. DllY GOODS. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS. HOOD, BONBRIGHT, & €O., Wholesale Dealers In fobiig:, and dohettic DRY GOODS, 529 MARKET Street, and 53G COMMERCE Street, It liTAII; DRV GOODS. QIVIJj AND MILITARY CLOTH ROUSE. WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS, No. 341 SOUTH SECOND And 23 STRAWBERRY Streets, is happy to »tate that he has laid la an exten sive stock of CHOICE GOODS, such as: _ OXVTT. LIST., Black Cloths, N Black Doeskins, Hack Catslmeresv Elegant Coatings, Billiard Cloths. Bagatelle Cloths, Trimmings, Beaverteens, Cords and Velveteens, We advice our friends to stock is cheaper than we can TABLE DAMASKS. J- Scotch Table Damask. $1 to $1,87. Power-loom, or half bleached Tablu Linens. Unbleached Table Linens. Fine and low-priced Napfcins. Damask, Hcck. and Power-loom Towels. 'J’owelings and Diapers. Best Irish Linens, from 5Cc tosl.l2)£. Heavy Huguenot Wide Sheeting*. Flannels, Quilts, Blankets. &c COOPER & CANARD, f»27 R E. corner NINTH and MARKSr sta. MILIIKERY GOODS. gPBING MILLINEBY GOODS. JOHN STONE Sc SONS, No. 805 CHESTNUT STREET, Will open on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, a handsome assortment of FLOWERS, RIBBONS, - SILKS, - And other Goods suitable for Spring Trade. mM-at IMPORTERS. A LEX. WRAY & CO., 339 CHES PfiUT Street. Philadelphia. Importers of British DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVE 3. Ac.. &c . have just opened, in addition to the above, a verv large and vailed assortment of MSA’S SPRING UNDERSBIR rB, consiriing of Merino, Imitation Me’ rifio, India Gauze, and Brown and White Cotton, to -which they most respectfully invite the attention oi buyer*. fe2fl-laa* CEOTHING. 1864. FINE CLOTHING WHOLESALE, We are now prepared to show to cash buyers as exten sive a stock of medium and fine Ready-made Clothing, for Spring sales, as can be found in the United States. Buyers can save their expenses to New York, and find the goeds they want five and ten percent, cheaper In Philadelphia, An examination of our stock is solicited. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, fell-lmif S. B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Sts, KEW PUBLICATIONS. T IFE AND ANECDOTES OF THACK AJ BRAY. ‘ D. APPLETON & CO u 443 and 445 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Wi:l publish in a few days ' THACKERAY ; THE EUMOBIBTAND MAN OF LETTERS. THE STORY OF HIB LIFE. WIIH Partienlaiß of hiß Early Career never before made public, BY THEODORE TAYLOR. Esq, Illustrated -with a Portrait, one of the larf eat taken -iroxnlife • View of Thackeray’s Honse; Fac simile of his Hsnd-writing $ Humorous Illustrations by George Crnik ehank; and other Pictures and Sketches* FROM THE REAPER. This jßemoir -will Rive, for the first time, some account of the curious little magazine conducted by the great hu morist when a la 4 at Cambridge fSoM THE Gd A.RDIAST. The author, Mr. T. Taylor, long resident in Paris, has been collecting information for many years, and will have much to say of Mr. Thackeray’s artist'life in that city. The book wUI he illustrated with a portrait, and some curious original sketches. It rpiE UJMIi'Jil) STATES SANITARY COMMISSION. A SKETCH OF ITS PROGRESS AND ITS WORK, COMPILED FROM AND PRIVATE PaPBHS. One handsome IGmo. vol., PP- 299. Price $l. PUBLISHED POII THE BENEFIT ,• SANITARY COMMISSION. A few copies of this Interesting volume for sale at tile WOMEN'S PENNSYLVANIA BRANCH of tlia D. 8. Sanitary CommUeion, mM-ws2t 1307 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. NEW BOOKS. TALES FROM THE OPERAS. A faacinating little volume of Novelette., baaed upon tbe most celebrated and familiar Operas—giving the plot of each opera in the agreeable form of an interesting and attractive story. Elegant 12in0., cloth, price $L THE ART OF CONVERSATION, With directions for. Self-culture.. Teaching the art of conversing wtih ease and propriety, and setting forth the literary knowledge recmisite to appear to advantage iu good society; a work of real merit and intrinsic worth. Price *1.25 111. PRIVA.TE MILES O’REILLY. ' This capital book* published on Saturday last, has been out of print for a -week— ao*d on the day of publication. A new edition is ready this morning:* It is one of the most laughable books published* and is selling like Arfceiaxns Ward’s and Orpheus G. Kerrs Comic Book*. 12mo, cloth. Full of illustrations. Price SL2S *** Any of thane books will be sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price, by 1 zah2-wfct OAHLETO'tfT. Publisher. NEW YORK. ■VTBW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! A 1 Just received by ASHMEAD A EVANS. •esnccessor* to Willie P. Hazard.) 80. 73* GHBSTNU* STREET. THE ART OF CONVERSATION- With Directions for Se B M/T C AB b'pRORAH EST ATES. By Thomas Fuller. TALES FROM THE OPERAS. Edited by Georte F. F ¥hB U BLACK PRINCE. A TALE FOR BOYS. AHBALS OF INDnSTRY AND GENIUS. TSIUMPHS-OF invention and discovery. GENERAL AfcCLBLLAN’a REPOST. With flue Mare ' ana Plane of Battler. Paper, 50 cents. BORDELLO BTBAFFOKI>: CHSISTMAS-EViJ AND BABTBR DAY- By BobeTt Brooming. JIALETH ; EGYPT ILLOftTRATBD. An elegant book. REVELATION A OP MOTHER JOLIANA, THE heavenly recognition a OF FBIEHDS. by the Eev. H. HABBAUGH. JUST PUBLISHED. a new anil beautiful edition of tide yery popular work* bo 'well adapted to affordoonaolaflon to persons mournio g for the loss of near and dear friends. Also. Hew Editions of 988 HEATBHIiT HOME BEAVEH. OK THE SAINTED 1 BAD. Bv the iame author. y e LIHDB&T & BLAKISTOUf, Publisher*, 35 South SIXTH Street, above Chastaut. KTEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! ■L * TALES FROM THE OPBEAS. By George Frede rick Pardon, author of Faces in the Fire, &c. THE AltT OF CONVESSATIOH, with direotione for SBif-edocation. ___ _ _ _ WORTH AND WEALTH*, Or» Jessie T>on. By Mrs. THE POTOMAC: Gen. McClellans Report of its operaiio&B while under his command, with Maps and Plans. Paper. ' ", __ _ , SDaLETH : Or, the Homestead of the Nations. Bgrpt Illustrated, By Edward L. Clark. 1 vol. Byo, tinted paper, with nnmeroas illnstratione. For sale by WILLIAM S. A iLFBSD MARTIEN* 6OO QHBSTMTTT Street, BLANK BOOKS AMD STATIONERY. ■gBYSON & SON, No. 8 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. BLANK BOOKS, PA PEES, PENS, AND INKS OF STTPSRIOE aiJAiiiry. Corporations, Banks, and Bnslnw» Men wppll.iwilh everythin* necessary fer the Counting-room. . f«6 tf ' ___ Sc, GO., , 43? CHESTNUT STREET, COniTIHQ E-OTBEand OMtOB BrATIONEKS. ENVELOPS. BLANK ACCOUNT, and MEMORANDUM <OO K HARUFA'ITURSRS. An extensive assortment of Cap, Latter' and Note Fa* per*;Copying Books, Breaiee, and Table*; Letter Pan** and Lithograph Printing; Bill Ha&dfl, Notes. CWkR made to order—All at tho lowest price* and <* QUflkllfcv* Oieeia tolipUedi &nd prjßP'tT * #d Jf^fS 0 ' tsrti/, JWM* 1864 ARMY AMD XAVY. Blue Cloths, Bky• blue Cloths, Sky-blue Doeskins, Eferk Blue Doeskins, PaTk Blue Beavers, Dark Blue Pilots 3-4 and 0-1 Blue Flannels, Scarict Cloths, Mazarine Blue Cloths, come early, as oar present purchase now. felO-lm 1864. MEDICAL. YON’S KATHAIRON. Kathairon la from tl!0 Ofeek word ” Kfttfcro,'* or “ Na thairo, ,r signifying to Clause* rejuvenate, and restore. This article la what Its name signifies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the HUMAN HAIR it is the most remarkable preparation la the tforli. It is again owned and put up by the proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill, and attention which gave it a sale of over one million buttles pet annum. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the halt itch, soft, and glossy'. It prevents the hair from falling off and gray. It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use LYON’S KATHAIRON. Ic known and used throughout the civilized world. Boh* by all respectable dealers DSMAS S. BARNES A CO.. Now York. HAGAN’S MAM€ft2\ BALM. This to the most delightful 7 and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the sun burnt face and hando to a pearly satin texture'of ravishing beauty, im parting thd marble purity of youih and the distingvA appearance eo Inviting iD ste hello of fashion. It re. moves tan, freckles, pimples, and* roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, trantpirenfc, and. smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by actresses and opera singer*. It Is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Prepared by W. E.- HAGAN, Troy, ll.' Y. Address all orders to PEMAS S. BARNES & CO.* Now York. HEiaSTBEET’S INIMITABLE HAIR itIiSTO RATI YE. —SOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, impaired by ege or disease. All instantaneous dues are composed of htna+ caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford o£ themselves no dressing Heim street’s Inimitable Coloring' not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the haira- EUXURIANT BEAUTY, promotes its growth, prevents Its falling Off, eradicates datsditfff. and imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It b&& stood the test of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is con&tantly increasing in favor, treed by both gentlemen and Udies. It is sold by all re spectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. S. BARNES & CO., 20% BROAD WAY* New York. owo sizes. CO cents and $l. MEXICAN MUSTAM LINIMENT. The parties in St. Louis and Cincinnati, who have been counterfeiting the Mu»tang Liniment, under pretence of proprietorship, have been thoroughly estopped by the courts. To guard against farther imposition. I have pro cured from the United States Treasury a private steel plate revenue stamp, which is placed over the top of each bottlei Each stamp bears th e/ac simile of my sig nature, and without which the article is a counterfeit, dangerous, and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. This Liniment has been in use and growing in. favor for many years. There hardly ©slats a hamlet on the habitable globe that does not fontain evidence of its wonderful effects. It i« the best emollient in the world. With its present Improved ingredients, its effects upon man and boast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made nsefal, and untold ills assuaged. For braises, sprains, rheumatism, eweUingß, bitos, cuts, caked breasts, s-.rain.ed horses. See., it is a sovereign remedy that should never be dispensed With. It should be in every family. Bold by all druggists. fes2-mv»f3mAeowfim D. S. BARNES, New York, CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. Q.BEAT OPENING OF - CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. NOW SELLING AT BARGAINS. 3,G00 DCZ. COEN BROOMS. S,(GO DOZ. FANCY TAINTED BUCKETS. ' LOCO NESTS CEDAR WASH TUBS. 2.000 CEDAR STARS’ AND BARBEL CHURNS. 1,000 DOZ. ■WILLOW MARKET BASKETS. S.cco BALES COTTON-WICK AND TIE YARN. 2,000 BALES BATS AND WADDING. RETICULE BASKETS, OIL CLOTHS. LOOKINB GLASSES, CORDAGE, A.-, Ae. AH Goods are sold at tho Manufacturer's Lowest Cash Prices. Orders promptly filled. HOWE & EISTO’N, 151 and 159 NORTH THIRD STREET, mill- 2m Three Doora below Race. COMMISSION HOUSES. TTOBACE H. SOULE, J.A COMMISSION MERCHANT. 33 NORTH FRONT STREET. PHILADELPHIA, Agent for th WoNviLTjE M BALDWIN COMPANY. WILTON KANUFACTUBINGCO., ABBOT WORSTED COMPANY. CARPET WORSTED AND YARNS. _ Fine Worsted. in colors; Nos. 12s and 18s, Jute Yarns. COTTON YARNS, In Warp and Bundle, manufactured by ZABBI&KIE, PRALL, OAKMAH. And other well-kfiOWll Mllls. CARPETS. CONTINENTAL MILLS, INGRAIN, AND VBNITIAN CARPETS. LINEN THREAD. SAMPSON’S ARGYLE, VIKCENT MILLS, MCDONALD’S i satin finish bookbinders , CARPET THREAD, Eor sale by HORACE H. SOULE, mhl-3m 3» North FRONT Street. JNBKEEP & TRUEFITT, COMMIBSIOS MERCHANTS, No. 311 CHESTNUT STREET, Have in Store, and offer to the trade, FRENCH, BBirlSH, AND GERMAN DBKSS GrOODS. SHAWLS, of all descriptions. YEIL GOODS, in all colors. 4 4, 5-4, and 8-4 ENGLISH CRAPES. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKBRCHIBFS. be. fe26-lm Oil CIiOI'HS, <Stc. G. YV. BLABON * CO., MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, No. 134 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, C flex to the Trade a foU Stock of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS. GREEN-GLAZED OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW mill-sin SHADES. QBQKGE W, HILL, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in CARPETINGS, MATTINGS, RUGS. ALSO, COTTON AND WOOLEN TARNS, At very Low Prices. No. 136 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE ABCKv rahl-Sm ~ Philadelphia ARMY GOODS. yOP. THE ARMY AND NATY, ETANS & HASSAJjL, MILITARY FURNISaBBS. 418 ARCH STREET,^ PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Bashes, BeltX Passante, Epaulettes,. H#s, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spars, and everything pertaining to tho eonsplete outfit [oi Army and Nary Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. jpROTHINQIiABff db WELLS HATH FC3.SAJS. HEAVY. MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CAP TON FLANNELS. _ WABHSGTON AND VSCTORT CAM32ICS AND SILBCIAS. BROWN .BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. _ No. u» Worsted ylrn, *c, eeaaftf TCI OLDEBS OF LAWRENCE OR MER- J.J. CEB COUNTY BONDS, to tke PITTSBURG AND BRISIRAILEOAD CO., can learn somstntne to tbelr advantageby tilling at No. SoSIIARKET Street. fe29 4t* ' - XXEATON &, BENCKL A,H ABDWARIfi J-J- CommisHlon,Merchants, 50’S COMMENCE and 510 NORTH Streets, offer for sale: Anchor Brand Nail#; Plymouth Mill Rivets. W. A 8. Butcher’s Cast Steel* Eagle Cabinet Locks. Putnam's Nalls; Lodges School Slates. Copper, Bt&ss, and Iron WSrebCotton Caads. Also* a foil assortment Of American Hardware. feASmif . CECOND NATIONAL BANK tt 2 mma&gfflfap** « » w 4SsSffi-®B&£gSE» SSfe »M!IP» &s AaaaMswsss action <4? & G*n«xta Banklaa Basinet* nsK>n. ths usual t9 CoiVectioßs nvo* <4l MMulbl* will In mad* WANTS, A COMPETENT BAg3 binghjb Wiskea anite&tion I* acau*in.tai with the JSpU* c*:p*i «ervU«. and Qualified to Use ch-tfgd of a choir. ** PflflSO,” Boy 247. A N ENEBGETIO YOUNG MAN, OF bnalnets habits* wants a SITUATION In. some light business; lea good penman, and qaiei and correct at figure. Good reference given. Address G 0. B.. 1 ’ Press Office, mbx-St* agents wanted to sell the STANDARD BISTORT OF THB WiE- A nißfce Lioner. A^tut. ara Alsifflcsf (rom JIM '0 »500psr month.. s»; [too volumes mM. AdAMM m n , i J'lNJsb. BROS., & 00., i-nblistißr*, tfl.-lm* BALTIMORE. Kd- gOT WASTED, IN A COUNTING- Bn-,,™. 0 - 1 iRa * t 04 writer »nd correct a nKureft •. Address, with recommendations, to *‘o T. Ev ajl Ift OaDCd. It/TECH ANIOAL DRAUGHTSMEN * WANTED. Apolj to JOHN McAHTHPP' fnnto- ArcbHcct. UO9 Si EIXTH Stieet. oil? *?rjr- (tac fnw3t* O'RGAWISsT WANTED FOB AN EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Addieas Box 0777 7 offiC9» ______ _ *rO TATLOES.-;-WANTED—BY A A practical CHTTV. K, v?ho can istvoeace u. good tr*r7c' n BTTniT3ON Reference rrtvea. E. Lbukovt, 100 North SETESTS* tnhl.2 tl MAN AS * * CLBFK; s. quick. ready writer, and a good pen man : a graduate t,f ihe High School. s>te3 who under- Elands Phonography -preferrid; Adcuase, with r«fe rente, “Box Z7U.” Post Office. mb2 6t WANTED—A GENTLEMAN, QUA. IT LIFIED to teaot Iu fan trrTatl l es McS Army; Re salntloM a« an ASSISTANT IJSBTRHOTOI: :n a Military behoof. An officer who lia-« seen service and Shorouihiy posted in Cahey f 6 Infantry Tactics, praferror,: _^PCUT t ‘n perron, or by letter cncl'ielnt tesrircOnla's, tu J' 1 . *H" 11 TifiOABT. Preceptor Free Military School. M>>. J3lO CB3STIS#T bireet. ** h2 61 WJ^TET—AN.-ACTIVE. OK SPB "* Cl AL PARTNER (latter pre&rftd) "Wilfr cash capital of $25.OCv, to engage in a profitable whoiesrd* net cabh Address “J. T. 10GS Phfl&. Poet 0-31 eg niT-Ct* WAS TED—A I/AD ABOUT FIFTEEN yesrs old. in office of a Manufacturing Concern. Address, with reference and in fcaudwr.vicifof aptd£- cant. Boat 2013, FbllaflgjpM&Post Office. mh2»3sr WASTE D-JN AN INSUB ANUS " ' OFFICE, a YGT7T3 who c*n write a arood hand', and is well recommended. Address “Box 23SS, M Pofct- Cilice • ,1 j»‘ wanted. IN a WHOLESALE' NO' TION HDtT?E, ayoung LAD, acquainted TTifh the businesaand competent to act as* Entry Cleric- Apply* with reference, to Box 241:0, Post Office. inulsSt? WANTED—IN COUNTING BOOM OF * * a "Dry fjocdfi-Ootomißeiou House, an active, ihtdUi gen* LAD. who will make liiuieelf useful. - Address ‘ A. B ’’ at this office, iu handwritiugT of applicant, with; age, real name, and reCs-- rence. . . ' • •• " - ■ *•■••• mhl Zi i! $0 0( fO S"‘- 2uo - ANB $l,lOO WANT- oa morlKaK. RGcurity. by J. H. WHSBT.BR, 1!* ITS Eontb BIFTH Str« ? S. <3}75 A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIKS AGEWTc in every County, at $75 a month, ex penses p«sd. to sell tnyja?w cheap Family Sawiog Ma chines. Andreas S. MAD&O'K, Alfred,Me. Cfel2-AANVdm ®Cf) A MONTH I—l Want Agents at 3Qaoiuh.fixpens?ap6id,to sell hit Everlaxtinp Pencils, Orienta 1 A6d t, 15 ctrcit' lar 9 tent free. JOHB F LORD, Biddoford. Rio ja7T2m FOR SALE AND TO LET. A BABB CHANGE FOR A BUSI NA BESS MIN—An old established STORE STAND f-rr Kcn-tin the Country. To a person with, business quali- Dcatlons and a Cash. Capital of Three or Four Thousand DoUaM* tblfi is a rare offer. For particulars, addree.s ** W WEST GDEST33R, Chesty Co , Pa. iahl-3t T : OTS FOR 8 ALB —LOT CORNER " Tblrty-Vhltd and Baring street, 178xl7fi.fcavinf5tliree fronts, enrhed and paved on two- fronts, and gas and water; curb height 84 feet above high water. Lot north west corner of Thirty-sixth and Syoamore stroet, 165x160, thre« frootp. Lot east Hide of Thirtv- fifih, IGP feet north Of:E;'m street. 100x167#- to a bach street, curbed and paved, gas and water in frent Let w«t side of Thirty* fifth, 45’ f *et south of Race street, 58 feet front, f anal 10 ft lot 30590. Apply to , SAMUEL HUTOHINSON. Thirty-fourth and Haverford streets. MTO LET—THE SECOND*STORY and upper portion of tie Marble Balldin*. No 619 Chestnut street. The entire or aor part of tie Common* •wealta Snildii K< s. 611 and 6ld stree: Tie Ist 2d, Jth. Stii, and 7th *to*ies of the old JPost-ofiice hnildiaa* Dock street, below Third- Apply to THOMAS E CONNELL, At the offlre of Dr D. & Son, 343 CHESTNC? Street M ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT A FOB-SALE.—Or the Bristol Turnpike, near Holme&bcrg, about eight mile* from Philadelphia.. vi>ry by'-fetpamboat and Kail road, convenient also to Churches and ScU-'ols. for healthiness and beauty of situation, as well as- surround in* advantages, this pro perty is unsurpaafid 5a tho salmrb* of Philadelphia. • The Man*io», of brown stone, comin'indißg fine views or the Delaware River, built and finished in the most thorough manner, is spacious and replete with all the modern conveniences for both tummor and winter. The Grounds commute about twenty three acres, beau tifully laid out,and ornamented with a great variety of old and young Forest Trees and A large Garden, with abundance of Fruit, Orchard, &c. On ills premises are also erected a Gardener's Cottage, Bodge, 'OrcirßTd?Ei>Uße, f Gteen House, Conservatory, Gas Bouee, and estcußive Stabling ; Bo $ expense having been spared, to make £this, in. all respects, a Srct-data Apply to __ C. H. MUTRHEID, ml-SOt Ho. *O3 South SIXTH Street. MAMTI AND FOUND. LOST— A CEKTIFIC A r * EOF 5 PER CENT. LOAN OF STATE OF ?E HIfSYLY AN I A, for $516.06, dated March 13. 1530. Ho. 754. in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5-per cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, lor the «um of $2OO. dated . June SO. 1545, fio. 2462. in the name of ELI K. PRICE, administrator of William Meredith in trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re newal of said Certificates felO-Sm ELI K PRIOR. Ho, 811 ARCH Street, TAKEN UP, GOING AT LARGE •urrryS —a GRAY HORSE, Which will be sold to the highest bidder, at public sale, at Christian Donat’s Hotel. CHESTNUT HILL, on THURSDAY, the 3d Inst., at 1 o’clock P. M., unless sooner redeemed. mhl-2t* C H HU6TON Sergt- of Police. LEGAL, united states, eastern dis- TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING : WHEREAS. The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and dnly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons in general who. have, or pretend to have, any .right, . title, or interest in the sloop ANNIE THOMPSON, whereof Captain Doyle is master, her tackle, appa rel. and furniture, and the goods, wares, and mer chandise laden on hoard thereof, cap.ured by the Uni ted Stares veoeel of war called the ‘ Fernandina, ” under the command of Acting Master Edward Mo- 1 see- to be monished, cited, and called to judg- 1 ment. at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice 80 re quiring.) You are, therefore, charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not. but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published iu the city of Philadelphia* apd in the Legal In telligencer. you* do monish and cite, ©£ cause to bo monished ana-cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or into* rest in the said sloop, her tackle, apparel, and furni ture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on '-oard thereof, to appear before the Honorable JOHN CAD\VaLaDER» the Judge of the said court,at the Dis trict Court room,in the city of Philadelphia, on the twen tieth dftv after publication of these presents,if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then ana there to show, or allege, in due form of law. a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they - have, why the said el cop, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods .waxes, uni merchandise laden on board there of. should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the Capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, aid as goods of their enemies or otherwise liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and coDdemnud&s good and lawful p>ize*; and further to do and? receive iu this behalf as to justice shall ap pertain. And that you duly intimate, or cansetobetutl ms.ted. unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to vrhoirv by the tenor 01 these presents it i« also intimated,) tha; if they shall not appear at the time and place above men-.., tioned, orappear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court J doth intend and will proceed to adjudication ou the ePitfcU capture, and may pronounce that the said sloop '* Anuta .i Thompson;,” her tackle, apparel, and farniture, a ad the. j goods wares, and merchandise laden ou board therrsof,. i did fcftlong, Et the time of the capture of the same, t© . the enemies of the United States or America, aud a« goods*. of their enemies, of otherwise, liable and subject to .fisc&rion' and condemnation, to be adjudged and core derated as lawful prize, the absence, or rather cv, o/'the persons 60'cited and intimated iu anywise not withstanding, and that yon duly certify to the sail D ! ie* triat-Court what yon shall do in the premises, tc JhA Honorabln JOHN CADWALAT)BR. of tha said Court, at Philadelphia, this first, icjy oif MARCH, A. D. 15&4, and ia tae eighty-eighth; yean* of the Independence of the said United States, mh2-3t G. R. FOX, Clerk District Tsyjarfc, UNITED STATES,. EASTERN. D&S* i TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SS. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITER STATE*, ! TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN Bis'OF i PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: , , - . . . , „ Yon are hereby commanded that you moxusu. cite All persons Who have, or pretend to have. any., right, title; or interest In Musty bale® cotton, ten bars'll s rosin and twelve boxes of tobacco, the residue of, tKe ca.rg& of the. Steamer CHATH IM, lately captured United States steamer Huron, as prize of war. anil brought to ’ this rort f'iT adjudication, to appear Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge ot the said Court, at the District Court room in the city of ou the twentieth day after publication of these., presents, if it be a court day, or else on the % next court day following, between the usual hours ot hearing causes, then ana there to show, or allege, in due f' -jna of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if aii7< they haye, why the ?aid ninety bales cotton, ten barrets rosiran a. twelvo boxes of tobscc >. the residue of the cjrgo o f the steamer Chatham- should not be pronounced. at the t*me of the capture of the same, to the e'-aem'ies of the United States, and as goods of their onovmie? or other wise, liable and subject to condpmjmthon,- to be ad judged and condemned as good and lawful pm<e; and fur ther to do and receive in this tso yastice the Honorable JOHN CAjyW.AAj DER. Judge of the said Ccuit, this first day iff MazwJ 4 , a. D. lSoi, and in the eightv-etgnth year vr .ependeoce of the said United States. . mh2-3t G. R. FOS. ..Cierb 3 istrict Court. INSURANCE CtittPUdES. T7OBMAN P. HOPWSREAD, AT Ho 313 WALNUT BSSIBr. PHILADELPHIA, lESUHANCE BKOSSR ABB ADJUSTER. ATarine Losses Adjusted. marine. Fire. Inland, find ulfo Sasurance, effected In tbe most reliable Companies at reasonable rates, wi'pa- OUT CHAKiJF. TO TUT AS?'. 3sp- ' ' : - All business raiUtingto and carefully. IWS7BANGE AGENCY, No. 3i3jWALK?TL» BTKEET, ‘?HILADS|?BIA. J f *nt for the fottowins fi-Tvi-class Compap.fa*: HOWAF.DIESTJBA* CSeo . OF NEW 30 BK. "CirßauiMU IS2A > C-iSH-OAPITAL, *250,000. AD BI AT IP FLBJAINS.UHANCE CO., OF JJSW, YORK (Organize! ISOS ) CASH CAPITAL SSO'J.OO'i COMMRRCIA'A FIBS INSURANCE CO.. OB’ X YORK. (Organized 1850.) CASH CAPITAL. *KO. r .ia. »riKCAKTIiS-,FI»B iSSOKASCE CC-. 0? H. lOKS - 1852 ) CASH CAPITAL *200(000, _„ , .. -, ALB ARY JIT I SIEfiINSURANCE. OP ALBANY. Ii .T. 1360. ).- r. ASH CAPITAL. ggfoCCOi OFFICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL VJ> liJSURAirca COMPASS 02,PHxiADBLP3UA. - - - PHtLAOEM'SM. JapOMT VU iSO4. Novels hereby given ofche oat ■tsi3lnVscrlpof the Oman Wtalw.lnsaraa*e.Bi>mp»TiT nTTSi*. yfea efphia. that the Stosi ftad Scrip V*»M«rs, at ft meiiSg held this date, rewol nWt to extend hold- outstanding Scrip wha privilege <d> coavertini Safe Scrip into too Capital of ft* ?P 151 33 W» accord in' to section 6th c t the to the &arte? oa the terms as previously done. psfymenfc.rf inuabml tohe made February 1, 4jW. Otherwise* Interest io be charted on payments made after thiVdota. and the privilege ox cease after J t «m STi. I6tk, j a~i nn*2ra .TOFTS' KfiSS. secretary. * j NEW I'SgKHT. The aubwriberfcwoald inform ti**'ablic UnwUw7b»Y* introduced la AHW LIW, t ___ poeersalac &&w*%Vaffcs oyer other* vii: PIO TUE 33 taiexv Martin* Light ire tapra IS&ftlbe aa*l a*' turpi. Chllijjea are taker. ®imost insteDtaaeaasly. in two secotLiJii. iha *apy»ior aad a>4l«i<! flalsh of th* FiCtaXM thl* Igaht defy feowftitloa 'WRtW-W * >!a^l Q £?lsK.t. ga BSJMB jnst '.motived, and for salo to tUo trad* U vM item 1 ! prie'ii. iuot __ jv . rwn _ rT SOO »«’«t. AM tl * Oft.. fe3>« w is. *s«i rsoar £<*>l .MUBEMEKTS, ACADEMY OF MUSIO ME. J-. E. Mt)Et?OOH Will deliver & Lecture on tbe KELICS of the THREE StEMORABLE PERIODS of the GREA? BBPt/BLIO, ON THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 3d, 18&L The proceed* to t# appropriated to the Relief cf the NEEDY FAMILIES OF SOLDI23B, members of the Special Bel»?f Committee of the Branch of r’Ae' U B SANITARY GO3SHIS6ION. DcrlN/i-hs.eTeniur Mr. asu/.-no'ia wut et«r» the ob ject aaa m3«SOd Of operations r-' the Society, abJ give some Patriotic HeauinKe from American aatt TICF3T3-KS" BBSB3VBB BBA.TB Z3 * To op and after MOL , zuu February, at TUB. FUUJtS, 8. Tfe voruevoi Sjatb aaji Chestnut streets. ASRtiSATT & EVANS’. No fK* Chestnut street, and at the K'josTs of tee Sanitary Cosunierion, Wo. l*W Chestnut street and* at the Academy <& Maine, on the day ‘ and evening o» the. Lecture, . Doors oneu at 7 : -<; Lecture and Beadvaf* to comraftnco his. fc37 gr JJUSICAL FUND HALL. j SECOND AiStAND CONCERT HASOTIj \>3 : HAUNT SOCIEIV. THURSDAY .EVENING, MARSH 3. COM.V£t»VrR«■ .ir- 8 o’clock. JKc-ndetssohit’fi . t:*eat iu Viterplece. TH23 HYMN URAIgE, Will be produced by tbo Sdcl supported by the entire GERMANIA O K@HESTRA. Preceding .vb'ch a short and ae l® 3 ’ MISOE3i*AWE(iITS 1 •EaFOIiKA.NUE Will be Ki 7» w * To ho obtained at J, E OOULO’fc ’> s - E - comer Sevontt and Chestnut turrets. Ki.A-Ct QONCEET BALL.«aß t ■ me cgu>ova'& inusi KWTPRS. jhe Scccud tafceplace , . .. THOKSDAtf SVENING, Mi i Sd> v E&biect .....ME. j?BiiKIHS’ CllKl pIKBfBB. (A 1 aSa of (shoddy.) TltXete for lie remtf.i<isg two leaturt ®r * Gi SI a tie admission 50c: Dfpre open at 7 Lectsrs at 8 o’clocl'c. fIOJCCTKT HALL-GOT TS CHALK.- STEAKOSCE reEpostfally ( ulu «**' Uu ■ ixibllrt —. . ME. L. K OOTTSCHi, LK V - wHI-nWe in PMlad»lpbsn. prior to Mb dripattara for - ___ J3or/)ii«. ___ TWO GRAND Fa'HEW'ETjTj GO On MONDAY and TUESDAY JSVEFII fGS -» March 7th , * . . , and Bth. ’ ... Tp!iejftUfe2reateFt lividk oatr ***** M ME EIjBMa. D’AWGRri AfiU the young and.M*hlsi talented Violin lst« big. carlo patti, Will assist Mr. Gottcchalk. . Mu*ica] Dhector and Conductor. g Be! iTSas. Admission, 30 cents Reserved- Seats. 53 « -eut- tuxtra. s«itsjuay be secured for either of the tw* oO ucena at J. £. Gould 5 * Music Store, corner of ijeveat hai idCheH nntf, ccmmencfpK Friday morning; March.4t b. a t j ! A.M. Dooib open at 7*4. Concert tt> ooxnaiencfl a *3- ran 2 8t walnut-steebt th eater. ”” THXS( WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Ml .roll THIRD APFRABaNCB in M. City of H tss IBKS HENDERSON, whose marked success, th® pasv; iwo iiiahis. has established her another popular fi woritw Find time in this-city of anewdoxaeatie Dn ma cuttoi THE FLOWER GIRL AND THE CONVICT ft TARQITIB. MideJon. the Flower Girl MissKTTIE HEAT. OBRSOIT. CraaoTr, the Convict Marquis Mr £ j i. Tilton,' Alter Which th* ad-mvi able Farce of the „ LAUGHING HYENA 80~ Q3lce open, from 9 till 3. Curtain rise® at i ! 7 H- rj.EOVBB’B CHESTNUT-ST. BEET THEATRE. LEONARD ORi.VER —-MA.K 'AGES. ~, . WEDNBbDaY. M«ctS 18M. * The delifhifnl moral Drama TICKET. 9F-LEIVE-MAN WITH A CAST OF 6KB AT STRENGTH. MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. io TO-MORROW (THURSDAY; EVENING. COLLZEN BITS ' SATURDAY NEXT, GRAND FAMILY MATIN ?E. In preparation, Westland Hurston's Drama—Para < iold. MIS* JOHN DBEW’S NEW A 3 OK STREET THEATRE THIRD NIGHT OF'MRS. JOHN DREW. THIS ;WEDNESDAY) EVENING, March 2,iflffc with new seen ety. Ac . Gayler’s comedy of „ THE MAGIC MaBKIAG-B. MARCHIONESS DE Yol/r3BA....Mrs. JOHN DBl W. Chevalier de Monte Cellini a m.,.Barton 9 11L Manor Malfreide..... .Mr. Griffith ha. ZellaCaGiusy) •- * Miss He*; cy. To with NINE POINTS OF THfi LAW, Mrs. 8rny1ie........ Mr* JOHNDRSI V. Joseph Ironsides..... , Mr.Griffit in FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF MBS. JOHN DREW. Prices as usual Curtain rises at 7>i o’clock. 13-RAKD GYMNASTI€ EXHIBITION V* «t the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MDStC TUEi PAY EVENING. March Sth 25 cents, Re- FOived t eats, £0 cents. Can be secured at Hillebrand Si Lewis’Gymnasium, corner N’nth-and Arch strata. It _ HPEMPLE OF 'WTKNDIBBy, ASSEMBLY! J- BUILDIKGS. TENTH and.-CHESTNITL, I J DBltively the last FOUR DATS of SIGNOR BLITIFS Jfecromaasy, Ventriloquism, and t’jfr Learned Gantry Birds, Wedoetday* Thursday, Friday,, and Saturday BveniDßp, at-7>s o'clock, and Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon* at 3. ADMISSION—2/5 Cents. Children, 18, T7LEVBNTH-ST. OPERA HOUSE* A-i “THE FAMILY-RESORT:” CARITCROS3 aND DIXBY’S MINSTRELS THE GREAT STAB TROUPE OP THE WORLD, In tbflir SELECT ETHIOPIA.* SOIREES. Splendid dinainff. Beautiful Daneinf, Laufhable Bar* lesone*, Plantation Scenes, So.. Ac,, by TWENTY TALENTED ABTISTS. EVERY EVENING- THIS WEEK. * Tickcis2ocents. Doors (panat 7 o’clock. fe27*£ni 1 J. L CASNCKOSS, Easiness Manager. THE -GREAT PICTURE J- AT CONCERT HALL LECTUHB BOOM For a 8h: -«t season. commencing Thursday. February 25. m J-* losco "William** celebrated riNOBAMA 0?' THE BIBLE. This is tihe moat complete and finished Faiathi&df tttft Sacred Ccripmris in toe world, comrritLng over tnr or Use mot t 4 SUBLIME AND THRILLING' SOB YES . : Of the Sssfc three thousand years of'Biblical History, tormina altogether one the iftiest exhibitions of the ace. OPEN 3VBRY EVENING at half-past 7 o’clock. Admission. 25 cents. N. B. Matinees on Wednesday and Satnrday after noons. at 3 o’clock. Admission for Children- Iff cents. feM An THE- INVENTORS 0F AMERIBA, A BY C. SGHUSSB3L, and riUTB’S DraßE BAY, the most Interesting FAINTING& 7 os ExniaiTioa :?or a SUeBTTIMS. - AT EABL-2'B G ABLEBIES,. __ StQ-.CHBSTHOT STREET. ADMISSION TW*N OBNTS, felß-tlt ANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC A* 1 BSHEABSALS (Xt»ir S ATSRD AY.i t S o’oloefc, T- H*ai.lhe MUSICAL I'tJND HALL. Siugla- tUk«t< V sente. Packages of six' tiokoi*>ftl. Tob&hflA at AH r>3B:B. HO* CHESTNUT Street, J. E GOULD. Hl* VENTS! and CHE&TrfUT, and at the Hall door. feH-tf TW2WSTLTONIA. AOADSMY OP X THE FltTO ARTS, BTRBIT. k M „„ OKIH DAILY (S'Midayi accepted) frora. D> A. M. till 8 K M .AdmissionM ceata. ChVia*en half sties' INSTITUTION FOB THE. BLIND— -*i 3XHIBITIO3 ever* WEDNESDAY, at 3K PM. Ad mhuion Ten Cents Store No. 31 Sonth BIGtEITH St. It* JVJOUCATIONAI/.. /"'KITTEN DEN’S COMMERCIAL GOI*-' VJIE(jE. B3* CHESTS UT Street, corner of SEVENTH. Practical insSruotlon in boOKREBPIHQ. In its dlffa rent braxchaa. , . PENMANSHIP—PIain and Ornamonial. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. COMMERCIAL LAW. 6c. —Students Instructed £epsjately. Cataloineß •furnished os application ; 'E'EENCH TAUGHT B¥ CHABLES 1 pPHiITTIT So »54 Booth FIFTEENTH Street. Pitrnßnnces —Madnme Clefaray. IS2J Spruce street; Frank Field, Esq.. M 2 South Front elttet. mil l-it* WEST GBOVE BOASDItf G SCHOOL ?T 702 GIRLS, at West G*ove Station, Chester county, 7a.. os the Phil a. and Baltimore Gen. 8.. 40 miles from Philadelphia and lUfrom Oxford The Sara* met term will commence on Second IDa-y, the 24 of 6tn Month next. The course of instruction is extensive and thorough. Terms reasonable Seß'd for a Circular. Aiixese THOMAS COMARD, Principal, West gTiVFfo Chester county, Pa, T>ORDENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE, BOEDBKSOW4f, 'N. J. EM» Inrtltutloa 1> nteasantlT located on the Poiawarv Elver, vi hour’s ride from Philadelphia.; 3peciaJ alisa* tion is paid to the comnpn and higher braasfaef c| S2SGLISH, and superior in Vo«ai and Instrumental Muaih> FSSSfCH taught hr native,- vad spoken in the family. Por OaUlofueh* addm* EOT. 10*4 H. A. VILLAGE G3EEN SEMIHA.3Y,, T SBAR MEDIA. FA.->Papil» Jrtceived at any tbn*. , Bnglfoh, Mathematic*. Classics, and Natural SoUnMi taught. Military Taotipa, Book-keeping, and Civil Bn* giseering taught. Entire expenses about S 3 per week. Boys of all age* taSen. hefgrs to-Wm. H. Kara. •*- Sheriffs JohnO. Capp A Co., No. 23South Third streetj aud Thomas J. Clayton. B«q., Fifth and Prune street*, Kev. J. BAUVES barton, a. m„ vm«« Green. Pft. • • COPARTNERSHIPS. C OPART NEBS H I P.—THE SUB SCKIBEES have this, eighth day of February, IBM. entered into Copartnership. under the nano ena style of BJcNWBTT h SNYBKR. for the purposeof traneaotin* » WHOMSAL^OMMISSIOKLtfMIHRB^Km Pfflca BHO Street. HOTELS. JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, E*., cos:i»s market stbbet and kabkbt s^caks.. A flut-clati house. Terms, $2 pe? day, OF REMOVAL. Tbe nnderelffßed would inSarm their frieude *nd tho. gnlu ic genorally that they removal from sUei? Uia, (ftßd, 517 ABCH Street*. tojiilCilr v. SPLENDID NEW WAEERDOMS, No. via AEfeBJW STEBETi Wj*’e they will the tale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL OI& BURNERS, &e. t ® ?' sKO^-liZ. »rixxnranared to eitjcqte orders for G*S V /5 ‘ o “ <Ae » tainemta the t/iosf massivc^jn l ! elaborate VAN kirk;* op., So ABOfe SyRBBT, jm. FINE, PBACTJCOAI. DBS for the last twenty f«&». 9JO Vl2t3 Bt * b«Iow Third. inserts the, taost beantitel T3BTH oT lb* JJi mooSred on fine Gp4.‘*Fiatina.'' SftlTfr* Valeaaif*. roraUt«« ituber, Ac . a*srice», for nejct and. saWtatitUi work. zsorereasonablckinftn any Dentlstin this city or Scats. Taefb plosge&to last lo* lire. Arllftcifcl Tectfc, repaid to suit, rfasaln in exirai-llAg. I AH work war raSud toSt. Bcfaxjjnse, bcetlymUUs irl <sgßam cvbbeqt tonin«. nllt’-Kl O 5. &iS3BBTU qcdgn for T»«U»f usd ft*pilrUt Planog *» icwjlfed AtfiiSOß * o®. ■» ta baffi aiSSfl- «* ‘w-a? "$ sss ST ® '**”**- «•«•*■« -FIFTY (JMTB O. H. &TABB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers