Anniversary. TEE BARD OF TOWER HAtX. backward glance ws cast, ikly, oft we may. mlyenary past '.at hero's natal day. a eat fb&t day arose, ssed away with, tmmixed jor the malice of our foes \es> of its hoarj destroy. feat—no rumors loud BtsfoitunM- waked onr fears .td above Mars’ teoosbow of Hope appear.! ao oft in tattle Hoe :r fnl feats of elawhter done, their burnished arms to shine, lees, ’neath a smllisg ann. And many men of pencefol trade. That dor. to welcome an they ought. Appeared in fine new suite arrayed. Which they at Tower Hai.l had bought. And oft, wit l smile elate, they’ll cay, • ’These clothes, which hare such service done, I flret did wear upon the day That hailed the birth ol Washington!’’ Balance of Winter Olothing selling at reduced prices. Military Clothing all grades, ready-made and made to srfer. TOWER HALL, 518 MARKET Street, It BENNETT tg CO. A Hoi'ELlss Case of Consumption Ovbbd. SWATNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHEERY SWATHE’S COMPOUND STEUP WILD CHBBBY SWATNE’S COMPOUND STEUP WILD CHERRY SWATNE’S COMPOUND STEUP WILD CHEEKY CUBES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS CUBES ALL COMPLAINTS‘ OF THE THROAT, EBEAsr. ano lunhs. OP THE THROAT, BBEAST, AND LONGS. OF TEE THROAT. BREAST, AND LUNGS 3. Thomas Dixon. Point of Bocks, 5,d , was reduced to a mere skeleton. This case Is one of the most extra ordinary that has ever been truly recorded. In October, 3551, he was afflicted with a severe gathering in the f»eaat, which formed a large abscess, and also commu nicates to tho lungs, and very much afflicted them, and lari© qQftntiUsfl of corruption, external 3,ud 'internal, that is, large quantities passed through, the lungs. -which he threw up. The breath could also pass through the lungs and out through the cavity of the frreaet with apparent ease, attended with violent cough day and night, less of appetite, and extreme debility, so that his physicians thought his case entirely hopeless and beyond the power of medieine. Through the use of £his medicine, and under the blessing of DWlne Provi* deuce, he is now (although thirteen years have elapsed) enjoying perfect health. * Rev. JAMES B. DUEBOBO W, Pastor of Berlin Circuit. Baltimore Conference, and all the principal residents of Point of Bocks and vicinity, have testified to this re jnarkable care. _ SWAYNE’S COMPOUND BYBUP OF WILD CHERRY Is prepared only by Dr. SWAYNB & SOB, No. 330 Iforth SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. Sold by all Drug gists and Dealers. _ It KXNDAZgb’a Ambolxne, fOB Ta B 5A I X AMBOLIER SIOISTBHS, BEAUTIFIES, ODOBATEg, LEfIOTHBITB. INVIGORATES. HOUEISHES. EMBELLISHES THE HATE. A PURELY VEGETABLE COMPOUND, made entirely from stimulating extracts of BOOTS, HERBS, AND FLOWERS. Prevents the hair falling out or from turning prema ftardy fray. Ladies who desire a luxuriant head of hair Should not fall to give the ASSBOLINE a trIAL Prise 11 per box, soutaiuius two bottles. FRSPABCD OXLT BY ks&dall&co.. ICG BROAPWAY, New York. AGBFTB nr PHILADELPHIA ■ JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY', & GOWDBN, 4»T*mW*3m No. 33 North. SIXTH Street. Hair Bye 1 Hair Dysll SATOHSLOB’S selebrated HAIR DYE ia the Seat in {A« World. The only Barmless > SVue, and Reliable pye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—ehauge; Bed, Busty, or Gray Hair, instantly to a Gloss# Bloch cr Batttral Bromt, without injuring the Hair or sUin gjtg the Skin, leaving the Hair Sort and Beaulifiil; l«. part* fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine golor, and rectifies the HI effects of bad Dyes. The genuine Is signed William A. Batchelor; all others are mere imitations, and .should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, Ac. FACTORY, 61 BARCLAY Street Maw York. Xstehelor’s new Toilet Cream for Dressing fits Bair. iv29-ly Steck & Go’s Mason HAMLIN’S CABINET ORGANS. STEUK & CO.’S SEVENTH Clothing. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. WAN AM AKEB & BROWN.' ** T HB Fofulak Olothing House of Phila. “OAK HALL." Best- class goods and moderate prices. WANAMAKEB St BBOWN, 8 B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) Co. *IB. Sixth at. Dk. Stephen Sweet, op Connecticut, %t the author of “ Dr. Sweet'B Infallible liniment. ” ieler & Wilsok’s Highest ritEr.mri The Cheapest, Simplest, and Salesrooms, 701 Chestnut Street above 7th. MABBIED. THOMPSON—ERSKINE.— On Thursday evening 26th at the residence of the bride’s father, bj the Rev. Andrew Loneacre, Mr. D James Thompaon to Anna JS, t eldest daughter of R- M. Erakme. Esq . all of this v ‘jOHB SON—KING. —On the 25th ins*.. by Bev. T_W. "3, Wylie* D. D„ Thomas Johnson to Rachael D. King. ££SJK^MAN —On the 24th of February, 1861. by iießev. H. S. Norris, Mr. SicheidE. Barr, of Delaware connty Pa. to Miss SoUie Kate Harman, youngest daughter of Sir. John M. Harman of this city. Delaware connty paperswill please rpy. .... > VAUGHAN— MARSHALL. —On the 224 inet , hythe Key. Mr. Tarnell. rector ot at Mary’s Church. West PhUaadhhia. J Keen Vaughan to Margaret s. Mar shall- eldest daughter of Davis Marshall, Es<j., all o. this city. . DIED. DEiHAEELLI.—On Friday morning, 26th inst,, Pro cessor Vincenzo do AmaielH.inthe sixty-first year of his at His male friends are invited to a-tend his funeral,from his late residence. 830 Walnut street, on Sunday morn lug, 28th In at., at 9-o : clock precisely, wifnonfc farther norice Funeral to proceed to St. Mary's Church. * BLDBIDGE.—On the 26th inst., Abraham Brunner, tson of BllH. and Mary B. Eldridge, in the sixth year of his £g£ The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his parents, No fiOS North Eighteenth street, on Monday afternoon next, at 2 o'clock. ** COOKE.—On the-26th instant, at Cbelton Hills. Cath arine Mot rliead. youngest daughter of Jay and Dora Cooke,i»the9tb year other age. _ . Funeral- Monday morning, at 10££ o’clock at St. RitUS Church, Cheltenham. Leaving at eleven, lor Wood- —Suddenly, on the 26fch instant, Mary Tucker, daughter of Wm. H. and H. Ella Bnrkhaxdt, aged 8 month* and 12 days. ... &The relatives and friends of the family are respectfal jy inyiter to attend the funeral from the residence of her parents. No. 725 Parrish street, on Sunday afternoon, 38th instant, at two o'clock, to proceed. To the Odd Fal lows’ Cemetery. ... .. , -t, BROOKS.—On the 20ih instant, after & lingering ill. which be bore with Christian fortitude, Allred Brooks, in the 24th year of his age. - a The relatives and friends of the family, and the police force of the Twenty second ward, are respectfully in vited. to attend his funeral, from his late residence. Lin den street. Germantown, on Sunday, 28th instant, at 2 o’clockP- M., witiioutfurthernotice. * pT.reiHAtST».—On Wednesday, 24th instant, Samuel Pleasants, In the 60th ? ear of his age His male relatives and friends are lavttftd to attend m« funeral, without further notice, from his late residence, 1433 Walnut street, on Saturday- 27th inst.. at 2 o'clock.* BOWERS. —Suddenly, on the 25th instant, John Rdmund. youngest son of Jacob E. and Catharine A Bowers, ated 3yeare,‘Bmpn«bs,and27 days. * irVIZEY —On the 25th Feb , Elizabeth Liyezey, wifeot J>avid H. Livezey, and daughter of Christopher relatives and frlerds of the family are respect fully invited to attend her funeral from: T fl residence. Pries street* Germantown, on Monday alter aeon next, at 2 o’clock, without further notice. . . T3ESSON & SON HAVE COMMENCED - X> receiving their Spring and Summer Stock of MOURN ING GOODS, and have now in wore— Black Byzantines, English Bombazines, •* Florentines,' French Bombazines, " Bacete Hernanl, gammer Bombazines, “ Crape Mareta, filially, ' *• -Badges, Mouaselaufti, •• Silt Grenadines, Tamisea,. Blabk. nd Black ani Wlto Sc.^ fe!6 Mo- 918 CHESTBTJT Street. 14 LVONS BLACK SIIiK velvet. * Lyons Velvet \% yards wile. Magnificent Spring Silks Stoutest Black Dreaß Si'ks. Richest Spring Organdies. Shawls of newest styles - f e 24 bTBE & LANDELL. H~n ST.CLEMENT’S CHURCH,TWES- Scs» TIBTH and CHERRY Streets.—TO MOd&OW ueing the fourth Sunday in the mouth, the Afternoon Service wili he omitted. Evening Service at 7H o'clock. * Mk, UNION M. E. CHURCH, FOURTH QA, RtrM.t below Arch —Preaching by the Pa«tor. D. JO .TO-MORROW(Sahbatk) MOBN- p'cloek. and Evening at 73-a o clock. It a®'cH^I T SBVB®fra B i?KiiPa t aS t S^ stuS,-i2v j’ F BEKGTd D., will (D. V.) preach toToreoW. SeVriSfin tire Mornligat 10JS o'clock; In tlie Evening 7K- _— |9b> THIRD REFORMED CHDBCH. conrerTenth Sties 8, Key. LISTS NGKTMAN, pistor. Strrice TO-WOBBOW at 30K o cltck in the morning, and 7/i o clock in the eve* aing, ' jftp. THEHODELHES OF THKBIBLB. —The next sermon in tbi-course will be preached 3d the Church of the Epiphany FIFTEENTH and CaBST -SLT Streets. TO-MOBROW Evening. Service at half East seven Young men are cordially invited- It GBEM-BTREETHBTHODIST CHCEGEL—Rev James Flannery. T. act Ageat, J-11l preach at 10M o'clock A. M , TO-MOILSOIV ( jab- and take the tract collection. Rev 11. F, Burn, pastor, will pieach at 1%. o’clock in the evening. it* 3n*sg- THE RET M. BiXTER \Vir,L. S-fiR I'reifn npon the ‘lmpending S?cocd Advent of In St Paul's apisco-pal MISSIONARY DAY AT arpit M. E. Chnrcb, N. E and AKOh" Preaehing in the morning at 10k and evening at I V> o’clock, by Rev. 8. W. of BrooklvS Sal? fcath Schcol An niversary in the afternoon gfr vi » flSgi MISSIONARY I)AY~AT c T ” GEORGE’S M E. CHORCH TO-VOERft/1 Preaching at 10K A. M.,hy Rev- Br THOMAS r *m» PRY. Bnnday School anniversary, with SlfinKfi vmbleme. at2 H P. M. Preachingm 7o’SSckfittee.e •iliHS it* MEDIATION Of* CHatst _ Seventh sermon of eerie* by T. H. Btnekto« tn y-,) at ELEVENTH and WOOD Streets,B ABB ATHAhfr’ !“??,• 3K o’clock. Special topics, ••Bxceptloue to Safe »f Christ,Ulnetratlng His Pii-SsU?™,! S»tS*% , b’olock, A. Clark.- Subject, •• MoseeCroek ««■" 7«. aociat meetlng iu Lec^re • * u* _ the LORDS FHAtB&-' THE sixth or the eeriei of dUcoarus on THE LO SB'S PHATEEtriU he preaohed in St. Matthew’s Bnthsran funrciC NEW Street, liy the pastor. Bev X. W HOT TER?™ TO-MOBBoW EVENING, 7>i o’clock Morn -1,1 carries commence, 10K ■ It VBF SPM^oiSDBN^S™?brt^S^,-lS? children in Heaven. »’ Stranger* cordially Invited. Chil dren's Church at 3 P. M. I^TSraKcW»#ira T CTJl rOKD street..-Preachln* hi thePaalor. Ber&M. ?V BI Ae ’ TO-MORROW (Sabbath) EVENING, at *y» ah important Sermon on the Prartinni* nf Wrfst Sr me hoar next THDHSD AT. o ußlarpfoimy a, g 1 2* s niP er g >i <?- Beale free. AUlnitled F. b. The Factor will deliver hi. celebrated Oration wnwn i .w , «?fei?Ji?£ Ur t 111 SiNBOM-STREBP HSILE, MOHBAT BTENIKQ, Maxell 9th, for the benefit of the above Church. Tickets 25 cents. Bee fntnre advertise ments. it* \OTTJiG HEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSD CIATIOM. —An Adjourned Meeting of this Abbo cißttonwill be held on MONDAY EVENIffG. Feb 29th, nt7% o’&lork, at the Booms 1009 and 101 *SOHESTNI7r Street Bev. FRANK L. ROBBING win make some in targeting statements in repaid to the Young M n of our Anny. Ladies invited. —— TENTH WARD BOUNTY FUND. A list of the GoLiribntors to the Bounty Fund of the vrill be pnbliihed In the EVENING BULLETINd on MONDAY next, the 2Sth instant. SPIRITUALISIff -MRS WOOD, OF Connect: cat, r, Medium, wilt speak, under Spirit Control, at SASBOM-STREBT HALL. TO-MORROW (Sunday), at Ifijtf A. M and 7X P. M. Admission 5 eta. On WEDNESDAY, March 2 3P. M., she will legate ai the same place. Tickets 25 cents. It* MRS. HYDE, FROM BOSTON. BU SIN ESS and TEST MEDIUM, will ait DAILY at Mis HALEB’ Circulating Library, No. 931 RACE Street. Term* On* Dollar. It* W<2** NINETEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF ic£* the AMERICAS LITERARY UNION. THIS (Sa turday) at 7 H o’clock, at their Hall, north ea*t corner NINTH and C ALLOWMILL Streets. Ad dieeees by several of the member*. The pabHe invited to attend. Admittance free. GEO. J. HETZELL. It* • Secretary. ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY—A meeting of this Society will, be held on MON DAY EVENING. 29th Instant, in the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, at 7>s o’clock. Members are requeated to attond without farther notice. fe27 2t GEORGE YOUNG, Secretary. ■ngy THE FIRST ANNUAL COMMENCE* KENT of the PHILADELPHIA DENTAL COL LEGE will be held at CONCERT HaLL. on MONDAY EVENING, February 29.1864, at 7 % o’clock. Valedictory by Professor C. A KINGSBURY- PaWlc respeetfally invited. J. H. McQUiLLAN. fe27-st* Dean of the Faculty. ■». phiwdbiphia TBiey am Lcf-r MISSION SOCIETY.—. 4 meetlne in behalf of this Society-win he held iu the *ioaOi Presbyterian Church. SSEtr THIRD Bfld RE9 WOOD Streets, on ATH EVENING. ?Bth instant, at W* ©’clock. Bev John. Moore (pastor). Rev. F. W. Olmsted, and Bev, Wiilisia Comell, D. D., will address the meeting. in tAiourned meeting will be held In the First Eaotisi CfcttTch, CHESTNUT above Thirty-sixth street (west Philadelphia), on TUESDAY EVENING, March J*!. at 7K o’clock. Rev. T, E. Hartiud&le. Rev. J. G. Butler, Rev J. H. Castle, and others, will take pirfc in the txercises. ♦lso. on WEDNESDAY EVENING, March 2. la the Fiist Frtsbyterinn Church. BRIDGE Street (Mantua). Bev. Y. s. Johnston. Rev J. Dickerson, Bev. J* A. Henry, and Rev. 8. R Smith, will address the meeting. All friendly to the canseare invited to attend. Colltctione will be taken cp to aid the Society. It* POLYTECHKIC COLLEGE, WEST PhJSU SQUAJiE. —The Spring Course of Lectures and demonstrations will begin. March Ist. and continue four months. Graduates of respectable Literary Colleges are admit ted o.i tbfc-ir Diplomas, and non-graduates, after exami nation, to the claea of ’65 (Engineers}. Those who desire to Join the claw of 'will. If pre pared. be admitted to the Scientific School In the order of application as fast as vacancies occur. Tiefceft to the Lectures on Geology. Mineralogy* and Chemistry, and to the practical instruction in Chemistry and Design, may be obtained separately if desired.. ALFBED L. KENNEDY, M. D., __ President of Faculty. fNffT" ATTENTIONS ICU CITIZENS OF. THJSJTBST WARD, A FEW PACTS FOE TOU. lit. Are jon liable to the draft, which takes place on the 10th of March next, under the recent t-roclamation of the President of the United states, calling for 600. 000 men? 2d. Under the new conscription act. all persons be* tween the age of 20 and 45 years are liable, and two* thirds of the exemptions for physical disability ara cut off. 3d. Do yon want to enlist in the service of your coua'.ry, to sustain the "best Government on earth? if so, go at Once, ana you will receive ail the liberal bounties offered. If yon are drafted, however, it will cost you SSOD, Which. Will exempt you for one year , 4th. Previous to the last call/the First ward was defi cient 782 men; the last call will, probably, Increase it to SCO in*n. The Collecting Committees have succeeded, with the moneys collected in the ward, in reducing the latter number some 250 and they must eituer have more money to pay Ward Bounty to the soldier who accredits himself to the First ward, or stop aad await the draft. 6th. In ca»o yon have been drafted before, what is your experience? How much time did yon lose at the rrovott Efaxchal’a office? How much did you pay the hangers-on. to oßtain a preference lathe line awaiting examination, with all the other evils attending a draft ? Bo you feel as though you would rather make any sacri fice thfth go through each an ordeal^aaain? Pianos. Attend a mass meeting every night this week, at KaTEB HALL, SOUTH Street, above Fifteenth, and bring your money with you* to contribute generonsly to the general fund. $25, in caßh, will secure the ward all the soldiers required betwren now and March let. at which time the Government bounty ce&sss aai, of course, volunteering will cease, and the draft will take place for any deficiency in the ward. The Hon. Wm. B. Mann, district Attorney; Theodore Cuvier. Esq.; Morton McMichael; Professor Saunders* and other eminent speakers will make stirring appeals for the relief of your ward „ , ~ The Committee, authorized at a ward meeting held February icth, 1664, will receive in cash #25, guarantee ihg the person paying H from tne next draft ? or, if draft ed, the money wut be returned on the production of iha receipt given The plan has been carefully examine*!, and in less than twenty-four hours 1,000 man should come forward and pay this cheap insurance against the draft- Come yourself, and bring your neighbor. This appeal is made to every capitalist, mechanic, iaboritg man, lather, brother, and citizen in tne ward, as we only have a few days to get this fearfal number of men charged to our ward expunged from the enrol ment hooka. trite conscription act has been declared Constitutional by the Supreme Court of ihe State, and, as the Govora inem nnu*t tie sustained at all hazards. It will be tho roughly enforced ... , . Any contribution yon desire to make, hand, to 0116 of the committee in your precinct. a hand of music will be in attendance __ _ By order of the Committee. BEfIJ. FRAffKLIS, Chairman Com. on Printing. Philadelphia, February 25.1564. fe23-tf pianos. j. e. goult>, and CHESTNUT. 825 —FIRST WARD BOUNTY —s3s* ft®* TWO HONORED WANTED in the First ward TO*DAY. paid at once on prasentatkjn of certificate of mustering officer accrediting the recruit to-be Fintwfird. The Committee of Distribution will be at toe Provost Marshal’s Office, TWELFTH Street, above Spruce* Every Afternoon to par the money promptly. W. H. TASKER, fe26- tf Treasurer. AT A MEETING OF THE NWTH BOUNTY FOND COMMITI’iSfi, held on the Ssth instant, it was Resolved. That in lieu of a general newipaper publi cation by the Treasurer of the sums received for the Bounty Fund, he be instructed to prepare a tabular list of tto snlucriberi, and the amounts subscribed, by precinct, the tame to be Issued in pamphlet form. t-*r general distribution before the day fixed for the draft. 8 DANIEL STEINMfiTZ. Chairman. Epwakd H, Ofipsy, Sec’y. TENTH-WARD BOUNTY FUND- An Adjourned Meeting of the Citizens of the TENTH WARD, for the purpose of adoptinjrmeasures to avoid the Diafc, will be held on SATURDAY EVENING next, the 27 :h inst , at 8 o’clock, in the Lectare Room of thelßaptist Church, N. W. corner of BROAD and ARCH Streets As this will be the last meeting for this purpose-a general attendance of all who are desirous that the quota of the Ward shall be filled without a draft if earnestly requested. STBPHEN COLWELL, President. John K. Valentines, Secretary. fe23-2fc ADDITIONAi. cowed by Mib. Liei AKOH stiect» as subscriptlox OF COLORS for the 21st Pem Win H Boyd commanding: Previously reporred. fIS6 00 Casb«..«*.fcAj 1 O'! 8e8kejrt...W..„.«,~. 100 Cash 100 Be Haven & Bro 5 00 George Duf/r. 2 fcO Cash ......... 1 00 Walden.Kenker&Co 0 00 Gar) 1 0i« G C Bobexts' 1 00 Bichai d bale 100 UNION REFUGBES AT CAIRO.— CASH ACKNOWLEDGMENTS for the week end ing Februsry 25,1864: • \ William Turves. $26: J. B. Boss, $5; Col. A. R fcers, $2O; Walnut-street Presbyterian Church, west Philadelphia (additional), SH; T. Calhoun, $10; Mantua Pieeryteriao. Church, $31.60; Miss Clemstn. Clayaaont. Del., $36; Tenth Presbyterian Church, in part, jsss; l W H.» Ithaca- N.*Y , $10; £. Aeharßt & Son, $100& 5L Wl Baldwin & Co,, $100; Bdmund A. Sender & Co., $100: A.. $2; Pupils of-Miss Janvier's Seminary, West Philadelphia. Slf.10; Wm, P, Orr, Lewes, Del, $5: M. L 8.. $5; Mrs, C. P., $6; Mrs, B, P. Taylor, $10; Charles Huston, Coateavil'e, $25; J. P. Huston, Coates ville $25; Mrs Sproat, $1—5594.70. Previously acknow ledged, $31210-total, S9C6 80. . aIeo; ore box clothing. Hiss Clemeon, Claymont.Del.; one box from pupils of Miss Janvier’s Seminary. West Philadelphia; two boxes from Ladies’ Aid society, St. Paul’s Chnith; one parcel ltom Ladies or Fx»tßaptist Church; one parcel from Louisa Roberts. _ H. JS. THI6SBLL, 9»9 CHESTNUT Street, It* For Key. B FOLSOM. PITTSBURG, FORT WAY AK. AND ESTchicago railway company. Office op the Secretary, Pittseuko, Pa.. February 12th, 1861 The Annual Meeting of the Stock and Bondholders of this Company for the election of Director®, and *neh other business as may come before it, will be held at the Office of raid Company, in the city of Pittsburg, on the THIRD WEDNESDAY OF MARCH, A. D. 1894, at 10 A. M Tte Stock and Bond Tran star Books of the Company,., at their Office in the city of Pittsburg, and at their Trans fer Agency in the city of New York, will be closed on the Ist day ot March, at 3 o’clock P. M, and »amain ClOßfd until the Wth-dar of Mareh £?***£**•-„„* fels-lml7 W» H. BARnES, Secretary. ika OFFICE PEUBSJTLVASU RAIL.. \S* ROAD COJIFANI. _ , Philadelphia, Feb. IS. 1884. Nr.TIJK TO STOCKHOLDERS.-The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MGNDAI, the 7th day of March, 1864, at the Office of the Company, Vo »38 South 0 HIRE Street. The poll* will he open from ten o’clock 'A- M. until six o’clock P. M . • , No fch»re or shares transferred within sixty days pre cedu e the election will entitle the holder or holders tl ereof t© vote, * EDMUND SMITH, felS-tmh7 Secretary. the WORLD OF FAC T AID FANCY—LECTURE for the relief of Disabled Soldiers’ Families, under the-c&re of the Ladies’ > irst Union Association, by ENO'.IH B. SUPPLES, at HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING. Sfcrch Ist stR o’clock Tickets, 25 cents s for sale at the Associa tionHoom^s37N£r^_ElGHTHStreet^^_fe23B^ CONTINGSTALHOTELCOMPAOrY The COUPONS due Mwob Vt»1864, on the eight per cent Mortgage Bonds of the CONTINENTAL SO i£L COMPANY, will be paid on and after that date, upon Presentation of the same at the Commercial Bank, in the city of Philadelphia. J. SERGEANT PRIGS. ft26-4t Treasurer, OFFICE OF THE* CITY TREA* SiRER. Philadelphia, Feb. 3-3, 1864. NOTlCE*^—Holders of matured City Loin will Please nest ut the r&me for payment at this office. Interest from the date of maturity. ~ fe£B Bt HENRY BPMM. City Treasurer, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MVSIC REV. HENRY WaRD BEECHER - Will deliver his great Address, entitled „ .’’AMERICAN MESSAGE TOGRBAT BBITAIN,” MONDAY. FBBRU ARY 2&TH, . At 8 o’clock. Adtnxesion. 25 cents; Keterved Seats, 50 cents. The esle of Tickets will commence at 9 A. M.„ WJ3D* NESIIAY. the 24th. at ASH MEAD & EYiNi’, Wo. 734 CHtSrgTTT Street. fo2J 4t* LOBBEKRY GREEK BULROAD COMPANY.—Philadelphia, Jan 29, 1864. Th* annual meeting of the stockholders of the LOR* BERRY CREEK RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the office of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com* nanv No. 9SST South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia,on March 9th, 18M. at 1 o’clock P M., for ♦ho elcriion of a President and six Directors to serve r °ld & £2& mjeal ' FWPIB TC COPPER COaiPAMY (OP —'The ftrßt meeting of the Empire SteiMswa'a A.-M. B. A. HOOPBB, Two of the Associates of said Corporadoa. Pm.T.mFMt.fttßlW, MS - Mt •a*, ai-lkstow* COM - Iffl»#S H KftKAS:s: psiy. No aa» Fonih FOUBTH htroet, , f jr 'the r “ a? (mfcD nd anltl other yy ll^ 6 WBBB. Secretary. VOIIHDT 9t«iTMMt 100 * ) 4i h * O P" i SS 8 s e to°ck t SmI Into consideration an lnoroaM ofthc ol Company. B. T. FSAILBY, Ba*Wf W. PcßEinaT 15.1804. W l5 lK TENTH WARD, sacuau ~. HOW IOU CAN- AVOID IT.!. i DONATIONS RE rot. B. J. LEVS, No. 18»J ins for tha parehiga of A sET maylvania Cavalry* Colonel Cash 1 00 Or. Leaf. 1 00 Gash 100 Cash 1 00 G. H. Brows 5 00 From W. F. Hushes.. 100 Cash ••• ICO Cash* 15 00 $lBlOO m* GREAT CENTRAL FAIR 808 THB SANITARY COMMISSION. PHILADELPHIA. HOT GHKSTNST StRSST, PEBRIIARI 20,1884. The undersigned. members of the Executive Commit* tee of the Crest Central Fair for the Sanitary Commis slor, beg to invite the co-operation of all their fellow citizens, especially of those resident In Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey, fn this important enter prise. It le proposed to hold the Fair in PHILADEL PHIA in the first week in JDN 8 next, and It is confi dently expected that the contributions coming from a population so benevolent and patriotic as that which inhabits tie Central States, and representing the most impoitant tid varied branches of industry and ait, will sec ore a in aid of the funds of the Com mission and foMne benefit of the Soldier at least equal to that which has attended similar undertakings in other cities. It is not necessary to say a word to stimu late sympathy for the soldier; we feel for them all as brethren, and the popular heart seeks only the best mode of manifesting that sympathy In the most efficient and practical way. These Fairs in ocher rlaceß have been productive of great results. By this means Chicago has recently raised for this object £60,C00, Boston #160,000. and Cincinnati more than S2CO,OCO. We appeal, then, with the greatest con fidence to the inhabitants of the Central States, especi ally to those who constitute the great industrial classes, to send us contributions, the productions of their skill and workmanship. We appeal to them in the interest of no party, radical or conservative, Bepublioan or De mocratic. administration or anti-administration. We know only 'this, that to send our national soldiers in the field supplies to supplement those Government un dertakes to give them, but which they sometimes fall to receive, end thus to relieve them when sick and In miteiy. is a work of Christian charity, and that it is a VfoTK of intelligent patriotism also, as economizing their life, health, and efficiency, cn which, under God, the nation depends in this its time of trouble. We therefore ask every clergyman to announce this humsne undertaking to his people, aod to advise them to do what they can to farther it. We ask the press to give it the widest publicity and the most earnest en couragement We call on every workshop, factory, aud mill for a specimen of the best thing it c. n turn out; on etexy artist, great and small, for one of his creations; on all loyal women for the exercise of their taste and industry; on farmers, for the product) of their fields and dairies The miner* the naturalist, the man of scWnee, the traveller, can each e«nS something that can. at the very least, be converted into a blanket that will warn, and may save from death, some one soldier Whom Go vernment supplies 1 ave failed to reach. Every one who can produce anything that has money value is invited lo give a simple of hie beat work as an offering to the cause of national unity. Every workingman, mechanic, or farmer, who can make a pair of shoes, or raisea bushel of apples, is called on do contribute something that can be turned Into money, and again from money Into the iz.eßns of economizing the health and life of our national soldier*. Committees have been appointed in each department of industry and art whose business It will be to solicit contributions for the|Fair, each inftts own speoial branch. These committees will place themselves in communica tion with those persons who may wish to aid US. In the meantime, it is recommended that local Committees or associations te formed in every portion of Pennsylva nia- Delaware, and Ne sv Jersey, with a view of organi sing the industry of their respective neighborhoods, so as to seeme contributions for the Fair. Cf mmUieeß of Ladies have also been organized, to co operate with those of the Gentlemen in soliciting con tributions. a list of all these committees mu be shortly published and distributed. In the meantime, thoso who are dis posed «o fid ns or who may desire any farther informa tion on the eobj*ct, are requested to address CSABLES J. fcTILLE, Corresponding Secretary of the Executive Cob: m'ttee of the Great Central Fair, No. 1307 CHEST NUT Street, JOHN WELSH, Chairman. CALEB QOPE, Treasurer. C, J. STILLS, Cor. Seo’y, H H FURNJSBB, Rec. Sec’y. 8. V. Merrick, B H. Moore, J. H Orne, Jno Bobbins, Wm, Struthore, Wn. M. Tiighman. Geo Trofcfc, Tlios. Webster, t Geo. Whitney. Geo. A Wood. fe2s thswswsCt W. H. Ashhurst. Horae© Binney, Jr., A. E. Boiie, If. B Browne, Jno. C- Oregon. D. B. Cummin*, Theo. Cnyler, Fred, Graff, J. C. Grubb, Joseph. Harrison, Jr., R. M. Lewis. MCpM LECIURE B 1 9GP» CATHGaRT, on VW and Hones In Connection Wit be)llon,”on TIiESDAT EVJ the Etcond Baptist Church aboT-'- Poplar, for the bene Tickets, 26 cents. „ ■» VULCAN HINIHG COMPAMT -Tfiß firrt meeting of the VCJLCAM MINING COM PANT, nnrier its articles of association, will be held on SATURDAY, the 12th day of March, 1864 at No. 33& WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, at 11 o'clock. A. M. JOSSrH H. TROTTER, B. A. HODPES, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Philadelphia, Feb. 23,1864. fe24-I6t PENNSYLVANIAEAILROAD COM |»» PANT. Treasurer s Dbpartmext. Philadelphia, February 16,1864. The Board of Birectors have this day declared an EXTRA DIVIDEND OF FIFTEEN -DOLLARS upon each Share of the present Capital Stock, as registered on the hooks Of the company this day. . ' The said Extra Dividend to be payable in Stock of the Company, at its par valne of Fifty Dollars per share, the f-bares to be dated May 2, 1864, and to be entitled to dividends payable la November next, and thereafter, as tbo present stock of tbe company. ~ Stock Certificates for tht extra dividend will be de livered on and after May_a.lB64 _ fel6-tmhl THOS. T- FIRTH. Treaearer. SKSe NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS OB’ THE OIL OBESE: AND BIDGWAY RAILROAD LOMTdIIYi —An adjourned annual medtinffof the Stock, bolders of this Company will be held on TUESDAY HiB flret dav of March. 1664. at half past 10 o’clock A. U., at No- 4 WILLING’S Alley, in Philadelphia. felWft JOaEPH LBSLEY, Secretary, ■Mai PIOLABS&FHIA AMD RSADIMe KSW RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 937 South roaiTH Street, Phtlapblphia. September 2, 1863, Diy>DEND NOTICE.—The following-named parsons are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock of this Company. The residence of several of them Is tm« knows, and It is. therefore, necessary that the certUL* rates of stock should ha piscented on eauine for the Dividend. S. BRiJOFOBD. Treasurer, umutmu. STOCKHOLDERS’ NAMES. 6. Lancaster, Benry B. Sherer. John Mclntyre, Andrew’Tomer,- , Benj. 7. Newport, (Mrs. RebeccaUirtsb seG-atnthtf MILITARY. S GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, Ho. 611 CHESTNUT Street. —Secrniie wanted for all tie valiant oil Cavalry. Artillery, and Infantry Re siments now in service, raised in this State. * A limited number of men can yet he enlisted for the Second Artillery, P. V., stationed in the fortifications for the defence of Washington, and,for the Third Artil lery, stationed at Fortress Monroe, Ya., by applying at this office immediately. . BOUNTIES. _ ni . t Veteran Volunteers., * j ‘*‘l§iQ All other Volunteers $575 cash in hand. ' . . ... ewareof unauthorized Agents, irresponsible runners and scoundrels, who are on the aleTfc everywhere to take advantage of you; but come direct to the authorized Ke* ciuiting Office, No. 611 CHESTNUT Street and select a good old regiment, secure the bounty, serve under offi cers of experience and avoid the impending draft. Note —MONDAY, the 29th, Will be thelast day for the above bounties. chas. n. oadwalLADEB. Captain Second Artillery. (112 th.) P.V., fe27 2t* General Recruiting Officer. STHE LAST CHANCE TO AVOID THE DRAFT, winch will take place on the TENTH of MARCH nest. The undersigned are recruiting a Company for the 18th PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY, Letter C. All Government and .Local. Bonntiee will be promptly paid to all rf emits enlisting in this Company, same as to any other Veteran Regiments. Apply to FSEI) z ARB ACHES, Llent. PHILIP A. VOORHEBS. No. 106 South BIX CH Street, at C. M. BEBKl’B; or, Lieut. SAMUEL JOHNSO», -* r Market Htreet Railroad Depot, BRINTON GREEN’S HOTEL, . West Philadelphia, and PAUL D. ANTRECHI,_ ■ fe24-4t* No iPgg BIPGE Avenue. S. REED & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 115 ARCH STREET, Have on hand, and offer for i ale— SUGARS. New Orleans, Porto Rico, and Cuba: Patent Cut Loaf, Crushed and Pulverized, A and B, and Philadelphia Sugar House. SYRUPS. New Y ork and Philadelphia, in hogsheads and barrels. TEAS. Young Hyson and Imperial, choice medium and low grades Oolong, Powchong, and Chulans. COFFEE.' *- * t Rio,, prime quality Laguayra, choice Old White. Spices, Castile Soap, genuine and imported, whole and pure Ground Pepper, Indigo, Mate, Coffee Substitutes* Ac It pAFEB WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING, & 00., 510 MINOR STREET. Manufacturers of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE aud SINGLE MEDIUM, CAP, and CROWN MANILLA, on hand, or made to order. Highest price paid for rope in large or small quanti ties. fd2s-3ta & SHAFFNER, SUCCESSORS TO SHAFFNER, ZEIGLER & OO. s COSTINUB THE WHOLESALE hosiery axd variety business, At the old stahd, fe2s-18t* No. 36 NORTH FOURTH STREET. gPECTAOLES TO SUIT ALL BIGHTS. artificial human eyes Inserted without pain, by JAMES W, QUEEN & CO.. oB* CHESTNUT STREET. QPEKA GLASSES AND OFFICERS' FIELD GLUSES Microscopes for Physicians and Students. A very large assortment for sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 634: CHESTNUT Street. MATHEMATICAL DRAFTING IN- Hl > ' STRUMENTS. Chesterman’s Metallic and Steel Tapa.mea«nres. For sale by JAMBS W QUEBN ft CO„ ! 93* CHESTNUT Street. Priced ard illustrated catalogues gratia . fe23-tf T IFE-LIKB, NATURAL AND ARTIS- Ij TIC PORTRAITS. —REIMBR’S life-size PHOTO GRAPHS in oil colors, accurate In ontline and features, fresh, warm, and impressive in coloring. 634 ARCH Stree. ' It* CECOND NATIONAL BANK OF FRANRFORD. CAPITAL ,100.000. VIM THE PRIVILEGE OF IN CREASING TO *500.000. _ NATHAN HILLES, President. WILLIAM H. RHAWB, Ca.hiar, (Late of the Philadelphia Bank > PIEBOTORS: NATHAN HILLES. CHARLES E. BREMER, GEOBGBW. RHaWN, BENJ. ROWLAND. Ja-. SIMON R. SNYDER, BEST. H. DEACON. EDWARD HAYES. _ JOHN COOPER. t |ta l leSSdmuoMl Bank of Philadelphia I» now open at No 13* MAIN Street, Frankfort. for thetrana acSon of a General Banking Btulueea upon the uaual t *CoUecHone upon eH accemlble poiute will be made shawN. Goahiar; THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 27,1864. Y THE REV. WJU. What Europe Feels,' Fears, th the Great American Be* ’fiNING, March Ist, 1854, at h. Nfiw MARKET Street, efit of the Sunday Schools fe24-wamtu4t* NEW PUBLICATIONS* JJEW WORKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY, BY TIOKNOE A FIELDS, BOSTON DALETH; 08, THE HOMESTEAD OF THE NATIONS. EGYPT ILLUSTRATED. By Edward L. Clark. vol. 8 vo.» tinted paper, with numerous Jlluetrationfl. $5.00. The abiorbing interest attaching to Egypt will com mend this work to the attention of all readers. The works of Wilkinson and Lorraine are too costly for popular reading, while tbe comparatively lowpricaof “DAletii pieces it within the reach of all. The learning, social habits, religion, architecture, and prowess of the Egyp tians are most admirably portrayed in tkis -work Trie volume itself is beautifully printed and bound. The illustrations, amounting in number to nearly one huir dr<d, are superbly done. Many of them are printed in colors, in the best maimer. Some areproducodfrom pho tographs obtained by the author on the spot. BORDELLO, STRAFFORD, CHRIST MAS -EVE AND EASTER-BAY. By Robert Brownihq. Keio Edi tion, entirely re*written. 1 vol. 16mo. brown cloth, uniform With Robert Browning's Works. Price $1.25. 111. REVELATIONS OF MOTHER JULIANA. AX Anchorite of Norwich, who lived in the days of Edward the Third. With Preface by I. T. Hecker. 1 vol. 16mo. $l.OO ‘‘The very heart or a contemplative soul, whose io spirations, whether natural or above nature, are fresh and divine. — FrtfaGe, MARJORIEFLEMING. < 4 ‘Fet Marjorie. ”> A Sketch. By Johx Bbowh, M. D., author of * ‘Spare Honrs,” * ‘ Bab and hie Friends,” etc. 16mo„ paper. Price26cents. REV. BR ADAMS’ WORKS. Messrs. Tioknor St Fields have now ready new and uniform editions of the fol lowing excellent writings or Bov. Dr. Nehemlah. Adams, D. B.; I THE FRIENBS OF CHRIST IN THE NEW TESTA MENT. 1 vol. 12mo. $l.OO. 11. CHRIST A FRIEND. Ivol. 12mo. $l.OO. 111. THE COMMUNION SABBATH. lvoM2<no. $L j#s~ Tie above works-are for sale by all booksellers, or will be sent, postpaid, to any address on receipt of price, TICKNOR A FIEtDS, PUBLISHERS. 135 WASHINGTON. Street, Boston. THE NEW STORY.—CUD JO’S CAVE is the most intensely interesting and popular American Novel published for years. So say all re viewers. _ Price $X 50. Sold by all Book and Newsdealers and sent by mall, post paid, by the publishers J E. TILTON * CO., BOSTON. OUDJO’S CAVfe, First Thousand. OUDJO'S OAVE, Second Thousand. OUDJO’S OAVE, Til lUP THOtTgAITD. OUDJO’S GAVE, POtJETH THOUSAND. CUDJO’S OAVE, FIFTH THOUSAND. OUDJO’S OAVE, SIXTH THOUSAND. OUDJO’S OAVE, SEVENTH THOUSAND. OUDJO’S OAVE, EIGHTH THOUSAND. CUDJO’S OAVE, NINTH THOUSAND. / CTJDJO’S OAVE, TENTH THOUSAND. CUDJO’S GAVE, ELEVENTH THOUSAND- OUDJO'S OAVE, TWELFTH THOUSAND. OUDJO’S OAVE, THIRTEENTH THOUSAND. OUDJO’S OAVE, FODRTEBKTH THOUSAND. OUDJO’S CAVE, FIFTEENTH THOUSAND. ELEGANT 12mo„ OVER 300 PAGES. PRICE $1.60. Sold at all Book and Nows Storea. QENERAL McCLELLAN’S REPORT 1 THE ARMY AHD NAVY JOURNAL, FOB FEBRUARY 20th and 27tli, CONTAINS GEN. MCCLELLAN’S REPORT ENTIRE, WITH INDEX It FOB SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS. T JETER SONS’ COUNTERFEIT DE. TECTOR, for March. 1, la published this morning. i"j.ET THE BEST!-PETERSON’S VX COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR, for Marsh. 1. la pub lialied tills morning. Price TEN CENTS, QA NE¥ COUNTERFEITS ARE folly described in PETERSON’S COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR and DRBXEL’S BANK-NOTE LIST, for March 1. which is ready this morning, af„ T. B PETERSON & BROTHERS’. No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Terms. —One Dollar a year, montnly, or Two Dollars a year, semi-monthly, or Ton Gents a number. Adver tUements it sei ted in it at low rates It pATENT HINGE BACK \ PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. The most indestructible ALBTJ&I made. It lies open perfectly flat, without injury or strain to the Book, ' ' For sale by Photographers and Booksellers. * ALTEMS & CO., I*. W. CORNER FOURTH AN3> RICE, feBo-lm Entrance on RACE Street. on CTS! 20 OTS!! 20 CTSI ! !—HAR-. PER for March. PITCHER’S, 808 CHNSTNUT Street. t<s6 3t VIEW BOOBS! NEW BOOKS! AT THE POST OF HONOR. By the author of Doing an THE ff CHRONICLES OF A GARDEN! Its Pete and its Pleasures. By James Hamilton. D. D.,F. L 8. FRIYATB MILES O’RBILT; Bis Life and Adventures, fe?2-tf t OU6 CHKaTNPr street, blank books and stationery. pRYSON & SON, . No. S NORTH .SIXTH STREET, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. BLANK BOOKS. PAPERS, PENS, AND INKS OF STJPERIOE QUALITY. Corporations, Banks, and Business Men supplied with everything necessary for the Counting-room. fe6 tf JJOSS & CO., 432 CHESTNUT STREET, COUNTING HOUSE and OFFICE STATIONERS. ENVELOPE. BLANK ACCOUNT, and MEMORANDUM BOOK MANUFACTURERS. An extensive assortment of Cap, Letter, and Note Pa pers; Copying Books. Presses, and Tables; Letter Press and Lithograph Priming; Bill Heads, Notes. Drafts.and Checks made to order —ail at the lowest prices and of the solicited, and executed promptly and.satisfac torily. feld-lm J)0 YOU ADVERTISE? JOY, OOE, & CO., GENERAL NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION AG-ENOY, H. E. CORNER FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. " By mease of the system of conjoint Advertising ren dered practicable hi Messrs. J01»C0Bt4C0 , through their S*ewepaper agency, the expense to each adver tiser is greatly reluced Advertisers save the postage and avoid the labor of corresponding with publishers, risk of remittances unseasonable and repeated calls of strangers with separate bills, the vexatious deceptions Of journals Of dubious character, and losses from con tracting with incompetent and irresponsible persons. “Baßiness men may learn through this Agency just what journals to advertise in to reach effectively and cheap y tho sections wherein their trade may be ex tended Journal. . Advertisers receive copies of journals In which, their advertisements are inserted. feo-wntutf TO BUSINESS MEN. X THK CUMBBRIiAND VAT.LEY JOTTEHAI.. published at Mechanicaburg, Cumberland county, P«L, and now in its ninth volume* is an excellent medium, for ‘business men of all classes to reach a I&tjjq and desirable class of purchasers. The Journal has a LAR<?£ CIR CULATION in the best portion of the State and adver tisers will find -it to tbelr advantage to make use of Its columns. Terms moderate. Ordersleft with JONES WEBSTER, Advertising Agent* No. 50 Borth FIFTH Street. Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention: or. if preferred, address J). J. CARMA9Y. Publisher, Ueehaniciburg. Paj _ P’ape'r Bangings—john h I.ONGSTRBTH, No J» North. THIRD Street. Sa ving the sole aienty for several of the largest Eastern. Kosnufacturere enables ns to ►howan uneuu tiled variety of new designs, which will ba sold at mannficturers P'icee. The first floor wiU be devo el to retailing. DwfelUEga decorattd in first class s yle, and the hang' ug department prorerly i ttendfd to. JOHN H. LONGSTRBTH, ftOTln,* No. la North THIRD Street. T>EJM> R'S GALLERY, SECOND, ** those GREEN. Is famous for the excellent manner of escoutlng those popular styles of likenesses. Cartes da Visits. Whta yon desire any. give him a coll. It* RETAIL DRY GOODS* 1864. SPRING goods. 1864. THOS. W. EVANS & CO.’ DAILY RECEIVING AND OPENING THEIR SPRING IMPORTATION NEW AND ELEGANT SILKS, CHOICE DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, &c. THIB STOCK IS PRINCIPALLY OF THEIR OWN SELECTION IN TBE BEST EUROPEAN MARKETS, WILL BE FOUND ONE OF THE CHOICEST AND OANEBOMEBT ASSORTMENTS IT HEY HAVE EVER OFFERED THEIR CUSTOMERS. SIS and SSO CDegtnut Staroet. feST-tf * gPRING GOODS. FJBST OPENING OF SPRING- DRESS GOODS, At the Store of *J. F. YOUNG, {Successor to T. Fi3Hfr), No, 70 North FOURTH Street, JOHN F. YOUNG is now opening one of the most complete selections of LADIES’ DRESS STUFFS that can be found in this market Special attention is directed to the styles and prices. - TDLACK SILKS—BEST MAKES, AT -L> $l6O. $163, $1.76, $2. to $3.60. Newest shades Colored Alpacas, 60 to 75 cents. _ Cheap Black Alpacas, Si cents to $l. 4-4Flgured Brilliants and khirtings. 45cants. HEAVY TABLE LINEN. 2*yards wide, extra good, at $1 per yard. Auction lot Breakfast Table Clothe. $2 25. . Bargains In Men's Linen Cambric Handkdichltfo Balmorala—Black and White Stripe. WATER PROOFS. Large lot, bast goods, at $2. Siring Cloakings of every kind. New Fancy Caasimeree. NEW SPRING CLOAKS. Water*Proof Cloaks. * Spring doth. Cloaks. New Spring Shawls. BOYS* CLOTHING. s Fine stock of Seasonable Clothing. Spring Jackets and Pants. Clothing made to order. COOPER St CONARD, It 8. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET Streets. TABLE damasks. A Scotch Table Damask. $1 to $1.87. _ Power-loom, or halfbleacned Table Linens. Unbleached Table Linens. Fine and low-priced Napkins- • Pamaek, Buck, and Power-loom Towels* Towelings and Diapers. . ~ Best Irish Linens, from 6Cc to $l. Yfyz- Heavy Huguenot Wide Sheeting*. Flannels, GaUte, & cwißD> fe27 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Sts. gPBING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS! AT LOW PRICES. We have arranged to close out rapidly a lot of— MOZAMBIQUES at Vlbi cents. HOZAHBI4UES at 1 6%. MOZAMOIQUSS at 2J. - HOZ AMBIQUE i and BAREGES at 26 cents. OUR WEN STODDAKT & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street. feSB3t ' above Willow. COMMISSION HOUSES. rjiH E ATTEN T I O N O F THE TRADE fs called to OUR STOCK OF SAXONY WOOLEN CO. all-wool Plain Flannel*. TWILLED FLANNELS, Various makes in Gray, Scarlet, and Dark PRINTED SHIRTING FLANNELB. PLAIN OPERA FLANNELS. BLACK COTTON WARP CLOTHS. 16, 16, 17, IS, 19, 20, 21, ZS o*. FANCY CASSIMEBEB AND SATINETTS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, all Grades. COTTON GOODS, DENIMS, TICKS, STRIFES, SHIRT- INGS, &c., from various Mills. BE COURSE!, HAMILTON, & ETASS, 33 LETITIA Street, and S 39 South FRONT Street. fe27-vrsi»tse6 JNSKEEF & TEUEFITT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 311 CHESTNDT STREET. Have in Store, and offer to tlie trade, FRBNCH, BRITISH, AND GERMAN dkess goods. SHAWLS, of all descriptions. VEIL GOODS, in all colors. 4 4, 6-4, and 6-4 ENGLISH CHAFES. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, he. fe2B-lm DRV GOODS. gEYMOUB, FEARLESS, & SANDS, IMPORTERS OF WOOLEN AND COTTON W ARP CLOTHS, AND OTHER BRITISH DRY GOODS, 303 CHESTNUT STREET, (Comer of Second street,) and bs MURRAY Street, Hew York. CLOTHING. 1864. FINE CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE. We are now prepared to show to cash buyers as exten sive a stock: of medium and fine Ready-made Clothing, for Spring sales, as can be found in the United States. - Buyers can save their expenses to New 1 ork, and find the coeds they want ten percent, cheaper in Philadelphia An examination of our stock is solicited. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, fell-lm if S. E. comer SIXTH and MARKET Sts. ARMY GOODS. ■pOR THE ARMY AND NAVY, EVA NS Ad HASSALL, military FURNISHERS. 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Bashes, Belts, Faeeants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit iot Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. felO-lm Q W. SIMONS A BBOTHEB, SAMSOM-STREET HALL. PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY. FINE BWOBDS, ' AND MILITARY GOODS IB EVERY VARIETY. AntfMfßm pROTHINGHAM dk WELLS HAVE EOS SALB. HEAVY, MEDIUM, .AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS * STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CAR TON FLANNELS, \ _ WASH BQTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND fsTT.rriAK BEOWN, BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. No. 19 WORSTED TARN. &e. Se22iftf OF REMOVAL. The undersigned would inform their friends and the public generally that they have removed from their Old Stand, 517 ARCH Street, to their SPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, No. CIS* AHCII STREET, where they will continue the tale of GAB FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, &C. Having associated with bur house Mr CHARLES PAGE, (formerly the Principal Designer fop Cornelias A Baker,) we are nowprepared to execute orders for Gas Fixtures of all grades ana designs, from the plainest to the most massive and elaborate , VAN KIRK & CO., fel9-3m Ho. 019 ARCH STREET. TIE AT ON & DBNOKLA,HARDWARE XX Commission Merchants, 507 COMMERCE and 510 NORTH Streets, offer for i≤ Anchor Brand Nalls; Plymouth Mill Rivets. W. &S. Butcher’s Cast Steel; Eagle Cabinet Looks, Putnam’s Hone Nails; Looke aSehool Slates. Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. Also, a fall assortment of American Hardware. fe6-6mlf - T INEN THREAD. JU SAMPSON'S AHGYLB, VIBOENT MILLS. BOOKBINDERS’, _ OAKPBT THKBAD. YoIMUbT WE HAVE LEARNED NOT TO BE ff astonished at anything. Team of experience, and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe, have turned theories into facts and established a basis frost which we seed not err. We are not surprised at each foots as the following* although the versons who unite them are. We know the persons and circumstances, hence feel at liberty to endorse their statements• M New Bedford. Mass., ITor. 24,1883. “Pear Sir: I have been, afflicted many years, with severe prostrating cramps in my Scabs, cold feet and hands, and a general disordered system Physicians and medicines failed to reliove me. While visiting some friends in New York, who were using Plantation Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I commenced with a small wine-glassful after dinner. Feeling better by de grees, in a few days I was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me, and 1 could sleep the night through, which I had not done for years. I feel like another being. My apatite and strength have also greatly Improved by the use of the Plantation Bitters. “Respectfully, JUDITH RUtJSBL.’* “ * * * I have been in the army hospital for four* teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * * Three bottles restored ray speech and cured me. * 0. A. FLAUTE.” The following is from the Manager of the Union Home School for the Children of Volunteers: “ Havbmsybr Mansion, Fifty-seventh: St.. ITewYobk. August 2,1883. 41 Bb. Drake: Your wonderful Plantation Bitter* have teen given to some of our little children, suffering from weakness and weak lunge* With most happy effect. One little girl, in particular, w,Uh pains in her head* loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has bean entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaspoon-, ful of Bitters a day. Her appetite and strength rapidly increased, and she is now well, Reepeetfully, ■ Mrs. O. M. DEVOS.” “ * * * I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my Hfe. Rev. W. H. WAGGONER, Madrid, S. Y.” “# * * Thou will send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their use. /• Thy friend, ASA CURB£E, Philadelphia. Pa” *• * * * i have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon, preaching. *. * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me. ■ Rev. J. 8. CATHdBN, Rochester, BT Y.” •« * * *. i have given the Plantation Bitters to hun dreds of our disabled soldiers with the most astonishing effect. G. W. D- ANDREWS, Superintendent Soldiers 7 Home, Cincinnati, O.” ... * * Tbe Plantation Bitters have cured line of liver complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate and had to abandon my business. « * # * The Plantation Bitters have cured ue of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. G. G. MOORE, No. 264 Broadway.” Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac. The Plantation Bitters wane the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya bark, win tergreen, sassafras, roots, herbs, Ac., all preserved in perfectly pure St. Croix rum. Persons of sedentary habits* troubled with weakness, lwsHude* palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation Ac., deserve to suffer If they will not try them.' They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notice.— Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters ill bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. It is put up only in our log-cabin bottle. Beware of bot tles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which, several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, unmu tilated, and our signature ou steel-plate side label. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable >:10,16 ' P. 11. DRAKE & GO., TeKi-tntln.:;™ aog BROADWAY. gHAW & COFFIN, Bare in store and constantly receiving direct from Manufacturer,: BURLAPS, all widthe. FLOOR CLOTH CANVAS, 4,6, and S yard,. BAGGING, in Bond, or Export. CANVAS PADDINGS, HEMP CARPETING, RED PADDINGS, TOWELS, DIAPERS, SHEETINGS, fee. FLAX AND JUTE YARNS, FOR CARPET MANUFACTURERS. For sale on favorable termß. fal7-lm NEW MILLINERY GOODS. P. A. HARDING & €O., Respectfully Inform the mercantile community that they HAVE NOW OPEN, AT ■ ""* No. 113 ABCH STREET, A COMPLETE STOCK OF STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, Suited to the trade, and trust that prompt and carefnl at tention, moderation in prices, good assortment, together WitA their long experience la bumine.*, (having been for the last seven year, with the house of Lincoln, Wood, & Nichols, and their successors. Wood A Cary,) they may merit a share of the public patronage. AS- Orders solicited by mall and promptly executed. fel-lmif QLARKSON & CO,, 1864. STOCKS, BONDS, AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Interest Allowed on Deposits. JAY COOKE & 00., HORACE H BOTTLE.. SR North FROST Street PLANTATION BITTERS. Rfbosbobt. Wia., Sept. IS, 1883. H: B KINGSLEY, Cleveland, O,” S. T.—lB6o.—X. NEW YOBK ADVERTISEMENTS. IMPORTERS, IS PARE PLACE AND 16 HURRAY STREET, NEW YORK. MILLINERY GOODS. FINANVIAI. BANKERS, Kq. 181 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Government Secnrltles of all Issues PURCHASED AND FOR SALE *3-COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE feS-lm BANKERS AND DEALERS GOVERNMENT LOANS (-20 BONDS i PER CENT. LEGAL TENDERS. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES. 1881 LOAN A' ONB-YRAB CEBTIFIOATES. QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHERS. QUARTERMASTERS’ CHECKS. CITY AND STATE BTOCKE BANK, RAILROAD, and CANAL STOCKS AND BONDE Stock* Bought and Sold on Commission. A foil supply of all kinds of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Including tie Hew Fire Per Cent, (legal tender) TREA SURY HOTES. always on hand. Collection, made and deposits received. JAY COOKE At CO., Mo. 11* South THIRD STMOT. TOHN HOBN, JR, U STOCK COMMISSION BROKER, No. I*o SOOTH THIRD STREET, (DP BPAine,) PHILADELPHIA. EEPEEENCES: Meear,.Tioe. a Biddle A Co. Mesa, Caw, Maealester, ft Co. MeeaiH. E. S. WAelen & Co. Messrs. Drexel a Co. Messrs. BuzbyftCo. Henry J.WHliame, Esq. Alexander Biddle,Ken. I. P. Hntoilnson, Esq. G. M. Troutman, Esq. D. ■B- Cummins, Esq. Jas. G. King ft Sons. Hew York. fe2B-2m INSURANCE COMPANIES. T7AMB INSURANT X* NO.4O&GHBS' PHILADJ 8188 ABB IBLA] Dl&BQ Trends BT. Back, Charles Biehardeon, Bocry Levis, O. w. Davis, P. 8. Justice* °“"A-W& . rtg Aft. RICH,/ W. I. BLAKogAHPe Beereu NEW LIGHT. The aubaoribere would Inform the public that they hay* lutrodueed lh this el ‘» H , w MGHTi poaMailac hdTOUhweeow ftllotheH Inuw. yli PIO- FpTTßicgtakaii I>t thia Id*kt are more lifa-lik* and na traial. OhUdsan tn taken almost inatantaneoafily. say intwoseaoßdfl. We npaAor and arUsfto flniak ofttu Pictnm takaa toij&iß J. WSXSMaN & CO* • PkotographeM. fee Half* 91* Attca Stiwta A man, experienced in the ffaoLMAH MWOS Busijras. and can pro care Trade, desires a situation as S£"r&MAW, or to work In the store. Address * * Liquors. Press pace- !■» agents wanted to "Bell the ■V* 6TAHDABD HISTORY OF THB WAB. A rate ehßace to make money. Agents are clearingfromsloo to «C 0 per month. 200 000 volumes sold. Address MW Je ”* B - BBOa ' THE ADVERTISER, prom MANY “OHABOK and STOCK-GtIMMISSIOW BTJBIB JSBS. lOtseaßM a thqron«h know:ed*e of eondnot inpf the *eina, and would like to form* connection wUh a party wtlftna to fnrnteh capital for the purpose of opentn* a Banking and Stock-Commission Home in the city of Hew York at an early date The most satlsfac tOiT references «iven, and mxuscal inducements offered. HspHob. with real name* stating amount of n&triUl at-<3 other particulars, addressed to *'Banner,” prt&tt Office, wtil meet with early attenrion- f-17 io-* WANTED—A GOOD COOK. APPLY T * at 9019 PINE Etrest, bet ween 12 and 2 o’clock, on SATUBDAY and MONDAY. It* mANTBP-A GOOD BOOKKEEPER, T f to take charge of a set of books. G ood reference required. Address. In handwriting, A. 8.." P. O. Boar 86a fe2 '~ 2t ... -WANTED TO RENT, FORTHESUM- M a aentlemal-Md wife.withont children, a famished CODSTKY TLACB, with ctsblin*, of con venient access to the city. Address. Btitiah termi. J. B. c., ” Box U6S, PhiladelphiaFost Office. )037-3t ■wanted—a paper ruler-, WAV- a BOY t 0 WANTED—TO MAKE ARRANGE MBKTB for Running a-Woofcn Mill of not less than four sera. Address, with full psrtidutars, OD. A. ."at this oSce. fjBB-at» WANTED IMMEDIATE LY—T W O * T MEW for good Situations on small farms near the city- BTIBIKESS AGENCY, 808 and 1 80* LOCUST Street, above Eighth. fa 36 3t» WANTED IMMEDIATELY, WHITE " " or Colored GIBLi. with good references, to nu |ood Situations to Bull. all. AGC-SNCY. SOiS and 804 r LOCUST Street above Eighth. fe2B-Bt:> WANTED* CLOTHING.—PERSONS ** having Clothing to dispose of will please call on Or address 0. MCLLBB, jafi-tutbsSm* Mo. 303 CHESTNUT Street. WANTED—IN A STATIONERY *» and B ank Boot Store, an intelHcent toaosman, from 16 to 18 rears of age. Address “Stationer,” at this office, with reference. fe2B-3t WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE * * Grocery Store, a LAD to assist in the Count ing* room. and make himself generally useful. Address Box No. 2548 Philadelphia P. U. f©2s 3t* <fo>7 ft A MONTH!—I WANT to hire W • AGENTS in every Couu’y, at $75 a month, «x -rerees paid* to sell my new cheap Family Sewing M achines. Address 8. MADISON, Alfred, Me. Cfsl2- dstWSm jhffrx A MONTH I—l Want Agents at tosell my Everlasting Pencile t oriental£umer&,Kad lSotherarticUs. 15circu. laps sent free. JOHN F. LORD* Blddeford. Me. ja27»2m m WANTED TO BENT—BY THE JEliLlftt of March, a three*story DWELLING, with three* Ytorv back-buildings. situate between. Tenth, and-Twen tieth. and Spring Garden and Brows streets. Address, giving locating and rent, Box 1476, P. O, fe4-thBtnV2t m WANTED—TO BENT OR PUB JKIL CHASE—A three-Btory dwelling, with back build ing and modern improvements, situated SIXTH Street, from Noble |to Coates. Address Box 1089. Philadel phia Post Office. fe2s-3L* M WANTED TO BENT ON OR BE fore April lfit, a moderate-klzed between Fourth and Eleventh., and Vine and Poplar streets. Benri $BOO to $4OO. Address “T. G. K this office. fe24 4t* P ; OUNTBY BOARDING —WANTED V/ _qj, tte line of railroad between Philadelphia and New y orh. SUMMER HOARDING for two families, con sisting of five grown persons, three children, and two servants. Other hoarder* preferred. Address ** Box SB2* ’ 5 Philadelphia Post office fe27-2c* OOABD WANTED.— ABOUT JONE AJ Ist, a SUITE OP BOOMS for a gentleman, wife, and child n Address, at once, to “M. R., n Ledger Office fe27»3l*£ A PERSON ABOUT DECLINING housekeeping. wishes to dispose of, at private sale, bis superior and well-kept Parlor, Chamber, and Kitch- FURNITURE, comprising a full and complete as«ort ment of every article necessary in fumishiog a large Dwelling- For farther particulars apply at S:or© no. 534: LOMBARD Street. f*2s-3t* pOAL YARD FOR SALE—THE BEST *■'* fitted up Yard in the city. Capacity for doing any amount of hu'-neep, InqnireatNo. t»SY North NINE'S street, below Girard avenue. Terms easy. ?e27-6t* M'~ FOR SALE- A NEW COTTAGE, carriage house, and one acre of ground. DARBY. Apply to E. MIDDLETON, Darby. f927-Sc* m TO BENT.—A SUPERIOR BESI jB»DENCE» With all the modern conveniences, so feet frent; situated at No. 2002 Wesi Delaney $l*lXO. Apply to KOBT 3tf*CGftEGOR It 419 WALNUT Street. m FOB SALE VEBY LOW-*THE JEaL property No 413 South BLEVENTHSStreet WiU tav a iarse interest on investment Apply to Tfjtf. ROS ELL ALLEN, S. E. comer FOURTH and WALNUT, second floor. fe27- 3t* m FOR SALE OB EXCHANGS— H HOTEL and ONE AUBE OF GROUND, at GLASS* 8080. Gloucester county, New Jersey, Good build, ings; well located; doing a good business. Will be sold at a bargain. GEO. W. TOWNSEND & 00., It - I»3H South FOURTH Street. |ij MILL PROPERTY FOB SALE-A yicuT and Saw Mill, with dwelliny and Hixtsen acres of land attached, in Montgomery county, twelve milee from Philadelphia. Price low, and terms easy- Apply to WM. ROfcSELL ALLEN, S B corner FOURTH ana WALNUT, second floor. fe27*3t* Mfob sale—several hand* BOMB DWELLINGS, on ELEVENTH Street, belo n Coates. Apply to WM- BOSSELL ALLEN, B. 35 comer FOURTH and WALNUT, second floor. fe27-{?t* ’E COMPANY, 'HUT STfiBBT, LFHIA rD IHSXTBA9GS. 'OSB. John W. Bjarai'ui. Kobert'B.*Potter, John g«J!aler, Si.. E D Woodrnii. CtbTlesStrtCM, Joteph ft Btlls. BDnK, PiHlianl IBDSOH, VIM RMUatt. IT. UM-M WANTS. BOABDISG. FOB SALE AND TO LET, m FOR SALE.—THE FOLLOWING -■Hdeeirable properties: r Dwelling 172? Mt. Vernon street* 162< Wallace street. 633 North Tenth, with deep lot and stable. ISIS Wallace street. 202 Franklin street. 2503 Green street. 3600 Green etreet. 2129 Wallace street. 404 South Eighth street. 430 North Fifth-street 2i-15 Brandywine street, 614 North. Sixteenth street, 36 feet front. 536 North Thirteenth, street. 1617 Poplar street, lot 60 by 167 B. F. GLENN* 133 South FOURTH Street. feS7 Or S. W. corner SEVBNTBENH and GREEN ftte. KOST AND FOTJKU. TOST—A CERTIFIC A'lE OF SPER A*. CENT. LOAN OF STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, for $616. 05, dated March 12. 1880, No. 7», In name of WILLIAM MEREDITH; Also, a Certificate of 6-per cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, ior the SUDI of $2OO. dated June 30. 1846, No. 1452, in the name , of ELI K. PRICE, administrator of William Meredith in trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re* newal of said Certificates. felO-Sm ELI K. PRICE. No. 811 ARCH Street.* PROPOSALS. fYFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSIST v/ ENCE, No. 838 WALSUT STREET. Philadelphia, February 27, 1865 SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be at this office until 12 o'clock M., on FKI DAY, March 4th. for “supplying for the use of the United States army the following subsistence stores (delivered In Philadel phia). Viz: SCO barrels first quality PRIME MEsS or MESS FORE, (which to be stated) of the pack 0f3853-Lin mil hooped oak barrels, with iron master hoops; meat to be free from rust or stain, fall weight and tho roughly salted. Bidders twill. state when their pork was packed, and the brands. To be ready for delivery within fifteen days from date of award. 60,000 pounds first quality thoroughly smoked BACON feHOULDEKS. in tignt tierces of uniform size. 39.200 pounds first quality kiln dried CORN MEAL, iu he ad-lined barrels. 30,000 pount s new WHITE BEANS. In well coopered head-lined barrels 26.C00 pounds PRIME RICE, in well coopered head- lined barrels 10,000 pounds PRIME RIO COFFEE (green). Bidders will state the price per pound for roasting grinding and packing in tight paper-lined barrels;and the parties furnishirg it will be obliged to state on oath that the coffee furnished by them is of quality equal to the sample of gieen coffee submitted by them, and that it contains no .adulteration or ad* mixture of any oreign ».übetau*o. 60,0C0 pounds dry, light yellow COFFEE SUGAR. OV choice dry RAW SUGAR; barrels to be of the best in use for the purpose, fully head-iined. S.CCO gallons pore CIDER or WHISKY VINEGAR, iu stiong, well-coopered barrels; the vinegar to be cf uniform strength, taking 28 grains bicarbonate of soda to neutralize one fluid ounce; test to be made at expanßa of sel'er IO,CCO pounds ADAMANTINE or STAR CANDLES, fall weight (twelve*-), 2Q.QCO pounds good HARD SOAP, iu pound bars, full weight. 25.000 pounds clean, fine, DRY SALT, in well* coopsred sttong. dry barrels. 4,C00 gallons MOLASSES or SYRUP, in strong, weU cooptred barrels. The above stores lobe delivered within twenty days from date of award Samples of all articles, except meat*, moat be deliver ed with propOFals, and refei red to therein, but the pro posal must not be encli eed .with the sample. Samples of com xneal. beans, rice, cofiee, sugar, can dles, soap, and salt mußt be in boxes of card.board or tin. and not in paper parcels. The meats wul be examined and passed upon by John G Taylor, Inspector on the part of the United States. Separate proposals in dupltqate inuft be made for each article enumerated, and bidders may propoad for the whole or any part of each, 4 . . . _ A printed copy of this advertisement must be attaohdd to each bid- and proposals must be specific in c implying With Its terms bach bid, to have consideration, must contain the written gu&iautee of two responsible name*, as follows: “We the undersigned, guarantee that should all or any part of the above bid be accepted* it shall be ful filled according to its true purport and conditions; also, that a wri ten contract, with bonds to the amount of one fourth the value of the stores proposed to be fumuhed, shall bo executed if required* ” The eeller’s name, date of purchase, and place of busi ness, with ram© of contents, gross, tare, ana net weights, joust be marked on every package, and all old marks mitbtbe obliierated. . , , ~ Bids will induce packages and delivery at any point In this city, and any Inferior packages or cooperage will be considered sufficient catue for rejection of con tests. Payment to be made in such funds as may be famish ed for the purpose „ . . . Proposals must be endorsed Proposals for Subsist ence btores,” and directed to F. N. BUCK. fev7 Capt. and C. S. Voia. OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND V/ EQUIPAGE. Philadelphia. Febraary 24. 1»64 SEALED PROPOSALS will bb received ai this office until 12 o’clock M on MONDAY, the 29th instant for supplylag the fechuylkill Arsenal with tskirtinv Loathor, oak-tanned, from slaughter hides, to weigh from 12 to 20 pourds per, original weight. Dark blue Thread, No. 30. . , Fropoeals zdust be endorsed * Proposals for Army KnmrfiAfi ** 9. fl OROSJ'tAIt, le'ifi-'it * Col.Sa.nd Asst. Q- Idf. Qca, IT A_ MARSHAL’S SAI-iSS. TMA-BSHAL’S SALE. BY VIRTUE *«■ cf a writ of sale by-tho Hou- John Cad wa-ader. Judge of the District Court of tne United atates. In and f&KSS of tVe doop aNNIE THOMPSON, Soßßls-ißg'ofSS tales and 19 baira of oottm, 43 boxes of &«“• « d2j " ° f , „ B. B. Ma*abal E. D. of Pnnna. Philadelphia. Feb. £6, ISflt fe2B-6t 'AAARSHAL’S S * Lfi.—BY YIRTUE U-L of a writ of sale by the Hon John OadWAlader. Judge of the District Court of the United States, la and for the- Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in aduiT<y, •to me direi ted, will be sold at public sale, to the highest end beat bid dor, for cash* at Michener’a store. K*»lrLs3 North FKOfiT street, on BL-NDaY, March 14in, 1861. atUc’clookH ,-the residue of the cargo of the steamer CBA2 HAM, consisting of 90 bales of cotton, J 2 boxes of tobaccoo, u 10 b»«, orroj.n tiAM U R. Manshal E, ». of Pe™* FMladtlpMa, Teh 26. 1661, W! K TVOEYIYPES, AS THEY ARE A mode at B. F. KEIMBB’B. arapSctnrw tobaadmlrM acd triised to tbeli wondrousS?fS r o? y „? ud it* and aatlstlc coloring. '6l**' ARCH Btsast. 'PBE DOUBLE-TUBE .1. Vo wan'd enjoy Tobacco < Lf>snß?btJSt.Y and KtiX #*. <&RSTBUT St, KcM-tag'4 3l* • AMUSEMENTS. _of music. GEttMAN OPEfiA. OB&ND MATIHP.B, ““aswte®* On which occMion the TWO LAST ACTS Of the splendid bA DAM?f r BLANCHB, . . (The White I.ady,> Ana She TWO LAST ACTS of Faust Will he given, the Wlo-wle. arttet* betflß in the test: ?Ie" t&UMAans."' Beir K HONFRT.DT. Mad. JO-HAMSSEK, Mad FREDBBIui, M’Jle OASHIS9A. Door, oreil BJ I o’clock. Eerrormauco to commence tt, ADSfttSIOH ffffctntc, to alljiarls of thehonse. It* AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC MR. J. E. MURDOCH "Will deliTer a Lecture on the EIHOS of the THREE MEMORABLE periods of the GRE A a» r;E p u b>T. 10. OH THUEBDAY BVEMIKB. MiECH 3D, 1801. The proceeds to bo appropriated to the Relief of the NEEDY FAHtLIIiB OF SOLDIERS, Under the supervision of'the members of iHa Rm>A) B t Belief Committee of the rcniwnVanln ™fanolt U S SANITARY CC&imssiOK. Dnzirg the evening Mr, MURDOCH the oh ject and method of operatione;Of (he Sootiry, and<givo .. some appropriate Patriotic Readings from American authors _ TICKETS 26 CENTS. RESERVED SE4TB 00 To be*btatned on and after MONDAY, 29£h February, at T.'B. PUGH’S. S. W. corner of Sixth, and Chestnut e reeia ABHMEAD b EVAN6 7 c Vm 1U CheStftftt.Stmh and at the Rooms of the Sanitary Commission, sto, i;jot Chestnut street, and at the Academy of Music, on the day and evening of the Lecture* fe27-5t A UEBIGAN ACADEMY OF MDSIO; £** — D *, L. CARPENTER’S Nineteenth Annual Full Dress Soiree. o£ 1 ‘&4 t^°j,e Procured of JOHN THORNLEY. Esa.. Street, and of D. L CARPENTER o*4o AKvH felrect* Teacher of Danclug. • fa24-Bt* J/£USIOAL FOND HALL. SECOND grand concert HANDED AND HAYDN SOCIETY, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 8. COMMENCING AT 8 O’CLOCK. Mendelssohn's great nmierplece. THE HYMN OIT PRAIBB, Will be produced by tbe Society, supported br the entire GERMANIA ORCHESTRA.. Preceding which a short and select MISOEMaANEOUS performance ■Will be Riven. STOEKTS FIFTY GBNTB. To he obtained at J, E GOULD'S, S. E. corner Seventh and Chestnut streets. * fo26*6t MUSICAL FUND HALL. Mademoiselle CHRISTIANA TEDEBKA SCHMIDT. Ihe yocßjr, celebrated Female Violin Virtnono rive a. UItAX & VOOAIt AND IKS TR TIMES TAL COxNCKET On SATURDAY BVEKTngT ret. 27th» 18W, assisted by Mrs. B. Behiens ..Mad Ferrier. Herr C. i)rouutima.i,....Mr.^Holerns. Dooib open at 7 9 clock. Commence at 8 o’clock. Tickets 00 ctute. Kecer-red Beats, $l. Tickets to to kid st Mr. Guaid’s Music Store, and on the eyeuina at the door. it* pABL WOLFSOHN Vy Respectfully announoeß that hU _ THIRD CLASSICAL SOIREE Will take place this (Saturday) evening. Feb. 27. ism. • AT TBB FOYER OF THE ACADEMY 0* UfttfO. He will have the assistance of Herr H ABEL MANN. . The renowntd Tenor of the German Opera Troupe. And Messrs. THEO. KAMMEREfi. A..BOGGEtf BURGER. THEO. AHREND, G. BUCHNER . , r • PROGRAMME. TzioCC. minor)...* Beethoven Messrs. WOI.FfeOHN. KAMMERER. and AHREND. Piano Solo (bchiiler Ma rch)... .Liaet CARL WOLFSOHN. • * Adelaide, ” (by particular request). Baethovea HERR JJABELMAfta. Piano Sole—(a.) Etudes de Concert \ Skopin (&.) Polonaise Yilitatra ...Ghonin CAP.L WOLFSOHN. • Song—“Ea liat nicht sollon sela” ...Aht «... ™ HERR HABELMANN. QainUtt—Plano and String in.-truiuen*e. (A major.) WOIKOHS. KAMMEHER. ROGOENBUEGER 9 - 1 . AHBiSND. am! BUCHHER. Single Tickets $1; can be had at the Ma.-ic Stores, an \ on the Evening at the door. Doors open at 7 o’clock; to commence S. It £JARL WOLFSOHN’S classical SOIREES. The subscribers are resrectnll* informed thet the THIRD SOIREE OF THE SEA.SON will take piece on SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, Feb 27, 1864, AT the Cfe2s 3i FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TV/rESBES. CROSS & JAB VIS WILL AH jfi T 0 their SECOND SOIREE OF CLASSICAL MUSIC (Second Seaeon)in the FOYER OF THE ACA DEMY, on.TUESDAY EVENING, March. 1 at 8 o’clock, asbißttd by Berr TRJBO. HaBELMANN, the renowned Tenor, and other eminent artiuts as below: . PROGRAMME. Quintett in C Minor—Plano and Wind Instruments. Spohr W€6?rfs. Jarvis, Stol», Koch. Maellor, and. Placeman. Grand Duo—Two Pianos—Op. 128-• - .»»** tKalkbrannar Messrs. JARVIS and CROSS. Song—“ D6r Wanderer” ................Fesca Herr HABELMANN. £olo—Violoncello—Souvenir de Suisse THEOiJOBB AHREND. Solo—Piano—Etude in C Sharp Minor—“ Vie Or&geuee” Henselt Polonaise in A Plat—ffp 53.. .t\ ...Ghonln CHARLES H. JARVIS. Son i— * Vogelsang” * Abt Herr HABELMANN. " Quartette—(No. 3)-String Instrument ....Mozart fioageabnrger. Cross, and Ahrend. Tickets ONE DOLLAR. To Be had at GoqM’j, Andre k Co’s, and Lee & Walfcer’e. fe27~st YiROYER’S CHESTNUT* STREET V* THEATRE. TBI6 (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON, Fob. 27, GKA»D MATINEE! GRAND MATiNEE ! THIS AFTERNOON, at 2 o’clock. Prices op Admission.—So- tents to all parts of the house, two tickets admit throe persons; Children, 25 CCJlte; Family Circle. 25 cents. ULuEIOUS RfcVJVAL OF THE COLLBftW DAWN. THIS EVENING. FOURTH NIGHT OP COLLBRN HAWN. MBS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET THEATER LAST NIGHT OF MISS ETCHINGS AND OPERA TSOUPE TO-NIGHT (SATURDAY). February IMi. THE DAUGHTER OF THI REGIMENT™ Marie Miss CAROLINA RICSINGS. To conclude with tfce thrilling drama of THE BOBBER t S WIFE. Mark Redland »Mr. Aiken. Sawney MacfUe.... Btuart Robson. Ro&e Redland Mibb Freeman. MONDAY-MRS. JOHN DREW, In the MAGIC MaRKIAGB. Prices as usual. Curtain rises at ?>£ o'clock. WALNUT STBEET THEATRE* THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Feb 27, POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT Of the beautiful, talented, and versatile young actress. LUCILLE WESTERN. Who will personate this evening THREE CHARACTERS in the great military drama of THE FRENCH SPY. To conclude with the thrilling Scottish drama of WALLACE. CHE HERO OF SCOTLAND. On MONDAY, first appearance in this city of hiss rttie Henderson. 17LEYENTH.ST. OPERA HOUSE. AJ “TBE FAMILY RESORT." CARNCEOS3 tND DIXBY’S MINSTRELS. THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD, In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable Bur* leequee, Plantation, Ac. . Ac., by TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK, Tickets 20cents. Doors < pen at 7 o’clock. feL'7-Sm J. L CARNUh’OSS, Business Manager. Q.BEAT NATIONAL OIBOUS VJI TROUPE, MARKET Street, above Twelfth. - Directress. Mrs. CHARLES WARNER, formerly Mrs DAN RICE POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT of the Great National Troupe. Those Who have not seen the exhib‘tloa of lh© g?**v skill of the Equestrians, Gymnasts, Acrobats, the Learn ed Horses, Educated Dogs, and Comic Mules, should go at once. LAST MATINEE THIS (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON; commencing at o’clock ; Evening. 7.4(1 Admission <i cents; stage seats 60 cents; private boxess3; gallery 13 cents. fe22 ft THE GREAT. PICTURE j- AT COKCBBT HALL LEOTDBE BOOM For a short season. COMMENCING THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 26, JS9I J. Issco William*’ celebrated PANORAMA OF. THE BIBLE. This is the most complete and finished Palafrng.<*f the Sacied Scripiur*s in the world, comprising over fifty of ibeznott ' SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES - OfihA first three uioafiatd years of Biblical History, forming, aliogelber one the finest.exhltlcioaß of theas* OP; ft EVERT fcVEBING afc half past 7 -o'clock Admission 25 cents. E. B. Eiatin6es on Wednesday and Saturday after noons, at 8 o’clock. Acmirsion for Children 15 cents, TEMPLE of wonders. ASSBIsBLY BDII.JJINGS.-_ TENTH and OHKWJn’T Street* POSITIVELY THE BAST WEEK. SAGICm. and PHILOSOPHiyAI. Sxeat Power* or VBETHIIiOQUIBM. and tta LEAKiI'nS CANARY BIBBS , „ . SIGNOR BI.ITS will appear In Mepopajar totertau.; merits EVERY EVBNIKG, eommenoln* at 7« A« WEDNESDAY andSATUIiDAY aFTeKNOOS at 8 Admission 26 cents; Children 16 cents. iSIrJ- A ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC ” BEHBARSATaS ovary 6ATCJBI>ASfc •t 8 o’clock. P. M, aptho MUtI>!AL FO'A'D fciALL . SiaillO tickets 2ft cpDt», Packs#©*of tickets „.To be had at AEf- TJKE’R llO* CHESTNUT-ferreet, *>» B GOOLQ SB YEN? H and C-BS*T£» Dr. sad at tha Hall duos - ffttU-tf HAS INC, CHESTNUT STREET* VV feb<ve =IXTF? Tlih GBEATVABIETY BNTBBTAINMBST ETHTOPIA.N COM&DUNS, BALLET BANOEKS, PA?4 f! OMIMISTS, COMIC KITSGBBS, fegg gt* EVERY NtQKF 'T'BE INVENTORS OF AM.ERICA, \ BY c - SOHUS3ILL, and ESITH’S DERBY DAY, t lie ib o*t Interesting PAINTINGS • ON EXHIBITION BOK A SHOKT? TIM^. AT EAELE ’ ADMISSION TISES CT.-jIVE OUSTS. fal»-ia of tbe dc.7, UVaNNSYIi VANIA academy o* -K the eihb ABT«. leas cMferaaT stebst. m ■rjtZ-S DAILY CSuad tyu mx»ept*v > «ob a •* w v * maidggatitfiAt Maf-fcf T)£MOYAL, —JAMES fi CASTLE, ii Aitnmev and Conveyancer, has removed hla Offlm to ifo »Jaft gCfM st/eet « belowChegamt. felfllm* CORRECT PIANO TUNING IX* *9'- Mr. G E. BiSGKHT’B Orders for Tunis* ind I’.oui!r!ai Pianos an received at MASOH h GO. 1 Glare yu7 cSaSTMOf street, onlv. Sr. g! In had eleven vears'factory experleoMlo Hor ton. sad ne years" employment la rhUadelphU 6PEBIAL —Pianos reUath&ed to sound as eon la* sweet-toned at nett, without rmmfnc. T*m« tor Tuning. SI. JOHJ4 L, OAPEN, PHEBNOLO- Wn GIST, majho aosaoltod, DAT aniBVSNtSO.oa TV adaptation to Buinoaa, Trado.and ProfM»i°Oi tA oh th* lmproiement of health, corrections* Smlta, formation of friendehiM. He. Mrtptfnna of ohar&oter aivea when required - at no m B,lOtS UttM. ai«YS Qiattaat. »»3’V&»t<tWlB“
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