Say Not Lips is Wkabv.— ST THE BARD OF TOWER HXLC. Oil, MX ROt life IB WB*ry, " With storms and clouds o’crcsit • The falnrA iad and dreary. And comfortless the past- "What though our former errors Regretfully w« view And image* of terrors _ Deform onr future, too, yet we may he forgiven For wrongs that we have done, And, by the grace of Heaven* The coining tempest ahum • Be moderate in. your radnees, B’« n in yonr great distress; Lett melancholy madness Your spirit should oppress, If want of occupation Disposes von tc plae. Oh think what recreation There la at Bennett's shrine l Tea, without hesitation* To that emporium go, .And .all your dull vexation. And discontent forego. Balance of 'Winter Stock cleflng out at reduced •prices. MllitarrClotklag of all klndsi ready* ma ri e and made to order. TOWER HALL, 518 MARKET street. It BENNETT* CO. COUGHS, Colds, Consumption. COUGHS, COLDS. COSSITMPfIpX COUGHS, CUDS. COSSUMPri* N. SSSSS :RSK SSSSSS SBS wS = SWATNiI COMPOUND STROP WLD CHBiRT SWAYNE’d COMPOUND STRI P WILD CHEERY bwayklJ COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHEERY “ CURBS AbU COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMP&aIBTd CURES ALL COMPLAINTS OF THE THBOAT, BREAST, AN) LUNGS. OF THE THBOAT, BBS AST, AND LUN<4S, OP THE THROAT. BREAST, AND LIIN-U OF THE THROAT, BREAST, iSD LONGB. For thirty years it hasbeen a standard remedy, caring the most obstinate cases after all i-ther reined es and treatment had failed. The original und only genuine Wild Cherry Preparation is prepared bv Dr S WAYNE & SON, 330 North SIXTH Street Philadelphia. It 3Lrkdaxs.’s Ambollna, TOR TAB HAIR AMBOLINB MOISTENS, BEAUTIFIES. ODOBATEB. LENGTHENS, * INVIGORATES. NOURISHES. EMBELLISHES THE HAIR A FURfiLX VEGETABLE COMPOUND, made entirely from stimulating extracts of . * ROOTS. HERBS. AND FLOWERS. Prevents the hair falling out or from turning prams* rtorely gray. Ladies who desire a lax orient head of hair shonld not Ml to give the aMBOLINE a trial. Price $1 par box, containing two bottles. FKXFABUP ONLT BT KENDALL & 00.* *O5 BKO AD W ST. New York. AOBVTS n PHILADELPHIA, JOHNSTON, EpOLLOWAY, & COWDEN. de7-zaws3m No. 33 North SIXTH Street- Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut Che great natuTal Bone Setter. Hatr Dye ] Hair Dye 11 BATCHELOR'S celebrated BAIR DTE U tfu Beit 4* Me World. The only Harmless* True, and Reliable Bye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—-change* Red. Rusty, or Gray Hair, instantly to a Glossy Bltick 4r Ifatural Broun* without injuring the Hair or stale. 3 Sag the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful: 1m- Blits fresh vitality, frequently restoring It* pristln*. uolor. and rectifies the tti effes;* of bad Dyes. The gwnim is signed Wuxiam A Batchelor; all othare are mars imitations, and should be avoided. Sold b* all Druggist*. FACTORY. SI BARCLAY Street New York. Batchelor’* new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. _ Jyft-lv Electricity, by a Physician of long experience, und who gives his whole attention to its proper application, at 14X8 SOUTH PENN SQUARE. Philadelphia. Certificates, references, and examina eions/rw. jaSO-tf Clothing, SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. WANAMsKER * BROWN. The Popular Clothing House of Phil a., “OAK HALL. ” Best-class goods and moderate prices. WANAMAKER * BROWN, 8- E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) So. IS. Sixth at. Wheeler <fcWilson’s Highest premium r i The Cheapest, Simplest, and Best, Salesrooms, 704 Chestnut Street above 7th, MARRIED . JJLEDEN—BCHMOELB.—On the evening of the ISth imt,, by the Rev. Albert hart* a. Albert B. Jardeu to Carolina Maria, daughter of Dr. vyuiiam Schmoele, both of Philadelphia. * irvTTT.-RTr—BikTEAM —On the l£ch instant, by Bbv. 3). L. Gear, pastor of the First Uongr- g> tional Church* 'Win- F. Mettlen to Catharine S. Barcrauj, both Of ihie city. Vo cards. * POWNALL—STUBBS.—On the 17th inst.. by Aider man j. Piankinlon, at the Commercial Hotel* Sixth street* below Market street, Mr. J L>. C Pownall to Mies Jfaiy H Stnbbs. both of Lancaster county, Fa * BBESB—LLOYD. —ln'this city. January 10th* 1864, by Bey. D. L. Gear, pastor First Congregational Church, John C. Beese. of Philadelphia, and Anna a. Lloyd, of 'Wilmington, Del. * STKCDE—6HEEN.— At the Commercial Hotel, in this -city, on th* evening of the iSth inst., by Jo seph Plankinton, Mr. Kichard Strode to Hue Lizzie H. Oceen, both of Chester county Pa * X3XE33. ANDREWS.—Februaiy 18, at Johneen’s Island, near Sandusky. Ohio, Edward C. Andrews, of Company A, 23d Beglment, P. V. * BABCLAY.—Suddenly, on Friday, the 19ch inst ,Mi*s Margaret Barclay. The relatives and male friends of the family are re spectfully invited to a tend the funeral from her late residence. Bo 301 Callowhill street, on Tuesday, 23d lust. , at 10 o’clock. *»* BOOCOGK —On the 16th lust., Jonathan Boocock, in the SStb year of his ego. Bis relatives and friends are respectfully iuYited to at tend the Mineral, from his late residence, 23 il Callow hill street. on Sunday next, at 9 o’clock. To proceed to Old Chester. * CaLLBNDEH.—On the With insUnt, Mrs. Eleanor, Widow of the late Benjamin Callender, in the 79th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral,) rota her late residence* corner of Thirteenth and Wallace »t>-eet*, on Saturday morning, 20tn instant at 7 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Hartsville Cemetery, Backs count>. Pa. • • FJSBBR.-OnFriday, Feb. 19th. 1861, Joseph Fisher, in ihe 69th year of his ace. His relatives and friends are invited to attend his fu neral without further notice, from his late residence. Ho. 2TB South Eighth street, on Sunday, the 2lst iast., at 3 P.M. To pr-**etd to Mon ament Cemetery * MoOLINTIC.—On the 19th inst.. Elizabeth HcClintic, aged 73 years. Ber relatives and friends are respectfully invited to at tend her funeral, from the residence of her son-in-law. Mr Lewis G. Graff, Ho. 2303 Green street, on Sunday, 21st inst., at 2 o’clock. * STICKNEY. —On the 18th, Mrs. E M. Stlckney, (for merly a member of the theatrical profession), in the 58th year of her age. The friends cf the family are invited to attend the fa neral on Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock, Mo. 929 Cat ha line street, without further notice. * THOMAS —On the 17th inst, Xr. Samuel Thomas. The relatives and friends of th 9 family are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, Whitby, Gray’s lane, Monday. 22dF*b., at 2 o’clock P, tf. Servi ces in 6t James’ Church, Bin gsessing. ** YARD LEY. —Suddenly, on the m>rninc of the 17th inet., Mary Ann Yardley, in the 64 h Tear of her age. Funeral will leave her late residence (Twenty fourth Ward), on Seventh day, the 20th inst., at 7 A M. To proceed to Hatborongh. Bucks county papers please copy. •* TJESSON & SON HAVE COMMENCED A-* receiving their Spring and Summer Etock of HOUHN iNG GOODS, and have now in store— Black Byzantines* | English Bombazines, *• Florentines, I French Bombazines, ' * Barege Hexnani, Summer Bombazines, '• Crape Marets, | nbally. “ Bareges* Mousselanes, Silk Grenadines. J Tamises. Black, and Black and White Foulards. &c. ’ - mourning store. feis Mo. 018 CHESTNUT Street. fin PIECES OF $1 FANCY SILKS ■vvf Blae, Lilac, and Brown Plaids. Black and White, Brown acd White do. India Plaid Silks* $1 per yard. $5 best Brown Kilks. 96 best Black Silks. Moire Antiques, best roods. Foulards. newest styles. Fri.en.dlj Foulards, EYBB & LiNDBtiL, FOURTH and A-'CH Street*. FIRST COM GREGATIONAt IHORCH. FRAMKFORD Road and MONT- I Avenue. —Preaching by the Pastor. Rev. D l- at. OK A. M. atd 7K P. M. Special services _sd next week. Preaching every evening Dis jihed Clergymen will participate in. the exerases, and hringyonr friends with yon It THK KKV MR. PADDOCK, R£C TOB of St, Andrew’s <'iinrc>i. w‘H preach, by , permission, at theCHCHOH oFTaE 9 nTIVITT, /At Evening neat, at m o’cldct. It* REV. W. H PLUMMER. » D } Trill preach, in the North Presbyterian Ghnrah, l Street, above Green. SUNDAY MORNING, at id AFTERNOON at &£. It* CHILDREN’S C HUR OH—THE next Monthly Sermon to rhe loan* will do iied in the Church of the Epiphaoy. FIg,PBS <TH JHEBTX»UT Streets, TO'MORROW Atfl’EßßOpa. lee at 3 o'clock. lt FIRST REFORMED DUTCH CHUBCH- Seventh and Spring Sircien ■ev. JOSEPH F. BE KG, B.D . Will (D. V ) preach (OBROW. Service in the Morning, 10.& o'clock iln roping, 7K o’clock. It THE PENH RiI.IEP ISSOCII - FOB 81CK AND WOUNDED SOLOIESS, Wledfe 'With gratitude the receipt of $40.55, pro* of a Fair held at B. T. Buclfmaa’a School* No. 1030 ' Garden st. UiBXH SCIiACiTO.S, Treas.» 1«10 WALLA/HB Street. MISSIONARY DAY AT \VH ARTON STKfcBT M. E. CHTJROH, »§\£P "MORROW.—Preuchit-aat 10# by £*v. <J. IRHOW. Sunday-Echool Anniversary at 3 ?. M. M. Hsh bup fcimpa«.n, Key. T„ >ker« and Rev. G. D. CaxT&sy. It* FIFTH OS' SERIES OF 1 1)14- ON TB E LOKbd euflßYw,” *, M in M. JUa.tUi*w 8 Latbn&li 'lhnriVh KH W bythe partor. Bey. B. W HnTTKa OW EYBHIPG, at 7J< o’clock. Morning eerrica mcfa at half past ten. * service • THIRD RCFORURD nijTrn CHURCH, corner TBSTH &ad.*Fll>BHßr Sitaaw pw WOBTMAN. Berra?TiSt *MM o’clock A. M. and VA P. M. Inthe *Vg. the raetor wiU preach hi. second hiscunree on >k of Esther. j t * WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY . on MONDAY HORNING, at 10 o'cITWS 'SJCB la.raamMted. Baeon , a 0 at Secretary. “BISHOP BIIBSET AMD THE EN KEYOLtiTION. —A BiCPIJSE tuis wlv delivered by the Bev E A RPT»2Js'.iSJ? rc k of tbe CoTenant, FILBERT Ntrr-et. j ofiVEHTBBJITH, oa THURSDAY BFBNiSG uifi« ? o’clock, la aid of * *?be Fo»te f Home M ’ha door^ 1 *° ot&ny of th ® iady manager*, SviMI'RCH Of THK UVERCES9OB, '»*<>» broad Str<wt.-K«r. P a ’U>l Mew* TO-MOEROW At iSOi k. H. ctlon >’ the Sermon oa ** The First wttJPLS* in the Irenlnr. Those TK ™ whOM 4epartrt nIUtTW w Slmp ta M k SbWuk? H E CS ' BTBBKT “* R#Utt «*• Pomi *“ D <r i Kddy b D ea D leotlni ta Sngl»«4." B»*. ir in ““-vs .f* AND RBLIGIODS mi JKiKV of TUB AtSKT aHD NAVT NTnirt-ii l?® subject for eoaaU«raHoa as tHe regular Montlily Meatiog of the Tonne Men’* ChrtrtUu i»*ocia MONDai eVBNING, Feb: S2A. at o'clock, at 5« Bo ,°“ 8 lW I ®CHEBTJSUTStreet. Miolrters general ly are Invited to participate. All Interested riadiesaud gentlemen) are invited to at end feVun* VNION METHODIST EPISOOPAX. •oa CBUBOB, FOURTH street, below Arch, will hold Its Missionary Anniversary TO MORRO W. A ser mon will be preached in at 10)4 ocr»c», by tie Pastor, Rev FRANKLIN MOO KB, D >t D Sub ject, M Tbe Enpaßslvc Power of the Goegel Ausd drpFHVlll Xa dalir.K<i nt 3 o’clock oISUOP ol Ur- Ion? TriteresltnK exoi rises In the evening commenriia,! at 7 H o'clock M.MEDMTION OF CHRIST.—SIXTH .afmffß of series. byT. H Stochtou D. V. «t£Lt£- YkNTH and Wt OD Streets, SaBß*T3 ‘fternooa. o’clock —“Separateness of the Mediator from the Whole F.nmH-n Race.” Mornioa »ermon. by A. Clark, ‘Christ Walking on the Sea v —lo,S* o’clock. RFCRrTION MEETING -MONDAY Night. 7Jtf o’clock, reception of and welcome to Rev. A. CLARK, as jam .r T*M*<» r >adr«sws by K«v Messrs. Gaaningi.anii Meats. Cornell, and Wilson. The public are respectfully Invited. It* fiSf,,, phimdklhiu tract aso Mls-IsION —a Sermon «>u behalf of this Society wH) be preached by Rev J. G BUTLER (of West Philadelphia), on SABBATH Evening. Mat i>ist , at 7>a o’clock. intheFir&t Baptist Churcu. cor BROAD ana AkCH Struts. A-so» on MONDAY Evening 22d iast., at 1% o’cloak, a Meeting will be held in the First Presbyterian Church, Walnut above WILLIAM. We t Philadelphia. Rev. J. 0. Butler. Rev. J. H. Castle. Rev. T. E. tfartludsle. end others, will address the meeting Tract Distribution Monthly Meeting at Presbyterian Chnrcb, GERMANTOWN A venae,‘above SIXTH atiTtf o’clock. WEDNESDAY Evening 24th lust. Alfo. at Mission Honse, CHRISTIAN Street, below BLiVBBTH, on THURSDAY hvenlng, 25th lust , at 1% o’clock. it* rSP* SPIRITUALISM.-MttS M. WOOD of Connecticut, a Medium, will under spi rit control, atSANSoM-oTREET QaLL. on SUNDAY at 10>aA. M. and7>aP. M- Admittance, flvecent* It* Rp A SECOND CLASS IN PH tkNi lO* LOGY is about being formed for L dies ai' Those Wishing to join, are reqaeeted f o lesve their names, on or before TUESDAY,2id. at Si* South TENTH Street, where verbal and written deg-crip tic ns are given, day and evening, by S. L CAPSN. fe!9-2t S3* —FIFTH WARD BOUNTY MS* FUND HEADQUARTERS, 406 WALNUT Street. Office Hours from 11 to 3. The Treasurer 1b now paying TWENTY FIVE DOL LARS WAttD BOUNTY, Cash in hand, to ALL VOLUN TEERS only credited to the Fifth Ward. Three hundred men will be taken at once. _The Division ColLciins Committees mee* every MON DAY aLd THURSDAY EVENING •. at o’clock, at SIS fcouth FIFTH Street, to make returns to the Trea* surer and transact business genera ily. B- C. KNIGHT, Treasurer. Attest—Johk -T- Frakkc-tk. Secretary- fe's 6t EIGHTH WARD.-TO THE 10 iOb» OF TfiE tsIGBTH WaKD vYH> HaVE fOT YET AIDED IN THd EFFORT TO AVjU) Tt- fi UR*FT.—Less th»n five hundred of yonr fellow clti7«cs. generously coming f.rward. have con?ril,u r .ed nearly $2O OCO. Look over the list recently published, you will find there the names of in ».ny. ladies aad «'ld men, not ihemselves lisble. Of the three thousand now subject to the draft, but few have done any thing. Five dollars paid b> each of these meo, or by their wives or mothers, would famish the b-lanes re cjuiied. and thus secure them against conscription. The names of aLI who contribute prior to the Ist of X’arrh (inciudirg some who were omitted In iho list shove referred to), will be published* Thus a record will be had of those whose patriotism is eriaerd by acts and n-n by words alone. Ten thousand dollars are needed. Yon are appealed to to raise it. By order of the Executive Committee. TO RECRUITING OFFICERS.— lO OFFiCB OF CITY BOUNTY FUND OOHJfIS tIwN. No. 412 PRUNE Street. Februa y 18. 1864 In future, detached certificates of master will not be received at this office, Recruit ng officers and asonte are reaae»tsd ko coneo-t -date the results of >wo or three days* operations, on mutter rolls legibly wrl>ten specif) Ing tne credit of each man, the company and regiment in which onliued, anc the name of the recraiting officer. When this is property certified to by a mustering offi cer i t can be filed in this office. The Gommiseion will then endeavor to appriut a time when the men can be bronchi to receive their bounded By strictly adhering to this romiue. the transection of business can be much facilitated for all parties. B» order of Uie Commission. fe!9-3t bAMUSL C. DAWSON Secretary. ALLENTOWN R AILROAD COM PANY.—PhiIapei.PHI 4, Feb. 19. 1861 The annual meeting of the ckcoiders of tee ALLEN TOWN RaILROAD COMPANY will be held at thj office of the P Ailadelphia and Reading Railroad Oom psry. No. 23T South FOURTH Street- Philadelphia, oa WEDNESDAY. March 9th, 1864 at I*2 o’clock *1 , for the election of a President aad Directors- tv serve for the cur rent year, and until others shall be el a ct-d fe2Q*lmh9 W H WKBB Secretary. I^ m LORBERHY CHEEK RAILROAD COMPA l> Y. —Philadelphia. Jaa 29, 1864. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the LOR BEhRY CREEK RAILRgaD CoMPaN Y will be held at the office of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany. No. say South FOURTH Street, Ph ladeipht*. on WEDNESDAY, March 9th, 1864, at 1 o’clock P M., for the election of a President and Directors to serve for the current year, and until others shall b* elected. f»2O-tmt9 W. H. WEBB, Secretary. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK Philadelphia- Feb. 17, JBS4. At an election held February 16th, the following stock holders were duly elected Directors of the Fourth Na tional Bank; William P Hamm, I William Brooks, James C. Kelch, I William Stokal-y, A. C. Roberts, j David P* Bradley. John Fareira, ( At a meeting of the Board, held this day, WILLIAM P-1 AMU, Etq. ,was unanimously elected President! and SAMUEL J. MaGMULL aN, Esq , Cashier. SAMUEL J. MaCMUoLAN. Cashier.^ PENNSYLVANIA OIL*CR£EK Pfi3* TKOLEUM COMPANY —The Board of Directors hav* this day declared a Dividend of ONE P£R GENT. on tbe Capital Stock of the Company oat of the profits of the rast month, payable on and after the first of March. A resolution was also passed that the dividends in fa* tore be declared quarterly. The transfer books will be closed until after 22d inst. By order of the Board : WM CULBERTSON, Secretary. 4:11 WALNUT St., Philadelphia, Feb. 17.1564. felB*6t AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. REPETITION OF “THE BATTLE OF GEtTYei- BURG.” _ _ PimiAPBCTHiA, Feb. 1, 1864, Hev. John Ji. Warner, Gettysburg ; Reverend and Dear Sir : The undersigned, some of Whom heard, with intense interest, youi graphic de scription of the great battle fought in our own State, as recently delivered in one of our city charches,earnestly solicit a repetition of “The Battle of Gettysburg, as Witnessed by Your«elf” J. M. Crowell, Wm. E. Dubois, J. H, Orne, J R. Snowden. J. S. Price, George Jnnkln, Jr., William Butter, Wm P. Abby, C. L. Stills. Thomas B. Dsright, H. D. fiherrerd, J. E. Gould, Samuel Asbury, B. Thackara, J. T. Young, A. C Craig. _ ' GeTTrsßtißO, Peb. 3> 1661 Rev. J. 21 Crowell. 2fesBrs. IV- S Dubni?, James 3. Orne, James 3. Snowden* William, Ratter* George JunJcin, Jr. , and others : Gestlemen: Ithall comply with yoir reque-t, and would name Tuesday evening, the 23d instant, as the time. Very respectfully, yours, JOHN It. WARYBR A United States officer writes: "I heard Mr Warner’s description of the * Battle of Gettysburg ’ delivered here last week, and I must say I can hardly find words to ex press my admiration of it as a vivid faithful, and most impressive picture of that great event ” The above thriluug Lectux© -will he repeated at the ACADEMY OP MUSIC, on the EVENING of the 2»4 inst. Tickets for Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Balcony 60 cents; family Circle 25 cents. Sale of Tickets to commence on MONDIY, the 15th instant, at 9 o’clock, at Mr. MARTIAN’S, 606 CHEST NUT Street Poore open at ; Lecture to commence at 8 o’clock. fe9 13 15 20 22 23* KOTIGE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a special Meeting of the Stockholders of tho B-tSTONVILLS, MANTUA. AND PalftMOUNf PAS SE* GEE RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on MON DAY. the 29. h instant, at 12 o’clock, noon, at No. 409 WALNUT Street, (first floor,) for the purpose of taking into consideration an increase cf the Capital Stock of the Company. B. T, FRAILBY. Secretary. February 15.1564, fe\s lit PENNSYLVANIA RAILH OAD COM BQm PANT. Treasurer's Department. Philadelphia, The Board of Directors have this day declared an EXTRA DIVIDEND OF FIFTEEN POL OARS upoa each Share of the present Capital Stock, as registered on the hooks of the company this day. The said Extra Dividend to be payable in Stock cf the Company, at its par value of Fifty Dollars per share, the snares to he dated May 2, ISS4, and to be entitled to dividends payable in November next, and thereafter, as the present stock of the company. Stock Certificates for tlit extra dividend will be de livered on and after May 2. 1861 fel6-tmbl THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. 19- PITTSBURG? FORt WAYNE. AND CHICAGO RAILWAY COMPANY. Office op thb Secret art, Pittsburg. Fa. February 12th, 1864. The Annual Meeting of the Etock and Bondholders of this Company for the election of Directors, and « uch other business as may come before it, will be held at the Office of said Company, in the city of Pittsburg, on the THIRD WEDNESDAY OF MARCH, A. D. 1864, at 10 A. M. The Stock and Bond Transfer Boohs of the Company, at their Office In the city of Pittsburg, and at their Trans fer Agency in the city of New York, will be closed on the Ist day ot March, at 3 o'clock P. M , and lem&in dosed until the 17th day of March thereafter. fe!s-tml7 W. H. BARNES, Secretary. HOTICK TO STOCKHOLDERS OF »Cm THE OIL CREEK AND RID GW AY R All. ROAD COMPANY.—An adjourned annual meetiogof the Stock holders of this Company will he held on TUESDAY; the first day of March. 3864, at half past 10 o’clock A Ml, at No. 4 WILDING'S Alley, in Philadelphia. fels-14fc JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. |<9 OFFICE! PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Philadelphia, Feb. 15,1864. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Election for Directors willbebeldon MONDAY, the7' of March, 3864, at the Office of the Company, No 5438 South THIRD Street, fhe pol>.e will be open from ten o’clock A. M. until six o’clock P. M 3So fchare or shares transferred within sixty days pre ceding the election will entitle the holder or holders ti ereof to vote. EDMUND SMITH, felB»tmh7 Secretary, >9 MERCANTILE LIBRARY —THE Adjourned Annual Meeting of ?he Stockholders, to consider the proposed alteration of the Charter, aad other business, will be beld on WEDNESDAY EVE NING, February 24:h, at 7K o’clock. JOHN LARDNER, Jr , felS 6t Bee. Secretary. aidto EMPIRE COPPER COMPANY (OF IfO* MICHIGAN).—The first meeting of the Empire Copper Company under He Articles of Association will beheld on THURSDAY, the third day of March, 1864. at No. 334 WALNUT Street.'Phi adejpbia, at 11 o’clock A. M? SIMON MaWDLEBaUM, R. A HoOPES, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Ptttt apvt.vhia. Feb. 13. 1864 felfi-lfit CORN BXCHANGK BANK, PHILA* SCl*® PELFHIA. November 23d, ISS3. At tho Election held 16th last the following Stockhold ers vr«T9 duly elevted Directors of tho Com Exchange Sash: Alexander 4&mes SteeL Kohert Ervien, Wiiilam P. Cox, ramnel T. Oasby. B. Mingle, joha F. Grose. And at the meeting of the flAyjgaiiL, 3aq., w§s unanii ALkXWEILtDI*. 3«q..Vi f OiRET, Cashier. roSi-im gig'.mtABEIPHIA AND READING vnSt.Ss*£' ,toAl) OOKPASY, Office Ko. %%t South *?>■ Phb.a»*lphia, December 2, 1663. E.Vir.ETO ao-fICE.-The Trloafer Book, of til* OoEpaoy will be closed ou THUESDAY, 17th ll.tSEt, md raopaMdoo TTJESDAY, JaunoryU. W 54. A OiTlaend of BHYEH PEE CBHT., clear of State tax, has been declared on the Common Stock, payable la Common Stock on and after the 31st December next to jhe tioloera thereof as they shall stand registered on the bool:* at the close ofbuslaew on the 17th. lnat A Di-Jidead of TB»EB AND A HALF P3R CENT., flat/ of State tax. has been deel&xad on tho Pro fsrred Stoci, pajaMslnGhuk or CoamoaStoek, atth. jpiicn of the holder, on and after the 31st December next, io t ; .>e stockholder* a* they shall stand registered on the books at she close of business on the 17th lost. Holders of certificates Which have been discharged from fchie office, or either of the Transfer Agencies, arc particularly requested to have them duly registered on the Transfer Books to which they hare been transferred, names are registered on fcheNew York book* Will be paid at the Farmers Loan and Trust Dmrpray, wad those whose names sw-e rostered on th* Boston books will be paid at the office of Messrs. I. B. pmtt.a PBLPffIA AMP RKADIBi IS* SAILBOAD COMPANY, Office BBT FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. Septembers, 1893. DIVIDEND NOTICB.-The feUowing-vmed Parses sre entitled to a Dividend on the Gommdh Stock of this Company. The residence of several of them Is na» known, and It is. therefore, necessary that tho certll »«e£ ofatosk should be presented on calling for the Dividend. S, BRADFORD. Treasurer, STOCKHOLDERS’ NAMES. - Mrs. Mary Bishop, 8. Lancaster, Timothy 0. Boyle. Percy M. Lewis,, Clement Biddle. Fanny Mary Miteherson* Ann Copeland. John Mclntyre, A, Emslle and J. Jffewbold, John 8. Moore. Trustees, James MeKnignt, Debbie A. Hughes, Beni. F. Newport, Sami T. Harrison. Beni. Pott, James HalloweU, W K. Rodman, James W. HalloweU, Sarah Ann Bieharda* Catherine C. Koppele, Henry B. Sbcrar* Daniel Klapp, Maria L. Sadler, Mery Kuhn, Andrew Turner, Chs«. knhn, Hartman Mrs. RebeeeaUmeißA KrUin-end J. H. Kuhn, Bx, Asher M. Wright, of S. Kuhn. William Yoons, N. V. B. Leisse Bxtnc., W. R- MeVlekar. mhwm February IS, 1834. G. C&HeIL Chrlfdian J. Hoffman. H. W. Catherwood, Edmund A. Bonder, Charles E Wilkins, D&vld Vanderveer, JonMhan Knight. \ Board this day ALBX. G. mouaiy re-elected President; rise President, and JOHN W. J, W. TOBBBY. Cashier. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. BKV. HBNBT WARD BSKOHJSB Will aeliver hie great Address, entitled «America’s Message to Great Britain/’ MONDAY, FEBBUABY *®tk, At 8 o’clock. Reserved Seats, 60 cents; Amphitheatre, 25 cents. The sale of Tickets will commence at 9 A. M , WED NEtDAY, the 24th, at ASHMBAD ft EVANS’, 73* CHESTNUT ) treet f«D 4t* MILITARY. S HEADQUARTERS IST REGIMENT INFANTRY (GRAY RESERVES). B B Philadelphia, Feb 18th, 1864. . « ORDER NO. 6 1. The Regiment will assemble for P*rade (iu com memoration of the Birtbdav of Washinsit-jn), at the Armoiy, BROAD, below Race street, onMOhDAY, the 22d imt., at o’clock A. M. li. Bavfnu-dr«.s uniform- with overcoats and white glovee, Will be worn. By command of „ „ Col, CHARLES 8. SMITH Gbo. S Bethbi.l Adjutapt. It « headquarters second re* G MENT R. B. (BLUE RESERVE BEGIMBNT.) „ .Philadelphia. Feo. 19. 1864 ORDEKS.—The Resiment will parade on MON DA Y, Jiainsc. The line will be formed on Franklin street, facing west., the right resting on Vine street. Command aids of companies will report with their commands at 6>a o clock A. precisely. By order of WM. W. TaYLOR, Col. commanding. Kobt. AiTKiy. Adjutant. ■ ATTENTION —VETERANS OP H’he BTHRE.GT. PENNA. CAV. will assemble for Pa ill race at o’clock, precisely, on MONDAY MORN •“ BIiOAD and SPRING GARDB M fits, mounted, with side aims. By order. J. T. PIfIGO Pf,'Jr., It* • Gapt. Comd’g Battalion. « ATTENTION! - COMPANY C, - GRAY EBfiERVE*. The members will ASSEMBLE AT THE ARMORY, on MONDAY, tbe 22d iuttaal, at quarter before s, I'U&ctualiy. with new, full-dress uniforms, overcoats, and white gloves. , Ali uniforms not intended to be used on that day, must be left at the Armory. By order of W. W. ALLEN, Captain. E. H, Pgpbw, 0.8. • it* § ARTILLERY CORPS WASHING TON GRAYS. ojidfks No 2. —The ccrps will assemble at the At* Epoiy ,in MONDAY. rehruary22d, atBli o'clock A. M, in witter nnif rna. By order, F. W. RALSTON, Lieut. Commanding. A. Roberts, O. S. f«2O-lt* S HEADQUARTERS 20TH REGt MENTP. M. Pinr,Apai.PHiA, Feb, 19, 1864. ; m _ ORDERS No 10. I. The Bogiment will assemble for parade on MON DAY. 22d imtant li. The line wii’ be formed at o’clock A. M,. on the we&t side of Wasbington Square.right restiugon Walnut Kircet. By older of WH B THOttA*<, . Col. Comdg. 20th Regiment P M. A- H. SurPBB, Adjntant. fe2J 2c* KETAII. DRY GOODS. / gPBING OPENING NEW BILKS. FRENCH CIIINTZEB, NEW DBESS CM)ODS. FRENCH CLOAKINGS. H. STEEL <6 SON, Hob. 713 and 7IS North TEMTH St. H STEEL & SON HAVE NOW OPEN * a choice assortment of NEW SILKS. Moire Antiques. $3 to $5 P ain Corded Silkr, sl.62}£ to $3.50. Figured Corded Silhe. $1,621^. Pl,in Foil de Boles, $125 to $3.25. Fate* Silks. 75c. to 85. B ack Gros Grain Silks, $1.25 to $3.25, Figured Black Silk*. $1.25 to $2. Plain Biack Silks to $6. Plaid India tllks, . . ... Light-ground Rich-figured Foulards, $1.25 to $1.62. fe2o-tr nos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH street. CIOTHING. 1864. 1864. FINE CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE. - We are now prepared to show to cash buyers as exten sive a stock of medium and fine Ready-made Clothing, for Spring sales, as can be found In the United Btates. Buyers can save their expenses to New 1 ork, and find tbegords they want five and ten percent, cheaper In Philadelphia. An examination of our stock Is solicited. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HaLL, fell-lm if S. E. corner SIXTH and MARK ST Sts. YARNS. REMOVAL. ALEX. WHILLDIN * SONS HATE REMOVED TO Nos. 20 and 22 South Front Street, *2l and 23 Lctitia Street, PHILADELPHIA, Where they, from most desirable stocks of WOOL AND WOOLEN YARNS, COTTON AND COTTON YARNS, Will be pleased to serve all customers. fe2o-stuthtf JJRYSON & SON, No. S NORTH SIXTH STREET, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS, PENS, AND INKS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Corporations, Bank*, and Business Men supplied with everything necessary for the Counting-room. ft 6 tf &> 00-,. 432 CHESTNUT STREET, cotDmaa house and OFpICE srATIONERS , EWVELOPE, BLANK ACOOUHT, and MEMOBAHDUM BOOK MaHUP.AUTUBBBS. An extensive assortment of Cap, Letter, and Note Pa pers: Copying Books, Prestos, and Tables; Letter Press and Lithograph Printing; Bill Heads, Notes. Drafts.and Checks made to order—all at the lowest prices and of the bee* quality. , .■ Oroera solicited, and executed promptly and satisfac torily. felfrlm jyO YOU ADVERTISE? JOY, GOE, & 00., 6EKSIUL SBfITSFAPER ADVKKTISING AMD SUBSCRIPTION AOENCY, N. B. CORNER FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA- ** By inears of the system of conjoint Advertising ren dered practicable by Messrs. JOY, COB. & CO . through their Uewepaper Agency, the expense to each adver tiser is greatly reduced Advertisers save the postage , and avoid the labor of corresponding with publishers, risk of i omittances, unseasonable and repeated calls of strangers with separate bills, the vexatious deceptions of journals of duoiou« oharacter, and losses from con tracting with incompetent and irresponsible persons. *'Business men may learn through this Agency just what journals to advertise in to reach effectively and chtap y the sections wherein their trade may be ex tended.”— V. S. Jbumal. Advertisers receive copies of journals In which their advertisements are inserted. feg-s atutf OF REMOVAL. The undersigned would inform their friends and the public generally that they have removed from their Old Stand, 517 ARCH Street, to their SPLENDID NEW WARERQOMS, No. 913 ARCH STREET, Where they will continue (lie tale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, &c. Having associated with our house Hr CHARLES PAGE, (formerly the. Principal Designer for Cornelias & Baker,) we are now prepared to execute orders r o r Gaa Fixtures of all grades and.designs, from the plainest to the most massive and elaborate* VAN KIRK & CO , fel9-3m No. 91* ARCH STRBET. fTBE COPARTNEBSBIP HERETO^ A fore existing between the under»iane»j under the firm of COWPEKTHWAIT& CO: is hereby dissolved bv muiuhl consent. The business of the firm will he settled up by JUSTUS C. STRAiYBr-JDyE, at the store, No. 801 MARKET Street. JOSEPH Jr , JUSTUS C: tTRaWBSIDGB., February 18, 1864. fe2Q-3t Tl/TARELEY & SBAFFNER, SUCCES ■DIL to Shafiber, Bigler, & 00.. contjnua the Wbolsraie Hosiery and variety Business, at the Old Stand, No. 36 North FOURTH Street. fe2o 6w TIE MOfe'J PLEASING AND, MERl torious works of art are B. F. REIiUSR’S life-size Photographs in oil colors. As Likeneaeos.they are fault lees. o*4 ARCH Ptroat Go early. n* pDMBBBLAND SA ¥0 E-PRO NOtTSfCBD by, Connoleseura “ the only good- A me ric&B fauce. 1 ’ Foiycaleat B PENLST^N’S- Te:o w 438 6H&SrNDl*Street. pUMBEJfeLAND SAUCE.—THE Trade supplied at No. 45. North Street- Sole Agency for Bithian & Pogue’s Bermatica lv Sealed Fruits, M*ai»,.Sauces, eto. r-20 fit* FOR LA.DIKS AND GfiNTLbMEN v corne#*NlNTH and A.R ’-H Streets. GLa£SSS FOR L^Dlfis—Mindly. Wi>d39idATi and Friday, 10 and 11A M.*and 4 and BP. M FOlf BOYB— Tuesday. Thun-day, aud Faturday be* iwa»a 4 and 6 and 5 and 6P. M. GENTLEMEN S GYMNA&IOM open at all times, from 7a. w. tuner, m. ■Quarter* commence at aay time- _ fegp 4t Professors HtbLEBRAND fe LEWIS. Bp. BEIMEBS CARTES DE VIS I I’E * are pictures of rare artistic ability; clear, dist!n*c, and accurate. Go ARCH Street and obtain styles of pleating, life-like character. ; It* 4ft BREER’S GARDEN OALENDAH for -684 drained to fnrnlsli brief direction for FiowSo«deS. ”Sb“ dra??!™.* oi arade, tSSS* Sd jTN BURANCE.— ALL INTERESTED IN SVf eWe'flSm B o tllCatlon ’ “ b 7 nPO " i SJL" receipt of OBBBK. Bradman and f lortat. : M C|K ott ‘ T w *««* ta* Tl* CaWTIKOX eusst, rUbMAi*. v «a»W9WAMnw«n*t »w-« THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1864: JOHN 0. WHIITIBB, OLIVES WBHDELL HOLMES, BAYARD TAYLOR, HARRIET BEECHES STOWE, ROBERT DALE OWEN, CAROLINE CHESEBSO, IK MARVEL, ALICE CAST, The Queen of California; The Brother of Mercy; Am baesadors In Bondi; Wet-Weather Work. V.; On the Belation of Art to Nature,ll ; Oar Classmate; Whittier; The Convnhlonists of St. Medard; Howe and Home Papers, III.; Song; Our Soldiers; William Htkepeace Thackeray; The Peninsular Campaign; Reviews and Literary Notices. AS* Terms. —The Atlantic is for sale by all Book and Periodical Dealers. Price, 25 cents a number. Subscrip tions for the year, $3. pc stale paid Club Fb teas —Two copies for ©ne year, 40, and each additional subscription at the same rate; and an Extra Copy gratis for every Clnb of Ten Subscriber; or every Eleven Copies fors2s. pATENT HINGE BACK PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, The most indestructible ALBUM made. It lies open perfectly Sat, without injury or strain to the Book, Tor *ale by Photographers and Booksellers. ALTEMUS & GO., hT. W. CORNER FOURTH AND RACE, . fe2o-1m Entrance on RACE Street. QENERAL McOLELLAN’S REPORT. In accordance with i»s plan of publishing all imortant official reports of campaigns. THE ENTIRE REPORT Printed from the official copy, with the attestation of the Adjutant General, and accompanied by a carefully-pre pared index, adding greatly to its value for preservation and reference. The Report will be contained in two sap pigmentary .sheets* which may be obtained of news* dealers generally, at TEN CENTS each, In addition to the regular price of the JOURNAL (ten cent*), making the two double numbers, containing the Entire Report, with a large amount of other valuable and interesting matter. cußt but FORTY CENTS. Copies sent by mail, pest paid, on receipt of the pi ice. by W. G. CHURCH, proprietor, IDS BROADWAY, New York fel@ 2t IJHE HERO C UD JO’S CAVE The press say it is the most brilliant novel ever pub* llshed in this country. Fold bv all booksellers and newsmen, and sent by mail by the publishers. THE fifth thousand now j- SELLING. JEAN INGETiOW’S POEMS. The great popularity which the author of these Po?ms has achieved, iaeo short a time, is probablyunesvampied in the history of authorship. The united sale of her volume in England and this country already amounts to ten thousand copies. “ She has won fer herself a home and citizenship wherever the English language is spoken.” The most renowned of our authors admit her claim to rank as a true poet. "It seemed quite needless to praise these poems, so manifest and so charming is\be talent shown in them. • She has a wonderful ear and lyric facility, an eye for the beauty and significance of nature, thought that clothes itself in image*, and a general intellectual strength But the delicious melody of the verse could almost spare the other gifts. "—Ralph Waldo Emerson. McClellan’S report. VA—.REBELLION RECORD —Companion,, parts 5 and 6, 'will contain this Keporc in full, with many other valuable documents, Engravings, Maps. Plans. Ac *11)18 will be the cheapest edi-ion of his Report. In good shape for preserving Part 5 now ready. The REBELLION RECORD is the most fall and valu able work on the present war > hat can be issued. agency for REBELLION RECORD, 33 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut, fe?o-St ~ L’fliae of Appleton’s Cyclopedia. XTEW ENGUSH BOOKS Ai . JDST RECEIVED: fcpeke’e Journal of the Discovery of the Sources of the Nile. Wayhew’s Illustrated Horse Management. Youatt & Barn’s Complete GTazier, Farmer, and Cattle breeder's Assistant Illustrated. The London Quarterly Review for January. The Edisbnrgh Review for January. Gamy t-e & Laws' General and Descriptive Anatomy of Domestic Animals. Illustrated. Byrnes’ Principles of Surgery. Fifth edition. Foreign Medical and Scientific Books Imported to order. LIKDSAY * BLaCIS TOST. Publishers and Booksellers, fe2o 35 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY Worn at the CeUbration of THE CENTENARY AJOiIYERSARY, 1832, Printed from the Original Plate, on fine Plate Paper, for axoaieare and connoisseurs. Also, on Satin Ribbon* Soldiers, Societies, and others BUDoliwd with these Badges. W. F; HAZA HD, felfc-tjyl 31 South SIXTH Street. T?AITH GABTNEY’S GIRLHOOD has labored under the same disadvantage that PIQUE dlo—we con'd not get them manufacmred. THE SIXTH EDIIION IS NOWf RiSAOY. YOUNG LAPSES, /or whom it was written, are en chanted with it. as it pictures so truthfully their own heßrl-yeainisgS and longings for the higher, nobler life. PARES'iS gi've it a cordial weleome, knowing it to he a story that they can place in their daughters.’ bonds with implicit confidence. and their own experience attests to itstruthfalress CLERGYMEN bid it God-spsed. fisdinr it a powerful co worker for them in their efforts to develop the higher life inpa»e in every young heart. BENEVOLENT INDIVIDUALS bay theraby the dozen, that they may have them at hand to give to those who would be encouraged by itsnobla words of cheer. 6DNDAY• SCHOOL LIBRARIES, Of ©Very denomina tion, are adding ’t to their shelves; 4 ' but it won’t stay on them.” is their comment. THE PRESS have given it the strongest praise possible to give a novel tbatlß not in the least “sensational ” faith gabtnby’s girlhood has achieved a great name, and won imperishable lame. It is not a book to read once, but again and again, and With each.reading new beauties will develop them selves One 12mo volume. Price. 11l 60 LIPPINCOTT & CO.. PETERSON & BROS. ASH MEAD & BVANB, F. LEYPOLDT. end all the Phila phia Booksellers wholesale it. LORINO. Publisher, f«lB*tls2t 319> WASHINGTON Stseet. Boston* pUDJO ? S CAVE I CUD JO’S CAVE ! 1 Just received by ASH ME AD At EVANS, Successors to Willis P. Hazard, i No. 7»4 CHE&TNUT Street. CUD JO’S CAVE. A new story. By J. T. Trowbridge, author of “Neighbor Jack wood.’Ac. . LITE AND GORBhSFONDENGB OF THEODORS PARKER, Minister of the Twenty-eighth Congrega tional Society, Boston. By John Weiss. 2 vols., with portrait, $6. INEZ. A Tale of the Alamo. By Augustus J. Evans, author of “Beulah.” LIFE OF WILLIAM H. PRESCOTT. A superb hook. THE GREAT CONSUMMATION. Second aerijs By Rev. Jchn Camming, D D. THE WHIP, HOE, AND SWORD; or, The Golf De partznert in ’63. By George H. Hepworth. LYRICS or LOYALTY. Edited by Frank Moore. THE MERCY SEAT; or. Thoughts La. Prayer. By Augustus C. Thompson, D D. fe3 THE NEWEST THIisG OUT— STE- A PHBNS’ COLORED ALBUM CARDS. Part I.—DROLLERIES. Our Relations at Home and Abroad. Part lI.—DROLLERIES. The Adventures of a Con script. Part lII.—THE SLAVE OF 1863. A thrilling series of the Great Evil, interesting to every lover of Freedom. E»ch series forming an illustrated Story In Twelve Carda. splendidly Lit to graphed in Oil Colors, from original designs by Henry L Stephens PKIoX FIFTY CENTS, each mailed, free say . Parties in the city, not finding -hem at addressing publisher through Poat-office. •with the price, supplied promptly. A liberal discount to the trade. WM. A. STEPHENS. Publisher, fei3-7t* . 400 CHESTNUT St,, Philadelphia. New medic al boo ks. JUBT PUBLISHED. CHEW’S LECTURES t N MEDICAL EDUCATION. 1 vol. 12mo. •k BAUER’* LSCTURaSvON ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY, with illustrations. Lvpl. Octavo. KOB*EThON’S MANUAIr'ON EXTRACTING-TEETH, with illustrations. 1 vol. l2oio. 4. THE BRITISH AND,FOREIGN MEDI3O-43HIRURG1- CAL REVIEW for January, 1884 Price %C per annum. LIKDSaY * BLAKIdTON. Publishers. fe!2 South iIXTH Street, above Chestnut. BOOKS AT REDUCED PRICES T)BOTO GRAPH ALBUM S. i HOLDING FROM TWELVE TO POUR HONORED PICTURES. Banging in price from Jtm- S» CENTS TO 05 DOLLARS ‘“SX ja22-ewtf PITCHER’S, feoB CHEBTNUTStroet, NEW AMEBIOAN The agency for this invalnaVe Library of Universal Information Uat 33 South SIXTH Street, toeond story. Also, RECORD OF THE BSBSiiLIOE. By Frank Moore. fell-tf w^vvJ^vJ? UB I. , CAT | ONS^_ JBE ' , ATLANTIC MONTHLY, MARCH, 1854, IS HOW' BEADY, WITH CONTRIBUTIONS PROW And other popular writers. Lfit of Contents TICKNOE & FIELDS, PUBLISHERS, It 135 WASHINGTON Sr.. BOSTON. MASS. TIIE AItMY AND NATY JOURNAL FOR FEB. 20 AND 27 Wll.ti CONTAIN major general McClellan, IS A PENNSYLVANIA MAN, A QUAKER. J. E. TILTON & CO., BOSTON. IN ONE HANDSOME VOLUME, VELLUM CLOTH. PRICE, $1.35. FOB SALS BT ALL BOOKSELLERS. ROBERTS BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. COPIES OP THE IDENTICAL BADGE IT IS THE BOOK OP THE SEASON. All $1.69-Books XS9 Sell for. - Aliftl.Gtf do do do All & do do do All 7¢ do do do All C 9 cent do do do All £6 ceat do do do PITCHER’S. SOS CHESTNUT Street. j&g-e&wtf ' CYCLOPEDIA. NEW PUBLICATIONS. PBIYATE MILES O BEILLY. * HIS BOOK Is ready Ihi* week, and It is one of the richest and raciest comic books on War and Politics that have appeared. Bis glorious Irish songs and speeches—Ms military xulrfortaßee in the Department of the South hleerreek— hi* petition—'his pardon—hie receptions and banquets at Delmonico’a and at the Wnlte House - his adventurer at Eichmond, and more, are they not described in the jolll e*i znanxer on the immortal pages of HI3 BOOK just published, full of comic illusti fttlons ? 12mo, cloth botud, price $L 25, Also, jmt ready. GUKOWSKI'S DIARY FOR 1863. Which Is creatine a sensation of the tallest kind through* ont the country, wherever military and political matters are dUeuteed. 13mo t cloth bound, price $1.25, Alto, new editions of Epee Sargent’s wonderful book, PECULIAR, 91.60. Kimball’s capital novel. WAS Hti fcUCCJSSsIi'U'L ? 91.51 Benan’s celebrated LIFE OF JgsU4. 91 60 8. Arthur’s LIGHT OH SHADOWED PATHS, $1.25. LOOIB. By the author of “ Kattedge. ” $1.25. *** Any of these books will be sent by mail, postage free, on receipt Of price, by fc2C-WEt CsitlrtiTOH, Publisher. Hew York. CENTS—LADV’S FRIEND, FOR, MARCH. —PITCHER’S, 808 CHESTNUT Btreet, fc2o-3t on CENTS. CONTINENTAL. FOR Mi RCH. —PITCHER'S, 808 CHEBTItUr Street. f*SO-3t 90 CTS—ATLANTIC, FOR MARCH. —PITCHER S. Soft CHESTNUT Street. f.SO-3t A(\ CENTS.—U. S. SERVICE MAGA- W ZINE. —PITCHER’S. 808 CHESTNUT St fa2o-3t T?EB. MAGAZINES FBENOH PAPER. QUADRILLE PAPER, Fifty Patterns. CEOSS-BAB PAPER. MODBNIHG _ Every kind of Note e SaT«lopes to match perfect!: Also, in colors. Couuting*toi Every article promptly deliv ja2B-thstlil2t CHALI XTRW BOOK St NEW BOOKS! AUTOBIOGRAPHY, CORRESPONDENCE, &c.. op LYMAN BSACU.EE, D.D. Edited, by Charles Beecher, IliDßtru'ed 2 vole. A POPULIR HAND BOOK OP THE NEW TESTA MENT. Bv George {Jamming MoWhorton. THE SILVER CASKET; or, The World and. Its Wiles. By A. L O E THE GREAT CONSUMMATION.-THE MIBLKNIAL BEfcT: or, The World As It Will Be. By Rev. John Caroming, ]).£., F. R. 8. E. 2 volg iNtZ. a Tale of the Alamo. By Aujußta J. Evans, author of Bnel&h. THE PROPHET OP FIRE: or. The Life and Times of Elijah, with their Lessons By J. R. Macduff. D D. For eale by WILLIAMS. & ALFRfcD MaBTIEN, fe!2 tf ; e«6;OHBSTSiur Street, COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. EDUCATION. BBYANT, STKATTON, & BANNISTER’S STATE AND NATIONAE. BUSINESS COLLEGE, S. E. Cor. Seventh and Chestnut Streets. An Invitation which enjoys the confidence and pa tronage of the best bn*ine s men ana citizens, and. In point of atcemmodatious facilities, buslnaes associa tions, and advantages to youn* men upon graduation, is unetiualea oy any limll&r institution in tin State. is ft. Sch< ol -ji preparation for (he«» of active bust net*s life it stands pre-eminent, aad.beiag.connected with seventeen other leading Commercial Colleges establish ed in the principal cities of the United States and Canada its advantages over mere local schools cannot be overra ted. INTERCOMMUNICATION" BETWEEN THE GOIiLE-AES. To interpret to tbe student’s mind the natural course of trade and internal exchange, a system of inter commu nication is establishea between the Colleges, which in volves a business correspondence with other cities; brings into proper relief ail tbe essen.iat facts as to the detausin tie matter of buying, shipping, receiving con signments, rendering account of sales and making re mittances, and illustrates such other transactions as may aiise between badness ratn In different parts of the connixy. The text-hook on Book Kbepixo, Commercial Law, and Commercial arithmetic, prepared by the proprie tors ex preesly for the«e schools are pronounced by com petent critics to be the most thorough and reliable works on these subject* ever published. ffoang men who be come members of this institution havwthe assurance that they will be luliy prepared for the duties of active busi ness life. Nothing is left undone which will promote the interests of its pupils and patrons, and those who have become acquainted with the new system of acta tl basin’.B* training introduced by the present principal and especially thoße wno nave received its advantages, many of whom are now occupying responsible positions as Be ok-keepers. Tellers, die. .will attest to its superi* ority and its capability to attain the end proposed. This new syttem of commercial Infractions is un known in any timilar institution in the State. The stu dent, after becoming thoroughly informal in the science of accounts and all Its collateral branches, is advanced to the PRACTICAL DEPARTMENT, which is arranged with Banks and Bosiness Officer to represent the different departments of trade, and with neatly engraved notes to represent money, and all the forms necessary for the conduct or a systematic business, he is thorough!* practiced, and becomes experienced in the principles of rer.l business. Telegraphing has recently been introduced, and bids fair to become an important branch. The Spencerian System of Business Penmanship it taught by a gentleman trained by the author Mr. F. R. Spencer Scholarships issued at this College are good in all time unlimited. The success with which this enterprise is meeting is unparalleled iu the history of Commercial ttchoois. Up wardv of sixiy students nave entered within the past month, maki-r an aggregate of over three hundred and fifiy present members. Young men aV-.ont deciding between Commercial Schools would consult their own interests by calling at this Institution before entering upjn a course of study elsewhere feao-2t PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. gL3G4NT MIRRORS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT. 2SKW awoßAviaes FI2Ht OIL FAHfTENGS, JUST RECEIVED. SA SLB’H GALLESIK 8 a §l3 CHESTNUT STREET. IOH- FINANCIAL. (COUPONS OF 7 3 10 TREASURY NOTES DUE FEBRUARY 19. 7 3-10 do. do. do. APRIL 1. 6-20 BONDS do. MAY 1. HIGHEST MARKET RATES PAID BY DREXEL & GO., fel2-10t No. a* South THIRD Street. £JLABKSON & CO„ BANKEBS » 80. 15*1 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Government Securities of all Issues PURCHASED AND FOR SALK STOCKS, BONDS, AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Interest; Allowed on Deposits. 49*COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY. MADE. fes-lm JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS AND- DEALERS GOVERNMENT LOANS t-20 RONDS S PER CENT. LEGAL TENDERS. 7-30 TREASURY NOTHB. leaf LOANS. ONE-YEAR CERTIFICATES. QUARTERMASTERS’ TOUCHERS. QUARTERMASTERS’ CHECKS. CITY AND BTATB STOCKS. BANK, RAILROAD, and CANAL STOCKS AND BONDS. Stock* Bought and Sold on Coxmntasion A fall supply of all kind* of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Including the Now Five Per Cent, (legal tender) TREA- SURY B0TS& always on hand. Collection* made and deposits received. JAY COOKE dfc CO., 80. 11* South THIRD STREET. ‘ ‘T7O* NITUSE ’’—“BABE CHANGE.” -*■ —Fer saleat the cost of Man'ifactare : Five Sple» did Medallion Suita of Parlor Furniture. Two-in Gr*en Plush One in rher*? Color Satin Brocatelle, On© in Green, Black and Green® rocatelle. One id id Rosewood Sait, to cover lo order. AUi\ two spJei’did sideboards* new pa terns. o*e solid Rosewood Chamber ball, together with the balance of my cstirn stock, comprising a variety of Parlor T%* Lies, Buir-cloih Tete-a-Tetec* itoching Chairs, Dressing Bnr-ane, Wa?h Stands. a ad-a variety of other Farnt litre, which mast be sold before the ioih of March, as the store is to be Ofed for other purposes. The work and materUl are of the finest <*nali;y, and wSU be warranted as such. Any doubts as to the shove statement will easily be dispelled by celling at the « v AUI?ROOMS. No. 45 South SECOND Street- above Chestnut. And examine the goods, which will be *oM at ••Gnslt” and will fchow for themselves. J. G. K >3bS, fe2o-6t Manufacturer. NEW LIGHT. The would Inforaitlio public that they hay* introduced in Si» «l* fisw Donating sJvantages over all others Innae. via: PIC TURE i taken by this Light are more life-like and na tural. Children are taken almost Instantaneously, say In two seconds. The superior and artistic finish of the Picture* taken by this M*bt defy competition. WEiSMaK A CO.* Photographers* fee v&if* 81* A&Qg Street DJMOVAL.—JAMES H OA9TLE, I* Attorney acd Conveyancer. has removed his Offt>e to 80. 115 S« FIFTH Street, below Chestnut, felfi-lm* KOTIOE—THE FOLLOWING -CEB TIFICATBS of STOCK in the New York and Middle Coal Fit Id Railroad and Coal Oomi>any having been lost or mislaid, the undersigned wodl'd hereby give notice that he has made application to the Company for tour of new Certificates: Ceitificate No, 888 for 820 shares. Do. do 579d0.500 do. Do. do- S36do. 20 do. Ills liiaST - i. iiWSOfl £X6XSB,Qa»ail>*nl»ar(.3fr. NEW BOOKS. HAND-MADE PAPER. D 4 MASK PAPER ALH 4MBR k A PAPER, | LINEN PAPER l PAPER. and Letter Paper, y— Initials Stamped sratta tow Stationery, vered <BN, 1308 CHESTNUT. PLANTATION BITTBRS. -^va^V.V.VAV^ r fc vvwW».V-x^^ %%%%v%v _ Vk/ ._ Won the uny hooltal-the b&rf? Dattle-tcM-tte ■““•toa of the rleh ud humble Abode of (be poor—from the oflee end the u«red desk—from the mountain top. distant Talleys and far-off Islands of the ocean—from stmt nook and comer of the civilised world—ls pouring In the evidence of the astonishing effects of DRAKE'S FLAITiTIOh BITTERS. Thousands upon thousands of Utters like the tbUowitti may be seen at om oflces «* * • . t v. B J W>BB . tmT * Wis.. Sept. Iff* 1863. * aT# Jf* a ia the army hospitals for fourteen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, lU,, they care me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * * Three bottles restored my speech and cored me. * c * p * C. H. FLAUTH.” South Waxbaw. 0., July 28. wsa. ***** One yoona men, who had been slek and not eot of the house for two years with Scrofula and Ery sipelas, after paying the doctors oyer $l6O without bene fit* has been cured by ten bottle* of your Bitters. * « * EDWARD WQPUAT.T. » The following is from the Matron of the Union Home School for the Onlldren of volunteers: Havkjlbran Makbiok, Fiftt-Bhvh*th St. , t ■aw Yoai, Anzmt 2, 1863. f “Da Drakb: Tour wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect' One little girl, in particular, with pains in the head, loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaapoonfnl of Bitters a day. Her appetite Increased; strength and health followed. * * * * Respectfully. MRS. O. M. DByOB.” ***** I owe much to you. for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. REV. W. H. WAGH3ORSR, Madrid, H. Y.” "* * * Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend. ASA OUERIir, Philadelphia, Fa.” •’* * “ 1 have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching;** * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me. •- REV. J. 8. OATHOBH, Rochester, H. Y.” ***** Send ue twenty-four down more of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of which Is dally In creasing with the guests of our house. SYKES. CHADWICK. * CO.. Proprietors Willard’s Hotel, Washington, D. 0. ” '*** * * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hun dreds of our disabled soldiers with the most astonishing affect. G.W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Soldiers* Home, Cincinnati, O.” *** * * The Plantation Bitters have eared me of liver complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate and bad to abandon my tmnincaa. H. B. EI-NGBLEY, Cleveland, 0. 11 ••* • v The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. C. C. MOORS, Agent for Colgate fr Co., 264 Broadway,- 1 In., fro., fro., fro., fro., fro. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature’s great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Wtatergreen, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, frt., all preserved In perfectly pure St. Croix Rum. S- T.-1860.-X. Persona of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, fr«», deserve to suffer if they will not try them. ; Thoy are recommended by the highest medical autho rities, and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Votigb.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. We only put It up In our log-cabin bottles. Beware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, and signature on iteel-Plate side labels. Bold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable * !olrtL P. H DRAKE * 00., ocl3-Rtn&tV4m 4Q» BROADWAY. N. Y. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. gHAW & COFFIN, IMPORTERS, 19 FARE PLACE AND 1C MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK. Have in store and constantly receiving direct from Manufacturers i BURLAPS, .11 width,. FLOOR CLOTH CANVAS, 4,6, and 8 yard,. BAGGING-, in Bond, or Export. CANVAS PADDINGS, HEMP CARPETING, BED PADDINGS, TOWELS, DIAPERS, SHEETINGS, AO. FLAX AND JUTE YARNS, FOR OARPBT MANUFACTURERS. For sale on favorable terns. feTUm MILLINERY GOODS. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. P. A. HARDING & CO., Respectfully Inform the mercantile community that they will open, FEBRUARY lOtb, 1864, AT No. 413 IBCH STBSST, A COMPLETE STOCK OF STJKAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, Salted to the trade* and trust that prompt and careful at tention, moderation is prices* good assortment, together with their long experience In business, (having been for the laet seven years with the house of Lincoln* Wood, A Nichols, and their successors* Wood A Gary,) they may merit a Bhare of the public patronage* 49" Orders solicited by mail and promptly executed. feMmif ARMY GOODE. QOFFIN & ALTEMUS, No. s*s*o CHESTNUT STREET, Have on hand and for sale - ARMY DOMBT ALL-WOOL BLUE FLANNELS. feie-et JOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FtJBmSIIBRS, 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and Gompany tFlags, swords, Saehes, Belle, Pageants* Epaulettes* Hats, Caps* Can teens, Haversacks* Camp Kits, Field Glasses* Spurs* and. everything pertaining to the couplet© outfit .of Army an& Nary Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the tr%de. , felQ-lm 1864. 1864. FUBLOUGHS. Officers and soldiers, visiting the city on.furlough, needing s W OB D 8 And,other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS c*e.lnvlted to the very- extenaive MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT OF G,£a W. SIMONS- &. BRO., sansom-stkeet hall, SANSOM Street, above Sixth. PHESENTATION HWOItDS Made ta order at the shortest notice, which for rich nets and magnificence cballcnge.competition. no other house in the country the MaAUFACTURING JfBWSiSS WITH THE PRACTICAL S WORD MAKES. ia23']>m ' A RMY SHIR'IS AND UNDER CLD -£*- THIKG at SLOAN'S, fe3B-35* eOfl-KARKE f Street. Q. MV. SIMONS <& BROTHER, "4NEOM-STSE3T HALL. PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OK JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS IN. EVERY VARIETY. suffi-ÜBm piOTSHNGHAM <ft WEL.I-S * HATS FOB SUB, HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT BHEBTINGB AND SKIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. . „ CAMBRICS AND AND CORSET JEANS. E». l» faORSTRD YARN. Ac. f segtftf "HEATON & DENCKLA,HARDWARE JLI Commission Merchants, SOT COMMERCE and OXO NORTH fitr<ets. offer for rale: Aiohor Brand hails; Plymouth MUI Rivete. W AB. Butcher s Oast Steel; Eagle Cabinet Locks* Putn im's Hone Nails; Locke's School Slates. Copper* Braes, end Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. Alt-o, a foil assortment of American Hardware. frfi-ftmif pi ICQUOT CHAMPAGNE. VV 100 cuius WIDOW CLICQUOT PONSARDIN OF BEIMB just received, and for sale to the trade at the Agent’* priees. Also. - *“ No. s*ol South FRONT Btrt*t- WANTS* A gentleman of oonsidera experience tll the Retail Dry Good, Beelneie la an interior lotra In Pennsylvania Is open for an an- Si?, ns 11 * iP-St w HOLE3ALk CLoTH orBET <»JpDB 1 “* Ba * ll9h - idrwa it* reir-i,,. Jwss BBOS - A situation wanted by a ■*"*-Your* Man whi re he can make himself irenerali. useful. Packerpreferrod Esfareuca furnlslfed 6 Ad T dress *‘E. W . ” Bog 181 Phlia R t ; . fa!7-wfa st> A T BUSINESS AGENOY AND EM PLOTUBKT BOUSE for cLtr country —n number of well recommended men and girls. Prateutmu and Cattoltc*, farm frauds, cooks, chambermaids, s-am stresses, waitresses, purges, laundresses, and girls for genet at housework &Oft and 80 k LCGCFdT Sirest, above SIGBTB. fal»*2t* T>OY WANTED—IN THE COUNTING -Cr House of a large Manufacturing Establishment; an active, intelligent boy quick at figures, about 15 years old. Address Bo* 2343 Philadelphia Post Office, in the handwriting of applicant, feis-6t PARTNER WANTED, WITH A A cash capital of (15.000. to join a practical manufoctu rer (who has a quantity of machinery) lathe Manufac ture of Cctton and Woolen Goods Knowledge of the hußlnpsß not required, address “H, W - .,” Bos 139 Post Office. PHILADELPHIA. fel7-«* TO APOTHECARIES —WANTED, AT the EPISCOPAL HOSPITAL,ia well educited prnc APOTHEOABT. Application to be made atINo 14ti8 CHESTNUT Street It THE ADVERTISER, PROM MANY t, • JV*™' experience In this and other cities tu the SnerVM* EXCHANGE, and STOCK-COMMISSION « u *v ■“k®* *ossesree a thorough knowledge of coaduct lsg the same, and Would like to form a connection with a patty willing to famish capital f»r the purpose of opening a Banking and Sioek-Comisls«i<ra Home lathe city of New York at an early date. The most sarisfac tor? references given, and unusual inducements offered. Replies, with real name, stating amount of capital and other particulars, addresKed to ‘'Banker,*' Press Office, wi» meet with oarlr atleoilon, fs!7 IQt* TIT ANTED—A BE LI ABLE AND AC . w.i BYY, to run errands. Apoly at TO North FOURTH Street 10 to U o’clock. It WANTED—At INTELLIGENT BOY . in Conn ting Room. Business, Commission Ad*’ areas GH. I. at Press office, stating residence, refe rences, ana wages required • 2t* ' WOOLEN MACHINERY WANTED^ f * —I want to buy ore full net of Woolen Machinery,- and also to r*nt one »et for immediate me. Adires* *P. A. M Press office. f«-20-St* WANTED—AN EDUCATED YOUNG ** L«ov, as Assistant in aPabllc Library, a large Dumber of whose visitors are Ladies a graduate of the Girls' Fish rehool preferred. Saiary at first S2OJ Ad - cieFS. with referexcss. Box IPO2P O. t WANTED—A SALESMAN, WITH "t good country connection, for Boys’Clothing ex clusively. One already under an engagement in the Men’s Clothing Department might advantageously com linetbaiwo. Aipiy by letter BoxlQgQP. O fe2Q »mtb3t* W ANTED - CLOTHING.—PERSONS * * having Clothing to dispose of will please call on or addrefs O. MILLER, jafi-tutheSm* Ko. aog CHESTNUT Street, W ante D—a young lady "* accustomed to tinting Photographs. Apply at TO* ARCH Street feW-3t WANTED—A GOOD PAPE RRULER. ** Also, a BOY to feed a Balia r Machine. Anplyto W. T. MUftPuY * BOfiM, fe)3-3t* 339 CHESTNUT street. 'WAN TED—A P RACTIC AL G AR * ’ BENER, to tike charge of the lawn and fruit, and to assist tu >be vegetable garden. One who is master of his business and can corue well recommeudei w ll hear of a good place by addressing Box No 1295 Philadelphia Post ifflce, with references fa IS st* WANTED —IN WHOLESALE NO TION HOUSE a competent BOOKKEEPER: one who is willing to make himself generally useful. Refer* encfts rttiuired. Address •• 8., ’’Press Office Also, a f-mari, active LAD. from 16 to IB years of age. Address as above. • fei6-6t* W»N 7 ED— AN ASSISTANT SALES MAN in a Pomerttc Commission House. Address **P. 0., Box No. »683* with references, fe!6 6t* WANTED—A FEW ERIE OITY v " and County BONDS. * Erie Catal Bonds of Erie, Pennsylvania. Also, 10,000 North Branch Canal Bonds, for which the highest price will be paid by C. B. WRIGHT & CO., 14A South THIRD Street, fe9-12t Opposite the hxchanxe. (fIJQ nnn —WANTED, a PARTNER vt\J • by a Morocco Manufacturer. Address, with name. >t y.,”fmg office. It* ©7A A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE nP • AGENTS in every County, at $75 a mouth, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines Address S. MADISON,AIfred,Me. Cfel2 d£W3m J A MONTH I—l Want Agents at wG paid, to sell my Everlasting Pencils* Oriental Burners, and 13 other articles. 15circu lars sent/ree. JOHN F. LORD, Blddeford, Me. ja27-2m WANTED—STORE AND DWELL JEiiING, the Store large f ize, snUable for a firet-c 1 a«s Grocery Store, between Kprace and Gre«n. Tenth and Twenty-first St. Address, 1 House, M office of the Press, stating where located and rent,for one weak. fe2Q fit* M WANTED TO RENT—BY THE Ist of March, a three-story DWELLING with three* itorv back-buildings, situate between Tenth and Twen tleih ana Spring Garden and Brown streets. Address* givicg location and rent. Box 1476, P. O. fe4-tbstul2t MWANTED-FOB THE SUMMER, a moderate- sized ParnlshedßHmise at CHE VPNTJT HILL. Address BRISKY G. SMITH, fe!s 6t* Mo GQS WALNUT Street, (second floor.) A WANTED—A FARM, OR UOUN if TKY SEAT, in tho vicinity of DABBY, Delaware couity, or within 8 miles of the city, west; from 60 to *2oacres. Address, for one week, “Amy Contractor,” Press rfflco. fe2o-2t FOR SALE AND TO LET. O LET. THB 3r, 3d, AND 4th FLOORS OF THE LARGE AND SPACIOUS BUILDING, FRONT AND BACK, Lately occupied by Bfeassrs. Howell & Brother, Nos. 622 Chestnut and 615 Sansoni Sts., Apply on the premises. JJOARLING SCHOOL, COUNTRY SEAT, AND CO ACRES OF WEIiE-IMPROYED LAND, Near WEST GROVE, Chester County, Pa.. H. 5 miles from Station on Baltimore Central Railroad. Tn« improvements are a Brie* House, 15 rooms; rrame Earn, spring Rouse. Green House, and other out build ings ; aho School House, well furnished with books and cabinet cases The land la well watered, good fences; the soil has been trench-ploughed, sub-soiled, and under-drained, and is in a very _ PRODUCTIVE CONDITION, l'ruit trees and small fruits in great variety,now in bearing; rare and handsome shade, evergreens, and shrubbery, &c . not surpassed by any in the county. The prenent owner ha* been over twenty years im proving, planting Ho. tend for register of country seats, Price #6 000, GgO N. TOWNSES) D At GO., at >13334 South FOURTg Street. /■'tOAL YARD FOB SALE—THE BEST A/ fitted-up Yard In the city. Capacity for doing any amount of basinets Inquire at No. 957 North NINTH Street, below Girard avenue. Terms easy. fe2Q 6t* dh/infA WILL BUY A SAFE, DESl established Cash Bahinesa, requiring hnt tmall capital. Protect proprietor obliged to lea re the city. fddreftS M- MASON, /*reyg office * lv* m FOB SALE.—NEW COTTAGE ON .■Blithe Delawaie, with Gas, Water, and Beaters. Pi azzas front, side, and back, on both stories. Horse cars pass the door every hour. Ten minute's walk from the st< am car station and five from the steamboat landing. Call at INGBAH’S TEA Store, 43 South SECOND Street. lt*_ gp TO RENT—A DESIRABLE RBSI- Beal DINCB, containing 12 Chamber*, now being pnt in c< inplete order, situate at No. 33 Son'h SIX fBENTH Str»ot» n»ar Chestnut street. Apply to ROBERT MAC GREGOR. 419 WALNUT Street U COUNTY FARM FOR SAJjE. VALUABLE DELAWARE COUNTY FARM. Cootninisg *‘B acres gf excellent laud, a portion vrood lend and a portion meadow. The improvements are beautifully located on tbe- Darby and Sprlntfiald road, about £CC yards from the passenger railroad, aod conve nient tc the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, at Dnrby-road station, 6 miles from the city; large atone mansion, containing 11 rooms, including bath, Ac., ar ranged in modern etyle, and beantifui'y located on a lawn, planted in fruit and shade trees. Doublfl-itoored barns, c^rriag*-house, and all necessary out bn.ildi.ng6. The tract is nicely Wateted by springs and two streams of water; abundance of fruit This firm is among the best in tbe market. Persona wishing to view the farm Will he shown by the OWJier. T. L BARTH AM. on 'he pre mises JAMBS K CUMMINS. Media. GEO. N. TO VNSBSD * CO.. fe2o-*mw4t 15»3>a South FOURTH Street. gift FARMS 1 FARMS!! FARMS!!! FARMS!!!! If y< u are tif sirons of selling your FARM, please send me aft 11 and fair description, with price and terms. If you want to_puxcba«e a FARM, call or send fora copy oi the Real Estate Jieoister. sent gratis jn my Register can be found a large numb©’ of Dwol lingd, Aioro*. BullUifcg Lots, Farms, Country Seats. Mijje, Timber Laods, *o., fire*, of <<very description and price, both FOR SALE and to EXCHANGE. Prim, t attenih n given to selling Property at PUBLIC SALE. Send for DELAWARE COUNTY FARM REGISTER! Send tav CHE TER COUNTY FARM REGISTER'. Send for PENNSYLVANIA FARM REGISTER! Send for DELAWARE FaBBI REGISTER! Send for MARI LAND FARM REGISTER! GEO. N. TOWNSEND & CO., EEAL ESTATE BROKERS AND CONVEY AN CEB 3, ftai.nw2t l*3?i South FOURTH street, Phtlada. A FOB, SALE—A VERY CHEAP .SEFRUIT FARM, of 28 acres, 1 % miles from Madia. Delaware count I *. Pa. The land ie A No. 1; the house 1* frame, comfortable. &c„ but not extra. The bam and out build lags are fair. The water cannot bo excelled. Femes good. Six acres of valuable chesfcuufc timber. Good young auple orchard, andothsr fruit. The house is aarroundfed by large shade trees. Cd ! 1, or t-end your address for a catalogue of iJoiawftra county farm,. J. R. Pea)ja GEO. N. TOWNSEND A CO. f t 2fl l&i 1 ,. Sonth FOURTH Stmt. «a»>- FOR SALE VERY LOW—2B7 SICaCK-S of LAND In Sullivan, ootaiy, Peansylva ni», very heavily timbered. Also several thousand screa k Iron Ore. Cali at joy office for L#.Ny« ! 5T T f OW3SRND & CO., Jt Fornh. FOURTH Stre-.t. 0k PEREMPTORY PUBLIO SALE «£» Will he sold &t Public 'Sale onFUTDAV P-h - B 1 E ij -MALL°FARM ** v ' oa <h* Premlsea, a a ®sr. lion, on theNoith* Railroad, iu Moreland tvwr sjlp. Montgomery ©ouaty. Pa., adjoining lacd* of Bt-pjauaii Morgan, «nd. others. Tlie ‘•mpr-tvf.ments c cu eist of atwo-itoTf Bto A© House and Kitchen, frame wa« g«n-house. and other o Q t-buU(lin»B inilk vaults, pump* lihd well of water, There is an onshW of apple asd other troes; *Jso, a small lot of Wood Lend. Tbe balance of the land is arab a Tha soil is or esce lent qu»lUi,\ and In a good state of cultivation. A part of it »b we\i adapted for early trucking, having a southern a fertile, mellow soil. A stream Of water parent throuihthe premises. • ... A This is a f«y desiTable fa*m. being la a hoalthv ana U *pcct&hjftnelgbhor>oor. convenient mills. Plnd linifi ktlne.with a post oat WilloW Grove, and i tugcs running to the Rsilroad citation twice a day, Iw .aeaiat© possession will be erven. • K - K ' Auv Information concerning the premises can be ob tuiuwl of the undersigned, by i-.fcter 0 j,°, 8 MIT a. Agent for the Owner. Hi* STIKBBON VALLEY, Feb. 11. 1864 f<2o 2t {XF BEIMEB'S COLOBED PHOTa \J aBAFHBfor slltis snperfiuous to apeaki the publio know and appreciate their worth; ttay are dally Incxeas- Xts 1 u ropufarlty. SECOND S: rtM, above ir amusements. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIO, w GERM AM OPERA. Mr , WkgßjkpTON’S BIRTHDAY, February 22, 1864, wnich oceeelozi the Company will have the henor t ' ie this eeaeou. Von Wet>ar*n grand romantic t/pera, in three aots. of OBkßvJt ¥ ' 9 ' •* Witb Hi«Jhllotrlng tin.tinalied caet: Gbeton, KUff of tosEifi Rdidiau. Jitanla, Qneen »f the Bits hi. wife “ 9fad lI” ,"' Pack, arnrlt. U. Frederl,,. Hnon, of Fordeauff*- .....rHarr Hlmmer Scherasxninr 8f rvant. ,H*»rr Steiaeake. f aliff of Bagdad* Raimer Rfezia, his daughter**-***-* Ma Juhanasea, Fjitima, her friend ...Mtd’JloC*nlns%, Aimuneor. Pmir of Tunis.•*•■**••*•••**•••• ......BerirGraff, Roxana, hla wi.H.. tfad >rHnoaa.ti Buheksn, Prince of Persl»»*«*i**»«*r Hot Hoheele. Abdalluh. aplrAl'A.v ...ffy»* Kronfeld. coAd. f „ s^r».7^.tei3iBß«»* to the Opera, the* a.ttxe eouiprlHieK Hie company.together wjth e poworfai ofaprne, will etag the in r .n f,TAK KS*AN(,LEE-BANNER, in hoooror the >nni«jsary of t7uhlHKKnt'« Birthday. Peroo« ISSi-'t'r.T 3 ? t»SXT QPBRA NI3HT. •»« F * mUr 6 o^clork I Cli at 7}£ PoforntTucb to comzneuoe at the Academy street! oral e y * felftW SATURDAY, Pabraary GRAND Mf.TINRs When the splendid Opera of ' 6TRADELLI will be given. Doors open ai2; at 3 o cock. Tickets 60 cents to £M parts of the honS^flt* AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. “BATTLE OF‘alm'3BoßG " T By request of several citizens. t&9 above Intorsstlng Lecture, graphically and tbrilllngly describing the yreav Battle of the War will be HE »TEB by Rev. JOHN B WARMER, of On TDBbDAY EVENING, the 23dinot. rickets 26 oentn - Rwerved Seat 60 '• For sale at MaRTJEN’s, 006 Street, and ?J5 Academy only on the day and ereniag of the uee »*?■ .Po° ra open at 7>£ Lecture to commenc-t at 8 oolocjt ' felOfft TAMES E. MURDOCH'S v IART READING, THIS EVENING, AT MUSICAL FUND HALL, Will consist of the following selections: Extracts front fcerond Samnel, embraclr g the de*th of Absalom, to which will be added a poem, entitled ABSALOM by N P. Willis Jesele Brown orthe Pipes at Lucknow.. J G. Whittier’ ' Extracts from Hamlet; seeoe between Hamlet and hia Father rGhoßt: also, the eplilofiay of Kiay Gleaafa. oa «.» efflcony of prayer ...ShaSupeiir*. lh e eLlo n nraid H «lto,ovo'..-.V.:V.V.: L^r.^ Catawba Wino^!“. f ™“ SSSSigKf• The Sleeping Sentinel, by particular refinent. On Board the Cumberland..... *^2B?" Extract from a aermon before the Voinntear.. Bristol, hnaiendi In prospect of Invasion by ihe (list Nan ilenn iubject-The Bnly of the citizen Soldier In -■ rha SnaSr- 4 The Light Brig «ie, orthe Charge of theblx HfindrJdfI*' 1 *' The Oath :an in vocation to patriotism..T. Bachanaa'Bead Tickets, with Reserved (eats, may be hid by ennWinv early, at ASBMVAD A EVANS’, 753 4- C HEVTNIJf Street A lew Reserved Seats will be sold at the Door. u* /CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT BT, '-'ABOVE TWELFTH. But airament or MB. DE COBDOVA, The popular and celebrated HUMobons LEOTOBEK AND POET. TO OrIVJJ , • A Coarse of Three of his moat, POPULAR LECTURES. First Declare THURSD aY» Fob. tftfe Subject.- CO CRTS HI t* AND MiRRIAHB. etcoud Lecture- - --- THURSDAY, March 34 Sat| l ect MX. PEKKIHS’ CH&ISr&US IHStfBX, Tale of .hotldr.) THUB'DaY, March 10th. OUR FIRS P BABY„ (A Tale of Home ) Third Lecture. Subject... Tickets for the Course SI, Single admission 50c. For sale at the Principal Stores and office of the HaU Doors open at 7 Lecture at 8 o’clock. fs22 4k CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. LEONARD GROVER MANAGER. THIS (Saturda,) AFTERNOON, at 2 o’clock. SECOND FAMILY MATINEE ENTEKTAIMBNT. Cftret given on Saturday l*at wae a genuine sneceoM Doori open at 2 o’clock. Commence 2W. ALL THAT GLITTERS IS WOT GOLD A3TD * THE LOTTERY TICKET . THIS EVENING. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Commence >,£ to 8, FINE OLD ENGLISH GENTLEMAN AMD ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD. Admission to the Matinee is 00 cents to all parts Of tlx# home; two tickets admit three persons; children. 25 cfcs. ; family circle. 25 cents. No seats memd. Inthe evening, prices as n^nal WALNUT STBBBT THEATBBi TT THIS {BATDEDAY) EVENING. Feb 20, the beautiful, talented, able young Actress. LUCILLE WESTERN, who will appear in Charles Dickens' it as ter "piece. • OLIVER TWIST; or. The Parish. Boy's Progress. Nancy Sykes.... ~.r Miss Lucille Western. O-vertnTe under the direction Of Dr. W, P, CUQnington. To conclude with the lauihahle Fkrce of THE POST OF HONOR. Box Office open from 9 till 3 Doors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rises at 7)a. TVfBS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARC;- - "A STRERT THEATRE SIXTH NIGHT OF MISS RICHINGS. _ AND BNGLJSf- OPEfa-A COMPANY. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, Feb. 20. ISM TAB BHOkMIAJf GIRL ARLINE... MISS CAROLINE RIOHINGS Count Arnhelm.... Mr. E. Kerain Thaddeus - Mr. W .T. BiH To conclude wiih the thrilling Drains of DICK TURPIN AND TOM Klr*G. Tom Kina Barton Hill. Dick Turpin Mr Frank Aiken. Jackey Gooseygreen Stoat t Rob*oa Curtain rises-at 7# o'clock. _M® THE great picture ■V . AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE ROOM For a abort season. COMMENCING THURSDAY, FBBRUARY 26, 1661. J. Insco William* celebrated PANORAMA OF THB BIBLE. This is the most complete and finished Painting of the Sacied Scripiurts in the world, comprising over fifty of tie moit SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCBNBB Of the first three thousand years of Biblical Hls'ory* forming altogether one the flneat exhibitions of the age! OP* a EVERY EVENING at half past 7 o'clock. Admission 26 cents, N. B. Matikees on Wednesday and Saturday after noons. at 3 o’clock. Ac mission for Children IB centß. fe!9 2m pONC*BT HALL. CHESTNUT Street, above TWELFTH. MONDAY EVEBING, Februarylfith, AND EVERY EVENING DURING THB WEEK. BECOJND WEEK—TRIUMPHANT 8003888. Three changes of Programme again this week. TWO NEW STARS. Mr. CHAS. MELVILLE, the favorite balladist. Mr. OTIS H. CARPER, the astonishing Tenor. MORRIS MINSTRELS, * The best band in the world. From their Opera House, Boston. Patronized by the elite of BEAUTY, FASHION AND RESPECTABILITY. The Hall is crowded nightly. See for yourself. COME EARLY TO OBTAIN SEATS. Look out for the laughable burlesques this week. THE BOYS FROM DaVENPO&C, lOWaT THE VETERAN AND THE STRANGER, New Songs, Jokes. Acts, and Farces. Cards of Admission 25cen*g. Doors oper atSßo'oloek; to commence at 7&. CHARLES A. MORRIS. Manager. tel6-6t* fJREAT NATIONAL CIBOU3 V* TROUPE, MARKET Street, above Twelfth, LAST WEEK BUT ONE. Directress, Mrs. CHARLES WARNER, formerly Mrs. dan bice. POPULAR ENTHUSIASM still attends the performances of the GREAT CLASSIC SHOW, and there is no doubt that the institution wojild retain Its popularity throughout the year, but It must close In a very short time. Those who like a PALATABLE DISH OF FUN should not fail to avail themselves of the present oppor tunity. 4 * Be wise to day. ’tie madness to defer. ” MATINEES ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AF* TERNOONB. Admission 25 cts; stage seats 5Cc; private boxes $3; gallery 15 cts Commencing at 2>£ o'clock each Afternoon; Evening, 7.40 Benefit of Mr. and Mrs WHITTAKER on THUfiSDAY EVENING, 25th Inst. felfi 6t TEMPLE of wonders. *- ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH and UHBBTNUT StcmM. WILL SHORTLY CLOSE. MAGICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL EXFFHIMBHTB: Great Power* of YESTTBILOQUISM. and tb. 2BAB*SS Canary binds. SIGNOR ELITE will appear In bia popular Entertain menta EVERY BVENISG, enmmenelnf tA,7ii- tas& WEDNESDAY and SATUBD AY AFTERNOON at S. Admleslon 26 cents: children 16 cent,. ial-tl THE INVENTORS OF AMERICA, a BY C. SOHUSSBLL. and FRITH’S BERBT BAT. the most interesting PAINTINGS ot the day, ON EXHIBITION VC& A SHORT TIME. AT SABLE’S G ALTvEEIES,. 816 CriS4r»UT «TRSST. ADMISSION TWBN t*Y-I ZVR O&NTS faJ»-12t PENNSYLVANIA AOADEStV A THB Plffß A 711*8. IM9 CKBSTHTTT STUM*. OPJSIf DAILY fSuuimre frcsi 9 A. M. t>: IP. M. AdxDisalon 2feent». Children half prt««. ROST AND VOUIIU. T GST—A CERTIPIOA/’E OF* 5 PER CE£T. LOAN OP BTATB OF. PBJ*NB YLVAff [A* for $516.05, dated M*rch 2Q 1330, J3o. 'ffW, la name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Oilifie&i.e of 5-pec cent. Loan of State or Pennsylvania, wy.tlie earn of 4200. dated June 30. 1845, H0.J402. in/the n&m& of ELI K. PRICE. administrator o? Wiliam Mwedlth ia trat. Ap piic&tloD has been. made tUe AndU©»*-*3>eoertvl for a to nerral of said CerHU-jatoa felo-3in ELI K PRICE, No. 50 ARCH Street. INSBRA3CE COMPANIES “P ETC BN CP THE B.O? A U IN3-U-; XV RANCE COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL. Jvxb S&iefik ... . CAPIT.-tf, bTOCIv *I4**9O,OOUU Cash on hand atlin Bank "MS* lstate * W. 827 rath in hands of Agents* •••• U&ijjßff United States StooVa held inKa-vr York 620,711 Loan* secured by Bonds r«* * **o63 421 Loans secured by Life Ponclaa..*»v tfl ,200 Sundry Groat 3rjteiu. 770,685 Loan on Stocks ’with ot lS to 20 per cent. 1,37- 027 Totala*jet3 £5 IPS 040 Flro In»urr.aico.F*emlnias, 1,041,240 Losses pai ' 738.960 Los.ea a»at....v.. 1i.4'45 Pivtten&leelamd* abjnt.. 165.130 jExpcnrpv 488.569. LinwUfcee. besides losses mentioned above. Bonder *d*Vll acoiTints, and three months' on '7 .oGoverimesl, not yet due 36,896, fei3*s?.fcm>6fc INSURANT -*• No. 40ft CHBS' PHILADI PI.HR AND iSLiI __ _ THH.KC Trails If. iAuofc, OUariee RlvoardbOn« Lo-wis, V. W. Davts P. 8 Jufiii**, Oeorso A. Wp«t. FBaNOIBJS.. CJHAS. KICHj W. I. Bi,AKOimri>. B«araf.n A.TEBIALS FOR MIN OB PIES. *OSOH, LATIK. AS® SOItTAMA BUSIB9, OITBOS. CSBBAHTB. AHD SHOW. OX* ZB, WISES. (<».. ft. AI. BERT O. ROBERTS, De&lflr In 91m OroaorfM* ion* BLEVBHTH »4 VISE Rtr«»i.- efgtmm COBJBECT P14.N0 I’ttNINK ffTfr- Mr. C K. BASQBN9M Orders for Tasbt and JWB.noa are roeetoed at MA.SOtf & 00. t Store. 909 CBBSTHU F Street, on^f, Sir B. baa kadelevea years’ factory experience in to £«?,a d A™ eianloymeat in Philadelphia SPECIAL —Pianos ttUaUitred to sound as *ofi m.* ewoet -toned as nev. without removing. Terms #br Timing, 01. §JOHN L. CAPEN, PHUKNOLO. aiEßf, mitetnlUlMi andSVaStNO.on adaptation to Bnsinsae, and Profession; on the Improvement of healths eorrecwon or fault*. formation of Yrlandshlna Ao. Foil Ido atriptionß of eiaraotor fiv«>:ii when required at no. >§• a. TtBTH htroat. atmoa Dhostmit. asS-Oiatnaniif N"EW DBIED APPLES—IOO BBLS. "» Drtri ***•■ wiuuxjL 10T Booth. WaTBB Strut. OE COMPANY, iTBfDT BTK3BT, BLPHIA il*J) inStTS-AWOK TOR Johi Robert & Potf**» Jofcji Eeaßlar, Jr. B. W Woodrntf, CUa'las Stoke*, D JSlllß.- BO*'i2-. Preaidant. . AEt&SOU* Vice
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