SPECIAL NOTICES. Know Thyself. BT 'CUB BABB OF TOWER BALK. "Kan, know that pwwpt Has "been revered la everj m«j # la Greece and Egypt bo*b. the lin® Was deemed of origin dvine. High on the portico enrolled, la letters of ref^*‘“‘ '{fJVea ?id"”e*phH" ophen »PP'“«- The Bom** »>» rd «*• s.credwort iZ h£ immortsl verse traaeferred ; jjoderhtimeofc® ^ll o* disdained Tbe wiedom la that scroll contained. 3ut if yooraelf j OU wish to kttOW. Attention to yonr dress beetoW; Tonrdind and person scrutinise ' "With sober and impartial eyes. And what yon lack, discreetly scan. TTo make yourself a psr:ect man. And If external charms yon need, *xq Tower Hall at once proceed. For every outward blemish there Bennett and Company repair Military Clothing of all blade and grades An hand and ruiade to order. Balance of winter et-ick closing oat at rt £>piV*s#. TO WE it HALL, 518 MARKET Street, n BENNETT & CO. Avoid the Dangers of a Cough—Take "Dr. S wayne’s Compound Syrup Wild Cherry. ” ••Dr. Sweyne’sCompound Syrup Wild Cherry. ’• "Dr. Swayne’s Compound or rap w»d cte» ry **Pr. Swaycd'sCompound Symp Wi'J 9f xArt JL‘ii "Dr. Swayne’s Compound Sjrur '*' Jd We will guarantee it has caxed more Cou>, ... ... in neglected ca^es, than any other medicine. E pu - J “ V.,. Th-oat «"*■ seated Fata apa Opp--- *• a ~ Hoareene.w, Night Sweat., i. * _ g tg[ m iny eM6 , ex _ manentcases. It ? Pr SWAi NB*SOtr, 330 SSiTHSSI FMaLph l *. hold b, Druggists. fei3-lt ‘ . ‘ Bryant Stratton, & Co.’s National nnIttSIEEDIAL COLLEGE. S. B. corner of 6EVS3TH fed CHESTNUT streets.-Instruction in Bookkeepiaf. Comnsercial Law. Commercial Calculations Business Penmanship. Bnsineis Correspondence and Telegraph ing. both day and evening Tnose desiring a aonnd business education should examine the faciliies afforded at this Institution before entering upon a Course of stndy at any other. folS-2t Certificate.— Gray Hair K ..stored, without Byelrg—Baldness Preven ed * “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.” "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.” ‘•London Bair Color Restorer and D.-e-.siog ” * 1 London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ” I am happy to add my testimony to the great value at the “London Hair Color Restorer.” toree bottles of Which res tored my hatr. which was very gray, to its original dark color, and the hne appears to be perma nent. I am Baliaded that this prepare!’on ts nothing lilts ft dye, but operates npen the secretin as. It u also a beautiful hair dressing, and promotes the growth. I purchased the first bottle from Hr. Garrignes, Druggist, Tenth and Coates, who can also testify my hair was very gray when I commenced its use MRS MILLER, Ho. *3D N. NINTH Street Pnila.* Sold by Dr, SWATHE dr SOIL No 330 N. SIXTHS!., Philadelphia. Price CO cents. Six botdes, f l 80. It Colgate’s Honey Soap. This celebrated TOILET SOAP. !n such universal de- mand. Is made from the choicest m*vriaU,i« mild and -emollient in its nature, fragrantly sea ted. and extreme. ly beneficial In Its action npon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers. jaifi-tathsly One Fetch Clothing, of tbs Latest BTVI.S3, made In the Best Manner, exprra.l* t>r EE PAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices mirk el in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Onb-Pbice Ststem Is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. de2S ly JONES A CO , GO 4 MARKET Street. Kendall’s Amboline, 108 THE Hilt AMDOLINE MOISTENS. BEAUTIFIES. ODORATEB, LENGTHENS, INVIGORATES. NOURISHES, RMRET.T.IRWEg THE HAIR. _ A PCRSLT VEGETABLE COMPOUND, made entirely am stimulating extracts of SOOTS, HERBS, AND FLOWERS. Prevents the hair falling ont or from turning proma - .arely gray. Ladies who desire a luxuriant head of air should not fail to give the AMBOLINS a trial Price *1 per box, containing two bottles. ; PKBPABBP ONLY BY KENDALL b CO., BOS BROADWAY. New York. AOEHTS IS PHILADELPHIA, JOHNSTON. HOLLOWAY, S COWDEN. de7-mws3m. No. 33 North SIXTH Street. Dr. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. DR. WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. DR, WISTAS’S BALSAM OF WILD CHSBSY. DB. WISTAB’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY DE. WISTAB’B BALSAM OF WILD CB3RKY. DB. WISTAR’S BALSAM ul v WILD CHERRY. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR , COUGHS, COEDS. WHOOPING- COUGNfBROBCHITIS, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING. ASTHMA. H..AUSS HESS. SORE THROAT, CROUP, AND EVERY AFFEC TION OF THE THROAT, LUNGS. AND CHEST. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONY ■From Rev. Feancis Lobdsll. Pastor of the South Con gregationai Gliurcb, Bride-port, Connecticut: BnimiEPORT, January 21,1534. Messrs. Seth W. Fowls St Co. .* Gextlemen: I consider it a duty which lowa fo suf» faring humanity to bear testimony to the virtues of Dr. Wistak's Balsam or Wild Chekry. I have used it— wbeu I have had occasion for any remedy for Coughs, Colds, or Bore Throat—for many years, and never, in a instance, has it failed to relieve and cure me. I hav©_frt<lttslt#7 been very hoarse on Saturday, and looked forward to the delivery of two lenuoason the following day with sad misgivings, but, by a liberal use of the B< Isam, my hoarseness has invariably been re moved, and I have preached without d fficnlcy. I commend it to my brethren in the ministry, and to public speakers generally, as. a certain remedy for the bronchial troubles to which we are peculiarly exposed. Entirely unsolicited I send you this fcestimon’al, which you are at liberty to use in any way yon choose. Per harslii© Balg*n> does not affect all persons alike, but it always removes my hoarseness, and fits me for the minis ter’s bard-working day—th* Sabbath. > Very truly yours, PROM PETER CANNON, ESQ., ff " General Agent of the Sussex Railroad Newtok, N. J.» January 21,1863. JHes&rS. Seth W. Foiole & Co : Ge>*tixmen: Having used Dr. Wistar’s Balsam op "Wild Cherry in my family, with treat advantages, for year*, in cases of severe colds, i most cheerfully give my testimony Of its efficacy, and recommend it to those who are suffering from Coughs, Colds, and Pulmo nary Diseases of long standing, as being a s tfe and re liable Temefly. fetse cannon. For sale by- J P DINBMORB, Ho. 491 BBOAD WAY, New York; S. W FOWLS h CO-* No. 18 TREMONT Street. Boston, And by all Druggists. fes-w*Bfc Electricity, by a Prysiotaw of long experience, and who hi* whole attention to its proper application, at 1418 SOUTH PENN SQTJABB* Philadelphia. Certificates, references, and examine* Hons/ree- ja3o-tf Hath Dye! Hair Dye 11 BATCHELOR’S celebrated HAIB DTE it the Beet in ike World. The only Harmless, True, and ReiiabU Dye known. This splendid Hair Dya is porfeet—changes Bed* Busty* or Gray Hair, instantly to & Qlosay Dfaoft or Ifatural Brown, without injuring the Hair or fiala tng the. Chin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful: lit* parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color* mud Testifies the 131 effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed William A. Batghblor; all others are mere imitation*, and should be avoided. Bold by all Druggists, *c. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street* 'New York. Bat«hsior T s new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. ll#*D Be. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment IS the remedy fbr Sores in the known world. Beady ! For Sale \ OUT TO-DATt THE SARI • THE EAR! 5 ITS DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT, BY BS. VON MOSCHZISKER ' MARTIN & BANDaLL, Publishers, 39 Souih SIX iH Street. The Popular Clothing House of Phila., “OAK HALL.” Best* class goods and moderate prices. WANAMAKEB St BROWN* S B. corner BIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) Vo. IS. Sixth Wheeler &Wilspn’s Highest yremixt. retOCK STITCMS SEWING-MACHINES. The Cheapest, Simplest, a>'d Best, Salesrooms, 7(H Chestnut Street above ‘7th. MABKIED. BRYANT-ALBRIGHT. -On the 2d instant, by Rev. D. W. Bartine. 1). D., Mr. lease 0. Bryant, Jr. * of 'Washington, D. C , to Miss Teresa Albright, of this FITZPATRICK—COLB —On the-2d tustaut- by the ■am*. Mr. William T. Fitzpatrick, of W&bhingcon, D. G., to Hiss Lizzie Cole, of this city. * HUNT—REED. —In Fottsyllle, on the 9th last., by Friends’ ceremony* Delaplaine Hunt, of this city, ana lfrdlie M. daughter oflsratlßeed, of Schuylkill county * 3DXES33- MOSB.—At Washinittcm.p. C., on Thursday, lltt in stant, of disease contracted m the series,Captain Wii ltamfc Moss, 119th Eegiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, those ofthe famil rare respectfully in yted “attend hl*.ftnaras from the r.siianw of Ms mother! H™3lsSouth Filth ettert. on Mmday mltain«n, 15th instant, at 2 o'clock, without farther notice. « CUPEB BLACK SILKS.— BESSON & SOB’S MOOEBIBO STOBB. Ho. 918 OHBSTNTTr Btrsst hare opened a now 6 toe it of enperßJack Stilus »1 25t0 *i 37« a, yard. .. .... Black all-woolMouseeltne, double width. ‘ •* Tamise Cloths. and White, Purple and Gray Chintzes. ' ‘ and White- striped and Plaid Ginghams. .. and White Delaines, SIX cants. Grenadine Veils. . ... Alexander's Black Sid Gloves, plain and emb’d.. Second-Mourning Balmoral Skirts. ja3o TJRIEKDL'X FOULARD SILKS. '■*“ Browns, White Figures. Modes, Small Figures. B.nes, Purples, and Blacks. Good Plain Silks $5 Black and Brown Silks. Spring Silks Opening. _JBYBE * LANDBLL. FOURTH aoi a.-CH Streets. ESSS* COkGREGATIOSAL SSS«^?S CH ’ LANKFORD fioad and MONT 9°I9W & r iSi?v“"?? eacllin * bv the Pastor, Key. D. ™ l 4°2 A i. M *s nd 7MP. M fecial serrieei contUneonext weelc. Preaching every evening, Bis- JS?i5. 1 ?l5H 4 iS?^?JiSlt , r^r illpaTtle J pa,e la *he exercises. Come and bring your friends yrlth tou. It SV. PAUL’S H E CHURCH. T^A A M H isdtV^m 6l, K bs il e sjxm-PrtMhinl at liH A.M»ana 7 P. M , by the Pastor. Converse tlonal meetisg at P.M The Missionary offering trillba received throughout the day. 1 y. a>J3fc CHITBCH OF THE IITBBCBIgOB. ScfT BPJtIBO OAHDEK .be ow bAS *j£C-lie£ Dr.CABDSfI will preach TO-MOSaow atioii 4 it “d *hlrdee rm ° n on “ The Pjtjee of Being,” Jauw*v*Wii<fc looai am m wouiu UyimT third reformed dutch corner TENTH and FILBERT Streets. WORTMABT, Pastor —Service TO-MOR BOW at 10K o'clock A. M., and 7>£ P. M. In the E7£« KIUG the Pastor will commence a conr&e of Sermons on the Book of Bather. ANMTJAI.MI SS lON A H.V SABBATH- P^WMffe F n H n BT W M V E , CHURUh“r.Vj. P. NEWMAN, D. D., of New York, will pre«cafttlO}£ A. M aud 7P. M. itbP. U., Addresses bvGol orb, GORY. Rev. Dr. NEWMAN, and U& Kstor! ReV. M 5. nUnlfa Igr®MOS M K CHURCH, FOURTH fcTST.v, below Arch.—Flenching TO MoRBuW PONT plpphh Uk .’ a ‘M>S o’clock, by Rev. EI. DU YBiHVTiK«nhov theevening by the Pastor. Rev. fBANKLIN UOOBE, D. D. Strangers are cordia ly in vited. it* THE HIGtHT |RBV, \VM BACON D i)., wul p:each (tty Divine p**r intsaigO on SDNDAT MORNING. 10M o'clock, the Rev. Dr. NEWTON. 7>£ o’clock io the EVENfso. at the Gburch of the Rativity, ELEVEN TH and MODN P VSR* NON Streets. tt |bcJ2» CENTRAL PRESBTTEIUA.K CHORGa, corner of EIGHTH and C H < IB:R t Streets. PliiladeJpbia —TheKev. J H Mc-ILYAINj?. 0. D., ofPrinceton. New Jereey. wHI Preach in rpR*T PBTIRfiH TO-MOKROW (Sabb&tu) HUttfliJilfi half, PMt 10 o’clock, aad in the after noon at baifpastao clock- __i t _ WOIRTH OP SERIES OP 3>IS- ON THE LORO’S PRATER witJ bn TYreachei in St, Matthew’s Lutheran Gtinrch, NE V liv/’ft* below Fourth, between Kaco and Vine, b/ tae uiVtor. Rev. E. W. HUTTER. TO MORROW (Suudiy) EVENING, at 7>a o’clock. Morning Service cotumeaces at o’clock. it THE COOPER SHOP COMMITTEE make the following acknowledgments: Ladies' Aid frooifty of Holyoke, Mass., turongh Mrs. E. A B. Norvell... $lO 00 Northern Liberty Fire Company, per J. Mlrkol ... 20 oO Bank of Peon Township 00 National Union Club.... 25 00 CHESTER HARTRAMFT, OFJJBW Brunswick. N. J., WiU preach in the FtRSP RE FORMED DUTCH, corner of SEVENTH and SPRING OARDEN Streets,TO-MORROW (Sabbath); in themom ir>g at 10. and in the evening at 7}& o’clock- Joseph F. BergD. D., will preach on the following Sabbath it* CLINTON-STREET CHUtiCH) TENTH, below SPRUCE street, Rev. Daate* March, pastor, will be open for Divine Servica TO-MO i* LOW (Sabbath) EVENING, ftt 7K o'c oek. it* s» GERMAWTOWN.-PIRST HETHO- DIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, HaTNfiS Street, WiU hold its Missionary Anniversary TO- MORROW. Preaching at 10>i by Rev. Dr. DnVbin. there Will be interesting exercises by tbe Sacbath School, and ad dregiea by several ministerß. At 7 preaching br Dr. Johneon. president of Dickinson College. It* MEDIATION OF CHRIST -FIFTH L of this Seiies. by T. 11. STuGK •.'>>* U>Vl at ELEVEN TIT and WOOD Street*, SaBBaTH AFTERNOON, at SH o’clock. Special topic: “ Th*»Se paratenebs of the Mediator from Hie ance-try-*' by tbe new discoveries. Mnmieg Sermon, o’clock, by the Junior- Pastor, Reg. ALEXANDER CLARK Free Beats. All invited. it ngx PHILADELPHIA TRACT AND MISSION SuCiE'i Y.— A meeting in hehtiif of ciis Social j-will be he d in the ►ixth Presbyterian Oliarch, SPRUCE Street, below SIXTH, on feUNDAY EVENING, 14th inst., at o’clock. Kev F R Harbangn, Rev. D. BJaiin. D- D.. and Rev. Henry A. Cook* will aka part in the exercises. Tract distributors, afIEL alt friend ly to the came, are invited to attend. it* |» SPIBITUALISM.-MRS WOOD, OP KiJ Lmilui i >'i n l . a Medium, will lecture at SAiVSOM SriSkT HALL on SUNDAY, ftt 10J aA. M. and P. M. Admittance fiveceata It* MRS. HYDE, FROM BOSfO.V, |(3s Business and Test Medium will sit daily, from .0 to 5. at Mrs. Hale’s Circulating Library-, No $3l RACE Street. Terms, $l, and by engagements any evenings except Thursdays and Saturdays, wiec Poblic Circle?, for & limited number, will be held. Admission 15 c-mts. Commencing at 8 o’clock. it* TENTH WARD AND THE DRAFT. Appointed to solicit subscriptions to the Whereby the quota of the Ward may be filled by. volun teers instead of drafted men, would urgently call the at tention of those who Tiave. not subscribed to the imme diate necessity of so doing The Committee have bsen obliged to suspend enlisting men for want of funds. If now subscribed, will enable the Ward to fill its quota under both calls of the President. The great majority of those who ere subject to draft, and the ones most par ticularly interested, nave not contributed to this fund. It now remains with them to supply the deficiency, or take their chances of being drafted; these are. therefore, particularly urged to come forward and subscribe. The object is one which appeals to the benevolent as well as patriotic, and is one to which all classes of society should nobly respond. Subscriptions maybe left with, or forwarded to, any of tbe Executive Committee, or either of the following gentlemen: DB. GEORGE T. BARKER. IUI ARCH Street. BONSALL BROS.. 116 N. NINTH Street CALEB £, KEENEY, N. W. corner SIXTEENTH and AICH. CALEB NEEDLES, S. W. corner TWELFTH and RACE. fell-tham St W+ZP* T O THE CITIZENS OF THE TWEHTY SBCOMD WARO. —The Central Com mittee appointed by the publi* meeting.which. was held on the 20th of January, to take measures for the filling of the quota of the ward by volunteers, thus obviating the necessity of a draft, bee leave to report That ever since their appointment they have beenactively engaged li the discharge of their duties; that as soon as it was announced that a bounty of $75 would be paid- several recruiting officers began to have volunteers accredited to the ward, and in a few days more men had has a thus enlisted then, we supposed would be required to fill our quota. The Committee therefore withdrew the offer which had been .published, and declined to pay $75 to_ any who were enlisted after the da e of withdrawal. About the tame time the Pre»ident issued his call for an ad diiional 20i\OC0 men. and the Committee learned, u jon inquiry, that the quota of our ward would be. ander both calls, about 410 men. instead of 160. as had at first bteu supposed In this state of things, there was no alternative left excepting either to abandon the effort and a low the draft to-be mace in the ward, or to assume the responsibility of offering the same bounty which is being paid by the other wards, relying updn the liberality oi the citizens to raise the necessary meuia. Tour Commit* tee have adopted the latter course, and have agreed to give $26 bounty to all volunteers who maybe credited upon our quota. At ihis rate they are confident of ob taining all- the men which are needed if taeinonayis promptly tfiibscribed and paid in. This will require about $B,OOO in addition to th&i which has already bsgu subscribed. This amount can easily be raised if all or these who are liable to the draft will give even one twentieth part of the sum which they would have to pay as commu’ation mosey, if drafted; aad the Committee Would make an earnest appeat to every- loyal and pa triotic citizen to make a liberal and prompt subscription, that the quota of our ward may be filled without delay, and that we may thus do our part in sustaining the <3o vsTnment, and infnrnishiagfhe men which ara neces sary to fill up the ranks of oar Nuional armies, and thus give the death-blow to this accursed rebellion. The Treasurer, Mr. Jabez Gates, will be at the League Boom* on HOBDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY Afternoons, to receive subscriotioss, and the Precinct Committees will call upon citizens during the coining Week. By order of the Central Committee. T- C. HENRY, Chairman. precinct committees. FIHST PRECINCT. I Cbas. Wharton, ; Wm. R. Gaalhert, Thos Laster, Jr., Dr. Jas. Stokes. tECIITCT B> filed ary, F. A Hoyt. Daniel R. Harper, Geo P. Evans, Jthn H Evans, Henry Felton, ' FRiNCIS LOBDELL. Spencer Roberts, W*a. Nice* C. B. Engle, Allen Bidgway, Edward Royal, Jr.* Wm. K, Cox, F9VRTH T: Chaa. J. Wister, Jr.» } J. C-. Griffith, Ch a 5. Spencer, 1 Robert J). Banning. E. Bradford Clarke, George Freas, Thcmat Gtunmey, Daniel L. Key&er, Edward Bennett, Edward H. Hanot, Jcscph. Hill. Thos. B- Garrett, EtnH McLean, Wm, H. Trotter, John France, Bobert Grata, Norton Johnson. Samuel C. Paul, Chirles Gould, Albert as Kina, TO THE GITIZBK9 OF THE EIGHTH WABl>,—Ob the 10th of March naxt a Draft baa been ordered by the Government. By that time the amendment of the Conscription Act will have placed at.t. able-bodied men, married as well as single, under forty-five years of age, in the same class. Not less than 500 of such men will be required from the Eighth ward, All can see the importance of preventing all the impossibility of doing it without your vigorous co operation. . __ . It can easily be accomplished. Volunteers are abund ant ; bat to pay the promised bounties money is required. About Sid. 000 have been collected $ at least as large a sum is yet to be raised The contributions have been com* paratively few, and principally by those (including a number of ladies) not themselves liable to draft. Our ward reaches from Seventh street to the bchuylkill river, and ft om Spruce to Chestnut, and contains about twenty thousand inhabitants. These twenty thousand are alike interested, poor and rich, married and single, man and woman. . ... . Mere boasts of loyalty, or denunciations of those op posing the Government, will not avail. Self int erest, if not patriotism, requires immediate action. In so short a time as yet remains, it will be impossible for the Com mittee to visit aIL Do not, therefore, wait to be called upon, fiend or bring your subscriptions, large or small. Without a moment’s delay, to either of the Committee. Small contributions* if numerous, will help make up the amount. If checks ere sivsn. they may be drawn to the order of the Treasurer. JUDGE STRONG, of the Supreme Court. THEODOBB CUYT.KK, 704 WalDnt street. EDWARD 8. LAWBEN'iB. 21)8 Washington Square. ' CEEMENT'B. PJSNBOiB. 708 do. WM. F. JUDSON. 70S Walnut street, , , CADWALADEB BIDDLE, 1002 Walnut street. ' COL. CHAS. 8 SMITH, 237 south Thirteenth street. BSNJ- BTTING. 1315 Bnrnce street MOBBIB PATTERSON, 16il Sprcce street. P. 8. JOBES, Twelfth and Spruce streets. X B. GE6T, 1231 Spm.e street. , , CALEB JOHNSON, 221 south Broad street. J. L. MOSS, 1320 Walnut street. RICHARD ASHHURBT. 1420 Walnut street, JOSBH G. EOSENQARTBN.IS3I Chestnut Street. O. WILSON DAVIS, Continental Hotel. W. a BTJSWABT. do. ISAAC G COLES BURY. 2029 Locust street. JOSEPH B. FRY, 2008 Walnut street. EDWIN GBEBLB, 128 south NinsteentMreet. SDWAFD H. TKOTTBK. 1524 OliMtnut street. HON. WH, STRONG, 2013 Walnut street. ■ feO-etuth 4t scg* »2!il-FIRST WARD WIDE lc3» AWAKE!—SEN!—The CommUtee.of Dtstrtbatton of the BOUNTY FUND, eulistei end credited to the FIRST WARD; will'Continue their Meetings DAILY from! to 6 P. M, at the office of thi PROVOST MARSHAL. TWELFTH Street, above SPRUCE. $25 will be paid to each recruit. Fall in. Soldiers, ana be accredited to the First Ward. fe9-6t H M. WATTS, Chairman. FOURTEENTH-WARD BOUNTY FUND, —At an Adjourned Meeting of the Citizen* of the Fourteenth ward, held at Sp lug Garden Hall.' February 6th. 1884. the foUowing Important resolution*' W bS,S!w!a ’That until SATURDAY EVENING ’ next, February 13tb. certificates guaranteeing exemption from the draft (or money returned) be issued for the sum or 120, but after that date none shall be issued for less tnan $OO. Re&olved t That the Bounty to be offered by this ward be $26, and that the Treasurer. Col. William B. Thomas* be authorized and instructed to commence the payment thereof immediately. In accoidance with the above* parties interested are informed that by calling: on Colonel Thotuae ftt the Cui« tom House, on and after MONDAY next* between 9 and 13 A. M., with the necessary vouchers, the - above earn will be paid to each recruit credited to the Fourteenth ward. As the amount necessary to pay this sum is not fally made up, it is earnestly desired that those who have not already paid their subscription, and that those who can lx crease their subtcnptioxu will please do soimmcdl **sn Adjourned Mwtlng will be held at the same place oMrday Chitrman Attest ! T. B. PAVtfli Secretary. fe9-ot MVIICAb FtND H ALL. HT J?i a JAMRS B. MURDOCH __ Crfriye a course of THRRB BBADINGd. at MUSICAL FUND HALL, consisting of Scriptaralaad other choice selections, on the followingevenlngs of next week. selections, o February 16. THUR*DAY, Fesruary IS. SATURDAY, February 20. To commence at a qnartwofeight o'clock. Single Tickets, Reserved Seat. Fifty Cents. CourM Tickets, Reserved teat, One Dollar. May be.hud ,t ASHMBAD * EVANS’, - No. TH* CHESTNUT Street, ca Saturday rooming after nine o’closk. Mist — (ka. OFFICE OB* ASSISTANT TRKA -IBUBER U. S. —Philadelphia. Feb. 10. 1861 Toavoid detention In the paymenti ofCoupons due .9th Inst.. holder, oftwenty or more may deportt th« *,m* for verification, with their schedule*, one w«h P *°l to that date. Cheek, for thei amount due will bii v for delivery at the opening of hu»'ue*“ hour, on th; 19th In,t. AEGH.MoIMTr KK, an 31 Assistant Tl«»wer O- d. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE T E N'T H WARD, • EOtTNTr FUND SIX THOUSAND DOLLIES, SECOND PR] THIRD PRECINCT. j Wm. Stallman, Bobj. Allen, ! Edwarl Boc&ins* D /"'l' Cha>M. Jaclt»ofl,M.D., O. L. Bberle, J. J. Borie. <; ' ’RECIJTCT. Jas. A. Farnum, Conyers Button* Jacob Floyd, Francis D. Tull. LRCINCT David Pooler, Edward N.Ladley, Myers Edwards*- * SIXTH PR] SEVENTH EEECINCT | Wm,Sbera«v John Silverthome, I George Wolfe. LBCINCT. Matthias Haas* Thomas Stewart, John Stallman. ECINCT- Jos. Crowson. Thos. Randall, Henry Pullinger, " Peter B. Hinkle. >l2-31 EIGHTH PHI HIHTB P] OKATORIO OF, THE CEKATION Will be performed at the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, (By particular request*) FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION, HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY, On SATURDAY EVENING, February 13th, 1964. At a quarter before 8 o'clock. Tile soloa end concerted pieces trill be performed hr the firtt professional and amateur talent of the country, sustained by the ENTIRE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA, And a Chorus of over two hundred voices. Reserved Seats-•«-»- The right of the house \ylll be sold at the Bookstore or A&hlDPad & I vans, 724 Chestnut street; the centre at J. E C ouid’s. Seventh and Chestnut: the left at Martian's, 606 Chestnut street Tickets for the Amphitheatre. Twenty- five Cents, to be obtained at either of the above places. feB 6t PENNSYLVANIA PBEEDMEN’S *o* BELIEF ASSOCIATION. A PUBLIC MEETING of the Association will he held In the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, On TUESDAY EVENING, Feb. 10, AT HALF-FAST SEVEN O^LOOK. Bishop SIMPSON will preside. Rev. PHILLIPS BROOKS, Rev. Dr. BBAINERD. Rev. Dr. FURNESS, Her. Dr. J. WHEATON SMITH. J. tt McKIM. Esq., will take part lu the proceedings. Tickets can be obtained on and after WEDNESD AY, Feb lOth, free of charge, at the office of the Association, No 424 Walnut fctreet, at the Union Lea rue House, No. 1118 Chestnut street. andatT.B. Pugh’s Bookstore, S. W. corner Chestnut and Sixth streets. feB-Bfc AMERICAN ACADEMY OP MUSIC, REFJSTITION OP “TBfi BATTLE uP GErTYs- BDivO.” Philadelphia, Feb. 1. 1854, Rev. John R. War))fir, Gettysburg: Reverend and Dear Mr: The' undersigned. some of whom heard, with intense interest, you.) graphic ae~ EcripiioD of the great battle fought in our own State, as recently delivered in one of oar city churches,earse3tly solicit a repetition of * * The Battle of 1 Gettysburg, as Witnessed by Yourself " J M. Crowell, Win. £ Dubois, J. H, Orne, J B. SnowdtD. -J. S. Price, George Junkln, Jr., William llutter, Wm P Abby. G. L. StiUe. Thomas B. Dwight, JB. T» Sherrerd, J. B- Gould, Samuel Asbury, B. Thack&ra, J. T. Young, A. C Craig. Gsttysbur®, Feb. S, 1964 Rev J. M Crowell Messrs* W. R Dubois, James HI Orne, James R. Snoioden, William Rutter, George Junltin, Jr. t and others : Gentlemen: I shall comply with your req.no>t» and would name Tuesday evening, the 23d instant, as the time. Very respectfully, yours, JOHN K. tf-ABSEB A United Btates officer writes: I heard Hr Warner's desci Spiion of the * Battle of Gettysburg. ’ delivered here last week, and I must say I can hardly find words to ex press my admiration of it as a vivid, faithful, and most impressive picture of that great event-” The >bove thrilling Lecture will be repeated at the ACADEMY OP MUrtO, on tbe EVENING of ihs tost. Tickets for Parquet. Parquet Circle, and Balcony 60 cents; Family Circle 25 cents. . Bale of Tickets to commence on MONDAY, tbe 15th instant, at 9 o’clock, at Mr. MARTIEN’S, GOG CSBST -0 p (Street Doors r-pen at 7Jtf: Lecture to commence at 8 o'clock. le9 13 16 20 22 23* • . |AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPaNX, WaLNUT Street. Southeast comer of FOURTH. Philadelphia, February 4,1834 The Trustees have thiß day declared a dividend of FIFTY PER CENT on all premiums received upon MUTUAL POLICIES during the year ending December 31,18:8, and in force at that date, the above amount to be credited to said Policies; and have also ordered the divi dend of 1860, on Policies issued during that year, to be paid as the annual premiums on »aid Policies are re ceived. JOHN 6. WILSON, felO- 6t • Secretary. MSAi MERCANTILE LIBRARY.—THE Annual Election of Officers of this Institution will be held at the LIBRARY, on TUESDAY, February 16th, between the hours of 4 and 8 P.* M. The adjourned annual meeting of STOCKHOLDERS, to consider the proposed alteration in the Charter, and other business, wiU. be held on WEDNESDAY EVE NING, February 24, at half past 7 o'clock. fell-fit JOHN LABORER. Jr„ Recording Bec'v. OKFICB PEHHSTLV&HU KMIr SOU) COMPANT. Phiiadelphi Jan 25, 1861. JIOTICB TO VrOCKHOL.D'iRsr The Annual Meeting of the. Stockholders of this Com pany will be held on TUESDAY. the 16th day of Febro.4- Sr # J ifi64, at 10 o’clock JL M., at SANSOM- STREET ALL. The Annual Election for Directors will be held on UObDAY. the 7th day of March, 1864, at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street, jft&tflfi EDMOND SMITH, Secretary. «»» UKDICAL PURVEYOR’S OFFICE, IOUT No. 7 florth FIFTH Street. _ Philadelphia, Hot. 12.1863. Importers and Dealers in. MEDICIHBS, HOSPITAL STORES. HOSPITAL FtfBNITURB* BEDDING, ICE, &e., are invited to submit their Price Lists from time to Ume to this Office. J. MURRAY, no!3-6tamtf Surgeon and Medical Purveyor. AT A MEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERS of the HUDSON, DELAWARE, AND CHEfc-APEAKE sTEAM-TOWIKG COMPANY, held at the Continental Hoiel, Philadelphia, on Saturday, Ja nuary 3tth. 1£64, Captain W. Whilldin. of Philadelphia, wap called to the chair, and Wm. B. Hatch, of New York, was appointed Secretary t . Upon a statement from the Chairman that the Stock of the Company had all been subscribed, and the boo& closed, the meeting proceeded to the election of a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, which resulted in the choice of the following gentlemen: THOMAS CLYDE- - . ) Captain W. WHILLDIN, >Philadelphia, Pa. WM. P. CLYDB. ) WM B HATCH. t w ftW Yftrlf L J N. STARK, fnewxorK. JOHN B. HUTHHINSON, i Waß v, nfffnTl n 0 THOMAS P. MORGAN, { Washington. DC. At a meeting of the Board or Directors subsequently held, IUOJIAS CLYDE, E*q., was unanimously elected President of the Company, and WM. B. HATCH was elected Secretary and Treasurer. •' On motion, the Board adjourned to meet at the call of the President. Itm CORK SXCHAI IDELPHI A, fforembi At fcha Election. Reid 16tb In' »rs were duly elected Dlreal Sank: Alcrandar Ja2d«» BueL 1 Robert Exvieß' William P. Cox, Sfiiauai T. C»Ji»#y» 2ttias2* John S'. Giosb, } And at the ztteetizzff o/ tha JATTBLI*, £sq., wasutaaii 11/isX.WHII.LDTIf, Baa. >V' TO sKEY, C*»Mar. n054-3rn PHILADELPHIA AND READINC RAILROAD COMPART, Office No. 337 Sooth FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, December 3,1883. DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The Transfer Boohs of this Company ’will he closed on THURSDAY, 17th instant, usd recpeced on TUESDAY. J&imirT IH, 1864. A Dividend of SEVEN PER CERT., clear of State tax, has been declared on the Common Stock, payable in Common Stock on and after the 31st December nezt tc the holders thereof as they shall stand registered on the books at the close oJUmsiness on the 17th inst. A Dividend of THREE AND A HAL? PER CENT., slaar of State tax. has been declared on the Prs farred Stock, payable in Cash or Common Stock, at tin option of the holder, on and after the 31st December next, to the stockholders as they shall stand registered on th« hooks at the close of business on the 17th inst. Holders of certificates which have been discharged tiota this office, or either of the Transfer Agencies. are particularly reaueited to bare them duly registered 00 the Transfer Books to whieh they have been transferred, prior to the 17th inst. . • . ~ __ Stockholders whose names are registered on the New York books will be paid at the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, and those whose names are registered on th« Boston books will be paid at the office of Messrs. I. R. Thayer & Brother, 8. BRADFORD, 4<&tf • Treasnrer. fliiga PHILADWUPmA AND READINB RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 9*37 South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, Septembers, 1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock of this Company. The residence of several of them is un known. and it U, therefore, neoesiary that the eertifi «ates of stock shonld-be presented on calling for the DWidcnd. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. STOCKHOLD IBS' NAMES. Mrs. Mary Bishop, S. Lancaster. Timothy 6. Boyle. g«*cr M. Lewis, Clement Biddle, Fanny Mary Mitcherson. aVp finpfi . John Mclntyre. AEmsUeand Newbold, John S.Moore, Trustees, JamesMcKulgnt, Debbie A Hughes, Benj. F. Newport. Sami T. Harrison, Beul. Pott. James Hallowell. W R„ Rodman, James W. HaUowell, Sarah’ Ann Eichaidi, Catherine C. Kopnele, Henryß. Sherer. Itantel Klapp, Marla L. Sadler, Mary Kuhn, Andrew Tnrner, Chaa. Kahn, Hartman Mr*. Bebecca Ulrlth. Knhn.ahd J. H. Knhn. Bi. Asker M. Wriiht, of S. Kahn. William Young, b 7 V. BT lielew Hxtr*.. W. H McViekar. and James 0, Sehaff, Hx. of Austin Smith, B AwSi. WH11.&O0 .M-rtuth-tl gCOTT & STEWART, auctioneers. (SUCCESSORS TO GILLETTE & SCOTT,) NOS. 633 CHESTNUT AND 615 BAI*SOM STREET. Consignments respectfully solicited. JJRYSON & SON, No. 8 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. BLANK BOOKS, PAPEKS, PENS, AND INKS OF SUPERIOR I QUALITY. * Corporations, Banks, and Business Men supplied with everything necessary for the Counting-room. UB tt - • ; - T3OBTBAITS THAT GIVE ASSU X BANCS of their fidelity. See' B. F. REIMER’S life size Photographs in Oil Colors, artistic and truthful ; fresh, warm, and impressive coloring. 63# ARCH Bt. It* tvbaf made to heab.-instru -mS incuts to assist the hearing, is every variety and of the most approved construction, at P. MAD 818 A§* U 5 South TENTH Street, below Chestnut. fe!3 6t QKATINGI SKATINGI—MOST SU- Bleating on BUrHNBLL’S skatino park, BBOAD htreet, above Columbia avenne; Ladies ana Gents may rest assured that every effort will be made to insure their comfort and convenience. Thirteenth and Fifteenth-streets Railway direct to the Park. fel2»gf XTOTICE —THE FOLLOWING CER. J-l TIFICATBS OF STOCK In the Hew York end Middle Coal Fit Id Railroad and Coal Company ha. in* been lost or mislaid, the undersigned would hereto give notice that he has made application to the Company for issue of new Certificates: Certificate No. SB2 for Bft) shares. Do. do 37gd0.200 do. Do. do. 330 do. 20 do. . JnSR tbsflt* J. ALLISON RYBTER.Chambarsburg.Po~ A UTEH’S CELEBRATED BLACK: HAIR DYB. CO Cents a Box. Also applied at 53 THIED Street, above Qhestnut. 1* PARTES de visite, in a variety or pleaslnx and popular styles, euiUuKaUtMte., excutea Ip an artistic manner at B. F. KfilMßftS 0 ti le,,. 634 ARCH Street. AJOTICE.—EDWARD MAGABGE IS -LN admitted to an Interest In onr business from Janu ary Ist 1864. „ ■ CHAB. MAOABOH *Ca Piin.Aiißi.rniA. Feb. 12, 1864 fe!2-10t T INEN THREAD. -Li SIMPSON’S AKQYLK, VINCENT MILLS, MCDONALD’S. SATIN FINT4H BOOKBINDERS’. carpet thread. Tor sale by TTBATON* DENOKLA,HARDWARE XX Commission Merchant*. 50T COMHBBCB and 910 UOBTH 6trt«ts. offer for*ale: . Anchor Bram > all*; Plyxaonth Hill Rlyeta. : W. &8. Botcher's Cast Steel; Eagle Cabinet Locks. Putnam's Horse Walls; Locke's Bchool Blates. - Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards- - aim) a fall assortment of American Hardware. M Gulf THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1864: ..,,.,,.50 cento. iQX BAHK, PHILA ter 234, 186 S. ut. thefoUowinf Stoekhold* ttors of ttio Cora Kxoluiiigi G. Gattell, ChrlstianJ. Hoffman. H. W. Gatfcerwood, Edmund A. Bonder, Charles E WilWwt David VanderTeer. Jonathan Knight. i Board this day Al*3X. G. imonsiy raveled sd Prasuieni r i«« President, and JOHSf W. J. W. TOBBET, flashier. HORACS H. BOULR, . 3» North FROBT Btraet. NEW PUBLICATIONS. WOOD’S NEW BOOK. WILLIAM ALLAIB; KTJNNINO: AWAY TO SEA. MBS. HENRY WOOD. PRICE TWENTY-JIVE CENTS, MRS. BEMBY WOOD’S OTHER BOOKS. THE 6HAT»OW Off ABHLYDYAT 1* published com nleteiin one large octavo volume, bound, in. cloth, for $> 25 We aleo publish a “Bail way Edition.” of incom plete in one volume, paper oo »er. Price $L EQOIBE TRBVLYN’S HEIR. Two vole, octavo, paper cover. Priced; or, -in one voL, cloth, for $1 25. THE CASTLE'S HBTB. Two vols., octavo, paper cover Price $1; or, in one volume, cloth, for SL. 20. VBRNER’S PRIDE. Two vole , octavo, paper cover. Price $1; or, in one volume, cloth, $125. We also publißh. a ' * Railway Edition ” of each of the above, each ote complete in one volume, paper cover. ,Price $L „ , THE RUNAWAY MATCH. One vol, octavo, paper cover. Price 50 cents. THE EARL’B HEIRS. One volume, octavo, paper cover. PriceGucents; or. one vol.. cloth. 76cents. THE MYSTERY. One volume, octavo, paper cover. Fifty cents; or, bound in one vol., cloth, 76 cents. A LIFE’S SECRET. One vol., octavo, paperoover. Pr ce CO cents; or, in one vol., cloth, 76 cents. TIIE CBASNIHGS One volume.octavo, paper cover. Price 75 cents; or. In one volume, cloth. $l. THE LOST BANK NOTE; and fif ARTYN WARE’S TEMPTATION. One volume. Price 60 cento, THE FOGGY NIGHT AT OFFOBD. Price 2G cents. AUPORA FLOYD. One volume, octavo, paper cover. PriceSOcents; or a finer edition. In cloth, for $l. 'BETTER FOR WORSE. One volume, octavo, paper cover. Price 60 cents. All of the above are published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, To whom all orders must come addressed. It TBE newest thing out—ste. j- PHBBS' COLORED 4LBOM CARDS Paht I.—DROLLERIES. Oat Kelaiioas at Ham, aad Abroad. Part lI,—DROLLERIES. The Adventures of a Con script. Part lII.—THE SLAVE OF 1863. A thrilling series of the Great Evil, Interesting to every lover of Freedom. Efrch stries forming an Illustrated Story in Twelve C&Tds. Splendidly Lithographed in Oil Colors, from original dosigbs by Henry L Stephens PKI- E FIFTY CENTS. Each part mailed free any where. Pardee in tbe city, not finding them at bookstores, by addressing publisher through Poßt-ofiice, with the price, supplied promptly. A liberal discount to the trade. bupp o * WM. A. STEPHENS. Publisher, fe’S-Tt* CHESTNUT St-. Philadelphia. XTOW BEAL Y l NOW BEADYU— -L\ COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS of the REGIMENTAL FLAGS belonging to the 82d, BSth, and 96th Rezlments Pennsylvania Volunteers. . felr-3. 808 fftreet. OOD, 88TH AND 95TH BEGIMENTS p. Y.—COLORED FLAGS of the above Regiments Photographed and for sale by PITJHBK, fclB»3t 808 OHBSTNPT Street, JN PRESS, THE MEDICAL OFFICER; A UAXDAL FOB ABM Y SGBGBONB Containing a full account of the Duties of Medical Officers, including the Service of Post and General Hos pitals. Field Service, Medical Director’s Office, Enlisting and Discharging Soldiers, together with the Organiza tion of the Medical Staff, Mode of Admission, Ac. BY ROBERTS BARTHOLOW, M. D , U. S. A. Surgeon U. 8. Army, Author of a '* Manual of Inßtrue tlons for Enlisting and Discharging Soldiers.” J. B. LIPFINCOTT & CO., fel2 4t Publishers, Philadelphia. “OUT OF PAINT” IS AN BXPRES sion almost as ar.noyinsr to’ the public as to the publisher. This has unavoidably boon the answer for the j&it eight weeks to everyone desiriDg to purchase this charming novel of English society, PJ.QUB? A TALE _OF_EKGMJh“aRISTOCRAC7 To-day the FOURTH EOITIONIs ready. , „ That you may judge a little of its zneric, and the hold it has had upon the reading public* let me give a rew Thirteen years ago this novel was first published in London, and up to the last year has had a regular remu nerating sale. . - . • Four took# d <tap 1® the average number published m Loudon, so that onlv oreat books live beyond the short time that they Me brought before the public hy adver tising and reviewing. The next novelty crowds them one side. . ~ . PIQUE has lived on. and our reading public enjoy It so much that it will have a great run here- __ , MTT LIPPfNCOTT & CO.. PSTEKBON & BEOS., ASH ME*D & EVAN I *. F. LRYPOLDT wholesale it. Ever j bookseller retails it. . LO RING, Publisher, feS tuth»3fc 319 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. New medical books. JDST PUBLISHED. CHEW’S LECTURES CN MEDICAL EDUCATION, lvol. 12mo. 2. BAUER’S LECTURES 01? ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY, With illustrations. 1 vol. Octavo. ROBART&OH’S MANUAL ON EXTRACTING TEETH, With illustrations. 1 vol. l2rao, THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN MEDIOO-CHIRURQI CAL REVIEW lor January- 1864 Pries S 6 per annum. LINDBaY fc BLAKIBTON, Publishers. felS 35 South rIXTH street, abova Chestnut. CIiOTHING. 1864. FINE CLOTHINCt AT WHOLESALE. We aie now prepared to allow to cast buyers as exten sive a stock of medium and fine Ready-made Clothing, for Spiing sales, as can be found in the United States. Buyers can save their expenses to Jfew 1 ork, and find thego< da they want five and ten percent, cheaper in Philadelphia. An examination of our stock is solicited. . WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, fell-lm if 8. E. torner SIXTH andMARKST Sts, ARMY GOODS. J7OR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS Sx, HA.SSALL, MILITARY rURNISHERS^ 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Passants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Can teens. Haversacks, Camp Kits, Pield Glasses, Spars, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit .of Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. felO-lm 1864. ~~ ”” 1864. FURLOUGHS. Officers and soldiers, visiting the city on furlough, needing S W O B.D S And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS are invited to the very extensive MAHUFACTUEIHG ESTABLISHMENT OF GEO. W. SIMONS «B BRO., SANSOM-STREET HAI.L, BANSOM Street, above Sixth. presentation swords Made to order at the shortest notice, which for rich - ness and magnificence challenge competition, no other honse in the country combining the MAHUFAOTUEIN Or JEWEIES WITH THE PRACTICAL SWORD MAKER. jaS2-lm .. Q W. SIMONS * BROTHER. BAKBOM-STREBT HALE. PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS IK EVERY VARIETY, .nffl-lrem J’ROTHIN GUAM A WELLS SAVB FOR SALS. HEAVY, MBDIUM, AND LIGHT BHBBTIBOS AKD BHiETijroa BTAKDABD DBILLB. HEAVY OABTON FLANNELS. WASH BGTOH AKD VICTORY CAMBRICS AKD BILSCIAS. BROWN, BLEACHED. AKD CORBET JEANS. No ia Worsted yarn. &o. «airtf HREAT IRISH NATIONAL FAIK, o at BRYAN HALL. CHICAGO. Illinois, commencing EASTER MONDAY. March 28 1884, and bontinning da ring the week. Harps from Ireland. Old Battle Flags* Old Books, Letters, weapons, Ac., belonging to Emmett, Tone. Fitzgerald, and other Irish Heroes. Bouvenlre from the Ladies In Ireland. The FENIAN BBOTBEBHOOD are making prepara tions for a GRAND TBISH NATIONAL FAIR, to take place in Chicago, at Bryan Hall. The fund arising from the Fair will he devoted to the National Purposes of the Brotherhood. The Ladies In Ireland furnish sundry articles—Harps, BOOKS, Flags, Weapons, and miscellanea which belonged to ihe Heioes of Ireland, or which are valuable firom association or Intrinsically, Bog Oak Jewelry- will form a conspicuous feature. . Dotations are solicited from everv Irish person in the land. Those who cannot Tend articles may send money. Any article will be received, and any sum, however mo dest- Farmers in the Northwest are requested to send in sn) thing in the shape of Produce. Official acknow ledgments will he made by the Brotherhood in the pub* lie prints. Each State will have its table. . • , _ _ Upon the opening of the Fair the articles received from Ireland will be put up in Lottery. _ . • Any persons nho cannot visit the Fair, can, by remit ting to the undersigned, take chances in the drawing. The numerous Book-, Pictures, ’Weapons, Letters, flags, Sic., celebrated is Celtic History, will he disposed of in this manner. Schedules of articles, with number of chances to each, and price, will be duly published. For the week of the Fair, distinguished Irishman are engaged to Lecture, whose names and subjects will ap pear in dne season. After the Lecture each night, there, will be a Celtic Concert, by distinguished Irish profes sionals, at which the National Instruments will be used. and National Alis played and enag. We make an appeal, confidently, to Irish men an women everywhere in the United Stakes. Bend forward by express anything that may be available Let the Irish Ladies work, and convince the people at home teat they a-sist themselves. Ladies In Eastern and Western cities can form committees and furnish a nice eoilaetton. All receipts wiU be published on arrival Ship by ex trees. &c.. SCANLaN BROTHERS, 138 South WATER treet, Chicago, Illinois _ C6iguedJ MICHAEL SCANLAN. > P. T. SHERLOCK > Committee. feU-tht&hl*thjat4 H. o’<7, McCAftTAI, > SII.K AND DRY-GOODS JOHUF.KS.' 1864. SPRINtt ’ IS 64. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CJO„ IMTOBTSBS AND JOBBER OF DRY GOODS, Bos. 339 and 991 NORTH THIRD ST., aboTe Race. Philadelphia, Have now open their usual large and complete stock OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Notwithstanding the fcc&rcity of mfcny hinds ot Dry Goods.'our stock Is now fall and varied la ail its de- Special attention is invited to our assortment of PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. A fall assortment of Cloths, Casslmeres, Ac. A full assortment of Prints, DeLaines, Ac. A fail assortment of Notions, White Goods, 9c. A fall assortment of Kbeetiogs, ehirtings, 9c. A fall assortment of Ornish Goods. Ac fell ./ta RETAIL DRY GOODS. E. & L. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, ABE OPENING FOR SPRING SALES, 1864, PINE PLAID SILKS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, INDIA PLAID SILKS, BEST GLOVES ONLY, STANDARD SHEETINGS, BROCADE GRENADINES, SHA.WL-S NEW STYLES, 68 PIECES FANCY SILKS, MAGNIFICENT ORGANDIES, FINE PLAID BONNET SILKS, ORDERED POULT DE SOIE3, 100 PIECES GOOD BLACK SILKS, MAGNIFICENT PERCALES AND CHINTZES. fe!3 smwtiel3 gPRING IMPORTATION, THOS. W. EVANS & CO. HAVE NOW OPEN AND ABE DAILY RECEIVING NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SILKS, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, BMBROIbRRIRS, £o., EMBRACING ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. 818 and 830 Chestnut street. fel2*3t 1864. novelties 1864> aitd DESIRABLE STAPLES SILKS, IK SHAWLS, & DRESS GOODS. BLACK SILKS, all widthß and qualities. COLORED AND FANCY SILKS, In treat variety. RICH FOULABDS.'innew coloring; choice designs. BUFF. CUIR, and HAYANB MOHAIBSand ALPACAS. BLACK ALPACAS and MOHAIRS, fin eto eaperfine. RICH BECCHE GRENADINES and HERNANIS. 3-4 and 6-4 DELAINES, bTach and colored FRENCH PERCALES, PRINTS, and ORGANDIES. LINENS AND WHITE GOODS. Also, COURVOISIBR’S PARIS KID GLOVES. To all ot which, together with onr usual assortment of DRY GOODS, we in-rite attention. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., -fell-St MY CHESTNUT Street. JJEAVY 44 SHIRTING LINENS, OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 458 and 454 N. SECOND St.. «as-3t ahore Willow. £»qq HOOP SKIRTS. fiOR MANUFACTORY, No. 698 ARCH Street, above Bisth. Wholesale and B*tail. The most complete assortment of Ladies*, Misses’, and Children’s hoop SKIRTS in the city, in ever? respect FIRST GLASS, which, for styles, flmeh, diuabUuy,and cheapness, have no equal in the market. Shirts made to order, altered, and repaired. fel3 Ct* QPICIAIi NOTICE TO THE LADIES. —THE CHEAPEST SILKS IN THS MIBKST. 1 600 yards Neat Plaid India Silks, at $1 per yard. PCO yard* Brown and White India bilks, at $1 per yard. 1.100 yards Broken Piaide India Silk, at $1 per yard 400 yard? Blue and White India Sills, at $i per yard. They make the most serviceable dress a lady can wear. Call and make your choice before the assortment is broken, at JOHN H. STOKES’, 703 fel2 1864. MILLINERY GOODS. NEW MILLINERY GOOES. P. A. HARDme & CO., Respectfully inform the mercantile community that they will open, FEBRUARY lOtH, 1864, AT No. 413 men ST BEST, A COMPLETES TOCK OF STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, Bolted to the trade, and trust that prompt and earelul at tention, moderation In prices, good assortment, together with their long experience In bu,loess, (having been for the last seven years with the honse of Lincoln, Wood, St Nichols, and their successors, Wood ft Cary,) they may merit a share of the public patronage, 49- Orders solicited by mail and promptly executed. fel-lmlf QOUPONS . OF 7 a 10 TREASURY NOTES DUE FEBRUARY 19. 7 3-10 do. do, do. APRIL, 1, 6-20 BONDS dbi MAY 1. niOIIEST MARKET BATES PAID DREXEL A 00., fel2- lot No. 31 South THIRD Street. OLAEKSON & CO., ' bankers, Ho. 141 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Government Securities of all Issues PURCHASED AKD FOR SALE. STOCKS, BONDS, AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Interest Allowed on Deposits. 49-COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. feS-lm JAY COOKE & 00., BANKERS AND DEALERS GO VERNMENT LOANS. 6- BONDS. 6 PER CENT. LBOAL TENDERS, 7- TREASURY NOTES. 1881 LOANS. ONE-YEAS CERTIFICATES. QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHERS. QUARTERMASTERS' CHECKS. CITY AKD BDUIB STOCKS. BANK, RAILROAD, axd CANAL STOCKS AKD BONDS. Stocks Bought and Bold on Commi,,iun> A foil enpply of all kind, of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Including the New Five Pec Cent, (legal tender) TREA SURY NOTES. always on hand. -OoUwtlon, made and deposit* received. JAY COOKE & CO., IQTH FEBRUARY, IST APRIL, 1864. IST MAY, ' COUPONS 7 8-10 AND 5-30, WANT JS~D . jaißtm DREXEL & 00. FIFTY CENTS. FINANCIAL. No. HA Sonth THIRD STREET. RITTERS^ Aon th« innr hauMtal—Hw bloody bittU-tiUNbi ntan*lon of the rl.h and humble abode of the poor—from the office asd eaored desk—from the mountain top* dlitant Telleye and far-off lelanda of the ooean—from arery nook and corner of the olrlUied world—li ponrln* In the evtdenee of the aatonlshlng effeeta of DRAKE’S PLANTATION BITTBBS. Thousand. npon thoneande of lettera like the followlnc may be seen at oar offloa: Rkrd3B!7HY, Wis.» Sept. 16, 1863. ’* * * * I hare been*in the army hospital, for fourteen monthe—speeehlese and nearly dead. At Alton. 111,, they save me a bottle of Plantation Blttere. * * * Three bottles reetored my eneeeh and cured me. * * * i* 0. H. YLAUTB. ’’ South Warsaw, 0.. July 28, 1863. -* * *- * One younc man, who had been eick and not out of the hottM for two year, wilt Scrofula and Bry ilpelas. after paying the doctor. oyer »160 without bene- It, haa been oured by ten bottlea of your Blttere. * * * EDWARD WOUEALL. ” The following 1* from the Matron of the Union Home School for the Children of volunteer* i HAVBMBTBB Mabsioh, Fipit-bbtssth 8r . ) Sew York, August 3. 1863. , ••Da. Pbauh; Tour wonderful Plantation Bitter* hare boon riven to lome of our little children suffering from weaknoss and weak lungs with most happy effect. One little (lrl, In particular, with paine In the head, lose of appetite, and dally wastlna consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. Wo commenced with hut a teaspoonful of Bitters a day. Her appetite lnereaeed; strength and health followed. * * * * BespectfnllT. MBS O. M DEVON." « • • I owe much to you, for I Terlly bollero the Plantation Blttere kayo eared my life. BBT. W. H. WAOttOJTBB, Madrid, E. Y. ” ■* • * • Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bittern.. My wife has boon greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, ASA CURRIE, Philadelphia, Pa ” * • I haye been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abaudouproaohlns. - * - The Plantation Bitten have cured mo. BET. J.'B. OATHORE, Rochester, E. Y." * - 1* -o “* *. * SendU# twenty-fourdozen more of roar Plantation Bitters, tlje popularity of which is daily in* ereuihg with the guests of our house. SYKES, CHADWICK. 4 CO.. Proprietors Willard’s Hotel. Washington. D. C. ” • a * * * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hun dreds of our disabled soldiers with the most aeto&lshi&l efeft. G. W. D. AJTDBBWS, Superintendent Soldiers 1 Home. Cincinnati, 0. ,J ***** The Plantation Bitters have eared me of liver eomplaint, of which I was laid up prostrate and had to abandon my business. H. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, O. ” •• * * * The Plantation Bitten have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs bee distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. 0.0. MOOBB, Agent for Colgate 4 Co., 254Broadtray,” fto., *O., 40., dto.. 40. s 40. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Ollasaya Bark, Wlntergreen, Sassafras, Boots, Herbs, 4c„ all preserved ‘in perfectly pure Si Croix Rum. S. T.—lB6o—X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, lassitude* palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress after eating, torrid liver, constipation. &c>, deserve to suffer If they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities, and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notice. —Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters In hulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. We only put it up In our log-cabin bottles. Beware of bottles refilled with Imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persona are already In prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, and signature on steel-plate side labels. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable lloba ' P. 11. DRAKE A 00-, 0.13-etu*th4m 803 BROADWAY. K. Y. EDUCATIONAL. rmWTENDEN’S COMMERCIAL COL vV LEGE. 631 CHESTNUT ttreet, coratr of “oyeath. ■Established 1844. BOOK-KEEPING, in its different branches, as prac ticed by the be&t accountants. Penmanship Mercantile Calculations, Business Forms, Commercial Law, 4c., furnishirg a nece»tary PREPARATION FOB BUSINESS LIFE A Diploma, with the seal of the institution attached, awarded on graduation. Students received at any time, and instructed sepa rately, Day and Evening. In its well tried course of instruction, extensive acco modations, wide-spread reputation and practical ad vantages to business men, this Institution it unequalled. It numbers among its graduates hundreds of our most accomplished ana successful business meu* fe& 6t* PENMANSHIP.— A TWO MONTHS’ J- term is Penmanship will commence on MONDiY EVENING, February 15tb, at BRY.&.NT, STB AT TON & GO. ’9 National Commercial College. S. E. corner SE VENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. The favorise Bpan- CfrianlsysteiD is tauglit by a gentleman taught by the author. Hr P. R. SPENCER A rare opportunity for young men to become experienced and haudSOcue pen men. . . fels-2t ■WTEST CHFSTER FEMALE SEMI VI HART, CHESTER COUNTY, Pa—Conducted by the Mieses EVANS.—-The Spring and Summer Session of this Institution will continue ppec till the last of June. Circulars containmg'term*; Ac , can be had on appli cation to or by mddresein&'the Principals ' The course of Inst’ notion includes all the branches of a thorough English Education; aIBO, the Latin, French, and German Languages, Instrumental and Vocal Muilc. • fell-3b SGHQOIi AND SINDERGA-RTEN Will lie opened on PeWaary 15tk. lfi«4, ftt the S E. corner NJNTti »ud SPRING GARDEN. The PRIMARY DEPARTMENT will be conducted as a Kindergarten, upon the German (FrcebeVs) System, and will include Bojb and Girls under ten years el a^A CIaBB of older pupils will be received. In both departmetfts GXMNaSTiCS, under the sys tem of Dr. Dio Lewis, will be taught GERTRUDE W. PULTON. HARRIET 8. DARLINGTON. Address, 316 MARSHALL Btreet. RORDENTOWN FEMALE OOLLEOE, i' BORDiarowir, », i. This XMlltutloß Is pleasantly located on tie Delawan river, 1& hour’s ride from Philadelphia. Special Atten tion is paid to the common and higher branches ol BHGLI&H, and superior advantages famished in Voca.' and Instrumental Music. FRfSNCH taught by native, and spoken in the family. For-Catalogues, address Rev. JOHH H. BBAKcLST, A. M., President VILLAGE green seminary, V bear MEDIA. PA.—Pnpils nceived at any time. English. Mathematics. Classics, and Natural Scieucai taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil En gineering taught. Satire expenses about ®S pep week. Boys of all a*e« taken. „ Helen to Wm. H. Karn, ex- Sheriff: John U. Capp 4 Co.. Ho. 23 South Third etreet; and Thomas J. Clayton. Esq.. Fifth and Prune streets, Address Rev. J- hWeF BAETOH, A. M., VilljM Green, Pa. IN SUB AN CE COMPANIES. •DETDEN OF THE BOVAL INSU AX BANCE COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL June 30,1853. CAPITAL STOCK $10,000,000. Of which paid... •«•.•«•••-- * ......$1.418325 Cash on band and in Bank.. ......... •«. e........ 155.58? Real Zet&te. » 80X927 Cash Jn hands of Agents*. United States Stocks held in New York 520.715 Loans secured by Bonds... 1,003 «5 Loans secured by Life Policies W ft « ®X) Sundry investment*in Great Britain... 770,685 Loan on Stocks with margins of 18 to 20 per cent 1,776.027 Total assets*. $5,108 040 Fire Insurance Premiums, 1862 1,54|,M0 Losses paid. 1882.. 7 ?§ jo* Losses not adjusted, about 12,435 Dividend declared, about • 165,120 Expenses, about.*.. 486,665 Liabilities, besides losses mentioned above, sundry small accounts, and three months dnty to Government* not yet due*............. 38,855 felS.Batuil.6t ' TYEIjAWARE mutual safety XJ INSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENN OFFICE S- E. CORNER A TmBD 18 &ND WALNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE. g?B V G t ,mB, l To all part, of the world. FREIGHT, ’ IHtAND INSURANCES On Coeds, by River. Canal, La'te, and Land Carriage, to ail paito of th«* Union. FIBS INSURANCES. On Merchandise generally. . OnStoreB, Dwelling Houses, &c. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOV. 1, 18^ $lOO. OOP United States Five per cent. L0an.....* 97.000 00 7fi OOP United States 6 per cent.'Loan 520 a-. 75.000 oo 20,000 United state# Btser cent LoairlSSb... 22.000 00 60,000 United State! 7 3-10’a per cent. Treasury _ N0te5.,..'...*.. 63,250 00 100,000 State of Ponnsylyaula 0 per cat. Loan 100.997 00 04.000 State of Penns,lyania 8 per cent. Loan*. 67,880 00 123,060 Philadelphia Citj 6per cent. Loan.... 127,628 00 30 000 State of Tennessee 6 per cent. Lmn.... 16,000 00 20.000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mortgage _ , _ 3 per cent. Bonds as, 22.300 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad. 2d Mortgage . _ 6 per cent Bonds 53.260 00 16.000 900 Snares stook Germantown Gas Com* pany, principal and Interest guaran tied by the city of Philadelphia.,.. 16,000 00 5.600 lOOSbares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad _ Company 7,22500 ff.OGO 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 2.660 00 21,000 United States Certificates of Indebted- ’ ness 21,120 00 1123.700 Loans on Bend and Mortgage, amply secured. 123.100 oo $791,760 Par Cost, $768,73712 Market Value... .$784,200 00 frffl Betate 36.363 35 Bills receivable for Insurances made 107.947 61 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Marine Policies, accrued Interest, and other debts M doe the feompany 28,919 87 Serin and Stock o> sundry Insurance and other <u . Companies, $5,803, estimated value 3,205 00 Caeh on deposit with United States - Government subject to ten days ca 11,,. $60.000 00 Cash on deposit, in Banks Gash In Drawer....... 200 SO W * 118,789 19 DIRE' Thomas G. Hand* John C. Pavia. , Edmund A Bonder, TheopUu* Paulding, John R. Pmroee, James rragnair. Henry G. Dallett, Jr., James G. B and William o. Ludwig, Jowpli £• Seal, Dr. K. M Huston, George O- Leiper, Hugh. Craig. Charles Kelly, THOWAi JOHN G HENRY LYLBUBN, Seen TjVA.ME INSURANI i No. 406 CHBff FHILAD] PIBE AND INLA DIRKO N. Bneh, Charles Blohardaon. Henry laiwls. O. W. Daria. PS Jnuttoß. G.o«« A. „ CHAS. BICHJ W. I. Bc.ahcha»p. SaoTati ttnion steam, and wateb U HEATING COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. GOLD’S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATBB HEATER. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, and all other IlT.proTed COOKING APPARATUS. Boilers and Water Basics. Parlor sad other Orates, Bealetere and Ventilators, Bachs and Jslobs, and all thlncaaonnaated with the shore branch of bnslne ». JAMES P. WOOD No. 41 Soaih fSTOTH Street. i. tt. Z4LTV?2uI*. InasrUiUiiMi. »p® if A YOUNG MA.BRIED MAN WISHES A a Situation as CLERK in a WholeAale or Retail Dry Coeds or Grocery 6:or«. He has hadelx y^ars'ei:- perieLce in tli* retail Address CHaKLBS B, fetLTEtt. VTIAMKPOHP P*. P.r* A N EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN to tvaveUlEg. and who baa a large trade iuj.hi B State and all through the West, desires a position in a first-clase Grocery, Tea. Produce, or other Hotpe aeslr- V )R .» < ll? CTft « He OT introduce their business. Address A. la. , this t fflca re» -i .-st* CHOIR WANTED. A .IOOd Tpnorand TrehV, In a Presbyterian Church. Address King. ’* Pren Ofiirr*. ffll3-2t* WANTED—IN A LIQUOR STORE, S. "at .M^offlce 0 notifying. Addrew -II WANTED—IN A DRYUOuin COM * * MISSION HOU3JS. a young man with sam* a*, perieitce, to assist in the Couutiug-Kooui. Mu>t l>.» quick soil correct at figures, vm'e a grr\d hand. r.c<i give EBtirihctoiy reforsnCdT. Addreis Box 153- P. o. ft 13-31* WANTED —51,200 ON $5 OuO OF GROUND &EHT unimproved, hut valuable and Bftid nn GEO. N. & 00 . v It South FOURTH Sroet. WANTED—IN A FKW WEEKS BY TT 8 fleiitiemnn ard Wife, with two Daiuh;era. r nianent BOARDING on a pUasant street, not utot eight sauarea from Chestnnt and Seventh; three room, m second or third story, with or without fttrmtara lto er «ico exchanged. Address, stating location and tn-m. per month, Bon 1032 Post office. f’-i.t-Si Incorporated 1&55. $1,089,425 52 HOBS. Bobert Burton* Samuel E. Stokes. J. P. Penlston, Henry Sloan. William G Boulton. Edward Darlington* H. Jones Brooke. Jacob P. Jones, . James B. McFarland, . Joshua P Eyre, Spencer Mcllvalno, John B- Semple, Pittsburg A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. ,S 0. HAND, President. 3. DAVIS, Vice President. retary. i** 4 c iE COMPANY, ,'JTOT STBBBT, jftfI»SnEAHOS. rOB John W. KT«rm»a, Bobortß. Potter, John Kessler, Jr., S. D Woodruff, OU vies Stokes, Joseph D Sills. BUr.K, President. LEDBON. Vice President. vrw. jaU-tf WANTS. TyANTED —AN INTK I.LKIIiNT HOY abcat 19 years old, in a Whnlejaie Tl it and Straw Good* Hoijfo. Addre-s. m UKtidwrltin* of un.-iia ...i Boy 5,342 Philadelphia Post ofljfH " f M y; sr ‘ u '■ 1 ' WAN TED-A SALESMAN, IN A * ' Dry Goods Jobbing House. Address Box No. 2f>l, Philadelphia Post Office. fellct wanted—an active or silhnt T f I»ABTriE3, with Two or Four Thousand Dol lars. la a business already established, yieldinglarge profits. Address “Merchant ” this office. f*l2-St* WANTED—A ,DRI G CLERK.—AD "" dress (stating age. references, where previously employed, how long in the business, salary expwcied, Ac. > Box tto 15, BRISTOL Bae»H County. Pa m 12.^ WANTED—A SALESMAN IN A * * Wood and Willow ware House. One acquainted with near trade preiemd. Address Box 367 <. w;a real name and reference. fell-av* WANTED—AN ENERGETIC AND ™ " experienced SALESMAN in the Dry Goods Jobbing Business, for city and near trade- SRIJLL & RttAD. fell-3V* *3fl CHURCH aLLET. WANTED—BY A HOUSE ENGAGED " ™ in the Importation of Earthenware, la- HftW York, a MAH, qualified by experience in the business* to act as talesman and Traveller. Address “B. 4t G.." Box 976, P»-(-t Office. JBWTORg. fait 36 wanted, by a married man, *" a Situation as talesman or Assistant T-oohlceauer, in a Wholesale Jobbing House. Brought up in ihe dry goods business in the country. Bo objection to keeping boohs in a manufacturing «h -tsbllshment. Address PoßtOfflcs, BORDE7- TOWW, I». J. ~ fell-6t* XKTAh TED—A SITUA TION AS BOOK -7* KEEPER, in any flrsl-elase city or country esta blishment, b> a young mao, a master of accounts,.ant Who has been occupied for the last tea years as clerk and manager in a large boiler-plate and due ir jh mill. Best of references given. Adress _ fe9-lw* BoxEfo. 46, Philadelphia Post Offlce. TITANTED—A PEW ERIE .CITY and County BONDS. Erie Car at Bonds of Erie, Pennsylvania. Also. 10,000 North Branoh Canal Bonds, for which the highestprlcewUlbepaidby _ C. B. WRIGHT it CO., . A 141 South THI&D Stractj Opposite tha txch^qga. ■WANTED TO LET.—ONE OR TWO v * Furnished or TTnfurnished Parlora. Al-o. one or two rooms in the back buUuiog. in or near ARCH Street, between NISTH and THIRTEENTH btreets, to be used as a Physician’s Office. Address, for one week, “ D c tor. ”*t the Prfi&s office. • feB Ci* WAN TED—CLOTHING.—P ERSONB ■ * having Clothing to dispose of will please call on or address _ 0. MILLER, jaO-tPths3m* No. gOS CHESTNUT Btreet. SALESMAN WANTED—TO IN man, who is acquainted with the Htllinerv business* andean influence Borne trade, aliberal saliry will be given. Also, a youih to learn the business. Ad dress.with reference. Box 464 p. o. fell-Sfc* itio non-this amount to LOAX on Mortgage, inune or two sums, at 6 per cent. Apply to E. PETTIT, fel3 No. 3H3WALWTTP Street. A MONTH !—I TO HIRE AGENTS in every Coun*y, at $75 a month, ex penses paid, .to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma« chines. Address S. MADISON, Alfred. Me. Cfel2 3&W:jm SlifiO MONTH I—l1 — I Want Agents at amonth.expensespaid, to sell my Everlastina Pencils, Burners, and 13otherariicLs. 15 clrca lars seat/ree. JOHN F. LORD. BMdeford. Me ja27 2m MTO HOUSEOWNERS—WANTED for cash* on Arch. Walnut, or Bpruee streets, a comfortable* moderate-sized Dwelling-House, with mo dern improvements. Address Box BV7, Post Office. It* m WANTED TO RENT—BY THE J«l-lHt of March, a three-story DWELLING with three ►torv hack-huildisgs situate between Tenth and Twen tieth and Spring O&Tden and Brown str-aeU. Addr»«s, giving location and rent* Box 1478* P. 0, fe-l-thstti 12t M WANTED TO RENT—A SMALL, new HOUSE. Address Box 1007, Philadelphia Post Office. felO-6D* FOR SAZiE AND TO I,JET. HOUSES! DWELLINGS!! STORESI! I FOR SALE HOUSES, STORES, and DWELLINGS, In all parts of tha city of Philadelphia Cali or send yonr address fora copy of House Register. GEO. N. TOWNSEND & CO., fol2-6t 133 rS South FOtfBTH Street. fiOAJj YARD FOR SALK—THE BEST fitted up Yard In the city. Capacity for doing any amount of business* Inquire at Ho. 957 North NINTH Btreo*! below Girard avenue. Terms easy. fei3-6t* STEAMBOAT MACHINERY FOB SALE, onwharf of Port Richmond Iron Works, Phi ladelphia. One Marine Return Fine Boiler. 20 feet lona, 7 feet wide; one BoiJer, 20 feet long, 7 fee'- wide; one boiler, suitable for propellor-tug, 12 feet long, 6 feet di ameter; two skeleton Walking-Beams with wrought iron shafts. 12 and 14 feet long. Address BvX 969. Phi ladelphia Post Office. fal3-3t* <TO BENT—TWO HANDSOME COM- A- munUating second-story front rooms to one or two gentlemen, No■ 3053 CHESTNUT Street. it* 4* ARCH-STREET DWELLING. BE* JSSbL LOW EIGHTH Street. 21 feet 6 inches front. 140 fe< t deep, with back buildings, stabling, Sic. , and suit able for a Store- For sale by fei3-3t* A,P fit J, H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH Street. $l,BOO FOB DWELLING HOUSE Hsu. AND LOT <2O by 46 feet 4 in ), No. 331 Crown street, near Callowhill. Will rent for #ll per month. Clear of Incumbrance. For sale by . J. E MITCHELL, fe!3-Et* 310 YORg avenue. m FOR SALE VERY LOW.—THE Jli&Kdesirable HOUSE No. 614 North SIXTEENTH street, 36 feet front. Price, only. $8 000 Also, the large and substantially-built DWELLING No. 202 FRANLIN Street, delightfully situated, opposite the figure, containing twenty rooms, and suitable fOr a large family or .first-class Boarding-House or Seminary. Price, only EVMOO. GREEN STREET ! GREEN STREET! GREEN STREET! Those wanting Houses on Green street, or in that vi cinity, had beet go straight to Headquarters. „ B F. GLENN, F. W. corner SEVBNTEENH and 6BBBS streets, fel3 Or m 3 South FOURTH Street ®FOB SALE—FABMS IN ALL parts of Pennsylvania and adjoining States. Fine Farm near MBDI&, Delaware county, of 130 acres: 15 acres of Wood, 15acrescfme*dow, Substantial Stone Building*. A. well-reiulated Farm. Price, .$llO Grazing Farm of 150 acres, near MEDIA. Stone mansion, containing ten rooms, large barn, and other out buUdings. Grazing Farm. Price, $l2O per aC A. S d es ir abl o'*'sin aJI Farm of 26 acres, near C3ESTfSR and WESTDALE. Fivtt-olais residence, with modern improvements; other out buildings. Grounds hand somely laid ont; shaded. View of river. Price, $.0,500. Also, over one hundred Farms and Country Seats in Delaware county. CALL AND GET A REGISTER, AND EXAMINE PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE DIFFERENT PLACE*. GEORGE N. TOWNSEND fit 00, fel3-sws « 1553 H South F JUIiTII Street. gßt FOB SALE CHEAP —LABGE iEMARYLAND FARM, containing 1,020 acres 400 of which aie fine timber land, divided into three Farm*, with three eete of good buildings; besides a large store house. one of the beat stands in the county for bust. e*«; wharf, gTain honeee, &c., (fee. ; situate in Derceester county, on a navigable river. For full particulars ap ply to *. PETTIT, 3‘A3 WALNUT street Price only $1,700. Indlspa'able title. Term easy. fe!3 LOST AND FOUND. T OST—A OEBTIFIGATE FOB ONE .1 A gbare In the KBNSIBTGTON BA9K, in tho county of Philadelphia. The finder will be suitably rewarded if left at if and 13 SIR A WBEKRT Street. __ _ - tuthfit* MOSES WHEELER. T OPT—A CEBTIFIOA'IE OF 5 PER -Li CENT. LOAN OF STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, for $516 05, dated March 12 IS3O, No. 751, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5-per cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of *2OO dated June SO. 1845, No. 1452. in the name of ELI S. PRICE, administrator ofWllliam Meredith in trust. An plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re* 11 felMm eal<l C lLr fl K ata raiOE. No. 811 ARCH Street. COPARTNERSHIPS. ■VTOTICE —THE PARTNERSHIP EX- Ai ISTING under the firm names of KIRK & BAUM, and BAUM. OGLB, & CG.. was dissolved on the Slat of January. 1864. by the death of Henry K. B Ogle, one Of the partners. The affairs of the firm will fie settled by the undersigned. , . , The Mining and Shipping Business of the said firm will, hereafter, be conducted under the firm namee of KIBK & BADM, and BAUM. GROSS * CO., by the following Copartners. joHNE' BAUH.’ HENRY S. O ;OSS, fe!3-6t* JONATHAN OLABg. AUCTION SALE. aw BAZAAR—NINTH AND SAN - AUCTION 1 CARRIAGES, Bjj , On SATURDAY MORNING next, at 10 o clock, comprl sing about F;FTY HORSES. Foil descriptions in the Cataloaues. New and Second hand Candaces. Light Wagons, Sc., W l l feoTstag“°aS| l ' Saddles, Bridles. W^ B f^Hffi“ 3 !*c“S C , C WEDNKDiv r ’ Sale of *«««»• « AllFßß i> M . HBBKNBSS, reii-stif _ _ Aurtlonear« TMPEBIAI PHOTO GRAPH CARTES X PE VISITS, nnsnrpassed, at NEWELL’S Gallery, VH-A ARCH Street. fe9-6tlf* TYEAF MADE TO HEAR.—INSTRU- menta to aw fat the hearing at P. MADEIRA'S, No. 115 South TROTH St. below Chettnut. foS-igt* REIMEB’S COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS, for $L are likenesses of rare value to all who deeire good and accurate pictures, finely finten; ed and naturally colored. BKCOND Bt .above Green It NEW LIGHT. The subscribers would Inform the public that they hare introduced in thlacHy MQTO po&vs*Jnjr advantaeesOTer allothera and na- Morgan, obb, * 00., stbam BHOISS BIJIXJttKS. SjTnSffnwhit¥ HmWxl«U »nd EoU.m»lnt,. * 5. I*l9 aiLLOWaILL <S.TMt. PWlXSilrtl*- *• AMUSEMENTS. A MERIC AN ACADEMY OF MUSIC GERM AS OPERA. GBAFD MATIEE,JT HlB (Sa >, niday) AETERTOOS. Febi*uirylSth. When will bs f iTen tbs . MEKKS WIVES OF WttfDSOE, Tickets to Matln6e SO Reserved Beats which may he secured at the Ag&dozir, or Mr J. E. GonldF. Seventh and vhefttaut euevt», beftro noon or Saturday, a 5 cent# extra. Door* open at 1 o’clock. To commfcnc* at 2. On Monday evening. Fob. Id. the Oran« Opora <v£ OjiSSOWDA" will be given, for the first timoin Ame rlca. xt ]V|USIOAL FUND HALL. * ONE ifliUT 081,?. SATURDAY AVENUIG. Feb. IS, 18}t. WK. V v BAW^rraf;. (OfßarontaV Mo»«ntn Now Ynf*V 1 WILL HtB OlttWf ircn \ LECTURE, “THE AK - " OF MONEY 6'.VTTII•???,' , Withanecdotee of Gre*t fl?ea in Fublie and l ; rufs b\.>ii*4 Li'e, iriroducion . THU ALMJGETY DOLLAR, And every subject that can boprocar*d for tbc iu|. An d*livo*'ed in ell she principal cHiGe of t'aU ooun'cy. f-f-vt.nteen different tiw&t in Si.. Jaaies’ Kali, Loudon, ‘■nri repeated SIXTY li> v*rious portions of Gr«Rt Britain, in Ifl-W. TirKn 1 2 5 cents, to be bad at the Hall on tbs aUbt of tneLecmre. _ . SPECIAL NOTrOB. Toavoid crowding at night. a few secured seals can be obtaired ftt HipUy’g Book Stand, Continental Hotel; S ar tr*., Store. 1152 CbestspC street, and \t Young** cook bland. Glra. d Hottso. Secured seats* with coupon*. 60 cts. I lau of Hail txhtbitad on Friday morning. - fell-31 NEW GHESTNUT- V., BTRRST THEATRE LEONARD GROVER MANAGER* TICKST.or-LEAVE MVN. OF-LSAVB HLMf. AN lncnlcated l>J tfalftTparhiu Drama of tbs _ TIC K E T-0 ?-L KAYE MAH ’ pervades, in it* teaching, v EVERY CLASS OF SOCIETY The< the fast lads of the towbt sre whoUfibirely and forcibly impressed wltU the d&o -fere besetOn# their patbg, and Brierly’a warning voles? to Sam falls oa hpedinp ear*. •The bnmabitarian ha# a new field for pnila.nthr'XTvr Tb«> discipline ofprlef'nsreceiys3 a ch*m Crime 16>6Stbin frequency wnea tbo criminal ntwo* vei6 that he In not wholly ln»t, „„ hT_eROVSBhS NhVT CHESrSOT the delightful Domestic Drama, _ _ TICKBT-OF.LEAVEMAN *8 pretented enti a. - THE CAST OF CHARACTERS Pronounced by prominent journals of thin city to I>t» oai of tbfe sttocseat ever given the drama. THE SCENERY Superior to any thins hitherto presented in drama MR. C A. KOPPITZ end the GRAND ORCHESTRA Play the TicKet*or*Leave'* overture; 11 B&CCio We-lt* —BrUHaot; aod A Dey with the Irish Rtiirad* —KopplU. ADMISSION.—'iress Circle and Partial. ftOc.: Orchen. tra»7fc.; Family Circle, 25c Scat* sheared without ostwt charge. ■— SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. TheFintßegular FAMILY MATINS'* w*llbacWe*i on SATURDAY AFTERNOON next, upon which occasion the prices of admission will ba FIFTY CE/TS to all pnrtrof the boa&e. Two tickets admit three Der«OM Children, 26 Cent*. TICKET-OF LEAVE MAN , , , (The drama entire) wilt be presented. , , fyg WALN UT—W ALKUT-STREET ff theatre. THIS (Saturd&v) EVENING. Feb 13. GALA SATORDAY NIGBT BILLI ; TbeLsBtNl*htiathiBcVty,previoaß to herdapactare for California,of th« besntifai. flb*e.and verhatUeaotreM. . LUCILLE WESTERN, who wIU appear to night in Two Wre+t • Jharacters, LUCBBTIa BORGIA and DON CVE i»* rWam LUCILLE WESTERN as the POPE’S DAUGHTER LUCILLE WESTERN IN A MAT.R CHARACTER A LADY AS DON CAESAR. M*S. JOHN DREW’S NEW AdJOU J*JL STREET THEATRE. LAST NIGHT OF Mrs? c. THOMPSON THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING; Feb. 13, 1851. VICTORIA Or, I’LL SLEEP ON IT. Victorine.... Mias CHARLOTTE THOMPSON Alexander., .Ba*ton Hilt, Blaise. »Btuart Rob»o&- M1cbae1.................. ...........Mr, Aiken* Mr. honnasßUß. Ur. Griffiths. Toeonelo.de w»th the grand Drama of THE IDIOT WITNESS Or. A TALE OF BLOOD. Monday. the Riebisaa Opera Troupe Curtain, rises at 7)£ o’clock felS Great national circus TROUPE, MARKED STBEfcT, ABOVE TWELFTH. Directress—Mrs. CHARLES^WARNEB, formerly Una, The great popularity of ihe Circus is fully maintained, but, notwithstanding this, the ©how must soon close * Among the many beautiful sceneß to be performed this week Is one entitled TBB PERUVIAN AND HIB BRIDE, a splendid piece of double horsemanship. The entire National Troupe will appear EVERY EVENING this w*eb. Matinees on WEDNBBDAY and SATUEDAY After noons, commencing at 2H o’clock. Evening performance commencing at 7.40. Adoolst-fonJiScents; Stage seats, 60 cents; Private Bos-! $3; Gallery. lg cents. feB-8t Hate arrived at CONCERT HALL. MONDAY UTERI NO. Febraary_Bth. AND EVERY EVENING DURING THB WEEK, The far -famed original and only MORRIS MINSTRELS. BRASS BAND, AND BURLESQUE OLD FOLKS’ «?* CONCERT TROUPE T * Twenty-one Established Artists, from their Opera House, Boston EViRYTHING FEW-NOTHING OLD. REAP THB PROGRAMME The acknowledged Champions of Alinstre’sy. An entire change of Programme every other evening, giving the most extensive and versatile entertainment everwitceesed- Cardsof Admission 25cen«s. Donrft op®u ato’clock; commence at 7&. 'CHARLES A. MORRIS Manager. W. A. ABBOTT and CH.AS G«.S3R FT, Agent* ItSCt ___ A SSEMBLY BUILDING, AA TENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. The celebrated DAVENPORT BOVS. fSIS WEEK ONU, The greatest PHENOMENON aver wttne.*sad since th* days of the Apostles. MYbTBRIOUs DISPLAYS and STARTLING wONDEBSare produced m their presence. Go and see them. Admission. Gallery Doors open at 7 o'clock; comrntnclng at V 4 o'clock. Seats can be secured at the office of the Halt daring tho day -without extra charge Open from 9 to 12 A, 3n, ftB‘6P nONOEBT HALL LBCTOBE ROOM. CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE TWELFTH. POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK OF ■ WUMDBRLICH’S ZOOEAPHIOOH. A series of illustrations of T. 8. ARTHUR’S TEN SIGHTS IS A BAR-ROOM, ALSO. JOHN BOSYAITS - PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, And other attractive Scene* from LIFE, CHAKaOTEB, NATUBJ3, and ART. Proprietor and Munster. JOSEPH YKB&TI will continue for a abort season. Th‘e splendid serla* of more than 100 grand Panoramic Paintings was executed by Mr. GEORGE WUNDSRLICH. ta American Aitiat, who stands unrivalled as a send* Painter. Admission 25 cants. Children IS cents. Doors open at 7 o’clock. t MATINEES EVERT AFTERNOON" AT 3 O’CLOCK. jd4-42t • TEMPLE of wonders. X assembly buildings, TENTH »nd CHESTNUT StreeU. WILL SHORTLY CLOSE. MAGICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL EYPBRTMBNTSi Great Powers oj VENTRILOQUISM, and theLEARNKB Canary birds SIGNOR BLITZ will appear In bis popular Entertain ments EVERY EVENING, commencing at 7>% and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3 Admission 20 cents: Children IP cents. j»4 tf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF X the PINE ARTS, 1«» S CHR6TKTTT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sunday* excepted) from SlM,ttU IP. M. * Admission 2B sent*. Cblldren half *H«a. JaM»tf MIIITARY. S HEADQUARTERS, 91st REGIMENT P. V. V., 433 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia February 13,1854. SPECIAL ORDERS. NO. I.—The members of the 91*t Regiment Pennsylvania VeteranlVolun'eorß will meet at INDEPENDENCE SQUARE THIS (Saturday) PAY »t 2 P, M., to Teceive their bounty. The Drum Cotp« will appear with their instruments. By order of E M GRiGORf, Col. Corn'd*, B. J. T ay.max, Adjutant. It* « HEADQUARTERS, 91st REGIMENT & P. V. V-i 433 CHESTS UT Street. ie _. ftl Philadelphia, February 13.1864. Jit 6TECIAL ORDERS. NO- 2—All members of the 91st Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers Will report at INDEPENDENCE SQUARBon TUESDAY, 16th lust, at 11 o’clock, fully armed and equipped, to prooeed to the rendezvous at Chester, the order to report at Camp Reynolds at the expiration of their furlough being changed toChester, By order of E M. GREGORY. B J. Taymax, Adj’t. Clt*3 Col. Comd’g. « GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, No 611 CHESTNUT Street. Recruits wanted for all the gallant old Cavalry. Artillery, and Infantry regiments now in service raised In this State . A limited number of men can yet be enlisted for the 2d Artillery P. V .stationed In the fortifications for the de fame of Washington j and for the 34 Artillery, stationed at Fortress Monroe. Va bv applying at this office imme diately. BOUNTIES. Veteran Volunteers ».»*.. ,1675 All other Volunteer?! 570 WHS CASH IN'HAND,- Beware of unauthorized agents, irresPOUßibla fanners*, and fecoundrela. who are on the alert t" take advantage of y.-.n. but come direct to the authorized recruHiuc office. No. 611 Chestnut street, and select a good,old regi ment, secure the bounty, rerve under officers or experi ence and avoid the impending draft. CHAS. H. CAD WALLADEK. Oapt. 24 A;t. Pj-V., feis- 6c* General Recruiting Officer. ~ THE PBOVOST GUARD.—THE B BOLLS OF THE FOURTH COMPANY WILL BE ft! cu SED TO-iiOKRoW. -Good Men, who denre w ii 4 t)«r?orm pleasant duly, should not miss this opp>r tabltr. Lara© numbers ara dally coming 1u from the w«&tcrn part of the State to join thi* splendid or**ntrai ♦lon, Arply, wpII recommended. at the Provost Mar shal’s Office, FIFTH and BUTTONWOOD -Struts. Captain JACK... Captain GHA&lifefl REEJ-. Recruitlus Officers^ S NOTICE TO VOLUNTKEBS.—RE emits or Veterans accredited te the FOITKTBBNTH ‘“tween the home of 9 Tre&surar. S FELLOW ■COUNTBYMEN I—THE LABT CHANCE TO AVOID THE DBA?T, Whleh will take place on the 6th day (g Marolb recelya the followine bonntiee: For Veierane. $162; [new K Th““hoM 2 BonntleB will be Paid In lnetatmente. by anlhority of the War Department Able-bodied nion trill be recruited by the Provost Marshal of the First District. aS aonth THIRD Street, for any Company in old Beriueatf. And any ward in the city of Philadelphia the Recruit may • elect. 411 City and Ward Bounties will he nald the Recruits before they enter the barracks Apply lo Capt FREDERICK ZABR4CHEB. fpB6t* BecroHlng Agent. a*s.B. THIRD Street. AVOID THE DRAFT. Mm n now ok never is tee tmb tobnltst. Recruits wanted for the 16th REOIMEfIT, 1, Fesnaylvatiia Cavalry. now in the field All Beeiuits receive the same bounties as other Recruits re ceive sow enlisting: pay oommenelng irom the date or enrolment. Apply to rt __ Capb FRBDK ZARR4OHBR. At No. IOOt-oath SIXTH. S»reet, Major 0. Barry’s Marqasa, 0. S. Georof. W. Irvi.t MATERIALS FOB MINCE FIBS, HPHOH, T.ITIH. AHP SOT.TAHA KAIBISS. oiTßoir, oirpKASte. asd spioks, OIDBR. WWHS, t« , 4m., ALBERT O. KOBEETS, Dealer In Fine Groeer',ea, Comer ELEVENTH and Vis’d straeta. J BOOTS AND SHOES,, LADIES’ BALMORALS. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S—I good m ? s *’dfaclTitd. Moderate pH tea at IW»6 MARKET Street w. P, CLARK'S. fe!B-2t« SJOHN L. GAP bn, pHBENOLO °I BT d.!?* 7 '£ , S? B 2 l, ’j*d. DAT ftcdEVBNINO.OB adaptation to Boy -JJ®' aad Profusion; 21,1*?* riSUfloiT* m«”nt of health, corrKtion of I&uw! (onilU M nf fritnifihtu Ao, FUilfdti* A or'rfven when rooair*! °- TENTH ■*»—*« r Hjove Ohentnnt. Mg-tbatoSnilf fOB PIANO TUNINO ” •Jffl-’olr. 0. E. SARGENT'S Ordjra for Tanl»| SEii tßr rln« Plano* sro received at MASON A CO. •» Bk Sr? » '* CHESTNUT Street, only, I*® I !* .. baa had eleven yeare’faotory eawrianee la ov ..nd Eve Tears’ employment In Philadelphia SPECIAL —Plano* reltalhered to aonnd «» "OC *■» * aeet-toned aa new, mithoMt . . a-j. Tertna for Tnnln«. «L ><*Co cent* . .15 cent*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers