ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS JF TO TWELVE O’CLOCK LAST HiaHT. •lnrd-chntmt gtrem. below Hitt. J M Bowman, Kentaeky a C Goall. Uarriohiiric JB Klohardson, Baltimore H W Chllda. «ew Brighton J J Hackart, Maryland MraOo Child", if BZCaser, Kentartty AM MarshaU. Alleg y Oity H C Phillips, USA PUtsoarg JTm, Bißimoin A Fi-her. MWdletowa 3 H Hendexson, Baltimore '* h Finher, «T j j l lo i‘ )tFa B flrlm UnrfAllr '1 hmnlier. Middletowa B Z pSi’tM Ch .1A Walter. Kaasas City Sta?bS»Vct" Tfloxmly, New York J Wllanr Bay Tart IP Jackson J HBronJon? Chicago HSmonson, Bew York W G Gender. Cbic** o C Baitim T A Wilson, Columbia A P VVilson, Haatiagd >a HCMflttin. To k, MigsAlexaader Penaa APFithian. Newcastle £8 rukeitoa, Downix-i^on Mt* Connelly. Janesville Jos Cm iter MreS Platt, Zanesville Mrs V-*il, Illinois •Miss Dimßlau- Janesville Mrs Hubbell, Illinois CPewell. Haverhill Miss Habbell. Illinois W B Hart, U6A .T D Coaaor, Illinois W H D S A Mrs 8 L Casey, Kentucky TboaCPotter John Moore, Ohio B R Bradford* N Brighton S L Brinton, Ohio Miss E Bradford,la Brighton P Drayton* Ohio Sami S Apple Lancaster John Morrison, Ohio Jotn Travier- SimsonvUle Oyrns White. Ohio W CoDwar. Sunsonvilie John A Kins, panna IlSfor"* 110 ”- V 8 A 're jao Atwatei-, Pennsylvania “aniol Simpson!'pittshiirv E»bt Boy«ii, Pennsylvania Alfred Simp C Wilson, Jf, New Jeremy H Adams ala rg Gen B Brady, Portland John zfeal«r C H Eilllnsor, Phil a O O “SdSK Tc Tris^ Q '* Dr J WBe Mitt. Poona W C A KKbeem Carlisle GftoPurnell JMPmter. C ’Hantod S Pennsylvania M P Hodder Hlrtford TOob O B > ow?S’ G om ‘ r Crahbe. Priaceiaa APIJaSion ItW,n C SJ yn , B Wills. -Yew 3a'seT U M7r a iS»?„ a- f,Cft } i, ; rJl,a OC Willson. Oh o W»Vni2S tto, ‘; l i. ew Orleans Water Breen, D.’no . ST® Aibwtiy. BY Thos P Jtobern. (hacia.'.ati S. "»M>let, Albany. H Y B B Dink ley, lowa St 1 Albany Coi Jaiaiaoa. V & A Ynrner A wf. Brio. Pa Mil T Snowden. USA H H Siegel. Bosdine 1 .visa Cor* Yeauh, l-olnmbia A. K MeEUhany. :C P Anderson, fcpriugfi } id Vt P Homan. To lie: ft T rfi Ir. New York • G P Helnick. Indiana ■ H or^- Hr & Mr* Vagderbilt, New York Henry C BfcGrsth *i» , . T g A wf. N ST • G WLamson. Philadelphia ;L PZaekerras, Memphis W W Weaver, Allentown -Col J Johnson, USA W £FI =.Dasan, Wa<*Mn?::?G Thos Bradford, W Chester Mrs Warren, Boston !!> S Cook. Wefet Chester • Chas F Gettens. Brooklyn jECLewis JSJ Cochran, Baltimore J Johnson, New York D Braden Ala, Baltimore W Parsons, Pennsylvania J** Stein, Baltimore TM Weakley, Carlisle h C Clark. Baltimore W H Linn«ood, Betdi'>c wflfer D #rlfmS ioraa,> Lock Haven 9 "W K WhatmtTigli.Ph.ila PA Hall. Boston 'W H Kent. Boston H D Hears, Washington J Frye, Baltimore EL Fabian, Chicago 5 P Nichols, D A Puoffler, Cleveland 6 H Neal« Baltimore Marinis deßrasiacaat. Italy Majorßodman, USA Major Dyer. USA CaptainAulicfr. USN Charles Khan. New Jersey James Kcllcher. Now York E B Stronse, New York B p Crane. New York vlHntchiMft.. N H W H Beiizer. Washington A I. Asbmead -J" 6 Morris, Louisville, Ky W Brown ft la, Trenton.N J Dr A R Gaston, Chester co Mrs BH Osston, Chester co Miss E L A Gaston. Chestco Mrs J Ferguson, N Jtreev Mi»s Fergueon ft eist, N J B A Smith ft la, Boston Snapp, Tennessee •Jos Mtek Logan. 'T?nn A. R Laing & la. New York C W Humrichouee, Balt <3Morton. USA Cbaa W Gefker, Baltimore J*mes E Pitman, Entfdo Mortreal Chas P HeUenatein. im J P Hunter & wife. N York MiS3 Ak Moore, New York i W Bmcoe ft la, Bs3 t % SPiOTpont, New York MB Field. Washington CH Gardner & w, pa. H Polkenhorn 6c w.Wash L B Brady. Washington J MBftT, New Albaa-r - A A Semmee 4v,tiSN Miss Johnson, Balt Miss Brauner, Washington Roy «TB Amoß &w, 8a U Miss M C Amo-ii Balt C Mantz. Frederick, £d W 6 Miller. Frederick. JVTd Mr ft Mrs W £ Dodge. N T Mr ft Mrs I) Jaioes. Liverp r l Master Aamee, Liverpool Dr J B Bell, Missouri J P Mood. Missouri Col J E Wynkoop USA B D Hamlin, Penna H Hamlin, Penna c E bteaJd, St Lottie H L Scrantpn.New Haven R C Ontealt, MiKgonri -D Robinson. Jr. Boston. H E Stiner.lndlana B HComingore. Cin WTMcGrain. St Louis J L Mailerft la. New York F WSaskls. New York ~C P Randall. New Y ork O F Wiight, New YoTk Jos L 1 Lord. New York JBWeeks, Newark. N J M Wills,inston, Kan as Geo S Weaver. Albans Jno M Moor?, New Jersey J FjJte, Bethlehem, Pd. J V Bogert. New Y OTk ED Griswold, New York TETootle, St Joseph j 3 H Fessenden. Boston * B Cluff. Now York H A Allen, New Yoik Amerlcan-Cheatmil HB Brown, New York B Spangler. ’■ T S Baker, Penn a Itaae Schwarr, Alexandria K Mason. Wat-h, i> C y A Adams £ B Phelon GW Bratton and lady Mrs Sharpe MrsC’NelU C J Plchardson, 311 HQ Merrill & lady. K Y P Trainer, New I<>i t Lient J J Scropes. N Y VCSPciert, Baltimore C K. Fanmiiff, New York H Sinnickeon, New Jersey Mrs J M Sinnickton, N J J M Togle. Ohio '3)rßPPlcken?on. M-J 3bs Taylor. Delaware W MShakespear, Dover. Del J C Waterhouse. Trenton T MMoore,Wi f mij3g r n, Dei -C P Holcomb, B.Utiinire G N Holcomb, Baltimore : Chas ttewait. SBaston, Pa ! N D Woodraff, Nlw Jersey’ P Taylor, New York ! Verchants’-Fourth JLStephenson.Ches Valley € Lukens. Hontg c‘o { Wm Cuyler. New York I H Saxton. Carlisle I J Henber, Ghamhej tb lrg j BFUOwi.Usa F Lighten stone B Ricketts, use GW Reynolds. Wi’keebarre 2« Laner, Baltimore ST New bold, Baltimore J F New bold. Jr, Baltimore S Stein. Baltimore "WWWiuant, New York £ Stevens, Conn "W Fleming. Pittsburg -J McLean. Salem P H Raemmerer, Ohio G M Brubaker, Millex»Vn?g i C F Miller. Madison C Supper, Johnstown J Clewell & wf. Ohio Miss Mlkeeh, Ohio < W P Derr. Chester A R Reed, Pittsburg St Conlf-ClietlttM FCraft. USA G W Wootien ds la.Peuna W J Crook, Baltimore -*5 H Crook. Baltimore Georje Gordon Wlßcack, USA. Jacob Johnton. Penna Dr Be Lange. Kew Jersey 'CP Baring. Now York W Howe, New York Louis Wegleiu Baltimore C P Johnson. Baltimore Jfßrooks, New Y*.rk •Jobs Bardinas, P*nna *Chas Houston, Ohio Boyd C Longan. USA £ L Field, St Loais'" Thos B Jones, New York P Potter. New Jersey W U Graham, Cincinnati James Denny, Ctnciuisati James Colson, Penna | Matthew Potter. W Chester) Frank Ford 6 M Whelpler. White Plain! Tbs Cnlom-Arch a Thos Xunkle. New Jersey Wm Noble, Pittsburg ] A Hastings, «ew rak ■P B Berov k wife 3> M PhUlipe. Pa JM Broomfield. Brooklyn Geo Johnston, ZanesviDo, O Jas Wallace, Zanesviile.O A Johnston, Zmesvllle. O G H Dowling, New 7 crk J £ Heazlett A Frye G WUnley & wf Laneaste* John Miakel, WhstJins-.Va. Mrs Ruderbacher, Alleinn Mies Blcower, Al*entow.e John. Larch. Bethlehem M Vernam, New 1 ork S L Hershey, Lancaster co Capt D B Kanfron o. n s A S B LambeTtlse, USA Thoa Graves, Pittston ! gtatel Union —SS arki Eobext B Potter .New «U A Lang, New York - F Young & la. Maryland J Lafarge, Luzerne co. Pa G W Simpson & da. Wash T K Smith. New York "W w Stott. Chester co M L Lettzell Chap Yaaaaut, Bristol. Fa WHEcfcels, Delaware Lieut J W Eckles, USA Mas EEMStarch, Chicago G W Herman Jas McLamon, Wilm, Del Geo W Chapon. Wilm, Del HB Broie, Lewififcnrg. Pa Benj L Sample. Lewlsbnrg Contmerclsa-Sixth at J Sw&yne. Penna J 6hMt*, Virginia H C Nelson, 08a Uarrett, Downingtown WABackb ns, Delaware A B Riley, USA J New Jersey . J A Strawbndge, Penna t Lamboxn, Penna J H ( Wlttin*toa, pMla •Sr twm Fer. Masaaeh nset ts WDeMyre&la. NT E Pussy, Chester co -A 6 Knox, Massachusetts tre«t, above Chestnut. W B Morrison, Penna JPickell. New fork W Smith, New York T Williams, New York J Barrett. New York A I* Hnghes, Coaiesville J H. Dunlap, Co&tesville W H Hinksos, Westchester C W Jones. Ce»il co, Md SH Hoooes, Chester co F Banner, USA JMctaaaaan. Delaware J P Francis, New Haven J A Cooiy New York ; J Depea, Albany iO Ballard. New Haven !JBQ ray. West Chester ! D P Herbart, Pottstown National-Race si X Meyers. Washington T Donnelly Chaa Boils & eb.Sly/barg Lott Shipman, Elyshnrg Dr L D Robins, Blyshurg J M Harley. Bucks co A F Starr, USA Spb Starr, Muncy. Pa 8F Baber, Andalmla, Pa J T Baldwin, Easton, Pa Sheaf-Secom S Harbor TKowlfttt, Ptalljn, Fa S^P? Warwick tt> Solebary fiTwjfl*? l Bocks eo Backs co JUss^-S" a *• Patr». Itt Pa Cavalry id a treat, below VUe W 8 Hough, Newtown Mr Bice, Solebory Wm Eyre, Attleboro Wm T drops, Frenchtown r G Flack, Frenchtowa A W Rich, Lahaska. Wm Betts, Solebury W 8 Woolman. Bucksco T Satherthwait, Backs co I Vanhorn, Northampton O Alien, Oxford Valley mrV Harrisburg MrsWinslof, Hairiebure Astalllli;!, Berlln.TiUo w FBenninger. £eriin«w , l wIfeSST le it b Marstelea. Centre Val rMt, *bov«CiOlowblU. Jgha Walp. Bethlehem. Mathew, Qnakertown l*evt Wentz Kanban Lins. Ashland, Pa n D Liverpool, Pa r ?? Pittetrarg V X *MSpe. Liverpool Pa JohnT Kichel,Liverpool.Pa i l S?5w„ B “ir~ aii,r ABi Eaßton, Pa f!tefc rtoa W Herner, hjJK H SUM. Chaichvii‘e r Clus Ftsney, HarUville H 8 CMMman. Saller»vjlU BPFeaster. Holland. p. M KTiuokier. Claytoi Pa J K Truckler, Clayton, Pa j *t-» abovs OaUowhill. JjJj* Harsh. Pazuuborv Sami Kirk, Penns iAVU nall * Peasterviile Haroer. Jenklntown pnv.^ a OI 2E B 2?' p «“» | Pleasant t P* " 9 Jfl *x. Jottt Shall. SamaeTtowa nZ 5?1?" alen - PaMWllle Gao Hinkle, Miilarsbara Ifoaat Vernon—Sec- JT Hotchnar. Haw Jersey A Dnnlan, Maine Miss It Brown * D Evans Joe LaVgff, Haw York ?alar Williams, Stroud jb* 5 p M Jr Smith, fauna *hpa Armstrong. Pflapa mml Chestmmt ntreet*. P Metcalf & wf. Cincinnati IT Singal. 8c Louis J W emitn, Baltimore -l 17 Crawford, TJ S A W H Wilson. New York J A B-mea, Alexandria £ S Smith. Chicago .) WeKeen, Maiae G W gfwall. Maryland C Liverpool G SeadmflQ. Liverpool * FOrnf, New York ■J Colley. New York T L Kimball, Chicago S A niton. Wew .Tereey Bernard. W Poict.Mo J fiegney, jr. P.tfcgburg LQRawson. Fremont, O SAmsden, Fremont. O W Riddle, Pittsburg *■ Hanford. St Louis ? s Paries & wife. Pott iv M Henshaw. Boston ; o S Baldwin.- New York A L Scott, New York 7 G Chase. Springfield. Mass ■ J B T Chase- Massachusetts 1 / P Crosby, New York 1 Miss Butler, New York Hiss L A Butler, New York ; Mrs T J Strait, uin, O £ Keith. Chicago *i H ilcCartnev. B >»toa M • Stanley, New York , Major Eickendorf, Phil id 'W M Wi-ey, Pdn.nsylv*vaia. ' Dr Humphreys Sz la. Wash. IJ £ Mcmtosh, New Tork lie S PATB&WMth, Prov R I W T Poi l-. Washington Caot W P Smith, D S A a Gold. Baltimore D E Small, York A B Boughton. Lebanon F J Pervin Pott'yiHe W Pervin, Pott=ve j L F Whitney. PottsviLe jC Ef T< son, Pott-villa j f[ Watertain. P/ov. R I IT w Yernon. Prov, KI J H D# Wolf Prov. R J W J Barton & w. Brooklyn Miss Vernon, New York J Sohensieln, New Ybrk J Farren E P Ross, Auburn G Mowell & w Boston His*'Mowell, Boston GN Corson, Norristown ft P Truman, Kentucky BSForo & la, aiaryiacd P V Kellogg. Utica Miss EG Kellogg, Utica C H Wheeler, New York lC F Glemon. New York ABenßonNla New York Surgeon TC Wallace, USA Jaroes Hot, New Tort J W Brindley. New York Tho* Drew, New York •Tno F Drew, New Tort Julias Convex e. New York A C Spring. Breton £I» Hole New York Wfl£ Sutton. New York M Ban is, New York M MlUkawer. New York. JojhnHoop-r, New York AE Noble, New York JH Bates. New York W H Gregg, New York Dr M Lord J C Thompson, Cincinnati I street, above FliU, IW John3on, Boston | W a Johnson. Boston i P Vi £ Heary. N J A Miljer, New Jersey W B Miller. Hew Jersey Mrs Jon*s, Hew Jersey § F Smith. Heading Geo M Boffmap, Milton J B Bank. McEwensvllle A Kutz & lady. K»adin«* Hanuel.&ire, Jr, U S a WDDnlter, Tamaqua 4 H PiiUlippi, Beading D Warren, New York GW Hal), Providence. ET V c *alone. Washing. D C J H Primrose, Delaware J D Cupp. -Delaware L D Hopkins, Vermont W V^r^Qont MR Carlisle. Mi ford. l>el >W Tharp. Milford. Del ; John T J.;kee. Delawar, i Jae Skirvin*. Wash, D C I Went a.iff W Carr, N J Samuel B Keeler. N J )Richard Bradford. ST iCapt J Evans, Jr, USA Mol a S Griilg. Broad Top k. Street below Area, 'jThosT Miller. Easton W Cutger, New York IF Laser, heading Id m New York |R WLRasio, Baltimore E W Bardell, Baltimore Jas Serdman, Pittsburg J C Coie. Cincinnati L'-ni* 21b Kentucky R McDowell. Sl&tington J Mitchell, N Jersey Cbas A Stebbins. Maes H««ury Wetsh, lforfc F rihine eld, Chambeisburg S Hitchcock, Conn John S Brown, Erie i*Drifoos, Tennessee J Varies, New York w F Colburn. Mass jV Macomhe. Newton J P B’ake, Waterbary, Conu Jo*' Jones. Smith field, O C F Mathews W A Leg*, Boston icreeit ftttova ghtrJ. Chae B Holmes, Pcov, R l E £ Weaud, Pottstown Th.o9 Ford & da, Middl-towa Jacob Coffman, Dayton, O Wm C*rnabau, Wtimeline • L N Loaaa, Parksburg. Va A. Iff Davidson, New Tori 8 T Porter. Worcester David L Lonarstreet. N T N Stratton. Millville, N J A K Hvy, Jr. N*w Jersey H M Stone, Boston Caleb Tohe, Bethlehem 8 D^Abbot A K Dunn, White Plains Hiram Burdick, Utica, NT John Dawson, Penna C Slarsenbaf, U 8 A Henry Prettyleaf USA B Mills. Jersey City ;V a Ellis. N*w Jersey >F K Re»d. Cleveland |H G Berlin, New Totlc I Mrs Vail, »ew Tori C Davie, New York ifireeti above Third. M E Ball, Canal Dover, 0 F Keffer, Reading P Walk, Cfcamtieraburff tV B Brown, ohamborsDorg; Sen Cooke Upton, Pa C E Caufmsn, Carlisle W K H Dsatrich, Fayettsvl E Hirtzeli, Fayetteville Miss J K Cummins, Sidnv,o Miss Maggie Mathews, Pa L 6 Mathews, r'a. A H Parker, Midi In W Fr>kt>er«f, New York Ah Fleury, New York J G Beading, New Jersey P C Heac*.ck, New York Kichd bharpe, Luzerne co TV ti Fatter-oa. ''aoimii Sill M M SelMdge. Bethlehem : W y Mobrv, Bethlehem i W B Gox„ Bethlehe m iHDalzell, Jersey City vt aireot abovs Sbrtb, 1 John S Miller, DowninE'o’n IS L Wright,Che-tar co, Pa ;Thos GaUaffher, Wash, DC j Jjjhi R Giles. Wa*h, D G Wm B Clarfee, St P«ul A Bateman, Bridgeton * amnel Haine* Lane co. Pa ft t* Garll Bridgeton, N J W Davis. Bridgetjn, N J HM Hilliard, O&io J R Snowden. Bacyrus, 0 A D Campbell Lancaster James Coyle, Lancaster. J W Thompson, Wilm, L«1 C P ihamwood.NewJeraey E A Tar nail. Centre co M A Bliis, Peach Bottom feet, above Third Jos Fmith, USA t\ » McCracken, Penna V r W A Barry. Jonestown Jonn Brnnnar, Jonestown c ° * , an }.b?’ Reading John G Butler W B Boillday, Doylevtown -*■ 8t « »h#r« Anh, Moore. Panna OecatParsahp^^ o "' • 8PEO: Ninth Army Corps. SSSsrSrS s ’?* thetHamnW * UtaT,n * the *<">*<*the country end help on this worv l^ 11118 !? 1 teart ' to 1180 every effort to f k a by voUn(t,a ™ bounties from the re sUtlcpraprniM procumg recruits, as _V " officers,and by ruck oilier means as an ardent patriotism may suggest. In no place can volun cts be so useful to the cause and so soon become liood soldiers as in the ranks of veteran organizations, under experienced officers. The undersigned bae every hope that the loyal people of Pennsylvania will send tiiose regiments hack to the field with full ranks to bear a proud part in the closing scenes of this glorious war. Captain John A. Morris, A. Q, M, is appointed Chief of the Recruiting - Service of the Ninth Corps for Penn sylvania, wiik headquarters at Harrisburg. All com munication* relative to that service will be add re sed to him. Recruiting Stations have been established In the various sections of the State. Recruits will bn re ceived by any of the recruiting officers of the Ninth Army Coi-p*. or bv any Provost Marshal. feJ-frawSt Baldness Prevented—Gray Hair Re stored Without DrsrNo. | ‘London Hair Odor Restorer and Dressing. ” London Hair Color Restorer and Dressiug. ” "Lcndon Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ” ‘ * London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ” * * London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ” The only attested article that will absolutely re tore the Hair to its original color and beauty, causing it to grow where it has fallen off or become thin. Wholesale and retail at Dr. SWAYWE‘S, 330 North SIXTH Street. Price SO cents; six bottles. $2 50. u Orb Prick Clothing, op the Latest, made In the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory- Our One-Price System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. de23 ly JONES & CO., 004 MARKET Electricity, by a Physician op long experience, and who gives his whole attention to its proper application, at 1418 SOOTH PENN SQUARE Philadelphia. Certificates, references, and examine.* tions - /Vec - . JaSMf Dr. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. DR. WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHBRRY. DS. WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. DR. WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. DR. WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. DR. WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. ONE OP THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR COCOES. COLDS, WHOOPING. COUGH, BRONCHITIS DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING. ASTHMA HuaSs. NESS, SORE THROAT, CROUP. AND EVERY AFFEC TION OF THE THROAT. LUNG& AND CHEST UNSOLICITED TESTIMONY From Rev. Fbaxcis Lobmlb, Paster of the South Con gregational Church, Bridgeport, Cennecticut: „ f „ Bridgeport, January 21, 1854. *f<‘'f>BrB. Seth W. Foiole <?■ Co. : Gentlemen : I consider it ft duly which I owe io snf -s™* humanity to bear testimony to tbe virtues of Dr. WrsTAR g Balbam op Wild Chfkkt. ' I have need it— when I have had occasion for any remedr for Coughs. Colds, or Soro Throat—for many years, and never, in a single instance, has it failed to relieve and cure m*. I nave frequently bean very hoarse on Saturday, and looked forward to the delivery of two termons on the lollowing day with sad misgivings, but, by a liberal use oi the B'jfiam, my hoarseness has invariably been re mov*d» and I have preached without ■difficulty. I commend it to my brethren in the ministry, and to public speakers generally, as a certain remedy for the bronchial troubles to which we are peculiarly exposed. Entirely unsolicited I send yon this testimonial, which you are at liberty to nee in any way you choose. Per haps the Balsam does net affect all persons alike, but It Always removes my hoarseness, and fits mefor the minis ter’s hard-working day—the Sabbath. Very truly yours, FROM PETER CANNON, ESQ., General Agent of the Smses Railroad : „ Newton, N. J., January 21,1633. Messrs. Seth IT. Folate & Co : Gentlemen: Haying used Dr. Wistae’3 Balsam of Wild Cibuky in my family, with great advantages, for many years, in eases of severe colds, I most cheerfully give my testimony of it, efficacy, and recommend It to those who are sufferlngfrom Coughs, Colds, and Pulmo nary Diseases of lone standing, as being a s sfe and re liable remedy. PETER CANNON. For sale by j p. dins mo re, No. 491 BROADWAY, New York; S. W FOWLE St CO., Mo. 18 TKEMONT Strest, Boston, Aid by all Druggists. feS-wsSt Coughs, Colds, Consumption. . GOUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS. COLDS CONSUMPTION COUGHS. COLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND BTKUP WILD CHEEKY BWAYNJS’S COMPOUND SYKCP WILD CHERRY SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYSUP WILD CHERRY SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY CURES ALL COMPLAINTS CUBES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS OE THE THROAT, BREAST, AND LUNGS OP THE THROAT. BREAST, AND LUNGS. OP THE THROAT, BREAST. AND LUNGS. OP THE THROAT, BREAST, AND LUNGS. Prepared only by Dr. SWATHE a SON, Wo 330 North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia... v It Sendai.l’s Ambomnb, lOK THE HAIE AMBOLIHE MOIBTEU3, BEAUTIFIES, ODOEATEB, LEKGTHBBg. INVIGORATES, % JSOUJiISHES, EMBELLISHES THE HAIR. A PDEBLT VEGETABLE COMPOUND, mads entirely am stimulating extracts of BOOTS, HERBS, AKli FLOWERS. PiSTeats the hair falling ont or from turning mama nrely gray. Ladies who desire a luxuriant head of air should not fall to give the AMBOLIWE a trial Price *1 per box, containing two bottles. FRZPXKBD 03THT BY EEKDALL ft UO.. #O6 BROAD WAT, Hew Tors. Adams IX PHILADELPHIA, JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAX, * COWDKN, de7-mws3m Ho. S 3 Korth SIXTH Street. Beaux! For Sale I OUT TO-Dif i THE EAR! THE EAR" ITS DISEASES AHD THEIR TREATMENT, BT DB, VON mqschzisker. MARTIN h RANDALL. Publishers. 39 Souch SIXiH Street. TnE Popular Clothing House of Phila., •’OAK HALL." Best-class goods and moderate prices. i WANAMAKER a brown. S E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) Ho. IS, Sixth st. Whebeeb <fc Wn-soir’s Highest E iu:m ; Tuck Cheapest, Simplest, ast> Best, Salesrooms t 704 Chestnut Street above 7th. X>IE2D. BBOWN.—Onthe9thlnat., John Brown, M. D .in the 7itt star of liis ace. dis friends and family are invited to attend his fane ral from the residence of bis son-in-law. Ko. 329 Reed street, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Ronaldjon’s Cemetery. ** "WHITE—On Monday eveninx. theSthinst., after a Bboll but severe illness William White, late of Belfast, Ireland, In hie GOth year *1 be relatives and friends of the family are respwtfaliy invixed to attend the funeral from hisla'eresidence, 130 Ke'ton street, on Thursday, the 11th insfc., at 12 o’clock, without farther notice. To proceed to Mount Moriah Cemetery. ** CLPER BLACK SILKS.—BESSON & SON’S MOTJBHING STOKE. No. 918*CH3STNtTr Street have opened a new stock of super Black Silks* $5 25 to $4 37>3 a yard. Black all*wool Mousseline, double width. ** ** Tamise Cloths. “ and White, Purple and Gray Chintzes. “• and White-striped and Plaid Ginghams. * * and White Delaines, cents. 41 Grenadine Veils. Alexander's Black Kid Gloves, plain and emb’d. Second-Mourning Balmoral Skirts. ja3o pEIENDLY FOULARD SILKS. J- Browne. "White Figures. ModeB._Small Figaros. Bjues. Purples, and Blacks. Good Plain Silks $5 Black and Brown Silks. Spring Silks Opening. EYRE & LANDELL. FOURTH and AKCS Street*. MERCANTILE LIBRARY.-THE adjourned animal meeetingof STOCKdOItDiSttS. to consider the proposed alteration in the Charter, and other business, will he held on WEDNESDAY EVJS* NTNG. February 24, at half past 7 o’clock. feiC-6t JOBS LARDMKB, Jr., Recording Bec’r. ADI EXAffIIKATZON OF CABfDI pATES /or aitnations as ASSISTANT TEA ;H -fcßSlnthe Grammar, Secondary, and Primary Schools of the Fourth Section, will be held on FSIDAY and rATTJHDAY. the 12th and 13th iest.. at the BINGGOiiD SCHOOL HOUSE, comer of EIGHTH and FITZ WATER Street*. To commence at 2P. M., Chairman of Committee. gtA MAD. JOSEPHINE RUFFIN, OF* BOSTON, will give cue Select Readiag from the American Poet*,at the FIRST COLORED Pb£>BJTE ■pr*x CHURCH, Street, below Hhtppen, proc?edVfor benefit of said Church, THIS EVENING, February 10.1864, commencic^atS o’clock. belectioue from Longfellow, Whittier. Willie. Baker, and others. Tkketr, 25 cents—can, be had of Gibbs. Seventh street, second door below Pine; JifiobCiW-UO, PMladelphte Institute? Bec.i. Hill, 6U Lombard street? Andrew Stevens, northwest corner Seventh and Chest nut streets. THE SEMI-ANNUALMEETIJiGOF the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL will be held at tneiligh School BuUd >„*. BUOAB and GREEN Streets. WEDNESDAY EVE NING, Febraary 10th, 18e4. at 8 o’clock. STEPHEN BENTON, Prudent, gsyar B. Bpmuxds, Secretary. fe9-:jt* PENNSYLVANIA FREEDMAN’S RELIEF ASSOCIATION.—The Rooms of this As* ■relation, at No. fjMk WALNOT Street, are open d illy from 9 o’clock A M. till 6P. M. Jot the reception of do cations is Goods, Clothing, and Books. Contributions is Honey are to be handed t * the Treasurer, B. W. CLARK, Esq.» South THIRD Street. jail-1 m APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO k 3» the Managers of the Mercantile Library Com pany for renewal of certificateof one share of eto«k. No. §f 0, standing is the name of WM. D. JONES, the same having been lost or mislaid. feB st* MSte NOTICE —THE ANNUAL MEET* Ot the PHILADELPHCf FfiMALB At»TI bJVAVBRV SOCIETY wifi beheld at the AfiMmUy Build* luge on Fifth day (Thursday). 11th Inst., ativ’s o’clock p. M The Annual Report will be read feio-2t* G.- M S. P. JONES. Secretary. I<aa» GEORGE WM. CURTIS, THE DIS TIBGUISH6D SPEAKER, will lecture at RU MOAL FUND HALL, on FRIDAY EVENING next. February 12th, under the auspices of the PENN RELIEF ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of sick and wounded sol diers. Subject: “Theßeign <-f Peace." Tickets and se emed seats can be had at Pugh’s, corner Sixth, ana Chestnut Streets. fe6»Gt* PSP> EDWARD CARSWELL, ESQ,. THE M. W- Conductor of the National Division* boos of Temperance, the celebrated CanadUn orator, wtU Lecture on THURSDAY EVENING. February 11. 1861, fa the Eleventh Baptist Chnrch.TWELFTH Street, above Race. Ticket! gratuitously nf WM A. DUFF & *'o.. r*tft ARCH Street, or at the office of the (Land Divisou, ns South SEVENTH Street. ’ICES. A. B. BURUSIDB. Maj. Gen. U. S. Vein. Bishop SIMPSON will preside. Her. PHILLIPS BROOKS, Ec;v. »r. BEUNEED. Sot. Hr. PHBNHSS. * Bov Or J. WHEATON SUITS. J. M, McKIM, Esq, will take part in tbe proceedings, o T. ic * an be ot ' tli^Uol ' oa and utter WEDNESDAY. N?« w , ee f ( ch ” ge, 4 a ‘ th^°. fflCaof the Association, ".V,S WalnnHtreet. at the Union Leame House. No, ™ street, and at T. B. Pugh’s Bookstore, 8 W. corner Chestnut and Sixth streets. fe3-Bfc JOSEPH PARRISH THOSIP ’ of the Broadway Tabernacle, Mew Torlr. Will Lecture end credited to the FIRST WARD, wlli cont/Sue th 2? b x>y,- B o^,^ lllbe r a,dfcoea ch recruit. f aU R ; n ‘ Soldiers * and be accredited totha First Ward. . H- M. WATTS, Chairman. FRANCIS LOBDELL. FOirRTEEtVTH-WARD BOUNTY FUM>. —At an Adjourned Meeting of the diti faum of the Fourteenth ward, held at 8p SI GardenHafi 8 were* passed^ * ISMI foilcwing lnfporfant Ftsolved, 'That until -SATTEDAY *EVKMING n«rf Foiirnary liith. certificates guaranteeing exemption from tbe draft (or money returned) be issued for the sum of after dft,s a<>B ® sb » u be i«ued for “ess 'thereof immediate!jy* trac commence the payment. In accordance with the above, parties m, t^m r w e<i calling on Colonel Thomas. at^theCns i? 1 * ns ix, l ’u and after MONDAY next, between 9 and 12 A. M. , with the necessary voucher.*, tha ahfiro H nm wMd. be Pald t 0 22ch recrnit credited to the Fourteenth As the amount necessary to pay this sum is not fully made up, it is«;t«!lr desired that those who ha v J not already paia their subscription, and that those who eftn itefy 856 thBlr Bab - tcril,tiol1 ’ will Please do soimmedS An Adjourned Meetm* will be held at the sama r>lar-A on SATURDAY LVANING, February 13th. PlaCe Aff f . „ v n WM. B. THOMAS, Chairman. Attest: T, R. Pa vis. Secretary. . fe9-5t TWENTY-SKI liCP* TY FUND.-The fo] been received in addition to Amount previously repcrtei EIGHTS' PKECIXnT. R. H> Oraiz. SUO 00 Chas. Kay 5 00 5: Tjotter 3 so <0 Jacob Sates %00 W Milter. 150 00 Harry Miller g 00 Morris Hsrfcnees 100 00 H W. Jordan iOO cC ® I: Sliirtz hOO 5O $ £* I»ttkonB 5 00 *■ *L,kijse.dler 30 00 T. J Myers . 5 CO A. Grove, Jr.. 30 00 T. Golden K nn Clayton Platt 60 CO T. Rayner 5 §0 £? e^ *•£,••• 45 00 A. Holtecsteio. fi 00 26 Buckingham.. 500 Geo. Hardm*.... 25 00 W. Myer .. 5 00 W. H. Harding 25 CO F Jooes 3 00 Boraw 8r0wn........ 25 00 John Hanly..... 300 C. J.llophinsoir. • •.. ■ 25 00 .T.H01y r0ya.......... 250 9 e £i ?i Bher 25 00 W. Anderson 250 J Steltmsn 20 00 J. 1»ig1itc&p........... 2 60 A. B. Miller* 10 00 f. W00d.............. 2CO Fzra Lend 10 00 .T. g. Bebsr .... 3no Jos. Amer. 10 00 J. 3).W00d........./ 2 00 C. M111tnan........... 10 CO W" Rex.. ... *? no J U S. Buhl 10 00W. Fisher 200 CatperStrouse.. 10 00 J. Schock 100 J. fiicl-adde0.......... 10 00 A. 8erman.......... 200 rTvn rak t‘ 10 M Peter Hall. 1 00 Caleb Hem ton. 10 I*o Geo. Crammer.....». 1 00 Jos. An50n............ 5 00 Jas, 5tr0u5e,......... l 00 Geo. W iers ***r 6 0 0 St. Weirij. 109 £am Sebor.... 6 CO A. 5tr0a5e............ 100 AdniP Davieoi* 5 00 T. Mart i nn A Whiteman........ SCO W. Wood 109 W. ft on H.Ketper i oa J. I*. Gould.. 5 00 J, Maupay i 00 Aibenas Cress.; 6 00 J Cress l on T. Bet weiller 5 DO H. Alkio i oo J. H. Styer.... C OO A, Brooks i qo Cbaa. £>onat... 5 00 J. Lithtcap.,, i oo John Donate.. ...... SOO W. Hambright....... 60 John Zelb... 6 00 L. Besson C. J. Gilbert 5 00 Geo. Strayer. 5 CO; Chas. Bash.... 5 OOj _ 2T3KTH Pi O. C. Thomas ...$.OO 00! C. P R&yard iOj oo ©eo. Nugent.... 25 00j J. C. Jenkins 25 00 W. N. Johnson,M. D. 25 00; Ch. Wheeler 25 CO? h. Tfnnip 25 00 F. J. Rue...... ...... 25 00 R. L. M Cambden.. 10 GO CK Gould. Jr 8 00 C. if. Johnson 5 00 F. Bandall, Sr. 5 00 J Bandali 5 00 H. Scholt 5 00 C. £. Well.. 5 00 Ch. Shut* 6 00 Seibert Matratt. »*?... sou M, T hanf115........ srO Geo. W. Carpenter... 5 O 0 Henry Pnllincer 5 GO J. S. Fmitzer.......... 5 G0 S Jae. Pullinger 5 00, J. XVBaxnmer........ 500 Mary Crowssn 6 GO; Lydia Johnson 6 00; Geo. W. Ideli 5 00? John Loot 6 00 W. Coppenborfe ft ooj £. Llnnard*... ...... (TOO O. Wottman 5 Ooj W. J. Chapin... 5 OJr W. Johnson 5 00, J. Guehler 5 GO LonisaWncder...... 4 00, J»a. J0rdan*......... 4 0o: Ch. Minninger 8 00' W. Armstrong 3 00 J. Fmlth 2 60 i W. J. Saith 2 SOI 2>. Minninger. t...... 2 00; T. K 6ear;e 200 T. R«i»y 2Coji Ch Herser 2 001 W Nunanaker 2 001 Other subscriptions will be It Ji INSURANCE company of the STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. , FEBRUARY 1. 1861 The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of sis per cent., or twelve dollars per share, clear of all taxes, payable to the Stockholders or their legal repre sentatives, on demand. WILLIAM HARPER, ft 2-10; Secretary. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE I*3*Al9b TRUST COMPANY, WALtfUr Street; Southeast corner of FOURTH. Philadelphia, February 4. 1861 »3wrW T SISi? e 5, B ‘ this declared a dividend of iKSm*-?xSt9weS*^ 0 2i received upon MUTUAL POLICIES during the year'ending December 31, 1853, and in force at that date, the above amount to be credited to skid Policies; and hav&also ordered the divi dend of I£6o, on Policies issued during that year, to be paid es the annual premiums on said Policies are re ceived. JOHN S. WILSON. felC- 6t Secretary. NOTICE is hereby given that made to the T UBtee3 of the FIBB ASSOCIATION, of Philadelphia, for the re newal of a Policy of Insurance. No. 13 453, for *sfO. It sued January 23. 1849, in the name of D intel Went ling, which bas been lost or mislaid; any information thereof will he received by „ „ , WM. HOBART BROWN, feB>mwM2fc oae North BtGHTEEaT Street. STOCKHOLDERS OF ■a-the on. CBBKK AND BID3WAY BAILED AD llUnrAn X • The anneal meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will he held on WEDNESDAY, the 10th day of FebrnOT, 1864, at 1 o’clock P. M.. at No. 4 WILDING’S Alley, In Philadelphia. JOSEPH LESLEY. ja27-13t . Secretary. j»’sSS^SAF# iIINSTri - VAWIA KAIL - B 4 B - 1864 - The Annual Heating of the Stockholders of this Com pany will he held on TUESDAY, the 16th day of Febias- Sr, 1864, at 10 o’clock A. M.„at SANSOM-STKBBr ALL* Elect fon for Directors will be held on HOBDAY, the 7th day of March,lB64, at the Office or the Company, No. I*3B South THIRD street iaas-tfle EDMUND SMITH. Secretary. Bg COMHCHUIGE BANK. PIIILA- Iwf DSLPHIA, Noyember 33d, 1863. Atthe Election held 16th task the following Stockhold ers were duly elected Dlrestereof the Corn Exchange Bank•' Alexander 0. Cattail, _ __ Jame* Steel. Christian J. Hoftnen. Nolwrt Enin, h. W. Oathsrwood, William P. Cox. Edmund A. Bonder, gsmnelT. Canby. Charles K. Wilkins. Philln B-Htagla. David Vanderreer, John y. Gross, Jonathan Knight And at the meeting of the Board this day ALEX. G. OATTBLL. Seen,, ’ wurmantaunuly re-elected President < ALBX.WHILLDIN. Sec., Vlee and JOHS W. COKBEY. Cashier. T. W. TOXBEY, n034-3m Cashier. maw PHQADWHU AMD BEADIXS 10. BAILBOAD COMPANY, Office Np- *»t South FOUETHjStreet, Philadelphia. December 3,1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Transfer Books of Shi* Company will bs, closed on THUBSDAY, 17th tast mt, has been declared on the Common Stock, payable in Common Stock on and after the Slat D®e«mb«r next to the holder* thereof as they shall stand registered on the books at the close of business on the 17th boat. A Dividend of THREB AND A HALF PBB CRN*., •lear of State tax. has been declared on the I*re tarred Stock, payable in Gash or Common. Stock, at the option of the holder, on and after the 31st December n*xt, to the stockholders as they shall stand registered on the books at the close of business on the 17th Inst. Holders of certificates whlsh hare been discharged from this office, or either of the Transfer Agencies are particularly requested to have them duly registered on file Transfer Books to whlsh they have been transferred, prior to the 17th last. Stockholders whose names are registered on the New Tork booka will be paid at the Farmers' Loan end Tr«*i Company, and those whose names are registered on the Boston books will be paid at the office of Messrs. I. 3.’ Thayer A Brother. & BRADFORD. da3-fc? - Treasurer. “A SOUTHERN KBPI'GBE." Since the pabiication of the article under the above caption. T Inara received from various sources the sum of Nine Hundred and Twenty-six Dollars and Fifty Cents. This amount has been handed to the lady for whose benefit it was contributed, and her receipt has been taken for the same. In deference to the wishes of many of the contributors, I haye refrained from pub' lishing their although a c&refally prepared List has been kept at the League House, where it maybe seen by those who desire to inspect it. O. H. BOJOSII League House, February 19, 1854. isSrasaißs*’ 8 okat ‘ >ki ° ° f THE Will be performed at the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, (By particular request,) FOB. THB BSKfiFfT OF THR UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION, HANDED AND HAYDN SOCIETY, On SATURDAY EVENING. February I3th, IS* At a quarter before 8 o’clock. Th« solo* a nd concerted pieces will be performed b. the firat professional and amateur talent or the countrv sustained by the ENTIRE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA, And a Clioins of over iwo hnndred yoices. The choice of reserved seats will be sold on TUESDAY commencing at 0 o'clock, at Ono Dollar. Afterwards, the remaining seats (also reserved) will be sold for Fifty Ots. The eight of the bouse will be eold at the Bookstore of Aebmcad & Ivans. Tit Chestnut street t the centre at J, E Gould e. Seventh and Chestnut: the left at Martian's, 606 Chestnut street. Tickets for the Amphitheatre, Twenty- five Cents, to be obtained at either of the above Piece* feS6t F5P' FEJiNSVI.VI NIA FBF.EDMESS ■*' 33 RELIEF ASSOCIATION.. A PUBLIC MEETING of the. Association will -be hold in the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, On TUESDAY EVENING, Feb. IC, AT HALF-FAST SEVEN O’CLOCK. for the Benefit of the VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT SALOON, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 11th. at 8 o'clock AT THE - ACADEMY OF MUSIC Subject: .REVOLUTION AGAINST FREE GOVENff. MENT NOT A RIGHT. BUT Vb " A CRIME. U A Tickets ■with secured seats, 60 cents. Tickets for the Amphitheatre, 25 cents „ . _ w To be had at the Union Leagne House. Fußh’s. Sixth and Chestnut street*, Callender a, Walnut and Third streets, Martian b. Chestnut street. Caleb H. Needles’, Twelfth and Race. fe COJSD WARD BOUN mowing subscriptions have > those already published: *d 00 Tritm... 2 00 Crawfori 2 00 ■Blsekey. 2 01 Constable 2 00 Well 1 00 lOO • • - unaer.«i pn 1 C Gould. Sr 103 1 Jas. Gould ..... inn A. Minninger i on 1 «. Lontacre i 06 Mrs. Rienahn l uo ueo. Matratt 1 00 jP-.feaitair 100 J. Scholl.. 100 J Lipp, Sr icO if-JaeooiK - 103 ,J. SephSn Crowaon.. 100 , Martha Herssr 1 00 ; MaryS. Unruh ...... iOO JsabellaWhitely..... i oo (LouisaJTeraer l oo ; Mary Wi/yly l 00 Mary Gerhart****.... 100 JaneSKaw 100 [JrthnHeraer 100 iMrs Lewis l 00 ,C* W. Johnson 1 03 :H. Croweon - ~ .1 00 W. Bonner 50 Annuaruh 60 J. s Lipp no P Wilmer. 53 Cash jd R. Bonner 25 E Dediknr 25 Mrs. J. Zipler.... 25 Oath 25 I . . , , - *»32 25 & actruytrleaged as received* 'ABEZ GATES, Treasure r. IHE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1864: 709 arch street. <7no * ~ *, NO WlB THE TIME TO BUT. <U*. S ? * ,eoe s e , oo<l finality, at *t per yard, lard™ Ta ” le i' iaeßS ' 8 pieces fine quality, at #l.l££ per -i^?i2j TaWe ineM ' 30 pieces superior quality, at 51.25 P6r y«Tw* i Brown and Bleached Table Llhens. large assortment. ?Ky 11 ®, Bleached Table Linen, superb anality. 1*750 yards Crash at 14 cents, a ba-jfain. {s£oo yar( ? B Crash at 16 eents, can’t be surpassed. l,97Syards Russia Crash at 14,16, and 20 cents, chmn. OLD GOODS, OLD PBICES. OLD STOCK. P At JOHN H. STOKES’. 703 ARGH Street. 1864. 1864. TAI3ER & HARBSBT, MILLINERY GOODS. Merchants are invited to call and examine onr stock of SPRING RIBBONS, which will be sold at the LOWEST PRICKS. J?OR THE ARMY AND NAVY MIUTARY Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Bivords, Bashes, Belts, Passants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Can teens. Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spnrs, and everything pertalninr to the complete outfit {of Army and Nary Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. felO-lma 1864. FURLOUGHS. > Officers (tbd soldiers, visiting the city on forlo-agh needing % And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS are invited to the very extenaive GEO. W. SIMONS & BRO., PRESENTATION SWORDS Hade to order at the shortest notice, which for rich ness and magnificence challenge competition, no other house In the country combining the MANUFACTURING JEWBIEB WITH, THE PBACTIGAL S WORD srilrEP ja22-lm - W. SIMONS * BROTHER, SANSOM-STKEBT HALL. PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY. - FINE SWORDS, AND goods IN EVERT VARIETY. *1,258 25 pROTHINGHAM * WELLS HAVS FOR BALB* 11, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CABTON FLANNELS. WASH NGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND BROWN. BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS No 18 WORSTED YARN. Ac. gflSHtf (JLARKSON &" CO., Government Securities of all Issues STOCKS, BONDS, AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Interest Allowed on Deposits. 4£-COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. fefi-Im JAY COOKS CO., GOVERNMENT LOANS. Stock* Bought and Bold on Cammtajioil. k fall supply of all kinds of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Including the Hew Five Per Gent, (legal tender) TREA SURY NOTES, always on hand. Collections made and deposite receiTod. 19 th FEBRUARY, 1 IST APRIL, 1864. IST MAY, J ' COUPON’S 7 3-10 AND 5-30, WANTED. j»iaim DREXEL & GO. ATOTICE.—I HAVE > O FURTHER v interest in the firm of HULL, CORLIES & CO., having disposed of in. to Tiios. Hull Oennary IC, 1864 Cfe'o-St»J Wit. P. CORLISS. P*IMEB'S CABTES DE VISITE ~ .evince care and skill in flniih and execution: ole nr, distinct, and artistically shaded. Qo to SECOND Street, above Green, and obtain good pictures. It* S FELLOW .COUNTBYMENT !— THE r '4.ST CHANCE TO AVOID THE DRAFT, which will tsAe place on the sth day of March, and receive R*cinite°sBG2 in * bonntiea: f ot Veterans. $402 ; Inew will be paid In Instalments, by SJm J^ a £ Apartment. Able-bodied aien Marshal of the First I> eMct, 245 Sonth THIRD Street, for any Company in nSSS.^:-J ln 4 a ? r in the city of Philadelphia v,m 6 IP fl * “S*®?** City and "Ward Bounties will he paid the Recruit* before they enter the barrachs. c^JX 10 r, FREDERICK ZAKRACHBR. fee ot* Recruiting Agent, gd-5 8. THIRD Street. fOENEBAL BEORUITJNG OPTICS, Ss "HESTHUT 6TKBET. -RECRUITS WANT ED for all tierallant oid OAVALKT, aF.TILLKBT. * Regiments now in service* raised in ibis Sta'e. A limited number of men can yet be enlisted for the 2d Artillerr P y., stationed in the fortifications for the “j PS? of Washington, and for the 3d Artillery* statim fmmeSatef* 8 Monroe * a - •hr applying; at this office BOtfNTIES, VETERAN VOLTTNTGBRS $650, .ALL OTHER VOLUNTBERS $550. t . $323 CASH IN HAND. In addition to theabove Bounty, all authorized Ward bounties are paid men enlisting at this office Now is the time to enlist, choose a good regiment, se cure the large bounty, serve under experienced officers, and avoid the impending DRAFT, CHAB. N. CADWALIiADEB. Capt. 2dl Art (112th) Rsgt. P, V., General Recruiting Officer. RETAIIi DRY GOODS. OITIL AND MILITARY CLOTH HOUSE. WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS, No. 34 SOUTH SECOND and »3 STRAWBERRY Streets, Is happy to it ate that he haa laid in au exten sive stock of CHOICE GOODS, such as; CtVIL LIST. Wack Cloths, Black Doeskins, Black <!»« aimeres, Elegant Coatings, Billiard Cloths, Bagatelle Cloths, Trimmings, Beaverteera, Cords and Velveteens, We advise our friends to stock ia cheaper than wecan YSTB WANT EVERYBODY TO tins K wP^ Ti , at T ‘°' w j 8 tin l e to bnyihelr MUS wF .V. a if Tg \H' )< S °P. h * nd before the rise. vS,. 8 lil K bleached Mnslm at 16J£ cents by tha piece; do. 28 cents; full yard wide 25 cents; shirting width, extra quality. 25 cents; one lot very ■lightly Wornfntti wr£!? tß i; Jork Mills, Williarnsville, Wamsntta, White Bock, and every oiber goodMualiu. Mnal.n.«. inch-wide, 45-inoh-wld«. Vi. IK. 2.2 K 2>a. 2K, and 3 yards wide, all at lowest prices. Comfortables, well made and very lieavy, ®, and #5 ®? od , ® lflnkcts 55 P Br P a,r > a great bargain. Wear© closing out our Blankets at low prises; wa have mJn[2. q I 1 n 1 i t * T T rom M to *25 p?r pair. Wo are eellina all kinds of Flanue;s under Tegular prices. In house-furnishing Dry Goods, we olfer one of the best assorted stocks at . , • THE LOWEST PRICES of Linen goo?s witli^lje/ptor6s or,lliariBon of <mrprices .fefl-at loat MAKKBT^Sef'abov^evCTlh, SIUK AND DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. SPRING No. 401 MARKET STREET. SILKS, KIBBONSi FRENCH FLOWERS, AND ARMY GOODS. EVANS A HASS ALL, PURNISHERS. 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SWO R D S MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT OP SANSOM-SrBEET HALL, SANSGM Street, above Sixth. FITSANCIAIi* BANKERS , No. I*l South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, PURCHASED AND FOR SALE. BANKERS AND DEALERS 6-20 BONDS. 6 PER CENT. TENDERS. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES. 1831 LOANS. ONE-YEAR CERTIFICATES. QUARTER MASTERS’ VOUCHEES. QUARTERMASTERS’ CHECKS. CITY AND STATE STOCKS. BANK, RAILROAD, im CANAL STOCKS AND BONDS. JAY COOKE He. CO., No. 114 South THIRD STREET. ARMY AND NAYT, Blue Gloths, Sky bine Olotln, Sky-blue Doeskins, Dark Blue Doeskins, Dark Bine Beavers, Dark Blue Pilots. S-4 and G-4 Blue Flannels, Scarlet Cloths, Mazarine Blue Cloths. . come early, as oar present purchase now. falD-lm SUPPLIES I OFFICE OF AH MY- CLOTHING AND 1 EQUIPAGE I w 503 BROADWAY, ■ I SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at thix nffira * untU 12 o’clock M. on FRIDAY. the ffilSsUnt. fom?® I aishing by contract at tie Ddput of Army Clothing and ' l Equipage* in New York city; * „ I Uniform Coats, infantry, > Uniform Coats, artillery. I Uniform Jackets, cavalry. I Uniform Jackets, artillery. I Troweers, footmen’s. I Troweers, Norsemen’s. I Great Coats, footmen’s. | Great Coats. Norsemen’s. I Flannel Sack Coats, lined. ] Flannel Sack Coats, unlined. I Drawers, Canton flannel. | Drawers, knit. I Stirts. cotton and wool flannel. ’ I Shirts, knit. ( I Stockings. I Blankets, woolen, domestic manafictara. I Blankets, India rubber. I Ponchos. India rubber. I Forage Cape. I Uniform Hats, trimmed. I Bootees, sewed I Bootees, pegged. I Boots, sewed. I Boots, pegged. I Leather fctocke. 1 Great* Coat Straps. I Braes Letters. I Brass Bombers. | -Worsted Kashes. I - Brass Scales, for If, C. 8. 1 Brass Scales, sergeants’ 1 Brats Scales, corpvrsL’ and privates’, I Chevions. ordnance sergeants*, j Chevrons, hospital stewards'. | Chevron*, service. I Chevrons, (infantry,) sergeant majors’, qnartermaa | ter sergeants’, Ist sergeants’, sergeants’, ana corporals’. I Chevrons, (artillery,) sergeant majors’, quartermas- I tersergeauts’. Ist sergeants’, sergeants’, and corporals’, j Chevrons, (cavalry,) sergeant majors’, quartermaa teM“?minT^V D B a¥u«f ‘ Bergeanta ’ attd c ofPO“‘*’- j ’WaU Tents and Flies. I Common Tents. I Hospital Tent Poles* gets. I WaU Tent Poles, sets. • ( Common Tent Poles, lets. ] Hospital Tent Pins, large. I Hospital Tent Pins, small. I shelter tents. I Wail Tent Pins, large. | Common Tent Pins, f Camp Settles, t Iron Pots. ] Mess Pans. 1 Pick Axes. I Pick Axe Handles. J Felling Ares. | Felling Axe Handles, I Axe Slings I C»mp Batchets. I Camp Hatchet Handles, j Hatchet Slings, i Spades. I Shovels. ) Bed Sacks, double. I Bed Sacks, single. J Mosquito Bars, double, j Mosquito Bars, single, j Stable Frocks | Engineer Overalls. | National Colors, artillery and infantry. I Begimtntal Colors, artillery and infantry. I Cavalry Standards I Camp Colors, artillery and infantry. Color Cords and Tassels, artillery and Infantry. Guidons. I Garrison Flags* Stoim Flags. Garrison and Storm Flag Halliards. Recruiting Flags. Recruiting Flag Halliards. Hnapsacks. complete. Haversacks, complete. Canteens, (tin, covered.) complete with straps. | Bugles, with extia mouthpieces. > Trumpets, wild extra crooks Bogie Cords and Tassels, artillery and infantry. | Drums, compete. i Drum Heads, batter. Drum Heads, snare. Drum Snares, sets. N Drum Cords. 1 Drum Slings. Drum Sticks. pairs. Drum Stick Carriages. Djum Cases. Fifes, B. ti. and B. Company Order nooks. Company Clothing Account Books. Company Descriptive Books. Company Morning Report Books. Regimental General Order Books. Regimental Letter Books .Regimental Descriptive Books, Regimental Index Books. Regimental Order Books. - Target Practice Books. Sky-Blue Kersey- 3-4 or 6-4, Dark-Blue Coat Cloth. 3-4 or 6*4. Shj.Blna Facing Cloth. 6*4. scarlet Facing Cloth, 6-4 Dark* Blue Cotton and Wool Flannel, twilled, 3-4. White Cotton and Wool Flannel, 31 inches. Canton Flannel. 27 do. Heavy Coat Canvas, (forovercoats,)24 inches. Coat Canvas, (for body coats.) 24 do. Cotton Drfinw, unbleached, 3-4. Cotton Muslin, unbleached, 36 inches. Black Twilled Silesia; S 6 inches. Black Alpaca. Brown Holland. Button Hole Twist. Black (machine) Silk. **A. ” Black Sewing Silk, (skein*.) “B. ” Black Linen Thread, (machine.) 70. Black Linen Thread, (machine.) SO. Black Linen Thread. (ekeins.MO. Basting Cotton, fi-jard spools. Yellow Cotton (machine) Thread, 200-yard spools. Scarlet Cotton (machine) Thread, 2.0-yard spools. Coat Buttons. ~ Vest Buttons. Shirt Buttons. Suspender Buttons- Books and fives. Wadcing Cotton. Worsted Lace, yellow, V 4, ii, and % inch. Worsted Lace, icarlet. ]>J. H. and X Inch. Worsted Lace, rtyblue. «. and X Inch. Worsted Lace dark bine. 1«. U. and U inch. nrf Kilfc, w ,Wch can be seen at this oßce. Bidders W'll (hbmit With their proponaio samples of the articlne which therlproDoeeito dellver.orof the materials of which JJl®.”* to he made. In the latter case, at least ! 0 wJl rd o L'h, e matefJa l should beßnbmitted. .1,7.1, , R S! u state the quantity they wish to furnish, theshorteEt time tn which they can make deliveries, and hew soon the j can complete the delivtry of all they bid ■ 1864, must be accompanied by a proper guaranty “ SffiS&r* ?. tWo Te j p s n ! lb i? partles * setting forth ttat ifa contract is awarded to the party named therein he will perforuianco Ute tbe B^me * and sive bonds for its faithful S H\f a v e *^ rveß 4t e right to reject any part tereB« oMhe®ervlcl bWs ' " may be dßemed !ot «» ta »^ r , < *P oBa k should be endorsed “Propcsalsfor furnish, teg (here insert the articles bid for), to _ . .-Lieut Cci. i>. a. vriiTaif. Deputy Quartermaster General, U. 8. A. A B ,S^I I f s^MB QDABTERMASTER 4eMPOR*RV rlrriok^j M ; ‘ f ?l th « BKECTIOJT OP “ t t r h /B t ° ffloeof J6h “ nle/e'tle 8 Ml® %% tWfcSS?^; swaaSS §|%iH»aa«.slfs ~ fel ° 41 Captain and A?oV gRYSON & SON, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. blank books, PAPERS, PENS, AND INKS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Corporations, Banks, and Basinets Men supplied with everything necessary for the Coonting-room. Bo- 8 North SIXTH Street. m ATERIALS FOB MINCE PIES. THOSE MADE cannot Tail to please tee most critical. Softness, exquisite coloring:, and Ufe*llke. natural expression characterize them. tißft ARCS Street. it* ; SAFES. . . — inri IJ>M , |gjl} LILLIE’S CBILLED IRON SAFE. THU ONLY AOAIHIT BOTH FI BE IS THIS THUS?’ LET THE PAS" F*A* »ONIW HISTORY IN ANn , ABOUND PHILADELPHIA ANSWER N Within the past year, as i am informed, Mr John PaUernon, of Sionut Joy, Penna.. had. His $2OO Safe creied by driving in the centre of the door wilh a hammer, which sprung out the edge, and a sham pointed bar forced open the door, and $lOO were taken Seme lime last summer. Mr. Potts, the Freight Agent of the heading Railroad, at Reading, left in his Safe at bis office, sn,tOO. taking all the keys of the safe home wi;h him, and leaving his clerk in. charge, who wap out of the t ffleo only about half an hour before nine o'clock P. M. When Mr. PotU returned the next mor ning and unlocked bis Safe, the money was gone, taken out, evidently, with false keja. Jedge Jordan, of Sunhary, a few weeks since, left his Safe (made e> tra with a steel-plate in front of the lock) in his office, with sl,2Coinit; and on hie return in the morning, he found a square plate taken out of the door in front of the lnck, by drilling a Micoossion of holes e*. me fifty in number • the steel plate broken, the lock laid bare, tie door tpened, and the money Gone. Within ilia last two weeks Mr GeoigoG. Kuukels, of Harriftburg. left his fiafe in his office with about $ '-50, and on hipreturn found a hole punched in the door-pant 1 over the lock, powder applied, the door forced open, and the money gone. This Safe cost $l4O, and was bought Within three years. All the above safes were mads, as I am informed, by one of the popular manufacturers of this city, and were the coamon or sheet-iron Safes. Mr Reynolds, of the house of F. w. Reynolds & Co , Bellefonte. Bankers, a few weeks sines, locked no hi* Safe and office and pnt Ills keys In hiTpicklt. and ?a tired to hit room. As he got up in the morning n& missed his keys, and at ones went to his tjnnd a raVt of his Beys on ibe floor, bis Safe ami office a laroeaT7iou7if t»j nontv gone. «?r. juavid McCormick, of Harrisburg, had hiß Safe opened by punching a hole and applying powder, the ' same night and in the same manner as Mr. Kuakels’. above referred to. • | The New Chestnut street Theatre, in this city, a few ! days sine-had the Safe blown open with powder, and losts ome $360 On the night of the 9th of November, 1663, Messrs. McConkey &.B. o , at Peach Bottom, Fork county, Penna bad a succession of holes drilled in front of theirfiafe look, the lock laid bare, and the Safe robbed of about $ 1,6C0; ?K0 of it in specie. Mr. Howell Dorman, Broad street,Philadelphia, a few nights since had his Safe blown open with powder, bat the valuables u ere not there. About tour weeks since two fall medium-sized safes, nearly new, were robbed at- Wilmington, Del., by pacchisgaholeln the door panel, iust above the lock, and applying jiowder- These Safes were successfully robbed me tsme night, being located near each other, and the building occupied on both sides of them. Loss not ascertained. The lasteevfnSafesmentiosed were all, a 3 I atn In* formed,mad® by at other of the popular makers of Phila delphia, and were the common or sheet-iron s*re. I mention the above casf a of robbery as a few among the many that have come within my notice in this vici nity, mostly within a /err weeks pa*t, with a view to snow not only the frequency hut with what esee and in bow many ways the common Safe is robbed Indeed, the time has arrived when intelligent, prudent men do not tbitkof trusting alone money or valuables avail ible to the burglar, aB a general rale, in the common Safe. Otherwise, robberies would be much, more frequent 1 would say, farther, what do the facts as herein ora senfced prove ? First. That alock with a key Is unreliable and can not be trusted. Second. That strength to resist the hammer aud bar is indispensable to the Safe. Third. That the Safe must be drill-proof. An examination of the structure of the Sheet-iron or common Safe must show that it has none of these requisites. Ani examination of the structure of Lillie's Wrought and Chilled will show that it has, strongly and thoroughly, alPthese wouisitea. * * wa PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. I am now prepared to furnish three sizes of National a nd Burglar-proof, With two distict inside Burgjar Safes, and three of mv new Anti- Micrometer Locks on each Safe, believed to bs the only bank-lock now In use that has not been picked or cannot be picked by the aid of the micrometer. These Safes all present four to six Inches in thickness of solid iron, guarantied to be the strongest, the most difficult to anil, and to stand the most resistance against both lire and burglary of any Safe In the United States of'the same size and cost. I have on hand, also, and will furnish all sizas of Hank vault Safas, possessing; all the advantages of the above a,alest burglary. aridfln aid hsr« a “?p?s?f, 119 Safes> bott Al.o, Ornamental Dwelling-house Safes. Bnrglar-proof. and Fire and Bnrglar-proof (warranted n ot damp! Also, the stronges; and cheapest Vault Doors, for bank 07 mercantile vaults. All the.above are Lilliele wrought and chilled iron. ► Also, six sizes Lillie’s Wrought-iron Fire-proofs, war ranied eqnal to any common Safes at folly one-third less price. Also, a general assortment of second-land Safes.many of them nearly new and of approved masers, received in exchange for Lillie’s Chilled-iron bafe3. These are offered at or auction prices. __ „ M, 0. SADLEH, Agent, gp. »1 Sooth SBVtSW tu Street. felOwfm-Ft PROPOSALS. BUNCH, LAYER, AND SULTANA RAISINS. CITRON, CURRANTS. AND SPICES. * CIDER, WINES. &«.. JU ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer In Tine Groceries, Center ELEVENTH and VINE Street*. JUST PUBLISHED. DUDLEY CARLEON; THE BROTHER'S SECRET, And other Tales. BY MISS M. E. BRADDON. " rS,e i s? f “Jhady Audley’s Secret," “ Aurora Fiord,' Jonn Harcbmont’a Legacy," " Three Times Dead,” cte. Price 25 cents. THE PARLOR MAGICIAN Or, Ose Hckdred Tricks yon thr Dbawwb Soon. ConjurtJg* Sd Leßerdembin 11 cV'. cell!ln0ons Collection of goes. CaAs. *.%s%£?§s• p? g om i' kerchiefs, eto.,all of whiihwL ul t Com Balia, Hand- Parlor or Drawia* Boom, Performed m the rains; aleo, embracing a choic,?™;, . ald of ail T appa tions, which may be performed wi\i T A' Cn !'l on s apparatus; the -whole illustrated R«a , 8 ald of simple with 121 engravinia. a 804 clearly explained Paper covers , Bound in boards, with clotb back * prlce 15 C6lltß i Also, B0W« d l«o» s from the following i'o^'Xvals BY MISS M. E. BBADDOH ' THREE TIMES HEAD LAST AHDLEY’B SECBBT. lady lisle DARRELL MARKHAM AS- In Press, from the author’s advanced sheets, THE OUTCAST; Ok. The Brand .of Society. By MISS M. B. BBADDON. Published by DICK & FITZ3BKiLD, , 11. r, Ko ' lB Street, Hew Fork, Also for sale by all Bookoellrre In this plans. Copies of the above boots sent w ma n free of postage, on JUST PUBLISHED. THB PBBFECr GENTLEMIff * OR, ETIQUETTE AMD ELOQUENCE. A Book of Information and Instruction for those who desire to become Brilliant and Conspicuous in General Society, at Parties, Din ners, or at Popular Gatherings, Containing tfodel Speeches for all Occasions, with Di rections how to deliver them: 500 Toasts and Sentiments for everybody, and their proper mode of introduction; Howto nee Win© at Table, with BnleH for judging the quality of Wine, and Buies for Carving; Etiquette, or proper Behavior In Company, with an American Code of Politeness for every Occasion; Etiquette at Washington, Remarkable Wit and Conversation at Table, Ac., Ac. To which is added, The Duties of a Chairman of a Public Meeting, with Rules for the Orderly Conduct thereof; together with Valuable Hints and Examples for Draw ing up Preambles and Resolutions, and a great deal of instructive and amuelng matter never before published. 12m0. , doth, nearly 400 pages. Price $1.25. Published by DICK A FITZGERALD, No. 18 ANN Street, New York. Also for sale by all Booksellers in this place. Copies of the above book sea t by mail, to any address, free of postage, on receipt of the price. fes-fmw3fe G U R O W S I£ I' S NEW BOOK, ipiA.E.'Se- FOR 1863. is published TO-DAY, and will stir up the dry bones of incompetent and incapable officials throughout the land, and make a sensation generally. LOOK OUT FOR IX. GUROWSKF3 DIART FOB 1863. A new volume by Count Adam Gnrdfeki, embracing a Diary of Political andMiliiary Eventsßd Transactions, in the Cabinet and in the Field, for the year 1863. *** For sharp criticism, alternating with epigrammatic, trenchant, caustic praise, and castigation, this work mast bear away the palm from all others ever printed in this country. 12m0., cloth bound, price 81 25. CARLETON, Publisher, New York. ItfEXT WEEK: PRIVATE MILES O’REILLY will be ready with HIS BOOK, rich with Songs, Services, and Speeches, and Comically Illustrated. fs6-swtf ALBUM S—A L B UM S—ALBUMS.— BULISON, 130* CHESTNUT Street, MANUFACTURER'S A«ENT, , WHOLESALE and retail. The largest stock, latest styles,and best make, at the lowest prices. Finest assortment of CAST) PHOTOGRAPHS in tire city. New subjects received daily. felO-61 RULISON, 130* CHESTNUT Street, ,nn si. ■ - ‘ SI- ■ *l. ®l. <IPI. FOLKO’S MUSICAL SKETCHES. Translated by Fanny Fuller. PfTCHBR’S. 808 CHESTNUT Street. All Pew Books at a Discount. fe6-sw£t BOOKS AT reduced prices. All $1.50 Books we Sell lor .. All $1.25 do do do Allsi do do do Ail 76 cent do do do All 60 cent do do do All 26 cent do do do . „ . PITCHER’S. 808 CHgSTNUT Street, ja2-g&wtf PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. _ HOLDING FROM TWELVE TO FOURHUNDEED PICTURES. Ranging in price from 4W- *5 CENTS TO SS DOLLARS -ffift ja22-ewtf PITCHER'S, SOB CHESTNUT Street. TWO remarkable sermons, A BY REV. DUDLEY A. TYNG. OUR COUNTRYS TROUBLES. A Sermon preached ia the Church of the Epiphany. June 29,1856. Price 15 cents. NATIONAL SINS AND NATIONAL RETRIBUTION. th9 C ' JVMant ’ Published by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN fe9-tf 606 OHBSTNPF Street. pUDJO’S CAVE ! CUDJO’S CAVE I!' v - / Jnat received by ASHMEAD & EVANS. Successors to Willis P. Hazard, . No. 7R4 CHBsTNUT Street. „,S s . Anew story. By J. T. Trowbridge, author of Neighbor Jackwooa, &c. COHRhSPONDENCK OF THEODORE PARKER, Minister of the Twenty-eighth Congrega tional Society, Boston. By John Weiss. 2 vols., with Portrait. $6, INEZ. A Tale of the Alamo. By Augustus J. E-vans, author of ‘ 1 Beulah. M LIVE 6f WILLIAM H. PRESCOTT. A superb book THE GREAT CONSUMMATION. Second id* Bj Rev. John Onmmlng, D. D. J THE WHIP. HOB, AND SWORD; or. The Gnlf De partenent in 63. By George H. Hepworth, Yd'ted by Frank Moore. SLAT; or. Thoughts In Prayer. By Angnetns C. Thompson. D D. fe3 "RIFLED ORDNANCE—A PRACTl tt.o<,ii4l:,.T£'atia6 o? the application of the Principle of ine Kine. to Guns and Mortars of every calibre, with 11- octavo iM “’ bT THOMAS - V. R. 8. i. ,in one volume Jnat Published,’ and for sale with a large assortment or worse on MILITARY SCIENCE. by LINDSAY & BLAKI6TON. - Publishers and Booksellers, ja29 25 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. JVTTLE PET BOOKS. THREE CHARMING VOLUMES. ■ BY AUNT FANNY, V Night-caps,” “Mittens.” ■■Socks,”' ENTIMLY IN WORDS OF SINGLE SYLLABLES. TLE ONM ILL BB SUKB T 0 AMUSB Tflß VERY LIT. 1° S Price *1- ®. „ PnbUsled by WILLIS P HAZARD, ja2Q-tjyl 31 South SIXTH Street. TWUBICAL SKETCHES. BY ELI3E M FOLKO, Translated from the fifth German edl- Clotk. y Price“|l P M Uer - lT ° l - le “ l “- “-‘RedPaper. CONTENTS , *! A t ?Hs*tyl , ortreEB is our God” (Bach) Ipbigenln fersir®/^nc Violetta (Mozart), MidsummerNight’a Dream (Mendelsolin) Sfcabat Mater Dolorosa (Pergo- Master’s Grave (Schubert). Tar, Cat’s Fugue 01 f*drop* (Weber). The Playmates (Pa (Gretry). The Convent of Saint Ducla (Catalini). Maria (Kalibran). .The Angel’s Voice 4? afci <Auderle). Fallen Ptara (Fanny J , oTe ,(Haydn). (Rne-Chabaunais No. 6 ' Melody (Boieldieu). Domenico Oitaarosa A j£ onoi £ Little Joaa Bap tiste (Lully). A Forgotten One (Berger). _Just ready, and for sale by all Booksellers. Sontpost- Afciree, on receipt of price, by F. LEYPOLDT, Publisher, 13*3 CHESTNUT Street. PAINTINGS AND KNGRAVINGS. gLEGANT MIRRORS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT. S 3 BW BNORAYIHef! rnra oil whitingc. ' JDBT BXOKIYBS. EARLE’S GALLERIES, ■IS CHERT JUT BTSSST. T'HE VERY BEST STYLES POR TEAIT6, became meat natural, are those photo graph? of life size, colored in oil, by B. F. BEl&fgg, at hi* splendid rooms, 6a A- ARCH Street. it* TITERARY AGENCY.—THE SUB BCKIBER will continue his Literary Agency. Its object is -to authors. Manuscripts are critically read. A candid opinion is given. The; are then, if ap* Proved, recommended to publishers. For this opinion, whether favorable or adverse, an advance fee is required. This should be remitted by mail or express, together with manuscripts, prepaid. Address PARK BENJAMIN, TS West FORTY-FHiTHSt-. New York; IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPH CARTES uneurpasaed, at NEWELL’S Gallery, ya-A ABO a Street. - feo.dtlf* TTEATON & DBNCKEA,HARDWARE N^&“»?5??lle. 507 COMMEBCB and 510 Putnam s Horse Nails; Locke s School Slates. Copper, Brass, andiron Wire; Cotton Cards Also, a full assortment of American Hardware fe&omlf •REMOVAL.—JOHN 0. BAKER HAS -M-*f REMOVED from 304 North Third strati to 718 MARKET Street. Particular att?nUon will bVjiven w the manufacturing and bottling of his celebrated Cod Liver Oil. „„„ , JOHN C- BAKER & CO’S MBDIOINAL COD LIVER OIL bas for many years had a reputation for genuine* hobs, freehsees. purity, and sweetness which has made the demand universal. In this house. 718 MARKET Street, the facilities for obtaining, manufacturing, and bottling are greatly increased, and is all done under the most careful supervision of the original and sole pro prietor. Tbie bread of oil has. therefore* advantages over all other?, and recommend b itself. JOHN C. BAKER, Wholesale Druggist, felQ No. TAB MARKET Street. XT O TICE.—THE UNDERTAKERS’ •L* MUTUAL PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION respectful ly notify all deJirqueuta who have neglected or refasad to settle their bills for the, burial of their relatives or friendß to tbeir respective undertakers, that on and after March Ist, 1864 their names, residence, and occupation will be registered in the Undertakers’ Blaok Book for fu ture reference, and hereafter no undertaker will do any Work for any delinquent whole indebted to any other' pndertahrr for work previously dose, unless satlsfac* tor; arrangements be flrn made to settle the same, and all work her* after done to be strictly ras* 1 * by special agreement. ' ' ‘ £*s*3t SATIONS, WANTED—AN INTELLIGENT BOY inn Ireur'n Office Address, in handwriting of applies nt. ‘W H T.."Prc«ff (iffiim. i" up'f* Wanted—a salesman in a «5L ft-T ? et Store. Alto, a white flf 4_Ef, as a POHTKR HrL-- D 0 l s„ BCr iuointed with the business preferred. Ad areea Bonimi, Po»t Office. 3t« ANTED—A FABTNER WITH A protJenv Plta^L® 7 t oCodollars Jn c aeh ( to invest!n coal Jddresif ’“Ti t will prove profitable. ——■—■—— office. with real' name. felO 3t* A SITUATION AS »osn« l i < r a tf“^?fc^ l i, SSI gI‘A»TBOOKKBBPBR. Ad drew*.' -R oft™"' 9 WttouT too Tee AND Iff DUS. Schuylkill county, to work exclnsWi»i Prf>f:6r n ed^0 eo t 0 ANTED.— A LADY IS DESIROHS * * of ft situation as Companion to a Tad— «r ~ not object to travel. Best >er*rencoßiven K.-W-."B»g 1748 Port Ogle-. I-h H-- l.lpMa [&?",* WAN TED—A SITUATION AS BOOkT- T KSEPBR, in any Ural-class city or coantr/cta*- blfsbment, b> ayonng man, a master of accontte aiTi Who baa been occupied for the last ten years as clerk -In4 manager in a large boiler-plate and fine ir m mill Bas-t of references gwen. Adress feO-lw* Got No. 46, Philadelphia Post Office. WANTED-A BOY TO LEARN CON YETANCfNG. Aoplybynote, in hand writing of applicant* to I C. PBTfIE, 8. W. corner SPHINX G iR DEN and THIRTEENTH Streets M :it WcaSOcts £nce 01 clb. ***** £ f ica Sftotg. '••♦.Price 50 cti. WANTED—A FEW ERIE .CITY " * and County BONDS. Erie Cacral Bonds of Erie, Pennsylvania. Also, 10,000 North Branch Canal Bonds, for wliich the makaet price will be paid by 6. B. WEIGHT & CO.. 14* South THIRD Street, Opposite the Wanted—by A young man of * orn ® experience, a SITUATIONS in a Wholesale where lie >lll be willing to make himpelf gene firtnrf A 80011 Rod ready at ~ r w* f & ei, S 6 ? B to character will be given. Add'esa u. H. W.. * this office. feB Ht* WANTED TO LET.—ONE OR TWO ?. r V n^ Parlors. Also* one or -woroomßiath* Vack VmiMimy. in or near ARCH Street !S t ii W #hvrtS!Sfo l, # d THIRTEKHTH Streets, to be used j^ArPA^ 8 Office. Address, for one woek, “r> c tor. f?t the Pres* office. feB H* WANTtD.—A MARRIED MAN, ONE *^J S ‘ h ««» “ont!. 0 Tcdteßs • ■ ' - ” /eS-dfc* $5 000J° W0.000.-P A R T N E R CornrcVion .SffiJJgSJ* wUh zeal name and residence. " Harvoy, “ I.r ’u S6o,m ! —We Want Agents at lar. ..nt/rca SgiW.CIARK, Bl,ldsfo r “. Mi. jai am $lO 000 TO intest in a well. «»IV/,IIUU ESTA BLIgnEO BUSINESS fmnleUa, to advertiatr. Address confidentially? a3tare of bn,iaeg ' n WANTED TO RENT—A SMALL, PStOfflM Addr « ss BOS 1007. PhiladeiDhia • ■■■'- felQ-6s* 6pUs* a family horse wanted. , _ ?® must be perfectly sound ?.Rd gentle. a sond traveler, of gome dark color from R J« o -««- * a , ROoa standing 15 to 16 hands high, and suitable for family uso' Anyone having encn an animal to dUpoao of may Kl of a purcbaeer. by addressing Box Bo 124 - parr * r -DELFBIA TOST OFFICE, living frni S2EJ& tion, and stating lowest price and where te can be •«S5: - fe9 3t» A LARGE, DARK, HEALTHY, ACTIVE, STEADY lIOESE WANTED. scitiWo for a Physician. Address HqjL\nu% % ” Pre , ?B oflic6 fe9*2t* T OST—A CERTIFICATE OF 5 PER 'CENT. LOAN OF STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. for $536.05, dated M*rch 32 1830, No. 754. in name nf WILLIAM MBRBDITH. Also, a Certificate sf”?p« cent. Loan of Btate of Pennsylvania, for the sum of *3OO. dated June 30. 1846, N 0.1452. in the name of ELI JK. PRICE, administrator of William Meredith in trust Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re eewal of said Certificates re feiO-Sm ELI K. PRIHK. No. 811 ARCH Street T OST OB MISLAID—A PERPETUAL POLICY OF, INSURANCE, israedby the “Fire Ae p delation” to Catharine Sibert. for $BOO, dated January 28, 1846. Any information thereof will be received by ISAAC P puTfig * Cor. SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Stfeets. —_ . ja2o-wfml2t ■POB SALE —A LARGE STEEL- J PLATE PREBB tor sale, at TO* ARCH Hi f.lftSt VALUABLE DELAWARE WHARF ’ PROPERTY FOR BALE. - This property, cen trally located in the EIGHTEENTH WARD of the city of Philadelphia, has a frontage on the river Delaware, extending io Beach street, of 156 feet, with a superior S’lnftW??® Pi«rlnto deep water; capacious docks. 200 to ..00 feet 3 onr, on both sides—the whole embracing an area, of oyer 65,000 eauare feet, with privileges or exteo a on .final to a total ares exceeding 60.000 Miuara feet. For further information, apply persoe all., or by Letter, to- tSAMUSL B. GRICE. feg tl 13*0 BEACH fctreat. Philadelphia T.OT OF OVER 30 ACRES ON THE dti rWi R AND ALLEGHENYAVEMUE FOR SALE.-Alarae lot of over 30 acres, fronting the liiver Delaware and Allegheny avenue. Also,a number of smaller lots, from one to ten acres, suitable for facto ries. Fhip yard*. or other business requiring river front. Will be subdivided and sold upon reasonable terms Apply to TO CAPITALISTS.—I WO THREE- Jtat STOEV BRICK DWELLINGS, adjoining, occupied , catc Ore eery and Provision Store, in a good location for such a store, at a prim that will nett ten per cent upon the purchase, if applied for soon En quire at 80. 1»1 Sonth SEVENTH Street. 'falo-3t* #pj FOE SALE—A SUPEKIOB FABM of Pii acies. with floe Improvements, situated at from tire city, and three miles from Chestnut Hill. Apply tr> ROBERT MACJ GREGOR, - 1 ! 4JL9WALNTJT Street. 4|S A BARGAIN.—A NEW .TEBSEY FARM, of 120 acres, good soil, and btautlfal locn tion. two boms tom the city. accessible! by boat and tail toad. Bui dings complete, fences Rood orchards and Adaross ALBERT EBBLHMAS, felß Bt* 701 CHESTNUT street. ATUNICIPAL CLAIMS.—NOTICE 13 Jjgreliy given to tbs owners of the properties men tlofiea in tne appended memoranda of Claim®, that writs of ftevr e Facias will be issued thereon in three months from the date hereof unless the same are duly paid WM. dUViSifiL, * for Claimants. No. S MERCANTILE LIBRAHV BDILDINQ. Philadelphia, Feb. a. 1564. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA -1 lie City of Philadelphia to the use of Adam Warth m fin and James L Barron, trading as Warthmau & Bar ron, va.william H. Boyer, of March Term, 1559. No. 1: for paving, Ac., S2OS 27; lot situate on northeasterly cor* per of Huntingdon and Jasper streets, 114 feet front by 120 feet deep, to Elia* befh street. Nineteenth ward. Same vs Barrett & Stetson, of September Term, IS6O, I l 1 p f vin *,: Ac*. $7C6.23: lot east side of Howard street, 60 feet northward from tlie north iide or Dauphiu street, 560 feet front by 160 f«et 6 inches deep. Nineteenth wazd. Same vs Peter Frit?, of December Term 1860, No 35 • paying, &c , SS63 61; lot northerly corner of Cumberland and Emerald streets, containing la f»ont on Cumberland stjeet 3i4 feet to Jasper street, by 146 feet 6 inches deep, Nineteenth ward. IN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS FOB THE CITT AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA: The City of Philadelphia to the use of 4dam- Warth man and James L. Barron, tradinc as Warthman & Bar ron, vs A. Longstrelh, of March Term. 1859. No 93; pa- Jing, «c-, *17.01; lotsontbwaßterly side of Tori street, 64 feet southeasterly from southeasterly side of Sepviva street containing in trcnt so feet t>y Isa feat 6 inches and one-eighth to Gordon street. Nineteenth ward. Same vs Philip Bump, of March Term, 1859, No. 06; paving, &e., $37.83; lot southwesterly corner of York and Lemon streets, containing in front on York street 54 feet by 129 feet 6 and one-eighth inches deip, Nine teenth ward. fame vs E. C Quinn, of March Term, 1859, No 120; paving. Ac., $102.22; lot southwest side of Huntingdon sheet, 177 feet southeast from Jasper street, containing in front on said Huntingdon street 53 feet 6 Indus by us feet inches in depth, Nineteenth, ward. Earns V 8 A Cetti. of March Term, 1859, No. 124; pa ying. &c., $174.30; lot situate on westerly corner of Hun tingdon and Jasper streets, containing in front on said Huntingdon street 90 feet 6 Inches by U 6 feet 8M indies in depth. Nineteenth ward Same vb James Golcher, March Term, 1859, No. 135 P' ' saving, &c., $109.57; lot situate north-west comer of Hcntingdon and imeratd street'!, contaiaingin front on said Huntingdon street 60 feet by 120 feet lb depth, Nine teenth ward : Saix-e vs McCartney & Townsend, of March. Term. 1559, No. 194: paving. &C * SIC,I 30', Jot Situate on. corner of Coral and l>r«et? etreatg. Nineteenth ward Same va Br«;Wn A Boyd, of March Term, 1859, No 196; prving, Ac., $9B So; Jot siiuato pontheaatcomar of Coral and Jlatiphin street#, Nineteenth ward. San evs Same, of March Term, ISB9, No. 19S; paving, ■Sic , $16.62; lot situate on northeast corner of and Moore streets 12 feet front by 52 feet 7 inches ieep, Nine teenth. ward. Same vs Same, of March Term. 3559. No 199; paving, Ac., $16.62: lot situate southeast side of Coral street, 48 feet northeast from Moore street. Nineteenth ward Eamevs Same, of March Term, 16.59. No. 200; paving, Ac ,$l6 62: lot situate on southeast side of Coral street, 24feet northeast from Iboore street, Nineteenth > ard Same vs Edward Leigh. of March Term, 1559, No 701; pavirg, &C. ,$2197; Lot situate northwest side of Coral street, 69 feet northeast from Dauphin streetSlfcec front, Nineteenth ward Same vs Brown A Boyd, of March Term, 1859, No. 202; paving, die., $16.62; lot situated suaiheast side of Coral ftreet, 60 fest northeast from Moore street. Nineteenth ward. Same va Same, of March Term, 1659, No. 203; paving, Ac.. $l6 62; lot sltuato southeast side of Coral, 36 feet northeast from Moore street, Nineteenth ward. Same vs Same, of March Term, 1859, No. 204; paving, Ac., $lB £9; lo: situate on southeast side of Coral street, 72 feet northeast from Moore street. Nineteenth ward. Same vs James Bodkin. March Term, 1859, No. 205: paving. Ac., $24 97; lot situate northwest side of Coral street, 103 feet northeast froznDanphinstreet. Nineteenth ward. *• Seme vs Allen Wiegant. of f March Term, 1859, No. 20S; paving. Ac.. $28.14; lot northwest side of Coral street, 60 feet 6 inches southwest trom Sergeant street, Nineteenth Wftrd. Same vs James K. Polk, of September Term. 1859, No. 60; paving, Ac., $27 67; lot west side of Marcher street, lSfeet 3 inches south from Putnam street, 18 feet front. Nineteenth ward. Same vs Nathan "Warner, of September Term. 1859. No. 61: paving, Ac., $26.18; lot situate ou west side Of M&> sober street, 87 feet 3 inches south from Putnam street, 17 feet front. Nineteenth ward. name vs Joseph Miller, of September Term, 1859, No. 63: paving, Ac., $2613; lot west side of M&echer street. 70 feet 3 inches south from Putnam, 17 feet front,Nineteenth, ward. felQ-wSt JONES HOUSE, HARRIBBUKQ, Pa., CORNER MARKET STREET AMD MARKET SQUABB. AUrtt-clajs Boose. Terms. *2 par d»r. NEW EIGHT. . The subscribers would inform the public that they have introduced in this city , ' iMW LIGHT, . ___ POBBfBiiDK adyantagee over all others in nee, viz J “lv* TOfißitahMi by this Light are more llfe-USa aud ua tnral. Children are taken almost iustaotaneonsiy. say Is two seconds. The superior and artistic finish or the Picmree taken by this Lisht defy competition. WEIBMAH 4, da feS-ltnif* TVBAF MADE TO BEAB. —INSTRU- ■w «£ a i® to aa»ist the heaiing at P. MA.DBIEA.’B, no. Xl5 Booth TEBTH BL. htOnw Obeitaat fa3«l2t* SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF ■“PHILADELPHIA. FBANEFOBD. „ „„ CAPITAL $lOO,OOO WITH THS PRIVILEGE OF IN ■ GREASING TO *5OO-000. ... m>, NATHAN HILLES, President. WILLIAM H. EHAHB. Cn-hier, tLate or the Pniladelphla Bank ) HILLES ® IEEO ™ HiRLES E. ERKWEE. BEN.I. KOWLaNO. -Ik.. Inwall ifKSS** HENJ. H. DE ICON. JOHN COOPER. op action of a General Sent,” tonne* 1 CollMttona noon all aeeu upon) Ibsral t$ rms. Roajioctl MST AMD FOUND. FOR SAKE! and to £E!T. ALFRED FITLER, Conveyancer, No. 51 North SIXTH Street. MUNICIPAL CLAIMS. HOTELS. C. H. MAJTX ik of Philadelphia Is now it Fraukford. for the tfcans iK Bofllneae opott the usual *sihie points will lie male tfaUr. w. a. BRAWN. Cvj^C &eawiiteaßtai^-a»i»«^ TaagMaMOMl<>> , j-iTTtm|[^nn^n __ AHusnmurn.- OmmS^^SSg*l** 1 * WEDNESDAY EVENING, Feb lo?b. ° tf ‘ The German Opera Company, received with M favor on Monday evening, will have tho hoJ.P n< * sentlng to their friends In Philadelphii, on WedSiJSS; evening, the Romantic Opera of “ “ 6 “ n(>sd ®^ h. p , DAME BLANCHE (The White Lady), |Jidl O n I S&eIS,M^ oWiag “•‘“‘W la* GavcW HEBKHEKHTANNH: Anna. ' . ■--"—Herr Harmamwr. George UrDvryi****’ * Jo^annsea. Margatethe/l® ..V" HotTlUMaMa. Dickson * * ‘Mad. Frederick *Tensy 1 * Herr Kronfeld* Mac Irton .V.“ * * Mile. Cantssa. bceco, Scotland. nVcM‘c,‘XV.v“ U' V ‘ •-' ‘HerrGraL Conductor. castle of tho Count of Art re?. Tickets of Admission to ParnT'nh* 'S A^li Balcony, |l. n 0 extra eh armfop Circ, ®s and. ly Circle 60 cent*! Amphltheatref is cenle Seat “‘ P "“ 1 ' atW»£? atWO CloCk - to Third Night ® S A ele?7 ENIHG - P *' «• GRAND MATINEE ON SATURDAY AFTERBTOAW Tick eta can be ob ained at Gould’s Musie £ton cfomSiai and Cheetnnt. and at the Academy of Mnelc. ’ ? Q-KOVEB’S NEW CHESTNUT thratbb, leon am o rover. em February Pth* AlOKfcl-OF-LEAVER AN. JPlcrfp- OF* LEAVE SCAN, ’mam* ewibb' am EKTnnsrASTjf: stocks®. taeßh rervodo,,' SA T B MA IT The belter tlS’l , , th E ‘ to Ram falls on heeding ears. a ® rJerlT K warning veto* *The humanitarian has a new fifii.i f n . _v*i ~ The discipline ofprtsonE reeeWA&H wi Crime lessors In freqaency when charge, Tera that he is not wholly lit the otlmll *l diw*. AT GROVBR’d NBW CHEST err* the delightfnl Domestic Drama” UT TICKET. OF-EBATB MAS 1b preeented entire; _ „ „ THE cast of characters Pronounced fcy prominent journals of this city to •of the strongest ever riven the drama. e . . , , THE SCENERY B^F5. ri 9. rt<>f !J3y tJllD * r hitherto presented in the dr?m*. MR. C A. KOPPITE and (he GRAND ORCHESTRA ~ _ ‘ *Tlcket‘Of-Leave” Uvertorsij 11 Bacclo Walt*—Brilliant;and A-nMTCQTnw A 9, ay w ft h l , ho Il t Brigade—Koppttr. tr* ~2, Circle and Parquet, fiOc.; Orchea chug**’ ' aEQLiy Circle,2sc Seat* secured without extra frt -ba SPECIAL ANNOUNCSMEWT. AIKCT-STBEET THEATBIi ... POSITIVELY LAST THREE NIGHTS ‘ “*» ti 9 oi,3fmtu « ~ LUCILLE WESTERN. Who will appear THIS EVENING, for the . . .„LaET NItHT BUT ONE. Ae LADI ISABSI. and MADAME VINE In Her Great Emotional Play of „ EAST LYNNE; Or. THE ELOPEMENT. ]V[BS. JOHN DREWS NEW AEOH STREET THEATRE aou*l - (The Cricket) Sewnaft*- Didier Barbeaud , ‘rYvT*!^ 11 J®**- Fatherßarbeaud ‘•■■Stuart Robto*. Old Ffidette,..:.,..V. ‘• v Mr r nrl*A*. Madelon To conclude ■with a Favorite Comedietta _ MISS THOitPSOJi’S QTT FRIDAY Curtain rifcea at 7#o’clock. • (JBEAT NATIONAL OIROUB v TROUPE w i "SsSf4S"«s‘!a!s-- ■week is one entio?/ tlfu sol!>i<!s t 0 68 rerformel thl* week. In . the, 'jfig £283?* ** Which Will he produced in a. tyfe or charming njagnia »rA»,«r “*■ nofes,ren«Mcc| ad AiUr- Bvonlnp performance commencina at 7 40 aslarttery^MSSt;. B St8 « 8888t8 . °°cem 6; Prlv^eßey: WAVE ARRIVED AT ' ■*"*“ CONCERT HALI. . MON DA YE YE ft 1 N(J. Fehrnurr Sffi EVERY EVENING DURING THE ■wrvir The far-famed original and oalv ltls MORRIS MINSTRELS, BRASS BAND, BUBLESQ&IiOLD FOLKS’ m . CONCERT TKOUPE * H&SSf&SX EBtabh,hed Arli *"' from their- Om™ EVERYTHING FEW-NOTHING OLD • rrv THE PROGRAMME ' The Acknowledged Champions of Minstrelsy. „Ap entire change of Programme every other evon(»» giving the most extensive and versatile enter tain nun. sverwltneeaed. Cardaof Admission SsoA*. DowSSE? at Bi o’clock; commence at lit. CHARLES A MOB Bin a niT- x ABB0TT »“ d oals oils Err! a5“5: ASSEMBLY BUILDING, Celebrated TEHTH **» CHESTKCT STREETS. _DAVENPORT BOTS. THIS VBBK OKI Tbs greatest PHENOMENON aver witnessed etaoe ths START! TNo4inw l i?|iT!c MT6TE ? IO ? s M»PLAYS and Qo and B™ttom BBS are proauoed ltt llMlr ofiS'S ,on «2 09Bt * Doors open at 7 o’clock; comm-ncJnjr at 7)£ o’clock. , Se *l® can be secured at the office of the Halt during tha dey without extra charge * * Open from 9 to 12 A. M. rjONOEBT HALL CEESTHUT STREET. ABOVE wfim 800 *' wmrSSra*- THE LAST WSEE 0F zoGßAPHtooar, A series of illustrations of T. 8. ABTHHB’S TEN ITI{?HTS IN A EAB'ROOM, JOHN AST'S ' . «. *S PROGRESS. And other attraetire Scenes from p, a «*£F B ’ OHAEACTEB. NATT7BB. and AET. Proprietor and Mana»r. Mr. JOSEPH VE&BY; wilf contjnne for a abort season. Of more than 100 *raud PanoramW ratntmes was exeented by Mr. GEORGE WTTNDBRLICH. an American Artist, who stands nntlralied as a settle ~ . , Painter. 011 , 5 ? 1 e ® at >* Children IS cento. Doors open at 7 o’clock. fat-421: 8 EVBKT AFTEBNOOW AT 3 O'CLOCK. TEMPLE OP WONDERS. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, St^ _ MAGICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL EXPBEIMKNTSj cSXImV BKTEItOQUISM - ***■ “*SSBi m oJ,?« W EvirW r lv.-»T a fi? ,ar ,n h,s »opal*r Entertain. SSSS.TJSXSRf BVBNIHG, eommenclne at 7*. and WEBNESDAY and SATUBBAY AFTEKSOOS at 3. Admission 25 cents: Children 15 cents. jM4<lf INSTITUTION FOR THE BUND— p M X Pi B ? TION ,? VERY .. WBDXE3I:>iY ' at a« o'clock Street AdnUßBloll 30 ctB * Store, 80. 11 South EIOHM PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Off -*• „ THE PIKB AETS. „„„ „ » TT W«°?®«roT STBBBT. BP. M DAILT ISnadW* exeeptod) from 9 A. Jf. UU . Admission 38cents. Children hell price. EDUCATIONAL r'tRHTENDEN’S COMMERCIAL COL -63T fTBTBSTUUTfrtreet, corner of s «venih. _»-2A£k®d 3544. Incorporated 1555, , * n different branches, as prac ticed by we beat accountants, Penmanship Mercantile Celcniauone, Business Forms, Commercial Law, &c., famishing a necessary . PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS LIFE. ADip oma, with the seal of the Institution attached, awarded on grad nation. ««? l V de ?. t 8 recelyf dat any time, and instructed eepe* lately, Day and Evening j ~ vell course ofinitruotion k extensive acco modations, wide-spread reputation and practical ad vantages to basinets men. this Institution is unequalled, Jt numbers among its graduates hundreds of onr most accomplished and successful business men. fe9->6t* WEST GROVE BOABBING SCHOOL f f FOR GIRLS, at West G*ove Station. Chester connty, Pa., on the Phila. and Baltimore (Jen. R., 49 miles from Philadelphia and 10 from Oxford The gam mer term will commence on Second IDay, the 2d of oth Month next. The course of insirueHon Is exUnslvO end thorough. Terms reasonable Send for a circular. Address THOMAS P. CONARD, Principal, fe3o-w2m West Grove, Chester connty, Pa. SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN be opened on MONDAY, February Vsth. 186 A at the S. E. corner NINTH and SPRING GARDEN! _The PRIMARY DEPARTMENT will be conducted aa a Kinder?arten, upon the German (Fnebel's) System, age include Boys and Girls under ten year* of A Clftfeß of older pupils will be received.- In both, departments GYMNASTICS, under the sn> tem of Dr. Dio Lewie, will be tangbt GERTRUDEW. FULTON. Harriet b. darlin^ton.. ASdreie, 315 MARSHALL Street. QOKDENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE, BOHDE3TOWN, N. J. This Institution is pleasantly located on the Dataware fiver. \yi hoar’s ride from Philadelphia. Special *tten t<on is paid to the common and higher branches of .K.I3GL3BH. ana superior advantages furnished in Vocal and Instrumental Muiio. FRENCH taught b? native, and spoken in the faroiiy. For Catalogues, addresa- Bst. JOHN H. BSAKEi.EY, A. M., President i»l4-Bm* VILLAGE green seminary, NEAR MEDIA, PA.—Pupils received at any time. English, Mathematics, Classics, and Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil En gineering taught. Entbe expenses about *$ per week. Boys of all ages taken, defers to Wm. K Karn, ex- Sheriff; John <J. Capp & Co.. No. 23 South Third street; and Thomas J, Clayton- Esq., Fifth and Prone s'rests, Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON. A. M., Village Green, Pa- Tos-tf INSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICE of the union mutual '-' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA* . Philadelphia, January IVIBB*. Notice Is hereby gives that the holders of the out standing Scrip of the Onion Mutual Insurance Company of Philadelphia, that the Stoek and Sarip holders, at a meeting held this date, resolved to extend to the bold ere of the outstanding Scrip the privilege of converting said Scrip into the Capital Stock or the company, accord ing to seetion 6th of the amendment to the charter on t&i same terms as previously done, payment or iustalmen* to be made Febrnery l, 1864. Otherwise, interest to be charsed on payments made after that date, and tne privilege of conversion to cease afte? Jane tO, JBoi. jal3w/m2m JOHN MOSS. Secretary. XPAMB INSURANT A No. 406 CHESS PHILAJ)! TIBS AND IN 1.11 DIREO' Frauds H. Buck, Charles Richardson. Hegrv I/ewisr O. "W. Davis, P. 8. Justice, George A. West* FRaNCIS X. _ OHAS. KICB, w. I. BI.ANRff ART>. SaeTftts COAI. •pUBE LEHIGH COAL. HOUSE J- KEEPBUS can rely on getting a pure aiiiole at soutk east comer PBOKT and POPLaK. felOelm* JOBN W, HAMPtOW* fZJJSNUINB EAGLE VEIN COAL »aual If not superior to Lehigh. Aina. n&rt 1 * If» Pins Oitta Family Rainbow Coal; Bag and Stove aiun. *8 00 large Nut. *7.74 Per ton. Coal forfeied If not /nil weight as por ticket. Depot. lai9 Cki.Lu WHILL Street, above Broad. Offibe l»l Sonth FOChTH, be low Chestnut. Call and examine- Orders by dispateh promptly attended to by ' noil fim ELLIS 88A859N. c O A I»* —SUGAR EiO-AF, BeZvoß - MBADGW, a»d Spring Konntala Coal, on* best Locust Mountain* fro an Schuylkill; prepaid »'»- pressly for Fardl? two. Depot* N. Xf, corner EiaHTH and WILLOW BU. Office, «o. IX9 South SECOND St. ftp4 ly J. W ALTON & 00. CORRECT PIANO TUNING, 0 ByBABQSDT'd Orders for Thq!m and Repairing Pianos are received at MASOir & GoT*i Store, 1907 CMEBTMUC Street. only, «uv.-» Mr. 8. Em tad eleven years'faefcory experience la Boa* t©&. and ftve years' employment la PtUadelphU SPECIAL “*?l®doi pefeatfy*r€<t to eonnst m wft yii urset-toned aa w *** •Terms far %\ • MANAGES, OB COMPANY, iTBUT.STBEBT, EIiPHIA.. IND I-JSSUEAjrOS. ITOR3- __ „ JohnW; JWfflMi -Bq6ar£B John Kessler^?.» eTiT WoodYdffi" Charles Stokf». Joseph J>. Ellis, Bin'K. President UtDSON, Vice President trr. Uld-tf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers