ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO TWELVE O'CLOCK LAST NIOHT. imd CbHtmt atreeta. 8 Bhridon- Now Tort F L Ridnelr. H PBanoott, Colorado rant F W Farias Kt n a Burk Baltimore E Schninn^ tl * ,r ; Baltimore E Curtis. V 8 A • J ii fiWlohjL Dp A j Farrell, Washington In Wif-limt- Baltimore V J Hdckett, Indiana j W bissttll* St Louis 'Bl Fidey- St Louis i G FFiUey, St Louis JO Brown M rcerco ,LB iker & la, Cabater so ! W S OrfefcfLeU, Chester co jF A Sana, Hew York |F p Scott, Baltimore |B F Brace, Syracuse IT H Easter, Baltimore Jhs Conway, Baltimore ; W L EMlfemtein. Pottsville | Thomas T Hazard, N Y T Williams, Cincinnati, O ! J W Jones, Cincinnati, O W B Cut or, Wash’a, D C J 31 L’ndley, USA .W B Wiley, Lancaster Gen D N Couch & wf Meat W i> Uilllsen USA Philip Kidex, Baltimore F A Alherger ‘Rnffiio PL Shannon. Peaia WV, Weßt &wf W*»h,B c We Honetter&la. Wash.D 0 I Thoa Weaver, Wa*h, D 0 Miss Watson. Baltimore J T Biadley 5c wf N T Geo A Sliii. Baltimore Alfred -oot, USA , Geo A Phdlos, K/F Frank Piieto*- N'W \or ~ W u Gill & wf. B Jtimore Hi ayer, Boston C Dd Ab A la. PUt.burjt r Mh. tsosii Port ;.arbou... Ko Cumins. Reading jttßndwfli, R*»ckJand GC S»eatiinaa- Conn E l> Jordan, Boston WYf v? ard. New York D S Sinclair, Now York E K Cooper. Baltimore J M: Ryder, New York E D Thayer* New York N 1) Morgan New York JohnSimpkinH, New York f> Hlandiebmoi, Detroit W Eagle New York E L Merrifieid, New York C 5 Fowler. Baltimore Hon T i Yorke. 2f J J B Archer New Jersey D K Shoemaker, 41 Chunk F at Dean, New York E Hoffman. Chicago A Dali. BaJilmore , _ RF Laroyley, Manch, Eng ' W Firm>toD©, fisstoa W W KHi.ll. Maryland a Hanford. New Xork j A Morrison* New York J 0 F Meyar, tit Lome F W Rosenthal- St Louis J J Rockwell, New York W Blanchard, New York LS6lata ( Boston G McKay. Boston _ _ 8 Sweet A son. New York J Richards. Chicago, j; G G Shaw. Cinchona* l _ . H. G South wick. New Yor* : . M Schlos?, Trenton :j 11 Harrington . < XS Silver. Jr. Tr^wg ! nxio . ! T C*nada West . A iSibbflrd. Canada West 1 & Ga/nttson ft la. If Y !; B B Marti. ft wf- Oxford. 01 us„ l Maine, Oxford, O ;■ SislfeaiT Hope. Oxford, O Geo B Hope, Oxford, O SO£ea r^P * Hew York Loomsrd Jewett, Illinois TH Whitney ft wf NJ Hies Abbott. Hew Jersey IT AJBOty. Boston Thomas Cleveland. N Y ST 1-ickinFoii, New Yoik Josiab Caldweil. Boston Hon J D C&tou, Illinois CTravis. Brooklyn H G CievfcUnd,Cleveland,O Jan B MeMullin. Maine W W 11 Ball, Maryland i Geo W Pratt, New York Mr* H L Pratt. New York Mivs Pratt. New York S B Ornbb. New Jersey J 6 Mnlnolland, Beading H S Eckert, Heading Geo M Robeson. N J Eli Cnarlln, New York M Halstead. Cincinnati Major Gen Frencli Mrs Gen French Mist French Lieut French ... Chae Silver. Pottsyille A J Watson. Chester eo , BJ Kaldeman. Hamabnrf 1, ft wt T I C C Vftn.lcKsll SU.H J CIS McKee ft wf. Md Jos Ms 3- or ft wf, 80-ton H M Ticknor ft wf, Boston J B B a'.re, LoaYenwortli afaitin Bj orson. N J A H Turner, New York AM Atwell. New York JBeneen. New York L Gottechalk, New York T W Jarvis. New York J H King New York Geo £ Bacon, New York G eo Carr, New Y ork . CB Richardson, New York W J Foekati, London ! BlvMd-Cbektß«t H H King & la. Penna Beni Worrall. Bo&toii , J Sherman & la, New York S T Savage, C 8 £4 M May. Missouri IC Kubn. lowa FHion »err, Oluo Sue c W Jones, Balt M McCormack. Nash* ille Daniel Zook, Nashville T JIA Brown Robert Gtme, Norfolk H C Storzns B J Levy, U 8 A I, Murdelm Diet Columbia M Weinberg, Alexandria 1 S*hwaxz. Alexandria W Gilbeithorp. Penna Ciol Johnson, New York' J D Waters. New York John Hastings, N Bedford 0 K Fanning, K«w York £dw Sales, Lake Superior JS B Foot. New York J Seitz. Easton B J Eagle. Marietta, Pa C B Grubb, lane aster Mrs Dr Wolf. Penna J McMillan, Waßh. D C Miss M Templeton Scranton j Dr C S Verdi, Norfolk, Ya F W Brauns. Boston, . Capt H L Robinson, Wash Mrs W L Kiddle, Wash, D C J L Delaware Mrs Child, Wyoming, Pa John Pisbor & wf. Penna Henry Seiler, Penna A Moore, Penna W Alexander, Penna H D Tilton, Penna Simon Bing, Ohio Simon Alien. Ohio John Kiliraster, Ohio Jameß Falle3, Maryland C B Herman, Baltimore David Pinkerton. Penna K D Rhoads, Penna' David Gordon, Delaware John Sommers & la, Penna Thoa S Wiison, New York Andrew Gohn, New York A P S&nderscn, Hartford £ McGovern. Lancaster Wm Irvin, Penna John M Mowe, Penna Jbb T Henderson, Ohio Benj Simpson, Penna .David Livergood. Chicago Jacob Sanders, Adame co Mai L Sanders, Adams co Geo McCurdy. Adams CO J Jamison, Adams co J Sellers A wf. Franklin eo S Misb, Franklin eo H D Brindle & la, Penna L W Underwood, U S S M McCarthy, Ireland H Dougherty Ireland Sami Wallace. Pittsburg L D Parsons. Pittsburg W Williams & la, Boston W O Bouser, Penna ■ Jos L»aa. Mecbanicsbarg BBWigton. Huntingdon Hon Simon Caxneron.Penna H B S»x?on, hew York Jas T onrff, Parrisburg S J Brlsbin, Lax caster Miss M Oliver,- Lancaster P Jarrett, Lock Haven H T Jarrett. Lock Haven Miss M Cowlee.Gdnnant’wn Miss E Cowlep.Germant’wn Mies Bowles. Germantown Mis* ELangon.(»erm*nt’wn W Tenant, Pennsylvania JF Smith BH Pennington, Bath JB Lowry. Delaware City HB-nson. Reading Miss M Taylor, Penna Merchanti’-Foirtli A Craig. Mauch Chunk J de la C Caweno, N Y H B Ltcbelm T J Adams, Portsmouth, O John FCJuley. Pittsburg R F Brown, Lewisburg S H Bandore. Lewisburg Geo W Moyer,Lewisburg dam H Orwig, Lewisburg Jacob Vorman Wih 8 Young. Allentown Theo Leash, New York. P Fisher. Johnstown S Brownolcl 5 Harrisburg Drß G Clagett, Dayton, O Daniel Stratton* Salem, 2s T J John Craig. New Jersey J W Fennock, Lexington, K J Allen Ejster. Chamb’g J N Cole. U t Pleasant. Ia W L McCullough, NewviUe A A Kae * Amerlcan-Cheitttnt G W Woollen & I*, frenton J Hose. Penna. , „ AA Hamilton, Waeh.D C H Bfistian. Wash., D 0 Cspt C F Salkeld. USA J F Smith, Beading _ B H Underbill, Hew York Dallas Smacker A In, N J Elen E Frye, Belfast, Me JasL Douglass. Beading F H Mead, New Jersey HA Cameron, Williamspt John Trent. 'Williamsport SI C Ffoute, Jersey Shore J> TV Smith. Williamsport C T Jackson. Beading Chas Hebard Penna „ Cyrus W Hartley, Wash Lieut Dean. Washington MB Hartley. Penna H Barton. Chattanooga A 4 Jackson. Tennessee J Cannon, Maryland St liOulK-Cheatnnt Capt N Anderson B L Wise, Harrisburg M Money, Maach Chunk JE Griffin- USA W T Sohuiiz. Sew York J C Johnaton 8t W. H Y J H Poindexter iw.KI T Bnrngardier, Lancaster W B Rosenbaum, ff J J T Carson. New York .Miss Douglass. New York C Devins, NVw York C L Badway, New York P T Davidson, lowa SF Richards, Boston i B F Moulton, Conn C Mersenbafe. USA H Pretty leaf. USA . F Howard. USA ' J Powers. Danville TMrSue, Milton G N Bryant Brlstol,N H O W Mclntosh. USA The Unlon-Areh a Wm Faux, Danville C P Avery. New York Mr Robinson,Dayton, 0 S A Ogden, New York W L Fetter Jno V Havehotte,Plitsbg NKGailiart. WUm.Del A Porter, Pittsburg 'Jos B Staples. Yardleyviue JT Staples, Yardleyville A SCadwallader, do D Bichwine, Lancaster co A B Holloway H Torrey. New Yoik C Jaggard, Altoona, Pa *W Fn liner, Pema Jos Scbloss, Pottsville B V Sreers.Washington G W Johnston, Pittsburg COZumerclsU— Slxtlr street, above Chestnut, • D O’Hara W P Sanderson 'HIE ard ng. Bangor Geo Gregg- U SA Chas Dougherty, USA Jos MeCalla • O H Harrell _ Lieut E C Dixon, USA - Jos Fellow, U 8 A W S Fulton, Oxford Chas Dingee, WestsfOVS . M A Pennypacker, Penna Itatu Union —Marta .E Moore, Maryland J.C 'Williams A la. Trenton ' W P Farnham, Mass <"H W Colbotb. Mast ' P Simons, Schuylkill co ■ J Humphreys, USA Lieut J W Eckels, Del .Sharple'PiMercer, Chester co F Cope, West Chester H L Aider, West Chester National—Race v fit Donser, St Louie Patrick Donner, St Louis S Bcball C P titeinnetz, Lebanon Louis Coben, New York W A Jordan, Penna J S Holenber, Pittsburg A Stran, Pittihurg B Reist, Lexington. Pa F 8 Kimball, Penna g Taplor, Sttcquehanna co Barley ghsaf'Seconi Haj J Downing;. Hew. Toik Col M C HcGmder S Gee 4 la, Bucks co Ct&it MoStt, Burlington Geo V J erman, Trenton Solomon Holcomb* N J ■ Amoß Gregg, Bustlaton HEneJeman _ ' Geo Updike, New York Black Bear-Third Geo W Borer, Fox Chase John B&atian, Lehigh co RDiefenderfar. Lehigh co Wm Sterfcel Allentown Ghas Reinhart, Monroe co Jas Reinhart, Monroe co BHGuldlji, Pottsville WT fchafer. Chester co LG Coleman Madison-Second si L W Halladay B Pierce, Pennsylvania X. S vansant, Maryland LonlßGeerer,Dover, Del «8u“ bc W l *’ N J is W Merrick. Penna v? ai s£ r * Ja Alexandria John Tucker, Norristown *“** ***le-TMra u J E Boyle, C&tuinqna ThoeOberty. Bethlehem Martin Ootid. HuTUbnrc Dr Schocb. Backs co J Siegel. Heturtown Mouat V Seco: rfrau il ST Bitter. Harrhlmrit T 0 BUllon, Montg co,Pa M MWtre. WUmiattoo.Del RW Marks. Wiiminston H B Long. Trenton, fl J Oeom HSmltii itreef*Delow Xlatk 0 Herring, Baltimore l M Matn. BtUimore J li Thorp, J Harmaa, Pottatowu Mrs Deuny, Baltimore Mis* Denny. B JUimore R Saatid«b, Montrose Mr* Mrs Hemphill, Mass J Y Bonder. Caicago AF Stone, Chicago Mrs Cavalier. Alton Mias Dewey, Alton P Caseelion, York A <1 Simmons, New. York l Geo Butle , rittpburg MreJoDdS. P.ttsb irg B Waste*.* & wf. Potcstown E ftlasoe, Delaware John Swaynie. Conn _ Miss B G Layton, New York W £ Albuv Mr & Mrs Dunham. Toronto Henry O Parry. M D, O S A G W Greens. U 81 A A Danl*p. Co: ambus, O P B Engird, Commbas, O E V Lawson, Cambridge, Md C B Lawnoa. Cambridge,Md lit* Locke. Buffalo Mrs f>u»ai * 2 ch. St Louis MrsE *iuney. St Louis His* Conover, bt Louie ! W P Ostrand-r. Alton. 11l J D Benton. New York J L Keseeker. B-tltimore Jameis Peuaa G W Horton Lancaster JGiUdUaa, Pdbca Jame? ilcQaa-e. Butler CO Nb tcrd*»n New York Jas WiJliaai'.on, Caicago Jas While. Chicago Robert Snndo, Onto H D Martin. M&xsUon, O J Cartney, MnseLou, 0 Benry D Serman, Pen it a Mrs AF-'rbee .a dan. Penna Henr» W Swyne, Penna Thoe B-'li S Hetkle. Daniel James, Ohio W S Waisu St la. Baltimore Pet*r Alt’.ck * la. Penna AKMcboll, Media J C Eeatty. Media W F Beatty, Media John J Roland, Media Jos G Cummins, Media Ralph Buckley. Media Jas Barton, Jr, Media W R Wlster S W K*ea«, Peaaa J A ktchollsL Penna 4 L Clark. Baltimore Vfl Stous USA Gyru- Rlcietcs Ohio Isaac L Smita, Media D HcClintock. Media E G Cattell. Pbilada M C Cattell. Phii&da John W Pomeroy, Penna J T Suit*, Pennsylvania A Arnold Pennsylvania B W vyer St la. L <ban<>n. Pa H Herbflt -k la, Getfcsyburg •T S Martin, Sr, & la, N J W Vernon. Pennsylvania B.M Dieiinson. NewJerßST A Walker. M*ryland J H Risley it la, Maryland E G Howard, Hartford Thos Lyons, New York G Middleton A Bauli&n, Baltimore S Gordon A wf, Penna H B Cook man, Penna Martin Co per, P*nna A D Stein St la. Lancaster John stonem&Q. Lancaster P iteffee dr la, Cnmhariand Jas Siirriit, Cumberland Street below Arek, John S Hays, Wewville, P J Stambaagh. Pena H FraDCha, Hagerstown A Gtafia* &la, Lock Haven a Farnsworth St la, L Haven G C Hotchkiss, Brooklyn Jas Logan St la, Harrisburg Mr* Wilcox v Harris rmrg J F Stevick, Shippensbnrg Dr l> Biller, York, Penn RnfusJW Bailey, Gettesb’g R McD Shoemaker, Forty Ft J&b F Gedny. Wash’n, D C Job Piutz Washington, B G W McSihany. 0 8 a. J WBcbody, M uch Chunk <1 M Nimsoo. Lehigh co. Pa Col H B Burnham, Penn T G Brown Francis Strain. Boston i R G He.ner, USA ; street, above FUtn. P P Matterson. New Jersey A T Wi.liamson &la, N J J J G Smith A 1> Lang, Camden. Del N C Sprnttce. Delaware J W Jieady Delaware i> Reeve, New Jersey Edward Lyon. Hnghe3Ville Henry Fry, Beading HBergmaa, Baltimore E Bergman. Baltimore John Deviney hla, Balt Sam' G B od' & la, Balt Dr Moyrj, Wash’n. D C Dr w s Fort, u s N Oscar Treerry, Maryland L P HnmpbTATs, Maryland J Thomas, Wilm, Del J S Snter, Baltimore W M lve*. Baltimore J Morbray, Pa J Roatch, Media, Pa itreeti above ffUrdi C H Soule J Stoetzel, USA 8 Hiron & w. Ohio . , P IB Bawlinirs. Jr, H&msbf E Thomas. Now Jemy £ H Walfcer, GUciauati H Dinsmore. Ohio F F Patterson New Jersey W T Schnl.z, N*w York H MeTtdith, New York J A Cole. Washington Y & w, Oswego C Wilder. Delaware F AMuriey, siewYork E Y Bright, Jr, Saabury G W iSxnith. Snnbury J J Smith, Snnbnry Mr Griffith N«w York F Wilkinson. New Fork G M Griffith. Albany • T B Jones. New York Mr Fuller. New Fork itreetg above Third. Mr & Mrs Peacock. Beading Alex 8-Bowen. Pottavllle D D McGinnis. Potisville W Neligh. Atlantic City DKSt.ibig.St Clair Baml Thomas St Clair D Eppley. H rrlsbnrg Moses Levy & ia. Memphis D W Howell. Boston t»W Crawford, Pittaton Mrs A Sevan. Scranton 8 D Howe New York NF Handy, M Chunk 6 M Biggins. N Jersey _ D D Wells. Tippecanoe, O jT.evl Dftv.TiivpecanoSiO ' J L Rankin, USA j Wm McKee. Hazleton R H Millar, Marcos Hook W P Swayne, Chester co John Hough, Newtown W M Mintzer Poitstown Jos Miatzer, Eotutown John Gowgfell, Delaware H R Campbell. Delaware W H Haines Chester co Q P Jackson;' JS-Jcton ' M Wood war i & eon, Puma J J Boyle, Delaware *o M Pennock, Chester co it street above Blx til« Horace Thayer. N Y J S Appleton, Dal B Herr A eon Columbia, Pa H M Martin, Colombia, Pa Mrs S S Wilson, Colombia Anthonv Bogg Del Jos Howard Boston Bdw Clark, Lancaster chasS Watson Brldgt’n.NJ F C Bolton. Michigan rest, above Third J) Cummings. Schyl Haven 8 Kreamer. Phcemxville Mrs Ireland A son. Balt S Wiest, Minersviile J N Fries, Lebanon, Pa W E Clark, Lebanon, Pa J Haeterson, Lancaster co J A SmUx, St Clair Thos Weaver, Penna John W B .bo. New Jersev A Mandeville, Harrisburg til street, below Vim a, i Samuel Schafer, Beading Thoe Hart, Allentown J&» Somers, Norristown - 0 Frits, Chicago Lieut Bata, Washington 0 Wateon. Bnckiagham T Pvans. Chicago J E Boileau & la, Backs co Miaa Boile&U, Bucks CO It., tboT. CaUowltm. J J Fcnali, Allentown Joa Kits. Penna Chafl Gross, Northampton Owen Levan. Seating John 8 Bechtei.Bechtelville M Ward. New Jersey M A Sellers, Penna J Saueser, Harrisburg :reet, above Market Sami Baker. Taylor ivilla Kobt Beans, Jonnsville MieePhoebe Job son Penna J 8 McGear, New Jersey Thoe 5 ourgtsx- New Jersey BMGenuag, Hoaesdale Wm Kimble. Hoaesdale D Dither, Stroudsburg net, above CaUowkUt N She tier. Montgomery co W H Zina. Mveretown N Wessner, Berks co MB Began, Adametowu AngStiner, Hyerstown P K Kline, Milford, Pa John NeJigh, Alleato wu J J Wole layer. Centreville >nd St, abon Ink. {L D Hob&ri. Boston * iS? # te rt , Boslon i,'?'- Vfoodrtiok K D Wooiatock WmPagfi. Trenton. S J SPECIAL NOTIOEB. CotaATia’s Hosey Soap. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, in each universal de- mand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient in its nature* fragrantly scented* and extrema* ly beneficial in its action npon the skin. For sale by all Dmuists and Fancy Goods dealers. One Price Clothing, op the Latest Styles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for HE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted saiisfac toty. Our Oim-PaicE System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. de23 ly JONES A CO . 604 JfABKET Street. Electricity, by a Physician of lono experience, and who gives bis whole attention to its proper application, at 141 S SOUTH PENN SQUARE, Philadelphia. Certificates, references, and examina tlona/ree. tf Haib Dybl Haik Dybll BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIH DIB fr tAs Ben, l* Out World The only Harmless, True, and RtlirJiU n~ known. ThU splendid Hair Dye U perfect—change* Sfl Buefcy. or Gray Hair, instantly to a GlosSV Biaal or natural Brown* without injuring the Hair or str.iir Isa the Skin* leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; lm parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring Us pristin* «olor, and rectifies the ill effects of had Dyes. Ths genuine it signed William A. Batchelors all others are mere imitations, and should he avoided. Sold to ill Druggists, die. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street. New York. Batchelor's new Toilet Cream for Dreariat the Hair. J»29-lr Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no scar. The Popular Clothing House of Phila., ♦'OAK HALL.” Best* class goods and moderate prioes. WAN AM AKER & BROWN, 6 E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to ordeir) No. 18. Sixth st. The Cheapest, Simplest, ami Best, Salesrooms, 701 Chestnut Street above Ith. STEWART—LONG.-Ou the Ist of February, 1564, to Rev. John F. Chaplain, palter of Wharton-street M. E Church, 1236 south Fonrtn street, Mr. Kobt-rt M. Stewart ax d Mits Amanda M. Long, eldest daughter cf the -*.ate fedwardLcng. both, of Philadelphia JDIHX). WEIGHT —On the Cth best., Pranklia. goaofWm. H and Bu*an Wright, aged 7 years and 19 days. Tbe telatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 805 North Secoid street, tfcis (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o’clock. , , . . FELL —On tie 6th instant, after a long and painful nines*, Mary Jane, wife of Peurote Fell. . The relatives and friends are respsctfnlly invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, northeast corner of Fine and Eighteenth streets thii (futsdav) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without farther, * PABkY.—On Saturday, Gthinat., GnstavnsA. Parry, aged 42year *. * . «, The mends of the family. Mcuut Moriah Loor* wo.iss A. Y. M.» and the Order in general, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residue* 1209 North Twelfth street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 8 HISCHMAN.—At Cheltenham, on -the morning of the 6th instant, Benj a-min M. Hincbman, of tnis city, in the 71st year or his »ge. ~ His friends ai d tho*e of the family are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral, from the resideacsof Ms nephew. Howard Hincbman, 1629 Vine street, this (Tues day} morning, at 9 o’clock. To proceed, to Friends 1 Grounds, Woodbury, New Jersey * CTOPER BLACK. SILKS.—BESSON & SOH’S SIOTTE3IISG STOKE. No. 918 CHESTNNr Street, have opened a new stock of super Slack Silks, $1 25 to $4 S7)a a yard. ~ , Black all-wool Mousseline, double width. “ ** Tainise Cloths. , . ** and White. Purple and Gray Chintzes. '* and White-striped and Plaid Ginghams. ‘ * and White Delaines, 31?<£ cents. “ Grenddine Veils. . . , . * Alexander’s Black Kid Gloves, plain and emb d.. Second-Mourning Balmoral Skirts. jadO WHITE silvidge black silks, ** DKAPDE LYONS —These »re a very superior grade !ot SILKt, warranted dnrable, and fine Paris Black. ordered for our best cltj trade. ■ , ja2S EYRE & LANPELL. vrriDOws’ silks, without gloss. ** Royal Annurei- Corded Groß Grain. Heavy Black Poult de Soiea. ______ _ EYRfi & LANPELL. »» PENNSYLVANIA FREEDHEN'S InP RELIEF ASSOCIATION. A PUBLIC MEETING of the Association will be held in the 0 ACADEMY OF MUSIC, On TUESDAY EVENING, Feb. 16, AT HALF-FAST SEVEN O’CLOCK. Bishop SIMPSON will preside. Rev. PHILLIPS BROOKS. Rev. Dr. BBAINEBD. ' Rev. Dr. FURNESS. Rev. Dr. J. WHEATON SMITH, J. M. McKIM, Esq., will take part in the proceedings. ' Tickets can be obtained on and after WEDNESDAY* Feb 10th, free of charge, at the office of the Association, No. 424 Walnut street, at- the Union League House, No. 111 S Cheßtnut street, and at T, B. Pugh’s Bookstore, S. W. corner Chestnut and Sixth streets. foB-8t Ma THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. —The following correspondence will be read with, interest: Philadelphia, Feb, 1* 1834* Rev. John R. Warner, Gettysburg ; Beveeend and Dear £tr : The undersigned, some of Whom heard, with ixtt&nse interest, you* graphic de scrlptionof the great battle fought in our own State, as recently delivered In one of our city churches,earnestly solicit a repetition of "The Battle of Gattyibnrg, as Witnessed by Yourself ’’ w J. M. Crowell, Wm. E Dubois, J. H, Orne, J R. Snowden. J. S. Price. Georse Junkln, Jr., William Rutter, Wm P Abby, C. L. Stuie. Thomas B. i>wtght, H. D SiSrerd, J. B. Goold, Samuel Asbury, B. ThEckara, J. T. Y O’llng, A. C Craig. GETTrsßraa, Feb. 3,1864 Reo J. M Crowell Messrs. W. E. Dubois , James H. Orne, James R- Snovxlen, William Rutter , George Junkin , Jt. , and others / Gentlemen : I shall comply with your request, and Would name Tuesday evening, the 23d instant, as the ttae. Yer, The above thrilling Lecture will be repeated at tba ACADEMY OF MUrtlC, on the EVENING of the 2adinst. Tickets for Parquet. Circle, and Balcony 60 cents; Family Circle 25 eebts. Bale of Tickets to commence on MONDAY, the 16th instant, at 9 o'clock, at Mr. MABTIEN’S, 606 CHEST NUT Street . Doers open at 7X ; Lecture to commence at 8 o clock. fe9 13 35 20 22 23* • RjfcV. JOSEPH PARRISH THOAIF* LCK son, of the Broadway Tabernacle, _ New York, "Will Lecture for the Benefit of the VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT SALOON, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY lltb, at 8 o’clock, AT THE academy of music. f FR Ilf!T' ' KBVOLUriON AGAINST FREE GOVERN MENT NOT A RIGHT, BUT A CRIME. Tickets with secured seats, 60 cents. Tickets for the Amphitheatre, 26 cents. To he had at the Union Lea ten o House Fuah’a, Sixth and Chestnut street#, C&ilender’s, Walnut and Third btreats, Martien'i. Chestnut street. _ Caleb H. Needles’. Twelfth and Race. Mete GEORGS WM. CURTIS* THE HIS* TIPGUISHBD will lecture at MU ktilat. FUKD HALL, on FBI DAT EVENING .next, February 12th, under the auspices of the PJSNN RELI £F ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of sick and wounded sol diers, Subject: “ The Reign cl Peace. ” Tickets and se cured seats can be had at Pugh s, corner Sixth and Chestnut Street#. fe6-6t* Stg* EDWARD CARSWELL, ESQ,, THE vCv* M. W. Conductor of the National DiviaioQ, Sons of Temperance, the celebrated Canadian or it or, will Lecture on THURSDAY EVENING. February 11, 1864, in the Eleventh Baptist Church,TWELFTH Street, above Race. Tickets gratuitously of WM A. DUFF & 00., 516 ARCH Street, or at the office of the Grand Division, 118 South SEVENTH Street fe9-3t* NOTIC E.-THE MfiUBERS OF MOUNT MOBIAH LODGE, No, 155, A. T. M., and the order in general, are invited to meet at the Ma sonic Hall, CHESTNUT Street, on TUESDAY after noon. the 9th instant, at o’clock, to attend the fu neral of our late Brother GUSTAV J 8 A. PARKY. feS-M» ° lder W *AARON WATERS, Secietary- the semi annual meeting of H the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL will be held at the High School Build' isg, BROAD and GREEN Streets, WEDNB3DAY EVE NING, February 10th, !St4, at 8 o’clock. - • , STEPHEN DENTON, PrasHenfc. R. EnHpyns, Secretary. feB-3t* Mb PENNSYLVANIA FREEDMAN'S |<|» BELIEF ASSOCIATION.—The Booms of this As sociation, at No-121 WALNUT Street, are open daily from 9 o’clock A M. till 6 P. M. for the reception of do nations in Goods, Clothing, and Books. Contributions In Money are to be handed ti the Treasurer, E. W. CLARK, Esq., South THIRD Street. jall-ltn THE ANNU4L ELECTION OF OFFICERS OF THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY will be held on TUESDAY, February 16, at the LIBRARY BOOM, between the hours of 4 and 8 P M. JOHN LARDNEB, Jr.-, Recording Secretary. fe3-2t etnth-gt |Oa AFPUCATIOH will. BEMADETO the Managers of the Mercantile -Library Com pany for renewal of certificateof one share of sto* k, No. 860, standing in the name of WM. D. JONES, the same having been lost or mislaid. *aB 3t FORTY HAYS IN JERUSALEM; |0» or a Sketch of Palestine and a Description of Je- JSalem. by Rev. W». WHITE WILLIAMS, A. M., of New York, who has travelled extensively in America Europe, Asia, and Africa, and LIVED IN THE CITY 0# JERUSALEM FORTY DAYS, daring March and April, 186 L He detcrlbes what be saw and studied for himself. Bis Lectures are cordially recommended as PLBASIN G, INTERESTING, and INSTRUCTIVE, by Bev, Presi dents Mask Eopkiks. D. D., and Asa D. Smith, D D., and. by Rev. Dr®. Spring. HtTTroN. BtTRCHABD H. B. Shits, Bice. B. D. Hitchcock, Thbodore Cutler, DibßL. Hague. Hat, Nbtin, Sbwmas- Qcbatt, woup 7 Wtlib. Bx-Governor Follock, Professor John fe> BART, Wm. Ccui/bn B&taxt. and many other eminent authorities. Toe Lecture will be Ulustra'ed by NINE NEW AND LARGE MAPS, SIXTY PICTURES, and by tfaeBUPEBB COSTUME OF A SI RIAN LADY-and the CAMEL’S HAIR GARMENT OF A SYRIAN PEASANT, and by many RARE RELICS, COINS, AND CURIOSI TIES FROM JERUSALEM AND THE HOLY LAND. Admittance 25 cents. Children of 13 and under 10 cents. This Lecture will be delivered in the COMMISSION ERS’ BALL, in WEST PHILADELPHIA, on MONDAY EVENING, Feb. 8. at7>a o’clock. Proe edsfortheFirst Ladies’ Association for the Relief of the Widows and Families of our noble soldiers who have fallen while hauling for Union and Liberty. It will also be given in the Lecture Room of the Seventh Presbyterian Church, on West Penn Square (Rev. J. M. Crowell, Pastor), on TUESDAY evening, and in Tret ton. N. J., on THURS DAY evening, and in the Marple Presbyterian Church on SATURDAY evening, Feb 13. at 7& P. M., and in tfce Lecture Room of the Epiphany Episcopal Church (Rev Ricbard Newton. D. D.« Rector) on SATURDAY* Feb 2a. at 4% P. M. Mr. Williams may be addressed at the American Sun day School Union. Philadelphia. fteS St IMSURAHCB COMPANY OF THE W* STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA February 1, 1864. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of Bix per cent., or twelve dollars per share, clear of all taxes, payable to the Stockholders *r their legal repre sentatives, on demand. WILLIAM HARPER, f*2-10t Secretary. ■eijam PinLADBIWIIA iMD REAOlaa b(3fc EAILEOAD COMPANY, OOca %til South fOUBTH Btreet. PginADßLPina, September 1,1683. DIVIDEND BOTIOE.—The followlna-named persons »• entitled to it Dividend on the Common Stock of thla Company. The residence of several of them la nn- IrnanTand It la. therefore, necessary that the cartis- DlTldand. gjocKHOLDIES’ NAMKB. Mrs. Mary Bishop, 8- Lancaster. tiszskßas* r^K^“ 4i ' W * wboli ' ISSASS&j, £» a Ww,u. SIM.W Mari7lMeT KEkSKT Andrew Turner, CtS.Kubn, Hartman Mra. Oiri.iu Kuhn, and J. H. Kuhn. Br. M. Wrlfht, otainhn. WllUam^WMh and Ain» £stbi|Sh. ' _„ WUU»*<Ja. IS^OBMWH 11 ’ 8 ORATOBIw W TH ® AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION, iaSS-tatlulT HANDED AND HAYDN SOCIETY, On SATURDAY EVENING, Februftiy 13tlu 18M. The solos and concerted pieces will be performed by the Ant rrofc saional and amateur talent of the country* bnstaised by the ENTIRE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA, And a Chorus of over two hundred voices. The choice of reserved seats will be aold on TUESDAY, commencing at 9 o’clock, at One Dollar. Afterwards, the remaining scats (also reserved) will be sold for Fifty Cte. The right of the house will be sold at the Bookstore of Aehme&d & I vans, 724 Chestnut street; the centre at J. £ C ou>d's. Seventh and Chestnut; the left at Martien’s, 606 ChtHtnut strett Tickets for the Amphitheatre, Twenty five Cents, to be obtained at either of the above places - feß tf NINTH WARD NATIONAL UNION ASSO lATION, —iegular6tated of Stuth Ware Nail- nsl Union Association TCJESD AY EVENING, Feb. 9tb. at 7>5 o’clock, at Hall, TWELFTH and FIL BERT Strcetß. „ JOHN L. HILL, Secretary. 'Wfil-FIRST WARD WIDE k AWAKK!-#as (—The Committee of Distribution Ot tbo UOOKTi FUND, provided for Solders enliHsed credited l* the -FIRST WARD, wili continue ttoir M-ttings DAILY from 4 to SP. M, at the office of the PhOVUhT Marshal, twelfth street, above fcPRUCE. $25 will be paid to each recruit. Fall in, Soldiers, and be accredited to the First Ward re 9 6t H M. WATTS, Chairman. BOrikTYt SECOND WARD.-NO |M» TICE TO VOLUNTEERS.—Tbe undernlßaed. ap pointed to examine the claims of VOLUNTEERS apply ing for the Wald Bonnty. will meet, daily trom 1 to a F. M, atS. E. corner SJXTH and QUEEN Streets. ' JOHN W- FRAZTER. > M. HARRINGTON. > Committee. A M MAUGI Jr. _ ) __ S**'* TO THE CITIZENS OB' THE SpQ* EIGHTH Ward. —On the ]olb of Match next -a Draft has been ordered by the Government. By that time the amendment of the Conscription Act will nave placed ali. able-bodied men, married as well as single, under forty five years of age, in the same class. Pot less than 000 of sach men trill he required from the Eighth ward.- • .AJJ can see the importance of preventing this, :and ail the impossibility of doing it without your -rigorous co operutiDn. It can easily ba accomplished. Volunteers are abund ant ; hut to pay the promised bounties isroqtLirod. about $15,0C0 have been collected; at least a*» large a sum istet to bp raised The contributions have been com paratively few, and principally by those (including* number of ladies) not themselves liable tu draft. - Our ward,reaches from seventh street to the Schuylkill river, and from Spruce to Chestnut, and contains about twenty thousand inhabitants. These twenty thousand are alihe interested, poor and rich, married and single, man and woman. Mere boasts of loyalty, or denuaefeHoaa <■>* those op posing the Government, will not avail. Belf-interest, if not patriotism, requires Immediate action. In so short a time as yet remains, it will he impossible for the Com mittee to visit all. Do not, therefore, wait to he called upon. Send or bring your subscriptions, large or small, withe nt a moment’s delay, to either of the Committee. Small contributions, if numerous, will help make up the amount. If checks *re siren, they may be drawn to the order of the Treasurer. JUDGE STEONG, of the Supreme Court. THEODORE CUYLEB, 704 Walnut street. KpWARP_ e. Washington Square. CLEMENT B. PBNEO-E 706 WM F JUDSON. 708 Walnut street, CADWALADEB BIDDLE, 1003 Walcutstreet. COL. CBAS. S SMITH, 237 south Thirteenth etreet BENI ETTING. 13lfl Spruce street MORRIS PATTERSON. Wll Spruce street. 1> R. JONES. Twelfth and Spruce streets. J B GEBT.'I23I Sprn«e street. CALEB JOHNSON, 221 south Broad street. J L. MOSS. 1320 Walnut street KICHARD AtsHHUKST. 1420 Walnut street. JO'EH G. ROSEN GARTEN, 1581 Clleetnut street. O. WILSON DAVIS. Continental Ho'el. W. g. stewakt. do. ISAAC O COLES BURY. 2029 Locnst street. JOSEPH R. FRY. 2*03 Walnut street. EDWIN GBEBLF, 128 south Nineteenth street. EDWARD H TRoTTEB. 1824 Chasttut street. HON. WM. STRONG, 2013 Walnut elreet. . fee-Btuth It TWELFTH WARD -A MEETING of the Citizens’ Bounty Committee of the Twelfth. Ward will be held THIS (Tuesday) EVENING. Feb. 9, at 7X"o’clock, at NIPPES 'HALL, corner of FOURTH and GRBEN Streets. Punctual attendance is requested. Business of importance to transact. WM. B. MANN, President Wm. B. Coknelt., Secretary. it* FOVRTBE STH. WARD BOV STY FUND*—at an Adjourned Meeting of the Citizens of the Fourteenth ward, held at Sp incr Garden Hall. February 6th, 1864, the following Important resolutions were pnssfd: Resolved. That untiL SATURDAY EVENING next, February 13th, guaranteeing exemption from the draft (or money returned) be ißßued for the sum bf s2"*, but after that date none shall be issued for less than $5O. . Resolved, That the Bounty to be offered by this ward be $25. and that the Treasurer, Col. William B. Thomas, be authorized and instructed to commence the payment thereof immediately. ••••',. 4 . jn accordance frith the above, parties interested are informed that by calling on Colonel Thomas at the Cue tom Bouse, on and after MONDAY next, between 9 and 12 A- M., with the necessary vouchers, the above sum will be paid to each recruit credited to the Fourteenth ward. As the amount necessary to pay this sum is not fully made up. it is earnestly desired that those who have not already paid their subscription, and that those who can increase their subscription, will please do so immedi- Adjourned Meeting will be held at the same place on SATURDAY EVENING. February 13th. . WM. B. THOMAS, Chairman. Attest: T. R. Davis, Secretary. fe9 5t r■S'S- CSITED S' lot TROOPS.—The folio' knowledged by the Supervis' Colored* Kegiments for the 0 ] Thomas Mote $l,OOO 00 Abm. Barker 500 00 ©.hr... 300 00 Samuel L. White... '6OO 00 B. W. Clark * Co*. 600 00 William Still 35 00 Cash * 600 00 B.C, Lea .. 600 00 Capt. W. Whilldin. 600 TO Freedom.. 20 00 G, D. Parrish 600 00 A. A. Konlgmncher. 250 00 Furness. Brinley,& C 0... 230 00 Theo. Blira 200 00 Peter Wright & Sons 600 00 Bauson Robinson • • 600 00 Charlfsßaynor.... 100 00 S K, fioxle 26 00 George Gone 50 00 B. R. Hutchinson - 50 00 L R. Dawson..«... 26 00 Edwin Hall 60 00 John C Davie 5 00 Cash*. * 50 00 Geo. P. Smith 300 00 Wm. Sellers &Co . 500 0Q W, C. Houston 60 00 Bindley hmytb*.—. 250 00 Sharpie s 8r05..... 300 00 Cbas. Evans 20 00 0a*h....~ 60 00 W. H. Lamed &Co 300 CO D. S. Brown A Co.. 260 00 Wain St Learning... 100 00 Mr. Tingley. .10 00 Horatio G. Fisher.. 60 CO Jessup A Moore.*** 500 00 Llrdeayaßlakleion 60 CO Cash 26 00 C. Server & Son.. 10 00 Smith English St Co “ 600 Ca»h 2 00 Biegel. Wiest, A Erwin Subsistence. C. w Wharton.... E. M. Davis. Jr.... L. A. Mercer Dr. J. Forsyth Mails J.’ E.Caldweii A* Co F. L. Bodice. Dr. D. Jayne St Son P.B. Brise&Co.... Cash Phoenix Iron C 0..«. W. W. Justice A- Whitn-y St Sons Thos. J. Meagear.. Geoige Do- d Ca»h C St H Borie A. E Borie Alex. Whildin St Son Atherton Blight.... W. R Abbey. Charles O. Abbey Charles Abbey. •• R Tracey**.- Cash J. Graham St Co. J. S. Gould Philadelphia Con tributionsMp D. Clarke Wharton Evan Boners H. A. Samuel Cox James H. Bryson.. Cochran & Bussell. J. B. L.. Jr.. Dialogue & Green.. Lient. L.Hart Sellers Bro Schultz D. L. Pratt Bock hill St Wilson. C. A. Pierce Jacob W. Stout;.... Lewis, Bros., st Co I M. Hall Stanton Levick. Basin, & Co. T arnall A Tri table • Withers St Peterson Chas. Gibbons J. M. McKim Johnß Myers..... Manufacturers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, Ga*h Gto L. Jones Chae. Smith.. J Emory Stone-,-. 'B. A. Tilghmav.... Girard Life A Trust Co**..*.. 50 00 B»bt. A. Maxwell.. 60 00 Henry C. Davis.... 100 00 Cash.... 25 CO Corn Exchange Bk. 100 00 Jas. Kin,by St Go-- 20 CO B. Stedman 6 CO Southwark Manu facturing Co 25 CO J. 8, Harmer 6 00 S&maelE. Slayma kAlMmim.MMt,.. 20 00 N. B. 8r0wne...... 100 00. Reading R B* (3d , m sub) 1,000 00 J. Gillingham Fell, (3d sub.) 200 00 Sau odera Lewie. (2d •sub ) 260 00 Insurance Co. N. America,(2dsub.) 300 00 A. 8. St B. Roberts ACo 100 00 Total 133,883 00 Thoe. Webster..... 50 00 „ . .. , - The committee would remark for the Information of the Philadelphia public, who have enabled this commit tee to more than redeem its pledge to the War Depart ment. ( fc * to defray extraordinary expenses attending recruiting of three colored regiments for the war. ”) that the movement has been one of marked success, and the recrui tag the most economical that has been asooni* pile bed during the war. The expense of WCmUing the 64th and 66th Massachusetts colored regiments was over $30,000 per regiment, but after careful consideration of the whole subject the Supervisory Committee thought it could raise the three regiments promised the War De partment at $lO,OOO per regiment, it has collected $33. - 388 (above mentioned), and on tbe 26th day of June, 1863. sent the first sqa&d of eighty men'to Camp William Penn. On the 24th July, 1863, the Ist (3d U. S.) regiment was full On the 13th September, 1863, the 2d (6th V. S.) regiment was full. On the 4th December, 1863. the 3d (Bth TJ. S,) regiment was full. On tbe 6.h January. 1861, the 4th (221 U. S.) regiment Wes full. On the Sd February. 1864. the sth (25th U. 8.) regiment lacks but a few of being full. . August 13th, 1863, theSd TJ. S. Regiment left Camp Wil liam Penn* and was in front of Fort Wagner when it surrendered. , , . „ , October 14th, 1863, the 6th U. 8. Begimentjeft for York -1 January 16th, 1861. the Bth V. 8- Regiment left for fill t0 The e 22<l and 26th Regiments are now at Camp William Penn, waiting orders from the Government. Thus tne committee have raised five regiments with the fnnd estimated as necessary to organize three. It has also recently opened a Free Military School at its headquarters. 1210 Chestnut street, under the care of J< hn H. Taggart, late Colonel of the 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, and has at this timelel scholars. All the f tudenti that have been sent before the Exami ners at Washington have passed, ar d are now officers of Colted Regiments Two additional Preceptors have been engaged for the Bcbool—yiz: an Assistant to teach Tac.ics and Army Regulations, and a Professor to review the students in arithmetic and the higher mathematics, geography, and history. ■ , _ The Committee having nearly exhausted the funds en trusted to it, and believing its power to recruit colored trr ops economically is by no means at an end. has asked and received permission from the War Department to continue its work. It therefore solicits from citizens, end from the Banks, Insurance Companies, Railroad Companies, and other pnblic Institutions, renewed aid. The Committee feels confident that it is only necessary to call public attention to this matter to insure its full accomplishment. Site* the foregoing statement was compiled the follow ing ad titlonalsubscriptions have been made: PbilftdelpHiaftttd Reading Railroad Co-..... .•••$3.600 00 Randolph A Jeske . ino oo J. Gillingham Fell (oth subscription)* VO 00 Csdwalaaer Biddle 25 00 A Friend. - 26 00 Hy. Samuel 25 00 THOMAS WBB3TER, Chairman. CADWALAPKa Btddlr. Secretary. B. A. Merohb, Treasurer ■ Philadelphia, February S, l&i fet-thfltuft THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1884: Will be performed at tbs (By particular reaueet, > FOR THE BENEFIT OF TEB At a quarter before 8 o’clock. TATES COLORED ►Wing contributions are ac ?ory Committee for recruiting nited btatsß army: C. Sherman & Son* > $lO9 00 Chas. G. Sower* •«> < 103 00 Geo. B,Taylor.*•••» 200 00 Stuart *Bro 600 00 Ph. J. Anbln 125 00 Wm C. Kent 100 00 Work, McCouch, & Co W. Morris Davis . K. F, Warner, Thomas Potter F. end J W. J. It Co Cash W. Hotter & C 0... • A. H. Francisco*. . W. W. Baldwin dc Co Mrs. J. Sill Mrs. E. w. Clark--. John McAllister, Jr W. H. Hart......... B. B. Comegys Cash Wash. L. Atlee Robert Gaboon C. h. Oram L. C. Armstrong... Henderson &C 0.... J. L. We11*........ Brooke & Fuller.... .Albert C.Roberta- . |T. F.stoteebnry.... John Fasran B. F. Haddy Merrick & Sons R. Ashimt & Sods. Jdo. Gibson, Son. * Co J. H Earle & Son.- Isaac Lea J. Sergeant Price. I Welling, Coflila, A ; C 0................ w. H. Newbold, <son, & Aertsea. •• Edward P. Kelly.* B F. Hunt.... Bond Bros &Co . Sana lore Lewis (let subscription).. W. G. Taylor Abm. R. Peril ins. Henry Leybart...,, J. Gillingham Foil (i st subscription). W. C. »myth.... Gash A.-B. Cummings E. Hey & 8r0... G. Hoff & Bro*.. J. W. Thomas. —. Andrew M. Jones.. W. W Insurance Co. If. America (Ist sub.) 200 00 Delaware Mutual Insurance Do, • <.. 300 00 MiddUton & Oo .... 15 00 Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania. 200 00 Edw P. Kelly. 23 00 Alfred Fitler. 60 00 Cash 25 00 William Miller.... 100 00 Farrell, Herring, & K 200 00 Co 25 00 ICO 00 Morris, Tasker, & 50 00 C 0............... 25000 10 00 Dasn 15 03 25 00 C. Stoddart St Bro.. 10 00 Farmers 1 and Me -50 CG chanicB 1 Bank ... 100 00 Wm. Wharton, Jr. 20 00 Phtla.Wil. & Balt. 10 00 R,R 1,003 00 10 CO Wm. Meredith 20 00 10 00; Jay Cooke & Co 500 00 50 00 I». 8enkert.......... 50 00 100 COEvan Randolph.. •. 250 00 500 Beaver Meadowß. 200 00 60 00 J. W. Ryerss, * 100 00 100 OO Coffee & Fsy. 500 200 00. D. Han5e11......... 50 00 100 OO.Thom&sGiyde.iiM* joo oo 250 00 ; W. P. Clyde 60 00 50 00! Beading Railroad, 50 00 (Ist sub) 1,000 09 50 00' J. Gillingham Fell, 100 00! (2d tub.) 100 00 IW. Rughtoo 15 00 60 00 F. J. Sylvester..... 20 00 10 00 Ca5h...... 1 00 200 00 I\ J. Dreer--....-.. 50 00 25 00 L. Mason Mitchell, 100 00 300 00 Geo. J>. Wetherili. 50 oo 100 GO'Ghas. Cambios 50 00 Jabaz Gate 5........ 95 00 John C. Mitchell.. 60 00 American Fire In surance and Trust C 0..... 100 00 Rev. E. E. Adams. 10 00 Reading Railroad, _ (2d 5ub.1,009 00 A Friend. 100 01 R. K hathburn..2so 00 Whe,Pusey.&Co.. 50 00 Philadelphia Bank. 50i> 00 Morton UcMichaei. 75 00 6O 00 Thos. Kimber. Jr.. 100 00 A. Campbell dc Co.. 100 00 Horace Binney.6o 00 Martin Nixon 100 oo B. R. Cope.*** 60 00 L. lungerieh 25 0J Alex. Priestly 25 09 I Isaac M. Mo b»>«.«* 25 00 f> 0 00 . 100 00 , 100 00 . 100 00 . 25 00 . 60 00 . ICO 00 60 00 |W3» UST OB' SUBSCRIPTIONS TO JHE Ec£> TWEWTT-tECOKD WiKj/ BOHN »f JUHP; y. FIRST PRECINCT. _ , A 8. Morton s£o CO Gao Conrad...- 0 *u O p Evans 60 < u Smith Montgomery. •• GW C. F. Miller 2ft 00 K. I>. 6 W Charles Dedacker *0 CO T. Hpg< bs (j {s J. H. Stevenson 20 00 C. P. Littler. 3 Xa E K. Stevenson- 20 (0 E. G. Ely 3 W W B. Galbort 2u 00 -Wi 2 00 Job Mtugen 10 (0 Lucas Bitney 2 00 E K. Harper 10 00 Mat. Hogan.. 1 w J. H. Honter 10 00 John Felton S SJ J. R. Reese 10 CO Cash 2 00 J. H, Kvane ww J. Worm g so John Goaltwfc 10 CO J OfttomlnffS 2 00 Minna Coalbert 10 10 W. Felton 2 00 E Gilmore... 10 CO E Miller 2 00 F. J>rmn 10 00 G. Wagner 2 0-1 F F. Middleton 1" 00 L. g 0J W. Meyer* 6 00 tt. Meckingpoor a 0J Mary E. i)<dacker>... 6U) 0. Shoaile. 200 G. W. Bedacker 5 08 C. 2 00 Isaac Pedacker SCO tohuPelffer 2 00 Vesly Mingen......... 6 1)0 H. Stevens... J 00 T R. Bunting 6 00> H. I>. Felton... ...... 5 00, Martha Kenworthy. •. 500 SECOND PRECINCT. __ M G. D. Rogers s*ftj 00 J Runneck 10 03 K. Smith 100 00 W. Whitman 10 00 F. Bojc 100 00 Oeo.De Hears 10 00 W. M. Davi 60 00 B. fcingerly ™«> E R. Tvcon *’> 00 W. Thomas 10 00 P. K Titns 2ft CO E Rorer MM F. Evans 26 00 H Fr»ck.,. "W. jaice 26 00 Jonathan Clapp 10 00 Euliert Nice 10 00 W. Cilepp g 00 J. IS. Feiot 35 00 G. Clacp g 00 Sponcir Roberts 25 00 1. Clapp.. 6 03 A. t*. Roberts*.«••■»... 20 00 leuMe Mana 6 00 J. Davie.............. 20 00 J. tfunnem&ker 6 22 Cbas. MeaTs 20 00 J. Wlltenger..: 6 00 T V. Lea 20 00 C. W. Ague 5 03 W. Pitt 10 00 W. B«atty.... «»0 E. Tomlinson 10 CO J. & Wilt 5 oo A. Bngle 10 00 D. Reilly 6 03 W. Graham 10 CO Jacob Engle 6 00 C L. Evans 10 00 /.France 6 00 A. hfibblick 10 00 J, Sfcriver,.... a 00 John J0ne5........... 10 00 ca5h...... 10^. W. Jones 10 00 T. Lea 10 00 J.S.Sn]Hmmnm<, 10 00 THIRD PH H. Pratt McKean. ...$260 00 W. Adamson*..*..... 200 (XI Panl Klotz 160 00 RLdgw&y iillufe..... 150 00 T. C. Henry.. IGO Oil S. W. loop 100 00 B. J. Ltedum 100 CO W. Allen & Sons 100 00 J. Armstrong 60 00 H, L. Carton 60 00 F. Carroll .Brewster 5c oo J. C. Bale SO OO Aaron J0ne5.........* 60 CO W. Wynne Wister.. 60 00 W. Wngmr... 60 00 Jahez Gates 50 0.) S. HCcl em 86 00 J. 8. Huber..*..-. .... 30 00 S. B. Henry 25 00 Joseph Fling 25 00 James WbkinS 25 00 Georgeßedles 28 00 E. L. Royal 26 00 B. P. Shaw 25 00 J E. JLeware..*. 26 00 J. D. Caldwell 20 00 G. Brefflt 20 00 L P. Thomson 26 00 J. M. Lredi in.M.D-. 2ft 00 B. G Godfrey 26 00 A M. J, Watson 26 00 W. S. Bobarts 25 00 Ibaac C Jones, Jr. ■•. 25 00 T. 2i 00 W. H. M0ver........ li> 00 J. Kanb 10 00 T. A. Mehl 1000 P. R. Freae.. 10 00 S. M. Bockiu 10 00 C. £. Davis .......... 10 00 C. Asgnath 10 00 JolmMilier... 10 CO As. Armstrong. 10 00 J. Wilson, Sr 10 CO W. C S. Baker 10 00 Issacher Simmers.... 10 00 T. He/ son 10 00 A. R Bockius ... 1» 00 B 18tevene............ 6 f 0 Geo. Jaener.......... fi 00 J. 8. Bill 6 00 T. a F Mott 6 CO F. Parker 5 00 K. Borer. 5 00 J. Berlin.. 6 00 i H.'8atee.............. 5 00 I F Warner.. 600 i W. Teakle 6 CO I T. Borth .... 600 W. N. Chapman 6 ro N. Bristow 6 00 L. Eckel 610 J. Richardson 6 00 B. Gentry 6 00 IT. Young....;. 6 00 P. Hooker . 5 00 J Afctil.... 6 00 F. F. Baetlacb. 6 00 J. Thurman, Jr 600 W. Thurman 6 00, W. Grelb 5 00 Jacob Brockius...... 600 FOTTKTH I E.W. Clark. $260 00 Bk of Germantown. 260 00 Charles Spencer.... 550 00 Ineurance.Co. 200 00 B. B (Tabeen.•«»»•>« 100 oo A.C Bartsef. 100 00 J.E Stone 100 00 W. E ©tone IGO 00 S. B. Hszzard 100 00 J. J. Boris 100 00 Alex. Bacon 100 00 O. J Wiater. If. D. 100 00 G. W. Toland-.**~ 60 tO Reiser. Cook & Co.. 60 00 J H. Tilge 60 tO C. J. Wißter £0 00 W. Ashmead, M.D. 60 00 T. Ballowel! 26 00 E, P. Mitchell S 6 00 J. L. Longstreth.... 25 of‘ Cash 26 00 L. P Smith 25 00 B. it. Smith 26 00 G. Fling 26 00 J. C:' Griffith. 25 00 Bonis Jack. M. D... 25 00 H. B. Gnmmy....... 26 CO Bayard Bn tier. •. • •. 25 00 C. Willing... 20 00 H. J. Smith 15 00 C. L. Eberle...... •. 25 f 0 C. W. Otto 26 00 C. Johnson... 25 00 FIFTH P] Martin Nixon *ICO 00 H. Flanders 25 00 G. Hammersly 25 u- Mr. Eobinett.. 26 00 M. H. Webb,~. 25 00 H Henderson 20 00 Mr. Lambdln. Jr....' 20 00 Thomas Young. 10 00 B. Bed lock 10 00 E. P. Tortelot 10 00 F. S. Tortelot. 30 00 J T. Kolp 10 00 W. B- Dunton, M. 1). 10 00 Dr. J. Levering..... 10 00 H Dooley... 10 00 J. B. Bassar 10 00 W. Mcllwain 10 OO Bev. Dr. Dorr. 10 00 Ang. Bemon 10 00 George Lewie 10 00 Dr. Woodrnpp. 10 00 -J. Welsh 10C0 100 00 50 00 ICO co 200 00 m oo i> GO 25 00 100 00 509 09 100 to 100 00 60 00 60 00 20 00 25 00 10 00 250 00 69 00 25 00 5 00 5 00 25 00 60 00 100 00 5 00 2J 00 20 00 510 00 500 00 SIXTH PB J. Williams $5O 00 H. R. Coß*shall. 60 00 Myers Edward &*...»• 30 00 J Band all .’ 26 00 Barvey Thomas * 26 to P Peterson 25 00 Bichard. W arner. ~ ♦ • 25 10 Fred. Shoemaker..*. 25 CO Edward Hance 25 00 H. Williams 25 itO Edward Bennett..... 25 00 Geo* H. Burgin, Jr.. 26 00 Jo>. Parter.»-~- 25 00 Samuel Harvey . 25 00 Wm. P. Beedie? 26 00 Charles Graeff 26 00 Anthony Mlskey 25 00 J. M. Antson 25 CO Jos Mitchell. 25 00 Henry Preas 25 00 Daniel L Keyeer.... 25 00 Johnßittenhouse.... 25 00 Wm. H. Tower*...., 25 CO 3. Dairah, M. D 20 00 Mr. Cienehaw 20 (0 Peter Eittenhouee... 20 00 H B. Brunner 20 03 Wm. K. Smith 20 00 David Pooiey 16 00 Mr. Kimball 15 03 T S. Ttoveledge...... 10 00 John Roberts... 10 00 H S. Rorer....»» 10 00 E. B. Clark * 10 00 K. Sallada 10 00 G. McConnaghy....... 10 00 S. B. Ogliva 10 CO . 100 00 25 CO . 60 00 . 100 CO 100 00 .♦ 60 Of) .v 20 00 . CO 00 100 00 v 50 00 100 00 10 0 00 200 00 SEVENTH 3 H. McCalium $75 00 B. Gorgas 25 00 Thoa. Livrzy......... 20 00 Geo W. Wolf. 20 00 Wolf Bros 20 00 Sfaerxner& Ze11....... 15 00 T. M Morgan***-.... 15 60 Jos. Hill 10(0 Sami. Raney 10 oo Oh. Blehb 8 00 J. H. Gayer ♦*** 5 00 J. P Derr 5 00 A. J. Tourison 5 00 J. Basil 5 00 W. Dunlap 5 00 W. halt-ton 5 CO A. Godfrey...... 500 Jos. Carr, 6r 5 00 Geo. Hahn 5 00 J, Bole 5 00 J McLaughlin.. 6 00 C. H. Miller 6 10 Cash * 6 CO J. R Lovett 6 00 J. H. Smith.. 4 DO S. B. Guier 3 00 Cash 3 00 50) CO .. 25 00 An acknowledgment of tin .remaining precincts of the Wednesday. Lit] ' , PHILADELPHIA MUTUAL REAL kc£f ESTATE ASSOCIATION.—The Committee ap pointed to ‘Wind tip the affairs of this Association, notify those having folly-paid Stock to present their Certifi cates, with receipt, at the Office oi E. tCHBEiHES, NOBLE Street, above Ninth, on or before the Ist day of APRIL next. H. VAN BML. B- SCHREINER, ALLAN W. RICHARDS, Committee. jaB-ftu3m* OFFICE OF THE ALLEGHENY KaILKOAD AND GOAL CuMPAHY. Philadelphia, Feb 4ib. 1364 The Animal Meeting of the Stockholders of the ALOE' GHBNY RaILEOAD AND COAL COMPANY w!U be held at the office of said Company on SATURDAY, 20th iu*t., at 12 o'clock M,, for the purpose of electing 1 twelve Directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. ft6-ftu4t B. N. BURROUGHS, President. hOTlCfi TO STOCKHOLDERS OF lC?» THE OIL CBSBK AND KIDGWAY RAILROAD COMPANY. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of thU Com pany will he held on WEONESDAY, the lOeh day of February, 1864, at 1 o'clock P. M.. at No, 4: WILLING'S Alley, in Philadelphia. JOSEPH LESLEY, jaS7-13t Secretary. K» OFFICB rENNSYLVAHIA RAH BOAD comfaht. _ , oi?J A UIUAJJISIjPHI t« O NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com* pany will he held on TUESDAY, the 16th day of Febrna -2664, at 10 o’clock A. M., at HANSOM-STREET ALL. The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the Ith day of March,lB64, at the Office of the Company, No. 338 Sooth THIRD Street. jaSfi-tfl6 EDMUND SMITH. Secretary. « MEMBERS OF COMPANY E. 05th Regiment P. V.. Will meet at GERMANTOWN THIS MORN»KG at 9 o’clock: members of Go. B will meet tt NINTH and GREEN Streets at JO o’clock, fally aimed and equipped, to proceed to NORRISTOWN, to participate in the reception of the 61st Regiment P V. Sy order of ’ R* OSCAR ROBERTS. It* Captain Commanding Co. B. S FELLOW-COUNTRYMEN!—THE LAST CHANCE TO AVOID THE DBAFT, Which will take place on the sth day of March, and receive the following bounties: For Yeierans, $102; {new Reel nits. &IC2. ...... . . The above Bounties will be paid in Instalments, by authority of the War Department. Able-bodied men will be recruited by the Provost Marshal of the First District. 245 Sooth THIRD Street, for any Gmpanyfn old Regiment*, and any ward in the city of Philadelphia the Recruit may 1 elect. All City and Ward Bounties will be paid the Rtcrnitn before they enter tee barracks. Apply to Capt. FREDERICK ZABRACHBR. ffB 6t* Recruiting Agent, g&5 8. THIRD Street. t GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, No Gil HEoTNUT fcTBBBT. —KBCKITIT3 WANT ED for all the cannot old CaVALBY. aBTILLBBY, and IBPANTRY Regiments now in service, raised In .Lis Stale. A limited number of men can yet be enlisted for the 2d Artillerv P V., statioped in the fortifications for the defence of Washington, and for the 3d Artillery- station ed at Fortress Monroe, Va., by applying at this office Immediately. BOUNTIES VETERAN VOLUNTBBBB $650. ALL OTHER VOLUNTBBSS SSSU. $323 CASH IN HAND. • , In addition to the above Bounty, all authorized ward bounties are paid men enlisting at thiß office Now is tbe time to enlist, choose a good regiment, se cure the large bounty, serve under experienced officers, and avoid the Impending DRAFT. CHAB. N. OADWALLADEB. Capt.2d Art (ll2th)B«Jrt. P. V., General Recruiting Officer. DANA TROOP.—AUTHORITY CRn having been granted to Captain B. W* Ham* /fiyf mell to reorganize the Troop for the ZlstGa - i '■* Yalry, a few recruits wanted to fill the com pany. All the bounties guaranteed. . . Recruiting Stations.—6. W. «or. Sixth and Chestnut, and Warren Hose Bone© Sixteenth and Filbert. Captain. R W. Hammel; Ist lieut., A. T. Clark :24 llent., A. J. Bair. fsS St* •REIMER’S COLORED PHOTO AV GRAPHS, though made for $l, are pictures of rare merit, fine quality, truthful likenesses, and naturally «9l«nd. gallery, SECOND Street, Creek H ~,..,.$413 50 IECIKOT. .. J. h. Erringer $25 00 J. S. Ltttell.... « 03 Mrs. Wade..*. 25 03 W. Stallman 20 00 *.B Beeves 2 00 F. Hoffman 20 00 W. W Knight 20 01 W Berger 20 00 B. Lippincott 20 00 Cash..... 20 00 B. L Royal, Sr 20 00 W.KCos. 20 10 Jacob M BoeWus.... 20 00 S. Bramble .... Ift 00 W. Henson 15 00 Bocktes & Pone 15 01 H. Nlcoli 15 00 Moses Dilzell 10 00 J F. Hays 10 00 E Dickinson 10 00 M. Hamilton 10 00 L. C. Banman 10 00 G Pn11inger.......... 10 03 Ed. Carr 10 03 J. Parks .. 10 03 B. Buchan'n....-.... 10 OO . W. H Davis 10 00 Theo. Rafe 10 01 A- Lanlell 10 00 R, Harper 10 03 f. Snore 10 03 A. 10 03 L La Forge 10 00 W. W Steel 10 03 J G. jWllson 5 l 0 T J0ne5...... 6 00 John Jones. 6 OO John Green 6 03 J. 8. Handsberry.... 6 00 F. Jacoby 6 03 8 Herteehelmer..... 500 O. Keusll.. 6 00 Jas. Watson 5 00 Oeo. Myers •* 500 Ch. McGnican 500 P. McCormick ....... , 6co John Coilopy. 5 00 J Dalzall 5 CC W MaCoombs RO3 J.G. Jnngkurth 5 0J iJ. G. walkin .••.«<« 000 Gash ft oo i Th. Wi150n........... 4 00 Clash... 3 CO i Cash J 00 Cash 2 60 iB. K. Riger.jfe.... .. 260 i T. Gasner ..s| 2 50 i a. B.SeisorTr. 2 60 1 Cash 2 00 i T. C Ate old 2 00 t S. Stroup * 2 03 > D. Bheppardson.~-~ -2 00 } W Dedisr. 2 00 \ Ylncent Perry. 2 oo ! Cash.. 2 03 i Cash 2 00 i J. Aeiter 2 09 i J- Strayley 100 i J. Wagner I CO i J. Dedier 100 $1906 00 W. H. Clough.... $2O 00 J. H. Bteever...... 10 00 Bev L. albert 10 00 J. Widmer 10 00 J. L Mason 10 00 W. A. Dimer...*... 10 00 C. 8. Slddons 10 00 J. MeKeiiar........ 10 00 J King, Jr 10 00 A Friend • • 10 t 0 J Wilson Parks.... 6 00 Leonard 8u5k...... 6 00 T.Bess... 6 00 D. Hinkle 6 00 T. Dyott 6 00 Jameß Tool 5 00 AlbertAsbmead.... 5 i>o J. PeUetring S OO G. Hirgnsheimer.i 6 00 J. Zeigler. ♦* 6 00 W. H 5 00 T.Peac0ck.......... 5 00 C. Botzell 5 00 W. Tarr 6 00 B. Chorloton 5 00 N. Marple 6 00 H. C. Sharp... 2 00 Mr Wye.. 2 00 D. Milligan 1 00 Abm Beg, 100 L. Brenholtz 1 00 $2,582 00 J. Crowder.....lo 00 Gh Johnson 10 GO E. Blroheil 16 00 Thomas Roberts 10 00 H. Peterson 8 0J J. F. Nauman 6 00 W. B. Haghes 5 00 Mr. Barter 6 oo Mr. Leinau 5 00 C. Weiss 5 00 i.S. Twist..... 6 03 J. Ladleyi 6 00 Wm. Th0ma5........ 800 Cash-*. 800 J. Goodfellow 2 5o &, Dennison 2 50 Cash 1 50 Cash 1 00 W. Bumm 2 GO Jacob Nice.... 2 00 Reabea Wander.*... 10 00 J H. Willensiok 10 0J W. H. -ftlcFadden.*.. 10 00 Cash 10 00 Cash 5 00 SamuelFinly.s 00 T W. Wright 6 00 Jacob R. Sorter 5 00 A. R. Paetorius 5 00 J Allbright 5 00 Gideon Keyser 5 00 J. Tyson.... 5 00 G W. Roaa, 5 00 R. Harkineon 5 00 Enos Springer 6 00 M. Burger ... 5 OD. Edward Biddle 5 00 Ch. Numau........... 5 00 W Axford.. 600 B. McDennon«..e«.»t. 600 D. Harper 5 00 Peter Latin.. 5 00 F. Bcchler S 00 A. H. Wellensick.... 250 Cash 2 00: Cash 2 00 Oath 2 00 H. Pollard 2 00 £. N Sadrfiy 2 00 Enos Crook 2 00 M Goehl 200 T.evi S. Tull 2 00 J. Finder 100 W. B. Miller 1.00 A. $2 50 C. N. Berger. 5 00 F. Ricker 2 00 Joe. Carr. 2 00 C. Cadwallader...... 200 B. C.Cnrry........... 2 00 Ed. Ayer 2 00 J. 8i5h0p..... 2 00 J. Grayer 2 no J. Stevens.... .... 203 R. Hamer 2 oo H. Berry. 2 00 J. Lamb 2 00 A. Wray. 2 00 S. Henry f 2 00 J. Boyd 2 00 B Arthur 200 R. Rodger, Sr 2 00 S. Shannon 1 00 W. Alisa 100 C. Wa1ker............ 100 B. Peterman..«....... 1 00 P. Shale 100 8. f. Unruh..«it 100 Total. ...$3ll 50 e amounts contributed in the -ward will be published on TABEZ GATES. Treasurer. mhiltary. SILK AND DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. SPRING 1864. - - 1864. TAKER «Sfc HARBERT, No. 401 MARKET STREET. •SILKS, RIBBONS, FRENCH FLOWERS, MIIiLIWERY GOODS. Merchants are invited to call and.examine our etock of SPRING RIBBONS, Which Will he sold at the LOWEST PRICES. RETAIL DRY GOODS. I''HEAP DBY GOOIS. CABPETS, V ' OIL CLOTHS, AHD WINDOW SH' nES-v. li. ARCHAMBAULT, IT E corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, will open THIS MORNiNG. from auction. Ingrain Carpet*, all woe 1, at 70e., &7c , #l, SLI2 $1 25, and *1.37; Ingrain Carnets, wool filling, 50, G 6, and 62$£ cent*: EntrvaDd Stair Carpet*. 2oc to *l. Floor Oil Cloths, fO, 62 and 75 cent*. Gilt- bordered Window Shades, 75c to *2 Woolen Drugget*. $1; Stair OUlCloths, Ssc.; Rag and Homp Carpets, 27, CO, and 62 cetjis. CHEAP DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. Bleached and Brown Sheeting and Shifting Muslins, 16 to37cents; N. Y- Mills Muslin, at 48c, by the place; Fpr'ng Delaine*, 81c ; Light Alpacas £0 to 75c : Black Alpacas, 31 to 75c.; Black Silks, $1.25 to *1.62: spring r-hlnuifi*, 20 so2fic. ; Table Linens. 69a to #1.50: Napkins. 16 to 50c. • 10-4 Bhe* tings at $1.10; Marseille* Quilts, $3 to $10; BlaLhets, #T> to $l2; Comfortables at #3.511; Oasai merefi 62c to $1 50; Coats’ White Spool Cotton ociy 9c.; be»t quality Bkirt Braids only 9c ; Pins, 5e.; Hooks and Eyes. ?c. ; Palm Soap only Bc.; Cotton Hose only 25c. Wholesale and Retail Dry tfoods and Carps’. Store, N. K. cor ELEVENTH and MARKET- feO-tuthslra WE WANT EVERYBODY TO KNOW-That now is the time to buy their MUS LINS. We had a large stock on h*nd before the rise. We are selling a bleached Muslin at 16>£ by thc piece; do. 20 cents; fail yard wide 25 cents; shirting width, extra quality. 25 cents; one lot vary slightly damaged, 25 cents. Now York Mills, Williamsville, Wamsutta, White Rock, and every other good Muslin. 40. inch-wide Muslin. 42 iDch-wide, 45*inch-wide. 1%, 1&. 2,2# 2>z, 23», and 8 yards wide, all at lowest prices. Comfortables, well made and very heavy, $1 and $5 each. Good Blankets for $5 50 per pair, a great bargain- We are closing out our Blankets at low prices; we have every quality made. from*s4 to #25 par pair We are Beilin* all kinds of Flan tie's under regular prices. In house-furnishing Dry Goods, we offer one of the best as; orted stocks at tbb lowest prices In Philadelphia. Ws invite a comparison of OUT prices of Linen goods with other stores. R D. & W. H. PENNELL, fe9-2t 1031 MAE EBP Street, above Eleventh. 7HO ARCH STREET. 709 ' vA'. NOW IS THE TIME VO BUT. 1 Table Linen*. 7 pieces good quality, at $1 per yard. Loom Table Linens, 8 pieces fine quality,at $1,1224 per yard. • Loom Table Linens, 80 pieces superior quality, at SL2S per yard. Brown and Bleached Table I/tnens, large assortment. Brown and Bleached Table Linen, supetb quality, 1,750 yards Crash at 14 cents, a bargain. Js 000 yards Crash at 16 sents. can't be surpassed. 1,975 yards Russia Crash at 14. 15, and 20 cent*, cheap. OLD GOODS, OLD PBICES. OLD STOCK. At JOHN H. STOKES*. 703 ARCH Street. ARMY GOODS. 1864. FURLOUGHS. Officers and soldiers, visiting the city on furlough, needing S WIO R D 8 W«u>« MILITARY EQUIPMENTS are invited to the very extensive MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT OF GEO. W. SIMONS & BRO., SANSOM-STREET HAIjEi, BANSOM Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWOROS tfede to order at the shortest notice, which for rich ness and magnificence challenge competition, no other house in the country combining the MANUFACTUBING JEWEIEB WITH THE PRACTICAL S WORD MAHER. ja22-lm Q. W. SIMONS A BROTHER, BAMBOM-STBEET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OR JEWELRY. PINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS IN EVERT VARIETY. au2S-ÜBm pKOTHINGHAM A WELDS " ' #vn FOB SAKS. HEAVY. MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CAB TON FLANNELB. WASH HGWON AND VICTORY - CAMBRICS AND SILECIAS. BROWN. BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. No IB WORSTED YARN. Jto. .. seffliftf FINANCIAL. QLARKSON & CO., RANKERS, No. ial South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Government Securities of all Issues PURCHASED AND FOR SALE. STOCKS, BONDS, AND COLD BOTOHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Interest Allowed on Deposits. PROMPTLY MADE. feO-lm JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS GOVERNMENT LOANS 5-20 BONDS. S FEB CENT. LEO At TENDERS. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES. 1861 LOANS. ONE-YEAS CERTIFICATES. QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHEES. QUARTERMASTERS' CHECKS. CITY AND STATE STOCKS. BANK. RAILROAD. AND CANAL STOCKS AND BONDS. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission. A fall supply of all kinds of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Including the New Five Per Cent, (legal tender) TREA SURY NOTES, always on hand. Collections made and deposits received. * JAY COOKE & CO., No. 114 Sooth THIRD STREET. jgTH ‘'FEBRUARY, IST APRIL, 1864. IST MAY, J COUPONS T 3-10 AND 5-30, WANT E D. DREXEL & CO. J)0 YOU ADVERTISE? JOY, COE, <& CO., GENBKAIi NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, „ CORNER FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. “ By means of the system of conjoint Advertising ren dered practicable by Messrs. JOY, COE. & CO , through their newspaper agency, the expense to each adver tisers greatly reiuced. Advertisers save the postage and avoid the labor of corresponding with publishers, risk of remittances, unseasonable and repeated calls of strangers with separate bills, the vexation* deceptions of journals of dubious character, and losses from con tracting with incompetent and irresponsible persons. ''Business men may learn through this Agency just what journals to advertise in to reach effectively and cheap y the sections wherein their trade may be ex tended. U. S. Journal. A®" Advertisers receive copies of journals in which their advertisement* are inserted. fe6*tf TVORYTYPES.—CHILDREN TAKEN in this style, by B. F. REIMER. ate exquisite gems; in simplicity of style and arrangement of light and shade unrivalled. Gallery. 63>4r ARCH Street. It* TITERARY AGENCY—THE SUB -*-A BGRIBER will'continue his Literary Agency. Its object is to assist authors. Manuscripts are critically read, x candid opinion is given. They are then, if ap proved', recommended to publishers. For this opinion, whether favorable or adverse, an advance feels required. This should be remitted by mail or express, together with manuscripts, prepaid. t , „ T „ Address PARK BENJAMIN, fcB-3t 75 West FORTY-FIFTH St-, New York, TkEAF MADE TO HEAR.—INSTRU- U ments to assist the hearing at P. MADEIRA'S, No. 115 South TRUTH St., below Chestnut. fe3-12t* pUSTOM HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA, Collector’s Office, Feb. 5. 1864. TO MERCHANTS SHIPPERS, AND OTHERS INTE RESTED. Agreeably to instructions i«auaa*by the Bonorable Secretary of the . Treasury, dated January 23 and February 2,1864, notice is hereby given that the restrictions on trade, in the States of Missouri, Ken tucky, and West Virginia, are annulled and abrogated, and all products and goods may be freely taken into and transported within the said States as in time of pesos; Provided however. That no product a or goods shall be taken from said States, or either of them, into any State declared to be in insurrection, or to any port, in s lid State, heretofore blockaded, which has been or may be opened, except in compliance with the Regulations of September 1171£83. WM. B. THOMAS. fe6-St • Collector. CECOND NATIONAL BANK OF FBANRFORD. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO WITH THE PRIVILEGE OF IN CREASING TO $6OO 000. _ NATHAN HILLKS, President. WILLIAM H. RHA.WJS, Cashier, (Late of the Philadelphia Bank ) directors : NATHAN HILLRS. CH ARLES E. KREMSR, GEORGEW. RHaWN, BENJ. ROWLAND. Jr.. BIMON R. SNYDER, BEfIJ. H. DEACON, EDWARD HAYES. JOHN COOPER. LEWIS &HALLUROSS. The Second National Bank of Philadelphia is now open at No. 134 MAIN Street, Fiankford, for the trans action of a General Banking Business upon the usual terms. Collections upon all accessible points will be made EwPMt^!ksHAWir.G«kl S r PIANTATIOS RITTERS. From kha nr hospital—tha blood, battia ■ laid —tha ■uudn of tha ri.h and hnmbla .bode of tha poor—front tha office and tn, aaorad desk —from the Mountain to,, diatant Taller, and far-off ialanda of tho oaoan—from ♦Terr, nook and corner of tha eWUlsed world—la pourinx in the aTidenea of tha aatonlehinx affaata of DRAKE’S PLANTATION BITTERS. Thousand, upon thousand* of lattara Ilka the foUowlnr mar be eaan at our offlee: RBBDSBtmT, WIR., Sept. 16, IS6S. ••a a a a i hay.'hew* in the inn; hoapltal* for fourteen month. —speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111.. they tare me a bottle of Plantation Bitter*. * * * Three botUes restored my sneeah and eared me. * * *l* C. H. FLAUTK.” South Warsaw, 0., July 28. 1883- “* * *, One youni man, who had been sick and not out of tha house for two years with Scrofula and Ery sipelas. after payina the doctors oyer #ISO without hone st, haa been cnred by ten bottles of yoorßlttere. * * * EDWARD WOUNALL," The followlo* Is from the Matron of the Union Horn. School for the Children of Tolnnteert: Hatehbtsk Mansion, PiyTr-aEyairrjr St > Jfsw Toss, August 2, ism ' ( '.'Du. Dbakb: Tom wonderful Plantation Bitten h»TO been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and Weak Inure with most happy effect One little girl. In particular, with pains Inthe head, loss of acnetlte. and dally wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, hao been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaepoonfol of Bitters a day. Her appetite Increased; strength and health followed. * * * * Respectfully, * * * i owe much to yon, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. BBV. W. H. WAGGOUBB, Madrid. XT. Y. ” •♦* * * TbOh Vllt B®hd me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitter*. My wife has boon greatly benefited by their use. ~ Thy friend* ASA CURRIX, Philadelphia. Pa.” *** * * i have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. * * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me* BBV. J. S. CATHOEH. Rochester* X. Y. ” ***** Send us twenty-fOUT dozen more of your Plantation Bitters* the popularity of whisk is dally in creasing with the cHests of our house. SVKES;<3HAI>WICZ. * CO.. Proprietors Willard** Hotel, Washington, D. 0. : * ••* * * i haye fiven the Plantation Bitter* to hun dredslo four disabled soldiers with the most astonishing 6. W- D- ABTDREWB, Saparisteadant Soldier*’ Horn*, Cincinnati, 0.” 1864. «*• * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of liver complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate and had to abandon mv business. H. B. KI'UQSLBT, Cleveland, O. ” . *** * * The Plantation BlUers have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. 0. C. MOORS, Agent for Golt&te ft Co., 294 Broadway,” fto., fto*. fto.* fto., fto., &o. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan gold brilliant, and are exhausted nature’s great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Gliasaya Bark, Wintergreen, Sassafras, Roots. Herbs. 4 1.. all preserved in perfectly pure St. Croix Bum. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness* lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis* tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, ftc., deserve to suffer If they Will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities* and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. JTotiob.— Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and ImPOitor* We only put U up in our log-cabin bottles. Beware of bottles refilled with Imitation deleterious stuff, for which seyeral persons are already In prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, and signature on steel*plate side labels. Bold l»y respectable"dealer* the habitable riots, I>. n» DRAKE A 00., Ocl3-sta&th4m 30* BROADWAY. If. Y. INSURANCE COMPANIES. QIB A B D FIRE .AJSTD 3WCA.RX3STB INSTOANCE COMPANY Office, 415 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITA!. 9300)000 INCOME FOR 1863: FROM FIRE INSURANCE PREMIUMS. AND INTE REST ON INVESTMENTS. LOSSES PAID .......$29,127 92 And on,aid (one of $2,200, and one of $BOO, a, reported, but not In time to be adjusted before January 1.1891.) thus leaving nearly Income over, out of which aurrent expenses have been paid; also, two Dividends, amounting Hto TWELVE PER CENT . declared in MAY AND NOVEMBER. AS- The Capital tf this Company is Invested in First Claes Bonds and Mortgages, United States Loans. City of Philadelphia Loans, Camden and Amboy Railroad, and other undoubted Securities. Including balance o Cash in Philadelphia Bank, A®- ThlsCompany ha.besn doing business for many years, and ranks among the safest in the country. Has been disbursed by it. for the benefit of Its patrons, within the past TEN YEARS. Excels it In promptness and fairness, In the adjustment and payment of its losses. Thomas Craven, John Thornier, Furman Sheppard, George H. Ashton. Charles I. Dupont, Samuel Jones, M. Dy THOMAS Cl Al. FRED S. Jambs B. Anyone, Secretai "CVAME INSURANCE COMPANY, A? Ho. 406 CHESTHnT STKKET, PHIIrA D BX/PHIA ÜBE AND INLAND INSURANCE. PIREOTOBS- _ John W. Everman, Robert B. Potter, John Kessler, Jr., E. D Woodruff, Cha-les Stokes, Joseph D. EUis. Proftldent ;DSON, Vice President. Vr&uois H. Charles Richardson* Henry Lewis, O. W. Dayis, P. S. Justice, George A. West. _ FRANCIS JX. GHAS. BICHj W. I. BLANCHARD. Secrets THE PARTNERSHIP HITHERTO existing between GEORGB EVA.NS and BA.UUEL H. SEED* Clothing Manufacturers, is this day & dissolved by mutual consent. Tne business will be continued, as nfual. by GEORGE EVAHd, 38 S^thSgV^* SAMUEL H. SEED. COPARTNERSHIP. —THE SUB ECKIBEBS have this, eighth day of February, 1861, entered Into Copartnership, nnder the name and style of "BENNETT & ENYPF.It, for the purpose of transacting a WHOLESALE COMMISSION LUMBER BUSINESS. „ fV9 1m J- F. BENNETT A J. F. SNTP BR. TVTOTICB —LETTERS EXECUTORY ll upon the Estate of ELIZABETH CHRISTMAN, de ceased. having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons bavin* claims against said B-tate are requested to mate known the ■WILLIAM CHRISTMAN.! fi3MClworß * 013 RACE Street. fe9-tn6t* T etteks testamentary upon JLj the estate of JOHN PASCHALL bavin* been granted to the persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims will preient HOENB , Darby Township. HENRY H PASOHALL, Drar-dy wine Hundred. Del. . BBNJ. PABCHAMI. Twenty-fourth Ward» Fhita. Or to their Attorney, It 8 PA6CHALL. 715 WALEUT Street. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITT ANB COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of CALBB FKLLOWES. deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit settle, and adjust the third account of SARAH PBLLOWBB, WILLIAM J. DUANE, and JOHN HULME, Executors and Trustees of the Estate Of CALEB FELLOWRS, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countants, will meet the parties interested, for the pur* pose* of hi* appointment, on MONDAY* February 22, 1864. at 11 o’clock A. M,» at his office, No. TO© WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. B. H. BRBWBTBB. fe9-tnthsst Auditor. NEW LIGHT. The subscribers would Inform tie public th»t tier haT< introduced in this city ___ A KSW LIGHT. * pyp poesr sting advantages over all others na- TUBBb taken hy this Light are more liie-lwe ana na r&.°.SK!K! a Me ssMKSi ss^Kss'aK Picture, tnironb.^.^^^^^^ fefrimtfr vrOTlOß—the UN DEBT AKERS’ JN MUTUAL PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION reapeotfal if noti/v all delicqaents who bore neglected or refoßed to settle their bill* for the bnrinlof their relatives or friends to their respective undertaker*, that on and after March Ist. 1864 their names, residence, and occupation trill be registered in the Undertakers' Black Book for fu ture reference, a*a hereafter no undertaker trill do any work for delinquent who is Indebted to any other for work previously done, unless aatUf&c tory arrangements be flrtt made to settle the same, all n ork hereafter dQU9 to be Strictly cash, otherwise by glacial ftkfeem&ht. reß-st SERB. O. BL DEVOB.” S. T—lBoO—X. $OO,OlB $60)000 OO $10,146 87. $500,000 NO COMPANY DIRECTORS Jno W. Ciaghorn, N. S Lawrence. Jer. Walker, Jno. Snpplee. Henry W. Qrav, Silas Yerkes, Jr., 0111 «tt. RAVEN. President. GILLETT, Vice President, ry. ja2B-thstu-6t COPARTNERSHIPS. lE6AI>. WANT?, A* LADY IS ANXIOUS TO SEOUBE A BJTTTATIOU in a Public Institution. as Bap»t -vißor or Matron. Has bad some experience in «acb de rartneot. Baa soma knowledge of housekeeping. Wonld not object to k*ephin*e for a gentleman. Best reference Address L., Box 2858, P. 0., With terron. It* WANTED—ACTUATION AS BOOK , ’ » KEEPEIt, in any first-class city or country esta bllahment, bj a young mans a master of accounts* ani who has bten occupied for the last ten years as clerk and manner in a large boiler-plate and flue irjn mill. Bant or references given Adrese jf&• lw* Boy Hn «fi, Philadelphia P° Bt nmce - .. W"ANTED_A BOY TO LEaRN CON TETANCrtrn, Aopty by note, in lianfityrltiny of applicant. to T. e. I'BIOE. g. W .orner SPRING GAR DEN soii THIRTEENTH fi.ff.3t \IST ANTED—A FEW ERIE CITY VT and Coutt7 BGRDS. •»' ErieC&s al Hondo oi Erie, Pftnnfl^lvan’a Alro, 10,000 North Breech Canal Bond*;' for which the highestpriCQ will be paid by w C. B- WRIGHT & CO 14ft South THIRD Street, Qppositft ill* *xchi.ana. WANTED A SITUATION a 3 SALESMAN in a Grocer? or Produce Hou»«. by a person practically experiwcced, who cad furnUa nalis factory testimonials of integrity, or would fill a situa tion as Copyist, address M. J. at thl« Office. f-S 21* WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN OF It some experience, a SITUATION in a Wholesale Houee, where he v*ill be willing to make himself gene rally useful. A good penmMX wd ready at ligate*. Good reference as to character will be given. Addles? “L- H W.,” this office. fe9 3t* WANTED—A EOT THAT WOULD y* answer for a factory; must be near or on a rail road. or on the river-front, either in the northern or southern part of the city. Address Bona Fide, Office. WANTED— TWO FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN, acquainted with city.and near Cona kry trade, in a .Tohblog Hosiery and Motion Houss. Ad* dress Box Phil a P O. fis6 3t* YKTANTKD TO LET.—ONE OB TWO » » Furnished or Unfurnished Parlors. ADo, one or t wo ronxnß In the hack building. in or near ARCH Street, betwem JSI3TH sod THIRTEENTH btreets, to be need as a Physician’s Office. Address, for one week, **D c tor.” r-tthe Press office. feB 61* WANTI.D—A MARRIED MAN, ONE "* brought up in the Dry-Goods business, yerfectly familiar witn -Buying and Selling* wishes a ATlOifl In an Importing, Commission, or .To->biag Bouse. Always accustomed to active tire ana bewmoa.-s habits. Wonld like to make an engagement before the 15th of the month. Ac dress “Energy," Press office. fes-6n* WANTED— CLOTHING.—PERSONS r * having Clothing to dispose of will please call on or address C. MILLER, jaß-tuthsSm* No 803 CHESTNUT Street. A MONTH !—We Want Agents at tlPVJVrggOa month,expenses paid,to sell our Everlasting Pencils , Orienta l Burners* and W other article s, jo ciron lars sent free BBAW& CLARK. Me JR 7l 2m nnn to investin'a well. SPJV/jV/V/U ESTABLISHED BUSIBBBS furnishing occupation to the advertiser. Address confidentially, with real name, and stating nature of busines, “ 5 a, 5.,”80x IOS9 Post Office. faB-3t« M WANTED TO RENT—A SMALL HOUSE or two large communicating ROOMS, within bounds of Twelfth and Nineteenth, Spruce and Market streets. Addreis “L. S. B., M Press office. • It* m WANTED TO RENT—BY THE Jurist of March, a three-story DWELLING with tb ree nter? back-buildings. situate between. Tenth and Twen tieth and Sprin g Garden and Brown streets. Address, giving location and rent. Box 1476, P* 0. fa4-thstal2t JTw A FAMILY HORSE WANTED —He must be perfectly sound and gentle, a good traveler, of some dark color, from 6 to 9 years of age, standing 15 to 16 hands high, and suitable for family use. Any one having such an animal to dispose of mav h; ar of a purchaeer. by addressing Box Wo. 1248. PHILA* DELPBIA POST OFFICE, giving fall desorp tion, and stating lowest price and where he caD be seen. fc9 3t* Itk— A LARGE, DARK. HEALTHY, •aSSbA. ACTIVE, STEADY HORSE WANTED, suitable for a Physician. Address “ Eqainus, 1 ’ Preis Office fe9*2i* LOST AND FOUND, t OST—A CERTIFICATE FOR ONE A-i Share in the KENSINGTON BANK, in the county of Philadelphia. The finder will be suitably rewarded if left at J 1 and 13 STRAWBERRY Street. ja2fi tuthSt* MOSES WHEELSS. TAKEN UP,GOING ATLARGE, J*QcZ one black and one brindle HEIFER, which will be sold to the highest bidder, at the First District Police Station. TWENTIETH and FITZWATER Streets, on 'WEDNESDAY, the 10th, at 3 P M.. unless sooner re deemed. tit*] H. Q, CI.ARK. High Constable. FOR SALE AND TO LET. VALUABLE DELAWARE WHARF t PROPERTY FOR SALE.—This property.* cen trally located In the EIGHTEENTH WARD of the city of Philadelphia, has a frontage on the river Delaware, extending to Beach street, of l-ffifeet, with a superior 80-feet-wide pier into deepwater; capacious docks, 200 tO SOO feet long, on both sides—the whole embracing an area of ©ver6s,ooo square feet, with privileges of exten sion equal to a total area exceeding 80.000 square feet. For further information, apply iiersor ally, or by letter, to PaMUBL B. GRISR. fe&tf 1340 BEACH htraet, Philadelphia. T OT OF OVER 30 ACRES ON THE L RIVER DELAWARE AND ALLEGHENY AVEBUE FOR SALE.—Alarge lot of over SO acres, fronting the River Delaware and Allegheny avenue. Also,a number of smaller lots, from one to ten acres, suitable for facto ries. ship yards, or other business requiring river front. Will he subdivided and sold upon reasonable terms. AunlY to AL7EED FITLBB, Conveyancer, . feff.ei* No. 51 North SIXTH Street. AUCTION SALES. qale of condemned grain & BACKS AND RAGS. Chief Quartermaster's Officb, Depot op Washington, Washington, D. (i. 6. 1861. WILL BE SOLD at Public Auction, at Seventh-street wharf in. the city of Washington. D O . OH TUESDAY, February 16, 1664, at 10 o'clock A M., thirty thousand (30.000) old Grain Packs deemed unlit for public service. Alio, at 12 o’clock M. of the ssme day. at Government Warehouse N 0.3, corner of New York avenue and Nine teenth street, will be sold six thousand two hundred (6.200) pounds of Rags. Terms cashdn Government fonds. _ _ P. H RUCKER, Brig. Gen. and Chief Quart-rmaeter, fe9-6t Depot of Washington. CALEOF CONDEMNED HORSES AND C* MULBS. „ * , „ Chief Qpaatkrma&trr’s office, DBTi)T of WASHINGTON. Washington. Feb. 6, 1861. Will be sold at public auction at the Corrals, near the Observatory, in the city of Washington, D. C., on Wed nesday, February 17, 1864, a lot of y HORDES AND MOLES, condemned as unfit for public service. Teems— Cash, In Government funds, Sale to commence at 10 o’clock A M. D- H> KHCHBRi Brigadier Gneeral and Chief Quartermaster, feB-8t Depot of Washington. AUCTION SALE A OF CONDEMNED STOCK • Cavalry Burba*. Office of Chief mjARTERHASTER, Washington. Janaary 28, 1864. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AOCTION, to the high est bidder, in WEST CHESTEB. PA.. beginning on the 10th day of FEBBU ARY, 1£64, and con tinuing from day to day until all are sold, 300 HORSES. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry rervice of the United Stares Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horees will be Bold singly. Terms cash, in United States Treasury notes. JAMES A. SKIN, fel-9t Chief Quartermaster Cavalry Bareau. SAFES. Hm ETANS & WATSON’S PHILA [Oji DELPHIA-MASUFACTUBED salamander b * £S * LocKHAVBN. Pa.. Dec. 30, 1863, M*BBrB- Evans & Watson, Philadelphia: Gentlemen: My Salamander Safe, made at your es tablishment, has passed through the great fire which nearly destroyed this town on the 6th instant, and pre served its contents to my entire satisfaction. The Safe was exposed to an intense heat—so much ho as to melt the outer plates and knobs; yet, after being opened, having lain for twelve hours in the ruins, not a paper was found to be injured. Respectfully, yours, was louua o ORIN T NOBLE, Attorney at Law. Philadelphia. Feb 2 1864. Messrs BVANS & WATSON manufactured the Safes which have been in use in this Bank for more than six tears. They have given entire satisfaction. They are undoubtedly Burglar Proof, and are supplied With three Patent Alphabetical Locks, of very ingenious construc tion We have the greatest confidence as well in the Safes as in the locks of this firm, the former being bar tlar and powder proof, and the las££withonUhe ueces sltv of keys. ROBERT MORRIS. Buy oi *«y». president Commonwealth Bank. H. C. Young, Cashier Commonwealth Bank. Having been in business for a period of more than twonlv VASTS, onr long •now enables ni to place be&re the public our IMPROVED SAL A HAN DES SAFES of various kinds. We are confident, hFihe Pa tronage bestowed upon us by a discerning pubnc. that our Safe* have always given entire satisfaction,and have not at anytime been found wanting when,tned Oar National Jand other Bank Safes are now being a-ad by a large number of both descriptions of Banks throughout the United States , , These Safes are made of the best materia ls that caa be had*, tboy are Uned through with chlilea iron plaw; ia the bottom of the Safe there Is placedaa extra burglar proof, also made of chilled iron, with Hall s latest Pa tent Powder-Proof Lock. On the outside door ot the Bank Safe is placed one of our Patent alphabetical or Changeable Bank Locks. eapab : e of more than« O,OCO changes. Banka that are now using tins Lock have great confidence in it- both as regards security aud con venience, there beingno chance to blow it out with pow der, and no key to carry. These Safes are as Burglar and Fire-proof as any other make in tan United States Merchants in want of a good Counting House b*'e would do well to call and examine our fine stock of Mer cantile Salamander Safes, of various sizes and patterns. These Safes have always been found what they are re presented to be —“ FJre Proof }** in every instance where they have been tried iu accidental fires they have al ways preserved their contents in a perfect condition; many thousands of dollars have been saved by parties having these Safes In use. We would call the attention of parties having valuable papers, such as United State* coupons, bonds, mortgages, deed*,&c., to onr Dwelling hou*e Safes. These bates are got up expressly for the preservation of valuable papers, and for silver ware, in Pr Being f?ee B from dampness they can be kept closed any length of time without Injuring the papers: both our Mercantile and Dwelling-house Safes have Hall s latest Patent sPowder-Proof Lock on, which, from the pecu liarity of its construction, has never been blown open or P *We also manufacture and keep for sale a large assort ment of Vault Doors, for Banks and stores. , Bankers, merchants, audthe public in general, are In vited to call and examine’our Sites before purchasing elsewhere, as we think that we can ifttisfy them as re gards the quality and prices of our Safes. We can refer to the following, along with more than 5,000 others, who now have our Safes in use: President and Cashier of the Commonwealth Bank of Philadelphia. _ _ president and Cashier of the Consolidation Bank. W. H. Blumer & Co , Bankers, Allentown, Pa. President and Cashier ofthe Btrondsburg Bank, Pa. President and Cashier of tho Downingtowa Bank, Downingtown, Pft, President and Cashier of the Northumberland Bank, Northumberland, Pa. President and Cashier of the Oetarora Bank, Octarora. and Cashier of the Newark Bank, Newark, and Cashier of the Real Estate Bank, Del. Caleb Cope, President of the Philadelphia Saving * State Offlce.Hatriaburg, Fa. Sx-Governor Pollock, Director of the United Stales Mint, Philadelphia. . Hon, W. Millwaid, United States Marshal of Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Dele. Ross, & Withers, No. 621 Market s&teet. Hood, Bonbright, & Co., No. 529 Marke^street.. Kent, Santee, A Co., North Third street. Being thankful for past favors, wet would respectfully request a continuance of the patronage of all in want of any thing in our line of business. Our st-ck being very large, and prices low, we solicit a.sail before purchasing elsewhere. RVABS A WATSON, Fire and Burglar- Proof Sift Manufacturer*, fee-ittlttlStir Ho. 14 Bonti. FODRTR Strmit. TMPEBIAL PHOTOGRAPH CARTES A SB -VIWTB. unBU/pag*ed. at NBWELVS Gallery. ARCH Street. ftg«wir_ TTEA.TON & DENOKLA,HARDWARE -*A Commission Merchants, 907 COMMERCE and sw NORTH Str« ete. offer fovjale: Putnam’s Horse Nalls; Locke s School Blftttß ftGGwif SEMENTS." Academy of music german OPJRA “BBCOND NIGHT OP THS BBASON. WEDNESDAY BVfiaiNa. Feb 10th The German Opera Company, recetved with so much favor on Monday evening, will have the honor of ora sentingto their friends id Philadelphia, on Wednesday evening, the Romantic of * XA DAME BLAHCDB (The WhiteLadyi. by Bole.'dlen, with the following nnsqnalUd cast, ia- Clhdlhg the "W-Sgigy&HiOTß : Gaveston. Anna George Brown* • Herr ITabelm&n* Marnatethe...«• Mad. Frederick Jncfcbon.......fferr Kronreld. Jenny ~...r........ Mile. Cantoas. Mcclrton. Her TOrnt. Scene. Scotland. Cantl9 of tb9 Count of ATf rel. COTdactcr........ ....CaRL ABBCHDTS. TicKets of Admlseiou to Parapet. Pkrtatt Circle. and Balcony. #l. t>,. extra sharne ior Seats Fami ly Circie 60 cents; AnjpMtfceatio, 25 cent*. j>noT P ope aat o’clock. Performance- to coranwmi* at 8 o clock* .FRIDAY BVaiTrNG. Feb I? Third tfjßhr of the Seap.mi OKaVB MVTItfSSB OK fe&TTTRDAY AFTStWOOW. Ticketeean beobainedatGoald’a Music Stow, K3v*nth and Cbeptnut, end at the Academy of Music. io')-?. ,* p ROVER’S NEW CHESTNUT VT street thratkb. LEONARD GKOTEB. ‘ MONDLT. February fth. TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN. Tir.KtT OF-LEAVE S!AS, DKABf A ENTIBB. At! ESTHOSIASTIC 61CGE5S: . , , THE LOFT! MORAL inculcated by this Touching-Drama c/ the . TICKET-Or-LEAVE MAS pervades, Sun* teaching, The better and ttte • forcibly impressed with the dan • f o %a» ee rlnr o K u t Se e i r d&, i ; od BriMlT ' s T0l, » ATGROVER’d NEW OaESTdUT the delightful Domestic Drama, uul TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN iB rreteuted euti'e. _ . THE CAM? OP CHARACTERS ProEOunced by prominent jouro*)* of thin r.jty of tbe etrontest ever trlven too drama? u ‘' THE BCBSSRY Superior to anythin ic hitiiorko presented iu tha drama SK, C- A. KOPHTZ and the ORANI) O&uUBSMIA ' Play the ** Ticket* of Leave” Overture; 11 BacdoWallz-Bri]liiiit;aiid . A .Day with the Irisb ,>npu/ AT'MXSSTON. I'repH Circle and. Ph 6C-c. : Ureh?M tra. T.’c.t Family Circle,2sc Scats eec&re4 Without yztr* charge, SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. The Tint Regular FAMILY MATINS* at the CHEST NUT \rUl be given ou SATURDAY AFTERNOON coxt. upon occasion the prices of admission duced. See future advertisement. feo Walnu t—walnutstrebt THEATRE ■?-BIS EVENING* Fab. I9h. POSITIVELY PO: f LIVELY LAST BIX NIGHTS LAW SIX NIGHTS of the unprecedented EngssieMeiU of tho Beautiful, As* Young Act™-*-. LUCILLE WESTERN* LUCILLE WESTERN, In Her Great Emotional Piav of EAST LYN>E; EA&T LYNNE; Or, THE ELOPEMENT. Seat* may be secured thro* davs in advance. The Boy Office open from 9 to 3 o’clock. Tl/TfeS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH 6TREE.T THEA TRE tUSABITED SUCCESS OFJ CHARLOTTE IHOMPBON. MONDAY, TUESpAY. WEDNESDAY.snd THURSDAY,. LITTLE FADETTE. L’HE CRICKET Faccbon. (The Cricket) MISS I’GOMPSON Landry Barbeaud BiTton HUL. Lidier Barbeaud Stuart Rollon,, Father Barbeand Mr Gnffl hs Old Fsdette, m»hh Mary Carr Madelon ..tftatE. Price. To conclude with a Favonra Comedietta. Ml SB THOMPSON’S BENEFIT ON FRIDAY Curtain rit-es at 7&o'ciocfr. - fefl « Great national circus TROUPE, MARKET STREET. ABOVE TWELFTH. Directress—Jßra. CHARLES WARNER, formerly Mm. DAN RICE. The great popularity of the Circus is fully maintained., hut, notwithstanding this* the Show must soon close. Among the many beautiful scenes to be performed thin week is one entitled THE PERUVIAN AND HIS BRIDE, a splendid piece of double horsemanship The entire National Troupe will appear EVERY EVENING this week. In preparation, the grand Fairy Spectacle of CINDERELLA, Which will be produced in anyie of charming m&ghld cence FIrTY CHILDREN WANTED fnrtVe grand Spectacle Apply daily, at tbe Circus, fromK- till 12 o'clock. Matinees on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY After* noons, commencing at 2% o'clock. Evening performance commencing at 7 40 Ad mission. 26 cents; Stage seats, SO cents; Private Box* $3; Gallery, IS cents. feß-6t TXAVE ARRIVED AT AA CONCERT HALL. MONDAY EVENING. February Bth. AND EVERY EVENING PUKING THE WEEK. The far-famed original and only MORRIS MINSTRELS, BRASS BAND. AND BURLESQUE OLD FOLKS’ CONCERT TROUPE. Twenty* one Established Artists, from their Opera House, Bnrton EVERYTHING JfEW-NOTHrNG OLD. READ THE PROGRAMME The acknowledged Champions of Minstrelsy. An entire change of Programme every other evening, giving the most extensive and versatile entertainment ever witnessed. Cards or Admission 25cens. Donrsopen attJK o’clock; commence at 7&. 'CHARLES A. MORRIS. Manager. W. A. ABBOTT and CHAS GaSSfifT, Agent*. ItB-6t A SSEMBLY BUILDING, A TENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. The celebrated DAVBNPOBT BOYS. THIS -WEEK ONLY. • The greatest PHENOMENON ever witnessed since tho days of the Apostles. MYSTERIOUS DISPLAYS and STARTLING WONDERS are produced in their presence. Go and see them. Admission. ....mmmmm m.... mm *Co C9Rtli, Gallery ....20 canto. Dooreopenatyo'clock: commencing at 7)4 o’clock. Seats can be secured at the office of the Han during the day without extra charge Open from 9 to 12 A. M. COMPLIMENTARY SOI BEE MILI TATRE TO MAJOB O. BGKBNUORFF. ‘‘■WYER’S ACADEMIC CiDETV’onheWestCheuer Academy and AHlitary Institute, wm. F. Wyers A.M., Principal, have tendered to Major Oh Eckendorff, their Military Instructor, a GRAND LiOMPLIHENrARx SOI REE MILITAIRB, to take pfhce at the ACADEMY OF MOSIC. on TUESDAY EVENING. Febeuarr9. EOKBN DOB9FB INDEPENDENCE CADETS will take part In the perforaarcte. BIRGFBLD’S BAND Will he In attendance, Secured beats 60 cents. To he obtained at Gould's, Se venth and Chestnut streets. Single Tickets 25 cents. Can he had at Sisley’s, in the Continental, or from Major Eckendorff, I9OJ Coatee street. __ fa4-flt p fi ONOEBT HALL LECTURE ROOM* CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE TWELFTH, POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK OF WUNDERLICH’S A series of Illustrations of T. S. ARTHUR’S TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR-ROOM. Al*SOi_ JOHN BUSY AN’S PILGRIM’S PROGRESS, And other attractive Scene* from LIFE, CHARACTER. NATURE, and ART. Proprietor and Manager ....Mr. JOSEPH VERKN Will continue for a short season. This aplendid.Beries of more than 100 grand Panoramic Paintings was executed by Mr. GEORGE WUNDERLICH, an American Artist, who stands unrivalled as a scan}* Painter. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents Doors open at 7 o’clock. MATJNEEB EVERY AFTERNOON AT 3 O’CLOCK. ja4-42t TEMPLE op wonders, a ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. WILL SHORTLY CLOSE. MAGICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL EXPERIMENTS; Great Powers of VENTRILOQUISM, and the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. SIGNOR BLITZ will appear in his popular Entertain* menta EVERY EVENING, commencing at 7H and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3 Admission 25cents; Children 15cents. je4 k? SEW PUBLICATION! “ ("YUT OF PRINT” IS AN EXPRES fcion almost as annoyiuic to tho public as to the publisher. This has unavoidably been the answer for the j ait eight weeks to everyone desiring to purchase this charming novel of English society. A TALB^_ENa_LISH.fai9TOCIIAGT Todaytbe^FOUKTS"EDITiON *' , That yon may judge a little of its merit, and thehold it has had npon the re&disg public, let me give a few facts. Thirteen years ago this novel was first published in London, and up to the last year has had a regular remu nerating tale. . Four books a day is the average number published in London, bo that onlu great books live bey oad the short time that they ate brought bffore the public by adver tising and reviewing. The next novelty crowds th*m OI ]PIQUE has lived on, and our reading public enjoy It so much that it will have a great run here. • LIPPWCOTT & CO., PhTERSON & BROS;, ASH MEiB & ETA2v TSS , F. LEYPOLDT wholesale it. fiver, bookseller retails it. TOKISQ Pnbluh 319 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. feS-tilths npWO REMARKABLE SERMONS, A by BEV. DUDLEY a, tyng. OUR COUNTRY'S TROUBLES. A {rprmon prtached id the Church. 6f the Epiphany. Jane 29,1856. Price 35 cents. NATIONAL SINS AND NATIONAL RETRIBUTION. A Sermon preached In the Church of the Covenant. July 6th, 1557. Price 15cents. Published by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED SrABTIEN, f«9 tf * 006 CHESTNUT Street. EDUCATIONAIn COHOO L AND KINDERGABTEN ■will Ido opened on MONDAY, February 16th. 1854. at tbs S. E coiner NINTH and SPRING-GARDEN. The PRIMARY DEPARTMENT will he a Kinder*arten, upon the German (Frcebelfr) System, and will include Boys and Girls under ten years or 7n C bor*°d"p^ tbi By.- *•“ ofBr - Dlolewl! - FOLTOS. HARRIET B. PARLINuTON. Address, 315 M nRSHALti Street. /iRV) TENDBN’S COMMERCIAL OOL- V-/ lege. 63T OHBBTRUT Street, comer of Established 1814. incorporated 18S5 BOOK-KEEPING. initß different brandies./a pr&e ticed by the best accountants, Penmanship. Mercantile- Calculations,'Business Forms, Commercial Law, Ac., fUinlshi pl|plKATlONFOß BUSINESS LIFE. ADip’oma, with the seal of the institution attached, awarded on graduation. , . . , , Students received at any time, and instructed sepa rately, Day and Evening. ~, . . M In its well tried course of instruction, extensive acco modations, widespread reputation and practical ad vantages to bueineismen. this Institution is unequalled. >fc numbers among its graduates hundreds of our most accomplished and successful onßinesß men. * __zi* CCHOOL OF DESIGN FOR "WOMEN, £3 Ko .334. CHESTNUT Street, (oppoelta the Mint)— The February Term oomraenceii Feltcnary lrti and enda. July let. Sesetonedaily eejoept|atnrday}|rom9 till a. Toition $l7 per term. THOMAS W. BRAII) WOOD, feS-at : Principal pOHBENTGWN FEMALE COLLEGE, t> BQRDESTOWN, N. J. This Institution is pleasantly located on the Delaware river, V 4 hour’s ride from Philadelphia. Special atten tion U paid to the common and higher Vranshes of iNGLIbHt, and superior advantage* famished in Yoa*J and Instrumental MuMc. FRENCH .taught by native, and spohen in the family. For Catalogues, address , Rev. JOHN H. B&AKHIjBY.A. M., jal4-2ni* President. _ VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARS, “ BEAR MEDIA. PA. —Pupils r.coived at aay time. English. Mathematic*. ClaM-ies, and N;i:ural tangkt. Military Tactics, Eood-keepleg, aad Civil Eg. glnecrtng taught. Entire «wmea about £ s S^_week. IhJriffl JohiTu? Capp't^T So “, 1^ r T „ il u a i B Oreen, Pa. - I -T tr , A UTEB'S -LiAIRIiT E. : —FOR SALE, A and applied ,t. 53 TRIED Street, above. CH«-T. BUT. • IL_ f'IARTES BE VJSITE OF TASTEFUL V 7 .tvtea and enpertar execution and ftniah. are dallv made at & R REIKSE'B popular Gafiery, tU4 AROH Btreet. do early. It* COERECT PIANO TUNING HTTr-Mr. C B. Orders for TMitu and Eepnlrlnn Pianos are received at MASON & 00. V Store. 90T CHESTNUT Street, only, . _ Mr. S. baa had eleven Tears* factory experience la Bo** toe. and five Tears 1 employment in Philadelphia SPECIAL — Pianos reUathtred to sound as soft aafi Bweet-cosed as new, to ithout nmovint _Te>ae for Tuning. SI 8 JOHN L. OAPEN, PHBENOLO GIST, mnyl* *<msnlUd, DAT andTVBNJNGI, oa adaptation to Baslntw. Jr* d V*" d ,.»m«snn on UU IxmwoTomoat of hoaltt*, corrAettan ft.nK*, formation of friendihlp*. ke. Mrjrtlono of eUataeUr ilvon whoa reuntrwl >t 8. TESTS Etisat. oboTO CisCnui.. aoS-thatuftnK . Herr Hermann#. • •Mad. Jobaansea. ZOGBAFHIOOa. ocH-ftmlf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers