Tax en Crude Petroleum. To (ge Editor of The Press: SIR 5 The arguments again** imposing a taxon etude petroleum at the well* are unanswerable, but I ahull not enumerate them here. They proved to be effeotual with the last Congress, and ao far with the preient Congress, and are likely to continue ao to Hie end But the new petitiona mentioned in The Tress thie morning, demanding a tax of five cent* per gallon on orude petroleum at the well*, with a drawback of five cents per gal ton on all tl» refined oil exported, in order to give employment to some of our idle refineries 1 are cer tainly a novelty. If too many persons have rushed heedlessly into the refining business without suiVey leg the ground, or counting the coat, who is to bl ima but themselves if they suffer from the competition? What better right have they to an act of Congress for their especial benefit than those who suffer from competition in other pursuits all arouud us, espe cially when it is urged at the expense' and saorittoa of an Interest more meritorious than their o.vnl Even if their application could be successful, one early effect would be to double the number of refi neries, and speedily bring down the refining late rest to where it ie now. But, upon principle, they might as well demand a tax of five cents a pound upon wheat, payable at the threshing floor, with a drawback of five cers a pound upon all the flour exported, and tola for the benefit and proteofion of the grist mills °f tllo United States! If they succeed in their pur pose, they have but one more step to take, ana that is to ask Congress to prohibit tiie iiec tion of any more refiueries: to limit •’’‘j ji 11 ,?!, of producing wells; and to prescribe the exaotnjmr ber of gallons ol oil that e*ct>??? ££ a, reason mitted to yield per day. Tins would be SS^.^u"^“^SS^SoiSs meek 1 our hhoet ic * u refiners, most or them, are oreex, o*“ •£ , n ,_ } ;cOW - how to refiae petcole im. wfilcs "the to the trade, a year ago, by the JUomStle* of dishonest and inferior refiaedoU cent §1 Europe, and rejected, or sold lor a song. And now only a few iavorite oranda can hold their own there. Time euougn for onr refining inteveat to call for this unju«t and injurious tax, when they prove, by their science ana skill, that they a\n equal European iefinedoil in quality. If they ran, then their present argument falls to the groun t. fa Your obedient servant, PROD O’OE M. February 2,1864. Markets by TelegrapH. Baltimore, Feb. 3. —Flour steady. Howard street superfine is quotca at $7. Wheat scarce j Southern red, $1 «7@i.7l Corn quiet. Whisky •firm and excited; Ohio is held at si» Coffee dull at 33@33>£c for Rio. __ A Petty Rkvrnok. — a member of Parliament for the borough of Oxford, Mr. Neate, on New Year’s dav, made an address to his constituency, inwaiah he protested against the unfairness with which Mr. Gooden had been treated by the London Times. Thereupon ibe 2'imes revenges itself by omitting Mr. Neate’# speech in its report of the proceed! age, Chough it publishes Mr. Cardwell’s, made on the same occasion* CITY ITEMS. Important Sewing Machine Item.—Wo do not believe in puffing indifferent things, and make it a rule to cay nothing that we do not believe t-> be tni©i In the case of sewing machines, while we ad* aittSßat many kinds are made to answer, yet we give it a# our decided opinion that the Wheeler & Wilson is the nicet perfect sewing machine in the world. We advise our readers to examine this won derful labor-saving machine. It will save the lives of thousands of our women, and they will bless us Tor recommending them to this best of sewing ma chines, The Wheeler & Wilson Agency give in structions to all who apply, whether they wish to purchase or not; and, to purchasers, they send to their residences competent and obliging ladies to teach, free of charge. We hope the day will soon come when every house in the land will have a Wheeler & Wilson’s Sewing Machine. We understand that the Wheeler & Wilson Com pany keep constantly on hand a large assortment of ladies’ and children's ready-made clothing. Family sewing done to order. Operators, with or without machines, furnished at short notice* Sales Rooms No. 704 Chestnut street, above Se venth. Cla this out and preserve#. Send for Ladies’ Pocket Almanac and Hand Book -Of Useful Information. No charge. A New Picture.— Messrs. Wenderoth & Taylor, 912,914, and 916 Chestnut street, are now executing the new style of picture (which we think destined to unusual popularity), entitled the “PAc/o-Miniature.” .For artistio rifem this picture excels anything that Photography has hitherto produced. The specimens at their galleries are much admired by the best judges of ait. ' Great Reduction en Prices. Great Reduction in Prices. Ladies’ and Misses’ Fine Cloaks. Ladies’ and Misseß’ Fine Cloak*. Also, rßich Furs of all kinds. KichFurs of all kinds* In anticipation of the close of the season, we arc --{row prepared to make a large concession from for* •cner prises on all our stock. J. W. Proctor & Co., Tbe Peri. Cloak and Pur Emporium) 920 Chestnut street. THB'Univezsal Wringer saves time. * Burnham, 27 South Sixth street. Ladies Visiting the “Front” should wear “powder and-shot” silk. Married ladies will, of course, get their husbands to see to the “ charge.” Elderly ladies should wear “percussion caps,” as a harmless initiation into the use of fire-aims. Pretty girls should practice shoot ing glances through double* barrelled opera-glssies. of course, wear the elegant and grace ful costumes of the world-renowned civic and mili tary Tailor, Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chesmut •street, where superb suits are being sold at less than •their original cost. The Universal Wringer saves clothes. * Burkhah, agent, 27 South Sixth street. Notice.—Dr. E. B. Lighthiil, Jrom 34 St. Mark’s place, New York, author of “ A Popular Treatise -on Deafness,” “-letters on Catarrh,” &c., &s., will : Shortly make a professional visit to Washington, when he can be consulted on Deafness, Catarrh, Discharges from the Ear, and all the various dise uses cf the Ear, Throat, and Air Passages. The Universal Wringer saves money. For sale, -Wholesale and retail, at 27 South Sixth street. * Tun attention or capitalists and manufacturers Is called to an advertisement, In to-day’s paper, “ Water Power to Kent.” The Universal Wringer with “cogs” is war ranted in every particular. » Burnham, agent, 27 South Sixth street. Have Yon a Cough’—Use De. Jayne’s Ex d?EOTOKAHT at once; it may save you from Con sumption. It will certainly cure the most invete rate coughs and coldc. M Bronchitis try Dr. Jayne’s Expectorant, fit willaubdue the inflammation, relieve the cough, .pain, and difficulty of breathing, and produce a speedy cure. Have Yon Asthma I— Jayne’s Expeotorant will overcome the spasmodic contraction of the wind 4ubes or air vessels, and cause the ejection of the .juueue which clogs them. Fon Pleurisy take two or three large doses of .Jayne’s Expectorant in quick succession, and cover ing up warmly in-bed, the disease will be eubdued at the outset. Have Yon Consumption!— Jayne’s Expeoto -rant will give you immediate relief. It cleanses the lungs from all irritating matters, while it heals and 'invigorates them. Thousands who have been given -.up by their physicians have been restored to health -by its use. Whooping Cough, Cboup, and all diseases of the lungs or breast, are effectually and speedily oured by - Jayne’s Expeotorant. It is no new remedy. For 'thirty years it has been before the publio, the de mand for It constantly increasing, ana the evidence of its- great onralive powers accumulating in our ■ hands. Why not give it a trial 1 Prepared only by Dr. D. J Avne k. Son, No. 212 Chestnut St. fe3-2t The Pebphotion op Sewing Machines, Call and see the “Florence,” 630 Chestnut stbbbt. Burnham, 27 South Sixth street, Kepairs all kinds of Wringers. * Chrokio Sore Throat. —A. form of Bronchitis, Xhe approaoh of which is often se insidious as Scarcely to attract notice, an increase of mucus, and a sense of wearisomeness and loss of power in the ■-throat, after public speaking or singing. These in. eiplcnt symptoms are allayed by using Brown’s -Bronchial Tioches, which are sold by all druggists. Visit ths “Florence” Sales Kooms, 630 •Chestnut street, and see the celebrated Bbtebbablk-peed Dock and Knot-btitch Sew ing Machine. Cohns, Bunions, Invested Nailb, Enlarged Joints, and all diseases of the feet, cured without grain or Inconvenience tc the patient, by Dr. Zazha -rie, Surgeon Ohiropedist, 921 Chestnut street. Refers to physicians and surgeons of the city. ja23-tf The “Florence” Sewing Machine, bold at -680 Chestnut street, is warranted to re thi HOST IN THE WORLD. STEGK A CO.’S STECK A CO.’S STECK A CO.’S STECK A CO.’S STEGK A CO.’S STECK A CO.’S STECK A CO.’S STECK A CO.’S STECK A CO.’S STECK A CO.’S STEGK A CO.’S STECK A CO.’S MASON HAMLIN’S CABINET OBGhANS. SPEOIAXs NOTIOKS. Colgate’s Honey Soap. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, 1r such universal de- Stand, la made from the choicest materials, ie mild and emollient ia its nature, fragrantly scented, and extreme ly beneficial In lie action upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers. ■Kaze-tnthsly Electricity, by a Physician of long experience, and who gives his whole attention to its Proper application, at IMB SOUTH PENN saUARE. Philadelphia. Certificates, references, and examina tions/roe. ja3o-tf Haib Dykl Hair Dye II tetetarated HAIR DTE it the Beet in ®« It! 7 True, and Reliable Dye known- This aplsndid Hair Bye is perfect—ehansu Eed. Bnsty.or Gray Hair, instantly to a Oloteti Black or Natural Brown, without Injuring the Hair or stain- Inithi Bkin, leaving «■* Hair Soft and Beantifnl- to •arts freak vitality, frequently restoring its prictin. aoler, and rssHles the ill effects of had Dyes The ■easlns is signed WOhjs a. Batohbloe; all others are mere Imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by an Druggists, As. FACTORY, B 1 BARCLAY Street. Jew York. Batchelor's nr Toilet Cream for Dressing IheHds. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. ITTL.D, h and ChertnuL J. E. Of Seven! One-Prior Clothing, or the Latest •mss, madetntheßest Manner,expressly for RETAIL bales. LOWEST Beilin* Prices marked in rjcuce. All code made to Order warranted satlsfae ®«* Ohh-Pricb System Is strictly adhered to. U 1 are thereby treated alike. deSS-ly JONES A 00.. 004 MARKET Street. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment has been need by more than a million of people, and all praise it. Winter Clothing— Bargains. WINTER CLOTHING-BARGAINS WINTER CLOTHING-BARGAINS. WINTER CLOTHISO-BARGAINS. WINTER CLOTHING—BARGAINS. WINTER CLOTH'BG— BARGAINS. AN EXTRA OPPORTUNITY is now offered to all who want to furnish themselves with Fine. Ready-made Clo thing, or be measured in onr Custom Department. Ha ving sn unusually heavy stock on hand, we will offer special bargains for a few days, so as to clear oat goods and make room for Spring Stock, which will soon ar- These Roods are considerably cheaper than they Are likely to be bought in season. Gall and examine. WANAMAKER & BROWN, S* £. Corner SIXTH and MARKET* and CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, No. 1 South SIXTH Street. MAHBIBD. HOBN-BiBGEAYB.-On New Tear’s Ere. 31st De cember, by Eev. .Daniel Gaston, Captain Joseph. Horn to Mi«s Maiv Hargrave, both, of this city. (Doylesi .iwu papers please copy. 3 _ * HARTMAN—WRIGHT.—On Thursday, Jaflfcary 23th, 18t4. by Rev. Geo. Bringhurst, Ern> t Hartman. ofStral ennd, Prussia, to Lizzie 8., daughter of Wm. H. Wri*ht, of this city. * -DIED. ELKINTON.—On Third-day morning, the 2d in at ,of typhoid pneumonia, Edith Elkintou, wife of George M. Elhintor, in the 68th year of her age The relatives and friends of the family are invitfd to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband. 453 North Fourth street, on Fifth day, the 4th inst.. at 2 o’cloifc. Interment in Friends’ Western Groucd PILE.—On the morning of the 2d instant, George W. Pyle. Funeral to take place from hie late residence. No. 1322 Green street, on Thursday morning at 30 o’clock ** NECIS. —On the Ist inst., Flora Annie, infant daughter of Jesse and Anna M. Nece, aged 11 months and 7 day s. The relatives and friends of the family arB respBcfcUilly invited to atteni the funeral, from the residence of her parenis. No. Sl6 North Eleventh street, above Brown, on Thursday afternoon at 1 o’clock, . ** LOPEF.—In New York, on the 2d instant, of pueu menia, Emily Josephine Weaver, only daughter of V/m. B and Annie M. Loper, in the 4th year of her age. The friends of the families are invited to attend her fnntxal, at St. Paul’s Church, Third street, above Spruce, on Thursday afternoon, 4th instant, at 2K oc ? orb. ** McCUßDT.—Suddenly, Kohert McCurdy, agel 72 years. H.s relatives and friends are Invited to attend his fa serai, from The residence of his nephew, Robert K. Mc- Curdy. 1522 Poplar street, on Friday, sth. instant, £*lo o'clovk A. M. ... HARVEY.—On the let met., after a short and eerere 21Jd€s?, Mrs. Mary Harvey, in the 60th year of her a te. Funeral ?rom her late residence, fio. 1131 Anita street, on Thursday afternoon, at 1 o’clock, ** MAKftUEZE.—Very suddenly on the Ist inst.,Eizi fcetli Stanley, eldest child of Emile and Caroline A. Mar* qncze, aged eight years. The funeral will take p'ar nest, at ten o’clock, from father. John H&seltine. 7C6 bp; SHUiXEB. —On the Ist inst. Dr '' >avid Shuster, in the 7Sth year of her age. The relatives and Mends of the family are respectfully invited loattend her funeral, from her late residence. KO Spring Garden street, on afternoon, at 2 9*clock. __ THOMAS.—On the afternoon of tho 3d Instant* Dr. .Robert P. Thomas, in the 4!d year of his age. * SIMPER BLACK SILKS.—BESSON & SON’S MOURNING STORE. No. 918 OHSSTNUr Street bare opened a new stock of super Black Silks* $1 25 to $4 S7K a yard. Black all-wool Mousßeline, doable width. “ ' ‘ Tamise Cloths. “ and White. Purple and Gray Chintzes. 44 and White*striped and Plaid Ginghams. 44 and White Delaines, 31>4 cents. “ Grenadine TeiJs. Alexander’s Black Rid Gloves, plain and emb’d. Second-Mourning Balmoral Skirts. _ja3o WHITE SELVIDGE BLACK SILKS, * * DRAPDE LYONS —These are a very superior grade Tof SILK?, warranted durable, and fine Paris Black, ordered for oar best cits trade. ja23 . EIRE & LANDELL. WIDOWS 1 SILKS, WITHOUT GLOSS. »■ Ecj al Armures. - Corded Gros Grain. Heavy Black Poult demotes. ja2S Elßii It LANDELL. K 7» REY. JOSEPH PARRISH THOMP* SON, of the Broadway Tabernacle, New York, Will Lecture for the Benefit of the VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT SALOON, . ox THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, at 8 o’clock. AT THE ACADEMY OP MUSIC. Subject: REVOLUTION AGAINST FREE GOVENN MENT NOT A RIGHT, BUT A GRIME. Tickets 'with secured seats, 60 cents. Tickets for the Amphitheatre, 25 cents. To be had at the Union League House. Pugh’s, Sixth and Cheetnut street*, Callender’s, Walnut and Third streets, Bfartien’*. Chestnut street. Caleb H. Needles’, Twelfth and Race. THE REV. DR EDDY WILL DE liver his lecture on “ Egypt, 5 * at the BAPTIST CHURCH. PALLS OF SCHUYLKILL, on THURSDAY EVENING, February 4th. 1564, at a.aarter before eight o’clock. ; fe3-2t» W*s2*» CONCERT* HALL-THE CELE wG& BKATED Davenport Boys hold three of their peculiar entertainments, at the above-named Hall, this week, commencing THURSDAY EVENING. fe2-3t* TSS** “THE TWO COMMOJSWEAI/I'HS.” NCtfc —Rev. TREADWELL WaLDES wi;l deliver a LECTURE on this Great National Subject THURSDAY Evening, February 4th, at 8 o'clock, at MUSICAL FITb O BALL. Tickets 25 cents. For benefit St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. fe2-£t* |>e» STARTWSG WOKDESS IX PRE SENCE of the Davenport Boys. At Concert Hall. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY Evenings of the present week. fe2-3t* AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OB* the Stockholders of the Union Me&mehip Com pany. held on Tuesday, February 2d, 1861. at the office. No-14 North DELAWARE Avenue, the following named gentlemen were duly elected Managers—viz; William 84. Baird, A. J. Buckner, Thomas Sparks, James D. W hath am, Thomas Webser And at a subsequent meeting of the Board, William M. Baird was appointed President; Thomas Sparks, Vice President; Thomas Webster. General Agent; and Wm. W. Harkneis, Secretary and Treasurer, for the ensuing y« ar. W. W. HaBKJSBSS. ft 4 3t PEMNSYLVAMI\ RELIEF ASSO §C?s> ciatjon For east TK^hESSSE. President * Ex-Got. JAMES POLLO'JK. Treasurer —i/Al/EB COPE Setreiary—JOSEPH T. THOMAS . This Association has for its object to relieve the suffer in see of the people of Tennessee the only portion of the South which has preserved unshaken its fidelity to the Flsg of the United Stales. When the question of secession was presented to the people, in February,lB6l, East Tennessee gave an over whelming majority against it. In Sevier county, oat of a votixg population of 1.467, only one vote was polled for .secession. At this moment there are, in the Federal oni'orm, from the county of Roane, more men in arms than there were voters in!B6o. „ , The young men of East Tennessee are now fighting for ihflr country and our country. The old men, woman, aud children, whether within the Federal or toe rebel Hues, are nahed,destitute, and almost starving, the contea hag armies having four times passed over their unhappy country, leaving devastation in their track. Manners of the Committee, ana others, who may be wiling to collect funds, are respectfully requested to call upon the Secretary. No. 245 South Fifth street, and procure subscription books numbered and signed by the 6ecrelaiy, Wo other subscription books are authorized by the Association. , ' . Conlribntions in blankets, clothing. &c. .may be lent to the undersigned. J. B. LIP! * No. 71* MARKET Street. Chairman of Committee on Collections. INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE Restate of Pennsylvania. _ .... February. 1, 1564. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of six per cent., or twelve dollars per share, clear 01 ail taxes, payable to the Stockholders-it their I«K£L repre sentatives, on demand. WILLIAM HARPER. f»2-10t Secretary. OB'E'ICK PENNSVLVASU BAHr HOAD COMPANY. Philadelphi^v., KOTICB TO VrOCKHOL'DiSsr T"yt» A-nn-nn.l Muftliagnf fcha Stockholders oftlus Com pany will be held on TUESDAY, the 3gch day of Februa ry, 1564, at 10 o clock A. M.» at SANSOM-3TBEBT H The'Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the tth day of March, 1864, at the Office of the Company, No. 338 South THIRD Street, jaifl-tfie EDMUND SMITH. Secretary. assfe BOTICE. —OFFICE OF THE PHI and brie railroad compa ny, No. 930 WALNDT Street. Philadelphia. Jan. 29, 1864. Tie holders of the Certificates of PREFERRED DEBT, Issued in accordance with an act of assembly, passed April 13,1860, by the Sanbury and Erie Railroad Com pany, and dated May l. 1850, are requested to present the same IMMEDIATELY, for redemption, at the <. fflce of fi is Company. GEO. P. LITTLE, j a*-9-6t_ Treasurer,. P. T. CORK BXCHA. BSLPHIA, Koremb At the Election held 16th in -wore doir elected Birecl Sant: Alexander James Steel. Robert Ervien, - William P. Oox, Samuel T. Ganby, Philip B. Mingle, John F. Gross* And at the meeting of the OATTELL, Esa., wasuninix ALEX.WBILLDIN, lea..Vi TORREY, Cashier. rrrrr-r FHIhADEIiFHIA AND READIN6 niTT.Knin fIOMPAay. Office No. 3517 South FOURTHtSbreet, Philadelphia, December 2, lse-3. DIVIDEND NOTICE- —The Transfer Books of tula Company will be dosed on THUR&IXAY, 17th instant* end reopened on TUESDAY, Jannary 12,1861 .A Dividend of SEVEN PER CENT., clear of State tax, •has been declared on the Common Stock, payable in Common Stock on and after the 31st December next to the holders thereof as they shall stand registered on the hoOlrrat the close of business on the 17th lnst. A Dividend ol THEBE AND A HALT PER CENT., clear of State tax, has been declared on the pre ferred. Stoek, payable la Cash or Common Stock, at the option of the holder, on and after the 31st December next, to the stockholders as they shall stand registered on the books at the close of business on the 17th inst. . _ Holders of certificates which haye been discharged from this office, or either of the Transfer Agencies, are particularly requested to haye them duly registered on th 8 Transfer Books to whieh tney haye been transferred, prior to the 17th inst. „ Stockholders whose names are registered on the New fork books will be paid at the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, and those whose names are registered on the Boston books will be p»ld at the office <>r MeMtg. I. B. Thayer & Brother. a BEADTOED, ae3-tf Troararer. FIRST t01,1.E( Tlt>3 DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, United States Assessor’s office. No. 431 K WALNUT Street. Notice Is hereby siren that the Annual Lists, Enume rations, and Assessments for the year 1863, taken in con fi .rmity to the provisions of the * ‘Act to Provide Internal Revenue, and Support the Government, and to Pay inte rest on the Public Debt,”approved July Ist. 1862, and the acts amendatory thereof, will remain opeuto the ex amination of all persons interested, for the space of fifteen days from the date hereof, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3P. M., at this office. , ~ Immediately after the expiration of the said fifteen aav s, and for the five days next ensuing, the undersigned will le in attendance to receive and determine all appeals lelative to the erroneous or excessive valuations or enu merations made or taken by the Assistant Assessors in their respective divisions. 41 All appeals must be in writing, and shall specify the particular cause, matter, or thing respecting which a de cision is requested, and shall moreover state the ground or piinciple of inequality or error complained ot ,r Appeals will not be considered unless filed before the expiration of the said five day s. All persons who have failed to file their applications for license are notified to no 89 immediately, under the T-enalties prescribed in the Excise Law against those wno isfjß t> Btnfit ABBeanor First District Pennsylvania. IIIMT.PHIA AND RICADIS, AI tTrO AD COMPANY. Office BcuU» ffMETHStreet. September 3, 1663. DIVIDEND VoTTCB.—The following-naraod ?Dividend on the Common Stock of :hi» The .cverS%f them 1> nn iSowmend it le, therefore. necessary that the nV atosk should be presented on calling for the wSSSiPie** S, BRADFORD, Treasurer. dividend. BTO cKHOLDEKS’NAMES. Mrs. Mary Bishop, S. Lancaster. Kfe 4 ShSS 1 ** 11 '" o’- 0 ’- f rtS"“ di -* ,wbold - JasA^sa*, Debbie A. Hnfhel, Benj. F. Newport. Sami. T. Harrison. BenJ. Pott. James HaHovell, JT R- Roll man. James W. HaUowell. Sarah Ann Rlchards. Catherine C. Hoppela. Henry B Sherer, Daniel KlappT Marla L. Sadler. MiryKohn. AndrewTnrnjsr. Chas. Hahn, Hsrtmsn Mrs. Rebecca tnrish. ini n, and J. H. Kahn. Ex, Asher M. Wrlsht. . >f S Kuhn. William Young, R V S. Leisse Bxtr*., W. H. HeVlckur. sad James G, Sehaft Ex. of Austin Smith. M “hnSTLsiis,. dee’i WUHsSOo- ice on Thursday morning the house of her cran-l rrace street. *** » Margaret, relict of the late Jail- 25. 1861 HeSS BA1(K, FHILJI ber 33d, 1868. „ ast. iiwfoUowln* StoskioU iton of tiie Cora Sxehan** Q. Cstieii, _ _ ' Christian J. Hoffxus-Qt E. W. Otther«rood. Edmund A. Sender, Charles E. Wilkins, David Vanderveer, Jonathan Enifht. »Board this d&7 ALSX. 6. mously re-elacSodTresidont; r i«® President, and JOHB W. J. W. TOBRBY, OashiA?. a vnciKT WORDS ABOUT _ THE Eua DRAV1 1 it TBit FIRST WAKD.“J)O VOtl tWht ■poaVOID ITf—The deficiency In the First frAin rhA Drevlons draft and the recent one or • deSTiea® otlfoM HUNDRED MRS. Unless imnie. Siata Mtlon is taken to fornish our Quote no emergency mwarife which will require another draft. Our da- SSencywmbe added to toe new draft, until every able bodied man in the ward may he taken from his fireside. The Government must be maintained at all hazards-. The Conscription Act has been declared constitutional by the Supreme Court of this State. Do you recollect the fearful state of suspense under which your family la bored while the names were being drawn from the wheel* at the provost marshal s office for the Second Congressional district, under the previous draft? You may have escaped, or you may'have been drafted. In case you were drafted, how much time did you lose wailing your turn for examination, while probably > ou were over age. or subject to some physical disability? What did it cost you for the sharks who play around the office of the Board of Enrolment? Incase you have to go through this ordeal again—even if not influenced by patriotism—would you not prefer contributing gene rously to a fund for paying the bounty for the'Firet w*rd. in order to fill the quota promptly? Are yon a father? Do you feel as though you could leave ycur children to enter the service? If so, go at once. Young mas. are you a mechanic or laboring man. with an aged mother, or younger brothers and sisters depending upon your labor for support? Can you re* fuse to contribute at least a few days’ wages to this fund, with, this statement of facts before you? In case yon are drafted you must either serve, find a substitute, or nay the commutation fee. unlesi exempted for disability. There are plenty ot men willing to enlist, at the risk of life and limb. All the wards m the wty are paying liberal bounties, in order to have their men crodited to their quota? at once. The First ward lias only just com menced. Those wards which pay the largest are filled at one*. Severalhavo already finished. The President’s proclamation, under the last nail. Is for 800,009 men. If these are promptly in the field, at the opening of spring such a demonstration may be mace against tbe rebellion as will probably recare a lasting peace withir- six months. Again. Is it not proper that who take the field fchould leave their families comfortable during their absence ? Their risks are far greater than those who stay at home. If what 13 here stated be the facts of the case, do you not think that you should contribute generously to this fund ? It is the design ol the Ward Committee to publish every subscriber’s name, and the amount contributed. By order of the Committee. The* COMMITTEE OF DISTRIBUTION OF THB FUBJ> pjovided for Enlutiueute for the FIRST WARD, will MEET DAILY- from 4 to 5 o’coefc P. M , at the Provost Marshal’s Office, in TWELFTH Street, above Spruce, aud pay $5O EXTRA BOUNT f to each Recruit mustered into the service of the United States and credited to the First Ward. Committees may report, and pay to the Treasurer the moneys collected, at the same time and place fe3 ht* H M. WATTS, Chairman. AN ADJOURRED MEETING OF the citizens of the THIRD WARD will be neld THIS EVENING, at JEFFERSON HALL, corner of SIXTH and CHRIaTIAK Streets,at 7>< o’clock, to aid enlistments Jrom the Ward. The different pre cinct treasurers and collectors are particularly requested to be ptesent, to report to the Ward Treasurer. JOS. BROWN, President. Jog. T. Justus, Secretary. it* n»grr» SIXTH WARD.—NEVER GIVE UP THE SHlP.—Tiift Six hWard Citizens will hold an Adjourned Meeting THIS ( Thursday) EVENING, s.t 7>£ o’clock, kt No. 433 RAGS Street.* The intention is to keep up the Ward organization until tee furnish the whole of our quota uf volunteers. We hold the doctrine that if three hundred thousand men will speedily ter minate the war, five hundred thousand will do it much sooner. Aid. CH.AS. WELDING, Chairman. John Hagan* Secretary. Wat. H, Barnes, Treamrer, It* SEVENTH WARD BOUNTY FUND.—Disbursiag Committee Office, WASH INGTON BUILDING. Third Street, above Spruce. All authored officers, who have enlisted men ac credited to SEVENTH WAKD, are requested to send to this Office immediately, a full list of names, with the date of saideoHstment Office hoars, 10 tol o’clock, and 3to 5 o’clock P. M. W. P. lIACKBR. Chairman. T. M Hudbk, Secretary. , fel 3t SHALL THERE BE AB DRAFT IN THE TWENTIETH WARD ? All interested in fll'ius up the quota of ilia Ward, and ‘who wish to avoid the Draft, are invited to meet on THURSDAY EVENING, the4th Inst., &t7K o'clock, at the Church. Girard avenue, above Sixteenth street, when the follow Id g Resolution will be discussed: Whether the Committees collect any more funds to fill, the quota of the Ward, or discontinue their work of col lecting, ana let the draft be made. _ Those who are subject to the Draft are invited to at tend, as this will be the last opportunity to gel out, If we do not meet with better success than we have done. We can get out by raising $40,000. and if th?re is a Draft it will require $300,000 to pay for substitutes or commutation money. LOBiiumwiuuiuM "gEOEGE WILLIAMS, President. BENJ. HAEFER. Secretary. fe3-2t A WAR MEETING IN THE fcCSU TWEBTI-FOOBTH WARD. On FRIDAY. s;h in&t., aWard Meeting, to he addressed by able speakers, will be h<l«i in Commissioners' Hall, at MARKET and THIRTY-SEVENTH Streets, West Philadelphia. Ail the citizens are earnestly requested to he present. E. D SAUNDERS, Chairman Ex Com. E. Spencer Miller. Seeretary. fe4 2t TATES COLORED >wing contributions aro ac jfory Committee for recruiting nited states army: C. Sherman St Son-. $lO3 00 Ch ae. G. Sower..... lu) 00 Gso. E. Taylor 2t‘o 00 Stuart & 8r0... fr'<d 00 £h. J. Aubin I+3 00 Wm C. Kent luu 00 Work, McConch, & Co 100 00 W. Morris Davis . r») 00 B.F. Warner....... 1(0(0 Thomas Potter 200 00 F. and J W. J. & Co OO Cash 5 00 W. Rutter St C 0.... 25 oo H. Pranciscus. • 100 00 if. W. Baldwin &Co 50)00 Mrs. J. 6111 100(0 Mrs. B. W. Clark-.. Ifo 00 John McAllister, Jr 50 00 W.H. Hart 55 00 B. B. Comegys 20 oo Cash 25 00 Wash. L. Atlee 10 00 Robert Cabeen 250 00 C. L. Oram 53 00 L. C. Armstrong... 25 00 Henderson St C 0.... 5 00 J. li/ We 115.......... h 00 Brooke St Fuller.... 25 00 Albert C. Roberts. , fci) 00 T. P. ttotesbury.... 100 OO John Fagan........ 5 00 J. J 20 on B. F. Huddy 20 00 Merrick St Sons 530 00 R. Aahnrit& cions. 500 00 Jno. Gibson, Son, & Oo 250 00 J. H Earle St Son - * 103 CO Isaac Lea 250 00 J- Sergeant Price. 100 00 Welling, CoJttin, & Co W. H, Newboid, Son, & Aerteen- EdwardP Kelly B P. Hunt Bond Bros & Co rspk inviTED S' TROOPS —The folio knowleosed by the Super vis< Colored Regiments for the yi Thomas Motl.'. si,o£o 00 Abm. Barker 500 00 D. N 300 00 Samuel L, White... SOD 00 K. W. Clerk ACo-- 600 00 William Still 25 00 Cash 500 00 B. C. Lea .. 500 00 Capt. W. Whilldin. 600 iv Freetom 20 OJ G. D. Parrish 6fo 00 A. A. Konigmacher. 250 00 Furness. Brinley.dt „ Co 230 CO Tbfco. Bliv 200™ Peter Wright * Sons 500 00 Bauson Robinson. • tOO 00 Charles Rainer,.... 100 CO 8 K, floxie 25 00 George Gons 59 00 E. R. Hntchinscn , 50 00 L R. Dawson...... 25 CO Edwin Hall 50 00 John C Davis 5 00, Cash 50 00 Geo. P. Smith. 300 00 Wm. Sellers &Co . 500 OG W. C. Houston 50 00 Lindley fcmytli..... 260 00 Sharpie: s Bros 300 00 Chas. Evans 20 00 Oa«b 60 00 W. H. Lamed aCo 300 CO D. S. Brown & Co.. 250 00 Wain & Learning... 100 00 Mr. Tingle? 10 00 Horatio G. Fisher*. 50 t‘o Jessup* Moore.—. SCO 00 Lixdeay&Blakision 60 00 Cash 25 CO C. C. Server &. San.. 10 00 Smith English * Co 5 00 Cat-h 2 00 Siegel, Wiest, * ■ Erwin Subsistence C. W Wharton.,.. E. M. Davis, Jr...* L. A. Mercer Dr. J. Forsyth Meigs J. E.Caldweii & Co F. h Bndine Dr. D. Jayne Ac Bon P.B. Brise * C 0..,. Carh Phcenix Iron Co. • • • W. W. Justice A- Wbitmy * Sons Thos. J. Mesgear.* George Do; d Ca>h C A H Borie A. E Borie Alex. Whildin * Saan iers Lewis (Ist subscription)... W. G. Taylor.... Abm. B. Jterklns Henry Leybert I. Gillingham Fell 200 00i 5 0 00; 100 00: 100 00! 100 00; 26 00 , 60 00 . ICO 00 60 00 Son Atherton Blight.... W.B Abbey Charles O. .Abbey - - Charles Abbey £ Tracey^. •••*•••• flapb J. Giaham A Co. • J. B. Gould . Philadelphia Con ;' ol Pennsylvania, Edw P. Kelly Alfred Fitler... • Cash William_MiUer tribniionship D. Claike Whartou Evan Eo«er6 H. A. Dieer Samuel Cox James H. Bryson-* Cochran A Bussell. J. S. L . Jr Dialogue & Green-. Lieut L. Hart Sellers Bro Schultz D. L. Pratt RockhiU & Wilson. C. A- Pierce * Jacob W. Mont;...* Lewi*. Bros.. A Co! M Hall Stanton.... LeYick Basin, A Co. 7 a-rnall a Tri rnble* Withers & Peterson Cbas. Gibbons..... J. M. McKim John B Myers Manufacturers' and Mechanics* Bank. Gash Geo. L- Jones Chas. Smith J Emory Stone.... R. A. Tilghman.... Giratd Life & Trust Co ... R*ht. A. Maxwell.. Henry C. Davis.... Cash Corn Exchange Bh. Jas. Kimby & (Jo-< R. Stedjnan Southwark Mann* factoring Co J. S. Harmer. Samuel E. Slayma- K?B. Browne - Beading R. R, (3d tnb.).. 1,000 00 J. Gillingham Fell, (3d sub.) 200 00 Saunders Lewis, (2d • A sub )... - 260 00 Insurance Co. N. America, (2d sub.) 300 00 A. S. t& E. Roberta & Co 100 00 Thos. Webster..... 50 00 . The committee would remark for the information of the Philadelphia public, who have enabled this commit tee to more than rec eem its pledge to the War Depart ment. (“to defray extraordinary expenses attending recruiting of three colored regiments for the war, ) -hat the movementhas bean one of mirked success, and the recrui ing the most economical that has been accent* plipbed during the war. The' expense of recruiting the 64th and £sth Maseacnueetts colored regiments was over fcSQ.WO per regiment but after careful consideration of the whole subject the Supervisory Committee thought it could raise the three regiments promised the War De .partment at *IO,OOU per regiment. It has collected * - 388 (above mentioned), and on the 28th day of J age,,1393, sent the first sqaad of eighty men to Camp William On the 24th July, 1863, the Ist (3d U. S.) regiment was fall On the 13th September, 1803, the 2d (Gih U. B.) regiment Was full. On the 4th December, 1863, the 3d (Bth U. 6.) regiment as full On the*6 h January, 1864, the 4th (221 TJ. S.) regiment Was full. On the 3d February. 3564. the sth (25th U. S.) regiment lacks but a few of being full.- __ • ~ August 13tb, 1663, the 3d U. S. Regiment left Camp Wil liam Penn* and was in front of Fort Wagner when it surrendered. - • .. - _ . October 14th, 1863, the 6th U. S. Regiment left for Yvrk- January I6th. 1864, the Bth V. S. Regiment left for Hil to?^e22d and 26th Regiments are now at Camp William Penn, waiting ordtrs from the Government. Thus the committee have raised live regiments with the fund estimated as necessary to organize three. It has alßo recently opened a Free Military School at its headquarters, 1210 Chestnut street, under the care of John H. Taggart, late Colonel of the 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, and has at this time 161 scholars. AH'the students that have been sent before the Exami ners at Washington have passed, at d are now officers of Colored Regiments Two additional Preceptors have been engaged for the school—viz: an Assistant to teach Tac'icK and Aim? Regulation*.and a Professor to review the students in arithmetic and the higher mathematics, geography, and history. « The Committee having nearly exhausted the funds -in trusted to it, and believing it* power to recruit colored troops economically is by no means at an end. has as ted and received permit sion from the War Department to continue its work. It therefore solicits from citizens, and from the Banks, Insurance Companies, Railroad Companies, and other public institutions, renewed aid. The Committee feels confident that it is only necessary to call public attention to this matter to insure hs lull accomplishment. , . „ Sines the foregoing statement was compiled the foil >w in* ad iitional subscription* have been made Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Co Randolph & Jock* J. Gillingham Fell (sth subscription) Gadwal&der Biddle. A Friend.... Hy. Samuel $5,000 00 ... 1(X) 00 ... 10.100 25 00 *23 00 .... 25 00 THOM&S WBB3TEB, Chairman Cadwalapek Bidj>lk, Secretary, K A. Mbkc£K, Treasurer Philadelphia, Febroary 3.1861 «w-is phuvaselphu and brie: ka ir.- |<2£» KOaD. . Philadelphia, Jan. 18,186* The Annuel Meeting of tin Stockholders of the PMla dfllnhia ftnd Brie Bailro&d.Comp»ny will be neld. at tae Office. Nop 330 WALNUT titree" ra MON DAI, the eighth day of February next, at ten o’clock A M. At this meeting an Election will be held for Ten Mr na gers of the Company to serve for one year. The polls to close at two o’clock P. M. „ . ial9-tulhs9t EPWABD F. PAY, Sec y. THE DAVENPORT BOYS-TilK Greatest Wonder of the World, at Concert Bill. Open TBURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY Evenings, February 4th, sth. and 6th.. fe2-.St* Mto JERSEY SHORE. PINS CREEK) |(3» AND STATE LIjSB RAILROAD. —Agreeably to previous notice, a nesting of the Commlesiopera ol the above enterprise was held at the Girard House. In Phila delphia, on the 10th Inst., and after the transaction of business they adjourned to meet again at the FRANK CJa HOU6E, In Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, on THITRS-. DAY. the 4th day of February, 1864, at 10 o’elock A. M., to open books and receive subscription*, preparatory to organizing the Company. A report on the general •haracter of the route will be made by the Engineer at th plii\Snißaie. 1863. dal6-t’e4 mtSfm. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS OF Ef I THE OIL CREEK AND BIDS WAV RaILROaD COMP AN X The anneal meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held on WBOHESDAT, tbe 10* dayof February, 1861. at 1 o'clock I*. M.. at No. 4t WIL LINO’S A?lVy. Rrfadsiphl* JOSBPa LBBLBI. ja»'l3t Secretary. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1864. .. 103 00 .. 25 fO no oo 100 00 00 Oil ► 20 00 . SO 00 - 103 00 SO CO 100 00 103 00 200 00 CsUubscriptiou), W. O. ft myth A. B. Cummings. E. Hey & Bro- •• G. Hoff & Bro J. "W. Thomas.— Andrew M. Jones. W. W Insurance Co. N. America (Istsub.) Delaware Mutual Insurance Co Middnton & C 0.... Insurance Co. State MOO i 5 00 50 00 . HR 00 . 100 00 Farrell, Herring, & Go .. Morris, Tasker, & Co. Hash C. Stoddart & Bro.. Farmers’ and Me* cbanice’ Bank •««• Wm. Wharton. Jr.. Phila. Wil. St Balt. ! R.R 1,00100 i Wm. Meredith 20 00 Jay Cooke & C 0.... 500 00 L. Benkert 50 00 Evan Randolph.... 2'o 00 Beaver Meadow&• 200 00 J. W. Ryerss,...... ICO 00 Coffee & Fey 5 00 D. Hansell 50 GO Thomas Clyde. • ••»• lo) 00 W. P. Clyde-...... 6J 00 Heading Railroad, (Istsub.) 1,000 00 J. Gillingham Fell, (2d tub ) 100 00 W. 8a3ht0n........ 1500 F. J. Sylvester..... 20 CO Cash I 00 F. J. Dreer GO 03 L. Mason Mitchell, 100 CO Geo. J>. Wetherill. GO 00 Chas. Cambios 50 00 jabez Gates - -. i'» GO JohnC. Mitchell.. 00 00 American Fire In surance and Trust i Co 10) CO 1 Rev E. E. Adame. 10 00 i Beading Sailroad, ' (2d5ub.1,003 00 A Friend VO 0) • R. N. Rathburn.. •. 250 00 > Wije.Pnsey.&Co.. 50 00 Philadelphia Bank. 500 00 i Morton McMichaei. 75 00 > John Button... ft) oo Thos. Kimber, Jr-. 100 00 i A.Campbell Jt Co*. l'O 00 Horace Binney. • • • ■ 53 00 i Martin Nixon 100 00 B. R. Cope...* 50 00 i L. lungericli •* 25 0J Alex. Priestly 25 03 i Isaac M. Mo>s 25 00 •$33,553 00 fe4-thgtn3t CHERRY-STREET POHCB STA TION. FjbkoaryS. 1864 —At a Meeliae ortha POLIOS OFFICERS OF TBB FOURTH DISTRICT Reid THiti MORl*lWv, the following Preamble and Kea^lß tions were unanimriusly adopted i , Whereas, We have heard with unfeigned regret and unmitigated sorrow of the decease of our lata associate, M iPHfW w. WALKER a© officer who, by his atten tion to hts duty Rnd uprightness of conduct, msntod ihe approval of his superior officei 8 and the commendation of ail citizens thrown into contact with him, and by his uniform kindness and urbanity of manner has endeared himself to his associates: Therefore, , ... . Resolved, That while we now with submission and reverence to the degree of “ Him M who doeth all tni age well, we deeply sympathize with the sorrows of his family, who have thus been, deprive! of a kina husband ant father, aid that we will ever cherish his insmory m our heart of hearts,” as a devoted and ati-sctionu*© tiiend and associate. . .. .. . Resolved Ihat we respectfully lavite the participa tion of the whole Police force, in paying the last sad tribute to his memory, on Friday, 6- h lost , at 1 o clock, and that we will attend the fUEoral in a body, and wear the usual badge of mourning 'or thirty days; and . Resolved, That the officers of this meeting be in structed to convey these Resolutions to »he family of the deceased, and advertise them In the Press, Inquirer, and Ledger. Lieutenant A. BOWERS. Chairman. AtUat—Sergeant Tho.?. Baktttolomiw* ... •* J. UOUGHERTV. THE ANNUAL ELECTIOJI OF Of THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY Will be held on TUESDAY, February 16,, at the LIBRARY ROOM, between the hoars of 4 and 8 PM. JOHN LARDNEB, Jr., Recording Secretary. fe3-2t stulh-5t . MSBr PENKSYLYANIA FRKEDUAfI’S relief ASSOCIATION. —The Rooms of thU As sociation, at Mo- *sB* WALNOT Street, are open daily from 9 o’clock A M. till SP. 31. for the reception of do* nations in Goods, Clothing, and Books. Contributions in Money are to be handed t' the Treasurer, E, W, CLaRK, Esq., SouthTHIRD Street. jall-lm MILITARY. § BOUNTY, $385 GASH: $7OO DU RING enlistment, , FIVE GOOD MEN are wanted at 10 o’clock TO DAY. Gapt. B. W, GRAEFF, Company C. It* BROAD and SAHSOtf Street*. ' « SECOND COMPANY PEOVOST GUARD. PA. VOLS. —This Company will be mas tered THIS MORNING, at 9 o’clock. The bounties will be paid as eoon as the rolls are prepared. The Third Company la rapidly filling np. Good men should come well recommended, and apply at the Pro vost Marshal’s Office, FIFTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets, to Captain JOHN H. JACK, Captain CHAS BEEN, It Recruiting Officers. f AVOID THE DRAFT I WANTED!—ONE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MSN, for a new C&yalry Compauy, to join aa old Pennsyl vania Regiment, now in the field. Volunteers will receive ALL BOUNTIES, just the same as all other re cruits when mustered. Also* pay will commence from date of enrolment. • Apply to Captoin FREDERICK ZARRACHBR, No. 245 South Third Street. Philadelphia. Lieutenant BHRGOOD, Reading, Penna. O. S, GEO W. IRVIN. No. 120 Federal St., Philada. Q. S. THOMAS H. W ARRAU, No. 44 Washington »va nue, Philadelphia. ; .fe3-4t* S HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR. PHAL FIRST DISTRICT PENNSYLVANIA, No. £l3 South THIRD Street. Philadelphia, January 25th, IS:4. AVoID THE DRAFT By the authority of the War Department, able bodied men will be recruited by the provost Marshal of this district, for any Company in any old Regiment, and will be cre dited to ANY WARD IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA the recruits mays elect. The City and ward Bounties will be paid in cash, Go vernment Bounties by instalments. • _____ Apply to Gapt. FRED K. ZARRACHBR, fel 6t* Bearaiting Officer. VA DANA TROOP.—AUTHORITY ffliv having been granted to Captain R. W. H&m /rfvf mell to reorganize the Troop for the 21*t Ca — 1 »*■ valry, a few recruits wanted to fill the com pany. All the bounties guaranteed- Recruiting Stations. —S. W. «or. Sixth and Chestnut, and Warren Hose Boute Sixteenth and Filbert. Captain, R W. Hammel; Ist lieut., A. T. Clark: 2d lieut., A. J. Bair ~ ■ fe3-6t* NEW PUBLICATIONS. BOOK OP. INTENSE INTEREST ! A book that once taken in hand no one will lay down till THE END is reached. CAVE. SIX THOUSAND SOLD BEFORE PUBLICATION. EIGHTH THOUSAND IN PRESS. • No novel has been published that has cold so enor mously before publication. It is a story that will be read aloud in the family, and like Scott’s Novels, it will be prized for its historical va lue, as well as for ifs wonderful fascination as a atom. NOW READY, AT ALL BOOK AND NEWS STORES. J. E- TIL TON «& O O', BOSTON, PUBLISHERS. REPORT. BT BFSCIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH GENERAL McClellan. SHELDON & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. No. 335 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Would announce that they bays nearly ready Major General McClellan’s Report OF HIS CONNECTION WITH THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. FROM ITS FIRST FORMATION To which'will lie added a MOST INTERESTING INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER, FREFARED BY GENERAL HcCLELLAN ON HIS Campaign Western Virginia, And a full account of the condition of the Army* and the Military Prospects of the Country at the time of his as* sumiag Command of the Army of the Potomac, which dees not appear in. the Report as sent to the Govern* z&ent. One Vol., S*o. Illustrated with Maps. ... fe4 2c pCPJO’S CAYEI CUD JO’S CAVE! A-' Om.TO'K HAVE. ByJ. 8. Trowbridea. THE PROPHET or FIRE; Or, tbe Life and Times of Elijah. with their Lessons. ByJ. B. Macduff, D. p. GILEAD; Or. the Vision of All-Souls’ Hospital. An Aliettoiv. By J. Hyatt Smith. _ THE GREAT CONSUMMATION THE MILL ENT AL BEST iOr the World as it will be. By Key. John C in mini?. D. D., F. R 8. E. Secondseriee. _ _ THREE MONTHS IN THE SODTHERN STATES. April—June, 1868 By Lieutenant Colo cel Freemaatle. BT WINFRED’S: Or, the World of School. 60DTBEUN HISTORY OF THE Wiß. Battle-Fields ° ForValeby WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, , Kjfe4 tf COG CHESTNUT Street. pUDJO’S CAYE! CUD JO’S CAYEI! Just received by ASH MB 40 & EVANS, Successors to Willts P Hazard, No, 7»4 CHESTNUT Street. CUD JO’S CAVE. A new story. By J. T. Trowbridge. author of •‘Neighbor Jackwood/* Ac. LIFE AND COBEISPONOENCE OF THEODORE PAREER, Minister of the Twenty eighth Congrega tional Society. Boston. By John Weiss. 2vols. ,with portrait, $6. _ _ „ INEZ. A Tale of the Alamo. By Augustus J. Evans. author of “Beulah.*’ LIFE OF WILLIAM H. PRESCOTT. A superb book. THE GREAT CONSUMMATION. Second eeriw By Eev. John Gumming, D. D. _ THE WHIP. KOE. AND RWOBD; or, The Gulf De partment in ’63. By George H HepwoTth. - LYRICS O V LOT ALT V. Edited by Frank Moore. „ THE MERCY SEAT; or. Thoaghte in Prayer. By Angustns C. *J bompson, DD. fe3 A PPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN A CYCLOPEDIA. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! All desiring this invaluable book will save money by purchasing at once, as the increasing cost of manufac ture will compel an increase of price. Call and see the various styles of binding. Subscribers can bave the work complete, or take one or two volumes a month, AGJtNCH FOR THE CYCLOPEDIA, 33 South SIXTH St., above Chestnut. Second story. "RIFLED ORDNANCE—A PRAOTI- Xt CAL Treatise on the application of the Principle of the Rifle to Guns and Mortars of every calibre, -with, il lustrations, by L, THOMAS, F. R. S. L, in one volume oC Jtist Published, and for sale with a large assortment of WOlks on MIjtIITAB .y SCIENCE. • by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Publishers and Booksellers* j a 29 ~ g 5 South BIXTH Street, above Chestnut, MAGAZINES A FRENCH PAPER. QUADRILLE PAPER. Fifty Patterns. CROSS-BAR PAPER. MOURNING Every kind of Note i Eayelopes to match perfectly Also, in colors. Counting-ho Every article promptly den; ja2B-!hsthl2t CHAL] EVERYTHING AT A DISCOUNT. Portfolios, Diaries. Stationery, Frames, „ _ . Juvenile Books, Bibles and Prayers, Magazines, etc., And all New Publications of theday. jagg-mtbtf PITCHER’S, 808 CHESTNUT Street AH'non CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, Plain and Colored. „ LARGEST STOCK, BEST SELECTION, and LOWEST PRICES in the city. PITCH SR'S, jaM-mth tf 808 CHESTNUT Street. PET BOOKS. THREE CHARMING VOLUMES, BY AUNT FANNY, Author of “Night-caps,” “Mittens,” “Socks,”* ENTIRELY IN WORDS OF SINGLE SYLLABLES. THEY WILL BE BORE TO AMUSE THE VERY LIT TLE ONES. In a neat Box. Price $l.BO. Pnbli»l«4l)T WILLIS F HAZARD, ja2o-tjjl 31 South SIXTH Street. MUSICAL SKETCHES. BY ELI3E AtX poLKO. Translated from the fifth German edi tion, by Fanny Fuller, 1 vol. 16mo. On tinted paper. Cloth. Prise, #1.25. CONTENTS. „ ~ “A Mighty Fortress is onr God” (Bach) Iphtgonl* in Aulie(Gluck) Violetta (Mozart). Midsummer Nights Dream (Mendelsohn). Stabat Mater Dolorosa (Pergo lesi). The Master’s Grave (Schubert). The Cat’s Fugue (Scarlatti). Snow-drops (Weber) The Playmates (Pa- Eaninl). A Meeting (Gretry). The Convent of S-dnt ucia (Catalini). Marla (Mallbran). The Angel’s Voice (Handel). An Amati (Auderle). Fallen fctars (Fanny Hensel). A First Love (Haydn). (Hae Chabannais ho. 6 (Ga cla), A Melody (Boieldieu). Domenico Cimarosa (Clmarosa). A Leonora (Beethoven) Little Jean Bap tiste (Lully). A Forgotten One (Berger). Just ready, and for sale by all Booksellers. Sent post age free, on receipt of price, by ; , F. LBTPOLDT, Publisher, 1333 CHESTNUT street T'HBY LOOK LIKE LIFE—SO STBI KIBGLY natoral are those life-size Photographs in oil colors, executed in masterly stvie, at B F. REI- Mi.K'B new and splendid Gallery, 624 AfeCII St. 1 * TYOBYTYPES.-AMONGST B. F. -1- BEIMER'B specimens, at 624 ARCH Street, 'Will be found styles to 6uit all taatoa. Their naturalness and elaborate artistic coloring never fail to please * Morgan, orr, a 00,, steam ENOISE BUILDERS. Iron Pounders, and General MachinistsandßoilerMakers.Bo. I*l9 CALLOWHtLL Street. PhUadelabU. feSO* NEW BOOKS. HAND-VADE PAPER. DAMASK PAPER ALHAMBRAA PAPEB. LINEN PAPEB. J PAPER and Letter Paper. . ly—lnitials Stamped gratis ouae Stationery, ivered- . ,LEN, 1308 CHESTHPT. RETAII, DRY GOODS. JMNEN SHEETINGS, DOMESTIC SHEETINGS, AND LINEN. AND HOUSE FTHNISHINO DRY GOODS, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, At the lowest cash prices. SHEPPARD, YAH HARIiINOtEN, Se AKRISON, 1008 CHESTNUT Street. A l thstuSt J>ICH LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN GOODS, AND FtJKKITUKJE COVERINGS. A LAEGE ASSORTMENT . OF * ‘ NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, fe4 tlisiu 8t 1008 CHESTNUT Street, ■JLTAESEILLE3 QUILT3-0F FINE A"A- quality at moderate prices. Good Blankeis. in large sizes. Sheeting Muslins. of every width. Several grades oiilckingß. Table damasks. Power-loom Table Liaeii, damask patterns. I’l’YTfir-Joora Table llaen dice patterns S-4 BUacaed Table Damask, $1; a bargain. Uablet'ched Table Linens, a variety. Fine Towels Napkins. Nursery Diaper*. Ballardvale Flannels, 62>£ to $1 per yard. ■\VxlliamsviUe and Wamsutta Muslins. NewYoik Mills: and other good makes. Best heavy and fineBhi'time and Fronting Linens. BLACK SILKS. Just opened, a large lot, marked low. Spring De Laines and Prints. Mode Alpacas. choice shades. Printed Brilliants and 4 4 Fancy Shirtings. COOPER & uONARD. fe4 6. E< corner NINTH and MARKET St*. DRY-GOODS JOBBING HOUSES. Q.ALBRAITTI & LINDSAY, IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 STRAWBERRY STREET, would call the attentioa of the trade to the following, of which they are prepared to show full line i, viz: DRESS GOODS, "WHITE GOOD 3, BLAOK AND COLORED IRISH LTNRNS, ALPACAS. LINEN 1 HDKFS., ITALIAN CLOTHS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Ac. SHAWLS, fe4-lra* MILLINERY GOODS. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. P. A. HARDING & CO., Respectfully inform the mercantile community that they will open, FEBRUARY lOtli, 1801, Afr - No. 413 ASCII STREET, ‘ . A COMPLETE STOCK OP STKAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, Baited to the trade, and trust that prompt and careful at* temion, moderation in prices, good assortment, together with their long experience in business, (having been for the last seven years with the bouse of Lincoln, Wood, & Nichols, and their late successors. Wood & Cary,) they may merit a share of the public patronage. JVS* Orders solicited by mail and promptly exeeuted. fel-lm ARMY GOODS. 1864. FURLOU GIIS. Officers and soldiers, Tisitins: the city on furlough, needing SWO R D S And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS are invited to the very extensive MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT OF GEO. W. SIMONS & BEO., SANSOM-STKEET HALE, SANSOM Street, above Sixth. PKESENTATION SWORDS Hade to order at the shortest notice, which for rich ness and magnificence challenge competition, no other house in the country combining the MANUFACTURING JEWEIER WITH THE PRACTICAL SWORD MAKER. jaZZ-lm -pOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS & lIASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and Company Flags. Swords, Bashes, Belts, Fassants, Epaulettes, Hats, Capsj Can- teens, Haversacks, Camp Rita, Field Glasses, Spars, Ad everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers, A liberal disconnt allowed to the trade. iaS-lm Q. W. SIMONS dt BROTHER, SANSOM-STBSET HALL. PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF JE WELBY. FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY. au2B-U6m pROTHINGHAM * WELLS HAVK NOR SALB, HEAVY. MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CASTOR FLANNELS. WASH. NOTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILBGIAS. LEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. ■■■ No. la WORSTED YARN, Ac. ee22lftf PIEAVCIAE. JAY COOKE Sc 00., BANKERS AND DEALERS GOVERNMENT LOANS. 0-20 BONDS. 6 PER CENT. LEGAL TENDERS. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES. 1381 LOANS. ONE-YEAR CERTIFICATES. QUARTERMASTERS' VOUCHERS. QUARTERMASTERS’ CHECKS. CITY AND STATE STOCKS. BANK, RAILROAD, AND CANAL STOCKS AND BONDS. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission' A (all supply ol all Kinds of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Including the Hot Five Per Cent, (legal tender) TREA SURY NOTES, always on hand. Collection, made and deposits received. JAY COOICE & CO., No. 114= South THIRD STREET. LOAN 5.20 BOUGHT AND SOLD DREXEL & CO., 34 SOUTH THIRD STRBRT. ja2olCtif JOTH FEBRUARY, IST APRIL, 1864=. IST M A Y, CQVPONS 7 3-10 AND 5-30, W AN T B D. DREXEL Sc 00. QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHERS U. S. FIVE-TWENTIES WANTED. SMITH & RANDOLPH, OECOND NATIONAL BANK OF KJPHILAD ELPHIA Ffi ANKFOSD. CAPITAL *lOO,OOO. WITH THE PRIVILEGE OF IN* CREASING TO *OOO.OOO. _ • NATHAN HILLES, President WILLIAM H. RHAWD, Cashier, (Late of the Philadelphia Bank.) directors: NATHAN HILLSB. CHARLES E. KREMER. GEORGE W. RHa\VN, BENJ. ROWLAND. Ja., SIMON R. SNYDER, BENI. H. DEACON, EDWARD HAYES. JOHN COOPER. LEWIS SHALLuBOSS, , , „ , „ The Fecond National Bank of Philadelphia is now open at No 134- MAIN Street. Frankford. for ft® trans action of a General Banking Business upon, the usual Collections upon all accessible points will be made ucoa llberal terms. from thi army hospital—the Moody battle* field —the Mansion of the rieh and htunblo abode of the poor—from the office and the aacred desk—from the mountain tot, distant valley* and far-off islands of the ocean—from every nook and comer of the civilised world—ls pouring in the evidence of the astonishing effects of DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. Thousands upon thousands of letters like the following may he seen at onr office: Eehdbbttbt, Wis., Sept. 16,1863, * * * * I have been in the army hospitals for fourteen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * * Three bottles restored lay speech, and cured me. * » * %* 0- H. FLATTTIL ” Bottth Warsaw, 0., July 38. 1863. - “* * * One young man, who had been sick and not out of the house for two years with Scrofula and Ery sipelas. after paying the doctors over $l6O without bene fit, has been cured by ten bottles of your Bitters. * * * EDWARD WOUN ALL. ” The following is from the Matron of the Union Home School for the Children of volunteers: * Havembyeb Mansion, Fifty-sktunth *r * New York, August ‘2, 1863. J “Dk. Pbakb : Tour wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effict. One little girl* in particular, with pains iu the head, loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commeuced with but a teaspoonful of Bitters a day. Her appetite increased; strength and health followed. * * * * 1864. 5.20 16 South THIRD Street. PLANTATION BITTERS. EosßectltiUy, •* * * * I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. BUY. W. H. WAGGONER, Madrid, N. Y. ” •*• • * Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, ASA OURRIff, Philadelphia* Pa.” •■ * * _* i have been a groat sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. * * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me. -' BEY. J. 8. (IATHORN, Rochester, N. Y. ” •«* • * Send ns twenty-tour dozen more of your Plantation Bitters* the popularity of which is daily in creasing with the guests of our house. SYKES, CHADWICK, & OO. t Proprietors Willard’s Hotel* Washington, D. C. ” '** * * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hun dredslo four disabled soldiers with the most astonishing •Abet. G. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Soldiers' Home, Cincinnati, O.” * « The Plantation Bitters have cured me of liver complaint, of which I was laid up proetrate and had to abandon my business. H. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, 0.” * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. G. C. MOORE, Agent for Golf ate & Co., 264 Broadway,” • Jto., dto,, &o.« &0., &0., &o. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature’s great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Oliasaya Bark, Wintergreen, Sassafras, Boots. Herbs, &*., all preserved in perfectly pure Si Croix Rum. S. T—1860.-X- Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, &e<, deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities, and are warranted to produce an fttunetfiaftsbeno fioial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. JToticb.— Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters In balk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. We only put it up In our log-cabin bottles. Beware of bottles refilled with, imitation deleterious stuff, for wMoh several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp orer the cork, and signature on steel-plate side labels. Bold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. p. H. DRAKE * CO., 0013-atnAth4m 303 BBOADWAY. H. Y, INSURANCECOMPANIES. Q I It A R D FIRE .A-ISTD 3WCAK.I3STJB INSURANCE COMPANY Office, 415 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL INCOME FOR I86H: FROM FIRS INSURANCE PREMIUMS. AND INTE REST ON INVESTMENTS. ‘ $00,618 8?3. LOSSES PAID ; ..,.$29,127 £>2 And nnyaid (one of $2,200, and one of $BOO, as reported, but not in time to be adjusted before January 1* 1S&-1,) thus leaving nearly $60,000 OO Income over losses, out of which current expenses have been paid; also, two Dividends, amounting gto TWELVE PER CENT , declared in MAY AND NOVEMBER. 4S=» The Capital cf this Company is Invested in First Class Bonds and Mortgages, United 'States Loans, City of Philadelphia Loans, Camden and Amboy Railroad, and other undoubted Securities, Including balance o Cash in Philadelphia Bank, 910,140 87s This Company haibeen doing business for many years, and ranks among the safest inthe country. $500,000 Has bees disbursed by it, for the benefit of Its patrons. Within the past TEN TEARS. NO COMP AMY Excels it in promptness and fairness, in the adjustment and payment of its loeses. DIRECTORS Thomas Craven, John Thuraiey, Furman fcheppard, George H. Ashton, Charles I. Dupont, Samuel Jones, M. D., Alfred S. tbomas c: ALFRED S. Jakes B. Alford. Becretai JNSUEE NOW CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. ESTABLISHED IN 1816. CAPITA!. SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! A COMPANY that has already divided PROFITS among its living members amounting to more than TWO MILLION DOLLARS I and paid to the families of its deceased members more than THREE MILLION DOLLARS! The only company in the United States that allows a dividend on. very premium paid. The next Dividend takes place In FEBRUARY, 1861! 49* All personslinsuring immediately will participate in the gaining instantly what It takes a life*time to acquire in many other companies* securing 49*510,000 for only the premium on $5,000. 49 s * $5,000 for only the premium ou and other sums In the same proportion. REMEMBER* A Life Insurance Policy provides instantly for one's family in case of an event which may take place at any moment. INSURE NOW! \ OFFICE. 404 WALNUT STREET. WADLEIGH & TILDEN, Agents. INSURANT J. No. 406 CHKB' CE COMPANY, ITNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. . FIRE ANQ INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. Francis N. Buck, John W. Everman, Charles Richardson, Robert B. Potter, Henry Lewis, John Kessler. Jr., O. W. Davis, E. D Woodruff, P. 6. Justice, Charles Stokes, George A. West. Joseph D. Ellis. FB4NOIB N. BUOK. President. - . GHAS. RICHARDSON, Vies President. W. I. Blanchard. Secretary. ‘ jaM-w QKAPEVINE MANURE, Composed of rough pieces of EAW BONES, HORNS, AND SINEWS. Rleh in organic matter, end especially adapted to GBAPB- VINES and YOUNG TRBKB. For sale by the manufacturers, BATJQEC <& SONS, fe4-th3t* No, 20 South DEL 4WARE Avenue. TJEIMER’S CARTES DE VISHE ASH -4V are admired for their pleasing style and accnracy of likeness. Get them at SECOND Street, above Green, and you will be pleaeed with yonrcboice. * TVEAF MADE TO HEAR.—INSTRU -L-s manta to lassiet the hearing at P. MADEIRA'S. No. UN South I'JSOTH St.. below Chestaut. 03 453 MSS. 0. M. DEYOE.” 8300,000 .Too W. Claghorn, N. S. Lawrence, Jer. Walker, Jno. Buoplee, Henry W. Gray, Silas Yerkes, Jr., Gillett. RAVEN. President. , GILLETT, Vice President, ry. ja2S thstu-65 MAKTS. ■WANTED—A NEAT AND TIDY H BOV (rnm twelve to fifteen rears of a*9 H. W. corner OH FKTN rIT and EffißTH StrenW. ■ f»4-tr WANTIU-A young lady, op ’ ’ roflnempnt, desires s SITUATTO Sin a familym Seami trees, tot the take of a home. ApplT to Mo. S9J Worth SIXTH Street. i&* WANTED—A SALESMAN IN AN Commission Dry Goods House; one well acquainted with tbe city and Western jobbing trade. Address X. Press office f«4-Sc* A LADY DESIRES A SIT UAT [ON ** usi c Teacher lu a school. Address 0. B this office. w _ f©2 tutbsSt* AN EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER . fe'S® 5 employment In the BrenlnK in any capacity In which a knowleilae of bislnere conia l>e made available. Address J. P. W.Boy 12.9 V Q i2t* WANTED— IN AN AUCTION HOUSE a YOUNG MAN, good writer and cakflia tor. Address, with reference, Box 104*4 Philadelr.iU Poat Office. Salary, first year, $lOO. fe4 -it WANTED,IN AN OFFICE, A BOY, YY is to 16 years old, of good address, a fair penman, willing and tnutv. Address (post paid) in handwriting, with references. Box 46, PhD&di. P. 0., for two div K only. fe' B - 2 '* WA N T E D.-AN EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER desires a situation. UE«xcap tonable reference. Address S. J. 3469,* delphla P. Q. ta2 •WANTED—A SITUATION, BY A ” competent, experienced, and practical BOOK KEEPER. a master of accounts. Address Oppf*rtn nity,” Press office. fel WANTED-CLOTHING.—PERSONS IT having Clothing to dispose of will pleaso call on cr address C. MILLEIi, jafi-tutha&n* No. »Q 3 CHESTNUT Street. WA NT E D—A SITUATION AS Salesman, in a jobbing, eommlaßian, or Imr-oTt iaghoute. by a raiddie-ftgel man, of good habits, pw fcctly conversant with business .of all ainda, aad can give undoubted reference, Address M. C. Press Ofilco. ja29-6t ■ ANE OF THE BEST LIFE INSU '-^ltANCF.Companies in Amerieaionrely Mutual) want* an ACTIVE MAN, to represent it in this city, who has an extensive acquaintance. is a good canvasser, ana aa* some knowledge of the business. A liberal aad r>e;-;aa nent commiielon will be allowed. Address, with veal name end references, P. 0., Box 702. 1 8 3t <6F,n nnn WANTKD, UPON most t|P«-.ivy,UU4.f(j Ae3i at STB per cent., for a term or years upon centrally located Ohertaur street pfooerty, J. WAHNfiU IRWIN, fe2-flt* No. 145 South FIFTH Street, below library. (}[>£»rk A MONTH !—We Want Agents at HPUI/}}BOamonth,expenses paid,to sell our Everlasting Pencils. Oriental ßurner*, and 13otherarticDa. 15ci*ca- SB it W & CLANK. BHdeforri. Me ja.27-2rn M WANTED TO RENT—BX THE Ist of March, a three-story DWELT,ING, with three *tory back-buildings. situate between Tenth and Twoa tieth and Spring Carden and Brown streets. Address, giving location and rent. Box 1476, P. O. fei thstql2t « WANTED TO KENT OK PUR CHASE—A moderate-size, modem-built HOUSE, west of BROAD. and between RACE and PINE btroats, Address Box 1G74, Philadelphia P. 0., with terms. fc-2t-6t JSO, DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER iOBMEKAL'B OFFlCB—Philadelphia, Feb. I. Vessels WAMTED lmmeaintelT to .hit OOAi to the folioerln, point,! JSSHfo.HK Port Monroe, V». Alexandria, Va. Bewbera, a. C. Port Royal, 8. 0. A. BOYD, rtlO-tf Captain and Assistant Qua-rtermastor. ROST AMD FOUND. POUND—A ROLL OF MONEY ON A OUK COUNTER Tho owner can have the •nine# b-r calling end proving property. CHALLEN, JGOg CHESTNUT fc. treat. It* T OST—A CERTIFICATE FOR ONE -Li Share in the KENSINGTON BANK, iu the county of Philadelphia. The finder will be suitably rewarded if left at 11 and 13 STRAWBERRY Street ja26- tutbfit* MOSES FOK SAKE AMD TO KET. rl LET—TIIE SECOND,THIBD. AND FOURTH STORIES, front and bacV. on Chestnut andSsnsora streets, of lately occupied by Messrs. Hcwell A Bros., GJdJi CHESTNUT Street. Apply ou the premiees. fa 4 3t* •C’OR SALE-THE WHOLE OR HALF A : interest in a first-class Chestnut-street Photographic Establishment. Address ** F. of The Press. ■ UOB SALE—A FIRE PROOF, ME -L DrtJM SIZE, in good older. Apply to S. P. No 334 MARKET Street. fe2-St» t'OR SALE—A SELECT BOARDING- A SCHOOL PROPERTY in the vicinity of Philadel phia. Bit nation eligible for a Friends’ School. Terms easy. Address * * Ablngton, ” Press office. fel-6t* A RARE CHANCE.—FOR SALE, THE Restaurant, Dining and Drinking SALOON, 430 LIBRI&Y Street, opposite the Post Office. WiLl be sold at a bargain, if applied for soon. Ay ply at the Saloon. fel- St* pOAL YARD FOR SALE.—THE BEST fitted up Yard iu the city. Capacity for doing any arcount of bn-isoßa. Inquire at 1)50 North NINTH btreet, bfelow Giraid avenue. Terms easy jaBQ-gt* npo BENT—A VALUABLE STONE A QUARRY, situate alongside of and parallel with Chester creek, where building stone can be got oubwith great facility, there being forty feet of a breast, and but little dirt on it; not more than 25 yards from a first-rate landing. For particulars, inquire of the subscriber, on the premises. WALTER C. LYTLE. jaS9 6t* CHESTER, Delaware county. Pa, WATER POWER TO RENT.—ONE YY of the best WATER POWERS in the State of Delaware, healthy and pleasantly situated, having about thirty Cottages for hands, and a very desirable residence for manufacturer or manager. The Water Power has 13 feet fall, 2 overshot wheels, each 20 feet breast, 10>* feet diameter; said to be 70 horsepower. Mill recently burned down, will be rebuilt by the owner for either cotton, wool, or paper manufacture. The property has unusual advantages for paper-making. The owner, who resides on the property, would prefor joining seme party who would famish capital to put ma chinery into factory and carrying on the same as a wool en manufactory, or would lease the same for a term of years. For farther particulars apply to DAVID CBILLAS, fe4-lm* Newark. Delaware. TO CAPITALISTS. — A RARE CHANGE FOR A PAYING FIRST- CLAVS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT.—WiII be sold at Public Auc tion. on the premises, on THURSDAY* February 11. at 2 o'clock P. Bi., in the city of WILMINGTON, the most valuable Business Stand and River Property in the State of Delaware. The premises front on the Christiana river about 810 feet, 240 f* e; of which, are improved by new and substantial whams, with extensive warehouses and coal Bheddini erected thereon. It also fronts 30J feet on the prircipal street leading into tho city, and about 800 feet on another public road. For shipbuilding* a« well as steamboat and general shipping purposes* it is unusually wen suited. The pre mises are now uped for a general agricultural-implement depot, coal and lumber yards* and general wharf pur poses. The property will be shown by W. H. Naff* Auc tioneer. Wilmington, Del. _ _. For particulars, address S. & M. Konnett Square. Chester county. Pa. ie2 tuthsSc m FOR SALE—THREE FIRBT- Jaia.claps DWELLING HOUSES, replete with all the modern improvements, situated on GIRARD Avenuj. above Sixteenth. The above property will be soirf low forcash. and on easy terms. Apply to C. H. MUIRE HEID* No. S*Q3 South SIXTH Street. fe4-tfcsa2t* THE SUBSOBIBEB WILL BELL .aIC at private sale a desirable Property,situate in Ken nett townthip, CHESTER County* Fa.* one-half mile from Fairvilfe Station, on Baltimore Central Railroad, and about the same distance from the village of Hamor ton, containing about Forty Acres of well-improved Land, with bm’dings and fences all in good and com plete order, with running water at house and barn. There is also every variety c f Fruit Trees, in besting order, and small fruits in abun* ance. This farm presents rare inducements, being handsomely located in a pleasant and intelligent neighborhood, and having a commandii g view of the country /or miles, lor particulars, direct to TAYLOR FIERCE. feS- 3t* Hamorton, Chester Co , Fa. MFOR SALE —A FINE THREE. STORY STONE HOUSE* and LOT. situated at the ** Green Tree” Station* on the Fenneylvania Central Railroad, twenty miles from Philadelphia The House is large and modem built, with fine fruit, water. &e. For further information apply to Miss A. R. DAVIS, on the premises, or WM. T. ELBERT, ja2-stuthlm* 331 WALNUT Street. 4ftCHESTER COUNTY REAL ESTATE TF at Public Sale. On'FIFTH-DAY (Thursday) the 11th of February, 100 acres of Brandywine laud in two tracts of7o and SO acres each in Feunsbury township. six miles from Weak Chester, ia a good nelahborhood, convenient to railroads, &c. The latter is an eligible situation with gcod improvements, fruit, shade, water, &c, making a very desirable country residence. For lo cation and particulars address, J. WILSON, fe-2 3t* Darby, Fa. Mfob sale—A THREE-STOEY BRICK HOUSE, with three-story back buildings end all latest improvements. No. 814 North ELE Vi-NTH Street 1030 01* £& FARMS FOR SALE.—34O ACRES zXZ near * eaford. Delaware, near Steamboat Landing. 200 awes near Seaford, Delaware, on navigable stream, with Saw-miil, large Peach Orchard, lie. 200 acres near Georgetown, Delaware. Price only $2.600 acres near Princeton. N. J. Stream of water through the place- Price only $65 per acre. 60 acres near Abington Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. B. F. GLENN Ja3o-tf 123 South FOURTH Street. jffi PINE GROVE IRON WORKS— •ftia-FOR SALE—Rolling Mill and Forge, tenant houses, and 90 acres of good farm land with buildings, three miles from railroad at Oxford, Chester count*. Pa Ap ply to A. F. & J. S MORRIS, ja3o-6t* 91G ARCH Street. FOB SALE—PENN MANOR FARM, containing 196 acres, considered one of the beet Farms in the State; convenient to ihe railroad station and near steamboat landing, on tbe Delaware river ; first-ola.B »ement». S. PETTIT, jaS9 393 WALNUT Street. M TO LET—a COMMODIOUB DWELLING. No. 139 North FRONT Street. Bent moderate. Apply to WETHERILL A BRO.. ocSMf IT and 49 North SECOND Street AUCTION SALES. BAZAAR, NINIH AND SAN -eaSA 60M STREETS. . AUCTION SALE OF HORSES. CARRIAGES. *c. On SATURDAY MORNING next. At 10 o'clock# comprising about , FORTY HORSES. Full descriptions in Catalogues. ALSO* , New and second-hand Carriages, light W-igons, occ.« with which the sale will commence. , „ _ ... Also, single and double Harness* Saddles. Bridles, Fohes, Cover*, Whips, &c, x ’ M&- No postoonement on account of weather. *»-S*le, &e , on We'.neulav next, fe4-2tif Auctioneer, RUCTION SALE CONDEMNED STOCK r ."“W.SSwT&a WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, to the high est bidder, In WEBT CHESTER. PA . he.Sonina on the 10lh day of FEBBTJ aBJ, l£64,and con- Cifnina f/om day to are ><»4. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Hoises will be sold singly. Teimscash, in Unitfed States Treasury notes. JAMES A. ERIN. fel-9t>* Chief Quartermaster Cavalry Bureau. CTEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS FOB SALE —1 pair of low-pressure, double acting vertical beam ENGINES, with S6«inch cylinders, and 7 fett strike, having a 20-feet-gear flywheel, with 134 cogs. Length of cog 18 inches, and 4 inch pitch. Also, a jack-gear of 52 teeth. These Engines are rated at 400- hor*e power, and were built by Corlies Bi Nightingale, of Providence, and are exceedingly smooth- working and substantial machines. The two cylinders can bo operated as one machine* or separately- They would Bhella. Each Boiler ha. 20 flees, 6 and.lD inches mdl cold for no fanltc: Engines of caSJ«>Sjai aDpUcatloa atth ® H fe2 trnhtf 6 MILLS- BaIem jOHN'KtLBURN, Agent. T» EM OVAL —THE OFFICE OF Me li ELROY'S CITY DIBBOTORY has been removed from 13* South FOURTH to 800 CHESTNUT and 10. E South SIXTH Street, second door. fe2-3tlC* , A. McfiLROY. AMUSEMENTS. NEW CHESTNUT- A* STREET THEATRE IMMMMBB SUCCESS of ihe euporh production. T«m •■'Hvt ->r’* magnificent drama, THE TICKET- OF- LEAVE MAH, which will bo again presented THiS wlfcfc. itM f-aperior.cast of characters, elaborate and gorgeona ►cenery, by Messrs. J. K. Smith and D. A. Strong, toil* liant mnetc. by KoppUz; elegant and appropriate pro* parties, machinery, and appointments, which haw *t. by universal acknowledgment. one Of the FIIsEST PRODUCTIONS JP BE SENTED TO A T AUDIEMjbT Look at the bills of the day for the strongest array of names erer, eW*a in a cart of this ma*niflceiit drama* which is still attracting to the principal theatres of NeW York and Boston larger crowd* than their groat capacity can accommodate fea-s mfiT he men red thr®* Artr \r, advance. Mj>B. JOHN i)KEW’S NifiW AIiUH.- 6TBRRT THEATRE. SI&6T WEEK FIBBT WEEK * OF MISS CHARLOTTE THOMPSON. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY. LITTLE BAREFOOT. AMRTE (Little Barefoot) MISS THOMP3OW. ................ Barton. Hitt. tfam- Stuart Kobisa. f io conclude each evening wltb a , FAVOKITK COMEDIETTA. in wliicli P.uljKon, Marlow, Griffiths, Mlsros Haarr. Curr, and Pr‘re wilt annnax. FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF MISS THOMPSON. Cm tain rites at I'A o’clock. frl-it W ALNUT - STREET THEATBE. tc* i7 HI 1 S v ( a W ? T) .? EBI) AY> EVENING, Feb. 3d, Ih^SfarmiDff 1 Snn^ 6 r H ,larit farewell emtaxompat “• ,< £sBiffii WS¥ l i ,^* erl ““ actr9BS - Who Appears nillhtly to th, Israeli anil ienniw aver u. ""“ids4 h ir« 8 o a ‘aai*' - risen at A OADEMY OF MUSIC. TAB ORATORIO OF THE MESSIAH By Handel, as performed by the HANDtL A EAYDR SOCIETY OP PHILADELPHIA* With so much success, on Christmas nicht lajit. hv the irenerone otter of lie Society, will be reproduced ON FlCll'AY EVENING. FEBRUARY G, im, At the AcHf’emv of Alnslc. FOB THE BENEFIT OF THE V. S. CHRISTIAN OOH- JtfISbIGN. The solos and concerted pieces will be performed by tii a first professional and ametear talent of tuuc ,< unity. sustained by the . ENTIRE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA, And a chorus of over t<vo hundred voices. Tickets fifty cents. Seats reserved without extra charge. To Iks obtilned at the following places; J. E. Gould, Severtk and Chestnut streets: G. Andre. 1104 Chestnut street; Lee & Wal' **r, 722 Chestnut street; Athmead & Evan*, 724 Chestnut strusii V 7. fl, k Alfred Martien, 606 Chestnut street. The sale of tickets will commence on Monday. Feb. l«t. at 0 o’clock. > j OF MUSIC. THE GERMAN OPERA COMPANY will commence their season, on _ MONDAY EVENING. Feb Bth. The Opera nights will be on onday, Wednesday, and Friday Ereoinsp.and a Mattnue on Saturday afternoon 1» pOMPLIMKNTARY SOIREE MILL TAIKB TO MAJOR G. ECKBNDORFF. “WYER’S ACADEMIC CADET*," of the West Chester Academy and Military Institute, wm. F. Wyers a. M., Principal, have tendered to Major G. Eckeudorif. their Military Instructor, a GRAND UOMPbIMENTARY SOI REE MILITaIRS, to take place at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, on TUESDAY EVENING. February!). Secured Seats 60 cents. To be obtained at Gould’s, Se venth and Chestnut streets. Single Tickets 25 cents. Can be bad at Rlsley’s, in the Continental, or from Major Echendorif. 1901 Coates street. le4 St* T7BNST HARTMANN'S J-J SECOND MATINE3. AT THE FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUaC. To be given on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, February 6th. At One O’clock, Mr. HARTMANN takes pleaiare in annoancluff (fen* hie SECOND MATINEE (postponed In conseaac-nee of severe Illness) will take place In the Foyer, at 1 o'clock, on Saturday, tb@6th nf February. PROGRAMME SECOND MATINEE. 1. LlSZT—ScbUlerraftrach. 2. CHOPIN- { I K, r f,l l "' le G I?/, 14 ' 3. MENDELSSOHN -Two “onirs withoat worda. 4. LI^ZT-CampanelladeFasanial. * fBCHUMANH—Bonanza. a t FELLiK-Taranteile. 6. CHOPJN—Polonaise. A flat. Subscription Tickets taken lor both the Matlny-w wilt be aood for this one. Single Tlcke.s, 50 cents. Great national circus TBOUPB. MARKET BTREbT, Directress—Mrs. former!r iCn*, DA.2I RICE. The BB&-*on will food close, therefore take time hr the forelock, end stand not npon the order of yoai going, buigoatoncc, and be delighted with tli*» petfjrra*ncn* of the GKfcAT NATIONAL TROUPg, who will appear every evening this week in a grand revolving scenic panorama of classic art, brilliant achievements, unparalleled equestrianism, thrilling scenes, sports, and pavtin es of the ring. AritDlw-ion,?scents; Stage seats, 60 c«*tus\ Privaie Be*, $3; Gallery, Ift cer ts Uummenclng at 7.40 each evening. Matinees on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY After, noons, commencing at 2K < 'clock. Great Benefit to EATON nTuNJS, MONDAY EVENING February Btb i»Bt. :>l-6fc THE PATBNPOKT boys for THREE NIGHTS ONLY at ' . CONCERT HALL. The greatest PHENOMENON ever witnessed since the dajs of the Apostles MYSTERIOUS DISrLATS and STARTLING WONDERS are produced In their presence. Go and see them THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY EVESIHOS, February 4th, 6th, ana 6th. Admission .50 cents. G allery.... . .25 cent* Poors open at 7 o'clock; commencing at 7& o'clock, beats can be tecnred at tbe office oftne Hall during the day yritbonUxtra charge. Open from 9t012 A. M., and 2 to 4 P. M. M-gf CON C BBT HALL LECTURE BOOM CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE TWELFTH POSITIVELY THE LAST WEES BUT ONE WUNDERLICH’S A leriss of iUmtrations of T. S. ARTHUR'S TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR-ROOM, AX>SO. JOHN BUrfYAN’B PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. And other attractive Scene* from LIFE, CHARACTER, NATURE, and ART, Proprietor and Manager .Mr. JOSEPH- VERET, will continue for a short season. This splendid series of more than 100 grand P&noramfe Paintings was executed by Mr. GEORGE WUNDERLICH, an American Artist, who stands unrivalled as a scenic Painter. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 oents. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Liberal arrangements made with schools, temperance* and other societies, M&tlntio every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock Children 10 cents. M-3ft TEMPLE of wonders. a ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. TENTH and CHESTNUT Street*. WILL SHORTLY CLOSE. MAGICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL EXPERIMENTS; Great Powers of VENTRILOQUISM, and.the LEIRNBP CANARY BIRDS. SIGN OB BLITZ will appear in his popular Entertain ments EVERY EVENING, commencing at 7K ttd WEDNESDAY and SATUKD AY AFTERNOON at 3. Admission 26 cents; Children 15 cents. QI GN OR BLITZ-ENTERTAIN. MENTS, ASSEMBLY BUILDING, will be POST PONED until TO-MOKROW EVENING. It* PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF A THE fine arts. 19»5 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DaILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. NIC 6 P- AL Admission 26 cent*, Children half price. ja.23-tf EDUCATION Ali. CCHOOITbF DESIGN FOR WOMEN, O No 1334 CHESTNUT Street, (opposite the Mint.)— The February Term commences February l*t. and end* July Ist. Sessions daily (except Saturday) from 9 till 8. Tuition sl7per terra, THOMAS W. BRalDwood, feS-et PrjpcipiL THE SPRING TERM OF MISS * STOKES’ SCHOOL, MAIN Street, above SCHOOL, Germantown, commences February 1. The Object Syi*- tem will be introduced in the Primary Department. ja2S fit ■ • ■ •• ■ POMMERCIA.L COLLEGE. V-/ A FORTUNE IN AN EDUCATION. A HINT TO ASPIRING YOUNG MEN. The readiest means of honorable and lucrative em ployment is in a thorough, education for business. A full preparation in the science of Atcounts.Commercial Calculations, Commercial Law, Business Penmanship. Business Correspondence, Forms, &c.,ca» be acquired by spending a few weeks, either day or evenlyirak BRYANT, STRATTON, & CO.’S NATIONAL COMMBR CIAL COLLEGE. 8. E. corner Of SEVENTH and CHEST NUT Streets. This institution affords facilities acknow ledged to be unegnailed by any other In the State. Business men and others are respectfully invited *• call and examine our Publications and other facilities for imparting a thorough practical Business Education, jafl) 7t* _____ RORDENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE, A> BOBDBNTOWN, N. J. This Institution is pleasantly located on the Delaware river. IK hour’s ride from Philadelphia. Special atten* tion Is paid to the common and higher branchee of ABOLISH, and superior advantages furnished in Vocal and Instrumental Music. FRENCH taught by native* and spoken in the family. For Catalogues, addresc Bev. JOHN H. BKAKELEY, A. M., President, VILLAGE green seminary, V BEAK MEDIA. PA. -Pnpils nceived at aay tlsna. English Mathematics, Classics, and Natural bcienoee taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and OIyJ. ett- Klneerins taught. Entire expen»es about *3 p-r ttook. Boys of all ages taken. k'efern to H Eawi. Sheriff; John c. Capp & Co., No. 23 South Third street: and Thomas J. Clayton. Esq., Fifth and Prone streeta, Address Bev. J. BAiIVEY BABTuN, A. M., Village Green, Pa. ioo»tf COPARTNERSHIPS. /COPARTNERSHIP.—THE SUBSORI BER is temporarily located at 15814: GHUROH ALLRtI in the DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUBINESB. where buyers will find a good stock of Cottons and Woolens by the package. And agent for the sale ol Springfield Prints, fall madder. f € 4*3t LEGAL. rff THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE CITT AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JAMES SMITH, deceased. The Anditor appointed by the said Conrttoandit, set tle, and adjnet the flret and Snal aceoniit of N APOL.KO* KEBOUL, Administrator of the Estate of JAMbe s»iru. deceased, and report dlstrlbntlon of the balance in hte honrift will meet the part'e* Interested* for t«o purpowa Sf hi s’ appMntmeßt on "ONDAT lßth day of faaiiWT. 1864. at 4P.M . at his Office,_«o6 WALNOT btM#k. city of Philadelphia. WILLIAM BBNST, fc4-thstn« ' Auditor. fob mince pies. BUNCH. LAYER, AND SULTANA RAISINS, CITRON, CURRANTS, AHD SHOW,’ CIDER. WIRES, A«., «l ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Oroeeriei. Cornet ELEVENTH and VINE BtreaU. UT BIGHT’S ” n ™ BDl^Cl> MB AI, WHOLBSALS AJTO KJTJJI., ,«»[»« OABBS* A*B WKLrB.STBM;^ CORRECT PIANO TUNING. niffl-Mr. 0 B-SAROENT-i Ordats for Tantag and Repairing Pianos ara received at MA6OHT a UV. TI Store. 90T CHESTHDT Street, only, , M™S. his had eleven years'factoryaawrienceittße#. .oft an* sweet-toned as new. without rtmovmff. Terms for Tuning. $l. BBADBtJBY’S GOLD ME DAL wars awarded BBVKH FIRST PBi7Sfi IN podß WEEKS, dnrini the fall of 1863 The iSfaitterina testimonial" have recently bees received ™om a large number of tbe moat eminent arttata, Ia *IndISSiTTSCHALK, MASON, AND WOLFSO3N. who declare that the lnatnunenta posaeaa, in the-hiahon degree, all the essentials of a 11 PERFECT PIANO-FORTE. Q. ANDRE at CO . 110* CHESTNUT Street. JOHN li. OAPBN, PHRENOEO 'fijr# GIST* may'beconsulted. IVJL.T wdS.VRNINQ.fiiL TV? adaptation to Business. and Profession: on the improvement of healthy correction of fenlte, formation of friendship*. *c. Fall (de scriptions of character ilvea when required at »o. 8. TMfTH Street, above Ohaebnut. wB-thetn6mrf_ ■VTOTICE—THE FOLLOWING OEB -Lv TIFICATBB of STOCK in the Mew York and Middle Coal Fitld Railroad and Goai been lost or mislaid* the undersigned would. herobr *ive noth e that be has made application to tbe C*tai>uur r<* laane of new Certificates: , Certificate Ho. SKfot BS> «hpi Do. do. »13 do. 200 do. * button ste*M:**aiwb«MV ABOVE TWELFTH. ZOGBAPHICON WILSON EVANS. ocH-Bmtt
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