icart—Chestsitat Paoa h b B Fletcher. St Jo s, Broom. Washington wimp. Waehin-ton b Wazding. Waitirn Dialone ScOrader. U S A nes Gran Moore Johnston ylor. Rochester, N ‘k H Taylor.Roch'r aver. Delaware thaleepeare. Del )akespear.s. Delaware J Miller, If 6 re match 31Nr31.ad Idler & la. Del mkb, P/21.Da. anry, Raw York ker. Sta....eacb.DeAte fray Louis-cheaniat lags. New York app. U S N Sanfr rd. U S N les Smith. New York les Moore. New 'York 'Talton. Beverly.N s Wentworth. N antworth ate, Lancaster imam. EcelieFter Taylor & la. N Y teary. Delaware ) Wenzel. Cincinnati Drllaad.Lpacenwortl) and. NLW Tack dorrif4, I) 8 a ew York oldtira art. 13:nnon dden & ref, Li artrd,Ct We tlntosi—Areh agree% above Thitra.. lisw. Illinois ID B Bolds]. Pottsv , i 10 rote. New York ' he Ho McKee, ID vscon Isom Ns wlow a ' efin H °tinkle, 1 11, A Vest & lads' II W Wood vv., -.'. I_o , m ;lOWA ICH Sigmund &.14-_,Pzral• ' , Avis 10 'L Bsliard• New" -r-. k sigma, Philada gels... L 2+ N i j 'iLei r s e ce n,, t r o; , i , l n e.:F .B r a o i r t ,Lehman, Ohio !Lis A Naati•ton. 1 I. • L,1,..5. Studtbakar, 0 10 factteia is. IlluttEville ley Sheaf—Second street. below Vita, An. U S A . PoiaLason, tiocko co incase, ii.entev. Ala Timothy Hay, 110 , Ect0WA TM Fox , )cro. Seta Ely, Newtown T od. pcsleatown i , 'Taylor. Dt,rwrown Blair. re7l.S . Lewis Widdeflelci, Penns Parry-, Attleboro • d Szradling. Poona ree. Penns Stradlinsr. Penna. ericir. Peoria J Davis, Bilak9 00 '..wbol.d. Veartown L Blackmon, Doyle_toWn TLI, Thies r- ,:O , R.f Smith. Rock. CO 6:AV-, ilacia CO Hunt eria. Nark: , co S Woodlanrst, Penns Polk, BgCte 0 , 1 W L Scofield, Poona AL Pearson . SglebUry I` Seofinld, Peoria Cason. lterriown Isaac Brum, Poona Wright. Bucks co B Atki ason, Wriabrsiown 'ore. Boots co John Scully, Newtown ;Palmer. litlsewood. . Union —Brarki 'Ham Jr. Baltimore Swim- Fort Let Ward &to Peena WPtrwer, Ti imetson. U S N Vilson, I , i6w York Atkin on, U S New Fork New JerseY tz. Penal". Roach. Virg'aia hwart. New Ceetle Dawson, t'svi , Castle Emithsou, New Castle Grow, Pettna Clack Bear—Third lemmerer. PFnra iI3IDeS 6c la, Carbon co -ackaytu. Pellllll Doylestown ;Terkel', Hartsville tomlhumm. Kybei ry Byberry a Toad:neon. Byberry W Knight. Feasterville Knight, Feast ery Me A VanartBdalen : Pa B Vagartsclalen. Pa Vanartsthtlea, Penna. EMIL fawner 2007 PWCh. DJigWara P Balm& iderram, Joffay. bt Loais s Pratt Potts as Orawfold.ltiew Tern,' Dubois,,Peuna ihn Brockermn - r. Wilra'n D gendrie,U b National—Race O B Spencer. Scranton A 0 Davie, Watertown. Gt J H Beaver, WiEconzin Watts Lbaburg, itenton T T Worth. Lebanon A J Arnold. Lebaaon Robt Ger. Pottstown E Light. Lebanon. Mount Vernon—Sec H Snyder. liar:lo=g Roberts. Auburn P ni Gener. vile H m L P, t±aeille O oody. R Williams. Salem. I H %Robison, Nancy, ra mazrin Mad Jratgle--Thircl ■ H Gabriel. Allentown W A. Hamemly. Allentown A W ve. Leh igh Co Cherryyille T Co %leek. Lehi rh co P Bartholomew. Milford B Brown. Byberry BILIIIIIIIIOI Ilotel—T Lient AY Morris. II S L Hunt, N.w Jersey John. clay. Trenton. IT 3 Chas I. Baker, WiEcheeter Jan Keefer, Wind:el:ter John Traner. Lamb-n:1. Muillen—Second Voorhis, Mount Pwasant 0 W Dewees. New Jersey B. Weleb. Pennsylvania J P Meßnillin, Mass Chas Mortimer, N 0 SPECIAL NOTICES. ODM TO LYDIA LARKSPUR. EY TEM _BARD OF TOWER HALL. I charge thee, Lydia. to declare "WbY you, with fascinations rare, The heart of Tommy Hobbs ensnare. And kesp him from the geld. Where praise and honor might be won By'deeds of noble daring done; Bay, why is he. like Thetis' son. Ingloriously concealed? By your persuasive arts detained, . By you enchanted and enchained. Tom Hobbs from glorious war abstained To worahip at your shrine: And know you not, my gentle Miss. _lour conduct most unlawful is, When you. at such a time as this. That youth at home confine? Oh, Lydia, let your captive go To meet the tierce rebellious foe; And, mere your tenderness to show; Give him this kind advice: "Mete lit et to Tower Hall. my dear. Provide your self with proper gear, Which there may now be had, 1 hear. At very moderate price." Balance of 'Winter Stock selling at reduced prices. All kinds and grades of Military Clothing, ready-niade or made to order, a t lowest prices. HEADQUARTERS 9TH ARMY Coßrs. SPECIAL SERVICE. Raw Yong, lan, 23,1&64.® ISPECIAL ORDERS, No. 3.3 1. All officers and men belonging to PENNSYLVA NIA. BROIMIIIITS, attached to the 9th Army Corps, now ab sent from their commands on recruiting or detached ser vice, and all furloughed men, will report for duty to Captain JOHN A. MORRIS, A. Q. M., in charge ci? re cruiting (service for 9th Army Corps, at ILAILIIIIIBLISC. Penna. By command or Maj. Gen. BIIRNSIDE. EDWARD M. WEILL. Asst. Adjt. Gen. ja29-13t COLGATE'S 110 SOAP. This celebrated TOI L SOAP, in such universal de- _ 1~ 4 - IT beneficial in its action upon tke skin. For sale by all Diuggista and Fancy Goods dealers. ja26tuthely MiLECTRICITY, HY A PHYSICIAN OF LONG enrperience. and Who gives his whole attention to ite proper application, at 1418 SOUTH PENN SQUARE. Philadelphia. Certificates. references, and examina tions/rte. ja3o-tf DAL - Wass rEBTENTIAD- GRAY HAIR BR STORED WITHOUT DYEING. "London Haft Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. " • 'London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." ,the only attested article that will absolutely restore the hair to its original color and beauty, ceasing it to grow where it has fallen cd• or become thin. W h oleeale and retail at Dr. SWAYNB'S, 330 North street. Prise 50 cents: six bottles, $2.50. AVOID TER DANGERS OF A COUGH—TAKE DR. SWAINS'S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY, ;the greatest known rented)/ for curing SEVERE COUGHS. CONSUMPTION. ARTHMA, BLOOD-SPITTING, BRONOHTTIS„ WHOOPING COUGH, BORN THROAT. WEAK NERVE& PAIRS. SIDE, BRBAST, LIVER COMPLAINT, NIGHT SWEATS, - PLEURISY, ALL PULMONARY COMPLAINTS. • For thirty years it has bean a standard remedy, curiae tb.e mast 'obstinate omen after all other rarnadlas and treatment had failed. The original and only/ genrang Wild Cherry Compound is prepared by DE. S -VON. $BO north SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. It - LoaIALL's Ataliougg, .103. THE RAIL. .41KBOLIBIS ifOISTINIL ODORLTES. mugoTaus, urviewukTm. mOualum& ZUBELLIRFLIB A PURELY VEGETABLE COMPOUND. made entirely ein stimulating entracte of BOOTS, HERBS, AND FLOWERS. Prevents the hair falling out or from turning previa n.rely um. Ladies who desire a lunnriant bead of air should not fail to give the AMBOLINE a trial Pries SI ter box. containing two bOYUBIL YRHYABBD ONLY BY KENDALL Jr CO.. 508 BROADWAY. New York. Lassre IN YBILADMXHIA. JOHNSTON. HOLLOWAY,. 1k COWDKN. IsT-mirstut No. 23 North SIXTH Street. RAUL DYE I HAIR. Dn.!! SATOHILOR% celebrated HAIR DYE ft the Nest die Ski World. The only Hares/ear, True. and Reltabk DVS knows. Thba splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Rad. Busty. or Gray Hair. inetently to a mossy Black ar Natural Brown. without tabular the Hair or stain. pa the Shin. leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful: ize• farts fresh 'vitality'. frequently restoring Its Brigtine yoke. and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. Ths ZINDLDLO is Shysad,WnasSlS. A. BATOR/Mow; all others =a mere imitations, and should lc avoided. Sold by ill Dynyyboa. Ae. 71.0T08Y, 81 BARI:114Y Street. law York. Batchelor% new Toilet Creme for Dressing Jibs Zak. Oxii-Patos CLOTHING, OP THE LATEST arum& made in the Best Maxixter,expressaT for TarritiL BALM LOWEST Boffins Prices marked in Pion - Rpm 411 geode made to Order warranted krry. Oai Oxs•Psms Simms to 'Wetly adhered to. AU are Llierabi treated alike. 411eXt4T JONES ei CO.. 604 thBEZT Street. DB. SIFICAVB INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Man loadootto imatoOrttoltr "ad woo aovor 'roma to roti.. street. above intik, C S Fithian, Bridgton, ti G Bright &tinn' YoDavit's James F Smith, Beading Dunn, Huntingdon W H Harr, afiitan D W Chambers: New York B P Tiffany. Rhoda island JGodfreY. Bsr'in' Md H D Frye. New York W Hearinit• 17 h Thos MeLeary : NeW York st J sywn. U e.. 11 Robert Do Ibis, New Jerse y I Dußois. New Jersey Tames L Wbitiker. .1i J Obsrles Johnson Litiat W A Hagbea. II S H 2. Smith Wm Lippencott, Wtho,Dej A Pa Bois, AlsrEs Jos-loy W B Higgins. New Jena' street, above 242 I IWL Jas Yirkery.ll art for C t Richard Hazar I. Nowa r , l Charlza lug% St wf. T F Stone, New York Thomas Rodman, N J John H. Weaver, Haig WPM Ross, Canyten. 1):1 P Louis, New Jersey FLextusterger. Poona Mrs Jo . in., Mo,rvland. K Thomft.s, IT S N . . - S Crabs & eon , . Re.aiine Ezra Miller son,l3,,adlng J H Dotter Prey- R I Cap! Wayne, TIS N Dire J D Bird, New York Chew li LeWiS. Ciztelaami T J Yorke, Jr, Salem N I Mhos L Milner, Penna t arreet above D Harmony. New York AM Mullin. Harrisburg C Wl3h7, CUestor 97 EL .Prenelr, Waynesboro N Pester. Penns. W Harler. Ohio W apraaue. Ohio G Waters Jas Williaraa O'Toole. J *Daiwa% New York; &w.DelaWaro Plies Henderson& sin, .1111 frir Walker t., above Callowb4ll , ♦ C Vanartsdalen t ln. Pa Isaac Troxler. rordlesville _Road& Somerton nos Winter& nu citinghm John - Willard. Socklughara L & Appleton, Attmooro Oliver JannsY, New town Gee Heelde. Bardebnr4 Eli Cadwatader, Dorlel“vn John Nash. Warrington PA Amos Yocum. Doylestown 8 H Woodward, Moreland Isaac Wol'. Danooro est. s.lbere Chestnut. Dl. Leedom, Nr.{W , P:lll At Pennock. Cce-kter co John P ES May hall. Chestor Co E J Buckley. diarrand J W Doylesworn J A Straw oridge.Gnei.er co .fns W Fa don. Beano. , Jacob Heilman, Ponta 1H Hodgkin& Oxfod, Pa M Barton, Oxford, Pa eet. above Third. John Templeton. (Wen° is E. 'Steller, Rem:lb:or Seidel Pannsylvania L B Seirde, lowa Thompson & son. lowa J Kennedy. Corecrall N C Boardman, New York C Ozkamp, Gin, 0 , nd St., above Aral , : IRidgway CI Mount. Trenton Sos ti Mount, Trenton, N J Dr R Gulick. New Jersey John A Lessig. Potteville J B La Monc, Harrisburg H A Reny. Reading eet. above Callowlitii. J Slemmer, Alloatovra C M Lelmentang T S Leisenring C D Beans. Backs co W Bea', Backe co M Harritv. Backs co II 0 D Bank • street. above Race Jas Hopper, Delaweve Cbas Boland. New York A B Slater. Hackettstown Tag Shaw, lowa H B Chase, Dover. N H Wm P Twichel, York, Pa rept . , above Market. 'Joke. G Miner. NerrY.rk J Whiply, New York 3 L Wyckoff. Strondeba-g J 8 Becton , Newtown B Newbold. New Jersey TOWER HALL, 518 MARKET Street. BENNETT & CO ~,f:c~:►b:~ WATCHES ! WATCHES I WATCHES JEWELRY! JEWSLRYI JEWELRY I SILVER-WARE! FANCY SILVERWARE! GOODS. SILVERWARE! DIAMOND AND PEARL JAWELEY. 0 I-I. GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE, SIXTH AND MARKET, WANAMAKIR .t: BROWN. Aar SELLING WINTER STOCK VERY CHEAP. x~a~a.~~x~a. CI7LPIMT—ATKINS —On the 27th Inst.. In the Fourth. Presbyterian Church, by the Rev, W. M. Rice. Joseph Culbert, Jr,. to Mars J. Atkins, all of Phijaielotiia. TIIENIS4 —WOODROW. —On the 21st nr.tant, at the Commercial Hotel. Sixth street, below Msrket street. by Friends' ceremony. bef,re Alderman J. Plankint on. Mr.;,Thomas Furntss to Miss Emma Woodrow, both. of Lancaster County, Pa. s:›lmark OOL.B. —On the E.Oth inst., Ha lt. B. Ogle. in the .45th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are resptctfutly ir cited to attend. the funeral. from his late residenee. Mcnaynnk. on Sunday, Jan. 31st. at -2 o'clock. [New 2 ork and Boston papers please COPY. l * LIPPINCOTT- —On Sixth-day morning. the 29th last . Sarah, wife of John Lippincott, in the 98th year of her ae. Tle relatives and friends of the family are particularly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband,. No 471 Marshall street. on Second-day next, Second malty, let. at 2,o'clocic, without further notice. 7nteimoat in Friends' Western Ground., __ CARitIALT.--Qn the 29th inst., Samuel P. Carmett, near Frienderville, Pa. aged al years. DGEriELLY.—Gri Wednesday, 27th Inst.. Elizabeth. Intent daughter of Ignatius and Kate Donnelly. BATON —On the 28th in. tent, after a short Illness. Elizabeth Lecher, eldest daughter of Henry Cl. and Ainanda Baton, aged 3 years 11 months and 1 day. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral. from the parents' residence. No. 434 Taster street, on Saturday afternoon. at 2 o'clock. SEILWBLL.—January 28th, IBM Joseph B. She Well, in' he 4lat year of his age. The friends and relatives of the family. the - members of Concordia Lodge. No. 67. A. Y. M.. Farcelsior Mark Lodge, No. 216, Columbia H. R. A. Chapter. No. Al, are Invited to attend his funeral from bis kate residence, Rit tenhouse street, below Green. Germantown, onlifonday afterrionn,at 2 o'clocy.._ _ _ PREITTY.—On the Sgett inst _MAIM Blizabeth. daughter of Henry and Mary Pretty, aged 17 months, and 13 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respeattellY invited to attend the fanerat. from the residence of her parents. Falls of Schuylkill. on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Royboreugh. ** SUPER BLACK - SILKS.--BE9SON SON'S MOURNING STORE. No. 918 1111ES1 NIIP Street have onened a new stock of super Black Silks. $1 25 to 834 Si% a Yard. Black all-wool Mousseline, double width. Tamise Cloths. and White. Pare.° and Gray Chintzes. and White-striped and Plaid GRIM:Lams. " and White Dalai/lea, MU cents. Grenadine TeiM. Alexander's Black Bid Mous. plain and emb'd. Second-Mourning Balmoral7kirts. ja.lo WHITE SELVIDGE BLACK SILKS. DRAP DE, LYONS —These aro a very superior grade :of SILBF, warranted durable, and fine Pads .13.1ack, ordered for our best alb trade. ja2B KY Ttg & LANDELL. 'WIDOWS' SILKS, - WITHOUT GLOSS. Royal Armures. Corded Gros trrain. Heavy Black Poult delioke t . ja2B s 1. Alimina.,. GEA.R.PASTOR OF THE VEST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, will Preach in the Chapel, corner of FRANKFORD Road and MONTGOMERY Avenue, SABBATH, at 10.34 A. M. and 7;4 P. M. Young men cordially invited to attend. It crAtivronv IL STEW IP. CHURCH. inir TED TH. below Spruce street. Rev. Daniel lilarcl), pastor, will be open for Divine +service on TO MIOW (Sabbath) EVaNING at 736 o'clock. le MREV. DR COX, OF BROORCYN. N. Y.. will p. each at the First Baptist chum , Broad and Arch streets. TO-MORROW at 10.304 M and in the evening at 7.30 it MTHE REV. DR. WASHBURN, REC tor of St Nark'e, wtil {' . each, by Divine permits eion. at the Church of the Nativity. Eleventh and Noma Vernon streets, on SUNDAY everraur at 74' o'clock. * L . TIM NI S 3R. F. IF. S OF LIFE.— FOURTH LisCTURE TO-MORROW ON LIFN. by Rev. L. L. BMOCS. Pastor of the Church of the Mes siah. LOCUST. east of Broad street. ' mr - mazu-mis's M. E. CHURCH, M . GRRHANTOWN. Missionary Sermon, ¶'). reoRROW. at 11134 A.M. by Rev BISHOP 'SIMPSO. and at 7 P. M . by Rev. J. F. CHAPLAIN. It. IMTHE NEXT ONE OF REV. DR. COX 8 Lectures will to at the HALL of the UNIVERSITY. on MONDAY EVENING, February 2d. Tickets at the door. ja.30.2t. REV:A DI STEWART. CHA.PLAIN of the 102 A Pennsylvania Volunteers, will preach in the Rev. Dr. DALE'S GELUBCII. on SABBATH EVENING. and present the moral and spiritual wants of the array. MTHE MODEL HEN OF THE EL. LR. —The next Sermon in this 00111110 wilt be preached In the Church of and CHESTNUT. TO-MO the Epiphany , FIPPEFaurn BROW Evening. Service at half past seven. Young mon are cordially invited. . IMNEW ENGLAND SOLDIERS' RE LIBP ASSOCIATION —A meeting of the Associa tion for the Election of Officers. will be held on HAN- D /Y Evening. Feb. Ist, at Thirteulth and Chestnut, at S 'clock. [ja3o 2t) Per order, JAMES B. ALVORD. IMe UNION M. E. CHURCH, FOURTH Street. bolo.' .Arch.—Preaching by the Pastor. Nev. PRAPCKLIN MOORE, D. D.. TO. ManillW morn ing at Wa" o'clock, and evening &Kg o'clock. Prayer and Experience Meeting at 634 o'clock P. M. 11* THIRD REFORMED DUTCIi ORDROH. corner TENTH and. FILBERT Streets. The Rev. D. WOETMAN. Pastor. will preach in this Ch rch TuO-MORROW. Service at 10;4" o'clock A. l M., and itl‘ P. SECORD SERIES OF DISCOURSES O 1 THE LORD'S CRAYER Will be preached in ht. Matthew's Lutheran Ohn , ch. New a reet, below - Fourth, by the Castor, Rev. E W RIMER, on TO MORROW (Sunday) evening, at half past seven o'clock. Morning service commencre at half past ten It* CHVKVII OF THE INTERCESSOR, E,PRIIVet GAR.ORN. below Broad street.—Rev. Ir. Carden will preach TO MORROW (snneay), 1O A. M. and 734' P. N. Subject in the evening. '• The Par pot.e of Being." Young men cordially invited. Ohil dren'a church at 3.P. MEDIATION OF CHRIST. —TM DM Sericon of this series, by T. H. STOCKTON (D. ). at ELEVENTH and WOOD Streets. S &BB ATH Aftn. S3S o'clock. The Hew Dia Divinityow i.pen. All whodoubt the Pre-exittente andof Christ are Especially invited. Interest greatly iccreasing. Preaching in the Morning, Hls' o'clock. by Rev- ALE X j3.I9DZIt CLARK. Editor of ' Clark's School Visitor. " v rtg-BEARER'S 31ISSION.—REV. R. A. CAIIDAN, D. D.. will deliver a Lecture on "Team." in the Lecture Room. Church of the Evangelist, CATHARINE Street. above Seventh, 'CUES DAY. Feb. 2d, at 714 o'clock P. M. Ticketsls cents; for the bspefit of the Seamen's Mission Church of the Redeemer. 'Come all. end have your eyes watered with the Doctor's welt known bun, or. IM'PHILADELPHIA. TRACT AND BINSION SOCl+TL—Ameetingt behalf or tale Scciekir will be Debi in the Third ITnited. Presb_yterian Ohnrch. FRONT Street. iiliqv9 Jefferson, on SABBATH RIFENING. 31st inst.. at 7.4; o'clocg. Rev. J. T. Cooper. Nov. Mr. Crow and others. will address the meeting. A collection will be taken rip to aid. the Society. Public invited. lt* rer GIA RMAISITOI.V.N -FIRST METRO DInT EPISCOPAL O.IIIIIIGH, HATS SS street. will hold its Missionary Anniversary TO-MORROW. Preaching at 10% A. M.. by Rev. J.F. CHAPLAIN. At 2.34 P. M. the Sabbath School Meeting. and addresses by the Pastor, Rev. G. W. MACLAUGHLIff. and others, At 7 P M., preaching by Bev. R. H. PATTERSON. The special interesting services which have been held in the Church for several weeks-past will be eontinnett every evening next week. IMSPIRITUAL - ISM. -- MR. S. J. - FIN. SBY, of. Ohio. will give the closing Lectures of his present course at S shISOM-STRSET HALL, on SUN DAY, at 10% A: M. and 7% P. M. Misittance Eve cents. it* Misb. NATIONAL UNION CLUB—A Stated Meeting of the Club will be held on MON DAY EVENING. February 2, at 8 o'clock. at the CLUB HOUSE. S. SNYDER LEIDY. ja3o- 2t Recording Secretary. OrA LEG/PURE ON LIFE ANC% Its Principles, History. and Different Methods, will be delivered by A. B. NBITH. Seq . in the Lecture Boom of - - - - - - 6/IITTEIiDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 637 CUES rnUT Street, corner Qf Seventh. on TUESDAY EVENING, - Feb 2d, at 7.% o'clock. The public - are invited. Admittance. free. ja3o-20` GRAND LODGE OF PENNSYL VANIA A. Y. N —The members of the GRANO LODGE OF PENNSYLVANIA. A Y. N., and the order generally, are invited to meet at the Hall on CHESTNUT Street. on MONDAY AFTERNOON, at 1 o'clock, to at tend the funeral of P. N. JOSEPH B . SHEWSLL. ELMBO-20 . • mz... TIM BOARD OF ASSESSORS WILL hold their Annual &sled meeting at Barr% 0• iobe *AL on MONDAY next, at 10 o'clock A. N.. atilooro An the aiming year will be elected. ' - WM. BROWN, Presiden!. TIM. B. LEABOURN. &CM WY. 1130- 2t* COLUMBIA. H li.. A CHAPTER 91.—The members of Columbia H. R A. Chapter No. 91, will meet as the Hall. Chestnut street. on MONDAY AFTERNOON. at one o'clock t to attend the funeral of their late companion, JOSEPH B. SHEWSLL. By order of the High Priest ja29.3t 5 mac CONCORDIA. LODGE, A. Y. M.-No. 67. —The members of Concordia Lodge, A. T. si No. 67. will meet at the Hall, Cheetnut street, on MOS - DAY Afternoon. at 1 o'clock. to attend the faner.l of their late PAL J. B. BREW ELL By order of the W. Pd. ja29.3t ROBIRT HUTCHINSON. Secretary. MBOARD OF TRADIE.—THE A If- NUAL MESTINO OF THIS BOARD OF TR IDE Will be held at their Roams, No. 503 CHI9S,AI Street, ou MONDAY EVENINti. February let, at 7% o'clock. The Annual Report will be presented, and an election take place for officers for the ensuing year. WILLIAM C. LUDWIG, jag -St isscretsry_ THNOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS OF E OIL CREEK AND RIDG WAY RAILEJAD COMPANY- The animal meeting of the Stockholders of this Com- Paul will be bold on WEDNESDAY. the 10th day of February, 1864, at 1 o'clock P. at No. 4 WILLING'S Alley, in Philadelphia. JOSEPH LESLEY. ht27-1.3t Secretary. MILe. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. — DEPARTMENT OF REOBIYME OF TAXES, ARADELPHIA,JaIIIIIII7 26. 11364. The Tan Duplicates for 186 i trill be opened on MON DAY NEXT, February 1, for the purpose of receiving city andbtate TlMea. • le/7.4t JAMES E. HELM, Receiver of Taza•. MOWIcin.—THE. ANNIJAMMIEICTING of the Stock/Aden of the YHILADB6PIIIA AND SAVANNAS STE efd NAVIOATION COMPARE. for the election of rive Managers and the traneaction of other bnelneee, Will be held at the °Mee of the Company. No. ISO NORTH WHARVES (secord floor). on TIMM: , AY. the 2d day of February next, at 6 o'clock P. If. WILLIAM DENNIS. lal9-121 Secretary and Treasurer. ' RILIE7 ifiSOCIATION —The Rooms or thi 'iodation, at No. 424 WALNUT Street, are open .3sil7 from 9 o'clock A N. till 6P. N. for the reception or do nations in Goods. Clothing. and Books. Contributions in Money are to be handed. t• the Treasurer. B. w. CLARK. Rim— Smith THIRD Strut. jell-im VirCOMITRIEVItORS TO THE COAL, RBOIMBNT BOUNTY FUND are requeeMl to meet on MONDAY,. February 1, 1884, at 12 o'clock if., at the Rooms of th.e Coal Exchange. No. 5 Anthracite Building, WALNUT Street, above SECOND, to take /5 ,me action with reference to the Anal dispowliton of the fn ads remaining unappropriated. B. N. RATHBUN. ia27.0.* Secrei wry. rifr OFFICES PENNSYLVANIA. RAIL.- ROAD COMPANY. rIII7,ADRLPHI Jan. 25, 106 I NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of Ulla C•no- Pony will be held on TUESDAY. the 101 h day 6T Feb r as- IBM, at 10 o'clock A. N. at tiANSONISTRABY WALL. • The Annual Election for Directors will be held on 11011 DAY. the 7th day of Narch.lBBl. at the Office of the Oom_newS, No. MN South THIRD Street Al& EDAITND SNIT& lionfotort• W. B. BLTOWBBA.O 13 4 CHISTIUT B SIiIIITENTH WARD I —ln pursuance of a resolution adopted at a Con- Netti On. held. On the 27th inst., of the Ward Officers °halted With the collection of fonds to be paid to fte• erulta under the late call of the President. a meeting of the citizens of tho SEVEFTR WARD Willbe bold at 011SiLL 8 natl.. 133 . 0 LOMBkRD fit On HOLIDAY EVE, INDx Xr. febrotary let. at B o'clock, 'or the purpose of considering the recom mendation of the said Convention that the Bounty to be pain by the Wards shall be of the uniform sum of NIFTY DOLLARS for each Recruit. By order of the General Commi. AD et 'l'. N. H ttee UBER. Secretary. rAo. AUNTIE WARD—MASS !REACTING— On'SaTOREAT EVENINO, 30th instant. at 'Di o'clock, in the Ball of the Diligent Engine Company, TENIIR and FILBERT Streets. Mechanics. Workingmen, and all others liable to D.A. are part/fa/a/invited to attend. JOHNBULL. _ DALY, Committee. JOHN THOMPSON, lIM'SHALL. THERE BE A DRAFT IN THa FuIDR.D.SNTH WAND?—At a meeting of the citizrne of the z'ottrtetnth ward., held at Spring Garden Ilan on the 28th Met., the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That any resident of this ward. liable to draft under the late call of the President for 900.000 men. be guarantied exemption from the same by the payment of twarttP dollars to the Treasurer of the Ward Bounty Pond. or the amount of his subscription returned to him. Resolved That WilHim B. Thomas be appointed Treasurer of this Fund. and all persons paying money will receive his receipt to this eff.ci. Resolved. That the citizens of the ward be urged to cone forward and assist in prosecuting tta work in Which we are engaged. Ratofecd, net such citizens as have not contributed to the ward fund are hereby requested to do so without delay. A Committee will sit in a room on the first door of SPRING GARDEN HALL. on SATURDAY. MONDAY. TVEEPAY. and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, from 7 to 10 o'clock. to receive money under the foregoing' resolu tions. FREDERICK A. VANOLEVE. THOMAS THOMPSON.. Re BERT WOOD. GEORGE S, YOUNG. LEONARD FLETOHEIL Committee on Resolutions. N. R.—An adjourned meeting of citizens will be held on W 2. - D"NESDAT EVENING at 8 o'clock. ia3o MTWENTY -SBCOND WARD BOUNTY coMMIATEE.-6t a meeting of the residents of the Tit enty•second Ward, on the 2Dth Institut. T. Charl ton BrorY. B q.. was called to the chair. and it was Resolved That a Bounty of VS shall be paid to each.. volunteer 'who shall be credited upon the quota of the Ward. That the chairman is authorized to appoint for each Precinct a committee of five or mote, to procure subscrip tions to the Bounty Fund; and. That the officers of the meeting, with the chairmen of the Precinct Committees, shall compose the "Twenty second Ward Central Committee. ' .Ishez Gates, Seq.,. was un of the Bounty. Fund. In accordance with the al tees are appointed Thomas 0111111 EST. J. A. Earrtunt, Conyers Button. SIRTR PRECINCT. Daniel 1.. Keyser. John Riker. Edward Bennett, F rankAhoemaker. Edw. H. Hance. 'I3NPRNTR PRECINCT. .Tosoph ' Thos. G. Garrett, Hugh archgan Win John Silver s nwr, thorne, George Wolf., RIIFITTII PRECINCT. Wm. H. Trotter, John France, , Robert Gratz, Matthias Haas, Thos. Stewart, John Stallman. NINTH PRECINCT. Rev. C. W. Schaeffer, D. D., Norton Johnson. Samuel Paul. Charles S. Charles Gould, Joeeph Croargan. Thomas Randal/. FIRST PRECINCT Daniel IL Htrper. ()has. Wharton. Wm, B. Gan Theft. Thorium Lester. Jr.. John H. Evans. Geo. P. Evans, Henry Felton. SECOND PRECINCT Spencer Roberta, F. A. Hoyt, Charles Mears. W. Morrie Darin, William Nice. THIRD PRECINCT Allen Ridgway. 1 , .% Royal. dr.. W. K. Cox. William &oilman. Ben.i.min mien. sdnnuni Bodkins. FOIIRTH PRECINCT. C. J. Wistar, Jr.. J. C. Orßib, Chas. spencer, C. M. Jeekeou, C. L. Eberle, J. J. Berta. FIFTH PRECINCT. Robert D. Dunning, $ Bradford Clarke, George Frees, T. CHARLTON =NIL Chairman. TABBZ GATES. Treatm ret. oubsetiptices Book will be 013811 at all hours, at the Union League House. GREIttANTOWE. in addition to those In the hands of the Precinct Committees. WILLIAM E. STONE. Secretary. Central Committee. MCEMSCHOOL.- - THEHIGH SCHOO.—THE .R enaroination of applicants for win:Action into the Central High School will begin on MONDAY. Feb. lit, at 9 andidates must be at lest thirteen years of axe, resi dents of the city of Pella lelohia. and for at least one Year they intuit have been pupils in the Public Eichoele of the city. The order of eawcisee will be as follows Monday. Fettreary let, History of the United StatcT. __ Tuesday, February 2d, Orthography and lifeneuration. wednesday. February .id, Grammar and Etymology. Thuredey, February 4th, Parsing and Constitution of the United States. Friday. February sth, Arithmetic. je26-tuths NICHOLAS H. INACHTIRS. Fencing'. GIRLS' SI GH AND NORMAL bCGOOL, Puu.socryttrA, January 25.-186 t. The Semi-annual Examination of Candidates for ad mission as pupils of th 0 High and Normal School will be commenced on Monday. February let, 1864, at 9 o'clock A. M. To be admitted, the candidate must be at least fourteen years of age-and PUS a satistactory examination in Or thography. Definition, and Etymology of Words, Read ing. Es Oish Grammar, History and. Constitution of the United States Mensuration . Arithmetic, and Penmanship. All the candidates mast have been pupils of the Public Schools of the First School District of Pennsylvania for the term of one year. The examination will be conducted in the following order, viz: kfordsy. Grammar and Mensuration. Tuesday. Parsing and Definitions. Wednesday, History of the States and Etymology. Thursday. Constitution of the United States wad Or thography. Friday. ArithmeticT 3a26 tutiosSt P. A. ORROAR. Principal ir.:6=c. FIRST COLLECTION DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. United States Assessor's Office. No. 43113 , 1 WALNUT Street. Notice is hereby given tnat the Annual Lists, Bnume rations, and Assessments for the year 1863, taken in con formity to the provisions of the "Act to Provide Internal Revenue. and. Support the Government, and to Pay inte rest on the Public Debt," approved July lst. 1862, and the acts amendatory thereof. will remain open to the ex amination of all persona Interested, for the space of fifteen days from the date hereof, between the holm of 9 A. M. and 3P. M., at this office. Immediately after the expiration of the said fifteen days, and for the five days next ensuing, the Undersigned will to in attendance to receive and determine all appeals relative to the erroneous or excessive valuations or enu merations made or taken by the Assistant Assessors in their respective divisions. " All appeals must be in writing, and shall specify the Particular cause, matter, or thing respecting which a de cision is requested. and shall moreover state the ground or principle of inequality or error complained of." Appeals will not - be considered unless filed before the expiration of the said Ave days. persons who Lave failed to file their applications for license are notified to do so immediately, under the penalties prescribed in the Excise Law egainatthose wno prosecute business without license. Dated at Philadelphia the 27th day_of January. Mt • WASilitir KEITH. ja2B-tlatust Assessor First Di*trlc PIiJ HIA AIYD . ERIE SAIL. im-ROAD. PHlLAnimpare, Jan. 18, 1864. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Phila delphia and Me Railroad Company will be held at the Office, No. 230 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the eighth day of February next, at Yen o'clock A. MC At this meeting an Election will be told. for Ten Mana gers of the Company to serve for one year.. The polls to close at two o'clock P. M ial9-tuths9t EDWARD F. GAY. Seey. INSURANCE COMPANY' OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA, January 23. 1864. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the COMPANY'S OFFICR. Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BII1L1)1140, on MONDAY.Febthary 1.1864. at 12 o'clock, nqon. WILLIAM lELAUPSR, 3a23-8t Secretary. NOTICE.— TEMI ANNUAL MEET ING- of the Stockholders of the UNION STEMS SHIP COMPANY will be held on TUESDAY, PebrnarY 2d. 1864. at 4 o'clock P. M., at the Office. No. 1.4 - North DELAWARE Arcane, when an election will take place for Bxe Manaaers to serve for the ensuing year. lal9-121 WM. W. HY.F.KNESS, Secretary. NOTICE.-THE AMWAY...MEETING Yti of the Stockholders of the OCEAN eTE ahf Nevi 01,TION COMPANY, for the election of aye Directors. and the transaction Of other business, will be held at the Office of the Company. Ito 126 NORTH WHARVES. (second floor.) on 'TUESDAY. the second day of Febru ary next, at 12 o'clock noon. • WM. DENNIS. Jal9-32t Secretary. and Treasurer. MrNOTICE.—THE ASSOCIATION FOR the protection of GAME hereby give notice to Dealers in Game. Hotels, and Restaurants, that the Law for the Protrstion of Gams will be rigidly enforced on and after February 1. Mi. Information of the infrac- tion of the law will be thankfully received by the Solici tor of the Association. WAHDALB G. NACALESTER, Esq., 302 WALNUT Street. HRNItlf B. TATHAM, President, 608 South Wharves. Si R. R CHANDLER., Secretary, 306 CHESTNUT Street. JERSEY SHORE. PINE CREEK, irk AND STATE LINE: 13•ILEOAD.—Agreeably to Previous notice. a Meetinfrof the Commissioners of the above enterprise was held at the Girard Ronee. in Phila delpphia, on the 10th inst., and after the transaction of business they adjourned to meet against the FELEELT-E HOUSE. in Jersey Shore. LYcoming county, on TRUES. DAY, the 4th day , of February. 1864 . at 10 o'clock A. N., to open hooka and receive suoscriPtions. preparatory to organising the Company. A report on the general character of the route will be made by the Engineer at that time DROEMBER 16. 1963. dele.tte4 pr. UNION CANAL COMPANY. PHILA.- DSLPHIA, Januaryl2 leat The annual meeting , of the oklON CANAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA WIN be held at the Office. No. 228 WALNUT Street. (Farquhar Building,) on. TIIIISnAY. the 2d day of February next, at 11 o'cloCk. A. N., when an election will be held for officers and managers to serve for the ensuing year. The transfer books will be closed atter the 23d Instant, and remain closed until after the meeting. ial&tf2 OSCAR THOMPSON. Secretar7. garlS OTICE.—OFFICE OF THE PHI LADELPHIA AND BRIE .RAILROAD COM FA IRY. No. IMO WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. Tan. 29. 1881. The holders of the Certificates or FItSI+IIItRED DEBT, issued in accordance with an act of Assembly. firmed April BOSCO. by . the Sunbury and "Erie Railroad Com pany, and dated May 1, 1830, are requetted to present the same IMMEDIATELY, for redemption. at the of of ti is Company. GEO. P. LITTLE. ial9-6t Treasurer, P. T. Ipfir CORN BESCHA. M.PHIL. Nowa At the Election held 16th in are were duly sleeted DING 'auk: • Alexander Jame, Steel. Hobert wtuism ß P. Co x.. tillannel T. Canby. Philip B. Mingle. Jobn F. Gross . And at the meeting of the GATTELL, Esq. , was sum • ALIZ..WHILLDIA. TORREY. asahlw. n024-3m - nirdimirari RAILROAD 00.111 PA PrMTH Street. PHILADIE DIVIDEND NOTIOB.—The are entitled to a Dividend on Company. The residence o, known. and ft ie. Monitore. sates of stock should be _yr+ Dividend. - STOCKEOLDI Mn.e Nary Mahon. Timothy C. Boil,. 1 Clement Diddle. Ann Copeland, A.Entelle and J. Newbold, Trutee& Debbie A. Hughes. Saml. T. Harrison. James Hallowell. James W. Hallowell, Catiterin. O. Koppel*. Daniel Klapp. Mary Maui, Chas. Kuhn. Hartman Kuhn, said J. H. Kuhn. En. of S. Sohn. R. V. R. Leine Extrx.. anhn d James G. mga. d What Mx. of .To Lateed- TO JOHN GOOD, UNDERTAKER, No. 921 SPRUCE Street. —The undersigned having used the -• EICHARDsON PREMII7M AIR-TIGHT. SEPULCHRAL CASKETS" in their families. deem it but justice to say that their many excellent qualities deserve their approval, and richly merit public patron age. They are well calculated for what they were in tended. and as all end joints are discarded by the inven tion of circular ends, they are much more durable. and greatly relieve the minds of those who may be cr.fled to mourn the loss of the revered and beloved of un bappy impressions. Bev. J W. Smith, No. 614 S. Tenth street. Philada. Richard Gardiner, M D.. No. 828 Spruce street. Edw. Hutchinson. NO. 422 Pine street. Stuart Nibbler. No 40 North Third street. 3 . 5. Morton. No. 217 South Third street. Jacob Bartholomew, No. 9DB 8. Fourth street. Dr. David. O. Walton, No. 134 N. Seventh street. Robert Johnston, No. 664 N. Fourth street; Wm. C. Flanigan. No. 1.610 Locust street. Et. Bev. Thomas M. Clark, Ac., Providence. R. 1. Rev. Daniel March, No. 821 Pine street. ja3o-2Vil THE RUBBER SOLE I HAVE USED for years. I would not part with it fora thoueand dollars. It keeps out the damp, prevents eliPPlng, and wears live times as Long as leather. for women's b Jots it is invaluable.—Dr. Lewis. These Soles attached to ladies' and gentlemen's boots in the neatest manner. by WILLIAM RESTON. No. 203 North TWELFTH Street. Price R. Gnu! Shoes repaired. jaSO-20 rrHE FIRST CARTES DE VLSITE I maae in this city were at NEWELVg GALLERY. No. 12* ARCH Street. Recent improvements, or an important nature. furnish facilities' for procuring Pio twee which. in point of beauty. are unsurpassed. jais-ist 11 F. REIMER, 624 ARCH STREET - • Deane delaytie getting one of those elexamlY .xti• voted IvorytyPol• of which rOCL Wilt there wee the most v irompareplo spikIIROZA le THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30. 1864. in:Lonely elected Treasurer ove, the following Commit- (GM BANK, or 23d. 1883. mt. the following Stoekhold. :tors of the Corn 3.neltange G. Cattell. Christian J. Hoffman. H. W. ClatherWood. gamma A. &order. Charles B. Wilkins. David han Vanderreer. Jonat Knight. Board• ells •day ALEX. O. money re.sdeoted President Ie Yreeident.and JOH''' . W. .1. W. TOHEBT, Oeahter. A& &MD RICAJDIMS -AL Office 11127 South mritra. September Z 1863. e following-named Persons the Common Stock of this "t several of them necessary that the cern resented on Sailing for the BEADion. Treanirer. IRS' NAME% 8. Lancaster, Percy LeWl". Fanny _Mary klitShertoa. John Mclntyre. John 8. Moor% James McKnhP.t r Bea). P. NeWPOrt• fe w %Pa ton. EaraliAnn Richard'. Hann" Sh_prer. Maria L. Sadler. Andrew Turner. Mrs. Rebecca IMAM Asher M. Wright. Yo William ung. W. R. bieViekar. Austin Smith. & Go- sad"lll4 NEW PUBLICATIONS. AIMARD'S NEW BOOK. IS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. PRICE FIFTY ours. THE INDIAN • CHINE. GUSTAVE AINARD, AUTHOR. OF THE "PRAIRIE TIOWSE." THE INDIAN CHIEF, THE INDIAN CHIEF, THE INDIAN CHINE' GilErrdvil AllirAilYs NSW BOOB• THE INDIAN CHIEF. By fIISTAVE AlMARD.anthor of the "PRAIRIE PLOWER," • • THE INDIAN SCOUT." "THE TRAIL HURTER, "dm ,is publish ed this day, and for sale by T. B. PETERSON Ar BROTHERS. 306 • CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia. Complete in one large octavo volume, large type, double column. and printed on the'llneet and hest of white paper. Price Fifty Cents a copy. NOTlCE.—flustave Aimard was the adopted son of one of the most powerful Indian Wibes, with whom he lived for more than fifteen years. in the heart of the prairies, sharing their dangers and their combats, and accomPa nying them everywhere. rifle in one hand and toma hawk in the other. In tarn squatter, banter, trapper, warrior, Oarnhusino, or miner, Gustave Aimard has traversed America from the highest peaks of the Cordil )(zee to lie ocean shores, living from hand to miuth. happy for the day, careless of the morrow. Hence. it Is that Gustave) Aimard does not write romances. but de. scribes his own life. The Indians of whom he speaks he has known—the manners he depicts were his own. AIMARD'S OTHER WORKS : THE PRAIRIE /LOWER. By GUSTAVE :ALWARD Price 60 cents. THE •ZBDIAN SCOUT. By GIISTAVB AIMARD Pecs 60 mite, THE GOLD. SBIRERS. By GUSTAVE AIRARD. Price G 9 cents. TUB TIGER-SLAYER. By GITSTAVR AIKARD Price AO cents. TUB TRAIL HUNTER. By GUSTAVE AIKAUD: Price 50 certe Ya THE PIRATES OF THE PRAIRIES. By GUSTAVE ALMAED. Price 60oente. TEE TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER. By GUSTAV)/ AIM AHD. Price EC cents. Aar All of Gustave Aintard's other works are in press by sat; and one book a month. will be published in fu ture, until the whole series Ea Usual. "The Red Track.'' and " The Smuvaler."wilLbe thelnext published. All of the above are published and for male by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. To whom all orders must come addreesed. Copies sent everywhere, free of postage, on remitting price of ones w*nted to no. CUDJO'S THE SIXTH. THOUSAND IN PRESEI READY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1864 A good story will sometimes sell six thousand after it bas !been published and advertised several weeks or longer. Bat it must be a work of rare merit. and by a popular antler. TO DEMAND THIS LARGE NUMBER ON A MERE ANNOUNCEMENT TO BE :PUBLISHED. with but little adycertisina. This author's name 4 however, is a guarantse of success. Nothing that has come from his pen has failed. A. short story of his is enough to add to the subscription, nets of thelbeet CT_TiaaritZ3o 7 lo 4C.01.147.W. IS 1.110110172i0ED PLOT OF GREAT DRAMATIC POWER AND INTE REST. The description of border warfare equalling if not ex celling the writings of any previous author; while as a history of the present time its value for family reading cannot be undervalued. ELEHANTI2mo. CLOTH, OVER 500 PAGES PRICE $1.50 Ready at all the principal Book and Periodical Stores, WEDNESDAY. February 8. J. E. TILTON .Sr, CO , BOSTON. D7R. CUMMING''S •lo '469 NEW BOOK, THE GREAT CONSUMMATION. SECOND SERIES This volume completes and concludes the remarkable series of work' that .have recently appeared in London, entitled: I.—THE GREAT TRIBULATION; Or, Things Coming on the Barth. lI.—THE GREAT PREPARATION; Or. Redemption Draweth Nigh. lII.—THB GREAT CONSUMMATION; Or, Ile World as it Will Be.. *4.* For simplicity of style and. earnestness of purpose no religions writer of the present day has approached this author ; and the popularity of these earnest Christian works, which treat of topics deeply interesting to every religions mind. Is as widespread in this country as in Great Britain, where their circulation has been immerse. The volumes axe published handsomely, and uniform ly bound in cloth. at the very low price of $L Sold by all booksellers. and sent by mail free. on re ceipt of $l, by CARLETON, Publisher. New York. Nearly Ready: COUNT GUROWSKF6 DIARY FOR 1863. PRIVATE AIMEE O'REILLY. HIS BOOK. 9a27-w3mtf OIIR SOCIAL RELATIONS.—MAR RYING FOR MONEY : Tired of, Marriage : Mar riage in Turkey : The Baby Walks ; Two (Inman Monsters, with their Portraits ; The Rew•Born and the Dead SUCCESS IN Las —MoNEY—Its Right User "A Call." or the Choice of Pursuits Capital vs. Credit ; Must Marry • Motives • Enterprise ; Cheerfulness : The Right and . the Wrong Way (Illustrated. ) WHAT TO BELINV.B.—ASTROLOGY, or Fortune tel ling ; World-making ; Cause of Earthquakes ; Giants and Dwarfs • Hours of Study; Important to Parents and Teackera ; )Marvels of Man ; Breath of Life ; What we are suede of ; Premonitions of Death. arc. In FEB. PHRENOLOGICAL JoURNAL. Double Number. 15 cents, or $1.50 a year. FOWLER A W.m.ra. SO9 Broadway, New York or J. L CAPEN. ta3o-d2t*lt 25 South TENTH Street, Phila,, VALENTINES 1 VALENTINES 1 VALENTINES ! Variety New and Desirable.. Styles Showy and Attractive.- Assortment Handsome and Extensive. Prices Reduced to the Lowest Rates. In lots of $5. $lO, $l5, sad $2O for the Retell Trade. FISHER At BRO., JA2S-St* No. 12 North' SIXTH Street. NLW BOOKS AT REDUCED PRICES- All $1.60 Books we Sell f0r............ $1.26 All 161 25 do do do ..-. 100 All $1 do do do SO AU 76 cent do do do 60 Ao 60 cent do do do 40 All 26 cant do do do 2O PITCHER'S. SOS CEE4STNIIT Street. ja2-aStwtl PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ' HOLDING PROM TWELVE To FOUICHUNDSED PICTURES. Ranging in price from mai- as CENTS TO 65 DOLLARS arellt 1a22-evrtf PITCHER'S, SOS CHESTNUT Street LIFE OF THEODORE PARKER D. APPLETON & CO.. Nos. 443 and 4E5 BROADWAY, PUBLISH THIS DAY. THE LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF THEODORE PARKER. - Minister of the T w enty eighth . Connrogational Society. Boston. BY JOHN WEISS. With two Portraits on Steel. facsimile of Handwriting. and 19 Wood Engravings Two vols.. ,Svo. 1.008 pages. Price $6. These volumes contain an account of Mr. ekarker's childhood and self-education; of the developmilit of his theological ideas; of his scholarly and philosophical pursuits; and of e p och Americao the anti slavery cause. and to the epoch in which preceded the civil war. His two visits to Hurope are described in letters and extracts from his journaL An autobiographical fragment is introduced in relation to Mr. Parker's early life, and his lettere of friendship on literary, specula tive. and political topics are freely interspersed.. The illustrations represent scenes connected with venoms Periods of Mr. Parker's life, the houses he dwelt in, his country haunts, the meeting-house. hia sad the Music Hall in which he preached. D. A. At Co. have just published LIFE OF EDWARD LIVINGSTON. By Charles H. Hunt With an Introduction by George Bancroft. 1 lel.. Sy, with two steel-pis to portraits. SR 60. ESSAYS; SCIENTIFIC, POLITICAL. AND SPBCI7- LATIVE. By Herbert Spencer. 1 vol.. &so. di 50. PELAYO: AN EPIC OF THE OLDEN MOORISH TIME. By Eliazbeth T. Porter Beach. 1 yol limo. Illustrated. Price $2. Cloth gilt $3; morocco, $5. THIRTY POEMS. By W. Callen Bryant. 1 vol., 12mo. $1 25. ROUND THE BLOCK. An American Novel. With Blush ations. El5O. THE IRON MANUFACTURE OF GREAT BRITAIN; Theoretically and practically considered. By W. Tru man. C. B. 1 vol.. Sao. PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, with some of their Applications to Social Philosophy ny John Stuart Mill. 2 vols.. Svo. Printed on tinted paper. Clot Eß h. $5. MIVALE'S HISTORY OF THE ROMANS UNDER THE EMPIRE. Vols. 1 and 2. Price $2 each. To be completed in 7 vols. Sent free by'lmail on receipt of price. P129.2t NEW BOOEBI NEW BOOKSII • - Just received by ASHMEAD & EVANS, Sneeessors to Willie B. Hazard. No. I EP& CHESTNUT Street LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OP THEODIRE PALMER, Minister of the Twenty-eighth Congregational Society, - Boston. By John Wows. 2 vols., with por traits, St GILEAD: or, THE VISION OF ALLFOULS' HOSPI TAL. An Allegor Br J. Hyatt Smith. THE-LITTLE PE y. T BOOKS. By Aunt Fanny. Au thor of • • Mittens." "Nt ht Caps." Am. 3 Yobs. lEEE; A TALE OF THE ALAMO. By Animate J. Braue r author of Beulah. LIFE OF WILLIAM H. PRESCOTT. A superb Book. JEAN INOELOW's POEMS. Fresh supply. DEW PHOTOGRAPHS AND ALBUMS in endless variety. ALL THE MAGAZINESPOE FEBRUARY. jail APP.LETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! All desiring this invaluable book will save money by Purchasing at once. as the increasing cost of manufac ture will compel an increase of price. Call and see the various styles of binding. Spitiscribere can have the Work complete. or take one or to volumes a month. AGINCII POE THE CYOLOPSDIA. 33 South SZIETH St.. above Chestnut. Ja29 , Gt SW/4U aIQTY, (74. — BEAT MEN ' THOMAS; s-^ Lord Elgin; Archbishop Hughes; Thackeray ; Nena. &bib; King of Onde, with Portraits. Blograptdas, end Claraeters ; Tom King. the Pugthet ; Drummer Poy. Are. slaws OF CBAEACTER.—PHYSIOGNOIIrf The Phy.; - Etiology . of Expression—the Mouth, the Brae, the Nose, the Bars, he- with BOURVIAIRS. ETENOLOSY.—AusIIe the Skulls—lllhatteted. PeICIfOLOGY Presentiments • A Knowing Dog . 80. •46 Bug - ravings. In FEB. Pnanito. LOGICAL JOURNAL. Double Number only 16 cents, or 4tl.bil a year. FOWLER & WELLS. SOS Broadway New York, or T. L. OAPBN• jal3o-d2tWlt Al 5 South TENTH Street. Phila. THE PHILADELPHIA PHOTO -. ORAPHER.—The February Nutdber of this new and beautiful hiagazine, devoted to Photography, and con taining a superb Specimen Photograph. is now ready. Subscription. £B3m er annum; single numbers, 30 cents. BERBRaII N & WI LdBo/4. Publislhere, /Vt' S. W. nor. SEVENTH and CHERRY Ste.. Phila. FEB. MAGAZINES NEW BOOKS. -B- FRENCH. PAPER. HAND-MADE PAPER. QUADRILLE PAPER, DAMASK PAPER, Fifty Pattern& ALHAMBRA& PAPER. CROSS-BAR PAPER. LINEN PAPER. MOURNING PAPER. Every kind of Note and Letter Paper. Envelopes to match perfectly—lnitials Stamped gratis Also, in colors. Counting- tome Stationery. Every article promptly delivered. ja2S-thstlint CHALLEN, 1308 CHESTNUT. RIFLED ORDNANCE -A PRACTI CAL Treatise on the application of the Principle of the Rifle to Guns and Mortars of every calibre, with il lustrations, by H. THOMAS, F. It. S. L., ill. 0330 VOluole octavo. Just Pnblished. and for sale with a large assortment of works on MILITARY SCIENCE. by LINDSAY & BLAKISTOIL Publishers and Booksellers. ja29 25 South SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. LITTLE PET BOOKS. THREE CHARMING VOLUMES. I3Y AUNT F ANNY, Author of " Night . caps ," • Mittena, " Socks." • ENTIRELY IN WORDS OF SINGLE SYLLABLES. TIBET WILL BE SURE TO ASIUSX THE VERY LIT. TIE ONES. In a neat Box, Price 181. 80. Published by WILLIS P HAZARD, la2o-tiyl 31 South SIXTH Street. MUSICAL SKETCHES. BY ELISE POLIO. Translated from the fifth German edi- tion, by Fanny Fuller. 1 vol. 16mo. On tinted paper. Cloth. Price, $1.26. CONTENTS. "A Mighty Fortress is our God" (Bach)._ Ipidgenia in dulls (Gina ) Viol etta ( Moz, rt), Midsummer Bight's Dream (Mendelsohn) Stabat Mater Dolorosa (Fern°. lest). The Mester , s Grave (Schubert), The Cat's Fugue (Scarlatti). Snow. drop% (Weber) The Ptayre,ttee (Pa genial). A Meeting (Crotty). The Convent of Saint Lucia (Catalini). Maria (Malibran). The Angel's Voice (1•landel). An Amati (Anderle). fallen tiara (Fanny Reuel). A Etna Love (Haydn). (Rue Chabaunais No. 6 (Oa , cia). A Melody (Boieldieu). Domenico Cimarosa (Cimarosa). A Leonora (Beethoven) Little Jean Bap tiste artily/ A Forgotten One (Berger). Just ready, and for sale by all Booksellers. Bent post age free, on receipt of price, by F. LEPOLDT, Publisher, jal9-ti 1323 CHESTNUT Street. JUST PUBLISHED—THE P.VAYEB at the Dedication of tho National Cemetery at Getty"- burg.' By Bee. T.boa. B. Stockton, D. D. Price, DI sent& 'Published b WM. B. & ALPEND GINS OBBSTNUT Street. DRY-GOODS .110REING HOUSES. 18ti4. EDMUND YARD & CO:. No. 611 CHESTNUT AND No. 614 JAYNE STREETS. Have now in Store their SPRING IMPORTATION of CONSISTING OF DRESS GOODS of all kinds; BLACK and FANCY SILKS. SATINS, GLOVES, MITTS RIBBON and DRESS ThIMMINGS; also, WHITE GOODS, LINENS. EMBROIDERIES and LACES; a large and handsome assortment of SPRING and SUMMER SHAWLS: BALMORAL SKIRTS of all grades, Which they offer to the Trade aPtne lowest Prices., - ia,9o-3m 1864. Officers and soldiers, visiting the city on furlough, needing And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS are invited to the very extensive MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT OF GEO. W. SIMONS 8c BRO., ;ANSON-STREET HALL, Made to order at the shortest notice. which for rich ness and magnificence challenge competition. no other house in the country combining the MANUFACTURING JE'WEL ER WITH THE PRACTICAL SWORD MAKER. ja22-lm F OR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS Sr. I-lA.SSA.L.IL, MILITARY' FIUIRNIteIELEARS,, 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and Company MP. Swords, Sashes. Belts, Peasants. &vedettes, Hats, Caps, Can teens, Havereacks, Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit ofArmi and NIIN7 Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. taß•lm PUBLISHERS UrCI W. SIMONS di BROTHER, . BANSOM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, MANUYAOTTMLERS OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY. aa9S-Iffim FROTHINGHAM Lt WELLS HEAVI'. MEDIUM AND LIGHT SHEETING'S AND SHIRTING& STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. warm: ROTOR AND VICTORY OAMBRIOS AND BILECIAS. BROWN. BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN. &e. ea/AM APIWANCIA.Z. JAY COOKS & CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT LOANS. 5.7 BONDS. S PER CENT. LEGAL TENDERS. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES. 1881 LOANS. ONE•YEAR CERTIFICATES. QUARTERMASTERS' VOUCHERS. QIJARTENIsIASTERS' CHECKS. CITY AND STATE STOCKS. .. BANK, RAILROAD. AND CANAL STOCKS AND BONDS. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission. A full supply of all kinds of _ GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Including the New Five Per Cent. (legal tender) TEEL- Striw NOTES. always on hand. ifiiilections =de end deposits received. • JAY COONEE. ar. CO., larT-lm No. 114 South THIRD STREET. 5.20 LOAN 5.20 isztpiet if 19TH FEHRUARY,I I IST APRIL, 1864. 1B T MAY, COUINCONS 7 3-10 AND 5-2 Os WANTED. QUARTERMASTERS' VOUCHERS AND U. S. FIVE-TWENTIES WANTED. _ SMITH & RANDOLPH, JeS-]m 16 South TEIRD Street. A DMIBABLE, AND MOST LIFE-LIKE .."- Portraits in the countrg. R. P. BBIMKE chal lenges competition in the production of life-sire Photo graphs in oil colors. Booms 624 ARCH Street • its NOTICE -THE UNDERTAKERS' MUTUAL PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION respect fully notify all delinquents who have neglected or re. flared to settle their belle for the burial of their reiatives or friends to their respective undertakers. that on and after March 1et,1864, their names, residence and occu pation win be registered in the Undertakers' Bleck Book -for future reference, and hereafter no Undertaker will do any work for any delinquent who is indebted to any other Undertaker for work previously done, mimes eadefactory,arrangemeuts be first made to settle the same. and all work hereafter done to be strictly cash, otherwise by special Agreement. la3o-ewSts NOTICE.—THE FOLLOWING CER TIFICATES on. STOCK In the Kew York and Middle Coal Fitld Railroad and Cosa Company haying been lost or mislaid, the undersigned 'would hereby give troth e that he has made application to the Company for issue of new Certificates: Certificate No. 362 for BD shares. Do. do. 371d0.'200 do. Do. do. 336 do. 20 do. • /ate UM J. AlillSoNlAUTlß.OwborOarg" STEW PUBLICATIONS. SPRING PHILADELPRLA BILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, ARMY GOODS. FURLOU CGS. S Org.]) RANSOM Street, abets Sixth BOUGHT AiND SOLD DREXEL & CO.. 34 SOUTH THIRD STRUT DREXEL & 00. INSURANCE COMPANIES. -uN.IcoN. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, INCORPORATED 1804_ The following statement of the affairs of the EfortestnT is published in conformity with a precision of its charter: Premiums written from January 1, 1883, to January I. 1864. 81177.054 10 Do. undetermined January I,lBm 413,488'12 Premiums earned during the year ao ab0ve...516347 , 52 79 Intend from investments 10.683 33 Looms raid during. the year 10.4.041 40 • Return premiums 13.090 99 Insurances 11,960 99 Expenses. commissions, and contri butions to volunteers 15.t80 60 United States ter 2,6111 63 $131,083 94 Leas amount reserved to DAY losses heard from but not adinated 11,000 00 Commutation to customers in lieu of scrip—. Balance remaining with the Company The Directors 'have declared a dividend of RIGHT PEE CENT. on the capital stock, and SIX PEE GENT. on the outstanding scrip. out of the above profits. paya ble on demand, free of all taxes. The assets of the Company consist of 41.720 6 per cent. bonds Camden and Amboy Railroad. 10,000 do. do. North Pennsylvania Railroad. 10,000 do. do. Philadelphia and Brie Railroad. 14.610 do. do. Ches. and Del. Canal Go. 11,600 7-30 d 0... United Stites. 15.300 6.20 do. do. S. 000 United States Certificates of Indebtedness. 6.000 6 per cent, COIIPOD. bonds State of Pennsylvania. MOM 6 per cent. bonds do. 2,000 loan to State of Pennsylvania, aid to volunteers. 16,000 6 per cent. bonds city of Philadelphia. 7,000 do. do. city of Pittsburg. 2,0006 per cent. bonds .. §lO. 4200 per cent. scrip riorthireorierriyaula RoUroad. 1,663 shares Union Mutual Insurance Company. SS do. Delaware Mutual Insurance Company. 100 do. North Panusyliania Railroad. 220 do. Pennsylvania Railroad. 48 do. Delaware Railroad. 68 do. Philadelphia Bank. 2,877 scrip of sundry insurance companies. Market valise of the above. • ...—...... 41220.000 00 Bills receivable 23.257 29 Cash on hand...—. ---835,574 93 Cash deposited J. 8 10,000 oxi --- Sundry accounts due for unsettled premiums, 45,014 93 Sarraltes, and other asses:Lute 1'364. At the annual election fdr Directors, held January H. 1864, the following gentlemen were elected Directors to serve three years: Irancis Tete. John H. Irwin. J. N P. S ewberY teine A.r, /Smith, George Lewis, David Salomon. G. W Ramadan. W. S. Baird. S. Delbert for one year. Who constitute the Board or Directors with Rickard B. Smith. H. F. Robinson. S. Destouet, Samuel C. Cook, ♦. S. Berta, James R. Campbell, Wm. C. Rent. Henry Samuel, Henry Lewis. Jr., Charles Wheeler, Edward L. Clark, Gilbert H. Newhall, Ellis Taman, Thomas Hallett, Norris S. Cummings. 1864. RICHARD B. JOHN MOSS, Secret GIRARD FIRE M.A.:EtIMQ"'E INST,JIt/LNCE COMPANX Othce, 415 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL 5200,000 INCOME FOR 156.3: FROM FIRE INSURANCE PREMIUMS, AND INTR. LOSSES PAID $29,127 92 And unsaid (one of $2.203, and. one of &SOO, as reported. but not in time to be adjusted before .Tatinary 1, 1851,) thus leaving nearly . 5l60",0C1r0 00 Income over kites, out of which current expenses have been paid; also, two Dividends, amounting to TWELVE PER CEEP declared In MAY AND NOVEIMSER. ligir The Capital cf this Company is invested in First Class Bonds and Mortgages. United States Loans, City of Philadelphia Loans, Camden and Amboy Railroad. and other undoubted Securities, including balance o Cash in Philadelphia Bank, WA This Company hat been doing business for many years. and ranks among the shfest in the country. Ras been disbursed by it, for the benefit of its patrons, within the past 'MN YEARS. Excels it in promptness and fairness, in the adjustment and payment of its • losses. 'Morns Craven, Jolla Thornley, Furman Sheppard. George H. Ashton, Charles I. Dnrent, Samuel Jones. M. D., Alfred S TB - 011AS C ALFRED S. JAMEB B. ALFORD. Elecreta STATEMENT OF THE M.IITUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. January Ist 1864. Office No. 5 South FIFTH Street. Amount of Property Insured $564,430 00 Amount of Premium Notes 40.804 00 Balance Cash Assets. Jan. DR let, 1884... ...... ..... 3.116 07 Received Interest on Premium Dotes. 1E63 2.380 74 'Received for Policies, Surveys, and Transfers, 1663 162 CO Received Cash Premiums, Perpetual Insu rances 659 50 Received Rxtra Risks 2 94 Received Interest on investments . 397 25 Received Clain on Sale of City Loans 104 00 By Expenses By Commissions Paid Agents. By Interest Returned By Premiums Returned. .. CASH XSSRTS. Invested in United States? 3-10 Loan- Si. 041 21 Invested in United States, 0-20 Loan.: 8,000 co Once Purnittirc 193 69 Cita in hands of Treasurer 613 77 0.057 SO No Lose the past year. So Liabilities at this time. CAPITAL OF THE comr.rari. Premium Notes $40,604 00 Inyeements in United States 7 3.10 Loan 1,041 21 Investments in United States 6 20 six per cent. Loan J. 3,900 00 Coat of Office Furniture 731 58 Cash in kande of the Treasurer ... 018 77 Benjamin Malone, James Smedley. Thomas Mather, T. Ellwood Chapman. Eli Dalin, Simeon Matlack, BEM T. ELLWOOD CHAPMAI FAME INSITRANt No. 406 CHEW FRILADI PERE AND iismal DIERCr' Frannie N. Buck. Charles Richardson. Roa W ' L ew h,. 0. ,Davis, P. 8. Justice. George A. West. FRANCIS N.' CHAS. FICA W. I. BLANCHARD. Secret& WHY IS IT YOU HAVE NOT VISIT. ED REINER'S. SECOND Street. above GREEN, to procure One of hie Maudlin). colored rkotoirraPils. st It* the extremely /ow price of si• eni A NEW TOMATO-"THE cc 2— COON'S FAVORITE.."—The subscriber takes plea sure in offering the Seed of this really superior variety. excelling all others for productiveness, uniform size, solidity, and flavor. Price of Seed per packet 25 cents. BENEY A. DEERE. Headman and Florist. 11, 4 714 ORIMTNOT Street. CHOICE HAMS.-CINCINNATI CO VERED RAMS, just teeeiTed and for sale by THOMPaON BLACK & SOA, BROAD and CHESTNUT Streets. TT g INTERNAL REVENUE, iu • THIRD COLLECTION DISTEICT,IREL. comprising Twelfth, Thirteenth, Sisteenth.Seventrianth, Eig h teenth. lad Nineteenth Wards of thee city of Phila delp. The annual assessment. for the above-named dis trict, of all persons liable to a tax on carriages. !Plea sure yachts. billiard tables, and gold and silver plate. and 'also of all persons required to take out licenses. haying been completed. NOTICA IS HEREBY GIVEN. that the taxes aforesaid will be received daily by the un dersigned. between the hours of 9A. M. and 3 P M. (San days exeAipted), at his office, S. W. corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets, on and after MONDAY, Febraary 1.934. and until and including MONDAY, the 22d day of the Marie month. PENALTIES. All persons who fail to !Ay their annual taxes 'Upon carriages, pleasure yachts, 'billiard tables, and gold and silver plate , on or before the aforesaid 221 of February, 1864, will incur a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, and costs. as provided for in the 19th section of the excise law of July 1, 1882. All persons who, in like manner, shall fail to take out their lionises, as required by law. on or before the 22d of Febrnar, 1864. will incur a penalty of THREE TINES TEE AMOUNT OP SAID LICENSE, in arooroacce with the provisions of the 69th section pf the excise law aforesaid. Money of the United States and notes of the National Banta only received. No further notice given. WEL 3 WAINWRIGHT, Collector. EL W. corner of THIRD and WILLOW streets, sPhiladolghts, 17.010 16 28.010 16 ...- 90,496 94 SMITH, President. jal3,3w REST ON INVESTMENTS $00,4318 SA?..t. $lO,l-1-0 87. 5500,000 LW COMPAIAY DIREcTons Jnb W. Glanon N. S Lawrence, der. Walker, Jno. Sm , Plee, Henry_ W. Gray. Silas Yerk es, Jr., AV EN. President. GILLETT, Vice President T. ja2B-thstn-8t vinterans. Aaron W. Caskill, • Charles .ECis, Caleb Clothier, William P. Reeder, Joseph Chapman. Jozeph W. Moore. MALONE, President. i. Secretary. ja2l-tbstnet* JE COMPANY, MUT STEM, ELPHIA. RD lIIBURA.AWL .TOlll4- John W. Iverman. Bobert, B. ?otter, John - Seeder, Ji., E. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Vosep Presideh. D. Ellis. 13110 IL nt. lIRDSON. Vice President. Jal4-tt NOTICE TO JOBBERS OF DRY GOOD .-A Sateen:no, wbo can sell One Hundred Thonernd Dollars to the very best Elbert time buyers, is open for an et genemznt with a good hoabe. Address " Harr-, " PM , * OD :a. i 32p 8t• WANT ED-1;Y A IiELIABLN MAN, male a himself In a Stove Store, where ran Tod& • has some knowledge or Bo :k -keeping and tindertt m,, oD ; „the Beater and Ringo basinemt. s at t s f act „ r „ for .., Ad:tress "(1. , 'fhb. (lift's , It. WANTED-33Y A MARRIED MAN, a situation ea Salesman, Clerk, or general "IP•ili Dry Goode, Grocery, or other business. Speaks german and English. Can give Rood reference. Address .o uUn"' try Sior.kenner." t n fil ye. 1111 WANTE 12—A SITUATION AS Bale:man, in a jobbing. chnnru•sion, or imoort ingtenre, by a Hoc C.1.5-agoi 1.4 . 2. of Koatt habits, par hey convergant with bneinesA of Alt hind's. and can give andoebted reference, Addrets• M. C." Pre ga Office. ia•29.6t WANTED-YOUNG MEN OF 01i,11I• V BABY education The y have an opportunity now, rover before offered, °thanking the ext of TBLaPita:PH MO BY SOUND, to as to be tepa, of fOll."Rid A L.AI business. In three months' time. lqo broftsti , ,n of til9 Present day offers such indusoments—at t•nce rnAntif kl. bigbly resoonsible, and immediately remunerative. Ap ply. for terms. hc., Quaker City College. Entrance, TENTH. above Ches.hint. 8221.2153 22 WANTED TO RENT-A STORE, suitable for Ger.4S'" rtattithing Goods, on Arch street, between Sixth and, Ninth etreets. or oa Eighth etmet, between Arch and' Chealmta. Any one destrane of fitting up a store suiuMe' for this purpose, In either Cf the above•epeeified 7CSalltlee, will find a desirable tenant by addressing "D. 13;' office or The Pmen. .6 11 communications strictly confidential. jaB.4t* 11179.4 W 12 WANTED -A FIRST.CgASS SALES. MAM, in a Boot and Oboe home. who can com mand a near Pennsylvania and.Jeney made. Also, one who has an established Western Penns - ylvania and Ohio. trade. Those having a knowledge of the bodiless pre ferred, Address "A. 8.," at it.ls office. with real name. ia2Coev. W ANTED-IN A PRY GOODS .TOl3- BING BoUgE.fail expeli6need SaLESNIA.N. To one wbo can influence a good eauntry trade a. !literal ea 3arT WM be givcit. Addresa Dox Philadelphia. P4At. ()thee. Cit $20.x39 09 WANTED— CLOTIIING.—PERSONS having Clothing to dispose of will please call on or via r.pp 0 MITLEP., 9tt6-ttittos3se No. 203 CINDST2I37 Street: AN EXPY BIEN(' ED 800 K KEEP ER &elm employment In the Evening in any warigniii in which a knowledge of bn•ineee could be made available. Addresx • • J. P. W.," Boxl P ITHEINTIST WANTED-ONE USED TO •-• 1 making Photographic Chemicals ptererred‘ ja2B•ht Address "P. C.' this office. MIISIC.-A MUSIC - TEACHER Wanted at tiro ➢Mountain Female Seminary. 13fr mingbam, Huntingdon county. Pa.. for tsrm openinw Web. Bd. Application can be made on P k.IDAY.IO A M.. Sa.n. 29. at the GIRARD if.i.IISE, CIISSPIi OW St. Please inquire for L. G. ORII , II. .I+l2B ("WE OF THE BEST LIFE EAPTCI3 Companies in America Macsly WANTS an ACTIVE MAN. to reronsenr it in this city. who has an ext, naive acqnaintance and possesses some know ledge of the bnainco4 Aliberitrand permanent compen sation w ill be allowed. Address, with references, Y. 0., Box 702 ja.2o-tk Ran A MONTH!—Wn W ANT A EfFINTS AT .41 , ur , - , e6oe.rsonth.expensespald.to sell our Eberta.sting PencllA,Orizrda,l Burn:7p, and 13 other articli.e. le ci rem lars sentfree SHAW CLASIC, Biddeford. Me. is27-2ro AL DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE—PsnAtaILPHYA. Yeb. e. WORMS WANTED Dzunodlately to *arty GOAL to the to'llowinx Re To r M . t. MA. Yort Kontos, VA. Alexandria. VA. Newborn. N. O. tors Royal. IS. 0. A. EOM MO-tt ewptalu and Assistant Quartftrmaster. $354,296 16 ITANDSOME SECON D.STORY COM MUNICATING BOOMS 'mini lgoarding; Private Table, if desired. at 11g33 CIISSTNITT Street ja2s.3t* LONT AND FOUND. LOST -A CERTIFICATE FOR ONE Share in the KENSINGTON BANK, in the county of Ph I/ adelphia. The finder will be suitably rewarded if "eft at 31 aLd 1.3 STRAWBERRY Street. 3'46 tuthSt. HOSES WHEELER. LOST OR MISLAID-WILLIAMS PORT and Elmira Chattel Mortgage Scrip in favor of BUSH & LOSDELL. Certificate No. 44. dated 9 mo. 27th, 1955, amount 5189.67_ Appilcation has been made at the e dice of the Company for a new Certificate. H. S, isioCoM B. WILMINGTON. Del., Jan. 25, 1864. ia27 WAS TAKEN TJP, IN GER MANTOWN. a RED COW. The owner or owners are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away, or she wilt be sold ac cerdtng to law. G. W. DUIFOILDT, WO at* Lieutenant of Police. FOR SALE AND TO LET. ARARE CHANCE TO GO INTO business. already established for sixteen years. and Laving a good run of custom. For sale. the STOGIC and FIXTURES of a Boot and Shoe Store, No 1313 ALOIS Street—one of the beet stands in the city. House to rent low to a Good tenant, la3o-3ts A BABE CHANCE.-FOB BALE, the RESTAURANT, DINING, and BILLIARD SALOON. No. 420 LIBRARY Street, opposite the Poet Office, with or without tables. • Apply at the SALO ON• 1527-4 t. Fj 011, SALE—STOCK, FIXTURES, AND GOODWILL of a Jobbing Dry Goods and Notion Rouse. MARKET. near Third, doing a first olass country trade • offering a rare chance to any one wb hing to embark in business. Reasons for present parties sea insr out. poor health of •one of the same. For particular/. address, real name, - Health," at this 019100. ja2B-3t. FOR SALE-THE WHOLE OR HALF- Interest in a iiret-claseChestnFit-etreet Photographic Betabikffi . ment. Address F. P.. ' office of Ths Press. ja.lo-atnth3V COAL YARD FOR SALE.—THE BEST fitted , up Yard in the citY. Capacity for dame any amount of 'btorness. Inquire at 959 North NINTH street, below Girard avenue. Terms easy. jan-6t" TO BENT-A VALUABLE STONE carARRY, situate alongside of and parallel with Chester creek, where building atone can be got out with great facility, there being tory feet of a breast, and but little dirt on At not more than 25 yards from a Ant-rate landing. For particulars, inquire of the anbecriber v on the premises. WALTER C. LYTLE, ja29 6t. CHESTER. Delaware county, Pa. WEST PHILADELPHIA PROPER TY.-Several choice large LOTS OF GROUND. on. Walnut, Locust, and other streets, in the best reeidence neiab.borhoods, for Eole, on veryl favorable terms. by B. R. .FONSS, .ia26.tuthr-Bt. No. 209 South SIXTH Street. CM VALUABLE WEST PHILADEL- Eca PHU. PROPERTY FOR SALE.—The large :hree story double DWELLING situate on the north side of SPRUCE Street, ICO feet east of Fortieth. or Till street, containing large Parlor, Reception and Dining-room, connected by folding doors; seven Chambers, Library, and Hall Roams: Nursery, Bath-room. Store-room. two Kitchens, with stationary Wash-tubs; Gas and Water in every story: replete with every modern convenience. The building is heated by Chilson'a cone-shaped Fur nace; ventilating registers in all the upper rooms. The ground is lest by 175 to a back street: is bsautifally laid out, and contains a great variety of ornamental, shade. and fruit trees. For terms apply at 3?r7 South THIRD Street. 1530.30. i re, FOR SALE—DESIRABLE DWEL. ream LINOS and LOTS. situated on all the milli streets. West Philadenahia Apply to lt ZOBENT MACtiBBG Olt. 419. WALNUT Street. ARCH STREET, 'PLEASANT RE- AgaSIDENCE. No. 1317-20 feet S inches front. with double back buildings; and all city conveniences. Lot 128 *eat deep. to a street. for SAL S and early PalwewiOn. A P. &J. H. NORRIS. 910 ARCH Street. ja.3o ei CHESTNUT STREET PROPER TIES, West of Twelfth street. north aide, now sui table to improve into Stores. One with Stable in rear. 20 feet 6 i riches (rout. 160 feet deep. For sale by A. P. dr J. H. MORRIS, 9)6 ARCH Street. ja3o-3t5 GERMANTOWN.-FOR SALE.OR BENT, and early possession given. the pleasant RESIDENCE occupied by Dr. Darrach, on Green street. near !Harvey, with pari or. dining-room. winter and summer aitchen (hot end cold water in each), bath, water closet. plenty or shade and evergreen., with large lot. A. P. & J 3. MORRIS. iaSo.2t s 916 ARCH Street. FOR SALE-A THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, with three-story back buildings and all latest improvements. No. 8.1.1 North ELE• VINTH Street. ia3o-st. FARMSIFOR SALE.-340 ACRES near eaford. elaware, near Steamboat Landing. 200 antes near Seaford. Delaware, on navigable stream, with Saw-mill,. large Peach Orchard, &c. 200 acres near Georgetown. Delaware. Price only $2.500. gin acres near Princeton. N. J. Stream of water through the place. Price only eifti per acre. 50 acres near Abington Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. B. F. GLENN ja3o-tf 123 South FOURTH Street. 03.692 50 er!, DESIRABLE DWELLING- FOR .10Stlf.3ALE.—The convenient three story Dwelling. with double three-story back buildings. No. 617 North BLEVEDITH. Street. below Mount Vernon street, east side, built In the very hes. manner. with all the modern conveniences. Immediate poace.eion. N. B.—Perrone deafens a well-built. nicely-located dwelling, convenient to the Spring Garden-street marlret and the various city passenger railroads, will hod the above a very desirable residence. Apply next door to the property. ja:3o 2t* $8 692 50 de FOR SALE—A LARGE SCHOOL ..;:a+ or Boardiror House Prorerty at West Chester. 00 by 40 feet. Lot 200 by 170 feet, Immediate possession. AD- Ply to A. P. &T. H. MORRIS, ja3o-sw7t* 918 ARCH Street. $46,801 56 el PINE GROVE IRON WORKS-= AliatFo3. SALE—liolling Mill and Forge. tenant boneee. and 90 acres of good-farm land with buildings, three mike froze railroad at Oxford, Cheater comity. Pa Ap• ply to A. P. & J. H MORES. iaSO-6ts 916• ARCH Street. FOB S E—A FINE THREE max STORY STONE HOUSE, and LOT, situated at the "Green Tree" Station, on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, twenty miles from Philadelphia. The House is large and modern built, with tine fruit, water. &a. For further information apply to Miss A. R. DAVIS, on the premises. or WM. T. ELBSRT, jag-stuthlm• Wm WALNUT Street. dtb FOR SALE PENN MANOR F 2.1191, containing 196 &cies, considered one of the best Farms In the State ; convenient to the railroad station and near steamboat landing, on the Delaware river ; first-class improvements. M. PF.TTIT, ja29 323 WALNUT Street. • de TO LET—A COMMODIOUS DWRT.LING, N0.13E North FRONT Street. Rent moderate. Apply to WEIIIBRILL & BRO. 0e29-tf 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. F 0 R SALE—A FIRST-CLASS FAUX 'and COIIRTP.T DRAT. containing 160 acres of Land. situate in DELA:WARR County. on the Phi. ladelphia and West Cheater Plank-road, sin miles from Market-street Bridge, one mile from termination of De laware county P. Railroad. Thereon is a large man- Mon-house, with hydrant at the door, and gas pipes in the house. Tenant house, and every buildin ofereaarr to carry on a large farm and dairy. Orchards &variety of Fruit. The land is in the highest state of cultivation. Forfurther information apply to the owner, AD AM C. BCKFBLDT, living thereon, or to JAMBS A. FREE MAN. 42% WALNUT Street. jaMl-61. FOR SALE CHEAP -HOUSE 1818 =a-WALLACE Street, with all modern ina_provemont& Enquire on the premises, or to Y. JANNEY, No. 16 6. DILAWARS Avenue. Ja23-7P T° C ARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. LumBER. 08. SALR—at lase than market rates—a very tine Tot of let our INDIAN RIVER SAP 'FLOORING inch Chick. thoroughly seasoned: will be sold low to close out the yard at S. B. corner of EIGHTH Street Pad GIRARD Avenue. Also. 100.000 feet of White Pine Hoards, let, 211, and panel. 150 Chestnut Posts, at 90 cents. 2 Carte. Sto. The whole will be sold low for cash this month. ja27-6t. stikFOß SLLE.—SCHOONER CLIO, RS to burden. built at Cooper's Point. N. J., In IEBO. of the beet seasoned timber; a fast sailer, of Rest draft. and in complete order. Apply to H. B. & G. W. BENNIRI3. WY 8. FRONT Street, ja26 Or Dyottville Glue Wor ks. MATERIALS FOB MINCE FIBS. BUNCH. LAYNE. AND SULTANA RAISINS. CITRON. INIREANTS. AND SPIONS. OIDSE. WINKS. ag.k. &LDERT 0. ROBERTS* Dealer la rue Oreurioa. - 114eraar 1413VERTSt as4l Tam *raga. WANTS. BOARDING. IS= AOADEMY OR MUSIC. THE ORATORIO OF TEE MESSTAII. By_ Handel. as performed by the HARM it HAYDN SOCIETY OF PELLADELPHI/4 With so much success, on Christmas Matt last, by she generous offer of the Society will be renrodused ON Fit.MAY EVENING. FEBRUARY a. Het At the Acadein_y_of Music. :FOR THE BENEFIT On:HEN. B. muumuu OO- - it atCßtit: 'FM solos and concerted pieces will be performed lair the tint professional and amateur talent of she country. soatained by the . !Num? GETtlfakfrap.l4lllllSTßA, And a'etiOiitii7OT over two hundred ioleee. Tickets dfti cents. Beats resmted Without extra chaige. To be obtetned at the following Academy of J. B. Gould. Serena and cntentant streets . ; U. Andre. hod Chestnut strti. Lee a waltzes. 722 Chestnut etreet; Aebriead! Irvatis. Y 24 °hostess street; W. 8. & Alfred Martieu,l3o6 Chestnut street. Mr- The wae of tickets Wilt. tiosatrieme oa *oesetr.: Peb. lit, at 9 o'clock fan NEW CHESTNITALST. THEATRE. WHAM) GROVAR-- A oLoßwErs SUCCESS. TO•NIGHT. L i E3TEE 'WA LL AflA'S COMIC D'RAMA, THE VETIRAN Magnilke.ut Scenery: Superb Costumes Efrom,itatioreed plates); Delightful Music, and a cad of the utmost strength, ft:Orr:ming Misses Sitsan Denin, Alice Fluids. Sophy Glr.ber, Susan Schenck. Mrs. Mann, Marry Pee HOD. Cberles.Burron, J. J. Prior, W. H. Donaldson. T. F. Knisil.t. T. L. Donnelley. G eorge H. Andrein: K. b. Everett, en:d other.. THE GRAND TAIAZAUX Receive 14A: 7y an encore of . the most outline: !U character. A 1110111 dehltifli Military awl. Oriental Pagsiintat would be ditllceleto Produce. P i 013 usal . WALNIIT-STREET Via - EATER FAISPNTELL ENO a CINMEIAT of the YOUTIK. pot - nr;: boantiral &Orem LBW ofw} o, In conrecinen Fe of Caleb:memo nightly mLihoeliiis and contbined applf:Yarlore for Rests . wt:T appear EVERY :STEDITSG THIS vim Eli in her great orlainal,emotio - ral Play of OR. 'Mr BIUCTIMENT. Box Office open from Z Arbt. till 3P.M. MIS. JOHN D.NRW'S NEW' Alicw w STREW TEIBATR:P BaIfIFIT 01 , STUART ROBSON. FOUR IEOE4.FOUR PLEG2N. TO.NIONT CSATIMAY). January 30.1013 t. The new eerio-comic Drerrnoftntitlod. DOING Fall; TEEN NISIST. Bin Env kills, Stuart nobecila.' To be followed by a new CAPSILL"B. Madamß. W. F. Camille Stuart Robson. ..a . ) mead Duval Bl,lqo Josephine Sanairr. Arier to Ich 'THE HYB.1:JIIITB Witb a Leal Tire ~ . .... ... Stuart Robaell, To conclude with the thrilllns; dralva DICK 1 UNPIN AND TOM BING. Torn Kin Barton MIL J:aelsey Glo g nengreen v.. e• Stuart Robot. MONDAY. MISS THOMPSON. Cat lath - ease at 7.3 a" o'clock. 'ERR MAENNERCHOR RES PECT -1.- . FULLY announce that their FIFTEENTH FANCY DF:AR' BALL wilLtake plea* on MONDAY. FEBRUARY iet 1934 AT VTR AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. It Is their intention to make this Ball one of the mesa wed, of the season, and, therefore; breve adopted tha following regulations: Cards of adreUsion can only be had by anbacriptiOn at the utdersigned—the mica to be TRIBE DOLLAR& admitting a sentlematr and two ladies. Visitors gm Please attend in Fancy Dress. heads or families on l y OK . espied. Every exertion will be made by the Commitiw to maintain the reputation these belle have• always et Toyed. The Mimic will be furnished by Birgfeld's Band 1114 Orchestra, consisting of thirty-Ave performers. Promenade Concert to commence ut half past ft o'clock. the Polonaise at 9 0:13100k. Carriacou sot down heading. aoath.taka-¢p"haadltlrt north. J. H. CAMP. No. 130 North Seventh strati. R. T. ScHMIDT, No 46 North Third street. M. KAISER. No 1019 Chestnut street. C. NEUM AN. No. 940 Market street. F. BALTZ. No 353 North Third street. - . ' LOUP; TOURNEY, No 227 North Second street, C. N. MAIN. Fifth and Green streets. F. W. E. ADAMS. No. 407 North Third street. N WOLSIRFFER. No 980 North Sixth street. C. BENEERT, No. 99 Bonth Fourth street. F. L. ROSS'S. No. 711 Spruce street. T. B.•POTSDAMER, No. SI North Third street. • F. WEBB, No. Ni South Thi.r9. street. G MUMS, & Co.. No. 1101 Chestnut street. LEE & WALKER. No 722 Obe.tent street. A. BIROFELD, No, 139 South Seventh street. jattAil GREAT NATIONAL CI ROUE{ TROUPE—MARKET Street. above Twelfth. Manageress, Mn. GBAILLBS formeriv Mrs DAN RICIk The People have popularly demonstrated that tali GitEAT NATIOISAL clactrs ninot remain. 'l`ll4 agernent. in reeponse to public sentiment. have consantst to KEEP OPEN FOR THREE WEEKS LONGER. and win present .s naval the SPORTS AND PASTIMES OF THE 12/NO in a style that will continue to reflect credit on the data or the professito s that combine t )make•up the Great N. tional Troupe, g.ind'lSSlo.2-26 rents: Stage Seats, 110 cents; Private Box, SS; Gallery. 26 cents Evening performance commencing 7.40. • MATINBBS lIVER.Y WEDNESDAY AND BAITIIiDAT AIPTISRNOOL 00111DellelIIff a 2 o'clock. CONCERT HALL LECTURE ROOM. CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE TWEGFTR. POSITIVELY THE Litt,T WEEK BUT ONE: WUNDERLICH% zoom/armor. A series of ilinairatione of T. S. ARTHUR'S TEN NIGHTS IN A 8AR,03.0021. , Ala% JOHN BUSTAN'S PILGRIM'S PROC , REBS. And other attractive Scenes from LIFE, CHARACTER, NATURB, and ART. Proprietor B,nd Manager Mr. dOSEPH VERIL will continue for a abort season. This splendid series of more than lOO grand Panoramic Paintings was executed b_y Mr. GEORGE WUNDERLICH, an American Artist, who stands unrivalled as a acetate Painter. Admission 25 cents. Childrenl.s cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Liberal arrangements Malls with schools, temperance, and other societies. Matinee every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Children 10 cents. is 4 Mt TEMPLE OF WONDERS. ASSEMBLY TENTH and cstEsTauT streets. wn. 6 0 i= f 7, MAGICAL and PIIILOSOPIIIOAI.; 13BPIRIMENTS: Great Powers of VENTRILOQUISM, and-the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. SIGNOR BLITZ will Annear In his lamming Entertain ments EVERY EVENING. commencing at-714. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3 Admission 26 cents; Children 16 cents. la4-t[ P ENNSYLVANIA ACADPISIY OP •■• _ _ THE FINE ART 4, a.m& T STBS T, OPEN DAILY (Sundayo oaxseuiedi from 9 A. M. tilt igissiou cent!. Ohlldran half price iaV4l EDUCATIONAL. AA 017 ERNES S, TO TEACH EE FRENC and k 118ie wauted Excellent position. Philadelphits Teachers' Inttitute, 217 South THIRD Street. It. THE SPRING TERM OF MISS -.L. STOKES' SCHOOL, MAIN Street, above SCHOOL. Germantown, commences February I. The Object Sys tem will be introduced in the Primary Departmont. Ja2S St COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. A FORTUNE INANEDIMATION A HINT TO A$TIRiNG4O5tiliG MBN . . The readiest means of honorable and lucrative em ployment is in a thorough education for business. A. lull preparation in the science of Accounts, Cototnerstni Otticulations. Commercial Law, litminege Penmanship. Business Cerrespondence. Perms, &a., can be acquired by spending a few weeks. either day or evening. at BRYANT, STRATTON, & CO.'S NATIONAL COMMER CIAL COLLEGE. B. B. corner of SEVENTH and CHEST NM' Streets. This Institution afforde facilities acknow• ledged to be unequalled by any other in the State. business men and others are respectfully invited to , call and examine our Publications and other facilities for Imparting a thorough practical Business Education. .030 7t. MILITARY. tis 7 5 -TWE NTY F. EC ON D WARD BOUNTY. —Volunteere will obtain a mustering oill. cer's certificate that they are credited to the Twenty second ward. which will be paid by the undtrsigned every day. between the hours of 2 and 4 P. M , at the Union League Roam Germantown. JABBZ GATES.. Treasurer. Twenty-second Ward Bounty Fend. HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR. SEAL FIRST DISTRICT PENNSYLVANIA, No. South THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA, Januar/ 2501. AVOID THE DRAFT. By the authority of the War Department. able-bodied. men will be recruited by the PROVOST MARSHAL OF THIS DISTRICT, for any Company in any old Regiment, and will beim— dited to ANY WARD IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA the recruits may . select. The City and Ward Bounties will be paid in cash, Go.. verument Bounties by instalments. Apply to Capt. FREDW. ZARRAAMER. BecraitingOlticer. TWELFTH WARD-8702 BOITNIPM in, All Recruits accredited to the Tw'Era WARD - will be entitled to the following Bounties.: Malted States Bounty (Veterans) $402 United States Bounty (New liscrults).. ..... 302 • City Bounty, Cash tio Twelfth-ward Bounty, cash down ..... .... NI New Recruit's Bounty 6172 Veterans' 702 Si TLe Disbursing Committee sit daily, at MILE TART HALL. 532, North THIRD Street, where each. Recruit Gan rely on receiving SIFTI DOLLARS CAREL upon being accredited to the Twelfth ward. Job W. Rickards, L. S. Engles, Cbas M. Wagner, George biritz , Abel C. T. Smith, John H. Siner, Fred. Ladner, Charles E. Abel, Committee. :is PEARSON. Treasurer. PROVOST GUARD.- ONE THOU SAND RECRUITS WANTED FOR PROVOST GUARD DUTY. The Honorable Boaretary of War has authorize& major Gemara' GEORGE CADWALADBR to organize and (QUID a special force, for Oarrison. Provost, Guard, and other duty. -- Yen of good character and unexceptionable habits. who can bring good recommendations from reliable MI. zone in the portion of the State where they may reside. have now an opportunity rarely offered in the military service. - A number of competent Clerks. Musicians. and Print en, as well as Carpenters and other mechanics. will be required for special duties. Do man need apply for adnaceton Into this °minicab:la unless he can bring the recommendation above mon. Coned. le between 18 and 46 . yeare of age, and at-lead 6 feet 5 inches in height. Recruits will be clothed and placed on duty at the. Pro . Barracks as fast as enlisted.. Recruits from the city. or country will begredited to such Wards or Districts as they may select, provided they select such Wards or Districts as have heretofore shown an Intention to - fulfil their promteue and ac t i n good faith towards persona who have been accredited to them for the purpose of avoiding the draft. For further information apply to the General Recruit. tug st u ti cc , Provost Marshal's Office. FIFTH- and BUT TONWOOD Streets. Philadelphia. R. A. PRINK. Lient Colonel and Provost Marshal. HOTELS. JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA., I, CORNER MARKET STREET AND MARKET SODA= /first-dam house. Terme. $2 Per day, NMI CORRECT PIANO TUNING. -Mr. C B. BARGENT' B Orders 'for Punter end Repairing P 19.11014 are received at MASON B CO. Store. 907 CHESTNUT . Street. only. Mr. S. has bad eleven years factory eXPerience in DOH Eon. and Ave years' employment in ebiladelplOs SPECIAL —Pianos reinathered to Bound as soh and sweet-toned as new, amthout removing. Terme for Tutting. Sr. BRADBURY'S GOLD MEDAL PIANOS were awarded SEVEN NMI" PALM IN YOO4 WRAY& during the fall of MI The most flattering testimonial' hare recently been reeelye4 from a large rougher f the Mast eminent artiste, its . eluding ErCIT'INC.NAoIt. MANOR, AND WOLFBOHN, who declare Oda the illitrumeuts possees. IA the htitheek degree. the essentials of a PNRYBOT PIAND-FORTE. O. ANDBX & CO , 1104 CEIIO3PNITY Street. JOHN L. OA.PEN, PHRENOLO GIST, marl's consulted. DAY and InratlitireLoa adaptation to BUSlllaia. Trade. and Proteanion,.• on thia Improvement of lemitia. correction of ihnlha formation of frienaphiaa. &O. Val VW eeriptMne of character given when relutred at No. *5 El W7lit fitzant. aim@ ClutatAtit. an3-thattilintt Nanagw.' C. H. Mini'. iwsl4-6m([
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