CITY IrJCW.IIII3. .TANT TO LIPS INSIfitIMEI-4 7 /LOTS .—A person aged 32 can insure ye 1 on his NEW RAGLAND MUTUAL LIIB DM/. ----"YDbY Ming $l3 30in sash, and note amount. _ . crash COMpllnien $76 would only insure plan adds etooo at once. The cash plan ~600 in 17 years. its company the dividends are applied to the notes, thus reducing the amount ;Of Ipal end interest. =ent ofdeath the heirs of the insured, un system, would receive $B,OOO teas the In the Cash Company only $3;000 ,sid to the heirs of the deceased. i aged thirty-OW Was insured in the Nnw atuTnex , for $l,OOO, paying annually , cash and a note for the same amount year since he enlisted in the 69th Regiment, after - a few months' service, died. After unpaid notes, his widow received about -a cash company the widow would have mly 4590. One fact like UM is worth a tamphiets got up to deceive the public. neat Market-street merchant remarked, a since, that he could make more thee ten . on the amount left with him by the Com mix per.cent. interest. ;This was good coot s& THE INTEREST MADE BT THE INSURED OE EXCEEDS THE INTEREST PAID TO TES This important fact he entirely ignored ih companies. The tuifairness and design mule are too apparent t in/ocean of the Note companies has Pro' InjUlt attack of all cash companies. 'An .on of the TWO systems Will convince any ma that the Note company makes the Nvialoa for Lila faintly, at about half the object of life &aurorae 11 a present not o remote contingency. , JfOLIIIIitiOII Will be furnished on appliea. WILLIAM GMT*. Agent, N. E. Mutual Life Insurance Company, No. 425 Chestnut street. Ramiro Tom nr St Reduction in Prides. is , and Magee Fine Cloaks. and Misses' Fine (Moltke. Rich Furs of all kinds. Rich Fun of all kinds. :WAR= of the dose of the season, we are aired to make a large concession from toes on all our stook. 5. 1 11 fr. Priourou & Co., The Paris Cloak and Fur Emporium, S2O Chestnut street. importation of Italian Macaroni and Ter iii by Davis & Richards, Arch tied !cote. Bye, Ear, Throat Diseases, Catarrh, Von XollofrZifiter. Ofilm 1021 War. ja4.6t• INVBRTHD NAILS, ENLARGED nd all diseases of the feet, cured without convenience to the patient, by Dr. Zech& in Chiropodist, 921 Chestnut street. lie• violate and surgeons of the city. jaZet CIAL AND COMMERCIAL. TEE-MONEY MARKET. PITILADELPREA, JanuarY 7,1864. nothing new or startling occurred on Third lay. The most important feature was the ease ney market, which continnes,although there is rely demand on speculative shares. . - Firtst• digs command all requirements at seven per cent., rre promising future ahead. Gold was very min. at '151.11©152. with a moderate business. ant securities are strong,with a steady demand. a speculative feeling developing at the Board w . -priced mining shares.while the old favorites s neglected. Patton, New York, and Middle . BigMonntain and Penn Mining seem to mono &sires of operators. Fulton rose to A —an ad- C; Big Mountain sold at 11%—no changalliew !fiddle Coal at 534 an advance of 1; Penn Mi t—ass advance of .11.; Green Mountain eold at vanes; New Creek at 1; Hazleton Coal at 63; tc at 51—Susquehanna Canal sold at 15%; Che id Delaware at 70; Schuylkill Navigation pre ;need to 31%—sixesi1eS1, selling at 85%; Mor ed sold at 137. Ad for State fives; City sixes were in demand. fuss sold at 77%; North Pennsylvania sixes at on and Amboy sixes. 1870, at M23‘. Pennsyl• Beading bonds were steady. Beading shares eli. °titmice& Preferred was firm at 32,4; - - ' and Erie at 32%; Lillie Schuylkill at 48; at 70—an advance of 56; Elmira at 35; 25% bid for North Pennsylvania; 39 for Passenger railways and bank shares were karket closed firm. 197%05% 105 E 9b% •.1023@ 1004 —106% 107 •• • 97,x' .98 ,• • . I%@ I,:d -- 61 : 4 -t 1 .( 5 . 2 . . f Indebtedness. new f Indebtedness, old s Vouchers ideates of Indebtedness.... 16461ed,1 ions of gold at the Philadelphia Gold Exchange. Third street, mold story )'ol4lclg-A. M. M " P. ..... . . . ...... lft h 'flowing is the statement of the coinage at the the United Mates, in Philadelphia. daring the =MI 55,230.069 93'731,799 93 ism table shows the capital of each of the and the amount which has been paid in: CardteL Pala in. • • • .$1.000,0008,7.000 100,000 100, 000 300.003 300.00 125,030 80,000 York Evening Post of to. day says : s market is feverish ; Governments are strong ; quiet; bank shares dull and railroad bonds lad shares are active first session gold was selling at 1517/0151. mthern at BMWs; Illinois Central at 11.93; d Rock Island at 12136118_ 4 3' • t New York Can a:324; Fort Wayne at 851035%; Cumberland liowthwestent. at 47; brie &A 108.3601083 f . er at 133g130%; Cleveland and Pittsburg at Mariposa at 34. did table exhibits the chief movements of compared with the latest prices of seder- Thur. Wed. - Adv. reg. 104.4 -_ WAX 2881. eon. 105% 105% &i ren-tailrilelt....lo7 - 107 • • • ser.. gad —.102K 10134 .. WIZ ...... •-•••-•-• 97% 97% Ge1d..«....-..1.51% 1514 .i.,: 6e.......-.... 56N 66 ..g: 67 3.4 ~......-....8201 211 •• n.ll. .......... /323,4 •- ..-.........1097 108 n , .. .......109',‘ 103% •• «.....«".1`8936-. •• traL 90% . . _............112.4 112 At • • i-.....12 - .1% 1263.4 ahem.- 88% 87 % Ilii Lth. glum-134 7.85 -. - 5erip......11911 119% •• .....-........1C6N" 167% .. 106% lqq3s. • • 129 1 m e 178 183 ' .. ..... 86 86X, • • Stock Parc :hang. Baden, Jan. 7. [Ba, Philadelphia Exchange.) BOARD. 230 Snag Cana1....b30. 15.3 t 50 New Cretk . .b. • 1 100 Penn Afin'gC&P.c ED do s 4 150 .do each. 13Y" do s 4 b3O. 2 800 00 Schtt do ylNav b3O 31% 300 Reading R..catalt.s6 1-10 100 do . 56% 50 Phint & Brie . l3 • .. 32% 1000•Paep se.alOwn•tlat.lo2% 2 Uhes & Del 70 5000 N Panne. 68 93 103 Big Monntain.3ods. 110 Lehigh Zinc if 50 do N 150% I BOARDS. 403 City 68 1003 E 300 Phila & Brie R•••• . 32yi 400 Big Mountain..3oda. 5;11 BOARD. 800 Fulton C0a1...140. 100 Hazleton Coal 67% 242 Penna R.. ...lots. 70 100 Lehigh Mee. • • b3O 51 20001 J S Gyre op rot-2de 1011:. 100118 6, 'Bl eash.looX so is Y & Middle Cvals K 1500 Blend% R 5c77% 100 OStS2rieSe Prf• • • 3P.i. or S. L SluirMAK FIRST Ans R. 253 g fo over IE7O-100 la 1869 100 lo new... Ex new 101 di Amb 66 '75.102g 71 Nay 03 'B2. 3... biwn. tsg 311 coal...bso. 4381 • 4% • •.120.494 4.g ..a Canal prf. 157 & Middle Coal 5 62 Canal BETWEEN . Mining. • .b3O. • 8% ....a6O alierlo. ton Coal 68 SECOBD b 5. 4 5 ,1" -.ban. 4 • J 4 614 .b3O ffia ...... ek _ 1. fx_ng....b3040 00da after 10. 81i1 CURDS. -50 Lit Batumi B d & P. 48 Krle • .Sd-32% Coa3 " 8 CLOSING PM Bid. Asked. 105 IG6 0te5...106% 107 100 1004' 10571', 104 07 97;:i ICES—FIRM. Bid Asked. OatawbuMß COn. 104 Do prfd 32.4 3 100 India &Brie 8..• 31% I Second- at R. w.. 84 81 Do bonds ..... Fifth-st B 80 Do bonds ..... • • .. Tenth-st .. . K. _ Thirteenth-st K.-. 83 Seventeenth-st 11 10 U Spruce-at S 13% 14 Chestnut st 8.. , W Phil& R 72 .. Do bonds..... Arch-AB i 43.4 iOy Bace-st R 2051 Oreen•st B ...... air D ard Colle ge o b H .. , l 27 it% Lombard& South 16 Ridge. av B. 19 .. Beam Mead 8.... Minehill R ... . Harriburg Wilmington 8.. Snag Do es Lehigh Val Do bonds- .. " Phila,Her & . Cam dr Amb .: Delaware Div... .. Do b0nd5...... . 50 56.,f, 106 106 ,dlv. '70... • 60X 109 70 ie.-. 106 107 R.. 43 49X eoL 67 69 —136. 4 i 137 took 17 17 8,5% 56 .60 52 .. IES 30 40 NIM 2X MN 92X 93 Philadelphia. Markets. • SAIIILIRY 7—Evening. 15 no change to notice in the Flour market: )priae about 800 bbla at; M 07.50 iL bbl for corn- Western and Pennsylvania extra family, As good extra at Wrift bbl. The retailers and rebnying at front $6®6.60 for superfine; $6 760 extra: s7@)B for extra family, and SUMO ancy brands, according to quality. Rye Flour scarce; small sales are making at $8 .6011 bbl. sal there is little or nothing doing. -Wheat is dull at former rates. with sales of astern and Penne reds at 160g165e the latter ud white at from 175@18fe Th bus- Eye is in th *sales of 600 bus at sl4oe 73 bus. Corn le rmly held, with sales of new yellow at 1i store and In the care. Oats are rather 'ale" at Seo.weight,for Penns. Brat No.l Quereitron is in steady -pie market fs firm, with small sales of lc lb. cub. , •buars are firmly held, with sales of irleans Sugars. by auction. at 12 %§ 1 514et 111 °/a.. BB es. at 88@67c e# gallon; and 1.500 moo num sold at laKe. ove at in demand, Flax7fos 25 61 Tho• det 83; 1.000 bus seedlsold at $3.15 ill* are In demand, with small sales of ¢196425a bbl for old and new. Dressed .m at *Me 5 011 100 lbs. Batter la tine/ at 20@b0C tb for common to prime. tithont change; Pennsylvania and Ohio as at 9 0 ..C5955, and Drudge at 69($000 per •lhozooelpfs of Flour and Grata fal 2,200 bbls. ..... ••••• ......... 6. 8.240 boob. 000 bait. 6.000 bwik. Jain. T. at PriTiOnii price.. Ku. and riiradm. Since oat ARRIVALS AT TIE HOTELS Ur TO TWELVE &MOCK LAST-MM. Contilmental—NbaUt Brown. Baltimore Capt C E Dutton, 17 IS A E L Kirtland . Washington C Wink at B W kalmo da le' B B Chapin. 0 Er B 0 Comstock, Washingt'n B b Miller. Boston - . . . P B Hacks, Pittsburg J C Brown. Pittsburg J 8 Worteridyko,Jer City G McLaughlin. Jersey City B C Bacot. Jersey City J Smith. Penns Burgess. New York 1.1 H Watson Ne w :York -r -F A Inslee.ll sl 7 York C B Cargill, ew York Timpson. New York .1 A Hrinpehan, New York C A Smith. New York 8 B. Smith, New.Yort S H Payton, New York J W French: New York G J Henry, New York N 6 Taylor. Sent Tenn Mrs ID W Parsons. Ohio Mise - Parsons.ObS , W Dehain, 113 ..°a Col J M Nimble, hid B B North. Columbia Lt W W tt , ot too d< w. Pa Newer Lab Fa r re l l Wash JD Wash Mr Herrman. Baltimore m r Mgt ft. Baltlmort Mr Montague.Dtew York Job n Philippe. Boston B W Venderh:. of Mr & Mrs tileadart._, York Miss Ida Cleedan. hi York Miss Jda Robins. N•York SAMcKee,IISB Mrs Feick , . N Caswell, New York M C Stanly. New York G B Wriaht, Delaware T C Seam New York J H Chadwick.fialifornia J S Woleoit.,Lockport J A Middleton, Baltimore 0 R Wolff: Cincinnati M Messinger li< w , B L Bollwan. Pittsburg C W McCune. New York W Rivers, S A N thunbrill, Maryland Jas Wells, New York . • „ Serb Bryant, Borton Leisenriss. Penna Q.W Ford. Boatcn Ellrard—iGhestraut .T P Dowlin. II S A S W Jewett. New Haven F F' Harris, New Haven C Kneass • Dr A Crane Dr J H ktOintyro J R Cantwell Bucks co Williams, Wiurbington A P Hoover & son. Wash Win H Bradley, D A A Hitchcock. Dew. York Wm Gordon.& fa. Revak& T Rankin & wf. Boston John H Blair Ohio C W Tracy, II H A Wade, Lancaster Bamnel.Price. Ohio .1 Barker & wf. Warren, 0 C Newgeet & wf. Ohio Debt Wilson. New 'York Geo Reed. New York Thos Simpson,Boston Henry Davis. Boston C I. Goddard. New York A F Adams & la, New York B Wood, New York Dr D Silva New York J Bomardner & la. Phil B C Humes. Bellefonte. Pa T Wallace & wf. Philada, Miss Wallace, Philada J B Cozier. Delaware C 6 Alexander, Harrisburg W T Alexander. Clarion. Pa S Martin Ohio J intin, Ohio D Cline, Cumberland C B Harman & wf, Pa' S D Quigley. Cumberland J W Williamson. Pa G Carter, Baltimore J Stevens, Boston ' Parsons, New York S Anderson & wt, Ohio J Turner, Ohio American—Chestnut John Croeeley. Jr. N Y Capt D Jerrold, Baltimore J B Butts, New Jersey Wm Letts ; New Jersey G Allen, Baltimore - Jas Barton Jr, Del co John K Jarvis,Dover, Del W H Ridenour, Wash'n Aug Kaiser C a Noyes Wm Hinds A V Gray. Washington Wm Stnyell, Jersey City Loughlin t Bart, Schyl Haven A Foster & la, Wash 'J W Andreas & wf,N Y D K Bryant, Chicago Blockson, _Maryland .1 Kemp. Afar l and J J Judge & la. Washington St LowLe—Chestrault O W Wooten Zs la. Penns Owen Boston, New York P H liendrlekeon, II S N B P Hallam, Brandy Sta'n John Hallam an, NY Jan Barton. Delco. Pa . . . A Neill A lyown. 1J N leo 8 ron, 'Mew York Merchants'—Fourth A H Thompion. Trenton. NJ Cat Time A Martin , II S A R II S N Jacob Toy. Holmesbcmg A Leggate, Allegheny, Pa W Daniels. Franklin co, Pa Max Gremberg, New York Preston Miller, Perr_ysb, Pa Wm Overlield. Jr. Pa G A Mandorfr, Pittebta g P B Hall. New York W B Buck, Philadelphia Jacob B Bare, Lancaster - The Union—Aida a A M Deasmore F C Blond &la W Owing!! & la Shines. Easton H. . iram Torrey, New York Geo B Holley, Hornet... Vt. B I Hawley. Dorset, Vt States 'Malan—Market W=shined, Brooklyn H P BJair, Clinton co F C Stye , Florence. N S B W Thatcher. Delaware Wm ti Harvard. New York John Lemons. Delaware W Hinmann, New York - Chau Hiller. Trenton J P Jones. Salem. 0 D Eastlick, New Jersey Geo Swartz. Bellefonte W H allmend. Wilm, Del H L Smyson, Doylestown B S Weaver. Sterling, 11l H A Galt, Illinois Mrs Hatcher. Whim, Del T Ca Wren, Freehold. N J w:12:191 1.50.1 9 2 .54.360.000 ...$513.600 Commercial—Sixth st Jae M Alexander, Princeton C Grant, U S A Wm P Lincoln, U S A Cnas P. Peabody. U E. A H Lang. Chester co. Pa McMullen., Cheater co, Pa T 8 Young. Jr, Coatesville S 3f C Nesbitt, Port Deuosit Jacob Planner], Douglas% W Auchenboch, Pottstown Mount Vernon—Sec John Venn°, Depositji Geo V Herman, US A W H Roisig,Penna Jas B Thompson, Penns. B. F. Thornton. Pittsburg B Trainor. Pittsburg HP. I.s.sdon. rtra.hti., C Chas Hunisinger, Penna Jas Davidson, Montreal Diadixon—Second at Joe R Wert, New Jersey H P Cn'len, New Jersey Hobt C Stover, New Jersey C H Stewart, New York J Swoope- New York - Rev i WBnidin. J Bowman, New Hope H UHnowles, M D,Del W M.Pine, A National—Race • Dr jag IfeAlarey. Penns E J Bowmamßeffsville. Pa Jos Whitaker , Durham & Jog Lanbach Patna B Thompson, Penns - Chas Smith &wf. N Jersey SPECIAL,' NOTICES. • - FOR ONCE, WE TAKE PLEASURE IN CALLING the attention of our readers to an advertisement—that of HOWE STEVENS'"FamiIy Dye Colors." These Dyes hayebecome a household necessity, and so general in their use that many a well-dressed lady finds that many an article, once rejected as out of date, is, by the aid of these Dyes, made as good as new. jag -8t ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THY: LATEST SYTyza. made in the Beet Manner, expressly for BE PAIL BALM LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures, 'All goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our ONE-FRIOE SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. "de23-ly JONES & CO.. 604 Namur Street. GOI,D YENS EE•POINTHD EQUAL TO NEW, on the receipt of 36 cents. Circulars for the John- , eon Pen, sent on application, by Mail or other wise- S. JOHNSON. idanufaatta7 and Ofac9, de2l4m 15 MAIDEN LANE', New York City. DR, STEPHEN SWEET, OF cONNEcTicET, tat a ant i - 01'- Switet'a Infantile Liniment." COWPBRTHWAIT. —January 6, Margaret Cowper thwait, relict of the late Mark Cowperthwait, in the 81th year of her age. Her friends, and those of the family, are invited to at tend the funeral on Saturday morning. 9th‘inat , at 10 o'clock. from the residence of her eon-tn•law, B. F,aklue, No. 1727 Mount Vernoon street HISSCIIon Tnericiay, liinuary s_, in New York. of eci , ireetion f th e brain, David P. hiesch, formerly of Phf adelphis Hie relatives and! friends are invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his brother. in-law, 11. Oramboalo. 463 North Seventh street, this ( /rid ay) morn ing , January 8, at 10 o'eloch, To proceed to Oxford. * COOPER. —On 6th instant, Claga Theresa Cooper. the rah he The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her parents. Ito. 906 South Front street, below Pine street, on Friday afternoon, -at 1 *Week. Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery THEN WlTH.—January 5.1861, of cot sumption, Valen tine T. 7Yenwith.aged 26 years. Bis friends are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence. 425 !Lombard street, on Friday. January 8. at 1014 A. K. • WILLI AMS.—On the 6th instant, Thomas F. Williams. in the 50th year of big age. The relatives and male Mends of the family. also Phoenix Lodge, No. ISO, A. Y. IL are respectfally in vited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 1530 CI err y street on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Woo d land Cemetery. 5* 0 CON NOR. —On Tuesday morning, the 6th inst Ann Chrietina, O'Connor, in the 84th year o inst sae. FORD. —On Thursday morning. 7th . Mary Ann. Widow of the late Athanasius Ford. • BLACK DRESS GOODS.—OASH imam Velour Rem Tandem, S-4 and 8-4 Mono• relines, iferboes. Henrietta Cloths or sllkir i f s Cash more. °Non= Poplins, 'lrish Poplin", h an/ fi en g i Beinbienos, Aleina.s . sordid llousse es. An.. trillion Crop*. Jaratheas , Turin Clotho. Paramotras. D e Lamm orirmtal Lustros, Alpaca" and Mohair Lnithsa Kepi Anilais, Mount= Si. a Armors. Poult de SOW =4 'hos Grain Silks. BKSSON 8014 oes Mourning , Store: No. 918,thimiTniuT Strad. - PYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. naves Ana gook of deal -able SHAWLS "EYRE & LANDELL .AeLW.A.YS KEEP the veil beet makes of BLACK SILKS known to the trade. EYRE & LANDELL KEEP A FULL stock of iden's Wear; aIso.HILOIER'S BBSTBLACK CLOTHS. - THE SOLDIERS OF THE WAR. of 1812 will Celebrate the Atusiversarif Am Battle of New Orleans at the SURRIIIIII COURT ROOM, TO'S MORNING at 10 o'clock. General attendance la requested. Its JO 1N H. PRIOR; Secretary'. 121 r. • VETERANS OF TERI :Sad PENN SYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS.—The odium- of the regiment and the members of Co. O are requested to meet at the Armory_ of National Greva,lleurth,__etory, NINTH and WALMIT Stoats, THIS _EVCIPNO. ad cbiak. Cltsl - JOHN MAXWELL. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGII TAY z.ftEttir. A. B. CO, - 320 WALNITT smear. ..Tan 3,1101. Theßoard of Dinettes have this day declare* a semi annual dividend of 0 war sent. payable on and after the Win inn. [ja7-M9 . nouirrs, Tram zed Oheistaret streets, B J Manning . ena J A Troy. N .4 C Movie, Prov. KL W Dintrom, Washington I C rowan. Bo3ton Lazonby. Manchester 1j • LIM. Manchester 16 yellow:. klartfori W Smith. IPi Price &w. Cleveland- C & Maltby, Baltimore 4 5 , _,Bakirr. Baltimore J D S mallwood N ltliP. A Sailer, Xenr ferVer .Gt Col ID Masser, IT S A W Prick, Chaster, Pa W M Norton. Chester. Pa Jones. Wilcov, 01 , 1 W der, Lonce BoiCincore PShronter A Wenler. Penna. A C Vaughan. Penua d Guinan. Hellear 32 Weilenstein: Monson B McClintock, Katur.c . T 6.4.1/POll, Bowes . Mille. Penne J tson. Panne A Ebbs Philada• . - . . Missithbs, Philada Miss Wrenshall, Plttabtlit W Watsrn, Jersey City & Harwickell. dew' York , Chas Staples, Jr. Portland W H H main & wt. Boston. Miss L Knowles. Baltimore Geo 0 Van Nest, New York C J Brack dr wt. New York Geo N McDonald, New York Ziegler. Boston ilop phi SE 'srf, Illinois Mr Watmlre & eon H F Cox. Jersey City Van Voret. Jersey Cit♦ Z B Simmons, New York J W Stanton. Conneeicut Henry McKay, New York W E Baker & wr, Boston• C Houston. 84,0am:A it A Whitman dr,:wf. Conn. W Crooke, Newyork Oliver Hoyt, elerv.York 8 V Wright, Newyork rrownsend.New-York , Dr L S Saner & la; it York. J hisok, lowa rhalon. Dew York - B H Little New York W G lane. New Ytrk C H Mulligan, Newitork treat• below Ninth. Kiss L F Earp.Philadslphla MissS Rasp. Philadelphia Thos 6arp.Jr,&ta.Ph la Col W Rickards. Perms Lt Col 8 as &dick, P.inaa W H Harr/eon . Dr G Wells_. N W Tennant, Pennsylvania H J DeWolf, New York H B Masters, Brooklyn John Young, hew York L D Appsla, Boston Thos Jeffries, Dayton, 0 .1 A Hendricks & la. Chicago W S Almond, Pittsburg Thos Jordon. Pittsburg Mrs King. New York . Sam't Kumla. Baltimore Deo Cline. Baltimore - fl W Wallace, Baltimore A Irven & wf. Daytrn.o John Johnson, Baltimore Philips Moffett. Portland W D Dean. New York 0 6 Baskin & Parsons Aiwf. Poona Miss L - Parson, Lock Haven D R Draggers , , New York J Wharton, Brie, Pa J Brackbill, Wm &emir. Pa 'F Mullen, Pa Mra Fitzsimons & da N F Bade. Marietta, Pa Cant J C Little Dammam" Jr • • • •-• . T C Zalleck. Schuylkill co W King, Ne w York W Hagiey .Tr. New York B Van Schank, New York Mrs Bowen, Strouleburg A Simone, blew York _ . B Ofiborn, Delaware Brnwn. Maryland J W Baker, Baltimore istreet, above Flak, T J Lewis, Maryland H G colon. Maryland N Skinner, Boston A B Bly. Boston I Black Lieut J B Hall John A Goldin. New York Dr Lewis & wL Nashville - Thos Gibson. II 8 A Lient Jos B Lilly. II 8 A Wm A House, Penne. Jas B Oldham, Bikton.Md G Lerch, Heading D F Baroes & fanny. Philo, W L Davis. Easton. MAI J B Field, Taunton. Mass W A Baiguel . Gao G Prentice. Jr V J Stanhope. Penne. B • Hodgson. Pottsvi:le street, above Third. W B Bosenbanm, N Y John Virsrell, NeWark, N J 13 13 Hand. Newark. N .1 Thos Fender. King ,ton.. Pa W Alder, Kingston , Pa I 13 W Williams. New York B Whitney D H Howdy, New Tereey B dowdy, New Jereey street. below Arab. Geo P Oolburn, Mess Peter Hadley, S omerset, Pa T L Fritehey, Maryland Sirs Welch, Beading Henry Z Van Reed.Rearfing Frank Hooke St ia. A G Fulton. Pennsvlvania B n Galt. Sterling. 11l B S Weaver, Sterling, 11l H Gunpert, Harrisburg David Aul. Cnmb'd so. Pa John Leggett. New Orleans tireelt, above Third., 11 ` Mtss Francis Lehm.Altoona Mrs Lanni, Altoona; Pa W. a MeOwen, Zanesville.° Johif P Parr. Ohio oiltman Wileee,Vermoat S E Cleaver, Delaware D Anepach, New Sersey. stareolt. above. Shunt hug Cooper, FreeholdiN .7 H Cottrell, Freehold; N J Mr k Mrs Msrtin,Chester co Geo W Woodward-Chest co JD Morgan & la. Delaware Mrs Swartz, Centre co. Sirs -N Mason, L H Moore & la, New York Jas Trimble, Boston John Cooper, New York G elray. I W T Caleb, Delaware H O'Neil W W Frazer, Carlisle C H Clark: Kt Holly.. Pa Hnbecker, Glint= so reet, above Chastain. Jas Grine. Downingtown Geo M Stetson. Delaware ; W Sharplese Chester co Sharp, Harrisburg Sobers Banford, N C Warford. Backs co Pidcock. Mercer co. N J 0 R A Gun, Pottstown. Pa Wm Lambert, Wash, D C Wm A Cargill. II 13 A rid st,above Arch. Yoe S Hackett, Salem. N J R Townsend. Salem. N J J N Montgomery. N York Samuel Beckett. Harrieblf W llastburn. Muriel . . . . . . R Whoa, Loa. Haven S Larimors Contra co. Pa S Shaffer, Cameron co, Pa, rect., above Market. Band Brown.. Salem, N J John Mickel, Salem, N J Daniel Moore JMlWOO:leard, J Mrs X Ssatbrina, Penult 'Mrs Shaw Solesbury, Pa Mrs ChamberlaineB amb' i y Chas M Williams s la. Bait Sami ThomLs, ja-lews: eet, above Third. I Jacob Lon Lancaster Preston Miller. Penna P Shult_, z New Providence it Zug.New Providence A Levi Haieretowndrid Dr Geo Rex.Chestet, Pa DID. IMP UNION LEAGUN PHIL" DILPHIA. A SPECIAL MEETING LEAGUE OF PHILADELPHIA., wthi BE !MD Ar THE .I.E.a.CILIE HOUSE, ON MONDAY, JANUARY 11, AT B O'CLOCK I'. M. Br order of the - Board of Directors, J 2844 GBO. B. BOND& Secretary. ryav RADICALTEMPERANCES' —REV. S. DL- I.atfDlB. M. D.. will deliver hie celebrated Oration. on "Radical Temperance." beton! Morning Star Divtaion. No. DS. Bone of Temperance. at Chair Rail. S. IC corner of If !NTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, 'FMB (Friday) EVENING. at 8 o'clock. The public are cor dially invited. W. 3. D. MoKEE, Ghair'n of Com. J. cuov, Secretary. INCo. PHILADELPHIA MUTUAL HEAL EHTAIE ..oBsOI:IATION.—The . Oommittoo to whom Was refered the winding up of the above Imo. elation noti re' taoseholdlog fall paid-up atocrto preeont their Certificates with receipt on or before the .let of APRIL avert et the Office of S. r CEIREINER, NOBLE Street. above Ninth. B. SCE REINER. H VAR BILIL. iaB-fta3mo ALLAN W. RICHARDS. Vir ITIF SOCIY FOR TINE A•l2- VANL,kIVIENT OP CHRISTIANITY in Pennsyl vania will celebrate its Fißy-second Anniversary. on SUNDAY RV - BRING next. bong the first Sanday after the Epiphany. at ST. MARK'S CHURCH. Services to o. mmence at OS o'clock. The annual report - will be made, a sermon preached by the Rev. JOHN P. LUN DY, and a collection - made in behalf of the old - eats of the society. GEORGE W, HUNTER. IRS 2t Secretary. MSOUP 1112,USHS:--TEEP. porAm ist embraces the corporate titles of all theEocie ties orgar !zed in this city for supplying- the poor with , song with the ilmfte -of each the leealialee vane 'several 130 . 0.1) Rouses. and the names of those authorized to re. cern contributions to their funds. Ithtpablished• for the , information of such as are disposed•to aid in the support of this useful and economical charity, and to aid the be nevolent in directing tbe Poor to the proper sources for their supply. applicants abouldhear with them the re commendation of a responsible party. and if found wor thy, will be furnished regularly with nourishment for themsel PHIL ADELPHI A I—TH SOCIETY FOR SUPPLYING THE POOR WI IS SOUP.—Limits—From Walnut to Shippen streets, river Delaware - to Eleventh Street. Soup House. No. 938 Griseom street, from Spruce tonne. above Fourth street. WM. EVANS; Jr..i'reasurer, - 152 S unit Front street . . 2—THE NORTHERN SOUP SOCIETY. —L mtts • North . from Collo whill street, from the river Delaware to:Eighth st,eet, except the portion east of Front MOW., appropri ated to the Ket,pington. Sonp Society, Stoop HEBnee, Ninth Fourth. above Brown street. T. MORRIS PEROT, Treasurer, 6s, Market' street. 3—FOUTHWABK BOUP SOCIETY. —Limits --eolith. from South street,from river Delaware to Peseynnk road and Broad street. Soup House; Sutherland street. below Queen street BENJ. MORTON, Treasurer. )22 Catherine street. . . 4—MOYAMENSING SOUP SOCIErY. South from oblupen street, wear of Passynnk road to Broad street. Soup House N. W. corner Eighth and Marriott streets. COLLINS WEST; Treasurer. SO2 South Second.street.. . _ S—WESTERN SOUP QOClETY.—Limits•—•enth from. klasket street. west of Broad street; also. from Ereyenth to Broad. Walnut to Ship o ' Soup House. 1610 South street D AVID SCULL. Jr.. Treasurer. • 6—SPRING GARDENS OUP SOClATY.—Limits—North- MCsllowhill. west of Eighth - from Race to Callowlail. Eleventh to Broad, north of Market street, west of Broad: Soup Rome, Buttonwood street, below Broad. THOS MATHER, Treasurer. B. W. cor. Twenty-second apt Arch streets. 7-KENSINGTON. SOUP SOCIETY —Limits—From Laurel to Norris streets, Delaware river to -Front street. Soup House, Allen, below Marlborough street GEO. J. HAMILTON, Treasurer. - Commonwealth Bank. S —CENTRAL SOUP SOClETY.—Limits—From Walnut street to Callow hill street, Delaware river. to Eleventh street. Eleventh to Broad. Walnut to Race. CLIMENT M. BIDDLE, Treasurer. Contributions In money intended to be divided equally among the above named societies, or to be distributed as the donor may request. may also be hauled to EDWARD PARRISH, Raceiver, 800 Arch street, or JOSEPH .1. WIGLIAMS, Secretary. . . .... . . - . . . . .. - - . ja I-fmw-St. N. VP cor. Broad and Green a te.. SIXTH WARD TRIEUMPHANPIThr— The aixtuWard being now thoroughly organized. with Committees in each precinct to collect funds for . Ward Bonnty y we most earnestly and respectfully so , Belt subscriptions from all who prefer voluntary enlist ment to a draft. We are mustering in our quota rapidly. and 'll we want is funds. Any number of men can. be furnished. Persons who 'wish to subicrlbe. and may not have been called on by the Precinct Committee. would do 'well to deposit their-subscription with. the Treasurer, Wm. H. BARNES .No, 3rN. Tall BD Street, below Arch, where ally funds for the Ward Bounty will be placed. We are paying WO cash on mustering in the recruit. ' PRECINCT COMMITTEES. Prectmots. Precincts First—John Hagan.Fiith — R C. Walborn, Theurer Shrei I,ner. - John G. Butler. Chas. Heritage. .. Charles L. Wolff; Second—A. F. Blair, Sixth—Geo. Jamey, Geo. Davie, s Philipillitten, Miles N. CarPenter. John Hurley-. Third—Dr. Hobensack, Seventh—D It Levitt. Mr Hogneland, Major PeterFrits. J. B. Smith. Chas. Yeager. Fourth—Win. H. Barnes, Eighth—P. Daffy, - Samuel Miller, James Back: - Geo. W. Harkins. James Ryan. Samuel C. Cooper. _ _ Secretary, JOHN HAGAN Treasurer. WM. H. BAB 'jab -4t. Presidemt, Aide orxn ftIl• CH'ALS. WALDING Irk SIXTEENTH. WAILD—S73 BOUNTY. —An Extra BOUNTY of SEVENTY.4IVII DOL LARS is hereby offered to all Recruits credited to the quota of the Sixteenth ward. All such recruits will therefore receive: Sixteenth-ward Bounty. City Bounty . United States Bounty. new Recruits Milted States Bounty. Veteran Volunteers elO2 Being in all for New Recruits.. b. 1627 For Veteran Volunteers .1727 Recruiting Station at the louse of JOSEPH non, SECOND Street. above Beaver. Colored Recruits receive all the localßonaties amount in g to SM. • The Committee will sit at the House of JOSEPH ROSE, SECOND Street. above Beaver. daily to pay the bounty. DANIEL WITIAK, Chairman of Committee. A. T. DICKSON, Treasurer. Ses. W. SAYRE. Secretary. ja4-615 MWEEK. OF FILILIFEIt. UNION SER. VICES. ale" o'clock P. M.—Jazmary 4. Monday. West Spziamet. Presbyterian Church. Seventeenth St.; 6. Tuesday, Trinity Methodist Church. Eighth at., above .R 5443 Race; O. Wednesday, First German rmed Ch.. Race et., below Fourth ; 7, Thursday, Sp ee-strast Baptist Church, belo; 8. Friday. Fir sbyterlenoh . Washington Square; 9, Saturday. Ep halm, Protestant Episcopal Church, Chestunt and Fifteenth eta. idit Tt. VIC. NOTICE —DEPARIPMENT OF EURVEI 13, Office of Chief Engineer andSarveyor. PHILADELPHIA. JAL 4. 12414. Duplicate plane of the line and grade regulations of that portion of the First Ward; as is embraced within the following limits, are now prepared and deposited for public inspection at the office of the Surveyors and Regulator. of the First and Second Districts: Section —. Bounded north by Morris street; south by Bitner street, east by Broad street. and west by Twenty. sixth street. at the office of Thomas Daly. Surveyor and Regulator F rst District, No 9 Washington avenue. Section —. Bounded north by Morris and Mifflin streets. smith by Shank street_ east by Bluth and Fifth streets, and west by Broad street. Section Bounded north by Mifflin street, south by Wolf street, seat by .Delaware river, and west by Fifth street. • Section —. Bounded north by Shunk street. south by Curtin street, east by Fifth street, and west by Broad street. Section Bounded north by Wolf street. south by Curtin street, east by Delaware river, and west by Fi ft h street. at the office of Alfred 'Young. Surveyor and E. go later Second District. southeast corner of Fourth and Catharine streets. _. And the Board of Surveyors have appointed MOND /LY. the 18th day of January. MIK at half past tea o'clock A. .m ' . to consider any °tie titian' that may be urged thereto by any citizen interested therein. STRICKLAND KNEASS. Chief Engineer and surveyor. jaB-IE-18-3t rir CORM ZXCIIA. DELPHIA. Now= _ . At the held 16th 1 era were duly sleeted Dix Sant: Alexander Jarnee $ teel. Robert Ervien, William P. Cox, Samnel - T. 'Canby. , Philip B. Rine% John P. Grose. And at the =Galina of the OATTRLL,Resi,. was =snit ALLEX.WRILLBIN, Pa ..V' roßsay, Cashier. n024-3m HANK OF LiORTII AMERICA, 4. 186 , 1 —The Directors have Ws day le cLared a dividend for the past six months of SEVRA PEE MINT.. clear of all taxes, payable - after 7th inst. J HOJKLET. Cashier. OFFICE OF THE ITNIONBIUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. . PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 4, 1884. The Board of -Directors have this day declared a divi dend of EIGHT PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, and SIX PER 'CENT. on -the Outstanding Scrip of the Com pany, payable on demand, free of all taxes. ja6-6t JOHN' MOSS, Sec'y. MOFFICE OF THE PIKE MIX BIIUTV AL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADEL PHIA. PHILADAPIIIA. January 4. 1864. 7be Board. of Directors Pays this day declared a pay ment of Interest or SIX PER CENT. on the Capital Stock. and SIX PER CENT. on the Scrip of the Company. PllYiaole on and after the 12th instant. free of taxes. .15510 E SAMUEL WILCOX. Secretary. Me OFFICE BEAVER MEADOW RAIL ROAD AND COAL CODIPANY. 412 WALNUT Street, January 2, 11364.—A. dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of this Company has been declared this day, payable on and after MONDAY. Jan. 11th. .ia4.6t* L. CHAMBRELL AIN, Treasurer. rapOFFICE MINE HILL AND SCHUYLNILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPANY. . - PHILADELPHIA. 12th Month 28tb, 1863. At a Special Meeting of the Stockholders, held this day. the following resolutions were unanimously adopted Resolved, That the Agreement and Lease. just read to the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, be ap proved and accepted by the Stockholders and referred to the Board of Managers, Who are requested to have the same properly executed. Resolved, Titat the Secretary be reqUested to give pub lic notice of the acceptance , in 'o rder that our Stork. holders generally may be informed or Is. ' And at a Stated Meeting of the Board of Managers, held the same day. the following resolutions wime,unani mously adopted : Resolved, That the Board of ManagerilWitlefaVes Eti sell, at its par value , eight hundred thousand dollars of the Boat and Car Loan of the Schuylkill Navigation Company of the year 1863. which ia free of all taxation, to the Stockholders of tats Company whose names shall stand on the Book of the Company on the 20th day of let Month, (January.) 1881. in proportion to the amount of , stock held by such of them as shall have expressed to the Secretary, in writing, on or before the let of 2nd Month. (February) next. their willingness to take their several preporthm a, and _pay for the same in shares of the Capital Stock of the Company, at the rate of et AIM. per share , provided that no Certificate of said Loan shun j issued for any fractional part of glOO. Rfe Stockholderse Secretor* be directed to give notice to theby a public advertisement. ja4- mWf 6t WILLIAM BIDDLI, Secretary. OFFICE. OF THE OIRARD COL- T¢LEGB PASSENGER RAILWAY CO., Corner of COLUMBIA and BIDGB Avenues. PHILADWRIA, Dec 24. 1883. The Annual Meeting of the StotMholdere will be held at the office of the Company, at 12 M.. Monday. January 11. 1864, at which time an election will take place for a President and Directors for the ensuing year. de26•fmw ball W. 8. BLLIHT, Secretary. F;Xes• MERCANTILE LIBRARY [COM PANY.—The Meeting of the Stock holders of the Mercantile Library Company will be held on TUESDAY MINING, January 19th, at 7%. o'clock. At this meeting nominations will be made of (dithers for the enening year. JOHN LaRDNER, JR . . jab-wfmtjal9 ißecording Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING AND Election for President and eta Directors of the FIEDELPHIA AND DADDY ItAILNO aD 0 omeezry. will be held at the Company's DEPOT. on DARBY Avenue. between Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streets. at 4 o'clock. on. MONDAY. the 11th day of January, 1864. den tiall D. H. FLICK WIN, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, December 28. 1883. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this vont pany_will be held at No. 25 Merchants' Exchange. on MONDAY, January 11. 1864, at 12 o'clock. K. at which time an election for a President and Directors to serve the ensuing year will take place. WM. - W. COLKST. deEtjan Secretor"; pir OFFICE OF THE NORTH PERIM SYLVANIA' RAILROAD COMPANY. —The An nual Meeting of the Stockholders of the North Pennsyl vania Railroad Company_vrill be held at the Office of the Von_ipany, No. CM WebNUT Street. Philadelphia. on 614:41 - lIAX, Tannery 11th, 1661 at 11 o'clock M. at which time and place an Election will be held for a President and Directors to serve for the enenin year. de29-tiall. EDWARD ARNSM a ONG. Secretors. MINSURANCE COMPANY OF TELE OTATE OF PEN.IIIBYLVAD/A. PHILADRLPHIA, DelleMbOr 1861 An Election for thbrteen Directors of the Company will be held at the Com_pany's OFFICE. 4 and 5 BX - 011 ANNIE BUILDINGS. on MODDAX, - January 11. 18&1_ between the hours of 10 o'slock A.. N. and 1 o'clock P. /C. ae23-tiell WILLIAM HARP= ElecriterY• orMEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, No. I North FIFTH Street. PRILADISLPHTA. NOT. Li b INti. Importers and Dealers In MDDICIABiI, HO MAL gToggs, HOSPITAL FORNIMHOL BIIDDING. lON. kA. are invited to submit their Prim Lists from time to time to this Office. J. NIIBRAY, noIS-Statott Surgeon and Medical Purveyor. OFFIO_E OF. HE FAME =MYR. ArrmoompAN.u. 442 wigs y f r it „,,, At am o/ e " r _o jr f the I V' ire ir id : # a p i x°, 0 ,1•4,4. &gaud. out of the mak of: t %Mg di maths. dm of sutr iottonww. 500.7: WV: THE r SS —I I -41 ' b y 4 '• dLP YB, 1864. MN 1883 BANK , PHILA. 23d, . at. alto following Stookhola iors of the Own itsolisaaan G. Carte% Christian J. Hoffman. H. W. Hatherwood. Edmund A. bonder, Charles B. Wilkins, David Vanderveer. Jonathan Knight. Board this day ALEX.- G. money re-elected President; rive President, and SORE W. J. W. TORREY, Cashier. MirJOHN B. GOTIGEL LEM TWO GREAT LEO ruatts be. this distinguished orator. at CONCERT HALL . FRIT) kr EVENING. January HERE AND THERE IN REMAIN.. MONDAY EVE- NING. January llth. • ' TEMPERANCE." Tickets, 25 cents Reserved seats, 1111 cents. Proceeds for b.negt of Ladles' Aid of Philadelphia (Mrs John Han is. Secretary G Union School and Children's Home. and Mission Sabbath Schools. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Lectures at 15 o'clock. The sale of tickets will corn. • 'nonce on Monday. January 9th. at 9 o'clock A. If at mawilsirs. 006 CHEST/OJT Street. In order to ire want inconvenience in welting: this tickets will be sold a l ts 0 counters. Those %eighths good seats should an- Plrearig. 38.1.2 t. MiIe.O.F.FICE OF THE - ENTERPRISE poi:MANCE 0081PeolY. 400 WALNUT Street. . PrimenewinA January 4, Mt The Div vssto - rehave this clay dvc,ared a dividend of THREE rmicErtr on the Capital Stock of the Com pany' for I Wriest Ma THOMAS _aIe on demand free of eataaree. . .. MONTOOM OLT. ja442t Seoretar?. OFFICE OF rrnic PHILADELPHIA. CITY PASeENOES RAILWAY COMPA.NY..ffo. Xi Ott CHEST/113T 'Street. At & meeting of the-Board of Directors. held this day. a Dividend of $2 26 per share wag declared. clear of taxes, payable to the IWTOOKNOI. oEttft. or their legal representatives. on and: after Mir 14th inst. The transfer books 'will be closed until the 14112 Ind WM. W. COLKET, Treasurer. PRILADELPEITA. Jan. 4. 1f64. is6-lot DI °TICE, IS Haan or MVOS' TI-1-Aki , the fi , et instalmentrof MOM( DE4CEST. oa the Capital Stock of the THIRD NOTIONAL B &NH OF PRILADELPHIC will be payable at the Office of the Weet Philadelphia Tenet Company 14 , 49 MARKEL' Street. on nth, 1.2. th, 13th, 14th. and 15th inst. RA. 8t R. GLESSINING. flashier. • rfC.• OFFICE. OF TIE lIUMTINODON AND.BROAD TuP MOUNTAIS RMLBOAD AND 4JOAL COMPANY, MSS South THIRD street. PHILADELPHIA, Deo: 24,1883 . . . . . . The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Hunt ingdon and Broad TOP Mountain Railroad and Coal Company will be held at the office of the Company, on TDMADAT. January 12.1864. at 11 o'clock' A. M., when an election will be held for a President and Twelve Di rectors, to serve for the ensuisig ) ear. de24: tjaT2 J. P. AERTSBN, Secretary. Ipfgs. OFFICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL T 'ASP'WONG it OMFAN V' OF PHIL. LP P RunatomPnie. December 18 1883. The irnnual meeting of the Stockholders and SCrin• bolder& of the Union Mutual insurance Company will be held at the office of the Company on MONDAY. January 11,1864, at 12 o'clock EL At the same time an election for Sight Directors will take place to serve for three years. Die 22 JOHN MOSS. Secretary. mi. OF PIC E OF THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPAPT FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES.—PurnAnanprnA, Januar, 1. 1664 —The annual meeting of the St .ckhoiders of this company will take place at their office, No. 3114 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY. the 18th indent. at IS o'clock N. And at the tame time an election Will be held for Thirteen Directors. to serve the ensuing- year. 1.2.161. WILLIAMS. HILL. Actuary. tSC• OFFICE OF THE FAME INSU RANCE CO.. No. 406 CHEITNIIT SP. rHILADELPHIA. Dec. YA• 1663. NOTICE.--The Annus]. Meeting of -the Mod& "Mere of the Verne Insurance Co. will be held at the Office on MONDAY, the 11th day of January. 1864, atten o'clock A. M. An Election for Twelve Directors to Serve for the en suing year, will be held on the same day and at the same place, 'between the hours of ten A. M. and two P. M. del° lit W. I. BL ANCHARD. Secretary. MJERSEY SHORE. PINE CREEK, AND STATE LIME RelLllo &D.—Agreeably to previous notice, a Meeting of the Com missioners of the above enterprise was held at the Girard House, in Phila delphia, on the 10th inst., and after the transaction of businessthey adjourned to meet again at the FIIANMLIX HORSE. in Jerpey Shore. Lycoming county, on THOME DAY. the 4th day of February, Mt. at 10 o'clock A. M., to open WOoke and receive enbeeriptione. preparatory to 0111041151311 the COMpagy. A report on the general character of the route wilt be made by the Engineer at that time Decionega 16, 1963. del6.lfe4 MOFFICE OF THE FILANK.FORD AND 26011THWARK PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGE.R. RAILROAD COMPANY, BEEKb Street, below Fourth, PHILADELPHIA, December 28th. ISM The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of this om pany will be beldkat their Office on MONDAY. January 11th, 1884, at 12 o'clock M.. at which time and place ike Anneal Bleetion for President and twelve Directors will beheld. CHARLES R. AB Borr. de29-tiall becretary. OF.F9F.C.M OF THE LOCUST ISIOUN. TAIN COAL AND LRCM COMPANY, Pinismith rata, D. o. 18. 1863. The Annual Meeting of the. Stockholders of said Com pany will be held at their office, No. S3O Sonth THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the 18th day oflannary, 1854, at 11 o'clock A. ffi. , at which time an election will be held for seven Directors, to serve for the ensuing year. The transfer books of the Company will be closed for fifteen fia.7 lsll arcedlatelY preceding the day of election. delff tjalB JOS C. COPPITOK. Secretary. M. PHILADELPHIA. AND READIED RAILROAD COMPANY Office Ho. !MI -South FOURTH Street, PHILA.DELPETA. December 2, 1883. - DIVIDEND NOTICE —The Transfer Books of this Company Will be closed on THURSDAY. 17th instant. and reopened on TUESDAY, January 12 , 1984. A Dividend of SEVEN PER DENT., clear of State tax, has been declared on the Common Stock. payable in Common Stock on and after thrifilst December next to the holders thiireof as they shall stead mastered on the books at the close of business onthe 17th inst. A Dividend of THREE AND A HALF PER CENT., dear of State tax, has been declared on the Pre ferred Stock, payable in Cash or Common Stock, at the option of the holder, on and after the Met December next, to the stockholders as they shall stand registered 011 the books at the close of business on the 17th inst. Holders of certificates which have been discharged from this office, or either of the Transfer Agencies, are Particularly requested to hi/Tatham bee n gis on the Transfer Books to which they have trasisferrod. prior to the 17th inst. Stockholders whose names are registered on the New York books will be paid at the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, and those whose namee are registered on the Boston books will be paid at the office of Messrs. I. E. Thayer Broth*. 8. BRA DT FORDreasurer.. de3-tf - gv.. OFFICE, OF BENTERPIESISE INSURANCE COMPANY. 400 WALNUT Street. _ PHILADELPHIA, Dec: 28 . 18tD. NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Enterprise Insurance Company will be held on MON DAY, the eleventh day of January next, ab.lo o'clock A. H.. at the office of the Company. An Election for twelve Directors. to serve the ensuing bear. will be held on the same day, at the same place, etween the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and. 2 o'clock P. M. THOS. H. MONTGOMERY. de29-12t if . Secretary. M 44 PIIIMAXIELPECIA. AND , READING BALLItOAD COMPANY, Office No. 91217 South FOURTH BL PHILADELPHIA. December 19, 1863. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of this Com- Pany. that the Annual Meeting, and an Election for Pre sident. six Managers, Treasurer, and Iteoretamr., will A take place on the Second MONDATUth) of Janclar7 next, at 12 M. WM. H. WEBB, Secretafy. delB-ffiall 51111.0160 - /ARTIE WS OFFICIO. FOB MUTILATED SOLE—hOLDIBES whho lunroloit an ABM or LEG in thaserviss, and desire the Patent •• PALMER Ltmbs. to be supplied by Govern moot, should return this notice immediately to this of fice, stating—their loss by letter, with namamnruay , resiment.snd residence. B. FRANS P 0c22-.9m 1609 CHESTNUT Street. farOFFICE OF TILE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. PNILADRLPRIA, Dec. 211,35ffil NOTION TO STOCKHOLDERS —The Annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, the eleventh day of January. 1864, at 12 o'clock M., in Philadelphia. at the Office of tho SI LVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Annual Election tor President and PNWA- DirectoSs will be held same day and place. de24-tjall JOSEPH LESLEY. Secretary. MILITARY. A TENTH WARD, E. • AVOID THE I) RA 36-4 A Meeting of the Citizens of the TENTH WARD will be held on SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 9, at 7.34 o'clock, in the Lecture Boom of the BATTIK , CERUCH, northwest corner of BROAD and ARCH Streets, to adopt measures to avoid the approaching Conscription in said ward. Addresses will be delivered by MK- Governor - JAMES POLLOCK. MORTON McbtI CHAEL, Rev : . Messrs.. CONKLIN'S, RITTENHOUSE, and others. jaB 2t5 FREE MILITARY SCHOOL, FOR APPLICANTS. FOR COMMAND OF COLORED TROOPS. No. IEIO CHESTNUT Street. JOHN H. TAGGART, (late Colonel 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves), PRECEPTOR The Supervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Regiments, 'with the view of providing what - the country so urgently needs—namely, applicants for command of colored troops competent for that duty—have established a MILITARY SCHOOL at their Headquarters, in which INFANTRY TACTICS and knowledge of ARMY RS= 013LATIONS - are taught oratuitously. Young Men having a fair common. school education, and physically sound. and especially privates and non-commiigioned oifieere in the army, who desire to command colored troops, are invited to become students of this School. Those who already haire military knowledge may review it, and be prepared for immediate examination at Washington. Those who are wholly unacquainted with tactics may remain until they are made proficient in them. • Students, properly advanced. will be allowed to visit Camp William Penn, drill and train troops there. and practise as officers. • Three Sessions will be held every day, Sundays ex cepted. one of which will be a RIGHT SEBBIO N. Bach appVcant must apply to the Committee for ad mission, by a litter of his own composition and written by himself. Testimonials of good character must be laid before the Committee before applications can be acted on. If satisfactorr. perfoission to enter the school will be forwarded to the applicant. Further information can be found in pamphlet, pub limbed by the Committee. which will be sent free to any one at a distance requesting a copy, and it can also be had at the office of the Committee, or at the office of this paper. • All letters addressed to either of the undersigned will be Promptly answered: THOMAS WIIIISTER, Chairman. CADWALADER. BIDDLE, Secretary. B. B. CORSON. jab-wf 2t General Agent of Committee. :A.. DANA TROOP.-A MEETING of this Company will be held at Flanagan's - 417 1 W Hall. SIXTH Civet, below Rase. on_ FRIDAY EVENING. Bth inst., -at half past 7 o'clock. The most prompt attendance Is urged as there will be made final preparations for receiving tfie bounty. Nonattendance may occasion forfeiture of Interest. • - FRBDIE. A. VAN OWNS, President. CRAB. HENRY BROCK, Secretary. la7-2t* • CARROT -POMADE. A series of capital and laughable designs, by BOF FIN, illustrating the discovery, the application, and the astounding results of CARROT-POMADE. CARROT-POMADE. A burlesque Alphabet, illustrated by twenty- six of the most richly amusing designs, from the pencil of our very beet humorous illustrator, AUGUSTUS BOFFIN. CARROT. POMADE. . Ba aura andrget this comical extravaganza. It will insure you a laugh. It ie lust the best thing, inns way, we've had for a long time. CARROT-POMADE. HOPPIN never designed anything so happy. It la well engraved and handsomely printed. CARROT-POMADE. • • merry book. full of merry designs, for merry winter evenings. It will show you how ADOLPHE was bald, how he sought a . remedy, how he dis covered the wonderful "Carrot-Pomade." and what marvels resulted therefrom. It is an elegant. amusing. happy, laughable, pleasing burlesque, DONE BY HOPPIN. The pries is Bomb , Ave cents. The Booksellers have it for sale. JAS. G. GREGORY, Publisher. la& St New York. • NO TIC E.—ALL PERSONS - IN • DENTED to the late firm of LSVAN & ADAMS are requested to make early payment to. and all having saateet the *erne to ' , repent tbelr bllls for pay :meat to the ectbeertber. by whom its affairs are to be eat . tied. THOS. hi ADAM% t _ c Ao. 46 North EINWENTH Street.ivielPhtat Algl ARMY GOODS. F OR THE ARMY AND NAVY. MILITARY .FTJ-itrffISEL.+ICS, 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADBLPIIIA Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, 'words. Sashes. Mts. Peasants. Epaulettes, Hats. Cape, Can teens, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Fiettl Glasses, Rims, and everythiseppertainiunto the complete outnt origami and NavY Offsets. ♦ liberal discoant allowed to the trade. iad•lm FROTHIN &HAM aI,WELLAS HEAVY. MEDIUM AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTING& STANDARD MILES. Eztkvit CARTON FLANNELS WASH NGTON AIM VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILECI AS. BROWN. BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN. dm seTiiltt W. SIMONS BROTHER, SAISOM•STEEET HALL. PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF. JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY. an294fem . CLOTHING. EDWARD P. KELLY, aorAN K E Y - TAILORS, klai 13017TH THIRD STREET. WILL XL103143V10,. IN A FEW DAYS. YO THE BUILDING FORMERLY OCCUPIED .A 5 JONES' 110 TEL, LATE ST. DENIS. GITESTNUT. ABOVE SIXTIEL U' r. BLACK CAES. PANTS, $5,50, At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $6.50. At 1 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS, PANTS, $5 50. At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS. $6 60, At 704-MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, $6 60. At 70I'MAREET Street. GRIGG ,•,& VAN GUNTEN ' S, No. 704 MARKET 'Street. GRIGG ‘,k VAN GUNTEN'S. No. 704 MARKET'Street. GRIGG & VAN GIINTENT. No 704 MARKET Street:. GRIGG & VAN, GUNTEN'S, No. 701. MARKET Stieet. GRIGG' & VAN _GUNTER'S. No. 701 MARKET Street. ite24 6m - WATCHES AND JBWEERY. ELEGANT CHRISTMAS PRE. & SEEM FOR A LADY. A BEAUTIFUL GOLD COMPOSITE. HUNTING • CASED WATCH. JEWELED. An Excellent time-keeper. VB. F . For a Gentleman. THE MAGIC RAILWAY WATCH. With 'Patent Time indicator, Showing the Hour without opening case, very handsome and reliable. $l5. 11 .The Gold Composite can also be had in Gentleman size. Wethehee sent for inopeekton before DaY•ment- CH EID3 in great variety, Gentlemen's.% and upwards:. Ladies, $Z and upwards. Send for circular. ARRANDALEat CO,_ Importers of Watches, 212• BROAD WAY, /51.. T. degi-ukarf lmo-4tW • THE PRETTIEST PRESENT IS THE GOLD COMPFMTE A LA DY, DETACHED LEVER WATCH, Jeweled in 13 actions, Beantifnlly engraved Hunting Cases. by Haskell of LI. Tarp° 01. $2. FOBCIENTLICWAR, • . . THE oPFICER'S WATCH; Detached Lever Movement. 13 Smola. in Sterling fine Silver Hunting Cases. with new Patent Time Indicator. just invented for the Army. The handsomest and most useful Watch ever offered. $26. Wt. The Gold Composite can also be had ? nom. the. Watches eentfor tnepeetton before pa livery Novelty can be seen by. sending for our Catalogue. Agents wanted. in every regiment and every county on unusuallylibal terms. - A er RRANDALE. & 00. Importers of Watches, MIM BiLOADWAY, G. RUSSELL, 22 NORTH SIXTH Stre~eett,, luus it* received a very imams* escort men, et PIRA SRAL BINGE. noViinc 41 FINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to by the most experiensed Workmen. everyWatakwarranted for one year. G. DEEM no2-Ses ' North SIXTH Street. FINAWCIA.A. QUARTERMASTERS' _.VOUCHERS '- AND U. S. FIVE-TWENTIES WANTED. SMITH & RANDOLPH, jab-13n 16 South THIRD Street U. S. 5-20. 5-20. The Undersigned, as General gubesriptlon Agent, is authorised by the Sweeter? of the Treasury to continue the sale of this popular Loan. and TEN DAYS . public mottos will be. raven of diseontinuance. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED HELLIONS remain unsold. and this amount iS scarcely sufficient 'to furnish a basis for the simulation of the National Banking Assoelationa now being formed in every part of the Country. But Short time must elapse before this /oan is wholly ab sorbed. the demand from SWOP& %MUT Woodally. being Quite astive. As it is well known that the Ekwretarg of the Tres. miry bas ample and unfailing remorse* is the duties on imports, internal revenue'. and in the issue Of interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes. it is nearly ear taln that it will not be necessary for him for a long time to some to issue farther permanent Loans, the interest and prlnelnal of whisk are sayable la Gold. These sonsidersidons must lead to the prompt smith, don that the time is not far distant when these " Twenties" will sell ids handsome Premium. Is was the result with the "Seven-thirty" . Loan, when it was all sold:ant eould no longer be subseribed for et par. This is .a .PER CENT. LOAN, theintereet an PrinelPal being Payable in coin. thus Yielding about mon: per sent. per annum at the present premium on gold. It is sailed rive-Twenty," from the fast that whilst the Bonds may ran for twenty Years, yet the Govern. meat has the right to pay them olio gold at Par. at any time after fins years. The interest is paid halt yearlY on the lint days of No vember and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonds whisk are pays. Re to bearer and issued for 510„ 5100, SM. and $l,OOO. or Registered Bonds of similar denominating, and in addition 40,000 and $lO.OOO. These ' . .Tive-Twenties" cannot be taxed by States. elides, towns. or counties, and the Government tax on them is only one and a half per sent. on the amount of income: when the income meads 14Z hundred dol lars seCannum. Income from all other investments. such acsnorteasve. railroad stooks, bonds. its.. mus MY from three to tire Per rent. tax on the irksome. Banks and Beakers throughout tha country will con tinue to dispose of the Bonds, and all orders br mall or otherwise properly attended to. The Trews= Department having Parfested arrange ments for the prompt delivery , of Bonds. Subscribers will •enabled to rate= them at the time of eased. Mug, or at farthest in BOVE, days, This arrangement will be gratifying to parties WhO lOWA the Bonds on JAY. - mat of the money, and will greatly themes the sales. JAY COOHIC, BUBSOBIPTION. LONNT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, FOR BALE -4.000 POUNDS OF -a- BALING ROPE, in lots to attic probagere. Apply at the •' MALLIBoR ROPE-WALK, ..geNATIINIC. jaB 6t* "REMOVAL.-JOHN DICK HAS RE -m-310 MOVED his SEED STORE and OREEN.HOUSE from 1i R 9 MARKET Street to hie New Store and Grain house. 1.723 CHESTNUT Street. where he will keep on hand a fall supply of Cut Flowers for Bouquets. Pyra mids. Baskets. 'Wreaths. and Loose Flowers for decora- Mon. A line assortment of Seeds, Trees, and Plants, of the various kinds, kept on band. ' Seed ng Farm and Nurseries. DABBY Avenue.King seisi. MARSHAL'S SALE ,- BY - VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN OA.DWALA. DNB, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the System District of Pennsylvania. Admi ralty. to me directed t will be cold at public sale. to the highest and beet bidder. for cash. at WICEISNIIR'S .Btore, No. IRA North FRONT Street. on MON DAY, Ja nuary 18, NHL at 12 o'clock.M, a portion of the Cargo of the steamer CHATAM, consisting of 82 bales of cotton and 12 bone of tobacco. WILLIAM MILL WARD. ja7.6t U. S. Marshal B. D. of Penna. WILLIAM IL YEATZ)N & 00. No. NOI Sonth FRONT Street, Jits for the sale of the ORIGINAL WIDNUICIKA 00. OBAXPABIL Offer that desirable Wtns to the trade. - Ale*. 1,000 eases line and inedimiqea BORDEAUX 0 WO eases "BrandV i hr intros " 00 NAO BRIXNE; Vintage /MX in Frans& • SO eases inset Taiwan in Isaks4ll kT isen is um IN bbls inset quaNty Monongshas . gibbls Jersey AAnle_Brandy. craooQ Basene earst Maar llighsadonnWd Vial Ispezil. "Oren Mal" Tontbarwith a /as siumntanit of Malleinh WM volt. aft .. IffORGA'N, ORB, a WWI me s a tetialito u gfiffla r tlin d ec r M / MN *soh r 104,1044. cap-u THIS DAY PUBLISHED, AT 1334 OEUISTIMT ,STREET. EIROORD @TOBY. GREATLY ENLARGED AND IN DOUBLE-SHEET FOAM. The pricsbeing unchanged. It is the cheapest. as well as the largest and handsomest Songless raper in the city. REV. JOHN W. REARS, EDITOR, . with a large staff of able contributors, including corre spondents in -London, Palestine. rand India: and in Rochester, New 'York ; In the army of the Potomac and in Washington , D. C.; Rev. B. K Adams, and Rev. Laniel March. of this oky, cad others. A aeries of able and earnest articles to the soldiers under the title. " soldier's Scrap Book," is appearing. from week to week. Religions Intelligence from ail pmts.:4 the world and from every denomination; domestic news; Sabbath school intelligence, dm, form regular features of the pa per. Thapatriotic tong' and earnest advocacy of freedom which hays ever characterized its numanament 'com mend it to the popsies approval. 171,) AHVeNCE. IN MOBS: Per annum, by carriers. $2.00, in adirance. Per a= um. by mail. $l, in advance. Single eopies for sale as above, and at the principal newsstands. Jal3-zr. A TRULY GREAT STORY. • THE NEW YORK- WEEKLY, A STORY OF STARTLING INTEREST. ENTITLED. THE. NEGLECTED WARNING.; OSI TIP TRIALS OF A, PUBLIC! SOROOL TRAGRER From the pen of the gilfted MARY MIS DALLAS. whose name has beeome a household world wherever the English language is spoken. . The story in question is made up of mingled fact and fiction, and the heroine is a young lab , who from alibi once is reduced to poverty by the death of a father; who is rendered bankrupt by the schemes and. machinations of a villain. Thus impoverished, the friendless girl looks to teaching in a public school for the means of sap- Port, and. ther authoress. witte i lbiiiiiervonspower which marks all her literary productions. carries her through the hying Ordeals Which ever beset. the young and friendless girl who tries to obtain a situation as teacher , Raving been a leader herself Kra. Dallas is thoroughly familiar with Mir' snlbject. 'Shelinows it in all its de tails, from the commencement to the finish, and she is posted also with regard to the characters of most of those who occupy prominent positions in relation to the ma nagement of the public school system. Where merit is due she freely accords it; but where censure is warranted she applies it with an unsparing hand, and in a manne r calculated to make the recipients of it wince. Altogether. we doubt if a more exciting, and at the same time a more useful story, as to the moral which it conveys.. was ever offered to the public, and we shall be much mistaken if its publication does not lead to. wide. spread comment. That it contains several raishart charges, which will "strike somewhere," the public may rest matured. Let no one fail to secure the opening chapters, and our word for it they will not be slow in looking after what follows. Besides the above great story. the NEW YORK WEEK LY is lIVW pnbliebinga splendid romance. entitled. "WHITE EAGLE, THE AVENGER; or. TEN BRIDE OF THE SETTLEMENT,' by Francis S. Smith, and another most exciting. serial. entitled •' MARIE BERTRAND; or. THE PELONT. , . DAUGR TER, ' from the pen of Horatio „Sheer. Jr. Added to all which it gives weekly from eight to twelve fir.t. class sketches, of different varieties, a laige number of Rue• poems, and a variety of departments, of a ti.efal and ..entertaining character. iaclnding " RLEAS &NT PAR &OR SPIIK," " MIRTHFUL MORSELS," "KNOWLEDGE BOX." " ITEMS OF INTEREST." etc the whole,gotng to form a family newspaper which, as is freely admitted by all who take it has not its Equal either in this country or the o/d. Price, five cents for a single - copy. 31.50 per year, and liberal bums offered to getters-rip, of clubs STREET &SMITH, ' Editors and Proprietors, No. 11 FRANKFORT St. ',New York City. Specitrum conies tent free. jaB-3t TEE PHILADELPHIA. EVENING TELEGRAPH!!' TEE PHILADELPHIA EVENING, TELEGRAPH ! ! THE PHILADELPHIA EVEN/NO. TELEGRAPH ! ! THE PHILADELPHIA EVENING TELEGRAPH ! ! A DAILY AFTERNOON NEWSPAPER ! A DAILY AFTERZIOON.NEWSPAPER I ! A DAMN AFTERNOON! NEWSPAPER ! ! PRICE TWO .CENTS t ! ! PRICE TWO. CENTS I ! ! Served by carriers in all partssof the city. ja6.6t, Oftica,.l,ol3 MOUTH THIRD Sc24' tot NEW BOOKS., • FIVE YEARS OF PRAYER. t_ With the Answers. By 8. J. PRINZ, Triittt AF TLIOAN BUNTING. By W. C. DALWIZT. Ese. 82.14' BOYHOOD OF MARTIN LUTHER. Or, The Sufferings of the Heroic Little Beggar Boy. Who afterwards became the Great Reformer: 76 cents. For sale at the PROT. RPM BOOK SOCIETY, jal-wfm3t 1224 ORETIWT Street. AA BOOK FOR THE TIMES, AND THE BEST ?RIND OUT. SECESS)ON AND EAST TENNESSEE. 1 Vol. 12mo. Price *Marta For Sale by . _ .1 B. LIPPINCOTT do CO.. MARKET Street. W. G. PERRY. S. W. Corner FOUSTH and RACE. RISLEY'S News Errol:large, CONTINENTAL ROTES W. B. ZIEBER, TRIED Street, below Cluatnnt. 6t* VISIT -1864 PHYSICIAN'S • ING LIST FOR 1864. bound in various styles and of various sizes. Alen, an Interleaved Edition, neatly bound in leather, with pocket and pencil. • LINDSAY 14 BL AKISTON, rablishers. de2B 25 South SIXTH Street. ab. Chestnut. 1864. -HOLIDAY BOOKS FOR NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. —A great variety Of standard authors, Illustrated and Juvenile Books, suitable for presents, for sale at low prices by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, 25 South SIXTH Street. Bb. Chestnut. NEW BOOKS-JUST RECEIVED BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT at CO., 715 and 717 MARKET Street. LIFE OF MIKIS. By Earnest Erman. Translated from the French. LOUIS'S LAST TERM AT ST. MARY'S. New edition. TH.IEon PiriFSIDE INN, and other poems. By S OUND INGS ellow. OUNDINGS FROM THE ATLANTIC. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. THE THOUGHTS OF THE EMPEROR M. AURELIUS ANTONINUS. _ . GENERAL DDTLER IN NEW ORLEANS Ristortof the Administration of the Department of the Gulf in lan. By James Parton. ..TEAN /ALIN: or. The Adventures of a Little Frensh I MOTHY TITOOMB'S LETTERS TO THE JONSES. MY FARM OF EDGEWOOD By Ike Marvel. HUGH MILLER'S HEADSHIP OF CHRIST. and the Eights of the Christian People. ROUNDABOUT PAPERS. By Wm. Thaekeray. With illustrations. •• ••- • • • .. HISTORY OF THE SIOUX WAR, and the Massacres of 1562 and ISO. By. Isaac V. D. Heard. MARY. LINDSAY. A Novel. By the Lady Emily .Poneonby. - POEMS. By Jean Lagelow. IN WAR TIMES. AND OTHER POEMS. By 3. G. Whitney. MENTAL HYOJETIM By L.Ray. HANNAH T.STON. A Story of American Life. By Bayard Taylor. • no3o JUST PUBLISHED-THE PRAYER at the Dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettys burg. By Bey. Thos. H, Stockton, D. D. Price, 10 bents. Published by_ WII. S. & ALFRED MARTINN. 4102 _ 606 CHNSTNTIT Street. JUST PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE Bl ALL BOOKSELLER& THE MAN OF THE NORTH AND , THE MAN OF THE SOUTH; or,The Influence of Climate. Translated from the French of Ch. Victor De Bonstetten. There are few works more fascinating than the one now translated. Published thirty, seven years age. if it has any application to our own great .national crisis it will be without any party spirit, and wholly on imper sonal and philosophical grounds. 1 vol. 16m0., cloth. Price $1 sent postage free by F. LEYPOLDT. Publisher, jag-tf 13i aiinsTRUT Street. NEW BOOKS] NEW BOOKS! Just received by • ASHMEAD & EVANS, Successors to Willis P. Hasard,____ - 124 CHESTNUT STREIT, CARROT-POMADE. With twenty-six Illustrations. By Augustus Roppin •in his beet style. Something new.- and very amusing. 70 cents. SOUTHERN HISTORY OF THE. WAR-BATTLE FIELDS OF THE SOUTH. With two Me se Bvo. $2 50. CHRISTMAS CAROL Illustrated by Bows. LEGENDS OF THE BIRDS. By Charles Godfrey Le land. Illustrated, by F. Mores. in colors. LIGHTS AND SHADOWS OF NEW YORK PICTURE GALLERIES. With fork Photographs by Turner- DIIhRELDORF GALLERY—Uniform With the above work. Two superb books $6O each 34 THE FUNNY .CHRISTMAS BOOK. THE BOOK OF NONSENSE Will Enliven any Christmarel: It will makedny Y Merry! It is the skier Christmas I L Have it in the Household .I It has 113 Pictures. and. is onl St. NVILLIS P. HAZARD. de24 No. 31. South SIXTH Street. BEADSTREErS COMMERCIAL RE PORT& • Volume 14 of BRADSTREET'S"COMMERCIAL RI PORTS now in Press, will be ready for delivery on or about the J2th of January. 1861. Special pains have been taken in the preparation, cor rection and revision of the present volume, and we offer 1t to our Subscribers. dto the Mercantile Community generally, as the best most reliable , and most conve nient book of Commercial reference in existence. It has been the object of the Proprietors to include within it, as many as possible of the Traders in all the Cities, Towns. Villages. and Cross-Roads in the United States and British Provinces, and to obtain the most reliable information in every instance. Our facilities are now unsurpassed. and the ratings given are from such sources that they may be confidently relied upon. The work will be found invaluable to all those who are giving credits either upon a longer or shorter time. It will be furnished to Subscribers from January, 1964. to January, 1965. for $lOO per annum, which will entitle them to the present volume (14). and vol. 15, which will be published abent July 10, 1861. our Weekly Sheet of Corrections. and the Privilege or making in quiries concerning the credit and standing of any traders with whom they may be transacting business, and re ceiving full and special reports. Bankers. Merchants, and Manufacturers are invited to call and examine the work, or obtain full particulars by sending to our address. P. O. Box 46. J. M. BRAthiTREST & SON. Ja4-mtvf6o 400 CHESTNUT Street. Philada. PHILADELPHIA aREASON SEMINARY-A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL for Young Ladies and Gen tlemen. The above school is located at a quiet village about six miles west of Carlisle. Pa. The buildings are new and well ventilated, provided with, suitable furni ture and apparatus for illustrating the various branches taught. Address E. HUNTINGDON SAUNDERS. - deag-lm Plainfield. Cumberland county, Pa. MISS MARY E. THROPP HAS A Select French and English BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, for Young Ladles. at 1841 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. Par eireultre. or other information. an at the BchooL deld•tfed VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY, • NEAR MEDIA. PA.-I.'cipils received at any time. Leigh. Mathematics, Musick and Natural Menem taught. Military Tactisa. Book-keeping. and Civil In &Leering taught. Entire expense/ abontAttger week. Bore of all - ages taken. Reign to Wm. H. Kern. ex - Sheriff; John O. Cap& Co . , No. South Third invest. and Thorns,' J. Cla 34_11sAt..filfth and Prune streets. Address Bay. J. ABUT BARTON. A. 11.. Village Green. Pe. n 0641 Afk nri n RAILROAD TIES, DELI 61VEBED city 0 41. Bale ja B.3t )73:don-Wharf. Kensington. PULL la k SLEEPER'S MANUFACTORY, aomatkitinzr Street. one door above Tenth. JIBS 120 THE SUBSCRIBER GIVES NOTICE •-a- - that he has beim sagointsa . Sale Agent" for Phila delphia KINOSPORDA SONS! CELEBRATED OSWIOO STARCH SCHWARZ - la6 144 NORTH wahavAri. NEW P!.TBLIOANIONS. THE frMEBRIAN PREBBITHELIN, A WBEKLY BaLlOlOl7B XinVIOPAPER; NOW READY IN EDUCATIONAL.. WANTS. WA NTED A SMART, AOTIVEI SAD. In a 811 k Jobbing_ Mum 11101.88 T Street Address L , Frees 011 Ice jag 31* WA N TOE —IN A. 'WHOLESALE Bilk Bono. on hiAIiEST Street, • good BALI - MAIL Addeo!' DOX 5140511. Post office i 48-30 BOOKKEEPER. BOOKS POSTED and intricate Recounts settled. by a thorough &nd practical accountant. - whew, time is not frilly own pied. Address "Box 2198 - Phila. P. 2," jails wa• A BOOKKEEPER OP TWELVE A Team' experience. with some of the beet city refe rences. is now open for en enrszement with semere spectable house. Address Box 2223 F. 0. jaw WANTED IMMEDIATELY -h. Brat. class SALESMAN in a Eaten Dry goods ELOWiili near the city; suns' thoroughly und'sretand the business'. To a imitable man a liberal salary will be givsx. Single Mtn only need apply. OfficAdress. with reference. Box 1632 Philadelphia Post e. WANTED -A YOUNG MAN AS SALESMAN Ina ' , arcked and WillovrWare Roane. Moat have a country a.c4Olilantance, and' be willin* to travel (expeneeapaldY. Statb salary expeotilad. and b011n8,13 n8,13 PIIPMIOIIOO. Addll3Bll_l, W 541 real name. "Box /091 Philadelphia Post Oahe. ja7-et• WANTED -AN ENTRY CLERK one quick at genres - and with a knowledge of the Book Business preferred. Address Box 1699 Philadel phia Poet Office. T9INS lIRANCE COMPANIES.— The advert is er. who has- had several years' expe rience as general agent and appointing local agents. is desirous of making an engagement with a first-class Fire Insurance. Company. address "Insurance Agent," Press office. ja7-22. A YOUNG MAN FROM THE 00UNL TRY desires a situation se salesman ; wholesale pre ferred. but worti'd not otisoptb retail. Best of references given. Address J. ' thisoffice. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE STANDARD HISTORY Or TRH WAR. A rare °banes to make DIMEIL Agentss are clearing from M to MO a month. 20e!000 volumes already sold. Send for circulars. Addresis JORES . BROS. & CO. Publish ers. BALTIMORE, kid. de3o SW° So - LDIERs )-- AN AGENT IS WANT S -ED in every Regiment for the eale of eomething light and profitable. 'needed by Ever~d. vePeettuk 11, ever, Soldier Agerrto are doing b * & htnge. Adores. (encloeing stamp) ARRA LEOO.. dell-fmwlmioltW 1111% BROAD WA Y . New York. $2,000. -A YOUNG MAN FROM' one oflhe central counties of Pennsyl vania wudres a situatiomin an established Produce and COIIIIMPRIOUBOLLta. with the view of obtaining a koo w red ere of the business. Has tire above amount. which, in sin or twelve months he.woold invent in the bnaintss. re willing to work. Can sive good reference as to cha racter. businessfinal Moutons & cAddress " B A. Mills." Box 583 Philadelphia Poet Office. lt. S6OSATIEA MONTH!—Ws WANT AGENTS AT "'SOO a month,expenasepaid, to Bell our RverlaAting Pencils, Oriental Burners* and 13 other articles. 16c1r =tars sentfree. SHAW- &CLARK, Biddeforal.3lO. d21.1m $75 A MONTH I-I WANT TO HIM Agents in eTery county at SDS a month. Given- SOS _paid. to sell MY new chmircramily Sewing MashWek Address. IL MADISON. Leong. Maine. oel3-dikwia AK DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFlGB—Antaxer.rwas„ Fob. •8. 1833. 'MEM WANTED Alsumidiateay to merry COAL to the following points Tortures. Rep West, Fla. Fort Monroe. Va. Alexandria, Va. Newborn. N. C. Port Royal, 8. C. A. BOYD. telo-tf Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. LOST AND FOUND. LOST.- SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN taken in mistake, from Wharf of Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company, Pon. Pelee of Print Clothe. market (0 In a diamond) Dios. 6. 6{'L and S. Any information re specting the above, a liberal reward will be paid by ap plying ie WM. M BAIRD 44 CO., 6t No. 13.% Eolith DELAWARE Avenue. LOST -ON THE MORNING OF THE 4th instant, in kolas' from Larkin street, Chester, to Fifteenth Street, below Race, via Philadelphia. Wil mix atom and Baltimore Railroad and Fifteenth-street cat r, a GOLD LEVER WATCH. richly chased on back. gold face andblack Emma and banns The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at No. 501 COM MERCE Street. Philadelphia, or D. S BUNTING.. Chester. jab FOR SALE AND TO LET. c 6 - P HILADELPHIA PROF ES SIONAL INSTITUTE. "—The proprietor. desiring to remove to the West, offers for sale this tlonrishingand desirable Institute of Learning. with its complete Gym nasium. Apply THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT. jits-If 71MBEBED LANDS OF PINE AND HARD-WOOD.—Persons owning Timbered Lands, and desiring to have it sawed into Lumbar and sent to market, will please address C. itiCKSTBR, 104. North ssIXTH Street. (up stairs?. Philadelphia. who desirdS to enter into some arrangement of thiskind. 98.2 t• ZEGAIL. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR -I" ?HE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of BERNARD McCORMICK. deceased NOTICE IS hereby given that the Widen , of said de cedent has flied, in the office of the Clerk of said Court, her petition. and an apprensement of the Personal Pro perty of said decedent to the value of 64300. which she elects to retain under the Act of April 14th, 1831, and the supplements thereto, and that the same will be approved by the said Court on FRIDAY. the sth day of February, 1864. unless exceptions Milled thereto. J. Kr VALE ems E. jaBfs-4t* Attorney for Widow. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of thepetition of EMMA L. HARRIS. for the sale of certain real estate. _ . . . . . . To J WALTER HARRIS, and to WILLIAM DAVEN PORT, hie heirs, executors, administrators, and. as signs. and to all the creditors of CAROLINE D. HARRIS, deceased. Yon and each of yon are hereby notified to be and ap pear at P h iladel p h i a f ommon Pleas, to be holden at the city of on SATURDAY, January 18th, 18:4, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in obedience to a cita tion issued by order and direction of the said court, to yon and each of you directed, and yon shall there be heard, if anything you have to say or allege why the real estate, a description of which is annexed to said pe tition, to wit : A lot of ground on the north side of Fede ral street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning 130 feet 103 inches east of Twenty-fifth street, as' Intended to be widened to 100 feet, thence eastward along Federal street 835 feet DM inches, thence N. 42° E. 228 feet 1) inches to the middle of Ellsworth street. thence along the middle of Ellsworth street westward 814 feet 3 inches, thence S. 44° W. E. 34 feet to the place of beginning. Also. a lot of ground In the said First ward of Philadelphia, beginning at a point in the middle of Twenty-first and Dickinson streets, thence eastward along the =Wale of Dickinson street 353 - feet, thence S. 51° R 115 feet 6 inches, thence S. 3.9° 31., W. 249 6-100 feet, thence eastward parallel with Dickinson street 240 feet to the middle of Twenty-first street, and thence north ward along the middle of Twenty-first street 275 feet to the middle of Dickinson street. and place of beginning— et ould not be sold as prayed in said petition. c'ear and. discharged of the lien of the debts of salt CAROLINE D. HARRIS, deceased: and also why a sale of any interest which the said WILLIAM DAVENPORT (who, it is al leged, has been absent and n oheard from for over seven years. under circumstances from which the law wilLpre same his death) may have, or be sup peed to have. in said real estate should not be decreed. SAMUEL C PBREINS, Attorney for petitioner. PFULA DELPID A. January 8, 1864. aS-foi.wst XTOTICE.-LETTERS OF ADllllNlS tration on the Estate of ROBERT R. BRING HURST, deceaeed. baying been granted to the anderalgued—all persons indt bted to said estate will makskpayment. and all baying claims against the same will present them to the undersigned. GEORGE BB INGHURST. ROBERT N. BRI G HURST. ja6. tnfl2t* Administrators. 35 North ELEVENTH St. PROPOSALS. NO T IC E.-SEALED PROPOSALS, NOTICE.-SEALED ENDORSED "Proposals for Furnishing . Supplies to the Board of Controllers of Public Schools," will be re ceived at the Office. S. E. corner SIXTH and ',DELPHI -Streets, addressed to the undersigned, until TUlta DAY, January 12,18E4 ,at 12 o'clock it, for the eupply of ..31 the BOOKS and STATIOERRY to be used in the Public kchools of the city of Philadelphia, until the 31st of De cember, Hat The proposal must state the price and quality of the Books and articles of Stationer) , proposed to be furnished. and accompanied by.a sample of each item. A list of Books, Stc., as authorized by the Board, can be seen at the Secretary's Office. southeast corner of SIXTH anti ADELPHI Streets. By older of the Committee on Supplies. JAMES D. CAMPBELL. jab-St Secretary Controllers of Public Schools. O ICE ARMY CLOTHING AND ' 4, " EQUIPAGE, PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 7th. ISM. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M, ' on _THURSDAY, the 14th inst., for supplying, at the Schuylkill Arsenal, the following ar ticles: Two Screw Presses, for baling Blankets; specifications for..which can bee een at this officer . Bidders must state in their proposals the price, which must be given in writing, as well as in Stares; also, the quantity bid for, and time of delivery. Tbe ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guaranteed by _two responsible persons, whose signa tures will be upended to the guarantee. and said gua rantee accompany the bid; and in care the said bidder should fail to enter into the contract, they to make good the difference between the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder. or the person to when the contract may be awarded. Bidders, as well as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certifi cate from the 'United States District Attorney, Post. master, or other public functionary , at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth clearly the fact that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men. who will. if a contract is awarded them, act, in good faith With the 'United States, and faithfully execute the same. No bid will be entertained unless properly guaranteed Btwo responsible parties. g as above described. ids from defaulting contractors will not be received./ Blank forms for proposals can be had upon application at this office. - Proposals must be endorsed "Proposals for Screw Presses." G. H. OROSMAN. • ists-at Assist Quartermaster General U. S. A.. INSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICE ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY. 311 WALNUT Street PHILADELPHIA. January 4, 1864 STATEMENT OP EtisiNitta AND . CONDITION OF THE COMPANY POE THE YEAR ENDING DEWIN ESS 31sT, 1663. REORIVED FROM SANITARY]. 1863, TO DECEMBER 31. 188.1 On marine and inlandrisks $59,3 36 13 . On Arefrisks 2.366 69 -1661 67184 Premiums not determined December 31et, 1862. • 20.929 tr) • PREMIUMS DETERMINED FROM JANUARY L. 1863. TO DECEM BER 31, 1863, On marine and inland risks. - On Bre riots Interest and salvage received during the year 2,604 89 LOSSES. EXPENSES. &M. BOIHNO THB YHA Marine iOSSEIS $3.3,393 67 Return premiums 2,864 70 Commissions and reinsnrances 698 36 State and U. B. taxes, salaries. rent. Printing, are ' &DO MI ".- APFIRTB JANUARY IST. 1864. BUM receivable *27.947 30 Premiums due and ontetanding - 2,409 71 Union Bank of Reading . 256 03 City six-per -cent. loan (market value) 6.180 12:1 Reading Railroad first - mortgage bonds (mar _ _._- ket value) 11. S. Treasury notes 76-10 (market value) 11. 13 six-per-cent. loan 5.20 Insurance stock, dm - - - Cash on depceit with U. S. Government subject 10.000 00 to ten days call . Cash on baud and In bank 9,30 17 46.410,00 Steck. notes. and stock liabilities --- - PHILADELPHIA, January 4. 1864 At an election by the Stockholders of the iNTH CITS Matti?. ANCE GO SIPANY, held this date, to elect ten Directors ttheervc tor the ensuing year, the following -,„ L . o d gentlemen were elected: Wm. Esher, Peter Sieger. D. Luther, Davie Pearson , Lewis Audenried, Joseph Maxfield. John g Blakiston. J. li Baum. Wm. F. Dean, John Ketcham. At a meeting of the Board of Directors. held on the same day, the follow Utica:leers were elected : WM. ESllSR,Precident. WM. F. DE._. Vice President. WM. M. SMITH. Secretary. • • The Board of-Directors have this day deelared a cash dividend of TEN p.m DENT. on the Capital Stock paid in. payable on demand. jab-80 . WM. K SMITH. Secretary. • VATriE INSUBANC 40111 . CEIZEITITIT Shea PHILID VMS j Dl3r ninels Blot. f 'D $ CIL $ 0138. atil2. 4r iVot i. Jo Kessler, Jr.. Chas. Bioko'. AL EL Rossabsiss. Joseph D. Dills. Vl C3l3o l V i tse k Proolisza D. iloolitoiT. toatllt HmarrLewls. Jr.. John w. /Warman. rat F 4. CH c LIE Nt RICH. WELLIAS I. WIADFCEIni $82,601._ 41 $60.054 04 2,116 61 • 7.720 00 . 7.490 00 . 10.000 00 . 1700 00 $129 429 18 E 00ii1PANY, NO Pr aunismateZlTs• AMERICAN ACADEMY PF MIII3IO. POSITIVELY LAST TwO NIGHTS OF Ten GREAT COMBINATION, • . 1 TRH WONDERFUL ARABS, AND TAM RAVEL MAITINETTI, AND EILREITTI TROUPE': 'I'M:FREDA? and FRIDAY XVSNEIGE, Jeoccre 7th and 6th, the performance will ammo. with the aetch ballet of the MASA DR BEVILLZ, After which errand vivertlemonent BY THE WoNzEibtort ARABI To conclude with the fattyO M Pan ONmET=toime of TUB AIM TRH WRITE Ka 'err,. PRICES Or ADMISSION: Pgwattet, P_arosted Circle. and Macon, 60Cordel. (No extra charge lc!. reserved seats.), Upper Circles Prose/Arm Bolter,. 8 seats eacLr.„, . .... , . 118 "1" Boy Olies °pea Chilly. from 9 o'cloch, where Motto may be secured for Clfree days izr adVaxice. Doors open at T. performance to commormewt & Cioee at 10% oNaook. tar It AMERICAN ACADEMY OP MUM. GRAND GALA PIGGY: COMPLIMIVraIa BENIFIT TO MR. COMMON HOOD, Br the Arab Troupe and Ravel, lifartirietti. aAtil IrAA 4 zett I ra SATURDAY EVANitio, Jaattar7 Glh,lBBl. Tbcrpertorma - ale will commence with thOP Corals rat , . tomiras of GODENCRY: Or,. the Sk &ker. of Witea. in which every Lady and OeLtlernan tarniihing.their Own ekates are Invited to take Dart in the GRAND bliATlfte SCUM. To be followed by ,he yrOPR ERFUL ARABS.' in anew charac er. after which, the Beantifnl Ballet of BNB, MON'S DREAM: Tc.conolude with the Comic Pantomime of VOU'AII V Nr. PriCWPBEI UMW. Brat. Sheet now open. WELLNUT-STRZET THEA.TIVE. Liman FAREWELL B Mr. ENA M.PIT A_ GARRETTEW of MR. J. S. CLARKE! CLARET IN THREE DISSIMILAR CH/JEACTERS: LAST rnoWl" BUT ONE Of Tom Tairlrea groat Plat , of TICE TICKET OF-LEAVE MAN. CL &PRI Mat time) Exi 808 BRIEFLY, Rut time of tha capital Comic Sketch. called THE YANKEE IN THE sour H. Hiram Dodge, a 'Pedlar 1 S. CLARKE To conclude with • MY NEIGHBOR'S WIPE. Brown. Mat timc) , T. S. CLARKS: Doors open at 7. Cariain riaea at 7%. It 14TAW CHESTNUT-BT. THEATRE.- IMMO and Manager .. Mr. WM. WILEATIMIT.. ISITENCISE SUCOSSS. HOVERS CROWDED TO OVERFLOWING, .!? THIS (Friday) %PRELIM. January Bth, ItESEPIT OP MAD'LLE 'TES" VALI. Ana: last night but one of the • great Musical Drama , oif Gs MEL On, THE JEWISH MOTHER. Seats &seared without' extra charge. Doora open at 7. Commence at VI MRS. JOHN DREW ' B NEW AROI: - STREET THEATER. HOUSES PAIIiSBD TO THE ROOF. BENEFIT OF PRA/111C DREW TO. Li 'GIRT. FRI DAY. January Bth.- 1E64. ' THE TICKET OF-LEAVE MAN. With a Greet Cast. HaTgenhaw (the Detective: FRANK Frank pram's veraion of "CI &MILLS." To conolnde with (first time) A BROTH OF BOY. Faddy Smasher I FRANKDREW With the Song of "Celeste Bawn, , Certain rises at 7,34 o'clock. CARL WOLFSOI3 N'S SHIMS , OF SIX CI, ISSICAL SOIREES. (rifth Season,lB63 115?. CARL WOLFSONN hail the honor to annoanon that the First Soirée of the Beaeon will take place on TUESDAY EVENING Jaenary 12th, FOYER OF THE A CADEMY OF MUSIC. • flabscriplione will be received at the Miceic.Stores 31 Gould. Sevvnth and Chestnut streets, and O. Andre et Ce.. 11C4 Chestnut street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single Subscription, for the Six Soirees Subscription fox Three Temps • ita The programme of the entire series may be had at the, Music Stores. je.7.3t CI, BEAT NATIONAL CIRODff `LA TROITPE.—MARKET Street. above T twelfth. Directress, Mrs. CHARLES WARNER. formerly Kra. DAN RICE. New and thrilling scenes in the Arena will be pro. dnced this week, includin THE SPRITE W HITBYINER snowEß. THE FAMILY Will also appear in beautiful acts. principal and other. Wipe. Ake, the GLIMMER FAMILY. in classic displays. M This evening, and dur AN MOing the we NKEYek. the great Will appear in droll sports and 'pastimes. ADMISSION, 25 cents; Stage Seats, 60 cents; Private Box, $3: Gallery. LS cents. Commencinst7.4‘. o'clock each evening. Regular Matinees on WEDN CSD AY and SATURDAT, afternoons, commencing at o'clock CONCERT HALL LECTURE ROOM. CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE TWELFTH. SECOND WEEK OF WUNDERLICHIi A series of illustrations of T. S. ARTHUR'S - TEN NIGHTS IN A BAH-ROOM, ALSO JOHN BROYAN'S PILGRIM'S ROGRES.S, And other attractive Scenes from LIFE, CHARACTER, NATURE and ART. Proprietor and Manager Mr.JOSEPH 17EREN. will continue for a short season. This splendid series of more than 100.arand Panorama& Paintings was executed by Mr. GEORGE WUNDERLICH. an American Artist, who stands nthivalled as a sea*. Painter. ' Admission 25 cents. Children 16 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Liberal arrangements made with schools, temperance. and other societies. Matinee every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon id 3 o'clock. Children 10 cents. ia4-301, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, Corner of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. LAST WEEK OF THE GREAT NEW STEEEOSCOPIAN, Which has excited the wonder and admiration of thou sands of our citizen_ ,s who visited it the past week. THE BEAUTY A NN PERFECTION OF NATURE AND ART, Snrpassing anything heretofore presented to. the Dab. Ile of Philadelp_hia. SPLENDID VIEWS IN EUROPE. AfilA, AFRIOA, AND phir.4 l 4/41 The scenery and objects of history presented are true to nature. and valuable assistants in caltlvating the fine arts. Doors open at 7 o'clock; commence at S o'clock. Admittance 26 cents; Children 16 cents.• MESSRS. CROSS & JARVIS WILL GIVE THEIR FIRST SOIREE OF CILASSICAL . MIISIC (Second Season) (IN:FRIDAY SYSNING, JANUARY 16. IN THE FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. jaB-7t _ . TEMPLE OP WONDERS. Assraisty BIII6DINGEI t _ 'UNTIE and CUMNW Streets WILL - SHORTLY CLOSE. MAGICAL and iosoiludni, ikPEEtIMENTS: Great Powers of VSNTRILOQUISM, and the LISASIIIII CANARY BIRDS SIGNOR BLITZ swill appear in his popular Entertain manta EVERY EVENISG, commencing at N. and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3 Admission 25 cents; Children 15 cents. jaCtf GYMNASIUM, CORNER NIN T H AND ARCH.—lnstructlon In general GYMNASTICS for both sexes and all ages. Quarters commence at any time. Classes for Ladles—Mondays, Wednesdays. and Fri days, between 4 and 6 P. Al For. Boys—Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, be. twsen 4 and 6 P M. For Gentlemen—Every day from 7 A M. to 10 P. M. 1a7.4t Profs. HILLEBEAND & LBWIS. SOLDIER'S NIGHT. . . MUSICAL FUND HALL. January Bth, 1864. ANNIVERSARY OF THE RATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS. PARE BENJAMIN, the distingtdshed lecturer, will deliverhis new and pa• triotic poem on THE WAR. abounding with EXCELLENT HITS, PATRIOTIC. SATIRICAL okrnws. QUIZZICAL, aid POLITICAL. for the GRAND COMPLIMENTARY TESTIMONLILL TO CAPT. THOS G. FUNSTON, (Late of the Fcott Legion Regiment.) whose services are commemorated in the followingee& respondence: - CORRESPONDENCE. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 29.1, ism CAPT. THOS. G. Frrssrorr—.Dear Sir : In view of the fact that you are disabled from farther duty as a soldier. and the knowledge that under three different enlist. meats you have patriotically responded Ito the call fox our country's defence, the undersigned, a few of TOW old personal friends, take this method of tendering you. a Complimentary Testimonial. to be given at such Um and place as you may designate. Very truly, Pons, A. G. Curtin. Annuls Haines, James Pollock. Geo. W L. Johnsen, William B Mann. James C. Belch, John A illestand. J. S. Morton, B W. Davis, Anthony Conrad. C. M. Donovan, 8. Leidom Smith, George B. Graham, David Better, Charles C. Wilson, A. H. Reynolds, W. B. R. Selby, Charles A. Jones, John Spear. _ William A. Gray. J. Orr Flunk., George W. Colladay, R. W. C Gr.ene. Horace al Martin. John A. Clark, William iffeeser. Henry C. Pollock. Sidney Deming. H. C. Thompson, ' John Patterson, James A. eawyer. Thomas Thompson. and others. CAPTAIN WINSTON'S REPLY. PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 23. Mk To His Excellency A. G. Curtin. Governor of PennitYl. vanish Honorables James Pollock, William B. Hasa. jokaf Heistand. B 'W. Davis. Alderman D Settler. Colonel A. B. Reynolds, S. W. C. Greene. and others: GENTLEMEN: I was very much surprised and arailledi upon receiving your request to name a time and Pima Where I might be the recipient of a testimonial at your hands. The very complimentary manner in which yam have been pleased to refer to my services under the OM. nil calls made by our common country, is far more Ut tering than I deserve or ever conceived. The soldier's hinhe.t ambition is in the approval of his fellow-animus. If I have dote aught to secure this,l am indeed thank I would commend the Bth of January. dear to us all la its past glories and history, and name the Musical Yuaill Hall as suitable for what von Propose. Very truly and gratefally yours THOMLAG.pWn 6 ST t ON. V.' MD. GUS ELMORE, the celebrated Drummer. will beat the BATTLE CALL.. Previous to the Lecture. TICKETS FIFTY ONTS. ' E. w. C. GREEN& Chairman Com Crwerue C. Wneox. Sesretary mi . ttee of ArraßTem2s4"l4.ll3 (ZEMAN - IA OBOHESTRA.— PUBLIC ` , .. 0 REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 3 o ' clock. at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Slagle flak mac Packages of six tickets, $l. To be had at MN CHESTNUT Street. J. B. GOULD. FIRTH and CHESTNUT. and at the Hall door, 0012-rgic PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS loss oasszNirr STAMM. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. EL ND 6 A P d N mission Meats. Children half price, leSte MATERIALS FOR MINCE PIES. BUNCH. LAYER, AND SULTANA RAISINS. CITRON. CURRANTS. AND SPICES. CIDER. WINES, Ra., Rt. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine airoCeriee. Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. i tIZE STEAMSHIP SAXON, FROM BOSTON. Consignees of merchandise per above steamer. will pplease send for Moir good., now at wharf foot of PINE Street. fia7-30 WINSOB h 00. PHRENOI,OGIOAL BWEINA, TIONS. with fall descriptions Of ehanictimidYan DAY and IVENDOW4 by 7. so4-fmw6m 110. WI Routh swat. • BRADBURY'S GOLD MEDAL PIANOS were awarded SEVEN FIRST PRIZES IN FOILS WEEKS, daring the SW. of 1883 The most flattering teetlmonleis Atm recently been received from a large number of the moot eminent artiste. in cluding • • GOITSCHALIC, MASON, AND WOLPSOHN_ who declare that the instruments possess , in the highest degree. all the meentiabs of a PERFECT PIANO-PORTE. G. ANDRE & CO 1100 murmur Bereet. CORRECT PIANO TUNING . • Fffi li r—Nz. O. X 11/13,0 ri n orders for sea = 4l • et MASON *Ve i t sore. OS Kr. has 61.), pH i s irs fastoinrimpari wee bi SIM SOL SR Inman eat la PIIMI. _ BislnAL. —Clams Iry to. 4013.10 gl OR MK swag to an NN. Matillat , emus toe u. IL *WAN* ZOGRAPHIOO/t.
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