ARRIVALS' AT THE HOTELS li7P TO TWELVE O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT 130ntlxtentni—Ninth hnd Chestnut streets J A Mack'y. Pedro,lth. Ey !Daniel Murray & lady Chae .1 Dounham AHigon. Delaware _I V Dent. Delaware ri./rUSChihnlexcrt..2rB Uow ork M Wastibtrtmacwife.BWn EdW Pape, Baltimore elArrnat. 130:4011 Mice F , arrat ,, doetoa Mai J ttobigthop. USA ji F Howell 4 el York :1' L CoddarA,Zu s B Hutch, New York nerenderr. mew York 'Mist Brotangh. eT'n ; B ' Woodrnff, Newak, N J Jay Cooke, .Ir. (Menem TiL-11`iov S Johnsonec.on Trenton L Bufflaton F Elver Mina Sallie Cooke. Ch" 11 I f J s Kitt' Cooke. Ch ;nr Dixon gn" o d 3 1,1, ‘ „d -. 1 4i D 8- o . a -- o - h -4 . York !Mr Anthwerp. ktiode leland abieds. Bow ic !J W Prtstoo. New York - Wm ewport, C Wy.,tt&lady, Bailin:ore J R Lowther. Newport, Pe; W Mar, h. New fo . ya A B heroaree, Newport, PH :14 . 13.1 a P, Thom ?son. ettouls John It illisman. Brie, Psill Al Thor o St Louis Lancaqer I Hon A K n. Penna dley.Washington P wit L , on. Wel sboro Miss t;tMarriplin M Steinmetz & v. P C And New Jersey IGeo St.lametz ladv, ad Pa a J A Benedict. New York 10 A Heckshier. Jr. N York .11 Et Jaques. N.wark. N T jWA Ha vortuyera N Y ED McDowellalady,lialtPe.,Miss M G Price. Seaton Bobt McDowell. Baltimore E She->z Permsylyertia ;fix. Helen McDowell. Bait Balti.T Dundam. Breton' El Shipley, Baltimore 15111toa Opp. Virginia J M Kunkel & Son IS •: ebbott. Maryland 7 H _Bosch. &wa e. N Jersey Nicholas;Oa.rsar Brace Price. Baltimore .T IT Tones, Washington li S Gordon. Baltimore Henry et ow.rd. New York Jll Hoot, Hari ford • - Jam S Cray. New York Yl B Kellogg. Hartford Maj r.Turnerdison.Wa-hPn Wm It tic - lagoon. - heeding Mrs Lincoln, W4.nhiagt..l. Gana 'Potter, Now JerseyiFoAer Willis. 15 SA Whitney. New Jersey 'Henry %I Beane tat. II S N A Holling,worth. Boston !John P. Hurst. BID snore Paymaster Brobanan OSA W B Caller. WAsuinctuu Mr & Mrs LOVellty. I Lan Tis Dr Holden, II S A ~,„ Prerame, riankliu, Pa ID TI or, , ,tory. Jor.° l- , "Y SP Borden&lady.Yall Riv'r ; C Stem,. City Stirs AG Darter. Fall Paver i Col A Warlord II vrri,,burn . Chas Lanier. New York kT. Nort..u. i ten - - Mies Dann. Phikolrlphia 11, Lore burg c EPhillipe, New N o n, it..., 1, Kr,ooel. Baltimore Miss M Jones. Baltimore .; vaa Nast, New York G C , 131610ek, Washington n H ThomPo & N Y mr wh e . wagrino,,t, firs D afash. N leraeF L GrOTer, 3frS C Wallace Cloagh- Athens, DT Y 311.7Adarna, Mrs D Lynch. N.s• Yoz" j key nold,Z Rhode inland WmFaxinD Lynch ir. b ' wasbinaton Sedg wick, Sy ractue H ktorrr,a,'ls4.iti..roreSyracuse m o r,r-on. , thuore Holden. Syr/an:le Jas Henry. WashMkten ;Hr Garrett, Woahing-on ry T Taylor. Baltimore Ar. hor. Nqw Y.,rk John 0 L roadtn It Hazewel I. Now York J G Kaufman., Leacport Jo? LOWITII. Boston Daniel Bork. Dartford, Ct RN. Weir. Indiana H Romer & la. Baltimore, if W Butler. Oonneetient W H Niles & la. New , lAane tames. New York B Boughton Pew Te,k 0 B Hato-on. Utica. H Y J Luken?. I:WinW.ITO CO !.T Vat & la. NY,,rk Sharpe, Prosidcnce !II P bfoorboad. Now York L Dexter, PI ovidenee IA B. Boikate, Vlorda LADIIiig. New York IM I. Graves, New York C Piet, IC.‘w York IF Stephens New York W (4 Leve.s. Boston W W Andraws a wf, Okb 2 C Dean F Sawyer, New. York W H Itch:LT.6R, New York F Gotham, New 3 ork W Y Cibot. Boston iJno H Spare, St Louis W D Booth. New York W Boater, jr- Now York _Jan J Efnnedy. Pow York P Tunis Kentneky Holton & la. Broosisu S P charie R Beach & wf, Brooklyn N F 'Norcross. 13(istou istre!.‘vse..d _ 1 Emanuel Pike& la, Brookr P V Kellogg, Utica. N Y treet, lbolovr WhatSa. C H Enierick, Washington 'Sarni At Hannon. Boston John Gannon Boston Girard—Chestnut a A Csaipbefl, New York .43 J Allen. Washington H H Rawer A J Carpenter & fain, Ohio ..1R Cantwell Bucks co Cara F L Ocdears, US A Haggarty & NO. N Y It McGraw/I, Lancaster Edward Doyle, Phila. Edward 11 Lands. l'hila :8 R Hatfield. Chester co I. Fitzgerald, A ew York Danl Gordon, Lebanon L T Adams & la. Chicago Jan Henderson, New York W R Wilson & la, Reading, H Leman. Lancaster 1 J A llicYherran, Easton Jas L Mitiale. Easton Sandt. Easton 31 Glossbrenner. PhDs SE Mawr ah. Ila trinket 14 Hicbardliear. Alias) , vale ' C F Shosner, Tamatina Dr C . itclTee swirl% N Brunswick Fawcett, Salem. 0 El Stine & wf, S A Miss Chester. 1T 0 Phiffanv. Few Eraveu D Rill, hew - Haven W Greett. Delaware C.l Hall. Deawire Mrs W T,lnple. Delaware i Mercherste—Fourth street. below Arch. Jas M Bt 7.1 , 411' . Ohio :.T D Baldwnt, AllethenY - 1N - H Moonc3 - , Ohio !II W Renifb.- Montour on Sam Silas, .Tersey. Shore , W Cook. Milesharg 4;nas FKengier, Lanc.,:.ter :A i. , Jsekbon Vow York John Elliott. Tad.on 1.1 W Alive T Swenk St la. Milton . I Jas J . blakslee. ISI Chunk D L Irian& Milton IN Conch, INewark. Del Miss ll Mane, Milton IA J Baldwin 'Master TSwenk. Milton !Jos Bartle . New Jersey 3faster .1 . Retch. Milton , Jacob S-rger, Wheeling, Va Ilobt BAi:EIT. Milton 'Chas Long. Lancaster Capt Chas Morris. Milton IW L Fowler, China Miss Sallie Morris, Milton llf F Welts, Boston Master W Jordan, Bedford 11, F Wait Jeb Jordan, Bedford SI Zook Lancaster S A Mitchell, 'a B F Shultz. Lancaster 1.4 J CfirzyweszynAl,llSA .kev John Teti, wawf, pa 'Y S Rowley. Pittsburg J L McNeal Pa .. C D Kline. Jr. Cincinnati 1J D Rouse, Mar hal.PCreek M Ezekiel, Mew YorkiGeo Belford. ef Chunk. Thos Y Caldweli,Altoona f N Belford, 31 Chunk 'Ceo Higbee. New Yo>k /C Belford, M ‘lntink Mobt Pitcairn, Altoona. A N Semp e. Easton Menry Snyder, Newville W H Davis. Easton ..11 Clay Snyder. New I, file E Hartwell&wf, lndianap'lis Ainerlean—Chestnu G Mathews. Corn - Henry Die. Trenton, N MR Williams. Troy.N Y Daniel Burton, Delaware W Werntz, Waynesburg W AHouse, Penna Isaac McNulty, N J M 'Hearten, Maryland WM Sbakspeare. Delaware Master Shalmpeare, Del D 0 Suckenbach & wf, Pa Allen, - Baltimore 13 F Deacon, McrnntErolly W A Scribner, Milt rd. Del .31 N W Dorsey,Milford, Del A M Berke. Ohio . John W Scott, Norristown J Horner, Delaware .0 Kilburn S W Darbv. Delaware J Kirk. St Clair _Vent N Bayne, 11 E A 'Wm D 8117 na street. above Firth Ti nj G aonee, Maryland alias Leekenbach. Penna Mrs A }Lankier. Panne. John C Fichropn 1 Y Theo F Clark. Del city Thorn Wallace. Delaware Jae Kirkpatrick, Schik co W Whalin. Schik co H Lanson & la, Baltimore W H Gore. Pottsville. D atarehbenk, Lancaster .T W Stonelirak., Hagerat'n Sirs Sunders Scchild.Balt N Nichols Easton .. . .. . i Jag ig Ka cosily, Kent co. M. 1G Allc% Baltimore D D Wn chaster. New York L A Wisconsin J 6 PAriridge Wisconsin INV II Dame, Near York Lisaila—Cibiettnut GloWdY.New Jersey Jas N D darn, AWN' Bedford G Vestburg New York Dr Elmer. Brighton. Israel o,,crdy. Yarmouth M Itarroson. New York W O'Danial. Wit. Del Jelin Dieyere, Faston. W%ThomeeUSN J C Jones & wife,Chicago Chas Gevens David A Williams D Dooly. New Jersey istreett above Mira. Richter Ne , r York Char tio,lacto Newark W W Martin ,ady, N Y S Fland. 17 d D SJ Walker. New York C Signing, iiereVerk H liLee, New Ito k Geo W Hnll, .rov. R Tar k Potter. Prov. R J Hunizinger. Virginia iohn Baker. Philadelphia Geo Jones, Philadelphia .T J Davey. Peona Clayton Widnes, Delaware erect, above Third, 'H Camp. Trenton Frank E King Penna. Reed, Pottsville Orler, Mmer-ville UT Jo pee. Be tim Ire E C Boyd, titta.mbersbittg ldetcAt wt, .;kambereig , rover, (lathe, , Pa Eppiny. Ilivasbarg Jam C Tomson, New Jersey The Union—Arch • L D Stockton. Washington' AH Trego. Hetv J er,.ey IC Heim, Penna -John SMnley. Lewisburg _Robert ISIDFPenna HLiil3 - ,'Wa.hinßton. S Overholt, Penna. H O TitlEtnlan, Mt Pleasant' Miss Saxton. Canton, 0 Miss Hubbard, Canton, 0 E Marsle,ll, New Jersey. l .areelt, above Chentitillt. IS M Meredith, Penns Ffhn W Styr. Pr inklin co B Potts, Bridgeport. Pa is B Arnick, Lewiitown IBenj F Stratton Pottstown o R A Lila. Pottstown Levi Pre=ton, lA:tester co ,W bobbin., Lancaster co F Pannocit CoMmercini — Stsol. AD Heald.Wil min gt Ons Del W Heald.Wqmirliton, Del William 'itewert -.76bn . . L it Ball, Obezter county P Ft x. Mucks county A P Fox. Bucks iratnty T E Clark, Chest* r comity M Wmer. MiXintown Wm kcprsigie. Lewistown John H Brown, Paterson T B Lehr, Tenor see H Peters. L Keppering, Lewistown H tHrider, Lewistown Jos Wilson, Buck county Alex Mode, Coatesville States Union—Blarke 9t. Dona dson, Saiem. 0 D Hoch. Fclayl co Henry Walter, il.l4,lrcd S S Hoyt. New York S B Greene. Penna D L Coyle. Pen na Jesse etke, Chester R Waiters. Jolinetown C Parker C 3 'Walker. Yew York .Cbea Costello. New York B 21i Rankin. B Jersey National—Race at B Crary. Penneylcania Willis S neirb.Gorman •o'n Mae HaverlY. Tyrone City .7 7 Kirk IGHeed.IISA. YnoWeldixrer. lAi r lunsville V H Gore. Potts ntle A L Jinaneton, Black Bear-Third - Henry Fall. snbtirn CI Crows, Schuylkill Haven *Chas Harper. Jeakintown IN Ilornar, Penntburg Henry Diehl. Church sown P Eshelman, Freeptat. 11l -0 V Diefenderfer...Allentown JR' Patchier, Penns. Natilson—Second st Mos .1 Johneonr Delaware BB Gowdy, Delaware Bela 'billed. Delaware _ . . Bitjah Elliott, Delaware :E W Houston, Delaware Miss El A "cooks.lawav Min Sallie A Fooks, Del _Luther Pepper. Delaware Mies E A Pepper, Delaware C H Stews. e, New Janet, Blount Vernon— Secs 43 fi RAW], Allentown Geo Moore Daniel Gl:cbrist, New York! Balm Wilson, Wash, D C J B Lem , n A. la, New York J H Lawrence, Harrisburg Godshalk, Penns D Byerly, Sch Haven Mild Engle—Third D Miler. Penneburg .Aaron Eisenhard, Pecna Wm Kerr, Allentown W L Haulersly. Allentown David Rawer, Lehinli. co Jas Shriver. Lehigh eo ltaritunt's Hotel—TbArd street, above Rase B Stephens. Trenton 1 .1 . V Garrett. White Haven SG Holman, Maryla,.4 I flhas Galin, New Jereey 7 Hamilton 44 wf, York Illenry Long. Trenton, R J B Kenney. M D. II S N Joo J Aelienoe. Penes A A Green. II 6 Di i Then Wilkina, Mee J L Eiabenback, Albany J Toned. lifannidinfiniitt SPECIAL NOTICES. KENDALL'S AItSOLINE, FOR THE HAIR AMBOLINE MOISTENS, A HT IVIES OD 08. APSE, LENGTHENS. INVIGORATES. NOURISHES. EMBELLISHES HAIR A PUP ELY VEGETAI3LE COMPOUND, made entirely from etirnolatins extracts of ROOTS, HERBS, AND FLOWERS. Prevents the hair falling Ant or from turning Drente. tank" gray. Ladles who desire a luxuriant bead of hair should not In to give the ADIBOLINIC a trial. Price , S 1 per box. containing two bottles. PREPARED ONLY. BY KENDALL & CO.. SOO BROAD WAY, New York JOANSTON, HOLLOWAY, & COWDEN, cie7-11.s9s3in No 23 North SIXTH Street AVCTD TIIE-1 )A b: GUIS OF A COUCH —TAKE "Dr Sway ne's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry." ••Dr. hwe l e e 's. compound Syrup Wild Cherry." "Dr. Swayne'e C Anponed Syrup Weld Cherry." • Dr. Swayne's Coi. pound Syrup Wald Cherry." "Dr. Swayr.C..4 Comp mud Syrup Wild Cherry." We will a naranrea it haa cured more Coughs and Colds 'than any other medieLne. Even In neglected ca•ce. Cough rest, d Pain and 0 opression, Sore Throat.Hoaree nese. Night Swextß, it aivee quick relief and permanent enrol. It has stood the test of many fears' experience. Prepared only by Dr. SWAYNE & SON, 330 north SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists every where. ja4-mkw2t FOR ONCE., WE TAKE PLEASURE IN CALLING the attenttorrof onr readers to an advertisement—that of HOWE STEVENS' • 'Family Dye Colon." TAlase Dyes have becerne a horn ebeld necessity, and so general In their we that many a well-dressed lady Inds that many an artlcia, once rejected as out of date, is, by the aid of Shen Dyes. made as good es new. • ja.4-6t . . . A A Jackson. New Haven Backman & la, Wa h Mrs J R Terry & s, Wash S d. Dyer. Penna. - . vir Eginey, Washington Dr Burley. VirashißglOll qerrill. Baltimore BE Tay/ot, S Alex Snow. New York , TW ForrPe Pitt-burr R ton. - - K Alien Via .hi.neton .1 . Nile ITarc, t.ew .I•Are9 S a lb , aith, lowistown Danial WAlace Pdtatiutic A IV , ILon...Tr, Ohio - • '.7 J V7o7lhiu<ton. Penna. flarbangli Pittbourg MM2=l:l .. • , • • 1' Silencer. Jer;ap City Winter.llaw Jereey I R.cbards. elliNnibersburic E L Proctor. f'ennA, Walter Cummings, Dal Miss S A Ca inning& Del J A Wiliiame a la. Conn Co] J M Schooaruarer . - . . R W D rraitt„, Mars - bad Cap' L M, hr. Detaware I.i.ut F. Me ouster. Del W B Reahey, Chester ThPB Winn. 13wimore .Tas H Clark, Del city - . N H Gitlespie, Lancaster co D Hiller. Chester, Pa Jos White, Lancaster co W F Dewey, oxford C N Stewart, Lancaster co Gso Vir Krepe Lewistown J B Duckett, Cheater co t street. above Sixth Jas Trimble , Boston W Herman, New York John Mad. Del co J Moss U 8 A. In Turner, Clinton co W Miller. Baltimore 8 Lambnrton, Landisville D L Dube. Dauphin E A Yarnoll, Chester co IS B Burkholder, Adams 'lsaac Group, Palma eet, above Third. P L Stump, Illinois I G P W.aver, Anne's - 111s I A iron Wolf. Lewisburg F Smitn, Port Carbon Chas smith, Port Carbon W S Phi mmar. Ty one Chi' T d Myers, if owTsile t., above CallowilaM, f G Whetstone, Tamaqua R Rsading 'Geo Gahm sn. snag= W Flack, Backs co Thos Addis, Penns Sohn 'Hersh, Penusbnrg V Oickerson, ettteboro I B Z Harding, Penan rest, above Market. J Swope. New Jersey W Itockafellow,N Jersey Di Hathaway, New Jersey H P Jones. Princeton I Mansfield. Dover Del Chas Bossier. Cheltenham R Si Batley. Penult Jesse D Bannett. Sulebnry, I. Horn..e•galary S Heston, New‘oWn. Pa and St., above Axel)... LI Heresy. Dover. Da S m. cnoper. Pottsyille Easy Bireh, Salem. -H J I Wm Shaw. Hui:try; Pa H Mr William% thlioae Pa C S Dalklev. new Jersey L Pelson, New Jersey -t, aboveCallowittli W Klotz Wis.port J B Bossard. Monroe CO P Mester, Penns, J Er win. Bethlehem J S Brotsh Lehigh co DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHIME, DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD DIUMBY, DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHUM DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD MISERY, DEL WISMAR% BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN TECH WORLD FOR COUGHS, COLDS. WROOPINQ COUGH, BRON CHITIS, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING. ASTHMA, 110.41:SENP,SS, SORE THROAT, CROUP. AND EVERT AFFECTION OF THE THROAT, LUNGS. AND CHEST. None genuine unlees signed ' • I. Butts" on the wrapper For ea.'s by , . p. DINS:iIORE. No 491 BROADWAY. New York 5. W. FOWLS & Co.. No. 13 REM St.. Boston. And by all Druggists. PERUVIAN SYRUP PERUTIAN SYRUP, PRRUVIAN SYRUP, PERUVIAN SYRUP. The Peruvian Syrup is a protected solution of the Pro tuxide of Iron, a new discovery in medicine that strikes at the roil of disease by supplying the blood with its rot al principle or life element—lran. 113(0014 strength and vigor into all pasta of the system. For DYSPEPSIA. DEBILITY, and FEMALE WEAK• IiESSES. it is a Specific. Pamphlets free. Depot No. 491 BROADWAY, ➢iew York. J. I'. DINSMORE. For sale by all Druggists. ]aB-ewSt PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS LIFa,--Tuo rough and practical instruction in BOOT-SEEPING, adapted to the various dePurtmenta of trade. Penman ship. Mercantile Calc , lations. Forme, 4r.0., at CRITTENDEN'S Commercial Cone p. No. 037 CHESTNUT Street corner of Seventh. Students instil:toted separately, day and evening. j.i.5 31. ELECTRIDITLY SCIHNTIFICALY APPLIND by Dr. A. H. SIIIV3NS, 1418 South MI SQUA.ZB. n023-tt ONE-PRICE CLOTHING OF THE LATEST . SITLEs. MIDAS in. tlaa Bud Mannar, expressly for RE TAIL SALSS. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Yalu rignres. All goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. OW ONE-PRICE SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. 611 are thereby treated alike. de2S-ly JONES & CO.. 604 MARES/ . Street, GOLD PENS RE•POINTED EQUAL TO NEW, on the receipt of 36 cents. Chenlars for the John son Pen, tent on application, by Mail or other wise. , JOHNSON. Manufactory and offfie. 15 MAIDEIif LkNE, New York City HAIR DYEI HAIR DYEII BATCHELOR'S celebrated HALE DYE is the Beet Os the World. The only. Harmless. True. and Reliable Dye known. This aplendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty, or Gray Hair. instantly to a (Poesy Black or Natural Brown, without injuring the Hair or stain ing the Skin. leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; im parts fresh vitality. frequently restoring its pristine color. and rectiges the ill effects of load Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. Bercirsocli. all others are mere imitations, and should be avoir.a. Sold by all Druggists, by FACTORY. 81 BARCLAY Street" New York. Batchelor's new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. 1729-1 Y DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT CURES Rheumatism and never fails. 3MICA I b,.I3.PtIMI3. WILSON—HARRIIIGTON —Jannary 1ct,1861. at the residence of Charles H. Harkness. Edqby the aev. R. F. Price, Mr. Thomas I'. Wilson, Jr.. oeWashia.stut, D. 0.. to Miss Eleanor Barrington. of Philadelphia.. IWash in gton Ohronie/e and St qr copy.] * MA(3EIE—MARKEL —On the 331.5 t ult by. Rev. Thos. Murphy. Mr Robert IL Mackie, of Philadelphia, to Miss Josephine L. Markel. of Frankford. Th EN WITH.--Yan nary 5,1564, of consumption. Valen tine T. Trenwith. aged 25 years. "Pleased are they who die in the L7rd." Due notice will be given of the funeral. * YARDLEY.—At Baltimore. let ins . 4th, 1864. Mary Lydia Yardley. daughter of Charles Yardley. deceased, in the 4th year atter age. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her grandfather. Simnel Yardley,l46 North Twentieth street, on Fourth. day, the 6th inst., at h o'clock. BOW 888. —Euddenly, on the 4th instant, Annie Viola Hawkins. infant daughter of David B and Lirr.le If. S. Bowser. The funeral will take place from the residence of her parents, N.. 98t North Fourth street, this ( Wednesday) =minx at 10 o'clock. . . O.CoDIZIOR.--On Tuesday morning, the 6th instant, Ann Christina O'Connor, in the eighty-berth year or her axe. LEIIMAN.—On the 3d instant, William M.. eldest son of Wm. EL and Elizabeth Lehman, aged-2a years. The relatives and friends of the family, Philomathean Lodge, Ito. 10, L 0. of O K. and the order in general, are invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his parents, Wistar street. Germantown. on Thareda., 7th inst.. at 2 o'clock P. M 4.* . . ICKEL.—On the morning or the 2d ins , ,ant, after a short illness. Margaret relict of the late John Eckel. The relatives and ft lends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the fritteral, from her late residence, No. 25.5 North Sixth street, on Thursday, the 7th instant. at 10 o'clock A M. ss* - - - BECKER. —On the 3d instant, in the 11th year of his age. Edwin L. Becker, son or George .1. and Anna M. Becker. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from the residence of his parents, private dwelling No. 1 Girard College. this (Wednesday) morning at 10 o'clock. To proceed to lion. 1/11113Ot Gerwirterv. a. B LACK'DRESS GOODS.--CA.SII - Velour Rape, Siandeen, 3.4 and 6-4 Nene sellhea, Merinoee, Henrietta Cloths or sllk-warp Cash. stereo, Ottoman Poplins, Irish Poplins, EnuHalt and french Bombazines, Alepines. corded Mousseline', Ana. 'ma'am Crapes, Baratheas, Turin Cloths. Pararanttaa, i)eLaines. Oriental. Metres. Alpacas and Mohair 'metres. Reps Analais-Nortrxdnit Armure Ponit de Sole and arms Grain Silks. BAssoN & SON. 004 Mortrnini Store.. No. WS CNESTNIIT Street. - PYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. have a fine stock of desirable SHAWLS pYRE & LANDELL AL WAYS KEEP J. , the ver, beet makes or BLACK SILK'S known to the. trade. VYRE S LANDELL KEEP A FULL stock of Men's Wear; aIso,HILGLES.'S BESTBLACK CLOTHS. - jal TIIF, TERAIS OI PEACE." .• TEts TIRMi OF PEACE. 'arm. H. ALLEN.LL. D., Will deliver his CELEBRATED LECTURE or. this GREAT 'NATIONAL sUBS - ACT. (which has been received. in its delivery elsewhere. with the most enthusiastic applause.) at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. On THURSDAY. EVENING. January 7th, at eight o'clock. • TICKETS. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. EVERY PATRIOT SHOULD ATTEND Proceeds for thebenelit of ST. MATTHEW'S EPISCO PAL C HIIRCFL ja4-wth2er MP EIGHTEENTH WARD IN HOTIO N —A meeting of the citizens of the Sig tueenth ward. convened pursuant to a call published in the daily papers. was held at the hall. corner of Richmond and Marlborough streets. on Monday evening, January 4. 3.864. and the following . business Wee transacted : The meeting was organized by caning Mr Samuel Paist to the chair, and the appointment of Joseph ti. Allen as Secretary. The Chairman made a brief but forcible ad dress, urging on the citizens the importance of being prompt in their action After which, on motion. an extra bounty of $73 be offered to all recruits accredited to the quota of the Ward. A committee consisting of the I . ollotVin g namedgentiemen were appointed: First Precinct—Edward Gorgas, Charles N. Lukens, btrunk. •.• • • Second Precinct—Samnel Blecatchen, Isaac Neveling, Nicholas Wallace. Third Precinct-Mat. Brady. John Lainon, William Fulton. Fourth Precinct—Hon. John Robbins, Alderman Jno. Clouds, Richard Wildey. Fifth Precinct—Jacob Jones, Henry 'Sanaa, Stephen Robbins. i4x.thPreeinet—Henry Brenner, John Desire, Wm Collar. Seventh Precinct—Ahab Hunter, Henry Huplet, Jos Paxson Bleak Precinct—Thos. J. Daffield, Calvin H. Teat, Pre& Rolabaelur_ _ _ On motion. 2.1 i. Charles H. Cramp was appointed Treasurer. Oa motion. a report of the meeting be published in three of the daily papers. On motion. adjourned to meet THIS (Wedneeda,.y) EVENING at the Hall of the KENSINGTON ENGINE HOUSE. SAMUEL PAM'. President. GRAS.H olfilti.,TTiaitirer. JOSEPH S. A.T.LEN. Secretary. it rECCAMPBELL'S SKATING POND, RIDGE Avenue and Tl3oblPeOli Street. Open Day and Evening from 7 tolo. ja6-2t* M. MERCANTILE LIBRARY COM PANY.—The. Annual Meeting of the Stoce, hoidens of the Mercantile Library Company will be held on TUESDAY EVENRIG. January 19th, at 73 2 ' o'clock. At this meeting nominations will be made of officers for the ensuing year. JOHN L iRONSR, JR • jab- wfuitial9 • Recanting Secretary. MPHILADELPHIA TRACT AND 112168,01 . ) 60012 TY will sold a meeting in the Baptist Church. SECOND Street. aboverAthatine, nits (Wednesday) EVigNINC), 6th inet.,at 73 o'clock. Se veral speakers expected. All invited. A MONTHLY MEETING OP THE ODONTOGit &Pine SOCIETY will be held TUTS (Wednesday) EVENING, at the Pniladelphta Dental College, 1118 North TEN TH St. An evSsy on “Phos phorns in the Human Economy" will be read by Prof. ASORicON. The Dental profession tretterally is invited. LOUIS LOSSON. Secretary. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THk PUBLIC suaooLs, for the Sixth. Seccon, Were organized on Monday by the ttstanintotts election of the renewing gentlemen: President, Patrick Duffy; secretary, George Tiel; intro) ler, Robert Palethorp. It ./11"- • AN ADIOURNED MEETING OF the Citizens of the FOURTEENTH WARD will hi held THIS EVENISG, at SPRING GARDEN BALL. at o'clock. All interested in haying the quota of the were filled without drafting will please attend. Hy order of the meeting. THOMAS R. DAVIS, Secretary. HOUSE OP REFUGE —VHS AN " .1.11.7...1. MisETING of the Contributors to the omeof Refuge will be held en WAHNSSDAY. the 13th Instant, at 4 o'clock P. M., at No. IU9 North E VTR Street. above Arch. The Annual Report of the Board of Managers will be submitted, and an election will be held fur Officers and Managers to serve for the ensninsr year. ALEXANDER HENRY, Secretary House of Refuge. jab-wtn2t AT A. Dr.:.-F. , rirta 016 THE. CON TRIbInORS TO THE HOSPITAL OF THE P. CHURCH IN PHILADELPHIA, held on Tnesday. January 5111. 1864, the following gentlemen were elected members of the Board of Alauagere, to eerve for the en ening three years, viz: 33ey. GE5ltO g LEEDS, D. D , Rey. 13. WATSON. D. D., nay PHILLIPS BROOKS, 3011 N C. ORE> SON, MARSHALL HILL, ro , JOSEPH A. CLAY. EDWARD H. TROTTER. JOHN ASHIII7RST Attert—JOHN C. CRESSON. Chairman. JOE,: A. CHILDS, secretary It r•l'Ve.. -- OFFICE OF TILE wEsmaionic ask.a. LAND COAL COMPANY, No. 230 South TREAD Street. corner of Willing's alley. December PHILADELPHIA, D 16,1885. - At a neetinn of the Directors, het& this day, a DIVI DEND tfl , PIPIT CENTS PER SHARE on the Capital Stocb was declared out of the profits for the past` six months. payable on and after JANUARY 2. 1864. Tho Transfer Books Will he closed until January 4th next. T. H. JACKSON, del7. tja6 Treasurer. wt.. CORN pr.xion.A., DELPHIA, Novemb At the Medical held 16th ere wore duly elected Direo /tank: Alexander James Steel. . Robert Srvien, William P. Cox, Samuel T. Canby. Philip B. Mingle. John F. Gross And at the meeting of the CATTELL. .11egt. was ALEX.WHILLD/N, Esq., TORBAY, Cashier. n024-dm irSta. OFFICE OF THE HUNTINGDON AND BROAD Tut XOUNTAI ti RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY. MSS South THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 24. ISM The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder, of the Hunt ingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company will be held at the office of the Company, on TUESDAY. January 12.1854. at 11 o'clock A. When an election will be held for a President and Twelve Di rectors, to serve for the ensuing 7 ear. de24 Cal 2 J. P. AERTSEN. Secretary. NOM BANK. er11383. PHlLA et.~the following StoekhOld• tore of the Corn Fachango Q. Ca.tton. Muterloo. J . Hoffman, B. W. Catherwood, Edmund A. Bonder Charles E. Wll gine David Vanderveer, • Jonathan Knight. Board this day ALEX. 0. ously re-elected President es President. and JOBE •W. J. W. TORREY. Cashier. 112irSOUP SOUSES.—THE FOLLOWING list embracei the corporate titles of all the Socie ties oriracized in this city for supplying tho poor with soup. with the limits of each the localities of the several Soup Hones. and the names of those arlthOrtred to re ceive contributionsto their funds. It is published for the information of each es are disposed to aid in the support, of this useful and economical charity, and to aid the be nevolent in directing the Poor to the proper soarce3 for their supply. Applicants ebortM bear th,em the re commendation o r e r e sponsible party. and if found i w t for thy. will be furnished regular l y with nour i s hm en t s ea or themselvos end families: I—THE PHIDAPE LFIITA SOCIETY Pon. SUPPLYING THE POOR. WIRD SOUP. —LimitS—FrOM Walnut to Bhippert Weeks. river Delaware to Deventh Street. gaup Douse. No. IS'S Grlacom street. from Spruce to Pine. above Fourth street. WM. EVANS. Jr.. TreaAnrer, 252 8 oath Front street. . . 2—THE NORTHERN SOUP PodiErr.—L mls North from Callowhiil street.from the river Delaware to Eighth sheet, except the portion east of Front aireet. anpl'opri ated to the Kensington Soup Society, Soup House, North Fourth. above Brown street. T. MORRIS PEROT. Treasurer. Sji Market street. . S—SOUTHWARE: SOUP SOCIETY. —Limits —aoulli from South street,trom river Delaware to Passynuk road end Broad attest. boup Home, Suther.and street, balGtv Queen street. BENJ. MORTON, Treasurer. 122 Catherine street. 4—MOYAMENSING SOUP SOClEPY.—Limits South from shiPPen street. west of Passyunk road to Er,lad street. Soup louse N. W. corner Eighth and efarriett streets. COLLINS WEST. Treasurer, gIY2 South Second street. 6—WESTERN SOUP ~ 00IET :oath from Idea ket street. west of Broad street aieo. from S'eventh to Bulad. Walnut to 8124 pen. Soup Home. 1615 South etreet DAVID SCULL. Jr. , Trees arer, 6—SPRING GARDEN SOUP SOClETY.—Limite—North of Ca Rowblll, weet of Eighth from Race to CallewhiG. Eleventh to Broad, north of Market etreet,weit of Broad. Soup House, Buttonwood etreet. below Broad. M ••• TUGS ATHER. Treasurer. S. W. cor. Twenty -necond and Arch street,. 7—fiEN6IEGTON SOUP SOCIETY Limits—From Laurel to Norris streets. Delaware river to n out street. Bonn House, Allen, below MarlbAronab streft GEO. J. HAMILTON. Treaeurer, Commonwealth Bank. . . B—CENTRAL SOUP SOCIETY.—Limits-From Walnut street to Callowbill street, Delaware river to Eleventh street. Eleventh to Broad, Walnut to Race. CLikMENT M. BIDDLE, Treasurer. Contributions in money intended to be divided equally among the above named societies, or to be distributed as the donormay request may also be ban led to ace ear. ED WARD AR VE49o . Arch i etreet. or JOSEPH J. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Is I-farce -St. N. W. cor. Broad and Green ste. BANK OF NORTH AMERICPI, Mini 9. 1884 —The Directors have the, day te- Clared a dividend for the past six months of SEVEN PER CENT., clear of all taxes. payable array 7th last. tas-6t J FIEDOKLET. Caihier. Ir3;'SOCIETY !FOR THE ADVANCE 111E14T OF OHIIISFiANITY tef PENSsYGyA- Nte.—The anneal meeting of toe Society for best: Wel V ill be held in the Vestry 'Room of ST...TAMES' CHUM on the evening of the Epiphany, WEDNESDAY - , Jan. 6,1864, at o'clock. GEORGE W. HUNTER, Secretary. fr;V. AGRICUyITIRAL SOCIETY —TILE annual meeting of the Philadelp,la Society tor Yroinotina Gaviculture, and the election of will be held at the Society's Booms, 326 WALL ur Street. on WEDNESDAY. JAIL 6. at it o'clock A. I. jl5-21* M. NOT IC E.—Tll3O 'ANNUAL MEET IN ooftl e Stookboldete of the MASONIC, &GI, DiAr•ATITN.e, will be held January 6, lEidt. at S o'clock P M. to r the Election of seven Trustees Polls open one t.i.2-ttncr.Bo THOMAS FERGIIBON. neeY. FI OF - T HE UNION MUTUAL ObT:HANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. Jan 4, 1864 The Board of 1 - irectora have this day declared a divi dend of EMIR T PER CENT. on the Capital Steck, and FIX PER CENT. on the Outstanding Scrip of the Core pc.ny. payable on demand, free of all taxon jae-6t iktot,S, oFFicp OF Time. PUCE 1 41LX 111.1Wrij 6K: AL INIATRANCE. COMPANY OF 1.1111, - - - - - PELL PITILADBLPHIA. January 4. 1864. be Board of Direct ireay- this day declared a pay ment of Interest of SIX PER CENT. on the Capital S:oolt. and SIX PER CENT. on the Scrip of tee Company.' payable on and after the 12th instant, free of taxes. Jan 10t SAMUEL WILCOX. Secretary. SECOND WARD AND THE DRAFT. —a. meeting of the Citizens who have and Ulnae who have net contributed to the Fund for Securing E ineLts. will be bold at the 3013.1atC BetillOL ROUSE, TAB EVEN(Ne. at 7 o'clock. Dr! GM W. NESiNCiER, Preaidelit. Attest: ROTIERT 'r Gira. .L ecreconea. M..l.llithaminToN,lt FIFTEENTH WARD, 1413 THE ELEGGEI—A Maee Meeting of the Citir:Ans of the Ward will be held at the Spring (Lirden Institute, corner of BROAD and SPRING G LEVEN StreetA. on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 6th Instant. at 73 2 ' o'cio 511. all who are in fever of giving BOUNTIES TO VOLUNTEERS from the Ward, and thus AVOID THE DRAFT, are urge I to attend. let every friend of hit country be Preeent., WILLIAM MANA, President. CuAur.ns A., Secretary. OrSIXTEENTH WARD-875 BOUNTY.. —An halm BOUNTY of 8 UV/MTV-PI Vie DOL LARS is hereby offered to all Recruits credited t, the quota of the Sixteenth ward All such recruits will therefore receive: Sixteenth-ward Bounty $ 76 .City Bounty $2,60 United States Bouitty. new Recruits $302 United Elates Bounty. Veteran Volunteers alO2 Being in all for New Recruits $627 For Veteran Volunteers 1 1727 Recruiting Station at the Home of JOSEPH ROSE. SECOND Street above Beaver. Colored Recruits receive all the local Bounties amount ing to tt.3:5. The Committee will sit at the Home of JOSEPH ROSE, SECOND Street, above Beaver, daily, to pay the bounty. DANIEL WITHAR, Chairman of Committee. A. T. DICES,M, Treasurer. Lis. W. PAYRE, Secretary. la4-6t. OFFICE MINE HILL. AN - 111 SCHUYLKILL HAVEN E eILINYAD CUMPAS NY. _ rHILADRIPHIA. 12th Month 28th.„ 1863. At a Special Bfeeting ofthe Stockholders, held this day, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Re.saved, That the Agreement and Lease. Jost read to the Philadelphia and iteadingitallr,ao Company, b Prove d and accepted by the Stockholders and raf,krred to the Board of Managers, who are requested to have the same properly executed. Resolved, That, the Secretary he requested to give-pub lic notice of the acceptance, in order that our Stock holders generally may be informed of it. And at a Stated Meeting of the Board of Managers, held the same day. the following resolutions were unani mously adopted: Resolved, That the Board of Managers hereby agree to sell, at its par value. eight hundred thmsant dollars of the Boat as d Car Loon of the Schuylkill Navigation Company of the year 1863. which i efree of all taxation, to tbo Stockholders of t hie Company whose s aloes. shall stet d on the Book of the Company on the 20th day one, Month, (Jumpy. 1864, in proportion to the amount of stock held by such of them as shall have exoressed to the Secretary, in writing, on or before the let of 2nd Month; (February) next, their willingness to take. the:r toveral proportions, and . pay for the same in shares of the. Capital dtoek of the Company, at the rate of 3:66'4 par share. pro aided that no certificate of said Loan shall De lenee for any frhctional part of *lOO. A.,aelecd. That the Secretary ba directed to givenotics to the Stockholders by a public advertisement. ia4 WWI 61 wiLbreatt BIDDLS. secretary. OFFICE. OF THE GIRARD..COL LHCIS PAeSENGER RAILWAY Cu., Corner of COLD/EDI-A and RIDGE Avenue& PHILADELPHIA, Dec 24... 1863 . . . . The Animal Meeting of the Stockholders will b= held at the office of the Company, atl2 lf.. Monday. January U 1664. at which time an election will take place for a Prow dent anti Directors for the ensuing year. de2s•fmw tjall W. S. BLI 411 T, Secretary. - OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE, IN.U.RANCE -ICJ. WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA January 4. 1364. The Directors have this day dec . ared a dividend of THREE PER CENT can the Capital Stock of the Com pany for the MA six month , , payable no demuul free of all taxes. TtiONAS H. MONTGOM SEE, ja4.l2t .Secretary. OFFICE, OF TILE P.ENNS YLVANI A. ca JAPAN'. FOn. INSUIt&NOEn ON LI Van ANL) GRAATING ANNUITIES, 304 WALNUT Stre.4. PRILADRLPIFITA. January 4. 1864 . . . The Directors have tide day declared a Dividvni on their capital stock of FOUR PER CENT. for the leet six ramitt - a, wed an extra Dividona of ONE PER OE ST.. which will be paid to the Stockholder* or their legal representatives, on demand,. ClvSr tax' WILLIAM B HILL, jas Actuary. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA. CITY PeIieRNOBR RAILWAY COMPANY, No. to•bat C6ESTNIIT street. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held this day. a Dividend of d 226 per share was declared. clear of taxes. payable to the STOCICHOL ',ERB. or their legal repro e otati ves on and after the 14th inst. The transfer bcoks will be closed until the 'l4th 'last WM. W. COLKET, Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 4. 1183. ja6-10t THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR MANAGERS of the COUP RR-n HOP SOLDIERS' ROME will take place on WEDNESDAY ETTSsiING next, the Bth bast (from 8 to 10 o'clock) at the Home, northwest corner RACE and CROWN Streets. ja4-3t B. S. PALL, Sec'y. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN T HAT the fi-st lustalniont of THIRTY PER, CENT. on the Cs pital Stock of the THIRD NATIONAL iNK OFPBILADILPftTa. will be payable at the Office of the Welt Philadelphia Trust slouiteuy. 1429 &EKE Street. onllth, 12th, 13th, 14th. and 'lsth inat. ja4.6t R. GLE %DIN (NG. Cachter. MOFFICE BEAVER MEADOW RAIL ROAD AND COAL coislPArm 44.21 WALNUT Rued. January 2, 1564.—A dividead of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of this Company has bean declared this day, payable on and after MONDAY. Jan. Ilth. js4.6t. L. CHAMBERLtII, Treasurer. MWREI OF PRAY - NIL UNION SER.- VICES, 3% o'clock P. M.—January 4. Monday. West Sptuee-st. Presbyterian Church. Seventeenth st 5. Tustdey. Trinity Methodist Church, Eighth st-, above Mace; 6, Wednesday. First German Itsfsrmed Ewe et., below Fourth ; 7, Thursday, EPtucd•sirset B aptist Church, below. Fifth ; 8, Friday, First PresbyterianCh Washington Rinare; 9, Saturday. Epiphany, Protestant Episcopal Church. C heat, ut and Fifteenth eta.. is 2 7t. rg!g.OFFICE OF THE uNiom nturruALF INSUICANC6 COMPANY OF REHLADELPNIA, PHILADELPHIA, December 18. . . The animal meeting of the Stockholders and Scrip holders of the Union Mutual .Tnsnrance Company will be held at the office of the Company on MONDAY', January 11, 1264, at 12 o'clock M. At the same time an election for Sight Directors wl,ll take place to serve for three years, [41822. till.) JOHN MOSS. Secretary. O,NPICE OP THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPAINT FOR INSURANCES ON •LIVES AND GRANTING ANNITINIES.—PHILADELPHIA, January 1. 1864. —The annual meeting of the St.ckho:ders of this Company will take place at their office, No. 3t14 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY. the 18th inatant. at 12 o'clock M. And at the tame time an election will be Istld ige Thirteen Directors, to serve the ensuing year. jet-115VP • WILLIAIID.HILL, Actuary. me. JOHN H. GOUGH, REM TWO GREAT LECTURES by tLis distingehbed orator. at CONCERT HALL, FRIDAY Evssirick, angry 8. - HERE AND THSRE IN BRITAIN." Monday evening, January 11th, 4.-• TEMPERANCE." Tickets 25 cents. Reservel seats, 50 cents. Proceeds for benefit of Ladies' Aid of Philadelphia (Mrs. John Rawls. Secretary,) Union School and Children's Rome. and Mission rabbsth .Se tools. Doors open at 7 n'clocc, Lectures at 8 o'clock. The sale of tickets will com mence on Monday. January' 4th, at 9 o'clock A. M., at MARTIENT, 696 CHESTS IIT Street. In order to Pre- Vent inconvenience in waiting. the tickete will be sold pl at twoearly. counters. Those wishing good seats should ap y 3al .st* MOFFICE, OF THE FAME BMW tANCE CO., No. 406 CHESTNUT S C. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 29 1863. NOTICE. —The Annual Bleating of the Stook]; Adana of the Fame Insurance Co. will be held at the Office on MONDAY, the 11th day of January, 1864. at ten 'o'clock A.M. - An Election for Twelve Directors to serve for the en suing year. will be bald on the same day and at the tame place, between the hours of ten A. DI. and two F. M. W. I. DI.S.ITCRAIII), Secretary. MJERSEY SHORE.. PINE CREEK, 'AND STATE LINE RSlLROAD.—Agreeably to Previous notice, a Meeting of the Com intseloners of the above enterprise was held at the Girard House, 1n Phila delphia, on the 10th inst., and after the transaction of business they adjourned to meet again at the FiIANKLIff HOUSE, In Jeriey Shore, Lycomir g county, on THURS DAY. the 4th day of February, 10t4, at 10 o'clock A. M., to open books and receive subscriptions, preparatory to organizing the. Company. A report on the general character of the route will be made by the Engineer at that time DECEMBER le. 1863. delO-tfe4 IMr OFFICE; OF THE FRANKFORD AND g .0111 . 11WARIT PHIL ADM:PH.IA CITY PASSENGER. RAILROAD COMPANY, BERKin Street, below Fourth, PrimAnarprziA, December 28th. 1883 The Annual Meeting of the .tock.ltoldere of this COM, • MIRY will be held at their Office on MOZIDAY. January ilth, 1869. at 12 o'clock M., at which time and place the Annual Election for President and twelve Directors will beheld. CHARLES R. .ABSOTT, de29-tiall becretary. OFFICE OF THE _LOCUST MOUN TAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY, PHILLDEL PHIA, Dm. 18, 1868 . The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of said Com ipany will be held at their office, No. 230 South THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the 18th day of January, 1864, at 11 o'clock A. M.. at which time an election will be held for seven Directors, to serve , for the ensuing year. The transfer books of the Company will be closed for fifteen. days immediately preceding the day of election. del9 COB JOS. C. COPPIJCR. Secretary. PCPHILADELPHIA AND READING . RAILROAD COMPANY. Office. No. RIM South FOURTEUStreet, PHILADELPHIA. December 2, 1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE —The Transfer Books of this Company will be closed on THURSDAY, 17th instant. and reopened on TUESDAY January 12. MI. A Dividend of SEVEN PER CENT., clear of State tax, has been declared on the Common Stock. payable in Common Stock on and after the Slat December next to the holders thereof as they shall stand registered on the books at the close of business on the 17th inst. A Dividend of THREE. AND :A HALE' PER CERT.. Coax of State tax has been declared on the Pre. furred Stock. pa yab l e _ Cash or Common Stook, at the option or the holder, on and after the Slat December next, to the stockholders as they shall stand registered on the books at the close of business on the 17th inst. Holders of certificates which have been - discharged from this °Zoe, or either of the Transfer Agencies : are partictdarly requested to have them duly registered on the Transfer Books to which they have been transferred. prior to the 17th inst. Stockholders whose names are registered o and New York books will be paid at the Farmers' Loan Trust Domintily, and those whose names are registered on the Boston books will be paid at the (Ace of Messrs. I. 11. Thaler Brother. • L BRADFORD. 4•341 • -Treasurer. 1 1 1-1 E PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1864. MOFFICE OF THE WESTECORE LAND COAL COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Dee. 16 UM The Annual Meeting , of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at their Office. No. M3O South MEC) Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 6th January. UK at U ovlock M.. at which time an Election will be held for eleven Directors and a Seeretar3t and Treasurer to serve for the ensuing' year. den , t.T6 F. H. JACKSON. Secretary. M.• OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INBll.ltAriCk COMPANY. 400 WADS OT Street. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 28. 1883. NOT/CR.—The Annual Meeting of the illtooltholders of the Entetprise Insurance Company Will be held on MOB DAY, the eleventh day of January nest. at 10 o'olook A. AL. at the office of the ColDpany An Election for twelve Directors. to serve the Anteing Tear, will be held on the same day, at the same place, between the hours of ten o'clock A M. and 2 o'clock P. TILOS. H. Id(LITGOMERY. Secretary. de29-12t if pr. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office No. AgY South FOURTH bt. PRILAD.I3I,I 3 RIA. December 14, 1863 YoticeltslerebY given to the Stockholders of this Cora- Deny. that the Annual Meeting, and an Electioa for Pre sident. six Managers. Treasurer, and Sacretary, will take place on the Second MONDAY (11th) of .ranaary next. at (2 M. WM. H. WEBB. Secretary. del& tjall MrA DIVIDEND OF TWO AND A HALF PER CENT. on the preferred stock of the EJ.MIRA and WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD CON PANY, will be paid at the aka of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, on and after JANUARY 2. 1861. GEORGE TABRIZ, Room No. I, Ground Floor. ae24-12t THE ANNUAL MEETING AND 11ZElection ror Praaid.nt and PiX DirOOtOri Or tee PaILADDLPHIA AND DARBY HAIM) AD COMPANY. will be held at the Company's DEPOT, on DARBY Avenue. between Fort}-ninth and Finteth streets. at 4 o'elrch. on MONDAY. the 11th day of January, 1804. doll tjall O. H. FLICK WM. Secretary. S U G OSW -ARTIST ' S OIFEPICN, 10141 4 141 ,6 FOE. &TED who have loot an Anti or LEG 11i the service, end. &sire the Patent 'PALMER Limbs" to be supplied by Govern ment. rbould return this notice immediately to this of dee stating their toes by letter, with name. company. regiment. and residence. B. PRANK P6I,EiEII, 0c29-Mn riGEETNTIT Street. Pblll.loD'llln. Or; OFFICEOF THE NORTH PENN SYLVANIA ItAIIihOAD OOMPA MY. —The An nual Meeting of the Stockholders of toe North PennsYl yerda Railroad Company will be held at the °ince or the Company. No. 407 WALtitlT Street. Pht•adeaphisr. on MON,PA Y, January Mb, o'clock 111 , at which time and vacs an Election will be held for a President and Directors to serve for the owning year. de29-tjall EDWARD Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PHIL t 1.1112 TAMIL& CITY PASS MIER RAILWAY COMP 5.N PITTLADELPHIA, December 28, 1883. The annual meeting of the stockholders of hie cora pauy will be held at No. 25 Merchants' Exchange. on MONDAY, January li. 1864. at 12 o'clock. M.. at which time an election for a President and Directors to serve the ensuing year will take place. deD-tiall OFFICE OF THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. PHIBILDELPHIL Dec- 2,3, 16133. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS —The Annual Meeting of the Stockholdere of this Cornbany will be held on MONDAY, the eleventh day of Janeary. 188 t, at 12 o'clock M., in Philadelphia, at the Office of the PENN.' SI [NADIA IiAILEDAD COMPANY. Annual rilection for President and Directors will be bald Rll.lllO day and place. de24- hall JOSEPH LESLEY. Secretary. VerINSURANCE COMPANY OW THE ETATS OF PENI,BYLVANIA. . _ . PHILA •MLP111.4., December $3. ISfia An Election for thirteen Directors of the Company will be held at the Company's OFFICE. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. on MONDAY. January 11, 1804_, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 1 o'clock P. M de23-tjall WILLIAM HOWSE. S.,cretary. rfir. MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, No. 7 north FIFTH Street. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 12. 1863. Im_perters and Dealers in MEDICIDES. HOSPITAL STORES. HOSPITAL FEMME') DRS. BEDDING, ICS. Alc., are invited to submit their Price Lists from time to time to this Office. J. MURRAY, nol3-6tamtf. Surgeon and Medical Purveyor. OFFICE OF THE. FAME INSUR AEGT. (..011:11',11trY, No. 4-11t3 4IFIES ['Nur scree; . _ At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the rata, Insurance Company, held this day. a dividend of THREE PEE ❑I'•NT. was declared. ont of the profits of the lest biz months, clear of all tax ja,s 12t W, T. BLAWCHARD. FREE MILITARY SCHOOL, COLOR - ED TROOPS. (late Colonel 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Reberves). The Rope! visory Committee for Recruiting Colored Regiments, with the view of providing what the country so urgently needs — namely, applicants for command of colored troops competent for that duty—have established a MILITARY SCHOOL at their Headquarters, is which INFANTRY TACTICS and knowledge of ARMY RE GULATIONS are taught gratuitously. Young Men haying a rwr common school education, and erwecn:?, and especially priztatel and non-commimioncd officers. in the army, who desire to command colored troops, are invited to become students of this School. Those who already have military knowledge may review it, and be prezered for immediate examination at Waabington. Those who are wholly unacquainted with tactics may remain until they a•e made proficient in them. Students, properly advanced, will be allowed to visit Camp William Penn, drill and train troops there, and practise as officers. Three Sessions will be held every day, Sundays ex cepted, one of which will be a NIGHT SESSION. Each applicant moist apply to the Committee for ad mission. by a letter of his own composition and written by himself. Testimonials of good character must be laid before the Committee before applications can be acted on. If satisfactory, permission to enter the school will be forwarded to-the applicant. Further information can be found in Pamphlet, pab lished by the Committee, which will be sent free to any one at a distance requesting a copy, and it can also. be had at the office of the Committee, or at the office of this paper. Ail letters addressed to either of the undersigned will be promptly answered: .111051 AS WEBSTER. Chairman. CAD WALADER BIDDLE, Secretary. B. B. CORSON, General Agent of Committee. jay-w 2t OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUND COMMISSION, JANUARY 4.1561. According to present information, the City Bounty of TWO HUNDRED Ali D. FIFTY DOLLARS will not be given to Recruits mustered in after January 6. 7hose mustered in on the 6th will receive it. Should orders be issued extending the time, due notice will be given of the resumption of bo inty Payments. By order of the Commission. jad St SAMUEL C. DAWSON. Secretary. VIVIL AND MILITARY CLOTH V }IOU E. No 34 SOWIN SECOND. and 43 STRAWBERRY FtrePts. is happy to 8 ate that he hag laid in an extensive stock of CHOiCE GOODS, such as: CIVIL Lin. f ARMY AND NAVY. Black Cloths. Blue Cloths. Black Doeskins. Sky.blne Cloths, Black• Cassinteres, Sky-blne Doeskins, Plegant Coatings. Dark Blue Doeskins. Billiard Cloths. Dark Blue Beavers. Baaatelle Cloths. Dark Blue Pilots. Trimmings. 3.4 and 64 Blue Flannels, Beaverteens. Scarlet Cloths, Goods and Velvetinea, Ma zarine Blue Cloths. We advise our friends to come early, as our present Veek is cheaper than we can purchase now. 'lag THE ATTENTION OF Is called to SAXONY WOOLEN" CO. all-wool Plain. Flannels .TWILLED FLANNELS. Various mates in Gray, Scarlet, and Dark Mae. PRINTED SHIRTING FL iI,NNELE. PLAIN OPERA FLANNEL?. "PREMIERE QUALITY" Square and Long Shawls. WASHINGTON MILLS Long Shawls. BLACK COTTON WARP CLOTHS, 11, 16. 17. 18. 19, 20, 21, 22 oz. FANCY CASSIMEBEI AND' SA.TINETTS. BALMORAL MM.& all Grades. BED BLANKETS, 10.4. 144. 124. 134. COTTON GOODS, DENIMS, TICKS, STRIPES. SHIRT INGS, &c., Isom various Mills. ja6-wfrm2m QUARTERMASTERS' VOUCHERS SMITH Se RANDOLPI-I, ja6-]m 10 South THIRD Street. P TCEN FROM HIS HOME, ON THE 4u.. inst., JACOB ABRAIIANg. aged 6 years. dressed in drak pants, gray coat. light Kosmith hat, and white scarf Any one returning him. or giving any information of his - whereabouts. will confer a favor on his inn reseed parents. ICH AEI, A.BR aware, No. 952 sr JOHN street. ESTATE OP CHARLES SHOEMA KER, deceased. Leiters of Administration on the Estate of CHARLES SHOEMAKER. lato of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned. all persons in debted to said estate are requested to mate payment. and those having claims or t emends against the same to present them without delay to THOMAS MATHER; Administrator, No 1106 WALLAC 4 Street. RACHEL M. Si3OEIIIA.KER, Adiraleietraltor. No 522 North SEVENTH' Street. Or to their al torney, JOHN L. SHOES/ &KER, No- 335 North SIXTH Street. ift6-yi6t* V AMPB E 'SI SKATING-POND, RIDGE Avenue and THOMPSON Street, ie in fine condition for SATING. Open deity. arnad Ltnmine tion every Evening, from 7 to la ing-2t- Ajlst„- SLEEPER'S MANUFACTORY, 11102 MARKET Street, one door above Tenth. ja6 COUPONS OF ALLEGHENY CITY BONDS. payable in Philadelphia. due let instant. will be paid at the office of WORK, McCOBCIL dg CO.. 36 South 'THIRD Street. ja4-3to TIRADSTREET'S COMMERCIAL -a-,RE PORTS. Volume 14 of BRADSTREET'S COMMERCIAL RE PORTS now in Press, will be ready for delivery on or about the 12th of January. 1554 Special pains have been taken in the preparation, cor rection and revision of the present volume, and we offer it to our Subecrlbe..e. and to the Mercantile Community generally. as the best. referencele. and most conve nient book of Commercial in existence. . . It has been the object of the Proprietors to include within it, as many as possible of the Traders in all the Cities, Towns. Villages and Cross-Roads in the United States and British Provinces, and to obtain the moat reliable information on every instance. Our facilities are now unenresseed, and the ratings given are from such sources that they may be confidently relied upon. The work vi ill be found invaluable to all those who are giving credits either upon a longer or shorter time. It will be furnished to subscribers from January, 1864. to January. 1866 for sl.lgl per annum, which WM entitle them to the present volume (.4). and vol. 15, which will be published about .Talylo, 1861 our Weekly 6beet of Corrections. and the privilege of making I qttit ies concerning the credit and standing of any traders with whom they may be transacting business, and re ceiving Mill and epeeist' reports. Bankers. Merchants, and Manufacturers are invited to coil and examine the work, or obtain full particulars by sending to our address. P. C. Box 46. - • •. 1 . M. BRanaTEBBT & ja4-inyef6t 4 400 CEMTNIIT Stre4t, DrermrcEß 24, 1989. PIT L.AIVEL PITTZ.TRII 4. 3164". MILITARY. FOR APPLICANTS FOR COMMAND OF No. 1.210 CHESTNUT Street. JOHN H. TAGGUEtT, PRECEPTOR RETAIL DRY GOODS. MUM T. SNOBGRISSi COMMISSION HOUSES. 4 THE TRADE OUR STOCK OF DE COURSEY, HAMILTON, & EVANS, 33 LETITIA Street, and 32 South FRONT Street U. S. FIVE-TWENTIES WANTED fiISFOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER SHIP —The ao-partnershio heretofore HAMILTON un der the flrm•nerne of DE COURSBY, HAMILTON% k EVANS is this day dissolved by lingual consent !ANL G. CS COURSEY. HUGH HAHILTON. CHAS T. EVANS. SETH B. srirr. Dee. 51. 1663. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING tonged %limited pert...elan ander and by virt no of an not of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of PennsYlvarda.paSeed the 210 of Much, it D• 18313 entitled "an Act fedattye to Limbed Pa rt nerehipe" arid the supple meat thereto, do mate the folio wing publication incom pliance with the said act of Assembly and the suppta niente thereto: First. The said partnership is to be conducted under the came or Arm of DE HOORSET. HAMILTON & EPA NS. - • -. Second. The general nature of the business Intended to be transacted is the DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUS NESS. Third. The general partners in said partnership are SA biIDEL G. DE CDURSAY. residing at No. S2B Smith. Sixteenth street; HUGH HAMILTON, residing at No. 145 North 'Pwelftleth street. and CHARM. • T. EVANS. residing at No. 141 North Twentieth street, in the city of Philadelphia. Fourth. The P peel al partners are SETH B. STITT. re. siding at No. 21.2 West Logan Square, in the cltv of Phi ladelphia. and ROBERT L. TAYLOR, residing at No. 452 Union Place, In the city of New York. and they have et eh contributed to the common stock of the said part nershipfifty thousand dollars tin cash, making the earn of one hundred thousand dollars in the aggregate. Fifth. The said partneri.hip is to commence on the first day of January, A D 1864, and is to terminate on the 31st day of Dec , mbar, A D. 1846. SAyilm. G DE coURSEY. riAMII,TON 7 2 General. Partners, CHAS. T. swan B. STITT. Special Partners. ROBERT L TAYLOR, 1 PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 31. 1163. NOTICE IS 'HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the undersigned have this day formed a LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, the statutes of the State of New York, for the purpose of carrying on the GENE RAL 'FRY GOODS COMMI ALOE BUSINESS in the city of T-ew York, under the firm-name of KENDALL, CLEVELAND. & OPDYKE. That the sole general partners interested in the said partnership are JOBEtII S KENDALL. of the town of Orange, county of Essex, State of New Jersey; HENRY M. CLSVLLeND, of the city of Brooklyn. State of New York, end HENRY B. OPLYKE. of the city of New York. • That the sole special partusra interested in the psvtuar 81.1p sire C. fto RO R. 0 PDY KE of the city of Sew York, who has contrthuted the emu of One Hundred Thousand Dollars in cash tnward, the capital of she said firm; ROBERT 1.. TAYLOR, of the city of New York, who has contributed the sum of rift; Thonean. , Dollars in cash towards the said capital, and SETH B STITT, of the city of Philederrhis, State of Yoraurylvaui2., who has contri: - gted the sum of Fitly Thousand Dollars in cash towards the said capital. hat the said partnership commences on the !trot day of January, one thousand sight hundred and slirtj -four (IE84), and terminate, on the thirty fir,t day of Dscem bar. one tbontand eight hundred and sixty-Biz (1866). That, by the term, of the said partnership the special partners are not liable for the debts of the partner.itip beyond the amounts respectively co Aributed by them to the capital, as atone stated. JOSE ea S. K 3DTD HENRY 61. C riFXBIA.ND, BINRY B. OPD KB. OEO it OE OPI/1 Ks. ROBERT L TAYLOR. SETH B. STITT. ._New Yoßic, Dec. 31, 11358. jai Sw WM. W. COLKET, Secretary. N - OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the limited PART-7EI'O.RIP heretofore existing be tween RICHARD D. WOOD, JJSIAIT iCttbl• REN JAMIN V. MARSH. LEWIS W. CI kIrVir&RD, EDWARD. Y.,,TOWNbEED, 'HENRY HENDEMON, RICHARD WORD, and ALFRSD IL FOSTitli, under the firm of WOOD, MARSH, & HAYWARD, terminate. this day by its own limitation The business will be sett ed at the old trend, 31)9 MARKET street. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. Si, 1863. ial-finwatv LIMIT ED PARTNERSHIP -THE -R-A , Subscribers hereby give notice that they hays en tered into a Limited Partnership, azreeably to the provi sions of the lawn of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships. That the name or firm under which said psttnerchip is to be conducted. is Vir3oD, MARSH, & HAY WARD- That the genera/ nature of the bastnese intended to be tren”acted is the Dry gontla Jabbing liminess. that the names of all the general and special partners intAretted therein are, BEN.T SAT al V MARSH (general Partner). I.F.stlS W. HAYWARD (general partner). HaNH' HENDERSON (general part aer). RICHARD WOOD (general partner). SAAIDEL P GoDSVIN (gene ral partner). RICHARD D. WOOD (spacial partner) ant JOSI,e H BACON (special partner). and all of them. the said partners, general and special. reside in the City of Philadelphia. That the aggregate amount of the capital contributed by the special partners to the oomm•n Mesh is one bun drgd thousand dollars—of which fifty thoneand dollars in cash has been so contributed by the said RICHARD D. WO')D, special partner—and or which fifty thon•and dollars in caah, has been so contributed by the said JO SIcH BACON, *pedal miner. That the period at which the said partn4rebip is to eemmenee. is the thirty-fits% day of Decemb-r, A. D 1863 and the period at which it will terminate in the thirty-first day of December, A. D . 1886. RICHARD D. WOOD. Special Partner. .7031 AH BACON, Special Partner BENJAMIN V. MARSH, LEWIS W. HAYWARD, HENRY HENDERSON. ' RICHARD WOOD, ial-6w* SAMUEL P. GOD WIN. THE FIRM ROF N. PRATT & CO is this day dissolved by mutual consent IL Zia PRATT. H. DENISON. • _ PHILADELPHIA. DeVeDitrEtE El. 1863. LIMITED' PARTNER9ITIP.-THE undersigned, hasing.formed a Limited Partnership. do make the following oublication in _compliance with the law re latiTe to LimitedPArtnersbap 4, end the ens• ial.maxtta thereto. First-7 he iaid nartnership is to be conducted under the name and style of YRATT & DENIsoN. Second—The general nature of the business intended to be transacted by the said tartnerchip Ts the- Whole ale and ROM' LEATHER and SHOE FINDING& business. Third—The General Partners are RIIRITS N. PRATT, residing at No. 120 Callowhili street, and HENRY DEVI SOR, residing at No. 505Frarnklin street. Four. h—Tbe amott , t of cavital which ADEL DENI SON, of New York. the Bimetal Farther. has contributed to the common Wok of said partnership is Fifteen Thou sand Dollars. in cash Fifth—The said partnership is to nemmenee on the lst day of January. 1881, and to terminate on tbs Ist day of January 1867.112tEittfPUS N raarrr ands HENRY DENIFON, General Partners; ABEL DEND,OI7, Special Partner. PHILADELPHIA. JRIIIIII7I, 1864; Jal et NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNER. SHIP. --The undersigned hereby give notice. under the provisions of the acts o 4 Assembly for the Coop/ton wealth of Pennsylvania relative to limited partnerships, that they have formed a Limited Partnership, and pub lish the following as the terms thereof: shall he conductedhe fiTIII under which. said partner shipbe is WATSON & JANNST. Second The general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the purchase and sale of Dry Goods; the place of business to be in the city of Philadelphia, Third. The names of the General Partners are CHARLES WATSON, residence No. 462 North SIXTH Street. in the city of Philadelphia. and FRANKLIN JAI.; NEI . . residence ho. COA rEs Street, in the city of Philadelphia The nam residence CONTINENTA L WILLIAM S. STEWART. lairl EL. in the city of Philadelphia. All said general and special partners reside in the city of Philadelphia. Fourth. The amount of capital which the said Special Partner has contributed to 'the common stock is the sum of TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Fifth said partnership shalt commence on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty four, and terminate on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-slx. W 0 T I C E.-THE COPARTNERSHIP N heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of WELLING, COFFIN, & CO,. is this day dis solved by limitation; and the removal. of Sir. C Si. WELLING to New York. Either partner will sign the name of the firm in liquidation LnEMkRELLCHF WNLING. JOSEPH B. ALTNNIUS. Philadelphia, December 31. 1563. CHARLES H. WELLING has associated with him Air. CHARLES B LOTBROP. and will continue the GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS. at Ne 5.3.31, 133, and /36 DUANE Street, under the style of CHARLES H. WELLING & CO. New York, January 1, 1664. The subscribers have formed a Copastnel ship under the firm of COFFIN dr ALTEMITS and will continue the DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS in Philadelphia, at IS o. 240 CHESTNUT Street. LEMTIEL COFFIN, JOSEPH B ALTEMUS. Philadelphia. January 1, 1864. jal-12t NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP.— Mr. BERNARD LOEBENTHAL is this day admit-' ted as a partner in the firm of WOLG &MOTH & RALEIGH. 'the style of the firm from this date will be WOLGAMUTH. RALEIGH. & CO. The undersigned will continue the Manufacturing. Tin porting'. and Commission Business as heretofore. at No. Btreet, and on, - to and 1%. writ iW BERRY street. wotosmura. RALEIGH, & CO. -PHILADELPITIA. Statuary 1. 1864. je6l THE FIRM OF JOSEPH C. TURN. -a- PENNY it CO. is THIS DAY DISSOLVED by limi tation, JOS. C. TUNNPRBN SAMUEL S. BUNTING. PHILADELPHIA, Ist Month, Ist, IE6I. PARR—THE UNDERSIGNED, PART NERin the late firm of JOS. C. TDRNPENIET & CO., having purchased the old established Drug and Pharma ceutical Store, at the N. E. corner of SPRUCE and TENTH department contin businesse personal attentiou to everyof the Especial care will Poe taken. as heretofore, in the se•ection of medicines. compounding physicians' prescriptions. &c. I smut - EL S. DUNTING. FITILATELPITIA. let Month, let. HIM. jal-81. THE COPARTNERSHIP O F FALES, LOTHDOP, & CO.. was dissolved on the 17th day of April last by the death of Zebediall Lathrop. The remaining partners. GEORGE IV ALES, DANIEL C. WELLSTON, and LEWIS B. FAL S. have aelociated under the flan at ed.LES, waA WON. Er . and will continue the DOMENTIO COMMISSION 'BUSINESS at Ral. CBES Mr Street. _ GEO. PALES,. D C WriARTON„ LEWIS R. PALES PHILADMPATA Jan. 1et,1884. MI-6t INSREEP & TRIJEFITT HA.VE RE MOVED to No. 2141 CHESTNUT Street, and offer for sale an assortea stock of English. French. and German Dry Goode. THE FIRM OF MORRIS. WHEELER, & CO. is this dair dissolved by (imitation. JOSEPH E. WHEELIE retires. and the rema'n ing have formed a new copartnership, and will continue the business as heretofore, under the firm of MORRIS, WHEELER. If c CO THEODORE 11 MORRIS, ANDREW WHEELER. FREDERICK W. MORRIS PRILADELPRiA. Mei December, 1E63. COPARTNERSHIP -WE TUVE this day entered-into Copartnership. for the purpose of transacting a Wholesale HOSIERY. TRIMMING. and VARIETY Business, FO UR TH name of CARSON BOYD, at No. ES North Street. do THOMAS CARSON. JAMES BOYD. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 1,1E84. jal.lot. WILLIAM M. SHOEMAKER AND RICHARD M. SHORNAERR. TB,. are this day admitted to_aD interest in our business, the style and title of the firm to continue the same as heretofore. 808 ET BHOEMAKBE dc CO., Wholesale Druggists N. B. corner METH and. RACE Streets. PRILADELPRIA, January 1. 1f64. - COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.- THE _undersgned-have this day ente Go o dso copartnership. for the transaction of the Dry Commission Businese, under the name of JOHN H. WILLIADIS & N CO., at o. 329 CHESTNUT Street. JOHN H. WILLIAMS. PHILADA . Jan. 1.1564. JOHN WIEST. TB E. COPARTNERSHIP HERETO. •••• FORE existing between SAWIEL R. SHIPL ST. SPENCER H. HAZARD, and PEMBERTON B. HUT CHINSON. under the firm of SHIYLItY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON. having expired by limitation. in shin day renewed by them for the term of Ave years. ParwitirLrFris, 12th mo., Slat, IEB3. 3al-10t DISSOLUTION. - PHILADELPHIA, January 1. IEBI. The undersigned, trading under the firm of JOAN HOOPER, SOlg. CO.. retiree from business. The business will be settled up at the office. No. 1114 CHEST NUT Street. Lialtm3 ROBERT M. HOOPER. NOTICE. -MR. NEWTON OARPEN TSB. retires this day from our firm. The remain ing partners will liquidate unsettled affairs. and Amu- Unne business under the same style as heretofore. jal-Oto J. C. HOWE & CO. DEonstrign 81. 1863. NEWTON CARPENTER. WILLIAM C. PETERS IS ADMITTED to an Intend In our hrza from thli dam. January lot, VANCI dc LANDIS. 1881. N 0 TIC E.—WE HAVE THIS DAY BThili a4 l l .4 l;ilt a tit te ß r gf kk M. KELLY as ANDREW O. fl u CitlntrißßlOßT. & CO,. 649 KLERAT Street. PRILADIraRti, JSA. I, 1501, ial4l* COPARTNERSHIPS. CHARLES WATSON, Yft.ett'UNLlN SANDI . BY, General Parktters W. 8 STEWART, Special Partner. === NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THA.T the Pathershlp lately exieting between B.IIIQ St ADLER and BERNHARD METZ was this day dineetceg, by mutual consent. SAMUEL ADLER. BEENRAII,I) ME TZ PHTLADELPTI lA, Des. 51, 1863. PEE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY formed a nopartnershin under the firm of METZ. NEWMAN. & Co.. for the manufacture of Cloaks. Mantillas. &c. meenractory and Wholesale Rooms, 509 MARKET Street: ltetaU Booms, 46 liorth R. C.PI ref street BERNHARD MIITZ, MORRIS M. NSW NIA ALBERT E. ARNOLD. PM T.e nr.ranrrA. Jan. l, MM. Ist - , se NOTICE,-- WILLIAM D. FRlSH ilium J R , JOHN C. W. FUSE-MUHL Rod ED MUND H. 11113HIHOTH, JR., ore this day admitted to en tutored In our busineee. The name and style of firm hereafter Will be FRISH&IIITH, BROTHER, ht CO PHILADELPHIA, TEHII.PY 1,1F64 jay EL. T II HE UNDERSIGNED EREBY GIVE - notice, under the provisions of the acts 0- Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, relative to Limited Partnership, that they have this day formed a Limited Partnership under the firm-name of. D, A. HUNTER & hCOTT. The general nature of the business intended to be trareeced is the pnrchare and sale of s to.t..vr and MILINERY GOODS; theplace of business to be in the city of Philadelphia. The general partners in said firm are DAVID-A. NUN TSR and WILLIAM D SCOTT. both residing in the city of Philadelphia. The specisl ' , tenors in sild firm are WILLIAM HUNTER. Jr . and GEORGES. SCOTT. both in the oily of Philwielphia, • The amount 0i Caoalial welch each of the said special partners has contributed to the common stook is fol lows: The said William Dotter, Jr., contributed the sum of five thousand dollars, and the said George S. Scott_ the snm_of five thoncAnd dollars Said partnership shall commence on the first day of January; eighteen hondred and ahrty-four, and termi nate on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hun dred and 41X ty-gx. 1)& 1 711) A. HUNTER, WM. B. SCOT r, General Partuera. WM. BUNTER. , - GEO. S. SCOTT, Special Partners. PITII.IIDELPIIIA, January 1. 1664. 332.67 NOTICE OF LIMITED PAATIC. ER SHlP.—Whereas. we, the sabscribers, have this day entered into a Limit- d 'Partnership undo: the Act of the General Assembly of the (Toramotwealth of Pena sylva Me. approved March Zlet, 1536, entitl-d Act re lathe to Limited Partnershipe," and alt other enact menta of the said General Assembly relative to Limited Partnerships; now. therefore. in compliance with she provisions of the said enactments, we publish the term. of the said Limited Partnership, as follows: First—The namemr firm under which the said Limited Partnership is to be conducted,- is that of JOH:i F. YOUNG - Second—The general nature of lte business is that of the Wholesale and :Retail DRY-GO , IDS Third—The said Limited Partnership is come - Med of JOHN F. YOUNG. who resides in the city of Phila delphia. and CHARLES R. KILL) NG SR, whose place of residence is at present in Leoanon county, in the State of Ponnsylvania. The maid John F. Yon. gis the Gene ral Partner in the said limited partnership, and the said Charles H. B Winger is the Special Partner therein. Fourth—The Special- Partner, the said cnexuss EIL; INGER, has emitrlbette.l, aclually. and in good faith, in cash the sum of Five Thousand D 'liars to the capital or common stock of the said Limited Partnership. Fifth—The said Limited Partnership will corn mance on the Met day of December, A.D. 1.863. end will terminate on the Slat day of December A. D. t 866 JOHN F. YIIING, General Partner, CHARLES H. KILLING SS) Special Partner. PHILADELPHIA, December 31, 1863. 3,11-frmw6v7 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. —"She Firm of V. & J. F. GILPIN St CO. was dis• solved this day by the withdrawal from Business of VINCENT GILPIN and JOHN R. GILPIN Either of the Partners are authorized to settle the affair; of the Firm. VI NCE NT GILPIN, JOHN F. OILAIN, JOHN R. GILPIN, -.. GEO. GILPIN. PITTLADELPIT/A, December 31, 1863. NOTICE.—THE BUSINESS OF sTOCK. LO &N. and BILL BROKE IS will bs con. Mulled at the old plaza of Itosinese. No. 92T DOCK. Street. corner of Geld. by the .bubseribera Tinder the Firm of GILPIN & CO. JOHN r. ' alt PIN, GAO. Gqr , F.M. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 1. Ma &swat* THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO -a• FORE existing between the subscribers, under the firm of EVANS & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Vl7ll. EVANS, JOS. EVANS. THE SUBSCRIBER WILL CONTINUE the Business as heretofore for the transaction of the Dr}- Goods Commission Business, at the old 'gaud, 21.1. CHUECH Alley. JOIEPH _EVANS. pnrnenErsxr A, 12th month Mot. ISEC3 ial.frm.4l G EO. W. WATSON & CO., CARRIAGE TIIIILDE RS, No 825 North THIRTEENTH Street, Are now preparcd to execute orders for every descrip tion ()flight and heavy CARRIAGE i , and haying et all times the very best materials and workmen, can pro mise the utmost satisfaction to all who may favor them with their custom The Repairing business will be continued by Mr JACOB LOUDECIELAGER. at the old stand, on CLOVER ktrest. rear of Concert Hall. ja2-3m COPA.RTNERSIIIP.-H. C. WATSON having tbia day associated with her in the CAR. WAGE MANUFACTURING, her son. WM' C WATSON. H WRIGHT, and GEO. H. GARDNER. the baguette in future will be conducted under the firm of GZO. W. WATSON.r. CO. PRILADELPRIA, January 1.1864. ROBERT GLENDENNING , JR, IS THIS DAY admitted into the firm of BUNHER & CO., Banker., 52 South TRIED street. PATLADELPIRT A Jan. 1, 1861. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO_ ••••• -sore existing between the nudereignea Tinder the name and style of A W LITTLE et 00. has been dis solved '/ HIS DAY by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be settled by either of the partners, at 325 MARKET Street. A. W. CHARGES WATSN. FRANKLIN JANNEY. PRILADELPRIA. DIM 31. 1863. A W. LITTLE WILL CONTINUE • thg Importing and Jobbing of Silk Goods at the old stand 325 MILS/IAT Street. PITMADELPPIA. San 2. 1864. 184-3t* XtOTICE.-TRE P.AR TNE RS P heretofore existing between JACOB T. BUNTING and SA ML. A. JONES, under the firm of Bunting & Jones. has been dissolved by the death of the said Jacob T. Bunting The business of the firm will be settled by Samuel A. Jones, the surviving partner,. The undersigned will continue the huffiness under the style of the late firm. at the old stand, Ito '.AS South DELAWARE Avenue. sAMIEL A. JONES, THOMAS BARNES. PsnmirintPlTTA., Jan. Ist, 1854., laVlin A L. COYLE RETIRES, AND SCOTT • COYLE enters our Finn from letinetaut. PHILADELPHIA. .3411118.17 4, 1864 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 1. Mt. ROBERT B JOHNSON is this day admitted to an in terest in onr firm The name and style will continuo to be as bereto. fore. G F. WORE at CO.. Bankers and Exam:lga Brokers. GBO. F. WORK, gal at* R. C. McLEOI). fIOPARTNERSHIP.--EDWARD 1 MESS a.nd HENRY H. HAYNES have associated as LTHIENS & HAINES. in tb e Net Cash Jobbing Dry Goods BILE3I3PFS, at No. 51 I•outh YuIIRTEI Street. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 21.1883. ia4-mwfli* THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS day entered intoe Copartnership under the style end name of RA IGUEL & EVANS, for foe the Dry Goods Conanissionßasinemat 32, 1' CHESTNUT Street. WILLONMvRAriGU.KLa FRIT. ADELPTITA. January 1. 1861. jal-frm-30t COPARTNERSHIP. -THE SUB SCRIBERS bays this day entered into partnership, under the firm of CHASE & PED DLE, for the menu facture and Fele of Soot and Shoe Uppers, at No. 19 South THIRD Street, (up stairs.) H. M. CH ASE, • GEO. R PEDDLE. JANUARY I. 1864 jai. fm wßte NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. Mr. WILLIAM PENN LEWIS become a partner in ear hone to-day. HODGES BROTHERS ELLTI3IO7II{. January 1. MI. jal-finer3t* ARMY GOODS, FURLOUGHS. Officers and soldiers, visiting the .eity on furlough, needing S W and other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS are tailted to the very eater sive MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT; OF GEO. W. SIMONS Qs BRO., SANSOM•STREET HALL SAMSON Street, above Sixth Made to order at the shortest notice, which for rich ness and magnificence challenge competition, no other hones in the country combining the MANUFACTURING .TVIVILBR WITN,THR PRACTICAL SWORD MAZER. FROTHINGHANI % WELLS HEAVY =DITCH, AND LIGHT SHNSTINGS AND sulmets. tANDAHD DRILLS. A.VY CANTON TLANNELP WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAKDRICS AND SILSCIAS. BROWNBLRACHRD. AID CORSET MSS. 10. 3311 wORSTED YARN. Bra. u22-1t kJ SIMON 9 & BROTHER. G. EAURION-STRJUIT HALL. PHILADELPHIA. NAAMPACTURERE 01 JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS. AHD immix GOODE Li EVERY VARIETY• THE SUBSCRIBER GIVES NOTICE •••• that he has been appointed Bole Agent for Phlla delphia KINGSFORD BONS' CELEBRATED OSWEGG STARCH. ia6. 6t* 144 NORTH WH W R RZ S. BRADBURY'S GOLD MEDAL IFIRRN I P TANGS were awarded SEVEN PIMP PRIZES IN FOOR WEEKS, during the falrof 1863 The most Batteries testimonials have recently been received from a large number of the most eminent artists, in cluding GOTTSCHALK. MASON, AND WOLPSOHN, who declare that the instruments possess. in the highest degree, all the essentials of a PERFECT PIANO-PORTE. G. ANDRE & CO jas Im 1104 CHEerlctir Street. rftilp CORRECT PIANO TIININ(.4 —Hr. 0. N. SANCISIT'S orders for Weiss and remirins_rianos are received at /MASON J; 00.'s store, 907 ONSSTNITT Street % only. Nr. S t has had eleven ears faetorff egperial2 B . 11 " . ton, and tveyears' employment in Felisdelohis. &mow,. —Pianos .reteaTtered to mound se soil susi sweet toiled as new, settitont removing. Terms for Tuning. MIL oel4-fait DRAIN PIPE. MONTGOMERY TERRA GOTTA WOE= 3 9.-inell pipe pg 9 Seq. length,, EL so. •. .• 40. - , • . 441 • • ro . i.. V. C. lit 65. We Pre prepared to furnish STONEWARE BR AM , PIPE. [plied inside and outside, from 2to lb inehee fa di ame ter, in large or null quantities. with all 'varlets of trefr, bends, and other eonneetlowt. Liberal diseenat to the traft arCOLLIN k RTIOADR, aelikatbalin MIA RIM= Street. Philadelphia. MORGAN, ORB, & CO., BT=I 40 . A. ENGINE BUILDERS. Iron bounders, Aii.4 Snot and Boller listere. o. 11110 caidea Snot elkiladdiphii., 640-cf AN ACTIVE YOUNG- MAN WANTS F r nooyment ite PounraL; age 22 ; able to work. Addy.," J iP R Pre ßg office. ia6•2 WAN TED-A SITUATION, BY A vonng man in a Store as Sale'man Has been in the bnsitees. Best city references Riven. Address C. P. C.," office. iR6 20' WANTED-TWO GOOD OOMPOSI- M TOES. by KING & RAO Printers, lt* 607 SAESSOSI Street. WANTED-AN ENTRY. °LURK OVA attick at Return and with a knowledan of the Book Business preferred. .Address Box Ma Philadel phia Post Oiliee. ja6.3t TO THE WHOLESALE DRY GOODS TRAIDS.—A Young Man, mho has had five years' expelierme in one or the larg.,t Wholesale Menses to the oirY, wW,es a situation as balesman. Address R • " "'mu office. a5.2t, WANT ED-A srruATioN IN A W Wholesale Drug House by a your; graduate to ybermacs. Bast reference con be given. Address "F. A ," Box 2428 Port Office. WANTE D-A SITUATION BY A Tonna Man in a store in any capacity Where ha can make him mlf naeful. Best of references given A;_ dregs D. R. P.," erase office. ja-5-2t WANTED -A SECOND-HAND Rockaway or 4 ork WAGON. Watson's or Rogers' make. Apply at 2'3 North THIRD Strest. .05-3 e WANTFD.— IN A CLOTH STORE, A TOLUTO MAI. 4. about 18 years of alzo: ynn.t, writw a fair hand. Inquire at No. 10 501J111 FOUILTI-1 Street. ka 3c' W A NT E D-- A SMART, A.O TIVE LAD in awholesale Cloth Hansa. Adirms 917 Post Othce, in handwriting of applicant klalarr, first year. VO. ,ia4-St• SOLDIERS I—AN AGENT IS WANT- Eu every Regiment for the sale of something light and profitable, needed by Everybody , especially by now sotdai- Agents are doing big things. Address (enclosing stamp) ARRANDALE At 00., dell-fmvezna , RW 51112 BROADWAY. frilw York. WANTED-A BOY, IN THE (MINT , INO-ROO3I of a Wholesale Dry-floods Ilona°. A ET, a Date of the High Reheat preferred. Mao. WA wed. a MY to ham the bminess. Addreea Barr. tio. 7.5 A Phi- IndelPhia root Ottloe, in handwritinr; of the applicant. ja4 AGENT'S WANTED TO SELL THE STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WAR A rare abeam to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO a month. DA 000 voinmes already sold. Send for eireniara. Address JONES BROS. & CO.. Pabli.h. err, BALTIMORE. Md. do3o 3w. $6O A MONTH !-WE WANT AGENTS AT $6O &month, expensee pahl, to sell our Everlaxting Pemeils, Orienta B l urner*. axtdl3 other article 4. 16 cir colors sentfree SHAW & CL ARK, Btddeford. Me. d2t.l.m 75 A MONTH I-I WANT TO Anonts in every wanly at 9 / 7 5 a month, on"ntn• cos Dna. to sell m y new cheap Family Sewinc fdesidnee. Address. S. MADISON. Alford. Maine. os2S-4dcw3nt 0 - $ WANTED. BY A FIRST CLASS I , Tenant. oa or before theist of March, a moderate sized Dwelltng. with all theMO- d Ona improvements. Meet be on or near to a Passenger Railway rent not to exceed 6400: c€. 4 ,her the City Proper or West Philadelphia, the latter preferred. Address Box 2023 Philadelphia Post Office. l.t* s o k DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE—FXXLADET,PHIA. Feb. 8. 1863. VESSELS WANTED immodlately to aerry COAL to the following points: Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria. Va. Newtwn. N. 0. Fort Royal, S. 0. A. BOYD, felo-tf Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. T OST-ON THE MORNING OF THE 9th inetant, in going from Larkin street. Chester. to Fifteenth Street, below Race, via Philadelphia, aton. and Baltimore Railroad and. Pittesath,strea , a GOLD LEVBS WAACH. richly cl MEd on back. gold face and black Banns and hands. The Badkr will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at lie. Stu crm- NERCh Street, Philadelphia. or. D. S BUNTING, Chester. is. 6 St. STOLEN -FRO hI COMMERCIAL BOTBL,TESTERDAY. two acceptances, in favor of WADE, HAMPTON & CO, of Pittsburg de' ad Dec, tOth, e 101 l for forty-three be aired and forty dollars and Leven cents, at :0 and 60 days All ptzror 5 are cautioned against purchasing them as nay leant has beau stopped. D. 12.. lAMBI 405 WALNUT Street. TIGARD WANTED-BY A GENTLE MAN and Wife and Servant (Childnnrce). in a cen tral location. Direct. stating location, accommodations. and price, •'"B. " Press office. Reference given and rf (mired. BOARDING. -FIRST-CLASS BOARD. is a de.ireble location. CIIII be obtained at ifISS HARRISON'S, No. 54. North THIRTEENTH otr et. one door below Arch- jah-3t• pHILADELPHIA PRO FES -a- SIGNAL INST MITE. "—The proprietor, desiring to remove to the West, offers for gale this flourishing and desirable Institute of Learning. with its complete Gym nasium. Apply THIRTEENTH and CHEgTNIIT. jab-tt di TO BEN T—A FOUR-STORY STORE, on TRIM) Street. above Arch Street Ap ply to J. J DUCKER, 'Union Bank. je.6 da FOR SALE-THE HOUSE, NO. .W..& 1305 MARSHALL Street. finished with all the modern convenience» : Mt 24 feet front by SI feet deep side yard. Apply to TAYLOR. GILL3SPIL & CO.. No. 337 OP. JOHN Street. ak FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRA; BLE FARM of 60 acres, situated on the Philadel pida and Weet Chester Plank road. just ten miles from Philadelphia. The land is in a high state of cultivation, with fine Storehonee. Barn. Etc For farther informa tion atply to CHAALBB E LEE Weet Chester, or LEE, BROS.di CO., 329 CHEST/111T htreet. ja(St. al FOR SALE-VALUABLE DEL- W ARE -C TY FARM. —Forty acres of LAND. near Church lane &alert on Media Railroad; neat and comfortable impreTeraeete teed. inallig . l...tate OY culayation, bsaatifiiliy located. Will be cold a bar gain. JAMES R. CUMMINS. Madia... or GEO N. TOWNbEYD, jab. wfsAt Il3'e South FOURTH_ Street. J. 11. COYLE dic CO. .1443t* FOR SALE-BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS —l4O acres of LAND in the viola- MK% ity of West Cheater, beautiful location; some timber and meadow; nicely It atered; comfortable dweding, rtone barn and all other necessary out buildings; plenty of fruit, shade, tic. Price very moderate. Terms easy. JARES R. CUUYItNS. --MS4tqi or ja6 inthsat THE PHILADELPHIA EVENING. AL TELEGRAPH ! : TEE PHILADELPHIA EVENING TELECAPH TUE PHILADELPHIA EVENING TELEGRAPH:! THE PHILADELPHIA EVENING TELEGRAPH A DAILY AFTERNOON NEWSPAPER A DAILY AFTERD 00'N NEWSPAPER : A DAILY AFTERNOO.I NEWSPAPER : PRICE TWO CENTS !! PRICE TWO CENTS ! ! Served by carriers Dv all parts of the city. a 6-61 Office, 108 SOUTH. THIRD Street. NEW BOOBS. FIVE YEARS OF PRAYER, With the Answers. By S. J. PRIME. Price, $1.25 • AFRICAN HUNTING. By W. C. BALD WIN, Esq. $2.5D. BOYHOOD 01 MARTIN LUTHER. Or. The Sufferings of the Heroic Little Beggar Boy. who afterwards berme the Great Reformer. 76 cents. For sate at the PROT. BPI& BOOK SOCIETY. ja,o-wfm2t 11224 ORETITCIT Street. A BOOK FOR l I ITE TIMES, AND THE REST THING otrr. sl i pEEs , oll AND BAST TENNESSEE. 1 'Vol. 12mo. Pecs 60 cents. For Sale by .1. E. LIPPINCOTT & CO., MARKET Street. W G. PERRY, S W. Corner FOURTH and RACE. RISLEY'S News Excbange. CONTINENTAL HOTE 4 W B ZIEBER, THIRD Street, below Chestnut. Tee Ste OFFICE AN THR &CITE INSURANCE COMPANY, 311 WALNgT Street PITITAPRLPIM, Jrnnara 4. 1864 bTATIMHIST OP HUSINKeS Ant) CONDIr+OY OF THE COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEM BER, 31er. 1863. RECEIVED FROM JANUARY] 1863, TO DS CEMEER 3L 1863. On marine and inlaudrieke. 559,3 0 11 On fludrishq 2,366 69 571 82 Premiums not determined December 31et, 1862.. 23,923 59 PREMIUMA DETERMINED PROM SARTARY 1, 1863. TO LIEORM REA 31, LW. On marine and inland mks. ....880.084 04 . On tire ?talcs 2 . 116 61 Interest and ankTatpa received daring the year 2,604 89 1,776 44 LOSSES. EXPENSES, 47. C.. DUEINO THS YEAR. ' Marine losses $33.30.1 61 Return premiums . 2,36. 70 Commissions and reinsurances 598 35 Slate and U. S. taxes, salaries. rent. printing. arc 8.046 00 ' —7-----$44,405 32 gi. ASSETA JANILSRY IsT, 1884. Bills receivable $27.947 30 Premiums dne and outstanding 2.408 71 Union Bank or Beading 250 Co MT six-per -cent. loan (market value) . 6.180 00 Reading Railroad first-mortgage bonds (war ket value) 7,720 00 11. S. Treasury notes 73-10 (market value) 7,490 00 11. S six-per- cent. loan 0-20 10.000 00 Insurance stock, &a 1100 00 Cash on dep_eit with U.S. Government subject toten days call 10.000 00 Cash on hand and In bank 9,339 17 Welt. notes. and stock liabilities 46 410 00 ParranELPfttA. Jannary 4. 1864 At an election by the Stock holders of the ANTHRA CITE INStIitaNCE COMPANY, held this date, to elect ten Directors to.serve for the ensuing year, the following named gentlemen Were elected Wm. Esher, Peter Sieger. D. Luther. Davis Pearson. Lewis And enried. Joeepa Maxfield. John B. Blakiston. J. E Wm. F. Dean, Jahn Ketcham. At a meeting of the Board of Directors. held on the same day, the following officers were elected: Wef. ESHER. President. WM. F. DEAN. Vice President. WM. M. SMITH. Secretary. The Boaro of Directors have this day declared a cash dividend of TEN PER CENT: on the Capital Stock Paid in.. payable on demand. 3a5-6t WM. M. MPH. Secretary. FAME, INSTMANI 110$ CHRSTWIT Siva PRILADI AND JANDA] /HE Made N. Bun. Chas. Bichardon, Henr:Lewie , John W. &venial'. Philip S. Justin. O. W. DITA F 4 1318 N. 11l . CHABLSBBIQH WILLIAM L BLANORA. MATERIALS FOR MINCE PIES. BUNCH, LAYER, AND SULTANA. RAISINS, • CITRON, CURRANTS, AND SPICES. CIDER, WINES, &c., &a ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Groceries. dell Horner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets "REMOVAL. -JOAN DICK 7S ABOUT REMOVING his SEED STORE and GREW-HOUSE/ from 1420 MARKET Street to his New Store and Green house. 1123 CHEST/NUT Street, where he will keep on hand a ft a, supply of Cut Flowers for Bouquets. Pyra mids, Baskets. Wreaths. and Loose Flowers for datora• tien. A Hue assortment of Seeds. Trees, and Plants, of the various kinds, kept on hand. Seed Farm and Bursertes, DARBY Avee. Ri stßeing• ,Intl nu -tawtEtng- WANTS. LOST AIM FOUND. BOARDING. FOR SALE AND TO LET. GEO. N. TO WNdL d, 12.3;4 tiotith FOURTH treet NEW PUBLICATIONS. INSURANCE COMPANIES. DE COMPANY, NO rAPHIA. IXEICIRANCL ITORS. S. D. Woodral. Geo. A. West, John Kessler. Jr.. Ghat. Stokes. A. Rosenhe Joseph D. BUD. OK, President. ARDSON, Vigo President. ED. Searetarv. IMAM A MERICAN .ACADEMIt OF MUBIO. —LAST NIGHTS OF THE WONDERFUL ARABS. • THERE AL CHILDREN OF THE DESERT. AND TUB RAVEL. DIATITINETTI, AND M &REM! TROUP& FIRST mom! OF THE GREEN MONSTER. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EvErnwas, Jammer Sth and 6th i to commence SE with the heataltal ballet et RO DE HAI. After which a grand Divertieeereeat BY ME WONDERFUL (ARABS. To conclude with the grand fatty Pantomime of THE GREEN MONSTER ANS) 'MB Parquet. Parq P e ß t CCirEcISOaFAMIB2nYOOi Off centg. (Igo extra charge for reserved seats) Upper Circles p °eats. Proscenium Boxer. ameata each $5 Box Office open daily. from 9 to 4 &ale*. where Mai mey be pcnred for three days in advance. Doors open at 7. Performance to commence at S. Closet at 10% o'clock. iiis NEW CHESTNUT-BT. THEATRE.-. Lessee and NNtuairer Mr WM. WEGLiThiy s . IMMENSE HOUSES exoWoß D TO OVERFLOWING'. hIICCESS OF DIADILLE VES'r VALI. Wm WILL APPEAR THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. JanuarY eth. In Ler great character of GAMEA With all the R. THE JEWISH MOTHER. maprircrx, music, COSTUME, SCENERY. FFECTS. E AND Dress circle and Denim: 4 .— 50 cents. Orebeetta i . eata 70 sante. Efffnl l Y Circle 26 Dente. Doom oren at 7. Oomzw.ce " 71.4. In rehearsal_ the magical Drama of the BRIGAND. THEATRE PRANOAIS-NEW CHESTNUT. STREET TititATRE The FRENCH COMPANY. from Dtiblo's Saloon, Draw Sore, will commence a ecriee of SIX PEEFORMA ECM JAEN SET 18. Subscriptions received et Ley-nob:O K , MS Chestnut et. Risley, Continental Hotel; Mr, Frankel, Eleventh street. corner Saneorn. PAUL ZIIIORZT, Manager. DRI - VETS, Agent. worts WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. LISESEE Mr! M. A. GARP..Brk9O.S. LAST NIGHTS .T S CLARKE , . L AST PIIfiHTB OF THE TICK KT-OF , LEAVE MAN. WETIQE4DAV and TTICBS BAY. Jane. 6 , :h and 7th, J. *. CL Akar an 808 BRIERLY, In Tom Taylor'' , groat Marna of TIE TICKET 01-LEAVE MAN. Aftnr whirl, the roaring Farce, called FASB 'ONABLE SON/AT .1 S. CLARKE aa JACK' C ABB A.OB /Alan' Farewell Benefit of J. S. Clarke. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW A.RU.k. - kr.CRBNT TB_IATRE. HOME , ' V U.LED T THE Roar. THIRD WEER" OF FRANK DREW. TWO C-RIAT SENSATIONS. THE TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN, AND THE BURLESQUE ALADDIN. TO-NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT. With new ecenery. tw.rt &u..• THE TICKET OE-LEAVE MAN. HawkOnvw (the DotertiV) FRANK DREW To conclude with (third week)' ALADDIN; OR, THE WONDERFUL LAMP. Widow Twankey PRANK palm Curtain neee at 7;4. ozcl ock. it4-8t GREAT NATIONAL cuizoue TROOTE.--MARKET Street. shove Twelfth. Directrehs, Mrs. CHAbLES WAENER. formerly Me. MGM New and thrilling Dees in the Arena will be PCO• dnced this week. insludina THE BrRITE OF THE RMVE2T. SHOWER. THE WHITBY FaliflLY Will also appear inbeantifnl acts. principal and other wine. Alto. the G ARV ER F .karrLy. in :awed° &sotto's. This evening. and du A rIDIZ the week, the groat MN MONKEY Will appear In droll sports and pastimas. 2t cents: Stage Sous, 50 mite: privity Box, It 3: Gallery. 15 cents Commencing 7.4' o'clock snail evening: Regular Matinees on WEDN , )1) AY and BATUIrDkY afte'sncons. commencing at 231', o'clock CERT BALL LIE Tr URE ROOM. CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE Twg_.Frti. • SR COND WE 311 E OF• WTINDERLICE'S eerier of 11.1 n: tra Honig of • T S. ARTHUR'S TIN NIGHTS IN A BAR-ROOM, ATSD, JOHN BU IYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS,' And other attractive Scene% from LIFE. CHARACM NR, NATIIIiE. aryl ART, Proprletbr and M.inagpr Mr. JOSEPH vanity. continuo- fur ]..1.0.1- soexnn . _ !this enlendirt rerien of more than 100 grand Pa;wods Paintingb was exyrntee by okeatoF, WITL‘TDBIILIT.M. , an t merlean Artist, whil stands unrivalled as a inroads 'Painter. Admission 2i cents. Children 15 cents. Doors open aF 7 o'clock. Liberal arrangement(' made with schools, temneranwll6 and other societies. Matinee every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon at S o'clock. Children 10 cents. .144-31 t ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, Corner of TENTH. and CHES nun Streets. LAST WEEzi. OP TOR GREAT NEW STEREOSCGPIAN. Which has excited the wonder arid admiration of thou- Fends of our ellizena, who vlaitad the past week. D THE BEAUTY AN PKRFECTIOSI OF NATURE AND ART. Surpassing anything haet s o . fore presented to the pub- He of Philadelplia. • SPLENDID VIEWS IN EUROPE, ASIA, APEX 3.k, AND AMERICA. The scenery and objects of history Presented are true to nature. and valuable assistants in cultivating the fine arts. Doors open at 7 o'clock t commence at g o'clock. Admittance 25 cents; Children 15 cents. Iti,CePo TEMPLE OF WONDERS. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS WIL P HI ALORTLY CLOSE. MAGICAL and sopriMAL EXPERIMENTS; Groat Powers of VENTRILOQUISM, and. the LEARRD CANARY BIRDS .__ _ _ . SIGNOR BLITZ will appear in his popular Entertain ments 'IIVERY EVENIB G. commencing at 7g, and WEDNESDAY Ind SATURD &Y AFTSEbt tlOll at 3 Admission 25 cents; Children 15 cents. la4-tr SIGNOR BLITZ'S USUAL WEDNES. DAY Afternoon Entertainment will be postponed to SATURDAY neat. It* TNSTITIMION FOR THE BLIND.- Exhibitiwn EVUEY WEDNESDAY. at M. Admission TAN outs. Store No. 11 South EIGHTH Street, ESSRS. CROSS & JARVIS WILL IT THEIR FIRST SOIREE OF CLASSICAL MUSIC (Second Beason; ON THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 14. THF: ja4tf FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SOLDIER'S NIGHT. MUSICAL F17./fD January 9th, ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE 0E NEW ORLEAMIL PEAK BENJAMIN, the dictinguished lecturer, will deliver hie new end pa. triotic poem on _ aboanding with RXCELLSZT HITa, PATRIOTIC, SATIRICAL, CRITIC! QUIZZICAL. and POLITICAL 1"4" GRAND COhfPLIMENTABY TESTIMONIAL . CAPT. TTIOS G. FIINSTON. (Late et the seott Legion Regiment. Who pervicar are commemorated lu the folloWtllClOl< resporaloace: CORRESPONDENCE. PHILADELPHIA. Den 22d, 1865. CAPT. TI:(08. G. PuNSTON—Dear fir: In view of She fact that you are disabled from farther duty as a soldier. and the knowledge that under three different onliet.. meats lon have patriotically responded Ito the call for our country's defence, the undersigned, a few of pOtip old personal friends, take this method of tendering yox a Complimentary Testimonial, to be given at each time and place as you may designate. Very truly, yours, A. G. Curtin. Antal la Haines • Jaren Pellock, Geo. W Johnson, William B Mann, James Cl. ftelch, John A Illestand, J. S. Morton, E W. Davis. Anthony Conrad. C. M. Donovae. S. Le..dom Smith, George B. Graham, David Battler. Charles C. Wilson, A. H. Reynolds, W. B. R Selby, Charles A. Jones, John Spear.- William A. Gray. J. Orr Vinyls, George W. Collette,, E. W. C iirPens. Horace M Martin, John A. Clark, William Meeser. Henry C. Pollock. . Sidney Denting, H C. Thompson, John Patterson, James A. sawyer. Thomas Thompson, and others. CAPTAIN FIINSTON'S REPLY. PHILADELPHIA, Deo. H, MIL To His Excellency A. G. Curtin. Governor of Pentusyle Tanta, Honorables James Pollock. William B. Vans, John A. Heistend, B W. Davis. Alderman D Bottler. Colonel A. B. Reynolds, E. W. C. Greene, and others: OBNTLEBIRN I was very much SW prised and gratified upon receiving your request to name a time and plate where I might be the recipient of a testimonial at your bands. The very complimentary manner in which you have been pleased to refer to my services under the Beyer ral calls made by our common country, is far more Slit. tering than I deserve or ever conceived. The soldier's highest Ambition is in the approval of hie fellow-citizens. HI have done aught to secure this, I am indeed thankfuL I would commend the Sth of January. dear to us all 1.114 its past glories and history, and name the Musical Punt Hall as suitable for what you Pro Pose: Very truly and gratefully yours, • THOMAS G. PONSTON, Late Captain 68th. P. V. MR. GU IkIr,MORE, the celebrated Drummer, will beat the BATTLE CALL, previous to the Lecture TICKETS FIFTY CENTS. E. W C. GREENE, Chairman. Committee ef Arrangements. CRARLER C. WILTON, SeCretar7. de2S.tie4 $82,6"1 41 ERMANIA ORCHESTRA.-PUBLIO REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 8 o'clock, P. Mat that MUSICAL FUND HALL. Steele ticketc li r colds. Packages of et..T ticket', V. To be bad at DBE'S 110* CHESTNUT Street, J. B GOULD, . VERTU and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door, 6.12444 PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Or THE FINE ARTS 10115 CHESTNUT STRUT. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. N. tIR BP. M. Admission Weenie. Children half price. 1•89141 Z. VAUGHAN YEKILICE. WILLIAM K. ANIKINII. JOHN N. OOPS. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON• swum PHILADELPHIA. !MERRICK ac SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines. leir land, river and marine service. Boiler.. Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, &c. cOsetista of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron. frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Rations Ito. Retorts' and Gas Machinery of the latest and MOM BS. proved Construction. Every description of Plantation Mactinerr, awl: as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mille Vacuum Pans, Open Stesst Trains, Definator_N Filters. pumping Engines &c. Sole Agents for N. Rillionx s Patent Sugar )oiling AS. gangue • Nesmyth , s Patent Steam Rammer, and Alebi• wall & Wolaeu's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining. Sta. shine. ania-11 81.9 429 18 A na PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. —NEAFIE & LETS.. PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS MA. CBINISTS. BOILER-BIAKERS. BLACKSMITHS. IA POUNDERS. having for many years been in success/ 11 operation, and been exclusively engaged in buildings/ repairing Marine and River Engines, high andlesoor mire, Iron Boilers Water Tanks, Propellers, Ste, 1c...- respectfully offer 'their services to the nubile. as balm& AMY prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, MUM& River. and Stationary; having meta of patterns of dillor ant sizes , are prepared to execute orders with ontek do. epatch. Every description of pattern-making made the shortest notice. High and .Low-presenre. Yin= bniar. an.PCylinder Boilers. ef the beat Pennsyl charcoal iron, Forging,. of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Wass Castings. of all descriptions; Roll-Tu Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with above business. establishment pecifications a n d work wrk g uaran ti e d. thie tree of charge. and work • The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for ros 'Pairs of boats. where they can lie in perfect safety, auk are provided with shears. blocks, falls. be fltg raising heavy or light weights. JOHN 0. LEVY BEACH LEWIr BEACH and PALMER Streets, UNION STEAM AND WATER HEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. GOLD'S PATENT STEAM AND 110T-WA'PER HEATER, THOMPSON's LONDON KITCHENER. and all Othet Im_nroved COOKING APPAItATOS. Boller' and Water Basics, Parlor and other Grata. Registers and Ventilators. Backe:and Jambs, and au tunes sonneeted with the above branch of biness. WOOD, E. P. No. 41. South FOIERTH Street TELTWELL. Superintendent. anlio-Dr MRS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED xter =l, i mu t oßz i .tra, tr iumi the onli es tlA 711101111111 are reapeetftly recreated to e 'ea re. BM& at her reeidenee. 10119 WAL iladidallta. (to avoid eorinterfelte.) Thirty Cho Invalids have Sn o red by their phystolane to oar applianeee. are o y are genuine bearing the 13 States copyright t labels on the b een and eignatitree. 11 400 on the thinOrtarth With testirnoziale. caret AMUSEMBWTS. ZOGRAPRICON, TENTHand OFIETNIIT Streets, THE WAR,
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