Africa. BT MAKIA LOWBIX, Slip a*t where the level eandi Sent baok the tky’a fierce glare j She folded her mighty hands, -And waited with oaim despair, While the red sun dropped down the streaming air, Her throne wee broad and low, :■ BulUled of cinnamon; Huge ivorjr, row on row, Varying its columns dun, ' Barred with the copper of the setting sun. Up from the river came • The low and sullen roar <©f lions, with eyes, of flame, That haunted Its reedy shore, And the neigh of the hippopotamus, Trampling the watery floor. •' Jler great dusk face no light From the aunset glow could take; Dark as the primal night Ere over the earth God spake; It seemed for her a dawn could neyer break. She opened her massy lips, And sighed with a dreary sound,, Ha when, by the sands’ eclipse, Bewildered men are bound, And, like a train of mourners . The columned winds sweep round. She said! “My torch at fount of day I lit, now smouldering in decay ; Through futures I grope my way. ■II was sole Cfcueen the broad earth through; ' my ohildren round my knees upgrew, _ And from my breast sucked Wisdom’s dew. “Day after day to them I hymned ; ... Fresh knowledge still my song o’erbrimmed, ; Eresh knowledge which no time had dimmed. «i I sang of Numbers; soon.they';*?*?.-- The spell they wrought, and as the blue Foretold the stars in order due; «Of Music; and they fain would rear something to tell its influence clear; Uprose my Memnon, with nice ear. «»To wait upon the morning air, Until the sun rose from his lair Swifter at greet of lutings rare. «I sang of Forces whose great bands Could knit together feeble hands To uprear Thought’s supreme commands; ■• Then, like broad tents, beside the Nile, They pitched the Pyramid's great pile, .Where light and shade divided smile ; »»And on white, walls, In stately show, ‘ Bid Painting with fair moyement go, Leading the long procession slow. ii All laws that wondrous nature taught, To eerve my children’s skill I brought, And atilt for fresh devices sought. <i What need totelll they lapsed away, _ ' Their great light quenched in twilight gray, Within their winding tombs they lay, i> And centuries went slowly by, And looked into my sleepless eye, Whioh only turned to see them die. liTbe winds like mighty spirits oame, ' Alive and pure and strong as flame, At last to lift me from my shame; «For oft I heard them onward go, Felt in the air their great wings row. As down they dipped in journeying slow. •' Their course they steered above my head, One strong voice to another said, _ t why sits she here so drear and dead ! *n Her kingdom stretches far away; Beyond the utmostverge of day Her myriad children danoe and play.' «' Then throbbed my mother’s heart again, ' Then knew my pulses finer pain, ■ Which wrought like fire within my brain. “ I eought my .young barbarians, where A mellower light broods on the air, And heavier blooms swing incense rare* it Swart skinned, crisp-haired, they did not shun ' The burning arrows ot the sun; ' Ereot as palms stood every one. ••I said—These shalllive out their day, ' In song and dance and endless play; The-chlldren of the world are they. si ifor peed they delve with heavy spade j Their bread on emerald dishes laid, * Sets forth a banquet in each shade. ii only the thoughtful bees shall store ’ Their honey for them evermore; They shall not learn such toilsome lore; ii Their finest skill shall be to snare The birds that flaunt along the air, And deck them In their feathers rare. “So centuries went on their way, And brought fresh generations gay On mvsavannahs green to play. si There came a change. They took my free, Tdv careless ones* and the great sea Slew back their endless sighs to me. - .tv'With earthquake shuddering* oft the mouls ' Would gape; I saw keen spear* of gold Thrusting red hearts down, not yet cold, “But throbbing wildly; dreadful groans ‘ Stole upward through Earth’s ribbed stones. And crept along through all my zones. n sought again my desert bare,; And still they followed on the air, And still I hear them everywhere.; •‘So sit I dreary, desolate, Till the slow moving hand of Fate Shall lift me from my .sunken state,” Her great Ups dosed upon her moan; - Silently *ate she upon her throne, Rigid and black, as carved In stone.— lndependent, CIOTHING. JJDWARB P. KELLY, JOHN KBIiHY, TAI LOBS, 1«» SOUTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE WALNUT, Have now a complete assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, and PATTERN OVERCOATS and OF ALL THE FASHIONABLE STYLES. TERMS CASH.—Prices lower than, other Customer Tailore, and clothes superior. dalS-tt OVERCOATS I SUITABLE FOR THE WEATHER, PRICE $lO AND UPWARDS, WANADIAKEB «Sfc BBOWNi OAK HALL POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, SIXTH AND MARKET. "Will keep our etore open EVERT EVENING NEXT WEEK (except Christmas night) until nine o’clock. ff>LA.OK CASS. PANTS, 65.50, • iX> At 704 MABKBT Knot SLACK CABS. PAMTB, M.H. At JM MABKBT Btaroot. King CABS. PASTS. *O.lO, At 7M MABKBT BtrMt BLACK CASS. PASTS. »8.(0. At 704 MABKBT Stroot. ST ACK CAW, pasts. W.B, At. 704 MABKBT Stiut B*loo ft YAM GUSTIM’S, So. 794 MABKBT Stmt BKIGG ft YAM GUSTBM’S, SO. 704 MABKBT Stmt. BKIGO ft YAM GOTTBS’S. So. 704 MABKBT StlMt. BKIGG ft YAM GUBTBM’S. Mo. 704 MABKBT StMOt OKIOO ft YAM GDSTIS'B. Mo. 704 MABKBT ttroot. - K34-9m AKMT GOODS. * WELLS BATS 808 ffALB, H*AVT L HRCHTM, i.SD LIGHT SHWtaea UK9 SHtorgaa - - OLMBBICS atjf MOWr"BtKiOHBD, JiITD OOHBBT JHAJTS. Ho. IS WoBSTED YJIBS, In. w22-iltl Q. W. SIMONS A BBOTHEB) lAHBOH-STBHT HILL, PH ILADKLPHUL KUTOPACTOBSKSOP JSWBLBT. FINE SWOBDS, * AND autITAJtT GOODB IK BVKRT VAKIUT. mis mm WATCHES AND IBffEIRT, J ( E- CALDWELL A OO.; 822 CHESTNUT STREET, Bars received a larae Miortmecl 0/ Kith Good), ol heir own Importation, codpriiina NOVELTIES OF THE PRESENT SEASON OPERA AND FIELD GLASSES, BIOH FANS, entirely new designs, COMBS, In Gilt. Shed), and Steel. ENGRAVED GLASS VASES AND OABD EEOEIVEES. __ SPLENDID DECORATED FRENCH PORCE LAIN VASES, CARD-RECEIVERS, AND FLOWER STANDS. DRESSING OASES lor Ladies and Gentlemen. RICH JEWEL CASKETS, GLOVE BOXES, WRITING DESKS, LIQUOR OASES, &0. CORAL, TORTOISE SHELL, AND STEEL ■rpmWT Tiv bronze' STATUETTES, ANIMALS,.INK STANDS, MATCH-SAFES. OANDELABRAS. MANTEL Marble, Bronze, and GUt JRIOH JEWELRY, Diamond, Pearla, and all the Preoioua Gema, Gold and Enamel,- SUPERIOR WATCHES, Amerlean, Swlaa, and SEngllah. ' SILVER WARE, of every deaoription. , PLATED GOODS, American andEngliah. noM-tdsM A a. RUSSELL, 22 NORTH SIXTH Bk Street, has just receired a Terr lumdseme assort- Santof FIKB SSAL HIHGS. no3-3m fs FINE WATCH REPAIRING IBe attended to by the most experienced workmen. Uderery Wnteh warranted for one year. G. BOSBBtiI> Bit Horth SIXTH Street COLDIERSI—AN AGENT IS WANT- K 3 ED In erery Basement for the sale of something: light And profitable, seeded by Everybody < juvedallv by tntrg Soldier Agents are doing big things. Address ‘pa TEWELKV, PLATEI) WARE, dec. | FOR THE HOLIDAYS. J . ■5 PEE CENT. SAVED BT PUKOHABINQ TOPS’ W ATOHES, JE WELB Y, D. W. CLABK'B, «Q» CHESTNUT STBBBT. Wfctn mur be fotu>d * fine msiottment of the foUowin* goods, it Twenty-ftYO por tout, low than At *nr othor fUblLKhmont ;' Gold Watches, SUrer Watchas, Fluted Watchw, American watch**. Enfllsh Watche*. Swiss Watches. • Bracelet*! Bette. Piiw. Bar Bints. Studs, Medallions, Seek Chains. guard Chains, Ohstallne Chains, Vest Chains. Pencils, Thimbles, pens and Cases. Tooth Picks, Gents’ Bosom Pins, dents' Scarf Pint dents' Ssarf Bugs. Armlets, Charms, Watch Bars, As.. As. SILVER-PLATED WARE. TeaMMs. , Wine Castors, Dinner Castors . Breakfast Castors. Cake Baskets, Card Baskets. Batter Coolers, Bu«ar Bowls. Balt Stands, Call Bells. Goblets, Bnoon Holders. ITaridnKinw. , Byrup Pitchers, - Gream Pitcher*. Table and Dessert Spoons, Tea and Salt Spoons. gja'and Mustard Spooas, Dinner and Tea Forks, Pish and Pie Knives, ; Tea and Dinner Knives. Oyster and Sony Ladle*. ■ Children's Knife and Pork. Butter Knives, &0., &o. One tall will sonvinae the most incredulous that the eheapeit place in the city to buy Watches, Jewelry, and Blivet-Plated Ware, l* at D. W. CLASS’S. AOS CHBSTHTJT Btreet. w. B.—Fltt« W»toli»a and Jewalrr carefollT repalrad by tbe most experienced workmen and warranted* nolfi-tdeSl .. . ~ ' ' • • ■ AND NAVY CLOTHS. HO. 54 South SECOND and S 3 bTRAWBKRRY BTB, ABUT AND NAVY. CIVIL LIST. 6-4 Bins Flannels, Black Clofhfc 3-4 Dark Blue Oasrimeies. Do. Doeskins/ 6-4 do do. Fancy Coatings. 3-4 Ltohl Bias do. Do. Casslmerec. 8-4 do. do. Esanimaox, 3-4 Daik Blue Doeskins, ChlncMlaa. 6 4 do. do. Super Velvets, 6-4 Blue Cloths. Russian Sables. 6,4 do. Castors, Tricots. 6 ; 4 do. Pilots. True Blues, 6'4 do. Beavers, Scarlets, 3-4 and 6-4 Heltons. Billiards.^ I’lMwiTnliiffi Ac KAfuteliM. . ... 1 Unexpectedly, we have replenlsMnxonr Stock with some entirely New Styles of beautiful CLOAKINGS. de3 - lm WOTICE TO GRAIN DEALERS AND Av SHIPPERS. 80,000 UNION A, SEAMLESS BAGS, BURLAP BAGS, M *ll SUM. for Corn, O&to, Bone-dust, Coffee, So., ua urafaetured and for >ole, for not caoh, dt CHARLES H. GRIGG, A-genl, 80. 137 SUBSET Street (Seeond Storr). Late of 219 Cboreb alley. gHTPLET, HAZARD, Sc HUTOHIN- So *' *O. 1H» OHBSTHOT STKBBT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 105 THE SALB OF, PTTTT. A TVKT.PHIA-MADE GOODS. t 0e36-6n -• ' • - ' gAGS! BAGS 1 BAGS I NEW AND SECOND HAND, ■■JJCLISS. BUSLiuF, AJTO Qunjtl BA OS, Ooiiiutlron hunt. ■ JOHN T. BAILEY «* OOi. Mo. U 9 BOOTH IBOm BTBXIT. «r itool sacks rox bilb. I M 0 V A L. _____ LDgENS HAS REMOVED fbom _ . No. 81 BOOTH SIXTH STREET, TO . I. W. CORNER WITH AKD CHKSTSDT Where he aow offer! a irr LARQfi A-MD ELEGANT STOCK GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, SmbrMinf ell the latest novelties. PRICES MODERATE. 49- Thp attention of the Pttblla la iwwetfnlly 10- ‘'sffTRTS MADE TO OKDKH- oeM'S” JP IB S T PREMIUM SHIRT AND WRAPPER MANUFACTORY. ESTABLISHED 1840. G. A. HOFFMANN, 606 AKOH STREET, Would invite tbs attention of the Public to bis large tnd complete stock of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Among which will be found tbe largest stock of GENTLEMEN’S WRAPPERS IN THE CITY. Special attention given to tbe manufacture of FINE SHIETS AND WEAPPEES TO OEDEE. Every variety of Underclothing, Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, Scarfs. Mufflers, &c. ' deS-mtnf-Sm qeorgb grant; BUSINESS COATS, Hu row ready GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Of fell own Importation and manufacture. His celebrated “PRIZE MEDAL SHIRTS,” Ktaulactared under the superintendence of JOHN 1\ TAQGERT, v (Formerly of Oldenberi 4 T&ggerU die the most perfect-fitting Shirts of the age* Orders promptly attended to, jyl3-thsttt-lm LEG-ANT MIR BOBS, J^IFE'SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS COLORED IN ML. THOMAS SMITH’S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, • yno ~l^«i^lwn~i^T-ir<>nsa'-~ihOT'n~qTTiag An aaortment of FRAMES constantly on band. SKY-LIGHT ON THE GBOUKD FLOOR. deSdm Please call and examine Goods. •RUSTIC ADORNMENTS FOR HOMES AV OF TASTE. ‘Wardian Oases with Growing Plants. Fern Vases with Growingjlante. Ivy Vases with Growing Plante. Hanging Baskets with Growing Plants. Fancy Flower Pots. Orange Puts, all sizes. Cassolette. Renaissance. . Caryatides. LoulsXlVthe. Classical Baste in Parian Marble. Marble Pedestals and Fancy Brackets. TerraXjotta Vases, all sizes. Lava Vases, Antique. Garden Vases, all sizes. . rw Statuary and Fountains. Onoice and select articles for Gifts, Imported and mann for w* own sales* For sale at retail, or to the ; **!«?*£ Quantity. 8. A. HARRISON, delfrtmhsatf 1010 CHESTNUT Street. nOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS Vi of All nnmbett And brwdg BaYoneDnck Awning TwUl«, ol All deMriptlonA, fo» Tent*. Awninrj, Trunk and Wagon Coyer.. Mm, gaper MAnnftwtnrm' from 1 to I fut .Tarpanlta. Bolttag, Twine, A«. JOH* W. BVMMAIf A CO. , ■ my»tf TO* JOBSS' A 11... SILVER-PLATED WARE, COBS MISSION HOUSES. WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS’ OXsOTH KCOTXSE, All Linen, wellht 20 oimm, fio But utdOhupeet Bar in the market Amo. GENT’S TUKHISEDIQ GOODS. HO. 61* CHBSTKUT B**l**! A. UIROB AMD OOMPLBTI STOCK iPAINTIKGS AND ENGRAVINGS. A LARGE ABSOBTMBMT, NEW ENGRAVINGB, PINE OIL PAINTINGS, JUST BKCBIVBD. EARLE’S GAULEBIESJ . ■' \ r m. ....... 818 CHBBTNOT BTBKIT. noM-tf PHOTOGRAPHS. GAS FIXTURES, &C. 517 ABOH STREET. O. A. VANKIBK AGO iuuro?AOTtr*ns or OHAN£>E L I E R ■ ABC OTBBB GAS FIXTURES. UMi French Bronte Flforei and Ornament*; Foreeltin and Mlea Shade*. and a variety of FANCY GOODS, ITfiDLISALI AND BBTAIft* TO BOOT AND- SHOE MANTJFAO. EE LeatKer Bolling Mills, Heeling - Crimpmg„./ Welt and Counter Skivers, a . .. Standing Eyelet, Punch and Bet* Combined. And all other Machinery and .Goods for, nailed and Sewed work, to he had at manufacturers' at • LAIRG & MAGINhIB\ Dealers in Shoe Findings, 30 R. THIRD St. Agents for Hilton's Insoluble Cement. deld-lm* PORTLAND KEROSENE COAL OIL, In store, and for sale by Yr»,siP,Uf *S9SStw»i.. THE* PRESS.-PfIiLADELPHtA, TIfUIiSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1863. banies' ptras. RADIES' FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA. no. tic arch bt&eet. eklqw aiaara. Importer and Manufacture* ; LADIES' FANCY FURS. Ht assortment of FANGTVD3B for Ladles aad dill, (ten Is now complete, and embracing ererr variety that bill be fashionable durtnt the vrcccnt season All sold it the manufaetufen’ erires. lor sash. Ladles, rltM. tlve me a call. oeT-4m ' QPENING OF FANCY FURS, iOH R A. STARS AC H, IHPOBTBK AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, NO. 8N« ABOH STEKBT. BBLOW NINTH. Nas now opes a splendid stock of LADIES AUD GULDBirS FURS, Which will be sold eHhe LOWEST CASH FRICKS oc«-fiW pURBI FURSI HEOB SE T, W 0 M BAT H, NOB. Mi AND 41T ABOH STBBBT. . BAB VOW ©PS* A FULL ASSORTMENT OF JL- A D I E S* F U RB. wMili the attention of the publie U Invited. CURTAINS « CURTAIN MATERIALS, QUBTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS. Be P. IFILL Sc 00., DEALERS IK QUBTAINS. CUBTAIN MATERIALS, FURNITUHB COVERINGS, WINDOW BHADRB, . HOLLANDS. UPHOLSTERERS’ TRIMMINGS, VENETIAN BLINDS. 40. N, E. COR. TENTH AND CHESTNUT. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. JEER’S Furnishing China ft Glass Establishment, CHINA HALL, BW OHESTHUT BTBBBT, NV* DIUBOTLT OPFO9JTB ISDSPEVDBSOH HADD, *®* lathe cheapest (for tbs auallty) and most extensive ae< •ortmentof WHITE, FRENCH, QOLD-BAMD and decobated china in this city. Jut opened, ofonr own Importation,jeUhtMneeuk* Tory enperior plain WHITE FBKNCH CHINA, In any Quantity to suit purchasers. Also, a eplendld assortment ofh'ashionable CUT AND ENGRAVED TABLE CRYBTAL GLASS. Also, plain white Bnglish Stone Ware, Dinner and Tea .Ware. Also. Toilet Bete, la treat yarlety, some yery elegantly decorated. Aar Double thick China Stone Ware, and GlaM, ex freeslylor HOTELS, SHIPPING, AND RESTAURANTS. *9* Trench China decorated to order In any pattern. A - Initials engrared on Table Glass. China and Glass packed in a proper manner, safi-satnth-dm ' - HOTEM. JONES HOUSE, HAS SIS BURG, CHAS. H. MANN, deSS-lm PEOrBIETOBi Corner MARKET Btrwt and MARKET Sanare. DRUGS. jq-ET CASH DRUG HOUSE, WRIGHT & SIDDAIiIi; No. 119 .fIEAKIjjgT STREET, Between FRONT ‘and SECOND Streets* 0. W. WRIGHT, P. fl. BZDPAXiZ>. DRUCHFISTSi rnvoioTANS. AND GE - nwuvAij SXUREKEEPEKS Can find at our establishment a fall assortment of Imported and Domestic Drugs, Popular Pa tent Medicines, Paints, Coal Oil, Window Glass, Prescription Vials, etc., at as low prices as genu ine, first-class goods can be sold, = FINE ESSENTIAL OILS for Confectioners, in full variety, and of the best Q Cocliineal, Bengal Indigo, MaMer, Pot Ash, Gndbear. Soda Ash, Alom, Oil of Vitriol, Annat to. Copperas. Extract of Logwood, Sc,, FOE DVEKS’ USE, always on hand at lowest net cash prices. SULPHITE OF LIME, for keeping cider sweet: a perfectly harmless pre paration, put up, with fair directions for use, in packages containing sufficient for one barrel* . Orders by mall or city, post wiU meet with prompt attention, or special Quotations wiU be furnished when reauested. WEIGHT & SIDDALL, WHOLESALE DRUG WAREHOUSE, No. 119 MARKET Street, above FRONT. no2S*thstuly-fp ROBERT SHOEMAKER AGO., Northeast Corner FOURTH and BAGE Streets. PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS; ILUrUTAOTUERRS Of WHITB T.HAP AJCD ZING PAINTS, PUTTT. *O. AGBVTfI FOR THS OKLSBRATRD FRENCH ZING PAINTS. Mltnand coniumara wpplied at VBBT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. u3O-sm • ' , CABINET FUKNITUKK. pABmET FURNITURE AND BIL- V UASP TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, ITo. »61 SOUTH BECOUO STKBST, In connection with their extensive Cabinet business, are tow minufatturla* * eupenor article of BILLIARD TABLES, Kid haymow on hand a full *Hi>plyiflHiBhed MOOBB & CAJfFIOJTS IMPBOyBD CUSHIONS, Which are pronounced by all who have used them to be and flnlih of these Table*,.the menu work. ■REMOVAL.—JOHN 0. BAKHB. -*•»> WholMAl, DniggUt, hae remoVed to Tl» MAKKrt Btrest. Fartienlar attention 1. *»k*d to JOHJ O. BAKKS A CO.'S COD-LIVER OIL. Haying bereued Eulutlee Is thle new eit&bUthmeat for mannfaetnnaf and bottling, end tbe AYSiI. of Hftsan yean’ expeneaee to “hi bSSeM “tbU brand of OU baa AdTOtagM ot.l gU other,, end reeommendi.ltealt Con.tant anppllu at, obtained from the Aeherlee, freih, pore. Mid tweet. And reoelye the moetwrefnl personal attention of the orlgluAl proprietor. ..Th, InMeasing demand Asdtnde; spread market for It meke lie flgnree low, end Afford great AdTAntAlee for thoee baying in Ur ** a ?|s*‘ WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. A HANDSOME VARIETY OF ABOVE Ooode, of superior, quality . and at moderate prioM. koptoonatantly on & BROTHEEi import..,, -•MMVMTW-nMMtvlivlVir X OuTtu« tmTORTERS OP X ' “ WIHBS AHD LIGHOBB. L&UMAN, SALLADE/dk CO., Ho. U 8 BOOTH HIHTH ■*tw««i OhMtnut and Walnut, PhUadoi?. lll *- a. SL LAVJMAH. A. M. SALLADM, J. D. BITTIHG. MATERIALS FOR MINCE PIES. BURCH, LAYER, AND SULTANA BAISINS, CITRON, CURRANTS, AND SPICKS, CIDER, WINKS, Ac., Jre. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer in Pino Groceries, del? Corner ELEVENTH and VINK Streets. TOOL CHESTS, J- SMALL, MEDIUM. AND LABOK SIZE, Containing GOOD TOOLS, For (aleLy LESLEY & 00., del6-lm* GOI MARKET. T A DIE S’, GENTLEMEN’S, AND CHILDREN’S SKATES, In treat variety, for sale by delff-lm* CTEEL SKATES— A new and splendid article for sale by LESLEY & CO., dels-lm* OPT MARKET Street. PAKLOR SKATES— A Por sale by LESLEY & GO., . 607 MARKET Street. Also. Pine Pen and Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, del6-lm* •• ' •• - AIEW DRIED APPLES—IOO BBLS. A* new Dried Apple*, for sale by M , RHODES A WILLIAMS,• , de23*tf 10T South WATER Street. WILLIAM H, YBATON k 00, Ko. aOl Bouth FEOBT Street, ▲rente for the sale of the ORIGINAL HEIDBIRCK & CO, GHAMFAGXX. Offer that desirable Wine to the trade. Alio» 1,000 coses flue and medium grades BORDEAUX CLARETS. 100 eases " Brandenberg Frerea ” COGSfAO M ABB'S. ■ Vintage 1548," bottled In France, ■ 10 cues finest Tuscan Oil, in flasks; 2 doxea in cast. 60 bbls finest analifcy Monongahela Whisky. 60bbls Jersey Apple Br*ndy._ 60,000 Havana Clears, extra fine. • Moet & Chandon Grand Yin Imperial. Champagne. Together with a fine assortment of Madeira, Sherry* Fort. k*. fe?B it WEIGHT'S NS PLUS ULTRA MINOE MEAT, > WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. _ BPRING GARDEN AND FRANKLIN STREETS, moS-Rroo* Philadelphia ■MEW HALF PEACHES.-12,000 LBS. nowhaUPeathes, for eataby RHODES 6c WILLIAMS. mu mMWAmM 6-20. . The nstdershtued. sa »»«al finbssrfyitea Aleck. U authorised by the Secretory of the Treaaurr to continue 1 the tale of this popular Lem., tad TIN DATS public *notUc will be riven of dlasouSSnuanae. - ABOUT TWO HUNDBHD BULLIONS renutla unsold, andtblaamountle eearielr eoaelenl to farnUh abeeu for the siroulatlou of the National BnnldxwAsseetaUoM now being formed In every part of the Country. Bote ehort time must elapee before this loan Is wholl7 ab sorbed. the demand from Europe. Germany ecpeetaUr. belnc unite active. As It Is well known that the Secretary of the Trea sury has ample and unfailing resources In the duties on Imports, Internal revenues, and In the Issue of Interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notea, It le nearly cer tain that U will not bo necessary for him for a long time to come to toene further peraanent Loans, the Internet and principal of which are parable In Hold. . These considerations must lead to the prompt conclu sion that the time to not far distant when theae " Five- Twenties" will sell at a handsome premium, as was the result with the 1 * Seven-thirty" Loan, when it was all cold, and could no longer he cubaerlbed for at par. This la a the interest and nriuslpal-being payable in coin, thus yielding about urauT per sent, per annum at the present premium on gold. It to called ‘ ‘ Fire-Twenty. ■’ from the fact that whilst the Bonds may run for tipentv yeans, yet the Govern ment has the right to pay them of in cold at par, at any time after years. The Interest la paid half yearly on the Bret days of No vember and Hay. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonds whlth are paya ble to bearer and issued for $5O, $lOO, $6OO, and $l,OOO, or Registered Bonds of similar denominations, and in addition $5,000 and $lO,OOO. These “Five-Twenties” sannot be taxed by Btatee. cities, towns, or eonntlee, and the Government tax on them to only' one and a half per cent, on the amount ol income, when the Ineome exceeds six hundred dol lar* per annum. Ineome from all other Investments, such as mortgagee, railroad etocki, bonde, Ac., mas pay from three to five per cent, tax on the ineome. Banks and Bankers thronshont the country will con tinue to dispose of the Bonds, end all orders by mall or otherwise properly attended to. < The Treasury Department haring perfected arrange ments for the prompt delivery of Bonds. Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of subscri bing. or at farthest In FODB days. This arrangement will be gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on pay men! o! the money, and will greatly Increase the sales. I FBSCRIPTIOH ILKJT, gTERLING EXCHANGE, BOUGHT AND SCXL.I>. Michael Jacobs, BAKKKU, *O. ftfi South THIRD Street, Fgrr.ADELPHTA. QOVSBVMEira SECURITIES, SPECIE, AM) DJTOtr*- RENT MONEY BOUdHT AND SOLD. . STOCES BODOHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION. , Particular Attention paid to tie Negotiation olTia. riper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. OcB-3ia QIL PAINTINGS. JAMES S,. EARLE $ SON Hare now InltlieLc 6aU«rle« an entirely NEW COLLEC TIONIof . OIL PAINTINGS, The works of prominent AMERICAN ARTISTS, and so lections MADE BY THEMSELVES this year, from the STUD I OS ALL OP WHICn ARE OFFERED AT MODERATE PRICES. EARLES’ GALLERIES; delfl-et BXO CEEBTNOT STREET. B»SAT DISOOVEHT! Applicable to the Useful Arte. A New Thine. It* Combination. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers It laa Liauld. JsM-tsUuly. f ELECTRICITY. ) ] • WOHDEBFUL DISCOVBBY XSD 70JIDBBTBL' RESULTS( ! I , . All MUt« and chronl, dlswuM njid by ipmlsl, i . tnarsates. when desired by the palint, .at IMO wALHUT Street. Philadelphia, sncin ease of s . ' ,>i re no rharre Is made, no drusshs the system Stir ertoln medical agents. Al cores per. l ,SSS-Jhi'cV-oetlsm, Oalysnlsm, « othermodiS-■ 3 few..'*''- without shoos or any on i Philadelphia, who have been sMeidly tew s*^!*. ' nently cured after all other treatmei from meoi«w. • men had felled.. Over eight thousaM cured in lew , than four yean, at 1290 wALBTUT greet • • ■ i » 9. B.—Medical men and othen,lwho d6Blrea, i knowledie of my new discovery. «* commence a foil course of lectures at any time. jFrofl BOLLES 1 , has qualified over one thousand mysleians, who, ue electricity as a specialty. [' i , Consultation /res. / PBOT. BOM.IB * oiILOWAT. ! oolf-Sm U»0 WALKUT St.;PhUadelphla. TARRANT’S | A EEFEEVESCKHTI BELTZER APERIENT.- LEBLET & CO., 607. MARKET Street. For THIBTT YEARS, has receive! the Favorable Be eommendation of the PUBLIC* ana been USED 00 PRESCRIBED by the • 7? FIRST PHYSICIAHB IN THE LAND AB THB !! BEST BEMBDY KNOWN 808. ■, Blok Headache. ( Nervous Headache. Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, BiliotDT Headache, Diizine**. Gostivenege, Loss of Appetite, Gout. Indigestion, Torpidity of the Liver, Gravel, Rheumatic Affections, Piles, Heart burn, Sea Biekness,/Bilious . Attacks, Fevers; &c.« &c. For Testimonial*. &«., see Pamphlet with each Bottle. Manufactured only by ‘ TABBAHT St CCL, HTB GBEEHWICH Street, Hew York. n )2-lr , FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. TUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OP V DOCK is successful as a remedy because those who use it pronounce it the best COUGH BYBUP* ... , the beat Blood Purifier, the most efficient Invif orator, and the best Cure fox Scrofula ever offered to the public. Sold by the proprietor* - , 1535 MJLBKET. Street. AndallDrufitfsto. “ Gr«ULßw<l” T7SSENTIAL OILS.— ** JLJ Oil Citronella, 6 cases Ex* Bavaria. Oil Sassafras, 3,000 pounds prime. Oil Lemon, 18 cases L. S. F. _ , Oil Rose. CO ounces bottled In Paris. OilOrange,juBtlandln«N.C* Oil Bergamot, just landing L. 8. Oil Cassia, cases. OUOIWe. bbls. ,• , , ■ 411 of late Importation, and with speoial refere oe to k 4De triae - ¥ot 9118 M. WILSok. HOT tfASSETatiwt. WINANCIANn u.». 5-20. SIX PER GENT. LOAN, JAY COOKE, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. DREXEL .& CO. PAINTINGS. CBMEET. mim Ul TAHAM* DISCOTKRT! ! HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENTI ’f ■ I* of more general praetisaljitfflty than any invention now befire toe nubile. it lias been thoroughy tesi ed daring the last two y*rs by practical men, and pronomced by all to be SUPERIOR TO ANT AdhealT* Preparation Bow*. HILTON’S INSOLUBLE I* a new thine, and the nanlt of year* ol etndy s ita cembinaonl*oa SCIENTIFIC PRINCIttES, And under no elrcnmstncea or •hange of temperature. vUI it be come sorrupt or emit anjoffeasivs emeU. BOOT AND Hana&etaren, nelna lachlnea, will And It the best artlie,known for Dementis* the OhMWM,** it works without delay* is ©fc affected by any shanie of temperature- JEWBLBBS Will And it cnHclently aieslre for their ase, as hat been pryed. rr IS BSPBOIALLT IDAPTBD TO LEATHER And We claim a* an espilaßmerlt, that it *tlcks Patches aid Llnlnn to Boots and Shoes Juffioiently strong without sUtohiai Jeweler*. PamUlei. IT IS THE OK LIQUID oB| Extant, that 1* a snii mendln* TURRI'fCRB, . obocWbx.! TUTS, i BONN, And articles of HonMiold use. . bembmibb; Xllton’s insolnue Cement I* la a lianld form, nd a* eaally applied as pkte. ■ . -i - SttMKbtf. HILTON’S INSOLUItB CEMENT Is insoluble in wter or oU* HILTON'S IffSOLULB CEMENT Adheres elly sustanees. Supplied In Family [r Manufastn reir PMkages fromi ounces to 100 ki ■ .j. KILTOK BS(S. & CO„ jFiovrietoM. A|«ll lit Flilkdelplii*— lAIKS M HLQIHHIB, XEOICAI. | 8000 ARRANGEMENTS OF IOUG 18bo. NEW YORK LINES. Itlo3. PH* CAMDEN AND - AMBOI AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMP ANTS , ! LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, vnon eranST wharf. WILL LEAVB AS FOLLOWS-VCZ: PASS. At 3A. M., via Camden and Amboy. 0. and A. Ac- _ •onunofflrtlbDM.ts** ■ At 6A.M. r via Camden and Jersey City. Morning - Srpnmi < r > ■ 9*09 - At BA. M.. via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Glam _ Ticket.... 2 10 At 12 M, via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. A*- At Camden anS Amboy. O. and A.*Ao comm odatlou, (Freight and Passenger.); —•••«« 1 w At IF. flf., via Camden and Amboy. Accommoaa tlon* (Freight andPassenter)• * .»«$•« 176 At 6 Y. M.. via Gamden and Amboy, AcoommodA , tlon, (Freightand Pas&enger>—lst Claw Ticket 2 2S Do. do. 2d Claw d0..*4.190 At 7X P. M„ via Camden and Amboy, AccmnwedA- . tion, (Freight and Passenger, Mat Class Ticket;.. 2SB 2d ClassTicaot * l on For Manoh Chunk* Allentown, Bethlehem, Belyldere* Baeton DambertvilSe, Flemln*ton» Ac.* ats PT M. For Mount Holljy Ewans vtUe. and Pemberton, Ate A. at 8 Aii M. and 2P. M. For Palmyra. Elveeton, Delanco. Beverly. BprUnv ton» Florence, Bordentown, dm., at 6A. S. and 4.80 P. M. The 9 and 4.30 P. M. lines run direct LINKS' KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWB* At 11* 15 A. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City. Bx • - press * 1 --* *• *• *- - .*..*'■-». ~.**♦*.*.•*.*..». »..'•♦. ******** 3 00 Ar 2.86 P. 111., via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Expresa..c...... 8 00 : At 4.30 P. M. s via Kensington and Jersey City, Sx ureas .»e.«s*e*'3 00 At 6,45*P."*M.V ‘via* 'Kensington and Jersey City. - Watbington and New York Expresa. * • ••3 00 At 12.60 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Mail..••••- ■ The 6.46 P. M. line runs dally: all others Sundays ex cepted- . . : For Water C*ap» Stroudaburg, Scranton, Wllkeßbarre, Montrose, Great Bend,. Mauch Chunk, AUantown, Bota lehem, Belvldere.lEaston, Lambertville. Fleminrton, Ac., at (7 A. M. This line connects with the train leav ing Easton for Manch Chnik at 3.80 P. M.t For Bristol. Trenton. Ac.. at 7.and IX. 10-A. M., and 3 and 6P. M, • • . For Holmesburg, Tacony, Bridesburt, and Frankford. at 9A. M., 2.30 i fi, 6,46, and 8 P.’ M. The 9A. M. line Bristol. . , js3f- For New York and Way Lines leavlngKenslngton. Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, hair an hour before departure. The cars run Into the Depot, and on the arrivalof each train rtm.from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each JPaasen- Ser. Passengers are prohibited from taking anythlns as aggage but their wearing All baggage over flity pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex cept bv special contract. - „ , Graham’s Baggage Express will call for a-udfdehyor baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3-Wal- v nut street. WILLIAM H. GATZMBB, Axent December 23.1863. LINES FBOM NEW YOsfe FOE PHILADELPHIA, : WILL LKAVX VBOJ4 FOOT OF OOBTLANM STBBBT, ' At 12 M. and 4P. JSI. via Jersey City and Camden, At 78, and 10 A. M.. 6P. M.. and-12 (Night), via Jersey City and Kensington. ; ' I ftTl „ . From foot ot Barclay street at 6A. M. and 2P. M., via Amboy and Camden. , From iier No. 1, North rtveri at 12 M, 4 AndB P. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. ; . jalo-tf sg 00 WOE NTEAL RAILROAD.^ M . • • . the great double-track short route to the WEST.'NORTHWEST, AND SOUTHWEST. Equipments and facilities for the safe, speedy* and comfortable transportation of passengers tmsttrpassed byany route in the country. ' . Trains leave the Depot at Eleventh and Market streets, as follows: a ' Mail Train at.,8.00 A. M. 'Fast Line at-... ..XL 40 A. M. Through Express at........ .***-«..*....,10.30 P. M. Parkesburg Train LOOP. M. Harrisburg Accommodation Train at.......... 130 P. M. Lancaster Train at 4.00 P. M. Through passengers, hy the Fast Line, reach Altoona for supper, where will he found excellent accommoda tions for the night, at the Logan House, and may take either the Philadelphia or Baltimore Express, each of which makes connection at Pittsburg for all points. A day light view is thus afforded of the entire line and its magnificent scenery. , _ „ „ The Through Express train runs daily—all the other tiataß AND THE WEST. The Mail Train, Fast Line, and Through Express oon heot at Pittsburg with through trains on all the diverg ing roads from* that point, North to the Lakes, West to the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and South and Southwest to all points accessible by Railroad. Through Tickets to Cleveland. Detroit, Chicago, St. Paul, Colum bus, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Leavenworth, Kansas. Wheeling, Dayton, Cincinnati, Louisville, Cairo, and all other principalpoints, and baggage checked through. INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express, leaving at 10.30 P. M., con nects, at Blairsville Intersection, with a train on this road for Blairsville, Indiana, Ac. , * EBENSBURQ & CBESSOIt BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving 10.30 P. M.. con nects at Cresaon at 10.46 A. M., with a train on tM, road forEbaneburg. A train also leave. Creaßon for Ebwa bnr£aHOLLIbAYSBHRG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train, at 8.00 A. M., and Through Evpreei, at 10 30 P. M. connect at Altoona withttralns for Holidays- CLllillELD BRANCH RAILROAD Phillipshurg, and bj Bald Eagle Taller Railroad for Port Matilda. Mtleßbnrg,and Bellsfonte. OTNTIkGDON At feROAD-TOP RAILROAD. The Thronah Express Tram, leaving at 10.30 P. M., connects at Huntingdon with a tjsijj for Hopewell at NORTHERN CENTRAL & PHILADELPHIA At ERIE RAILROADS. „ _ • Tor "Williamsport, Look Havbx, El'Miaa. mOohestrr, Buffalo, and Niagara Pails. gers taking the Mail Train, at 8 00 A M-. and = the Through Express, at 10.30 P. M., (dally, excspt Sun dav.) go directly through without change of cars he ir,:;;!. Philadelphia and Williamsport. ____ ■ PoT VORa. HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG. Ate ■■■ SiTbrough Express,at t 8 ‘{SAxStur g with trains for Car 10J0 cojm^^andHaeerstown. - WAYNESBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 8.00 A. M. and 2.30 P. M. connect at Downingionwith trains on this road for Waynes burg and all intermediate stations. __ FOR WEST CHESTER. Passengers for West Chester taking the trains leaving at 81, M. , and 1 and 4 F. M. go directly through without change of cars. __ ~ wnnya uau * co3 fHUTATION TICKETS • Fori, 3,5, 9, or 12 months, at very low rates, for the accommodation of persons living out of town, or located . For 26 trips, between any two points, at about two cents per mile. These tickets are intended for the use of families travelling frequently, and are of great advan tage to persons making occasional trips. : SCHOOL TICKETS, For lor 3 months, for the nse of scholars attending school in the city. . - _ _ Foil further information, apply at the Passenger Sta tion, S. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. JAMES COWDEN, Ticket Agent. MANN’S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. An agent of this reliable Express Company will pass through each train before reaching the depot, and take up checks and deliver Baggage to any part of--the city. Baggage will be called for promptly when orders are left at the Passenger Depot, Eleventh and Market streets. The travelling public are assured that it is entirely vssponstMe. WESTERN EMIGRATION. An Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves No. IS7 Dock street daily (Sundays excepted), at 4 o'clock P. M., offering a comfortable mode of travel to fammee goinr West, at one-half the usual rates of fere. Particular at tention is paid to Baggage* for which checks are given, and baggage forwarded by same train with the p&ssen ger. Forfull information apply to FRANCIS PUNK, Emigrant Agent, 137 DOCK Street. . FREIGHTS. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any coin ts on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct* or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg^ The rates of freight to and from any point in the west, by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, are, at all times, as favorable as are charged by other Railroad Compa nies.' Merchants and shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their freight to this Company can rely with confi dence oh its speedy transit. . • , t ~ • For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or address the Agents of the Company: S. B. KINGSTON, Jk., Philadelphia. DA. STEWART, Pittsburg. : CLARKE & CO., Chicago. ' „ „ LEECH & CO., No. 1 Astor House, or No. I South Wil liam street. New. York;- . . T , , LEECH a CO., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. WM.: BROWN, No. HO North street, Baltimore, Agent Northern Central Railway. H JJ O US TO N, General General Tlcke||g/|,gadel P il*. ja2-tf General Superintendent, Altoona. Pa. lENT thine for WEST CHESTER & PHILADELPHIA, VIA THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. Paseenrera for West Obester leave the dOpOt, corner of Eleventh and Market streets, and go through WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS^ Leave at 8.00 A. M Arrive West Cheater 9.60 A. M. “ “ 100 P. M. ROOF. M. •.« “ 4 00P M! “ “ 6.00P.M. FROM WEST CHESTER. , „ , „ Leave at. 7.00 A. M -Arrive West Phila.. .8.35 A. M. “ “10.66 A.M. “ V 4.00 P. M. " ■ “ . S.SOP. M. Passengers lot Western Mints from West Chester con nect at the Intersection with the Mall Train at 9.17 A. M., the Harrisburg Accommodation at 3.66 P. M., and the Lancaster Tram at 6.26 P.M. .. uroiviit ngUyered at the dOpOt, corner of Thirteenth. a^lv^b) Ja2-tf ELEVENTH and MARKET streets. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL SO AD.—Thla treat line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It ha* been leased by the-PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY* andunder their auspices U being rapidly opened thronghout its entire length.. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to Emporium, (195 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles) on the Western Division.- TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA, Leave Westward. rXOWBHOI. X. L Mull Train............... S.OOA. M. Express Train ■•.•....10.30 P.M. Care ran throughwithoutchangeboth wayson there trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Look Haven. ■ , „ Elegant Sleeping Cara on Express Trains both way* between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. ' , , , For information -respecting Passenger bnelness apply at the Southeast corner Eleventh and Market Streets. And for Freight business of the Company’s Agents: STB KniSgroiji Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market Itreeta. Philadelphia. ’ J. W MTIKft.DS.Me. _ Agent General Freight Agent. Philadelphia. LEWIS L. HOtJPT.. General Ticket Agent. Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS. General Manager. Williamsport RSmCMH NORTH PENNSYL- RAILROAD—For BETH LEHEM DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK. HAZLB TON: EASTON. WILLIAMBPORT. 510. INTER ARRANGEMENT. . Passenger Trains leave tie new Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, daUr (Sundays excepted) ae f °At?A M (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown. Mattel Chunk.'Hazleton, Williamsport, Ac. _ At s W F M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, Ac. At Al 6 FM. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. For Doyiestownat9.l6A. M. md4. 151>. M. Pox Fort Washington at 10.15 A. M. and 6.16 P. M. White cars of the Second and Third streets line City pAKKAnrar run directly to the new Depot. raseenger rn RAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Fort M. andJP. M. Philadelphia for Doyiestown at 10 A. St, and4llSP. M. Doyiestown for Philadelphia at 7.30 A. St and ! nolß . EIXIS (jr.AHK, Agent. GSWCMHBH WEST CHESTER PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD. VIA M®l^ R B^Q?MEKT ■■ On and after MONDAY, December 7th, 1860, the (WestVh,.adelphla) o M ts; ■ &^stChe P s’tl?St?.i)A:jLUvF : 4 M „ sad 4 The Trains lesvlnx Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 4 P.M. .connect at PennelltonwfthTralM on theP. and -B. C. fc. It for Concord, Kenuett, 'de7-tf General Superintendent. rtLrVB OIL. —AN INVOICE OF \J c ARBTAIB’B pure Olive Oil just received per Shi* c&^^^TAng^A^ Also, ae Inyoise o( the «ma lost landSnr. ex-™* ♦CSTBO, *•* KA.IX.ROAD tiWESo PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD w™> PHILADELPHIA BLMrBA B. K. LIMB. 1863, PALL AND WINTER ARRANGE- IMS. AKKNT ‘ For WILLIAMSPORT* ©ORAIfTONi BLMIBA. BUF FALO. NIAGARA FALL& and aM points in the West -and Northwest. Passenger .Trains leave KKip&fcof FiiUadeiphia Beading Railroad, comer PRO AD tasi OALUfWHrui Streets, at B.lfr A. M. and S’, 90 P. M., daily, Bondars ROUTE from Philadelphia to niftnU in Northern and Western PennEp-lvanLaTWestern New York, Ac., sc. Baggage checked throngh to Bu&to. NSwara Mis, or intermediate points. For further Information apply to- JOHN 6. HILLgS. Qeuarsl Agent, ; THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILIi* and ofiSfesN. earner SIXTH and CHESTNUT streets. la3l-tf WEST CHE&TEB <m> pbiladklphia rail- road. yi,.ME»IA. gir){Ag EKCtmsICJr Excursion Tickets will be sold from Kbiladalphla to West Obf ater, good from December 24ch, MSS, to January 2d, 1864 inclusive. Psre for the round trip, de23-7t H WOOD, Sapatintendeuftj EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS B 3& ■ot PKBSS OOMPAHY, oßw SOS CHESTS UT Street, forward. Parcels, Pmlw,, Xer ehandlae. Bank Botes, and Specie, either IjT It* stfK line, or In concoction with other Express Coin y*J»I CHI to all the principal Towns ul Cities In the unites Stateo. B. S. BASDPOXD. fe?l General Buperlntond«b SHIPPING. -sagßL BOSTON AND PHILADEL 23laAi£pHU STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing fromeaoh port on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf above PINE Street. Philadelphia, and Long Wharf. Boston. The steamer SAXON. G&pt. Matthews, will sail from Philadelphia for Boston, on Saturday, December 2ft at 10 o’clock A, M: and eteamer NORMAN, Oapt. Baker, from* Boston for Philadelphia, on same day, at S P. M. These new and substantial steamships form a, regular line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. Insurances effected at one*half the premium charged on sail vessels. . Froisrita taken at fatr ratea. Shippers are requested to send SUp Receipts aud Bills Lading with their gooda. For Freight or Paeeage (having fine accommodation®} apply to HRNRYWiNSOR isCG., mh9 838 South DELAWARE Avenue. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER- S&HBBSfePOOL,. touching-at Queenstown, (CorkSHar. bor. > The well-known Steamers of the LiTerpooJtSSNew York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company araffigliid ed to sail as follows:- ’lp' ClTl OP WASHINGTON..... ►. Saturday, December^. EDINBURGH* .Saturday, January £ And every succeeding Saturday at noon, from Pier No 44 North River. HATES OF PASSAGE: Payable la Gold, or its equivalent la Currency. FIBST CABIN, $BO 00 STEERAGE. $3O 00 Do, to Lo'adon, 85 Oo Do. to London, 8100 Do. to Paris, 195 00 Do. to Paris, 40 00 Do. to „ Hamburg, 90 00 Do. to Hambarg,37 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &0., at equally low rates. Pa»Bfrom Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $75, $B6/$lO6. "Steerage from Liverpool and Queenstown, 9) Thdse who wish to send for their friends can bay ticket* here at these rates. For further information, apply at the Company *a offlcea deB<t26 • 171 WALNUT Street,Philadelphia INSURANCE COMPANIES. JNSUBE YOUR 1..1FE WASHnrsTosr nn dtsubancb co„ OF NEW FORK, Which offers more advantages to Insurers than any other Company in the United States. CHAMBERS & REGISTER. GENERAL AGENTS. 401 WALNUT STREET, PhlladelpU*. oc2i-tnthstjal ' T>HE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM- A PANT OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE No. 308 WALNUT STREET, Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on-Houses, Stores, and other Buildings; limited or perpetual; and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, in Town CASH* CAPITAL 8300,000—ASSETS 8377,110 70. invested in the following Securities, vi 2: First Mortgage on City Property, well secured $225,400 00 Ground rents w 2,000 00 United States Government Loans 60,000 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent Loans ..** 50,000 00 Pennsylvania, $3,000,000 6 per cent. Loan.**,* 15,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company’s Stock 4,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and second Mortgages***** 35,000 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pennsylvania Railroad Loan**.lo,ooo CO Camdea. and Amboy Railroad Company’s 6 per u , nH , lul(ll ,„ uni , uulluu 6,000 00 Philadelphia t, u a Beading Railroad Company’s 6por cent * 5,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent. Mort gage 80nd5...... 4,560 00 County Fire InsurancbOompany’sSteck*..*— 1,050 00 Mechanics’ BanX Stock. .* 6,000 00 Commercial Bank of Peanb7iyania Stock.**, . 10,600 00 Union. Mutual Insurance Con.nany’B Scrip. 328 70 lioanson Collaterals, well 5etnret1............ 2,600 00 BUIb Receivable— 697 03 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia’s Stock*. 9,750 00 Accrued Interest. 5,829 41 Cash in hank and on hand* ..***.*,,94,795 56 $377,410 70 Worth at present market value 698,34? 59 3JIBRCTCSS. Clem Tinyley, fioberi Toland, Wm. R. Thompson, / William Steyenson, Samuel Biepham, Hamptoa L. Carson, Robert Steen, Marshall Hill, William Musaer, J. Johnsoi Brown, Charles Leland, . John Biased, Pittsburg. Benj. W. Tingley, CLEM TINGLEY; President, THOMAS C. HILL, Secretary, Philadelphia, Marchl, " T7IKB INSURANCE EXOLU3IYB3aY. J The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. Incorporated 1825. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 510 "WALNOT Street, opposite Independence Sauare. This Company, favorably known to the community ijiiv yeaia, continues to insure against Low Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on UDem- Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Alexander Benson, Daniel Smith. Jr.,, William Montelius, John Devereux, Isaac Hazlehurst, Thomas Smith,- Henry Lewis. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. William G. Crowell, Secretary. A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE XA COMPANY. Incorporated ISM. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, aboveTMrd, PM ladeluhia' Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, continues to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vesselß in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses promptly adjusted. Thomas K Maris, ~ James R. Campbell, John Welch, Edmund G. Dutilh, Samuel C. Morton. Charles W. Poultney, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis, THQMAg R MAHISi p r ealdent. AT BER y c. l. Crawford. Secretary. fe22-tf rjEE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPAN! (FIRE INSUKANCI COMPANY’S BUILDING,, F. Ratcbford Starr, Wfiliam McKee, Nalbro Frazier, John M. Atwood, Benj. T. Tredick, MordecalL. D p aw^ cH THOS. H. BIQKTqOMBRT, S€ anthracite insurance COM PANT. —Authorized Capital S4OO,OOO—CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. , , This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandize gene* ra & 0 , Marine Insurances on -Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. ' William Esher, Davis Pearson. D. Luther, Peter Seiger, Lewie Audeuried, J. E. Baum, John R. Blachiston, Wm. F. Dean, Joseph Haxfield, JohnKetcham. joseyn RLttAne wrT , Ti } Al v T BSH ER, President. WM. F. DEAN, Vice President. W. M. Smith, Secretary. ap3«tf TNSURANCE COMPANY OP THE A- STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nos. * and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. North side of WALNUT Street, between DOCK andTHIBD Streets, Philadelphia. INCORPORATED in 1794—CHARTER PERPETUAL. PBOPIKTIES FEBRUARY 1. rxhV4 “ 1863, $493,829.67. MARIHB. PIRB, TRANSPORTATION DIRECTORS. w . Henry D. Sherrerd, I Tobias Wagner, Charles Macalester, | Tomas B. Watt&on, William S. Smith, i Henry G. Freeman;^ William R White, | Charles 8. Lewis, ■ George H. Stuart, George C. Carson, Baßiuel Grant, Jr. - ] C. Knight, JohnD. Austin. . . HENRY D. SHERRERD, President. WitLIAM Harper, Secretary. nolß-tf TT'AME INSURANG X Ml CHESTNUT Street . . PHILAD F!EE AOTMNLAJ Francis N. Buck, . Ghas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., John w. Everman, PhiUpS. Justice, O. W. Davis, FRANCIS W. BU CHARLES BJOH. WILLIAM I. BLANCHAI IfJX) SPORTSMEN. PHILIP WILSON dl 00-i *GB CHESTNUT STREET. Manufacturer* of superior DOUBLI GURB, eanal, if not superior, to any of the following aukea; YYIUUm CfreenerfwbsSey lu.hards. Moor* * Harri* and other.m&kers. Also, Powder, Shot, Wads, Caw. *e. • We Shall he constantly .applied, during the season, with.wry variety of gKATBR *es7-I«i MARSHALL’S PINE-TREE TAR. iU drops. TRY THEM! TRY THEM! For the alleviation of Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Soreness or Tickling of the Throat. They are very pleasant and effectual; neatly put up in sliding caßes, convenient for the pocket. Sola at IS and 26 cents per box (26* cent boxes cheapest) by Druggists and dealers In medicines generally. Prepared only by thos, p. Marshall; TRENTON, n. j. ,• no26«thBtulm&W4i* . TYRAIN pipe. A 7 MONTGOMERY TERRA COTTA WORKS. ‘ 2-lnch pip. per 8 feet length. 25. 3 1 A * » • SJ, .. ...» ** An 5 •• »• M GO. - « . “ •* 66. We ire prepared to furnfßh_ BTOITEWABB DKAJJt PIPE* glased inside andoutßide, from a to 10 inches la diameter. In large or small Quantities, with. all Yariety of traps, tends, and other eonneetlon*. LIW toeoTurt to tH. & bho . hKET Street. Philadelphia. Mffltpthgani mi j^aokere l, herring, shad, 5.600 bbl’a Ma»». Ho. 1. 3. led 3 Mackerel, IIU-«in*W (it Bsi, IniMortedpaekazea. J.OOO bbla How Baatport; iortnno Bit. and Halltex ?l!fiOotoxeo linboo, Sealed.' and Ho 1 Herrint. Ifiß bbla now Hen Shad. SGO boxoa Herkimer County Cheeje. &J. . _ in 9ltr .ind to, jpggs ygsay- TiRASS STENCIL ALPHABETS -D M. J.HETOALP & BOa. ' 45# BALEM STREET, BOSTOR, MASS. • fh» only manufacturers In the United Btatee* of Braes Alphabet*.and-Flcure*. to any creak extent or In any at the lowestoash raicnw. Alee, the BEBT.OF INDELIBLE STMfOILJCffIK. Tory theefe StensilDiee and all kinds of SteneUJStoek. tnanixlw ox erdayi ■ewvmntW attended tn.? - «e9-S» 1 pARBON OIL—SOO BARBELS NA TRONA. and other celebrated brandß. ta atore, and (ocaaUbr Wtt. BIK9. W ABGfl Strait. 4«H»* S FOURTH DIBTBIOT, PEtfNA.— BXTBK6IONOF UMB. Bbcad and Sntrira QM&msr Sf rekw,. December 21.156$ ; The BOARD OF ENROLMENT of Fourth IWatrict. Fa* hereby give notice to all persona enrolled m liable to military doty, in tilts district, that the Lime for the hear*' lag of cases, has been eztcrctfed to ifa:nuarsr6th-1864. - person enrolled, and who is inducted in either of the following classes—ws# no- others —may appear before the Board of Enrolment, and claim to nawd' his name stricken off the list.' If he can show to the'satisfaction of the Board that he is nol?> and will not bev at the time fined for the next draft, ia*ble to military d&ty on ac count of 4 Ist. Alienage. 2d. Non-residence. 3d. UnsnitabJeness of ege. 4th. Manifest permanent physical disability. Gtb. Now in the military service of the United. 1 ' States, or discharged bLqcq March 3.186tF The Board will hold daily soßeions for the hßartngof each c&sei. at headquarters, BROAD and SPRING^©AR DEN Street*. JtiF Persons who may be cognizant of any other per* eons liable to military duty whose names do not appear on the enrolment list, are requested to notify the Board of Enrolment, in order that the facts may be ascertained, and snch persons be placed on the lists. Such persons thus enrolled may avail themselves of the privilege of appearing before the Board as if they had been original* y enrolled. D. M. LANE. Captain and Provost Marshal. C. B. BIRRETT, Comflrisoioner of Board, J. RALSTON WELLS, Surgeon of Board, 4 HEADQUARTERS OP PROVOST rvamTUiA. oclnrfsd'fe bwnm9 that occoired in the enrolment of the National forces of names as well an Improper enrolments, PnWic attention is called to the enrolment lists now posted on the corners and elsewhere. • • First, The name of any person omitted may he added to these lists, and citizens are requested to notifV the Board of Enrolment of each omissions in order that the operation of the draft may be just and uniform Second. Any person enrolled may appear before the Board before January 5, 1864, and show satisfactorily that hois not and will not be at the time fixed (or the next draft liable to military dnty on account of alienage, rKm-residencJi, unsuitableness of aoe, manifest ver m/xnent dris ability > and have his name stricken off. Th ese applications must be made between &A. M and IP. M, Other hoars for general business Exempted parties, whose names are on these lists, need not ap pear. CAUTION. —All persons are cautioned against defacing or tearing down the enrolment lists posted on the cor ners, as these bills are watched, and any person detect ed in violating this order will be arrested and punished by military law. WM. E. LEHMAN, Captain and Provost Marshal 1 First District, Pa, , N. B - —Proprietors o*. Public HoujgHkjvJlV be' furnished With the enrolment lists, to be expo&wJforrVablic exami nation. by application at these harnggarteri.' deB-tf « GENERAL OFFICE, No. 611 CHESTNUT STREET; RECRUITS WANTED FOR ALL THl£. GALL ANT OLD ARTILLERY, CAVALRY, and INFANTRY REGIMENTS Now in Service, Raised in this State. A few GOOD MEN wanted for the SECOND ARTIL LERY (Fortification), 112th Regiment P. V., A. A. GIB SON, Colonel Commanding. r • • • - The Batteries of‘this faithful old Regiment have been assigned to posts of honor, and at present are occupying the most important fortification* the defenoes of Washington City. The follow Id g bounties are siren: To Veteran Volunteers *»• *»• • •$652 To all other ** 652 SS26cabh befoie leaving the General Rendezvous. • • In addition to the above, all authorized Ward and Dis trict bounties are given at this office, _ • Now is the time to enlist; choose a good-ißegiment; se cure the large bounty; serve under officers of experience, and avoid the impending draft. —1 . CHAB. h. CADWALLADEB, dellMlt' Captain and General Recruiting Officer. S -ffO- MEN OP COLOR t—YOU ARE Nt)W OFFERED „ - $250 bounty; by the C ivy* of Ph lladelphia, to enlist in the army of the United States for three y*ars or thfrwar._ . Concress is about authorizing the-Pay, Rations, Ad vance Pay, and - Bounty.'to COLORED TROOPS to be placed on the same footing as other troops. You now can have no sound objection to entering into the service of-your country. . „ , Rally, then, with alacrity. Come forward and enlist. Join the armies of the Republic, and fight for the union and fo j^! NCr p ATlor r op YOUR OWN RA.CB. w The attention of all is fixed on you, men of color. Yon have said: 1 ' Give us the same honnties and the same pay as white soldiers receive* and we will show the world that we too can he patriots,” These inducements are now offered to you, and henceforward yon are on trial before the world. ■ ’• • „ , . ' In July last yon ' Resolved, We, the colored people ofPhiladelphia in mass meeting assembled, do most em phatically and'unitedly express our firm belief that we not only ought, but may and will raise a full regiment of ten companies of eighty men each, of colored volun teers for the United States service, within, the next ten days, in our own city of Philadelphia. ” Let that pledge be redeemed. But more than that, the colored people or Philadelphia are able to furnish three regiments from their ewanumbers -within thirty days. WUlitbadone? Colored men of Philadelphia, you axe invited to call at the rooms of the SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE. No. 1310 CHESTNUT Street, to be mustered into the .ser vice of your country, and receive toe BOUNTY OF TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. t HEADQUARTERS PENNSYLVA NIA MILITIA. HAEBISETfHS. Dsc. 10, 1863. GENERAL ORDERS—NO. 43. The President of the United States having, toy his com munication of 9th instant, in response to propositions submitted to him relating to the recruiting service in Pennsylvania, under his call of October 17th, ultimo, for a*', ooo men, approved of so much thereof as is com* prised tinder the following points; disordered— . . „ , • _ Thatthe recruitment of volunteers for the various Re giments, now in the field, will be conducted according. y f. T jDetails for recruiting service in the State will be made of officers of Pennsylvania regiments in the field whose terms of service expire in 1864. To facilitate the recruitment of quotas, such appointment of officers in the fleldwUl be the Governor, where practica ble, on the recommendation of duly authorized, commit tees representing cities* boroughs, and townships, to re cruit for their several localities. These recommendations should not* however, be made indiscriminately, but with-due regardtothe character of the person named, his ability to perform thf. important 4htife of the post* • 11. When practicable, old regiments will be returned to the State tolbe recruited. OF PHILADELPHIA. EXCLUSIVELY.) 400 WALNUT STREET. CORS. George H. Stuart, John H. Brown i J. L. Erringer, Geo. W. Fahnestock, James L. Claghom, William G. Boulton. FORD STARR, President )cretary. felo IE COMPANY, NO SOPHIA. »D IHBDBAKOB. rOBB. E. I>. ‘Woodrnf, Geo. A. West, ■ John Kessler, Jr,, Gh&i. Stokes, A. H. Bosenhelm, Joseph D. Bill*. JCK, President. [ARDSOH, Vice President. £D, Secretary. ' JalBtftf MILITARY XOTICES. . GOME. ' ■ By order of the Committee for Recrmtinff Colored Troops. de!9 12t •111. The volunteers who shall be enlisted will remain under the control of the Governor at such camps or ren dezvous, and under such. commanders aa he may desig nate, and until ready to be sent to their regiments in ac cordance "With General Orders Wo. 75 of 1882. IV. Premiums, not' exceeding twenty-five dollars for State in the field when the recruit, are Rented by the United States Payment to be made by Lieut. OoL Bomford, U. S. A., Acting- Assistant Provost Marshal • G V, 6 Volunteers -furnished by cities or othar Localittee, •will be duly credited in the draft fixed for January 5, 1864. and ‘‘ alfio such volunteers as may have been mustered into the service of the United Ssate| since the j-oft +Ve number so credited to be deducted, from their proportion of the quota assigned the State under recent » information regarding the quotas of counties, cinesf or wards, can be procured on appli cahon to the re w h c t Provost Marshals. VI. Authority will he givtj^w^fl, Cfs jg ( i e taUed for re cruiting service from regiments in taeitew. com plete companies of infantry, to be sent to such regmnmw in the field as have less than their propermumber of com- Pa v?I°(folor«l volunteers for the colored regiments In Pennsylvania will he accepted as pait of the quota, and also such as have been mustered into the service of the United States since the draft, to be credited to cities or other localities in their proportion of the State’s quota under recent calL . , ..... . . YIIL Camps of rendezvous will ha established at pro per localities, in charge of Commandants and skilful Surgeons, to he appointed by the Governor. IX. To every recruit who is a Veteran Volunteer , as defined in General orders of the War Department, of June 25,3863, No. 191, for recruiting Veteran Volunteers, one month’s pay in advance, and a bounty and premium of $402. and to all other recruits, not veterans, accepted and enlisted, as required in existing orders, one month’s pay in advance- and, in addition, a bounty and premi um of $302 will be paid. . . . ~.... ' KThe short time now remaining within which to fill the quota of the State by enlistments, and thus avoid the im pending draft, admonishes the loyal citizens of the im portance of providing, by local bounties, the strongest Inducements to volunteers. Municipalities of other States, by this means, are seducing-from Pennsylvania the able-bodied men who should replenish her own regi ments. Pennsylvania, with a deficiency less, propor tionately. than any adjacent Commonwealth, should show, by her promptness and alacrity now, her ability to maintain the high position she has heretofore and still occupies among her sister States in contributing to suppress this rebellion. _ ■ •• •' By order of A. <?. Gußinr, Governor and Commander- In-Chief. A. L. BiJSSBLL, del2-fmw9t . . Adjutant General Poona, MACHINERY AND IRON. *PENN STEAM ENGINI iTrflllMtftr AND3OILER WORKS.—NEAFIE & LETT, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MA CHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, SB* FOUNDERS, haying for many years bean in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building ul repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pret* sure. Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, fcc.. &«.. respectfully offer'their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary; having seta of patterns or diner* ent sizes, are prepared to execute orders with auick de spatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Dow-preaaure, Flue, Ta bular, and Cylinder Boilers.of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron, Forgings, of all sizes ana hinds; trot and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; RoU-TurninM* Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected With tag ft \Drawir?g? and Specifications for all work done at tUi establishment free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, an« are provided with shears, blocks, falls, «0., >, fOI ral,i n riea T Torli t lltw e Ul l t SiicoßC KE john p. Lett, BEACH aad PALMER StrMfc. JT. VAUGHAN MERRICK, JOHH B. COPE. COUTHWARK FOUNDRY, , FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STBBITB. PHIIABEiPHIA. MERRICK 4fc SONS. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. . Manufacture High and tow Pressure Steam Euflawi. to land, river and marine service. - ' • • ... Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, cfC.; Omoubl of all kinds, either iron or brass. * • . ••...•■ lron-frame Bools for Ga* Works, Workshops, Railroad and Gas Machinery ef the latest and most iM* construction. ~ Every description of Plantation Machinery, such at Sugar, Saw. and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open SUue Trains, Defecators, PUteTB, Pumping Englne^&c. Sole Agents for N.RiUleux’s Patent Sugar Boding A> paratus; Nesmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspi* wall & Moisey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining JU, thine. - TTNION STEAM AND "WAT EH THOMPSwIfONDON and «U «U« Improved cboKDtv? ftU( « other QraUii Boilers and Water andaS Betfetere and Ventilatori. kjfc thinn connected vrith the above p wOOH. , No. *1 B. H. BBLTWBIiL. Bnperlntendent ■ -* w ** MORGAN, ORB, & 00., STEASS JjJL tojghne BUILDERS, Iron Founder*, ana Gonem ££u£ti and BoUerMSi'r.. Ho. IMOC^LO WEE* Street. Philadelpki*. ” ff»2Q»tf flBKr CARRIAGES. 18 g 3> ffiLLUK B. KQ6BKII, COUCH ul Light Carriage Builder, Hoe. 10W and 1011 OHESTOCUT BTXXK. nn-Ba Pgramnuxn. ■WHITE VIRGIN WAX OP AN ii TILLEB!—A new French Cosmetic for beautify ing, whitening, and. preserving the Complexion. It is the most wonderful comptfhnd of the age* There p neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth nor talc in its composition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax—hence its extraordinary qualities for preserving •the skin, making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young, the homajy * the handsome more heantifol, and the moat beautifr! divine Price, 25 and 60 cents. Prepared only by HUMT ’A f!0 Pflrfnmers. 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut, and 133 Sooth SEVENTH St. deiB-3m A/TRS. JAMES BETTS’ CELEBRATED 'ilL BOPPOKTEKS FOB LAOIKS. and the only Sup porters under eminent medical patronage. Ladles and wtivvlclinu are respectfully requested to call only o, M« “bBTTS. at her residence, 10*9 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, <to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand fnvalldc nave been adviced by their physicians to use h« aopllances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyrights labels on the box, and signatures, and also on theSnpporters.lwlth testimonials. ocie-tnthrtl mmm DB. FINE, PR ACTIO AL DEN. SHWtisT for the last twenty yean, alO TUB St, below Third. Inserts the- most beautiful TEETH of Hu age, mounted on fine Hold; Platina, Silver, Vulcanite, Corallte, Amber, Ac.; at prices, for neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any Dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Toctk repaired to suit No pain in extracting. All work war •ranted to fit Deference. best families-. lyl-Pm ■a BYANS k WATSON’S « BkLAMAKDSX BAPf STORK 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. A large SATES always on kmd. , . . •••• - • • T AKESTTPEBIOB INGOT COPPER, Mfrom the Amygdaloid Mint; 1* store and «« sale la William king’s alcohol,ham- TT PHIME, and BUBNINO FLUID, revived fresh WnA* wm* fOAL YARD FOE SALE,—THE beet fltted-ap TABD In the olty. Capacity for dolmr any amount of bnalneai. Inaulrs os the premlaMLßT» Wl Worth NINTH Streat.baiow Girard ambiE. «;FAEM.- FIFTY- ONE ACHES flrst’ anality Chester Coansy Land. 21 miles from Philadelphia: near railroad: B acrea woodland: good Stone floase.. Spring Water; Stone Barn, fcc. Valley Creek rnaa tbroogh the place. Terms accommodating; For gale by I. C. PBICB. de2l-lm Cor. BPBIWg GARDES and Thlrteantti et. FOE SALE—NEAT ANI> DB - ABLE COUETRY PLACE, containing ten actea of Ground, four miles octof the city: fruit sof every kinJl E; PETTIT, go, WALHUT Street. gftgr Mto rent—desirable BUSI- EfEBS STAHB, 31* MARKET Street. Apply on the pjemieee. deia tr e TO LET—A COMMODIOUS * DWELLING. Ko. 133 Worth FBOBT Street. Buy moderate. Apply to VETHEBILL £ 880., oc-a-tf AT and « Worth SBCOITD atreek MF©B SAIiE—TBS THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, OJo. 620.) with two story double brick back baildin&s and Lot of Chroood« sitoatecntbe west side of Delaware Front street, tween Grjsn and Coates atreetev-in- the Eleventh ward> twenty feet In" front on Front street, and one hundred and thirty-one feet deep-to TAM&iEliDstreet, on whiib there la created A BRICK STABLE. Immediate- possession given. Part of purchase money can remain on mortgage. LUHTENS & MGNTGOMSRYa delQ-lm* 1035 BEACH Street, above Laurel at. A FOR SALE THE TEBY DE SIRABLE FOUR-STORY BRICE DWELLING*, with the the three-stor7 doable brisk back buildinga. and lot of grcand; vest side of Front street, eoath of ChllowhiU street; (ITo.3fl6:) , l£feet2 inches front by 9f feet deep: all the modern improvements and con* Will be sold apoa aeeomniodatin* terms. LTJKSENS * MONTGOMERY. 1035-BEaCH Street, above LanreL tielO-lm* m farms FOR SALE CHEAP.—9* Westmoreland county, Pa,, half clear &ai excellent soil, and half heavy timber. Pennsylvania Railroad passes through It _SI acres Tansfcorough, Camden county, IT. J., wife stock and crops. 667 acres heavy timber and first-class saw Brad* ford county, Pa. 10.0C0 acres timber in Potter county. Pa. Terr desirable location 340 seres Tioga ©onnty, Pa ; half clear, and excellent eoi). balance heavy timber. S miles from railroad. 1,109 acres Forest county.. Pa ♦ heavy timber. 621, 100. 120, 162; 2S3v 90, 1,200, 130. 60, 150, 3W, 291 acres and others, in Delaware. 200,'330. 338. 300, 160.60. 400 acres, and others, U M<L Id, 60, 30, 8, 25 c 6v 89; 6& 143, 115,162,126, 10t acroa,U Chester county. Pa.. 90. 75, 43, 83, 121. 120, 166, 1M» 135,33,170, 90,58,31,165, 1,2C0 seres, and others, in Kew Jersey, Besides a large number in different parts of Pennsylva nia and inother States. For houses and lots/eee iV. American and V. 5, Ga zette. B. T. QLECTS, de!9 , ■ 1533 Sonth FOURTH Street. M PUBLIC SALE OF A VALU.Jtt ABLE FARM; —Pursuant to an order of tie Or-3E pbans’ Court for the County of Bucks, wiU he sold at public Bale, on the premises. ott THITJiBDjLY, December 31st, 1863, at one o’clock P. M.i That large and-valuable Plantation late of Robert P. Lovett, Esq.., deceased, situate in Penn’s Manor. Falls Township, Bucks County, on the river Delaware, at Scott’s Landing,, opposite Florence, HT. J-; bounded by lands of B. Woelston, B. Briggs, &c.,and the road from Tullytown to Robbins* wharf, one mile from the former and three from the latter plaee; having over half a mile of river front, on which is a landing, part of a fishery, &c., and containing one hundred and fifty'five acres, more or less. The improvements are a large and substantial Mansion Bouse, Spring House, Barn, and suitable Outbuildings* and on the upperpart of the Farm is another Dwelling Bouse, Barn, &c. On'the premises is a young Orchard of thriving Apples and other Fruit Trees. The Farm U in a good healthy neighborhood, and easy of access both by steamboat and railroad; the Land well watered, and in a good state of cultivation, and. on the whole, it is a. very attractive and desirable property. It will be sold all together or in two Farms, each with a set of Buildings, bb will bring ihe best price. Theproperty will be shown, previously to the day of sale by one of the Administra tors residing thereon. The conditions will be easy, and made known at the sale. ■ MARY C. LOVETT, HECTOR C. BOBBISH?, Administrators, JOSEPH BROWN, Auctioneer. Falls Township, December 18, 1863. A VALUABLE EARM IN NEW 3-JERSEY. containing abont 103 Acres* at PnbUe Sa3e, on SEVENTH DAY, the 2d of Ist month, lS&tTat 3 o’clock?. M., on the premises, one mile from the Rail road Station in Burlington, New Jersey. The land U editable for Grain and Grass, or it wonld make an ex cellent Truck Farm, and ie divided into fields Of con venient size* with ffood cedar fences. The improvements are a large frame Mansion House, with kitchen and ehed; a Tenant House, with seven rooms and a large amount of good Oat-buildings conveniently amanged. The Eituatiouishighand healthy* overlooking the city' of Burlington, with a view of Pennsylvania for miles around; fclso a Lawn in front, with ornamental trees find shrubbery. There iB a Grist Mill on the adjoining farm. This property, beitc near a good market, with frequent daily communication to and from Philadelphia and New York, makes it a very desirable residence. For further information, call on Wtt. R BIBHOP, on the premises: JOHN G. DEACON, near Burlington, or ROBERT THOMAS, in the city of BuijUngton. 12 mo. ISth, 1863.* TLfISS MARY E. THROPP HAS A i-IA g e i ec t French and English BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, for Young Ladies, at 1841 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, For circulars, or other information, apply at the School. de!6-tfe2 VILLAGE green seminary, * NEAR MEDIA, PA.—Pupils received at any tint*. English, Mathematics, Claßslcs, and Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics» Book-keeping, and Gtvil En gineering taught. Entire expenses about S 3 per week. Boys of all ages taken. Refers to we H. Kern, eX- Sheriff; John C. Capp & Co., No. 23 South Third street, and Thomas J. Clayton, Beg,, Fifth and Prune street*. Address Her. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M-. Village Green, Pa •• no6-tf fJENUINE EAGLE VEIN . GOAL~- V* Banal; if not superior to LekiKb. *2? Plus Ultra Family Baittfcow Coal; Stove 89.00, Larw Nut $B-20 per to«* _joal full weight as per ticket. Depof. teUtefe Office, promptly attenaea so TST noll-Cm riOAL.—SUGAR LOAF, BEAYK* V 7 MEADOW, And Burin* Mountain CoiL lU W.V T,Mntt yuyntitritl. from B<h.TLylMll < P r ®?§£sKaSfe ggaanigy 00MP L E T E Confidently relying npon the patronage of a generoa* and amneeiatly* Public, we hare, at great expenae* procured all the necessary Tips, Haohisbrt, new Fggssss, ete.* to organize a COMPLETE PRINTING OFFICE, Fully furnished with all the facilities for executing every deeeriptlon of Printing, frem the AND IN A lUPERIO* STUt. WILLIAM K. ICSRKIOS. BOOKS. JAJtPHLKTS. . BHIi HBiSB. estrnmm BUOTJIiiBS. KOTICIS. ltunneis; pTT.T.H OT UIBIKO. And tray other deecriptioa of WM«b. ProfeSetoaAl, Artistic. KeroaatUe. or Mechanical yareults mayrwulre. ftHaw sapertor faculties for prtatia* Urea Pas te, far THEATRES. CONCERTS, OPERAS. PUBUG mnwnißß. an* recruiting offices. ■' Wo also doalro to toll epeclal atteatloa to the fast, that la coatcwiaaot of the waat generally fait for c»B> venleat Wo have made arrangements ®r coating them on the reverse with o Hwllage similar to that ased oa Postage Stamps. Whlsh la the most adhesive praparatloa ever discovered. All difflsolty ahont listening thorn topack ocas U thaa avoided. M the gammed aide aead only U taenre its firm adhesion. ADDRESS LABBLS of this description are la almost universal aso among the merchants of England, and those who nMi them to this elty estimate highly theta ase (aiaaH in avoiding troahle aai delay, ia theprepa- Ss of PUkiw ®r delivery, whether they ar. forwarded by dlataat potato or sapplled to the leeal trade. Give them a trial. FOR SAXE AND TO I,ET. EJLMJ CATIO KAK. COAL, BOOK AKB JOB PRIKTING, STEAM -POVSTER PRINTING OFFICE. SMALLEST CARDS LARGEST POSTERS* GJeoaply, Kxpedltlouely, Orders are respectfully soliolted for Printing ’DRAFTS. kirmoPEs. CARDS, HANDBILLS. LARGE SHOW-CARDS. LETTER HEADINGS. HOTS HEADINGS, ritUH US ORNAMENTAL PROTEST*, IN BIACK »R FANCY! GOUPRS; Alp pop niWESATUrd thhsc wits BEAUTIFUL UB ORIGINAL DESIGNS. ADDRESS LABELS. , All orders, by City Post or Mall, will reoelve prompt attention. BINGWALT & BROWN-. gVEAX POWER PRIHTKRSi iree, 111 aai 113 SOUTH FOURTH STRESr, del^etutWt* ELLIB BKAHSO*. PROGRAMMES. JAPES BOORS, "Posters. BLARES, CHECKS. LABELS. paitABH?«A. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers