RaOßl-TfOK OI THB 29TH PINNSTL VANIA. VOLt ONTKEBa,—The reception of the gallant B9th yea teiday was one of the finest military displays that trc have had in this city for'some time. The pro : cession was partiolpated In by all the home military, and the many hundreds of friends of those in the ifglment. The firemen also turned out in force With their ambulanoes, and formed quite a feature In the'display. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed, -and as the line marched on they were at every turn -greeted with wild applause. The procession passed down Chestnut street, and when opposite Granville -Stokes’ Mammoth Clothing Emporium, No. 609, they eame to a halt* Flags were waved, and great 'delight was manifested iover the beautiful stock of Winter ghriuenbi hoWinstore at that establishment. WrtLoox A / 5 . /Sbwing maohinhs. For Holiday Presents. Fairbanks & Ewing, 715 Chestnut street. Wiixcox fc Gibbs* BHWina.riUciHi™, lor tummy rraißnti, FAIKDAJfKg fit EWUfO, *715 Ohsitnut street. Cabinet Organ 6 fob Holiday Gifts. J. Ea Gould, Seventh and Chestnut. I Christmas, BfBTH-DAY, akd 'Wuddisg Pbb iamtTS. The- Holy Bible, -Harding’* Editions, so ..knowledged to be the most reliable text, family, pulpit, and pooket. Bibles, In beautiful styles of Turkey morooco and antique bindings. A new edi tion, arranged for photographic portraits of families. William W. Harding, Publisher, 4eS3-St Wo, 32G Chestnut street, below! Fourth. Photo an Am Albums in Every Variety op Style, Kloh Turkey moroooo, antique, ivory mountings, ornamented edges, &0., An,, holding from twelve to two hundred photographs, the oheapest, the largest, and best assortment in the city. deSS-St William W. Harding, Wo. 326 Chestnut st,, below Fqurth, south side. A Bbautipul Present pob Christmas The improved Sloat Elliptic Family Sewing Haoliine, Salesroom 121 Chestnut street. deio-isi Oabwbt Organs fob Holiday Gifts. J. E. Gormp, Seventh and Chestnut. Gho. Stkok & Co.’s Pianos For Holiday Presents* Holiday Prbsrnts por Q-entlemen.—An cle- Sant stock of W rappers, Scarfs, Cardigan Jackets, *9lovet, and other choice goods for presents. de!9-6t Winchester & 00., 700 Chestnut St. , Holiday Presents at Farson A Co.’s, Dock street, below Walnut. Cutlery, Tea Trays, Japan ned and Plated Ware, Hobby-Horses and Sleds, Ae. - _ del6-wsmtf Oabbiagb Hugs.—ln varied style and price. del9 6t Winchester & Co., 706 Chestnut St Wearing the Unmentionables.—“ Wearing the breeches” is a term of great antiquity, signiS oant of control in the household. In Germany, se veral hundred years ago, when there was conten tion in a house and both man and wife were quar- Tflllng tot fcuperifiritr, it wi« the mi&m 16 invib BfiighbMS (B, &&a l Jill* 5f K&vlM Uen ’:thrown down, the diiputAntii contended for them, the viotor being proclaimed “bose.” In our own lend and time* the unmentionables are generally ac« 'Qorded ‘without dispute to the ntember of the matri monial firm who is of the male persuasion, and Where the latter is a gentleman of taste and discri minating judgment, he procures the garment at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of RookhiU & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Gbo. Stkck & Co.’s Pianos For Holiday PreienU. EThb Shobtest Day.—To-day, the almanacs tell Hi, lithe ihorteet day of the year. Well would it be If the flay was only short; but, about this time, many of our pockets are short ; that little obliga tion given, about ago, when your purse was comparatively long, and when the time of ma turity seemcd a long way off, you forgot the short ■days were coming. Franklin, in his time, gave some rules to avoid shortness of the pursB, such as a “ pin ■a day is a groat a year,” and “ a penny saved is two "Pence earnedand, had he lived in these times, he Would have added, “buy your clothes at Charles Stokes & Co.’s, under the Continental, and your pockets will never be short." WIM9QS fc emtaa' ' SaWIUB MiDHliragj for Holiday Fieaenti. FAISBANKS& EWINO, , TIB Chestnut street. Cabinet Okoanb pok .Holiday Gifts, J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, yfiLlcox & Gibbs’ SbWino Machines, tFor Holiday Presents.' Faiebanks & Ewiita, 716 Chestnut street. SPECIAL NOTICES. •Sons of the Christmas Turkey. BY THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. The swan, ’tis said, in music dieß; So may the turkey, too— A bird more charming for the eyes Of epicures to view. Tell danger creeps on me by stealth; No sickness do I fear; But when I'm fat and most in health, ’Tis then my end is near. Upon the stall I’ll shine so fair, In beauty unadorned; This form, auite cteically D we* Shall hi no eyes ds goornoOi Quite different it is with man, "Whom, in this season glad; AU optics would with horror scan. Were he so thinly clad. And even 7, joy to afford, (If it must be confessed), And to be welcomed at the board With gloe. must be well-dressed.. And Bo, I’m certain, must be all The other biped’s there, Who, ere they feast, to Tower Haliv Should, for new suits, repair. What move useful, acceptable, or intrinsically valuable Christmas Gift, Christmas Gift, Christmas G*ft, Christmas Gift, Christmas Gift, Christmas Gift, Christmas Gift, Christmas Gift, Christmas Gift, Christmas, Gift Can be found than a selection from our stock of Men’s and Boys’ Beady*made Garments? We have the largest most complete, and cheapest assortment in Philadelphia TOWER HALL, No. 518 MARKET Street BENNETT & GO. ' Gray Hair Restored Without Dyeing. GRAY lIAIR RESTORED! BALDNESS. PREVENTED! •'London Ilair Color Restorer and Dressing.” • 4 London Hair Color Restorer and .Dressing.” V London Hair Color Roßtorer and Dressing.' READ. THIS CERTIFICATE! I am happy to add mi testimony to the great value of "London Hair Color Restorer,” three bottles of Which restored my Hair, which was very gray, to its Original dark color, and the hue appears to he perma nent." I am satisfied that the preparation is nothing like a dye, but operates upon the secretions. If is also a beautiful hair-dressing, and promotes the growth. I purchased the first bottle from Mr. Garrigues, druggist, Tenth > and Coates streets, who can also testify my hair Was very gray when I commenced its use. MRS.'MILLER, . No. 780 North Ninth street, PMla. "LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND.DRESS ING,” sold by DR. BWAYNE & SON, No. 330 North SIXTH St. Price 50 cts. Six bottles, $2.60. de24-fchs2t Decidedly the Most Beautiful, as well £8 the most useful and economical production of the pre sent: day, is HOWE & STEVENS' System of Family 3>yeOolorB. Yettheyare so simple that any one can &I 6 them with perfect success. They comprise all the staple colors, and also the most exquisite shades, and.are EUtUP in neat packages, with full directions for use. (Bold by Druggists generally. de2l-8t Pillow Tassels, PICTUEE TASSELS, CUETAIKB, In Sets for presents. I. E. ,WAL B A V BN, (Successor to W. H. Carryl.) MASOBIC HALL, Tl 9 CHE3TNUT Street. ' Electbicitly ScientificaljY Applied fey Dr. A. H. STBVBNS, I*l6 South PMTJT SQUASH. KlllWtfpliU. Who Minds a Ooi,d ?—lt Seems a smaia affair, and in consequence is usually allowed to have its ©Wn away, and yet how freques tly a neglected cold e ids lir Bronchitis or Consumption! Why not take a cold in time fttien, and hy using at once Dr. D. JAYNE’S BX-' PEGTORANT, which for thirty years has been a standard remedy for all Coughs and Colds, avoid these dreadful alternatives ? WHAT IS MEANT BY BRONCHITIS Is an inflammation of the bronchia or passages which •onvey air to the lungs, lu its earliest stages this dis ease 1* commonly called a cold, or a cold in the breast. It usually comes on with a little hoarseness, followed by a moderate. cough, with slight feelings of heat or sore stess about the throat and chest. If not arrested, the cough becomes one of the most prominent symptoms, as Well as the most painful and distressing; the inliamma ilon increases in intensity until It finally interferes with the access of air to the long cells, when the vital powers soon'give way. In most of the stages of this disease Dr. JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT effects a speedy cure by pro ducing a free and easy expectoration, suppressing the cough and allaying the fever. A fair trial is all that is asked. •• V IN CONSUMPTION AND ALL PULMONARY COM- PLAINTS, 35 r. jXyNE'S EXPECTORANT will afford immediate relief by removing the difficulty of breathing and caus ing an easy expectoration, whereby all irritating and ob structing matters are removed from the lungs, Haring maintained its ~ reputation, in all parts of the world, for over a quaitor of a century.it is confidently recommend ed as the best remedy ever offered for the diseases it pro fuses to cure- Sold by Agents and Druggists every where, from whom may also be obtained Dr. JAYNE’S SANATIVE PILLS, a prompt and effectual cure for coi tivenees. sick headache. and all bilious affections* The EXPECTORANT is prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON, CHESTNUT Street. de23 2fc Pillow Tassels, PICTURE TASSELS, ’ CURTAINS, Itt tots for, presents. • 'I. E. W ALRAVBN, (Successor to W. 11. Carryl.) MASOMC HALL, 4e22-tr Tl 9 CHESTNUT Street. Okk-Phice Oi.othino, op the Latest BTTLBO. made in the Best Manner,expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEBT Selling Prices marked in Plain figures. All goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory.; Our Onk-Piuck System Is strictly adhered to. All Are thereby treated alike. deffi-ly JONES & CO., 601 MAB&Br Street. Deafness, Blindness, "and all Diseases Which the Eye or Ear is heir to. successfully treated by Prof. J. Isaacs. M. D., Oculist and Aurist. No. All FINE Street. Testimonials .-from the most reliable sources can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secret in his mode of treatment. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. No charges made for examination. d223t Deaf Made io Hear;—-Suitable and APPROPRIATE PRESENTS to relatives and 'friends aro the ACOUSTIC AURICLES, and other instruments to assist the hearing. Also, Pocket Knives. Razors, and Scissors, of the finest, quality, at P. MADEIRA’S,-115 South TENTH Street, below Chestnut. de!9-6t Pillow Tassels, PICTURE TASSELS, CURTAINS, In sets for presents. . I. E. W A LEA YE N, (Successor to W. H. Carryl) * MASONIC HALL, de22-tf 119 CHESTNUT STREET. GOLD FEUS HBTOIimSD EQUAL TO XTETTi on the receipt of IM centsi Oircnltirnrortho Joka sen Pen, tent on application, by Mall or other wise. E. S. JOHESON, Manufactory and Office, IS MAIDEN LANE, New York City. Pillow Tassels, PICTURE TASSELS, . CURTAINS, In sets for presents. I. E. WAL RAVEN, (Successor to W. H. Carryl.) MASONIC HILL, de22-tf 719 CHE&TNUT Street. Hair Dye I Hair Dye II BATCHELOR’S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Best in the World. The only Harm less, Tilts, and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—change* Bed, Rusty, or Gray Hair, instantly to a Qlossu Black or natural Eroion, without injuring the Hair or stain ing the Skin, leaving the -Hair Soft and Beautiful; im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of had Dyes. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor ; all other* are mere imitations, aud should be avoided. Sold by aU Druggists, Ac. FACTORY.' 81 BARCLAY Street, New Yo«k. Batchelor’s new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. . • ; jy29-ly Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment is truly a • ■ friend is need." and every family should have it at hand. Meyer ,; s- • IT.B f f Newly Improved Crescent Scale M STS* Overstrung PIANOS acknowledged to be the best. LONDON PRIZE MEDAL, And Highest Awards in America Received. = Warerooms 733 ARCH Street, below EIGHTH. de22-Bt* HOLIDAY P R E S E NT'S. STECK & CO. ’S MASON & HAMLIN’S CABINET 080 A H e ■>. B. OOU L » , fio2l-tde96 SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. MABHIBD. DOUGHERTY— ROAN.— October 15. by Rev. W. B. Gregg, at his residence, 2319 Lombard street, Air. James Dougherty, of Philadelphia,. to Miss Louisa Roan, of KiPifFessiug. . *• * SUMMEBS—McARTHUR, —On the22d instant, at the residence of John McArthur, Jr., Esq , by the Rev, G. W. Noyes, Mr. George Summers to Miss Elizabeth W., youngest daughter of James McArthur, Esq., of Da mascus, Pa. • ** ROSS. —On the 22d instant, Anna M. Ross. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her Sister, Mrs. H. Beamish, No. 914 North Sixth street, above Poplar, on Satarday morning, at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Monument Cemetery. Boston New J ork. Baltimore, and Washington City papers Ploase copy. GEORGE— At his residence, in Lower Msriou, on the evening of the 22d instant, William E George, in his 76th sear. His family and friends are invited to sttend his ftmenl without further notice, to meet at the house o a the after noon of the 25th instant, at 2 o’clock. Carriages will be in waiting at Ho. 1311 Arch street at 1 o’clock. ** FOS per.—On the evening of the 21st inst., Elizabeth •&. .youngest daughter of Sarah C. and the late Nathaniel C. Poster, aßed27 years. • The male friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the faneral from her late residence, 823 Fitz m\9X street, qb Thrato iaoruUiKi at 10 o’clocfc, witin oot f«u ccorsotlc«. . last., Isaac S., son. o<? fsaac EL and Ann Msdara, aged 22 years. The relatives ana friends of the family, also the tele graphers of Philadelphia, are respectfully invited to at tend his funeral, from the residence of his parents, South street, weßt of Twenty fifth, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without farther notice ** WARN. —On the 20th instant, Lewis Wain, in the 6Sfch year of his age. The male friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from his late're>idence. No. 914 Walnut street, on Thursday morning, 21th insfe , at 10 o’clock. Interment at Friends’ Southwestern Burying Ground. *«■ f*LACK DRESS GOODS.—CASH MERBSi Yelour Rope, Tamises, 8-4 and 6-4 Mono* jellneo, Jferinoea, Henrietta Cloths or silk-warp Cash meres, Ottoman Poplins, Irish Poplins, EnsfUsh-aad French Bombazines, Alepines, corded Mousselines, Aus tralian Crapes, Baratheas, Turin Cloths, Paramattas, DeLaines, Oriental Lustres, Alpacas and Mohair Lustres, Reps Anglais,Mourning Silk, Armure, Poultde Sole and Bros Grain Sitts. BESSON * SOtf, 0«23 . Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street/ & LANDELL, AS IS THEIE -“ usual custom in the twelfth month, have reduced some fine Silks,-Shawls, and Poplins, to favor, the laud able practice of miking VALUABLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Fashionable Rich Silks, Expensive Long Shawls, Gorgeous Pi«*o Covers, Balmorals, of fine grades. delS-tf CHRISTMAS EVE-ST. CIiBSIEWT’S GHUnCH, TWENTIETH and CHBaßYStreetfl — There will be Divine service,, and a ,Sormon r at this cii-o-ich ■XEIIs vXhtue=da.^ i > <jb.nstxn.^s Bve—o*cloclr. - . ■ • SK?>» MISS ANNA 9£. ROSS. II being appointed unto ail once to die. the visi tation of death in tome instances, and under some cir cumstances, is such as to neither require nor admit of any special noticeor marked commemoration; yet, when those die whose whole life and labors have been princi pally engaged in promoting any great interest, especially if that interest involved the improvement of ths physi cal, moral, and religious condition of the human family, or any large number of its m*m tiers, it is nob only fic and proper, but becoming, that those who have bean either the recipients or witnesses of the great good which has re sulted from their efforts, should bear testimony to : the good which theyhaye accomplished. Thus, themes "lie who doeth ati things well ’’has iu His infinite wisdom removed from time to eternity, Anna M, Ross, whose great practical devotion to the ad vancement of the great humanitarian; charitable, bene volent, and patriotic interests of her time, and especi ally her great, untiring, and self-sacrificing devotion to the best interests of the soldier, whether prostrate and suffering from wonnda or disease, or. the privations inci dent to camp life, has fixed her iu the grateful recollec tion of the many who have bsen relieved, comforted, and blessed by her graceful acts of kindness and attention, and has also established for her a reputation for usefulness and good works which shall outlive crumbling monu ments of stone and corroding columns of bronze. It is, therefore, proper for us, who have witns* sed her achieve ments, to hear our testimony to her good and ennobling Works, and to declare that when the history of the past three years shall have been written by the pen of the faithful historian, that in the chapter which he shall devote to Philadelphia and her citizens, one of its brightest and most attractive pages will be that which Will record the achievements and self- sacrificing laborß of Miss ANNA M. ROSS; and new, as a token of. respect and as a slight evidence of the sorrow felt by this Board, it is directed that the Managers 1 room be draped in mourning for six months, and that we extend to the relatives of the deceased our sincere condolence; and it is ordered that a cooy of the foregoing he presented to them, signed by the President and attested by the Sacrc tary. ELLER6LIE WALLACE, M. *»., President Coopor-Shop Soldiers’Home. E. S. Hall, Secretary. It COOPER SHOP VOLUNTEERRE &CS* FRiSHMENT SAT s OON.—a meeting of the Cooper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Committee was held this (Wednesday) evening. December / 23d, at their Saloon. The unexpected death of Mists ANN A 61. RO*?\ the principal of the Hospital, was announced, and a Committee was appointed to prepare resolutions in rela tion to the sad bereavement. The Committee reported the following, which were unanimously adopted : In the death, of Miss Anna M. Ross, the principal of the Cooper Shop Hospital, we have lost an ardent, effi cient, and devoted colaborer in the cause of humanity; society lias lost a valued member,, and the sick and wounded soldiers a true friend. On an occasion like this, sad as it is, we may freely speak of those sterling qualities that animated the heart of the deceased, which made her name illustrious, and endeared her to a large circle of friends in- Philadelphia. In her position as tho principal of the hospital connected with this institution, from its earliest date, she was ever true in her self-sacrificing devotion to tho cause ia which she wad engaged; watching over the bedside of tbe sick and wounded soldiers of the Union with all the anxiety and tender 6olicita.de kcown only to the heart of a true woman, nursing them with almost ma ternal affection, and imparting to the dying the coneo-. lation enjoyed by the true Christian. We feel that so ciety has indeed lost a most valuable member. In re spect to the deceased the committee beg leave to submit the following resolutions: • That we have heard with feelings of pro found regret of the death of Miss Anna M. Ross, the principal of the Cooper-Shop Hospital. That the hospital be draped in. the emblems of mourning for the space of thirty days, in respect to the memory of the deceased. Resolved, That as the deceased was a true friend of the country, and to the eoldiers of the Union, we respectful ly invite the committee of ladies and gentlemen of the union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, and the Citizens’ Volnuteer Hospital to join with us in attending the funeral. Resolved, That we condole with the relatives of the family of the deceased in their bereavement, and that these resolutions be published; and that an engraved copy be cent to th6m. . ROBERT G. SIMPSON. V PHILIP FITZPATRICK, I LEWIS W. THORNTON, > Committee. EDWARD COOPER, i It E. S. HALL, I OFFICE OF THE HUWTINGDON ftC£» AND BROAD TuP MOUNTAI« RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY, »58 South THIRD Street. • Philadelphia, Dec 24,1333. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of 'the Hunt ingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Goal Company will be held at the office of the Company, on TUESDAY,- January 12,1554, at 11 o’clock A. AT , when an election will be held for a President and Twelve Di rectors, to serve for the ensuing y ear. de24 tja!2 J. P..AERTBEN, Secretary,. PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE, ■S"* - • " ■ December 23, 1933. NOTICE. —FRIDAY next, 25th inst., bein* C3RIST HAB day, this office will be closed after half past 10 A. M. The several stations will bec’osed at same hour. The carriers will make but one delivery of letters—at BA. fit Two collection* will he made from the lamp-post and inside boxes—at 3A. M. and 6P. M, de24-2t C. A. WALBORN. Postmaster. • OFFICE OF THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, Dec. 23,1663. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS -The Annual Reeling of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, the eleventh day of January, 1864, at 12 o’clock M., in Philadelphia, at the Office of the PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Annual Election for President and Directors will be held same day and place. _ d824-Ijail JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA, Offloe, No. 308 WALNUT Street. At the Animal meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, held on Monday, the 2lst But,, the following gen tlemen were duly elected Directors to serve for the en suing year, viz: Clem Tinslov. r William Muss er, William R.‘ Thompson, Robert Toland, Samuel Blßpham, J. Johnson Brown, Bobert Steen, Marshall Hill, William Stevenson, H. L. Carson, . Btnj. W- Tingley. Charles Leland, . ' • ' Thomas H. Moore. the Directors, held this day, CLEM TINOLEY, Esq., was unanimonuly re-elected President. ; -m-i IX -«o THOS.-.0. HILL, .Secretary. Philadelphia, Dec. 23, 1863., , . de24St . RIDGE TURNPIKE COMPANY— ANNUAL MEETING. —The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the RIDGE TURNPIKE COMPANY will be held-at the office of the Company, No 131 South F'TTH Street (upstairs). In the City of Philadelphia, on MONDAY. January 4, 1864, at 12 o’clock noon, at which time an election will be held ,for a President, twelve Managers, and a Treasurer, to serve for the ensuing year. Byorder of C, T. JONES, ' , _ _ _ President. Joseph A. Clay. Secretary R. T, Co de.3 th.tja4 ;1 MANUFACTURERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY, Office, No. 411 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, December 4,1863, i The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Manu facturers’ Insurance Company will be held at the office, on MONDAY.January 4,1564, between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock P. M.» for the purpose of eleotlng.Ten Di rectors to serve for the ensuing year., ■ j de4 lw WM. PETTIT, Secretary. MB> TDE LADIES OP THE DIFFER KJs. ENT Ward, of the City, intero-tod m retlCTinc the families lof soldiers, are respectfully reqaehfad to meet at tbo ROOuof the LiDlKa’ SPECIAL ItBLIEP COMMITTEB. 1338 CHESTNUT Street, (oeoond-etory back,) onSaTUßDaY.'the 26thinet., at il o’clock, A. M., for the purpose of organizing an effiolent Society, having for its object the supplying ‘wi h Coal, the widows, wives, and families of the soldiers from our city. de23 4t iflte A DiVIDEMD OF TWO AND A HALF PER CENT, on the preferred etock of the El MIRA and WILLIaM&PORT RAILROAD COM PANY, will be paid at the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, on and after JANUARY 1 1864. GEORGE TABER, , _ Boom No. 1, Ground Floor. Dkckmuer 24 1868. ' doil-12t jLUItK'S AUXILIARY TO TIUC •C?* SANITARY COMMISSION earnestly solicits from members of the congregation and others contributions for the benefit of SICK and WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Ar ticles of Diet, Flannel, aud other Goods,may bo sent to iu the basement of the Church (THIRTEENTH Street, below 6prn.ee,) every FRIDAY, between9and 1 and Money to the Treasurer, CHS. W. CUSHMAN, W 138 8. DELAWARE Aye* nue. , soU-thflm PHU-ADELPHIA AKD RKA.DIKG COMPANY. Office No, 837 South iQURTa Street, Philadblpitta, December 22d, 1563. diife on tLe 1 i proxiMd, ••W Witte dei lb leave then) at tnis Office on or before the filet inaiuot, when r«- ceipte will be given, and checks W)U be ready for deli very on the 2d of January next in exchange for such receipt*. Cde23 >3ll S. BRADFORD. Treasurer. TII2S ANNUAL MEETING AKD Election (or President and t-ix Directors of t&e PHILADELPHIA AND DaKBY RAILROAD COMPANY, will be held at the Company’s DEPOT, on DARBY Forty-ninth/and Fiftieth streets, at 4 o’cbck, on MONDAY, the 11th day of January, IBd4. dfe23tj*ll D. H, FLICK Wtty Secretary. Wjate NOTICE -THK ANNiTAL ELEC- Managers of the COOPER-SHOP SOL DI tKo 1 HOME will take'place on WEDSESJAY BVE- MhO, January 6, 1864, between the houreSaf 6 au.i 10 o’clock. attheHome H. W. corner RACK and CROWN Streets. , • Cdo23-2t] B S. HALL, Sec’y. . WOOMM MAXUPAC TURING COMPANY, .... . PHinAnanrurA, December 19.1868. Notice ib hereby given to the fetockholders in the* that an additional instalmsnt of TWEN TY- r IYE PER CENT, of the Cbpi*al Stock U payable at Jh« Counting-Room of tho Company on or before the 19tn day of January, 1864 By order of tlio Directors. de24-th2t* BENJABUN SHARP. President. INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Phila >ei.pjtia, December 23.1863. An Flection for thirteen Directors of the Onmpany will be held at the Company’s OFFICE 4r and SEX OH ANG E BUILDINGS on MONDAY, January 11, 1864, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and l o’clock P. M. de23-tjall , , WILLIAM HARPER. Secretary. orkasd pit tsto x.c oal A meeting of the Stockholders of the above company will be held at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, ou TUES DA Y. the '29tli instant, at 4 o’clock P. M.", for the purpose of electing Directors and other OfflcArs to serve for the eneningyear.v HENRY D. OWEN. . de22-t29* • Secretary KENSINGTON SOUP SOCIKTY*- •C 7** A public meeting ot the Contribctors to the KEN SINGTON SOUP SOCIETY will be held at the Soup House, northwest side of ALLEN Street, be ! ow Marl borough, in the Eighteenth ward, on THURSDAY EVE NING. December 24,1563, at 1% o’clock, to elect Officers and Managers for tho ensuing year. - - dc22 3t* CHARLES M. LUKENS, Secretary. *rSg*> CHRISTMAS BIRWER FOB THE POOR.—-There will be s Dinner for the Poor Children of the Bedford-street Mission Schools, at the Mission Bouse, 619 BEDFORD Stree:, on CHRISTMAS DaY, at 12 o’clock. Friends of the poor are requested to send donations of money, turkey*, or provisions, and come and seethe children enjoy them Tc avoid imposition, give to no one unless you are personally acquainted with them, and. send your dona tions to the Mission House. 619 BEDFORD Street, in care of the Missionary, J. H. BECKWITH, or the fol lowing managers* • EDMUND S. • Y ARD, 209 Spruce street. GEORGS MILLIRER, 823 Arch street. , - - JACOB H. BURDSALL, 523 Chestnut et, - daifl-ffi JaMRS L. »DI6PfIAM. gio P. S**La 2 OFFICE OF THE UJSIO.V MPTUAL INSUkANCft COMPAN VOF PHtLADELPdIA, PHtLAPELPHIA, December 18, 186 J. The annual meeting of the Stockholders and Scrip* holders of the Union Mutual Insurance Company will be held at the office of the Company on MONDAY, January li, 1864. at 12 o’clock M. At the same time an election for Bight Directors will take place to serve for three years. fde22 tj11.3 JOHN MOSS. Secretary. .THE tIUICKSILVER MINING ioS* COMPANY, uo SBl NASSAU Street, New York, December 7, 186 i.—The Annual Meeting of the Stock be held at the CONTI NENTAL HOTEL, in the city of Philadelphia, at 11 A. M. on MONDAY. January 4, 1864. ' uA “ Tie Annual Election of Directors will be held on the same day, between the hours of 12 H and 2P. M. The Transfer Book?, will be closed on Saturday, De cember 19,1863, and reopened on Tuesday, January 5, 1364. oTder ’ ’ J. B. RANDOL, de9-20t Secretary. fI»S^ m MERCANTILE LIBRARY.. The Price of this Stock, at the Library, is only TEN DOLLARS PER SHARE. : No more useful Christmas Present could be found for either lady or gentleman. • Any one purchasing before January Ist will ba en titled to an - ADDITIONAL SHARE, FREE OF CHARGE. The public are invited to visit and examine the rooms at any time before Christmas. No library in the city can now compare with this. In the valne of its importations, the number of its pur chases. the stock of ita Periodicals and Newspapers, or the popularity of its Chess Department. dels-96 OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUND COMMISSION. No. *l2 PlilJfcE stTeet. ~ - , Philadelphia, December 19,1563. The Commission. for the imyment of tha GUv Bauulv we now brepaiefi xo receive ana lajut tneoiiims or ail New.Becraits m Old Regiments. • Unlll-farther, notice, the Commission, will sit dally from3tofi P. M. • • Bounties will he paid to those only whose names are borne on rolls furnished to the CoraraiasLonby the As sistant Provost Marshal General, or the United States Mcstering. Office* for Philadelphia Claimants for the bounty must be vouched for by a re sponsible.United.States Officer. Officers will bring their m*n to the office in squads for the purpose. . In a few days notice will be given when aud how re cruit in new organizations and veterans retaliating in the field can.receive their bounty. By order of the Commission; degl-tf.., : , SAMUEL C, DAWSON, Secretary. K?* OFFICE OF TlIEj WESTMORE LAND COAL COMPANY, • , , Philadelphia, Dec. 16, 18S3 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders ofthieQom gany will be held at their Office. No. >430 South THIRD treet, .ou--V?B3>NESDAV._the 6th January, 1864, at 13 o’clock M., at which time an. Bl«ctiou elevtn Directors and a Secretary and Treasurer to serve for the ensuing year. dei7- tJ6 F. H.-JACKSON. Secretary, .ETNA MINING COMPANY (OF MItiHTGAN.)— I The first Meeting of MINING COMPANY, under its Articles of Association, will be held on the Fourth of January, 1564, at 11 o’clock A. M., at No. 33* WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. W. H. STSvENS, Two.of the Associates'of said Corporation. Pblladflphia, December 16,1853, - de!6-15t PHILADELPHIA AND READING BAILKOnJ) COMPANY, Office No. South FOURTH‘Street, Philadelphia, December 2,1883. DIVIDEND NOTICE—The Transfer Books of fehii Company will be closed on THURSDAY. 17th. instant, and reonfined on TUESDAY. January 12. a in §avsii vfiiTTi i viw vr \mi has beeE declared on tUe Common Stock, payable la Common Stock, on and aftev the Slot Dccsmoar nest to tbe hqlders theredf as they. shall stand registered on tbe books at the close of business on the 17thmet. A Dividend of THREE AND A HALF:PER clear of State tax,- has been - declared on the Pre ferred Stock, payable in Cath or Common Stock, at : the option of the hoJ dtr, on and after the 81st I ecember next, to the stockholders as they shall stand registered on the. books at ihe close of business on the 17th inst. Holders of certificates which have been discharged from this office, or either of tbe Transfer Agencies, are particularly requested to have them duly registered os the Trans fer Books to which they have been transferred, prior to the 17th inat Stockholders whose names are registered on the New York books will be paid at the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Comoany, and those whose names are registered on the Boston books will be paid at the office of Messrs. I, E. Tnayer & Brother. B. BRADFORD, de3-tf - Treasurer. OFFICE MINEHILL AN D SCHU YL kill haven ralHsoad ooriipany. Philadelphia, 12th Mouth, 21,1563. A stated Annual Me'eting of the stockholders will be held at the Hall cf the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Efo. 15 south SEVENTH Street, on the 11th day of Ist month, (Janua>y) p ]S64,at llo’clock A. M., at whtchtimeare port of the proceedings of the Board of Managers will ba presented, and an election held for a President aud Teh Managers, to conduct the business of the Company for theyear ensuing. WILLIAM BIDdLE, de22-tuths tjll . Secretary. PHILADELPHIA AND READING -leS* RAILROAD COMPANY, Office No. .«ar South FOURTH Bt. Philadeijhia. December 14, 1563 Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of this Com pany. that the Annual Meeting, and an Election for Pre sident, six Managers, Treasurer, and Secretary,; will take place on the Second MONDAY (llth) of Janiary ntxt. ati2Bl. WM. H. WEBB, Secretary. de!B tjall JERSEY SHORE, PINE CREEK, AND STATR LINE RalLßOaD.—Agreeably to previous notice, a Meeting of the Com missioners of the above enterprise was held at the Girard House, in Phila delpbia, on the lOth'inet., and .after the transaction of business thev adjourned to meet again at the FRANKLIN BOUSE, in Jer?ey Shore, Lycomit g county, on THURS DAY, the 4th day of February, 1564. at 10 o’clock A. M.,. to open books and receive subscriptions, preparatory to organizing the Company. A report on the general character of the route will be made by the Engineer at thattiroe ‘ • - , • December 16, 1863. - , ,del6tfe-l‘ Mte FIRST NATION&L BANK OF PHI- LaDELPHIa —The anoual election for Directors of this Bank will be held on TUESDAY the 12th of Janu ary. 1864, between the hours of 12 aud 2 o’clock, at the BANKING HOUSE, 8, E. corner THIRD and CHEST NUT, M. McKICHAEL, Jr., Dec. 12, IS6H. dels-tutbstjal2 Cashier I»S3*BANK OP NORTH AMERICA, December Ist. 1863. AN ELECTIO 2 for twelve Directors, to serve the eusu tng year, will beheld at the BANKING HOUSE on MONDAY, January 4th, 1864, between the hours of 11 and 3 o'clock. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same time and place. J. HOCKLEY, dtl-mthstja4 Cashier. DIAMOND COAL COMPANt,- NOTICE: —The Annual Election lorievea Direc tors, to serve the easuing year, will be held at the offim of the Company. Yl3 2IARKBT-Street, on WEDNES DAY, January 33th, 1864,'between the hours of-12andl o’clock P. M. ED. PEACE, President. • delG-futbstjalS* • ' - , • - OFFiCE OF THE WESTMORE IC?> LAND COAL COMPANY, No. 330 South THIRD Street, corner of Wiliing’s alley.;. Philadelphia, December 16,1363. . At & meeting of tbe Directors, held this dav, a-DIVI DEND OF FIFTY CENTS PER SHARE on the Capital Stock was : declared out of tbe profits for the past six months, payable on and after. JAsUARY 2. 1864. . The Transfer Books will be closed uotll January 4th next. F. H. JACKSON, de!7»tja6 Treasurer. CORN EXCHANGE BANK. PHYLA |(> DELPHIA, November 23d, 1833. ' At the Election held 16th inst. the following Stockhold ers were duly elected Directors of the Corn Exchange Bank, Alexander G. Cattell, James fiteeL Christian J. Hoffman, Robert Ervien, H. W. Catherwood, William P. Cox, Edmund A. Soudej, Samuel T. Canby, Charles E. Wilkins. Philip B. Mingle, David Vanderveer, - John F. Gross, Jonathan Knight. And at the meeting of the Board this day ALEX. G. CATTELL, Esq., was unanimously re-elected President; ALEX.WHILLDIN. Esa.,Vice President,and JOHN W. TOBBEY, Cashier. J. W. TOBREY, 8024-3 m Cashier. office: of the: docust moun ft<> TAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY, Philadel phia, Dc c. 18, 1863. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of said Com* pany will be held at their office, No. 330 South THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the 18th day of January, 1854, at 11 o’clock A- M., at which time an. election will be held for seven Directors, to serve for the ensuing year. The transfer books of tbe Company will be closed for. fifteen days immediately preceding the day of election. delfl tjalS JOS. C. COPPUCK, Secretary. OFFICE, iCJS** FOR MUTILATED SOLDIERS.—SOLDIERS who have lost an ABM or LEG in the service, and desire the Patent °PALMER Limbs” to be supplied by Govern ment, should return this notice Immediately to this of fice, stating their loss by letter, with regiment, and residence. B. FRANK PALMER. 0c22-fcf 1609 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE! AND TRUST COMPANY, Philadelphia, December 21, 1863—NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Stock holder s of this Company, for the election of Thirteen Trustees, to serve the ensuing year. willba held at the OFFICE, WALNUT Street, southeast corner of Fourth, on MONDAY, January 4, 1864, between the hours of 10 A. M.; and 12o’clock;noon. JOHNS. WILSON, de2l-12t . • Secretary, PHILADKLPHU AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office %%1 South FOURTH Street, Philadklphia,’ September 2, 1868.. ■ DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named, person* are entitled to a Dividend onthe Common Stock of this Company. The residence of several of them Is un known, and it is, therefore, necessary that the certifi cates of stock should be presented on calling for the Dividend. ■ i_~ f ,—«-wS»S3£MORD I Treasurer. STOCKHOLDERS’ NAMES. Mrs. Mary Bishop, S. Lancaster, . Timothy 0. Boyle, Percy M. Lewis, Clement Biddle, Fanny Mary Mltcherson, Ann Copeland/ . John Mclntyre,' A.Bmaueand J.Kewbold,- John 8. Moore. Jamee McKntffht. : Debbie A. Hurhe*, . Bong. F. Newport, Saml> T. Harrison. Bear. Pott. ' James Hallowell, W R. Rodman. James W. Hallowell, Sarah Ann Richard*. Catherine C. Koppol*. Benryß. Bherer. Daniel Klapp. Marla L. Sadler, ; Mary Kuhn, Andrew Turner, ! Chae. Knhn, Hartman Mre. Rebeoea mrioh. i Kuhn, and J. H. Kuhn, Rx. Aaber M. Wrlyht, of B.4nhn. ’ William Tonn*. ; R Sxtrr. . W. H. MeYloXat. - land JameaO.'Schaff. El. of Austin Smith, - : . . u ! JehnS. £eUH. dw’i - WllUt * Co. MS-*tath4l THE THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1863. ATTBSTIOM! CITIZENS OF THB FIITH WARD.—At a meeting of the citizen* of the ward, held This evening, at the hall or the Good Istent Hose Company, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to receive subscriptions, for Extra Bounty to induce Volunteering to avofi the draft on the 6th of JANUARY next; let Division—Alexander Mclntosh, James Markland. Nathan' Ball, H B Gillingham. 24 “ JameaGaw, Wm. T. Pierce, H. Charman, G. W. Gillingham. 8d * Dennis Conaidine, Thos. C. Haydook, F, M. Adams, Rev. Thoa. Brainard. 4Ur Ervin Rodgers, John 0. Bighter,:.E. J, Kenney,X O. Thompson. * . 6th ** Wm, B. Atkinson. M. D , Isaac Atkin* eon, Jr , E. d. Yard, Wm. A. Levering. 6th. S. T. Bonder, J. Benton Young, John Tank, John Casein 7th “ C. W. Boresford, J. F. Smith, A. W. , Hcnsroy, Wm M. Clark. 6th “ . E K. Nlcholts. G. .W. lUthweU, J. W. EVANS & WATSON WOULD RffiiiilrospectfnllY call the attention of-the public to the certificate, proving that, their Bafo was more than (icelvt hours In (he great fire at Lock HaveD, LdCK Hivhfc. Pa.. Doc. 15. 1353- Merars, eyans&WATBoh\ rnilßDßlpma! UEJThmrf; My Salamanaer Safe, made at your establishment,“hae through the groat Are which nearly destroyed th is town on the 6th inst. end preserved Its contents to my entile eatislaction. The site was exposed to an In* tense neat, so much so as to melt the outer plates and knobs: yet, after being oponod, having Inin twelve hours in tho ruins, not a paper was found to be injured. Eespectfoliy yours, ORIN T NOBLS, Attorney at Law. we would respectfully call the attention of Santera and other*, about starting operations under the New National Banking system, to our stock of National Bank Safes; they are especially fitted up for Blinking pur poses. These Sales a; e warranted equally as lire and burglar-proof as any otter make in the United States. They have our alphabetical or changeable lock attached- A large number of Bank* hava these Safes in u.<e ax the present time. We wou'd.caLl the attention of the public to our Dwelling-hou«e Safes 1 hesa ha tes are free from dampness. Persons having United States Coupons, and oth< r valuable papers, ehotud have one. Merchants are invited to call and examine our large stock of Fire-proof Safes, of which we have a large assortment on hand, for sale a’- reus >nabl» price : . evans & Watson. 1G South FOURTH Street, JjJYANS & WATSON AGAINST THE WORLD, “ CHILLED-IKON ” ARRANGEMENTS ANOTHER “ VICTIM OF MISPLACED CONFIDENCE." The following is an extract from a letter just received by ns from a gentleman at Erie, Pa.: “ Seeing your notice of .the blowing up of Lillie’s Safe at Wilkesbarre, reminds me of the fact that about four weeks'previous to that transaction, one of •LUUe’s Anil-Drill and Burglar-Proof Bank Safes* was robbed in.the office of Benson & West, Bankers, Waterford, Erie county, Pa. A hole was drilled opposite the look, in which powder was placed, which, on being Ignited, blew the safe almost to pieces, breaking off onef of the heavy’hinges, and tearing all' the inside filling out of the Dame, breaking the outer covering of the door entirely in two. The wreck was most complete. T/is rv&bers secured about & SCO, and some valuable papers. ’• EVANS & WATSON* - 31© Soadt F©mtT.S |gffl IMPORTANT TO MERCHANTS, ”“ l MAKUFACTtJBERS, BANKERS. AND ALL OTHERS REQUIRING SECURITY PROM In the daily papers of this city, as well as in other public journals, M. C. Sadler, who is Agent for the sale of Lewis Lillie's so-called Fire and Burglar-Proof Safes, published an article calling the attention of the public to the superior qualities of the said Fire and Burglar-Proof Safes, and at the same time endeavoring to. underrate the qualities of those made by Philadelphia makers. We do not object to finr and manly eompeution in trade, nor do we fear the ultimate result of any course that Mr. Badier or hit principal may adopt; bnt we wish to call the attention of the public to the real facta of the case, and shall endeavor to expose the misrepresentations con tained in the article so published, and offer to Mr. Lillie a lair opportunity to satisfy the public as to the real value of his article compared with those of other makers. In the articles so published he says that his Safes are the only really and thorougbly Fire and Barglar Proof Safes made and sold at fully one-third less price;” and be aleo.says: “I have just received four of Evans & Watson's Burglar Proof Safes from the City Bank, in exchange for Lillie’s, whicn I will sell at very low prices. • . : What we complain of in the above is not the puffins, wlmhev trno or false. of tits own wares-but h!s Anting mtv Ht'stvi'ivivit tsa STprsvitm oarsi /is to tno roar Saics h.e speaks of» tb.ey 'wera newer sold or represented as burglar proof, but mra w hen sold to the City Bsak, old fire-proof chests, made nearly twenty years ago, having been need by the Farmers’ and Mechanics’ B *nk for a considerable time before the City Bank bought them.- Fox the truth of this statement we refer to iha offi cers of the bank, as well as the bill furnished them at ihe time of purchase. We do not believe any Safe can be iu*de entirely burglar proof, and have never so as serted, as we are satisfied that there can be no Safe made so strong but that a good mechanic, with plenty of time and proper tools, can open or destroy it Bat we do aseext that the Safes made by us as barglar proof are quite as good, if notb#tter, than Lillie’s, and as to fire prooi, incontestably better. Now, for the proofs First.. Are bis Safes burglar proof? Kxoxvi:li.b {lllinois).—Lillie’s Safe, in the banking-’ home of fcrnith & Hall, opened apparently with a ham mer and chisel, and robbed of between $4,000 and $5, COO Hudson (Wisconsin).—Lillie's Safe, in the bank of Gibson SHennins, was blown open with ganpjwdar. -andJSiCOG in money, besides $1,900 in city ordero and mium guar ant eed'burglar - f rQ ’ Medina (N. I ),—LiUie’sßankSaf<iiiitheMedinaßann~ was blown opes with gunpowder, but tbfe burglars were. disturbed and did not succeed in-robbing the bank,' though the fufrt was destroyed. Rochester (N. Y.}—The lock of one of Lillie’s Safes getcin g out of ord or in c ne of th e city banks, it was drilled and opened with an ordinary blacksmith’s drill in about thirty minutes. - St. Louis (Missouri) —Lillie’s Safe in the store of Ra gan & Ogden was broken with an ordinary hammerwifcn out difficulty. ~ . >■ > CniCAno-—One of Mr. Lillie’s Burglar-proof Safes was opentd by John Sear, machinist, in about ten minutes, with a common hand-drill and sSven-poand sledge Rochester (W i;)— One of Mr. Lille’s ifaramoth. Bank Safes, purchased by T. H. Rochester, Esq., President of ihe Rochester City Hank, of Mr. Lillie himself, with a written statement of its anaiitieii was roTtituopDa by ftß ordinary meehafliei m qducu sironij minutes. in the presence of the b&nh o£ice?s - KmcHiviis (Odßtticlleut).—Oas of Lillies Sates vru tested, at the retiuett of Mr. Sadler, agent for Lillie, in the presence of a number of respectable citizens, iir the office of Samuel S. Cummings, .and was drilled through with a ihree-quarter-inch cast-steelldrill, without sharp ening in twenty minutes, the drill being worked by ham. Olean* (New) ork )-At the banking-house of Sto well, Chsmberlain & Co., by agreement, a sum of money was placed in one of Lillie’s patent Chilled iron Firs and Burglar-proof Safes, represented to he proof against sledge*, drills, and chisels, containing all the latest im provements, tie money lo be the property of the person undertaking to opts it, he placing in it the amount of the original price o'ftfce Safes, to be the property of btowell, Chamberlain & Co.. if the Safe was not broken open and the money taken in one hour In thirty-seven minutes the fcafe was broken open, and the money taken by the operator. "WiLKESBARKr. (Penna). —The Burglar-Proof Safo of Lillie s make, in the banking.house of W. G. Steriiig, was blown open with powder, introdiictd through a hole drilled through the chilled iron, and robbed of a large amount of money. In speaking of this, Mr. Sadler says, in his article of thelSth, after admitting the facts above seated, that it was the first successful drilling of Lillie’s Chilled-Iron Sates. - A reference to the few cases which have come to our knowledge, as contained in the gtauments above, will show how much his word can be relied upon. - Still another:.— While writing this, a letter from a respectable merchant in Tardleyvitle has been handed me, by which I learn that one of Lillie’s Burglar-Proof Safes, belonging to John Yardley, coal and Inmber mer chant'of that place, has just been blown open with powder The powder was introduced through, a hole drilled through the chilled iron with a quarter-inch drill. The iron was »bont.one and a half incues thick, and both hinges were broken by the shock. So much for th 9 thoroughly burglar-proof qualities of Lillie’s Chilled-Iron Sales, settled, not by assertion, but by stubborn facts: Now for the Fire-proof: In this connection we would sty that there have been few fires in Philadelphia or its vicinity in which these Safes have been tested, but we will refer to a few instances that have comqlo our know ledge in other places, and ihe notice of a certificate of a Safe in the store of McManus & .Croft, published by Mr. Sadler HOOPES. Hannibal (Mo.)—Messrs. Haves & Armstrong pur chased one of Lillie’s Sates, guaranteed fire and burglar proof Their store was bnrned, and the entire contents oftheSafe utterly - destroy ed. Mr. Lillie offered to’re place the Safe with another of higher price, but they de clined. as the trial they had had satisfied them. St Johns (Michigan). — One of Lillie’s Safes, owned by John Hicks, was situated in a frame building which was burned down. In about three hours the whole con tents of the Safe were destroyed. • Painesville (oMi ).—Two-story brick store ofJ B. Matthews was de*tr<.yed by fire, and the contents of one of Lillies Safes entirely consumed. Cape May.— illie’s Safe in the Mount Vernon Hotel was, with its contents, destroyed by the fire. Crystal Palace.—Lillie s Safe, made fox the test, seven inches thick, was tested in the fire, and the whole contents destroyed ' Danville —ln one of Lilie’s Safes a small quantity of money, intentionally left in. the Sale-to test it, was melted. » . Trot.— One. of Lillie’s Safes, in the store of Messrs. Warner, was. destroyed by the fire.- The contents had been fortunately removed. We might publish a large'number of certificates as to the burning of his b&fe*, but we think the,,above are sufficient. After sayingaword as to the Safe that pre pervedthe booksin tecond street, ia the store .of McManus & Croft, wo shall cease, The buildingwas asmall frame building, and the floor on which the Safe stood still re mains', scarcely scorched, .Bo that the papers would have been safe if placed in a shoet-iron air-tight stove. - • . Now, to bring this matter to a practical teat, we make the following offer: ; We will place one of our Safes, which we sold ia 1856, for two hundred dollars, to Edward Giskill. book cind er, and which we now have on.h»nd, hiving replaced: it by a large'ooe.'in a. suitable furnace, with one cf Lillie’s Safes, to be selected by him ont : of any sold .for that price in Philadelphia within sevens ears; and sub-, iect them to the action of a fire made out of oak, pine, or. hickory wood, until the contents of them shall be de-> strayed: the party the contents of whose Safe is destroyed to pay all expenses, and the other party to have both Safes; the file to be made and triabeonducted in. the pre sence of a <ommittee of five, two to be chosen by each and the fifth by the other four. We will go still farther. Mr. Sadler sola in June, 1860. to Weaver, Filler. 4 Go-, ' a Safe of the s4£o size, warranted to stand any fire that , could occur in their building, which would fee.one Of tiia r hottest that could, be mads, tksirbUSlness baing ship; chandjery. Now we will allow him to place that Safe against ours, which ia only about half the size; and will waive all disputes as to tho fairness of the' trial of the - sizes although the difference is at least fifty per cent, in his favor. The Safe selected by Tie has already been through a fire in the Girard Buildings, fell .through the floor from the fourth to the third story, and has never been, repaired sinee the fire, so that Mr. Lillie has the advantage of one fire against two,• as no Safe can pass through a heavy fire without some damage. The following certificate refers to this Safe: EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SATES. IN THE LATE DESTRUCTIVE FIRE'IN GIRARD BUILDING, IN CHBSTN OT Street, above Third. 1857.—Thii Safe was owned by Edward Gaskin, bookbinder, situated in the fourth story, standing all the fire in the fourth story be fore falling to the third story, and remained in the ruins from the 28th of January to the 3d of February,-.when the Safe was taken out aDd opened iu Evans & Watson’s store, in the presence of the following gentlemen, to whomE. & w. respectfully refer all persons to calhand inquire in regard to the good condition of all the con tents taken from the Safe, such as Books, Papers; Bills Receivable. Gold. &c. A sample of the Books can also be. seen at Evans & Watson’s store, No. 2G South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, Fa.: .Edward Gaskill, bookbinder. Maurice. By water, bookbinder. William H. Brown, of the firm of W. H. Brown & Co-, 171 Market Htieet. B. H. Jepfries, ditto. John C. Barry, ditto. • . ■ B. Marshall, of the firm of Newlin, Marshall, & Co. , ldl Markotstreet. , „ - ' „ . John G. Kershaw, of the firm erTappan & Co ,Third, above Market. - P; Sieger, of Sieger, Lamb, & Co., 43 N. Third itroet. James Mounbr. , Thomas F.' Fraley, of Wilcox, Rogers. & Fraley. J. W. Stout, of Chaffee, Stout, es Co., 221 Market street. P. R-Buapley. ditto. Edmund Claxton, of J. B. Lipplncott fie Co.» 20 N. Fourth street B. B. Willis, ditto. * • r'. • - a. H. Julian, of the firm of Julian A Mason, ICO Mar ket street. : •' ‘ / /•/.. Joshua Davis, dllto. * % * • ■ .D. Bioe, 27 Minor street. . . ; t Wm. Hardwick, of the firm ofH. Duhricg & Co., 22 N- Fourth street." Jacob BENNrrT. . Lewis M. Chastion. H. N. Walters. , • ' ' Wm. Carroll, Camden, N. J. ..•••.-■ >••«••• T. Oarukhtbu, 47 W ood street. ... -.. ■ >- - : ■ Caleb Miller, piano-forte hardware, S 3 S. Fourth as we have no wish to go into a long newspaper con troversy, we hope Mr Sadler will promptly aocede to oor offer, and satisfy the public whose dates are most reliable. de&vSt ' ' EVANS &;WATSON.; . T> F. EEIMER EXEODTFSr IVORY TYTES of surpassing b§iuty and excellence. pos sessing 'all the perfect softness and finishof the finest ♦ivory paintings.—CaUatGB4 ARCH Street. roweU, C. F. Cosfeldt * JOS. N. HACKERY, President. John J. Frankijn. Saeret&ry. December 21,18G3 de22-tuthm-St SAFES. AND THE REST OF MANKIND, INCLUDING THB SO'OALLBD - MADE RT XillililE, OF TROY, NEW YORK, FIRE AND THIEVES. Wm. Springer, 180 Market street, . ; . John Thorni.by,- 101 Chestnut street/ • - 11. L. Lipman, 26 8. Fourthstreet, HEW PUBMCATIOWS. , A CHEISTMAS P.BESENT SURE TO BB HEW AKD VALHiBCE. KIHK’S CU&RLES THE BOLD! JUST PUBLISHED, IUSTOKI OK CHIRLES THE BOLD, DUKE OF BI'ROFNDY BT JOHN FOSTER KIRK...,TWO VOLS. Bro. Muslin, nucut, on white paper ss,S.ooperVoL Half Morocco, with Vellum Cloth Sides and Gilt Top, on Tinted Laid Paper 8.60. .JIA HiAW Christmas £/lft could be presented to an totollilTdhk flUttd than Mr. Kirk’s great historical work, now just offered to the public. The Atlantic Monthly says; **We have no hesitation in assigning to Mr. Kirk’s most fascinating narratives place with the great achieve ments of'genius in the department hehaachosentofiU. His advent among historians will be welcomed the world over. ’* e CFrom Dr E. Shelton Mncltenzio;'] “ The author will take hie stand at once among the great writers of his land and time." For sale by all Booksellers. J. B. LIPPINCOTT (S CO., PUBLISHERS. de!9-8t ' Tig and 71T MARKET Street, J?OR THE HOLIDAYS. WILLIS P. HAZAKD, HAS NOW KEADI th SlXTaS ' reet ’ THIODOEPH, THE tCEL4CIDER, by thsßaron Fomina. A most charming romance, uniform with ** UncUne ard Suitram. ilegantly printed, 12mo. Cloth, neat . *1 25 Thejßazae;cloth, antique edges., ~..160. THE bUNBKAM BTORlfid, by Mrs. Plauohd. Finely Illustrated 16m o. ♦ Cloth.- gilt. .. .$1 26. '.4- The eame. amique edges co :KEBLE’S CHRISTIAN Y*AR. ' MACaULaY’B LAYS OF ROME. Illustrated. HOBER'S POETICAL WORKS. The above three, uniform in elegant blue and gold ; bindings, each 41. KhßLh’fc CHRISTIAN YEAR, elegantly printed onfine, tinted paper. 16mo. Cloth antique . ..$1 25. Thesame, blue and g01d.... 160. same. half calf antique extra .... 160. - FENELON’B WRITINGS. Edi:ed by Mrs. Follen. Hand somely printed. lCmo. , CJOfh.. ; ...$lOO. : The same, antique edges.,... l 26. _. _, m JUVENILES, li6l. PAPA’S BOOR : OF ANIMA> 8. 16 splendid engravings, designed by Biapham. All new. 4to. C10th...... ...$lOO ROMANTIC oTOSIBSFROM HlSTORY—Cardinal Wol : eey, William Tell, and‘Prince Edward. Colored plates. Square 12mo. Redcloth ri.75 cts MY-PliAVib STUDY. . 4 large colored plates. EXAMPLES OF GOODNESS. 4colored plates. Two beautiful books from the German, in small 4to. size, and very handsome and attractive. •• Cloih gilt, each. ..$lOO ITASDARD JUVENILE library Sta beautiful vo lumes, small 12mo, viz.: Parent’s Assistant, Child’s , Own Book of Fairy Tales. Sanford and Merton, Swiss . Family Kobmeon, Five Years Before Mast, and Austra lian Crußoes. ■ _ Iflfili. In ellL hi oajsa gig AA m or can be had Kemmteiy at. ..... lco The same, elegantly bound in morocco antique, to fill a. vrao v for nice Juvenile Presents, Price per box, #10: or each volume. $1 75 “ . . iEsOP’S FABLES in easy verse, by Lafonlaine Nu merous illustrations. IGmo. Cloth, gilt, 75 cents. The same, antique edges ........4il 00 BOWITT AND SEDGWICK LIBRARY. Comprising Home, and Mary Howitt’s best books. 4vols. Cioth.’neat incaee 00. THE SUNBEAM STORIES. By Miss PlanchcT 6 vols, of charming household tales, illustrated. __ In briahtcolors, incase. ...*2 50. LITTLE HARRY’S BOOKS. Six unusually cheap and preity boobß, for very young children. Large type, single syllables, and 16 colored pictures to each book. _ »;.'oth. briaht colors, in box. $2 00 ARABIAN NIGHTS, and ROBINdON CRUSOE. Fine editions, each illustrated and complete in one volume, Bvo ...$175 LITTLE FOLK’S FIRST STEPS. 4to. C'oth ..$175 CHILDREN’S PICTURE GALLERY. 4to. Cloth. $1 75 Each with very large type, and 300 colored iilustra- Uoitß. very showy and saleable. OJLD WONDER EIES. Stories by Grace Green wood 50cts. STORIES FOR ALICE. By her mother. 16m0.88 cts. STORY OF TWO LITTLE CHIOKENd. Colored: ,75 cts. TWELVE WILD DUCKS. 30 colored plates. .63 cts. JACK AND . THE GIANTS HE KILLED. 30 colored , Plates.. .63 c ts. ILLUSTRATED -BOOK OF NATURAL HISTORY. Four books, very large 4to„ with large colored plates of Animals, Birds, Fishes, and Reptiles. Cloth, gilt each..,.......'.......... $i 25 Also a great variety of TOY BOOKS. Published by WILLIS P. II kZ ARD, v No 31 South SIXTH St., above Chesnut. FOR RALE BY ILL BOOKSELLERS. daQl.it MEBRY books ITI . _ FOR MERRY CHRISTMAS. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher,-31 bouth SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. , Reedy ia afow days* - NEW BOOKS, by the Author of * * Slovenly Peter THE SPARK THAT WENT SPARKING, etc. A se ries of charming ideas and drawings, with humorous . and quaint conceits in verse, by Dr Henry Hoffman,ihe author of that wonderfully fanny book, '‘Slovenly Peter,” and,others • With brightly colored illustrations, in fancy boards, small 4to. 31 cents. •HEARTY AND HUMOROUS THINGS FROM THE CHILDREN’S WORLD. A new funny book, with many nice drawings, very brightly colored. By Dr. Hoffman. Small fancy boards. 31 cents. COMICAL RHYMES OF'ANCIENT TIMES, dug up into Jokes for small Folks. By C. H. B. An irresistibly droll book ofrhymes and drawings to please the little ones. Printedin<o}ors Small 4to. fancy binding, sic . THE BOOK.OF NONSENSE. By Edward Lear. With 113 pictures; from the 10th English edition. Fall of the diol|Mtpu:tarfsiand_vqrs9!.._Qtd^<iji Ir J 81 -y books is trwllTTmake any Christmas fireside merry. - -MERRY PICTURE* F.QR LITTLE PEOPLE, 4to, dolli. gilt extra. * $1.75, A collection of stories comical and instructive, translated from the Goman. With 120 engravings, brightly colored. a laughter book for little FOLKs-contain- Jng a gre*t variety of short'and very amusing stories, translated from the German,-.with 150 large brightly cototed engravings. 4to, cloth gilt. $1.75. - - "Thaabove contains six books in one. viz : Slovenly. Prtert Hovenly Kate, Funny Leaves for the Younger Branches, Jonny Look-in-the-air,- Sugary Tom, and Child’s Mir Tor . PAGES FOR VERY LITTLE PEOPLE, with numerous funny. Stories, and M 0 large colored jeu-.. § ravings; 4to, c oth gilt. $1.75 Containing six books ouud in one, viz : Simple Hans, King Nutcracker, WoEmrei er<?st Saumss, Tsiing TrmWfl “SS'tlfkiiß'SMsltSLSßTßg. fkeWt edition pat,- listed, containing all ihe Chimes. *nd MqLo* dies she ever wrose, 128 pages, square l2mo, with brisbtly colored engravings, cloth, gilt. 75c*ntB. THE SLOVENLY-PETER bERIES OF TOY BOOKS. Illustrated with fenny pictures and with droll stories, on every page.’ Brightly colored; 12 kinds, assorted. New edition just reedy. Per dozen. $3.75. THE TOOTHACHE- ' Imsglned by Horace Mayhew. an t drawn by Geo. Crmksh&nk. A brilliant Panorama of Queer Situations GO cents. de'2l-4t "■A LTOGBTHEPv, THTS SUPERB EDI -£X T ion OF BITTER-SWEET IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND MUCH-TO-BB COVETED GIFT BOOKS THAT THE AMERICAN PRESS HAS PROD UCED. ”—[New York Commercial.] C. SCRIBNER* N 0.134: GaaNo Sc-. , Hew York, Has now ready an entirely new edition . FOR THE HOLIDAYS, In 1 vol.. small quarto, with THUtTY ADDITIONAL ENGRAVINGS—in all Eighly Illustrations, BITTER-SWEET; ' - ' - • A FOfiM. By Dji. J. G Holland, Author of ‘'Titcomb's Letters to Young People,” “ Leo' sons in Life, ” *stc, A uew and elegantly Illustrated Edition, printed on new type, for thisedition, with. Eighty Illustrations, executed in the highest style o' Art, from original draw ings, byE. J. Whitney, Esq. Bound in extra illumi nated cloth, full gilt, $9; in Turkey antique, 98. Each style put up in a neat box. Copies sent by mail or express—expense prepaid—on receipt of price. . FOB SALE BY ALL PHILADELPHIA BOOKSELLERS. del7thstwth-5t . 3? PLETON’S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA, A-PRESENT THAT wile be tjsefud fob A LIFETIME. This valuable Work can be furnished in SIX DIF FERENT STYLES OF BINDING. Agency for this city of the Cyclopedia, 33 S. SIXTH STREET, de22-3tif Above CHESTNUT* Second Story. VEW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS! AN , Just received by ASHMKAD & EVANS. Successors to Willie P. Hazard, •ya 4 CHESTNOT STREET. HISTORY. OF WEST POINT. By Capt. Edward C. Boynton, A. M. Handsomely illustrated. 95. . KIRK’S HISTORY OF CHARLES THE BOLD. 2 vols. Bvo. SCENES AND THOUGHTS IN EUROPE. By George A. Calvert* author of “She Gentleman.” 2 vols., 12m. 92.C0. BLOCK. An American Novel. Illus trated $1.60 DICK/NS’NEW CHRISTMAS STORY BOOK. Mre. Lirripers’Lodgings, Paper, 10 cents. WATE?? BABIES: A Fairy Tale fora Land Baby. By Rfv. Charles Kingßley. Elegantly illustrated, tinted PI SICH ANt» HUMBLE, SUNSET STORIES. MINNIE AND HBE PETS, and other New and gOod Juveniles, too numerous to.-meption, receiving dally. dei9-tf "DEAUTIFUL WOMEN.—FOR POR ’X/ TRAITS, with the Secret-of Beauty, and “How to be .Beautiful, ”*.see the PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. •The January Double Number has more .than forty por traits. Only 16 cents by.the first poet, or $1 60 a ••ear. New volume. FOWLER 6 WELLS. 308 BROADWAY, N. Y, or J. L. OATEN, South TENTH St., Phila. d*23:2t~ _ nHARLES DESILVER, \J 1939 CHESTNBT STREET, Publisher and Bookseller. BEAUTIFUL VOLUMES FOR THE HOLIDAYS Superb Gift Books, Photograph Albums, English and American options of the Poets, . Standard and Miscella neonsitßooks, bound in all styles, and at the lowest prices/ Also, a large-assortment of English ana Ameri ican Juveniles, and Toy Books, Bibleß. Prayer Books, l&c , &c. ■ . delQ-tjal the J- • NATIONAL QUARTERLY REVIEW. No. XV... DECEMBER, 1863. CONTENTS. I. Prison Discipline Past and Present. \ 11. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. m. Influence of the Medici. IV. Girard Colleor and its Founder. V. Modern Civilisation VI. Laplace and hts Discoveries Vlt The House of Hapsburo. - •• • - _•••• VIII.The Mexicans and their Bevoletioxs—From Iturbide to Maximilian. , „ ' ■ • JX. The € ypSies—Their History, and Character. ?X. Notices and Criticisms— Including Criticisms on Insurance Reports. &c. • _ - . .. J(®“ Ad should read the article on Prison Discipline, In which the editor gives the results of his observations dosing visits for that purpose to several of the principal State Prisons in tho United States. a year; Bingleßumbar. $1; Specimen Copy. 75ceuts. Agent fo? Philadelphia, __ _ l *;• 33 South SIXTH Street. E. I. SEARS. Editor and Proprietor. ide22‘3t* 43 Bible House, New York. TUST READY, V MOTHER GOOSE FROM GERMANY. With Il lustrations from designs by Ludwig Richter, and others, on tinted paper. 4to, fancy boards. Price 75 cents. F. LEYPOLDT, Publisher and Bookseller, de22-tf - . 1333 OHBSTfIUT Street. the most valuable and use A FUL GIFT FROM A CONGREGATION TO THEIR PASTOR—ALSO FROM A SCHOOL TO A TEACHER. , THE NEW - AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. NOW COMPLETE In sixteen large volumes, In six different styles of bind ing. Persons looking for a, prwent of real yalne ar. Invited to call and examine thedlffOMat styles. OFFICE OF THE CYCLOP-ffiDIA. 33 Sontli SIXTH St., above Chestnut, del4-12t Second story. Book agency, S 3 South SIXTH Stmt Office of APPLETON’S NEW CYCLOPEDIA. WASHINGTON IRVING S WORKB. • ■ WAVERLBY NOVELS. Household edition. REBELLION RECORD. BAYARD TAYLOR’S WORKS. COOPER’S NOVELS. Illustrated edition. DICKENS’ WORKS. Household edition. ' OEMSTHOM -VHE DUSSELDOKF GALLERY. BRITISH POETS. Boßton ediUon. r MERRTVALR’S HISTORY OF THB ROMANS, M. ,4s. ■ NATIONAL OUARTEKLY REVIEW. *3 per year. • oeap-tuthsaSi ; - NEW PUBLICATIONS. w* THESE TO DAY. ~ THUEWALSDBN’S NIGHT AND MORNING. Photographed from the Marble in Bag Relief Size. 17 inches ia diameter, in solid, round Walnut Frames. PALMER’S FAITH, Four Sizes, in Frames or without. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE BEST SUBJECTS. Various Sizes, plain and colored. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Iu great variety. MINIATURE AND TINT! PE OR FAIRY ALBUMS, With Pictures to match. For gale at the PRE3BYTERIAN BOOK STORE, 1334 CHESTNUT ST, <l*24-21 Opposite the Mint. "ROOKS FOE PARENTS AND CHIL. DKEN, AND BOOKS FOR ALL PERSONS. BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, and BBvcnoHAii HYMN BOOKS. •• " - - RELIGIOUS REAl>nf 3. BOOKS FOR PRESENTS to Pastors, Sunday-school Scholars and Teachers and Bible Classes. JUVENILE BOOKS in very groat variety. LINEN PICTURE BOOKS. MOVABLE FIGURES, and DISSOLVING VIEWS. Tw6nty-flve varieties of GAMES AND DISSECTED MAPS. ~"he bebt of the new Books received as soon as pub lished, at TdE PRESBYTIiBIiN BOOICSTOKE, 13.341 CHESTNUT Street. TBYJNG’S SKETCH BOOK, ILLUSTRATED WITTI ONE HUNDBED AND TWENTY-FIVE ENGRAVINGS. A few copies of THIS SUPERB BOOK Still on hand, at J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.’S, 715 and 717 MARKET Street. HPHE FUNNY CHRISTMAS BOOK. A 1 THE BOOK OF NONSENSE Will Enliven any Christmas Circle t It will make Anybody Merry! It is the Book for Christmas { ~ . ■ . Have It in ths Household! It has 113 Pictures, and is only ,1. . ' WILLIS P. HAZARD, de24 No, 31 South SIXTH Street. nHOIOB ENGLISH BOOKS FOB V - / PRESENTS. A v %l^.'b otce an<l well-selecied assortment of ELEG ANTLY-ILLUSTRATED ESGLT3H BOOKS, • JUVENILES. MOVABLE TOY BOOKS FINE EDITIONS OF STANDARD WORKS, in elegant bindings, . FRENCH and ENGLISH ENGRAVINGS, CHROMOS, «c. For sale by , • • ' C. J. PRICE. _ Importer of English Bor.ks, Engravlncs, Ac , It* . No. 31 S. hIXTH Street, above Chestnut. CHOICE GIFTS FOR HOLIDAYS. ■ CHRISTMAS PRESENTS PRESENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. Splendid assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, of all sires and styles. PBOTOGRAPH CARDS, Plain, and beautifully co lored. JUVENILE BOOKS. CHILDREN’S GAMES. Minia ture Albums, Elegant Imperial Photographs, Stationery of all binds, fine Porte-moanaieß, &c. Prices lower than any other house in the eity. deai-6t • RULISON. 130* CHESTNUT St. TWO CHEAP AND GOOD PKE , BENTS. THIS DAY READY. THIODOLPH THE ICELANDER; a Romance by the Baron Fougue. elegantly printed, and uniform with Undine and Dintraru,’’ 12mo. Cloth, $1.25: antique stvle, $1 GO. Ftitixua thoiißht this to bf ilia Dest wotli. wliioh hiek pvtvw wr. swwi it w » tmnrao and highly interestinje picture of the JVonhman and By zantinp manner of the tenth century. . FENELON’S WRITINGS. A selection of this cele brated divine’s choicest works, by Mrs Follea. which can he read with , the liveliest satisfaction by devout minds of all denominations. Its purity of tone is unex celled ; its presentation at tbis season will make many a heart glad. In. neat 16mo. Cloth $1; antique. $1 a». Published by WILLIS P. HAZARD, No. 31 South SIXTH Street, abjve Chestnut, . and for pale by all booksellers dei4 6t RETAIt DRY GOODS. A CARD-DRESS GOODS .AT RE DUCBD PRICES FOE CHRISTMAS -For the ac commodation of the' trade, JOHN F. YO¥NGK No 4 North FOURTH Street, will be'open until 8 o’clock this Evening. J. F. YOU JIG, It . FOURTH, near Arch. SPECIALLY INTERESTING! EIGHIB AND SPRING GARDEN. UFEFUL PRESENTS I Superb Long Broche Shawls. Beautiful Long Blanket Shawls. Excellent Long Black Thibet Shawls. Gentlemens heavy, warm Shawls. Mis*efd gt>y,- pretty Shawl*. Children's School Shawls, &e., in great variety, and very'cheap. At THORNLEY & CHISM’S, Corner of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. WARM GOODS FOR WINTER. " » LARGE. SOFT, WOOL BLANK BT3. Good Flannels. Shaker, "Welsh, Ballardvale, fic. Quilts, Qrili BlanSetfi, and Cradle Bianiets. T'TrJfirV' w«*fMT»ni m A Ephsdid stock or Ciwsimeres, etc.. At THORNLEY & CHISM’S. T)RESS GOODS AND SILKS. J-' Beautiful French Poplins, silk and wool. Beautiful Rep Poplins, all wool Beautiful colors in French Merinoes. . Beautiful Utile-plaid all-wool Cashmeres. Beautiful figured all> wool Delaines. Beautiful quality in plain Delaines. Excellent Black Silks. Plain Silks, Figured Silks. Fancy Silks, &c, With a great variety of general Dress Goods, At THORNLBY & CHISM’S,. Corner of BIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. CJTAPLE GOODS. ' A fine stock of Chintzes and Calicoes, Cheap Delaines and Ginghams. Bleached and UnbleaqhsdJHi\ri, l ’Wiapers7&cl'" Red, gray, blue, heavy Skirting Flannels, &c., At THORNLEY & CHISM’S. T>ALMORAL SKIRTS. &c. •H A large stock of Balmorals. Lintn Hdkfs., Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s. Gents’ Silk Hdkfs , in great variety, &c., AT THE OLD-ESTABLISHED DRY-GOODs STORE OF ' THORNLEY & CHISM, • W. £. Cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GAKDEN-. ■DHANEETS. AJ From 93 to sl9—and every intermediate price. ♦ 99, 910. 912. and 916 Blankets are very desirable. . MUSLINS. Bythe yard or piece, of all the well-known makes, guy for and say§ dglLa^s, Whites, from 45e. to $1; ftede, from4s lo 95 cte. Grays, from 00 to 70 ots.; BLo.ee, from GO to 70 cts. Fancy 6-4 Shirtings; SacqueFlannels, Sc. DAMASKS. Damask Table Cloths. Napkins, and Towels. Towelingffj Nursery Diapers. Tickings. • . ' PRINTS. American. Merrimack, &c., in figures and stripes. Neat shirting print*: Beal Manchester ginghams, 60c. BALMORALS. Mildewed Balmorals, $2 £0: Perfect Balmorals, $3. Fine Balmorals, $3.60 and $4.60: Misses’ Balmorals. COOPER & COaARD. de!7 S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. TJSEI FXJXa PRESENTS LADIES IN MOURNING. Silkp, Dress Goods, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Collars. . Sleeves, Lace Sets, Gloves, BISSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET. de!6-6t if S CARD.—THE OFFICERS OF THE BLUE RESERVE REGIMENT deem it expedient to. inform their many friends of the can re of their failure to jc*in in the reception given to the gallant 29th on then jetura home The officers, upon a very short no tice, mustered ai the regimental headquarters over two hundred men to join in the anticipated reception. The men being without overcoats, a committee waited upon his Honor Mayer Henry, soliciting the use of a sufficient number of coats to equip the men. . Aside from the indi vidual solicitation of the .members of the committee, a similar request was made by Messrs. B. A. Bonder and John Price Wetberill. whooffered to bocome individu ally responsible for the same. Au order was also pre sented for the overcoats from Spencer Miller. Esq., chair man of the Defence and Protection Committee of the ’city,but without effect. The Mayor peremptorily re fused our gallant fellows the use. perhaps of the very coats they wore upon the evtr-memorable fields of Car litle and Hagerstown: And therefore, be it Resolved, That we express our hearty indignation at the refusal of Mayor Henry to assist us in our desire to welcome the brave fellows of the 23th RegimVnt; and Resolved , That we express to our brave comrades with whom we shared the honors of Carlisle and Hagers town, and who were desirous of receivingtheir brave feliowe-in-arms upon Jheir return home, our regrets at their disappointment, as well as their pecuniary losses in consequence of being taken frem their daily voca tions; and Resolved, That we assure them when we,desire them to a&aih. respond to a call, wg will not be dependent upon the courtesy of any powers that be. Refolved , That the above statement and resolutions be published in the daily papers. by order of the Committee: Lt Col. N. Hicks Graham, Lt. Goo. B. Nayler, Surg. Jos H. Gallagher, Lt. Wai. T. Qellerman, Capt. Cbas.Page, Lt. Chas. M, Hooper* Capt. S. T. Snyder, Lt.-Daniel McGowan, Capt. Win. Ivins, Q. M. Wm. Malone, Capt. Chas. C. Conley, P. M. Wna. A. Smethurst. Ctpt. B. B. Davis, v lt (pRITTENDEN’S VA PHILADELPHIA GOHMEBOIAL COLLEGE. E. Corner CHESTNUT and SEVENTH Streets. Established 1844............ i* Incorporated 1365. An Institution designed to prepare Young Men for — . ACTIVE BUSINESS. The course cf infraction Inclodee , f BCOK-KEEPING. , Ae uracttsed by the best accountants for Wholesale or Retail Jobbina, Manufactnrlnst, tForejra and Domestic'Shipping Buisineßß, Joint Stock Companies, Banking Business, In all its branches, plain and ornamental. • COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. Interest,/Discount, Commission, Insurance, Profit and Loss, Average, simple and compound; Exchange, Ac. BUSINESS FORMS, Bills, Notes, Orders, Receipts, Drafts, Checks, Bills of Exchange, Invoices. Account Sales,^Account Currents, &c. Also. Commercial Law, Phonography, Detecting Coun terfeit Notes, &c. ■ . ■ , Students instructed separately, and received at any time, - In extent of accommodations, course of instruction, facilities for imparting business knowledge,.and practi cal advantages to business men, this institution is unsur passed. CATALOGUES containing terms, students’names (the last year numbering 426), Ac.. furnished gratuitously on application. / de24-3t* QEALED PEpPOSALS ARE INVITED until the 22d day of December, 1863.' at 12 M., for the HIDES, TALLOW, HOOFS, and HORNS of all Govern ment Cattle slaughtered within the ancient limits of the District of Columbia, for three months or more from the commencement of the contreot. The above articles to be collected by the contractor, and removed from the various places at which the cattle are killed, at such times as may be designated by the officer in charge. ‘ The contractor shall be liable for,all the Hides and Tal low, Hoofs and Horns coming from every animal slaugh tered, unless it can be made satisfactorily to appear to the. Subsistence. Department that all due exertion, dili gence, and care was made to obtain the said articles. Payment will be required every ten days in Govern ment funds. , Bids should be made in duplicate, and an oath of alle giance must accompany the bids. • ••. - • _ The contractor will be held accountable for the Hides, &c., one week after the signing of the contract. A bond will be required, upon the acceptance of the bid, for a faithful fulfilment of the contiwct. * Bids tb be directed to Lieut. Col. G. BELL,C. S.U. S. A., Washiu gton, D. C., and endorsed 1 Proposals for Hides and Tallow. i!_i_ no3o-mwftd29 EXTENSION OF TIME. x lb having been announced throagh tbe press that ‘ • the contract for saving the Hides and Tallow of ani mals slaughtered here on Government account.has been accorded so the same parties who have had it front the beginning of the war. ” and no such award having been made, and the time,for receiving proposals not having yot arrived, notice is hereby given, that in order to cor rect any misunderstanding that may exist, ana to se cure for the Government the advantage; of the greatest number of bids, and the highest price for Hides and Tal low. Hoof* aud-Horns. the lime tor offering proposals is extended unSl TOES DAY, DECEMBER 29th, 1&3. at 12 M. No proposals will be opened before that time, and no bids will be considered unless accompanied by the Casual guarantees, and the bidders are present to respond to their bids. ' GKO.- BELL, Lieut. ■ Col, fit C. 8. TNGUAM’S CHOICE TEAS FOR J- Christmas Presents. 43 Bouth SECOND Street, be • 'low Market. -iTrythem. .. . . - It* "* * * * I have been in the army hospitals for fourteen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111., they cave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * * T Three bottles restored my speech and eared me. * * * ,* PJLLUTIL*» *** * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that hay dlstfefificd me for yaortL It&eUlik&aehA*** 0.0.M0051. Afffilll fof G&I2&.U k o*., fiftßroalW," fio., &0. 4 fto., fto. . fto. . ho. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Cliasaya Bark, Wlntergreen, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, &«., all preserved is perfectly pure St. Croix Rum. Persons of sedentary hablta, troubled with, weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, &e., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities, and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect; They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly and harmless. Notice.— Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. We onlyputit op in our log-cabin bottles. Beware of bottles refilled with Imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already in prison. Bee that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, and signature on steel-plate side labels. Bold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe, IS- EVftARE A 0«13-eta$th4m 803 BROADWAY, N. T» CALESMAJST WANTED IN A WHOLE BALE SILK HOUSE. Address “M. J. # " at tris office. , - de23-st* .ENTRy CLERK * * in a Wholesale Hosiery and Notion House. Only those who have had experience need apply to * ‘ D. T. E. Box 2,019, Philadelphia Post Office. de23 St* WANTED—TO RENT A STORE ON "" Third, Fourth, or Market street, bv the Ist of January or February. Addreas_"Jl--S- J “7f GENTLEMAN WITH FROM $lO,OOO . to $l5, OCO is wanted, to engage in a respectable, safe, and fair-paying Manufacturing Business. Address “In* dustry,” at this office, del-tnthstf WANTED—A SALESMAN WHO •* » can influence a good country trade in a first-class Boot and Shoe House. To one with the proper quaiifi cations large increments will be offered Addres Box 103 Post Office. : _de23-3t* •WANTED —IN A WHOLESALE •J L Drug. Paint, and Glass House, a first class S \LRS- _ SI A IS. To cue that can influence a good trade a liberal salary will be paid:. Must be acquainted with the busi ness, and come well recommended. None other need' apply. Address, with name and reference, "Box 2836," P.hiladelphia Post Office. de23-6t* T/tT AN TED—A SITU ATION AS »•» roitsi to a store by a man who Mi beau eumteon. yea?s ia stores. Address * 4 Port*r,”.prs££ofHee. de22-S6* A FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER DE •LL SIRES A SITUATION. Has had thirty years’ expe rience. Reference-given. Address “F. R.,” Box 1073, Philadelphia Post Office de22-3t* WAN TED—AN ENERGETIC S ALES - MAN in a'Wholesale Hat House One that can command a large trade. Address "Weaver," at this office- deH6t* WANTED—TE L E GRAPH OPE-, » * RATORS.—Young Hen to instruct as Telegraph* Operators. The demand for good Opprators is always in excess of the supply.: Mr. FAIRBANKS has consented to gratify the desires of several gentlemen interested in telegraph lines, and has fitted up a complete Telegraphic Deoai tment in the Quaker City .Business College, corner TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, where perfect instruc tion is guaranteed, as if on a regular line. For terms, apply as above. • Few applicants only received. d!9-6t* t/vnnn wanted on mobtg-age of city property by de23 Sfe* JOSEPH B. BARRY. 430 WALNUT Sc. Scarfs, Veils. Chintzes, De Laines, Saxony Plaids, Plaid Blo’oairs, Balmoral Skirts, Paris Mou3selin.es, 4tc. nnn —the advertiser de SPO 9 \J\J\J» SIRES to invest from $3,000 to $5,000 in some f-a'e and profitable business. Address, with par ticulars. Box 856. P, O.' de232t* 10 ftrin NORTH branch canal AVyUULJ BONDS, and 10,000 Erie Canal Bonds wanted, for-which the highest market price wili be paid. Inquire of C, B. WRIGHT, 113 8. FOURTH St de!9-6t* A MONTH !—WeWakt Agents at v '-'s6o ainontb. expenses paid, to sell our 'Everlasting Pen oils. Oriental Burners, and 13 other artic’eu 15 cir culars sent free SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Me. d2Mm S7A A MONTH I-I WANT TO HIRB t . ,Ag en ts in every county at $76 a month, expen ses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sowing M&ckmss. Address, g. MADISON, Alford, Maine. ocSHl&wSs DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER OFFlCE —Philadelphia, Feb. 8, 1863. ' VEBSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following points: Tortu*as, Key West, Fla. ‘ Fort Monroe. Va. Alexandria, Va. i . Newbern, N. C. 1 Port Royal, S C. A BOYD. felO-tf Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. BO AEDING:-TWO GOOD CHAM BE<*6,_also a Parlor on first floor, vacant soon, at 1403 WALNUT Street. delO-St* gS FOR BENT.—A LARGE FAG -“■■-TORY, With 8-horse engine, COOHBE3’AL LEY, above Front and below Arch street. Mf FORSALE—-COUNTRY SEAT AND KS> FARM, containing about 40 acres in Delaware county, nearlWhite Hail Station, on Pennsylvania Rail road, nh.e miles from Philadelphia. Apply to JOHN M. LINDSAY. m FOR SALE.—A YERYBESIBA ~JL. BLR FARM OF FIFTY ACRES, situated on the Philadelphia and West Chester plank road, just ten miles from Philadelphia. The land is in a high state of cultivation, with fine STONE HOUSE and other im provements, For further information apply to LEE, BROS. & CO-, No. 330 CHESTNUT Street. de24-st» m HANDSOME COUNTRY RESI -EldßNCE—Estate of Dr. ALFRBD SMITTI, deceased. —To.be sold at Orphans’ Court Sale, on TUESDAY, Jan. 6th. 1864, atlo’clockP M., on the premises, as follows: The beautiful residence of said decedent, adjoining the village of Yardley viUe, Bucks county, Pa , .4 miles from Trenton.N. J., on the river. Delaware; 1 mile'from the Philadelphia and Belvidere Railroad station. The house islB by 36 feet, with wing 26 by 16 .feet; two parlors, dining-room, and kitchen, on- first floor: five chambers on second floor. Barn 33 by 30 feet; stabling for 3 horses and 4 cowa; carriage-house, hay-house, and other out buildings. Also, a two story tenant house on premises; a young apple orchard, and other fruit trees, and large garden. The grounds contain S aores, beautifully im proved with trees, shrubbery, and walks, commanding a fine view of the river. This is one of the most desira ble and beautiful residences to be found in the country.. For inquiries anply to BONSaLL BROS., .North NINTH Street. Philadelphia. - de24-6t* PKANTATION BITTERS* Itom tii* army hospital-th» bloody bittle deld-tiu mansion of the rich and humble abode of the poor—from the office and the sacred 45esk—from the mountain top* distant valleys and far-off islands of the ocean—from every nook and corner .of the civilised world—is pouring in the evidence of the astonishing effects of BRASS’S PLANTATION BITTERS. Thousands upon .thousands of letters like the following may be seen atourofflee: - Bbrpsbtot, Wib. , Sept. 16, M 33, South Warsaw, 0., Jaly 28,1863. “ * * * One young man* who had been slok'and hot out of the hoaoe for two years with Scrofifla and Ery sipelas, after paying the doctors over SISO without bene fit, has been cured by ten bottlesof your Bitters. ** * EDWARD WOUNALL. " The following la from the Matron of the Union Home Behooi for the Children, of volunteers: Ha.VJ?HETOR MANSION, PiPTT-SEVENTH Bt. , V , New York, August 2.1863. f "Bb. Drake: Your wonderful Plantation Bitters hare been given to some of our little children sufferinf from weakness and weak Innas with most happy effect. One little girl, in particular, with pains in the head, loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaspoonfol of Bitters a day. Her appetite Increased; strength and health followed. * * * * Respectfully, “ * * * X owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have 6aved my life. REV. W. H. WAGGONER, Madrid, N, Y." * * * Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, ABA CURBIN. Philadelphia, Pa.” «'* * * Ihave been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. * * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me. REV. J. S. CATHORN, Rochester, N. Y. " * * Send us twenty-four dozen more of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of which is daily in creasing with the guests of our house. V SYKES. CHADWICK, ft CO-, Proprietors Willard’s Hotel, Washington, D C ” •** * * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hun dreds of our disabled soldiers with the most astonishing G. W. D. ANDREWS. Superintendent Soldiers'Home, Cincinnati, 0.” ***** The. Plantation Bitters have cured me of liver complaint, of which I wag laid up prostrate and had to abandon my-business. H. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, O." S. T.-1860—X. WANTS. BOARDING. FOR SALE AND TO LET. Apply to de24-imw3t* de24-6t* VEST HAVBRFORD P. 0.. Delaware county.. A RARE CHANCE ! ! • -t-L SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR GOING INTO BUSINESS! AN OLD-ESTABLISHED STAND! THE BUSINBSB IN A FLOURISHING CONDITION ‘ Tho undersigned offers for sale . miw Stock and futures. Possession- of Store given on the Ist of January. PARTICULARS. The Business—Retail Dry Goods. _____ Average Sales for the last Seven Years—ONE HUN DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR; The Stock—Staple and Domestic Goods. • The location considered one of the best in Philada. The Stock is cheap, bought for cash, much of it far below present market rates. _ The present stock about $25 oqo. , . , • The business is in a most healthy condition, which will be seen by the daily sales as entered in the Cash Book. None need apply except they have the Cash to pay ’ ‘ Retail Dry Goods, n at this office., Pliiladelpb la, Dec. 14. del4-12tl TBE MOST ELEGANT CHRISTMAS A Qift is a Carte de Yisite, executed in perfect, life-like style Get yourself taken, sitting, standing, or Inauy attitude, at REIMBR’S, SECOND Street. above Green. * OK AT IN G .—FINE SKATING ON vO BUSHNBLL’S SKATING PARK, BROAD street, above CoiunMa avenue. Admittance 16 cents. , . Thirteenth and ;Paik. • , ■ • . lt*_ (COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS MAY he obtained for Christmas Gifts, at the low 'price of one dollar; only, at the rooms of B. F. REIMbK, 034 ARCH Street. ; lt YOUR PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN VT in Oil Colors, and Lifa-etze, by B. F. RBIMEB, 6i»4 ARCH Street, and yon will obtain a picture wor thy of transmission to posterity. ; M THE MOST BEAUTIFUL COLORED ‘ A PHOTOGRAPHS may be procured' at RETSIKR’S, RECORD Street, above Green, at .tbe low price of On, ■Dollar. Call and get them for Obrutiuaa.Olft,. It* ACADEMY OP MUBHII „ PRICES OF ADMISSION: Parquet, Pamnet Circle, and Balcony 50 eiatt, . CNo extra charge for reserved seats ] i Upper Circles. 25 cent*. rioscentum Boxes. Sweats each... se 9i?5 ynn #F§5 ?B SATubbay, BwamlHir ttSU, nrll” ' „ uw«nsivrtßn,«HN Doors onon at7< performance to «omm4h«»sA fl. (Haw at.lOJi o’cli ck. d,g( ■pjEW CHESTNtTT-ST. theatre— -*■' Lessee and Mamuter. Mr. WJL WHEATLBT r . ... CHRISTMAS EVE. LiftSt Week but cme of tbo Eng&jremeiit of EDWIN FORREST, who will on THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, Dec. 24. 1683, For the first time this season, appear in his great imm sanation of MBTaMOEA, In the romantic Indian tragedy of the same name Mr. J. McCullough as. Fit*arnol4L Mr. Collier as Kaveshine. J Mr. Ring-gold as Walter Mr. Mordaunt as Nnnan. ; Mr. Dubois as Arlington!' Mr. Martin as Vanglia. j Mr. Balias Chuch. J Mad a me Ponisi as Nazaeolcee. Mrs. t. H. Allen a5~.... Oceana. Conductor. MARK HASSLES. _ * ON FRIDAY, Dec. 25, CHRISTMAS DAT, r . EDWIN FORREST, In one of his oopular characters. On SATURDAY, Dec. 2Cib, second appearance of ______ JEAN BOSMKR. MRS. 0. M. DEVOB.” TVTRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARGBU "X STREET THBATBB. FOURTH NIGHT OF FRANK DREW TO NIGHT (THURSDAY) DECEMBER 21th. THE IRISH EMIGRANT. 0'8rian«........................ .. nFjtaak Draw. With the Song of “Tlie Lament of the Irish Emigrant. 01 , the PEOPLE'S LAWYER. Solon Shingle ......Prank Draw .. ir »™t tobh him our. - ALADDIN" OBT CHRISTMAS NIGHT. PRANK DEEW CHRISTMAS AFTERNOON. Performance to commence at 7& ■WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. - " LESSEE Mrs. K. X GARRETTSOM. ‘ CHRISTMAS EVE. BENEFIT OF J S CLARKE. THIS (THURSDAY) EVEN (NO, Lac. 2£ The performance will commence with GIRALDAs OR, THE INVISIBLE HUSBAND After which, HIS JACK SHEPPARD. To be followed by SOMEBODY'S COAT. To conclude with a-Grand Holiday Pageant, coaaisttnc of selections from tbs spectacle entitled THE NAIAD QUEEN. T'EMPLE OP WONDERB. -* ASSE3BLY KniI.DINGS, . TENTH and CHESTNUT Streats. ■ HAPPY CHRISTMAS! - MISERY DOINGS FOE OLD AND YOUNG . SIGNOR BLITZ Will give THREE GRAND PERFORMANCES ON CHRISTMAS _ DAY. comm>ncine at II A. M., 3 and 7P.M. and EVERY AFTERNOON A»D EVENING DURING THH HOLIDAYS, at3and7K- The feats in A2?C jT will lj§ HOYel. HCf DM (a VESTBItiOOTISM t ew ana sstouisiUng, &ad tie BiBDS Srac«iiil aad atirscti-ee. ,2e2*-3fc «TEEEOS C 0 P I A N. M AKEW AND POW ER?UL APPARATUS. Theareat art-Wonder-of the Aere GIGAlfrjC STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES, . r . r ,_, Will open, for eiciribition. At the ASSEMBLY 'BUILDINGS,. on Christmas Bva, . THURSDAY, Dec 24) 1853, and continue every evening until farther notice. ' Our friends, who wish to enjoy unparalleled represen tations of rare objects of inrere-jt In America, Europe. Asia, and Africa, should not fail to- see this astounding Work of art. • Smtnary. Landscape Scenery, fountains.' Valleys, Cities. Palaces, Marine Views, Ancient’Ruin«, Cathe drals,- Castles, Galleries of Art, &c., &‘e:; &«., win b* brought out with marvelous and truthful effect. By this ingenious invention, Nature and Art are re produced with surpassing and almost magical accuracy. Admittance, 25 cents. Children. 15 cents. Doom open at seven o'clock; entertainment'commencee at eight. de23-4£* CONCERT HALL, GHES'TNUT Vy STBSET. A -OVK TWELFTH AND GALA-DAY CONCERTS. CBBISTMifi AND NEW TEAK HOLIDAYS, ' Commencing THURSDAY. 24th. GEAfiD MATINEE3 FRIDAY, CHRISTMAS DAY. __ ALSO, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at S o’clock THE ORIGINAL >ND ONLY BLAISnELL BROTHKES. SWISS BELL-RINGERS, Vocalists, Harpists, and lastrumen-al Solo Artists. TEN MEMBERS. Including Masters STERNE, YOUNG, LITTLE, and , CLARA. . . The Wonderful CHARACTER SINGERS. TlcKeta. Zfictnts. Reserved seat*, fifl centa. il? SnUPIIKI STBIfSTi All Children admined at a reduced price to all of fcfca Matln&es. P. S.-Adisgnm of the Hall may be se6n at Gould’* Music Store, where seats can besecored. ■p. „ __ . A PLAISDELL, Manager. E E. BLAISDELL,Agent. de2l-tf rj.R EAT NATIONAL CIRCUS TRO OPE. —MARKET Btrs6t. above Twelfth. Directress, Mrs. GHAcLKS WAKNEK, formarlv Mra. DAN RICE. CHRISTMig WEEK—IMMENSE SUCCESS. UNPARALLELED ENTHUSIASM. The Management takes pleasure in an lonncinir THRES PERFORMANCES OH CHRISTMAS VAY—WA. mont in I; 2A, afternoon; and 7.40. evettlnE. Ales, IW> PERFORMANCES each Say (trail). Ci.. l.tm,, week — JUAN, -will conclude ■?v e er| e e r S 0 ° raat as, sentimental Quaker will also ha performed. 0 - * TPpnSnw eT ' Ty WEDNESDAY and SATUBDAT AF- T^SS-olrr,« ril,oeMin * *' O’clock. beh “ gECOND SEASON, 1863-’64. - M. S. CROSS and CHARLES H. JARVIS, ’ " Respectfully announce to the public that they give FOUR - CLASSICAL SOIREES. AT THE > FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, THIS WINTER. - Tha first of the ibelm to ba jrivan in DF/tpitpyb >■< m i Tfraaimr mreu aunnc tbi momns or juiuift FEBBUA RY, and APRIL. ISSA. Messrs. C. and J; La by lli6 following Artists: Cael Ga?rtner, Violin. C. Sf. Schmitz, VioloneiJl*. L. Tschibitsr.Contra Basso Wm. Stoll, Clarionet. A, Kellner, Hautboy. J. Koch, Flute. „ G. Muller, Bassoon. C. Pl-ageman, Horn.' Programme, with subscripton prices, at Gould's, Ab» dre&Co. s, and Lee’& Walker’s. ‘ noU-stutfett' T'HE takes plea, -* SURE in announcing to its friends and the pubUs that its FIFTEENTH FANCY DRESS BALL, Will take p's ce on MONDAY EVENING, February Ist, 1864' AT THE - AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Tickets can only be had by subscription of the member* of the Society, and the authorized Managers, whose ad dresses will be publish ec hereafter. delS-tuthstT WUNDEBLIOH’S 99 ZOGRAPHICON. A Series of Panoramic Illustrations of T S ARTHUR'S • TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM. JOHN BUNT AN’S PILGRIM’S PROGRESS, and oth*r Attractive Scenes from Liie, Charaoter, Na ture. and Art. comprising one of the most pleasing. In stinctive,and highly impressive series of entertainments ever presented to an American public. Proprietor and Mr. JOSEPH YBRBY. Will be exhibited afr ODD FELLOWS* HALL, FRaNKFORD. ON CHRISTMAS-EVE* and continue till Wednesday, the 30tb, inclusive, aftac which time it will ba exhibited at Lecture Room CON CERT H * LL. Philadelphia. y This splendid aeries of mors than 10Q Grand Panarami*. Paintings was executed by Mr. George Wunderlich, ax Amerirau artist, who stands unrivalled as a ec*nic artist Admission. 25 cents: Children, 15 eentA Liberal arp raDgements made with Sehbols, Temperance, and other Societies. Afternorn Matinees on Christmas, and Mon* day, 2Sth, o’clock. For the aft«moonB, OhUdraa. IQ cents. Soldiers admitted at half price. da2l-Bt. pONCERT HALL, . LECTURE : ROOM, CHESTNUT STREET ABOVE TWELFTH; WAUGH’S MaGNIFIJENT r New-Panorama of ITALY, Will positively c'ose Wodnesdav Evening, Dec SJ-. OP EN-EVERY. EVE N CNG. ALSO,- Wednesday. 'Chrirtmas, and Saturday Afternoon*. THJS SPLENDID WORK Of ART Commence* moving— - , EVENINGS, at 7X AFTERNOONS, 3 o’clock. Tickets 25 cents; Children 15 cents. For day exhibit tions only. de2l-61-' QC)K AKGH STREET. : INSTITUTE POE DANCING: D. L. CARPENTER, the well known real Master od the Art, is now ready to tike Scholars for the Saeon&, Term, for Ladies Gentlemen, Misse*. and Masters, im separate departments, by themselves, and* where proper Dancing is taughi for good society. N. B. —Young Lodiei and Gentlemen are informed that. D.-L.r CARPENTER-will take Scholars for-Evenlnac- Classen, now forming.. Carpenter can be seen at are time, day and night, at his rooms. D L GARPENTSR will give fall-dress. BociaM*B EVERT TUESDAY EVENING. Gentlemen will admitted unless with Ladies, and to be gloved for-tk% occasion. He hopes his former friends will enedoran tbem. del^St* r JTHE GRAND : , C- D. BITCHTE. 508 WALNUT Street. Tocooeletof Miscellaneous-Music. The THIRD CONCERT will take place , On T3TJRSD AY I EVBNIKG, Hay 17th. 1864* . ■When the Grand ORATORIO of - €olnmbna Diacoverla*, America *ill be performed This Oratorio was per formed in this city by the PH‘IL A DELPHIABIQSw MUSIC SOCIETY in 1617. • • A • The Snbfceiiption list ia now open atJ. R. Seventh and Chestnut streets; Lee S Walker’s, TM Chestnut'street ;and Wm. S. SJAlfred Martian's, QO§, Chestnut street. .. ' * Price of Subscription for the season THEBE DOLLARS, . Admitting three.personal each Concert* de!6-kf •ROTHERMEL'S MARTYRS IN THS AX COLISEUM. ACADEMY-0? PINE ARTS, - CHESTNUT STREET. ..ABOVE TENTH, will positively CLOSE on JANUARY Ist. Open from 9 to 5; Evening, from 7 to Ip. (MEBMANIA OEGHESTEA.—PUBUO? 'j REHEARS A.LS every SATURDAY, at S o'clock, R, M., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single ticket* J£ cents. Packages of six tickets. $L To be had at AMe DBE’S. 1104 CHESTNUT Street. J, B. GOULD. Be TENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door. ocU-Ma PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY o*j X , THE TINE AfiTS. 1035 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN. DAILY (Saudaya excepted) from Sll. *Ufc Admission 25 cents. Children half price. BAZAAR—NINTH AND SAN- Jr)? SOif BtreoU. AUCTION SALE OF-HORSES, CARRIAGE3,.&e., on Saturday morning nest, at 10 o’clock, HORSES* „ , Fall descriptions in Catalosuaa. . . ALSO, Few and second- Land carriages,- single, and' doubly harness, saddles, bridles, robes, cords, whips, sc.* with which the sale will commence. ; 'ALfeO. ' An Albmr style sleigh, to carry four Aeecond-handfamily.sleigb, elelghbeliß, «c. No postponement on account Of the waather. Bile of Horsts. &c.. onWS _FKXT. It -if ALFBED M. HBBKSEBBB. Auctioneer. T ETTEBS TESTAMENTARY UPON' JLi the Estate of JOHN WALLA.CE BIDDLE haying been granted to the nndersSjned, aUpexsons ladeetei to the raid Estate are requeued to. make payment, and those having claims or demands are reouested to .e n U., e u. W ltUoutd e l»v^ H „ lISTgE> amusements. CHRIS TAfAH EVE IMMENSE StJ-IOSRS OF THE GREAT P .OUPE. of the RAVEL, MARTINET!!. AN# MARIBTK FAMILIES. - THURSDAY EVENING, Dec. 24, 1863, To commence with EXERCISES OH THE TIGHT ROPE. Followed by The Military Comic Pantomime of ■ JEANNETTE AND JEANNOT. _ After which, LEB HOMMES DE L'AIR. * To conclude with the thrilling Pantomime of THE CONTRABANDIST. ; FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. GRAND CHRISTMAS MATINEE, Commencing at 2 o’clock. ORATORIO THE MESSIAH- Will be performed by the HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY* ' • ok; CHEISTMAS NIGHT,- MTTSIC AL FUND HAtl, The Society will Rive THBEECONCEBTS,' dlttlM.Vfc* CONCERT will be on , THURSDAY lBth,lBS4, auction saxes. Decsmbek 2?i 15®. no3o-ti«a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers