AT THE AMU IT AH, MEETING OF lift Contributors of the PSNNSf LVANIA IN'S H* TUTXON *‘oB THE INSTRUCTION OF THE BLIND, told Thursday, December 17th, IMS, the following named gentlemen were elected to serve as the Board of Managers for the ensuing year-; iHt» ExceUescy, ATOMw' . Governor of tha Stats. Prs'ldsnt. FRABKLW PEALS. Vice Presidents, THOMAS S. KIRKHRIDE, M. D . JOHN C. CRESBQff. EOBLEY DUNOLISON, M D.. ALFRED L ELWTH. lk. D. cT«nft»sT EOBERTep S vrTiSRBOS. „ CoMjUtng Physician, ■tIHARLES D. MEIGS, M. D. Consuliing Surgeon, THOHAS G. MO ETON. M. D MAKAOKRS, v James S.Biddle, Edward Townsend, Daniel L. Collier, John J, L»tte, . Theodore Cuyler, Caleb Cope, J. I. Clark Hare. CALEB COPE,-Chairman, tary. It* J. Francis Fisher, William R. Lejee, Mortis Patterson, Caipar Morris, M. D., Pierce Butler, John Wiegasd, Napoleon B. Kneass, Morris Patterson. Eocrel AND PITTSTOW COAZ. ■'A meetiDß'-of the Stockholders of the above company' ■Will be held at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, on TUE& - ‘ DAY, the *29tU Instant, at 4 o’clock P. M., for the purpose of .electing Directors and other Officers to serve for the ensuing year. . HENRY D. OWEN, de22-t29* v Secretary PENNSYLVANIA* !<?*► ' . ./DEPARTMENT OF ARTS ) ' a. Examination of the College Classes, at 'the close of the First Term. will he held in the order: trf£3i N n AY / *® 6C i' «^ rom 9 to 11, Juniors, by Prot Jvendali, .(Analytical Geometry,) and Sophomores, by ProLErater, (>omatoloßy,) written. Prom 11 tol, Se niors, by Prof. Frazer,) Spherical Astronomy,) oral. Tuesday. 15th. j rom 9.t0 11, Seniors, (Integral Calcu lus,) and Freshmen. (Algebra,) by Prof Kendall, writ- SB?/. From 11 tol, Juniors, by the Promt, (Intellectual Philosophy,) oral. _ Wednesday, 16th. From 9 to 11. Seniors, by Prof Jackson* (Horace’s Ars Poetlca and Juvenal,) and SopUo | Prof Kendall, (Geometry,) written. From 11 Jo 1* Juniors, by Prof. Frazer, (Static l) oral. . Thursday, 17th. From 9to 11, Juniors,by Prof. Allen, ATheocntus,) and Sophomores, by Prof, QoppSe, (Clark’s English Language.) written Fromlltoi, Seniors, by the-Frovoet, (Moral PhilosoohyJ oral. J Friday, 18th..-From 9 to 11. Seniors, by .Prof.' Copp6e, <Mahan'B Field Fortification.) oral From 11 to 1, Ju niors, by Prof. Jackson, (Cicero’s Tuecalan Disputa tions,) oral, ■ , «OXDAr, 21st. From 9 to 11, Sophomores, by Prof. Jackson. (Tacitus' Agricola.) oral. Fromlltoi, Fresh *roJ.,A3lin * (Xenophon’s Helleuica,) oral. .Tuesday, 22d; .From 9to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Cop (H/imLory ’ J ?l ar v y /°, m 11 to 1* Sophomores, by Prof. Allen, (Thuey didee,) otail. ' Wednesday, 23d. From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Jackson, (Livy, ) x oral GEORGE alLen, del4-9t ■ Secretary of the faculty of Arts. AND 1 READING COMPANf, Office No. *27 South FOURTH fct. Philadelphia. December 14, 1863. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of this Com- •>' party, that the Annual Meeting, and an Election for Pre sident. six Managers, Treasurer, and Secretary, will .take place on the Sacond MONDAY (UtU) or January next, at 12M. WM. H. WEBB, Secretary. del3-tjall • J JERSEY SHORE, FINE CREEK, AND STATS LINE RaILROAD.-Agreeably w ■previous notice, a Meeting of the Commissioners or the abOYe'enterpriae was bold at the Girard House, in Phila delphia. on the 10th inst., and. after the transaction of business the; adjourned to meet again at the FRANKLIN HOUSE, in Jertey Shore, LycomUg county, on THURS* f DAY, the 4th day of February, IS*I. at IQ o'olocV- " ‘ - to open boohs and receive subsi organizing the Com] ”*a report on the general te will be made by the Engineer at "that time 1 PBOBMgBR 16,'*1563. OFFICE OP THE WESTMORE LAND COAL COMPANY, No. 330 South THIRD Street, corner of Willing’s alley . 44 Philadelphia. December 16,1363. At a meeting of the Directors, held this day, a DIVI DEND OP FIFTY CENTS PER fcHARE on the Capital Stock Teae declared cut of tbe profits for the past six jnonthß, payable on and after JANUARY 2. 1864... 1 The Transfer Rooks v?lil be closed until January 4th mart. „ F. H. JACKSON, de!74ja6 • ? - Treasurer. MERCANTILE LIBRARY —THE Board ol Directors have just decided that Library*' Scrip (on which, if not converted, no tax will he charged for 1864 ) may be transferred into-stock and duplicated At any time next year, thus giving the privilege of two shares of stock for $lO. This being the par value of each share, persons are already seeking these scrip certifi cates as an investment. Either stock or scrip, to be sub ject to duplication, must be taken before January Ist, 3864. A share of this stock would constitutea moat valu able Christmas Present. Pi ice at the Library for‘stock or scrip, $lO. • : • .' - del6-6t TTj&t MERCANTILE LIBRARY Hrs?* The Price of this Stock, at the Library, is only • TEN DOLLARS PER SHAKE. HfKjnore nseful Christmas Present could be - found for Alther lady or gentleman. it Ak£* one purchasing before January let will he en titled to on ADDITIONAL SHARE, FREE OF CHARGE. The public are invited to visit and examine the x*ooms At any time before Christmas. Nollbtftrrin the city c&n now compare with this. In ‘the value of its importations, fche'nnmber of its pur chases,.-the stock of it* Periodicals and Newspapers, or the popularity of its Chess Department. dels-9s WKSURGEON ARIiIST'S OFFICE, W* feOR MUTILATED SOLDIERS.—SOLDIERS who jhuye lost an ARM or LEG In the service, and desire the Talent t PALMER Limbs” to be supplied by Govern ment, should return this notice immediately to this of, nee. stating their loss by letter, with cacna company. Tegument,'and residence. B. FRANK PALME ST . ocB2-tf j 3gQQ CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. .CORN BXCHAI ■Sf* PBLPHXA, Novembi At the Eleotion held 16th in «rswere duly elected Dire cl Bank: iOSI BAMK, PHILA «»r 23d, 1863, - ist. the following Stockhold ers of the Cora Exchange G. Cattail. Christian J. Hoffman. H. W. Catherwood, Edmund A. Souder, Charies E Wilkins, ©avid Vanderveor, Jonathan Knight. > Board this day ALEX. G. imously re-elected President: r ice President, and JOHIT W, J. W. TORREY, Cashier. , Alexander James Steel. Robert Ervien, WilUamJß, Oox, Samuel 1 T. Canby, Philipß? Mingle, JohnF.Gross, And at the meeting of the CATTELL, Esq., was uranii ALBX.WHILLDIN, Esq..VJ TOBBEY, Cashier. n024-Sm ; MANUFACTURERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY, Office, No. All WALNUT StreSt. _ • • Philadelphia, December 4, 1863, The annual-meeting of the stockholders of the Mauu fActurers’ Insurance Company -will be held at the office, on MONBAY, January 4,1864, between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock P. M., for the pnrpose of electing Ten Di* vectors to serve for the ensuing yew. de4‘lm . wM PETTIT. Secretary. OFFICE OP THE LOCUST MOPN ■O* TAIN COAL AUDI BON COMPANY, Philadel phia, D< c. 18. 1863 • The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder* of said Com pany will be hold at'tneir office, No 330 South THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the 16th day of January, 18*54, at 11 o elock A. M., at which time au election will be held for seven Directors, to serve for the ensuing year. The transfer books ofttbe Company will be closed for fifteen days immediately preceding the day of ejection. ael9 tja!B t JOS, C. COPPDCK, Secretary. ' AMERICAN J.IFJEINSURANCK AND TRUST 1 COMPANY, Philadelphia, December 21, 1888—NOTICE.—The - Annual Meeting of the Stock holdeie of this Company, for the election of Thirteen 'Trustees, to serve the ensuing - year, will be held at the •OFFICE. WALNUT Street, southeast corner of Fourth, .on MONDAY, January 4, 1864, between the hours of 10 -A. M., and 12o'clock, noon. JOHN S; WILSON, • -de2l-12t - Secretary. DIAMOND COAL COMPANY,- NOTICE.—The Annual Election Direc tors, to serve the easming year, will be held at the offi :e of the Company. 7L3 MARKET Street, on WEDNES* DAY, January 13th, 1864, between the hours of 12 and 1 o’clock P. M. ED. PEACE, President. dellMuthstjal3* ; • .' - . . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PHI LADKLPHIA —The annual election for Directors of thießank will bo held on TUESDAY the 12th of Janu ary, 1664. between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, at the HOUSE, S. E. corner THIRD and CHEST NUT, . - . ' - M. McMICHAEL, Jr.,. •Deo. 12, 1863. de!s-tuthstjal2 Cashier OF NORTH AMERICA, £o* December Ist. 1863.' y - AN ELECTION for twelve Directors, to serve the ensu ing year, will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, January 4th, 1864, between the hours of 11 and 8 o'clock. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same time and place. - J, HOCKLEY, del-tuthstia4 Cashier. a*5P» FHILADK2iI*H£A AND RSASIKd |<> RAILROAD COMPANY* Office %%? South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. September 2,1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named person* Are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock ofthl* Company. The residence of several of them Is un known, and it Ib, therefore, necessary.that the certifi cates of stock should be presented on sailing for the Dividend. 8/BRADFORD, Treasurer, STOCKHOLDERS* NAMES: » Mrs. Mary Bishop, S. Lancaster, Timothy C, Boyle. Percy M. Lewis, Clement Biddle, Fanny Mary Mitcherson, Ann Copeland. John Mclntyre, A. J.Newbold, John B. Moore; Trustees, James McKnight. Debbie A. Hughes, Benj. F. Newport* • Sami T. Harrison, Benj. Pott. James Hallowsll, . W R. Rodman, , James W. Hallo well. Sarah. Ann Richards. Catherine C. Koppela, Henry B. Sherer, Daniel Klapp, Maria L. Sadler, 'Mary Kuhn, Andrew Turner, Ghas. Kuhn, 'Hartman Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich, Kuhn, and J. H. Kuhn. Ex, Asher M. Wright, of S. Kuhn. - William Young, B. V. B. Lelsse Kxtrs., W. B. McVickar, and James GK Sehaff. Ex. of Anstin Smith, John EL Leisse. dec’d. Willis jc Go. THE CLASS, for Ladies and will meet for the first lecture on TUESDAY EVENING, at 7K o’clock, at 26 South TENTH Street. As ocly a Limited number can be accommodated, to 'secure tickets apply on or before that time, to J. L. CAPEN. dei6*a&tu2t IB; YOU WISH TIH? MOST CHARM ing picture of Tour'elf <vll at the unequalled esta blishment of B P.- RBI&IER,-'o34r ARCIi Street, and get one of his lyory types. s 7 It* THOUSAND BARBELS GOOD v NORTHWESTERN NEW YORK APPLES, in prime order for shipping, In store and for sale by ■ . PRETTYMAN '& * ONS, de22-81* N. E. corner FRONT and ARCH Streets. -• T>E]MER’S: THE CHEAPEST AND Av], €S ti a the city. SECOND, above Green. Colored Photographs furnished at the low price of $1 each. Like ness warranted to give satisfaction, : .<f It* TN G R A M’S. 43‘SOUTH SECOND ■A Street, is the place for Christmas TEAS. ■A pound of choice Tea would be a good PRESENT for » friend. It* rrHE BEST 1 OKEN“ FOR A FRIEND + In the HOLIDAYBia your CARTE DE VISCTE taken In beautiful, Jife-like style at D. F. REEMEWd, 634 ARCH Street. % It*, S9fUV BKWAK]) —STOLEN, FROM (be Stahls of the subscribers, lu D 0 57K* IKGTOWK. Chester co., on the night of the 18th lust., A dark hay MARK, about To hands hißh. Her tonjrae has been severely cut by the bit, and Is much scarred. She 1b in rather Coin condition and her coat rough. One hundred dollars reward •will be paid for the re covery of the Ma» a. and one hundred dollars upo* con viction of the Jhief. BAUGH & KINS, Kb 30 DSLaWATIE-Avenue; Or, to same at DO WNINGTO V7N, Pa. f) NE HBNDBEB POLLABS BE r<J- "WARD. —it © New Jertey Express Company here by cautions all i-erepPfi, firms and corporations agalns 1 : receiving negotijvtiDir the following-named united --States e-Jfiißonds, which were stolen from the Company’s Officeat'Bordeotown. N. J., December \9th»-1863, No. :2,59», one Bond, $5OO. ••• Ho. 6,937. one Bond. 8100/ No 6 one Bond SIGO. A rev rd o.'Flfiy Dollars will bo paid for the recovery of the >'1»o?e Bonds, and a like amount for evidence that •Will detect the thief. . s OEO. R DUNN, Superintendent. de2l-3t* Newark. W. J., Pec.W.lS63 E’EMOYAJ/.- henry A- drber, •SEEDSMAN atfd FLORIST, will open his new Store H0.'114: CoESL’JNUT (opposite the Masonic Hall,) on MONDAY, December 21, 1863, where he .will offer for the , CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS, . .A large stock of Rustic and Fancy hanging Baskets, Fern Shanes, Flower Hands, and,Biskets of the moßt •exquisite ratterrs. entirely new and novel Also. Im- Crosses. &c., Bonqneta, and baskets of '4he;cho'.c»: tflowers, testet'nDyarranged Evergreens, suit able for CliriiitTOae Trees. -delßdt* ■ ■ 71* OnESTHUT Street. ■£JABi7 FROM SIMON GARTLA.ND, UNDERTAKER. rtl ■ : No 35 South TrUKTEJSNTH Street.. .To the Vubj<!o.— lt fcjw been thecastenjjln this country and other ooutmlos, a« far as l could obtain,knowledge, to use the inverted, torch on monuments and tombstones} Which Is an eznhl'm of death,/as the same is An heathen emblem* The Christian/believes VHe that -believeth, though be.was dcid.yet fe> all he live,’’which is therea- BOn that r took the liberty to place the flame of the torch on my. Hearse upwards J also call the attention of the public to the fact that since biildlmr my grand hearse, the plan of whlch was furnished by Mr. Napoleon Le Bran, arclitect, there have been over thirty'Hearses built in this city: and previous 10 the building of mine, not ten were built during the period of twenty flye years, ' . , r , onn 81MON GABTIiAND. Philadelphia, Dec. 15, 1883. dl7*6t* UTARSH ALL’S PINE-TREE TAR iU. DROPS. . TRY THEM! „ THY THEM! Tor the alleviation of Asthma. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds. ’ 6oreness or Tickling of the Throat. They are very pleasant And effectual, neatly pat un in sliding cases, convenient for the pocket. Sold at IS and »centF per box (2/i-cent boxes cheapest) by Druggists Tr B D N TO^'H. P r PaLBd bT p A B L O It F L A a a. FRENCH SASH AND BELT BOXES, JJ OLID AY PRESENTS. DIAMOND DEALERS AND JEWELERS, NO. 803 CHESTNUT ST. A new and beantifhl.assortment of DIAMOND FINGER RINGS, . DIAMOND BREASTPINS, DIAMOND EAR RINGS. DIAMOND STUDS, and v DIAMOND SETS, All of which will be sold at less than usual prices. WATCHES. Also on hand a large and beautiful assortment of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, suitable for Ladies,Gentlemen, and Boys, ■ Some of our Ladles’ Watches are of beautiful designs, expressly adapted for HOLIDAY. PRESENTS. We have In store a splendid assortment of JEWELRY of all kinds, consisting In part of Sets of Jewelry, Brace lets, Sleeve Buttons, Seal Rings,* Studs, Gold Chains, Ac., Ac. , SILVER WARE. Silver Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Napkin Kings, besides a large variety of Fancy Silver, suitable for HOLIDAY OR BRIDAL PRESENTS. da2l-t3l : QHTISTMAS PRESENTS, tsT prepay atorylio Eo?ewood Writing-Desks, • Ladies' Wfpk-Boxes, Ladies' Dressing-Oases, Gentlemen’s Dressing-Cases, •- Ladies’Jewel Boxes. Officer*?’Despatch-Desks, _ , _ • Photograph Albums, Wood, Ivory, and Bone Chessmen., Backgammon, Chess, and Cribb&ge Boards. Ivory and Bone Counters, Pearl and Ivoty Paper Knives, Gold Pens and Silver Cases, : Fine Pocket and Desk Cutlery, .* Glass and Faucv Inkstands. Also, a large assortment of FANCY GOODS, Counting- House and Office Stationery, at MOSS&^O., Blank-Book and Envelope Manufacturers, 433 CHESTNUT Street, Two doors above'tlie Post office. pAINT BOXES. WRITING, PORTFOLIOS, PHOTOGRAPHS, •AXa3UMS, AND OTHER SUITABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, In great variety, at . • SCHOLZ & .TANENTZKY, deSl-4i 113 Sonih EIGHTH Street. AND JEWBLKY. BAILEY & 00-, are corfetantly receiving, by every arrival from Europe, a fine collection of Goods suitable for the Holidays. Their assortment of FINE DIAMONDS, WATCHES, has never been as complete as at present. There can be found a grea t variety of the finest FKENCH PORCELAIN GOODS, CLOCKS AND ORNAMENTS POE THE MANTEL, Rich Gilt-mounted CHINA ORNAMENTS, BRONZES, of every description. PINE OIL PAINTINGS, BEST PLATED WARES,' of Sheffield and their own manufacture. SILVER TEA SETS. FANCY SILVER GOODS, foT Presents. Silver and Plated. DIAMOND, PEARL, AMETHYST, AND CORAL JEWELRY, of the very latest designs, Articles in Jewelry and Silver ware made to order. Watch and Clock repairing strictly attended to. dels-9tif JJOLIDAY PRESENTS. GENTLEMEN’S WRAPPERS, mufflers, gloves, JOHN O. ARRISON’S, Nos. 1 and,3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, dels-if gKATERS’HEADQUARTERS! LADIES’ SKATES, of every variety. GENTS.’SKATES, of all kinds. STEEL SKATES DUMP SKATES; ROCKER SKATES BHELL-GROOVE SKATES, a superior article for learners. PARLOR SKATES, all sires. «e&.atnj&-tf QHRISTMAS PRESENTS. PORCELAIN LANTERNS, BRONZES) FLEXIBLE DROP-LIQIITS, &c., &c. A FINE ASSORTMENT FOR SALE. . WARNER,AIISKEY, & MERRILL, del7 10t 718 CHESTNUT STREET. (QO BN ELI US & BAKER, LAMPS, OH AN DELIERB, GAS FIXTURES, 710 CHESTNUT STREET, / MANUFACTORY—B*I CHERRY STREET, deictmif ■; JJOBBY ITORSES BOYS’ SIiX!I3S, 2.OCP Hobby and Cavalry Horses. ’ ■ \ 2.oCoGoofle-neck and Boys 1 Fancy Sleds. ’ 1,000 Boys 1 Wheolbanows and Carts; I,CCO Boya’.Govornmont Wajcona (new article). 1,000 Ladies’ Fancy Sewing Stands (new styles). .1,000 CMl^ien’sToy Gigs and Coaches. 'An unsurpassed variety ofFancy and Toy Willow and Wood Ware, for sale at bargains. v ROWE & EUSTON, 151 and 159 North.THIRB Street, Three doors below Race. pOR HOLIDAY GIFTS, 'B/tTTSia.A.Ij BOXES, HANDSOME INLAID AND PLAIN CASES, OPERATIC AIRS, BALEADS, POLKAS, WALTZES, &0. A HindßOme Variety at Moderate Prices./ FABB & BROTHER, 3»4 CHESTNUT STREET, del3-stuftde3l-9t BELOW FOURTH. TTOLIDAY presents fob sen -U- TLEMEN.—A maroiflcent assortment of tie rarest " o ®fpi™ "JSSSBWw B< KBCkSiEB?' ' G BOSMNDERB, MUFFLERS. , . CARRIAGE RUGS. UMBRELLAS* \ A;.. Ac.. Ac., Ooenlnn at- * / I J. W. SOOTT’S, upsmnnat- J Sit CHESTNUT Street, to \ Few doors.jslow the ‘'OoatlieataL" HOLIDAY GOODS. FIELD GLASSES, SUITABLE FOR 3? R E S E IST T S . IS VANS & HASSALL, , 4TB ARCH STREET. LOUIS L&DOHUS & GO., JEWELRY. NEW-YE.VR PRESENTS, .HOLIDAY GIFTS. 819 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SILVER WARE, FLOWER VASES. SCARFS, TIES) EMBROIDERED SUSPENDERS, PHILIP WILSON & CO. 'S, *O9 CHESTNUT Street MANUFACTURERS OF BRONZE ORNAMENTS, &c., Sc. CLOSING OUT CHEAP. PLATING CHOICE HOLIDAY GOODS. JJOLIDAY PRESENTS. FINE WHIPS AND CANES. CHARLES P. CALDWELL, de22 tt* Roe. 5 and T Woijfc FOURTH Street. jgKATES—FOR LADIES, GENTS,, AND BOYS The beet Aeeortment In the City, AT BURNHAM’S DEPOT OF THS UNIVBEBAL WEINdBK, ar South SIXTH Street. Formerly at 721 CHESTNUT Street, Masonic Hall. deUMmo GREAT SKATE DEPOT! A large and well'selected aeeortment of LADIES’, GENTLEMEN’S, AND BOYS’ SB:^TZSSt Jutreoeived and for sale by TROTTER & DAWSON, Ho. 919 MARKET ST., PHILADA. R ARE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. One or six high-backed, solid mahogany chairs; Hair-cloth eoate, formerly belonging to GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. PRICE $25 BACH. k Address"WASHINGTON.’ I thie oflice. dett-5t ESTABLISHED IN 1812. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. WILLIAM WILSON & SON, Southwest Corner of FIFTH and CHERRY Street*. SILVER WARE. Have on hand a Large, Handsome, and General Assortment of SILVER WARE, enitahle for Holiday Presents, of onr own'mannfactnre, of the finest quality, and highest standard of Silver. Also; PLATED WARE. A large and general aeeortment of superior PLATED WARE, of English and American make, WAITERS, TEA SETS, &c. Afr- Old Silver bought and taken In exchange. Highest price given. \ do9-td!R QHRIBTMAS PRESENTS. OPERA GLASSES, GOLD SPECTACLES, FIELD GLASSES, STEREOSCOPES, FANCY V THERMOMETERS, BESIDES MAHY OTHER USEFUL MI) FANCY ARTICLES, FOB SALE BY * JAMES W. QUEEN A GO,, No. 994 CHESTNUT STBEET. Catalogues furnished gratis. n026-lm WRAPPERS - FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. .THE FINEST ASSORTMENT JOTT3ST G. A-HKISOISPS, Nos. 1 AND 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, FIRST STORE ABOVE MARKET. deB-t3l HENRY HARPER, *2O ARCH STREET, Manufacturer and Dealer in SILVER WARE. FINE JEWELRY. WATCHES, SUPERIOR PLATED HOLIDAY PRESENTS. jaccblablei, (Successor to Staufier & Harley,) No. 622 MARKET STREET, Has now on hand a beautifnl Stock of WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. delD-lm THOMAS C. GARRETT, No. 713 CHESTNUT STREET, In view of the approach, of the CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS, Hae laid in a very elegant stock of WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SILVER ARTICLES, PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, &c M NEWEST STYLES AND FINEST Q.UAIJTY, AN EXAMINATION OF WHICH HE ASH 9 OF PERSONS SEEKING PRESENTS. de3-td24 ' HOLIDAY PRESENTS. CASSIDY & BALL, No. la SOUTH SECOND STREET, Would invite attention to their stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMOND AND GOLD JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE. Suitable for Holiday and Bridal Presents, all of which will be sold at reasonable prices. de&-lm JJ OLID AY PRESENTS. Gr. RXJSSBIIaL, : No. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET, A Wonld Invite actention to Lie well-selected ■BsS.tock of FINE AMERICAN and IMPORTED*** N WATCHES, DIAMOND AND GOLD JEWELRY. SILVER WARE, &0„ SUITABLE. FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. del-Im ' , . • ■ ■ J P. DUBOSQ & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE JEWELRY, 1028 CHESTNUT STREET, Watches neatly repaired and warranted. Pearl Work of all descriptions repaired. del-lm JJOLIDAY GOODS! CARVED BREAD PLATES. PATENT MAGIC RUFFLE FLUTING IRONS. PATENT STEEL SKATES, a new article. FANCY GOODS, WILLIAM YARNALL’S HOOSE-FUENISHINaStOBB. No 1030 CHESTNUT Street, (Opposite the Academy of Fine Arts). JJOLIDAY PRESENTS, McINTIRE & BROTHER’S, GENTS* FURNISHING HOUSE, Vo. 103# OHISTJTOT STBKBT. Wrappers, Gloves, Suspenders, , Omorellss, Sc, TON OF SILK SCARFS E CITY, Scarf Pine and Rings, Neckties and Cravats, ' Mufflers, Handkerchiefs. THE FINEST SELECT! IN THI de!s-tJa24 & G. A. WBiaECT, 624 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer a beautiful selection of BOHEMIAN GLASS TOILET SETS, PARIAN AND BOHEMIAN VASES, BRONZE STATUETTES AND BUSTS, CARVED BRACKETS AND BOOK-STANDB, mAR, TOBACCO, AND MATCH STANDS; »R AND LIQUOR CASES, DESKS AND TRAVELLING BAGS, MEERSCHAUM AND BRIER PIPES, and a great variety of Fancy Articles salted for Holiday Presents. del-lm QANES FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. . EBONT CANES.JroId head. MALACCA CANES, ivory head. LADIES’ CANES. GBNTB.’CANES. SOLDIERS’CANES. _ . CANES ol every variety. For Bale by PHILIP WILSON & 00., del-lm. 409 CBESTNUT Street. TTOLIDAY GIFTS.—GOLD SPEOTA -B—A cle*. Gold Eye-Glasses, Stereoscope* and Stereo scopic Views, Card Photograph*, Photoirapn Albums, Microscopes, Manic Lantern*. Spy Glasses, Opsra Glasses, Officers’ Field-Glasses for Army and Navy use, Pocket Compasses. Mathematical Instruments, Kaleidoscopes, Thermometer,, and * variety of other article*—appro priate Elite for the season. . • McAllister & bkothbr. del-tial-lf T3B CHESTNUT Street. J?0B CHRISTMAS.— GLASS SHADES—ROUND. GLASS SHADES-OVAL. GLASS SHADES—SQUARE. 1, a rent v^. LL LETCHWOBTH _ No. 13 Jfortli FIFTH Stmt. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1863: UMBRELLAS 't FOR , . PRESENTS. WILLIAM A. DROWN & C0 M 246 MARKET STREET. 1 • - Hare now ready their usual large assortment of UM BRELLAS suitable for Presents. de!44f Holiday goods.—all the Newest Styles of FANCY COMBS, 'STEEL'AND JET JEWELRY, . FANCY'FANS* _ PEARL HEAD-DRESSES AND NETS, with a full assortment oT Fancy and Toilet Goods* adapted to the Holiday trade. PRICES THE MOST SATISFACTORY, At H. DIXON’S. ,Fd. 21 S. EIGHTH Street. Philada. J K. CALDWELL & CO., Haro recelred a larxa assortment o I Rich aoods, of heir own Importation, comprising ' NOVELTIES OF THE PRESENT SEASON; SPLENDID DECORATED FRENCH FORCE. LAIN VASES, CARD-RECEIVERS, AND FLOWER STANDS. DRESSING- CASES for Ladies and Gentlemen. . RICH JEWEL CASKETS, GLOVE BOXES, WRITING DESKS, LIQUOR CASES, &o. CORAL, TORTOISE SHELL, AND STEEL JEWELRY. New store. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE. The undersigned, formerly sale man in the establish ment of T. C. Garrett. Chestnut street, has opened the Store No. 33 South EIGHTH Btreet. above Chestnut, ■with an entire new stock of WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVER, and PLATED W4.RE- selected with great care and attention, which will be sold at low prices. —- > JSTO. C. KELLEY, de!9-3t* 33 S. E.GHTH Street, above Chestnut. TEA SETS, FORKS, Ac. a. BUSSELL, 22 NORTH SIXTH oR@! Street, has just received a very handsome assort ment of FINS SEAL RINGS. no2-3m FINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to by the most experienced workmen* and every Watch. warranted for one year. G. BUSSELL, aa North SIXTH Street T ABIES WISHING TO PURCHASE Aj HEAD-DKEjSES or FANCY CAPES, Splease call at No. 904 ARCH 6treet, before going elsewhere. de2l 3t* JJDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY, TAILORS, 143 SOUTH.THIRD STREET, ABOVE WALNUT, Have now a complete assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS,:and PATTERN OVERCOATS and ' BUSINESS COATS, OF ALL THE FASHIONABLE STYLES. TERMS CASH.—Prices lower than other Customer Tailors* and clothes superior. dels-tf OVERCOATS 1 SUITABLE FOB THE WEATHER, PRICE $lO AND UPWARDS, WANAMAKBR <Sfc BKOWN, OAK HALL POPE LAB CLOTHING HOUSE, BIXTH AND MARKET. WiU keep onr store open EVERT EVENING NEXT WEEK (except Christmas night) nntil nine o’clock. . 'DLACK 0 ASS. PANTS, 05.50, " At 704 MARKS? Stmt SLACK CASK FARTS, V6.H, At 701 MARKS? Street LACK GASB. FAITfB, $5.50,- At 701 MARKET Stmt SLACK GASS. FARTS, 96.60, At 701 MARKET Stmt SLACK GASS. FARTS. «S. 80. At 701 MARKS? Stmt BBIGG & TAR GURTBJTB, So. 701 MARKET Street GBIGGAVAE GURTBR’S, Ro. 701 .MARKET Stmt GEIGG * TAR GURTBRU Ro. 704 MARKET Stmt GBIGG* TAR GUNTER’S. Ro. 704 MARKET Stmt GKIGG * TAR GURTSR’B. Ro-701 MARKST Stmt se24-6m §JOHN L. CAPEN, PHRENODO GIST, may He consulted, BAT and BVBNIRG.oa adaptation to Business, Trade, and Profession; on the improvement of health, correction of ■faults,' formation of friendships, die. Full de scriptions of character given when required, at Ro. S 9 8, TBXTH Street, above Chestnut MS-thituftnif WRIGHT’S H HE PLUS ULTRA MINCE MEAT, WHOLESALE AHD ’RETAIL. BPKIHG GABDEH AHH FRANKLIH STREETS, noB-8mo« . Philadelphia eg|lM CORRECT PIANO TUNING TT*YT>-Mr. 0. A SAHGBHT’S orders for tnnlnt and repalrinjr Pianos lire remind at HASOH k CO. ’I (tore, ttOT CHESTNUT Street, onlv. Hr. 8, han had eleTen years’ factory erperlenea la Ese ton, and flYeyeara employment In Philadelphia. SrsoiAA.—runoe refeathered to sonnd u lilt Ui sweet toned as new, without removing. ■ X*r»w for Tonis*, *!, - geli-Sali HOLIDAY GOODS. /AWAAAVA'VW'AV'AV.VAWWVVVvWA V,\NVWV (CHRISTMAS AND BRIDAL GIFTS, OF UNSURPASSED BEAUTY, HOUSE FURNISHING STORE, 922 CHESTNUT STREET, ELEVEN DOORB ABOVE THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL. JOHN A. MTTRPHEY. delG-lm jd*. AN ELEGANT ASSORT- A MENT OF A SILK AND GINGHAM UMBRELLAS', HOLIDAY PRESENTS, • _ : FOR SALE BT JOSEPH FUSSELL, del«-10t a and * NORTH POUBTH Streat,PEli». WATCHES AND JEWESRT. 823 CHESTNUT STREET, OPERA AND FIELD GLASSES. RICH FANS, entirely new designs, COMBS, in Gilt, Shell, and Steel. ENGRAVED GLASS VASES AND CARD RECEIVERS. BRONZE STATUETTES, ANIMALS, INK STANDS, MATCH SAFES, CANDELABKAS. MANTEL CLOCKS, Marble, Bronze, and Gilt. RICH JEWELRY, Diamond, Pearls, and all the ’redone Gema, Gold and Enamel. SUPERIOR WATCHES, American, Swim, and ‘lnelieli. SILVER WARE, of every description. PLATED GOODS, American and English. nol4-tds2S RETAIIi BUY GOODS. XJSEI'XJL presents LADIES IN MOURNING. Silke, Press Goods, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Collars. Sleeves, Lace Sets, Gloves, BESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET. de!6-6t if CIOTHING. CURTAINS & CURTAIN MATERIALS. (JUBTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS. Bi P. IFILL & 00., DEAT.EKS IS CURTAINS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, FURNITURE COVERINGS, WINDOW SHADES, HOLLANDS, UPHOLSTERERS’ TRIMMINGS. VENETIAN BLINDS, &o. N. E. COB. TENTH AND CHESTNUT. no2S-lm * jyjATEBLAXS FOB MINCE PIES. BUNCH. LAYBB. AND SULTANA BAISINS. CITRON, CURRANTS, AND SPICBS, CIDER. WINES, Ac. , &o. \ ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Healer in Fine Groceries, Comer ELEVENTH and VINK Streets. HARPER.. 30 OfB GODEY .....20 Ct*. ATLANTIC . .20 Cts. COSTING IT At.. .30 Cts. LESLIE .30 Cts. ILaDY'S FRIEND..IS Cts. 808. : de2l-4t T.ORD LYNDHUR S T— HIS PO R JLJTBAIT, Character, and Biography; Mj. Gen. Banks, W. H Wells, Esq., the Model Teacher. Roman Life, Savage and Civilized, contrasted. Giving Thanks, by BiahopPotter, Reve..H- W. Beecher, B. H. Chapin. Dr. Tyng, Dr. Thompson; Revs.■ Isaacs, Silver, Barlingham, Ridsreway, Alger, and A. R Thompson, in January Dou ble No, Phrenological Journal Only 15 cts.. or|sl 50 a year. FOWLER & WELLS, New York, or J. L. Ci- PBh, 35 S. TENTH Street, Philadelphia. de22-2t F L ETO N’ Sv NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. A Spkesent THAT wilt, be useful fob This valuable "Work can be furnished in SIX DIF FERENT STILES-OF BINDING. Agency for this city of the Cyclopedia, 33 S. SIXTH STREET, Above CHESINUT, Second Story, The , NATIONAL QUARTERLY REVIEW. Ho. XV... i> i;i: i: m[; r, i;, 1803. CONTiSIfTS. I. Prison Discipline. Past and Present, 11. Richard Brikslbt Sheridan. . 111. Influence or the Medici IV. Girard College and its Founder. V. - Modern Civilization . VI Laplace and his Discoveries. VH. The House of Fapsburg. VIII. The Mexicans and their Revolutions— From Ifcurbide to Maximilian. JX. The Gtpsies— Their History and Character. X; Notices and Criticisms— including Criticisms on _ ; Insurance Reports, Ac. • ■ Ad should read the article on Prison Discipline, in ■which, the eoitor citps the results of his observations during visits for that purpose to several of the principal State Prisons in the United'States. Subscription, $3 a year;Single Number, $1; Specimen Copy. 75 cents Agent for Philadelphia, ' J. K. STMON, 33 South SIXTH Street. B. 1.-’ SEiRS, Editor and Proprietor. 42 Bible House, New York. TkREAMS—THEIR SIGNIFICANCE. Space and Time Annihilated, Poetry and Music In Sleep, Horrid Dreams and Happy Dreams. Are Dreams Prophetic?. Read Psychology; or. The Science of the Soul, in January double number Phrenological Journal. Only 16 cts., or *1.50 per year. Address FOWLER & WILLS; 30S BROADWAY. N.Y.,or J.L CAPEN. »5 South TENTH Street, Philadelphia. de22-2t QHOICE ENGLISH BOOKS FOR PRES ENT S . Avery choice and well- telecUd assortment of- . ELEGANTLY-ILLUSTRATED ENGLISH BOOKS, JUVENILES. MOVABLE TOY BOOKS, FINE EDITIONS OF STANDARD WORKS, in elegant bindings; FRENCH AND ENGLISH ENGRAVINGS, CHROMOS, Ac.- For sale by G. J. PRICE, Importer of Bullish Books, Engravings, &c., de22-2t* No. 31S. SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. JfOR THE HOLIDAYS. WILIvIS P. HAZAIKB, 3 r South SIXTH Street,. HAS NOW READY, THIODOEPH, THE KIEL ANDSE, by the Baron Fouque. A most charming romance, uniform with ** Undine and Suitram." elegantly printed, 12mo. Cloth, neat . .... $125. .• Theeame, cloth, antique edge 5....... 1 50, THE SUNBEAM 8 I’OJilßd, by Mrs. Planche. Finely Illustrated 16m o. Cloth, gilt The same, antique edges..... KEBLE'S.CHRISTIAN YISAR. MACAULAY’S LAYS OF ROME. Illustrated, HOBER’S POETICAL WORKS. The above three, uniform in elegant blue and gold bindings, each sl. KSBLVS CHRISTIAN YEAR, elegantly printed on fine, tinted paper: 16mo. • .' Cloth antique $125. The same, blue and g01d........ 150. The antique extra........... 2 GO. FENELOfi : S WRITINGS. Edited by Mrs. Follen. Hand .somelg printed. 16mo. The same, antique edges NEW JUVJENILBB, IfW. PAPA’S POOR OF aNIMAi S.. 16 splendid engravings, designed by Bispham. All new. 4to. C10th......... V ...$lOO ROMANTIC STOBiES'FKOM HISTORY-Cardinal Wol sey. ■William Tell, and Prince Edward. Colored places. Square 12mo. . Bed cloth... ~.....,.75 cfcs. MY PLAT IS STUDY. 4 large colored plates. EXAMPLES OF GOODKES3. 4 colored plates. Two beautiful boo As from the German, ia small 4to. size, and very handsome and attractive. Cloth gUi. each. $lOO STANDARD JUVENILE LIBRARY-Sia beamifnl vo lumes. small 12mo, viz.: Parent’s Assistant, Child’s Own Booh of Fairy Tales, Sanford and Merton, Swiss ""-Family Robinson, Five Yeats Before Mast, and Austra lian Crnsoes. Each,in cloth gilt, in neat case.'..... ..$6 00 . Orcan'behad separately at 1 00 The same, elegantly bound in morocco antique, to dll a want for nice Juvenile Presents. Price per box, $10; or each volume. $i 75 - , jESOP’S FABLES in easy verse, by Layout nine Nu merous illustrations. 16mo. Cloth, gilt, 75 cents. The same,"antique edges * $1 CO. BOWITTr AND SEDGWICK LIBRARY. Comprising Home, and Mary Howitt's best books. .4 vols. Cloth, neat, in cape. $2 00. THE SUNBEAM STORIES. By Miss PlauchO, 6 vols. of charming household tales, illustrated. In bright colors, in case. . * ..$2 50. LITTLE HARRY’S BOOKS. Six unusually cheap and pretty books, for very young children. Large tjpe, single syllables, and 16 colored pictures to each book. doth, bright colors, in box. $2 00 ARABIAN NIGHTS, and ROBINSON CRUSOE Fine editions, each illustrated and complete in one volume, Bvo. $1 75 LITTLE FOLK’S FIRST STEPS; 4to. Cfoth. $1 75 CHILDREN’S PICTURE GALLERY. 4to. Cloth. ...$1 75 Each with very large type, and 300 colored illustra tions, very showy and saleable. OLD WONDER' EYES. : Stories by Grace Greea ' w00d... .........,50ct8. STORIES FOR aLiCE. By her mother. 16mo.8Scts» story of two little chickens. Colored. 75 eta - TWELVE .WILD DUCKS. 30 colored plates. .63 cts. JACK AND THE GIANTS It& KILLED. SO colored plates. .S3ct.=. ILLUSTRATED. BOOK OF NATORAL HISTORY. Four books, vpry large 4t0., with large colored plates : of Animals. Birds. Fishes, and Reptiles.' CJoth, gilt each. i Also a great varietv of TOY BOOKS. Published by WILLIS P. HiZARD, . No 31 South SIXTH St , above Cbesnut. FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. de2l-4t Scarfs, Veils, Chintzes, De Laines, Saxony Plaids, Plaid Mohairs, Balmoral Skirts, Parij Monaselines, See. PHYSIOGNOMY, OR “S>GISTS OF J- CHARA.CTBE,” revealed in the BEARD, as worn by Jews,.. Orientals, Greeks, and .Romans; Bearded ■Women, with illustrations. The Beard in Church ; Diffe rent sorts, sizes, and styles: very interesting in January Double No. PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. bv first post. Only 15 rts.,or $l5O a year. Send orders to FOWLfcB & WRLLS, 308 BROADWAY, N. Y., or J. L» CAPBN. agjS; TENTH St.,Philadelphia. de22-3t N EW AND ATTRACTIVE JUVEBTILB BOOKS. SHELDON & COMPANY, 335 BROADWAY, N. T.. ‘ WILL PUBLISH OK SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 th, I. WALTER IS SaMARIA By Rev. D C. Eddy, D. • • D Being voi. Bof ‘ ’ Walter’s Tour in the East. ” ; With illustrations by H. W. Herrick. 1 vol. 16mo, 65 cents \ - Thty have now ready new editions of the following: 9. PETEK PARLbV’S OWN STORY. A charming book'forßoys and Girl?, from the personal uarra , tive of the late Samuel G. Goodrich (Peter Parley.) Six illustrations, lvoi. 13mo. Price $l. *** This bo »k has been out of print for some time, Tne third thotwacd i* now ready. 3. CHILDREN’S SAVINGS; OR. EARLY LTFE AT HOME. By Caroline Hadley, With Illustra tions by Walter ijrane. Ivol., square l2mo. 90c 4:. THE RISE AND- PROGRESS OF SUSDAY SCHOOLS. A Biography of Robert. Raifce* an.l William Fox. Bj John Carroll Power. 1 voL, )2rao, two portraits. $1: 5. THE WARS OF THE COLONIES. By Jacob Ab bott. Being vol. 5 of “Abbott's American His tory.” With illustration* by Chapin, Herrick, Parsons, Ac., &c lvol;,16mo. 85c. 6. THB ISLE OF WIGHT. By Jacob Abbott. Be* ing vol. sof the 14 Plorerce Stories.” With illus trations by H. W. Herrick. Ivol. . 16mo. 75c. T. WALTER Ifl JERUSALEM By Rev D. C. Eddy, D. D.-. Being vol. 2 of ‘ ‘ Walter’s Tour in the Eaßt. ” With illustrations by E. J. Whitney. -1 vol.. 16mor 65 cents. 8. THE ROSS -MORTON SERIES. Rose Morton’s Journal for January, February, March, April, and May.' With i llustratious by H., W. Herrick. 5 voi?.,lBmo. Price |2.2s_per set. 0. THE ROLL BOOKS. By Jacob Abbott. Fine edition,; 14 vols.i illustrated. $8 per set. Cheap edition, 14vol‘, Illustrated, s6perset. 10. THE lIARLIB BTORXESXBy Jacob Abbott. With illustrations by John Gilbert. 6 vols. (iu box), square 16mo> Price $1 80 per set - 11. THB OAKLAND STORIES. By George B. Tay , 8Volh;, lpmo.). Illustrated. Price $l.BO per 13. THE GELBART SERIES. By Mrs. Thomas Gf.l dart. Illustrated by John Gilbert. 6 v01a.,16m0. Gilt. back. Per sot. *3. 13- AUNT MARY’S STORIES. 6 vols., cloth, 18rao., square. Penet. $1.50. 14. PAILEY’S COTTAGE LIBRARY. By S. G. Good rich. 12 vols ,XlBmo,\muslin. lUnitrated., gilt back. Per set, $4.80. „ 15. IHE SDNNYSIDE SBRIEB. By Mrs. E. S. Phelps. H vols , 18mo Price, per set. $l.BO ~ . 16. NURSERY RHYMES Aunt Jenny’s, Aunt Kitty’s, and Aunt Mary’s*. Printed in oil colors. Price 15 cents each. Mr. Kimball’s works, which are of the higher order of literature, are found in overv first-clatfs ’library in this country and abroad (where they are largely reprinted) They are tilled with dreamy-philoeophy, romantic senti ment, and display .more artist work and asuhtlerinsight into human nature, and wider views'of life and the world, than ninety-nine hundredths of the novels pub lished. The new book. “ Was Be- Successful?” will-be eagerly welcomed bv every lover of the better class of fiction • v -"''"V-;.' > V Sold by all booksellers, and Mat by mail free on receipt of niicerby " .r ideia-e&wtf NewYorfc.* NEW PUBLICATIONS, pHOTOGEAPH ALBUMS, AT REDUCED PRICES. ALBUMS HOLDING 100 PICTURES, &4-.00. $54.00. $4.00. ALBUMS HOLDING 50 PICTURES, $2.00. $3.00. $2.00. ALBUMS HOLDING 24 PICTURES, - 80 cts. 80 cts. 80 eta. ALBUMS HOLDING 12 PICTURES, 25 cts. 25"cts. 25 cts. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLESi 25 Cents to $65.00. - NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS ! AT REDUCED PRICES.- All '51.50 Books for $1.25. “ 1.25 “ “ 1.00. “ 1.00 . “ “ 80. “ 75 “ “ 60. “ 50 “ “ 40, “ 25 ' “ “ 20. EVERYTHING AT A DISCOUNT. JUVENILE BOOKS. - DIARIES FOR IBM, PORTFOLIOS, . PICTURE BOOKS, BIBLES AND PRAYSRS. CARD FRAMES, MAGAZINES, &C.. *C. G. W. PITCHER’S book, album, and pioturb store, . CHESTNUT ST., PHIL A., 808 A LIFETIME. shbldon & company. Publishers and Booksellers, de!9 stn2t 335 BROADWAY, cor.Worth. at, ; N.Y. “ TIP TOP.”—THE JAN.PICTORIAL l DOUBLE HIJMBEH PHRENOLOGICAL JOUR NAL is the best ever l»suecl; It h»s Forty Portraits, and other EngravlngSi including Major General Banka* Lord Lyndhurefi, ana many Beautiful Women. Only Jfi cent?, or &1.69 a year. KewVol. de22-2t A SPLENDID NOVEL, JUST PUBLISHED, BY RICHARD B. KIMBALL, entitled WAS HE SUCCESSFUL ? A capital new society novel, large 12m0., tinted paper, clotli bound, elegant. Frico <1 50. Albo, new and uniform editions of the other works by the tame author, as follows: UNDERCURRENTS. SAINT LEGER...... ROMAjtCE OF STUDENT LIFE. IN THE tropics.... HEW PtIBMCATIOHS. J)IBLE8! BIBLES! EIzEGEA-lsrr BIBLES, THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY EDITIONS, BEST IK THE WORLD. MOST SDPEEBLT BOUND BY HAYDAY, of London, ELEGANTLY MOUNTED with HEAVY GILT CLASPS AND CORNERS, PLAIN, FROSTED, or ENGRAVED. Superior to any books ever before imported, they most be seen to be appreciated, . ■ . Imported by THOS. NELSON 4 SONS, No. 13T ..GRAND Streot, NEW YORK, Sole Agents for tho'Unlted States. For sale in Philadelphia by A SIIMEAD EVANS, (accCßseona to wans p. hazard, ) No. 724 CIIESTNUT STBEET. de!2*stutZ4 WILD MEN AND BEAST, CHILDREN * _ nar Bed by the Wolf and other Animals, Furs*’ and the Fur Trade, Ranting and Trapping, fiuman Fossils, Skeletons, How Miss K. got a llasband. Must Marry or Fijiht. Bis Choice, and the results, in the Double No Phrenological Journal, for January. 35 cents, or $1.50 ayear. New vol. Address FOWLER St WELLS. 308 BROADWAY. N Y de22»2fc Or J. L. CAPEN. 25 S. TENTH St., Phlla. ARLES DESILVER, PUBLISHER and bookseller, 1229 CHESTNUT STREET. HOLIDAY GIFT BOOKS. GREAT ATTRACTION. IMPERIAL COURTS i'.. • OP FRANCE, ENGLAND. RUSSIA, PBU33IA, SARDINIA. AND AUSTfiIAi ’ Richly Illustrated with 42 PORTRAITS > OF IMPERIAL SOVEREIGNS ‘ AND THEIR CABINET MINISTERS, WJTH 46 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, AN INTRODUCTION BY WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. 1. This is a superb volume of Imperial Octavo alze, of over 410 pages. : The title page is illustrated with purple*- red. and gold. - It will be the Qem of the SeasoiLfor the Holidays, as well as a standard work. ■ 2. This Book is richly hound in Turkey Morocco, full gilt, and TurkeyAntique.andpntnpin a neat bon or case. PRICE $12.60. - It will be sent by mail or express to any. part of the country, expenses paid, on-receipt ol the amount by the publisher, NEW YORK: Published by W. LI. BIDWELL, No. 6 BEEKMAN St. 18e4. ORDERS SOLICITED. Charles Desilver has also on hand, alarge assortment of Entllfih and American juveniles and Toys, Prayer Books. Bibles, Standard, and Miscellaneous works, ic,. at the lowest prices. del9-Bfcuth3c A PRETTY PRESENT:—SEND TO yopr nearest, dearest, and most valued Mead, the ILLtJSTKATitD FHSSHOLOGICAL JOUBNAL for 1864. It would behiKhly prized, and cob! only Si SO. FOW- LgB&WELM, flew Yolk; or S X. CAPEN, 45 S. •TENTH St., Phila. , - de2l-2t * jgOSTON JUVENILES. SUNSET STORIES. No. 1, HELEN ROTES AY. Price 75 cents.. Six little pet children nestled around Grand mama, and begged her to ‘‘tell each of us a story of stood old times, when yon were a little girl; tell us about true things that you did.” Thus originated these charming Stories, now told to a much wider circle. Toys, books, and games were not so plenty then, and these bewitching make-be citfoe playf, by Which “ Helen ” and her companions found delight way up in the mining district of Pennsyl vania, will be reproduced in thousands of other families, whose children will read this charming book. SUNSET STORIES. No 2. ; SKETCHES OP DOLL LITE; Price 75 cents.. After Gran dma had finished ‘ * Helen Rothsay, M there WBB a lull, and she said. ' ‘ Perhaps you do not care to hearanother story?” “"Oh yes,' we do!’ was the reply from eager voices. * Then I will tell my pet* three Doll Stories, which I think can teach you all Borne good les son, and, I kope. amuae you. All little Girls will be enchanted by them. JEAN BEIjIN ; 08, THE ADVENTURES OF AXITTLE FRENCH BOT. ■ Atbiek volume. Price 91.50. * A more delightful Boy’s book has not been- written since ‘The Swiss Family Robinson’was'first put into juvenile bands. Full of adventure and sight-seeing— hhipwreck and Desert life m Africa—constructed with minutest detail, which-give reality to such Crusoe like etories; written in perfect simplicity, it is abook any one can be interested’ln, and which the boy reader wilL de ; vour with ecstacy It forms a gift of holiday happiness not very soon exhausted. ” * VERONICA.; OR, THE LIOHT-HOUSE KEEPER. Price, 75 cents. . 4 Perhaps the best commendation we can bestow upon this delightful story is, to say that we nave it to & young ster. who read it with great gusto hinaaelf, and then in sisted upon sharing his joy with liis mother by reading it again, aloud to her.” it BUDGET OF FUN: „ . FOR LITTLE FOLKS. Price,, 75 Cents. 1 This Is a charming Book for Young Girls.. “Our Jennie was President of a famous Knitting OlvJ?,. of little girls, wiio are invited fco.hev grandmothers house in the country, famed for stories. , who entertains them with stories which; in their present form, will pas* far beyond the JCnittiT){j:Club' and charm thousands of children of siiniJar likingA and loves. ” BOYS AT CHEQ,TJASSET:: •_ - #i .08, A LITTLE LEAVEN. By the Authoress of Faith Gartnet’s Girlhood-.!’ ■ . Price, 75 Gents. * This is the best Boys’Book overwritten.” v Tiie boys are real live boys, and the aim of the 'story noble.- . • . The success of ‘ Faith Gautk-ey’s Girlhood r will insure for this an immense run, and it deserves it too, for it has no equal. ” FAITH GARTNEY’S GIRLHOOD. Fifth-Edition. Price $1.50. THIS IS THE BOOK OF THE SE if ON;: Written •‘for girls gliding into womanhood, it can be lead with equal interest and satisfaction by minds more mature J. B. Lippincott & Co.,,Peterson Bros., Ash.mead it Evans, Smith & ‘Eaglbh, W. P. Hazard, J. Leypoldt. and all the Philadelphia Booksellers, supply them. ' * LORING. Publisher. V del9-Btath3t- 31P WASHINGTON Street, Boston. A SCALPING: DANCE, -ILLUSTRA TED. exhibiting a jcrcmp of SIOUX INDIA.!TS, dress ed in their savage aid hide/jus costumes. EGYPTIAN MUMMIES, with-engravings. How Preserved, Em balming, Modern Mummies,Mammy Phrenology. PRE GO . IOTJS CHI LDRES—fdarri&g© in Borneo. CaHou-s Ceremonies, in January Double No. PHRENOLOGI ’AL JOURNAL Bead it. Only 15 cts, or $1 50 a year. de23-2t « A LTOG-EIHERjTHIS SDPERB EM* , TION OF BITTBR-SWEST IS’ ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND MUOH-TO-BE COVETED GIFT BOOKS THAT THE AMERICAN PRESS HAS YBT PRODUCED. "—[New York Commercial.!. <1 SCRIBNER* ... •• Ro. 13* GRAND St. , New York, Has now ready an entirely new edition FOR THE HOLIDAYS. .In 1 vol.. small quarto, with THIRTY ADDITIONAL . ENGRAVINGS—in all Eighty Illustrations. BITTER-SWEET; A POEM. - . Bt Dr. J. G Holland, ’ Autfc or of “ Titcomb’s Letters to Young People, ” * ‘ Les sons in Life,” Ac. * A new and elegantly Illustrated Edition, printed on new type, for this edition, with Eighty Illustrations, executed in tlio highest style of Art. from original draw ings, by-E. J. Whitney, Esq. Bound in extra illumi nated cloth, fair gilt, $6; in Turkey antique, ss. Each style put up in a neat box. . - Copies sent by viail or express—expense prepaid—an receipt of price - FOR SALE BY ALL PHIL ADELPHIA BOOKSELLERS. del7:thstwth*st A BEAUTIFUL; USEFUL AND PER -tA PETUAL PRESENT.—The Phrenological Jocr nsl and Life Illustrated, for 1864. Published the first of each month, at $1 50 a year This year's volume contained .more than 300 engraved illustrations, and is one of the pmost entertaining works now published. Older it a year for your nearest, dearest, and most valued friend. Sent regularly to any address, by FOW LER & WELLS, No SOS BROADWAY, New York .or J, L; CAPEN, 85 South TENTH St., Pltila. de22»2t OHARLES THE BOLD! AND ALL OTHER NEW BOOKS, AT REDUCED PRICES. PITGF-lER'S, SOB CHESTNUT STREET. MEBRV books -»->X FOR MF.RRT CHRISTMAS. WILLIS P. Publisher, 31 South SIXTH Street, .Philadelphia. ' Ready in a L»w days, • NEW BOOKS, by the Author of 'Slovenly Peter:” - THE SPARK THAT WENT SPARKING, etc. A se ries of charming ideas and drawings, with-humorous and quaint conceits in verse, by Dr Henry Hoffman,the author of that wonderfully fanny book; Slovenly Peter,” and others Withbrjghtly colored illustrations, in fancy boards', small 4tn. ~ 31 cents. . * HEARTY AND HTTMOROUi THINGS FROM THE CHILDREN’S WORLD. A new funny book, with many n’ce drawing*, vety brightly colored. By Dr. Hoffman. Small 4to, fancy boards. 81 cents. COMICAL RHYMES OF ANCIENT TIMES, dug up, into Jokes for small Folks. By G. H. R. An irresistibly . droll book of rhymes and drawings to please the little ones. Printed in colors Small 4to, fancy binding. Me THE BOOK OF NONSENSE By Ed ward Lear. With. 113 plctnres; from the 10th English edition. Fail of the drollest pictures and verses. Oblong Sv\fancy boards. $1; Another edition of this funniest of all fanny books is now ready. It will make any Christmas firesidemerry. -MERRY PIOTURES FOR LITTLE PEOPLE, 4to, cloth, gilt extra. $1.76. A collection of stories comical and instructive, translated from the German. With 120 engravings, brightly colored. A LAUGRTBR book FOR LITTLE FOLKS-contain ing a great variety of short and very amusing storiea, translated from the .Herman, with 150 large brightly colored engravings. 4to; cloth gilt. $1.75 The above contains six hooks in one, viz : Slovenly Peter, Slovenly Kate, ; Fuuny Leaves Tor the Younger Branches, Johny Look-in-the-air, Sugary. Tom, and C COM*ICAL ? PAGES FOE _ VERY LITTLE PEOPLE, with numerous funny Stories, and 150 large colored en grsvings, 4to, c oth gilt. $l"7o. Containing six books bound in one, viz : Simple Hans,. King Nutcracker, Wonderful Chicken, Great Sausage, Young Trouble some. end Jjmmy Sliderlogs. * MOTHER GOOSE’S MELODIES. The best edition pub lished, containing all the Rhymes, Chimes, »nd 9lelo oies the ever wro.e, 128 payee! square 12iuo, with 200 brightly colored engravings, cloth, gilt. 75 c^nts. TEB BLOVBNLT-PETER SERIES OF TOY BOOKS. Illustrated with funny pictures and with droll stories, on every, page. Brightly col*red; .12 kinds, assorted. New edition jnht ready. Per dozen. $3.75, ~ ' THE TOOTHACHE.. Imagined by Horace MayhowT an 1 drawn by Geo, Cruikshank; A brilliant Panorama of Queer Situations' 60 cents. v .< de2l-4t BOOK FOR THE GOLD WEATHER. SECOND EDITION NOW READY. BSEAKEAST IB BED; OK, PHILOSOPHY BETWEEN .THE SHEETS, A Series of Indigestible Discourses. By GEORGE AU GUSTUS BaLA, author of "Twice Round tha.Clock,” “ William Hogarth, ” *'The Seven Songs of Mammou,” "The Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous,’’etc., etc., etc. In one volume, limy. Price si. . From the Daily Evening Star. Buy it, and retd it: it is eauoy and conceitel, but thoughtful and truthful Philadelphia Press. After Mr. Thackeray had gossipped for some time, in a . “Roundabout” fashion, with ihe readers of the Cornhill Magazine one of the ablest writers in that periodical re- Bignt-d ofii e and t< ok charge of Temple Bar, a new but not unfriendly rival. Here he wrote a dozen desultory papers * * do omnibus rebus et qulbusdam aliis, ” the mis fortune of which was that the original Jaea was Thacke rsy’e. He called them “Breakfass in Bed; or, Philoso- : phy between the Sheets.’’--They are clever; they are amusing; they tell us eome things we did not know be fore, and many things which we had half- forgotten and. like to be reminded of: but they faring-Thackeray to mtnd»lßO. Mr. Bala. how»ver, i* amunnglypersonal, not querulomly egotistical, like his great exemplar,and hia book can be read with pleasura audpr^tit. Published by *x- BKADBURN,. (Successor to M. Doolady.) 4*9 WALKER Street, New York. Sent by Mall oa rwetpt of prioe. de2!2t hazard, QARD PHOTOGRAPHS BARE AND BEAUT] Defenders of the Unifn, Devotion, Dream of Hope, Disputed Meal, Dignity of Impudence, Doss and Game, Evening. Empress Eugenie. Eve Listening to the Voice, Eye with the Apple. Embroidering Lesson, EcceHomo, English Beauties, Flower of Dumbl&ne,' Favorites, Fairy Tales, First Smile, Faith with the Cross, Faith,. Forester's Family, Flower Garden, Feeding the Donkey, Friends in Adversity, Georgette. Good for Nothing, Grandmother’s Darling, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, of all sizes and great va riety, from 50 Cents to $5O. PRICES OP CARD PICTURES. PORTBAITd—IS Cents each, $1.50 Per Dozen, $ll Per Hundred. ENGRAVINGS—I 2 Cents each, SI. 50 Per Dozen, $S Per Hundred. McAllister & brother, 2Vo. 728 dUestuut St. d,22 :>t BOOKS, IN FINE BINDINGS, FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. FLOWERS FROM MY GARDEN. Sketched and Painted fiom Nature. By Laura Gordon MunßOn; in troduced by Mrs. Sigourney. 18 Colored Plates. Royal 4to, Turkey Antique. _|THOS. A. KEMP’S IMITATION OF CHRIST. Oxford Edition Bound in Crushed Turkey Morocco, red and gilt edges. TAYLOR’S HOLY LIVING AND DYING- 2 vola Full Calf, Antique. Oxford Edition. 'MILTON’S L»ALLEGRO AND ILfPENSTROSO. Illus trated with Etchings on Steel, by Blrket Foster. London Edition. BDNYAN’S PILGRIM’S PROGREBB Octavo. Lon don Edition. 24 beautifallv-colored Engravings THE PLEADING SAVIOUR By Rev. James Smith. -Morocco Antique London Edition. -..PEARLS OF THOUGHT, RELIGIOUS AND PHILO SOPHICAL. Gathered from old authors. Full Calf, gilt. WORDS OF .TESUS. Full Calf. gilt. IN THE WOODS WITH LONGFELLOW, BRYANT, AND BALLECK. Very handsomely bound and illus trated- _SACßED POEMS OF N. PARKER WILLIS. Byo. Tinted Paper.. Bsautifally illustrated. IRVING’S LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 5 vole, half calf. London Editions of Standard Poets. Turkey Morocco, Antique. Illustrated. Fifty volumes of the best Poetical Authors, bound in blue and gold- THE CHURCH PSALMIST, in superb-Turkey Morocco. Flexible and Thick Covers, red or gttt edges. Also, in magnificent Velvet Bindings. BIBLES and PRAYER BOOKS, in all styles of bindings. Religious and HisceUaneoua Books, in plain and gUt bindings. Juvenile Books, our own publication, and the beet from other publishers. For s«l*Bt*he PRESBYTERIAN BOOK STORE, No. 1334- CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Mint. K. B. —Store open in the evenings. de2l-3t "DEAUTIFUL WOMEN.—FOE POE -**■* TBAITS, "with the Secret of Beauty, and “How to he Bfautiful,” s*e the PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNALS The January Double Number ha* more than forty por traits. Only 36 cent* by the first post, or ®1 60 a *ear. New volume. FOWLER * WELLS. 308 BROADWAY, N. Y , or J. L. CAPES; 35 South. TENTH St., Phila,. de2a 2t , 9 (1 CENTS!—GOD'EY FOE JANU ‘°'-/AET. PITCHER’S, d.22gt ■ 808 CHESTNUT Street. 90 GENTS!—FRANK LESLIE FOE JANUARY. PITCHER’S. . de22-3t 808 CHESTNUT ttveet. A TLANTIO! ATLANTIC 11 JANUARY Number only 20 cents. PITCHER’S. 808 CHESTNUT Street. de2l-3t "TOY E, COURTSHIP, AND MAR -*-* BIaGE.—AII love and to be loved. Mis takes. Unhappy Marriages, The Remedy, Lore-signs in the face. Secret of Beauty A Woman’**-Experience. Falling in Love. To improve the Complexion—with numerous Illustrative Portraits. In January Double-No. Phrenological Journal. The first oi a new voi Only 36'cents: or $3 50 a year. FOWLER & WELLS, 308 BROADWAY, N. Y; or J. L. CAFJ3N, 35 South TENTH Street, Philadelphia. . _de-22-2fc Book agency, 33 South SIXTH Street APPLETON’S NEW CYCLOPEDIA. WASHINGTON IRVING’S WORKS. WAVERI.EY NOVELS. Hou.seh.old edition REBELLION RECORD. BAYARD TAYLOR’S WORKS. COOPER’S NOVELS. Illustrated edition. DICKENS’ WORKS Household edition. GEMS FROM ’’BE DUSBELDORF GALLERY. BRITISH POETS. Boston edition. MERRIVALE’S HISTORY OF THE HOMANS, NATIONAL QUARTERLY REVIEW. $3 per year. oe2o-tTifchBa3m WANTS. WANTED—A SITUATION AS " Porter in a Store by a man who has been eighteen y ea; sin stores Address * * Porter," 1 * Frees office. de22-3t* A FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER DE SIRES-A SITUATION. Has had thirty years’expe rience. Reference given. Address "F, Box 1073, Philadelphia Post Office de22-3t*" WANTED—AN FNERGETIO SALES ' ' MAN in a Wholesale Hat House One that can command-a- large trade. Address “Weaver,** artnis office - , - deilGt* TO THE WHOLESALE DRY GOODS -V TRADE —A yourg man who has had five years’ ex perience in one of the largest wholesale houses in the city, desires to change hia situation about January first. Satisfactory reasons given for changing. Address **W. HR ,r Press office. de2l-2t* TO TBE DRV GOODS JOBBING AND COMMISSION TRADE.— A yodngmau, having had six years’experience with one of the largest houses in the city, is desirous of changing about the Ist of Janu ary. Is acquainted with a near and Western trad*. Address ‘*o. T.,’ t Press Office. de2l-2t* A GENTLEMAN WITH'FROM $lO,OOO A— 'to SUS, OCOis engage in a respectable, safe, and fair-paying Manufacturing Business. Address-* In dnstry,’ 1 at ttus.oiß.ee. del-tuthstf WANTED—A SITUATION AS JA- T r NTT OH in a Public or Private Building. Satisfac tory reference and secarity given' Address “Janitor.” at this office - ■ . del9-3t* WANTED— TEX E GRAPH OPE ’ ' RATORS.—Young Men to instruct as Telegraph Operators, The demand, for good Operators is always in excess of the supply. Mr. FAIRBANKS has consented to gratify the desires of several gentlemen interested in telegraph lines, and has fitted up a complete Telegraphic Dstwtment in the Quaker City Business College, corner TENTH and’CHESTNUT Streets, where perfect instruc tion is guaranteed, as if on a regular line. For terms, apply as above. . Few applicants only received. d!9-6t* WANTED-AN ACTIVE OR SPE. »T CIAL PARTNER, withs6,oCotoslo,ooo. in a lu crative business well established. Address “C. K. S P. O. Box 2288. \ dal6*6t in nnn north branch canal BONDS, and 10,000 Erie Canal Bonds wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid. Inquire of C. B. WRIGHT, 113 S. FOURTH St del9-6t* A MONTH I— We Want Agents at U V/a month . expenses pai-Lto sell out Eotrkuiin g Oriental Burners, and 13 other article?. 15cir culars sent/ne SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford,Me. d2i-lni A MONTH!-I WANT TO HIES W * Agents in every eounty at 975 a month, expen ses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Machfnet Address. B. MADISON, Alford, Maine. ;; 0c23-d&w3* JBfa DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER SMISiGBKERAL’S OFFlCE— Philadelphia, Feb. 8, 1863. - VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following points: v Tortneas, Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe. Va. Alexandria, Va. Newbern, N. C. Port Royal, S C. A. BOYD, felO-tf . Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. BOARDING. TTJ S T OPENED.—A FIHSTCLASS ** Boarding H* use,’No. 1123 GIRARD Street Desi rable rooms, doable and single now-vacant. de22-2t* PERMANENT LODGINGS WANTED. A —a gentleman advanced In years: but in good health, having broken up.housekeepinffi wishes to obtain per manent lodgings* Be would take the front and rear jooxds of the second story and famish them if desired. Be would prefer house in. any eligible neighbor hood within a mile of the State Howe.' ; For such eccoirimidafcions and board (plain,but good) he will pay a price that would make the arrangement desirable lor a family of limited means. The best of reference given and required. Address * ‘ Box 177. ” Post Office. -• de2l 3t BOARDING.— TWO GOOD CHAM BERS, also a Parlor on first floor, vacant soon, at 140» WALNUT Street. ‘del9-6,* FOR SAXE AND TO XET. g* FOB SALE CHEAP.—A„ DE3I JE* F. ABLE Four- story Brick Residence, situate i at No. 225 North TWENTIETH Street Price $5,600. Apoly to - ROBERT MACGREGOR. de22 419 WALNUT Street. m TO LET-A THREE STORY *3ibTick BOUSE, No 841 North FIFTH Street, with' gas, hot and cold bath, water closet, heater, range. &c , and is wall supplied with closets. Applyat9os MARKET Street -• • ■ de22-2t* M .PABM—FIFTY- ONE ACRES first quality Che*tor County Land, 21 miles from Philadelphia; near railroad; 8 acres Woodland; good Stone Borne. Spring Water; Stone Barn, Ac. VaLley Creek runs through-the place. Terms accommodating. For sale by . ' . - - I, C PRICE, X do2l-lm Cor. SPRING GARDEN and Thirteenth st — fob sale,; a valtj. ABLE PATENT.- A good income can be derived annually.from the manufacture and sale of!the ■ Address **F. W., ” Ledger offlc9. : ; de2l-2t* POAL YABD FOB SALE.—THE .b«Bt fitted-up YARD in the city. Capacity for doing any amount of business. Inquire on the premises, No. 95T North NINIH Street,below Girard avenna. de!9 6t* A RARE CHANCE ! 1 -A A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR GOING INTO BUSINESS! i. AN OLD-ESTABLISHED STAND ! THBTSUSINESS IN A FLOURISHING CONDITION The undersigned offers for sale STOCK AND FIXTURES. Possession of Store given on the Ist of January. PARTICULARS. The Business—Retail Dry Goods. w Average Sales for the last Seven Years—ONE HUN DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR. The Stock-Staple and Domestic Goods. The location considered one of tne best in Philada: / The Stock is cheap, bought for cash, muclrof it far below present market rates. • The present stock about $25,000. _ The business is in a most healthy condition, which will be seen-by the dally sales as entered in,the Cash Book. None need apply except they have “ the Cash to pay down. M Address “Retail Dry Goods," at this office. Philadelphia, Dec. 14. del4l2t i M for sale or to let—a valu. ABLE BUSINESS STAND, No. 1128 SPRING GARDEN Street, consisting of Dwellings and Store Room. Oneof the best stands in the eity rorthe Retail Shoe Business. This property will be sold cheap Ap* Sly on the 1 premises, INo. 1198 SPRING GARDEN treat. delo-12t* S TEAM SHIP NOBMAN, ■&■■■■■■■ from Boston.—Consignees of merchandize per abovevessel will please send for their goods now on PINE-STIIEET WHaRF. H. WINSOR * CO. « de22-2t- trusses: braces, &c„ »kllfttlly adjnated bT O. H. HEBPLM, eomer ol TWELFTH and Ki.CE Atmto. - • Ladle.’ Department for aame. eonducied bl Ladiea, TWELSTH Btieet, Int door below Kaoa. Tit mosl complete and varied «to.k l. »arl of Trnacea. Bnpportera. Shonldar Braces, Kit, Basduss, Klaitla Stoeklnu. OratabM. SyrliiM*. ij Silwfor kuinn. &tek Boost to. wl->»U [FITL ENGRiYINGS, Ooddosa of Llberir. Hope, ,0 Happy Time, Huguenot Lovers, Hopes and Fears, Hide and Seek, Happy Mother, . Happy as a King, Holy Family, Household Measures, Highland Mary, Hours by Raphael.' Harem Scenes, Innocence, Inundation, Immaculate Conception, Infant Jesus, Infant Mary, Interrupted Reader, Japanese Tommy, Josephine, Lion in Love, Love is Brightest. Lost Bird, Led a and Swan, <Jcc., Ac., &c. a )NGBRT BY. GERMANIC BAN». at HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, TtfSBDAX Si 4 December, 1883, at BP. M. Tickets 20 cents/ #l. March, Union 2. Quartette, Rin01ett0.....*.... 3. Bright Star of Hope..;* 4. Air, Dinoiah ' 5. Galop. Polnto 8. Bnlogy of Tears./...w. 7. Bolero, Sicilian Vespers 8 Sound# from H0me........... 9. Qnadrille, M0t0r...... 10. Serenade... 11. Polka, Anna..... 12. Waltz, Dreams on the Ocean das bice. ' CHBISTifIS WEEK—IMHENSB SUCCESS. _ UHPAKALLELED ENTHUSIASM. takes pleasure in an louncing THBER PERFORMANCES OB CBRISTAUB DAY-mK. mornJ inr;_2.%, afternoon; and 7.40. evening. Ala-j. TWO PEKFORMABCES fack day during Christinas week ly. afternoon ; 7.40, evening. The great piece, . entitled DOIT JUAN, will conclude the performance of the Great Xfati.nal Classic Show, every evening this week. The entertaining divertisement. tha’ r HK 17 E LOVERS one a simpleton, tte other a jolly sailor, and the other a sentimental Quaker, will also be performed. • Matinee* ev»ry WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AF TERNOON, commencing &■ 2% o’clock _ ADMISSION, 2S cents; Stag* Seats. 60 eenb ; PrlvaW Box, 83; Gallery, Ifi cent* The Troupe ia in. the fad t i d .?, of A^ ccets,^ til9 artists being very superior iu their shill of the performance. de2l-tf l® r UNI>EBIjrOH" , B fT ZOGRAPHICON. A Series of Panoramic Illustrations of TS-ARTHUR'S T^m IN A. BAR ROOM. . J i OH N BTJiSYACrS VILGRCM‘B PROiRSS3. and other Attractive Scenes from LUe, Character, Ha rare, and Art. comprising one of the most pleasinr. in stinctive, and highly impress! re series of entertainment* ever presented to an American, pub ic Pr -S?- r i\ e t or Manager Mr.' JOSEPH VBRBT. Will he exhibited at ODD FELLOWS’ HALL, ■' FRaNKROED. , OH CHRISTMAS EVE, and continue till Wednesday, the 30tb, inclusive, after •SS$ HT^‘ffiL^f P^a bltedat «»- This splendid series of more than 100 Brand Panoramic Paintingß teas executed by Mr. George Wnndenioh. an .Ajaeriran artish who Ktanns nnriTaUed as a gel ntc artist Admission, A cents: Children, 15 cents. Liberal ar rangements made with Schools, Temperance, and otw Societies. Aflernocn Matinees on Christmas: and day, sSlh, ai 2|i o’clock. For the afternoons, Children 10 cents. Soldiers admitted at half price de4l-St pONOEET HALL, „ LECTURE KOOM, CHESTNUT Si REST ABOVE TWELFTH. WAUGH'S MaSHIFUEKT New Panorama of ITALY WUI positively close Wednesday Evening, Dec 39 OPENEVERT EVENING. ALSO, , . Wednesday. Cbrutmas, and Satnrday Afternoons. ■ „ ■ - ■ this splendid work of art - Commences moving— EVENINGS, at 7Ji AFTERNOONS, 3 o’clock. ..Tickets 25 cents; Children 15 cents. For day ezhibl tions only. de2l-8t fJ9 A ARCH .STREET. . -. institute for dancing. . 3>- D. CARPENTER, the well known, real Master of the Art, is now ready to take Scholars for the Second Term, for Ladies Gentleman, Misses, and Ma.3ters. Ia separate departments, by theroseiv&b.~. aa d wlx&ri proper Dancing is taught for good society. ... ~X£HH.?Jk a &ie* and Gentlemen are informed tlm D. L. CARPENTER will take • Scholars for Evening- Classes, now forming. Carpenter can be seen at any time, day and night. at .his rooms. . „D. L CARPENTER will• give full-dres3 Sociable* EVERT TUESDAY EVENING. Gentlemen will not b* admitted unless with Ladies, and to be gloved for the occasion. He hopes his former friends will enconr&ia tfafm • . • del9-g&» rjHE GRAND The Society-will give THESE CONCERTS, doriaxtti* **The n SECONI> CONCERT will be on THUSSSaTE. EVENING. 13th, 1364, To cooslptof Miscellaneous Music. The THIRD CONCERT will take place On TfIURSDAY EVBNFKG, Way ltth 1864, : When the. Grand ORATORIO of Golnmbug Diacoynlu America performed. This Oratorio was per formed in this city-by the PHILADELPHIA SaCR£D MDSIC SOCIETY in 1547. - The Snbsciiption list is now open at J. E. Goold’h. Seventh and Chestnut streets; Lee St Walker’s, TM Chestnut street; and Wm. S« AJAlfred Manien’s, 60# Chestnut street. Price of Subscription for the season THREE DOLLARS, Admitting three persons .to each Concert. del6-tf gECOND SEASON, 1863-’64. M. H. CRO6S and CHiKLBS H. JARVIS, Respectfolly ansotmce to the public that they Hffi live of the series to'be given in DECEMBER,aa£ tbe.jemaLninjf three during the months ofJANUAEY* FEBRUARY, and APRIL. IS6I Messrs. C- and J. wffl be assisted by tho following Artiste: Carl Gaertnbr, Violin. 1C M. Schmitz, Violoncello L. Tschirner, Contra Basso Wm.:Stoll,-Clarionet. A. Kellner, Hautboy.- J. Koch, Flute. G. Mfllbb, Bassoon. • IC. Plageman, Horn." . Programme, with snbscripton prices, at Gould's, Aa* drfe&Co.'s, and Lee & Walker's. , • noH«stuth t| nras MjENNBRCHor takes plea "A SURE in announcing to its friends and the publie that its FIFTEENTH FANCY DRESS BALL, Will take p'ace on-*- MONDAY EVENING, February Ist, 18«* . AT THE \ AMEBICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Tickets can only be had by subscription of the membeflk of the Society, and the authorized Managers, Whoso ad* - dresses will b« published hereafter. delff-tuthatf TEMPLE OF WONDEBS—ASSEMBLY - 1 - BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CHESTNUT STRUM. Amusement for Old and Young. Mirth mnlTTrmiliurfl open for the season. Constant change of Enteit&uuunk ' - SIGNOR BLITZ EVERY EVENING, commencing at 7K o’clock, iii Wednesday and Saturday at 8, consisting of New Mys teries in Necromancy, great success in VentriloQuistt* and the Learned Canary. Birds. Admission 25 cents; Children Id cento, . sell-tf** AMUSEMENTS. MERIC AN ACADEMYOF^MUSIO. ujpaballbled attraction fob THE HOLIDAYS RAVEL, marzbtti TUESDAY Bad WEDNESDAY JVENINQS, Doe. £M and 23d, 1863. The performance will comnie*d9 With new exercises o* the ' , TIGHT BOPS. Julian. Philippe, and Paul Sfartinett!, In (heir Tried* fcerme on the Single Hope* and the world-renoweet , . ‘ MAD'LLE MARIETTA. ZANFBETTA* In her extraordinary evolutions, without the aid *f ttftl balance pole, After which the beautiful ballet, entitled - . , „ THE VIVANDIBBSI To he followed by „ TBEGLADIATOBB. BY THE MaRTINATTI BROTHERS. To conclndA with the celebiated Pantomime of JOCKO; OR, THE BRAZILIAN APB. CHRISTMAS PAY, GRAND CHRISTMAS MATUT3B* Commencing at 2 o'clock. „ ■ _'. ■ peices op ADiiresioN ; Parquet, Parquet Circle, and 8a1c0ny..,50 cent*. _ . CNo extra charge for reserved seats 3 Upper Circles. 5 cent*. Pioscenium Boxes, 8 teats each m Box office will open on BATURDAY. December lISSu at b o clock, where seats may be secured for three dara in aavmce. . at 7; performance to commence at 8. Close at 10# o’clock. de22-2t "WTSW CHBSTNUT-ST. THEATRE.—. ' lessee and Manaier Mr. WM. WHEAT!*!. , CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Last weeK out ODe of the engagement of BDWIH EORBEST. - Who will THIS (TOESDAT) BVENItfC, Dec. 244 IBCB. Appear for THE THIRD AND LAST TIKE, AS BPaRTACUS, in Dr. Bird’s great American Tragedy of “THE GLADIaTOR.” supported by a MOST POWERFUL CAST. Conductor. MARK EASSLEB. Hr. Wheatley begs leave to announce thb? ho. has af* fected an engagement with the young, talented* a*4 beautiful American artiste _ v . MISS JEAN HOSMER, __ T.^ h £ WlU T- m , l & e ? w L firßt appearance on Wednesday. Dec. 23, as Jjnnei, in Shakspeare'a admirable tradegy or Romeo and Joliet. db2l-6t WALNTTT-STREET THEATRE ” THIS (TDESDAT) EVENING, Dm. 22d, • J. K CLANKS. ONLY NIGHT OF THE FaT BOV; „ r ’ „ CLARKS ONLY TIME AS WADDTP. OHLVNIGHT OF TOODLKS: clabkeas toodles. ONLY NIGHT OF MV NEIGHBOR’S WIFE: _ CLARKE AS BROWN. : To-morrow (Wedneedaylanexcellent bUI • On Christ mas i « Clarke. Grand Holid.y Pa cl Ait QTTEBN/VJhrbtaiaß afternoon. at Sis o'clock, Clarke in a Grand Shla Entertainment. U Turn JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH* iTJL STREET THEATRE. SECOND NIGBT OP TBiMS BREW. ' THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING. DECEMSEB 22d* v HELPING HAJTD& - Lorentz Hartman .Frank Draw . THE IRISH DRAGOON. Paddy Murphy .; • ..Frank Drew. "with the sonc of “.Paddy Carsy. ” Performance to commence with „ . THE JENKINSE3. In rehearsal. ALADDIN.” Afternoon Performance on CHRISTMAS DAY. Performance to commence at 7%. rjOKCEBf HALL, CHESTNUT v - / STREET, A-OYE TWELFTH: „„ GRAND GALA-DAY CONCERTS. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS; Commencing THURSDAY, 21ih GRAND MATINEES PRIDAY, CHRISTMAS DAY. „, Ir . SATURDAY AFTERN&ON, at!' o’clock THE ORIGINAL;>ND ONLY BLAIS : *ELL BROTHERS: SWISS BELL- RINGERS, vocalists, Harpist.*, and Instrumea al SMo Artists, T - . TEN MEMBERS, Including Masters STERNE, YOUNG, LITTLE.- ani" CLARA, The Wouderfcl CHARACTER SINGERS. Tickets. 25 cents Reserved seat?, 60 cents. No half price fit night. All Children admitted at a reduced price to all of tha- Matinees. F. .S. —A of the Hall may be seen at Gould’* Music Store, where seats can be secured. E 3. BLAISDELL.AgK;”- BLiISDELL - Ma g’'f Q.BEAT .NATIONAL CIROU& >* TEOffPB.-JUSKBT Straet rtoTe Tw->lt«i. ' Directress, Mrs. CEAM,Trs_WASNSH. formerly Mrs. ORATORIO THE MESSIAH Will be performed by the HANDEL AND HATDN SOCIETY. ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT, MUSICAL FUND HALL FOUR CLASSICAL SOIEEEB, AT THE FOYER OF THE AOADSMY OF MUSIC* THIS WINTER. pOThBRMEL’S MARTYRS IN THS J-V COLISEUM. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE TEETH, will positively CLOSE on JANUARY Ist. Openfrom-StoO; Bveninr, from 7 to IQ. no3o-tj«l fVEBMAJSTIA ORCHESTRA.,—PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 3 o’clock, ft M., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single ticket* * cents. Packages of sis tickets, $L To oe hsd at AN* .DEE'S, 1104 CHESTNUT Street, J. B GOULD, SE VENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door,- ocU-Ma PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 0* THE PINE ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9.A. H. tOI 6P. M. i • r.-. • . Admission 25 cents,. Child renjhalf price. rasmuxcs companies. JNSURE YOUR LIFE IS THE . WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE 00*. OP NBW YORK, ’Which offers more advantages to Insurers than a&ff other Company in the United States. CHAMBERS & REGISTER, : GENERAL AGENTS, ' . . ; 407 WALNUT STREET. FMledelpM*. 1 0e29-tathstial ‘ ' ' v, ~" ‘ UaMB INSURANCE COMPANY; NO J- 40* CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. PIHE ADD INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. s Jrsnels N. Hack, . E. D. Woojrul. ~ Chaa. Richardson, Geo. A. Weel. ,■ , , Henry Lewie. Jr. . John Kessler, Jr.. John W. Brennan. Cha*. Stores, Philips. Justice, AH. Rosenheim. ... ; O. W. Darls, Joseph"!). Ellis. 'PRANCIB H. BOOK, President : CHARLES HICHARD SOD, Vise President. WILLIAM I. BLAjrCHABD. Secretary- UIBUU •RAISINS.— 2OO BOXES WHOLE M. B. 200 bones whole Layer galslm. f 200 boxes half. and Layer EaWna. r _ 200 boxes Quarter M.IL and Layer Baltina.. . ; Also. New Citron, Lemon Peel, and Currants, •ssr". . “SFteSSSW ■ •vuStr&uss. VerdL Halevy. ....Meyerbeer. ...Sommerlatt. .. ....Schubert. * YerdL .Strauss. Schubert. • Strauss. ..Gaogl, U*
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