REV. COLONEL CLARK WILL Itclaro on “The American War, Its Fremont In flaeuces and Results,” THIS RVENIBG, in the Third United Presbyterian Church,FßONT.St above Jeffjr*on. Tickets. 2d cents. The Seoond and Third*atreet oars pass near the church, It* GOUGH'S LEC TCRES ON THTJRS tt<2» RAX AND FRIDAY EVENINGS.— A few tickets still remaining, and may be 1 had at Martian's. 606 Chestnut street, and at the doors ou the evenings of the lifctnrea.i Doors open at 7 o'clock, hectares at 8 o'clock, de9-2t* ITS 3- BAYARD TATL.OR WILt, I/EC- TURE, under the auspicesofthe “Bancroft .Literary Union, ”at tho ACADEMY OF MUSIC,TUESDAY Evening, December 16th, at 8 o’clock. Eubject— “Russiaand her People.” Admission, 25 Cents. Reserved seats, 60 Cents. Tickets may be had, and seats secured, at Gould's Mn • flic Store, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. de7-Bt* A SUPPER IN AID OP THE GER ttCP* MAN M E. MISSION CHURCH, Girard Are jme, above 1 welfth Etreet, will be given by the ladles ofthsM. E Churches in this city, on THORSD* Y KViS* JHNG, December 10th, at the NATIONAL GUARD H aLL. RACE Street, below Sixth. Bishop Simpson D. D., and ■other distinguished speakers will speak on the occasion. Donations will he received on THURSDAY MORNING, at the HALL, or by any of tbo nvnagers Tickets $l. MRS. T. ILYHMET, President. MRB A. W. RAND- Treasurer. _ deB-3t MISS L. bHELMBRPINE, 6ec’y. PAIR POR THE BENEFIT OP THE WGf* PENN RELIEF ASSOCIATION FOR SICK AND ■WOUNDED SOLDIERS.—The Ladies of the Penn Re lief Aseocintlonintend holding a FAlllat SPRING GAR DEN INSTITUTE, Northeast corner BROAD and 13PRING GARDEN Streets, commencing Dec. Bth at 3 P. H., continuing through the week. Coffee. Fried Oysters, Chicken Salad, lie, , from 12 M. to 10 P. M, Contributions of Fancy articles. Books, Confectionery, &c., will be thankfully received- de7-6t FREDERICK. DOUGLASS WJLL Lecmre on THURSDAY EVENING NEXT, 10th Of December, at 8 o’clock, at CONCERT HALL, on ‘•THE MISSION OF THE WAR.” Tor the benefit of the Cooper Shop and Union Refresh* snent Saloon i Tickets 26 cents, for sale at 1210 Chestnut street: T. B Pngh. Southeast corner of Sixth and Chest-. But streets: Caleb H. Needles, S. W. corner of Twelfth and Race; Anti-Slavery Office, No. 106 NorLh Tenth Street; 718 bombard street; at the Refreshment Saloons; and at the door on the night of the Lecture. d7-4t JTSS?* KOTICE.-AN IWVITATIOJf IS EX TENDED to all Carpet Tarn and Blanket Tarn Spinners to attend a meeting to be held in the house of Mr. LEECH, In CHERRY Street, on SATURDAY, the 12th inst, at half past one o’clock. By order of the Com mittee. THOMAS SCHOFIELD. JAMES LORD, Jr., JOHN McVEAGH. deS tukhß* AT A STATED MKSTIDfGOP OOM- PaKY C, Ist REGIMESf .RESERVE BRIGADE (Gray Reserves), held at their Armory,- December 7th. 3568. the undersigned. were appointed n Committee to draft resolutions expressive of the feelings of the Com pany ia reference to the death of oar late fellow mem bers. Capt. JOHN 8. JARDEN, 112th P. V., aadCapt. DENDY SHARWOOD, 116th P. V. The following reso -1 utions were presented and unanimously adopted: W?ieir.(rs. It has pleased God, in Bis all wise provi dence, to remove suddenly from us our. much-esteemed and worthy- feUow-membsrs, Captain John S. Jarden And Captsiu Dendy Sharwood, while in the discharge of their active duty: J?es olvtii. That, in tho deaths of the above-named offi cers, thoir respective regiments have lost brave and effi cient soldiers, the-cause in which, they were engaged two devoted advccates, and we two highly esteemed and be loved members; that, while we deeply regret their los£. we will endeavor to emulate their noble example, and Will ever chorish their names and memories among the most honored remembrances of onr Company. Resolved, That we respectfully extend. to their fami lies our sincere sympathy and condolence .with them in the great loss they have sustained.' Lieut. JOHN W. POWELL, Chairman, .? Corporal KAMUEL SIMES, Corporal JAMES HOGAN, Committee. A RARE CHRISTMAS GIFT.-BTO can be more accep'able to friend or rela the "counterfeit presentment” ef your own ,e perfection attained in the production of PHO ’HIC PICTURES render-them the very next life itself, hence their value. Among those who - research, application, and taste, arrived at 1 in this wonderful art, is Mr. ROBERT NE W"- ». T 24: ARCH Street, Philadelphia. He not erstands how to take and finish a Picture, bat nsnmm&te taste in regulating the position so as :e the best effect for the various forms and fea- Ihose who sit for likenesses. His Cartes da nowhere to be excelled. Chester County It* GRAND FAIR Iff AID OF THE: 1T1558N6* VOLUNTEER HOSPITAL, at CON iLL. commencing ou MONDAY, December 14, ins to the limited number of cash, donations ra rely, the Ladies have determined to hold a ir at Concert Hall, commoncing December 14th. i of Fancy Articles, Books, China, Confection jsbmeDts. Ac., &c., are earnestly solicited,land it to the Hospital, or any of the following La- Off, No. 69 South Twentieth, street; Mrs. T. Ir. fo. 615 Washington avenue; Mrs. E. A Mat f 1233 Locust street; Mrs. M. A. Aston. No 606 reet; Mrs. M. McManus, No 260 South Tsven t; Mrs. Charleton, No. 101 S Vine street; Mrs. re. No. 1102 Poplar street; Mrs, J. Snyder, No. ttau street; Miss M Johnson, No 1331 Chris t; Mrs. E. Middleton. No. 211 Monroe street; .'a I. Patton, No. 2016 Spruce street; Mrs. No. 633 Paul street; Mrs. Greaves, No, Sl6 irth street; Mrs. Coleman, No. 2104 Mount „raet; Mrs. Evans, No. 1?32 Christian street; Mies lingo, No. 3841 Christian street; Mrs. Mackay, Ninth street, above Christian. : dslO FRED. DOUGLASS’ LBCTURE.- Washington despatch, to the Now York Tribune, December 7th “Fred. Douglass waß greeted to night with-a large •audience at bis lecture before the Freedman’s Associa tion, and about two thousand not being gain ad-*- pittance. He will lecture again to-morrow night.’* Mr. DOUGLASS will deliver the same Lecture to night, in CONCERT HALL, Philadelphia. It FRANKFORD, PA., DECEIRBER 4th, 1863. —A meeting of the Stockholders of the NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, to be located At Frankford. will be held at WRIGHT’S - INSTITUTE, on FRIDAY EVENING, December 11th, at o’clock, lor the purpose of electing Nine Directors of the Associa tion, NaTHAN HILLES-, Chairman. W. H. Rhawk, Secretary. des 6t* MERCANTILE LIBRARY.-THE etockholders of this Company have voted to issue to each person who shall be a stockholder on the Ist of January. 1564, an additional share of stock without charge All who purchase shares before that time will be entitled to the benefit of this measure. Thus, by taking a share at once, two persons may become stock holders, paying only five dollars each. On shares pur chased at the library no tax will be charged for the re mainder of this year. Price, Ten Dollars. A-share of this stock would constitute a most valuable and useful Christmas present. Stockholders wishing to duplicate their stock are requested to leave their certificates with the Librarian, and register in a book now opsn for that purpose, under their own signature; the name of tha person to whom they wish the new certificate made oat. Those who have lost their certificates may have them re- Bewed. ■ de7-6t PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office No. ‘ASW South FOURTHiStreet, Philadelphia, December 2. 1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Transfer Booßb of this Company will be closed on THU RS DAY, 17th instant, find reopened on TUESDAY, January 12, 1864. • A Dividend of SEVEN PER CENT., clear of State tax, has been declared on the Common Stock, payable in Common Stock on and after the 31st December next to the holders thereof as they shall stand registered on the books at the cloße of business on the 17th Inst. A Dividend of THREE AND A HALF PER CENT., clear of State tax, has been declared on the Pre ferred Stock, payable in Cash or Common Stock, at the option of the holder, on and after the 31slrDecember next, to.the stockholders as they shall stand registered on the books at the close of business on the 17th inst. • Holders of certificates which have been discharged from this office, or either of the Transfer Agencies, are particularly requested to have them duly registered on the. Transfer Books to which they have been transferred, prior to the 17th inst. .•* . T _ -Stockholders whose names are registered on the New York books will be paid at the Farm era* Loan- and Trust Company, and those whose names are registered on the Boston books will be paid at the office _of Messrs. I. E. Tnayer & Brother. S. BRADFORD, de3-tf . ; Treasurer. GIRARD MIMING COMPANY OF Ecjs* MICHIGAN.—A meeting of the Stockholders of the “Girard Mining Company of Michigan” will be held on SATURDAY, 12th inst., at 11 o’clock A. M., at No. 334: WALNUT Street,>for the election of Directors, and other business. B. A. HOOPES, delO St Secretary. this quicksilver mining COMPANY, Wo. 31 NASSAU Street, New York, ' December 7,186 b —The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of this Company will be held at the CONTI NENTAL HOTEL, in the city of Philadelphia, at 11 A. _M. on MONDAY, January 4, 1664. ' • ■ • . The Annual Election of Directors will be held on the same day, between the hoars of 12 M and 2P. M. " The Transfer Books will be closed on Saturday, De- 1863, and reopened on Tuesday, January 5, 1864. By order. J. B. RANDOL, de9-20t " Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE UNION LEAGUE.—The Annual Meeting 0/ the Members of the Union League of Philadelphia will be held at the LEAGUE HOUSE on MONDAY, December 14, at 8 o’clock P. M. .... - Members are earnestly requested to be present, as ! bu siness of importance will be laid before the meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. deB-6t GEO. H. BOKffB, Secretary. ST. LUKE’S AUXILIARY TO THE fcc2h> SANITARY COMMISSION earnestly solicits from members of the congregation and others contributions for the benefit of SICK and WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Ar ticles of Diet, Flannel, and other Goods, may be sent to the Society’s Room, in the basement of the Church (THIRTEENTH Street, below Spruce,) every FRIDAY, between 9 and 1 o’clock; and Money to the Treasurer, CHS. W. CUSHMAN, No. 1»8 S. DELAWARE Ave nue. . sel7-thf3m COLUMBUS. FIQUA AND INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY. —A meeting of the BONDHOLDERSwiIPbe held at the BOARD OF TRADE ROOMB, on FRIDAY next, the 11th inst., at twelve o’clock M. Punctual attendance is requested, as import ant informationwill-be imparted. J. T. THOMAS. de£-4t Secretary of Committee. NOTICE.-THE ANNUAL MEET ICHIRO of the Stockholders of the PITTSTON COAL , -which five Directors, a Treasurer, and a •Secretary, are to be elected, will be Weld on TUESDAY, December 15. 1863, at 3 o’clock P. M., at ihe Office of the Comp anY. 108 South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. ' del*l2t> SAMUEL DUTTON, Secret try. ; • OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE IN- J2S»SUR INGE ‘CO.. OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 308 WALNUT SI REST. - Philadblphta, December 7, 186? The Directors of “The Reliance Insurance Co., of Phi ladelphia, " have this daySdeclareda dividend of FOUR (4) per cent, on the capital stock of this Company for the •past six months, payable to the Stockholders or their le gal repmantatlves,free oflaxe*. on demand. * deB lOt THOS. C. HILL, Secretary. MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Office, No. 411 WALNUT Street Philadelphia, December 4,1863, The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Manu facturers’ Insurance Company will be held at the office, on MONDAY, January 4,1864, between the hours of 4 and 60'clceirP. M., for the purpose of electing Ten Di rectors to ser/e for the ensuing year. r de4-lm ■ WM PETTIT, Secretary. JERSEY SHORE, PINE CREEK, SPA*] E LINE RAILROAD.—Notice is hereby liven, that the Commissioners of this Company will meet at the GiRARD HOUSE, in this city, on the 10th day of DECEMBER next, to open books, receive sub ■ gcriptionp, and permanently organize oaia Ovinoany November 25. 1863. no27tdelo jktfk. SVRGKOPI-ARTIST’S OFFICE, MUTILATED SOLDIE3S.-SOLDIBBS who .have lost sn ARM or LEG in the service, and desire the Patent "PALMER Limbs” to be supplied by Govern ' ment, should return this notice immediately to this of »4ee, stating their loss by letter, with company, •ySment, and residence. B. PRANK pftJMBB. 0C22-tf ISOfl CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. JUDGE TURNPIKE COMPANY ANNUAL MEETING.—The annnaL meeting of of the RIDGB TURNPIKS COMP ANY -will be held at the office of the Company, No 131 South PJITII Strtet (upstairs), in th'e City of Philadelphia, ou 'MONDAY. January 4, 1864, at 12 o clock noon, at which * time an election will be held for a President, twelve Managers, and a Treasurer, to serve for the ensuing *»«■ By Old.t of C ' T ‘ Sent. Joseph A. Clav. Secretary R T. Co de*3 thtja4_ MteBANK OF NORTH AMERICA, iJfCS* Dkckmobh Ist. 1863. AN ELIiCTIO S for twelve Directors, to serve the ensu ring year, will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, January 4th, 1864, between the hours of 11 %he annuai meeting of the Stockholders will beheld afc thesamo time and place. J. HOCKLEY,. del-tutbs»j«4 -Cashier. PHILADELPHIA AND READING COMPANY, Office South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, Septembers, 1563. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named persona are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Btock of this Company.' The residence of several of them Is un known, and it is, therefore, necessary that the certifi mtes of stock should be presented on calling for the Dividend. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. vi vioenu. sT oCKHOLDBRS 3 NAMES. Mrs. Mary Bishop, S. Lancaster, Timothy C. Boyle, Percy M. Lewis, Clement Biddle, Fanny Mary Mitcherson. Ann Copeland, John Mclntyre, A. J.Newbold, John S. Moore, Trustees, . JameH McKnlght, Debbla A.Jlnghes, Benj. P. Newport. Sami. T. Harrison, Sr I Hj P^ tt 3 James Hallowell. , W R. Hodman, James W. Hallowell. Sarah Ann Richards. Catherine C. Koppele. BenryßSherer. Banlel Klapp, Marla L. Sadler, Mary Knhn, Andrew Turner, Chas. Knhn, Hartman Mrs. Eobecca Dlrlch. Xnhn, and J. H. Knhn, Ex. Asher M. Wrlaht. of a Knhn. William Young, B. V. B. lelsse Extrx., W. H. MoVlckar. And James G, Sehaff. Kx. of Austin Smith, , , ~ Ifbha aXelsse. dec'd, WUlla&Co. sefi-stnth-H IOW CORX BXCHAI §<3- DKLI’HIA, NovemW At the Election held lGtb. Ini •rs were duly elected Direct Bank. Alexander < James Steel. Robert Krvien, William P. Cox, Bamnet T. Canbr, Philip B. Mingle., John F. Gross, ■ And at the meeting of the OATTET.Ii. Eat., was unauW ar.nx wrilt.t.DlH. Esq., Vi ‘I'OKBEY, Cash*,Of. noSt-Wu rsc* MIBJID9 1 ASSOCIATION FOR THE BELIEF OF COLORED FREEDHEIf.-The arrangements for the active operations of this society having been completed, notice is hereby given that materials or partially*worn clothing will' bo gladlr rs calved at the society’s Booms, Northwest corner of FIFTH and CBERRY Streets. Also, donations la money will be promptly applied to this pressing object If forwarded to either of the officers of the Association or members of the Executive Board. SAMUEL HTLLES, President, Wilmington, Del. Dr. CHAS. EVANS, Secretary, No. 702 Race st..Phila. BICHARD GADBUBY, Treasurer, No. 117 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Samuel B. Shipley, No 112 Chestnut street, Philada. Johnß. Garrett, No. 400 Chestnut street, ‘ * Marmaduke C Cope, No. 1312 Filbert street, 4( Anthony M. Kiniber, No. 26 S. Delaware av., •• PhillpXJ. Garrett, No. 400 Chestnut street, * 1 Thomas Scattergood, No. 413 Spruce street, •* Benjamin Coates, No. 127 Market street, * 1 Wm. Evans, Jr., No. 252 South F/ont street. * * James Whttall, No. 410 Race street, * 1 JohnS. Hilles, No. 27 North Juniper street, “ EUtston 1\ Morris, Germantown or 805 Market st. 4 V J. Wistar Evans, No. 817 Arch street, “ Joel Cadbury, Jr.. No. 403 Arch street, 1 * GenrgeVanx, No. 1715 Arch street, ** Henry Haines, No. 1202 Girard avenue, ‘ * Charles Rhoads, No. 5i3 Pine street, 44 lerael H. Johnson, No. 119 Market street, 44 John W. Cadbury, No. 48 North Seventh street, 4 ‘ Francis Stokes, Twenty-first and Baca streets. 4 4 Nathan Hilles, Fraakford. " GeorgeS. Garrett, Upper Darby, Dela ware county, Pa. William M. Canby, Chadd’s Ford, “ 44 Ashton Richardson, Wilmington, Delaware, Edward Bettle.Hartdon field, New Jersey. Richard Mott, Burlington, “ JohnC. Tatum. Woodbury, 11 del-tuths6t IV* OFFICE OF THE REMANCE Hi* SUIUNCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. No. 308 WALNUT Street. t nniL „ Philadelphia, November 30th, 1863. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the 14 Re liance Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, will be he’d at their Office on MONDAY, December 21st, 1863, at 12 o’clock M., and the Annual Eleotion of Thirteen Directors, to servo for the ensuing year,Vyill be held on the same day, at the same place, between’ the hours of 12 M- and 2 o ? clock P. M. THOS. C. HILL, no3o-td2l Secretary. « NOTICE TO PERSONS * SUBJECT TO DO MILITARY DUTY IN THE FOUJiTBL'DIS TRICT, Pa —Complaints having been made that er rors have occurred in the enrolment of the national forces by the omission of persons whose names should have been enrolled, and by the addition of names of per sons who, by reason of alienage and for other causes, ought not to have been enrolled, and as it is desirable that the Department should have such information as may be necessary, in order to do full justice to all par ties, it has been ordered that , .... The Board ot Enrolment of this District shall have printed lists of tbe-names and residences of all persons enrolled in each sub-district prepared and exposed to public view in at least five places in eaoh sub'-dfstrict, and in as many more as the Board may deem necessary. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby givea-that any person en rolled may appear before the BOARD OF ENROLMENT and claim to have his name stricken oiT the list if he can show to the satisfaction of the Board that he is not, and will not be, at the time fixed for noxt draft, liable to military duty on account of— -Ist. Alienage. _ 2d. Non-residence. 3d. Unsnitableness of age. • 4th. Manifest permanent physical disability.. sth. Persons now in the military service oftheUnUed States, or who have been diecharged’siuce March 3. 1363 The Board will bold dally sessTous'for the hearing of such cases, at headquarters, BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, until the 20th of December, 1363, after which no cases will be heard J33T Persons who may be cognizant of any other per sons liable to military duty, whose names do not appear on the enrolment list, are requested to'notify the Board of Enrolment, in order that the facts may be ascertained, and such persons be placed on the -listß.- Such persons thus enrolled may avail themselveß of the privilege of appearing before the’Board, as if they'had been origi nally enrolled. S HEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL FIRST DISTRICT, PENNSYLVANIA, »*0 South THIRD Street. Philadelphia. December 7th, 1863. Whereas, complaints have been made that errors have occurred in the- enrolment of the National forces by the omission of names as weilas improper enrolments, Public attention is called Lo the enrolment lists now posted on the corners and elsewhere. First. The name of any person omitted may be added to these lists, and citizens are requested to notify the Board of Enrolment of such omissions in'order that the operation of the draft may be just and uniform. _ Second. Amy person enrolled may appear 'before the Board before December 20, 1863, and show satisfactorily that he is not and will not be at the time fixed for the next draft liable to military dnty on account of alienage, non-residence, unsnitableness of age, manifest per manent disability, and have his name stricken off. These applications mast be iusde between ‘9'A.'M and 1 P, M. Other hours for general business Exempted parties, whose names are on these lists, need not ap pear. * CAUTION.—AII persons are cautioned against defacing or tearing down the enrolment lists posted on the cor ners, as these bills are and eny person detect ed in violating this order will be arrested and punished by military law. WM. E. LEHMAN. Captain and* Provost Marshal First District, ra. N.B.—Proprietors of-Public Houses will be famished With the enrolment lists, to be exposed for public'exami natiou, by application at these headquarters. deS-tf S WANTED, FOB THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS (a varied and -exciting life by sea and land), six hundred able-bodied men to perform the duties of a soldier at our Navy 'Yards and aboard United States ships-of- war on foreign stations. Better compensation than the army. A ship-of-war Is a comfortable home. The Marine Corps is the best* equipped Infantry in the service. Prize money in abund ance. Two dollara will be paid to any one who brines an ac cepted recruit to this office. For all other information apply* dally* at the only reguliir and long established Marine Recruiting Ren dezvous in-the city, at No.. 811 South FRONT 'Street* below Spruce, between the hours of nine and three o’clock. _ . . _ JAMBB LEWIB, _ JgROOATELBE AND LACK O 'Em T A I N S, * AT LESS THAN I BS P O 81 A I I O N P R ICES, IS SETS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. X. E. WALBAVEN, (SUCCESSOR TO W. H. CABETLi) > MASO.»IiC EAM, deS-6t 719-CHESTNUT STREET: XGB BANK, Pill!,iY rOrffld; 1863. ist. the following Stockhold stors of the Corn Exchange G, CatleU, Christian J. Hoffman, H. W. Catherwood, Edmund A. Bonder, Charles E. Wilkins, David Vanderveer, Jonathan Knight. . i Beard this day ALEX. G, imonsly re-elected President: fie, President,andJOHN W. >• * MILITARY NOTICES. D. M: LANE, Provost Marshal and President of Board. C B. BARRETT. Commissioner of Board. delo-6t J. RALSTON WELLS, Surgeon of Board. Captain and Eecruitins: Officer, So. 311 South. FBOKT Street. CtOTHIWG. OVERCOATS;! SUITABLE FOR THE WEATHER, PRICE $lO AND TOWARDS, WANAMAKER & BBOWNi OAK HALL POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, SIXTH AND MARKET. P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY, TAILORS) INN SOUTH THIRD STREET. NSAR THB BXOHANfIXi YOBUBBLY CHESTNUT ABOVE SEVENTH, 1B «.„• a I.AKGE STOCK and templet, «• sortmentof fall AND WINTER GOODS. TERMS CASH.—Prices much lower than any other trst-clasrgstabllshment. _ OLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, D At 7M MARKET Street. SLACK CASS. PANTS, *5.60, At 704 MARKET Street. SLACK CASK PANTS, #5.60, . At 704 MARKET Street SLACK CASK PANTS, 45,50, At 701 MARKET Street BLACK CASS. PANTS, 45.60, At 701 MARKET Street BBIGG * VAN GUNTER'S, No. 704 MARKET Street GRIGS it VAN GUNTER’S, No, 701 MARKET Street, ORIGq A VAN GUN TEN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. ORIGG A VAN GUNTBN’S, No. 701 MARKET Street -3RIGG A VAN GUNTBN’S, No. 704 MARKET Street. se24-6m —PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Ef.adixb, November 28, 1863. The public is respectfully informed that on and . after MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, all passengers who do not PURCHASE THEIR TICKETS Beloro entering the Oars Will he charged TWENTY-FIVE CENTB extra on each ticket purchased on the train, for which they will obtain from the conductor ' A CHECK RECEIPT. This Receipt will be redeemed, and twenty-dye cents said therefor. In cash, upon Its presentation at any TICKET OFFICE of the Company. (3. A. NIOOIjIjS, de2-12t General Superintendent. gHOTWELL’S CELEBRATED SWEET CIDER- OUR USUAL SUPPLY OF THIB EXCELLENT OIDER Just received. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, dialer in Fine Groceries, n023-tf Coiner of BLEYBKTH and VINB Street*. ; TOHN OLIVER’S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE for COLORBD HELP, 615 CHERRY Street, between Sixth and Seventh Streets. de(s-7t* PORTLAND KEROSENE GOAL OIL. X in store, and for sale by dei-Im* WM. KING, lit ARCH Street Morgan, orr, & go., steam engine BUILDERS. Iron Founders, and Gensral Machinists and. Boiler Maker*. No. 1»W, QAIiLOWHIH Street, PUladelyUa. MB-tr RETAIL DRY GOODS. JJOLIDAY GIFTS. EDWIN HALL At CO., 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Aro now Boiling off Winter Stock at REDUCED PRICES. MOIRE ANTIQUES, FANCY SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, FHENOH POPLINS, ALL-WOOL REP POPLINS, SILK RIBBED POPLINS, . FINE FRENCH MERINOES, FINE LONG BROCHE SHAWLS, OPEN-CENTRE LONG SHAWLS, RICH PLAID AND STRIPED BLANKET SHAWLS. LADIES''CLOAKS, of the Neweet Stylo,. CLOAKS MADE TO ORDER. MOUSELIKE DELAINES Reduced to 23 and 310. A LargeaLot of DR ESS GOODS Reduoed to 37>£o, (MO-thrnidt JfRENCH MERINOES, REDUCED. m POPLINS, REDUCED. We are closing out Fall and Winter Goode, at enoh prices as will induce active sales during this MOUTH, PLAID VALENCIAS, SAXONY DRESS GOODS, MOUSSELINE DELAINES, FOR - HOLIDAY GIFTS, From 28 cents to 87K cents per yard. 1 OUR WEN STODDART & BROTHER, *5O. *5». and *s* N. SECOND Street.above Willow. JJROCHE LONG SHAWS PRICKS FROM $8.50 TO $l2, With a full stock of superior grades in Paris and Vien nese fabrics, in new Designs and Colorings. FEOM Sl5 TO *65. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, -150, .513, and -t5-IX. BECONL Street, above Willow. JJONG BLANKET SHAWLS, OF ‘ IS OE W ; :i> E S I IV S.; ALL GRADES AND STYLES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, *5O, *53, and N. SECOND Street, above Willow* gLACk DRESS SILKS. BLACK GROS DE RHINgS v BLACK GROS GRAINS. DOUBLE FACED' FIGURES, NEAT STYLE FIGURES. All from late Anctien Sales. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450.*453, and 454: N. SECOND Street, above Willow. J?ANOY DRESS SILKS, FROM LATE AUCTION SALES. B E jy'tJ CEB PRICE 8 . CURWEN STODDARU & BROTHER, 450, 453. and 45t N: SECOND Street, above Willow. ' . delO-tf NEW LOT OF IRISH POPLINS, JUST EECEIYED BY STZAMEK. SILK AND WOOL-RIBBED POPLINS. * PLAIN'SILK'AND WOOL POPLINS. ALL-WOOL REP POPLIN& BRIGHT PLAID POPLINS: FINE QUALITY FREnWmERINOES. EDWIN; IZASLjJh & CO., delo 80 SOUTH SECOND STBEBT. WE ARE POSITIVELY SELLING ■» * BLANK'BTS from $1 to $3 per pair less thaa any body else We want to sell every pair of oar Blankets by Jannarv Ist. We have Blankets at $2 60 per pair. We have heavy Blankets, for $3-per pair. We have all-wool good Blanketsfor 3fr.60@9 per pair. We have estraouUity at s9@lo per pair. We have every quality of Blankets made. We offer some great bargains in fine Mareeilles Coun terpanes, impprted when gold-wasafc par, and are now eell!ng at near half the present prices. Honey Conab Qniits $2.50 eaeh; Lancaster Quilts; Colored Bordered Quilts; Comfortables, well made, of n ee, > clean cotton. Bargains in Hueline, Flannels, 'en's Wear, and Mouseline Delaines. • R. D: & W. Ht FENNELL, 1021 MARKET Street. -JJDWIN HALL & 00., SOUTH SECOND ST., Hays LADIES' SCABFS in greakvariety. liADIES' SCAUPS at $1.00.- LADIES’ SCARFS at $1.25--, LADIES' SCARFS at 81.50* LADIES'SCARFS at $1.75, LADIES' SCARES at *2.00... LADIES' SCARFS, from $2:50 to *7. SOARESt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T7EJENDS’ SILK SHAWLS.—NOW -A- 1 open, at reduced prices, a large lot of Friends' Plain Silk Shawls, including Levantine, Fattisway, and Satin Levantine, from 6-4 to 9-4 Theses goods are £ree from imperfections, and at prices much-lees than they can he imported, a tt dlow« de!3-tf CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Street.. JOSEPH AND WILLIAM E. WOOD, IMPOKTEU3 AND EHARERS IN CLOTHS, CASSIMBRBS, VESTINGS, AND TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS, WHOLESALE A.N D RETAI L, NO. 8 NORTH' BBCOND STREET, ■ deS-lm PHILADELPHIA. M. NEEBEES, 1034 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFERS FOR SALE DESIRABLE, USEFUL, AND ACCEPTABLE HOLIDAY PRESENTS, IN. LACE GOODS. 1,000 Real Lace Collars, in every variety, from 50 cents to #l5 each. . . 500 Lace Sets,, from SI to K 0 each. 600 Lace Veils, from #1 to »» each. _ SCOValencießnoHdfefs., from $2 to *l6 each - 100 Pointe Lace and Polnte Appli,ae, from $5 to *5O. Coiffures, Barbas, and every variety of other descrip tions of Lace Goods, at very low prices. IN EMBROIDERIES. 600 Embroidered Hdkfe., $1 to $lO each. 600 do. Collars, 23 ccb. to $5 each. 800 do. get?, $1 to $lO each. Edgings, Insertings, Flonncings, and all other de scriptions of Embroideries, IN HANDKERCHIEFS. The best assortment of Hdkfs in the city, including every variety of Ladies’, Gents’ and Children's Linen Hdkrs., in plain, hem-stitched, embroidered, lace, printed borders, &c., &c., from 12 cts. to $5O each, Persons in search offuseful and acceptable presents would do well to examine my stock before purchasing. S. B. —I will open on MONDAY, the 14th inst., a fresh invoice of desirable goods, in Rich Lace. Gapes, Coiffures, Barbee, Hdkfs,, Veils, &c.; Ac deB-tf g lB OPENING, 81 g AT THE &BCE-STREET CLOAK STORE, * A HAND3OMK ASSORTMENT OV LADIES* AND MISSES* CLOAKS. no6-tf ' . “DLANKETS, BLANKETS, Blankets, XJ CHEAP, CHEAP. CHE iP. Having bought moet of my stock of BLANKETS some time since, 1 am now able to sell them at less chan whole* sale prices: x 10- all-wool Blankets, S 6 50. 11- do. do.» $B. Ht - ~ j 2-4" do. do. t extra heavy, $l3. --lfl-4 dor do., super quality, $l5. GRAY BLANKETS, GRAY BLANKET 3. One lot all-wool Gray Blankets, weigh 6 lbs., $3.50. Do. do. do. do.. Bligntlydamaged,s4,so. Do. do. Blue, do., weigh. 9 lbs., $5-50. A large assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS always on hand. , . Call and examine our stock. JAMES DENNY, deB»6fc* S. E. Cor. ELEVBNTH and LOMBARD Sts. rtORNBR OP EIGHTH AND SPRING GARDEN I _ BEAUTIFUL AND SEASONABLBIGOODBI PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN ELSEWHBRBI We are Belling heßt qnallty of French Poplins, all Silk and Wool, for fLMJS per yard. Sold down-town not less than 42. THORNLBY & CHISM. ALL-WOOL POPLINS AND REPS, AJL for (1. Excellent French Merinoes for $1.25. A fine stock of Delaines and Calicoes. All-Wool Plaid Cashmeres in great varietY. THORNLBY & CHISM, Corner of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. THORNLEY & CHISM A ARE SELLING Power* Loom Table Linens, Shaker and other Flannels. , Extra Super-super Rochdale Blankets* Frosted Reaver and other Clothß.Casslmerea, etc. ,oto. • VERY CHEAP. TTEADQIJARTERS FOR SHAWLS 1 XJI Long and Square Broche Shawls, Long and Square Blanket Shawls, Plaid Shawls, Striped Shawls, Plain Shawls, &c.» Children’s Shawls, Misses’ Bhawls,Gents’ Shawls, Long and Square Black Thibet Bhawls, At THORNLEY & CHISM’S, 8. B. Comer of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN, RILES l SILKS 1 t— Good Black Silks for 41. Better for *1.26. *1.60. *1.76, *2, and *2 25 per yard. Plain Brown. Bine, Purple, and Green Silks, for *1.60. Black figured Silks, Plaid Silks, he., Ac BBAUTIFUL BROCHE SCARFS, A LARGE STOCK OF BALMORAL SKIRTS, And all other hlndß of Goode, comprising JIFIRST-OLASS STOCK. At THORNLEY & CHISM’S, noM-2m N.K Cor. EIGHTH and BPRING GABDEN. H STEEL & SON WOULD CALL • attention to their Stock of FINE DRESS GOODS, all bought at very low prices, early in the season, and at the recent Auction Sales: French Merinoes, 76c to *2.50. - French Poplins and Beps, 87)jc to *1 75. Dress Goods of every variety. 20c to *2. 3,000 yards two-yard wide Merinoes. 41.25. _ Blanket Shawls, a great variety of styles, *3.26 to *l3. Broohe Bhawls, great *9.60 to #l4. Circulars and Sacaues, of all kinds of Cloths, at low Pl Fa e ncvSilks, *lto#s. pfaln Poll de Holes, *L26to *2 60. - . MoireAntlones accorded g( 1 L-ot AU-wool Shaker Siwuel*. 83« o, worth tw» THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA,’ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1863. J M. HAFLEIGH, EEDUOKD'TO S7Kc., FQE CHRISTMAS' PBESENTS; deS9-&tuttietf ■ 0 W O P E N PARIS, LONDON, AND AMERICAN RICH LYONS VELVETS, INDIA GROS GRAIN, MATALBA SILK, PARIS-MADE VELOUR CLOTHS, PARIS WOOL CASHMERES, FANCY CASHMERES, PARIS-MADE FROSTED BEAVERS, DIAGONAL CASHMERES, CHINCHILLA CLOTHS, BELGIAN TRICOTS AND DOESKINS, ENGLISH PLUSHES, ENGLISH MELTONS, PAHI S ®A : N T ILX A, CLO A K. <L W. PROCTOR & 00. no7tuths&2m •• . & LfiNDELL, SILKS AND-'&H'AWIiS GORGEOUS PIANO COVERS, EMBROIDERED COVERS. HOLIDAY SHAWLS.- ' ’ HOLIDAY SILKS. HOLIDAY SCARFS, HOLIDAY SEPS. HOLIDAY CLOAKS. HOLIDAY POPLINS, HOLIDAY DE HAINES, HOLIDAY CHINTZES. del-tnth«-tf g O Y S» JACKETS, JOHN F. YOUNG, No. 10 NORTH FOURTH STREET, JJD. GROSJ E A N, 1013 CHESTNUT STEEET, Respectfully calls the attention of the ladies to his well-, selected stock of LUfKN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. Also, a line collection of Fancy and Embroidered Handkerchiefs, - - Gents* and Ladles’ Handkerchiefs. INITIALS AND OTHER DESIGNS Embroidered m the latest styles and in the best possible manner. A full assortment of - embroideries. . - . . NIGHT-GOWNS, CAPS, CHEMISES,. GARIBALDIS, _ COLLARS, SLEEVES. CUFFS, HOOP SKIRTS. HEAD DRESSES, NETS, GLOVES, &c. Mb has o/ Fi part £n? JOHN F. YOUNG, O No.VO North'FOURTH Streel Will open this day, l ease Floored Mohairs; 1 c: Coburg*, at greatly reduced prices. Also, 40 pairs super all-wool Blankets at $7.00. I surpassed in this market. del-13 QNE HUNDREDBALES A good assortment o j^EBB’S Tarnishing China <6 Glass Establishment, CHINA HALL, CHESTNUT STREET. lathe cheapest (for the quality) and moat extensive as sortment of WHITE, FRENCH, OOLD-BAND AND DECORATED CHINA IN THIS CITY. Juat opened, of our own importation, ■olKhty-ono casks yery superior plain WHITE FRENCH CIIINA, in any auautity to suit purchasers. Also, a aplendld assortment ofjaehlonftblo Also. plain White English Slono Ware, Dinner and Yeattfare. Also, Toilet Sets, In great variety, soma yery elegantly decorated. 49- Double tuck China Stone Ware, and Class, ex presslyfor HOTELS, SHIPPING, AND RESTAURANTS. JgILK THREADS AND COTTONS - BEWIN Q°MACHINEB. Wh»J«ale m* «taa * MAOISNIB , No. 30 North. THIKD Streot. BET Alt DRY GOODS, 90S CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPBIT MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, F&BIS NOVELTIES] Just rocmviid por steamer, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, HDKF3, JUVOGNTIVCS- I»ItESS3E3S, IN THULLE. NOtJVBAUTEE. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN, A large collection of GOOD QUALITY DRESS GOODS, cijo AT THE FOR XBMP&KItIM, 926 S CHESTNUT STREET, FOURTH AND AROH, RAVE REDUCEDSOME PIECE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. C -A. X> 33 T S TJ.E-T S , ADAPTED TO MILITARY SCHOOLS; PANTS, OVERCOATS, OP FANCY CAS3IMERES, MELTONS,-Ac. COOPER & COJi'ARB,'- NINTH AND MARKET. WILL OFFER, FOB THS BALANCS OF JBS-BEABON, AT BEDUCED PRICES.- THE FOLLOWING DBESS GOODS ALPACAS, CO BURGS* DELAINES. del-13 MERINOS, POPLINS, REPS, >HN H. STOKES, 702 ARCH STREET, would call the attention of the ladies to immense stock of. DRESS GOODS, most of which been reduced for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, consisting french Kerinoes, Figured-Gamlet Cloths, Wool and t Cotton Delaines, Figured and Striped Mohairs, jlish Merinoes,Wool Plaids, Plaid Dress Goods, Cali 9, &c. de4-tf 10R4-CHESTHUT STEEST. E. Mi. NEEDLES, 103-St CHESTNUT STREET, Invites attention to Ms extensive assortment of goods suitable for- 1 . USEFUL AND ACCEPTABLE HOLIDAY PRESENTS, IN LACE GOOD 3, HANDKERCHIEFS, EMBROIDERIES, VEILS, AND WHITE GOODS. 10a4CHE8TWPT STREET. COMMISSION MOUSES. MEDIDM DItIALSI, COTTON BROWN LINEN DUCKS AND DRILLS. Now in store and for sale by GEO. 9. I'ARRISII & CO., 313 CHESTNUT STREET. defl*etathBt CHINA AND GIiASSWABE. 4V bibbotit opposite ihdepesdenob hall, *©® CUT AND ENGRAVED TABLE CRYSTAL GLASS, Bar French China decorated to order any pattern. 49* Initials engraved on Table Glasa. China and Glass packed In a proper manner. aeO-catuth-tm . noll-lm* jm, JOHN L. CAPEN, PHRENOLO. GIST, maylbe consulted* DAT and EVENING. 01 yLjT adaptation to Business, Trade, and ProtoMionj utJN on the Improvement-of health, correction <M fcuibi. formation of friendships, Af acrlpkloDs of character given when reanired. at Wo. JB» g. TMTH Street. ebova.Ghastnut aeS-Outnßmll T AKB BUPERIOB INGOT OOPPUB, Ai f r om th, Amygdaloid Mil*. U»tora udfraul. U liiaa* *i» isox atom HOLIDAY goods. Established jnllsi-y "’"' HOLIDAY PRESENTS. WILLIAM WILSON & SON, Oorner of FIFTH and CHERRY Street®. SILVER WARE ITave on bant) a Largo, Handsome, and General Assortment of SILVER WARE, suitable for Holiday Presents, of oar own manufacture, of the fintofc quality, and highest standard of Silver. Also; PLATED WARE. A large and general assortment of superior PLATED WARE, of English and American make; WAITERS, TEA SETS, &c. <®-01d Silver bought and taken in exohange. nighest price given. do9-td3l QENTLE MEM'S WRAPPERS FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT croirixr c. .^a&iKisoisrs, Nos. 1 AND 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET., riHST BTORE ABOVE' MARKET. deS-tSI JEWIS LADOMBSf * CO., 802 CHESTNUT'STREET. CIIKISVMAS G I IFTS. If persons, desirous of purchasing PRESENTS for the HOLIDAYS, will call and examine our large stock of RSrEGANT WATCHES AND CHAINS, SUPERB JEWELRY, and . FINE SILVER AND we will guarantee to give them every satisfaction in re gard to appearanoe, qualify,-and Btyle they can desire, and cheaper than they can gsrt elsewhere. d^lOt HOLIDAY PRESENTS. JA€«B^HffI«LEY, (Successor to StauSier& Ifarley.) No: 622 MARKET STREET, Has now on hand a beautiful l Stock of WATCHES. JEWELRY. BI3YBR AND PLAT2D WARE, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY' PRESENTS. delo-lm ' A THOMAS C. GARRETT, No. 712' CHESTNUT STREET, In view of the approach of the CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS, Has laid in a very elegant stock of WATCHES; FINE JEWELRY, SILVER ARTICLES, PLATED WARE, TABLE'CLTTLERY, &c., NEWEST STYLES AND FINEST QUALITY, AN EXAMINATION OF WHICH HE ASKS OF PE2SON3 SEEKING PRESENTS. deS-td2l ' - HOLIDAY PRESENTS. CASSIDY & BALL, Kr>. 13 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Wviuiu lnyiie attention to their Rtock of GOLD AND SILVER WjfCHES. DIAMOND AND GOLD JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE, Suitable for Holiday and Bridal Preoonto, all of which, will be sold at reasonable prices. ded-lm JJOLIDAY PRESENTS.- G. ITSTSSEJLT,, No. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET, % Would invite attention to bis well-selected «fi»6tock of FINE AMERICAN and IMPORTED*™*' WATCHES, DIAMOND AND GOLD JEWELRY** SILVER WARE, Ac., SUIT ABIE FOB nOIIBAY PRESENTS. del-lm gKATES— FOR LADIES, GENTS, AND BOYS. The best Assortment inthe City, AT BURNHAM’S DEPOT OF THE UNIVERSAL WRINGER, ’ 3T South SIXTH Street. Formerly.afc 721 CHESTNUT Street, Masonic Hall. delO-lmo fJTHE GREAT SKATE DEPOT! Alarce &nd yrell-selected assortment of LADIES’, GENTLEMEN'S, AND BOYS’ SKA-TSSf v . Just received and for sale by TROTTER & DAWSON, deS-lm No. 919 MARKET ST., PHIL ADA. TTOLIDAY PRESENTS— -11 JUST RECEIVED. Paris, Vienna,-and English. WRITING-DESKS: La dies’and Gents’ DRESSING-CASES. JEWEL BOXES.and fine POCKET BOOKS, pearl andivory PAPES KNIVES: wood, bone, and ivorv CHESSMEN; BACKGAMMON, CHESS, and CRIBBAGE -BOARDS and COUNTERS; PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, AUTOGRAPH BOOKS, in great variety. Al*o, a eomplefce stock of FANCY AND Staple stationery, at moss a co„ chest nut Street, two doom above the Post Office. delU-3t- JpOR CHRISTMAS.— GLASS BHADES-ROUND. GLASS SHADES-OVAL. GLASS SHADES—SQUARE, Ferneries in Great Variety. »*„*<,«*,* HARTELL A LETCH WORTH* oe9-t3l No. 13 North FIFTH Street. TTOLIDAY GIFTS.—GOLD SPF.CTA -1 * cles, Gold Bye- Glasses, Stereoscopes and Stereo scopic Views, Card ,Photographs, Photograph Albums, Microscopes, Magic Lanterns, Spy Glasses, Opara Glasses, Officers’ Field-Glasses for Army and Navy use,.Pocket Compasses, Mathematical Instruments, Kaleidoscopes, Thermometers, and a variety of other articles—appro- BROTHBRi del-tial-if Ti»B CHESTNUT Street. TTOLIDAY PRESENTS FOR GEN 11 TLEMEN*—A magnificent assortment of the rarest novelties in „, ■ BCARFS, WRAPPERS, . SCARI? TINS. HANDKERCHIEFS, ■ SCARF-RINGS, GLOVES NECK-TIEB, SUSPENDERS* MUFFLERS. CARRIAGE RUGS, UMBRELLAS. t ->Ac.. Ac.. Ac., Opening at J* Wi SCOTTS, do 4 Four doors below, the * * Continental. ” /ZJ.OODS FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. VY Writing Desks, Leather .Bats, \ Portfolios, - • , _ . Chess and-Backganaaon Boards, Gold Pens, Fine Cutlery, . Rubber and Gold Pencils. With a,general assortment of Stationery. For sale by - WM. MANN, Blank Boc-k Manufacturer, Printer and Stationer, de3-12t A 3 South FOURTH Street. gKATERS’HEADQUARTERS. LADIES’ SKATES, of every variety. GENTS. ’ SKATES, of all kinds. STEEL SKATES. . DUMP SKATES. KOnKEK SKATES. , .. , , SHELE-GfiOOYE SKATES, a superior article for learners. PARLOR SKATES, aU sizes. Holiday goods.—all the Newest Styles of FANCY COMBS, STEEL AND JET JEWEMY.^ PEARL HEAD-DRESSES AND NBTS,, , With a fall assortment oT Fancy and Toilet Goode. adapted to the Holiday trade. PRICES THE MOST SATISFACTORY, _ At H. DIXON'S. dS-lm No- 31 S. EIGHTH Street, Phitade. J 1 P. DUBOSQ <& SON, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE J E WELRI) 1028 CHESTNUT STREET Watches neatly repaired and warranted. Pearl 'Work of all descriptions repaired. del- lm & G. A. WRIGHT, / 624 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer a beautiful selection of BOHEMIAN GLASS TOILET SETS, PARIAN AND BOHEMIAN VASES. BRONZE STATUETTES AND BUSTS. CARVED BRACKETS AND BOOK-STANDS, CIGAR, TOBACCO, AND MATCH STANDS, ODOR AND LIQUOR CASES. DESKS AND TRAVELLING BAGS. MEERSCHAUM AND BRIER PIPES, and a great variety of Fancy Articles sailed for Holiday Presents. " • . ' . . del-lm (]ANES FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. EBONY CANES, gold head. . MALACCA CaNES, ivory head. LADIES’ CANES GENTS.’CANES. v SOLDIERS’CANES. CANES of every variety. For sale by PHILIP WILSON & GO., del-lm aoo CHESTNUT Street. QHKISTMAS PRESENTS. OPERA GLASSES, GOLD SPECTACLES, - HELD GLASSES, STEREOSCOPES, FANCY THERMOMETERS, BB6IDES MANY OTHER FSEFUIi AND FANCY ARTICLES, _ FOR SALE BY JAMES W. QUEEN & GO.,’ He. 034 CHESTNUT STREET. HSr-OnUlwwetwitWi noJMm Xj'IFTH THOUSAND IN PRESS, DICKONS r, Off'S TTIRK’S CHARLES THE BOLD. Will be published, December l#h. HISTORY OF CHARLES THE BOLD. DUKIS-OF BURGUNDY. JO n N F © BBT8 B T E R KIR K. „ ■ , Two Vole. • Byo, Musimruncut, on whitepaper...... ,s3.o)'per voL- Half Morocfio.wlth Vellum Oloth. Sides and GiitTop.ouTinted-laidPaper 3.50 pervol. The remarkable epoch treated by Mr Kirk ia full of grand historical fignres.anubykia narrative an entirely new light ie thrown on some of the most important events in Charles’career. His position as the - Nkpoleon of the Middle Ages ” isfally indicated, nnd the-influence is traced both of his ambition and of hlB fall upon the destinies of tbe principal European States. The Atlantic Monthly says: 4 *We have no hesitation in assigning to Mr Kirk’s moot fascinating narrative a place with the'great achievements of genius in the department he has chosen to fill. His advent among historian* will be welcomed the world over.” From Dr. R. Sheltoi Mackenzie: -“The author will take his stand'at once among She great writers of his land and time ” ' S'. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., dolOflt . • publishers, Phila; TPHE EXCITEMTSNT ABOUT EPEH -L BARHENTH E™i £ INA B Y NOVEL OF Ls spreading-over the entire country from Maine toTKin nesota, ancWfca readers are counted by the tnousands. THE SALE IN REBSLDOM is not, however, eo extensive;-it being the most severe, scathing. and'Withering expoue of the blight's of slavery that ever issued' from the pen of man—or woman either; for Mrs. Stowe’s _ ‘•“UNCLE TOM'g-CABIN,” heretofore the leading slavery romance, is .utterly eclips ed by this new novel of Epes Sarcent’s. which towers up LIKE A PILLAR OF FIRE, throwing a blase' which ferrets-out'every atrocity and every horror that the .** Peculiar Snatitutioa” is guilty of. , FEJOUIiIAR ie not only a history and a record o* the present day. but i it is a novel of tbe deepest and interest interest. ; LIKE ‘'AMONG THE^FfNES.” j it has for its groundwork remarkable and significant facts* and. like the novels of .• DICKENS AND WILKIE COLLINS,- it has an attractive plot, the earneefcftess and dramatic development ofwbic& binds the attention of every reader closely and up wean ats stands confessedly the most remarkable novel of this age, and its sale is crowding the utmosfcupaditles, night and day, of printers and binders, whs are unable to koep up with the publisher’s orders. The workis handsomely issued in cloth-binding'; price $1.60; and copies are sent by mail frecv on receipt of prise; by " . . Uelo-3t ' CAhLETON, Publisher. New York. pHARLES DESILVEB, V 1339 CHESTNUT STREET, , Superb Gift Books, Photograph Albums, English and American editions of the Poets.'Standard and Miscella neous Books, bound in all styles, and at the lowest prices Also, a large' assortment of English and Amer ican Juveniles, and Toy Books, Bibles. Prayer Books, l&c , Ac.. • deICT-tlalvi rPH® DEBATES OF- CONGRESS—I shall print the Debates of this Session al the usual rates, vir: Congressional Globe and Appendix.. ►►s6 03 ially Siobe...* ,4...... 6 00 Or $1 per month. “ROOKS FOR'THE HOLIDAYS l* -M SCHILLER' COMPLETE WORKS. 2'vola-', large royal Svo.: cloth, price $5. HAN3CHKISTIAN ANDERSEN’SIOE MAIDED AND OTHER TALES 16 mo ; new and enlarged edition; cloth, cents; vellum, gilt, 90 cents. IMMEN/6EE. 16rao. ; cloth, 75 cents.' MENDELSSOHN’S LETTERS FROM ITALY AND SWITZERLAND. 16m'0.; cloth, $1,25. LISZT’S LIFE OF CHOPIN. -16 mo:; cloth, $l.- HIERONYMUS JOBS: 16m0.; cloth, $1 25. . HEINE!6 BOOK OF SONGS. 16m0.; vellum, $1.25. HEINE’S PICTURES OF TRAVEL. 12mo. ; cloth, $L 50/ BASKERTILLE; Poetry of Germany. German and English. 12m0.; cloth, $1.50. F. LETPOLDT, Publisher, 'de9-tf_ 13g3-OHESTNUT Street. TtfEW-BOOKS l NEW-BOOKS! i ' Just received by- AS3MBAD & EVANS, Successors to Willis P. Hazard. T 34 CHESTNUT STREET LIFE AND LETTERS ‘OF WASHINGTON IRVING. Vol. 4. Completingthe work. THE OLD HELMET. By the author of ‘ ‘ Wide, Wide World.” .. HUSKS! HUSKS! By MarionHarlaud. QUEEN MAB. By. Julia Kavauagh. MY DAYS AND NIGHTS ON THE BATTLE-FIELD. By “Garleton,” the well -known, army correspondent.! Profusely illustrated.- A capital Boys’ Book. BITTZ2R SWEET. A Poem by J. G. Holland. Ele gantly illustrated by Whitney.- Printed on tinted paper. A beautiful Holiday Book. HOO3FHOLD FRIENDB With Eighteen Portraits on Bteel. Uniform with 4 * Favorite Authors. ” GENERAL BUTLER IN NEW ORLEANS. By Parton. de7 • ■ MEW BOOKS \ NEW, BOOKS! LUNSFORD LANE; or Another Helper from North Carolina By Rev Wm G. Hawkins, A. M. . SOLDIERS OF THE BIBLE. -For the Young. By Key. Wm M. Thayer. MY DAYS AND NIGHTS ON THE BATTLE-FIELD. A Book for Boys. By Carleton. HOUSEHOLDFRIENDSFOREVERYSEASON. Bound in ©loth and morocco. EVA; or the Swedish Snnday School, and Life’s MORTIMER, the Young Christian Sol d For sale by WM. S. ALFRED M ARTIEST, de7- 606 CHESTNUT Street. SOMETHING NEW. P INDESTRUOTIBLB ALTEMUS & C 0.,“. corner of FOURTH and RACE, being owners,of a late Patented invention, are now of fering for sale their PATENT HINGE-BACK ALBUMSi which possess many advantages over all others now made or in use. The Trade are Invited to examine these, at their' Rooms, corner of FOURTH and RACE. The Trade supplied on very reasonable terms. de7-lm pHALLEN’S HOLIDAY GIFTS COM V all the NSW BOOKS,- NEW TOY BOOKS, NSW GAMES. FINE STATIONERY, ISOYaLPHOTOGRAPHS, (Initialed to order), . PHANTO M FLOWERS, POETS, in Blue and Gold, (PORTFOLIOS, ■ aad a great ’variety of useful and ornamental articles. Call at CHALLBiT*, 1308 CHESTNUT. No sift will bo more acceptable to a lady or gentleman than a package of the finest French Paper, with Enve lopes to match, and with the initials, plain or in colors. We havelOO patterns. CHALLTSN, ’ de7-12t > 1308 CHESTNUT. QOOKISRY AS IT SHOULD BE. MBS. GOODFELLOW’S COOK BOOK, A Manual for Dining* room and Kitchen. Practical, Economical, and Intelligible. Ten editions have.been called for, an evidence of its merits, and that it is the BEST AND MOST USEFUL COOK BOOK. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher, n025-tf No. 31 South SIXTH Street. TTAPPY HOLIDAYS ABB COMING. 'JJ- CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! PRESENTS JOR OLD AND YOUNG. Splendid assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, of all altac and atvla* PHOTOGRAPH CARDS, plain and beautifully colored. JUVENILE BOOKS. CHILDREN’S GAMES, MINIA TURE ALBUMS, ELEGANT IMPERIAL PHOTO GRAPHS,. STATIONERY of all kinds. ' Prices lower than any other house in the^U^^ des-6t 1304 r CHESTNUT Street. 409 CHESTNUT Street. NEW PUBtICATIONS. pHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS!! A NEW STYLE; CHEAP. PRACTICABLE. AND DURABLE, Hor,nib'a oyer flft-y cards. PRICE 75c: LEYPOLDT’S BOOK STORE AND LIBRARY, deo 6t 1333 CHESTNUT STREET. AItVnjfTUHKS AMONG THE RED SKINS „ __ In tbe Far West, By W. 11. O. KINGSTON. IllnstrstoJ. \ Price ~1. TENTH EDITI O It ... Already in Press. IT H E DRUMMER BOY. The most elegant and entertaining book for bore and the family, Bichly illustrated by the Artist Darir. Pric0.....r^....%l “The Bobbin Hoy,” 90 cents. “The Printer Boy,” 90 cents. AH in nice boxes for 93,60. NEW BOOK FOR GIItLS, Uniform with above, MARY EVANS. Price... r.,.,41. j. e tilton; &co:. It Boston. Publishers, Publisher,'and Bookseller. BEAUTIFUL VOLUMES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. WAsaryftToy, Dec. 7,1563 PHOTOGRAPHIC. 1 IRVING’S SKETCHBOOK, I PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, (IMP. PHOTOGRAPHS. XTBW BOOKS —JUST RECEIVED BY XV J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Tl 5 and Tl 7 MARKET Street. LIFE OF JESUS. By Earnest Renan. Translated from the French. LOUIS’S LAST TERM AT ST. MARY’S. New edition. THE WAYSIDE INN, and other poems. By Henry W BOUNfc e NOs’>KOM THE ATLANTIC: By Oliver Wendell Holmes./ THE THOUGHTS OP THE EMPEROEr.iS. AURELIUS ANTONINUS. GENERAL BUTLER IN NEW ORLEANS . History of the Administration of the Department of the Golf in 1862. or, The Adventures* of a Little French B SIHOTaY TITCOMB'S LETTERS-TO THE JONSES. MT.FARH OF EOGEWOOD, By3&e Starved HHGH.MILI.BH’S HEADSHIP O? CHRIST, and the Rights of the Christian People. _ ... t ROUNDABOUT PAPERS. By Wm. Thackeray. With Illustrations. - HISTORY OF THE SIOUX WAR, and the Massacres of 1662 and 1563 By Isaac Y. D. Hchrd‘. MARY LINDSAY. A Novel. By the Lady Emily Ponsonby. • . FOEMB. By Jean Ingelow. ' T „ IN WARTIMES, AND OTXER POEMS. By J. G. W M3N?AL HYGIENE. By 1. Ray. v ■ , HANNAH THURBTON. A Story of American Life,. "gf-aayftiA - fio3o ■ROOK AGENCY, ~ i-> 33 Booth SIXTH Street. Ofice °^ ppLßToN ,g OTW CYCLOPEDIA WASHINGTON IRVING’B WORKS. WAVERLEY HOVELS. Household edition. REBELLION RECORD. BAYARD TAYLOR'S WORKS. COOPER’S NOVELS. Illustrated edition. DICKENS’ WORKS. Household edition. _ GEMS FROM THE DUBSELDORF GALLERY. BRITISH POETS. Boston edition. . MEItRIVALE’S HISTORY OF THE ROMANS, dw.’, 4«, NATIONAL QUARTERLY REVIEW. 83 par year. oc2o-tnthsa3m : New B <>;OKS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. NOW READY- 1 THE CAMP-FIRES. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLU TION. A NEW AND .ELEG ANT EDITION. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. In one volume octavo. This volume, so well calcu.- lated to a waktn a patriotic ardor in the minds of read are, is peculiarly appropriate fat the present time, and is therefore deserving of an Increased popularity Tbe pre eent edition Is in a much improved, dress, which makes it doubly acceptable as. a presentation volume ,at this season of the year. EDITH’S. MINISTRY. BY HARRIET McKBEVER, . author of “Sunshine,” “The Flounced Robe, &c., «c. This admirable volume, by a very popular.aufchoress, has beonout of print for sometime. The increased de mand for it has induced the Publishers to bring it out in an improved dress for the Holiday Season. HEAVEN. THE HEAVENLY RECOGNITION. : THE HEAVENLY HOME. r . ~i f By the Rev. H. Harbaugh. New and elegant editions, printed on toned paper, and bound in bevelled, cloth with K Vhose Volumes have had an almost unprecedented sale In a plainer form. They are now presented in a style more worthy of the great reputation to which they nave attained, and suitable for presentation.. ALL THE NEW BOOKS, • irTP , T T TI , ILLUSTRATED JITVENILB, and Presentation Books of the Season. /S’ T JSI? v at low prices, by LINDSAY Jt BLAKISTON. Publishers and Booksellers,. deB *5 South SIXTH St.. abdve Chestnut. TRYING'S LIFE, YOL. 4, JUST I BEADY, completing the work. Complete sets of Ahia IRVINES SKETCH BOOK, with 120 fine Etchings, by the best American Artists, iO GEMS I FROM TiITIIfISSELDORF GALLERY. Ose. large volume, fine binding, 02 fine Photographs from, the wusseldorf School of Painting. COOPER'S NOVELS, 32 volumes. Complete. New style. Illustrated. For sale at IXTH Street, Secondary * deB-3t Office of the American Cyclopedia. r'AUTIONt—CROSS' POELADEL vV PHIA BUSINESS DIBECTOBY to 1861 (fifth an nual edition,) ie now In cour» of pnMlcatlon. Busi ness men are requested not to sire their subscriptions or advertisements to anv Person unless then.are provided wlth'a PRIMED AUTH ORITY sl^nedb^m^l^mllsliers. ooice, 3aT,eaaBTNUT stmt,■ KJEW PUBLICATIONS. Xj'ENEST LINWOOD.-MKS. LEE -*- 1 HENTZ’SHST BOOK, A beautiful Novel, junt row [shed by T. B. PETBBEON & BROTHERS, Ho. 306 CBKSTNUT street, Philadelphia, Pa. T7B.NEST LIN WOOD—MRS. LEE X-J HERTZ'S LAST BOOK. A ‘beautiful N >val, just published by T. B. PF.TEBSON & BROTHERS. Her, 006 CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia, Pa. QJSFT BOOKS FOB THE HOLIDAYS, . HOT THEM* .10W AND GET THEM CHEAP. The lareost stock .mi‘l meet beautifulaesortment is at • T. B. PATERSON & BROTUKB.S’. Ho. atlG CBKy'mUT street. Philadelphia. Pa. A LL IN WANT CF U'OLIDAYBOOKS ** of all binds, are reqbv’Ated to call, and one pur chase will convince you th’M. the best place to-buy Holiday Boots is at the PablisVteg and BoAkpeUing Em porium of T» B FLTERSOA& BROTHERS', Ho. 306 OHKSFNUT stres/* Philadelphia, Pa. Call and examine our' stock. A NNHALS.—ALL THE NEW AND A Popuiar Annuals, bbuud in the beaatlfal styles. BK O. ,?P Ho. aoSCHKiINCTr street, PhMadeWb'u. Pa. POETRY AND POEMS —ALL THE A Writings by every itandavd auihor, in pla'V l fancy bindings, for pale cheap at T. K PETR RHON Sc BBOIWSBS , No. 306 CHE3TNUT streftl,' Philadelphia, Pa. , piBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS—A " most beautiful assortment for thcr Family, diarchy or Pocket', bound in efoiy style, lor sale al Terr low prices' by T. B. PETBR9ON & BROTHERS. No. 3flO CHKSTNuT street, Philadelphia, Pa. XTISTORIES OF ALL KINDS, UPON all subjects, by the heap writers, and a* al! Driresj* for gale by . T. B PETSBSON & BROTHERS, No 3Q(?CIIESTyUT street. Philadelphia. Pa. ■RIOGRAPHIES OF' CELEBRATED PERSONS, style bindings, for sale cheap by T: B. PETERSON & BROTHJSGV No. 30® CHESTNUT street. AND VOYAGES—THE Writings of the'mosl noted an’d’ popular autSora, low by T. B. PETERSON St BROTHERS, ' t No. 306 C£?E9T&UT street. BOOKS AND ILLUSTBATED WORKS. —SuperbiTill'Ottrated Presentation Book‘d 'in every department of literature, will be 1 found for sale' at v&ry'low rates at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS’, • 306 CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.—SO NOT •t FAILto look at PETERSON'S ALBUMS; Which are thebefetaad cheapest in tbs-city, coraprißfng , over five hundred different styles Wjr hare the largest'and moat varied stocirOf Album?. at nii pri' suit all’ tastes, ever offered for sale. • „ „ T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS’,- No.jmSCHESTKUfr street, Philadelphia, TUYENILE 8008 S—THE LARGEST ™ aesortmealHa the city for'sate. at cheaper’prfcs* than anywhere else, at T. B. PEHERSOIS & BROTHERS’; ... No. 30ff CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia. BOOKS.—THE OHEA?F EBT place in Philadelphia to bey all kinds of Ctill dran’s BookH, from- the- plainest toy book to the meet beautiful and extensive ftihdp, is at . T. B: PETjsfiQON & BROTHERS', No. 806' CHESTNUT sirotc, yiiil»dolpliia. TI: Mr stock of Photograph. Albums Children's Books/-' Illustrated Works of hlHrandk, their different editions of 1 the works of Charles ’Dickens, Wavoiiy Hovels, Scott's Complete, Works, Cooper's Irving’s, Annuals, Standard Poets,'; Poems, Bibles,*'P/ayej Books, British Classics, and. in fact, everything in the book line,, is larger than can be found all of which* they arelnow selling at retail at yery Tow fates. We advise all to call in at thdir store, and examine their assortment before makingSheir purchases.-Gail in at T- B. PETERSON & BROTHERS’. No. 306 CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia.. Store open evenings. lffl PHOTOSEXPHS. Jj I 'F : E' - S X .ZfIE" PHOTOGRAPHS 39&08ED IK OIL, THOMAS* SMIX-ISPS HOB. 143 AKD 144 HORTH NIKTH STREET. la assortment of FRAMES constantly on hand. JOHN C. RIVES doio-4t* SKY-LIGHT OH THEGBOUND FLOOR: deS-lm . , PAINTINGS ANDiffINGKAVINGS. JjLEGANT' MIBEOES, EARLE'S GALLERIES, nBITTENDEN’S ' PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE* 63* CHESTNUT Street, corner of Seventh. Established ISU Incorporated 1856- Day and Evening instruction in BOOS‘KEEPING in its various branches, as practised by the best accouat ants, PENMANSHIP, Plain and Ornamental, Mercantile Calculations, Forms, Commercial law. &e. Students instructed separately, and can enter at any time In extent of accommodations, facilities for Imparting business-knowledge, wide-spread reputation, and prac tical advantages to business-men, this- Institution has no superior. delo-3t* “CING-INEEBS AND MACHINISTS AJ PREPARED for the U. S. Navy at TENTH and CALLOWBILT* Streets. N. B. —Engineers for the Navy are very much needed now. •des-7t* YF-1 LLA G- E ■ GREEN -SEMINARY, NEAR MEDIA. PA.—Pupils received at any time. English, Mathematics, Glassies, and 1 Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil En gineering taught. Entire, expenses about S 3 per week. Boys of all ages taken.- Refers to Win. 5. Kern, ex- Sherlff; John C. Capp & Co., No. 23 South Third street, and Thome* J. Clayton, Esq,, Fifth and Prune street*. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON. A. M-, Village Green, Pa. nos-U AL B DMS W ANTE D—A SITUATION IN A IT wholesale establishment as a PORTER or PACKER Has had several years’ experience. -Good reference fur nished. Apply to339*MARKEr Street. de9-3t* WANTED —AN ACTIVE LAD, about 16 years of age; best of references required. Apply, .between 9 and. 10 o’clock this morning, at 639 ARCH Street. It* WANTED—ABOUT JANUARY Ist, in a Cloth Jobbing House, a good SALESMAN to attend to, and who can, command a good city trade. Ad dress “P. 0., ” bos 1189. delo-3fc* WANTED—A - SITUATION, IN A T T Dry Goods’ Jobbing House, by a Salesman, Who has some trade and a large acquaintance. Address “WALTON,” Ledger Office. • delO-St ■BOOK-KEEPER.—ONEOF THE OLD EST IMPORTING HOUSES, intending to retire from Business on the Ist of JANUARY next,, desires to obtain a first-class Situation for their Book-keeper and Cashier, who has been in their.employ for the last fifteen years. delo-2t*. ’ 1703, Philadelphia Post Office. WANTED—A- SALESMAN, IN A * * Wholesale Grocery Store—-To- one who can in fluence a good Pennsylvania trade a liberal salary will be given. Address Box No; Sdt-32, Philadelphia Post Office. ; J -.. • de9-3t* WANTED- INsA .WHOLESALE NO • * * ~ tion House, TWO SALESMEN, who can com mand a large Western trade* None others need apply. To competent men a liberal salary will be given Apply Box 433 i -Post Office-' deO-Sf rfO CAPITALISTS.^—A TRACT OF superior COAL LAND, in Luzerne county, Penn sylvania. containing about 700-acres, for sale very low* Part of the purchase money may remain. Address box 1307, Philadelphia Post Office. de!;-6t WANTED BY THE FIRST OF *•* January, a special partner, with a capital of irom $2O, CCO to 30,000 in a well established Dry Goods Job bing business, doing almost,exclusively a cash trade. Address (confidentially) '“ J'obber, ” atthe office of this paper. ‘ de9-3t WANTED—A SITUATION BY A person who has had esperience inandin well ac quainted with the Cloth Business The best references canbegiven. Address **E. W, 8.,” at this office. de9-3t* WAN TED—A. F3RST-CL ASS SALES * * HAN, in a Cloth Jobbing House, on Market street. Address, with reference. Box SAP. 0 deB-at* WANTED—A SITUATION BY A * * first class salesman, in a wholesale house; clothing preferred. Addstss “C, D.,” Boxfi&O.’P. 0. deB-St* WANTED—A YOUNG MAN, AS »* book-keeper for a commission house. Non?' need apply without* undoubted references. Address, with references,. ** Box 24C6, P. 0,-* deS-3t* WANTED—BY A LADY, THREE < * CHILDREN to take Into her family to board and Educate. For further particulars ad dress ”Box 62. —mantowi PnO- ~~— ll — TTOUNDRY FOREMAN. —WANTED, J- an cnp«»acBd Foreman in » Stove Fonnarr in Cmclnnatu o. A superior man will get good compen sation. Address Box 6S3,Post Offlco, Cincinnati, O. n027-14tt: ' : -A GENTLEMANWTT.HJi'ROM $lO,OOO Jx To ms; EDO is wanted, to engage in a respectable, safe, and fair-paying Manufacturing Business. Address .** In dustry,” at this office. • . del-tutlistC MACHINERY.—WANTED TO PUR •Ij* CHASE two or three good second-hand Steam Engines from eight to forty-hcnse power, and Locomo tive ;refcurn flue or fl ue Boilers of tne same power. For cash. Address H. M. CLARK, American Hotel, CHEST NUT Street. - • ' ds9 2t* WANTED—A STORE, OF MODE JBHLrate size, for wholesale business, east of Fifth,be tween Arch and Walnut streets. Address de9»3t* "J.O. Q.,” 'Press ofilce. non-— WANTED, A PARTNER ’ wIV)vUv with this amount in cash, to invest in Valuable Timber Lands in Clearfield county, now in operation. A rare chance for capitalists. Address * ‘Lum berman. ” Clearfield Bridge P. G,, Clearfield county. Pa., or apply to WARDLE St STEVENSON. delO-St* N. E. cor. SIXTH and MARKET Bt., Phila. X A MONTH !-I WANT TO HIRE SP * •-* Agents in every cqunty at #7 6 a, month, expen ses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Machines, Address. S. MADISON, Alford, Maine. 0c23-d&w3g A MONTH! WE WANT AGENTS »t (SI, montli, MKMM.B PjW, to Ml! onr EVERLASTING raHOILS, ORIENTAL NBRNrag, and thirteen other articles. IS Circular, /tw. BMW ft CLARK, Blddeford. Sialne. aeir-dftwtm Jgz defoty quartermaster ;OE'FlCE—Philadelphia, Feb. 8, IS VESSELS WANTED immediately tc.earry COAL to. the followinc.poihts: Torturas. - Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. Newborn. Iff. C. . Port Royal, S. C. A. BOY A felO-tf Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. T ©ST.- NOTICE IS HEREBY QIYEN JU that CERTIFICATE No-1, for two shares of the C&nital Stock of the West Chester and Philadelphia Rail* raad ComßaSy. issued May 1&1852, to WITHER WORTH- Sf*GTON. late of the Borough of West Chester, decasedi and’also CERTIFICATE, No. 293 offchasame stock, i&* ened September 7, 1863, to same person, have been loei, and that the subscriber will apply to,said Railroad Coaa pajiy to issue to him ness^ojrtifiwit^to^s^d^Uwk. nagg-thfSt • Administrator. T OST—A DRAFT DRAWN BY 5. W. «*-J HILL, agent Pennsylvania Mining Company, Ke weenaw County. Michigan, on 8. M. DAY, Secretary, dated December s, 1662, at ton days 1 eighty No. 328, for sixty-two 4-lCft has been lout in the malL All persons are cautioned against negotiating the sama. as payment has been stopped and application made for a reissue of srid Draft. Cdei-Sfe] S. MANDELBAUM. T 7 OR SALE CHEAP—A LIGHT, NO- A TOP WAGON, wltK sat of slngle'Harness. nearly new, and in complete orderi for sale cheap. Apply, at HENRY BUDDY’* Wine »nd Liquor Store, No. MLS. NotftSSCOND Strsot. - - PHOTOGRAPH ’ ©ALLERY, A LARGE ASSORT ME HT. NEW ENGRAVINGS, FINE OIL '•Pi2BS!OfGS, JUST RECEIVE!). 810 CHESTNUT STREET. no2o If BDUCATIOWAa. WANTS. liOST AND FOUND. AMUSEMENTS. RICAN ACADEMY OF MUBIG, ITALIAN OPERA. BEVE If EH aEA W D Q PEEi tfIDKT OH FttTDAY EVENING DBG. 11th AT B GEAKD EXTKApEDIKAKY PERFORKhNQB Of DN BALLO IN SIABCIIERA. WfTH AN UNPRECEDENTEDLY GREAT CAST. Including THE THREE GRSAT PRIME DONNE, M'ME JOSEPHTNE MEDORI. H’HE ORTOLANI BRIGNOLT, M’ME HENRIETTA SULKSR Together with Sig. FRANCISCO MA2ZOLENL In his unequalled role of Richard, and r t Slg. FERNADO BELLINI, In bi= great character of Reinhardt. mv ... CARD. -hepubheare reppectfalJy informed that the nracAgtr msnt, graieful for the encouragement given totbe'ltilia* Opera, and anxloufc to comply with the general retfaent* has determiner] to give SIX MOKE OPERA NIGHTS, WHICH WILL BB POSITIVELY THE LAST, As the company has, by contract, to appear in Baltimore on the 21st mttant. _ “’Khta wil.l t«c on FRIDAY. Iltk. HA ?v R °,^S AT ’ H>« WEDNESDAY, the 16tb, FRIDAY, the 13th, and SATURDAY, thoWtaof Deceunber. Ibe Operas to he performed will Selected from thff repettoire of the Company, which is so extensive, varied,, and new, thftt no Opera will be repeated, unless by gp*. cial rgejaett of the patrons of the Opera ... SUBSCRIBERS * /^^ O CcTv n t!?n. f “,^y r tb€ - r rabecilption for the ensaln* AST flTPare respectfully requested to giv« yvMce at i;w Bos Offl?a beforo THURSDAY, Dasembor IOTa, 4 r. M. ON EVENING, DEC 11th AT ft gkjsnv an» : Of Verdes Blaster work, in 4 ad,, nr UN RALLO IN HSASCFtER??* f Which vf£U be produced with rplendid ir.Ue ffrAn a and the nneqnailed cast: AMELIA.,...%flama JOSEPHINE MEDORt. OSCAR S ine ORTOLAN; .BElGtfObf. I7LKIC. i-,v„ Jf’me ’ BTEHRIETTA^GLEgR RICHARD. Sfe: FRANCIEGO IfAZEOLKVt. BEIRHaRDT .....Sig. FEBN4NDO BELLINI. SAMUEL. Ssg. D. COLS PH. Tcid.i. .. A Judge. CONDUCTOR..^.-, ON SATUHE'AY EVENING. DEO.J2, . StGHTII CiUSB 0?BSA KfSHT The sale of secured’ seats and gekete for any of th*v‘ above-nqined performances will cdnimencd tISa morn-’ ing, at 9; at the Box Office of the .Academy, at F. Leyo* poldt’s Bookstore, 1323. Chestnut, afreet, and at T. M* Pugh’s Boekstore, cornc-f of Sixth a3l Chestnut streets, MEW 'TMEATKZ^— Lespeeand Manager Mr.: W£f. WHEArTOT; THIS tTHURSDAY) EVENING, Don, 10,186*. Er> WIN 3?*o R R’E SO? Will make hi3' FIRST APFSARANCB *• DarJaig the present season, as t JACK CAS>B, In tita late Judge Conrad’s POWERFUL AND EOKAITTrC TRAG«Dr, ALMEP.E; OH. THE BONDMAN OF BSNt sheCa.Bt, which U UNUSUALL7 STRONG A2JD EFFECTIVE, Willcoaprifc-e _ Mr. J. McCnllcngb, Mr. S • C. Dubois,' Kri P, Mordannfc. Mr. B. T. Ringgold kir. J. Mr J. W. Collijr, Mr. J. 8. Hall, Mr. J. •?. Ward, Mr aSwtl Mr. Evers, Madame Ponisi. Mrs. H. P.'Grattsui* aha Jdisa Cooper. Conductor Mr.. MARK HAPRLSSL OIfTRIDAY EVENING, 1353. . . EDWIN; FORREST Jjt another of bis, great character*. ON SSTUEDA? EVENING. Ett. 12, 1863 JOHANNA OLAUSSEN, TLhe new and snccesafnl Play, THE CHILD OF NATUKS. THEATRE. "" leasee.... Mrs. M. A..GABRETB}<Wf/ MK J. S. CLABKE. INFO XT 15 PARTE? . (THURf-DAY) EVENING, D*c. 10th!. The yeitfoMnancei will eommmicd with. ; MABRIEP LIFE. Ja os Humphries. £ General J After wiich. TURNING-TtfE TABLES. To.conclude with SOMEBODY'S COAT. Baz Office open from 10 till 3 o'clock, for reaerrel eeatc TtyfrßS. 'JOHN wmw’B NEW' ABOH STREET IHEATRE—ARCH Strcwt, abovs Sixth. THE GREAT DRAMATIC ALLIAHC3T J. 'W. WALLACE, E. L. DATEHPORT. and Mn. TONIGHT. (THUBSDAT;) DSBSMBER IG.'ISGi Tlie great sensational Plar of THE IRDU BFASK. <. Kr. J. W. TTaUMfc. •S6r. E. L. Darenpocfc, Fum. Leon ao Bonbon Rochefort. ... r..., Horiehse** ... To eonelnde with A BEGTHihS FTX. FRIDAY. BENEFIT of Mr. DAVENPORT. Prices a& usual. ©’clock, t/lemerer's juvenilb ooNoarai -A*- ASSISTED by 2CO Pupils. Alto, Master TROYEIL the Musical Prodigy: •will taka-place on FRIDAY EVff- KING.JDee. 11th at NATIONAL HALL, KAOS • Street, below SIXTH. Tickets lif cento; Children {■ 1 cents,?-Commenceat 7K o'clock. ' QONCERT HALL, LECTURE ROOM; CHESTNUT STREET, ABOW TWELFTH. "WAUGH’S 3*l AGNTFICEIfT' NEW PANORAMA ITALY, AND' HER WAR FOB FREEDOM. OPEN EYERiT EVENING?AND S A TVR DAY AFTB H*lf9'o If-. THIS SPLENDID WORE OF ART, Commences moving— EVBNINGS,' at 7K.......... SATURDAY 8,3 o’clock. Tickets 29 cents; Children 15 cents; or,. 9 for $L Liberal arrangements made with SCHOOLS, def-fft rj-'B EA T NATIONAL- OIRCU« - VJ, TKOOFE —MARKET Street, abora-Twelfth. Directress, Mrs. CHARLES WASHER, formerly He*. DAN BICE. ,—- NEW FACES AND NEW SCENES-IK THE ARENA.' Classical ILLUSTRATIONS; entertaining NOVEL TIES, Comic, Sentimental, and patriotic SONGS; DAN CING HORSES: MARCHING HORSES'; COMIC HULKc ': Original Wit. Humor, and Sentiment. GRAND THRILLING "DIVERTJBSRMSNTS are pr»-- duced, - EVERT EVENNIG.: and at the evtry WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AF TERNOONS. The performances commence at 7.40 eac2re7enizur, aa& - at Matin 6e. ADMISSION.—FrIvat* Box; $3; Stage-Seats, 59 -unfa - each; Parquette, 25 cents; Gallery, 15 cents. Great novelties for the de74f CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS.' - *JHE GKAND : “ ' ORATORIO ' Will be performed by the HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCrarr. ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT, MUSICAL FUHD HALB. gEOONILSEASONi 1863-’64^ M- H. CROSS and CHARLES H. JASVIS, Respectfully announce to the public tiwst they wtt give FOUR CLASSICAL SOIREES. AT THE - FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MU3IC, THIB WINTER. The first of the series to bB given in DECEMBER aa£ the remaining three during the monthaof JANUARY. * FEBRUARY, and APRJL7ISSL Messrsi- S. and J. wM be assisted bv tho following Artists: Carl Gasrther, -Violin. C: H. Schmitz* Violoncello, L. Tschirner, Contra Basso Wm. Stoll*.Clarionet.. A. Kellner, Hautboy. J. Koch, Fluta.' G. Muller,. Bassoon. C. Horn, t Programme,with subscripion prices, &Z Gould's, li« drS & Co. ’s, and Lee k Walker’s. tl /ZJ3EAT SCOTTISH BAIi*—FIFTH ANNUAL BALL.of the CALBDONTj-AN CLUB, far the BENEFIT of the LIBRASY, TEUBSDA.Y EVS« BING. Decemher 10th, 1883, at MUSICA2 FUND Tickets $l - TEM’PLE OF "WONDEBS—ASSEMBItY * j- BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CHESTNUT STBEBTS. Amnsement for Qld-and Young. Hij£h and Happiness - te open for the season. Constant c can see-of Entertainment, SIGNOR BLITZ EVBRY EVENING, commencing" a!? 7& o’clock, and Wednesday and Saturday at 3, consisting of Nerr :Myw» teries in Necromancy, great success 3a Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Birds. Admission-25 cents; Children 15cesAa. seTL-t^ T> OTHERMEI/S -MARTYRS IN THH« AtJ COLISEUM. ACADEMY OF BiXFE. ARTS, CHESTNUT STREET, ARC?VB TENTH. Open from 9,t0 5; Eyening, from ?to 10. no3C-lm ORCHESTRA.—PUBIiIO BEHEARS4.LS every SATURDAY, at 3 o’clock, P. - M.» at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single tickets* 9E cents Packages of six tickets,j£L-Tohe had at AN DRE’S, 1104 CHESTNUT Stroat.J. E GOTOD.IfIB- • VENTH and CHBSTNUT, and Hall door. 0c!2.-»Snt. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OW A ' THE FINE ARTS,. 1035 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays existed) from 9 k. SL.UU-. BP.M. . Admission 26 cents. Children half price, FOR - SAFE AtfUTO IES : . nnn 2 > oo0 > sw°°» ani>si,ooo These sums to loan on mortgage. LusEys-& KOK^ggarea^eß. <tf*Q —FOR SALE, TWO MORT- # '-''J**GAGESft>r#3,Sooeach,.audone Ground Bent 0f.%1.100. Apply to A. PHA3O, BROADand. SPRING GARDEN Streets, Lumber Yard. delo-2fc* TO liET—A WAttF JfclL ABLE BUSINESS STAND, No. 1128’ SPRING GARDEN Street* consisting of Dwellings and Store Boom. One of the best stands in the city for the Retail Shoe Business. This property will be sold cheap Ap ply on .the Ipremi&as, INo. IXS4S* SPRING GARDEN Street. . ; delo-12tt M- WEST CHESTNUT-STREET—. Handsome Residence, Price only’ #13,600. Also others. Arch and Walnut StreeU. Apply to- DUNOAN M. MITCHBSON, 53G WALNUT St. de9»St^ M EOR SALE—TEE.THREBSTORY BRICK SWBIXING HMJSS, (No. Eft) Witt two-., story double beich bach buildings and Lot of Ground*. situate on the. vest side of Delaware Froa| street. b«f. tween Green and Coates streets, in the Eleventh, wardi in fronton Front street, and one hundred? and thirty-one feet deep to TAM ABEND atreet, on WhicK there is eraated BRIO2 STABLE. Immediate possession . ' - Fart of purchase money can remain on mortg&ge. LUKENS ft MONTGOMERY deIO-Im* 1035 B2ACH Street. rt>OYe Lsgrol at,. m FOR SALE—THESE. VERY EE ES. SIB ABLE FO U35-STORY. SEIOK DWSLLINOS* with. the tie three-story doublo brick bac:abuildinsß« and lot of grounds west side of Front street, south,of CallowbiU street, <N0.556,)18 2eet2 inches.front by 84 feot deep; all the modern improvements and ooa? v sciences. Will be sold upon accomodating terras. _ LUEBNS & MON*GOMEBYi 1035 BEACH Street, above Laurel. _ delO-lm* AUCTION SAKE. SOM Street*. AUCTION SALE OF- HORSES, EARBIAGE&, S». ON SATURDAY MORIHNO NEXT*. At l&o’clock, comprising about ’ ‘ FIFTY HORSES. Tt*i description*, in catalogue?. ALSO* , A large collection of desirable new- and aaoond-hand light-wagons. Ac*, with. sale will commence. • ALw. Single and double harness, saddles* bridles, bufiftl*, coyote whips, Aft ja- No postponement on account of tfc» weather. S- Sale of Horses. Ac., on WEDNESDAY NEXT. S» SALE OF FIFTY SLEIG2B, 19th December. JST ALFRED. M-. Auctioneer. fjsssmm CORRECT PIANO TUNING,' rrmrS-Mr. C. K. SABOEST'S order, for toalas and repairing Plano, .re receraedattfASOSl .tore, OOT CHSSTNTJT Street. otUa. , Mr. 8, has had eleven yeare.*fc,fltory elperlevelaaoe* ton, and fiveireare’aatploroesi InPMaielrit-a. SFEOiAn. rtleaiheFOl to sound a, sow “■* nreet tonod a. nmr, without removing. ' - „ Terms tax Taint, »L ocl4-SH TRUSSES, BRACES. &0,, 1L rtUfutlT HrHJjSDLB. corner of TWKtiFTH ft ACS streets. B Ladles* Department for same, .andnctodbrg Ladle., TWELFTH Street. drat door belotr Haw. TW moat complete and varied 'UiA onh&sJconeWtinain part of Trassos. Snpportot*, Bhonlder Bfaeoa. Bita. JtoeklM., Syringe* A*. Snn«f • SI»X sSS§.\& o«VS»H ~.Sfg. Mailer, v Re ieh ftrdtt, Siffnc7°J. NtfifO; • M->' J. S, Cl*rfca, 3). WitIGHT.. SeereUr*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers