!Mit. Louis — Chestnut, J Walker. :no 0 00lignis;Look HllllOl C 8 Rail. 15tevr York W Moore, WasbtaatOn mantel 'Beeves, Wash 3 Montage, New York Jade Donaldson. Paula dra r eabodY , jraPeabody, Boston i'Dhas Praild9r, Boston B Landoll, New York lirEktrzut, New York Phalon, New York W Mahoney, New York WP Griffin, New-York Miller 8c La, Baltimore The Union—Arch e J Clark Mooreburg, Pa J O hichlauan, Moorebg,Ps, F Palmer, Scrann Geo Street, Salem, O j Va ught C F n t r on v ioloe Pa W Patton, Penna W Semple & wf, AlleahonY Amos Rutter. Jr. Penne Wawa, Roberts B H Kelley John Martin, Lancaster co john Radnett, Dubuque treat, above Third. H Pieter, Clearfield J W Breathead, llagerstwn Myers, Jr, Franklin co,Pa J D Cleaver, Newark. N J , B Taylor, Newark, N J C H Ceer, Newark, N I S Dorghly, Newark. N J Oar, Newark, N J Barley Sheaf—Secon B F Winne la, Cape May Hiram Pearson, golelburY Alex Wasman:New Jersey ihlDroliem, New York john Welsh. New York 'Copt I S Brant, U S 11. Rena C Reynolds, USN . 'T,lttelleeles, Atlantic City P Duffey. Now York B Burke, New York street, below Vine. Geo Hallo Well. Abington C H Williams, Buckingham W Gillam. Attleboro T C Van Horn, Richton Smith Stradling Bucks co Henderdine, Monts co P R Frets, Doylestown Ryan Knight. Backs co C B Ely. Backs so • Corson. Frenchtown W.M Paxson Backe co T 0 Negak ,Backs co W K Doan, Bucks 00 M Paist, Bucks co Harry Sortie, DoyleStown) 13 Jones, New Jersey W Boyce, New Jersey Paxson. Buck+ so • R K.Poutton, Backs co IT Ely. Bucks co ,J E. (Wiley, Trenton, N I W Gord In. Trenton. N .1 ) 0 Voorhees Freachtown W nettle, Fremont° wn. .- B Hough, Frenchtown I 111 Rich, Buckingham . . W Barnard°, New Hope Asa Nice. New. Hope Robt B Newbold, Attleboro B P Yerkee, Manayank, Ham Clayton. Janettown 11.0ollins & le, Penns Park Chas Homer, Backe co. Boyce. New Jersey B Janney. Hocks so /3 Hough, Bucks co •S'aillam & eon: Backe co W (I-Wa Mon, Bucks co II Kesler, Backs co J E Jamietn, Backe co " Linton, [woke co .- Dfre Irrety. Bucks co eot, above Callowhill. B W Smith, Backs co Eastburn Reeder, Batiks co Frank Eastbnrn, Bucks co T Reines, Easton S T Janney, Bucks co S S Wolslager, Centreville F Greenman, New York S P Batch, New 'York B Thomas, New York Sr Whitaker, Deposit, N Y E L Austin, Deposit, N I Bald Eagle—Third s P Tarsier, Allentown 0 Mertz, Allentown •O A Miller, Lehigh Co. Pa Geo F Greenawalt. Perna D ITeberotb. Lehigh no, Pa P Kauffman. - Allentown Rohl Good, Backe co, Pa Milton Floberta,Bncks co.Pa Joe Foulke, Bucks co. Pa Wegener. Berke co, Pa MWessner, Berke co, Pa Marls Bear—Third H Holloway. Trenton J Martin: Trenton J B Field, Stanstead, C B D Clader, Penna J 8 Eanl; New Texas, Pa I, Richard, Penna 0 Fell Penna JB Wolle, Allentown T I) Mohr, Penns E H Sautes, Cocversburg J P Bnrkhart, Bernvillo,ra 31Dje):4, -Muzak town. NV Ranter. Penneteug O . Harper, Jenkintown t., above Callowlll.lll, K Truckler, Panna Halderman, Backs co J Cadwalader, Books co I Tompkins, Fax Chase D H Schweyer.. Parma W W Snyder. Berke co I Tomlinson & son, Parma C Lefferts, Prorkhanintort 0 Janney; Yard I..yville A Singmaeter. 181111erstown '1 , 3 Wagner & la, Ashland. S Merrick, Southampton B Vanarindalen, Penne, Mwttltt Vernon—See, C L Pinkerton, Trenton 5 Thomas, Pottsville W Wilaon dr la, Pa C page & la, Washington V C Loyd, Bristol, 1 H Weigand, Fort Monroe Thou F Sloanaker J H Trainer mid St.. above Arch. Mrs Lamb, Boston D Blackman, Now York C Cator, New York Bell. Sullivan co, NY S Shaffer, Sullivan co. N Y A. N Bidewall, Damascus 11 H. Tyler. Damascus .- C H Cochran, Damascus G H Tyler. Damascus W Chapman, Damnscis It Busk, Hanken, N Y A. Henan, Haaken, N Y Jd Pennevfflo, Delaware Bin Peaky . , Delaware Mae Harrington, Delaware B Loughery Airs Blanchford, Boston States Union—Marke J Hopperstott, Chester co DE Charlet, If D'II Snyder. Washington A Beall. Coatesville W Bro errillwn. Lancaster C M ' J Para. Boston street, abevtie Sixth: W Morrison, Delaware co A C Jeffries, Delaware co A Tow - mend, Penns W D Bleneinger, Penns G W Dewar, Washing'n,Pa A. Wilson, Wilmington. Del David H Gamble, Clinton co Mrs H McCleland, Pa . „.. D L L Grimmer, Hunting ',ll H Root & la, Tloga co W B Sawyer. Somerset co Geo Hoover. Somerset co E Gilds, St Clairsvlllo G Craig, Wifrairig6 . a. Del Rand Sep ; Danoannon 'Robt Lorick. d street, above Race. Hiram Dewit . James X Knowles & family .1 C BartsoMma, D, DSH H Rove et la. US a. Barniun'e Hotel-I'h It Hobelts. Penns J Halfield, Easton Isaac Rose, New York J Reese &la . • . A McCarty, Now Jersey Miss Anna McCarty, NI J A Johnson, Indiana W 1' Marcus, Michigan J Cisco, New Rope. NJ I B Edwards. Newark, N J John B Williams, N Y James Raub, Delaware Geo Garhart, Trenton . _ D Windier, PittAburg H Aull, Brooklyn_ James Wiison, )5 Imm:tit JamesWi'on, Jr, Wmaport R Linea.Batton W S Worne, New York 11 C Trainer, Phila • James Palmer, Delaware National—Race et J . S Bock atelier. Trenton,NJ S If Eby, Kt Joy R Gilbert, Millersburg Miss Nace . Millersburg :BB Seidel. Peru co H S Grosh, Bethlehem eet, above Third. Toe Woolison, Pottsville D S Long, Lebanon co G P Weaver, Annville L Ii Landermelch, Lebanon H L Acker, Norristown G ET Murphy, 'York co W H Beal. Penna. E P Lutz, Bloomsburg A Shock, Lebanon W F Oakly. llMa•e R Miller, BEMs vllle Hoftregan, Pottsville breadlinie;,i'enna L Gabel, Parana - II James, Ashland 3I J B Steinmetz Reading J A:Langdon, Alex, , Sra John Buckley, Pottsville emh, above Market. Wm C Shaw, Doylestown Butane Carver rhos Betty Bucks county II P Trout, N Seraey (Bias S Hall, New York B Atwood, Baltimore Mattlson—Second at C A Conway, Delaware Jno W Hickman. Delaware Marshall Smith. Maryland .IsT Themison. Laurel, Del Jesse Comfort. Bucks co D noun, Laurel, Del - Z A Pool. Delaware Vent P M Axmi eaten.. N J Sohn Wan tz, York cOnntY reet; above Chestnut. Geo D Hodgson, Oxfora, Pa WEt McGarda' wf. Bait W Dodsworth, N H Commere st W.J McCurdy. York co Capt Wm Brian Levi Waidier, Lencaeter•co Th 8 Young. 3r. Coatesville J Moore, uhester, Pa T Tewneend. Cheater, Pa Alfred Wright. Brooklyn F J Pennock, Penns7lvania DI Pennock, Cheater Co Levi Preston, chaster Co Jac Coates, Pennsylvania J Davis, Jr. & la, Clearfield Miss H A. Brown, Harrisb'g SPECIAL NOTICES. THE FAITHFUL MAIDEH, BY THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. I knew a maiden fair and tree, Who loved a youth that went to sea; Fortune had never smiled on him, And people called him "Shabby'Jim ;" That name was good enough, they deemed , For one who so unlucky seemed. His nearest relatives, 'tie said, Would pass him with averted head. Bat she, his fond and faithfulimaid. In her affections never strayed; Although her eye with grief grew dim, She still adhered to " Shabby Jim." " When fortune changes, he will be A perfect nonpariel," said she. And she was right: for he came back With golden treasure many a pack; And first, of corium the lucky gent. To TUWEIt HALL EMPORIUM went. And as he splendid snit he wore, Folks called him "Shabby Jim" no more; His friends and relatives all smiled, But "Mister James" was not beguiled, Scorning the mercenary trap. Re poured his wealth in Anna's lap. The largest assortment of Gentlemen's Ready-made Clothing in Philadelphia, at TOWER HALL, it BENNET & CO., M MARKET Street. TErs PUREST PORT WINE IN AMERICA! TEE PUREST PORT WINE INIATHERICA!! THE PUREST PORT WINE IN AMERICA!!! CALIFORNIA PORT! CALIFORNIA PORT!! CALIFORNIA FORT!!! The Product of the "Oporto Grape !" The Product of the "Oporto Grape ! !" The Product of the "Oporto Grape! 14 PIETSIOIANS, DRUGGISTS, INVALIDS, and all others requiring a Perfectly Pure Wine, are invited to call and test our . CALIFORNIA PORT, which, in point of purity and effeellence, is nntivalled. For sale by the Gallon, Gaye, and Bottle, at the soin AELENcir, 42 depth FIFTH Street—late onlce of ''Blood's Despatch." . It - CLOTHES WRINGERS ARE AN ABSOLUTE necessity in every family, no) only because they save the hardest half of the work of washing, bat as a mat ter of ECONOMY in clothes, saying thonse,nds. Any clothes wear tw lee as long as when wrung by hand, and We are confident it makes a much greater difference than that in delicate fabrics. Let every housekeeper make, for once, an estimate of the value of the clothing, with its countless stitches' Which-each week goes through the wash, and its course etwisting, which every time weakens the fibre of the cloth, and then- calculate how many times a Wringer Would pay for ttee:f in a year. - 4 .Recolleet, in baying, that the best is always the cheapest, and it lain nothing more so than in this. The best and only thoroughly reliable one is the trtn.N;ER4AT., WAIN Gttit," with the Patent Cog-wheel Regulator. They are of eight sizes. for Sugar Refineries, Laundries, Hospitals (in all of which they are in nee). Families,' &a. WILLCOTT dr BURNHAM, No. 27 South SIXTH St , No. 27 South SIXTH St., nab-2V' Fernierly in Masonic Hall. Wholesale and Retail Agenti for Bast Pennsylvania. -ELECTRICITY SCIENTIPICALEY APPLIRL, by Dr. A. H. STRVENS, 1418 South' PENN EfaTARE, Philadelphia: , n025-tf DEAFNESS, EYE AND EAR, THROAT as xisss, CATARRH' -The above maladies treated with the utmost einem by • 4 ;; DR: VON MOSCHEISRER, Nunn and Armlet, graduate of Vienna. Office, 102 7 WALNUT Street, where -can be examined hundreds of testimonials from the very, best known men in the country, among Which are several Ml' old and responsible citizens of Phila delphia, who can be personally referred to. no2l4t* HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE 1 1 BATCHELOR'S eelebratad HAIR DYE te the Best dig fie World. 'rho only Harmless True, and Reliable Dys known.. This splendid Hair Dye Is Perfect—changes led, Hasty. or Gray Hair; instantly toil Glossy Blued Or Natured 'Brown, without injuring the Hair or Stain ing the Skin, Diaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; ins "WM fresh vitality, frequently restoring its Pristine color, and rectifies the 11l effects of - Bad Dyes. The @Mine is signed WrIATAM A. BATON - SLOB; An others are mere imitations. and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists. die. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, /Sew York. Batchelor's Hew Toilet Cream for Dressind the Hair. je2B-17 ONE-PRICE' CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLES, made in the Beet Manner, expressly for EN TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain *Mae. ALL Goods made to Order warranted satisfis tory. Oar Ose•Paron SYSTEM in strictly adlieroo, to. All are thereby treated alike. goig.iy , JONES & CO.; 604 Street. DE. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT CERES Burns and. Scalds Immediately. STEINWAY'S PIANOS. The fameof theie instruments has extendid to every, tart of Barone. We find on the prograranle of the Phil harmonic Concerts in. Bremen and Brunswick a note stating that the grand piano fortes need were " from the mannfactorref Meters. STEINWAY & Sone, New York." We also nee by a London paper, noticing the fact of WILLIE PANE playing before the Prince and Friucees of Wales during the bridal festivities, that "the piano Teed at the eagle was one of STEINWAY SL SoNs'. New York. Which took the prize medal at the World's Pair." BLASIUS:BROTHERS. . No. 1006 CHESTNIIT. kieet. fie2B4w tf HOLIDAY PRESENTS, & CO.'S PIANOS, MASON & HAMLIN'S CABIXST Nl7 l ll O . ANB ]..5. 9 . , OCT L ada-tds% SEVENTH MO:CHESTNUT street, 'Lbws , * !Third, - WM toes: G W Francis, NOW.York Com Wm F Spteer,-17 D °alum*, New York 11 A Shirlea, Pittsburg Isaac A Harlend. ntsburg Geo 13 Weaver Newrt.Rl Ma Geo Thomas N York I B Koutarie. New York D Potter, Maw Jersey FM Patterson, New J ereey!_ J Johnso n Brooklyn Rev A B Whipple, N York Rev W C Hluu, Roston _ . W Frantz, Imerna Co. Pa Chas Brewer. Columbia .1' A Martin, Strasburg, Pa Geo F Ziegler, Greencastle wr.ek..EcEtrmrt. PARDON—SNEDRICRR. —Noy. 22d. by the Roo. W: B. Gregg at his •residance,:22l9 'Lombard'. street. Mr.` Wm. aff. Pirdiuk, Lacos,llls., and Miell Sarah B Snedeker, of New Brunswick, N. .1. s. PALMER—BRCHENC ACH. —On February Bth, 1823, by the Rev. J. H Alday.fdr. Wm. Palmer to Mies Im'ogene,. daughter of John Beckenbach, Esq., all of this city R EMSENA—YERKES. —0 n Tuesday morel ag, 24th inst., by Rev. J. W. Claxton, Mr. Wm, X. Bunsen. of Backs county, and Miss Yerkes, of Philadelphia. No cards. 4' DIEM. ELICKWIII —On Monday . . Dight, the 2;d Nov., Mies Sarah L. Fliekwir. ' Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, at Trinity Church, Catharine street, on Friday afternoon next, the 27th instant, at 8 o'clock, Punetnally. Interment at St. Peter's C lurch. **. SHILL —On the 23d. inst.. Miss Lydia E. Stall. Funeral from the reel lance o[, - her brother.in.law, Jacob Riegel, No. 127 North Sixth street, on Thursday afternoon, 26th inst;at 2 o'clock. *AIL JAYNE. —On the 8(1 inst., David W. Jayne, eldest son of Dr Pavia Jayne, in the 37th year of his age. His relatives and male friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 931 North Broad. street. near Girard avenue, on Thursday morning, the 26th. inst., at 10 o'clock, without further invitation. To proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. CASPER.—On the 23d inst., John Casper, in the 34th year of his age. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, Salem, N.. 7. , this (Wednesday) afternoon.at 3 o'clock. DIX. —Nov. 23d, Mary H. Newell, wife of Alfonso F. Dix, daughter of late Robert Newell Funeral from Mrs. A. Sheridan Harding's. corner of Thirty-second and Barring streets. West Philadelphia, this day ( Wednesday), 25th inst., at 2 o'clock. ' * COXE. —At the Harewood Hospital, Washington, D. C., on Sunday.'November 22, from wounds received while in command of his company, at the battle of Rappahan nock Station, November 7, Lieut, Edward Everett Case, Company D, 119th Regiment I'. V., in the 20th year of his age. His male friends and those of the family are invited to attend his ,funeral, from his father's residence, 933 North Sixth street, this ( Wednesday) morning, at 10 o'clock. ' Elllit,lNG.—On the 21st instant, Mrs. Mary Burling, widow of the late John D. Burling, aged 67 years. Her relatives- and friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her tato residence, No. 40 East Broad street, Burlington. N J., this (Wednesday) morning,26th inst., at 10 o'clock, with out further notice. FISHER. —At Philadelphia, on Monday, 234 inst., in the 37th year of his age, of disease contracted in the service of his conntry. Francis Wells Fisher, 13th Regi ment New Tork Cavalry, Co. 8., son of the late Redwood Fisher,-Esq. Funeral this day (Wednesdn)y, 06th inst.. at 2 o'clock P. M. , from the residence of. his aunt, Mrs. R. W. Wells, 124 Routh. Thirteenth street. • * . . , PtGARDINEH,—On the evening of the 24th inst., Mrs Hannah R , wire of I r. Richard Gardiner. D ue notice will ho given of the funeral. ..- BLACK DRESS GOODS.--CASH BLERES, Velour Reps, Tamises, 3-4 and 6.4 Mous salines, Merinoes ' Henrietta Cloths or silk-warp Oash mares, Ottoman Poplins, Irish Poplins,' Baldish and French Bombazines, Alepines. corded Moussolines, Aus tralian Crapes, Baratheas, Turin Cloths. Paramattas, De Laines, Oriental imams, Alpacas and Mohair Lustres, Reps Anglais,Mournintr Silk, Armure Thank de Sole and Gros Grain Bilks. . BR %SON At SON, 0c29. 1 6 Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street.• PYRE & LANDELL TUVE, ,BY A-4 steamer, CHILDREN'S BALMORALS. E y4E LANDELL HAVE THE popular VELVET CLOTHS for Ladies' Cloaks. pYRE & LANDELL HAVE THE French Carnel's Hair LUG SHAWLS, $l5O, $125, ISM. and &M. CH6T nu H ON wAsinzwerTON BQIJARB —There will be service in the First Presbyterian Church, on WASIIINGTON SQUARE, TO MORROW, commencing at llo.elock, MREV. T. DE WITT TeliallADß will preach in the Second Reform.' Datch Utatreb, hEVENTH Street. above Brown, on VIM DAY. (Thanksgiving Day,) at 11 o'clock, A. M. no2a-2t. NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH - , Kr CHERRY Street. - above Twentieth—Divine Ser vice In this place on.THIIRSDAY, (Thanksgiving Day,) at 1039 A. Rev. W. fi. BEDIADE, Pastor. It* MCLINTON'. S TILEET PRESBI'VE RIA CI C aIIRCH, TENTH Street, below Spruce.— Thanksgiving Services, with an appropriate Sermon, will be held in this Church TOMORROW (Thursday) MOHNINCt, at 11 o'clock. Strangers and , citizens gene rally are particularly invited to attend. H. MFIRST CONGREGATIONAL. PEL. PRARKFORD Road and IdONTGOILERY nyenne.—THANKSGIVING DAY, Preaching by the Pastor. Rev. D. L. GEAR, at 10;4 A. M. Strangers are invited. It M. GERMANTOWN. THE ST: STE PHEN'S Congregation. with its pastor, Rev. W. Kenny, D. D.: will unite with the Haines-street congre ation in holding Thanksgiving VICO TO-MORROW MORAING, at lUs. o'clock, in the Haines-street Methodist Episcopal Church, the pastor, Rev. Geo. N. Mac inughlin preaching the sermon. it* vp-ra.... THANKSGIVING SERVICE ON THURSDAY, at A. Al', in Universalist Church, RICHTFI Street, above Noble. AU Universalist Congre gations in the city will unite.- Sermon by Rey. B. EDDY. -- - - -- n025-2t* I'c SOUTHERN HOME FOR. FRIEND• Oil LESS CHILDREN.—The friends of this Institu tion (situated at the corner of TWELFTH and Frrz- WATBR Streets) are invited to visit the Institution on FRIDAY, between U and 2 o'clock, as the 160 Children will have their Thanksgiving Dinner on that day. Any contributions for this object will be thankfully received at the HOME, or by T. R. MARIS, Egg., President of the Amercan Insurance Company. WA_L EDT Street, above hird. It* MIN. ACCORDANCE WITH THE Pre..ident's Proclamation, the t3oiritualists and otlhers.are invited to assemble as the PHOENIX-STREET CHURCH, on THURSDAY NEXT. at 10% A H. and 3 P. H... Addresses will be delivered by Misc BECKWITH, Dr CHILD, and others. At 3% P. AL there will be a Festival bald in the Church, Tickets to this, 50 cents.• Procieds for the benefit of the Church. n02.5-2t. MDTB DOUR AND ITS LESSONS.— Rev. J. H. AL.D A.Y wilt deliver a National. Reli gions, -and Patriotic LECT CHURCH RICHMONDt, in the KENSINGTON E. . and IIIeRLHOROUGH Streets, on the Evening of THANKS GIVING DAY, 26th inst., at 73'1 o'clock. .Select Music by the Choir Tickets 25 cents. n02.5-2t. MTHANKSGIVING SERVICES IN at. Itattbetv's Lutheran Church, Drew Street, below Pourtb,, between Race and Vine, on TO-NOEL O (Thanksgiving Day) MORNING, commencing at half past 10 o'clock. :A Sermon appropriate to the day will be preached by Rev. B. W. HUTTEL the pastor. The pub lic are kindly invited. lt• UNION tTIIANIaSGIVING MEET ING.—The United States Christian Commission invitee all Christians and-Patriots to meet in the Church of the Epiphany, corner of CHESTNUT and P I PTEENTid Streets, on THANKSGIVING EVENING, at 73.• o'clock, to render a united tribute to God for his goodness, and to join in effort for the relief of our suffering men in South ern prisons. The Right Rey, lonzo Potter. D. D.. Bishop of Penn sylvanta,,will preside, and address the meeting. Brief .addresses will also be made by the Rev. Dre. Brainerd and Newton, the Rev. W: P. Breed, Rev. J. H. Castle, Rev. Robert H. Pattison, and Rev. Samuel B. Barnitzt of West Virginia. A General from the army, whose name will be an.. nonnoed, and Major A. J. Soler, who has ban three months in the Libby Prison, are also expected to address the meeting. it ie hoped that the friends of our brute soldiers wilt come preparedjo make a thank. offering worthy of the occasion. The Clergymen of the city are invited to Meet the Committee in the Vestry, at 7;,i o'clock . Entrance at the rear of the Church,' on the west side. • n025-2t5 UNION M. M. CHURCH; Street, below Arch.—A' Thanksgiving Sermon will be preached( D. V).on THURSDAY, Situ Regent, at iOl4 o'clock A. M., by the pastor, Rev. FRANKLIN MOORE. D. D. Theme—" The Marches of Providence are Grounds of Joy and Praise." PHILAD.E.LPHIA POST' OFFICE. NOTICE. —THUM DAY NEX.T, 26th inst., being the dayappointed by the President of the United 'States and the Governor of the Commonwealth as. a day of THANKSGIVING, this o➢ice will be closed after o'clock A. ➢l. The several stations will be closed at same hour; . . . . The carriers will make the usual BA. PS delivery. TWO collections will be made from the lamp-post and inside boxes—first before 8 A.. and second at 6P. Al.. no2i . 2t . C. A. WALBORN. Poethaster. FREE LECTURE. EMANCIPATION IN TENNESSEE, DR. BOWEN, Of the Unconditional Union Party, OF T.ENNESSEE, Will deliver an address, in CONCERT HALL, On TUESDAY EVENING, December let, at S o'clock ON THAT STATE. ITS INSTITUTIONS. ITr IRE-ENT CONDITION, I Under the New Era ofTS FUTURE, f )3025 et - FREEDOM TO THE SLAVE. THANKSGIVIING DAY, Dr' o'clock. Services at St. John's Church, RAC 5, below SIXTH. Sermon by Rev. J. A. Seiss, D D.. Pas tor. 2.t. 1 " Y e l P r iVEsfil. IZ:,liofirpan,'" Will deliver his vest Lecture on this Busiest, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. FRIDAY k.VRN LOG, &v. 27, at 8 P. M. Tickets, 25 cents. . . . . GREAT LITERARY TREAT MIN ACCORDANCE WITH THE C JS- Tom . of a number of years, a Union Prayer hteetit g will be held' in the Methodist Episcopal Union Church. FOURTH Stteet, below Arch. on Thanksgiving Day (THURSDAY), Mtn inst., at 3 o'clock P. M. The Clergymen and Christian people of the city are respect fully invited to attend. FRANKLIN MOORS. EDMUND J. YARD, Committee. SAML. CHUBB. OFFICE OF *mu LEHIGH GOAL. AND NAVIGAI lON COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, November 24, 1861. A Div Mend of THREE PER CENT., equal to ONE DOLLAR AND. FIFTY CENTS per Share on the Capital Stock of the Company, has this day been declared by the Board of Managers, payable on demand - ; subject, outing to a restrictive clause in the Deed of Trust, to a deduction of the Rad Aral Tax • n02543t , EDWIN WALTER, Tkeasuzzr, IMBA]K OF Pi PHILADELPHIA, Nov. At an election for Directors following named gentlemen ensuing year, .viz: Elijah Doll-it, William C. Ludwig, Charles Shoemaker, William K. Bray, Gilliea Dallett, Joseph S. Medara, John H. Campbell, And at a meeting of the Bt lowing officer:swam unman ELIJAH DAILI WM. C. LUDWI JOBN H. CAM It JAMES -WSW ENN TOWNSHIP.- 23,1833. •s; held on the 16th inct., the' Were elected to serve the 'oard. held this day, the fol monsly elected : ,ETP, President. IG, Vice President. Esq., Solicitor. LL, Cashier. CO3I.SIBROIAL BANK OP PENN -110: SYLVANIA. PITITADELPHIA, Nov. 23d, At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held THIS DAY, JOSEPH. JONES, Esq. • vas unanimously elected. President, 8. rC PALMER Cashier, and , SAMUEL HOOD, Esq. Solicitor. S. C. PALIIER, Cashier, ROMP Or DIRECTORS POR THE ENSUING YEAR JOSEPH JONES, `JOHN GARRETT, GEORGE W. STEEVER. ALFRED G. BAKER. WILLIAM MUSSER, ' ' P. JENKS SMITH. JOSEPH WM. BATES, • - THOMAS WILLIAMSON, HUGH CRAIG, • SAMUEL BAUGH, CHARLES H. BARER. THOMAK H. POWERS, LEON BERG ria CORR EXCHANGE BANK, PHILA. DELPHIA, November 23d, 11363 At the Election held 16th inst. the following Stockhold ers were duly elected Directors of the Corn Exchange Bank: G. Cattail, 1 Christian J. Hoffman, H. W. Gather wood, Edmund A. Solider, Charles E Wilkins, , David Vanderveer, F Jonathan Knight. Board this day ALEX. G. monsly re-alected President; 'ice President, and JOHN W. J. W. TORREY, Cashier. Alexander James' Steel. Robert Ervien, William P. Cox, Samuel T. Canby, Philip B. Mingle, John F. Grose, _ And at the meeang of the CATTEL G. Esq. , was nnaldt ALBX.WHILL DIN, Esq. , Vi TORREY, Cashier. AND MECHANICS' DIA, Nov. 23,1663. e 16th of November,l663, the ere were elected Directors of MFARMERS' R:524K. —FITILADELP At' an election held on the following named Rockhold: this Bank: S. A. Mercer, Edwin M. Lewis, John Ashhurst, Anthony J. Antal°. _ William H. Woodward, Joseph S. Lovering. Jr.. Benjamin A. Farnham. And at a mseting of the MERCER Erg , was nuani EDWIN if. LEVirlsl 'Beg LIAM RUSHTON. Jr , Cash -n024-10t W. Directors this day, 8. A. ously re-elected President, Vice President, and. WIL . RUSHTON, Jr.. Cashier. COIIIIVIONWP. . DELPIIIe., Nov. 23, At the annual election hel the following gentlemen w Bank: Robert Morris. John Derbyshire. Edward P. Mitchell. Ohaa F. Norton, 'IWT.I raIoRDAY. Nov. lath, 1863 , ire elected Directors 'of this John Ricketts, ' HamuyelK. HAashmoh, H. N. Burroughs, Bolin. Board of Directors, held this rag unanimously re-elected iBIRE. Vice President, and B. C. YOUNQ AT e. And at a meeting of the day, ROBERT :MORRIS w Preeldent: JOHN DERBY'S E, a: YOUNG, Cashier. ri.024.3t urva.T B E PHILADELPHIA BANK- November E. 1863 —At the annual election, held on the 16th instant, the following gentlemen were duly elected 'DIRECTORS of this Bank • Thomas Bobbins, J. Gillingham Fell, 8: Lewie R. Ashburst, &award Clarke, Richard Wels D: h Henry Wood, W. ea Degoursay, Jo, • Piu t , Marshall Hill, • , , George Whitney, J. . &ringer, . Benj. G. Godfrey, Jae L.: Clagherrl. •' And at : a:meeting - of . the mIRAGTORS, - held 1: /MS DAY. THOMAS ROBIIiS,"...ESWe. was ruitaaltaortalyre elected President. , • . ao24•Et , 4E; coarEars,...Caehior. PRESIDENT. SAMUEL H. PERKINS. VLOR PRESIDE/Mt, RICHARD D. WOOD. 3. FISHER LEAHINCt, TREAS WILCOX. EDMUND wrLcox. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, L. MONTOOKBaY.DOND. REOHN 14 CORDI SEOLLEOOD.TART. JNG ATW DIANAOERE. Benjamin Coabee , Joseph H. Dulles,. William - M. Collins. Thomas A. ü ß re a t a . a. - _T - • homas Latimer. . as John Bohlen. Charles Rhoads, William Perm, Richard Wood, Arthur 0. Collin. Charles S. Warts, M. D.', Benjamin Ome. E. R. Wood, - - John W. Claghorn,, -William Evans, Jr,. Thomite Wiitteon , James Rayard, S. Norris Wain, Joseph A. Clay. At a subsequent meeting. of the Board of Managers JOHN HICKS was re-elected Agent,and Messrs. COOPER and, EVANS Collectors The Collectors will commence their usual rounds at an early day. Contributions may also be left with the Treasurer EDWARD WILCOX, 401,CHESTNUT Street- or with the Agent, at the once of the Association, N. W. corner SEVENTH and SAN -5014 Streets. No other persona are authorized to receive subscriptions. - . nol9-6t i-;i OFFICE GIRARD F. AND EC INS. 115 WALNUT St., November 9, 1883. • The Directors have declared a dividend of FIFE PER CENT. for the last sax months, clear of taxes, and pay able to the StockholdArtre on demand.- _ . nell-vrfto9t ALFRED S. GILLETT, Treasurer. S Ulf-GEOM. A.ELT IS T'S OIETFIVIE, FOR MUTILATED' SOLDIERS.—,SOLDIERS who have lost an AIM or LEG in the sortie', and desire the Patent "PALMER. Limbs" to be supplied by Govern ment. should return this notice immediately to thte of fice stating their lows by letter, with name. company, regiment, and residence. E. FRANK PALMER . 0c22-tf 11109 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. mm.. CORN EXCIIA.NGE 1141 M.— - PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 3,1863. - - The Directors .have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PElt CENT., clear of all Taxes. aad payable on demand. J. W. TORREY. nol-tf Cashier. PRNMSYLVANia. 'trim:lto/LI) COM PANY, TREASURER'S DEPAIITMENT. --- - • . PHILADELPHIA, October 1868. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE per' cent. on the capital stock of the Company. clear of National-. and State taxes, Payable on and. after November 18.1363. Powers of attorney for collection -of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company. No.' NEB South THIRD Street. ocl7-tdel THOS. T. FIRTH. Treasurer. MTRADESMEN'S BA N K..—PHYLA DBLPHIn, Boy ; 23, - 1833.—At an election for DIRECTORS, held 16th instant, the following gentlemen were elected to serve the ensuing year: Chas. IL Rogera, I eleo C. Thomas, Sohn Carrow, James McCann. Robt. Comte, J. B. 'Baxter, Jr JOR B. Bloodgeod iThas H. Moore, B, 7, Kenney. At a meeting of the BOARD, held THIS DAY, TFIE, NATIONAL BANK AT " The Comptroller of - the Currency" having decided that the Bank mast' be organized as a National Bank of Philadelphia (probably the second), with a capital of not less than $103,000,. a committee will sit at Wright's Institute every evening, from 7:1 to 9 o'clock, to receive additional subscriptions for the increased amount of capital required. MAT.HiN MLLES, Chairman. n023.3t WANTED -- SURGEONS - AND AS• T T SISTANT SURGENS for colored. regiments in the Departments of the South Gulf and Tennessee. The candidates must be examined before a Board of Id.dical officers. Boards are now in session at Boston, New York, Wash ington, Cincinnati, and St. Louis, and at the headhuar•. ters of the Armies of the Potomac, Cumberland, and. Te1211,3f Applications for examination should be made to the Surgeon- General,. 11. B.A. ' Washington, D. C.. and must, be accompanied with one or more testimonials of good moral character from respectable persons. The Board will determine whether the candidate is Qualified for Surgeon or for Assistant Surgeon. The candidate must be a graduate of some Regular Medical College; non-graduates will not be examined. J. F. BARNES, Acting Surgeon General: Surgeon General's Office, Nov. ]B, 1863. n02.3-mwt6t 11, WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS (a varied and exciting life by sea and land), six hundred able-bodied men to perform the duties of a soldier at our Nary,Yards and aboard United States ships-of war on foreign stations. Better compensation than the army. A ship• of-war is a comfortable home. The Marine Corps is the best equipped Infantrlcln the service.. Prize money in abund ance.. Two dollars will be paid to any one who brings an ac cepted recruit to thie otace. Eor all other information apply. daily. at the only regular and long established Marine Recruiting Ren dezvous in the city. at No. 311 South FROBT"Street, below Spruce, 'between the hours of nine and three o'clock. JAMES LEWIS, GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, No. 611 CaESTNIIT Street. Recruits wonted for all the gallant old ARTILLERY. CAVALRY. and INFANTRY REGIMENTS. Now In the service. raised, or partly raised. in this city. The following bounties will be paid to all recruits enlisting at this office: Veteran Volunteers UPI-and all others $302, seventy five dollars of which will be paid in cash before leaving the general rendezvous. Now is tt e time to enlist choose a good regiment, se cure the bounty, serve under °films of experience. and avoid being conscripted• All who contemplate enlisting should apply at once. CHAS. N. CAO WALLADEH. Captain 2d Artillery, 1121 h P V., General Recruiting Officer. $402 AND $302 BOUNTY-FOWL FICATION Artillery. (112th few good men wanted for the %a Artillery. 0.12 th Regiment P. V.. A. A. Gibson 11. H. A. colonel commanding. The bate ries of this faithful old regiment have boon. as signed to posts of honor, and are at present ecoupying the moat prominent fortification in the defences of Washing-ton. The quarters are commodious anti comfortablo. The following bounties are given: • To Veteran Volunteers, $402, All not Veterans, $302. $75 cash is paid before leaving the generallYandenvons. Apply without delay. Capt. CHAS. H. C ADWALLADER.. n020 , 5t* Recruiting Officer. No. GU CHESTNUT St. 5-20. The under/dined, Qs General Sabecrietion Agent. lc authorized by the Secretary of the Treacnry to continue the sale of Ulla popular Loan, and ¶LI DAYS PublAs notice will be given of diocontinnaZiee. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS remain unsold, and this amount is scarcely sufficient to furnish a basis for the circulation of the National Banking nasociationg now being formed in every part of the Country. But a short time, must elapse before this loan is wholly *b."- sorbed, the demand from Europe, Germany especially, being quite active: As it is well known that the Secretary of the Trea sury has ample and unfailing resourcess in the duties on' Imports, internal revenues, and in tins lame of•interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it is nearly ear lain that it will not be necessary for him fora long time to come to issue farther pormanont Loans, the interest and principal of which are payable in Gold. These considerations must lead to the prompt Omen don that the time is not fax distant when thee* ' Five- Twenties" will sell at a handsome premium, as was the result with the ."Seven-thirty" Loan, when it was all sold, and could no longer be subscribed for at par. This is a Henry Budd, WiliaiP. Sharnless, Thomas P. States bury,- Amos Mils. John P. Stlinix, Henry Dultring. MICHAEL JACOBS, BANK .18 South THIRD Street, PIIILADBLPHIA. Joshua B. Lippincott. James E. Campbell, • Francis Tete, Pemberton 8 Hutchinson J Edward Farnum, William M. Farr. GovionorENT slcinorris i smug. AND lINODN RENT MONEY BOUGHT. AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention pall to the Negotiation of Tinos Paper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. ocs-3rl PENS! PENS' AMERICAN GOLD' PEN.'COMPANY. SALESROOM, S. N. CORNER. EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. These PENS are the beet, now in nse,and all war ranted. - • , , The attention of. the Trade is solicited. MA RT E 14z .F AI S E R no?b•6t A GREAT TREATTO GET SIIOEI Ene 1 Pietures, at•sitch imoderate charges. REI MER'S Colored Photographs skilfully executed for $l, SECOND Street. above Green. . • .its GEORGE WOOLFORD, WAITE . R ANDCATERlill,:retttralhitnks to his friends and the public in general for their, past favors., and hopes to receive a continuance of their liberal patronage. —.Red. dense, - 1129 ADDISON Street, below Pine L where he continnes.-to,farnish - : Terrapine; - and Fried and SteWed,Oysters. at the shortest notice. Ordera, cent. by , the pest will be promptly 'attended . Unlit ,111 , _11tP cane L'• r , •%& M in% \Tr" ritio;. -yip vb ► v , at it l, IZ3rIINION BErrriavorairmr AssociA. ITION. —At Ito Thirty.second -Annual ktiisting. held October 20, the following - doings of the Association in 'the pastsear were ordered to be published,. to wit Nrunber of visite made to homes of thesuffering. 11,0‘.0 Numberof families under cars.— 4,050 Number of sick ministered to ' 791 Number of dead ministered to Number of adults found employment as Number of children sent to Sunday 5ch001.......-82 Number of persons provided with asylums.. 62 Cash distributed by visitors 111,626 Cab paid sewing women for the year 2,604 12 Cash for coal distributed (1,221 'tons) ........ 4,62646 Value of coal donated 312 00 Number of garments distributed 1,477—va1ue.... 1,108 00 Articles of bedding, blankets, 375 OCI Boots and shoes—in Pairs 145 00 160 stoves loaned—annual value 760 ill The following gentlemen were unanimously elected officers and managers to serve the owning year: LIST OF OFFICERS FOR 180061. Was chosen President, and n024-3t* ,TKO. eAST FRANRFORD. X®9: 20. 1005 MILITARY NOTICES. Captain and Recruiting Officer, Ito. 311 South FRONT Street. FINANCIAL. T.T. S. SIX PER GENT. LOAN, the interact and principal being payable in coin. thma Yielding about gyozr per cent. per annum at the present premium on gold. It, la called Five-Twenty;" from the fact that whilst the Bonds may run for twenty years, yet the Govern meat his the right to pay them off fis gold at par, at any time after Poe years. The Interest Is paid half yearly on the first days of No vember and May. Subscribers van have Coupon Bonds which are paya ble to bearer and issued for $5O, $lOO, $5OO, and $l,OOO, or Registered Bonds of similar denominations, and in addition $6,000 and $lO,OOO. These "Five-Twenties" cannot be taxed by States, allies, towns, or counties, and the Governmeent tax on them is only one and a half per cent, on the amount of income, when the income exceeds six hundred dol lars per annum. Income from all other investments, such as mortgagee, railroad stocks, bonds, dm., mus Dal from three to dye per cent. tax on the income. Banks and Bankers throughout the country 'will con tinue to &nose of the Bonds; and all orders by mail or otherwise properly attended to. - The Treasary Department having perfected arrange. manta for the prompt delivery of Bonds, Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of subscri bing, or at farthest In FOUR days. This' arrangement will be gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on pay ment of the mousy, and will greatly increase the sales. JAY COKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 111 SOUTH THIRD STREET, MOURNING` GOODS NOVEMBER SALES. Black Reps Long Shawls. Black Thibet Long Shimls. Black Thibet Long ShaWls; extra size. Black ;Cashmere. Long Shawls, Black Woolen Long Shawls. Black and Gray Double-Faced Woolen Long Shawls. Black and White Plaid Woolen Long Shawl,g. Black All-Wool Velour Reps. Black French. Meriuoes. Black French' Cashmeres. Black Alpines. Black English Bombazines, Black French Bombazines. Black Silk Warp CashEaeres. Black Mousseline Delames. Black Moms. Dolaines, double Width. Black Corded MousseEmes, Black Tamises. Black Bombazine Alpacas. Black Mohair Lustres. Black Turin Cloths'. Black Baratheas. Black Australian. Crapes. Black Empress Cloths. • Black Rep Anglais. Black Brocade Mokairs. Black Oriental Lustres. Black Irish Poplins. Black French Poplins. Black Armure Black Gros Grain Silks, T: Black Poult de SoierSilks; Black Lyeinet Taffeta; Silks. Black Gros. de Rhinei:Silkt Bla,ek English Trimming and Tell CraPear, Black English Crape Veils. Black Round• Crape Veils. H. ROGBRS SECOND MOURNING GOODS in great variety. BLACK AND WHITE'PLAID MOHAIRS, 23 cents. BALMORAL SKIRTS, FRENCH FLANNELS: HOSIERY AND GLOVES. , HANDKERCHIEFS. CRAPE COLLARS AND SLEEVES. WHITE COLLARS AND SLEEVES. SCARFS, RELTINGS. and all other Goods required for mourrtieg Attire. NEIL Cashier. it , No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET. QTECIAL ATTENTION SOLICITED Haying unsurpassed facilities for obtaining all tie bostmakes of BLANKETS. we.sze now prepared to offer the largest assortment of 'foods in this line to be found in this country. Our long el:patience in this branch of 'our business givee us the opportunity to offer such inducements to the public as cannot be found in any other establiehment. Selling more of goode than all the trade combined;enables us to handle ranch larger quantities, and thus gives us great advantages over others who do not devote special attention to this department W: a hate now in store the following celebrated makes 1 ROCHDALE, ONTARIO_ L HOLLAND, NORWICH,. YOIiRSIIIRE. CoCHECO, • • CIIHBERLatirD, HAMILTON. ' In their various sizes and qualities. CRIB AND CRADLE BLANKETS; FOREIGN BLANKETS, Blankets Ranging in Price from $3 to $25 per Pair. The best All-Wool Blankets , in the , City at $7.50; the .I.large lot of good, warm Blankets for Hospitals will be sold LOW, for that purpose, To the Trade we can offer extra inducements, either by the pair or package. To Hotels and Schools at Wholesale prices. COWPERTIIWAIT t.K; CO. 5-20. N. B.—We would call the attention of buyers to our immense stock of Sheeting and Shifting MUSLIN'S. 10-4 Pepperell and 10-4 Bates Sheetings at $1 per yard. .4W To the Dorcas, Ladies' Aid, and, other charitable Societies, we 'would invite attention to our stock of WOOLEN FLANNELS. All-Wool Red Twilled Flannel. heavy. at 46 cents by the piece. • - COWPERTHWAIT & N. W. cor. EIGHTH and MARKET Sts non mwftf - WINTER SILKS. A Lot of Fancy Silks. Autumn and Winter styles. At very low prices. SHARPLESS BROTHERS: , CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets SHAWLS FOR FRIENDS. A Lot of Seal-akin Shawls. • Somewhat Imperfect. At Very low prtcea. SBARPLESS CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Sawa H STEEL S•.; SON WOULD' CALL • attention to their Stock of FINE DRESS GOODS, all bought at very low prices, early in the season, and at the recnt Auction Sales: ' - French Merinoes, 76c to $250. - • French Poplins and Reps, 87,44 . 0 to $1 75. Drees Goods of every variety. 20c to $2. • - 3, MO yards two-yard wide Nell:noes, $l. 25. Blanket Shawls, a great variety of styles. $9.25 to $l3. Brodie Shawls, great bargains, $9.50 to $l4. Cirenlars and Sacques..of all kinds of Cloths, at low prices. . Fancy Silks, $1 to .$.5. Plain Poll de Soles, $125 to $2 50. • - Moire Antiques and Corded Silks, $3.50 to $5. Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH.St. ILot All-wool Shaker Flannels, 62.140, worth 80c. no 2-5 FRENCH HERINOES.- . Desirable colors at the right prices. French Poplins, . bought early—prices low. Cheap plaid and plain Poplins. 373; cent Magenta plaid Reps—a bargain. Black Alpacas at 31 to 75 cents. Just opened Auction lots at 44; 60, 62, and 76 cents. $l.OO double widths Lupins' Black wool Detains - aye very fine and heavy. COOPER 8t CONARD, ocaltt S. E. corner NINTH. and MARKET. I' DWIN HALL' & CO:, 26 SOUTH SECOND Street, have a line stock, and ixt beauti ful Shades, of , . Freich lilerinoss. All Wool Rep P...plins. Silk and. Wool Poplibe. Plaid Poplins for Children. All Wool Plaids for Children. Rich Printed Cashmere and_Merinoes. re duced to $l. _ Dress Goods at reduced pribes., n 024. tf CLOTHS! CLOTHS! No. 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET. LADIES' CLOTHS AND MEN'S WEAR. VELOURS, NEW STYLE COAT CHINCHILLAS, - INGS, FROSTED% • BASKET, VELVETSFANCY MIXED raoscowd j _ BEAVERS,, ESQUIIIIADX, PILOTS, SCOTCH TWISTS, CASTORS, &a. Onr stock hill of the very choicest styles in the sotuitry. With this lot we close our supply for the sea son. Come Promptly, as best will soon be exhausted. THE ARMY AND 'NAVY continues to receive our . special attention. :We now have in store all shades and grades. no2b-lra ARMY LININGS. PLAIN AND TWILLED BLUE ALL-WOOL PHILADELPHIA In store and for sale by FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, & 00., ARMY WHITE DOMEIS In store and. for sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS HEAVY MEDIUM. AND LIGHT SHENTINGSAND salwrusras. , STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS; WASHINGTON. AND VICTORY OAHERIOS AND SILSOIA.S. - BROWN BLEACHED , AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN, "fie. . G w.sintraris Qs BROTHERi IIAHEIOSS-STREIT HALL, PHILADELPHIA. - MANDFACTITHERE Col MiraLlM. !SWORDS. LHD -MILITARY GOODI J VINHT an,z4nsik .r, , RETAIL:DRY GOODS. BESSON cG S9N'S BIOURNING STORE, TO OUR STOOK OF INT E TS A Good Assortment of same as others are setting at $8.59 COMMISSION HOUSES. WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS' CLOTH xitolusm. FRESH STOCK ARMY GOODS. LININGS, SUITABLE FOR ARMY GREAT COATS, 230 and 232 CHESTNUT Street SKY-BLUE IKERSEYS, FARNHAM, KIRKHAM& Co.. mdo and 232 CHESTNUT Street FIELMBOLIPS PREPARATIONS. HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S MBIBOLDT HELKBOLD% HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD•B RELMBOLD'S EaGUtY COintitRAVED ERGHLy'uONCENTRATBO HIGHLY coNMTRATED -HIGHLY coNoRNTRATED RICHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND COMPOUND C OMPOUND ,COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT DUCAL!, FLUID EXTRACT MICR% FLUID EXTRACT BUCHII. FLUID EXTRACT BIICRU, _FLUID EXTRACT SIJOHII, A POSITIVE A POSITIVE A POSITIVE A POSITIVE A 'POSITIVE A POSITIVE APEOS 3 III REMEDY EPECIEM REMEDY 'SPECIFIC BEM ED Y SPEMETO REMEDY 'SPECIFIC REMEDY Dion-retenUon or Incontinence or Urixte. Irritate% rm. flatninatiOn. or Ulceration of the Bladder aad Sidneys, Diseases of the Prostrate Oland, Stone in the Bladder. Calm:lona Gravel or Brickdiust All Diseases er 'Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys. and Dropsical Swellings existini , , Men, Women', or Children. - • HELNEOLD'S NXTRADT BITCHI7; HELwROLD'S BXTRECT 131141E111, lIELYPEOLDIS EXTRACT' DITCH% HELMBOLD'B, EXTRACT EMMY. BELDIEOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHE!, For Weakness, arising from Habits - of Dissipation, at tended with the knowing symptoms: IndiSposition to Exertion, Loos of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Week Nerves. .Trembling, iforror of DinTll3o, DimnesweVieio7l. Wakefolnoos, Pain in Clio Z3sc <, UniverMarLassittide of bta Muscular System, Hot Sands; Flnehtim Body, Dryness of Skin; EBVPTfONS ON TH E PALLID COUATEITANCE These symptoms, if allowed to. go on, whieh , this meal- ciao invariably removesi soon follows tatty. Epileptic Fits. in one of whichlho patient may expire. Who can ear that they are not frequently folloiced by thoce " dire- fal diseases:" DISLICITY and CONSMIPTION." • *any MEE] of the cause of their ordering. TFi records of the inszne Ass , lams, and the Melancholy Deaths by Consumption. bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. , The . iv! constitution once effected with organicliriSaknesn, recinires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate, the system, which HELUBOLDt EXTRACT EtWO Toyeriably does HELMBOLWS : . EXTRLCT 11172 U Is safe, Pleasant in its taste and odor, - and more-Strength- ening than any of the preparations of IRON OR BA.ItS. For those suffering FROX - £SI.9KEN DOWN AND DELICATE COITBSITITIIONg s Evora whatever • rinse, either-1n - - MALE OR FEMALE. WILL OIVE VOIT A GOOD APPETITE wax. GIVE TOO STRONG; H)3ALTHY NEB*ES; WILL GIVE Tou BRISE AND ; ENERGETIC FEELINGS. and will' enable you , to , SLEEP WELL: A emsince the most SKEP rlc Ar., FELMBOLD'S HSLMBOLDT FIBLMIII3OLIVS RELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY - CONGER...UM COMPOUND - FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA purifying. Übe blood, re- moving all chronic constitetional diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known, remedy for the mare of &groinla, Scald ifead, Salt-Rheum, Pains and Soreum gs of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat, and, Lege, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas. and all scaly Eruptions of the 4i-D. BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION NOT A PEW of the worst disorders that afflict mankind; arise from the corruption, that accumulates, in the blood. Of all the discoveries that baTEI been made to purge it out, none can equal in effect HELMBOLD'S COM POUND EXTRACT OF= SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, instils the vigor of health into the syaiiim, and purges out the humors whiah make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood. - Snch a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for, and: now, for the first time. the public bays one•on which they can depend. Onr spice here does not admit certificates to show its effect; but the trial of a single bottle will ihow.to the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two table spoonfnlis of the - Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon . Diet Drink, and one bottle is fully equal tog a gallon' of the Syrup ofkEarsaparilla. or the decoction. as usually made. • . These Extractshwie been admitted to use in the United States Army, and are also is very general use in all the Stde Hospitals and pudic sanitary institutions through. t the land, as well as in private practice, and are con sidered as invaluable remedies. ' -" BEE MEDICAL PROPERTIES. OF BUM FROM'DISPENSATORY OP FRS UNITED' STATES. See Professor DEMI E.' valuable works on the * Frac. , Lice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSIC. PhiladolPhla. See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOWELL, celebrated phyalcian and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in. the transactions of the King and Queen's Journal. See Medico-Chirurchigal Review. published by BIN- JAMIN' TBAVBBS. Fellow of Royal College of Sur • ice most of the late standard works of medleine PRICES: Sxlract Sochi", $1 per bottle, or SIX for $5. Sariaparllla, $1 per bottle; or six for $5. Deliyerfd to any address, securely packed Address letters for information to HEMMED'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, rinnniotars DRUG AND CHERIOAL WARIFIOUSE, HELMBOLD'E'DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 BROIDWAY, N.Y., OR " • 594 BROADWAY, N.Y., OR I. 594 BROADWAY, N.Y., OR DELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, HEIMBOLD'S MEDICAL ;DEPOT, MILMBOLD'S MEDICKI. DEPOT, 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA 1.04 SOUTH TENTH STREET, PIIILLDELPHIL 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS.. WHO ENDEAVOR TO Idiom of " their own" and""other" articles on the re pntation attained by HELMBOLD'S PREPARiTIONS. HELMBOLD HSLMBOLD'S BELMI3OLD'S GENUINE EXTRACT BUCHU. - GENUINE EXTRACT BUCVIU. GENUINE EXTRACT ' BUCHU. HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HALMBOLD'S . , GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA BBLIIIBOtD'S HELM BOLD'S HZLISBOLD'S GENUINE IMPROVED 'ROSEWAI3II. GENUINE IMPEOVED. ,NOSEW.A.SH. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 81130 . ASK POE HELLVS ASK,FOBILELMBOLIPS Col out the edverthsemelf kedn avoid StpOeitiott and. expointri. , rica•waet •. , 25, 4863. NEW PUBLICATIONS. M E rE.V'A SUCCESSORS TO WILLIS P. HAZARD. 734 .ciimm•Nryr sTitmr..a•, srsT nscEiirv; LONCIFELIOW'S NEW POSM, 6 c TALES a A WAYSIDE INN Vi 'T 3E VAGABONDS; BY 3. T.:TROWBRIDCIE. • , Brost exquißil.ely illustrated by F. 0. C. Darler CIIitISTMAS POEMS A.ND PICTURES. A collection of Songs, Carols, and Descriptive Poems relating to Christmas. Profusely illustrated. LITTLE BIRD RED AND LITTLE BIRD BLUE THE PIT LAMB AND OTHER STORIES ILLUSTRATED BOOK-OF SONGS, FOR - LITTLE BOYS Three beautiful neW Juveniles Also. a large assortment of . _ BIBLES AND PRAYER. BOOKS, Ornamented with elegant elatma and corners; bound by anyday, of pondon. stone in velvet, bound in Paris. NEW ENGLISH BOOKS, elegantly bound and illus trated, arriving daily. it . THE RUNAWAY MATCH! -a- THE RUNAWAY MATCH! THE RUNAWAY MATCH! BY MRS. HENRY. WOOD: THE, RUNAWAY MATCH will be published and far sale on SATITEDAY NEXT, complete in OLIO large octavo volume, double column, =Norm pith the "Shadow of ; Ashlydyat." Trice, Fifty Cents a copy. It is pnblished.and for sale at the Cheapest Rook House In the world to big or rend for a stock of books, which is at T. E. PETERSON & 1313.0THEIM, No. 308 CHESTNUT Street, PhiladeDyida. . Copies sent free oVpostage resoipt of price. It :T ia , sT PUB LIS H ED— . • r-r EDWARD EVBENNT'S ORE aT RISTORICAII ORATION ON THE BATTHR-FIELD OF eurrrssuact. BAKU ds aop wia, Printers and Publishers, have just issurd, , in a neat octaytrPamphlet, tho Great Ora tion of Hon. Edward Everett at Gettysburg To which is added vary fall and interecting Renege of thhCererao nice' at the - Consecration of th'e National Cemetbryi..De scriptions of the Battle-deldvlgtails and Incidents of the Battle, &c., This is one of the most interesting contribtititFineyet made to the History of the War, and should be inithe possession of every citizen. Price, in paper covers, 25 cents; in limp cloth, 50 cents.' Sent by mail, pre. paid, upon receipt of price.. A literal discount made where a number are - ordered- Address , BAKER. & GODWIN, Printers and Pablishers.. n025-2t Printing-Houee Square. New Toth:. PROBABLY -EVERY BO.lif WHO DOES NOT ALREADY OWN THE DRUMMER, BOY; Expects to during the Holidays. It is without doubt the most attractive volumein even/ respect for the young that has been issued. But boys. at the present time.. it is almost impossible to get them made as fast as they sell. What centre do during the holidays? Ask your fathers to buy the book and lay it away. . It N better than " The Bobbin Boy. " It is better than "The Printer Boy. " It it, better than even the new book, "Dick Onelow's Adventraes Among the Red Skint.," and the publishers do not wish to have the boys disappointed. SOLD BY ALL I3C OICSELLEBS. noBswfinst COOKERY AS IT SHOULD BE. MRS. GOODFELLOW'S COOK BOOK, A Manail for Dinixig. room and Kitchen. Practical. Economical, and Intelligible. Ten editions have been called for, an evidence of its merits, and that it is the BEST AND MOST USEFUL COOK BOOK. WILLIS P. LIAZAMD, Pablisher,_ noS:i•tf No. 3t Fouth SIXTH Stiellt.. A DOUBLE NUMBER! RICH IN VARIETY AND INSTRUCTION.—MAN AND WO MAN—Their Dispositions, Functions, Illustrated. OUR SOCIAL RELATIONS—Marriage Customs of England, Russia, Norway Divorces Crinoline. THE BAIR TRADE—Shearing the Cirla—Fair Hair and Dark Hair— The Races—Mixture and Amalgamation—Doom of 'the Red Man—Woman Shows in Russia—Ohosts—C,hinese Character and Customs—The Two Great Empires of Russia and America—lnteresting Statistics. Portraits, Characters, and Biographies of Archbishop Whately and Mr. Nelson Sizer, in the December PHRENOLOGI CAL JOURNAI.. By first post for 15 cents. Address FOWLER WELLS, No. 308 Broadway, N. Y. • Or I. L. CAPEN. n025-2t • 25 South TENTH Sliest, Phila. . 416 EFES SARGEANT'S GREAT til i St NOVEL, PECULIAR, HEADY THIS may—Epee Sargent's NEW NOVEL concerning which there has 'Deep more talk and speculation, perhaps. than about any other boot issued for years.. The thrilling and extraordinary facts with which the author has become acquainted have been thrown into a plot and story so startlingly bold, and yet so truthful, so tender and so gentle, that every reader who begins it-must be fascinated with its unflagging terest. It is a great book, and the orders are pouring in for it thick and fast. One haldsome limo, cloth bound. Price $/.60. • ALSO, THIS DAY, ALICE OF MONMOUTH. An IDYL OF THE WAR. by Edmund C. Stedman. I An elegant .2mo, beautifully printed, by Hanghton of Cambridge; cloth-bound Price $l. The story changes. from love scenes and songs in the Slimmer -meadows of the North, to the gloom and glory of the Southern war. and abounds in idylic passion, melodious lyrics, and. bugle-blasts of Song. Also, THE RUSSIAN BALL ; Or, the Adventures of Miss Clementine Shoddy. A new' humorous and satirical Poem, by a Bow York Editor. Element 12mo, with illuminated cover and en• gravLug. Price 21 cents. * 3l ,* Copies sentby mail free on receipt of price by CARLETON, Publisher. n02.5-wFtf New York. NEW MUSIC. GERMANIA WALTZ, As played by the Germania. With handsome PHO TOGRAPH of IiARL SE NTZ—Wm. Candidns....4o ets THE PARTRIDGE POLKA, Abeantiful deserlotlye piece. with handsome co ,. bored Lithographic Title—E. Ueyer 50 cts BEAUTIFUL NIGHT, One of the choice Songs of the day—S. S. Cox 25 ate. ALBUM MAZURKA, A beautiful and showy piece—J. Henry Wolsieffer.2s eta. WILMINGTON GRAND MARCH. Degicated to the ladies of Wilmington, Del,; dashing piece—Win. Candidus 35 ate. AUSTIN •aAtor. The galop of the day, arranged from Arnani-‘ll. Meyer 9 5 els DER FREISCHDTZ, - A flee pot-pourri of the most celebrated airs—Rich- . . and Schirmer 3.5 cts Ed.IIREI. MARCHE MILIT AIRE—R. Meyer. 25 cts REED MEYER ruldieber. 72ARCH Street. For sale at the pilneips*Musie Stores of the conntrY. Copies sent by mail on receipt or marked price. lt* T ELLWOOD ZELL & CO 7 a- • WIIOVESALEBOOKSELLEES, ST aTIONEES, dud Manufacturers of Photograph Albums. Hos. 17 and 19 South SIXTH Street. Second floor. Goode for the Holidays Games, Pilules, and Paper Dolls, the largest assortment in the city. Cototed and Plain Toy Books, Juvenile Books, A B Cards and Blocks, School Books, and Stationery. All of which. will be sold to dealers at low prices for cash. oda-want NEW BOOKS-JUST RECEIVED BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT. h CO., 715 and 717 MARKET Street. SOI7NDINGE FROM - THE ATLANTIC. By Oliver Wendell Hoi me s. .THOUGHTS OF THE EMPEROR. - /A:Aurelius Anto ninus _Translated by George Long. JEAN BELIN; or, The Adventures of a Little Freneb. Boy. THE NOSE OF A NOTARY. From the. French. By Edmund Abbott. • WE LVFIER'S 'POEMS. 2 vole. Cabinet Edition. - HOLM'S POEMS. Cabinet Edition. RACHEL NAY. A Novel. By Anthony.Trolloe. CHRIsTAIAS POEMBIAND PICTURES. A Collection of Cards. Bongs: - Arc., relating to Christmas. THE VAGABONDS. A Poem. By Trowbridge. Illus trated by Daley. THE CRUALIST WRONG OP ALL n 02.1 NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS! SOUNDINGS FROM THE- ATLANTIC. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. _ _ E - THIS THOUGHTS OF THE EMPEROR M. AURELIUS ANTONIUS. Translated,by George Theng. ABLE TO :SAVE Or. Encouragements to Patient Waiting. LITTLE THREADS • Or, Tangle Thread, Biller Thread, and Golden Thread. • . ONE HOUR A WEEK. By the author of JeSTIS upon - Earth. MAUD SUMMERS THE SIGHTLESS. Foreale by WM. S. .3c: ALFRED MaRTIEN, n 024 606 CHESTNUT Street. A SHMEAD. - & EVANS, ' 4- 3 - • ; Successore to Willis P. Hazard, 724 CHESTNUT bTREBT. - HAVE -.FUST RECEIVED, THE ARTIST'S EDITION OP .THE SKETCH BOOK OP WASHINGTON, The most superbly Illustrated' Book ever issued in this Country. "OLIVER WENDELL HOLMAN" New Book— SOUNDINGS - FROM THE ATLANTIC. •• THE THOUGHTS Os THE EMPEROR IL AURELIUS ANTONINUS.• • - CABINET . EDITIONS OF OL IVER WSNDEI,L HOLMES' POEMS. - CABLNET EDITION OF WHITTIERS' POEMS. THE RUSSIAN BALL, Or the. Adventures of Miss Clementine Shoddy. LETTERS TO THE .I'ONESES. By Timothy Tibcomb. PECULIAR. By Epee Sargent:___ AIIOE OP 'MPNMOUTH; an Idyl of the Great Wart By Edmund C Stedman. - ROUNDABOUT PAPERS. By Thackeray. • BREARPASP IN BED. By George Augustus Sala. - SKETCH. BOOK OF IRVING. Blue St Gold:. - -_ HAGAR LOT: being a sequel to • The Poor Girl." HARPER. ATLANTIC, and GODEY for December. Elle - ants ee ch. - uontf LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and BOOksellera. 915 SOUTH stETII Street, above. Chestnut. JUVENILE LIBRARIES FO R THE HOLIDAY'S: Bean. Wally illustrated. • . - - THE GIRLS' LIBRARY. By Mary:Hewitt, and other six volumes. THE LITTLE BOYS' AND GIRLS' LIBRARY. • Six MRS. HUGHES' AUNT MARY'S. LIBRARY. Tea volumes colored plates , THE YOUNG AMERICANS'. LIBRARY. Twelve vo lunoes. nearly ICO illustrations. . - All neatly put up in Boxes with Illuminated Tops. no2l LEYPOLDT'S LIBRARY AND 800 K STORE. 1323 CHESTNUT Street. Ready on Tuesday. the 17th of November; .'-- .HEINRICH HEINE'S BOOR OF SONGS. Translated by Charles G. Leland, On tinted paper, 1 vol. 16mo, vellum 'cloth, for gilt.- Trlce $1.25, HEINRICH HEI NE. - - An Essay. by Matthew 'Arnold. 16mo, paper. Price 25 cents. o:4' tfo. 5 • • Of LEY.POLDT'S FOREIGN LIBRARY. Th'e most muting novel of the season.••,. • Inanum- •FOLLIES. • By Jules Treviso. From the sixteenth Paris edition, by Geo. Mar10w...1.v01., 16mo, paper. Price 50 ceutst For sale by all Booksellers. Sent by mail, postpaid, .on receipt of price. P. LRYPOLDT. Publisher. nol4-Sm 1323 CHESTAUT Street. ALBUMS`CIIRA PEST AND: BEST -1 Loco Allannis forll2 Portraits; 26 cents to $4. 600 : do 24 do 80- do, — to' 4. 600 do'7• - do' 60 $2 •to -10. • 300 - 60' -do • 3 to 12.- MO -:• , do 100 do , 4 -to Axrimmense auk,' the'largest and beat in the World. !PITCHEIt'd low , priced Book, Picture, and Albuin Store:— , iinl64f ; 808.CHESTNIITAtreet ' 91 1 QF,NTSI • COLORED GRAPHS, 25cents. • One the nanal price ! Over 1,000 different kinds. , PRICES RBDUCT),TO - ' '2S cents! ' ' 25centsl 2.5 cents - ,•PITOII.SIR S 4410134 . SS'Elenil f -L1.5 . 1120 4 t.'.908=C HIST- Wr e g' /I'49:St wwwrs. 'ANTED -IN-`A REAL ESTATE Moe, a DAD of about 18 70ar8 Of ago. Apply at No. 419 WALNUT Street ' - no% WANTED, -a. MAN WITH NOT Seas than di1..000 ready cash, to purchase the in tercet, of an.operation .which will aafely , net at least $1,00) within thirty days.- Address. n024-3P , p, 97 908, for three days, / . . VANTED. -A GRADUATE OF THE University of Pennsylvania, already engaged in teaohing, - dashes farther engagements for one or two af ternoon hours daily. Latin. Greek. or the English. branches taught. Address ''Gradaate," at this Mlles. n024-6t* WAN T-E D.—A DOMESTIC DRY _ GOODS Commission House, o f ample means, in New Yorls, city, is prepared to make it an object to an enterprising Young Man, who can influence con. si/Mments from manufacturers.. None others need ap ply. Ali communications will be held strictly coati.- dential. Addtess "R. H. & C.," Box 5074, N. Y. P. 0. n024.6t* WANTED. -A DRY-GOODS JOB BING ROUSE doing a large trade, and keeping a full stock the year round. desires to engage from the let of Jannaly next ssyeral first-class SALESsIEN . Address" Dry Goods Jobber," at The Pre*: once, in the handwriting of the applicant, with reference and other particulars. All communications will be strictly confidential. n023-Bt* ERIE CANAL BONDS.-WANTED, a few thousand dollars of above Bonds, -for whicb.the highest price will be pald. Inquire at the Phi ladelphia and. Fale Railroad Office, No. 230 WALNUT Street. n 024 51' 18 °OO DOLLAR S. --$14,000 TO 9 $13,000 to invent by a business man. in 'an active. t ate. and profitable business: either mercan tile or Manufacturing. Address Box 120, Post Office; IWERISTOWN. Penna. n 024 3t. NORTH BRANCH CANAL BONDs_ WAISMED—A few of the abova Bonds. Ingrate C. B: 11e. South FOURTH Etreet. n024.5r, AYOUNG LADY, ,OF EXPERIENCE in teaching the usual English branches, desires EMPLOYMENT, either as a Daily Governess or in a Se minary dur , ing three bona per day. • ' Address 'M.," Germantown Post Office, when refe rences will be given. nol9 A GENTS WANTED TO SELL THE STANDARD HISTORY. OF THE WAR. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing fromMO to $2OO per mouth Send for circular. Addree JONES BROS. Sc CO., PabliEhers, Baltimore, /dd. nolo-Im. $2 000 -A BUSINESS MAN WISH. 9 ES to connect ht elf with 001:1113 esta. blished Howe now doing a good initinees, where more or Ives capital and 111 S services would bore:mired. Address- BUSINESS, this oßlce, stating where an interview may be had. . n02.43-et' ito7F, A MONTH !—I WANT TO HIRE F F. Agents in (retry county at 8745 a month. exPen• seelmta., to sell my neer cheap Family Seen= Machines. Addrele. $: MAIYI9011.•. 41furd. Maine. ocZi-d&er:ire 60A MONT:111 - WE WANT .WENTS at $l3O a tifouth. expenses tWd, to set our EVELSAKING PENGITA ORIENTAL BURNER& told. Minoan otter artielee. IR Circulars fro", SEEN & Biddeford. Maine. sell-effeet'sa) WA TED-A VISSEL, TO OAR .-BY 1R),:000' feet Oak Lumber to Boston or Ports mouth. Apply - 41 WAINWRIGHT Sc BROS. n023-3t. &UCH Street and COL - GMBIA Aymarte, DEPETY QUARITERMASTBR FILL—Fs:gaII.MiGENERALT7OF wkasm,ncut, Ifsb. • 'VEBBELS WANTIM Smtnoliatifir to carry 0014 'bx the fi , ll.otrie3 points TorVamea Key Wed, Fort Moaros, Va. Alaxanaleia. VE. - Newborn,. IC' C. Port Royal, 8. C. # MOM felo-tf ' Captain and Assist. Qnsztormaataz POR SALE /MD TO MET. BOA_RDING HOUR:---WANT2D 'TO - - LF,T a Llrge BOAR DIM; HOUSE, beilantrtng to it Woolen Alill Address with - reference, 'Bosrotine-;' Box 1972 , P. 0.- New'York. nogg 4t FOR SALE-THE lITGHT FOR ME - -A- or more Eastern and. Middle States. in a PIMENT just now leaned, for en improvement in the Mannfantnre of one of the Staple Articles of Commerce, wherilty a saving of about one-half of thes.cost of an essential in gredient in the manufacture. amounting to luandredwof thousands of dollars, is effected. None of contracted means or in finance need appl. Address Box Ito. 1815 Philadelphia Post Office Pent=- sylvania. rATAIVISSA RAILROAD STOCK. •—• For *ale, a fine large LoT OF GROUND, very dew drably located, in the northwest part at 'this city, cash , value 547,500. or will be exchanged for CALTAWISSA. RAILROAD bTOCK, PREFEEiRED, .Porwlich will be allowed-*4O per share. The Lot is entirely clear; has several fronts, and is well worth the attention of cap!talists or - builders. For particulars apply to C. F. FOLWELI, Central Real Evtate Oftlee. 32 North Pura Street • et FOR {ENT.-THE- PLEASANT .Z.. 1". Residence. No. 538 N. FOUSTII!St.. bal. Green, 20 feet front ; lot 180 feet deep to a street, "with all, city Goa veniences, and stable in rear. Aprils. &-r. H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH Street. n02.5-3t* riFOB SALE-CHESTER COUN-ft, my FARM" AND HOTEL - STAND. - SITUATE IN DOS-RIIN VALLEY. - 392 acres of Land; 27 acres of Woodland; large atone Mansion and Hotel; large and , substantial Barn, with extensive Stabling and all other necessaryoutbutldings. Stream of water through the farm. Theimprovements are in good order. and the land, among the best of the valley, is accessible from railroad at Avondale. This farm can be divided - advantageously into three places, having excellent i mprovements on two of them Sold by order of Executors of HAYS CLARK-deceased. Apply to JAS R CUMMINS. Media, or GEORGE N. TOWNSEND, n025-tvlS3t • 7,1.3;1 South FOURTH Street. et VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT max. PUBLIC SALE. —On TUESDAY. the that day of DECEMBER, IS6F. I will offer at Public Salo, at the Court House, in the borough of Carlisle, on the above named day, that well-known and justly-celebrated pro perty known as the STERREVS Gal" PROPERTY. This property Is situated on the top of the North Mountain, on Sterret's Gap, and commands one of the grandest and moat lovely views of the great Cumberland Valley, reaching from mountain to mountain across the Valley, and from twenty to-thirty miles in extent east and west along the great channgi of one of the richest tracts of land in the world. The location is one of the most healthy in the country, az d in the summer is resorted to by great numbers of invalids; on account of the purity of the at mosphere. There are 271 acres of land in the tract, between fifty and sixty acres of which are cleared. The other is in fine timber, and a great quantity of Chestnut and Oak Bark might be peeled on the property. The buildings consist of a two story frame'Hotel, with stabling and barns -attached; a large two-story frame dwelling house, in which there is a good store room. The stand is an excellent one for a store There are alto two other dwelling houses on the premises. • This is certainly one of the most desirable properties that have been offered for sale within_a longtime, and those wishing to purchace such a property should cer tainly visit it. to see its advantages. It, is within seven miles of Carlisle,.and -within two miles of the Carlisle Sulphur Springs. Terms made' nown on the day of sale by - n 025 . MARY A. PEDDLED:AMT. FOR SALeE An OAK SECRETARY and BOOK• CASE. plate glass doors, handsome Pannela, latest pattern, and highly fin iPhed . eight fret high z. fine parlor ornament. Addrese "Books," this office. _ n025.3t+ TO OA P:I TALIST S.-_A_ RARE CHANCE. AND ONE THAT SELDOM OFFERS, TO GO INTO THE PORE-PACKING BUSINESS.—For sale; the Good. will, Lease, Fixtures, Tools, &c., of a first class Pork 'Packing, Xining, Cutting, Curing, and Smoking establishment, in fins order for work; well ar ranged; excellent location. Can kill and cut 300 to 500 Hogs Per day. Immediate possession. Opplv to n 024-2 0. JOHN. BUTCHER, , -:245 N, WHARVES. MOST AND FOUND. THE PERSON= HO TOOK . A LARGE brown silk Umbrella. in mistake for his or her own, at the Mercantile Library. Satinr my afternoon last, is politely requested to send it to Needles' Drug Store, TWELFTH and. RACE Streets, or. advise - where it may he sent for. no2I-21 LOST—A:POLICY OF INSURANCE, Issued to JACOB -MAYLAND by the Pentwilvania Fire Insurance. Company, for $2,000, dated December 10, 1542 The finder will please leave it with the Secretary of tbe Company, - WILLIAM G. cR9wELL, No. s'o WALNUT _Street. . noll-w3t* FRYTEMS. JONES' HOUSE O.' H. MANN, PROPRIETOR. CORNER MARKET STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. Having returned to my native State, after several years' residence in •Baltimore, I- respectfully solicit a share of public patronage at the above , ,named popular HoUse. Cno6-frmwlml C. /I:•MANN. NATIONAL HOTEL • WASHINGTON. D. O. H. S. BENSON, PROPRIETOR, • lormerly of the Ashland House, Philadelphia. He is determined to merit, and hopes to reoeiye, a full share of public patronage. . IeTE-thet • EDUCATIONAZec.: VILLAG E GREEN SEMINARY, NEAR MEDIA. PA.--Pupils received at any time. English, Mathematics, Classics. and Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeting, and - CiVirEn encoring taught. Entire expenses about $.3 nem- week. Boys of all -ages -taken. -Refers to- Wm. H. Kern. es- Sheriff; John C. Capp & Co., No. 93 South Third street, and,Thomas Qleylen, rag Fifth and Prune streets. Address Rev. J. HARVEY "BARTON, A. M., Village Gtreen.Pa.' - nod.tf PITM. _ 'AN .ALLEN, A. M., FROM THE -• • Conservatorinra of Mu*, at leipslk . TEACH:RR of the PIANO AND. VIOLIN. ; No. 215 Booth &SVEN TEENTH Street. Circulars at G. Andre & Co.'s. No. 1104 Chestnut, street, and at this office. oc2B.lm* S4OI.II 7 ,ELL'S CIiiigI3,RATED SWEET; CUB USUAL SUPPLY CIF THIS EXCELLENT G.DI.)ER Ji,st received, ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Groceries, n02.3-tf Corner of ELEVENTH and VINE Streets p r o TO REIMER'S GALLERY AND+ examine . bis fun specimens of Colored Photozrashs, executed in the best style of art:. only ill. SECOND Street, above Green. - A PPLES-01101.0E AND. FANCY. 43- Three hundred bbls.. BELL FLOWERS. Seven do. SPITZENBURG Two do. NO RTBERX SPYS. Three do. SEEKS. Seven do. GREENINGS.. With other destrablevariettesja.st reestved and - for bale by. - P.RETTYAUN Sr SMIS, n 025.51 .4 N. L Cor. TENTH and ARCH Streets. - A. LOT OF VERY FINE PENNSYL VANIA LEAF TOBACCO, in store and for sale by JAS. W. CROWELL, nols.l2L* S. E. cor. SECOND and CALLOWHILL 9th xGUILD MILLETTE, ATTORNEY •AT LAW AND CONVEYANCZE, No 24-5 Sontl FIFTIT &mit. Philadelphia. - t t FOR ALBANY AND TROY. DESPATCH—Steamer 310144i50N, Eichman master:if , now loading for the above potato. and w1;1 leave en WEDNESDAY, Nov. 25th, b at S o'doeb P. Fm' freight , Which Will' be taken no reaso ns _ bla tern E .avr) y to n024-2t rro. 304 Soatb. DELAWARE ..axennet: EE CORRECT PTA NO TUNING, ---Bir. C. R 8 aIICIENT'S orders for Vaal/if and ; repairint Pianos are received at fd&E.Clii .31 C 0.4 store, .902 CHESTNUT Street. °nil/. Kr 8, 'has had eleven yet/refectory experience in. Zoo ton, end flue years' employment InPhiladelphis. SvxruaL. —Pianos veleatlzered to sound ais soh and sweet toned as new, without vemming. Term for Tuning. SY .oclt-emit • TR ÜBBEI3, , BRACES eto., jerto , • skilfully adjusted by C. IL NEEDLES. corner of TWELFTH- and FACE Streets.— Ladies' Department for same, conducted'- h.) Ladies, TWELFTH Street. first door below 'Uwe. :.The most complete and gelled stoat on hand, consistMilf part of Trusses. Supporters, Shoulder_ Dracce. Bandages, •Meath,. Stockir,gs. Crotches, Symegee, .Ar , , tides for Nurson. Sick Room. dm. • ce3o-9at 1$ ~YILLL4hL STITARD, No; 919 'COATES Street. keeps 'constantly On hand COFFINS of salieriOr quality and finish. . • - LUTS ircfnotivrood Cemetery for eale.: noli-nt* mwcrsullitlTS• AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUM. CARL ' AKSCHUTZ Lessee eta .DiTeeter. ADOLPH BIDGFBLD Dnigneee NOnager , GERMAN OPERA. . WEDNESDAY SVENING,-Nov. 26._1863, • ELEVENTH Eußscßipripkingar. DON GIOVANNI,' Ozand Opera in Three Ante, try Mozart. Don Giovanni Herr Stelnegke, Don Octavio Herr nabob:dans. Leparello Herr Weinltch. Donna Anna Madame Johanneeta. Donna Elvira Mad. Zimmormax. Ferline Wile Cositssa. Comthar Herr Grafi*. Maeetto Herr Behringeg, DCKirO open at 7. Opera commences at 8 o'clock. . - PRICES OF ADMISSION:_ . ADMISSION TO PARQUET, PARQUET CIRCLE, and BALCONY -• • IL 50 (No extra charge for Reeerved Seale. ) ADMISSION TO FAMILY CIRCLE ' • AMPHITHEATRE .. 50 44... 25 stir, Santa can be 'moored every day at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, and J E. GOULD'S MUSIC STORE, Southeaat corner SEVEIs 'PH and CHESTNUT Streets. "T.TEINr. CIIESTNITT-ST. THEATRE.- 4-1 Lessee and Manager ~ . Mr. WM. WHUTLIST; THIS ( gredneed ) EVENI6II3, Ntw.. Ifka. THE CBLEB.R eirED SWISS SOUBRVITY. • MLLE JOHANNA cLeDsSEN. Corolnonli known as the "CAPTAIN." Will make her FIRST - APPEARANCE IN AMERICA ' In three of .her glorimse Comic Characters: GERTRUDE," THE LITTLE TREASUR E : . 'LISETTE IN THE • SWISS COTFAGE: OE, WHY DON'T SHE MARRY f . AND "THE LITTLE SENTINEL," Supported 1:7 the fen' m EXCELLENT ARTISTS: Messrs. F. Siordrint, I. Martin, J. W.. CoUter , H. T. Ringgold, W. A. Chapruar,l. S Hull, Mre. IL P. - Graf' tan, Miss L. Cooper. &c.. In the course of the EveniSS Mlle CLAUSSEN will erg her celebrated . song, - 'THE CAPTAIN." And other of her peculiar Comic Songs, in tho rendition' of which she stands without a rivet, including - "LIGHT IS MY HR "LIBERTY,. FOR ME," AND . "A iRSSON I HAVE TAUGHT 30(Y HERR. CONDUCTOR MR. MI RR HAMM. ON THURSDAY EVENING. November 26, BBL THANKSGIVING NIGHT. First and only appearance tla reason of EDWIN FORREST. AS RICHARD THE THIRD. . _ WALNIST-STREET 'I , HEATRE; Lessee... , — Mrs M. A. GAILRETTSON. .1. E. CLARIC3. 'I HIS (Wednesday) EVENIN4. Nov. 25. TM: - Tl)e Performance w,ll commence wiralla coniadytatigect _ OM AMERICAN COUSIN. - Art Trenchard -.-. Mr. I. S. Marks- To conclude with Clarke'a rerieed so.d., amend:ad ver sion of the Great Comte Drama of TODDLES. Timothy Toodlea • Mr. J. S. Cfatke . A Merry Day Performance on Thanksgivirut. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW AEON STREET THEATRE-ARITH Street. tiicore CROWDED AND FASHIONABLE HOUSES. T'sino WEEK OF MRS. D. P. BOWERS. TO-NIGHT (Wedneaday . ). Nov. 2.5, ?883,T.LN,E SHORE. . Mrs. D. Z Bowa', Layton , MIL. Jane Skore, Dumont To coneftffle with "TURN HIE OUT." liicodemus liobbs Stnar!', Jtoteon. THAITZSGIVING NIGHT. A GREAT In Rehearsal, THE PIIRIT AN'S' 'WIFE FRIDAY, MRS_ BOWERS' BENEFIT. Prices as usnal- No extra chard tor secured. Mt*. Doors oper 6,4; o'clock. Comuence at 7X .0 0 N R T H A" L L., MONDAY 'EVENING. Novenihbr 16th. 1363.0 WATTGA'S NEW PANORAMA, T A L Y,'y • AND. HER WAR FOR FR= )OM, A Panoramic Tour thronvb Italy during' Eib Wiz'. minter by S. B. Waugh, will be eghib3qd, CO NO HALL, Every Evening this week and SATURDAY AIFTERNODE at 3 o'clock. Doors open at 7. Commencing at 7M o'cler.k. , Admission. 25 cents. Children 15 cents . non-St aRE.A.T NATIONAL CIRO ‘-A TROUPE.—MARKET.Street, above Tweirah.' NATIONAL THANKSGIVING DAY. Under the Management of Mrs. CHARLES variNza, forme) ly Mrs. DAN RICE. - Derformance every Evening, commencing at 7.41 Eve- ADMISSION 25. cents; Stage Seats, 50 cents ; Private Boa, $5; Gallery, 15 cents. THREE PERFORMANCES ON THANKSOIVINI , DAI s 1032 morning; 234 afternoon; 5. 40 evening.-- New Scenes Sports. and Pae-times. Wondrous-That/. Sun:nista gJuld Classics]. Developments, Elltaktteartan, Delineatioss, and ' many other things to Please the Popu lar taste at this school of PHYSIC AL - LITERATURE,. 1Y WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY'AFTERNOONVcoer.' mencing at 234' o'clock. no7ll-tf (BEAT SCOTTISH BALL.—Fliehtt ANNUAL BALL of the CALEDONt t.N.CLUB.' for the BENEFIT of the LIBRARY. THURSDAY BIM ! ' PING, Neember 10th; 186.3: at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Tickets TEMPLE OF WONDERASSEMBLIC TRITTEr AND CHESTNUT STEAM Amusement for Old and Young. Mirth and Hagydwig, _open for the season. Constant change of Entertaingarall. SIGNOR' BLITZ, EVERY EVENING. commencing at 7...11 o'alook., Wednesday and Saturday at 5, concisting of New Mfg. teries in Necromancy, great success in Ventriloquism and the Learned Canary Birds. Admission .15 cents; Children lb cents. self-tr TEMPLE OF 'WONDEVS.'ASSEMBLY BEILDINGS, TENTH criri3sTNErr: THARESGIVING ENTERTAINMENTS. Come. Minh and be happ . P. Four Grand Per formances: Signor BLITZ will give attractive entertain ments in Magic, Veiarilognism. lhe' Learned Canary - Birds. and Bobby. Commencing at 10 'A.M. ,12 M., S and 7 P. M. notA 3tc OTHERMEL'S GREAT PIOI T UEN t MARTYRS IN - THE COLISEUM; NOW'EXHIBITING AT TER- • , oc2S•lni , ACADEMY OF FINE 'ARTS. . GERMANIA ORGEEKSTRA..-PUBLIET `-' 1 REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, 334 - o'cloek. K, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single tie 25 cents.. Packages of six tickets." $L - To be 'had alk ANDRE'S. 1104 -CHESTNUT Street; J. R GOULD'. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door. - oslT -irr j pENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY -OW THE FINE AR s TA EBT JOHN CHESTNUTBTRE&T . OPEN DAILY (bsdays _excepted) from -I) A. 11.. S 6 P. M. ' Admisaion 25 cents. Children half prlipe. .1•1146 INSTITUTION 'FOR Till Exhibition every WEDNESDAY, at 3X - P. N. Ad mission TEN CENTS. Store No. 1.1 South EIGHTH - Street. It* INSURANCE COMPANIES. (IFFICE OF THE DELAWARE Rl7. `--" VIAL SAFETY INSURANCE CO., PirmansvPins.. November 11. L 383. The following statement of the-affairs of the company is published in conformity with &provision of its charter. PREMIUMS RECEIVED .from Nov.l. 1862., to 001.31,1863:- On Marine and Inland Risks-43M 849 03 On Fire Risks' 110.613 03 • 3509.4032: 11 Premiums on Policies not marked off Novem ber 1, 1863 •`E !IRKED OFF as earnedirom 1, 1862, to - October 31. 1863: On Marine and Inland Risks .3.976,466 34 On Fire Risks 102,916 44 5481.3E4161 Interest daring same period, sal - vanes, Ars $551.853.18 - LOSSES, EXPENSES /cc., during t 14.8 year as above: -., Marine and Inland" Navigation Losses .$178,444 10 Fire Losses—. 40.750 59 - Return Premiums.. 40.574 61) Re-insurances 32.131 37 - Agency Charges. Advertisin g. Print ing. kc 19.772-79 , Taxes 5.28197. Expenses, Expenses, Salaries, Rent, die. 16,428 Si . Sarplus . _ $216.621%97 ASSETS OP THE COMPANY. NOVEMBER 1. 1863.. $lOO,OOO. United States five-per-cent. Loan 407.074 00 ~ 75.000 '`• six-per -cent. Loan 5-20 e.. 76.304.00 • ,000' " " " • SE, 00 6 20 0,000 • " 7 3-10 per ct- Treae- Notes .174.425 030 0 OD . 100,000 State qyenneYlvame.s-per-cent.Lcitn.l334o7 fie • Gum 6-per-cent. • • V;,13710fi1l 120,050 Philadelphia City.o-per-cent. Loan- t.o.t...wag 00 50,000 State of Tennessee 5-per-cent. Loan. ukcioop 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad first mortgage 0-per-cent. bands map op 50,020 Pennsylvania Railroad second 'niert- • - gage 6-per-cent, bonds aixo ao 15,100 31313 shares stock Germantown Gas COM-. - pany. principal and interest gnaran- ' tied by the city of Philadelphia :1,0,000 6,000 100 shares StocicPennsylvaniaßailroad Company 7.72.3 15,000 100 shame Stock. 'Worth Penusylvar4 Railrofid Company 11,000 United.Slnges. Treasury .Certyleates of Indebtediess 21.421'00. 123,700 Loans ea Bond and Mertgage..anoi• yr - secured 70 . 1 00 e $791,760 par...eost, $7,18,757.12.-maAst va:x 3o 0t,794.20010,0 Real EList —• • .303 3 . 0* . Bills ngceivable. for' insurancsa, • : made 107,0 7,41 e - Bazanaao dim at Agencien—preml nros on Marine Policies. accrnewl interest, and (tiler debts dde ' . Company Scrip,and Stock of sundry Inglifnnco and other Companies, $5,603. Lg. ti:sate d,valne. ............. 'Cask, on deposit with,Gni- ' tad States Government, &abject to fen days' call. $030;0/0,00- • Cask. in Banks. W 438 S 9 Crash, in. draveli: 200. SO_ mi4igg.ip PNELADEL . .7.,:iLI,. Nov. 11., 80. Thc„)3oerd of Direatore,have this day declare.ta,oAmt DIVI3ZND of TEN PER, CENT. on the CAPITAL srecw. and. Six. PER. CENT. Interest on tbe.SORIP of.ehe•Oortt rexte of tax.y : pable on and after the tat Deoeniher proximo. 'PUT' have aloe declared a feR3 - ,PDIVEDEITD of FlonriFee. CANT. on the EA lurEP Panniunc4ot the'year,endiez oo taarsl, 1863, certificates for whickva.lll beiser..ed to the parties entitled to the same, on end -after, the Deeem her proximo. free of tax. They have ordered, also, the; the„SCRIP,OB.TIFI GATES OF PROFITS of the Company, for the years IN3 and 1859, be redeemed in cash. at the ofata.offihe Com pany, on and after January 2.. 1864, all intereat, thereon to cease on that day. in- No eertifisate Of groats issuedsoldsr-033. By . the Act of Incorporation, rs.eerlifisige claimed within two years after the ctschiration of the dividend whereof -.His evidence.' DIEtCYOBS_:. Jaraf4 Maud. Williams C. La/wig. Joooplk H. Saal, Dr Elnston, George, O. Leipor. Hum Craig. Chartia .Tv.r.ob P. Jonas. - j aEa ox M McFarland. Joshua P. Byrn. Sponsor M'llmine. aabaa. 13. Sempls.Pittabw. A. 11. Berger. Pittsbazg... Thomas C. Hand, John C- Davis, - Edmund Sander, . Theephline Panidir.x. John.R. Penrose, Jrvoee Trannsir. Henry C. DAliett, Jr.. Robert Barton, Samuel E. Stokm. 3. F. Penieton, Henry Skinn. Wm. G. BonlMn, 'Edward. Darlington, H. Jones Brooke. TROM4.. S. O. RIND. Presider:.k„ DANIS, Vita Presiciext. ?Y. nolg Atlnl JOEELN - I 33ENEY IYLBIIRId. bar: -REMOTA:La. - - THE.2I.4I4IfATFASI LIFE INSMIL.NOE Of New 'Voris. harring appointed JA.MW...,8!• Agent for this City, have Removed their otIlto.10! NO. WALNTIT MIEST„_ Wbore.appliratioaa for INSIIKAIICE and. .B.EZSAVirkZa on I"43IJOIES meat Mx made. The allotted Civ.iiend of IV WM 'be adinoted on all Pellet% on Ns , Vx4,iwo or raore annual premb.444 cave been Deli. on fa4,adjastmentof th 7 errant year o prenilmn. The fottotring items. interesting' to aeenred. obey" the Rreat pxOriratia awl prommvit9 Ot Coinranic ducal the le ex triennial dividend The incameet the 00.11e1D931Y past three Years has been:.: $1,400,00():00 - The assets have increased .. ... !1,:x000 Go The lessee paid to wileNste, dosing three yeark.east were 280.15,81 24 • others ANS 'Dividends hare been xsged., aarini - - the t' Da dile, years ~ A MRS B _R. - Ageht 8x1:000 OCO OD J. OA.K , O. Y. WErk, LE SecrelAry. • eelO-b2alt - FAME INSURANC, 403 CHATNM Strea: - PRILAD, FINN OD Mr' D:' Wands N. Buck, Ches. Ra.).hardson, :Dena Aewis, Jr.% - ETOIII2M. rrif b ri r p Justiss.' , FRANCIS' ESNJ N.-Ettr ONS.B.L litZtO 11DiMA7 D. 1 71/1311T: SedretarA: 206.395 Oa 8716,267 211) ovembee 70.47188 V 4913 3t tsi,o:T%4z BZ E COMPANY,, NO. APHIA. is D tASULUTOL . —R. A. . • -.Gee, West; dote. Kesaier, .ohag.' Btokeg. Rosetthelmi. CES7l.Prosidea. . ; DOE, Vice rioeytd. 11,Delireter*„ - T.:IIIAV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers