Illaratun's Ilotea—or John Clark.' New York • James 111oPeok. ?cum Linton, P.Eua J 1S Burk, Penal 31T Mayer, Poona BA Mayer. Parma D Harris, MD. Vint ,Giv Clark. D o Robinse laon.ware Dolga are B. .jobn F/ELDOCI. 'neaten:4 ..laines Estill, Ohio Lewis,B Samna' B Be'h athlehem lehem Brooke. New York ' InitiOnal — Rlloo ■Y, /ifiga E Mick. Wash, D 0 P Bitting. Reading Mrs 1 ballads; Reading Miss Gentzler, Reading w Hughes. Doylestown .J 31 Blum J Deviling. Howard, Pa RarleY, Bucks 00 riemt. Ilibuve MetzWitt. S Trlnoday, Williamsport S G Bilegood. Mittna.utd W Blackman, Newtown .f T J"linaon &E 14, 1 )01. CO, Pa Jolla Q aeou. Balcimore Sure.,wn. B Littmoro Dltaillison—Second a a BElockenbergaiewJerseY C S BAD, Rochester V B Wheatley, Delaware J D Dowel L, Newark, Old San sel, Erwinna Chas Roster, Penns John Swan, Lem letown 3 B Minks, I evlbtown Hazzard Jz wf. Ottawa SPECIAL NOTICES. ANOT.F.T.iT WARIARIg. THE BAUD OF TOWER HALL. 740 WATS of old; as we may ear. Wara little more than bmb'y play Compared with modern battles: Ten years it took the Greeks to bang Old Priem and his Trojan gang. About whom Homer prattl, e. Bnt had the Argives bad a few Small cannon, and a bomb or two. To batter Troy's dofen CPS, Ihe Trojan's quickly had "caved in," And Greeks bad not been forced to win By tricks and false pretences. Tle ancients, in their iron suits. And bard, impenetrable boots, ' And things their heads to hamper, Verb:tram:Led, must have been right eIOW Both when advancing on the foe, And when they wished to boa mper. But courage true requires no mall, • Save that which. BENNETT has for sale. Which always does its dray - In peace or war; w ell made to bear The furious battle's wear and tear. Or shine in bengal' beauty. The largest assortment of Gentlemen's Read.7.made Clothing in Philadelphia always on hand. TOWIall. MALL, 51S MAeKET Acted. 13EXPIBTT & CO. DEAFNESS, EYE AND EAR, TN RoAT DIS USES, DATARBEL—The above maladies treated with the utmost meets by Dr. VON MOSCHZISKRE. Oerilletand Autet, sradnat.. OL vivant. Office, 1047 WALNUT Street, where can be examined hundreds or teptimoaials from the very beet known men in the country. among whisk are several from old and responsible citizens of Fhtlit ilebhia, who can be Dereonallv referred to. n016• , 3te HAIR Ihrx 1 HAIR DYEII BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE fa she Beet fit Fse"World. The only Harmless True, and Beffabis Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes Bed, Rusty, or Gray Hair, instantly tole. Glossy B/mol or Natural Brown, without injuring the Hair or Stain ing the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; iste• parts freak vitality, frequently restoring tie pristine color: and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. Th, eiMatirolf L 9 signed WILLIAM A. BerniraLos; all others are mere imitations. and. shordd be avoided. Bold by all Droggicke, &o. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Streei, New York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Drawing the Hair. je 29 •17 ONE-PRIDE CLOTHING, OF TBH LAMM llYnne, made in the Beet Manner, expressly for MU TAll. SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plate; Tigares. All Goods made to Order warranted Retie:ea tery. Our Ora-faun STSTBIi is strictly c.dhered All are thereby treated alike. ael2:br JONES & CO.. 601- •MAHSHT Street. ASTHMA AND ALL BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS oared by allow system of ELECTRICITY. without shocks or pain, by Dr. A, H. STEVENS, 1418. SOCTH PENN AQUAE, 0031-tf DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT \ CURES Toothache in ono minute. • STEINWAY'S PIANOS. 1111,1 The fame of these instrumt nts has extended to ever, part of Europe: We find on the programme of the Phil. harmonic Concerts in Bremen and Brunswick a note elating that the grand piano fortes used were " from the Manufactory of Messrs. STEINWAY & Soso. New York." We also see by a London paper, noticing the fact of WILLIS PAPS playing 'before the Prince and Princess of Wales during the bridal festivities. that "the piano used at the castle was one of STEINWAY & SONB% NOW York. which took the prize medal at the Worid'e Fair." BLASTII . B BROTHERS. No. 100(1 CHEnTNIIT Street. se26.BNytf W i ji o GEORGE STECK & CO.'S 8. 511 RUNGS. I consider GEO. STECK & Co.'s Pianos the most perky° luatraanata, all Wino considered, I ever saw. C. B. SAAGENT, Tuner, 907 CHESMOT St. STECK & CO. STECK & CO. STECK & CO. STECK & CO. STECK & CO. iOlt SALE BY SEVEATL E idait i ' SFI lj EatiT STS. *rtol4-svatf MARRIED. LONGANER—BOWEN —On Nov. 10, 1863 by the Rev Miller Jones. of Bridgeport. Pa., Mr D. .13..Lougaker, to Mae rhe'oo Bowen., both of this city. DIED% __TIFAP.—Tu the city of Lancaster, on the 17th inst., Evelina P. BeaP, wise of G Harris Heap, and daughter of the late Commodore David P.oter. I.IIIIa.NS. —On the morning of the 17th. of disease con tracted in the Peninsular campaign. Franklin 8., youngest eon — of 'Chinon and Sarah Luken.. in the list year of his age, late a member of Ina 8d New Jersey Volunteers. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to. attend his funeral. from his late residence, No. 10 Coral street, above . Huntingdon, (Nineteenth ward) on Thursday afternoon, the 19th lasi, at 1 o'clock, without further - notice ROBBINS.— On the 16th instant, Oliver R. Robbins. The relatives and friends of the family are re,pectful ly invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence. Sixteenth below Vine street, on Thureday 3.2 X o without:further notice. Funeral servise and interment at St - John's Church. . .9.IIILLON- by the au ddeutal explosion of a shell, on the 14th of November. at Fortre es Mauro... James 8., son of James and Caroline Mullin; in the 16th year of his age. The friends and relatives are invited t. , attend his funeral, from the residence of hie patents, so.. 826 Cal lowbill street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at two o'clock, FIELDING. —On Sunday, 15th ins'ant, of typhoid fever, Mr. Jeremiah Fls Id mg., in the 46thyear of his are. The funeral will take place from hie late reside ce, No. 814 'German street, this ( Wednesday); 18th lust:, at 1 P. M. ALLEN. —On fits morning of the 16th. at his residence In Burlington. N. J , in the Ilith parr of his age, Wm. E. Allen, for the past twenty-five years President of the Mechanics' Bank of that city, Hen.A. Loo.lBlB.—At - Pittsburg. Nov. 12, Annie W., wife of W. Loomis. McDOWELL. — On Monday evening, 16th inAt. ' Baty P.: only child of John A. and Hannah McDowell, aged 6 years. ..NELSON. —On the morning of the 17th inst. , Ann Nel aon, wife of the late Captain A. Nelson, in 83d year of her age. iptLA.c3l. DRESS GOODS.—CASH +-, Mgal.lB, Velour Raps, Tamises, 3-4 and 6.4 Mow salines, Marines, Henrietta Cloths or silk•warp Cash mesa', Ottoman Poplins, Irish Poplins, English soli Trench Bombazines, Alepinee. corded Moneseltnes, Anti tralian Crapee. Barath eas t Tarin Cloths. Paramattae, De Leine% Oriental Lustros; Alpacas and Mohair Leaves, Rom Anglabi, Mourning SDI, Armnre Pena e Sole and Oros Grain Mrs. , BlisSON SON, 0e23 Mourning Store, No. MS CHESTNUT Street. E Y RE - &-LANDELL HAVE, BY steamer, CHILDREN'S BALMORALS. EYRE & LANDELL HAVE THE -A-• popular VELVET CLOTHS for Ladirs' Cloaks. EYRE & LANDELL BAVE THE French Camel's Hair LONG SHAWLS, $l5O, $125, $lOO. and $l5. MTHE ANNUAL MEETING, OF' THE FBMALE gebsoctimuN of Philadelphia will beheld at Mrs. FIBBER% No. 1.507 NY aG.UT street, OIL WSDNESDAY MORNING next, at 12, o'clock Sao saribera are earnestly renaested to attend. nol7-12, 8A871i.. OF TI Eric - BESTIES, PIIMADEI At an Election for Direct( following gentlemen wore el rear.: Isaac Koons, 'William B. Grant, Joseph B. Myers, Charles .1 Satter, Joseph W. Miller, Joseph Ilinne, Joseph Baker, , Robert B. caneen, Israel Peterson, James N. Stone. Cnarle4lCoons, William Overinnton. Edwin H. - Paler, Alexander M. Pox. Michael Baker, And at a reeking of the. Board, held this mornini ISAAC KOGPS. Esq.. was nnanimonsly elected preet dent, and wthLuda GIIMMERS cashier. WILLIAM GUM MERE. Cashier. rXis• 'TILE , FIRST BAPTIST CHB RC of Kaiessville, Eolith Camden. et , w Sersey, at regular meeting. called Joseph Francisca a sarielY for the church six raonths and sic ,, eptivi by a unanimous vote. Cli*3 WM. EVE EM MECHANICS' BANS.—en PHU., Nov. n, 180.—The following itentininen Were elected Directore of this Bank, to serve for the en ening Year : Joseph B Mitchell. William R. Thompson, John C. Davis. Charles Leland,. Louts C.. Inngsrich, 0. 11. R till OSO Bga W. rtEIII, Tingley, nol7-6t ye IoetALDII6 Gr id °. o: El LE; A in la th:ss i e:ioo:ELn7l 7 :i7 l ::o jr" the FOE MUTILATED SOLDIERS.—aOLDI Rai who Mont "PALMER Moths" to be supplied by Govern toe.Mont, Nhonldletar it; notice immediately to this of fice, stating their - loss by letter, with nate& compall7. ZOElment, and residence. B. FRANK PALMEg, 00.2-tf 1609 OHICSTNTP? Street. Ptillati &Tillie. fX , MEDICAID PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, NO. 1 Sorth FIFTH Street. PRILADELYTITA.Nov.IT- 12. 1869. liMporters atePealers in MEDICIOFE HoSPITAI, STORES HOSPITAL FiIItHI7ITRH. 136DDING ICS, Aro., are invited to submit their Price List. from time to alms to this Mae. 3. MURRAY, nol3-6tmtf Burgeon and Medical Purveyor. ImOFFICE GIRARD F. AND INS. CO.. 415 WALED f St.. November!). The Directors have declared a dividend of Fl VE PEE CEIiT. for the last six mouths, clear of taxes, and pay able to the Stockholders on demand • poll-wfmn ALFRED B. GILLETT, Treasurer. z 3: UNION BANK.—PHI.LADELPI - 114., Nov. 5, 1653. lAtitinite:illfinplg°Mig.,rll:ll°o7ealg day, a Tax, was declared, Payable on demand. nol.wfuttno2o J. J. 11C1Caga. °stabler. tAti, CORN EXCHANGE B't.NK.— PHILADELPHIA., Nev. 31M. TheoDliectore have thie day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER, ORBIT., clear of all Tax..e. and payable on demand. J. W. TOKRISr. no4-tf Cashier. OC• PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD DONE. FAWN TREASURER'S DEPAR MUST. PHILADELPHIA, October 16. 1809. The Board of Directors' have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE per mut on the capital stock of the Company clear of National and State taxes , litaYable on and after November 16, 1889 Were of attorney for collection of ,dividende can be bad on application at the office ' of the Company. fiSS South THIRD Street. _ ocl7-tdel THOS. T. FIRTH. Treasurer. RE ItE SURE YOU GET ONE OF REI .II-• Anon Portraits, if you purpose having one made. ate life-stye Photographs in oil colors hmTe no ognals in sicetuney, EIGOOND street, above Green - lb* gTEAM-ENGENTES AND DortEßg FOR SALR.—One 'Engine, set tin and. In running .order. cylinder 10, inches diameter. stroke of piston 20 Inches ; two Boilers (nearly . new) 26 Inca diameter and :80 feet long. One - New Nngine, Cylinder 6)11 inches ; reter, stroke. of piston 16 Inchon, with Gfever nor and y.atbeel complete, ready to set up. Also TWO FAR ' LOWERt3 ; one Alden's: Patent. size 48 inches ' • 'one plinpliel i s Patent; 48 inehes,with double outlet. - - 0 1 )/ 7 to , ... .1.19, & Y. - F. &UR& Camden fiOn'Works, Camden ri 3 - ,.. 110154%* Or, 1(o. 1818 SocttliVLUED Street. --t street, above Rase, a WKersysw, Phi° . . , Li - Jones, 'Lab - rough L RUM: Jr. Bogboroggh B Barber, Boston 6 G Wier. Wrlshteville John B F.nry. Wrightsville se ry 114ntz; Wrlghtevitle Tot n Seltz-r. Wrightsville J Detwiler.. Wrightsville S'Albert, Alloatown P 13, Wdghuorille Parer K lee. Arrigbroville 0 B Wittmer & an. Penns yea, &bore Third. O Krause, Lebaeon 5.11-s rilaca, Wash. D C G V Strong Delaware OUT Breett , inger, Nana H F Everett, Benton. Pa S Everett, OrttegevUle J It Foster, RM . ribbllrg T elder, Harrieberg ntacy Biowv, eb111,141. J.lnt t; waltera, Maryland e B. Peviti E NORTHERN LI- DiOyeanrwr 1.7, 1863. core, held the 16th tit'st., the Heated to 138TVd the miming Isaac F. Baker, Ebanezer Meat well, Robert Steen Edward Cl. James, Joseph G. Mitchell, Dayid Cashier_ SHADES. WINDOW SHADES. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN PHILADELPHIA. R. LAU 111 MARKET STREET. FINANCIAL iu. S. The undervalued, se General Subscription Agent. Is authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to continua the sale of this popular Loan. and TEN DAYS public notice will be given of discontinintnee. . ' ABOUT TWO HUNDBBA MILLIONS remain unsold, and this amount is scarcely sufficient to furnish a basis for the circulation of the national Banking Associations now being formed in every part of the Country. Bat 6, short time must elapse before this loan is wholly ab sorbed, the demand from Europe, Germany especiallY, being unite active. As it is well known that the Secretary of the Tres• nary has ample and unfailing resources in the diaries on imports, internal revenues, and in the issue of interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it is nearly eer• Min that it will not be necessary for him for a long tiste to come to issue farther permanent Loans, the interest and principal of which are payable in Gold. These considerations mist lead to the prompt COnella. sion that the time is not far distant when these " rive- Twenties" will sell at a handsome premium. as was this result with the "Seven-thirty" Loan. when it was all sold. and °mad no longer be einbscribed for at par. This is a MX PER CENT. LOAN, the Interest and prinoiral being Payable In coin. nun yielding about Brew per cent. per annum at the present Premium on gold. It is called " Fire-Twents." from the feat that whilst the Bonds may ran for twenty yews, yet the,Govern ment has the right to pay them off in hold at rag. at any time after jive years. The interest is paid half yearly on the fret days of No vember and Mal. Subscribers can have CIOIIPO . II Bonds which are paya ble to bearer and issued for $5O. $lOO, SSOO, and $l, COO, or Registered Bonds of similar denominations, and in addition sd,ooo and $lO,OOO. These "Five-Twenties" cannot be taxed by States. cities, towns, or counties, and the Government tax on them is only one and a half per cent, on the amount of Income, when the income exceeds six hundred dol lam per annum. Income from all other investments, such as mortgages, railroad stocks, bonds, dro., nine Day from three to five per cent. tax on the income. Banks and Bankers throughout the country will con tinue to dispose of the Bonds, and all orders by mail or otherwise properly attended ko. The Treasury Department having Perfected arrange ments for the prompt delivery of Bonds, Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of subscri bing, or at farthest in FOUR days. This arrangement will be gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on pay- BMA of the money, and will greatly increase the gales. JAS' coonm, SUBSCRIPTION kORNT, 114 SOUTH TEEM STREET, MICHAEL JACOBS, BA.NIEMIL, NO. 10 South THIRD Street, PIarADELPRIA. • GOVERNMMIT ssonriTTES,SPBOIn. AND ITHOUR RENT MONEY BOUGHT AIM SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. • Padiculor attention paid to the Negotiation of Tints Papf#. CITY WARR&HTS BOUGHT. COLLECTION OF U. S. CERTIFI. CATES OF INDESTEDNESSI—The ADAMS' EX-• plugs COMPANY are now prepared to collect, at this Treasury Department, -Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One-Year Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now due or shoitly maturing. Terms made known and. receipts given at the office, 'No. 320 CHESTNUT Street , ' mYS-tr A CARD.-UNION PACIFIC BAIL CO3fPANY (EASTERN DIVISION) BONDS (KANSAS BRANCH OF TUB PACIFIC R AILROAD). As Bonds of the above description will probably be of fered for sale in the money market, the public is hereby' cautioned against purchasing, or in any way negotiating for them; for the undersigned have an. existing contract which prohibits entirely the sale or use of said Bonds, while at the same time the statute laws of the State of Kansas give them, under their contract, a prior lien to all mortgagee or deeds of trust which can be executed by said Company. Any investment in said Bonds, without authority from the undersigned, will be invalid, and will entail a total loss upon. the parties who shall ven ture to purchase them. ROSS, STEEL. di CO. 'Contractors for buildin.Ohe Leavenworth. Pawnee, and Western WOW called Union Pacific) Railway, Eastern. linAVENWOlern CITY, Kansas, Nov. 4, 1963. no9-1.2t PROPOSALS. XTAVY DEPARTMENT -- BUREAU OP PROVISIONS AND CLOTHING, NOTE:SEDER 1.5; ISM SEALED . PROPOSALS , endorsed "Proposals for Navy Pork, will be received at this Bureau. - until 3 o'clock P. Bt. on the 27th November. inst., for one thousand barrels NAVY PORE. The Pork and barrels to con form to the navy standard, with the exception of iron boopst the same to be delivered at the 'Philadelphia yard within ten days after being notified of the acceptance of tbepropoeal, and there undergo the usual inspection of the yard. • n01843t. phoPosALS FOR LUMBER CHIEF ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OF WASHINGTON, No. 134 F Street. North, WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 13 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until A 10 4 ,1/? AY, November 23, 1863, at 12 o'clock Df , for delivering in the city of Washington, at such points as the Depot Quartermaster -mav direct, one million (1,060.000) feet of Lumber, of the following kind and de scription, viz: Six hundred and fifty thousand (650,000) feet of 4-4 or* one (1) inch white pine common callings. Twenty thousand (20,000) feet 8-4 or two (2) inch white pine common callings. Sixty-six thousand (66,000) feet scantling, 3 by 4, twelve feet long, (hemlock.). Sixty-six thousand (66,000) feet scantling, 3 by 4, four teen feet long, (hemlock.) .six thousand (66,000) feet scantling. 3by 4, sixteen feet lung, (hemlock.) Sixty-six thousand (68,0(0) feet scantling, 3 by 4, eighteen feet long, (hemlock. ) sixty-six thousand (66.000) feet scantling, 3by 4, twenty feet ion g., (hemlock.). All the anove net:era:pea to be goon merchantable Lum ber, subject to the .Inspection 01 an agent appointed on the part of the Government. - All the Lumber to be delivered on or before the 14th day of December, 1563. - PROPOSALS. The fall name and poet-office address of the bidder roast appear in the proposal. If a bin is made in the name of a firm, the names of all the partienimust appear, or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal of the party . signing it. Proposals from disloyal parties will not be considered. and an oath of allegiance must accompany each propo sit:cn- Proposals must be addressed to Captain Edward E. Hartz, Assistant Quartermaster, 13nited States Army, Washington, D.C., and should be plainly marked "Pro vo:mita for Lumber. " GUARANTEE. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United States District Attorney. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should it be awarded to him, must be guarantied by two respon sible persons, whose signatures are to be appended to the guarantee, and said guaranteemtistaccomnany the bid. Bidders must be Present in person when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not be considered. Bonds in the sum of five thousand dollars, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be re• glared of the successful bidder or bidders, upon signing the contract. We. - of the county of -, and State of -, and -. of the county of and State of -, do hereby guarantee that - is able to fulfill the con tract in accordance with the. terms of his proposition, and that, should his proposition be accepted., he will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded him, we are pre pared to become his sureties. yr (To this guarantee must be appended the official certi ficate above mentioned). The right to reject any or all bids that may be deemed too high is reserved by the Depot Quartermaster, as well, as the right to select from each bid such lumber, at the price therein•named as is required by the Government; and in case of the failure of a bidder, whose proposal is accepted, to furnish within the time prescribed, in qua lity or quantity, the Lumber stipulated to be delivered, then the Assistant Quartermaster to haye the right to ,supply such deficiency by purchase, arm such bidder to ,e charged with the difference of. cost. Informal proposals will be rejected. EDWARD L. HARTZ, Captain. A. Q. M., U. Army. nolB-5t CLIARLE§ RE:IOII.I2+S, C 0 X.VEITA.NCER, HAS REMOVED EIS OFFICE TO No. 36 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET, nol7-90 ABOYE CHESTNUT. WEST SIDE. • A LOT OF VERY FINE I"NNSYL YANIA LEAP TOBACCO, in store ETIld for sale by JAS. W. CROWELL, nolB-12t.* S. B. cor. SECOND and CA.LLOWHILL CUSTOM • HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA;". COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, November lh 1863. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS, AND OTHERS INTERESTED.—By authority of the Secretary of the • Treasury, under date of the 9th of November, the un dersigned will clear to ports opened to commerce by the ,proclamation of the President, without special permit, Anthracite Coal, and all other articles except the fol lowing—viz: Cannon, mortars, firearms. pistols, bombs, grenades. powder, saltpetre. sulphur, balls, ballets. Pikes. swords. boarding caps (always excepting the quantity of said articles which may be necessary for the defence of the snip and those who compose the crew). saddles, bridles, cartridges, bag materials, percussion and other cape, clothing adapted for uniforms, sail-cloth of all kinds, hemp and• cordage, intoxicating drinks' other than beer and light native wines. The excepted articles will only be cleared on special permit from the Secretary of the 'Treasury, or by the special direction,ef the Supervising Special daunt of the district into whidh the shipment is to be made. nol2-6t WM. B.' THOMAS, Collector. I A. I': " 7S. + - types approximate perfection in . likeness, and color- Jig all that pertains to a good likeness. Gallery SEAJOND Street. above Green. The IF YOU WANT A SATISFACTORY rioture, always go to REIMER'S: hie Pictures are -finished with care and skill. ColorediPhotographe only $1; at SECOND street. above Green. it* nLIVE 0114—AN INVOICE OF miL sa o . Al.,E o l7o.l3 , aloe Oliva 011inat received per Ship OEIOBI. JAS. OARSTAIES. Sole Agents, . 120 WALNUT, and Ai GRANITE Street. ; a g l i t r. lnyolos of the name inst landing, REMOVAL, 3. C. FRYER HAS REMOVED FROM If T CUESTNITT MEET To] NO. 1.13, N. E. CORNER OF CLEM ' NUT AND LETITIA. STREET'S. not/ et R CASSELBERRY HAS - OW • open from the New York Auction sales of 'Mum & Milliard. through Messre. Van Wycit. Town end, di 06 4 aed the Phimdelphia &imam sales of this week, 1 lot French C. ape Ottoman Rens, double width, $1.25, I lot sdperlor quality 'lmpress Cloth, very rloh. 1 lot extra fine Silk ani wool Rene, beanti fel quality. All-wool Reps, all kinds, fromsl.l2up to $l. 25, closing Out low. SILKS( MRS I Black Silks, closing out from 05 eta. UP to $3. Black figured Silks, cheap, $1.25, $l. 37%, $1.835,4, Plain Poll de bet Silks, all kinds, low. MERINOES I MRRINOES I lot plain Merinons very - Rho, ill 123‘. 1 lot figured 12X, choice style of the season, PL AI q D u - AL L.wo oL onto rm. AnColois, fineSHAW y S SHAWLS! The Oa oapout in the oily. AR kinds of new styles just opened, DRESS GOOD i! DRESS GOODS! gRA large assortment. from 33 cents up to 50 cents, choice new styles. BLANKETS I BLANKETS! lot gray Army blankets, 50 00, slightly imperfect. • White Blankets. choice quality. from $7 up to $lO. B 610RALS BAIMORALS! Te beet $2.76 Brinier:Os in this city, all wool filling. Balmorals tr , tn $2 76 up to $7. wiltiarnaville. White Rock, and all the beat makes of !dual in s, cheep ' " Those good Kid Gloves for $1 that sell so fast, Moths anti Cassimeros for ladles' Cloak and coon's wear. J. R. CaSSI,BERRY, Cheap Mammoth Dry Goods House, No. 45 North BIORTET Street below Arch. P. S.—The run still continnee on Hoop Skirts. Muting them nut at 10 per cont. deduction, not having the room to continue keeping them. Selling out fast. nolS 2t 6 , 20. PitLANKETS.-WE WANT EVERY `-°- BODY to know that we are Belling BLANKET'S ehrener than any other store. We are enabled to - do Ult.: because many of our Blankets were bought last We have good Blankets for the price at $4 and $5 per Pair; ale°, at *5 50, $B. and $7; very heavy all-wool. large size, at *Sand $3.50. The bent 4110 Pdardteta in Philadelphia, Also, fine Blankets at *l5. $2O. and $25 per pair, each as are not kept hy.many stores. Honey-Comb - Quilts, largest size, WM 08011; Laneas. ter Quills; Allendale Quilts; Colored. Bordered Quilts: Quilts In these we offer bargains in fine goods at ISt, $7, $B, and $lO each. - 9-4 Linen Sheeting at $1 per yard ; 10-4 do., $1.25. A large assortment of (Anon Sheetings. We keep a large stock of Hone-Furnishing Dry Goods, and eell them at lower prices than theta goods are usually sold for. Per mns about renewing their stock will be shown our goods, that they may compare 'prices. B. D. & W. PENNELL, sou MARKET Street. MUSLINS.----We are etill selling our Una*arta under the wholesale. prices. We have every width and make In the maraot. !env as low as 16 cents. FLANNELS—iII- ix 00l at 37% cents; better for 60 cents; heavy Fhakerr. for. 62% cents; Ballardvale tor 66 cents; Red and Orgy Flannels. all kinds. • Societies will be sold to at a reduction. • & W. 11: PEtiffELT,,. lows. MARKET Street. JAMES B. CAMPBELL CO. No. '727 CHESTNUT Street, have just opened a full assortment of very desirable DRESS GOODS. comprising— Poplin Reps Hatienne, silk and worsted. Lupin's extra quality colored Medi:toes, Superfine gna•ity choice colored Reim Very heavy Poplin Pepe. Extra heavy ellP_-fe mad Reps. Together with a variety of medium Dress Goods suita ble for Children and Misses. —ALSO— Cechroire wool brocholgnreel Cloaking. • Sonora no Velvet Cloth Cloaking. Bibbed Frosted Beaver Cloth Cloaking. Fine and extra. superfine scarlet French Cloaking nolB 4t r OTTON NOT KING YET.-I - ATA selling LINEN SHEETINGS at prices that . ale cheaper than Cotton, and hava a first rate stock of all the widths and qualities; also. Pillow Linens, in 40, 42, 45, and 64-inch widths, at as equally low rates. I have a large stock of Table Linen; one lot Hand-loom, very heavy. at 76c., of various patterns; heavier, at 87%c.: the best at $l, two yards wide. One lot Brown Union at Mc. ; Rood bleached, 1% yards wide, at Ma . Real Barns ley. that are heavy and wide, 111. 25 and $l.OO. Doylies. at $1.25 and $1 E 0 per dozen All Linen Napkins at $1.75; one lot at $2, that ara a great bargain. To wels, at $l6O, $1,26. $2, $2,60, and $3 per dozen—less than they can be imported for at present.. Nursery Diapering; Bird-eye for aprons, and a large assortment of lanckabaolre by the yard. both bleached , and. half-bleached; one let good Crash, at 1214 c. ; heavy /111:81/1 do., at all prices. Linen Goods are advancing, and consumers will save money by buying soon, for they will not stay at these pricea tang. GRANVILLE B. HAIN nelB-4t 1013 MARKET Street, ah. Tenth, ARMY LININGS. PLAIN AND TWILLED BLUE ALL-WOOL In store and for sale by FARNHAM, KIRKRAM, & CO., FROTHINGHAM WELLS PHIL.AMELPIILL HEAVY NEDITTM, AND LIGHT SHESTINGS AND SHARTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. wxoarsomom . AND _VLGTORY CANBRIOS AND GILECIA S. BROWN, BLEACHED, AND CORSET Maim - No. 1% 'WORSTED YARN. Sso. sel.Mf tf F,OR THE ARMY AND NAVY MNT.A.NS etz HASSALry Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Fassants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Canteens, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, Soyer's cele brated Camp Kit, and everything pertainini to the complete outfit_ of Army and Navy Officers. A liberal diecount allowed to the trade. 0020-I.= I - 1 VV. SIMONS t BROTHERi EALISOM-STREET HALL. PHILADELPHIA. RANIIFILOYDRERs OP JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, - ADD HILDPARY GOODS LE EVERY VARIETY. sw,M•ilSm T E. CALDWELL So CO., . Eralre received a Lugo assortment of -Ei& Goods, o their own importation, comprising NOVELTIES OF THE PRESENT SEASON OPERA AND FIELD GLASSES. RICH FANS, entirely new designs. COMBS, in Gilt, Shell, and Steel. ENGRAVED GLASS VASES AND CARD RECEIVERS. SPLENDID DECORATED FRENCH PORCE LAIN VASES, CARD-RECEIVERS, AND FLOWER STANDS. DRESSING OASES for Ladies and RICH JEWEL CASKETS, GLOVE Gentlemen. BOXES, WRITING DESKS, LIQUOR OASES, &c. CORAL. TORTOISE SHELL, AND STEEL JEWELRY. BRONZE STATUETTES, ANIMALS, INK STANDS. MATCH SAFES, CANDELABRAS. MANTEL CLOCKS, Marble, Bronze, and Gilt. RICH JEWELRY, Diamond, Pearls, and all the Precious Gems, Gold and Enamel. SUPERIOR WATCHES, American, Swiss, and English. SILVER WARE, of every description. PLATED GOODS, American and English. nol4-tde24 - 1 .6,p 1 ARRANDALE & CO., IMPORTERS OF Will. send followinelon receipt - of price: SILVER COMPOSITE WATCH, for the Army, cylin der movements, Hunting Cases, Time Indicator in cen tre, to save trouble of opening case. Handsome and re liable, best and cheapest made. Sold in the army at S26 — s l 2 60. SOLDIERS' OWN, Patent Lever, in sterling silver engraved hunting cases. Toweled, regulated, 014 , 50. SPLENDID GOLD *COMPOSITE WATCH, Jeweled. either medium size for gentlemen, or small sin for la dies, 13eautiftilly engraved cases. Yery Elegant ' and Accurate, often sold for 653—515. GOLD COMPOST PE, Patent Dstached Lever, Jeweled in 13 actions, gold balance, Warranted a perfect Time keeper. suitable in size for either lady or gentleman. richly chased eases—a really splendid article, often sold for *7l—s26. • Small- sized. beautiftdly-finished Ladies' 'MAU% fine 16 carat gold plate Watch, beautifully ornamented cases, usually sold at $6O---$27,61 Gents' or Officers' massive gold, plate Watch, chro nometer balance, full ruby Jeweled, detached patent lever. heavy. beantiftilly.ffnished cases. Warranted a Splendid Timekeeper, often sold for 33100—535. ASTRONOMICAL WATCH. In massive gold plate. beautifully-engraved cases, jeweled in 15 actions, gold balance, and all the recent improvements. In addition to the sunk seconds. Aro, peenliar to first-class Watches, ft has a hand pointing .with unfailing accuracy to the day.of the month. A magnificent article! the great-' est invention of the age! just imported by Arrandale lr Other ladles' and gentlemen's Watches and Chains in great variety. Send for circular fully describing above and other Watches. Agents wanted. A reduction made on wholesale orders. Money may be sent at our risk, if properly sealed. . ARRANDALE 00. 9 21A BROADWAY, NEW YORK, ocl9-mwflmW4t 3 doors from Barnum's Mumeum. G. ItUSSELL, 22sNORTH SUITE Street, has just received a very handsome Resort. men of FINE SEAL RINGS. , FINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to by the moat experienced workmen, an every Watch warranted for One year. G. RUSSELL. 22 North SIXTH .Street. TN SHELL;AND ROSEWOOD OASES, /1021nn from 110 12 Meek choice Opera and &med. canfßo Sdies. TARR & BROTHER, Importers, " 2-61 1 1 3A41 CHESTNUT Street. below Fourth. MAGEES ENVELOPE MANUFAO-, TORY and PAPER ETORE, 310 CHRSITIUT ,Etreet. Envelope Manufact ory. Envelope Manufactory, raptelope Mannfo.ctorY. ElwOopp Manufactory. 316 Chestnut street. .816 Chestnut street. 316 Chestnut street. 316 Chestnut street. 316 Chestnut street. 316 Chestnut street. Paper and Envelopes. • • Paper and Envelopes. - Paper and Invelopffl Wholesale and Retail. Wholesa le and Retail. Wholesale and Retail, Wholesale and Retail. Wholesale and Retail. Wholesale and Retail. At the lowest prices. At the lowesl.prlces, At MAGEE'S, 316 CHESTNUT Strect, between Third and Fourth. cone'. of Hudson. ITIOSHEN BUTTER.-123 TUBS strictly • , PRINZ GOStiErt BUTTER In store, and ter sale bv • • , OIISStBROIJOH &TRAW noIS-2t* 14 SeattrWAT , Alt Street THE , I'RESS.-PHILADELPHIi:WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1863. RETAIL DRY GOODS. ARMY GOODS. I,3EZ%TING-S. SUITABLE FOR ARMY GREAT COATS. 330 and MU CHESTNUT Street MILITARY FURNISHERS) 4/1.8 ARCH STR.EWZ, PHILADELPHIA. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. 822 CHESTNUT STREET, WATCHES, NEW YORE, IVIUSIOAL BOXES.. HELMEOLDYS PREPARATIONS. HELMBOLD'S TIGLEBOLD'S KIAIBQ 'S EL S MBoLD LD 'S RIMMBuL o'B EIELMBOLD'S EMMY bOACENtROTO EMMMY UOOAILY NCE gWIENTR iTR A A vE TRD D Emmy COWIRNTRATED EUG4LY CONCUR/WAD COMPOUND COMPOUND COMPOUND COMPOUND 42. , IFITTD EXTRACT rortm. 17LTH 0 EX CRA.OT TITNIFITT. F Girth EXRTACT MIGHT% FLUID TEXTR &CT TSll , :ii Si, PLUM EXTRACT A POgITIVR • POIITTv A PiNITIVN A PO4PriVI3 A POrriVg A POSITEVB SPECIFITI REMEDY SPECIFIC RR 'KRIM 13PsTATI4J •RR6IRDY SPECIFIC REV R SPECIFIC REMEDY Non-retention or Incontinence - of 17rino, Irritation, In Ilammation, or Ulceration of the Bladder and Idneps, Dbxeses of the Prostrate Gland, Store to the Bladder. Calcraonn Gravel or Brickdnet Ali Diseases or Affections of the Bladder and EidneTS, and Dropsical Swellings existing in Men, Womon, or Children. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Buctur. yr FicILD'S EXTRACT ETT ITELMBOLD 9 3 EXTRACT RTIORTY. EE1.14 4 POLD'S EXTRACT- RTMEIII. HELIEBOLD'S EXTRACT }EXERT, For Weakness, arising from Habits of Dissipation, at• ended with the following eyinf;torals: Indisposition to Fzertion. LOSS of Memory'. Difficulty. of Breathing. Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of DiSease. Dimness of Vision. Wadslnene, Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Musctaar System, Hot Hands. Ignshina Body. Dryness of Skin; ERDIPTIONS ON THE FACE; PALLID COMITENAISICE. These eymetonae, if allowed to go on, which this medi- tine, Invariably removes, soon follows Fa- tnity, Epileptic Fits, in one of which the patient may train that they are not frequently followed by those " dire ful diseasse,', INSANITY and CONSUMPTION. 1:83=2:1 of the cause of their Reaming. The records of the insane lume,and the Melancholy Deaths by Consumption, bear ample Witness to the truth of the assertton. The Constitution once affected with organic Weakness. requires the sid. of Medicine to Strengthen and invigorate the system, which HMLUBOLDV. BXTRLOT BUCHU Invariably does HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHtf „rre-stianath fa safe, Pleasant In its tast any ining - iltin any of tile prepatations of IRON OR BARK For those suffering : FROM BROKEN - DOWN AND DELICATE CONOTITITTIONS, 'From whatever came, either in MALB OR FIVALUS -W WILL CIME VAT A GOOD APPETITE. WILL . OIVIT YOU STRONG, RRALTRY NERVE. WILL cavv roil SEISE AND ENERGETIC! F3SLINGS, and Firtpsonable you to SLEEP WELL A Lad will convince the most SK r& PIC AL RELMROLIVE3 HELMBOLDT, NELMBOLD'S HIELMBOLWB NELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENERATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. purifying the blood, re moving all chronic constitutional diseaaas arising from an impure state of the bided, aua the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the me of Scrofula, Scald Head, Sall Rheum, Paths and Sivellin gs of the Bones. Ulcerations of the Throat. and. Lege, Blotehee, Pimples on the race. Tetter. Erysipelas. and all seals, Bruptione of the AND BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION NM A PEW of the worst disorders that afflict mankind, arise from the corruption that accumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries 'that have been made , to prim it out, none can equal in effect HELME;OLD'S COM. POUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, instils the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the humors which make ksease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorders trat grow and rankle in the blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, for the first time. the public Lave one on 'which they can' depend. Onr space here does not admit certificates to show its effect; but the trial of a single bottle will thow to the sick thst it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two table spoonfulle of. the. Extract of 'Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is fully equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the decoction, as Usually made. These Nirtracts have been admitte to use in the United States Army, and are also in very general use in all the State Hospitals and public sanitary institutions through, out the land, as well as in private r.ractice, and are con sidered as invaluable remedies. brEDT.OAL YROPEaTIES &MHZ.. PROM DISPBNgA.TORY OF TH6 lINITAD STATES. See Professor DRWEIS' valuable works'on the Pm ties of Physic. • . See remarks reade by the late celebrated Dr., PHYSIC) Philadelphia. See remark; made by Dr. EPHEATH MoDON'TELL. a celebrated physician and member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Irelant, and published in the Aransactions of the King and Queen's Journal. : • --' See Medico-Chlrurcbigal Review. published by 1391t= JAMIN TRAVERS. tallow of Royal College of Sur goons. • Eee most of the late standard works of medicine. ritioss: /Mid - Bubo, slper bottle, or six for $4. 6sresparilla, *lper bottle, or six for $5. Delivered to anyaddrese, seeurely packed Address lettere for information to HILIGOLD'H DRUG AND CHIIMICAL WAREITIOUSII, BELDIDOLD'S DRUG - AND CHEMICAL WARRHOI76II, HELMBOLDI DRDEI AND CHENIMAL WAIMMOIIIM 594 BROADWAY. N.Y.. OR. 594. BROADWAY. N.Y., OR ' 594 BROADWAY, N.Y., OR nELBIROLTVS MEDICAL titrOT. HELMBOLD'EI MEDICAL DEPOT. RELNUOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT. 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIII. 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET. PHIL'IDELSHIA. 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHLL BEWiTtP. OP COUNTERFEITS AND IJNPAINOIPLED DEALERS, WHO ENDEAVOR TO Moose of " their own" and "other" article's on the re . nntation attained bY lIELM3OLD'S PREPARATIONS. 1113LMBOLD'S ERLMBOLD'S BELIitBOLD'S GENUINE. EXTRACT BITOHI7. GENUINE EXTRACT BUCHII. GENUINE EXTRACT BUCII.U. 1311LISBOLD'S H.BLMBOLD'S BILMBOLD'S GYNCIINS EXTRACT PAIISLPARILLA.. CiENITINE: EXTRACT SAAB iPtilt[LLA. GENUINE EXTRACT 64.11SARABILLA. SIZLIEBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S . EILIABOLD'S GENUINE IMPROVED ROSBWASH OINIIINI 1111E1{05'ED ROSEWASH SOLD .BY ALL PRUGGHTS SOLD BY ALL DEUOGISTS ABK FOB EIBLWOLD'S ASK FOE .HILRBOLD'S Cut out ,the advertisement ma for it. and Imola invocation noti:watit • BROWNE ON FR A.UDS. 13.11,0W1V. Sr, CO., LAW AND FOREIGN BOOKSELLERS, A TREATISE ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE STATUTE OF FRAUDS, as in for in Englund and the United Slates, with an Appendix, containing the extet jag Englirla rnd Amerloan Statutes. Second edition, carefully reviled, with extensive fuldicione. Biro Since the publication of the Stitt edition or this work over five hundred judicial decisions upon subjects treated by it have been reported; a number which bears so large a proportion to the Previously- extorting eases of the same class as to show the questions which they inolude to be much snore prominent at the bar than formerly, All of these new camas (some of which, particularly from - the English Courts, are of much interest and value) are em bodied in the present edition; generally In the notes: occasionally with particular discussion or commentary in the text. Important'additions have been made under eeveral heads, especially those of Actions for false rap resentationa as to charaCter or circumstances of third Parties; Actions upon agreements not to be performed within a 3 ear from the looking. and the Acceptance and Receipt of goods in MOOS of sales. 'The whole work has received a very ear, fat rovicion from the author, and by condeneing where it was practicable, as well as enlarging whet eit wee necessal y, it is believed that its °entente are more increased than its ere, and that f presents a complete campendinmof the law to w hich iffelates down. to .a late period in the present year, note m cvfet TEE ADVENTURES OF • Will be ready in a few daps—a splendid book for boys nol6•mwt3t 161 WASHINGTON STREET, Boon BY THE AUTHOR OF NEIGHBOR lAD/CW . OOW' . • CUID,TO'S C AY.O • Most Exciting Story of Union Loyalty. and Rebel Despotism in East Tennessee. DRAWN FROM REAL LIFE. ThOie who have read the author's former work, "Neighbor Jackwood.” :mill anticipate a great treat in this new historical novel. IN PRESS-TO BE READY SOON. 3: E. TILTON ct CO.; nolB-mwf3t PUBLISHERS. MAJOR GENERAL FOSTER THE 17011.11INEIVEElt BUY Who can SaT And that in the main Incidents it Is true. It is elegantly illustrated by. F. 0. C. Dailey, and is written by the author of "-Father Bright:hoes, " enough to make it de sirable that it should be every in family. Price $l. nol6 mwfat, A NEW„riOVEL, CHAS. ABET:LESTER,' COUNTERPARTS,' ,Scc. CHAS. AI7OE:LESTER,' COUNTERPARTS,' &C. er's ever having lived who poeeessed more than a per- F,lizabeth—Sttep- Pard's whole being. GerkifAl L S her, in harmony with the great undertone of the vl s verse, the F . 0D.1 stiffneed with light. Flower warmth and fragrance are `on her page, the soft, low summer wind seems to be epeabins with you as ytti read, her charae tersnie like the stars impersonated, and still, however lofty h er nature, always and forever 'genial. "—Hiss Piescott. to Atlantic Monthly. UNIFORM WITH THE ABOVE, BY THE SAME AUTHOR, C3i 1U MC' 'r '3O DEL AL. ML "A novei,er sags Miss Prescott. "which it is not too much to Say', "it Is impossible for human hand to excel. " TWICE LOST." A- A..liavel. Octavo. Paper. Price, 50 coats The London. Reader, a first class literary Journal. says of it: "Another first-rate Novel, by a Woman! The plot Well conceived and wzrked out, the characters indivi dualized and clear•cnt, and the story se admirably told that you are hurried along for two hours , anti a half, 'with a smile often breaking ont at the humor, a tear ready to start at the pathos, and with unflagging inte rest, till- the heroine's release tom all trouble is an nounced at the end. We heartily recommend the book 'to all readers. It more full of character than any book we remember since Charles Reade's " Christie Johnstone. Lippincott, Peterson, Moller, Winch, Lemldt. Smith & English, Asliraetto. & Evane supply it in Philadelphia. LORING, Publisher, nolB-mw2t No. 319 Washington street, Boston. T ELLWOOD ZELL. 8& CO., • VMOLISALEBOOXSELLEItS, STS.TIONERS, And Manufacturers of Photograph Albums. ,tfos. 17 and 19 South. SIXTH Street, Second floor. Goods for the holidays Games, Puzzles, and Paper Dolls, the largest assortment in the city, Colored and. Plain Toyhooks, Juvenilo Books, AB C Cards and Blocks, School Books, and Stationery. All of which will be sold to dealers at low prices for ociS-we2m A SHMEAD AND EVANS, j--‘• (SUCCESSORS TO WILLIS P. HAZARD, ) NO. 724. CHESTNUT STEW . . Havejrut opened-- - PINE VTAT.IONERY. A complete assortment of 'Rag lieh and American Papers. Envelopes, &c. -PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. •The largest and hand somest assortment in the city, - NEW HOOKr. Constantly being received. - TWICE LOST. A nATsr RUMOR. By the author of " Cormterparts, ke. n0174f NEW BOOKS-JUST RECEIVED . BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 715 and 717 MARKET Street. HUGH MILLER'S HEADSHIP OF CHRIST, and the I/halts of the Christian People. TWICE LOST. A. Novel. • ROUNDABOUT PAPERS. By Wm. Maoloray. With illustrations, HII^...TORY OF THE SIOUX WAR and Massacres of 1862 and 1863. By Isaac V. D. Heard. - MARY LINDSAY. A Novel. By the Lady EmilY PonsonbY. POEMS BY JEAN INGELOW. HEAVEN OUR HOME. We have no Saviour bat Jesus, and DO Rome but Heaven _ IN WAR TIMES, AND OTHER . POEmS. By J. Q. Whitney. _ • , MENTAL HYGIENE. By L. Ray. __ STRANGE: STORIES OF A DETECTIVE, or Curiosi ties of Crime. HEBREW .CHRESTOMATHY, or Lesson - .in, Reading and Writing Hebrew. By Rev. W. H. Green. HANNAH THIIRSTON. A Story of American Life. By Bayard Taylor. DAY DREAMS.. Byaoseph A. Nunes. EW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS 1 THE HEADSHIP OF OBRIST, AND BIGHTS OF THE CHRISTIAN PEOPLE. By Hugh Miller, 1.2an0. cloth, WO. ILLUSTRATIVE GATHERINGS, for Preachers and Teachers. By Rev, G. S. Bowes, B. .4,, limo. cloth, $1.75.._ THE MIRACLES OF CHRIST, AS ATTESTED BY-THE EVANGELISTS. By Alvah Hovey, D.A. 12mo. cloth, $1.25. - HANNAH THURSTON, a Story of American Life. By .Bayard Taylor, 12mo. cloth, $1.50. ,SAILO vagys, or Light on the Sea. By Boy. E. W. Hauck% 18reo. cloth, 60 ote. IdAY GHTIMLEI6. - 11, AND- HER FRIEND tiON MENGE, a Tale far Little Girls, 18mo. cloth. 25 eta MARGARET, TECCYOUNG WIFE, 18mo. cloth Wats. For sale by • WAIL 8. 51. ALFRED MARTI, zol6 606 .CHESTNUT Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS: NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION. THIS DAY PUBLISHED BY 110 WaRINGTON STREET. BOSTON. BY CAUSTEN BROWNS Price 4,5.50 DICK owsLow, THE NEW BOOK FOR BOYS E: TILTON & '00.; SATS THAT IS AN INTERESTING BOOR FOR BOYS, J. E. TILTON 6.1 CO., BOSTON, Publishers. BY THB AUTHOR OF PUBLISHED THIS DAY, QTY co g/L: BY ELIZABETH SHEPPARD, AUTHOR OF tiro PAPER 50 CENTS `There is no record of any female English Prose wri- 0; THE CROSS OF LOVE Sent by Mai, POST-PAID, on receipt of the price. T. O. H. P. BURNHAM, nett , swe2t PUBLISHES, BOSTON, LEItFOLDT'S LIBRARY AND 800 STORB,A.S3 CHESTNUT Street. - Ready on Tuesday thel7tb of November HEINRICH BROWS BOOK OF SONGS. Translated by Merles G. Leland. On tinted paper. s 1 'vol. leme, vellum sloth, top gilt. Price $L BEINRICH HEINE. An Essay, by Natthets; Arnold. 16mo, paper. Price 25 cents. Of LEYPOLDT'S FOREIGN LIBRARY. The most amnsing novel of the season. . HDMAA VOLUM. By .Thles NOTISO. From the sixteenth Paris edition, by Roo. Marlow. vol. itinio, paper. Price 60 cents; . - F by all Booksellers. Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price. F. LEXPOLDT. Psblisher, nol4-lm 1323 CHEST& Trr Street. A LBIIMS CHEAPEST AND BEST 1 3,000 Ann= for 12 Portraits, 26 cents to ?4. 500 do do 24 do $ O do to 4. 600 do do 60 do oi2 to 10. SOO do do SO do 9 to 12 200 do do 100 -do 4 to 15. Ale Citroens° stock, the largest and best in the World. PP ongol. low priced Book, Picture, and Album Store. re. BOB CHISTNIIT Street. 25 CENTS COLORED, PHOTO. GROHS, 26 cents. , One• half the usual price l Over 1,000 different kinds. PRICES REDUCED TO 25 cents! 25 cents I 26 canta I PITCHER'S Album and Picture Depot, sos caggr- NUT Street. • • • • nold4f . . , LINDSAY & BLAKISTON; Publishers and Booksellers.. • XS SOUTH SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. BOOKS In every Department of Literature. Including all Miscellaneous and Standard Works. .TTIVENILE'ItOOKS in great variety MILITARY aL, and SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. ALL NEW PUBLICATIoNS of a standard character , IT WHOLES AL E plished. or furnished promptly to order, HAZARD'S. BOOKSTORE. 7114 OHNSTPIT STREET. Bet Wean Seventh and 'Eighth Strode An Books usually to be had In a • FIRST-CLASS. BOOKSTORE. Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRIOFB. WES T:IABY 'RICHARDS GUN •A Antsln glar e f , lgi . : le t 7, i ma co • o de b . i f WSS i r b L y BY RIOH .. • fidlar.wiYAlß & co.„ qiestant street: NEW PUBLICATIONS. EPES SARGEANT'S GREAT NOVEL. PECuLIAR. d new nova], concerning which there has, been more talk and speculation. yorhapai than about any othsr book Mined for years. The thrilling and extraordinary facts with which the author hisbecomv acquainted have been throwia into a plot and story so startlingly bold, and vet so truthful. Be tender and so gentle, that every reader who begins it must be fascinated with its unflagging in terest. It is a great book, and the orders are pouring in for it thick and fast. One handsome 1.2m0, cloth bound. Price $1.60. ALSO, THIS WEIL ALIOE OF MONMOUTH. Mr. Edmund C. Siselman's new IDYL OF THE WAR. In one elegant 2m0.. cloth-hound volume, price *l. The story of this Poem changes from love scones and songs In tts fruit-meadows of the North, to the hospitals and bat tie-ftelds of Virginia. The author's reputation as a poet n no word-painter renders this one of the choice hooks of the season. "st." Copies sent by mail free on receipt of price by CARLETON, ruhliettpr nolS-wetf New York. 3- UST PUBLISHED. --"111% MOST Thrilling Book the war has Produced!" DARING AND ntIPFERIN3: A History of the Ureat Adventure. Hy Lieutenant WILLIAM PITTENGER:- 04e of the Adventurers. With an introduction by Rev. ALEXANDER. CLARK. /Miter of the Sagoal Vattor. , The Whole nation was excited last spring by the reve lations made before the President and the Cabinet at Washington by the survivors of General Mitchel's Secret Railroad Expedition sant into the heart of the Concede racy almont a year before. Of the twenty-two daring adventurers 'who penetrated the enemy's country:eight „„pertsbed on the scaffold, and the others, after eutftrlng 'untold hardships, finally succeeded in recrossing the lines and reaching the Union Army. The survl vors emeh reclived a medal of honor and other munificent rewarde from the hands of ihePreeident The mai velions adventures of this band are recorded by one of their number, who is fully competent to the task. Their history, an narrated by him, pessaries the connected interest of an epic poem. The noon's is gra dually developed, and the interest deepens from first to last. The reader will follow the daring adventurers Trim their flret midnight cousultation onward through their perilousjourney, and will ecarcely breathe during the progress of the terrible chase. the meet exciting over recorded in the annals of any country. The death scene will draw tears from the eye of the sympathizing reader, while his cheek will burn with indignation at the cruel ties practised. by hearfless rebels. The style is a simple ' unnected one, tieing with the occasion to the ffloftiest eloquence.,and abounding in the tenderest pathos. Nothing in history is more startling thin this adven ture, or more heart-touching than its portraiture by the pen of the gifted author. - The book Is illustrated by a fine keel portrait of the anther, and several exquisite wood engravings, and printed In the highest style of typographical beauty, Price *l, poet-paid. AGENTS wanted in. all pa:deaths country, to whom extraordinary inducements are offered. Address all orders to .1. W. P All(111A.P &Y. Pnblieher, lit-ltPi r N 0.1308 CELNSTNIIT Street. Philadelphia. 90 CENTSI-GODEY FOR DEORM IBE.It. PITCHER . % nolB-St . 808 GIEESSTNOT Street. EDIUCATIONAIu VILLAGE`GREEN SEMINARY' NEAT. PA.—Papile received at any time. English, Mathemsdies, Classics. and Natural Seisuces taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping. and Civil En sineering taught. entire expenses about $3 per week. Boys of all ages taken. . Refers to Wra. H. Kern, ex- Sheriff; John C. Capp & Co., No. 23 South Third street, and Thomas J. ClaYton. es 4. Fifth and Prune streets. Address 'Rev. J. Et.i.2. 1 78Y BARTON. A. Gmen. Pa. ncd-tf ITEMAN ALLEN, A, M., FROM THE Conservatorium of Musk, at Lelnshr, TEACHFAS of the PIANO AND VIOLIN. No. 245 South MTN TEESTH Street. Ora:dere at G. Andre Co 's. No. 1104 Chestnut street. and at this office. 0c.27-tre COPARTNERSHIPS. NOTICE. -The firm of T. DIATLECIC ilk SON was DIS SOLVED, by Sllntuai consent; on the first of Jaw:Lary laFt. MAHLON MATLACK will continue the Manufactur ing of Lamp-Black as usual in his own name. noler-it. LEGAL. MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD VirALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the 'United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty. to me directed, will be sold at public, sale, to the highest and beet bidder. far cash. at IrCHIMBR'S Store, No. 142 North 'FRONT Street, on THURSDAY, December 3d, 1864, at 12 o'clock, noon, the CARCO of the steamer JUPITER consisting of 4 casks Iron Wire. 19 eases Brown Paper 24x36, 2 caste Pelt Hats, 6 cases Pins, 1^ chests Black Tea. 176 Cease C!Etret Wine. 93 cases Brandy. 135 pipes Aquardiente. 10 kegs Whisky, 118 boxes . Castile soap, 93 bags Saltpetre, 4 bales Seal Skin Cloib, 1 bale Welch Flannel, 1,6 boxes Extract of Log- Wood, 1 case 98 Ris Chloroform. 109 kers Soda; WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. garsbal E. 1) of Panasylvants. PHILAIMPIIi.t. November 17. 1863. nolB-6E MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE of a writ ofsale,by the Hon. JOHN CAD WAL &DER, Judge of the District Court of the United State., in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and beet bidder. for cash, at the SAVANNAH S SHIP COMPANY'S WHARF, on TOESD aY. Decimber Ist. 1163, at 12 o'clock. 31., the Steamer Sk'AOLDINH. her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at slid w b arl. The Spaulding is a side-wheel steamer, built in New York, is about 8 ycars. 2CO tons bardenxtength On deck 143 feet, breadth 26 feet, depth of noldiBTees; g,ne in good order, boilers about one year old. WILLIAM . MILL WA.RD, 8. Marshal E. D. of Fauna. PHILADELPHIA, Nev. 17. 1863. nolB-6t IN THE COURT OF COMNIONPLEA z S FOR THE CIXY_ASTR. corruniv__nr. tfie ix - latter of the Trust of the UNION CANAL COM. PANY, of Pennsylvania. Sax first and second accounts of Trustees. Notice is hereby given, that the report of the Auditor in the above matter will be Died in the office of the Pro tbon ots ry of the said Court, on F icIDAY, the 27th day of NoV ember s 1883. Access in the meantime may ne had to she report, at the office of the Auditor, No. 2171 South FIFTH Street,. in the city of Philadelphia, when and wk ere eyeeptions,.if any, must he filed agreeably to the Rules of Court in such case made and provided. JOSEPH A. CLAY, Andiior. nniSs-wfm3t Novetater 17, IS6I. ITNSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE MU VIAL SAFETY INSURANCE CO.. PHILADELPHIA. NOVenibar 11, 1888.. The following statement of the affairs of the iiompany Is published in conformity with a provision of its charter. PREMIUMS RECEIVED from Nov. 1. 1862, to 0ct.31,1883: On Marine and Inland Eisks.•..s2 849 08 On Fire ...... ..... 116,613 03 -- $509.462 11 Premiums on Policies not marked. off Novem ber I, 1863 PRENIITAIS MARKED OFF as earned. from November 1, 1662, to October 31,-1863• ._ On Marine and Inland Risks . $.376,466 34 On Fire Rieke 102,916 44 $481,884 78 70,471 38 Interest during same period. sal vages, dm i 5551.856 16 LOSSES, EXPENSES, arc., during the year as aboTe: Maxine and Inland Navigation Losies $178,41-1 10 Fire Losses -40.75059 Return Premiums " 40,823 60 Re-ineurances 32,131 37 Agency Charges, Advertising, Print, ing. Ac 18,372 ni TEX 66 8.7.51. 95 ExPenees, Salaries, Rent, ,Sir 15,438 81 $336,231 19 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. YOVENBEIT. 1. 1863. i.0.00:000 United States five-per-cent. Loan 697,000 DO 75, MO ' six-per-cant. Loan 70.000 02 20,000 16.31.• 22,000 00 60,000 '' 7"5-10 per et- Treas. Note s 03, 250 00 100,000 state e,cPeansylvania 6.per-cent.liiipn.loo.997 50 64,000 6-par-cent. 57,550 00 123,060 Philadelphia City 6-per-cent. L0an.....127,628 00 30,000 State of Tennessee 5-per-cent. Loan.• • . 16,000 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad. Stet mortgage 6-Pol , cent. bonds 2'2,300 00 00.000 Pennsylvania Railroad second mort: , gage 6-per-cent. bonds 63.250 00 12,000 300 shares stock Germantown GM Com pany. principal and interest gnaran tied by the city of Philadelphia 15,000 00 6,000 100 shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company 7,225 00 5,000 100 shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 2.650 00 51;000 United States .Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness 21,420 00 123,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply secured. 123,700 00 8791,700 par. -cost, $768,737.12.-market value, 734,200 80 Real Estate ..... . .. -- 38,88333 Bißs Receivable, for 4aniances made.. 107,947 81 Balances due •Agermies-Premi nets on Marine Policies ; accrued intezest, and... cther debts due the 'Company 29,919 8' Scrip and stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $5.3U3. Es timated value Cash, on deposit with tint ted States Government, subject to ten days' call. WI. 000 00 .Cash, in Banks 03.538 39 Cash, to. drawer 200 80 118,789 19 • ' PHILADStPITTA, Nov. 18513. The Board of Directors ha.° this day declared a CASH DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT. on the CAPITAL, STOCK. and Six Pan CENT. Interest on the SCRIP of the Com pany; Payable on and after the Ist December proximo, free of tax. . They have also declared a 6mtre DIVIDEND of FORTY Psi 'CENT. on the EARNED TREDIIIIIDIS for the year ending Oc tober 31, 1863, certificates for which will ho issued to the parties entitled to the same, on and after the Ist Decem• ber proximo, freed tax. They have ordered, also, that the SCRIP CERTIFI CATES OF PROFITS of the Company. for the, years 1615 and 1650, be redeemed in cash; at the office of the Com pany, on and after Jannary 2. 1664. all interest thereon to cease on that day.. Aar No certificate of profits ix.aued under 525. By the Act of rneorPOration, no certificate shall issue unless etotwea within two wars after the declaration of the dividend whereof is evidence." DIRECTORS: Thomas C. Hana,, James C. Hand, John.C. Davie. William C. Ludwig. "Edmund A. Semler, .1 - ese_pb. H. Seal, Th e ophihis _pg-ajding, Dr. R M,Huston, John R: Penrose. George G. Leiper, James Traquair, . Hugh Craig. Huffy C: Dalle.t.ti Jr., Charles Kelley, Robert Burton. Jacob r. Jonas, Samuel E. Stokes, James It SteFarland, S. F. PfillietoA, Joshua F. Eyre. Henry Sloan, Spenser M'llyaine, Wm. G. Boulton, John H, Semple Pittsburg, Edward I , arlington.. A. - E. Berger, Pittsburg. H. Jones Brooke, THOMAI JOHN DENBY I.YLINJEN, Seers REMOVAL. - . THE. I.IANHATTAN Lrrs INSURANCE COMPAW. Of New York. having appointed .1 - A3IES 13. CARE Agent for this City, have Removed their office to NO. 418 WA.I)IfUT STREET, Where applications for INSURANCE and RENEWALS on POLICIES must be made. The allotted divideral 0f1863. Will be adjusted. on all Policies, on which two or more annual premiums have been paid, on the adjustMent of thweurrant year's premium. The.followinritems, interesting to the asersed, show the great progress and prosperity of the Company sines the last triennial dividend: • • The income of the Company for the pest three years hga been ai,mo.ono 00 The assets have increased 416,000 00 The losses paid to widows during three past fere 280,66124 • " " others 99,738 .60 Dividends have been made during the peat time years _2OO. IVO 00 C. Y. Wn3au. secretary, 3 t AllES CAKE, ogtengenbut. - FAME INSITR.A_NCE COMPAIsTY, NO -a- ioa CHESTNUT Street raitADEtp•au. FIRE AND -INLAND ItistrEANcE. DIRECTORS. • Francis N. Back:. ' E. D. Woods's% Chao. Iticbardson: • Geo. A. West, Henry L ewis, Jr., Johni:Cessier, Jr., • John, W. •EVOTI93II. - • Ches. Stokes. Philip S. Justice, - A. H. Rosenholm] , 0 ; W. Davis Joseph D. Erne, • FRAACIS M. B CR' President.. CH LES RI CHARDSON , Vice President. WILLIAM I. BLADICHLRD. Secretary. jallittt DR. FINE, PIiACTICIAL DEN. IST for the last twenty years. 119 VINE SA, below Third, inserts the most beautiful THSTII of the age, mounted on fine Sold, Platina, Saver, Vulcanite, Oora,llte, Amber, Do., at prices, for neat and substantial 'work, more reasonable than any Dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teetk repaired to snit. Do Pain In extracting. AU etro , ck war ranted to , fit. Reference. beet familia". 3.30.90 EFONTENEAU & 0: SAI_ILES, . FRENCH -HAIR DRESSING and SHAVINa Sr LOON.- Ice. 1013 South RLIVENTB, Street, (upstairs.) branch 011027 Chestnut street. • Manufactorers•andlmwriers Q,. Wigs, Toupees, Fri rettes,,c ..l'ancy Articles. • esso-truw WANTED—A BOY TO LEARN CON. MaNCING. Addreee, o band writing ni sprat. cant I. C. PhICE, cor. SPRING OaRDE.i an' TERtITH Streets.* WANTED --A SITUATION IN A T. Wholesale .and Retail Cinch Store. by one who hes bad seventeen - year.' experience in the bnEilloBs. Address for three days, Press ankle. to S. DAVIS. nol7•Ste PARTNER WANTED.—A RETIRING Partner, tn. Wholesale Liquor Rouse , ie desirous of investing his capital with a firm lathe sam e already establiehed, or would fora copartnarehip with a salesman who has a good trade. Address Eitterrv." at this office. '• not7 et' WANTED—A SITUATIO NAS T T Bookkeeper or Aegistant Bookkeener and Ralaa n, by a person well qualified; has had experience in different mercantile porsalte; is quick and ready, and con soon understand almnat any business. The beet city reference given. en iniltirnee a coneldereble amount of neer trade. Addrem "Rarper,' ,, 9,1,= nmpq nl7-2t. T' '0 THE JOBBING AND COMMIS EION TEA DE.— t YOang mane. Who has had nearly semen years' experience in the Jobbing besineisomd who is acquainted with a large:, city and codntry trade, wishes to change his situation about the first of the var. Has bad experience in travelling. Fence as to character and capability. Address, at this office_ for one week, • nnll-2t 5 IT ROBERTS. A GOOD SALESMAN WANTED-IN a wholesale Hat house. Address Box 2F66. Phila. &labia Post (Mee. 31010-1.112. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WAR. ..'A `rare chance to make money. Agent. are clearing from Cat to ES2D3 ner month Send for circular. Addrea JOITEi BROS. & CO.. Publi,hers, Baltimore. MU notqlm* el WANTED—A STORE ON 111 AR maa HET Straat, betw.en Third and Sixth, by the 14 of Jannarv. ddreFß 'R ~S .SE C 0.," Pre.94r Oleo. not* 86 ofu i WANTED-IsT MORTGAGE nn City RP.idAnse, cantrally Arply to 11 , 13 T. IVIAC'3REOP)I.4I.9 WALNIT r St. lt $75 tMONTH I—l WANT TO HIRE ents Sn n ev; T y e r .h c . on:ly a At t n: nmra4,..47 . 8 .,„. 4.• xee Dal& to sal] my A &Mew , . 8. 3/11481 ' .)N. Alford . Ilkfarna.winoßO44l.l,4trft S6O A MONTH! WE WANT AGENTS at SG) a month, exnenaes paid, to isall our EVERLASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS, and thirteen other artielee. If, Circulars fres. BEIM Zia CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. sell-d&WPre WANTED--A VESSEL TO early one hundred tbougand feet of Oak Plank to Portsmouth or Boston,_ Apply 11 WAIN wlli t b & BEACH Street and COLIIHRIA avenue. E:ghteenth Ai* DEPUi'Y QUARTERMAsI. - '.n famitri. 7 GENERAL'S OFFlClB.—Plmannlerme. Fab. ises. • VESSBLB WANTED lunnediritelv to carry (SOLI tho followinspethtn: Tortugas. Key Went, Fla. Fort nororoe, Va. Alexandria. Ye. Ifewbera, N. 0. Port Royal, 8. 0. A. BOYD; MO-If Cantaln and Anent. Quartermutar: - Fr _A_NDSOME COMMUNICATING ROOMS. seertn4 and third floor, with fir - at-clam Board. 900 WALNUT Street. nolB-3t. T OST-A_ POLICY OP INSURANCE, ieFttcd. to JACOB INTAILAND by the Penneylvania Fire Ipenran es Coeepany, for $2,0490, dated Doom bor 10, 1842 TS e finder tab tawara leave it with the Fecretwv of the Company, WILLIAM G. CROWELL, No. 5 0 WAL.NI7T Street. noll.w3t. AA FOR SALE CHEAP- A. FARM ;...B—ef 9s Acres, in Limerick Tommthip, Montgomery COLII3{7. Pa.three miles from Railroad Station; good. Stone Buildings; hones, contains l rooms; the Laud is well cultivated; sufilCientt Meadow and Timber; a 1 , 01(-{7 of choice Fruit Trees; good Fences and ex. cellent Water; healthy location. Will be sold a bar gain. GEORG I ? 11. TO cORSEND, 11.18.wpm-SL* 12.334." S. FOURTH Street. 00 FOR SALE-A VERY CHEAP" ....2—.Frnit Farm of 23 Acre?, W. miles from Dela viF re county, Pennsylvania. The laud is a No. The house is frame, comforteble, &c..- but not extra. The barn and ether .outbuildings me fair. The 'water can not be excelled. Fences good; six acres of valnahle cleetnot timber - - geed young apple orchard and of other fruit. Tte house is surrounded by large shade trees. Call and get a catalogue of DELAWARE COUNTY FAEMS. JOHNS. Ned ia, Pennsylvania. CiEr/IIGE N; .TO VTICSEND, 123 X. south. FOURTH. Street. 119 ÜBLIC SALE .-T.HE WELL KNOWN FIRST-CLASS " BECK ROTEL." in the borough of Lebanon. Pa., will be sold on the premises on FRIDAY, November ilth. at 1 o'clock P. if. This Hotel has lately been remodeled, and another large sour story brick building built to it, and also the modern improvements introducea. Its location is the ben in the town, .on the corner of the two principal streets, oppo site the Court House. and but two squares from the Railroad Depot, on the same street. Its county castor% as wed as travelling, is large: rents readily at a high rate, and makes one of the best real estate investments in the State. Terms will be made easy by SIMON J. STINE, Lebanon. Pa. IF lOU DESIRE TO PURCHASE OR exchange fora FARM in Delaware c , -,atnty, plea.° call or rend your address for - a DEL/0711ES COUNTY BEGISTIsR. containing over 100 choice good Farms and handsome Country beats. GEO. N. TOWNREND, 123. 1 'South FOURTa Street. and ,lAMEBCuannzi% - _Fe ana COAL - YARD FOR SA:LB.-THE BEST fitted up Yard in the city; canacity for doing any amount of businese. Inquire on the premises. 80. 957 North NINTH Street. be, ow Girard Avenue. n01446t. FOB SALR—THE SUBSCRIBEa OF FERS. for sale from eight to ten acres of GROUND, in. Lower Marion township, Ahntiromery county,eligibly slinated on the northwesterly side of s the City avenge, about one hundred yards northeastwardly from the City avenue Etatien, on the Pennsylvania Railroad - nol6-mwf•3t` JE,SZ TFIONA.S. FOR. SALE- VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on the north side of GIRARD Avenue,. east of BightPentb. street- 165 feet deep. two from. LUKENS s MONTGOffERY. Convoyslacors, no341:11* 1035 1336. CH Street, above Leuret. fl a . FOR . SALE-A FINE LARGE •12.1• ROUSE, 20 feet front, 4 feet Bindles side vard Possefaion at once. 'North SEVENTH Street, Girard avenue. west side. Also, one in MASTER Street, one door below modern house. POSBASBiO.II at once. A.. O. STEIN, ' noIS-3t* Saw•mill, BROAD and WALLACE Ste. 206.395 09 en ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—PUR• nicmsnant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Berks county. will be sold. at public sale on TIIERDEY, the let of DEC UMBER, 1563, at the public house of G. B. NOLL. at Robsronia, Berks county, Pa., the following P_.32.1 Estate, to wit: _ All those pieces or lots of ground and two Dwelling Rousts thereon, situate on the east aide of Robeson street, in said t own of Robesonia, Lot Fa. 1, containing two acres and one hundred and. thirty-eight perches, and lot El°. containing two acres and seventy-eight perchA s„ The above property is beautifully located between. the Turnpike and'Lebanon Valley Railroad, at Robesonia Depot. The improvements consisting cu Two Large Brick Houses, nearly new; on the first door there is a Wall. three Rooms, and a Kitchen: on the second floor Jive Chambers. Bath Room. and Water Closet; and on th e third floor three Chambers. Water conveyed in pipes through the houses. Ranges and. Heater in the cellar. The houses are in good repair (are alike), very COLVB - with modern improvements_ Aleo, a stables This is a very desirable piece for private residences, and would bo an excellent situation for the Coal,-Lum ber, and Grain Business. . Late the property of EL P. Robeson. deceased. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. Conditions at sale by SAR D; ROBESON, Executrix. 8715,857 20 $216,621 97 $l. 039. 425 .54 P fn* dent BC. 11 D DL iS, Vice President. .tary, nol2-111m, wAwre. ROARDING t , LOST AND FOUND. VON SALE AND TO MET. no3S-w&s 2E* . . . . Any person wiEhing - to view the property will please call on B. Sbearer. at Robeionle Depot, - .:'nol6-6t el A VALUABLE COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM - OF EIGHTY ACRES, AT PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold on TUESDAY. the 24th of Noiember, at 2 o'cleck M, on the premises, the property of the sub scriber, consisting of about EIGHTY ACRES OF LAND. - in the highest state of cultivation, with LARGE MAN SION HOUSE. two Tenant Houses, Large Bern, and all the other necessary farm buildings It is situated on the. Dslaware'river, in that part of Falls township, Becks `,.'county. called The Manor," and adjoining Robbins' wharf, where the steamboat Trenton stows daily: also. within twenty-live minutes drive of the Tulleytown Station, en the Trenton: - Railroad. It is well supplied with Fruit and. &hada Trees, and Shrubbery, and. is, altogether, a desirable property, either as a residence or for farming purposes. Persons wishing to attend the sale will find conveyer!, CBS at the Tulleytown Station, meeting ,the 11 o'clock A. M. train from Kensington, and can return at 6 o'clock the same evening. For further particulars, inquire of EDWARD LEWIS., troll 9t. • 421 COMMERCE Street. PEREMPTORY PUBLIC SALE.- -41-. Will be sold at Public Salo. op_MONDAY. Novem ber ISM at lifto'clock P. IL, on the premises. a VALUABLE SMALL FARM, containing 88 acres and 27 perches of land, situate on the road leading from low Grove to Davisville: of a mile from Wilkow Grove. 12.3‘ miles from PhitadePAttia, and three miles fronrAbington Station, on the North'ren , sylvanta aatl road. in Moreland township, Monts 021:10Ilir conut-i.. Pa., adjoining lands of..Ennjamitt ldbrgan, and. others.. The improvements consist of a two-story Stone Noose and Kitchen, frame wagon-house,and other out-battling% milk vaults. pump, and well of water, . &c. There in an orchard• of apple and other trait trees; also, a small lot of Wood Land. The balance of the land is arable. The soil is of excelbsnt'quality, and nt a good. state of cultivation. A patt-of it is well adapted for early trfra in g, hayinß a soot - hem exposure ttrul.a.fer tile, mellow soil.. A s.treannof water passes thnongh the premises. This i.e a very. a esin:blG farm. being in a and respectable neighborhood. ,convenient to schos, stores, mills, and:lime itilas, withga post office at Willow Grove, -and stages running to the Railroad Station twine a day._ Immediate possession will be given. AnT,lnfotmation concerning the premiseo can be ob tained of the undersigneir, by letter or othdrwise. JOBB SMITH, Agent foPthe Owner. Flairrixenox Nov. 7, 1863, I:014,16,1S 21 $l9. -- • 000 TYE A_ Ai WONT T* , . LRAM, In sums of IX.OOO t056,003,an efortga :pm. Also. wonted---$25,C00 on first mortgag on.a highly•unprnynd ClNlFlnrit-gtreetpropgrty, worth 6A04000. Apply to E. PETTM, 3713 WALNUTttreet. - no 17 FORSAINE,--HIGHLY-IMPROWED — 2l Country - Flace.--nears Bolmnabnrst, Twen.tx,third we.rd. containin422 ROTOS: one of Isores. Chestr„At .fleqrattle pie 4ear Old York station, eight ratlea out, 20 acres. lie3l,Dlace, - 10 acres. for miles out. ' Qail and examine register of country places E. PEPPI2'. 012 • 2423. , Wit - laws NE PLusxILTRA MINOR INERT, WHOLESALE. 'AND RET4IL__ SPRING GARDEN AND - FRANKLIN STEETS, ne...a.63, • Phi tadAIDIAR. 4 PRESERVING BRANDY, PT/RE CIDER AND WHITE WINE VINEGAR. USW GINGER. lartlrkilD ElaD. 5P1C11343. ato.. at ;AS's TICE RIQIIIENIES FOR insiuvima AND FICMING PURPOSES. ALBERT 0. ROBE RTE. Dealer In 'Fine Groosrles, .. 11 .0 Onrnor RTAIVIINTFR irra. NFTWX 6t.rwata. G .EORGE W WOOTT:81c, NO: 38 South SECOND Street, awl No. 29 STRAWBERRY Strop). 'ffazurrousu—JaYllß Street, Philadelphia. tvuox,ssaLs DRAIME, IN. CARBON OILS, lIA,MPS, A fine lot of OIL just received. which I offer at•the lowest market rates, having made my contracts in the springbeforc. the advance. OIL in, bond for export, caustruas smartilly. at manufactAcera' prices. Agent for Moore. Brea.. dt Patent Fruit Jam,/ &a., OItSE FEEDER I HORSE PE=ER! - r• • This new invention is for feeding horses while !data,. ing in harness or otherwise. it is made of heav7BurieNi. Duck, and so constructed that the gorse cannot 'v any feed.; the bag is :ventilated by the insertion of, eye lets, giving the horse plenty of air. For- do.rability,•conventence. and economy PA R is on sarrassaa. By rOTllifkillg Si a sample will be forwarded • 4.11 letters of Inanity maiaddreaellt-4,- GAO. • ALTON. Eole 111 7.6nureotnTor.• negbn 1%2 COM3iEKOtilig47,istaloatin Masa. ~~MLJ~EMEN PS. AMERMAN ,4CADEN3r. , OP MUM 0: ANSOHOTZ-.....--.. 4 0. gISOFELD • GERMAN OPERA. WRlntlitiDAY BlTtfirta, NO , VIIMEEP. ISth. EIGHTH 811139011.1PT10N MGM', First time in fativrica. GOlngell'S WORLD-RENOWNED FAUST. GRAND OPREtit IN FIVE Aora, BY GOUNAH, FAUST Mepbietopheles, Valentin Zban&r Wet.' Martha MARGUERITE With rim. , as d marnit3 cen t ocs , nroes wad appolntmonia; by Mr STLILLWERIT. of Now York. Splendid new Scenerv, oaf hie osnraanlT for this Operas by Berr rficoLo DifahTEß. of Co:tante'. Doors Open at 7 Opera cottliseaces a; tl'o'clock. PRIORS or ADAqS4TON. AD MISSION T 9 PA RQUET, PAX4URT CIRCLE, and BALCONYSF'• It 51 /s (No extra obarge 'or ea-1&134 oa s ts.) . ADMTSSIOI9 TO FAMILY CIRCI:1" 50 etc' ANT PRITFISATRIP , = 25 srbr Seats can be secured Avon, day RI Vie AnA.ORMY OP MFSIC. and .T E, ortIILD'SMUrICTI'ORE; Sonth.set corner SEVEnTII. and ONESTNIIT S:zeets. =IPS CONCERT TrA_LL. MONDAY EVENING, 15fovernbefMth, IRS.] WAUGH'S NEW PANORAB%, ITALY," AND . HER WAR FOR FREEDOM' A Panoramic Tour thrnugh Itafy durfn g the War. psi eget by S. B. Waugh, will be exhibited, for the llrnt ti CONCERT HALL, CUESTITUT Bt., ab. TIVILLIPTIi. Philadelphia; ON MOND t.Y EVENING. November 16th. 1661 and CONTINUE EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEE& COL. 'WILLIAM 11. MAITRICE The eloquent and popular speaker', is engaged ad ILLUSTRATING LECTURER And 'will. at the elope of the exhibition., recite Jsu vier'e houl•stirrinq- Poem of THE Stearin SEPTYLIEL. Doors open at 7. Commencing at 7M o'clock. Adrniegon. 25 cents. nol6-61- MUSICAL FUND HALL.- J. ORAWE NEW ITALIAN OPERA. COMPANY". TRATS respectfully announces that he will Rival is this , city TWO GRAND CONCERTS, ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVBNIMIS. November 20 and Oa which occasion tnero'lowing eminent arttste zoigi appear on the same eueninp : MADAME SOPHIE VERA LOA NI. The celebra rd Prima Donna and Lyric Tragedienne. from the principal Opera Somas in _Europe, er fir. t appearance in this city. MLLE P.ItCLINE CASTRI, • • The distinguished Cantatrfee, Tier first anwerencellithle city. M'LLE MORENci, The favorite Contralto. SIGNOR LITIGI STEYANI, The celebrated Tenor. SIGNOR MORELLI, The renowned Baritone. SIGNOR Immo, Conductor and Musical Director. ONE D0pt,...4,1z,- ADMIgSION --.-- To all Darts rf be Bali goats may be aecared with. oat extra prge. at GOtrLIT'S liEneie Store, SEV.SSxIE and CHESTNUT Streets. - Lti-trt USICAL FUND HALL. Grand CONCERT for the Benefit of the MORAVIAN' cm:mum Will bp given for the above object , en THDRSDAY EVENS6G; November 19. The following talented performers have. in the kindeet' manner. volunteered their valuable cervices for tho oc casion: Mrs. HENRIETTA BEEIREZIT Enplane: Mies At HENDERSON, Contralto. Lein AMATE - R. Mezzo Trani& rref CARL GIORTNER, -the diAtire - atabal Violin rt. Profs CHARLES H. JANIS ato . .... , 2l:wAßsaa,Pianlate. SOS. RIZZO. Baritone. Prof THOMA,t; BISHOP. Tenn:: Mr WM. BRISCOE, Tenor GENTLEMAN ASIATEITR, Basso: Musical Conductor Prof.. SAS. M. BECK. Price of Admitsion ' 60' COWL Peeormance to commence at 5 o'clock.' Tickets may be obtained sr the mi.owing places Jolson A Brother, No. :tun North Third street. J. E. Gon/d's Music store, 633 CheEttint street. Episcopal Bookstore, No. 13L4 Cheern - j,t street. Bradford. Bitter. northeast corner Eront and Market sheets. ... nolß 2tit 'MISS EUGENIE BARNIT.E.OHE, THS +VA EMINENT PIANIST. takes pleasimi in enneruselag to the Philadelphia public 'that she - will give T MATIS MI3 tt a. OF THE ACADEMY Or Mubic, The first t take'plaee Oa WEDNESDAY, the - lilt Ifovember, Comtneaeing at 2P. AL assisted by-Messrs GARS GAERTNER. M. H. CROSS. and CHAS. Elf SOMELUIS. PKET TIBET. rantaiele Parts MISS DARNS:PMTS. - - 2. Sur l'Ocean-Romance Sans Parolee:•Betelle Wee • - - • Barneytap._ BARNSTORM 3. Fantaisie for Viotht *4- C./4111. GAERTNER AND M. H. CROSS. 4. Le Farfadet. Scherzo. Valee..Cairiea; de Concert . intake. MISS33dIftSETCHS. • PART SECOIT D 11MgM1111= 6: Grand False MISS MARNE:WEE. CHAT. - x7: - ILli - Era - .111-D =M;MIIMM Ticket for One to each:Matinee' an Three to each Matinee - Two to both Matinees . 7.68 To be had at J. E. Oonld'e, Andre & Co.'s. and Lee is Walker's. noll•it INTEW C HISTNUTZT, T.41 , 21A.1701.-. - 1 . 1 'sues and Manager VT. WM.. WESATLET. MISS AVONIA - JONIS ' Will appear in an ENTIRELY NEV PLAY, - Dramatizatired from Miss Braddon's r.c:mlar novel. entitled AURORA, FLOYD, BY Benjamin Webster. Esq. ,'of the Aleipid Theft-12m Leiden, and a played by al's& Ayonia Rees Ral't — ooNSte& WS -- NTGII7 - 1"- At the Theatre Royal Adelphi. London, MONDAY. Novembef 16th. ILE3::- And every Evening till farther Eche% Will be presented AURORA FLOYD; karors Floyd - Miss Ayoub?. Ione& Steve Hargraves, alias the Solty B 'Stadler. Messrs. S. - C. Dabois. B. P. Ringgold, d. - Wl' dell, C S. Porter, Mrs. H. P. Grattan,.Gooper. and °there bathe east. MUSICAL CONDUOTOB..-.......MR. MAK,T„.I2I.ASSIVIL Yr. W. WHEATLEY has exceeding pleteare in an nouncing that he has entered into an engagement for a Limited period with the GEE .4.T AMYRICAN TEO GEDI.tal"; ED WIN FORREM`, . Who will make his nest appearance 011 MOND i:VRTE MING, NOV. Zacl, 1F63. On WEDNESPAY EVENING, Nonetabar-El; the eds. brated Protean actress, MISS JOHANNA CLAUSSZTI: Will make bor first appearance in Amer!aar she-having been enured for a limited number cif riol6 WALNUT -STREET TEA.TRE. EL tesse z e - BE - A. GARRwrT3ON. LEST 'NIGHT BUT TEIBBE OF M1.:, -, SSFROVOST. THIS (tiVedn.sdey) 'EVENING. Nov. The performf nce will commence with the Druma.,er.tided LUCIE D'ARVILLIg; OR,' MISALLIANCE Lucie D'Arcllle Mica Mary .Provoet. To be followeo GRAND Dr TERTISSE3SENT BY TER ARAB TROUPB. WONDERFUL AND MARVELLC-ITS FZATa. To conclude with the lahehehte Waive of ICI ON FAILLE FRANCAISE.' Yr. Epriggine MRS. JOHN DREW'S YEW ARUkk. STREET THEATRE—ARCH Sirsat.aboyo. Sixth. kerma week of AIRS. D. P. 'BOWET.E.:*. TO-NIGHT, AND EVERT•IffaRt - , LADY AUDLE.Y'S SECRET. • • . . Lady Andley ars. D. "P••••Zkrtrers. Robert Andley Ruffen NU)- To conclude each evening with a FAVORITE•COKED:II7.I'A,r - In which Stuart Robson, lir. Ori_,Trk.,..Kiss Hoetry. lass Carr, and others will appear. FRIDAY, MRS. D. P. BOWIES'. EINERT. Prices as usual. No extra char: , :a•for-seertrot Rea& Doors open at 6X o'clock- Commence-at VS o'clock. --- - - GREAT SCOI. TISII. .QALL ,-FLPTH NNITAL BALL of the CALEDON;Ika CLUB. for the BENEFIT of the LIBRALISK: • TRIM-I*AV Ent. NlNG. , DEcember 10th. 1.8C3, et, LITEICAL - FMND HAS Tickets sl._- noll-tdelD , • Thi. , 4 - TRIRIItt Ektesierr. RE &T NATION 011t@l3S.—NO 'VEINY AND ENTFiti;I4SAL.—.I 3.4 Rwr Street. aboTe Twelfth.-Open at 7Y...," nnessr the Msna: - emeot of Mrs. CHE-RX:11,614"?...:RNER, formerli Mrs DAN RICE. The celebrated WHITBY -3.1•M1Lr,..M.te. F. WHIM TAItEP Rd lle RLVIRA, Mrn C.' RING. and NAT AL'STIN, the great. Clovra - rouNe. in La Echeat Periiciiea; every . ttstung this week. Comic Males, Prof. %BALM:EA - v.OD ,The Man of many Forms, and a full Troupe ACROBATS-A.:F.& GYMFASTS. r.t The CONRAD BROTF.n3, The- Tatrepla EATON STONE will also Appear 1 - ke, the ;l' Canianche Chief_ . ADMISSION. —Stag» cants ; Private Dos. PaTqnet. 25 cents : Guile yip 15 c ds. MATINEES on WEDMEIM.O.6.3I And SATURDAY AF TERNOONS. comtnencinstatZfetydock. noia_te • FOX'S CASUCOP-4,..I';EFSTNIIT ST. L AST TWRZNI NIGHTS. LAST T Mati'vjl 'G al's , OT DIDLLE. Gn_LLETTI eua MONS- TO.IIOPF. The bnst I ..kaours in the World. Continua success 011),E. E. COLLIES. AND THE OREM' STAR.. COMPANY. n016.5t. _ TEMPLE OF WOR_DERS—A,SSEXIBLI -A- BUILDINGS, 'BINS% - &WD CIiBSTNIIT Amusement for 03trind 3 :mum. lirth and HanaltleAt open for the seascm, Dona-tont change of Intertainsamat. BffiliColl BLITZ, NVERY NVIWITeG eozameneint at ni o'clock. tad Wednesday spd y at 3, eonsistins of Now Iffrip+ teries in Netrortanty: rreat enemas in Vereellogulmio, loathe Learned Canary, Birds. Admission ZS cents: 'hildren 16 cents. 6M-tie - - BOTHER',3 GREAT PICTURN, MAR.TYRS 114 TUB COLISEUM, N.0145-finI3II3ITING AT P oc2S-im AOA'I2eXUT OF FINN ARTS. A-ARMAK ORCHESTRA.-PUBLIO MEMMatsgt.LR. e.T•ery &WTI:BD/LT, 33-4. o'clock. r' M., at tho_ .1151Mattl. FUND HALL. Skala ticket 26 cents. Faclages six:tickets. el To be had AlifltEtr& I.I.Odt_SMSTNUT Streetl- 3. E. 6.01 MM;, str.VENTa and 13.-' , =" MUT. and at thopiali doers - - VENNS - YL - VANIA. .A_CADRAPI THE TINE ARM. 10 CHEISTEUT .W.SIESEC. OM DAILY (Sombers exoewicaY:froad 0 A. N. till P: Adadasion 23 tents. Children half pries. 542154 f NOTICE TO..S.T.FTPPERS TO - cALIF ORM& EXTRA FREIGHT STEAXER. To accommodate Shippers who.orwanable to forward. their. Goods by the 7egular Una. an RXTRA. STEAMER. (the ATLAN TlC).will be dakysteboa /rem NBW TGEFC.. from the 23d to Stith inst. with, F&EIGHT only. It is esPected that (Mods by this Steamer will go forwari :TOM Panama lar Pactlia, Rail Steamship Company , " Steameriletteing there on„ abotpi the ;12t December. and will arrive is San r e time for the Christ— mat Holidays. the O For far icef ther particuland early despatch apply to , ff o F . ARG O. & CC:k A''CHESTNUT , itreet. Philadelphia. GEO. FIELD. Agent. MI OCOrtgett PT A_NO TUNING. -111 r.• C: E. - 84.EGENT'8 orders for main! and repairing -. dens ars received at MW/ dc. 09. Is gore, 007 C sg&STNIPPItreet mat/ • Mr, 8,, f11n7.-n ushadidevani al ears ftetori oxnerionce hOta." - ton. And years' Go, o ment Phtlatigrada. Srocrer. -,Pisnos hergi to sound soft and "Peet tConidims new, without rentovilag , • farms for-Tallinn. l aw END EETARER. No 919, COTS Street keeps, constantly on halt& CLORIES of superior cinality antfaivih. TS in Glenwood. Cemetery :ornate. n014.12t0 TRUSSES - , BRACES, &a, okufally adjusted by C. IL IiZEDLIS. •••- corner of TWRLYTH and RACE Str e e t. . Ladies' Deportment for same.' conducted bllf Ladies, TWELFTH Street, ftrat door below Race. Tit* moet complete and varied stock on hand, consisting De part of Trusses, Suporters. Shoulder_ Braces.eks. Bandages,. Elastic Stoadnin. • Cratchas. Syringes. AY. tides. Tor isrirsery. Slat Room dm seSl)-Ens • GUILD 1411,LR'TTE, ATTORNEY 71;A T IA2 taggrafal&"l2 arootalk t.l..Lessec and Director:. Mang. Herr Gr*l. • • He , r Staineche, Herr Scheele, "':Herr (3roer. ....Barnettha; ocl2-801f
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