, ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, !Err TO TWELVE O'OLOVE LAST NIGHT, Conthmental--Nluth W 8 Bard - A:or 0 Batley & le, 'Terri b'g :H B Goodwin,llarriabmttcc Eon AM McClure, Clcub'ig EL Hack, Pittkhurs .Geo P Smith iS and !IL St Loeb; . . Oapt 0 0 Tuck & biro Jan'Boyie. Daniel 011110, onshon, N H W H P Smithson, N Y ;Stunt Stevenson, Lek. Ry Jos B Jackson & la, NJ .:5168 H W Jackson. N r Nies D emit h. Newark,NJ .Jacob Porryth, Chicarto Peter S &noble & tvf. A J Dickey :& la, 1 anteater :11 W Hauer & la, Lancaster "Miss Hager, Lancastdr .Goo M eteinman & la, Pa t teinman,Pa Mies Mary eteln man, Ya. :Lilies Josephine M'er, Pa :Dr S S Steinman, Pit A W Leloonrang,.ot Chunk R Gibson, (Anon:matt ~ 1) Moore, Brooklyn H Baldwin), Washingtcn F Sheppard St , Del :Capt it at thitui.o.l6, U S A. 31iss De Wolf JR Sherwood. Qn.boe,CE I.rw Washtngton :Homer Franklin, N -Jae Ritchie, Boston J Ii Dwight & wf.Chlcago :F 'tart & wife, Mimi his it Mar gem how York. Davidson, Now ork pt Rockwell& wf, W,:sh ;Mies Hotter, Waohinton Jab El Beals. Boldon Wm Beals, Jr, 11.,ston :Lt C B McClellan. U a A W Beatty & wife :Richard Voss, New. York - Coles, w Yor jno a Treadway. Albany Jae Li Curtail: on & tvf, C B Richardson. New York Wm H Atkin. New York John Butler, New York W Bunt, Boston 'Wallace Borneo Bristol, Cc, '..11 Hoyt, Haverhill •Ceo Hoyt, Haverhirl J Rhodes. Pita.brirg J A Erbea & la. Lancaster •cl Wright, Non iAtOWII 'Wm Neiman, Norristown 31IC Kirk. Chester county C H Pareons ' Wash's gton F Downs, ohington 'Thos. A Scott. Yhi.acelphia, Copt & Kro J F heynold ,sr 1' It Alger & la, Syreeustr _Wise It Maddox, Maryland :PS E:Lakin , , osoc:on. W a Ellerbroek, N York B L Hitchcock, Nov York S H Ho.d, New York .J Whitney, New York Atm Dawson **X Me(larth y, New yotk sOs,V c'artii, Eta trisl>tir 7iiiirstra—Cltentsay.k Jolty W Freo & wf, Indiana :L C Andrews 'I" Thompson, Witt-h, II B Markley & wft W,ah B Woolcott & son, Bait Chas Shepoakd, New York: .lift2t. WOO la. gikr•Gregory, view' Yuik • T 1r arrls,Neis:Xork Mind AloL;;;:v, AilagneEy' 't A Mackey, Lock Raven James B Noah. Ph hada 4 1'hos Ross at wf,Do) iettown ;Mites IiCIES, Dog lenrost Oran & ia,Dolawaro titztr..,l Stuart Wells, ITS B S Allen, Washington, D C 1 H El Jenkins, Middleton 41 W Anderson: Chsmnersh %miry isteel, Baltimore Miller, Vittsbnrit Jesse L Smith, 13 arrisirarg ender, Oifio Wright, Bev; Yorlr 111E8 Nate Attan, Waehi DC 'W WBOF:ustrt. New lsrk L Mellen, Washington .• 1 'Yorke. Jr. F lora. N 'W Morse, Itlontgoo,sly :R Cohen, Washinoton :51.1b8 Cohen, Washington A B Donaldson, Smiler ville —3 0 Reid, Baltinlore • B klarreit. Mars lsiad C Shinn, Mauch Chunk VV P Smnll, Harrisburg White. Look Haven 121 1 .1iss L White, Look Haven White. Lock Haven .. .Xrd - HonLett, Wrnsport nicrebatraKt'—teourtas J Lobach. York, Pa 4.% Clark, 'Uniontown,' 11l James Cochran, Ohio 0 Leitch, Va C Whitcomb, irfiol4l Ingram—Way Ole ne , !borir .11tee L highaM, Waynes g 10 Etack, Pittston Wilco rlll & la. Wash. D 0; Winos J Bakch field, Pittsburg! ,j" McGovern, Jr, Lana•ster I 0 . A Phillipr, New Collo L G Townsend: Penn a .A Fisher, Allegheny City J K Pagne, bhippenebtag Nre Cochran, Alligher , Y B Wilson & wf. Goon 111 rs Stanton, Felton, Del Jos Boone & Del 'JP El Linda's, & wf, Del T A Jolle & Wt, Felton, Del Airs J W Reynolds, Del Reynolds, Jr & Tyr, Del Oon Aea Packer. IA chunk ,TlMuloon,.Lehigi cc, Pa G Johnston %Gaya B Renlinge, U S IV Gillespie, Jr - W• J Jones, Washington 'W J Latimer Ganger,Milton :W lark, Conn ,101) Green, Troy, U.P Green. Troy, N Y IEV - Stearna. St Paul Ei Wyckoff, St Pant ' M Shakespear, Pei 11 W Jordan, Bridgeton Lawson, Norristown De Gernert & la C 33 Smith, New York :Dallas Reeve New Jersey ,B Lambert. Chambersburg 111 s Lon Hughes. Ky Hooker & la, Wisconsin ..eaex. Davis, New York • The Union—Arch ■ McGarley, Penna Copt G W Duell, Reading 4R Millyille 4 1' Hatfield .A EL Tree°, Washinfiton jir Rebineon. Dayton,o .1 Henderson, Pew Pa <I Henderson, New Castle - I Plower, New Castle I Chita P Sproul, Chester co Miss A bproul. Chester co Eies M Soul Chesr col ebt Alliso I) n. pr Port Carb te on H Allen, Newport, .11y Courtny, Ohio John Hicketa..Maustleld, 0 tCostimerciel — Sixth st Xtt 8 Cook. Chester co, Pa L Bagman, Columbia, Pa Jacob Swayne, York co, Pa 'Wm - Jones, London, U C Rep,ister, Elkton, Md. :Dr B J Ring, Elkton, Md. 3 A Vanderslice, Ph(6lllX, fibezpless Mercer, Cares en Ceo Williams. New Salley' 'rhos S Young. Cdate.ville NV Adams, Baltimore • B Stubbs, Cboeter co, Pa Zdr Bradley, New York States Union—Marko L Townsend, Penna John Spengler. Penna B Beane, DI D, Penne Zisitso Hutton, Clambers o'ir Tbomr son, Indiana co, P. n'hos Wilson. Jersey City f T Trimble, Bostoa p_Mclieehan. Clearfield co Nir Moore, Huntingdon co • igt-Loulti—Chestsrut RHale, New York ies N M Hale. New York Ire H M Goodyear. N York Thos C Swyker.Washington Schratz, Tenn sylvania .1 Daley, Boston F Mahan, Boston cilleor Thompson. Chicago Hastback; New Jersey IN Kr saac Sande. Baetbck,w'Yo Nersey a Ne w rk .Te S Boston' Joeß Steavene, merge Fallings. New York JO:min Redman, U S N Xebert Riddle, Dayton Nattonal—Race ■ .I.ot Witnon. Lane co Jobn S Bates, Allentown W W Murray, Penna 53 T TbompEon, Puma M rfleger larnican's Hotel— ty-Applebach, Sellersville _B H Talmadge, New YOlk :M 0 Stiles, Poona .Deo Hamlin. Penna MUgh Donnelly, Norristown ;Jas McMichael. Harrisburg ai Simon, York J W Baker & wf 3iSiss Davidson :Wenn , Space. Schuylkill co "Jackson Rue. - Penna John Bloomer & wf, Penna Barley Sheaf—Seeou Johneon & la, N J T Beekman, Newtown Yrank Linton. Newtown H Stuart, Byberty Jas Thornton & la. BY berry Mies C ihornton.Bvberry Mies NI Thornton,'Byberry iZarry Servis,Hoyleetown • W Seaman, Phtla jiir Ricbardson. Pa 'Wm W Blakey. Attleboro rs Blakey, Attleboro llas Blatt ey. Attleboro ciao Yonne, North Walne R Stalth.Washingtort Blank • , d ddie, Penns 40, R W Knight, Penns 4 nra Kutztown piles Haler, Kutztown 8 Creasman, Penns .„Di Heckman, Reading lltaunt Vernon Hotel, 3:0 Wilson, Bucks co -.j L Eckel. Bucks co MIH Evans. Berwick Render. Hew Cantle JMiller ohn WLISOn m Murphy m P Book 'Mild Eagle—Third S "Grows Behettekevin —IF Weida, Weidaeyffle 3H Wilson. Penna P Kern. Peens Eckerd, Penna . ' S Leisearing,ritteburg Madison—Second It H Oaten, Delaware ' 40 Nixon, Bridgeton, N J ZS Hall, Rochester, N oe A Stone, Rochester,N Y , Qeo Richardson. Penn. SPECIAL NOTICES. DEAFNESS, EYE AND EAR, • THROAT Dlffii IJIABEB. CATARRH. —The above maladies treated With tabs utmost swami by Dr. VON MOSCHZISKER: Oculist and Aurtet, graduate of Vienna, Office, 10E1 WALNUT Street, . 17 /Where eat be examined hundreds of testimonials froze Jibe very beet known men hi the conntry, among which several from old and responsible citizens of Phila. slphla. who can be personally referred to. n z 12,300 A CIARD.-PHILADELPHIA IN THE FIELD. —Dr. HELMBOLD", our enterprising townsman, has 'opened at the above place a large DRUG AND CHERI ,CAL WAREHOUSE. All who may contemplate visiting .Chat city are respectfully requested to give him a call. and they will be certain to receive from the gentlemen 41n attendance kind and polite attention. In accordance +(With the Doctor's usual past mode of conducting bust ! tease, none but pure and fresh goods will constantly be trot on bead, and all who give him their custom may , the assured that every article sold will be genuine, and :GM the lowest cash figure. • Remember, HELMBOLD'S new Drug and Chemical Warehouse. 5941 BRO LDWAY, New York, A cordial Invitation to all ONIEFE,IO I CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST term& made in the Best Manner, expressly for BE. WAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain Whoiree. All Goods made to Order warranted satiable , . Dory. Oar Oirz-Farai STEITRY ds strictly adhered, to. al. are thereby treated alike. 8 CO.. 60* NAVERT Strad. 'DE. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT #l.• Atilhor of "Dr. Bwoot's Liniment." nd Chestnut streets, JOt 8 B am; , d Sf et Vratn . Combs, Bordentown C rontntru B odethown Ur BcCorramk, U 3 a. El M Polmer & ref. onn N B 'y-ion, Baltimore . RT,Olarttc & WI, Alarylanl Beery flerrill J W Faller, Catelauqua rani P'l'ed on lae H , P.Atsville I R Harley & la, PortarDle , Miss Emma Eagle, eferletta W J rnevut, P..1E8 , 01110 •lora Hal , any, US ti C H 'trong. Alb ELY A Flatoh, Si aria H F. Flanagan, Wooblngton Richard erlce & la, A Y H D Toad. U Fire Egerton, N ivit York Mr- B ircoow. 214 w I•alc rrios Btgeiow, N•to York W flioKaight, Patabatg J C Holuoton. Near f. , ,k Br Pluto & wf, Central tine 31r tlarazo, Cono,ti +Lao-je t , 3ltturiz, Control Atmea Hooter A. la New York el ft Flatter, efew York WHHoag,USL num A. Welee. New tamer B W °Miner, Chad. nati Peter PagenUrtilae-o - - - C L [..cob-. ton & wt, Pa Butler & wr. Nioaireal Y.L ,rd Jr _Gino naatl Rey N La , I & wf, N m Ooin, tiniore . - CV H thietitay, Pittßhurir T Sf‘ebric , ihmiport IGN linra. N-w rir. J Horne. Pia•bnrg .• n thtegy P .rd nd P. Duncan Pittsburat iieo • roialtier, Claw 'York S Little it arr. Baitimorm A gratz Baltimore . . tj i Rrtmge. Qermnnt wmGall l ew York F W.,te tL Jetuir..uu iY T T vor Hownit, CLuctania .T P , Stor/thg Vpzio A•K Hay, Kew Jersey So. M rrell to, B 411UOYe 11 108. Hdrri.oarg B J Seymour Bruuton, jr Mies e 7 co Jlr TeAera, RAlctat..re EI Et Adair. B Iti fore .T Brown. Anotp Ai, lad Ne , w - Yore: W SLoadarq&c . < s la, N V II W J .litt+on Hoolle,t'a Pc & H Grant, N York Gluts 13 , PoLt.cille H Brown PonnsNlvanta Flue. an..ytv. iota R H Kim all. Cormara . . Sao D Fowler, Jrzsey W F Dennis, Now Jer.ey tweet. below flizah. J 0743r0wn, New foidey W DSarg , ut, Rnrrimbarg P Sat:gnat, H.rriabarg W Ni-ids. U A. - - LI FL StaDtua. Wash, D C B °stow, eittsbarg EI J S D BON er3t.wt Feqqa. (lam nan. Ni •. Vetroit Gornant, I.le.port, Pa 6 e, Gornaut, Lee,p,m, Pa Gen D R Laory, NEM - Dr .S N Hach, Lehigh Val l'Uos B Me zgor, Attest° wa LiPnt I Itier.ced Sz la. Y W seewers, Ba,tna-a re Miss Seev.ra, Balt Maqter Lather RIM Md A it C Wood. New York Th0.,13 .11, New York - fames Bell, New York saml,Bell, New York bleary Smith. Balbimnre Warren dt la. New York James, 8 antrizton a I ale.lY.PanaylvAaia B Malons.Lbricaster J alcl3 I arm, Lancaster Wm BradyZElarribbarg rt7L Ditrindertfir, r'eart - a J Daly la. N. w Jor6eY L B /wrn, 11.aryland , Bra McCormick, limislmrg Mr. J Wter, lisrriabitra a 31 Eleoonm. Ar.cattingron J kTerry,Washinaton J. lArw. w fort[ . I) WiliL.. BO,COII W G, , e, -New S Norman Baltimore street. below Arch. James mime. N J: Jalllos 5te..1.1, J Now .fer,ey , Inon.inghnta. Fort Del 0. atauthgatian. fru.cBb 4 g D A Taylor, Jrk Mrs F, 0 then, Sia...B _ . . . Kvler. Pniltip.sbarg (ginger& wr. G.W Bigelow. Coca _ . zsalemon. Baltimore J AL.e3cohan. Baltimore ST Spangler, Yorkpo, Pa rrhos - White - Indians. Pa liast, Lancaster vreter Shupp, Plymonth 15 L Deehert.Cha.nber4brirg Whaw, DJykttown John Terheno, timv York John Brounfleld, Palma B F Strean, Washington I fohn F Lowly 31,. Penna Miss Meggle B. radollar, Ya Wm P White, Mass IR d McGrand, Lancaster arrest, above Iketithk. Benne t Tones, Ba.`tlmere ti G Tro , tman, Balt Mnj J B Humes, Jer 4hore flaot R ffi Gonoilis, Wash. T Willard, Easton B O Ward, New York . . . Jos Seymour Hagerstown H B'rhayer. 8..6t0rt N .thosman, Boston Mr Cotes, Lewis, Dol 111dobra , , M ryland 3'l. Grover, P-naa Jas A Elarst. Del 6trs Dr G G Hanann, Del Jacob Reese; Diaryl and ,T,,hason B,ltliTtOre rW w I{-ward, Dieur V .rk IJohn 11.13rlaton, s•V Chester IThos B Jacks N Y Brown, New York reet, above Third. David Garis, Easton Or A A Briggs, filaryland 4dvi Comm ly, Po ti sval Dr, D Jarvis, Ma.sillon, 0 0 W 539,131811 'Raiding +Thas Nei MLA, Mtlnlaying Pa: Lient A B Jamison,Pvnna Ang Maier, New York 18 N l•iven, Mt Golly ICS Conkling,New Jersey F Wheeler, New York Geo Thomas, New York" W-F Sellers, Blair co . _ J G Brown Lynn gage P R Howard New York G W Heebner. Port Carbon vent, - above Chestnut. G F Jones, Oxford J Russell, Peonsylyanla R Barker, New York B W Brunie.. Elkcan John Wilson. Backs co, Pa J Lukens, Boston Jos Gilmore., Franklin co H C Feger. Pott.town I W Gaw thorn Chester co, Pa, Thos Slack. Chester co. Pa Urn A Brown. 41aryland ,E H Brown. Maryland B Robinson, Norristown t itreet. above Sixth. David Deft, Reading II D Brighm•.r.Doylegtown John N Emit v & la. Penna Goo L Plitt, Pitt,bar; Daniel Granlon. hew York W Croft. New Yolk • J D MoKeinaan, Penna. Enos Trainbell, (Anotanati D A Carr, New York street, above Third. Samuel :leanings, Dayton vy gumphrem Alma - - - - - - E Hiwain New - York A. Peters, Chester . . _ . R AWright, Balttmlre J Choi ny,Delaware co,PA C W L Montagne, Conn . Henry T Willard, Penult ft G White. Virginia Peter Bowman, Mahonoy I H Boynton. New York Moe Fender, Kingston, Pa T C Specht, New York Mr Battle, Penney! mita J S Hougnton. Penna. It B Parker, New York eet, above Third. r l as l King. Ashland Cha,F. Biog. A hland JobnSmah, Sudbury Jacob Snyder. Lock Haven E Hartranft, Pottdown street, above Itase. Tao Bloomer, Jr, Lewletara Eraque Garmony, Easton T a. Wallace, Bakoa W T Frazier, Eamon W Scroager, Eae,oll G W Cunningham Nana, P Loofrarorth, M Ctmak B Hier with. Penes Miss S Hierwith, Peoria I Joshua Ma ad arena, Burma H L Williams,Williamepork street. below Vine. Mae Debarth. Maine Jas Finley, New York G L Beaoing,Lamberville M Blickine.P .eminron, NJ Miss Neal, Atlantic ci.y P H Hart. Addisvi.le S Hoskins. Germantown , Wm Bagels. Hatboro 'Mrs Pre, , ton Price, D. , ylestn firs Johnson, New Jersey Jos scat, Hatboro Chas Kirkbride. Backs co Chas Davis, Backs Co Isaac Hibbs,' Backs co r t., above Callowbill rhos Will. Reading P C Butz, Reading J Bowman, Bechtelsville Dr A S Jordan, Lehigh L H Lenhart. Penult P A }Wawa, Allentown Second Stabove Arab S Dilmore, Salem. N J (4 Willie !a la. Penns R Bigelow. Pennsylvania T Jones, Jr, New York C R Ruggles, Tren on, N J R Hi ler,Strondsbarg, Pa I J Brown. Stroudsburg, Pa D G Bossard,Pittston, Pa t, above Callowhill. 1. Blackman. Allentown H William.. klatington Mrs Hood Kr eidersyille H Loose. Myerston R B Baer, Hannibal. Mo P A Brans, Allentown eet. above Xarkel. Stokes, .Stroudsbarg Jorn Ifeeley, Jr. Backs co Wm T Simpson, Chester co Mrs Edw Hughes, Basks co Mrs J ♦ girk, Bucks co tiem Ihrx, I Run Dim II BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE it the Beet is lie World. The only Elarrnleee True. and Beltabls Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes Red, Rusty. or Gray Hair, instantly toffs Gleamy Wadi it Natural , Brown, without injuring the Hair or Stain. mg the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; int Parte fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine icier, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. Ths %mane is dined WHILIIN A. BAroggLOR all others fire mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by ill Druggists, &c. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, Kew York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. 9e.98-1y - ASTHMA AND ALL PRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS 'sired by anew system of ELECTRICITY.withent shocks or pain, by Dr. A. H. STEVENS. 1418 SOUTH PENN SQUARE. enal-tf . IVI.I:I.FLMLIE3D- REBER—BIRD.—Noy. 'nth. by Rev. J D. W. Perry, almstant paw or of S. Luke'e Church, John M. Reber to Mary' Wetmore, daughter of the late .Thomas Bird, Erq.. pilaf fhb , city No • hAVLINS—PfEaGLS.—On iho 10th Met., at St. SemeE.' Church, by the Rev. B, J hfort.n, D. D. J. 151. roan Rawlins to Jeannie Darien, donanter of Sohn Lieagle, tut. DIME% wELLS.—On Wednesday, 11th inst., is his 44th year. Samuel Griffins Wells Funeral services on Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. at St. feaithew's Chinch, corner of Eiglueenth street and •• Girard avenue. BELL. —On the 10th inst., Leonard IC. Bell, in his 41th ar. Hie friends aro invited to attend his funeral from his We residence, No. 433 Chestnut street, at 2 F. M.. this dam. (Thursday) without further notice. • CLo MUER. —on the Bth inst Mrs. S mean Cloth ler, In the 74th year of her age, w . idow of tho late John. Clo . h ler. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from her late resideace. Barker street west of Cr. ass street, above Richmond at eat, Eigh teenth ward this (Thunsday) afternoon at 1 o clock, to Proceed to hienns Vernon Cemetery. th.io and NOR• tricky pawns pl Mate copy. LANCAATEB.—un the 9th inst., Wm. Cyrus Lancas ter, in tie 30th - year of his age. 9he friems of the family are reopen' fully invited to attend the funeral, from hie late residence 70t tont cal m street, this (Thursday) afternoon. at 2 o'clock. • .1 aktDEN.— , Mddonly, on [heath last at Port Thayer, .Wabbingion. D C.. Captain John S. Jarden, 112th lie gimsnt P. V... aged 11 years. he relatives and friends of the family , the members of Union Lodge, No 121. A. Y and - Excelsior Mark . Lodge, No. 210, are.rerpectfolly invited to ateod his fa nem, from the residence of his father, Wm. Jade'', No. 1142 Spring Garden street, this (Thursda3 ) after noon, at 2 o7clock, Interment at Monument Cameo. ry- , • MURPTlT.—November 9, 1863 Samuel Murphy, Esq., formorl) of Deltware in the 88thyear of his age. Ti, be buried at Smyrna. on Tikrsday, tiov. 12.,.M. [Delaware papers ple, , se copy.] ER.—On Monday morning. at his residence, Trai pe. Montgomery co., Hon. joseph Boyer. in the 80 h year of his age. - The (datives and friends of [le fa TtPy are' rmpectfally Invited to attend his tuners!, from Ms late residence, this (Thursday) morning, atlo o'clock, without farther notice. -* BROOOER7B. At the residence other brother-in-law, H. Howe, Esq., on the 4th Met.. let , . Jane ai. Br. rebus with' of Judge Perry It Brooches and d-mgh. ter of the late. Charles and Mary H. Tinges of atm more, illd . after an Hines,. of great suffering, whienshe bore with humility. natlence.and Chr.stlan resignation Although this sad dispensation of an all-wise Provi. <M• , r . .; Initiate a dean wound in the headset her hare tved - mod trtZ2`..l4. they have the sweetand "1" ' 4, at a life of purity and Precious cense - laionof knout.e. -- bonnets gave her a smiling coned - in:o on betdrfuK bil low. and that a firm and unfeltertiag treat in tne merits of a cruciEe t Redeemer lighted tAr jia It way to the grave'with the cloudless hope of a blessed ininloftality.* ptLA -- .CE DRESS GOODS.CASH x-, MbRES, Velour Reps, Tamises, 3-4 and 6-4 Mons- Merinoes, llenrietta Clotho or silk: warp Caeh inerrs, Ottoman Poplins, Irish Poplins, English and French Bombazines, Alepines. corded lidousselines, Ana ',rattan Crapee, Baratheas, Turin Cloths. Paramattas, De Laines, ariPl3 tal Lustres, Alpacas and Mohair Ln tres, Kens Angles. Mourning Silk, Amara. Ponit de Sole and , Iree Grain Silks. BE .;SON 8E SON . , 0c23 Mourning Store, No. 03 CLIESTNITT Street. VELOUR CLOTHS THE POPULAR Y FABRIC FOR LADIES' CLO AKS --Purples. DrOWnl9. and B ark n; Fronted Beavers, black and brown; Cricot Mbbed Beavers. Castor=. and 6-4 Doeskins; Chil,clitt las ai. d Pettrzbaine, dill'6; Long Shawls, $100; also. $75, n(9 EYRE tic 1, /NOBLE,. MASONIC NOTICE —THE 0 FilFl - MEMBER- or the Grand Lodge of Pe.oisylvania, the Members of Hieing Star Lodge, No. lA6, A. Y. M., and the fraternity generally. are request ed to meet at Maeonic Bull, -CHESTNOT S-reet, TO- DaY, at 2 o'clock P M., to attend the funeral of our late h rother, LguNABD K. BELL. By order of the W. M. MICHAEL PISBET, • Secretary. MPHILA DEMPEIT.A. 'EXCHANGE COM- PalsY, OCTOBER 26 1563. Tne Managers have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of ONE. DOLLAR per share on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on and after the 10:h of November, by the Superintendent. at the Exchange. The Transfer Books will be closed till that date. no9-6t Mr-= FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF FRANKFORD.—An adjourned meeting of the subsnribers to the stock of the FIRST N i CIO NAL BANK OF FBA IIRFORD will be held at Wright's Institute, on FRIDAY EVENING, November 13th, at N o'clock, to take measures for an immediate organization of the association. Persons Interested are invited to attend.; those wish ing stock Jhould apply at once, to al her NATHAN MLLES ISRAEL FOSTER, or SIHON R. S gYDER, Committee, as no opportunity can be given after the or ganization has been completed. N•THAN HILLE3, Chairman. BENJ. ROW L AND, Jr., tecratary. FRANKFORD.TOV. 7th, 1363. nolo-4t* OrTHE TWENTY-SECOND ANNI VEKSARY of the MERCANTILE BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION will be celebrated on FRIDAY -EVENING, the 13th instant. at 739 o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. _ Addresses will be delivered by Rev. M. A. DE WOLFE HOWE, D, D. AND _ DANIEL DODGEIERT.T, Esq. The Orchestra will be under the direction of Mr. S. HASSLER Cards of admission may be had gratuitously by &p -ulling early at the Counting-House of the subscriber, No. 36 North THIRD Street. MREBEL STEAM-RAM ATLANTA.— The general desire to inspect this ship, and,when in the stream. her inaccessibility canoed the Union Vo lunteer Refreshment Committee to procure permission from the United States Government .t., exhibit her, for the gratification of our citizens. and for the benefit of their fund. She is now moored at the first wharf below Warhtngton avenue, where the public are invited to call, until further notice (Sundays excepted.) A bio graphical sketch of this specimen of ship•bruilling in cluding an account of her capture, can be procurch at the ticket office. Admission, 26 cents. Children. 10 cents. CORN EXCHANGE BiNK.— PEML&DELPITIA. XOV. 3.1863 The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CERT., clear of all Taxes. sad payable on demand. J. W. ToItREY, . no4-tf Cashier. ' COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENN SYLVANIA. — PHILADnLPRIA, Nov. 3, 1863. The Board of Directora lave this nay declared & Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT., clear of National and State Taxes, payable on demand. S. C. PALMER, no - Cashier. 'MGIRARD It A NW. . PHILADEI, PHIA, Nov. 3,1883. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., out of the profits of the last six months, payable on and after the 18th inst., free of all Taxes. [no4-10t3 W. L. SCHAFFER. Cashier. BANK.—PHILAD.EL META. Nova 3, 1863. - Tc e Board of Directors have this day d?clared a Divi dend of SIX PER CENT. on the business of the Bank for the last •Lik months; payable to the Stockholders on and after the 13th instant. J. WEIGAND. JR., no 4 9t Cashier. IMP CORN EXCHANGE BANK. - PHILADELPHIA, Oct 12, 1863. The annual election of DIRECTO K 8 will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next. between the hours of 10 A. M and 2P. 31. oel4-tnol6 J. W TORREY, Cashier. FARMERS' AND IMMO - MANION' BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October 2, 1863. 'nee annual election for Directors will be held' at the Ranking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P.-M.: and on "ITTBSDAY, the third day of November next, a ger eral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o'clock P M., agreeably to charter. W. RUSHTON, SR., oc3-tnol6 Cashier. ts. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD COM PANY, TREASURER'S DEPAR.VMSSIT. PHILADELPHIA, October le, 1868. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE per cent. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after November 16,1663 Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, No. R3B South THIRD Street. ocl7-tdel THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. MSURGEON -ARTIST'S OFFICE; FOR bIUTILATSD SOLDIERS.—E.OLDIRRS who have lost an ARM or LEO in the service, and desire the Patent "PALMAR Limbs" to be supplied by Govern ment, should return this notice immediately to this of fice, stating their loss by letter. with name, company, regiment, and residence. B. FRANK PALP,IR octail-t[ 1609 iIIIESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. WIRIELCANTILE LIBRARY COM PANT. shares of Stock, Which by a recent resolution of the Board will have the dnee for the balance of this year remitted. may now be purchased at the Library for , TEN DOLLARS. - . Each share - Ifparchased before January I. ISM, may be duplicated at any time during that year. Great improvements in the building, and large addi tions of both foreign and domestic works, have recently been made. A share of this stock would constitute a useful and art- Pronriete Christmas Present. oe2o-tnths lm THE PHILADEPHIES. BANK, Oct. 9, 1863. The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the 16th day of XoTember, between the hours oflo A M. and 2P. M. B. B. COMEGYS, oclo-stutli-tnol6 Cushier. ir3c. BANK OF COMMERCE, PHILA DELPHIA, October 6, ISO. a annual election for DIRECTORS will be held, at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. IL and 2 P.M. J. A. LEWIS, Cashier. ocbtuths tnol7 r 3. COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENN SYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA, October 12, "l&M. The animal ELF,crIoN for Dtrectore will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the Sixteenth day of November next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. ocl3tatths-tleno S. C. PALMER, Cashier. MMECHANICS' BANE, PIIII.A.DICL PHIA, October 6,1863 The anneal election for DIRECTORS, to nerve for the ensuing year, will be held on MONDAY. the sixteenth dal s of November, between the hours of 10 A. M. and. 2 WEIGAND, Jr., ' ociltuths tnol6 Cashier. M. PHILADELPHIA * AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office i 417 South FOURTH Street, PICILADELPHIA. September 2, 1D63. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock of this Company. The residence of several of them is un known, and it is. therefore, necessary that the certifi cates of stock should be presented on calling for the Dividend. L", S. BRADFORD, Treasure! : STOCKHOLDERS' NAMES. Mrs. Mary Bishop, S. Lancaster, Timothy C. Boyle, Percy M. Lewis. Clement Biddle, Fanny Mary Mitcherson, Ann Copeland, John Mclntyre , A.Emelie and J. Newbold, John S. Moore, Trustees, James McKnight Debbie A. Hughes, Ben.i. F. Newport, Saud T. Harrison. Beni. Pott, James Hallowell. W R. Rodman, James W. Hallo Well, Sarah Ann Richards, Catherine C. Koppele, B enry B. Sharer, Daniel Klapp, Maria L. Sadler, Mary Kuhn. Andrew Turner, Ch as . Knbn, Hartman Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich. Kuhn, and J. H. Kuhn. Ex. Asher M. Wright. of S. _Kuhn. William Young, V. R. Leisse Extra. A. McVickar. and James Schaff. RT. of Austin Smith, John A. TARIM decd. Willie di Co. CUSTOM HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA, COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. November It led 3. NoTICE TO IiIIaRCHA NTS, SHIPPERS, AND OTHERS 11STERESTED„—By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, under date of the 9th of November, the un derstated will clear to ports opened to commerce by the proclamation of the President, without special permit. Anthracite Coal, and all other articles except the fol k wing—viz: Cannon. mortars, firearms, pistols, bombs, Pikes Powder, saltpetre, sulphur, exceptes. Pikes, swords, boarding caps (always ng the quantity of said articles which may be necessary for the defence of the ship and those who compose the crew). saddles, bridles, cartridges, bag materials, percussion and other caps, clothing adapted for uniforms, sail-cloth of all kinds, hemp and cordage. Intoxicating drinks other than beer and light native wines. The excepted articles will only be cleared on special permit from the Secretary of the Treasury, or by the special direction of the Supervising Special Agent of the district into which the shipment Is to be made. nol2-13t WM. H. THOMAS, Collector. PORTRAITS OF LIFE-LlKE pearance and artistic execution. REIMgR'S supe rior life size Photovapbe, in oil colors. executed with rare ability. at SECIOND Street, above Green. lt* -a-•L EC TR OPAT H Y.—L. A. SMITH has located herself at 007 WOOD Street. where she is prepared to treat Afflicted Women and Children with Electricity, which will remove disease without medi cine PRTBI7III3, Loss of kneech. Rheumatism, Canis. Liver Comp aint, and many chronic diseases cured, which medicine cannot reach. Give her a call, and test hey skill. Office hOttfth Stet) A. M. ani 2t04 Y. DI. non-% 11 ATTENTION, COMPANY 0, GRAY HESHRVES —TheCompany min parade ou THU iid• DAY,l2th Met , at. I o'clock. from the Armory, slar ket sttest, above Eig nth, to attend the funeral of their late fellow men,ber. Capt.in JOHN nDEN, Il2th Yennsylvarna Volunteers. White gloves and overt oats. Automate end f X members of the Company are ear. neatly requested to attend. BY o , der of lsp~ain W. W. ALLHN.II I want) H. °OPEN. let 6orct. - De 11.200 $402 BOUNTY FOR VETERANS, A ND $2(2 Furl A 1 .L OTFIRit RECRUITS.—Men en 'Alma at the General Recruiting' Office, No. 61.1 CRISTNUr Street. can Belem. nay old artillery, revelry. or infentry regiment rated. or partly raised in CO. cuy, end recerve the above bounty far A fey, good men can yet be enlitted for the 2d Ar tillery-(ll2th Regiment, P. - 17:) Col A. A. Gibaon com manding CtlM Id CADWALaDitR. nt9-40. Captain and 04 , neral Recruiting °facer. ESTABLISHED IN 1812. AVM. WILSON ar- SON, SILVER...WARE ANIIFAC TIIQERS B. W_ ,PIFTH AND:CRIIRRY STS. A large and general assortment of. SILVER-WARP, constardly OD hand, of our own manufacture. of HIGH EST STANDARD. PLATED WARE. i v Said received, per Cite of Limerick, and have constant ly on hand, a large and general assortment of PL L ITED WARE. conalsting of • WAITERS, TEA.SETS, IDAKE.BA.S.IKETS, GAS TOES, nol2-thatulni URNS, &e., &a. FROTHING-HA.M At WELLS HEAVY, IVEDIUM, AND LIGHT !MEETINGS AND SHIRTING& STANDARD DRILLS. - HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VIOTORY IJAMBRIOS AND SILECIAS. BROW I BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. No. 151 wORSTED YARN. &o. , sel9-Iftl FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY .BL Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, liwords, Sashes, Belts, Fassants,Epaulettes, slats, Caps,s Cante.ens, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, Soyer's cele - brated Camp Kit, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. oc2A-lm raW. SIMONS. & BROTIIEIts • EANSOM-STREET FLUX, PHILADELPHIA, MANIIPAOTI7RERs OP JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY. zuM 116 m FALL , WOOD sr. C A3ELY", 725 CHESTNUT STREET. Hays now open MRS. M. A. lill3- HAS CON STANTLY on hand a beautiful assortment of WINTBR MILLINSBY, at 1026 CHT,TNIIT Street. 0c29-Ims 113 MRS. AND RS. R. DILLON, FANCY N StiLAW MILLINER, 323 6013713. street, Phi - iadelphia. Mourning Bonnets made at the short est notice; Bonnets dyed, cleaned, pressed, and altered to the latest styles. An assortment of Feathers, Flow ers, Ribbons, Caps, &c., always oa hand. Orders from Country Milliners and others solicited and promptly at tended to. oc2l-Im. WS. C. LIIDWIG, President ,C) FRENCH FLOWERS; 1863. FEATHERS, LACES, RIEBONS, & NEW -STYLE HATS, 7IIST OPENED AT THOS. KENNEDY & BRO.'S, N0..'069 CHESTNUT Street, below Eighth. ,9-3 - IL L A GE GREEN SEMINARY, NEAR MEDIA., PA.—Pupils received at any time. English, Mathematics , Clessic3, and Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics, Bonk-keeping. and Civil En gineering taught. Entire expenses about S 3 per week. Boys of all ages taken. Refers to Wm. H.:Kern, ex- Sheriff; John C. Capp & Co., No. 23 South Third street, and Thomas J. Clayton. Esq., Fifth and Prune streets. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON. A. M ,' Pillage Green, Pa. " no4-tf tEEMAN ALLEN, A. M. FRONE THE Corieertratorinm of Mnsic_, at Leipzig, TEACHIPI of the PIANO AND VIOLIN, No. 215 - Soath SVEN TEENTH btreet. Circulars at G. Andre & Co. ' s. NO. 1114 Chestnut street, and at this office. 0c27-Im* VERS. C. A. - BURGH'S SCHOOL FOB -U- 1 - YOUNG LAMES, No. 1037 WALNUT Street. A few Pupils can be receivedfor the study of French and German. oeIS-Ims THE COPAR'I NERSHIP HERETO -a- fore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of INGRAM & MOORE, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. CHARLES D. MOORE retiring. WM. lISGRAM, CHAS. D. ISIOORE. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 10th, 1663. MIL 'INGRAM wfll be font dnt his old stand. No. 43 SOUTH SECOND Street, below Market, where the pnblic sill find, as usual, a choice selection of the - best TEAS at the lou est prices. 11 pHILADELPHIA. NOVEMBER 10, -A- D 63. —PR ILTP RERST'has THIS DAY asiodiated with him CHARLES J. WALTON. The business will be continued in the same name as heretofore. P. HORST & CO. PHILIP HERST. CHAS. J. WALTON.. noll-6t* No. 30 South FIFTH-Street. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Strtiete. PHILADHLPHIA. November 11. DM . . . . SEALED PROPOSALS are invited. at this office until 12 o'clock M .on TtIE-SDAY. the 17th instant, to furnish promptly at the SGRO - YLKILL ARSENAL: Dark Blue Patent Thread, No. 35. One thous and pair Leather Leggin's. A sanypie of which-can be seen at this office. Bidders will state is their proposals the price, which must be elven in wrian g, as well as in poxes, also the cpututily bid for, and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa tures will be appended to the guaranty, and said gua ranty accompany the bid. Bidders, as well as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this office. will furnish- a certifi cate .from the United • States District Attorney, Postmas ter, or other public functionary, at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth clearly the fact that the bidder and his eareties are responsible men, who will, if a contract is awarded them, act in good. faith with the United States and faithfully execute the same. Blank forms for proposals can-be had upon applica tion at this dike. • Proppsals must be endorsed "Proposals for Army Sup plies, stating the particular article bid for. G. H. CROSMAN, nol2-4t Ass't Quartermaster General 17. S. Army. NOTICE - APPLICATION HAS been made to "The American Academy of Music," by - the undersigned, for the reissue of Certificate of Stock No 7E2, for five Scarce in said. Corporation, the samehaving been lost or mislaid. nol2 14 15 17-40 WILLIAM B. HART. 'REMEMBER, THE PLACE TO GET most pleasing and satisfactory Portraits is IVII MER'S gallery. His life-size Photographs, in oil colors. are unrivalled in excellence, SECOND street, above Green. 11.* TTORYTYPES.—THE MOST PLLcA SIFO and satisfactory pictures of this class are found at Itinifit'o; elaborately eolnred and tastefully finish ed by artlats of ability at SECOND St. , above (hem. lt* J GUILD OMELETTE. ATTORNEY • AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER, No. RAN Sonth FIFTH Street. PbOadelphia. no9lm• REMOVAL:McELROY'S CITY AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY OFFICE has bsen re moved from Northeast Tenth and Chestnnt to 134 S. FOURTH . St CnolD SUM A. MeELROY, Compiler. WRIGHT'S . V NB PLUS ULTRA MINCE MEAT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, HORSE FEEDER! HORSE FEEDER ! - This new invention is for feeding horses while stand ing in harness or otherwise. It is made of heavy Russia Duck, and so constructed that the torso. cannot waste any feed; the bag is ventilated by the insertion of eye lets. giving the horse plenty of air. For du; ability, convenience. and economy this is un surpassed. By remitting $d a sample will be forwarded to any address. - All letters of inquiry must be addressed to 13130. T. DALTON, Sole Agent and Manufacturer, no9-1m COMME Streetateeton, Mama self. tenth-if fIIINS I (41:1N SI! 9IINS 1 1 WESTLEN" RICH ARDS'. WILLIAM GREENER, MOORE & HARRIS'. • PHILIP WILSON t CO. FRENCH AND ENGbISH GUNS OF EVERY VARIETY, The beat amortment to select from to be found in this country. Call BOOR at • PHILIP WILSON & CO.'S. 0c24-lm 409 CHESTNUT Street. To SPORTSMEN. PHILIP WILSON & CO.; 409 CHESTNUT STREET. Manufacturers of superior DOUBLE GUNS, 11.-not superior, to any of the following makes; Which we keep constantly on hand William Greener, Westley Richards. Moore di Harr% and other makers. Also. Powder. Shot. Wads. Gimps, &a. We shall be constantly supplied. during the seesoC with every variety-of THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1863: MILITARY NOTICES. ` SILVER AND PLATED WARE. ARMIN G(I2.I)DIS. I=3 MILITARY FIFRNISHERS, 418 LECH STREET, PiitLiisALPHlr. *DILI NERY GOODS. ♦ LARGE STOCK 07 STRAW AND FELT GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEA.THERS, RIBBONS, And a general assortment of- MILLINERY GOODS I To which they invite the attention of THE TRADE. EDUCATIONAL. COPARTNERSHIPS. 'PROPOSALS; SPRING GARDEN AND 'FRANKLIN STREETS, no7-31Aoa . Philadelphia RETAIL DRY GOODS. THOS. W. EVANS t 00 Li&VS JUkT ELECE[VED, Pgr. CAD( iN.DA. DRUM' PLAID POPLINS. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. non. 3t . - yEL Y ELEGANT LACE CURTAINS, `~ THE RICHEST GOODS IMPORTED. Kea. a large assortment of the Pißefit au& Binimat CURTAIN MATE-RIALS, FURNITURE aoynillNGS SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, dc AREISC.N. nolo. tuft &OW EYRE ck LANDELL, FOURTH AND AB,CH, HATE A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF POPULAR DRY. GOODS. FINE FRENCH MERINOES, FASHIONABLE POPLINS, 44 CLOAK VELVETS, $l7, POPULAR STYLE SHAWLS, VELVET FROSTED CLOTHS, POPULAR STYLE-CTZ6Ags , WAT.r...-ri-ZOOF CLOTHS, POPULAR JOUVIN GLOVES, - RICHEST SILKS, and DRESS GOODS. - 001A.Edtii,;.-tt_ OPEIVING 818 818 AT THE ARCH:STREET CLOAK STORE, A HANDSOME ASSORTMIINT OP LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOAKS. nob-ti CLOAKS AND CLOAKING CLOTHS COOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND MARKET. 1863. 3P XIV .10 CilEs , C) xitgs) CLOAK CeLOTH-,S MODERATE PRICES N 0 W 0, p , N PARIS, LONDON, AND AMERICAN RICH LYONS VELVETS, INDIA GROS GRAIN, MATALBA SILK, ' PARIS-MADE VELOUR CLOTHS, PARIS WOOL CASHMERES, FANCY CASHMERES, PARIS-MADE FRO....TED BEAVERS, DIAGONAL CASHMERES, CHINCHILLA CLOTHS, BELGIAN TRICOTS AND DOESKINS, ENGLISH FLUSHES, ENGLISH MELTONS, PATHS MANTILLA, FUR EM=PORIUM, J. W. PROCTOR 4;ko 0 . no 6 thstolm JAS. R. CAMPBELL 4% - - CO„ No. 7217 CHEsTIVITT STREET. invite attention to their full assortment of SILKS. In all colors and quatith-a. which they offer, together with a full line ofDLERINOEI, REPS, POPLINS. DE LAINE and o.her desirable ffI..ES , :-. GOODS. at LO w - eitiaisS Also. OPEN-CENTRE LONG and &WARS BROGLIE SHAWLS. eHA.WLS, in elegant designs. "BLACK TEIIBET LONG and SQUARE SHAWLS. PL AID WOOLEN SHAWLS. FLANNELS. BL A N KANS. and grFILTS. LINENS. DAMASKS. NAPKINS, and TOWELS. JACONETS. EOFT CA MBRICS, BWISS MUSLINS, &c. SKIRTINGS and BALMORALS. KID and SWEDE GLOVES. BLEACHED MDSLIniB and CANTON FLANNEM. n012.12t JUST RECEIVED. VERY FINE SCARLET AND BLUE OPERA. FLANNELS. Also, a general assortment of WRITE AND COLORED FLANNELS. Both Twilled anti Plain, in all of the most approved makes, FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. SHEPPARD. VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, • Apia tuthE6tit . 1008 GEIEETNHT &reek FRENCH 111ERINOES.-:- Debirable colors at the right prices. French Poplins, bought early—prices low. Cheap plaid and plain Poplins. 37X cent Magenta plaid Reps—a bargain. Black alpacas at 31 to 75 cents. Just opened Auction lots at 4 . 4, 60. 62. and 75 cents. $l.OO double widths Lupins' Black wool Del sins are very due and 'heavy. Ono PERI& 00N Ago oc3o tt S. B. corner NlN4'd and MARKIIT. LADIES' CLOAKING CLOTHS. Black Beaver and Tricot Cloths, Brown and Black Water-proof Cloths, Bark Brown and Mode Cloths, Fine Black Broad Cloths, Superb quality. Scarlet Cloths, Chinchilla Cloakinga, Also, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Satinet% for Men sad Boys. Vesting% in Great variety, at JOHN H. erropas. 702 ARCH Street. N. B.—Jack Straws, made by and sold for an Invalid. A new in voicejnet received 0016 SHARPLESS BROTHERS OPEN. TO- Extra quality and newest designs. Rich:figured French De Lemnos. Robes de Chambre. fine Quality, s. Bright De Lefties, for Children. Wide and fine new Plaid Cashmeres. Rich striped Skirtings for Dresses. Plain De Latnes, all. colors and qualities. French Rep Poplins, colored, at $l. Silk. faced Epinglines, very rich. French Merinoes. in very large stook. Velvet Beavers. for Ladies' Cloaks. Wide Black Velvets. for do. EIGHTH and CRESTNTIT Streets. OPENING OF FALL DRESS GOODS H. STEEL & SON._ Wog. 71 8 and 715 North TENTH Stmt. Savo now open a choice assortment of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODE. plain Silks, choice colors; $125 to $2. Plain Moire Antiques, choice shades. Plain Black Silks, 900 to $2.50. Figured Black Silks; Fancy Silks. • Plain All-wool Reps and Poplins, alliNolol7. Plain Silk and Wool Reps, all color'. Figured and Plaid Reps and Poplins. Plain French Wierinoes, choice colors. 1 lot Plain French Merinoee. choice colors. 111. ad GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, No. 38 South SECOND Street, and .No. 29 STRAWBERRY Street. WAREHOUSE- JAYNE Street, Philadelphia, WHOLESALE DEALER IN CARBON OILS, LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, &c , A line lot of OIL just received, which I offer at the lowest market rates, having made my contracts in the spring, before the advance. OIL in bead for export, 0111MNEY8 In quantity. at manufacturers' prices. Agent for Moore, Bros., & Co.'s Patent Fruit Jars, - 0c21.-wfml CORRECT PIANO TUNING. C. E. SARGENT'S orders for tuning and repairing, Pianos are received at ALASON & 00. 's store, 907 CHESTNUT Street, only. . Mr. 8, has had eleven years factory experience in 80. ton, and five years' employment in Philadelphia. -- SPECIAL.—Pianos releathered to sound as soil and sweet toned as new, without removing. Terms for Tuning, 71. ocl2-13mif TRUSSES, BRACES, 11101 " .. skilfully a_idinited by C. H,__NEEDLIS, 7 corner of TWELFTH and RAGE Streets.— ° Ladles' Department for same, conducted Ib7 Ladlee, TWELFTH Street. first door below Race. Tht most complete and varied stock on hand,. consisting is part of Trusses. Sopporters, Shoulder Braces, Bette Bandages,' Elastic Stockings: Crutches, Syringes, Ar. Siam H for unan,. Sick Ronm. .40_R,,, if D. MARCHANT PORTRAIT F. •PAINTER., has removed to 919 LOCUST Street, where he will be glad to see his friends and those of the public who may be interested bads line of art. osft Mt. if COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS of all numbers and brands. • ' Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions. &sr Tents. Awnings. Trunk and Wagon Covers. •Also, Paper Manufacturers ' Drier Felts, from 1 W wide. Tarpaulin, Boltina. Sail Twine &a. ro - ng W. RVRABL4II & co. mr6-ti 10A JOlNfi' JOUR CHESTNUT STR'iNT CLOAKS AT THS 920 CHESTNUT STREET, From the army hospltal7the bloody battle. field—the mansion of the riot' and humble abode of the poor—from the office and thu sacred desk—from the mountain top, distant valleys and fat-off 'islands of the ocean:groin every nook and corner of the civilized world—is poart nuc in the evidence of the astonishing effects of DRAKE'S PLANTATION. BITTERS. Thousands upon thousands of lf,tters liko the following may be seen at our office:. EItEDEIBITItY, WIS . Sept• IS, 1861 l . . . " " * * I have been in the army hospitals for fourteen wontba--apeecbleas and nearly dead At Alton. they Rave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. io * • Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. * • • • 0.-H. VLSI:PM! , SOUTH WARp.W, 0., July 213, 1863. . . * One young man, who had been sick and not out of the house for two years with Scrofula and HO , siPiidaa. after paying the doctor.. over Man without bene fit, has been cured by ten boctleß of votix Bitters. * * EDWARD WOIDTALL." The following le from the Matron of the Union Home School for the Ch ildren of volunteers: AITEMEYEIL AN6ION, FIFTY. BEVUNTR RT. NEW YORE. Augn4 2. IN& " Da. DRAKE Your wonderful Plantation Bitters have been- - given to some of our little children enffering from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. - One little girl, in particular with pains in the head, loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumptidn, on whom all medical chill had been exhausted, has been entirely tutored. We commenced with but a teasnoonfal of Bitte's a day; her appetite increased; strength and health. follow' d. * a a Enimectfully. lifftE. 0. M. DEVOE." 44« « * I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Patters have saved my life. WAGGONER, Madrid, N. Y." . • .. Then wilt send me two bottles more of thy. Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend. ASA CIIRRIN, Philadelphia. Pa." ..* *' * I hays been a great aufferer from Dyspepsia.. and had to abandon preaching. * * * The Plantation Bitters haye cured me. REV. J. S. CATHORN, Rochester, N. Y." "* « * Bend us twenty-four dozen mire of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of which is daily in creasing with the purls of our house. SYKES, cuaDwlcK CO Proprietors ar at o al, Washinaton. A. C." ". * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hun dreds of our disabled soldiers with the moat astonishing effect. G. W. D. &le DREW& Superintendent Soldiers' Home, Cincinnati, 0." * * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of liver comtlaint, of which I was laid UP prostrate and had to abandon my bnsiness. . H.. 8. WINGSLBY, Cleveland, 0." "* The Plantation Bitters have cared me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. C. C.I.IOORE, Agent for Colgate & 264 Broadway," &0., &0., Sto., &0., &0., &O. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Cliasapa Bark, Wintergreen, Sassafras. Roots. Herbs. dm., all preserved in perfectly Pare St. Croix Rum. S. T.-1860.-X Persona of sedentary habits. troubled with weakness, lassitude. palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, a &o•, deserve to suffer if they will not try them. 17They are recommended IT the higimet medical entire rifles, and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. _They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmleee. Nomos.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and Impostor. We only put it up in our log•cabin bottles. Beware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious staff, for which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, and signature on el eel-plate side labels. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. P. H. DRAKE & CO., ocli}stadith4m 202 BRO&DWAYN. Y. . GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. SIGN OF THE BLUE STOCKING. MITCHELL & BROTHER, (Successors to James Bering, ) Dealers and Ininerters of _ HOSIERY and GENTLEMEN'S DRNISHINIt GOMM_ 16 Norte NINTH Street. Ladies' and Misses' Drawer. , and Vests. Nen and Boys' Drawers and Shirts. And a Jul, assortment of EineeEaglish and German Hosiwy of - - N.- - B.—Ladies' and Gentlemen's Glows. nol2-2%,. REMOVAL. • mam.T . Pon,r) lorgi<mws - HAS REMOVED FROM - NO. 31 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, TO N. W. CORNICE SIXTH AND CHESTNUT, Where he now offcnt a. LARGE AND ELEGANT bTOCH t OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Embracing allthe latest novelties. PRICES MODE. ATE. The 'attention of the public is respectfully an netted. - SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. GEORGE -GRANT, Mo. 610 ORBSTNIIT STREET; iltka lOW ready ♦ LAIWB AND COMMETE STOCK GRNTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Of his own imputation and manufacture. His celebrated " PRIZE MEDAL SHIRTS," Mattufeetnred under the superintendense of JOHN F. TAOGENT, (Formerly of Oldenbera . Jr:Taggart) Are the most perfect-fitting Shirts of the ate. Air Orders promptly attended to. .179-thstn4is G ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING . GOODS. McINTIRE & BROTHER, No. 1035 CHESTNUT STREET. k , AN ENTIREINNEW STOCK. SUPERIOR UNDERCLOTHING}, HO SIERY, HDKFS, CRAVATS, &o. azir Stocks and Napoleon Ties made to order. Aar An elegant assortment of Mid Gloves. Air Gentlemen's Dressing Gowns in great variety. AW - The "MODEL SHIRT" always on hand and made to order. oat 3m gng e ARCH STREET tivv • !IRS SHIRT AND WRAPPER DEPOT. -AN BILTIGANT ABSOATX63T OP SNITS' ITENISEINff GOODS, AT MODERATE PRICES. FOUR PREMIUMS AWARDED /OE SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, AND STOOKS G. A. HOFFMANN. Bucoesaor to W. W. KNIGHT, 606 ARCH 13TREBT. 60L 101IN_ 0, ABB:1E0N, NOS. 1 AND 3 N. SIXTH STREET, HAS NOW IN STORE A' PINE ASSORTMENT OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS YOB FALL' AI WHITER WEAL Also. Manufaetures from the Best Materiel and in a Superior Manner by HAND: Fine SHIRTS and COLLARS. - Shaker Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Heavy Red-twilled Flannel SHIRTS ant DRAWERS, English Canton Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Buekakin SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Oloth TRAVELLING SHIRTS. WRAPPERS. STOCKS. TIES. ke. And sold at the most moderate prices, FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, Era eSantly_recelying NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAN. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, Ja22-tf Four door? below the Continental. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. G. RUSSELL, 22 NORTH SIXTH Street, hasjust received a very handsome assort ment Of FINE SEAL RINGS. 0031-3 m FINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to by tbe moat experienced workmen, and every Watch warranted for one year. G. 22 North SIXTH Street. MUSICAL BOXES IN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, PinyiuS from 1 to 12 tunes choice Opera and Anted. can Melodies. FARR At BROTHER, Importers, se2-6m 324 i CHESTNUT Street. below Fourth. NO. 404. GILLOTT'S'PMNS: A fresh supply of this popular Pen will be opened, ex " China," on or about WEDNESDAY, .November llth, HENRY OWEN, 91 JOHN Street. New York. nolo-3t JOHN L. OAPEN, PHRENOLO ,g4r GIST, maybe consulted ,- DAY and EVENING.oi es adaptation to Easiness Trade, and Profession; gek , on thji improvement of health, correction of faults, formation of friendkhips, &c. Fall de iscz•lions of character given when.aegnired; at No. $1 S. TAIT% Street. above Cbestnnt. seg-thatnemif SHERRY. WINE.-VERY SUPERIOR Sherry Wines of different grades. in bonded ware house. /or sale by CHM a & JO. CARST &IR& • 947 136 WALNUT. and UO)4A.NITI Most. DIEW PUBLIUATI.OI4,IB; T EE FATAL MA 16 RI a GE! TILE FATAL MARRIAGE! BY MEEI. E. P. E. N . . . VW be publichbd and for sale on Saturday next, com plete in one large volume. paper cover. Railway Bdi. lion. price One Dollar; or bound In one volume, cloth. for GO. It ie pub'iebed and for sale at the Cheapest Book House inflows/1/d to buy or tarsi fors stook of books. whits is at • T. B PETER,ON & BROTHER', 30R CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. Copies afnt fros of postage on receipt of price. 11 NEW BOOKS— - Just received by • J. B. LIPPINCOTT & 00.. 75 and 717 ARtret TN WAR. TIMES, AND 1 OTHER poEMsts.KET S J. e tt.. Whitney. &FETAL HYOIP.NE. By L. Ray STRANGE STORIES OF A DETECTIVE, or Curiosi ties ed Crime. CIII{FSTOIVIATRY.'or Lessons in Reading and Writing B~r•rew. By Breen. BANNefi TiIDRISTOII. A Story of American Life. By Bayard Taylor. _ . . . DAY DM A MS. By Jopeph Punnil. DIY IARIB OF EDO EWOO ; a conk try book, by the author of ''Reverieß ~fa, BoxbAlor. " LIFE AND TIMES OF J lIIN ITEM; or the Bohe nion Reformation of the Fifteenth Century. By IS H. Collett 2 vols., Bvo REMAINS, II VERSE AND PROSE, OF ARTHUR HALLAM. . BOOBAPHTCAL STUDIES of the late Profegeor Ca+l Ritter Translated.by W L. Ooge. NOTES ON IHS REBEL INY &SION OF PENNSYL VANIA AND MARYLAND By Pant J oohs aNNaLE OF THE &EMT OF THE CUMBERLAND With. many illustrations. nol2 W ILLIAM S. AND ALFEED T TIEN. 606 CHESTNUT ST RE &T. Dave now ReadY. GEORGE MORTON' AND Fra fiNTER. By miss 0. M. Tr, w bridge. author of 'Dick and Die Friend FL dna. " 16mo. 90 eta. By the same author. R &NS AND RUFUS; or. Obedience and Disobe dience. I.Bmo. 60 cis. HI. By a new author. LITTLE BY LITTLE. 18m. 60 eta. - ASHISIIAD & EVA NS, (Successors to Willis P. Nazar& ) No. 7 214 CIThST.NUT Street Rave juP'. raceiverl WFLITIEB'S NEW BOOK. IK WAI AND. OTHER Pub: tiB . . kihN PAL HYGIENE. By J. Ray, M. D. H snINA TRURoTON, A. Stony of American Life By Bayard TaY.oi VEIsONDIA ; OR, THE LIOHT-HOUSE KEEPER. PE PER PARLEY'S OWE STORY BOOK. Illantrated. MB ISLE F WIGHT. Anew volume ot the Flo rence Series. By .Tarob Abbott WARS OF THE CoI,O..iIES. A new volume of Ab boa's American Histories. MEI' WATERS. A NOVEL. By Anna EL—DrarY. TILE LOST BANK NOTE. BY_ liAr? 'rotary Wood. FINE STATIONERY. A large.aud a+sort swat of the finest ENGL!SII and FRENCH. Pa.t.ERS and ENVELOPE =, all sizes and. styles, just opened. Will be sold at low rates.- noll-It piQUE : A , YALE OF THE EN GLIS ARLs72 , z - ,i; RA cy, hda none of the " sensation" qua - Pe' recent competitors for,tne honors of romance, bat it gives mole quiet satisfaction to the reader. His beantifolly written, hears on every page the marks of a rental° and cultivated mind, and possesses that in t: rest whit It cornea from delicate representations tf cha racter, and of the incidents which arise us tuially from the development, interaction, and collisions of charac ter." So says the able reviewer of the Roston Tranveriwt: VERONICA, OR E LIG FIT- HOUSE KSEPEn. By the anti:tor of "Karl Eeigler." Price, 75 cents. This is a very beawiful and thrilling story of the drift ing out to sea, from the English now, of a boat in which a little girl was sleeping. lier divine trust is t. aching, and to adult can read the story 'without their eyes fill ing and running over with tears of joy. Lippincott & Co., Peterson Brother., Smith & English, W. P. Hazard, P. Lanni& Repel+, them. LORANG, Pcblifilier, noll-2t 319 WASHINGTON Street Balton. A LIHMIS CHEAPEST AND BEST 1 42- Loco Albums for 12 Portraits, 2t cents to $t 5C03 do do 24. do 91 do to 4. MO do do 50 do $2. to 10. 3C6 do do 60 do I to 12. 2D3 do do 100 do 4 to 15 An immense stock, the largest and best in the World. PITCHER',6 low - priced Book, Picture, and Album Store. nt9 6t SOS CHESTNBT Street. BOOK AGENCY, 33 South SIXTH Street. (Mice of APPLETON'S NEW CYCLOPEDIA. WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORKS. WAVERi EY NOVELS. Household edition. REBELLION RECORD. BAY ARD TAILOR'S WORKS. _ CO qz'Eß's N"VLS. Illustrated edition. DICKENS' WORKS Household edition. GEMS PROM "BE DU6SELDORF GALLERY. BRITISH - POSTS. Boston edition _ lIIERRIVALE'S HISToRY OP THE ROMANS. dro..dte NATIONAL QUARTERLY REVIEW. $3 per year. or2o-tutbsa 3m 25 GENTS! COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS, 25 cents. One half tbn usual price! Over LOGO different kinds. PRICE, REDUCED TO 25 cents! 26 ceate! 25 cents! PITPILER'S Album and Picture Depot. 808 CHEST NUT Street. nog -61 LINDSAY & BLAKISTON 9 Pabliahere and Bookse ll ers. . . . SOUTH SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. BOOKS in every Department of Literature, including all Miscellaneous and Standard Works. .ITVENILE .1100.103 in great variety. MILITARY, NAVsL, and SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. ALL NEW PUBLICATI“NS of a standard character received as coos as raiblished, or furnished promptly to order. wriTYLEs t.LE or RETAIL, at low prices. nob HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, 7E14 CHESTNUT STREET. Between Seventh and Eighth Streets. dl.l Books usually to be had in a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE. Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES. .e13.13m - 5-20. U * 21 * 5-20. The undersigned. as General Subscription Arent. is authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to continue the sale of this popular Loan. and TEN DAYS'pnblis notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT, TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS remain =sold, and tiagmonnt is scarcely im.fficient to furnish a basis for the circulation of the National Banking Associations now being formed in every Part of the Count'''. But a short time must elapse before this loan is wholly ab sorbed, the deinand from Europe, Ekermany especially, being quite active. As it is well known that the Secretary of the Trea sury has ample and unfailing resources In the duties on imports. internal revenues, and in the issue of interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes. it is nearly cer tain that it will not be necessary for him for a long time to come to issue further permanent Loans, the interest and principal of which are payable in gold. These considerations must lead to the prompt cousin don that the time is not far distant when these Five- Twenties" will sell at a handsome premium, as was the result 'with the " Seven-thirty" Loan, when it was all Sold, and could no longer be subscribed for at par. This is a SIX PER CENT. LOAN, 606. the interest and principal being payable in coin, thus Yielding about away per cent. per annum at the present premium on gold. Itis called "Flse-Twenty." from the fact that whilst the Bonds may run for twenty years, yet the Govern ment has the right to pay them °Tin gold at par, at any time after film years. The interest is paid hall yearly on the fret days of No vember and Max.. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonds which are Pews, ble to bearer and issued. for $6O, $lOO. $6OO, and $l,OOO, or Registered Bonds of similar denominations, and in addition $6,000 and $1.0,(00. These " iiye-Twenties" cannot be taxed by States. cities, towns, or counties, and the Government tax on them is only one and a half per cent. on the amount of income. when the income exceeds six hundred dol lars per annum. Income fron all other investments, such as mortgages, railroad stocks, bonds, &c., mug pay from three to lye per cent. tax on the Income. Banks and Bankers thronshont the country will con tinue to dispose of the Bonds, and all orders by mail or otherwise properly attended to. The Treasury Department having perfected' arrange ments for the prompt delivery of Bonds, Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of subscri bing. or at farthest in FOUR days. This arrangement will be gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on pay ment of the money, and will greatly increase the sales. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 111 SOUTH THIRD STREET, MICHAEL JACOBS, BANKERt No. 46 South THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. °ow:arm:ENT SECURITIES, SPECIE. AND lINCUR •RENT MONEY BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON CoMIKISSION. Particular attention, paid to the Negotiation of Time Paper. CITY-WARRANTS BOUGHT. oc/5-3m LLECTION OF U. S. CERTIFI A—, VO CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS.—The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect, at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates the One-Yeas - Certificates or In debtedness of the 'United States now due or shortly maturing.. . Terme made known and receipts given at the office, No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. mys-tf NOTICE.-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CERTIFICATE No. 28,824, EXI Shares. issued to Its by the New York Transfer Agency of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad has been LOST, and that application has been made for the sub stitution of a certificate in place thereof. oc9-30t A. G. HIPSIINWAT kCO.. No. 53 EXCHANGE Place. A CABD.- UNION PACIFIC RAIL WAY COMPANY (EASTERN DIVISION) BONDS (KANSAS BRANCH OF THE PACIFIC RAILROAD). As Bonds of the above description will probably be of fered foe sale in the money market, the public is hereby cautioned against purchaeing, or in any way negotiating for them; for the undersigned have an existing contract which prohibits entirely the sale or use of said Bonds, while at the same time the statute laws of the State of Kansas give them; under their contract, a prior lien to all mortgagee or deeds of trust which can be executed by said Company. Any investment in said Bonds, without authority. from the, undersigned. will be invalid, and will entail a total loss upon the partied who shall ven ture to purchase them. ROSS, STEAL. & CO . Oontractors for building the Leavenworth. Pawnee. and Western (now.called Union Pacific) Railway, Eastern Division. LFAVENWORTH CITY. MOSS?. Nov. 4. 1863. 4 " not-12t M i t CARRIAGES. 1863. WILLIAM D. ROGERS, Coach' and Light Carriage Builder, Nos. 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT STREET. selo.lm PHILADTILPHIL LAKE SUPERIOR INGOT COPPER., from the Arandaloid Mint, in store mid for lulls to ituantlttoo to mit. WOMRATWS levo4tr 1.14011 ektisk - Tua rnCAL MATMIA.GE s3urawUicrii FINANCIAL PHILADELPHIA. WANTS,. F l FIRST GLASS OAB ENET-M ERR, or ingenioue artlfice , s. B. FRANK PAL if Kg, Sargent: ALCM, 111, 09 C 'PST • LT r Saner ti 23.•• W A NTED -T W 0 -ADJOINING vw initeble for a Girle' -c 'cbord. locsted be wen Tice:fib and Sni-onteenth and Race wed % r ained Kenitra. Pirairarraraion wowed on daLuary lsl, Ift64. Ad dram "R C " care of C. H. Neon les, car. of rv76LFPQ and n ACE Streets nen 2t., A COMPETENT' AND /EXPEMI EN' BOOKKE gPER desires a Edtnatinn He h , or. served as an officer in the army for about e,q years es' is a native of .I. , enmark, and corresponds in the Eagli.4l, - ,. French, (human, and Scandinavian language,, and speaks hem all fluently. A line addressed to C. S " at this office, will , sceiveirnm.diate a , tenttnn. nel2.3t WANTED-FRONI' OFFICE, RENT about $lOO. Addrees SOLX3 & MILTS. Prase office. t WANTED BY A SINGLE GENTLE MAN, two comumaicatiag secood-ttory E,y)311. west of Broad and 90a ch. of Muller street Addroka `` X. Y. Z.." at this Office. nol7. 3! WAY] ED--A PERSON TO SELL • • COAL OIL in City and C.Aintry. Mast have re ,rtnnwndation. Apply N. tat IVALNUP Ntreat. 'Torn tol2 o'clock. Cn01.2-8t"1 J. 8 PRY. W ANTED-BY A DRY-GOODS CO.m MISSION HOUSE, a MAN who has an annul nt anse and int - lamina to control maivnments f•ota Nsw York to Boston Importers and Commission HO ises. Tola suitable party. sdvantageons terms will be offered Ad dress. with 'pal name. Diriko,"at this ofßo noll ~t 4 WAN TE D -BY A LAD OF 18 • years of agA, a SlttPilo2ll in a Co . ll.oleAa la, Re• tell Book Store. Where he can learn eh- bastnese. or In any other rapacity where he can make him.elf get.rally useful address, fur two days,'" 2. H.." Narth con llas.tte. DOH 31. WANTED --- AN ASSISTANT TO T am retail Drug' Enid A.,othecary, Basinem APPI4 at NO. 94L SPRUCE Street. nnln :3cm A GOOD SALESMAN WANTED-IN e. wboleaale Hat house. Address Box 2.'66. l'hiia delphia Peat ('fire. n.lO-12t. A ENI S WANTED TO S ELL TH E STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WAR. A rare rb bine to me te money Agee are eleariug from *l. l l to KO) rer month send for.eireniar. I,ddres .foNE BROS. & CO.. Fnbliphers.Paßtmore. pfd rol Llne TO JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS. —AN experi.need FA LESWAN, hsvirg an extensive and acquiontance with Western Jobsierl and Coun try hierob •nta (To wheat he has sold Goods for many ysars res'). wishes to make an .rgagemnnt with a re sponsible Ff‘mhc., who keep a full stock of Goods, to date from let January next. '? . ht, advertiser Is about to make a Western trip on bu siness; consequently dei•ires an interview; with the view to an onanaomrnt. Aline for C. B A.. at this office, will be punctually re.p , ndsd to non) lit. WANTED TO RENT-AI4.IODERATE EPZE WOOLEN FACTORY. located in or near 11 e city. should she owner de.ire it. an intereq will he given in him to !..uperintand the labiaass. Addrass Boz !..e.7: 3 Philadelphia Poet Office, Mating where an in tf ryiew may be bed. nolo-3V IVA N TED-A FIRST CL ASS, L ARGE SIZE; COUNTING-ROOM g.i sirs, cription, meters' name, bow long ill use, price. &c„ athlrops Fain." rflice of this paper. no9 61. 'WANTED-1N A SILK JOBBING K. use. a first-class SALEsmex. with EOMP know ledfte of the brisiness and ability to influence trade. Ad drees ' S. T this olSce. non St e t WANTED—A STORE ON biAll na. NET Strad, betwaen Third. and by the It of January. addreaa "R S dt CO ,"Preff office. noli-6t. 5 5 • 000 TFrE SUBSCRIBE~[t IS open for any saf= eeterpri.e in this city or elsewhere, with the above amount in cash. and pool business rinalificati , n . reference, die. Addrosl for one week, "F. A. L. "Ledger, frice. nol2-3c. $l5OOO WANTED, AN ACTIVE • BUSINESS &1&N, with a capital of ten to rfl ftee,n thousand dol ars, to engage in a safe and pro fitable manufacturing business, where a similar amount is now invested. Address Box lOU Post Office. ti A _MONTH I -I WANT TO ERRE vi • Agents in every county at Shy a month, men. see paid, to sell my new - cheat, Family sewing Maettinea. tddr.s%. S. MA? IKON. Alford. Maine. oeTi-4.1,e..81a i g-g() A MONTH! WE WANT 14.0%- ,, -/AGENTS at $6O a month. expenses paid, to set oar EVERLAbTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERE, and thirteen other articles. IS Circulars free. SBANS & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. sell-d&WSsa A ft DEPIITY QUALIATER,MASTEA OKNERAL'S OFFICE.--PartsDel.rnlA. Feb. I VESSELS WARTED immediately to carry COAL k the following points. Tortugas. Key West. Fla. Fort tfonroe,'Va. Alexandria, Va. Newbern, N. C. Port Royal, 8. C. d. B 011); felo-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. INSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE MU- - MAL SARETYINgTRANCE CO.. - - - - - PHILADELPHIA, Novo Tiber 11, 1563. The following statement of the affairs of the ~o mpiny is publiO3ed in conformity with a. proyi..ion of its charter. PREMIUMS RECEIVED from Nov 1.1 5 62, to 0ct.31,1863: On Manna and Inland Ri5k5....5392 849 OS-, . On Fire Risk 116,613 03 $509.462 11 Premiums on Policies not marked off Novem ber 1, 1563 - 206.30 CO PRtMIIIMS MARKED OFF as earned from No tuberl, 1962, to October 3L 1863: On Alarm!? and Inland Risks On Fire Ilkks Interest during same period, sal vages, &c $551 $56 16 LOSSES, EXTENSYS, &c , during the year as above: ➢urine and. Inland navigation Loa's's $178,44410 Fire Losses.— .44,75059 Return Premiums 0,824 60 Re-insurat nee 32,151 37 AgeLcy Charges, advertising, Print ing. Sta 19,375 78 Taxes , 8.761 96 Expenses, Salaries. Rent, &C. 15,428 81 . . ASSETS OF TRH 'COMPANY, VOVEMBER 1. 180. $lOO,OOO United States five. per=cent Loan $97,000 00 75 000 " six-per -cent• Loan 5-20 e. - 75.000 00 .. ,50,000 " 1881.. 22.000 00 50, OCO 7 8-10 per ct. Treas. Notes 53.250 00 100,000 State of . Pennsylvania 5. per-cent.Roatn.loD 997 51 64 000 6-per-cent. 57.880 00 123.050 Philadelphia City 6.per. cent L0an....127,528 00 20,000 - State of Tennessee 5-per-cent. Loan.... 10,001 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Rai.road first mortgage - -6-percent. - bonds- 22,300 CO 50,0:0 Pennsylvania Railroad second mort gage 6-per-cent. bonds 15,00 300 shares stack Germantown Gas Com pany. principal and interest gnaran tied by the city of Philadelphia 15,000 00 5,000 100 k bares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company 7,125 00 5,C00 100 eharea Stack Borth Pennsylvania Railroad Company 2,650 CO 21,000 United Swett' Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness 21,420 00 123.700 Loans on Bond and mortgage. amply, • secured, $791,750 par. cost, 8768,717.12—market valve, 7d4 200 50 Ral Estate 36.303 35 Bills Receivable. for insurances made. 107,917 61 Ba.ances due at Agencies—premi ums on Marine Policies, accrued interest, and , tlier debts due the Company 28,919 ST Scrip and stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $5.833. Es timated value Cash, on deposit with Uni ted States Government. ,subject to ten days' call.sBo.olo 09 Cash, in Banks . . ...... 33 588 39 Cash, in drawer 200 SO PHILADELPHIA, N0v..11, 18e3. The Board of Directors have this day declared a CASTE DIVIDEND -of TEN PER CENT. on the CA.NITAC, STOCK, and SLR PER CENT. Interest on the SCRIP•of the Com pany , payable on and after the Ist December proximo, free of tax. . . They have also declared a PUMP DIVIDEND of FORTY PEE CENT. On the EARNED PREMIUMS for the year OfIdIIDE Oc tober 31, 1563, ceriiticates tor which will be issued to the parties entitled to the same, on and after the Ist Decem ber proximo, free of tax. They have. ordered. also, that the SCRIP CERTIFI CATES OF PROFITS of the Company. for the years 1858 and 1859, be redeemed in cash, at the office of the Oom pany, on and after January 2. 1864, all interest thereon to cease on that day. Akir No certificate profits issued under t62fi. By the Act of Incarporaticm, " izo certificate shall in tbe 27, less clairneawithln two Yeare after the declaration of the dividend whereof ii is evideuce." DIRECTORS: James C. Hand. William C. Ludwig. Joseph R. Seal, Dr R. 6i. Hasten. George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig. Charles K.H.ley, . Jacob P Jone 3, James B. gc.Parland, Joshua P Eyre, Spencer M'llv.tine. John B. Semple, Pithburg, A.,13.-Berger, Pittsburg. Thomas C. Hand, J ohn C. Davis, Edmund A. Sunder, Theophilus Paulding, John B. Penrose, JY mE. s Traquld.r. Henry C. Daliett, Jr., Hobert Barton. Samuel E stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry S.Oall. Wm G. l3oulton, Eduard Darlington. IL Jones Brooke, THOMAS C. 1T ND. P.maident. JOHN C. D i.V.LS, Vice P , esident, EMMY LYLBURN, Secretary. ATNA LIFE INSURANCE CONPANT. HARTFORD. CONN. PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE. NO. 400 CHESTNUT STREET. CHAUNCEY H. BRUSH; Manager. HIRAM TORREY, State Agent INSURE YOUR LIFE WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK, Which offers more advantages to Insurers than any - other Company in the United States. CHAMBERS AI- REGISTER, GENERAL AGENTS, 407 WALNUT STIMET, -Philadelphia 0c27-tnthatjal REMOVAL _ THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. having appointed JAMES B. OAHE Agent for this City, have Removed their office to NO. 41-113 WALNUT STREET, Where applications for INSURANCE and RENEWALS on POLICIES must be made. The allotted dividend 0f1969 will be adjusted on all Policies on which, two or more annual premiums have been paid, on the adjustment of the current year's premium. The following items, interesting to the assured, shoW the great progress and prosperity of the Company since the last triennial dividend : The insert eof the Company for the Bast three years has been $1,400.000 00 The assets have increased 416,500 00 The losses paid to widows during three years past were 290 661 24 • " " others 99,738 50 Dividends have been made during the peat three years 250.000 03 JAMES B. CARR, Agent. 0. Y. Wammu, Secretary. oc2S-Intif FAME INSURANCE COMPANY,NO 403 CHESTNUT Stroet, • PHI LADELPHIA. EIRE AND DIRECTORINLAND ISURANCE. S. Francis N. Buck. E. D. Woodruff. Chas. Richardson, Geo. A. West, HeILTLeIR7I.I3, Jr., John Kessler, Jr. John W. Evennan. Chas. Stokes. _ Philip S. Justice. A. Rosenhelni. 0. W. Davis,Joseph D. Erna. FRANCIS N. BUnK. President. MEilaM warn: PRESERVING BRANDT, PURE CIDER • ANI) WHITE WINE VINEGAR. GEM GINGER, MUSTARD SEED. SPICES. Ato.. M. ALL THB BXQUISITHB PON PRESERVING KED PICKLING PURPOSES. :ALBERT a ROBERTS Deaf)? in Pine Groceries, asli 11 - Gana ELETEETE &D rom PRDIEB As USUAL. SATURDAY AFTARsO..'I, ?t 3 o'crock, GRAI3D BIATINgd. By Prtrtittler het A NIG - Hl` IN' egF,ne A.I[FA., Romantic Opera by C. Hantaer. wil e Lena (her ()rot a one:trance) . Tleken to all Parts of the 'Neese, 60 .cants ^ -teserved Seete e-nte Halm 'nay be lad at the E. , nx: Ofgeto, and J. h GonWs Mtn.ie Store. SATORDAT EVENITiG; Not: 14; GRAND GALA OPERA, SPECIAL RE SOLE BRE' I.IEFS Pre OF OCTUE lETY" Obit TAE FAMILIES OF SOLDIERS: Beethoven'e !Raster. Work. PrDEr.ro, TICKETS FOR SALES Y ••THE 0 - 051?&I'PrEB. Adtnittel CP, Si ; Reserved &ate. 61( Cente Sean can be had after Friday niorning'nest - at the 'LUAUS MT 01 MUSIC and .1 E. GODI,O'S sP l ift3ft.: n'TORE, R. Carats of BE/ELATE( and CHZSTNUT ss. noll-2t VOSS NIJGENIE BARNETOEUE, TAR ENIFE NT Pi A. NIT, takes pleamee is aanote oh to the Phiia dolphin tublic that she min Kra* TWO, lIATINER4. at the FOYER OF THE ACADERY OP MOl - 10, The Bret t tisk. plbe. On WELDIESD Ir. the 18:h of November, conaneeeinn at 2 P. df, ae6t.,ted. br hieiers CARL GAERT.Dik.R. AL H. CROS4. and CHAS. hi, scaturz. PART FIRST, 1. Grande rnataitieblit bala M]S, ISARbie.lY.lig. 2. Fur lOcean—Roinanee Sans Paroles..Eetelle V. lee BArnetche. MEMM=II CARL GAFIRTNER SS u X. IL CROSS. 4. L% Ffirredet. Scherzo, Cake. Caprice, de. Concert ..Bc.rnotcho. 5• 6. 0 P : a 1 n " d ai 1 .8 7 : 12,3.. MISS BAI: Barneteha. - • . 'I.6.JP.CR.NETOI3E 7.. .Frnebomicae. CP.Ai. M. FANAMITi p. ANO M. H. CROSS. B. Otande Edo:a:lsle Gala, MISS RARDIRTCHE. Ticket for One to each Matinee " I hree to each liatin6e. Two to both IsicAinees To be bad at J. E Gouhire, And re g: Co.'s. and Lee fir. Walker's. not]. 7L $715,252 20 $378,463 34 . 102,916 44 ----$191,351 7S $335, 231 19 $216 621 97 123.700 00 118.780 19 nob thotn6t, - . ARDSON. Vice Predilent. • D. Secretary. RIMINI 4MUS , E'!I , IIENTS. AMERICAN .A.CLIDEAnt OF MUSIC. 0. ANSOIEDIT A. BLEGFALI.) GERMAN OPERA. ritiDAY EVENING, Nov. lath, MI. SIXTB SUBSCRIPTION map. STRA DELI. A, Grand Nara in Four Bate by r Von Flotow, Aleesandro Stradella Herr Ellatmer, I.A.onore M- , (1. Johanneon. Bawl Herr Frete.tekt,. Bal bail no , - Herr Habelmann. triaivoglio Herr Greif. MIES Daft:NEl-CRS PART ~RCOND WALNUT-STREET THEATRR Legsee Mrs. M A. OAKRETTION The Eminent Actress, .. .. . _ . . . . MIES JEARY . PROVO3T_ The World's Weeder, the Cinac :.R.AI3 - TROUPE-- TNTO.T.. in number—the hEe.L CHILDREN OF THE DESERT. THIS (Thursdo))EVENING. Nov. 12th LUCIE D'oEVILLE: Lucie D'Arville To be fo.lowd by a GRAND DIVERTISRBNENT BY THE 02,BitRFUL ARAB TROUeE. WALNUT bTEEET THEATRE. GRAND ARAB hf tTINEF,, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. N. Nth. In compliance with numerous rPecteets, the manage ment xespectf tin announces that n arrangement has been made with the WONDERFUL ARAB TROUPE. To give ONE - MATINEE, For the accommodation of Families and Children, when the REAL CHILDREN 0 R THE IiESER7r. TWELVE 11 , ( NUMBER., ir Will annser in their WONDERFUL FEATS OF POSTURING. lEUR TrELL 0 US-BO UNDING. AND . UNAPPROACHABLE £ YRA _ Ka;=s=MiGO=l YoU KNOW EVERYTHING After which the. WONDERFUL ARABS. To conclude with the LAI UHING HYENA. Dome open at hag past 1 o'clock, Performance com mFnc,.:• at h- If pa't 2 o'n'ock nol2-3t yyr C IIT-HT. TELkIATIA..— T.... et, nil& Hammer Mr. WM. WHEE,Thgy, THIS (Thar:id. y ) EVEN .N , v 12th, ,863. MISS AVOhi IA JONES. appear for the - OIvLY TI ifE ' In her Great Impersonation of BVADNE. DM. J. B. STIMLBY.....Ae. - ... COLONIIA. The i.erformauce will- commence with the Tradc May or Ey.4DNE OR. THE STATUES MUSICAL CONDUCTOR- To conclnds with the DAY AFTER TELE WEDDING-. TO-MORROW (Friday), B %NEM' OF' SIM AVOW , * JONES. THE STRANGER, with other Entertainments, In active Preparation, Webster's dramatis:than of A tii?...{4tA F GOT - D. As performed by Miis A.VONIA. JONES sixty nights at the Ade'phi, London. M'JULIN DREW'S NEW AROEI v.TREET. THEATE.E—ARCH Street. above sixth FOURTHBIGHT OF THE POPULA S. R ' ARTISTE, MRS. D. P BOWEb THIS (Thursday) EVENING. Nov. I2th, LOVE'S SA , IRIFICE OR, THE ETTAL 'MERCHANTS Margaret Elmore airs. D. P. Bowers Matthew Elmore • Barton MIL To cormludewith (byre uest), OOS ON OLE FLE. Trude Foosle Mr Grifftth. Mrs Quick fidget.— .... Miss Ats-y Carr. FRIDAY, MRS. D. P. BOWERS' BENEFIT. Prices as usual. Curtain Rises GREAT NATIONAL GIROUS AND MODEL SHOW—NATIONAL lIaLL. MARKEY St., above Twelfth.—Open at 712 o'clock each evening, nnder the Manasement of Mrs. CHARLES WARNER, formerly Mrs LAN RICE. The celebrated WHITBY FAMILY, Mrs. F. WHIT TAKER. Md Ile ELTIRA, Mr. C. KING. and NAT AUSTIN, the g.ntlemanly Clown : the great WM, YOUNG, in La Eche'le ~ewe ; Comic Pales, Con traband and Canning ; The Man o: Many Forme, and a Ind Troupe of ACROBATS AND GYMNASTS The Great CONRAD BEOTHERS and the Intrepl& E TON STONE will also appear. ADMISSION. —Raga Seats, SO cents ; Private Box, $3; Parquet. 2.5 cents . • Gallery, 16 cents. MATINEES on WEDNESD VI and SATURDAY AN TNRN OONS cotomeneina. et 2.tsf o'etoor. ne1241 WAUGH'S NEW. PANORAMA., ITALY AND HER WAR FOR FREEDOM WILL OPEN AT CONCERT HALI, FEW DAYS. FOX'S C A SD - 10, CIitESTNITT StrAet. INCREASED ATTRAOTIONSI FRESH NO4ELTISBQ• MDLLE. GALLETTI MDLLE. GALLETTS. In two n.w beantifai. Ballets. assisted by MDLLE. ICATARINA. ELL ♦ WESNER. 1.11-D MONS TOPROFF. CHARLES E. COLidifS, THE WOIN DERFEIL CURL and the _Beet Comic Singer in the conntrY. EG'BRY'NIGHT. nob-st* rrEIX..PLE OF WONDERS-ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND. CHESTNUT S'PHJEffiie Amusement for Old and Young. Mirth and Hapolvosw open for the season. Constant change of Entertains:4W. SIGNOR BLITZ. EVERT EVENING, commencing at TM o'cloak. aai Wednesday and Saturday at 3, consisting of New X. ferias in Arecromancy, crest samosa in Ventrilogniogge, and the Learned Canary Birds. Admission 25 cents; Children 15 cents. sell-M• Tek OTfi KRIWEL'S GREAT' PIOTURN, KLEMM IN THE COLISEUM . . NOW EXHIBITING AT THE ACADEMY OF FINS ARTS. GERM ANIA.ORGELESTRA.- PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY. 536- °Wank. P. M., at the MUSICAL urt HALL. mate Dead% 85 cents. Packages of six tickets, $l. To be had. at ANDRS'__,S Ito 4 CHESTNUT Street; J. E. COULD. SEVENTH and CHESS KIT, and at the Hall door. • pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 01 - THE FIND. ARTS. 1026 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sunders excepted) from 9 A. M. tea Admission Vi ;amts. Childien halt price. Jedll4l; TH. E - F A lvt LY • STEAM - CABRI &GE, " City of Boston," will be - exhibited.on WEDNESDAY and T BURS - DaY of thiarweek (11th and 12th ins:ant.)y from 2„k: to 5 P. 111 . ., on the POINT BREESE PARK COURB2, and as a-patt of its performance. viz • that of developing high rate of speed, it will contest eseb day - for priority with the celebrated fast mare, May Cineen.'" - )t is introduced here on the recommendation of the very beet authorities as one of the most ingenious and suc cessful inventions of the day. • hoe small bills. Admittance 10 LOST AND FOUND. 830 11 REWARD-LOST OR STOLEN, VI six 5-20 UNITED STATES BONDS, of E 701) each, Coupons attached, dated June 2.°A., 1§33, numbers from 24,289 to 24,294: Inclusive. All- person are can timed agenstreceiviag ornegotiatinfiraid bonds. Three hundred dollars will be paid for their. recovery by - LEWIS SOSNESORR. _ AMBER Street. above Woo& Rensiogton. PHILADELPHIA. July IS, 1863. ocs)-1814! AUCTION SALE. BAZAAR--NINTH AND SAN soNt Streets. AUCTION SALE OF. HORSEU,CARRIAGER, Bre ON BATURNLY MORNINO NEXT. At 10 o'clock, comprising about FIFTY HORSES. Including the fast trotting bay mare, known as the " Soserrn. Mare.". to be sold on account of whom it Mar Concern. Also, a number of desirable harness and saddle hordes. ALSO". New and second hand carriages, single -and double harness. saddles. bridles,,wliipe, buffalo robes. covers. &C . with which the sale will commence. Aar- No postponement on account of the weather. , Al ar - Bale of Mors. S. Ate.. on WEDNESDAY NEXT. lilf ALFRED M. HERK.NESS. Auctioneer IMR SALE AND TO LET. de FOR SALE—A VERY DESIRA.- ble three-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. on the atet side of HOWARD Street. above. York street. Lot 15 feet front by. lib feet deep to -Hope street. The House is in a superior condition. and well built. Will be sold upon reasonable terms. Immediate possession can be given. Apply to LUKENS 'tic MONTGOMERY.: 1035 BEACH Street, above Laarei. • Ao3-Im* Or to MARY LUKENS: upon the Premise& FOR SALE-WEST CHESTNUT ST.- A first-class RESIDENCE. containing all llee extra modern convenienoes, built in the most substantial man ner, and finished throuehont in the most elaborate style. C. D. CULLA:DAY, 434 WALNUT Street; n0124r. COAL YARD FOR SALF!;:z--THE •••-, .beet fitted-up Yard in the City; capacity for doing any amount of business. Inquire on the premises. No. 937 North NINTH. Street. below Girard Avenue. no7-6t. . die FOR SALE—FINE Fkßili, MOR- Mak FOR Station, Pennsylvania Railroad, 113. acres, 12 miles out. Snrerior Farm, 1.4 acres, at Kan roa d Station, via Media, 4 miles thin aide of West Cha4ar. Some 604 arms on the line , of the 3.,telaware Railroad, averaging from 65 to SOD acres. Fa ms in all localities in the a djoining connthe.. State. of New Jersey, &c. Call and examine Begiater of Fame: - - nol2 E. PETTIT, 3:03 WALNIIP Streik igh SPLEN DID ,PRCRERI Y T PRI :a-- yen SALE'-The subs caw offers at private?. ' , ale his highly improved •Ttlgi STOPSt 11% exam of LAND...with tne noted LI bl.T.g-QUARRY; KILNS, and fixtures. situated in tuo.,-ORgzs sparDitio._ Now Castle County. Delewsie. ' The situation is Hue, and•the land in the. ikigheat state of productiveness, parilgo4arly desirable, forarties de signing to enter upon the culture of tobacco. Three aeres of elPrepe Vines in cuet r essful bearing. There is a tasteful adad substantial Residence. besides several tenements oa, the property. Call and see the ralfseriber, or address JOHN. , G. JACKSON. Wilmington P. Box 299. mn ,sll=l,, - FOR ALBA.NY AND TROY. with DESPATCH-.Steamer HOLLISOff. Biohmaa /Mater.% now load 4A4 for the above am! will lgatf a FRIDAY, 13th. at 19. o'clock P. X lot frehibt. whiell will be taken on reavOlia- Rig 13.-IrLANaGAN. 4',.. 1 . 1 1. - - 9 A 3Q4 AILAWAsR Avenue. Loaeoc extd Direcbleat . .Bastitece aira to r.r. ...Prudent. 1BE; Mary Provoot MR. MARK HASSLER.
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