DELAWLRE - COUNTY RKJoIOINO OVER THE VICrOBIES. TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION . AND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS. • Speech of Ex-Governor Johnson. Last evening the patrintle people of Chester 'turned out en morn to celebrate, in a becoming way, the glorious vietorimi reoently'won at the polls in Penneylvania, New York, Ohio, and other loyal .States. The town uses alive-with enthusiasm, and the men,'Avomen; and children manifested ei spirit that we Could find no Rarallel for even before the election. :A torchlight procession, headed by bands , of Music, paraded the streets, and imparted to them a life and stir to which' they are utter strangers in - , ordinary times. A large assemblage gathered around the square •on the main street, and an impromptu mesons was -organized by Mr. Hairy Edwards, president of the Union League, who introduCed to the audience Mr. lYloblichael, of city, who made a short speech, in which he thanked the good people of Delaware .county for the noble work they had performed u p in the last election day. lie urged them to prepare for the contest of next year, much would be equally important as that just past for the welfare of the Batten. He was then followed by Ex• Governor Johnson, Of Pittsburg, who was received with unbounded applause. Governor Johnson addreased the people as follows The harvest is gathered ; it is entirely secured, and the husbandman may quietly now return to his home, and say that he has made ample provision for his welfare during the year. There is 011,1130 for re. joloing, my fel,low•citizens, on all Ottaseloile where a great public happiness has been secured, either by the actions of Government, or by the suttees of in. -dividuals. There to great ;muse for rejhiaing even .over the ordinary return of the harvest, the security to men, women, and children, tnat they have made simple provision for the present and - ensuing year. This has been celebrated by all people who have any regard for the providenees of God Row Infinitely more proper that you should meet to'night to rejoice over the great harvest, the security of political tights, than over the mere ordinary iagothering ot the harvest I :What, my fellow.countrymen, do you meet to night fort -If I understand Jr, it is for the purpose. of congratulating yourselves and the country upon the success of those measures which have secured to the people the permanency of _their Clovornment ' [applause], which has given assurance to the &me- Mean people that the Constitution, framed by the purtat and best of -men, shall be established forever; that the. American Union,. the result of that Qousti lutlon, shall not in the future be in any way inter lered with; that the great principle which lies at the foundation of that Constitution—sett overn scent— uhall be forever 'Maintained. [Applause.] We con - gratulate ourselves upon the great truth that while -others have declared men to be incompetent to go• 'vern themselves, and would provide for them a mo marchy or other system of government, we have de• visited that the American people are competent to govern and control themselveL , In the elections which have recently transpired, I do not claim our triumph as a Mere party triumph. God forbid it I Ido not allege in any manner that you have assembled here tonight, or that I address you in the partisan spirit. I address you as citizens of the American Republic, and assure you tries you could not nor did not achieve a triumph at the beltot box as members of apolitical party. You were as sisted by people outside and beyond a mere peril=, sum influence.. -Now, assembled as you are, for the purpose of congratulating yourselves on the result, askyou, To_ whom are we indebted for the cause of our present rejoicing ? The political party with.which I have been identi. fled, and you know me es a 'member of the Republi can part.y, has performed its mission. It was organ ized for the purpose of preventing the extension of slavery over the virgin - territories of thegreat West. Alt.was organized for the purpose of preserving for - "the freemen of this country a homestead in the vast "dominion which had been • acquired by the policy And industry of your National Government. It was Intended to perpetuate that soil unstained foryour 'children and your children's children. It was never intended that that party would per ]nit the establishment of that institution upon the soil at freemen. I ask you if that mission has not been performed. Slavery, as an institution, cannot be extended beyond its present limits. Thank God, that the majesty of the American people has , been asserted in this. No power upon earth, no comb], 'nations of party, no alteration of your Onnstitution, inothing on the face of the living earth, save- the 'backward voice of-this people, if that thing can be, :repelling their sublime and emphatic decision. [Ap ,plause.] I say, then, , that -the Republican party has ceased to exist, having accomplished the task required of it. • Out ofit, however, has arisen another , party, 'Which, in the future, must be relied upon to preserve - this nationality of ours; and I fearlessly here to. might proclaim that, while I have a voice, it shall 'always be need in denunciation of the men or party that will dare-to say a word against the nationality -'Of the American people. [Applause.] Here let me thank you for the victory you have given us re. ...oently at the ballot box. Your little papers, which you deposited at the polls a few days ago, have, iu ray judgment, decided the question whether-this` -rebellion shall be-continued, or whether it shall be enuelied , forever. We are first to -thank the men -"Who have always stood by the country. We have to thank the independent Democrats, who thought'more of their country than their party, and boldly voted with you in October. We have also to.thank the soldiers of the. Union, who so patrion- , -malty upheld the Government with their ballots ae they are doing with their bullets, Lastly., We have 'to thank the noble women for the part they took in (securing us the great victory. God bless them ail ! 'Well do they deserve an everlasting gratitude. Oen linue,as you have so nobly , begun, and the future of, ~ our glorious country is safe and prosperous. The speaker was listened to throughout with •earnest attention. The crowd then retired toward 'the river for the purpose of witnessing• a grand dis play of fireworks. It was such a display as did mreat credit to Chester and itiepeople. The exhibi tion commenced with flights of rockets decorated :With variegated stars, gold rain k and serpents; after . 'Whiffle a brilliant illumination 'with bengola lights, -Ibilowed by the ascension of a magnificent balloon. The first figure represented the "Star of Comm.u oemmencing with' revolving• fires of carmine, Maltese ' and jessamine ; illuminated centre of pur -1 :pie sod gold, suddenly changing .to a beautiful star .of silver fire. The second commenced with a corruscating ring scf Chinese - fire. After runny pleaaing changes, it - represented an enchanted figure of dancing ear vents---Copperheads -- driven from. their dens in :astonishment Ist the recent glorious Union via. ?Aries. Rockets with red, white, and blue stars, The third was a superb piece commencing with ruby centre, changing to purple and gold, when it alUddenly expanded to a most beautiful Liberty Tree with gold and silver foliage. . The tut was a brilliant figure, with a hexagon lateel of Palestine,,decorated with. Maltese, Per snian, and jessamine - fires, with an illuminated cen— tre of carmine, emerald, and gold, mutating to a :Magnificent sun, intersected with rubies, emeralds, ,and fixed stars, the whole surrounded by corrusca• lions of the most intense brilliancy. %The whole concluded with a grand spectacle pre :pared specially for the ()Cession, and dedicated to 4our. glorious Union. It commenced with revolving thee, when suddenly appeared in letters of silver &e the words 1, Union and Victory," flanked on either .side by flaming stars. Fountains of red, white, and blue fires diseharged myriads of stars high in the nlr, together with the burating, of mines and shells, 'the whole forming one of those grandest spectacles --'Which' alone can be produced through' the agency of the pyrio art. The affair altogether-was one that cannot soon be lergetten, INTERESTING LECTURE.—Mr. nerman Bokum, tbe distinguished Tennessee refugee, will ..deliver a lecture on Friday evening, the 20th inst., :at Chester. The subject will " The Campaign, Moral and Military, in the State of Tennessee„ ,, It swill be handled with ability and interest. , ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS EZ TO TWELVE O'OLOOK LAST DTIO-11T, - 81flurd--obeatrtut s AI D Strong, Reading Mcllroy, Massachusetts .George W Tinges. Baltimore John. W Moore, U S A A Alovett, New York John Schroeder. New York B H Campbell, Baltimore I -J S Ashlin 41H Hamilton, Washington "W 13 Milton, Washington H Mann: Harrisburg Robert Wilson, Harrisburg 311.8 A W Thompson, Wash John 0 Reid. Baltimore 33 Lamon & lady -Moots L Rosenstein, Wash Albert Simpson D'son. U N rll A Wade. Penna .0 I) Satteriee, Lock Haven W Williams. U S A 13 Winternetz, New York :X Stackpole, New York ::Lt Col N B Bartram, U S A Jacob Wirt, Hanover 43 CI Wirt, Hanover Chas Beast, n. Delaware P F Caney , , Jr, Delaware , Col Jae A Gall/tor, 11 S A B Chelton & la . 33 A Longhead, Del ce tChae W Hobbs. Albany B D. James, IN Jersey /OM Stanton ~R Patterson, New York Montinental—Ninth "W B Lawrence. New York sO. Byers, , Wa shin ton , af.J Cooper,-Waeb In gton Smith, 'Boston W H Wilson k la. Wash D Mears:Washington .J R Lowlther, Newport, Pa P Bona, New York & Mrs Lewis, Maryland R Forsyth, Penns ...7B Kent, Detroit. F'11! on, New York 7.8-Belden. Rhode Ii laud. GPfingst, Louisville 1 3 Hillis, New:fork cg J Dennis, Boston L Sonthworth, Chicago .e Dade& wf. Harrisburg 1 31 rs Jenkinsir2 children L McCalmont, Franklin XS Hurd, Chicago L &entre, New Haven H Lotumbury, Delaware Polhemns, Jr, & wf. N Y Miss Polhemus. New York Y Campion, New York 2,fr & Mrs Hodgson. N Y ..J B McCreary & wf, Fenno itavid. Law, London nsp -.1 Sl o ane . alker, New , London 1 4 1`13 Shannon, Call ornia A Datell,'Lonieville A Walker, Maine' W Tichenor, New Jersey Still,:liew.Jeresv i' Cunning, New York H Rochester. Rochester X S Codman, Boston B Small, York Pa Zirkiofolion.*ork, Ya lient B Reilly. Pottsville Wm Bryson. Penns Bridge, Maine vf/ W Snntard, New York B Cobb. New York, Joe J Taylor. Baltimore John Hugh ea. New Yolk H B Day, Doper, Del jai!' H Bond, Baltimore *Hen Hiram Waahir ;Eton Jae L Woodward, N Y Henry Potts. Jr, Pottstown Nd Mayer, Natchez, Mina J B Amber, New York 330 Ball, New York Y Baker, New York B Sanford. New York J W Fairchild, New York C Boyd, New York G ranville, New York M Bixby. Now York Y McCarthy, New York R Match, Ohio klistrchouatn'--Pourth W Porter, Honesdale CB Brodhead, New York Jos Kirkpatrick, Allegheny .M Connally, Pittsburg J Freeman, Ft Wayne Joe E Ranking, Waal,. 1) C .Thos Staakpole, Wash , D C Ongenheimer, Peni.a 3/avid Zeugeohmint, Pa megraw, Pittsburg Jae Heldman. Pittsburg -.Monis Jacobs. New York F Conard, Westgvoire X A Ranch, Litiz, Pa T liteliener,-Litiz, Pa jiff B Middletown John L Hnimes, New Jersey W Leisenring & ,Bon CM Donovan. Parma John Pastorione, N Y • I,evl l 3 Coosh & familY H Miller, N Providenoi A W Erb, Penna 113 Dettelboolt, Hagerstown D Arnold, Gali•sbrirg, 11l 'WlNoLean,Shippensburg jlfra K Lytle,,Hollidaysbuml I - Madison—Second st D Walton; IT S N 'Rhos Crawford. Chester co J S Heaton. Newtown Oedyke,N Jersey Ikir4D74lor, l t f Jersey treet. below Nb2th. Samuel Lockwood,Roxbary W P Hudson. Cincinnati, U A N Beard, Cincinnati, 0 J E Rawlings, Washingcon Thos Stankpole,W,ishington Bold Crane dr la, Columbia W W Arlington, Chicago H C Baker, New York - • Richards, Chambersburg Henry . " S K4pp, Penna. Martin Luther, Reading A Conrad, New 'f ork Hon 'l' Jones Yorke, N J Samuel Quigley, Baltimore H W Winters Sr. NO, Balt John Hornlgrooi, Penns' Rev P Maher. Harrisburg C N Watts Carlisle . - - D Holcomb, New York H Frind, New York John Absterdam, New York Hies L Absterdam, N York J Leisenring or, w, M Chunk H Brubaker, Lane co J A Johnston lb la. Penns. B D Lanett', New York Hiss Swan, Ohio I R Diller,Spri¢gfiold. 11l V W Foster. New York Corn N Collins. 17 S N G Blakeslee Sr Is. N York A Vir Abel, New York Mrs Rice, New York J K Kilboun. Mass Mrs Ayres, Pittsburg nd Chestnut streets. H N Gambrill, Baltimore G F Dawson, Washington J Wood, Jr, & la, Brooklyn I,V A Danskin, Maryland Mrs Harrison, Baltimore . Miss Hamtramock, Balt H Robinson, Delaware C Peace. Jr. New York F Doild & wf, New York B Mulford, New Jersey J M Gintean, New York Treccler, Reading " Mrs B L Corbin, New Jersey 158 Goodwin Evans New York Mrs J B Kaufman, Lane Miss Julia Stout. Lancieter G E Borland, New York H McCormick, 17 8 N Dr G P Williams & la, Balt J G C Dodge, Mass 0-8 Ecot, J Farley, Winchester D E Harrington, N Y J F Vaughan. Delaware 1111aurt. New York Maio , Williams & wf, N Y Harrington, New York C G Eagan, Cincinnati 4 r.r E Ramon, New York J T Nib s. New York 8 Meyer & la, New York J W Nairn & wf. Wash G Dudley. Boston C E Rit enhonse. D C .1 0 Royal, Aloany J T Giles, New York T Smith, New York W Evans, England T Lameronx & wife J P Crosby, Ns w York A H Crosby. New York Gov Dickinson Jr la, N Bumbler IT Middlemore,* England R A Heaton & la, As oland A G Paine, New York W B Russell, Boston Gee gland, New York' - Cohen. New York E Rug,elt, Conn Mr & Mr,. 11 H. Sturges, Boat A R Robinson. New York F Jenkins, Baltimore L Dellotte, Harrisburg Rev J Greenleaf Jt wf, B Y R Hoskin. Syracme H F Brownson, Elizabeth J Brows, New York E W Rockafellow & wf, N J J T Peabody, California Mrs Master, Boston Miss Master, Boston street. below Arab. John Mend . • • . - Mrs John R Ellett & co. N J Mrs Cording, New Joroity Heiman, Hanover, Pa . JP McCreary & wt, Pa Kies Wade, Lancaster co Mise Redeecker, Lane co Stine, Chambersburg J ReddiE. Shippentobarg R J Snider tt Mont y co J A Langcake, MuneY F C Fitz verald. Ihtercersburg W D HcKinelev, Mercererg E B Winger, Penne N Parker & wf, Wrnsport R Davenport & 10, Penna Rabb & la, York, Pa. Geo &mintier, Penna D J Albright. Hanover, Pa W Alden & la, New York Horace Hart, New York David Moffitt, New York J Vreelat d & le, N Mrs McMillen, Hollidayeb'g Cleo S Mamma, New York Capt RP MoKibbin rest. above Narks% C F Pront. New York M Ryan, New York WMonaoiey Cher co Mos Effizer, N Jersey WQ Shaw, Doylestown American—Cheatin • Rl3l3 . titton,Pltteburg ,1 Murphy, NSW I ork E W tairey, Boston B Sind ley, New York rt Preston, New York C W- Rillmore, Wash. D C )3 0 Bins" rave. D 8 N S Reynolds, II 8N Joe 1, Rawlings, Wash,D C ThOB Stackpo e, Wash, D 0 Jae C Penns Richard Boom, Reading Mr Flint, New Jersey Mrs Flint, New Jersey fl Richard, New "Fork L W Hall, Dover Mien Lottle Beverir, Dover Misa Liale Walker, Dover W ti Esysrin, Dover . Rich Wlllietee, Belmont Roht T 11111, Milford, Del B D Collins, Milford, Del W Dyer, haiem St. Lotus—Chtsttriat. W Mcßride, N.3eraey C A 51Ajor, AlbenY F Gunn, Jr, New York 3 N Wondrnfr, N Jersey 13 Flt her, Washington W BMarpb, New 'York E Rernble; OSN Geo Green, Ching° WD A Penron, SN WWilltams. U S A . . E P Warren - • • • J H H Clark arris, Jr, Albany T II Miss A Smith. New York E R Warner. New York lath Blown. Phila Job n Frown, Philadelphia S W Whitney. New York John Hod alder, Pottsville B El Weetwood,' New York W W Bolton, Dew York S Blanchard & wf, OpS N D Dowling, Hew Orleans,_ The llnion—lizah• J A Mamie: Pittaintrg Jobn Rodnett, Dubuque J F fikennan, Penna Jesse Brannan, Lancaster J W Laughlin. Perrysylile T T Price, Tani/Brit*, N J J C Mustard B C oilier, Lanceo7Pa Levi Hull. Lanc co, Pa , C S rankling.NtwJerneY I) It Barr, Lancaster D Boilers, Ohio igarraurrea Hotel—WM R Brooks. Baltimore D 1 ord, Maryland AB Mann. Now Hope C Myers, Puma C vandike, Strondebarg FL Burgos, Fenno, ' Johni on, lowa C Mol. y, Bebnylkillco II Barger, Obio" . , Atmore' Union. , --31arke W F Ogle. Pottsville James Trimble, Boston lames Drummond. 6faryrd Henry V Hume], Clinton co Hoyle Grnblll, afassacbus's Humphreys. Danvllle,Pa Char P Shields, Wilming'n W S P Shields, Wilmington Goninterchd—Sixth. B Loeb. Dew York • - . • - Chas Pearce, Bordentown Henry Thompson R A Purdey. Newark A P McCombs. Hartford J T Dobbin, Baltimore John Coath, Baltimore Jos MPotzer, Pottstown W M Hobart, Pottstown National—Race ■ S T Porter, Michigan Dr J F Groff, Penna T A Clark, Shamokin S W+ aber. Penna F Oberholtzer, Penns J Shope, Hummeleton Bald Engle- - . Third S T 8 Lthenring, Beading Chas Greenwalt, Lehigh co B Set g, Lehigh county above Callowhill. Chas Riegel, Hellertown Josiah Riegel. liellertown Joseph Emery, Ratrtown Chas R Grosh. II S A Milton C Berger. allentown H J Dreker & la. Pottsville J B Gockley. Lancaster co Aaron Schoch. Tylereport J Nougesser. Tylersport S Brobet, Lehigh county Elias Deemer, New Jersey T El Miller. All6town Daniel C hillier, Allentown Frank Trexler, Allentown Nathan Snyder, Allentown' H M Fel ter, Allentown el;v in Weeder, Lehigh co aunt Vernon Hotel, w B Hodges, Chester co W H Hy de E .11.Irepson, Nsw Jersey P LninlE, New Jersey P L G Sticker, Milton, a J J Slifer S AI Wright. Salem, N J Jos Moore, N Castle co,Del Barley Sheaf—Secon E Janes, Phila d street. below Vine. Jos Bastbarn. Backs io Thee Stemple, Racks co - Geo W Carver. W Chester Friend Wabrons. 3PHVC John Marts, SP R VC IChas Davis, Backe co P Hibbs, Bncks oo Baitimore Thomas Chas B Brewer. Media, Del Barry Beryls, Doylestown Jacob H Cornell,Backs co A J Larne St la, Doylestown Joins Halinagle,Bew Hope Chas Kirkbride, Backs co Black Bear—Third El 7'El Addis, Hut tington ' R M Knight, Byberry. D Griesemer, Penna. A D Renninger, Pei:um i Line, Allentown G Reikert, Pottsville r„, above Canowhnl. 'Jacob Dreibeibta Sand Polder, Allentown Endry., Dauphin co Bishop, Harrisburg L Griffith. Pottsville SPECIAL. NOTICES. HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY—RE MOVAL.—The Music Committee hereby announce, on acecount of the great increase of performing members for this season, that they have removed from Ninth acid Spring Garden streets to Hall in the Handel and Haydn Building, N. E. corner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets (entrance on Green street, below Eighth). where will be sufficient room for all who may desire to become members. REHEARSALS EVERY:- TUESDAY !EVENING, com mencing at 8 o'cloci.' E.Wiffh'& musi,committee W. c. zwurd, DEAFNESS, - EYE, AND. EAR, ` THROAT DIS GASES, CATAIiiiiI. -2 -The above maladies treated with the latrueet `BllCeeell by Dr. VoN,ArOSPlT7J5Kffirt_.:-__ Oculist and Aurist, graduate of VI Office, 1027 WALNUT Street, where can be examined hundreds of testimoutsle from the very beet known men in the country, among which. Ire several from old and responsible citizens of Phila= ielphla, who can personally referred to. no7-4t5 A CARD.—PHILADELPHIA IN THE FIELD. HELMBOLD, our enterprising townsman, has opened at the above place a large DRUG AND CHEMI CAL-WAREHOUSE. All who may contemplate visiting that city are respectfully requested to give him a call, and they will be certain to receive from the gentlemen in attendance kind and polite:attention. In accordance with the Doctor's usual past mode of conducting busi ness, none but Apure and fresh goods will constantly be kept on hand, and all who give him their custom may be assured that every article sold will be genuine, and at thelowest cash figure. Remember, HELMBOLD'S new Drug• and Chemical Warehouse, 594 BRO kDWAY, New York. A cordial invitation to all n06.6t ONE-PRICE CLOTHING OF FEZ LATEST imam, made in the Beet Manner, expressly for BE. PAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain fignres. All Goods made to Order warranted elands'. ory. Our Ony.-fition SYSTEM ie strictly adhered to. ilI are thereby treated alike. dell-1y JONES At CO.. 604 MARKET Street.,. DYE! '`Haig DYE 11 B.S.TCHBLOR'S eelobrated HAIR DTB the Beat to .14e World. The only Harmlees True, and RefeaDk Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—chancel Red, Rusty, or Gray Hair, instantly tobi, Glossy Blaal )r !Miura/ Brown, without in the Hair or Stain ing the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR; an other" are nii"re imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by ell Druggists, Ste. FACTORY, 81 BA_ROLAY A Btreet, New York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. , ie23-17 ASTHMA AND ALL BRONCHLLL AFFECTIONS eared by a new system of ELECTRICITY, without shocks or pain, by Dr. A. H. STEVENS, 'I4IS SOUTH PENN'. SQUAEL oc3l-tf DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OP CONNECTICUT, Ls the author of `` Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." Z/I.ELELR.IPOZI. ARNOLD—SCHRACK. —On the'3d instant. by the Rev. Henry S. Clark, Mr. Henry W. Arnold toMiss Annie W Sob rack, danchter of A. Schrack, all of this city. DEBIfY—CRUSE. —At Trenton N. J., goy. Bth. by Rev. Isaac Gasaway, Mr. John Debity, of Philadelphia, to Miss lac Cruse...of Trenton, N. J. * DAUCHLER—COPE. —On Wednesday morning, 28th ult.' at theresidence of the bride's father: by the Rev. Dr. Erotel. John M.'Lanchler to Miss Elizabeth, daugh ter of John Cope. Esq. HOSSA--HOOPEE. —On the 4th inst..-by the Right Rev. Alonzo, Potter, James W. Hosea and. Annie L Hooper. *. SHOTWELL—LGKENS —At the residence of the bride's father, Morrisville, Pa. ' on Pifth-day, the talt instant, according to the order of the Religious Society of. Friends,' Joshua Shotwell, of. Crossuicks, N.Y., to Hannah Lukens of the former place. * DIED. JARDEN. —Suddenly, on the fith inst., at Fort Thayer, Washington, D. C.. Captain John S. Jarden, 112 sh Regi me nt P. V. Due notice Will be given of the funeral. MURPHY,—November 9. 1863 Samuel Murphy, Esq., formerly of Delaware, in the 06thyear of his age. To be buried at Smyrna. on Thursday, nov. 12. IL (Delaware papers please copy.) .** SMITH. —Killed, at Yorktown , Carbon co., Pa., on 6th intt , George K. Smith, aged 44 years. Ells relatives and friends are respectfully_ invited to attend his funeral from tho residence , of Mr. Thomas Hull. 1.319 Thompson street this ( Tuesday) morning at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. e ROY ER.—On Monday morning, at his residence, !Tralpe, Montgomery co., Ron. Joseph Royer. in the 50th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully- Invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, on Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock, without further notice. WHARTON —On the evening of the 6th instant , Da niel Clark, Jr., youngest son of D. C. Wharton, aged 13 -years, Funeral from the residence of his father. No. 260 South Sixteenth street, this (Tuesday) morning. 10th Inst. , at 10 o'clock. WOOTTBN. —On the 7th'inst., Annie. daughter of John E. and Annie Wootten, in the 4th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of 1.;1.• parents, Frankford road, below Clearfield street. this(Tuesday)afternoon, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Franklin Cemetery . GILBERT.—On tbe Sth inst., Mrs. Marion A.. Slocum, wife of Mr. Forbes 0. Gilbert The relatives and. friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral at her late residence, 1503 Locust st c loreet, this is (Tuesday) afternoon, the 10th inst. , sit 3i o'ckcisely. * _ . . ANDE.RgOIi.—AI his residence, on the morning of the 13th inst., the Rev. J Rush Anderson, Pa.stor of the Ebenezer M. E. Church, Gay street, Alanayun lc. -The relatives and Mende of the family are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral, from said church, on Wednesday morning. the Ilth inst.. at 9 o'clock. To proceed to Radnor M. E. Church. CASSIDY. —On. the 7th Inst., Lewis C. Cassidy, only . sln of Lewis C., and Sallie T. Cassidy, aged 3 years, 1 month, and 8 days. The relatives of the family are respectfully invited to attend hie funeral from the residence of parents, islo. 213 South Sixth street. below Walnut. this (Tuagia39 morning, at 9 o'clock. without farthar notice. a DLEIIL —On the morning of the 7th lest., Thomas Diehl, formerly merchant of this city, In the SBth year of his age. His relatives and male friend snre invited to attend his funeral from the resit once akin E Prim. tire, No. =North Eleventh street, this ( Tuesday) after 'nom at 2 o'clock, without fanner notice. pro coed to Laurel MIL • fI -- LACK DRESS GOODS.CASH- A- , MIMES. Velour Reps, Tamises, 3-4 and 6-4 Mons- Merinoes, Henrietta Cloths or silk-warp Cash meres, Ottoman Poplins. Irish. - Poplins, English and French Bombazines, Aleninea.sorded Monseellnee, Ana traltan Crapes, Baratheas, Turin Cloths, Paramattas, De Laines, Oriental Luctree. Alpaca.; and Mohair La tree, Reps Anglale, Mourning Silk, Armure, Poult de Sole and Oros CI rein Silks. B ESSON & SON, 0e23 Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. VELOUR CLOTHS, THE POPULAR FABRIC FOR LADIES' CLOCKS.—Prirples. Browne. and B.,acki; Frosted Beavers, black and 'brown; Tricot Bibbed Beavers, Castors, and 6-4 Doeskins; Chiachil ias petersham, $126; Lohg Shawls, $100: Rhin. .$76. nal IS EYRE & ANDELb. MEW . SEEDLESS RAISLNS.-100 - I kegs new Seedless Itaisir s just received and far sale .11110DSS & WILLI 4.31. i. 107 South W &TER Street. ED. MARC RANT, PORTRAIT . PAINTER, hits removed to 910 LOCUST Street. where he will be glad to see his friends and those of the onblia who may be Interested in his line of art. Ira SR* tf • street. Above rams. A L Baptista& with J W Bower. Columbia, Pa Vir D.Wrviil, Waeh, D C F Pearson. IT s if N',Barmay, Potteville G E H Day Si la, .Wash. D 0 John C Mulford,Satem I B F Boone, Salem, NJ ' John Henftey, Wash, D C L Bates, Beaton B E Leh mati Bethlehem Aug C Wedekind. Lancast'r D Tingle, Snow Bill, Old Col Goo P ,Spence. ML! Dr B P Dickerson. Iffd Jas A Stone. Bocheater,N Y Ti Jackson, Rochester, N Y P Farrtll 3 Bpanglor,lllarlAtta, Pa .T Sperm, New York J-Dkotiraell, LVecv York J'A Bingham, New York Dr Juuran, aay. York Insect. above Third. R Randolph T Darraii, Ponna Hrs H fultasou, Albany J Mowry, Newark, 0 Gsrland. r Jersey' Jas T Goodwin. crew York than & ta. Lancaator I L B cum B ston I H OhorlY. Womele(Lirf L Hothernal D P,Uter, N Jersey ti• W Troutman, L Branch Robt Davis. Long Branch Robt Van Vaya e, Penna Miss Julia Dowling.N Ori's ache Burnside Boston E A Green. M b, Mass E a Swain,- Now York W Edwards & wf, It York tffiss.Lizzle M Dawes,Botton Aaron Simmenson, el York Thos Farnsworth, Ohio De Witt & la, Javier" *rent, above Third. Mrs Irate, Cleveland, Ohio Jas Iry la Cleveland, Ohio Geo IV Blies 1, bacon, Pa Mrs Geo Kline. Lebanon, Pa E T Daeeker Baltimore GAO Cook, Uptou, W Householder, Md Mrs Ross, Look Haven WA 0 Kari. A. , tooria • 'S Oberlin, Ohio IB .1 Story, Wheeling.Va ' E S Brett, Now York 1 street, above Rams IS J Templeton, Prov. R I A T Piper, Tamaqua T Jones. Laneaskr /I Leonard. York, Fsa hi 'Henry. Now York J L Williams, New York J Prance, New York blains, Long Branch .t street. above.SLttla. 'John H Pearson. Laticastfir John P Alltnoud, Wilmia n Simpson S Sips, PT ,TereaY T Andemon, S Henry Parr, Baltimore & 61 ttamba, Columbia , W H Schauer, Columbia eet, above Chestnut. Thos .D Hobsrt. Pottstown J Bemhower, Chester co John &Ilan, Chester cso Lnden Iliac, Chester oo F Darlington, Che.tnr no T•St Creamer, Harrisburg J A Connsr, Mini, Del. Jacob Donger, Cheater co eet, above Third. B Brabaoker, Mt TOY A B Searle, Ohio A Grubb. Liverpool.Pa T Gardner. Selinsgro ve A Riee, Lebanon T Housnm. Reading • ;econd St-above Arab. W Brown, Bridgeton. A .1' B F Hallowell, Harrisburg § W Laird, Penna. A Walton .& tstf, Harrisburg, H B Ramsey, Trenton W 0 Carroll, Trenton Chas Harrison, Pittsburg ;PITTSBURG, ItiOVEMBEIit 3r 1 -553. —The Directors of the Exonauge Bank of Pitts. burs have thin day declared a dividend of EWE PER CEIiT. ontof the earningswf the last six months, paya. Me on or after the 18th inst. Eastern stockholders will be paid at the. Western Bank of Philadelphia: '. I n05.6t H. K. HURRAY Cashier. HORTICULTURAL HALL, BROAD and WALNUT Street—Monthly of play o f Fl ow _ ere. F nit and Vegetables, THIB SVENInG.- it GERMAN Al`ll TILE CLASSICS/ Prot. C. C: SCILAIZENR. 9/9 LOMB LBO Street; 4011 OEIEBII , 7OT Street..' PROVESSOn COPVEE WILL DE LIVhtt his first Lecture. on FOBTI.FI ts.llOOlS. at th'e Hall of the University, NOW Street, above Chest/ ut. on TuEdDLy, Nov. /0. at 7M o'clock P.M. LoiVits MPHILrIDIt XXII lA. EZDIFIPARGE‘CWI- P ANY, OCTOBER M. 1863.. Tim Managers have tole day declared a semi annual dividend of ONE DOLLaR per share on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on and after the 10AI of November, by the superintendent. at the Exchange. 't ho Transfer . Books will be closed till that date. no9-6t IVETEAIN RY COVLEGE - T 11431 &on nKlntiodactorpl °lure, will'be4:ll3llv ere', b y Volovrinao h•nrgaor: M0r.1.1. 1 06 and J e',NNIN‘Jb. at Dl liana Ball, TkISI Uan FILBERT Streote, THIS EVE- O. at 8 o'clock. Thc 'public are in vi tad. It. NINTH WARD NATIONAL UNION K.`-• ASBO(2,leTltiAl regniar ,tai.d Halting of trie AI NTH WA M) NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIA.rtu ST will hel d 'THIS ( rei-eday) EVEN f NO, at D.C . o'clock. at the Ball. TWELFTH and FILBERT Streets It* JOHN L. DILL, Secretary. A REGUI.R.IIMONTIILY IItEETIN3I - the TWELFTH W RD NATI.ON.A.L - UNION ASSOCIATE , will be held at the Ball. N.B. corner of :Fourth and Green tire . THIS (Tuesday) }WES INV, at V-1 o'clock. Funchal attendance is requested. JOHN L SHOEMAKER, Preoident. Taos. A. OP.ACE. Fecretary. - itY MFIRST NA.TIONAL BIC. OF '2 A.N FRANK' !WED —Au adjourned meeting of the eub-rribere So the stock of the FlitST Nario NAL BANK OF FR r AEI:ORD will be held at Wright'a Inetitute, on FRIDAY EVENING, November 13th, at 751 o'clock, to take n,easurea for an Immediate organization of the association, 14rsans intereated are invited to attend; thoas wish ing t•tock ehonld apply at once, to ether MLLES ISRAEL FOSTER, or SI HON F.. SSYDER, C( rnmitte.e. a , no opporturptv can be given after the or ganization has been cotoptet.d N • I'EIAN MLLES, Chairman. REFS ROWL, &ND, Jr.,tecrotary. FRANNt , OI:I - 0, YOY. 7th, 1853. nolo-It. MLADIES' AID SOCIETY —AT A DIMINO OF LADIES held on Monday After noon, at the House of Mrs. ANNA C. BENSON, No. GUI MA I, SHALL street, for the purpose of forming a Society 'for the Aid of FAMILIES of DIS &BLED and DII CHARGED EOLDI S, was fees vtd, That an Ad journed WWI. g be held at the same place on WED- NheDAY aPFESNOON at 3 o'clock, for Permanent Organization: at which time, all Ladies favorable to the object a.e invited to attend. nolo-2i. THII 'FEDERAL. UNION.—TITE Federal Union is lb() Polar Star of Liberty, placed in the firmament of the Political World by the °Nand Architect of the Universe. All bail, sweet 'tar I Shine on, shine on—shiro. ever S. R. SHANE:LAND. nolo-21° 600 ARCH St. and 913 8 TlllaD St. MTHE TWEN TY-SECOND YERS•EY of the MERCANTILE BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION be celebrated on , FRIDAY EVENING, the 13th instant, 73 , 5' o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND. HALL. Ad; ressee will be delivered by Rev. M. A. DE WOLFE HOWE, D. D. • DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Eact• The Orchestra will be under the direction of Mr. S. HASSLER Cards of adxtiirsion may be had gratuitously by aD- Aline early at the Counting-House of the subscriber, 80. 36 North THIRD Street. M. REBEL STEAM-RAM ATLA.NTA.. The general desire to inspect this ship, and,when in the stream her inaccesaibility caused the Union VO• lunteor Refreshment Committee to procure permission from the United States Government to exhibit her, for the gratification of our citizens. and for the benefit of their fund. She is now moored at the first wharf below Washington avenue. where the public are invited to call, until further notice (Sundays excepted ) A bio graphical sketch of this specinniu of eh ipi building, in cluding an account of her captors, can be procured at the ticket Office. Admission, 26 cents. Children, 10 cents. FRJETTMPTRAINIVI,7, NO. 19, • MEETS AT FRIENDSHIP HALL, CORNER OF TWELFTH AND FILBERT STREETS, THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING at 7% o'clock. se22oc6&tutJal , F CONSOLIDATION BANK., PRTGADBLPITIA. Oct. 6. 1863. An election for Directors will be held at' the Banking House, on MONDAY. the 16th of November, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY. 3d of November. at 12 oc6-tuf tnol6' _ `JOS. N. PEIBROL. Cashier. _ MERCANTILE LIBRARY COM- P/ai r y. , hares of Stock; which by a recent resolution of the Board will hare the dnee for the balance of this year remitted, may now be purchased at the Library for TEN DOLLARS. - Each share if purchased before January 1,-1854, may be duplicated at any time during that year. Great improvements in the building, and large addi tions of both foreign and domestic works, have recently been made. • . A - share of this stock would constitute a n.seful and an propriate Christmas Present. oc9l)Antha m. 9, T 8 .1 6 1E, PHILADBPKILA BANK, Oct. The Annual:Election for Directors will be held on DIONDAY, the 16th day of November, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. B. B. COMEGYS. oclo-stnth-tnole Cashier. CORN EXCHANGE BINH.— PHILADELPIITA. Nov. :& l86:3 The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER °EAT., clear of all Tax e. and payable on demand. J. W. ToRREY, no4-tf Cashier. COMMERCIAL BANE, OP PENN SYLVe N lA.—PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 3, 1863. The Board of Directors nave this day, declared a Dtvt dind of FIVE PER CENT., clear of National and State Taxes, payable on demand- S. C. PALMER, no - 10t Cashier. F A RMERS' AND. MECHANICS' 13A 'TR.—PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 3.1853. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on demand. no 4 61 W. RUSHTON. JR.. Cashier. Gr 18. A lUD BANK .—PIKLADBL PHIA, Nov. 3.111C3. . The'Directors have this' day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT.. out of the profits of the last six months, payable on and after the lath inst., free of all Taxes. Coo4-10t) - W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. KEN9`INGIL ON BikAr-Lx E.-xx-x-x- A - DX,LPHEA, Nov' 3, 1369.- The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dbrl deed of TEN PER CENT. for the last six months on the capital of this Bank, payable on demand, clear of State and united States Taxes. C. T. YERK ES, no 4 6t < . Cashier. MECHANICS' 8AN1K..=P1ELL4.43.E.T.,- ilti Pile. Noy. 3,1853. - The Board of Directors have this 'day dclared a Divi dend of SIX PER CENT. on the business of the Bank for the last months; payable to the Stockholders on and after the 13th instant. J.. WEIGAND. In., no 4 9t Cashier. • SOUTH - WAME BANK. -r DELPHIa, IVor. 3, 1363. The Directors hare declarid a Dividend of EIGHT PEE CUT , payable on demand. F. P. STEEL, no 4 6t Cashiei. 'T HE PHILADELPHIA BANK.— NOVEMBRII. 3. 1883. Tbe Dirsctors Lave declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable clear of all Taxes on demand. no 4 St B. B. CDISIEGIE, Cashier. f&'WESTERN BANK. PHILADBL PHIA,Nov: 3; 1863. The Directors of this Bank have - this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., clear of National and State Taxes, payable on demand. no4•6t . 0. M TROUTMAN,' Cashier: Mm• CORN EXCHANGE BANK. PHILADELPHIA. Oet 12,1865. The mutual election of DIRECTO RS will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. ill and 2P. H. ocl4-tnol6 W TORREY, Cashier. FARMER-S' AND DIEICHIA.DIEGSP BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October 2. 1963. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Bonne on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next between the hone of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M' : and on TUESDAY, the third day of November next, ager oral meeting of the Btockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o'clock P M., agreeably to charter. W. RUSHTON. JR. oc3-tnolB Cashier. a'3.,i PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COX PLNY, TREASURER'S DEPAR (WERT. PHILADELPHIA, October 18. 1869. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE per cent. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after November 15;1863 .'Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the dike of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. ocl7-tdel THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. MSURGEON -ARTIST'S OFFICE, FOR P.II3TIL AVM SOLDIERS.--SOLDIERS who have lost an ARM or LEG in the service, and desire the Patent ' 'PP.:USER Limbs" to be supplied by Govern ment. should return this notice immediately to this of. ilde, stating their loss by letter, with name. company, regiment, and residence. B. PRANK. PALMS B t - 0c22-tf MOO CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. MBANK. OF COMMERCE, PHILA.- DELPHIA, October 5, 1563. Tl e annual electien for DIRECTORS will be held, at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of NoTember-next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P.M. J. A, LEWIS, Cashier. oofrtnths tnol7 COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENN.: SYLVANIA: PITTLADELPIITA, October 12, 1863, The &canal F.:LEO - MN for Directors will be held at the Banking Fiouse,.on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. 21 ocl3ttiths-tlono S. C. PALMER, Cashier. MMECHANICS' BANK, PHILADKL PRIA. October 0. 1863 The annual election for DIRECTORS, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held on MONDAY. the sixteenth day of November, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. J. WEIGAND. Jr., octtnths tnol6 Cashier. BANK 011 1 COMMERCE. --PUMA.- D kLPHLs. Nov. 9, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT 4 Payable on demand, clear of Taxes. • J. A. LEWIS. not wfm-6t Cashier. IM'MANUFACTURERS' - A ND. .11E CBANICS' BAND.-PHILADELPHIA. Nev. 3, 1363. The Directors have this, day declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. for the past.six months,-payable' clear of Tax. on Pridanthe 13th instant no4wfmst . IL W. VirOODWARD. Cashier. Ms. PIiII.ADIEIGIPERA. AND READIN - RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 2127 South YOUTH Street, PHILADELPHIA, September 2, 1963. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock of this Company. The reeldence of several of them Ia un known, and it is, therefore, necessary that the certifi cates of stock shottld be presented on calling for'the Dividend. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. STOCKHOLDERS' NAMES. Mrs. Mary Bishop, Timothy U. Boyle, Clement Biddle. Ann Copeland, A. Emslie and J. Newbold, Tmetees, Debbie A. Hughes. Saml T. Harrison. James Hallowell, James W. Hallowell, Catherine C. Koppele, Daniel Klapp, Mary Kahn. Chas. Kuhn, Hartman Kuhr., and J. H. Kuhn, Nor. of B. Knbu, B. V. Leisse Extra.. and James G. Schaff, Ex. of John 13. LAMM. dedd N 0.. S. Lancaster, Percy M. Lewis, Fanny Mary rditeherson, John Mclntyre, John S. Moore James McKnight, - Benj. F. Newt/rt. Beni Pott, W it Rodman, SarahAnnitichitrds. Henry B. Bherer, Maria L. Sadler, Andrew Turner, Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich, Asher M. Wright, William Young, W. IL McVickar, Austin Smith, Willie & Co. 404. GIL,tOTT'S PENS A fresh supply of this popular Pen will be opened. ex "China," on or about WEDNESDAY, November 11th. HENRY ONVEIsT, AGENT. 91 JOHN Street. New York. noll-3t I - MPORTERS OP -a- WINES AND LIQUORS. LAUMAN, BALLADE, Se CO., 170.1 as SOUTH NINTH STREET, Between Chestnut andWalnnt, Philadelphia. G. M. LAUSIA.N, A. M. BALLADE. J. D. BITTING. IVORY TYPES.-,FOR AN EXQUISITE -I- likeness of this style, engage one at REIMER'S. Care and skill combined make them pleasing and llte-like pictures: See them, at SECOND Street, a Green. it* REM 0 VAL cE LE 01 7 'S CITY AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY OFFICE has been re moved from Northeast Tenth and Chestnut to 1.34 B. FOURTH. St. Cnolo.3tif9 A. McELROY, Complier. JGUILD MILLETTI3, - ATTORNEY • AT LAW AND COLNIVETAIWER, No 2V Soak FIFTH Etrtot 114.14(101 , 1tia. nog UR* 11RE PRESS.----YEEILADELPEEIA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10:1863. il $402 BOUNTY FOR VETERANS, OW AND FOR ALL OTHER RECRUITS.—fen en listing at the General Recruiting Olifre, No. Ell CHESTNUT Street, . can select any old artillery, cavalry, or infantry tegirnent rai,ed, or partly raided in Ibis city. and receive the above bounty u-A, few good men can yet be enlisted for the 2d A.T. Hilary (112tb. Argil:bent I'. V. ,y Col A. A. Gibecm oom mending • CHAS Ed CADWICLA.GELE. • noll-40 Captain sad General Recruiting GMAT. A CORPS OF HONOR, 11. S. A. HEADQUARTERS RECRUITING SERVICE, INVALID CORPS FOR PHILADELPHIA. 241 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of dis ability Willi apply for information for enlistment in the INVALID' COIIPS to - Lieut. HUBER BASTIAN, Invalid Corps, , . 243 S Third street, Philadelphia. or to Lieut. J. W. DRAB. Invalid Corps. 511 Brown street, and ff. B. corner Broad. and Spring Garden sta. . Phila. Pay and rallowancea. oacepting bounty and' Pension, surge as in 11. 8. Infantry. E W. NATTKE WB, Bator let Pa. A . and. Supt. Invalid Corps for Philadel phia. ' ant-saatutf STERLING EXCHANGE, 330t7G1E-IT AND SOI.D. me2B-m&atm EDWARD M. DAVIS, EkOHANG-E - BROKER, 39 North Third• Street, U.p Stairs. WILL SUPPLY AT PAR WITHOT MARCIE TO MB BUYER, AIM SOLIOITB ITIS FRIENDS FOR TUBIII ORDERS. no2.natu4tif 5-20. U. S. 5-20. The andershrned, as general Subscription Agent. is authorized by the Secretary or the Treasury to continue the sale of this popular Loan, and TEN DAYS public notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS remain unsold, and this amount is scarcely sufficient to furnish a basis for the circulation of the National Banking Aeociations now being formed in every part of the Country. But a short time must elapse before this loan is wholly eh totted, the demand from FairoDe. Germany especially. being quite active. As it is well known that the. Secretary of the Trea sury-has ample and unfailing resources in the duties on imports, internal revenues, and in the issue of interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes. it is nearly cer tain that it will not be necessary for him for a long time to come to issue further permanent Loans, the interest and principal of which are payable in Gold. • These considerations must lead to the prompt conslu sion that the time is not far distant when these " Five- Twenties" will sell at a handsome premium, as was the result with the "Seven-thirty:' Loan, 'when it was all sold, and could no longer be subscribed for at par. This is a WK. C. LUDWIG, President the interest and principal being payable in coin, thus Yielding about ELGET per cent. per annum at the present premium on gold. It Is called " Five-Twenty." from the fact that whilst the Bonds may ran for twenty years. yet the Govern ment has the eight to Day them off in gold at par. at any time After five years. The interest is paid tall yearly on the first days of No vember and May. Subscribers can hale Coupon Bonus which are paya ble to bearer and issued for $5O, $lOO. $5OO. and $l,OOO. or Registered Bonds of similar denominations, and in addition $5,C00 and $lO,OOO. These "Five-Twenttes" cannot be taxed by States, cities, towns, or counties, and the Government tax on them is only one and a half per cent, on, the amount of income, when the income exceeds six hundred dol lars per annum. income from all other investments, such as mortgages, railroad stocks, bonds, Ste., mug pay fiora three to Aye per cent. tax on the income. - - - - - - . BUnice and Bankers throughout the country Will con tinue to dispose of the Bonds, and all orders by mail or otherwise properly attended to. The Treasury Department having perfected arrange merits for the prompt delivery of Bonds, Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of subscri bing, or at farthest in FOUR days. This arrangement will be gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on pal ment of the money, and will greatly increase the sales. 111 SOUTH THIRD STREET, • - MIC • HAEL JACOBS,,' BANJi ER, No. 46 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPEL.4. GOVERNMENT sEctrErros, SP AND 'INCITE RENT MONEY BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid. to the Negotiation of Time Paper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. ocl-Sm fIOLLECTION OF U. S. CERTIFI CATES"-, OF INDEBTEDNESS.—The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect, at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One. Year Certificates of In• debtednees of the United States now tine or shortly motoring. Terms made known and receipts given at the office, No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. myfi-tf NOTICE: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CERTIFICATE No. 29,824, 200 Shares, issued tone by the New York Transfer Agency of the Philadelphia and. Reading Railtoad has been LOST, and that apolication has been made for the sub stitution of a certificate in place thereof. A. G. REMINWAY ,St CO., ea-Mt No. 53 EXCHANGE' Place. A CARD.-UNION PACIFIC RAIL WAY COMPANY (EASTERN DIVISION) 'BONDS (KANSAS BRANCH OP THE PACIFIC RaILROAD).— As Bonds of the above description will probably be of fered for sale in the money market, the public is hereby cautioned against purchasing, or in any way negotiating for them; for the undersigned have an existing contract which prohibits entirely the sale or use of said Bonds, while at the same time the statute laws of the State of Kansas give them, under their contract, a prior /ten to all mortgages or deeds of trust which can be executed by said Company. Any investment in said Bonds, without authority from the nndersigned, will-be invalid, and will entail a total loss upon the parties who shall ven ture to purchase them, ROSS. STE & CO , Contractors for building the Leavenworth, Pawnee, and Western (now called Union Pacific) Railway, Eastern Division. _ LPAvEBWORTA CITY. Kaneae, Nov. 4.:1863.., no9-12t TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE TN CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. — Estate of JONATHAN TOAILINBON. deed. Notice is hereby given that MARY TOSILINSON, widow of said decedent, has filed her petition and an in ventory of the personal estate Which she elects to retain under act of April 14, 1851, and the supplements thereto, which will be approyen by the Court on FRIDAY, No vember 20, DO, unless exceptions be filed thereto. E. TILBURY JONES. nolo twth4t. Attorney for Petitioner. NOTICE IS BEREBY GIVEN THAN THE COMMERCI/J, BANE OF-PENNSYLVA NIA" intend to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylya nia, at their next session, for a renewal of their charter. Said Bank is located in the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized' capital of one million of dollars—a re newal of which will be asked for. with the usual bank ing privileges. By order of the Board, S. C. PALMER. June 25. 1863. je3o-tuem Cashier. INTBE ORPHANS' 'COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JANE CALDWELL, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JOHN A. CALD WELL and THO -MAE CALDWELL:, Administrators of the Estate of JANE .CAL DWELL. deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountants. will meet the parties in' erested for the purposes of his appointment on. MONDAY, November 16, 1E63, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his °Mee, No. 'au South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, no4-tbetnet• B. C. SHAPLEY, Jr , Auditor. REALED PROPOSALS ARE INVITED till the 21st day of November, 1863, at 12 K. f pr far -- Dishing the Subsistence Department with 20,000 barrels of. FLOUR. •.- • . Bids will be received. for what is known as Nos 1,2, and 3, and for any portion less than the 20000, barrels. . Bids in duplicate for the different grades should be upon separate sheets of paper. The delivery of the Flour to be commenced within one week from the opening of the bids, or as soon thereafter as the Government may direct, at the rate of at least 800 barrels daily. delivered either at the Government ware house, in Georgetown, at the wharves, or at the railroad d6pat, WASHING roN, D. C. All contracts must be completed. Within" thirty days from the opening of the bids. - Payment will be made in certificates of indebtedness, or such other funds as the Government may have for disbursement. . The usnal Government inspection will be made just before the Flour is received. An oath of allegiance must accompany each bid. No bid will be entertained from parties who have"pre vionsly failed to comply with their bids, t r from bidders not present to respond. The barrels to be entirely new, and of oak, and made very strong„ of new materials, and head-lined. No Flour will be received which is not fresh•ground. Bids to be directed to Lieutenant Colonel G. BELL, C. S. S. A. Washington, D. C , and endorsed "Pro posals for Flour." nolo-St THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO, FORF. existing between the undersigned.. under the firm otINGRA6i & MOORE, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, CHAS., 3% MOORE retirlog. WK. INGR AM. CHAS. D. MOORE PAILADELPITIA, For. 10.'1163 :sanolo-2t* 165-stuth-tf REDLI.BR'S PORTRAITS FOP.,"ACCU EACY, naturalness and freshness, and brilliancy of coloring have no equals. See life. size photographs in oil colors made at fiEdOND Street, above Green. 10 • A TITER'S' HAIR TONIC.-TO. ,PRE 'VENT the atr from falling off: also for removing the Scurf or Dandruff. Ido not clairt,that my prepara tion will restore the Hair upon all bald heads, but in cases where , ha baldness has been cuused by Sickness, Weakness. Son rf, or breaking: off by reason of tirlap7 zees, it will be found a sure restorer and a certain re medy. Also gives the hair a haat:Alfa and* life-like gloss. 53 THIRD &net, above Chestnut, it Philadelphia. WRIGHT'S NE PLR...ULTRA. MINOE MEAT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, SPRING GARDEN AI 4 ID FRANKLIN STREETS', noT-Smos - . • Philado)rbia THE RELA.TIYES OF THE PRISON ERS OF WAR of the 11. S Army, now detained at Richmond, Va., can have the arrears of pay (regularly collected: for them at THE MI.LI7ARY AND NAVAL AGENCY. o. FOUR SUNDKRD AND TWRNTY•SEVRN, 427 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. no 7-4111 JOSEPH E. DEVITf CO. GYMNASIUM, OORNER NINTH AND ARCH.`-Open for subscribers every day. - Classes for Ladles—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. between 4 and 6 o'clock 'tor Bois—Tuesday. Thrtraday, and Saturday, liotween 4 and 6 o clock. . For Oentlemen—avery day from 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. uoTAS Prof.r. HlLLEan.tan & Lams. MILITARY myricEs. FINANCIAL. DREXEL & CO .5-.4D U. S. 1301041135,, SIX PER CENT. LOAN, JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT; LEGAL. PROPOSALS. VT ar ELEGAWU Also, a Largo assortment of the Wriest and. Richest SHEPPARD..VAII HARLINGEN, Sr Aaursorf, nob tuth drOtif EVRE & LANDELL, t • POPULAR DRY GOODS. FINE FRENCH MERINOES, FASHIONABLE POPLINS, 4.4 CLOAK VELVETS, $l7, POPULAR STYLE SHAWLS; VELVET FROSTED CLOTHS, POPULAR STYLE CLOAKS, WATER-PROOF CLOTHS, POPULAR JOUVIN GLOVES, RICHEST SILKS; and. DRESS GOODS. 64329.tnth5-tf JUST RECEIV ED. VERY FINE SCARLET AND BLUE OPIERA_ Ateo, a general assortment of WRITE AND COLORED FLANNELS, Both Twilled and Plain, in all of the most approval. makes, FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, nolOdutbs6tif 1008 CHESTNUT Street, LINENS AND MIISLINS. -9 4 BARNS. ley Linen Sheeting, $1 per yard; 10.4 Ltnen sheeting. $l-245 prr yard; 11-4 Linen Sheeting; 12-4 Linen Sheeting; 40 inch. 42 inch. 45 inch. 50 inch. and 54 inch-Pillow Lin en ; all Linen Table Linen, 50 cents per yard. Also, very fine Table Linen imported; Napkins, all linen and good, at $1 62 per dozen; extra quality. $2 per dozen; all Linen Towels, $1 50 per dozen; Huckaback ditto, $2 der .dozen ; fine Towels of every description. Huck aback Shirting Linens and Linen Goods of every description. duslins of almost every make at 16, 20, 21, 26, and 31 cents pet , yard;-also full width Sheetings, "St lowest prices; good Canton Flannels at 32 cents; extra ditto, at 37, 40,.95. end 50 cents; Red Flannel, all wool, at 37X cents, W444e ditto. 37 cents; Red Twilled, of extra good quality, al 50 cents; beet Gray Twilled for 60 cents, in Philadelphia. Blankets extra cheap for one week; 4 lots of damaged Blankets stained. &c. . . . . Our Linens were bought when exchange was at the lowest point, and are about 2.5 per cent less than the goods now are. Most of our Muslins were on hand be fore the great rise in prices, and are now warranted un der regular prices wholesale and retail. Oar Flannels defy competition for chsapness and assortment; and our Blankets were many of them bought last season at very low rices. La p ses' Aids and. charitable associations sold to at a reduction, r 09-2 t 1,000 PAIRS BROWN GRAY BLANKETS, (6 and 7 ihe. each.) FOR SALE BY BETTER, CLAGHORN, .fs CO., 39..3 MARKET STREET, nolo-2t E AV -Y. For sale br PHILADELPHIA., FROTIIIr4 - 03-11AM & WELLS HEAVY, MEDIUM. AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILECLAS. BROWN, BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN, &o. 5e194111 FOR THE . ARMY AND NAVY eftz Ml.hl-SS_EkMdias - MILITARY FURNISHERS, Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Pasaants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Canteens, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, Soyer's cele brated Camp Kit, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. - . A liberal discount allowed to the trade. 0e.20-1m G. W. SIMONS ds BROTHERa BAHSOH-STBEET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, - MANHFACTITERES OF .TSWELHIr. FINE SWORDS. AND MILITARY GOODS II RVRRY VARIETY. an.215-IBm FATas; - . 1863: WOOD ar -725 CHESTNUT STREET. Hive now open A LARGE STOCK Olt STRAW AND 'FELT GOODS, . FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, And a general assortment of • MILLINERY, G001)8. To whioh they Invite the attention of THE TEACH 5e17.2 BIG ATHST RIBBON.. STORE, No: 11.01 N. WORTH STREW. Irv-We have received from . the late New Vork and Philadelphia Auctions the.follendng most desirable and fashionable goods atveryleasonable prices Scarlet Bonnet Velvet, at Saxer yard. Do. do; do. Lyons width and quality. SI 60 per yard. ' LEATHER. COLORED VELVET. —punt Velvet, Cord ed Silk and Bonnet Silk, all of the most beautihn shades, with Ribbons,Feathers and Flowers, to. match. BLACK:BONNET RIBBONS. —A splendid line, from 16 to'44 benbiper Yard. At the latter price we sell a very wide and heavy Ribbon. Batra bean, alr"belre4 Riblpens, narrow and Wide, lower at retail thairthey oan be bought else wharaby the piece. BLACK, DRAB AND, BIIO,W.N.PELT HA.TB from the manufacturers direct. All the new shapes fortunes' and ohltdren's wear,,veystyheaP. A complete assortment; of Black English Crepes, pur chased before the late heavy advance in gad, from 65 cents a yird upwards. _ BONNET RIBBONS in endless variety. Velvet Rib bons. black and. colored, the best ma : ke tr.Dertad, at a' great reduction. Trimming Xibbona, ever &bade; and every other article used in making or trinraina a bon net, or that can a be lowa w ith us at less than wholesale Prices. : A liberal reducllon made to wholesale bnyers. ,Country orderapromptly attended to. 6.1 1 Z SE & W HI. L eel4taell No. 107 North WORTH Street. M11.,4S CALPWEILL, NO. 824 A.5.C93. Street will be ptOpared to Show the int,oot styles . WlaTEß iwnia VERY-for Ladies and on TUESDAY. NowberlOth. no 7-30 - MRS. N. A,. KIM HAS CON. NEVANTLY, on hand. a beautiful assortment of MlLLltijiglie, at 1026 CHEiTNTIT Street. ' 0e20,1ea7 MRS. R. DrkON, FANCY AND • v wmew MI L LLINRR, 393 SOUTH street. Phi . ladelphia. Mourning Bonnets made at thoshort eat notice; Bonnets dyed,. cleaned, pressed, and, altered to the latest styles. An, assortment of Feathers', Flow ers; Ribbons, Cape, ac c,. always on band. Orders from Country Millinerit rad otbors solicited and promptly at tended to. 050.1.-Im* IR FRENCH, ELO W ER% 1863. FEATHERS, LACES, RIMONS, NEW-STYLE IZATS ; • MIST OPENED AT THOS. KENNEDY dr BRO.'S; No. IA9 CHESTNUT Street, below Eighth. ;ee9-3113. BRASS 'STENCIL ALPHAIMIL M. J. METCALF dr SON. • 453 SALEM STEWT, BOSTON. MSS. The only mannfaetnrew .the United States. o 2 Braes ilphabete and Figures. to any great extent or In any ,variety. Sold at wholesale at the Lowen oAes Palau. Mee. tile BEST OF INAILIBLE STENCIL INK. very cheat. Stencil Dies mid all binds of Stencil Stock:. Inquiries or orders proreAtlT, attended to. _oeB-Sm QARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, Ai ailliaWAIIT is 1:11.13V7W5, llt H. PDITATU RETAIL DRY GOODS i.Ac i CtTR2~~:I:L S~, TRB Ricinst GOODS IMPORTED CURTAIN MATERIALS, FURNITURE COVERINGS 1011.8 CaESTNTIP MIST FOURTH. AND' AUK SAVE k 'prA.Gfuncraer KOMI OF . . 8.. D. dc W. IL PENN ELL. 1021 MARKET, kelow. Eleventh COMMISSION HOUSES. LINENS, COVERING DECKS OF VESSELS, a. 0. FRYER, f' ARMY GOODS. =MI 418 ARCH STREET, PRILkDELPRIA. MILLINERY GOODS. PLANTATION BITTERS. From tha army hoeielltl"the bloody battle. field—ther mansion of the rich aaflintabbs abode of the poor—from the office and the awed dhsk—from the mountain top, distant valleys and far-RE Wands of the ocean—from every - nook and corner of theavhilized world--in pouring in the evidence of the Retort:thing Warts of_DE.lllll . B PLASTATIOff BITTERS. rilwitairds upon thousands of lettor.s like the following ma:.•the seam at our office: RREDSBURY; , W[e•, Sept. 16, 1883. • ` I have been in Mo. army, hospitals for fourteen month s--speechlese and nearly . dead At Alton, Ill',, they Rave me a bottle of Piantettetr Mere. Three bottles restored my speech and cravd' me. I a. IC VIATITH. " Sorra Wanse.w. 0., Jnly 03, 188.4. " • • • One young man. who had been Bich and not out of the home - for two years with Scrofula and ErY elpelas. after paying the doctor> over Ma without bene fit. bas been cured by ten bottles of your Bitters. • • • EDWARD virbrtWALL. " The following la 'from the Matron of the.Unlow Home hool for the Cnild'ren of voluntaers: HAVENEYER MANSION FIFTY•SEVENTri NEW Vona, August 2. 1883. Da. DRAKE: YOur wonderful Plantation!Bitters have been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and weak lungs with moat happy effect. One little girl, in particular- With pains in the head, loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted: has been entirely restored. W 8 commenced with • but a teaspoonful of Bitters a day.! Het appetite increased; strength and health. followed. Hespeottnlls. "* • • I owe much to yon. fort verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. RBV. W. H. WAGGONER, Madrid, N. Y." " • • " Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife hoe been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, ASA. CIIIIIIIPf, Philadelphia. Pa." •.'• . * Z have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. _.: * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me. }IRV. J. 13: CATHOEN, Rockester, R. Y." " « « Send as . tmentyr - ibur dozen more of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity a whiSh is daily in orgasm; with the guests of our house. SYKES, CHADWICK, & CO., Proprietors WillariPsyotel. Washington, D. q. " I have given 'the Plantatitn•Eitters to hun dreds of ow disabled soldiers with the moat' astonishing' effect. G. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Soldiers' anine, elneinnati. 0." *** * • The Plantation Bitters have cured me of liver complaint, of which I was' laid up prostrate and had to abandon my business. _ . H.B.' KINGSLEY, Cleveland, 0." + + The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. C. C. MOORS, Agent for Colgate St Co. , 2.-54 Broadway," - &a., &0., &c., dro.: &0.. &c. The Plantatipe. Bitters make the weak strong, the lan mild brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed 'of the 'celebrated Cliasaya Bark, Wintergreen. - Sassafras, litiots. Herbs, dec.. all preserved in perfectly purelt. Croix Ram. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, lassitude. palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, kn., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the higheet medical autho rities, and are warranted to prodnce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmleea. Norms.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. We only pat It up in our log-cabin bottles. Beware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious staff, for which several persons are already in prison. See-that every bottle has, our United States stamp over the cork, and signature on steel-plate side labels. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. P. H.. DRAKE &I CO., oclO.stn&th4m 202 BROADWAY. N. Y. LUBRICATING OILS. ÜBRIC A-TING OILS .(3.5 No. 240 ARCH. STREET, DEPOT FOR MACHINERY OILS. We now offer to the public the following SUPERIOR LUBRICATING AND BURNING OILS, of Morehouse Sr Meriani's celebrated manufacture. LIGHT -COLORED OILS. No. 1 SIGNAL OIL, • This Oil is equal to Sperm, will stand the cold, and. does not gum. No 2 SIGNAL OIL, is taking the place 0 - f Lard Oil; it lasts longer, and gives a better light. No. 1 FINE ENGINE AND MACHINERY OIL, quite as good as Sperm for any Lubricating purpose. .No. 2 FIER DWG' AE AND CAR OIL, is - better than any other oil in use, and 2)1Il eh cheaper. No. 1 LIGHT CAR OIL. IstialaUtPai, l- 1 - Jr,5tfr07447.17A izt - wr —ea to. No. 2 LIGRT CAR - OIL, will not congeal in cold weather; hence better than Lard No. 3, PAUFFINE LusiticATom. a splendid Oil for all - kinds of Machinery. DARK COLORED OILS. JACKEO N . OIL, A fine; cheap Oil for Buena and Car Journals, PURR .111.13 C 9A, Steam Refined No. 3 MECCA, For Engine and Machineryfree from water or grit. No. 4 'MECCA. Exclusively for Car Journals and Heavy Machinery. No. 5 PARAFFItiE LUBRICATOR, Will not congeal in cold weather. and will save 15 per cent. in power and in the wear of brasses, over cheap oils. No. -6 PATENT COMPOUND An anti-friction oil; deigned expressly for Heavy Ma chinery, Rolling Mills. Steamboats. &c. No. 7 ENGINE AND CAR OIL. Designed to take the place of Lard flows freely in the coldest weather, and is lees; affected by warm wea ther than Lard Oil. All the above Oils are entirely free from acids. Orders promptly filled. HIIRLBURT 16 CO., No. 2443 ARCH Street. Sole Agents for Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, and ew Jersey. nolo tuthelat WATCHES AND JEWELRY. el) G. RUSSELL, 22 NORTH SIXTH Street, has just received a very handsome assort ment of FINE SEAL RINGS. ' ocSl-3m. IDFINE WATCH . iREPAIRING attended to by the most experienced workmen, and every Watch warranted for one year. - G. RUSSELL, 23.11.0rth SIXTH Street. MUSICAL BOXES. IN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, eau kitrolignfr. from 1 t leß t ertagirEZ e ft=" l : se2•Bm 324 CHESTNUT Street. below Fourth. INSURANCE COMPANIES. MINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. HARTFORD, CONN- PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE. NO. 400 CJEIESTNT,TT ST.REET. CHAUNCEY H. BRUSH, Manager.- HIRAM TORREY, State Agent INSURE YOUR. ,LICE TES.:: WASHINGTON. LIFE INSURANCE _CO. OF NEW YORK, Which offers more advantages, to Insurers than any other Company in.the United States. CHAMBERS. &,..REGr,ISTER, :. GENERAL AGENTS, 407 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. 0c27-tuthatial REMOVAL. • -THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. hatring appointed' JAMBS B..pAllit Agent for this Cit have Removed their office to NO. 4 18 .WALNUT STREW, Where a_pplicationi for INSURANCE and RENEW &LB on POLICIES mast be made. The allotted dividend of 1863 will be adinstod on all Policies on which two or more annual premiums have been paid, on the adjustment oft the current year's premium. The following Hems, interesting to' the assured, show the great progress and prosperity of the Company sinus' the last triennisti dividend: The inconeof the Company for the • Net three Team his been.......... $1,430,000 00,. The assets have increased. ,;•-• ; . 410,000 . Oar The Icinies paid to widows' during Wee yeers,peet were 280,561. 24 • •• . " others 99.738 JO ' Dividends have been muds during tha.past three years 250.000 a JAHRI3I3.. CARR, Agent - C. WzattioN. Secretary. 002.iansll - FEE INSIII! 403 CHESTNUT:St2er. PHILADI PIER AND INJAI DIRK Wands I. Buck, Chas. Richardson, Senry Lewis, Jr., ohn W, E'vermßs, Plitho S. Justicei. 0. W. Davis FRANC t. ? N. B CHAIM S RICH. WILLIAM I. B ANDRA" A BLIND DQOTOR REOBIVES BUS eight the use of Mrs. M. G. BROWN'S ME- T4PHYSIC DIBCOVEILY. I, Dr. J4iiaS. Moore, of 'Bonkley, N, J., assert, for the benefit or: all who, suffer, that I have been afflicted with diseased eyegfor twenty-three years; have been in. the Rya InArmaryin Providence, where - it was thought, an operation was necessary, but to this I would not con sent. I have been pronourtud'incurabie by five of the best physicians ' the country. two of whom assured me my ayes would rein, out in a few weeks. and procured a letter, for my admittance into the Infirmary in:Phila. 'While preparing tn go, a friend advised me to try Mrs. M. Gt.' Brown. On the 9th of September. 1813, I went to see her, led by my wile as I WAS totally blind, art' had been so fos,y,ear. Mrs. Brown told me my care gr4g.hini, a , most hopeless, through tbo quantity of blue store and vitriol administered, bet addeb, if anything Wald reach my onee. the Metaph_ysical Discovery would. She made the first application; I Imo - right the medicine home; I have Apsd it three weeks, and the result to that this twenty. ninth day of September. I have come to Phi ladelphia %lima. now sit in Mrs. Brown 8, Otrina can read without glaeses the signs or, the opposite side of the street; writs a, letter at the desk, and see every object distinctly around me. .1 aranow at MY practista again, supplying the wants of my family, who mist save been beggared had I not been owed. Under th °rat circumstanoos 1 cordially re. commend Mrs. M. G. Brown's mode of treatment too ail who. we suffering. lice Metaphysical Discovery cures Deafness, Noises in the Head, Running of the Ears, Ca tarrh, &c., &c. Thepackage contests of three distinct preparations, one Am. the eye, ono for thaear, and one for the scalp. , Thel work in conjunction, and remove the legitimate cause of all disease. They are put up in a nest wooden 1,(1,1( and will be for warded safe} to any address on the receipt of $5, Full olirectior. - „, accompany tee medicine. Poor iftichartPs Bye Water, 81. Per bOitle. put rrerden bon. MRS. M. G. BROWN. Metaphysical Physician. - 410 MICH &greet. Philadelphia. t AO 6, MSS. 0. X DEVOE." xtos thstn6t JE,COMPANTY NO. et, ELPHIA. - AD lASI:MANOR ITORS._ E. D. Wood: mil. Geo. A. West, ^ • John Kessler* Jr.. Chas. Stones, ' A. H. Rosenholm, Joseph 1). Ellis. OK, Presiiilont. ARDSON. Vice President . . ' D. Secretary. ial6tlll NEW PUBLICATIONSi WItITTIER'S VEW POEM. JEN WAR TIME AND OTHER POKIER. By John. Grinnle Whittier. 12mal cleth. ILUe hTAL HYGIENE. BY J. Rlll, AL D. 12mV. cloth. 25. GEORGE HORTON AND HIERIRT I RE. By Oathartne Mite. 1210 e, cloth. 00 et.. FR &NB AND .11.1OFOSi or. Odredlanee and Diiclia dianoe. By Caadierlne M. TroWbr" Idge. lanfo, cloth. (Meta. LITTLE 60011 BTOtflh& OF O 1 D ' s jff il lgy 3 l: ; Na il pf lu d a tt i ite r f a t e tt y le 12mo: cloth 2 vole. WARS OF THE-CO NIES By JacA A r hhoti. Vol. .121 no, cloth. 76 count. °Jed: $ PRIER PARLEY'S OWN STORY. 111roWstred. Vine. 1. Por Gale by L.WM. so Si ALFRED fditIVIEN. nolo' . ' 606 C RESTA ri'E. Street. ALBUMS OREAPIgST AND BEST 1 I,OCa Albums for 12 Portraits, 'L'i cents to $l. EGO' do do 24 der en do to 4. 600 , do do 60 do 42 to 10. XV do do BO do 3 to .. .. .. . - . ~, -li.o do do 100 do 4 to 15 An immenact•toolk, the largest a best in the Werlg. PITCHER 'd low priced Book, isture, and Album Store. no9•Bt' - : 808 MIESTNITr Street. 25. CENTffrr COLORED' P 11'0 TO 011APHS, 2-scent*. One balf the , ndr.el Prinef Over .1.000 different:kind*. PRICE,. REDUCED TO 2t centa! 26 Zcente! S - • PITCHER'AIbum 'andlure Dep0r,..31.,8 CHEST NUT Street. . n 00.61 NEW BOORS!NEW 800 ECIf ft Jtist received by ASHM EA D` E'CrA - NTS (succe3o. to Willie P. I lA.Tar&, 72* 91ISST NUT Israel A NEW HOVEL—DEEP WATERS-713v Anna Ef. Diary, Author of fifiszepresentr-tians," "Friends ar?l , For e, " Etc. Bvo. pa _per. dto , THE NEW GOSPEL OF PMACB, according to St: Ban jam In. Book Second. "tonal to Book First. RI , MAINS IN PROSE AND' VERSE, OF ARTDETR HALLAM. 1K MeRVEL'B biEW BOOK—MT FEW Ar EDGB Also new and beautiful editicas,. on tinted paper, of REVERIES OP-A BACHELOR and DREAM LIFE. - THE Y ANKEE - BOY.F ROM BOMB: PI EAST , RE •ND - PROFIT. By Etre- Manners, AT HOME AND ABROAD SA.c.d.Antbor. THE PAT BIRD AN OTHER STOW.ES. A New Sti ventle. By Cousin Alice. HARRY'S VACA9 lON. ATLANTIC M. , NTFILY. A.RPET.:"" and GODEY, for WO EMBER. PAIGE 20 cENr,EAgaI PHOTOGRAPH. ALBUMS, New St7las,-constantly riving All sizes and prices: no7-3t KEW BOOKS- Just received by J. B. LIPPINCOIIT S CO., 716 9.nd 717 Id • StreeE HANNAH TIIIETBSTON. A Story of /&...trizain Life. by Bayard Taylor. DAY Dl[[,;, AM& By Joseph A Nunes.. MY FARM OF EDGE WOOD• a co wary Wick,. "by the eutb or of ' • Reveries of A. Be cb elorr. " LIFE AND TIMES OF J.)IIN IIU3S; 0,17-90. Bohe mian Retormation of the Fifteenth Century: Fry - E H. Gillett 2 - vols., Svo. • REMAINS, IN VERSE 'AND 'PROSE,'OP'LRTEUR HALLAM.___ OEOGRAFHICAL STUDIES of the late Proieienr - Cerl Ritter Translated by Vir L. Gage. NOTES ON THE REBEL 'INVASION .OF PENNSYL -VANIA AND MARYLAND By Paul LcOm ANNALS' OF THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND; with many. illustrations THE JEWISH TABERNACLE AND ITS PURNIIITAB. By Bev. 'Milani Newton. ter jp O'S.: AGENCY; 33 South SIXTH Stre+it: : APPLET.ON'S NEW CYCLOPEDIA. WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORKS. WAVERLBY NOVELS_ Household edition. REBELLION RECORD. BAYARD TAYLOR'S WORKS. co nPER'S Nt I VRLS. Illustrated 'edition. DICKENS' WOl , KS Honsehold edi% ion. _ GEMS FRoM. - HE DUSSELDORF GALLERY. BRITISH POETS. Boston edition MERRIVALE'S HISToRY OF THE ROMANS. Am.. dtc. NATIONAL QUARTERLY REVIEW. $3 per year. oeffl-tuthea 3m. L - INDSAY & BLAXISTON, Publishers and Booksellers. SN SOUTH SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. BOOKS in every Department of Literature, including all Miscellaneous and Standard Works. nrvBNILE BOOKS in great variety. MILITARY, NAY al., and SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. ALL NEW PIIBLICaTI. , NS of a standard character received as smn se published, or furnished promp , ly to. order, WHOLES ILE or RETAIL, at low prices. not 11AzA''1{,D's BOOKSTORE,i 7514 CRESTRITT STREET Between Seventh md nighth Streets Alltiooks usually to be bad in a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always ha found on our shelves AT nib!, LOWEST PRICES sel3,Bnl EDUCATIONAL. Ar.l LL A GE GREEN SEMINARY, V NEAR MEDIA, PA.—Pupils received at any time. English, Mathematics, Classics, and. Nataral Sciences taught: Military Tactics, Book-keeping. and. Civil En gineering taught. Entire expenses about $.3 oar week. Boys of all ages taken. Refers to Win. H. Kern, ex- Sheriff - ;:.Tbhn C. Cepp Ac Co.. No. 23 South Third street. and Thomas. T. Clayton. F.sq., Fifth and Prnae-streets. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. , Village Green, Pa. no-t-tf prEMAN ALLEN, A. M., FROM THE' • • Comet-retort= of Music. at Leipzig, TRACERS. of the PIANO AND VIOLIN. No. 2.15 South SRVEN TRUTH Street. Circulars at G. Andre & Co.'s. No. 1104 Chestnut street. and at this office. 0c27-Im. MRS. 0.. A. BITRGIN'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Na: 1037 WALNUT Street. few Pupils can be received for the study of French. and German. - oel3-Im. WANTS. MTANTED -AN -ASSISTANT, TO ir learn the retail Arne and Apothecary Ba sinesg. •Apply at 240. 941 SPRUCE Street. noldaf A GOOD SALESIAN WANTED-IN a wholesales Hat house, Address Box 210 E. Phila delphia Post Office. n01042e AGENTS ,WANTED TO SELL THE STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WAR. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from PAICO to $2OO ter month Send for circular. Addree - JONES 8R05... CO., PribliFbers.Baltimore.lid. Paoli/Am* TO JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS.-AN -11- experienced SALESMAN, hsving an extensive and vein able acquaintance with Western Sob bars and Coun try Aferch .nts (to whom he has sold Goods for many years Peet). 'wishes to make an engagement with a re sponsible House, who keep a foil stock of Goods. to date from let January next. The advertiser is ahout to make a Western trip on bu attest t consequently deeives an interview, with the view to wv enavamvat. 6 line for C:B. A., at this office, will be punctually responded to • - nolo-5t5 TV - ANTED TO RENT-.MODERATE • • sTzfl - WOOLEN FACTORY. located in or near tbe city. tiilonld the owner desire it. an interest With - be given to him to enperintend the business. Addr.iss Box %71 3 Philadelphia Poet Office, gating where - an in terview may lie bad. nolo-St* WANTED -A FIRST 0 LASS-L A.RGE: SIZE COUNTING.ROOM SAFE. .Giving size, de- Ecription, makers' name, how long in use, price. &c„ adaress safe." r dice of this paper. u09.6t. WANTED-IN A SILK JOBBING 11 , nse a firet-clase SALESMAN. with somq know ledge of the business and ability to influence trade .Ad d sees "S. T . R. tbis office. .nog -6t A YOUNG MAN,I9 YEARS OF AGE, wbo writes a fair band, desires a permanent situa tion as assistant in s store, or counting house -With' a little experience will be able to take charge of a set of books. Address- - - nog-3t* N. BOX 1961, POST OFFICE. WAYTED..:-A LADY •OF OHARACI - TERc Refinement, and domestic inclinations, be tween 30 and' - *years of age, wishes to ennerintend a Gentleman's, Household Duties, where can be enjo3ed. the comforts of a pleasant and desirable home. Address E. J. W.," n09.3t 5 West Chester, Pa. A"SALESMAN, > THOROUGHLY QUAINTSTs• with the Cloth bualuese, can have a Situation. Address "Saxon, " Preee office; - no7-3t* WM A EE-IN A W-1140 LES ALE " Trimmings and Millinery Goode Store—a YOUNG MAN acquainted with the business; also, one for En try Clerk.. Address, with reference, F. K., BoX S6l Poet Office. no7-3t. 75 A MONTH! -I WANT TO MEM 44 , • Agents in every county at *75 a month, eXpen sea paid,.tosellimy new cheap Family Sewing Machines. Address. 13.- MADISON: Alford. Maine.. ocafi-d&wSrs t6O A MONTH! WE WAN! MAICNTS at Ma month, expenesa Paid. to sop our BvF,RLASTINGTENCILS, ORIENT.AI, and thirteen other articles:, 15 Circulars free. BRA.'f! & CLARK, Biddeford. Maine. eell-d&W9 A s. DEPUTY QUA.RTERMASTEE GENERAL'S OFFICE.—PTEELADELrams, t 1863. the *EISU owing p ERS WANTED immediately to carry 00.1.1. foll : Tortugas Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe,' Va. Alexandria, Ve. Ifewbern, N. C. Fort Royal, S. C. A. BOYD. felo-tf Captain and. Assist. Quartermaster. BOARDING. , GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. CAN - find a pleasant front room, with board,lin &private family, at $l2 per week 1.232 SPRUCE Street. LOST AND FOUND. WIFTY.DOLLABS BEWARD.-LOST, -A- • between the hours of 12„1„ 4 " au d 4 o'clock, on the after noon of November 9, 1563. SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY THREE OLL ARS, :in six one-hundreds, one fifty, and. , three dollars in small notest the larger denominations, all United States Treasury , ,notes. The above reward, will be paid by the subscriber on the return of tha t money lost. FRANCIS DR CORD EY. it* No„ 311 CATHARINE Street. oQ REWARD—LOST OR STOLEN, stir 5-2io 'UNITED STATES BONDS, of BOJ each, Coupons attached, dated Tune 23d, 1863, num:seHre from 24,289 to.24,26l..inaesive. All persons are A:an t-toned against receiving calsegotiating said bonds. Timis hundred dollars will bo. - ALid for their recovery by. LEWIS SONNEBORN AMBER Stmeet. above Wood, Kensington. PurranaLrnJA...July 16,1863. • ocie-180 FOR SALE -AND. TO MET. • LFOR . ,SAVR--.A, VERY IQESTRA, . three-stony BRIGS DWELLING:gOUSE. on the east aide of ZOWARD street, above 'Zonk. street. Lot 18 feet front, by 110 feet deep:to Hopi,street. The House is in a anierior condition, and welltbnilt. Will be sold upon reasonable terms. Immed.late possession can be Riven. Apply to LUKENS & monavomgßY, 1035 BEACH gtreet, aboTe no3-Im* Or to .NARY' LtrKgrts. uran, trite Premieee. 00414 YARD FOR S, LE.-THE beekatted-nnYard in the City" ; ca'pacity for doing any aruount of bnoinese. Inquire on the premiges, No. 967. North NINTH. Street, below .rard. Avenue. CITESTN:CrT HI .4 PROPERTY: TO Lsi , .—A )3 , Bsta:it:Hy rumzusaso HOWE, with. P.irler, Hall, Dining and Sittir,gßooma. Kitaken. , and 7 Chambers, situate within two. :ninnies' walk of Dopot. .aN,mally with small children, 2:14 acceptable. Apply to G. R. KINITLE, 007,3 t. • CHESTNUT HILL. ITORSE FgrEDV.R HORSE FR3PER! This new inventions for feedinwhorses whale stare.- log In harness or othrirwise. It Is blade ofheavx Arosia Dusk, ..a cont.trAlored that Cask horse canwriteste any fead the big is - restilated tn. the insertie; tir. eye lets, s the hove plenty of air. - For darabilitm, sonvonienee, and economy this is un surpassed. , By Remitting s2.g sample walla forwarded to any address. All letters 41.1nintry mutd be addressed to • f'd.Eo. T. DALTON. Sole &gent asd Itlannfietsrer. no9.lnt,- 1.912 COMIERGIAL Street..B,oston, Mass. WRITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURR OIDER , AND WRITE WINE VINEGAR.' mum GINOBE. MIISTIED &EPA SPICES, 3111. 4LL TVS Riyawarize FOR TRUMPING AND PICKLING PURPOSES. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer Is Pine Groceriail, eo;2 if Corm ELNYBITH 6.4 d V 133 erate. ADIUSE;WENTS d _ AifFSEPOAN ACALVosIy OF Mimi, ...... . .............. and oh. .4 a-kItSTAN oPgAA:. WEDNESDAY EVENING; Nor. III;h i MSC FIFTH SUBSCRIPTION NIGHT. JOSgra AND Ifll3 BRETHREN. • - ORAND OPERA-. IN THREE ACTS •Bx BIBLIIIL. Benianitx.;,..„ Prederia. Joseph • • Herr Hs Ifimn. SALLISOiI Herr Taco ; Herr Weitattili. Dore open / 1 7. Opera COMM dress at B O'LLACi. • P CRS fir aoll l 4__'3Xo2. AD HISSION 'lO ASQUET. PARQUET CIRCLE. and BALCONT S t WS' ill° extra do arge for Reaervod' Saata. ► ADMISSION TO FAMILY ..... 50 AV A DIPAITHEATER' eta.. SPATS ran bejecnretrrersr des at the:.ADATMISSY Of MUKC. antrJ: 00012'S MIISIO STO...iti E. Ooriter of SEVENTH and CEEBTIMT Str.ete. noio.2t CARL A4I):EiFSOIEiN'S' SERIES OF SIX rS.ASFLC.6 sorusits. PITTR'SE &RON. ISRI 4. ME CARL veLFsofra Has the boner of antounoiVac his Fifth Seriarde SIX CLAssicetigarßEEs, In NA tab be will De'assi4ted'Up DIR. TB EO. TB 0 IRAS-„Sol o Viatfislat, -from Nes/91=W*. Ei ERR JuLins EIP3BRE G.SoLoVfolinist, from. -HERR AUG. RRETEE:NIAN: - tho' great latereufWdß Cleeeic bongo, from &item: TB FA). F RAMIVIERIM tALLNER., Viola. Hantboitt, A. BOOGENBURGER, L: KOBEL VIER &BRIM). W. STOLL, - Vloltneello. , ,C 1 arfon et. CBA s. rd. scnurrz, A.'BrtiaegLo, Violoncello. ' ,FrPncti. flora, L.BuceNLR, G. 14 erE - s,[mg. Double Baas. I Bassoon; The Soirees will be given nfOntbly. beginning fa No vember, at the FOYER OF T.E . A.CADEI OF. MEMO, cor, 814.0 AD and LOCUST !..traeta TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION': SI XI ale Snixmintion for the -ix Znirees........ ...... .84. X Sohaoription4 for three persona 10 ,•ob, art ptions will be received 'a l:11.14_ licmic Stores of J. E. 00IILD. SEVENTH and, C7P.ETNU f•treets, au& 0. ANDRE dt CO 1104 CEFSSTNUT Street. where programmes-of the entire series rmrbe had.- ang-St WALNUT-STREET TEEATRE. • Lessee Km. GARI:"Arv,. rem. Second appearance of thegifted p:criste,;- MISS MARY PROV:YST, Who will appear in her beautiful itn?ersonatiomef NELL G WYNN is, In the drama of that name, received. last 'plat with bents of applause, and performed bY - lie:- to crowded homes in all the principal ChieB Of ate 4 threallnertera of the Globe. The Preee have hex.: ~,nraninangs in awarding the palm of Histrionic Sap.mmatylo MISS PROVOST'S rendition of this character, elapsing it aaop . "Orthe FINEST ART PICTURES" ever Witnessed on the stage The cele rated original and only BEDOUIN AR ARS, THE CHILDREN OF. THE DEEELT:; -- will make their second appearance in AGR &ND DIVERTISSEMENT, • Excelling in daring feats any company ever seen , to America, The Troupe number IS—who Luve crowded every large Tbeat,e in Enrope, and who for 18 months appeared nightly at the ' (*one Imperiale,' anklateLv for 10 weeks at G,e aIIIBRA PALACE, New York:ala WA LN UT STREET THEATRE? Lessee Mrs. AI A. GARRETGODF. A GL01001:T3 TR (RUTH. • The return of thegifted and Popular Artiste, MISS many PROVOST. Proven last evening by a CROWDED PIODER 'Sr air tighten auditors, .whose applause was continuentatt& genuine from the 'rising of the curtain till the compte don of the beautiful Play of NELL GWYNNE,. in which Miss PROVOST personates the chi:riling' heroine, ' NhLL GWYNNE • Oa. THE KING'S RIVAL; "- for the second sad last time, THIS EVENING, a chaise ; ter in which she has no equal To be by a Grand Divertissement by tin; •-• W ONDERFUL ARAB TROUPE, Twelve in number . . . N. B. -This Troupe was firet introduced into Pavia 10' Priams Napoleon. and alter performing at the °invite'. :'lmperial for twelve meet - he. made the Tour of Sttrope. and arrives in New York but three mynth,s einose where, at the ALHAMBRA PALACE. They bare drawn immense crowds, and been pre;- , no.anted THE WONDER OP THE AGE. By, the entire New York Press. Their performance is unlike anything ever aeon in America. asronisbing, delighting, and original The CHILD WONDER appears at each performance . ... ' nol9-51 . MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW AROR STREET THEATRE—ARCH Street. above Watts. SIBOI4D BIGHT OP THE POPULAR ARTISTS. . MRS. D. -P BOWERS. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Noy. 10th, 180. LOVE: , _ OR. •T'E COUNTERS AND THE. SERF The Countess" Mrs. D. P. BOAren. Huon.(tha Serf) Barton HILL To conclude with the Farcil of - THE JENKINSIS. • - Mr. Carsaway -- Mr. Griffiths.' Mrs. John Jankinsis Miss Mary Cam FRIDAY, MRS. D. P. BOWERS' BENEFIT- - Prices as -astral. Curtain Rises NEW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE.— . •Laraae an d.Manaror Mr. WM VTGBATLIST_ MON/UT AND 'MEND KY "EVP.Ni &GS, Nov. 9 and. IL MISS AVONIA JONES. M DF, A , lbaroottea. by MISS FANNY BROWN. From the New 'V ork Theatre. MIL J. B. STUDLEY. From the New y aTheatr POWERFUL COMPATiY es ' AND FILITEROTTB AUEILIAELE4 DIUSIGA.D Cbli'DtGTOR To concPade with the MARRIED RIME _ . In wldchliaeare S O. Dcbois.*J 'Wilson- 'Mrs. Mar— lowe. and Mitses Fanny Brown and Cooper will appear. IVAUGEL'S NEW PANORAMA, ITALY.' AND HER WAR FOR 'FREEDOM, WILL OPEN AT • CONCERT HALL FEW' DAYS GRAND OPENING :NIGHT OF THB Great National Circus' and -Model Show. FOR THE SEASON OF 1563'64, At NATIONAL HAIL, MARKETaIove TWELFTH. St.. On WEDNESDAY Evening, 'Nov: llth, at 7;4 o'clock.. Under the mar &gement of -MRS. CHARLES WARNER, Formerly MRS. DAN RICE The organizatibn of'Ushers and Police is perfect, and. will ir sure comfortand convenience. The most talented artists and skillful performers have been engaged, and vrilhapPear curing the season. Mrs ' Warner, formerly M. s. Dan' Mee:. will -intrOduce her splendid Horse, Champion, on the opening night. - The celebrated - WEITT.BY MILY, • with his stock of fall-blooded well-trained Home, will appear. Also, MSS. PRANK wan , rsmiLß. maceful Ecnestrienne. MA C. KING. the gresttleaper- The Great CONRAD BROTHRKS. NAT AUSTIN, of Australia the genteel Clown. Mr WM. YOUNG, the great^ Stilt Performer, will , appear in his great act. Le'Echelle Prrileme. The Comic Mules, 'l:inning and -Contraband:" Professor Wambold, the man of many forms, and a full troupe of Acrobats. MRS WARNER, the sole Lessee and Manager, is deter mined to. make the great ITATIONAL CI RC OS a popular resort for the-ladies and gentlemen of Philadelphia. ADMISSION. I 3 $3 00 ffi ctn. 13 cts. Stage Seata Privateboxea.- Parquet Gallery ItATI &ES Every. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY A_FTRRNOO3I3, o'clock. noD-11" L'OB'S - & slislo, _ _ CEESTN.I3T Street. INCREASED ATTRAJTIoNS! FRESH NOVELTIES( MDLLE. C-2.-LLETTI MDLLE. GALL.bra. In two n.w. beautiful Ballets. assieted by MDLLE. EAT-ARENA. ELLi WESKEE, AND MONS TOPHOPP, CHARLES R. COLLINS. THE WONDERFUL CURL and the Best ComieSingtr in the conntrn AVERY NIGHT.* TEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSEMBLI BUILDINGS, TENTH AND csizerlivr mum= Ammsemer.t fox Old and Young. Mirth and nonplus* open for the season. Constant change of EntertaisugeaL, SIGNOR BLITZ, EVERY EVENING, commencing at 73E o'clock. eat Wednesday and Saturday at 3, consisting of New MTN , taxies in Necromancy. great 611C0(185 in VentAloontag. swithe Learned Canary Birds. Admission 26 cents; Children 15 cents. sell-tr, t OTHER L'S GREAT PIOTIIMt s : MARTYRS IN THE COLISEME, , !TOW EXHIBITING AT THE. oc2B lm ACADEMY OF FINE. AWE. g_..IIDIANIA ORCHESTRA.— PUBLIO REHEARSALS every SATURDAY. 5,14 o'clock. W. M., at the MUSICAL PLUND HALL. BilloB Oaken.. 25 cents. Packages of. six tickets. $l. "2b GOD air ADMIX% 1104.. CHINTNUT Street; E.D: SEVEISTR and CHER NUT, and at the nail door. PENNSYLVANIA ACADY-XY THE FIFE ANTS. 1025 CHESTNUT STREW. OPEN DAILY- (Srsdays excepted) item 9 3- X e6l 6P. M. Admission 26 cents. Children half.puce, * At b THE" F A 11:r. MY STEAK., CARRI .3 GE, " City . of EZAton," will be exhibited on '97I3I3NFSDAY and THEr2,SI - Dear of this week flits and 19. th. inalauk >- from 2% to 5 P. K., on the PONTI* BREESE PL:air COURSE. and as a pa - t of its perfozmanee. viz : thator de7elnpin ir high rate of speed, it will-contest each dayor priority with the celebrated fast mare. " May gonma. - 'e introduced here on the recon:4andation of Elie WT. hest antborittes as one of the mee'o ingenious and saq.. casefatini.antions of the day. hee small bills. Admittance 50 swits. CORM v ,. nENtICTINE EAGLE, - ; TIN CO -' 114- . Equal, if not superior to Isabigh. Also, Ear4's Pie Plua Mira Family aainbow rioall Egg and Stoga Large Nut $8.60 per Zen. Coal foredlted if not -full weighs as per ticket. Depot, 1419 CALLOMEIELL h.Jreet. above Broad 'ol2c a ‘ ,19.4 South FO UETEE. low Chestnut. Call and et-..4....nina. Orders Ity.Aespatob. promptly attended to by no96m ELLIS BWirSOff. no A .-SUGAIf:IOAF, BEAVER MEADOW. and aml i s Mcenntain . Leld4L Coal. ilia beet Locust Mountain. m Wenared O Stin n ett 6fg: -Arra ficom Street. rep2-Iyl J. WALTON & CO. R -Sl7, lti . PECN --- rt7GPla-- • stillip. PELLOR -4 . :L Nichols l Pg,:setei Ti ti s l n Fo Ul Pi - .. etizzi.c.The - steernagfe J rd. 'sit titsrEirs, second, ..,,,,,,,, f r eight for .r. t. „y or tame, &e., ap _ y ,-- hail above 'llaziceppee WM. M. 8A1.111Y.1. W. , 1 3? 8_ 011r-kel—aWare aitvoeae" or on the wharf DORTRATTS:r---PINE , 1;4 CT URE.,% . natal:al saA lifelike—BAltineS 'life-eizie prate mats -in oil. zolomr.proaonnete , by all, nuequalled.- in. their line in tlte eit4.• Gallery SWORD Street, above Oreen. lta WHITS -- " ( WAX OF. AN. Tar os-A new TrenoVtosmetto, for prase ft - dv whiteninx t , and, beanitifsrine complexion. preparatcA ie - compmed oz wnito Virgin War., of OW Sliest sivg the complexion a trapowent Whitenose. anti the most hawitohing beauty, while its tummy Cutts render 'Ur. harmless to the hu pre sery • t tread tax and other impurities. Thls is one of the xpridare of the ageoa must be seen to. be appre ciated; A bottle will bac , a, ; . n for Ladies to try its effect befare punallasing. Friel 25 and tO cents. HONT & CO.; Pstehunert. 41 South EISOITH Street. tweAloors above Chestnut. and 133 South SEVENTH areal, ammo wahmt. comina JOHN OATEN", PIRENOL.M. .v% - n'. .ign GIST, rony"Sn. consulted, DAY sad. EVENING.= Business. Trade, and Profession.; on the LlPrevement 0f.1r., correction ea !amts. formation of frien d pe, gm Pull tin seriWone of e'..taraetor given whegx, retraired, at NO. St 11 TRAM StrAaL above Chestnut seS-thsfrea6mil ' hiMCOI3:RECT ItIAN9 TUNING: bEr. C. E. 8 &RUNT'S orders for' timing and rep64 - 14g: '142.11013 axe received n t bikSONA etore. Oa* CHRSTNIIT Street. ' Mr. S. has had eleven vanzettotory experience in..BO‘ ton, and; five years' 43 , iyinent in Pliiintlelpnin: SIVIX3II. —Pianos re tiered. to. sowed ite Bqa sweat toned as new , out rentotring. Terms for Tuning, 6312.ecitit •a* TRIj SBEB sktuvai alineted by C. NUM.& • conker cif TWELFTH and . HAAS Stream.— ° Ladlaskllepartment for same, conducted UP ladles. 'MEW= Street. first door below Baas. The most . compleSe and vatted stook on hand, .0011Bilidat part of Triages.% Supporters . Shoulder Braces, andages, }Radio Stockings, Crutches, Syrin ges. tides for Margery. Sick ROOM. & sa3o-ixa if . ri l it T DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN -IST for the lest twenty yew, l 9 VINE el. loalow Third, Luserts the most heantiful TEETH of thot ago, mounted on fins Gold, Platina, Silver. Vulcanite.. Condit°. Amber, dw.. at prices. fok twat an d anbets. work. more reasonable Alum any Dentist in this °Myer state. Teeth'ylngged to last for Ns. Artificial Twill repaired to snit. No pain is extracting. All work war ranted to At. iteferenoi, best faintlble• 10041 a m. RAssr,Ea_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers