Vt. 44 THE FIRST LADIES'. A 4S1:10Iilit- TlOl2 OF WEST PH(LADELPHI A., for the &Wet cof the Widows and Children of our brave tico &lora wao Aave fallen in battle in defence of our country. and the wtves and children of such soldiers as now are , or here after may De 'in our armies in the Held, or in onr.hoird... stele , and who may be resident in that part of the city of .11 Cad elphia Which fewest of the Schuylkill river. Pre amble of the Constitution of the Association, adopted January 21,4863. . . . The following piece hall aPPeftred in . some of our city opipersquite recently, viz.: • " d Coon IDEA.- - t'i'e have received a comittanication iriolosing a small amount for the benefitn , the did( tst er, wherein the writer suggests that societies be formed the different precincts of all the wards: to boos into Ake condition of all families of soldiers in the service, sand those who are confined home by sickness and adopt Snelteures to render them asaistance.whenever tuf. are `found In destitute circumstances The idea is a good . one , and, if carried out, might bring to light many cases .of want and suffering that otherwise would be unknown, .and they could. Se waisted in 'A regular and systematic way." In re'ation to the above "Goon IDRA." we remsrk: - .Firel. net this idea has been in fall wetting within " the consolidated city" wiser of the Schuylkill Alver since January of this year . , Second That the idea " is indeed a " good one, ' and ought to be re -duce& to practice all over the city east o the Inhay silt. 'Third. That the Ladle& Association referred to above is the fire assooiation organized for the ObIeCCP stated 'Nvithin any part of the limit- of our whole city F6urth 'not the said Association have now noon their rolls ':nearly thirty families receiving weekly , . for ono et he, 50.3. :and for each child 25c. making a visltel for a lambs of ...seven SIM 'weekly, and so in proportion of num -bare "Give a portion to seven, and also to eight," ~&c. Ercl. xi. 2 Fifth That all welt of the Sohnyl ikill , tiver wi thin the city is 1 tid oat in. districts. ' , under the supervision of lady visiting commit ..tees, who visit weekly, to report and transact busm-ss. Sixth That since Disorganization of the a , sociation, :Ite number of members has more thew donb'ed. • • Serenth That the Money In the treamn ry to not all ex. "banded yet God's providence has been very kind. , Eighth, That' the Association is Heaven eancttoned :and Heovaa blessed. let. In its form of organic:time. /Organisations for •temporal benevolent effm't have no sanction from Heaven. if the members 'se exolu.ively " . men or exclusively women! .".F. r the alto is a t -out the w,ntan, neither the woman without the man in ithe Lord. Cor. ?O. 8-12; see ver. lth ; e.p.cial y 2d. In its objects, for 'Pare religion and undefiled before , God and the Father is this. to visit the fatherless and widows in Medi affliction. he —James i. 27 Ninth. This active and harmonloas A •sociation is to 'hold s._!` LADIES'It "in COMSfIssID li .:' .4.1. L, - MARKET Street. West. Philadelphia, commencing on .MONDAT - BVBNING. lath inst. at seven o'clock. to Snipe money . to augment their fences snd to inereaseitheir visefulness, in view of the approaching wiutdr with its Increasing ii emends. Tenth The President of ihe Association is Hrs. MA: TILDA CARRIVICK. Chestnut street, near Fort , -.econd, 'est Philadelphia; the Secretary, Mrs. Col. ZIT LI :El, warner ern irty•fourth and Bridge streets, afatituaville, West Philadelphia; and the Tretsursr. Rev Dr. BA TH/01M, WlsBT„ Chtio'ain U. S. A.., 1602 Filbert street, :Philadelphia. These officers are all 'publicly an -t well known. Readers! Your prayers and contributtons are earnestly solicited for the suffering efild'er and eis tont iY. but emphatically for the fallen soidier's widow and children! yea, and the wid iwed, aged mothrr left de+ littite by the fall of their noble eons on the battle-fields our country I It Kfrii72 , —.P AT A HPBCIAI., MEET A GI. ON' PH 4, ARTILLERY CORPc. STAT& 0 I.iRD. held on Maturdar evening. nit October, the death of WEL LIAlt LOMAX was announced to the mseting; whereupon a coinmittee was appointed to prepare a preamble and *resolutions, who reported the following, which were adepted : Whereas, We have learned with sorrow of the sudden death of our late and Much-esteemed fellow-member, William Lomax, while on. a business tour in the West: therefore, be it Resoired, That we sincerely feel the loss of our valued ,friend; - euesivtio, by his many virtue , . endeared himielf to all. a nd whose memory will ever be fondly cheris aed Resolved. That we will gratefully remember his rn say Acts of kindness toward the families of the members of the corps who served•in the three-months campaign; as alsO the honest' andjthat manner in which he discharged his duties autreasureref the corps. Rego 11,u1.- That we mourn with the widow and rela tives of our deceased member.. and-lender them oar heartfelt sT 'apathy in this their hour of deep affliction. Resoirect. That these proceedings be published, and a copy be sent to the widow of they deceased. J. M. COLLINOVirOOD. H. RANKIN. CHARLES LEVIS. THOMAS L ARSEN. A.SMITH. PHILIP JIISTUS, It W. K. EARNDOLL AR. ) ADQUAILTER,S23tI ILLEGIIVIAGAIT 1-be IiSYLVA.NIA. VOLUDITIER.S. At a meeting of the Officers of the 2Td Regiment Pao& aylvania _Volunteers, held October 30, INA at Camp. near Warrenton. Va., on motion of Limn Col. John F. • Glenn, Col. John Ely was called to the chair, and ',Stift Thomas K. Boggs was appointed Secretary. On in aloeof Lieut 0)1. J. F. Glenn, committee of five were all , r ie in i le .e d i t th a e d i f i s o ft n ris t fi ettl a o g f ?nrzmpclt:te6TilkaegUi P. DAR. formerly Commandant of this Regiment, in the three-months' service. 'The Chair appointed Lleat. Col. John F Glenn, Captain Henry Rees, Jr., Soliatant Thomas K Boggs, Lient. William Vogdee, Jr. ,Chabtain James G. ibinn as such committee. The committee ported the following resolutions, which were unani mously adopted; . Whereas We have with sincere regret and sorrow heard of the death of Col. CHARLES P. DARE, the .1111.- Mandant of the lad Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, In the three months service: therefore, it is Resoiesd. That in Col-DARE we beheld one who, by his passion for military affairs, his skill as an Matra°- , tor, and his efficiency as an officer. was greatly lama. ..Mental in rbatering and improving the militaryorganiza tions of Philadelphia. Resotrfd. That to Col. DARE—zealons in behalf of his --assailed country, and active in leading forth its v Ann. Lary d. fenders—is the 23d Pennsylvania Volunteers chiefly indebted for its organization as a regiment, and for its 'being the first organized body to start mom Phila• glALPhin fur the Seat of war. Resolved; That in Col, DARE this Regiment possessed a Most active, efficient, and faithful officer; one who, by his knowledge. and effiffiency, and kindness. oommend ea himself to the esteem and confidence of Re officers and Rogn/red. That, by his untiring zeal and energy, Col. DARE.rendered most valuable service to his suffering covntry. et the ultimate sacrifice of health and life. Resolvtd. That in. Col. DARE we possessed one who. by his intellectuol,social, and moral qualities, rendered himself on agreeable companion, a true friend, and a Sincere patriot. ReBotml,'That to the bereaved widow and friends of Col. DARE we hereby Sender our heartfelt condolence and By mot thy in their great loss. Reoolty.a.- That these resolntions be pablished in the daily.rews opera of the city-of Philadelphia, and a copy be runt:lied to the widow of decedent Colonel JOHN ELY, Chairman. Adjutant TuostAs K. Boons, Secretary. Bs REBEL STEAM-RA.OI ATL&I lA. The general desire to inspect this ship, and, when In the stream. her inaccessioility, caused the MOP" Vo lunteer Refreshment Committee to procure permission from the United States Government to exhibit. her, for _ the gratification of our citizens, and for the benefit of their fund. She is now moored at the first wharf below Washington- avenue, where the public are invited to call nut t/. ft:tither notice (Sundays excepted) A. bin avaphical sketch of this specimen of ship-building, in - binding an account of her capture, can be procured at the ticket office. - Admission. 26 tants. Children, 10 cents. 4. M PHILADELPHIA AND. 'READING RAILROAD. - COMPANY, Office 227 South FOURTH Street. PHDrahm.ritre, September 2, 186'3. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock of.this Company. The wraideuce of several of them is un known, and it is, therefore. necessary that the certitl - mites of stosk.ebbnld be , presented on palling for the Divigehd- o ft - 8. BRADFORD, Treasurer. Mrs. Mary Bishop„ S. Lancaster, Timothy U. Boyle, Pefcy M. - Le;tis, Clement Biddle, Fanny Mary Mitcherson, Ann Copeland, John Mantyre. A.Emslie and &Newbold, John S. Moore. - 'Trustees, . James McKnight, Debbie A. Hughes, Beni. F. Newport, Semi T. Harrison. MEW, N. PotE td James Ha ll owell, W IDsman, James W. Hallowell, Sarah Ann Richards, Catherine C. Koppele, Benry B. iherer., 'Daniel HIaPP, Maria L. Sadler, Mary Huhn, Andrew Turner. Chas. Kuhn, Hartman Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich. Huhn. and J. H. Kuhn. Ex. Asher M.• Wright, • Of S. Enhar._ Young, L B. V. E. am Extra., W. H. McVickar. - and James G. Schaff, Ex. of Austin Smith, / _ . John S . LftiflNEl. dec'd. - - Willie & Co. ses-stnth-tt MILITARY NOTICES. - CORPS OF HONOR, IL S. - A,,, 4 aItADCOI:UtTSRS RECRUITING SERVICE. INVALID - CORPS POE PHILADELPHIA. - z 43 South THIRD Street, Philauelphia, Pa. SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of dis ability will; apply for information for enlistment in the INVALID CORPS .. Lista. HUBER BASTIAN, Invalid Corps, 243 S. Third street. Philadelphia, Lieat. J. W. DEAR. Invalid Corps, all Brown street, and H. L corner Broad and Spring Garden ate., Phila. Pay and ?allowances, excepting bounty and pension, same as in 11. S. Infantry. F.- W. MATTHEWS, Major lot Pa. Art. and Supt. Invalid Corps for Philadel phia, aus-saactuti .INTAL NOTICE.—HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MARSHAL, SECOND DISTRICT, PA., No. 1214 LOCUST Street, Philadelphia, October 3151, Drafted men from this District who have failed to re -.port, also men whose time has been extended for various • Me asto n are required to report at this office on or before the dates hereinafter mentioned, or they will be Pub -.3.lshed tie deserters, and subject to all the penalties pm scribed therefor: First ward, on or before November 6th, 1863. Seventh and Eighth wards, on or before November loth , 1863 Ninth and Tenth wards, on or before November 15th, Ufa , _EDWIN P.A.UWEE, p Provost Marshal and President of Board. . WM. M. BULL, Commissioner of Board. R. W &EMIR, Surgeon of Board. THR RELATIVES OF THE -PRISON -2- ERS OF WAR of the U. 8 Army, now detained at Ifiehmond. Va., can have the arrears of pay eegnlarly volleoted for them at THE MILITARY AND NAVAL AGENCY. 30. FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN, 427 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, no7-4t JOSEPH E. DEVIT & CO. - VOTJ SEE AT A GLANCE THE rare t worth of REIMER'S IVORYTYPES; closer in spection develops many rare beauties of an: artistic character. Canary, SECOND Street, above Green. It* 4YMNASIIINI CORNER NI N T N-A AHD ARCH. —Open for subscribers every day. Monica for Ladies—Monday, Wednesday.. and Friday, bettnerm 4 and 6 o'clock. For 7 Boy=—Tuesday. Thursday . and Saturday, between 4 and 6 o clock. For Sentlemen=Every daLfrom 7 M. to 10 F. M. nod. 4t Profs. HILLEBRAND & LEW IS. KEROSENE OR COAL OIL LAM PS. -3. The public have been greatly annoyed by the break ing of glace Chimneys on their Lamps. If it with not for this annoyance Coal Oil would supersede Gas for illu minating..We woud announce to the community that we bave overcome thst difficulty by an invention which enables -them to light the lamp without removing the chimney. Call and see it at M. B. DY0T1"8. lt 114 South SECOND St. NOTICE TO' PERSONS LIABLE TO EXCISE TiX. • - - OFFICE OF U. S. ASSESSOR. THIRD DISTRICT PRNNSTLVANIA, . . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the annnat valuations and enumerations, made and taken in this district, in pursuance of the provisions of. the 11. S. Ex cise LAUB, will be open for examination .on MONDAY. November 9th, and remain open until WEDNESDAY, November 26tb. Appeals, relatiye to the same, will be heard and de termined by the Assessor, from November 26th 'co iember ad. between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. • All appeals should be in writing, and specify the 'Particular cauee, matter, or thing, respecting which a decision is.niquested; and should, moreover, state the ground or principle of inequality complained of. Risworn testimony required. All persons liable to Minium Tax are reminded that a penalty of. TWO TEARS IMPRISONXENT is provided for those who prosecute . business without. license. An op portunity will afforded such as-my have neglected to sign applicationB for license to relieve themselves of liability to punishment.by calling at this Office previous to December 3d. 3, FLETCHER BUDD. Assessor. Uno7-watde3 No. 9914 N. THIRD ntreet. A BLIND DOCTOR RECEIVES HIS A sight through the use of Mrs. M. G. BROWIsPii ME TAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY. - "I, Dr. John J. Moore, of Berkley, N. J., assert, for the.benent of all who suffer, that I have been afflicted 'with diseased eyes for twenty-three years; have been in the Eye Infirmary in Providence, where it was thought an operation was necessary, but to this I would not con- Anent. r have been pronounced ineurabfe by Rye of the 6hestphysicians -in the country. two of whom assured one eyee would run out in a few weeks. and procured a letter for my admittance into the Infirmary in Phila.- Adelpbta. " Whileproparing to go, a friend advised me to try Xis. M. a Brown. On she 9th of September. 1863, I went to see her, led by my wife as I was totally blind, And had been 60 for a year. Mrs. Brown told me my case - was bad, winos' hopeless, through the quantity of blue atone and vitriol administered, but added, if anything could reach my case, the Metaphysical Discovery would. She made the first application; I brought the medicine Lome; I have need it three weeks, and the result is that this twenty , ninth day of September, I have come to Phi ladelphia, alone, now sit in Mrs. Browns office; can need without glasses the signs on the opposite side of the street; 'write a letter at the desk, and see every object distinctly around use. I am now at my practice again, supplying the wants .of m y family, who must have been beggared had I not &eel/cured. Under these circumstances! cordially re- Asommend Mrs. M. 0. Brown's mode of treatment to all 111 , 4: 1 : 4 suffering. the P e d a l arrtyntii% of r e v cares Ca tarrh, &c., &c. Thepackage consists of three distinct preparations, one for the eye, one for the ear, and one for d.he ecalth They work in conjunction. and remove the „leetimate tense of all disease." They are ant rip in a neat wooden box and will be for warded safely to any address on the receipt of $3, Fall directions accompany tne medicine. Poor Etchard'a Eye Watersl per bottle, put up in a Wooden box. MRS. id, t 3. BROWN. Metaphysical Physician, 410 ARCH ntreet. Phiiaielphla. SPECIAL NOTICE.- MARTELL'S ALL-GLASS FRUIT JARS. JJEW CAPSULE FRUIT JARS ;AMERICAN AND FRENCH GLASS SHADES. II FACT - RUT, FERNERIES. HABTELL & LETCHWORTH, liaktfen J. 4 tforth YLITE 80"4, - • • NEW PUBLICATIONS; NEW BOOKS! NEW. BOOKS 11 . Al duet received by ASHAIEAD & EVAN& (Successors to Willie P. Hazard.) No. 1%4 CHESTNUT Street. THE NEW GOSPEL OF PEACE, according to St. Ben jamin. Book Second.. Equal to Book First. RFMAINS IN PROSE -AND VERSE OF ARTHUR lI HALLAM.. . MARVEL'S NEW BOOR—MY TARM AT ELillE;. - WOOD. Also, new ' and beautiful editions, on tinted paper, of REVERIES OF A BACHELOR and DREAM LIFE. THE YANKEE BOY FROM HOME. Pi EASuRE sliD PROFIT. By Mrs Manners. AT HOME AND ABROAD Sam Anther. 'III6 PAT BIRD AN n OTHER STORIEi: A New In. venile. By Cousin Alice. HARRY'S VACATION. 'ATLANTIC ISIUXTRLY., HARPER. and GODF.Y. for IRO Eld ERR. -PRICE 20 CENTS EACH.._ PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, NOW Styles,. constantly ar riving All sizes and prices. no7-3t NEW BOOKS- Just... , received by • J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.. _ iiii - airit7 - MARKET Street. HANNAH THURSTON. A Story of American Life. by Bayard Taylor. DAY DRIASIB. By Joseph A Nunes. MY FARM OF EDGEWOOD: a country boot:, by the antbnr of Reveries of a Ithebelorr. " LIFE AND TIMES OF JOHN HUSS; or the BAR mien Reformation of the Fifteenth Century. BY E Gillett 2 vole., Bvo REMAINS, IN VERSE AND PROSE, OF ARTHUR H ALLAH. GEOGRAPHICAL STUDIES of the late Professor Carl Ritter Tranelated by W. L. Gage. NOTES ON THE REBEL INVASION OF PENNEVEL. VANIA AND MARYLAND By Paul Itcobs. - ANNALs OF THE ARMY OF THE OUMBERRAND; with many Illustrations. WEE JE wise TABERNACLE AND ITS FURNITURE. By Rey. Richard Newton. noT A CAPITAL NEW NOVEL. By ANNA `H DRURY. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. DEEP WATERS, ° By the author of 6Mlerepr sentation " etc. Bvo. Paper, GO cents. sent by mail, poet-paid, on receipt of the price. T. 0. H. P. BURNHAM, ne6-2t Publisher, Boston. •• THE LATEST 11 114:60 AND BEST BOOKS. I.—VINCENZO t Or, Sunken Bock& The fascinating new novel of Italy and Italian romance just written by , Rufflni, the author of "Doctor Antonio"and " Lavinia. ' VINCENZO is-.im mensely praised by the English critics, who call it one of the most interesting fictions since Les Pdiserables. Published in octavo, paper covers. Price 75 cents. 'IL-THE OLD MERCHANTS OF NEW YORK CITY. A new- volume of these very Interesting and gossipy sketches about the Merchant Princes and Nabobs of New York. Being a SECOND SERIES. By Walter Barrett, Clerk. The thousand and one spicy items and anecdotes concerning the ' first families," are putting Fifth avenoodiedom" and the Codfish Aristocracy" in a blaze. One handsome cloth-bound volume. Price SLSO. ILL-VICTOR HUGO'S LIFE. - . By a witness. A charming bit of biography. and as interesting and delightful as a romance by the great au thor himself. Every one ,ie reading it. Bvo. cloth bound. price SL2S. In Press : HENAN'S LIFE OF TIMM. translated from the French, and *,,.* THE CENTRAL •PAltif, a magnificent volume of photogrsphio pictures, tr . 4 'o These books are sold. by all booksellers , and will be sent by mail, POSTAGE FREE. on receipt of price, by ' 0. W. CARLETON, Publisher, ccl7-wttf New York. • T ELLWOOD ZELL & CO • WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS, sTraioNints. And Manufacturers of Photograph Albums. . Noe. 17 and 19 South SIXTH Street. Second floor. Committee Goods for the Holidays. Games, Prude% ma paper Dolls, the largest assortment in the city. Colored and Plain Toy Booke, Juvenile Booke, A. B 0 Cards and Blocks, school Books, and Stationery ; All of which will be sold to dealers at low prices for cash. • ociB-wi2en BOOK AGENCY, 33 South. SIXTH Street. APPLETON'S NEW CYCLOPEDLL WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORKS. WAVERLEY NOVELS. Household edition. REBELLION RECORD. BAYARD TA.VLOR'S WORKS. COIPER'S NOVELS. Illustrated edition. DIriKENS' WORKS Household edition. GEMS FROM , ME DUSSELDORF GALLERY. BRITISH POETS. Boston edition - MERRIVALE'S HISTORY OF THE ROMANS. U..8;0 NATIONAL QUARTERLY REVIEW. $3 per year. oc2o-tutheaSxn LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, MIS SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. BOOKS in every 'Department of Literature. including all Miscellaneous and Standard Works. .TPVENILE BOOKS in great variety. MILITARY, NAVAL, and SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. AIL NEW PUBLICATI , INS of a standard character received as soon as published, or fnrnished promptly to order, WHOLES iLE or. RETAIL, at low prices. nob rpm OBSERVER, A SUNDAY NEWSPAPER, WILL BR ISSUED FOR THE FIRST TIME. ON SUNDAY, Nov. 8, 1863. The Office. 311 WALNUT Street, Is now open for the reception of advertisements. CARRIERS, by applying immediately, can he provided with routes. NEWo AGENTS should call early and specify the number of papers they desire. Persons who wish to take the OBSERVER, can furnish their addresses to the office and the paper willbe promptly delivered by the Carriers. Th ere will be no subscription list except for persons who do not reside in the city. no2-6t* IK MARVEL'S NEW BOOKS. MY FIRM OF EDGEWOOD. A. Country Book. 12mo, cloth. $1.50. DREAM - LIFIL A Fable of the Seasons. 16mo. Pocket editions, cloth. $1:25. REVNBIES OF A BACHELOR: or, a Book of the Hea , t. 16mo. Pocket edition, cloth. $1.25. FAITH GARTNEY'S GIRLHOOD. BY the author of Boys at Chequaseet. 12mo. cloth. $1.25. A GLIMPSE oF THE WORLD. rßy.. the author of Amu' Herbert.- 12mo. cloth. $1.25. LIGHT. By Helen Zdodgt. 12mo, cloth. $1.25. For sale by WM. S & A. MARTINE. oc3l 606 CHESTNUT Street. P HOTOGRAPH ALBUMS IN EVERY variety of style—rich Turkey morocco, antique, ivory inountinge, ornamented edges. drc ; &c— holding from twelve to two hundred photographs, the largest and beet assortment in the city. WILLIAM W. astpm .... 9K--- - .south Batas. -- puoTO_GRAPH ALRIIIViS I g EVERY -a- variety of str‘r—.4r.h_Turkey MOT °coo, antique, ivory mountings. ornamented - some.; -3.,Aat ut f rom twelve to two hundred, photographs, the largest allArbeSt assortment in the city. WILLIAM W. HARDING. No. 326 CHESTNUT St.. below Fourth, 0c41.7t* south. side. -HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, 724 CIRESTISIIT STREET. Between Seventh and Eighth Streets. All Books usually to be had in s FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Wlll always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES. sel3-6m ER 5 20 5.20 NOVEMB O• IsT • S• COUPONS WANTED. zARLY CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WANTED. STERLING EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD BY DREXEL ea -CO., ociaani 84 South THIRD Street. MICHAEL JACOBS, BA.NKER, No. 46 Sontb. THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, SPECIE, AND UNDUE RENT MONEY BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to 'the Negotiation of Thne Paper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. ocs-31a COLLECTION OF u. S. CERTIFI CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS.—The AOAldS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect, at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One-Year Certificates of In debtedness of the - United States now due or, shortly maturing. Terme made known and receipts given at the office, No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. myt-tf NOTICE.-NOTICE IS HEREBY • GIVEN that the CERTIFICATE No. 29,524, 200 Shares, issued to us by the New York Transfer Agency of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad has been LOST, and that application has been made for the sub stitution of a certificate in place thereof. A. G. HEMINWAY & oca-Gat No. 53 EXCHANGE Place. PROPOSALS FOR ARIVIY TRANS OFFICE OP THE DEPOT QUARTERMASTER, FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kansas, October 28, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock X., on the 10th day of December, 1863, for the transportation of military supplies during the years 3834 and 1865, on the following routes: Route No 1. From Forts Leavenworth. Laramie. and Riley, and other depots that may be established during the above years on the west bank of the Missouri river, north of Fort Leavenworth, and south of latitude 42 de. green north, to any posts or stations that are or may be established in the Territories of Nebraska, Dakotrah. Idaho. and Utah, south of latitude 44 degrees north, and east of longitude 114 degrees west, and in the Territory of Colorado north of 40 degrees north. Bidders to state the rate per 100 pounds for 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months, from April to September. inclusive, of the years 1864 and 1865, Route No. 2. From Forts Leavenworth and Riley, in the State -of Maness, and the town of Kansas. in the State of Missouri, to any posts or stations that are or may be eatablisked in the State of Kansas, or in the Territory of Colorado, south of latitude 40 degrees north drawing supplies from Fort Leavenworth, and. to .Fort Union.l3. M , or other depot that may be designated in that Terri tory, to Fort Garland, and to any other point or points on the route. Bidders to state the rate per 100 pounds for 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the month'. ' from April to September, inclusive, of the years 1864 andlB6s. Route No. 3. From Fort Union, or such other depot as may be established in the Territory of New Mexico, or to an prods or stations that are or may be established in that Territory. and. to Finch` posts or stations as may be derignated in the Territory of Arizona, and. the State of Texas, west of longitude 106 degrees west. Bidders to state the rates per 100 pounds for 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months, from June to November, inclusive, of the years IEB4 and 1865. - The weight to be transported each year will not exceed 10,000 000 pounds on Route No. I, 15.000 ILO pounds on Route No. 2, and 6,000,000 pounds on Route No. 3. No additional per centage will be paid for, the trans portation of bacon, hard bread, pine lumber, shingles, or any other stores. Bidders must give their names in full, ai well as their place of residence: and each proposal must be accom panied by a bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars, signed by two or more responsible persons, guaranty ing that in case a contract is awarded for the ronte'men- Doped in the proposal to the parties proposing, the con tract will be accepted and entered into, and good and sufficient security furnished by said parties, in accord ance with the terms of this advertisement. The amount of bonds required will be as follows On Route No. 1 $lOO,OOO " 2 ..... 200,0fq 3 60.000 Satisfactory evidence of the loyalty and solvency 6f each bidder and person offered as security will be re quired. Proposals must be endorsed., "Proposals , for Army Transportation on Routes NOS. 1. 2, or 3, ' as the case may be, and none will be entertained unless they fully comply with all the requirements of this advertisement. Parties to whom awards are made must be prepared to execute contracts at once, and to- give the required bonds for the faithful performance of the same. Contracts will be made subject to the approval of the Quartermaster General, but the right is reserved to reject any or all bids that may be offered. Contractors must be in readiness for service by the first day of April, 1864, and. they will be required to have a place of business, or agencies, at or in the vicinity of P. Its Leavenworth and Onion , and other' depots that may be established; at which they may be communi cated with promptly and. readily. L. C. EASTON, or:31. ttielo Major and 6lnartermaster. WRIGHT'S NE PLUS ULTRA MINCE MEAT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, SPRING GARDEN AND FRANKLIN STREETS, -no7-3mos Philadelphia COLORADO TERRITORY.—WE ARE Prepared to undertake the inyestigt n tio of titles to .. LAND AND MINING CLAIRE. in Colorado Territory, and to furnish accurate and reliable information respect ing the prospects and. value of Mining Associations or Companies already formed or in course of organization therein. We.can also furnish the names of responsible .persons. who- will undertake to act as agents for any parties haying interest in lands, dre in the Territory. LEOTARD & BARLOW, Law and Collection Office, go-inwe 6fg* 439 GRINTIfIrr kttretZft‘ Ptah FINANCIAL. PROPOSALS. RETAIL DRY GOODS. FALL TRADE. E. M. NEIF.IDI.V.S. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, Has jog Molted a large etook of New Goods, compd. slug all desirsbleNovelties In his it n s, 1004 whic* having beenboneht when Gold Was at a low premium be offers considerably beloir preeent znariset rates. LACES OF ALL.IcINDS. Coltrane, Barbee, Colima, Bleevoe, Bete. Hdkfe., Veils. Capes, &a., in all varieties. WHITE GOODS. Jaconeta, Cambrica, Nainsooke, Binllss, Swiss Cloaks, and all deacriptiona of Plain and Fancy Siylea. EMBROIDERIES, Collars. Bets. Bands, Flonnoings. Infants' Walata and Robes. Edgings and Insertings on Cambrio, and Linen; WO different styles. ' • HANDItEROHIEFS. Plain. Hem-stitched, Embroidered. Bartered. Ruffled. Lace. Printed-bordered, dm.. . for Ladles. Gentle men. and Children, comprielng every !seedy, Including many new etyles not heretofore in the market. N. B.—Alliberal discount to those who Purchase to sell again. Manufacturers of Ladies' and Children's Clothing are invited to examine my stook. n 02423 PARIS POPLINS, EPINGLE REPS, AR RENIENES, MOUSSELINE DE LAINE, • FRENCH ME RINOES I FANCY SILKS, • From yesterday's Auction Sale. which will be 40. d. at less than regular prices. CUR WEN STODDABT & BROTHER, Noe. 450, 452, and. 454 N. SECOND Street, no7-It above Willowy 818 OPENING, 818 AT THE ARCH-STIIEET CLOAK STORE, A HANDSOME. ASSORTIMMF OF LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOAKS. CLOAKS AND CLOAKING CLOTHS. COOPER & CON&RD, NINTH AND MARKET. I1%1" c,r Clo 49. 32C, Ei CLOAK CLOTHS MODERATE PRICES FRENOH ME RINOES. EDWIN HAIL & CO.. 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, HAVE NOW ARRANGED FOR sera. The following lots of goods, purchased at the large Aux. tion Sales held in'few York the past week: 3 LOTS OF FRENCH MERINOES, $l. 5 LOTS FRENCH MERINOES, $1.25, $1.50, 3 LOTS SUPER ^ Do These goods are offered in all the most beautiful shades, and purchasers may rest assured that they are lidt=Lida=il.=m==,m l w The above, together with the Large Stock on hand bought early in the season, makes our STOCK OF FRENCH MERINOES COMPLETE, NOT SURPASSED BY ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THIS CITY, FOR SALE BY THE PIECE OR YARD Also, on hand, a line Stock SILK AND WOOL POPLINS, RDED. MERINOES. PLAIN IRISH POPLINS PLAID IRISH POPLINS PLAID FRENCH POPLINS no-twom 3t SKIRTS 1 SKIRTS 1 . SKIRTS I M A. JONES' OBLEBRAISD NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRT um only ba found at No. 17 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. OVER THE WAX FIGME. air lone genuine unless stamped BE. A. JONES' NB PLUS 17LTE.1. SKIRT. 17 N. EIGIITIISTEZNI. soli. tam BLANKETS 1 BLANKETS I BLAt.NIE. KEYS! The Largest Assortment of 33 A.NIKETS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, OFFERED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BY 00WPER'THWAIT 00.. W. OR. EIGHTH AND MARKET STS. selatdeSl `UAL E. M. NEEDLES 18 RBOBIVING DAILY ALL .DESIBABLE NOVEL2'II9I L►TBST IMPORTATIONS a LAOIE. BMBBOIDSRISS HANAKIROBIEPS p MO:1:IviikillohlMa:#11:44 VELVET CLOTHS Frosted Sealskins. Colored do. Black do. FANCY MIXED CHINCHILLAS. Twilled Beavers. Plain do. Blue do. Black Tricot. - Do. Broadcloths. Scarlet and Blue Cloths. OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 45,2, and. 454 North SECOND St., ab. Willow, no6-St- CHOICE SHADES FRENCH MAIM/ES, $1.25`‘../ Just opened, SUPERIOR GOODS, at the above mice. OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND St., ab. Willow. not-St VDWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH -11-J SECOND Street, 'would call the attention of PDX: chimers to their stock of Colored and Black Moire Antiques. Colored and Black Corded Silks. Black Armnres and Venitienne. Black Taffetas and White Silks. Fancy Silks, Brown Figured Silks. Black Figured Silks, and 'Gros de Rhinos. Garnet,' Wine, Green, and Brown Silks, White Corded Silks no4.tf FRENCH MERINOES.- Deeirable colors at the right prices. French Poplins, bought early—prices low. Cheap plaid and plain Poplins. .17% cent Magenta plaid Reps—a bargain. Black Alpacas at 81 to 75 cents. Just opened Auction lots at 44, 60, 02, and 76 cents; $l. SO double widths Lupins' Black wool Delains are very fine and heavy. COO PERM CONARD, ouBOtt B. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. VELVET BEAVERS.- Good Frosted Beavers at $2.25. Extra fine Frosted Beavers. Ladies' Cloak Cloths of every klnd. Fancy Cassimeres for business mite. Water Proof Cloths, , dia. 2 , 5 per yard. Fine black Cloths a ad Cassimeres. COOPER St CONARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. LADIES' CLOAKING CLOTHS. Black Beaver and Tricot Cloths Brown and Black Water-proof Clothe, Dark Brown and Mode Clothe, Tine Black Broad Cloths. Superb quality Scarlet Cloths, Chinchilla Cloaking% Al e iso, Cloths, Oaseimeres, and Satinets for Men and likli y. feetings, in Great variety, at JOHN H. STOKES, 70% ARCH Street. N. B.—Jack Straws, made by and sold for an Invalid. A new invoice just received. 0015 P.-IHAR PLE SS BROTHERS . OPEN TO D Extra quality and newest designs. • , Rich figured French De Latnss. Robes de Chambre: tine oualitY. Bright Be Latnee, for Children. Wide and fine new Plaid Cashmeres. Rich striped Skirtings for Dresses. Plain De Lab:Les, all colors and qualities. French Re Pon tine; colored, at $l. Silk faced Epinglines, very rich. French hierinoes. in very large stock. Velvet Beavers, for Ladies' Cloaks. Wide Black Velvets, for do. C 422 EIGHTH and CHESTIUT Streets. OPENING OF FALL DRESS _GOODS. H. NUL & SoR. Nos 111 and 7 15 North TENTH Street, now pen a choice assortment of Nave no w AND ch oi ce GOODS. Plain Silks. choice colors, 19129 to Sn. Plain Moire Antiques, choice shades. Plain Black Bilks. 90a to $2.50. ranted Black Silks; Panay Silks. Plain All-Wool Reps and PoY_line. cillsolora. Plain Silk and Wool FAO. all color& lisared and-Plaid Reps and Poplins. Plain !relish Ner. am, chaos °aloft 119111altiruiVIMIA001. Owlet Moist 111.. • • ; WHITE GOODS. VEILS, dcs., iss g MIMI) DI OW f‘,lollo Dik‘i ' ' , 863. RETAIL DRY GOODS. VERY ELEGANT I,A.CM CITE:t)r.ESki.W'S, THE RICHEST GOODS 'IMTORTEIL Alao, a large !woodmen:it of Marine* and Rieheat cfureoranv mi..A:rwartrik- IA FURNITURE COVEranas. SHEPPARD. VAN HARLINGEN Sr . AVIIISON, n0.13t tethBts 100 g CESSTNTJT Street EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH. AND ARCH, HAVE A MAGNIFICENT STOOK OF POPULAR DRY GOODS. FINE FRENCH MERINOES, FASHIONABLE POPLINS, 4-4 CLOAK VELVETS, $l7, POPULAR STYLE SHAWLS, VELVET FROSTED CLOTHS, POPULAR STYLE CLOAKS, WATER-PROOF CLOTHS, POPULAR JOUVIN GLOVES, RICHEST SILKS, and DRESS GOODS. ocM-tuths-tt N o w 0P E PARIS, LONDON, AND AMERICAN C LOANS RICH LYONS VELVETS, 4 INDIA GROS. GRAIN, MATALBA SILK, PARIS-MADE VELOUR CLOTHS, PARIS WOOL CASHM_ERES, FANCY CASHMERES, PARIS-MADE FRObTED BEAVERS, DIAGONAL CASHMERES, CHINCHILLA CLOTHS, BELGIAN TRICOTS AND DOESKINS, ENGLISH FLUSHES, ENGLISH MELTONS, / AT THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, FUR, EMPORIUM, 920 CHESTNUT STREET, J. W. PROCTOR & CO. nob - thstulm JUST : RECEI ED. - VERY FINE SCARLET AND BLUE CoE9P-11A. Also a general assottment of WRITE AND COLORED FLANNELS, Both Twilled and Plain, in all of the moat approved makee, FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. SHEPPA.RD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRIBON, no3-tuthe3t 1008 CHESTNUT Street. LADIES' CLOAKS, Light Colors Chinchilla Cloaks.' Whitney Beaver Cloaks. Frosted Beaver Cloaks. "Velvet Beaver Cloaks. Fine Black Beaver Cloaks, eupefine Bl ack Tricot Cloaks. ' Ilfedimii priced Cloaks $lO Black Beaver Cloaks. - - Cloaks made to order of any desired style, at short no tice, and guarantied to fit and please. A large stook of. Cloths from which to select. SHAWL ROOM. Fine Broche Long Shawls. Black, Green. Scarlet. and Blue Centres. French. Blanket Long Shawls. Middlesex, Woolen Long Shawls. Black Thibet Shawls. Gents' Shawls, ex,kra large sizes. DRESEI GOODS. Frenck Merino:me and Poplins bought early. eo. 76, and 96 cents. . Lupins, wide Blaers'all'nebargains. Wool Poplins $126 Gay Delaines and Cashiner f Va" Cheatl BALMORALS. :. COOPER At CONAHD, it - 5..8. corner NINTH and MARKST. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. ........ L. LIN - POP:JD LITIC.EINTS RAS REMOVED FROM No. 31 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, N. W. CORNER SIXTH AND biESTNIIT; Where he now offers a LARGE AND ELIGANT' STOCK OF •ENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Embracing all the latest novelties. PRICES MODERATE. mar The attention of the public is respectfully so Hated. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. McINTIRE & BROTHER, No. 1035 CHESTNUT STREET. AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK. SUPERIOR UNDERCLOTHING, HO -. SIERY, HDXFS, - CRAVATS, Aar- Stocks and Napoleon Ties made to order. ASO - An elegant assortment of Kid Gloves; , ARP Gentlemen's Dressing Gown's in great varlet!. lir The "MODEL SHIRT" always on hand and made to order. • 0,24.3 m GEORGE( &RANT, No. 610 CHESTNUT STREET. [as now roads' _ • LLEGS kin COMPIATII 6TOOK • • OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Df Lip own Importation and mannittotare. Me celebrated c , PRIZE MEDAL SHIRTS," icanalaettured reader tho superintendenee of TOM( F. TAGGIIRT, • (Formerly of Oldenberg & Tanned.) ire the most perfect-Ilttinr airte of the age. NW Orders promptly attended to. Jy9-thitn-In 606. ARCH STREET. EINE SHIRT AND WRAPPER DEPOT. AS BLEGA.NT ASSORTMENT OP fiENTS' FIENISIIIII6 GOODS, AT MODERATE PRIORS. POUR PREMIUMS AWARDED Fox HIBTS, WRAPPERS, AND SWUM& G. A. HOFFMANN. &manor to W..R.RIM% 606 .ARCH STRUT. 604. JOHN C. ARRISON, NOS. 1 AND 3 N. SIXTH STREET, • HAS NOW IN STORE , A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH I ING poops .4. YOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. Also, Manufactures from the Best Material and In a Superior Manner by HAND: " Fine SHIRTS and COLLARS. Shaker Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Heavy Red-twilled Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWUS. English Canton Flannel SHIRTS - and DRAWERS. Buckskin SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Cloth TRAVELLING SHIRTS. WRAPPERS, STOCKS, TIES; &o. And sold at the most moderate prices: ca:7.63n F INEV SHIRT MANPFACTORY. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, which he makes a specialty in his business.. Alio. 401 stantly_receiving NOVELTIES TOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. • No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, Ja22-t/ ' • Four doors below the Continental. IQ EIMER'S COLORED PHOT GRAPHS, for $l, , are finished with sere and ability. - 1311 Who desire a good. and cheap picture should go to his gallery. SECOND Street, above Green. • lt.* ED. MAR()IiANT, PORTRAIT • PAINTER, has. remiiyinl to .919 LOCUST - Street, where he will be glad to sea his friends and those of the public who may be interestadin his lined art. - oeB•Sßt+ $2 PER ,DOZEN: $2 CARTES DE' VISITE. Taken in the finest style at the above price. Large Photographs at low rate*, by ' TURNER, At hie Ground-Floor' Gallery, • ' 808 CLUSTNUT STREIT. Entrance through the Album D6pAt.' no3-E.to WHITE PRESERVI;q44 BRANDY PURE CIIDER AND WHITE WINE VINEGAR. OINGRE, BUMMED ETICBB, aN ALL SBA RECIITIBITAS YOE PKBBIIV7LNG AND PICKLING PURPOSES. ALBERT 0_ ROBERTB, - Dealer in Fine Groceries. n:u•a Ciraer waysierct am!. VWI stimaa. COMMISSION HOUSES. HEAVY 1t1`17.-INC LIE BROWN SI-IBEITI.Nag, FOR SALE BV J. C. FRYF IZ, No. 120 OHEBTICUT STREET L•sc GLOTHSI CLOTHSI WIILLIN T. SNODGRASS' CLOTH ROUSE, Nos 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET. FRESH STOOK AND - ADIES' CLOTHS AND MEN'S WE &R.. VELOURS, NEW STYLE COAT INOR ILLAS, INGS, kItOgTEDS, BASIIEP, VELVETS PAN() It MIXED, 0500W,4, BEAVERS, scturroiAlTlK, PILOTS, (X)TOIi TWISTS, OA S reit s, &Q. I Our stook is full of the • very choicest stYles la tee tountrir- With this lot we close our supply for the sea, Mon. Come promptly, as the best will soon. be exhausted. THE ARMY AND NAV Y COM/ME% to receive our special attention. We now hive in store ell shades and grades• noB-trio24 N. BERRY & ,CO.. GENERAL minimum MEBOILiNTS, 26 RUB BERGERR. PARIS PLATZMANN, BERRY, & 00.3 LYONS, ST. rarstuns, AND GRENOBLE MILLINERY GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS. - BROOKS Sk ROSKNREIN, 431-.IIIABICET-STREST.' Mys now on hand a complete assortment of new styles RIBBONS, BONNETS, VELVETS, BONNET-SILKS, MISSES' HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, LACES, AND MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, which we Invite the attention of the trade. oe7-Im ALL, 1863. • WOOD Zir, 0 A.11,1r, 735 CHESTNUT STREET. Have now OM ) - .: A LARGE STOCK OP STRAW AND FELT GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, And • general assortment of ... . MILLINERY- GOODS, To which they invite the attention of THE TRADE._ V / EIGHTH-ST. RIBBON. STORE, No. 107 N. EIGHTH STREET. We have received from the late New York and Philadelphia Auctions the following . most desirable and. fashionable goods at very,reationable prices: Scarlet Bonnet Velvet, at $3 peryard.. Do, do, do. Lyons Width and quality, /4.50 per yard. • LEATHER. COLORED VELVET. —Uncut Velvet, Cord ed. Silk and-Bonnet Silk, allot the moat beautiful shades, with Ribbons, Feathers and Flowers, to match. BLACK BONNET RIBBONS. —A splendid line, from 16 to 44 cents peryard. At the latter price we sell a very wide and heavy Ribbon. ..... ' ' Extra heavy, all boiled Ribbons, narrow and wide, lower at retail than they can be bought elsewhere by the Piece. BLACK, DRAB AND BROWN FELT HATS, fromthe manufacturers direct. All the new shapes for ladies' and children's wear, very cheap. A. complete assortment of Black English Crapes, pur chased before the late heavy advance in gold, from 66 cents a yard upwards. BONNET RIBBONS in endless variety. Velvet Rib bons. black and colored the best make imported, at a great reduction. Trimming Ribbons, every shade; and every other article need in making or trimming a bon net, or that cart be found with us at less than wholesale Al libera reduction made to wholesale buyers. Country orders promptly attended. to. SICHEIi as WEYL, oel4tnon MISS E. CALD W ELL ' N 0.824 ARCH Street, will be prepared to Show the latest styles - WINTER MILLISERY for Ladies and Children on TUBSDAY, November 10th. no7-3V . . MRS. IC A. KING' HAS CON AITLy on an,L,,dve..miG,..virtmE,iTxutuTot k MRS. R. DILLON, FANCY AND , Al.l STRAW MILLINER, 323 SOUTH street, Phi ' ladelphia. Mourning Bonnets made at tba short est notice; Bonnets dyed, cleaned, pressed, end altered to the latest styles. An assortment of Feathers,- Flow ers, Ribbons, Caps, &c., always on hand. Orders from Country moitaa.re-and _others solicited and promptly at tended to. - - it FRENCH FLOWERS, 1863. FEATHERS, LACES, RIBBONS, & NEW • STYLE kATS, JUST OPENED AT THOS. KENNEDY Lt BRO.'S, No. 1149 CHESTNUT &reel, below Eighth. twO-3m WATCHES AND -JEWELRY. it)SELLING OFF THE STOCK OF JEWELRY at'Reduced Prices, to close business, SOLITFI'S, ,316 FIFTH Street. below Spruce. A va riety of Sleeve-Buttons and Studs. ,Solid Silver Thim bles, Sixteen Cents. lt• IttnG-. RUSSELL; 22 NORTH SIXTH Street has just received a very handsome assort pent of FINE SEAL RINGS. oc3l-3m seII) — FINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to by the most experienced workmen, an every Watch warranted for one year. G. RUSSELL, 22 North SIXTH Street. MUSICAL BOXES. TN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD CASES, playing from 1.1 o 12 tunes choice coperaand dined lan N elodies. FARR & BROTHER. Importers. se2.6m 324.11(11INSTITITT Street. below Fourth. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. KERR'S Furnishing China & Glass Establishment, CHINA HAIL 529 CHESTNUT STREET, DIRSOTLY OPPOBITTI INDEPENDRIPOR RAM, lije it the cheapest (for the quality) and most extensive as sortment WHITE, FRENCH, GOLD-BAND AND DECORATED CHINA IN THIS CITY. 606. Just opened, of our own importation,"elghtyfone casks very superior plain WHITE FRENCH CHINA, In any Quantity to suit purchasers. Also, a splendid. assortment of Fashionable CUT AND ENGRAVED TABLE CRYSTAL GLASS. Also plain white English Stone Ware, Dinner and Tea. Ware. Alsp, Toilet Ego, in great variety, some very elegantly decorated. Aka - Double thick China Stone Ware, and Glace, ex t,resely for • • HOTELS, SHIPPING, AND RESTAURANTS. Ira- French China decorated to order In any pattern. Aajp- Initials engraved on Wable Glass. China and Glass packed In a proper manner. 1106. satuth4m - • INSURANCE COMPANIES. jETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. HARTFORD, CONN. PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE NO. 400 CHESTNUT STREET HIRAM TORREY. State Agent INSURE YOUR LIFE WASHINGTON - LIFE. INSURANCE CO., Which Offers• more advantages to 'lnsurers than any other Company in the United States. CHAMBERS & REGISTER, GENERAL AGENTS. 407 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia 0e7.7-bithetj al REMOVAL THE MANHATTAN LIFE* INSURANCE COMPANY; Of New York. having appointed JAMES B. CARR Agent for this City, have Removed their office to NO. 41.8• WALNUT STREET, Where applications for INSURANCE and RENEWALS on POLICIES must be made. The allotted dividend 011869 will be adjusted on all Policies on which two or more annual premium s ' have been paid, on the adjustment of the current year premium. The following items. interesting to the assured, show the great progress and prosperity of the. Company since the last triennial dividend The income of the Company for the past three years has been $1,400.000 00 The assets have increased 416.000 00 The 'losses paid to widows erring three years past were 260.561.24 • ". " others 99,738 50 Dividends have been made during the prat three Years 2.50.000 00 JAMBS B. CARR, Agent. C. Y. WEMPLS, Secretary. 0c33-Imil FAME INSURANO :403 CRBISTNCR Street PHILADE . FIBB.AND INLAI • • ...MEV linnets N. Thick, Chas. Blcbstedson, Hear L ewis: Jr. , 'John W. Byermalt. Phl4p S:.Jnetiee, 0. - FR CIS N. BD CHARLES RICEL WILLIAM L BLANCHP- COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS FOR ; REIMER'S are most popular styles: finely finished: carefully executed, and artistically colored, at his plum,. tar ffrilery, 813C010.8ruiet. above Green, .1t« No. 107 North EIGHTH Street. CHAUNCEY H. BRUSH, Manager no thetn6t OP NEW YORK, F, COMPANY, NO .t EtPHIA. ND 'INSURANCE TORS. B. D. Woodruff. Geo. A. West, John Kessler, Jr.. Chas. Woke*. A. H. RosegitlAim. oseph en D. Mil. OK J Presidt. ARDSON, Vice President. ' D, Secretary. ialbtfif PLANTATION BITTERS. rroen the army hospital—the blood, batliodlekt—the enannon of the rich and humble abode of the poor—frent the aloe and the seared desk—front the reountedn4on. diataut valleys and far-off Wanda of the ocean—lkon every, nook and corner of the civilized world—la pooling in the evidence of the astonishing effects of DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. Thousands upon thatatalada Of lettere like the following may lie Been at our "lee Rg6DBBMIT. Wis., Sept. 16, • • • I have been in the army hospitals for fourteen months—spesoblees and nearly dead. At Alton. 111.. they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. • • • Three bottles restored my speech and mired me. • • • • C. H. FLAUTE." SOUTH WidtgAo7, 0.. July 2a, MI '` • • • One young man, who had been Moir. and not out of the bonne for two years with Scrofula and Hrir elPelas, after paying the dootora over $llO without bene fit. has been cured by ten bottles of your Bitters. * * • EDWARD WOUNALL." The following Is from the Matron of the Union Home School for the Children of yolanteers: trsormanens. MMTSTON PIPTY•aIO7I3NTIT ST.. I Haw 'roux, /imp:NM lain. "Ds. DRAKE: Year wonderful Plantation Hitters have been given to some of oar little children suffering from weakness and weak lungs with meet happy effect* One little girl, in particular. with pains irrthe head, loss of appetite. and daily westing consumption, on whom all medical skill hail been exhausted, has been entirely restored: We commenced with bat a, team:mental of Bitters a day. Her appetite increased; strength and health followed. * • • • Respectfully. HERB. 0: DEVOE." " • • • I owemnoh to yOLL, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. • RIM. W. H. WAGGONER., hfadritf. B. lf." •' • • • Than wilt send me two bottles more of MI Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their WIC Thy friend, ABA CURREN, Philadelphiae Pa." "* * have been a great sufferer from Dyspeoefe, and had to abandonoreaohing. * The Plantation 'Bitters have cured me. REV. .1. 8. CATHORN, Rochester, N. Y." * « Send ue twenty-four dozen more of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of which is daily in creasing with the guests of our house. BYRES, CHADWICK, & CO-. Proprietors Willard's Hotel, Washington. D. 0." • • •- • r have given the Pinntation Bitten; to hun dreds of our disabled soldiers with the most astonishing Superintendent Soldiere' Home, Cincinnati. 0." " • * The Plantation Bitters have mired me of liver complaint, of which I was laid AP prostrate and had to abandon my business. H. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, O." The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. C. C.IIIO ORB, Agent for Colgate & Co. - , 2.54BroadWRY." /to,. &0., &0.. &0.. &0.. &a. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong. the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature'S great reetorer. They are coniposed of the celebrated elitism Bark. Wintergreen. Sassafras, Roots. Herbs, &c., all preserved perfectly pure St. Croix Run. S. T.-1.86,0.-X Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, look of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, dtc-, deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities, and are warranted to produce an immedterte bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly armeable. perfecUi pure, and harmless. ifoncg.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ter. i n bulk or by the gallon. is aawindler and impostor. We only put it up in our log-cabin bottles. Beware of bottles, refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already in prison. See that every ,bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, and signature on steel-plate side labels. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. P. H. DRAKE &a CO., oclo-stn&th4m 202 BROADWAY. N. Y. FOR SALE AND TO LET. ef# FOR SALE—A VERY DESIRA bIe three-story BRICK DWELLING HOME, on the east side of HOWARD Street," above York street. Lot 18 feet front by 110 feet deep to Hope street. The Route is in al superior condition, and well Malt. Will be sold upon reasonable terms. Immediate possession can be given. Apply to LUKENS .4 MONTGOMERY. 10Zrr /DUCH Street, above Laurel. noS-Pre Or to- MIRY LUKENS. upon the premises. FOR SALE, A VERY FINE, SQUARE Lot of Mx acres. fronting the RIDGE Road ,in Box borough. B. T. GOXE,No. 617 bPRING GARDEN Si. COAL YARD FOR SALE.-TIFF, '—' beet fitted-up Yard - in the City; capacity for doing any amount of business. Inquire on the premises, No. 957 - /rortu - NINTH Street, below Girard Avenue: no7-6t5 _RUILDING LOTS--CHESTNITT ST., ray. No. 204- South WketrAt.oßblaareet. ORPHANS' COURT SALE —ESTATE of WILLIAM PINCFIIN, deceased. Pursuant to an ot.dsr of Ule.Orphens' Court for the City and County of Ph Rade) chia, De - F1)111 - M public sale, on TUESDAY, Decembs.r lst, 1863. by M. THOMAS St SONS, at the Phi ladelphia Exchange, at 12 o'clock noon, the following describsd real estate, to wit ; All that three-story brick dwelling-house.' with-base ment and three-story back building and a lot of ground. situate on the south side of Filbert street. between Six teenth and Seventeenth streets, in the city of Philadel phia,. No. 161.2; containing in front on Filbert street 19 feet, end extending in depth 106 feet to Jones street. 20 feet wide. • N. B. —On the rear end of the lot is a substantial two story brick stable. WILL B. PNCHIN, lAM J I CARTER, noY tdel Executors. • maCHESTNUT HILL PROPERTY To LIST.—A beantifnlly FURNISHED HOUSE, with Parlor, Hall, Dining and Sitting Rooms. Kitchen. and 7 Chambers, situate within two minutes' walk of Dealt. A family with small children not acceptable. Apply to G. R. HINKLE, oc7-3V CHESTNUT HILL. a SUM MER-STREET RESIDENCE FOR SALE. —The very desirable Residence N 0.1610 Summer street will be sold by M. THOMAS & SONS. at the MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, on TO F,SDAY next, the 10th of November. at 12 o'clock M. The house is three stories front, with two-story back buildings, with large side and back yard. Lot 30 feet 7 inches by 131 feet, run ning through to Winter street. This is one of the most desirable locations for residences in the city, the street being very pleasant, and nettr Logan Square The premi ses may be examined daily from 11 to 12. A. SI. no6-2tif* FAVORITE SUMMER RESORT FOR SALE OR TO lon, TBE BROAD TOP - MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Broad Top City, Huatingdon county, Pa This celebrated Hotel, situated on the top of Broad Top Mountain, one of the finest locations in the State for pure air, grand mountain scenery, and fine water. is offered for sale at a great bargain, or to rent to an enter prising tenant. The hones is crowded every season, and presents an opportunity for making money in the hands of the businessman seldoni to be met with. The house is furnished throughout with elegant furniture from Philadelphia. It is a very substantial stone building, 3 stores and basement, 44 by 64, feet, with Kitcheh 17 by 27 feet, Ice HOLM. Carriage House, Stables, and other out buildings; a Pleasure Garden. and ample ground for vegetable gardens; there are also meadows and culti vated fields The large coal trade of tbejteighborhood, and the very salubrious atmosphere of Broad. Top City, will ever fill the house with visitors during the summer months. For terms, &c.. apply to HENRY D. M 001213, President of the Broad Top Improvement Company. no7-waBt %28 WALNIIC Street, Philadelphia. al FOR SALE-FARM OF 165 -sal- acres, in New Jersey. FARMS FOR SALE:-165 acres in New Jersey, on the Burlington pike, six - miles above Camden; good soil, very large buildings, wish extensive "Sharp sand pits and clay." 115 acres. Chester county, two miles frbm the Down ingtown and Waynesburg Railroad; landsomely situ ated, good buildings. A large pit of white sand on this place, such as is extensively used in the manufacture of iron. 98 acres on the Delaware river, sixteen miles above Philadelphia; suverior land, line orchard of six acres, good buildings, &c. 143 acres, four miles from West Chester, on a good road; superior buildings, mellow soil, in a good state of cultivation. " El acres, on the Delaware river, five miles above Bris tol; first-quality soil, and saperior buildings. 290 acres, two miles from Wilmington, Delaware. on the Concord road; first-quality land, with large and ex cellent buildings. 89 acres, in Chester county, on the mill road. font miles from West Chester, half a mile from railroad-sta tion; good soil. in a high state of cultivation, excellent buildings, good orchard, - first-rate spring, some woods, and some meadow; and, altogether, a most desirable farm. Alt.°, a large variety of Farms, large and small, In Delaware. Maryland, New Jersey, and other States. For Houses and Cottages, sea North American and U. E, Gazette B. F. GLENN. 123 S- FOURTH St., no 7 and S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and- GREEN. 810,000 TO $20,000, TO LOAN ON Mortgage. for live yeare,at live per cent. per annum. Apply to LEWIS 11. REDNEP... . 10 No. 152 South FOURTH Street. $4,000 -WOULD INVEST THIS • amount in something, that " will pay." No liquor. Will give whole at , ention to business. Ad -dress "L.," Box 583. Phila P. 0 no3-toths 3t° CARRIAGES. 1 863 . D. ROGERS, Coach and Light Carriage Builder, Not 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT STREET. aelo-he . PHILAIRILPHIL CHILSON'S PATENT ELEVATED DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING TC,AIsTGES, This Range bas afford ed more ratisfaction than any yet offered to the public. .WARM-AIR-FURNACES, of th SUITED approved and econouticat patterns, TO ALL CLASSES OF BUILDINGS ENAMELED SLATE MANTELS. A large variety of these beautiful Mantels at VERY LOW PRICES. Low-down and Common PARLOR GRATES. tor heating Parlors, Chambers, Offices , Ste ADAPTED FOR EITHER HARD 011, ,SOFT COAL. Hot-air Registers and Ventilators; a large assortment W. A. ARNOLD, oelo-s&tr2mll 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. MICORRECT PIANO TUNING —Mr. C. E. SARGENT'S orders for tuning and repairing Pianosare. received at MASON & CO. store, 907 CMESTNCT Street, may. Mr S. bas had eleven years' factory experience tli Bog. ton, and tive_years' employment in Philadelphia. SPECIAL. —riallOS rowathored to sound as soft and sweet toned as new. without rensonings. Terms for Tuning, M. ocl2-Bmll TRUSSES BRACES, , skilfully adiusted by C. Ht Ni•Br'LBS , • ; corner of TWELFTH and RAGE Streets. - Ladies' Department for same. conducted Ladies. TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. Ths most complete and varied stock on hand, consist/a; ig part of Trusses, Supporters , Shoulder Braces, Betts, .Bandages , Mastic Stockings, Crutches, Syripises, ticl. for Nrirmarv. Sick Room. em Co , A JOHN L. CAPEN, PHRENOLO. clip GIST, may be consulted, DAY and EVRNING, or Ai"mr adaptation to Bluffness Trade. and Profession • lk a , on the Improvement Of h.4olth, correolfon o 3 faults, formation of friendships, &o. de. foriptions of character -liven when recinired, at No se a MTH Street. above Oltaittnat, 403.tuta9aa lIRLMBOLD'S lf,:m-refection or - &COI:a inflneoi , of Mine. Irritation, I a W. D: ANDREW'S For Weariness, arising from Habits of Dissipation, at tended with the following symptoms: Indisposition PALLID Cr:MENAI:fa& These' symptoms; if allowed to go on, which this medi- requires the aid of Medicine io etrengthen and invigorate A trial wIA convince the most care of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and of the worst disorders that afflict mankind, arise from the corruption that accumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge it out, none can equal in effect HELMBOLD'S COM. FOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, instils the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the humors which male disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, for the first time. the public have one on which they can depend. Oar space here does not admit certificates to rhow its effect; but the trial of a single bottle will show to the sick th tt it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two table spoonful's of the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one battle ie fully eq cal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla. or the decoction as usually made, These Extracts have been admitted to use in the trnite4 States Army, and are also it wry general use in all the State Hospitals and public sa.nitary institutious through or t the land, as well as in private I notice, and are Con edered as invaluable remedies. lIELDIBOLD'S PREPARATIO3I. HELM BOLD% HNLIKI3OLD'B RLMBOLD'EI ELINBO LD'I3 BE WO 91 ELIPMpOLD'S nuttily CONCENTRATED HIGHLY .CONCENTRATED FITLY OONCH4TuATRN CONORNTRATRO HI HLY CONCENTRATED COMPOWTD COMPOTTN'D COMD(oiND CO M . POTTND COMPOUND FLUIDEXTRAT ETTCHIT. FLUID D EXTRACT BULBL FLUID EX EXACT BUC FLUID- EXTRACT - WITOFBI, PLUM ER VR ter BUOHI7, A POSirran • A PO3ITIVE A PORITIVE A POWITIV6 A PO‘PITVR A POSITIVE BPStifFf C RSIff6DY SPINITFIC REM Rat , SPROEFTC RIMRDY SPECIFIC RE WE DY SPECIFIC REMEDY dammation, or Ulceration of the Bladder and Ridneys, :Diseases of the Prostrate Gland. Stone in toe Madam. Calm - knit Oravet or Brickdaat and Dropsical Swellings existing ix Men, Women; Or Children WBLMBOLD'S EXTRACT Bumf; Tria.mkomn's EXTRACT RITaMT, RELEBOLD"I EXTRACT MICH% BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BTTriarr, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT . BIICIII7, to Exertion, Loss of Memory. Difficatir of Breathing'. Weak Nerves. Trembling Horror of Disease, Dimness of Vie ion, Wakenlnes.% Pain In the Back, _ Universal Lassitaae of the Muscular System. Rot Made. FlaskiinS Body. Dryness of Skin, ERUPTIONS ON THE FACE ciao invariably removes, soon follows Fa- luity, Epileptic Fits. in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those " dire fnldiaeasea." INSANITY and CONSUMPTION." IMMO= of the lattigjar their eaffering. The records of the Insane Aaylnms, and the Melancholy Deaths by Con aumption. bear ample - Witness to the truth of the aeeert'oa. The constitution once affected with organic Weakness the system, which fEELIIBOLD'S LXTP.A.CT BIICEEtt Invaziably doea RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT MMHG s safe, Pleasant in its taste and odor, and more Strength- ening than any of the preparations of IRON OR' BARK For those suffering FROM BELOREN DOWN - AND DELICATE CONSTITUTIONS, Prom whatever cause, either in MALE OR FEMALE WILL GIVE .VOl7 A - -GOOD APPETITE M=C WILL GIVE 'Too' BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS, and will enable yon' to SLEET' WELL SKEP rla AL ITELMBOLD'S ABLIWROLD'S • RRLMBOLD'S REIAIBOLTVS RELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONONNERATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA purifying tha bloOd. re moving all chronic constitutional diFeases arising from an impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the Swellings of the Bones. Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Pace, Tatter, ErysipSlas, and all scaly Eruptions of the AND BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION NOT d FEW SKR MEDICAL PROPERTIES OF BUCHII. FROM - DISPENSATORY OF THE UNITED SPATES See Professor DEW! 5' valuable works on the Frac ice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSIC! Philadelphia.. . See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIIf McDOWELL, a celebrated physician and member of the Royal College of Forgsons, Irelani, and published in the transactions of the Ring and Queen's Journal. See Medico-Chirurchigalßtyiew. published by BEN JAMIN TRAVERS, Fellow of Royal College of Sir geons. Fee most of the late standard works of medicine. PRICES: Extract Machu, slper bottle, or six for $5. Sarsaparilla, slper bottle, or six for $6. Delivered to any address, se.urely packed Address letters for information to HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL.wAREHOUSE, HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE. 591 BROADWAY, N.Y., OR 594- BROADWAY, N.Y., OR 591 BROADWAY, N.Y., OR HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, EELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, MILMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS. WHO ENDEAVOR TO Dispose of "their own" and "other" articles on the re Pntation attained by.' HELMBOLD'S PREPARATIONS HELMI3OLD S HE LMBOLD'S EBLMBOLD'S GENUINE EXTRACT BIICHI7 GENUINE EXTRACT BIICIRT. ./BENTYINE EXTRACT BUCHU BELMBOLD% RELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA GENIIIEE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA BELMBOLD'S HBLMi3OLD'S MILDSBOLD'S GENUINE IMPROVED ROSEWASH OSNITINE IMPROVED ROSEWASH SSOLD BY ALL DRUGGIWPS OLD. BY ALL DBUODISTS ASK F fiELMB'S AeK F O OR R RELMBOOLDLD'S Cut out the edvertleeraent arid send . ..for it. and avoid 1 1111294 1 ti0n and:OZPolne. soft-trndoret AIVIUSEMNNTS. AMY lOAN AOAD EILY OF htIISIO. 04HL ADOLPH .13/B,C4FsLD GERMAN - OPERA, SPECIAL ANA OIINCEMENT; GRABI? GALA MATIBEE 6.4,TUBDAt -AFTERNOON AT 2 O'CLOCK Or PARTICULAR REQUEST.) MARTHA, GRAND OPERA., BY F. VON PLOTOW. Tickets to parte-'of ate house FIF Fr GENTS. Reserved Peata. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS extra, um be bed at once- not.-2t AMERICAN ACADEMY OF C. AMR:RUTZ A. BLEGFELL • GERMAN OPERA_ - MONDAY EVENING, Nov. 9th, ' FOURTH SUBSCRIPTION NIGHT. Beethoven's Immortal Hector-work. FID ELIO, GRAND OPERA IN THREE ACTS, with the following unparalleled cast: . Madame Johoimaget. Fl,reslan Herr Efiramec Rocco Herr Welnliel. Pirarro Herr S teln coke. j.conino Herr Haberman. hlaraelllne M'lle Cantles. Don Fernando Herr Oral. Domeopen at 7. Opera empmences at 8 o'clock. PRIOR or A DIITS4OI9. ADMISSION TO PARQUET, PARQUET CIRCLE, and BALCONY 81 CO (No extra charge for Reserved Seats) ADMISSION TO FAMILY CIRCLE 50 eta AMPHITHEATRE 25 Oa SEATS can be secured every day at the ACADEMY OP BIONIC. end J. E. uour.aes MUSIC STORM, S. a. Onruet of RF.VENTH and fIIIESTNUT StrPetn. nor -Et ACADEMY OF biIISIC. LECTURE BY THE GREAT ORATOR, RE V. DR. E. H. CHAPIN, WITH MUSIC BY THE GERMANIA. • TUESDAY EVENING. Nov. IT. ixol.2t. it UV' CHESTNUT-ST. THEA.Tpx....... . 16 LemAe and. Man LAST . bi'LLE VESTVALI, Who mitt appear is_ . MtigICAL DRAMA ITA..IAVUPERA. giving the Third Act of ROlifEo eNDJJLIET.. ft wee in this Opera that MLLE. VESTVALT maAe her debut on the Lyric Stage. and esdahliihed her reputation se one of the beet Contraltos of the preeertt ace She has Performed Romeo in Paris. London. and St Peteraliturg; in short, in all the principal cities of the Continent, and is universally conceded tone TAR REST REPRESENTkTIVE of that Character nom living'. TEES (Saturday) StSITIAG, Nov. 7th The rear f ennanae will , rninecce with - &ANSA: THE JEWISH MOTHER, GA MBA .• • • ,••• • . . . MLLE. V11917,AZ1. To conclude with: the Third Art of the Tragic; elves. entitled ROMEO ACID JULIET. ROMEO—, . —. • .... Llf vEsTvAIL sCYNA ARE - " EQUESTO IL LnL'O.." ARIA, "ARE SE TH DORM." Concluding with tba DEATH SCENE. :APPROPRIATE SCENERY, CORTLIACES. &a fan Mr. Mark Hassles. CHORUS Musical Conductor. Mr. Wheatley takes pleaeuie is announcing a brief en gagement with the distinguished young Tragedienne, MISS AVONIA ASES, her - first appearance in America - P in ce her return free California, Australia, and England-, pronounced. Is London "THE BEST ACTRESS ANERICA. HAS SENT 1:f& " She will anneal' on MONDAY EVENING, November 9, 1862 4 in one of her powerfnl impersonations. not WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Lerset_ mrA,A. A. GAAS STTSOII (smurday) Most positively the last of Mr. E. F wbo will ap pear in two of his best charactert—Clialaizs DS Alarm, in the ROBBERS, and TOM CRINGLE, in TOM CRIN GLE'S LIDO_ On MONDAY,. Nov. 9th, the eminent American Ac tress, MARY PROVOST. in h&r matchless impersona tion of NELE GWYNN E Alto, the wonderful ARAB TROUPE, from the 1 Al hambra Palace, N.Y. WA LN UT STREET TREAT RE.-NO TICE EXTRAOEDINAIRE. The Management has much pleasure in annonnoinV en engagement with the • WANDERFUL ARAB TROUPE. The REAL CHILDREN' OF THE DESERT 2 and only genuine Arabs who have ever appeared in tivis cow try- Their performance throughout Europe. and during the east ten weeks at the • ALT AMBRA PALACE. NEW YORK. created the greatest and most exciting enthusiasm ever known. THE ARABS' will make their d rat appearance in this city art - MONDAY EVENING Nov. flO , i t WALNUT STREET THEATRE. -PRELIMINARY ANNOPNCENENT., Engagement oft he Fminent American Actress. MISS MARY PROVOST, Whose professional career i n EUROPE CALIRORIVTA. AUSTRALIA, Ann late engagements in all the principal cities o[ THE TED STATES. Rands num ecedented and unequalled in the annain or Histrionic Art. ' MONDAY. EVENING. Nov. tltb. . TR S GREAT ARTISTE Will Spvesr iu her Matchless t• at nersonatiOa of BELL G WYNNE. - • And will follow in a change of ple7s and characters in which Fhe staodc pre eminent: Box Ronk Dow oven. IVIRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARO: STREET THEATRE--ARCH.Streot above Kill- LAST FIGHT OF TETE RRILLTANT ENG AGENENT OF THE GREAT D EAIttATIC ALLIANCE, R L. DAVENPORT. .3 W WALLACE, aad HRS., FARREK. TO-NIGHT, (Saturday.) Nov. Hb., isau. WILD OATS, Rover Jar Dory, Lady Amaranth To conclude with the Drama of LUCRETIA. BORGI,A, _Lucretia Borgia Mrs. Farran. Prime as Renal. Nora. —Curtain Rises 7.4". iSS EUG E' ENIE BARNETCHE, TH EMINENT PIANIST. who has created snob a JPEIN 151.0 11.1 / • , 9 - the prevent month. PROGRAMME. FIRST PART. 1. Grand fantaieie ear La Sordnambnla, 2. Sur Pr cean- romance sans parolee Be toile Valise By B. Barnetche. 3. Le Farfadet Scherzo Cabe; Caprice de Concert By E. Barnetcho. - - - 4. Polonaiee 5. Grand vales 6. Grand fantalsie Lnorezia TEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSEMBLE - A- BIIILDINGS, TEIVIS AND CBS. BUT STREW& Amusement for Old and Young. Mirth and Ha pintas open fbr the sewn. Constant change of Rote. en* SIGNOR BLITZ. EVERY 'EVENING, commencing at 734 o'clock. &AS Wednesday and Saturday at 3, consisting of flew Hys terias in Necromancy, great success in Ventriloomigas; and the Learned Canary . 'Birds. Admission 25 cents: Children 15 cents. sell-tfa p OTHERIVIEL'S GREAT "PICTURE, MARTYRS TN TRF. COLISXII6I, NOW EXHIRITING AT THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. 14..ERM ANIA ORCHESTRA.- PI7BLIO N-0 REHEARSALS evert. SATURDAY, 334 o'clock, P. M., at the MUSICAL FillD HALL. Single ticket", 25 cents. Packages or eix tickets. $l. To be had. at ANDRE'S, 1104 CHES'VNUT Street; J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH and CHPSI WTI% and at the Hall door. ocl2-Sar. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ANTS. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from D A. U- W 3 8 P. H. Admission 86 cents. Children half price. jele-if WANTS. A SALESMAN, _THOROUGHLY AO- QtTAINTED with the Cloth business, can have a Situation. Addres‘ `Saxon.." Press office. no7.3t* WANTED -TN A WHOLESALE Trivinangs and Millinery Goods Store—a YOUNG MAN acquainted with either branch; also, one for En try Clerk. Address, with reference, F. Jr., Box 86 1 Post Mee. no7-it* SADDLE- TREE COVERERS.-WANT ED for work in Wasbingtou. two skilful Coverers o Cavalry Saddles; liberal wager, paid. Amply to T. T. S LALDLEY, Major Commanding. Prankford Arsenal. • W N_T E D-BY A MERCHANT.••• well acquainted with the New. York end Boston Jobbing Trade, employment es Traveller. Salesman, or Book-keener. Address "Clothier." this office nn-l-wfm.lt. Roy WANTED- TO SLEEP IN AND ait , nd a Jewelry Store Addrees, with reference, Box 1076, P O. - no3.6t* WANTED —BY THE IsT OF JA NUARY. a Store suitable for the Jobbing Busi ness. % cation between Arch and Macke; on T. ird or Fourth street, or Second and Sixth, on Market. Address - Box 14C4 Post Mee ' no2-6r. 10 000 AN ENERGETIC YOUNG 9 man with a cash capital of ten thousand dollarn, can join the advettis.r in an established manu facturing business capable of great extension. This is a wire specrtnnity for making money, as the articles Triads are secured by patents, and are in increasing demand. throngbout . the Union. Address. with. real name, for one week, Metal," Philadelphia Po. t Office. no6.thfs3t.. . $2,500; $5 000 ,TO IN VEST 39 2 fin "", in Mortz we. MONTOOIIIKRY, 1 035 BEACH Street, above Laurel. 87 . 6 A MONTII! -T W NT'r TO ATIZT4 • •-• Agents in every county at 876 a month. tosslinArAclrgrld'alitiseewligreAcgAt MONTH! WE WANT s`-'''jAGRNTS at $6O a month, expanses paid, tc,,,?Ati l onr EvERLASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL B and thirteen other articles. IA Circulars free. & CLARK, Biddeford. Maine. sell-OMM at WANTED-BY THE FIRST OR. -.L.Tannary. a STORE. cn Markk street. between Third and Sixth. Address Box 1610 Phitsda. P. O. nos-3t* al DEPUTY QIIARTERMASTBR GENERAL'S OFFICE.—Prar,ADELPHu, Feb. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry Mkt ot the following Points : • Tortnkaa. Key West, ?la. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria. Va. Newbern. N. C. Port Royal, S. C. A. BOYD, telo4l Captain and Aesistotinextermastat. LOST AND FOUND. LOST -ON LAST FRIDAY, A BLACK .and white Sow Pig. Suitable reward will be given by returning the same to corner SEVENTH and Waken- Cn06.2t.l JOHN IifcBLROY. L o S T—CF RTIFICATE No. 12, FOB FIFTY SHARES OF STOOK' in the DgfAWARE MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, in the name of W. A. NEWGOLD. All persons are hereby cautioned against negotiating the same. as application has been made to the Company for its renewal- anMent• LOST -IN THE CHESTNUT STREET THEATRR on Wednesday evetang, Nov. 4, 1563, a SCARLET SCARF. The finder will be jiberally re warded by leaving it at No. 616 Sonth WASHINGTON . Square. no6.2t* nil REWARD-LOST OR STOLEN, Rix 5-20 lINITBD STATES BONDS, of $5OO eacb, Coupons attached, dated June Md, 1563, numbers, from 24,289 to 21,24. inclusive. All persons are can noned against receivm f; or negotiating 80.41. bonds. Thvoo hundred dollara will be paid for their recovery by . . LEWIS SONNSBOEN, AMBER Street. aboVe Wood, Kensington. PRTLADRLPHIA. July 18.1911. oc2o-ISt°' REGULAR STEAM Pito- FELLOR LINE FOR HARTFORD. CoNE.—Tbe steamer MARS, Nichols Master, le now re ceiving freight for Hartford, at WEBSTER'S, second wharf above Market street. For terms, dv,„ apply to WM. M. BAIRD & CO. 13% Eolith Deltvfiare avenue, or cm the wharf mei-St SHERRY WINE.-.VERY - SUPERIOR sherii Wines of different grades,in b an d e d ware house, ffor Wok" - 0./.2 JAIL CARST AIRS. 0027 WA-1470):nd eliAl s irrff Street.- -Lexc'ee and Director. •... B MACON 'lsomer. 10.g..4a anti btrActor • .BnsinusH Managett L Davenport. -.J. W. Viral.laok. Yarren. E. Barnetche. . .. . .. . Chopin. Grata.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers