treet, beloW Ninth. Cent e H scbultz,AMU John W Moore. U Henry Somer. new York B F 13,ownfield, Phtla N Palmer, Phila Wm El Lace, Rockland, Me J D Adams. Washington Crltcherean. Jr. Westin John Locke, Waehlonton W Faulkner, New York J 0.11104 SOM4, New York k B Petriken. liontinedon C Lloyd & wf. Winsport U 11 Bogart, IT 8 N W Gody.Georgetoiyn.DC S Knowles, Grorgeto wn, DO W non, a,- Jr. Reading Master T Rhoads, Reading Conrad & wf New York Blanchard & wf Wa,di Mien Blanchard, Wash. D C Cent A F De. ). Pa 'A P Wm SmithkwYork, r e (X wit a York D Slcilartree & wf, Penns Dr Js Lseoh,Downinatown Pinkerton. nowt:linen C C M Lticholiz, DawningVn a .4 M...Onliounti 'Maryland ' Etlw J Fox wf,-Easton W Wright. Chester co Cu lavas ll ,ckor. Clu. 0 J W Sw woes. NOW volt' W 9 Redding, Ne` York AT (t Wirsura—Ohositnuit, Et W endohn KFougight, Penne ßaltimore , $ Williams, Ohio JO Blooms. Ohio L Wilt, Ohio Coe McKee, Pittsburg Hallenshads, New York I K Brinkenhoof. Penns It E Stevens, St Louis „IN JaellEsott, Cincinnati ifs W B Rowell, Ohio M Mansell, Ohio J N Hollmsn Detroit, Mich ^Thes Petherioir, Pot t 4vi Ile JOB Cocking, Plaunixvilin .C2icirge Brower, New York Bich, II S N House, Wash, D C 'Wm P T Spool Rhodes, Penns .0 it Youires, New York J 5 Coleman, New York Mrs J S Coleman,Bew York Miss Coleman, Now York J heitz, Easton , C A Bannvart, Harrisburg J Brigham, Pittsburg Vl' Donaldson, Ar bland -Coo Ormrod, Tamaqua Dire OW Lane& cl. tht rl isle Coo A Briggs, New Bedford C IJ.James. Burlington B Reaney. CIICSIer t Pa 'Mrs W R Pnul &Sob, N Chas Shoenee, , Tamaqua John C ihtiley,Smyrne, Del pftniel Currey. Delaware Weil, Jamoian I, Bruce, B o rt ° , SID Turner, New York Herrick, Jr, Albany Jl4thay. New York W 1, Di ihmdelffer,Lanol ger Jos Thomas, M D, lJ d.A Blerehanta .-- Fourth 1 1V H 11dr:on, Now York Twaddle, Hancock, y C Peck, rieVir York I. Lorain, USA Wm L Ratify, k. ca J 1 Jones. Willtrussixnt Hultman, York, Pe 'W Miller, Altoona Geo R Reeder, lilizabethtwn E Packer & wf; Carbon co Ilenry Stamm, Pittsburg ceoa Ramsey. Ohio Beni Late & la ' New York EH Williams, Ebensburg B A Richey, Baltimore John Bloke & wf, East m R Hemingway, Roston B Thomston James Store 'W Patton, Columbia. Pa K Hornbaker & trf. N j Bebt McKenzie, New Fork Bath. Felion. Del W Hughes, Felton, Del A. Wilson. Reston J N Brewer. Mechanicsburg B J Las ahem, Penne Simon States, Bloody Rtin . F Kerr,. Bedford, Pa B P Meyers, Bedford, Pa M Shoemaker & la. Penns J B Farquhar & la, PBllllll. Avracrloas—olleataam. • Bradford, 'Troy; Pa jE.Panning, Prov, 6 l• I - J3 F Freeman. New York A. lidgren, New York • 'W Conk BrambilL Wash YV Ittase,Wasnington, DC Barnet. Cambria co "Thos E Roach, Wash. D C .1"T T Sxear, New York W P Larder. New York H Jonet, MD, U 8 N C Underhill, New York 116 fleck/nen St la, Easton ;Ft Lawebn, Norristown .7 A Briley, York, Pa ZIT& Dim Kerr Thus W Acton, Wash, D C 'V A Resta, Wash,.D C A Geyer. New Jersey V H Risk. DITITICT, GI Came, New York I,Nr T Carter, Pettey'lle '2hoo Meliityre, Delaware Cleo Derriekeon, Delaware jttlr Colvo,'LBWOB, S e 1 St. Louis—Chestnut John Wagner Wood. Boston Ceo Roomton, Albany. MGM Potts. D S N' "Wm P Warren, Brooklyn Ja L McGuire, w S Yok John CooleY, New York Gailettl, Baltimore /Mrs Galletti,Baltimore Oeo Lee, Baltimore Crook. Baltimore Zas Howard, Penna D Codman, Mass Chas Larkin, Mass 11 Canby, New York Jas M Flint, USN IA Brunner & la, New York 0 Parker, Massachusetts J Thompson. Mass Jae S Talcott, New York Talcott. New York Xiss Talcott, New York The Union—Areh Thompson, Baltimore .7 W Thorn, Baltimore C Hitnor, Pottstown S Brush, New Torts.' D Sheltie. Baltimore T Darling. Baltimore 7 Wright, filitlhntown Ei Wehn. Altoona DSi ith,Readine Baxtresser, Nets Jersey Vir Forrer, Pinegrove D Dintinger, Tamaqua Gnae M Hill. H 11, Parma Dire R W Rill, Penna Xdwß Boswell W C Swan, Penna. M Williams, Penna Slitatea Union—Marko Cyrus IreY, San Francisco *Thee Gallagher, Wash J Miller, Washington' I" H. Davis Thos Duncan D C Murray, New York . Bi Fetterhoir, Huntingdon Bossart, Latrobe Porter, II S N J B Kyler. Doylestown Walter B Mitchell E Watt, Pittsburg H Hahn, Milesburg Barnum's Hotel—TM J M Marshall, Conn Chas Brawn Jacob Christ. Penna Jas Dasher, Penna Irham Deyer. Rtading C Stetson, lj S A John T Marley, II S & :IF O George, Delaware :Miss George, Delaware Mai J Andrew, Conn *imon Perceville. N S N Johnson, New Jersey, doses Sosencrans, N Y Natlolial- - -ltace I F Snyder, Tyrone Jacob Bowers, Cincinnati Brendlinger, Monty co T Baldwin, Easton, Pa B Shelters, jr. Reading John Mobony, Minersvillo 47 C Yorunfleasch, Minersve Barley Shear—Secen B Blackwell. Mip s kßid: ?milieu, Philo, Lutz, Philadelphia Nt , 7' Lyons, Philadelphia Zits Thorritou. Byberry itli - Vell. , Bricks co 2 . 11" LiVOZoY.Tairireather rasa Livezy, Fairweather T Sargent & la, Blcomzb'g *Mm 1:1 Pleens, Baselton 'Nan y Servta, Doylestown '•Thos Magnin, New Jersey WU , Eagle—'.Third S Romriobe Lehigh oo 3{. Eckert. Montgcm•ry co A F Koons; Cattwanqua T 0 Fradenick, Bethlehem Miller, Allentown 301 Heberling. Williamsport afire Eleberling & sister.Pa A B Pearson, Springform Miss M Pearson, Sprinstown Jacob Buss, Sprlngtown 13 zones & con, ;Easton, Pa .J A Oreup giffolualt. Varian Hate i)Crocker. New York r R W Smith, Washington G W Corcoran, Wash R Kane, Washington - -- Hurpby aim W H H Cienkinger, Pa "NV A Hnobb,ticlurs I kill co Huglies,tBchnylkill co •John Hippie, Tremont ,Slack Bear—Thlrd at., above GaLlowhlLL Ceo Clemens, Chaster Val Robt Holloway, Poona IV Williams, Oley Sami Trambower, Do ylestn y.Rea:winger, Oley. Levi Line. Allentow vi Greesemer, Oley . Jacob B. Hill. Sarivilie .4. Apple. Springfield Morgan Hinchman, Yenna - Beni Beans, Yerilleyville James Ritter, Penns, [Commerelal—Sixth street. above Chestnut, 3 8 Frealey, Altoona Wm T Ehafer,Chester so, Pa R Alexander, Lowey , Ky Miss Fannie Foust, Lana co Jos Pearce, New Jersey Mrs Nichols scch,Olaryland "Maury P Ross, Doylestown T R Adams, Penns K Kuhn, Doylestown SPEC/Al. NOTICES. Wl4O MINDS A COLD ?—I T SEEMS A SMA.T.L affair, and in consequence is usually allowed to have its own way, and , yeth.ow frequently a neglected. cold ends Sn Bronchitis or . Consumption! Why not take a cold in time, then, and by using at once Dr. D. JAYNE'S' EX TECTORANT, which for thirty years has been a standard. remedy for all Coughs and Colds, avoid these dreadful Stlternativee WHAT IS MEANT BY BRONCHITIS Is an inflammation -of the bronchia or passages which convey air to the lucgs. In its earliest stages this dis ease is commonly called a cold, or a cold in the breast. It usually comes on with a little hoarseness, followed by e moderate cough, with slight feelings of heat or sore :less about the throat and chest, If not arrested, the Cough becomes one of the moat prominent symptoms, me well as the most painful and distressing: the inflam mation inereasr s in intensity until it finally interferes 'Sahli the access of air to the lung cells, when the vital :cowers soon give way. In most of- the stages of this disease Dr. JAYNE'3 EXPECTORANT effects a snoods' Cure by producing a free and easy expectoratiiin, sup. pressing the cough and allaying the fever. A fair trial 'ls all that is ailed, IN CONSUMPTION AND ALL PULMONARY COM- PLAINTS, Dr. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT will afford immediate lalief by removing the difficulty of breathin g and causing .tivi easy expectbration, whereby all irritating and ob part:Laing matters are removed from the lungs, Having 3naintained its reputation, in all parts of the world. for Over a quarter of a century, it Is confidently recom !Mended as the beat remedy ever offered for the diseases St professes to cure. Sold by Agents and l?rnggists every tisthere, from whom may. also be obtained Dr. JAYNE'S ISANATIVA PILLS, a prompt and effectual care for Costiveness, sick headache. and all bilious affections. The EXPECTORANT is prepared only by Dr. D. amiE & SON, 242 CHESTNUT Street. no3-tuweßl ASTHMA AND ALL BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS Cared by a new system of ELECTRICITY.withont shocks r pain, by Dr. A. H. STEVENS, 1448 SOUTH PENN SBU.A.IO. Oc3l-tf DISEASE AND SCIENCE. From time immemorial disease has preyed with imps tatty upon the huinao system, and revelled in the car Wage and destruction it has caused. Science, in the Ceseantime, has not been idle, and contest after contest s i r taken place for the mastery, between those two mor tal enemies. until it has been reserved for this age to Pro duce a medical triumph, before which the shadows of sickness disappear Scientific skill, in the production of HOOFLAND'S GERMAN 111TTERSJias reached its 'highest altitude, and can now rest satisfied with the tri 41mph it has attained. Mankind are subject to various ills and pains, and it is the task of these Bitters to erase all such disorders from the human frame. Liver Com , 'plaint, that bitter foe to happiness; Dyspepsia, that one. taw of all which is joyous; Nervous Debility, that ty pant which crashes out of the heart all energy, and Schich causes its victim to wish for death; and Fevers, %chid' rack - the brain and scorch the brow, all, all yield to the magical and healing properties of this Ne Plus Ultra of Medical Science. It is of an entirely vegetable nature, containing not the toast particle of Alcoholic stimulant, and will not, there gore, tie the generality of Bitters do, °Luse a taste for opirituous liquors to arise in those who use them. No soldier should be without them, for they are a perfect ttprotection against all the diseases which are eo preys gent in Camp Life. They are, in fact, THE BITTERS of Ithe day, and the whole civillied world is full of their same, and the fruits of their curative powers. Disease Ott last has met its master, and flees at the approach of the conqueror. Come, then, and be healed, all ye suffer- Ung children of mortality; the means are ready, the tfountain is open, and relief is certain. Delay no longer. :Maas. JOBBS & EVANS, 631 ARCH Street, Philadel iphia, are the proprietors, and all orders addreesed to a nent win receive prompt attention. These Bitters - can emeo be o b ta i ne d at all l ruggiete in the Union. Parcee"—Large Bottles (holdit a double quantity) $1 filer Bottle, or half dozen for $6. Small sirs 76 cents per Bottle, or half dozen for b 4. 0c24-12t ONE.PHIOE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST nnTrEa. reade , ln the Beet Manner, expressly for BE. WAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain insures. All Goods made to Order warranted satiable. COM. Oar On•Fitios SYSTEM Ls strictly adhered to. 'all are thereby treated alike. - 4a12-ls JONES St CO., MK MARKET Street. , street. below. Arab. Geo Richard,. & ‘vf J S Ration, Now Jeriej - S l 3 Taruer, Ttyra. , ath Eider & 14 Milllintown Mrs Sauter. Miftlintuwn Thos F.isher & Le Pa Miss Kate Fisher. Pa Rev J Leithead, Lewistown Rev 1.1 Useseman. Be S Bayard; Mee afinicibcra Dl3 sterock, Nawbarit. Pa ^ Morrison Juniata co T H thirruchirs. is . . . J El Youug Moll inbar4 W .11i Pleasant Hurst, Mt Pleasant • W (3 ran, or, Carlisle W H Miller& la,Pa N Hertz sr, Juniata so Mrs Dougherty. Wn.hingtn S W Johnson, igeW rork S W Jordoo, Redford, Pa Job Jordon Bedford. Pa C Robinson Sr, la. Panna Jacob Reed, Bedford Dsvid Ki.utaisn, Bedford & C James Jos Seasna, Bloody Run W Honst.,n, Washington G Gratmai, 01.1.10 D Briggs, Ohio street. above !rink. Jarars B Black, Wash, D C E JL Fermaa & la. eohland J Knabb SE wf Reading Z F Booland Sic la, Wash, DC Thos Brown, George , ' n.DC F Gorton, I.O'ayette. PA Miss 0 garzlll, Lafayetto,Pa John C Scott, Jr John H Dyer St la. Elkton S Sliver, Delaware W S Nieceils. 61't PlPasaut B Hurst. Mount Pleasant J Bauman & WI. I..ncaster Hoary Johnson. Haney L Bnbb l 4 la, Jersey shore H Reynold a, Port Deposit James Day, Salem, N J beo W Doll, Wash, D C Mrs E A Wilson. Baltimore C J Gould, Newark, N J N R O'Brien, Lancaster B F Willis. Baltimore W Tyler. Thlla da F Haelela ' street, above Third. IF Pattersoo. New Jersey IE Kemble, II S N 8 F Tries, Bew Jersey' Jos J Moaner 1E Shutcze Virmlnlchards IL 0 Bremm, Baltinimm IC Redmao, d ()apt 0 A. Baker Prank L Neat! E J Evans St wf, New York A J Mlder, Womeledorf W Troutman Si ,J 0 Wilson, N,w'York T.W - Jonee,ll3N W B Simpson, Wheeling,Va W Braid wood, W It Luce 01 Smitb, Covington, Ky A litldreth, New Orleans George Wheeler Mr Richter, New York treet, albore Third. ft H eee. Pinegrove WEE 13and & la, llsiawars L Donzhectr. T Burnet. Wilkestrarra AN Harvey, Nana FL Richards. Parana _ . G N BJWIZIaIit G Brown, Tarantino W R•Allen, Tamaqua J Camas, P atsville H °Myrick, Merytaad T Crosby. ref assilon Jas Cook & la, Wrightsville T Thompson, Wrightay - e Sami G Johnson, Ohio GOO S &aright, Odrlbilll Joe, H Hanle, Salem, 0 .t street, above S)stk.• J W Pratt, Ch ester county Dr D 0 Caldwell, Pittsburg W B Morrison, Poatesville A D Campbell, Lancaster PS Skinner, Franklin, Pa Willis, York co, Pa Levi McCray, York co, Pa S G Shannon, Centre Hall J Brannon. california . . . John Shannon, Contra co C Roth, Perry co, Pa Jacob Stoll, NV Cheater hicLa aghlin, Columbus, 0 rd street, above Rasa Miss Thompson Stronde'rg Mrs Thom pron. &roads rg Moses Sall. Str.mdsherg Rev Rolm Re ire NJ- Miss M Reaves, hew Jersey J Rnowls, New Hope J M Harris, Easton - W II Vail. Reacting H L James, Easton J P Elkins. Franklin, Pa B Lewis, Penna W Growes, Atlanta wn T T Moloney, Madison, Ind eet, above Third. H Saylor, Pottsvilie Jonas Shatters, Perin co Geo Gleim. Lebanon, Pa 86 Bergstrasser, Penna. M Platerson, Aliegep on D Byer, Catawlasa - J H Deckard. Penna street, below View. A J Larne, Doylestown Limit Jos Warford. J 'Amos Palmer. Maryland Geo Collard, Pittsburg Hughey Coyle. Pitt burg Franklin Hill, Lehigh Val John M Harrah, Hartsville G Henry, New Jersey Alfred Duffield. Dovereville C B Ely, Bucks co C Stuckert. Warrington S B Taylor, Taylorsyille t., above Callowhill. Miss M °reap W G PennYpacker, Penne, Edwin Starner, Penne, . W M Apraebach & la Pa W M it eftehaline & la, Pa Mrs Undenslager, Penns A. Clewell. Northampton. Reuben Fehr, NJ.thampton John N Sherk, Lebanon co S F Lutz, Lehigh co Mrs Schoch, Montgomery co Second St.above Arch, I J Simon. Tremont John Marks, Tremont (John Price, Elkton, Adam Porch, Pen nsyl vania H Foster, Peansyl vania J H Dryor & la, Maryland Miss Meek ley, tddton, Pa Miss Chapman, Milton, Pa W H Gafford, Maryland DEAFNESS, EYE AND EAR, THROAT MO USES, CATARRH. — The above maladies treated irttb the utmost eucceel by Dr. VON moscraisiria, Oculist and. Auriet, graduate offterma. Office, 1027 WALNUT Street, where can be examined hundreds of testfinoataie from the very best known men in the country, among whtok are several - from old and responsible citizens of Plana delphis, who can be personally referred to. 0e3143t" HAM DYE ! HAIR DYE! BATCHELOR'S celebrated-HAIR DYE ter the Beet g. the World. The only-- Hamlets's True. and Reltali4 Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye le Perfect—ohanges aid, Rusty, or Gray Hair, inetantly to'a Glom Blaca Natural Brown, without injuring the Hair or Stale , lag the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; in. carte fresh vitality, frectnently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the effects of Bad Dyes The genuine is signed WitadAse _A. BATCHELOR ; all other, are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by ill Druggists, &c. FACTORY, ftl BARCLAY Street. New York, Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressini. ;he Hair. je23-15 DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT COT.ES Rhenmatism and never fails MARRIED_ TROUT — BOKER.—On Thursday evening. 20th ult., at the reehiouce of the bride's father, by the JOY. Dr. Seas. Dr. William F Trout. of Fulton. county, Pa-, to Mien, Matilda, daughter of Joseph 13oker, Esq.. of title city. T)1P.,30, CHRIS MAN. —On Ist hut.. William Henry, son of Ro bert R. and Martha A. Chrismanr aged 2 years and .7 mouths. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his parents' residence. No. 738 North Nineteenth street. this (Tuesday), 11 instant, :it 2 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Bill. CR eVEN.—(in the .2d just , at the residence of her husband, Farah J. wife of Captain Andrew Craven and second daughter of Captain Isaac and EizabAn. Burk hart, of this city, in the 16th year of her a re. Interment at Hartsville. Bucks county, on Wednes day, e 9th inst., at 12 o clock. Conveyances tell tbe at Doylestown to, meet the 9Y, o'clock A. if train from the till for the family and friends, who are respectfully in vited. DIVER. —On tl e evening of 31st ult.. Miss Mary Eliza beth Diver. Her relatives and friends are TOPPACtrAny invited to attend her funeral, without further notice, thief( rues day) afternobn, at 2 o'clock, from her parents' residence, Na. 920 Filbert street. IRVIN D.—Sunda y morning, Nov. let. Jennie, wife of Washington Irving and daughter of P. Penn Haskell. The relatives and friends of her, family are invited to attend her funeral, at the residence of her fa.ther, Wednesday morning. at 10 o'clock I:New York and Bal timore papers please copy.] - BRIT.—On Sa urdav, 91st nit. Pater Lyle, youngest child of Harmanus and Amanda Neff. . - The funeral will take place this ( (Tuesday) afternoon, 3d inst., at 3 o'clock. from Frankford road. east side, cor ner Allegheny avenue. Weekly Report of Interments. HEALTH OFFICE. October xi, ISM Deaths and Interments in the Otto of Plcaadcilgtici from the 24th to the Slat of Oct., 1863. OAUSES OF DEATH Few,Scarlet Typhus ..... " Typhoid.••.. '. Falling from build'g Gangrene ..... looping Cough Hydrophobia Indammation.Brain. Kidneys... • Larynx ... " Lungs • Peritoneum • Pleura... • . " Stom &Bow " Throat Insanity. Inanition. Intemperance.. Jaundice, Metritis Mania-a-PotM Marasmue Mumps Obstruction Bowels. Old Age Palsy Rheumatism Heart.. Asthma Abscess Apoplexy Burns and Scalds... Cancer Casualties Croup Congestion, Brain.. • Lunge. " Liver•• Cholera Cholera Infantum..: Cramps Consumption, Lungs Throat. '• Bowels.. Convulsions Cyanosis. Diptheria Diarrhoea Dropsy • • • ' • Brain " Chest Disease of Brain Heart Stomach.. Liver Prostate g'd. Drowned Dysentery Debility Effusion on Brain.... Erysipelas Empseins Fracture of Spine.... Fever Congestive. " Spotted, mai.. • Total Run (ma on itailr'd by a cart... Scrofula Still-horn . Suicide SYnbilis Unknown Violence Wounds—Gunshot OP THE . ABOVE THERE WERE— Under 1 year 56tFrpm 40 to 60 From Ito 2 19 ' ;50 to 60. " 2to ....... 29 .` 80 to 70 • 6to 10 .r. 1..::..... 22" 70 to 80 • to 15 9 " 80 to 90 • 16 to 2D 13 " 90 to 100 " 20 to 30 26 " 80 to 40 25 Total WARDS. I WARDS. WARDS. First 13 Tenth 7 Nineteenth. Second... . . ....13 Eleventh 2 Twentieth.• • •...16 Third. .9l Twelfth 10 Twenty-first 12 Fourth 11 Thirteenth • 9 Twenty-second.. 6 Fifth 13 Fourteenth 7 Twenty-third.... 7 Sixth 6 Fifteenth 17 Twenty-fourth... 22 Seventh 15 Sixteenth. 5 Twenty-fifth 3 Eighth ' 71Seyenteenth.....17 Unknown. 13 Ninth. 7tEighteenth 14 Total Deduct deaths from the country. Net deaths in the city 257 Nativity—United States,l9l: Foreign, 63; Unknown, 24. From the Almshouse, 9; People of Color, 14; from the onntry, IS. _ The number of deaths, compared with the correspond na weeks 011862 and of last week, was as follows ; Week ending November 1, 1862, was 206. Week ending October 24, 1863, was 269. Males, 146 ; Females. 124 ; Boys, 76 ; Girls, 03. Deaths and interments of soldiers, 16. By order of the Board of Health. WILLTAM READ. Health Officer. B LACK DRESS GOODS.-CASH -a-- MERU, Velour Reps, remises, 3-4 and 6-4 Moue selinee, Merinoes. Henrietta Cloths or silk-warp Cash meres, Ottoman _Poplins Irish . Poplins, English and French Bombazines, Alepines. corded Mousseline, Ans., tralian Crapes, Baratheas, Turin Cloths. Faramatuis, De Lathes. Oriental Lustres. Alpacas and Mohair Metres, Reps Anglais, Mourning Silk, .Airmnre, Ponit de Soie and, Gros Grain Silks. BEsSON & SON, 0c23 Mourning Store, No. 91S CHESTNUT Street. JOUVIN'S CELEBRATED KID GLOVES, Ordered-Colors, sizes 6)4 to 8. OQ7 EritS & LAIMELL. F I LAcK MIXED TWO-FACED MOURNING LONG SHAWLS, size 72 inch by 144. 0c27 EYES & LAN DEL L. pOPULAR COLORS AL ERIN OE S, REPS, and POPLINS.oc27 VERB & LANDSLL, FOURTH , and ARCH. HORTICULTURAL HALL, BROAD AND_WALNDT Streets —Essay and Discussion on " Ornamental Planting of Tress and Shrubs " T HIS EVENING. BANK OF THE NORTHERN 11 P LIBERTIES, PHILADELPHIA. Nuv. 2. 18e3. The Directors have this day deciared a Dividend of SEVEN PER CENT. for the past six months. payable clear of tax, on FRIDAY next. the 6th instant. n03.6t• W. Gummi:O. Cashier. NOTICE —TWErNTIF- FOURTH WARD,—The NATIONAL 'UNION ASSOCIA TION will meet at Headquarters, MARKET. Street, west of Thirty third, THIS (Tim day) EvEount, at 714 o'clock. All loyal citizens will be sure to attend.. JAMES MILLER, Pzesident. SAXES NEWELL, Secretary. MSTATEMENT OF THE FIRST NA TIOAAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. As required by the twenty-fourth section of the Act of Congress, approved February 25, 1563 Aprage amount of Loans and Discounts Specie and 11. S. Notes—. Due from other Banks—. Deposits, including _ _ lances due to other Bke. 215,200 00 PraLA., Nay. 2, 1563 CITY OF PHILADELPHIA., SS. I, MORTON MeMiOIIABL, Jr.. Cashier or the First Bational Bank of Philadelphia, being duly sworn. de pose and say, that the above statement's correct, to the hest of•my. knowledge and belief. • M. McMICHABL. Jr., Cashier. Sworn before Irle. this second day of. November, A. D. 1563. (it) WM.. J. DELLIKER, Notary Public. MNOTICE.—TAE ANNUA.I. MEETING of the Stockholders of the Germantown and Frankford Turnpike Company will be held at THORN TON'S HOTEL, Frankfora, nn the second of the Eleventh mouth (Nova) next, at 33' o'clock P. M. • 0030-41* J. H. WORTHINGTON. Sec'y. M• FRIENDSHIP DIVISION, NO. 19, SONS OF TEMPERANCE, IVIEBTS AT FRIENDSHIP'HALL, CORNER OF TWELFTH AND FILBERT STREETS, THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING at 7% o'clock. se22ocB.ktntJal MFAIR FOR THE`BENEFIT OF SIOK AND WOUNDED SOL DI sae: —The L DIES of the PENN RELIEF ASSOCIATION intend hold in g_a FAIR at their Rooms, N. E corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, commencing December 8, at 3P. M., continuing three days or longer- Season tickets 10 cents. Single admissionlo cents. Donations of any kind thankfully received by RACHEL S. EVADTS, President, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. ANNA P. LITTLE, Secretary. No. 818 N. BROAD Street. MARY K. SCR &NTON, Treasurer, . No 1010 WALLACE Street. ELIE tBETH E. ALLEN, No. 13E0 SPRING GARDEN Street. MFRANKLIN INSTITUTE LEC TURES will commence on TUESDAY EVENING, November 3d. at S o'clock. and be continued on TUES DAY land THURSDAY EVENINGS, for the season, as follows: The First Course will consist of TUESDAY EVENINGS—On Astronomy, by Prof. John F. Frazer. THURSDAY EVENINGS—On Patents and Contrasts, by H. H. Furness. The Second Course will consist of TUESDAY EVENINGS—On Chemistry, by Professor Henry Morton. THURSDAY EVENINGS—O. Military Engineering. by Prof Pairman Rogers. .Each Member, upon paying his annual contribution, and each one Member, will receive a Season ticket for himself and a lady; also tickets for his Children, Wards. and apprentices, ender 21 years of-age. on the payment of one dollar for each minor; or on the payment of two dollars each, the minor can attend the Lectures and have the use of the Library of the Institute. TERMS 01? MEMBERSHIP.— Annual contribution. .$3; or $25 for membership for life, with an additional charge of one dollar the first year for a certificate of membership, Gentlemen wishing to become members will please apply at the Hall, No. "tri South SEVENTH Street 0c2.4-6t WILLIAM HAMILTON, &canary. IMPENNSYLVANIA RAILROA.D 4001K PANY, TREASURER'S DRPARCIIIatiT. PHILADELPHIA, October 15, The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE per cent, on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State tales, namable on and after November 15.1563 Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be bad on application at the office of the Company, No. 91313 Smith THIRD Street. ocl7-tdel THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. SURGEON-ARTIST'S OFFICE, Bra FOR MUTILATED SOLDIERS.—SOLDIERS who have lost an ARM or LEG in the service, and desire the Patent '•PALStIER Limbs" to be supplied by Govern ment. should return this notice immediately to this of fice; stating - their lose by letter, with name, company, regiment, and residence. B. FRA.NR PALMEtt, 0e22-tf 1809 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. CORN EXCHANGE IBANK. PHILADELPHIA, Oct 12, 1963. The annual election of DIRECTORS will be held at'the Banking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next. between the hours of 10 A: M and 2 P. rd The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, the 3d day of November next, at 12 M. ocl4-tnolB J. IV TORREY. Ca,hier. MFARM ER S' AND MECHANICS' BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October 2.1963. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November ,t between the boure of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. and on TUESDAY, the third day of November next, a geheral meeting of the Stockholders will be held st the Banking House at 4 o'clock P M., agreeably to charter. W RUSHTON, JR., • oc3-tnol6 . (Ashler. MERCANTILE LIBRAILV C PANY. shares of Stock, which by a recent resolution of the Board will have tho dues for the balance of this year remitt6d, may now be purchased at the Library for TEN DOLLAILS. • • . Inch share if purcbszed before January 1:1834, may be duplicated at any tune during that year. Great improvements in the building, and large addi tions of both foreign and domestic works, have recently been made. A share of this stock would constitute a useful and ap proprlate Christmas Preßent. oc2o-tuths lm THE PHILADEPII.IO%. BANK. Oct. 186.3. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of thie Bank will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the 3d day of November next, at 11 o'clock M. The Annual Election for Directore will be held on MONDAY, the lath day of November, between the hours oflo A. M. and 2P. B. B. COMEOYS, oclo-etuth-tnol6 Guilder. rx,.. COMMERCIAL BANK OF P.ENN SYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA, October 12, 1883 The ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking Hans% on TUESDAY. the third day of November next. at 12 o'clock The annual. ELIO [lox for Direetore will be held at the Banking Bowie, on MONDAY, the EiXteenth day of November next, between the howls of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. ocifitathe-tl6no S. O. PALIIIIIR, Cashier. /IMP- REItSSA, STEAM...RA.Sk ATLA OITA. The general do.dre to inspect this ehip, and, wimn in the etrearn, her inaccessibility, cattimrthe Union Vo• lunieer Refrrehment Committee; to procure permission from the Puttee States Government to exhibit her, fur the gratification of our citizens, and for the benefit of their fund. She is now moored at the first wharf below Washington avenue, where the public are - invited to call until farther notice (Sundays excepted) A bio graphical sketch of this specimen of ship-bniiding, in cluding an account of her capture, yen be procured at the tick et office. Admieeion, 25 onto. Children, 10 cents IMPORTANT MRETING—FIRED BLACE.4 I N TENNESSEE—IiMANSIPATION— IiKNEReI. GRANT —A Public, bleating will be bald in CONCEIT HALL on TUESDAY EVENING. November gd, at 7X o'clock, to coneider the case of the Freed Macke in Tennessee, on the banks of the lillesissiPtd, and elsewhere. Bishop Potter will preside. and ad drK, will be delivered b 3• Chaplain A S. Fiske, from the "Contraband Camp ' at Memphis, who is hors by authority of General. Grant, and the Rev. Phillips -Brooks. of this city.' corisorADATnori BANK, PITILADELPFTIA, Out. 6, MOO. Au election for Directors will be held at the Banking Elouse, on MONDAY. the 16th of November. between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3P. M. 'I be Annual Meeting of the Stecich alders will be hold on TUES DAY, 3d of November. s t 13 If ne6-tur tnol6 JOS. N PEIRgOt.. Cashier. MEHMCANICS' tatANIC, PIHEADEL- Pflla, October fi. 1833 The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank wilt be held, at the Banking House, on TIIISSDAY, the third day of November, at 12 M The annual election for DIIIEr.TORS, to serve for the (mowing year, Will be held on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November, between the hours of 10 a. M.- and 2 P. M. J. WEIGAND, Jr., oat; tntlis tnol6 PHILADELPHIA. AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office isSia South POiliTH Street, Pruktimmuna. September 2,-1863. DIVIDEND DOTICE.—The following-named persons are entitled to a Dividend ou the Common Stock of this Company. The residence of several of them is un known, and it is, therefore, necessary that the certifi cates of stock should be presented on sailing for the 8. BRADFORD. Treasurer, STOCKHOLDERS' NAMES. .Mrs. -Ma Bishop. S. Lancaster, Timothy C. Boyle, Percy If. Lewis, Clement Biddle. Fanny Mary Mitcharson, Ann Copeland. John Mclntyre, A.Emelie and J. Newbold. John S. Moore, Trustees, James McKnight, Debbie A. Hughes, Beni. F. Newport, Semi T. Harrison, Beni. Pott, James Hallowell, W R., Rodman, James W. Hallowell, Sarah Ann Richards. Catherine C. Koppel°, B enry B. Sherer, Daniel Klapp. Maria L. Sadler, Mary Kuhn, Andrew Turner. - Cbas. Kuhn, Hartman Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich, Kuhn, and J. H. Kohn, Ex. Asher M. Wright. of S. Kuhn. William Young, R. V. R. Lelase Extra., .W. EL McViokar, and James 0, Schaff. Ex. of Austin Smith, John 5_ Raises. dec'd. I Willis & 01.178E8 OF DEATH 8397,000 00 62,000 00 31,000 00 RANK OF COMMERCE, PHILA.- DELPIIIA, October 6, 1,563. _ Tl a annual election for DIWECTOES will be held, at the Banking Dense, on 2101.`TD AY, the sixteenth day of Novi mbar next between the hours of 10 A M. and 2P. M. A general meeting of the Stockholders Nyi Ibe held at the Fame place. on TUESDAY. the third day of bar next, at 12 M. .+ J. A. LEWIS, oc&tuths tnol7 Cashier. muLrrARY NOTICES. FINAL NOTICE.- HEAD QC ARTERS - 5 - PROVOST eIARSH&L, SECOND DISTRICT, PA., No. 1%14 LOCUST Street, Philadelphia, October 31st, 1E63 Drafted men . from this District who have failed to re imrt.also men whose time has been extended for various rear OM, are required to report at this office on or before the dates hereinafter mentioned, or they will be pnb 'tilled as deserters, and subject to all the penalties pre scribed therefor: First ward, on or before November sth. 1813. Seventh and Eighth wards. on or before November 10th, 1863 Ninth and Tenth wards, on or before November 16th, 1563. EDWIN PALMER, Provost Marshal and President of Board. WU: M.. BULL. Commissioner of Board. E. W. RICHIE, Surgeon of Board. uu PHILADELPHIA. UNION ARTIL LET-Y, (STARR'S BATTERY, Co. L, 32D REJIMENT P. BL)—.A business Meetin of the Company will be held on WEDNESDAY EVENING.- NING. Nov. 4, -Ma. at 7g o'clock. at the S. W. corner of TENTH and FIL BERT Streets. (fourth story.) All members at any time cemnected with the organization are particularly ro. quested to attend, as bush:Lets of importance will be brought before the meeting, noB.2t* D. W. HOWARD. Secretary CORPS OF HONOR, U. S. A. HEADQUARTERS RECRUITING SERVICE, INVALID CORPS FOR PIIILADELPHIA., 243 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of dis ability wily apply for information for enlistment in the INVALID CORPS to_ . _ . ___ .__ Lieut. HUBER BASTIAN, Invalid Corps, 243 S. Third street. Philadelphia, or to Lieut. J. W. DEAN. Invalid Corps. 511 Brown street, and 11. E. corner. Broad and Spring Garden eta., Phila. Pay,and rallowances, excepting bounty and DOllBlOl4 same is in U. S. Infantry. B. W. MATTHE WS, Major let Pa. Art. and Supt. Invalid Corns for Philadel phia any-saSrlitif FINANCIAL. 6 . 20 COUPONS, DUE IsT NOVEMBER. WAN T B D AT MARKET RATE- FOR GOLD, DREXEL & CO. 6-20. U. S. The undersigned, as General Subscription Agent, Is authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to continue the sale of this popular Loan, and TEN DAYS pnblie .notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS remain unsold. and this amount is scarcely sufficient to furnish a basis for the circulation of the National Banking Associations now being formed in every part of the Country. lint a shoit time must elapse before this loan is wholly ab sorbed, the demand from Europe, Germany Menially, being quite active. As it is well known that the Secretary of the Tree sury has ample and unfailing resources in the duties on imports, internal revenues, and in the issue of interest bearing Legal Tender Treasnry Notes, it is nearly cer tain that it will not be necessary for him for a long time to come to issue farther permanent Loans, the interest and principal of which are payable in Gold. These considerations must lead to the arourot conclu sion that the time is not far distant when these Five- Twentiee will sell at a handsome premium, as was the result with the " Beyen-thirty" Loan, when it was all sold, and could no longer be subscribed for at vac. This is a SIX PER CENT. LOAN; the interest and Principal being payable in coin, that' yielding about atairr per cent. per annum at the present premium on gold. It is called 'Five-Twenty," from the fact that whilst the - Bonds may run for twenty yeare, yet the Govern molt has the right to pay them off in gold at par, at any time alter five years. The interest is paid half yearly on the first days of No vember and Nay. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonds which are naYa ble to bearer and issued for sisiso, $lOO, .$6OO, and $l.OOO. or Registered Bonds of similar denominations, and in addition $45,000 and 310,000. These "Five-Twenties" cannot be taxed by States, cities, towns, or counties, and the Government tax on them is only one and a half per cent, on the amount of income. when the income exceeds six hundred dol lans per annum. "Income from all other Investments„ such as mortgages, railroad stocks, bonds, Sat, ma Day from three to five per cent tax on the income. Banks and,Bankers throughout the country will con- Hone to dispose of the Bonds, and all orders by mail or otherwise properly attended to. The Treasury Department having perfected arrange ments fox the prompt delivery of Bonds. Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of subscri bing, or at farthest in FOUR days. This anangement Will be gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on pay ment of the money, and will greatly Increase the sales. 3"A'Y COOKIE, EFIISCRII'TION AGENT, 111 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 6.205. IsT NOVEMBER u. 2 Os. 9OUPONS WANTED. EARLY CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WANTED. STERLING EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD BY DREXEL et 00., 34. Sou THIRD Street. MICHAEL JACOBS, BANKER, No. 413 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, SPECIE. AND UNOUB RENT MONEY BOUGHT AND SOLD. • STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid-to the Negotiation of Time Paper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. ocb-Sra fIOLLECTION OF U. S. OERTIFI --, CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. —The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect, at the Treasury Department, Washington. with despatch t and at reasonable rates, the One-Year Certificates of I debtedness of the 'United States now due or shortly maturing. Terms made known and receipts given at the (Mica. No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. my6-tf NOTICE. -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CERTIFICATE NO. 20,224, 200 Shares, issued to no by the New York Transfer Agency of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad-has been LOST, and that application bee been made for the sub stitution of a certificate in place thereof. AG. SHEXNWHANG & PChOa e. $2 PER* DOZEN. . OARTBs DE VISITE Taken in the finest style at the above price. Large Photographs at low rates, by _ TURNER, At his Nrouroi-Eloor Gallery, SOS CHESTNUT STREET. Entrance through the Album Depot. no 3-51. SKINGSTON AicKAY, CONVEY •- ANSEL hae removed hie office frora No. -427 to No. 431 'WALNUT Street. no3-3t* THE INTRINSIC WORTH AND truthful character of REIMER'S Colored Photo graphs make them immensely popular with all classes, Only SI. Gallery SECOND Street, above Green. It* pETAIER'S` GALLERY PRODUCES varfon. 'beautiful, and natural Pictures; among them super)) . portraits life•size photographs in oil colors, pictures of rare artistic merit. SECOND Street, ahove'9reen. lt* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application: has been made to the Trustees of the Fire Asseciatlß for renewal of a Policy of Insurance. No. 148, for $ . issued MiS 25th. 152% in the name elf. MARY and S AEI PHIPPS. which has been lost or mislaid. . Any information thereof will be received by SARAH PHIPPS, No. 1121 CALLOWHILL Street. oelo•atnthl2t ED. MARCHANT, PORTRAIT • PAINTEIt. has removed to 919 LOCUST Street, where ho wila be glad to see his friends and those of the Public who may be tatereeted MUM lined art. oce Set' Lt" THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, juwr RECEIVED. PERM FINE SCSAIi,'LET AND BLUE Oin 3011,A. FLAN - N . ELS. Also a general. asaortmout of WRITE PAD COLORED FLANNELS, • Both Twill.?.(l and Plain., in all of the most approved mat as, FOR FALL AND WINTER wEA.R. SPEPPARD, VAN EIARLINGEIf & aRRISON, no3-tutl, 3.008 cilE6rrarr Street. VERY ELEGANT Also, a large assortment of the Finest and Eioltest SHEPPARD, YAW HARLINGEN & ARRISIN, noaSt trail/hi < 1004 CHESTNUT &leer TAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., No 727 CHESTNUT Street, Have ,inet opened several lots of Merinos, in medinm and superfine Qualities, which, together with their fait lines of literites, Reps, Poplins, and other Staple Craig Hoods, they offer at low Prices; • SILKS. • BLACK SILKS. in all widths and qualities. COLORED TAFFETAS, do.' .. do, COLORED OTTOMANS and ARIIIIRE SILKS. RICH. FIGURED and DODRLE-FACED BILKS. IRISH POPLINS and CAMEL'S-HAIR POPLINS For dale at low prices bz AS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 CRESTAIr Street SHAWLS. Open centre 'troche Long and Square Shawls, of superior quality and rich deßiana, togaab ar with a va riety of Black Thibet and. Colored Woolen Shawa, for 'sale by JAS. CAMPS FLL & CO., no3-St 727 CHESTNUT. Street. , mAS-mtnth-tf FALL TRADE Has just orened a large stock of New Goods, compri sing all desirable Novelties in his line, most of which having been bought when Gold was at a low premium he offers considerably below present market rates. LACES Or ALL KINDS. Coiffures, Barbee, Collars, Sleeves, Sets, Hale., Veils, Capes, &e., inall varieties. , WHITE GOODS. Jaconets, Cambrice, Nainsooks. Mulls, Swiss Checks, and all descriptions of Plain and Fancy Styles. Collars, Sets, Bands, Vlotincings. Infants' Waists and Robes, Edgings and Insertings on Cambric, Etwbie. and Linen; %A different styles. Plain, Hem-stitched, Embroidered. Reviered, Raffled, Lace, Printed•bordered, &c., &c., for Ladies, Gentle men, and Children. comprising every variety, including many new styles not herelotore in the market. N. B.—/ liberal discount to those who purchase to sell again. Manufacturers of Ladies' and Children's Clothing are invited to examine ray stock. not-t 23 FRENCH. AIERINOES, ALL GRADES. PARIS POPLINS. FANCY POPLINS. SILK AND WOOL POPLINS. GORWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 412, and 454 North SECOND St., ab, Willow, PARIS AND VIENNESE 5-20. BROCHE LONG SHAWLS,. In new Designs and Colorings, from the late Auction Sales, at REDUCED PRICES. OtrltwEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 451 North BECOND . St., ab. Willow. yELVET CLOTHS. ' FROSTED SEALSKINS. COLORED SEALSKINS. BLACK SEALSKINS: FANCY MIXT CHINCHILLAS. TWILLED BEAVERS. PLAIN BEAVERS. BLUE BEAVERS. BLACK TRICOT: BLACK BROADCLOTHS. SCARLET AND BLUE CLOTHS OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450. 452, and 4454 North now D Street, 0031-3 t above Willow CLOAKS AND CLOAKING CLOTHS COOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND MARKET. X"=E CS OAK AND CLOAK CLOTHS AT MODERATE PRICES. ode. tf CLOAKS AND BONNETS, FOR DIOURNING. M. & A. MYERS &, No. 926 CHESTNUT Street. Have just received an assortment of • IdOURNINO CLOAKS. MANTILLAS AND SHAWLS, Together with a fall assortment of MOURNING BONNETS. oe3o-St LINEN SHEETING, CHE APER THAN COTTON. —I have a lot of these at nearly old importhtion price. One lot very heavy. all linen, at $1.25 One lot. heavier and wider, at $1.50. One lot much liner and closer, at $1.62g. - one lot very fine. at $1 25. These are all worth much more , at present rate of exchange. Pillow Linen, 40, 43, 45, and 52 inches wide, in several different qualities, of the best make. also, every large variety of table Linens that I will sell equally low—in Brown from 50 cents nP, in Blank from 75 cents up. Richardson's Fronting Linens, which are the heavieet, made, M. 56 62X, 65, and 75c.' linckahack and Diaper Towelling, Napkins, Doylies and I able Clothes, and all other kinds of Linen Goods, extra cheap. . GRANVILLE B. HAINES, . not-2t 1013 HAREET Street, above Tenth. PHILADELPHIA. FL A N N-E L S.-GOOD ALL-WOOL Flannel at 50 centsrßalardvale Flannel at 56c, Balardvalit•Flannel, must finer, 6094 c. Balardvalellannfl, full yard wide, 65c. Balazdvale Flannel, yard wide, very fine, 76c, Shaker Flannel, quite heavy, 6234 and 75c. Shaker Flannel, full yard wide -very-heavy, 873 k; these are all wool and nnshrinkathe, very suitable for skirts. White Twilled Flannel, all wool, 06, 60, and 1329 - .4c. ' Also, a variety. of Doted Flannel, from 37340 up, in 'all the widths and qualities that are made. Two ba!ee best 60 cent Red Twilled in the city. One bale best 50 cent Gray Twilled in the city; these are all wool, and very heavy. Plain Red at 37,4, 45, and 50c; one lot Red, full yard wide. One lot Gray Twilled at 90 cents, suitable for Societies; this is cheap. Striped and Plaid for Shirting purposes. Best stock of Canton Flam. els in town; bleached, at 3799, and 45c; Unbleached. at 31.34, 35, 3799, 40, 43. and 50c; some of them are very heavy, and all are very cheep. ' • I have also many other makes and kinds of Flannel not mentioned, that are desirable. G FiANVILLE B. HAINES. no2-2t Re, 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. FRENCH MERINOES.— DeEirable colors at . the right prices. French Poplins, bought early—prices low. - - Cheap plaid and plain Poplins. 37% cent Magenta plaid Reps—a bargain. Black Alpacas at 31 to 75 cents. ' dust opened Auction lots at 94, 50. 62, and 75 cents. 131.00 double - widths Lupine' Black wool Del sins are very fins and heavy. COOPER& CONARD, oc3o tf S. E. corner NINTH and ',MARKET. VELVET BEAVERS.— • Good Frosted Beavers at $2 2d. Extra fine Frosted Beavers. „ Ladies' Cloak Cloths of every kind. Fancy Cassimerea for baainess snits. Water Proof Clothe,lo2. 25 per y ard. Flue black Cloths a nd Cassimeres. COOPER St CONARD, oc3o-tf S. E: corner NINTH and MARKET TO SPORTSMEN. PHILIP WILSON & CO., 409 CHESTNUT STREET, equal, U not superior, to any of the following make. which we keep constantly on hand: William Greener, Westley Richards, Moore & Harris and other makers. Also, Powder, Shot, Wade, Caps, &c. We shall be constantly st:PPlied, during the season With every variety of MATES. , • 5e24...3m GUNS 1 GUN S 1 1 GUNS ! 1 ! WESTLET RICHARDS'. WILLIAM GREENER MOORE & HARD?. PHILIP WILSON k CO. FRENCH AND Re:11.1ml GUNS OF EVERT VARIETY . . The best assortment to seleot from to befOond In this country. Call soon at PHILIP WILSON & CO.'S, octl-lot 409 CIIISTrIIIT Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. CURTAINS, THE EICEIEST GOODS IMPORTED CUV."JCA.TPC IVIA.'r FURNITURE COVERINGS 3E. NC. N3EEDLIEGS, 1024 CHESTNUT STREET; EMBROIDERIES_ HANDKERCHIEFS. Manufacturers of superior DOUBLE GUNS. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3;1863. MILLINERY GOODS. PARIS BRJ DAL! WREATHS AND EfEAD DRESSES GEORGE W. MILES, 35 and 37 Boath TENTH Street. WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, ItiOV• 2d, A CHOICE SELECTION OF PARIS BRIDAL WREATHS HEAD DRESSES. Also. a splendid assortment of L MISSE3', and CHILDREN'S FELT AND SILK lIATS, Together with FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS,fIad ma,LINERF GOODS. 1102-2t* ift MILLINERY GOODS. BROOKS Si ROSENREIN I 431 MARKET STREET, have now on hand a complete assortment of new styles RIBBONS, BONNETS, VELVETS, BONNET-SILKS, MISSES' HATS, FLOWERS, FEATELERS, LACES, AND MILLINERY 'GOODS GENERA.LLY, to which we invite the attention of the trade. oc7-Im. 1863. WOOD & CARY. Ids OKESTDGM' STREi. Have now open • A LARGE STOOK OP STRAW AND FELT GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS,• RIBBONS, And a general assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of THE TRADE. ael7-2ra .1) EIGHTHST. RIBBON STORE, )510. 107 . 15...EIGEKrEt . ErSUET. We liaise received from the late New York and Philadelphia Auctions the following most desirable and fashionable goods at very reasonable prices: Scarlet Bonnet Velvet, at $3 per yard. Do. do. do. Lyons width and quality, $4.60 per yard. LEATHER. COLORED VELVET. —Ur cut Velvet, Cord ed Silk and Bonnet Silk, allot the meet beautiful shades, with Ribbons, Feathers and Flowers. to match. BLACK BONNET RIBBONS. —A splendid line, from 16 to 44 cents per'yard. - At the latter price we sell a vory wide and heavy Ribbon. Extra heavy, all boiled Ribbons, narrow and wide. lower at retail than they can be bought elsewhere by the piece. BLACK, DRAB - AND BROWN FELT HATS, from the manufacturers direct. All the new shapes for ladies' and child ren'e wear, very cheap. A complete assortment of Black English Crapes, pur chased before the late heavy advance in gold, from 66 cents a y or d upwards. BONNET RIBBONS in endless variety. Velvet Rib bons. black and colored, the beet make:imported, at a great reduction. Trimming aibbons, every shade; and every other article need in making br trimming a bon net, or that can be found with TlB at less than wholesale prices. A liberal reduction made to wholesale buyers: Country orders promptly attended to. SICHRIA & WEAL, ooldtnoll No. 10T North EIGHTH Street. 43) MRS. M. A. KING HAS CON STANTLY on hand a beautiful assortment of WINTER MILLINERY. at 1026 CHESTNUT Street. 0e29-Ica* MRS. R. DILLON, FANCY.AND STRAW MILLMBR, 320 SOUTH street, Phi ladelphia. Mourning Bonnets made at the short est notice; Bonnets dyed, cleaned, pressed, And altered to the latest styles. An= assortment of Feathers, Flow ers, Ribbons, Caps, &c., always on hand. Orders from Country Milliners and others solicited and promptly at tended to. 0e21.-lat* t ig FRENCH FLO W LRS, 1863. FEATHERS, LACES, RIBBONS, & NEW HATS; JUST OPEN ,D AT THOS. KENNEDY do BRO.'S, No. 789 CEINSTNIIT Street, below Math. rke9-3m ARMY GOODS. FROTHING - HAM it WELLS NAVE FOR BAIA. HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHERTIEIGS AND SHIRTINOS. STANDARD DRILLS. _ HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRIOS AND SILECIAS.-- BROWN, BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. No. IA WORSTED YARN, Ro. sel9-if II FOB THE ARMY AND NAVY EVANS deSz MILITARY FURNISHERS, -448 1 ARCH EITEISET, Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Peasants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Canteens, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, Soyer's cele brated Camp Kit, and everything pertaining to the Complete outfit of Army and Navy °Dicers. A. liberal discount allowed to the trade. oa2o-I.m - SIMONS 453 BROTHER, MINFOH-FTERET HALL, pHILAHRLPHIA. HANUFAUTOHRHS OF .HriVtLHY. FINE SWORDS, .AND MILITARY GOODS XI EM MY YIRIBTY• an2s-Ifflin WATCHES AND JEWELRY. G. RUSSELL, 22 NORTH SIXTH Street, has just received a very handsome assort ment of FINE SEAL RINGS. oc3l-3m FINE WATCH' REPAIRING. attended to by the most experienced workmen, and every Watch warranted for one year. G. RUSSELL, oc9l-3m 22 North SIXTH Street. IS 1.0 A L FOXES. IN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, playing from 1 to 12 B tones, choice Glpera and Arseni ous Melodies. FARR & ROTHER„ Importere, ite2.6m 3%4 CHESTNUT Street. below Fourth. NOTICE 10 DEALERS IN, AND MA j•• NUFACTURERS OF, COMMODITIES LIABLE TO STAMP. TAX.— The undersigned. U. S. Assissors, desire to notify all parties in interest: First. That all dealers in the above are viewed as ma nnfacturers of the same in the eve of the law. Second. Imported goods are liable to the same stamp tax as those of domestic production. Third. All goods liable to stamp tax must be stamped when exposed for sale, or removed from the original package. Fourth. Commodities, preparations, or compositions liable to stamp duty may be classified as follows : - 1. Packs .o t .Pl ay ing Cards. 2. All Perfumery and Cosmetics, whether proprietary or. not; for example, Hair Oil, Tooth Powder, Lily White, Cologne Water, Pomade, &c. 3. Any icreparation. or composition whatsoever. Wherein- the person making, or preparing the same, has, or claims to have, any private formula, or occult secret or art, for the making or preparing the same, or has, or claims to have, any exclusive right, or title, to the making, or preparing the same ; for example, Ma son's Blacking. Arnold's Writing-Fluid; Spaulding's Glue, Lea & Perrin's Worcestershire and other table Sauces, 'when claimed as proprietary. 4. Any preparation. 'or composition whatsoever, which is prepared, uttered, vended, or exposed for sale under any letters. patent; for - example. - Pierce's Patent Slate Sinface , Patent Furniture Polish, Patent Cement, in betties, &c. 5. A ny preparation. or composition - whatsoever, which is held our, or recommended to the public by . the makers, vendors,- or proprietors thereof, as a proprietary medi cine, or as a remedy or specific for any disease. diseases. or affections whatever, affecting the human or animal body ; for example, Brown's Bronchial Trochee. S waim's Panacea, _Drake's Plantation Bitters, and Godfrey's Cordial, when the wrapper, or label, sets forth any claim to a private formula. RATES OF TAXATION. Upon, each packet, box, bottle, Pot, phial, or other enclosure, containing any of the above or similar arti cles which shall not exceed, at the retail price, twenty five cents 1 cent. Exceeding twenty-five-and not exceeding fifty cents- 2 " Exceeding fifty and not exceeding seventy-five cents " -Exceeding eeventy-flve cents and not exceeding one dollar 4 " For each and every fifty cents or fractional part thereof over the slam of one dollar. an additi0na1.........2 cents.. Each' dealer and. manufacturer must make monthly affidavit to the effect that the Stamp Act has not been violated -by himself, or any person or persons acting in his behalf. Blanke_will be furnished for this purpose. THE PENALTIES . - „ . for non-compliance of the law will be rigidly en forced from and atter the date of the publication of this notice, and are as follows. viz: For selling, or removing for consumption or sale, without the proper stamps being affixed and m aan oo - celled For refusing to make the monthly oath 100.00 For false declaration 500.00 For concealment, with intent to evade the duty.: 100 00. For using the same stamp more than once 00 00 For using any damp without cancelling and obli teratift the same 50 00 Temporary privilege grantrel to those who sell to dealers in unbroken packages. Until February Ist 1864,. per.ons may sell undamped articles to dealers in the original and unopened packages withoutihe enforcement of the aforementioned penalties, Provided, 'That in all such cases the purchaser shall be furnished by the seller with the requisite amount of stamps, to be affixed and cancelled as soon as such pack age is opened. WASHINGTON 'KEITH, Assessor First District. THOMAS W. SWENEY. Assessor Second District. J. FLETCHER BUDD, Assessor Third District. D._ P. SOUTHWORTH, Assessor Fourth District. EDWIN T. CHASE, Assessor. Fifth District oc3lnoS 711141 S et TOOTEEACIIE CURED IN AN' IN STANT.'by FISCHER'S CELEBRATED TOOTH ACHE DROPS. Price 12 centsper battle. Manufac tured at his- LABORATORY. TWENTY•THIRD and LOMBARD Streets. Philadelphia, and for sale by Drug gists in general. oc2B-Im* MRS. M. G. BROWN, METAPHYSI - CAL PHYSICIAN, Professor on the Eye, Ear, and Throat. Permanent office, 430 ARCH Street. Philadel phia. from November L- Associate office, 25 BOND Street; New York, Metaphysical Discovery, price $6 Per box. - Poor Richard's Eve Water, Scalp Renovator, 51 per bottle each. nc24-Im SPECIAL NOTICE.- RARTELL'S - ALL-GLASS FRUIT JARS. NEW CAPSULE FRUIT JARS AMERICAN AND FRENCH GLASS SHADES. • BEAUTIFUL FERNERIES. MARTELL & LETCHWORTH, a026-IdeM No. 18 North FIFTH Street. ITANSELL'S ; PECTORAL SYRUP, 25 Cents: Pre _pared only by AMOS H kNSELL. ocSl- St. TWENTIuTbi and MARKET' Streets. 110 APER BAGS, ALL SIZES; ON A- bind or made to order. No. 9 North FRONT Street. no 2 NEW JUVENILE BOOKS. SHELDON & COMPANY, R 35 BROADWAY. N. Y.. PUBLIWE rma ening The following cer,iee JUVENILE BOOR'S: 1. PETER PARLEY'S 0 WN STORY. From the pore' nol wirdative of the late'Samnel G. Goodrich (Peter Parley). with six illootrations. 4. mmo. 1 - rice lii. Thie to a very captivtirg book for Boys' and Girls, and will be acc , ptable to 'older beade." 2. STORIES OP OLD Bv Cs.roline OLD TESTAMENT SERIFS. NEW TESTAMENT SERIES. 2 vols.. 36m0, illustrated. Price of each $l. 's" These two volumes embrace the most remertrabls hit tortes) events of the Bible, and are told in an attrac tive style for children. 3. TUE WARS OF TBE COLONIES. Br Yawl) Abb - itii. Reirg volume Sof Abbott's series of ' American lite tories." Profusely illuatratad.. 1 vol , 16mo. Price 85 cents. his volume will be of especial interest at this time. 4. TIIE ISLE OF. WIGHT. By Jacob Abbott. Being the fifth volume of the Florence stories." endeomely 1 1 .1netrabid. 1 vol , 16mo. Price 76 eto. The Boston Traveller nye: "No writer of chil dren's boob's, not even the renowned `Pther Parley,' bite ever been co sum ssful cc Abbott.". 6. WALTER IN JARUSA LEM. By D. C. Eddy, D. D , author of the '' Percy Family" series Thing the socond volume of ``Walter's Tonr in the Feet." ' Beautifully illustrated from designs by E. J. Whit ney. vol., lemo. Price 65 cents. es.. Tie Commercial Advertiser PHYB: " Dr. Eddy „is a moot pleasing and instructive writer for the yonng. " no - loth 2t Above CLIESTIIIIr. " Mr.lMerivale 18 0118 of the Sscond Great Triumvirate of English Historians. "—North American, Review. j) APPLETON & CO., -•-.-- • 443 AND 145 BROADWAY. PUBLISH TISH DAY, HISTORY _ OF THE ROMANS UNDER THE EMPIRE, BY CHARLES MERIVALE, 13 ➢.,; Late Fellow of. St. John's Colleee. Vol. 1. Fandsornely print don tinted paper. -id. To bo completed in Seven Volumes: CONTENTS. Vol. I and H compMeiug the Riatory to the Fall:of JUlins Cmear. Vol ill, to the establishment of the Monarchy by Au. gustus. Vole. IV and V, from Augustus to Claudius, B.C. 27 to A D 54 Vol. VI. from the Reign. of Nero. A. D. 54, to the Fall of Jerusalem, A. D. 70. Vol. VII, from the Destraction of Jerusalem, A. D. 70. to the Death of ➢I. Aurelius. This valuable work terminates at' the point where the narrative of Gibbon commences, and is, therefore, in ditpentable in every library. " We regard it as Mg lily creditable to modern scholar ship to have produced in one' . generation two each works as Dr Arnold's and Mr. Merivale's which are hot only exempt from the defects we have noted, but may even be recd with as much gratification as any narrative of mo dern events: - - "Of Mr Tilerivale's merits ass - a historian we have ex. Pressed sei:mrally our opinion. The student will fled in the present volume the scholarship. power, and impar tiality which characterized the previous volnmes. Mr. Merivale haVappreciated the depth of the Flavian reaction, and he ass done jostles to the memory of those emperors who, tinier its influence.: made a last effort to check Rome's downward coarse. ' [From the London Spectator.] "The ability with which Mr. Merivale's history has been written—his great research, his freoicim from p.r tisanship,- his vigorous narraiive. his genial sense of character—are likely for a good while to keep English competitors out of the Said which lie has !reversed." [From the North American Review.] "He is manifestly nct a mere scholar, or rather he is not exclusively a book-man. but a keen observer of men and society around him for, while his Romans are neither modernized nor Anglicized, they are actual men, endowed with human 'passions, affectlons, and liabili ties, and not the impassive abstractions which have so long usurped the Roman name in history." " This History most wa_ys stand RR a splendid monument of his learning, his candor, and his vigorous grasp of Intellect. Though he is in some respects infe rior to Macaulay and Grote, he must still be classed with them as one of the second great triumvirate of English Historians." A CATECHISM OP THE STEAM ENGINE. In its va rious applications to Mines, Mills, Steam Navigation, Railways, and Agriculture, with Practical Instructions for the Manufacture and Management of Engines of every class. By John Bourne, C. E. New and Revised Edition. 1 vol. 12 mo.. Jlineb ated. Cloth. $2. APPLETON'S UNITED STATES POSTAL GUIDE. Containing the Chief Regulations of the Post Office. and a Complete List of Post Offices throughout the United States. Price 25 - cents. PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. WITH SOME OF THEIR APPLICATIONS TO SOCIAL PHI LOSOPHY. By John Stuart Mill. 2 vols., Ova. Printed on Tinted Paper. $6 - • ALBUM FOR POSTAGE AND. OTHER- STAMPS. AMERICAN AND FUREIGN. 1 vol., 4to Illustrated witlidifttps and printed in colors. Cloth, $2.50; French morocco. $4: Turkey morocco. 58. THE HEW CLASS-BOOK-OF CHEMISTRY. By Ed ward L. Youmans, • M. D. 460 pages, 12 mo., with 320 illustrations. Price $1 26. PALMONI: Or The Numerals of Scripture a Proof of Inspiration. A Free Inquiry. By- 61 Mahan, D. D. 1 vol., 12 mo. Si. HEAT CONSIDERED AS A MODE OF MOTION. Being a Course of Twelve Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. By John Tyndall, F. R. S. I thick vol. ' 12 mo. 101 Illustrations. $2. A SUPPLEMENT TO LIRE'S DICTIO NARY OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND MINES Containing a Clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice. Edited by Robert Hunt, F. R. S.. -F. S., etc. 1 very large Svo. vol. 1496 pp. Illustrated with 700 Engravings. Cloth. $6: sheep binding. $7" • WAR PICTURES FROM THE SOUTH. By B. Est van, Colonel of Cavalry in the Confederate Army, 1 vol. Moo. $1.50. „WHAT TO EAT AND . HOW TO COOK IT. Contain ing 1.100 Receipts, ByPierre Blot, 1 vol 12mo. $l. THE NATURAL LAWS OF HUSBANDRY. By Jus tus Von Liebig. Edited by John Blyth. 1 vol. 12mo. $l.BO. TWO PICTURES; Or. What We Think of Ourselves, and What the World Thinks of Us. By Maria J. Mc- Intosh. 1 vol. 12m. $l6O. Either of the above sent by mail, free of postage on re ceipt of price. not-2t THE OBSERVER, A SUNDAY NEWSPAPER, WILL BE ISSUED FOR THE FIRST-TIME; ON SUNDAY, Nov. 8, 1863. The Oilice. 311 WALNUT Street, - to now open for the reception of advertisements. CARRIERS, by applying immediately, can be provided with:routes. NEWS AGENTS should call early and specify the number of papers they desire. Persons who wish to take the OBSERVER, can furnish their addresses to the aloe and the Muer will be promptly delivered by the Carriers. There will be no subscription list except for persons who do not reside in the, city. no 2-615 JUST PUBLISHED- • ILLTISTRATIVE GA.THEIgNGS PHILADELPHIA. . A MANUAL 6F ANECDOTES, FACTS, FIGURES, PROVERBS, QUOTATIONS, &c., no. Adapted for Christian teaching.By Rev. G. S. Bowes A. B. From the Third London Edition. 500 pp., 12mo. , 01.25 The title will at once explain its design. It embraces: 1. A collection of Scripture references. 2 A collection of illustrations, combined and compressed with a view to brevity, applicability, and variety. 3. A. copious index. Reason, h istory, and experience all witness to the power, value, and use of illustrations. This is one of the very best selections ever offered to the public. The subjects are alphabetically arranged, and the Scripture references form, with the illustrative anecdotes, quotations, En., one of the most valuable auxiliaries the speaker on re ligions subjects can have. Sent post-paid on receipt of retail price. For sale by booksellersgenerally. PERICINPINE dt HIG GINS, oc3l-5t 56 North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. BOOK. AGENCY, 33 South SIXTH Street. Odice of - APPLETON'S NEW CYCLOPEDIA. WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORKS. WAVERI.EY NOVELS. Household edition. REBELLION RECORD. BAY ARD TAYLOR'S WORKS. CO oPER'S NOVELS. Illustrated edition. DICKENS' WORKS HonsPhold edition. GEMS FROM 'BE DUSSELDORF GALLERY. BRITISH POETS. Boston edition MERRIVALE'S HISTORY OF THE ROMANS. atc. &c. NATIONAL QUARTERLY REVIEW. $3 per year. oe2o-inthsa3m MARVEL'S NEW BOOKS. MY FARM OF EDGEWOOD. A Country Book. 12mo. cloth. $1 SO. DREAM LIFE. A Fable of the Seaton. 16mo. Pocket editions. cloth. $l. 25. - REVERIES OF A BACHELOR; or, a Book of the Healt. 16mo. Pocket edition. cloth. ' s'l 2.5. FAITH GARTNEY'S GIRLHOOD. By the author of Boys at Chequasset. 12mo. cloth. $1.25. A GLIMPSE oF THE WORLD. By the author of Amy Herbert. 12mo. cloth. *125. LIGHT. By . Helen Mod6t. 12mo. cloth. $1.25. For sale by WM. S & A. MARTIEN, oc3l 600 CHESTNUT Street. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS I EVERY variety of style—rich Turkey morocco, antique, ivory mountings, ornamented edges, dtc., holding from twelve to two hundred photographs, the largest and best assortment in the city. WILLIAM W. HARDING. 326 CHESTNUT St.. below Fourth. 0c31.-7t 5 south side. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS IN EVERY variety of style—rich Turkey morocco, antique, ivory mountings, .ornamented edges, &c, Stc.. holding from twelve to two hundred photographs, the largest and best assortment in the city. - WILLIAM HARDING, No. 326 , CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth, . oc3l-7t* south side. NEW BOOKS- Just received by J. B. LIPPINCOTT at CO.. 715 and 717 MARKET Street. ENGINEER AND ARTILLERY REPORTS of the Army of the Potomac. By General Barnard and General Barry. THE JEWISH TABERNACLE AND ITS FURNITURE. By Rey. Bichardliewton. THE YANKEE BOY FROM HOME. PUBLIC. LIFE OF. CAPT. JOHN BROWN. By J. Red path. REJECTED WIFE. By Mrs. . Ann S. Stephens. TEN CHAPTERS ON MARRIAGE. By William B. Hayden. TOIISSAINT L'OVERTITRE. A. Biography and Auto biography. FRUIT, - FLOWER, AND THORN PIECES, from the Gera. an. - By Jean Paul Richter. 2 vols. NOTES ON THE REBEL INVASION OF PENNSYL VANIA.- By Prof M. Jacobs. With a map. ANNALS OF THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND; with many illustrations. oc2S P ENINSULAR CAMPAIGN OF TAP ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Illustrated by Im m:wrens Maps, Plane, &c. , tcro. BOURNE'S CATECHISM OF THE STEAM ENGINE. A New, Revised, and Enlarged Edition. AGASSIZ'S METHODS OF STUDY IN NATURAL HISTORY. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC, and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS always on hand. and for sale at LOW PRICES, by LINDSAY. Sc- BLAKESTON, Publishers and Booksellers, ocSS A 5 SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. fIAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, , Between &Tenth sad. Eighth Streets. All Eoeks nenally to ballad in s FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE. Will always be found on our shelves AT THE L O:"ArES T PRICES. 5.313. em at BUIST'S NURSERY, 'DARBY ROAD. —A large stock of eery description of or namental TRESS AND SHRUBS. Apple. Pear, Cherry, and other Fruit Trees: Grape Vines. Raspberries, Black berries. &c . I NO ADVANCE IN PRICES, and all the stock of our own growth. • SEED WAREHOUSE. 9g% & 921. MARKET STREET. 0c.313t* R: BUIST & SON. CORRECT PIANO TUNING —Mr- C. R LEGENT'S orders for tuning and repairing Plains are received at MASON & CO. 's. store, 907 CHESTNUT Street, only. Mr S. bas had eleven years' factory experience in Bos ton, and live years' employment in Philadelphia. SPEClAL.—Pianosrdeathered to sound as soft amd sweet toned as new, wahOut removing. Terms for Tuning, E 61., ocl2-Setif JOHN L CAPEN, PHRENOLO -6,* GIST, may be consulted, DAY and BVSNING, on Alithadaptation to Business. Trade, and Profession; on the improvement of health, correction of faults, formation of friendships, &c. all de scriptiops of character given when required, at No. SS S. TSB TH Street. above Chestnut. eal-thetnflutir TRUSSES BRACES, &v., BY . additsted hy NE EDLES, -,- corner of TWELFTH and RACE Streets. Ladiee' Department for same, conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street. first door below Race. The most complete and varied stock on hand, consisting ii part of . Trusses. Supporters, Shoulder_ Braces, Belts, Bandages, Elastic Stockings, Crutches,. Syringes, kr tides for Nursery. Birk Room. k. ef,go_gu, If NA DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN; TIST for the last twenty years. 219 NUNN Et.. below Third, inserts the most beantihal TENTH. of the age, mounted on flue Gold. Platina, Silver. Vulcanite, Coralite, Amber, ao., at prices, for neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any Dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artlhoial Teeth repaired to suit. No pais in extracting. All work war ranted to At. 'Reference. Met families. 3s3o•Am • TO M A NIIRAOTUR - gRS: AL OAST-mow WATER POPS, of various sizes, fry isle in Quantifies to unit enrchneers. , - J. W. kJ. v. 812 g., Ost inar - To. 133 South THAD St NEW PUBLICATIONS; , OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. [From the Gentleman's Magazine [From Om Atherimum.] D. A. & Co. Lave lost Pahlished PREACHERS AND TEACHERS TNIL CHESTNUT STREIT PLANTATION BITTER From the army . hospital—the Woody battle deld—tha mansion of tho ricrt and humble abode of the poor—from the office and the tetrad desk—from the mountain top, distant valleys and fhr-off islands of tho ocean—from every nook and corner or the civilized world—is pouring in the evidence of the setoniahing effects of DRAIKg'S PLANTATION BITTER!;. Thoneandh upon thonsande of lettere like the following may be Been at our office: R E EDEmuity, Vim., Sept. 16, 186 J • " • I hare been hr the army hospitals for fourteen months—speachlem awl rrearly dead At Alton. they gave ma a bottle of Fluntatton Bitters. ' • ' Three bottles reetored my speech and cured me. a • C. HI FLATTPE. Sorrrn WAR3A97, O. July 22; 1.80. •• • • • One young man, who had been sick and not out of the honse for two years with Scrofula and Ery sipelas, after paying' the doctors over Stsn w[thoat bane - tit, baa been cured by ten bottlep of your Bitters. * • EDWARD WOIINALL. The following is from the Matron of the Union HOM 3 School for the Obi?droll of volunteers: lisArßsiNYEs MANSION, FIFTY". 3EVENTIT SF.. AEW YORK, Augrost 2. 1863. "Da. DRAFCE: Your wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl, in particrdar_ with pains in-the head, loss of appetite, and daily Wasting consnmption, on whom all medical skill bad been exhausted, has bean entirely restored. 'We commenced with but a teaspoonful of Bitters a day. Her appetite increased; strength and' health followed. ^ Reepectfully. " • • ', I owe much to yen. for I warily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. - REV. W. H. WAGGONER. Madrid. N. V." ". • • Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited' by their use. Thy friend, ABA. CIIRRIN, PhiLadelphia. Pa." • I have been a great sufferer from Dyepepeta, and bad to abandon preaching. " The Plantation Bitters have cured me. BEN. J. B. CATHORIL Rochester, IY. Y." . 1 ' Send ne twenty-fonr dozen more of your Plantation Bitters. the popularity of which is daily In creasing with the guests of our house. SYKES, CHADWICK, & CO., Proprietors Willard Hotel, Washington. D. C." • I have given the Plontation Bitters to hun dreds of onr dieabled soldiers with the most aetonishing G. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Soldiers' Home, Cincinnati, O." "• r • The Plantation Bitters have cured me of liver complaint,'of which I was laid RP prostrate and bad to abandon my business. H. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, 0." "* • * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of .a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. C. C. MOORS, Agent for Colgate & Co. , 251Broaaway," &c., &0., &a., &a., Sco. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They ire composed of the celebrated Ctittettya Bark, Wintergreen. Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, &c., all preserved In perfectly pure St. Croix Rum. S. T.-1860.--X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, assitnde, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, die rasa after eating, torpid liver, constipation, arc, deserve o suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities, and are warranted to prodnce an immediate bene finial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable. .Perfectly pure. and harmless. NOTICE.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in balk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. We only put it no in our log-cabin bottles. Beware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff. for which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, and signature on steel-plate side labels. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. P. H. DRAHE & CO., oclo-stu&th4m 202 BROADWAY, N. Y WAIYTS. BOY WANTED- TO P IN AND aitx-nd a Jewelry Store. SLEEPh reference, Box 1026, P. 0. no3-6t* WANTED-A YOUNG M AN ABOUT IS years of age, to aseist in a Store. Addresg. in own handwriting, wi h references, Box 2765 Poet Office. no3-2t• WANTED-BY IST OF JANUARY next'a STORE, on south side of Chestnut street, between eighth and Tenth, or on - eighth street, between Market and Arch streets, Direct Box 200, Philaielohia P. O. nos-30` A RAPID AND CORRECT AC COUNTANT. who has had seven years' experience in first-class hotline, desires a SITUATION as Entry Clerk or Assistant Book Keeper. Address G. B. WEST, 141 North THIRTEENTH Street no 3 2t* WANTED -BY A YOUNG AN, A M BITUATTON in a Notion HOIIS8: one that is as onainted with the business. Address "G. C. S," this Office. It* WANTED -BY THE lwr OF JA DRURY, a Store imitable for the Jobbing Busi ness. Location between Arch and Market, on Ti ird or Fourth qreet, or Second and Sixth, on Market. - Address Box 11C4 Post C Rico. no2-6t5 WANTED-1,000 PAWN TICKETS of OVER and FROCK COATS. No. 105 South SECOND Street, Philadelphia. WANTED-1,000 SILK DRESSES, I first class, at No. 105 South SECOND Street, be low Chestnut, Philadelphia. WANTED -6,000 CAST-OFF HATS. The highestprices given, at No. 105 South nc OND Street, below Chestnut. Philadelphia. WANTED-1,000 PAWN TICKETS Y Y o f Ilousebold Ftirniture. Bedding. Gum Blankets ? kkirts.Counterpanes, WANTED-1000. PANTS. BOOTS, T T and SHIRTS, at No. 105 South SECOND Street. below Chestnut. orSl-St*. WANTED -BY JANUARY IST. A STORE. or rivet Floor and Bawareent, 031 CHEST NUT Street. between Second and Sixth etreets. for Wholesale Business. Address Box 252, Philadelphia Pest Office.r. ocSlf $2,500,55,000 TO INVEST $3 200 ~ in 14 . LEINtiNS & MONTGOMERY, no 3 6t.. 1 035 BEACH Street, above LanreL vD , ft7 5 A MONTH! -I WANT TO HIRE Agents in every county at $75 a month, expen ses paid, to sell my new cheau Family Sewing Machines. Address. S. MADISON, Alford. Maine. 0e23-dAcw3m $6O A MONTH! WE WANT AGENTS at $6O a month, expenses paid. to ssol) our EVERLASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS and thirteen other articles . 15 Circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. sell-d&Wais dit . DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER OBNEBAL'S OFFICE.—PEIMADELPICCA. Feb. I VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COATI t. the following pointe • Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria Va. Port Boyal , 13. ° 15. A. BOYD. felo-tf. Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. FOR SALE AND TO LET. ea FOR SALE—A VERY DESIRA -•;a• ble three-story BRICK. DWELLING HOUSE, on tbe east side of HOWARD Street, above York street. Lot IS feet front by 110 feet deep to Hope street. The House is in a superior condition, and well Will be sold upon reasonable terms. Immediate possession can be given. Apply to LUKENS & MONTGOMERY. 10:45 BEACH Street, above Laurel no3•lm*. - Or to MARY LUI ENS. upon the promisee L AB GE LOT,SUITABLE FOR AN OH Factory. The railroad to the Gas works runs through it. For RENT or BALE. itr gr3l-3t. A. P. & J. H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH St. COAL YARD. FOR SALE.--THE BEST fitted-up Yard in the city; capacity for doing any amount of business. Inquire on the premises. No. 957 North NINTH.. Street, below Girard avenue. oc3l-6t. FOR SALE -VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on the north side of GIRARD Avenue, east of Eighteenth street 165 feet dean, two fronts. LUKENS & MONTGOMERY. Conveyancers, no3.lm* 1035 BEACH Street. above Laurel. I'o RENT-TWO STALLS-IN -A-CLUB STABLE, situated in Nark's lane. between Eleventh and Twelfth. Inquire at No. 103 North SEVEN PH Street, or No. 1026 /RCN. Street. no3-2t• GROUND RENT •OF $31.150 FOR BALE—lrredeemable and well secured. Applv to S. C. PERKINS. 627 WALNUT. Street. no3-3t* ItGERMANTOWN-P LE AS k NT RESIDENCE FOB SALE; with large loc, shade, and city conveniences. Apply 916 ARCH Street. 0c.31-St. TO LET.—STORE.No..24 SOUTH MAY OURTIE Street. First-rate stand for basiness. Ap ply at No. MI North THIRD Street, oc3l-3V a,l - 1 PUBLIC BALE OP BELL fik ESTATE.—In pursuance of the last will and testament of JOHN PHIPPS, deceased, will be sold by the subscribers, executors of said deceased, on TUES DAY, November lath, 1563, all that messnage, :planta tion, and tract of land, situated in Uwchlan, Chester county, containing about 190 acres, more or less. The improvements consist of a well-built two-story dwelling house,oo by 30 feet; a never-failing spring, over which is a- cme house; a stone barn, 85 by 45 feat; wagon house. tenant house, and other buildings; iapplo and pear orchards, each embracing a good se le c t ton. of fruit. About 35 acres of the above tract is covered with good timber, while the arable land is well fenced., under good culavation, and well watered. From investigations made, lb ere are indications of a large deposit of iron ore on the premises. The situation of this property is very desirable, being on the public road leading from West Chester to the Chester or Yellow Springs, Vmiles from the former and 3 from the latter, within '3 miles of the turnpike station on the Chester-valley Railroad, and of Whitelaud Station on the Pennsylvania Central ltailroall. Site to comme rice tt 2 o'clock P. 5L ,oo the premises, when conditions will be. ade known by SARAH A. PHIPPS, CLAYTON PHIPPS, 'Executors. nolor• GEO. W. MILT , ER,. • fla VALUABLE IRON WORKS IN CHESTER COUNTY. AT PRIVATE SALE, known as WARWICK FURNACE. —The subscribers offer at Private Sale the valuable IRON WORKS. known ite. Warwick Furnace, the property of the late David Potts, Jr.. deceased, situated partly in. Chester, partly in Lan caster, and partly in Berks counties, containing upwards of 8,110 ACRES of Land, together;with FIVE-EIG NTHS of all the Iron Ore on the lands, and aIsoFIVE• EIGHTHS of all the Iron Ore on the lands in the neighbor hood, that have been sold,where Ore Rights have been reserved. Persons wishing to examine this extensive and va luable property. with a view of purchasing the same, will call upon the subscribers. \ THOMAS 81. POTTS, NATHANIEL POTTS, Executors. 84OM -IVOULD INVEST THIS 9 • amount in something, that " will pay. No liquor. will give whole at eutiox,to business. Ad dress "L.," Box tB3. Phila P. 0 1,03-tutk, STEAMBOAT FOR SA.E.L. side•wheel Steamboat. 120 feet long, beam engine, f 0 inch oslindos, &feet stroke , low pres ume; all new . inlS6E; ready for Immediate use. Sold to close a concern. HENRY MALL atc, _ no 2 St - 169 TENTH Avenue. N. Y. TVORYTYPES.—THE PI, A.O E TO 0 - get them of satisfactory character is REIMER% Gallery, executed and Entailed in FM artistic awl, glaasiug style. at SECOND Street. stove Oren. It* AMERICAN ACADEMY OFBMW. CARL ANSCRI7I7.. ADOLPH BIBQEZLD GERMAN OPERA. AGAVEIA • Mlle FHIEDHRIGI. ENNCREN (first appaarkn ce)..... .. . Ceti-181k. MAX - - Herr HA13E•4110111, CASrEH • Herr WILIMICIEL SYCURED SEATS in PARQUET, PARQUET CIR CLE, or BALCONTSIIISO' (No tickets sold without Reserved Seat.) FAMILY CIRCLE . 50 etP. AMPHITE EA'I'RE - - - - P.:(1. Val. 'NEW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATER.- Lessee and. Manavw MT WM. WHEATLEY; CONTINUATION OF TI! HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL engagement of the celebrated A raste, MLLE VESTVALL which etanda almnet WITHOUT A ?Aro - i%Ln in the annals of the stage• THIS (Monday) EVENING, Nor lan, ANT , EVERY EVENING, UNTIL FURTHER-NOYIHIL Will be Presented the new Mnaical Drama, entitled MRS. 0. M. DEVOE." THE JEWISH MOTHER. GAMEA .1111. LE. VESTVALE. supported hy the followipg tolentel artists: Menem. S. C. Dubois, J W. Blaisdell, J. De Forrest. C S. per ter. Evers, Nagle, Carload. and Mittnowa: Mesdames Brougham, Bobertoon. Grattan. Marlowe.; Mines Cooper. Porter. Reed. Germon. Mary Miller. Price, dtc. In addition to the above Powerful attraction. MLLE. VESTVALI will APPEAR IN OPERA, in a Grand Scene from the Third Act of LUCRETIA BORGIA and sing aided bye CHORUS, APPROPRIA.TE SCENERY, COSTUMES, Bert,-, dar, Munical Conducter . Mr. mark Raeder. Saab', may be r,ornrci for any of THE VEST Viltd NIGHTS three - days in advance. ' Wbeatley takes pleamre in announcing a brief en gagement with the diatinguished young Tragedidnne, DIISS AVONIA JONES, her first appearance in Anuer , ca since her return from California, Aue.tralta, and England, pronounced to London "THE BEET ACTRESS AMERICA. HAS SENT US. She will appear on MONDAY EVENING, NevemSer 9, 13G3; In one of ber powerful Impereonatione WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. Lessee .M. 78. hi A. GAERETPEOIL THIS (Tuesday) EVENING,'.Nov. 3d. 1883. will be repeated the new and extraordinarily interestina Play. written expressl y for = MA. E. EDDY. called To conclude with the Military Farce of PICKET ON DUTY. Bon office open from 10 till 3 o'clock, when seats may be secured. nag MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW A.R011 . - STREET THEATRE---ARCH Street above Sixth. Dctlnz and Stage Manager.....-WN. S. 'MST/BRUME( THIRD-ADD LAST WBRK OF E. DAVENPORT... 7. Othello - - - . E. L. Davenport. logo .T. W. WmUmiak. Emilia Mrs. Ferran. Tickets 25. W. and 75 cents. No extra charge for re served seats. To commence at 7.K o'clock. na3 MUSICAL FUND lECALL.- _LLB- GOTTSCHALK. THE SECOND GRAND. CONCERT OF MR h. M. GOTTSCHALK, TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. 3. The celebrated Prima Donna, MLLE ANGIOLINA CORDIER, of the Grand Opera, Paris, and the principal Opera Houses in the United States, also the talented Violinist; CARLO PATTI, will appear in Mr Gottschalk's Concerts. Mr. HARRY SANDERSON, the distinguished American Pianist, will assist Ifir.. Gottschalk in several new Piano Duets. which have caused so great a sensation in New York. Musical Director and Conductor S BEHRENS. Seats may be secured, commencing SATURDAY, Oat 31st, at 9A. M. , at J. E GOULD'S Music Store. oc..WA . Fox's CASINO, CHESTNUT Street FRESH NOVELTIES! NEW ATTR A ITIONS ! GREAT PIICCESs OF COMPANY! FIRS HILLLE. GALLETTI T AND K MONS. TOPHOFF: the beet. Er e, cb Dancers in the world. CONTINUED SUCCESS OF CHARLES E. COLLINS. THE ORIGINAL CURIL and the Beet Comic Singer in the coautrT. This week a Programme of unusual magnitude. n04.4e6 TEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSEMBLT -a- BUILDINGS. TENTH AND CHESTNUT frlltElefL Atonement for Old and Young. Mirth and Happiseses, , open for the season. Constant change of Fatertainmest •1 . SIGNOR' BLITZ. EVERY EVENING., commencing at 731 o'clock. sat Wednesdai and Saturday at 3. consisting of New KT*. teries in Necromancy. great names in Ventrileartigiat.. and the Learned Canary Bird& Admicaion Z 5 cents; Children 16 cents. ROTHERMEL'S GREAT PICTITRE, A- 4, MARTYRS IN THE COLISEUM, NOW EXHIBITING AT THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. aERAI ANIA ORCHESTRA.- PITBLIO N-J , REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, 3..;;: o'clock.? K., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single ticket's, 25 cents. Packages of six tickets, $l. To be had itt ANDRE'S-1104- CHESTNUT Street; 7. E. GOULD. SEVENTH and CHESINUT, and at the Thal door. ocl9-Sal PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS. 10%5 CHESTNUT STREET. OP= DAILY (Sandays excepted) from 9 A. EL KU Admission 25 cents. Children half price. ' 3015-it STOP, IF OFFERED! PRIMADELPRTA, October M. 1863. LOST OR STOLEN—Two UNITED STATES COUPON BONDS, second series, Coupons attached (Five-twen ties). Noe. 34 710 and 34,711, for $5OO each. hearing in terosi from July 23. 1863, payment on same due November 1.1867, which has been stopped. All persons are hereby notified not to purchase or negotiate said above mention ed Bonds or Coupons. Any information in reference to said Bonds or Coupons will be thankfully received. and a liberal reward paid for their return, AND xo QUESTION% ASKED. Address or a: ply to NATHAN S. SMITH. or SAMI. S. SHALLCROSS, Executors of 7. B. Smith, deed. Ns,. nal and 623 COMMERCE Street. I or No. 724 North NINETEENTH Street oc3l-stuth3t Philadelphia. gtqnn REWARD—LOST OR STOLEN, weix- , L , six 6-28 UNITED STATES BONDS, of $6OO each, Coupons attached, dated June 93d, 1863, numbers from 21,269 to 24,294 inclusive. All persons are cau tioned against receiving or nezotiatingsaid bonds. Three hundred dollars will be paid for their recovery by LEWIS SONNEBORN, AMBER Street, above Wood, Kensington. FIIIMADELPRIA, July 18.1863. ocs3-16t* OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUB SISTENCE.-PHILADELPHIA, November 3, IRS. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited until 12 o'clock on SATURDAY, November 7th, ISiS for furnishing to the United States Subsistence Department. delivered in Phi ladelphia. the follovving subsistence stores. viz: - 4,000 bids -first quality EXTRA FAMILY or EXTRA. FLOUR. (which to be stated ), to be made from new winter wheat,*and to have been ground within thirty days of 'date ot this advertisement. Name of brands offered to be mentioned in the bid, and to be marked on samples. To b a packed in good, well -coopered barrels, head-lined on bota heads. and to be delivered within ten days front date of award. 59,200 pounds first quality kiln-dried CORN MEAL, in. and head-lined barrels, to be deli vered within twenty days from date of award. - 50,0e0 pounds new -WHITE BEANS, in well- coo.pered e head-lined barrels. 20,030 pounds new, large-grained, kiln-dried HOMINY, in well-coopered, head-lined barrels, to be deli— vered within the month of November. 4,000 gallons PURE. VINEGAR, in well- coonered oak barrels, each delivery to be accompanied with the certificate of a competent Chemist that the Vine gar is of strength requiring 25 grains_of bi carbo nate of soda to neutmliza one fluid ounce. To be - delivered within twenty days from date of award. All bids are required in DUPLICATE, and bids for each. article mast be on s,narate sheets. Samples of all P Tholes, marked .with bidder's name, most accompany bids, hut bids must not be enclosed in samples. . Each bid =lithe accompanied by the wrifthn guaran tee of two responsible parties, for the Dithfal perform- . ante of the agreement. Bids will include packages and delivery in thLs. city. and any inferior packages will be Considered sufficient cause for rejection of contents: Bidders are required to state theshortest time in which the stores can he delivered, but, if : necessary, -contrac tors will be regnixtd to bold thiir goods. without ex pense to the Baited States, until - required for shipment_ Bids not complying with toe terms of this advertise ment, or from parties who lave fated to fulfill a former agreement, will not be considered. Proposals to be endorsed " Proposals for Subsietence Stores." and directed to F. N. BUCK, n0.3-5t Captain and C. S. Vol.-Service, ADIUSEIftgIVTSa WEDNESDAY EVENIRG, Nov. 4th; SECOND SUBSCRIPTION NIGHT,' aDasmt G.I . 3.AND OPAR.A, BY C. F.VON WEBER Doors open at 7. Opera commences at 8 o'clock: PRICE OF A D MISSION. SEATS can be had at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, bleD J. E. GOULD'S MUSIC STORE; Z. Corner of SEVESTH and CHESTNUT Streets. From 8.30 A. M to 3P. M. daft- THE BRINDISL THE POLIC'4 SPY - - . W. WALLACE. and MRS. EARREN. THIS (TueEday) EVENING, Nov. 3d. 1863, OTHELLO. MOST AND - FOUND. PROPOSALS. INSURANCE COMPANIES. INSURE YOUR.: LIFE MMI WASHINGTON - LIFE INSURANCE-CO., OF- NEW . YORK. Which offers_more advantages to Insurers than any other Cbmpany in the Unite& States CHAMBERS AL-REG-ISTFIR,: GENERAL AGENTS, 407• WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia., 0c27-tuthstj al R , EMOV4 L THE MANUATTAN.LIPE. iiirsultAlNGE CO EPA. 127., Of New York. having..appointed JAMES B. CALI' Agent for this City. have Removed their office to NO. 418. WALNUT STREET, Where applications for INSURANCE. and RENEWALS on POLICIES must be made. The allotted d ividema °Ma will be adjusted on all Policies on which two or.more annual premiums have. been paid, on- the adjustment of the current year's premium. . The following items, interesting to the assazse, show the great progress and prosperity of the Conti:airs'. Ansa the last triennial dividend.: The income of the Company for the past three years, has beensl, -5 .1 0 . COO IX) The assets have increased - etid , CO The losses paid to widows daring three years past were 9SO 561-24. others 59,75 S 50 Dividends have been made during mO.OOO co the past three Years- JAHES - 8. -. O:EX•rt: A gent- C. Y. WEMPLE, Secretary. OCZMMIt VANE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO., -A- 403 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. FIRE AND INLARD•INENHANC. DIRECTORS: Francis N. Buck. N. D. Woodniff, Chas. Richardson. . Gao. A West, RearLriewis, John Hessler. JeL,,, Jobe W. Evermsa, Chas; Stokes, pbnip S. Jyvatice, A. H. .1108810/2.., O.'W. Davis. Joseph D. EiRkA. FRANCIS N. BITCH. President. • CHARLES RICHARDSON. Vic% Itr A ment, WILLIAM I. BLANCHARD. Secretes= jam& WRITE PRESERVING "BRANDY, PURE ()TWEE, AND WHITE VINEGAR. GREEK GINGER. MUSTARD SEED. SPICES, s i s., M. bLL TEE gIIIOrr FOE r.13 " 6 V AN'J PICKLING PURPOSES. A- 1,13- F . ,.RT C. ROBERTS. `Dealer in Pine Groceries, r ,orner ELEVEETH and V 4113 larseir. 4ail-trt G°S4rAIN BUTTER.-150. TUBS GO , slifr;_el BUTTER, 6ei 0 Clai age 00Kr-tt 10 1douth ?OLT=Street- Le=•ee and ..Btusittssa Mass.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers