SPECIAL. NO TICES. A MELTING LOVER. BiI , TEIR BARD OF TOWER HALL. knew .a man who loved so hard He seemed to melt away like lard; '.-Two hundred round he weighed, at least, And every year his flesh increased. trntilit was his chance to see At beauty of the tint degree. Who set his bosom all in flame; Mies Ellen Elnithers - Was her name. 'hen he this blooming maid espied. ‘nr Pilkingtott, like beefsteak fried, in a little while he looked zt like a cutlet overcooked: is bosom, in the fervent heat. Was roasted like a joint of meat. The tallow, melting round his heart. 'Through coat and vest began to start, And while an ounce of fat remained 'Those garmente were with grease-spots stained. • • But what of that the lover cried, My love for Ellen is my pride. It is a privilege moat dear - 'To roast, or stew, or fry for her; And if my clothes with melted fat Are quite disfigured, what of that? At Tower Hall cheap clothes PR buy, For there they keep the best supply. " The largest assortment of Ready.made Clothing in Phi rudelphia, at TOWER HALL, 518 MARKET Street. . It . BENNETT & CO. HOOI(LANI'S GERMAN BITTERS : 'THEY ARE ENTIRELY VEGETABLE, -Andfreefron , Alcoholic. Stimulant, and all inj urions ingredients; Are pleasant in taste and smell, mild in their operation, pill expel all morbid secretions from the body, give :bloom to the pallid meek, and health and vigor to the frame. They will cure DYSPEPSIA. They will cure. NERVOUS DEBILITY. They will cure LIVER COUPLAINT. They will cure JAUNDICE. They will cure DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS. They will cure. CONSTI PATIO . N. They will cure PILES. They will cure HE . • .27iey will cure SWIMS/Ufa OF THE HEAD, 'They will cure FLUTTERING OF THE HEART. They are prepared by. Dr. q: M. JACKSON, and sold by druggists and, storekeepers in every terra and village in Mel:halted Stntes,'at 75 cents per bottle. - JONES & EVAN, 631 ARCH Street. Philadelphia, Proprietors. .SENVING MACHINE SILK, THREAD, COTTON, NEEDLES, &c. Agent for HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT, LAING & INAGINNIS, No. 30 North THIRD Street, DEAFNESS, EYE AND EAR, THROAT DM 'NASES, OATARRH.—The above maladies treated with dile utmost success by Dr: VON MOSCHZISHER, Oculist and diarist, graduate ofVienna, Oiftre, 10%7 WALNUT Street, tshere can be examined hundreda of testimonials from the very beet known men in the country, among which :are several from old and 'responsible citizens' of Pliiia ,delphis, who can be personally referred to. ocl7•6t' CHRONIC DIARRHCEA OF LONG STANDING CURED in a few days WITHOUT MEDICINE, by DR. A, H. STEVENS, ISIS South PENN SQUARE ocl6-tf KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE.—THAT the ' " Stoat Elliptic" received the Preminm at the late state „Fair, for the beet SEWING MACHINE for all family purposes. Salesrooms 721 CHESTNUT Street— ldaeonic Hall. ocl6-6t SIAIR LYE I ELATE LYE 'BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE is the. Beat tai the World. The only Harmless. True. and BeHabit inve known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect-changes £ed, Rusty, or Gray Hair, instantly toht Glossy Black .or Natural Brown, without injuring the Haw or Stain ging the Skin, leaving the Raft Soft and Beantifia; im ;giarts fresh vitality, fremiently restoring its pristine ,color; and rectifies the ill affects of Bad Dyes. The ,Genuine is .signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR; all ^" , %Act ware mere imitations. and b, Z,:yota ° Trbri .cza luncoltik: fro, TAClTiff i % Y T %% Act, Street Blew. York. Batchelor's New Toilet aream for Dressing the Hair. je23-11 DR. - SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINDIENT _IS THE best remedy for Sores is the known world. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF. THE LATEST STYLES, made in the Best Manner. expre'say for .^.R TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plait Rgures. All Goods mude to Order warranted satiates:, laintr. Our ONE-PRICE SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. Allared2tereby treated alike. .dell-1y JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, AND ALL DISEASES .Criiich the Ear or Eye is heir to, successfully treated by dProfessor J, ISAACS, la. D., °enlist and Anrist, No. in/ PINE Street. Testimonials from the most reliable 'courses can be seen at his Mike. The medical faetiltY are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no •Isecret in his mode of treatment. Artificial... Eyes inserted MO charges made for examination. se22.We lm ;OM STEINWAY'S PIANOS. The fame of these instrnmcnte has extended to - ever] Tart of Europe. We Ind on.the programme of the Phil- Elarmenie Concerts in Bremen and Brunswick a note stating that the grand piano fortes need were " frorwthe ananufactory ofifessrs. STEINWAT & EONS, New York." We also see by a London paper, noticing the fact of ',fume Perm playing before the Prince and Princess of Vales daring the bridal festivities, that " the piano need at the castle was one of STBINWAY & Sons'. New 'Nark, which took the prize medal.at the World's Fair." BLASIUS BROTHERS, No. 1006 CHESTNUT Street. •ee26-ew tt GEORGE STF.CK. & CO:3 • • piANOB. CRESSON Syntstos, Lurid, 1263. stIR. J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut Sta., Philadtt.: Dam]. Bra: Having had. frequent opportunities of ea. enduing the Pianos made by Messrs. GEORGE STECK .1k _Co., New York, during the past few years, in the wreathe of my profession as Tuner, I :pronounce them the most perfect instruments I have ever seen. In point of touch, equality, and singing tone they may defy comparison with any and all other makes, while in the upper two octave (treble notes) they are INROESVNEa^ tidy the finest I have any knowledge of. • • C. E. SARGENT, Tuner of Pianos, 1412-evr-if 907 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. MARRIED. KLEMM—E AST WICK. —On the I.lth inst., at the reel dence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Chas. A. ftfaisoe, J. Oeorge Klemm to Miss Maria J., daughter of A. M. Xastwick, Esq , all of this city. • WISTAR—ALDER tON.—On the 15th Wet Boding -ton, N. J.", William Wilberforce Wistar, of Philadelphia, to Anna Mary, danghter of Harrison. Alderson, of the • - former. place. [No cards 3 DIME). IicCORMICK. —On the lfith inst.. after a severe and iirotractea illness, Rebecca bicCormick. in the 41st,year of her age. The family and friends are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral, from her lite residence. No. 954 Lawrence street, on Tuesday morning, 20th inst , at 10 , . o'clock. • • • .. LIN NARD. —On the 16th inst , James M. Linnard, in the 80th year of his age. His relatives and - *tends of the family are invited to attend biS fin:lend, from his late residence, Chestnut street, above Thirty-ninth, on Monday, October - 19th, at 2 o'clock. MECASKEY. —On the 16th inst., Rev. John W. Me-. etaskey, A. M„ of the M. B. Church, in the 95d year of jiie age. The relatives, friends of. the family, and the clergy, Sire invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence. in Thirty-seventh street, below Market, West Philadel phia, on Monday, October 19th, at 2 o'clock P. M. To proceed to Asbury M. B. Church. . ". ALTEMIIS —On the 15th inst., Mrs. Pamela Altemne, 'relict of the late Thomas Altemns, In the Stet year of her age. Funerdl serviccs at the Second Baptist Church, New Market street, above Poplar, on Sunday next, 18th Met., at 2 o'clock P. NE Her relatives and friende are respect tally invttegrfo attend. BANDERSON.—On the morning of the 14th inst., -Sarah ., wig of W. Sanderson; Sr. Thcf funeral will take place this (Saturday) morning, at y,o'ciock, from her husband's residence, No. 810 North ifth street. ASHTON. —On the 13th inst. ,Mrs: Catharine L. Ashton, in the 75th Year or her age. The male friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral; from boy late residence, No. 737 South Ninth street. this (Saturday) morning, at 9 o'clock. * TOAILINSON.—Onthe 15th inst., Jonathan Tomlinson, the Net "Year of his ae ' WOOD.—On the 14thinst., John Wood, in the 58th 'ear of his age. BLACK SILKS! SILKS! Lyons drmures, Low.prieed Poult de Soles, .7..yons Cloaking Armnres, Gros des Indies, Lyons Poult de Soles, Glossy Gros de Shines, Irma Gros Grains, Gros de Saez, 3Poult de Sole Mat., Lvons Taille. iiischon Mourning Silk, Mareellinee Lustrines, Lyons Bonnet Taffetas, Modes, Senshewe, BESSaeI & -ON, , 91.5 CHESTNUT greet bi9urnir g Store NAVY-BLUE CLOTH FOR LADIES' CLOAKS. '64 Scarlet Opera Cloths. Purple and *saline Blue. 'Black Mixed Water -proof. BYES & LANDSLL. - BYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. have a corn. 'Mete assortment of Children !I Shawls. . - SHAWLS WHOLESALE, 3M. PREACHERS OE METHODIST EPISCOPAL can - Rog, please meet in UNION ORURCH TO-DAY, at 104 A. M.. to arrange for attending the fameTal of Rev. J. W. MECASKEY. • lt* W TRINITY OhAPEL, CORNER. OF TWENTY-SECOND and 'LOCUST Streets. Dt -vine service and sermon 0-MORROW at 1O A, M. and • %)4 p.. m. , by Rev HERMAN L. DI:MIRING. It* tr3a.' 13,11/LDREBPS CHURCH.—THE neat Monthly Sermon to the Young wilt be preached In the Church of the Bpinhany, Ff FTSENTEI and CHESTNUT Street, TO-MORROW AFTER:IOON. liertvice at three o'clock- REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, corner of SEVENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets.--1 4 mr J. HOWARD SUYD An will • (D. V.) preach TO MORROW, at 10X A. M. and 7 36 P. M. 11Bpeoial Sermon to the Young in the Evening. latz. CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, SPRING GARDEN Street. below Broad.—Rev. O...I3SATTY will wench at 103‘ A. M. Sermon in the 3iVENING by the Rector. Subject—" The Imperfectness of all Human Governments." Young Men cordially in cited Evening Service. - .• lts CLINTON-STREET PRESBYTE BIAN CHURCH, TENTH, below Spruce street; ev. Daniel March, will be open for Divine Service on TO-MORROW (gabbath) EVENING. at 73; o'clock. • The regular Sabbath Services will be hereafter in the Morning and EVBlllllg. it* SONS OE NEW ENGLAND.--A quarterly meeting of the Society mill be held at She room, S. E. corner Thirteenth and Chestnut streets, on MONDAY evening. the lath instant, at 8 o'clock. All klt tives of New England are invited to present JAS. B. be ALVORD, Secretary. t z....smpis OF THE - TIMES.—THE • LICTUNES ON TOR APOCALYPSE continued, Mount Zion Chapel. CHRISTI aN Monet. above Sixth, 0-MORROW (Sunday) EVENING. at 7% o'clock. Sub- Ject—" The Binding and Lousing of Satan;' The future policy of Europe toward , the Dulled Staten—Rev., xx. Preaching at 10% A: M, and 3%- P. M. Free to all. it. AWSPIRITUALISM: — MISS DOYEN will lecture at EILDISOAIST. GALL, on AY, at log A. If , on the "Lite of the Brain," mud at 73f P. M. on "Who are , the . ; Angels?" Also, on IBIDAY EVBIGNG, the 23d inst., on "George Wash angton.', Admittance 5 cents. it* Fla"' ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, THULD ST., Rev. KINGSTON 00 DDAND, D. D., Rector. ERMON TO YOUNG MEN.—The next Sermon•in the course will be Preached k young men by the Rector, in ibis Church, on SUNDAY BYRNINO next. Service commendes at a; o'clock. I:z3zall REV. ' BISHOP SIMMONS WILL preach in SANCTUARY M. B. CHURCH, FIFPII tree below Girard avenue, TO MORROW (eabbath) ORNING at 10li o'clock, and Dr. 11 ARTINE at '3 P: ; . and at 7 k P. fd. Collection taken throughout the day In aid of the Church. The friends of the cause of God are Invited to attend. , lt* POWGEO STORRS,EDITOR OP THE Bible Examiner. Y.. will. Preach at the Ball E corner SPRING GARDEN and WINTH Strau'. at 103-4:o'cloak. morning. and ay. eye- Ming. 'Friends of the Bible Examiner are specialty in- A.: SERMON • ON' THE • OCOASTO N it€7l 2 i ( ot i et ti sit n eE l Frrec in Til KaYrcirlitlVe B UILDI NG TI will be delivered ° b 9 y the Rev. Dr. HONTINGM, .gle h titt i on o , f (Sunda) EVENING, In the the EN4OUSE &quay). lervicos t 9 conucienc 3 e r et c;re'l.lll. Mr ARCH STREET M. E. CHURCH, N.. 8 corner BROAD and ARCH Streete,—Rev. J. I'. BURBEIN will prlach on SABBATH. October 18th, at 1O A. M. and 7le' P. M. RELIGIOUS NOTIC E. —AT T LIE desire of a number of gentlemen of different eon grogetions, tI o first of a tierim4 of Discourses will be de livered in Conceit Hall, CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth. by Rev. Dr. PLUME% ou TO-MORROW EVENING. Service to commence -at 73 o'clock. The Union Prayer Meeting 11913/lIS will be treed. The public generally are invited. IM'THE BOOK ABOVEH. ABOVE STOCHTON (I) V.) will take tip the culminating topic .of the series of discourses on the Bible, The Triumph of the Bible over all Opposition," on SAB BATH EVENING. at 734 o'clock. in the Chnieh at BLEVIBITH and WOuD Streets. Morning worship,lo; o'clock. Special collections to meet • expenses. Seats free. .611 invited. MAN IMPOILTANt . ARMY MEETING OF THE CileoSTtAN COAINISSION will be held TO-MORROW' (Sunday) EVENING. at 7;b o'clock, at tbe Central PreSbYterian Church. corner of EIGHTH and CHERRY Streets. Rev. HENRY STEELE CLARKE, D. D.. Pastor, will. preside. The following are the rpeakers who will address the meeting: Ex•Hoveroor POLLOCK. Rev. RICHARD 'NEWTON. D. D., Rev. C. P. LYFORD from Convalescent Camp, Rev. B. B. ROTC EIKIN. r 0".. . LECTURE'S. Dr. HENRY atORFORD, author . of " Shoulder !Amps " (the new War Novel). " Droll Recollections." ' Rhymes of Twenty Years," &c . is now prepared to arrange on favorable terms for delivering his humorous lecture in rhyme, "Frill:" hie serious lecture in rhyme, Almost hie patriotic lecture in rhyme, The Para of the Republic ;" or lectures, With recitations, on " The Pathetic in English Poetry " and "The Heroic in English Poetry." Will also have ready, 'Martha let of January, 5 lecture in prose, called. ' Shoulder•straps and Shoddy." Address. HENRY itORFORD, - - It Room 13 CITY HALL, City of tiow York, THIRD GRAND CONCERT BY THE CHOIR OF THE FIFTH. BAPTIerWEIIIRC aisisted by the following distinguished artists: Mrs. Henrietta Behrens, Miss Annie J. Wells, Mr. Charles Ft. 'Jarvis. Mr, M. H. Cross, Mr. G. Umatesd, Mr. JK. MacOowen„ Mr. B. F. Walters, Air. A. R Dutcher. hit. A. Richards, Mr. W. N. Freeland. Mr. Joseph Kennedy, and several amateurs, at MUSICAL FUND HALL on THURSDAY. EVENING, October 22 )8.133, at S o'clock. Mr. A, BACHMANN will preside at tho Piano. G. W. REED, Conductor. This Concert is given in ardor the Furnishing Fend of the now church, corner of Eighteenth and Spring Gardeu.streete. The selection of music and the above artists will. inqure lirst-cl ate Concert, Tickets 60 cents each. To be had of. T. TOLMAN, 32 South FooP.9a - St.- J. L. RICHARDS, FIFTH and ARCH;'G. W. REED, SECOND and. NEW, and at the door on the evening of the Concert. ," NOTICE.—IN lICCOR,DANCE WITH a resolution of the CITIZENS BOUNTY' FUND uuIiIMITTBE OF PHILADELPHIA: I am directed to give notice that all claims for BOUNTY be presupted before the Stet day of Noyembe. next. Thpee previous to June let to MEOHABL V. BARER, No. 2131 i South THIRD Street. . • Those since .11111 A lid to me WILLIAM TRETC'EL, Paymaster. • i• - Wastinsitonlittildlnad. South THIRD Street. PHILADPLPHIA, Sept.:SO, 0e17.3E • PENff SYLVANIA RA.III.RO CO.II PA T.RBaSORERB DBPAR I!MS.NT. PITILADELPH FA, October 18. 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE per Cent. on the oapital stock of the Company, clear of -National and State taxes, payable on and after November 15. 1863 Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company. No: 2.35 South THIRD Street. ocr-tdel. THOS. T. FIRTH. Treasurer. CORN EXCIIA.MGE BANK. PHILADELPHIA, Oct 12, 1863. The annual election of DI KIiOTO itS will be held at the - Banking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next: between the hours of 10 A. M and 2P. 51 , The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUBFDAY, the 3d day of November next. at 12 M. ocli-tnol6 J. W TOP D- SY Caehier. -SUPER BLACK MR. DEMPSTER (AFTER "AN A - Bence of several years) will give a Mnsical tettainment at MUSICAL FUND II *LL, on TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS October 20th and 2.3 d, when he will introduce bin new songs in the 'Princess" and Idyls of the King." together with the "May Queen." Tickets, 60 cents. Reserved Seats. $1 may be secured, with numbers attached, at Mr. J. E. GOULD'S, where a diagram of the Halt may be seen. ocls OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN MBE INS CRAB CR COMPANY. • PHILADELPHIA, October 12th, 18113. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of SIX PER CENT. for the last six months. which will be paid to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on and after the 22d inst., exclusive of all taxes. 0c13.91.. A. C. L CRAWFORD. Secretary. F AND AImcnANICS , rirriADELPHIA, October 2. ISM. The annual • • . ...,,,AtUD retTtgeOtfis she House on In ST DA , the lgth deji 53ienioei next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A.. M. and 3 o'clock P. M.: and on TITESDAY, the third day of November next, a get oral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Renee at 4 o'clock P M., agreeably to charter. . W. RIISHToy, oc3-inol6 Cashier. M. OFFICE OF THE WEST PIIII. I I.- DELPHIA PASSENGER. RAILWAY COMPANY, N. W. cor. of HAVERFO ED Road and LOGIN edreet, Twenty-fourthward, Oct. 13, 18.33.-3 OP ICS IS FIER EB Y GIVEN, that the annual meeting of the STOC KEW. D K R.S of this Company will be hcht a at their office on TOES aI, the 3d day of NOVEMBER next, at 10 o'clock A. ut - t au • --Mch place an election fur. NINE, DIREC rolls of said Company will be held between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and. 4 o'clock P. M. oel4-ws4t MARTIN. Jr„ Secretary. O 1 7 10 E.,— Tug ANNIYAT, IrlEwr- ING of the StocOolders of the euir, ADEL PHIA, Elt MAN TO VirN, DiONDESTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY will be held, at Oil Office of the floinnany, corner of NINTH and GREEN. Streets, on MONDAY, the second day of November next, at 10 o'clock A. M. An ELECTION, to 'choose four Managers to serve three years, and one to serve two years, will be held the same day, at the same place, immediately af.er the close of the aforementioned meeting . , and clam at 2 P. M. - ocl3tuths-t2no W. 8. WILSON, Secretary. MMECHANICS' BANK, PHILADEL PHIA, Ocl ober 6, 1863 The annnel meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held, at the Banking Home, on TUESDAY, the third day of November, atl2 lt Tie annual election for DUO/11'01W, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held on MONDAY, theAlateenth day of November, between the hours of 10 a. M. and 2 WSIDAND, Jr. ocd tothe tnold , Ca! hier. COMMERCIAL BANK. OF PENN bYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA, October 12, 1863 The ANNUAL liIEWEING of' the stockholders- or this Bank will be held at the Banking Ffnuse, on TUESDAY, the third day-of November next. at 12 o'clock M. The annual ELECNON for. Directors will be held at the Banking Douse, on MOND aY, the *ixteonth day of November next, between the hours of 10. o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M, oclBtuths•tl6no S. - C. PALIfER, Cashier m TILEI - 1 PfILLAMBPIA_ BAN'S,-Oat. 9.- 1563. 2 he Anneal Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking Hnes, on TITEIDAY, the Ed day of November nexr. at 12 o 'clock M. The Annual Election for Directors will, be-held,on MONDAY, the 16th day of November, between the hons oflo A. M. and 2P. M. • B. B. COMEGYS, oclo-stnth-tnol6 , Cashier.. BANK OP COMMERCE, PIiiLA IDELPI3IA. October 5, 1263. Tie annual election for DisECTONS will be held, at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next between the hours of 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. A. general meeting of the Stockholders wit be held at the same place. on TUESDAY, the third day of N ovem her next, at 12 M. .12 A. LEWIS, ocs-inths tnol7 Cashier. PILIMADICILPHIA. AND BEADING RAILROAD COMPANY; Office 5127 South FOUI:TH Street, PHILADELPHIA, September 2,, 1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock of this Company. The residence of several of them is un known, and it is, therefore, necessary that the certifi cates of stock should be _presented on calling for the Dividend. 8. BRADFORD, Treasurer, STOCKHOLDERS' NAMES. Mrs. Mary Bishop, S- Lancaster, Timothy C Boyle , Percy M. Lewis, Clement Biddle. Fanny Mary ktitcherson; Amp Copeland John Mclntyre, A. Ern d J ie and J. Newbold, John S. Moore, Trustees,James McKnight, Debbie A. Hughes, Benj. F. Newport, Semi T. Harrison. Beni. Putt, James Hallowell, W R. Rodman, James W. Hallowell, Sarah Ann Richards, Catherine C. Koppele, B enrY B. 'Omer. Daniel Klapp, Maria L. Sadler, Mary Kuhn, Andrew Turner, Chas. Kuhn, Hartman Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich, Kahn. and J. H. Kuhn, Ex. Asher M. Wright, of S. Kuhn. William Young, R. V. R. Lease Extra. W. H. ItreVicicar, and James O. Schaff, Ex. of Austin Smith, John Leisse. dee'd. Willis A (1,.. PROPOSALS. IRON SCREW TUG-BOATS. NAVY DEPARTMENT. WA.MINGTON, Oct. 14, 1863. PROPOSALS will be received until the 28th day of October for the complete construction of iron screw tug boats of 360 tons and of 170 tons, The vessels to'be delivered at a Navy Yard complete and ready to receive on board the crew,S rfrovisions, store. and coal, in all respects ready for service, except the ordnance, ordnance stores, and nautical instru ments. The proposition must state the gross sum for which the 'vessel will be delivered complete - and the time within which she will be delivered.. The bid must be accompanied by a guarantee that, if awarded, the Par ties will execute the contract ; and the names of all the p,rties interested and of the sureties must be stated. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all the propositions if, in its opinion, the public interest m e... Mies, and no proposition. wilt be considered except from parties actually engaged in building Iron vessels. Übe plane and specifications of vessel and machinery, can be examined only at the A avy Department in Wash ington. - ocl7-stuthfit PROPOSALS. FOR BEEF. OFFICE OF NAVY AGENT 112 South Third stre3t, Pailadal - . . . PROPOSALS will be received until MONDAY NOON, October 26th, for furnishing 0 N S THOUSAND B &REELS OF NAVY BEEF, to be delivered at the UNITED STATES NAVAL INSPECTION OF PROVISIONS AND OLOI RING, within thirty days from the date of the acceptance of proposal for the same. The said beef shall be packed in accordance with the requirements of the Ciavy standard. The barrel. shall be entirely new, and be made of the best seasoned heart of white oak staves end headin g : the staves not to be less than five-eighths of an inch thick, and the headings not lees Ylian three fourths of an inch thick; they shall be tEree-fourthe - hooped over whit the best white oak or hickory , hoops; each barrel shall be of the internal capacity of thirty two (32) gallons. and be branded on its head by burn ing "NAVY BEEF," with the contractor's name. the weight,and the year when_ packed, and on the bring stave with the letter 'R. " The barrels to be delivered at the United States Naval Inspection of Provisions and Clothing, ay PRIME-STREET WHARF. subject to in spection; the expenses of such inspection, if any, to be borne by the contractor. - . - Security will be required. for the faithful performance of the contract. No proposals will be considered unless accompanied by a guarantee. JAMES S. CHAMBERS, • Navy-Agent. Bidders will direct their Proposals, H. BRIDGE. Chief of Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, Washing ton, D. C. 0017-6 t (I,HILSON'S PATENT '''-' ELEVATED DOUBL-OVEN COOKING RANGES. This Range has afforded more satisfaction than any yet offered to the public. WARM-AIR FURNACES, of the mostalenroved and econoTnlcat patterns, SUITED TO ALL CLASSES OF BUILDINGS ENAMELED SLATE MANTELS, A large •ariet7 of these beantifel Mantels at / VERY LOW. PRICES. Low.d.own and Common - PARLOR GRATES: for heating Parlors, Cnambers, Offices. &c ADAPTED FOR EITHER HARD OR SOFT COAL. Hot-air Registers and Ventilators; a large assortment. W. A. ARNOLD 1010 CHESTNUT STREET.. oclo-aw2mit ACCURACY OF COLORING-, SIM PLICITY of style, and - naturalness of expression,' ere found in. REIMER'S excellent Portraits, lifs•siza Photographs, in oil colors. SECOND Street; above Green. lt* PORTRAITS -THAT TRULY REPRE BENT the original in features, expression, and co doring of complexion and drapery. are ERBIUM Lite size Photographs in oil colors,- SECOND Street, abov e Omen. COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS MADE by REIMER. for $1 are the most and plea sing pictures of the times; commendable for cheapness. accur icy. and beauty. SECOND Street, above Green. LEECH TINE APPLE CHEESE.-:50 cases Leech brand P. A. Cheese, for See by RHODES & WILLIAMS, ocl7 . 107 South WATER Street. CONDENSED MEI - X.-1,000 DOZEN Condensed MDR; for,sale by - RHODES de WILLTA.MS. oel7 101 South WATER Street. SALMON AND LOBSTER.-200 oases, 1..2, and 4-DonnA cane. Also Oysters, 1 and 2 - pound cans. RHODES & WILLIAMS, 0e77 107 South WATER Street. riIHE UNDERSH4NED HAVE THIS dayentered Into COPARTNBRSHIP, tinder the firm of ADV'ENA & CO., for the manufacture of Iron Wagon and Carriage Wm WILLIAM ADVENA, FEED. WEISGEEBV.E., AUGUST beII.FARZ E. AllentoWli P. 0-- Oct. 16. 1663. . 0017 2t* nHoicE.q LA. G SABELRAPES, Panay Pears, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Onions, Oran. berries, Chestnuts, and other products, in store and co. ming forward, and for sale by - PRETTYM & SONS. N. 8. or. of FRONT and AXON Ste. MIELITARY NOTICES. T~'EADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL, THIRD DISTRICT, PA., PHILADELPHIA. October 16, 1863. NOTICE is hereby given to all DRAFTED MEN of this District the t they must REPORT TO TERSE HEADQUARTERS FOR DUTY ON OR BEFORE 'rum ut3D AY, October 21d, ISM, after which time no Substitutes will be excepted ,or exemptiore granted for having paid commutation. And all failing to report no above will be immediately pub• Ilebed as DESERTERS. and liable'to arrest as snob. JACOB S. aTRRTOH, Captain and Provost Marshal. 'RANKLIN D. STERNER, Commissioner. ALEXANDER, O. HART, Surgeon. I' CAMP NEAR FRANKFORD, OCT. 16.1813.3 —Members of Company C will report tit 0110 to secure their bounty. Any sel.hing to attach them selves to the Regiment, will apply as above. IV' - H. W. GRAEFF, Capt. Co. C. f it CORPS OF HONOR, 11. S. A. HcAccuARTERs RECRUITING SERVICE. /NVA.I.ID CORPS POE PRILADELPEffd. 243 South 'MIRO Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of dis ability wills apply for Information for enlistment in the INVALID CORPS to Lieut. HUBER BASTIAN, Invalid Corps 213 S Third street, Philadelphia, or to Lieut. J. W. DEAR, Invalid Corps, All Brown street, and N. E. corner Broad and Spring Garden,sts., Phila: - Pay and ?allowances, excepting bounty , and pension. PelEcas in IL S. Infantry. B. W. mATTFIEIvs. Major lot Pa. Art and Supt. InvalidQ ,. /rps for Philadel phia. an6-tf DANA TROOP.-THE SUB 7;' A l scribers to the fund to bnv horses for the DANA TROOP will receive fifiyflve per cent. of the amount subscribed by calling on the Lubscribir, No. :320 street: 0032 WM. P. JENKS, Treasurer. 5.205. IsT NO V EMBER 5.205. COUPONS WANTED. EARLY CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WANTED. STELLING EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD BY DREXEL & CO., 34 South THIRD Street. 5-20. The undersigned, as General Subscription Agent, Is authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury - to continue the sale of this popular Loan, and TBN DAYS public notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS remain unsold, and this amount is scarcely sufficient to furnish a basis for the circulation of the National Banking Associations now being formed in every part of the Country. But a short time must elapse before this loan is wholly ab sorbed, the demand from Barone, Germany especially, being quite active. As it is well known that the Secretary 'of the Tree gni" has ample and unfailing resources in the duties on imports, internal revenues, and in the issue of interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it is nearly cer tain that it will not be necessary for him for a long time to corns to issue farther permanent Loans, the interest and, principal of which are payable in Gold. These considerations must lead to the prompt couolm don that the time la not far distant when these " Five- Twenties" will sell at a inadsome premium, as was the result with the •• Seven-thirty" Loan, when it was all sold, and could no longer by anbeCribeil (Or at par. This is a SIX PER CENT. LOAN, the interest and principal 'being payable in coin, thus yielding about HIGHT per cent. per annum at the present premium on gold. It is called "Five-Twenty.'.'from the fact that whilst the Bonds may run 'for twenty years, yet, the Govern ment has the right to pay them off in gold at par, at any time after jive years. s. The interest is paid half yearly on the first days of No „vember and Man • , Subscribers can have Coupon Sonde which are paya ble to bearer and issued for $5O, $l9O, 83430, and $1,063, or Registered Bonds. of similar denominations, and in addition $5,000 and $lO,llOO. These " Five-Twenties"'cannot be taxed by SfgfeS, cities, towns, or counties, and the Government tax or, them is only one and a half per bent, on the amount of income, , when the income exceeds.. six hundred dol lars per 'annum.' Income from all other investments, such as mortgages, railroad stocks, bonds, Sm., mus pay from three to Ilya per cent. tax on the Income. Banks and Bankers throughout the country will con tinue to dispose of the Bonds, and. - all orders by mail or otherwise properly attended to. The Treasury Department having perfected arrange ments for the prompt delivery of Bonds, Subscribers vrill be enabled to receive them 'at the time of subscri bing, or at farthest in TOUR 'days. This arrangement willbe grgtifying to parties who want the Bonds on pay ment of the money, and will greatly increase the sales. JAY coorc - m, - GFESCRI,PTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, MICHAEL JACOBS, BANKER, No. 40 South. THIRD Street, PIM PHILADELPHIA. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, SPECIE. AND UNCUR RENT.MONEY BOITORT.AND SOLD. _ STOCKS BOUGHT, AND SOLD ON CaIEMISSION. Particular attention paid to the Negotiation of Time Paper. CITY WARRANTS.BOUGHT. orb-3m COLLECTION OF U. CERTIFV CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS.—The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect, at the Treasury Department; Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One Year Certificates of. In debtedness of the United States now due or shortly metering. • Terms made known and receipts given at the office, No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. mys-tf NOTICE. ---NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN -that the CERTIFICATE No. 29,521, 200 Shares, issued to ns by the New York Transfer Agency of the Philadelphia and Reading Rati , oad has been LOST. and that application has been made for the sub stitution of a certificate in place thereof. A. G. HEMINWAY & 1 10., oca-Slit No. 53 EXCHANEtIf. Place. net ninth-t 1 FROTHING -HAM it WELLS HEAVY MEDIUM. AND LIGHT SHERTINGES AND SHIRTINGS STANDARD DRILLS. _ HEAVY BANTON YIAANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICG AND SILECTAS. _ BROWN. BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANS. N0..12 WORSTED YARN. &o. selB4 Et FORTHE ARMY AND 'NAVY. MIT.A.DTS 8 MILITALRY FURNISHERS, 41.8 'ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Bashes, Belts: Passants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Canteens, Haveriacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. . _ A liberal discount allowed to the trade. sel,3-tf a W. SIMONS ea BROTHER.. .'"" 4 • ' SARSOM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF SEWELRY. FINE SWORDS. AND MILITARY GOODS II BVBRY VARISTI. an24-iant . W D. GLENN, IMPORTER. OF . _ DRUGGISTS' TANGY GOODS, NO. 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Offers to the trade a fall assortment, including in Part- Hair, Tooth, Nail. Cloth, and Shaving Brushes. Camel's Hair Pencils and Markin Brushes. Combs in shell, ivory, horn, and India rubber. Perfumery and Toilet Soaps of all descriptions. Pure Essential Oils. Rose Water and Orange Flower Water in cans. Powder Boxes and Puffs in great variety. Round Filtering Paper, all sizes. . Cachous Aroinatise, Hooper's and Arnaud's. English Pink Saucers. Beevesiand common. New Zealand and Pink Linen Twine. Flasks, Tooth Picks, Violin Strings, &0., gro:`, all at lowest 'market prices. . ' se7S-ImLf NOTICE.—THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YoRIK, having transferred their Agency to the undersigned, applica tions for Insurance, and. rene WALNUTurance, must he made at his Office, No. 418 Street, Books explaining the advantages offered by this Company. may be had on application at the Office. _ JAMBS B UARR. oclB-3m Bole Agent for Philadelphia. VIFTII COLLECTION DISTRICT OF -a- _PENNSYLVANIA. 'UNITED STATES ASSESSOR'S OFFIOE. GERMANTOWN. October 6th, 1863. NOTICE IS HEREBY MITES, that the annual fiats, enumerations, and assessments for the year 1863, taken pnranant to the Excise law of the rutted States for the Fifth Pennsylvania district, will be open for examine,- don during she fifteen days immediately subsequent to the date of this notice, at the following places, viz: ' Divisions NOB. 1,2, 3, and 4, (Bucks county,) at the offices or residences of the respective Assistant Assess ors. .Divitrimg Nos. 5, 6 7 and 10, (Twenty-second and Twenty. fifth , wards of Philadelphia,) at the office of the Aesessor, Langstroth's Building, Germantown. . • DMIIA /OR No. 8 (part of Twenty-third ward,) at the Wee of the Deputy Collector. Prankford, - .Dizieion No. 9. (residue of Twenty. third ward,) at the residence of the Asnistant Atsetsor, John W. Trump, Bne e T e h n e s s e e s. lists in e om an e d s. a assessments ts a b r i e n a ia s r t d ate ta m b e l n es t of b the tax" - which has been assessed by Assistant Assessors upon li alleys, plate deliver and plate of gold. , .and the subscriber, atlas office in Germantown, will, on THURSDAY, October .22d, of-the current year, be tween the hours of 9 A..; IL and 6 P.. M. , bear and deter mine all written appeals that may be made relative to any erroneous valuations or enumerations of Assistant Ateessors, in thesth, 6th, 7th; Sth. 9th. and 10th divi eions„(being the Twenty second. Twenty-third. and Twenty -fifth wards of the city of Philadelphia); and nn TUESDAY, October' 27th, he will" sit for the same pur pose in lloylestown„ Bucks county, at .the office 'of JOEITI, W. COWSLL,. Bsq,; collector. of the district, be tween the hours of, 9A. AI and 3 P. 151,.,. for Divisions Dios. I, 2,3, and 4, ((Bucks county. ) "- .6 "i All persons who de not flle.written4appeals on 0i . .1)5.; fore the above-Da:reed days for tearing the some. will be estopped from obtaining any abatement si their taxes. EDWIN T (RASE. oco , lo-17 3t Assessor Firth District. Pennsylvania. THE PRESS. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1863: FINANCIAL, v. S. 5-20. PHILADELPHIA. ARMY GOODS. RETAIL DRY GOODS. R,HEPPAR.D, VAN- lIARLINGEN, AItRISON. 1008 Chestnut Street, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN • - HOUSE.FURNISHING DRY GOODS, Keep the largest assortment in the city, comprising the best descriptions ot Blankets, Flannels, Muslim, Curtains, Linens, Sheetings, Napkins, Doy lies, Table Linen, Toweling. • Linens, Diaper. ALSO. • PIANO COVERS. TABLE COVERS. TABLE COVERTNGS. • FURNITURE CHINTZES. And newest styles of materials for - Curtains and Furniture, Coverings, BROCATELLE, PLUSH, SATINS, TERRIES. REPS NOREEN'S, DAMASKS, and a general assortment of the best makes of HosierY. Merino Under Shirts, V,ets, Drawers, Balmoral Skirts, *Tato Goods, and Staple riabroldOries, At the Lowest - CASH PRICES. N. B.—Estimates given for furnLshing SHADES AND CURTAINS. Either in the City or County.: OclOstuthstsraet NOW OPEN PARIS, LONDON AND AMERIOAN CLOAKS RICH. LYONS VELVETS, INDIA GROS GRAIN, MATALBA SILK, PARIS-MA.DE VELOUR CLOTHS, PARIS WOOL CASHMERES, FANCY CASHMERES, PARIS-MADE FROSTED BEAVERS, DIAGONAL CASHMERES, CHINCHILLA.' CLOTHS, BELGIAN TRICOTS AND DOESKINS, ENGLISH FLUSHES, ENGLISH MELTONS, AT THE 'PARIS , MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND LFT_TP.; EN2POR=T3 M, 920 CHESTNUT STREET, J. W. PROCTOR & CO. oclCetuthtf SKIRTS 1 SKIRTS 1 SKIRTS M. A. JONES' (IRLIBB.A.MD NE PLUS ULTRAKIRT 131 M only be faaad at No. 11 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADBLPHIA., OTBR THB WAS air None genuine unless stamped X. A. JONES' • NE PLTP3 MATRA. SKINT. foSm 17 N. EIGHTH STREIT. VERY IMPORTANT TO THE LA DIES I • . , Staten Island Fany v iitang . t Establishmen - 47 North EIGHTH Street. Philadelphia. . • and 5 and 7 JOHN Street. Vey; York NOW IS TIIE TIM.G TO SEND YOUR . ItiVRTS, SILKS, CLOTHS, 31:11fib/61 . 2- - DlialsrtS; tbs To be dyed or cleansed in the • finest manner, at this pfd and favorably known establishment. With an e4e. deuce of nearly forty years , we pFeeent ourselves to the public this season as standing FIRST OUR LINE, - BARRINT„ CO., ser-lm 47 North EIGHTH Street. BLANKETS! BLANKETS BL.ANK. KETBI The Latgest Assortment of 33 r_. A N - S E T s , AT THE LOWEST PRICES, OFFERED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY COWPERTETWAIT CO., W. CUR. EIGHTH AND MARKET STS, selStdeSl LINEN GO OD S. -MY STOCK OF these having been,selected from the largest im porters of New Yerk ,(for cash only), I am able to sell mush cheaper then the regular trade. Brown Table Linen at 50 and 62X; bleached Damask, all linen, in a variety of patterns, 75; finer do. .373 : '. 10 pieces hand loom goods, very heavy, all linen, 75. 10 do do_ heavier and wider, at 873-; and 95. These are the heaviest, and will outwear nnYthiug of the kind now \made. 35 dozen very heavy . Napkins, $1.75 per dozen. 60 dozen Napkins, at $2, worth now $2.60 Also, several lots of finer ones. at various prices. Good heavy Towels, $1.60, 1.75, and $2 per dozen. Wu els of every description, quality, and price, and without doubt the best variety of Huckabacks in the city, there being now in stme about 50 pieces of different widths and qualities, from 20 cents up Some of them are beautiful patterns, and very fine. One lot real Barnsley Sheeting, very heavy, at $1.2.501 EA: Pillow Casing, IX, and 1% wide; Bird-Bye for Children's Aprons; Nursery Diapering,. at $1.60, 1.75, $2, and $3. Colored - Doylies, for Fruit; Furniture Dusters. The best Hankerchiefs in the city. for $1.50, worth $2. And all other kinds of Linen Goods, that I am certain are very much under the present prices. GRANVILLF. B. HAINES, No.- 1013 MARKET Street. ocl2mtnws 4E 1054 CHESTNUT STREET E. M. NEEDLES IS RBOEIVIIrd DAILY ALL DESIRABLE NOVELTIES LATEST IMPORTATIOIYB.- In LACES, EMBROIDIRIES, HADTDKEHOBIEFS, =lM=a= FLANNELS.—I HAVE NOW ONE OF -I- the largest - and cheamOstocks in the, city; am selling a firsc-rate all-wool White at 10; half Cotton do at 37k. 45, and 50; one lot all wool, fall yard wide, at 62k; one lot Ballardvale. first rate quality, 56; one , lot . Ballardvale, fall yard wide 65—these are the pink edge. good, and -very desirable; two bales heavy pink-edge,-of the Washington Mills, 50; real Welch Flannel,-war ranted nnshrinkable; Shakers' in every quality, 56, 62k, 75. S7k, and sl.—these are yard wide, very heavy, and will not shrink; two bales very heavy gray twilled all-wool, at 50, that are now worth 65 by the bale; one bele very heavy, red twilled, all-wool, at 50; plain red at 37k, -45. and 50; fancy Shirting Flannels in various patterns; Canton Flannels, both bleached and brown, from Mk up to she very best that are made. All the above goods are really very cheap, and moons in want cannot fail to get suited.GRAtVILLE B. HAIN'S% ocl2-mtntas4t lOl 3 MARKET Sc., above Tenth. T L ADIES' CLOAKING CLOTHS. Black Beaver and Tricot Clothe, 'Brown and Black Water-prof Cloths, Bark Brown and Mode Cloths, Fine Black Broad Cloths, f r t Superb quality scarlet Cloths, Chinchilla Cloak - tugs, Also. Clothe, Cassimeree; and Satinets for Nan' and. Boys. Vestings, in Great variety, at JOHN H. STOKES, - • 702 ARCH Street. N. B.—Jack Straws, made by and solcrfor an Invalid. A enw invoice just received oehl MOURNING CLOAXS, •MANTLES; SHAWLS. &a., At the NEW MOITRNING STORE. • 96 CHESTNUT Street. &A MYERS & CO. UDWIN HALL & CO. No. 26 SOUTH A— , SECOND Street, would call attention to their Stock of DRESS GOODS. embracing all the novelties of the, season; from the lowest price goods to the most expen styles. Rich printed Merinoes and Cashmeres. Rich and neat style all-wool Delaines. Figured Mohair Reps. I Plain Reps and Mohairs. Fancy styles of Valenciaa. All-wool Plaids. Rich French Chintzes. - Plain all-wool Delaines, double width. Plain all-wool Delaines, single width. • Black and Colored Alapacas. ' Wholesale as well as Retail Buyers are respeetfullYii vited to examine our Stock. sell-t 1 WE CASE OF THE BEST HEAVY quality real Water-proof Clothe, received this day. Beet quality Frosted-Beaver Clothe. . Chinchilla Cloths, magnificent quality. - Heavy Plain, Brown, and Leather-color Clothe. iiiiddlese'S Clothe, dark colors. Fine French Scarlet Clothe. • X Blue and. Scarlet Chinchilla Oaths. French Scarlet and Blue" Flannels. Froeted-Beaver Cloths, from S 3 to SS. N. B.—Magnificent quality Lyons Silk Velvet, at $l5 and $1.6.60 per yard. EDWIN HALL & CO., ocl6 -26 South SECOND Street. S HAKER 'FLANNELS. Ballardyale and Washington Flannels. , Gray, red, blue, and white Twill Flannels. Red, gray, and white plain Flannels, cheap. SACQUE FL/0151BM— - Scarlet, Blues. Modes. Browns, &c. Cotton Flannels. Tickings, &c. " Table Delaware, bleached and brown. Crash, fine Towels, - Nursery Diapers. Good stock of Shillings and•Sheetinga, Desirable sizes and makes Blankets. - COOPER & CONAILD. - S. E. corner NINTH and MARKBT. AT RETAIL JOHN F. YOUNG,: STREET, H No: 70 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Has now in store an excellent assortment of DRESS GOODS, &c.consisting in part of Black Silks. Klpacas. from the lowest to the finest qmility, Merinos. ,Wool de Lathes, Plain and Striped Poplins. choice style Plaid Cashmeres, Reps. Shawls, and Scarfs. Also, alull line of Flannels, including Silk Warp - Shaker,' &c., &c. To which the special attention of the retail trade in . . REP POPLINS. • ' 6.050 YARDS REP POPLINS. - EMPRESS CLOTHS and TIOURED POPLINS. .SIIARPLESS BEDTIMES, ocS • CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets FROSTEDsBEAVERS. SHARPLESS BROTHERS offer FROSTED BEAVER 3 at $2 00. FROSTED BEAVERS at $3. 'FRSTED BEAVER VELVET S BE OTERS at $6. FROSTED BEAVERS at $6. And a lame aesortment of PLAIN and RIBBED BIACKDEAVERS. ocS , CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. OPENING OF FALL DRESS GOODS. • H. snot. & SON 1f05.113 and 71.12 North-TS-STA Strome. /Lave now oven a choice assortment of - FALL AND , WISTER , DRESS GOOD& Plain Silks, &doe colors, $126 to $2. Plain Moire Antiques, choice shades. Plain Black Bilks. 90c, to $8, . 69. • Figured Black Silks; Fancy Silks. Plain All-wool Reps and Poplins. all'oolorg. " Plain Silkand Wool Reps. allcolora: Figured and Plaid Reps and Poplins. Plain French le erinoes, choice oolors. • / lot Plain French rderinoos, choice oolors. EIL lob WHITS GOODS. YELLS, &.. RETAIL DRY GOODS. 10,000 YARDS OF FRENCH MERINOEB, ALL-WOOL REP POPLINS, SILK-FACE POPLINS, CORDED MERINOEB, FIGUREDPOPLINS. IRISH POPLINS. ED WIN- HALL &CO., 26 South SECOND Stied. N. Il.—Most of the above were bought In the early part of August, and are, for sale below the regular prices. oels-tham3t CLOTH HOUSE. WILLIAM T. SNODREASS' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTH 'ROUSE, No. 3* South SECOND St.. and 23 STRAWBERRY St. A FULL STOCK OF ARMY CLOTHS. NAVY CLOTHS. CASHMERES. NQBBY COATINGS. CHINCHILLAS. VELVET CLOTHS. FROSTED BEAVERS. ESQUIMAUX. BILLIARD CLOTHS. BAGATELLE CLOTHS, &O. 00.424 LADIES , FURS. LADIES' FANCY FURS. Jonas - m-A.Trovait,A., No. '7lB ARCH STREET, BELOW EIGHTH. Importer and Manufacturer OF LADIES'. FANCY FURS. My assortment of FANCY FURS for Ladies and Chil dren is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionabledttrinit the present season. AU sold at the mannfaotnrers' prices. for cash. Ladies, please give me a call. oc3- 4.1 a OPENING- OF FANCY FURS; JOHft A . STANB&CII • IMPORTER AND HANUFAOTHRER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, NO. 526 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH, Has now open a splendid stook of . lAMBS BD MILBURN'S FURS, Which will be sold at the LOWEST. CASH PRICES. oc2-8m FURS! • FURS! GEORGE F. WOMRATIII • - ..405.41.5 AND 417 ADCS if.a.e NOW opErr . A FITLL ASSORTMENT LA: - .tolng; ty rt s , • wh.(4. til9 attention of the public is invited. ee2r3-3nt MILLINERY GOODS. 4:EIGHTH ST. RIBBON STORE, No. 101 N. EIGHTH STREET. . We have received from the late New York and Philadelphia Auctions the following most desirable and fashionable goods at very reasonable prices: Scarlet Bonnet Velvet, at $3 per yard. Do. do. do. Lyons width and quality, $4 55 per yard. LEATHER. COLORED VELVET. —Uncut Velvet. Cord ed Silk and Bonnet Silk, all of the most beautifal shades, with Ribbons, Feathers and Flowers, to match. BLACK BONNET RIBBONS. —A. splendid line, from 16 to 44 cents per yard. At the latter price we sell a very wide and heavy Ribbon. Extra heavy, all boiled Ribbons. nary. w and wide. lower at retail than they can be bought else where by the piece. . BLACK. DRAB AND BROWN FELT R &TS, from the manufacturers direct. All the new shapes for ladies' and children's wear, very cheap. . A complete a.sortrnent of Black English Crapes, pur chased before the late heavy advance @ gold, from 63 Cents T ard,upwards. BONNET RIBBONS in endless variety. Velvet Rib bons. black and colored, the best make imported, at a great redaction. Trimming .Ribbons, every shade; and every other article used in making or trimming a bon net, or that can be found wish ne at less than wholesale prices A liberal reduction made to wholesale buyers. Country orders promptly attended to. SICHEL & WEYL , ocl4tnoll No. 107 North EIGHTH Street. IP FRENCH FI,OWERS, 1863. FEATHERS, LACES, RIBBONS, & NEW -STYLE HATS, JUST. OPENED AT THOS. KENNEDY & BRO.'S. • No. 7A9 CHESTNUT Street, below Eighth: se9•Sm scia MILLINERY GOODS. BROOKS & ROSENHEIM, 431 MARKET STREET, have now on hand'a complete assortment of new styles RIBBONS, BONNETS, VELVETS, BONNET-SILKS, 'MISSES' HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, LACES, D MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, to which we invite the attention of the trade. ma tin FALL, 1863. -wc)0213 & CAIRN", 725 CHESTNUT STREET. Have now Oren A LARGE STOCIC or STRAW AND FELT GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, And a general assortment of ;MILLINERY GOODS, To which they Invite the attention of THE TRADE. , eel?-Sm • 43 MOURNING BONNETS Made to order at the NEW MOURNING STORE, 926 CHESTNUT Street, eel9lm M. & A. MYERS & 00. PAPER HANGINGS. N pII.II4ADELPHLA. -- PAPER HANGINGS. HOWELL Jo BOURKE, CORNER OF FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, • MANUFACTURERS OF PAPEIt HANGINGS AND WINDOW OIIRTAIN PAP/1118. Offer to the trade a large and eleg ant assortment of Er x, : . .. at rzty i l. the cheapest Brown S t o ck to the finest - N.-B. CORNER FOORTH & MARKET STREETS. - - N.M.—Solid Green, Bine, and Daft WINDOW PA PERS of every grade sell-1m STATIONERY. M O SS tt CO., • Respectfully Inform the public they have opened a BRANCH at . No. 432 CHESTNUT STREET, Second DOor above the Poet Mae, where will be found a complete stock of Fancy, Staple, Counting Roues, and Office - STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, AND ENVBLOPES, of their own`ntannfactiue, of the beet qualities. and in great variety. - The business will be conducted on the principle of • SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK. SALES., - By prompt and careful attention, uniformity in prices. extensive assortments, together with their long experi ence in that line of business, they ask a share of public patronage. Blank Books ruled to any pattern: Bnvelopes, of any size or shape, made, to order at short notice. 'They will - contimie their Wholesale business of Book sellers and Stationers at the Old Staid, - No. 480 MARKET STREET. WATCHES AND JEWELEY. MUSICAL BOXES. SIIELI; AND ROSEWOOD OASES, playing fioin 1 to 12 tunes, choke ()perm and Amezi 'AA Melodies . FARR & BROTHER, Importers, Belem - 4 CHESTNUT Street. below Fourth. G. RIISSELL,TILCE AlArElt lOAN arid Infarte — d WATOIII/I,' Tine Jewelry. Bayer a1 1Y23- 1 6 a m tia are ' XS North SIXTH Muer, 111L4i FINE WATCH ,IIEPAIRING attended to, by the moat experienced workmen. every Watch warranted for one year. G. RUSSELL. '3723-6m IN North SIXTH Street. rimE ATTENTION . • OF 'GROCERS -A. AND OTHEEB is invited to the NEW LIQUID BLACHILG manufactured by BROWN St BROTHER,' This Japan Blacking, with half the usual labor, im parte a' moat intensely_ rich lustre and jet black,'egrial - to "the high eat Japan Varnish. produces a most perfect smooth surface, ao as not to soil the finest linen. 'tendon U. the leather eaay at& pliable. and 7111 retain its virtual; in any climate . For sale by the at _ TEL&YBE COWPIIRTHWAIT'S. 0020V860S Street- PLANTATION BITTERS. From the army hospital—the bloody battle fleld—the mansion of the rich and humble abode of the poor—from the (Ace and the sacied desk—from the mountaintop, distant valleys and far-off islands of the ocean—from every nook and corner of the civilized world—is Pouring in the evidence of the astonishing effects of DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. Thousands upon thousands of letterillke the following may be seen at our aloe: . RHEDSTIURY, NVIS Sept. IS, 1863. "• I have been in the army hospitals for fourteen months—sPecebless and nearly dead At Alton. 111.. they gave me kbettle Of Plantation Bitters. * •* Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. * * C. H. Ff. &UTE. " SOUTR WARSAW, 01, July ~* * * One young man, who had been sick and not out of the house for Iwo years with Scrofula and Ery sipelas, after paying the doctors over $1.50 without bene fit, hae been`cured by ten bottles of your. Bitters. .* • EDWARD WOUNALL." The following is from the Matron of the Union Home School fer the Children of volanteeis: HAVIMETER. MLNSIOkr; FIFTr.SEVEVTIT ST., VIM YORK, August 2. 18ffl. "Dn. Basun: Your wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children suering from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl, in particular, with pains in the head, loss of appetite, and daily. Wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had 'been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teastxmnfal of Bitters a day. Her appetite, increased; strength and health followcd. * * Respectfully, "* * I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved' my life. BEV. W. H..WAGGORER, Madrid, N. Y." "+ + + -Thon wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. Iffy wife has been greatly benefited by their use. • Thy friend, ASA CIIRRIN, Philadelphia, Pa." "* • I have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. *. * * The Plantation Bitters have onred me. RE.V. - 3. S. CATHORN:;Rochester, N. Y. "*y* * Send us twenty-four dozen more of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of which is daily in creasing with the aueste'of our house. • SYKES, CHADWICK, & CO., Proprietors Willard's Hotel, Washington, D. C." • « * « I have given the Plantation Bitters to. hoe, dreds'of our disabled soldiers; with the most astonishing . . G. W. D. ANDREWS. Superintendent Soldiers' Home, Ciocinnati, 0," .•r * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of liver complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate and had to abandon my business. R. B..KINGSLEY, Cleveland, O." * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. C. C. MOORE, Agent for Colgate & Co., 251 Broadway," &0., , &a., &a., &0. - , &O. The Plantation Bitters make the weak etrong. the lan guid. brillimit, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed. of the eelelirated Cliasaya Bark, Wintergreen, Sassafras, Roots. Herbs, &a, all preserved in perfectly pure St. Croix Rum. T.7-1860:7X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart; lack of aPpatite, tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, &0., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical antho hn,:l are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly ageeahle t perfectly pure, and harmless. NOTICE.7-Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit- I tern in balk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. We only pat it 'ap in our log-cabin bottles. Beware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already' in prison. gee that every -- United States etamil over the cork, and .1 . lit the habits- le globe.. bottle has tn " labels signature on sleet-Plate ~ . • t Sold b 3, respectable dealers throws". ' • Y. H. DRAKE ed 00. 1 oclo•stu&tb4m 202 BI4OAD WAY, N. Y. COMMIS !ON HOUSES. NTOTICE TO GRAIN DEALERS AND SHIPPERS. 20,000 'UNION A, StA`MtEL 4 .S BAGS, All Linen. weight ..,.,oances, The Best and Cheapest Bar% the market. Arno - BURLAP BAGS, Of all Sizes. for Corn, Oats, Bone-dust; Coffee, dtc.; arty manufactured and for rale, for-net cash, by • C EIARLES H. Ci-RlGa, , Agent; Ito. 137 MARKET Street (Second Story), °al 7-3 m. • • Late of 21.9 Church.alley. - ARMY-S.TAN_DARD SLATE •JELIA.N*PAIE4g; ON HAND AND EON SALE BY FARNHAM; KIRKHAM . dfs CO., 0c13.12t Noe. 230 and 232 CHESTNUT Street N BERRY 'ift CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 26 RUE BERGER'S, PARIS. PLATEN:LAWN, BERRY, & CO., LYONS, ST. ETIENNE, AND GRENOBLE. lelo-thett2m. NEW YORK, 155 DUANE STREET BAGS I BAGS.I BAGS 1 g NEW AND SECOND HAND, maxims, BisRLAP. Awl) mom BA OS, conotanily on hand. JOHN T. BAILEY it CO., No. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET. ,Mir WOOL SA.C%B FOR BALE. . an2aBin CHINA AND GLASSWARE. KERR'S - Furnishing China & Glass Establishment, - CHINA HALL, 829 CHESTNUT STREET, /Lir DIRECTLY OPPOSITE INDEPIINDENOR is the cheapest (for the quality) and most extensive as sortment of WHITE, FRENCH, .GOLD-BAND AND DECORATED CHINA IN THIS CITY. Just opened, of our own importation 'eighty-one casks very superior plain WHITE FRENCH CHINA, in any quantity to snit purchasers. Also, a splendid assortment of Fashionable CUT AND ENGRAVED TABLE CRYSTAL GLASS. Also_, plain white _English Stone Ware, Dinner and Tea Ware. Also, Toilet Sets, in great variety, some very elegantly decorated. Kir Double thick China Stone Pirate, and Glass, ex pressly for - HOTELS, SHIPPING, AND RESTAURANTS Aar French China decorated to order in any Pattern. /W . Initials engraved on Table Glaes. China and Glass packed in a proper manner. se6.satnth-4m - INSURANCE COMPANIES. A CARD. GREAT WESTERN. MARINE) INSURANCEcompA.Ny, OF NEW YORK. Aar HAVING ESTABLHHED %BRANCH OFFICES at LONDON, under the management of Messrs. Joan Plcu- ERSOILL & SON, and at LIVERPOOL. tinder the manage ment of Messrs. Gums at Co.. Risks will be taken in London and Liverpool on eh.pments to and from all parts of the world, on the same terms and conditions as are obtained from first. class Companies in England. Losses ander Policies issued bY these branches will be adjusted and paid either at London, Liverpool, or New York. as may he agreed on whenithe risks are taken. VIE 8024111 OFFI CE, at Neer Fork. will continue to issue Policies and Certificates as heretofore, payable in London as well as in New York, on shipments to an 4 from all parts of the woyld._ • • ' - It is believed that this arrangement will facilitate inter national commerce; and that the promptness and liberali ty with which the ComPanY for years has paid loSses in London and New York, will ensure these branches a libe ral share of patronage ,from -merchants on both sides of the Atlantic. • • THE COMPANY REFERS IN MOPE TO _ CITY BANE LONON, LLondon, Messrs. BROWN, WN, SHIPLEY, & Co., London &Liverpool. Messrs. FIELDEN, BROS., 8:Co., Liverpool. Messrs. B. F. BABCOCK & CO., Liverpool. CONSOLIDATED BANK, - Manchester. Meses. J. F. JAMIESOti & Co., • Gios . polo. ROVORMONT DE LOIVENBERO,Ew. Parzs. • hissers. JOHN MONROE & CO., Paria. WILLIAM ISELIN, Esq.. Havre. BITCHIELS LOOS, - Antwerp. Messrs. JOHN LOUIS LEMMR& CO., Ant werp. Messrs—JOHN BERENHERO, GOSS- _ LER, & Co , Hamburg. Messrs. VAN Rsantx 8t Co.. Amsterdam. .Messrs. C.ear. F. PLUMP & CO. &MPH, , GREAT WESTERN 33 . and 35 PINE Street. - • • ocl6-2t12 EMM INSURAN( *O3 CHESTNUT am PHIL &DI . PINE AND INLM DIRK . _ Frauds R. Buck, Chas. Richacdson, Renry Lewis, Jr., John W. Everman, Philip B. Justice, 0. W. Dayls, PRabliffk N. B CHARLES RICH WILLIAM L BLANCH p CHAPOITTY, • REAL-ESTATE.BytOKER: No. 129 Sonth. Fir" Ek. Street, Phdadelphia. Ronne•rents and other claims , collectel: CORRECT PIANO TUNING. - -Mr. C. E. SARGENT'S orders for Wang and repairing Pianos are received at 31&8011 ac CO.'S store, 007 CRESTIOSStreet, only.- Mr . . S, has had eleven years Nctory experience in Bos ton, and Ilve years' employment in Philadelphia. SPECIAL —Pianos re/gathered to sound as soft and sweet toned ne new; without'removing, Terms for Tuning, $l. T RITBSy, 8, BRA.CES &c., . skilfully adinaied by C. H . NEEDLES, 4 .....4.411P1 corner of TWELFTH and RACE : Streets.— • Ladies' Department for same, conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street. - first door below. Race. The most complete and varied, stook On hand. consisting in part of Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder_ Braces, Belts, Bandages Elastic Elastic Stockings. Crutches. Syringes, dr. Mien 3 for Nnrserr. Sick Room. dm. If JOHN L:-CAPEN ; PIIRENOLO. .• rip _GIST, may bikconsulted, DAY and EVENING. on adaptation , . to ..Bustuese Trade,' and Profession -on -the . improvement of healtb, correction.. of faults. formation of • friemiships, dtc. Pall de eariptlona of character given when requivid, at No. SD lit. 'MTH. Street, %bon ahAgno.t. ....seS4hatn9tatt la • THE LATEST AND BEST BOOKS. 1 4:6 11 ; —VINCI3NZO: Or, Sunken 'Rocks. The fascinating new novel of Italy and Italian romance: just written by Ruillni, tne author of " Doctor Antonio" arid • Lavinia. " Vracssizo is lin 'Densely praised by the English critics, who call It one of the most interesting fictions since "Les Miserables," Published in octavo. paper covers. Price 76 cents. IL—THE OLD MERCHANTS OF HEW YORK CITY. A Lew volo me of 'hese very Interesting and 'gessiny sketches about the Merchant Princes and Nabobs ofNevr York. Being a &moan SERIES By. Walter Barrett, Clerk. The thouland and One sp'e , y items and an.Pcdoto concerning the first rimiliee,' are potting " Fifal. Avenoodiedom" and the ' Codfish aristo4raey" in a blaze. One handsome cloth-bYnnd volume. Price 81.50: —VICTO it HUGO'S LIFE. By a WitllBfS A charmiliA bit of biography. and as interesting and delightful as a romance by the great an b or' himself. "Every one is reading it. Bvo. cloth bound. Price $L 25. In Press: *.* RENAN'S LIFE OF JE' , 13.1. translated (rum the French, and THE CENTRAL PARK, a niagnincent volume of pixotogrsphin pictures. Those books are sold,bi all booksellers, and will be sem by wail. 1 OSTAMI , IOIIB. 013 roenint, of price, by G. W. CARLETON, Pabli9hor. eel?-wstr New York. :ru ST PUBLISHED, BT J. B. LIPPIINTOTT & 00.. MRS. RHOADES' POEMS. POEMS : A series of 'Cribs in Verse, with a variety, of lyrical productions on chosen themes , intended to please the many and offend none. By MRS. RACHEL RHOADES. . (The American Hare,) Authoress of "The Minstrel Lyre.' "Zimluka." &c.. &o. 12m0.. Si 26. For tale by T. B. PETERSON & BRO.. 306 CHESTNUT' Street. WM. S. & A. IRARTIEN, 606 WILLIS P. 'HAZARD, 7.54 G. W. PITCHER, SOB T. B. PUGH, 800 ocB.thetuSt.. THE STANDARD. SERIES OF POPS LAR FICTION: •-• . Suet. Pnblisbed,BEßStßY A NEW AMERICAN' NOVEL. By the author of " Life. Before B im." A. Bachelor's Story," &c., &c. Uniform with _ THE STORY 01 1 6ErdZaiiiiTH:' By Miss Thackeray. NANEITE AND THE LOY'S RS, By Talbot Gwynn°. HEART AND CROSS. By Mrs Oliphant. MY LADY. A Tale of Modern Life. Paper covers. 16mo, - Price Thirty cents each. The"titandar,,,d Series" includes only the better class of Novels. It is a.ver v cbeappnear, attractive. and reada ble series of poonlar books "Uniform in sire, style, and price . Either of the volumes mailed free of postage, on receipt of price. Other works in preparation. S. G. GREGOR - 5, Publisher, oclatuths-St No. 46 WALKER Street. New York. MRS. 0. M. DEVOE." MAP OF GETTYSBURG BATTLE,: prepared by Wm. U. Willcox, Captain and D. C. on Major Gen. Reynolds'. staff .50 coots. FLOWER, FRUIT, AND THORN PIECES. or the mar ried Life ' DEATH AND WEDDING OF THE ADVOCATE OF THE POOR. FIRMIAN STANISLAV - 8 SIEBENRAS, by 3 P. F. Richter. 2 vols. 412.75. EXCURSIONS, by Henry D. Thoreau Sl 25. HOSPITAL SR ETCHES, by :L 111. Alcott. 50 cents. ART RECREATIONS, being a complete guide to Pencil Drawing, Oil Feinting. &o $2.00. .. FREEDO it AND WAR Discourses on Topics site gf,trd by The Times, by Henry Ward Beecher. $1.50. For gale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTTEN. oclB 606 CHESTNUT Street. NEW BOOKS- • Just received by J. B. LIPPINCOTT Ai CO. 715 and 717 MARKET Street. ANNALS OF THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND; con pricing biographies, descriptions of departments, accounts of battles, &c., by an Officer. One handsome volume, BvO. THE PENINE.ITLA CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA. By Bev.' J. Maas., • LEVANA: or, The Doctrine of Education. From the -German Of Jean Paul Richter. - MEDITATIONS ON LIFE, and its Religions Duties. From tilt lierttall Zschokke. TiitE RINI? OF AMASIS. From the Papers of &Ger man Physician. By R. Bulwer Lytton. . DAM WALKS WITH WISE MEN; or, Religions Exercises for Every Day in the Year. By Rev. Nelson I Head. ELEANOR'S VICTORY. A Novel: By M. E. Brad don: VINCENZO A Novel. By 7. Engine. PETER CARRADINE; or, The Martindale Peet.eral By Caroline Cheesebro WENDEJ.J. PHILLIPS' srmasa, and oelo E COMPANY, NO. et L ELPHIA n fitIidRANCR TORS. B. D. Woodruff, Geo. A West, John Kessler; Jr., ChM. Stokes. A. U; Rosenholm, Joseph D. Rills. • OK. President. . RDSON, Vice President. • D. Secretary. " MUM ocl6-12t oal2 , Bmit NEW PUBLICATIONS. BORDER AND BASTILE 80 cents!:Bo cents! 80 cents!! BORDER AND BASTILE, SO cents t 80 cents! 80 cents!! BORDER AND BASTILE, 80 cents! SO cents! SO cents!! PITCHER'S: SOS CHESTNUT Street. All new books at a discount from the l'oblieber's pn cse. ✓ 0c18.3t O NLY COMPLETE EDITIONS. Mrs Wood's Novels. M. E. Braddon's Novels: - Miss Mulock's Novels; At 20 per cent. discount from publishers' 'prices. PITCHER'S, 808 CH HSTNOT Street. FSerta fol. a catalogue of Card Pictures. 0c16.31; TTAZARDI3 EGOKSTORE, 724 carsrmarr sTsParr. Beiween gveith and tighth ~llBw tusnally to be had In a F I AST..OLASS BOOKSTORE, Will alC✓aye b e r e z.nd on our shelves AT TiiE LOWEST PRICES. VOLORED CARD PHOTOGRAPHS at LOW PRICES. G.. W. - PITCHER'S labant and Picture store. 9013 CHESTNUT Stnet. T 0c16.3t TTARRIS' DENTAL SURGERY': - 5 --n- THE EIGHTH 'EDITION . The Principles and .Practice of Dental' Surgery. by Chapin A. Barrie, M D.. D. D. S., late President of the Baltimore College el Dental Surgery. ac.. 3tc. , the eighth edition. enlarged and revised. with three hundred and twenty illustrations. t7ne vol , royal octavo. Price $5. MED/CAL, 'DENTAL AND SCIENTIFIC . BOORS. A"arge assortment always on hind, for sale at low prices, by LINDSAY BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers. ocl2 - %,SOIETTH SINTH Street, above Civm,tant. WANTS. WANTEV:=A YOUNG MAN TO AS ir SIT in a Dry Goods Commission House; one who has had Foxe experience preferred. Address "D. X. P.."Ahis office. 0017-315 TO DR - OGG-El S.---WANTtD TO -FUR -A- CHAFE, a DUG" and PRE6CRIPTION - STORE; will nay cash for a good Joestion, where the business could be increased. address Box 2133 P. O. odEr-3t'. WANTED -AMERICANS AND GER MANS to 41IMES 141 r a first-class Life Insaramee Company . . Address Box 1337 Philwielphia P. 0.. with name and references. oe16:30. WAN i rEb-A:• YOUNG MAN WHO _ writes, a • good rapid hand and is quick at figures. Address ••Box• 565 Philadelphia Post Ware in handwriting of applicant. with reference, and stating amount of salary expected. • ocls the 2t* SEXTON WA n .,TED FOR NATIVITY CHURCH, corneiZt ELEVENTH and IHOUNTVER NON Streets: none ne.adepoly unless well recommended. .Address WM. HOBART. BROWN; 626 North EIGH TEENTH Street. stating where an interview may be had, and giving references. - ocls-3t* WA_NT E D- $l5 PER "DAY.-WE V want reliable, energetic canvassers and agents in every county, for a genteel business, at a commission of from 1t.5 to $l6 per day. No humbug. gaperlonced canvassers preferred, but room for all Address - C. M DDNN 3z CO_ Publishers, - At either Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois. or 1.85 ItEaDE F treet, New York. jy233m* LOAN WANTED.- $5O 000. WANTED for five years. on inside business property in the city of Chicago, which cannot fail to be ratisfactory se curity. Addre,e, with real name and terms ; .' 'Drawer," 5880, P. 0., Chicago, 111. 0c13400 $6O A MONTH! WE WAN' AGENTS at 060 a month, expenses paid, to sall our EVERLASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS, and thirteen other articles. lb Circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. sell-d&WMge A ft DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. -FErLADELPHIA, Feb.& 1931 VESSELS WANTED housedhttedy to carry' 0611 k the following points: Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. Newborn, N. C. Port Royal, S. C. A. BOTD, felo-tf Captainand Assist. Quartermaster. BOARDilit;. BOARDING FOR A. GENTLEMAN' and wife or single gentlemen, in a private family. where they can have the comforts of a home. Address 634 Borth EIGHTH. Street, above Green. ocl7-21.* A FAMILY, CONSISTING OF FOUR or five persons, (no children). di sire private board. ing for the winter in a first-class house, between and including Spruce and Chestnut streets (Walnut. ox Chestnut preferred.) They wish a well-furnished front parlor and three bed-rooms, a private table, withxi od accommodations, and the comforts of a home, for which liberal compensation will be made. Address P. 0. Box 198. - ocl3-6t FOR SALE AND TO LET. COAL YARD FOR SALE.-THE •,-" best fated-up YARD in the city; capacity foldoing any amount of business. Inquire on the premises. No. 957 North NINTH St., below Girard avenue. oci7- 6t. TO LET-L-GERM ANTOWN HOUSE, ON RITTENHOUSE, West or GREEN Street, Gas. Water. Ban. and Range.,Apply to WM: H. BA CON. 25 nortb FODRTH Street. eel7-6t. .PTO - RENT—A SUPERIOR RESl mai DENCE, 00 feet tient. situated at No. '2002 West Debit+ cy Place. Also, a three-story brick residence, in complete order, situated at No. - 7U Spruce street.. Ap pl y to ROBERT MAC GREGOR, 410 WALNUT Street. - di FOR SALE CHEAP, THREE .= STallY Brick DWELLING. 1436 North THIR TEENTH Street: ari the modern conveniences; good yard, &c.; will be sold considerably below its real value. Also, 2014 WALLACE Street. with side yard. Also, 2023 MOUNT VERNON Street, with side yard. Together with a great variety of properties, in various localities, and at prices ranging from $l.OOO t i $lO.OOO. B. F. GLENN, 1.23 South FOURTH Street. ocl7 And S. W. corner SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. SI FOR SALE-A. DESIRABLE SITE •Glii FOR A MANUFACTORY. —All that premises known an CLAItEhOIi HALL, situate on the north eide of CHERRY Street ; between Sixth and. Seventh streets. containing in front on said Cherry street 36 feet. and ex tending in length or depth northward of that width lid feet to•Cresson (lata Haines) street. This property being so central, andhairing the advan tage of two fronts. dm., is especially worthy the atten tion of those who may wish to pnrcha. e a site far erect ing a manufactory, public school, ( r any other large . . Apply to WILLIAM M LEVICK, oc]7-G to th.R. No. 331 Nor.h SIXTH btreet F OR SALE—A DESIMARLE Tenth-street Residence. No, 314; lot 22x1C0. Thir teenth-street - Residence .. below 'Walnut ; lot 1E15.155. Number of others in different localities. - 00.5 E PETTIT, 323 WALNUT Street. T 0 ENT-NORTH FOURTH Street DWELLING. No. 538.3witb large back build ings.- modern conveniences; and. stable in the rear.. NY oclS-3t• P. T. &J. H MORRIS. 916 ARCH Street. de MOUNT VERNON-STREET' REST AUL DENCE.—A very desirable dwelling on MOUNT TERNOts street west of Nineteenth street, having all the modern improvements. For sale by HON.A.CE ecl2 6tito . /44 south POITRUI street. NORTH BROAD:STREET RESI DENCE:—For salee • n handsome Piston. stone front Your. storldwelling• with three stopy double bank on ROAD street,,below Colombia avenue. Has all the modern conveniences. Lot _tsveaty-four feet front and two hundred; feet deep to Carlisle street . Apply to HORACE. FRITH, Conveyancer. • 0c12,6ti 144 South FOURTH street. MRS. C. A.. i3ITRG-IN'S SCHOOL FOR 'YOUNG LADIRS, lon' WALNUT' Street. A few Pupils can be received for the windy of French. and German. ocl3-11n5 iIIDEXI.-=:NE* OLAIUFIED CRAM. PAGb E CIDER, of a superior quality, by the barrel or hogshead. For sale by' 10fIL MA.TRIER. oel6-12tif = Nos. 1510,15156 and 124 LOMBARD St. VrORGA.N; ORR, &'OO. , STEax. /LA ENGINE BUILDERS. Iron Fonviliers. and Genesi Machiziets and'Boller Makers,lio. 1210 OALLOWHILIt Strad. Ptiliaalublk CONCERT - HALL EDWIN ADA.NB • AND MAUL ue. HERON WILL GIVE A BEADING for the Benefit of the • • SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS OD TAE WEST PHILADELPHIA HOSPITAL, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, October 17th, at S o'clock P. 111. The Celebrated Band attached to the Hospital iSiB btF ;i3 at'endance. Tickets GO Comte. For sale at all the principal Mario and Book stores. ocl6-3t WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Leseee Mrs , . M GARRETT/30Y. THE GREAT COMBINATIODIARq. aTILDA At APM EDWIN ADAMS; " THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, Oct. 17, 1363. THIS STRANGER. • Kea Haller, Mlee Matilda Heron: Stranger, E. L.lllton. To conclude with tee historical DCFLMO. of - TEE CARPENTER OF ROTTEN. Marteail. Mr. Edwin Mame: Mad. Grander. Mrs Thayer,. Box Office open daily from 10 till 3 o'clock. whect his may be secured - . nel7 3,IRS. JOHN DREW'SI NEW AROII - THEATRE—ARCH Street above KIM. Acting and Stage Manager WM. S. FREDERICRIL BTIPiI3PAN Agent and Treaanrer.'.,.7oB.. D. MTIRPHY, LAST DIOHT OF RICHINGSrOFERA TROUPE - - - _ (TO-NIGHT (sATrii - WAY), Oct. 17, 1863. THE ROBEMIAN GIRL. Arline To conclude with THE ROBBER'S WIFE _ . Mr. Briarly _ _ _ _ Barton Mill, Mark Radian d Mr. Aiken:. &tinny. Maeftle.. Stuart Robison. Rose Radian d Isabel Freeman. ON AIONDAY. October 18 . 18A3. B. L. DAVENPORT. J W WALLAS, and MRS. BARREN wilt appear Tickets, 25.50; and 76 cents. No extra charge for mama seP is at the Box Office. trona 10 A M to SP. M. NEW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE.- Lames and lYfanarer Mr. WM. WHILLTIMr. SIXTH NIGHT OF MISS LUCILLE WESTERN, On which occasion she will appear in the great sauna-, tionel play. founded upon .Mrs. Henri Wood's popular novel, entitled EAST LYNNE', in. tstbicb Abe will euetain t er dual characters of LADY ISABEL and MADAME. VINE, supported by the following art We : Mr. S. D. kabob', F. klordarnst„E Lamb, J. W. Blais dell, J. Seymour, De Forest, and others: Idioms Welle, Eons Bytinge, Miller, Cooper, Mrs. Marlow.= others. Bur it the recent production of this play at this es tablishment it attracted the ___ LARGEST AUDIENCES ever within its walls. SEATS igAy BE SECIIRSD ocl4-3t THREE BAYS TN ADVANCE. FOX'S C4SINO, Pomitively the LAST SIX NIGHTS eimeieting of MALE AND FEMME ACROBATS. Previous toy their departnr. , for California. CONTINUED SUCCESS of the - GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. cenelstlng of Talented Performers. Grand Itatin6e every Eaturday for Ladies and Mar dren. &l- r TEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSEMBLY. -A- BUILDINGS. TENTH AND CHESTNUT STREW& Amusement for Old and Young. Mirth and HaPPlAwili open for Hie season. Constant change of Entertainment. SIGNOR BLITZ. - EVERY EVENING. commencing at ni o'clock:, gat Wednesday and Saturday at 3, consisting of New Itri testes in Necromancy, great success in Ventriloquial, and the Learned Canary. Birds. Admission 76 cents; Children 16 cents. sell-tr- (71..ERM ANIA ORCHESTRA. PUBLIC "•-•"' REHEARSALS commonco October 17th, at 3NE o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND BALL, and contintif every Saturday. Single tickets. 25 cent,. Packaima of FIX tickets, $l. To he bad at ANDRE's,II.O4 CHEST NUT Street: .T. E. GOULD, SEVENTH and CHEST ECUT,, and at the Hall door. oc:12-3m. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY . 0 . 1 THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from Si A. K 1211 B P. M. Admiasion 26 cents. Children half price. 1O 42 , • - POINT BREEZE PA_RIT, PHILABELPHIA..—FALL TROTTING MEETING, RM. WrioNESDA.Y, Oct. 14th. $5OO Preminm --1 !:iile Heats. best 3 in 5, to Harness. Dan Mace e"..'ters bk g. •• General Butler." ' John Croce enters s." California Damsel." 7 Thos. -"0Connell enters b. g. "Keystone," SAME DAY. $5O Premium—Mile Heats. ' G. W. Fitzwater enters U.. — I.Jos. Hedley • olare „. amers s. g. " Johnny." "" ~tichrist enters Bay Mare. John Turner enters b. in. " Boston Girl." M. Goodwin enters bg. Point Breeze Sam McLaughlin enters b. m." Lady Thorn." THURSDAY, Oct. 15th. $3OO Continental Hotel Premium—Mile Heats, best 31113. to Harness. John Turner enters b. In. " May Queen." ' Thcs..hicCormell enters b. g "Keystone." . M. Goodwin enters b. g. " Point Breeze. " SAME DAY. $2OO Premium—Mile Heats, beet 3 in 6, to Wagons. John °Harju ;enters Bay Mare. J . a Wheglsrentere - g."John J. Wheeler." 8. cio!C entere b. g. Harry of the West." Dan Dr aw an t,-:rs 13 m. "Lady Tompkins." Fs', TI AV. Oct. I.sth. Premium—Mile Heats, 3 In 5 , to Wagons Dan Mace enters bk. g. Genera. Rader." John Crook enters e.m ` California .DgmseL S. Clark enters b. g. ' Duchy. SAME DAY. SICO Premium—Two Miles and Repeat, to Harness. Joe HedleY enters e. g "Johnny." S. Clark enters b. g • • Titman " • Dan Mace enters b " Lady Tompkins." SATURDAY.; Oct. 17th Val Premium—Mile Heats best 3in 5, to Han**. John Turner enters b, m. " May Queen." S. Clark enters b. g. "Dptchy:" M. Goodwin enters b. g 'Point Breese." SAME DAY. $lOO Premium—Mile Heats best in sto H . eddle. John J. Wheeler enters b. g. Fra - uk. Dan Mace enters b. in. Lady Tompkins." Sark McLoughlin enters b " Lady Thorne." MONDAY. Oct, 19th: s—Prentium—Mile Heats, best 31n to Hamm.. -Dan Pelfer enters br.. s. •" Robert Fillinghamr' Sara McLaughlin enters bk. g. " Lancet. TUESDAY, Oct. %stn. - $lOO Premium--Mile Heats, best 3 in sto Harness. - John Gilchrist enters Bay Mare. J. J - Wheeler enters b. g, "John Henry." Joe. Hedley enters b. g. Johnny." . S. Clerk enters b. In. " Mountain Maid'." Sam McLaughlin enters b. m. " Lady Phil - rte. " Gentlemen's Season Tickets (not transferable); INS which will admit Ladles accompanying, without psy Single Admission. $l. (for Male Adults only.)' Tickets may be obtained at the Continental Hotel,. raS Pierre House, at the Office, and from the Directors. Omnibuses will leave the terminus of the Tenth an& Tbirteenth-streets Railway for the Park. The Annual Subscribers' privilege of being actont- Panird by a male friend, without pay, will be ~vended during the meeting. Members are respectfully reutttsted to waive' tits privilege in their case. Disorderly or improper persons will be summarily ejected - from the premises. No occupancy of the road or footways. for any pnri pose whatever. will be allowed_ Members and Annual Subscribers will please enter the regular gate on the road, as they will not be TOGO& nized by the attendants at the lane gate. A Band of Music will be in attendance each daY. S. KELPATEUCK. Secretary, Office 111 South FOURTH Street. NOW READY SUFFOLK PARK ASSO:.: OF PB CIATIOS BREED 0 F THHORSES.R nuovianurr m The Fall Meeting over the Suffolk Park Course will commence on TUESDAY. Oct 20th, and continue fora' days. The following Premiums will be TUESDAY, Oct. 20—Firet Day. Atli Match between Tbrogsnfok an i Trovatore Four mile heats for $2,000. SAME DAY. Continental Stakes—For Three • Yeir Olds—Subscrip tion $2/rO,. Forfeit sloo—Two Mile Heats. ' , The Conti nental Hotel pretenting the winner with a Purse of low. NOMINATIONS' 1 J. S. Watson's b. a. Capt. Moore, by imported Bal rownie, out of Jennie Rose 2 P. C. Bush's b. c. Ben Bruce, by. Lexington, dam by _Uteri. 1 J. W. Weldon's b. f. Lizzie W., by imnorted thian. out of Priscilla. .1": b f. Lettie Sbannon, by Lexington, ,ut of Sally Shannon. 5 Also; b• L. by Lexington. out - of Magdalen& SAME DAN, Premium it2oo—All Ages—Mile Heats. - WED NESDAT , Oct. g, Premium fox All Ages. S.SCAI--Three Mile Heats. THURSDAY, Oct 22. Presninm for Three Year Olds, s2CO—Mile Heats. SAKE DAY, Premium for All Ages, AWO-Mile Heats—Three in Five- LAST DAY, FRIDAY, Oct 23, Handicap—All Ages—Premium VOO T Four Miles. Fo horse- can - sort for this Premium unless having started during the Meeting Thejudges will handicap the horses at the termination of the third day's race. Entrance money will not be required for this Pre mium, but those who desire to avail 'themselves of the Privilege of starting must deposit 620 with - the Trea surer on - the day previous to the race. If they Wart the money will be returned.: if not, the amount will be for feited, and go:to the second in the race. The Entrance Money will he five Per cent. UPOII the Pretsinms each &arr. and gc to the second horse: - The Preininms n ill be hung np each day at the Jam' stand. . . The following wsigiits must be carried: 3 year olds, 90 lbs. : 4 year, 104 tbs. ; 6year, 1:14 lbs. ; 6 year, 121 7 and nnwards. 126 lbs. . . . . The Rules-of- the. Kentucky Association, at Lexington, to govern the bleating in all other respents. Races to commence pvnctnally at half past 2 o'clock. - Trains for the Park leave Philadelphia, Wilmington.. and Baltimore R:. R Depot, earner Broad and Prime sirs ets, at I:l,sltnd '2 o'clock P. NI. and return after the races are over PRICKS OF ADMISSION: Badges admittinga aentleman and Ladies. good for the entire Meeting. 5.3.7 Tickets to the Race Field-and Stand. $E - ,q-Tickets bought at the Depot admit to the Races, and liecure Pascale. over the railroad to and front the - Track. BADGES AND TIMETS for sale at the Continental Hotel, and Girard Bowe r 0 Ladies admitted to the 'stand un less accompanied by Gentlemen. .Tbe array of thoroughbreds in preparation for the ap proaching-contests is without FL 'parallel in the history of the Amer . iean ,Nearly fifty Horses are upon the ground,. 'Armed for the tight and ecger for the Tray: comprising eelections of the best stock of Louisiana, 'Kentucky,. Tennessee, Virginia. New York, New Jer sey, and the Canaries The Paterson Races, which pre cede those at. Philadelpbia, will enhance the interest here by bringing flesh victors into the arena. The Continental Stakes, which come off on the Brat day, bring together the best Three Year Olds that ever figured in. the North. In short, it is hazarding but lit tle, in promising to lovera of the exciting sport and se yere conteste,.the beet opportunity ever offered to this citizens of Pennsylvania. _ C. FOFFY, Treasurer and Peet, CONTINENTAL HOTEL. Philadelphia. s2olt El WA RD.-LOST-ON THE 6th inst.. a BLANK. NOTE, signed. N. N. STOKES. Above toward if left at 702 ARCH Street. All persons are cautioned. against negotiating any notes. Of N. N. STOKER. B CERTIFICATE'. - OF CITY LOAN,. No. 2,674 for $lOO. due January, 1244, name of HEIXEY HARPER. Mateo. • - se26-561.* OS' T—CIRTIFIC.A.TE No. 12, FOR PUTT . - SHAMES OF STOCK in the DELAWABM MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, in the name of W. A. NEWBOLD. All persons are hereby cautioned. against negotiating the same, as application has been. made to the Company for its renewal. -_ au29Bl2t* ------ --• WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD, vie MEDIA. PALL ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, September 14th Iso3, the Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the depat. north.. east corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets. St 7.45 end 10.50 A. M., and at 2 and 4.15 P. M. A Freight Train, with Passenger Car -attached, will leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET' Streets. (West Philadelphia) at 6.45 P. M. Trains leave tho.corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MAR gm Streets (West Philadelphia), 17 minutes after ther starting time from EIGHTEENTH and MARKET. The Trains leaving Philadelphia at T. 50 A. K aM 4.16 P. M., connect with Trains oaths?. and S. 0. R.R. for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, dtc. - MSNRY WOOD, General Superintendent. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE .01110 ER AND WRITE WIN VINEGAR, GREEN - GINGER, MUSTARD SIM. SPICES, &a., ALL TSB 3113Q171131TE8 /OR PRESERVING AND PICKLING PURPOSES. ALBERT 0_ ROBERTS. Dealer in Pine Groceries, Corner ILIMIMPIk and. ynni Streeke, D. MARCHA.NT I'ORTRAIT - 1 - 4 . 1 PAINTER, has removed to - LOCUST Street. where .he will be glad to see his .111 ends and those of thsk . yublic who may be Interested in hla line of ark . "•-; TAKE SUPERIOR INGOT COPPER. fr°lo Amy ad WE& stare and 101. tic 1:I f/UMW to it WOXRATH'S 1033. the . CAS ARM BOWL AMIISEMBWMCI .:1;11613 CAINEROi RIC BINGO. CHESTNUT STRM. GYRO ARABIC TROUPE THE TURF. 0 WagOIIS I.OST AND FOUND. RAILROAD LINES.
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