MARRIED. • PINKERTOON—DOWRINGI.—Iin Wednesdev, Onto 7th, at Wean WhiteJaad, Pa., by the Rev qui, K. bfoore. John . J. Pinkerton and. Sallie M., only daughter .Of Richard J. Downing, Esq. DIED_ LIWI6.—On Beyenth-day. the 10th ( natant, Bltzaboth Lewis, of West Vincent, Cheater county. Funeral on Few th day, the 14th. at 'A o'clock. well BARTHOLOMNIC—On the hith -blatant. A. Phillips 'Bartholomew, Eon of Amp:Mine aud. Mary A. lla.rtholo 4aevt. Eh relative': end friends are invited to 'attend hLs fa troll, me parent 'n residence No 119 North Vif teenth street, on Wednesday next, the 14th instant, st AO o'clock, A. 01., without farther notice. BIRKIIIINSO N. At Bristol, on Revent,b-day evening, A nn daughter of the late Sohn fi uteh The friends of the family are invited to attend her fans. -ral from bar late residence, on Fourth day next. at -o'ol,ok A. M, eport of Interments. HEALTH OVFICB. October 10.1803. to in the Mint of Philadelphia 1 to the 10th of Oct.. 18119. Weekly It Vetatha and Intrirm „from the 36 Ong OF DEATH I?attv - degeneration of Liver Gout Etrom?rrhage Uteri +..:. Bronchi.... Kidneys .. Larynx.... Liver „, • • ” Yeritenrim . " Siom &Bow. '• Uterus.. i I -Agit i b: l tults anti Boaa.— Catcer erttop Cltatmeition. holera Cholera Pgramps Wonstgoti9n t Jtungs. isowels Conyulaiotts '. I Melra a r lra do 1 l' ,Br Ab ain miusil ,' Heart - - - Insanity. Inanition. Inj n cies on min) d aun•iice Lott inporanoo.. ...... Mania-a-Potti • • ..... Nal form tau n • &swam ne Sleaslos Necrosis Nervous irritation.. Old Age Palsy Pyein is Rheumatism silt-born Sypuille Tabos Me3enteCien • . Teething Team is Tinknown Tirtomia Wounds--iitinehot,.. pipdaearof Brain... .• Heart... t.: Stone..... 1 .' Bidneya Sterna. Cliebt.". Liver.... lehility lysentery roamed pllepsY ell from WthdOW..• lrocture of p71t011.... 1aver...,...,,, qqqq . q I " Conguitive.... Scarlet .. ...... " Typhus _" TyPhold fetal OF THE ABOVE THERE WEBB — ' Ihder I Tear. (2' Fr 40 to 00 From Ito 2 17 " 60 to 60 1 ' 2to 5 32 " 00 to 70.. , sto 10 7 " 70 to 80 1: 10 to 10. 4 " 80 to 90.. 15 to 20 lO " 90 to 102. te'.3o I " 20 SO to 40 29 36 Total. I' " WARDS. I WARDS. First. MTenth 6 pecona -I - Eleventh S Thlra. . • • 61Twelftla. 6 senrth . 11:Thirteenth 9 3Ntth 121Fonrteenth. ..... 4 IS.Xth 2, Fifteenth 34 ISventh. 101 Sixteenth. 7 ~,. eghth. 10 i SeTenteenth.....l7 4 ,4 nth .. . . ...... 91Eighteentb. ID Total. le6not deaths from the country, Nit deaths in the city 264 Nabrity,-Dnited States, 154 ; Foreitra, Eft ; Unknown, 17, Fnna the Almshouse, 6 ; People of Color, 9; from the 43.onnry, 16. Thi number of deaths. compared with the correspond tujiveeke of 1862 and of last week, wee as follows : Wok ending October 11, 1862, was 241 Week ending October 3. 1863, Witf. 277. Male., 149; Females, 121; Boys, 72 ; Girls, 50. Deahe and interments of soldiers in the city, 18 135 , oiler of the Board of Health. WILLIAM READ. Health Officer. TACK. AND PURPLE SAXONY 'LAMS. Marie printed Mousselines, Poplins, Baps, &c. Mack and White FiVig 'Houmalines. 3lackFregcb Mi3rinoes. n ,. 31aok Warp Cashmeres. RN*. Glossy Mohair Lustres. ' Mack Australian Crapes. Black Bordered Cambric Handkerchiefs. Purple and Lead liid Gloves, . Black French and Irish Popimq. Just received by BBPON . & SON. .000 Mourning Store, No. 919 CirEiTNITT BLACK MIXED WATER-PROOF mo . FIB. rown Mixed itEPELLANTS. & LANDZI.L. EYRE & LANDIO,L, FOURTH and ARCH, have a fine ete.nok of 13inevils, 'Poplins, and Merinos. 6.4 Searlet Opera Moths. Purple Opera Cloths. Blue Opera Cloths. ne2 PENNSYLVANIA. • 1-101ITICULTU nA I, SOCIETY. 8i1. , ).a1) and CLIE)T display of Yruifs., Flowers, and •Vegatables, EVEIIII , IO. - It TO THE VOTER'S OW THE : SEVENTEENT.O-REP&E3tiNPaTIOLO •STRIO P. A circular was issued yesterday by the Demo ratio candidate for Atiodt bly. or some of his friends, addressed to "Temperance Men," with my name at toe bottom of • It. Will you titmt your :Interests In the hands of men ytvho will commit forgery to obtain office ? it JAMES MILLER, Bfarket at , ' , tot of Fortieth. MOOLII-IE NATIONAL :UNTO CITY EXE -I:ITLVE COMMITTaR will meet at their Rooms, coMECwiIfWEAL7II. BUILDING CREST:NUT' htreet. above Sixth, 'TUN (Tuesday) EVENING. at'half past eight o'clock. for the purpose of receiving the returns of 7,tectlon. By order of the Committe JAMES FREEBORN, Chairman. JOHN J. FRANKLIN • Secretaries. 11ENRY B. aRDINER, } It ELECTION RET Int S —IIIOIIILLY RETURNS of the great hleotion hold this LAY twill be received and read TO.DAY at BERRY'S jinn In SIXTH, street. below CHESTNUT, ?until the close of tho polls. COM - F. AND lIE LB.! Att. - C. M. BERRY. DIRS. lt . - 31,J0NE5,111. - Do UTLIREM THIS (Monday), and each AY ettliNc)ON title --(week at Redding M B. Church, SIXTEENTH and coATEs Streets. oda•4t MOFFICE OF TIIE FIELA.NKLIN IRE INSURANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, October 12, 1863. At a renewal meeting of the ntocknolders. of - the Com pany, held pursuant to charter, the following-natued qventlemen were elected to serve as Directors for the en suing year: 1 Charles N. Be nclter, David S. Brown, Tablas Wagner, , L Dam Les, .S . amnel Grant. C Edward C. Data, Jacob R. Smith,' • Geo. Bales, Geo. W. Richards', Alfred Fitter. And at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, Cllktu t ts N._ BANCRER, Esq . ; was reelected BPreaident, and EDWARD C. DALE, Fog. Irma presi. tient. . J. W. IIica.M:IITEB, ocl2-3t Secretary. pro tem. IMOFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE INStIRANCF. COMPANY. - PFULADELPFITA, October 12th. 1863. . , . . The Directors have this day declared a dividend of SIX TER CENT. for the last six menthe. which will be paid to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on and after the 22. d inst., exclusive of all taxes. ocla•Pt• A. C. L CRAWFORD, Secretary. NOTICE.-4PHE ANNUAL MEET• tlb INC of the Stockitelders of the t HILaOELt'HIA, CEEINANTOWN, ANTSANOERtSTOWN 'RAILROAD COMPANY will he held, at the Office of the lontoany, corner of NINTH end - ORAEN Streets, on MONDAY, the ..second day of November next, at 10 o'clock A. M. An ELECTION, to choose four 'Managers to serve three years, and one lo serve two years, will be held the same day, at the same place, immediately ater the close of the aforementioned meetinir, and e at 0 • ocl3tuthe•tdno W. S. WILSO N, Secretary. CODIDIERCIAL BANK OP PENN . DYLYANI A. PAILADALPIITA, October 12, 1866 'The ANNUAL MEETING of the ;stockholders of this 'Bank will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the third day . of November next. at 12 o'clock M. .. The annual ELECNON for Directors will be field at tthe Banking Boner, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of 70Yember next, between the hours of 10 o clock A. M. andl o'clock P. M. oel3tuths-116no S. C. PALMER, Gambler. _111. , :f CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGB, 637 CILECTSUT &root, (corner of Ss- VLnth. )—lnstruction in Book-keeping, - Penmanship. Commercial Calealation, Forms, &c Individual Instructions. Day and Zveninsc, CIAT.O.LOGif so ready for distribution. . sel.o-30 yy CITY COMMISSION P,RS' OFFICE, PHILADELPRIA,• October 12. 1862. TO THE JUDGES AND lOW - ROTORS OF ELEC TCONR. The City Commissioners will furnish the election chi ,gtera with their warrants on the following days: For the lit, 2d, Id, 4th, Oth. and 6th waras on Wednes day, October 14. For the 7th, Bth, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th wards on vhureday. Octob. r 16. For the 13th, 14th, 10th, 16th, 17th and 18th wards on . - rridaY, October 16. For the 19t1e,.20th. 21st, 02d, 23d, 24th and 25th wards .en Saturday.. October 17. JOHN A. 110118RMAN, JOHN JO '‘ , NSON, JOHN GIV6fI, City Commissioners. NOTICE TO IFACIITBII N.—A. second meeting of organization of tee ACM CLUB will be held on WE ONES!) AY EVENING, ;Oct. 1.4, at the "P.Lel'lbfE,' No. 816 WALNUT Street. od 8 o'clock. All persons connected with Yachts ' and "who are interested in the enterpriee. ar , respect falty in sited to attend. J. RANDOLPH sE J.NO., B. BEAU , Chairman. Aeoretary pro tern. oc9-st. PFNOTICE, --12R. SABITTRY. A. 3.1 . 11.- LIR, residing In York street. above Amber, is DAY appointed ASSISTANT ASSESSOR of DI- Irision No. 13, vice Montgomery Joh STCH E D nson, dense. e UD 3, FL D, U. S. Assessor Third Di.trict, Ya. FRIENDSHIP DIVISION, NO. 19, SuNs OP TEMPERANCE. MEETS AT FRIENDSHIP HALL. ;WRYER OF '2WELETLI AND FHA SR STREETS. THIS (TOF.SDAI) EVENING at Mi . o'clock. se22oc6&tiltJa7 11WOFFICE OF THE F ANTI. LIN FLEE INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Oct 6, 1933. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company. aield this day, a Semi-Annual Dividend of SIX PER CENT., and an Extra Dividend of TEN PE tr. GEN C. was declared on the Capital Stock, payable to the Stookitold vlaoxirt.thelr l c e e g c tl io r t efresen . pWe i r t i fe nrigtz CONSOLIDATION BANK. PHILADELPRIA, Oct. G. - on. Axe election for Directors will be held at the Banking Monte, on MONDAY. the 16th of NoTember, between the lours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will ba held gut TUESDAY, 3d of November, at 12 M ocd-tuf knol6 JOS. N. PEIR's'OL, Cashier. tan. FARMERS' AND MECIIA.NICH , BANN, PIIILADBLPETA, October 2. 1861 The anneal election for Directors will be hold at the Wanking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November aext between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock R. M.: and on TUISDAY, the third day of November Xent, a ger eral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o'clock P M.. agreeably to charter, W. RUSHTON. Ja., oc9.tnole Cashier. tOta. THE PIULADEPHIA. BANK, Oct. 9, MM. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank Val be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the lid day of NoyeuThe: next. at 12 o'clock M The Anneal Election for Directors will be held on IXONDAY, the 10th day of 'November, betpeen the hours 0(10A, M. and 2.P. Df. B. B. cOmEGrs. odbl-stuth-tnolO Cd,shier. tro• - • MECHANICS' BALK, PIGA. October 5, 11388 The annual meeting of the Stockholders of tiii3 Bank `Will be bald, at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the third day of November, at 12 M. The annual election for DIEEBTORS. to servo tor the Snelling _year, will be held on MOND AY, the sixteenth ales i of November, between the hours of ID A. M, and 2 J. WEIGAND, Jr tatbz tnol6 Ca.bier. BANK OF COMMERCE, PIMA DBLPHIA, October s, 1853. The annual election for DIRECTORS will be held, at L'he Banking Holum, on BOND aY, the sixteenth day of Wovember meetingen th Stockh o ld e rs an he ld U. A general Of the w it be at the same place, on TUESDAY, the third day of D o vem • per nest, at 12 M. J. A. LEWIS, onf.tnths tnol7 Cashie. PHILADELPHIA. 'AND READING iIF.3 . RAIL.ROAD COMPANY, Office 322 South WIRTH Street, PHILADELPHIA, September 2, 1882. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—Tha following-named penman Ewe entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock of this Aorapany. The residence of several of them is nn .'known, and it is, therefore, neeetwary,that the certifi cates of stock should be presented on ceding for the ,Elvldend. _ E BRADFORD , Treasurer. STOCKHOLDERS' NAMES. Mra. Mary Bishop. S. Lancaster, 'Timothy 0. Boyle, ' Percy M: Lewis, if Clement Biddle , Fanny Mary Hitcherson, Ann_ Copeland, John Mclntyre, .A .Essaue and .T. Newbold, John s. Moore, , arwitem. Juries McKnight, Debble_A. Hughes, Beni. F. Newport, Semi. T. Harrison. Bero. Pott, James Hallowell, W R Rodman, &mos W. Hallowell, Sarah Ann Richards, Catherine C. Koppele. ' Benry B. iherer. „del Klapp,,Maria L. Sadler, Mary K u h n ., Andrew Turner, has. Kuhn. „Hartman: Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich, ilruhn_Land J. H. Kuhn, Em Asher M. Wright, Mts. Kuhn. William Young, A. V.' H. Leisee Extrx., W. B. MoVickar, siao James G. iiiehaff. Ex. of Austin Smith. gran S. Lelese, deed. inns Jr Co. geb.stuth-tf 0A171388 OF MUTE weitne Nineteenth. Twentieth.- Twenty-firs !Twenty-sec. Twenty -tali Twenty-fon Twenty-fla. Unknown... POLITICAL. NATIONAL UNION NOMINA. TIONH. STATE OFFIOEBE. FOR GOVERNOR, ANDREW G. CURTIN. FOR 31JDOE OF SUPREME 001:71a. DANIEL AGNEW. DRRATOR-PIRST SRNATORILL DISTRICT. JEREMIAH NICHOLS. REPakaßlistearvss. Tut Dhstriat—WlLLlAM FOSTER. 2 d " ' THOMAS I. CHOATE. Id 1 " THOMAS T. WILLS. ith ss ' JOHN D. WATSON. " WILLIAM W. WATT. Bth " ISAAC H. O , HARREL.. 7th " THOMAS 000aRAN. Bth " JAMES N. KERNS. 911 i " CHARLES DUMF. 10th " S. S. PA.NOO/I.ST. nth " ISAAC A. SHEPpARD. 12th " LUKE V. SUTPHIN. 18th WILLIAM, Y. LEADER. 14th " S. FREDERICK GETZ. 16th - WILLIAM F. SMITH. lath " • EDWARD G. LEE. 11th JAMES MILLER. COUNTY OFFICERS. RECORDER OS WARDS. LEWIS E. BROO.DIA_LL. rztOTHOVOTARY 08. DISTRIOT 001:1&T, GEORGE KELLY. OLEICX OT COURT OT QUARTER SESSION% GEORGE R. MOORE. ooßomica. WU.LIA.III TAYLOR. CITY OFFICER& CITY 2IIIIALSIIIIIII3. HENRY BUREN. CITY COMMISSIONER. PHILIP HAMILTON. By order of the City Committee of Superb:Modem:to. se9-t1 NATIONAL UNION .TIORET. - FIFTH WARD. ARSEMELLY. JOHN D. WATSON . . COMMON COUNCIL. A. WILSON HRNSZET. SCHOOL DIRECTORS. BENJAMIN MICKEL. THOMAS FITZGERALD. S. FIISTIN ELDRIDG& FRANCIS Et DUFFS'S (for the unexpired term of C. H. Tisde/l. CONSTABLE THOMAS M. PEARSON. oe7-Bt* p, E IGHTHWARD NATIONAL UNION f . eicK . Err. :TEREIUATI NWHOLS. ASSEMBLY, JOHN D. WATSON. SELECT COUNCIL. ALEXANDER L. HO DGDON. SCHOOL DIRECTORS, JOHN H. ATWOOD. MORRISS PATTERSON. JAMES F. GALOY. M. D„ (For the unexpired term of J. C. Fechin,) WILLIAM F. JUDSON. oc7-6t TENTH WARD. NATIONAL 'UNION TICRET. GOVERNOR-ANDIt6V4 G. CURTIN. JUDGE OE SUPREME CottRT—DANIEL AGNEW. ASSEMBLY, Eighth District—JAMES R. ESRITS COMMON COUNCIL. ISAAC SULGJR. SCHOOL DIRECTORS, CHARLES JISWELL, GAVIN H. WOODWARD, cH39-4t* JOSEPH B. TOWNSEND, TBIRTEENTH WARD NATIONAL -a- UNION TICKET. Assembly, Seventh District—Thomas Cochran. Select Council—James Lynd. School Directors—Georg - a Rockenbarg, Philip Prszer, Charles Baker, John "Academia. for the unexpired term of Spencer Roberta Constables—Joseph E. Shaw, John J. Miller. 0c3,10.12.13-4t. NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOURTEENTH WARD. COMMON COUNCIL AMOS BRIGGS (for 2yeais). - fIENItY C. OEM (for the unexpired term of A. W. Adams, resigned). SCIIOOI. DIRECTORS. SAMUEL SCHELDE, E. W. LEIGHTON. W. FISHER MITCHELL, "ISAIAH G. STRAT.PON, (for the unexpired term of Wm. Ayres, resigned.) oe9-4t. ATOTTi - FOR HON. GEO. W. WOO3zIWARD AND SUE 'IDIVINE INS:LIMNOS OF SLAVERY?' UNION CANDIDATE FOR THE LE• THOAt&S T . 605 tiogni WILLS, - Hatter, n 8 I ol a & :,f; and Caps constantly on hand. sal-l7 t* NEW- PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY. 0. H. WILLARD WILL OPEN THIS DAY HIS NEW GALLERY, • N 0.1206 CHESTNUT STREET. Mr. W. begs:leave to Bay that his accommodations for room (and to make fide work) are not approached by any other gallery in the country, and he hopes by care ful personal attention to give the public better pictures than have heretofore been produced. lt* FEMALFEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF E PENNSYLVANIA, NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE, near Girard College. The Fourteentft Annual Session of this Institntion will commence with a General Introd uc tory.Lecture, by. Prof. Ftweelii. on WEDNESDAY. Oct. 14, at 4 P. M. oclt 2t MRS. C. A. BURGIN'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. No. 1037 WALNUT Street. A few Pupils can be received for the study of French and German. ocl3-Im. WHEREAS, LETTERS TESTA MENTARY upon the Estate of FRANCId GRUND, deceased, have been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same to present them to BENJ. H. BREWSTER. A'tornes at Law, 706 WALNUT Street. 0c1.3-tuths6t.- LARISSA GRIME, Executrix. A UTER'S HAIR DYE, 50 AND 30 Cents a box. 53 THIRD Street, aboTe Chestnut. * -LADIES. WISHING A FINE HAIR. DRESSING, AIITER'S BALM OF ROSES. 53 THIRD Street. above Oheatnnt. , lt* EIMER'S COLOR ED , yrEOTO -1-‘) graphs for fill are Immensely populai; Nrith all their truthfulness, fine quality. and artistic coloring, are ful ly appreciated. Go to RECOND street, above Greebt NOTICE 7 -MANHATTAN LIFE INS. CO. The undersigned, having received the appointment of Agent and Attorney for the MANHATTAN LIFE INS. CO., of New York, hereby informs his friends, and all, persons having business with the company, that he has opened an office at No. 148 WALNUT Street. JAMBS B. CARR, oce• dt.* Sole Agent and Attorney for Philadelphia. 'REIMER'S PORTRAITS SHOULD'BE -La , seen by all admirers of the art. Ilia life-size Phot ographs in oil colors are striking and faithful copies of the originals. SECOND Street, above Green. ••.- , A CORRECT PIANO TUNING. C. K SSIZGENT'S orders for 'lasing and repairing Pianos are received at IlltSoll & CO.'S store, 907 CHESTNUT Street, Mr 8, has had elevenYears'fictorY experience in 803- ton, and five years' employment in Philadelphia. bruin", —Pianos releathered to sound es soft - and sweet toned as new, without removing. Terms for Tuning, $l.l ' oela Suitt - rot EIMER'S COLORED PHOTO -AA. , GRAPHS for $t are always popular with the mosses ; of fine style and quality, artistic and natural in coloring, and at moderate charge SECOND Street, above Given. 11° DIXON'S STOVE POLISH-- Superior to any ever nvide, and never falls to give satisfaction. JOHN 11. ALLEN St CO., _ Wholesale Agents, ood-Ctlf* Nos. 4 and 6 CHESTNUT Street. THE STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRICE -A- of REIBIER'I3 Colored notogra,phs are attributes that make them popular with all. Secure a good like ness at once, at SECOND Street. above Green. it* THE ATTENTION OF GROCERS AND OTHER& is invited to the NEW LIQUID BLACKIAG manufactured by BROWN & BROTHER. Boston. • . This Japan Blacking, with half the usual labor, im parts a most intensely rich lustre and Jet black, equal to the highest Japan Varnish,produces a moat perfect smooth surface. so as not to soil the finest linen, renders the leather easy and pliable, and will retain its virtual in any climate. For sale by the case at THAYER & cowPERTHWAIT'S. se26-unit _ 417 001$131FACIE, Street. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY PURE CIDER AND WHITE WINE VINEGAR. GREEN 'SINGER, MUSTARD SEED. SPICES. &a.. &a. ALL THB REQUIBITBS FOR PRESERVING AND PICKLING PURPOSES. ALBERT C. ROBERTS Dealer in Pine Groceries, eels-ti Corner ELEVENTH and. VINE Streets. JOHN L. CAPEN, PH.RENOLO ‘4 atm may be consulted, DAY and EVIINING, on Atli,adaptation to Business Trade. and Profession; on the improvement of health, correction of &rate, formation of friendships, &o. de scriptlons of character given when'required, at No. SI S. TEBTH Street. above Chestnut. sea-tbetu6mif D. MARCHANT, PORTRAIT -•-•• PAINTER, has removed to 919 LOCUST Streot, wb ere he will be glad to see his friends and those of the Public who may be interested in his line of art. oce Mt* if AN OFFER.-I HEREBY OFFER A reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS to any one who will produce a pasty who has refused to take a TEN-DOLLAR DEMAND NOTE The above reward will be_pald upon application at the Orleans House CHEST NUT bt., opposite Independeuce Hall. Cool 2-201 J. C. A. I ORGAN ORR & CO. -STEAK . ENGINE BUILDERS, Iron Founders, and General Illachtziete and Boller Makere,No. 1%10 CALLOW HILT Street, Philacielpbia. 64124 r CORPS OF HONOR, U. S. A. BEADDHARTIIIIS REONATITUDI SERVICE, INVALID CORPS FOR PHILADELPHIA. 243 BORED THIRD Street, Philanelphia, ea. SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of dia• ability will auply for NV ALID information fo CORPS r enliatmenA in the I to Lieut. 111.113Eit BAS fIAB. Invalid Cortes. 243 B Third street, Philadelphia, Lieut. J. W. DliAtt, Invalid Corps, 611 Brown street, and N. E. corner Broad and Spring Garden ets.. Pay and !allowances, excepting bounty and Pension. ROW.. as in U. S. Infantry. E. W. MATTHE WS, Major let Pa. Art and Sapt. Invalid Corps for Philadel phia. aw6-t1 . DANA TROOP.-TIIE SUB scribers to the fund to buy horses for the DANA TROOP will meaty., fift3-- five per coat. ' of the amount futbseribe3 by militia on the Eubecrfb•r, No, 320 WALNtIP 'Area. ocl2 ft. WM. P. JF.NItS, Treasurer, NonuE TO-DRAFTED MEN O 1 THE TWENTY-FIR 1' WARD. • The Board of llnrolment of the FOURTH. DNTRICT hereby gyre ncdice to all persons drafted in the TWENTY FIRS'r WARD, (bein g tho Fourth sub. district,) that they will commence the hearing of cases of persons claiming exemption: ' or those desiring to offer substitutes, on ' - WEDNRS October 14. 16118, At the HEADQUARTERS, corner BROAD and APRTNQ ()ADORN Streets, and will hold daily semitone for this Purpose until the entire ward is completed. The eeileo s , as rued upon d rafted men are all numbered., and the following order for the hearing' of CMHO3 has boon resolved np..n, and will be strictly adhered to, via: Wednesday, October 14th, NOS. 1 to 110, ioulttsim, do 15th. do 51 to 100, do Friday, do lath, do 101 to 150, do Bet nrdaY, do 17th, do 751 to WO. 'do Monday, do. 19th, do 201 . to 250, do "Tuesday. do 20th,: do 251 to ruo; do Wednesday. do : Elet, do 331 to 350, do Thursday, do 22d, do 3.11 to 400, do Friday do 23d, do 401 tn 46; do Tlic• hours of session Will he from 3 to 12 o'clock A, EL , and from 1 to 4 o'clock P, EL These having substitutes to offer will be hoard first in oire , k , on each of these days. . 1 WY= Persons failing to report spots tbe days fixed as ail , . o for their hearing, will render themselves liable to orrest as Deserters. 11N—Tho limo for lie hearing of cases in the Twenty fourth ward is extonded until thrthor uotics. - . • : EL LANE, Captain and Provoet C. B. BARKs.,3I`. Oommiasioner of Board.. J RALSTON WELLS, toirgeOn of Board. rITILADIMPITFA. October 7, 188.3. 0c7.6t N OTICE TO DRAFTED MEN IN TIIR TWENTIETH WARD. -- ITRADEPT ARNIM 'FOURTH 'DISTRICT. Oct. 6 18F3. —Notice is hereby given to all par sers draV.ed in the Twentieth 'ward. and woo have fatted to roper: so the Board of Enrolment. at - Headquarters, Broad any? Spring Garden streets. that they must do so psi or before Monday next, October 12th. or they will be considers( and treated as deeorturs, and a reward of Ten Dollars will be paid for their arrest and delivery at Eleodgnarters. No person so arrested can oscuPe Par- Amu! Service. D. M. LANE. Captain and Provost Marshal. CHAS B HABRETT, Commissioner of Board. J. RALSTON WELLS. Surgeon of Board. oc6-13t 5 . 20 5. IST NOVEMBER 5.205. COUPONS WANTED. EARLY CERTIFICATES OF INDIO rEDNESS WANTED. - STEELING EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD BY DREXEL & 00., oelo-1m • 34 Smith THIRD Street, 6-20. Tj " 8 * 5-20. The undersigned, as General Sabeeription Agent; to authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury tooontigue the sale of this popular Loan. and TEN DAYS notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS remain tumid. and this amount is scarcely sufficient to famish a basis for the circulation of the National Banking Associations now being formed in every part of the Country. Bat a short time mast elapse before this loan is wholly ab sorbed, the demand from Europe, Germany especially, being quite active. As it is well known that the Secretary of the Trea sury has ample and unfailing resources in the duties on imports, internal revenues, and in the issue of interest bearing Legal ' s r.euder Treasury Notes, it is . nearly cer tain that it will not be necessary for him for a long time to come to bane further permanent Lotum, the interest and principal of which are payable in Gold. These considerations mast lead to the prompt condo- Sten that the time is not far distant when these "Five- Twenties" will sell at a han'dsome premium, as was the result with the "Seven-thirty" Loan, when it wee all sold, and could no longer be subscribed for at par. This is a the interest and principal being payable in coin, thus yielding aboat inowr per cent. per arumm at the present premium on gold.. It is called " Five-Twenty," from the fact that whilst the Bonds may run for tioSsitt , years, yet the Govern ment has the right to pay them Win gold at par, at any time after jive years. The interest le paid half yearly on the Eirst'days of No vember and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonds which are paya ble to bearer and issued for $5O. $lOO. 8609. and $l,OOO, or Registered Bonds of similar denominations, and in addition $5,000 and 810.000. These "Five-Twenties" cannot be taxed by States. cities, towns, or counties, and _th...oo,cvnerae...6 =era' only one and a half per cent, on the amount of income, when the income exceeds six hundred dol lars per annum. Income from all other investments, such as mortgages, railroad stocks, bonds, Sic., inns pay from three to five per cent. tax on the income. lilliCIMIEli11111:1 Batas and Bankers throughout the country will con tinue to dispose of the Bonds, and 'all orders by mall or otherwise properly attendedlo. The Treasury Department having perfected-arrange manta for the prompt delivery of Bouds, Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of subscri bing. or at farthest in FOUR days. This arrangement will be gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on pay ment o f the money, and will greatly increase the sales. 13VBSORIPTION AGENT, MICHAEL_ XACOBS, BANNER, No. 16 Sonih THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, SPECIE, AND UNCLIE RENT MONEY BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT. AND SOLD ON CqIIMISSION. Particular attPrition paid to the Negotiation of Time Paper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. ocs-3m COLLECTION OF 11. S. CERTIFI CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. —The ADAMS' =- PRESS 0031 - PANT are now prepared to collect, at the Tresteory Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One;Year Certificates of In• debtedness of the United States now. due or shortly metering. Terms made known and receipts given at the office. No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. myb-tf INSURE YOUR LIFE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY WHICH OFFERS MORE ADVANTAGES TO INSURERS 6 ITS PROMINENT FEATURES ARE AS FOLLOWS Permanent CAPITAL STOCK of 51125,000, now. largely added to by accumulation. Stockholders receive LEGAL INTEREST ONLY nn their stock, which the capital has thus far mOILE than earned for them. Policy "holders receive ALL THE PROFITS It is the ONLY Stock Company whose charter ex pressly requires the distribution of ALL THE PROFITS among thd Policyholders, thus being purely mutual in character. The Company has, therefore, all the advantages and 'security of a STOCK AND MIJTUAL COMPANY COM BINED, - without their separate disadvantages. lividends to Policy holders once credited are never forfeited. This is the oxiv Company that guarantees this simple act of justice. Proportion of Assets to Liabilities is larger than most other companies. The following figures, from the.olli lal report of the Moneta:reeks Insurance Commission ers. for January, 1E63. page 22, show the standing of ten companies doing business in Philadelphia, con sidered as to the security furnished by their entire assets for each $lOO at risk: New England Mutual Massachusetts Mutual Mutual Life, of New York Mutual Benefit, of New Jersey New York Life Connecticut Mutual fruited States. of New York••. Manhattan, of - New York Equitable, of New York WASHINGTON, of New York. William Welsh. ' Daniel B. entamina. • Thomas Robins, S. Morris Wale,' Welling. Coffin, & Co., Geo. D. anart & Co.„ . Jay Cooke, Morris, Wheeler, at co.. John Jordan, Jr.. Charles R. Lex- Alexander Henry, G Wm. G. Crowell' l; J.Rdaar Thomson, JosephH. H. Trotter. OFFICE, 407 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. : ocO Bt FAME INSUItANC 403 CHESTNUT Streel Fin harD a lls3 it DIRSqI JE COMPANY, NO, ELPHIA. ND INSURANCE. _-JPORS.. Francis N. Ruck, E. D. Woodruir. Chas Richardson, Cleo. A. West, Bet Lewis, Jr., John }resider, Jr.. John. Everman, ' Chas. Stokes. Philp S . Justice, ' H. Rosenholm. O. W. Davis, Joseph D. Ellis - FRANCIS .N. Breg. President. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice President. WILLIAIif I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. jalfatlf THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1863. MITATAIIT WOTIC S. FINANCIAL. SIX PER CENT. LOAN, JAY C 001ECE, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, INSURANCE COMPANIES. WASHINGTON OF IiEW YORK, THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY IN THE UNITED STATES. REFERENCES IN PHILADELPHIA, CHAMBERS , SL REGISTER, GENERAL AGENTS For the States of Pennsylvania and Ohio NOW OPEN PARIS, LONDON Ar D AMERICAN RICH LYONS VELVETS, INDIA GROS GRAIN, MATALBA SILK, PARIS-MADE VELOUR CLOTHS, PARIS WOOL CASHMERES, FANCY CASHMERES, PARIS-MADE FROSTED BEAVERS, DIAGONAL CASHMERES, CHINCHILLA CLOTHrI, BELGIAN TRICOTS AND DOESKINS, ENGLISH FLUSHES, ENGLISH MELTONS, PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND • LPTTrt...EMPORITIM, J. W. PROCTOR ec CO. ocicßtui htt. SIIFENARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & DRYGOODS, Keep the largest anortment in the city, comprising the best descriptions 05 Blankets, Flannels, Muslins, Curtains, Linens, Sbeetings, Napkins, Doy lies, Table Linen, Tonreling, Linens, Diaper. PIANO COVERS, _ TABLE COVERS, TABLE COVERINGS. FURNITURE CHINTZES, And newest styles of materials for Curtains and Furniture Coverings, DROCATELLE. PLUSFI. SATINS, TERRIES, REPS, _ MOREENS, DAIIMIKS and a general assortment, of the best makes of Hosiery, Merino Under Shirts, Vests, Drawers, Balmoral Skirt,. White Goods, and Staple Em'broid.eries, At the Los:vest CASH PRICES. B.—Estimates given for furnishing SBADES AND CURTAINS, lither in the City or Courtrty. tiolOstuthawin GOODS.-MY STOCK OF -A- 4 these having been selected from the largest im porters of New Yerk (for cash only). I am able to soil murh cheaper than. the regular trade. Brown Table linen at 60 and 61,Yrbleached Damask, linen, in a Variety of patterns , 75; finer do. In places hand loom goods, very heavy, all linen. 75. 10 do do heavier and wider. at ErTy 2 and 95. These are the heaviest, and will outwear anything of the kind now made. . 35 dozen wry heavy Napkins, $ 1.75 per (Wen. tO dozen Napkins, at $2, worth now $2.50. Also. several lots of finer ones, at various prices. Good heavy Towels., fill 50, 1.76. and $2 per dozen. Towels of every description, quality. and price, and without doubt the haat variety of Hackabacke in the city, there being;now in et- re about 60 pieces of different widths and qualit:es, from 20 cents up. Some of them am beautiful patterns, and very floe. One lot real Barnsley Sheeting, very heave,. at $1.2501. 50; Pillow Casirg, and 134 wide; Bird-Bye for Children's Aprons; Nursery Diapering. at *1 60.1.76..,5t and $3. Colored Doylies, for Fruit; Furniture Dusters. . The beat Ilanherchiefs in the city, for 01.50. worth $2. And. all other kinds of Linen Goods, thari am certain aro very much under the pres=nt prices. GRAN VILDV, B. MAINE% oel2mtuvrit 4t No. 10 I:3 MARKET Street. FLANNELS.-I HAVE NOW ONE OF the largest and cheapest retocks in the city am selling a first-rate all-wool White at 10; half Cotton do at 37%. 45, and 50r one lot all wool, fall yarl wide, at 82%; one lot Ballardvale. first rate quality. 56; one tot Bailardvalo, fall yard wide 65—these are the pink edge. good. and very desirable; two bales heavy pink-edge, of the Washington - Mills, 50: real Welch Flannel, war rentod unehriukable: Shakers' in every quality, AS, eh, 75. Sig., and *l—these ate yard wide, very heavy. and wilt nut shrink: two* bales very heavy gray twilled all-wool, at 01, that are now worth 65 by tne bale; one bale very heavy red twilled. all-wool, at 50 • plain red at 37k, 46, and 50; fancy Shirting Flannels in varions patterns; Canton Flannels, bath bleached and. brown, from SIM op to the very beet that are made. All the above goods are really Tors , cheap, and persons in want cannot fail to get suited.GRANELLB HAINFS, ocl2-mtuvr&s4l 1013 MA . R3I - 47 S;.. above Tenth. Jo MIISLiNS BY THE PIECIE.—STORE }TEEMS and B YUE RS by the PIECE will_please notice that we ace selling all kinds of Muslim, Canton Flarm,ls and Wool Flannels at lees teen any other store. We offer .li. Unbleached . Muslin for 14 cents; better, 11, 16, 18 k,nd 20 cents We have every make and. wid We have White Musline at 14 cents. We also have the 10 4 Bleached, e.. 4 Bleached. 6.4 Bleached. New York Mills, Water Twist, and Williamsville. which are scarce. We have every make of Canton Flannel. Shaker Flannel, all wool, at 623 . 4' cents per yard: beer Gray and. Red Twillec for 10 cents; Wh to and. Red for 87.4 cents, in Philadelphia. Remnants at 82% cents; Gray Twilled, measmins from 2 to 5 yards each, somew net moth eaten. for 31 cents per va - d. Linen Towels V. 60 par dozen; also every kind of line Red, kilns, and Purple bordered Towels. Dispel Toweling by the piece; Diaper 20 cents Per yare. • Huck, 25, 28, 31 and no; Colored Border Huck, Fancy Buck, Plaid Glass Toweling, German - Roll, millet, for Bread Cl Ohs- Window . Cleaners, Feather Brushes, Ace. Handloom Table Linens, Bleached Table Linens, all qualities, some bargains, Families. buy your .hfulline at once: do not post pone; they raytdly advaneingin price - R. D. 5: W. El„ PEIVNT+I.M, - - ocl2-2t 1021 MARKET St : below Eleventh. AT RETAIL JOHN F. YOUNG No. 70 NORTH FOURTH STRUT, Has now in store an excellent assortment of DRESS. GOODS, &c.,consisting in part of Blank Silks, AlpeCaS, from the lowest to the finest quality, Merinos. Wool de Lammas, Plain end Striped Poplins. choice style Plaid Cashmeres. Reps. Shawls. and Scarfs. Also; a full line of Flannels, including Silk Warp, Shaker. &c , &c. To which the special attention of the retail trade is-in cited. • oe9-21t C HEAP s.-/ Just received a LOT OF FANCY SILKS From AUCTION, SI Per zerd. _ SI - lA - EULESS BROTHERS, ocß CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. ItEP POPLIN'S. 5.000 YARDS IMP POPLINS. EMPRESS CLOTHS and FIMIRED POPLINS. SHARPLESS BROTHERS. ocS CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Screen FROSTED BEAVERS. SEIARPLESS BRoTHERS offer FROSTED BEAVERS at 8260. FROSTED BEAVERS at W.. FROATED BEAVERS at 64. VELVET BTi.VERS at $6 FRoSIED BEAVERS at $8 And FIAELTge aesortment of Puailf and RIBBED EL ACK' BEAVERS. ocBCHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets PHILADELPHIA. ERR'S Furnishing China & Glass Establishment, CHINA HALL, 529 CHISTSI:IT STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE HELL. lES is the cheapest (for the quality) and most extensive as sortment of AND DECORATED CHINA IN THIS CITY. Just opened, of our own importation:eighty-one casks very superior plain WHITE FRENCH CHINA, in any quantity to snit purchasers. Also, a splendid assortment of Fashionable CDT AND ENGRAVED TABLE CRYSTAL GLASS. ANA, plain white Snglieb. Stone Ware, Dinner and Tea Ware. Also: Toilet Sete, in great variety, some very elegantly decorated. . Double thick China Stone Ware, and Glass, ex pressly for • HOTELS, SHIPPING - , AND RESTAURANTS. French China decorated to order in any pattern. SG? . Initials engraved on Table Glass. China and Glass packed in a proper manner. seb-se.tuth-4m ROBERT SHOEMAKER &CO., PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, FOREIGN AND DONESTIO WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS, MANUFACTURERS OF WHITS LEAD 244: D.ZINC PAINTS, ITITIT, Zia FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and COIISTIMSTS supp lied at VitaY LOW PRICES YOR_CABIL se22-3m GEORGE W. WOO•TTEN No. 38 South SECOND Street. and No. 29 STRAWBERRY Street. WAREsovest—JAYNE greet. Philadelphia. CARBON OILS, LAWS, CHIMNEYS, &c Aline lot of OIL just received" which 1 offer at the lowest market rates, having made my contracts la the spring, before the advance. OIL in bond. for export. CHIMNEYS in qnSintitY , at mannfactrirers' prices. Agent for-Moore, Bros., & Co.'s Patent Fruit Jars. ho. eel7-thstnbA $175,54 142 93 176 11 . 138 66 . 99 41 144 94 . 130 96 ENCOURAGE AMERICAN MANU FACTURES, especially when CHEAPER, BETTER, and MORE RELIABLE than FOREIGN. THADDEUS DAVIDS & Ca, and MAYNARD & NOYES' INKS AND WRITING FLUID A single trial will satisfy the moat faatidions of Ste en periority. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the TO SPORTSMEN. PHILIP WILSON & CO., 409 CHESTNUT STREET. Manufacturers of superior equal. if not superior, to any of the following makes. which we keep constantly on hand: William Greener, Westley Richards. Moored Harris, and other. makers. Also, Powder. Shot: Wads, Caps, gra. We shall be constantly supplied, daring the season. With every variety of 95-430. 10-311 RETAIL DRY GOODS. CI_,C)A.IKS AT THE 920 CHESTNUT STREET, 1008 Chestnut Street, DIPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HOUSE-FURIVISHING CHINA AND GLASSWARE. WHITE, FRENCH, GOLD-BAND DRUGS. Northeast Corner FOITRTH and RACE Streets. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED WHOLSOLLE DEALER IN Juetly celebrated NEW STATIONERY HOUSE, No. 432 CHESTNUT Street. MOSS & 00. DOUBLE GUNS, MILLINERY. GOODS. sip ED:NITA-ST. RIBBON STORE, No. 107 N. EIGHTH STREET. We would Inform our customers. and the ladles generally, that we OPEN THIS DAY a complete stock of MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. WHOLESALE ANDN RETAIL. I& ynit FALL AND WI NTER SEASON OF 1863. Our stock oonsiste of BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS, every shade and style; BLACK VELVET RIBBONS. Plain, and with white and colored edges: - FELT-AND STRAW BONNETS AND HAM the newest shapes • SILKS. VELVETS, AND trNutrr vicx,vgps. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND FEATHERS,' BONNET-FRAMES, LACE., Ike., Am. By buying from the importers direct, and by constant attendance at the various auction sales in this city and New York, we are enabled to offer a splendid assort ment of goods our line at the most reasonable prices. ' A full assortment kept up till the end of the season. Country orders promptly attended to. BICIIEL & WHYL, No. 107 North EIGHTH Fitroltt, gia FRENCH FLOWERS, 1863. FEATHERS, LACES, RIBBONS, & NEW - STYLE HATS, JUST OPENED AT THOS. KENNEDY & BRO.'S. • No. 7E9 CHESTNUT Street. below Eighth. salt-Em 4 3 MILLINERY GOODS. BROOMS ROSENIIEIIII, 131 MARKET STREET, have now on hand a complete assortment of now styles RIBBONS, BONNETS, VELVETS, BONNET-SILKS, M I SSES' HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, LACES, AND .MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, to wloich we invite the attention of the trade. '007.1m FALL, 1863. WOOD 8z C ALLY, TAO ORFATIttIIT STRUT, HMS now oven texar. STOOK OP STRAW AND FELT GOODS, FRENCH FLOW AIRS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, And a general assortment of - MILLINERY GOODS, To which they it:ITU° the attention of '• !1' TRADE. ael7-10 43 MRS. M. A. KING, 1026 CHEST NM Street. will open a Dill assortment of FALL , AND 'WINTER MILLINERY, en WEDNESDAY, October 14th. oclo 61* I y .n MOURNING BONNETS. Made to order at the NEW MOURNING STORE, 826 CHESTNUT Street, M. & A. MYERS & Co. LADIES' FURS. LADIES' FANCY FURS. OrOrrN No,. 718 ARCH STREET, BIItOW EIGHTH. Importer and Manufacturer LADIES' FANCY FURS. My assortment of FANCY FEES for Ladles and CM- dren is now complete. and embracing every variety that Will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at the manufacturers' prises, for sash. Ladies, please give me a call o "Nia\ TG- OF FANCY FURS. JOHN A. STAINHACH, , IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF . LA'DIES' FANCY FURS, NO. 836 ARCH STRUT, BELOW NINTH; Has now opon a splendld'stook of LADIES AID CIIILDDEN'R FURS, Which will be sold at the LOWRST CASH 'PRICBI3. oe2-3m FURS! FUR'S! GEO'RGE F. WOMRATII, NOS. 415 AND 417 ARCH STREET, Ras ULL ASSORTMENT OF • MI A. DIES' FUR'S, To which the attention of the public le Invited. ee23-3 COMMISSION HOUSES. ARMY STANDARD BLUE FLANNELS; ON HAND AND FOR SALE BY FARNHAM, KIHR.Thild, & CO., • 00.3.12 t Noe. 230 and 232 CHESTNUT Street N. BERRY ck CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 26 RUE BERGERB, PARIS. PtATZNANN, BERRY, fr. 00., LYONS, ST. ETIENNE, AND GRENOBLE Nola-theta= NW YORK. 155 DRANK MERIT. BA9E3 1 BAGS 1 :BAGS 1 • NEW AND SECOND HAND, 131minm88, BURLAP, AND OMIT BAGS. Constantly on hand. JOHN T. BAILEY CO:, No. 113 NORTH 'FRONT WREST, air WOOL SACKS FOR SALTS. ARMY GOODS. FROTHINGHAM t t WELLS HEAVY LHI MEDIUM.. AND LIGHT SHIRTING'S AND S RTING'S. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CANBRIOS AND SILECIAS. BROWN. BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN, ho. sen.if tf FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. 3EI77ANS ac MILITARY FURNISHERS, *IS ARCH STREET Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Peasants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Canteens, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the' complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. liberal discount allowed to the trade. G W. SIMONS & BROTHER; Bamosir-sTasET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. waturAoTtritios OF JEWELRY. '..FINE SWORDS. AND NILITARY.GOODS II EVERY . VARIETY. 5a21.11111 - FANCY ARTICLES. W D. GLENN, DEP. 0 RTER OF DIUJGUISTS! FANCY GOODS, NO. 26 SOUTH FOURTH STRBRT„ Offers to the trade a full assortment, including in part— Hair, Tootbdlail, Cloth, and Shaving Brushes. Camel's Hair Pencils and Marking Brushes. Combs in shell, ivory. horn, and India rubber. Perfumery and Toilet Soaps of all descriptions. Pure Essential Oils. Rose Water and Orange Flower Water in cans. Powder Boxes and Puffs in great variety. Bound Filtering Paper, all sixes. Cachous Aromatise, Hooper's and Arnaud's. English Pink banners, Beeves' and common. - New Zealand and Pink Linen Twine. Flasks, Tooth Picks. Violin Strings, &0., dtc., all ai lowest market prices. eery]-Imil WATCHES AND JEWELRY. MUSICAL BOXES. IN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD CASES pplaying from 11012 t 11171613, choice Opera and Amer! can Melodies. FARR & BRQTHIR., Importers. eel, 6m . 3911 CSIBSTNUT Street , below Fourth. G. RUSSELL; FLOE AMERIOADT and Imported WATOPIXB, Fine Jewelry. Silver la Were..ko. 1723-6Wmed X 96 North SIXTBI Street. FINE WATCH REPAIRING 17`; attended to, by the' most experienced workmen. an eery Watch warranted for one year. G. RITSSILL. OM North SIXTH Street. UNON- N- STEAM AND WATER EATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. GOLD'S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER HEATER. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCFIENER. and all 'other Improved COOKING APPARATUS. Boilers and Water Backs. Parlor and other Grates, Registers and 'Ventilators, Backs and Jambe , and' all things connected with the above branch of business. JAMES P. WOOD, . No. *1 South FOLIETH Sorest nritynu,,,L, Stiperinto44.9ll., Prom the army hospital—the bloody battle field—the mansion of the riob and humble abodo of the poor—from the office and the eacred desk—from tint mountain top. distant valleys and. far-off islands of the ocean—from every nook and corner of the civilized world—is pouring in the evidence of the astonishing effects of DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTBRS, Thousands upon thousands of letters like the following may he goeu at our office: RHEDRIIITRY, Wig., Sept. 113, 1883. "* • • • I have been in the army hospitals for fourteen months—speechless and nearly dead At Altos. they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. • C. 11. toLLUTE." SOUTH ' WARSAW, O. , 28, MI. .4* One young. man, who had luiett sick and not out of the honed for two years with. Scrofula and Fry eillelas, after paying the doctors over SISC without bene fit, has been cured by ten bottleP of your Bitters. • - • EDWARD WOtrnALL. The following is from the Matron of the Union. Home School for the Children of volunteers: DR. DILUTE: Your wonderful Plantation Bitters have been . gIVETI to some of our little children suffering from weakness and weak lungs with moat happy effect. One little girl, in particular, with pains in the head, loss of appetite, and daily, wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has beset entirely restored.. We commenced with but a teaspoonfal of Bitters a day. lien appetite increased; strength and health followtd.. • T owe much to you, for I verily believe tha Plantation Bitters have saved my life. REX. W. 11. WAGGONER, Madrid, N. Y." "* * * -Thou. wilt eend me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. ky wife has been greatly benefited by their SUM Thy friend, ASA CIIRRIN, Philadelphia, Pa." * * I have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and bad to abandon preaching. fi * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me. REV. J. S. CATHOR.N. Recheater, N. Y." "." Send us twenty-four dozen more of your Plantation 'Blame, the popularity of which is daily in creasing with the &netts of oar house. BYRES, CHADWICK, & CO., Proprietors Willard's Hotel, Washington, D. C." • • I have Oren the Plantation hnn: dieds of our disabled soldiers with the most astonishing e ff ec t, G. W. D. ANDREWS. "* * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of liver complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate and had to abandon my business. • 11. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, 0." "* * * The Plantation Bitters have cared me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. 0.0. MOORS. Agent for Colgate & Co., 2,slBroadway," &c., &0., &C., &0., &c. The Rlantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant. and are exhausted nature's greet restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Cliasaya Bark, Wintergreen, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs% dm., all preserved in perfectly pure St. Croix Rum. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness. lassitude. palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, &c., deserve to sugar if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical antho rities, and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and. harmless. NOTICE. — Airs , person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. We only pot it up in our log-cabin bottles. Beware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stall% for which several peisons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United. States stamp over the cork, and signature on steel-plate side labels. • Soil by respectable dealers throughout the habita l ble globe. P. H. DRAKE & OCY, oclo.stu&th4m. 202 BROADWAY, N. ;Y MOSS SG CO., Respectfully inform the public they have opened a BRANCH at No. 432 CHESTNUT STREET, Second Door above the Post Oboe. where will be fond a complete stock of Fancy. Staple, Counting House, and Office BLANK BOOKS, AND KN--VELOPES; of their own_ manufacture, of the boat qualities, and'in great variety. The business win be conducted on the principle of SMALL PROFITS AND WICK SALES: By prompt and careful attention, uniformity in prices, extensive assortments. together with their longenteri ante m they - ask_ a_shax. of pew. patronage,. Blank Books ruled to any pattern; InyelOpes. - of any - size or shape,- made to order at short notice. .- They will continue their Wholesale business of Book sellers and Stationers at the Old StAnd.' No. 430 STREET. ge29-lin if A S IST ANT QUARTERMASTER OFFICE, PRFLA_DELPHIA. Oct. 12, 1833.- PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until. FBI DAY, lfith inst., at 12 o'clock 21..f0r the delivery at' Fort Delaware, of - . - RD cords Oak -Wood. 100 do Pine do: To be corded and measured at Fort Delaware, and pay ment to be made upon cart - Meats eats of an racer in charge, that the proper quantity has been delivered. One fourth. the quantity to be delivered. on or before the Ist of No vember next, the balance on or before the Ist of Decem- The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. By order of A. BOYD, - ocl3-3t . Captain and A. Q. M. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, PROPOSALS willbs reeeiveirat tab; office untiI:WA TDRDAY, 17th inst. at 12 o'clock M. for_the delivery in this city. of 17.730 pounds Harness Leather, best quality oak-tanned slaughter hides. 11440 pounds Oil-tanned Leather. beet quality. 614 Sides Raw Hides, best quality. One half the articles to be delivered On or before Ist December next. The right is reserved to reiect all bids deemed too high. By order. A. BoYD, ocld-dt, COMM and Assistant Quartermaster. RHERTFF'S" SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF K- 1 a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Eve ning. November 2. 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain unfinished two-story brick messuagc and lot of ground situate on the north elite of Ashburton street. seventy-four feet east of Twenty-fifth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Ashburton street fourteen feet, and in - depth forty-sev.32 feet six inches to a two-and -a-half-feet-wide alley: [Which said premises Samuel Simes, by deed dated July 21, 1862, re corded in Deed Book A. C. H.. No. 66, page 342, fitc., con veyed unto George Mecouch in' fee reserving a ground rent of thirty-four 50-100 dollars, payable Ist January and July. CC. P.. 164; 13.. '63. Debt, $35.48.- Gest.] Taken in execution and to be sole as the property of George Mecouch. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Oct. 10. 1863. sel.3-3t WIERLLIT'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni .Exponas, to roe directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, November 2, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom-Street Hall. All that certain messuage and lot of groped situate on the south side of Brown street, fifteen feet wet ward from Bucknell street, in the city of Philadel phia: containing in front on Brown street fifteen feet,- and in depth sixty feet to a two-feet wide alley, (Which said premises Wl3l Campbell et al., by deed dated July 28, 1860, recorded in Deed Book A. D. B . No. 135, page 401, &c., conveyed unto Henry Naviland in fee; reserv ing a ground rent of sixty - six dollars. payable first Jan nary and Jnly.l [C. P. 101; Sept. T., 'B3. Debt. 833 33. Urine.] Talton in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Hayiland. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Bheriff's Office, Oct. 10, 1861 ocl3-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expense. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or 'endue. on MONDAY Eve ning. Roy ember 2, 1563. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the southwest corner of Raspberry alley. and a certain twenty five-feet. wide court (173 feet north of Locust street) in the cit. of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Raspberry alley forty-flve feet. and in depth eighty-six feet. [Which said 'premises James it Greevee, by deed dated January 6th, 1523, recorded in Deed Book G. W. R., No 30, page 101, &c., conveyed unto Daniel Thorn in fee; reserving a ground rent of one hundred and eighty dollars, payable let May and November. ] ::3.r 106. bs(2 wk-ay.ek WlEn in execution Debt $O2 astrepronertv of Daniel Thorn. JOHN THODIPSON, Sheriff: Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Oct 10, 1863. ociff-St PRILARMPHIA. ERIFF'S SALE -BY VIRTUE OF A S writof Venditioni Expense, to me dtreeted,well be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, November 2, 1563 at 4 o'clock. at Sansom sheet Hall. All that certain unfinished two story brick messnage and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Ashburton street, sixty feet ea't of Twenty-fifth street, in the city. of Philadelphia, containing in front on Ash burton street fourteen feet, and in depth forty-seven feet six inches to a two and a half feet wide alley [Which raid premises t amnel Sines, by deed dated July 21, 1162, recorded in Deed Book A. C , 06, page sm, , conveyed unto George MCCouck in fee re serving a ground rent of thirty four 50 100 dollars, paya ble let January and July CC. P . TM, Sept T, 63 Debt. $35 46 Gest Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George McCouch. JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff Philadelphia Sheriff's Office. Oct 10, 1263 eels 3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Evening, November 2, 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sancta-street All those certain two three-story brick meseuages and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Fifth street, eiehty-ftve feet and one-quarter of an inch southward frcm Diamond street, in the city of Philadelphia; con• " - taining in front on Fifth street twelve lest, and - in depth eighty-nine feet seven and one•balf tnches, to Orchard street. [Which said premises Oliver Parry et at by deed dated September 30, 1850, recorded in Deed. Book G. W. a , No. 65, page 372, Szo., conveyed unto John A. Brown, in fee, reserving a ground rent of forty-eight dollars 3 [C. C. P.. 102; Sept. T., 'M. Doht. Skl. 92 C. Hart.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jobn A. Brown. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Mice. Oct. 10, 1853. 0013 St SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Happier!, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee; on Al IN DAY Evening, november 2, 1983. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-skreet All that certailinnfinish ad two,torY brick mesooage and lot of - ground situate on the north aide of Ashbur ton street, eighty eigb t feet east of Twenty-fifth street, in the city, of Philadelohia; containing in front on Ash burton street fourteen feet, and in depth for.y-seven feet six inches to a two-and-a-half feet wide alley.- [Which said premises SamneliSimes, by deed dated July 21,1868, recorded in Deed Book A. U. H. , No. 56, page 339, Sic.. conveyed unto George lifecouchlafae ;reserving f ground rent of thirty-four 50100 dollars. payable lct January and July.) . _ EC. P..106; - 6., - '&3. Debt, $35. 48. Gest.] Taken- in execution and to be sold as the property of George sfscouch • -TORN THOMPSON Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. October 10.1863.• ocl3-36 CARRIAGES: 1863. WIUU3I. B. ROGERS, Vat cloach. and Light Carriage Buitilar, Nos. 1008 end 1011 GIIESTNIIT STREET. gelo-6m PIICIA.DELPISIL. AMERICAN ROOFING SLATES, FULLY EQUAL TO TUE BEET THO.MAS WELSH SLATE& WILINUi t Stnik PLANTATION BITTERS. HAVEIKEYER MARMON, FITTY.ERVENTIT ST.. NEW YORK, August 2. 1822.. ReEpeettally, J. O. O. M. DEVOE " Superintendent Soldiers' Ilottte, Cipcinnati, 0." T , -1860.---X. STATIONERY. STATIONERY, PROPOSALS. PanaDympara, 12th October. 1863 SHERIFF'S SALES. WF.W PUBLIO/ILTION.9. T HE StitilDOW OF ISULTDIAT, • BY MRS. HENRY WOOD. AUTHOR OF •• • VERNE'd'S PRIDE." "EARL'S • HEIRS. , • " EAST LYNNE," ETC. THE SHADOW OF ASELYDYAT is published and for Sale THIS DAY by ue, eight weeks in advance of its Pablication in Europe. complete in paper cover, price Ono Dollar; or the whole bound in one volume, cloth, for $1.24, Published And for gala at the Cheapest Store in the world to buy or send for a stock of books, which in at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERY, 306 GIIESTNUT STREET, • COlgeg sent everywhere, free of postage, on receipt of TH L E AR S;I; c 4 e gARD SERIES OF POPII JaAt Publiabed, RSENSLEY• A NEW AMERICAN nNWEL. By the author ot "Life 13ofore Elm." — A Bachelor's Story," Sze., Ac. Urqform with THE STORY OF E T.TZ . By - M149 Thackeray, RANK] TEPID D THE LOV.SHS. By Talbot Gwynne. HEARTCEOs? By Alva MiPhaat. MY LADY. 'A To le 0 . ! Modern Life. Paper covers. 18mo. }Tice Thirty cents each. The " atandarcl Serieß" inclades oaly..the better claße of Novels. ft is a very cheap, neat, attractive, and reada ble series of popular books Uniform la size, style, and Price Either of the volumes mailed free of postage, on receipt of price. Other works in preparation. r. J. l, onßooto., Pohlisber, ocl3tutbs-3t No. 40 WALKER. Street, New York. HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, 721. CHESTIAIII' STRUT. Between Seventh and Eighth Streeta Al.l Books usually to be had in a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE. Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES. J UST PUBLISHED, MRS. RHOADES' POEMS . 'POEMS :_ A series of Tales in Verse, with a variety of lyrical productions on chosen themes, intended. leptons° the many and offend none. _ _ By DIRS. RACHEL RHOADES. (The American Hari , , , ) Anthoreee of The Minstrel Lyre.' Zimluka," &c., &c. 12mo. C. For sale by - T.. E. PETERSON '& BRO., 308 CEIESTFT Street. WM. S. & A. MARTIEN, 606 WILLIS P. HAZARD. 724 .` O. W. PITCHER. 808 " " T. D. PUHEI. 600 " NEW BOOKS Just received by J. B. LIPPINCOTT Sc CO., _ 715 and 717 ANNALS OF THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND; con prising biographies, descriptions of departments, accounts of battles, Am., by an officer. One handsome volume, Svo. . THE PENINSULA CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA. By Rev. , J. Maces.. LEVANA; or, The Doctrine of Education. From the German of Jean Paul Richter. biEDITATIONS ON LIFE, and its Religious Duties. From the German of Zscholtlie. THE RING OF. AMASIS. From the Pipers of a Ger man Physician- By. R. Balwer Lytton. DAILY WALKS WITH WISE MEN t•or Religious Exercises for Every Day in the Year. By .thiv. Nelson Read. ELEANOR'S VICTORY. A Novel. By NE B Brad den. ... .IiiIZCENZO. A Novel. Hy 3. Rnffine. PETER CARRADINE; or, The Martindale PastaraL By Caroline Cheesebro WENDELL PHILLIPS' SPEECHES, and LECTURES. eclo ISHOF TIOPIIINS.-A VERY FINE CARD PHOTOGRAPH of Bishop Hopkins. Mc 5,1,L 'STE R & BRO., oclo-3t ISIS CHESTNUT Street, a 0 V. CII RT IN.-.A: VERY FINE CARD PHOTOGRAPH of Governor Gartin. McALLISTER & BRO.. oclo-3t 728 OHESTNITr Street. JUDGE WOODWARD.-A VERY fine CARD PHOTOGRAPH of Judge Woodward. DfcALLISTER. & BRO., oclo-3t 0 1.243 CELESIWII7 StreeE- VicELROY'S CITY DLRECTORY 1864. --CanvasEers are now engaged in taking names, and on whose behalf the Compiler solicits the attention of all interested, Correct information can only be oh- - tain ed at places of business, or at dwelling-houses, from the parties themselves; very little reliance can be placed on those who come to the doors of private dseellines. Every housekeeper ought to leave his name, plainly written on a card er slip of paper, to be handed to the canvasser.whenever he calls. Persons who are still out of the city will do well by sending to the office. A. MOEL,ROY, Compiler. eclo•ltit* N. E. TENTH and CHESTNUT. MAP OF GETTYSBURG BATTLE prepared by Wm. H.Willcox, Captain and A. D.O On Mawr Gen. Reynolds' staff. 60 cents.: - DAILY WALK W ITH WISE MEN. or Religions Exor cises for every day in the year, by Rev. Nelson Head. THE RING OF AIEASIS. by Robert B. Lytton. $L KNAPP'S FRENCH READING BOOK. $1.25. LEVANNA, or the Doctrine of Education ; from the German of J. P. F. Richter. $1.50 MEDITATIONS ON LIFE, AND ITS RELIGIOUS DUTIES. Translated from the German, by F. Rowan. $l. 25. THE TWO BROTHERS. AND THE TWO OATHS. 60 cents - . PE'l DAYTON. 30 cents. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN. oc9 606 CHESTNUT Street TTABIRT , s , DENTAL SURGERY THE EIGHTH EDITION NO AT RDY. ' The Principles and Practice of Dental Surger EA y. by Chapin A. Harris, M. D., D. D. S., late President of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. &c., &c. ; the eighth edition, enlarged and revised, with three hundred and twenty illustrations. One vol ~ royal octavo. ?nee $5. MEDICAL, DENTAL. AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. A large assortment always on hand, for sale at low prices. by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Publishers and Booksellers, °en 25 SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. 811 CENTS ! SHADOW OF Astax- DYAT, by l WOOD;y crglAto edition: atNo4gaciT T Street. All new Books at a dhcortet. ocl2-3t FOR SALE AM? TO LET. noAL YARD FOR SALE.-THE hest titled-up YABD in the city. Capacity for doing any amount of business. Ingram on the premises. NO. 957 North NINTH Ft., below Girard avenue. oc"0-6t* Ni p FOE SALE -A FERST RAT E - • . Will be sold at Public Sale, on the premises, on TUES DAY, the 20th inst. , that well-known and valnable FARM, containing 211 acres, situate In Salisbury town ship. Lancaster county, in. Peoria valley. tbrea miles north of the railroad at the Gap station. It is- well im proved and watered. and in a high state of cultivation. and is ene of the most inviting in the county for a farmer or capitalist Sale at 1 o'clock P. M. - GEORGE W. Bricß - uvr. Ebr reference anply to SAMUEL KILPATRICK, 144 South FOURTH Street. ocl3-41 FOR SALE-TIIE STORE AND n'ull DWELLING northwest corner of SIXTEENTH . and SUMMER Streets. The dwelling to let. Amity to WIC ROSSELL ALLEN. southeast corner FOITETH, and WALNUT. second floor. ocl3 3k. et FOR SALE VERY LOW—TILE inauF01:111-STORY DWELLING. with three story hack buildings, co. 122 , riEW Street Apply to WIC ROS SELL ALLEN, southeast corner FOURTH and WAL NUT,.second floor. ocis..3t. e t , 1410 UN T VERN ON. STREET - RESI - DENCE.—A very desirable dwelling on MOUNT VERNOB street. west of Nineteenth street, having all the modern improvements. For sale by HORACE FRITZ, ccl 6tif* 144 Eolith FOURTH street. NORTH. BROAD-STREET RESI DENCE.---Por Hale. a handsome Piston- stone front fonr.story dwelling with three story double back build ings. on BEOSD street, below Columbia avenue. Has all the modern conveniences. Lot twenty-four feet front and two hundred feet deep to Carlisle street. Apply to HORACE FRITV,. Convoyaacer. 0c72.-Gtf. 144 South FOURTH street. el FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR ANAL CITY PROPERTY.-A-large four. storyr residence whlrfour-story double back buildings replete with all modern conveniences; also, a stable and coach house in B the roar. situated on North ROAD street. Apply at 91.1 North SECOND street. above Poplar. octil-3t5 MI FOR SALE-HOUSE N. E. COR. NER of TIIIRTY-THIRD and RARING Streets, (Mantra.) Price IMAM Apply to R. McILVAIN. oclo-3t* THIRTY-EMIR:CIL and If ARKET Sts. fit FOR SALE AT LOW PRICES.— mia Dwelling, 1622 Cambridge street-6 rooms. Do. Ellsworth st.„ IT side, W. of 211.—lrooms. Do. 22.31 Callowhill street Do. Montrose st., N. side, E. oft. —6 rooms. Do. 1836 Hamilton street Do. 1511 Swain street. 1239 Tine street. Store and Dwelling. "With many others, large and small. B. le' OMEN; ' 1,213 Sonth FOTHZEH Street. WO And S. W corner SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. ak FARM FOR SALE IN CHESTER County. four miles from Downingtown. containing 108 acres, well watered. buildings new. &c. This is a No. 1 farm in every respect. Apply to D. FURMAN, 104 North SIXTH Street. or to 0. PAXSON, sel9-Im* on the premises. T REAT SALE. OF 1.07,000 ACRES OF RAILROAD LANDS AT AUCTION. THE DUBUQUE AND SIOUX CITY RAILROAD COM PANY will sell at auction, at their office in Dubuque. lowa, on THURSDAY, the twelfth day of NOVEMBER next, one hundred and seven thousand acres of land; consisting. mostly of Des Moines River Lands. Sale to be continued from day to day until all are sold. • These lands are the best in the State. and possess the following qualities and recommendations: COAL.—They contain inexanatible mines of bitnmi none Coal. convenient to the line of said railroad. GYPSUM—The only Gypsum (or Plaster of Parisi-bed in the Mississippi valley, is immediately among s these lands. It is of superior quality and is found in inex haustible quantities. Specimens of Coal and Gypsum can be seen at the office of the company. OTHER MINERALS. —Hydraulic Cement, Fire-clay, and iron• ore are also abundant. Stone for building pur poses is plenty There is also a grind-stone quarry. TIMBER- AN . D WOOD will be sold in sufficient quan tity to supply the prairie lands. The timber consists of black and white walnut, oak, sugar-maple, bass wood. elm. &a WATER AND SPRINGS. -=-Thee' lands are well water ed. Large and excellent, springs are very numerous. so much so as to make it cue of the characteristiolieatures of the vicinity of Fort Dodge, where these. lands are situate. OR ASS—STOCK RAISING.—These lands offier eseecial attractions to those about to embark in stock raising. 1 he native grasses. of that region,.y.teld nearly_ three times as munch per acmes in the vicinity of the Missis sippi river Two. varieties of native red- top grow very luxuriantly in that-region. Very large herds of cattle and sheep have already. been attracted thither. . CORN AND WHE,AT grow mach more luxuriant hi, that vicinity than in the easterly part of lowa. The ace is exceeding ath and deep. The neighborhood abounds in limestone. which Is a sufficient guaranty for regular: and abrindantwheat mous HEALTH- AND CLIMATE —The country is very healthy, =Zola entirely free from, those diseases' which prove BO treat -a. drawback in the mord southerly por tions of this-end neighboring States SETTLEMMT AND SilHool,B.—The lands nee situ ate in the inewedtate vicinity,of Fort Dodge, Webster cannty, lowa,. Fort Dods. 0 'Already containa• a popnla tion of oue tbene.and inhalAants, a fine e .,„„ g thones. - tevelail churches, schools, stores, &cl It is detained to soon become the large' t townen the line okthe Debnque and Sioux My Railroad between" Dubnqtaesind the Mis souri river. A large portion of the - Janne offered.for eats ere Masted among„ hnproved. where the settlerwill enjoy all the- advantages tea partially-im, ,p ro ye,,i country. The people of that vicinity are, gene rally from the Eastern and Northern States. . RALLRO4I3. —The Dubuque and Sioux City Reti na is new:completed. and in operation to Cedar. Falls, one hnndred miles from Dubuque, Forty. four miles, from Cedar Falls to lowa Falls, WES now under contract , and being rapidly unshed formed.' It is expected that the road will be completed to Lava Falls early in the spring', and to Fort Dodge as feat as possible. The Ken k uk, Fort Des Moines, ands .Minnesota Railroad will probably reach Port Dodgei drom Keokuk nearly as soon as the Dubuque and Sioux City. Further information can be obtained at the Office of the Company. where mate' and a detailed description of the lande van he seen. Persona or colonies wishing to purchase are'specie y invited to go out and make per sonal examination, and satisfy themselves with regard to the 'shove remmeentatiene. The (Impairs obtained the title to the lands by direst grs at from Congress, and will make warranty deeds to pnichatiers Twins ek SE49. Herat. . • don• • -SAWA M. AfeKINT, AY, idec'Y.,. CIIESTNIYI.ST. THEA.TRlt— lirumi„3 and Manager Mr. WM. WEBARIAIL MR. WHEATLEY takes nb , asure tgenemancing avga. nc, far a limited number or nights - . with (ha Ms. =l 3 . young American rtiae, MISS LUCILLE WWITICRIL who Will appear, THIS (Monday) EVENIRG. In her great litipersoordion. of CYNHIA! to Jolla Baldwin Buckatone's beautiful Drama. antitiell CYNTHIA; CY.INTRIA; OR, TEM ZING tHA'S VOW, Which win be produced whh 008 PPR 8 V S R , APPONTM Y 3 ens a PnWI I IIVII T. CARTA. WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. Efousa e rrOWDED -HUN IVIal THE GREAT COSIEIN AMON' STAa4 MAT/LDA HERO. AND EDWIN' aDANS. will appear TOESDAY and NVF.DN ESDAY EVENINGS. October Ettl, and lit n, In Matilda fferon'a grand trant-lation of CAMILLE, OR. THE wAT.3. OF A COQUETTE. After whi'ch, THE MILLER OF WEInINIONE. BOX Office open daily from 10 till 3 o'olock, when Bpids may be encored. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARI3II - THEATRE—ARCH Street above BMA. Acting and Stage Manager WM. 13 FREDERIOEX PLOOnPIig AK , Cit and Treaettrer 'SOS. D. MIIRPRY, FIFTH WPM OP DIOFfINGS' OPERA TROLIPS.. MONDAY, AND EVERY EVENING. THE ENCB &NTREQS Stella. the Pnchantrees....Mie d CAROLINE Rra Rums. Ramp . Mr. Sen.. Don Silvio Ifr. - WM, Fort , - Brachio Pe , irsa. Dr. Mat onnclus ----- • . O. Oridith. FRIDAY. BF OF MISS RmffiiaS. ON MONDAY, October IS 191. E. L. DAVENPORT, J W WaLLA:I3", and MRS FARREN will apocar Tickets. 25. 50, and 75 cents. N 3 extra charge for eectired seen; at khe Box Office, from IS A 5F t.. g P 0c12.41:^ NEW CHESTNUT - ST. TELE &TRW Lessee and Manager, Mr. WM warsAmgr. MONDAY 139E1014 G. OCT. 12, 18a9, FIRST APPEARANCE, FORA FEW NIGHTS ONLY, or TITE GREAT HISTRIuNTC QUEEN'. LPCILLE v7F.svERN, LIRSLLE w-SrERN, LUCILIE WRsr,RN, LIMILLY WE.3rERN. wilco will appear. for the Aril tires in this city: falter groat character of _ CYNTHIA, CYNTHIA, CYNTHIA, in which character she first attained her preheat goys reign poii ion in the histrionic world. Tho magnificent drama of CYNTHIA, ha= been In active preparation ever since the CODFCI mroation of the prebeart engagement; and will he produced IN BRIi LI titfT'ani GNIFICFNT STYLE, with N HI:EDIES, NENY IaUFAC, NEW DitErfiE, randering it altogether the eotett production of the Beason. FOX'S CASINO; Positively the SYRO ARABIC TROUPE, consieting of MA LE .AND REUEL% ACROBATS previous to their departnre for California. COSTUMED SCCOUS • GREAT COMBINATION TROOPS. oeekistinfr of 86 Talented Performers. Grand Idatinde eTery Eatarday let Ladies and Chtt. 0d.2-cr. ocB-that a6t* SIGNOR BLITZ, Tin INIF.ORONLAN . GER, Bobby, the Witty, and the learned Canariek- are before - the po.blio every oneminz, and WedllPadaY mid 2ft. rnoons, at the TEM:PT:K' WONDEltli‘ APsembly Banding& We are not sere as to the Pi dligres of. Bobby, but that the Signor comes in a dixect line from some old philosopher, we are positive. (ion eERMANIA ORCHBSTRA:-- PUBLIC REHEARSALS commence Octoboi 17th. at 'o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, and coat/ono every Sattaday. Sinate tickets. 25 cent= PachNtee of six tickete. 551. To he had at.ANORE' i 104- C a aim- NUT Street-, J. E GOULD, NEVEN aad CHEST NUT. H and at the all door. ocl2-3m THE PHILADELPErIA NATA TORT UM AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE. of this popular establishment brains newt THURSDAY. OCTOBER Nth. DR J.A3SEN refpectfally fnvites his friends and the patrons of the instik talon to an inspection of the. New ronasium on the second floor of the building, far tare' days previous to opening-11.11 day and evening on Wod nesday, Octeber 3.4. th, and on Thursday, the 15th., o'clock:P. M. Circulars will be ready for distribution, and the boolto open for subscriPtion- - 0c133t. PENNSYLVANIA AC.A.DEW.I OF THE FINE ARTS. 10615 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) 'fro& 6 - 1. M. till 6P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. SUBSTITUTE WANTED.-IN'QITIRII at 32'7 CILP,TNUT Street (second story). innit.- ately. lts WAWPED EMPLOYMENT ,BY ( - INII V I o le determined to roake himself gneraibrast fill, in any mercantile pursuit. Address 'E. ES, Press oflice. ocl3,qt. W T E D-IN WHOLE'S A 1,14- T Bookstore. to learn the basiness. a yonng man who writes a fair hand and has some knowledge of Book-keerdng. Good testimonials reetnired. Salary tlto firtt tear tag or WO. Address "Publishers." at OfTce of The. Pre. , e. 0e1.3121. WANTED TO RENT.-- A FERNISH ED OR UNFURNISHED HOUSE. (former prefer red).-:within easy, distance of. SIXTH and :MARKET Streets. A liberal rent and drat-class reference s given_ Address Box - 1:84 Post Office. ocl3-40. WANTE D-A SITUATION ~AS Driver of a Private Carriage by a young Colored Man, %rho has had two years' esoenence is that capa— city. Address "Driver," this office. Ito WANTED-$l 5 PER .DAY.-APE want reliable, energetic canvassers and agonta in every county. fora genteel business. at a cultruseton of from $5 to slb per day. No humbug.. Explutencedi canvassers preferred, but ro'm for all. Address C. ib DUNN & CO .Ynbiisbers At either Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicago, or 185 , READE street, New York. jy23-3ne T OAN WANTED.- $50:000 WANTED -for- Dronertv in the city of Chicago, which cannot ism TO - De traLth•xctory-ae clarity. Address, with real name and terms, "Drawer." 5580, T. 0., Chicago, 111. ocl3-10r 85 000 WANTED -APARTNER 9 • with above amount; in a vary FEN and lucrative manufacturing business, Addre.s, with real name and place of interview, 8," Press office octillt• San A MONTHI WE WANT x. ,, - , AOTENTS at 1160 a month, expenses paid, to wall ow EVERLASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL B and thirteen other articles.. 15 Circulars free. Slid & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. sen-dBrWSet. 4 14-tt DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GEITERAM'S OFFICE.—PnaLADEL.P/ILL. Feb. WS. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry 00A1 M. the following Points : Tortugas. Key West, Fla.: Fort Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria. Va. Newbern, N. C. Port Royal, S. C. b BOYD, felo-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. A FAMILY; CONSISTING OF FOWI or five : persons, (no children). d. sire private board ing for the winter in a first-class-house, between an& including - Spruce and Chestnut ;treks, (Walnut or Chestnut preferred.) They wish a well-furnished front parlor and three bed•rooms, a private table, with sod accommodations. and the comforts of ahcme, for whick liberal compensation will be made. Address P. 0- Box 2518. ocl3-6t pRIVATE BOARDING----HAY'DSONIM second-story communicating 'Rooms will shortly be,- vacant at No. 204 south ELEVENTH Street; oa-Gt. BOARD. -HANDSOME COMIIII4I- CANING Second: eters , ROOMS vacant', No. 1316 WALNUT Street. - oeS-St• OEESTNUT STREET- BOARD ' ' l / 4 , ING for two YOUNG INBN; front xi )om. oc7- ?FRE ELAN DSOVE RESIDEnCE 1031 -A- WALNUT Street, will be opened foi reception at Boarders in a few days- - 5a7.2-Ims* LOST-A , CERTIFICATE l FOR OM! shame in the Kensington Bink, the county of Philadelphia, No. 1506. 9be finder will be suitably re ward ed if left at 11 and 13 STRAWBER: Rtreet. seV- tnth lm. MOSES; VirHES TAB NOTICE.—N 0 TICE IS lIEREBY GIVEN that the CERT'IFIrIATE No. 29,524. mo• Shares, leaned tons by the New York J Transfew.Ageney of the Philadelphia and. Reading - Re' ti , oad bee. LOST. and that application has been in ade for the sub stitution of a certintate in place thereof A. G. EIEMVI iVirAY & no.. No. 53 EXI ;WANGS Ptace. AUCTION SAIL E. THE LARGBSV PRODUCE. SALE OF BLOODED ST OCK EVER HELD 114 THE BORTH. Mr A. MAILLARD'S Fourth Am analtale - of Blooded! Horses will take place at his Bred Ong kntablistement. Bordentown, N. .1. on 4 TH tIES:DAY. October 15 th, At 10 o'clock A. H.,withoutregard to. weather.- The catalogue contair s 70 lots of Stain() ns, Cults, Fillies, Bad Brood Mares with foal at foot, and astala , stmtid. The sale will begin with the folb owba. valuable _Stal lions, viz: • • Hermes." foaled 18.52. by Marl ner„out of Fashion. Nero," foaled 1553,.by Mariner, out, of Patsey An thony. "L'F,mpereur," 3 soon; old ' , b' linineS,..Ont of Pekoe' Anthony- • ` Champion." brovrn trotting et4slbm, I:.y Black 80, ehaw. ALSO; • 26 superior Cows and Heifers, m am of imported Alder— neye Durham s; Durhas; bred espoci .‘for Moir ,mlikkes grandee. _ TEnus—Caelt, in bankable fan ler oelo-Stif ALFRED 61 - .-11LEMBFE4 Amadora& .WMT O lASTER PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD, VIA MEDIA. FA_LL ARRALVRIMIItr' , On and after MONDAT . , Septenalef r lfe, the Trains will leave Philideltilia,:frosa the d&i..4t, north. esst - Gomez of SIOHTEENI I{,and. LARKET'Streets, at 7.46 and. 1330 A. M., and at 2 ana34dls P. M. A Freight Train. with I , tweeng,n - Car attached, leave the corner of TRIRTY-_ , FIR and MARKET-Streete (West Philadelphia) at 6. Trains leave the corner of PU ,TY-FlRsT.axid MAR HET Streets (West Philadelphia) ,17 minutes after the startias time from EIGIVAIEIVEII , and MARKET. The Trains leaving Philaddlinia at 7:136 A.• M. and 4.18?. M., connect wittaTraavort the P. and B. O. R.M. ron eoncor,l, Kennett, t..tforti, HP.7I2Y WOOD. 5e1441 'General Saperintandent FO- VALBANY A:ND TROT.. - 4, M=. l2l at—Star,Taer ifOLLISON Richman taasten is now litadlng_ for,tbe above pt.dits, and will leave on THMIntAY, 'Maker 35th, at..An'elock P. M. Ter freigbt, which will be taken on reasonable terms. aptly .to S. FLE.NaaAN, oc]3 8t- No. r EILMA13.33 AVelll34. w - kum VIRGIN WAX OF AN w TILLES-..A new Frenclegoemetic, for preserving. v;hitening, and beautifybre.- the eampicwion. Two ereparation is. composed ol•White Virgin,Wax, of thee finest nnalite, giving the complexion a transparent whiteness and the most bewitching hsanty. while Its component parts render 3.;a harmless to the skin. pre serving it -from tan and other impurities. This is one of the wonders of the age,,and must batmen. to be &pus-- dated. A bottle will haoPen for I;adiss to try -its eked before purchasing. Paine 25 and Roman. MINT Co.. Perfumers, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut. and 133 South S.W.gIiNTII. Streak!. above Walnut. sel63n . . T lIV S S E,8., ; 8RA.013, Bse., skilfully ad iuebeek by C. Th. NZRIALBS, corner of TWYWPTII. and .ILICE Streets. ‘,---- Ladies' Department for sam.e. COnansted by Ladles; TWELFTH Street.' Itrst door belowjfeee- Thar mast -complete and vatied - stock on hand . consictintr lik part of •TrILSS243. Supporters. Shoulder Susses. - Belts+ Bandages._ Elastic Stockings.- Nursery. Crutches, Syringes. Ar ticles for ursery. Sich. - ftoom. &.e. .. ' se9A-Sm if L01) - $: TO 501:11t,' . ncTEREST.—TIER aromance or COP.lia . mal breakage of glaze elOmneys entirely overcome Irs. the. Patent Fire-proof , Conical Chimneys for COs'_ Lamps. They are an ornament t , n. L"Dp. saying 111 oil, and cannot be broker. by het*. Sold generall s : at Lamp stores AMOS HORNING. Aaent for Manufacturer. No. 321 North SECOND Street. Phila. SUPERIOR INGOT COPPER,. 'from the Amygdalold Mae, In store and for side bt IT:antittee to snit, at • WONEATHII isM•dra' ' *l5 AW U BMA. AknifT.IIVIIIIENTS. CHESTNUT STREET. LAST SIX STO'HT.E THE WINTER SEALSON WANTS. BOARDING. MOST AND FOUND RATI,ROAD 3'dlNF,B:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers