IT'lr ITEMS. !MDR FIRST PREMIUM.AWARDED TO & Wrzeort.. 2 -The American Institute An whieh has just closed to the city of New te readers of the list of awards are already ,plimented the Wheeler & Willson Sewing ..rith a first premium. We speak of the fact more especially because it adds another proof to what we have already more than once stated in these column's, that, for all practical use, the Wheeler Wilson machine is by far the best instrument to arChROO. Theirl7srloll6 styles and sizes can be seen kperation daily at their elegant marerooms, No. ,eetnut street, Above Seventh. RF4T MILLINERY 0 PEN G . —Messrs ood I.r. Oary, No. 725 Chestnut street, have made the most gorgeous preparations for their first grand Autumn opening of new Bonnets, which is to take lace to-day. They will exhibit many novelties, among which are the famous Leather Bonnets, BO much , sought for. This will be a gala day for the ladies,- thousands of whom will no doubt visit Wood .Clary , s between the hours of ten and five, and leave In ecstasies over the exhibition, Nom) AND JAVA COFFEE, roasted fresh every morning, by DAVIS & Rcarra.uns, . Arch and Tenth streets. BROWN •A BROTHERS' NEW LIQUID BLAcKmo,—Tbis excellent article is fully equal, it not superiors to Day & Martin's blacking, which is manufactured in England, and can be furnished at less rates. Grooms and others can be accommo dated at Meesre. Thayers & oownerthwait's, 417 Commeree street. To LADIES ONLY.—TO those of our lady readers who are happy in the possession of one of 'Grover & Baker's Machines, it is no secret that the beautiful embroidery now all the rage in as well and as easily done upon it as the plainest sewing. Our , objeot is to inform those 'who are not' the happy possessors of one of these invaluable inventions, that this is really the ease. There are other and , good Sewing Machines, but this, by its marvellous properties, combines the faculty of both sewing and embroidering, and, as it is the only one 'lathe market that doe!, no lady about to purchase a Sewing Ma •Chinllin these days will hesitate to select, when the important fact we have stated has been brought to her notice. GUINNESS T BROWN STOUT and Yowl ger'o Scotch Ale, for 'lsle by DAVIS .Br. RIdHARDS, Arch and Tenth streets "PLAYED OUT."—Tbe rebellion seems to be about "played out." Its best friends talk no longer about the terms to be dictated by the "rebs," but they endeavor to pave the way for easy terms for the malcontents. They deserve to suffer in spirit and inliesh, and to wear sackcloth and ashes ; while the true people of the loyal' States should, as they do, enjoy the high nrivilege of procuring their Wearing apparel at the Brown•atone Clothing Hall anf Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 693 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth. VERY TRUE.—The respectable old gondo l:nail of sixty wants to retire from business with a smug independence of three or four hundred thou sand, to marry his daughters,•set up his sons, and live in the country ; and then, for the rest of his life, lie wants toim young again and appear in neat and attractive garments, which he should by all means procure at the one-price Mammoth Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut' street. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING • Fall and Winter Clothing. • Fall and Winter Clothing. New Styles, New Styles, New Styles, New Styles New Styles, New Styles, New Styles, New Styles New Styles, New Styles, New Styles, New Styles One Price. One Price. One Price. Charles Stokes & Co., under the Continental, Charles Stokes & Co., under the Continental- Charles Stokes & Co., under the Continental. GENTLEMEN'S HATs.—All the newest and teat styles for Fall Wear, in Felt, Silk, and Oust. mere, will be found at Warburton's, No. 430 ()hod Rut street, next door to the Post office. sel7-ini ARRWALS AT THE HOTELS, P TO TWELVE O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. 1 , N I continental—Ninth a WI Scott, Ohio F Ziegenfelder Munch/v - (1, NOW Clone 1.4p1;..1, 7 •er, Lexington, Ky ~ 41: Merriman, Memphis ''::4 L Maxwell cic la, Madison dal-,Nre F Roberts, Indiana \ielboi ge II Roberts, Indiana Mr Vi' S Forwood & wr, Md 3111sB A Lay ti,Peunsylvaida .-s 1 McCandless, Cincinnati ~,, b• IV H Pori cr, Cincinnati, 0 • Alden Spear, Boston B L B Spear, Chicago ; 3 V Philips. St Louts f John Ii Mulder, Boston lila.; S A 10111/SOll, St Louis .A Lemoine, et I.(knis .Jr alowell, Boston .EP,arce & wt. Prov, It U Miss Pierre. Providence,R I JN:ssilallock,Providencßl , .A Robb, Jr, Cincinnati, 0 ' I,E Fran., li: entuckY .... ' W Reynolds. Ohio • .1- 1 . rs W W Williams ' .. i, I.& Mrs J W Garrett, Dalt ~2„r King. Baltimore S Sanford, New York '. Wm 0 Johnston, Pittsburg . ..800 G Boson, New York , Wm II Post, Harlford ‘,. , p Moroi cc, II S N ', li. BI Blobs rdson,New York 1 1 7A A Myers, New York r slob Urea & wf, Boston : M Vickery, New York ohn E Horst & wf Balt • lea 8 W 8011, Baltimore I • Irs Abell, Washington , m G Moorhead, Rockwd ' iES Jane Porter, Pittsburg • ' tee C Porter, Pittsburg - rs Burnside Bonin, sworth A: la,Bostn i Plane], Ohio - re Israel, Ohio iss Noncoms., Ohio avid Law. England ' W Donigan, Tennessee O Scott, Indiana • Ames, 11 S A E ei m , Washington itisitAoton & wf, Cincinnati eActon, Cincinnati 441 Eldridge, Prov, R I • . ,OWells, New York ' ot-Oler , is, New York C' Cobb, Cleveland -.....—.. t .N'''' r hard—Chestnut al M Smallwood, N jersey r Miss A E Carroll, Mary land Fickey, Jr, Maryland. J H.Bmall Y , ork, Pa Hober,_ : York, Pa YV FON,',ork, Pa K Taylor .J-Pleming, Pittsburg .J Hoxie, New York J II Austin; York. Pa J Knotwell, Columbia J Young, Middletown ',Chas H Mann, Harrisburg ~j P McClellan, Harrisburg .Jae Dunnikon, Hollidaysbg 41) 13 Hickman, W Cheater • W Ryon. Pottsville Ryon, Pottsville A Patter, on. Mt Joy r & Mrs Janivier, V7ashtn est Janivler.Washhi eon C Moore & la, G eneva,NY iss Nettle,Geneva,N Y evi Passruore, Danville Johnson. Baltimore rs A L !dumper J Clyde, Harrisburg It. Martin & es Martin & sister, do Watrees, Adrian re Godey& e, Georgetown Kurtz, Georgetown an Wick. N Brunswick H Brubaker. Lane co hn Alderdice. Delaware o Blymyer, Lewistown • liwein & wf, Lebanon Eagle, Marietta o K Meday & la. N York Dingee & la, New York Pearson Harrisburg ams. Chicago 0 Brown. U S A Brown & 4 children ales, New York t Smithson, New York' A Hanway & Tef, Va Ifferchantar—Fourth C Howell Miller, Allegheny , ' City STY eich man Baltimore •4. A Leggate, Alleghenr ).vgeo H Caltvaith, McVeyt'n .;irilson, Lewistown J Heckert, Chamberetp.4 pangier, Chambersburg, A, Maurer. Chambersbarg . 8R Bare. Lancaster la 31,P rlo a. .1, 43601 otTliii 7 eir." . .KlTegietty L Graham, 'Allegheny W Haley, .Allegheny 6 Donnelly, Allegheny „entack, Allegheny 1151 Worth, L Sao dusky t ax ,' Flack. W 3 andot. Ohio. as Mahon, Dunkirk, 0 ' cMaster, Pittsburg s PI roe & la. Mercerco alter Pierce, Mercer co lifPierce. Mercer co C Trout. Mercer co C Dunseath. Pittsburg Eyler & la. Wilkesbarre ts Dunbar Newport. Pa 10 Bees% Elkton, Md Itler Jowen. Strasburg 41,W Steiner, EaSton ow nds Clarksburg ,'0:14 . Lownds. Clarksburg It 'grout, Minersville I / Jackson, Omaha nghan Del is r T Moore. Hollidaysburg ~ Jl M innich, Pittsburg "W ., S Haven k wf. Pittsburg -I iss Tagga Mary rt, P Leec enh,nsPittsbrag CH ‘eitlinger, New York ( G t 0 0' t 1 t 1 1 k in ert can—Chestiatat hoenberg, Baltimore it hm, New York Bellogg el) , Neer York , H Cam r Pose, Rhode Isla NY nd J. 2 r B Potter Btinemetz, Wash, D 0 yB Weeks. Wash, D ann. Baltimore ther W Luoas, Balt L Him mel , Baltimore _ C McGrew. West Va .jj.)l Jackson, West Va • "Ml 3 Lander, New York .40baa Jameson, Columbia Jas W Hall, Maryland 'W A Hyatt, Albany, N Y ag le Hanover ‘,DT W rd & M a in W i lm is Clark & air, Wilia Johnston, Petersburg Delat, Jersey Bbore Fallgraff, New York [Mame, New York Schmidt, Wash, D C roes, Boston Bhakespear: D elaware ' e reads, 0 ettystourg I Hart, York, Pa 0111. Lancaster whin:ion, Pottsville Dangler, Pottsville apman, Middletown irmrod & w, Tamaqua Johnsen,Jr, Tamaqua rd & la, Lock Haven fational—Rave etr Pence. Penna j, Cumberland co Bard. Butler co Aniff. Genesee. 11l sakerman, New Berlin M Gras, Lebanon s Bela ()nth. Lebanon Magee Foster. Leba'n 3 F Moser. 21st Pa CST Rahn, 21st Pa Cav Elmer, Dudack' Myers, Lancaster co Levan, Lancaster co . Warford, Milford; N J Dyer, Doylestown Mattis, ifount!Joy. Nymaker. Lancaster co Hartranft, Pottstown see. Elizabethtown harsh, Minersville Tucker, Mlnersville .tion—SecondL 'trot/ft. abov• Ilgarkint. amen, Delaware W B Collins & la, Delaware Re!, Delaware Mr B srrett. Buelcsto tneksnan, Chilton Hill !Rise Bs.rrett, Backs ao ....Al • Pains. Portland Miss 15 Reed, Lewistown itohn Robinson, Maine -r. Miss R Taylor, aeLewletown a Penns n fal Wiit lggetretewliown 1:r W ftedPath , Froopprt Mrs T S dralcb, Cape Mar d Chestnut streets. W Priw. 'fonnegsee • • • . .Tatnes .12111E4ga & wife Aire H Conum I ; ;C DPntis, Neer York I D &alai •.lhaee Portland, Me Frai k FAcb, L.s.lngloo,Ky J E Mcaardsoa, TllLaois C I. Harrinaton, New York fleory Daffy K Cr. mw..11 & la. Baltimore Mat Kennedy Baltimore Miss Coetard, Baltimore W & wf. Baltimore A;.jt Bo•B 11;m4rick, Jr.N J Major D,&eiel Liti on, Jr.N J W FUMASEOUP, Fatscoa , ,lire Pior,ooN , New York Geo P Corbioro New York D O j krk AUryland Ali of:lark, 31srylitud J W onrrotr k le, BAltimore I Kinw, Tr, 13 :more A Vir ti lake 1304r0, lo= P Brit.lley, New jersey I) 13 ..,ketrad, New 'fork 1J Ewing, -trees Jorspy IMrd W”bster & d :a orange strap Wtiour, Oranee W Ferri& new 'fork • . . bilis J,nuieC ,•meron.He.r% Gen Stahel, Harri4burg J Rlletireary, Chunk oew York Rohr, Boyd. Washington Poen% • • J At Broomall, lifedia„ Pa B 31",tlack. Cincinnati 31G L.ndis J fl Brack n, Pottsville F E Flart, New York T Jannen, 80-tqn E W Al.:hard. Boston Bile+ .Tnonen, Roston J.N Vance k wf, Wheeling GPa LtF4 01:1., ctaville C e Seward. New York w Feick. ,ILe.ster H. 0 Laughlin Phila T Brysoo, Silver Spring Nlr Alexander, Now York P G LeCais, New York SP Craighead, New. York S H Manzy ei wr, Rushville td . Low: rig. N-w York J B archer, New York Mrs Giles Sr eh, Ne iv York biics Curtis, Now York S J Kay, Pittsburg trees. below Ninth. R P °reenact, Shama., KY J W Grovte Mt Sternum D S Cat•, l'olumbne, Ohio iT McDonald, , lincinnati W C Mat) •nald. Cincinnati T Miller. New York W E. Turner & %el, Del Hamilton. Hantingdon co W Hamilton, H untingdon co H J Ming & Tv!, St Lords Miss B Gould, Missouri W Ponlron Miss Eagle, Lancaster co G L Euk.rt, co Henry Eckert, Lancaster co GH Armatreug, Adrian W Tidball Coshocton e A Leadoetter, Millersburg Mrs Large & non, Circleville Mrs J Gartland s oh, do H. al Craig & fa, Glasgow Thes Lst,hem.dt L outs J P MArvin.Rt Louis M J L.ech, Portland Miss MA Leech, Portland Miss A Jarcon.Portland jag Jamison,o hio • 73 Gilchrist. Ohio Sno lialandge, Ohio W S Bunts, New York Mahlon Long, Hartsville C S Harrington, New York W T Morrison, ?rfontg'y co Jos L Presbery, Taunton Michael York David T Todd New York Hiram Deal, New York Theo Deal, New York T C McCann Sr la,' Erie •• C.M.LELMBOI3. New York I S Hubbell: & wf, New York 1115 , 810111 y, New York Neiman, -Banton C Fredericks , Jeisey City street. below Aral. Geo W Bettie, Huntingdon JT M Junkie, Butler. Pa /13.8 Nimick & son 13 Agnew. Fort Wayne W J, McKen. Mercer. Pa RM J Zahniser, Mercer,Pa A Gassman & eon. Penna. H R Donnelly, Latrobe D Galion, Ohio Z Mathias, Galion. Ohio A Broken, O.tiion, Ohio L Haney, McKeeeport John P Packer, Fiends kton Mrs Moon & da. Pittsburg Mrs B Smith, Pittsburg D SM. ,nmbarland co . . . Jos Jackson. Virginia. W (.3 McGrew, Virginia • HC Wilson, Washington. W H Duckett, Washington A & La.s man, Somerset G Scott. Gitmbrier, Ohio A Crouse & la, Onto F Duncan, Spring Mills G Randolph, Salem R Miller. Salem E R Williams, Ebensburg IRK Beet. Selena, Pa J MeCandlesti Newville J'& Eyster & 1. Chambersbg Kiss Maggie Rooter, Penna W Keyser, Jr. Clhamberebs And Parker, Milllintown E D Crawford, Mifflintown F K Dnif. Pittsburg Wm Donehon Reading-. M. U Reseal', Milton L Thomas, Maryland W McCleary, Smiihtleeld,Pa Mrs Mary Beat & ch, Puma street. above Fifth. W S Allen, Washington, DC R M.Frlck, Milton F Piper, Milton C Russell 01 den, Lock Hay J A Wibiamson, SalladeL'g C Reynolds ` J4 Delawatt W L West New York 8 hi Baer, Lancaster L H Wanon, emboy Mrs Naylor Mrs Bodsce*; Trenton W 11 Barber, West cheater P Roberts. & wf, W Chester R 0 Cnok, Jersey Shore W C Crow, Elkton, Md Hen .4iontokson, SAlem ry L C Portland, Me J H Robinson. Boacon . . • . Deiretelorf, New Jersey A Rigss, New Jersey Moses Shelly, Goldsboro Miss Belle T Le., Pottsville W F New York T Reitlinger, New. York II Rosengartin, Pottsville John Mohan, Minersville Semi Walmer. (Inmmelst'n Jacob 13 Stoner, linnunelst'n J H Brock, Scranton B E Gittlngs & wt., Wash Zeber Mierel. Penns F Field, New York A Lovillard, New York IJ 8 Jordan, Mew York D:Wiles, Hageretlwn Wm Ullmair, New York eat, above Third. C Brady, Mount Joy Jae a Patterson, !donut Joy E M Grelder, Mount Joy 11 Heinton,.fount Joy Irwin s dwards, Cape M• 1 1 ,7 John Beams; Birdsboro ' J E Colvin, echolleburg John Glessner. Penna - W P Eyle, Caritas, W(4 Von Nieda, Reading,:- Jas.ll ()entries, Reading Howard Benson, Heading & O Croft, funding John Hs rlan, Tamaqua H to Baylor, kch Haven 8 V B Ake, Williamsburg J J Greer, Doylestown . . . edgar Rice, Ktagston Mrs Matey. Poctsville A F biegrist, Lebanon street, above Third. Samuel B Edwards W II Parker Mrs Chisholm T 1I Wells, Moss s. B Salyer. Now York Mrs T C Naylor, N Jersey D Blargoum, N Jersey Coo W Laurence. N York Wm Turner, New. York Chas Eldridge, New Jersey Dawson. U S N 8 Foster, Boston Coo Voorhis. Indiana "Ira Tltorp. New York C J Thorp, Now York M 111 Selfadge, Bethlehem St. Lonts—Chestotat. Mae Lewis. Ohio James L Wheeler R B Wood. New York Q Carhart. Albany • W Smith, Albany His W Ackley & ch. N J Croasley, New Jersey Chesil Lewis. Cinei_,n 0 W Fevers. Blount Holly A S igginp, Indiana ILD Ban ismin. Pens a m French. Cincinnati, 0. B Whipple Geo H Pitman, Boston .Tames El I tett, Now York John F Randolph John Lock, Lewisburg The Union—Arch ■ John C Ileszlitt Joe Boswell rect.. above Third. John ‘ Herr, StrAsburg A Boss Black, Strasburg A 111 Bert, Stra4bars . H Brady, New York McClure, Indiana Geo Shelter Sr. art; Berke co Cald walled ar, Pa D Thomas &le Iteedsbg,o J 0 &cock, Ohio win Ewing. Wheeling, Va hi Coes, Providence. li I D C,onnolly,Straabnrg,Pit OW Drown & wr, Cadiz, 0 G C Brown, Cadiz, 0 Wiebart . _ S B Bowman, Pa 1 Val Lerch amp, Selinsgrove Wm Spencer, Stra4hurg Wm 0 ibiugh.Oresnrastle Isaac Grano, &dams co H D Smith. Connecticut Mrs B W Hill, Potovilie Stillman, Pnttsvilie Miss Sarah Stillman. Pottev L W Olds, lowa J M Helker & la, Harrisburg Gen Johnson, Norristown B Tweedle, Norristown Miss Mary Millman, Pottsy .t street, above SiXtb... (I KyMarl, Milosbarg J 0 MeMean, &idegbnrg L Emir!, Coalmont states Union—Marke P Gardner, Car John Martin, Carlisle A \V Graff, Illfirer .7 Hamilton. Las caster Mrs Thom raon. - Lancaster Mee Reed, Lancaster biba Taylor, Lancaster IT if RAC, Painbridge - J Schmuck, Bainbridge L Lewis. Mifflin A B Spauga, Leichbnrg P Small, Pennsylvania G W McPherson, Mifflin G H Ettla. Mtrletta H A Zug, Lancaster G L Plit , ,Pittsbnrg E S Liechtenberger. Penns Miss N Ramsey, Nandi Cy rns•Hart, Johnstown Commercial—Sixth S Alfred L Aug , es„ Coates,le N .!Coen, Reading C Brown, Doy leFtown_ D Stubbs. Nottingham John 8 - Wilson Saml A Worth, Oxford, Pa John Th oniWoo l Mill Creek It K Knhg, Doylestown John Kennedy, Newark J Blinitleworth,.New York Mrs Griest, Christiana feet, above Chestnut. Morton Pennock. Chest os S Pennock. Chester co Howard Preston, Cho-ter co J W. Hickman, Chaster co John T Carter. Chester co Wm Banting, Lancaster ce Col J T Clancy. Philada Fl G Macy. lIS Di . II A Campbell, Centro co hire L Brower, Parkeharg E B Crossman & NV, Harrieb Second St.abos a Arch. Thom T Boyd. Wayne co B B Parker, Sullivan co. NY Joshua Thompson Salem T A G.dfrey,rottsville L B Sherman, Trenton. G W Hinkle s fa, all City G H Carver,N Y G II Green, Po. J C Dewitt, N Y Fr P Strong,Cinainnati R St*ong, Pittaburg Cel D Walser, Re44Mq Nath T llitcheLl. Wayne co John Lowless, Wayne co Geo W Bioklo, Jr. Atl City 11 Young, Sngetnehanna 0 Baker, Susquehanna Blount Vernon Hotel , Peter fit upp, Plymouth, Pa A W lfevta,Carlisle •Amos Ritter. Jr. Lane eo fi P Strou v. New Britain, Ct J Et Friel, Sellersville S Deckert, ftbamberabarg .T Spangler, Chambernharg B L Mauro*, Chambersburg C Dewitt -et la, N Y B P %limey SE la,Bloomsb4 011PlI1er&1 ,Pa ghelleab , rger, Pa nes J Rlair, VII (:bas 6 Howard, Phila . . C Gallagher. Phila Estick, Carbondale _ . . . 'Mon Brady, Atlantic City Sem( I) nankin, Nairowabz at street, above Race. Sohn Hess, GoaTabora - Isaac Meade, Pennsylvania Mr St Mrs Clark, Michigan Cart Isaac T Hamilton K R Hamilton, Blair co J V Mecafferty, Penna D B Niel., Pennsylvania Saml Penna James Hance, Delaware H Buxton. Centre county C B King, PennsYlvauia H H Rurrows, Penna. narianun's Hotel—Thi Dr IV c Bo.y IIL Brown Fl A Morris James %nee. New York Thos Lone, Baltimore John Lance, Delaware John Morgan, Delaware , arol Eine, New Jersey E.a Nathan, Bel , efonte - Lient Geo Mil, Penns J A Ronbe, 111 D, Penna. Chas Jeffreys, Penna Henry li' camp, Penna Silas Blazer, Penna. C Palmer. Wiscon s in Kesel;ey, Columbia co,Pa Barley Sheaß—Seeon Stomplar, Doylestown It Martindale, Stockton, N J Jno Hibbs, Newtown (,has W Stout, U S A David Jarett, Horsham W Davidson, Cheltenham S C Taylor St la, Bordent'n miss C Taylor. Bordentown nos Stemple, Bucks co C 8 Reynolds, Lambortsv Mores Rill, Bucks co (1 IV Pearson, Abinston D Snowden & son, Pennal B F Marks & la, Palmyra Hill Stewart, Bvberry Lewis Morras, Philada W Hobensaok, Millstone S Carr & son, Montgomery SPECIAL NOTICES • EYE, EAR, AND THROAT DISEASES TREATED with general success by Dr. VON MOSCHZISKER, au- thor of "Guide to Diseases of the Eye," Observations cm Diseases of the Ear," and the only legitimate Ea ' ropean Oculist and Auriet in this country. Credentials from the very highest authorities, and acknowledgments of the most satisfactory cures, from . responsible persons, can be examined at his office, Do, 10,37 WALNUT Street. se26-6e ONE-PRICE CLOTHING OF THE LATEST STYIES, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satiefac wry. Our Osx-Patos SYSTEM is strictly adhered to• ill are thereby treated alike. JONES Sr CO., 604 MARKET Street. ELECTRICITY ON A NEW SYSTEM', AS A OD NATIVE, by Dr. A. H. STEVENS, No. 1418 SOUTH PENN SQUARE, Philadelphia. seld-tf DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT AFFORDS immediate relief for Piles. and seldom fails to cure. MARRIED_ PAULRP.BICAISI —ln the Sicond W. P. Church, on Wednesday, September 30th. by the Rev. J. B. Date., D. D.. Mr. A. M. Paul to Miss Emma, daughter of Mr. Charles A. Rubicam. No cards. DIED. MATHER.— 0 a the morning of the 2.othult., Elizabeth L. Mather, eldegt daughter of Charles L. and Naomi P. Mather, in the 18th year of her age. Funeral to take place from Friends' Meeting House, Mount Holly, at 12 o'clock, on-Fifth-day, the first of the 10th month. . . . GRMIEY. —On Tuesday, September 29th. at the-resi dence of her grand-parents. Dover, Del., Lizzie T. Orem „aged 1 year and 12 days. Glilli‘D.—On the 29th ult., Francis T. Grand, in. the 69th year of hie age. . . The male relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late "'en dears. No. 1719 Spruce street. on Saturday morning', at 10 o'clock, without further notice. , ** ... LOMA X.—On September 22d, at Dwight, Illinois, in the nth year of his ace. William Lomax. The fri;nds of the family are invited to attend hie fo nora', without farther notice, from his late residence, SO7 Queen street; at o'clock e. , to-day, October I.* BTIRLETQR. - -On Monday. the 28th of September Nary Eyelina Burleigh, of Oxford, Massachusetts, BLACK CORDED MOUSSELINES.- All-wool black corded. Mousseline Delaines, 62gc. Lead French Merinoee. Lead Poplins and Bees. Black mixture and Gros Grain Silks.' Black Thibet Long Shawls. Black and white Scotch Wool Long Shawls. Black Turin Cloths. Black and white Striped and Plaid Paris Mousseline Delaines, just received by 8E430N & SON, se23 Mourning Store, 918 CHESTNUT Street. $2O BLANKETS.-- Finest goods made. Premium Blanket. 13.4. 12-4; and 11-4 Fine Blankets. Blankets, Wholesale and Retail. BYRE & LINDELL, FOURTH and ARCH $lO BALMORALS Finest Skirts imported. Balmorals $B, $7, $6, $5, $4, and $3. l3almorale for ohildren. Balmorals, Wholesale and Retail. BYRE & LANDELL, se2B . FOURTH and ARCH streets MISS ANNA E. DICKINSON WILL, address the people of Pennsylvania on the NATIONAL CRISIS. At EASTON Tuesday, September 29th At ALLENTOWN ..... --• • • —Wednesday, 30th At MAUCH CHUNK Thursday, October lst. At WILKESBARRE Friday. '' 2d. At DANVILLE . Saturday, " 3d. At SHAMOKIN— ... • .... . . .Monday. sth. At POTTSVILLE ..Taesday, " 6th. At LEBANON • . :Wednesday. " 7th. •At CARLISLE• • • ......... • ....Thursday, " -- Sth. At GETTYSBURG Friday, 9th. At YORK .............Saturday, 10th. At CHESTER• • • ..... " 12th. se29-tf NOTICE. —IN ACCORDANCE WITIT a resolution of the • . MUM'S' BOUNTY FUND CO , NISIITTEE, OF PHILA.- - - - _ I em directed to give NOTICE that all eating for BOUNTY be presented before the Bret day of November neat. Those previous to Jane Ist, to MICH ABL V. RAKER; No. 201 South THlRD , Street. Those since Jane Ist, to me, - WILLIAM VRITCH. Paymaster. Washington Buildings, ' South THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 30, 7.BM' NOTICE.—THE TEN PER CENT COUPONS of the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Company, due October 1, 1863,,wi1l be paid on presenta tion at the office of the Company, No. 4-07 WALNUT Street. Cocl-3t] WILLIAM WISTER, Treasurer. Al .• SPIRITUALISM—MISS LIZZIE TOTED?. of Massachusette, will Lecture at SAN SOIL-STREET HALL, on SUNDAY next, at In A. SL,. and 73i P. M. Admittance 5 cents. ee3o..3t'. M.. WEST PIIILADELPBIA MARKET STREET LOT.-The attention of capitaliste is called to the Sheriff's advertisment of a large lot on Msrket street, West Philadelphia, to be sold as the prot arty of Edward Burnham, on Monday nest, at Sansom-street Hall. The title, derived from the old . West Philadelphia Railroad Ciimpany, having been confirmed by act of the Legislature,. is now indisput able. 5.30-3tv IMP OFFICE BEAVER 111EADOWICAIL ROAD AND C. COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, September 28. 1883 A Quarterly Dividend of 2J4 per cent, on the Capital Stack of this Company has been declared this day, paya ble on and after October 7th. clear of Government tax. ee29 96• L. CHAAfB SRL Trea. urer. IMP PHILADELPHIA' COLLEGE OP PHARMACY.-The Forty-Gard Conrse of Lec tures in this Instirution will be delivered in the College Building, FILBERT Street. above Seventh. during the Winter, on MONDAY, WPDNESDAY. and 'FRIDAY EYENI i CS, commencing with a general Introductory, by PROFESSOR PROC TOR. on FRIDAY EVENING, October 2d, at 714 o'clncb. Matriculation Tickets may be obtained of ALFRED B. TAY LOR, Secretary, 100 CHESTNUT St. ee29-4t UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, LAW DEPARTMENT. —A Term will commence on TIITIRSDAY, the tat of OCTOBER neat. The Intro ductory lecture will be delivered by PROF. MORRIS. at EIGHT o clock, in the evening of that day, at the LSO TITRE ROOM . , is the NORTH COLLEGE cep 7-t ()al IM• PITTSBURG BONDS.--ALI. PER BODK holding Railroad Bonds leaned by the City of Pittsburg, are hereby notified that I will be at the office of Elias D. Kennedy, No. 333 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, prepared to exchange compromise bonds for the old issue of Railroad Bonds from TEUTIVIDAY, 24th instant, to October lot.. both dams included- _ JOHN M. CARGO, City Controller. oFtricar. OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO.. PnrhAner.pett, Sept 25, 1883—An election for TEN DIRECTORS, for the ensuing' year, will be held, agreeably to charter, at a general meeting of the Stockholders. for that Purpose, at the office of the COMpbny. on MONDAY. Oct. 0. 186 4 . at 10 o'clock. A M. seat 101 • ' J. W. Mc ALLISTER. Sec. pro tern. PIIILADELPRIIL ARD READING Bs ILROA1) COMPANY. Office 227 South FOURTH Street . PHILADELPHIA, Sept 2114, 1803. To avoid detention the HOLDERS OF COUPONS or this Company. due on the let proximo, are requested to leave thsm at this office on or before the 30th last when receipts wilt be given. and checks will be ready for de. livery on the ht proximo in exchange for said receipts. 8.22. St R. BRA n wORD. Tre.P.r,r. 11.. ST. LUKE'S A.UXI.LIARY TO THEI SANITARY COMMISIION earnestly solicits from members of the congregation and others contributions for the benefit of SICK and WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Ar ticles of Diet. Flannel, and other Goode,may be sent to the Seclety's Room, in the basement of the Church (THIRTEENTH Street. below Spruce,) every FRIDAY, between 9 and 1 o'clock, and Money to the Treasurer, CBS. W. CUSHMAN, No. IRIS S. DELAWARE Ave nue. eel7-thilim PIiILADJKLPIIIA. AND RAILROAD COMPANY, Office M 27 Soath FOLlb TB Street, PHILADELPHIA. September 2, 1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock of this Company. The residence of several of them is un known. and it is, therefore, necessary that the certifi cates Or stock should be preeented on calling for the Dividend. S...,I3EADVORD, Treasurer. , STOCKHOLii Kra. Mirk Blithe% Timothi-C. 43 oy_ 1 e. Clement Biddle, Ann Copeland. A: Emile and J. Newbold, Truoteee, Debbie A. 'Hughes, Band. T. Harrison, James Hallowell. Jamee W. Hallowell. Catherine C. KoPPele. Daniel Klapp. Mary Kuhn, Chas. Kuhn, Hartman Kuhn, and J. H. Kuhn, Ex. of B. Kuh. R. V. R. ,Leinse Palm and James C. gala. F.M. 0 Jan 8, deg'd, street, below Vine. Ndw S7nnsey, Nona Ee6~ NAMES. Saa - deaider. Percy M. Lewis. Fanny Mary Mitcherson. John Mclntyre, John S. Moore. • James McKnight, Berg. F. Newport. Beal. R. Pott, W R Rodman, Sarah Ann Ricb.ards, Belay B. iiherer. Maria 1.. Sadler, Andrew Turner, Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich. Asher M. Wright. William Young, : W. R McVickar, Austin Smith, . Willie al co, s.a§•atiathil POLITICAL. NATIONAL UNION NOMINA TIONS. STATE OFFICERS FOR GOVERNOR, ANDREW G. CURTIN. FOR JUDGE OF SUPREME 001711.T 1 • - DANIEL AGNEW. SENATOR-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT• rffREIMLLUI NICEOLS. REPREBENTATIVB 4 Ist Distriot—WlLLlAM FOSTER. 2d " THOMAS T. OHOATE. id " . THOMAS T. WILLS. 4th 1 , JOHN D. WATSON. sth " WILLIAM W. WATT. 6th " ISAAC H. O'HARRA. 7th THOMAS COCHRAN. Bth " JAMES N. KERNS. 9th CHARLES DIXEY 10th " S. S. PANOWIST 11th " ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. 12th " LUKE Y. SIII'PH/67. lath " WILLIAM Y. LEADER 14th " S. FREDERICK GETZ. 16th " WILLIAM F. SMITH. 16th " EDWARD G. LEE. 17th` 11 JAMES MILLER. COMATY OFFICERS; RECORDER OF DEEDS. LEWIS R. BROOMALL PROTHONOTARY OP DISTRICT COURT. GEORGE KELLY. CLERIC OP 00IIIIT OP QUALSTER.•SEEISIONS• GEORGE H. 2.1.00. HE. CORONER. WILLIAM TAYLOR. CITY OFFETRES. CITY TREASURER. HENRY BUREN. CITY COMMISSIONER. PHILIP HAMILTON. By order of The City Committee of Superintendence. ke9-ti G R, AND RALLY FOR `TIME UNION: "NO PARTY BUT OUR CIOVNTRY.'-" THE CITIZENS OF Tffß FIRST WARD WILL ASSEMBLE ON THE SPACIOUS LOT, 4 CORNER OF SIXTH AND DICKERSON STREETS, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 2D, AT 75‘ O'CLOCK, All in favor of the re-election of the Patriot and Soldier's Friend, Governor ANDREW G. CURTIN. All in favor of the election of the eminent Jurist, DANIEL AatiEW, and the whole Ticket, All in favor of sustaining the noble efforts of the bra ticnal Administration, ALL OPPOSED TO TREASON! COME! COME!: COME! COME FROM YOUR FACTORIES! COME FROM YOUR LOOMS! COME FROM YOUR WORKSHOPS! COME FROM YOUR ANVILS ! :All Come to Swell . the Chorus for an Undivided Union. J: THE FOLLOWING EMINENT SPEAKERS WILL AD"- DRESS THE MEETING: HON. A. R. McCLDRE, HON. WM. B. MANN, HON. ISAAC HAZLEMIRST. HON. CHARLES O'NEIL, ' HON. MORTON McMICHAEL, HON. JAMES POLLOCK,. COL. THOMAS FIT2.GERALH, COL. W. 11. MAURICE, JOHN DAVIS WATSON. Rig., . GEORGE A. COFFEY, Mg., SAM'L J. REA, Eq.,— THOS. C. STEEL, Esq., AND 'ornEßs. 31 " Ol:FR WHOLE COUNTRY. " - A MASS MEETING OF THE LOYAL CITIZENS OF THE EIGHTEENTH WARD ! WILL BE HELD AT GIRARD AND COLUMMA AVENUES, ON THURSDAY EVENING, oar. IA AT 734 O'CLOCK. Rally r Friends'of the Union!! All who love their Country better than Party,.and are determined to put down rebellion and secure an honorable and permanent peace, by mittAining the AMY in the field, and crashing Treason at Rome or abroad, areinvited to attend. The meeting will be addressed by W AYES. MOVE kali', CHARLES W. McCLINTOCK, Esq.,. Col. FITZGERALD, a War 'Democrat. GEORGE I. RICGIE, Hon. 3. LEONARD M.YERE,.MoRTON MeMICHATIL, WILLIAM B. MANN, Esq. ; else,,the Connecticut Boy, and others. MASS MEETING, GERMANTOWN. The UNION LB ACUB,,ofVermantown, will hold a MASS MEETING- In suppport of the Union. the Go vernment, - and the War, on their grounds MAIN Street, opposite Chelton Avenue, ON SATURDAY,. traTODER 30, AT 7 P. M. Hon, R. STOCKTON MATHAWS, of Baltimore, and others, will deliver addrwses. oel-St* UNION MASS MEETINGS. UNION STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE BOOMS. COMMONWEALTH BUILDINGS, 611 CHESTNUT St. SEPTEMBER 9, ISM. Governor CUBTIN, in company with distinguished orators from adjoining States. will address the people of Pennsylvania at-the times and places named in the following schedule: At SCRANTON; LIIERITLO county. THURSDAY. Octo ber Ist. At TOWANDA. Bradford county. SATURDAY, Oats ber id. At BELLEFONTE. Centro- county. TUESDAY. Octo ber Stn. At YORK, York county. WEDNESDAY, October 7th. At READING. Barks county. THURSDAY. October Bth. At POTTSVILLE, Schuylkill county, FRIDAY. Octo ber filli. At PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, October 10. We-have reasonable hopes of having in the pending canvass the aid of 'Governor JOHNSON, .of Tennessee: Governor PIIRPONT. of Virginia: Governor-BRADFORD, of Maryland; JOHN `BROUGH, the next Governor of Ohio Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, of New York; Gen. LOGAN. of Illinois: Gen. BUTLER, of Massachusetts, And many' other distinguished gentlemen, including many eloquent advocates of the Union Cause in Penn sylvania. No possible efforts will be spared to secure as full and thosough a SiSCESSIOR of tke momentous issues now submitted to the people as the brief period now re maining will allow, and it is enjoined upon all friends of the Union Cause to secure the attendance of their fel low-citizene upon the occasions. WAYNE MoVEAGH, Chairman. (Igo. W. IlAingssvr, Secretaries. W. W. HATE. UNION MASS MEETINGS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER I. SCRANTON. LurerneCounly—Governor Curtin. Hon. Jas. H. Campbell, Hon. P. C. Shannon, General Bruce, and 'Professor Hegn man. , LOCK HAVEN, Clinton Connty-.Hon. Wm. D. Kelley. LEBANON—Chas. H. Shriner. Esq. - MOUNT PLEASANT, Westmoreland Connty—.lon•Go- Yernor Johnston and Lorenzo Sharwood, SHIPP.ENSBURG, Cumberlana , County—Col: F. Mont gomery and A. H. Chase, ESQ. [Editors of the loyal newsvapers throughout the State are requested to publish notices of the above meet ings. geld 'UNION STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROOMS, PZILADELPRIA, Sept. 17, 1863. HON. WILLIAM D. FY.LLEY, at the invitation of the State Central Committee, will speak in behalf of the 'Union, at the times and places named in the annexed schedule. Our friends are earnestly desired to have a full attendance of voters at these meeting,: LOCK HAVEN. Clinton connty—Thursday. Oct. 1 TOWANDA, Bradford county—saturday, Oct. 3. WELLSBORO, Tioga county—Monday, Oct. 6. MONTROSE, Susquehanna county—`Wednesday, Oct 7. POTTSVILLB. Schuylkill countt , "Friday, pot. 9. PHILADELPHIA—Saturday, Oct le. - ten WAYNE MoVE&GH. Chairman. UNION CANDIDATE FOR THE LE. gist stare (3d district). THOHAB T. WILLS, Hatter, 605 South SECOND street. A good assortment of Hats and Cana constantly on band. se24-17t* ►p ® SI'OII,TSMEN PHILIP WILSON & co., 109 CHESTNUT. STREET, ,1 Mannfacturers of superior DOUBP GUNS, , . , . equal. if net superior;:to any of the following 717, 'which we keep constantly on , hand: .. William Greener, Weetley Richards, Moore & Harris. and other makers. Also. Powder. Shot, Wads, Cape &c. We shall be constantly. supplied, during the season; with every variety of: - SKATES. " ' 3024-3 m . UNION STEAM' AND WATER HEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. GOLD'S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER HEATER. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, and all other Improved COOKING. APPARATUS: . Boilers and Water Backs, Parlor and other Orates, Registers and Ventilators Backs and Jambs, and' all th;Das connected with the ' above branch of business. - "JAMBB'P. WOOD, No. 41 South FOURaII Street. M. FRITYTBLL, Superintendent THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA_, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1863. IMPORTANT ORDER.-THE Supervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Roe ms would call the attention of the public to the following instructions to the chief mu.deriug oilidbr: WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, WAstrizorroN. Sept In, 1883 Copt. Wm. I? Lone, U S. Army, Ohie Mustering Offi. Cer. Philada., Penna.: SLR: I am directed by the Secretary of War to instruct you to muster into the regiment of U. S. colored troops organizing at Philadelphia all colored volunteers from the States of New "Jersey and Delaware who may be presented.. -In so doing, you will keep an acanrate and separate account fur the respective Statee, giving the number mustered for the respective, Congreasional dis tricts, so that the States coneerneemay receive the pro per credits. I am, sir, very respectfully. youyobedient servant. THOMAS M. VINCENT. Assist ant Adjutant General. By this it will he seen that colored volunteers recruit ed in the States of New Jersey and Delaware (as well as from other States), end mustered into the service of the United States in this city, are to be credited to the Staten from which they come. Ail communications - on this subject addressed to the undersigned will receive atten tion, - ROBT. R. CORSON, se')-tuth sat Agent for the Committee. CORPS OF. HONOR, 11. S. A. HEADQUARTRRE ESCROWING SERVIORI INVALID OORPO FOR PHILADELPHIA, 1143 South THIRD Street Philadelphia, SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of dis ability will apply for information or enlistment in the INVALID CORPS to ' Lieut. HUBER BASTiAN,. Invalid Corps ?AS S. TLird street. Philadelphia, { ' or to Lieut. J. W. DEAN. Invalid Corps, - 511 Brown street. and B. corner Broad and Spring Garden ste Pay and allowances, excepting-bonnty and pension, same as C. S. Infantry. E. W. MaTTIIBWS, Mellor Ist Pa. Art, and &LPL Invalid Corps for Phllrdel phia . ans if HEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL, THIRD DISTRICT, PA. PHILADELPFITA, Sept. 28. Is& NOTICE is b merry given that the time for claiming ex emption. and furnishing substitutes for the dratted man of the Nineteenth ward, will expire on VIES DAY, Octo ber 6th. after which ail who ha-se then failed to report in the. Third Cortmsgional District will immediately he liable to arrest as deserters. By order , of the Board of Enrolment. CHARLES P. CLARKE, Captain and Provost Marshal. FRANKLIN D. STERNER, COMMISsiOner. ALEXANDER C. HART. 649-4 t Sargeon. JMPORTANT NOTICE. HEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL, FIRST DISTRICT, kA., 345 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. September 21, 18k7. • • • _ . . The time for hearing' cases in the First district (consist ing of the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth. Sixth. and Eleventh wards), is hereby extended to the FIRST OF OCTOBER. Within that time. Drafted men from any Part of the district may appear Ail drafted men who have been ordered to report for duty.~ and failed to do so, will be apprehended forthwith as deserters. A reward of ten dollars will be gcaidfor ciasertere. N. B.—Substitutes have preference, and will be re ceived from 9A. M. to P. M. FALL, . Have now open 93 FRENCH FLO W _EMS, 1863. FEATHERS, LACES, RIBBONS, 4k NEW-STYLE HATS, MIST OPENED AT THOS. KENNEDY 435 BRO.'S, No. 739 CHESTNUT Street, below Eighth. ae9-3m EIGHTH-ST. RIBBON STORE, No. 107 N. EIGHTH STREET. We would inform our customers, and the ladies generally. that we OPEN THIS DAY a complete stock of MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. AT 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, FOR THE FALL AND WINTER SEASON OF 1563. Our stock consists of BONNBT AND TRIMMING RIBBONS.. every shade and style; • BLACK VELVET RIBBONS, Plain. and with whit.. and colored edges: . FELT AND STRAW BONNETS AND HATS. the newest shapes: SILKS, VFLVETS, AND IINCTIT VELVETS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, BONNET-FRAMES. LACE 9- Arc., &c. By buying from the importers direct, and by constant attendance at the various auction gales in this city and New York. we are enabled to, offer a splendid assort ment of goods in our line at the most seasonable prices. A fall assortment kept up till the end of the season. Country orders promptly attended to. MILLINERY OPENING.-MISS' S. T. Mn - ROUT, 40 1 .3 A.RCIT StreQt. will - open BIS DAN Yrene;li Pattern Bonnet., and a fall line of Manardctured Millinery and blaterlals, wholesale and retail. se:4(l-2t• 43 MISSES oq3 RYAN, No, 1107 WALNUT Street, have received Paris MILLI NERY for Fall. which they will ho prepared to show to their customers on and after THURSDAY. Oc tober lot . se2B-12t* ,MOURNING BONNETS Made to order at the HEW INOTTRNTITO 4T098, 926 CEISSTNIIT Street, .felD-lm M. & A. MYERS & CO COUPONS 7 2-10 IST OCTOBER AMERICAN GOLD 33017131-1-ia" TTY? SOLD_ 5-20. The undersigned, as General Subscription Agent, is the Secretary of the Treasury to continue the mile of this popular Loan, and TEN DAYS' public notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT - TWO .HUNDRED. MILLIONS remaaiu unsold:. and this amount is scarcely. suftleient to furnish a.basis for the circulation of the National Banking Associations. now-being formed in every part of the Country. Bnt short time must elapse before this loan is wholly : ab sorbed, the. demand from Europe, Germany especially.. being quite active. As it is-well known that the Secretary of the Trea sury has ample and unfailing:resources in the &dies- on. imports, internal revenues, and in the issue of interest bewidng 'Legal Tender Treasury Notes. it is nearly-cmr-- tainlhat it will not be necessary for-him for a long time to come to hems further permanent Loans,. the interest , and principal of which are payable in,Gold, These considerations must lead-to the prompt cousin-- aion. that•the lime is not. far distant when these- " Twenties" will sell at a. handsome premium. as was the.. result• with the " Seven -thirty" - Loan,. whemit sold, and could no longer be subscribed - for-at par: the• Interest and principal being payable soin,..thuis yielding about yap= per. Cent. per annum at thepresord premium on gold: . - It is called 'Five-Twenty," from the fact that whilst the Bonds may run for, twenty) years, Yet the Govern ' mint has the right to pay them (aid g.old at Par..abanY time aftenfitra years. The interest is paid half yearly on the.first day.actlio veraber and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonds whiclturdpaya ble to bearer and Issued for $5O, $lOO, $OOO. and NAN. or Begisteied Bonds of eisailar denominations,, and in addition $B,OOO and $10403. - These "Rive-Twenties" cannot hi taxed. by States, cities, towns, or counties, and the flovecomeat tax on them is only one and a half per cent. on tim amount of income, when. the income exceeds 81t hamdred dol lars • per annum. Income from all other investments;" such as mortgages, railroad' stocks, bonds, Sm., must pay from three to five per cent. tax oa bite income. Banks and Bankers thronahont the. country will eon thine to dispose of the Bonds, and all orders by mail or otherwise properly attended to. The Treasury Department havtog• perfected arrange ments for the prompt delivery of Bonds, Subscribers will be enabled: to receive them at the time of subscri bing, or at farthest in FOUR days. This arrangement will be grattfying to parties whowant the Bonds on pay-. meat of theinoney. and will greatly increase the sales. MILITARY NOTICES. WM. B. LEHMAN. Captain and Provost Marshal By order of se22-dtoel MILLINERY GOODS. WOOll .Br, CARY, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, A LARGE STOCK OF STRAW AND FELT GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, And a general assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, To which they invite. the attention of THE TRADE - SICREL & WEYI, sell-2m No. 107 North EIGHTH Street FINANCIAL. W AL N - 113 . DREXEL db GO. DREXEL 433 CO.. .34 SOUTH TRIED STREET 5-20. SIX PER CENT:. LOAN. JAY COOKS, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT), 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, p, HARVEY THOMAS;' STOCK AND LIILL . BRO33, --• . No. 312 .WAlaarT Street. Stocks and Loaos bought aud eold,on Commtspoust the "BOARD OF BRO}S. r. , - SObscripttons to. the 6-20 year ao7oPar cunt L42N still received at par.: , ' No charge for Commissto% symnk COLLEOTION,. - OF _II. S. OERTIFI. GATES OFINDEBTINIESS.—The; ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY 'are 11403; prepared te collect, at the Treasury Department,, Wsebdngton, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One Year Certificates of by debtednees of the Theded States now dne or shortly Terms made known and retieipts - given at the OffiCei No: 320 ,CIdESTIT Street. , mysrtf.. E VIDENILy NO•,PICTIJELES „HAVE received nhore {popularity than REIMER'S colored photographs. executed so well for SI: they have a firm hold .§.40gz. 4 0 lat;2lt, Om Preen, CLOTH HOUSE. WILLIAM T. fiNODIDUSIP WHOLES!. LE AND RETAIL CLOTH IL-10 MAIO, No. 34 South SECOND St.. and 23 STRAWBERRY St - FULL :STOCK OF ARMY CLOTHS. • NAVY CLOTHS. CASHMERES. NOBBY COATINGS. CHINCHILLAS: VELVET CLOTHS. FROSTED BEAVERS. ESQUIMAUX. BILLIARD CLOTHS. BAGATELLE CLOTHS, &c. °emu REMOVAL AND OPENING. J. EI GIL His Stock telhe NEW MARBLE STORE, 9021 CHESTNUT STREET, And open, in addition thereto. A large and well-?.elected &tools. of FRYoNCII DRBSS GOODS. all of the Beet Fabrics and Newest De3igoa. J. M. R. bees to state that he has now secured the BEST STORE in the. BEST LOCATION, and has also the means and facilities for procuring, at all times, a Stock which will make his the LEADING RETAIL DRY 000ns BUSINESS in this city. eon& OPENING OF WINTER CLOAKS. J. 111. Will have Ms OPENING of PARIS AND AMERICAN CLOAKS, In great variety on MOND sT, Ostober AT HIS NEW STORE, NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET tP:I3- Ft 1863. IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES JAMES B. CAMPBELL & FALL AND WINTER STOOK, IRISH POPLINS, SILK-FACED POPLINS, ALL-WOOL POPLINS, In the most Desirable Shades. PLAID REP FANTASIE, PLAID POPLINS, EPINGLINES, ALL-WOOL PLAIDS, • In the Richest Designs. • AND 8-4 MOUSLIN 'DE LAINES. BLACK, COLORED, AND PRINTED. 6-4 BL ACK DE LAI NEI 6 4 COLORED MERINOS; all Shades. WELSH FLANNELS. SHAKER FLA MI ELS. Be.LLARDV ALE FLANNELS. sAcruNc FLANNELS. OPERA' FLANNELS. SCARLET FLANNELS. GRAY AND PCARLLT TWILLED FEANNELS. JACONETS. CAMBR ICS. CD ECKED MINLINS. SOFT C 3 MBRICS. NAINSOOKS. SWISS MUSLIMS. MULL MIISLINS. CAMBRIC DIMITY. TARLETONQ ' &C. LADIES' KID AND LISLE-THEMA:VC/LOVES. LADIES AND GENTS' COTTON HOSE. BLANKWIS in all Sizes and Qualities. BA UMOR t. LS ..r.D SKIRTING. NICHAROSoN'S FRONTING, IVIEDIUH, AND BOUSEWIFE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS AND DAMASK' , NAPKINS, DOYLIES, AND' TOWEM, CRASH,. BbC.KABACK, se3o-tf - 110,ALAIORAL SKIRTS, -IJ , In a ll dasiiable grades, at less than Waal Prices • CUR WEN STODD A.RT & BROrECER., Nos. 450, 45:a, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. Willow SHAWLS In all the Popular Stiles and Coloring. OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450 i 452, and 434 .12.. SECOND St. , 103: Willow BROOM LONG SHAWLS,. In Paps and Viennoise fabrics Choice Colorings and Designs. Prices varying from $8 to $25. OURWEN STODDA.RT & BROTHER, Noe. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St, ab. Willow BLAN K E T S, • IN ALL GRADIS Huiel•re . cpere, Institutions, and Housekeepend supplied -at the lowest prices. • ONTAWEN STODDART & BROTHER, lies. 43 0, 452, and 454 N. SFROND St. , ab. Willow: SHAKER FLANNELS, CITRWEIf STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 454, and 454 N. SECOND St. , eb. Willow FLEE AND WINTER DRESS-GOODS PftRIS POPLINS, Choice Colors. SILK AND WOOL POPLINS, Choice Colors. EPINGLE do do. BLACK STRIPED do do." FRENCH MEBI NOES. OURVIEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St . ab. Willow. MEDIUM-PRICED DRESS:GOODS•i--- 4-'-a: Just opened, a. large and well.aelected stock of French. German, and English .COmpriaing - FRENCH MERINDS. • p , ;pLINS, Plaid, Plain, and Striped.. FOIL DE CHEVREs MOITSLIN lELAINES. ALL-WOOL and UNION PLAIDS. PLAIN and FIGURED REPS. In constant receipt of desirable goods -from the Philo, detptda and New,York auctions. OTURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos 450,452 i, and 454 North SECeiND Street. ee3o-3t Above Willow. HATS AND CAPS. OPENING} OCTOBER Ist. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S FANCY HATS AND- OAPS,. LADIES, MISSES, • AND CIIII;DAETS. F CHARLES OAKFORD & Nos. 834 and 838 CHESTNUT Street. seSD-4t CONTINENTAL ROTEL. THE REBELS REPULSED -a- A GREATVICTORY. _ _ s i.ILLIE r B WROIDAIT IRON'AAD CHILLED=- IRON DEAR SIR ! 'We own the only Lillii.Safe in town. Duantrel's guerillas tried to open it, August 2lst, bat soul d.not. Every other, safe was The Re bels tried to force. but • their hammers and bars had no effect on oars. We would like to obtain the agency. for this vicinity. Yours truly. SIZAPSOSSAIROTHERS. LEWIS LILLIE, Tro - g..N; A OREM CONPL f.GRATION. LILLIE'S WEGriGHT AND CHILLED IRON VICTORIOUS. BUFFALO, Sept,'l6, 1863 LEWIS LILLTE, '›oy, N. Y. Dear Sir I suppose you have seen the account in the, papers of the conflagration we had here yesterday n orniug about one o'clock. MY office was located:about the centre of one of the'burned buildinge, god all we .1/ad in the: office. lootemas burned up. Our books,..papers and currency .were in the Safe,: and came out all. right. 'The Safe was exposed to a terri ble heat for about eight hours. The tiro took in; the lower part of the building of a grocery store. YO - 3.78 truly,_ - I. ME. • M. O. SADLER, &gent. No. SEVENT.Street. ocl-thstnlm • EI trhiladelphia. PHILADELPHIA.,,SEPT; 30,.1863 The lipin of LOWBEB , & WILMER is this day dls solved by tam withdrawal of JOHN It. WILMER. WM. T..LOWBER. JOHN. R. virtl.MEsl. 'P.- W. RALSTON. rIIIIADELPEIT.A., October 1, ISBS. lil 'l' LOVirTtlltt and FRANCIS W RALSTON will continue the business of the late Firm of Lesvber & ligilmer, under the name of ocl • fos LOWBER & RA.B.STON. NOTICE.--TO. PERSONS HAVING . Claims against the late FARMERS' ADM 50MA -4 ICS' IMAM A rieE COMPANY of this city. of which Thomas B. Florence was president.. and Edward R.. 74gImbold was secretary. All. persons /Laving such claims for "Firs) or Marine 'tomes, or otherwise, and de siring to collect or sell the same. are requested to call upon or address H. A. CHAMBERS, *O7 WALNUT SC - le ID!I EIMER'S IVORYTYPES ARE FINE -Ls) specimen's of art, and excellent likenesses; easy, natural poeitions, and artistic colorinirthead finely mo delled. _ Gallery SSCiNNI) Street, above Green, it* Q.PECIAL fit7BslthilitPillgiT AMERICAN AND FRENCH GLASS SHADES. BEAUTIFUL FERNERIES. HA RTELL & LETCHWORTH, se4A-tdeSl No. 13 North FIFTH Street. SPECIAL NOTICE. wALcarr & BURNHAM, llfanufeoturers'•Agents. haveremoved from 721 CHEEP NUT Street to 27 South SUMP Strew. between Market and Chestnut, where can be found a large stock of the celebrated (warranted) 'UNIVERSAL COGWHEEL CLOTBES-WEINGER." Also.. a great variety of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS, at very low pricee, including Iron Bedsteads. Umbrella Stands, sprinK Bed, Bottome. Mattreasee, Carpet Sweepers, ao. Also. Johnson's and Gill's Patent Washing Machines. PHIthaELPHIA DISAPPEARED -INFORMATION IS wanted Of HOWARD LESDOM. of Bucks county. who is aged sixteen yews. about Ave feat ten inches high, light complexion. light hair: and light eyes. 'He disappeared from his home on- the 23d of September. any information ooncernina him will be thankfully, re ceived and suitably rewarded. , Address' - se3o- 3t* - Brownsburgcßucks county, Pa. rr . RUS S; BMA: S Seq.) 5F41.4- FULLY suLueted 113 i,, C. H, NEEDLES. corner of El TWELFT'and RACE Streets. Ladtea'-Deparc t oont for same,conductod by Ladt.s. TWELFTH Rtrost' Arab door below.; Race" The roost complete and y.av- 315 d- gtb a k, 12: hand,consisting inbart of Trusees.SupPolters, Shoulder Braces, Belie; Bandages, Elastic Stockings. Cratokm, Sy 'biome, Articloa for Dirtreery, Sick :soma, em tt RETAIL DRY GOODS. Successor to L. J. LEVY & CO.. WILL -REMOVE On MONDAY, October 6th, No. 727 CHESTNUT STEEET, Are now opening their To which they Invite attention, viz LONG AND SQUARE BLANKET-SHAWLS OF ALL DESIRABLE GRADES DRESS GOODS, TRIUMPHANT. LA:NY - 5 - x os, Kalißisj Sept.lo, 1833. COM3IISSITOW MOUSE?. JOHN F. YOUNG, No. 70 N. FOPRTIT STICRET, (Formerly 327 MARK ET &rent, Rae now in More an excellent aMormont ad DRE 39 GOODS, &c , confieting in part of Black Stlke, French •Merlnoe, Alpacas, Wool de Leine, Plain and. Striped Pordins,Ohnice Plaid (lasboieree' Reps, Shawls, Scorn. &0., &o. To which the natal attention of the retail trade is invited. setkrithani BAGg t BADS 1 BAGS 1 NEW AND SECOND HAND. . BEAKLESS. BURLAP. AND GUNNY BAGS. Constantly on hand. JOHN T. BAILEY & CO.. No. 113 NORTH FRONT STEM. ' Jar, WOOL BACKS FOR SALE, FRENCH GOODS. INBKEEP & TRIIEFITT, MG CHESTNUT STREET, OFFER TO THE TRAMS, PLAIN MUSLIN DE LAINS. SHAWLS IN ALL VARIETIES. VEIL BARGES IN ALL COLORS. GRENADINES AND DONA MARIA. BALMORAL SKIRTS. Agents for Mes'srs. BECAR & Co.'s. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDIURCUIEFS, CARPETINGS. CARPETS! CARPETS!! • JAMES CARPET WAREHOUSE, CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH STREET, '- I have recerved, BY LATE ARRIVALS PROM EUROPE, A large assortment of NEW STYLES CARPETING, Comprising some new kinds of goods never before offered in this country, for parlor furnishing. Included in our variety will be found the FRENCH AUBUSSON CENTRE CARPETS; ALSO, "FRENCH VOLANTE. TEMPLETeN'S ENGLISH AXMINSTER CARPETING. ,CROSSLY & SON'S WILTON VELVET and TAPES TRY Do. IL CROSSLEY & CO.'S celebrated BRUSSELS Do. With a large variety of other makes of BRUSSELS and TAPESTRY CARPETING. lEENDERSON'S CELEBRATED VENETIANS., With a full variety of American makes of three-ply and Ingrain goods, all of which can be offered at considera ble redaction from last season's prices. JAMES IL ORME, CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH. STREET. dlm FANCY ARTICLES. WD. - GLENN, IMPORTER OF • DRUGGISTS' FANCY GOODS, NO. 2.6 sovra. FOURTH STREET, Otters to the trade a full assortment, including in part— Hair, Tooth, Nail, Cloth, and Shaving Brgshes. Camel's Hair Pencils and Marking Brushes. Combs in shell, ivory, horn, and India rubber. Perfumery and Toilet Soaps of all descriptions. Pure Essential Oils. Rose Water and Orange Flower Water in cans. Powder Boxes and Puffs in great variety. Round Filtering Paper, all sizes. Carbone Aromatise, Hooper's and Arnaud's. English Pink t , aucers, Reeves' and common. New Zealand and Pink Linen Twine. Flasks, Tooth Picks, Violin Strings, &c., &c., all at lowest rt atket prices. se22lmif LADIES' FURS. OPENING OF FANCY FURS. JOHN A. STAMBACII, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, NO. SRA ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH, Has now open a splendid stocic of LADIES AND CHILDREN'S FURS ) Which will be sold at the LOWEST CASE PRICES. ocl-3m FURS! FUR-S 1 GEORGE . F. WCIIRITH, NOS. 415 AND 417 ARGFI STREET, HAS - NON OPEN A. , -FTTLL ASSORTMENT ' : OF A. at) S, To which the attention of the public is invited. se22-3m ARMY GOODS. ARMY HATS, ARMY HATS ADO - LP - FT.& KEBTI,. No. 62 North SECOND Etreet.. • PHILADELPHIA.' Manufacturers of all kinds of - PELT, HATS, have on.hand a large assortment of all the rations and moat approved styles of ARMY El AT R. Orders'by mail from sutlers or jobbers will be prompt ly filled at the lowest rates. je.96-81n . FR 4) I T HIN W111.1.S• HEAVY MEDIUM. AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINOS STANDARD DRILLS . HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBIUMS AND MACIAS. BROWN, BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12-WORSTED YARN, am. nelb-if FOR' THE ARMY AND NAVY MILITARY FURNISHER; 418 ARCH STREET. Banners, Regimental and. Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts„Passants, Epaulettes, Hata, Caps, Canteens, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Meld Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officer& L lilaeral discount allowed to Uxt trade. sel.o-tf G W. SIMONS & BROTHER, 8/08031-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, MAINEFACTURERS OF TEWELIIT, FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS DA EVERT VARIETY. an23-If6ra CHINA AND. GLASSWARE. KERR'S Earnishing China &Elas,s. Establishment, CHINA HALL, 529 CHESTNUT STREET, Aar DIRECTLY- OPPOBITS. INDEPENDBNOB HALL, 'VI ro h m e e c n h t e o ape s t (for the quality) and most extensive as. WHITS. FRENCH, COLD-BARD AND DECORATED , CHINA, IN THIS CITY. Just opened, of ow owttimporta&m, eighty-one casks very. superior plain WHITE FRENCH CHI.A, in, any quantity to snit put-chasers. Mee, a splendid assortment of Fashionable CDT AND BHGBAVBD.TABLB CRYSTAL GUM Ais_._o Plain white English Sinn() Ware. Dinner and Tea Ware. Liao. Toilet tetn, in great variety, some very elegantly decorated: Air Double. thick China E.tone Ware. and Got IS% eX. tressly for HOTELS, SHIPPINT;4 AND RESTANNANTS. Aar Franck China deocrated to order in any Patera,. ,fib' Initials engraved ox Table Glass. Cliina d Glass packed in a proper manaer. ses-aatutb-4m WATCHES AND JEWELRY. MUSICAL BOXES. SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES TN -A- playing from Ito 12 tunes, choke Opera Ind Ameris fan Melodies. FARR & BROTHER. Importers. . tel 6m 324 OHESTlititt Street, below Fourth. BOW ARD & CO.'S . i shig - First Class t. AMERICAN WATCHES, With fttliltFlHOß'S DA,TENT BlogLAT_Oit. For sale by the print4paIWATC2MAKERa, sell lm` • _ (.:RUSSELL, FINE AMERICAN and Imported, WATCH'S% Fine Jowelri. Raw an wed ware, barn • iy2343m !O% North SIXTH Stnol. FINE - WATCH - REPAIRING attended to. by the most ozwrienood woikmen. =very :Watch vim:anted for one year. .0. RUSSELL. 22 North SIXTH Street. .1;M - gm pt. DU BOUCHET. DENTIST. '3c..15334.11CH Street; N. E. cor. Sixteenih. se9:lm*. FFICERS HAVING STATE CLAIMS. - . . . O can lave them CASHED . AT.ONCE at _._ . ; • THE MILITARYANDINAVaL AGtNCY, „ ae29:St if ',.. ''' -' No. 420 WALNUT ,Streer. STE.A.At .. . ENGINE.— ONE SE 0 0 ND. BAND Vertical Steam'Suet:La.:3o. inch' cylinder, 5 feet et tei re.w ith l a rke,wronght-lron shaft, and , balaneez' wheel, 20 feet disuicter, and welshing 20 tom, in good order. and now in operation at Reading. Pa. For sale by.. ligratar W. GARDNER, ProvitleMe; R I 1 RON% IN PRESS, e Di 1) WILL Hl.' READY' OCTOBE3 A NSW COPV +HT 'OK BY MRS. WOOD, THE sEr,.Dow 01? Aclf LT DVAT. THE SRA I. W OFD „SRLYDYA.T, THE, SHAD ) I Rir OF ASEL'i r DYAST. RY HENRI THESIf ADOW HOF, ASHLYDYA I' is WOOD. printed from Aker author's Mannacript and advanced Proof sheets.. par chased by us from Arra. Henry Wood. and is issued here Fix weeks in advance of the completion of the work in Europe. It le complete in one large octavo volume of MO pages. paper cover, Railroad Edition. price One Dol lar : or in two volumes, paper cover, for One Dollar ; and in one volutno. cloth. for V 1.25, MRS WOOD'S OTH ER BOOKS SQUIRE TREVLYN'S HEIR. Two vols., octavo, pa per cover. Price One Dollar ; or in one vol., cloth, for 10.25. - THE CASTLE'S HEIR. Two vols., octavo. paper cover. Price One Dollar :or in one vol.. cloth, for 25. - VERNER'S PRIDE. Two vole., octavo. piper cover. Price One Dollar ; or In one vol. cloth. for dil.ts. We also Publish a ' • Railway of each of the above. each one complete in one volume. paper cover, Price One Dollar. THE EARL'S HEIRS. Trice Fifty cants ; or in one vol.. cloth, 76 cents. 'IIIE MYSTERY. Price Fifty cents ; or bound in one vol.. cloth, 75 rents- A LIFE'S SECRET. Price Fifty cents ;or In one vol„ cloth. 75 cents. THE ODA NNINOS. Price 75 cents ;or in one vol., cloth, *l. TILE FOGGY NIGHT AT OFFORD. Price 2.5 cents. Booksolere, News Agents, and all others. will please send on their orders at once fur what they want of an y of the above Books. Address all orders, to receive prompt attention, to the Publishers, r. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS. No. 306 CHESTNUT htreet. Philadelphia, Pa Copies sent everywhere, free of postage, on. receipt of price. Send for our catalogue. It NEW BOOKS AT REDUCED PRICES. -., Cala Days. By Gall Hamilton ia Freedom and. War. By Beecher 1'25 Eleanor's Victory. By Mrs. Braddoa 45 aurora Floyd. New edition 20 Lady Audley's Secret 40 Shoulder-I:traps . SO New Gospel of Peace 15 Companion to do do 15 Squire Trevlyn's Heirs Ramola 100 Live it Down 40 Army Regulations. New' edition 121 PITCHER'S SOO RS'PORE ocl-31 808 ORR .TNUT Street. P OLITICAL MAP OF PENNSYL -ve NIA, exhibiting the vote of every County at the Governor's Election in 1860. in figures and colors. Just Published, and for sale (price 12 cents) by T. 11. PUGH. oel-3t. S. W. corner of rIIEST:IITrand SIXTH Sts. COLORED CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Lora Beautifully CO inred Photographs for sele whole sale and retail, at PITCIISR'S Bookstore, BOSI n,ST NUT street. 001-St VOnTS SUINIPTER AND WAGNER. —MAP showing siege operations against Forts Sump ter and Wagner, between July 13th and Septemb ,r 7th. Y ee illi ts iished by permission of General Gilmore. Price 10 VIEW OF THE }mugs OF PORT SUMPTER on Au gust 2.Mh. By authority of General Gilmore. Price . OUR . FOREIGN RF,LATIONS. A speech by Hon Cbarles Stininer. Price 25 cents. For sale by WILLIAM E & ALFRED SIARTIEN, eeIO 600 CHESTNUT Street. NJ',OV. PORTRAIT, Biography, and Phrenological Dwoription: inte resting to all Union men of Pennsylvania. October phremoiogical Journal. se:3o st J. L. CaPEN, Sonth TENTFI Street. NEW BOOKS NEW BOOKS ! ! -A- - LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, 25 SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Cueatnnt. Have now 'or sale. ' HAWTHORNE'S OUR OLD HOME, a series of English. Sketches. GALA-DAYS. By Gail Hamilton, author of " Coun try Living " IZ'S METHODS OF STUDY in Natural History. BEISXY WARD BEECHER'S New Volume, entitled FIIEEDOM AND WAR. 13029 NEW BOOKS— Jnet recoived by J. 13. LIPPINCOTT & CO.. 715 and 717 MARKET' Street. THE PENINEULA CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA; or, Incidents and Scenes on the Battle Fields and in Rich mond' By Rev. J. S. Maras. PETER CARRADINE; or, The Martindale Pastoral. By Caroline Cheesebro WENDELL PHILLIPS' SPEECHES and LECTURES. THE SAFE COMPASS, and How it Points. By Rev. Richard Newton. - OUR OLD HOME; A Series of Eiglish Sketches, By Nathaniel Hawthorne. METHODS OF STUDY IN NATURAL HISTORY. By Agaesiz. STANLEY'S SERMON IN THE EAST. PALMONI: or. the liIIMERA.Li OF SCRIPTURE. By Prof. Mahan. se" ITAZARD'S 130.0KSTORE, •11 Books usually to be bad in a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES sel2.6nt THE HEPTAMERON -BY MRGA.- A_ ,RET. (Infer% of Navarre. Fully translated from a genuine copysf the original work. This is the richest treat to he foand in French literature. Just published. in a very neat volume of f,le pazee, cloth gilt, with 12 pictorial illustrations. Toucan get it hi mail, etcurely enveloped, for $l. CALVIN BLA.N I 7.IIA.R.D. Pnhlisher, '0 ANN Street. New York. A MIX CLOTEIA G AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE', TWY LEVI and GIRARD Streets. HILADELPNIA. r eptember 30,1.963. SEALED PEOPOSALt. incited at this Offire until 12 o'clock M on SATIIttD AY. MI- October next, to fur nish prcmptly at the bCIIDYLKI ' LL AESENAL the fol lowing :title es, viz: Blankets. Woolen, Army standard. Ponchos„ for Cavalry, Painted Pei cba. Trumpets, plait, with extra mouthpieces. Bugles, with extra mouthpieces. Drums. complete. Infau'rY. Pram Batter Reset:. Drum Snare Hfads. . _ nunie Cords and .7tssela. Infantry. Bat Cords and TtISSO.B.- Cavalr,. Hat etaated Sables Pit Feat - he; s - - Cavalry Sta.ndarde. .Vecrniting nag Vallisrds. One and une- hal f sh. Sky-blua Worsted - Lace One-half inch Yellow - Worsted Lace. One- half inch Scarlet Worsted. Lace Pic) FIX°. - Pic) axe Handles. Felling Ax es -- - - Felling Axe Handles. hbelter 'lents, Linen ox cotton; if linen. equal to 8 ounces to the }and of 26 inches. wide.; if cotton, squat to T ounces to the yard of 28...1na nes wide. Samples of the ' material to be used' must be submitted. with the pro posals Uniform Hats, Army standard. Bidders must state in , thely proposals the prire, gnaw ily bid for, end time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to All. the-contract. must be guarantied by two re-ponsible persons, whose signa tures m tat be appended. to the guarantee, and said gua rantee must accompany the bid. Bidders. as well as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this t.dice, will furnish a certifi cate 4rom the United States District Att3rcev. Postmas ter, or other public .functionary. at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth c.early the fact that the bidder and: his suraies are responsible men, who will, if a contract is awarded them, act in ;tool faith. with the United tta.tes, and faithfully execute the same. Samples make seen at this office. to which all articles must conform. Blank forms for proposals can be had' npon application at this office. Proposals must be endorsed 'Proposals for Army Sap-- pl*," Mating the pat Herder article bid for. G. H. CROW A.N, Asst. A. R. Gctnerel 11 S. Army. MOSS 8.1 Nespcctfully inform the , public they have opmed a BRANCH at where will be found a complete stock of Fancy, Waw/e, Counting lionse, and Office BLANK BOOKS, AND. ENVELOPES, of their own manufacture, o? the beet qualities, and bt great variety- The busineee will be conducted on, the principle of SMALL PROFITS ADD. QUICK SALES. PHILADMPIfIA. By prompt and careful attention, uniformity in prises, extensive assortments. together with their long or:pen. once in that lime of business. they-ask a share of public patronage. Blank Books ruled to any pattern.. Bnvelopas, of any size or shape, made to order at short notice.. They will continue their Wholesale business of Book sellers and Stationers at the Old Stand; No. 430 .KALTEKET: STREET se2l-lm If, . 9M INsrnuNA - a - - 403 ella.TNOT . Strec PIEIL&Di FIRE AND-IZiLAI Frames N. Bud:, Chas. Ricba, aro.% 14airry_.LeNris, - Joirm Ever:man, • - Justiae, 0. W. Davis., FRAN RIB N. BI CHAN-1,86 RICH WILLIAM I. BLANCH- A AN FIRE- INS-GRAYCE - COMPANY: Incorporated 1110. CHARTER PER PETUAL. WALN DT Street, above Third, Pni-. ladelphi a. having a lroge paid-up Capital Stock and Sarplus In -rested in soc,nd and available 60cnrigcs, continues to insure on D. , ,vollings, Stores, Furnittare, Merchandise, Vessels in non and 'hell , Cargoes„ex d other Personal s Property. All losses liberally and womptly adjusted. IIdRECTORS: Jameell. Campbell,: Edmund G. Doti tb , Charles W: PealtneY, Israel Morris Thomaa R Maris,. John 'Welch, Samuel C. - Morton,. Patrioll Brady . , John T. Lewis,. THOU ALIVEM C. L. CRAX7OII.nt: ENTERPRISE FIRITRANCE COMPANY OF. PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE I'NSDRANCR EXCLUSIVELY •). _ CORPANY'S RDILDING, S. E CORNER JURTH AND WALNUT , STREETS: - . DlltheTOßS. F. Ratchford Starr,. George.ll Stuart, William Nog. e, John H. Brown.. Nelbro Frazier, J L. Erringer. John lit Atwood, Geo. ahnoatook, Beni. T. Tredick, James L. 'Claghorn. Mordecai L. DAWEOII, William G Bolton. F. RATCHFORD , STARR., President. Taos I IL MONTOOKIRT, Secretary. . felt NOTICE: _APPLICATION WILL BE made by Israel Roberts to thaDepartment of High way s, for a contract for the paving'of Edwin street, be tween Ridge avenue and Grape street in the Fifteenth Wald in the city- of Philadelphia.. The following own ers of property on said street have signed an agreement for the came: Rosanna Mellor, 56 - %et.; Sohn Maurer, 14 feet; William Mooreho - ase. 14 feet; John Atkinson, 14. /feet; Palms Moreland, 14 feet; Jacob Peters, 14 feet;, " friaries F. Jones, SS feet; C. F. Folwell, agent 'for C., lee. 14. feet; William Felty, 14 feet; Stuart Benson, foi. J. Benson, 14 feet; Matthew Connor. N feet; Catharine I.trayline„ 14 feet; George Newman,. 23 feet; William Brown,. )4 feet. Owners of property on said - street, having objection to the contract being awarded. will make them at the Department of Althwaya, on FRIDAY, Octobers 6., 1863. at 11 o'clock A.l[. . rd-3t.. TO AIANUF.A.CTURERS. CAST-IRON BEATER PIPES, of various sizes, for sale in quantities to suit purchasers. J. lir. St J. F. No. 123 south THIRD- Street, THE ATTENTION OF GROCERS -• AND OTHERK is invited to the NEW MOVED BLACRII\ G manufactured by BROWN & BROTHER. Boston. This Japan Blacking, with half the usual labor. II:a -buts a most intensely rich lustre and jet black, equal to the highest Japan Varnish, produces a most perfect smooth surface. so as net to soil the &neat linen, renders the leather easy and pliable, and will retain its virtues in any climate. . For sale by the THAYER at & COWPERTHWAIT . S. 417 COMMERCE Street. se2s-Imif WHITE VIRGIN WAX 'OP AN TILLES—A new French Cosmetic, for preserving, whitening, and beautifying the complexim This preparation is composed of White Virgin Wax, of the finest quality, giving the complexion a transparent whiteness and the most bewitehing beauty, while its component parts render itl harmless to the skin, pre serving it from tan and other intturities. This is one of he wonders of the age, and most be seen to be appre ciated.. A 'bottle will be open for Ladies to try its effect before purchasing. Price 25 and 50oento. HUNT & CO., -Perfumers, 41 South' EIGHTH Street;two doors •above Chestnut, :and 133 South SEVENTH Street, above `THE STYLE AND EXECUTION Op - 2 - REIMER'S llfla-etas Photographs in oil is such ;1, , to render them perfect an likenosse3 i n pl ea . g ike pictures. EF.COND Street. above Green, it. NEW IPITBLICATIONS. 724 CHESTAITT STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth Streets PROPOSALS. Rubberlndia or Outta STATIONERY. No. 432 CHESTNUT STREET; , . Seepnd Door above the Poet Office, S.TA.TIONERY, INSURANCE, COMPANIES. E'COMP.A,N-1, NO. ritTSIA. N D I !itsiTRANDD ITODS. _ _ . _ I E. D. Tcrondinlff, Geo. A- Westi. John Kessler, Jr., •ches. A. H. Resonhaitn, Jeseph D:. Ellie I 'K.. President. AltDSON..'irioe President. ' D. Secretary jahittlf A.s MARIS, President. ,Secretary. 1%22-0 AMUSEMENTS. WALNIITSTREET THEATRE, LARSB4I Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSON. THIS (Thursday) 'MEWING. October 1. RICHARD 111. Richard. Duke of G10ater...... .,... Queen Elizabeth To conclude with the farce of BROTHER BILL AND UK Box Office open daily from 10 till 3 Olock.when Seat. may be secured, without extra charge. sir- Change of Time—Doors open at 7 o'clock. Cartg.Mt rises at 73 2 . oml MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW .R01:1- A- , -• STREET THE ATRE—ARCH Etreet ab , ve Sixth. Acting and Stage Manage.r NVII PREDERI r^ KF. Enid nssuA sent and Treasurer... . SOS D. +VIP ^‘ly. THIRD VEER OF RICHINGs , OPERA TROUPE. THI .3 AND EITKR.V EVEN MG% - TILE POSTILION OF LONJUMEAU. Madeleine.- ,• Mils O. Richl.not. Margate de Goarcey— ........ •• • .Mr. Peter Rtctrngs. Bijn Mr. q•intilil. f:honelou Mr. - 7. Bourdon Mr, W. H. Peakes. To conclude every evening with a SPARKLING COMBDIETTA, In wit lel the dramatic company will innear„ Tickets. 25, 60. and 75cents. No extra charge for Beat* at the Box Office, from 10 A M to 3P. M. Cartels rises at 734" o'clock .e'43 4t NEW CHE'S'UNIIT-ST. THEATRE.- 7 4 - Les Bee and ManaßAr air. WM. WHBATI.BY. LAST WEEK but one of the engagement of MR. COLLINS. The grand romantic Drama. entitled TES D II"B'S morro, in which hr Wff. WHEATUBv will sustain his original character of "Lagardere." has achieved the greatest emcees of any MODERN SENSATIONAL DRAMA, having alms dy been witneceed by TWHITY-EIGHT TROIR3AND PERSONS, and still attracts large audiences It will be presented EvREY EVENING. DURING WEEK, MR.- COLLINS AS CaRRICKFERGUS. supported he the ENTIRE DRAMATIC COMPANY. se2E4t. CONCERT HALL. MONDAY EVENING, Octobers, And con tune every afternoon and evening, for a short Season PIA,. FLLINGER & 111.1.WC,C116'S GREAT MORAL F , XIITTITTION, THE THREE CELEBRATED DWARFS, Cora. Foo.e, Miss Vim Nestel, and Col. Smell, the three smallest human being. in the whole world, with out exception. In conjunction with HOOF. C. LAVALLEE'S PARLOR 0PE3.1 TROUPE, Ten in ni mbar. All antic, in this mammoth double entertainment. landed with ,the most brilliant an ew:Moms by the clergy, pro's, and pnhlic Doors open at 2).;," and 7'4'. - Realm; it and S. Tiet . ete 25 cents, Children under twelve. to of ern oon matinees. 15 cents. J. D. NEWCOMB, ocl-6t Business Manager. MILITARY AND CITIZENS' DRESS BALL—ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY. EVENING. (IctobPr I. MI GIVEN BY OFFICERS OF CAMP OADWALAVIM. Masters of Csreinonies: Msi Gen. Geo. rad walitd ,, r—Brig. Gen Jno. P. Hatch. Floor Maragers.—Colooel J H. deliogg. Colonol J.W. Hoffman, Colonel a Bassett, Lt Col JAmes Garynis Lt. Col Theo. Passer, Major St. Clair. A. Mulholland: Major J. B. Stovsr, Major Theo. H McCalla, Captal* William Travis, Captain John? O'Brsn. Capt. 0. B Griffiths Trans G.W. Perkins Sec'y, A ma inw a JentlAmen anti two Ladies. Tickets for sale at J. E. Gonld's music store. southeast corner `seventh and. Chestnut, end Lee & Walker's mush: store. Chestnut street: also. at the Encampment Doers open at 9 Beck', band is engaged for the occasion. Carriages set clown beads south; take un head, N. se26 st* TEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSEM BLY BUILDINGS..TENTH AND CBESTNUT STREET'S. Amusement for Old and Young 3lirtb and HaPirtnesS open for the season. Constant change of Entermlnment SIGNOR BLITZ, EVERY EVENING. COUIThellCiUg at 73i o'clock and Wednesday am: Saturday at 3, consiatina of New 'Ji-ys tariff; in Necrcmancy, great success in Tentriloquisnt, and the Learr.d Canary Birds Admission 55 cents: Children I/5 cents. wANTs. WANTED IMMEDIAT ELY-A large unfurnished Peond-story ROfildf, with Boarding, in a respectable private family, where 'the comfort of a permanent home can be had for a •single Gentleman. Good reference given and required. Ad— dreEs K. ,at this office • It. 'WANTED TO RENT=A ROOM ON " the second or third floor, situate between Tenth and Fiftconth, and Arch and Sornco .treat-, for a rave rtnd gentleman's studio. J. M. GUM VIYX & SONS. 506 WALNUT Sired. W.LIS TED-,& 'MILITARY- PRECEP. TOR. —An exparienced c fficer, competent to in strnct in the " Fchool of the Company," and in battalion drill and movemems, who is willing--to devote hie mornings to tile instruction of young men. may hear of good employment by addressing Box 2603, Post Office se:io-It WANTED -BY - MAN who has had six (6) years' experience in Mer cantile Business, a SITUATION to go to South America or California. A ddress TN. ,Box 272 P.O. seal 2.0 St cv. WANTED-A PARTNER IN TSB 7 7' cash-jobbing dry-goods trade. with $13.0{)/ to $15,- 000, to join two young men of energy and ability who can control a large amount o' trade and command some means, Address, ••BUSINESS," at this Of ft ce. 5e24.3t5 WANTED-A RESPONSIBLE POST = TION. by a competent and experienced Book keeper One where faithfnlness is appreciated.. Address H. BARTON, 'Press" of f ice se26 At• NTE P. --- $1.5 P"PiA want reilvade, axiomatic CRILYZ-1/587S end in ovary CoTLDVY. for a L - Gatssl brotten AA a eatilMb , e*i af r from $5 to 416 par dar. No hturibur.. ERPOYII.: 4a.n.visftera yre.: , ..rro.i. but room for all. 2eldrqes C. N. dr CO. -it either . , Ohio; i•-•tremt. New York. thq3ooa-A PERSON WITH THIS 9 amount 'wishes le enzage in soma silo RTISIVM . •S with another having equal capital. Bog 196?. P. 0. ocl at Rk I A MONTH? WE, NV &NT AGENTS at $6O a month. eroonses paid, toSLI Orr EVERLAI.TING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNETT& and thirteen other articles. 15 Circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. sell-d&W3m ell WAN TED—A FIRST CLASS FUR ge.--4NISHE 1 . ) HOORR by a small private faintly. Libe ral rent given. Address V. 8.," 1.01.:4 WM, gur btreet. • ee3o 3to . DEPUTY QUA_RTERMASTEII GANERAL'S OFFICE. - PHILADELPHIA. Feb. L VESSELS 'WANTED immediately to carry COAL Is the following points: - Tortugas.- . Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. Newbern; N. C. Port Royal, S. C. - A. BOYD, felo-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. BOARDING. G "KEW BOARDINGHOUSE:-MRS. HOUSEMRS. DUFFY having just opened the house No. 269 8. FIFTH street, below Walnut, has a few handsome Rooms unengeged. Besides permanent Boarders, she cfm accommodate a few Gentlemen with,T ALBLX BOARD.se2S-6t THETH HANDSOME RESIDENCE, 1031 WALNUT Street, will be opened for reception 01 Boarders in a few days. sell-Im*`.' FIRST-CLASS BOARD, HANDSOMM commun'cating and single rooms: private table, if desired. No. 1315 WALNUT Ftreet selolm* FOR SALE AlliD TO LET. AR A RIL OPPORTUNITY !-THE subscriber, intending to go abroad. desires to ate- Pose of a M‘NUFACTORING BUSINESS paying over one hundred per cent. Particulars can be bad upon. application to the Editors of The Press. F. R: J. ccl-St. WEST PSIILADELPHIA.-FOR - SALE. a very convenient and well arranged HOITSI4. .with all the modern conveniences. Size of lot, 50 by MO,. on the south tide of Chestnut street, east of Thirty-eighth•. street. Apply to S A. HARRISON: c cl-3t• " 1010 CHESTNUT it Street. de HOTEL FOR SALE.—A FIRST= CL L SS HOTEL. modern conveniences, with a good. rnn of travel,. ss well as country trade, at Lebanon, Pa. Inquire of S. 3. STINE, Lebanon, Pa. ocl-l2ti. •TO °' &PITALISTS AN=Di BUSINIES&- MEN—ORPHANS .. COTIRT SALE. ill be told neremotorily,. by M. THOMAS & SONS, On OCTOBER 6, at 12 The 'valuable Pr , pe ty No. 218 FRONT street and 143 e DOCK Street.,.. . The estate of James felaul,,Sr., deceased. might be advantageously divided into two atores, en. Front and Dock streets. se3o.6t*- AUCTION . SALE. _ AN- 1 ,,, BAZAAR—NE.7TH AND SAN-- -- -, vat- SO3l Streets. SALE OF HOtis3S. - CARRIAGRR. SARNE£S, &a_ ON SATURDAY MORNING, October ai,.at 10 o'clock, conwricing nearly SIXTY HORSES Including faf.cen late in tve by the City Troop, aniong7 which ttre raw-rat Tfatable mares. Full cescripfions in cataloan,..s ALSO, New ind second hand. Carr', au.,., l larness. cow, me ucinz with tha Carriiqrea punetaally- at 9!,-4 o'clock., and Flort , cs t 1032 o'nioch &if- No -prwtponexusut on ficoonnt of rba weather. ADE saLE Or. 2t , 0 ra k RTAGEiI, Octobar.lth.. ccl-2tif ALFRED M. ITERRNESS, Auctioneer. WILL.DE SOLD, ST THE BAZAAR, ON SAIIIEBAT",, OCTOBER 3D,. 1f63, FINE: BAY 7 years old,. a splendia. SADDLE HORSB,,sl2l4.ble.fau. an officer. ' • 0c1,20, SRERIFFPS SALE. SIIERIEF6 SAL - E BY VIRTUE OP' on l'rder :of Sale, to me directed, will be asp 'sod tn. or -yendue, on TII OS 0 AY, October 23, 1 , 63, at,. 12 o'clock lu ~ at the Philadelphi.i. Sachet:Le,. by Mt. THOMAS 9r. SONS. uctioneers, All that brick me. snag.? andl st of ground on gi tor,. situate in the city of Philadelphia: containin& - ief breas th on Second street twenty-one feet, andes.-... tending ram brsadt - 4: rartwaid ninety-live 'friar tom inches be the same more or less, to the.west side of ta. lot now on late of j:ohn J..Thotpuson. Bounded west-- a aid with Second, street, aforesaid,nortbw.yrd with at lot now sr. late in the possession of Idary Gardner, east ward pa, By by the bead of a three-feet-widaalbpand partly by a lot now or- I , te of John J. Thompson, end southward with tundry back, ends of Walnut streettlota; end a lot on Second street, now. or late in the.poaseasion of Jan McCall& TOsethir witb the free use, anct privi lege ofa three feet-wide atley, opened. and laid ow and to to wed as an alleyway and watercourse for the ac ccesmcdation as welt of the above premises as of thelot on the south side of said alley, (as will more fully ap by the covenantsnd agreement of the, said John -J . TholooEor on record in Deed Book No. 3i, page as Ac„ ), and lea ding from the rear end. of said lot.eastward into a ten-feet-wide alley known. as "Zachary's court." With the appurtenances. . [.)) C , 399: Sept. T., '69. 'Perkins.] JOHN TH.O.IIPBOII, Sheriff. - Pbiladsiphta,, Sberilre °fate,. Sept. 28,1863. ocl-thSt Ask FOR, CALIFORNIA. M. 0. ROBERTS' LINE SAN, ~,FRANCISCO - AND OREGON,,. • VIA - PANAMA RAILROAD. - The Stiepaship • I..ILLINOIS, MOO Tons; •iv . On SATURDAY. October 3, at noon. .The finest. fastest and strongest Steamship "h q th a California trado will sail aa above. from pie foot of ARBRAN Street, North river. For ireigl t or passage app %y D OARRING r IZON. - • Corner of WARREN' and WBFllltStreeta. N, R.—Attantion is called to the changa of faaa mate... se23-toe.3 a ll ig=4, 4 STEAMER WAN:Amp' -• For SMYRNA, PORT PRN6. DRIA7. WARE CITY. NEW CASTLE and CEIt.TER. from Rio ARCH-Street Wharf. every aIONDA*WEDICEAD&Y, and 'FRIDAY. at 9 o'clock Rotu.rninz_laave . e. sciattukr BOOK Lauding every TUESDAY, -THURSDAY, aad SATURDAY, at 9 o'clock. Stages connect with the boat ftc", Smyrna, Dover, aad. Leipsic. ' CARRIAGES. , - 1863 3 _ WILLIAY.4 If. ROGERS, Coach and Ll,Oat Carriage Eiundier, Nos. 1009 And caserNur STREET. ,elO-6m - Parrixamarta.. WHITE ?PRESERVING BRANDY. . . , . • PURE CIDER .&Na WHITE WINE VINEGAR. OINGER, MUSTARD - SEED; SPICES &o.: ALL THE REQI7IBITESTOR PEBSESVINO AND PICKLING PURPOSES. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, NEbler ilk Fins Groceries. Comer ILSTEXTE sa YINS strettu ...Edwin e4am9. Mrs. S . S. Psrri~.
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