AN ELEGANi . STOOK OF .11/LITANY FUR- Ntsatxa for Army and Navy officers, Will be found at Oakford Bona', limier the Continental, at moderate price.. - FMB NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES BY GIIIIIIKIIMIT.—Mr. F. Gutekunet, Nos. 704 and 106 .A.,roh street, has just homed, in his own popular and peculiarly oftfaiie style, line caries de visite of Rob. Judges Ludlow, Sharswood, Stroud, Thompson, and Strong; also, a capital picture of Ron. Judge Thomp. awn, of the U. S. Supreme Court, duplioatet of all of which, for the Album, can be had at his counter. TnE " OPENING ' 7 DAY. To-morrow, .October ist, will be the great Millinery Opening Day. The establishment of Messrs. Wood & Cary, No. 726 Chestnut street, which has come to be re garded as the Headquarters for fashionable headgear in this city, promises a rich treat to the ladles; and If the weather , proves auspicious their elegant ware• rooms will present rare scenes for a business empo rium. Of Course, every fashionable lady in the city will call there some time during the day. BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF ALIWId9 AND PHO- ToortArtrio VlEWS.—Meeere. Wenderoth & Taylor , (formerly Broadbent Sr. Co.), Nos. 912, 914, and 916 Chestnut street, have now ready, at their counters, a splendid assortment of Photograph Albums, of The newest styles, of , the beet makes, and at mode. • ante prices. They have oleo for sale a choke Lion of Photographic views, taken In the vicinity of :Philadelphia, that are becoming popular with pa trons of art, It will be borne in mind that this firm le prepared to take these views to order, at the *totted notice. PURE BRANDY AND PORT WINB.—The successors to the late 0, H. Mattson, dealers in tine Family Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, have now in store a pure article of old Brandy; also the finest brand of old Port Wine, both especially adapted for snedicinal purposes. FINE STOCK OF GENTLEsIEN'S FURNISH ING GOODS, AT FAIR PRloe9. We believe in men who mean what they say. Our respected townsman, t. G. Walborn, Esq., proprietor of the popular Gen tlemen's Furnishing Goods establishment, Nos. 5 and '7 North Sixth street, has been a staunch sup porter of the Union with his tongue, and when the loe undertook to invade Pennsylvania he coolly backed up his sentiments by shouldering his musket. He has now returned, however, and is dealing with his customers in the same frank manner in which he Went out to deal with the rebels. TIIE suourss or DR. VoN MOSCUZISKER in the treatment of deafness, and all maladies of the eye, ear, and throat. has 'proved what can be done by an educated Oculist and Audit. At his office i 102'T Walnufstreet, can be examined testimonials of cures from persons of the very highest responsibility. A FAST YouTrr.—We have heard lately of a fast young man who run a $30,000 yacht, won the heart of an heiress, spent $l,OOO for bouquets at as single party, bought and got trusted in the most Miscellaneous manner, and finally collapsed with a debt of $300,000 on his back, and all in about a twelve month I What a contrast does this experience pre gent to that of the discreet individual who Hies Within his means and acts wisely, economically, and tastefully by procuring his wearing apparel at the Brownstone Clothing Hall of Rookhill & Wilson, woe. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth I MODERN IMPROVEMENTS.—If we pur chase a house to live in we are sure to want all the "modern improvements," and, in a descending scale, in all our purchases we want the lame. This fact applies with peculiar force to that important ac cessory to a household of the present day—a Sewing 24nchine. When, our fair readers purchase one of these they want one, of course, with the "modern Improvements"—they want to embroider as well as eew with the machine, for they never would be satis fied to make their dresses on the machine and then slowly put on the embroidery by hand ; nor need they, for with Grover & Baker's celebrated machine they can do both, and with an ease and rapidity as tonishing to behold. A HANDSOME young bride was observed 20 be in deep reflection on her wedding day. One of her bridesmaids asked the subject of her meditation. "I was thinking," said she, " which of my old beaux 3 should marry in ease I should become a widow." 51 Marry the one," was the reply, " .who showsjudg 3nent and good taste combined, by dressing in the graceful and beautiful clothing which render the name of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, famous through the fashionable world. FALL AND WIIV.:EIt CLOTHING Fall and Winter Clothing. Fall and Winter Clothing. New Styles, New Styles, New Styles, New Styles New Styles, New Styles, New Styles, New Styles New Styles, New Styles, New Styles, New Styles. One Price. One Price. One Price. - Charles Stokes & Co., under the Continental. Charles Stokes & Co., under the Continental- Charles Stokes & Co., under the Continental. A. KkatirvicEN'T ROSEWOOD 7-OCTAVE PIANO FORTE for sale, at a great sacrifice, made by one of the best makers in this country; coat $600; tvill be sold for less than half cost, as it must be sold at once ; (been in use five months) ; to be seen at the esidence, No. 241 North Tenth street. OPENING • DAL—MOSS - M. Wilford & Bong nounce to-morrow as their opening day. In their tablishment, besides a full assortment of gentle. en's bats, will be found fancy hats and caps for Lases and children, and an extensive variety of AIRS. KINGSBURY Will lecture this eve isg, at Sanaom•etreet Hall, on the Present Crisis. GENTLEMEN'S HATE.—AII the newest and beat atsies for Fall Wear, in Felt, Silk, and Qaaai• mere, will be , found at Warburton's, No. 430 Chest - tut street, next door to the Poet Office. sell.lm • SPECIAL NOTICES AN IMPROVED HESEAND. BY Tali BARD OF TOWER HALL Mrs. - Dorat • A husband possessed, And a very nice fellow was he; , But one failing he had,,, And that was right bad He was cress as a fellow could be. She,tried every plan To reform her good man. And "I'll sweeten his temper." thought she, Bat for all she could do Still crosser he grew, Which was very distressing to see. But she finally went To a star- reading gent, And got his advice, for,st.fee-- Let your husband be dressed In anew coat and vest, And an angel in temper he'll be t" So without more ado. To Bennett's she flew. And a snit for her husband bought she: And when West put it on, His bad temper was , ione. And no mortal more pleasant could be. The largest and most aoniplete assortment of Fashion -able Ready-made Clothing in Philadelphia.. selling at 'educed prices. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, AND ALL DISEASES dch the Ear or Eye is heir to, successfully treated by irofessor S. ISLACE, M D., Oculist and Attrlst, No. 811 PINE Street. Testimonials from the most reliable sources can be seen at hie office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as be has no secret in his mode of treatment. Artificial Eyes inserted No charges made for examination. se22-we lm STEINWAY'S Mill The fame of these instrumt nts has extended to every rt of Europe. We And on the programme of the Phil /monis Concerts in Bremtu and Brunswick a note ding that the grand piano fortes used were *` from the saufactory of Messrs. STEINWAY & SONE. New York." 'e siso see by a London paper, noticing the fact of ILLIN Palm playing before the Prince and Princess of ales daring the bridal festivities, that "the piano ted at the castle was One of STEINWAY & SONS', New irk, which took the prize medal at the World's Fair." BLASIUS BROTHERS..• No. 1006 CHESTNUT Street. se26.Bw tf GEORGE STECK & CO.'S . PIANOS. NM CRESSON SPRINGS, Allgllßt. I€B3. J. E. GOULD, Seventh ad Chestnut Ste., Philada DLitt Sus: Having had frequent opportunities of ex e.mining the Pianos made by Messrs. CiNORGNSTECK & Co., New York, during the past few years, in the practice of ITI7 profession as Tuner, I pronounce them the most pert nt Instruments I have ever seen. In point of touch, equality. and singingtone they may defy comparison with any and all other mates, whilein the upper two octave (treble notes) they are facet/warm. edU the Attest I have any knowledge of. C. B. SARGENT. Tuner of Pianos, sel2.sw•tf 907 CHESTNOT Street. Philadelphia. BATR DyE j HAIR DYE! I BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE te the Beat to She World. The only Harmless True, and BeliaWe Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye isFerfed—changes Bed, Rusty. or Gray Hair, instantly tole Mosey Blaek or Natural Brown; without 'injuring the Hair or Stain ing the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine ;o'er, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The 91artuille Is signed WILLIAM A. Baronnrun.; all others we mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by el Druggists. &c. FACTORY;‘,III BARCLAY Street, law York, Batchelor's Hew Toilet Cream for Dressing be Hair. - je23-13, EYE, EAR, AND THROAT DISEASES TREATED tith general success by Dr. VON MOSONZISKER; an• tor of " fluids to Diseases of the Eye," "Observations n. Diseases of the Ear." and the only legitimate En- Peart Oculist and Anrist in this country. Credentials tam the very highest authorities, and acknowledgments d the most satisfactory cures, from responsible persons, do be examined at hie office, No, 1027 WALNUT set. se26-6t. UNE-I - WOE CLOTHING, OF THE 'LATEST brigs. made in the Beet Manner, expressly for RE- T,ll. SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Wares. All Goads made to Order warranted "Midas- Sty. Oar Oinc•Parcit Bram( ie strictly adhered to. Al are thereby treated alike., lel2-1Y JONES k CO., 604 MARKET Street. ELEOTRIIITE ON A NEW OYSTEId, AS A OU *SIVE, by' Dr. A- EL STEVENS, No: 1418 SOUTH FINN SQUARE, Philadelphia. Bel4-tf BWEET'II INFALLIBLE LINIIPST ; CUBES Dleahtehe immediately and was never known to fail. MARRIED_ ',2)ltgoinio T i 4 r ..„ EiT t r . I.l.e i Vai s h n el f ir tli ti l i get by . _thi e lt l ev oi th late Jame" CHlret. " " ug " I r tLL—LITTELL.—At St James' Church, September elh by the Bay. J. Morton, D. D., .a. Douglas Han. 11.. to Rosalie. mitt daughter of Dr. lattell. . KINDER—WILSON —At Niehotah, September id, lbj• tin Right Rey. Jackson Kemper, D. D. Bishop of N‘lecollalli. the Rey. Lewis A. Kemper and 'Kra Anna X Wilton. daughter of Wm. Bloodgood, • HARDING. —At New York, on the 28th instant, of con. aumption, Jaineeilarding, aced 99 years., The relatives and friends of the family are reeneetfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his stfattber, Dante]. (lolly, Ik e. 1438 South street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'olocic. To. proceed to 'Lebanon CemeOrr. -• • TOWER HALL. 51.8 M &RIM !Enid. BENNETT Ez CO awn, .MATHER.:--On the morning of the 29th, instant. Mize, beth Mather, in the 18th year of her age. Funeral !to take plasm from Friends' Meeting House, Mount Holly, at 12 o'clock, on the first of the 10th. month. - _ - - ' itocutße. , on Sunday , the 27th instant at hos' ram s deuce, in this city, the Hon. Molten C. Rogers. tn the 78th year of his age. POTTER. —On. Saturday evening, the 26th instant. Mrs. Harriet Cardwell Potter. The male friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence. No. 260 South Ninth street. this (Wednesday) morning, at 10 o'elook. • BIINTINO. —On Firse-day. the 27th Instant, Jabot Bunting lathe Sith year of his age - The friends of the family are respectfully invited . N attend the funeral; from his late residence. in Darby; las meet at the house at 2 o'clock P. M.. this (Fourth -day) 30th mast, , without further notice. RICHARDSON.—On Seventh-day evening, the 26th instant. Anna Richardson, in the 89th year of her age: .Her friends are invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, near Attleboro', Bucks county, this (Fortrilvday ) 33th instant, at 6 o'clock P. M. • AMES. —On the llth instant. Oliver - Ames, Esq.. of North Easton, lines., the - father of lion. Oakes Amos. M. C . at the advanced age of 66 years. FOX. —On the 28th instant, Pearson, twin eon of S. [. and D.' B. Fox. • - - • . SLOAN.. —SttddFnly. on the 28th instant, Ann, wife Of Michael W. Sloan. • BLACK CORDED MOUSSELINES.- All-wool black corded Mousseline Dalabia% 62.54 a. Lead French Iderinoes. Lead Poplins and Reps. Black Armnre and Gros Grain Silks. Black Thibet Long Shawls. Black'and white Scotch Woof Long Shawls. Black Turin Cloths. Black and white Striped and Plaid Paris Mousseline Delaines.inst received by BERRON & SOW, sa24 Mourning Store, 918 CHESTNUT Street. ?')1 BLANKETS.- Finest goods made. Premium Blanket. 13-4, 12-4, and 11-4 Fine Blankets. Blankets, Wholesale and Retail. &YRS & LANDELL, se2B FOURTH-and &ROE( sio BALMORALS.— 'Finest Skirts imported. Balmorals $B. $7. *6. *5, $4, and $3. Balmorals for Children. Balmorals, Wholeaale and Retail. BYRE. & LANDBILL. se2B FOURTH and ARCH streets MISS-ANNA E. DICKINSON WILL address the people of Pennsylvania on the NATIONAL CRISIS At EASTON f Tuesday, Sept * eraber 29th. At ALLENTOWN Wednesday, " 30th At MAUCH CHUNK .. ... October Ist. At WILKESBARRE FridaY, 2d, At DANVILLE Saturday, " 31. At SHAMOKIN .Monday. " 6tti. 'At POTTSVILiE . .Tuesday.. " 6th. At LEBANON Wednesday, " 7th. At CARLISLE Thnreday, " St h.. At GETTYSBURG Friday, " 9th. YORE. Saturday, '' 10th., At CHESTER ..Monday, 12th. seD-tf SPIRITUA LISIVI.—MISS LIZZIId POTEN, of Masetaclunotts will Lecture at SAN H - SOM-STREET ALL, on SUNDAY next, at my. M., and 73L P. M. Admittance 6 cents. Ips3o-3t* NINTH-WARD NATIONAL UNION - PARTY, Committee of Superintendence will meet at the house of D. B. BREMER, No. 1619 MARKET Street THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, at 7Y 2 o'clock. All members ace requested to be present. • A. H. MERSHON, Secretary. A. MEETING OF THE PHIL A.- DMPHIA BAR, on the occasion of the decease of the Hon. MOLTON C. RODGERS, will be held on WED NESDAY-Morning, the 3:th instant. at 10 o'clock, in the Supreme Court Room, East Wing of the State House. lt. WEST PHILADELPHIA BIARKET STREET 1,017. —The attention of capitalists is called to the Sheriff's advertiement of a large lot on Market street, West Philadelphia, to be sold as the property of Edward Burnham, on Monday. next, at Sawom- - treet Hall The title, derived from the old West Philadelphia Railroad Company-, having been confirmed by act of the Legislature, is now insist:at able. -8.30-3 v HALL. OF THE FOIDELTH DIS IITEICT POLICE S CaTION, ElaPr. 27, 1863. At a meeting of the Officers of this District, hole this evening the following preamble and resolutions, were unanimously adopted: ,Whereets, it has pleased God. in his divine providence, to remove from us our beloved associate. EDWAR D C. REPPARD. in the prirrie,of , higreanhood and his career of usefulness; ana whereas: 'while we bow with earnest submission to the decrees of Him ' who doeth all things well, ", we feel it but due, to his memory to pay oar last tribute to his excellence and worth; therefore bait Besotted, That in rEdward G. Happard we, have always found an affectionate companion, a faithful friend, a fearless officer, and one whose true - nobility of soul fitted him to adorn any position in which be might be ;placed. and that while we deeply sympathize with -his little family, whose sorrows and loss we can mea sure with our own, we are convinced that their endear loss is his eternal gain. Resolved. That we will, place this Hall in mourning and wear the usual badge for thirty days; that we will attend the funeral in a body. and that we hereby cor dially invite all the members of the Police force to parti cipate with us in paying the last sad t.ittute of respect to the deceased. Lieut. A. BOWERS. Chairman. Sere: T. BARTHOLOMEW, I,o°mi:ernes Sergt. J. DOUGHERTY , lt* NOTICE.—THE TENTH INS T A. 1.- MENT . on the stock of the HESTONVILLE, MANTRA, AND FAIRMOUNT P. R. R.. CO. will be due and payable October Bth, 3563, at the office of the Trea surer. J. 0. BYRNE, No. 116 Routh. SIXTH Street e25-mw&f6t.* It. T. FRAILEY, Secretary. MRS. E. A KINGSBURY WILL LEC TURE at SANSOINI-ST. HALL, on WEDNESDAY EVENING,-at-7s o'clock, on the PRESENT CRISIS. Admittancelo cents.' 6 se 0-2t* M. , OFFICE BE AVER REA DOW RAIL- ROAD 'AND C. COMPANY. PHTLAiELPRIA, September 23.1883 A Quarterly Dividend of 2% oer cent. on the Capital Stock of this C.ompanyhasheen declared this day, Payee ble on and after October 7th, clear of Gov.rn mont tax. se29 9t* L. CHAMBERLSIN, ea‘nrer. PHILADELPHIA - COLLEGE. OF PRAMMACI.--The Forty-third Course of Lec tures in this Instuution will be delivered in the College Building, FILBERT Street; above seventh, daring the - Winter on MONDAY, WCDNSSDAY. and FRIDAY EVENINGS, commencing with a general Introductory, by PROFESSOR PROC COE. • on FRIDAY EVENING, October 2d, at 7.1; o'clock. Matriculation Tickets may be obtained of ALFRED 0. TAYLOR, Secretary, 1015 CBESTNIIT St. se22-4t orncir;or ,AND PIII r. pm A., GERIVIANTOWN, , AND NORRISTOWN .RAIL ROAD.COM-PANV. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. It 1863. The Board of. lifanatzers of this Company have de-' stared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT., clear of Na lional and State Tax, for the six months ending 30th inst.. payable on and after the FIRST DAY OF OC TOBER Next: Transfers of •Stock will not be made for ten days after the 21st inst. said- mwftol W. S. WlLSON,,Treasarer. r 3... UNIVERSITY OP PENNSYLVANIA, LAW DEPARTMENT.—A Term will commence on THURSDAY, the let of OCTOBER next. The Intro ductory lecture will be delivered by PROF. MO RRIS. , at EIGHT o clock, in the evening of that day, at the LEC TURE ROOM, in the RORTE COLLEGE Rep 7-t eel PITTSBURG BONDS PR %- sons holding Railroad Bonds issued by the City of Pittsburg, are hereby notified that will be at :the office of Elias D. Kennedy; No. 333 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, prepared to exchange compromise bonds for the old issue of Railroad- Bonds , from THURSDAY, 24th instant, to October lat, both days incinded. JOHN M. CARGO. sell toot City Controller. OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO:, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 25. En—An election for TEN DIRECTORS, for the ensuing year, will be held, agreeably' to charter, at a general meeting of 'the Stockholder e. for that purpose, at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, Oct. 6. 1061, at 10 o'clock. M. seN,lot J. W. McALLISTER, Sea. pro WM. MPHILADELPHIA AND READING} BA ILBOAM COMPANY. Office 2127 South FOl7 - 11TH Street. - PanAnimprini, Sept - 21st. 1863.. To avoid detention the HOLDERS OF COUPONS of this Company. due on the let proximo, are Teenaged to leave them at this office on or before the 30th inst. - ;'when . receipts will be given, and checks will be ready for de livery on the let_ proximo in exchange for said receipts. se 22.8t5. BRADFORD, Treasurer. 111211MITARY NOTICES. i k FOURTH , Z UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT Under Pathortir from the War Department, endorsed by the Adjutant General of the State, the undersigned, constituting a Committee of the Union League, propose to raise A REGIMENT OF INFANTRY FOR WIRER YEARS. THE WAR To all recruits mustered into the regiment • BOUNTY ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Will be paid by the Government. And to all who have served in the army not less than Nine Months, A BOUNTY FOUR HUNDRED AND TWO DOLLARS. of which, with the.month's pay, Forty Dollars will be paid at the time of being mustered into service: The Regiment will benommanded by Colonel GEORGE P. MeLEAN, late of the Pennsylvania Eighty-Eighth the and Third Union League Regiments, Headquarteni;, No. 432 CHESTNUT Street AU business of the Regiment will be conducted each sively at these Headquarters. and no applications ad dressed elsewhere will receive attention. A CAMP - will be immediately formed in the neighborhood of the city.- J. R. FRY. Chairman, JAMES L.. CLACHORN, Treasurer. - CoL GEORGE H. CROSMAN. 11. & A., HORACE SIENESE, Jr., MORTON MeMICHAEL, ELLERSLIE WALLACE. K D., J. I. CLARK HARE, - Committee. The Committee employ the funds now in their hands, and such as may hereafter be raised, in facilita ting the raising of the Regiment; bat are not authorized, and have not authorized anyone; to contract bine or debts, and will not be collectively or individially re sponsible for any debtli which may be contracted. I . CORPSOF HONOR, 11. S. A. , HEADQUARTERS ILEORITITLEG BRAYTON. • , • INVALID CORPS FOR PRILADRLPRIA SOLDIEtth 3 t oll AVEht i lt Ponlirci:grta'ottle abilitY will apply for information or enlistment In the INVALID CORPS • to Lient. HUBER FUSTIAN, Invalid Corps, , 8. Third or toLient J. W. GZAR.ltyalidCg elißrown street, and N. E. corner BrOad and Spring Garden ate ' , Pay and allowances, excepting bounty and. pension. tame as in tr. S. Infantry. E. W. MATTHEWS, MaL t rlst, Va. Art. and Supt.lnvalid Carpel. for Philaclel- TOFEADQUARTERS OF -PROVOST MARSHAL. THIRD DISTRICT, PA. - PHILAD7LPHIA.'Sept. 22. 1863. NOTICE is hereby giden that the time for claiming ex emption. and furnishing substitutes for the drafted men of the Nineteenth ward. will expire on T HES DAL Ooto her 6th, after which all who have then fatted to report in the Third Congressional District, will immediately be liable to arrest as deserters. By order or the Board of Enrolment. ' CHARLES P. CLARKE. Captain and Proyost Marshal. FRANKLIN D. STERNER Commissioner. ALEXANDER C. HART. 5e29.4t. Surgeon. I. NOTICE. _ • a- HEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST DIAR9HAL, FIRST DISTRICT, FA., 9145 South THIRD Street,' , PHILADELPHIA. September 21, IDCPS. The lime for hearbie cases in the First district (consist ing of the Second, Third. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eleventh warde), Is hereby extended to the FIRST OF OCTOBER. 'Within that time Drafted men from, any Part of the district may appear All drafted men who have been ordered to report for dutLand failed to do so, will be aPPrehendedforquefth . A reward of ten do Mrs toill be patd/or de ser t er ,. W. B. --Substitutes have preference, and will be re ceived from 9 A. M. to 2 I'. M. Dy_order of - , Wit E. LIIIIMAN t • came , tOcl Captain and Provost Marsha REI KE ----IVORYTYPES ARE beantlialund truthful topecintens of, art; pleasing style. natural expression. and colored in an artietic and elaborate snanner. at fIICOND Street, ikbove Orson. POLITIOAL. yvvvvkAAn. , ""Wv NATIONAL UNICiN'' NO/AirNA ,, MN& - • STATZ'OFFIOBILS FOR GOVERNOR, AN DREW G. CURTIN. FOR JUDGE OF ! SI:TEE= DOUET I DANIEL AgNEW. FIENATOR-FIRST BlirtATOilIAL DD3TRIOT. JEREMIAH NIOROLS. REPREEDINTATIVE. Lt , Thattlat—WlLLlAM FOSTER. -THOMAS 7. OHOATE. . THOMAS T. WILLS. 4th ". JOHN D. WATSON. sth Is WILLIAM W. WATT. Bth It ISAAC H. 0 1 HARILL. 7th K THOMAS 000HRAN. sth JAMES N. KEENS. Oth " CHARLES' DICEY, 10th " S. S. PANCOA.ST 11th " ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. 12th " LUKE V. SUTPHIN. 12th " WILLIAM Y. LEADER 14th " p. FREDERICK GETZ. 16th - WILLIAM F. SMITH. 16th " - EDWARD G. LEE. 11th " "JAMES MILLER. cowry: OFFICE RICOOEDBIt OP DREW, LEWIS R. BROOM ALL PROTHONOTARY OV DINTRIOT 00TRT GEOEGE KELLY. OLBRK 010917R,T OF QUAIKTIMM SBOOIONS. GEORGE IL MOORE. CORONER. WILLIAM TAYLOR - -` 4 ••CITY OFFIOEREL CITY TREASURER. HENRY Buma. CITY 00MXISSIoNER. PHiTAP:IIArditATON. By order of the City Committee of Suimrintendeacer. UNION MASS MEETING MAJOR GEN. FRANZ SIGEL, EX-GOVERNOR NOBLE, of Wisconsin, , Will address the people of Philadelphia, at CoN C Er 111" HALL, THIS EVENING, AT ig O'CILOCIE Every loyal man is invited to hear the Soldier and WILLIAM H. KERN, Chairman Committee ea Meetings UNION MASS MEETINGS.' UNION STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE R.OOMS [Ko e,)s ffl:f[o)atH:ia:yY;iii I Governor 01TILTIN. In company with distinguished ' orators from adjoining States. will address the People of Pennsylvania at the times and places named in the following schedule: At WILBESBAILIIE. Lucerne connt7.- WEIDNBSDA.Y. Sept- Stth. At SOILLNION. 1.11101118 county.- THUBSI/AY. Ode- At TOWANDA, Bradford county, SATURDAY, Oete- At BELLEFONTE. Centre county. TUESDAY, Octo ber AtYORK, York county. WEDNESDAY, October 7th. At READING, Berke county, THURSDAY, October Bth. At roTroviLLz. Schuylkill county, FRIDAY. Odo ber 9th. ,At PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. October EL We have reasonable hopes of having in the pending eauvats the aid of Governor JOHNSON, of Tennessee: Governor PIPEPONT. of Virginia: Governor BRADFORD. of Maryland; JOHN BROUGH, the next Governor of Ohio,: Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON. of New York; Gen- LOGAN, of Illinois; ‘st Gen. BUTLISR, of fdaesachusetts, And many other dietinguiehed gentlemen, including many eloquent adrwates of the Union Csasse in Penn-' sylvania. No possible efforts will be spared to secure as, full and thorough a discussion of the momentous issues nowsnbniitted to the people as the brief period now re maining will allow, and it is enjoined upon all friends of the Union Cause to secure the attepdance of their fel; low-citizens upon the occasioni. ' WAYNE - MciVRA.GH, Chairman, OEO. W. HAXBRSLY: W. W . HAMS, 3 " UNION MASS MEETINGS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 80. WILKESBAHRS: Luzerne County--Governor Curtin, Hon. Jas. H.. Campbell, General Bruce; and Professor EASTON. NorthamPton County—Chas. H. Shrinier,Esq. LIGONIER, ' Westmoreland. County —Ex-Governor Johnston and Lorenzo Sherwood, Esq. ' CHAKBERSBURG, Franklin Cortutyol. F. Moatgo- leery and A. H. Cilll6o. Esti. . . . . . TR IRBDAY. 0 ()TORRE .L SCRANTON. LuzerneConnty—Governor Curtin, Eon. Jas. H. ,Campbell, Eon. P. C. Shannon. ,General Bruie, and Prolasior Hegeman. , . LOCK HAVEN, Clinton Connty—Hon. Wm. D. Kelley., LEBANON—Chas. H. Shriner. - Esq. MOUNT PLEASANT, Westmoreland County—Ex-Go vernor Johnston and Lorenzo Sherwood, E3q. SHIPPENSBIIRG, Cumberland Cs t unt.,--uur. , r7 ont . gomery and A.. H. Chsee,.. "'" . EEditora.x•vh.-lord newspapers throughout the State ..e--requeeted to palish notices of the above meet- UNION STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROOMS. PHILADBLPHIA, Sept. 17, 1863. HON. WILLIAM D. KELLEY, at the invitation of the State Central Committee. will speak .in behalf of the Union, at the times and places - named in the annexed schedule.. Our friends are earnestly desired to have a full attendance of voters at these meetings: LOCK HAVEN. Clinton county--Thursday. Oct. L TOWANDA. Bradford county—Saturday, Oct. 3. • • WELLSBORO, Tioga county — Monday ; Oct. 6, MONTROSE. Susquehanna county Wednesday Oct 7. _ POTTSVILLII_,_ Schuylkill county—Friday, Oct. 9. PHILADELPHIA—Saturday. _Oct 10. - . selB VirAYNE OtoVEAGEL Chairman. ON CANDIDATE FOR THE LE. UNION (3d district), THOMAS T. WILLS; Hatter, eas south SECOND street. A good assortment of Hats and Caps constantly on hand. ae24-17t* PROPOSALS. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, CIIICINITATI, 0. , September 21, 1363 PROPOSALS are invited bY the undersigned until WEDNESDAY noon, October 7, 1663, for furnishing, by contract, the followine articles, viz: ' - Sky-blue Kersey, 3-4 and 6-4; Blouses, (lined). Gray Flannel Shirts. Partiea - offerina goods must in all cases furnish. sam ples, and must distinctly state in their bids the quantity of goods they propose to famish, the price. and.the time of delivery. A guarantee, signed personally by two re sponsible parties, and agreeing that the bidder will eater into a contract if an award is made to him, - must accom . pony each prop otaL Al suppsies must be delivered in good new packages, free of charge, at the United States Inspection DOpeit in Written contracts will be entered into with parties to Whom awards are made, and bonds required of them in STUDS equal to one-fourth tee value of the goAs con tracted for.- Bide will be opened on WEDNESDAY, October 7. BIM at 2 o'clock P. Y., at the Inspection Rooms, and bidders are invited to be present. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is re - Blank forms of Proposals; Contracts, and Bonds may -be obtained at this office. By order of Col. Thomas Swords, A. Q. M. G. - se.9o-6t C. W. MOULTON. Captain and A. Q. M. ARMY CLOTHING AND.EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. PEILADBLPHIA, September 29, 1963. SIALBD PROPOSALS are invited at this office until 12 o'clock M.. on MONDAY. the 6th proximo, to fur nish promptly at the Schuylkill Arsenal— - Ravenna% army standard. Fez Cap_e' peculiar pattern and style. White Filinnel. - all wool: lied Flannel, all wool. Linen Gaiters,. xeculiar pattern and style. . - Also, for altering Leather Leggin* or Jembiers. Bidders must state in, their proposals the price, quan tity bid for, and time of delivery'. The ability of the bidder to all the contract,. must be guarantied by two responsible persons,= whose signs.- three must be appended to the imamate*. and said gua rantee must accompany the bid. _ . Bidders. as well as their sureties or guarantors, who may. n ot be known at this office, will furnish a certificate from the United States District Attorney, Postmaster, or other public functionar3 , , at the residence of the bidder or guarantors , ; setting forth clearly the fact that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men who will t if a contract is awarded them, act in good faith with the United States, and faithfully execute the same. Samples can be seen at this Office -to which all delive ries must conform . Blank .forms for Propodals can be had. upon application at this office. Pi-anomie must be endorsed " Proposals for Army Supplies," stating the particular article bid for. • G. Et CROSMAN, se3C-6t Quartermaster General U. S. A. S SIB TANT QUARTERMASTER ' L-S " GENERAL'S OFFICE, _ PHILADELPHIA. 29th September, 3283. PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until TUES DAY. Bth October. at 12 o'clock M., for the delivery in this city. on or before the Rah October next, of the. following articles ; „ 1,760 lbs. Octagon Punched Nuts; 500 lbs. % inch. 600 lbs.% inch, 250 lbs. % inch. 500 lbs. l inch. r. 1,710 lbs. Square Punched Nuts. 600 lbs. % inch, 500 lbs. 34 inch, 250 lbs. % inch. 600 bs. 1 inch... .. 500 tbs. Square Washers, % inch. 2,000 lbs. Round Washers; CO lbs. % 300 lbs. % inch. 400 lbs inch, .100 lbe. 1 inch, 500 lbs. I,l4inch. 1,005 lbs. Boiler Bolts,- small - heads; 600 lbs 16 inches long, 500 lbs. 2% Inches long. . 700 Bolts for Deck Beams. - LOCO lbs. Boiler Rivets, % inch 'diameter. 8 bars % . :inch Round Iron,.weight 90 lbs. 5 do 1-inch Round Iron, weightloo lb& All to be of the best quality of their kind. ": The right le reserved to reject - all bide deemed too high. Dforder• _ A. BOYD, selo 6t : • Capt. and Ass't Quartermaster.- DISAPPEARED ,=INFORMATION; IS wanted'ot HOWARD LIEDOM, of Backs county. who is aged sixteen years. about fi ve feet ten inches high, light comolegion , light hair. and light eyes. He disappestred from his home on the 23d of September. Any information concerning him will, be thankfully re ceived and suitably rewarded: rem •dOBi H LIRDOR. se3o-3t* Brownsbnrg. Bucks county, Pa. TRUSSES, BRACES, &c., SKIL. -a- FULLY ad.ineted by C. NEEDLES. coiner of TWELFTH and RACE Streets. Ladies' Department for came, conducted by Ladies. TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. The moat complete and varied stock on Rand, consisting in part of Trueses.Supporters, Shoulder Braces. Belts. Bandagea; 'Mastic Stockings Crateheb STriner articles for Nurser/. Sick Room, do. :" t• • "EDI F I SPAY - SFXT. 30 180' 011 , ..V r 4 • • vor t ja 14 0 Amt OPENING DAY. THURSDAY, OCTOBER Ist. Noe. 834 ancl:B3B CHESTNUT eaFO - ItCONTTIMMTAL HortirA FALL, . 1863. WOOD Bc C.A.-Fry; 7E5 CHESTNUT STREET, Have now °Pen A LARGE STOCK OF . . STRAW AND FELT GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, And a general assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, . To which they invite the attention' of THE TRADE. sel7-21W Sp FRENCH FLOWERS, 1863. FEATHERS, LACES, RIBBONS, & NEW-STYLE HATS JUST OPENED AT THOS. KENNEDY ,& BRO.'S, No. 7%9 CHESTNUT Street, below Eighth. sia EIGHTH-ST. RIBBON STORE, No. 10T N. WORTH STREET. We Would Inform our customers, and the ladies renorally„thalwe . OPEN THIS DAY . , a complete kook of MILLINERY AND ST •.• r.,4 IS. WHOLESALE AN ) ' T , FOR TH • PALL AND WINTER S : .1.14 .3. Our stock cousieta - • 4- - BONNET AND TRIMMIN3II9BONS. every shade and. style BLACYVELVET RIBBONS, plain, and with white and colored edges FELT AND STRAW BONNETS AND HAM, - thenewest shapes SILKS, VELVETS, AND lINCRT VELVETS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, BONNET-FRAMES, LACES, Arc., &c. 'By buying from the importers direct, and by constant attendance at the various auction sales in this city and New York; we are enabled to offer a splendid assort ment of goods in our line at the most seasonable prices. A full assortment kept up till the end of the season. Country orders promptly attended to. • SICH,EL & WEYL, No. 107 North EIGHTH 13treet. SRMILLINERY OPENING.-MISS S. T.' MORGAN, 408 ARCS Street. will open 'THIS DAY French Pattern Bonnets, and a full line of Manufactured Millinery and Materials, Wholesale and retail. . , ' - se3o-2t* am MISSES = O'BRYAN, No. 1107 WALNUT Street, have received Paris MILLI.: ' W il d/VERY for Fall. which they will be prepared to showio their customers on and after THURSDAY. Oc tober Ist. se29-12t* 11 . 0 lIR NING- BONNETS liSlMade to order at the NEW MOURBITIVI STORE. 926 CHESTNUT Street;_..' seigam ' M. & A_ MYERS-lr CO COUPONS 7 '3-10 IST OCTOBER SEIPTEMBII/1 . 9.1863 A MEMO AN GOLD 33OTTC+H-T AND SOLD- 5-20. The undersigned, as General Subscription Agent, is authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to continne the gale of this popular Loan, and. TEN DAYS public notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS remain unsold, and this amount is scarcely girtheke:it to furnish a basis for the circulation of the National Banking Associations now being formed in. every part of the - Country. But a ShOrt time must elapse before this - .loan is. wholly ab sorbed, the demand from Europe. .Germany especially,; being unite active. : . As fi is well known that:.the Secretary of the Trea• sun , has ample and unfailing resources in the dutisi 'on imports, internal revenues, and in the issue of interest bearing - ;Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it is nearly cer-, "taro that it will not be necessary for - him for a long time to come to issue further permanent . ,Ldans, the interest and principal of which are payable:TEO:bid. ;IX . . . These considerations must lead to the prompt ccinglu sion: that the time is not far disiant when these' " Five- TwentieS" will sell at a handsome Premium. as was the result with the " Seven•thirty" Loan, when it was all: sold. and could no longer be subscribed for at par,. the.interest and principal being payable coin.jhas yielding ab0ut.,..v.. , ..ev - per 'cent:far annum at tllepreino , . on gold. It is called Fiveqwenty," frOm the fact that whilst the' Bon& may run for twenty years, yet the Govern.- ment has the right to pay them of in gold at par, at any this after five years. The interest is paid half yearly on the first days of No vembei and May: Subscribers can r haVe Coupon Bonds which are paya ble to bearer and issued for $5O, $lOO. $563. and COW% or Ile/Listen& Bon& of similar denominations, and in Addition $5,000 and $lOO3O. .Theie " Five-Twenties" cannot be taxed by States, cities, towns, or counties, and the Government tax on them is only one and a half per cent, oh the amount of income. when the income exceeds six hundred dol lars per annum. Income from all other investments,' such as mortgages, railroad stocks, bonds, dm., must pay from three to five per cent. tax on the income. - Banks and Bankers throughout the country will con tinue to dispOse of the Bonds, and all orders by mail or otherwise Properly attended to. The Treasury Department having perfected arrange ments for the prompt delivery of Bonds, Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of.subscri bing, or at farthest in FOUR days. This arrangement •• will be gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on pay meat of the money, and will greatly increase the sales. HARVEY ' THOMAS, S • STOCK „AND BILL BROKERStreet. No. 3191 WALNUT r Stooks and Loans bought and sold on COMMthliOn. at the BOARD OF BROKERS: Subscriptions' to the 5-20 year six per cent. LOAN dm received at par. , No charge for Commission. , y3-3m COLLECTION. OF 11. S. OERTIFI. CATES OP`INDEEPEDNESS.—The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY, are now_ prepared to collect, at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the-One•Year Certificates or In debtedness of the United States now due or shortly Terms made known and receipts,given at_ the, office,. No. 320 CHESTNUT Street.nrid-tf. C.A.RALA.GES. 1863 WILLIAM. D. ROGERS, Coach and Light Carriage Budder,. Nos. 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, 6elo -CID . . PHILADELPHIA. TO SPOR'I'SMEN. PHILIP' WILSON & = CO., 409 CRESTNIIT STREET, N e. tVl a3 c l.l ' i ti t 'e l es heap AVa r g o y onnnlig-the following mehee, d • William Greener, Weetley Richards, Moore & Thuile, and other makers. - , • • also, Powder, Shot, Wade, Caps Ste, • >.. We shall be constantly supplied, during the-season, with every variety of - . - 5e24,9m OFFICERS HAVING STATE CLAIMS can have them CASHED AT ONCE at THE MILITARY AND NAVAL AGENCY, sei.9.3t if NQ. - 429 WALNUT Street. THE UNDERSIGNED .IN-TENDS, IN a few days, sending Agents to the various battle fields, with tbe - RICHARDSO& PREMIUM CIRCULAR ENDS AIR-TIGHT CASKET, for the purpose of bring=- ing home bodies of those who have fallen in defence of their country, no matter - how 'long interred.. These Caskets axe furnished at lees than - half cost of metallic Orders entrusted to me Will be eitifully attended' to, and guarantied free of disagreeable odor, or no charge' made for casket._ - JOHN GOO D; - seN-2.* 921 SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia. GO TO REIMER'S GALLERY AND get porn' Pictures. ;You get colored Photographe for $1 there, executed and finished with rare skLll. SE COND Street, above Green. . PORTRAITS; IN - WHICH YOU _RE MAZE all yon deeirein a likeness are found In REIMER'S life-size Photographs in oil colors. 'Get one at SECOND Street, above Green. SS ENGINE,i- 0 E S E 0.0 N HAND Vertical Steani Engine. 30-inch' Cylinder,= 5 feet stroke, with large ,wrought•iron shaft and balance wheel. 20 feet diameter, and weighing 20 tons, in good order, and now in operation at - Reading, Pa; For sale by ;HENRY W ,GARDNIR, Providesce. L RATS AND-CAPS; MISS AND cimpnims FANCY HATS AND CAPS. • LADIIB. MISSES, AND ,CHILDRU'S • - • F U R • OHA.R.VES OAKFORD & SONS, MILLINERY GOODS FINANCIAL. WANTED. DREXEL As CO. DREXEL & 00.. 34, SOUTH, THIRD STREIT U. s. 5-20. SIX PER CENT. LOAN, JAN' COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Manufacturers of superior DOUBLE GUNS. REM OVAL AND. Ot'ENiNG. m. ILA-k-r...r.DEGAri. His Stock to the 902 CHESTNUT STREET, And open, in addition thereto, • A large and well-selected 'Etoar of FRINGE{ DRESS GOODS, all of the Beet Fabrics and Newest Denigns. EL ben's to .si ate that be, has now secured the BEST STORE in the BEST LOCATION, and has also the means and facilities foi'procuring; at all times, a Stock which will make ; his the LEADING RETAIL DRY GOODS BIISIGESS in thie'citsr. se3o.6t O,P ENING 0 WINTER CLOAKS. Will have hie OPENING of PARIS AND AMERICAN CLOAKS, In great variety on MONDAY, October sth, AT HIS NEW. STORE, NO. 90P.. CHESTNUT STREET. 8e.93.6k IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES JAMES B. CAMPBELL & CO., FALL AND WINTER STOCK, IRISH POPLINS, SILK-FACED - POPLINS, . ALL-wooL POPLINS. IN THE MOST DESIRABLE SHADES, - • PLAID REP FANTASIE, PLAID POPLINS, &PIN - SHANE% ' ALL-WOOL PLAIDq, IN THE •RICHEST DESIGNS. 3 , 1 AND 6-4 MOUSLIN DS LAINES, . BLACK, COLORED, • AND PRINTED. 6-4 BLACK DE •LAINES., - - - 6-4 COLORED MERINOS, ALL - SHADES. WELSH FLANNELS. - 'SHAKER FLANNELS. -- • BALLARDVALE FLANNELS. . SACKING FLANNELS.: OPERA OPERA FLANNELS. SCARLET FLANNELS. GAY AND SCARLET TWILLED' FLANNELS. • JACONETS. CAMBRICS. - - CBECKED MUSLINS. • • SOFT 0 eMBRICS. NAINSOOKS. SWISS MUSLIMS. • .' MULL MUSLIN& ' CAMBRIC DIMLTY. TARLEToNs, Szc. LADIES , KID AND LISLE-THREAD GLOVES. LADIES AND GENTS' COTTON - HOSE. ELANERTS IN ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES. BALMORS LS AND SKIRTING. RICHARDSDN'S FRONTING, -MEDIUM, AND HOUSEWIFE LINENS. TABLE CLOTHS AND DAMASKS, NAPKINS DOYLIES, AND TOWELS,. CRASH,. HUCKABACK, PALMORAL SKIRTS, In all desirable grades, at less than usual prices. CUR WEN BTODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454'N. SECOND St., ab. STIAWLS -;.. LONG AND SQUARE BLANKET SHAWLS. In all the 'Popular Styles and Coloring. DURWEN STODDART & BROTHER., Nos. 450, 45E, and 454 N. SECOND St.. ab. Willow P,ROCHE. LONG SHAWLS, In Paris and Viennoise fabrics Choice Colorings and Designs. Prices varying from $8 to $25. • OUBWBN STODDART Sc BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. BLANKETS, •IN ALL GRADES Hotel. KeEperp,' In atitutipns,and Housekeepersi supplied CURWEY STODDART & BROTHER, Nog. 450 5 4-52, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. Willow QEIAKEA iFLANNELS, 1,7 OUTMEN STODDART & BROTHER, NOS. 450, 450, and 454'N. SECOND St., db.-Willow FALL -AND WINTER DRESS GOODS PARIS POPLINS, Choice Colors. ' ' SILK AND WOOL POPLINS, Choice Colors. • EPINGLE • do . -do. fiajFRITE do do. l EIEOES. , ' , "CITRWEN STODDART:& BROTHER, , Nos. 450, 452; and 454 N. SECOND St., ab Willow. . NLPITMCPRIOED DRESS GOODS.— :Just opened, a large and well-aelected -stock of -French, German, and. English FRENCH MERINOS. POPLINS,'PIaId, Plain, 'and Striped POIL :DE CEIEVRES' • MOIISLIN DELAINES. ' • ALL-WOOL and UNION PLAIDS.. PLAIN and FIGURED REP& - . In constant receipt of desirable goods from the" Phila delphia and New York auctions. - - CJIMWEN STODDART & BROTHER; - - Nos: 450, 452, and 454 North SEC)ND Street. se-.90.3t Abo~eT mm. RICH STOCK OF DRESS GOODS ___-BoWIN HILL & CO,, have now oPen a FANCY SILKS, MOIRE ANTIQUES, FINE FRENCH MERINOES, ALL-WOOL POPLINS, SILK-FACED POPLINS, RICH STYLES POPLINS, IRISH POPLINS, DRESS GOODS, in great variety. OPEN=CENTRE BROCHE SHAMLB, BLANKET SHANVLS, WATER-PROOF CLOTHS, FROSTED BEAVER CLOTHS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, (tc., Br,o. EDWIN 1-I...A.zir, ar, co., NO. 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET se26.mws4t -JUST OPENED, AT REDUCED PRICES, INVOIOE OF arairi - EMBROIDERED CLOTH CURTAINS, . For pluilig Rooms, Lifirarles; &c. SHEPPARD,. VAN lIARLINCRN, & ARRSON, 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. r se2B-mw&flOt PHILADELPHIA 4NEW MOURNING STORE." Fall and Winter Mourning Goods, COMPRISING BOMBAZINES, ALPACAS, CASHMERES, REERINOES, &a. Alto. a fall moortment of • , .r Second Mourning, SHAWLS, MANTLES, Ao. & A; MYERS & CO:. 926 CHESTNUT STREET Cu RT A INS AND FURNITURE COVERINGS. ' • ~.! ' JUST OPENED,: NEW LACE CURTAINS. Of Beautiful Designs. TAMBOURED LACE and MUSLIN DRAPERIES. FRENCH BROCATELLES, FIGURED SATIN and DAMASKS: ' BORDERED TERRIES, 'REPS, TAYE3TRISS. AND SATIN DE LAINES. Gold BordOred andPlallt SHADES of even , - Descilil- Mon made and put up to order in . the best possible' manner a SHEPPARD VAICIURLINGEN, ARRIBOI‘ 9 . CURTAIN WAREHOUSE, Wfp:ll2t. 1008 CHESTNUT Street, 'NEW MOURNING STORE." LATEST PARIS AND NEW YORK STYLES MOURNING BONNETS, Juat received and made to order.: ' M. & A. MYERS & 00., •_ . . seVwfmixa: 9 . 26 .CRIETNEIT Streo. fI.ITEATORY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL NJ CLOTHS. and WINDOW - SHADES. —Y. ,B. AR CHAMBAIIIT, N. FE.!corner ELEVENTH and MARKET - Streets, will , open, this morning, from auction, Ingrain Carpets, wool•tiling, at 37. 96,`68 and 62 cents; Ingrain Carpets, all wool, 62, 76, 87, and 41; Imperial Three-ply Carpets, at 121.60: Entry and Stair Carpets. 26 to 87 cents Rag and Hemp Carpcds. at 25, 37, 50, - and 62 cents: Floor Oil Cloths, 37 to 75 cents; Gilt Bordered Window Shadce, 76 to 11 ; Stair Oil Clothe , 25 cents; Buff and Green Win dow Rolleads, 37 to 62 cents. CHEAP DRY GOODS. New ; Fall w a f fl es. , 25 t o 23 cents. rich Plaid Dress ' Goods, 31, 37, and 60 cents; Stella and Blanket Shawls. 43 to 1310; Brown, -• Drab, - and Bleck Alpacas, 31 to 75 cents; Black Silks, $1 to 41.75; °asap lot of Linen Handkerchiefs. 10 12, and 16 cents ;-Coate' White Spool Cotton, 8 sante; Pinß. 6 cents ; = Hooks and Eyes, Scents; Windsor Soap, 8 cants. 7. !Wholesale and Retail Store, a B corner %%LEVEN rn and /Will= Stre2t2. - Sell-nnwf-lm GOOM'esior to L. j. & CO WILL RINOVII NEW MARBLE STORE, On MONDAY., Oda or 6th, No. "t2i7 CHESTNUT 'STREET, Are now opening their —Tirwhich they invite attention, viz at the lowest prices OF ALT. DEBTRAtLE Grua:W.3 NO. •26 SOUTH .SECOND STREET. MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT .rogr nicEivEri. OUR NEW STOOK 01"'' RETAIL DRY GOODS. . . . CLOTH HOUSE: . , WILLIAM T. $ NOD GRA SS° w HOLESALE AND, RETAIL ii.OOlC/ Z4.llEalo - No. 34 South SECOND St and 23 STRAWBERRY St. CLOTHS, CASSINIERES, & VESTINGS, OF ALL STYLES ANDAIIALITIES; TRIMMINGS- BILLIARD, PRINTERS' AND COACH CLOTHS. spechil attention given to ARMY AND NAVY MATERIALS,' OF EVERY MADE AND GRADE. Ala% a great variety of WOOLENS FOR LADIES' CLOAKS. BILK AND DRY.IGOODS JOBBERS. THE ATTENTION OF THE PRADE Is called to OUR. STOCK. OF SAXONY WOOLEN 00. all-wool Plain Flannels. TWILLED FLANNEL% Various makes, in Gray, Scarlet, and Dark Blue PRINTED SHIRTING FLANNELS: PLAIN OPERA FLANNELS. "PREMIERE QUALITY" Square and Long Shawls. WASHINGTON, MILLS Long Shawl*. BLACK COTTON' WARP CLOTHS, 16,.16,'17, I 118 19, 20 21, 2 2 oz, FANCY OASSIMERES AND SATINETTS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, all grades. BED BLANKETS, 104, 11-4, 12-4, is-1. COTTON GOODS'' DENIMS, TICKS, STRIPES, SHERTINGS, &c., from various Mills. DE COURSEY, HAMILTON tra EVANS; 33 LETITIA Street, and 32 South THONT Street Mll7-mws2m GiloAgB- AND MANTILLAS AT WHOLESALE I - THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY! - CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS AT WHOLESALE! THE CHEAPEST CLOAK STORE IN THE CITY I - • • • COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find a great saving by examining our immense stock of CLOAKS and MAN- - TILL4E. o f the newest FALL AND WINTER STYLES, before making their purchapes, as doing business at a very small expense,- and exclusively for cash, we can sell 20 per cent. cheaper than any other house • To. WATKINS & CO., N. E.: corner of NINTH and CHERRY Streets. Cuss. lionseort, COMMISSION' HOUSES. 8.441 is 1 BAGS I . BAGS 1 , NEW AND,. SECOND HAND, SEAMLESS,. BURLAP, AND GUM MI . iB A . , Oonetantly,on hand. Jo - mg' T. BAILEY- as C0., - . . N0.:33.3.pFrs FRONT STREIT. WOOD SAOKS'FOR 'SALE. anl94ni FRENCH poops.. • INSKEEP & TRUEFITT, 216 CHESTNUT STREET. OFFER TO TIM TEAM. PLAIN MUSLIN DE LAIN& SHAWLS IN ALL VARIETIES. VEIL BARGES'IN ALL COLORS. GRENADINES AND DONA MARIA. BALMORAL SKIRTS. Agents for. Messrs-. BEOAR 8 Co.'s. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCMIEFS, selll-2w CARPEIffN - GS. CARPETSI CARPETSI I orA. - 3cP.s Imo. Ort,N - m, CARPET. WAREHOUSE, CHTSTNITT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH STREET, I have received, - - BY LATE ARRIVALS FROM EUROPE. A large assortment NEW STYLES CA;RPETLIG, Comprising some new kinds of goods never before offered in this country, for parlor famishing. ,Included'-in our variety will be found the FRENCH AUBUSSON CENTRE CARPETS; -FRENCH FOLANTE. TEMPLETON'S ENGLISH AXMINSTER CARPETING. CROSSLY & SON'S WILTON. VELVET and TAPES; TRY Do. R. CROSSLEY & CO.'S celebrated.BßUSSELS Do. With a large variety of other makes of BRUSSELS and TAPESTRY CARPETING. .. ' . -HENDERSON'S CELEBRATED VENETIANS.' t3witica . fall variety. of American-makes of three-ply and Ingrain goods,-all of , which can-be, offered at considera ble redaction from bat season's prices. - - JANES H. ORNE, CHESTNUT MEET,' BELOW SEVENTH STREET. FANCY- ARTICLES. D. GLENN, IMPORTER I RIIGGISTSL NANOY: 'GOODS NO. 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET Offers to the trade a full assortment. including in part-- Hair, Tooth, Nail, Cloth, and Shaving Brushes. • Camel's Hair Pencils and Marking Brushes.' • ' Combs in shell, ivory, horn; and. India rubber. Perfttniery and Toile; Soaps of all descriptions. Pure Resential Oils. Rose Water and Orange Flower Water in cane, Powder Boxes and Puffs in great variety. Round Filtering Paper, all sizes. Cachous Aromatise, Hooper's and Arnaud's. ' English Pink Lancers. Reeves' and common. New Zealand and Pink Linen Twine. Flasks, Tooth Picks. Violin Strings, &0., all at lowest narket prices. selaimit LADIES , FURS. FURS! FURS!. . GEORGE F. 'W 01R RIVT NOS. 415, AND ARCH STRUT, HAS NOW OPEN , - A FULL ASSORTMENT OF L.A_DIVAS' FURS, To which the attention of the public is Invited. se22-Sin ARMY GOODS. ARMY HATS, ARMY HATS. ADOLPH do KEEN, No. 6 North SECOND Street; ,• PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturera of all kinds of FELT HATS, have on hand a large assortment of all the various and moat approved styles of ARMY HATS. Orders by mall from antlers or jobbers will be prompt. ly filled at the lowest rates. je3o-3m FROTHINGHAM & 'WELLS 1311:1=EZI HEAVY MEDIUM: AND LIGHT SHZETINGS AND SITYBTINGS STANDARD DRILLS - HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CASIBRIOS AND 181 BRORSIVAOHED, AND CORSET JEANS,: No. L% WORSTED YARN, am selo-ifti FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EIT.A.NS e3z MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STREET, Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashis, Belts, Passants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps,' Canteens,- Haversacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. . _ A liberal discount allowed to the trade mlO4l , W.; SIMONS & BROTHER,' SANSOR-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFAOTHRER3 OF JEWELRY. PINE SWORDS, SWORDS, MILITARY GOODS IN EVERY YARIETY• still-1115m WATER WHEELS, • HYDRAULIC RAMS, WINDMILLS, Braes and Iron Lift and Force PIMPS. - Country reeidenees supplied with porta ble Oss • Works, and every convenience of Gas and Water. Plumbing, Bas, and Steam Fitting. W. COLLIN & RHOADS. se2S-mvrfSzn tt1291 I. MARKET Street, Philada. THE -ATTENTION OF GROCERS AND OTHERS is invited to the NNW LIQUID BLACRIAO manufactured by BROWN & EROTHER. This Japan Blacking, with half the usual labor. im parts a most intensely rich lustre and jet black, equal to the 'highest 'Japan Varnish, produces a most perfect smooth surface. so as not to soil the finest linen. renders the leather easy and pliable; and will, retain its virtues in any climate. . For sale by the ease at . THAYER & COWPERTHWAITE. 5.25-Stif 417 OOMMERGS Street. ACKE RE L , HERRING, SHAD, AJ-a- dco, %NS bbls Mato. No. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, late-caltglid fat fish, in assorted packages. --. 2,000-bbls New Eastport, Portrute Bay. and Halifax Herring— - ' I NO boxes Lnbec. Scaled, and No 1 Herring. , . 1 1 3 0 gliteraiv22:4 B het Atc. In store and for e a ts b - MPRPHY 'at - KOONS taltrt.t- No. 146 NORTH WHARVIS. THE NEW BOOKS OF THE SEASON P4BLI9RRD Or HARPER & BROTHERS, NEW YORK. air & fl bm mail, _postage free, on roodPe of Pilaf. ELEANOR'S VICTORY. A NereL Br : Mi er BaADD°N' Author or 'Aurora Floyd." am Bro.. Paver* 50 cents. ALnocirs JAPAN. The Capital of the Tycoon; a Nar rative of a Three Years' Residence in JarAtt. By Sir MITHFORD ALCOOK. K. C. 8., H..r Majesty's Envoy Ex traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Sanaa. With Nape and Engravings. .2 vols.l2rno, Cloth, $3. THE BIVOUAC AND THE BATTLE-FIELD: or, Cam paign Sketches in Virginia and Maryland. By Captain OBORGE F. Novas. .12mo, Cloth., SL26. 'NAY'S CONDITION OF THE ENGLISH PEOYI,E. The Social Condition and Education of the People in England. By Soarcen Ear, Beg. M. A.. of Trinity Col lege, Cambridge: Barrister at Law, and late Travel ling Bachelonot the University of Cambridge. 12mo, Cloth. $l. . LIVE IT DOWN. A Story of the Light Lands. By 10. JaarrniteOg, Anther of "Olive Blake's tioed Work," leabel; the Young Wife and the Old Love," Stc. New edition juBt ready. fivo, Paper, 60 cents. r of " Adam Bede." R942L ettll A orl l th v e el loa ß tr" t ai 3 , 11. _t_ae uth arner " and "Scenes of Clerical Life." With numerous Ilhatratious. Svo, ramr. $1.25; Cloth, C., 60, FANNY FUMBLE'S GEORGIA PLANTATION. Jour nal ota Reeidence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838- 1359. By FILANCISS ANNE ICEMBLE. 12m0, Cloth, SL2.I DRAPER'S INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT OF EU ,ROPE. A History of the Intellectual Development of - Europe. By JOHN WILLIAM DRAPER, M. D.. Lr, D., Professor of Chemistry and Physiology in the Univer sity of New York; Author of a • ' Treatise on Human Physiology," &c. , an: Svo, Cloth. $3.50. MISS - 111ULOCK'S 'FAIRY BOOK. The best Popular Fairy Stories selected and rendered anew. By the Au thor of " John Halifax, Gentleman," "Olive, "The Ogilvies," &c., &c. Illustrations. .16mo, Cloth, $l, Sr. OLLVES. A Novel. Byo, Paper. 50 cords. A FIRST FRIENDSILIP. A NoyeL Bvo. Paper, 25 cents. EINGLARE'S CRIMEAN WAIL. The Invaiion of the Crimea; its Origin, and an Account of its Progress down TO the Death of Lord Raglan. By ALEXANDER WILLIAM . KINOLAKE. Wi t h Maps and Plane: 2 vols. .'limo. Vol. I. just ready. Price 81.50.- • SYLVIA'S LOVERS. A .Novel. By Mrs. G ASKELL. Au thor of "Mary Barton," ' 'Cranford." 'My Lady Lud low,"." North and South," "The Moorland Cottage. "Right at Last," Ac. Bvo, Paper. Ol) cents. . A DARK NIGHT'S WORK. A Novel. By Mrs. GAS. KELL, Author of ~S ylvia's Lovers," 'Mary Barton," &c. Svo. Parer, 2.1 cents. - SMITH'S PRINCI PIA LATINA.. Part I. A First Latin Conine, comprehending Grammar, Delectus, and Eger- ciao Book, with Vocabularies. - By Wrnr.rwm SHEER, LL. D. , Author of the "History of Greece." and Editor of a 'Classical Dictionary," and the "Dictionary of ,Greek and Roman Antiquities." Carefully Revised and Improved byProfessor HENRY DRISLER. of Columbia College, N. Y. 12mo, Flexible Cloth. 60 cents. HOOKER'S NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Science for the School and .Family. Part I. Natural Philosophy. •By WORTHINGTON Boonaa,M. D. Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in.,Yale College, nthor of The Child's Book of Nature," "Natural History." 'First Book in Chemistry," &c Illustrated by nearly Soo Engravings. 12mo. Cloth. $L LOOMIS' ELEMENTS OF ARITHMETIC: Designed for Children. 16mo, 166 pager, Half Sheep, 30 cents. WILLSON'S PRIMARY SPELLER. A Simple and Pro greeeiye Conwe of Lessons in Spelling, with Reuling s nd Dictation Exercises, and the. Elements of Oral and Written Compositions. By bleaccrs Wrm.sort, Author of " The School and Family Readers. ". 18crto, Half Bound. 12 cents. - rows SUMPTER AND WAGNER. -MAP showing siege operationa against Forts Sump ter and Wagner,' between July 13th and &entomb 7th. Pubiished by permission of General. Gilmore. Price 10 cents. VIEW' OF THE RUINS OF FORT SUMPTER on Au gust 245th. By authority• of General Gilniore. Price 0 cents. _ - OUR FOREIGN RELATIONS. 'A speech by 11011. Charles Simmer. Price 25 cents. For sale bY WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIRN. se3o, • . , 606 CHESTNUT Street cloy. CURT_TIN-HIS PORTRAIT, Biography,_' and Phrenological Description; inte resting to all Union men of Pennsylvania. October Phrenological Journat ' se3o St T. L. CAPEN, 2 loath TOMTIT Street. (1.0 V ERN OR CURTIN-A BEAUTI ,--^ fel card Photog7aph. only 15c each; $5.50 per dozen. Sent by mail on receipt of price. MUM'S. SOS CHESTNUT street. se23-3t e. NEW BOOKS. 1.-OLD MERCHANTS OF NEW YORK, A Second Series of a very interesting and curious book, by Walter Barrett, Clerk.' Replete' with reminiscences, asecdotes, wit. humor, lively personal sketches. pri vate and public gossip about the old and great blerchant Princes of -Newyork city—a little bit of everything. and not too much of anything. The" first volume had an immense sale last year, and the second series is now ready. One elegant clothbound volume, price $1.50.' By s. WITNESS. One of the most-charming and en trancing volumes that have ever issued from the French press..Fresh, dramatic, raphic and - lively, it abounds with te same delightful Interest tt at rnade*" Les Mae rabies" so wonderfully attractive. No reader of that marvelous romance can be sathfled without its , compa nion, • "The story of Victor: Hugo's Life." One hand. some Bvo, cloth bound, price $1.25. - And nearly 'ready, Renaiee " LIFE .OF JESUS," translated from the French; and "VINCENZO," a new novel by Ruffin'. *** These books are Bold by all booksellers, and will be Bent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price, by : sel9-a&wtf CARL - RYON. Pablisher. New. York. rFEE PHRENOLEke-ICAIi J OTTKIN — AW" FOR OCTOBER (double number), now, ready.contains Portraits, Biographies, and Characters of Church. the artist ;. Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania; Peter the Great and his. Queen Catharine. with like nesses of Lncrezia Borgia, Georgian Cavendish, Isabella Albrizzi, Mrs Gore, De Fee, ac.,-with articles on The Hair. The Training of Girls, Remarkable Marriages. Pre-Existence, The Staff ol Life,' Tbe American Man, Art, and Artists. Our - American Aborigines, 'Poems, What I Live For, Choosing Companions for Life by Phrenology; Wonders of Memory, hapoleon in California. Insanity, @nr Territories :Psychology, The Unity of :Man, Ethno logy, Physiogrinmy, Sic. Only 15 cents by lirst_post, or $1.50.a year. - Address YOWLER & WELLS, No 308 BROADWAY. New York: or JOHN L. CAPEN, 25 8. TEETH Etreet, Philadelphia. • 5029-21 NEW BOOKS!. NEW- BOOKS!! - LINDSAY_ SuBLAIKESTON, ' • • 25 SOUTH SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. Have now tor sale._ • _ • English Sketches. OUR OLD HOME, a series of English Sketches. GALA-DAYS. By Gall Hamilton, author of " Coun try Living AG es IZ ." T METHODS OF STUDY in Natural History. _ HENRY WARD BEECHER'S New Volume, entitled FREEDOM AND WAR. se29 NEW B 0 OKS— Juit rec.iyed by INCOTT hCO _ 715 and 717 afeEKEr Street. THE PENINSULA CAMPAIGN IN . VIRGINIA; or, Incidents and Scenes on the Battle Fields and in Rich mond By BAY. J. Marks. PETER CARRADINE; or, The Efartinde3e: Pastoral. By Caroline Cheesebro 4 WENDELL PHILLIPS' SPEECHES and LECTURES. THE SAFE COMPASS, and How it Points. By Rev. Richard Newton. OUR OLD ROME; ASeries of English Sketches, By Nathsniel Hawthorn, - METHODS OF STUDY IN NATURAL HISTORY. By Agassiz. • STANLEY'S SERMON IN THE EAST. PALMONI: or, the NUMERALS OF suRIFFURE. By Prof. Mahan. ' 8528. HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, All Books usually to be had in a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always befoand on onr ohelyea AT THE LOWEST.PRICES. • sel2-(3m THE HEPTAMERON_BY MARGA- A- HBT,.Queen of Navarre. Fully translated_from a gennine copy of the original work. This is the richest treat to be found in French literature. Just published. In `a very neat volume of 040 pages, cloth gilt, with 12 pictorial illustrations. Yon can get it by mall, securely enveloped, for $1.86. _ . CALVIN BLANCHARD, Publisher, - 30 ANN Street, New York. MOSS & CO., Re:wctfully inform the public they have opened a BRANCH at Where will be found a complete stock of Fancy, Staple Counting House, and Office . , BLANK BOOKS, AND ENVELOPES, of their own manufacture, of the best qualities, and in great variety. The business will be conducted on the principle of SMALL PROFITS *AND QUICK SALES. e' prompt and careful attention, uniformityin prkes, extsive assortments. together with their long experi ence in that line of business. they ask , a share of public Blank. Books ruled to any pattern. Bnvelopes, of any size or shape, made to.order at short notice. They, will continue their Wholesale business of Book sellers and Stationers at th e Old St end, No. 430 MARKET STREET. hN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD CASES; Playing from lio tunea, amine Opera and Ameri can Daelodles. FARR at BROTHER, Importers. sel-6m - 324 CHESTNUT Street, below,Fonrth. PHILADELPHIA. HOWARD & CO:'S First Class • AMERICAN WATCHES, - With MEERHON'S PATENT REGI7LATOR. For sale by the principal WATCHMAKERS. sell-lat ItiLG. BITMELL, PINE -AMERICAN . and Iworted - WATONNS.:.Fine &man'. Silva an tad ware,iss. 13136ra SS North SIXTH Strew., FINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to. by the most experienced workman. an every Watch warranted for one year G. RUSSELL. SH Forth SIXTH. Street. (:)lIICK SALES, SMALL PROFITSI - DEAN'S CIGAR STORE 33N CHESTNUT Street, you can buy FINK.CUT CHEWING TOBACCO 26 per cent. less than anywhere else. Anderson's Solace, Hoyt's Snnnyside, Lilienthal's Standard, Old Continental, Young America, and Good win's N. Y. Patent Pressed, for eight cents each. _ Plantation, Cornish's Virgin Leaf, Yellow Bank, Ho ney Dew. Amulet, National, Heart's Delight, Savory, Medallion. Nonpareil, and Mrs. Miller's Fine-cut Chew ing Tobacco. for four cents each. _ FINE COT IN YELLOW PAPERS. —ldlienthal's. Backus & Campbell's. Yellow Bank, Gm°, for three cents each.- SINE. CUT CHEWING TOBACCO IN BMX —Ander son's Solace, Boyt's Sunny side Dean's Golden Prise. Dean's Philadelphia Fine Cut. Honey Dew. Michigan, and Pride of Kentucky. for FAX cents per ounce. Fine-out Chewing Tobacco by the pound, 45, 0), 75, 90 tents, and $l. IMPORTED HAVANA AND - lIARA CIGARS, and do mestic Cigars of all kinds, 26 per cent. lees than others sell. at wholesale or retail at DRAN'S.CIGAR 870ItS. OBLESTNI4 Street. Wilmington and Newark Corporation Notes taken at oar. 173-fir WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CIDER AND WHITE WINE VINEGAR, GREEN - GINUER, MUSTARD SEED, - SPIONE, &a., Ace - . - REQUISITRI3 FOR it - PRESERVING AND PICKLING IPUOOSES. ALBERT C 7. - 11O13FRTS Dealer In Fine Groceries, • inelo. , tt Corner ELEVENTH ead. YL i lilmete,. NEW. PUBLICATIONS. T W 0 IL-VICTOR HUGO-A LIFE. IN PRESS 'MI- °RESTART STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth Streets STATIONERY. No. 432 CHESTNUT STREET, Second Door above the Post Ottlce, STATION,ERY, WATCHES • AND JEWELRY. MUSICAL BOXES. AMUSEMENTS: WALNUT-STREET THEATRitL,_ , w w Lessee Mrs. M A. GARRIFITEDM. . . . Tlifi(Wednesday) EVBNINa, Sept. Mike Third night of the young American tragedian ADAMS, on which occasion will be presented the plity or THE , LADY OF LYONS. Claude Meinotte ...Edwin Admen: Pauline Deschapelles Mrs. S. 111.' Perrino' To conclude with the farce of • • BROTHER BILL AND MS. • Box °Bice open daily from 10 till 3 o'clock, when Benin' may be secured, without extra charge. MRS. JOHN ...DREW'S NEW ARO.I STREET THEATREL-ARCH Sheet above fastla- Acting and Stage Manager W3l. S PREDERIGK& Business, A anan t and 'Prep....Ter lOU D. Mlistinit. THIRD WEEK OF ETCHINGS' OPERA TROUPE. • THIS AND EVERY EVENING. 'THE POSTILION OF LONJUMEAH. Madelithie Miss C. Riehimak Marquis de courcey .... Mr. Peter Richinge. Mr. Regalia Chopelon Kr. I. Hill. Bourdon Sir. W. B. Peakes. To conclude every eveninglnitb a SPARKLING COMEDIETTA, ' in which the dramatic company will pnear. Tickets, 25, 50. - and 75 cents. Na extra charge for eeatit at 'he Boa Office, nom 10 A hi• to 3 P Cartels rises at 7,4 o'clock. an23.4t NEW CEIRSTNIIT-ST. THEATRE.— Lessee and Manager.. ... . Mr. WM_ WELBATLEY. L.Le but one of the engagement. et COLLIN& The grand romantic Drama. entitled THE DIIKB'S MOTTO. In which MR. WM. WHEATLEY • will sustain his original character ef " Lagardere." has achieved the greatest success of any MODERN SENSATIONAL DRAMA., baying already been witnessed by TWENTY-RIOHT THOUSAND PERSONS, and still attracts large audiences. It will be tweseuted EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK ' MR. COLLINS AS CARHICEZFERGIK supported by the • . ENTIRE DRAMATIC COMPANY. MILITARY AND CITIZENS' DRESS BALL—ACADEMY OF MUSIC. - THURSDAY EVF.NING, October I. 1861.= GIVEN. BY THE OFFICERS OF CAMP. CAD SY/MADER- Menem of Ceremonies; Ma'. Oen. Geo. Cadwalader—Brig. Gen. Sao. P. Hatch... Floor Macagers.—Colonel J. H. Keitogg, Colonel T. W. Hoffman, Colonel I. C. Bassett, Lt Col. James Gwynn. lA. Col. Theo. Bemer, Major St. Clair. A. Mulholland, Major .T. H. Stover.' Major. Theo. H. HcCalta„ Cantaiss. William Davis, Captain John T. O'Brien. Capt. 0. B Griffiths, Treas.—Adjt. G. W. Perkins, gee*. TICKETS $6; admitting a Gentleman and two Ladies. -"Tickets for sale at J. E. Gould's music store, southeast corner Seventh and Chestnut. and Lee & Walker's musts store. Chestnut street; also. at the Encampment Doors open at 8.. Beck's band is engaged for the occasion. Carriages set down beads south; take np head, N. sew tisv TEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSEMBL -J.- BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CHESTNUT STREKTIL Amusement for Old and Yonng., Mirth and Happiness open for the season. Constant change of Entertainment. SIGNOR BLITZ, _ EVERT EVENING, commencing at 735 o'clock. and Wednesday anti Saturday at 3, consisting of New Mys teries- in Beer( manes. great success in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary. Birds. Admission 25 cents; Children 15 cents. selLtf• INSTITUTION FOP "-"-- -AL 4 - MSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.- -A- Exhibit'On every WRDNESDAY at 3% - P. N. A.dr reiselea TIN CENTS. Store No. 11 South EIGHTH Street. pENNSYLVANTA ACADEMY OF _a_ VIE FINE ARTS. 1025 CHESTEIJT STRUT. OPEN DAILY• (Sundays excepted) from AL NH Admission 2d cents. Children half price. je2/14, WANTS. WANTED- 50 CANVASSERS FOS McELROY'S CITY DIRECTORY for 1864 - Apply at N 12. corner TENTH and CHE3TNITT Streets. Hs NKTAN TED- A: MILITARY PRBOIiP. TOR. —An experienced t. Meer. competent to in struct in the " School of the Company," and in battalion drill and movements, who is willing to devote kis mornings to the inetruction of young men. may hear of good employment by addressing Box 2833, Post Office. UrANTED -BY . A YOUNG MAN mho has had six (6) years' experience is Mer cantile Business a SITUATION to go to South America or California. Address T. N. , Box 272 P.O. ee3o.2td&w4" TWO JOURNEYMEN _CARPENTERS WANTED. • WAGNER.. se29-2t* S. W. corner NISTA. and COLTSS. WANTED-A . PARTNER IN THli qu3h-iobbing dry-goods trade. with $15,000 to $24.- COO. to Join two young men of energy and ability, who, can control a - large amount or trade and command some means. Address, — BUSINESS," at this Of fice. se29-3t." WANTED-A PREFECT AT THIE T White Department of the ITOTIRe of Refuge. AWLS' TAM% I. BARCLAY. ATHEINVETT %f BUILD tlfG. .se26 WANTED TO INVEST—FROM $3,000 to 9x5.000, in some .well-established business. as partner. Answer L. 400. at this office. se23-3t. WANTED - A RESPONSIBLE POSI . TION, by a competent and experienced Book keeper. One where faithfulness is appreciated. Address 'H. BARTON. ' .`Press" office. . ,se26-9e. VTANT E D=A SITUATION. Ag housekeeper in a gentleman's family. The litsij'7 understands plain sewing and the care of children: :A , good home me Address . rrobject thanala. Beet of refs , rex ce 1315 WALNUTS. "W TE D - $l5 PEE want reliable, energetic canrawere and aunt.. in every comity, for a genteel bIIBIIISM acerceeleaue, of from ?M t° $l5 per day. li r e humbug. Forperietewl canvassers preferred,but room for all. Addreal, C. M. rifftfli" tg CO:, At either Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicago, or 12131,D& Street, hew York. : $6O A MONTH!., WE WANT' AGENTS at &A a month: expenses paid, to soil our EvERLAbTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS, and thirteen other articles. 15 Caretuars free. SHAW CLARK: Biddeford. Maine. " .1 -A 4 • BTSIIBD HOUSE by a small nrivate - ral rent given. Address "V. 8.," 1.012 W.A.t.." 1 17T Street. . sae .It*r• ge WANTED-BY THE FIRST OF AiMJanuary, a STORE on MARKET or FOURTH Street, suitable for a Jobbing business. Address Box 640. Poet Office. - se24-6t* DEPUTY QUARTERMA STIR allit - GENERAL'S OFFlCK—lltuaimpEas, Feb. I. VESSELS WANTED Immediately to tarry COAL If the following points : Tortugas. Rey West, Fla: Fort Dionroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. Newbern, N. C. Fort Roynl,- S. C. BOYD. - Captain and Assist. Quartermaater; BOARDING. NEW BOARDING HOUSE.WRIIL DUFFY having just opened the house IC). 269 . 6; FIFTH. Eimer; below Walnut, has, a few handsets* Booms nsengaged. Besides . permanent Boarders. elm BOconARD. accommodate a few Gentlemen 'with se2B- TABU'St THE HANDSOME RESIDENCH, 1031 -I- WALNUT Street. will be opened for reee_ption. ei Boarders in a few days. sell-Im* FIRST-CLASS BOARD, H:A_NDSOXII commnn`catinz and single rooms; Private table, desired, N 0.1315 WALNUT Ftreet. - LOST AND FOUND. TNWEN lik! _ASTRAY ON: THE: )th instant, a dark brown HORSE. The owner will come forward, move proPerty, 'ow expenses, sal take him away. or he will be sold according to law. G. W. DIINGaff. Lieut. 'Fourteenth Police District. FOR. SALE AND TO LET. rrO CAPITALISTS AND , B - . USINBIES , MEN—ORPHANS' COURT SALE. - - 591.11 be - told peremptorily, by M. THOMAS & 80111. • On OCTOBER 6,. at 12 o'clock,. The valuable Property No. 218 FRONT btreet and 1411 , DOUR Street, The estate of James MauL.Sr., deceased. It might be advantageously divided into two stores, el Front and Dock streets. se3o-Bts FOR SALE-A DESIRABLE LOT ON BROAD street. below Oxford. 48 feet front. 239 feet deep. Apply to WILLIAM ROSSELL ALLEti, giant east corner FOURTH. and WALNUT, second floor. F OR SALE—A VERY SITE'ERIOR DOUBLE GUN, made by Westley Richards, in fine Walnut Case, complete • price, /WO. Any one in want of a superb Gun will find this equal to any in the coon •try. PHILIP WILSON & 00.„ se2S-6t 409 CHESTNUT Street. COAL YARD FOR SALE.—THEI best fitted.up YARD in the city. Capacity for deltic any'ainnunt of business Inquire on the premises, NO. 957 North NINTH Street.below Girard avenue. se% et. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE; CHELTON HILLS-SHERIFF'S SALE. —By virtue ' of two writs of Levari Fades, issued out of the Court or Common Pleas, of Montgomery county, and to me di rected. will be exposed to sale by public vendne, on. MONDAY. October Mb,. A.D. 1663, at 2 o'clock P. M., in, the Sheriff ' s Office; at the Court House, in the Borough of Norristown 'and .countX aforesaid, the following d.e scribed Real Estate: All that certain tract or piece of land, situate in th township of Cheltenham and County of Mmtgomery,lr bounded by 'Rock Lane ,." The Serpentine,." and lends of Thomas Mellor„being lots Nos 46. 52.5.3, and , as laid out on the map or plan of Chelton Hills,". containing about Fifty-five, acres of land,. more or lees. 'This property is beautifully situatedin the most improv ing part of Chelton seven miles from delphia, and near Cheiton n Hill station on the. North Pennsylvania Railroad. The larger portion of the above tract is Woodland, and the remainder under sub tivatibn. A stream of water panes through the pre mises and several excellent springs 'of water. There is also an Apple Orchard in prime of bearing. Seized and taken in execution as the' property or Francis N. Buck, with notice. to Terre Tenants, and ter be sold by FRANCIS RILE, Sheriff. - Sinisrer's oyrrcr,,Norristown, 5ept.15,1663 se3o-5t FOR SALR OR TO LET ON A LE.4SI3A. handsome Medium-sized DWELLING, with the modern conveniences, situated in (me of the moat desirable neighborhoods in the city. Apply on the. Cpre lemmises, 121 scopa th T h. WENTIETH Street, opposite 3o-S St..' ent's (Epil) Churc set TOR SALE-THE ELEGANT` MODERN RESIDENCE. No. 957 FRANKLIN Street ; is firdshed in the most complete and durable. - manner ; has side yard 2S feet wide. Apply WIL LIAM ROSSELL ALLEN, southeast corner. FOURTH:: and WALNUT. second door de FOR SALE— ON EASY TERMS,, _ m2L'a handsome RESIDENCE, with side:yard attached. on BIG HTEEDTII street, above Arch.. Apply to WIG-. LI eht ROSS.IILL ALLEN . , southeast corner FOURTH - and; WALNUT. second floor. . -5 ee29.3t4- Oit MARKET STORE AND DWELL MIL ING FOR SALF-The Store No. 1217 M &RICE"' Street. V, feet front by 1H) feet deep to a street. apply. to . . E. TAYLOR, se 3t . No. 141: North SIXTH Street. FOR SALE--FIRST-CLASS FARA" - •.L...AND GRIST MlLL—Farm containing eighty acres. within five minutes'vralk of station on North Pennsyl vania Railroad. fifteen miles trom the city Excellent imuovements; most. desirable neighborhood also. COUNTRY SEAT and FARM. eighty acres, within tea minutes' walk of station on the Pennsylvania Railroad. eleven miles'out. Annly to . E PETTIT,' No 3E3 WALNUT Etrest. Call and examine Register of Far= and Oily Pro ses-tf ,26 ()fill HIS AMOUNT `44' , -"•WANTED 'at five per cent-. for five VPPTEI On valuable improved Store Property oe CILIUM VT Street, below Eighth. Apply to sel2-tf N PETTIT. 323 WALNUT Street. ' FOR O R C_A_LrF'NIA... O. ROBERTS' LINE . SAN FRANCISCO ,AND :OREGON.,.. VIA PANAMA. RAILROAD. The Steamship 2400 Tons., ' On BATURDAT.,OctidaerB, at noon. Tbe *nest. fastest ` and.' strongest Steamship the California trade will sail 'RS above. from' pier 15i.)t of WARREN Street North river.' Yor freigl t orpaasage &MVO 0: 11. CARRINOMY, Corner of WAY-REM' and wsn , weAtik. N. B.:—Attention is called . to the change of Um. rogfik. sell-toe 3 . - . . j a dZ a t - STEAMER ' WAWASRT.-•-:' Ter 6.3IYRNA, PO* PEN DELIII.-• W ARE CITY-, NEW CASTLE. auLt 'STEW; Ont lhet, ARClUStreet Why's& every IrIOODA WED4E3De.T. .and FRIDAY. at P., o'clock. RASurning.leaves BOMBAY' IlOOK,'Landiry every TISDSDAY. =THDIASDAY., SATURDAY. 1t B o'clock. Stages coUr.ect walk Ot2 ttgs tat§ lll l-T4A-P gilt. and Leipata. , . , •ei7 9@
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers