Publications Received. From ICer & Buornmz Annual Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, for the years 1862 and '1863, namely, from May 21, 1861, to 6th May, 1863, together with some Laws of Older Date, inadvertently omitted in Purdon's Digest. Completing Brightly's Purdon's Digest to the pre sent time; by Frederick C. Brightly, Esq. The promise in the title is fully realized in the work, lehich is a clear and wellindexed Digest of our State Laws for the last two years. From the Franklin Institute : Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of renneylvania. 78, No. 453. Third aeries : Vol. XLVI. September, 1863. No, 3. .210 m J. LSVPOLDT -- Victor Hugo, Racontd par un Tdmoin de ca Vie. - Tome Premien This is a New York reprint of Madame Hugo's life of her husband. It, really is his autobiography. The acceptability of this edi• lion is that it is rin the original French, and that not a line is omitted, whereas, in Kr. Wilbour's English translation, there are many omission& ' This volume brings Victor Hugo's career from his brith, in 1812, to his admission into the Academy, in 11141. From Seurnm S. Warrn, 628 Arch street : -The Dental Cosmos (new series, vol. V., Septem• tlerrlBB3, No. 2), a monthly BeCord of Dental Science, devoted to the Interests of the Profession. Edited by Drs. J. D. White, S. A. Ntequillen, and George •J. Ziegler. The leading feature, in this number, is - an interesting report of the proceedings of the Amis. rim Dental Association in this city last July. The 'Proceedings of the American Dental Convention, .held at Saratoga in August, are also well reported. We also have received the first number of the '"Dental Times, a Quarterly Journal of Dental ,Soience, edited and published by the Faculty of the :Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery."' Out of forty-two pages, seven are devoted, by said Faculty, to announcements respecting said College. Thus, the Denial Times is avowedly an organ for a particu lar interest, while the Dental Cosmos is only " de voted to the Interests of the Profession." /From Jorm CAilynem Chestnut street • • Reverdy Johnson's Reply to the Review of judge Advocate General Holt, of the proceedings, filadings, and sentence of the General Court-Martials in the ease of Major General Fitz John Potter, and a Via• dication of that Officer. Second Revised Edition, Baltimore: John Murphy Pc Son. From T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS : Godey's Lady's Book for October; a brilliant number, finely illustrated. Petersen's Ladies' Magazine, also for October, and of more than average merit, with a charming domestic 'scene as a frontispiece. From T. B. PUGH, Chestnut street : FrankLealie's Ladies' Magazine for October. This is the best of all the American periodicals for the fair sex. It gives patterns of dresses, by which the ladies can cut out their own apparelo it gives nume• sous fashion.plates, and its literiture (copiously il lustrated) is generally very good. An Incident, To Me Editor of 77te Press: - Brit : One of the most prominent of the Copper heads in our midst, in fact the great Mandarin, "the wonderful juggler from over the seas," from whom all the smaller fry take their cue, met with a rebuff' from a lad, the other day, that should have wounded him to the very soul had he ever been blessed with such an article. It occurred in this wise, and his fellows can gather from the incident that even chil dren have an honest scorn for the traitors. A busi ness firm in this city with whom the "honorable gentleman" had been in the habit of dealing, sent him, by a boy in their employ, a bill for goods fur nished. Drawing a check and handing it to the lad, he Accompanied it with this message " Tell your employer that this is the laet bill I shall pay him, as I understand he bas been talking against me. He is working against his own interest in doing so, for I know I have some warm friends , in his establish ment." Quick as the lightning's flash came the stinging reply. "If you have, sir, I can't imagine who they can be. I know of none." What could be more galling than the thought that even the young had learned to despise him, that this boy felt all the contempt for him that those of maturer years have. I am, BIT, truly your', T CITY. FIRE AND PANIC IN THE NINETEENTH NVARD.—A large fire occurred on Saturday, at the Industrial Works, situated on Coral street, between Adams and Latterly, in the northern part of the Nineteenth ward. The main building was four - stories in height; adjoining was a one-story build ing in the yard ; also a one-story engine-room and -drying-house, and a one-story picker-room. Besides the buildings, there were a two-story frame, one hundred and twenty-five feet long, a two-story office and finishing-room, and a range of sheds and several frame outbuildings, all of which were enclosed by'a fence. All the buildings and the fixed machinery . , such as steam engine and main shafting', wereowned by Messrs. Taylor, Medicroft, & Co. The first story of the main building was ()Coupled by Messrs. Medicroft & Winterbottom, manufac turers of carpet yarn. - The second story was occupied by Mr. William &holes, a maker of wool stocking yarn. ' The third and fourth stories were occupied by Messrs. Taylor & Richardson, makers of power-loom goods, such as cheek, gingham, and valencia. This firm also occu pied the basement for dyeing purposes. The long frame building above spoken of was Occupied on the - first floor by Messrs. Medicroft &,Winterbottom, manufacturers of carpet yarn, out of old shoddy, So. 'Here the fabric is torn to pieces by, steam pickers. '- -- The third story of this building was occupied by Messrs. Beatty & Coope, makers of cotton yarn. The two-story brick, used as an office and finishing room, was owned and .occupled by Messrs. Taylor & Co. The picker room of Messrs. Medicroft & Winterbottom, on the first floor of the long two . story frame, was in full operation. There were two men and two boys at work therein. Suddenly, and as quick as a flash of lightning, a spark was struck by the iron teeth of the picker against some gilt in the shoddy, and in less time than it takes to write about it, the entire room was in a blaze, the loose dust and fibre continually fly ing from the machines and settling all around, af fording gunpowder like facility to spread the flames. The men and boys barely escaped with their lives. At this time a tremendous gale of wind was blowing from the northward, and the nearest fire company, the Taylor Hose, being at least half a mile distant, it would seem that the entire above-described pro perty was speedily to be reduced to ashes. ; In a - very few moments the building was in a • frightful blaze; 'the flames leaping wildly and the smoke issuing forth in furious volumes of blackness under the power of the gale. The two-story brick office and finishing room were speedily enveloped in the calorie element. • At this time an intense panic seized the operatives in the main building. There - were about one hundred, all told, consisting, of men, women, boys, and girls. There was but one stairway. that afforded egress. This wan long and narrow. On the affrighted parties rushed pall until all got safely out. Some effort wan made 'by a few men who recovered from the panic first, to subdue the flames, but their might as well have at *tempted to force patriotism into pebble. headed igno rance. The drying-house, as well as the picker room, was entirely destroyed. The engine-house was partly demolished. - The wind, up to this time, was blowing from the main building, when sud denly it turned its rebellious power the other way, and as quick as meditation on the wimp of thought, fifty windows on the south side of the large fabric were in a blaze. The fire department was pretty well represented by this time. Chief Lyle at once directed all• the steamers to turn their streams on the windows. It was a thrilling scene—fearful and sublime. All gave up the building to destruction, but the steamers triumphed; the building was saved. A. row of dwellings on the east side of Coral street was pretty well blistered or scorched, but the prompt application of water from the steamers re lieved 'the minds of the affrighted occupants from all further apprehension. A row of young orna• mental trees in front of these houses were'ruined by the fire or great heat. A considerable quantity of manufactured goods were removed from the main building. Some of the bundles.or bales took fire from falling flakes, but no -serious damage was done. The total lose is estimated at slio,ooo, which is mainly covered by an insurance in the Royal of Li verpool, the Home and Manhattan, New York. Washington, Providence, Rhode Island, and several in Hartford and New Haven, Connecticut. RAIL SHOOTING.—RaiI shooters were in their glory on Friday afternoon. The heavy gale from the southeast, and rain, swelled the tide to a much higher gauge than it had been known since - the memorable tide in 1859. The sports who have an eye to the weather, who can-read the signs as well as an astronomer can read the stars, were out after rail. Fine and exciting sport they had. We bear of one gentleman boating one hundred and Thirty on the high water ; other boats ranged down as low ae eighty. The highest parts of the marsh - were fully covered; even Brown's Island had a depth Of two feet and a half of Water upon it, the largest part of Tinicum was flooded, Martins Bar, M.orris Island, Raccoon, °heater, and other high islands, aforded line sport for the gentlemen who braved the peltings of the pitiless storm. Among the highest boats was that of the old Na poleon of the Delaware, Colonel William Cooper, a gentleman who is particularly at home when cutting them down right and - left. The birds were in fine order ; the poorest of theta being fat enough to " fry themselves." Oa Saturday, some self-conceited amateurs were out in full force ; but the northerly wind "knocked down the tide," and but few birds were boated, thus verifying the old sporting maxim, "no birds killed the day after a very high tide." The reason is this, the birds that escape on a very high tide, fly over the bank' into the meadows, - where it is supposed they remain until the next ." run of tides." THE FESTIVAL OF ST. MATTHEW.—To ,day, the 21st of September, is the Festival of St. Mat thew, Apostle and Evangelist. He was the eon of Alpheus, a Jew of the tribe of Issachar and thence ;called also Levi. He was a "publican; 13 or tax•ga therer of the Jews for the Roman Government, and as such, was held in special abhorrence by the taxed—i. e. the Jews. He was "sitting at the re- Oeipt of custom" at the time he was called to be an apostle. Jesus sat down to meat with him in- his house "with publicans and sinners,'? to the great disgust of the Jews, to whord Our Lord adminis tered the rebuke, that He Came to call sinners to , repentance." To St. Matthew we owe the first Gospel, Which was drat written by him in Hebrew, St. James the Less, and others of the Apostles af terwards renderin g into the Greek. St. Matthew's 'ministry among the nations was in Ethiopia and Perthia. In the year 60 he was seized and suffered martyrdom, the instrument of death used upon him being a halbert. or pike with a hatchet affixed to it. *He Is usually represented pen in hand, with a scroll before him, and an angel apparently dictating to him. His festival was hest instituted in the year 1090. I' It E FtVB-TWEIT TY LOAN.-Subsea- . )- - lions to the Five-twenty Year Loan, through Jay, -Cooke, general subscription agent,Philadelphia, for the week ending Saturday, Sept. 19, 1863 Sub. Scribed through sub-agents in New York $345,550, and Boston $468,000 (including New York, part of New Jersey, and the New England States) ; Rhode Island,sss,ooo; Pennsylvania, $505,500 ; New :Ter . sey, $39,800 ; Delaware, $55,800 ; Maryland, gismo ; • District of Columbia, $64,100 ; West Virginia, $14,200'; Ohio, $229,600; Indiana, $24,400; $132,750 ; Wisconsin, $10,750 ; Michigan, $14,000; Jowa, $17,900 ; Minnesota, $9OO ; Kentucky, 270.550; _llitl4ollll, $6,800 ; Kanner, $l,OOO. Total, $2,085,700. CORONER'S CHER, much given to intoxication, died, it, was thought, from the effects of brutal treatment on the part of her hus band. Her death occurred on Wednesday night. The husband war arrested on the charge of murder, and committed to await the verdict of the Coroner's jury. On - Saturday a verdict was rendered that the deceased came to her death from intemperance. The husband was discharged from custody. .RAILWAY ACCIDENT.—On Satiliday ttlard- Ing, between twelve and one o'clock, Patrick Coyle, aged 90 years, a resident of West Chester, while going down the steps from the railroad embankment at Twenty-second and Market streets, accidentally fell. A car of the West Philadelphia Passenger ARail.Way line, which was passing at the time, an over him, and crushed one of his legs in a shocking FELL DEAD.—A German 'woman, aged SO years, named Barbara Fender, who resided on 'Hutchinson street, above Master, fell dead on Satur ilay afternoon, while walking along Tenth street, be low Thompson. _ ACCUMITT.—CharIes O'Donnell, aged 16 year', fell off the Baltimore Railroad ear, on. Broad street, on Saturday afternoon. The 'wheels cut off one or his /ego. He was removed to - the 'Pennsylva nia ROOM. - . MI MILITARY ORDER.—The following Ml portant order ham been issued by Major General George Oadwalader, military commandant in Phila delphia: - ' The attention of the provost marshal is directed to.the frequent appearance ofoivilians in the streets and subuibs of the city, using horses wearing the U. S. brand, and also to the fact that soldiers are to be seen daily riding public horses unnecessarily, and too frequently, at a ruinous speed. Re will, therefore, increase his patrols and instruct them to challenge all such civilians, and learn by what authority they are in possession of public ani• male, and if the same be not entirely satisfactory, the horses will be seized and immediately turned over to the post quartermaster. No enlisted men will be permitted to ride public horses at 'a faster gait than a walk over the paved streets, 'unless 'a' more rapid speed be especially or. demi by proper authority, and in writing, nor will officers or non.commiseioned officers in command of detachments of mounted men, whether. on duty or not, be suffered to move the same over the pave ments at an increased speed, unless they car, show an absolute necessity. For neglecting the spirit of this order, enlisted men will lie arrested and severely punished, non commissioned officers reduced to the ranks, and commissioned el:ricers relieved from duty and tried for " disobedience of orders," The provost marshal will be held accountable for the strict enforcement of this order. A BOAT GOES OvErtik..THE DAM.—Lin Frit day afternoon a canal boat came down the curren of the Schuylkill, and lodged in the dam at Fair mount. About one-third of the boat projected'over. Dien commenced work at once to get her off; but all their efforts were ineffectual. The heavy rain on Friday swelled the street', and on. Saturday morn ing, about eight o'clock, there was sufficient depth of water on the dam to float the lodged craft into deeper water. Neither the boat nor the dam was injured. PRINTED LISTS.—We learn that printed lists, alphabetically arranged, of persona who have claimed exemption from military duty, are to be furnished to persons whose business it will be to watch the various polls in the coming election. At the last election these lists were printed and posted on the shies of the windows, so that everybody could see them. It is said that on the forthcoming mos.- sion they will not be publicly exposed, for certain purposes, that may be developed as the election pro gresses. POSTAL REGULATIONS AT GREMANTOWN —Postmaster Walborn has inaugurated a convent ent measure for the benefit of the residents of Gef mantown, by placing boxes for the collection of let ters in time for each mail (three times daily) at vari ous places of business along the Main street, thus avobding the necessity, in , many cases, of going a long distance to the central office, near the railroad Mx% As soon as the position of the reception boxes are generally known they will no doubt bg largely patronized,. SINGULAR FRRAN.—A. soldier, named Mi. chisel Kelly, or Miller, belonging to a camp in Berks county, jumped from a car on the Reading railroad, nc ar the Wissahickon, on Saturday, and fell through a bridge, and was precipitated to a distance of 20 or 50 feet. He was internally injured. On being questioned why he did it, he replied that he thought the locomotive had exploded. It is feared that he will not recover. WILLIAM PENN BARRACKS.—An oraer has been received for the construction of barracks at Camp William Penn, at (Melton HiUs, for the re ception of colored volunteers for New Jersey and Delaware. < This order is the result of an interview between the Secretary of War and a sub-committee of the Supervisory Committee for recruiting colored troops in Philadelphia. SHOT HIMSELF.—A soldier named Frede rick Raymond t aged 24 years, shot himself in the head with a pistol at Fairmount Park, about half past one o'clock on S'aturday afternoon. He was conveyed, in a dying condition, to St. Joseph's Hos pital. PERSONS in want of colored servants are referred to the card of John Oliver in the advertising columns of to-dayls paper. LEGAL. INTELLIGENCE. Court of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions—Judge Ludlow. On Saturday, in a ease where a writ of habeas corpus had been sued out in the case of a soldier. and where it was stated by the United States District A.tnrney that the relator came within the provisions of the President's Proclamation . ; Judge Ludlow made the following re- Whatever may be the legitimate effects of the Presi dent's Proclamation ruspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in certain speciffed cases, it can hardly be contended that any person. tip he an officer or'citizen, can, acting under the order of the President, seize and hold a citizen for any cause not specified in the proclamation or embraced within its terms. The act of Congress expres,ly provides that the officer receiving a writ of habeas corpus shall certify to the court by whore order be holds the person named in the writ, and as the writ in this instance was served before the proclamation was issued, it may be a question whether the act of Congress does not require the officer to make a return in the form of a certificate. At the present time I do not intend to decide any ques tion appertaining to the suspension of the writ; but as the subject requires careful consideraion.and as for the sake of uniformity of action by the three indges of this court, eome practice should be established or decision rendered, I direct rules to show cause why returns should not be made by the various persons upon whom writs have been served, or attachments be issued, to be entered of record, and be made returnable on Saturday ,next; and I shall invite both of my coils tgaes to be pre sent at the hearing of these rules, when counsel. may submit to the court such arguments as theykee fit. THE POLICE. Astoimdlng Developments. The recent, arrest of a young man named Gaw. who had a hearing before United States Commissioner kleazlitt on the charge of receiving money from William Ogler, who was exempted from the draft, has disturbed a nest of sharpers, some of whom. we understand, have ab e nted themselves. They belong to a class of low ward or precinct politicians. They had access to the provost marshal's quarters when other parties could not get in. Even the reporters were denied. admittance, who merely wished to pay a professional visit. The whole snidest is one that demands the Maas. t consideration of the United States District Attorney. The resumption of the inves tigation in the case of Gaw is fixed for to-day at 2 o'c.ock, before Commissioner Heazlitt. [Before Mr. Recorder Enen.l Held for a Hearing.. Mr. Nathan Campion was arrested on Saturday, by Joebna Taggart. of the Detective force, and taken before the Ittcorder. The arrest was made in consequence of some' transactions in passenger-railroad - affairs,' - that took place several-years since. Mr Campion entered bail! in [the sum of SLOG° to await a hearing, to-day, before Recorder Enen. ' PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. JAMES E. CAMPBELL,) S. W. DE COURSEY, COMMITTEE OF THE MONTH JAMES C. HAND. . LETTER BAGS AT THE 1112,TWICANTS' EXCHANGE, I.E.ILADELPH.M. Ship Sarawak, Rowland Liverpool, soon Bark A I Harvey. Miller Barbadoes, Sept IP Brig Ella Deed, Jarman Havana, soon. Brig Hooka, Burns St Domingo City, soon - Brig Ida (Br). Collins Barbados, soon Behr Greenland, Evans Havana. soon Schr St Lawrence. flinch Port . Spain. soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPI-lIA, Sept. :t1,1803. SUN RISES.... HIGH WATER 668 1 SUN SETS ARRIVED. Ship Recovery (Br). Wilber, 91 days from Liverpool, with mdse to Peter Wright "& Sons. Bark John Curtis,Sylvester, 20 days from Ship Island, in ballast to Workman & Co. Bark Eventide. Cunningham, 10 days front Port Royal, in ballast to J E Barley & Co. Bark M Metcalf, Ames, 5 days from Port Royal, in ballast to captain. Schr C Loeser, Lawa, 5 days from Boston, in ballast to Noble, Caldwell & Co. Schr R W Tull, Haley, 9 days from Port Royal, in bal last to D S Stetson & Co. Schr Belle, Baker. 15 days from Plymouth,, C, in ballast to Baker & Folsom. Scbr S Applegate, Barret, from Norfolk, with guano to Wm Newell.* Mir Prince Alfzed.CiarWood. 10 days from Port Royal, in ballast to captain. - Schr Sarah Cullen, Cullen, 6 days from Boston, in bal last to captain. Bohr Active, Calhoun, 4 days from Beaufort, N C, in ballast to J W Bacon. Schr Aquilla, Calhoun, 4 days from Beaufort: N C. in ballast to J W Bac n. Schr Cora, Masten, 1 day from Brandywine, Del.with houro to R DI Lea. Schr R DI Hamill, Hendrickson, from - Edisto, in ballast to captain. Schr R J hfercer. Somers, from Boston. Bohr C DI Neal, Henderson, from Boston. Schr Den Brittain, Sanders, from Boston. Ear E Belden. - Street. from Alexandria. Schr.o A Greiner. Young, from Providence. Steamer Anthracite, Jones. 24 hours from New York, With mdse to W ht Baird & Co. Steamer Frank, Shropshire. 24 hours New Yosk, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Steamer Ann -Eliza, Richards. 24 hours from N York, with =dee to W P Clyde. CLEARED. Steamship Saxon, Matthews. Boston. H Winsor. Brig Matilda (Swede), Anderson, Utradalonpe, Jan mate & Lavergne. • Brig F Nelson. Wiley, Boston, Sinnickson & Glover. Schr Sarah Cullen, Callen, Boston, captain. Schr Mary H Banks, Marts, Fort Monroe, Tyler, Stone & Co. Schr E Belden, Street, Gisrgetorva, D C. do Schr Daniel Brittain, Sanders, Port Royal, . do Schr Saaah Louisa, Adams, Washington. do Schr Jas Home, Baker, Providence, C A Hecksher&Co. Seim L Sturtevant, Mayhew. Lynn. D Pearsp. Schr A Edwards, Somers. Boston. Street & Co. Schr Lucp L- Sharp, McElwee. Beaufort; Corn H A Adams. Schr Alliance, tiolimaa, Washington. do Rchr Minnesota, Smith. Salem, Blakiston. Graff SE CO. Schr J G Curtis, Higgins,. Charlestown, E R Salryer & Co.. - Solarß J Mercer, Somere,Pall River, Castner,StickneY & Wellington. - _ . Fehr C M Neal. Henderson, Salem, E R Sawyer & Co. Schr C A Greiner, Young, Baker's Landing, Repplier & Bro. Str B Willing,Dade, Baltimore. A. Groves, Jr. Str Bristol, Claarles, New York, W P Clyde. Str H J PevinnoY, Bristow, .Alexandria,T Webster, Jr. . (Correspondence of The Press.) BEADING- Sept 17. The following boats from the Union Canal passed Into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Ii B Heebner. and Ladles' Friend, lumber to J KeeleY: D W Bennett, do to D B Taylor: Lebanon Valley. do to Saml Bolton ; fronsides, do to S B Taylor; raft timber, to Schuylkill Nay Co. (Correspondence of The Press.) . • HAVRE DB GRACE. Sept 18 The steamer Wyoming left here this morning with the following boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows ID 0, and Jacob Finley, ]umber to S Bolton; Naugatuck. do to W S Taylor; John W Harris, do to J Craig: Old Spud; do to Dolvey; Gen Sigel, do to Wilmington; Chas Blanchard, and Bowman & Owen; Coal to Del City. MEMORANDA Steamship Germania (Jamb), Ehlers, cleared at New York 18th inst for Hamburg. Skip Southerner. Soule from Rangoon 18th April for Falmouth wee spoken 31 , 4 JolY off St Helena. Bark Elf, Townsend, 23 days from Matamoros, at New York 18th in s t with cotton. Bark Marion (Br). tor this port, cleared at N Bedford 17th inst. Brig Herald, Davie, cleared at :stew Orleans 11th ins for thip port. - BriLouisa. Arirriech, 56 dare from Bnerms Ayres, a New-York iqch inst. with hides and wool. Behr W H Tiere, Hoirman, hence at Now Orleans Bth instant. Sobr SSbarp,3la yo; Beatbsss.Vanzant ; J.ll Broomal, Douglas, and Geo lulborn, orwood, - bence at Boston 15th inst. Steamer Gladiator, Warren, hence at New Orleans 9th instant, The IT S steamer Conemangb, Capt Shureldt, from Port Royal 14th inst. arrived at this port on Saturday last— touched off Charleston with dsspatches for the Admiral. She brings 110 later news. The US steamer Naneemond, blockading, was spoken 18th inst off Cape Lookout—all DYOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS.—WE have a FURNACE IN BLAST, and are prepared to attend to orders for BOTTLES of every description. H. B. St nth . BENNERS, 21 SFRONT Street. "WILLIA"M iL YEATON Sr CO., V T NO. 2.01. South FRONT Street; _ Agents for the sale of the ORIGINAL HELDSIP.CA & CO. clUsi - PAGNR. _ Offer that desirable Wine to the trade. Also, LOCO eases flue and 'medium grades BORDEAUX CLARETS. 100 cases "Brandenherg Freres" COGNAC BRANDY. Vintage ISIS; bottled in France. 00 eases finest Tuscan Oil, in flasks; 2 dozen in ease, 60 bbls finest quality Monongahela Whisky. 00 bble Jersey Apple Brandy. 00 . 000 Ravana Cigars, extra line Moat & Chandon Grand Tin Imperial, " Green Seal" Champagne. Together with a fine assortment of Madeira, Sherry, Port. age. fe24-ly COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS of all numbers and brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trunk and WELftOll Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from 1 to 5 feet wide. Tarpaulin, Bolting. Sall Twine. Sce. _ JOHN W. EVERMAN CO. , 102 JOCIES' Alley. LAKE SUPERIOR INGOT COPPER, from the AMygdalOid Mine, in store and foi sale in quantities to snit, at WOMKATEL'S ie3o-131n. Uri aliCa Street. SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Levan Facing, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 6, 1863. at 4 o'clock. at hansom-street Gad. All the one full enual nndivided tenth part of the said Jan Bheiner , el. in. and to all chose two certain tracts or parcels of land described es follows. viz: No 1. All that certain lot or piece of land, eVuate in .that part of the city of Philadelphia (lam township of Penn), on the southwesterly side of a road leading from liicotown to the Falls of toe schnylkill; beginning on the side of said road. thence by the same north sixty-one degrets east, three hundred and ninety-four feet to thee. corner of bind granted to Michael Nage; thence by said' land and a lot sold to Eenry Davis, nine hundred and ninety two feet. four inches to the side of a road or street called Spring street; thence by the .same south sixty-two degrees and a .ttnarttr we,,,, three hundred and ninety-live font to the corner of a.lot granted to Jacob !Wellborn; thence by said lot north twenty-eight degreea fifty minutes west nine "hundred and eighty one feet wght. inches to the .place of beginning; con taining eight acres and one hundred and flfty•two perches of land marked on a certain plan of lots No. 41. No 2. Also, . ail that contain tract, or piece of land striate in that part of the city of Philadelphia Cate toyvnahip of Penn) on a road leading from Germantown to Wissahickon. (called Shultz road,) marked in a plan annexed to a plan of .partition between- Joseph ebb* , pen, Edward Shippen, and Shippen. I S.,'-78; containing in breadth forty. two perches and one-tenth of a perch. Bounded southwsrd, by said road. west• weld ho' ground of William Shippen, marked. in said Plan W. S.. 77, and eastward by ground of James • Logan, containing about twenty. two ShreS eightY three percher, be the same, more or less.. Containing together thirty- one acres and seventy•live perches of land. , • be the same more or less. [Being the same pre-' raises, inter ails, which John Ives and Susannah, hie wile, by indenture bearing date the 13th day of Decem her, A. D. 1858, and intended to be herewith•recorded. granted and conveyed unto the said John Rheiner in fee 7 cp.O., 264;13. T., '63. Debt $2,669.60. Brluckle.) Taken in execution and to be told as the property of John Rheiner. , JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19,-1863. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRT U OF ^.--• a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue.Un MONDAY' Eve ning, October 5. 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street HAM, All that certain four-story brfek messnage or store and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging, origi nally composed of three contigious lots, situate on the south sigh, of High ;or Market street and. west side of Strawberry alley or street. in the said city of Philadel phia ; containing in front or breadth on the said High or . Market street fourteen - feet, and extending of that breadth in length or depth southward sixty-three feet, more or less. Bounded eastward by said Straw berry alley or street,' southward by a three-feet-wide alley, westward by ground now or formerly of William Branson, and northward by High or Market street afore said. Together with the free nee, right, liberty, and privilege of ingresP, egress, and regress, in and along the said three-feet-wtde alley or Paesner.with the free liter.ty of building under and over tte same the whole breadth eine lot of ground above mentioned; and together with. the right and privils.,ke of a ce r t a i n privy, as the same privileges ale mei° particularly granted and 'set forth in the hereinafter recited indenture, [Being the same pre miseS'of and in which Matthew Conrad, by virtue of divers conveyance,became in his lifetime lawfully seized in fee; subject to a portion of the. raid premises to the payment of a moiety or half-part of a certain - yearly ground rent of four pounds ten shillings. . -And the said Xatthew Conrad. n'ed seized of the said premises, inter' alia, having first made his last will ittid testament dated the 30th day of March, A. D. 1812. and a codicil thereto, dated Slat day of March, A. D. 1851.; whereby after sun dry devises be did give, devise, and bequeath all the rest,' res'dne, and remainder of his estate, real and personal, (including the above premises.) unto his two eons, the above named George W. Conrad and William C. Conrad, as teliante in common in fee, and the said William C. Conrad..with Martha It., hie wife by indenture bearing even date herewith, viz: December 26,-1853, but dalY executed and acknowleged before these presenbt and in tended to be forthwith recorded, granted and conveyed their moiety in the said premises unto the said George - W - Conrad, lis heirs and assigns.] Subject to the pay ment of a pro oortionable pan of the said ground-rent of four pounds ten shilling% as therein expressed. CD. C.', 210; S. T.,'63. Debt, $11.312.50. O'Brien,] Taken in execution and to be solo as the property of George G. Conrad. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19. 1833. se2l.-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRT U E OF P•••-' a writ of. Alias Levari Facies, to me directed. will be exposed to pnblin sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve. ning, October 5,1363. at 4 o'clock. at Saneom-street Hall. All that certain three-story brick messnage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Cherry street, one hundred and twenty-two feet two and two-fifth inches eastward from Twentieth street, in the city of Philadel phia, containing in front on Cherry street seventeen feet ten inches, and in depth one hundred and twenty-nice feet to Toland street, which said premises simnel Jardea and.wife. by deed dated September 28. 18:2, recorded in net d Book T. IL. No. 112. page 5, &c., conveyed onto Jonas Wyman and Thomas Mather in tee, reserving a ground rent of 508.90, and Thomas Mather.' by deed dated July 21. 1856, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W.. No. 85, page 861, &c conveyed hie moiety to said Jonas. Wyman,. and Ann Collins. by deed dated April 1,1981, conveyed said ground-rent unto said Jonas Wyman, whereby the same merged. [D.• C. S. T. '63. Debt, 5245. J. H. Campbell.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jonas Wyman =JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept 19. 1863. • se2l-3t SHERIFF'S; SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Venditioni Exponsa, to me direoted,will be exposed to public sale or vendee,' on MONDAY evening, October 6,1865, at 4 o'clock, at Ransom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the First :ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning at a point in the square between Twenty-sixth and Twenty seventh streets, south- of Jackson. street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia, a corner also of ground of Margaret Duncan. thence extending eastwardly along the said ground of Margaret Duncan, on a line parallel with Jackson street and crossing the said Twenty-sixth street, three hundred and twenty eight feet, more or less, to a point.; thence south sixteen degrees, east fonr hundred and forty-eight feet, more or less, to a point; thence south seventy- four degrees west, crossing Twen ty-sixth street. seventeen perches and 2.25ths of a perch to a point, and thence along land now or late of. Ana Crlas north sixteen degrees west six hundred and thirteen feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. Being a part of the same premises - which Henry Leelar, Esq., High Sheriff of the city and county of Philadelphia, by deed poll bearing date the thirteenth day of March, A. D. 1847, and entered in the office of the District Court for-the city and county of - Philadelphia, in the Sheriff Deed Book T., page 667, granted and conveyed unto the said William Kelley, in fee. ID. C.. 219; S. T.. '63. Debt, $4.600. H. (1. Clay- ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Kelley. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Wlv.elPl,llin. CllPrifre Amon 0" , 5 10 li2oo SJELEIiIFI4"6 SALE- VIRTUE. OF a writ of Venditioni Bxponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, October 5. 1863. at 4 o'clock. el Sansom-street All those certain eight lots of ground situate on the north side of Clearfield street, one hundred and forty feet westward from Twenty-second street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Clearfield street eighty feet, and in depth two ntindred and twenty-five feet to Paik street. Which said premises Henry Cooper by deed dated-July 7, 1855, recorded in Deed Book R. 0. W,. No 14; page 208, Sic., convoyed unto John A. Goeh rle'ff in fee. 10. 8.--Said lois are numbered 8. 0, 10. 11, 28, al. 30, and 31. in the plan of the Philadelphia Park Association. ED. C., S. T . '69. Debt. *234.. E. S. Campbell. Taken in execution and loin sold as the property of Priscilla Coehring, administratrix of John A. GO en ring. deceased, and Frederick Bixenstein. - JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept. 19. 1863, ite2l-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY: VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni FzipOxtas, to me directed, will be 'exposed "to public sale or voodoo, on MONDAY Eve ning, October 5. 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground, situate on the east side of Broad street. one hundred and eighty-nine feet north ward from Snennehanna avenue, in the city of Pnila delphia4 containing in front on Broad street twenty-one feet. and in depth one hundredand feet. 4 Which raid premises Thomas C. Read and wife, by deed dated February lb, ISIS, recorded in Peed Book R. D. W., tip. 157, page 5, Sic conveyed'unto Charles 11. Chandler in fee. referving a ground rent of eighty-four dollars, payable first September and March. (D. C.. Sept '63. Debt $341. R. S. Campbell.] Takenin execution and to be sold as the property of Charles R. chandler. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept. 19. 1863. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Ex-ponas, to rue directed. will be exposed to public sale or vandals. on MONDAY Ey euing.October 6,1883. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All those certain eight three-story brick messuages and lot or ground, situate.on the east side of Fifth street, one hundred and forty feet southward from Girard avenue. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in from on Fifth street twenty-seven feet, and in depth about two hem dred and twenty feet to. Apple street: which said pre mises Joseph Landis end wife, by deed dated February 13, 182, recorded in Deed Book A M., No: 28, page Si, Sic., conveyed unto Anthony ht. Wartman in fee Sub ject to a ground rent of twenty- seven dollars, payable let January and July. - ID. C..- Sept. T., '63, Debt, $228. Dedrich. 1 - Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Anthony M. Wartman. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philada.. Sheriff's Office.'Sept. 12.:1863. sett-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Yenditioni ExPonas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Even ing. October 5,1663. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-screet Hall. All. that certain church building, and lot of ground situate on the east side of Fifth street, ninety-one feet one inch southward from Carpenter street, in the dip, of •Philadelphia ; containing in front on Fifth street, six 'ty-three feet four inches. and in depth eighty-seven feet TWO Inches. [Which said premises Mary and 'Eleanor P. • Foulke by deed dated March 31st, 1812, recorded. in Deed Book O. S., -No • 39, page 252, Sm., conveyed unto the Second Baptist Church of Southwark, in fee, reserving a 'ground rent of one hundred and sixty dollars, payable in January and. July.] N. B.—The name of said corporation was changed by the Court of Q, - ., S.. to , the Calvary Baptist. Church of Philadelphia. _ [D. C.: S. T.,'63. Debt, $234. Perkins.] Taken in execution and tO . be ;Cid as the property of The Calvary Baptist Church of Philadelphi... JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelubla,'Sheriff's Office, September 19.1663. sell-St S HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of :Vend itionißxponas, to me directed, will b exposed to phblic sale or vendue. on MONDAY - Evening October 5,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, . All that certain brick and rough cast church braiding and lot of ground situate on the east side of Eighth street, One hundred and forty-nine feet southward from Jeffer son street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Eighth street sixty-eight feet. and in depth one hundred .and two feet nine 'and one-eighth inches to Perth street,- which said premises Joseph. Leeds et al., by deed dated March 20,1852, recorded in Deed Book T, No: 9, page 421, Sic., conveyed unto John Q. Barry in fee, reserving a ground rent of two hundred and four dollars; payable on the let dal of April and October. C., 8. T." 63. Debt $242. B. S. Campbell 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Q. Barry. ' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philade'phia. Sheriff's Office. Sept. 19.1863. sell-51 p.HERIFF'S 'SALE:=BY VIATITE OF kJ a writ of Alias Levu' Facial, to me directed, will be exposed to publie sale or *endue, on MONDAY Eve ning, October 6, l8&3, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom• street Hall, All that certain brick meesnage and lot of ground Pica ate on the northwesterly side of Day's lane - or Wistar street, in the Twenty-second-ward of the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on 'said lane or street se rents , -four feet, and in depth two hundred and-thirty four feet. 'Which said ritemises Edward C and ife, by deed dated May 14. 1818, recorded in Deed Book a.- D. 8., bo. 14, page 276, dm.":" conveyed unto said Liza Carmichael, in fre. ' [D. C., S. T., '63. Debt, 52.48. Clay lones.:l Taken in execution and to be sold' as the property of Eliza Carmichael. 'JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff: Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept. 19, 1863. se2l-3t 'R,,HERIFF'S SALE.--BY• 'VIRTUE OF a writ of.Yenditioni Exponai, to 1310 directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. October 5.1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain : lot or piece of ground situate on the north :side of Wallace street, one hundred and fifty eight feet seven inches westward friim Nineteenth street,. in the city.of Philadelphia. containing in front on Wal lace street twenty feet,- and In depth one hundred and sixty feet to North street. ID. C. Sept. T., '63.- Debt, WO. Brewster.) Taken in execution and -to be sold as the property_ of John F. Bird. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Septemer 49, 1863. sell-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of VenditionlExponaa, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on M,)NDAY October 5, 1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansont-street Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate on the north able of Wallace street, one hundred and. Any-seven feet one inch westward from nineteenth street, in the city .p f Philadelphia; containing in front on street twenty feet. and in depth one hundred ,Wallacend sixty feet to ED. C. S. T. , '63. Tebt112.52 -. .Brewiter, Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Robert W. Kemal. JOHN - THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19.1£63. , so2l-3t SHERIFF'S -SALE.-BY 'VIRTUE OF k) a writ of Venditioni Expense. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning. October 6. 1663. at 4 o'ctocx. s t Eausom-street All that certain lot of ground situate on the north side of Wallace thee., one hundred and thirty-eight feet westward from Nineteenth street: in the city of Phila delphia, containing in front on Wallace street twenty feet, and in depth sixty feet to North street. [D. C..' Sept. T., '63. Debt, *261. Brewster.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John it. Bird. . JOHN-WPM - 1 3 50N, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 9,1863. sell.3t 625 GOI DT HORP e & CO., k;) Mannfietureirof 'LP 4 ."-'• Tassels, Cords, Fringes, Curtains, and Fiirniture Ghat*, Curtain Loops, CentreTaesels. Pictures and Photograph Tassels, Blind Trimmings. Military and Drina Tiimmings, Ribbons, neck Ties, etc., etc. No. 625 MARKET Street, , iny6.em Philadelphia. 11 - 1 FICSIETICALLY SEALED FRUITS -A- 4 - AND VEGETABLES.— 2,000 dozen cane fresh Peaehde. ti 2,000 do do do Pineapple& 600 do do do Strawberries. 600 do .do do Blackberries. 300 do do do Whortleberries. , 210 -do 1 10 d eo 9 P i rm n atti, , ~ 4,000 On hand and for sale bY Bilop Si is ' WILT:IO43. 107 Eenth WATER Street. Alt A C K ERE L ; HEARING, - SHAD, am, am 2,500 bbls Masa No. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, latel•caught fat tlsh, in assorted packages. - . 2.000 bbls New Eastport. Fortune Bay. and Halifax Herring. 2 2C.0 boxes Lubec. Scaled, and No 1 Herring. - bble new Mess Sbad., • • ' 250 boxes Herkimer County Cheese, &C. In store and for tale by_ -.MPRPHY & KOONS. - ialt a ttf .o. 140 NOUTH WEIARVIP. THE PRESS. - -PITILADELPIELC MONDAY, SEPT. 21, 1863. GEORGE A. NEWBOLD HAVING s -" accepted the charge of Friende' School at ABING TON, will (Reconfirms Fairview Boarding Scheel at NORRISTOWN. For sironlars and particulars, address will be PANKINTOWN P. 0., Montgomery county. Pa., after the Mth Instanti till then at NORRISTOWN. Session will commence sth of fifth month,lStri. se7-toel. fI y :ERMANTOWN FEMALE SEMINA --- HY, ORION street. south of WALNUT LANE. will reopen September 9. Circulars may be obtained at the Seminary. Professor WALTER S. FORTISCIUB, A. K, an26-tf PrinaipaL MISS O. A. BITRGIN WILL REOPEN her SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. No. 1037 WALNUT St., SEPTEMBER 14, 18€3. n 1125480 - FRIENDS' ACADEMY FOR : BOYS, -IL rear of 41 North ELBVEWVH Street $l2 per term of Wrenty-two weeks. All denominations admitted: One *minion from 9 till 2. Reopens 9th month, Sept. lat. an24-lm* W. WHITALL. VOIING LADIES' SCHOOL, AND MAB6EBI'OII HOME STUDY. No. 903 CLINTON Street. Betabliehed by Prof. C. D. CLEVELAND in 1834, Pall Term commences September 14 an24-2m BELLE V UE FEMALE INSTITUTE BOARDIIM-SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. This Institution is located in the northern limits of AT TLIt BOROUGH, Middletown township. Bucks county, Penn'a.—a rural district , unsurpassed for beauty and healthfulness. The Fall and Winter term will open TENTH MONTH i5t,1863, and continue in session 28 weeks. The course of instruction is thorough and not:vials in all the elementary and blither branches of an ENGLISH, OLD SSIOUL, and' MATEINKATIC Al education. For terms and other particulars see circular, which may be had on applicationto the Principals ATTLF,BO- ROUGH Post Office, Penn , a or from B. PARRISH, cor ner of EIGHTH and ARCH 'Streets, Philadelphia. tEL J. CHUB . &Mg. CENTRAL INSTITUTE, N. W. corner TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will REOPEN SEPTEMBER Ist. BOYS prepared for any Di vision of the Poblic Grammar Schools, for. College, or for Business, fan2.4-2m*l H. G. MoGIIIRE. A. M. Prin. MADAME MASSE AND M'LLE EIN will reopen their 'FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL YORYOUNG LADIES. 13411 SPRUCE Street, on thelith of SEPTEMBER. For circulars or other particulars apply at the above number.:. an24-2m. TROY FEMALE SEMINARY.-THIS - 11 - Institution offers 'the aceumufated advantagee of fifty years of successful operation. Every facility is provided for a through course of use ful and ornamental education, under the direction of sorps of more than twenty professors and teachers, For Circulars, apply to • 220-Mt JOHN H. WILLED. Troy, N. T. CBESTN UT STREET FEMALE SEMI NARY.-English and. French Boarding and Day gchool. Principals, Miss Bonney and Miss Dillaye. The twenty-seventh semi-annual 8088i011. Will open Wed nesday, September 8, at 1615 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia. Particulars from circulars. anl9-tool. rLLA.GE GREEN SEMIN ARY—A V SELECT BOARDING SOBOOL NEAR MEDIA. PA.—Thorough course in Mathemat ics,_ Classics, Bug- Itch Branches. Natural Sciences, & o. M ilitary Tactics taught. • Classes in Book-keoPing t Surveying, and ; Civil Engineering: Pupils taken of all ages. School opera September Ist. Boarding, per week, $2.26. Tnition,per quarter, 118. For catalogues or information . address Bev._}. HERVEY BARTON. VILLAGE GREEN, Pa. VA TON ACADEMY, FOR BOTH PEKIN. AT KENNETT SQUARE. ChestOr county, Pa. The Winter Term of thie Institute will commence on SECOND DAY, the - 12th of 10th mo next, and con tinue in session twenty-four weeks. For circulars. con taining terms and particulars, address WILLIAM CHANDLER: Principal, Kennett Square. or 'D. WEB- STER CHANDLER, as reference, No. 1606 CHERRY, or 221 MARKET Street. Philadelphia. •se7-mwstm* MISS M. W. HOWES' YOUNG- LA DIES, BOARDING and 'DAY SCHOOL, N 0.1525 CHESTNUT street, will reopen. WEDNESDAY, 9th September. _ - sea-lm. I'RNEST HARTMANN WILL RE SUME his duties as TEACHER OF THE PIANO on the first i f October. Application may be made at Andre's Music Store,lloo CHESTNUT Street. Mr. HARTMANN hag permission to refer to: - Clement B. Barclay, Esq.-, W. R. Lejke, Esq., Geo. B. Boker, Esq., C. J. Peterson, Esq... Sam'l Bradford, Esq. , Philip P. Randolph, Em., R. S Brock. Mq.. Robert S Margie, Esq , John W. Field, - -Esq., Tobias Wagner, Esq., H. -J. Feline. Esq, G. A. Wood, Esq. Chas. Kuhn , Newport. 80.3- thmlm ACADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST and JIINIPKR Streets. —The Autumnal Session will open on MONDAY, September 7th, at 9-o'clock A. - M Applications for ad mission may be made during the week preceding, be tWeenlo and 12 o'clock A_ M. JAMES W. ROBINS, A. aul7-mwf 6w Head Master. :B MISSES CRA.PMAIsT'S BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES will reopen SEPT. 1. Circulars may be obtained of Mr- HILL. SOI Walnut et. •of Messrs. LINDSAY BL ACS. ISTON, 26 South Sixth et., or by application to the Prin cipals at Holmesburc Pa. iyl.3 inewf3m* THE MISSES ROGERS' ENGLISH -a- AND FRENCH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, for 'Young Ladiee will reopen TUESDAY, September let, et 350 Sarah FIFTEENTH Street. an26-wfmlBt SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE, FOR ,YOUNG LADIES. No. 611. MARSHALL Street, re opened Sept. 7th. GILBERT Comm, an 29-131.. - Principal. mISS HOOPES WILL REOPEN HER AN-a- BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladles, at 1409 LOCUST Street, on TUESDAY, the 16th of Sep tember. au29-Im. MRS. r B. BLANCHARD'S SCHOOL for MISSES and young LADIES, at No. AS South BIG HTERETH Street, will reopen September 14. Cdr. enlace can be had on application. se7-6w* COTTAGE' SEMINARY FOR. YOUNG LA.DrEs.--Thls pleasant and thorough .School is accessible by Reading Railroad, and within less than two hours' ride of Philadelphia. The next session will open the FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBSR. For Circulars, and particulars, address the Principal, REV. R. CRIIIIISNA.N.K. _ • POTTSTOWN, se7-Im■ •Montgomery County, Penna. ALEXA ND E R BAC - 1111114N, 4 -s- PIANIST and ORGANIST, will resume the duties of his profession September Ist. -Residence 6PII- North ELEVENTH Street. au22-Im* 'WEST CHESTER FEMALE SEMI NARY. CHESTER COUNTY, ' - PA. —Conducted by the Misses EVANS. The nextterm of this School com mences MONDAY, September 14, 1863—t0 continue 10 months. Circulars containing; terms, &c., can -be had On application to, 9r by addressing, the Principals. The course of instruction includes all the branches of a thorough English Education; also, the Latin, French, and German Languages; Instrumental and Vocal Music, and Plain and Ornamental Needle Work. Thorough and competent:teachers are employed in each Depart- TERMS: For Boarding and Tuition in the English Branches, including washing. fuel. and lights, $75 per session. payable in advance; bilis for Instramental and Vocal Music, and the Languages, will be furnished quarterly. - sel4-61 aLENWOOD MATHEMATICAL "..-^ AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, DELAWARE WATER GAP. - The above institution will reopen on SECOND-DAY (Monday), the 22d of the NINTH MONTH (September). For particulars apply to SAMUEL ALSO?, Principal. ees-2:m Delaware Water Gap, Monroe county, Pa. THE MISSES DARRACH'S SCHOOL, at No. MG South EIGHTEENTH. Street, will reopen on MONDAY. September Nth. ee2.lBt• MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. HALL will re-open their Boarding and Day School. for Yeung. Ladies, at 121.8 WALNUT Street, on the 14th of SRPTERBEE, SUPPLEE'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG Ladies, S. E. corner MARSHALL and SPRING GARDEN Streets. 'Duties resumed Sept. VI. ENOCH : SIEIt•PLEE, A. M. , PrincipaL • , au3l-1m WM. S. COOLEY A M., WILL RE open his Classical__, Mathematical, and English School, at No. 11.114 MARKET Street, Monday, Septem ber 7. - an3l-Ims riIEIE MISSES CASEY 8c MRS. BEEBE'S -a- French and English B . oard lag and Day-School, No. 1703 WALNUT street, will re-open on. WEDNESDAY, SePtemberl6. . atue7,-Im O XFORD FEMALE .SEMLNARY, OX FORD. Chester conntk, ra., will begia its nen session OCTOBER. M. For circulars address Miss B.& KER, Principal. • sed-lm PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE 'IN STITUTF, for Young Ladies. 1530 ARCH Street. Rev. CHARLESA: MIRTH. D. D. Associate Rev. E. CLARENCE , SALTH.A. Principals. -Ample accommodations for boarding scholars. The Ninth Academic Year will begin on MOllll4,'Y September 14. ,For circulars, and other information, ad dress-Box 2611, P. 0. - je26-3m• MRS. MARY W. D. SCHAFFER win open her SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. from eight to fifteen years of age. at 1037 WALNUT Street.: on MONDAY. September 7,1563. an2B-Im* THOMAS B ALDWI.N? B ENGLISH • , Mathematical and Classical School for-Boys, N. B. corner BROAD and AROB, will reopen Sept. 1. an26•lm• 'TBBANTLY LANGTON'S ACA= • DENY for Boys, No. 144 North TENTH Street, will be reopened on MONDAY, September 7th: an2B lm SS FAMILY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, AT CLAYMONT, Delaware. The Winter Term will open SEPTEMBER ' ceB.lm. Rev. JOHN B. CLEMSON. D.D., Rector. WILADELPHIA PROFESSIONAL -1 1 - INSTITUTE, E. E. corner. Of. THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, is nowopen, with a complete GYM • NASIUM for the exclusive use of the pupils. Call and see its peculiar modesof instruction and its advantages. Send for circulars. setl-tt I. NEWTON PETRO% Principal. GEORGE R. BARKER'S ENGLISH and CLASSICAL SCHOOL, PRICE Stream, Ger mantown.. The Tenth Academic Year will penon MONDAY, September 7th, 1863. - "ses-1m fILASSIC AL INSTITUTE DEAN Street, above Sprnce.—The duties of the Clasetcal Institute, will be resumed SEPTEMBER 7th. an27-2m* J. W. FAIRES, D. D., Principal. • KENDALL'S% CLASSICAL AND p • 'NOME SCHOOL, S. B corner of THIRTEENTH and LOCUST Streets, will - reopen MONDAY, Septem ber 7th. an27.1m5 ROB OOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, CHERRY STREET, WEST OF TWEISTIETELST.— & School for Boys and Skirls will be opened in the first floor of the NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, in CHERRY, west of Twentieth street, omthe SECOND MONDAY in September, by Miss M. S PRESTON. Miss Preston has bad many years of successful experience as a Teacher and Principal of one of the largest Grammar Schools In the city of New York. The course of studies will com prise-the usual branches of instruction, besides LatiniFrench, and Drawing, at the option of the parents.' Terms—For Pupils over" 10, years of age, per school year of 10 months...... $6O For Pupils of 10 years o. address e d under ' Applications may be to the care of W.- D. SWAMI, P. 0., Pl:Mad& - - -an26-Ire THE CLASSICAL V MATHEMATICAL, -I- and BUSINESS INSTITUTE for Young Men and Boys, corner of EIGHTH and BUTTON WO9ID streets, reopens on. MONDAY, September 7th. . an20.1.m - J. P. BIRCH, A. M., Principal. WILLIAM FEWSMIPH'S CLASSI CITESTIVAL Street. Bl T l g 'l ß l ll H urJ,l N :amulet! bEIortsMBER 7. 13434-Im* MISS ELIZA W. SMITH'S SCHOOL FOB; YOUNG LADIES, N0..19110 SPRUCE street, will be reopened on Monday, SEPTEMBER 14 The course embraces the elementary and higher branches of a thorough English education, with French, German, Music, Drawing, &c. sel-2m5 A R. R. TAYLOR. TEkOHER OF -• Singing and Piano, 1226 MELON 9weet, will resume September 1. 81131-Im* PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACA DEMY. AT WEST CHESTER. (For Boardeis only.) The duties of this Academy .will• be resumed on THURS DAY, September Bd.• The following gentlemen compose the Board of Trustees: • • • - Hon. JAMES POLLOCK, President. • Capt.-N. APPLE. Vice President. W. E B IRBER, Esq:. Secretary. • . JAMES H. ORNE, Fee, Treasurer. ' Bev. Thos Newton, D. D., James L. Claghont. . Bev. Thos. Brainerd, D. D., Charles B. Dungan: - lion Oswald Thompson. Bee. P. Russell, Hon. Chas. O'Neill, Wm. L. Syringe, • Hon. John Hickman,Geo. L. Farrell. • ' Hon. W. R Lehman, Addison May, Col. Wm. Bell Waddell, - T. B. Peterson. • Jas. B. Townsend, Theodora Hyatt. The advantages afforded for the acquirement of a tho-' rough military education are second only to those - of West Point. The Academic Staff is composed- of tho roughly:competent instructors. The Educational De-, partment embraces Primary, 'Collegiate, and Scientific courses.. The Mathematical and Military Department, is under the charge of s, Graduate of the unit.d States MilltaryAcademy of the live years' course - Careful attention is. . paid to the moral instruction of the cadets. Circulars may be had of.JAMES H. ORR& NEM., NO. Sae CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia,' or- . Col. THEO. HYATT. West Chester, i,. EDUCATIONAL. PLINY IL CHIAN JANE P. ORLEILMS, Principals EDUCATIONAL. A FRENCH . GENTLEMAN DESIRES Ai"- employment ai Teacher of the French Language, Gedmetry. and Magic. In School cr Beet refer ences. Box 450 P. 0. eelB St* BOOKKEEPING AN D PENMAN siIIP. —Evening Schoo/e for the stndy of Bookkeep ing'renntamhin. or both. at BRYANT, .3TRATTON. & co , '8 Notional Commercial College. 8. E. corner of E.EVEaTfI and CHEsTNUT Streets. oelB-21. SIGNOR CORTESI WILL RESUME K- 1 the Singing Lesson on the 15th 'instant, and the Class for - beginners on the Ist of October. 'Resdence 1006 WALNUT Street, eeL5-12t• T OTEACHERS. -A. GENTLEMA_N of considerable experience in teaching Drawing. Painting. and Penmanship , who. has several hours in the week unoccupied, could give lessons in those branches in any schools in the city. Apply to SOHN COLLINS, 'BURLINGTON. N. J. oel6-50 NORMAL. "MUSICAL INSTITUTE.— No. cat North ELEVENTH Street. sel9-Im. JOHN BO WRFC Principal. -. LADIES' ACADEMY OF ART. Photograph Painting. Crayon. and Ivorytyplng thoroughly taught by the-undersigned.. at the-'South west corner of TENTH and ARCH streets. Eel9+3t* C. A. BURROWS. SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, THIRTY NIUTH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. The COURTIAND SAUNDERS' CADETS have catch- Ilehed the MILITARY reputation of this Seminary. Its Literary and Scientific character has been known for many Years. Lectnrea in both departments. especially on Utiemistry, accompanied by experiments, and on History, will be delivered by Professors who would give malefaction in any Universit y. Addrees se2.lm Professor E. D.' SAUNDERS, D. D. VOKENDORFF:S MILITARY ACA DEMY FOR BOYS (located in LARDNER Street. rear of the Academy of Music) is NOW OPEN. Days of Tuition MONDAY and THURSDAY. at 4 o'clock P. M. For circulars; apply to HOYT & BRO.. TENTH . and CHESTNUT, or to Major G. ECKENDORFF'S resi dence. 11303 COATES Street. ,sels-12t R. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S g c li eY%ng Doi "ea ' to ? 9 CHESTTtret, re-opens 16th. eeg 1 J• HENRY WOLSIEFFER, PROFES- E , FOR of Mosta. No. 480 N. SIXTH St. att26-Im* LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' C,OIITRT FOR I N TBE CITY .AI9 . D COUNTY OF ITIL&DELPRIA. Estate of GE66.08 elllh6DB, deceased The Auditor appointed ,hy the Court to audit, settle. and adjust the separate account of HEGEY K. 13. OGLE, one of the Executors of the Estate of George Shields. de ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on TUESDAY. Sep tember 22d, at 4 o'clock P. M st his office, 128 South SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. sell-fmwst 3. HIIBLEY ASHTON. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of GEOR tE SHIELDS, deceased The Auditor appObited by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the separate account of MARIA SHIELDS, one of the Executors of the Estate of George Shields. de ceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meetihe parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on VIES D at, Sep tember 22d, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his since, IEIB South SIXTH . Street, in the city of Philadelphia. sell fmwtyt J. HTIBLEY ASHTON, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS'-€OURT FOR THE CITY A's! C,C9I4TI_OF PHILADELPHIA, EaViti; of JOHN C. BOCKIIIS. deceased. • The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the acorat of JACOB BOCKEIIS, executor of the estate of John C. Hocking, deceased. and to mate dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the acco natant, will meet the parties inter eted Tor the purpose of his ap pointment, on MONDAY. September 21. UM; at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office; No. 325 North SIXTH street, in the city of Philadelphia. JNO. L. SHOEMAKER, sell-fmwst* Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND yovpyy. OF. PHILADELPHIA_ - teGA;OeVriafilitG&AHAnl, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the aeconnt of JAMES GRAHAM, administrator of William Graham, deceased and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties interested for the porposoa of his applint• ment, on TUESDAY, September 1 , 2,1/363, at 11 o'clock A. M., at his office. No. 133 South FIFTH street (second etoryl, in the city of Philadelphia. eell-fmwst 11011ATIO Ck, JONES, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND CrvUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM BEARD, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to .audit, settle, and adjust the account of A. E. BEARD. Administrator of William 0. Beard. deceased. and to make distribution of the balance in the bands of the accountant , will meet the parties interested for the puronses of his appoint ment, on FRIDAY; September 25, 1163, at 4 o'clock P. ]II., at his Office. 6.E cor. BIEII3IEI and LOCUST Streets, in the city of Philadelphia. DANIEL DOUGHERTY. . sel6wfmst Auditor. NOTICE IS HEREBY . GIVEN THAT "THE BANE OF GERIGANTOWN" intend to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at their next session, for a renewal of their Charter. Said Bank Is located in Germantown, Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized capital of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS; a renewal of which will be asked for, with the usual banking privileges. By order of the Board. CHARLES W. OTTO, Cashier. Germantown. Jtme 2.2. 1563. .3e22-m6m* AUDITOR'S NOTICE.-IN THE OR PHANS' COURT OF MONMOMERY COUNTY. Estate of SARAH BRYAN, (late Sarah Evans,) late' of. Doylestown township, Bucks county, deceased. The Auditor appointed by said. Orghane' Court to dis tribute the balance In the bands of EPTIMUS EVANS. derived by the sale of the real estate situate la•--Mont gomery county, and late of raid SARAH BRYAN. de ceased, which was sold by said Septimns Svans, by vir tue of an order of said court, under proceedings in parti tion, directed to him for that purpose, to and among those legally entitled thereto, will meet the heirs of said Sarah-Bryan, deceased, and all parties in interest, for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, October sth, 1863, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the office of the Auditor, No. 1601 EGYPT Street, Norristown, Pa. se7-TaSt CHAS. T. MILLER. Auditor. tf_TT_VD :STATES EAST DISTRIGA - OF PENNSYLVANIA. Notice is hereby given that a special District Court of tbe; United States. for the East district of Pennsyl vania, will be holden on FRIDAY, the 2d day of October next, at 11 o'clock A. 81. t at the room of the said court, In the city of Philadelphia. for the trial of a certain libel exhibited by GEO. A. COFFEY. Req.. Attorney of the United Statee, on behalf of the United States, and of all °there concerned, against CIGARS, viz: 223 boxes, 7 uncovered boxes, 2 baskets. I covered box. and I trunk, containing C'gars. seized by JESPRR Et/RUING, Col- lector- of Internal Revenue for the First Collection dis trict of Pennsylvania, and praying condemnation thereof. WILLIAM MILLWARD, United States Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PErmarimpnr.a. September 16, 1861. sel7-6t MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE _ of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADW aLADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty,' to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at Callowhilt.strest wharf, on MONDAY, September 2fth, 1863, at u. o'clock A. M., the schooner ARTIST, her tackle, apparel, and furniture; as she now lies at said wharf.' Immediately after the sale of the vessel, at PdICH EWER'S Store, No. 1421 North FRONT Street, the cargo will be exposed to sale, consisting of 2 cases half hos, 2 cases and 4 bales of prints, 3 cases of cotton cards, 1 bale of. blankets, 5 bales of Gunny cloth, 2 bales Russia duck, 4 pipes aquadiente, 3 bbls. whisky,47 kegs of nails, 5 boxes candles, 3 boxes sweet- oil, 5 bbls copperas, 16 - coils manilla rope, and 1 trunk sundries _ WILLI is3l WILLWARD, S. Marshal, E *D. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, September 15,1563. 5517-61 MARSHAL'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale. by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA.- DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of. Pennsylvania, -in Ad miralty. to me directed, will be sold at public sale. to the highest and best bk der, for cash, at Callowhill street wharf, on MONDAY, September 28th, 1863. at 11 o'clock A. M. , the schooner CARMI PA, her tackle, appa rel., and furniture, as she now lies at said wharf. Immediately after the sale of the vessel will be exposed to sale, at MICHRNER'S Slose, No. 143-North FRONT Street, the cargo of said schooner, consisting* of 171 bales of cotton. WILLIAM- AIILLWAW), - 'II. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, September 15,1863. •- sel7.6t IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM H. ABBOTT vs. JOSEPH T. ME &RS. June Term, 1863 . No. 588. Pleu. Ven. Bs. The auditor appointed by the court to report distribu tion of the fend arising from the sale by the sheriff. under the above writ, of the following-described real estate. to wit: - _ All that stone measuage. barn, &c.. and two contiguous lots of land situate in the Twenty second ward of the city ' of Philadelphia. the first being described as follows : Be ginning at a stone set for a corner at,the northweatwardli side of the Old York road. thence by land of Benjamin Armitage north . - eighty-three degrees twenty minutes west, thirty perches and three-tenths of a perch to a stone, thence north five degrees ten minutes east thirty five and a half perches to a stone, thence by land of Samuel. Harper south eighty-two degrees fifty-Ave minutes east twenty-six perches to a corner stone, thence by land of Joseph Engle south nine degrees west two perches and eighty-five-hundredths of a perch to a stone, thence south sixty nine degrees east sixteen Perches and eighty-five hundredths of a perch to a post on the side of said Old ork road, thence by said road south twenty-eight degrees forty - fiveminutes west thirty pert bee and thirty-five hundredths to the place of beginning: containing seven acres, one hundred. perches and a balf perch or;land. Being the same premises which Joseph Healy and wife, by indenture bearing date _the f• bc teenth day of November, 181 i, recorded in Deed Book R. L. L. ;80. 31, page 187, granted and conveyed to the said Joseph T. Mears in fee. The other of said _tracts beginning at a corner of land now or late of Silas IVilson, and being In the line of the above. described lot of land, thence by ft, e same north four degrees twenty nine minutes east eight perches and thirty-four- hun dredths of a perch to a corner of lot now or late of Jacob Miller thence by same north eighty-four degrees west thirty eight perches twenty. nine-hundredths of a perch to a atone -at corner of said Miller's lot, and in line of Nail an - Spering's land, thence by same south six degrees and a half Vest eight perches and thirty. four hundredths to a corner of said Wilson's lot, thence by same south eighty-four-degrees east thirty-eight perches and sixty two-hundredths to the place of beginning; containing two acres, more'or less. Beinr the same tract of land which Henry Dolan. Esq., Sheriff of the county of Phila delphia, by deed poll dated the thirteenth day of June, 1549, and entered among the records of the District Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Book V.- page 610, granted and conveyed Id the said Joseph' T i Mears in fee:.-- Will attend to the duties of his appointment on TUES DAY, the twenty-ninth day of September, A. D. 1861. at 3 o'clock P M., at his office, No- 136 S ' , nth SIXTH Street. Philadelphia. when and where all parties in terested mus - Make their claims or they will be debarred from homing in upon said fund. selB-16t JOHN DOLMAN, Auditor. IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. WILLAED A. SlEtlitiWAY, and others, vis SARAH ROBINSON, and WM. A. ATKINSON, Sheriff of Kent Petition and Affidavit for Injunction. Afterwards Bill fled. Subpcenas as to defendant SARAH ROBINSON returned " Non est." (The object of the Bill in this case is to prevent the ap plication of the Rreceeds of the sale of Potter Griffith's real estate to a judgment of Sarah Robinson, charged by the complainants to be fraudulent. ) lea March 26th; Affidavit of Geo. W. White Bled, that the defendant, Sarah Rcbinson, does not reside in the State of Delaware, but resides in the city of Phila delphia, (COPY OF ORDER.) Andnow, to wit., this 3d. day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three,. this cause coming before the Chancellor, upon the mo tion of Jos. P. Comegys Require, the complainants , ' solici tor, and the writs of suluxuna aforesaid, and the Sheriff's returns thereon being seen and examined, and the affi davit of the aforesaid .0. W, White being heard, it is ordered by the Chancellor that the aforesaid defendant. Sarah Robinson: appear in this cause, on MONDAY, the 28th day of September next: And it is ordered and di rected by the Chancellor, that a copy of this order shall, at least thirty days before the next Term of this Court. be inserted in Oft - Press, a newspaper published in the city of Philadelphia, in the States of Pennsylvania, and !hall be continued in • said newspaper for the space of thirty days next after its publication; and also, that a copy of thegaid order shall. within the, said thirty days, be posted up' in the office of Register of this Court, and at the Court-Rouse door of this county. . STATE OF DELAWARE, KENT COUNTY, 68: MEAL] I, William R. Cahoon, Register,in the Court of Chancery for the State of Delaware,' in and for Kent county aforesaid, do hereby certify that the above is a- correct abstract - of the proceedings in the hefore-named snit in Chancery, and also a correct copy of the order made by the Honorable SAMUEL IL 7 1: HARRIB GTON. Chancellor of the State of Delaware, in said case. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court. this 15th day of August, 01 the year of our Lord one thou. • sand eight hundred and sixty three. anlB-30t WM. R. CAHOON. Register, in Chancery. EMOVALS EMO7 A L .-- JOHN O. BAKER, ia' Wholesale Druggist, has removed to 718 SUREST Street. Particular attention is asked to JOEL'S Cl. BARBS dr. CO.'S COD-LEVER OIL. Having increased Gscilitles in this new establishment for manufacturing and bottling, and the avails of fifteen years' experience In the business, this brand ,of Oil has advantages over all others, and recommendsdtself. Constant supplies are obtained from the fleherlis, fresh, pure, and sweet, and receive the most careful personal attention of the original proprietor. The increasing demand and wide spread market for it make its Dal:tree low, and afford great advantages for those buying in , large quan tities. an4-dtf •TH OMSON LOND.ON KITCHENER OR. EUROPEAN RANGE, foi families. hotels, or public institutions, is TWENTY DIFFERENT SIZES. Also, Phil*- . delphia Ranges. Hot-Air` Furnaces, Portable Heaters, ;Lowdown Orstes, - Tireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers.-Stew hole Plates, Broilers. Cooking Stoves, dge , at wholesab and retail, by the manufacturers= CHASE. SHARPE. St THOMSON. ~.11119 • WrinArk DTc. XOO N. SINODID Stre9t. PROPOSALS. ARMY CLOUTING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE—TWELPTB and (BEARD Streets. PrOssonirxem, Sept. 18, 18fD, SEALED PROPOSALS aro invited at this office until 12 o'clock M. on THURSDAY, the 24th inst., to furnish promptly et the Schuylkill Arsenal: WAX UPPER LEATH SR, of the best GanMy, Pare oak tanned from slaughter hides, and welt finished. SOLE LEATHER —bast quality,. pure oak tanned fmm Buenos Ayres or La Plata hides, to be not lees than 144, feet per aide. COMMON TENTS, army standard, of cotton or Ham to weigh 'lO oz. to the yard preferred. Samples of the material to be used must be submitted with the pro posals. HAVERSACKS. painted,. army standard: DARK BLUE THREAD. Yo. 36. Samples required. Bidders must state in their proposals tke price, Quanti ty hid for, and time of delivery The ability of the bidder to fill •the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose Mama tures must be appended to the guarantee, -and said. guarantee must accompany the bid.- • Bidders, as welt as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this office. will tarnish a certifi cate from the United States Dietrict Attorney. Postmas ter, or other public functionary, at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth, clearly, the fact that the bidder and his suretiee are responsible men, who will, if a. contract is awarded them, act in good faith with the United States, and faith tully execute-the same. Samples of the Leather and Hitvereacks, to which de liveries must conform, can be seen at this office . Proposals must, be endorsed, ' Proposals for Army Supplies." stating the particular article bid for. Blank forms for " Proposals" can be had on applica tion at this office. G, H. caosmlket, 5e19.t24 Asst. Q lit General U. S. Army. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, CINCINNATI, Obio. September 15, 1868. PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned until MONDAY NOON, September 28th, 1863, for farnishing. by contract, the following articles, via : Overcoats, Footmen e; - Overcoats, Mounted Company Order Books; Do. Clothing Books; Do. Descriptive do. ; D 0:.,. Morning Report Books; Post Order do. ; Do. Morning Report do. ; Do. Letter do.; Do. Guard Report do : Regimental General Order Books; Do. Letter do. ; Do. Descriptive . do. : Index do. ; . Do. Order do. Target Practice do. ; Inspection Report do. Parties offering goods must in- all calms furnish sam ples, and must distinct's , state in their bids the quantity of goods they propose to furnish. the price, and the time of delivery. A guarantee, signed personally oy two re sponsible parties. and agreeing that the bidder will en ter into a contract if the awai d is made to him, must ac company each proposal. All supplies must be delivered in good new packages. free of charge, at the United States Impaction Depot, in this city. Written contracts will be entered into with parties to whom awards ire made, and bonds required of them in sums equal to one..fonrth the value of the goods con tracted for. Bids will be opened ,Monday. September 28th, 1863, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the Inspection Rooms, and bidders are invited to be present. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is rose rved. Blank Forms for Proposals, Contracts, and Bonds, may be obtained at this office. By order of Col. Thomas Swords, A. 1:1 M. G. C. W. MOIII,TON. Captain and A. Q. M ASSISTANT'QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF RIM PHILADELPHIA, September 10, 1863. PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until TUESDAY, the 22d int Ant, at-12 o'clock M., for the deli very, in this city, on or before the 10th of October next, of the following articles: 100 Angers. 34 inch. sample required. • 50 do X do do do . 140 1 do do do O. do IY4 do do do 60 do 1.% do do do Ironlraces do do 50 Sets Braces and Bats, sample required. 60 Grass Roller Buckles, 34 inch, sample required, 60 . do do ji" do do do 100 do do • 1 do do- do 75 do do lh do - do do 25 do do 2,h do do do DX) Thumb Ganges. do do 000 Axe Handles, do do 100 Hand Hammers, 2 lbs. for. Engineers, do PM Claw Hammers, 80. 2, do do 100 do do No. 3. do do 800 Firmer Chisel Handles, do do 500 Socket do do ' do do 500 Auger Handles, do • do 60 Fore Planes, do do - 50 Jack do do do 00 Smooth do do do 4" 500 Morticing Chisels, .4; to 134 inch, do do 24 Sets Firmer do 12 to set, do do . 50 Try Squares, 6 inch, do do 12 Sash Fools, French, - do do The right is reserved to reject &libido deorneatoo high. A BOYD, Captain, and Assistant Quartermaster. A SIS T ANT QUARTERMASTER J-- 1 - GENERAL'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. 10th September. 1863. PROPOSALS will i.e received at this office until WED NESDAY, 23d inst., at 12 o'clock H., for the burial of all the Soldiers who may die at any of the United States Army Nos oasis in and around Philadelphia, inclu ding Chester and Chestnut Hill. and any other Hospi tals or Camps, which may be hereafter erected or located within the city limits, from let of October next to the 30th of September. 1584. Proposals must include the coffin, conveyance of the body, cemetery charges, digging graves, setting up and lettering of head-boards over each grave, (head-boards will be fur nished by the Quartermaster's Department,) and all other incidental expenses connected therewith. Coffins to be well made. of good seasoned planed pine. not lees than inch thick, and of requisite length. Contractor must be at all times prepared, when notified, to give Prompt atter. tion to burial of The right is re served to reject all bids deemed too high The A, IiK)YD, Captain and A. Q. M. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIP &GE OFFICE. . CINCINNATI, September n. 1863. PROPOSALS ARE INVITED BY THE UNDERSIGNED, until WEDNESDAY NOON, September 23d, 1863, for furnishing, by contract, the following articles, to wit: • Brown Drills, Standard. 13 inches wide; - Brown Drips, Standard, ordinary width; Cotton Dock, 8 oz., 10 oz., 12 oz., and ld oz. ; Drum Heads, snare; Drum Heads, Batter; • Drum Cords; . Army C.oth, Dark Blue, Standard; Pelting Axes; Sashes. Worsted; - Recruiting Flags; Do. do. Halliards; St okra Flags; •- o. 'do. Halliards; Fifes; Chevrons, Sergeants—lnfantry, Artillery, and Ca valry. Chevrons, Corporals—lnfantry, Artillery, and Ca- Parties offering goods must in all cases furnish-sam ples;`and must distinctly state in their bids the quantity of goods they propose to furnish, the price, and the time of delivery. .-A guarantee, signed personally by two re sponsible parties, and agreeing that the bidder will enter into a contract if an award is made to him, must accom pany each proposal: All supplies must be delivered in good new packages, free of charge, at the United States inspection Ddpot in this city. Written contracts will be entered into with parties to whom awards are made. and bonds required of them in sums equal to one-fourth the value of the goods contracted for. Bide will be opened on WEDNESDAY, September 23d,- 1863, at 2 o'clock P. H. , at the Inspection Rooms, and bid ders are invited to be present at the Wang. 'I he right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is re served. Blank forms of Proposal, Contracts, and Bonds, may be obtained at this office. _ . . By order of Col. TRox/a SwoßDs, A. Q. M. G. C. W. MOULTON, Captain and A. Q. M. sd7-tee2l. COAL. 0 AL.-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring . Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill; prepared ex pressly for Family nse. Depot, N. W. corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 112 South SECOND Street. Cap2-ly] J. WALTON & CO. .MEDICAZ. iILEANSE THE BLOOD.=WITEL COB rapt, disordered, or Aiated Blood, you must be sick all over. It may burst oat in Pimples, or Sores, or in some. active disease, or it may merely keep yon list less. depressed, and good for nothing But you cannot have good, health while your blood is impure. Ayer's Sarsaparilla purges out these impurities and stimulates the organs of life into vigorous action, restoring the health and expelling disease. Hence it rapidly cures a variety of complaints which are caused by impurity of the blood., such as Scrofula, or King's Foil, Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches: Boils, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas,- Tdter, or Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Cancer. or Cancerous Tumors, Sore Eyes, Female Diseases, such as Reten tion, Irregularity, Suppression, White?, Sterility Syphiis, or Venereal Diseases, Direr Complaints, and- H e arte Dig& see, 'Try AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, and see for yourself the surprising activity with which it cleanses the blood and cures the disorders. iEaroftil.' is eO universally known to surpass every other remedy for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchi tis, Incipient Consumption, ar d for the relief of Con sumptive Patiebts in advanced - stages of the disease, that it is useless here to recount the evidence of its vir tues. The world knows them. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, for Costiveness,-Dye.- - Persia, Indigestion. Dysentery. Foul Stomach. Jaun dice, Headache, Heart burn. Piles. Rheumatism. prOPMI, Worms, ane, in short, for all the purposes of a purgative medicine. • • Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations which they make more profit on. Demand AYER'S,• and take no others. The sick want the beat aid there is for them, and they should have it. Prepared by. Dr. J. C. Al ER St CO., Lowell, Man., and sold by J. MARRIS & CO., at wholesale, and by FREDERICK BROWN. " an27-mwf2m TO THE DISEASED ,OF ALL CLASSES.—AII acute and chronic diseases cured, by special guarantee, at 12X1 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. when desired, and, in case of a fail ure, no charge is made.' Extensive and commodious arrangements have been recently made for boarding patients from a distance at reasonable prices '• . Prof. C. H. BOLLES', the founder of this new mactice, has associated with him Dr. 61. - J. G ILLO WAY. A pamphlet containing a multitude of cer tificates Of those cared ; alio. 'letters and compli mentary resolutions from medical men and others, mill be given to any person free. N. B.—Medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery can enter for a fall course of lectures at any time. • Consultation free. - ' DRS. BOLLES Sr GALLOWAY, t de9-tf 1220 WALNUT Street. WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH? 'GOOD NEWS FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED. "Messrs. - T. GRIM and T. ALIEN, MEDICAL ELEC TRICIANS (formerly associated with Profs. Bolles and Galloway), having removed to No. 723 North TENTH Street. between Coates and Brown streets, are now pre pared to treat and cure all Curable Diseases. whether acute or chronic, pulmonary or paralytic, without a *shock or any inconvenience. Poor Soldiers will be treated gratuitously. The Ladies will be treated by a lady.. Among the ' diseases for which we will give a special guarantee, when desired, we mention the fol lowing: Consnmplion,lst & 2.d. stages Hemorrhage, Paralysis. General Debility.. NeuraPia Diseases of, the Liver or Asthma, Kidneys, Fever and Ague, Diabetes, Congestion, Prolaurza ' Uteri, (Falling Dyspepsia, Womb), Rheumatism.Prolapsus Ani, or Piles, Bronchitis, _ Nocturnal Emission,&c.. &c, No charge for consultation. Office hours: 9A. M. to jeS-6m jlTMELLE'Ssuccessful COMPOUND SYRUP because OF DOCK is as a remedy, those who use it pronounce it the best . - - COBOII SYRUP, the best Blood Purifier, the most - efficient Invigorator, and thebest Cure for Scrofula ever offered to the public, Sold by the proprietor, MARKETLE. - 1525 Street, And all Druggists. JOHN - . WILSON, &I - SON, Sycamore street, Sheffield, England. • MANUFACTURERS OF SHOE KNIVES, BUTCHERS' KNIVES. BUTCHERS' STEELS, BREAD KNI VES, CU R.RIERS' KNIVES. PANRIERS' KB IVEB, GLAZIERS' KNIVES, PALETTE KNIVES, &c.; &c. NOTICE —Most buyers of the above class of goods will be aware that Messrs. JOHN W ILSON & SONhaye had a. special Agency for the sale of their Manufactures in the United States and Canada, Ahrough the medium of a house of whiCh the founder of their firm, Mr. John Wil sOn. was, for many years, a principal partner. That partnership terminated, so far as. klr. Wilson was con , corned, in 1849 ; -and Messrs.. John Wilson & Son belt re spectfully to inform their friends, and buyers generally, that the Agency; also, has now ceased, and it ifirot their intention to appoint - another r but :they hope for a con tinuance of their orders, either through the house re ferred to or through other houses, with most, or all, of which Messrs. Wilson' & Son have done business for a number of moan. The husitfffss of Messrs. JOHN WILSON & SON was established in the year 1758. and it Is their determina tion, regardless of expense, to maintain the superior ex cellence of their manufactures, and thereby sustain the high reputation which they have, for so long a period, emirs. JOHN WILSON & SON invite special atten tion to the, Marking of their Goode. No article is of their manufacture but such as Is stamped with their Corporate Trade Mark—(X<> " Four peppercorns and a Din mond,)--fx ADDITION TO THE If A3M in one of the follow Mg forms: I.WILSON r§>nimiLsoir A lATILSON 704 V EFINED STEEL WARRANTED (oormiLsol (- 0 ~,AriLsoo wkFordas,T,TED ‘,..SHEAR - STEEL' ati25.,110 - 1 6 t - tPHRENOLOGICAL EXA:ATINA.- 'TIONS. with full descriptionA of character i Atvat DAY andl'UNlNQ.._y tu.l!! J. L. ClA.Pedi. 13 o , Dlo b .Rs South TBZ , TTIi titreQt. • AUCTION SALES. 10N B. MYERS k GO„ AUCTIONT -11 MIS, Nos.. 232' aiad 234 NAIEKST area. LAFON FOsFrivE se.Lu F 5,75 , LOTS FRENCH. swisa, Cl.ltifiAN...elmb Blan:ski DitT 000Ds. THIS DAY. CARD "The early attenitimr of dealers is requested to the elio!cer and desirable assortment of Irreueb.Ssoiss. erman, and Brltith dry goods. &c.. embrasing aboat CM lots of fancy and staple articles - . to be peremptorily Fold, by catalo2ne, on four monnis' credit.. commencing THIB Molllfl/16 at 10 o'clock. . LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE O,Y PHENOL 'EMMA. Was s GERMAN, AND DRIVEN:DRY GOODS AFG. THIS MORNING,. • September 21st, at 10 o'clock. will be sold,by catalogue, ow four months' credit, about 750 PACKAGES AND LOTS, , of French, India, German, Ewa British dry goods, Sce, embracing a large and choice ass••+rtment of fancy and ssaple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, linen, and cot ton fabrics. N. B. —Samples of the same will be arranged for eie iodination, with catalogues ' early on the morning o 4 the•sale, when dealers will Ad it to their interest tolg- AltGfE PBREhiPTORY RAZE OF.FRENCII' DRY GOODS, &c. OTICR. --Included in our EIZIA of French. Gorman. SOARS and British Dry Goods. - THIS HORtinfari. Sent. 21st. by catalogue, on 4' months' credit, Will be found, in part— SILKS. pieces black alike in gros de Rhine, lutstrings,poult de sole, satin de chile. &c. DRESS SILKS —pieess solid colors and &lacy dress silks in posit de sole. grog de Naples, poPlins, reps. colored Marceline. ac. DRIST GOODS • pieces merino clothe. Saxony drive goods, plain and. fancy mono &dairies and cast mores, poll de ohaTre. woolen plaids, gingham. poplins. &c. sa&wLs. • --- rich Imam thibat, ci enille, woolen, and cashmere long and rpuare chawls: chenille ecarfe, &c. . . _ • ••• ." • RIBBONS, &c. --boxes Paris bonnet, neck. and trimming ribbons black and canny silk - velvet ribbobs, flowers, feathers dm. EMBRoIDERTIN. Zgo. In book and mull; collare, in sets and pieces: bands, finances, Insertions, veils, linen handkerchiefs, &c. black silk cravats and neckties, bareges„ block crwpeo, silk gimps and fringes, hair nets, hosiery. kid and bilk gloves and gauntlets, nattons, fancy ar ticles. &c. BALE OF PLATS SHAWLS. • • . included in our sale.T IS MORNING. Sept•2l, will be found, a choice assortment of Paris broche /Ong _ and square shawls. BLACK SILKS AND SILK VELVET RIBBONS, Am. Also.. THIS MORNING, Sept. 21st— . _ An invoice of glossy black taffetas and gros de Rhine. b Also, an assortment of latest style wool Dalmola Also an assortment of (Castle brand) black audeolor ed edi silk velvet ribbons. SAL OF PARIS KID GLoVES AND GAUNTLETS. Incltuled in sale THIS irIoRNING. SA', 21st—. Laths le and gents' black and colored Parte kid gloves, for beet city sales. of a celebrated Pa , is make. Also. ladies' and gents' cloth and Ringwood glOires and gauntlets. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF_,lllOO PACKAGES BOOTS SHOES. BROGANS. &c. ON iTIESDAY MORNING. September 22d, at 10 o'clock, will credi t, abortoint. without reserve, on four menthe' VIM Packages boats, ahoes..brogans, balmorale, army boots and sloes, am shoes, &c„ of city and Eastern manu facture, embracing a fresh and prime assortment of desi rable articles for men. women, and children. N. B.—Samples, with cataioaners, early on the morn ing of sale. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, SRO- . . NOTICE. —lncluded in our Sale of Boots and Shoes, Sic., on TUESDLY MORNING September 28d. wilt be found in part the following fresh and desirable assort ment, to be sold without reserve. on 4 months' credit, viz; Men's and women's rubber boots; men's heavy nailed Hungarian thick boots and brogans; men's prime thick' boots; men's Napoleon thick boots; youth's half welt kip boots; men's half welt kip do. ; fine eity-made kid 'welt buskins; ladies' gaiter boots•; kid S. R. ties; colored andlblack lasting buskins; men's fine city-made calf. morocco, and kip boots; men's pump sole grain boots; cavalry boots; heavy grain boots; quil.ed boots; men's and boys' balmorals and Scotch ties; women's lined and bout d boo. 6: youth's kipbrogans;misses'grain ties; misses' grain buskins; misses' spring heel grain lace boots; women's grain lace boots women's grain ties; boys'. kip brogans; misses' glazed morocco boots; men's ball welt calf do.; youths' half welt calf do.; chil dren', half brogans; men's calf welt kip boots; men's super calf brogans; men's roan tavern slippers: - misses' ' sorer kip ties; misses' super kid buskins; child's super colored fox bootees; child's super cord. fox ties; metes lined and bound brogans. dc. LABOR POSITIVE SALE OP BRITISH. FRENCH, GERMAN. AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Etc. We will hold a large sale of British, French, German, and Domestic Dry Goods. by caMlogne, on few' months' credit, OB 711IIRSDkY MOBIONG Sept. 24th. at 10 o'clock, embracing about 750 pack , ages and lots of staple and fancy articles in woolens. linens, cottons. silks, and worsteds, to which we Invite the attention of dealers. _ . . N. B:—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination. with catalogues. early on the morning of the see, when dealers will find it to their interest to at tend. PEREMPTORY SALE OF CARPETINGS AND STAIR Rana, &c ON FRIDAY MORNING. September 26th. at precisely 1034 o'clock. by catalogue, will be sold. on four months' credit, comprising - pieces three-ply carpets. pieces Brussels carpets. pieces all• wool ingrain carpets. pieces wool tilling ingrain carpets. pieces woolen Venetian carpets. pieces list, rag. and cottage carpots. pieces hemp carpets, - Also, a large assortment of brass stair rode, just re ceived. N. B.—Samples may be examined early on the morn ing of sale. J AS. A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, 422 - WALNUT Street. wog Sale at 422 Walnut street HANDSOME FURNITURE. PLATED WARE, BUFFA LO ROBES, CHINA AND GUT GLASS. NriNo-po TABLES, BRONZES, WINES AND LIQUORS, BED AND TABLE LINEN. SILK QUILTS. _ _ ON FRIDAY -MOilNll46 At 10 o'cldck; will be Fold. by catalogue, by oriel* of the administrator of Ii P Defillyer, deceased, a large Quantity of personal property. se2l-5V P HILIP F ORD & C O:.AIETCTIONEERS, 525 MARKET and 52.2 COMMERCE Street& LARGE SALE OF 1,000 CAPES BOOTS AND SHOES. THIS MORNING. September 21, at 10 o'cl, ck precisely. will be sold, by catalogn ,e LOCO cases men's, boys', and , oath's calf. kIR, gaifi r •git re i e s tri ' l,rg - and shoes. . SALE OF 1.000 CASES BOOTS SHOES, BRO• GABS, Ara. ON THURSDAY MORNING. Espt. 24th. at 10 o'clock preciaely, willbe sold by sr, talogne, 1,000 cases men's, boys'. and youth's:- calf, kill, and grain boots, brogans, balmorals. &a • women's. miases', and children's, calf. kip, goat, and; kid heeled torts and shoes. gaiters, &c. Also, city made goods. . FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR RENT, - GRANITE STORE. No. 723 CHESTNUT STREET, /10W OCCUPIED BY J. ffi. RAYLEIGH. Apply to - THOS. MELLOR, 40 NORTH THIRD STREET FOR SALE-THE STORE AND DWELLING W. W. corner SIXTEENTH and SUM MER Streets. The Dwelling to let ;is welt salted for a Boarding School. Apply to wM. ROSSELL ALLEN, S. R. corner FOURTSI and WALNUT. 2d floor. sell 6t. de FOR SALE ON EASY TRIMS —..- MULA handsome RESIDENCE, with side-yard attached, on EIGHTEENTH Street, above Arch. Apply to WM. ROSSELL ALLEN. S. R corner FOURTH and WAL NUT, second floor. sel.s-6t. • ftPUTNAM MILL FOR SALE.-A most;• excellent FLOURING MILL, containing six run of stones, on the Muskingum ricer, at ZA.NESVILLE, Ohio. together with the WATER POWER, and about two acres of Ground surrounding the mill. While other mills here have to pay the State some SI,OOO per annum water rent. the water power for this mill is perpetually free, and the whole premises will be sold for the value of the water power. Apply to ALFRED MERRICK sels-Im* Zanesville, Ohio. de TO LET-IHE DESIRABLE STORE Alm - 416 CHESTNUT Street nearly opposite NEW POST OFFICE. Possession gins. August ht. Inuit" at the store. iy2l.-tt DELAWARE COUNTY COTTON FACTORIES FOR S ALE.—The valuable Cotton Fa ctories. known as AVONDALE and STRATH SVEN, situ ated on Cram Creek Delaware County, one mile from Westdale Station, West Chester Railroad, two miles from Leiperville, and three from Clieister. now occupied by Simeon Lord, are offered for sale. Avondale_'" in eludes a stone mill 82 by 47 feet, stories high-, with dry house, picker house; twenty-tw., stone tenements, and about 9 acres of - land, in Springfield and Nether Providence townships. • Strathaven" includes a frame cotton mill, 82 by 00 feet, 23i stories high, with picker house, five frame and stone tenements, and about 24- acres of land, us Nether Providence. The properties will be shown by Kr. Lord, on the premises. Early pos session can be given. For terms inq lire of SAMUEL FIELD, W. W. corner of FRONT and WALNUT Streets. iny3o4, • Philadelphia TO, LET--A 00 M IVI ODIO IT S DWELLING, No. 132 North FRONT Street. Rent moderate. Apply to. - wETHERILL & BRO., 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. gifit FARM FOR SALE IN CHESTER -v-l—County. four miles from Downingtown. containing 108 acres. well watered, buildings new, &c. This is a No. - "farm in every respect. Apply to D. FURMAN, 104 North SIXTH Street, or to 0. FAXSCA. sel9-Im* • on the premises. eFOR SALE- BUCKS COUNTY FARM, i ces acres—will be divided—having two sets of excellent buildings; in ,a high state of cultiva tion, nicely, watered, fine fruits,&co. Situate near the Delaware river, 13t miles from Railroad station, only $75 955 acre. Also, Sl or more FRUIT FARMS. States of Delaware and Maryland. E. PETTIT, sez , 309 WALNUT Street. HOTELS. NATIONAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. C. H. S. BENSON, PROPRIETOR, Formerly of the Ashland House, Philadelphia.. He is determined to merit, and hopes to receive, a full share of public patronage. jel9• 6m _METROPOLITAN HOTEL, • (LATE . BHOWN'__ t _S • PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, If:Between WASHINGTO SixttYa N nd CITYS Streets, , A. R. POTTS,' NProprietor. myM-6m DRAIN 0 N E W A R, E DRAIN PIPE from 2 to 12-inch bore. 2-inch bore 25 cents per yard. 3 do 30 do. do. 4 do ' 40 do. do. 5 do 50 do. do. 6 . d 065 do. do. Every variety of connections, ends, traps, and hoppers. We are now prepared to furnish Pipe in any quantity, and on liberal terms, to dealers and those purchasing in large quantities. ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS.- - Vitrified Terra Cotta Chimney Tops, plain and orna mental designs, warranted to stand the action of coal gas, or the weather in any climate. - GARDEN VASES. _ A great variety of Ornamental Garden Vases in Terra Cotta ' classical designs„ all — sizes, and warranted to stand the weather_ Also, Fancy Flower Pots, Hanging Baskets, and Garden Statuary. Philadelphia Terra Cotta Works. (Hike and Wareroomaitello CHESTNUT Street. mb 4 -mwftf - S. A. HARRISON. EVANS • & WATSON'S 1 Lt SALAMANDER SAYS STORE. 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. PA. A large variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always on hand. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! ' %PRILADELPITIA,. ay .1933. N. C. Sad/sr. Esq., Agent for Safes : DEAR Six: During the night of may 19, MN, our GrO "eery and Provision Store, at North Second and Willow streets, took lftre at about 2 o'clock A. Id., and as the store was a two-stow wooden building, it burnt rapidly, wholefore the goodsgi could act upon the fire, our stock of including' much combustible ma terial, and amounting to over $2,000, was wholly de strOyed. We had one of your NO. 11 Chilled Iron Safes, which was in the hottest part of the fire, and it came out of the fire not in the least in3ured, except the melting off of the name plate, and paint. The contents inside were not' affected in the least, and we confider the Safelnstite good a protection against fire now as before, and shall use it hereafter with increased confidence. The lock works at perfectly as before the Ere. Yours truly, MCIIANUS & CROFT, Late 429 North SECOND Street. Attention to the above certificate is particularly re- - accident as it is the first trial:of maxi's SAFES in an l fire in Philadelphia. I would say to all parties who want a Fire and Bur glar-proof Safe that LILLIE'S WROUGHT and GRILLED IRON SAFES are much the cheapest and the only real. Fire and Burglar-proof Safes now made; and to those who want , simply a Fire-proof, I would say that W.L LIB'S WROUGHT IRON - SAFE is fully equal in all re spects to any of the most approved makes, and is sold at fully one. third less price. - - I also am receiving daily in exchange for Lillie's Wrought and Chilled -Iron Safes , other Safes, and keep constantly on hand a general assortment of BERRINIFS, EVANS & WATSON'S, and other makers', many of them almost new, which I offer at, and even below, auction prices.ix: Ail priritog interested are particularly requested to ex aminethe Safes above described at MY diWt. , - - M. C.- SADLER; :Agent, - No. ga. Seta SEVENTH Street. AUCTION SALES. FURNESS, BRINLEY & CO, O. 429 MA.R.KST Root SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOBTERiIC DRY CHIME ON TUESDAY MORNING, Sept. 224 at 10 o'clock. by catalogue, on four mandbe r credit. 400 peckagEn and lots of fancy and Maple dry geode. DRESS GoODS An . ny ON TUESDAY MORNING, s ()Inca fancy dress LINEN CAMBRIC /I ANDERGHIEFS. An invoice of sf, a ..4f linen cambric handkerchiefs. QUILTS. - 11,4 and 124 White imperial quills, 11-4 do toilet oolitic Ell AWLS. An invoice of all -wool to.", and squarebawls. SEWING SUR, EXEROIDERIES: ac. • 8 caseesewitax silk. An invoice, of cellars and coleretta. SALE OF fa) CARTONS RiBBONS—.TUST LANDED. 'ON TUESDAY MORNING. September 2 2d, at 10 o'clock cat tons Nos. 4 a 6 cable cord, white, black. and co lored ponit de sole ribbons cartons Nos 10 a6O fancy brocbe ribbons. cartons N 09.10 a 40 plaid ribb ns cartons Nos. 10a 60 extra heavy black ribbons. cartons Nos. 18a 60 crlored ribbons. Also black silk velvet ribbons. white and crlorso etive do. EXTRA QUALITY BLACK SILK VELVET RIBBONS. CELIBRATv D STEASIGOA.T BRAND. A full line of Nis. 1 a 100 black silk velvet , ribbons. Also. a thlUline of chainette and white corded edges black silk ve vet ribbons. N. B. —Tb e particular atention of the trade is request. ed to the above sale of ribbons. as it will comprise tha largest assortment of new and choice styles, and colors. offered this season; All.icow landed. - IRISH LINENS. LINEN DAMASKS, TABLE CLOTHS, &c. - ON TUESDAY MORNING. superfine IriAn shirting linens. 8-4 linen damarks, toweling& — 8 4 and 104 lir en damask table Cloths. doylies. 117111 TE GOODS, QUIL 9 S. An invoice of superior quality jaconet. cambric. and check mveline- - 11 4 and 12-4 white imperial cnilts. EXTRA QUALITY ALT.-WOOF PLAID LONG . . SHAWLS—PINEST QUALITY IMPORTED. extra - heavy and fine shepherd' , plaid long shawls. —extra heavy. ag lendid quality high colored do. SATINETS. VESTINGS, V ADDING& &c cases heav - y satinets. black satin vestinge. canvass padding, Pemberton checks, &c. SEWING SILK.. 10 cases toper uality black sewfmg silk LYONS BLAC q K LUSTRINIS AND C. P. PATENT BLACK TAPPETAR. ON 7 UNSDAY MORNING, —24 a 32 inch Lyons super quality black Instrinis. 24. a .144n01i splendid quality C. P. patent black Pins. . . 32-inch 'heavy black moire antiques. PARIS COLORED DRESS SILKS—JUST LANDED. —24 Inch Lyons new style imprime a pots taffetas. 24-inch new ityle taffets ray e. —3O-inch Lyons super taffetas, imprime a poise. PLAIN COLORED GROS DB NAPLES. An invoice of super quality cboice colors plain grow de Naples Pala 6-4 BLACK AND COLORED REPS. 1 case Paris 6 4 black and colored repe. M THOMAS & SONS, +3-L• Noe. 139 and 1.41. South FOURTH Street. STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—TUESDAY NEXT. Pamphlet catalogues new ready, containing fall de scriptions ref all the Property to be sold on TUE SOAS next. 22d inst , with a list of Sales 29th September, and 6th October, comprising a large amount and greet variety of valuable property. SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE, At the Exchange. every Tuesday. at 'l2 o'clock noon. Of,— Handbills of each Property issued seParatelr, and on the Saturday previous to each sale. LOG) catakernest in pamphlet form. riving full descriptions. FURNITURE SALES at the Auction Store start TharFda3r - FALL SALES STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. Fourth Fall Sale. 223 September. Fifth Fell Sale, 29th September. Sixth Fall Sale, 6th October W Part of the handbills, for each sals.. - ntow ready. HEAL ESTATE. Sent. Orphans' Couri ale—igt;te of this? . fss Cooke, dee d.— FOUR- STORY BRICK - STORE AND DW&LLIOG, B.K. corner Marstal and Callowhill streets. VALUABLE IRON FRONT BToßit, 120 -North Third street, a 11• Ft-rate business stand. VALUABLE PAW 93 acres, Delaware Co. ' Pa.. mfrs from Chester, Imile from the steamboat landing at Marone Hook, and half a mile from Linwood Station, on the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore rail road 14 LARGE AND VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS. be longing to the Philadelphia Real Estate AsFociation. fronting on Truth, Eleventh, Twelfth, and Tioga eta.. Beading railroad. &c ViLIFABLF LOT OF LAND. 33 cores, n unary. &c R _.. Bristol turnpike. adjoining the elegant residence of R . c ort oins t yeg... near BRICK 2 . NT DWELLINGS Nos. 2051 and 2a53 Vine stre.t. . . ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT:with a he mill and farm, FO acres, with superior improvements, near Gheetnat VALUAD E LOT of 21 acres. fronting on the German town and Roshorough Township Line Road: an elegant site for ountry seats. SUPERIOR MODERN FOUR-STORY MASTIC DENCE. No. [426 Eontb Penn Square. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING. and three story brick building, S. E. corner - of Second and Diamond /trseta. NEAT ISODERN DWELLING. No. 2315 Spruce street. MVP MODERN DWELLING. No. 1.13.36. Mt. Vernon street.:west of Eighteenth street Executors Peremptory raIe—THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 136 Diamond street. west of Second street. Executicr's 'Peremptory SaIe—THREE- STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. ILO Diamond street. west of Second street. - Exf entor's Er rem ptory Sale —MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, North Tentketreet. North of Gi rard avPnne. TIMER-STONY BRICK DW2LLING. No. 20 North Twelfth street, between Rare and Vine streets. EXECUTORS' RALE. RARE AND VALUABLE CAME LTA?, ORCHIDS, GREEN-110USe, HUT ROUSE. AND FRUITING PT.A.NTS, PUTS APPLES, Sm. THIS MORNING. September 21st. at 11 o'clock, 'at the S. W. corner of Broad and. Porter streets, will be sold by catalogue the entire callection of plants of the late Mr. Frederick Len . May be examined two days previous to the sale Catalogues now ready. Sale at No. 917 Arch Street HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. TAPESTRY CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS CHANDELIERS. &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at No. 917 Arch street by catalogue. the boncehoid furniture,includiug Arm tapestry - carpets, im perial.chamber carpets, superior chamber furniture. mattresses, &c. Rf May hejexamined at 8 o'clock on. the moraine af the sale. TO COUNTRY ITERG'ITANTS AND OTHERS ~ 2 ' ~ STATES• NNW CLOTHING ON &ATURDAY September 26th. at 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store. for account of the United Stales; 5.609 new Great Costs. for mounted man; L 000 Infantry Privates' Coats; 6.000 pair Wool Trousers. assorted colors. Sale peremptory Term. cash. - sir- May be examined three days previous to sale. . Sale No. 1611 Green 61reet. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, EMIG ANT CARPETS. &c. ON MONDAY MORNING. fept. 29th, at 10 o'clock, by catalogne,ai N 0.1611 Green street. the superior parlor, dining-room, and chamber furnitnre, elegant tapestry carpets. tine i air mattresses. &c.: also. the kitchen furritnre. Air. May be examined at 3 o'clock on the morning of the sale. Executor's Fele. No. 328 Spruce Streit% HOUSEHOLD-FURNITURE , BILRRORS. cue/ups- LIM FIRE-PROOF. &c. ON WEDESDAY MORNING. kid o'clock, at No. 82S Spruce street, the household furniture, drench plate mantel mirrors, bookcases. gag chandeliers and fixtures; superior fire-proof safe, made by Farrell & Herring; also, the kitchen utensils. /Br May lie examined at S o'clock on the morning e sale. pito ANC OAS T & WARNOCK, AUG TIONLRES. Ito. 213 DIARKEr Street. LARGE 'POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN .AAD IM PORTED DRY GOODS, WRITE GOODS, MILLINSET aooDa. by catalog ue. 0 FRIDAY MORNI NG. September 6.5, 4 1, commencing at 10 o'clock precrieely— ' Confirming about - 760 lots of seasonable goods. to villa, the attention-of havers is invited. • f4ILLEIVE 4k SCOTT, ' AUCTIONEERS, Jayseee Marble Eatient 619 ODRISTEUT Street, and 616 JAYNE Streq . 4 ThiladeltMla ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, Bept.2.ld,at A CI3OIOE AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OE OIL PAINTING., embracing the works of celebrated artiste. Aar Will be open for examination on .1110ND4r. 2t LARGE SALE OF FORTsION AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. ON TIFESDAY MORNING, - _ Sept22d- at I 0 o'clock precisely, consisting of--; RIBBONS. —250 cartons poult de eoie bonnet ribbons. ALSO. 75 pieces black and colored bonnet velvete3 FLOWER,.-550 cartons French dowers and buds. FEATHERS. —75 boxes black and colored feathers. sisAw GOODS. —l5O cases straw goods, suitable for fall sales. ALSO, 253 lots furnishing goods, Una of gents' . silk, wool,- and merino shirts and drawers; ladies ard. game' 1050 and half hose, gloves. &c. ALSO. 215 dozen ladies' hoop skirts, veils. handker— chiefs, notions, A-c. 250 CASES OF BOOTS. SHOES. BROGANS, &c. ON WEDNESDAY HORNINO. At 10 o'clock precisely. by catalogue. 250 cases men's. boys'. and youths', boots, shoes, brogans Etc. BY JiENTRY P. WOLBERT, No: 202 MAKKET lN Street, ilO Son E th side, above Second St. Regular Sales of Dry Goods, TrimmingsNotions,an. every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY KOHL , LINOS, at 10 o'clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend then sales, Consignments respectfully solicited from Managed', rem, Importers. Commission. Wholesale. and Jobbing Houses, and Retailers of all and every description of Merchandise. - . - CLOTHS. CLOAKINGS. AZADY-SIDE CLOTHING. FELT HATS, acc. ~It a • - - - Sept 21st, at 10 o'clock. will be sold, black cloths,water proof and mixed cloakings, sattinets, pants. vests; wool and muslin shirts: drawers, suspenders. felt hats, boots, gaiters. shoes: as. Also, ladies' and misses' skirts. wool and cotton ho siery. gloves handkerchiefs, necl.ties, cravats, scarfs, shawls, table cloths. &c. Also. • took of trimmings, ribbons, gloves, hosiery, be. MOSES NATTY A NS, AUCTIONEER, Southeast corner cf SIXTH and BAGS Street& AT PRIVATE SALE, LESSI e HALF "I' a . . . - Fine gold and sager English ? American. and Swiss pa. tent lever watches, extra full-j swelled and plain, of the most approved and best makers, in 'heavy -hunting bases, double cases, magic cases, double bottom and opem face; fine gold chronometers, in heavy huntins -casesr fine told and silver Janine watches. in hunting cases 'and' open face;' silver gnarlier watches; double case English silver watches, and* others. Diamonds: tine gold vest; neck, guard, and chatalien chains; gold Pencil cases and golde do. setts of tine gold Jew elry: medallions. and silver specks. bracelets. English plated vest chains; double and single-barrel fowling pieces...sot:Se of them very superior; revolving. field 2 glasses Scc NATHAN& 44 SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PITTLIDEL - PHIS STEAMSHIP LI - NE. sailini from mei sort 'on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf above MX Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The steamer NORMAN, Captain Rater, Will sail from Philadelphia for Boston on SATURDAY. Sept . 26th. orolock. A. M.; and steamer SAXON, Captain Matthews. from Boston on same day, at 41'. M. Tbesenew and. substantial stt =ships form reudar line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. Insurances effected at one-half the premium charged on sail vessels. Freights taken at fair rates Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts said. BULB .Lading with their goods. . For Freight or Passage (having five necommodationd apply to .DERRY WINSOR CO.. mh9 332 South DELAWARE Avenue. _ .tiffb . STEA3I.WEEKLY TO LIVER POOL, touching at Queenstown, .(Cork Hap. bor. ) The well, known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intend ed to sail , as follows : - CITY OF NEW YORK Saturday, September 10. ETNA - Saturday, September 28. CITY OF WASHINGTON Saturday, October S. - And every succeeded Saturday at noon: from Pier No. 44, - North River. RATES OF PASSAGE. .- ~ . Payable in Gold, or its equivalent in Currency. "FIRST CABIN, $BO Ou\ STEERAGE, - , $39 6E! SS Do. to London, 00 Do. to London, WE Do. to Paris, 9.5 CO Do. to - Paris, 40 Kt Do. to hamburg, 90 00 Do. to Hamburg. 37 6$ Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c.,at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin. We $66, $lO6. Steerage from Liverpool, $4O. From Queens town, $2O. Those wIo wish to send for their Menders* buy their tickets her at these rates. `-- For further information, apply at the COMVUL3 O B offices. _ JORE Gr. DALE, Agent, fes6 111 WANNUT Street,, Philadelphia. . SS COMPANIES. EXPR . . . THE ADAMS EX PRESS COMPANY. office 3 CHESTNUT Street. forwards Parcels. Packages, Mer chandise. Bank rotes, and Specie.- eittter - by its owns lines or in connection with other Express Cornwall's. to all the princdpal Towns and Cities in the United States.'. - " - E. S.. SANDFORD, - ;:General Superintendent. ffiABD AND FANCY NCY JOB PRINTING, `-1 At ItIIiqWALT 41 BROWN'S.III S. FOIJIITH St, ACCOUNT OF tiCIT&D
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