CITY vrE.mrs. TUB EQUINOCTIAL STORM.—The weather geoterday, happening as it did, within a day or two of the date designated in the calendar for the Bun to cross the equator, is readily accounted for ; but what we claire most particularly to impress noon the public is, that frosty weather may now be hourly anticipated, and those who a . te wise will at once prepare for it by calling upon, or , sending their or •tiers to, Mr. William W. Alter, Ninth street, above Poplar, for their supply of winter Coal. We re commend Mr. Alter, because we know that he sells the best coal and the most of it for the money of aay coal dealer in the Union. MEsene. WENDEROTTS ct" TAYLOR have just issued .very; tine Card Photographs of J. R. Lambdin, Esq., the well. known artist of this city; Bon. A. J. Boreman, Governor of Western Virginia; 'Commander T. Darrah Shaw, C. S. N., and Rev. Wm. E. Bordman, Secretary of the Onristian Com mission; duplicates of all of which can be had at 'their counters, Nom. 912. 914, and 916 Chestnut street, •or at McAllister's, 128 Chestnut street. ELEGANT FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. --Messrs. O. Somers & Son, No. 625 Ohestnut street, 'under Jayne's Hall, have now ready their fall and 'winter samples of Fashionable Clothing, made from 'the choicest materials; and the active trade they have been driving during the present week indicates 'that, great as are their preparations, the demand . will be fully equal to their enormous stook, These .of our readers who are about to make their autum nal purchases should not fail to visit this popular old establishment. FINE CARTE DE VISITE OF GEN. HUM -THEms.—Mr. F. Gutekunst, Nee. 704 and 706 Arab :street, has just taken an, excellent card pio , ure of Major Gen. Humphries, chief of Gee. Meade'e staff, .duplicates of *Well, for the album, can now be had .at his counters. DELICIOUS FAL r i, CONFECTIONS.—It has ;been established upon the highest medical authority that a pure quality of Confectionery is not only harmless, but exceedingly healthful. Acting upon - this, Messrs. E.G. Whitman al Co., No. 318 Chest init street, have for years pint been supplying the public with the finest and purest confections pro. , duced in this country. Their delicious Chocolate preparations, fine Mixtures, Caromels, French Se .orets, elegant Roasted Almonds, and a host of no 'Wipes peculiar to their own establishment, are now •charming everybody. Give them a call today, and take a budget home to your family. WITITE BRANDY FOR PRESERVING PEAOR- M.—lllesers. Davis & Richards (successors to the lath C. H. Mattson), dealers -in floe family Groce ries, Arch and Tenth streets, have now in store fresh supply of pure White Brandy, for preserving .peaches, to which we invite the attention of faint .lies. MESSRS. CHARLES OARFORD & SONS, Under the Continental Hotel, are now wiling their oantire atonic of elegant Summer Goode for children and youth at •and below coat of importation. FOR •THE I.IJ . XURY of an elegantly-fitting Shirt,' go to the peipular Gentlemen's Furnishing lstore of Mr.• George Grant, No. 610 Chestnut street. FxNEMILLTARY GOODS, of every descrip tion, suitable for Army and Navy ofiloere, can be lad, at moderate prioeo, at Oakford & done% under the Continental'Hotel. Trim friends of Z. J. Purnell,, the popular 'Hair Dresser at the "United:States Hotel, Atlantic .(01ty, this season, .whose taste in the line of his iirofession was a theme of universal admiration, Will be pleated tolearn that he has fitted up a gen itlemen>s dressing saloon, basement of eoutheact .corner of Yifth and Chestnut streets, TICE FEAST 010 ROSES.—The Grand Feast of Eons will conclude at the &cadets) , of Music, tonight. The show haa been nightly crowd ed withheautiful women and gallant men. The la, .dies vied with the flowers in grace and beauty, and - thelgi eat majority of the gentlemen presented an ele. gent appearance,clad •aa they were in handsome and becoming suits from the Brown Stone ( Tithing Hall Of Rockhill & Wilson. Nos. 603 and 605 Ohea t -•nut street,above Sixth. There were not a few who considered the display of crinoline and broadcloth quite as attractive as that of fruits and flowers. THE DISCOVERIES OF GALTLEO.—TI3.I9 famous Italian Philosopher not only discsvered the phases of Venus, but the rotation of the sun on its axis, by means of the motion of the solar spots, the rings of Saturn, and the satellites of Jupiter. Suc ceeding telescopic observations revealed to him, in each of the live planets, spots not unlike those 'which. he had observed in the moon ; but with all Ids astronomical wisdom, be could not predict that . In 1663 there would be in Philadelphia such a star establishment as the magnificent Clothing Empa thins of Grativille Stokes, No. 609, Chestnut street. HINTS TO OUR YOUNG MFIN ABOUT EN- V/STING IN THE NAVT.—The Swell of a ship's sides is not caused by Dropsy. The Ship does not have a wake over a dead calm. The Hold is not thovessePs grip. The trough of the semis not dug out of the ship's log. Seam en do not "blast their eyes" with gun on wder. A sailor's stockings are - not manufactured from 1 ' ;tailors' yarns. ), When a vessel is buried in a wave it is not wrapped In its shroud, and when she is '" hogged" she is not necessarily laden with Pork. The sails of a ship are not made by an auctioneer, neither are her stays constructed by a corset-niaker. A ship is not "rigged out" at Charles Stokes & Co.'s One.price Clothing Store, neither is she boarded at the Continental or any other of the hotels. ( OLD HAIR MATTRESSES, no ,matter how 'Old and matted, when properly picked over and re movated, make up a bed equal to new. Patten, /408 Chestnut street, has tha requisite machinery, and pays especial attention to all beds submitted to Ws care. 851641 W. HENRY PATTF.N-aleanses, mends and fehangs lace curtains at the prices others shame for washing only. 1408 Chestnut street. sel6.4t VESTIBULE LACE, vestibule rods, picture 4aords, tassels, nails, carpet binding, thread tacks, iron /bedsteads, all sizes, at 1408 Chestnut street. sets-4t NEW ORLEANS Moss.—Excelsior and husk aattreseals, at Patten's, 1408 Chestnut et. set6-4t GENTLEMEN'S HATS. — All the newest and beet styles for Vail Wear, in Felt, Silk, and Uses!. znere, will be found at Warburton's, No. 430 attest nut etreet, , next door to the Poet Office. eel 7 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, VIP TO TWELVE O'OLOOK LAST NIGHT nd Chestnut streets G Brown . Continental—Ninth J B McCreary, M Chunk la A Seaver, t Sterling. Ky T D Heed, St Louie 3.) R Alward. Auburn, N Y. P Hardembergh, Chicago +Cleo W Ford, Boston B H Duvall. Washington T Dave% Washingron A B Duvall, Washington T Nickerson. New York • HW Norton, Cheater . M Hurit & 2 chn,Fort Monroe Mrs El ,, rinti & da,NewYork Edw VVTador, B Lltimore 1V a Neil Ohio .1 P Harley & rr ',New York Dr Ri.l,etc. 11 R N L Mitchell, Milwaukee D Ho.ton Mrs D C List Wooeling,Va miss Wooeling ViriyFrfek, Cheater A J Kauffman Columbia A M t‘tewmt. S C Toe Pan B°."" FiniFyJ, , bnstoa, Baltimore P J ameden, serancoa, Pa A Garrett, Leaven vo. ch. L Mattson, .Port Carbon Mr & Mrs Srhoulve. Wash G Guackrn hneh & cvf, NY Orth & II "tv Look wool Now York B Bryant, 13J.tort . Adallnyee,Wilm'gton if G Norton, Ponna J relsortoolr,..ll.6 . .. S Wilson, II S A W W Powers & la, HT iB C Irvin, J'enna Geo F MeCorkell. Baltimore B C Hulbert, A ew York R Olmsted & wf Lynn R W Jones & wf, Lyon D Taylor, Jersey City C C Martindale, Jersey City W 0 Case, Columbia,Pa Jae P Isaaes,Piew York Geo H Preston, Boston A 31 y Ifoope, New York W W Swayne, Brooklyn S Cozzen & wf, If York lefre Tanasy, New York Blumenthal 'leapt Benedict, New Jersey A S Pennington, .N Jersey B Ruessul, Boston 3 P KID g. New :York J Hartshorn, !Boston John Gilroy New York lefiss Kato A:Jackson, N J John D Long, Boston IF, S Garner. Zanesville, 0 John V? Gram, Mass street. below Ninth. Hon T J Bightun, Pittsburg Dr Barlow -K 2141 e-, Ky J W Andrew., II S A H K Hohestritth Dayton, 0 J Fisher, DaYtOrl, Ohto W P SimpFon, lowa D AlcOlo.lan, Harrisburg thith, Dal tunore Gifernird—Chisittaut ft R Mills. New York,: A B Pltkin, Alex, Va J Fitzwater, Norristown te Parker, Meriden Schnively_ Patterson. Norfolk, Va "Phu Huh ei J Bretton d N . Wheeler - A Brooks, New Jersey 'Butler B Price, 17 El A R M Shen =rd. 17 8 A W Williams. 13 S N Daltford, II S N Jett C Devine, II 8 N W Webster • G H Smith. M D & wf T Wild, Jr, Thos Bird '&' la, New 'York John Walter% New York al Corbel, Baltimore "5 Garvis, Baltimore P sawyer, Pittsburg L Betting, Boston John F Yukke, fi Gotler'& la, Nova Scotia Alias Ann Uonder Nev Sao Miss S Noy Sco Gaml Fleming,LNew York V Anderson, New York P Wife, Cleveland, 0 Jobliblyers, Cumberland 'V Monehan, Baltimore Birdidge & wf. Balt Jae Farrtn, Virginia Henry Farrell, Virginia Pelagano, Baltimore & IS Y Tucker la, New York B B Haight. Boston tte F. Sackett, Penna. Tt S Hawley, Baltimore :fferchamtp'—Fourth A F Stockton, 17 S A 13 lileCollaio. II S A 'Wm ;Weaver Penns M Oooper. , liollidaysbnrg , Chas 137 °water. .Ft Madison R MoAvoi. Penns , S /Weak & da. Ohio Shellaby & la. Pittsburg . 1D Greenwood, Cincinnati S Walker & wt. Cincinnati 3) Reed & da. Pittsburg Zanies Seed, Pittsburg .3D Roddy, So mer Pet. Pa John P11,8t01 . 10116, New York 31 0 Warren, Naos ROM. Mass 'Win Koch, Baltimore J Adams & wi", Pittsburg St. Louts—Chestnut -7. Smith Jos T Richards, USN Wai B Chase, II 13 N B Dickinson , New Yor k eo W Kamer, Delaware liarwind, Pittsburg • D Hoag. C,eveland Jas Trather, U S r.Chse Davis, Boston 49 Wood & wf, Newark, NJ Jtobt Simpson.,Newark, NJ Nender, Hew York Jobn R Abbott, New York -Chu Weok ham. New York The ,Union—Arch w Cowell, Delaware dno MI Stull, Warren. 0 .7 Ii Wlley , dc ia Washingte 11 Brown. Philadelphia AO Dobson. Pate's'lle B F ample), Ashland, 0 W L Patterson Summit - BID. Mrs Pattersotra = oh; do 41 M Di.lon, Fremont 0 - )flee Johnson, Illinois J S Saxton & yr, Canton. 0 31 B Reefer, Oreencaetle, Pal A W Welsh,_o /N e w Yo r k .11 Wooten, /New York . Vonurneroiel—Sixth s G M Fay Sewf, Ohio - !Cardin, Delaware , 0 Macy, II B N A Campbell, Pa„ G D liodgoon, Oxford P F 019,1willvh Wad :T Ctr.rtis, BJeton c ur d s , Roston Th oa II Baia W Daaaho &fa C M Bay, Cincinnati B Moorhead. Muntg co II D'ldwin. Jr Hit - athew, West Tray. N Y H B Tiobetts, N.w York E W Cole, New York E E Haut/s;llqm t New York .Jas B ;row,Eog'aad Geo W Smith St wf. Malan Sohn Ilabboll. Barato L Al Slade, Conn G It Eleunman, New York Chas -W Spurr, New York Bushnall dc 'Pittsburg Mias L Atwood. Pittsburg" Si3inew, Nashville, 'react R J Wisner, Pittston, Pa _ . 'FM WiMx, rittsbarg W B Elaainger. N 0 G Emith tivN9 York . . Locke, Norristown &Us Oen Rata. & 2 Ott L Van Baron. New Yortt P B Hudson Si la Kaotacky C E Higgins, Cincinnati, 0 A E Smith R<bert Polk; Del James Barns Lewistown Jaines Pinter. Jr. Le wist'n J W Barden Columbus 0 ;Miss t 3 Barden,Columba4,o Wtlliam - Chambers. N Y W Nicholls Bast Boston Joe Moore East Boston Hubert L Elie, Mass , Geo W Blake. New York S R Newhouse Mrs Davie, Washington W B nealleY,Che<ter S Shriner& Newark, N J ER Mills, New York W P 11E nor. Wilkeobarre It II PAL, New York . . . . RAT may, Penna. S McLane Allogne ay City B Ehrrington, ir, Butimore W fred F D Barrett. B.titimore Al Smith J M Nixon, New York street. below Aron. lloa Fl C Dena, lowa B P Long. Pittsburg Davt6 Si la, Patabarg W 8 Corson, Philadelphia J Fadlek,llliaois J C Bucher, lowa P Roee s Soo Baltimore J Beaver & la, Loudon. Pa J li, Lamaster, Imadoa, Pa Miss Beaver, London A F Hamo, Ohio B lI Vaneleva, Now Jersey J P Davie, New Jersey E Wnittlotd, New York B Walkers wr,•rreaton Fl Bethlehem John Bargees, New York: eltreet,'above Third. I Chas D. Yonng, NOW York Chas C Cross. New York Cleo Merrill, Boston a. Riser, New Jersey John CI Butler, Reading Chas Johnson,Westport, "t* D Prince wf Chas Bronson, New York W J Goodwin: Crouton, NJ hIlAs Goodwin Trenton, NJ F W Stafford, :Wash. n C Tapoing,.lltira, N Y John W Lavender, James Followield, Md. greet. above Third. : Jno Reymond, Ohio - !Joel Miller, L tocaster 17011 11ley.Middletown Smith Davis &la _ Hiram Torrey, New York B I Young, New Castle, Del B P Miller, Lancaster • Peter Rowe Mee E Beaty. Hagerstown . _ L T Moo instourg MISS Kate Brady, N Y Lt Haynes Summit co. 20 Hempertheide. eittab'q John l'iekeree, New York eet, aboTe Chestnut C II lismoden, Brooklyn W Jenne, Brooklyn (I Darlington, W,Cheete! D Killough. Laneantey Theo Johnson, N J. street. above Wirth- J Dickeon Cleorgt, DO John Pettibone, Wash W Barton. Harrisburg L C G.rwood & la, Itnokv J A McDevitt cr. la, Wash Thus C Hollis, Conn PE Bidwell, Conn W Slater, Pottsville Liont F Of Acton, U S A Manahan. N U ll W Belden, Salem, N A V Craven, ‘lem B 0 Leeman, Bethlehetet Rids E MuCar.y. N J DELVIS, New Yoylc G W Whitaker, Pa _ J B Prigg & la, Wash W Greer, Pittsbaig R Jones, Boston 11 SAncflold C Shinn, New Jersoi McDermott J Ilewey, Delaware American—Chestzin H M Criet, New York .19 Hays. New York A timone. New York C Stott, it. W P Venable;Wash C H Childless. Wash B McDermott, Wash D e Nealley; New York Giso D Barton. New York Thos L Rne,eil. jr NI A Eellogt f New York Chas CR i ßna hewe Jersey. C A Uhlhorn. Cm. 0 B F \Vait, Dayton 9 .5 Cain. Dayton W Gall, Mass W A Burgess, Ohio W D McCord, Baltimore H A Daniels, Boston H E^peheimer & wf, Penna. Mrs Porter, Delaware S F Rsndolph. Washington Sac Starving, Washington z street. above Sixth. .1 A Brown,B . 8 k W Boxiey, WO4terly,R G G Stillman, Vi",,,,ter , y,R Cochran,LEavenworth. M•Ross,l'enosylvania B F Wickerph eeatla .hipt Joa McilluA lin, nue& Jos Bendle,Peonville, Ya W IT Cleivier 1B A. Yarnell, Glaedter co States Union—Blarlse B C Paine,Pennsylviniii is B Kyle. Newvillm - Pa Ss W derson; taneaster A B Itogge, Fort D.elaware J Nllfsrslutll,Elizabetbtnwn E Ptndleton, Wilmington .1 li - auffinan, Pennsylvania W & In. New Jersey Wm Berlin, Pa eet, /above Third. L'N, Walker, Jonestown A Heenanle. New Jersey H Kellett. New Jersey J Ewell Indiana W m Sing P. 11Ra S Wesver,Penna B Kaufman .& la, New York • National—Race et Wm Ault, Lebanon co.Pa B Greresng.Potteville E Maric.Pebna Geo F Melly Fenno. J 13 Strobmrr,U S A J Gloom, U S A S H Sprogle, Hummelstown Wm 11 Stiner,liummebstwn reef. above Narked. W D Large.Taylorsville Surnll34ker, Toylornyjue Win All, Providence. R I it Quimby, IV •Imingta, Rtiea Qtriaiby.Woiningtn, Mims E Quimby, Vilihni no,t. D - TboeE.Higgins, Pain& E Baker. Illinois Madison—Second ac Jos Williams, Stroudsburg W Boy.. Stroudsburg Noob Willamsou N J• D li Whitcomb. Mt Vernon JD Marsh, Paring lan Bb bop. Illinois .Tcbn E Price. Lewes, Del Jos H Radcliff, Delaware E bletcalt, Sidney, lowa Browei, Providna, It I d street, [there Raze. 13 F Stewart, Peoria Barnum's 'Hotel—TM I.ieut U S A Lient W Kale, U S A - LientSi Dasher, Q S A - - • Maj H is Swart, L Raven H F Stewart. Parana B Hemphill. Sinagmaho'g W E Slmosoo,Sloneapate.g R R Bridges. zdellamshee'g P Anthony. Clinton co A B Mayer Sr la, I. Haven Mrs C Allhright, Pew Toils Captain Nichols, U S A Lleut Fernald, US A mpt on Bunions, , Balt - a Watson dr. Cam. N Jersey L S Bennett, Clinton co, Ya . . R B Parker, Williamsport 11 C Shoemaker, Whi.'sport A., above CallowhilL Bard Rnpp, Fogeleville Geo Rapp, 1. ootaride Bee) Jarrett, refueungi-N Pa C Rribb, Backs co - Pa. B F Rime, (looperAbarg Sam Kern, Cooparabu g P Schwartz, Coonarsburg Jonathan Beans, Pa, Black Bear—Third b C Sellers. Reading AIEX Peter, S;atingtoti . - - Thos Mubr, Suiesville Jos Gorr. Lehigh co G W Hartzell. N Texas. Pa J.Lcob taadde, Weisenburg IlenTy Corral. Fogelsville John H Fool.Vounisville SPECIAL NOTICES. EXCELLENCE.-- BY THE BARD OF TOWER Ham. In every constellation br.g'it, One ruling star outshines the rest ; Among the cherub forms of light, One angel is the loveliest. Among all gems, one sparkling stone Is famed for its traneeendaat beam; To every distant nation known, That diamond'a brightness is supreme In Syrian gardens, whose perfume- Refreshes all the sultry air, . One rosetree, with unrivalled bloom, Reigne . in imperial beauty there. Of mighty bards. whose songs awake The slumbrous echoes of all time. See one the Epic garland take. As unapproachably sublime. Of heroes, one is marked by fate The palm of excellence to bear; And where fair maidens congregate, One is superlatively fair. And (let me , not this point omit), One Clothing Mart surpasses far All its competitors—and it, Of course, 19 TOWER BALL EU AAR. TOWEIv HALL, 518 MARKET Street, BE NNETT A 00 HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE! ! BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Best in the World. Tho only Harmless True, and Relta'ae Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes Red, Rusty. or Gray Hair, instantly toca Glassy Black or Watural Brown, without injuringtbe Hair or Stain ing the Skin, leaving the Nair Soft and Beautiful; im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its -pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR; all others are mere imitations, and should' be avoided Sold by all Druggists, !Ste.' FACTORY, BARCLAY Street. New York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLES, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Can-Pfau SYSTEX le Strictly adhered to• All are:thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES & CO., 604 LIAREET Street. ELECTRICITY , ON A NEW SYSTENI, AS A CU RATIVE. by Dr. A. 11. STEVENS, No. 1418 SOUTH PENN sclusirt, Philadelphia. eel4U DR: SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINISTENT IS THE omit known remedy for Sprains and Braise .s. • Iffpr GEORGE STECK & 00.'S CRESSON SPRINGS. Auguet. 1863. MR. J. E. GOULD, Seventh ad Chestnut Ste., Phil/Ida.: DEAR Sin: Having had- frequent opportunities of ex amining the Pianos made by Messrs. GEORGE STECK & Co., New York, during the past. feW yPars, in the practice of my profession as Tnner, I , pronounce them the most perfect instruments I have ever seen. In point of touch, equality, and singingtone thevmaT defy comparison with any and all other makes. white in the upper two octave (treble notes) they are incompara bly the finest I have any knowledge of. C. E. SARGENT, Tuner of Pianos, sel2-sw-tf 907 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. MARRIEII GRANT—STEWART.—On Thursday, the 17th inst. , at " woodburn." the residence oi Thomas A. Scott. RA9. - by the Rev. Henry A. Boardman. D B Grant. Esst cif New York. to Miss Rebecca D. Stewart, of this city. * ASELTINA—PATTERSON.—OntheI6th 1.114. , at Pitts burg, by the Rev. Dr. M. W. Jacobus . , assisted by the Rev. Richard Leon, Charles F. Itaseltme, of ibis city. Holmes, daughter of Joseph Patterson, Esq.. of Pittsburg 5 RALSTON—PHYSICS, — In this city, on the 7th of June, by the Rev. Wm. W. Montgomery, of Lyons, Hew York. William Ralston and Miss- Fannie M. Phy sick, of Philadelphia Iie.GONIGAL—LAMB. —On the Tuesday last, by RAT. A. Manship, Mr. John D. Magonigal to ?dim Emeline Lamb, both of Philadelphia. DIED. KELLY.—On Thursday, the 17th inst., James P. Kel ly, aged 28 years . His friends and. relatives are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, 457 North. Seventh street, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, *4- BOYD.—On the morning of the 19th - met , Rebecca H. Boyd, in the Md year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral. from the residence of her eon-in-law, John VEolenden, Darby. on Monday, at 10 A. M., without further notice. Interment at Ronald eon's Cemetery. GARRETT. —On the 16th instant. at his residence, in Upper Darby, Edw Garrett, in the 63d year of his age The relatives and friends of the family are invited t, attend the funeral, without further notice, this ( ieventh day ) afternoon, the 19th instant—to meet at the hones at 2 o'clock. To proceed. to New Western Ground, Upper Darby. Carriages *lithe in 'waiting at Samuel Fens', 1310 Cherry 'Arend, atilt M. to-day. a MO eRNIN G GOODS, FOR FALL SALES.—Just opened. Fall stock of Black Reps. Cashmeres. Merinees, Bombazines. Tameses, Mousseline% Silks. Baratheas. Throes, Australian Crapes. Paramatias. Reps Anglais, Oriental Lustre% Alpacas. English Crapes. Veils, Thibet, Long and. Square Shawls, Src. Also, Second Mourning, Flannels, Balmorals, , and Dress Goods of various fabrics.- - BESSON & SON. Mourning Store, sell) . 918 fIA E 4 Vr.4ITP Street. TOUVIN'S CELEBRATED KID GLOVES. ordered colors, plain and. stitched backs. EYRE & LANDELL. P s AL DI 0R AL SKIRTS, OF FINE -g-' grade, for beet city retail sales. BYRE & LAND ELL. VYRErA LANDELL, FOURTH AND - 1 -A ARCH. are opening a fine line of Goods for whole sale and retsiL - selo-tf CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH ' LO DUST and JUNIPER.—Rev. J D. Williamson D. D.. will preach TO-MORROW, at 10X A. M Rev L. L. Briggs at 75t P. M. It* TIDED R.EFOftI D DUTCH ` - CHURCH, corner of -TENTH and (LBERT ttreto.—Rev. Henry Darling, D. D. , . preach in this clnrch TO-MORROW. Service at 1034 A. M. and 4 lt* UNION M. E. CHIDELCII, FOURTH, below Arch. —The Rev. Fr inklin Moore, D. D., will preach (D. V.) tomorrow (SABBATH) morning, at 10. - o'clock. and in the evening )4' to 8. Prayer and ex perience meeting one hoar before evening eervice. REV. GEORGE W. SMILEY WILL Preach TO-MORROW, at 10% A. M , upon hatan, and Satanic Influence." Evening' dtrvice at 714 o'clock. Church in HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL,on. EIGHTH and GREEN Streets. It* .CHURCH bF ST, L MA,TTE-11A.S.—A. Sermon on the Past t Present and Possible Fa tare( f thin Pariah, will be delivered, D. V-, by the rsc tor, on SUNDAY MORNING, 211th inst. Service at 10.5 i o'clock FIRST REFORMED IDUTCR CEITIRCII—Cor. of SEVENTH and SPRING G kR DEN Streets.—Rev. J, Howard Suydam will. D. V., Preach TO-MORROW, at 10,%. A. -M., and at 7 S F. M. will commence a series of Sermons to the Young. lt4 ST. MATT HE W'S LUTHERAN U 4.7 . - cERTRCH—NEW Street, below Fourth, (between puce end Vi e.)—Service_s by the Pastor , , Rev. E. W. Hotter, on TO-MORROW (Sunday) MORNING, corn. Teeming at 1031 o'clock. Evening Service commences at 731 o'clock. CHILDREN'S CHURCH. THE ••—• monthly services to the young will be rammed at the Church of the Epiphany. FPFTRENTH , and CHESTNUT Streets. TOMORROW AFTERNOON. at 3 o'clock, and be continued in the afternoon of the 'II3I.RD SUNDAY in each month, at the same hour. lt* MSIGNS OF THE —THE Lectures on the Aoocalypee will be continued - in Mount Zion (Them], CHRISTIAN Street, above Sixth, on RIINDAY EVENING, 20th inst, at 734 o'clock. Bab 'Jed, _ • ifynticalßakolon, Rev. V." Preaching . at log A M , and 33i P. M Free to all. it* SOLMERS'IMI. ING OF TEM ARMY COMMITTEE, YuUN CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, CO. fleeted with the United States Christian Commiesion, will b« held in the Bedding AL. B. Chtirch, corner SIXTEENTH and COATES Street. AATO- M ARROW EVENING, com mencing at 7h' o'clock. A delegate from Gettysburg, Rey. John Long, U. S. A., and others. will address the meeting. - Reit. A. - Manship, pastor of the Church, will preside. Come and listen. CRITTENDEN'S CONINE lELCIELL COLLEGE-631 CHESTNUT St. eat, corner of Seventh. —Full preparation for the Counting•honee. In dividual Instruction, - day and.eventng. sel9-3t. 41. TWENTIETH .WARD NATIONAL UNION PARTY, Second Precinct,. will meet (Saturday) SNENIRI3,I9rh inst.. at li4 o'clock-at the Southeast corner of 13[GHTEL and THOMPSON Streets. All Loyal Citizens are invited to be present..; By order, DANIEL j• MoLEA.N;;;* JOHN VOLKMA.R. 11. • Committee of Encerlntendence. PITTSBURG BONDS.—AIAL PER son s holding Railroad Bonds issued by the City of Pittsburg . , are hereby notified that I will be at the -office of Elias. D. Kennedy, No. 333 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, prepared to exchange compromise bonds for the old issue of Railroad:Bonds from THUR3DAY, 24th instant` to October let, both days included. JOHN M. CARCO. City Controller. mUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, LAW DRPLRTMENT. —A - Term will comment* on THRIISDAY, the let of OCTOBWR next. The Intro „dnetory lecture will be delivered by PROF. MORRIS. at EIGHT o clock in the °Yelling of that day, at the LEC TUREi BOOM, n the NORTH COLLkCin cep 7-tool MA. MEETING OF THE STOOK .HOLDER# of thnOIL OMER aliDlllDOWalf ItaILBOA_P 'OO PANT will =be held at the CONTI tiENTAItatOTE . in Phlladelibin, on MONDAY. Sep tember2lst, /80g. , .&t 18 o'slook- - • - ALB ET WILLIS 101 , 0808 DICKINSON, JAN3B A...,81G.11E. ,Y AMES - -H. MAYO. Commissioners. omv. , 86000 ll' PaCKIM21 0 3.. BLEVENTEf ANIIU&L EXFOO3ITION. kIaNSYLVANik cTArs AGRIOLTIATURN , SuCIETr. AT NORRIS CO wig. _ September 29 and 30. and October 1 ani: 2 The premiums °Mood comprise, in part, 100 p.wOmittms for Cattle ranging from 850 down; 86 for Gorses, rang ing from *12(0 down; 100 for 'sheep; 37 for Swine: $5 for Poultry :172 for Agricultural Implements and HitchinterY: together with many handsome premiums for Field and Dairy Prodnote, Dom..tic and Household Marnfactures, Fruits. Flowers, and Vegetables, Floral Designs. Ronne. Furnishing Articles, &o. Ono of the best TRACES in the State, half a mile long and fifty feet wide. Entries to be made on or before TUESDAY EVENING. September 29th. Ooropetiti , n open to Galante of every State. IN. mhorship 'rickets. 81. entitling to four admissions to Exhibition. Single tuimission, 25 cents. Simon-ion Trsims will leave Philadelphia every hour during the Exhibition. Fare for round trip. 50 cents. For Piemium Schedulee, giving all particulars. apply to A. M. SPANGLER, (in, twist Office, North SIX V Street, or to A: BRO bVER LONGKEE it, Secretary. NO RIEH OWN. Pa. - ' 11.18 St IM. PHILADELPHIA ANO RikIADING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office e 27 death .cOU.f:TH Street, 'Pminencromre. September 2, 1863. DIVIDEND-NOTICE:—The following-named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stook of this Company, The residence of several of them is un known. end it is, therefore, necessary that the certifi cates 'of stock. should be presented on ceiling for the Dividend. .8. BRADFORD, Treasurer. STOCKHOLDERS' NAMES. Mrs. Mary Blehop, S. Larmaater, -Timothy C. Boyle, Heavy M: Lewis. Clement Biddle, Fanny Mary HiteliersOn, Ann Copeland. John ?dolnlyre, - A. Emelt° and J.Vewbold, John. 8. - Moore,. 'lusteea, McKkight. Debnit,A. Hochee, Berg. F. Newport, Sarni T. Harrison. Benj. pat, James Hallowell, • W R. Rodman, James W:'Hallowell, Sarah Ann Richards. Catherine C. Kol.pele, Henry B. lherer. • Daniel Klapp, Maria L. Sadler, Mary Kahn, Andrew Tu , ncr, Chas. Kohn, Hartman Mrs. - Rebecca 111 rich, Kohn. and J. H. Kuhn, Ex, aeher M. Wright, of S. Huhn. • William Yonng, R. V. R. taiga(' Extrx.. W. 11 MoVicliar. and James G. Schaff. Ex. of Austin Smith. John Leisee. deo'd. Willis;& Co. ses-atrith-tf AVIS AUX BLEGANTS.-111. SBPH ZAUKEY, de Paris, °Brant de In Matson GRANDVILLE STOKES, Marchand Taineur, No. 6O CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, a lihonneux d'.aviser des nombrenx ands et counaissances (aim,' quo Phone cable. public) nut l'ou favorise de lear clientele. uu'i] vient de resevoir de Paris et Londres. les modes lee plus reeentes et lee mieun porteea pour la saloon d'ete. M. GRANDVILLE STOKES a mis a ea disposition les • ateoffes les plus belles at les maineures ermines. des pre mieres manufactures d'Enrone: Les offlcieree et.soldacs de tout grades y trougront lea meillenres qualites d'etoffee, a dee prla tree moderes L'elegance de ea coupe, ains'qne le.cachat de distinction one la caractorise, eat deja trop connu du public pour en ran eirivalar lanrp maritAft: iv9A-2m MILITARY NOTICES. HEADQUARTERS COMPANY F, IST REGIMENT GRAN' RESERV4S —The company will aaaemble on MONDAY EVSNING, the 2tat inst., at the Armory, Northeaat corner of E[G , I.TII and Cd_LLOWIIILL, ac 8 o'clock. for drill. By order" of B itE DUCINBUR T. Commanding Company. TO MEN OF COLOR-WANTED 1111MFDIATELY—Thirteen active. young, educated, MEN' OF COLOR, as recruits for 3d Regiment 11. S. Colored Troops, Col. Tilghman, to act as Clerks. They Intikt he , able to read and write, and have a fair knowledg. of arithmetic. They will be entitled :its sot. diers, but be as,.isned too my as quartermsetero' and com navy clerks. Apply between the hours of & and 7 P. DI , at Orifice of Committee to Supervise Recruiting Co. , loted Troops. No. 1210 CBES iIsITIT St-set. selB.4t R. R. CORSON, Agent. I . CORPS OF' HONOR. U. S. A. HEADQUARTERS RECRUITING •SERVIOII. INAALID CORPS FOR PHILADELPHIA, 043 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. t 'a. SOLDIERS honorably diSChaINDd 011 account of dis ability will apply for information or enlistment in the INVALID CORPS to Lieut. HUBER BASTIAN. Invalid Corps 243 S. Ttirdstreet , Philadelphia. Lieut. S. W. DB.S.N..lnvalid Corps, 511. Brown street, and N. B. comer Broad and Spring Garden ate , Phila. Pay and allowances, excepting bounty and pension, lame as in U.S. infantry. E. .W. ANTH aiRS. Major Ist Pa. Art. and Supt. Invalid Corps for Philad ifel• Pala. ans $402 B 013 N T.Y. RECRUITS WANTED For the 12th U. 8. Infantry. ABLErBODIED MEN between the ages of 18 and 45 yeare. THE ABOVE LARGE BOUNTY CEASES ON THE 25TH OF SEPTEM BER: For farther particulars apply to WM. ELRELEANT, Capt. 12th Infantry. Recruiting Officer, 229 South FRONT street. 11EADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL, THIRD DISTRICT, PA. - • POILADELPHIA, Septellaber 12, MO. Notice Is hereby given to all those drafted persona of the Third Congressional District, who have not as yet re ported thermelyee at these headquarters, that failing to no so bo SATURD AT, Septen,berlEl, inst., they will be immediately arrestsd as deserters. By order of the Board of inroiment. JACOB S. STRETCH, Captain and Provost Marshal. 'FRANKLIN D. S PE RABB, Commissioner. ALEXANDER C. HART, Surgeon. HBADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL. FIRST DISTRICT. PA, 245 South THIRD Street. th3IL.LDEI,PMA. September 12; 1863. yhis Office will be open daily. from BA. 04. - ho 2P. M Al) Dratted Men of the Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. and Sixth wards, who have not reported, and. whose time hie not been extended, will be apprehended forth lath OR deserters. • A reword of ten dollars will be pnidfor deserter's. The ELEVENTH WARD (being the Sixth Sub-Dfe triett will be huard in the following order: MONDAY, Fept 14, Nos. Ito 100 TITER/AY, Sept. 15, Nos. 101 to 200 inclusive. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 10, Nos Dll to 300 inclusive. TlEarkeDAY, Sept. 17. Not 301 to 418 inclusive. FIIIDAY and SATII.E.DAY following, for the hearing of cases generally. This will close the hearing of cases 3n the First Con gressional District. snit will be followed by the Prompt arrest of all who have failed to appear. N. B.—Substitutes have preference •wed, LEHMAN, Provost Marshal and President of the Board. CH kftLE3 MURPHY. Commissioner of theßoard. B. H. lit &HMIS. Surgeon of the Board. FINANCIAL. AMERICAN GOLD 330 - 0 - 0-121' AND SC>=o. DREXEL & CO.. 34 SOUTH THIRD' STREET. Tll SMBETARY OF THE TREASURY HAS AUTHORIZED MB TO CONTINUE MY AGENCY FOR A BRIEF PERIOD, AND, UNTIL FURTHER. NOTICE, I SHALL. CONTI- NUB TO RECSIVS SUBSCRIPTIONS TO TES 5-20 LOAN AT PAR, AT MY OFFICE AND AT THE DIFFERENT SUB-AGENCIES THROUGHOUT. THE LOYAL STATES JA. - "Z" COOTE,, SUBSCRIPTION /GENT, NO, 111 SOUTH THIRD STREET HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT Stret. Stocks and Loa's bought and sold on Commisson at the BOARD OF BROKERS. Sobscriptions to the 6-20 year six per cent. LOAlEstill received at par. No charge for Commission. COLLECTION OF U. S. CERTIFL CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS.—The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY. are now prepared to collect, at the TreaeurY Department; Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One. Year Certificates of In• debtednees _of, the United - States now due or shortly Terms made known and receipts given at the office,' No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. • p K-A E SHINGLING HATCHETS, BROAD HATOkIETS, AXES, NAIL FT A MATFIRSI SHOE HAMMERS, RIVETING F A limnflmES, and SITGINEER IfAISIMMRSI HANTTFACTITRED AND FOR SALB BY O HAMMOND & SONi 11213 0071iMESCB Stred.'Phila: Va2l-bno ARTIFICIAL FL 0W E RS.-T HE attention of Ladies is particularly requested to oar splendid asrortment (French and American), offered at prices exceedingly IoW. Ostrich Feathers cleaned, dyed, dressed, and curled expedttously and cheaply. Velvet trimming. furnished 'to order. M. J. V_ANOSTEN, its No. 29 South. FOURTH Street. ag CIDER MILLS, FRUIT PRESSES, rare, Garden Engines, gay 'arid Straw (intier.o , °rain ran ' 4c. F IZ I T,VAMIETH a sox, Imrdement and S.ed Warehonee, Nos.s2l and 23 South SIXTH Street.— FEACH.*TREES FOR SALE; IN large or sniall quantities. Fruit selected expressly for Pbfladeltitua Arta NPW York Markets. Address JOHL PARKIN, MOORESTOWN; N.J. selB.2t* RTItikWBERRIES, OF THE FOLLOW INO FIBST CLASS SOIsTS, theetolomwest ra"te,.s, T b i y . the hundred or tbotu3aud: " i li P Tr Aft " ' a non's Al. lunPh de Grand," Downer ro a, " Hovel's Seedling." &a.. . R GUIST & SON.' Nurseries Darby:Road. SeeS Want. ouse7-9Afli and 9A9L- • ,MKRICEIT Street. 8319 SS . - STATE 'MILITARY CLAIMS.— OFFI . croS holding claims - against the Stat.:l.°f Pennsylira-, nia for RECRuITINGi-eanaell 'them throegh the tinder. signed. if ProPerly authenticated. = . JOHN Bi.= P04131t0Y, • _ 6e- v" . 14 • 1868 . -443 / 5 QV 20 4 c EWA /10IIRTHig. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; 'SATURDAY, SEPT. 19, 1863. ATIONAL. - . /ION& • •- FOR MIDGE OF SUPREME COURT. DANIEL AGNE*. SENATOR-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT. 10th 11 . S. S. PA.NOO A.ST 11th " ISAAC A. 'SHEPPARD. 12th " LUKE 'V. SUTPHIN. 13th - WILLIAM Y. LEADER. 14th " S. FREDERIDE GETZ. 16th " WILLIAM F. SKITH. 16th " EDWARD G. LEE. 17th " „TAKES MILLER. CLERK OF COURT OF QUAIITER CESSIONS. GEORGE EL MOORE, CITY oommussiowarc.. PHILIP HAMILTON. By order,of.the City Committee of Superintendence UNION MASS MEETING-S. UNION STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROOMS, • COMMON WEALTH BUILDINGS, 611 CHESTNUT St, SEPTEMBER 9, 1863. Governor CURTIN, in company with distinguished orators from adjoining, States, will address the people of Pennsylvania at the times and Places named in the following schedule: At CATASAUGUA, Lehigh county, SATURDAY. Sept. 19th. At EASTON, Northampton county. MONDAY, Sentem ber 21st. At NORRISTOWN, Montgomery county, TUESDAY, Sept. 22d, At WEST caEsr - BE, Chester county, WEDNESDAY. At BEAVER. Beaver county, FRIDAY, Sept. 26th. At WASHINGTON. Washington county, SATURDAY, At INDIANA, Indiana county, MONDAY, Sept. 28th. At WILICESBARRE. Luzern: county, WEDNESDAY. Sept. M. At SCRANTON, Luzern county, THURSDAY, Octo ber Ist. At TOWANDA, Bradford county. SATURDAY, Octo ber 2/1. - At BELLEFONTE, Centre county, TUESDAY, Octo ber 6111 L At YORK. York county, WEDNESDAY, October 7th. At READING. Berke county, THURSDAY, October Bth, At POTTSYLLLE, Schuylkill county. FRIDAY. Onto ber 9th. At PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY. ,Ocbeber 10. We have r&onable hopee of having in the pending canva=s the aid of . . - Governor JOHNSON. of Tennessee: . Governor PIIRP ONT. of Virginia: - Governor BRADFORD, of Maryland: JOHN BROUGH, the next Governor of Ohio: Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, of liewYork; Gen LOGAN, of illinoie ; G en. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. And many other distinguished gentlemen, including many eloquent advosates of the Union Canes in Palen sylvania. No possible efforts will be Spared to secure as fall and thorough a discussion of the momentous issues now submitted to the people is the briefperiod now re maining will allow, and it is enjoined upon all friends of the Union Cause to secure the attendince.of their fel low-citizens upon the occasions. _ WAYNE MoVEAGH, Chairman.-' Gs°. W. EfAetnastv.hecretaries • W. W. Hers. eel° UNION . M.A•SS MEETINGS, CATASAQII.A, Lehigh County—Governor Curtin.. Ron McClure. R. S Mathews, Req. 'MITtLIXBUFG, Union County—Hon. WEL D: POET TREVORTON, Snyder County—Wm N. Arm strong. Es/. Franklin Bound, Fig. LANCASAR CITY—CoI. F. Montgoinery, of Miss.. and A. li. Chase, E-q,. of New York. BARTON—Governor Curtin. Hon. Ilia. H. Campbell Es-Governor Wm. F. Rail:won, Colonel Wm. S. MILTON, Northumberland Coamy—Hon. Wm. D. Kelley. Hon. Green Adams. DIUNCY, Lycoming CnmlyHon..l"ohn C. Knox, Ron. Henry Juhneon. ' WRIGHTSVILLE, York County—Col, F. film/tomer,' and it'. 11. Chase. Esq. -- TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. NORRISTOWN—Gov. Curtin, Hon. Wm.- F. John ston. David Paul Brown, Esq. WAYNESBURG, Greene Cocinty—Hon. W. W. Ketch am, Bon. Geo. V Lawrence. LEWISBURG. Union County—Hon.=, A. K. McClu_re. Hon. John C. Runlcel. OXFORD, Chester County—Gen. Butler, Hon. H. Winter Davis. of Maryland;. Morton McMichael. 'Esq.. Rev. Dr. Junkin. DANVILLE, Montour County—Ron. Greene Adams, Hon. Wm. D K4ley. ft WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming County—Ron. John C. Knox, Wm. H. Armstrong. Em.„ Clinton Lloyd. Esq.. YORK — CoI. F. MontgoinerY and A. H. Chase, EM. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. WEST CBESTER—Gov., Curtin, Col. John W. For ney, Morton McMicbael,Esq. •• SUNBURY, Northumberland County—Hon. Greene A& me, Hon:Wro. D. Kelley. JERSEY SHORE, Lycoming Connty—Hon. John C. Knox Wm, H. Arnistiong, Esq., Merles W. Win surd. '&4/. DILLSBURG, York County—Colonel F. Montgomer." and A. H. Chan. Etq. THPRSDA.Y, SEPTEMBER 24. - WHITE. HALL, Montgomery County—lsaac Hazel hunt., Esq:, Charles W. Jay, Eeq., Hon. Sas. H. Scovel BLOODY RUN. Bedford County—Hon. Henry D. Mo,me, John Scott, Esq., Hon. Samuel Calvin, Hon. S. LOCKHAVEN, Clinton County—Hon. John C. Knox, Wrn. H. Armstrong, Esq.., James Chatham, E.g. PHILADELPHIA—Concert Hall. HANOVER, York Counta—Colonel F. DiontgomerY and A. H. Chase, Esd.. BEAVER- Gov. Curtin, Hon. W. W. Ketcham, Hon Geo. Landon. _ . •SCHELLSBURG, Bedford County—Hon. Henry D Moore, John Scott, Esq., Hon. Samuel Calvin, Hon. S BELLEFOis.TTE, Centre County—Hon. John C. Knoa° W. IL. Armstrong, Esg., Edmund Blanchard, Esq."' GETSELLYILLE, York County—Colonel Y. Montgo mery and A. H. Chase, Ma. . (Editors of the loyal newspapers throughout the State are requested to publish notices of the above meet ing& eel 6" PHILADELPHIA UNION STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROOMS, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 17, 1863. . HON. WILLIAILD. KELLEY, at the invitation of the State Central Committee, will, speak 'in behalf of the Union, at the times and places named in the annexed schedule. Our friends are earnestly desired to have a full attendance of voters at these meetings: EDWARDS' GROVE, Chester county-Thursday, Sep- MIFFLINBIIRG, Union comity—Satnrday, Sept. 19. MILTt.N. Northumberland county—Monday, Sept.2l. DAN VILLE, Montour cvunty—Tuesday, Sept. 22. SIIIiBURY, Northumberland county— Wednesday, A SHINGTON, -Washington county—Saturday. Sep - tember 26. . INDIANA, Indiana county—Monday, Sept. 28. LOCK:HAVEN, Clinton county—Thursday, Oct. L TOWANDA. Bradford county—raturday, Oct. 8. ELLSBORO, Tioga county—Monday. Oct is. MONTROSE, Susquehanna county- Wednesday, POTTSVILL - s, Schuylkill county—Friday, Oct. 9. PHILADELPHIA — Saturday Oct 'lO. esoo WAYNE ifieVE &CH. Chairman. GEORGE WOOT.TEN, kir No. 31li South SECOND Street, and No. 29 STRAWBERRY Street WAnnuousa—JAYNE Street, Philadelphia. CARBON OILS, CAMPS, CHIMNEYS, &c. A tine 10E of OIL just received, which 1 offer at the lowest market rates, having made my contracts in the airing; before the advance.` in bond for export. CHIMNEYS in quantity.' at rsomfacturers' prices. Agent for Moore, Bros:, & Co.'s Patont Fruit Jarsi &c:, &c. sel7-thstnim 'no EIMER'S PTORN TYPES SURPASS all others in naturalness of appearance, trnthfo. use of aolorlng,and tasteful See, and judge for yourselves, at Gallery, SECOND St.. above Green, It L OST OR STOLEN--- . -ON THE lOra instant, in going from-Philadelphia to New York. a FACKAGE.contaming valuable Papers, including a me morial addressed to Gen. limeerans a sworn account of ' Mr. McGown-ngainet estate. of-A. S. Boone. of-Bedford county, Tenn.., for about 856. and the following , drafts; Pa meat of which has been stopped: - - W. 6. - Jett. cashier, draft on R. Cooper, part due and net accepted, for 'MOW. • • . Jett e' individual draft on H. Oooper, accePted, for $6,000. • Blank draft as to amount, drawn by Henry Cooper on Thos. Eakin, No. 99 Nassau etreet, not accepted. Also memorandum of purchases' and private papers.. including generalppass from General Rosecrans to Edw'd • Oilmen. and ' a Blllairamonnt of Money. - The finder will be ' suitably rewarded when returning the above described papers. valuable - only to the owner, to . • • J.. B. Ac LIPPINCOTT .00:;•• = 715 and MARKET Street. , 0 S T—Op.ILITFICA.TE - N0. , 12,. FOR L FIFTY SHARES OF STOOK In the DOLAW4I4E MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, in the name of W. A. NEWBOLD.' All persons are hereby cautioned a gal ne t•negotiating.the same,_as appllemiori has; een wade to the COIDIACUT foi tte vairrikV 'axl2ol3l2l* e POLITICAL. STATE. OFFICERS FOR GOVERNOR, ANDREW G. CURTIN. JEREIKIAH NICHOLS. BRPRZSENTAT'PTB? let Dietriot--WILLIA.M FOSTER. 2d THOMAS S. CHOATE. THOMAS T. WILLS. 4th JOHN D. Vitki'BoN. sth 1, WILLIAM W. WATT. 6th 1 ; ISAAC H. O'HARRA. 7th THOMAS' COCHRAN. Bth 44 NAMES' N: 'KERNS... 9th 4, CHARLES DIXET. COUNTY OFFICSES. RECORDER OT? DEEDS. LEWIS R. BROOM&LL. PROTHONOTARY 'OF MpTHICT MOUT. 4 GEORGE KELLY. , 00ROITEP.. WILLIAM TAYLOR. CITY OFFICSAS CITY TICHASITHICE. RENRY BETIYEN. SATURDAY, .SEPTEMBER 19 MONDAY. SEPTBNIBER2I. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. WHOLESALE. DEALER IN RETAIL. ERIC CpoDS. lk/f OURNIN G:CLOAKS,' At the BiABTLEg, SIIA.WLR. NEW MOURNING STORE. - 026 CRBSTNUT St ren. rel9.lm M. & A MI BRA & CO. COTIIS AND OASSIDIERES. Best Waterproof Cloths by the yard or piece. • Plain 'Nish Cloakings and Sackings. Blaok Union Cloths. • • Black, all wool, heavy Beaver Cloths. „,, Bieck Tricots nne to extraqualities. ••••,' Mee slim yeti* fine Black Ow taings. Fine Black ironoh Broadcloths. 0 ASSIMBRES. Black Doeskins:low price to extra fine'. Farley Ca-minor; a fur Gents' wear, Fine Cadet and Oxtord mixed. Boys' Cal•simores in great variety Linings of every kind for tailors use. - Fell and Winter veeti nen. ' One Case, good final 39, btoit style at li3- 1 5 0 . Balmorstls from 4;150 to Broche.Bordered Shawls - ; Woolen Long and &mare , Thihet Boawls—Children'a Shswle, - Cents' Shawle, extra size and weight. • CLO LBS. . • Fell end Winter Cloaks. : in RH ;the new etyles and at moderate Prices Cloaks made to order.' Mammoth stock of the right kinds of cloths from which to select. BOY'S FIRE CLOTHING-. 'Read y.mede jackets; pants, ofercoats.' Suits made to order for mon and hove. • ' COOPER dr COPIABD, ,it S. E corner NINTH and MARKET streets. MOURNING BONNETS Made to ord.r at the 7r 4V . , lIRNy MOURNING STORE, . . 926 CHESTNUT Street, 19-11T1 ntirEn st co .MILLINERY GOODS. FALL, - 1863. WOOD Sr, CARY, . . • .7f55 CRESTELT STREET, Haye now. open A LARGE STOCK OF STRAW AND FELT. GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, 4RI.BBONS, And a general assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of THE TRADE. sel7-3m STD FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, LACES, RIBBONS, & NEW-STYLE HATS, JUST OPENED AT THOS. KENNEDY & BRO.'S. No. 729 CHESTNUT S;reet, below Eighth. 50-3 m. 210,- EIGHTH-ST. RIBBON STORE, 3+ , 0.107 N. EIGHTH &MEET. We would inform our customers, and the ladies generally, that we OPEN THIS DAY a complete stock of MILDNERY AND STRAW GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FOR TEO FALL AND WINTER t•EASON OF 1863. 'Onr stock consists of • - ' Balmer AND TRUIALING RIBBONS. 'every shade and style;- ' - BLACK VELVET,RYBBONS, Plain, and with whit. and colored edges: F11)..T &ND STRAW BONNETS AND' HATS, the newett shapes; VILVBTS, UNCUT VELVIIrt. •ARTIFICIAL .I"LoVVERSI AND FEATHERS, - - BONNET-FRAMES. &c., &c. — By buying from the importets direct, and by constant attendance at tbe various auction sales in tsui city and New Y ork. we are enabl,d to offer a eplen rid assort. ment of geode in our line at the most ,eitsonable prices. A full aesortment kept up.till the end of the season. Country orders promptly attended to: • SICHEL & WEYL, - No. 107 North EIGHTH Street COMMISSION ROUSES. N. BERRY & CO,. • GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 26 RUE BERGiNtS, PARIS. PLATZINTANN, BERRY, & CO:, ViONS. ST. ETIENNE. AND GRENOBLE sele-thttrant NEW YORK, 155'DIIANS STREET. BAGS 1 BAGS 1 BAGS I NEW AND SECOND HAND. SUNLESS, BURLAP, AND GUNNY BAGS, Constantly on ttand. JOIIN T. BAILEY as CO., 113 NORTH FRONT STRUT. /Dar WOOL SACKS FOR SAL - an19•433n SIEN. AND DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. TUMN. 1863. - • DAWSON,. BRANSON, && CO., N. W. COR. MARKET & FIFTH STS., (501 MARKET STREET,) • INVITE THE ATTENTION- OP CITY AND COUNTRY - MERCHANTS TO THEIR STOCK OF FRENCH AND. E'NaLIS-H DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, &C. Cash Buyers will find it to , their Interest - to Examine our Goods. T. R. DAWSON 0. BRANSON!). T. G. BOKGARDNEGG. sela-2m FALL STO OD SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS A. W. LITTLE & 00. No. 325 MARKET STREET CAIIPETINGS. CARPETS! CARPETSI - I • OrAmv,s co - rzwv,,, 4- 10ARP - ET WAREHOUSE,: ptiTIISTNIIT- STREET, •;2• BELOW SEVENTH STREET, I have received, - • . - BY LATE ARRIVALS FROM EUROPE, Alarge assortment of NEW STYLES CARPETING, Comprising some new kinds of goods never before offered in this country, for parlor furnishing. Included in our variety will be found the FRENCH AUBUSSON CENTRE CA.RPErS ; d-LSO, FRENCH votANTE. TEMpLETON'S ENGLISH AXIIIINSTER CARPETING-. CROSSLY & SON'S 'WILTON VELVET' and TAPES -TRY.Do.: "r R. CROSSLEY & CO.'S celebrated BRUSSELS Do. With a large variety of other makes of BRUSSELS and TAPESTRY CARPETING. ItENTIERSON'S,CELEBRATED YENETIANS. . . With a foll variety of American makes of three-ply and Ingrain goods, all of which can be offered at considera ble rediiction from last season's prices. • JANES 11. IMRE,. CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH STREET. • sel7-thstutf CHINA AND GLASSWARE. KERR'S 'Furnishing China 4% Glass Establishment, CHINA 'HALL, 529 CHESTNUT STREET, 'DIRECTLY OPPOSITE IRDSPEICIYENOS HALL, FES Se the cheapest (for the quality) and most , extensive as sortment of _ WHITE, FRENCH, GOLD-BAND AND DECORATED CHINA IN THIS CITY. Snot opened, of our'own importation 'eighty-one (make very impostor plain WHITE FRENCH 'CHINA, in any quantity to suit purchasers. Also, a splendid assortment of Faehionable CUT AND ENGRAVED TABLE CRYSTAL GLASS. ,o plain white Englielt Stone Ware, Dinner and Tea Ware. Also. Toilet bete. In great variety, some very elegantly decorated. Jikar• Double thick China Stone WEue, and Glue, ex - HOTELS, SHIPPING,` AND RESTADRANTS. sar- French China decorated to order in any pattern air • Initials engraved on Table Glass. • China and Glass picked in a proper rainner. • ettiath-im •.c.: • . . PAPER . HANGINGS. PHILADELPHIA PAPER, HANGINGS. 'HOWELL It BOURKE CORNER OF FOURTH AND. 31.A.RWET STREETS, NANII,FACTIMI/RB OP • , P : JAI'EN`.IIANGINGS AND WINDOW CURTAIN- PAPERS t'' 'Offer to Gat trade a large and elegint amortment of f , o ec od o e r . at ix o n the cheapest Brown Stook to the taut , N. E. CORNER FOURTH'S MARKET STREETS. :13.4-Solid. Green, Blue, and Buff ',WINDOW PA.- :PERS of every grade ag selo-2mr TWOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS.-WE have a ..'ll - .FITENACE IN 'BLAST, • and Ire prepared to attend to, orders for !OTTL.isp of t every' deseriptiou, • r 'GJAVBENNERS. : 211 Booth FRUN'fltreet. PLANTATION: BITTERS. The aid* of the Plantation Bitters is without prece.liel in the history of the world. There is no secret in t 1 matter. They are at once the most speedy. strengthen ing health -restorer ever discovered. It requires but a Phials trial to understand this. Theirparity can always be relied upon. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark. Cascarilla lark, Dandelion. Chamomile Flowers, Lavender Flowers, Wintergreen., Anise, Clo ver-bode, Ontnno-oetd. Snake-root. (lonia*. 'Corian der. Burdock. S.-T.--1860--X. They are eissoedally recommended to elerrymen. Pab apcakern, and persons of literary habits and eedea tary life, who recaiire free digestion, a relish for food, and clear mental faculties. Delicate females and weak persona are certain to Ind in these Bitters what they have's() long looked for. ' They purify. strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite.' They are an antidote to change of 'water and diet. They overcame effects of dissipation and late holm. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prey( nt miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and' acidity of the stomach. They cure DYsPepsia and CoastipatiOn. They cure Diarrhma, Cholera. and Cholera Iforbne. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Readache. They are the best Bitters in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great re The following startling and emphatic statements can be seen at our offtee: Letter of,Rev. S. F. CHAIM. Chanlain.of the 107th Mrew York Regiment. Nii ACQUIA OMEN. March 4th, 18821. Owing to the great expoeure and terrible decomposition atter the battle of Antietam, I was utterly prostrated and very sick. My stomach would not retattrmedicine. An aiticie called Plantation Bitters. prepared by Dr. Drake, of New York. was prescribed to Rive me strength and an appetite... To my great surprise they gave ins immediate relief. Two bottles almost allowed me to join my regi- Irma. • • * - • I have since seen them need in many cases, and am free to say, for ; hospital or private PnrPoses I know of nothing like them. RAT. E. F. CRANE. Chaplain. Letter from the Itay. N. X. Grum. St Blehuville, Pa.: GENTLENHN You .were-kind enough, on a former oc casion, to send me a palf dozen bottles of - Plantation Bitters for S3.QO. 'My wife having derived so much bene fit from the 1161 of these Bitters. I desire her to continue them, and you will plesae send ns six bottles more for the money inclosed. . I am. very trey, yours, A. R. GILDS. Pastor Ger. ReL chareh. &AMES' HOMII. Supsanrrninoires OFFICE!, 1 ClNarNmem, OHIO, Jan. 113th, 1863 I have given your Plantation Sitters to hundreds of our noble soldiers who stop here. more or leas ambled YOM varieW4 causes, and the effect is marvellous and gratifying. Such a preparation es this 11 I heartily wish hi every family, hospital, and at hand on every battle field. . G. W. D. ANDRGIVS. Superintendent. Br. W. A. ernm'oe, Surgeon of the' Tenth Vermont Regiment, writes : --• I wish every soldier had a bottle of Plantation Bitters. They -are the most effective, per fect, and harmless tonic I ever need." WILLARD'S ROTSL. WABSINGTON, D. C.. Nay 224 1883. GigivrraiKEN ; We require- another supply of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of which daily in greases with the guests of our bone°. Hoepectinlly, SYKES, CHADWICK. & CO. lee., &a.. &c.. dia Be sure that every bottle bears the WI-simile of our signature on a steel-plats label, with our privatejetamP Over the cork. P. H.- DRAKE & CO., 808 BROADWAY. N. Y. Sold by all respectable Druggists, Physicians. Bro ilers, Hotels, Saloons, and country dealers. y23-thstnifSin ARMY GOODS. ARMY HATS, ARMY HATS ADOLPH' KEEN, No. 62 North SECOND Street, PHILADELPHIA, blannfs.cturers of all kinds of FELT ETATS; have on hand a large assortment of all the various- and most approved styles of . ARMY 1:1-A,TS-. Orders by mail from sutlers or jobbers will be prompt ly filled at the lowest rates. je3l:3m FROTHINg-HAIVI els WELLS •HEAVY MEDIUM, AND LIGHT.SHBETINGS AND SHIRTING'S FTANDARD DRILLS HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VIOTORY CAMBRICS AND SLECLS. - BROWN. BLEACHED. AND COMET JEANS.-" No. I% WORSTED YARN, Ac. sel.s if tf FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. E7Tl 2 s-I\TS MILITARY FURNISHERS, 4IB•ARCH STREET, - PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regirnenthl and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Passants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Canteens, Haversacks,. Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army' and - Navy, Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. selo-tf ARMY CLOTHS! ARMY CLOTHS! WIL!AAM T. SNODGRASS' ARMY, NAVY, AND CIVIL c - Loieza ROUSE, 10114 EOLITH SECOND and 113 STRAWBERRY Ste; ARMY AND NAVY ALL SHADES AND GRADES. CIVIL: ALL STYLES AND PRICES. OUR MOTTO: `'QUICS SALES AND GOOD PROFITS." en22-tee23 G. 'W. SIMONS & BROTHER, SANSOM.STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURER , ;t OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS : AND MILITARY GOODS IR EVERY VARIETY. au2l-ll6n. SILVER-PLATED WARE. SILITER PLATED WARE MANUFACTORY. TEA SETS, CASTORS, WAITERS, —, ICE PITCHERS, &C., &c. WILMR. & MOSS, ses-2m 225 8011TH FIFTH STREET. UMBRELLAS.' UMBRELLAS 1 UMBRE LLAS 11 WAT. A. DROWN & 00., NO. 246 MARKET STREET, t PHILADELPHIA. • •. • . Manufacturers of SUPERIOR UMBRELLAS' - AtBUY A HANDSOME SILK OR Gingham UMBRELLA. with Matey handles. Buy of ' JOSEPH FUSSELL, sel6-6tlf Nos 2 and .4 'Barth FOURTH St., Phil& 1 14 ,, SCOTCH GINGHAM UMBREL LAS, on bed steel frames, different sizes and qualities. Buy of JOSEPH FrissELL, sel6-6tif Nos. 2 and 'Jr North ,FOURTH St— Phila. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. MUSICAL BOXES. TTN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, Playing from 1012 tunes, choice Opera and Ameri. tan Melodies . FARR .k BROTHER, Importere, eel 6m 324 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. HOWARD Sr. CO.'S First Masa AMERICAN` WATCHES, With MERPHON'Et PATENT REGUL &TOR. Poi sale by the principal WATCHMAKERS. sell-lm AMERICAN WATCHES IN 2, 2. 4. and 6-oss. SILVER CASES, C. Et A. PERFIGNOT, Afanafacturers of Watch Cases. No. 32 S. - FIFTH Street. au.25-tritholm , z : Between Gheatnat and Market. G. RUSSELL; MITE AMERICAN and Inorted. WATCHES, Fine Jewelry, Si/ver and lated Were, Es. 1313.8 m eFINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to; by the most eiperienced workMeia,, very Watch warranted or onejeg rsiou.s AS Wort)) AIXTH "Area. l A ARE SUPERIOR INGOT 'QOPPER, from the imygdaloid Mine; 'in stirs rid for sae is quantities to suit, 84 WOMRATH'S, .10%-ede ••• • • 416 ARCA strut, _ . •'Dr." Mahan has traced 'Oat hie nriticiPlee. from their roots to their trenches =Wt./mace trt their smallest twigs. He is like the demoMitrator of agagomv, li,gin ning with tle spinal column. and the mahr braoches of novae. and following them OTA with cereal end m to tmly -skill until he ban revealed. the inangrarible ulti mate filaments, that line all ti.o inside of Lae skin,- so that no pouctire can be made anywhere alh over the body without infringing noon than; Yet, whiwelds skill is animated with the reverent logiYhf inductive eelence; while it is sparkling w;th wit. glowing with eloquence, and flashing out. occasionally with..ontbursts of irre pressi ble lnauty, the' basis and eallAtkinee of the Whole ie arithmetic " A MANUAL OF DEVOTION 1 Vol, printed on tinted paper, dodo; red The'" Family Prayers" of the late Henry Thorntroa, Pee.. of Clapham, England. from whicn this volume hoe been chiefly compiled, were preAented to the compiler ify a dietingnished gentleman in Canada some three years ago. They have been TIFIed in his family wor , htp eines with great acceptance, and. he trnate, with epic!. Wel. edification. Tie only Mienfication contemplated at first was the no-- emery change in the petitions relating to civil rulers and Government, but on a carefat eaamination of them in reference to publication, other changes and modifica tions seemed to be Deed id in Ihe suprly of certain omitted topics. and in stibEtitnitons and additions to some ex- tent. —.Extract from Przface. WAR PICTURES FROM TB SOOT T. By B. Estvan, Colonel of Cavhlry in the Confederate Army. 1 vOl.. _l2mo. PP. SU. Price. sl.2p LIGHT. A new Novel by a new Author (Helen Mode). 1 v01,12m0. cloth. Price, $L2.5. PiCIUREH L-Or, What We Think of Ourselves and What the World 'Make of Tfs. 13v Maria futon'', I vol., limo. cloth. po. 978 Price, $1.50. A GLIMPSE OF' THE WORLD: By the Author of 'Amy Herbert" Miss Sewell)! bvol., 12mo, cloth. pp. .428. Price. $1125. MADGE ; or, Night and Morning. Ey H. B. G. lvoL. limo. pp. 407. Price $125 • WHAT TO EAT, and How to Cook It.' Containtuir 1,000 _ . . . P: Blot. 1 vol., litteo, pP..259. Price. $1 • A SUPPLEMRNT TO DR. URN'S DICTIONARY' OF ARTS. MANUFACTURES, AND M 1 ES. 1 very large vol., Svo, cloth. pp. 1096. Price *6. irrobeep bindine. Price. *7. - - HEAT CONSIDERED AS A MODI3 or uo-eroN., BY John .Tyndall, F. RI S With 101 Illustrations and a . . . coning Index. 1 vol.. 12mo. elntb. no: 4'o: Price. $32 A CRITICt I, HISTORY OF FRE , THO - G-HT. in Re . ference to the Chrtption Religion (Be mptnn Leetnrea). Ry A. S. Yarritr. 1 v01.. 12n0..p. 497. Price. EIR TBR NATURAL LAW OF lir-SHAND RY. By Justus Von Liebir. Edited- 31v John Myth,. M. D.. 1 vol 12.m0, pp. 187. Price, 8160. D. A. & Co. will send either of tha-above by mail, free of expense, on receipt of price. selß Et A Second Series of a very interesting and curious book. by Walter Barrett, 12 - 4plete with rsminiseences, at esti otes. wit. humor lively personal sketches. pri vate and.pnnlic gossip about the-old a yd great Merchant Princes of New York city—a little bit oeverythiog and not too mulch of anything. Toe fist volume had an immenseelsle ' last year, and tlie"second series is now ready. One-elegant cloth.boundivolume, By a WITNESS. One of the most charming and en trancirg.volumes that haveever issued from the French press. Fresh. dramatic. graphic-and lively, it coo-ands with the same delightful interest ts at made " Lee Mile rabies" 'so AvOnderfriny 'art, active. Bo 'reader 'of that .marvel ens romance con be eats- Ad wi horn tic "The Rory of Victor HUT.O'd Life." One hand come five,. cloth bound, price id. 25., And nearly ready, Renatee TERM," tranFlatpd !rem the French; and "TTRUENZO;" a new novel by Rutnni. Tbese boolm are sold by allboetrsellere, and will be sent by mail, postage free. on receipt of price. by el9.Fdrwtl CARLETON. Pnboaher. New York.. NEW BOOKS-- Just r`ecelved by J. B. LIPPINCOTT ar. 00.. _ 7114 717-MARKET Street. STANLEY'S SERMONS IN TED; EANT PALMONLI or. the NIIMERALI OFF'SCRIPTHRE. By H Mahon, D. D CLARK'S ELEMENTS OF THE ENGLISH LAN MIA GS: ImMEK-EIE; and OTHER TALES; from the Germon.' Paper. THE AMBER GODS, AND OTHER STORIES. By Harriet Slips beth Prascott PHILIP VAS ARTEVELDS—a Dramatic Romance. By H.-nry Taylor TICHNOIt'S HISTORY OP SPANISH LITERATURE. New edition. 3 vols. WENDELL PHILLIPS' SPEECHES, ADDRESSES. and LEA TEES. - TEIIRAN ON THE IRON MANITFACTURE.OF GREAT BRlTAlN—theoreticaily and practically considered. HOSPITAL SKETCHES By like LaM Alcott THE CAPITAL OF TEE TYCOON:"" A Journal or a residence in Japan. By Sir R. Alcock. '- "sel9' 6 6 CI,ET THE GEIE A PEST'AND BEAT." THE HOLY BIBLE=HARDING'H EDITIONS. Family, Pulpit. and Pocket. Bibles, in beautiful styles of Turkey morrocco and antique bindings. & new edi tion arrangbd for elteen. to thirty-two Photographic Portraits of families. Wholeeale and retail. Photograph Albrims in every variety of style. rich Turkey morocco, antique. ivory mounting- , . ornamented edges. &c., , holding- from-lwoLve• to two hundred photographs, the largmt and best assortment in the city. Prices from one dollar to thirty dolle,ra WILLIAM W. lI~RDTNG. It* No. 326 CRESTNIIT'St.„ bet. north. south side. NEW BOOKS NEW EUOKS I MEMOIR OF REV. E. J. HANY.ts. By his Mother. MAN ON THE OCEAN. A BSok forßoys. 'By R. M. Baliantrns. (11 .50. THE BELIEVER'S TRIUMPH. By Rey. Jas. Smith. $1.25. THE THREE CRIPPLES. 50.c.mts.• LITTLE AGGIE'S FEE' H' SHaVir DROPS. By F. M. S. 55 ccnts. MATTY'S HUNGRT MIFS4ONARY BOX. By the au thor of " VIII age Missionaries: &c. 35 cents. HOPE ON; Or, The House that Jack Built. By. F. M S. 3.5 cents. MARTHa'S HOME: and How the Sunshine came into It. By F. M. S. 35 - cents. THE PLEADING SAVIOUR. - By Rev. Janies Smith. WILLIAM. and ALFRED MARTIEN. sole, HOS CHESTNUT Street. CAUTION. Several persons who have ordered lifr. Trowbridge's new book, "THE BRIT - 11111ER BOY," have had sent to them an old volume with a similar title. The party sending it knew better, bat oftentimes the buyer does not-dt.enver the fraud, Raving heard so much about "Tim- ?law 3ITVENILP.." they have or dered "The Drummerßoy." and are. of course, disap pointed, not knowing that they have received the wrong book. The title of the new volume is " TBE DEB ItirdEß BOY. a Story of the Burnside Ex-. pedition in North Carolina. By the author of Father Brighthopes. " legantiv illustrated by Barley. F old at all principal Bookstores. `-It is a story of Bnroside's Expedition in North Caro lina—a boy's book—frill of stirring adventure en'l rapid inc•den t. The life and entbiireittqm of the young here is painted in vivid rotors. "—New York Evening Post. self -to the St - THE' ONLY. COMPLETE WORK .ON: MYTHOT.OO.Y. THIIEE VOLUMES: LEGENDS OF CHARLEMAGNE, AGE OF FABLE, AGE OF. CFIIV &LEY, Elegantly Illuatrated, in neat Box. Price $7.50 Half Cale. library - *10.50 Full Turkey, extra 115 00 Fon. WM. H. SEWARD. Secretary of 'State, says of this No liberal education is complete without a knowl edge of the mythology of the ancients At the same time. the worke devoted to that subject. so far as they have fallen under my observation. have bean. either too pure-, ly didactic for the perusal of general readers. orelse so. elaborate sato seem to exact more ti me than, they could bestow. This work seems to avoid these inconveniences. and is, at the same time, just !tuella. one as the, classical read er requires for reference.' From GEORGE B EateRSON, LL'. D., Member of .the Mas sachneetts Board of Education; and author of the "Re-. . pert on the Forest Trees of Massachusetts:" ' printed by order of the legislature. "rhave last read the l.gends of Charlemagne,' a very, delightful. and. though.' it is all fabulort.. a very useful book. The storites are admirably well told, in language which. for delicate purity and unaffected sin - olicity. le a model for young. writers to imitate. The Illustrations ars spirited and in excellent taste: and, the. whole presentation of the work is most creditable to the American Press. This beautiful volume is a fit follower and companion of the excellent 'Age of Fable' , and • Age of Chivalry.' Together they form the best introduction that has yet ap peared to'tbe great and noble body of English poetry. They will furnish abundant help to the teacher and to the mother in explaining allusions M text books, . and In the more precious volumes stored for leisure hours; AND HENCEFORTH NO LIBRARY CAN BB CONSIDERED TOLERABLY COMPLETE. worm DOES NOT HAVE-ON.ITS SHELVES 'THE AOR OF TABLE.' THE Aug OF CHIVALRY,'' AND THE LEGENDS OE CHARLEMAGNE.' 2 ' PUBLISHED BY - E. TILTON & CO. Sold by. allprincipal booksellers. sel7-ths2t AS North SIXTH Street. NEW: PUBLICATfONS; D . APPLETON & CO., Noe. 443 and 445 BROADWAY, PUBLISH THIS DAY P A L M O N I: I THE NUMERALS OF SCRIPTURE REOOF OF INSFIR AVON A TRUE INQUIRY BY M. MAHAN, D. D., PROFESSOR OF RcerrisrAsTrcar, Hrsrvar IN • TAIIK GENERAL- RHEOLOGROAL • SEMINARY. 1 `VoL 12mo . Goth, ~Y. From, the attreh Jtourrialt DOMESTIC AND PRIVATE Vft BY GEORGE UPFOLDD: D BIf,HOP OF INDIANA. edges, $1 IX A. & Co. have Tecently Published 4. .. . . T.W 0 - 1 . NEW BOOKS L -OLD, MERCFIANTS OF NE W. TO IL VICTOR AUGG.-A - LIFE IN PRESS 20 CENTS* -GO3YEY FOR OCTOBER PITCHER'S. SOS CHESTNUT Street. 84318-St 1011 - AZ ARD'S BOOKSTORE, 4; - 1 - 1 - • 124 CHISTIII33, STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth Streets. All Books =natty to be bad b a FIRST-CLA SS SI3POISSTORE, . Win always be found on our shelves AT . ThE L °WEST PRICES. sel2:em BRIGILTI,IrS 4NNU4L ,DI GE ST FOR 1862 h-V•11 .1563 —Annual Digest of, ihe Laws of ..Peninglyania fah the years 1862 and 1663—namely, from 21st bay, 1861, to "6th May, 1863. Together with some Laws 'of ' older date, inadvertently omitted in Pardon's Dizeay. Completing Brightly's pardon's Digest to the liPesent date. Prioe 60 cents. • • „. Just published and for ssie by HAT BBOTHBR, ,Law Booksellers, . 83 . 7 . 3 t , "` - Ifo 19 South SIXTH Street. J UST' PUBLISH.Ep THE LITTLE SPA-BIRD. Pour illustrations. 113 mo. cloth. Acta.' QIIESTIONS FOR FIFTY-TWO-BIBLE LESSONS. Rev. William P. Breed, Islmo. 12 cro. Sir • -4 THE 'KEY T 01.930 QUESTION 9 ON THE NKW TRS TAMEN r, containing also important Biblical and flisto .. rloal information. 10 Ma. Published and for sale b 9 THE AMEROAN, SUNDAY SCHOOL mom, No. 1.1,.%20 CEURTATTWint , Pub.- AUCTION SALE. BOBAZAAR- nNTEI AND SAN. sox Streeta. _ AUCTION SALE OF ilth.a 66, P.SAARIAGEB, AND 114.14N13.3. OE WEDNESDAY Mpg:ONG. Eept. 24th, at 10 o'clock. ,-ampriisitot FIFTY ..g.tlitSKS. LSO, A large 401/eettov. desrate • riesrlilif otte`i'lkiegi Carriages, Wagons . . 11 arness, Ate , wit4P. the' ealttt Nrin commence. poe/poneTet an account of till' Weather /Pe- Matti fOriber clothe the bold &fee - of f10r.40.0 rerrlog• e. h c,. overr IAfEIYIf. , SBDAY anel bATUR.D'ar MO 0.11.1N ,- • S. at 11To'clOCF. t5k.2.11 - A.NNITAL THA:DIt- ,PALE OF - 1.4 , 0 CAR' 106 OBS. Ac r , on Nirmtqf,', , ,j) ,y, dictobqr 11363. , OP AT,PPFT VF,Tr.7NFSQ An,innopr, AM US F_IMENVS. WALNIIT-STREET Leper )1,-. NT. A. ITARIATTOBr. TAR RATITRDAY EVINSTING, gert 19th, FAREWELL APPEARANCE of the Spattek' Artiete. SENORITA ISkREL OttP46 I.n which occaoion te will appear, for the .1.1:t4 time. Lit , the steal military drama of Tlll5 FRENCH SPY. The performance vglll ,oromence with Uivo mel o-d ra ma of LUCRETIA. 13,PRINA. Ln mat' gia (first appear» n ce in th i» citk)Satla:Ci Ferrite Box nifiCP op n from 10 A 111 - till 3 P M. nel9 ALNUT•STREET THEATRE Lessee Mrs. M h GARRIMMODr TEE GREAT VMS VILE ARTIST . ; Ml , s LiarTLIA argsrg¢p. A11587f3L1,43 MrFs LUCILLE WEiTERIT, Commensal] e brief engagement at the W LW 1 ->.TitRBT THEATRE; MONDAT, EEM EMBER 21gt. Pimitee, moat potitite!y rthr, ugh otbefengagnmetith): Bit gran TS lifIFS WEE..I.ERN•irfIt appear in S X of her meet cela braced Aseamptions. AEK frREA'r TRITTINPIIB' &aria% the paet twn PPA4OIIP havA pet.Nbed Oa- BnitlTlPtit• YOUNG - ATI CIST at. once to the zenith of bietronic fame, ant.ranklizit- , deserv , _-4)y, ac . THE - GZEAT DRAMs:TM ve.DR.A.GTION OPT DAL. MilSB IiIrY,STARN by auf Elriflca - ff r YOTSIS•G• AcTOR, . • NE: CFIoftEES BARFLOY, and (1411411117 of nnuWal strEmged e.i.d excellence talk-2t , 'NEW CIFESTI4TV-ST. THEAA'RE.--e- AL Leezee ald Manager biz% Wif. wAtAT.LB-c, SECOND WEER T'R TII3I-1 1 1..A4 NTLY jw. 77 , F. STY C GrWSFErt, Granilio.mantte ftntitlod rrea DITR - tra MOTTO: fn wil h . MR. CoLLMTS. who Lae idircbaset: the eole rbeht, of reproseut4tion or th Ls gint9- Play in wrier.. will annhar as - • ' CotRIEICHTEETIBB, an Irish Soldier orl , ntrine. Wink. the aonga. -Bright Wae," and ~ 1 0.11 k, rberva Life There's none:"' MR. Vrtf. WHEAT ...WY in hie great character of CAPTAIN AE Isl DE LA.t.7iTtltmllll, supported the follmsing talent. Mt F Mordanst. • E, Lamb, 1. W B 1 aiee4l. 6 C Dultote, 5eV.1314114 E B Polinen; Charles Einifi, and othe'rart Mfeßee Mani Wells. Rose Xytloge, ChaTtes Berri . glrt arc The pht.7il4 produced yORGEO t/B STYLE, ENTIRELY SCHNEE NEW Ct 3 TUNES, • NEW irErRNITErEtt- A DC:CRIY. cORPS * DE - BALLEI'. and BOPER.01:18 A'aXELI 4 REES EVERY ENCErftia, TILL FURTHER IFOTRIB, _ During tbo evening, the Oreffr9stra, under the ,11- tton tf MR. MA PH' RASSLMR, will perform lections of. Poptt - Mr Music 84314-tf J 011.5 NEW ARCH -1- - STREET THZ4TRS—AliCiq,St*eet. alpve Sixth. Acting and Stage' tratrager WIN S FREDERPTVI. &ohms Agent a neTreaenrer.• ... I.IISI D: BfLittPlitr. TUE RI ITTANT CK iffeaS "OPERA' TROUPE in new Comic '0 rent: TO -V , trEtT, • PATTFRD'At THE R1)81fi OF Trrtor. Berthold.. o... Deluding with P OVERT MAC hrßgi; Prices. of Admission, 25: EA and 75 Coots. Scats secured withouVextra charge, at - dui Bois Oftioe,. from M to 3P M. sel9 PO • 'AIX - ELY TtE LAST •.WEEIC - • OF C. - AMIN-4E GHOST! - In conneetiaz with the great AigKRIGAN E'TEREOPTICON. CONCERT HALL: Reserve& 3eabs seemed at the ga , l daring the day. Matinee on SATURDAY Afferno sel4-11t TEMPLE OF WONDEES--ASSEMBLY Ri~ILDIiO9, TENTH' A.NI) CHESTNUT STREETS. Amusement:for Old and Yonnz Mirth and happiness open for the aaaeoa. Conctant change of Entertairunent. SIGNOR R f,TTZ. MONDAY NYNNTNO, fzepte . mber 14th. and ever: eye-. ntng, COMTDC4/10i2g at 735 o'clock. and Wednesday atilt Saturday at at co - nsivine of New' Mysteries in: Necro mancy, great success in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Bird. inirßion ZYcente; Children 15 cants. pENNSYBVANTA:. AaADEMY THE FINE ARTS. 16'45 CRRSTNIIT STREET' OPEN DAILY (Sundays itsceptedY !vim 9 'A_ M. UM' 6P. M. Mif MOD 25 cents. Children half price. jeD-tt ED! CATIONAIL. NOB MAL Tc'tl ICAL INSTITUTE.— No 6:84 North ELEVEIcTI4 StrPat. sel9-11e ' JOHN BO *BR. Princirril. LA DIES' ACADEMY OF - ART.-- - Pbothgraph Painting, - Crayon, - and Cr.ynn, and Tvarytyping - thorGnedv tans ht - 7.5y tlie node*-igned, at the South ve,t corner of TENTH' and AftCU nrre4ts. Pl 9 - Si . r!. ETTREOWR wA3rrs. WANTED-TN . A LA.% Y ER'S - OF-'- *T FICP, an ERRAND BOY, I,..twen 12 and 16 Years old AddrApP, fn oAn handwriting and with re ference, to GT. 13 ~" at this Office: sel4-ni2hsAt WANTED:— A PLACE AS - SALES-. MAN-Mc., Ina bookgtorfi by one of long expe rience in the bogineeß. Ready to xo to any oart of the United Stsoep P Bede - Johan. references given. Address A. J. 8., Bulletin office: selB-St. IVANTED' TO INVEST" OR - Pl7ll - t FE—The interest of a. retirine; partner or Elva in th. Pradve , . Gonnni.sion. Grocery. or Fieb.. bneineeP. A ddrem "''Huston." 600 North TENTH Street. Philadelphia. selT3t. WANT E-P $1.5 PEE DAY. WE " want reliable. energetic =masers and agents every county, for a genteel bushings at a 00211110.6511 A of from S 6 to 816 per day bTo hambrig. Experienced canvassers preferred, but room for an. Address _ . o: i)IINN A; CO., Pablisheri. At either- Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicago, erg . s* RUDE Btreet, New York. g~gi • A MONTH! NTT- NV -- .4.N1 7 - B.AGENTs - at cr4o. n mouth. PR - D. , ISPSD Add , to Hell our EVy.RDAVIING - PENCILS, ORLENTALIIIRITER,q and thirteen other artioleo. 75 Circulars frPst. MAW & CLARK; Biddeford, Maine. sell-d&W3m Akt DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER.: me.=....GENERAL'S OFFICE. - PEITIADRI.PRIA, Feb. 2. 166 z. VESSELS-WANTED Immediately to carry COAL to the following nointa : Tortuous. Ksy West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. - Alexandria. Va. - Newhero, Port - Royal, S. C. A. BOYD, -No-tf Contain and ma.t. anqrtarma.t.r. BOARDING. WANTED—BY A. FAMILY* OF - THEME, after :January 1, next Two Chambers, or Two ChawberF and a Parlor, %with . Boarding% is a Private family, or where there are but few hearders. Address, with particulars and terms, "COPE," this office. - sel42t*" B OARDING -VACANT • ROOMS, DT second and third story, at 415 South FIFYRENTEr street. sels-6t* THE HANDSOME RESTDENCE; 1031 W ALICUT Street, will be opened for reception of Boarders in a few days• sel2-11n. VIRST,OLASS BOARD ; HA.NDSOMB commiiiieatinr and givgle room; private table, if desired, No. 1315 WALNUT I. treet. Bel° lm* 000 ~ , 3 5; 0 0()., $6 000 •AND OTHER:. . 29 9 Sum=. t , loan en mortgage at 5% per cent. E. R. JONES, 209Sonth SIXTH Street. itlF, 000 WANTED; .AT EL VE . PER • *--• 9 Cent. , Ist mortgage on several bpnses Apply to BORE ar aricanGoß, - 419 wAratur Street.- centrally located It 82 5 -THIS AITOI7NT WANT= 000 , PD. or; ai valuable improved store property. Obe.tnut.stroet, below itith. ale° $l l ,OOO to loan one mortgage or ground rent; will be divided.. . .. . . Apply to spilt? FOR SALE AND TO I.ET. Tar ANDSOME WES T - PHILADEL PHIL LOTS.-1 lot 1(0 by 160; Ido. 90 by 205;.1. do. iro by 214; 1 do. 75 by 816., all having two fronts; 1 do. 100 by 1115;-1 do. 100 by 1 , 3; 1 - do. MO by 1 - 26; 1 do. 60 bY 110, corner lots:- 1 fo. 40by 1544 1 do. 61 by 1 00 ; 1 .do. 40 by 165, and numerous smaller ones. for , a. 1.1. 1). CAThW•LLADER; I.og South FOURTH. Street. FOR SALR—NEAT - CIOUNTRY -- 'we FL. CE, Six Acrss. near by railroad station and, vino mboat landing , 13 mils:, from ths city. Prica only; $1,300, FOS PETTIT. 30 0 4 WALNUT' Street. 4 - PA .., WALNUT sTREFIR:--FOR SALE' WI with irninealits nossession,„ No. =l9, brown stone front; rpodern cenveniences,.brA P.and I. H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH Street . sel9.3t. et - FOR SALE—FARM, 32 AORES,. rood buildingt, at Sander Station, North Pennsyl- VElllia. ThilTol , ll' Farm., 24 acres, DPP , Sonder Station. . FOll3l, n acres, at Lansdale. Farm, 31 acres, Tansboro. near Atlantic Railroad. New Jersey Also. a large variety nfls: , ge and small fsrmt, country. seats, 'building sites, in different parts of this and other States - B F. MANN, 123 South FOURTH Street. sel9-tf and S. W. corner SRVENTEENTH and GREEN. 4114 FARM FOR SALE IN CHESTER, - , -t—County. four miles from Downingtown. containin g , 108 acres, well watered, buildings new, Sce. This ie. a Igo. 1 farm In every retisact• Apply to p• "PIMMAIL 404 North SIXTH Street, or to O..PAXSON. eel9-Iml on thepromisos. FOR SALE-VALUABLE - FARM, 'TO , -t•-• Acres. one mile from railroad station: eight miles, from the city.. Also. Chester County Farm,• SO acres. within ten minute': walk of railroad station. Call and; examine register of farms. ' E PRTTIT, sel9 309 WALICEIT Street. COAL - YARD FO F, R SALE. BEST' N. , fitted up YARD in the city. Capacity for doing any. amount of br Sill aim Inquire on the premises,. No. 957 Noith NINTH Street. below Girard avenue. GROUND' RENTS --q3.0,000 - WELL . secured , ' Ground Ben , e, in the old city proper, in_ sumssuit pnrehasera. Apply at eel7:3*. - 1511 ARCH Street. SECOND HAND SAFE, FOR - . I SALE. ThS)subscribeis offer for salaone of Evans ,it,Watoortra.. largest size (No. 17) SAFES. =mooring outside 86 inches.. high, 6634. inches wide, and SO inches doep; inside. 66. inches high, 6236 inches wide; and 17 inebas deep. havinit , no further use 'for the - stme. It ie perfectly. good: and, Will he sold at a low Price. selB 6t 5 - W3L SELLERS &-CO. .CARRIAG32.9. . - 1119163 . _Lk.; lOW% Coach. and. Light Nos. 1609 ant CELNSTNIIr STRUT. 1140-6 m PHILADRLREM. WHITE PREBERVECEI BRANDY, PIIRE CIDER AND WHITE' , WINE VINEGAR GEM "ENGER. MUSTARD SEED, SPICES. "aLVT•iin REQUISITES POE rdriSIBTING AND PICKLING PURPOSES. ALBERT C. ROBERTS; Dealer in Fine Groceries, s. Comer ELEVENTH and VINE Sti6ts. •-:'JOHN CAPEN;THRENOLO, GIST. maybe consulted, DLY and.a3V9NING. adaptation to Business., , Trade. and Prolosokont on the improvement of ' correisuoa "or faults. • formation of frioricliate, aco.. oull de, 1 ocriptiorni of character given whoa required at No. 91* Ft TENTH Street. above Cheetztec sa-t.45t36-0 Richingg. Mr. S—Sernisi.. _ Pg PPP. 309-WALNUT Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers