• htladelphla Markets. Snrrnanns 10—Evening- There is rat or more demand for Fleur, but prices tiro unchanged, •• th isles of 1,410 bbls Western at $.175(45 for ettparfine4llo latter for he& ground ; 1 , 5@5 , 60 for old atcok ext r a and extra family, and SSW 00 "S bbl for fresh -groan Ohio family; 1,(00 bbls fanny Western also sold at fa@ 60, and 1,200 bbls City Stills do on private b alm Th retailers and bakes; are buying within the above ran of prices according to quality. Rye. Flour is scarce $5 V bbl. Corn Meal is held at $1@1.26 , P bbl for Pen lvania and Brandywine Meal. GBAI .—There is very little demand for wheat, and r prices e Without change ; sales comprise about 5,000 imas at .15(7t't1a2 for inferior to prime new red; sl.3o(rot al for of do. and *1 •Itol. ./A 7 e bus for white—the latter for p e Kentucky. Eye is dull at 96098 c for old, and Bit@2obus for now. Corn is firm; about B,o o o.bus wee n mixed sold at 52053 c, and yellow at 84c 7 tl bus. Oats re in demand, with sales of new at f4@ktric, and old r 70c weight. 1.100 bus Barley sold on private ru is • 'Wee n N.—There is no change to notice; 60 hhde Ist No. 1 faueaton to' el li i 5:10 V ton. CIFTON. — The transactions are limited, but holders nrolrm in their views; several small lots cold at 7007.1.0 lakcash, for middlings. OCERIES.In Coff ' ro there is no change to notice;heo Ids Cuba Sugar sold at C.@ / 1 3 , 7 c la let and 60 knee Mnsovado Molasses at no?. gal. provisrows —Holders are firm in theiyviows, but thesis not much doing: 50,000 lba bagged Earns, and 600 r o oity-pacicsa Mess Beef sold to the Government On iVate terms. Batter and Cheese are scarce and Ira ) Lard to trm at lek(7 , 4oXe It th for tierce. r . IISKY is (10 , 1 and lower; about 200 bbls sold at 62@ 6 tad drud a,- at 51c , t , gallon.' I ha following are the receipts of Flour and Grain at :is port todny our C 17j` x T 3 7-4 1., s FltEfiH Cn;\ roe GINGEIL—Messrs. Davis h 4 Richards, (successors to the late 0. H., Mattson ) , llealers in fine family Groceries, Arch and Tenth 'streets, have just received a nem invoice of fresh planton Ginger, in .Syrup; also, dry Ginger, Pressed and Sugared, very fine. "A MAIO:TED MAN'S ADVICE." Young man, if ever inclined you be To enter the portal of matrt mony, Be wary how you go through it ; If I beg of my wife not to pet or to tuas, She only replier, "You're so cuss, you're AO-cues, (You're ae cuss, you're accustomed to it Pi No matter how tidy or well•dressed you go, Though your clothes me from the store of Charles Stokes & Co., Meath the "Continental," where you may view 1 it 0 ! , If your wife be &evenly you'll be in a mulls, And you always will be, till you feel you're ae•cuss, You're ac cuss, you're accustomed to it- TUE PILIDOS.OPHY OF DRESS —lt is not given to all men to understand the philosophy of dress, and there are.many who mix up "leather and prunelle in a manner that would have quite dis tracted Pope. Even the shrewd Duke of Gloster, after his triumph over the scruples and prejudices of the newly-widowed Lady Anne, had misgivings <as to his taste in the matter of, beboming costume, for he talked about employing a score or two of tailors to Study fashions to adorn his body, The safest plan for those who would dress at once elegantly, becom ingly, comfortably, and economically, is to patronize stuck acknowirt*rti experts in their business as Mews. & Wilson, the proprietors of the Brown Stone flothing Hall, Nos. 603 and GO5 Cheat,: not street, above SLxth. There is no such word as fail there. • , AMONG the n o ticeable facts of the Polish insurrection is the establishment of a, regiment of pards- 0 Zouares de la Molt , ' The costume is iery effective, belt g of black, braided With yellow, P 5323. a large white cross on the breast, the whole sor ted by a rcd fez, and enveloped in a cloak ded with red This, no dodbt, Is a very pretty dress; but, in point of neatness and attractiveness, r*nnot compare is the least to - the elegant styles of ()lathing manufactured by Granville StOkes, Mer- chant Tailor, No. 1309 Chestnut street. *PATENT t YENTTLATED HINGE SPRDW NiAdraxasna, made by the best and quickest work. araef in the city, at die Went End Store, 1408 Cheat. Mutttfeet, sele-it ten's EASY, SLEEP SOUNDLY.—Buy one of :E. ten's Patent Ventilated Hinge Spring Mat str see, the beat make in the Union, at 1408 Chest m atreet. . _ selD4t AREIViIi, IT THE HOTELS, UP TOis titOLOOk LAST NIGHT. "Girard—CifeSTii tit S' 6 Van Riper. Heir 1. - Crk ,11 S Evans: West C nester .1 Smith, Wee c Maw.. . fir Fickey.jr, Bailin ‘'re 32i B Tebbe; te, 5 i w 'Cork :f. F Pelt?. 1:1 S Ng% v AV 0 Shinn New .1. r.ey 3) Mcßain, New T , :',x p 111 Elmore, f 1.11 . ,,;. ;Nile, W T Cushman [C William, ,N. w Yaric hoe Whtrvm. it mon Bing New York- ~. ohn king, New york eo Harris, New Jersey : no Thompson, N. w v ork R Davis & wf. New lurk M Gardner, It. c... Jos AI Heiner, Pen. a Mrs Fulfield & child . j 3 P Cochran. Dela w. re lel- .1 Squires, alary.anil g F Price . ..S TLongstrest„Wiit. et:liar: T o :Mrs Clagett &2.e, Jut 24 . 13 Prince, Bal , inni re - ZITS Hunter, Mgry 14no. 0 Hine & vet, Obi,. eT Osborn & veLsa l' Mpol is p !mug Maore, Bailin/ore II Willits. Eakin Wm fileFarien, Baltimore B T Filler, liontert y 3) A. Fottlev, Wyoc.. mg 1' Porter. Worniup: 0" Fishes, Ohio i ' James Orr, Phillip- burr John Flanigan. Bei . {mare Jenry Miller; Laj)a-,ter ohn Nish. Lanesi-t..r J Brady,.Chicago 3) 5 Moore, Milwaukee it - B Davie. Milwaue,,, - M Leonard. Otri!orn m John Leonare, - Cat Ito ruin B B Mills, Cai Hamra. B WheeleriNew , ,o k George R Smelt, ei'ltmtown John Tnrl,2lew 'Fmk J Pat ter sapHattie..re B B Field ' Few 1 1.. I:. B pols,.Broolili u C H Oilier & sic. lietton d Balm, Chicago Goroshaerrital i nth Dilarke, Newes•tio, Pa 31 Wins, Petits° , e llßkinner, hiebiko ILIMMYI NEW York Patterson ice go VB Peterson, Mitsui ,IlLake wf. Wheeling" JO Ly lord, Y. Levy, Memubis J ad Rosier, New Orisarts J McHenry, Cineion a ti Cpi Hubbard, Cont.cettertt JMutphy. New 'Yolk i nt Bodine & in, p A Stowed/. Tiow,‘ Rifles 61/iodine. Tiok tt. ea K Mather, U S A Mrs Thncher - (I &lustiness, Kent %irk y Bra'Rubl Sr dr, Rei,c,wily Mrs Teidhareit, Keutitcky G Kimball, Qs N tp L. Ky i Blamer. Penua KrEaaitY. Wa: 11, Li L'Moora P Brown, Piiibbiirg Cleo T Brown, Was a, D 0 R Shepard, Wa ,111 . Williams, Lis,' pool Ara Williams, Live] pool ,_litaigt, Livt ,pool MIES Redyard, Li ye, p.,01 Stevens. New Toll. rseAßoudel, New fork Bes S Dondet hew Park .J 13 Croll & la, '24 w Frank Mchien,gh, t. ear York Mrs Curlentus &t: !llama F Marsh, Jr, Boston Geo B Eckert, Rending 'r McFadden, Jr. Pir, , ortrg Miss Brown, Wiholugton lira Harris, Kenai ul: , Johnson, Providence G W a damß, MB, B'.llt G Kendrick, Waterbury ast S Haohnian & la.< al . N_L Brinkley, Merapbis IV 13 Westerman & Thos F Atherton, Wilt cob EMcNeill. Kingston CO/11311, Wall. g. ,A_C Thompson & de. dab Miro AL Green, I ~r k J Hoff. ITS A H Emery, Lin el J Anderson, Pittsbur :11 B Perm, Massachusetts John D Wait :L T Rees, Liverpool C F Howey. Beer Y,.rk .1 . M Sanders. D sir York C Hall, New York BY. Anderson &li R. d "ord C 0 Chapin, tiaestivlitt,..Etis ffy Embrey, Sew Wl3 Wyckoff, how EH Lathe, bt Jame;, Y.. 1 k Cbas Et Field; J'eor!R W Jones, Ciretnna i T W Atkinson, Balt doore Y A Harris, his sia• ossrts Cranston. rk Mrs Frazer, Pcnnat Haldeman, Prins Bobt Boyd, Jr, & ia.. U 8 N Capt T J BatTy, U S A - J S Breese. New Y k •W Domes, BaJtituore P Gifford, Wiscomi u MoOloslcy, I '4 ork S A Hatch, St Louis iChas M ()shard, st 10:tris B Sullivan Nerchantse—Pnatrt 7 HHitting. 011 n;:v P Goodman, Mat, lana H Mooney, on. street. below Arch. Geo Wolf, Easton , T Crocker & Nvr, 'co% Mia 31 IC Ward, Norrztmsr,, H Fisher • Q C Elmer, Bildt:: tcn L Mooney, Ohio J Et Thornberry, Olti , . . Jas Blakely. r Venetia., Pa J C Porterfield, P. ror a Hathaway..lllicoio MoKeage, Celtic uy -hum Cl W Howholder, he 'o Hill "Xf C Fisher, Huritin,don 'W Fulton & fens, Su , .w Hill Jas Archer, St Loni., .1 oats Fapenschied. St Louis L"Kretner, Patna W WalLack. Ai. tic or!, 0 S Jitooh,- Ashland, 0 L Devamor, Flint *nu , 0 Jae Healy, Donis H Vanderslice & n, U S A, H S Myers, Princeice W MoMicken, Aurers, S MoMicken, Au ra sa, 111. E Sullivan, Brost lyu <leo Sanderson, Scranton Chau 0 Hunt, Mt mutt H Origin & s,ware Bats, Easton ;Miss Coryell, Easem Seebold, Louisville .A Meyer, Pittebni g 11 31 Shafer, kfersorsl.nrg H Levan Bch so J Cahn. Ashland Mos Rudolph, st Imola W . Rudolph, t tLoit's 'iss Baxter. St Cook 'Thos Magee, Betbleb.m. H Hater Hibtou C Curtis, Larayett. W C WiEner. Michigan IC W Pyke, Lafageir- Amerlogui--Citestiatt Dietnrnell New 1 urk Unman McNamara S Black, Pittsburg -John Tobin' r J M Dickson, II 8 A. , :rtobert Morris 118 Newell, New York , John T Bhephard, 0 Lie :7 it Fauntr fae Ba rt urg Oarcelon, keine H Snider, Easton arid Pratt, Bastes d W Beininger, lissdiag XI B Stoat. Needing A. Strawbridge. Che -tor co gas Barmier, Ches. tr :Daniel 'Stubbs °baster co NH Stubbs, Mary 11,1 ISamUel Dickey, ' Ox ro r 1 r a. 8 Bowers J ra, Aland .419_111.er, r, Bari scum J W Woodruff, New Haven 47ategeelkl'ir,`.edIfi,g _ll. Blilebler,New York Vene, Waahingtou . , 1,920 bblek .10,400 bus. 3,020 bus. 7,700 bus. otreet, below Muth. Mr Newton & wf, Va W II Newton, Delaware . Mrs Newton, Delaware R El Browse, Vireinia Miss AI B Browse. Virg;nia II 7' Martin; Ravenna S Johnston. lowa C E Ways & wt . , Virginia 0 Houghton, Bosfort W 'Verner, 01rn Carbon' Jno Kerr, Washington I Painter, Westmoreland co Dr J C Sally, U S A Mrs B Van River, N York J S Brit en, Philadelphia J M Mosely, Virginia - RP Messily. Virginia HS Porter, New York Mrs TL 'ranter Sr ne. Dal It Nelson, Baltimore B H Jones, Rentuokr W 0 Swaney, New York Dr (I walker, KentnekY H P Fenton, Cairo 31a arose, Memphis J ate Donate, Halifax, N 0 J Bould, Halifax, N 0 - S Carswell & la, New York Mee Carswell, New York W C Kirke. Baltimore S E White. Baltimore 12( C Calman, Ohio D L Cochran. Bagerstawa Jotin Druhler. Hagerstown ill W Fritz, Hagerstown S Smttri alt wife, Hagerstown •J-1110 telman Sr boy, Aid S T;Kirk wood, BAWD:Lyre James Kennedy. Nair Pork Col C H Rosters, Phila. ' S,T Albertson, Pinta WP Clyde, Del g. Et Balch, New Y4rlc , . • iL Griggs, Waterbury I B Brooks & wf, U et N wra Carewell, New York !Mee Bauer, Chicago I R Andrews, New Jersey ;LO Richardson, New York in 11 Peck, Pennsylvania ' McCullough, Bid ,ClintonH %gar, New York John A Owens, New York nd Chestnut streets. G W Bishop & - wf, Ci.n., 0 G Bishop & wf, fliu, 0 Rapt Emmersou, tr 8 N .T A McGreevy, New Jeyeey G TDOWILISZ wf, Louisville Miss Downs & br,LonisviLle Miss Kintner. Loaisvige a Pierce, California ' kiss unnniu g, e York G T Gnmbrill, Baltimora W Ranskam, Bsttimore 8 1, Bird, Bsltdmore WFt Waters, tit Louts W Firmstone, Bastes Yrattll3B. otusyllle J ti Crosby, Bangor X Plosrer, Nashville E tt Hutchins, II S N W .E\ Andreas, II 6 I D Boas, Harrisburg G W Krause, Harrisburg I shell J Nevin J E Sweetser, Boston Stephen H Phillips, Salem W Bennett. Li S A IF Pargason. MeraphiV Oeo Ewert & la. Mew York ar .1 Farrell & wf. Wash Miss M E Davis, Wash W M Kerr, Harrisburg C D Barret & wf, Wash M Parker, II S--.W Miles Westerman Adams, Baltimore A B Semßle, Louisville Alex Craig A: la L N Town, Boston H Napier, New York - - • A• PorrY, Wasoington H °Timbal% New York ID S Gondloe, Lexington Chae Sliver, Pottsville W Wolff & la, Pottsville Miss 0 J Wolff, Pottsville H Plummer, Sandusky 1 J R Cannon, LonLville B S Seymour & la, Manchstr Chas T Morris, Baltimore W L O'Brien, Baltimore P A White & wf, Cincinnati ! H Folsom, St Lords " • IT N Billings, New Jerzey Wm Lewis, New Jersey 'John H Austen, New York S Dickinson & la Wm Corles, New York • Jacob Shunts. New Fork - Mrs Shnrts, New York A Edwards, New Jersey I A Bassett, NSW York 'lt C Ti Hord, lourington, - John Woods, 'tacks co J T Sanford, New York I H RweF flop. Boston J H Barton," Chester, Pa 3 C Pnlfey, Boston W L Hartung. 'Wash, D C .Tno B McMullin, Penne, Robt Turner & la, Baltimore Mrs W T Turner, Baltimore Jos Stine, Baltimore Henry Culbertson. N York J P Crozet & svf, Chester, Pa Mies Crozer, Chester, Pa B Griffith & wf Atittith . rie & wt, Chicago L M Guthrie . , Chicago Miss T Gams, Wash, D C Mr Laris, Baltimore C Newmann, New York A Ayers,New York D F Bakr, Cincinnati Jno T Howard. Dubuque El 8 Hagraw, Panne Eclw Pierpont, New York Mr; Wolf. ineton . . T G Stevens, Penna J G Stevens. Pa Cheaire Sr wf, Del City Wilson B Boyd, Maryland Gee H Sterling, Puma Scott Coyle, Harrisburg Oppenheimer, Indiana B Oppenheimer. Pittsburg D Fraser, 13.1timore B McCauley, 13 8 B F Pettit, Pittsburg J G Evans & wt. Haven Capt -Reichardt, Wilkesife Lient Griffin, Scranton - Lt La France, Moscow Samuel Travis, Moscow Lester Brads, Moscow L C Wade; Yale 8 G Turner. Plymouth J E Herr, Millimsburg H Hassenping,Mitilinsb'g W Chapham, Ditfilinsburg S Dunbar, Prescott. Wis W D Sterling, Prescott. Wie A-0 Snyder, Preseott,Wis 13 C Dorkstader, Wisconsin John Matfett. Pittsburg Id Kline, Mercer, Pa H Let, Jr, AllentownS Paterbaugh, Wilkesh'e Wm Kocher I Jos Wilson, Paris, Ky Gortner, GoPhan, Inuit Nathan May, Kentucky Edw Barton & wP, Donna a M Jelford, Wyoming 11 .T 'raper. Wilkeebarre George W Hensel, _Penns, Liout H Warner, II S E R Wilson, Allegheny. T Griffin, Salem;Mass E Greenbaum. Baltimore. J S Graham, New York street, above Infth. driss"Dunlap, Easton &Ussl. Snyder, Easton Dner, Jr Robinson,.E oWllm, ,Del E Myers, Georgetown, D C 0 F Child, Washington J Crossley, Jr, New York W Mahoney 5f hr Newham. Washington D P Elmer, Bridgeton C L Bennett, Pittsburg. Thomas C Pasant, lowa Miss B repent, lowa Miss L Paseitt, lowa H. Wiley, Pennsylvania, a, Dudley, Camden, Del B Rupee, rooklyn rr L Wirt & la, tganvcrer,Pa WO Bliss, Boston 1G Keremann, new York Et J Calberbon, Troy , Y 'Geo Sheldon, Meer Jersey John Craven, Salem. N J A Knreheedt, New York W Yeatman St. KOnia—Cheatnint, A Oarveriek, Harrisburg W Hoopo, Pottsville C N Haldeman, Penne W Ware, New Jersey Et Jorgensen. St Louis. S Limdedi. Illinois P 0 Fan Allen, Denville W B Rosenbaum, N Jersey W „I Che7ne3- Penne F McFadden, l'enna W Aloore, New Jersey 11 Berdoselt, 11S N .CH Thurber. 13 S C B Wilinivright. S A W El Tiers, U S W P Howland, lISA Jilej B W Dyer, Baltimore Gee It Bentley', New York Fritz obi Stone, New Y. rk J N L Dtilnor, Baltimore The Union—Arch a A Hayman, - W.heeling, Vs. Mrs Moll, Salem, Ohio Miss A Smith. Pennsylvania, TAM Hill & 2 ch, New Jenny. .1 Lone. Wilmington, Del E D Hollowell, Phila Adjutant liunert Lieat Goodman.l7 S A Unam Torrey, New York J S Newcomer, Maryland. Dr W N Adams & in, Lane Mrs Herr & dau, Miss Sitio , T Potts, Chester co H A. Young, Penna Mrs Howler & da, Tamaqua Jos 11 Mort St vitro J 0 Beason, Millyille Is Stone. Mass ' John Sullivan, N Y Miss Sarah Carrion. J A Moore. Penna Geo Itownian, Ohio L Knehneisen, Ponna E L Nolin, Pittsburg States Unima—Blarkie A P Erb, Harrlsbuft. Pa E Doughertr, Alluererfile Ji:rzi es Crothers W Johnson, New Jersey Jas Maxwell, Now York John 11:arper, Bedford Robbins, Bedford B Brewster. Boston J W Jones S.: la, Betty York W Gates d James Bnrk W . l? Burlington Robert Bean, Burlington Commercial—Sixth et Jas H Walker, Oxford Chas A Rex. Mauch Chunk T Buskins. Oxford W Lev is, Vi'est Chester W B Wilson Lane co, Pa Robt A Dennison P Smith M Diluters. New York T Walter, Chester co . C Id Ballard, New York '` C Petermann, Mt 'Vernon, A F Zimmerman Jos lit Fulton. Chester co ,T A Thntten, Chester co W T Mendenhall, Chester co National—Rae e of S Skater. Liverpool. Pa J Smii h. 17 S A Chas H Pyle, Lebanon, Pa Wilson Camp, Penna .T BllZaufman, !Walden Creek J Reichard, Allentown J Z. Long, Centre co, Pa S 11 Long. Virginia SV Coodenow, Biuncy, Pa Black Bear—Third Amos Kehler.Berks cc John W Reesler & la. Pa T B Heiner, Allentown. Ft Sel lett, Allentown Edw Clertrr, Penns Jas T Tool, roma S H .Sanm , , Cooperstown illarens Funnel]. CoOPIMPA'n S Metzler, W ooster, Ohio Barley Sheaf—Secork A endwallader,Doylestown Lient .1 11 Johnson, U S A W r Horsy, Doylestown 't• S Hutchins, Washington Moore, Washington Chas St ackhouse, Tacony Jl2 Plum. lladtiontlehl 'Hu s Auld, Doylestown 'J J Larne, Spring: Valley Jn Ilibb, Newtown Bsid Eagle—T.6lra S L Schnaufer, Orwigsburg Daniel Hums, Centre co Mr., Knnes, Centre co T S T.eiEenring, Pittsburg H Wannentacher, Pa Jacob Zepp, Montg co F A Boos, Allentown .Tor RS Ott. 4iii6lltOW.ll W T Seholls. Allentown Wm Stahl, Allentown Jo.stah Swartz, Allentown Madison—Second st BB Woodall, EloYvha, Del J Chase, leeltos, Del tient Hall dr la, New York J Rogers. Pennsylvania Jobs. Smith, New Jereey Toseph Smith, New JereeY Enritunt's Hotel—T . lo Jas P Butler, Salem, NI .Tobn C Allen. Philacla J Jessnp Sr fa, lowa Capt JR Uorton. iT s A Liam C W Perkins, Penna Laeut N E Has , Penne, SPECIAL NOTICES. TuERE IS NO OTHER SEWING MACHINE capable of making more than one hind of stitch. The Florence makes four, all perfect and alike on both sides of the fabric, besides having the reverse God motion and many other advantages over all other machines yet offered. Call and teat its merits at 430 CHESTNUT Street. , --- 9 DYED HAIR YE 1 BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR Dyz d 8 tile Best its ha Tirorid. The only Harmless, True and Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes god. Rusty or Gray Hair, instantly to a Cirlosnr Black ar Natural Broran, without Injuring the Hair or Stain ing the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beantifai S im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring lie pristine toles, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes.. The geralille is signed liTiimAst 'A. BATOREIDA, 'alt others ire mere imitations, and should bo avoided. Sold. by all Orr.ggists, &a. FACTORY—SI BARCLAY Street, New fork. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the . _ ONE-PRIGE CLOTHING', OF THE LATEST krYtze, made In the nest Manner, expresali for RETAIL !ALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked. in Plain Pt. tares: All Goods made to Order warranted eatistactorY. Our Onn-Parox Srernai is strictly adhered to. All are hereby treated alike. delg-ly JONES & 00., 604 MSEttI3T Street. ELECTRICITY, PROPERRY APPLIED, IS NATURE'S BEST REMEDY. —The office of Dr. A. H. STEVENS, No. 1.41.8 South PENN SQUARE, in this city; for the reception and treatment of patients, will reopen WEDNESDAY, Sept Sd. The Doctor's long experience in the use of Electrical Currents, in this city and elsewhere, has been thoroughly tested by the many who have been cured at his rooms, as their certificates in his possession testify—the same being open for perusal by any one who may choose to call. A limited number of patients will find Pleasant rooms, with board, in -the Doctor's family. His location on the Square is not only central, bet also,n very pleasant and healthy one. Office. hours from 9 toll A. M.. and from 2t04 P M. au29•tf DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE .LINIMENT IS A certain remedy for NeurOxia. - MARRIED_ GiBSON—LESS. —On July 10th, 1853. by the Rev. E. W. Butter, b. Theodore Gibson. to Miss Lida S. Lees, daughter of Wm. Lees, Esq . all of this city. No cards. [Cincinnati papers please copy. . BARNES—H ES.—On Thursday, 10111" of September, by Rev. Henry Morton, D. D. , John S. Barnes, Lieutenant Commander 11. S. N., to Susan Bainbridge, dmghter of the late Thomas Hayes. of this city. WILTBA N IC—BRANTON. —At Eh. James' Church, Sep tember-10th, by the Rev. H. J. Morton, D.D., William White Wiltbank to Edith, daughter of Judge Brinton, of Im:waster county. CHAMBERS—TA ITT. —On the 10th .instant, at St. Phi lip's Church, by the Rev. Charles D. Cooper, A. Reeder Chambers to Fmma H Taitt, all of this city. ** ViVIPT—GRUBB —On Thursday, September 10 at St. Mark's Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. E S. Watson, William H. Swift and -Rtiza C. L., daughter of the late Chailes T. Grubb, both of Wilmington, Del. No cards.* D=ED, CHAT .E.—On Thursday, the lath inst , John Cl. Chase. in the 67th year of his age. - 9be body will be removed from Ins late residence, No. 2146 Mount 'Vernon street, to New England for interment. Cue notice of time will be given. FRYER.—On the 10th instant, Emeline C. (of Phila. delPh /a), Wife of William De Bauvoir Fryer, formerly of Bath, England, daughter of Edward D. and Jane NimmoY. — fct. Louis capers pleme copy. W EDENS. —At New York, on Wednesday evening, the Stn :inEtallt, Mrs. Julia, widow of Francis C. Wems'es, rout erly or this city. _NE SYNOD - D.—At his residence, Cloverdale Farm. Bar /jug connty,l9.' J., on the 9th of 9th month, 1863, Cleay. ton Newbold, in the 81st year of his age. - -Flts relatiVes and friends are invited, without farther nodes, to attelfdlds funeral, on seventh- day, the 12th in stant. 'nt 1 o'clock P. M.• Mool/.11. —At Wilmington } i Del., on the Bth intt., John. 3loore, in the 24th year of his ace. relativcs and friends of the Sitniiy are respectfully invited to attend his funeral. from the residence of his father, Benjamin L. Moore. No. 811 Market street, Wit- Atton, on Sixth-day afternoon, the 11th inst.. at 3 o'clock. TiNES —On the Bth inst. • Sarah A , wife of Charles Stines, and eldest daughter of Joseph and Mary Dena e. 'the relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly, Inv ed to attend her funeral, from the residence of ter father, Forty-third street, above Haysrforri, -West Philadelphia, this (Frida3 - ) morning, at 9 o'clock, with out further notice To proceed to Woodland Cemetery. * hi al:Sen.—On Tuesday morning, Bth inst., Martha Byre, - wife of Peter A Keyser. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend' her funeral, from her husband's -residence, No SK) North Fourth street, on Fsiday morning, 11th inst.. at 9 o'clock. To proceed to Germantown BAER —At Norristown. on the 9th inst., Rev. Charles A. Baer, pastor of Lutheran Trinity Church, of that Funeral services will be held on Friday morning, in Rev. Dr. Hal SeY'S Church. The congregation and friends are respectfully invited to attend. The Lutheran Clergy are ' , nodally invited:to attend. .8130 WELL.--At Torresdale. Philadelphia. on Tuesday moaning, Sth inst , Edward B. Showell, of the city, in the 32d 7 ear of his age. His friends and those of the family are respectfully invited ( without further notice) to attend his funeral, on Friday morning, Sept. 11th MSS, at eleven o'clock. from his late residence, No. 121'orth Thirteenth it. * LLB REOWN—On Tuesday evening, Sept. Sth, Bonne ville De Brown, in the B.6th year of his age, TAL HAN. —At New York, on the 9th instant, Mary W., widow of the late James T. Tatman, in the 77th year of her age. m 0 URN IN G GOODS, .FOR FALL SALBS.—Just opened. Fall stock of Black Reps, Cashmeres. Illerinoes, Bombazines. M Tameses, ousselines, Silks,Baratbeas Throne, Australian Crapes. Paramattas Beps Anglais, Oriental Lustres, Alpacas. - English Cranes, Veils, Thibet, Long and Square Shawls, Also. Second Mourning, Flannels, Balmerals, and Dress Goode of various fabrics. ' BESSO.N & SON". Mourning Store, tele 918 CHESTriIIT Street. VYRE & LANDELL OPEN TO-DAY, Par Fail Salee. .Rich Printed ' Merinoes. Delainstr, Rept. &e.. Arc. EYRE Si LANDELL OPEN TO-DAY New Silks for Pall Sales. Corded Silks, "Figured Silks • Moire antiques, Pont de Soles, &e., •PML4I.D.R.E.PUIX POST OFFICE, IIMBEt-TSSIBRR 1 0 0.063.—Mails will be despatched from this office, per steamer SIMMS, fox Port Royal and tbe Vilest Gulf Blockading Sinaardn, on SATUR DAY. September 12th. at 10 o'clock, sit Fell 2t C. A. WaLBORL P. N. NOTICE.— THE ANNIGA.T., IN G of tb e HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY will he held on TUESDAY EVENING, September 15,Iat the southeast corner of NINTH and SPRING GARDEN rtreets, at B o'clock. The members, and all persona de sires of uniting with the &OAT this aseeoe, are re kpect fully invited to be present. sae 6t. E. F. STEWART. Secretary. OF PENNSYLVANIA, IMlatir DEPARTMENT. --A Term will commence en Tlftitt DAY, the let of OGTOB'gR next: The Intro ductory lecture will be delivered by PROF. MORRIS. at MORT o clerk, in the evening of that day, at the LW '3 Ma ROOK, in the NORTH COLLEGE eep 7-t ocl M. THE PENNSYLVANIA. FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. September 7, 1863.—The Pet MA have this day declared a DIVIDEND of SEVEN Pi LLARS and FIT VT CENTS par share on the Stock of he Company for the last six months, which will be paid t= the Stockholders or their legal representatives, after the 17th instant. WM O. ORO lerEL acS•tlii Secretary. A MEETING OF THE STOOK . FOLDERS of the OIL CREEK AND EIDP WAY LAILIIOAD COMPANY Will be held at the CONTI MENTAL ROTEL, in Philadelphia, on MONDAY, Sep. timber 211341863. at.l2 o'clock M._ A GEORGE DICKINSON. - JAMES A. MAME, JAMES EL MAYO. Commissioners, Street, abo-s-c , Third 9 )3 T Super & la, Baltimore A J Kingsbury, Baltimore Sohn Williams. Wm Green F Devereux, New Jersey J B Bragg a: la, Scranton airs W a - Bragg, Porantoa C W Eyater, Chambersborg S N McKinley, Pittsburg W M.O raham. Cincinnati L ,Sneileker„New York Dr Mattson, New York . W Norse; Jersey City W Scofield, Albany. R.Tadkins, Albany 'rhos Monroe, R cheater John Garriteon. tiew York H Eaton, Pittsburg D,rfohnea, New York reet. above Third. Sharp. Pennsylvania Dr Baker, Illinois John F Rohrer, MeVe) town C t, Buck, Fenneylvaaia J F Silva, Florida C Damson Jr, Lancaster J Colwell & da, Caraberland Min RI Henry. Luzerne co EL EL Chandler, Oatena, 11l John F McCreary, D S I Fl Horton, II Sta Bra Carr & child, N Him A Cleaver, Del miss Cleaver. Del - Floury Cleaver, Del 11,schtrtan, Strasburg J H Bachman. Strasburg' & ffurford & dau, Ohio Ida Saxton, Ohio , - - 'l6 13 11 Mrs Barton, Penna 'John W Wagner. Ohio C W Robinson, 011.1.4- I A f. Haimbergar, Ohio. Hoynan, .Wheoling, Va John H Barton, Chester street, above Sixth. R AI Long. New Jersey R Rawsdon, Lambartville J T Langdon. Lambertville W T Allen, Delaware 1J D Anderson. Delaware W T Anderson. Delaware Tbos 111 Pee. Connelville B F Wickersham, Penna. J Re.y.& fam, Delaware F. N Willcox. Illinois J I Wallis, Lewistown vochran, Lancaster M P Walsh, Pitlsbnrg R Deskers & la, Pittsburg reet,.above Chestnut. S DI Ireland & ly, Maryland Jas S Meted ith. Ne w rprk & S Hartman, Penna W L Hartman, ?mina L Paxson. Wilmington. Del W T Shafer. Chester Springs W Woodward. Chester co - John \V Nields. W Chester R Marshbank, Elkton, 'M C K McDonald, Oxford, Pe Geo L Hodgson, Oxford W Mollenry . ,Chel.ter co J Devoe, West Chester E t) Hickman, West Chester eet, sibove Third. F R Gilbert. Millersburg Isaac Irbe, Lebanon co. Pa C F Myers F H Mills, Lebanon CO T Witman, Reading Zirbe. Lebanon, Pa li - ortz 41a. Wheeling C R Blaukenbeller,Readinl Wm Strunk. Reading . 5 above Callowhlll Daniel Roister. Ind . amt Shoatn , etli,Pa W Heller. Nazareth gdw Akio, Nazareth Lewis Sayler, Nazereth Eder Trawan, Nazareth A B Boolger, Woodbury C W Cooper, Allentown rtreet, below 'Vine. W K Carver, Newtown 3 M :Hack St wf. Bucks co T D Rodrock, Hatbor3 Thos H Hart, Richbora tam T Hart, atichboro Master Hart, Ilicliboro E Albright, St Paul, Minn Dr Crandall, Scranton, Pa C Livzey, Dumberville t., above Callowhill I) Dimmigh, I)l4ntg co W Ft \Werner, Bucks co. B Transue, Easton L S Deckard, Penc.a. Pena%Vit‘rn• Alox Blair John banister James Tool. Pennsylvania E °arbor, Pennsylvania iJ Schreiber, Lehigh co ?Samuel Herb & wf, Illinois reef., above Market. George AV Wilk I neon, SDT .J D Balderston, Bucks co A'S McKeever, Penna Samuel FiTMlie's.NewJeraey D S .Newbold, New Jereey , •d street above Knee Jas D Look, Scranton Amos B Blair, cranton G end. ews, Lebanon co Samttel Bell, Ohio Saint Williams, Pittsburg- H Lewis, Williamsport AMERICAN GOLD BOUGHT AND soLr, T HE TO CONTINUE MY ALGENCY 'tETrT4rrT, HARVEY THOMAS, Ns ' MOON AND BILL BROKEN, " , 80. 31% WALBRIS Street Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commission at the BOARD OF BEOKBBS. • subscriptions to the 6-20 year six per sent. LOAN still received at par. NO awns for Commission. COLLECTION OF 11. B. CERTIFI CATES 01 INDEBTADMESS. —The ADAMS' Ex IItESS COMPANY are now prepared to eolleet at the Treasury . Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable ratea,lthe Vas Year Oertideatea of la. debtednem of the United States DOW due or shortly mi. taing. Terme made known and :MAW DIM , at the. MIN. Mo. DSO 01111811RIT Street. . , must ,EXHIBITION Pennsylvania horticultural _Society, AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIO, coma:Net rro TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER. is, And continuing Wednesdrty end Thursday. the 16th and 17rh. Day and Evening. The displav of FRUITS, FLOWERS, AND VEGETABLES WILL BE LARGE AND FMK. . THE BALLROOM FLOOR will be laid over the Parquet and, together withi THE SPAOIOUS STAGE, will be devoted to-the Plants, Flowers, Ornamental Do- Fiigna, Sm. The due will also be elegantly draped. and. decorated with rock work, fountains, lac THE LOBBIES AND VESTIBULES will be set apart for the i'display of Ornamental Iron work, Pottery. Flanging \reties, Fern Oases, Aqua riums, Wire Work, GardeninglUtetisils. THE ELEGANT FOYER win,. filled with the choicest specimens of Frail, and a large Hall will be devoted to the VEGET A inn', BIEGFELD'S CELEBRATED BAND will perform eVer.F. eroding, and the entire building will be BRILLIANTLY ILLUMINATED • during the day as well as ths ofening. REFRESHMENTS of the choicest kinds will be furnished. Contributions of Fruit, Flowers, Plante, Vegetables, Fern Cases, Aguariums,-Phantom or Skaletoutzed Bon (Nets. Rustle adornments- &c, (Per which liberal pre miums are offered) are solicited. Applidations can,he made to the secretary, A. W. HARRISON, No. 26 South SEVENTH Street, or to J. H. MITCHELL, president, SIP YORK Avenue. , Admittance 25 cents. Members' Tickets. admitting one gentleman and two ladies to the Exhibition and to the monthly meetings, dm. until' the lst of January ncerke will be furnished for due Dollar, on application to the Treasurer, HENRY A. DREES, 327 CHEsYSIJ.2 Street. • = • Ater Artielee for exhibition will be received on NON. DAY, from 1 o'clock t 3 6P. M and on TUESDAY, from 7 to 12 A. on the Broad street and Locust-street fronts. To prevent confusion, the wagons must head North on Broad street, and West on Locust street. ee9-St I:3I*AVIS AUX EIJEGANTS--fflf. JO. SEPH ZACKEY, de Paris, Gamut de la Raison OE aNDVILLE STOKES, biarchand Wilma., No, 60D CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, a liiionneur il! avieer des nombreux amis et connaiseances (ainsi qua Phone rabic+ public) qui Pon dem Pavorlso de Mar clientele, vient de resevoir de Paris et Londres, los modes las Dins recentes of les mieux_portees pour la saloon d'ete, M. GRANDVILLE STOKES ,a mis asa disposition lea eteoffes lee plimbelles at les meillenres qualitas, des pre mieres manufactures d'Europe. a Les officieres et soldate de tont grades y tronyrtmt les mailboxes qualltes d'etoffes, a des prix tree 'modems L'elegance de as coupe, ains'one le cachet de distinction quo la caracterise, est dais trop count,. du public ponr en renotiveler lons meritee. ' iv2R-tea MILITARY NOTICES. CORPS OF. HONOR, 11. S. A. EIDQUARTRRB RECRUITING •SERVIOH. INVALID CORPS FOR PRILADELPRIA A 2i42 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of dis ability will apply for information or enlistment in the INVALID CORPS to Lieut. HUBER BASTIAN. Invalid Corps, 243 S. Third street, Philadelphia, . or to Lieut. J. W. DEAN, Invalid Corps, Ml,Brown street. and N. E. corner Broad and Spring Garden ate . Phila. Pay and allowances. excepting ininnty and pension, same as in V. S. Infantry. E. W. MATTHEWS, Major lstPa. Art. and Supt. invalid Corps for Phila s del- . an tf $402 B CIUNTY ' • RECRUITS W.4.NTED For the 12th` U. S. Infantry. ABLE-BODIED MEN between the ages of 1.3 and 4S years. THE ABOVE LARGE BOUNTY CEASES ON THE MR OF SEPTEM BER. For further particulars apply to WM. SERGEANT, Capt. 12th Infantry, Recruiting Officer, 229 South FRONT Street. lIEAD QUARTERS FOURTH DIS TRIUT, N. E. corner BROAD and SPRING GAR DEN Streets. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO DRAFTED MEN•IN THE FIFTEENTH WARD.—AII persons dratted in the-Fif teenth Ward, and who hays failed to report to the Board of Enroltnent of the district, are required to do so on or before WEDNESDAY next, September 16. A failure thus to report will suhieet all such persons to arrest as desert ers after that day. D. M. LANE, Provost Marshal. C. B. BARRETT, Commtssioner of Board. J. .RALSTON WELLS, Sargeon of Board. NOTICE TO DRAFTED MEN OF THE TWENTIETH WARD.—The Board of Eniblmont of Fourth District hereby give notice to all persons drafted In the TWENTIETH WARD, being the third - sub-die- trict, that they will commence the hearing of cases of persons claiming Exemption, or those desiring to offer Substitutes, on THURSDAY. September 17, 1803. at the Headquarters, corner of BROAD and SPRING GAR OEN Streets, and will hold Daily Sesslaza for this purpose until the entire ward iicompleted. - The notices served upon drafted men are all numbered, and the following order for the hearing of cases has been resolved anon, and will be strictly adhered to, viz: Thursday, Sept. 17. nnpitbers Ito 75 inclusive. Friday, ls, 76 to 150 Saturday, " 19, " 151 to 225 Monday, " 21, " 226 to 900 Tuesday. " 22, " 301 to 975 Wednesday, " 22, " 976 to 450 Thursday, " 24, 451 to 525 Friday, " 25, " 526 to 600 Saturday, " 26, " 601 to 675 " Monday, ' " 29, " 676 to 750 " Tuesday, E 9, " 751 to 825 Wednesday. " 926 to 900 Thursday, Oct. 1, " 901. to 9/0 Friday. " 2. " 076 to 1050 " Saturday. '3.'' 1051 to 1122 The hours of session will be from 9 to 12 o'clock A. Si. and from 1 to 4P. M. Those having Substitutes to offer will be heard first in order, on each of these days, as-no substitute can be re ceived later than 4 o'clock P. M. Persons tailing to report upon the days fixed as above for thkir hearing, will render themselves liable to arrest as deserters. Tim time for the hearing of cases in the remaining wards of this district is extended until further notice. D. M. 11,5. NE. Captain and Provost Marshal C. B. BARRETT, ommistiouer of Board J. RALSTON WELL% Eell.6t Sorgaou of Board. - • EADQITARTERS Or, PROVOST . 1-1- MARSHAL, FIRST DISTRICT, PA., 21-5 South THIRD Street. Protarmixtru. September 5, 1883. This Office will be open daily, from S A. IL to 2 P. M. Alt Drafted Men of the Second, Third. Fourth, and Fifth wards, who hve a not reported. and whose time has not serters. been extended, will be apprehended forthwith as de- A reward of ten dollars Trill be paid for deserters. The SIXTH WARD (being the Fifth Sub-District) will be beard in tie following order: . MONDAY, Sept 7, Nos. 1 to 100 inch:Pico. ..TUESDAY, Sept. 8, Nos. 101 to 200 inclusive. WRT)NRSDAY, Sept. 9. Nos. tril to 390 trtolasive. THURSDAY, Sept. 10, Nos. 301 to 400 inclusive. FRIDAY. Sept, 11, Nos 401 to 537 inchtsive. SATURDAY, for the hearing or cases generally. N. B.—Substitutes have preference WM. 1.2.1311,5 N, Provost Marshal and President of the Board. CHARLE 3 MURPHY. ' Commissioner of the Board. N. H. AIABSELIS. se7-tf . Surgeon of the Board. IEADQUA.RTERS: OP PROVOST --=- MARSHAL. THIRD DISTRICT, Pa. _ PITILADELYIIIA. September 5, MI • Notice is hereby given to all 'drafted persons of the Nineteenth ward that their time or k claiming exemption, offering substitutes, or ..reportin for duty, is extended until SATURDAY, September k th, inst , after which time all those persons felting to comply with the above notice will be liable to arrest as deserters. Notice is also given to those drafted persons of the Eighteenth ward who have not as yet reported them selves, that. failing to do so bySATUND AY, September 12th. inst., they will be published as deserters, and ar rested as such. -_ • By order of the Board - of Enrolment. • JACOB S. STRETCH, • " Captain and Provost Marshal, FRANKLIN D. STERNER Commissioner. se7-St - ALEXANDER C.MART, Surgeon. 'HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR SHAL, SECOND DISTRICT,' PA:, 12114 LOCCIST STREET, PHILADELPHIA.. !Sept. 4th, 18:63. Notice is hereby given to drafted men of the FIRST WARD. who have failed to appear in accordance with their notice. that, unless they appear at once. they, will be published as deserters and arrested as such. Substitutes will be accepted on any day between the hours of 8 o'clock A, M. and 2 o'clock P. M. A reward of Ten Dollars will be paid for the appre hension of Deserters upon their delivery at this office, 216 South Twelfth street. On and after MONDAY, Sept. 7th, IS9B, the Board. will be in session to hear claims for exemption from S o'clock A. M. till 2 o'clock P. M., until further notice. EDWIN PALMER, Provost Marshal and President of Board: Commissioner of Board. R. W. MORES. se:s•6i . Surgeon of Board. FINANCIAL. FOREIGN AND STERLING T G. E 'BOUGHT AND SOLD DREXEL & CO, se7•mf lm 34, SOUTH THIRD STREEr DREXEL. & CO.. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET SZOBETIME OF THE, TBEASURT SAS /13THORInD MB FOR A BRIEF PERIOD. to roselvo Subootiptlovue to the 5-20 LOAN AT PABI AT irr OFFIOS, AND AT THE DIFFERENT SUB-AGENOM ',throughout the Loyal Stoles: JAY 000 HE. e SUBSCRIPTION AMBIT. Mo. 11*Moirth Third Streets THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA., FRIDAY, SEPT. 11, 1863. NATIONAL UNION NOMINA IONS. , CITY COMMISSIONER. - PHILIP R. HABZILTON. By order of the City Committee of Entwinteneence ee9-ti UNION MASS AIRETINGS. . . UNION STATE CENTRAL COMNITTEE BOOMS, COMMONWEALTH BUILDINGS, 611 CHESTNUT St. SEPTEMBER 9, 1563. Governor CURTIN, in company with distinguished orators from adjoining States. will address the people of Pennsylvania at the times and. places named in the following schedule: At KITTANNING, Armstrong county, TUESDAY, Sept, NI. At ERIE, Erie county, THURSDAY, Sept. 10th. At NEU/VILLE, Crawford county. SATURDAY, Sept. 12tb. At PITTSBURG, Allegheny comity, WEDNESDAY, Sept. 16th. GREENEDUKG, 'Westmoreland county, THURS- DAY, Sept. 17th. At ALTOONA, Blair county, FRIDAY, Sept. 18th. ' At CATASATTQUA, 'Lehigh county, SATURDAY. Sept. I.9th. • - At EASTON, Northampton county, MONDAY, Septem ber 2let. Al NORRISTOWN, MontgomerY county, TUESDAY, Sept. 22d. At WEST CHESTER, Cheeter county, WEDNESDAY. Sept. 2.3 d. At BEAVER. Beaver county, FRIDAY, Sept. 25th. At WASHINGTON, Washington county, SATURDAY, Sept. -26th. At INDIANA, Indiana county, MONDAY, Sept. 29tli. At WILKESBARRE, Lazerne county, WEDNESDAY. Sept. 30th. „ At SCRANTON, Lnzerne county, 'THURSDAY, Octo ber Ist. At TOWANDA,..Dradford county. SATURDAY, Octo ber sa. At BELLEFONTE, Centre county, TUESDAY, Octo ber Bth. At YORK. York county, WEDNESDAY, October 7th. At READING, Berks. county, THURSDAY, October Sth. At POTTSVILLE, Schuylkill Aunty, FRIDAY. Octo ber 9th. At PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, October 10. We have reasonable hopes of having in the pending cartva.s the aid of Governor JOHNSON, of Tenneseee; - Governor PIERPO`RT. of Virginia; Governor BRADFORD, of Maryland; JOHN BROUGH, the next Governor of Ohio; Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, Of New-York; Gen LOGAN, of Illinois; Gen. BUTLER, of Massachusetts, And many other distinguished gentlemen, including many eloquent advocates of the Union Cause in Penn-". eylvania, No possible efforts wilt be spared to secure as fall and thorough a iliscuesion of the momentous issues now submitted - . to the people as tile brief period now re maining will allow, and it is enjoined upon all friends of the Union anuse to secure the attendance- of their fel low-catzensmpon- the occasions.' WAYNE_MoVEAGH, Chairma GEO. W. ITAmEnst.x, t s m c, etar i es. .seia W. W. EATS, GRAND R-ALLY. MASS MEETING OF THE LOYAL CITIZENS OF TENTH WARD Will be lield TESS EVENING, at Sk4' o'clock, at the Hall of the NATIONAL UNION LEAGUE, N. E. corner BROAD:and RACE Streets. AU Citizens in favor of sustaining the President in all his measures to crush out this Rebellion; all friends of CURTIN AND AGNEW, .Are invited to participate and ratify the nominations for State. City. and County Officers. - Hon. A. K. McCLURE. Hon. CHARLES GILPIN, and WM. G. PURGE, Esq., will address the meeting: JAMES N. KERNS, It* Feciiy Ward Executive Committee. THE COMMITTEE OF THIRTY 0 - iN -I- late Ratification Meeting in the Thirteenth Ward will meet at 980 SPRING GARDEN Street, at' s Woking. This Evening. Cie) ROBERT (*. ate.RCEL FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Passants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Canteens, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the coniplete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade selo-if - ARmy GOODS DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. , DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. - ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 30-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INNS. For sale bY attl-tf FROTHINOHAM & WELLS. A my .CLOTHSI ARMY CLOTHS! WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS' ARMY, NAVY, AND CIVIL CLOTH HOUSE, Hos. B 4 BOOTH SECOND and 13 STRAWBERRY Sti. ARMY AND NAVY: ALL SHADES AND GRADES., CIVIL: ALL STYLES AND rams. 01711 MOTTO:. "QUICK SALES AND GOOD PROFITS." an22-tae23 G W. SIMONS dfc BROTHERi SANSOM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY, . FINE SWORDS. AND " MILITARY GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY. An2l-11"6m ARMY HATS, ARMY RATS. ADOLPH df KEEN, N 0.63 North SECOND Street. Manufacturers of all kinds of FELT HATS. luiro on hand 'a large assortment of all the vision. and most approved styles of ARMY HATS PHILADILPHI.4I Orders br mall from sutlers or Jobbers, will be promPtli Ailed at the Wisest rates. le3o-Soi T.V' ORY TY PES .--THE BEST PIC TURES of this class are made at REIMER'S. Natu, ral style, complexion accurate. drapery and 'accessories naturally arranged and colored. Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green.. TN QUALITY, STYLE, AND EXECIL A- PION, REIMER'S Colored Photographs have no sn periors: A rare opportunity for all to get good likenes ses - at - small cost only $l, at SECOND Street; above Green. lt• DR.'BI INKMANN'S WATER- Cur*Estabthhment is removed to 20 North MU RICK street, between Market and Filbert. and west of Penn Square and Fifteenth street. 011 ice hours as usual. sell-Bt* POILITICAL. bTATE OFFICERS FUR GOVERNOR, ANDREW G. CURTIN. FOR JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT, DANIEL .A.apENy SENATOR—FIRST SENATORIdL DISTRICT JEREMIATi NICHOLS IZEPRESENTATIVE3 let DiatrIot—WILLIPLIVI FOSTER 2d " THOMAS S. 0110A.TE. as " THOMAS T. WILLS. 4th " JOHN D. WATSON. 6th " WILLIAM W. WATT. 6th -" ISAAC H. O'HARA. 7th ..- w THOMAS COCHRAN. Bth JAMES N. FERNS. 9th: " CHARLES DIXEY Nth " S. S. PANCIOA.ST lith " ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. 12th " LUKE V. SUTPHIN. 13th " • WILLIAM I. LEADER 14th " FREDERICK GETZ. 15th " WILLIAM F. Santa. 16th " EDWARD G. LEE. 17th • " JAMES MILLER. COUNTY OFFICERS =COMMA OY MUMS, LEWIS R. BROONA_LL PROTHONOTARY OP DISTRICT COURT. GEORGE KELLY. OLIVIIX. OF OOITF.T OF QOAItTER 91113910115. GEORGE R. MOORE. CORONTEM WILLIAM TAYLOR. CITY OFFICERS. ciTy TREASURER. HENRI" BEATH ARMY GOODS. MILITARY FURNISHERS, 4JB ARCH STREET. PIEELADELPIIIA RETAIL DRY GOODS. SKIRTS I SKIRTS! SKIRTS! M. A. JONES' lIATED NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRT Can only be found at No. 1.7 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, rIIILADELPHEA, • , OVER THE WAX FIGURE. ARV - None genuine unleaa stamped M. A. JONES' NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRT, sell Sm i 7 DTI EIGHTH STREET. EDWIN_ HALL & No. 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ARE 1CC.87 OPENINO TA2III FALL AND WINTER STOCK. ONE CASE.OF FINE FRENCH MERINOES, $1.12Y.• ONE CASE SUPER FRENCH MERINOES, $1.25 ONE CASE SUPER EXTRA, SI.SO ONE CABE SILK FACE REPS, $1,123( ONE CABS SUPER REPB, ONE CASE SUPER HAIR CORD REPS, $1.50. ONE ' CABE EXTRA. QUALITY CORDED MERINOES The above seven cases of Merinoes and Poplins are in all of the hew shades, together with the Choicest Shades of Staple Colors, and for shla nmciw the market prices. having been bought in the early part of August, previouti to the advance in PriceS. WHOLESALE ERVERS ARE INVITED TO EXAMINE seS-trullt H TOE STOCR. " N 1 MOURNING STQRE." 313 ST FrECF:IVEti, OUR NEW STOOK OF Fall and Winter Mourning Goods, COMPRISING • BOMBAZINES, APAOAS, - -CASHMERES, NERINOES, &o. "Arlo, a full ageortmont of Second Mourning, SHAWLS, MANTLES, Sr.c. & A. MYERS & se2-lvfmllni NEZ Bi 7 6 I O 3 . 42 i IDERED ,PIANO AND VERY RICH DESIGNS AT REDUCED PRICES, SHEPPARD,TAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, anL9-wfml2l 1008 CHESTNUT STREET 44 NEW MOURNING STORE." LA.TESTPAEIS AND NEW YORK STYLES 3101711NiiiiirGr 3301VNMPS, Just received and made to order M. 6,1 A. IVIYERS (fa CO., eel-wfmlin CURTAINS AND FURNITURE COVERINGS. JUST. OPENED, NEW LACE CURTAINS, Of Beautiful Designs. TABIBOITRED LACE and MUSLIN DRAPERIES. FRENCH BROCAyELLES, FIGURED SATIN and DAMASKS. BORDERED TERRIES, REPS, TAPESTRISS. AND SARIN DE LAINES. .Gold Bordered and Plain SHADES. of every Descrip tion made and put up to order in the best possible manner SIIEPPACHI, VAN lIbRLINREN & ARRISON, CURTAIN WAREHOUSE, te9-irtml2t ZOOS CHESTNUT Street, EDWIN 'HALL & CO. 2,6 SOUTH SE COND Street, are now opening their Fall and. Win ter Stock of Silks. One Case Plain Penn de Soles. SI.D). One Case all Shades Poult de Soles. $1.373.4. One Case Super Poull de Soles. 5.1.50. Brown Figured Silks. Black Poult de Soles and Corded Silks. Superior Quality Black Taffetta. Silks. Black Gros - de Rhines at redness prices. seS-tf 'EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH SE COND street, are now opening their Fall and Win ter Stock of Dress Goods. Sic • Figured all Wool Detainee. Figured Merit:wee and Cashmeres. - Fancy Styles o'r all Wool Poplins. oods. N. R. L'BDstilinvAißr G Styles of Drees Skirts ` ln great variety from $2.75 aeB-tf TO TEE RETAIL TRADE. . . - - JOHN F. YOUNG. (Formerly 327 Market street, Successor to Thomas Fisher, No. 70 North Fonrth street, Is now opening an. entire new stock. of CHOICE, DRY GOODS, to which the special attention of the ladies is invited. . sep7 12t FALL DELAINES. CHOICE .STYLES FALL DELL/NES. CHINTZ FIGURES, Rich Colors. SHARPLBSS BROTHERS. sal CHESTNUT and HIGE-ITH Str,ets. MERINOS ! MERINOS! Shkrrffesa Brothers offer a FULL ASSORTMENT of NEAT fffEI•IDOS. All of the regular SHADES, In e_utling the NEW HOLM{ se7 and EIGHTH. Strada. R,IIARPLESS BROTHERS WILL FOR a few DAYS long.r continue selling their SUMMER STOCK at MATED PRICES before opening Hick PALL and WIIiTER GOODS. se7 _ CHEnTNIIT and EIGHTH Strees. WELSH -FLANNELS, T T Ballard vale Flannels, Shaker Flannels,- , Twilled and plain Flannels, Flannels—all colors, widths, and qualities. at moderate prices. JAS. it. CAMPBELL & CO., sels-6t " 727 CHESTNUT Street. A/TERINOES, REPS, AND POPLINS, in all the new shades, at moderate pricee. • JAS. R. CAMPBELL St CO.. ... se.s-6t' 727 CHESTNUT Street. BLACK SILKS.-ALL STYLES, widths, and. qualities'of Lustrines, icro d'ElLines, Porat d'Soies, Taffetas. Gros Genius, Imperials, &e.,- at moderate prices JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., self-Bt ' 727 CHESTMIT Street. LINENS AND WHITE* GOODS, IN wrest varity, at mach less than pressnt cost of lin; portation. JAS. It. CAINI ?BELL & CO„ ses-6t - 727 CHESTNUT Street /lE.:ENING:OF FALL DRESS GOODS H. STEEL Cc RON. Nos. 713 and 715 North-TENTH Street, Have now open a choice aseortment of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS. Plain Silks, choice colors, $125 to $2. Plain Moire Antiques, choice shades. . Plain Black Silks 90e to ssso. Figured Black Silks; Fancy Silks. Plain All-wool-Reps and Poplins, all'colors. Plain Silk and Wool Reps, all colors. • Figured and Plaid Reps . and Poplins. " Plain French E erinoesTchoics colors. 1 lot Plain French blerinoes. choice colors, $l. ses WINTER GOODS OPENING DAILY. Poplins Plain Shades and New Colors. Alpacas,Double and Single Width, choice shades. New liferlnoes. Fashionable Colors. Plaid Mohairs and Valencias. Plaid. Flannels and Cloths for Shirting. Dark Cotton.and. Wool Delaikes. JOHN . H. STOKES,' 702 ARCH Street. N. 8.-50 dozen Ladies' L. C. Handkerchiefs at $2 per dozen. 89 pairs Crib Blankets, good quality. an3l CL°TB S AND "C ASSIMERES. °netting Black and Fancy Cassigteres Opening 131ack Broadcloths. Opening goods for Boys' wear.- - °BURS - Taken for.Boys' Jackets. Pants; and Overcoats, for fall and winter wear.- Also. a select stock ready-made Boys' Clothing, COOPER. di CONARD, an 29 B. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Btreeis. 1081 GEESTI4I3I' svitzw. E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE. At prises renerally b t f t rzpresont sort of tumor- GOODS, all demiriptions EMBROIDERIES, do do TAMS. do do LIN= TIANDECBROMBIT. as VEILB, ac„ &c. And respectfully Invites o ck. ma Inspection of Lis st losa- cansmairr num FRENCH MERINOES. • - Browns, Blues, Greens; Purples. All-woollteps, in choice shades. • Wool Delaines—Modes and Blacks. Alpacas—Browns. Modes and Blacks. PALL CLOAKS. . Water-proofs, of Black and Brown Cloths. Cloaks made to order. New Check square Shawls. . Black Thibet long and square Shawls. COOPBR h CON.AID, an 29 S. . E. soccer NINTH and LIMO Street*. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. MUSICAL BOXES. TN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, IN playing from 1 to 12 tunes. cloice Opera, and Ameri can Melodies. FARR & BROTHER, Importers. sel-6m 324 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. HOWARD,. &' CO.'S First Class AMERICAN WATCHES, With • .MIEI 4 IIO/I PATENT REGUL ATOR, For Pie by the principal WATCHMAKERS. sell-tt 4. G. RUSSELL, FINE AMERICAN end Imported WATOYI&B , Fine Jewelry. Sayer and Plated Ware. &e.- 119236m_ All North SlXTR"Strest FINE' WATCH. REPAIRING attended to. by the most exnerlenced workmen. as • every Watch warranted for one year. G. RIISSEVG, 22 North SIXTH Street. TB OMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER Olt EUROPEAN RANG& for families, hotels, or public institutions; TWENTY DIFFEERNT SIZES. Also, Phila.. delphia Ranges, - Hot-Air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Orates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stew hole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, &c., at wholesals and retail, by the manufacturers. - ' _ , • CHASE. SHARPE, & THOMSON, • No. 200 N. SECOND street. anD•wfm-Bra 926 CHESTNUT STEEIR 926 CHESTNUT Street Wit CARRIAGES. 1 853 . WILLIAM. D..ROGERS, Coach and Light Carriage Builder, Was. 1009 and 1011 cammur STREET, selo-6m PHILADRLPHIA. . _ THE SUPERIORITY ' OF REIMER'S portrait. is oviilent at a glance. and etrikea you as most - truthful in expression and coloring. Life-size Photographs in oil colors. SECOND Street, trbove DR. II BOUCRET: DENTIST, - - No. 1533 ARCH Street. - N. 1. E. col.. Sixteenth 'kie9 D R.' WILSON'S WATER-CURE 011 Hygienic Establishment is pleasantly located at O North THIRTEENTH street. Philadelphia.: - an3l-mt* $45 REWARD.--WAS STOLEN from the enbscriher. in Chester, on Wednesday", august 26,- a DARK SORREL MARE and Falling top WAGON. Said Blare is about 14 hands high, with hind feet white, and one fore Mot white; mane ruched off by cribbing mail; lump on near shoulder. The Wagon was made by Printser, Wilmington. Del. - $2.1 will be , aid for the recovery of the property, and $4O for the letcction and conviction of the thief. , W. G. VA.NLEER, Cheeter, Delaware aututty, NEW PUBIETCATIOTITS. MRS. WOOD'S NEW 1100li SQUIRE TREVLYN'S HEIR, - , MRS. HENRY WOOD. AUTHOR OF "VERNER'S PRIDE," "EARL'S HEMEL" ' " EASTJAMNE," ETC., Will be published and for pale to-morrow , . Saturday, complete in two large octavo volumes. .paper cover, price One :Dollar; or, the whole hound in one volume. cloth, for $1.25. We alto publish a " Railway Edition" of it. complete in one vi..lume, paper cover. Price One Dollar. Published and for sale by T. H. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 300 CHESTNUT SPREET, Phijada Cope seat everywhere, free of pogage. on receipt of price. ' it my LADY A STORY OF MODERN LIFE. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. Being Number Four of the ".New Standard Series of Popular Fiction. " Neat Brno, paper covers:- Price fide. UniforrA with THE STORY OF ELIZABETH. By Miss Thackeray- NANNETTE AND HER LOVERS. By Talbot Owynne. HEART AND CROSS. By Mrs. Oliphant. The "Standard Series" includes, none but drat-class Books. Low price, neat style, convenient size.popular stones, are the points of this "Series." Four volumes have been issued, a novel complete: in each volume, Price 30 canto each, mailed free of postage upon receipt of price. FAMES 0 GREGORY,' Publisher, sell. V - No. 40 WALKER Street,New York. PRESS.—, 7. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. hive in press, and will t hortly iSSII6-:1 GRANVILLE DE ``IC NE, A TALE OF THE DAY. J. B LIPPINCOTT & CO., Prblirbers, 715 and. 717 MARKET. Stied. Philadelphia.. NIB - W . BOOKS OF ALL KINDS RE cEIVED as soon as,publistied, Or furnished prompt ly to order. MILITARY AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. Including all the recent publications. always on hand. IdEDICAL AND SURGICAL BOOKS. Including works on all the Collateral Sciences. ' dlarge assortment on hand, and for sale at -low prices. LINPSAY & BLAKISTOY, Piiblishots and Booksellers, rea RN South SIXTH Street. above Cheatunt. MAP OF ROSEO - R-ANS' AND BURNSIDE'S MOVEMSNTS—JUST PUBLISHED, A Map of the Mountain Region of Tenoessee and . North . Carolina, prepared at the United States Coast Surrey Office, embracing parts of Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, being the only complete Mn, of ,RoSeerame...Depart inent, In Sheets 50 cents. In Cloth Corers for the Pocket. 75 • ' Mounted on Muslin pith Roller.. $2.00 Mounted and Dissected 5.00 Also, a fall supply of all the War Maps., WILLIAM 6. & ALFRED MARTrEL tel . 606 CHESTNUT Street. NEW BOOKS . SUSI received by J. B. LIPPINCOTT ti,• CO.. 115 and 711 MARKET straei. THE AMBER GODS, AND OTHER STORIES. By Harriet Elizabeth -Prescott. PHILIF VAN ARTEVELDS—a Dramatic Romance. By Henry Taylor. TICKNOR'S HISTORY OF SPANISH LITERATURE. New edition. 3 vols. THE POOR GIRL - ; or, the Marchioness and her Se cret. By Pierce Egan. Esq. WENDELL PHILLIPS' SPEECHES, ADDRESSES, and LETTERS. TRUE AN ON-THE IRON MANUFACTURE OF GREAT ,BRITAIN- , theoretically and practically considered. HOSPITAL. SKSTHES By Miss L. Al Alcott. THE CAPITAL OF THE TYCOON. A Joarnal of a reeidence in. Japan. By Sir R. Adcock. SOCIAL - CONDITION OF ENGLAND. By Joseph Kay. LIFE AND MILITARY CAREER OF STONEWALL JACKSON. EDUCATIONAL. MRS. GERTRUDE J. CARY WILL COMMENCE the Nineteenth Session other SCHOOL at her new Residence, S. R. corner of SPRIICE and SIXTMITEI Streets, MONDAY, Sept. 14th. Mrs, CARY will receive her Boarding Pupils at her present location. 1010 SPRUCE Street, until farther notice. sells en* D. R. ASHTON'S INSTITUTE FOR • YOUNG LADIES, 929 KROH STREET, BELOW TENTH —The object of this Institute is to educate young ladies really and properly. To gain access to the mind through the medium of the sight, the Institute. possesses one of the most complete illustrative cabinets In the country. sell-St* II 0 OKKEEPLN G AND PE INMAN SH IP.-Evening Schools,. for the special accommo dation of those who cannot attend in day-time, will commence on TUESDAY FiNTBNING, the 15th inst., at BRYANT, STRATTON. At Co 'S National Commercial College, S. B. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streeto. Call or eend for a circular. lt* 11 4 A_TheV S CHO OL OP THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAG O. - - - - The fall term , begins the lath of September install}. This School offers facilities for a Legal Education equal to any in - the country.. By an order of the Supreme Court of Illinois. the diploma is received as satisfactory evidence of legal attainments to admit to the bar of that Mate. For circulars address sell-e&wSt* . H. TOOTH, Chicago SILK AND DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. FALL. . 1863. DANN - SON, BRANSON. it CO., - N.l{'. COIL MARKET AND FIFTH STREETS, (501 MARKEY STRESt) Invite the attention of merchants to their stock of FRENCH AND ENGLISH DRESS GOODS, Sll JCS. STIAWLS, CASH buver's will find it to their interest to examine . our Goods. T. R DAWON 0. BRANSON•. ..... T. 0. 110310.1RDICER. THE ATTENTION OF ' THE TRADE Is called to OUR g9rocK. OF SAXONY 'WOOLEN CO. all•wool Plain Flannels. TWILLED FLANNELS, Various makes, in Gray, Scarlet, and Dark Blue. PRINTED SHIRTING FLANNELS. • PLAIN OPERA FLANNELS. PREMIERE QUALITY" Square and Long Shawls. WASHINGTON MILLS Long Shawls. BLACK COTTON WARP GLOTTIS, 16, 16, 17,18, 19, 20, 21, 2 - 2 oz. FANCY CASSIMERES AND SATINETTS. BALIIIORAL SKIRTS, all grades. - BEG BLANKETS, 104, 11.4, 124, 114.. COTTON GOODS, DENIMS, TICKS, STRIPES, • SHIRTINGS, &c., from various Mills, DE COURSEY, lIAMILTON. & EVANS; • 33 LETITIA Street, and anl7-nrws2m 32 South FRONT Street. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS AT •••••• WHOLESALE! THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY! CLOAKS AND KANTILLAS AT WHOLESALE! THE CHEAPEST CLOAK STORK IN THE CITY ! COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find a great saving by examining our immense stock of CLOAKS and MAN TILLAS. of the newest FALL AND WINTER STYLES, before making their pnreba•es, as doing 'business at'a very small expense, and exclusively for cash, we cut sell 20 per cent. cheaper than any other house D. WATKINs St CO.. N. E. corner of NINTH and CHERRY Streets. 1 EIVISSON, D. W.A.TRINS. I . au24-mwf2in 'MILLINERY GOODS. c 3 FHENQH FLOWERS; 1863. FEATHERS, LACES, RIBBONS, NEW -STYLE HATS, 3 - tw OPENED AT • THOS_ KENNEDY - Ja 73EC0."3, No. 729 CHESTNUT St.reet, below Eighth. :fits-3211 . ,Lof tv EIGHTH-ST. RIBBON. STORE, No, 107 N. EIGHTH STREET. . 1 We would inform our customers, and the ladies generally, that we . 1 OPEN THIS DAY a complete stock of MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, AT WHOLESALE AND _RETAIL, FOR THE FALL AND WINTER SEASON OF 18 . 03. Our stock consists of BONNET AND TRusrlflNG RIBBONS, every shade and style: BLACK VELVET RIBBONS, Plain. and with whits and colored edges: FELT AND STRAW BONNETS AND HATS, 'the newest shapes; SILKS, VELVETS, AND UNCUT VELVETS: ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. • BONNET-FRAMES. LACE., &a, &c. A full assortment kept up till the end of the season. Country orders promptly attended to. By buying from the importers direct, and by constant attendance at the srrirlorts auction sales in this city and . New York, we are enabled to offer a splendid assort ment of goods in our line at the most seasonable prices. SICIIEL & No. 107 North EIGHTH Street. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CIDER AND WHITE WINE VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEED, SPICES. &c.; ALL THE REQUISITES FOR PRESERVING AND PICKLING PURPOSES. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer in Pine Groceries, selo:tf Corner ELEVENTR and VINE Streets. PLANTATION BITTERS, (From the Elehmord Whiz') The Charleston Courier makes a Wadi engsestimi In recommending the attention of our Government to the naturalization and cultivation of Canaan: for the preservation of the health of our soldiers. This article has a peculiar effect upon the liver. and guards the system against disease by exposure and ins gear diet. It is said that the great success of the Plan tation Bitters of Dr. Drake, which. Previous to our un happy difficulties, was found in most Southern homes, was owing to the extract of Calisaya Bark,which it con tained, asime of its principal ingredients. "In contr.- mation of this, we have :heard one of oar mist Matta gnieletphysicians remark. that whenever ha felt rumen from ordinary dietetic or atmospheric canoes. ha inva riably relieved hiroeelf by Plantation Bitters. Wow that those Bitters cannot be obtained, a substitute should. be prepared, We understand oar Government has opened negotiations with Dr. Drake. through a secret agent, but with what troth we do not know." * * * We are exceedingly obliged to.tbe Richmond Whig far its remembrance of "Auld Lang Syne," bat we can as sure " Oar Government " tb at. the Plantation Bitters ars not for sale to any "secret agents," Berth or South. There is probably several other things that "Oar Go vernment" will yet want. We know that we have Free best and moat popular mo• &clue ta the world. We are not afraid to show what it is coropoeed of. Physicians are compelled to recommend it. - CALISAYA BARK has been celebrated for over two htut dred years,and was sold daring the reign of Louts XVI. Bing of France, for the enormous price of its- own weight in silver. It is remailtable for Thyspepsia,yevem Weakness, Constipation, &e. CA9CARILLA BARK. -For DiftrthColl, Colto, and d.ifissaell of the stomach and bowels. ft • DANDET,IOIi.—For Inflamation of tho Loins and. Drop sical Affections. CHAMOMILE FLowERE. —For enfeebled digeetton. LAVENDER FLOIFERB.—ATOITIRCo, litilanlartt, and to invigoratlng In nervons WINTER CREEL—For Serofdtß, Rheumatlem, &c. Ailrez.—ln. aromatic carminative; creating flash, muscle, and milk; minch naed by mothers waning. ,ileo, dove-bade, orange, caraway, coriander, Sauk.)• root, dm. 8.--T.-1860-g. Another wonderful ingreciient . 0 origin. irk parting beauty to tha complexion, and brilliancy to the mind, is yet unknown to the commirc'e of the world. and we withhold its name for the present. Humbugs and :quacks howl about the Plantation Bitters; but the fel/owl - ex is what'd the matter, and they PLANTATION BITTERS WILL CCM Cold Extremities and Feverish LW.' Emir Stomach - and Fetid Breath. Flatulency and Indigestion. Nervous Affections. Excessive Fatigue and Short Breath.. Pain over the Eves. Mental Desiiendency: Prostration. Great Weakness. Bellow Complexion, Weak Bowels. LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA Yeryperticalarly'recommended to Clergymen, filer chants, Lawyers, and 'persons of sedantary habit!. Alec, for gentle females aud weak persons who require a gentle stimtdant, free digestion, good appetite, and clear mental faculties. Bold by all respectable Physiclans,Dnigclais, Grocers, Hotels, Saloons, Country Stores, &c, Be particular that each bottle bears the fac-simile of our signature on a Steel•plate label,wlth our private Go vernment stamp over the cork.' P. H. DRAKE ..4.. CO., ' J3 , 22-wirro2mit WANTS. IWANTED.-A YOUNG' MAN WHO T T has had fourteen years' experience in the retail dry goods' business wishes a situation as salesman in a - wholesale - house. City re erence given Address 'Sslesman,Press Office. se9-3t• lirAN D-A FIRST-CLASS SALES MAN to sell leads-made Clothing, at good salary GRANVILLS STOK6' ,4 teS-it 6a9 CELfidTNUT Street. WANTED- $l5 PER DAY.--W want reliable. energetic canvassers and agent: V In every corustv, for a genteel business at a commission of from $5 to $l5 per day. No humbug. Experieraed canvassers preferrad.brA room for ail. Address C. M. DU& CO.. Publishers, At either Cincinnati Ohio; Chicago. Illinois• or 1.85 _RUDE Street. New York. J71204111* 85 000 GENTLENIA.N,OFSONIE 9 • means and business-habits. desires to _Purchase a nart or whole int crest in an established ma nufacturing, mercantile. or commission bnsiness. Ad dress with real name .E. A. C., this office. se7-row&fats 10,000, E to conre n ct bi E msf -T wi l th S a E n es tablished MERCANTILE HOUSE. Has had long expe rience in'bneiness. embracing a tiorongh knowledge of accounts, and will contribute $lO.OOO, or snore, in cash. Address "Merchant." Prays office. - se-5-64x Alik , DEPUTY QUABTERMASTEB GENKRAT's OFFSCS.-PsiznvsLPßl., - Feb.: VESSELS WANTM.) Immediately to tin, UOAL to the folloyriktpointe: trattoria. Key Weal, Pia. Yort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. Nowleirii, N. C. Port Royal, S.C. A. BOYD. felft.ti Captain and Assist. Quartermaster, BOARDING. VIRST-CLASS BOARD, 111ANDSOME cornmun'eatinsr and aiagle rooms; private table. if desired, N 0.1315 WALNUT e treet. se:10-1m* 6 TIOUNTRY BOARDING".-CHOICE Rooms at Mrs. BROOKE'S, near the station at MT. AIREY. Terms moderate. Apply on the premises, or at the City Rouse. No. 14 u 171 WALNUT St seS-6t* FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR RENT, GRANITE STORE, No. 723 CHESTNUT STREET, Now OCCUPIED BY S. 31. HAFLEIGIT. Apply to _ _ THOS. MELLOR, 40 NORTH THIRD STREET WANTED-TO RENT A. STORE T T suitable for the general produce commission bast - nese, situated on Water street. between. Chestnut and Aid], or on Broad street. between Arch and Vine. Ad dress " W. B. ar. C." at this OHIO. -sell-6t* el TO LET OR LEASE FOR YEARS, with fixtures complete, the large four-story STORE, No. 53% CALLOWFULL Street, occupied for the last sia years as a military equipment store and factory. A pPIY to C. &I WAGNER, sell-61* ' No. 341 North SIXTH Street, 21 TO LET-A PLEASANT HOUSE, - 1,5 " , centrally located, to a small private family. Rent Paid in Board. Address S -M., office of The Press. do FOR SALE-ONLY $2.333.33 RE illra (WIRED. Three-story DWELLING, two-story Sack-banding, Bath. Gas, hot and cold Water, near Lrgan Square; desirable investment ; will be sold less than cost to construct. situate Vine strest bear Twen tieth street, Lot 17. GxBl. Price 444,000 ; *1.661 me - re main. .T. M. C ARTY, selo-3t* 335 WALNUT Street. $6O A m 0 NTH ! WE WANT Agents at 6;60 a month, expenses paid, to soli our Everlasting Pfneils,,Oriental Burners, and 13 other at ticl es. 15 Circulate/rec. Shaw & Clark,Siddgford, eell-d &VT:3m ' 6 ; 500, $4,000, AND *2 500 - 8 000 $ , . ._ ..7, 9 These amounts WANTED ON 5103T GAGE. Upon 'highly-improved. Farms, near tbe city. Also, .135,00 wanted on a. valuable,.improved Srore pro perty, on Chestnut street. below Mgltrh, at 5 per vent. Apply to Eselo] E. PETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. PROPOSALS. A SSISTA NT QUARTERMASTER 4 - 1 - GENERAL'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. 10th September, ISM. PROPOSALS will I. e received at this office until WED NESDAY. 2Sd inst.. at 12 o'clock M., for the burial of all the Soldiers who may die at any of the United States Army Hospitals in and around Philadelphia, inclu ding Chester and Chestnut Hill. and any other Hospi tals or Camps, which may be hereafter erected or located within the city from Ist of October next to the 3llh of September. 1864. Proposals must include the coffin. conveyance of the body, cemetery charges/ digging graves, setting np and lettering of head-boards over each. grave; (head-boards 'will be fur nished by the Quartermaster's Department,) and all other incidental expenses connected therewith. Collins to be well made, of good seasoned planed pine, not less than ,Tf, inch thick, and of requisite length. Contractor must be at all times prepared, when notified, to give Prompt attention to burial of soldiers. The right Is re served to reject all bide.deemed too high sell-lit A, BOYD. Captain and — A. Q. M. LEGAZ. ESTATE OF MARY LINCK CEASED. Letters of administration upon the estate of Miry Linck, deceased, having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to the said estate aro requested to make payment, and thosehaving claims to present them to ALLEN O. EIICHENRR, No. 50 South THIRD Street, • . Cr to his attorney. - • WM. W. GALLAHER, sell. flit* 'Z3I WALNUT Street. INTHE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY ADD COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of GEORGE SHIELDS, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the separate account of HENRY-K. B. OGLE, one of the Executors of the Estate of George Shields, de ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of Iris appointment on. TUESDAY, Sep tember 22d, at .4 o'clock P. , his office, 125 South SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. • sell-fmnqit J. HUBLEY ASHTON, Auditor. IN- THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE MY AND COIIM,OP Bkitate of GEORGE SHIELDS, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the separate account of MARIA. SHIELDS, one of the Executors of the Estate of George Sitielde. de ceased, and,, to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, wilt reset the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on TIIESD A.Y, Sep tember Md. at 4-o'clock P. M.. at his office; 1!48 South SIXTH Street, in the city . of Philadelphia. sell fmtvat .1. HITBLEX ASHTON Auditor. THE ORPHANS! COURT FOR THE I crry,AN:D CAPAI,7',OF PIIII4.DEJJPEtIA., • - EMI; o - f. JOHN IDS, deceased. The Auditor appointed. by the Court to audit. Settle. .and adjust the acount JACOB BOG KWS, executor'of the estate of John C. Heckles, deceased, and to make dis , tribution of the balance in the herds of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his EtP pothtment, on MONDAY. September 31.1563. at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 3;25 North SIXTH street, in the city of Philadelphia. JNO. L. SHOEMAKER, sell-fintslie.* Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE . CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM gRAHAAM, deceased. •-••-••- • - • • • • • . The Auditor appointed by the.Courc to audit, settle, and adjust the account .cf JAMES GRAHAM. administrator of William Graham, deceased and to make distribution of the balance in the'lands of the accountant, will inlet the parties interested for the purposes of his aPP Ant ment, TUNSD 3Y, September r2IS6a, at It o'clock A. M., at his office. No. 133 South FIFTH street (second story', in the city of Fhiladolphia- Auditor. n se Irma RORATIO JONES. 202 BROADWAY. N. Y _ _ _ _ _ . . • . AMERICAN STEREOPTICON. Remember, THE ORIGINAL - GHOST is visible EVERY EVENING. and on SATURDAY AFTERNOON. AT. GONG/3BR HALL. . _ . - Admission 26 cents Reserve/ Seats 00 cents. Can be secured at the Hail during the day. se7-41 p lIIL AD EL P H NATATORIUM -A- AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, 219 OUTH BROAD STREET. The Swimming Season closes the 15:h of October. The temperature is always the same, (s - ammerhekt.) Pupils can enter till the lath of this month. (September ) The Gymnastic Season begins the 16th of October, and closes the 15th of May. Subscription Tickets for the whole year. in all the departments. only 42D. se7.6t* " WILLIAM "JANSEN, M. D. TEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CBESTNUI' STREETS, Amusement for Old and Young. .7ifirtb and nappineas open for the season. Constant change of Entertainment, SIGNOR BLITZ. MONDAY EVENING, September 14th. and every eve ning, commencing at 734 o'clock. and Wednesday and Saturday s t 3, consisting of New Mysteries in Necro mancy, great success In Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Birds. Admission 25 cents; Children 15 cents. P ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS. 1025 CHESTNUT. STREET OPEN DAILY (Sondays excepted) from 9 A. M. till 6P. 31 . . Ad mission 25 rents. Children half Dries. je2.9-if (RAND EXCITE.S3ON TO • ATLANTIC CITY, ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1563. The Proprietor of con CRESS HALL will give a Grand Excursion to Atlantie City on SATURDAY next, the 12th accompaniedrhy a hand of music. A Hop will be given at the Hotel in the evening. Tickets _for the Ex enrsion, including railroad fare and boarding, $5. 'I his is the pleasantest season of the year to visit the rea-thore, the bathing bele g excellent; and, as this 3vill be one of the last Excursions of the season, the Proprie tor of Congress Hall hopes to see: many of his former guests on the occasion. The last boat will leave - Vini-strest Wharf at 3 4.5 P. N. Returning. the Excursion Train,will leave Ailantic City ,on. Monday at 6 o'clock A...3i Tickets good on any train -teturning. Get Tickets of JOHN:' G.'ERYANT, Vine street Railroad Office. - - - se g. 41 . - U. W. 111.11KLE, Pro. FAME INSURAiN 403 CHESTNUT ante PHIL ADI FIRE AND INLAI _ _ _ DIREC- A FRICAN GINGER-40 000 POUN DS, Primo bright and handsome. dray Paid; for sale br anas-tt WILLI&DE DL WILSON. - 208 111.421KET Sr. AUCTION SALES. BAZAAR- NINTH AND SAN -130111 STREWS. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES. VEHICLES, ANN H ARNESS. ON SATURDAY MORNING. Sept. 12th, at 10 o'clock, comprising , FIFTY 11011SES. Fall description in Catalogues. ALSO, A large conection of desirable new and second- hand Carriages, Wagons, *Harness, tgc.oprith which the sate will commence. ihr- No postpone moot on account of the weather." alat— Carriages and Harness at private Bale 5510 •,t1 f /JAILED IC HERICNSSfi, Auctioneer. AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MA/810, GRAND DRAMATIC PERFORMANCE' tENEFIT uNiTro STAT3S B,UTITARYXONIII3SION EVENING OF S I,TURDAY, SEPTEMBER thrsi on which occasion the distinguished tragedienns MISS CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN', MISS CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN, MESS CHARLOTTE CIISHAEAN„ Mos cHARLOTTE CUSHMAN, MESS cHARLOTTE CirsilmAN, MESS CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN. MESS CHARLOTTE °HARMAN. MISS CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN. 311.53 CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN, MISS CHARLOTTE COALMAN. 'will appear in ler world-renowned rendition of LADY MACBETIL MISS CIIEHItiI.N, after having declined the most ilat tering offers from the most prominent managers of the country, to give a series of representations in the prinri• pal cities, now proposes to make a ES/URN TO TH ONE E NIGHT ST ONLY, GY: FOR MOST POSITIVELY expressly for tht 'benefit of the fund of the above Com mission, and tenders her artistic services In Putout' FEE OR REWARD. This will be Miss CUSHMAN'S FAREWELL PERFORMANOB in (hie city, as she sr. ortly RETURNS TO EUROPE. The eminent Tragedian. MS. EDWIN BOOTH, EDWIN BOOTH, :EDWIN BOOTH. EDWIZI BOOTH BDWIN B 0%1M,, EDWIN ta u,. EDWIN BOOTH. WIN BOOTH, All WI& 'ROOM Bovirrti Boorta.. has, in the kin deal manner. VOLUBTAIIILY TENDERED valuable strvices, and will appear in the dime ter of ' bfACBEITf. The Tragedy will be produced in splendid Si9lo;atl the resources of the Academy will be brought into re/ca sh ion, and nothing that labor or money can procure V' be wardlos to render ibis performance worthy ths reputation Of - MAT ARTISTS who will appear on tine occasion. The entire management and direction of the entertkka ment will be in the hands of MR. J. S CLARKE. who has kindly volunteered his aid. . , 'The following' - drain galshed artists haye kindly ten dered theirservices: Airs. ALEXIVA FISHER BAKER, Mr. LEWIS BARER, Mrs. E. N. THAYER, Mr E, L. TILTON, (by the kirt4 permiesion of Mrs. M. andarrettson,) Mr. E. N. THAYER, others. On SATURDAY EVENING, Sept. lah, 1863,.vri11 ha enacted. Shakapeare's sablinin Tragedy. in Ave acts, en titled. . . . , MACBETH. .Miss CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN: Mr. EDWIN BOOTH,: Mr. E L TILTON., Mr. LEWIS BASER.- Mrs. E. N. THAYER Mr. THAYER. &c., &0., &c. Malcolm Mr. - 7. L. BARRE PT. Tinncen ' Mr. C. S. PORTER. Barlett° (hie Bret appearance in Phila delphia) 'qr. W. H. BOMBS. Eccate.......... ' Mts. J. S. BARRETT. Lady Macbeth Macbeth Macdnff.:...... • • • Witche3 PRICES GI , ADIIISSION. Parquet aid Parquet Ciro! e The two Dress Circles Amphitheatre Reserved Seats in Parquet, Parquet Circle. and the two Dress Circles. 15,1 Private Boxes DI CO Box Office open for the sale of Reserved Seats on TEIIIRS PAY, September 10th, from 9 A. M. to 4 o'clock P. M., and daily thereafter until performance. Tit kets can also be piocured at all the princi pal hotels. Doors open at 7M. Conin.euce at S Wclecit, precisely. selO-St I l ALNUT.STREET THEATRE. Lessee .• . Airs. At d. G - AREFITSOTF. FRIDAY EVENING, Sept. llth. FIRST BENEFIT of the renowned Spanish artist. SEP ORIDA. CUBAS, who will appear in TWO DRAMo S. and the exciting Fpanish Dance of LAILADILINI. CRHAE 01 THE FRENCH SPY. CUM_ IN THE WEPT OF THS WISH-TON-WISH, Cl/BAS IN THE LARADILIDI. Box °Ace open from It tin 3 o'clock, when Seats may be tenured. The great - Cnbas has given to the characters which ,ha will perform this evening all the attractions or a true avast. In these she-excels any other YEIiFOR6MEft pipW ON THE STAGE. - . The dance of La litedilini is one of the most fascinating. known in The art, in which. the Senorita stands peerless. her impersonations in all these characters hove sur prised the world. On Saturday {tomorrow) evening a great bill will be. produced Next week, and last, tubas will appear in new pieces, the most thrilling and attractive. sell - AI RS. E JOHN DREW'S NW ARCH STREET THEATRE—ARCH Street. atore Sixth; Acting and Stage Manager MI. S FRRDERIcRs. Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MURPHY. This Elegant and Comm.odions Establishment wilt .POSITIVELY OPEN FOR WM. REGULAR PALL ADD 'WINTER :s.EASOLV, ON SA 2 ITRDAY EVENING, SEPrEIdBER. 12, ISM With sherldan's Comedy of THE RIVALS. Mrs. Malaprop Lydia-Languish Julia Lucy SIT Anthony Absolute Captain Absolute— .. Panisland Sir Lucius Olrigger. Bob Acres David Fag, After the Comedy MRS, JOHN DREW Will have the honor of ADDRESSING THE AUDIENCE. Grand Overture Orchestra. Director R D DDWORTH, ma Perforce ante to conclude with the farce of BE rt•Y_ BAKER. Mr. Mouser.. Mr. Crummy Betsy Baker. Mrs. Mouser. On MONDAY EVENING, Rept. 14th, 1163 First appearance of the - RIC HUMS OPERA TROUPE MISS CAROLINE RICHING-S, Mr. Edward Seguin, 66r. W. G. Rill. Ifr. Peakes, and eleven other Artists of acknowledged shinty. The whole under the supervision of PATER RICRINGEL PERMS OF ADMISSION. - Parquet and Dress Circle ICI-Ceuta. Family Circle 20 Cents. Orchestra tieats 75 Ceuta. Private Boxes. according to their locality. Rfar NO EXTRA CRAMER FOR SECURED SEATS. Box Sheet open, and-seats can be secured on Friday and Saturday, from 10 A. M. fo :3 P. At , at T. J. COOKE'S Paper• Banging Store. 60`2 ARCH Street. OPPOSITE THE NEW TREATER, Where a plan of the Auditorium may be seen. Moors open at 7 o'clock; Curtain rises at sell-3t - EAW CHESTNUT-ST. TREAT-RE.- Lessee and Manager Ittr. WM. WHEATLIIL IMIIEN - SE SUCCESS • OP THE DUNE'S The celebrated comedianlriet OT lt aa . vocalist rmwamw will appear in JOHN Esiiidaeiii , s Grand Romantic Drama, entitled.-_ THE DIME'S MOTTO. Te phyla produced in GORGEOUS STYLE, ENTIRELY NEW SCENERY. NEW cogrumEs. NEW FURNITIT2II. A HOUBLE ) CORPS DE BALLET, anci NIIItIEEOUS AIIMILI &BIB& . MR. WM. WHEATLEY in Lie original chars eter of CAPT. HEZIE.I BE LAGARDERE, 1 v 811 Y NIGHT, TILL YIJILTHEE NOTICE will be presented . . . . THE Dll 'S MOTTO, in which MRCOLLINS, 'who has purchased the sole right of representatioß,.ol this great Play in America, will apuear ae C aRRICKFERODE, an Irish ,Soldier of Fortune, with the songs, " Wine, Bright Wine," and " While There's Life There's Hope." MR. WM. WHEATLEY In his great character of -- CAPTAIN HENRI DE L A.GARDERE. During the evening. the Orchestra, under the dire* tion cf MR. MAItI HASSLER, will perform choice se lections of Popular Music. se94l CONCERT HALL SECOND WEEK AND TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS OP THE GREAT SPECTRAL ILLUSION, THE GHOST! legitimately and properly produced, under the personal supervision of MR. H. WATKINS. the first who presented it to the AMERICAN PUBLIC. THE GHOST will be preceded by an exhibition of the EXCURSIONS. gIIRATiCE 7COMPANIES. E COMPANY, NO. lELPHIA. ND INSURANCE. `TORE. _ _ Francis N. Buck, Chas. Richatdson. E. D. Woodruff, NO. A West, John Kessler, Jr., Chas. stokes, A. R. Rosenholm, Joseph D. Ellis Ifa. President. ARDSON, Vice President; RD, Secretary. ialstf- Henry Lewis, John . W. Eve'rrnan, Philip& Justice, O. W. n IS. FRAVCI6 N. SU , CHARLES RICH/ WILLIAM I. BLANCEteI Miss Mary Carr. Miss Isabella Freeman. ..Miss 13 Price. .Mrs. Stephens. .W. El Griffiths. —.Barton Mil. . Fiank Aiken. .Owen Marlow. .Stnart Robson. C. Rogers. .R. Craig. . Stuart Robson_ ..... Owen Harlow. Hiss Josephine Henrr- Miss..l3. Price. THE GHOST!. sell-lm
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