PROPOSALS. p ROPOSALB FOR INDIAN GOODS DEPARTRENT OF Tim INTERIOR, OFFICE INDIAN AFFAIRS, August 24, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposals for. In dian Goods," ((Haas 1. 2, or 3. es the case may bed to be -delivered in the City of New York, will be received at the Office of Indian Affairs until 12 (-Mock M. on SA TURDAY the 19th day of September next, -for f arnish dug the following named articles: CLASS No. 1. MACKINAC BLANKETS. CLOTHS. AND DRY GOODS, 2,000 pairs 3-point white Mackinac Blankets, ,to mea sure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 6 Pounds, - 2,600 pairs 2,44'. point -white Mackinac Blankets, to mea sure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh 6 pounds. 1,000 paire 2-point white Mackinac Blankets. -to-mea sure 42 by 66 inches, and weigh 5)4 pounds, SOO pairs 154-point white Mackinac Blankets, to Plea sure 38 inches, and weigh 4% pounds. -400 pairs 1-point white Mackinac Blankets, to measure • 32 by 46 inches, and weigh 3% pounds, • 300 pairs 3 point scarlet Mackinac Blankets, to mea sure 60 by 72 inches. -and weigh 8 pounds. 300 pairs 2%-point scarlet Mackinac Blankets, to IS ea sure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh 6 pounds.' 200 pairs 2.point scarlet Mackinac Blankets, to mea sure 42 by - SO inches, and weigh 5% pounds. 180 paire 1)4-point scarlet Mackinac Blankets, to mea sure 36 by 60 inches, and weigh 4.56 pounds. 100 pairs 3.4-point green Mackinac Blankets, to mea sure 63 by 84 inches, and weigh 10 pounds. .300 pairs 3-point green Mackinac Blankets. to measure CO by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds. seo pairs 234-point &eels Mackinac Blankets, to mea sure 64 by 66 inches, and weigh 6 pounds: - 100 pairs 354• point hdigo Mackinac Blankets, to mea sure 66 by 84 Inches, and weigh 10 petunia.. 200 pairs 8 point indigo Mackinac Blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds. -- 200 pairs 2%-poi at indigo Mackinac Blankets, to mea . entre 64 by 66 inches, and weigh 6 Pounds. 100 pairs 2-polnt indigo Mackinac Blankets, to measure 42 by 66 inches, and weigh 014 tonnds. - 100 Pairs 3N -point gentholla alackiean Blankets, to • measure 66 by 94 inched. and weigh 10 pounds. 400 pairs 3-point gentinella Mackinac Blankets,. to plea sure 60 by 72 inches: and weigh 8 pounds. 400 mars 236-Point gentinella Mackinac Bistiakets, to measure 64 by 66 inches, and weigh 6 pounds. 200 pairs 2-point gentinella Mackinac Blankets, to mea sure 40 by 56 inches, and weigh 6% pounds. 200 pairs 134-point Igentinella Mackinac Blankets, to measure 36 by SO inches, and weigh 4% pounds. 2,000 yards fancy list blue Cloth. 1.000 do. -am greenalotb. 1.000 do. do black Cloth. 2,0:0 do. gray list blue Cloth. 1,000 do. saved list green Cloth. - 2,000 do. do. blue Cloth. 2.100 do. ' do.. scarlet Cloth. 100 dozen 8-4 wool Shawl& 100 do. 6-4 do. do. • 1, fOO pounds linen Thread, No. 40. 1,600 do. cotton Thread. 50 gross worsted Gartering. . 30,000 yards Calico. - - - 20,000 do. Merrimac Calico. -' 10,030 do. Turkey Red. 10,1200 do. blue Bernina. 10, OD do. Cottonades. 10,080 do, blue Drilling. 10,000 do. white do - - 2.000 do. brown Cotton. Duck. • 10,000 do. bed Ticking. 1.600 do, Satinett, 1,000 do. Kentucky Jeans. 10,000 do, plaid Linsey& 30,000 do. Oanabarg. 26,000 do, unbleached domestic Sheeting. 7,600 do. bleached domestic Sheeting, 6.000 do. Checks, Stripes and Plaids. 2,000 do. Flannels, assorted. 1,000 pounds Brown (lilting Twine, No, 80. 600 do. Cotton Maitre. 1,000 Flannel Shirts. • 1,000 Calico Sheirta. 250 dozen Plaid Madras Handkerchiefs. 80 do. Cotton Flag do, 260- do. Printed Cotton . do. Class No. 2. READY-MADE CLOTHING, 260 Frock Coats, indigo Blue, broad cloth. 260 Pants, do, do. 250 Vests, do. do. 150 Blue Satinett Frock Coats, 150 do. Pants. 160 do. Vests. 60 Steel mixed Satinett Frock Coats. 60 do do. Pants. 160 Cadet mixed Satinett Frock-Coats. 150 do. do. Pants. - lffil do, do. Pests. HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, &c. SONO lbs. Brasi Kettles. 40 nests Japanned'do. 800 Camp do. 100 dozen 2 quart Pans. 100 dozen 4-quart Pans. • 200 do. Tin Cups 100 do. Squaw Awls. 70 do. Ptah Hooks. - 200 - do, - Fish Linea. - - 250 -do. Coarse Tooth Combs. 60 do. Fine Tooth Combs. ' 250 do. Scissors, 160 - do. Shears. 60 do. Gilibbing Roes. 60 do, Weeding Hoes. 60 do. Hendsaw Files. 150 Drawing Knives • 40 dozen spades. 40 do. - Shovels. 3,100 Frying Pans. 10 dozen Basting Spoons, 100 do, Iron able :spoons. 165 do. Axes, to weigh from 4% to 0)4 pounds. 110 do, Half-Axes (handled), to weigh 3% pounds. 25 do. Zinc Mirrors. 12 do. Grass Scythes, 42 inches. 12 do. Scythe Snathe. . 100 Handsaws. - 50 Foot Adzes. _ . . Goods of Ameffican manufacture of the required styles and quality will be preferred, but as the samples of blankets and cloths are foreign fabrics, it will be neces sary in proposing a domestic article of either of those kinds, that a sample thereof shall accompany - the bid. The articles to be furnished mast in all respects conform eh and be equal with the Government samples which may be seen at this office. The articles will be rigidly - inspected and compared -With the samples by an agent or agente aprointed for that purpoee Such as may be un equal thereto in any particular will be relented, in which. case the contractor will be henna to furnish others of the required kind or quality within three days, or if that be -not dorm - hey will lie purchased at his expense. Pay ment will be mode for the goods received on invoices ereof, certified by the agent or agents appointed to in epect them. It is to he an derStood teat the right wilt be reserved to requii e a greater or less quantity of any of the articles named than that specifieet in the above schedule, at the prices profaned. and oil b do for furnishing said articles army he rejected at tea option of the Department ; and that none Irons persons who nave failed to comply with the requirements of a previous contract w Ili. the United States. or - who are not mannfactorers or wholesale t 511 rs in the vs:hired articles. will be considered, and the fact thi , t bidders are such manufacturers or dealers nA be evidenced by the certificate of the. Codector of the Port where they reside, or where it is proposed to deliver the articles. The proposals must embrace the articles.with the quantithe thereof. a 4 they are arranged in the schedule, with the prices annexed to each, in dollars end cenis, -at which they are to be 'fur nished. and the amounts must be cants& out and footed np for each class ; said prices and amounts must be so given, without any modification, or proposed modification or variation whatever. They .should'be, submitted with the following heading: I (or we) hereby propose to famish the service of the Indian Department. and according to the terms of its• advertisement thereof, dated. minuet 24, 1663, the following articles at the office thereto affixed (here insert the list according. to the class or classes proposed for), delivei able in the city of New York by the Ist day of April next or at such time or times during the year 1814 as may be ordered by the Commissioner of Indian Af fair& arid if the proposal be atcepted (here-ins6ft the words " In whole or in part." if more than-one class be proposed for) I- (or we) will, within twenty days there after, execote a contract accordingly and give security satisfactory to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for the faithful performance of the same. " Each-proposal must (be accompanied with a guarantee' 'in the following form to be signed by two or more re sponsible persons. whose sufficiency must be certified to by a Unitt d States judge or district attorney: We hereby jointly and. severally gaaranty that the above bidder (or bidders),if a contract shall be awarded to him (or them) according to hie (or their) bid or pro- POSal. will execute a contract accurdingly, and give the requisite security , for the performance thereof,. as pre-. ecribed in the advertisement for proposals for Indian goods, dated August 24..1863: and in the event of his (ot their) failure so to do, we, hereby agree to bind our selves. our hein, executors, and assigns, to forfeit and pay the United States, as damages, a sum not less than fifteen per cent. on the amount of said bid or proposal." Bonds will be required in the amount of the bid for the faithful performance of the contract, with two or more sureties, whose sufficiency must be certified by a United States judge or district attorney. No proposal will be considered that does not strictly conform, in all particulars, to the terms and directions of this advertisement. CHARLES E. MIX, an26-wfdimllt Acting Co mmiesioner. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, - • CINCINNATI, Ohio, August 31, 1663. The undersigned invites proposals until WEDNESDAY NOON, September 9, 1863, for supplying the following articles, by contract, viz: Troweers, Mounted. Blankets, Wool—Army Standard. . Blankets, Rubber, Poncho Tent. Overcoats, Horsemen's. Overcoats, Footmen's. Trumpets. National Colors. Regimental Colors. Black Wadding. Eamples must in all cases accompany the bide, and bidders must distinctly state in their proposals the quan tity of goods .they offer to furnish, the price. and the time of delivery; and must accompany their bids with a guarantee, signed personally by two responsible par ties, agreeing that the bidder will enter into a contract if an award is made to him. All supplies must be delivered in good, new packages, free of charge. at the U. S. Inspection Depot in this city. Written contracts,. of which this advertisement shall be made a—part, will be entered into with parties to whom awards are made, and bonds required of them in sums equal to one-fourth the value of the goods con trs oted for. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is re served. Blank forms for proposals may be obtained at this office By order of Col. Taos. Swonne. A. Q M. G. C. W. MoULTON. Captain, and A. Q. M. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. PRILARSLIMIA. &I September, 18e8. PROPOSALS will be received at tide (Mice until FRI- DAY. September 11. at it o'clock M. for the deli Very in thin city, on or before the let day of October next, of the following articles: 30 tons Tire-Iron, 23f-inch by 34-inch, 16 feet long. 10 do do 234-inch by 3f-inch,-16 feet long. - 2 do. Hammered Iron, best quality, 2>t -inch by .3i; inch. 2 tons Hammered Iron, best quality, 1 inch sqnare. Edo Round Iron, if, inch. 1,000 lbs Spring Steel, 134- inch by 34-inch. 2 (00 do de 13( -inch by.X.inch. 1,000 do Steel, for Toe Corks. 100 do Copper Eivets and Burrs, 34-inch. in lb papers. 110 do do do do NO rich, do do. 100 do do do do -inch, do do. 1, COO king Bolts. Army standard. 10,000 Botts and Nuts assorted 5 kegs Wrought Spikes, 6 inch. 5 do do do 6-inch. 500 AV hite.wash Brushes, 10-knot; sample required. 200 Scrub Brushes, hand, ' do do. 60 Dust Brushes, do do. 150 Marking Brushes, " de do. 114 Paint Brushes. assorted, do do. 600 Corn Brooms, best Shaker, , do - .do. 260 Pick Handles, do do.' 310 Stable Its kes, bard wood, 14 teeth, do do. 200 shovels, long handle, . do do. 1 he right is reserved, to reject all bids deemed too high. A. BOYD, seS-St Lent. and Aes't Quartermaster. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE NERAL'S 07810 E, PHILADELPHIA, Sprdepber 2, 1863. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until the Bth inst. at 12 o'clock, M., for the delivery in this city of the followingarticles: Mule Collars,, .16 to 17 inch. Horse Collars, 18 to 20 inch. Wagon Saddles. Tar Pots. Azle Washer/3. Amy Wagon Wheels. Hind, Army Standard. Ambulance Wheels, Hind, " Ambulance Wheels, Front, Coupling Poles, Ws RIM Tongues, 14 it• mbnlance Tongues, Front Hounds, Bidders must state in their proposals the price. 'Nan' titY bid for, and time of delivery, The'right is reserved to reyect all bids deem - aloe high. A. BOYD set-Bt , _ Captain and A. Q. M., ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE RERAL'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, 24th August, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office uhtii TUEEDAY, 15th September next, at 12 o'clock 51,, -/pr furnishing , Anthracite Coal for the War Department, -to be delivered during the year commencing lot October, 1863, and ending 30th September, 1834. Coal to be of the 'best quality anthracite, for n.e of steamers, to weigh -2,240 pounds to the ton: and to be subject to inspection. The Coal is to be delivered on board vessels in the ports of Philadelphia and New York. in such quantities and at such times as may be required, furnishing, if de manded, one thousand tons per day. In case of failure -to deliver the coal in proper ,quantity and at the proper time and place, the Clovernment reserves the right to make good any deficiency by purchase, at the contract . or's risk and expense. The price must be for the coal delivered on board ves sels, on. the terms and conditions above stated. Twenty- Ave per cent will be withheld from the amount of all payments, which reservation is not to be paid until the • contract shall have been fatly completed. Payments of the remaining eighty per cent. or balance' due, will be or when made monthly,the Department is in funds for that Purpose: ...; Each offer must be accompanied by a written guarantee, signed by one or more responsible parties, that , the bid der or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter into obligations, with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish the supplies proposed. No proposition will be • considered unless accompanied by such guarantee. Two or more sureties in the sum of one hundred thou ; sand dollars will be required to sign bonds for the faith- Jul performance of the contract. and their responsibility 'will be certified by a'United States district judge, United 'States district attorney, or, collector. The right is reserved to retest all the bids, if considered Ito be the interest of the service to. do .so.. Proposals must be endorsed, "Proposals for Coal for the War Department." A. BOYD, an2s-tsels Capt. and Assist. - Q. M. U. S Army. A$ BIBT ANT QUARTERMASTER 'GINISBAL'S OFFICE, PIILLADELPNIA. - 3d SEIPLOMPUr , 1889. pitoposem will be received at this, office until MONDAY. 2th inst., at 12 o'clock M., for the' delivery in this city, on or before the 20th inst., or two White . Cedar Tanks. , of the capacity of eight thousand gallons each. The right is reserved to reject all bids ,- deemedt too high:pc G H. CROgINAN. , - If.•Ass't Quartermaster General. . • SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-stroot Hall, Al! that certain lot or piece of ground Pituate on the westerly side of Germantown road aLtbe distance of one hundred and twenty feet northward from the north side of Camac street, in the late district of Keneingten. new in. the Seventeenth ward or tbe city of PhilapelPhia: containing in front or breadth on the Paid Germantown road forty-four feet. and extending westward at right angles to the taid Germantown road, on the north line thereof, ore hundred and forty-six feet five inches, and on the south line thereof one hundred and. fifty-f,sur feet nine and three.quarters inches eonnded north ward by ground granted to William (loldevy, on, enstwardby,thessid Garment° wn read, deathward partly b r ground now or late of Turner Camac, wad partlyby an alley seventeen feet eight and one-quarter inches wide Of which the above-described lot halt no privilege what ever), and westward. by other ground n.ovil"-or late of George Cad walader. [Being the same premises which George Cadwala der and wife, by indenture dated the 17th day of March, A. D. 1T 2, recorded in Deed Burk T M., No.ll, page 119, ac.. granted and conveyed unto Ch istian Dreby and his heirs; reserving thcreout yearly ground rent of one hundred and thirty-two dol lars, lawful [silver money of the United titates of Ame rica, each dollar weighing seventeen pennyweights and six grains, at least, payable half-yearly an the twenty fifth days of March and lieptember in every year there after,-the st half-yearly payment thereof commencing on the twenty-fifth day of beptember, 1802; far arrears of which said ground rent , the ,udgment in this case has been obtained.] B —On the above premises are erected a three story brick dwelling-house, and also a three•story brick building, with one-story frame back-bui.dings now used no a dye-house. ED. a. 87 ; Sept. T., '63. Debt. $115.99 Ramie.] . Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Christian Dreby JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 22,8863. an 26-81 SHERIFF'S SALE -BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venclitiont Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on' MONDAY Dye- Ding, (September 7, 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. . All that certain lot or plea() of ground, with the three story brick messuage or tenement with back buildings thereon erected, situate on the north side of Walnut street, at the distance of one hundred and eighty feet eastward' from the east side of Thirty-sixth street, in the 'TwentysT urth ward of the city of Philadelpnia; containing in front or breadth on he said Walnut street thirty feet, and in length or depth of that width north ward, at right angles with said - Walnut street, one !um dred and twenty-tour feat. Bounded on the south by Walnut street, on the east and west by gro and., granted to James D. Shaw, and on the north by gronad'of Wil liam Jones. C . Whicn said lot of ground Anneely foo vett and wife, by indenture dated the twenty-first day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight,hundred and sixty, and intended to be recorded, granted and con veyed unto the said James D. Shaw in fee.] CD. 0., 48; Sept' T., '63. Debt, $3.2:10 Paschall.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of JainesD. Shaw. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Aug.ll. Aug. 1833. au243t ;SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY viarfuE OF a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vend ue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 72,03, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that certain three-story brick messuage or tene ment and two-story brick as d framoback-building situ ate at the southwest corner of Twenty-eighth. and efaster slreets, in -the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadel phia; the said brick messnage or tenement being in front on the said Master street eighteen feet by thirty-two feet deep, and the said bask-buildings thereto attached being twelve feet in width by twelve feet in depth ; and the Int or riece of ground and curtilage-appurtenant to said building, said lot or piece of ground bow; situate on the southwest gorner of said Twenty- eighth and Master streets; containing in front or breadth on the said Master street eighteen feet. and in length or depth one hundred and thirty feet, more or less [D. C.. 1014 Sect. T. '63. Debt, $lB7 25. Johnston.]: Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Clark. JOHN TEWMPEON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Moe. August :X. 1861 au2.7-3t R,HERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF h-la Writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, imptember 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at so:mom-street All that yearly ground rent or sum of twenty . -four dol lars lawful money chargeable upon and issuing out of all that certain lot or piece of ground, sitnits on the north aide of Mcllwain, late Marshall. street, at the distance of sixty-nine feet westward from the west side of Delaware Fifth street. in-late Southwark; containing in front or breadth on the said. Mcllwain street sixteen. feet, and: extending of that width in length or depth northward forty-tive feet. [Being the same lot which Oscar Scarlett, by deed dated the twenty-ninthday of October, A. D.-1857. recorded in Dei d Book It D. W., No. 158, page 62, &c., granted and conveyed to George Plowman, in fee reserving ttico emit the aforesaid yearly ground rent as therein expressed.) CD. C., 82: Sept. T.,63. Debt, $252.50. C.Thema'.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Oscar Scarlett. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, August 26. 1863. au'27-3t lIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A P- 1 writ cif Yenditioni Exponas, to me direeted,will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY livening - . September 7, 1E63, at 4 o'clock, at Ransom-street Hhi 1, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick =assuage or tenement thereon erected. situ ate on the west of Adams street, at the di.,,tince of one hundred and sixty-five feet northward from the north side of Columbia. street. in the late district of Kensington, in the county of Philadelphia; cents fining in front or breadth on said Adams street twelve feet, an d extending in length or depth westward between lines parallel with said Columbia street forty-eight feet to a certain four-feet• wide alley. Bouiffted eastward by the said Adams street, southward by ground granted by Oliver Parry and wife and Nathaniel Randolph and wife to John Bethell on ground rear, westward by said four-feet-wide alley, and northward by a certain three feet-wide they, which runs eastward from sold, four feet.wide alley into said Adams street. together with the free and common use and privilege of said four-feet wide alley and of the said three-feet-wide alley ae a passage-way and water-course at all times hereafter for ever. [Being the same lot of ground which Oliver Parry and wife and Nathaniel Randolph and wife, by deed dated the 2Lth day of March, A. D. 1530, and recorded at Philadelphia Deed Book G. W C., No. 41, page 199, etc.. granted and conveyed unto said John Bethell in See; reserving thereont a yearly ground rent of thirty six dollars. payable half-yearly, clear of taxes, etc., on the first days of April and October forever ] [D. C., 112; Sept. T., '63. Debt, $117.71. Thidin Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jolla Bethell. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. • Philadelphia, Sherlas Office. August 26,1563. anew-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ ofVenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or cendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7,19 W. at 4 - o'clock. Sansom-street Hall. No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the northwest corner of Bath and Victoria streets, in the late district of Richmond, now in the Twenty fifth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or brdadth on said Bath street seventy-one feet roar and three fourths inches, and extending in length or death westitard of that width, between lines at right angles with said. Bath street. seventy. one feet three tinches. Bounded on the north and west by other gron ad of the said Henry D. rittever, on the - south by said Victoria street, and on the east by Bath street aforesaid. [Being the same lot which Henry D. Steever and Martha, hie wife, by deed dated the 9th day of July, A. D 1853. and recorded in the orrice for recording deeds. &c., for the city and county of Philadelphia. in Deed Book A. C.ll . No. 80,. page 459, granted and conveyed unto the said 'Witham D. Baker in fee.l No. 2. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground situ ate on the southwest corner of Oliva and B .th streets, in the late clotrict - of Richmond. now in the Twenty-fifth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Oliva street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth southward of that width, between parallel. lines at right angles with said Oliva street, eighty feet. Bounded northward by said Oliva street, on the eastward by said Bath street, and on the south ward and westward by ground now or late of Henry D. Steever. (Being the same lot, which Henry D. Steever and Martha, his wife, by deed dated the 9th day of July, A 8.-1863. and recorded in the office for recondsna - deeds, &c., f r •the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. C. H, SO, page 467, Sic., granted and con veyed unto the said William D. Baker in fee.] No. 3. And also, all that certain Jot sr piece of ground situate on the south side of Oliva street, in the late dis trict of Richmend, now in the Twenty-fifth ward of the city of Philadelphia, commencing - at the distance of thirty-fire feet nine inches westward from Bath street ; containing in front or breadth on said 01766 street thirty-' five feet six inches, and extending in length or depth southward of that width, between lines at right angles with said Oliva street, eighty feet. Bounded north ward by said Oliva street, eastward by Bath street aforesaid, and southward and westward by ground now or late of Henry D. Steever. (Being the same lot which henry D. Steever and Martha, his wife, by deed dated the 9th day of July, 1863, and recorded in the office for rccordinig Ir deeds, e , for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. C. H., Be. SO, pagel63. &c., granted and conveyed unto the said William D Baker in fee. J ID. C., 63; Sept. T. , '63. , Debt 5650.66. Johnston. 1 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William D.Baker. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. August 20. 1363. au26.3t p,HERIFF'S SALE.-,BY VIRTUE OF A kJ writ of Levari Facia'', to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1565. at 4 o'clock, at Sonsom- street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot or piece of ground, situate on the south side of Reed street, at the distance of seventy : seven feet. five inches east ward from the east side of Fourth street. in the First ward of said city.; containing in front or breadth on - said Reed street eighteen feet, (Including the one-half or Weston, - most moiety of an alley two feet six inches in width by thirty-five feet in depth, leading into and from said Reed street,- laid out and opened by Benjamin Jones, Jr, , for the use of this and the lot adjoining to the eastward,) and extending of that width in length or depth southward on the east line thereof eighty-six feet ten inches. and on the west line thereof-eighty-three feet three and seven-eighths inches. Bounded north ward. by the said 'Reed street, eastward by ground of Solomon Demers, westward by ground of James N. Hoff man, and southward partly by ground of`John White man, and partly by ground now or late of Wm. B. °skins and Thomas C. -Nesbitt on ground rent. [Being the same lot or piece of ground which-Daniel H. Foster and Margaret, his wife, by indenture dated the twenty third day of. July, A. D. 1517,- recorded in Deed Book No. —, page —, granted_ and conveyed unto - the said Samuel S. Cavin in fee; subject to the restrictions as to building as therein contained; reserving thereon; unto him, the said Daniel H. Foster, his heirs and as signs, - the yearly ground rent or sum of sixty-three dollars, payable half yearly. on the first day of the months of Mayt and November in every year. without any deduction for taxes. &c I Together with the own mon use and privilege of the said alley as and for a way. Passage, and water-course, in common with the Owner. tenant, and occupier of the other lot to the eastward bounding thereon. CD. C.. 71; Sept. T. , '63. Debt, $361.20. Woodward-]3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel S. Cavin. MEDI TH IMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's ce, August 24,1863. nu2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a trill of Alias Venditioni Exponae, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1563. at 4 o'clock. at Sausom-street All those two contiguous lots of ground situate on the south -side of Pratte street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in Dont on said - Prune street thirty- six feet, and in length or depth southwardly seventy feet, more or less. Bounthd north.- - ward by Prune street, eastward by ground late of John Sherman, souinward by ground now or late of William Shippen, and - westward by ground of Joseph Grisly• subdect to a yearly grout:Al rent of one hundred and eight dollars. . . N. B —There is erected upon the above•described piece ofground a'two-story brick . stable, known' as Duff's stable All that certain messnage or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Second street, be tween Arch and Race streets. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on Second street nineteen feet, and extending in length or depth — eastward one hundred and twenty-seven feet Bounded on the north by ground of John Rohe, eastward by ground now or late of David Evans. southwardly portly by the north end of an eight-feet-wide alley leading into and from Elfreth's alley, and partly by ground now or late of John Amalie, tnd westward by Second street aforesaid N. B.—There is erected on the rear end of the above. described lot a brick stable. W. C.. 128; Sept. T. 'B3. Debt. $526 08. Bryan.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the 'property of James S. Keen. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Ang. 26, 1853. an27.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF SHERIFFS a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed,' will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7. 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansorn-street No. 1. All that eel tain.three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Thompson street, at the distance of ninety-nine feet six inches east- Ward from the east side of hixteenth street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said. Thompson street sixteen feet six inches, and extending in length or depth southward tifty-ilve feet. Ho, 2. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground and two three-story brick houses thereon erected, situate on the north side of Cabot street, in the said city, at the dis tance of ninety-nine feet six inches eastward from the east side of Sixteenth street; containing in front on gall Cabot street sixteen feet six inehes,and extending in depth northward sixty-five feet, more or less, to a certain fence dividing this from the lot above described. [Being the same two lots or pieces of ground and premises which George Magee, Esq . Eligh Sheriff, dm. ,by deed poll dated the 11th day of Jnly, A. D. 1557, duly acknowledged in open District Court, and entered among the records there of in Sheriff's Deed Book, , No. 2. page 42. Sm. 'grant ed and conveyed unto the said Edward White in fee, subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent of thirty-six dollars.] ' W. [:,133; Sept. T.._ '6ll It - ebt. 8600 Bengali.] Taken in execution and to he sold as roe property of Edward White, . JOHN TIT.O3fPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, August 26,1868. an27-3t. SHERIFF'S SAL - E.—BY, VIRTUE OF NJ a writ of Levari Facing, tome directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening; September 7. 1663, at 4 o'clOck, at Sansourstreet EMI: All that certain meesuage or tenement situate in Frank lin Row, and the lot or piece of ground thereunto he longing. situate on the west side of Delaware Ninth etreet, between Walnut and Locust streets, In the said city of. Philadelphia; containing in breadth on the said Ninth street twenty-three feet, and in length or depth ninety feet. Bounded southward at the distance of ninety,-three feet from the north side of Locust street, by ground now or late of John Savage and John Bleany, westward by a six-feet-wide alley leading into and from thesEdd _;Locust. street, northward by a lot of ground DOW or late of Joseph Randall, and eastward by Ninth street aforesaid. C tieing the same premises which the Feld IsaacJ. Phillips and wife, by indenture, bearing date is Rh a certain indenture of mortgage, viz: Janua ry 1et, , 11346, - but duly executed and acknowledged prior to the execution of said indenture, and intended there with to be recorded according to law. for the considera tion money therein mentioned, part whereof was there by secured, granted and conveyed -unto the said Joseph Herr in fee; subject. - nevertheless, to:certain reatrimions with respect to bni:dings as therein mentioned.] To gether with the free and common use and privilege of the .said six-feet-Wide alley as and for a watercourse N. B.—Joseph Kerr has no interest in this property CD. ,124: Bept. T.; !BB Debt, $5.171 67. R. R. Smith.) Taken'in'execution and to be sold ae the property of 'Joseph Merit ...JOHN THOMPSON . Sheriff. PbiladelPhia, litieritra Moe, AUNEtet 260.86, ;au22T-ht SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of. Venditionl Exrkmas, to me directed, will he ekposed to public sato or vomits, on. MONDAY &Oil ing. September 7, 11363,at 4 o'clock. at Sansorn-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick meesnage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the west side of Marshall street, at the dis tance of one hundred and eighty-six feet and three quarters of an inch southward from the south side of Parrish street. In the late district of Spring Garden, now in the Thirteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia t con taining in front or 'breadth on the said Marshall street sixteen feet, including on the south side thereof the northernmost moiety of a one-foot-ten-inches-wide alley, and iu length or depth westward., between parallel lines at right angles with the said Marshall street. seventy-four feet nine inches and a half. Mended on the south by the ground of Samuel Middle lon, on the west by ground or George M. hlkinton, on the north by ground of John Grim, and On the east by the said Marshall street. (Being the same premises which Samuel Middleton and Aunts C., his wife, by in denture bearing date the 16th day of Jane; A. D. 1857, recorded In Deed Book A. C. , No. 95. page 74, &c granted and conveyed unto the said William C. Neman in fee.] N. B.—The above premises are subject to a mortgage of $1.200. executed by Samuel Middleton in favor of Elizabeth W. Wistar, dated November 2.3d,1850, end re corded in Mortgage Book G. W. 0., No. Z., page 141, din CD. a, 25; Sept. T., '63 Debt, $2.500 (Marion.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William O. Vernon. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, August 12, M. an24-3t • SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY.VIRTITE OF a writ of Alias Levert Facies: to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, MS. et 4 o'clock. at Sammie-street Ball. All those certain messuages or tenements and. lot or posse ciin"tl.3oel around thereunto belonging, o s o i l t r u n a . to 6 l a tt gi C u tt a e t e n t a n Chestnut, , t a stone set for a corner on the westerly side of the Oar u antown and Perkiomon Turnpike Road, at the place of intersection of a two-perch-wide road, forimmly called Paul's Mill Road, new called Weins' or Paper Mill Road; theuee along the same, dividing this from land of Henry Nerper. south thirty-nine degrees - twenty-five minutes west two hundred and five feet and ninety-five one uudredths of a foot to a stake sot for a corner of this and land of Charles Brownholtz; thence crossing said mill road and by lend of the said Charles Brownholtz south Slty degrees and thirty minutes easy, one hundred feet end ninety-Bye hundredths of a foot to - land of John Bobensack; thence by the sane north forty-two degrees east, one hundred and sixty feet and ftvatenths of a foot to a stone set for a corner on the aforesaid side of said Permantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Road ; thence by the same north twenty-eight degrees thirty minutes west, one hundied and fourteen feet and ftve- tenths of a foot to the place of 'Beginning [Being a mart of the same lot Cr piece of land which Henry W. Cress, of White marsh township, in the county of Montgomery, in the state of Pennsylvania, lumber merchant, and Margaret, his wife, by indenture bearing data tho sixth day of April; A. D. IFAS, recorded in the aloe for recording deeds, etc , for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Beek B. L. L., No. N. pegs 64, etc., granted and conveyed unto the said John Stallman in fee. And the said John ntallman and Sarah, his wife, by indenture bearing even date with a certain indenture of mortgage; viz; February 7, 1854, but duly ORE cuted end acknow ledged prior to the execution of the said indenture, granted and conveyed to the said John B. Horsham. N. B.—On the above-described property is erected a double two-story stone house, ,with four rooms on first floor, on the main sheet or turnpike; also, a two-story stone house on the said "-Weiss' Mill Road." now called Hartwell avenue; also, a frau e stable and tenant house, and. also a one-story stone shop or store on the main street. CD. C., 43; Sept. P. '63. Debt, $2,267.66. Hunsicker. Taken iu execution and to be sold as the property of, John B. Tfarsha.w. 30BN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Angtt,tl4. 1863. a.u2l-31 • Q3E - RIFF'S- SALE.-BY -VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Facial, to me directed, will be exposed to public saleor vendee, on MONDAY Evening, September 7. 1863. at 4 o'clock, at SansomLstreet Hall, No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the improvements thereon erected, situate at the northeast corner of Delaware Eighth street: continued, and Cal lowhill etreet, in the late district of Spring Garden; con taining in front or breadth on the said Callowhill street enty-five feet, and extending-in length or depth on. the west lino thereof. along the east line of the said Eighth . street rinety-four feet, and on the east line of the said lot ninety-seven feet two. inches and three foui ths of an inch, and in breadth at the rear end of the south line of Willow street twenty-five feet two and a half inches. Bounded on the north by the said Willow street, formerly Pegg's run, on the east by the next-de scribed lot, on the south by the' said Callowhill street: 4 and on the west by, the said Eighth street. Bo: 2. And also, all that'certain lot or piece of ground, with the improvements thereon erected, situate on the north side of the said Caltowhill - street, between Dela wareßeventh and Eighth etreete, continued, in the late district of Spring Garden aforesaid. Beginning on the said Callowhill street at the distance of twenty-five feet eastward from the east line of Eighth street aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on the said Callowhill street twenty-nine feet nine and a half inches, and ex tending in lex gch or -depth northward on the v est line thereof ninety-seven feet two inches and three-fourths of an inch, and on the east line thereof one hundred and one feet one inch, and in breadth. at the rear end there of, on the south line of the said Willow street, thirty fret ha,f an inch. Bounded on the north by the said Willow street, on the east by ground formerly of John Kersner, on the west by the above-described lot, and on the south by Callowhill street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Henry 3. Steever, by deed dated the 26th day. of august, A. D. 1857, and intended to be recorded, granted, and conveyed to the said. John J. Heisler and Isaac H. Steever, their heirs and assigns.] ID. C., 68; Sept. T., '63 Debt, $12,073.64. Johnston.] Taken in execution and to be sold - as the property of : John J. Heisler and Isaac H Steever. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug 19.1963.-au24-3t SHERIFF'S SA.LE.-L-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Yenditioni Exponas, to me direct ed, will be exposed to public sale or yendue. on lIIOFDA.Y Evening, September 7,1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Ball, All that certain three-story brick message) and lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of the Frankford road. at the distance of one hundred and twenty feet north of Duntingddn street, in the late district of Rich.- mond. now in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Frankford road twenty feet, extending- thence, keeping the same breadth, at right angles with the said Frankford road, on the northernmost lino thereof fifty-eight feet two and three eighths inches, and on the sonthernmest line thereof fifty-four feet two and one-eighth inches; thence again eastwardly, keeping the Caine breadth at right angles with Amber street, on the north line fifty-eight feet two and three-eights inches, and on the south line fifty-four feet two and one-eight inches. Bounded on the north by ground now or late of William Archer, on the soath by ground now or late of Williain Derrick, on the east by Amber street, and on the west by the Frankford road aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Henry Hall. man and wife, by indenture bearing date the seventh ' day of February. A. D. 1854. recorded in Deed BOok T. H., N 0.131, paee 61, granted and conveyed to the said - Samuel W. MeNanghton, in fee, under and subject never theless to the payment of a - certain yearly ground rent or sum of fifteen dollars per annum, payable unto Wm. F. Emlen rand J. Dickinson Sergeant,- trustees, their heirs and assigns, when and as the same shall there after grow due and payable as therein expressed, and which sa'd yearly ground rent, a sum of fifteen dollars, the said William F. Emlen and J. Dickinson Sergeant, trustees, by indenture endorsed. dated the twenty. eecond day of September, A. D. 1856; recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., N 0.97, page 239. &c., granted, released, and forever extinguished unto the said. Samuel W. Sic- Naughton, his heirs and assigns, as therein expressed.] CD. C., 59; Sept. T.,'63. Debt, -$BOO. W. S. Price.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel W. McNaughton. JOHN. THOSIPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office • August 19 , 1863. au24. 3t- WELERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF t•-. 7 a writ of Alias Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or ven due. on MONDAY Even tug.-September 7, 1583, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Ail that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Thirty-third street, at the distance of twenty five feet southward from the south side of Hamilton street, in the Twenty-fourth - ward containing in front or breadth on said Thirty-third street twenty five feet, and extending in length or depth eastward of that width between lines at right angles therewith one hundred and. five feet, including on the rear end thereof the whole of a certain three-feet-wide alley, which extends northward into Hamilton street. [Being part of the same premises which-the said Joseph Potts,by indenture bearing date the first-day of April, A. D. 183), and re corded Deed Book A- D. 8., No. 87, page 384. &e. grant ed and conveyed unto the said John Shed wick in fee. .1 Together with the free and common use. right..liberty. and privilege of the aforesaid three-feet-wide alley at all times hareafter forever. - ‘N. 8.--4/n the above-described lot is •a three-story rough-east cottage dwellinglionse, with t wo-story 'rough cast beck building, side and front yarda r and a.two-etory frame building on the rear.' - Mr. Shedwick has' parted with his interest in the above premises. . [D. 76; Sept. T., '63. ' Debt, 2,003. T. D: Swath. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Shedwick. JOHN THODMPSOIy. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 19,1863. au2-1-3t SHERLFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF "•-••' a writ of Alias Levari Facial; to me directed, will be exposed to publu, sale or vendue, on MONDAY live nin a. September 7,12&3. at 4 o'clOck. at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain three-story brick messuageor tenement and lot or - piece of ground thereunto belonging, marked in a certain plan number ten 00), situate on the south side of Pine street, at the distance of fifty-four feet, more or lees, from; the west side of Delaware Sixth street, in ;the Fifth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con laining in front or breadth on the said Pine street eigh teen feet, and, extending in length or depth southward; sixty feet. Bounded eastward by lot No. 11, now or late of William Stevenson; westward by lot No. 9, now or late of George Ferrell; southward by a fourteen.feet- wide court leading into said Sixth street, and northward by Pine street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Michael Morgan, by indenture bearing date December 31, A. D: 1559, intended to be then forthwith recorded, grant ed and conveyed unto the said James Joshua Gould Bias. and Elizabeth, his 'wife, in fee.) CD. C., - 41: tent. T.. '&3. Debt, $2. 738.67. G. L. Deugherty.l Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Elizabeth Bias, Administratrix. &c. . • - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 13.1863. att2l-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of AliaaVenditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening heptamber 7, 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sausom-street All that Certain lot ,or piece of ground situate ua e on the east side of Delaware Seventh street, at the distance of sixty feet southward from the southeast corner of said Seventh street and Thompson street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front or breadth on said Seventh street twenty feet - and extending of that bread tb, in length or depth eastward, between parallel lined at right angles with said Seventh street, one hundred and seventy-four feet ten inches to Marshall street. [Being the same premises which Edwin Shields and Thomas T. Lea and wives, by indenture dated the 4th June, 1853, recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. H.. No. 124. page 338, granted and conveyed unto James C. English. in fee; reserving thereout a yearly ground rent of one hundred and twenty dollars, payable semi-annnally on the fourth day of December and. June of each year, without deduc tion for taxes, &c. ] fl). C., 27; Sept. -T, '63. Debt, $168.36. Serrill. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James C. English. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 12,1863..an21-31 SHERIFF'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Mori Facies, 'to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom.street Hall, All that certain lot or,p Mee of ground, with the build ings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the north aide of Spring Garden etreet,at the distance of one hundred and seventy-eight feet westward from the wart side of Thirteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said. Spring Garden street twenty-two feet, and extending of that width in length or depth northward, between lines p - trallel with said Thirteenth street, one hundred and fifty feet to :a thirty-eight-feet-eight -inches-wide street cal led Brandy wine street. Subject to the payment of a ground rent of two 'hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum. ED. C., 35; Sept. T.,-'63. Debt, SIIEIO. F. it. Hippie.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Edward S. Wheleh, assignee. .Bto •- JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 19, 18S3. au24-3t HERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP -a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Ste. 1. Al]. that lot of ground with'the two brick MOS snages thereon erected situate on the north side of Vine strett, and west side of a certain twelv-efeet-wide alley running northward and southward into and from Vine street, at the distance of one hundred and twelve feet eleven and -a half inches. westward - from and parallel with Twenty-third street, in the city of PhiladelPia ; containing in front on said alley twenty seven feet three inches, and extending of that width westward twenty eight feet four inches. Bounded on the north by other ground of the said David La - palsy, en the east by said twelve-feet-wide alley, on the south by said . Vine street, on the west by a certain alley two feet six inches wide. No: 2. and also that lot of ground with' the two brick reeesuages thereon erected situate on the north side of Vine street, and east side of the said twelve4est-wide alley ; containing ;in front on - said alley twenty-eeven feet three inches. and extending of that width eastward twenty four feet four and a half inches. Bounded on the tioth by other ground of the said David Lapsloy, on the east byre. building and ground of -, on the south by said Vine street. and on the weetll by said-twelve-feet wide alley. [Being the same Premises which the said David Lapeley and. wife, by indentnre bearing even date with a certain indenture of mortgage. but duly executed immediately before the said indenture of mortgage, end intended to be recorded, for the considera tion money therein mentioned, part whereof was there by secured, granted and conveyed unto the said James Adams. given in fee. ] Together with the free and corn - neon use, right,- liberty, and privilege of sail two alleys respectively at all times hereafter forever. [B. 0::132; S. T., 'B3. Debt, 82.332. John H. Thomas ] Taken in execution and to be sold as theproporty of Susan Given, admintstratrlx, with the-will annexed, of James Adams Given, deceased. ' JOHN THOMPSON,. Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff's Office. August'fi6, 1863; au27-31 • SHERIFF' SALE.-Bl' VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponse. to - .me directed. will be exposed. to public sale or voluble,' on MONDAY Evening, September 7. 1863, at 4 o' Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of mind. sitnaie'nn'tke northeast corner of Franklin avenue and Randolph street, formerly in the district of the Northern Liberties, now hathe city of Philadelphia; containing in" front or breadth on said Franklin avenue eighteen feet ten inches, and- - extending in length or depth northward of that width along the said Randolph street eighty five feet. - Bounded northward and eastward by remaining ground. of taumel Judea, eonihward , by, the said 6'ranklin avenue, and'westward by the said Randolph street,: [Be ing the same premises which Samuel - Darden and wife, by indenture rpated tbe '9th day of August, A , D. 1852, recorded at Philadelphia in- peed 'Rook P. H. No. 40, page 40, &c, granted and conveyedAnteAnthony.Cooper fee; reserving thereout a yearly. ground rent or sum of, one hundred and three dollars and filty-eight cents.pays ble 'on the first days of February and Angnst in each and everzyear, without any deduction for tales.] Nr R.--On the above premises there 1a erected a three, story_ brick dwellinethenee. .c 1?: • CO. C.,112; September T.,'63.` Debt. - . 16470... Lex Div Taken in execution and.. to be sold as the property of Anthony Cooner. JOHN - .THOMPSON; Sheriff.' rhilag i e4hia, Sheriff t 01400, August 25: - WA ikaT - S6 • THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPT. 7, 1863: SHERIFF►S SALES. p s HERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF L) a writ of Loved Facies, to me directedovill be exposed to public sale or 'endue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock; at Sansomatreet AIL those four adjoining lots or pieces of ground, situ ate on the west side of Sixth street, iu that part of the city of Philadelphia, late township of the Unincorporated Northern Liberties: One of them situate at the north- West corner of said Sixth and Dauphin greets; contain ing in front or breadth on the said Sixth street twenty feet, extending of that width in length or depth one hundred and eighty-four feet four and a half Inches to Tyson street, now called Marshall street. One other of there, beginning at the distance of twenty feet north 'ward from the north side of said Dauphin street, ,con taining in front or breadth on atid Sixth street one hun dred and fifty feet, and extending in length' or depth westward of that width at right angles with- the said Sixth street one hundred and eighty-four toot four and a half inches to Marshall street. One other of them, be ginning at the distan northne hund and Dauphins eventy feet northward trout the side of street, con taining in front or breadth on the said. Sixth street one hundred and fifty feet, and extending in length or depth westward of that width, at right angles with the said Sixth street, one hundred and eighty-four feet four anti a half inches to said Marshall street. And the other of them, beginning at the distance of three hundred and twenty fret northward from the north side of said Dan. phi') street, containing in front or breadth on the said Sixth street thirty-two feet. and extending in Irritant or depth westward of that width, at right angles with tt e said Sixth street, ono b and red and eighty- fear feet four and a half inches to...said Marshall street. [Being the same premises - which Saul Thurlow, assignee. &c., by indenture bearing date the 12,th day'of January, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, granted and conveyed unto tho said Restore Carter. in fee-_ The above properties will he sold as fIIIOWS, viz: No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate' on the northwest corner of Sixth and Dauphin streets (with the three story brick building and impro cements th, reon cted) ; containing In front or breadth on the Hain Dauphin st est one hundred and eighty, four feet four and a bslf inches, and in length or depth on said Sixth et reet and said Marshall street one hundred and seventy :en t. - No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of Sixth street, and commencing -at. the distance of ono hundred and seventy feet north of Dau phin street; containing in front or breadth on said bixth atreet,and on said Marshall etteet..o, a hundred and fifty feet, and Ito length or depth between said streets and pa ralisl lines at right angles therewith one hundred and eighty-four feet four and onethalf Indians. On this lot there are a tbreenstory brick building eighteen feet in width fronting on Sixth street.and twin two-story frame bnildinge. No'. 3. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of Sixth street, at the distance of three hundred and twenty feet north of Dauphin eiroot, and containing in front or breadth on Sixth street and on Marshall street thirty-two- feet, and in length or depth between said two streets and at right angles therewith one hundred and eighty-four feet four and one-half inches. - . [D. C., 117; S. T..'63.4Debt, $10218.31 C. °ninon.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Restore Cart Er. ' JOHN THOMPSOg, Sheriff Phlladelphia, Sheriff's Office. August 26. Int. au26-31 QUERIFF'S SALE. -B Y ; VIRTUE a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on 610 N DAY Evening, September 7, 3363, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Halt, All that certain ihree-story brick messnage or tene ment and lot or piece aground situate on the'north side of Arch street, between Ninth and Tenth streets, in the city.of Philadelphia aforesaid ; containing in. front or breadth en the said Arch street twenty-five feet (In cluding on the east side thereof part of an alley about two feet eight inches in width on Arch street, by about feet in length, laid out by William Rause, and forever to remain epee for the common convenience of this and the adjoining premises to the' eastward), and extending in length or depth northward from the Said Arch street one hundred and forty-four feet. Bounded westward by ground late of Israel Kinsman and wife, northward by ground late of Timothy Steal. eastward partly by the end of a four-feet-wide alley left open by Wm. If ause, at the distance of one hundred and forty feet northward from the north side of the said - " Arch street, and extending from the hereby granted lot east - feet, to the west side of a court of the width of 24 feet north rand south, and of the length of twenty nine feet six inches, which court communicates with a nine• feet alley extending into and from Cherry a treAt e - the right and privilege of which said court and nine-foot alley the said Sameel Richards, by deed dated February 2.30.4• A. D 1817, recorded in Deed Book I. W...N0. 10. page 733, &c., granted unto William - Hanse,"his heirs and assigns, for the sole use and accommodation of this and the two adjoining lots to the eastward. and of a lot thereby granted as a common passage-way and water course. _with the right of laying logs for the introdee- Hon of Schuylkill water. under the conditions therein expressed, and partly by the remaining half of said two-feet.eight.inches.wide alley. and ground late of the said 'William Ranee, since ot Thomas Beeves, Jr , and southward by Arch street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Stephen Colwell. executor, &c by indenture dated the 21st day of October, A. D. 1913, recorded in Deed Book 11. b. L., No 9. page 450, &c., granted and conveyed Tinto the said Thomas M. Smith. in fee, under and subject to a mortgage-debt or sum of eight thousand dollars, RS therein mentioned.] To gether with the free and common use, and privilege of the said nin'ezfeet-wide alley and court .respectively. and of a - water-coarse over and along the ,same at all times hereafter forever ; and all other tel privileges granted by the deed from Saltine Richards. above men tioned, under the conditions therein expressed. • [D. C. ill; Sept. T. '6B. 85.328.70. W. M. Smith.] Taken in execution and to be solo as the property of Thomas IL Smith. JOHN THOMPSON', Sheriff. Philadelphia., Sheriff's Office. August 26. 1863 au27-31 ?"-,HETI - FPS SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, September 7, 1553. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, Al] that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Locust street and east side of. Raspberry alley. in the city of Philadelphia ; contfining in front or breadth on the said Locust street forty feet, and in length or depth sixty feet. Bounded on the. east by ground granted to Sohn Sadler on ground rent, on the west by the said Raspberry alley, oh the north by the - said Locust E het t aid on the south by ground of Jere miah Hacker and John C. Allen, of.which this was part. f Being the same premises which Jeremiah. Hacker and John C. Allen and wives, by indenture dated February 12th, A D. 1846, and recorded in Deed Book A W. 566 No. 6. page 279. Sc., granted and conveyed to George S. Twitched] in fee; reserving therefor and thercont unto the said Jeremiah Beaker and John C. Allen, their heirs and assigns, a certain yearly ground rent of .one h un drsd and fifty dollars in equal half yearly payments on the first day of the menths of April and October in every year thereafter; and Evans and. Thomas Evans and wives, in whom the said groundrent afterwards 'be came legally vested, by deed-poll endoraed on the above recited indenture dated May 27.1557, and intended to be recorded. granted, sold and conveyed the said- ground rent to the said George S. Twitchell, his heirs and as signs, whereby the same became merged in. the fee thereof CD. C., 44; Sept. T., '63. Debt, $8,660, 0: W. Davis.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George S. Twitchell and Joseph G Evleth. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. - Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Angest 19. 1661 an24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF SHERIFF'S' a 'writ of Alias O r enditioni Bxponas_, to me directed, Will be exposed to ruiloic sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening. September 7. 861, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom.street, Hall. No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the. four-story brick meesuage or tenement thereon erect. ed, situate on the north side of Shippen street, between Third and Fourth streets from the. Delaware, late in the dittrict of Southwark, now in the Fourth ward of the city - of Philadelphia; :containing in front or breadth on the said Shippen street sixteen feet nine inches. and in length 01 depth northward ninety sighs feet. Bounded on the south by the said Shippen: street, on the west by ground granted to Frederick Fry On ground rent. on the north by ground granted to Jacob Biddle on ground rent, and on the east by ground granted to John Knop on ground rent. [Being the.' same preraiees.which Ro bert ':.lobnrn and Martha U., his wife, by endorsed deed dated the 14th day of Maya A. D 1811, and recorded in Deed Book G. W. C.. No. 98, rage 112, granted and con veyed unto the said John Hauptman in fee; subject to the payment of a certain yearly rent or sum of sixty-Ore dollars, lawful money, unto Caroline Morris. her heirs and assigns, in equal half-yearly - ::payments on the nineteenth day of , the months of September and March in every year, clear of taxes, Stc. No. 2. All that certain frame messnage or tenement and lot or piece of ground/site.ate on the south side of a twenty.feet-wide, alley or street called Trout street, formerly called Pine alley, between Cedar and Shippen streets, in that 'Dalt of the city of Philadelphia formerly called Southwark; containing in front or breadth on the said alley or street sixteen feet and nine inches, and in length or depth southward thirty-eight feet. Bounded on the south and east by ground now or late of Casper W. Morris. on the north by the -said twenty-feet-wide street or alley, and on the west by ground now or late of F. Toy. (Being the same premises which Patrick Mullen; by indenture dated the 27th day of June, A. D. 1853, recorded in Reed Book T. H., N0..91, page 387, granted and conveyed unto the said John Hauptman, by the name of - John Hauptman, Jr. ;'snbject to 'the payment of a certain Yearly ground rent of twenty-five dollars, payable half-yearly. as therein mentioned: ~ 1 CD. C., 60; Sept T'63. Debt, $2,000. Flood.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Hauptman JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Aug. 19, 1861. au.24-3t BERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE:OF a writ of Vend itioni Exponas. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale r vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street ell that certain lot or piece of gronnd (composedkof four contiguous lots of ground ) situate on the southwesterly side of Venango street, at the distant of one hundred and three feet six inches southeasterly from the southeasterly side of. Bath street. late - in the district of Richmond, now in the Twenty-fifth ward. of the city of Philadelphia (and numbered .11, 12, 13, and 14. in Section E, in a cer tain plan of lots surveyed for Elihu D. Tarr, and record ed in Deed Book G. W C.. No. 73. page 1); containing in front or breadth on the said "Venango street sixty-nine feet, atid extending that breadth in length or depth be= tween parallel lines at right angles with the said Venan go street eighty feet. Bounded southeasterly and south westerly by other ground of Henry D. Steever, of which This was part, northwesterly by ground granted to Isaac Cobb on ground rent, and 'northeasterly by .Venango street aforesaid [Being the same premises which Henry D. Steever and Martha, his wife, by indenture dated the 14th day of April, 18.53. and recorded in Deed Book A. C. H., No. 80, page 455, granted and convoyed unto John New in fee.] , . [D. C., 66; Sept. T.,'63._ Debt, 5389. 29 Johnston.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John New. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office,- August 19. 1863. au24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or yendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7,1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sanaom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick messuage or tenement with backhnildings thereon erected. situate on the north side of Walnut street. at the distance of one hundred and fifty feet east ward from the east side of Thirty-sixth street, in • the Twenty-fourth ward of the city , of Philadelphia contain ing in front or breadth on the said Walnut street thirty feet, and in length; r depth of that width northward at right angles with said Walnut street one hundred and twenty-four-feet.. Bounded on the south by' Walnut street. on the east and west by ground granted to James D. Shaw, and on the nvrth by gromfd of William Jones. [Which said lot of ground Annesly R. Govett and wife, by indenture dated the 21st day of April, A. D. 1860, and intended to be recorded. granted and conveyed unto the said James D. Shaw in fee ] - - [D. C., 49; Sept. T., '63. Debt, $3,200. Paschall 7. Taken in execution and to be sold, as the property of Janes D. Shaw, - JOHN THOUPSON. Sheriff'. _Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 19, 1863. au.24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE• OF a writ of Alias Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Eye ing. September 7,18123, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ail those three contiguous lots or pieces of ground. situate OIL the northwardly side of Melrose street, in the borough of Frankford and county of Philadelphia, commencing at the distance'of- eighty-seven feet 'six and three-eighths inches eastwardly from the east wardly side of Duncan. street; containing in front or breadth,on said Melrose street sixty feet, and. extending in longth or depth- northwardly between lines parallel with said Duncan street two hundred feet to the souther ly side of Tacony street, or River road.. Bounded on the northward by the said Tawny street or River road, on the southward by said. Melrose -street, - on the eastward and westward by other ground of the said George Con nell. (Being the same premises which Charles J. E title and wife, by indenture bearing even dote with a certain indenture of mortgage, viz: January 20,1869, but duly executed and acknowledged prior to the execution of said indenture of rt ortgage and intended to be therewith. recorded, granted and conveyed; nter alia, unto the said George Connell. his heirs and aseigns.]- [D. 0.. 37; Sept. T., 'd3. Debt. X 5108.70. Brightly.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Connell. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff's Office. August 15.1863. au24-3t SHERIFF'S .SALE.—BY 'VIRTUE OF St a writ of Venditioni , Bxponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY 'Eve ning; Feptember 7; 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street 'All that certain let or piece of ground, situate on the northwest side of Manheim street. in that part of Twenty-second ward of the cily of Philadelphia formerly the borough of Germantown, beginning at apoint which is at the distance of one hundred and three feet nine and three- eighths inches aouthweetwardly from the south west aide of Knox street, as intended to be opened for: public rise; containing in front or breadth on the said Manheim street one hundred feet, and extending-An length or depth of that width northwestwardly between parallel lines at angles with said-.-Manheim street (crossing Hunsberry street as laid out and intended to be opened on the northeast side thereof) eight hundred and thirty-four feet one inch and three-sixteenths of an inch, and 'on the southwest aide thereof eight hundred and thirty • eight feet, nine and - live -eighths inches. (Being same premises which Thomas F. Belton and wife. by indenture dated March 19th, 1858, reowded-in. peed Book A. D. 8., No. 39. page 78, &c.. granted and conveyed unto Kingston - Goddard ' in - lee; subject to ground rent of $490 per annum.]. - ' N. B. —Kingston Goddard has Partetrwithhis interest, in the above premises. - CU C.. 121; 8. T hS. Debt, $2E9.33. Thorn.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Kingston Goddard. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Angnst 28. 18a3. au27-3t p.RERIFF'S'SALE.BY VIRTUE OF . A K-- 1 writ of Alias LevariFacias, to me - directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Binning. September 7. .1863. at 4 o'clock. at &neon:b. street Rail, All that certain three-story brick 'messinge or tene ment and lot or piece of ground., situate on the north side of Dickinson-street, ;3 the distance of ninety:three feet eleven inches westward from the west side of Fourth street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia, (Lately called theidistrict of Southwark ;) containing in front or depth on the said Dickinson street-rixteen feet,, and extending of that width. in length or depth• north ward parallel.- with the said Fourth street sixty-four feet, including therein on the east side thereof the west ernmost moiety or half-part of an alley' two feet in width by thirty-four feet in depth, leading into and from the said Dickinson street, laid out and - opened' for the use of this and .the adjoining lot on the east, with the right to introduce waterpipes under the eame and to build overthe west half thereof, leaving a headway of eight feet in the clear. 'o3eing the same pretnises which Nicholas F. Costello and wife, by indenture bearing date the seventh day of November, A. D.-1567, and recorded in Deed Book R: D. W., N0.•156. page 46, ac., grantedand conveyed unto the said Peter lt. Aube in fee, under and eubject to the payment .of a certain yearly ground rent or sun . of forty-four dollars on the first day of :the months of Jane and December in every year fereimr," unto Samuel - H. McFadden, his heirs and assigns. 1 al, C.. 90; Sept. T., '6l Debt, $466 15.: 3. W;Patil.] Tann in . execution and .to be sold as the Property of Peter 'Aube , JOHN :THOMPSON. - Sheriff, philadelphia, 011ige, harpist 20,3133. gm2t-3t; SEERKFt I S SALES: SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY ITIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Facias , trte directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. o MONDAY Eve ning. September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground. with the three story brick mestuage cr tenement now thereon erected, situate on the north side of. Gm- a street, in the late die trictuf Spring Gorden and county of Philadelphia, at the distance of eighty-five fedt westward •from the west side of Twelfth street; containing in front or breadth on said Green street seventeen; feet, and extending of that width in length or depth northward at right angles with said Green street on the east line thereof eighty-one feet and one-half of an inch, and on the west line thereof eighty-ono feet and one-half of an inch, and on the west line thereof eighty-one feet two inches, more or less, to a certain twenty-feet-wide street inteided to be laid oat and opened. called Clay street. Bounded on the east by ground granted to George Chandler on groand rent; on the west by other ground of the said Parrish and Hough, on the north by the said Clay street. and on the south by said Green street. [Being the samelot or piece of ground which Sarah Wister. by her attorney. Richard Wietar, duly-constituted, by indenture bearing dale the seven teenth day of March. A. D. 18.51, and recorded in Deed Book G. W. C., No. SS. page 590, &c., granted and con veyed unto tbe said William D. Pal liSh and Alfred L. Hongb in fee. as tenants in common, and not as joint tenants; reserving thereont unto the said Sarah Winter, her heirs and assigns, the yearly ground rent or sum of eighty five dollars, payable as therein mentioned. And. the paid Sarah Winter, by her attorney aforesaid. by in denture bearing date the seventeenth day of October. A. D. 1S:.1, recorded in Deed Book G. W. C., No. 15, page 4011, dm., granted and conveyed the said yearly ground rent of eighty-flee dollars inter alia unto the said Wil liam D. Parrish and Alfred L. Hough in fee, a= tenants in common and net as joint tenants; whereupon the same merged end became rot ever extingniished. as in by the said recited indenture will more fully and at large ap pear.' Together with the free use, right, liberty, and privilege of said Clay street. N. B.—Parrish and Hough have parted with their in terest. • [D. C. , 23; Eqpt. Term, '63. Debt, $2 9:4.59. Henry.] eken in execution and to he sold as the property of 'William D. Parrish and Alfred L. Hough. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, August ii, loft an24-3t sH.ERIFF'S' - SALE.- BY VIRTUE OF ^..." a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening. henternber 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street .No. 1. Alt that certain lot or piece of ground marked on the plan of property of the Allegheny Avenue WI; arf and Lan '1 Company- number forty-one, situate on the southeast side of Richmond sweet, and on the southwest side of Saxon street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth en said Richmond street eighteen feet, and extending .of that breadth seutheastwardry in length or depth along said Saxon street one hundred feet,to a certain four• feet-wide alley leading into and from said Saxon street. Sounded southe twardly by Ihe said four-feet-wide alley, south westwardly-by the lot of ground next hereinafter de scribed, northwestwarcily by said Richmond steed, and northeastwardly by Saxon street aforesaid. No. 2 And alto, all that certain lot or piece of ground marked on said plan number forty-two, situate on the ()litho stwa rdly side of said Richmond street, at the dis tance of eighteen feet southwestwatdly from the south west side of said Saxon street. in the, Nineteenth ward of the city of l'hiladelptda aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on said 'Richmond street eighteen feet, and ex tending of that breadth sonthastwardly between lines at right angles with the said Richmond street in, length or depth one hundred feet, to the above-mentioned four feet-wide alley. Bounded sontheastwardly by the said alley, southwestward l.y ground granted to William Rarbeson,•northwestwardly by the said Richmond street, and noribeastwardly by the lot of 'ground herein firstabove described.. [Being the same premiges which the Allegheny Avenue Wharf. and Land Company, by indenture bearing even date with a certain indenture of mortal , ge,vir. February 15,1852,1nd duly executed and ac knowledged prior to the execution of said indenta re, anti intended to be recorded, 'granted and conveyed unto the said John Orimstone in fee Together with the free use, right,•linerty, and privilege of the said fonr-fect wide alley as and for a passage-way and a ater-course at all times herea'ter forever, in common with the owners, tenants, and occupiers of other ground bounding thereon. - _C., P 6 ; Sept. 'T., $1,81X). _ ... , Taken in . execution and to he sold as the property of John Orinistone. JOHN T.ROMPSON, Sheriff • Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oillee, August 15. 1893. an24-3t p,„}EIERIFF'S SALE.—BY, VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on- the west side of Eleventh street. at the distance of thirty feet northward from the north side of Christian street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in frost Or breadth on the said Eleventh street twelve feet, and extending in length or depth westward, between parallel lines, sixty- five feet. Together with the free use and. privilege of a certain two-feet-sixJnches-wide alley leading into Christian street, as and for s passage-way and water-course at all times hereafter; under and sub ject to the payment of -a yearly ground rent of fifteen dollars, payable half yearly on the first day of the months or May and November, in each year, to Henry G. Freeman, his heirs and assigns. No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of Eleventh street, kt the distance of eighteen feet northward from the north side of Christian street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said.' Eleventh street twelve feet, and extending in length or depth westward. between parallel lines, sixty-two feet six inches to a. certain alley two feet six inches wide leading into said Christian street. Together with the free use and privilege of said alley, as and for a pasage-way and water-course at all times here after forever; under and subject to the payment of the yearly rent or sum of fifteen dollars, payable half yearly on the first day of the months of May and November, in each year, to Henry G. Freeman, his heirs and. as signs. • No. 3. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate at the northwest corner of Eleventh and Chris tian streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on .the said Christian street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth westwardly he tween parallel lines along the north side of the said Christian street sixty-two feet six inches to a two-feet six-inches-wide alley; together with the free use and privilege of , the raid alley. Under and subject to the Payment of the yearly rent or FIIM of eighty-four dollars. payoble half yearly on the first day of the months of May and November, in each year,to Henry G Freeman, his heirs and assigns. - N.S.—The prtperty described as No. 3 has a one story Wooden shed affixed to the rear end of the three story-brick house • ED. 65; Sept T., '63. Debt. $5,274 94. E. S Miller. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Donaghy. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 19. 1863. au24-3t R„IIERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponae, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or veudue, on MONDAY Evening. September 7, 1.963, at 4 o'clock, at Sansona-street Halt, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three stork d brick dwelling house and brick back buildings thereon erected, situate on the west side of Delaware Sixth - street, at distance atone hundred and seventy one feet two and a-half inches northward from the north side of Maeter street, in that part of the city of Philadel phia, formerly the district of Tenn : containing in front or breadth on the said Sixth street seventeen fee din g on the south side thereof the northernmost half-p of an alley two feet wide, extending westward to the depth of twenty-six feet front the west line of the said Sixth street, left open for the use of this and the lot of ground bounding on the sonth, and extending in length or depth westward, between parallel lines at right angles with the said Sixth street ninety feet. Bounded north ward by ground intended granted to Lea P. Han 'vey, southward by ground granted to John Campbell, eastward hy the said Sixth street, and westward by ground intended to be gi anted to the said Jacob Knight and Charles Doerr. [Being the came lot of ground which George Watson. by indenture bearing date Sep tember twenty-third, anne domint one thousar eight hundred and fifty-three. recorded in the propm ffice, Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. H., Na 108, age 465. &c.. granted and conveyed unto the said Jacob Knight and Charles Doerr, as tenants in common, and not as joint tenants: reserving .thercfor and thereout nnto the said George Watson. his heirs and assigns, the yearly rent or sum of sixty-five dollars, payable in equal half yearly payments on the first day, of the months of April and October in every year thereafter forever, without any deduction for taxes, &c., for arrears of which the judgment was obtained.];.Together with the free use and privilege of the said two-feet-wide alley as and for a Pasesge-way and water-course at all times hereafter for ever, in common with the owners, tenants, and occu piers of the lot of ground bounding. on the south, and ith the privilege of building under and over the same to the middle thereof, leaving at leat eight feet headway in the clear [D. C., 17; Sept. T., M. Debt, $107.58 Low & Levick.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of *Jacob Knight and. Charles Doerr. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff: Philada.. Sheriff's Office, August 10,1868..n1124-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will -be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Eve ning", September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansoimstreet No. , 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Venango itreet, at the distance of one hundred• and seventy-two feet six inches from the east side of Bath street,late in the district of Richmond, now in the Twenty-fath ward of - the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Venango street sixty-nine ,feet, and extending that width in length or depth at right- an glas with st id Venango street, and run ning parallel-with said Bath street, eighty feet, to-other ground of-Henry D. Steever, intended to be conveyed by the said lielary D. Steever to the said William Droll;' crastward andwestward by ground of Henry D. Steever, and -southward by Venango street. [Being the same pf emises which Henry. D. Steever and Martha,•hts wife, by indendure dated the 28th day of June, 1853, and re corded in Deed Book A. C, , No. 59. page 532, &n, granted and conveyed unto the said William Droll in No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of grotund situate on the south side of Victoria street, one hundred and-seven ty -two feet Six inches eastward from the east side of Bath' street. late in the district of Richmond, now in the wenty.fifth ward of the city of Philadelphia; contain ing In front or breadth on said Victoria streetnixty-nine feet, and extending that width in length or depth at right angles with said Victoria et , set, and runnio gparal lel with said Bath street seventy-one feet four and three;' quarter inches. Bounled east, west, and south by ground now or late of Henry D. Steever, and north. by Victoria street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Henry D. Steever and Martha, - his wife, by in denture dated the 28th day of June, 1859, and recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 118, page 588, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said William Croll in fee.) CD. C., 55; Sept. P. 'B3 Debt. $739.95. Johnston.) Taken in:-execution and to be sold .as the property of William Droll. JOHN THO]LfPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's °Mee, August 19, 1883. au2l-3t p,,HERIFF!S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A K.J.Writ of Alias Venditioni Exponsts, to me directed, will be exposed to public sate or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863,at 4 o'clock; at Sansom-street H all, A 1 'that certain four-gory brick rough-east messnage or tenement and lot cr piece of ground, situate on the nortl side of Race street. at the distance of twenty-nine feet six inches wrstv ard from the west side of Thirteenth street,' in the city of Philadelphia; thence extending northward parallel with the raid Thirteenth street forty five; feet. to a two-feet-eight-inches-wide alley running into and from the said Thirteenth street; thenceextend in g nc rail - westwardly along said alloy Si 2 feat ttit inches, more or less, to a potht; thence westward still along the said alley about thirteen fret - five inches to the line of ground of Mary Shields; thence southward along the said line of ground of Mary Shields -parallel to the said Thirteenth street fifty-feet to .the said. Rate greet, and. thence eastward along the said Race streA eighteen feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. ESeing the same lot of ground which Charles Stewart and wife, by indenture dated the 10th day of June. A. D. 1853, record ell at 'Philadelphia in Deed Book T ~,No 93. page 131, &m, granted and conveyed unto, the .said Philip' N. Engard and Edward S. Fitch in fee reserving thereent the yearly ground rent or sum of one hundred and eighty dollars, payable half-yearly on the first day, of the mouths of January and July in every year; for arrears of which the judgment Was obtained upon which this execution was issued 3 CDC., 29; Sept 4'. , Debt 11487 20. E. S. Campbell. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property, of Philip R. Engard and F‘dward S. Fitch.' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.' Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Mee. August 12,1863. au2l-31 P,HERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF n_.7-a` writ of Venditioni Bxponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, September 7. 1863, 'at 4 o clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick mesiminge or tenement with back 'bnildinga thereon..ereeted;n innate' on the 'north side of Wabint street'at the distance of one , hundred, and. twenty feet eastward from the east side of Thirty-sixth street, in the Twenty-fourth - ward of-the city 'of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on the said Walnut street thirty feet. and in length or depth of that width n firth right angles with said. Walnut street, one hun dred and twenty-fom feet. Bounded southward by said Walnut street,- westward and northward by ground of William Jones. and eastward by ground granted. to James D Shaw. [Which skid lot of ground Annesly B. Gbvett and wife, by indenture dated the 21st day of April, A. D. 1160. and intended to be recorded. granted and conveyed unto the said James D. Shaw in fee ] _ [D..O . 60; Sept. T. - ,-'63. Debt. 83,200. Paschall 3 • Taken in execution and to be sold as theproperty of James D. Shaw. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. - Philadelphia Sheriff's Mice,- August 19, 1563. au24-3t RERIFF'S SAL.- EBY VIRTUE OF A Swrit of Levert Facies, to me directed, Will be ex posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain three-story brick building and lot or piece of ground situate on the southweetwardly side of Powell street. at the distance of one hundred and forty feet eoutheastwardly from the , northeastwardly Bide of Ann street, in the Fifteenth. ward of Hie city of Phila delphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Powell street twenty feet, and extending is length or depth one hundred feet. (Being the same premises which Henry W. Gault, by indenture bearing even date with the said indenture of mortgage, but duly executed and acknowledged immediately before the execution thereof, and intended to be forthwith recorded. together with the ammrienancee. granted .and conveyed unto the said. Thomas Davenportin fee. under and subject to the Payment of the yearly ground rent or sum of forty-seven dollars and fifty cents. [D."O., US; Sept. 'l', '63. Debt,;ls9o McAllister. 30„ Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Davenport. JOHN .THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia , Sh,eriffle Office, August 26. IS% au27.3t QIIE - RIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF kJ a writ of Latiri Facias,,to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Svening, September 7, at 4 - o'clock, at Sanaom-street Hail, - - All that certain three-story brick messuage and - stable and lot of ground situate on the north' side of Thompson street, at the distance of twenty-two feet westward from the west aide of Sixteenth street, in the late district of Penn. in the county of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Thompson street fifty feet, and ex-- tending - in length or dspth of that width, northward be. twsen parallel lines at angles with said Thompson street,' 'one hundred' feet to Seybert - street. [Being the same remises which Washington Ross and wife by iedep_ tare dated, the thirtieth day of January, A. b. 1860. and intended to be therewith recorded, granted and conveyed. unto the said Patrick Lannon for the consideration, there inanentioned (of which,this is. part and payment there of). -thereby intended to be, secured. in fee; under and subject to the payment of a certain yearly rent charge or, sum of sixty dollars: I [IX C.,108; Sept. T., '63. 'Debt, $1 : 642.75. w. L. Marsha/0_ Vaken execution and to be sold as the property of, Patric )(Lannon- JOHN : THOMPSON, Sheriff. OPrift'll'Oftica, August 24. 1861 au27z3 , - SHERIFF'S SAIII:AS. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditionl_Exponas, tome directe,t wiLl be exposed to public Kale or vendue. on MONDAY I.`Coning. September 7. 1913, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street No. 1. All that,certain lot or piece of ground, si Nate on the northeasterly side of Venango street at.the lance of sixty-nine feet southeasterly frien the soutN easterly side of Bath street, in the late district of Rice mon d. now in the Twenty-fish ward of the city of Phila delphia; containing in front or breadth on the` said Venango street seventeen feet three inches, and extend ing in length or depth of that breadth at right angles with the said Venango street eighty feet. Bounded northeasterly and southeasterly by other ground now or late of k enry D. titeever, and southwesterly by Venan go street aforesaid. Being numbered tit on a certain plan of lots surveyed for Biihn P. Tarr, in section F, and recorded in book G. W. C., No. 72, page 1, in the Oleo for recording deeds, &c., for the city and con of Philadelphia. [Berns the eamepremleee which Henry D Steever and Martha, his wife, by indenture dated the 11th day of December. 1855, and recorded in Deed Book A C I , No. 80, page 472, &c., granted' and conveyed to Henry C. Fritz in fee.l ND 2, All that certain lot or piece of ground. composed Of four several contiguous lots of ground, IMO of them mtnate on the southwesterly side of Venoms a street. at the distance of seventy-one feet and three inches south easterly from the southeasterly slide of Larobort etrest, in the late district of Richmond, now in the Twenty-fifth ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing together in front or breeders on the said Whams,' street thirty- five feet six inches. and extending to length or depth, be tween parallel lines at. right angles wile the sold Venan go street, eighty feet. Bounded northwesterly and south east erly by other ground nower ale of - Henry Stee. ver. northeasterly by the said Yen sago street, and south westerly by the two tote of ground hereinafter described. Also, all those two certain other lots or pieces of ground, situate on the northeasterly side of Kinston street. in the said city, at the distance of seventy-one feet three inches, southeasterly from the southeasterly side of said Lam bertistree t; containing in front or breadth on the said len d en street thirty-flve feet and six inches. and extending in length or depth,_between parallel lines ;at right an glee with the said Kinsiou street, sixty-six feet, more or less. Bounded northwesterly and southeasterly by other ground now or late of the said Henry' D. Steever. north easterly. by the lots of ground above described. and southwesterly by the said Kinston street. Being lots numbered 3, 10, 65, and 36, in section B of a plan of lots surveyed for Elihu D: Tarr, deceased, and recorded in the office for recording deeds in and for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Book G. W. C.. No, 72, page 1, Sze, ißeing the same promises which Henrr D: Wee ver, and Martha his wife, by indenture dated the 11111 day of December; 1855, and recorded in Deed Book A. C. H., No. 80, page 476, &e., granted and conveyed unto Henry C. Fruz in fee.) No. 5. - All that certain lot or piece of ground, composed of seven several contiguous lots aground, el to ate at the northeasterly side of Kinston street, at the distance of seventy-one feet three inches nortifweeterly from the northwesterly side of Bath street. in the late district of Itithreenel, now in the Twenty-Ilfth ward of she city of Philadelphia; containing together in front or breadth on the said Kinston street one hundred and twenty-fear feet and three inches. and extending in length or depth between parallel Hose at right angles with the said Kins ton street sixty-six feet. more or less, to the line of other ground. late of. Henry D. Skwer. Bounded northwest- - erly, northeasterly, and southeasterly by other ground now or late of the said H. D. Steever. of which this was part, and southwesterly by the said Kinston street. Be ing lots numbered 27, 25,:29, 30, X1..32, and 33, on a car tam plan of lots in section B, surveyed. for Blihn D.Tarr, and recorded in the office for recording deeds, no., for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Book G. W. C., No. 72. page.(. &c. [Being the same Premises which Money D. &sever and Martha hie wife, by indenture dated the 11th day of December. 1855, and recorded in Deed Book A. C. 1d No. 80, page 481, &c,, , granted and conveyed to Henry C. Fritz in fee.] ' fn. C.. 52; Sept.T., '63. • Debt, $1,233.70. Sohntton.3' Taken in execution and to be sold an the property of Henry C.;,Fritz. JOHN THOMPSON,- Sheriff. Pbiledelphia, Sheriff's Office, Augnst2o. 1.863. an2s-It QHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, September 7.1563. at 4 o'clock. at Sanson-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in that part of the Twenty-first ward o , the city of Philadel phia which was formerly called Roxborougb. beginning at a point on the northeasterly side of the Ridge Turnpike road or avenue, and on the northwesterly side of a cer tain sixty- five- feet-wide street or avenue, laid out by the said Israel B. Jamee.and intended to be forthwith opened.. extending from the Ridge Turnpike road to a certain other street sixty feet wide, also laid out and intended to' be opened by the said. Israel B.. Tames, and called Itcdna. street; thence along the northeasterly side of the said Ridge read north seventeen degrees, thirty minutes, west one hundred and seventy-six feet ten inches. to a corner of other lands this day granted to the said Israel E. James; thence along the lett-mentioned land, and by lands of Righter and others, north sixty -five degrees thirty nal nut es east, eleven hundred and eight feet ten inches, to the southwesterly side of the aforesaid Rosins street; thence along the side of the said 130Silla street south twenty-four degrees forty- five minutes east, onehundred and eighty feet to the northwestwardly side of the said James ave nue. and thence along the side of the said James avenue eleven hundred and twenty-nine feet ten inches to the place of beginning. [Beingpart of a certain larger tract of land which Bosnia B. Rittenhouse, Nathan 1,. Jones, and Horatio G. Jones, executors of Jacob Rittenhouse, deceased, by indentnre bearing even date therewith, but duly executed and acknowledged immediately be fore these preeents, and intended to be forthwith re- . corded according to law, for the consideration money therein mentioned, part whereof was thereby-secured, granted and conveyed unto the said Israel E James in fee I Together with the free and common use and pri vilege of the said Rosina street and James avenue, at all times hereafter forever Brightly. N. B.—Parts of the above-described premises having been- released from the lien and operation of the mort gage debt under which this sale takes place, the remain der of the property win be sold as follows, viz: No. I. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in Roxborough, in the Twenty-first ward of Philadelphia, beginning at a point, a corner of land now owned by Mary 6. James. on the northwesterly side of a certain six ty-five-feet-wide street, called James avenue, extending from Ridge avenue to Rosina street, at the distance of two hundred and twenty- nine feet ten inches east ward ty from the northeast corner of hidge avenue and James avenue, and extending thence along the said James avenue, north sixty-five degrees thirty minutes, east f•inr hun dred feet to a corner of a lot conveyed to Charles B. Righter; thence by the same north twenty-four degrees forty-five minutes, west one hundred and seventy-seven feet five inches to other ground of Mary S. James; thence by the same, south sixty-five degrees thirty minutes, west four hundred feet to a corner, and thence by the first-mentiond lot of Nary 6. James, south twenty.four degrees forty minutes east one hundred ace seventy-six feet two inches to the place of beginning. No. 2. ALI that certain lot or , piece of ground situate in Rexhorough, in the Twenty-first ward of Philadel phia, beginning at a point, a.corner of land conveyed to Char:es B. Righter. on the northw eterly side of a cer tain miity.five. feet-wide street. cane.' James avenue, extending from Ridge avenue to Rosins, street, at the distance of seven hundred and twenty-nine feet ten inches eastwardly from the northwest corner of Ridge avenue and James avenue. and extending - thence a nag . . , . . . the said James avenue north sixty-five degrees thirty minutes, east four hundred feet to the southwesterly side of. Rosina street; thence by the same north twenty. four degrees forty.tive minutes, west one hundred and eighty feet to ground of Robert 11._Car lisle ; thence by the same and by land of Charles Righter, deceased, south sixty-five degrees thirty minutes. west four hundred feet to a corner of Charles B. Righter's lot, and thence by the same south twenty-four degrees forty -live minutes,'east one hundred and seventy-seven feet ten inches to the place of beginning. CD. C.. 24; Sept. T., '63. Debt. 81709.34. H. O. Jones.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Israel B. James and terre tenant. ; JOEII4 TERAIPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Anglia 19. 1863. au2.5-3t SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of LevarlFacias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Halt, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situ ate at the southwest corner of Coats street and Nixon street, in the late district of Spring Garden, now the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Coats street eighteen feet three in chess and extending in length or depth southward on the east tine thereof along said. Nixon street ninety-three feet six and five eighths inches, and on the west line thereof at right angles with said Coats street ninety-one feet eleven inches. and on the rear end, thereof form feet nine and one-half inches. Bounded northward by said Coats street, eastward by said Nixon street, ancl southward and westward by ground now or late of James D. Wbetham. [Being the same lot or piece of ground which James D. Whetham and Rebecca, his wife, by indenture bearing date the 111th day of December, A.'D. 1531, remolded in the office for recording deeds, Am, in and for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. H.., No. 26. page W., &c., granted and conveyed unto the said. Jacob Opperman, his heirs and assigns; reserving thereont unto the said James D. Whetham, his heirs and assigns, the yearly rent or sum of forty nine dollars and fifty cents, lawfni money. payable half yearly on the first day of the months of January and July, in every year, without. deduction for taxes. &c. And the said Ja,cob Opperman afterwards er.•cted the said messnage or tenement on the above described lot of goruyn;n an dd owhrchnai dy y acay tgroun dsaid t James of D. Whetham and wife, by indenture endorsed oaths ab ave. recited indenture, bearing date the •Sth day of December, 1852, duly executed and acknowledged and intended therewith to be recorded according to latv, granted. re leased, and extinguished - unto the said Jacob Opperman, his heirs and assivns. forever. [D. C., 81; Sept. 'T., '63. Debt, $l, 393.80. H. T. Coleman.l Taxen in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Opperman. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philada , Sheriff's office, August 22, 1863. anti-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY - VIRTUE OF a writ of 'Venditioni Exponas, to men directed, will be exposed to public sate or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, September 7, 1363, at 4 o'ctock. at Sansom-stroet Hall. No 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground, composed of two contiguous lots of ground, situate on the south westerly side of Yenango street, at the distance of thirty five feet nine inches northwesterly from •the north westerly side of Bath street. in the late district of Rich. mond, now in the Twenty-fifth ward of the city of Phila delphia, and. numbered 19 and M. in Section B, on a cer tain plan of lots stuveyed for Blihn D. Tarr, and re corded in. Deed Book G. W G No. 62, Page 1; containing, in front or breadth on she said Venango street thirty-five feet six inchee, and extending that breadth in length or depth between parallel lines at right angles with said Venango street eighty feet. Bounded. northwesterly by ground now or late of Henry D. Steever, of which. this was part, southweSterlY by ground, intended to be conveyed to John Rink on ground rent, southeasterly by ground late of Elihn D. Tarr, and northeasterly by Venango street aforesaid. . - No.-2 All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on ;the northeasterly side of said. Veeango street, at the &stance of fifty-three feet six inches northwesterly from the northwesterly side of the said Bath street, in tne late district of Richmond. now in the ward of the city of Philadelphia, and numbered 22, in Section C. on the said. plan; containing in front or breadeh on the said. Venango street seventeen feet nine inches. and extend ing that breadth in length or depth between-paralle l; lines at right angles with the said Venango street eighty feet Bounded southeasterly by ground late of Henry D. F.teever, of which this was paq, northeasterly and northwesterly by other ground now or late of the said Henry D. Steever, of which this was part, and south westerly by Veeango street aforesaid. No. S. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on. the northeasterly side of the said Venango street, at the distance of fifty-one feet nine inches southeasterly from the southeasterly side of, the said Bath street, in the late district of Richmond, now in the Twenty-filth ward. of the city of Philadelphia, and numbered 66, in section F, on said plan: containing In front or breadth on the said Nenango street seventeen feet three inches, and-extend ing that breadth in length or depth between parallel lines at right angles with the said Venango street eighw feet. Bounded soatheasterly and northwesterly by ground now or lace of Henry 1). Steever, of which this was part, northwesterly by ground late of the said Henry D. Steever, of which this was part. and south westerly by Venango street &foresail [The three lots above described. being the same premises which Henry D Steever and Martha, his wile, by deed dated the-17th der of May. A. D. 1853, and recorded in the office for re . cording deeds, &a., for the city'and county of Phila delphia, in Deed Book T. H. No 91, page 31/, Sec., granted and 'conveyed unto this said George M. Green ing in fee.] ' CD. C., MI Sept. T., '63. Debt, $189.90. Johnston.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George M. Greening. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 20.1983. an2s-3t QUERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a'writ of Levari Facies, to4ne directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1363, at 4 o'clock. at Sansona-street Hall. All that' certain three-story brick messnage or tene ment, back buildings, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the south side of Chestnut street,at the distance of one hundred and twenty-three feet westward from the west side of Twelfth street, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on the said Chestnut street twenty-five feet, and extending in length or depth two hundred and thirty-five feet to George street. Bounded northward bY the said Chestnut , street, eastward by a messuage and lot of ground now or late of William Hause, southward by George street aforesaid. and westward by a messnage and lot now or late of the trustees of Sarah Mifflin. [Being the same premises which John B. Austin, trus tee, aforesaid, by indenture bearing even date with a certain Indenture of mortgage duly executed and ac knowledged-immediately before, the execution of the same, for the consideration money therein mentioned, part whereof is secured by said indenture of mortgage; did grant and convey unto the said Tames Aulick in fee; under the - condition that . no building or part of a build ing, other than steps and railings, cellar doors,- door frames. window shutters, eaves, and cornices, should thereafter be built and erected on the above-described lot of ground within five feet ofthe south line of the said Chestnut street; and the said James Anlick, by another' indenture of mortgage duly made and executed, bearing even dale wits the above-mentioned indenture of mort gage did grant the said premises to the said John B. Austin, trustee, aforesaid, in mortgage, to_secure, the. payment of the principal sums of twenty thousand dol lars,' other part of the consideration money of the said premises, with interest, subject to which the premises are now to be sold.] [D. C., 92: Sept.? . .. '63. Debt, $10;286.66. James W. Taken in execution and to be Fold as the property of James Aulick. " ' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 23, 1869." au2s-3t SHERIFF'S .. SALE:-LRY VIRTUE OF a writ of. Aliae Venditioni. Exponas, to me directed, will De expoSed to public sale or vendue, on . MONDAY Evening, Dept. 7,1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, - All that certain dot or piece of ground situate In-the late village or borough of Manayunk, now iu the Twen,` ty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at Scorner on the south' side of-Margaret street, at a point whose Cedar street in tersects said Margaret street: being two . hundred feet from the Intersection of Juniper and Cedar streets; thence 07 tending along by the southerly side of the, said Mar garet street one hundred feet to a certain corner; thence extending by lot No. 3t. now or late of 'Squire Hunt, twenty-four feet six inches to another corner; thence extending , along by other ground. formerly of Robert Fleming, onehundred feet to the northerly side of the aforesaid. Cedar street; thence extendtsig along by said street twenty-five feet six inches to the place of begin. sing. [Being the same premises which Robert Fleming' and wife, by indenture dated the first, day of - Jaaary. 184.5, recorded in Deed Book.A: M . No.-4,-page 228.. Sm., granted and conveyed unto Samuel Burns and his heirs, reserving thereon a yearly ground rent of twelve dollars, lawful money of the United States, payable on the.first days of April and October in each year there after forever; the tiset half-yearly payment thereof com- • mencing on the first day of October. 1316; flit; arrears of which said -ground rent the judgment in this case has been obtained.] • • N. B.—On the above premises is erected a smalll two— and-a- half-Mom CD. C.,.86;: Sept.stcne.tenement. 'T.; '63. Debt. :6118. 14. Rawls) Taken in execution and, to' be sold RS thejoroperty of Samuel Barns JOHN THOMPSON,Sheriff. Thitaileiphitt gphertfre %Ice; Ansus,t UM att2s-Bt. , . , SHERIFFS SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of .Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Even ing. September 7,11383, at 4o'clock, atSansehn-street Hall, No. 2. All that certain let or piece of ground, witb the two-story briek messnage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the south side of Pierce street at the distance of one hundred and fourteen feet eastward from the east aide of Twelfth atreot, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Pierce street sixteen feet (including on the easternmost eidethereof the westernmost half of a two-feet- one-inch ivlds all ey, thirty-10w feet deep, leading into said Pierce street, and extending in length or depth southwardly of thatatridth. between parallel lines at right angles with the mota'Pierce street. fifty feet. Bounded on the north by the said Pierce street, on the east by ground now or late of .Teeob Bartholomew. and on the south and west by grounds now or late of kdrnuud. C. Pechie [Being, the saute Premises which James Wood and wife, by in denture bearing date the 19th day of November. anno Domiui 4561, and intended forthwith to be recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said Wilson Jewell, Jr.. in fee, under and subject to the payment, of a certain yearly ground rent or sum of twenty--two dollars, paya ble half yearly, eogether with the•tee and common use and privilege of the said alley as a passage-way and water.courf e at alf times hereti tor forever.) No. 1r And also, ail that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the north side of Watkins street, at the distance of one hundred and eighty-nine feet west ward from the west aide of Fifth street. in the First ward aforesaid ; containing in front or breadth on the said Watkins street fourteen feet (including on the vrest ernmo, t side thereof the easternmost half of a certain two4eet-wide alley, and extending in length or depth northward of that width, between lines parallel with the said Fifth street, forty-eight (48) feet to another two feet-wide alley which leads westward into the above mentioned alley, Nsibich leads - southward - into the said Watkins street.) hounded northward and' west ward by the said alleys, eastward by ground of James Ballenger, and southward by Watki he street aforesaid. Being the same premises which James Ballenger and wife, by in dentm e bearing date the 23d day of December, wino lomini one thousand eight hundred and sixty one, and inter& d therewith to be recorded'. granted mutt con veyed unto the said Wilson Jewell, Jr., in fee; reserving thereout to James Ballenger a certain yearly ground rent or Mom of twenty-four dollars) Together with the free and common use and privilege of the said alleys as passage n ays and water-courses of this and the premises bounding thereon at all times hereafter forever. [D. C.,68; Sept. T.. '63. Debt.Bs29 3t. Flood.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Wilson Jewell, Jr. .TOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 22.188.3. an2B-3t SHERIFF'S SALE --BY VI al UE ^- , a writ of 2d Pluries Levari Facias, to ens directed. wilt be exposed to public ease or vendne, on JSION DAY Even ing, September7, 4 o'clock. at hansom-street Gall. Ail that certain messuage or tenement. and lot or piece of ground. situate on tbe east side of Marshall street, in the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of twenty-three feet northward from the north side of Grt cen street; con taining in front or breadth on said Marshall street twen ty-five feet six and one half inches. and extending in length or depth between par.dlel lines at right angles with said Marshall street eighty feet. Bounded north ward by ground now or late of John G. Merrifield, east word by a three-feet-wide alley leading into and from said Green street, southward by ground now or late of Henry D. Tarr, and westward by Marshall street afore said. [Being the same premises which Hiller Kinsey, -by indenture dated the 6th day of July, A. D • onethou sand' eight hundred and fifty, recorded in Deed Book G. W. C., No. 69, page 106, etc., granted and conveyed to mild Dinah 13. Taylor in fee.] Subject to a yearly ground rent of one hundred and thirty. seven dollars and fifty cents. 14. 3 13. —On the above-described lot of ground there is erected a three-storied brick dwelling house. [D. 91; Sept. T , IC; Debt. $3,8115.89. J. W. Paul.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Nathan Taylor and Dinala U. Taylor. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff'. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. August 24,-1863. an26-3t QRERIFF'S SALE:-BY VIRTUE OF kJ a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me di rected. will be exposed- to public ale or vendue. on NOINDAY Evening, September 7, 1.663, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. _ All that certain lot of ground situate in the late North ern Liberties, now Ptdiadaiiiiia, on the south side of a forty-feet-wide ftreet called Price street, running from .Amber 6treot to the Philadelphia and Trenton tlattroad, at the distance of one hundred feet south of and parallel with 'York' street, commencing at the distance of one hundred and twenty-eeven fewest of said Philadel phia and Trenton ItaiLroad, laUltnr,ge a street eighty fee: in width: containing in front on sin" - Fnice street eighteen feet, and extending that width in deptTat.right Engles therewith eighty-ninefeet to a twenty-feet-WI.. street called Clymer street. Bounded on the north by said Price street, on the south by said Clymer street, on the ef st by ground intended to be grante ito James A. Byzer on ground rent. and on the west by other ground now or late of Henry Norris. Together with the streets, - ways, alleys, Ste., with the appurtenances, yielding thereout the yearly- rent or stun of thirteen dollars and fifty cents, in equal half -yearly - payments on the first days of April and October in every year, without de duction for taxes or assessments whatsoever. (D. C•, 78: Sept.T. '63. Debt, SDB 16. Wain. Taken in execution and be sold as the property of William heed. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 24.1863. an46-3t p.I.IERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF kJ a writ of Venditioni Exportas, to me directed,. will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Eve ning, September: 7, 1863. at '4 o'clock, at S'ansom-street Hail, Ali that lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Tenth street, in thetownship of Oloyamensing, Phi . ladelphia county ; beginning at the distance of one hun dred and ninety-five feet eight and one hall inches south from the south tide of Prime street. in the city of Phila delphia, and running thence eastward at right angles with said. Tenth street twomy•eight feet ten inches to ground of the Mutual Family Burial Ground; thence along the line of the raid ground southward fourteen feet one inch; thence at right angles with said Tenth street twenty-six feet three inches to Tenth street; the r,ce along said Tenth street fourteen AM£ to the place of be ginning. [Being the same premises which Mary Ann Yaiker, by deed dated August sth. 1843. recorded in Deed Book It L. L„ do. 9, page 554 granted and conveyed to the skid Nathan Coleman in fee; under and subject to the payment by the said Nathan Coleman; his heirs and 'assigns. of R. yearly rent, charge, or ground rent of thir ty-mne dollars per year, to the said Ann Parker, her _heirs and assigns, forever.] [1) C., 126; Sept,. T., '63. Debt. 9339.62. F. Blackburn T. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Nathan Coleman. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 26.1863. ,au27-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expellee, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Eve ning. september 7,1853, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground. with the three. story brick building and improvements thereon erected, situate on the west side of Adams (now Bodine) stroet., at the di,4anee of two hundred and sixtem feet north o' Columbm. street, in that part of the city of Philadelphia late the District of Kensington; contoining in front or breadth ell said Bodine street twelve feet, and extend ing is lengtb.or death westwai dIY between lines paral lel with said Columbia street forty. eight feet to a certain four-feet-wide.alley. Bounded northward and south- ward by . ground late of William R Pant. eastward by said Bedine street, and westward by said fonr-faet-wide alley. Together with the . free use and Privilege of the said four-lest wide alley. and of a certain three-feet wide alley which runs eastward into said Sodine street, as a passage % ay and watercourse at all times hereafter; under and, subject to the rpayment of a yearly groand rent of thirty. six dollars, unto Oliver Parry and Na thaniel Randolph, their heirs and assigns. ID. C., 119; Sent. 1%, '63.- Debt, 6286.10. Greenbank. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Patrick BoyIeJOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, kagnst 26.15al au27-St SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or venclue, ;in MONDAY Evening, September 7, Ism, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Twenty-first street, and on the south side of a certain new street thirty-two feet wide. la.d oat and opened for public use, at the distance of ninety felt sezthward from and parallel with Oxford street. extend ing from 'Twentieth to Twenty-first street, called Hubbs street, in the late district of Penn. now part. of the city of Philadelphia; remaining in front or breadth on the said Twenty-first street-fifty-three feet four and one-half inches, and extending in length or depth eastward of that width, along the south side of said Hobbs street, one hundred feet to a three-feet-wide alley, laid out by the said Lewis H. Bedner, leading into and from the _said Eubbs street. Bounded northward by said Hobbs street, southward by a lot of ground granted by the said Lewis E. Redner to Sarah A Ruyler on ground rent, eastward by the said three-feet-wide alley, and west ward by the said Twenty-first street N. B--On the above premises there is erected a three story brick factory. - Tairen in execution and to be - sold as the property of Ar. Green. JOHN THOMP 30 NI Sheriff. Philadelphia; Sheriff 's Office. August 21, 1863. au27-31 R,HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF ki a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, Septerober 7.1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain three-atom , brick rongt-cast dwelling house, with two-story brick rough-cast back building. and lot or piece of ground' situate on the north side of Walnut street, at the distance of two hundred and ten feet eastward from the east side of Thirty sixth street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Walnut street thirty feet. and in length or depth of that width north ward-.-at right angles with the said Walnut street one hundred and twenty-four feet. Bounded southward by the said Walnut street, northward by ground of William Jones, and eastward and w estward by otber ground granted, or ;intended to have been granted, to the said James D. Shaw. [Being the same lot of ground which. Annesley B.: Covett and wife, by indenture dated the 21st day of April, A. D. 1860, recorded. in Deed Book A. D. 113, - pageBo9, do. granted and conveyed]unto the soul James D. Shaw in fee.] N. R —The said house is erected on the westernmost and greater, part of the said lot, lea Ting a side lot on the east. ID. C.. 114; Sept. T, 'B3. Debt, 83,200. -J. C.Mitchell. Taken ,in execution and to be sold as the property of James D. Shaw. . JOHN THO,ViESON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oftlee„ August 26,1363. < an2.7-3t SHERIFF'S SALK-By VIRTUE OF' NJ a writ of Alias Veuditioni. Rs - perms, to medirected., will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock,tat Sansom-street All that certain lot of ground situate in the late North ern Liberties, now Philadelphia, on the south side of a forty-"eet wide street - called Price street, running front Amber street to the Philadelphia and Reading railroad, at the distance Of one hundred. feet south of and parallel with York street, commencing at-the distance of two hundred and ten feet- east of -said Amber street; contain ing in front on said Price street eighteen feet, and extend ing that Width in depth at right angles therewith eighty nine feet, -to a twenty-feet wide street -called Clymer street. Bounded on the north by said Price street, on the south by said Clymer street, and on the east and. west by ground now or late Of Henry Norris. Together with all and singular the ways, streets, alliss, •passages, &of. with the appnrtenances, vielditg end paying thereout the yearly-rent or sum of 'lineal' dollars and fifty cents, in every yedr, on tbe first days of April and October, without deduction for taxes or any assessment whatso `D. C., 77; S. T. '63. Debt, $138.16. Wain. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the Property of William Reed...JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 24, 13ff3. an26-3t qIIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A. kJ 'writ of Pluries Venditioni ExponAs, to me di rected; will be ex-posed to public/sale or vendee. on MONDAY Evening, September 7. 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. - All that certain lot or piece of ground situate OA the southwesterly side of Cambria street, at the distance of ' sixty feot northwestwardly from the northwest side of Amber street. in the Nmeteenth ward of the city of Phi ladelphia.; containing in front or breadth on said Gem bria street sixty.feet, , and extending-in length or depth soutbwardly of that width one. hundred and forty-six feet six inches to William street. Bounded northeast wardly by said Cambria street, soutewestwardly by said William street, and southeastwardly and north.- wesiwal dly by ground formerly belonging to John Rice. N. B --There is erected on the above-described lot of ground part of a two-story brick dwelling-house. fl). C., 330; Sept T.,-'63. -Debt, 331.000. McCrea. I Taken IA execution and to be sold as the property of 'William H. Witte. • JOHN THOMPSON, theritt Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. August 26, 1363, au37-St LEGAL. TN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE.. . WILLARD A. SRITMWAY, and others, vs F,AItAI ROBINSON, and WM. A. ATKINSON, Sheriff 001 ant Petition and Affidavit for Injunction Afterwards Bill filed. Suppcenas ,to defendant SARAH ROBINSON returned ' Non est.' (The object of the Bill in this case is to prevent the ap peaaestate f o h a puomdn of oth Sa sa h Robinson, Griffith's charged by the.ccmplainants to be fraudulent.) . 1863. March 26th; Affidavit 'of ,Geo. W. White tiled,` that the defendant, Sarah Ecbinson, does not reside in the State of Delaware, but rosidee ia the city 'of Phila delphia, (COPY OF ORDER.) Andnow, to wit.; this Sd day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hrindred and sixty-three, this cause coming before the Chancellor. upon the mo tion of Jos. P. Comegys, Esquire, the complainants' solici tor, and the writs of subpoena aforesaid, and the Sheriff's returns thereon being seen and examine& and: the affi davit of •the aforesaid.( W. White being beard, it is ordered by the Chancellor that the aforesaid defendant, Sarah , Robinson, appear in this cause, on IiIONDAY, the 2Sth day of September next : And it is ordered and di rected by the Chancellor, that a copy of this order shall, at least thirty days before the next Term of this Court, be inserted in The Press, a newspaper pnblished in the city of Philadelphia,--in the States of Pennsylvania, and shall be continued in said newspaper for the space of thirty days next after its publication; and also, that a COPY of the said order shall; within the said thirty days, be posted up in the office of Register of this .Clonrt," and at the Court-Rouse door of this county. STATE OF DELAWARE, KENT COUNTY, SS: (SEAL.] • I, William R. Cahoon: - Register, in the Court of Chancery, for the State of Delaware, in • • and for Kent county aforesaid, do hereby certify that the above is a correct abstract of the proceedings in the before-named snit in Chancery, and also &correct copy of the order made by the Honorable SAMUEL M. HARRIa GTON, Chancellor of the State of Delaware, in said case. In testimony "whereofl have hereunto set MT hand and affixed the seal of said Court, this 16th day of August, in the year - ofenr. Lord one thou sand eight hundred and - sixty-three. anlB-30t WM. H. CAHOON, Register in Chancery. --- - NOTICE IS HEREBY" - GIVEN THAT N THE , - BANK OF GERMANTOWN" intend to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania. at 'their next session, for a renewal of their , Oharter. Said Bank Is located in Germantown, .Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia, with: an .authorized capital of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ;.a. renewal of which will be asked - for, .with the usual banking privileges. - - BY order of the Boara. CHARLES W. OTTO, Cushier. Oar :Icaantoirn..TllTLo 22.-1865. - • jew.ragnis fIARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTINC4; No AS 121111019Ifit 110W1111. UR O. iemarsiord AUCTION SALES. JOHN B. MYERS & CO; A UCTION "' ERRS, Noe. 2132 and lOU MARKET Street. LARGE ;PEREMPTORY &ALE OF PREACH, INDIA. GERMAN, AND BRITIBR PRY GOODS, acc., rapt SPRING SALES. • THIS MORNING. September 7th I at 10 o'clock. will be sold,by catalogue, an fop" months' credit, about . • 750 eAGNAGES AID LOTS of Preneb t India, German, and 'British dry goods, are.- einbracina a large and choice aesertment of fancy and staple articles In silk, worsted. woolen, linen, and cot ton fabrics. N. S.—samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination. with catalog - ImA, early on the morning of the sale. wifen dealers will find it to their interest to at tend. . • RALE OF FRIE NCH DRY GonDB, &c. 150TICE —lncluded in our este of French, German, Swtho. and Britisa Dry Goode, TEiIdOUR-LNG. September 7tb, by cat3logue,.on 4 months' credit, will be found, in part— —pieces bleak silks gros de Rhlna, Intstrings, ponit, de sole, satin decline. dre DRESS SILKS. pieces solid colors and fancy dress silks in pOnit de, sole, grog de Naples, poplins. reps, colored Marcolines • &c. i • DXESS 000iig. pieces merino clothe .. Saxony dress goods. Male and Taney mons delames and cashmeres, poil - der cheTre. 'woolen plaids, ginghains, poplins, gm, • - SHAWLS. Rich broche, thibet, chenille, woolen and cashmere long and sotare shawls: chenille ecarfsjekc. RIBBONS. Zee. —boxes Paris bonnet, neck. and trimming ribbons; black andfancy silk velvet xilitione, dowers. feathers. &c. BMBROLDifitTES. &c. In bdok and mull t cellars. in Bets and pieces; binds. flounce*, insertions, veils, linen handkerchiefs. At ALSO. black silk cravats and neckties. baraires, black crapes. silk gimps and fringes, hair nets, hosiery, kid and silk gloves and gauntlets, buttons, fancy ar ticles, . . LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE OF SHAWLS. Included hi our sale of this morning; Sept 7th, will be f°l 6 j ee d i'arle long and square all - wool broche shawls, elf the Jeteet importation of Messre_ L memr,lßD & a 1.4.0, a complete assortment of very rich and latest styles all-wool broche, chaine Ilins long shawls; elec toral and chenille square shawls; chenille scarfs 'and boas, of the latest importation of Messrs. OSCAR. PROLES & ICU). SPLENDID seLmortkr. SKIP-TS. Included in our eat° this morning. 7,11 best , will by found, about 7,500 Splendid quality Balmoral skirts, just landed: very recherche at) lee. also, 2 cases English Balmoral skirts; da lunged on the voyage of importation; sold by order ,of Undertcriters. LARGE POSITIVE. SALE OF 1,100 PACKAGES BOOTS. SAO P.S, GROG d, dm. ON TUESDAY MORNING. Septem'oer Bth, ant) o'clock, will be sold by eataloame. without reserve, on four months' credit, about 1.100 packages boots, shoes.' brogans, cavalry boots, dm., embracing a prime and fresh assortment of desirable articles, ;for men, women, and cnildren, of city and Eastern manufacture. I. B.—Samples, with catalogues, early on the morn inß sale. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, BRO- NOTlCK—lnolvided in OUT Sale of Boots and' Shoes, &c., on TUESDAY MORNING. September 13th, will' be found in part the following fresh and desirable assort ment, to be sold without reserve. on 4 months' credit. viz: Men's and women's rubber boots; men's heavy nailed Eungarian thick boots and brogans; men's prime thick boots; men's Napoleon thick boots; youth's half welt kip boots; men's belf.,welt kip do. ; line city-made kid welt buskins: ladies:ga+fer boots; kid R. R. ties; colored andlblach lasting buskins; men's fins city-made calf, morocco, and kip boots; men's pump sole grain boots; cavalry boots; heavy grain boots; quilled boots; men's and boys' lialutorals and Scotch ties; woman's lined and boor d boo's; youth's kipbrograns ; misses' grain ties; misses' grain buskins; misses' spring heel grain lace boots; women's grain lace boots; women's grain ties; boys' kip brogans; =bees' glazed morocco boots men'r half welt calf do.; youths' half welt calf 41 - aron't,balf brogans; men's calf welt kin ;rm..% super calf brogans; men's roan tave pnere, , 7 dAT,,e surer, kip lies; mimes' super hid - 11 skins; child's super colored fox bootees; child's alo6l cord fox tied; men's lined and bound brogan c,. LIEGE POSITIVE' ELLE OF BRITISH. FRENCH. --GERM abi t idiD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. dm. 'We will hoja a large sale of British. French. German. d DotseCb Dry Goods. by catalogue, on four months' cre, Olt THITREID.LY MORNING Rent 10th. at 10 o'clock, embracing about IEO pack ages and lots of staple and fancy articles in woolens. linens, cottons, silks, and worsteds. to which we invite the attention 0 dealers. . , . N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for inr amination, 'with eatalognee, early on the morning -of the sale, when dealers will dud it to their at tend. PEREMPTORY SALE Or CARPETING& ON FRIDAY MORNING, September 17th. at precisely lOW, o'clock. by catalogue. will be sold. on four mouths' credit, comprising - pieces three-ply carpets. -:pieces Bruseets carpets. Pieces all wool ingrain carpets. pieces wool filling In . grain carpets. pieces woolen 'kr ettan carpets. pieces list, rag. and cortege carpets. pieces hemp carpets. N. B:-Samples may be examined early on the morn ing of sale. P HILIP FORD & CO., A.IICTIONEEbISt, 525 MA.P.ICKT ana 522 COHISCERC3 Streeta LA_EOB SALE OF lff l So s pfig . F N ß o o . cra ANTI SEEOEIL - - Eeptember 7, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, will be by catalogue, 1,000 oases men's, boys', and. Youths' calf. kip, and grain boots. brogans Sm.; women's, misses% and children's calf, kin goat. kid, and morose* heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, balmorals, LARGE SALE OF 1,000 CASBS BOOTS AND SHOES OE 'THURSDAY HORNING. - _ . Eept. 10th,, at 10 o'clock precisely. willbe sold by aa talogae,l, 000 cases men's, boys', and youth's. calf, kilh and grain boots, brogans, &c..; women's. misses', an& children's, calf. kin, goat, kid, and morocco hoslad beak and shoes. gaiters. balmorals, &c. FIFRNFRS, BRINLEY, & CO. - No. 1-29 MARKET ARES?. SALT. OF BRITGIE, FRRNOG AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING. September Bth, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, oa 4. umlaut credit— -100 packages and lots of fancy and staple dry g00d,3„ BLACK ALPACAS, hfOEFAIRS, COBURG% arc.i cases London 6 4 black alpacas. cams do do pure black mobaim. cases do do black and colored cobargs. cases London rolled jaCOD ets. —cases ginghanys, prin s figured mohairs. LINEN (3100 DR. . . . - . . 4-4 Irish shirting linens, linen damasks, linen sheaf ings, table cloths. handkerchiefs, linen shirt fronts. linen canvass, toy &c. _ BLEACHED LISTS TABLE CLOTHS, &c. • ON TUESDAY MORNING... IDTOICG of 7-4. S-4. and 10 4 double damaak and snow drop li nen table clotb& 20 inch Whiteys brown linen diaper. • WHITE GOoDS. OF SUPERIOR MASS. -- nieces extra superfine white jaconete. pieces tope check muslin and brillian ta. • SUPERIOR QUALITY DARK. BLUE PATENT - 'THREAD. - An invoice of Nos. 35 a6O extra quality dark blue pa thread KETRA QUALITY BLACK SILK VELVET RIBBONS. • cartons Nos. 15E a 12 extra quality, fast edges, black silk velvet ribbons. —135 a 6R, do do with white edges. CABLE CORD TODLT DE SOIE RIBBONS. - cartons Nos. 4 a 22 super quality cable cord pordt de sole ribbons. BLACK AND WHITE FRENCH SKIRTING. 50 pa French super black_and white French skirting. I 2.00 PIECES 6 4BLICK BOMBAZINES. LUPIN'S ChLEBR iTED MAKE. ON TUESDAY MORNING, 200 pieces Lupine 64 black bombazines, from fine to extra superfine qnalities • LUPPg'S SHAWLS. Lupin's ,Xtra fine black tbibet shawls, silk fringes.. high colored shawls, silk fringes. • ' .—lmpthn black mousseline de lame shawls, wool fringes. Lupin's palm-pattern printed thlbet shawls. Lnpin's extra rich broche-border and stelia shawls.. extra fine centres. . Lupin's high-colored plaid woolen shawls. EXTRA QUALITY BLACR ALPACAS AND PURE NO HAIRS. FOR FINEST RETAIL TRADE. --- extra fine London Wank alpaca lustros extra fine London pipe mohair lustros - IL a WI ificent quality do, fill , of imported. BLACK GROS GRAINS, TAFFETAS. POULT DE kc_ • An invoice of heavyblack gros deßhines and lnstrines Heavy black Bros grains and taffetas. pAN CO AST & WARNOCK, AM. TIONERES. No. 21X MARE ST Sireet. LARGE SALE OF ArERICAN AND IM., PORTED DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, &c., by catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, SePtember 9tb, commencing at 10 o'clock. precisely— . Composing about 700 lots of fresh and seasonable• goods, to whirl the attention of buyers is invite& BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, No. gout MAKKET t i tiTt l ,Voll 3 th ß side, above Second. St. Rep"tar Sales of Dry Etoods. Trimmings Notions, dma. every MONDAY, WEDFRSD dr, and FRIDAY MORN-- ID - GS, ROD o'clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend these, sales. Consignments respectfully solicited from Mannfactui rem, Importers, Commission. Wholesale, and Jobbing" Houses; and Retailers of all and every description of ' Merchandise. - READY-MADE CL( s )Za r life tr ELli „. TH . CASSIAIREFA THIS . MORNING. September 7th, at 10 ,o'clock, will be sold, black and fin cy cassimere pants, silk :velvet vests. cloths, casei n ems, saftinets; wool jackets, fancy- over-shirts. meri no shirts and drawers, , usnenders.wool and felt hats. he. DRY GOODS, SKIRTS, TRIAMINGS Etc. Also, dress and domestic gdeds, long shawls; ladies', misses', and children's skirts; chenille scarfs, cotton hosiery, gloves, handkerchiefs, trimmings, collars. drawers. ruffling, patent thread, spool cotton, shoeeh, combs, brushes, dtc. MTHOMAS & SONS, • Nola 1139 and 141 South FollitTil Strost. STOCKS - AND RE ESTATE—TI3I39DIY NEXT. Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing fall de scriptions tof all the Property to be sold on TIII3SD&Y next. Sth inst. ,- with 'a -list of Sales 15th. 22d and 29th September, and 6th October: comprising a large amount and great variety of valuable property by order of Or phans' Court,- kmeentors, Assignees.Administrators,and others. SALES OP STOCKS .AND REAL ESTATE, . At the Exchange. every Tuesday, at 12 o'clock noon. - Ale- Handbills of each Property issued separately sad on the Saturday prexkons to each sale. MOO catalogues in pamphlet form. givilw fell'deseriptions. FURNITURE SALES & tr.e Auction. Store every ' FaLLSALES STOCKS AND _DEAL ESTATIL Second Sth September. Third Fall Sale,lith September. ' ' Fourth Fall Sale. 2gd September. Part of the handbills now ready. THE SIXTY-FIRST PHILADELPHIA TRADE-RAIZ - TO BOOKSELLERS will commence 15th September. Catalogues now ready. STOCKS, LOANS..Scc. ON TUESDAY. 'FeptembeiSth, at I 2 o'clock noon. at the Exchange - *LOGO coupon bond Lawrens, comfy Coil and Oil Coln- PanY: sale absolute.• _ _ _ - - REAL ESTATE, Bth September. Foilparticulars in handbills: including the following — Peremptory SaIe—ELEGANT COUNTRYSEAT-and valuable Farm, 82 acres, °Tthe Ritier Delaware, and ,at Cornwall station. Trenton railroad. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, southwest cor ner of Twenty-fourth and Green streets: has gas, bath, hot and cold water &c: - - THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING: No. 2402 Green street,ncenpied as a Bakery; gas, bath; range, &a. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, No 2123 Summer st THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 743 Weet street, south of Brown st - Orphans' Court - Sale—Bstate of John W. Logan, dee% —THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Eighth street, norib of Poplar st. - LOT OF GROUND, Frankford road, /3d ward; adjoin- NEAT MODERN DWI: LING. No. 337 north Twelfth, street, south of Call owhill. street._ THREE LOTS OF GROILND; N. E., corner of Slits second street and Maple avenue, 24th'.Nimrd. -LOT, CEDAR AVENUE, east of Sixty-second at.; 24th. ward. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING: No. 1061 Beach EXTRA VALUABLE . REAL ESTATE. 16th September.; By order of Executors, 'Orphan& Court, and others, Including the estate of the late James 'C. Fisher; Eeq. over 6a feet front on Chestnut meet. :See handbills. FISHERY, Tinicum Island; also, valuable city pror party.-Estate of C. W. Bender. ac. ; absolute salsa. Safe No. 38 South Nineteenth street. EUPERIOR "FURNITURIt•IROSEWOOD PIANO. BRUSSELS 0 sRPETS, &a. .I.Ps.THIS MORNING. September 7th, at No 38- South- Nineteenth Street, by. catalogue. The superior parlor, dining room, and cham ber furniture: line toned rosewood piano forte. 7 oetemedri. flu e tapestry Brussels carpets. &c. th Sap be examined at S o'clock on the *ruing of PererimtorY Sale at the Franklin Iron Works.. CRANE'S: BLOWING GYBED DBES, CUPOLA, VALLI-, ABLE PATTERNS. TOOD, &c. ON MONDAY MORNING. Septionber 14th.' at the Franklin' Iron Works, 'Clirardl ayStne,between Front and Second streets, by oatalogne. including two large cranes, 'capable of lifting each tan tons: . pair 41,inch blowing cylinders, a large lot of yalu,' able non and wood patterns, toole, iron, Ste • • • .43fr Full idescriptions ,in catalogues,• 'which will be: ready tbree days preyions to sale. GILLETTE , it -scovv AUCTIONREP.S.'Skyne's Marble Bniblligi..: 619 CHWITRIT Street, and 611.6 JAYNE Street; " • : • Philadelphm, MOSES. NATIT A NS, AUCTIONEER, Eontheast corner of .SIXTE aad. ILkeN Stre r ets. • In large ornmallimimmts, from one dollar to the: A guas; for any length of time , agreed on,OIL alainOTAOViatehelt. jeWalrl.4o/d 6111 - 81111 red Plate. ,Pianos;; rab - eors. furni-; ture. dry - goods: groceries, hardware anti:very. clothing. shrars, fowling pieces, fancy articles, mo,m um aise gene, our rallyot sa her k esteblie t Ent o hte e every descriptin, o att ivber:,er tams tilen,st .- , • • .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers