Mailine, that fans the operator the whole time the machine is moving. Our lady readers will do well to Understand that none of the objections applicable to )IMT-working machines apply to Grover & Ba lier's, They are worked even more easily than the pedal of smallest size melodeons, We have seen Many children of ten years old, who used the Grover Sc. Baker to precisely the same purpose as an adult. We know of one case in which a physician, who had lnterdieted to a lady patient the use of her parlor melodeon, for fear of injury to certain muscles of the limb, made no objection to the use of her Grover & Baker Sewing Illachlne.—From the ,North American. 'August 13th. FIIIIMTURE SrarN those great preservers •or furniture, cut and fitted at Patten's, 1408 Cheat 21Ut street. TROUBLE ABOUT THE HAYTIEN '7EI: AT WASHINGTON NOT BEING THE RIGHT CO. 14011.—One writer to the press says he is as black as the "ace of spades." Now, we being anxious to see the nice shade of black the writer so finely describes, got the " documents," and lo the "ace of spades" vas bluc—no approximation to black—except some -idirtg,fl i uer marks onjlem, which is about the color of all Sotitrern gentlenalli at Washington. We - hope the Haytien minister wilenot, look blue, much less feel so, during his stay in the diplomatic' circle; •color isn't much now-a.daya, but it must`be "WY; ranted not to run," and when it has that quality, -um don't care whether it is white, black, or " cop perhead" color. Men of all colors and all ehades shades stand fast" now; after a while you may discuss your colors ; whether you axe as black as the "ace of spades," or as' black as the "deuce," •abould make no diffetence now. Clothing, in the meantime, black, brown, and gray, and, fast colors, ,st Charles Stokes & ao.'s, under the Continental. CARPET Woni: or Upholstering of any' de- Ooription done quickly and and cheaply at Patten's) 1408 Clhestnut Street. THE ANTIQUITY OF MAN.—The learned .Agassiz declares that facto will force us sooner or later to admit that the creation of man lies far be yond any period yet assigned to it, and that a RlC cession of human races, as of animals, have followed One another upon the earth. He also infers that the present gsneration is the wisest of any that has :nourished upon the face of the globe, from the fact that in the present era the Brown Stone Clothing Ran of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Ohest 33ut street, above Sixth, was established and sus 2ained by all persons who understand their own interests. PATENT-IDNGE SPRING MATTRESS at Pat . ten% the best Spring-bed manufasturet, 1403 (Jest. nut street, CRONE Wouos.--When you doubt lbetween two words, choose the plainest, the com monest, the most idiomatic. Echew fine words as you would rouge; love simple ones as you would native roses on your cheeks. Let us use the plain est and shortest words that will grammatically and gracefully express our meaning, For instance, we say in plain wolds to our readers, ' , Buy your gar- Meats at the one-mice palatial establishment of Granville Stokes, No. 600 Chestnut street, Phila. idenada. PATTEN, the Window-shade manufacturer rind dealer, at 140 S Chestnut street. A 31Aonvica - icr full seven-octave rose- Wood Piano-forte for sale at a great sacrifice ; ele gantly-carved case , and legs ; round corners;`all mo dern Improvements ; becnin uee four months ; cost $6OO ; Will sell for less than half cost. To be seen at the residence, No. 141$ Lombard street. se2-2t. $275 to $3`25 will get an elegant 7-octave seaweed over.strnnr; Piano, warranted five Oar's. J. E. Gould, Sevieth and Chestnut. jy2d-osatf PATTEN'S WINDOW. SHADE Store iS no at 1408 ()heal= t street. ARRIVAL II AT THE ROTELb, UP TO 12 (VOLOOS LAST NIGHT. nd Chestnut streets. P D Luther, Pottsville Rotted C Luther, Pottsville A. H Carr, Baltimore . S Differing, Baltimore ' F M Gilmour, Baltimore . C H Mann. Baltimore W Hale, Yonne Geo B Elmer. New York Nichara Bates & wf, Wash Mrs Dr Bates, Wash J M Vagham, Wash Miss Bates Sr sister, Wash Mr Sr Mrs G W Doobin, Md Hiss H Dorsey. Maryland T Al Dobbin, Maryland Geo Crouse & la, Syracuse B Black, Penne Semi Hunt, Baltimore B B unt. Baltimore L Brownell, Troy J - J. Van Pelt, New York Kiss K R Clark. Nem York Vir Davis dr wf, 1 , 4 w York Mrs French. New York air Wm D Jones, Maryland Miss Lucie Jones, 'Mary land Sias N itlis Jones, Maryland Miss L Jones. Maryland Miss B lonndes, Maryland Mrs C Aerobe - tier, Maryland Master March-her, Md S F Gaylord, Cieveland W 13. Gaylord Cleveland C Barchard & wf, Illinois Jas H M Diutlen Miss Cane, Now York P Joyce .A wf, Louisville John Swoolfolk, Louisville Hiss Coleman, Bailin ore P S Ham, St Louis C B Church, Memphis • 00113 0 Ryers.on W 0 Scott. St Louis F W Slaughter, St Louis Geo MeR. Teal, Baltimore Thos P Ayer, Boston C Dsaforth &la, Paterson Thee E Cochran, York A C E Hersh, York A. W Richards, Farmington John Cagle. Baltimore C T Paine. Baltimore J Werdebaugh, Balt W Blanchard. New York Miss Ward, New York Arrowsmlth, New York iJohn Dixon, Handier° F McDowell, Baltmore C Woodman. 111 W Foster, New York- A C Austin & la, Detroit I .Ta. E Dean, New York i% Cdshtng. Boston ill Careen, II 8 H 'Dr Vreeland, IT S IT John S Barnes, New * York W F Bash & la, New York IN Dußarry Gee Ft Stetson, Boston C Titft, New York W Fairchild, Leavenworth It B Downiee, England IA Edwards, Shrewsbury J Sneden, New Jersey Continental—Ninth J F Sinnott & at', Octron Fletcher, llincen,,i E Burdock, Cln ic,go . ..I a Gordon, rem a ML Bnllivan, Ili;a r~ Wise Lucy Su Iltnots West, Brooklyn A W Grander. No York Sire Jamison, WI hrcter .Mr White. Dela`Na: e Niee White, .DP:.llrore air Lonndes, Mar) /and Xiss, , Lonndes, Bleu land A Allen, New Jci.. , ,eY T Hendrickson, S A Theo C Weeks, Bo t ton . _ . J W Jones, Mail :and Button, frlb J A Merehnut frils-ouri :Russell Houston, - . East. Tenn.' . ~re lir Bradley & en- York Miss Bradley. N . PC4 Yr rk It Hosea & la, Cibein ati Atlas Ella Boson. oin flati Master HoEen, all ldra Hunting tin. 07.1 , -i Elea Clara V 1... mica He en - El r vr . C D Bruyn. ork - - - Miss Ray, Ertr Yolk XI Hall( ok & le, Pet! .it . R Hnllock, Petloit F Wilcox &la, Memphis W M Bailey, Providing:El Elias D Kurudy JHHenry C Heintz, Harriabu , g M Romano, Hagen-lawn, John A Marenrit,Pco.ding G Snyder. Y ork John Hays. York Josiah Locke,ludianapolis Miss Locke, Indianapolis U H Painter & a-F. Yenta J W Todd &la, 1/Temp , 4is J Ingham & cf,Nr e Jersey Miss Ingham & seoar, N W Tapscott N Jeney 3drs Barrett. Washit, e ton Cant , J A McP.betran F Cuthbert, Parkersburg 31H Etirling, Baltim o re Chas B Tatman, N Jsreey Jacob L Svazze, t4vzJersey .J C 2 A McConkey, York co. C J M Easton, Pt/lir - acre W 0 Culbreth, Hero: Pel SBenson, Washington Dr C H Crane. IT S H Clapp, Boston J F Odione, Boston H Fitch, Peva J T Sweringen & 't Louis; Mrs J W Kennett :31 . Loots Miss J A Barret, St Lonis :Afrs P R DlcCreer,;: ;clitn :Miss A Aicereery W McCreary JAforton B Uynes J C Downing.. Newal`g. B P Randolph, .N 1 John Evans, Batt Girard--Chestunt street, below Ninth. $ Shoemaker .7 RoFeriberg, Baltimore C W Coulson. Baltimore C Wheeler, Beading J S Woodward, Bac do held S Milliken, HollidayEburg C Paul J F MB likenaloltidaysbu ra' 'Thos Steers, Peons A E Hoilidayeb'g T Slamaker. lowa C W Watts, Carlisle Geo Tiedal, New I'm k- D lileMnrtree & wf, Penne NV Pilkinton, New r'Z - crk J W O'Hara. Baltimore Dritus, Alexandria Dr Gibson, II S N X Weinberg. Adexei dria Capt L Melee. Delaware JD Helms D Lomison Sr dough. Pertua Dr W H Fele, Barri ;bare S Vick &son, New York 'W C How er & w. Stechb'x S J Kerlin. Port Clinton J S Bisbee. Penne L J Albertson; Penna 'V Hasty, Hoilic ar,1)117 g Lippencott & w, N J Capt Joy & w. lows At Stroup., Pottsville J B Clemens &w. L'stiton IL eat W L Shaw, Newark H Leary, Easton '< UB Humphrey, N Bedford A Diesinger, Idizatostlitown I Rev & Mrs T Walder. Phila Hundyrick, New York I tire j T Welder 'Phila H Quinn, Hew York H .T Farley. Milwaukee 0 Oilman, N lie nreshire & Mrs Farley,Milwankee W W Williams LI S N auch Campbell Itre T C Middletoo Ky. F W Van Stade, New York idadam Michot, Hy F L Dow, Cortland, Mo H Newhouse (J Hall, New York Andrewa. Kerr .L.-I,sey John A Marshall - S Wallace, White Neven 1 .1 H Bewley. Smyrna. Del H Balt 171101 e 'R K Hawley, Baltimore Gee Wolf, St Louis W - P Lightner, Baltimore 35 W Westc itt, lisek nk J Hattie New York. James Carlisle, Breoldyn Coo V Pomeroy, N Y .J M ColestonDr John Evans & son. Md Ti L McDonald, St J: - . -- oph IS S Silver, Trenton, N J Dir Sialtman, Mary loud Nerohants'—Fo earth ra H Beaten), Hittop '0 Harley. blemphi.- - 'W Lindsey, Mary lam/ J Cleaver. Mary la cd 'Jacob Lever,,Lafayeite J Sullivan, New`York CorleeL New "Fin a 'W H Smith. 80l ivar. 0 'l' White, New Yolk G Kuntz, Pena W 13.Bmith, Mart, tie, 0 MB Pritcharl, , Cf Graham. New, 0 D A Rupp & eon, ork, Pa W Schmick. Otwfi..lil, 0 Schafer, North Li ma. 0 13 Walker & wt. Oir.nin nati Nye S Nickerem, Bl)ptofi .1 Burns, New - Lisbon, 0 Dovwart. New T,k lies, 0 'WmMaster &l tor, 3, lin iit9 23 0 Fry a C Hedges. Ohio N Moffat, New Brown, NewTcrc Kennedy,Prinu. ton N J 'Milati }latex& wf, Pe .A Dllman, Ohio. 8 8 Anewalt, Allentown 11MRumseYY&w, Salem• B Wister & w, Salem, N J W Mortimer. • F Laaer & son, Rennin.' S hionroe, Pottstown' _ . . kiSeigfried, 141 97,V1 Itloncy W M Woodside, Jul, iota o -J Heedgzia,Manatis 14 J Sheiner, °aril.%) T Rippey. Carlisle Nra L R Doni van, Carlisle Nre BRippeY, • ngl I .P H Honker, Pittsburg John Milehaur, CE Jria, 11l M Hotchkiss, Plaiansid `V . Lee, St Paul V P Miller, Allenlown 1' P Sullivan if Lur'er. Perry co M 8 MoDonongt, New York W Frysinger, York, Pa E Cochran, Strasburg, Pa James E Ryan Ben, N Miller- Pittsburg L Rohrback, Peoria. L Lamer, Plymouth M Wachtel, Indianapolis Tho.. Vogle & la, Carbond'e Airterican—Chtstnut , 31 A Welles, Hera.). d, Conn .43 C Welles, Bartter d Conn Walter W Berry, c ;'rank P Farrell .John.Wlleyjl 8 A 0 Bourn, Provideu,-e,R I Balaton, Pen .'dohn Oraham Ralson, 'Penns 4) I Welch & tot, , )aut'n Idles Welch, Georgetown A J Anderson, Blair co ani. Fink'Brooklynatton J M & la, IN I' Lander, New ork J'S Williams, Dela tv e 11rs J Dußois, New Jet:toy 11 Herr, Lancaster co W Jorden, Bridst t. .o 'Cleo Ormrod, Tamaqua . . Morris iSami Wallace.Whi IP Haven NV Bailey, Wilrningt .n, Del ohn Boylan, New l'anl Armour, pew IThrk Thomas, Allen tote' A McCaffrey & lady. lialt The Uhl 031-- reit. s B Wallace; La no c. , A Eliason, Middle • ‘7ll. D Holisheir. Lear eds. Ind A. Jodi, Crawfor,h‘yile , - Vir A Norton, S a H Hirkbride, Med J'l 31 . Patterson, Ohio Oleo Shaeffer. Doh . Ohio Shaeffer, Halve r, Ohio Holston Ohio W L Dennison, kast Liberty Cleo Street, Salem, Ot o v NV Schick, New 13A rho, 0 Bates & son Ohio iss E Bates. bhio tee C Bates, Ohio "a) &ease, Canal Dover B Newbold. Cana 1 D ver Henrys Siam eyer, holly Child. H Frit b'g lent Goodman, U h ti sdw Ruhe, illentoitn -John B Moser. Allent.iwn 'XI H Beecher. Pottstowit .David Barbi. Button H Holies. Salem. 0' Nalitonal—Race vMune. Pittston taid Hessler. Beading Randenbtudi Youum Z 0 Beck, k anbarY B Smith - Wise C Bare, Lancaster co /Kin H Bare, Lance stor co t A. Smith & w, New V , rk ,kfra McMahan & d a N J SI Brawls, Norfolk , Va James Bald Eagle—Third S Fr Begar, Lancaster 07 Weigel. Allentown H Berman. Eneton B Conrtner. Centre co, Pa 31. Fensterrneoher. A Ileato'n C H Haines. Lewinlinrg, Pa Ciao y Snyder, reT no street. below Arch. W H Robe, Monongahela t W Taylor, Ohio Graham, Ohio - - J W , itOClOury, Pittsburg A J Hayan, Pittsburg B Nelson, New York 15 B Tathill, New York J B Smith, Pittsburg G D Sprecher. Lancaster H Sprecher. Lancaster W Heiner, Milton W C Lam , eon. Milton J SLaWNOII, Milton . . J B Brownfield, Indiana, F Bentel, Chillicothe, 0 'S M Beeson, Michigan W W Beeson, Michigan R T Johnston, Ohio A owensteiu, Ohio . . E R Elmer, Rridgeton J Rader ,Sc sod, Vast= Miss B Ripper, Carlisle J W Wnaderlich, Carlisle &l Holcomb, Carlisle J M McClure.Pennsylvania L.wis Carl, York, Pa street, above Fifth. Robt Brown. Baltimore W F Cary, Baltimore T S Ransom, 1/ S N M P Snow, Council Bluff L Blakesley, Cincinnati Mrs Shaw, New York Chas R Elmer, New Jersey Jesse W Williams, Mina Bichsel Barry, Lancaster P H Bridgeton,N J W Watts, Maryland John J Barns, Cambria co W T Room, Middletown C F Shlndle, Tamaqua Walter Kirk, Tamaqua L L Mulford _ . H L New York V A Espial, Washington W !Mark, Maryland T J Hill, Providence, R I Alex Hodges, Providence C W Henry & lady. Wash W W Tschndy,Smyrna, Del W F Clements,Bmyrna, Del F Davis, Boonaboro . . . . J F Newbold, Baltimore 43apt L Hillary, U reet. above Third. Desvoignes, Wayne co, 0 1 Salkenstein, Pittsburg I A C Baxter & la, Lima. 0 G F Otte. Cincinnati, Ohio H 11 Lockwood, Cincinnati A J Humberger, Massillon W W Scott. Hagersville E Clapp, Mansfield. Ohio 13 Zirm, Ohio Chas Hallowell. Jr 'Selliman Pottsville A Sikloes, Pottsville Col Ratallff, Tamaqua Robt Johnson, Tamaqua Mai S, Kline, Baltimore D Richwine, Lancaster co Jos Coleman & P H Retnharo & w, Wash Jos B Stapler, Backe co John H T B Walme see & w, Chicago W Beck, Pittsburg P L T Bapbale Jacob Baxtresser, Parma J P Wallace & la. Peona E C Patterson, Canton, 0 eet, above Third At Harley, Bucks co Newcomer P B Brendlinger, Penne T Hopkins, Pottsvillel F M Hobson. Penne H Kurtz, Mt JOY . H Bahin Met ,Lebanon. B Phelps, Prov, B I F Brendlinger, Pena% t., above Cellowhill. T 8 Loisenring, Pittsburg G M H Wagner. Pt Minton Mitts Luther, Rutztowa Miss nnnday, Kutztown Miss Burber, Kutztown W Anderson.. Backs CO St. Louts—Chestnut 310 Webb, Washington W W Cone, Rochester John A Brown, Baltimore John Pittfield. New York A Q Stebbins, Washington John W Spoon. New York F Grant, New York Geo Smith New York W Clark, New York Jas Sherman. New York Jas C Hoyt, New York Thos Swart, New York Ceo C Nelson street, above , khllird. M T Fawcett, Ohio W Smi6lt, PTew JerseY B Boyer, Reading M H Botts, Reading Jno F Rodeo & la, Alex, Va W Owynneth, Boston Geo B Swain, Boston Geo A Farmer, U S N Wm Mortimer, New York J Fortestia, New York Jos Reynold. Portsmouth D D Cone, Washington W F Ward, Washington J G Sewell & wf, Wash F Parrott, New York ii Shaw tV W Beeson. Michigan J E Jones, Washington S M Beeson. Michigan Jcshim Lynch,. Baltimore W W Arthur, Baltimore S Delany. Etortsmouth J W Chenery, Fenno Bittenger & wf, Boston Mrs Mary Watson. N Y R Langley, Harrisburg Jno Wilson, Washington W Bunis & la, Washington Jesse Hunt, Baltimore W P Spencer, Baltimore C aI Lucas. Baltimore Chas J Randall, Brooklyn J _Roach Commerclal—Sixth st R Baldwin, Lancaker co S W Pomeroy, Roxbury, Pa W Brewster, Huntingdon J H Hill, Doylestown, Pa R S Borth, Oxford, Pa A Rene At wf, 41.1111 CY, 11l R H Miller, Ohio S Grover. Penna JBeale, Juniata co < . . . - - . H W Fisber, Steubenville, 0 E B Patterson, Oxford, Pa B Harvey. St George. Del Miss A Fell, Carversville, Pa Jones, Penna D Davis, Safe Harbor .1 Davis, Sate Harbor P Newston, Bew.York H C Hesbitt, Maryland States Untan-3larke P Dell ett, Columbia JR MeGoneeal, Pa S R Bynm, Charabereburg. Miss Renfaw. Chamberobg Mein P Canon. IT 6 A ER Barton, Delaware B Clark & wf. Maryland L Green, Conn - • . WBl3orrteon, Coatesville 3A Rohrer, SleVeytown O VT Stewart. Lewietown E Maule, Ohio Parley Sheaf—Seeon A d Ca dwala der, Fox Chase G W PearEon.Abington Wley, Doylestown A o.,Gregg, Bustloton E Southampton L Bitting", Washington C Fritz, Washington E. Brown, Brownsburg Thos T Brown. Brownsbnrg Jon Scott, Bucks co d street, below Vine. B Bunt, eennington, N I Vorbies. Pennington, N 1 r S Bard, Pennington N T B Smith, Warren co, N I Benj %.11 en, Warren co, N J B. W Knight, Buckmanv David Marple,-DafiaVille Abm Douhower, Bensalem' ST T Lyons, Hoboken !no Sorvie, Doylestown SI B Lutz, Syracuse S Wilkinson, Solesbury W B Harding, Wyoming co SI Kline. nemington, J John J Watson, New Hope W S Major, lirwinna Hope Tilos Livezer, Slew Hope Miss Ps Ecarboro _ . . Thos B Linton, Newtown Cieo Hallowell,Abington J E Bunt, Pumington, N Madison—Second et W H, Folealmry I Wm Barbour, Solcsbury J (..1 Cole. Solesbury A A Slack, Parma - llobt Pyle;Wilmingion,Del Miss TI Patterson, Del t. an 1 Cline Sr la. New York Simon AlcZiair. Warminster b Zti Baseiton, N. J John Finney, J A R. Hall, Delaware & Evans dr son, Delaware J 0 lor, anion reet, above Market. E Graham, Delaware ali,s V Lewis, Delaware a L, Wilkinson, Solesbitry I I Wasion, New Hope W-11. Scudder, Penna T Schofield. Penna. t.?.00 Eastburti, Backs co John Tacker Norristown J D Groan & la, New York Valentine Lewis. NY. C C Stthabarger,Lewiatown C Toner, 'l'yrone City Itobt Beebe Y Black Bear—Third at., above Callowhill. Chas \Thula Allentown 1.1 TreteMer, Pa .Riclid Robb, Plymouth 'iJ S Cornell, Pa W Helmer, Penueburg T C Miller, Pa John Hersh, Pennsburg A ES Loonier, Pa Chas Harper, JenkintOwn LienryDieht. Churchtown C Robb & son, Pa I) B Boyer, Boyertown BM Woodward, Pa Elias Schuler, Pa W Eddows, Pa Milton Apple, Pa SPECIAL NOTICES. NEWS - FROM CHARLESTON BY THE. BARD OF TOWER. ITALY. Mistress Popkins, while reading The paper, cried ont, ! here is a story I very Much doubt: Here's a letter from Charleston Its date—thirty. first, And it says,—goody gracious ! That a parrot has buret! "-Yes, while it was speaking:s In tones just like thunder, This newspaper says that It split right asunder! 'Boma curious fish stories I've certainly heard, But nothing so queer as The tale of that bird. ''lt's a fib, past all question, Though told with much skill: But if parrots won't burst, I know Pantaloons will. This pair my dear husband From Bennett DIDN'T bus/ : And I never can mend them— Indeed; I won't try. " The best assortment of seasonable Ready-made Gar ments in Philadelphia selling at reduced prices, at TOWER HAIL, 518 MARKET Streit, it BE gIiETT .3; CO. ELECTRICITY. PROPERLY APPLIED Is NATURE'S BEST REMEDY. —The office of Dr. A. 11. STEVENS, No. 1.1-134 South PENN SatliAßE, in this city, for the reception and treatment of patients. will reopen WEDNESDAY, Sept 3d. The Doctor's long experience in the use of Electrical Currents, in this city and elsewhere, has been thoroughly tested by the many who have been cured at his rooms, as their certificates in his possession testify—the same being open for perusal by any one who may choose to call. A limited number of patients will find pleasant rooms, with board, in the Doctor's family. His location on the Snare is not only central, but also a very pleasant and healthy one. Office hours from 9 toll. A. id., and from 2to 4'P N. and-tf El AIR DYE! HATE DYE!! BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Best Lie :he Warta. The only Harmleso, True and . Ratable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes god. Rusty or Gray Hair, instantly ton o loesy Black or Natural Brown, withorit Injaring the Hair or Stain ing the Skin. leaving the Hair Soft and Beantifali im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring -its pristine valor, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATORMLOR, all others Ire mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, ac. FACTORY-81 BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the hair. . ie23-1/ ONE-FRIOE ()LOTHINO or' TEE LATEST i•rnme. made in the Beat Manner. esnresslY Tor RETAIL 7...e,r,5. LOWEST Selling Trines marked in. Plain m.iner — All Goods made to Order warranted satLstactory. Jur Own-Palen SYSTEN is otrietly adhered to. All are ;hereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES & CO.. 4304 tr 31 REM Street. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT ; is the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." IVIC.EI-Mtrt.T.3EM. LATHAM—ENGLISIL—On the let of. Septem ber' at Christ Church, by the Rev. Dr. Dorr, Stan tonT. Latham to Helen, daughter of Charles Eng. lish. * isIDERSON—FRENCH.—March 15th, 1863, by Rev. J. H. Peters, Mr. John B. Anderson to Miss Mary A. French, both of this city. * PERRY—BOWBN.—On the •18th ult., by Rev. Mr. Alday, Mr. Samuel J. Perry to Itlss Lide Bowen, all of this city. * 3Dimr:). DENDIE.—On the Ist inst., the Rev. Charles R. Demme, D. D., in the 69th year of his age. The relatives and friends of.the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 119 North Fourth street. Funeral services on Thursday, afternoon, at 2 o'clock, in Zion's ,Church, corner of Fourth and Cherry streets. To proceed to the Lutheran Ceme tery. - STRING—At Downingtown, August 31, Aman da, wife of Rev. Benjamin T. String, and daughter of Kimsey and the late Ann Durell, aged 30 years. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her hus band, at Downingtown, on Thursas.y, at 10 o'clock WASS.—On Monday morning, August 31st, at Germantown, Elizabeth Wass, wife of Samuel Wasa, in the 44th yetir of herage. Tte relatives of the family are respectfully in. vital to: attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, East Walnut lane, Germantown, on Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. ** - - - GUERNSEY.—At Oil City, Penna., on Thurs day, August 13th, 1863, Hiram C-, son of James W. and Rebecca W. Guernsey, aged 2 months and 10 class. * ROILTIER.—On the 29th ult., after a short but severe illness, Dr. John S. Rohrer. The relatives and friends of the family, and his medical friends in particular, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from hit late residence, No. 1719 Chestnut street, this ( Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 O'ciOCk. - WEBB.—On Saturday evening, August 25th, Wil liam Webb, in the 56th year of his age. The relatives and male friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 541 North Sixth street, this ( Wednesday) after. noon. To move at 4 o'clock, punctually. Interment at Laurel Hill. * AGNEW.—On the 30th ult,, Samuel, son of James and Ellen Agnew, aged 23 years. * OLARKE.—On the 29th ult., Mrs. Catharine H., wife of Charles Clarke, aged 46 years: GEAR.—On the 31st ult., - Ephraim Gear, in the 74th year of his age. * HANCOCKS.—At Westfield, Mass., on the 28th ult. Robert IL, son of Robert Haneocker Eq.., of this city, aged 33 years. yikLACK BARE GE HERNA_NIS.--JUST opened, a ease of Lumps BABE HE EES.E.WAKIS., Impin's Black Crape Mareta. Do. do. Tamartines. Do. do. Bareges. Do. do. Summer Bombazines. Do. do. Chally TAMIB , 3B. Do. do. Striped and Check Eareges. Do. do. Mousseline de Laines. Do. do. Bombazines, Shawls, &c. - BESSON & SON'S MonmingStore, ffl3 •No. oiS CHESTNUT Street, PYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND I- 4 ARCH Streets, open to-day one case FALL DMUS SILKS. Solid Brown Figured Silks. Solid Blue Figured Silks. Solid Mode Figured Silks. Solid Green Figuriad Silks. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, are opening for Fall sales. Colored French Merinoee. New Balmoral Skirts. Blank Silks all prices. Flannels for Fancy Skirts. • AMERICAN LITERARY UNION NOTICE —The opening meeting of the Union will be beld. pursuant to adjournment, on SATURDAY vening next, September 5, at 8 - o'clock. at the Hall, Noi th East corner of NINTH and CALLOWHILL streets. GEO. J. HETZEL, Secretary. 4*--, - .„p=.• PHILADELPHIA. SOCIETY 'FOR Cv.:„.• PROMOTING AGRICULTURE. —SRPTEMBER Meeting at Room 326 WALNIITStreet. THIS (Wodnee dav ) MORNING. at 11 o'clock. lt NOTICE.—THE DELEGATES WHO voted for A. H. SHOEMAKER, on the laat ballot, in the National Union Convention on SATURDAY last, Will meet at the Wetherill Hence, THIS (WEDNES DAY) EVENING, at 8„44 o'clock. it* STATEMENT OF THE FIRST NA.- TIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, as gutted by the twenty-fourth section of the act of Con gress, approved February 25th, 1363: Amount of Loans and Discounts $157,295 26 Do. Specie and United States Notes• •.. 101,823 00 Do. Due from okber Banks 13,511 07 Do. Deposits, including balances due to other Banks 163,753 64 PHILADELPHIA, kept. 1, 1663. - City of Philadelphia, ss. 1, MORTON Mc:MICHAEL. Jr. Cashier of the First National Bank of Philadelphia, 'being duly sworn, de pose and say that the above statement is correct, to, the, best of my knowledge and belief. _ McMICHLEL, Cashier. Sworn before me this first day of September. A. D. 1663. It JAMES McCAHEN, Alderman. MNOTICE —APPLICATION WILL BE ande by MICHAEL BARRY to the Depirtment of High ways for a contract to pave Berke street. from lelsventh street to Thirteenth street; Camac street from Montgomery street to Beaks street; Marvin street from Montgomery street to Berke street, all in the Twenty. lirst ward. 'The following named persons representing a majority of-owners and.owning a majority of feet on said streets having signed an agreement to pave the same: William M, Comae, M: D., William R. Foal, and Tatiow Jackeejt, for all the ground on each side of Bald Owners of property on .BW-streets are initteil to at terd at -the Department of Highways on FRIDAY, the 41h inst at 12 M.:if - they , desire to do so. 5e2.51.. ect, above Chestnut. Rufus Wiley, York co, Pa. Buruite, Harrisburg E Butler, York co, Pa 8P Radcliff, Pkannikvilla Samuel Bicking, Phtenixv JklAlonander, Ohio E Swiggan Jos Engles, Lancaster co ' Groves, Columbia. Pa R Baird, Baltimore S E Randall.' Chester co, Pa Silo 0 Rhoads, Penna duo L Phillips Washington Ewing, Forma L Crow!, Oxford EthTßeynotds i 9P P;ati: CLestedeo. Pa t street, above Sixth. T G Dorsey, Pa W Sykes, Ps MO Sykes, 'a D G Bush, Bellefonte 11 Burnous, Michigan 3rnil Hinny, Lancaster co S H Sterett aeo Dorn' T J Barnitt, Harrisburg D W Bess, - Mechanicsburg B W Mattson, R I C J Rees, Harrisburg INC-NINTH RIT,PRIEGRENTATIVE DIS. TRICT. —The National Union Convention for this Lii , trict met on Monday evening last, at Lukens' Hotel, 445 North THIRD Street, and unanimously nominated CHARLES DIXIE as a candidate for the Logue,Wore. lt. WM. C. HANN'S. Secretary. AVIS AUX ELIIGANT.S.—M.. JO. ESPH ZACKEV. de ParM, Gerant de la Matson GR&NDVILLE STOKES, Marchand Taillour, No. ODD (dIESTNDT Street, Philadelphia, a lihonneur d' avieer dee nombreux amis et connaissances (ainel tine none rable public) qui l'on dma favorise de lenr clientele. gull yield de resevoir de Paris et Londres, Ms modes les Plus recentes et lee miens portees pour la Raison d'ete, M. GRANDVILLE STOKES a sale a sa disposition les etooffee les plus belles at les moilleures qualitee, des pre mieres manufactures d'Europe. Les officieres et soldats de tont grades y trowyront les meilleures (mantes d'etoffes, a des prix tree moderes L'elegance do as coupe, airis'que le cachet de distinction one la coracterise, eat' deja trop cousin dapublic pour en renonveler leurs merites. ivt/i•gre if , tr; NOTICE,-TILE PENNSYLVANIA. TIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Anima 201 h, 1363. e Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Pada- Aylvania Fire Insurance Company will be hold at their Office on MONDAY, the 7th day of September next, at )0 o'clock A. M . , when an election will, be held for nine Directors, to serve for the ensuing year an274.5e7 WM. G. CROWELL. Secretary. OFFICE. OF Talc laitatusittittur, PORTSMOUTH, mouNT JOY. AND LANCAS TER RAILROAD COMPANY, PITIL ADELPHIA,August 51, 1863. The annual meeting - of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held on FRIDAY. September .1. 1563, at 11 o'clock A. M., at the corner of THIRD Street and wlr,- LING'S Alley, at which time an election ,will be held for thirteen Directors to serve for the ensuing year. an 22. 1 . 2t , G EORGE SiIIHR, eocretary-. MILITARY NOTICES. 8402 I'o.UNTy ItEORUITS WANTED For"'the 12th U. S. Infantry. ABLE-BODIED MEN betwaeni the ages of 18 and 45 years. THE ABOVE LARGE 'BODE TY CEASES OR TOE 2.5rn OF SEPTEM BER. For farther particulars apply to WM. SERGEANT, Capt 12th Infantry. Recruiting Ofticer, se2•]m 229 South FOURTH Street. HEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL, FIRST DISTRICT, PA., 215 South THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. August 31.: 1863. This Office will be open daily, from B A. M. to 2 P. M. All Drafted Men of the Second, Third, and Fourth wards, who have not reported, and whose time has not been extended, will be apprehended forthwith as de serters. A reward of ten dollars will be paid for deserters. The FIFTH WARD (being the Fourth Sub-Distriet) will be beard iu the following order: MONDAY. Aug 11, Nos. Ito 100 inclusive. TUESDAY, Sept. 1, Nos. 101 to 200 inclusive. WEDNESDAY, Fept. 2, Not. 201 to 3N/inclusive. THURSDAY, Sept. 3, Not. 301 to 400 inc4usive. FRIDAY. Sept, 4, Nos 401 to 470 inclusive SATURDAY, for the hearing or cases generally. N. B. —Substitutes have preference. - WM. E'' LEHMAN, Provost Marshal and President of the Board. CHARLES MURPHY. Commissioner of the Board. • ' N. H. MARSELIS. Surgeon of the Board. "ITEADQUARI ERS OF PROVOST J L - 1 - MARSHAL, THIRD DISTRICT, PA,, PHILADELPRIA, August 93, 1863. OTICE is hereby given to all draftedpersons of the Eighteenth Ward that their time for claiming exemp tion, offering substitutes, orreporting for duty, is ex tended until SATURDAY. Sept sth Inst., after which time all those persons failing to comply with the abcive notice will be liable to.arrest asDeserters. -=- - Notice is also sista,. to those drafted persons of the Seventeenth ward who have not as vet. reported them selves, that failing to do so by SATURDAY, Sept, 6th Met.. they will be published as deserters, and syrrested as each. The time for the llfineteenth ward is extended until further notice. By Order of the Board of Enrolment JACOB S. STRETCH, Captain and Provost Marshal. FRANKLIN D. STERNER, Commissioner. ALEX. C. HART. aa3l-6t Surgeon. CORPS OP HONOR, II S. A. •READQUARTERS RECRUITING SERVICE. It, VALII CORPFOR PR LLDELPRU. . „ 443 Smith TRIED Street; Philadelphia. SOLDIERS honorably dischluged on account of die ability will apply for information-.or enlistment in the INVALID. COPS. to to. Lieut. HUBER BASTIAN. Invalid Corps, 243 S. Third street. Philadelphia, Or to Lieut. T. W. DEAN, Invalid'Cor 6llßrown street, and N. E. corner Broad and Spring Garden sts , Phila. Pay and allowances, excepting bounty and pension, same as in S. Infantry. E. W. MATTHEWS. Major Ist Pa. Art, and Supt. Invalid Corps for ' au6 tf PROPOSALS. A S QUARTERMAST . ER GE- I ERAL'S . OP.PIOE, PHILADELPHIA, September 2, 1863. PROPOSALS will be received at this office u tit the Bth inst. at 12 o'clock, H., for the delivery in this city of the foflowingarticles: Bruin Collars, 15 tor inch. Horse Collare, IS to 20 inch. Wagon Saddles. Tar Pots. Axle Washers. Army Wagon Virheels. Hind, Army Standard. Ambulance Wheels, Hind, Ambulance Wheels, Front, Coupling Poles, •••. " Wagon Tongues, ' • • - 2 mbulance Tongues, " • • - Front Hounds, - " •• Bidders must state in their proposals the price, quail.- tits bid for, and time of delivery, The right is reserved. to reject all bids deemed too high. A. BOYD. ee_ Bt Captain and A. Q. RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, - - CuierNNATI, Ohio, Lugu.t 31, 1863. The underzigned invites proposals until WEDNESDAY NOON, September, 9, 1863, for supplying the following articles, by contraet, viz: , 'ilowsers, Mounted. Blankets, Wool—Army Standard Blankets. Rubber, Poncho Tent. Overcoats. Horsemen's. Overcoats, Footmea s. 'Trumpets. :National Colors. Regimental Colors, Black Wadding. Samples must in all cases a compan3 - the bids. and biddemmust distinctly state in their proposals the quan tity of goods they offer to furnish, the price, and the time of delivery: and must accompany their bids with a guarantee, signed personally by two responsible pir 'ties, agreeing that the bidder will enter into a contract if au award is made to him. - - - All supplies must he delivered in good, new Packages, free of clisrge, at the U. S. Inspection .I.),:pid in this city. Written contracts, of which this advertisement shall be made a part, - will be entered' into with parties to whom awards are made, and bonds required_ of them in sums equal -to- one. fourth the yams of the good.s con tracted for. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is re served. Blank forms f<r proposals may be obtained at this office ' • BY order of Cal. Taos. Sivorins. A. Q : 141. O. C W. ivfoULTOI.V. -- "' - E62 , tsE7 Captain, and. A. Q. M. LEGAL. TN ORPHANS' couRT FOR THE .A- r 'CITY AND COUNTY OFPHILADET,t'HIA, Estate of FRANCIS HARLEY, Sr., deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the second and final account of CHARLES S. LIWIs and JOHN M. FORD, Emeutors of the estate of FRANCIS HARLEY, Sr,. deceased, and to report distri bution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, w ill meet the parties naterested for the purposes of his an po-ntment, -on WEDNESDAY, September 16th.-1863, at 11 ~„1 °eh A. Pl., at Me office, No, GPBI WALNUT Street in city of PhdadelpLia 2. - trfmsr. SAMUEL C. PERKINS. Auditor. EDILTC3ATIONAL. UNDERS' INSTITUTE, THIRTY .. EILTH and MARKET Streets, Philade.phia.. The COURTIAAND SAUNDERS' CADETS have estab lished the MEM rARY reputatiottof this Seminary. Its Literary and Scientific character has been known for many years. Lectures in both departments, especially on Chemistry, accompanied by enneriments, and on History, will be delivered by Profeesers who would give satisfaction in any University. Address se2.lm Professor E. D. SAUNDERS, D. D. "RELLEATUE FEAT 4LE INSTITUTE A BOARDING-MR . OOI. FOR . GIRLS. This Institution is located in the northern limits of AT TLEBOROUGH, Middletown township, Bucks county : Penn'a,—a rural district, unsurpassed for beauty and healthfulness. The Atli and Winter term will open TENTH MONTH. lot, 1463, and continue in session 28 weeks. The course of instruction is thorough and complete in all the elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH', CLASSICAL, and MATHEMATICAL education. Per terms and other, particulars see circular, which had on application to the Principals, ATTLEBO ROUGH Post Office, Penn'a, or from E, -PARRISH, cor ner of EIGHTH and ARCH Streets, Philadelphia. ISRAEL. J._ GB/MANSE, JANE P: GRARAIIE, - Principals VSTABLISITED SEPTEMBER, IE4B. MeMULLIN has the honor of informing her friends and.patrons that she has removed her Seminaty for young children from her late location, 1410 Lo east btreet," to 41. t South EI6HTEENTH Street, and will resume her duties SEPTEMBER 14. A continuance of patronage is solicited. ge2.llt. aERMANTOWN INSTITUTE WILL be reopened for the r'eception of Young Gentle men, 'MONDAY, September 7. 1563 WM. H. MCFADDEN, A. M., se2-6i* Principal. TIIE MISSES DARRAGH'S SCHOOL, -A- at No. 216 Sonth. EIGHTEENTH. Street, will reopen on. MONDAY. Seoternb , r 14th. set-ISt. TEACHERS, SUITED TO EVERY want of - the highest order , niay be obtained a 3 the TEAM-lEll'3 INSTITUTE, gl7 North THIP.D* AYOUNG MAN ,CAPABLE CAPABLE OF giving instruction in 'the various military drills, desiring an engagement may address 'TACTICS." this office. - set-20' A YOUNG LADY DESIRES A 'NON in a school or family, in the city or country, to TRACEI the English branches and French. Address • "N.," office of The Press. sal 2.t,* TWO TEACEIEES WAN T ED.-AN examination will be held in the Bernard-street School, WEST CHESTER, Penna.. on SATURDAY. September I. 1583, at 10 o'clock A. M., for one First As sistant Female Teacher in the High Department, quali fied to teach French and Mathematics; salary 1.450. Also, one Female Principal of intermediate department. By order. Cau2.s4oV] L. LEVIS, Secretary. sCHOOLS SUPPLIED WITH ALL kuide of Bdoks and Stationery, ae low as any house in Philadelphia, viz.: with St.MOOL BOOKS, INDIA RUBBER. BLANK BOOKS, LEAD PENCILS, COPY BOOKS, PBNS INK AND INKSTAND" PENHOLDERS, BLOTTING PAPER, RULERS, SLATES AND PENCILS, PORTFOLIOS, LETTER PAPER, 10 cents ENVELOPES, a're, FOOLCAP PAPER, NOT 1 1" PAPER, S cents a quire, New edition of The Faro for Sulioole,just published - Noolcseller and Stationer, ,iliar Compend of aeology, by cfIaLLEN, 1308 CHESMiT Street. It O F INTRINSIC WORTH.-REINIER'S Colored PHOTOGRAPHS have merits of an invalu able character, accuracy of likeness, and truthful color ing, of fine style and finish. Onlyl. SECOND Street,' above Green. FALL STYLES NOW READY.—WE - 0 - are daily in receipt of Styles of WALL PAPERS, to which attention is united. We haVe paid special re gard to deeigns suiting 1-itiladelphia taste. Walls deco rated by selected Workmen and warranted to give satis faction. Jorm Er. LONGSTRE rH, set-wfmet* No. 12 North TFELRD Street: J. IL COfhlf. As CO., Wholesale Benin's in YARNS, BATTS. CARPET CHAIN, WOODEN , W AR E, BRUSHES, egc.„ 310 MARKET STREET, PIMA DELPITIA. LOST- ON THE 21ST AUGUST, OR left by mistake, in some store in Market stree:, one or two Pack ages Of. Paper Boxes, containing Pelt Mats, marked B. Augee. West Chester. Any one returning the same to D.P. CIIBBERLBY, Northwest corner of SS GOND and BAC& Streets, will be liberally rewarled. LOST OR MISLAID—OERTIFIOATE .A.IsT CNOT.;.BE DENIED, REIMER'S . 2 - OP SOME!, No. 6011. for Twenty Dollars. year-1552. Life -stie PHOTOGRAPHS in Oil Colon are admire. %ailed to ALEX. DOIMLASE by the Penn Menai Life Ste pertreste. They. combine the merits of photegnwhe Insurance - Company ans.W3t l • - • i4o ;triQ • pla 441 Pointing% 13/00ND litsiet, abOP, GAVIZI. -- - . • • • TIIE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA - , WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2, 1863. SILK AND DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. F ALL STOCH SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS CASH HOUSE. RAVE NOW /X STORE, DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, SHAWLS, BALMORALS, RIBBONS, KID GLOVES, &c., &c Bought exclnsivsly for cash, and whloh will bo-sold at a small advance. sel-3m JAMES, KENT, SANTEE. & CO , IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF 31:11 7 C5c - GOODS, Noe. 230 and 241 N. THIRD STREET, ABOVE ROE. PHILADELPHIA. Have now open their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK . OF. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Among which will be found a more than usually attrac tive variety of ILPIES' DRESS GOODS; Also, a full assortment of MERRIMACK AND COONECO PRINTS, and PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, -To which they invite the SPECIAL ATTENTION GP CASH BUYERS. au27-2m BLACK SILKS, AMERICAN AND 'FOREIGN, Iv GREAT VARIETY M. Iq.„HALLOWELL ifs CO.; An. immense assortment, in French, English, and i3axon7 Goods. - M. L. 'HALLOWELL & CO., CASH BUYERS, AT WHOLESALE, Are Invited to examine oar FLANNELS, • BLANKETS, NERINOES, .-IPOPLI NS, BLACK SILKS, FANCY SILKS, IRISH LINENS, - MATE GOODS, DRESS GOODS, • and other articles 9.oapteeto the seasm, JAMES R. CAMPBELL 8c CO., an2s-lim CHESTNUT STREET. 1863. FALL 1863. _DRY GODS. HOOD, BONBRIGHT, & -00. WHOLESALE DEALERS Ili FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. , Aro. 435 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, The attention of the TRADE is invited to their large Stock of STAPLE AND - FANCY GOODS, Among which are choice brands-of Sheet ing and Shirting Muslins, Madder Prints, De Laines, Ginghams, and BRASS /ME DRESS GOODS: ALSO, MEN'S WEAR 12.7 GREAT VARIETY. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO CASH BUYERS. 1863 FALL IMPORTATION. 1863 EDMUND YARD & co.; WOMBS AND JOBBERS, SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 617 01IESTIVIT and 614 JAYNE Street, Have now opened their Pail importation of Dress Goods, viz: MERINOS, COBURG-S i - REPS, ALPACAS, _ DELAINES, PLAID AND STRIPED POPLINS FANCY AND BLACK SILKS. Also, A large assortment of SHAWLS, BALMORAL SHIRTS, WRITE GOODS EMBROIDERIES, a 543 .1 which they,' offer to the trade at the. LOWEST MARKET PRICES: anll-tf . THE SECHETAEY OF THE TREIBER! TO CORTINA:I'E MY AGENCY Axe, m til further notice, I shall emaatilivie AND`, LT THE DIFFERENT SUB-AGENCIES SHARVEY THOMAS, • STOOK AND BILL BROKER. Xo. 31% WALNUT Street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commission at the 'BOARD OF BROKERS. Subscriptions to the 6-20 year six per seat. LOAN still received at par. No charge for Commission. iyB-Sta COLLECTION 'OF 11. Sy CERTIFL OATES OP INDEBTEDNESS.—Tro ADAMS' RX. PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch. and at reasonable rates, the One Year Oertlicates of In debtedness of the United States now due or shortly ma turing. Terms made known and receipts exert at the oil% No. PiSO cauisNvr Street. myl-t1 W 0 0 L In store, and daily arriving, consignments of. Tub and E. 6 to 80's, of first•olass makes, N. B.—All numbers and descriptions procured at onoe ALEX. WHILLDIN ds SONS. su9l-mwant A. W. LITTLE Sa 00 No. 325 MARKET STREET TH• L, HALLOWELL SI CO,, 615 CHESTNUT STREET, AT VERY LOW PRICES M. L. HALLOWELL & CO4 615 CHESTNUT STREET SH&WLS, No. 6.1.5 CHESTNUT STREET DRESS GOODS. No. 61.5 CHESTNUT STREET. ,~.r'! NTNANCIAL. . HIS AIITHOBIZID MI FOR A BRIEF PERIOD. to receive Stibtortptteato to tako 5-20 LOAN A T - P.A Re AT NY onus. 'i 1' hr ou gh out the Loyal States. JAY COOKE. SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. No. 114 South. Third Street, PHILADELPHIA.' CLIP OP 1812 Medium and Fine, very light and clean. Fleece, from new clip WOOLEN YARNS. 18 to 30 cats, fine, on hand COTTON. YARN&_ In Warp, Bundle, and Cop. On orders xa ITyrtli 7.110111' NOW, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, ice. RF.M OY AL Fl Lt, E. B. ORNE HAVE REMOVED FROG[ 519 CHESTNUT STREET, ()smite the Stale Howe, to their NEW WAREHOUSE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET, In the "BURD 'BUILDING," and have now open their FALL STOCK OF NEW CA_II.P.E'I'.I.M.TO-,5_ - 904 CHESTNUT STREET. se2•2m W BLABON CO_ `—" • MANUFACTURERS OF C:loi3r_m CiLkaeriArSi, No. na NORTH THIRD STREET, PFIILADELPHIA, ••• Offer to the Trade a full stock. of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CLUIRIA.GIE OIL .IC.aICMOrIO.3C—X, GREEN-GLAZED OIL CLOiI{3 AND WINDOW se2-2m SHADES. EN ECHO " MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. Mee ALLUM & 004 MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN C T GS, ''OIL CLOTHS, &IC:: ,REHOUSE, 509 CHESTNUT ST., - OPPOSITE 6113PEN.E.DNCE HELL 4— E4-3m GEORGE W. HILL, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in CARPETINGS, MATTINGS, RUGS. ALSO, COTTON AND WOOLLEN YARNS, At very Low Prices. NO. 126 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE ARCH. sel-lm. Philadelphia. COMMISSION HOUSES. THE : ATTENTION OF THE TRADE Is called to OUR STOCK OF' SAXONY WOOLEN CO. all.wool Plain Flannels. TWILLED FLANNELS, Various makes, in Gray, Scarlet, and Dark Blue. PRINTED SHIRTING FLANNELS. PLAIN OPERA. FLANNELS. "PREMIERE QUALITY" Square and Long Shawls. WASHINGTON MILLS Long Shawls. BLACK COTTON WARP CLOTHS, 15 16 I 17 1I 18 19 - 20 21 , 22 oz. FANCY CASSIMERES AND SATINETTS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, all grades. BED I3LANKETS, 10.4, 114, 12-4, 13-4. - COTTON GOODS, DENIMS, TICKS, STRIPES, SHIRTINGS, Ac., from various Mills. DE COURSEY, HAMILTON- Bc, EVANS; 33 LETITIA. Street, and 32 South FRONT street- anl7-rnws2m BAGS 1 BAGS 1 _BAGS 1 NEW AND SECOND HAND, SEAMLESS. BURLAP. AND °HATT BAGS, Constantly on hand. JOHN T.- BAILEY & CO., No. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET. -JEC WOOL SACKS FOR SALE. an79•Sm RETALL DRY GOODS. “NEW MOURNING STORE_” JUST RECEIVED, OUR NEW STOCK OF Fall and Whiter Mourning Goods, COMPRISING - BOMBAZINES, -ALPACAS, CASHMERES, MERINOES, 4.1/4c mmestmaut,9l Second- Mourning*, SHAWLS, MANTLES, &e. & A: MYERS a- CO:. sea-wfm 1m 926 CHESTNUT STREET NTE T . 7 O3 AIk cv II,4II:DERED PIANO AND VERY RICH DESIGNS REDUCED PRICES, SHEITARD;YAN HARLINGEN . , & ARRISON, anl9-wfnil2t 1008 CRESTMIT STREET. 4 NEW MOURNING- STORE:" LATEST PAYIS AND NEW YORK STYLES MOU~TTNG 330is-N.7o.'Jrs, Inet received and made to order M. & A. MYERS & CO., se2-wfmlni WINTER GOODS OPENING DAILY. Poling, Plain Shades and New Colors. Alpacas, Double and Single Width, choice shades. New Merinoes, Fashionable Colors. Plaid Mohairs and Valencia& Plaid Flannels and Cloths for Shirting. Dark Cotton and. Wool Delaines. JOHN H. STOKES, 7021 AECEE Street. N. H.-50 dozen Ladies' L. C. Handkerchiefs at In per dozen. 89 pairs Crib Blankets, good quality: au3l FRENCH MERINOES. Browns, Blues, Greens, Purples. All-wool Reps, in choice shades. Wool Delaines—Modes and Blacks. Alpacas—Browns, Modes. and Blacks. FALL CL DAR'S. Water-proofs, of Black and Brown Clothe. Cloaks made to order. New Cheek square Shawls. Black Thibet long and square Shawls. COOPER & COWARD. S. R corner BURR and MA_REWP Streets, CLOTHS .AND CASSIMERES: Opening Black and Fancy Cassimeres. Opening Black Broadcloths. Opening goods for Boys' wear. • ORDERS Taken for Boys' Jackets, Fants, and Overcoats, for fall and winter wear. Also, a select stock ready-made Boys' Clothing. - COOPER & COIYABD, an 29 S. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Btreeta. RHARPLESS BROTHERS ARE STILL offering Their Immense Stock at 'likes much Less Than the Cost of Importation, Consisting of Lawns, Silks, Challis, Coatings. Cassimeres..Yestings, Sareges. Shawls, Detainee, Chintses,Poptins,Sco. sa6. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. SUMMER SRAWIO: Grenadine ShaVrls.s4 and $4 SO. Plaid Spun Silk Shawls, WAS. Lace Points, SSG% $lO. &c. Crepe de Paris Shawls, $6. . Cloth-Cloaks, Silk Mantles, &o. assortment of Slimmer Dresi Gonansuanizos ,, nt---- it very low prices. - sHAR.PLESS BROTHERS, and CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. iosia- CHEBTISITIT swam E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALS, Lit Driver generally below meant tort of tumor talon, WRNS GOODS, all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES. do LACES, do do LINEN HANDERROHISTS, do VEILS, &c„ Sto And. re‘ectfolly incites inspection o! MN 10 Sl' CHESTNUT STREET STILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN the Prices of all our , SUMMER DRESS-GOODS. To close out, we have reduced our stock of Black and Gray-ground Silk Grenadines to 76c. They cost from $1.15 to $1 . All our 50c French Bareges to 25c. All our 50 and 62c French Organdies to 3730. All our French Lawns to less than cost. All our American Lawns as low as the lowest. 100 pieces Choice Styles Chintzes to 160. Williamsville and `iFamsutta Muslims, 360. - Beet English Cotton Flannel, at 373L0. H. STEEL at SON, .1726 No. '713 and 715 North TENTH Street. EDWIN HALL & (JO., 26 SOUTH SE COND Street. are now offering BLACK SILKS AT REDUCED PRICES. • Black Silks at $l, 1.1234, and $1.26. Summer Bilks at reduced prices. Foulard Silks at reduced prices. • Bilk Grenadines at-reduced prices. - Fine Organdies at reduced prices. • Pine Dress Goode. all reduced. Fine Modes, Blues. and Pearl Bareiges. Plain Blues; Buff. and Pink Percales, or French Ohintzesjust received. N. B.—Bust received one case of superior Quality Plain Silks. The colors are Browns, Blues, Modes, Parole. and Green: price. 66.2734: been selling at $l. von-if TO ' F AM ILIEB RESIDING IN THII ••• RURAL DISTRICTS. Wo are prepared. u heretofore. to supply Antilles al their Country Residences with EVERY DESOBIPI'IO3f Olf FINE GROCERIES. TEAS, tto. .ALBERT O. ROBERTS, arit-tr malvErrxr AND VIAL TV 0 It V T YP E S.-TOE EXQUISITE beauty of coloring, natural 'and PlettelAg style. and wondrous accuracy . of REIMER'S IVORYTYPES, leave ,an agreeable Impression on all.who see them, SECOND Street, above Green. 926 CHESTNUT Street ICE. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, BY THE CARGO. DELIVERED AID PACKED ON SHIPBOARD. IN BOSTON. For sale by ___:!._ , MTJE>Colt COMPANY, anl4.lSt —BOSTON PLANTATION BITTERS. (From the Richmond Whle] The Charleston Cove r er makes a timely euggestien in recommending the attention of our Government to the naturalisation and cultivation of for the preservation of the health of our soldiers. This article has a peculiar effect ~.upon the liver, and guards the system againet disease by exposure and irre gular diet. It is said that the great Maas of the Plan tation Bitters of Dr. Drake. which, Previous to our un happy difficulties, was found in most Ekfuthern homes, was owing to the extract of Callsaya Bark,which it con tained, as one of its principal inereilients. "In confir mation of this, WO have ;heard one of our most dietin g-Dist ed physicians remark, that whenever he felt unwell from ordinary dietetic or atmospheric causes, he lave. riably relieved himself by Plantation Bitters. Now that these Bitters cana9t be obtatned,,a substitute should be Prepared, We understand our Government has opened negotiations with Dr. Drake. through a secret agent, bat with what truth we do not know." « « - We are exceedingly obliged to the Richmond Whip for 'lts remembrance of "Auld Lang Syne," but we can as sure " OW Government " tb at the Plantation Bitters are Snot for sale to any "secret agents," North or South. There is probably several other things that " Our Go vernment" will yet want. We know that we hare the beet and most popular me dicine in the world. We are not afraid to show wliat it is composed of. Physicians are compelled to recommend it. CALIBAYA BARK has been celebrated for over two ham dred years,and was sold daring the reign of Lonis XVI, Ring of Fran% for the enormous pride of ita own weight in silver. It is remarkable for Dyspepeia,revers. Weakneas, Conatipation,-&c. CASCARILLA BARK.—For Diarrhcea, Colic, and diseases of the stomach and bowels. DANDELION.—For Inilamation of the Loins and Drop sical Affections. CHAMOMILE FLOOERS. —For enfeebled digestion LAVENDER FLOWERS. stimulant,- and to• nib—highly invigorating to nervous debility. Wxxxim. Ciaassr.—Fur Scrofula, Rheumatism, die. ANISE.—.AiI aromatic carminative; creating flesh. muscle, and milk; mach used by mothers nursing. Also, clove-buds, orange, caraway, coriander, snake- S.-T.--1860----X. Another wonderful ingredient of Spanish origin. im parting beauty to the complexion, and brilliancy to the mind, is yet unknown to the commerce of the world, _and_we_withdiold its name for the present. Humbugs and :quacke - nowtabota the Plantation , Bitters: but the following is what's the matter. aultnia7 PLANTATION BITTERS WILL CURB Cold Extremities and Feverish Lips Four Stomach and Fetid Breath.' Flatulency and Indigestion Nervous Affections. Excessive Fatigue and Short Breath. Pain over the .By es Mental Despondency. Prostration, Great Weakness. Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowels LIVES COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA Very' particularly recommended to. Clergymen, Mer Omuta, Lawyers, arid parsons of sedentary habits. Also, for gentle females and weak persons who require a gentle stimulant, free digestion, good appetite, and clear mental faculties. Sold by all respectable Physicians, Druggists, Grocers, Hotels, Saloons, Country Stores, &c. - Be particular that each bottle bears the fac-simile of our signature on a steel-plate labaLwith our private Go v-ernment stamp over tho cork. P. H. DRAKE & CO., 202 BROADWAY. N. Y .13 , 22-wfrm2mif ARMY GOODS. ARMY CLOTHS I ARMY CLOTHS 1 WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS' ARMY, NAVY, AND CIVIL 401_40 , TX-I 13C.T3 SIEC, Nos. 34 SOUTH SECOND, ana 553 STRAWBERRY St.s. ARMY AND NAVY: ALL SHADES AND GRADES. CIVIL ALL STYLES AND PRICES OUR MOTTO: "QUICK SALES AND GOOD PROFITS." au22-tee23 G. W. SIMONS & BROTHER, SADISM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, MANITFACTURER9 OF JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, MILITARY GOODS LOI EVERY VARIETY• anU-ißm — A - Eciyi - 7r - ao On 13: DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. lIIKIaLI33I CLOTHS FOR OITIONEEL' ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WERDNE. 10-013 NOE DUCK. DRILLS. STANDARD WRIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK BROWN AND BLEACHED SHBETENDS AND SHIRTS HMS. Tor sale by FROTHINGIIAM lc *ELLS. od-lf tif ARMY RATS, ARMY HATS. ADOLPH - as KEEN; No. 6tl North SECOND &fiat. Philadelphia, Manufacturers of all kinds of PELT HATS. have on hand a large assortment of all the variorui and most approved styles of ARMY HATS. Orders by mail from sutlers or jobbers, will be promptly Ailed at the lowest rates. je3o-3m 1776. 1863. L A GS Z SILK FLAGS I BUNTING FLAGNI BURGEES. PENANI'S, - UNION JACKS. STICF,AMERSi. 138 U N T I N I BED, WHITE, AND BLUE. EVANS do . HASSAI,I4 MILITARY FDRITIBHERS, SYl7.if No. 413 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. INSURANCE COMPANIES. JE COMPANY, NO. h t. LPHIA.. ..ND INBUItANCII. .TORS. 18. D. Woodim.S. Geo. A_ West, • Jolla Kessler. Jr.. Chas. Stokes, A. H. Rosenhelta. Joseph D. Kills. BUCK, President. EGGARDSON, Vise President D. Secretary. C1a15.4m F.A.ME INSUBANe 4oa CHEST NUTILADI Stresi PH FIRE AND INLA] DLREC7 *rands P. Buck, Chas. Richardson. Henry Lewis. Jr.. John W. Everman. PhoJo 8, Justice. 0. IV. Davis , FRANCIS Ir. CHARLES 111 WILLIAM I. ELANCHAR. HOTELS. NATIONAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON. D. O H. S. BENSON. PROPRIETOR, • Formerly of the Ashland Rouge, Philadelphia. He is determined to merit and hopes to receive, *Dal share &public patronage. iel9-621 METROPOLITAN HOTEL, (LATH BROW'S' . PENNSYLVANIA AVENM Between Sixth and Seventh %tree% WASHINGTON arrr. . A. R. POTTS, Proprietor. mV/31-6m SUMMER RESORTS. CONGHALL; BESS CAPE MAY.- The public are respectfully informed that this first class Hotel will continue open until the 20th of SEPTEM BER. The railroad is now completed from Philadelphia to this unequalled watering-place. and 3 trains run daily to and from Philadelphia. Accommodating ,terms for families at this house can be made on and after the Ist of &pp teirilier WATCHES AND JEWELRY. -MUSICAL BOXES. 1 N SkIELL AND ROSEWOOD CASES, I playing fromll q y llann i ab o ligi a ckera and Ameri cansel4m 324 CHBSTNIIT Street, belreEtrzsCh. IR44G. RUSSELL, FINE AMERICAN and Imported WATCHES, Fine Jewelri, Silver listed Ware, &e. r923-6m AA North SIXTH Street. FINE WATCH REPAIRING an4Dattended to, by the most experienced workmea. every Watch warranted for one year. G. RUSSELL, 22 North SIXTH Street. P. siatULER'S SUPERIOR d overt h runtiatuir go a PIANOS from NOD Ivadw Nor by e m ot or mt. St 11%1PLiiii* " ales , THE LIFE OF ITIOTOR HUGO. 41 1 W. TOLD BY A. WITNESS, Madame Hukol. This magnificent work, which has mat appeared in Paris, and a translation of which is now offered to the American Public, is, to all intents and purposes, an Autobiography, for its equivocal title-page is but a mask to conceal the real anthor—Victor Hugo himself—the creator of that masterpiece "Les Iffiserables." THE LIFE OP VICTOR HUG*. "The story of such alife as 11. Victor HIIKO'S. told by a Witnesa,..can hardly fail to be a tale which will make Europe tit still to listen. "—London. Athena cm ' One of the most entrancing volumes that h eve iss led from the French press, since lingo signed his inn d &sr, to the proof-sheets of "Les Miserables."—Paris Correspondent. Charming in freshness, dramatic in incident,:abandant in detail, graphic in description, and lively in anecdote, we have read the book before us with unflagging inte rest."-London Literary. Tines. THE LIFE OF CHRIST. Translated from the French ofienan. THE LAST DAY OF A CONDEMNED MAN. From the French Of VICTOR HUOO. Sold everywhere, and sent free by mall on receipt of price, bT an22-wdzetf CARLETON. Publisher, New York. NEW BOOKS- .= NEW . Just received. by J. B. LIPPINCOTT a CO.. 71b and 717 MARKET Basal THE CAPITAL OF THE TYCOON. A three years' reeidence in Japan. By Sir R. Alcock. SOCIAL CONDITION' AND EDUCATION of the Peo ple of England. By. Joseph Kay. LIVE IT DOWN. A story of the Light Lands. By J. C. Jeafferson. WENDELL PHILLIPS' SPEECHES, LECTURES, and LETTERS. A MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENLISTING AND DISCHARGING SOLDIERS. &c. By Robert Bar tholow, M. D. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, and WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS, in one vo lume. SHOULDER STRAPS. A story of New York and the Army of 1E62. BY Morford. VICTOR HUGO. By. a witness of his life, Madame EURO. HUSBAND AND WIFE; or. The Science of. Human Development. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY MAGAZINE for Sep tember. SOUTHERN OFFICIAL REPORTS OF BATTLES, made to the Confederate Congress. THE BIVOUAC AND THE BATTLE-FIELD; or. Cam paign Sketches in Virginia and. ,Maryland. By Captain -Noyes sel NEW BOOKS- NEW BOOKS. -A- THE CAPITAL OF tTHE TYCOON. A Narra tive-of a three-years Residence in Japan. By Sir Rutherford Alcock, K C. B. 2 vols. $l. - NHE SOC; AL CONDITION AND EDUCATION OF THE PEOPLE IN ENGLAND. By Joseph Kay, Esq., M. A. $l. . THE BIVOUAC AND THE BATTLE-FIELD ; or. Campaign Sketches in Virginia and Maryland. By Cap tain George F. .Noyes. $1 25. SOLDIhRS' DIARY AND BOOK FOR LEISURE MO MEETS. 40 cents. STORIES FOR BED-TIME. Vole 4 and 5. 40c. each. HENRY ROBERTS; or. Incidents of the War of 3351.- 62-63. By the anther of "Rifle Grafton," &c. 311 cents. For sale by S. & ALFRI3D MaRTIEN, an 29 606 CHESTNUT . Street. RAVE 15 TO 40 PER OEN"! 1-BUY Tour PHOTOGRAPHS. CARD FR AINIES, and PHO. TOGRAPH ALBUMS, of U. W. PITCHER, hOS CHEST BUT Street- Over 500 different styl4B of Albums, and over 8,000 different enbjecte of Card PicturAs ate29-10t 808 CHESTNUT Street, above Eighth. v .. 501 7 -HOLDING 24 PICTURE S, $1 50 . PHOTO on&Pli ALBUM. In the VERY BEST TURKEY_ ozoGcO,B_INDING REDUCED. TO tlbo. - an3l-3t SOS CEE%TNUT Street. 400 I-- HOLDING- 100 PICTURES, • • *I 00. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS PITCHER'S, an31..3t SOS CHESTNUT Street. ALESMA WANTED-ONE WHO has a thorough knowledge of the retail dry goods' 'finch:mu , . of agreeable.manners. good temper, and fatly capable of the josition of Superintendent of a fixet-class establishment. Address ".X. D," iVarth Americon, Office, stating age. terms. reference. Sze. set-3t* WANTED -- A SALESMAN IN A Carpet Sto7 e. Address '' D." at this oflice, with reference. - se2.2t* WANTED- IN A WHOLESALE ll' HARDWARE STORE, a Person having several years' experience. Address "G., at this office, giving real name. address, and terms. sea-3t* IATANTED-TO GO TO WASHING TON, D. C ,-to work in the Quartermaster's De partment. :-.00 •LABORERS (accustomed to handling horses) and 200 CARPENTERS. Apply. for furtter par ticulars, at 227 South FRONT Street, between 9 and 3 o'clock. A. BOYD, Capt. and A. Q 51., 11. S. A. PHILADELPHIA, Angnst 31, lEd3 sel-3t WAN TED-- , BY A YOJIN G- MAN, 24 years of 29 :e, who has had seven years , experience in first-class jobbing houses in this city, a SITUATION as Assistant Bookkeeper: or Entry Clerk in a wholesale house, or ^ Clerkship in a banking institution. Un doubted refe 4 rence furnished as to character and ability. Address "W. G. 8.," Inquirer office. eel-It. WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN OP good education, a SITUATION in a first-class Shipping or Com:mission house, to learn. Ehe Its.inosG: or as Accountant in any manufacturing establishmant. Unexceptionable reference given Address, for one week:" 'SIAM - 411g," Preal t office Phila. sel-6t* Aikr ANTE D-A_ SITUATION AS BOOK-KEEPER Or Assistant, by a person who is luny competent. Beet reference given. Address 'A, 1t.," at this office. sel-2t5 WANTED- BY A YOUNG MAN, one who speaks German. and a graduate of the Binh School and Bryant and Etratton's College, a SITUA TION in a wholesaM house Address T. COND WAX. 9245 North SEVENTH street. sel-3t* WAN T E D-A YOUNG MAN AS Entry Clerk in a ➢rr Goods Commission house. Address "X, 5. Z," this office. an3l-30 WANTED—IN A SILK JOBBING WANTED -IN v HOUSE. a Lad, 15 to 37 years old, whose parents reside in the city. Address. Box 1515 Post Office. an3l-3t WANTED -$15 PEE DAY.- W 14.1 . want reliable, energetic canvassers and agents in every county. for a genteel• business at a commission of from $6 to titls per day. No humbug. Experienced eanvassers preferred, but room for all. Address - C. M . .- DUNN & CO., Publishers, At either Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicaso.rillinols; or 186 REAM Street. New York. jy2o-3nr - 839 000 -WANTED, A PARTNER With this amount, active or silent, in a safe and very lucrative manufacturing busthess. Ad dress "R, ' this office. sel-2t _ itt NV ANTED TO RENT-A GOOD ha--31 SIZED HOUSE, with modern conveniences and large yard, in Germantown or West Philadelphia, near a railroad route. Address T. Y. A.," at this office. sel-St° • DEPUTY QUARTERIIA , .BTBH GENES. L'B OFFlCE.—YrnwaYwrmiu., Feb, 9. VE6SELS WARTED immediately to Garry 001.5, to th.a followlnapoints: Tortnkfta. Bey Weak Fla. Fort Monroe, FS. .10exandria, Va. Newborn, N. 0. Port Royal, S. C. A. 8011% calo-tt Captain and Aitaint. oaartermaster. FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRA BLE RESIDE:NM with side yard attached. on EIGHTEENTIT Street, above Arch. Apply to ROSSELL ALLEN, Southeast corner of FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, second floor. set-St. fito FOR SALE—THE HANDSOME Ara Four-story. DWELLING, No. 2121 ARCH Street. has all the'modern concentences. Apply to WM. ROS SELL ALLEN, Southeast corner of - FOURTH and WAL NUT Streets, second floor. • set- St* -- 100 BALES VARIOUS grades receiving and for sale by WM AL GREINER, se•: 109 CHESTNUT Street. fr TO RENT-FROM 15TH OCTO miLBEE, a superior RESIDENCE, very pleasantly situ ated on Spruce street, Realta irt a pl i ta ß EGOR, It 233 SOUTH THIRD Street. gm BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SITES, 1.4 acres, divided 434 acres each, on WILLOW Ave. Dna, halt mile from 17. S. Hospital Station, Chestnut- Hill Railroad. Plans at office. W. F.• SMITH: - 112 South FOURTH Street. MISS DARE HAS REMO VED FROM 1415 Chestnut street to 225 South BROAD Street. above Locust, and is Prepared to receive families and single persons - who wish permanent boarding s.el-6t5 TI MST-CLASS BOARD, Ef.A.NDSOMB -a- communicating and single 'rooms: private tabla it desired, No. 1315 WALNUT street. ie2s-?se VAN DEUSEN & BOEHMER HAVE this. day - assoeinted with themselves JOHN' VAN DEUBEN. The business will be.eontinned under the name of VAN DEUSEN, BOEIIMER, & .CO. CORNELIUS VAN DEUSSN, NRY B OEII iIER. JOHN VAN DEUSEN. Septembei 15t,1863. _ set-3t' NOTICE.—JOSEPH LEA HAS ASS 0- wenn with him JAMES McCARVER and .TORZI W. FRALEY in the transaction of the Commission Easi ness, which will herafter be condacted under the Him of JI)SRPIT 37,8 and 130 C RESTIiIIr Street. UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS 1 UMBRELLAS! ! WM. A. DROWN it CO., Manufacturers of SUPERIOR UMBRELLAS. an22-ft pI C K-A XE B, MILLER it*EST. Proprietors an.l7-Im* NOTICE. -G. M. FOGG, OF NASH VILLE, Tenn.; Attorney- at-law, is still attending to his profession, and offers his services to his friends in Philadelphia and New York in collectingdebts that may be due them in Middle Tennessee. or any other business in the line of his profession. He has never been absent from this city, and will give undeviating attention to any business committed to his charge. . . . .. . ... FURFEREN6ES. . • HEVICK, BASIN , & CO.. }Philadelphia R. WOOD—MARSH. & HAYWARD, THOMAS EAKIN. Esq., New "York. VAMVILIE. Austußt 14. 1883. sel-tathslini MAJOR ROSENGARTE-N.—A VERY fine CARD PHOTO aHapa of Maior Bosenprten. it'd Pub McALLISTER BRv.. se2-Et TES CHESTNUT IStreet. NEW PUBLICATIONS. Elegant octavo, cloth boand, Price $1,25 IN PRESS WANTS. FOR SALE . AND TO LET. BOARD IQ. COPARTNERSHIPS. NO. 246 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA SHINGLING HATCHETS, BROAD RATCHETS, AXES, NAIL HAMMERS, SHOE HAMMERS, RIVETING HANKERS, and ENGINEER HAMMERS, MANUFACTURED AND FOR BALE BY HAMMOND & SONI SAS COMMERCE Street. Phila. /IVA tol:- - 1 ics WALNUT STREET THEATRE. Lowe Mrs. M. A. CkABBATTOOL REOPENING NIGHT. TRIS (Wednesday) EVENING, September 21. HU. '7l On which occasion THE GRitT SPANISH ARTISTE, SENORITA CUBAE, . . will make her first appearance in America. In a spsakiuk chatacter, in a thrilling Spectacular. Drama, aiapted. expressly for her, entitled LAVLNGRO. THE GIPSY BROTHER. Fssaying the characters of HENRI DE LACY (son of Countess De la Fleur), CUB AIL and LAVAN GRO (the Gipsy Brother), CUBA& The Piece will be produced with ENTIRE NEW SCENERY, by Minard Lewis. NEW COSTUMES, by Llgnoto Petrel*. During the reces; the house 'has bee a INLABGED, . . RE-DECORATED. REMODELED. AND ELEGANTLY UPHOLSTERED. Box Office •open daily from 10 till 3 o'clock, wksa .eats may be secured. Admission, Dress Circle and Paronette. $51,1 cents. Family Circle, 25 cents. Arepliitheafre, 25 cents. a NEW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE.- Lessee and Manuer Mr. WM. WHEATLEY EDWIN . BOOTH in an entirely NEW CHARACTER. WEDNESDAY EVENING, September El, FIRST NIGHT, in Philadelphia, of - VICTOR HUGO'S M;=MIINEM in Three Acts, entitled EUY BLAB . RUT BLAB. Brat time EDWIN BOOTH. To conclude with the Laughable- Alueical Facet. called TIIE LOAN OE A LOVER THURSDAY—Second - Night of BUY BLAS FRIDAY—FAREWELL BENEFIT OF ED WIN BOOTH. Owing to the EXTENSIVE PREPARATIONS necessary for the proper rendition of THE DUKE'S MOTTO. Its production will he poelponed till SA2TIRDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, in which the celebrated Irish comedian and vocalist, MR. COLLINS, who has purchased the sole right of its rEpresentatLaa in America, will appear in his celebrated character of CaRRICKFERHIIB, en Irish Soldier of Fortune. with the sense " Bright Wine." and " While There's . Life There's Hope." FIRST APPEARANCE, IN THIS CITY IN THREE YEARS, And MR WM. WHEATLEY whe will make his drat appearance in six months, Wilt sustain his original character of CAPT. HE SRI DE L WARDERS. Seats may be secured three days in advance. ann. IVr lISICAL FUND HALL, LOCUST Street, between EIGHTH and NINTH. TRIUDITSLNT SUCCESS OF THE GHOST! THE GHOST! THE GHOST f THE REAL GENUINE PROF. PEPPER'S OHOST I EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, the Ghost will appear, in connection with ROSS' CELEBRATED STEREOSCOP TICON. which took the Fret Premium at the World's Fair, in London. and. is considered by the entire &AM. tido fraternity to be THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The Managers will give ONE nHOUSAND DOLLARS to any person who may be able to prove otherwise. A. NEW GHOST RVERX NIGHT. new and beautiful VIEWS every night, new and novel featnrea in the presentation of the Ghost, which have never before been attempted in America, are to be brought forward immediately. GO TO MUSICAL FUND HA4LL, and see . the BEST GHOST, and THE ONLY Gaon , that can be- seen from head to foot. standing erect. ita America. Admission, 55 cants. Reserved Seats, SO cents. For sale at GOULD'S, corner Seventh and Chestnut streets, and at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL. sel-at. CONCERT HALL.-CONCERT HALL THE GHOST! THE GHOST! GRAND SUCCESS GRAND SUCCESS - OF THE GREAT SPECTRAL ILLUSION, THE GHOST! THE GHOST , . legitimately and properly Produced, under the personal supervision of .111 K K. WATKINS, the first who presented it to the - AMERICAN PUBLIC at Wallack'e,New York, and pronounced to be the MOST ASTONISHING' PHENOMENON ever exhibited to the world. It is given nightly in a scene, and-with dramatic effects entirely original with Mr. Watkins, preceded by an exhibition of the AMERICAN STEREOPTICON. a new and powerful apparatuk.producing GIG ENTIC STEREOSCOPIC PICTIIRET, covering over 4,000 square feet of illuminated Canvae, most exquisitely perfect and exactly faithful. From one to ten thousand persons can look at once. as they Inuit at the actual scene. . WITH SYMPATHETIC SATISFACTION. Atir The r< sources of the Stereopticon are endless. OBSERVE. THE GE(O3T IS VISIBLE EVERY EVENING-, EVERY EVENING, and on SATURDAY AFTRNOON. AT CONCERT HALL. Tickets 25 cents Secnrel Seats 25 cents extra. _Doers open at 7% &clock. Commence at S. an3l-tt ENNSYLVILNIA. ACADEMY OF TEE rns - 13 ..tarre, CPR 4 4571.1:1T 5TP..67?,1 0 .. 0PP.36 DAILY (Siardayz c=cePted.) from 9 I. M. ti. a. 6 P. M. Admisalon 22 cents. Uhl:Wren. tali price, RAILROAD LINES. - - gn: ;: ' , . 7- g - A4l.l.—asssee."" AND LONG BIWWR CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AND R tinTAri .azaas LAWARB BAY RAILROAD: On and after Monday, June 15th, and until !arras:: Mo. passenger trains will leave Vino-street Perry A. M.. arriving at Long Branch at 12..45 A. M. Enturaing, leaves Long Branele at P, , at Phils.delphia at 7.4.5 P. M. Pacsengars landed close to the R0t6 19. N. B.—Excursion parties will be carried on ~_, l htir72 toms. Apply to ' L. B. GOLS, Agent at the Depot. Cooper's Pols& BENJ. STRONG, - .lal3-If Aasistant Superintendskt. SPECIAL NOTICE .A 11;gular Train will leave Vine-street Ferry on SA. TUADAY Afternoon. at 3.45. Returning, leave Long Branch MONDAY Morning, at 5 o'clock. Arrive land• ladelphia at 9 A. N. PHILADELPHIA R. R. LLNE. 1.863 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Mei For WILL; AMSPORT, SCRANTON. EraintA. and all Brnoin the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains laave t of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, corner d and Ca streets, at 8.15 A. H. and 3.30 T. aana,, stuida lrp s excepted. QUIC , LEST RO E from Philadelphia to wants la 'Northern-and.Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, , toi Bagfage checked thronat to Buffalo. Niagara Alla, or imennediste Paints. For farther information apply to JOHN S. HILLF,S, General Agent, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL. and office of How ard's Express Company. 507 CHESTNUT St. ia3l-ti PHILADELPHLL AND EASTERN TRANSPORTATION compAprr is now prepared to forward FREIGHT front Philadelphia to New. York. via Camden and Port /LW Pionth. The attention of. Shippers and Merchants is directed is this new and expeditions RAILROAD ROUTE, ,sat a portion of their patronage respectfully solicited Freight received at third wharf above Arch street. For further particulars apply to GEO. B. McCULLOH, Frei liktarA "a ii, lS North W. F. ORTYPITTS,Js. General Manager, JORN BURR, Freight Agent, vapid/At - .111.• Wm WARYFFE - FWETUR W . SW Inuit' 3 THE SEA SHORE. Sry sii F o gE , THE SEA.. SITAIMP-M. ARRAN - OEIO3NT: CAMDEN AND ATLIIITIO RA TGROAD. On and miter MOND.A.Y, June 70th, 1663. trains for Al. lands City will leave Vine-street Ferry as follows; Mail train leavea Express train leaves 3.45 P, Freight train, with passenger ear attached... 9.01 A. N. Retaining, leaves Atlantic City Mall train .... . ..... P....V. Dapress train 6.M A. :C. Freight train 12.05 2'. NE. Fare to , Atlantla. 3, Hound-Trip Tickets, good &It the day and train only, or down on Saturday anctuv BE Monday morning, $3. An Accommodation Train to R. and D. B. B. B. .7311t0. lion will leave Vine street at' 535 P. 7S .1 returning nag morning at 6.10. _ EXTRA HADDONFIE'LI3-TRAIRS Leave Vine street at 10.15 A. M. and 1:45 T. M. Leave Haddonfield at 12.15 P. M. and 3 P.M. ;el3-if J 350. G. BRYANT, Algal ra st=o FOR'ALBANY AND TROY. —Barge T&CONY, W. Rust, master, is now loading for the above points, and will leave on MONDAY, 6eptember 7th, at. 6 o'clock P. M. . For freight, which will be taken on reasonable terms, apply to g. FLAZTIGAN. 304 South DELA.WARF, Avenue. TONEWARB a- , DRAIN PI from 2to 12-inch bore. 3-inch bore 26 cents per yard 3 do ...... . ........ ..... ............ 30 - do do. 4 . ... ........ .. . .. 40 do do. 6 do 30 do do. 6 do 62 do do. 3yery variety of connections, bends, traps, and hoppers. We are now prepared to furnish Pipe in anyquantity, and on liberal terms to dealers and those purchadnala hrze quantities. or:R.A.BrEr.e.a. CHIMNEY TOPE. Vitrified Tern. Cutts. fihinmey Tops, plAin and orns, mental liesizna, warranted toy stand the action of coal gas, or the weather in any climate. G~4514, cASgc A great ialiSt7 of Ornamental Garden- Vase; In Terra Gotta. classical design, ail sizes, and warranted to stand the weather. Also, Fancy Plower Pets- Zaskete. and Garden Statuary. Philadelerie. Terra Cotta Works. oMce ana Waserocaes /019 C.I I 3:IIST.DA. Street. S. A. GARRISON. FIREI FIREI FIRE! .PHMADELIMIL, day SD, IEM, O. 'Sadler. Esff., Agent/or Lillis's Safes :- DEAR Sni: During the night of May 19, DE& our Gra• eery and Proxicien Store, at North Second and Willow areers.;vicar nre - w, vtorA Wood building it burnt ranidix. and before the iliVenguree -could - act upon - the' fire, our whole stock of goods, including ranch combustible ma terial, and amounting to over 53.000. Were whollit strayed. We had one of your No. D. Chilled Irons which was in the hottest part of the fire, merit came 0 Of the fire not in the least injured, except the melting of of the name, plate and paint. The contents inside were not affected in the Mast. and we consider the Safe just as good a protection against fire now as before, and shall nee it hereafter with increased confidence. The !oak Works as perfectly as before the fire. Yours truly. MoMINUS & CROFT, Date 429 North SECOND West. Attention to the above certificate Is particularly nor Quested, as it le the first trial of LILLIS'S SAFES la al accidental fire in Philadelphia. I would say to all parties who want a Fire and Burglar-proof Safe that LILLIS'S 'WROUGHT AHD CHILLED HOW SAM are much the cheapest and the only real Fire and Burglar-woof Safes now made; Kai to those who want simply a Fire-proof. I would:say that LILLIS'S WROUGHT IEON SAYS Is fully equal in sal respects to any of the most -approved w h ere, and la sold at fatly one-third less_ rice. I also am receiving daily in exchange for Lillie% Wrought and Chilled Iron Safes other Saf es __ r _ and -k eonstantly on hand a general aseortment of BRBRI2fG'S. EVANS & WATSON'S. and other makers many of theft almost new, w.blch I offer at. and even below. auetion Price& All tarties interested are particularly:guested to alf• amine the Betas above desert bed at my t. 31.13. SADL Agent. Ho. 111. South SIPTINTH Street. EVANS & WATSON'S SALANAIDEZ WI 16 STO.E.II. SOUTH FOMITH STEAM yFru.ADBLREELL PA. - h an A large variety of FIES-113007 SAT awns d. THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER OR EUROPEAN RANGE. for families, hotels, or public institutions. in TWENTY DIFFERENT SIZES. Also, Phila delphia Ranges, Hot-Air Furnaces. Portable Heater!. Lowdown Grates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stew hole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, drc., at wholesale. and retail, by the manufacturers. CHASE. SHARPE. St Tacomeox. No. 200 N. SECOND Street, aui9-wfm-Gm 130 F , WILKIN, .•^ ATTORNEY AND COTIASRLLOR AT 14. W. NASHVILLN. TENNIESE.II. Has been constantly engaged in the practice of his Oro fession. and [the collection of Claims. at Nashvllle, for the past FOURTEEN TSARS. • : Messrs. Sibley, Moulton, dt Woodmir; Messrs. Bar. croft & Co. ' atllganY! DR. WILSON'S WATER-OUR OR HyglenisEstablishment Ispleasantly logged at 665 North THIRTEENTH street. Philadelphia. an.H.-12t* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVIIN THAT . I, ' , " THE BANK OF GERIiLiNVI' WN" intend to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at their next session, for a renewal of their Charter. Said Bank is located in GermantoWn. Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia, with am authorized capital of. THREE ITUNDRED THOUSANA DOLLARS: a renewal of which will be asked for, with - the nasal banking privileges. By order of the Board. attATIT,VB W ' OTTO. Cashier. Germantown. Jona ••• 1422_m8fts 250000 SPRUC E JOIST. IL --. A. & J. J. WILLIAMS ise2.6t* BROAD awl (MEN Streak
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers