FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIkL. THE MONEY MARKET. PIIILADELP FILL, August 29,.1,.863. The steamers City of Washington and Bremen, I.from New York to-day, carried out over a million .dollars in specie. The demand Was active, and by noon the price reached 1266—falling off before the , close to 12474@126—1ate in the day taking a strong 'Upward turn on the rumor of Jeff Davie calling out "the negroes in the South. The condition of the ,money market is much the same in its general tea lures as lately noted, with the exception that the demand is greater, and the figures are slightly im .proved for the lender. The supply, however, is still :in excess of the demand. The footings of the five-twenty loan sold this Week aggregate to nearly five millions, which is an .average of about eight . hundred thousand per day. At this season of'the year, with the idea prevalent that successful speculations at the Stock Board will rule for some time yet, this result is, indeed, cheer ing. This is not a loan unlimited In amount, but three hundred million were authorized by congress, and considerably over two hundred million have been taken. Even at this present rate of conversion the remainder will be taken in about two months ; but we anticipate much better figures in a short lime. Prices at the Stock Board to-day were barely I sustained, although early in the day there was some demand for Beading, and one or two other shares. • Governments were steady; 1063.4 being bid for 1991 a, • the same for the seven-thirties. State fives sold at .100,14(ag ; new Olty sixes at 10634, the old at tOt,,q; .Reading sixes, 1896, sold at 120, 1870 a at - 108; Penn , ilylvanitt Ist mortgages at 10934, HEM hid for 2,1 do; 95 Was bid for North Pennsylvania sixes, 119 for the tens; 106 for the Lehigh Valley bonds; Reading, Shama-were active . at 60%@60%; Long Mend at 46; North Pennsylvania at 1834; Beaver Meadow •at 73 ; Little Schuylkill at 47 ; Pennsylvania at 65 ; . Minehill at 63 ;. Norris Canal sold at GS ; ,Susgite : henna at 16 ; Morris prefared at 134 ; Union sixes •at 28)4 ; Arch-street passenger sold at 23, being the • only transaction ; Mechanics' Bank sold at 27 ; 144 , bid for North America. The market closed firm. Drexel & Co. Quote: Bolted States Bonds, 1881 1063 i 0107 IL 8. new Certificates of Indebtedness 99%0 99 3 4 V. S. old Certificates of Indebtedness . 101.350101% Butted States 7 3-10 Notes ItAiktpon74 Quartermasters' Vouchers .Orders for Certificates of Indebtedness ' Ndis 'Cold 1243% 10 Marling Exchange 137 tbE Say - Cooke & tio, quote Government Securities, : hoc., as follows : United States, sixes, 1881 United Slates 7-30 notes. . . Certldeates of Indebtedness Do. do new.. 4Quartermtuaters' Demand notes Cold 6ileis Lve• twenties. $.543,950 The following is the amount of coal transported .9y_er the Schuylkill Canal, during the week ending August 27,1869 : " May lkhl Haven. " Port Clinton Total for week Previously this year 'Total To same time last year 516,626 00 It Amelia or coal transported on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, clurhig the week ending Thursday, August 27, 1863.: Fr?' Port Carbon PoNville " Wray lkill Haven,...... Auburn " Port Clinton " Harrisburg and Dauphin. Total Anthracite coal for the week 63.432 01 rom Harrisburg, total Bituminous coat for w'k 6,006 16 Tot arof all kinds for the week Previous/y this year. To the same time lastyear The Nevi York Evening Post of to-day says : Gold has risen from 124, the closing price of last evening, to. 1263] ; and exchange closed for the steamer at 1370137 Y, with a limited demand. The loan market 'Mows a daily accumulating sup ply of capital, and, an our mercantile and manufac turing business cannot absorb it, the owners show an increasing disposition to lend to the brokers. Hence, money is offered to certain houses at 6 per cent. When loans are applied for through the re gular channels, 6 per cent. is the current rate for mill loans, and 7 per cent. for loans at 30 or 60 days. The. stock market has been strong to-day, and a Urge n,umberof new buyers have made their appear ance, who have been at Saratoga and other places of euremer resort. The consequence has been an augmented demand, a revival of the spirit of specu lation, and a general advance in prices. Governments are steady, Border State bonds strong, railroad bonds,active, bank shares quiet, and railroad shares buoyant. Before the board, Erie was sellins at 118 3 / 4 @119, Illinois Central at 136,%@136, New York ()anus' at 1.37,4,M138, Rock- Inland at I 13@113X, Chicago and 86, Harlem at 1670.69, Foil Wayne ar 96, Pittsburg at 103 (,-and Michigan Southern at 1073ic @mg. The appended table exhibits the chief movements Of the market compared with the latest prices of yesterday evening: . , Sat. Fri. Adv. Dec U. S 6s, 1991, resC.--.....4.06 106 .. .. U.S. fie, 1881, son.-........ 107 107 .. U. 8. seven-thirties.. :. 107 X 107 31 U. S. 1 year Certif g0d...101M 101 M.. • • U. S. 1 yr. Cert. curr'ncy 99% 99% . .. American gold ..----1.34% ' 124 X .. Tennessee 6s. ---• • • 66 66 .. Missouri 6e. . .... —... 71 7074 - " 3. , .• Pacific Mail. • ---229 229 . • M. F. Central .....138% 13735 lii Erie ... •---.139X 1193 I%= • • l_rie preferred........., —109% 1(19 Hudson River ............149% 14411 6 Harlem— —....—.............169% 167 2% .. Mariam preferred...m.l3o 160. 8eading........ ..-....... 12 , M 121 _ii KWh. Cantra1................124X 124 •i .. loh. Southern..... 108 X 106 2,16 .. Soh. So. guar.— —I37X 136 ' 131 . . f —,... linols Can ficrip .13534 -3X X Cleveland& Yittaburg...lo3% 103% ~," Calena 112 112 Cleveland& foledo ...,.1934- 118 - 1:4 Chicago & fleck Island. 11331 , 113 y Tort Wayne • ............. 94 9.5 1 :Prairie de Chien 80 79 , 1 Alton & Tens Haute.... 63X 63 K • .. Chicago & Ioorthwest'n. 36% 36 . Y. Canton 132 3 32% . • • Chicago & Alton 84 94 . • .. rhilada. stock Each (Reported by S. N. Sur% ge Sales, August 59. I. Philadelphia Exchange. °Ain. - • - • - 500 Read 6s, 1686....... 120 IMO do 1656 120 X , 6000 do 1570.. ..... 108 24 31inebill R.. • .2dYB 63 26 dn..........2dys 63 MO Braining it 6037 200 do 136irn - 60'6, 100 .do b3owo. 60% 200 d 0..... MO 6% 100 d 0... slO 60 30 do.. 60% 6 Morris Canal prof . 134 .2000 rrnion Canal 6a.... 2034 000 Penna R (at inort..lo93i 60 Long Island R... :. 46 60 Long Island R 96 13 Patina R 65 0000 Permit 5s 1.00 130 (abt) do 1063; 500 City 6s 10 4 - 500 do 101. 5 00 o d new 106.1 i 50 Lit Schny h....b30 47 10 9 0 Sasq Canal : ....s6O 15 do 15 50 Arch-st R Idys 23 20 Beaver Meadow... 73 110 Morris lanai 63 ' 7 Mechanics Rank.,, 27 100 N Pennon R -b15163, Philadelphia Market/. AUGUST 29—Evening - The demand for Flour is limited, both for ship. anent and home use, and the market continues very dull. sales comprise about 200 bbls and 100 half bbls Jenny Lind, on private terms. The retailers and bakers are buying moderately, at froni $4.75(4) 5.12% for common to good superfine ; $5.25@5.50 for extra ; $5.50@6 50 for extra family, and V 07.25 ip bbl for fancy brands, according to quslity. Rye Plourde selling in a small way st $4.76@5? bbl. In Adorn Meal there is very little doing. Brandywine is held at $4 25, and Pennsylvania Meal at $4 bbl. GRAIN.—The demand for 'Wheat is moderate, and prices remain about the same as last quoted. 3,000 bushels .sold at $1.26@1,37M foi common and .ohoiceWestern and Pennsylvania red; $1.20@1.30 for Lew do, and $1.45@1.55 1 i bush for white, with sales 4 Df 1,000 bush Kentucky at the latter rate. Rye is selling at 90c for new-Delaware, and $1.06 qfl bush for old Pennsylvania. Corn Is scarce and firmly held, with sales of Western mixed at 790, and prime yellow atB2c bush. Oats are in steady demand at 53@66c for new, and 680, weight, for old. BARK.—Quercitron is quiet. Ist No. 1 is offered et WV' ton. • GOTTON,—The market is dull and the sales limited. Buyers are only purchasing in small lots to supply theiriimmediate wants at e6@67c ifY ft cash Ifor middlings, . GROOERIES.—Coffee continues scarce but firm, 'With Mall titbits Rio at 16,1 , 2 '025c VI It. In Sugar there is a moderate business doing at former rates. PROVISIONS.—The market is quiet. Baoon Barns are in demand at 1136:®1334c Ig-Th for plain and fancy bagged. Mess Pork us held at $14@14.50 bbl. .Lard is held at Ito ih for bids and tierces. SEEDS.—Cloverseed is Belling in small lots at $6.2605.50 ft bu. Flaxseed is coming in and sell- Ang freely at $202.20 bu. WHIsKY Is firm and prices have advanced. Small sales of Pennsylvania and Ohio bbls are 'aking at 48©48)0, and Drudge 46Xci gallon ; now held hisher. The following are the receipts of Flour and Grain at this port to. g ay Flour Wheat Corn.. CITIr MESSRS. DAVIS & RICHARDS, (formerly c. H. Mattsori,) dea/ern in _fine family Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, have now in stare a fresh supply of the best Pine Apple Cheese; also, Dutch head and other popular kinds of Cheese; of the best trends in the country.. 31114TABY GOODS of every rtdescription, suitable for Army and Navy officers, can be had at OaktOrd & pow'', under the Continental Hotel. THE 'BEST-FITTING SHIRT OF THE AGE As made and said at Mr. George Grant's Gentlemen's Furnishing estiblishment, No. 610 Chestnut street.. MESSRS. CHARLES OAKFORT) cot, SONS, Cinder the Continental Mate!, are now selling the aunt beautiful.headgear for mimes and children at and below cost. CHAS. STORES & CO., Chas. Stokes & Co., First.class clothiers, First-class clothiers, Under the Continental, Under the Continental. The price marked on all the goods, The price marked on all the goods, At Chas. Stokes & Co.'s " One-price," .under The Continental. THE DE,cinicias or LipE.—lt was the re , mark Of an ancient philosopher that those stood beet in the world's esteem who showed most esteem towards the world. Inthe which category we class 'persons who pay , a decent regard to dress, and whip 'thus show a 'desire to pay a commendable degree of 'respect for the opinions of others. Observe the young man who makes the most progress in life, it is not the most sloven, but he who is decent and elegant in his attire; notice who is most respected by his fellow-men, the gentlemanly ragamuffin or the well.dressed gentleman. Let all consult their own interests and their own convenience by dressing and let them do this by procuring their wear ing apparel at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Itookkill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth. STUDY or MANKIND.—In order to love , inankind, expeot but little from them ; in order to view their faults:Without bitterness, we must mous. ' tom ourselves to pardon them, and to perceive that Indulgence is a Justice which-frail humanity has A right to demand from wisdom. We freely pardon all our readers who may have erred in not purohn. sing their garments at, the one•price emporium of fashion, Granville Stoke'', Dr&6o9 chestnut street. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, JP TO 12 O'OLOOK LAST NIGHT. Continental-Ninth John J Pinkerton. Penns J M Irwine, Sharon H Stamm. Lancaster a John Lehman, Lane CO HilrXtlifil Pittsburg J Q Abell, Massachusetts ilreeriwalt & wf, Ohio J Goldsmith & wf, Akron,o it Clark, cleveland Co/ Geo E Waring, Jr, Mo W W Wright. Washington W Fletcher. Providence! E H Hooper, HOPRinsYnle J N Bates New York 0 Follansbee, Pittsburg A 8 DicAtillan, Pittsburg Tohn T Patterson, Plash* J N Lowenstein, Cincinnati, J Krouse, Cincinnati Lieut Col A M Powell P has Viele & wf, Evansville Chas Babcock & wf, Evans'e ll .Deniston, Milwaukee .Tos Mann & eon. Milwaukee ' Mr' Dr Dock & dau, Har'bg W Weber. Madison, Ind E K Van Pelt. Venezuela Geo P Smith, West Chester Dr lit J Davis, New 'York P C Coffin & lady. N York Miss Roster, Washington Edward Oliver, New York Edward Underhill, N York I Col F C Denning, Missouri It W Coder. Georgetown H 0 Hain, Boston Henry Wall Az wife. N York W G Gardner, Nantucket W F Patterson, Pottsville H Hoyt, Haverhill, Mass Isaac Coals, Jr, Baltimore F & Dick, St Louis Mrs Dick & S children John Doyle, St Louis T R Adams, 'Virginia A McNeele, Washington L C Maynard. Canton,'lll J S Hopkins & la, Bvansv Win Gaddis, Washington J li Speiser, Washington R Ponce; de.Leon, Havana, J Al•Geopee, Pittsburg P Griodsell. Boston Sam] D Hastings. Wisconsin Silos HilbtillgS, Wisconsin P Dui fer. New York Robt Patrick; Pittsburg C Paul. U A W B Lonry, Philadelphia Al J Adler, Hilton Heed Alex Henderson Ala l I Levelly n Jones, U S A G W Cobb L Edgerton, Chia . Mrs B-P. Putnam, Ohio Count Zeppelin, Germany Mr Ponomurew, Russia A Governnian, Sr, Balt G Al Willing. Arizona: W Mossier, Maryland F Clarke, Rocherter J W McFarland, Pittsburg DrJ H Griscome, PI York" Lt J E And enreid, Virginia H Bowles, Kentucky Henry Jones. Boston C F McDonald, Washington NPemberton, Pittsburg ' W B Reed..l3 S A L Miller, Baltimore . B Bradley, New York ii B Reeve, New York \V W Laskey, Washington 4 116 116#( lON 1013 4 101 N 99 ,11 9934 9936 99 12 12.55( " 12.51 , . Girecril.—Cheatunit e Wm G rihle. Baltimore Joe .Sichardson. Wilm'n Capt W L Ellsworth, U S A Joe litcPberaon. Chicago England, Baltimore Capt lour, New York ',mut E Bea New York Capt W Thomas, Brit Joe Trtou Baltimore Ed artman. 2 Baltimore 1M Beveixsou t Virginia G H Houston, Galveston,.T W F Gamell Tons. Cwt B,d r 3 00 1 73 00 10,959 00 1 2.1 00 . 27,301 00 ~.s 7L2 00 4.10,096 00 Mrs BY Dough ton &cb, Bost PP Dickinson & la,N Haven Miss Dickinson. - d Haven Duke Debbon, Havre J V Milligan. Detroit Mrs Milligan & dau. Detroit Jai Haskell. Montgomery Tics H Dodge. Wash, -- D C 11 McCullough, Md Clinton McCullough, Md. J B Barker,New . 'York Jos Porter, Ry J Lambkin, Paducah. By L RAngher, Zanesville, 0 ' Geo Mitchell. Shawnetown H Crangle, St Louis J R Morgan & la, Bellmore J eskley, Concord Tons. Cwt. .. 24.203 17 . 2,342 1.2 .. 18,176 18 .. 5,19.5 03 . 11.6.4 04 .. 1.709 07 •:• 70,333 17 .2 042,697 14 . . , B Baker, U B A J Martin, U S Samuel Renard, Baltimore H Ii tikellman, Canada J Balton, Wilmington. Del John Proctor, Bew York A lieD Lyon, U S A 2.119,056 U 1,524.3 A 01 r=StMEM , - - - James E Neale W $ Johnson, New York fif Cory - ell, New York Mr Gineon & la, Wash, D C Atiss Coons, Washington.,DC Hiss Larnor, Wash, D C B Brower .& la, New York H Brown, Jr. Boston B Culbertson & la. Dover F H Pleasants, Cincinnati boemak. r, Frankford G W Gladden, Cincinnati Merehairts'—Frourillt J W McCloury, Pittsburg B Leibstadler,Builington L Lehman, turlington G Mtrkens Wilwaukee Mrs Miller '& ch, II Jersey Mrs Cook, Penns J D HoEsack, Barbados P 11 Bunker, Pittsburg Joe Berdmau, Pittsburg Grant Taggart, Vicksburg '1! T Maulely, Valpairaso J Allen, Ohio Lieut W W Gibson,NCastle C T Forter, Bethlehem Mrs Burnstein,-Easton Mrs Wilking, Easton Schneider, Williamsport Mrs B B McCauly &en Pa Miss MeCauly,WilliamsiOrt Thos Slaughter Delaware 8 dgwick Greene co R F Kennedy. Pittsburg W N Jones, Wooster, 0 3 C James, Wooster, 0 W 0 Melton, Phcenixville B Boaland,-Pittsburg John Burry. New Phila., 0 Dock &-wf, Phila American—Chestnut J H McCloskey, California Wm Dalty J W Swank, Maryland John Todd, Washington Jno Smith, Rocheater, N Y .1 C Montgomery . . IT C Puha, Virginia J &bring, Jersey Shore L B Lehman. Bethlehem Jelm Carhart; Maryland A C Carhart, Maryland Fronk Carhart, Maryland D Kirk, Albany SL Peters, Baltimore Dr W W Laman Michigan WC Atix, New York - C G Carleton, New York John F Wood, Pa D C Kingman, Pa Jas Coyne, New York Thos Turner, New York St. Louis—Chestnut C A Daniel, Baltimore J W Judson, John‘town. D Barratt, New York John Adams, New. York B Van Ness, New York J 151cHerey.. Pittsburg H A Delta. Pittsburg G Bromaker, Pittsburg C A Mayo, Reading Byrne. Pittsburg W Rupp W H Nasson A Roberts B Irwin 11 Lippe, Washington, D C F A Sarin. Baltimore J Duffy. W TroY JH Addison, S N Dr Lloyd J S Brown, Washington L Alexandet,Massachusetts J Carroll. Middleton Taylornrentqn S W Nichols The Union—Arch a 5 Earnest, Burlington, lowa R Williams, Ohio J T Horner Ohio John Huyling, Missouri L S Weaber, Springfield 0 JE. Deardorff. Canal Dover C Davis Sc wf, Richm'd, Ind Miss Brown, Richni'd, Ind Miss Taylor, Richm'd, Ind Miss Pr drick. Richml, Ind J Gallegner, Ohio B Proctor, Fitchburg Mrs Killinger; Ohio J B Okeson, Perrysville Lieut Goodman, U S A Liont .P 1 Potts, Washington Black Bear—Third bt. above Callowhill. Conrad Bessler.Reading ißrown, rucks co Geo Clemens. Chest Valley Moses Arndt, York co Jakob Brwein, Doylestown John Heistand, Norristown SPECIAL NOTICES. ELECTRICITY, .PROPERLY APPLIED, is NATURE'S BEST REMEDY.—The office of Dr. A.. H. STEVENS, No. 1418 South PENN SQIYX_RE, in this city, for the reception and treatment of patients, will reopen MONDAY, September Bd. The Docter's lotus experience in the use of Electrical Currents, in this city and elsewhere, has been thoroughly tested by the , many - who have been cured at his rooms, as their certifia.ites in his possession testifythe same being open for perusal. by any one who may choose to call. A limited number of patients will find pleasant rooms, with board, in the Doctor's family. His location on the Square is not only central, but also a very pleasant and healthy one. Office hours from 9tollA. M. , and from 2t04 P M, au29•tf ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST 'ings, made in the Beet Manner, expressly forESTAIL BALES, LOWEST Selling Prices marked InPlain Ft- Snree. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Jar Onx-Parax SYST2Y is strictly adhered to. All are hereby treated alike. dell-1y JONES di CO.. 604 kLkEICET Street. ..2,200 bbls. .11,175 bush. . 2,500 bush. . 6,600 bush. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, IA the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." TOWNSEND—FAIRSMITH.—In New York, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. Owen Smith, Dewitt Townsend, of San Francisco, to E. Seraphinia Fair smith, of Philadelphia. FOUST—TIETS.—On the 20th inst , by Rev. B. F. Redden, Mr. Robert M. Foust, of Camden, N. J., to Miss Augusta Tietz, of this oily. * WILSON—LAWSON—On the lath inst.. by Rev. Daniel Gaston, Mr. Adam H. Wilson to Miss Lizzie Lawson, all of this city. * BRINLEY:—On the 19th of August instant, at Beaufort, North Carolina j in the United States Hospital, Godfrey Malbone Brinley, lieutenant in the 69th Regiment Penna. Vols., son of Ed ward L. Brinley of this city, in the 26th year of his age.. ** DUEfl.—On the 28th - inst., at Germantown, M. Emma, wife of G. Rush Due; in the 22d year of her The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of Mrs. Gillingham, Main street, on Monday, 31st inst., at 12 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Laurel Hill. [New York city and Morristown papers please copy.] FAIRSMITII.—At Sunderland, county .of Dur ham,:England, on the ist inst., Wharton Fairsmith, m. D., aged 62 years. *# TO WNSEND.—At New York, on the 26th inst., Dewitt Townsend, late of San Francisco, aged 46 years. MUDGE.-On Sunday afternoon the 30th inst., of typhoid fever, contracted while in the Commis sary Department of the Army of the Potomac, Con rad Albright, youngest son of Simon and Mary A. Mudge, in the 20th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his father, No. 25 South Sixteenth street, on Wednesday morning next, at 10 o'clock. [New York • Boston, Cincinnati, and St. Louis papers please copy.] ROHRER.—On the 29th inst., after a short but severe illness, Dr. Sohn ST Rohrer, Of this city. [Due notice of the time of interment will be given:} r WEBB.—On Saturday evening, Atigust 29th, Wil liam Webb, in the 68th year of his age.' The relatives and male friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 691 North Sixth street, on Wednesday afternoon next. To move at 4 o'clock, punctually. Interment at Laurel Hill. *** NEALL.—On the 27th inst., William D. Neall, in the 27th year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, 639 North Twelfth street, this day (Monday), 31st inst., at 10 o'clock. To proceed to hloaument Cemetery. * BARNES.—Suddenly, on the 28th inst., Bernard. Barnes, in the 21st year of his age. CAHILL.—On the 28th 'net., Thomas Cahill, in the 62d year of his age. . , HIBBS.—On the 27th inet., Albert H., MOO of Sa muel L. and Elizabeth Hibbs, in the 22d year of Ms age. W • ILLIANS.—On the 28th init., Bessie, wife of Charles J. Williams, aged 28 years. • nd Ohestnont streets. James A OaMaher • Gen Jose A Pau, Venezuela, I Gen Hendon:l, Venezuela Mrs Hagado•n, Venezuela Miss Hagedorn, Venezuela Gen Garcia. Venezuela Gen M.Garrade, Venezuela ,Comd'r Alvarez, Venezuela J M Chamberlain Horatio Seymour, Buffalo Johnson &la, Balt Richer.: Maalet. ihitlmore W 0 Perkins Join: 61 Barclay, Wash Col Provo r , Washington Joe F Martin, Boston GO, Reck & Cincinnati Miss Nellie Keck, Cin W Harker & wf, Cairo. 11l W tray, Lansing, lowa J W Thomas, Lanslng,.ln wa Geo W Hamph ner'. Wash Chas Walack, Cincinnati !Are Gamble rhos A. Scott, FhilaAelphia Mrs B Hamlin, Phil ada Miss Hamlin. ebiladelphia F tialoshin, New York sol Moses. New York . . . Sol Weill, New York C-Fallanebee, Chicago Mrs Follansbee St son. Chic Copt G E Lemon, New York J W Bolton, New York M L Battell. New. York . Chas b Chatfleld,'Conn O A Billiton, Connecticut I Mrs J &Lining. C Patterson, St. Louis Mrs Bartlett, Chicano Jas M Fianeisons, St Louie S A Jones New York Leonard iTareta, ri ow York Jose Gonnz, New. York •••• • , - • Goo F Herbert. New York A H Ponnsford & wf. Clan Dr B W •Insh & wf, Loalav Mrs Field. Lexington, Ky Mrs L Dean, New York Mies Louisa. Dean. N Mrs finminings,New 3 cresY Hai Gen Schenck. US A W W Wood, II SN H F Fitch, Hartford, Conn Walter Smith. Cincinnati J G Conrad, Chicago M P Stone Peoria., fa H Campbell. Wheeling, Va S S Caainbell,Wheeling,Va J Allen & la, Chicago H Strauss. Cincinnati I` Raw, Cincinnati M Freedman, Cincinnati H Mack, Milwaukee J itil Ruff. Indianit. H Campbell & son. Ohio J Orimsbaw & wf, Illinois A Schenck & la, Chicago W B Haldeman L Kentucky tra,F Ellis, Kentucky M .T Dronn, Wisconsin Leslie i;tephens; England RB Roberts. Pittsburg 0 Riser & wf.lowa . . . . Dr Cb al Mayo. O' N Somerset Robinson GKU S N Copt Collins, U S M C Chas T Chase, US N E M SliePitcd, U S N Limit Miles treet, below Muth. B R Bolton, Baltirhore - John oimpson, Franklin J Mason & wf, Valparaiso John Griffey. Valpar tiso W S Brown, Cumberland Sami Gilt, Cumberland Airs Barron. New York B Dummey, Rochester Rob't Young, Wisconsin Silas Gibson; Wisconsin J H Hamilton, Odwego, NY - Oscar Barton, Baltimore Mr Id Barton, Baltimore lire X E Barton. Baltimore miss Bettie Carpenter .0 0 0 Kennedy, Philadelphia IT Connelly, St Joseph, ?do (F. P Weston. Portland, Me Charles 13 Fisher. Cairo George Kirby, Cairo II Robinson, Keokuk Francis Hastings Gabriel Bassac. N 0 , 8 J McGinnis, -Pittsburg A C Bas ter & la, Lima, 0 Jobn W Simmons, II s A. W K Setzler, Fauna H hi Zook. Alex, Va P A Plynn. STellithorP, New York Frank Hart, Norristown . WtHlam Smith. Pottsville W W Frazier, Jr Wm Brooet, Lewisburg C Berrian; Now York Geo England. Baltimore Moses Bater, Boston D S Jackson. Penna John Bannon & wf Henry Ballard New York John Smith. Penna J B Brown, Penua H W Hockley. Cincinnati 'Radz Colenski St Fetersb'g Jas Farnsworth, Glasgow Hugh McFarland, Glasgow J Jones, Quincy. 11l S L Casey, Kentucky A. G Garton, Wash, DC Adjt Geo H Sterling street. below Arch. Win H Klapp, New York W, Springfield, 11l Win P airry, Jacksonville John - Vogel, Pittaburg L Harstock, Terre Hanle R B Sinclair, Steubenville Col hart, Washington C Knox, Pittsburg S R Quimby, M D, Salem C P Oakley, Tennessee Mrs R Shirts & 2 cn, Pittsb .1 Ochner, Pittsburg Ward H Lamon. Wash,D C H B McCauley, Washington Chas Dager, Barks co Wm H Masses, U SOS John Read, New York T H Richterkeraing. Lonisv John Fiddick, G ..tena, 11l Miss F D vas, Galena, 11l John N Wolf. Troy, Pa F Foster & fa, Memphis Mrs Tell, Memphis Gee Buchanan. Huntingdon C R Cutter. Pittsburg Chas McFadden Thos Collins street, above Fifth. B B Hagerty, Nevi York C Bartle' te, Terre Haute B Anstin, Terre Haute - SC Oster oh, Huntingdon Dr W W Jheldork, B Y Cowles &sister . . Mrs Goodwin, Cleveland S R Rogers C H &main, New York. J P-Onates, Baltimore Cart J Newburgh, U S Jos Casey. Washington Col G J WynkooP, Pa John Tobin, Philadelphia P B ?TWO, U S A OrPhillips. U S A - . J F Shearer, Ohio Sam Spence., Ohio James H Davenport E D Hobart G Hobart, Jr street, allure Third. C S Rutter, Jr, Delaware J C Sparks, New Jersey C F Redman, New'Jersey 1' primrose, Baltimore Baltimore Loureine, Plulladelptda. Baltimore J F Aklering, Cincinnati, 0 H Schwartz _Cincinnati, 0 A Christman, St Lords H Bardasch, II S N C P Ricketts. &Tani W F Warburton,NewTerseY S Baldwin, New Jersey W S Ackley, bew Jersey S 111 . Crossley. New Jersey R Brewster, TT S tiv J Fountain ' ll S N R Priest. USN- Thurber, Er S N E silcox. Delaware . . S Warnock, Delaware HG Macy, II S N treet. above Third., G eo W Zeigler. Greencastle C &I Corbin Miss E P Corbin Geo N Dean, .1 renton 'nos Roberts Wm-D Moore, Rarrisburg Sac D Mcßride,Washington Carson Goble. Baltimore James Duross Chas Darran -John Watson Geo Brown Cant J McCreary, Penna A G Mangy, Rushville, Ind John Mc Loran, Salem, 0 John Jones, St Louis ~2.L9.R:~1.1~3D. DIED. Weekly Report of Intermonts. HEALTH °MOE. Anima 29 Deaths and interment* to the City of Phi , from the 224 to the 29th of August. 1E63. OM:1E68 OF DEATH AbßeesB AwptexY Apbtha Atrophy Chilean . Breast " 'Uterus -" Stomach Croup Co ik estiou, Brain. Lunge Cony de Soleil Caries of Vertebra Cholera 1 nfa - ou to. Morbus... Cramps Compression of Brain Consumption, Lungs. Bowels. Concussion of Brain. Giluyntsione Cyanosis Diptheria Diarrimea Dropsy .. Brain .... Disease of Brain.... Heart Drowned Dysentery Debility Effusion on Brain. • Fracture of Skull. Legs _FeN:Tr Bil lone Catarrhal ... Intel mittent Miasmatic,. • PuerporaL • Scarlet...—. Typhus •. . . THERE WERE - Fr9m 30 to 40 90 " - 60 " 60 70 " 80 tinder 1 year. frfim 1 to 2. • 2 to 5. Ito 10 10 to 15. 15 to 20. " 20 to 30. Total WARDB._ WARDS. First ._ ..... ... 40 Tenth. 8 Second 24 Eleventh 8 Third. 23 Twelfth. 8 Fourth 14 Thirteenth . 5 Fifth 14 Fourteenth 10 Sixth 9 Fifteenth. . . ... ..21 Seventh. 17 Sixteenth... 10 Eighth 10 Seventeenth 14 Ninth . 7 Eighteenth 11 Total. Deduct deaths from the country Net deaths in the city 86 F' Nativity—United States, 304; Foreign, 62; Unknown. 14. From the Almehonee, 11 : People of Color, 12; from the eonntry, 8. The number of deaths. compared with the correspond= Me weeks of 166 E and of last week, was as follows : Week ending August 30, 1862, was 377. Week ending August 22, IEB3, WAS 488. Males. 183; Females. 187; Boys, 120; Girls, 123. Deaths and interments of soldiers in the city, 12. • WILLIAM READ. Health Walter: B.LA CR BABE GE HERNANIS.--JUST opened, a case of LUPIN'S BABBGB HERNANIP. Lupin's Black Crape Marete. Do. do. Tamartlnes. • Do. do. Bareges. • Do. do. Summer Bombazines. Do. do. Chally T.szniBea. Do. do. Striped and Check Bareges. Do. do. Mousseline de Lainee. Do. do. Bombazines, Shawls, ate. BESSON & SON'S Mourning Store, No. 01.8 CHESTNUT Street. EYRE & LANDELL , FOURTH AND AROH Streets. open to-day one case FALL D.R.133d SILKS. Solid Brown Figured Silks. . Solid Blue Figured Silks. Solid &Idle Figured Silks. . Solid Green Flgured Silks. - . EYRE & LANDELL FOURTH AND A_RCH. are opening for Fall sales., - Colored French Merinoes. New Balmoral Skirts. Black Silks all prices. Flannels for Fancy Skirts. IMP UNITED STA.T.E.E. CHRISTIAN COMMIShION. —Cash acknowledgments to An gust 28, 180: Two collections in Baptist Church, Saratoga, N. Y Messrs. Gould & Lincoln, Boston, Hass Nev. York Committee, Christian •Commission.. Army Committee, Y. lit C. A., Boston M. E. Church, Washington, Pa ••••$ 11 00 United Presbyterian Church, Washing ton. Pa 51 40 Presbyterian Church. Washington,'Pa.. 66 76 Presbyterian Church, Mingo, Washing ton county, Pa 6 40 Presbyterian Church, Upper Ten Mile. Washington county, Pa 3235 PrelbytenanChurch, East Buffalo, Wash- Anton county, Pa ' 10 61 Presbyterian Church, Lower Buffalo, Washington county. Pa 7 00 United. Presbyterian Church, Charmer's Cross Roads 20 00 Buffalo township Ladies' Aid Society. Washington county, Pa 60 00 Buffalo Relief Association, Washington coniaty, Pa S) 00 ItireGeiting 1 00 Per Hon. a' M. Read Christian Commission, Rochester. N. Y Cincinnati -Branch Christian Commission Collection Public Meeting, Schenectady, N y., per Rev. Mr Cresshire Dudes' Christian. Aid Society, West Finlay. Washington county. Pa ....... . .. First Presbyterian Church, Lansingburg. N. Y H. W. Knickerbocker Soldiers' Aid Society. Blenenburg, New Jersey, Per Rev. T. B. Romayn United Presbyterian Congregation. Tuscarora, per Bev. Jos. McKee M. E. Church, porristown, New Jersey, per • Rev. Lewis R. Dunn Union Thanksgiving Collection, South Bend, indieena James Bayard (additional) Thanksgiving Collection of Shelby and Rich land Congregations. Ohio Baptist and Congregational Churches, Spencer, N Y Evangelical Lutheran Church, Branch Valley, Pa , per G M.-Settlemoyer A. V. Murphey. B F Weide, Louisville, Ky Jos. Eynon. N. J.. • Collection, Waterford, N. J., per Rey. Mr. CLesshire Collection, Plainville, Conn , per Rey. Mr. Chesshire Employees of Meagre , . Bement & DoruthertY.. - .. Sold iers' Aid Society, Galway, Saratogacounty, per Mies N. S. Closbe, secretary Collection Union Keeling. Petersburg, Pa. SS 20 Presbyterian Sabbath School, d 0..... 1 50 George Brunner, d 0..... 2 50 George's Cieek Presbyterian Church, Fayette county, Penn., per Thomas Williams United Congregations, Madison, New Ycrk.... A. C. Hero, New Castle, Delaware Baptist Church, Sampton, New JerseY,Per Rev. Mr. - Baker Congregationalist Ch arch, Rulyebarg, Conn., per George Bouton. Fait Creek Congregation, Norwich. Ohio Proceeds of a Fair at Fort Washington. Mont gomery county, Pa., by two small children.. Collection, Hartwick, New Jersey, per - Hissß. F. Loper.. - St. James M. E. Church (ad titional) it lady of Doylestown. Miss January, of Christ Church Hospital Miss Josephine Blanetown, N. J $2 00 Mrs RuleY, Blanetown, N. J . 1 00 E. S. Bailey. Linderwood, Minnesota Collection. Lyons Falls, Lewis county, N. Y... Miss Elizabeth Lewis. Portland, Conn E A. Fairton, New Jersey Collection, Union Meeting, Zanesville, (additional) A Friend • Total Amount previously acknowledged 3130,310 93 JOS. PATTERSON, Treasurer. THE UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION.— The United States Christian Commission beg to a ckno w ledge the receipt of the following additional Hospital Stores rip to the 25th inst • PENNSYLVANIA. Salisbury— . boxesfrom Soldiers' Aid Society. Brush Valley-2 boxes from Ey Lutheran Church. Muncy-1 box from the Ladies, Philadelphia-1 box from Aimy Committee Piftb Baptist Church; 6 boxes from Rev. or. Bomber is Church 18 dozen Essence' Ginger from Thomas H ge . Powers; 2 boxes from George A. Waverly-1 box from Soldiers' Aid. West Fir:ley-6 boxes from Ladies' Christian Aid. Philadelphia-4 boxes Lemons from Mrs I. B. Lee. Johnstown-1 box front Mrs. Oracy Duncan. Germantown-1 box from Ladies' Aid. , NEW JERSEY Blairstown-2 boxes and 2 barrels from Ladies' Aid. Titusville-2 boxes from Ladies' Aid'. NEW YORK . Buffalo-8 boxes fr.:m Ladies of Christian Commission. West Troy-2 boxes from Ladies' Aid. New York-9 parcels from N. Y. U. S. C. C.. Long Island—l box from John A. Lott. - Le Roy-1 box from AB. Pratt. . . . . MASSACHUSETTS. Boxford-1 box from ladle's of the Ant Parish Church. Fitchburg—l box from Rev. Geo. Trask. Shelburne Fallt—l box from Aid Society. Waltham-1 box from Soldiers' Aid SoeietY. Medford-1 box from S. School Aid Society. Boston-1 bundle from Geo. A. Ainsworth. Boston-5 brindles. 1 barrel from Army Com. U. S. C.. 0 VERMONT Williamstown-1 boX 4 from the People. Brookileld-1 box from Soldiers' kid Society. • NEW El A MPSHIEE. Anensta—lbox from Sarni Delano. Now is the time to prepare for the next battle. Let the friends of the soldier increase rather than slacken effort in providing stores of all kind s, especially shirts . and drawers, pillow pads and ring pads • There is very urgent want of every preparation of and fromr the blackberry, and whatever else will prevent of check camp complaint, Send stores to GSO. H. STUART, Chairman of Christian Commission,- lt 13 BANK Street. TEM MEMBERS ELECT TO THE 1 1 0:3 6. City Far Committee of-Superintendence of the National Union Party, will meet on MONDAY, August 31st 1863, at the Commonwealthltntlding.,CHSSTNU'l* • Street, above SIXTH, at 3 o'clock P. M. lt MST. ANDREW S SOCIETY.—A meeting of tlis Society will be held on MONDAY EVENING, 31st inst ' in the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, at 734 o'clock. Members will please attend wither& far ther notice. GEORGE YOUNG, - Secretary. - FRU RTIFI 1 REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT—NATIONAL UNION PARTY.—The Delegates elected to, the Convention from the Fourth Repreeentative District .(Fifth and Eighth Wards) will meet on MONDAY next, August 31, at the Wetherill House, SANSOM Street, above &m at. at 8 o'clock T. M. GEORGE W. STONE, PENROSE TERRINE. GEORGE W. GILLINGHAM, 'Jr., B. FRANKLIN PARIS, CHARLES H. GOOD, GEORGE C..TURNER, SAMUEL MAO MEN EY; Jr. , JAMES W. TALKER, GILES RIVEL, MSIXTH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT —NATIONAL UNION PARTY .—The —The Delegates will meet at Harmony Mall. EIGHTH and ARCH Streets, THIS (Monday) EVENING. the 31st indent. at eight o'clock. EDWARD H. OGDEN, WELLS. WALTON. • DANIEL B SETTLER, M. HALL STANTON. ALEX H. CH MBERS, GEORGE D C. C. R &SHUN. lt• • SAMUEL PRICE. AN. ADJOURNED MEETING OF the :Ward Delegates of the Eleventh ward, will be held next TUESDAY EVENING, at Abel Lukens', Third and Willow. an3i•2t* r.•••• TWELFTH WARD.—THE EXE. KA? , CUTIVE COMMITTEE of the . . NATIONAL UNION PARTY: of the Twelfth Ward will hold a Meeting on TUESDAY next, at S o'clock P M. ;at the house of B. FISHER, No. 607 CALLOWIiILL Street Punctual attendance is de sired. Lite] - 'JOIiN L. SROEMAKER, Chairman. MSEVENTEENTH'. REPRESENT A. UT E DISTRICT —The-Delegates else , of the Na tional Union party to the Seventeenth Representative Convention, will meet on THIS (Monday) EVENING, at - 8 o'clock,: at the National Hotel, corner of Lancaster avenue and Haverferd Road. Twenty-fourth ward. By order of a majority of the Delegates. r i -c3s.• CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA••C OMER CI aI, COLLEGE, • 637 CHESTNUT Street, (corner of Seventh,) Young Men fully Prepared for the duties of the Count ing Home. - : Evening,Eeeeione after September 15th. CONTINENTAL IILYPEE., CO."— Th e Coupons due September let 1823. on the eight per cent. Mortgage Bonds of "THE CONTINENAL HO TEL CO." will be payable on and alter that day noon Presentation of the same at the COMMERCIAL BANK in the city of Philadelphia. T. bERGEANT PRICE, au27 tit Treasurer. AVIS AUX BLEGANTS.—M. JO ZACKEY, de, Paris, threat de la Matson GRANDVILLE STOKES, Marchand Taillear, No. 609 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, alihonneur d' aviser des nombrenx ands et coanaissances (utast one Phone rattle public) qui Pon dem (averts° do leer clientele, gull 'Tient de resevoir de Paris et Lending, lei modes lea plus recentes et les mienx perigee pour la saloon d'ete. M. GRANDVILLE STOKES a mis a sa disposition lea °Moffett les pins belles at lee meilleares Quanta, des Pre mieres manufactures d'Enrope. . Lee afflcleres et 'soldate de tout - grades y troavront lee meilleures d'etoffes, des", prix tree moderes L'elegance do sta coupe, aing'que le cachet de distinction quo is. caracterise,- net deja trop - connu dn public pour en renonveler leers =ernes ho2S-2m . IM. THE Q,ITICKSILVER iIf.N.ING COMPANY.—The. Transfer Books of this Com pany will close on MONDAY, August 31st, and reopen MONDAY, September 7th. to By order. - - • . - „I.: B: RANDOL, Secretary . .. , MA- You, August 24,'1. Au26-6t . THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA;, MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1863. OADSE3 OF DEATH Foyer. Typhoid..... Falling from r00f... Gangrene Hernia . flue Ping Injury of the Head. inflammation Brain " Heart `Larynx... Liver Lungs " Mont " B.&Bowele Insanity inanition. ....... temperance Mania-a-Potn illurasmus Meaßles Old Age Pemphigus ...... Palmy Quinsy Hopis Scrofula Sore Throat Softening of Brain.. Small Pox Syphilis Suffocation Palms Mosenterica.. Teething Tetanus Ulceration. Bowels. Stomach..... " Throat Wounds—Gunehot.. to O. to 60. to 70. to 80 to 90. WARDB. Nineteenth. Twentieth.. Twenty fire Twenty.see. Twenty-thi Twen y-fon Twenty-lift. llnknown..-. 3 00 300 2 10 2 0) 2 00 . $2.817 39 127,973.69 . . . 2L WART'S PHILOSOPHY' OF THE ACTIVE AND MORAL POWERS-OF-MAN. The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of. Man. By Dngald Stew art, F. R. SE., London and Ediaburilk. Revised, with omissions and additions, by James Walker. D. D., Pre sident of Barvard Collee -22 GOODRICH ' S-PICTORIAL - HIRTOHY OF. THE UNITED STATES, -A new edition, mach enlarged and newly illustrated. CLOOHRICiPS PICTORIAL HISTORY OF 'ENG LAND SCHOOL BOOKS PUBLISHED RY ' • - LINDSAY at BEARISTON. \ • South SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. - MRS. TUTHILL'ii MY LITTLE 01300RAPHY.- GERHART'S PHILOSOPHY AND LOGIC. _ WILLSAIENT'S C ATECHISM (IF FAKILLAR THUM. 2ESOP'S FABLES IN FRENCH. SBRON'S NEW. MODERN FRENCH READER. ' POWLIR'S. -DRAMATIC AND ORATORICAL: EXFRESSION. - SERIES OF SCHOOL HISTORIBP. se.* Ruestiots for the Exstaination of Stride/Ali, Illaetratiowh, MTHE SEA 91-IORM—BY SPECIAL request, the YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO- - CIaTION will have the SECOND EXCURSION of this season to Atlantic City on TUESDAY, September 14. To insure the comfort of all who purchase tickets, the number will be restricted to the capacity of the PaHMOIL ger Cars; all will have comfortable seats. Tickets only . *l.2b. Children half price. For sale at the Looms, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT . street; Tract House, 9a9 CHESTNUT street, and at the Boat. Last Boat leaves Vine-street Wharf at SA, f, an 2- msr s4t. —THE. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.. Atte wit 26th, 1563. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholdere of the Penn sylvania Fire Tu.urcho.7. Company wilt te hcld at their Office on M(INDAY. the 7th clay of Sentomber next, at )0 o'clock A. K , when an elect'on will bo held for nine DirPeiors, to serve for the ensiling' year 5027-tce7 WM. (6 (3110 WELL Secretary. OFFICE. OF TOE FIAKACESBOELO PORTSMOUTH, MOUNTJOI", AND LANOAS TEE RAILROAD COMPANY. . . . . PHILADELPRIA, August 21. )863. The-anneal meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held on FRIDAY. September 4, 1863, at IL o'clock A. M.. at the corner of THIRD Street and WIT— LINE'S Alley, ot which time an election will be held for thirteen. Directors to serve for the ananing year. ois 22. VA. °WAGE: Skßßß..:+aerntary. OFFICE OF THE LOCUST TAR? COAL AND IRON COMPANY. PITILADFLPIII A, /mallet 21, 15113. At a meeting of the Beard of above Company, held thin day, a DIVIDEND OF ONE DOL LAR. PER SHARE wan declared on the capital stock, payable to the Stackholdera or their legal repreeenta dyes on and after the 3lat inet. The tranefer hooka of the Company will be cloned until the let day of Septem ber nest. an 2- tsel 309. C. COP PACK. Tronenrer. MILITARY, NOTICES. lAPTENTION 1 COMP ANY A, 20TH REGIMENT. P. M. —Members will meet at Franklin Hall. BIETH Street, below ARCH. on MONDAY Evoring, the 31st inst., from 8 lo 10 o'clock, to sign rolls for City. Bounty. P. V. 8 IMITI;f, Captain, • an 2.9 21.* . Co. A, 20th Regiment P.M. IFTEADQUARTERS PROVOST, Imo -•-■- MARSHAL. SECOND Drum°, PA., A ugttst 24; DRAFTED MEN from this Di trict, claiming exemll- Hon, are recfne.fed to bring with Them their witnesses. and any foiling. to appear on the day notified will be deemed DESERTERS. and be subject to the ponalties prescribed therefor by the Rules and- Articles of War. • , EDWIN PALMER, Provost Marshal and President of the , Board of Enrolment. WILLIAM M. BULL, Commissioner of Bmrd. R RITORIE, Surgeon of Board. HEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL, FIRST DISTRICT. PL., 21.5 Sortt THIRD Street. - - PIIILADELFMA, August 31. 1303. This Office will be, open daily, from 8 A. M. to 2 P. M. Al). Drafted Men of the Second, Third. and Fourth wards, who - have not reported, and whose time his not been extended, will be apprehended forthwith as de serters. A reward of ten do liars wilt be paid for dwerttri. The FIFTH WARD (being the Foarth Sub-District) will be heard in the following order: MONDAY. Ang 31, Nos. Ito 100 inclusive. TUESDAY, Sept. I , Nos. 101 to 200 inclusive. - WEDNESDAY, Sept. 2, Nos .201 to 300 inclusive. THURSDAY, Sept. 3, NOR 301 to 400 inclusive. FRIDAY. Sept, 4, Nos4ol to 479 inclusive SATURDAY, for the hearing or cases generally. . N. B.—Substitutes have preference. - WM. E LEE MAN: - Provost Marshal and President of the Board - - CHARLES MURPHY, Commissioner of the Board. N. H. MARSELIS.. auffi-tf - Surgeon of the Board. TTEADQUARIrEBS - F PROVOST MARSHAL, THIRD DISTRICT, PA., PHILADELPHIA, August M. 1913. oncE, is hereby given to all drafted persons of the Eighteenth Ward that their time for claiming exemp tion, offering snbsilintes. or reporting for duty, is ex tended until SATURDAY, Sept sth inst., after which time all those persons falling to comply with the above notice will be liable to arrest as Deserters. otice is also given to those drafted persons of the Seventeenth ward who have ; not as vet reported them selves. that failing to do so by SATURDAY, Sept. sth inst., they will be published as deserters, and arrested es such. The time for the Nineteenth ward is extended until further notice. By order of the Board of Enrolment JACOB S. STRETCH. FRANKLIN d STERNER. D Commissioner. ALEX. C. HART. an3l-6t Surgeon. CORPS OF HONOR, 11. S. A. HEADQUARTERS.RECRI7ITING SERVICE, INVALID CORPS FOR PHILADELPHIA. 5143 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLDIRRS honorably discharged on account of dis ability Will apply for information or enlistment in the INVALID CORPS to Lieut. HUBER .B ASTIAN. Invalid Corps 243 S. Third street, Philadelphia, or to Lieut. J. W: DB&N. Invalid Corps, 611 Brown street and N. E. corner Broad and Sprint/ Garden ste , Phila. Pay and allowances, exceptinrc bounty and Ponsion, saine SS in U. S. Infantry. F. W. MATTO ISWS, Major lst Pa. Art. and Supt. Invalid Corps for Philadel- phia. • and tf NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW BOOKS- Just received ' - J. B. LIPPINCOTT & 713 and 717 bIA_RIEET Wed. A. MANUAL' OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENLISTING AND DISCHARGING SOLDIERS. &c. By Robert B-ar tbolow. bi D. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, and. WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS, in one vo- THE PHARMACOPOEIA OF THE UNITED STATE i OF AMERICA. Fourth dkconnial revision. 1:4 - authority of the National Convention for .Revising the Pnarina copceia. A TREATISE ON HYGIENE. with Special Reference to the Military Service. By William A. Hammond, Surgeon General LOSP AND BAWD. By the H'on. hire. Norton author of Stuart of Duoleith." AT ODDo. By the Baroness Tantphceus, author of Quite." Sre. lIISToIIY OF THE SUPERIVLTUR Ages and Countries By William HOWIM. 2 vots SYDItRICAL AND PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY. BY William Chanvenet. 2 vols. , . . THE ARYiT OHAFLAIN'S MANUAL. By. Rev. J. Pinckney Hammond. TRIAL OF THE CONSTITUTION. By Sidney G. Fisher. . THE COMPANY CLERK. Showing tow and when to make ont returns. &e. By Capt. A V. Kautz. an3L SCHOOL TEXT 8008 S.-THE 'UN DERSIGNED have lately published new editions of the following approved School Text Books, to which the attention of reecho-re is reopen-fully invited;. 1. A. GR aMMAR OF THE ENGLISH - LANGUAGE. By John S. Hart late of the Philadelphia High.. - School. 2. AN INIRODUCTION TO THE GRAMMAR OP THE ENGLISH LANGLI a GE. By - John S. Hart, late of the Philadelphia High School. 3. MITCHELL'S FIRsT LESSONS IN GEOGRAPHY,. with Maps and Engravings 4. MiTCHSLIid NEW PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY, with twenty colored maps and nnnierons engravings. 6. MITCHELL'S NEW INTERMEDIATE •GEO(i RA.- PRY, with twenty. three . copper-plate colored maps, and upwards of a hundred illustrations. (Thepopala- Dons are from the census of1860.)- 6. MITCHELL'S SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY and ATLAS, with a large number of copper-plate maps, (with tan Populations of 1660. Tgiving every county in the United. Slates, and numerous engravings. The text includes all the'recent discoveries in Africa, Asia, and the north ern part of North America. . 7. MITCHELL'S NEW ANCIENT GEOWIPHY. .... 5. MITCHELL'S ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY•AND AT LAS. , 9. MITCHELL,S GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTION HOOK. 10 RODGERS'S ELEMENTS Or MENSURATION, 11. BODGEnS , S KEY TO MENSURATION. 12. COPPER'S ELEMENTS OF ERE CORIC. Elements of Rhetoric, designed as a manual of instruction. - Ey Henry Ceppee, A. Ni.,. author of "Elements of Logic," &e. New vised. ditionr. - _ .. • . 13. COPPER% ELEMENTS OF LOGIC. " Elements of Logic, designed as a manual of instruction. By Henry Copree, A. M. , Professor of Literature in the University of Pennsylvania, and late Principal; Assistant•Prof4s sor of Ethics and English Studies' in the United States Military Academy at Feat Point 14. STOCKHARDT'S CHEMISTRY. The principles of Chemietay, illustrated by simple experiments By Dr. Julius Adolph Stockhardt, Professor in the Royal souls my of Agriculture at Tharand, and hove.' Inspector -of Medicine in Saxony. Translated oy 0: AL Pierce. I. D. Fifteenth thousand. 15 BOWS' LAI lES'. READER. The-Ladies' Reader, design'td for the use of Ladies' Schools and Family Reading Circles; comprising choice selections from standard authors, in prose and poetry, with the essen tial rules of Elocution, simplified , and arranged for strictly practical use. By John W. S. Howarofessor of Elocution. 16. 6si& JUNIOR LADIES' READER, introductory o the Ladiestßeader . . 17. CUPPEE'S SELECT ACADEMIC SPEAKER. Prose Declamation, Poetical Recitation, and Dramatic Reading. 15. THE SCHOLAR'S-COMPANION. Containing -Is'a ercises in Orthography, Derivation, and- Classification. of. English Words. Revised edition, with an Introduc tion and copious index. By Ruins W. Bally, I). TENNEY '6 G 'WEDGY ; Geology for Teachers,. Classes, and PrivateiStudente. By Sanborn Tenney. A. M., Lecturer gia. Physical Geography and Natural His tory in the Massachusetts Teachers'lnstitate. runs-- traced-with £OO wood erwravinon. - 20. REID'S E.SAYr, oIfasfINTELLECT ;JAL P0,99‘ BRS OF MAN. Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man. By The mas Reid, F R. S E. Abridged, with notes and illustrations from Sir William -Hamilton and others Edited by Jas. Walker, D. D.. President of Harvard College. 24. GOODRIEWE PICTORIAL HISTORY OP Roug. 25. GOODRICH'S PIC PORIAL HISTORY OF 4REF.CS. 26. GODRICS PICTORIAL HISTORY OF FRANCE. Hlr 21 GOODRICH'S (PARLEY'S). tiOMIION-SCHOOL TORY OF THE WORLD. Enlarged edition. 23. GOODRICH'S FIRST HISTORY. Introductory to the History of the 29. GOODRICH'S ' I H•ILD'S .PICTORI AL HISTORY OF. TEE UNITED STATES. • GOODRICIPS PICTORIAJ., NATURAL ,HISTOBY: A Pictorial Velure' fitigory, embracing a view of the Mineral, Vegetable,-, and Animal Kingdoms. For the, ace of schools. By ti• G. Goodrich. With 300 engravings.. Supplies, or copies for -examination, with a. viewlc , introduction, furnished to teachers and dealers on liberal terms. , B. H. •BUTLER & CO.. 137 SO . ;101 - Pbliii'rfr gireet $1.60 I-ROLDING 24 PICTURES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBITHS. In the VER'X'• BEST TURKEY MOROCCO BINDING - . REDUCED TO $1.60: PITCHER'S. an3l•3t SOS CHERTNOT Street. HOLDIN 100 , RIOTURES, I $4.00.1- G v.OO. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS PITCHEIVS, an3l-3t SOS CELESTA TM Street SATE 15 10 40 PER CENt I—BUY your PHOTOGRAPHS:CARD FEKSIES, and PHO TOGRAPH ALBUMS, of W. PITCHEILAtOB cemsr- NUT Street. Over 500 different styles of Albums, and - over 8,000 different subjects of Card Pictures. att29-105 808 CHESTNUT Street, above Eighth. • NEW BOORS AT.BEDIIC ED PRICES. Romola. - 1 vol. Svo V. 00 Shoulder-Straps By .6forfol4l•' ... • . 89 Social Condition of the English People. By Kay— 85 .Three lean in Japan . 260 Live it Down 90 - Fanny Remble's Diary 1 00 . Frank Warrington 1 C 0,25 Life of Victor Hugo 1 CO Les Mieerables, complete Harper, . Atlantic; Godey, and Frank Leslie. f , kr September.-- •••• z 20 Peterson;,'-Magazine - 15 ari.29-3t PICTURE'S, SOS CHESTNUT Street. • NEW BOOKS- NEW BOOKS. THE CAPITAL OF THE TYCOON. _A-Narra tive'of a three-years Residence in Japan. By Sir Rutherfoid Alcock. K C. B. 2 vols. 611- ""EBB SOC AL CONDITION AND EDUCATION - OF THE PEOPLE IN ENGLAND. By Joseph Kay, Esq., M. A. , 527. THE BIVOUAC AND. THE BATTLE-FIELD ; or, Campaign Sketches in Virginia and Maryland. By Cap tain George F. Noyes. $1 25 _ SOLDIERS' DIARY AND BOOK FOR LEISURE MO MENTS. 90 cents. • STORIES FOR BED-TIME. Vole 4 and 5 40c. each. HENRY ROBERTS; or, Incidents of the War of 1501- 02-63. By the author of - Ellie Grafton." &c 3,1 cents. For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN. anN • 606 CHESTNUT. Street. TEM PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL -s- FOR SEPTEMBER now ready, contains Physiog nomy Diustrated: Family Likenesses, with Portraits; Sketches of Gen. Grant, Wm.-1,. Yancey, and Thomas Addis Emmett. with Portraits; Phronology of the Riot ers, Illustrated: Weddingitings; Choosing a wife; The American Aborigines; Doings in Dahomey; Cur.osities of Photography; Flogging; A. Wonderful Child; Grow ing in ()TACO: Dines the idiot; Errors of Ednostion; Cri noline; Phonographic Reporters; The Cows try Girl, eta. Only 15c., by first post or $l. 50 a sfar. Address FOW LER & WELLS, N. Y., or J. L. CAPER, 915 TENTH klreet. PhUadelphia., - --ah.29-3t on CENTS 1-- HARPER FP;Et SEP. A . ' T3atpu!i--piTQUIVI3, 806 113 ap N II T Street 4 WM-% IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE. :o.Cc IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, Non. 239 and 241 N. THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, PHILADELPHIA, Rave now open their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Among which will be found a more than usually attrac tive variety of - LURES' DRESS GOODS; Also, a full assortment of • MERRIMACK AND COCHECO PRINTS, and PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. To which they invite the SPECIAL ATTENTION OF CASH BUYERS, an27-2m COMMISSION HOUSES. THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE IS CALLED TO OUR STOCK OF SAXONY WOOLEN CO, all.wool Plain Flannel's. TWILLED FLANNELS, yarious makes, in Gray, Scarlet, and Dark Blue. PRINTED SHIRTING FLANNELS. PLAIN OPERA FLANNELS. "PREINTIERE QUALITY" Square and Long Shawls WASHINGTON MILLS Long Shawls. BLAOK COTTON WARP CLOTHS, 15, 16, 17, 16,19, 20, 21, 22 oz. FANCY OASSIMERES AND SATINETTS BALMORAL SKIRTS, all grades. BED BLANKETS, 10.4, 11.4, 12-4, 13-4. COTTON GOODS, DENIMS, TICKS, STRIPES, SKIRTINGS; Sce., from various Mills. DE COURSEY, HAMILTON EVANS.; 33 LETITIA Street, and Sonth FRONT Street. anl7-inwe2m BAGS! BAGS 1 BAGS I NEW AND SECOND HAND, BEAMLEBB. BURLAP, AND GUNNY BAGS, Conatantly on hand. _JOHN T. BAILEY t CO., No. 113 NORTH. FRONT STREET. 1/BY WOOL SAGES FOR BALE. DRY-GOODS *JOBBERS. CASH BUYERS, AT WHOLESALE, Are invited to examine oar FLANNELS, • BLANKETS, ' - MERINOES, POPLINS, BLACK SILKS, FANCY SILKS, IRISH 'LINENS, WHITE GOODS, ,-DRES GOODS, and other articles adapted to the Season. JAMES R. CAMPBELL it CO., r'27' ate2b-tf CHESTNUT STREET 1863. F A L L 1863. DRY GOODS. HOOD, BONBRIG-HT, ea 00. WHOLESALE DEALERS mg FOREIGN AND. DOMESTIC DRX : GOODS. No. 435 NARKET7STREET, PHILADELPHIA, The attention of the TRADE is invited to their large Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS. Among which are - choice brands of Sheet ing and Shirting, Muslims, Madder , Prints, De 'allies, Gittghams, and SEASONABLE DRESS Goons. • ALSO, MEN'S WEAR IN CIMAT VARIETY. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO •CASH BUYERS. an2o-2m ' 1863 FALL IMPORTATION. 1863 EDMUND YARD ee DWORTERS AND JOBBERS, SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 617 , 617 CHESTNUT and,6l4 JAYNE Street. Have now opened their Fall importation of Dress Goode, via: MERINOS, COBURGS, REPS, ' A_LPAOAS, DELAINES, PLAID AND STRIPED POPLINS FANCY AND BLACK SfLKS. Also, Alarge assortment cif SHAWLS, BALMORAL SKIRTS WHITE GOODS, LINES, EMBROIDERIES, !co„ which they offer to the trade at the LOWEST. MARKET PRICES. anll-11 RETAIL DRY GOODS. NE T W AB A3Sp o 3 v WDERED_, PIANO AND VERY RICH DESIGNS REDUCED- PRICES, SHEPPARD,TAN HARLINGEN, & AMMON, 1008 CHESTNUT STREET anl9-wfml2t WINTER GOODS OPENING DAILY. r Poplins Plain Shades and- Neer Colors. Alpacas,Double andvSingie Width,. choice shades. Newlderinoes, 'Fashionable Colors. • Plaid Mohairs and Valencias. Plaid Flannels and, Cloths for•Shixting. Dila Cotton and Vftol. Delaines. - JOHN' K. STOKES, 702 LRC Street. N. 8.--50 dozen LaditeL. G. Handkerchiefs at do per dozen.. S 9 pairs -Crib Blanhets, good (peaty: att3l CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS AT WHOLESALE!' THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY! CLOAKS-AND KAN VILLAS AT WHOLESALE! CHEAPEST CLOAK STORE IN THE CITY ! COM; TRY MERCHANTS will find a great saving by examining our immenee stock of CLOAKS and MAN TILLAS. of the newest FALL .AND- WINTER STYLES, before snaking tbeir purchases, as doing business at a very small expense, and exclusivedy for cash, we can sell2o per cent. cheaper than any other house D. WATHINs Ss CO., N. B. corner of NINTH and CHERRY Streets. CH.AI3. I EW.ISSON, D. WATKIXS. FRENCH 3tIEBANOES., Browns, Blues, Greens, Pon.les. All-wool Reps, in choice shades. Wool Delaines—Modes and Blacks. Alpacas- Browne, Modes.' and Blacks. FALL CL JARS. Water-pioofs. of Black and Brown Cloths. . • Cloaks made to order. New Chock square Shawls. Black Thibet long andi scpare Shawls. • COOPER & COD-14$D, • am. 29 S. E. sorrier MINIM and MARKET Streets, CLOTHS AND QASS lIVIERES. Opening Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Opening Black Broadcloths. Opening goods for Boys wear. , .• ORDERS Taken for Boys' Jackets, Pants, and Overcoats, for fall and winter wear. also, a select - stock ready-made , Boys' Clothing. COOPER 4 COMAE.% an 29 8, is. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. SUMMER SHAWLS. • Grenadine Shawls. $4 and $4 50. • ' Plaid Spun Silk Shawls, $3.75. Lace Points,46 60. $lO, &c. .Crepe de Paris Shawls. $6. Cloth Cloaks; Silk Mantles, &e. Also, a Large assortment of Summer Dress Goods selling out At very low prices. SEISRPLESS BROTHERS, and CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. • (ir Szii 33 - 4 0 E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE. At prises Eenorally below present, w;s of ,b4por. WRITE GOODS, all deaeriptlon i a. EMBROIDERIES. do do LACER, do do LINEN'HANDKERCHIIIg, .do VEILS. dm. &o 'And rermtfulli iwrit2A ■n taarepotion.ok 10544 ORASTiitiT STREET Qtrna., FURTII:ER REDUCTIONS IN kJ the Prices of all i cza t . at DRESS•CAOODEL . To close out, we lespi redu - ,...1 our siva& o 1 Black and Gray-ground Silk Grenadines to 760. They cost from BUB to $l6O. . All our 600 Freik Bareizes to 2[,c. A1l our 60 and .. ' Arena& °manillas to 3f)ge. All ou Frentl; wrt' bo lose than cost. - - All ourAmcgirau I,,anni4. as lore as the loweat. 100 Pieces 03141.7.0 Styles Chintzes to itkl. Winiairigaille and Wareentta Muslims, SO. Beet Snask Cotton. Flannel, at nice, . _ H. sTEEL & SOB, • jF2 S Pslti. 4113 and 115 North TENTH Hired. EDWIN HALL Sc CIO., 26 SOUTH S. Wrest, axe now offeriog - CR SILKS AT REDUCED PRICES. Black Silks at 811, 1.15,ti, and Bummer Silks at reduced prices. . Foulard Bilks at reduced pvices. • Silk Grenadines at reduce). prices. Fine Organdies at reduced Pricglisigo ol Fine Dress Goode. all veduced,'lt • Fine Modes, Blue_ , and Pearl B Plain. Blues, -Buff, and "Milk 'Percales. ,- or'"French ClAntzes, hist received. . N,• B.—Just received ego case of superior quality Plat* Th - a colors 'Are Browns, Blues, bfodes, rarplit, • 4314,1 4 31ree1t; 41,11,14 kiln qt 411.11. .1720-td:; PLANTATION' BITTERS. The Charleston Courier makes a timely suggestion in recommending the attention of our Government to the naturalization and cultivation of Gal'Bark, for the preservation of the health of our soldiers. This article has a peculiar effect upon the liver, and guards the system against disease by exposure and We- Viler diet. It fe said that the great success of the Plan tation Bitters of Dr. Drake, which, previous to our un happy difficulties, was found in most Southern homes. Was owing to the extract of Calisaya Bark,which it con tained, as one of its principal infrySilents- confir mation of this, we have :heard one of our most diatin- Cala ed physicians remark, that whenever he felt unwell from - ordinary dietetic "or atmospheric causes, he inva riably relieved himself by Plantation Bitters. Now that these Bittern cannot be obtained, a substitute should be prepared. We understand our Government has opened negotiations with Dr. Drake. through a secret agent, but with what truth we do not know. " • 4 , a We are exceedingly obliged to the Richmond Whig (or Its remembrance of " Auld Lang Syne," but we can as sure " Our Government " tb at the Plantation Bitters are not for sale to any "secret agents," North or South. There is probably several other things that " Oar Go vernment" will yet want. We know that we have the beet and Most popular me dicine In the world. We are not afraid to show what it is composed of. Physicians are compelled to recommend it. CALISAYA BARK has been celebrated for over two hun dred years, and was sold during the rata-lief Louis XVI, King of France, for the enormous price of its own weight in silver. It is remarkable for Dyspepsia,Fevers, . . Weakness, ConstiPation, &c. CASCARILIA BARK. —For Diarrhcoa, Cola, and diseases of the stomach and bowels. DANDELTON.—For Inflamatlon of the Lobe and Drop sical Affections. CHAMOMILE FLOWERS. —For enfeebled digestion. LAVENDER FLOWERE.Aromaiits, stimulant, and to nic—highly invigorating in nervous debility. ' WINTER GREEN.—For Scrofula, Rheumatism, dm. ANISE.—An. aromatic carminative; creating flesh, muscle, and milk; much used by mothers unrsing. Also, elove-buds, orange, caraway, coriander, snake root, dm Another wonderful ingredient of Spanish origin, lin. parting beauty to the complexion, and brillianay to the mind, is yet unknown to the commerce of the world, and we withhold its name for the present. Humbugs and Anacks howl about the Plantation Bitters; but the following is what's the matter, and they know it: PLANTATION BITTERS WILL. CURE Cold Extremities and Feverish Lie Sour Stomach and Fetid'Breath, Flatulency and Indigestion. Nervous Affections. Excessive Fatigue and Short Breatk. Pain over the Ryea. Mental Despondency Prostration, Great Weakness, Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowels. ' LIVED COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA Very particularlY recommended to Clergymen, Mar .chants, La7yers, and persons cf sedentary habits. Also, for gentle females and weak persons who require a gentle stimulant, free digestion, good appetite, and clear mental faculties. . • Sold by all respectable Physicians,Drriggists, Grocers, Hotels, Saloons. Country S tores, dw. Be particular that each bottle bears the fac-simile of our signature on a steel-plata label.with our private Go vernment stamp over the cork. jr7i2-wfrm2mif ARMY CLOTHS ! ARMY CLOTHS WILLIAM - T. SRODGRASS'' ARMY, NAVY, AND CIVIL c3L - 400ria kxousir., Not. El- SODTH SECOND and 23 STRAWBERRY Stn. ARMY AN NAVY: ALL SHADES AND GRADES. OUR - MOTTO "QTTICK SALES AND GOOD PROFITS." a022-tee2.3 G W. SIMONS iSa BROTHER, SANSOM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, MANITFACTURER9 OF JEWELRY, FINE SW D ORD% MILPEAEY GOODS' IN EVERY VARIETY. atal-iftha ARMY GOODS. DAER-BLII3 COAT CLOTHS. . DARN-BLUE OAF CLOTHS. • MY-BLUE CLOVES FOR 01FFIONRS. ARMY BLAIIICSTS, STANDARD WE OA 113-OIINCE DUCK. - • DRILLS, STANDARD 'WEIGHT. REIN! LINEN DRILLS AND. DOOR. BROWN AND BLS/0101D BRIETINOS ETD SHIP. MOS. .For sale by- FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. 482-If tt ARMY HATS,- ARMY HATS. AD OLP Et dr ICE E . N 4 .. No, OW North SECOND Street, Philadelphia, Manufacturers of all hinds of PELT Man, him ott hand a large assortment of all the Tarim' and most, approved styles of ARMY la' A T Orders by mail from sutlers or Jobbers, Will be Promptly tilled at the lowest rates. le9o-Bza 1776. • 1863. A .4131. fit-r!.! - - SILK FLAGS'! :! BIIlI1(- I NG I- ' II A. Gill • BUR(FE- ES: PENANTS, • UNION JACIX.I3 STREAMERS; • trilir T IN Gr.!' RED, WHITE, AND BLUE. EVANS da EIASSALI4 MILITARY FURNISHER% )3 , 17-tf Mo. 41S ARCH , STRAW. Philadelphia. au24-mxrf2m FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY,, BY THE CARGO. DRIZERRBD AND PACKED. ON SHIPBOARD, IN BOSTON. ' For sal.a.b7 TUDOR COMPANY, al:ll4dg BOSTON. . t UMBRELLAS ! UMBRELLAS!? WM. A. DROWN Alb NO. 246 MARKET STREET, Ifiannfacturers of SITERB3OR UMBRELLAS. WATCHIES AND ZEWEIANY. G. RUSSELL, PINE AMERICAN and Iroporkid WITCHES. Fine Jewelry. Silver an late(' Ware. &e. JY23-6m AA North SIXTH Street. FINE WATCH REPAIRING 714.11 attended to, by the. most experienced workmen an 'every Watch warranted for one year-'— Ek RUSSELL, TY2S-6rn 22 North RIXTEI Street LOST -AT THE KENSINGTON DE POW. or left in one of the Rvankford city Cars. a CARPETBAG, with,card attached. marked klaarland. Collins .k Co., Pitbeburg. Its contents are of no value except to the owner. A snitabin reward will be given if left with L W Leslie, at, W. IL WOABDWARIVS, No. Si 46; MARKET. Street. att-St*.' TIRAFTED- MEN CAN BE FUR NISHED with SUBSTITUTES and, have them rone-. tered in immediately on application MIMI WA'attrit SWeet t second floor. an2S-Sti.k. TIDIPT VIITPES.-IN THIS STYLE, ORS -11- likeness, REIBIEIt hiLe exgelled roost Wonder f siAplo and pleasing in style. in coloring most neAnra,l and lifelike. Gallons, SECOND> St. above Green. it. TO. AN APPRECIATING rUItLIO, TO. REIMER'S inimitable :Portraits. life-size PikoM graphs, in oil colors, are the most pleasing, attractive and life-like Portraits 'pada. Gallery MOND. street, -It* TP YOU WANT A GOOD, TRUTH FUL. and dare:diet Likeness, MO:also at mciderate cost, ItEISIER'S Colored. Photo the for 401 ' are the Pictoreo to suit you, SECOND St above Green. lt" TIISSOLUTIOIst-OF FAATNERSHIP. -A-Jr —The colon , tnerehto heretofore existing under the firm of BORDRN St,,WALKVIN Iron 'Founders, No, 119 Craven Street. is by mutual consent thts day dissolved. THOS. G .- BORDER. August $9, 18M. atiMr GEORGE A. wAvout A MERIOAN, 00FING SLATES, 4 -A- FULLY KUL 70,19 a BIM WlE t t o ggoATßEi. 1•24-4m* Xl7 wALInn , avast (From the Richmond Whin. I S.-T.-1860-X. P. H. DRAKE - & CO., 2021 BROADWAY. N. Y ARMY GOODS. CIVIL ALL STYLES AND PRICES. UMBRELLAS. PREADELPHIA, AUCTION SALE. BAZAAR-NLNTH AND BAN• _ SON STREETS. SPECIAL PEREMPTORY SALE OF 17T 1 TY HORSES ON WEDNESDAY MORRIE: 4 i. September 2d, at It o'clock precisely, at the Bazaar, will be bold, FIFTY HORSES, These Renee were selected in the estate of Nest York, by parties who have been titling contracts for Lbe Go: VeYnMent. and are adapted for all kinds of work . ; and are now to be sold, to oloss a partnership concern_ au~ if SALE PEREMPT ED ORPTORY.Y. ALFR N. REWIRES& Auctioneer, WANTS. WANTED-AN ENER(3-ETIC SALES MAN in a Drj. , Qcod.w iobblug business. it* SHULL & READ, No. %IMO Church Alloy. W ANTE D--A. YOUNG- MAN AS T Entry Clerk in a Dry Goods Commission house. Address "X, Y. Z," thfe office. a.u31..3L* WANTED-IN A SILK JOBBING HOUSE. a Lad. 15 to 17 years old, whose parents reside in the city. address. Box, 1355 Post 0111ce. sti3l-31 WANTED -BY A MAN OF STEADY •• habits and good address, a situation in the whole sale grocery or produce brodeess: is well qualified for such a position, and can furnish satisfactory reference. an3l-2t.- Address “C P. L." Frei., Office WANTED-ONE OR TWO GOOD Y BOYS, rosnectably nominated. who are not afraid of work, in a Wholesale Dry• Goods Store - on hiarket street. Graduates of the nigh School preferred. An dress "A. 8.," at this office aur-thsynn. lAITA , NPFD--A GOOD IRON SAFE EC Y in excLange, for Board And Tuition in - a first.class Femals Boarding School. Also two rood P1A.N . 03 on tfie same terms Address " 8.," Box 2282. Philadelphia Post Office. anN-ht. TW°TEACHEES WANTED.-/N oraznination will be held la the Bernard-etreet School. WEST CHESTER. Penna.. on S &TURD A.Y. September 5, 1863. at 10 o'clock A. M., for one Firat As siFiant Female Teacher in the High Denaxtment, quali fied to teacb . Prench and if a thematice; salary IWO. Ateo, one 'Female Prineipei of intermediate d.nartment. By order. Can2s-10t.] L. LEVIS. Secretary. WA N TED— $l5 PER DAY.—WE :want reliable, energetic canvaaeere and agent.. in °Yell? .countY for a genteel business. at a commission of front $d to 5615 per day. No humbug. Experienced canvassers preferred, but room for all. Address C. M. DUNN it CO., Publishers, At either Cincinnati, Ohio: Chicago. Minois: or IS& BEADS Street, New York a, - WANTED TO RENT-A CONVE =I nient ROUSE. 'between Tenth and Twentieth and Pine and Green streets. About $3OO. Address Bvc 183, 8.112.9. 2t* AK DEPUTY QUA.RTERMA.STER GENERAL'S OFFION—FSILADALPHIL. Feb. S. 1863. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following polnte : m Torto. • Bey West, Fla. For t Monroe: Va. Alexandria, Va. - Newborn, N. 0. Port Royal, S.C. A. BOYD, felo4f Captain and amid. Quartermaster„ EDUCATIONAL. S M. CLEVELAND'S •scrmor. FAR BOYS WILL RE-OPEN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7Th. The School will be what is usually called "English, Classical, and Mathematical;" or, to define its aims in terms lees vague, the brancheß taught are, to those pre paring for commercial life such as should be included in a generouß English Education; and, to those ;Wing for Colleges, the requisite Mathematical and Classical studies. - Amdicatien may be made at lhe School-room, No. 970 CBESTNOT St., between DA. M. and IP. 15 Can3l-6t B. TAYLOR. TEACHER OF A• Singing and Piano, 1226 MELON Street, will resume September 1. au3l-Im* MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. HALL will re-open their Boarding and Day School. for Yonne Ladies, at 1218 WALNUT Street, on the 14th of SEPTEWBER an:3l-2.m Q,UPPLEE'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNII- L) S. E. corner. MARSHALL and SPRING GARDEN . Streets. Duties resumed Sept. 7th. ENOCH H. SU.RPLEE. A. M., Principal. an3l-1m M• P.GIBBONS INTENDS REOPEN ING FCROOL, on the lith of Ninth month (Sep tember). in the Rooms on ORANGE Street, second gate below Eighth street. an3l-12t* WM. R. COOLEYA. M. WILL RE- I open his Classical. Mathematical, and Engli , h School, at No. 11.1,12, MARKET Street, Monday, s,eptem ber 7. an3l-Im. SELECT SCHOOL AND PRIVATE INSTRUCTION. N W. corner of TENTH and ARCH. Duties reFurned on MONDAY. Sept 7 an3l.l2t* R. STEWART. Principal.... TEVEBLY INSTITUTE FOR BOYS. BP,VERLY: N. .1 . - Reopens Sent - ember 15. Special a d vantages afforded for thorough INSTRUCTION, heal tel physical exercise, and sound moral training. For Circulars, address Rev. 111 L. HOFFORD, Peel. au3l-6t BOARDING. FIRST-CLASS BOARD, HANDSOME - 1 - communicating and single rooms; private table Ii desired. No. 1315 W A.LNTTT street. ie26.2m. PROPOSAL. A SSIST T QUARTERMASTER A GENERAL'S OFFICE, PFITLADELPHTA, 28th August, 180. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until WEDNESDAY, 2d. September, at 12 o'clock M., for the immediate deiivery in city of ig,ht Pauline, 20 feet by 30 fset • { 15 oz. cotton: duck.. Four Paulin. 15 feet by 20 feet, The right Is reserved. to reject all bids deemed too , high. G CROSMAN, au29 tse2 Ass't Quartermaster Genwal. FINANCIAL. T R B SECRETARY a THE TREASURY HA& AUIHORIZID TO CONTINUE MY dOZWCY FOR A BRIEF PERIOD. Midi iutil fuwther notice, I mull• somitiakur to.resseitys Subsariptlons to Atm • 5-20 LOAN. AT P = ARi ♦T MY OFFICE. AND , A O F THE DIFFERENT SD33,LGENCIE9 Whitegaghoitt the Loyal State& JAY COOKE, iBUBSCREPTIOX AGENT: !le. 31* Smith Third -Strop% p, HARVEY THOMAS, 1 ' . ." STOCK AND BILL BROMINE, • ' Mo. 312 WALNUT Street. Wachs sold Lonna bought and gold on Commladen at the BOARD OF BROKIRS. BatescrEPtlona to the 6-20 year eir. per cent. LOAN at: received at par. to oharee for Coraralselon: 179-824. fIOLLECTION OF U. S. OERTBFI CATR3 OP INDICEOPEDNESS. —The ADAMS' BM; PRESS COMPANY are new ..nrenared to sollest at She Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and et reasonable rates, the Cgs. Tear Oertlitcatee o In debtednese of the 'United States now dna or shortly ens tapas% _ . Terms made keown end receipts rive& at die olio No. Nato CIIESNIPI . Street. nivz-tf WOOL. Medium and Fino.. vegy light and elmm In store, and daily Sgraizing,, consignmen±s..ot Tab .and,, Mann, Irem. new. clip WOOKAaN YAR:INS. 19 kr..3oents, fine, on 'haat* COT.TON YILE,NS. No. 6 to 30's, class makee, livf=p. Bnndle„astiCop. N. B. -All mambas and deseAptions procartal at once, on crane. WHILLDIN Ja sorts, an3l-m.wAar lo crilC - . A. Lig Si . . 'ZINGLINII NATCHETS4 BROAD HATCHETS, ASES, NAIL HANKERS ' • ' SHOE kv,SEDIEERS, RIVETING HAMMERS,: and EmirsiEß HAMMERS, MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY - b. HAMMOND do SON, : , • • . 1.07-Im. 518 COMMERCE Eties•4 PhU 1 1 0 FAMILIES RESIDING IN- T 1431 RURAL DISTRICT& - • We are. DiaDared. as heretofore. JO 1111 111 11 7iandlifidlit their Country Residence% faith MET 'DESCRIPTION OW E'NE GR9fJEWES. TEAS. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, favm-tf P.ORNIM SLIIVIIWIW AIM want DR. WILSON'S WATER-OURS OR riteenie Establishment is pleasantly loeatid 854 North T.IIIRTEENTH street,,PhiladeliMa. , gigii.42t* PIILLADBLPHLA r IS North FEAST Street: ADITiSEIIirENTS. WALNUT STREET THE A.TRE Lesbee, Mrs. M. S. aAßßitirrsomr. SPECIAL NOTICE.. In consequence of ton uaterations now in course of completion, the Manageress finds it necessary to postpone the opening until wEDNE , DAY, September 2d, en will poititiyely be presented. the new Spectacular Drama of LAVANGRO, THE GIPSY BROTHER; introducing, for fit. LILO., IL SENORITA CUR IS in . 9 , PPakinz character. The following Ladies and Gentlemen have bean en gaged for the season to anpport the distinguished extist, who will appear: Biro. S. PERRIN. her far: aoptararies, lh s irs G bar tir64 on , oeraliCe. MjiVi,, DE LACY, `Ter tint appearance; Mrs. ,, TR AYES, 001) folee _FL PCRItt bIi„I3I.O4StWEI.DiG, nitreVEk'NEY. 31issDENC 10 -81i.SON, Mies PRIChr The Theatrri,ll real tcely open- DI % &SD/0 SapteroUvr2d. Box (Hue ojes daily from B. an. 3 o'clock, when seats may be seerVed. au3E NEW URBISTNIIT-ST. •THEA.TBK.- Leesee and niaager•••.+-11fr. WDE•WHEICriaIr. • lavil4 S CafIEKE is happy in annonmine •to the'many who , somplaised. , that the Academy Of Music is Me large tosnisY the delicatmy artistic 2 7'SitS of * MR. EDWIN BOOTH'S acting, that he has effecitai an ougsgaraent by EIAVIA" 30 will appear at this ban ()sem Theatrr. FOR A FEIPatIGHTS Olt LY. commencing MONDAY EVEWING", Angest 31st. IN TAG ED I' AND CONTBY: when will be presented Caleniart's romantic Play or THE IROIP'BnEST. EDWIN BOOTH In his suer:, rtile of SIR 3own - RD IMDSTIKER The celebrated Drawer:in note of DUN CIE'SAR DV+'I;,GZ&v• Den C cF ar de Bazan . .... EDWIIk , I3OO rEt In compliance with the r. quc of tne wiry' large audience who witnessed lact•Friday's p grAlrgaance at the acadtnis of Mimic. . . EDWIN" BOOTH'S E44l.Er he will rmleat his UNAPPROACHABLE PEnt(ONATEOI4I of that character. ON TUESDAY EVENITIO;• In pzeparation, and will kllortly he,•••4 , ydnced. VICTOR HUGO'S GREAT :DRAMA. lUY BLAB. Introducing EDWIN BOOTH in an original character. The regular FALL AND WINTER SE AVM will commence at this estaoli.hinent on - SATURDAY, nEPTEAIBER tth..? Owing to the .EXTENSIVE PREPARATIONS necessary for the proper rendition of the I:lat'S rao rro its production will be pokponed till that date:in:whir& ' the celebrated Irish comedian and vocalist. MR COLLINS, who has purchased the sole right of its representation. • in America, will appear in his celebrated charinter of ' C sRRICKFER•AUS. an Irish Soldier of Fortune. wan the songs Wine. • Bright Wine," and "White There's Life There's Hope," FIRST APPEARANCE IN THIS CITY ITN TR.RER YEARS, And MR. WM. WHEATLEY will sustain hia original character of ()APT HERi DE LACIARDERE. Er Seats may be secured three days is advance. an3o -4, -a -Si CAL FUND H ALL, must CAL FUND H A LL, MUSICAL FUND HALL, LOCUST street, between_ EIGHTH and N IN TH. EXCELSIOR! THE G EXChLSIDE GS EXCEL - 910R! HT! THE [HOST! THE GHOST! THE GHOST! THE, anosr! . . THE REAL CHOhT! THE WONDERFUL! THE ASTOUNDING! TEE NAB ,- VELOIIS APPARITION! DIRECTLY PROM PRO.ERSOE. PEPPER, F R S. THE. ONLY CORIECT APPARATUS IN AMERICA! " EVERY EVENING TEEIS• WEEK. at 8 o'clock; and at 3-o'clock. on ... WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY 'ARTER.NOONS, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AcrERNOoNS. The Directors are happylo announce thal,-by verse veraLce and constant experiMenr„ they have brought their Apparition to-a point or perfection , never before at tained since Ghosts w.-re first introdcrel to .he pablic. The iarge and fashionable audisnce present on &Earley night, went away astonished; delighted: and mystified by what they had.een Now that the superior apparatus at Musical Fund Halt is in complete working order, the Directors are enabled to-present NEW FEA-IfURES NEW PHANTOMS. NEW SPECTP-ES, NEW ILLUSIONS, NS GYHATS... each EIICORfSIVIEC niukt, WALKING, TALKING, ,SINGING, SITTING DOWN, RISING 17P, presenting to the beholder the perfect form. and features of a human being, yet possessing the transparency of a shadow, through which any Object marbeseen to pass and repass without the leant rubtsstation . to the appa rition- In coairrection with the Ghost, no entire sew . series of views will be- given by [toss celebrated &FE- Eat TICON, the best in the world. making , altogether the most chaste and elegant ex-hi Mtion extant, and one well calculated to please the more refined stases who etc accustomed to making the - Musical Fund their place of resort. Admission, 25 cents BeEerved: Seats. 2.l;cernts extra For sale at couLri , s,. corner Seventhsand - Chestnni streets. and at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL' att3l-It. CONCERT HALL-CONCERT' HALL. THE GHOST! THE GHOST! GRAND SUCCESS GR at 4 D'hUC'JESS GP THE GREAT'SPECTR ell IBLITGON, THE GHOST! THE Htll),,T! legtOnaateiy and . properly produced, under the personal supervision of . MR. R: WATKINS, the first who presented it to the AMERICAN` PUBLIC' at WallaclA. Nets Y ork; .and pron onnce:d- turbo the ASTOD,ISRIDICI- PHRNOMENON ever exhibited' to the world. It given-ni•ghtlr scene, and with dramatic effects entirely original with,. Mr. Watkins,.precededbp an ex - 1211)1d° n "f the A IffERICAN STEREOPTICON;- anew and novl'Blll2l apparatus, producing! GIG INTIC Sl - EttEostloefu k•Lt;eullES covering over 4:C00 , equare feet of illuminated canvas, most exquibitel) perfect and exactly.fatthfal. From one to ten thousand persons can look at once, as they would at the actualecene. iiIPATHET IC SATISFACTION. Aar The r. sources of the Stereopticon are endless 0135EF VE. THE gIIO ir IS VISIBT.E EVERY , EV ENING, -EVERY EVENING; and on bATIURDAY AFTERNOON, AT CONCERT HALL. 414- Tickets 5 . cents Secnred Seats-25 cents extra. Doors open at o'clock. Commence atS au3l4f 111 STITUTION FOR , TUE BLIND:- The term will commence TUESD AY, September The Exhiliiticess will continue: as usual. every WED-- NESD el AFTERNOON. at 3.3 f, o'clock: Store; No. ll•S. EIGHTH treet IiTi.TALAW CH tt, suSl.2O , • Principal. SEION ABLE DANCING! AO A.D E -L2 MX.- D. L. CkEPENTEN, will open his-elegant ROOMS, No. G2s' .ARCH Street,. for. the reception. of scholars, on TUESDAY, September let. Circulars can be - had at No. 025 ARCH Street an 29. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY ON TEE Fnua ART?, 2.02/6 CRESTWUT 6.111.1D1T. OPEN LAILI (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. IL flib. BP. X Admission 26 cents. Children half price. 30329-11. EXCURSIONS. , FL A.G:PRESENTATIOW Fa'FFFiiPFAT CAMP On Ncorth‘ Pennsylvania. Railroad; ON MONDAY, AUGUST 31, IRM Extra Trains -will leave BERKS-STREET STATION•tor the Camp. cm August 31st, at 2 P. M. and 3-30 P.. RETURNING Leave Chelton Hills (Station nearest Camp) at 6'16 P. 211. an d7 - 30 - P. Fifth and Sixth-streets . line- of. City., Passenger Cars connect at Berks-street: GLA , RK. A GENT. SUMMER RESORTS. :CONGRESS- HALL, GAPE- MAY.- : Tha public ara respectfully informed that this first - - class Hotel will coatinne open nnyil the 20th of SEPTEM BER The railroad is now comp./tad from-Philadelphia :Oa this irnequallel - watering-place. and 3 . ‘trains rim laity to and from Philadelphia. accommodating terms for families at Als house can be made on and afrer the Ist of Rentember. •141 IL LER , * WEST. an26.32t Proprietors. 'THE SEA SHORE. awn- , Zt 0 R S 13 A suinn3R- ARIUS GBBEINTF. - BAUM% AND ANSA - FMB RAMAIDA.IS. On. and Eau NO - NBA" /rive 15114 i 1, tyslus for 44- Battle Ci , / wiR leave Tivigutrset Zia .o.vm as follows! Mail Wats levees.. ...... ........ . ... 130 /4 111 _Expressc-ivias leaves".. . 6.45 P. Mt Freight "zeir., with pas,eu--sear-eur adisched— 9.66 A. 10. Rei wtaluit• leavec ktkeutiaßtty-t" Mail train.... • • ...... . ..... • •••••••• • 4. 5 . 6 MaTrezcfrata........ 6. 00 A.. 4 , Yrelgl:/ .... . ... . .... ~...... ..... 12.05. FaSS. Atia.mtie s Tteketa. geed the (IVY and train ce/Y, or slow* on Saturday and va Qui Monday 'curving, dia. - A.4A . etteutsiodetivu.Trela u•,. and D. B. B. E. ties will leave N'tto: street au 5-.15 P. M. ;stun:taw Aelti4: - mol.e.ingnt 6.15. EXTP.A. IiA.D.DWIPIRLD TRAINS -Lea;; Tlue ste"."et at 10.16.1... 31"' and 45 P. B. Leave.EaditerAeld at 12.16P.M. and 3 P. M TWO. N11.14.19N. isisf DAILY LINE TO CAS";_ I.unownsizr-kflAY.—on and, after W NRS DA Y ! August 5. - - the steamer'SIA.N.DATTAN Centaiii Relict* Kirby, will leave Arch street wharf at 9 o'clock - A; M. every 'IIThESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY. fO7= C tP.B 'SAL and the steamer WILSON Sid ALL. CaPtaiXL SIIVITH BIIGHT, every 3IOF. O AY; W &ft Clatiftai and P - RI.D AY. Returning,. Will leave CaPa Key stopping at New Castle, connecting. with. ks, Bald more lines daily. going and. returning. F 3 34 from Philadelphia, $2 50. 41, New Castle, - 200. C arriage hirs included; Meals extra. Children ann. Se'rvants half price. Carriage hire for Serynats extra. No freight received after eight o'clock. ardre.o INSURANCE COMPAnS. VAME INSUBANC loq CHEBTNEMBtreet PHILAD7 FLEE AND INLA DIEU ..I'rancis N. Buck, Chas. Richardson. Henry Lewis, Jr„ John W. Rosman. philio 8, Justice. O. W. Raids EMMIOO DF. WILKIN, • ATTORNEY AND COHNSF,,LI,OR AT LAW, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Has been constantly engaged in the practice of hie pro feseion. and •the collection of , Claims; at Nashville, for the past FOURTEEN TEARS. REFEILENDER: Messrs. Sibley,. Moulton, -& Woodnaff; Messrs. Bar, croft & CO. anl3-Ims INTERNAL RE rEN U.K-OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES ASSESSOR:OF THE SECOND. DISTRICT, 1231 CHESTNUT Street, PhiladelPhis, RICHARD T. GUNIPEAT has been appointed-Assist ant Assessor of the Twelfth Dimixdon in my district, Which is that portion of the. Ninth ward soath aide of. Market at, eat, from,Seventh streato Broad. aril& wfm6t ' THOMAS W. SWEN&Y, Assassog. P. - SCHITILEBIS svPmaloii, nri s Tr yysteAt.overstraxis tetnere PIANOS fro= 160.1 upward. For sale by the maker 90S KARA' Wool ieft4be* _ 626, GOLDTROBP & Ca, 625.. Manufacturers of • Tassels. Cords Frigges, Curtains., and PorulkuMa Chum Curtain Cords, CsatreTaaselia Pictr,ra cud Pkotorra_Fk Tassels.litain TrimlitniXlL Militam and DIVS4I Trlnnuluirs,Ribbons Neck Thai ots. , No. alai& MA 'T Street. esa-Fet .. vhiladajahla. rTir,'A.RE T.-1,200 CASES OF' DIF -FERSNT nnalities reooirod for sole by CHAS: S. & JAS. C-ARSTATRS. I.26WALliter St. and RI) 010.211 TH St. A PRICIAN GINGER-40 000 POUNDS, - 4 - Pilsuelng It andlandeol6 e. duty paid ; for sale by an2ll-tf WI I . W O. I • REP Sc LATOIIR , BASKETS LA -4-4 TOUR ULITS 011 inet' ri.zeireti per brig Pandora. and for sale:by , '.TAU.RATCUE L AVE ti.GNE. - ~ an?,9- ' 20% and 5104 South PROST 'Street. ( 1 11.A.M PA GNE.---A.N INVOICE OF Gold Lae." and t Gloria " Champagne, in quarto. and pi nta,inst received per French ship'Ltee Amelia." Far sale ley CHAs. S. Sc JAS. CARSFA.R3, • Sole Agent*. ai L 27 Itee.-126 WALNUT Ephialk gaiar rE stx. MRS r.LT &MB. Miss BROW etc Meson>. E L. PE 1.91 g -m N Mr ". W H ASH BPAIG&LEY, S B. YOUNG. so N' A. T, a, “10.1113 S FERRIS, J. zi. dU 001. Pa R' f 1 POWERS, etc. 1E COMP-ANY, NO. lELFRIA. .ND INSTIWTOZ. MODEL Geo. 3. West, Sohn Kessler, Chas, Etok oe_akt.7as, • A. H. It_. .Tosegh D. Ms. BUCK, Presideht. CHARDSOL'iricePreeldeli D. Seeretarr. rials-teit
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