FOREIGN MISOILLINY. MIMANCECOLY IJABB. of empiricism wall recently - brought before one of the correctional tribunals of the west of France: The accused Was an herb doctor, who was charged with having a short time previously literally baked a woman alive, in order to cure an attack of rheum tient from.which she had•long suffered. The cure for this disorder, practised by the Sieur Lenoble 44 with success upon his own father," was to put his patients, lying in a bed of reeds freshly plunked from a river, in a baker's oven till their couch should be reduced to powder Withthe heat. The husband of the woman whom Lenoble last cooked deposed to her having, when shut up an hour in the ovenicomplain ed that her side was burning. The quack ascended into the chambre ardente and applied some leaves to the burn. He had hardly descended when the pa tient complained of another burn. The same remedy was no sooner applied to it than the woman Oarre said that her physician "must remain with her in the stove till the rheumatism would be baked out of her." She then cried out that she felt herself ill from head to foot, on -which Lenoble assured her that it was nothing, for that, if she wanted to be cured, she must endure all the suffering it was pos sible to inflict upon her. After a long, interval of silence, which struck the quack as being very strange, " seeing that the woman chatted to him during the application of the cure," he resolved to draw her out of the oven. She was then senseless. Vinegar and reed roots were then applied, but with out effect, and the next morning the unhappy woman died without having, in the meantime, shown any sign of consciousness. The utmost penalty of the law was not inflicted on Lenoble. He was con demned only to pay a fine of 50 francs and to six rconths , imprisonment. A CHARACTER.—The following curious story o one erratic Monsieur Yivier we find in our foreign Men "A few days ago Mons. Vivier was invited to spend three days at the Chateau de the sum• neer residence of the Princess de —. He had been' repeatedly invited to this mansion; but, were he to accept every invitation, even every princely invita tion extended to him, he would never have an hour to himself. This lady occupies so high a'rank, and her invitations have been, as I have said, so fre quent, that he at last accepted one of them, and went to the Chateau de —. He carried his famous horn (which is really a magic horn) with him. He was received in the most cordial manner, and during his whole visit nothing could have been more flattering than the delicate attention with which he was treated by every one. His visit ended, he returned to town, and the next day he was waited upon by the factotum of the Princess, who came to return him official thanks for the pleasure given the com pany and to present him with the trinket with which profeseional amusers are paid on the-conti nent. M. Vivier bowed down to the ground as he received the morocco casket, and begged the factotum to return to the Princess de his most respectful compliments. He dared not open the casket in the presence of the factotum; but, as anon as the visit was over, he examined the reward sent him for his entertainment of the aristocratic circle visiting the. Chateau de —. He was furious to see that the present sent him was a paltry breastpin, without a single diamond to adorn it. He determined to punish the Princess for sending a man of his talents so miserable a reward, and this is - the manner in which he avenged himself. He carried the breast pin to the pawnbroker's, and raised money on it; then he sat down and wrote the Princess this letter : " MADAME : My pen fails me when I attempt to express to you my profound gratitude for the souvenir with which you have deigned to honor my poor ta lents; It is most deplorable that the uncertainties -and wretchedness of an artist's life should expose me to part with so precious an object ! You must know, madame, that improvident and prodigal men like myself are often driven to retrieve , ill.fortune by every means in their power. lam just at this time in one of those embarrassed moments in which the necessity conquers the most stubborn principles: This morning, to silence my landlord, I was obliged to carry to the pawnbroker's the present you deigned to make me. It was not without a most throbbing heart that I parted from this rare trinket. As this jewel is perhaps one of those treasures which you have inherited from your illustrious ancestors, and as you may be adverse from seeing it in those sordid hands to which we are obliged to ' confide so many things, I hasten to send you the pawnbroker's certificate, in order to enable you, in the event of' my death, to 'redeem an object, a retie whose absence cannot but be noticed among your patrimonial heir-looms. Believe me madame, I shall forever retain the utmost gratitude for the munificence with which you have overwhelmed me. lam your respectful servant, VIVIER." DR. CRAsirzeux, a surgeon in the French navy, was consulted in 1827 by a cavalry officer, M. "Elophe, about a small sore which he had had in the nape of the neck since June, 1815. This sore would sometimes heal, and remain closed for about .a week or so ; but at the end of that time it would again be come painful, then open and suppurate as before, and so on. M. Elophe had belonged to the old Guard, and at the battle of Waterloo charged the- British cuirassiers, but was hit on the breast by a fragment of a howitzer shell,- and fell insensible from his horse. He was just coming to himself _ again, when the grenadiers, driven back by the lancers, passed over him, and the latter, seeing be was not dead, wounded him in several places with their lances ; one of these wounds was inflicted on hie neck. Repulsed in their turn, the lancers passed over him again - rand the grenadiers, seeing him attempting to get up, car ried him to the rear, where his wounds were dressed. Since then he has always been afflicted with this iletulous sore. On probing it, Dr,Champeaux felt something hard at the bottom, and soon discovered from the sound that it must be a metallic fragment, most probably a lance. The extraction was resolved upon and succeeded ; the extraneous body extracted was found to be one of the thin brass scales which cover the straps of a helmet -or a grenadier's cap, and which had been violently forced into the wound by the lance. This inconvenientgueat had remained in for eleven years; the wound got well, and M. Elophe only died this year, and, therefore, survived the battle forty-eight years, and the operation thir ' A HURRICANE of unusual violence at this season - had just been experienced at St. Hamelin, in the Loire, France. It was preceded by a heavy fall of bail, which caused great injury. The fiver called the Mare rose four feet high in a few minutes, and swept everything before it. A number of trees were torn up by the roots; the roofs of houses raised and carried to a great distance ; some walnut trees re moved with the earth round their roots, and other very large ones broken. The hail-storm caused great injury among the vineyards on the hills over St. Maroelin. Fortunately, none of the inhabitants perished, but several birds, serpents, and lizards were found dead in the fields. Tun law's delay is frequently the object of gene ral complaint ; but , such an example as the follow ing is not often seen: On the 30th September, 1785, in the Duchy of: Mecklenberg•Schwerin, the shoe makers of several towns brought en action against the authorities of Rostock for refusing to allow them to sell their productions in that place. The judg ment has only just been given at the end of seventy. eight years. The decision is in favor of the plain tiffe,.and the principal magistrate of Rostock will ex pose himself toe fine of 1,766 f. If he again refuses the shoemakers of other towns to attend the fair and dispose of their goods. THOSE of our readers who have "Southern pro clivities" will be gratified by a few personal details I of that truly great man, the King of Dahomey. The King is a very fine-looking man, upward of six feet. high, broad shouldered, and has a pleasant counte nance when he likes. His eyes are bloodshot, which may arise from want of rest or other causes. He is a great smoker but does not indulge much in the bottle: His skin resembles the copper color of the American Indians. He is very active, and fond of dancingand singing, which he practices in public during the " customs." , He is much addicted to the fair sex, of whom he possesses as many as he likes. He is about forty-three years old. On the days when " customs ' arc going on, there is a procession of the King's " treasures," including the human sacrifices, which consist of men with their bands and feet tied, each carried in a basket by one man, on the top of his head. The men are car ried three times round the square, the first time stop ping opposite to where the king is sitting, where the bearers receive a glass of rum each from an Amazon in attendance. They then pass through the gates to the platform, half a mile off. The procession usually lasts twoidays, and human sacrifices pass round both days. Commodore Wilmot, who saw these things, talked with the king about the slave trade, and his Majesty naively wanted to know why, then, if it was wrong, whitamen came to buy slaves; and, be side, be must have the money—depended. on the slave trade for money, &a. King D. could not give up the sacrifices ; it would be revolutionarr, and his own head would be off first. War- in Dahnmey is constant. There are 6,000 female 'warriors in the army, yvho are superior to the males in all the requi sites of a soldier ; they are enlisted quite young, and trained to the , musket. They carry enemies' skulls in their girdles—we do not notice that they make linger-rings from bones. The whole army numbers 10,000; the whole population 180,000. - QUERN VICTORIA, with all her good qualities, has the weakness common to all countries where the population are divided by caste or class, and will not allow marriage of members of the royal family below the condition which royal etiquette fixes for them. Some time ago the Princess Mary of Cambridge, cousin to the Queen, toolelt into her head to fall in love with the la te . Duke of Ham iffon, and would have married him had not the Queen got on the rampage. A member of the royal family to marry a subject So the Princess Mary was obliged to forego the opportunity of getting a huaband, and Hamilton going to Ger many, married ruprincesa of the Grand Ducal family of Baden. Mary -of Baden, daughter of the Grand Duchess Stephanie, and niece of the Empress Jose phine, while the unlucky cousin to the Queen, fat, fair, and not far from forty, interests herself in cha ritable institutions, and takes frequent drives, in Hyde Park with her aged mother, the Duchess of Cambridge, the by , standers removing their hats as she passes. She is , a royal princess who may not marry a subject, however rich or worthy. . The Duke of Hamilton, above referred to, while on his way to rejoin his family in Baden. lately, re ceived a fall in Paris,_causing concussion of the brain, from Which he died. By the connection which his marriage. gave him, the Duke was very intimate with the imperial family at Paris. His body was conveyed, to the family tomb in Scot land, while -his son, a lad of eighteen, suceeeds to hit titles, position, and estates. He was Pre mier Peer of Great Britain, tenth duke of the name, and 'Duke of Chatelrauth in France ; immense territorial domains are attached to the Scottish title. Hamilton Palace is a magnificent princely residence, possessing a splendid, picture gallery, which contains, among other gems, the .celebrated picture by Huber's., of "Daniel in the . Lion's Den," known to all lovers of art, and commonly styled the •‘ glory of Hamilton." The Duke was a grandson of the celebaated...Beckford, of 'Foothill Abbey, his father-in-raw having married the daughter of the merchant prince, immortalized in Childe Harold as ".England's wealthiest eon." THE honorable and learned member for Westmin ster, Sir De Lacy Evans, who has fought many brit tient battles in Spain, and who invaded the Crimea without loss of life or limb, measured his full length on the floor of the. House of Commons the other eve ning, in a very distressing and undignified manner. The honorable and gallant gentleman was passing in front of the Trosnry.Bench, when his apura got - entangled, some way:or other, in *the long legs of the Right lion. F.' Peel;.,the ,Finanoial Secretary to the Treasury, and the result was, that he loot his balance, and sprawled over the feet of the whole Cabinet 1 Lord Palmerston most fortunately managed to get his legs out of the Way in time, and escaped disaster; but Mr. Milner Gibson and the C hancellor of the Exchequer were sadly spurred, although they good-naturedly picked up the member of Westminster and set him upright. Mr. Frederick Peel rubbed his shins, as well he might—an ()Pere tion which occasioned no small amount of amuse ment to the occupants of the Treasury Bench• op posite. For the future, it is clear that Sir De Lacy must either abandon the spurs in the House of Coin mons, or Mr. Frederick Peel must keep his legs out of the way. The former, we need scarcely say, is far more easy of accomplishment than the latter,— Court Journal. METERI3BIIII has composed a grand chorus, entitled "A Hymn to Jupiter, which he has presented to the town of Florence, to celebrate the fete day of its patron saint, and to celebrate the anniversary of the battle of Solferino. A blare NABOOTIO.—At the last meeting of the Royal Society of Tasmania, a quantity of "pitch. erry," a narcotic plant brotight by Mr. King, the explorer, from the interior of Australia, where it is used by the natives .to produeet intoxication, was presented by Mr. W. Johnston'. In appear ance it resembles the stem and . leaves of a small plant partly rubbed into a coarse powder. Mr. Johnston remarked thet on one Oticasion Mr. King swallowed a small pinch of the"' powder and de scribes its e ff ects as being aimed identical with those produced by a large quantity of spirits. , very definite description of Dui plant could be ob tained. A. sample of the powder has been given to .Dr. Mueller, but it is too much broken up for him even to hazard a guess as to the nature of the plant whence it is derived, TER EMANCIPATION QIIBSTION IN MISSOURI:. An immense mass meeting of the loyal men of North west Missouri was held at St. Joseph, Missouri, on Saturday last, to take into consideration the eman cipation ordinance adopted by the late State Con. vention. The number df persons present is esti. . mated by the reporter of ;the St. Louis Democrat at eight thousand. Resolutions were unanimously adopted approving the:policy:Yr the National Act ministration in the vigoroupprosecution of the war ; condemning the administration of Governor Gam. ble ;, declaring slavery the cause of the mar, 'and ~ r atimancipation 'necessary, to an assured and peraus mdMve ; condemning the ordinance of emend ric4.LattiLiAr Lee teetß. akog..Ff le ."(C1,22... .04 !rr kivell buy El bsre !t, Trua pation adopted by the recent State Convention, and demanding a new Convention,in order that an or dinance more in accordance ith the wishem of the be people Mayadopted: THE WEALTH op BOBTON.—The total wealth of Boston, as valued by the city assessors, is, three hundred and two million five hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars, an increase from last year of twenty-six millions five hundred and sixty-nine dollars, in part caused by the advance in prices der the in se r h e e n r t a tm o liL : a h x e a q o e n s e u n n t c o: e ft s :fa ir e s x . ed rMtises consequent upon the war and the augmented state tax is small, being but eleven dollars and fifty cents per thousand, which it a cheaper, rate than in many of the suburban towns.- The Queen's Letter. Queen Victoria, kind-hearted and,.hating cruelty, has, written a letter which, if we may believe Eng lish urnals,. will at once put a stop to .an 'amuse ment which grew lately to be one of the most popu lar in'F,ngland, and which was certainly a disgrace to the English people—the exhibition of women as rope-walkers. At Birmingham, the other day, a poor woman was advertised to walk a rope blindfolded, and in' a sack, before the " Ancient and Honorable Society of Fe resters.” She did so ; the rope broke ; and she fell to the ground and was crushed to death. She was pregnant at the time. To the shame of Englishmen, the audience, instead of dispersing, demanded the continuance of the amusements. Upon this . the Queen sends a letter to the Mayor of Birmingham, asking him to 1.155 his influence to put a atop tei such exhibitions. An English journal assures us that this will put down such shows, for the following curious reason •. There can be, little doubt that, whatever the other effects of the letter, it ends for this generation the career of female Blondins. - All that is good and all that is bad in the national character will now unite to compel forbearance, from such'exhibitions. They have always been inhuman—they will now be unfashionable.” The Queen's letter does credit to her good heart. We have but one fault to find with it, and that is a fault of her amanuensis. That person, who signs himself 0. B. Phipps, wrote . " Her Majesty cannot refrain from making known through you her personal feelings of horror that one of her subjects, a female, should have been sacrificed to the gratification of the demoralizing taste, un fortunately prevalent, for exhibitions attended with the greatest danger to the performers." Now, why female?. Why not woman? The poor creature was a woman. What were the persons who looked on at her death, and insisted that the per.. formanee -be continued, is another matter. Mr. Phipps may call them what he pleases.—Post. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. • JAMES R. CAMPBELL, ) E. W. DE COUNSEL COMMITTEE OP THE MONTE NAMES C. HAND, LETTER BAGS AT THB MBILINEANTB' EXOHAIWGB. PHTGADELPHIA. Ship Saranak, Rowland Liverpool, soon Brig Reoka, Burne St. Domingo City, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF. PRIMADELPHIA, Aug. 24, 11363 SUN RISES 6 20-SUN SETS 6 45 HIGH WATER --- 8 18 ARRIVED Brig Isabel Buermann, Hutchinson, 4 days from Providence, in ballast to captain. Brig Loch Lomond, Black, 5 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Schr Geo Edward, Weeks, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Schr Mantua, Rieman, 1 day from Frederica, Del, With oats to Sas Barrett & Son. Schr Jesse L , Leech, Endicott, from Lingan, C B, with coal to City Gas Co. Schr Isaac Carver, Shute, from Fort Monroe, in ballast to D Pierson & Co. Salt D S Mershon, Allen, from Salem, in ballast to captain. ' Schr Trade Wind, Corson, from Boston. Behr E Pharo, Leech, from Tuokerton. Steamer Fairchild, Trout, 24 hours from 'N York, with mdee to W M Baird & Co. Steamer Tacony;Pieree, 24 hours froio. N York, with miles to W Pa Baird & Co. Steamer D Utley , Phillips, 24 hours from N York with mdse to W Baird & 00. • CLEARED Steamship Saxon, Matthews, Boston, H- Winsor. Bark White Wing, Brooks, Lagnayra, J Daliett & Co. . Bark Chas Brewer, GranfrAspinwall, J E Bazley & Co. Brig Henry Leeds, Smith, Portsmouth, Noble Caldwell & Co. Sax Chris Loeser, Laws, Boston, do Schr Leon, Rose, Norfolk, S Caldwell. Mir A Wooster, Wooster, St John, N B, E A Souder k Co. - - - - Schr Maria Fleming, Shaw, New London, Sin nicheon & Glover. . . _ Sat. Trade "Wind, Corson, Boston, Elakiaton Graf Br. Co. _ _ Schr B Pharo, Leech. New Haven. R H Powell. Schr Wm Grawlord, Riggs, New Bedford, Oastner Stickney & Wellington. Str Swan, Rose, Sassafras river, captain. Str W Whilden, Riggins, Sassafras river, captain. MEMORANDA Ship. St Helena, Springer, from Akyah, at Bre merhaven 6th inat. Brig D 0 Oastner, Fossett, hence at Boston 21st inst. Brig A. F Larrabee, Oarltale, hence at Salem 26t1i Brig Geo Harris, Stowers, hence at Boston - 20th inst. Schrs Win Paxson, Corson, and Ezra F Lewis Wallace, sailed from. Providence 20th inst for this port. Schr Ephraim Sr. Anna, Jones, hence at Baker's Landing 19th inst. Schr S T Chartre, Chartre, hence at Boston 21st inst. Sohn Mecca, Hocking, hence for Boston, and Dia mond, Brown, from Rondout for this port, at Holmes Hole 19th inst, and both sailed 20th. Schr Sidney Price, Godfrey, from Glace Bay, CB, for this port at Holmes , Hole 19th inst. LEGAL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT " THE BANK OF GERMANTOWN " intend to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at their next session, for a renewal of their. Charter. Said Bank is located in Germantown, .Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized capital of TERSE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLL ARS t a renewal of which will be asked for, with the usual banking privileges. • By order of the Board. • CHARLES W. OTTO,Caaier.. Germantown. June 22. 1863. . Je22-m6m* IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR - 1 -' THE qrfr AND COUNTY oy PHIL ADELPTILL . . - - - - - Estate of MARY MoNABB, deceased.esd The Auditor appoint by the Court to audit. settle.. and adjust the account of J. DE ANGELI and PATRICK MULLEN, surviving Execntote of the last will and testament of Mary McNabb, deceased, and to report dis tribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of Ids appointment, on FRIDAY, the 4th day of September. at 11 o'clock A. M , at the Wetherill House, RANSOM, above Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. au2l-fmw-5t TH. PMATT POTTS, Auditor. TN THE. ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY ANpCOUNTYOFPHILADELPHIA. - - Estate of WILLIAM WATT, deceased. - - The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle, and adjust the account of ANTHONY CONRAD, Ad ministrator of the estate of WILLIAM WATT, decessed, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties interested for the RuN hrarlintrl on S lt eb l a d E igM,alcocn the WetherellHouse. SANSOM Street, above Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. TH. PRATT POTTS, Auditor. au2l-frow• St TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE -a- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. SAMUEL WEBB. Assignee of C. & J. FALLON, vs. GEORGE MARTIN and TAMES S. KEEN, terre te nant. June Term, 1363; No. 91 Alias Levan Pastas. The Auditor appointed by the Court to report distribu tion of the fund arising from the sale by the Sheriff, un der the above writ, of the following-described' ground rents, to wit No. A ground .rent of SM, payable half yearly by Amos Carlisle, his heirs' and assigns, on the first day of the months of January and July, out of and for— All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the sonthwesterly corner of the Reading Railroad and Ken- - sington avenue, in'the Nineteenth ward. of the city of Philadelphia; thenee southwesterly along the north westerly side of Kensington avenue 100 feet 3% inches to Lehigh avenue; thence northwesterly along the' north easterly side of said Lehigh avenue 55 feet 134 inches, to a point; thence still northwesterly 44 feet 10% inches, to a point ; thence northeasterly on a line parallel with said Kensington avenue 93 feet inches to said railroad; thence southeasterly along the southwesterly side of said railroad 100 feet, to the place of beginning. No. 2 A ground rent of $137.60, payable half yearly by the said Amos Carlisle. his heirs and assigns, on the first day of the months of January and July, mu of and for— All. that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the southwesterly aide of the Reading Railroad, in the Nine teenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; beginning at the distance of 224 feet 10 inches southeasterly from the cor ner of said railroad and Kensington avenue; containing in front orbreadth on said railroad 100 feet, and extend ing in length 'or depth of that width southwesterly be tween lines parallel with Jasper street 100 feet a inches, to Lehigh avenue. No. 3. A ground rent of $203, payable half yearly by ;ohn R.: Conrad and Lewis Yerkes, their heirs and as- - signs, on the first day of the months of January and' -f nly, out of and for—All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the southeasterly - corner of the Reading Railroad and Kensington avenue. in the Nine teenth ward onus city of Philadelphia; thence extend ing southeasterly along the southwesterly aide of said railroad 124 feet 10 inches; thence southwesterly on a line parallel with Jasper street 190 feet 9% inches, to the northeasterly side of Lehigh avenue; thence north westerly along ;the northeasterly side , of said Lehigh avenue 122 'feet i 5% inches,. to said Kensington avenue; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly side of said Kensington avenue 100 feet 334 inches, to the place of beginning. - - No. 4 A groitnd rent of $137.50, payable half yearly, by John R. Conrad and Lewis Yerkes. their 'heirs and as signs, on the 'first day of the months of January and - July, out of and for—All that certain , lot or piece of ground, situate on the southwesterly side of the Read ing Railroad, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Phi ladelphia, at . the distance of 124. feet 10 inches from the southeasterly corner, of said railroad and Kensington avenue; containingiri front oft breadth on said railroad 100 feet,- and extending of that width in length or depth southwesterly between -lines parallel with Jasper street 100 feet 5% inches, to Lehigh avenue— - Will attend to the duties of his app ointment on TUES DAY, the 25th day of August.lB63, 4 o'clock P. M at his office, No. 114 South - SIXTH Street. in the city of Phi ladelphia, when and where all persons interested are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming upon said fund. • anl4-10t WALTER J. - BUDD, Auditor. IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. WILLARD A. • SHUMWAY, and °there, vs SARAH ROBINSON, and. WM. A. ATKINSON, Sheriff arKent Petition and Affidavit for Injunction. Afterwards Bill filed. Suppconas as to defendant SARAH ROBINSON returned ' Non est." (The object of the Bill in this case is to prevent the ap plication of the proceeds of the sale of Potter Griffith's real estate to a judgment of Sarah Robinson, charged by the complainants to he fraudulent.) March 26th; Affidavit of Geo. W. White flied, that the defendant, Sarah Rcbinson, does not.reside the State of Delaware, but resides in the city of- Phila delphia. (COPY OF ORDER.) _• - - And now, to wit., this Sci day of April, in the year ; of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three,- this cause coming before the Chancellor, upon the mo tion of Jog. P. Comegys, Esquire, the complainants' solici tor, and the writs of subpeena aforesaid, and the Sheriff's returns thereon being seen and examined: and the affi davit of the aforesaid G W, White being' heard, it is ordered by the. Chancellor that the aforesaid defendant, Sarah Robinson.. appear in this cause on MONDAY, the 26th day of September next: And it is ordered and di rected by the Chancellor, that a copy of this order shall, at least thirty days before the next Term of this Court, be inserted in The Prem, a newspaper published in the city of Philadelphia. in the States of Pennsylvania, and shall be continued in said newspaper for the space of thirty days next after its publication; and also, that a copy of the said order shall, within the said thirty days, be posted up in the office of Register of this Court, and at the Court-House door of this county. STATE OF DELAWARE. KENT COUNTY, BS: [SISAL.) William R. Cahoon, Register, in the Court of Chancery for the State of Delaware, in and for Kent county aforesaid, do hereby certify that the above is a correct abstract of the proceedings in the before-named suit in Chancery, and, also a correct copy of the order made by the Honorable SAIIUEL HARRIS OTON.-Chancellor of the State of Delaware, in said case. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court. this Mtn day of August, in the year of our Lord one thou and eight hundred and sixty. three. anlB-30t, - is WM. R. CAHOON, Register in Chancery. EXECUTORS' SALE OF COAL LAND.—A,valuable tract of coal Land, containing about ISO acres, situate In RUTH township,. Schuylkill county, Pa,, known as the • ' Catherine Barger " - tract. Bounded by the Valley- Furnace lands, and 'the .Big Creek lands. • • t On the lands . adjoining and contiguous to this tract are genera/ f irst-class Coltieries, whistL mine annually from 20,000 to 126.000 tons of superior White Ash Coal. This tract has been shafted in two or three places, and the veins of coal proven on the same. The titleis per fect. • For further particulars and terms address the un dersigned, No. WAS WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. • HENRY D. MOORE L _ ceas tutors GEORGE P. MCLEAN, • Executors of the estate of JOHN HoCANLES, de .. - au3-IM, A MEBIOAN BO OFING SLATES, a -3, - TULLY EQUAL TO THE BEST WELSH SLAM tds4ne , Witriallaa SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1803, at 4 o'clock, at Sansoreestreet All that certain factory mill and lot or piece of ground situate late in the borough of Manayunk, in Roxbor borough township now the T wenty-first Ward of the city of Philadelphia; beginning at a stone at the edge of the river Schuylkill, a corner of land now or late or the Schuylkill Navigation Company. thence alontua line of said land north, sixty-four degrees and fifteeeminutes east, about two hundred feet to the Flat sock road, so called; thence along said road south, forty degrees and thirty minutes east, seventytsix felt to a corner of -land of 'Whitaker and Stevens; thence along the said Whita ker and Stevens' land south, fifty-one degrees and thirty five minutes west. about one hundreds and seventy-five feet to the rives Schuylkill; ti ante along the margin of said river to the place of beginning: alto the right and Privilege of drawing from the Flat Rock .or Manayunk canal so mach wats r as will pass through a rectangular aperture of an area of one,hundred square inches in an iron plate without any adjastsge; under and subject to a early rent or sum of Slur -hundred and fifty dollars, lawful money of the United States, payable to the presi dent, managers, and company: of the Schuylkill Naviga tion Company, their successors and assigns, in equal half-yearly payments on the first day of June and De cember in every 'year, forever. Being part of the same privilege which the said. the president, managers, and company of the Schuy lklll Navigation Compane. by in denture bearing date the twenty- ninth. day of Decem ber, A D. 11345. granted and conveyed unto andrew Young as an appurtenant to this and the adjoining pre mises on the southeast; and subject to the restrictions and limitations in the said indenture set forth and con tained. [Being the same premises which James Whita ker and Sarah. his wife, and William B.' Stephens and Caroline A. , his wife, by Indenture duly executed, bear ing date the 7th day of January. .A.: B. 1863, recorded in the proper office for recording, itc. at Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. H. No. 60. page 60i. &c., - granted and conveyed unto ase said Edward Preston. senior, his heirs and assigns, excepting in the words following, to wit: the use and privilege of race or forehay as the same is now used, f hrough and along which the water is con ducted from the Flat Rock canal to the herein-granted mill, and also to the mill of the said Whitaker and Ste phens on the adjoining premises to the southeast afore said, fir the term of ten years from the date of these presents; which said privilltge is intended to be reserved out of this present grant, aa appurtenant to the said ad joing premises for the use and accommodation of the owners and occupants thereof during the term afore said, bat no longer; and in and by the said indenture it was covenanted as follows by the said Edward Pres - tor, that he. his heirs, executors, and admiuis trate] s, shall and will, at his and their own pro per cost and charge, keep and maintain in good and suf ficient repair that part of the said rare or enemy which lieth between the Flat Rock canal and the gate or open ing on said forebay through which the water is conduct ed for the separate use of the hereby-granted mill for the terra of ten years aforesaid, or for such shorter term as the saidVl hitaker and Stephens may require the use there of; and forth'er. itwas covenanted that they, the said James Whitaker and William B. Stephens. their heirs, executors, and administrators, shall and will, at their own proper cost and charge, keep and maintain in good and sufficient repair that other part of the aforesaid race or forebay extending from the gate or opening through which the water is conducted ler the separate use of the hereby-granted mill to the end 'or termination of said race or forebay for the term of ten years, or for each shorter term as the said Whitaker and Stephens may re quire the use thereof, as in and by the said recited in denture, reference being thereunto had. will more fully appear. Together with the above-recited covenant and agreement on the part of the said James Whitaker and illiam D. Stephens, their heirs, executors, and admi 4nistrators, to be - performed and kept. and all the rights and remedies for enforcing the same. Together with all the appurtenances. &c. CD. C., Sept. T.. '63. Debt. $1,600.23. Lawrence. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Edward Preston, Sr. , who was sued. &c. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheri s Office. Angustl9. 180: null: It SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Eve ning, September 7. 1553. at 4 o'clock. at Bm:3om-street , Al l l that certain lot or piec of ground. with the three story brick messuage c r tenement now, thereon erected, situate on the north side of Gre.n street, in the late dig trict of Spring Garden and county of Philadelphia, at the distance of eighty-five feet westward from the west side of Twelfth street: containing in front or breadth on said Green street seventeen feet. and extending of that width iu length - or depth northward at right angles with said Green street on the east line thereof eighty-one feet and one-half of an inch, and on the west line thereof eighty-one feet and one-half of an inch, and on the west line thereof . eighty-one feet two inches, more or less. to a certain twenty-feet-wide street .intended to be laid out and opened; called Clay street. Bounded on the east by ground granted to George Chandler on ground rent; on the west by other ground of the said Parrish and Hough, on the north by the said- Clay streett, and on the south by said Green street. [Being the same lot or piece of RI ound which Sarah Wister, by her attorney. Richard. Wiatar, duly constituted. by indenture bearing date the seven teenth day of March. A. D.. 1851: and recorded in. Deed. Book G. W. C., No. 83. page 390. &c.. granted and con veyed unto the said William D.- Parrish and. Alfred L. Hough in fee. as tenants in common, and not a' joint tenants;.reserving thereont unto the said Sarah Wister, her heirs and assigns, tb e yearly ground rent or BUM of eighty. five dollars, payable as therein mentioned. And thesaid Farah Wister, by her attorney aforesaid, by in denture bearing date the seventeenth day of October. A. D. 18t1, recorded in Deed Book G. W. C., Wo. 15, page 405, &G., - granted and conveyed the said yearly ground rent of eighty-flve dollars inter ails unto the said Wil liam D. Parrish and Alfred L. Hough in fee, as tenants in common and not se joint tenants; whereupon the same - merged and became forever extingniished. as in- by the said recited indenture will more fully and at large ap- Pear. I Together with the free use, right, liberty, and. privilege of said Clay street. -- N. B.—Parrish and Hough have parted with their la- . ED. C.. 23; St pt. Term, '63. Debt, *2 954.59. Henry.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William D. Parrish and. Alfred L. Hough. • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Otte*. Aujrust 12, 1863. anti-3t S. ERIF F'S SALE.- BY VIRTUE OF J" , -' a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, keptember 7.1563. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street No. L All that certain lot or piece of ground marked 'on the , plan of property of the Allegheny Avenue Wharf and Land Company number forty-one,• situate on the southeast side of. Richmond street, and on the southwest side of Saxon street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front or lneadth • in said Richmond street sigh teen feet; and extending of, that breadth southeastwardiy in length or depth along said Saxon street one hundred feet, to a certain foar-feet-wide alley leading into and from said Saxon street. Hounded southea,twardly by the said four-feet-wide alley, south westwardly by the lot of ground next hereinafter de scribed, northwestwardly by said Richmond street, and northeastwardly by Saxon street aforesaid. No. 2 And "a 1.% all that certain lot or piece of ground marked on said plan number forty-two, ettriate on the toutheastwardly side of said Richmond street, at the dis tance of eighteen feet southwestwazdl3- from the south west side of said Saxon street, in the Nineteenth ward of thecitv of Philadelphia aforesaid containing in front or breadthion said Richmond street ,eighteen feet, and ex tending of that breadth aonthastwardly between lines at right angles with the said Richmond street in length- or depth one hundred feet, to the above-mentioned four feet-wide alley Bounded sontheaetwardlybyttie said alley, southwestward y ground granted to -William Harbeson. north westwardly by the said Richmond street, and northeastwardly by the lot of ground:herein. first above described. [Being the same premises which the Allegheny Avenue Wharf and Land Company, by indenture bearing even date with a certain indenture of :merles ge,vir: February 16,1859, but duly executed and ac knowledged prior to the execution of said indenture, and intended to be recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said , John Grimstone In feel Together with the free oise, right. liberty, and - privilege of the said fonr-feet -iwide al' ey as and for a passage-way and v ater-conree 'at all times hereafter forever. in common with the • owners, tenants, and occupiers of other gronhd bounding thereon . . [ll. C., 36 ; Sept. T., '63. Debt, $l,BOO. Brightly.] Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of John Orimstone. JOHN" THOMPRON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 15, 1853. att24-3t SQBERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ ofVenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, September 7,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall, No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the wait side of Eleventh street. at the distance of thirty feet northward from the north side of Christian street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front or breadth on the said Eleventh street, twelve feet, and extending in length or depth westward, between parallel lines, -sixty-five-.feet. Together with the free use and privilege of a certain two-feet-six-inches-wide alley leading into Christian street, as and for a passage-way and water-course at all times hereafter; under and sub ject to the payment of a yearly ground rent of fifteen dollars, payable half yearly on the first day of the months of May and November, in each year, to Henry G. Freeman, his heirs and assigns. - No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of Eleventh street, at the distance of eighteen feet northward from the north side of Christian street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on' the said Eleventh street twelve feet, and extending in length or depth westward. between parallel lines, sixty- two feet six inches to a certain alley two feet six inches wide leading into , said Christian street. Together with the free use and privilege of said alien' as and for a pasage-way and water-course at all times here after forever; under and subject to the.payment of the Yearly rent or sum of fifteen dollars, payable half yearly on the first day of the months of May and November, in each year,- to Henry G. Freeman, his heirs and as signs. No. 3. All that certain lot or piece of ground. with the three-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate at the northwest corner of Eleventh and Chris tian-streets; in the city of Philadelphia; containing in. front or breadth on the said Christian street eighteen feet, and extending -in length or depth westwardly, be tweenparallel lines. along the north side of the said Christian street sixty-two feet six inches to' a two-feet six-inches-wide alley; together with the free use and privilege orthh - said alley. Under and subject to, the Payment of the yearly rent or sum of eighty-four dollars, payable half yearly on the first day of the months of May and November, in each year, to Henry G Freeman, his heirs and assigns. , N. B.—The property described as No. 3 has a one story wooden shed affixed to the rear end of the three story brick house ID. C., 65; Sept.T: '63. Debt, $3,274.94. E. S. Miller.] Taken in execution and to be sold-as the property of James Donaghy. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Sheritra °Mee. lineivit IA. 1363. anti-3t SEEKLIeIe'S BALE.-13Y VIRTUE OF ",-) a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee; on MONDAY Evening, September 7. 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sensom-street Bath All that certain lot or piece of ground, with - the three storit d brick d welling house and. brick back _buildings thereon erected, situate on the west side of Delaware Sixth street, at the distance af one hundred and seventy one feet two and a-half inches northward from the north aide of Master street, in that part of the city of Philadel phia, formerly the district of Penn ; containing in front or breadth on the said Sixth street seventeen feet. inclu ding on the south side thereof the northernmost half-part of an alley two feet wide, extending westward to the depth of twenty-six feet from the west line of the said Sixth street. left open for the use of this and the lot of ground bounding on the south, and extending in length or depth westward, between parallel lines at right angles with the said Sixth street ninety feet: Bounded north ward -by ground intended to be granted to Lea P. Har vey. southward =by ground granted to. John Campbell, eastward by the said Sixth street. and westward by ground intended to be grante'fi'to the said Jacob Knight and Charles Doerr. [Being the saint lot .of ground which George Watson, by indenture bearing date Sep tember twenty-third, anno domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, record ed in the proper °Mee, at Philadelphia. in Deed Book - T. EL , No. 108, page 468, &c.. granted and conveyed unto the said Jacob Knight and Charles Doerr, as tenants in common. and not:as joint tenants; reserving therefor and thereout unto the said George Watson. his- heirs and assigns, the yearly rent or sum of sixty-five dollars, payable in equal half yearly payments on the'first day of the months of April and October in every year thereafter forever, without any deduction for taxes, Sic., for arrears of which the judgment was obtained. ]'.Together with the free use and privilege of the said two-feet-wide alley as and for a passage-way and-water-course at all times hereafter for ever, in common with the owners, tenants, and occu piers of the lot of ground bounding on the south, and ith the privilege of building under and over the same to the middle thereof, leaving at leaf eight feet headway in the clear. [D. C.,17; Sept T. , '63. Debt, $107.68 Low & Levick. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of - Jacob Knight and Charles Doerr. JOHN .THOMPSON, Sheriff.' Philada., Sheriff's Office. August 19. 1863. au24-3t SHERIFF'S. SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, - will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY-Evening, September 7. 1863, at 4 o'clock." at Sansom -street Hall, . All that certain lot or piece'of ground, 'with the,three story brick messuage or tenement with back' buildings thereon erected. situate on the north side of Walnut street at the distance of one hundred and twenty feet eastward from the east side of Thirty-sixth street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on the said s Walnut' street thirty feet:and in. length or depth of that width north ward, at right angles with said Walnut street, one hun dred and twenty-tons feet. --Bounded southward by said Walnut street, westward and northward by - ground of William Jones, and eastward by ground granted to Sallies D, Shaw. [Which said lot ofground Amnesty R. Govett and wife, by indenture dated the 21st day of April, A. D. 1860. and intended to be recorded.' granted and conveyed unto the said James D. Shaw in fee.] [D. O. 60; Sept. T.; '63. Debt. $3,230. Paschall. ] Taken in execution and to be sold' as the property of James D. Shaw. JOHN - THOMPSON, Sheriff: Philadelphia Sheriff's Office, August 19,1863. an. 21•31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF K. / a writ of Alias Levari Facies. 'to medirected, will; be exposedlo public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Eye ing. September 7,1963. at 4 o'clock. at SansoniAtreet Hall. All those three contiguous lots or pieces of ground. situate on the northwardly side of Melrose street, in the borough of Frankford and, county of Philadelphia, commencing at the distance of eighty-seven feet six and three-eighths inches - outwardly from the east wardly side of Duncan street; containing in front or breadth on said Melrose street sixty feet, and extending in length or depth northwardly between lines parallel with said Duncan street twobindred feet to the souther ly side of.Taeony.street, or FilYer road. Bounded on the northward by the said Tacolny. street or River road, on the southwardiby said- -Melrose street, on . the . eastward and westward by .other ground of the said George Con- nell. [Being the same premises which Charles J. Etille and wife, by indenture bearing even date with a certain Indenture of-mortgage, : January 20. 1004, but duly executed and acknowledged prior to the execution of said indenture of mortgage and intended to be therewith - ; recorded: , granted and conveyed, Inter alia, unto tho said George Connell. his beim and'aesigns-] CD. C.. 37; Sept. T. ~'63. Debt. $4OB 70 Brightly.]` Taken' in execution and to be sold as the property of ;.George Connell. JOHN THOMPSON: Sheriff. Pbilada.. Sheriff's Office. August 10.1863. .au24-St A SSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S A OFFICE, Corne w r .tasniarnacrior, R D N . TY e 31.40 24 7 1 at3 S t . . Public Sales of condemned Animals will take place at the Corral, near the Observatory. in - th is city , on the Second and.FortrthWEDMISDAYS. 12th and 26th Au gust,lBEr3, - a The tpOr=l is at n d lt i V i ct i ck s A tL . liii t f f . o Lid a re l ito E ntie from day to day until the number on hand shall, e sold. Terme cash. Ooyermnent C. R. TOXPEaIfB, Capt, A. C!,,K., U. S. A. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA., MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1863; SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed,will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Even ing. September 7. 1881 at 4 o'clock. at Sausom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messnage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the west side of Marshall street, at the dis. tance of one hundred and eighty six feet and three quarters of an inch southward from the south side of Parrish street. in the late district of Spring Oa , den, now in the Thirteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia ; con taining in front or breadth on the said Marshall street sixteen feet, including on the south side thereof the northernmost moiety of a one-foot-ten-inches.wlde alley, and in length or depth westward, between Parallel lines at right angles with the said Marshall street, seventy-four feet nine. inches and half. 'Bounded on the south by the ground of Samuel Middle-, ton, on'the west by ground of George NI Elkinton, on the north by ground of John Grim, and on the east by the said Marshall - street. (Being the sameremises tvnich Samuel:Middleton and Annie C., his wif p e, by in denture bearing date the 16th• day of. June, A. D. 1857, recorded in Deed Book A. C. H . No. 98. page 74, dm granted and conveyed unto the said Wllliam C. Nemec - - N. B.—The above premises are subject to a Mortgage of $1.200, executed by. Samuel Middleton in favor of Elizabeth W. Wietar dated November 234,1850, and re corded in Mortgage Book G. W. C., No. 26, page 141, &c. CD. C., 25; Sept. T., '63 Debt, $2,400, Otterson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William C. Neman. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 12,1863.au24-31 S HERIr iF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Hansom-street Hall. All those certain messuages or tenements and lot or piece of around thereunto belonging, situate at Chestnut Hill, in the late township of Germantown; beginning at a stone set for a corner on the westerly side of- the Ger mantown and Perkiomen Turnpike Road. at the place of intersection of a two-perch-wide road,- formerly called Paul's Mill Road, now called Weiss' or Paper Kill Road; thence along the same,' dividing' this from land of Henry. Kerner, south thirty-nine degrees twenty-five minutes west. two hundred and five feet and ninety-five one hundredths of a foot to a stake set for a corner of this and land of Charles Brownholtz; thence crossing said mill road and by land of the said. Charles Brownholtz. south fifty degrees and thirty minutes east, one hundred feet and ninety-five hundredths of a foot to land of John Hobensack ; thence by the earns north forty-two degrees east. one hundred and sixty feet and five-tenths of a foot to a stone set fora corner: on the aforesaid side of said Germ n town and Perktomen Turnpike Road; thence by the- same north twenty-eight degrees thirty minutes west. one hundred and fourteen feet and Ayes tenths of a foot to the place of beginning [Being a part of the same lot or piece of land which Henry W. Cress, of White marsh township, in the county of Montgomery; in the State of Pennsylvania, lumber merchant, and Margaret, hie wife, by indenture bearing date the sixth .day of April, A. D. 1838, recorded in the office for 'recording deeds; etc . for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book R. L. L., No: 52, page 64, etc., granted and conveyed unto the said John Stallman in fee. And the said John ttallman and Sarah, his wife, by indenture bearing even date with a certain indenture of mortgage, viz; February 7, 18.54, but dmy extcuted and acknow ledged prior to the execution of the said indenture, granted and conveyed to the said John B. Harshaw. N.-B.—On the above-describedproperty is erected a double two-story stone house , with four rooms on first floor, on tte main street or turnpike-a two-story stone house on the said " Weiss' Mill Road," now called Hartwell avenue; also, a frame stable and tenant house, and also a one-story stone shop or.-store on the main street. [D. C., 43; Sept. T. , '63. Debt, 82.257. 66. Huneicker. Taken' in execution and to be - sold as the property of John B. Harshaw. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mee, Augnal4,lB63. au2t-31 SHERIFF'S SALE -BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Facia!, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, September 7. 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom-street Hall, No. 1. All that certain dot or piece of ground, with the improvements thereon erected, situate at the northeast corner of Delaware Eighth street. continued, and Cal lowbill street, in the late district of Spring Garden; con taining in front or breadth on the said. Callowhill street tv ants-five feet, and extending in length or depth on the. west line thereoL along the east line of the said Eighth street ninety-four feet, and on the east line of the said lot ninety-seven feet two inches and three fourths of an inch. and-in breadth at the rear end of the south line of 'Willow street twenty-five feet two-andlt ball inches. Bounded on the north by the said Willow street. formerly Pegg's run, on the east by the next-de scribed lot, on the south by the said Callowhill street. and on the west by the said Eighth street. - No. 2. And also, all that'certain lot or plfMe of ground, with the improvements thereon erected.. situate on the north side of the said Callowhill street, between Dela ware Seventh and. Eighth streets, continued, in the late district of Spring Garden aforesaid. Beginning on the said Callowhill street at the distance of twenty-five feet eastward from the east line of Eighth street aforesaid ; containing in front or breadth on the Said Callowhill street twenty-nine feet nine and 'a half inches, and ex tending in ..leegth or depth northward on the-Rest line thereof .ninety-seven feet two inches and three-fourths of an inch, and on the east line thereof one hundred and one feet one inch, and in breadth, at the rear end there of, on the south line of the said Willow street, thirty feet had an 'lnch. Bounded on the north by the said Willow street, on the east by around formerly of John. Kenner, on the west by the above-described lot, and on the south by Callowhill street aforesaid. (Being the same premises which Henry J. Steever, by deed dated the 26th. day of ugust, A. D. 1857, and intended to be recorded, granted, and conveyed to the said John J. Heisler and. Isaac H. Steever, their ,heirs and assigns.] CD. C., 58: Sept. T.,'63.Debt,.512,973.61., Johnston. Taken in execution and to be sold- as the property of John J. Heisler, and Isaac H Steever. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, . Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Aug 19. 1863. an24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levarii Factas, to me directed, will be esposed to public eale or vendue. on MONDAY Even ing. September 7, - 1883, at 4 o'clock, at Saasom,street Ail that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Thirty-third street, at the distance of twenty five feet southward from the south side of Hamilton street, in the Twenty-fourth ward ; containing in front or breadth on - said Thirty-third street twenty five feet; and extending in length or depth eastward of that width between lines at right angles therewith one hundred and five feet, including on the rear end thereof the whole of a certain three-feet-wide alley, which extends northward into Hamilton street. [Being part of the same premises which the said Joseph Potts, by indenture bearing date the first day of -April, A. D. 1839. and re corded Deed Book A 'D. 8., 57, page - 384. &c. ' grant ed and conveyed unto the said John Shedwick in fee.] Together with. the free and common use, right. liberty. and privilege of the aforesaid three-feet-wide alley at all times hereafter forever. - N. B.—On the above-described lot is a three-story rough-cast cottage dwelling house, with two-story rough cast back building, side and front yards, and a two-story frame building on the rear. Mr. Shedwick has parted With - . his interest in the above nremises. - ' _ . . . [D. C., 76; Eept. T., Debt, 2,01:10. T. D. Smith.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Shedwick. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. SheriFs Office, August 19: an24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Facing, to. MA directed. will be exposed to publib sale or vendne, on MONDAY 'Eve ning, September 7,1563, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. _ . . . All that certain three-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging. marked in a certain plan number ten (10), situate' on the - south side of Pine street, at the distance of fifty-four feet, more or lees, froml the west side of Delaware Sixth_street, in the Fifth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in front or breadth on the said Pine street eigh teen feet, and extending in length or depth southward sixty feet. Bounded eastward by lot No. lie now or late of William Stevenson ; westward by lot No. 9, now- or late of George Ferrell . ; southward by a fourteen-feet-wide court leading into said Sixth street. and northward by Pine street aforesaid. • [Being the same premises Which Michael Morgan, by indenture bearing date December 31, A.D. 1859: intendedto he then forthwith recorded, grant ed and conveyed unto the said James Joshua Gould Bias. and Elizabeth, bis Wife, in fee.] ' iD. C.. 41: bept. '63.'Debt,52,736.67. G. L. Dongliertyl Taken in. execution and to be sold as the property of Elizabeth Bias, Administratrix. &c. JOHN - THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 12. 1863. an2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditiont Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening September 7, 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All that Certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Delaware Seventh street, at the distance of sixty feet southward from the southeast corner of said Seventh street and Thompson street, in the city of Phila. delphia; containing in front or breadth on said Seventh street twenty feet, and extending of thatbreadtb, in length or depth eastward, between parallel lines at right angles with said Seventh street, one;hundred and seventy-four feet ten inches to Marshall street. [Being the same premises which Edwin. Shields and Thomas 'l'. Lea and wives, by indenture dated the 4th June, 1833, recorded at Philadelphia, in. Deed Book T. H.. -No. 124. page 335, granted and conveyed unto James C.- English, in fee; reserving thereont a yearly , ground rent of- one hundred and twenty dollars, payable semi-ammallyon the fourth day of December apd June of each year, without deduc tion for taxes, &c. . ' • [D. C., 27; Sept.- T, 'B3. Debt, $468.36. Serrill. ] Taken in execution and - to be sold as the property of James C. English. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 12,1863. an24-3t SHERIFFS SALE.-BY - VIRTUE OF a writ of Fieri Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7. 1863, at 4 o'clock; at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the build ings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the north side of Spring Garden street, at the distance of one ,hundred and seventy-eight feet westward from the west, side of Thirteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing 1n front or breadth on the said Spring Garden street twenty-two feet, and extending of that width in length or depth northward, between lines pwallel with said Thirteenth street, one hundred and fifty feet to a thirty-eight-feet-eight -incheelwlde street called Brandy wine street. Subject to the payment of a ground rent of two hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum. -- ED. C., 35; Sept. T., '53. Debt, $1L3.10. F. R. Hippie.] Taken in exeoution and to be sold as the property of Edward S. Whalen, assignee. &c JOHN' THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 19, IEB3. au24-.3e- SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me direct ed,will be exposed to public sale or vendue.on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Ball, All that certain three-story brick message and lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of the .Frankford road, at the distance of one hundred and twenty feet north of Huntingdon street, in the late district of Rich mond, now in the city of Philadelphia; containing, in front or breadth on the said Frankford road twenty feet, extending •thence, keeping the same breadth, at right angles with the said Frankford- road, on the northernmost Mae thereof fifty•eight feet two and three eighths inches, and on the southernmost line thereof fifty-four feet two and one-eighth inches; thence again • eastwardly, keeping the same breadth - at right anglea with Amber street, on the north line Ilfty-eight feet two. and three-eights inches, and on the south line fifty-four .feet two and - one-eight - inches. Bounded ,on the north by ground now or late of William Archer, on the south by ground now or late of William Derrick, on the east by Amber street, and on the, est by the Frankford road aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Henry-Hall man and wife, by indenture bearing date the seventh day of February, A. D. 1854. - recorded in Deed Book T. H. , No. 131, page 61, granted and conveyed to the said Samuel W. MeNaughton,in fee, under and subject never theless to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent or sum of fifteen dollars per annum, payable unto Wm. F. Emien rand .T. Dickinson Sergeant, trustees, their heirs and assigns, when and as the same shall there after grow due and payable as therein expressed, and which said yearly ground rent a sum of fifteen dollars, the said William F--Emden and J. Dickinson Sergeant, 'trustees, by indenture endorsed,- dated the twenty second day of September, A. D. 1856, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., 110.97, page 239. Stc.,granted, released. and forever extinguished unto the said Samuel W. Mc- Naughton, hie heirs and assigns, as. therein expressed.) CD. C., 89; Sept. T., '63. Debt, 81800. W. S. Price.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property. of Samuel W. McNaughton. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 19, - 1863. • au24,31 SHERIFF'S SALN.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale• or vendue. on MONDAY Eve; ning, September 7, 1863, at,''4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, • No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of. Venaugo etreet, at the distance of one ,hundred and • seventy-two feet six inches from the east side`of Bath street.late in the district of Richmond, now in the Twenty-ilith • ward of - the city of :Philadelphia; containing in front orbreadth on the said Tenango street sixty-nine feet. and extending that width in length:or depth at right. angles with said - Venango.street, and rnn:., ning parallel with said Bath street, eighty feet, to other. ground of Henry D. Steever, intended'te be conveyed by, the said Henry D. Steever to the said William Croll ;" eastward and westward by ground or-" Henry D. Steever, and southward by Penang° street. - [Being the same ppremises which Henry D. Steever. and Martha. his wife, bydndendure dated the 28th day of June, 1853. and re corded in Deed Book A. C. H., - No. 80. page 532, &e.. ranted and conveyed unto the said William Croli in No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on - the south aide of-Victoria street, one hundred and seven ty -two feet six inches eastwardfrom the east side of Bath street, late *ln the district Ad - Richmond, now in • the 7wenty- fifth ward of the city. of Philadelphia; contain ing in front or breadth on. said Victoria street sixty-nine feet, and extending; that width .in length or depth at right angles with said. Victoria eet, and runningparal- r lel witlisaid Bath street seventy-one feet four and three quarter inches. Bonn led east, west, and south by ground now or: late of Henryß. Steever, . and north by Victoria"-street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Henry D. Weyer and. Martha, his wife, by in denture dated the 28th day of June, 1853, and recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 118. page 588,•&c.,-granted and, conveyed unto the said William Croll in fee. ] .CD. 0,53; Sept. T. '63 Debt. $739.95. Johnston:] Taken in, execution and to be sold as the property of William Croll. . JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, August 19,.1883..au24,18t sHERIFF'SHSALE.-33Y VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Fades, . to - me direoted, . will be exposed to public sale or vendue,. on MONDAY. Even- IngLSeptember 7.1863. at 4 o'clock; at Sansom..etreet H a n, All that , certain one-story brick building ' ( ased for "a .glass factory) 'and lot or piece of ground , situate on the northeast side of Adams street, beginning - a t the distance • of about sixty-three feet eoutheasof Gaul street, in the -Nineteenth ward of the' city of. Phitadelphla thence southeasterly along said Adams street about one hundred and ninety-seven feet to Almond street; thence north- , .. .easterly along said Almond street sixty-eight feet eight inches, - more or less, to Aramingo street ; thence north westerly along said Arming° street onO hundred and, - . seventy-eight feet two inches. more or , less, to a point sixtpthree feet southeast of Gaul street; and thence. southwesterly about one hundred and thirty-eight feet, to the place of beginning.. The main building being forty feet wide by sixty feet long. and the back building about twenty feet wide by sixty feet long, the whole one hundred. and twenty feet thereof fronting on said Adams street. , [D. C. 45; Sept. T., '63. Debt, 11339 62.. E. S. Campbell. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of. James Capewell and Thomas Houghton, copartners, &co trading as Capewell & Co • - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philadelphil, Sheriffs Office, Aland 16,1863. : att2A-3t SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE BY VIRTUE. OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to toe directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, omMONDAY Even ing, cepteteber 7, 1893. at 4 o'clock. at Sanborn-street Halt, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Locust street and east side of Raspberry alley, in the city of Philadelphia ; containing In front or breadth on the said Locust street forty feet, and in length or depth sixty feet. Bounded on the east by ground granted to John Sadler on ground rent, on the west by the said Raspberry alley, on the north by the said Locust street ax d on the south by ground of Jere miah Backer and John C. Allen, of which this was part. [Being the same premises which Jeremiah Hacker and John O. Allen and wives, by indenture dated February 12th, A D. 1646, and recorded in Deed Book A W. No: 6, page 279. dc.. granted and conveyed to George S. Twitcher] in fee reserving therefor and thereout unto the said Jeremiah Hacker and John C. Allen, their heirs en d aset g ns. a certain yearly - ground rent of one hun dred and fifty donna in equal half yearly payments on the first day of the months of April and October in every year thereafter; and William Evans and Thomas Evans and wives. in whom the said groundrent afterwards be came legally vested, by deed-poll endoried on the above recited indenture dated May 27.1857, and intended to be rec ord e d, granted, Cold and conveyed the Raid ground rent to the said George S. Twitchell, his heirs and as signs, whereby the same became merged in the fee thereof ] CD. 0— . 44; Sept. T., '63. Debt, ff3.6CO. O. W. Davis.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George S. Twitchell and Joseph B. Evletb. JOHN THOMPSON..Sheriff. - Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 19. 1863. au24-3t 'REERIFF'S SALE.-RY VIRTUE OF , •- 1 a writ of Alias Yenditioni Rxponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7. 1883. at 4 o'clock, Sansom-street Hall. No. I. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the fonr.storY .brick messuage er tenement thereon erect ed, situate on the north side of Shippen street, between Third and Fourth streets from the Delaware, late in the district of Southwark, now, in ,the Fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Shippers street sixteen feet nine inches, and in length or depth northward ninety-eight feet. Bounded on the south by the said. Shippen street, on the west by • ground granted. to Frederick Yry on ground rent; on the north by ground granted to Jacob Biddle on ground rent, and on the east by ground granted to John Knon .on ground rent. (Being the same premises which Ro bert Coburn and Martha M.; his wife, by endorsed deed dated the 14th day of Maya A. D 1831, and recorded. in Deed Book G. W. C... No. OS, sage 112, granted and con veyed unto the said John Hauptman in fee; subject to the payment of a certain yearly rent or sum 'of sixty-five dollars, lawful money, unto Caroline Morris. her heirs and assigns, in equal half-yearly payments en the nineteenth day of the months of September and March in every year, clear of taxes, &a • No. 2. All that certain frame mesenage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the south side of a twenty-feet-wide - alley or street, called Trout street, formerly called Pine alley, between Cedar. and Shippen streets, In that part of the city of Philadelphia formerly called Southwark ; containing in front or breadth on. the said alley or street sixteen feet and nine inches, and in length or depth southward thirty-eight feet. Bounded on the south and east by ground now or late of Casper W. Morrie. on the north by the said twenty-feet-wide street or alley, and on the west by ground now or late of F. Toy. (Being the same premises which Patrick Mullen, by indenture dated the 27th day of June, A. D. 1853. recorded in Deed Book T. H.. No. 91, Page 357, granted and conveyed unto the said John Hauptman, by the name of John Hauptman. Jr. ; subject, to the Payment of a certain yearly ground rent of twenty-tive dollars, payable half-yearly, as therein mentioned. l ( C D. . 60; Sept T. ,V. Debt, $2,000. Flood.) I Taken n execution and to be sold as the prOpertyof John Hauptman. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office.-Aug. 19,1863.. au24-3t p„,11 - FIRIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF awrit of Venditioni Exponas. to Me directed. Will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7,1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground (composed of four contiguous lots of ground situate on the southwesterly side of Venango street, at theOistancc of one hundred and three feet six inches southeasterly-from the southeasterly side of Bath street. late in the 'district of Richmond, now in the Twenty-fifth ward of the city of Philadelphia (and numbered 11, 12, 13. and 14. in Section B, in a cer tain plan'of lots surveyed for Elilui D. Tarr, and record ed in Deed Book G. .W C No. 72, page 1); containing in front or breadth on the said Penan() street sixty-nine feet. and extending that breadth g in length or depth be tween parallel lines at right angles with the said Venan go street eighty feet. Bounded southeasterly and south westerly by other ground of Henry D. Steever, of which this was part, northwesterly by ground granted to Isaac Cobb on ground rent, and northeasterly by Venango street aforesaid.- [Being the samepremises which Henry D. Steever and Martha, his wife, by indenture dated the 14th day of April, 1863. and recorded In Deed Book A.. C. H., No. 80, page 455, granted and conveyed unto John New in fee.] CD: C.. 66; Sept. T., '6&. Debt, $389.29 Johnston.] Taken in execution. and to be sold as the property of John New: JOHN. THOMPSON Sheriff. Philadelphia. SheriffN Office, Angiti;tl9. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a wilt of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock: at Sansometreet Hall. No. 1. All that certain yearly ground rent or eura - .of thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents, payable by Thomas M. Stellwagen ' his heirs and assigns, on the first day of the months of January and July, and issuing out of and chargeable upon all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Dickinson, at the , distance of ninety- . one feet two inches westward from the northwest corner of the said Dickinson street and Moyamensing avenue, in the First ward of said city; containing in front or breadth on the said Dickinson street fifteen feet, and extending of that width - in length or depth north ward between parallel lines at right angles with said Dickinson street, on-the west line thereof, seventy-seven feet and five-eighths of an inch. and on the east line thereof seventy-four feet one inch and one-eighth of an inch Bounded northward by ground now or late of Harvey, eastward and westward by other ground of the said Thomas H. Stellwagen, and southward by said Dickinson street.. (Being the same lot of ground which Samuel H. McFadden and wife, by indenture dated the 6th day of June, A. D. 1659, recorded in Deed Book A D. 8.. No. 80, page 484; am, , gjanted and conveyed unto the said Thomas N. Stellwagen, his heirs and assigns; reserv ing It ereont the aforesaid yearly ground rent or sum of thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents in equal half-yearly payments, as above mentioned No. 2. All that - certain yearly ground- rent or , sum of. thirty -seven dollars and fifty cents, payable by Thomas M. Stellwagen, his heirs and assigns, on the first day of the months of March and September, and issuing . ont of and chargeable upon all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of the said Dickinson street, at the distance of one hundred and six feet two inches westward from the northwest corner of the said Dickinson street and Moyamensing avenue, in the First ward of said city; containing in front or breadth on the said Dickinson street fourteen feet eleven inches, and ex tending of that width in length or depth northward. between parallel lines at right angles with. the said - Dickinson street. on the east line thereof, seventy-seven feet-five-eighths of an inch and on the west line thereof eighty feet two and one-gnarter inches. Bounded north ward by ground now or late of Harvey, eastward by ground now or late of Themes Stellwagen, south ward by said Dickinson street, and westward by gro and. now or late of Samuel H. McFadden. [Being the same lot of ground which the said Samuel . H. McFadden and - wife, by indenture dated the first day of February, A.D. 1660. recorded in Deed Book A D. 8., No 102. Page 186. inc., granted and conveyed unto the said Thomas H. Stellwagem, his heirs and assigns; reserving thereout the aforesaid yearly ground rent or sum of thirty-seven dolls rs and fifty cents, in equal half-yearly payments, as above mentioned 3 - ' [D. C , 42: Sept T.,'63. Debt, El, 660. -J. E. Salter. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel H. McFadden. JOHN THODIPSON, Sheriff. -Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 19,1863. . an 24-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditicini Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, On MONDAY Evening, September 7,1863, at 4 o'clock;at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, .with the three story brick messuage or' tenement with back buildings thereon erected. situate on the. north side of -Walnut street, at the distance of one hundred and fifty feet east ward from the east side of Thirty-sixth street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front or breadth on the said. Walnut street thirty feet, and in length or depth of that width northward at right angles with Said Walnut street one hundred and -twenty-four feet. Bounded on the south by Walnut street, on the east and west by ground granted t o James D. Shaw, and on the north b r ground of William Jones. [Which said lot of ground Annesly R. Govett and wife. by indenture dated the 21st day of April,- A. D. 1860, and intended to be recorded. granted and conveyed unto the said James D. Shaw in fee.] .49 4iept. T.. '63. Debt. $3.200. Paschall Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James D. Shaw. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Once, August 19, IaCS. - au2.l-3t SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Pluries Levari Facies, to me direCted, Will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Everting,. September 7,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street All thi`t certain lot or piece of ground, with the messuages or tenements thereon erected, situate on the north side of Master -street, in the Kensington district of the Northern Liberties, In the county of Philadel phia, commencing at the distance of 142 feet 6 inches eastwardly from the corner of the Germantown road; thence along Masters street aforesaid eastward 27 feet 6 inches to a corner of a"-lot granted to-Isaac Funk; thence northwardly at - right angles with the said Mas ters street 60 feet; thence westwardly in a line parallel to said Masters street 27 feet 6 inches, and thence south.- wardly 60 feet to the place of beginning. [Being the same premiseewhich Patrick Walls and Elizabeth, his wife, and Francis Walls and Mary. his wife, by inden ture bearing date,-the 9th day of January, A. D: 1844, granted and conveyed'unto the said James Dugan, re corded in the office for recording deeds, &C., for the city and county of Philadelphia, Deed Book it L.-L., No. M. page 487. ate [D. C. 51; Sept. T. ..-ta;:;aiebt,- $l2O. Geoorge L. Dougherty.] ' '• Taken in execution murk; be sold as the property of Wm. Dugan, Adm'r, dm. , of James Dugan, deceased. ,JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office,-August 15, 1863. an24-8t SHERIFF'S SALE.--B Y .- VIRTUE OF A writ of Alias Levari Facias, to'me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY' Eve niog,September 7,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. .811 that certain three-story brick messnage or, .tentapent and lot or piece of ground. situate on the south side'Sf"Sumnier street, at the distance of fifty-eight feet westward from the west side of Sixteenth street, in the Tenth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in front or breadth on the said Bummer street twenty-sight feet, and in length or depth of that width sixty feet. Bounded on, the north by the said Summer street, on the east by a messnage and lot of ground granted by George H. Thomson and wife to Thos. Ral ston, on ths,i-iwtst by :a messnage and lot or piece of ground now'•or late of the said. George H. Thomson, and on the south by the lot or piece of ground next here inafter described. . - • • • *. No. 2. And also, all that certain other lot or piece of ground . situate'on'the north side of Spring street, at the, distance of sixty-seven feet six inches westward from the west side of the said Sixteenth street, bet Ween Race street and Summer street, in the ward and city aforesaid.; containing in front or breadth on the said Spring street eighteen feet six inches. and extending of that breadth northward lifty-one feet. Bounded eastward by a three feet- wide alley leading into Spring street, Southward by said Spring street, vrestward by 9 t her grolind now or late rn of the said George H_Thoson, and northward - by the rear end of the last-above.described lot of ground. - [Be ing the same premises (inter alia) which Richard B. Osborne - and Robert, Frazer, -trustees of Lydia Collins Osborne, wife of the said John H Osborne. by a certain endorsed indenture, bearing even-date with a certain indenture of mortgage, via: April 2S; 1860, but duly exe cuted and acknowledged prior to the execution of said indenture, and intended-to be therewithsecorded, did grant and convey unto the said John H. Osborne in fee; subject as respects the Premises above described to the payment of a certain mortgage:debt or sum of five thou sun& dollars, with interest, eecured - thereon by a cer tain indenture of mortgage, made and executed by Wil liam Dully. to Maria Pd. -- Kitchen and ,others, executors and trustees. Am., dated-,the 11th day"of October. A. D. 1552, and recorded in Mortgage Book T. 11., No. 15. page 264, as in and by the said recited endorsed: indenturA,- relation thereto. being had. may appear. ] Together with. the free and common use and privilege of the said three feet-wide alley leading into .Spring street at all times hereafter forever. _ • - -• • • • . CD. C., 22; Sent T.','63. Debt; 85,318.75. E. M. Paxon.l • Taken in execution and to be sold as the pproperty of John H. Osborne. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philerva.. nhoriff's= nine, A non pri 12 ICM. %019,1-21; SSILLE.—. BY VIR LJ T BOF A: Llwrit of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on. MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863,at 4 o' Sansoin-streut 11 that car n our-% ory r c .rongh-cast messnage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north 'side of Race street, at the distance of twenty-nine feet six inches westward from the west side of Thirteenth street: in the city of Philadelphia; thence extending northward parallel with the said. Thirteenth street forty live feet, to , a two-feet-eight-inches-wide alley running into and from - the said Thirteenth street; thence extend. , in g northwestwardly along said'alley six feet ten inches, more or less,lo a point; thence westward still along the said alley about thirteen feet five inches to the line of ground of Mary Shields; thane') southward along. : the said line of- ground of Nary Shields parallel to the said Thirteenth -street fifty feet to the said Race street, and thence eastward along the, said Race street eighteen Jed, more or less, to the place of beginning: [Being the same lot of ground which. Charles Stewart and wife, by indenture dated the 10th day of June. A. D. - 13.53,record ed at Philadelphia. in Deed Book•T. H., No 90. pigs 134, &a., granted- and conveyed unto the said Philip, 'Award and Bilward S. Pitch in fee. reserving thereota the yearly ground rent or sum of one hundred and eighty .dollars, payable .half-yearly on the first day of the . months of January and July in every year; for arrears of which ; -the judgment' was obtained., upon which this execuiton was issued 1 • ED: Sept: '63. - Debt $487.20. E. &Campbell. ..Taken hi execution and to be sold as the property of PIMP R. Ingard and dl lg r Elhl a Tli t aih'SON, :Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. August 12,1863. r anti-3t ,SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF -A Ni. Writ of Alias Levariffaciasito me directed will be exposed topublic sale or vandue, on MONDAY livening, September 7•.1863, at 4 o'cicick. - at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-Eton , brick meastage :or tone 'meet and lot or. piece of ground, situate on the, north side .of Dickinson street, s t the :distance of ninety-three feet. eleven inches -westward' - from the west side of Fourth street, In:Abe First -ward of: the-city: of Philadelphia,(lately called the district of Southwark ) containing in. front or depth on :the said Dickinson street sixteen feet, and. extending of that width in length.or depth north ..ward :parallel with the .said. Fourth streetsixty-four feet; including therein on the east side thereof the wed , ernmost molity..or half-part of :an alley two feet in, 'width by; thirty-four feet in depth, leading into and from the sald Dickinson street, laid out and opened for. ' the use of this and the adjoining lot on the east, with' 'the right to Introduce waterpipes under the same and to build over the west half thereof, leaving a headway of eight feet in the clear. _ [Being the same. premises which Nicholas F. Costello and wife, byindentere bearing. date the seventh day of november. A. D. 1867, and recorded in Deed Book B. IL W., N 0.166. page 446, , granted and conveyed unto the.said Peter R. Aube in fee. under and subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent or. sum of forty-four dollars on:lthe day of ;the months of June and -December in' every year forever,': unto Samuel H. McFadden. his heirs andussigne..l , - C, CD..' 90; Sept. T.'. .'613.' Debt, $466 15. W.Pani.. Taken in execution..and 'o bh.eold as- the property of. Peter R. Aubstyp!WA: 8 , ..J0HN. THOMPSON. Sheriff. - , , phijadelpinegigherlirtiOace; &ngast 80,1883. an24-3tl, SHERIFF'S SALES. SBERIFF'S SALE =BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponae, to me directed, will be ex - posed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Eve ning, ISoPtember 7.1863. at 4 o'clock'. at Sansone - street Hall; All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick messuage or tenement with back buildings thereon erected, situate on the north side of Walnut street, at the distance of one hundred and eighty feet eastward from the east aide of Thirty-sixth street, in the Twenty-I , urth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Walnut street thirty feet, and in length. or depth of that width north ward, at right angles with said Walnut street, ono hun dred and twenty-lonr feet. Bounded on the south bY Walnut-street. on the east and west by ground granted to James D. Shaw. and on the north by ground of Wil liam Jones. [Which said lot of ground Aunesly R' Gos. vett and wife, by indenture dated, the twenty-drat daY. of April. Anno - Domint one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and intended to be recorded, granted and con veyed unto the eald James D. Shaw in fee.] , CD. D..' 48; Sept T., '63. Debt, *3.200 Paschall.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James D: Shaw. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Aug.:l9, 1883. isn2l-3t PROPOSALS. -ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets, PHILADELPHIA, August 1.9, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office until 12 o'clock M.. on THURSDAY, the 27th instant, Ito furnish promptly at the Schuylkill Arsenal— - Sky blue Kersey, % and 6 4 wide, indigo wool-dyed, made of pure wool, and entirely free from shoddy. The X -honey to be full 27 inches wide, - and to weigh 11 ounces to the yard • and the 6-4-Irsrsey to befall 64 inches wide, and to weigh 22 ounce to the yard. Buckles for trousers. Mc chine Thread, k blue. 2-oance spools. Red Cord, 1-4 inch. Yellow Braid, K. inch. Tailors' Crayons. Fez Caps, Zonave pattern. Bidders must state in their propoiale the price, quanti ty bid for, and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill—the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa tures must be appended to the guarantee, and said gua rantee must accompany the bid. Bidders. as well as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certificate from the United States District Attorney, Postmaster, or, other public functionary, at the residence of the bidder gr d sia r ra o n r tr i n e , s settingtte are e r r th es clearly - trnheen,falcvthp:tilth ife a contract is awarded, act in good faith with the United States and faithfully execute the same. Samples can be seen of this office, and bidders are in vited to be present at the opening of the bids. ' Proposals must be endorsed. Proposals for Army Supplies," stating the particular article bid for. G. H. CROSMAN, Met. R. M. General U. S. Army. pROPOSALS FOR FLOUR. SEALED PROPOSALS ire invited till the thirty-first day of AUGUST, 1833, at 12 M., for furnishing the Sub sistence Department with 20.1111 barrels of Flour.. Bids will be received for what ls known as No.. 1. No. 2. and No. 3. and for any portion less than the 20,000 bar rels. Bids for different grades Should be upon separate sheets of paper. . . The delivery of the Flour to be, commenced on the 10th day of September, or as soon thereafter as the Govern ment may direct, at the rate of 800 barrels daily, de livered either at the Government warebonse in George town, at the wharves, or at the railroad depot, Washing ton.. D. C. Payments will be made in certificates of indebtedness, or such other funds as the Government may have for dis tribution. ' The usual Government inspection will be made justbs fore tbe Flour is received. An oath of allegiance must accompany each bid. No bid will be entertained from parties who have pre viously failed to comply with their bids, or from bidders not present to respond. The barrels to be entirely new, made very strong, of new materials, and head-lined. No Flour which is not fresh ground will be received. Bids to be directed to Colonel A.BECKWITEI, A.D.C. and C. S., 11 S. A., Washington, D. C., and - endorsed " Proposals for Flour." au19130 OI•FIOE OF THE SIGNAL OFFICER, WASHINGTON. D. O. August 80243. SEALED PROPOSALS-will be received. at this office until SATURDAY. August ?91863, at 4 o'clock P.. Ti!., for furnishing for the Signal Department the following aril. des • 250 Two hundred and fifty sets Signal EquiPMeais. 30 Thirty barrels Turpentine. 100 One hundred bales Wicking._ 200 Two hundred Telescope Holders. 25 Twenty-fiveOßß Wind Matches. 20 Twenty pounds Linen Thread. 2 Two gross Needles. • 10 Ten Tap Boeers -20 Twenty Spiggots. The first delivery to be made about the 15th of Septeni bet', 1363, or as soon thereafter as Government may di rect. The .111 14,1338 and Poet Office address of the bidder must appear in.ahe proposal. If a bid is made in the name of a firm tlie names of all the parties must appear. or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal of the party signing it. Proposals from di - loyal parties, or where the bidder is not present to reel:and to his bid, will not be con- Proposals must be addressed to "The Signal Officer of the Army," Washington, D. C.. and should be plainly endorsed, "Proposals for Field signal Equipments." The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the- nearest District Court, or of the United States District Attorney. The ability of tbebidder to fill the contract;should it be awarded to him,must be guaranteed by two responsi ble persons, whoSe signatures are to be appended to the guarantee, and saidguarantee must accompany the bid. Bonds in sums of double the amount involved in the contracts. signed by the contractor and both of his guar antors. will be required of the successful bidder, or bid ders, upon signing the contract. - FORM OF GUARANTEE. We. -, o 6 the county of and State of --. do hereby guarantee that - is able to fulfill the contract in accordance with, the terms of his proposi tion, and that should his proposition be accepted he will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded to _aim we are prepared to become his securities._ (To this guarantee must be appended the official certi ficate above mentioned.) ' The right is reserved to reject all proposals if the prices are deemed too high, or if, for any cause, it is not deemed for theublic interest to accept them. - - - Models will be on exhibition at the office of the Signal Officer for twenty (20) days from date. • aul2-16t P ROPOSALS FOR BOOKS. • ; BUREAU OF NATIVATION,'NAVY DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, AILS". 12. 1961 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until the 15th day of September next, for furnishing the requisite supply of Books for vessels of the Navy,. during the year ending on theSoth of June. 1561. Proposals must be endorsed " Proposals for Books. " and directed to the Chief of the Bureau. Lists of.the Books will' be furnished on application& personally or by mail, atthe Bureau. No proposals will be entertained from those not ac tual publishers of or regular licensed dealers in books: and the richt is reserved to reject any or all of the bids if for the interest of the Government. . • - • • • - • - • The Books must be supplied as called for by order of the Bureau. and delivered with all reasonable prompti tude to the .designated Navy Yard or Naval Station, at the expense and risk of the contractor; and all Books so delivered must be subject, to the inspection of. and en tirely satisfactory to. the Navigation- °Meer receipting for them. • • Every offer must be accompanied by a written guaran tee, RS required by law. wail-mot ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE,-, - - PHILADELPHIA, 21st August:l.BBB, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until THURSDAY next, 27th inst., atl2 o'clock M.. for the delivery in this city, on or before the I.sth. September next. of the following articles: 72 horse carts. . 72 sets cart harness: 50 portable forges, No. 3. 60 sets forge tools, (complete.) 40 anvils . No tbs. each. 8 anvils, 120 lbs. each. 2 anvils, 200 the, each. 4. 50 blacksmtth's vices, assorted sizes, per pound. 50 vets shoeing tools, sample required: 10 sets stocks and dies, complete, assorted, sizes, sam ple required. 60 sledge hammers, assorted sizes, per pound. 12 sets saddlers' tools. complete, sample required: 6 sets wheelwrights' tools, complete. sample required. 50 railroad wheelbarrows, extra good. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa tures must be appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the bid. .. Bidders; as well as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certifi cate from 'the United States District Attorney, Post master, or other public functionary, at the residence of the bidders or guarantors, setting forth clearly the fact that the bidder or his sureties are responsible men, who will. if a contract is awarded, act in. good faith with the United States, and faithfully execute the same. G H.. CROSMAN, Ass't Quartermaster General.___ ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. August 21, 1863. P./30POSALE will be received at this office until WED NESDAY,-26th inst., at 12 o'clock M.. for the delivery in this city, on or. before the Ist day of October next, of FIFTY TRAVELLING FORGES, with tools complete, and fifty sets six-horse Artillery Harness for the same. The, right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. A. BOYD, Captain and A. Q. M. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER.GE- A OFFICE. PHILADELPHIA, ISth . August, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until MONDAY, 24th inst., at-12 o'clock M., for the deli very-on board of vessels at the port of Richmond, Phila delphia, ready for shipment, Ten Thousand Tons best quality Anthracite - Coal: egg size. 'Delivelies to be made during the months of September and October next ensuing; one-half the amount to be delivered during the former, and the balance during the latter month. The names of good. and sufficient sureties to the full amount of the contract, mist acconrpaiffir each proposal. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. O. N. CROSMAN", Ass't Q. M. General. MACHINERY AND IRON. 1. YAUGYAN 11111.11101. IRTLLIAX I. 113111.1 M; • •' JOH, 11. COPE. _ _ _ SOU 'BUIS: FOligsgirgint . PHILADELPHIA. innit.TUOK. ire , SONS ENGINEERS AND MACHINATE, Mannsanure High and. Low Pressure Steam XUIIM M land, river, and marine gargle°. Boilers. Gasometers,. Tanks, Iron Bosh, CaglIWN of all AMAIN either iron or brass. Iron-frame Boob for Elsa Works. Workshope. Nailtend Itetorts.and Gis ktelditerir of the- latest and most, I/roved construction. Every. description of. Plantation Maeldnery, sails, IV SUM', Saw, and. Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open steaM Train', Defecators, Filters Pumping Engines, arc._. Sole, Agents for N. Milieux% Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus NegroyAh's Patent_ Steam Hammer and As. & Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal, Sugar Drain'!. ~ - - PENN . STEAM ENGIND Alm BOILER WORKS.—rrzisim & LiTT, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MA CHINISTS, BOILER - MAKERS , BLACKSMITHS.. and POUNDERS, having for many year been in sucsaufin - operation, and been exclusively engaged in building AM repairing Marine and River Engines, nigh and low PM , -ware Iron Boilere, Water Tanks Propellers, ire.. Be.. 'peel - a ll y offer their services to the pubile , as being hilly t r iiTer ind t l2ll l . l 4; f i c alvtit i ga f pger l it i r l orit= idzes, are prepared to execute orders pit h quick desgatub• Every description of pattern-soaking made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Plrte; - Tuhrsier. alt 4 Cylinder Boilers of the best Penneylvesia charcoal iron. Porgies". of all sixes and kinds • Iron and Brans Castilian of a ll descriptions ; Roll-Turning, serew-Onttiag , aid a) other work connected with the above business. Drawings and Speeilloations for all work done at Mak getaliliehment free of charge, and work roarantled.- The subscribers bays ample wharf-dock room , fOr re. NUR of boats, where they - eau lie in perfect safety', are provided' with shears. blear, falls , dra, fast raisins heavy or light - JACOB O. NBAYLL JOHN P. LEVY, DUCH and PALMER streets. UNION STEAM AND WATER HEATING COMPANY 07 PHILADELPHIC. GOLD'S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER REAM THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER; and all caw Improved COOKING APPARATUS. Boilers and - Water Backs Parlor and= other Grata, Registers and' Ventilators. Backs and Jambs, and all Mingo committed with the above branch of business. JAMBS P. WOOD, . No. NI. South FOURTH Street: rzT,TWELL. Superintendent. " ap29-13 MORGAN, ORR, & STEAK' . EIWINS BUILDERS. Iron rounders, _and General Knohinioto and-Bo ll er Makors.lto. 311119 CALLOWILLSi Street. Philadolohlo- MEDICAL. ~IIMELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF As ea .safe aid effectual remedy for Cough, Pain In the. Breast, Spitting Blood. Scrofula, and in all ems where a Blood Purifier is reunions. it ls the Medi eine above all others. Try it. Sold by Proprietor. P. .TUMELLE. 1525 MARKET Street. And all Druggiste. ivlo4se4 WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALT'Ht . GOOD NEWS•.PON THE SICKAND WOUNDED.' Messrs. J. GRIM and T. AILEN.. MEDICAL ALEN TRICIANS, (formerly associated with Profs. Bolles and Galloway ' ) havincremoved to No. 123 North TENTH street. between Goatee and Brown streets, are now-pro pared to treat and care all` Curable Diseases, whether saute or chronic, pulmonary or paralytic; without a shock or any inconveniensc Poor Soldiers will be treated gratniterugy. • The Ladies will - be treated by a lady. Amon; the diseases for whist we will give a IMP. dal alienates. when desired. we mention the followin g Cons umptlion.lst & stage, Hemorrhage, • Paralysis, General Debility Neuralgia,. ' Diseases of the layer or Lethma, Kidneys, Paver and Ague. Diabetes. - • Congestion. - Prokrecut Uteri, (Palling Ree '''' s e rgatiom, IProlspous Ant, or Piles Brom:9llM.. Nocturnal Emission. gissiso. No ohargs for @ors:imitation. Mos hours: 9A- N. to fIABD AND FANCY JOB PRrNTINO; NIO as surewAra a swim& us. Y. lair' a AUCTION SALES., TORN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION ENES, Noe. 232 , and Ain HUREIBT &met, &LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, DROGANs, ON TUESDAY MORNING. Augnet 2.5 th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue, without rreerve, on four months' credit, about 1.100 packages boots, shoes. brogans, balmorals gum oboes, army goods. &c ., in men s. women's, and children's, embracing a prime and fresh assortment of first clam city end Easb-rn manufacture, which w 11 be opened for examination ea'ly a n the morning of sale. LAN.GE POSITIVE SALE OP BOOTS, SHOES, 8130, NOTlCE.—lncluded in our Sale of Boots and Shoes. &c.. on TUESDAY MORNING, August 26th, will be found in part - the following fresh and desirable assort ment, to be sold without reserve. on 4 mouths' credit, viz: Men's and women's rubber boots; men's -hearY nailed Hungarian thick ;boots and brogans; men's prime thick boots; men's Napoleon thick boots: youth's half welt kip boots; men's half welt kip do. ; Sae city-made kid 'welt buskins: ladies' gaiter boots; kid B. 11 ties; colored andiblack lasting buskins; men's fine city-made calf. morocco, and kip boots; men's pump sole grain boots; cavalry boots; heavy grain boots; nufb ed. boots; men's and boys' baimorals and Scotch tiea; women's lined and bout d boo! ; youth's kip brogans; musses' grain ties; misses' grain buskins; misses'- spring heel grain lace boots; women's grain lace boots; women's grain ties;-boys' kip brogans; misses' glazed morocco boots; men's half welt calf do.; youths' half welt calf do.lchi dren's ball brogans; men's calf welt kip boots; men's super calf brogans; men's roan tavern slippers: misses' super kip ties; misses super kid buskins; child's super colored fox booteas: child's super col'd fox ties; mess lined and bound brogans, &c. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH. GERMAN. AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, FOR THE FALL OF I 563. We will bold a large sa le of Beech, French, earmark. and Domestic Dry Goode. by catalogue, on font* moults' credit, ON THURSDAY MORNING. Angast 27th. at 10 o'clock, embracing about 750 pack ages and lots o) staple and fancy articles in woolens, linens, cottons, silks, and. worsteds, to which we invite the attention of dealers. - N. B. —Samples of the same will be arranged ter ex amination, with catalognes, early on the morning of the sale. when dealers will find it to their interest to at tend. LARGE, POSITIVE SALE cor . DRY GOODS SPOOL COTTON NOTlCE.—lncluded in our sale on THURSDAY MORN INO, August 27th, will he found in part packages bleached and brown muslin& do plaid ginghams. - doapron checks. do heavy printed linings. do heavy paddings, do - fancy madder pif.nto. do striped shirting(' and dhnims. do woollen flannels. do mohaire and alpacas. do Saxony dress goods. do black Italian clothe. 20,000 dozen superior spool cotton. LARGE SALE OF WOOLENS. —To Clothiers and. Yob hers. On THURSDAY, August 27. about 560 pieces black and colored French- cloths, hoovers, foltonn—silko, coal skins. coatings, doeskins, cassimeres, tweeds, sattinets, FANCY CA 'SIMERES AND FELTONS, FOR CASH. Also, on THURSDAY, August 27th, will be sold for cash 360 pieces fancy ribbed cassimeres and feltons. UNDERWRITERS' SAI E FOR CASH. - Also, on THURSDAY. August MIL for cash, by order of underwriters, 16 pieces black satinets, 25 pieces Rue, sla shootings, LINEN GOODS, &c. Also, on THURSDAY MORNING, August 27th. A fall line of % linen cambric handkerchiefs. ' Era,. do X linen` cambric handkerchiefs. do X linen cambric hdkfs, bemstitched. do and % linen cambric hdkfs, hemet'ed. A line of Barnby damask and shootings. towels. table • clothe, army shirts, hosiery gloves. silk cravats and ties, sewing silks, hoop skirts, velvet ribbons and trim. wings, head nets, &c. POSITIVE SALE OF CARPETING& MATTINGS. STAIR RODS. ace„ ON FRIDAY MORNING. Amorist 28th at • Precisely 10% o'clock. will be sold, without reserve, by catalogue, on four monthe credit, an assortment of Brussels, three-ply, superfine and fine ingraln,Venitian, hemp, and rag carpeting% stair rods, , 3ehich may be examined- early on the morning of sale. P HILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS. 525 MARKET and 522 COMM:EROS Btreeka. LARGE SALE OF 1.000 OASES BOOTS AND 84015. THIS MORNING. - - - Angnet 24th, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, will be acid by catalogue, 1.000 cases men's, boys', and youths' calif. kip. and ain boots.brogans arc.; women's. misses', and children ' s calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes. - " for examination,with catalogues, early on he morning of sale. LARGE SALB OR 3,000 CASES BOOTS AND SHOE. ON THURSDAY MORNING. August '27th, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold by es talogne,l,ooo cases men's, boys', and youth's. calf, kip. and grain boots, brogans, &c ; women's, misses'. and children's, calf. kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes. AWT Open for examination, with catalogues, early oa fife morning of sale. PAN COAST & WARNOCK, AIIO -s- TIONEERS,No. 213 MARKET Street. FIRST LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, &c., dm., FOR THE "FALL OF 1663, by catalogue, ' • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. August 28, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, compri sing about 760 lots of fresh and desirable goods, to which the attention of invited. UR— Samples arranged ::-.. , :zrzataination. early on the morning of sale. D. F. WILKIN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NAS v LLLE, TENNESSEE. Has been constantly engaged to the practice of his pro fession, and !the collection of Claims, at Nashville, for the past rottaxzErt YEARS. REFEHENCAS : Miura. Sibley, Moulton, Scf Woodruff; Mesas. Bar croft & CO. ann-lm' GEORGE WTETIOOP WYNKOOP & CURSOR, MILITARY AND NAVAL CLADS - AGENTS, No. - 1 Mercantile Library Building, LIBRARY Street. Philadelphia, (Rear of Post Office.) &a- Pensions. Bounties. Back Pay, Subsistence Claims. Prize Money, &c. , promptly collected. 451 - Passports promptly procured, Information given as to location of any regiment in the service_ At% - Business transacted in German. or French Lan guages. INTERNAL REVEN ti.Nl -OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES ASSESSOR OF THE SECOND DISTRICT, 1231 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, RICHARD-T. GUMPERT has been appointed Assist snt Assessor of the Twelfth Division in my district, which is that. portion of the Ninth ward eolith side of Market street, from Seventh street to Broad. - aulS-svfm6t THOMAS W. SWENEY, Assessor. TO THE DISEASED OF ALL OLASSES.—AII sent* and 'ehronie diseases cured. by special guarantee, at. LIM WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, when desired, and. is Mt of a /All ure, no charge is made. Extensive and commodions arrangements have been recently made for boarding patients from a distance at reasonable prices. Prof O. H. BOLLES the founder of this was practice, has associate d . wth him Dr. N. L. OA_LLO WAY. A pamphlet containing a multitude of ear tilcates of those cured : also. letters and comsat. mantas . " resolution' from a .tidieal ken and others, will be given to any person free.- N. B.—Medical men and. other" who desire a knowledge of my discovery sea enter for a fall sours, of leetnree at any time. Consultation free. J. BOLLES k GALLOWAY. { dell ISSN WALNUT Street.' 'YE AND EAR-PROF. J.ISAA.O9, K 1 1 ,, Oculist and Aurist, formerly of Leyden. ' , Holland, now at No. 511 PINE Street, where - persmui Balloted with diseases of the Nye and Bar will be scion. alkalis. treated, and cured, if curable. Artificial Byes Inserted without pain. N. B.—No charge made for exa• urination. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! PHILADZLPIIIA.; May 80, M- N. C. Sadler, Esq., Agent for Safe* : DEAR Bra: During the night of May 19, our Gro cery and Provision Store, at North Second and Willow streets, took fire at about 2 o'clock A. M. and as the store was a two-story wood building it burnt rapidly, and before the fire-engines could act noon the lire, our Whole stock of goods, including much combustible ma. terial, and- amounting to over $2,000, were wholly de. greyed. -We had one of your No. u. Chilled Iron Safes. which was in the hottest part of the fire, andlit came out of the lire not in the least injured, except the melting of of the name, plateand paint. The contents inside were not affected in the Mast, and we consider the Safer net as good a protection against fire now as before, and shall use it hereafter with increased confidence. The lock Works ea perfectly as before the lire. Yours truIy ' MoMAIGIN CROPT, ate 429 Mirth SECOND Street. Attention to the above certificate is particularly re quested, as it is the first trial of LILLIE'S SAFES in an accidental fire in Philadelphia. I would say to all parties whowant a Fire and Burglar-proof Safe that LILLIE'S 'WROUGHT AIM CHILLED IRAN SAFES are much the cheapest and the - only real Fire and Burglar-proof Safes now made; and to those who want simply a Fire-proof, I would say that LILLIE'S WROUGHT IRON SAFE is fully equal in alt respects to any of the most-approved makers. and sold at fully one-third less price. - - I also am receiving daily in exchange for Lillie'm Wrought and Chilled Iron Safes other Safes, and keep constantly on hand a general assortment of HERRING'S, EVANS & WATSON'S, and other makers, many of them almost new, which .I offer at, and even below. auction Prices. All parties interested are particularly requested to ex amine the Safes above descalhed at my &Tat. Id. C. SADLM.. Agent, • No. 91 South SE Street. DRAIN PIPE.-S TONEW AB,B DRAIN PIPE from 2 to 12-inch bora. . 3-Inch bore 25 souls per yar' 3 d 0... .... . ... • 30 do do. ' do 60 d o o. d 40 d d Ido . 665 do do. Even , varlet; of connections, bends, traps, and hoppers. We are now prepared to furnish Lill* in any cinantity, and on liberal terms , to dealers and those Purchasing ill lard quantities. _ ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS. Vitrified Terra. Cotta .ObimnPy Tops, plain and orna mental designs, warranted' to, stand the action of coal no. or the weather in any climate. GARDEN VASES. . . A great variety or Ornamental Garden Vases in Territ Gotta,- classical designs, all sizes, and warranted to stand the weather. Also, Fancy Flower Pots, Hanging Baiskets, and Garden Statuary. - , Philadelphia Terra Gotta -Works.- ' Office and Warezooms F.OlO GICBSTFRIT Street. fIITICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS 1— W. -At DEAN'S CIGAR STORE. 335 CHESTNDT 5t.,.. You can buy FINE-CDT CHEWING TOBACCO 26 per sent- less than anywhere else. . _ Anderson's Solace; Hoyt's Stmnyeide, Ltlienthal's Stan_dard, Old Continental ' Young America. and Good win's N. Y. Patent Pressed, for eight cents each. --Plantation, Cernish's Virgin Leaf. Yellow Bank, Honey Dew, Amulet, National. Heart's Delight, Savory, Medal lion, Nonpareil, and'Mrs. Miller's Fine-cut Chewing To bacc ,o for four cents each. FINE CDT IN YELLOW PAPERS. Backus & Campbell's, Yellow . Bank. : Grape, for ;three *eras each. FINE-CUT CHEWING' TOBACCO IN BULL —Ander son's Solace, Hoyt's Sttnnyside. Dean's Golden Prise: Dean's Philadelphia Fine Cut, Honey Dew, Michigan.- and Pride of Kentucky, for six cents per ounce. Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco by the pound, 46, 60, 76, 90 se__ _ie.& fki, • ZORTED - AND YARk CIGARS, and do; mastic Cigars of all kindsczo-ncv ...t,_less than others Sell,• at Wholesale or retail. at . DEAN'S•CIGAR STORE 335 cuzirrivirr Street. Wilmington and Newark Corporation Notes COTTON SAIL DUOK AND O L ANVAB of all numbers and brands. ' Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of ell deacriptiong,fot Tents. Awnings, Trunk, and Wagon Ootrers. Aho. Paper Manufacturers' Drier Yalta front I - to I foal Wide. Tarpaulin. Twide,le. • JOHN I • _ _ JO -W. MRE AN 1.011 JONES' AII.T. M A C KE ERI6, HERRING, SHAD, gre., dre. 2,600 bbls Mass. Nos. 1,9, and 8 Mackerel. late called ha fish, in assorted packages.. 2,000 bbls. Neer Bast Port, -Fortune Bay. and Hallam Herring: 2,600 boxes Lnbee, Sealed. and No. 1 Herring. bbls. new Mess Shad. 200 boxes Herkimer County Cheese Eye. &•• In store and for sale by. 9111BrHY a HOOD'S, _ jal44f Mo. 1445 North WEAR lIERMRTICALLY SEALED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. -- , 2,000 dozen cans fresh Peanhes. - 2,000 do do do Pineapples. 500 do do do -'Strawberries. 1500 do do tdo Blackberries. 500 do do -do Whortleberries. 200 do do -do Cherries. 4,000 do do do Tomatoes, &c., &0 .. - Onhand and for sale by ERODES & WILLIAM% TOT South WATER Street: WILLIAM 11.:YEATON & 00 9 IF IF No. soi South FRONT Street, , _Agents for the sale of t_ _ _ ; ORIGINAL HRIDSIECR & CO. CHAIDPAGIKIL Offer that desirable 'Wine to the .trade. Also. L 000 eases fine and medinni trades BORDEAUX. CLARETS. /DO CaBB6 • !Brandenberg Freres '! COGNAC BBJJIDI,' Vintage 184 S, bottled In France. IO cues finest Tuscan Oil,in 100k,'•2 dozen in ease 60 bbls guest quality Monongahela Whisks'. 60 bbls Jersey Apple Brandy. 60.090 Havana Cigars.' extra fine- Moot "St Chandon Grand Yin " Green Seal" Champagne. Together with a fine assortment of Madeira, Sherry; Port. &s, . , GOLDTHORP VCO., 625 , Manufacturers of . tassels. cords. prigges, Curtains. and ignitor' 9inins, Curtain Loops, CentreTassels. 4.4.,t nature and Photograph Tassels, Blind Trinkings„ =nary and Dress . Trimmings, - Ribbons 'Nook Ttig eta.. I s MI MJB> BT Street. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO., • 429 MA.RICIT BMW. FIRST FALL SALE OF BRITISH, _FRENCH, GERMAN. AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING. August 'Nth, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on 4 menthe credit— , COO packages and lots of fancy and staple dry. goods. ON TUESDAY MORNING. 6,000 DOZ. %ANDX PLAIN. PRINTED. AND KEII- .S'IITCHED LINEN CAMBRIC' HANDKERCHIEFS OF-A CELEBRATED MANUFACTURE, WARRANTEIS ALL -LINEN. dozen % supei to fine linen carnisric handkerchiefs. do % fine to extra hemstitched handkerchiefs. do X fine to superfine corded corder plain do. do h' and X printed borders handkerchiefs. Comprising a full assortment just landed. EXTRA FINE SHIRTING LINENS. 4 cases 4-4 extra fine shirting linens, finest quality im ported. %OM PIECES WHITE GOODS. . Fine to:extra tine INhitelaceicets. Fine to extra fine white cambrics. Fine to extra fifie tape checks. Fine to extra fine Nansooks and brilliants. - SALE ON ACCOUNT OF UNDERWRITERS OF BLACK AND COLORED CAMBRICS AND srasgus. DAM AGED SLIGHTLY. ON TUESDAY . . 3 cases black cambric,. 1 do colored cambrics. , 1 do colored silecias. 1 do black silecias. LYONS BLACK SILK VELVETS AND GROS DE RHINES. ON TUESDAY MORNING. 30 pieces Lyons heavy black silk velvets. —2O a 36-inch Lyons black area de rhines. 3TALIAN*BLACK SEWING SILK. 10 cases black sewing silk. WOOL PLAIDS, SILK FIG'D DRESS GOODS, &c. 2 cases all wool Scotch plaids. 2 cases troche tig'd Saxony dress goods. 2 cases black and white poil de chevre. IRISH LINENS. BLANKETS, GIN'GHAMS, dtc. 4,4 fine to extra fine Irish shirting linens. bales heavy blanket' cases Manchester aungbams delaires. colored and black coburgs, twills, &e. ALSO, =Shirt ng strir es. ticks. and checks. SCOTCH PLAID WOOL CASSIMERES AND TWEEDS. 90 pieces 00 inch super and heavy Scotch cessin eres and tweeds. M THOMAS & SONS, -LILL-• Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Streit STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE-TUESDAY NEXT. . . . . Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing fall de scriptions rof all the Property to be sold on TITBSDLIf next, 26th inst . with a list of Sales Bth. 16th. and Zbit September,comprising first class City and Country Pro- Petty: FALL SALES STOCKS AND'-REAL ESTATE. First Fall Sale. 2.5111 August —Handbills ready. Serond Fall Sale. Bth September. I Third Fall Sale,lsth September. Sir Fart of the handbills now ready.. TES' SIXTY-FIRST - PRILARBriPLIIA._ TRADR-SAIR TO BOOKSELLERS Will commence 15th September. Catalogues nbw ready- 905: SNARES PRNN'A. MINING CO. STOCK OF MI CHIGAN. • . A n awl 24th. at 12 o'clock M., will be sold-for non•PaY meat a/pc:lmonth. unless paid for on or before that time, at the office of the becretary of the Company, No. XS Walnut street. Philadelphia, 905 shares Pennsylvania Mining Company of Michigan. August 25th, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Exchange, with- Out reserve -100 shares Pittsburg and Steubenville Railroad Co. 1 share Academy or Fine Arts. 10 shares Philadelphia Exchange Company. REAL - ESTATE SALE. 25th August. Orphans' Court Peremptory Sale-:-Estate of Eliza Hart. deceased.—Three story brick dwelling, No. HIM Pine at. Orphan.' Court Sale—Ectete •of Conrad Keller, da ceas, d.—Tb ree-e tory brick dwelling, No. 1515 Brown at. Large and valuable lot 278 feet on Lancaster avenue. 153 feet on - Cathedral.-and, 159 feet on Torr avenue. Twenty-fourth ward. Two large and valuable 503 feet front iota, TOrr and. Cathedral avenues, Twenty-fourth wards. Handsome three-storyi stone dwelling, Rittenhotua street, Germantown Four story brick store, No. 230 N. Second street. Peremptory Sale.—Two handsome retidences, Nos. 104 and 106 Nineteenth street. - Handbills ready; catalogues on Saturday. To Grocers,Druggists, and Others—Eale N. E. corner Broad and Arch Streets. COUNTERS.. SHRI VING. BINS, &c. THIS MORNING. Angost Sith, at 10 &clod.. at northeast corner Broad and Arch streets, the fixtures of a Grocery Store, com prising S superior marble top counters, ranges of side shelving. with fine glass sash; range of bins. with IS fine marble panels; stone tea and smgar•loaf sign. air May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. BY' HENRY P. WOLBEET, No.'4os MARKET A E l tLet, loath side, above. Second It Etna Jar Sales ofiGoods, Trimmbara. Notions. ks..; every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY. and FRIDAY NOW. , IF GS. at 30 clock DracteelY. City and coantry,Dealers are reonested to attend th ere sales. - Comdrnmonts respoetfallikollaited from Maimfaots ion; Importers. , Commirado'r," Wholesale, and Jobbbut Houses, an& Betzlieri of all and ever? deartrivUoa of Merchandise: GASSIMERES. HOSIERY, SKIRTS. MDKSS., SHIRTS. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &c. . THIS MORNING, August 3lth, commencing at 10 o'clock. will be sold, a - large and desirable assortment of goods, comprising -risicuzrAliperes, cloaking's. Suspenders, sewing and. putar.l. tansnool cotton; white, brown. and mixed cottod—hose and hilLhose, linen end cotton hdkfs.. brilliant and rnarseitie.. — iuyww.s.i..pctuo white and fancy: over shirts. trimmings, rubber combs, rings, ladles' collars. knives and forks, candles. pipes, balmorals. brogans, &c. Also, ladies', misses', and children's 3 to 40 spring wide tape and cord skirts. Also. .stock of dry goods, trimmings, ready-made clothing. &c. WAISIEMAR CIIIIZCH 'MOSES NATILLNEV AIT(iTIONKRIA, sonthesmi corner of and RACE Strut& AT PRIVATIS SALE, FOILLESS THAN HALF TIN USUAL SELLI3IO PRICES. Fine gold and silver Noxell*, American, and 13wies tentlever watches, extra &.11 Jewelled and plain. of Nit most approved and best makers, in heavy hnisting eases, doable cases , magic cases, double bottom sat open-Lace; fine gold chronomaters, in heavy huntinp cases; fine gold and silver _ Lyme watches, in hnntiae. eases and open face; silve onartier watches; doubles ease English silver watches, and others. Diimondgg line gold vest, neck. guard, and chatalien chains: geig pencil cases and pens. eilver do. ; setts of fine gold - jewel. rv, medallions, gold and silver specks, bracelets,grgikk plated. vest chains; double and. single-barrel fowling pieces, some of them very superior; revolvinWs glasses, &c. N. NATE In large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousand for any length of time agreed on,on diamonde.watithai jewelry, gold and silver plate, .pianos, mirrors, turd+ tare, dry goods, groceries, hardware, cutlery. cloth/ad cigars, fowling places, fancy articles, merchandise atam rally and of every deacriphon, on better terms am II any other establishment in this city. CIILLEITE & SCOTT, • • AMP/OBSESS, ,Tayite'sHa bl B 619 CHESTNUT Street, and algid : A S treet. fIABINET:' Lump TABLES. 11 eonnestion With their extensive Cabinet business. are soW manufacturing 111. superior article of • Ina hare now on hand a fall sootily finished with tha Nowa & CAMPION'S ImPitovim CUSHIONS. Whisk are nrononased hy all who have used them to be inverter to all others. - • - • • • • Tor the quality and finish*? these Tables, the matt. litstarero refer to their numerous patrons throughout Um geom. the are hatilitz .70 1 • 11 the eharaster of theirwork. Wage" NATIONAL H 041314, - WASHTNOTOD. D. 0. H. S. BENSON, PROPRIETOR, * Formerly of the Ashland House, Philadelhia. He is deterralned to merit and hopes to rece i ve. a fall share of public patronage. je19411 METROPOLITAN HOTEL, (LATE BROWN' S) PENNSYLVANIA AVBETTE, Between Sixth and Seventh etreets; .WASHINGTOB CP L B. PCOIII,, Propietor. mvl2-6m MARSHAL'S SALE.- BY VIRTITE of a Writ of Sale by the Hon. John Cadwalader. Judge of the District 'T onrt of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. in Admiralty, to ma directed. will be sold at public sale. to the highest and best bidder. for cash. at SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP CO.'S WHARF, above Vine street. on TUESDAY. - Sep tember let. 1863, at 12 o'clock M., the steamer CHARLES TON, her tackle, apparel, and omit - are. as she now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM MILLW,ARD 11. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania.. PERLADELPHIA, August 21,186:1. au22-6t "—' 0 A L.--131T.A1l LOAF, BEAVER Meadow, and Spring Mountain Leldit e p best Locust Mountain from S o hn l_kill; cr. greatly Joy family nee- Depot, N. W. corner o Paerris and ...LOW Streets. 0269, Jo. 11% South SECOifm Street. Can!-111 WALTOI & CO. sla BOSTON AND PHILA.DIU 'PULL STEAMSHIP LING, saillitfro Yll ntrnat port on SATURDAYS .` from first Wharf a Streak' Philadelphia, and Lone Wharf. Boston. The steamer SAXON. Calsisiv Maithetrr,from delphht for Boston, en SATURDAY. August 22, at DI o'closk A. M. Land steamer NORMAN, Captain Baker. Will sail from Boston. on the SAME DAY. at 4? M. These new and substantial steamships fonts re liras; selling from each port punstonaly on SatUitinig. Inenranaes effected atone-half the ri.ramitm *Yana sail vessels. Freightti faked at fair rata'. . Shippers •re requested to send Slip Iteeebris asa Lean, with their goods. Igor Freight or (hissing Rue seeconmedeld apply to HENRY WINHOR & CO.. Elba Six South I:I3IIANFARE Among; 41 - A rii v , STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER POOL. touching at Queenstown. (Cork Hat bor. ) ' The well-known Steamers of the Livorno."). Nei York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are. intend ed to sail as follows: GEASGOW Saturday. Auraat 22. CITY OF WASHINGTON Saturday Aurnel29. CITY OF BALTIMORE Saturday. Sept . _ 5. And every succeeding Saturday at noon, from Pier lii 61, North River. .. RATES OF PASSAGE.. Payable in 0014. or its equivalent in Currency. FIRST CABIN, : $BO 00STESIUGE, .st 2 1 Do. to London. 85 00 Do. to London 95 ' Do. to Paris. 96 03 I. DO.' to PP - Do. to Hamburg, 9000 • Do. to - Passengers also forwarded to 'Havre I dam, Antwerp', ans. ;at equally low rates. Fares from Liver Pool or/Queenstown: M. islos.Steerage from Liverpool, EEL town. 663. Those who wishto send for thi bay their tickets here at these rates. Tor farther information. iIpPIT ai 'JOHN G. I)/ fe26 In WALNOT Street g d pal=-141 FOR NEW I r f DAILY LINE--VIA RARITAN CANAL. Philadelphia and New York Express }any receive freight said leave dairy at inftheir cargoes in New York the Freights taken at reasonable rates. - WM. P. CU No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES 'JAMES HAT and-tr Piers 14 and EAST.Y" AtTHOMSON'S . rriIENBR OR BIIBOPEA , families. hotels, orpublic TWENTY DIFFBRETT SIZBI dolphin Ranges; Hot-Air Furnaces, P, Low down Orates, ireboard Stoves, Bail hole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, a and retail; by the reanufactnrem • , CHASE. SHARPE, tic anl9-icfra-Bin No. 2 0 0 5. SF _ k k STORM' le spgr i li a gOWlTlL A bags vs:Jibd 71.111-Pa' DB. FINE, PRA. - TIST for the teat twrinty y below Third, inserts the most ,bean age, mounted on Ane Gold, • Pilleina. Oorelite; Amber, he, at prim, fors work, more reasonable thenany State. Teeth , plugged to but for I) repaLred' to salt. Ito pal' , in ex' warranted to lit. Refemee. beat f L A SIIPBVI OR _INGOT froze the Amy . uloid Kim in Or itultutittes to mit. . oan-oe.• HEE N- r lOO Cam, WI cut , pi t nostrAte E. reirc* I"aft"a• l '" us wAxanrt sad AUCTION SALES. THIS MORNING, STOCKS. &c., ON TUESDAY. MONEY TO Lola.. =IMILM MOORE & OAMPIONI No. SM. Smolt. SECOND Street BILLIARD TABLE% HO 9 LS MARSHAL'S SALES. COA.E. SHIPPING. AND BIL.
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