FINANCIAL AND COMMKIICI&L. THE MONEY MARKET. •t PHILADELPHIA, August 15, 1863. There seems to be no end,, to the influx of money into Third street, and it is almost a matter of im ipoesibility to use large amounts at anything like a remunerative figure. To use the Words of a dealer to-day, "money is of no account; a perfect drug.” It was offered as low as 4 per cent., and re fused, while borrowers seldom pay over 6. This state of things is likely to continue for some time, as the disbursements of Government are as ex,ea ;sive as ever, and large sums have been withdrawn from gold speculations, which will probably be kept entirely out of , the , specie mart. Parties are willing to loan on fancy stocks that a few weeks ago they Would not touch, and seem very well satisfied with the arrangement. Of course, this increases the spi rit of speculation, and is already having its effect at the Board of Brokers in an increase of business. Gold remains inactive and steady at 126@1.263,. Government securities are losing nothing by the delay before Charleston. Sixes, 1581, are steady at ; seven-thirties at the same, while the con versions into the five twenties are progressing favorably; averaging now about half a million a day, which, as a steady fund for the Government, is all that can be - desired. To-day conversions jumped up to over seven hundred thousand: The stock market opened quite active and contin tied strong with a rising tendency, especially as re gards the lower-priced stocks. Very . few Govern meat and State loans are changing hands, and Oily loans are in demand. Railroad bonds are much sought, and cheap capal securities are desirable for the Opportunities they present for a rise. New City sixes are steady at 106%, the old at 103. Read ing convertibles Bold at 118, 106 was bid for 1870 s, 107 for. 18803. -•Camden and Amboy sixes, 1689, sold at 108,.18.93.8 at 102.1.4. Philadelphia and Erie Rail road shares were in demand and sold up to 2734, an advance of 1%. The speculative feeling was strong in Reading, which advanced ~ , f. Catawlssa sold at 8, the preferred -at 24%, an advance of Long Island made the greatest adyance, rising three dol lars per share. North Pennsylvania was heavy, falling ,14". Norristown sold at 613‘. Pennsylvania at 64%. 46 was bid for Little Schuylkill. Canal securities were not in demand—Susque benne sixes selling at 65, the shares at 16;4; 12% Was bid for Schuylkill Navigation, the preferred selling at 81% was bid for the sixes ; Union Canal bonds sold at 26 ; 6734 'was bid for Lehigh Navigation. There was a movement in New Creek, which sold largely at 1; Locust Mountain Sold at SO. Bank shares and passenger railways are inactive. The market closed firm—s4o,ooo in bonds and 7,600 shares :changing hands. Drexel & Co. quote: •llnited States Bonds, 6191060 United States new Cert 0 , 1 indebtedness.. 99. if -United States old Cert. of Indebtedness 101 ®lot7 United States 7 3-10 Notes.. ......... —lO6 (0107 Quartermasters' Vouchers. .... .—....... dis. Orders for Certificates of Indebtedness:........ol di a Gold -12634 03.26,1 i *Sterling :Exchange - "Paris Exchange 410 @ll5 Jay Cooke & Co. quote Government securities, ate:, ais follows : United Statet 6s BM-- S 1 _ . . . . Certificates of Indebtedness. old. Certificates of Indebtedness. new Quartermasters' Vouchers Demand Notes 5.305, *715.400. The New York bank statement of yeiterday offers the following comparisons with that of last llflonday: Week ening Loans. Fnecie. Circu'n. Permits. August S .4176,559.810 4153,156. MS $5,705,024 •5115. 3 35.1 1 6 August 15 .. 175.505,471 32,874,913 5, 43,177 155,950,013 Deareaffe, Increase. The statement of the Pennsylvania Ooal Oompa my, for the year ending May 1, 1883, shows that the net profits amounted to $454,159.13, or 14 per cent. on the capital stock. Out of these earnings one nerd, annual dividend of 3%" per cent. and one of 5 per cent. have - been declared, leaving still to the credit of profit and loss on the business of the year over 5 per cent on the capital stock. .."-The following will show the exports of speole from New York to foreign ports for the week; end ing August 15, and since the beginning of the year: iSt'r Scotia, Liverpool,' California gold bars.. $157, 8)0 American gold coin.. 658,251 zt'r Bremen, Bremen—Ame lean gold coin... 163,000 American silver coin. 21,100 O erm silver coin... 800 hie-x can silver coin.. 4.301 Brig Lacy Ileywood,Matamor is—Am, gold on 10,000 ISt. City of Manoliester,Liverpool- 7 :am, gold en 100,000 Do. and soya. 14.000 iSt'r CorEica, Nassau—Bilti.Fh silver coin 15.000 American silver coin... _44 082 • gu AAmericand . 116.592 Brig Harriet, St. Johns, P. R American silver 2.1,1.01. Total for the week.. Previously reported eta. 131111017 1:53 Sig.itLt , ice in 1662 - Do.' 1661 Do, 1860.. I Do. 1808 ' Do. 1858 ° The New York Evening , Past of to-day says The stock -Market has suffered a temporary but Crete spasm this morning, Harlem and Pittsburg eing the weakest, and Erie the strongest on the at. Of Harlem, which closed yesterday at rig, 000 shares were sold at ;niece tailing from 167 to • and recovering to 163; and of Cleveland and ltsburg 8,000 shares were sold from 102 to 99, ; re• . vering to 104. he appended table exhibits the chief movements the'market compared with the latest prices of sterday evening: Tn. Mon. Adv. Dec 8.65, 1081, reg 106 _ - '8.6a,1861, on 106 8. seven thirties.. .. 10634 ICSK 4 1 year Certif gold• .101% , 101.% 8. 1 Tr. Cert. cnrr'ncy 90.% 99% eon. - 125% nneseee 16 0.5 1 seem( 703% .34 ntilic Mail. 233 - - 134, MI. Central —...13134 132% 1.24 Erie ~,;,• •-••••-••-•:“11416 100 434 ma Drown& 108 10534 X SlnasontLiver*......-.:149% 149% 17134 Mariam leferreil.....—.l4o 160 , - 117% jp. 'Mich. 117 . - Mich. Soathern 111 tbilch. 80. soar 119 .. Illinois Consent , - 1 22% 12 - 3 ,1 • Clevelandes • 101 .. Galena 107 106% 34 Cleveland&roledo 11654 11584 , Chlcsgp & Rock Island. 109% 18614 34 • tort 8) 92% .. 3% Canton. .. ' wig 3214 .• rattle dn Chien 63 90 .. • lton kTerre Haute. .. 67 6 6 3( % Chicago &Itorthwest'n: 86g 3834 .. Harlington &Quincy...l26 122- 4 rhilada. Stock Excht rEeyortedl'isB. sBl.ezuafa FCBST 25 Pbila & Erie R. • • 2634 ILO do\.• 27 aoci do .. • • 27 - 13 do - ' 2 27 'lOO - Long Island , 43 200 do IMO City Gs, new—reg 11Y MOO new—bs 1 4 , , - 8000 do new 10134 400 do new 10% 1000 do Gas 103 TM) Union Canal bonds 25' SECOND 2000 it 8 5.20 Tre Notes.lolss 100 Long Island li• . 60 bolt Nav pref.. ..b5 244 do do prof.., reg 04% 200 do pref. ~b 6 2438 21000 Cam & Am 68,1889.108 MOO Penns. 56 100 163 45 d N Peonra .... b 5 10% . _et ID): 100 do . b 6 19% 1000 City 6e, new 10604 3000 do new 1063; 80 Phila & Erie P.• • • • 273( fflernt-weekly Review, of the Philadelphia Idarkets The Ilreadstuffs market continues very dull, but therein no material change to notice in prices. Bark is in demand at former rates. Flour and Wheat are dull. Corn is scarce and in demand. Oats are with out change. Coffee is very scarce, and there is not anuch doing. InForeign Fruit there is= very little doing, but green fruit is coming in and selling freely. Fish are unchanged. The Iron market continues dull and the sales limited. SPirits of Turpentine is Tether firmer. Coal 011 is in fair dethand at full prices, In Provisions there is vety little doing, bu twitters are firmer. The demand for Flour 'is limited, both for ex port and home 'use, and the market is very dull ; pales comprise about 3,500 bbls, including 600 bbls choice Jenny Lind extra family at $7 50; 500 bbla fresh•ground Western family at $6 50 ; 400 bble Quaker City Mills extra on private terms ; and 100 bble Ohio family at $5.7510' bbl. The retailers and bakers are buying in a small way - at $5.1234,@5.3734 for superfine ; $5.50@5 62y for extra $5.87X@6.50 for extra family ; and $7@7.50 bbl for fancy brands, according to quality. Rye Flour is selling in a small way. at $4.505 bbl. Corn sTeal—There is very little doing enna Is held at $4, and Brandywine Weal at $4.20bb1. GRAlN—There is very little demand for Wheat, and the receipts are light; sales reach about 15,000 bushels at 120(01300 for fair -to prime new red. and 135(01386 for old do ; white ranges at from 146@160c 43 9 ' bushel for common to prime. Rye is lower ; about 600 bushels new sold at 90c ; old Penna is Worth 1056 'ft bushel. Corn is scarce and in demand, with sales of 10,000 bushels at 80c for prime yellow, and 78c for Western mixed; a damp lot sold at 730 bushel. OATS are unchanged ; about 18,000 bushels have been sold at 63@bbc for new. The last sale of old Pennsylvania was at 70c, weight. PROVISIONS.—The market is firm, but there Is 'very little 'demand for any kind, except for Hams; about 200 bbla Mess Pork sold at $14@14 50 for new, and $11.50@11.75 bbl for old. Small lots of Mess Beef are selling at $l3OlO bbl. Bacon—The de. 3nand is mostly for Hams ' • about 150 tierces, plain and fancy, sold, at 11@lao ; Sides, in a small way, at sW i gryo, and Shoulders at 53 @6,4c, -cash. In Green Meats there is very little doing ; small sales of Rams in pickle are making at low al.030; and in Pet at 834@9c, and Shoulders at ch's a 8 lh, sash. Lard—There is more doing; about 1,000 bbls and tea ladd at io,k i vioyo VI lb, and kegs at 11,14'©1134c vs lb. Butter is selling at from 13@l8c lA lb, as to quality. Cheese is steady at 10@126. Eggrare rather better, and selling at 12a 4fY doz. METALS.—There' is very little demand for Pig Iron, and the =flat is dull; small sales of Anlhra cite are making-at s3o@a6 TIF ton for the three num bers. Scotch Pig is held at $35 yr ton, cash. Cop per—There is very little doing in. Sheathing; small gala of Yellow Metal are making at previous rates. BARlC.—There is a steady demand for Quercitron; about 50 Ude ISt No. 1 have been sold at $3O 4p , ton, and some Peterson & Elustord's at $35: Tanners' _Bark sells at $l4 for Chestnut, and $lB 'IFI cord for Spanish Oak. CANDLES.—TaIIow Candles are dull. Sperm are without change. Adamantine are selling at from 18@23c for city and fullweight Western. 00A L.—There is less doing ; orders from the Bast have fallen off, but prices remain about the same as last quoted. Schuylkill is selling at from $5.50@5.75 ton, on board at Richmond. COFFEE. There is very little stock in first bands ; sales reach about 160 bags, including Rio, at 2.7@28 . 30, Cape 2.6@27c, and Jamaica at 27c It, cash and time. COTTON.—The stook 'continues very light, and prices remain about the same as last quoted; some 80 bales have been disposed of at 68@69c 19 lb for :Ladlings and good middling, cash. FEATHERS.—There are but few here, and they range from 47 to 500 ip lb for good Western. FRUIT.—The market is nearly bare of Oranges and Lemons, and prime repacked are worth s7@B box. Pine Apples are retailing at slo@l2 ifio hundred. Green Fruit of all kinds is arriving and selling freely. Peaches range , from 50c to $1 1p balket. For pried Fruit prises are nominal. FISH.—The receipts of new Mackerel are in- Oreasing,and 1,000 barrels sold from the , wharf at 416 for No. 1; $ll for No. 2s, and $0.2.5@7.25 for medium and large as. No change in Codfish or Herring. GUANO.-Peruvian ranges from $96 to $lOO IR , ton, and Super Phosphate of Lime at $37@47 cash, Aivith rather more selling. HEMP is quiet, there being little or no stook here •Iri first hands to operate in. HOPS range from 17 to 230 for first sort Eastern -and Western, but there is very little doing. HAY is steady at 90@100o the 100 lbs. LUMBER.—There is a moderate demand for 'moat description. without change in prices. MOLASSES is dull. and there has been very tie doing. A small lot of New Orleans sold at 6oc -CM time. - NAVAL STOR4,S.—Commoit Rosin , lok gelling in• A.(41.06% 10i14W0111 99,35va 9..3% 99 099.14' d • 125 a 125 .•••-• .• .Ids (01:43 281,635 93,847 $1.219.230 2.3 373 491 $17.543 7 3 ..37 835 911. . 3.283.358 . 32.433,153 . 47.496 .512 t17,081.,2 ge Sales, August 18. a. PldladeWen Exchange% ] : OARD +9OO New Creek 600 do 1000 Snsq Canal bonds 65 120 Reading R ....'5O 00 Cats wisea R.....'..S .2 7 2 do 8 Penns R 64q 58 do • .. 100 Cataw R pref...b3o 245 • g 7 O Norristown~lo ..... 611 d 4000 Cam .& Am 65,1883.1025-‘ BO &RD. 22 Second & Third It 781; 200 Locust Mount'n b3O 30 600 Snag Canal 15 V 4 213 Reading 31••••21ys 095 c 200 do ...... .• • .bl 5 594 1010 do 5 1 14' 400 do ...... 594 100 do sl 594 100 do '6009 100. do" do b 5 093 4, 100 d 0..... .. .. . reg 3 do 12003 Reading 68, 1886...118 4170175 T 18—Evening a small way at about $3O bbl. Prices of Tar and Pitch are nominal. Spirits of Turpentine is rather firmer; small sales at $3 gallon. • . In Oils there is but little doing. Linseed is sell ing in a small way at 0020211.03. Lard Oil ranges from 75@80c for No. 2, and Wanted, There is but little or no red Oil offering. There is a fair de mand for Petroleum, and prices are firm ; about 1,200 bble sold in lots at 356 for Crude, 50,@53c for re fined in bond, and s6o@63e ip gallon for free, as to quality. RlOE.—There is but little here, and Rangoon is selling only in a small way, at 79 SALT.—We hear of no arrivals or sales, but the market is firm, SEEDS.—The market is bare of Cloverseed. Timothy is more active ; sales are reported at $2 26 02. 76. Flaxseed is beginning to arrive, and selling at $2 26 lJt bushel. SPIRITS are dull and unchanged, and the sales of Brandy and Gin very small. Whisky is selling at 47@4730 for Fennsylvanb‘ and Ohio bbla, hhds at 46c, ana drudge at 453‘c it gallon. SUGAR.—There is not much doing, Rind the mar ket• is firm; 300 hhds Cuba sold at log@ltc, and Porto Rico at 1.2@123.c, mostly on time. "TALLOW is stead ' y. Sales of country rendered at, and city Ic@io,w, cash TOBACCO is dull, and the sales of both leaf and . manufkotured continue light. WOOL.—There is very little doing, either, by the dealers or manufacturers, and no chance to note in prices, with small sales of fleece at 70@d60, cash. The following are the receipts of Flour and Cl-rain at this port to•dap: Flour.. Wheat Corn Oats. New York Markets, August I.€l. Astute are unchanged, with sales of 25 bbls at $8.87307 for Pots, and $8.873 @9 for Pearls. BREADSTUFBS.—The market for State and West ern Flour continues dull and heavy for everything, except freeh-greund State, which is scarce. The sales are 3,000 bble, at $3 90@4 55 for super fine State ; $4.6004 86 for extra State ; $3 Nat 60 for aunerdne Michigan, Indiana, lowa, Ohio, &a.; $4.2504,90 for extra do, including shipping brands of round-hoop Ohio at $5.1505.40, and trade brands at $5.50@7. Southern Flour is dull and lower. The sales are 700 bhls at $6.25@6 30 for superfine Baltimore, and $6.36@9 for extra do. Canadian Flour is heavy and lower. The sales are. 460 bbls at $4 75@4 90 for common, and $4.95@ Q 7 for good to choice extra. Rye Flour is dull and nominal at $3.50@5.10 for the range of One and superfine. Corn Meal is inactive and unchanged. We quote Jersey at $3 90; Caloric $4.20; Brandy wine $4.36 ;Puncheons $21.90. Wheat rules dull and prices favor the buyer. The sales are 50A0 bushels at 88e@$1.1.0 tor Chi cago spring; :93c@51.18 for Milwaukee Club; $1.19 (0.24 for amber Iowa; $1.1501.24 for - winter red Western ; $ i. 2601.29 for amber Michigan; and $1.16 for mixed Western. Rye remains dull at 801590 c for common to prime. Barley is nominal. Barley malt is quiet at $1.15P1.55, as in quality. Oats are lower, and the market is dull at ‘10@5.2c for Canada ; 53@585 for Western, and 60g65a for State. Corn is a shade firmer, with a moderate demand and limited supply. The sales are 46,000 bushels, at 68@65y,„4, for shipping, and 67jg&680 for Eastern. Markets by 'Telegraph. BALTIMORE, Aug:lB.—Flour : quiet; Ohio extra 85.87X@6. Wheat heavy at $1 85,51-63 for new. Corn very dull. Whisky dull at 47.3(.1§48e. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, 131" TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. • Vonittikenitnl—Nintli N P Brooks, Massachusetts J D Bend, Pennsylvania J Hirsh fell, Pennsylvania M Adams, Wheeling J W parker & la, Penna George H Brooks, Chicago Robert Turner, Baltinfore II B Painter & sat, W Chester J G Frick, Pottsville Geo 8 Russell, New York J B Flint. Louisville . Miss Flint, Louisville J D licbardn At dart, Penns, Sidney Starbnck ,New York Mre S M Jones, Mass J W Rodgers. Springfield, 0 J 0 Rodgers; Springfield, 0 L H Poly, Springfield, 0 J K Herbert, S A J C Bornherger. Harrisburg J V Creswell, Harrisburg B F Etter, Harrisburg J Rokrer, Middletown . . Hamilton Gray, Ky J Et Jones, Pittsburg Chas K Vickers, St Louis W H Whitehead,W Chester H H Robiussn, . DE - a Bin . gbam: Ohio W Rover & la, Brooklyn E Reeves, Cincinnati b T Russell, New York . . A K Browne, Williamsport Thos A Aly.ey. Louisville J rt Drill, 'Baltimore J Frye. Baltimore J Budy, Henderson. Ky Aire Tarry & dau, WY Mite Ruddy Henderson,Ky Miss B Ruddy. Kentucky D Marshall, Louisville . • - Philip Judge, Louisville O A Peters, Owensboro John Lyon, Cinch esti Geo*Pirvin:Penna . . F J Parvin. Pennsylvania Geo NV Polies, New Torn C B Smith & la, New York Pr R Bartholow & family W F Meyer. St Louis Geo Bender. St Lords White] ow Reed, Wash Seth Bryant; Boston John R Hooper, Baltimore Wm Foilet, New York H Poleston. Washington Geo V Free, West Chester. W H Dorar, West Chester M S Hopper & wf, Clan, 0 Girard—Chestnut Russell Bruer, Maryland J Williams E White 'G Harwood, New York H Bissell .& la, Ohio W Thou peon, Ohio John Hopkins Geo W Parsons. Harrisburg T 0 Stewart. Penna P Collins, Ebensburg Sarnrel McLain, Penna R McCrrind & la, Penr a Mrs Stone, Harrisburg WWWillia ,s U SN D I' Morgan, - Washington Frank Reid. New York C Calyer, Nov York Rev R Bardwell. Penna . H RIIL,CaII, New York David J McCall, New York R Steel & wf, Penna-- Geo Teal, Trenton Catitain Hodgkin' R S Standard, Brooklyn S N Croes. U S A Mrs T McGill, Delaware SF Eagle & tvf, Penna Miss Eagle, Penne, H C Eagle, Peru a Mrs Barker & fa, Pittsburg Mrs Craft, Pittsburg C N Watts, Carlisle John A Erben. Lancaster A Parker. Mifilintown Th os Hi Wood Capt L Molen John Moore, Wilma Del Morris McDowell, Del J R Flinn, Wilm, Del J Wiley & lady, New York T .1 Sharp, Cape May. N J Mrs P T Beldin, New York James E Neale Alex M Low, NeW York John A Rheem, Wash American—Ch.estnu .A B Waller. Washington W~f filler, New York 1 Mailer. New York B Pfeifer. New Yerk J D B Marshall 13 . M Hewitt, Hollidaysburg .Tohn Mack W s Mendenhall. Penne F P Biller, Reading hire F B Martin, Lancaster F T Herder St. Louts—Chestnut Levi Warseman. Wash Robert B Dick, 17 S N W S Horton & wf. Wash O B Darlington. Cheater,Pa W t Pennell, Chester, Pa W Hand, II N L A. Barry, New York . - L S Delaplain, Wheeling W B Rosenbaum, N J H Garland & wife, N H Sane ford, Massachusetts F P Hering, Trenton, N J Mre.D Latrobe & da, N J Samuel Towni. end Geo F Smith, Kentucky James L Wilson & la, N J E Cephart & la, N Jersey W E - Tarr, New 3' ork N Monroe, IJ S A Jno Thompson, Jr, 'N York Dx D Kennedy, Penna C ed•Guild,ll 8 N DAXerriman, Lg Branch lkrerchniats'—Fourtia , . B B Vernam, New York A Stonte, Bethlehem James Pollock, Easton B L Ste? man, Mauch Chunk M . Parson. Newtown , . . L Enna, St Lottis Sidman, St Louis W Richards. Kentucky W C Wall. Pittsburg H .Knort, Cincinnati W Hall, New York- - JC Hower, Cleveland, 0 H T Hower, Cleveland, 0 J W Selena, Cleveland, 0 Jas 31Bnrchlield, Pittsb'g Richard Bard, Pittsburg O 0 Heise, Lock Haven R H Miller, Rt Claireville,o J Porter, Wheeling, Va Mathew Fox, Muncy, Pa Oeo W Hahn, Penns Jas Mcllelvey,..Pittsbnrg E TLovering. Cincinnati B Vo•burg, Cameron co W S Young, Allentown 6M.H milton & w. N J Miss Hamilton, N J . Miss Craw, N J • W T Beatty, N Brunswick John Hong h. Bucks co J C Farmon, California . . Jas l'lampbell, California Jno B Gallagher. California J Turper, Union City,lnd. R Kirschbaum, Portl'd: Ind W C Fountain, Del , The Union—Arch a J H Armstrong, New York Capt A Krafft Lieut C Witeman, New York W F Ricks, Massillon, 0 H Woodward & sn, Clearrd G K Wheat, Wheeling J U Wheat, Wheeling J Gallaher, Ohio S Cope, Wellsville, 0 W J Grim. New Jersey W H Fulper. Flemington C Coon Flemington J Ehy, Lancaster co Moses Haler, Illinois J K Mentzer, Lancaster co D Richwine, Lancaster co J C Doerney, Ohio D A Johns. Ohio D Dillinger. Lima, 0 V Ii Case, Ohio Jno Zook St. wf, Penna. Mrs Miller, Penna W E Newlin. Illinois Win Lane, Easton, Pa N S Odow. ew Jersey J T Scott St WI, Indiana Nelson Byers, 1J S N treet, above Third. F Ii Mcßrants, Penna. H Grayson, Penna David Garie, Easton Andw Ale Lear. Parma Jas Potts, Lancaster Meet Goodman, U 8 A Dr B Aker, Illinois J Kollenberger, Illinois L Fall, Ohio J Ware Ohio . J Davis . . Alex Stratton, New Jersey K Martin, Delaware H W Harper, Slatington R F Roberts, • Slatington Miss Sallie Van Patten Albert ?dory, Dayton. 0 A C Brown - , Dayton, 0 N C Blanchard, Connecticut H Bennett, Connecticut Capt Jno Ale 3reary, Penna Jno Lehman, Newark G S Kellenberger, Alton, 11l T A Clark. Virginia , E Cohen, Baltimore 1,0 Tillston, Michigan Black Bear—Third fl D L Steinmetz. Pa Wm T Wagner, Bernvllle R Tyler, Delaware J Bretz, St, Clair W Miller E Larrest w Bverhard. Pa J F Kline, Long Swamp S Romig. Indiana 11 Van Born. Pa S 6 Brown, Ironton, Pa W McDonough, Pa F F Marina, Catasanqua Chas Selmmaker,Allentown above Callowhin. Greenowalt, Pa Yerkea, Hatboro S Ilogeland, Somerton W Berner, Pennsburg A Buchman, Pa S Bergh, Pennsburg S Pa W. Bechtel, Bechtelsville E R Frey, Pa C H Dietrich. Pa E Hobben, Allentown bard George, Allentown D D Gilbert; Allentown Bald Eagle—Third S Joe Miller, Lehigh Co Win Kerr. Lehigh co- Henry hi Lehr, Lehigh co Syl Engelman, Lehigh co Jacob Hinkel, Lehigh co Adam Iteppel, Lehigh co D Sinoyer, Lehigh co JKerr, - Lehighco W H Kuntz, Lehigh co . 'A Eisenhart, Lehigh co Milton Ohl, Cherry yille J'Fieher, Lehigh co E Shriver, Lehigh co Thos Darren, New Jersey John-Harris,-Pena t., above Cal lowb.M. Chas Ritter, -.Bitterer'lle Saml Hoffman, Bath, Pa V Clarke, Slatington Capt Chas'L Koch, Penna A Arthur, Mount Airy John Samuel. Reading Milton J Ruth, .Allentown Wm Kratzer, Allentown Allen J Troxel, Allentown Jae Krider, Trexlertown Frank Miller. Lehigh co J Jones, Lehigh co John.gell. Lehigh co Jacob K Bickel, Lehigh do Perth, Lehigh co M Bowers, Lehigh ea D H Witmer. Lehigh co Jos C Rerr Lehigh co 1W S Bear, Berke co Daniel Maultair, Lebanon co Chas Fisher, Delaware (Thai+ Sehmeisly, Lehich'co Henry Benin ger, Mon t , y. co Jas 6 Birg, Allentown B C Beitel, Nazareth Levi Haas, Lehigh co Commercial—Sixth et P J Nichols, Chester co. W B Curtis. Boston J Devoe. West Chester H A Scott .& w. Norristown W Levis, West Chester Edw White, Chester co • It It Inankinton, Chester-co C Hartshotne, ()nester co reef, above Chestnut.' Alex Meade, Coatesville Kra H A Baird, Cape Hay Miss A Baird, Cape Hay_ Mre M B Shantz, Cape May I Levi Preston, Cheater co.-: M W.Fulton,liaryland John. C Itowley.'Penna Lewis .14 Allen. Christians 1,800 bble . 9.000 bus. 5.200 bum. :8,300 bus. nd Chestutit streets. C Calhoun & wf, Baltimore .5A Allen W Nicholls. II s A ••• . • Chas Latimer, Washington P S Sander Washington T E Lloyd & la. Washington Josiah Geigt3r, Maryland John D James, Cincinnati rhos Kelso, Baltimore S 61 Shoemaker & wt . , Balt W S Whitten, II S A F K Harman New York IT Weston:Sr son, N Jersey E Dresser, Boston G D Chaplin, New York P Morrow Franzoni, Wasbington H Cnnningbam Washin F W Norcross. Boston H G gtetson. New Orleans .T S McDonald & wf. N Chas , W T Culbertson & -wf N Alb Miss McDonald N tlbany Miss Culbertson, N Albany - H C McSimes, Baltimore G Lavigne, Baltimore E J obais, Jr, Baltimore .Tes Abbott, New Jersey Mr & Mre Massy, Canada BDunn. New York . . . Miss Virginia Lyon, riin Jas Carter, Cincinnati Miss T Carter, Cincinnati T Carter, Cincinnati - P Philo, New York G W Dennis. Fred erick, Md Mrs Ross, Frederick, Md Miss McPherso a. Fred'ls.,sl,l P • P Gaskell, Philadelphia L Scott, Leavenworth. J Barcelo & la, New York W J MaGonigale, Louisville Mrs Dr Sale, Memphis Miss M B Sale, Memphis .J Taft, Cincinnati, 0 , David Quinn & wr, Ginn Miss Quinn, Cincinnati Sir & Mrs A Crittenden: NY G.L Simonson , New JerAeV A liilwards, New Jersey Cant R G 'Lay & wf, Wa3h L Belroge, II S N J Converse, Connecticut Robt P Titus, Glen Cove Miss Titus, Glen Cove Mies Hawkes. Glen Cove Louis D Baugh, Philade Fled'k Seitz, Easton reet, below Ninth. Dr Evans & wf Maryland Miss Sappington, Maryland Miss Hollingsworth, Md Miss M Hollingsworth, Md Miss E J Broughton, sfd H McCullough. - Maryland R D Jam...r, Maryland W Maxwell, Maryland J Ogden Baltimore • • . _ . S S Ogden. New Xork R Rosenbaum, Penna ,R Mobaffey. Virginia P C Edwerds,Tohio PT Sinionds. Ohio Major P U Edwards, lowa Lient T C Cotters, lowa C Peterson. lowa A. H. Lowall,'Penna - • • • • Captain A F Propel Charles Knecht F O'Neil Samuel D velar, New York L'Simmonds, Ashland W T Killam, Pewee, John With Oron, "Portland HlSteloy dr wf, Boston J Mosso!man Ohio Miss 8 Massaiman, Ohio This L Hannan, St Lonis T Atwood & son, Mass A T Atwood, Jr. Mass R B Bolling, Maryland 11 Dreyfus. Pitt berg Col JH Gillgore. II S A - Robert-Robins, Erie, Pa ' Capt McMaster, II SA Capt Jenkins, 11 S A Daniel Mc Bain.. New York Hon D Blair. Huntingdon Master Van Blair, Penne, C Gallagher, Baltimore Mrs Gallagher, Baltimore Miss Gallagher, Baltimore Mrs Birn dr four children street, above Fifth, W Bowers. Columbia, Pa B Harrison, Boston I K Swoyer. Pottsville F Whyte, Washington J Orne. Massachusetts Charles Silverman, lowa D J A Moore & wf. Delaware Mrs C Moore Delaware Miss S A Moore, Delaware • B Nattin, Lancaster David Stewart, Penna street, above Third. Thos Zell & lady, Marietta Miss Fannie Clark; Marietta John Lemons. Baltimore B Bosworth, Boston J H Durand. Baltimore I Fithean, New Jersey Jos Borden and wife, N J Jas Boldue, St Loais Chas &vans, St Louis W F kfartin, Missouri Jae Warden, Wash, D C B N Smith.-New Jersey Jae 0-Caldwell, Indiana Miss E Kennedy, New York E. M Hood. Bridgeton, ti C E Fletcher, New Jersey J H Sessions, Bristol; Ct W di Nichol Sr d. Wheeling W C Hussey, Wheeling H Quitilman, Norristown John L- Bacon, Delaware H Boogying. New York JD Griffon di la, Keyport street,. below Arch. H Schrader, Cincinnati F Robinson, New York H McWhinnery, Pittsburg Geo H Stewart, Shipponsb'g J L Parr. Baltimore 3 . 08 Lonchheim, Freeport:lll 8 S Marks D weil, Baltimore S Cone, Columbus, 0 Win H Calvert D vid Blair. Lancaster Chas Hedges, Ohio Fred Seitz. Easton Geo Htein, Easton Jae H Woll6; Bethlehem &HIT H Dickeson, Saleln J Hoffmsn s wt: Carlisle Master Hoffman, Carlisle Hiss Mcllhaney, Carlisle H Schwarz & la, Alexan J W Jarboe, New York Chas Clinton, 8t Louis • . - • - • W i rYorgy th,Northumber'd .1 L Wolcott, Northtunber'd T C Wiiliame acs, Centre co Dr Hays & la, Wilmington R McDowell. Slatington M W Tate. Clearfield I W P.Rayfield Semi Keefer, Columbia, Ind C L Baldwin, Connecticut r D Keolinger, Alliance, 0 IZ J Kirk, La.= co. Pa IT G T Patterebn, N Y D-Webster, Providence, R I Barley Sheaf—Simon E L.Albright, Penne. J Carron, Frond town. N F. "Pr. .uger. Fronchtuwn, NJ W Noctafalinw. N JerseY Newtown Mr Staplor, New own E Ri tenhonse . . blaster Rit enhonee. 111 d J Bowen, Burdentown.N J hiraJ Howeii. Bordentown biles Howell, Bordentown JB Campbell, Penns, J t annthell, Lehigh co J Thocuma Jr, Peoria W Jaoning. Lycoming J dwaisdPr. Fox Chase Hibbs. Newtown @agill mla, ::oleliury Notional—Race it MnrrlsTanetelu S R Dim Ire D We.l Bal.kiruore John Alorone.r 11/ Lied DP Coder, R S A Cbpt lV B Delher.Tl S A - Alex Rced Felton; Del. P L Ruth. Litiz, Peuea Rl,to , Buck, Penna SAnuel P 8 ber, Patina Al B Railer, Penna. Oliver Debuuth R HAAN adisov—Second. S CasP, Peen& Jam Rultnes , , Penns Dr J R D Knowles, Del MPS Butford,Strondeburg - J C Walden Sr la, N Jersey JD Me rmb. Penns L‘tcle, N Jersey W W O ay. 11 S A B B BuniphrPys, Woodst'n. JASlFfarh,Danville •• .1 fl Tionna, Delaware W P Badford,Fewtou, Fa B F Pau Camp, Bucks co States Union-Nark T M McClnrg, Allegheny Lient It M nee. Penns Lt DlValkenshaw,Penna Lt R M Berkman, Penna. tergt Ford. Penne F erg t Kelley, Penns Corp Shields, Penua J 'Fb hillier, Penns - Dr W C Bushey, Penne, J Gibbs, 'Laurel, Del Jobrt e'otte, Pottsville SPECIAL NOTIECIES. THE MELTING - WEATHER BY THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. . Old gentlemen and ladies both Have plainly certified, on oath, They never in their lives have felt Such a propem ity to melt . • As lately, when in scorching streams The sun poured down hiS golden beams.. - Yes.'bachelors, whose hearts were froie For five-and-twenty years. Heaven knows, Began to thaw; and if the boat The liquifaction should complete, Before another week has passed. These ancient bucks may be re cast: And some—l've heard the ladies say— Can be improved no other way. But 1 et the venerable sperka Hot heed these feminine remarka— Maidens assail with censure sly All Clue who Cupid's darts defy. And very often they pretend ' Old bachelors are hard to mend. But be the weather hot or cold. . And be the mortal young or old— At TOWER Haat they can improve wins 1 Till all judicicus earls nurei 10T8 hint. Isa ,Balance of. Summer Clothing eellini at reduced Prices. .TOWER HALL; Ho 518 MARKET Street, BENWETT & CO. Bent DYE! HAIR DYE !!' BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE to the Bad in Ae World. The only Harmless, True and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye Is Perfect—changes ged. Rusty or Gray. Hair. instantly toe GlO3Bll Riaek 'lr Natural Brown, without Injuring the Hair or Stain rig the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beantifnl; parte fresh vitality, frequently restoring its priatins 'o'er, and Lectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. Ths Genuine is signed-W.111,1A8 A. BATCHELOR. all others are were imitations. and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, Jac. FACTORY-81 BARCLAY Street. New York. Betchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Bair. - 1e23-l7 uNB-PRIGS CLOTHING, OF 'THE LATEST trmage..made in the Best Mannar, expresely forRSTAIL ?ALES.' LOWRST Selling Prices marked in Plain Pt• sores. All Goode made to Order warranted eatisfactomp ONE-Paios SYSTEM is litriegT adhered to.. All, are ;hereby treated alike, <lOl2-17 JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OE . CONNECTICUT, the great natural Bone Setter. M.A.1;L13,13E1321., ROSE—SNODGRA.SS.--On the 18th inst., in the Fifth.street M. E. Church, by the Rev. T. A. Fern; ley, Mr. Gustavus A. H. Rose to Miss Margaret A. Snodgrass, both of this city. POPE—WALIKER.—On the lath inat., at the resi dence of the bride's father, near Pittsburg, by Rey. S. Jamison. Colonel A. R. Pope, of Ohio, and Miss Nannie L. Walker. DIED, WRIGHT.—On the 16th inst., Josephine Amanda, youngest daughter of the late Joseph Wright. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, Powder. Mill lane, near. Frankford, on Thursday afternoon, 20th inst., at half past two o'clock. • To proceed to Ronaldson's Cemetery. Car riages will leave Wm. H. Moore's office, 505 Arch street, at half past one o'clock. ** SMITH.—On Saturday morning, the 16th inst., Louis El. Smith, in the 29th year of his age.. The male friends and relatives are invited to at tend the' funeral from his late residence, No. 934 North Eighth street, this (Wednesday) morning, the 19th inst., at 10 o'clock. To proceed ,to Cathe dral Cemetery. [Trenton and New. York papers please copy.] BROOCKS.—On the 16th inst. , " Hannah Stokes, daughter of Howard and Virginia Broooks, aged 8 months and 2 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited• to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of the parents, No. 2106 Mount Vernon street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, 19th inst., at 4 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Laurel WlLSON.—Suddenly, of heart disease, on the morning of the 17th inst., at Cape Island, N. J., Mr. Robert Wilson, in the 29th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family, and also Keystone Lodge, No. 27t,-A. Y. AL, are respectfully attend his funeral, from hislate residence, No. 327 North Fifth street, on Thursday morning, 20th inst., at 9 o'clock, without furthes notice. To proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. DUFFY.—On the 18th inst., Willie, infant son of Charles and Amy Duffy, aged 13 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of hie parents, No. 40 South Seventeenth street, on Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock, without further notice. HASTINGS.—On Sunday morning, August 16th, 180, Henry S., youngest eon of John Hastings, aged The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral services, at. the Church of the Holy Trinity, this ( WedneEday) afternoon; at 6 o'clock. * PARRY.-4,0n the evening of the 17th inst., at the residence of his uncle, Isaac Blather, Ohelton Hills, Samuel Parry, Jr., youngest son of Samuel and Martha H. Parry, of this city, in the 20th' year of his age. Ills relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, from Isaac Mather's, on Fifth-day morning, at half past eleven o'clock. Interment at Abington. Cars leave Third and Thompson streets at thirty-five minutes past ten o'clock A. M. 4.* BLACK BARI. GE HERNANIS.-JUST opened, a case of LUPIN'S BAREGB HERNANIS. Lupin's Black Crape Marets. Do. do. Tamartines. Do.- do. Bareges. Do. do. Summer Bombazines. `. Do. do. Chally Tsmises. . - Do. do. Striped and Check Bareges. Do. do. Mousseline de Laines. Do. do. Bombazines, Shawls, &a. BESSON & SON'S Mourning Store, JylS No. 915 CHESTNUT Street. VYRE LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCM Streets, open to-day one case - FALL DRESS SILKS. Solid Brown Figured Silks. Solid Blue Figured Silks. Solid Mode Figured Silks. Solid Green Figured Silks. FYRE LANDELL, FOURTH AND -a-• ARCH, are opening for Fall sales. . Colored French Merinoes. New Balmoral Skirts. 'B'ack'Silks all pricea Flannels for Fancy Skirts. MOSQU IT 0 BARS BY THE PIECE, J-T-1- Green, Blue and White Mosquito Bars. BYRE & LANDELL. - SEVILNTH WARD NA TIO /. UNION - ASSOCIATION,—The citizens of said ward will meet in: their respective divisions. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, at 8 o'clock, to elect officers to conduct the Delegate El ection;to be held next TUESDAY EVENING, in pursuance of 'a resolution .passed by the Ward Association. WILLIAM If." - MADARA, President.. JAMES. Dicx. Secretary. TIIIR'rE.ENTH wimp, .AIELOUSE GRAND RATIFICATION MEETING Of the friends of 'the Hon. ANDREW G. CURTIN for Governor, and of Hoe. DANIEL AGNEW for Judge of -the Supreme Court, at thejanction of SPRING GARDEN and. MARSHALL Streets, on THURSDAY EVENING, August 20th, at 8 o'clock. The following eminent speakers have been invited and may be expected to. address the meeting, via Hon. .A. G. Oartin. M. McMichael,' Esq., Bon. Charles O'Neil, Wm. B Mann, Eaq. Hon. Leonard Myers, John W. Hahleton, Esq , Hon W. D. Kelley, George Earle, Esq., Hon. Iff: Russel Tbayer, Hon. Charles Naylor, John W. Forney, Esq., Let every man, as he valites the priceless privileges he now enjoys unddr the Government, and willing to sukain the National Administration in putting down all opposition to the lawsovbether by Southern rebels in arms,. or No sympathizers in council, bepresent and give his voice in favor of the triumphant re-election of Governor, and of electing Hon. Daniel Agnew, the fries de of the people, tried, sure, and steadfast. aul9-21 TO THE FRIENDS OF THE UNION •116.?. AND THE ADMINISTRATION. The loyal citizens of the various wards of the city of Philadelphia are hereby requested to assemble at such pima in eaid wards as may be designated by the officers of the National BRIM Ward Associations, on TUESDAY' EVENING NEXT, August 18, 1863. at -eight o'clock, pursuant .to • the rules governing the National Union Party, for such cases made and provided, to elect one Judge and, two Inspectors for each election division of said wards, to conduct tne primary election on TUES DAY EVENING, August 26, between the hours of six and eight o'clock. Also to p'z ce in nomination candi dates for •delegates to a City Convention to nominate candidates for City and County officers; also nominations of candidates for delegates to a Senatorial Convention in the First denatorial district, and delegates to the various Representative and Ward Conventions, to nominate candidates for members of the State Legislature, City Councils, and Ward Officers. The meetings, elections, and Conventions herein - mentioned shall be held in conformity with the rules governing the National Union Party. By order of the National Union City Committee of Ea- Perintendence. WILLIAM H. KERN, President, JOHN J FRANKLIN, Secretaries BERRY B. GARDINER.. M.' AVIS AUX ELEGANTS.-91, JO SAPS ZACKEY, de Paris, Gerant de la Matson GRANDVILLE STOKES; Marchand Tailleur, No. 609 CHISTNDT Street, Philadelphia, a lihonneur aviser dee nombreux amis et connalseances (ainei quo Phone rable public) . qui Pon deny favorise de lour clientele, gnllvient de resevoir de Paris et Londres, les modes lea Plus recentes et les mieuxiportees pour la saloon d'ete. M. GRANDVILLE STOKES a mis a sa disposition lee eteoffee lee plus belles at lee meilleures qualitea, dee pre , Inieree manufactures d'EuroPe. Les ofticieree et soldate de tont grades y tronvront les meilleures qualites d'etoffes, a des prig tree moderee L'elegance de ea coupe, ains'que le cachet de distinction que la caracteriee. eat deja trop counts dapublic pour en reuenveler leure merites. iY2S-2m THE PUBLIC ARE. HEREBY Non . - lied that ISAAC MARSHALL neither, has, nor, has bad any connection With my establishment and has no authority to give. orders on, or receipt ter moneys due a me. GUTEKUN ST uI9-3t 5 " 704 and 700 ARCH , Street. TN TERN AL REVENUE -OFFICE OF I N THE 'UNITED STATES ASSEgEOR OF THE SECOND DISTRICT, 1231 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. RICHARD T. GUMMI RT has-been appointed Assist ant ASSessor of the Twelfth Division in my district, which is that portion of the Ninth ward south side of Market st•eet, from Seventh street to Broad. anlB.wfm6t THOMAS W. SWENEY. Assessor. 8 - f IS .A . SECURE INVESTISI gNT whin applied to the Purchase of one of REIMER'S tine-colored Photographs, an invaluable likeness at ma derate charge. 8300.1a1l) street. above Green.,-. . THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1863: d street, below Vise. B e Betts, Horsham Kitchen, Lumbervill 3 C Horner, Hartsville R W Knight, Fox Chase FS Martindale, Penne k Illnnahouer Penna J H Wilson.,Lahaska. P W Wilson, L "nuke. ti Bay. Mout'•rmery co T namphell linckg CO A Blake' Newtown W Comley. ts. th-‘rry h Cohen. C,,lifornia H B Burch, Warren co, NI Kentner. Neuron co 8 W Twining 611.Clid CO k, Bucks co eet, above - ,Thltrd. L Bowman, Lebanon en Geo Trre.u. - .3. Lebanon Parker.P,trkersbnrg i. Flynn,Plt sbarg IW hI [Wain, r 3 J C Brown, Reading I s M rley, Bucks co p Bhiyely.lAWlsbnrt Jod Woxlbury.Pottiville Thos lie r. MinFravitle - F r, Lawren^e, trtiaeraville W lisrriA,Penna S Millinger, Burlington, la reet, above Market. his Kilbaugh, Stroudsburg Joel Willia ats, Stroudshu rgi X FI Strauss. stroudsburg Chas Ulrich, Stroudsburg Sohn Seam. Strotidaburg Sno Sensenbach, Strondsbg L Smith. Stroudsburg Chas ()raw, Strondsb arg &ug Grass, Stroudsburg L Sill, Stroudsburg John Stump, StroudAburg Lewis Long. Stroudsburg 8 Ornber,Strondsbarg t street, above Sixth. Jae Cooper„ Wash co, Pa Robt Coohran, Penne J A Boyd & la, Chester co Elliott. Wilmington. Del John elleaffer, Lancaster CR Dungan, Bristol • Gen John eope, U S A Samuel H Ortlip, N Jersey Goo R Greene, B. Island A J Wolfkill,Levvistown,Pa Wm. Nicholson, Esq., Edwin H Coates, Esq. NATIONAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON. D. a H. S. BENSON, PROPRIETOR, Formerly of the Ashland House, Ph il adelphia. He is determined to merit, and hopes to receive. a fall share of public patronage. 3e19-Ih* AUT ER'S CELEBRATED HAIR DYR—Black or Brown. 53 THIRD Street, above Chestnut. , REIMER'S IVORYTYPES ELICIT the praises of the judicious. Their na nral ety's and fresh warm coloring, and natural arrau meat of light •and. color, make them impressive pictures. SE COND Street, above Green. • it* TRUTHFUL REFRESENTATIVES OF - 4 :,:the.livln_g or dee_ ,d' from life or copied from imbro tipis:AP.ElMßlPldlLta-size Photographs. la otl colors. /fever faa to please. PAWED street. above grew , lt* MILITARY NOTICES. .ARMORY CO, f , A," GRAY 11E SERVES. 321) REGIMENT" M.. PnIIabgLPITIA, August LP 1613 The mombers of the Corps will miet et the arm On WEDINESD AY AFTERNOON, the 11101 10.4.:,E 51Y o'clock to receive their pAy. By order of Ogreain'J LAIRS D. Ktl sg-g. ATTENIION, 'COMPANY F.—A Special Meeting of the Non-Commissioned °Moen and Privatos of Company F, TITIRT r-S RCO D REGIMENT P. M. will *be held at the Armory, Emma and CALLOWRILL Streati. on 'THURSDAY LVENIfiEI, August 20th, at S o'cloctc P. to". anlP-2t* S. C: REIM, O. S. CORPS OF HONOR, 11. S. A'. HEADQUARTERS RECRUITING SERVICE. - INVALID CORPS' FOR PHILADELPHIA. 9413 South THIRD Street; Philadelphia; Pa. SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of die ability will apply for information or. enlistment in the INVALID CORPS ' to Lient. HUBER BASTIAN. Invalid Corps, 243 S. Third street, Philadelphia. or to Lient. J. W. DEAN. Invalid Corps, 611 Brown street. and N. E. corner Broad and Spring Garden ste . Phila. Pay and allowances, excepting bounty and pen don. saute an in 11. S. Intl. ntry. E W. id iTTB B WS, Major lot Pa. Art. and Supt. Invalid Corps for Phitai el. auß tf Phia. lIEADQUARIERS PROVOST MARSHAL, THIRD DISTRICT, PA., PHILADELPHIA, August 17. M. FOTICE.—The time for bearing exemplions and ac cepting ,inin.titntes for the Sixteenth ward is extended to the 22d day of Mutat., 1863. atter which time all -draftee men in the above-named ward failing to at>. Pear before the Board will be liable to arrest as Desert- The time for the Peventeenth. Einliteenth. and. Nine teenth wards is extended until further notice. By order of the Board of Enrolment JACOB S. STRETCH, ' - Captain and. Provost Marshal. FRANKLIN D STERNER. + Com mbniioner. ' ALEXANDER C. HART, - antD•4t HEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL, FLRST DISTRICT. PA... 4E5 South. THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA, August 19. 1863. This Oflice will be open daily, from 6 A, M. to 2 P. M , except Saturdays, when the office will close at 1 P. M. SECOND WARD. —rhe hearing of cases in this Ward, (being the First Snli.District,) will continue as hereto fore. All Drafted Men - of the Second ward who have not re ported, and whose time hes not been extended, are noti fied to appear, or be deemed deserters The THIRD WARD (being the Second Sub-District) will be beard in the following order: WEDNESDAY, Au, net 19. NOR. I. to 160, inclusive; TRUTh..DAY, August 20. Nos. IR to 300. inclusive: FRIDAY, August 21, Nos. 301 to. 413. inclueive; RATH EDAY. August 22, for the hearig of cases generally: 13. B.—Subetitutes have preference,' _ E LEHMAN, Provost Marshal and President of the Board. ' CH ARLE 3 MURPHY, Commissioner of the Board. N. EL MARSELLS. aul9-tf Surgeon of the Board. HEADQUARTERS OF COMMISSION FOR U. 8- COLORED TROOPS, N 0.121.4) CELBST- Sin Street, Philadelphia. The following is the offloial order anthorizing'the re erniting of Colored Troops: IiBADQUARTERS OF TRH ARMY, ADJ t T GENBRAL'S OFFIOB, ...WAsEalitroN, Jane 17, 1863. GENERAL ORDitiIS No. 178. Major GEORGE L. STEARNS, Aasistant Adjutant General United Stites Volunteers, le hereby announced as Recruiting Cruhuissioner for the United States Colored Troops. subject to such :instructions as he may from, time to time receive from the. Secretary of War. By order of the Secretary of War: ' (Signed.) E. D. TOWNSEND, • Assistant Adjutant General To' lifajor:Gro. L. STEARNS, Asal Adj't General U. S. The undersigned is prepared to issue the proper au thoriciatien to colored men to enlist recruits for the Armies' of the United States. He will receive applica• lions from those desirous of being made commissioned officers. and transmit the same to the Board of Inspec. lion at Washington, and will be glad to give , fair in forms Hen on all matters connected with this branch 'of the service to those who may seek It. The undersigned has the co-operation of a Committee of sixty citizens of Philo derila. The Agent of the said committee is R. R CO SON, who is likewise the agent of the undersigned. CAMP WILLIAM PENN, at Melton 'Hilts, has been selected as the camp for instruction, and - Lieut. Colonel LEWIS WAGNER placed in command of it. All re cruits will be mustered in by companies of eighty men, and 'by squads, and immediately uniformed, equipped and sent to the camp. Squads of men will be -subsisted until companies are completed by the committee of citizens, at such localities as their agent may designate. Papers in the interior of the State - will copy this ad• tertieement one time, and send the paper containing same, with bill, to-these Headquarters. Communications by letter will be promptly answered. GEORGE L.STEARNS, Major and A. A. G., Recruiting Commissional. for lg. S. Colored Volunteers. WM-if 'H . D QUA RTERS RENDE7;yOITS FOR DRAFTED MEN. No. 1230 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. Penna., August 17, 1863. ALL' OFFICERS AND ENLISTED HEN belonging to detachments ordered to this rendezvous to conduct con scripts to regiments, and now abhent without leave from these beedqnartere. will report without delay to Colo nel-.T. H. RELLOGO, No. 22414CaLLOWRILL Street. Officers not cr•molying with this order will be recom mended to the War Department for dismissal, and en listed men will be dealt with RR deserters. - . . - By order of Brigadier 4eneral. HATCH'. TCAAC Moen, Major and Chief of Staff. anl7tf VIF TEF N H WARD-FOURTH DIS -a- . TRICT.---NOTIOE TO PERSONS CLAIMING EX EMPTION FROM THE DRAFT; OR HAVING SUBSTI TUTES TO OFFER, , . . The Board of Enrolment of the Fourth District hereby AiVe notice to all persons.DRAFTED in the FIFTEENTH WARD, being the second sub-district. that, they will commence the hearing of claimants . Pr Rzemptiou, or those desiring to Offer Subetitutes, on MONDAY, August 17, 1863, and will hold Daily Sessions until the entire ward, is completed - The notices served upon drafted men are all numbered, end the following order for the bearing of cases hen been resolved, upon, and will be strictly adhered to. viz: Monday, August 17. nun? . hers Ito 60, ' inclusive. Tuesday. 18. 61 to 120'- Wednesday, " 19, " 121 to 180 Thursday.' " 20, • " 181 to 240 Friday, " 21, " 241 to SOO Saturday, " 22, " 801 to 350 Monday, " 24, " 881 to 42) Tuesday, 25. " 421 to 480 " Wednesday, " 26, " 481 to 540 Thursday, 27, '` 641 to 600 i Friday, 28, '' 601 to 660 Saturday. ,-" 29. 66L to TM Alone ay, " Si, " 721 to .780 Tuesday. Sept'r 1, '`` 781 to _ Wednesday, " 2, ": 841 to 9D) Thursday, " S. ' 901 to 960 " Friday, 4, 961 to 1020 Saturday, " 5, " 1021 t 01077 The hours of session will be from 8 to 12 A. M. and from 2 to 5 r. M , and those haroing,Substitutas to offer will be hed.rd.#rt ill order, on each dalt, as no Substitute can be received later than 4 o'clock P. N. . . . _ Air No certificates will be -received unliiss accempa med by affidavit made before an alderman or justice of the peace. . SNP' Persons failing to report noon the days fixed, as above, for their-hearing,. will lie over until all others in . . Aar The time. fixed for the hearing - o cases in the other .wards .of :this district is hereby extended .until further notice. D. M. LANE, Capt. 'Provost Marshal. Prest. of Board of Enrolment. CHARLES B BA.RREIT. Commimioner of Board. - J. RALSTON WELLS, anl3-6t Burgeon of Board. HEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSH &L. 'TrITELD DISTRICT, PA:—PHILA DELPHIA. august 17. 1863. —Notice is hereby riven that the DRAFTED MEN of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Wards, 'who have not been properly exempted front this draft. and who fail to report for duty on or before Au gust 22.,1183. will then immediately be advertised as de serters,and liable to arrest as such at once. By order of Captain JACOB S mown; aul3-It Provost Marshal, Third District, Pa. • NOTICE TO DRAFTED MEN. NBA DQUARTERS PROVOST M ARSH AL, 'SECOND DISTRICT. PA 121.4. LOCUST Street, PHILADELPHIA, August 14, 1863. The Board of Enrolment of the Second District of Penn sylvania, comprising the First. Seventh, Eighth. Ninth, and Tenth Nnrds of the city of Plifladelphia..will be in sescion DAILY, at 256 Fouth TWELFTH Street, from 10 o'clock A. M till' ii o'clock P. M commencing MON DAY, August 17. 1863, to receive Drafted Men. Substi. lutes. and bear Claims for Exemption. - Applicants must bring tt eir notice with them, and will in no case be heard before the day they are notified to appear. EDWIN PALMER, Provost Marshal: WILLIAM It BULL. Commissioner of Board. R. W. RICER'S,-: . aul4-6t Surgeon of Board. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR_FLOUR SEALED PROPOSALS are invited till the thirty-drat day of AUGUST 1603, at 12 M. for furnishing the Sub sistence Department with 20.000 barrels of Flour. Bids will be received for what-is known as No. L.No. 2, and No. 3. and for any portion leas than the 20,000 bar rels. Bids for different grades should be upon separate sheets of paper. - The delivery of the Flour to be commenced on the 10th day of September, or as soon thereafter as the Govern ment may direct, at the rate of 800 barrels daily, de livered either at the Government warehouse in George town, at the wharves, or at the railroad depot, Washing ton: D. O. . Payments will be made in certificates of indebtedness. or such other funds as the Government may have for dit tribntion. • The usual Government inspeCtlon will be made j net be fore-the Flour is received. . An oath of allegiance must accompany each bid. No bid will be entertained from parties who have Pre viously failed to comply with their bids. or from bidden not present to respond. The barrels to be entirely new, made very strong, of new materials, and bead-hoed. Leo Flour which-is not fresh ground will be received. Bids to be directed io Colonel A. BECKWITH, A. D. C. ,and 'C. S., 11. S. A., Washington,. D. C., and endorsed 'Proposals for Flour." - -au1.94.30 ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE NER'AL'S OFFIOE, PHILADELPHIA, 18th August, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until MONDAY, 24th ink. , at 12 o'clock M., for the deli very on board.of vessels at the port ofßichmond,. Phila delphia, ready for shipment, Ten Thousand Tons best quality Anthracite Coal, egg size. Deliveries to be made during the months of September and October next ensuing: ooe-half the amount to be delivered during - the former, and the balance during the latter month. The names of good and sufficient sureties to the fall amount of the contract. must accompany each - proposal. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. G. 14. CROSMAN, anl9-t24 Aeal Q M. General HOTELS. METROPOLITAN HOTEL, METROPOLITAN (LATH BROWN'fi t i PENNSYLVANIA AV ENO=. Sixth and Seventh vtreets. • WASHINGTON CITY A. IL POTTII* my22-11m Proprietor. picK•AXES, SHINGLING HATCHETS, BROAD ,HATCHETS, AXES, NAIL HAMMERS, SHOE HAMMERS, RIVETING HAMMERS, and • ENGINEER HAMMERS, MANITFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY C. HAMMOND. & SON aul7lm* 528 COMME&CB Street. Phila NEW FiU BLICATIONS. UNITED STATES PHARM &OOP CE IA Just published by J. B. LIPPINGOrr a CO., 715 and 717 MARKET Street TUE PHARMACOPEIA OF T.Ha UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. • Fourth decor nial revision. By antis)- : ily- of toe National Convention for Revising the macopaia. A TREATISE ON HYGIENE, with special reference to the Military Service. By W. A. Hammond, Surgeon General. LORI' AND SAVED. By the Hon. Mrs. Norton. author 4.f "Stuart of Dunleith." AT ODDS. By the Baroness Tantpheeme. author of • Quits." &c. HISTORY OF THE SUPERNATURAL; in all Agee and Countries. By William Howitt. S.RICAL AND PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY. By William Clh uvenet 2 vole. TBE ARMY CHAUAIN'S MANUAL. By Rdr. J. Pinckney mmond. TRIAL ,OF THE CONSTITUTION. By Sidney G. Fisher. TB E COMPANY CLERK Shoo ins he* and when to make out returns, &C. By Capt V Hauls anl9 100 ,I.lsoiled , y PHOTOGRAPH at a large discount, to make rcom for new stock. " aulA.St . PITCHER'S, FOS CHEITNUT Street. 20 CENTS !--GIODEY FOR SEP ICFM BEM • PTTIIHER'B, euIP-6t 808 CHESTNUT Street. 15 CN TS 1-PETERSO (*1- FOR EP- TELER. sulft-Gt. PITCHER'S, SOS CHESTNUT Street. TBE HERO OF PORT HUDSON THE BOBBIN BOY. He is still rit ing. Read the Book, boys, and eee how he became the man he ie. In a neat box are the three' 800., now ready at all principal bookstores. THE DRUMMER BOY. THE PRINTER BOY. THE BOBBIN BOY. J. E TILTON Sc PUBLISHERS. gi THE NEW . • SUMMER BOOKS. I.—FRANK WARRINGTON. A now and IntenFely interesting novel, by the author of "Rutledge.' Price SI.SU. - • IL—IN THE TR9PICS. - A charming book of Tropical -Life Edited by Kim bell, author of " Undercorrenis. " Price $1.25. • lII—DRIFTING ABOUT. "Ftephen Maseett's rollicking adventures. With comin illustrations. Trice *1:25. IF.—MARIAN GREY. delightinl new novel, by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, au thor of " Lena Rivers. Price *1 V--ROORFORD. . A drams tic new Society novel, by Mrs. Lillie Deve reuxllmetead. Price $l. IN PRESS: VI.—A LIFE OF. VICTOR HUGO. By his Wife, VIL—OLD MERCHANTS OF NEW YORK. Second. Series. • - VIII.—VINCENZO. - By the author. of -`•Dr. Antonin. ***Sold by all booksellers, and sent -bey mai, - postage free, on receipt of price, by CARLBT9N, publisher,New LO W IST.. PRICES IN VIE CITY LARGEsT STOOK IN THE CiTv! I - • BEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY!!! PHOTOGRAPH ALBANS. CARD PICTURES. FRAMES. And New Publications. . Most of our Albums are made expressly for our own sales, and cannst he found at any other store. SOS CHESTNUT Street. SOS CHESTNUT Street. -en - 15.6t G. W. PITCHER'S Bookstore. IMPORTANT TO TAX-PAYERS.- TAX•PAYERS. OFFTOERS (YE THR REVENUE, LAWYERS, and BUSINESS MEN generally, desirous of possessing the fullest and latest information. of every kind under the Excise Law. roust oroenre thsTfew Edi tion of REDFIELD'S H AND-BOOK OF THE U. EL TAX LAW. It is the latest, best: and cheapest work. One vol., 12nio. 0ver,350 pages, bound in cloty. Kent by mail. fr , e of postage. on receipt of pm)Address . J. Address J. S. VOORHIES, No. 20 NASSAU Street, New York, or BAKER & GOD WIN, Tribune Building, New 'York. anlB.2t NEW BOOKS- NEW BOORS. NOMOL.A. A novel By George T. Elliott Illus trated. $1.26 in paper : *1.50 in cloth THE BIVOUAC AND 'THE -BATTLE-FIELD or, Campaian Sketches in Virainia and. Maryland. $1:25. THE FOUNDATIONS OF HISTORY. A series of First Things By Samuel B Schieffell n. $1.50 11INTITFS OF THE. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF - THE PRFSBYTEPAAN CHURCH for 1863. 60 cents Post age 6 cents. LEAVES FROM THE DIARY OF AN ARMY SUR. GRON: or. - Incidents of Field, Camp. and Hospital Life. By Thomas T. Me, Iff D. *l. For sale 1 , 3 r WILLIAM S. Ar ALFRED MARTIEN. 666 CHESTNUT Street. MATHIAS' RULES OF ORDER 4 "- THE NINTH-EDITION. - - A Manual for condncting_hnsiness in Town and Ward Meetings, Societiee. Boards of Directors and Managers, and .other deliberative bodies. based on Parliamentary, Congresszonal. and Legislative practice.- By Benjamin Mathias, A. M. The ninth edition: price. 58 cents. Just published by ' LINDSAY & BLAKTSTON, Publishers. anl3 25 South SIXTH Street. above CHESTNUT. RETAIL DRY GOODS. NEW EMBROIDERED PIANO AND 4 " 1 TABLE COVERS. VERY RICH DESIGNS AT REDUCED PRICES, SIIEPPARD,VA,I HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. .aiil9-wfm32t FLANNELS, FLANNELS: SCARLET, BLUE, AND CHERRY OPERA FLANNEL. SAXONY, BALICARDVALE, and REAL WELCH FLANNEL. DOMET, SHAKER, AND WASHINGTON FLANNEL. GRAY, BLUE, AND RED, both twilled and plain. SHEPPARD,YAN HARLINGEN, & ARRIPON, aula:vdml2t " 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. BLACK' GRO DE BRINES AT REDUCED PRICES Glossy Black Silks, 5734 Glossy Block Silks, 90 Glossy Black Silks, $l.llO Glossy Black Silks, 115 Glossy Black Silks, 1.20 Glossy Black Silks, 1.25 All superior makes for the prices. CURWEN. SrODDART, di BROTHER, 450,, 965, and 45* North SECOND Street, aul9 Above Willow. Mis N'S WEAR. Good sl_ Cassimeres and Mellows. Light Cassimeres at low prices. • Fine Black Cassimeres and Doeskins. Black Broadcloths from I. 70 to 16. Ladies' Cloakings of er.ery description. The largek, cloth stock in Market street. Tailors' linings and trimmings. COOPER & CONARD, anl9 S. B. eorner NINTH and MARKET Streets, DARK PitINTS. Merrimack, Sprague, Gloucester, Bunnell, American; Cocheco, Manchester, Pacific, &c„ at 20, 22. and 25 cents. Dark Delaines. good styles, 25 and 25 cents. 'Cheap Black Alpacas, 30 to 75 cents. Black Wool Delaines, 50 and 60 cents. - 6-4 do do $1 to $1 25. DOMESTIC GOODS.. Cotton Flannels, Drills, and Pickings. White, Red, Gray. Blue, and Fancy Flannels. Bleached and Brown MnsOns, at wholesale prices• COOPER & CO C(AftD, anl9 S. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. LAWNS, LAWNS, LAWNS.- Fine Brown Lawns, with small - figures, at Me. Fine Brown Lawns, with small figures, at 2.5 c. Fine BrAvn Lawns; with small figures, at 25e. Chap, scarce, and desirable. Cheap; scarce, and desirable. Cheap, scarce, and desirable, JOHN H. -STOKES', 702 ARCH Street, SHARPLE SS BROTHERS ARE STILL r..." dieting Their Immense Stock at Prices much Lees Than the Cost of Importation, Consisting of Lawns, Silks, Challis; Coatings, Cassimeres, Vestings, Eames, Shawls, Delaines, Chintzes,Poptins.&c. anti - CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Street. SUMMER SHAWLS. Grenadine Sbawle.(l4 and 14 60. Plaid Span Silk Shawls, $3.75. Lace Points. $6 60, $lO, &c. a' Crepe de Paris Shawls, $6. . . Cloth Cloaks. Silk Mantles. &c. Also,' a Large assortment of Summer Dress Goods selling ont . At very low prices. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, An 6 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. 1024 CIIBSTNIIT STRF.ET E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOB SALE. At prises generally below progent cost of Imager tatlon. WRITE GOODS, all descriptions. BldDßOlDglittf3. do do LACES. do do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. do VEILS, Ago,. &a ►nd respectfully invites an inspection of his stook. 1054 CHESTNUT STREET TOWELLING=T OWELL IN G.— One bale Russia Crash at 13c. • One bale Russia Crash atl4c. One bale Russia Crash at 16c. One bale Russia Crash at 16c. One lot of American Crash at 14c. One lot of American Crash at 17c. One lot of Unbleached Hnckaback. the nicest In the market, heat,. fine, and wide, , at JOHN H. STORRS', iY3I 702 ARCH Street. STILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN the krices of all our MUMMER DRESS-GOODS. To close out. -we have reduced our stock of Black and Gray-grdand Silk Grenadinee to 76c. They nest from $1.16 to $l6O. - All our Bac French Bareges to 260. AU our 60 and 620 French Organdies to 3734 c. All our French Lawns to lees than cost. All our American Lawns as low as the lowdst. 100 pieces Choice Styles Chintzes to I6a. Williamsville and Wameutta Mneline, 66c. Best English Cotton Flannel. at S73cc. H.. STEEL Si SON. 3725 ' t No. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. DWIN HALL &' CIO., 26 SOUTH SF.. , E, -COND.Street. are now offering BLACK.'SILKS AT REDIICSD - "PRICES. Black Silks at $l, 1.12%, and. 181.26. - - " Summer Silks at reduced prices. Foulard Silks at reductid prices. Silk Grenadines at reduced prices. Fine. Organdies at reduced prices. :Fine DregeFOoods, all reduced. • 1 - e Fine Modes. Blues, and Pearl Bareges: Plain .Blues, Buff, and Pink Percales. or French Chintzes. just received. N. B,—Just received one case of superior quality Plain Silks. , The oolors are Browns, Blues, Modes, Purple, and Careen; price. $1.87%; been selling at $1.76. iy2o-ti• TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN TEA ..ICIRAL DISTRICTS. We:ere yrepureci, so heretofore, to *ripply Emilio at their Country Residenooo with 'EVERY -DESCRIPTIOI OF • FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &O. ALBERT 0 ROBERTS, , em-if , vow= SWINTICLED YZU sst DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. 1863 FALL IMPORTATION. 1863 EDMUND YARD & CO:* IMPORTERS ANY JOBBERS, SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 617 OHESTNUT and !In JAYNE Street, Have now opened their Fall importation of Dress Goods, viz: MERINOS, COBTIRGS, REPS, . ALPACAS, DEL AINES. PLAID AND STRIPED POPLINS FANCY AND BLACK. SILKS. Also,, A large assortment of SHAWLS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, WHITE GOODS • LINENS, • EMBROIDERIES, &0., wych they offer to the trade at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. anl tf , COMMISSION. MOUSES. BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! NEW AND SECOND HAND, SEAMLESS. BURLAP, AND GUNNY, :B A G S , Constantly an hand. JOHN T. BAILEY Ra CO., No. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET. gyp- WOOL SACKS t'OR SALE. aul9.6m THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE -a- 18 CALLED TO OUR STOCK OF SAXONY WOOLEN CO. all•wool Plain Flannels TWILLED FLANNELS, _ _ . Various makes, in Gray, Scarlet, and Doric Blue. PRINTED SHIRTING FLANNELS. PAIN OPERA FLANNELS. "PREMIERE QUALITY" Square and Long Shawls. WASHINGTON MILLS Long Shawls. BLACK COTTON WARP GLOMS, . 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21: 22 oz. FANCY CASSIMERES AND- SATINETTS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, all grades. BED BLANKETS, 104, 11.4, 12.4, 13-4 COTTON GOODS. DENIMS, TICKS, STRIPES, SHIRTINGS &c. from various Mills. DE COURSEY, HAMILTON,. ez EVANS, 33 LETITIA. Street, and auT7.mws2m 32 South. FRONT Street. ARMY CLOTHING, &c. ARMY AND NAVY C LC. T'73 T-ICYCIS IP., Nos: '34 SOCTR SECOND and - R3 STRAWBERRY SW. INDIGO-SLUE CLOTHS, from $3.00 to $7.00. \CASSIMERES, from *I 26 to $3.00, • • • 'BEAVERS, from $3.00 to $6. CO. 6-4 MIDDLESEX KERSBYS.ifrom $3 10 to $3.76. B_4 s " FLANNELS. very superior. _ X INDIGO FLANNELS, at BSC. 6-4 LIGHT BLUE (Invalid Corps Relief. Full Stock CLOTHS. CASSIMERE3, [and VESTING& TRIMMINGS. Sto, Special attention to LADIES' CLOTHS. WM- T. SNODG-RASB,. 34 South SECOND and %3 STRAWBERRY SUL 5923-1 m A RMY GOODS. DARK-BLUS43OAT CLOTHS. MUM-BLUE CAP. CLOTHS. SKI-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDASD WEIGHT. 10-OIINCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. BEAT! LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHISTINGS AND 111168. /or sale by • FROTHINGHAM -& WELLS. . • FINANCIAL. THE lINCRITARY OF •THIS TRLiSIIRY HAS AUTHORIZED M 3 TO CONTINUE MY AGENCY FOR A BRIEF -PERIOD. to receive Subieriptioau to the 6-20 LOAN AT PAR; ►T MY OFFICE. AND AT THE HMENENT Sin-AGENCIES Whroughout the Loped Steam JAY COOKE, 6IIBSCRIPTIOX, AGENT.. No. 114 South Third Street, s HARVEY-THOMAS, S. STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT Street. Stooks and Loans bought and sold on Commission at the BOARD OF BROKERS. • Subscriptions to the 13-20 year els per sent. LOAN still received at par. No charge for Commission. Iy3-3nt COLLECTION OF 11. B. CERTIFI CATES OP INDEBTBDNESS. , —The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to sollect at the Treaattry Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One =Year Certificatea of In. debtedness of the United States now doe or shortly ma taring. Terms made known and recants given at the O&M No. 220 OPESNITY Street. m7S-t9 ICE. • FOR. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, BY THE CARGO. DELIVERED AND PACKED ON SHIPBOARD, IN BOSTON. For sale by TUDOR COMPANY, anl4 6t - BOSTON. REMOVALS. REMOVAL. A. H. FRANCISCITS, DE.!..LICIC TN YARNS, BATTS, WADDINGS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW DRUMS. LOOKING GLASSES, CLOCKS, " FANCY BASKETS, &cp., REMOVED From 433 MARKET and 5 North FIFTH Street. TO• 518 MARKET and 510 COMMERCE Sts. sta•sm • REMOVAL.- JOHN C. BAKER, Wholesale Druggist, has removed to 718 MARKET street.' Particular attention is asked to JOHN C. RAKER & CO.'S COD-LIVER OIL. Having increased facilities in this new establishment for manufacturing and bottling:and the avails of fifteen years' experience in the businessf this brand of Oil has advantages over all others, and recommends itself. Constant 'supplies are obtained from the fisheries, fresh, pare, and sweet. and receive the most careful personal attention of the original proprietor. The increasing demand and wide spread-market for it make its figures low, and afford great advantages for those buying in large quan tities. awl-dtf Wit RIG GUN REMOVE D.-PHILIP WILSON & CO., Manufacturers and Importers or Guns. Pistols,Rifles, Fishing Tackle, &c., have re moved to 409 CHESTNUT Street, where their customers and friends will be supplied with everything in the snorting line A LMONDS.-3 BALES PRINCESS 4 --s- Paper Shell Almonds; 6 caroms Lisbon Paper Shell Almonds. for sale by RHODES At WILLIAMS, ly4-tf ' 107 South WATER &rest. LATOUR'S OLIVE OIL VIRGIN OIL OFBaceadapi di De Possel File brands. Quarts and pints. for sale bv REIODIS WILLILBIS. i 771 . lO7 Routh 'WATER Streak PANARY SEED,.--30 BAGS EXTRA flue Wily Canary Seed. for sale RHODES dr WILLIAMS. 37 21 ,107 . South WATER Street. I */- '§ • AN A lON BI D . ke'. PlKntation Bitters ].-t a. Illeived and for sale by RHODES & WILLIA t74-tr 107 South W.AMICR. Rtavat. LOST OR MISLAID-OERTIFIOATE OF SCRIP, No. 6118. for Twenty Dollars, year 1852, issued to ALEX. DOUGLI.BI3 by the Penn Mutual Life .Insurance Company. an/5-w6t.- MERICIAR: B O=O iP IN . G. SLATES, TO THE BEST WELSH SLATE" • • : • T., THOMAS, . • me.the ' f MIT Ituarwr Ekren, The. Charleston Courier makes a timely' starvation' in recommending the attention of our Government to the naturalisation and cultivation of GallsaYst, for the preservation of the health' of our soldiers. This article has a peculiar elect upon the liver, and guards the system against disease by expostua and irre gular diet. It is said that the great success of the Plan tation Bitters of Dr. Drake, which. previous to our un happy difficulties,' was found in most Southern homes, ~was owing to the extract of Calimy& Bark,which it con tained, as one of its principal ingredients. In 'confir mation of this, we have heard one of our most Main gala ed physicians remark, that whenever he felt unwell from ordinary dietetic or atmospheric' causes,- he inva flably relieved himself by Plantation Bitters. how that them) Bitters cannot be obtained, a substitute should be prepared. We understand our Government has opened negotiations with Dr. Drake. through - a secret agent, bat with what truth we do not know. " We are exceedingly obliged to the Richmond Whig for its remembrance of Auld Lang Syne," but we can as sure " Oar Government that the Plantation Bitters are not for sale to any "secret agents," North or South.. There is probably several other things that `‘ ( lox Go' vernment " will yet want. We know that we have the beet and meet popular ma dicine in the world. We are not afraid to show what It le composed of. Physicians are compelled to recommend it CALIS.I.YA Bean has been celebrated for over two hun dred iears,and was sold daring the reign of Lords XVI, Ring of 'France, for the enormous price of its own weight in elver. It Is remarkable for Dyspepsia, Fevers, Weakneaa, Constipation, &c. CARCARILLA BARK. —For Diarrhoea, Colic, and diseases of the stomach and bowels. DANDELION.:-ForlaMatio2l. of the Loins and Drop sical Affections. Crtemostris FLOWERS. —For enfeebled 'digestion. LAVEYDER FLOWERS.—Aromatic, stimulant, and to nic—highly invigorating in nervous debility WESTER GREBN.—For Scrofula, Rheumatism. &c. Awtsn.7An aromatic earn:dative; creating flesh, muscle, and milk; much used by mothers nursing. Also, cloye-buds, orange, caraway, coriander, snake root, &c.- Another wonderful ingredient of Spanish origin, im parting beauty to the complexion, and brilliancy to tha mind, is yet unknown to the commerce of the world, and we withhold its name for„the present Humbugs and "quacks howl about the Plantation Bitters; bat the following is what's the matter, and they, know it: Very particularly recommended to Clergymen, Her chants, Lawyers, and persona of sedentary habits. Also, for gentle females and weak persons who require a gentle stimulant. free digestion, good appetite, and clear mental faculties. , Sold by all respectable Physicians,Draggists, Grocers. Hotels, Saloons, Country Stoves, &e. Be particular that each bottle bears the fee-simile of our slornatare on a steel-plate label,with bur private Go vernment stamp over the cork. iY22-srfrr2mif , ----- - NTg D. --T HE SUBSCRIBER bas the names of several responsible parties de- Firons rPnt Dwellings from WOO to Sl.OOO. Apply to 013EBT MAC: GREGOR, 233 Booth THIRD Street. it WANTED -A COMPETENT HAT SALESMAN. Address, `with reference. Box No. 76. Philadelphia Post rlfflee. anl9-3t. :A ,LADY WHO EAR HAD SOME years' exrerience ae TE &CHER would like a SITU ATION in a Ecb 00l or Family. The beet reference given. Address "E. C., Center 'Bridge, Penna. " anlB-6t. WANTED -A SITUATION AS PORTER, by one who for the past seven years, Attended to the Packing. Marking, and Shirping in a Dry Goode and 'Notion house. Beet of reference as to ca. pshility. sobriety. honesty,&c. Address "Delaware." Press office. anl7.3t. WANTED IMMEDIATELY--A GOOD Candy Man to work on Gam Drone and steam-pan work Steady employ and best wages paid. Address CHAP. SASSAMAN, Chicago. Illinois. ant3-17ts WANTED- $l5 PER PAY.-WE want reliable, energetic canvassers and agents in every county, for a genteel business at a commission of from 51,5 to MB per day. No humbug. Experienced canvassers preferred,bnt room for all. Address C. M. DUNN & CO.. Pablishers, At either Cincinnati. Ohio; Chicago, Illinois: or Is3* HEADE, Street, New York. - jy2o.3m* $25,000 -THIS A_ M 0 - ITN T 0, WANTRD on first mortgaxe noon a Hist•class Chestnut street Store property, centrally cated. For further particulars apply to. PRTTIT, anl2 309 WALNUT Street grys PER MONTH GUARA.NTKED. sl.t' Testiinontals of Clergymen and scientific man eent free.. ISAAC HALE, • Jr., k CO., Naalaryvori, Mass. .ie24-2mddsW MaWANTED -FOR AN INSTITII TION, a large and commodione HOUSE. with one or two acres ot ground, within the limits of the city oas. Fenger cars. Address 320 North EIGHTH. Street. Phi delpb la- mol9-4t* 444 DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER •WIM& GENERAL'S OFFICE. — . PHILADELPHIA, Feb, 9 1863. • VESSELS WANTED immediately to earry COIL to the following points: Tortneas. Key West. Fla. - Yort Monroe, Pg.! • • Alexandria. Newbern,..N. C. Port Royal, H.O. A.. BOTD, iaptain and Assist. Quartertnaeter. PHILADELPHIA.' 'IRST-CLASS BOARD, HANDSOME coronnnicidinr and single rooms; private table if desired. No. 1315 WALNITT street. ie2s2m. CHESTNUT STREET FEISIA.LE SEMI NARY.-English and French. Boarding and Day School. Principals ' Miss Bonney and Miss Dillaye. The twenty - seventh semi-annn al session Will open Wed nesday. September 9. at 1615 Chestnut Street. Philadel phia. Particulars from circulars. anl.9-tobl. WOODLAND SEMINARY.-A BOARDING AND. DAY SCHOOL FOB. YOUNG LADIES. with Elementary and Academic Departments. Fall Term opens September 7th For details. with references, apply to 'Misses JENNINGS & BECKWITH, Principals. No. 9 WOODLAND TERBACE. West Phila delphia. antl-thstaillt. VAIBVIEW BOARDING SCHOOL, NORRISTOWN, Pennsylvania. for Boys and Yining Men. will commence the next session on the 29th SEP • TIMBER.. For circulars address the Prineinal. aul9-2m 5 GEO. A. NEWBOLD. S • M. CLEVELAND'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS will re-open SEPTEMBER 7th. Applica tion to be made at No. 307 S. THIRD Street. , aul9-wfm-6t , THE HANNAH MORE AO ADEMY, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE.—The duties of this Seminary will be renamedon - MONDAY, Septem'ler 7, .For terms apply to the principals anl9-1m O. & .1. GRIMSID.W. THY :CLASSICAL AND, ENGLISH KFIOOL OF H. D. - GREGORY. A: . No. 1103 MARKET Street, will REOPEN on TUESDAY. Septem— ber lst. FAME INSIJBAN( AL lOn CHESTNt Street PHILADI FIRE AND itiLk3 MET Francis N. Buck, Chas. Richardson, Hsarsi. Lewis, 7r-, Jelin W: Everman. Philip 8,-Justice, 4, NY: .Davin. • - • - 'FRANCIS .1! I!MIIEME IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. WILLARD A.' SHIIMWAY, and 'others, vs 'SARAH ROBINSON, and WM. - A. ATKINSON, Sheriff ofKent COMlty. Petition and Affidavit for Injunction Afterwards Bill Bled. Subptenas as to defendant SARAH ROBINSON returned "Non pet.' . (The object of the Bill in this case is to prevent the ap plication of the p . rocefds of the sale of Potter Griffith's real estate to a Judgment of Sarah Robinson, charged by the cemplainnoits to be fraudulent.) - 1113. March 26th; Affidavit of Geo. W. White filed, that the defendant, Saran Rcbinpon, does ncit reside in the Sh.te of Delaware, but reeidee in the city of Phila delphia. And now, to wit., this Sd day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, this cause coming before the Chancellor. upon the ins tion of Jos. P. flomerys. Esquire, the complainants' tor, and the writs of sublime& aforesaid, and the Sheriff's returns thereon being seen and examined, and the affi davit of the aforesaid G- W, White being heard. it is Ordered by the Chancellor that the aforesaid defendant, Sarah Robinson. appear in this cause, on MONDAY, the 2fith dsy of September next: And it is ordered ,and di rected by the Chancellor, that a copy of this order shall, at least thirty din's before the next Term of this Court, be inserted in The Pres*. a newspaPer published in the city of Philadelphia, in the States of Pennsylvania, and shall be continued in said newspaper for the space of thirty days next after its publication; and also, that a copy of the said order shall. within the said thirty days, be posted up in the office of Register f this Court, and at the Court-Honse doorof this county. STATE OF DELAWARE. KENT COUNTY. ss; [SEAL.) R. Cahoon, Register, in the Court If Chancery .for the State of Delaware, in and for Kent county aforesaid, do hereby • certify that the above is a correct abstract of the proceedings. in the before-named suit in Chancery, and also a correctmonv of the order made bribe Honorable BAWD'S", M. HARRItt GTON. Chancellor of the State of Delaware, in said case In testimony 'whereof have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal-of said Court. this -15th day Of August, in the year of oar Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty three. sula-SOt WM. R. CAHOON,'Register in-Chancery. NOTIOE.LE.TTERS OF ADMINTS . --- TR ANION - of the. Estate of WILLI 4.141 H. DENNIS. late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased. having been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebtedlo said Estate are required to make payment, and those having claiins to make the same known to THOMAS A. BARLOW, Admitßitrator, anls-s6t* No. 1332 South FIFTH Street. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY TO TH,E ESTATE OF WILLIAM WASHINGTON, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said Estate to call and pay, and those having claims against it to present them for settlement, to me HUGH MoIL'i'SIN THIRTY-FOURTH and 111ARK'AT Streets, a1i1.5-set* (Fran the Richmond Whin. i S.-T.-1860-X PLANTATION BITTERS WILL CURS Cold Extremities and Feverish Line Eon? Stomach and Fetid Breath.. Flatulency and Indigistion. -Nervous Affections. Excessive Fatigue and Short Breath. Fain over the Eyes. Mental Despondent,' Prostration: Great Weakness. Sallow Complexion, Weak Dowels.. LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA P. H; DRAKE 202 BROADWAY, N. V' WANTS. BOARDING. EDUCATIONAL. INSURANCE COMPANIES. sE COMPANY, NO, .±. iELPHIA. - INSITELICB. ,TORS_ B. 1). Woodrat. (lee. A. West,. John Kessler. Jr.. Chas. Stokes, A. H. Rosenhehl, Joseph D. Bills. Imils: President. OffiitDSON,Fice President D. Secretary... Ciala-iftt LEGAL. (COPY OF ORDER.) ADIUMNETIMS. A DIEFICAN ACAItSF , MY OF MUSIC 4"... Under the management of Mkt. S. S Quiets: Mr. Clarke reapeafn 11, begs lea n% to &nine:Ewa' that ho WILL OPEN . .. The above.nomed magnificent establishment on , SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 2Z, For ibe production of tbo most popular of toe Ple, A ya of SRAREPEARE, SUL WEL AND'COLHAN, Having effected en engagement. FOR AFE or 'NIGHTS, • - WITH THE GREAT TRAGIC: ARTIST, EDWIN BOOTH. - . . W1).6a0 dietinguiehed by all the beat . .9lol- , ties of the highest school of art. never fail to attract. this' at t6nD•or snd hearty critical airornhationof the m e CULIWATED AND' VAStric , NABLE AUDIENCES; Mit. EDWIN BOOTH will bars . fie honor of making hie first anctatinCS" Philadelpkia, for taree Scars, in his celebrated'persoria- Clan of • . _ _ PLICDBLIEIT. rn, Baiwer's Teat play that Baia, which will . b adbrned stith erA - , t , NIM AND COS7LV DRESS.E.I. Made frbm arcurata 6rt ev .,„ CHAR agrETZ ATTXTT:TARY roc pectkd with tl;e Play. Dha other cbaractera wf4.l Baal abed by an ODIEBINATIOY Or ackvinrietiged Artlitteg.• ca: Pally selected to give effect commensurate With the . ktrportaace of the crea tione of the great poet& First appearance in ntladelptils; for thirteen years, et' THE CF,LIRRATED aIIiAGEDIAJY, MR ergorecig JAMIVON: The most brilliant. of 'aH.quryorragnative actors. MR. L BARRSTT. First appearance in this city of the accomplished artist, from Boston, MR SYDNISV 'Pa LRTSS. First appearance here of ME.' ALEXIYA FISFIktf TAKER.- MR. LEWIS BAKER. Baradae, by Mr :George Jamison. Deldsuprat, by 11'Ir:li P• Irarrett. lova, by Mr' Sydney Wilkins. ) e Bennghen, by Mr. Lewis Raker. J u li e . by Mrs- Aleginas Fish.r Baker. Mr. C. S. Porter, Mr. L Bartfitf, Mr. Rascomb, Mr. Wallis; Mr. A. Pennoyer, Mr. Andersen, Mr Verney. Mr. Barth. Mr. Robinson. MI,. .1. L Barrett. Mrs. I. Baker:- - Mrs.Pennoyer. 3/iFF. Ridgway, :&c. all the re,ources of this grand Theatre. perfect in the detail of FceniC decoration and appointnient, will be brought into effect. the whole coned tutiscs. ITNIPoRMITY OP RXCELLEWE Fever hitherto presented in this famdu‘f prOduction. The Box Office for securing seats will be opened OR Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock, • The Orchestra will he under the direction of C. R. Dodworth. Rage Manager, Mr. C. B Porter. Tieasnrer. Mr. George Hdod Pal gnat. Parquet Circle, and Balcony, ad c.nts Fami ly Circles, 2.5 centa. Private Boxes,and Boats in sane, according to size and locality. Doors open at quarter past 7. Curtain Will rise at a o'clock precisely. anl9-dt ITEW CHESTNUT-BT. THEA.TRIA.- Les Ape and Manager Mr. WM. WREATLEY. WEDNESDAY EVENING. August - LW The celebrated MARTINETTI FAMILY AIM MARZETTI. will given entertainment, PANTOMIM.t. BA I.LET, AND SPECTACIA. • TIGHC ROPE. BY MARIETTA ZANRRETTA., and the new Ballet Pantomime of THE CONTRAKANDIST. THE TWO GLADIATORS. THE TWO GLADIATORS. J. MAITINETTI anil PAUL MARTINETET. The greet Comm Pantomime. • THE MAGI( TRUMPET', In which Mont. and Madame Marzetti and the entire company will appear. Curtain riees at St Performance over at 10 30. ante SUMMER RESORTS. VLORENCE HEIGHTS, FLORENOIA, N. .I—This beantifal hammer Resort. situated oa the banks of the Delaware. is now oven for the reeeptioa of boarders. Is accessible by steamboats and cars. aul3-6t. R. G. SIMEIN. Proprietor. TLANTIC CITY.-PERSONS . SIROUS of breathing - the sea air. daring tho intense heat of the city. will find pleasant - room , , each com manding a view of the ocean, at 'The Marendon." Dr. JAMES JENKINS. 66 Q,EASIDE HOUSE," FOOT OF • ki • Pennsylvania Avenue, ATLANTIC CITY, N. 7. - A few pleasant ROOMS now vacant Hon-, 4 1 (man natal late in the season. DAVID SCATTERGOOD, • anl2-121 Proprietor. FPRRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS. This beautifalreaort, situated in the centre of the "Garden Snot of Pennsylvania," is now open for the accommodation of visitors, and will continue until the 20th - of October. The invigorating pure mountain air. the quickly acting properties of its waters upon the se cretions of the liver, and its magnificent scenery, un equalled in the United States, - justly entitles it to prates above all others, The commodious buildings, extended lawns and delightful walks through the mountain from which flows numerous springs supplying the plunge. doncbe, sliawer and hot baths at all times Excursion Tickets thr'7ugh the season will be issued at the office of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Eleventh and Mar ket streets. Cars leave at 73D A. M. and arrive at the Springs in:the afternoon. *2 per day: over two weeks or the season. 510 per week. Children and servants halt Price. For further particulars, address the proprietor. U. S. NEWCAMER, "Ephrata Mountain Springs. 'Lan caster connty,"Perinsylvanta p. EDLOE'S H OTEL, - ATLANTIC CITY, If T.—At the terminus of the railroad, on the left, beyond theglepot. This Amass is now miss fn. Rnsrsiers and Transient Visitors. and offers accommodations equal to any Hotel in Atlantic City. Charges moderate. MM.- Iren and servants, half price. .1161 T" Parties. should keep their seats until the ears ar , frnnt. of, the Hotel. jel.9-2t LIGHT HOUSE CO3 TA GE /Ten aITIC CITT • This well known HOUSE, le now open for the reception A &nests. Invalids can be accommodated with roams on the first floor, fronting the ocean. Splendid thinking water, on the premises. Magnificent. bathing opposite the house. INN bar. JOlggH WOOTTOtt, Proorlotor 1111 ESTER COITNTY" HOUSE.--ralB "-." private Boarding Bonito, corner of YORK . and PA CIFIC avenue. Atlantic City, convenient to the beach. with a beautiful view of the Ocean. is now open far boarders. and will continue open all the year round. Prices moderate. MIP-2xn 6 4 rrEIE ALHAMBRA," ATLANTIC 1 CITY, N. 7.. a splendid new honse, southwest corner of ATLANTIC and MASS/WM:ISW Aveßnen, is now open for visitors. The rooms and table of ' The kiharnbra" are unsurpassed by any on the Island. There Is a spa clone Ice Cream and Refreshment Saloon attached to the house. .Terms moderate. G. DUBOIS & S. J. YOUNG, Proprietors. THE SEA SHORE. CAPE MAY TvTwE Eggifl DAILY. BY RAILROAD, from foot of WALNUT Street. .At 9 A. M Due at Cape Afay at 23g P At 4 P. DI Due at fla , e &fay at 9"4 P. lit Tickets must he procured at the Office, foot of Wharf . FABB THROUGH' Baggage checked through, and accompanied by a Bag gage Afa.ster. Baggage delivered at Reasonable Rater within ONE NOUR after arrival at Cape Way. The stage distance is being rapidlyshorteued, and it is hoped a few days will suffice to get the Track laid -the entire. distatme. . . EXCITRSION EVERY SA.TI7I3:DAY, at 4 P. '•lt Tickets good to return on following Monday. Fare, RETURNING; Leave Cape May at SA. M. Due in Philadelphia a 10.20 A. M. Leave Cape Itlay'at 10 A. M. Dne in Philadelphia at 3 15 P. M. Office for Informetion and forwarding of Szoress mat. ter at No:s WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. LUDLOW FLEMING, Agent. Office at the Washismon Howie.Osips Island, TAMES LEAKING, Agent. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Snot. West Jersey Railroad. &Kr=FOR THE 8 B A • " SHORE It st - mrER ARRANORMENT. CAMDEN AND ATLANI.7O RAILROAD. OA and after MONDAY, June 16th, 1868, trains for At. 'antic City will leave Vine-street Ferry as follow!: Mail train leaves 7. FO 111. Express train leaves 3.35 P. M. Freight train, with passenger car attached... 9.00 A. /IL Returning, leaves Atlantic City Mail train.... Express train Freight train. Fare to Atlantic, $2. B.O . und-Trip Tickets, good kit the day and train only, or down on Saturday and nip ow Monday mor ain.g. - • - An aceommodetion Train to R. and D. B. R. R. .3nze. tion will leave Vine street at 5.15 P. M. ; total - Bina air morning 46.15. . _ . . . . . EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Vine street at 10.1.5 A. M. and 1.45 P. M. Leave Haddonfield at 12.15 P. M. and 3 P. M Je l JNO. G RP.YANT. Agii t RAILROAD LINES. PHILADELPHIA CM=g=lM • L2 2 Z-÷ , ;=. 1 2.- --- AND LONG BRANCH Tl* CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AND RARITAN AND DU LAWLER BAY RAILROAD. On and after Monday, Inne 1501. end until further Re. 'ace. passenger trains will leave Vine-street Ferro" at :.0 A. M.. arriving at Long Branch at U. 45 A. M. Returning, leaves Long Branch at 331 P. M., whim at Philadelphia at 7.45 P. M. Passengers landed close to the Hotels. N. B.—Excursion parties will be carried on liberrali terms, Apply to L. 74 COLE, Agent at the Depot. Cooper's Point. BEN/ SYRON°, Assistant Superintendent: SPECIAL NOT ECE. A Regular Train will leave Vine-street Ferry on RA.- TURDAY Afternoon. at 3.46. Returning. leaps Lona,. Branch MONDAY Morning, at 5 o'clootz. Arrive . lnPhi.f ladelnbia at 9.A. M. Wag ~,e __ _7*,;=„! REOPENING TiiB ,O OR RAILROAD.—This ast road, being folly REPAIR2D and effectually GUARDED, is now open for the transport:. Lion of passengers and freight to all points in the G l, 11 2 WEST. For through tickets and all other inforinsdc; :11 1 ;7 8 1angat a ltry s e O n fil ue c , coI I e . r kePE R TYW ITC*I president?. W. and E. R. R. Cm W EST CHESTER AND _ &DELPHI RAILROAD. VIA MEDIA. • SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, JUNE 1.1863, the traing. '_nave Philadelphia, irons the depot. Northeast corner at Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.60 and 10.30 A. Et and at 2, 3:30, and 6 MP. M.- _ On TITESD AYS and FRIDAYS s train will leave WEirf CHESTER. at 6.50 P. M. Retaining leaTe EkUnd•lol6. at 9.16 P. M. - __ . - _ _ _ Trains leave the corner of Thirty first and. Mark* streets (West Philadelphia)l7 minutes after the - starting time from Eighteenth and Market. • - . . . . On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. aid P. M. Leave West Chester at 7.60 A. M. and BP. IL The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.03 A. N. and is P. M. connect at Pennelton with trains on the P. tad B. C. R. R. for Concord. Kennett, Oxford, Bre. HENRY WOOD. SnPerintendaAi EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS EV PRESS COMPANY, aloe raiif CEESTNIYr Street. forwards Parcels, Packages, Miffs shandies. Bank Notes, and Specie,either by Its OWIS lines or in connection with other :ftpreas Comp to all the principal Towns and Cities in the Sl= States. ' B. S. SANDFORD. fe26 General Superintendent ,ca 4=l4, DAILY LINE TO OAPB MAY.—On and after WED NES D AY, aneust 6. the steamer MANHATTAN Captain-obs:1 Kirby, will leave Arch street wharf at 9 o'clock A. L. every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY. for C &FE MAY. and the steamer WILSON SMALL. Captain H. SMITH BRIGHT, every MONDAY. WSDNESDA7 3 _ and FRIDAY. Returning, will leave Cape May et EN o'clock, Stopping at New Castle, connecting with thy Baltimore lines daily, going and returning. Fare from Philadelphia, $2 50.. ' New Castle. 200. Carriage hire included; Meals extra. Children and Servants hilt price. Carriage hire for Servants extra. No freight received after eight o'clock. REGULAR' STE AM PRO PELLER LINE FOR HARTFORD. —The steamer MARS. Nichols Master. is now receivin freight for HARTFORD,Conn., at the Second' Wharf atoce Market street. For ? apply to W. AL IraIRD Sr C 0..... 132 South DELAWARE Avenue, or on the Wham atil.9-2t NW? P. SCHITLER'S SUPERIOR ffrand oyersimrig square PIANOS from MI For sale by the maker 901 MARKET Strout nizazi.. • THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER.OR EUROPEAN` RANGE, for 1 1. , families. hotels, . or public institutions, In TWENTY DIFPERANT SIZES. Also:-'Phila delphia Ranges, Hot-Air Furnaces, Portable. Heaters, Low down Grates. Fireboard Stoves, Bath. Boilers. Stew hole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves. &o, at wholesale and retail, by, the manufacturers. CHASE. SHARPE, dc 'PHOBISICN, No. 2100 N. SECOND Street.. anl9,-wfm-6m EXEMPTION FROM THE 'RAFT.-- Conecripts applying fer exemptions from the Draft can have their papers carefully ano leeatly prepared at 42% WeLIiIIT street, second Hear. Also, Substitutes wanted and supplied. . anlB-6t• UA.K.E,SUPERIOR INGOT, OOPPNR, from the Ataygdatold Mitts. is store sad for to tututtlties to sett. at , WODIRATHI3, t e lowt, e . - 4411' II WIT Rtroof MADEIRA-, 'WINE:,-175. - QUART= 1. eiska and 100 Oats - yea, intst,reeeived per " tsura." " a !" " 1 " b°R11 6,116. 8. a - Jaiis.ositer *i44 _ mu; WALNUT al WWI.= T. KIM. Proprietor 4.35 P. N. 8.00 A. X. ri 05 I' AL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers