METALS.—In Pig Iron there is very little doing, but Olden are firm in 'their vlow. small 0414 , 8 of Anthracite are making at $31@35 IR ton for the three numbers. Old R. R. Bars are worth $l6. In IVlanufaetuted Iron there is no ohm.. ge to notice. Lead—the stook is very light, and the .market dull. Copper—small sales of Yellow Metal are making at 5280, 6 mos. BARK.—There is rather mnre demand for Q,uPr mitron. About 50 hhda. first No. I *old Ar, Vs@Jo lon. Tanner's Bark is steady at sll@ la for spau- Ish. and SI3QI 4 la sold for lihestuut Oak. CANDLES.— rhe demand is moderate. Small Vales of Western and eity.made Adamantine are Snaking at 18 (02.2 e it. In Sperm there is little or -nothing doing. COaL.—Priees remain about the same as last -quoted, but the orders from the East have failed off, and there is less doing. Oargo sales of •.4enurikill are making at $6.25@6.15 rifl ton, free on board at Wdehmohd. COFFEE is very dull, the stook being, very light. of about 100 bags, in Jots, sire r, ported, at 263; , 29.3 for Rio, and 29©3iefit3.fer Laguayra,ciah aad, lime. COTTON,—Thero is very little doing. About 20 bicies middlings sold at 61@6Gc, but prices have ad oed 2®Be Ye it. FEATHEkS aro unchanged, and good Western quoted at 47660 e. FlSll.—There are but few mackerel amnion. for , 'Ward, and they are held firmly. 'The sale. 4 are most conflnerl to store lots at M 6001.3 for nay -Na k; $16@1.9 for shore do ; $lO 50@i LBO for No. • $575 iCifin for medium end large 3a 01)(111$h are Lower, and quoted at $5 75@i6. Pickled Herring are seam, and worth $3Q3.50 yu hbl. FRUIT,—A csrgo of Oranges and. Lemons has been disposed of on private terms. Ptheapplea are selling at ssg.il2 tip 100. Green fruit is arriviug and selling freell at fair prints, • GUANO.—Theie is very little demand for any kind' small sales of Peruvian at s9s®intl %,4 ton: HOPS are hut little inquired after, awl are quoted at 17@220. p lb. HAY is aeliing at from 80 to 1000. the 100 Its. for new and old, LUMBER.—There is a moderate demand. and prices are steadily maintaired. White Pin" sells at $22023, and Yellow Sap Hoards at VO@22 ' IviOLASSE.S.—The market is qwet. a 0 the only Sales reported are small lots of Cuba ar 303350., and .I ,, Tew Orleans at 350.15 i., cash and 4 months. NAVAL sToR_E•.; of all kinds ar-• and lower. Small sales of Common Rosin at $30@321`9 barrels, cash. Pi ices of Tyr snit are entirely nominal, Spirits Turpentine is dull, at a further decline. Small sales at $3 20@3 25 r#i g,.11.03 OlLS.—Linseed till is unsettled and lower ' and quoted at $l. 03 ra,l 05, Fish Oil sells slowly from store at former quotations. The market is bare of Red 'Oil. Lard ,011 ranges horn 80 to 90.3 for winter, with small sales at these figures. A. sale of summer Oil for export at 74c. Pine Oil is nominal at $3 63. Petroleunn is rather better ; 2,500 Mils sold as 320 for crude ; refined in bond are 'flaking at 4.9@503, , and free at 69®61e 'EWE has m dined ; small sales of Rangoon are Teßorted at Mo, cash. bALT.-1,825 sacks Ashton's has been sold on private terms. SEEDS.—The market continues very dull. Glo verseed is held at $5 50@5 75 as bus. rimothy at $1.60 for inferior, and $2.26e2 50 la bus for go - d and prime quality. Flaxseed ranges from $3,25.52.50, Put there is very little enmine i'orwhrd. SPIRITS at ri uneettle.l and dull at orevious rates, TTew England Rum in quoted at 65@66c. dull, with small sales of Pennsylva and Ohio Ittls at 47c, Ws 460, and drudge at 45@45g0 gal SUGAR.—The market is firmer but quiet. aad I) ices are better; 800 lihda sold at 10401.534 c for Cuba and New Orleans, and 1.1%@1.9444 for eurto .13.1.00, on time. TALLOW is dull at the late decline; sales of country-rendered at 90, and city at Ovatoa qp It, cash. TEAS are firmly held, but there le very little doing either in blacks or e re,na. TOBACCO dull. and the ealee of both leaf and anufactured have been very light. WOOL.—These is very litrie stock in first hand., and but little coming in. We quote uominally at7o@ SOc for fleece and tub. The following are the receipts of Flour and Grain St thip port to•day Flour "Wheat Corn Oats New York Markets, August 4 ASHES.—The market is quiet, with small sales at $6,8734 for Pots, and $8.87%00 for Pearls. BRICADBTUBPS.—The market for State and West ern Flour is more active, and 5c better. The sales are 11,000_ bbls, at $4@4.70 for superfine State- $4.8C@Ea5.16 for extra State; $404.0 for superfine Michigan, Indiana, lowa, Onto, ; 414.9005.25 for extra do, including shipping brands of round-hoop Ohio, at $5.40@5.65, and trade brands at 1 55.70@7. Southern Flour is a shade firmer, and in moderate demand. The sales are 600 Mils at ss@6 65 for super fine Baltimore, and $6 60E09 for extra do. Canadian Flour is 50 better, with a better inquiry. The sales are 500 bbls at $5.1005 26 for eommou, and $5.30(07.25 for good to choice ex rt.% Rye Flour Is quiet and steady at $3.50@5.10 for the range of tine and superfine. Corn Meal is quiet and unchanged. We quote Jersey at $4 10, Brandywine $4.35@1.40, Caloric $4.26, Puncheons $2l 60. Wheat is more active, and I@2 cents higher. The sales are 90,000 bushels at sl@t.ts for Chicago spring; $1 08@i 21. for Milwaukee Club; $1.2201.26 for amber Iowa; $1:20@1.27 for winter red Western; t.28@1.31 for amber Michigan. Rye is dull at 80090 c; sales 1,500 bushels Western at 85c. Barley is dull and nominal. Oats are 263 cents lower, and dull, at oofalsc for 4 :Canada ; 56.6"62e for Western, and ifie for State. Corn is more active, and '1 cent better. The sales are 60,000 bus, at 61@t8a fur shipping, and 66@66y.4s .for Eastein. C; `l' THE LAST SUMMER .11TONTIL—Tire are again reminded of the rapidity with which time flies by the fact that this morning we tread upon tie threshold of the last summer month, We are f • thertaore reminded by this circumstance that all is Coming on apace and that very soon there will be a general rush on the part of our citizens to prepare for it by laying in their supply of Coal. The wise tvlll take advantage of this timely admonition, and proceed at once to order their Coal from Mr. W. W. Alter, Ninth street, above Poplar, as they are sure to save several d Alai's per ton by doing so. PHOTOGRAPHS AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. 'a -Messrs. Wenderoth & Taylor (formerly Broadbent c Co.), the celebrated Photographers, Nos. 912, 914, and 916 Chestnut street, have constantly on hand a splendid assortment of Frames of all sizes - and styles, which they sell at lowest manufacturing prices. They are also executing to order, for Messrs. dcA.fliater & Brother, a splendid set of card photo graphs of distinguished persons for the album. CLARK'S. FORCELAIN-LINED WATER- ClooLzka are ,the most reliable, and are rapidly superseding all others in the market. They are con structed more durable, have their faucets inserted Snore substantially, and are iuevery particular more desirable. We commend these Coolers as being by tar the best for health and preserving ice. that have get been invented. Prices very low, at T. S. Clark's Refrigerator and Water-Cooler Ddpot, 1008 Market street, above Tenth ;et aus-wthaa3t WHERE TO bilTit A I,3O7.O.TORTADDE AND. YABHIONABLE SUMMER SUIT AT A MODERATK PRIDE—At Messrs. C. Somers es Son's, No. 625 Chestnut street, under Jayne's Hall, by all means. _The stock of these gentlemen, which is in all re ppeots one of the choicest in the city, is still larga .and admirably assorted, and the prices at which ilhey are now selling, in anticipation of the close of The season, are as; onishingly MR. A. L. VANBANT, the pioneer of fine Confectioners in this country, is now selling great quantities of his delicious preparations, put up in handsome boxes, to persons leaving the city. Mls strong mint candies, and a variety of other confections, are medicinal, and should• be used by lall. Ms line of fine fresh fruits is also now very tempting. FINE CRACKERS FOR TABLE USE.— Messrs. Davis & Richards, (successors to the late C IL. illattoon,) dealers in fine family groceries, Arch and Tenth Streets, have constantly on hand all the Pest brands of crackeni; also, Boston, milk, butter, 'ine, and bran biscuit, to which we invite the at- Renton of our readers. • " BEDDINGS," Spring Mattresses, jiair - Mattresses, husk and straw under beds, line :Bolsters and Pillows of the purest materials: Aloe, old Hair or Feather Beds fumigated and rendered free from moths or impurities at W. Henry Pat 2en's, 1408 Chestnut street. aus 4t CARPETS, MATTINGS, AND OIL CLOTHS, made up, altered, and laid, by experienced work. 3nen, at W. lienry Patten's West End Upholstery store, 1408 Chestnut street. (Large jobs done' cheap during dull season.) atas-4t "PROTECT TOUR PURNITURE.''—LineII tulips, or loose covers, out and made up, by expe rienced artists, at W. Henry Patten's, 1408 Chestnut litreet. aus.4t MESSRS. CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, tinder the Continental Hotel, are now selling the noat beautiful headgear for misses and children at Wind below cost. PROTECT YOUR FURNITURE. Linen Blips, or furniture covers, out and made by experi- Enced artiste, at W. Henry Patten's, 1408 Chestnut pitreet. aus-4t Mosczurro BARs,. Umbrella Frames, Ca 330piee, Rings, and Arches; aleo, Netting, all colors and widths, at W. Henry Patten% 1408 Obeatnut ptreet. aus.4t WINDOW SHADES.—W. Henry Patten, the old manufacturer, at his new store, 1408 Meet rut street. aus.4t THE BEST-FITTING SHIRT OF TEE AGE IS Blade and sold at gr. George Grant's Gents , Fur s:dolling establishment, No, 610 Chestnut street. MILITARY GOODS of every, description, !suitable for Army and Navy officers, can be had at iakford & Sons', under the Continental Hotel. Li. DOCTOR knows a human body as a cab 3nao knows a town ; he is well acquainted with all - tat thoroughfares and small turnings; he is to with all the principal edifices, but he can . what is going on inside of any of them. So those who heedlessly pass by the magnificent 1g establishment of Granville Stokes, No. 659 tut street, and foolishly purchase their gar elsewhere. ISTITUTES FURNISHED FOR s3o.—The leer will furnish any number of substitutes for lowing low prices : rates, with the best army cloth (light blue), id pants, $l5. ne t with best army cloth (dark blue), with fns or shoulder straps, from $25 to $35, com mat, pants, and vest. relieve that this is as low as a substitute can . furnished throughout. .ax. ts STOKES & Co., under the Continental. ILEAMS OF SuccEss."—The London speaks of the fall of Vicksburg and Port Had "gleams of success to the Federal amis.") rate the battle of Waterloo was a slight ad le over the French, the national debt of Eng financial ties•bite, and the " Thunderer " lbber. We no more consider the opening of Ississippi a trifle than we look upon the wie ld has attended the Brown Stone Clothing ARookhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and ON Chest ftreet, above Sixth, as gleams. The feet is, they a big things, the Times to the contrary not standing, and if anybody doubts our last asser let him call at the establishment last named, fee the amount of business that is done there. "Nr IDEA.—This is the novel title given I Ale Vaults in the cellar under Granvile s' clothing emporium, for the particulars of see the advertisement in The Press. 15 to $825 will get an elegant 7-octave food over -strung Piano,;warranted Ave }win. seventkt (0140141111mIts -11'26.6wtri ARRIVALS AT THE' HOTELS, VP TO 12 O'OLOOK LAST NIGHT. Oniatiltentatl—lfhith • 13 F Grain,M D, Washington tl c Williams, Gineinnati H W Garsin, Cincinnati Mr,. Duncan, Cincinnati ivard Lewis. New York David. Myers, Newark T Ilyatt, Wet Chester Prot J 9 Rice, Wilmington Diits Chaplan, Brooklyn David Moodsy.Ohio L Stevens, Pence W H M...lllaster .1 W t3nowdon,Pittsburg Dr .J Tunnicliff, Wash Daniel Miller. Baltimore 4 , Miller, Baltimore . W Weedwurd.Bullimore 1 J Cornwell, Baltimore C Sullivan. Dayton, 0 D L Shiel d s, Pittsburg Miss Shields, Pittahurg Miss Shields & syt, Penn Green & wf. Penn Mrs Noble, Penn W Holmes, Pittsburg Miss S Felines, Pittsburg Miss m Ekompa, Pittsburg Wax Weil, Br w York TTurnloy. Wi:mitigton It Dymond Sr la, Cin Geo B Jones; Boston Horace Fassii t, Phila B Wheaton, Providence W Fall, Nub villa 0 Kinn, td Para_ . .1 Ladd, U S A Wm R Payson, Washington .1 Larkin. Londosi Ii Web, tar, Baltimore C Gerkie, Baltimore Wm Wilkinson, Cincinnati Wni Fa,ter, Jr. New Yo..k. J H H oodtqlicago Mr Sr. s h Robinson, Del - Miss M El Robinson, Del Mr Stairs C Vox,Conneeticut 8 Jones, Baltimore 09 Beaten, Baltimore R Armstrong, Jr, lowa TSpissr Jr, St la, Baltimore Misi. l', tine, Baltimore DI Lactic/latch St la, NY - Lippman, Few York . . L g 'doss, New York J Macfarlane, Carbondale J L 0 rabn in. Pottaville IJ L Hendrick, West Point AI 80. haoan & w Gin lilies M. Hellion, Cincinnati ll C Coznatock,titanford, Cl NV Otis, "Y or k I.‘ , Bryn nt In. Pittsburg E xv, Delaware rtc ret,Ca means J F Santana, Caraceas rs 7 J Coffey & s, Wash C 0 Callaghan,. ruba B C Webster, w & da, N J G lend. blew York CPO 'l` Lewis, Tennessee Wm Wright, Hartford A Woodruff., Hartford Dleens & Mr . Si ifra r G M Cinn 3 Steitert,'N'tov York Max 0 runbaion, New York 0 A Brooke, Cincinnati stirs Brooks, Cincinnati • C Brooks. Cincinnati Oeo I" Way, Philadelphia S D Low, New York W Bays, Brie, Pa L W Gillet, Dew York F F Stevens, New York A S Stevens, New York earard—Chestnut • Dt~Daria, Manchester, H H J D Brown, Cincinnati , . . . B J Adams, Philadelphia Mrs Greenway, N 'York John Corr, Baltimore airs Jimison & dau. Penna Henry hitilikr, Boston Mrs Karmany, Boston S sheldrelte, Williamsport Martin Morgan, Ohio Samuel Greenwood, Ohio G Groosbrenner,CumberPd Martin & wf. Cumberland n tinkle, Now York . . . Wm Sob uyler, New York J Smith; Alexa udria. Va S B Waite & 2 ch, Salisby it Rider, Salisbury Coot Ellawotth, II Th.,o clocker & wf. Balt Bocue & son. Balt 1.600 bbls. 7,000 bush. .2,550 bush. .4,700 bush. . . . V Hogan. Washington; John Bloxham, New York J L Benton, WI mineon Col P Sides, 57th Penna John E Morris, Bartford, Ct R M Pennington St la, Balt bt M mcCiure, Virginia This J Sharp Cape Island W C Barnes, Norfolk D Currie, Norfolk - - Mrs C E Webb, Baltimore Cunuingham:Huntingdon Mr & Mrs F, A Day. Phila C Anderson, Washington J Frank Brown, USA . . _ . WrightNrs & 3 ch. Wash Al Bennat, Washington T 6peneer, Jersey Cicy American—Chestnut E T Whaley, - Maryland H S tinier, Maryland L Islmendorf, New York Thos H BarriFon,Baltimore J W Sharp, Milford, Del John W Cullen, Dover W D Keating, Maryland Wm McKenney, Maryland M Schuyler, PoWville Officer Conn, New - York J DI Guthrie, Indiana co P Fry, Ohio E D Howard, Columbus, 0 Davis. Dellefontaine J A Sprangle, Altoona St. Louts—Chestnut C C SS'il dams. Cineinn ati B W Gossin,Cineinnati. J Coffman. Da) ton, 0 Sam•l R Brooks, II S N . _ P 3 Coughton, St Louis W H blears, Cincinnati S S Stone, Troy A Garveick, Harrisburg Jll Willets, New Jersey Capt C L Davis, II S A 1) Calhoun. Philadelphia levi suss, sew York S Jackson, New York. S Thomas. Georgetown Henry Grennock, Pittsb'g wrettaittle—Pourt Jos aloes, Baltimore S S McCord, Pittsburg , T T Myler, wf & eh, Penna Thos K Oleviree, New York P C Sandes, Blair co F Fourthinau. Waynesboro J Ft Welsh, Waynesboro H T Barrett, Waynesboro W J Madiara, Penna. lt L Thomas, Maryland P. ter Reilly, New York C D thener. Penna John P Reed, Bedford Reed, Bedford . J Reed, Bedford A G Wolf, Ft Delaware H S Frank, Philadelphia Col bfillbanks, II S A H Welsh, Harrisburg..,. E Martin, Cincinnati Mr & Mrs C F Black, York. Hugh Bone, Ellicott's Mills Jas A Ralph, Butler, Pa F Yeorgling. Ohio Fred Leach. New York J Culp, Gettysburg .1 Diehl, Danville I Alien & Nvf,Danville Miss Diehl, Danville E W Howard, New Haven W C North. Phila T H Tomlinson & Nyf, N T The Union—Arch s L Lowenetein, Dayeno, In Zeigler, Columbia W B Irwin, Phila R W Vansant, New Taney A dr Pdisseenerce, Wash'ton John Witlamon, Smithy, C W Russell, Massillon. 0 John Lockwood, Massillon Silas Bucher. Massillon Chas Martz thal, Massillon T Gnu . , St Louis Mrs Gass, St Lords J G Ankfer, Minerva, 0 Wm Folger, Akron, 0 .T T Scott & Ayr, Wheeling S T Scott, Wheeling J T Scott, Jr, Wheeling C ommercial—Sixth et C FP ood,Philt M Ravny, Schuylkill co J P Sneer, rtrasbnrg T Griffith. Wilmington C Buffington, Chester co anhtt S Faxon, W Chester J Devoe. West Chester R W Levis West Chester J C Russell H Scott & wf. Phila Black Bear—Third S Thos Moss; Tamaqua T1:os Holloway, N J N Heckman, Beading Wm Schubert, Berks co Jos Hess, Springtown H J Forney, Harrisburg J G Forney, Harrisburg Simon Hach, Harrisburg M F Caswell, Reading Wtmllerner, Fennsbnrg John Hersh,..Pennshurg Insulimou—Second T R Mann, Stroudsburg • C N %ether, Danville Harry Yettemer, Frencht wn Mrs A Gillsyson, Doylehtwn M Harris, Susqiiehanna co ! C 8 Detrict, Stroudsburg Geo Fabel, Stroudsburg Mrs Col .1 Nyce, Stroudsbg Geo Hart, Doylestown. Watson P Magill, Pa Lt Jos Atkinson. 141st Pa Barley Sheaf—Seco H Piercon, Solebnry J Cad watader, Fox Chase W Cadwalader & la, Penna A R W Knight, Bucks co Jas Roberts. Newtown W Carr & wf, Buckingham B W Simpson., &Lanny Wm 11 Rice. Eolebury ITaTison, Montgomery co D W.Wilcox, Wayne co National—Race it John Scott, N York • C Daum, Philadelphia W Brown St wf,Washington W Kerper, Beading P Johns; S u nbury. Pa W C Thompson. Sunbury Geo W James, Harrisbarer, J Weimer, Ashland J B end ler, Pottsville Miss M S Hendler, Pottsville !Mateo Union—Sixth W McVey, Philada P Itodger. - Brownsville Geo H Powell N Jersey ML Lacy, N Jersey Joha.Van Tasser, N Jersey , John Maxwell. New York A D Wallace, Philad a Bald Eagle—Third C Spangler, Lehigh co J L Farr. Allentown • . . Robert Good, Bucks co E Rltuer, Pleasant Corner A Eisenhards, Lehigh Co SPECIAL NOTICES.. THE BEAUTIFUL VISION. EY TEE - BARD OF TOWER HALT.. Oh thou maid, whole eye entrances, Thrills, transports me, with its glances! Like the sunbeams on the river Seem thy joyous smiles to quiver, Smiles of welcome; smiles of greeting. Smiles of kindness, oh how fleeting ! In my dreams I ott have met thee, Waking, I cannot forget thee. Yet I read in every feature Thou art not an earthly creature. Like a gleam of light descending, Soon with viewless ether blending. Lovely spectre, gayly smiling. Art thou fickle and beguiling, Like the maids of earth's material! Say, can beings so etherial, With their fascinations treat na Only to deceive and el eat us (No reply being given, the bard becomes more prac Maids of earth and spirits airy, May with mocking smiles deceive us, And in gloom and sadness leave us! But, to Tower Hall repairing! Buy your Clothes for summer wearing, And derive from that transaction Solid joy and satisfaction. Balance of Summer Stock closing out at reduced prices. TOWER RAIL, No. 518 MARKET Street,- It • BENNETT & 00. FULLERTON HAS REMOVED TO 609 CHEST NUT Street, under Granville Stokes', where - he will be much pleased to meet his old friends. His NSW ALE VAULTS is to be known in future as the "NEW JOLLA." • auti-et" TRH NATATAIIII3M, 'NEXT TIIIIIISDAY, (National Thanksgiving.) will be open all day and eve ning for Male Swimmers only, but no lessons given on that day. fanh-n*l W. JANSE DR. SWEET'S INFAJJ,IBLE LINIMENT IS truly a "friend in need." and every faintly ehonld hay nd Chestnut str•eittl. Ed C Dyer & wf. Wash thee J Fisher, Wash S Post, New York- Mr Goo 11 Hoinison, Salem Jno Orne, Jr, NewburypOrt R J Lane, Bunton G Brewer. Baltimore Geo W Ford, Boston (3 Edw Ilersh.York .1 - Goldstein Warren, Ohio F P Erskine, Davenport AIM Hughes, Wisconsin W fl Kretsloger, Chicago J O'Connor, Pittsburg Mrs O'Connor, eta & co,Pitts Mr, G O'Connor. St louts I) II Creel, Baltimore Geo Sheffield, It Island. IV Rand. New York S H B Day, Dover, Del John P Howell. Newark H R Sillimen, Ft Delaware G W McCormick, Pittsburg P Haldeman. Penn E V Earl, New lersol Samuel Edgar, Now York A B Corry, - New York Mr & Mrs C C Meade. Balt Rev W Hamilton, Balt John D 'I oy, Balt G W Peregoy, Balt Mrs C A Ross, Balt T D Beery,- New York Mr Bates, New York Miss K Penne, Baltimore Miss Glenn, Baltimore E I? ['cries, Baltimore Br Tomer, Washington W &Angell, Providence • J Rodocanachi. Bost m E W Farrington, NOW York B Jones, Pittsburg 0 u Loclrard, Cincinnati & Epply, Cincinnati F J Fay & wt . , Ohio • W C Byrd & oaf, Memphis Mrs ET Smyth. Long inland Miss J Mills, Lon g - 1 sland CV - Mille, New York W & Robertson, Vera Cruz Dr Rice; Irelan , l RA Scannau, Now York F Picard°, New York W I, O'Brien, Baltimore 13 Rob.usou & w, Cia 1) F Miller, SPringld, Mass J Meek, lowa B F Sheuk, Lancaster J Bailsman. Lancaster 'T Baumgardner, Lancaster W Johnson, Indianapolis J Richards. Chicago I Rogers, Washington IS DI Bay. Wisconsin Merritt & sou. Hew Yoilr. IL S Foster .& w, New York H T Yeattnan, Nashville Lt Col .F C Hooker,l7sth R I 1! Merrick, Mansfield, Conn Geo R Price & la, Balt 'S Meaty, Philadelphia S Small, Jr, & la. York ,Miss C at Small, York S Wangersheim, St Louis R. Martin, Baltimore T W Abbot. New York SP Kenney, Ph iadel nide L Howell; Peoria Aug 0 Meyr, Baltimore Aug Kohler & WI, Balt Mrs Devine, Baltimore Wni Cooke, Scranton B W Jacobs; Danvers, Mass reef,. below ltfintb. Samuel Castle: Wheeling Miss Mary - Castle, Wheeling Miss Jane Castle, Wheeling Miss A Castle, Wheeling John Moran, Wheeling henry Rosenbaum. Erie George Gallyer. Boston J Richardson, Louisville Jos r Smith. Cincinnati Chas Lendbitter, St Louis S 8 Spencer, Lancaster S D Dole. Providence A H Brown, St Louis F"0 H Monroe. Philad A "Fisher :keen, Middletown S C Zimmerman. Middiet'n J B Markley & wf, Lanc'r Harry C Markley. Inner Sal McDonald. - Wheeling L Knowles, Wheeling Ei Tidbal & w. Mlllerburg Miss .B. Tidball, Millerburg Josh EBiebar, Penna. Diller Lather; Penn& C F Cummins. Washington Wm C Entllngton, Maryland A L Knight St wt, Baltimore 1 Painter, Westmoreland G H Barawell, Penna - Wm Knight, Baltimore Hiss Parker, Baltimore B it Knight, Baltimore Dr Taylor. 3d Army Corps A W Thompson & wf, Balt W Brew n,wf & niece, Balt Jackson & la, Baltimore W a Bell, Harrisburg_ J Vc'Eiitclicook, New York avreet. abovre Jas L Given, Blair co Thos Browo, Georgetown L Elberman, lowa R H Moore, la &I 2 oh, N J D W Hendrickson, N Y IWNW Dorsey. Delaware Alex Blessing, York co Wee Spicer, Illinois, J Pottsville G L Boyd, Tamaqua T L Wirt, Hanover, Pa T Pierson., Baltimore J Cone. New York Jno A. Reynolds, Delaware G E Hall, Cleveland, 0 street. above Third. \ V o re, New Jersey A W Smith, Providence B Schaeffer & la, Reading ❑ Ozzani & wf, Nashville Mies E Bonsard,NashVille P Brown, Wilmington Jas 'P Thomas, Pittsburg Wm Alblee, Cincinnati J 1) Harkin, Cincinnati Job McKim, Reading Ceo Beebe, Hartford Wm Beebe. Hartford .14forttcailaa. Sombrury A Siegel, NM York - street. below Arch.. Mrs J S Black, York Miss Black, York Jan W Kuntz, Wash, Pa J G Davidson, Steubenville Mrs Moore, Pittsburg Mist Minnick, Pittsburg John M ' N Jersey Wm C-Fountain, Delaware C Jones, Delaware J Kirk, Lancaster co Taltner,Bucks co , A J Brxvin, Bethlehem IS.T Henderson. Phil:lda Sias Kinkead, 34th. P V Adjt G H Sterling, 02d P V Lt 8 W Bannatvne. 52d P V J G Stevens, 52d P V Louis Schneider, Pennk N H Jennings, Baltimore Rich'd Penna J B Somers fiConp, B.v:!ttara..Pa Pittsbnyg triora _ . F Caswell, Reading D BlHamilton & wf, Conn Dr Thomas. wf & da, Pal J Stimson, Maine G C Lawrence, New York I W &torso. Ashland, Miss A. Allard, Ashland; Miss Mrs A Monford, New York rect. aboire Third. E Fitch, - New York Geo Johnston. Z9,nesville C Gape, pre, 0 Reininger. Allentown W L Weed, Calicoon, N Y Will Evert, Jr, garyland Jos H. Eraegar,Bethlehern James Focht. Pottsville Thos Edgar 147th Penna. I Jos T Coburn, 147th Penna Mintzerda &d,Pottstown G Haight, New York G Haight, New York J.Allisan, New York & Brakely,Bowlesborg,NY N Stone. Mass Ii ath 13thatoiii, Chicago rect., above Channel. W J Hastings, Frankford John D Lafferty. Newark John Beatty. Delaware co N B Hammond,Cheeterco L B Woodward, Harrlsbarg John C Jefferw,yhila . _ G K Crawford. Wilminzton 0 Coleman, Minereville W A Silver. Maryland Py eon, Chester co above CaMagnin. Wm S Long, Backs co henry Price. Backs co ioigenfruis, Dtiolis co . . Edward Barrel, Backs co L Applocos. Attleboro A Funk, Bucks co Thomas Weaver. Bucks co John S Cornell. Peasterville Chas Harper. Jenkintown Miss Esheubach. Allentown Levi Brown, Lobachsville reet, above Market. Tams D C Virgil, Steubenvil Miss D Stubfant, Steabeavil J B Morgan. Turnersville J B Newbold, New Jersey Paul Custard, Monroe W Paxson, Carversville Wm Ilnsco. New Jersey Jas C Welden Lt W P Radford Pt Royal D M Thompson. Deposit d St, below Vine. 1 A DeCosta, Philadelphia A Donahower, Bucks co W Carver, Newtown W Garner. Newtown S Comfy, Montgomery R B Lyons, Penna D H Servis, oylestown B T Bartlett. Mass C H Bartlett, US Miss L F Vealey, Masa eet, above Third. D Rasters, Pennsylvania Joint Goble Si la, Lancaster Miss Cobbe, Lancaster J B Eevinski, Lancaster L Zimmerman, Lebanon co 8 Desch, Harrisburg - • D C Siecrist & la, Lebanon • E Y Bright, jr, Sunbury J Kaufman, Reading axed Market streets. W H Hay, Wrne,port J B Champion, rhilada Geo Ernst, Penna .ailicedellan, Wilmington Miss Chapman. Brooklyn D Campbell & la. Lane L L Smith dc la, Ohio t., above CaUowliHl. H H Mann; Hilton Head J IlKauffman, Pleasant Va T Kemerer. Lehighton J L Gring, Lebanon co Miss !Morey, Phmnigville BAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE i 8 the Best tti he World. The only Harnelieee, True and Ratable Dye known. This aplendid Hair Dye is Perfect —ohatiges bed, Rusty or Gray Hair, instantly to a Glom/ Blast or Natural Brown, Without Injuring the Hair or Stain ing the Skin, leaving the Hair Gott and Boantifalt Im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the 11l effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed Wirmisei A. BATCHELOR, all others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, dtc. FACTORY-81 BAItCL AY Street, New York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. Je23-ly ONErPRIOE OLOTELINO, OF TB LATEST iTTLars, made in the Beat &tanner. expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain tares. All Goode made to Order warranted satiefactOrY. atm Osn-Paios SYSTEM is strictly adhered- to. All iir• thereby treated alike. 409,17 JoNF,g & ICO4 MARKET RtrAnt. ~.t~R.RIFII7_ YOUNG—DAGER.—On the 23d day of. Tuly, by the Rev. George A. Durborow, Mr. Fleury J. Young to blis Maria M. Dager both of this city. * SENNIC , IG—CONMANY.—On the 2d inat., by the Rev. N. B. Baldwin, Mr. Christopher Smiting to Miss Sarah Jane Cormany, all of this city. • DIED, HALL —On the tat inst. of wounds received in the battle of Gett3 sburg, inst., F. Hall, of 00. B , 68th P. V., son of Bev. W. S. Hall, of this city, in tice 28th year of hie age. The relatives, the friends of the family, the soldiers of the 68th P. V., and the members of Philo inattimm Longo, No. to, are respectfully invited to attend the fimeral, without furtheruotice, on Thurs day, August 6th, at 2 o'clock P. M., from the North Baptist Church, in Eighth street, above blaster. The remains will be taken to the Baptist burial-ground at Ai itestown. WOLIN TOOK.—Suddenly, on. the 2d instant, Jawes aleelintock, aged 49 years. The male friends of the family are respectfully in vitt d to totenO the funeral, from his late residence, No. 513 Brown street, this afternoon. at 3 o'clock. * DI A RTIN.- - -Augutt 3d, Charles Morris, son pf Sanderson R. and Marianna Martin, aged one year and two months. FISHER.—On the 25th of June last, of wounds received at the battle of Ahile and Beverly Ford; in the 22d year of his age, Lieut. C. Rodney Fisher, Ist lieut. Ist U. S. Dragoons, son of Rodney Fisher, Esq , of this city. •* tsßAilpr.Ess.—on Sunday, august 2d, J. C. Heberton, son of Samuel J. Sharpless, aged eleven months. DAMES.-At the residence of her 'father, H. H. Stimpzon, Cambridge, Plass., on July 31st, Sarah 11., wife of Peter A.. - Davies, of this city. 01{1BL—A t Lewes, Del., on Friday morning, July 31st, Mary, infant daughter of the Rey. 3. Leighton and Sallie Fisher DicKire, aged V. months.. UORICERY.—On the 2d inst., Mary Corkery, the 12d year of her age. .DOUGHERTY.—On the ad inst., Anna, daughter of Patrick and Elizabeth Dougherty, aged thirteen FOROE.—Suddenly, on the tat inst., Matthew Force. * GILLIARD.—On the 2d inst., Wm. H. Millard, aged 63 years. po,LAcK_ BAR} HERN.A.N la . -JUST -a-• opened, a case of LUPIN'S BABEGE RERNAMS. Lupin's Black Crape Marets. Do. do. Tamartines. Do. do. Bareges. Do. do. Summer Bombazines. Do. do. ebony T =lees. Do. do. Striped and Check Bareges. Do. do. Mousseline de Laines. Do. do. Bombazines, Shawls, &c. BESSON & SUN'S Mourning Store, J 913 No. 018 CHESTNUT. Street. I'YRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND A.RGH Streete, always keep a tall stock of ST &PLE DRY 000DS. Good Black Silks. Good Plain Silks. Pine Table Linens. Linens and bluslins by the piece. Good Cloths and Cassimeres. 3315 ' Good assortment of Household Goods. - EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND A" ARCH, are closing out all their SUMMER. GOODS LOW, Sea shore Shawls. Lawns and Organdies. Orenadines, Tissues, &c. Black Thin Goode. low js2S PRILAD-ELPULIA., AUGUST .1,1'463. —NOTICE in NEREI3Y GIVEN, that the Offices of the undernamed Insurance Companies will be CLOSED on THURSO AY next, (6th instant ) in accord aLce with the Proclamation of the. President of the United States. setting forth that day "to be observed as a day for Rational Thanksgiving. Praise, and Prayer." The Pho.o ix Mutual Insurance Company. by J. R. Wu obeyer, President. The Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company, by • Thomas C. Hand, President. The Insnrarue Company of North. America, by Charles Platt. Secretary. William Craig, President American Mutual Insurance Company. Tbe lnsuranco Company of the State of Pennsylvania. William Harper, Secretary. Union Mutual Insurance Company of Philadelphia, per John Mots, Secretary. Anthracite Insurance Company. by William M. Smith, Secrstary Liverpeol and London Insurance Company, R. S. Smith Agent per Son. . The 7American Fire Insurance Company, Thomas R. Maris, President. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, William G. Crovve , l, Secretary. It A.T A Dir t - IMMO OF CO32.PANY D, ',nth REGIMENT P. V. M., held at their Armory. TUESDAY. August 4, 1863, the following preamble and rescoutions were unanimously adopted: Wltert as, Having teen called upon to leave our homes, our families, and our business, during the late invasion, to deftnd our capital from pillage and destruction by a ruthless foe, who was marching with gigantic strides through the State; and whereas it was our good fortune to be located at Bainbridge for a time, where the in habitants,-every one of whom is a good. Samaritan, re ceived us with such genuine hospitality as to forayer command our gratitude: Therefore. Resolved, That we take this occasion to express our heartfelt thanks to all the good people of Bainbridge and vicinity, a.rAfassure them we shalt ever hold in grateful remembrance their many acts of kindness to us in our extr, me necessity. Rrsolved, Tl;ai the above be published in the Ledger. and Press of this city. and fifty copies be sent to the Postmaster at Bainbridge for distribution. JOSEPH R. DYE. Captain. GEORGE PHILLIPS, Ist Lieut. WILLIAM F. FLEMING, 2d Lieut. lt* SAMUEL J. PRICE, O. S. IMsss• POST- OFFICE PRILLA.DELP , PA: - , - August 4, 'Ma—THURSDAY NEXT, 6th instant. being the day appointfd by the President of the United States as a day of National Thanksgiving, this office will be open for transaction of business until half past nine o'clock A. M. and from .I to 6% P. M. Sub-offices open at same hours. The Carriers will make but one delivery, at 8 A. M. Collections will be made from lamp post and other boxes at 7A. M. and 6P. M. C. A WALBORN, P. M, M , CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CRUTCH.—A Special Service of Thanksgiving for our recent victories, in accordance with the Procla mation of ire President of the United States, will behmd in the Central Presbyterian. CA wren' (corner EIGHTH. and CHBRItY Streets), on THUR. ;DAY - .a - nu/I.IG, August 6th, at 1034 o'clock. The exercises will be con ducted by Rev G. W. Musgrave, D D., L.L. D., and the Rev. Matthew Newkirk, who has just returned from the Hospitals at Gettysburg aus-2t. NOTICE.— THE NINTH INCTAL.- DIEN T on the Stock of the Hest.oville, Mantua, and. Fairmomtt P R:R. Com owuY, wilt be due and Pa7a bk. AUGUST 21. at the - oleos of the Treasurer, J. O'BYENE, No 116 South SIXTH Street. auti,7.10:12,14,17-6t* R . , T. FRAILEY, Secretary. MREV. W. E. GREGG WILL .preach a eermon on the "State of she Country," in the PPITMAN CHAPEL M. E CHIJRCH, corner of Tiveuty.third and Lombard streets, TO. MORROW (Thnnksgivinkr Day. ) Services to comtuence at 1034 o' The public are invited. Seats free. It* REV. JOHN P. CHAPI.A.IN preach in. WEL &MON. s ricEETM. E. CHURCH , _l‘f , r)Rl , .(Jw (Thanksgiving Day'', at 10% A. M IN ACCORDANCE WITH THN - ita&- link COMMENDATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, the UNITARIAN CHURCH, at the corner of TENTH and LOCUST Streets; will be open for religions service on THURSDAY MORNING, the 6th inst.. at MN o'clock . an4:3t PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING AGRICIILTURE.—Stated meet ing at room. No. 326 Walnut street, on-to-morrow (Wednesday) morning, at 11 o'clock. aug4-21, INSURANCE COMPANY OP 'TICE, STATE OF PENNsYLVANIA,. August 3. 180.3. The Directors have this day declared a DIVIDEND OF SIX PER CEA'''. or ;TWELVE DOLLARS PER SHARE, clear of all Taicef,, payable to the Stockholders or their legal Representatives, onAomand: - an4-10t WILLIAM HARPER;, Setretary. CATHEDRAL. PHILADELPHIA, 'AllraSt 4, 1563. • We respectfullyinvite our venerated Clergy to observe the day appointed by his Excellency the President of the United states, to wit, THURSDAY, August 6, by the CELEBRATION OF MASS. at such hour as will best suit the convenience of their respective congrtgations, and by the recitation both of the Prayer for the Consti tuted Autheritirs." and the Litany of the Saints. Given at Philadelphia the day and year above men tioned. • fIAMES F. WOOD, aro 2t Bishop of Philadelphia.• AVIS MIX ELEGANTS---DI. JO. SEPH ZACKEY, de. Paris, Gerant de la Matson. GRANDVILLE STOKES, Marchand Tutlleur, No. 609 tHESTNCT Street, Philadelßbia, a libotineur d' aviser dee nombreux amis et connaissances (ainsi one l'hono rable public) qui l'on duo favorise de lent clientele, qu'il Tient de resevoir de Paris et Londres, les modes lea plus recentes et lee mieux portees pour la saison d'ete. M. GRANDVILLE STOKES a mis a sa disposition les eteoffes lee plus belles at lee meilleures Qnalites, des pre mieres manufactures d'Europe Les ofacieres et soldate de tout trades -y tronvront lee meilleures qualites d'etoffes, a des .prix tree moderee L'eleganee de sa coupe, aine'que le cachet de distinction que la caracterise, a*t tleia trop canna do public pour en renonveler leers merites. fv2B-2tn MILITARY NOTICES. CORPS OF HONOR 13: S. A: HEADQUARTERS 'RECRUITTUG SERVICE. • ;INVALID CORPS FOR PHILADELPHIA. 043 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Pa..: SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of dis ability will apply for information or enlistment in the INVALID CORPS - to - Lieut. HUBER: BASTIAN. Invalid Corps, 243 S. Tkird street, Philadelphia, or to Lieut. J W. DEAN. Invalid Corps, 611 Brown street. and N. E. corner Broad and Spring Garden ets , Phila. Pay and allowances, excepting bounty and pension, same as inll. S. Inf,ntry. E. W. MATTHEWS, Inaior Ist Pa. Art. and Supt. Invalid Corps for Philadel phia. aus If ti,ATTENTION, COMPANY E, BLUE RESEW/W.—The members of the companv.will as- Eemble at the Armory, B. E corner EIGHTH and CALLOWIIILL streets, THIS . (Wednesday) EVE NING, at 8 o'clock. By order, - , . WM. WINS, Captain. Jos. J. BABCOCK, Plat Sergeant,: It* REGULAR ARMY. $402. BOUNTY—S4O ON ENLISTMENT. Recruits wanted for the 12th 11. S. INFANTRY. For information. apply tu WM. SERGEANT. Captainl2th Infantry. iYII-Im* • 229 S. FRONT Street. NOTICE. -DRAFT FIRST DISTRICT op PENNSYLVANIA.—UntiI further ordered, the Board of Enrolment will hear cases of exemption and. substitutes from the body of the district, at the, rate of fifty per day. As soon as the notices are served on drafted men, the cases will be lisard in their order, at the rate of one hundred per day, commencing with the First sub-district, being the Second ward, and so continue till • finished. Due public notice will , be given of this alteration. By order of the Board. Offilltours from S A. M. to 2 P M. WM E. LEHMAN . , Provost Marshal au3-dtf and President of the Board. HEADQUARTERS OF COMMISSION FOR 11. S. COLORED TROOPS, N 0.1210 CHEST NUT Street, Philadelphia. The following to the official order authorizing the re uniting of Colored Troops: HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY, ADT'T GENERAL'S OFFICE. WASHINGTON, JCRS 17. 1863. GENERAL ORIfo r ilitB No. 17.5. . . . _ . Major GEORGE L. STEARNS, Assistant Adjutant General Unite& States Volunteers, is hereby annonhced as Recruiting Crmmiasioner for the 'United States Colored Troops, subject to such instructions as he may from lime to time receive from the Secretary of War: By order of the Secretary of War : (Signed,) E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant GeneraL To Major Ogo. L. Smuurs, Adj't General 11. S. Volunteers. - - The ,undersigned is prepared to issue the proper an thorizsition to colored men to enlist recrnitc for the Armies" of the United States. He will receive applica tions from those desirous of being -made commissioned officers. and transmit the same to the Board of Inspec tion at Washinften, and. will be glad to- give full in formation on a I matters connected with this branch of the service to those who may seek it. The undersigned has the co-operation of a Committee of sixty citizens of Philadelphia. The Agent of the said committee is E. E. CORSON, who is likewise the. Aent of the undersigned'. CAMP WILLIAM PENN, at Ohelton Hills, has been selected as the camp for lustre:ellen. and Lieut. Colonel LEWIS WAGNER placed in command of it. All re smite will be mustered in by companies of eighty men, 'and by squads, and immediately uniformed , equipped and sent to the camp. Squads of men will be subsisted. until companies are completed by the committee of citizens, at sue localities as their agent may designate. Papers in the interior of the State will copy this ad-- vertisement one time and send the paper containing same. With bill, to these Headquarters. ;71 - Communications by letter will be promptly answered. GEORGE L.STEARN_,S Major and. A. A. G., Rerorniting CrOMMi6slollot for U. E. Colored Volnnteere. • THE PRESS;-PHT_LA_DELP . HTA; WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1863. STERLING ,EXCHANGE TREASURY DEP.A.RTM EN T, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN UNITED STATES SIX PER CENT. " 3PX"CTM " UNTIL AFTER TEN DAYS' NOTICE OF DIS CONTINUANCE. THE TO CONTINUE Er! AGENCY And: wall further notice, I shall continua CHECKS FOR STATE INTEREST, S HARVEY THOMAS, - I `.- 7 • STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT Street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commission at the BOARD OF BROKERS. Subscriptions to the 620 year six per cent. LOAN still received at par. go charge for Commission. 193-3nt COLLECTION OF S. CERTIFI CATES or INDEBTEDNESS. —The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect at the Treasury Department, Washington , with despatch, and at reasonable rate's, the One ear Certiicates of In. debtednese of the United States now due or shortly =- Terms made known and- receipts given at the 05.11, NO. 3%0 CHESNUT Street. nr7ls-tf REMOVAL. A. 11. 3E'RAINICISCITS, ITICOLT.SALF. DEALER IN YA.BNS, BATTS, WADDINGS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW- SHADES. LOOKING GLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS. &40•; REMOVED From 433 MARKET and 5 North FIFTH Streets TO 518 MARKET and 510 COMMERCE Sts. afflAni FINANCIAL. WANTED. DREXEL & 00. WADDINGTON, D. C., THAT SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR TWENTY-YEAR BONDS; COMMONLY 09LLED WELL CONTLEVE TO BE REINEVED AS HEEBTOFOUE. S. P. OEI,.SE; 30.6 t : A;• !• : : .• I SECRETARY OB THE •TREASURY HAS AIITHORIZSD CIS FOR A BRIEF PERIOD. to receive SubecriptLone to the 5-20 0 AN - A T P A AT MT OFFICE. AID AT THE DIFFSRUT STIB•AGSNOIES Whroughout the Loyal States. JAY COOTCP,, BINISCRIPTION AGENT. Mo. ill- South Third Street, FIRST AUGUST, GOLD; COUPONS, 19rn AUGUST, 7 310 WANTED.. aul•lOt DREXEL & CO• REMOVALS. E 141 0 V AL.-JOHN C. BAKER, Wholesale Druggist, has removed to 'TIS MARKET Street. Particular attention is asked to JOHN . C. BAKER & CO.'S COD-LIVER OIL. Having increased facilities in this new establishment for manufacturing and bottling, and the avails of fifteen yeare' experience in the business, this brand of Oil has advantages over all others, and recommends itself. Constant supplies are obtained from the fisheries, fresh, pure, and sweet, and receive the most careful personal attention of the original m opt ietor. The increasing demand and wide spread market for it make its figures low, and afford great advantages for those buying in large often titiee. au4-dlmW4t GIIN REMOVE D.-PHILIP WILSON & CO., Manufacturers and Importers of Grins Pistols, Rifles. Fishing Tackle, &c., have re moved to 4119 CHESTNUT Street, 'where their customers and friends will be supplied with everything in the sporting line. .19.304. m VEMOVAL.JAISIES FULTON HAli -&-. 0 removed his Law and Collection Office, and also the once of the Legal and insurance Rorter, from No. 424 Walnut street to No. 703 WALNU T street. OP posite .Washington Square. Government claims, of all kinds, collected as usual. HEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL, THIRD DISTRICT, PA. - PHILADELPHIA, August 4, 1663. ..'NOTICE.—The Board of Enrolment of the Third Con gressional District - of Pennsylvania hereby notify all persomsgho have been drafted in this district, that the time for claiming Exemptions, offering Substitutes, or reporting for Duty, for the different wards, has been ex tended as follows:'For the Twelfth ward, to August 10; for the Thirteenth ward, to August 13; for the - Sixteenth August ffl; and for the Seventeenth,Eighteenth, and Nineteenth wards. until farther notice. ' Also, that the Board will not hear cases of Exemption or accept Substitutes from any wards, excepting the Twelfth. until further notice ; and all drafted persons of the above ward failing to report on or before the 10th day of August, 1863, will be liable to arrest as deserters. The Board also give notice that THURSDAY, the 6th day of Almost, baying been set apart by the President as a day of Fasting and Prayer, this office will be closed. JACOB S. STRETCH, Captain and Provost Marshal. . FRANKLIN D. STERNER, Commissioner. ALEXANDER C. HART, It Surgeon. NOTICE. -APPLICANTS FOR EX EMPTION FROM THE DRAFT. THIRD DISTRICT OF PENNA., July 25 5 th, 1853. The Board of Enrolment of the Third District will be in Session daily (Sunday excepted) at their office, No. ill Brown street, between the hours of 9 A . M. and 2 P. H.,:coinmenelng on Monday next, July 27, for the pur pose of hearing and determining upon the application of persons applying for Exemption from the Draft in their District; and also for bearingpropositions for substitutes, and examining persons so offering All persons who may desire to present substitutes, shall give notice in writing to the Board of Enrolment, that on such a day they will present a substitute, giving his name, residence; age, and stating whether he is an alien or citizen. sir Each applicant is respectfully requested to being with him the number of his notice. JACOB S. STRETCH Cant. and Pro. Marshal. FRANKLIN D. STERNER, Commissioner. ALEX. C. HART, . . jy2B-lot surgeon of Board. JEIA& MAGARGE & Co.; G WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PAPER. WAREHOUSE, N. 30 SOUTH SIXTH ST., Offer to the Trade a. FRESH SUPPLY. OF ROM, received direct from the Mills, since the fire on the 6th July ; last (their damaged stock being rawly dispoeed of). and can supply all the varieties of WRITING PA PERS at the ldwest mill prices; also, Printing, Plate, Map, Colored, Tissue, Hardware, and 'Manilla Panora; Binders', Trunk, and Press Boards; Altim, -Bleaching Poieders, 'Ultramarine, Fallings, Twine, &e., The Charleston ,Courier makes a timely suggestion in recommending the attention of our Government to the naturalization and cultivation, of CaliSitio, for the preservation of the health of our soldiers. Thili article has a peculiar effect upon the liver, and guards the system against disease by exposure an i irre gular diet. It is said that the great success of the Plan tation Bitters of Dr. Drake, which, previous to oar un happy difficulties, was Mond in most Southern homes, wall owing to the extract of °enemy a Bark,which it con tained, as one . of its principal ingredients. "In confir mation of this, we have ',heard one of our most distitt gals] ed physicians remark. that whenever he felt unwell from ordinary dietetic or atmospheric causes, he Inva riably relieved himself by Plantation Bitters. Bow that these Bitters cannot be obtained, a substitute a honld be Prepared. We understand our Government has opened negotiations with Dr. Drake. through a secret agent, but with what truth we do not know." * * * * JULY 29, 1882. We ere . exceedinglY obliged to the Richmond Whig fox its remembrance of Auld Lang Syne," but we can as sure "Ow Government ".that that the Plantation Bitters aro not for sale to any "secret agents," Borth or Sonth. There is probably several other things that " Oar Go vernment" will yet want. We know that we have the best and moat popular me dicine in the world. We are not afraid to show what it is compoaed of. CaItMAYA BARK has been celebrated for over two hun dred years.and was sold du - ring the reign of Louis XVI, King of. France, fora the enormous price of its own weight in silver. It is remarkable for Dyspepsia,Fevers, Weakness, Constipation, &c. CASCARILLA BARK. —For Dlarrho3a, Colic. and dteeanea of the stomach and bowels. DANDIILION.—For Inflamation of the Loins and Drop steal Affections. LAVENDER FLOWERS. —Aromatic, stimulant, and to nin — biglaiY invigorating in nervous debility. GICHEN.—For Scrofula, Rheumatism, &c. ANISE. — An aromatic carminative; creating , gosh, muscle, and milk; much used by mothers nursing. Also, clove-hada, orange, caraway, coriander, snake root. &c. • . Parting beauty to the complexion, and brilliancy to the mind, is yet unknown- to the commerce of the world, and we withhold its name for Dm present. Bitters; but the following is what's the matter.and they Very particularly recommended to Clergymen, Mer chants. Lawyers, and. persons of sedentary habits. Also, for gentle femalea and weak persons who require a gentle stiinnlant, free digestion, good appetite, and clear mental faculties. Sold by all respectable Physicians, Druggists, Grocers, Hotels, Saloons, Country S tones, Ste. ..Be particular that each bottle bears the fac-simile of our signature on a steel-plate label,with our private Go vernment stamp over the cork. ARMY AND NA'VY .41 Or: . ..W. ==! ARMY GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE OAF CLOTHS. SKY -BUIS CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY - BLANKETS, STANDARD WRIGHT.' 10-OUNCE' DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. REAVT LINEN-DRILLS AND DUOK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEITIIGH AID SHIRT. Iffiag. For sale by - FROTHING-HAM & WHEALS. .s2.lftf • GREAT DISCOVERY 1 PHILADELPHIA, 260 [From tbe gichznowl Whiz 3 rhyeicians are compelled to recommend it CHAMOMILE FLOWERS. —For enfeebled digestion S.-T.-1860-X Another wonderful ingredient of Spanish origin, im- laitzilbuga and ;quacks howl about the Plantation PLANTATION BITTERS WILL CURE Cold Extremities .a Feverish Lips sour Stomach and Fetid Breath Flatulency and Indigestion Nervous Affections Excessive Fatigue and Short Breath. Pain over the bee Mental Despondency Prostration, Great Weakness Salle* Complexion, Weak Bowels LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA P. H. DRAKE & CO., 202 BROADWAY, N. Y jy22-wfrm2mif ARMY CLOTHING, &c. CLOTH 110U-SE, /ND - 100-ILITE CLOTHS, from $3.00 to $7.00. ASSIMEEES, from $125 to $3.00 BEAVERS, from $3.00 to $6.60. 6-4 MIDDLESEX KERSEY'S, $3.60 to $3.76. 6-4 " FLANNELS, very superior. X INDIGO. FLANNELS, at ESc. 6-4 LIGHT BLUE (Inveua Corps Relief. Foil StOcIeCLOTGE , OASSIMERE 3, land VESTINGS TRIMMINGS, &c., &c. Special attention to LADIES' CLOTHS WM. T. SNODGRASS; 31 South SECOND and 23 STRAWBERRY Rs. 3923-1 m CEMENT. LESEEIIL AND VALUABLE DISCOVERY! HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT I Is of more general practical utility than any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly test ed daring the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by all to be - Aippli ef ulcable arta to . the! us SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT 'A. !sic* thin& Is a new thing, and the result of Years of study; its combination is on SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES, Its Combination. I And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or emit any offensive smell. BOOT AND SHOE Manufacturers, using Machines. will find it the best article known for•. Cementing the Channels, as it ' works without May, is not affected by any change of temperature. Boot and Shoo laanntaotnreml Jeweler. JEWELERS Will Ind it sufficiently adhesive for their use, as has been proved. IT IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO LEATHER, And we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficientlii strong without stitching. IT IS THB ONLY LIQUID CEMENT Extant, that is a sure thing for mending /I ii:s Liquid. FURNITURE. CRO T CK OYS ERY, BONE, IVORY. d articles of Household nee• REMEMBER, Hilton's Insoluble Cement I s in a liquid form, and as easily applied as paste: HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is insoluble in water or oil. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Xamembo. Adheres oily substances Supplied in. Family or. Manntactn rers Packages from .2 minces to 100 HILTON_ BROS. & Co., Agents in Philadelphia— LAING & MAGINNIS. Ja9-tuthaly TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE -a- RURAL DISTRICT& We are prepared. as heretofore. to Glumly Faintlbw at their Country Residences with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, 45:0. ALBERT 'C. ROBERTS, m721-tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STN. W 0 0 . . SO, 000 pounds light selected Ohio Fleece. Full Blood. WOOLEN YARNS. 10.000 pounds, 20 to 30 outs, fine. Well-known makes. a. COTTON YARN. 30,000 pounds Nos. 6to are. • of first-class makes. in Warp. Bundle and Cop. A. B. All numbers and descriptions procured at ones on orders. ' ALEX. WHILLDIN es BONS, hl9-fnlivartf IS North 'FRONT Street. RE I lit ER' S ELABORATELY-CO LOBED IVORYTYPES take la:Seedcase of all others in Point of want-alum; they NT exceed any made. 'dim ple and natural in position, expression, and coloring. SECOND Street, above Green. It REIMER'S GALLERY IS AN AT TRACTIVE place of resort. Pictures of all styles admirably executed; Colored Photographs for $1 that are not surpassed elsewhere. SECOND Street, above Green. It* R, HERBY. WIN E. 7-100 QUARTER " . .- 7 Oasts Just received 'per side -"Laura. "for sale bend. by - 8. dr4,18. 01118TAIES, 11144 -1111 MOM sad 11 GRAND t= Mal HADES, CURTAINS, LINENS, The subsexibers offer, a the Of all descriptions of HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS, To which they respectfully solicit the attention of SHEPPARD:VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON. jyl7-fmwl2t S 13 A RPLESS BROTHERS ARE STILL 1, -- ) offering Their Immense Stock at Prices much Less Tbau the Cost of Importation. Con qting of Lawns, Silks, Challis, Coatings. Casslineres. Vestings, BarAgps, Shawls, Delain PP Chi ntzes,Poni us. &c. aus • .CHESTNUT and BipgTH Streetr. SUMMER SHAWLS, Grenadine Shawls. $;1 and 141 iO. Plaid spun Silk Shawls, $3.75. Lace Points. 56 50, *lO. &c. Crepe de Paris Shawls, $6. Cloth Cloaks, Silk Matinee. &c. Also, a Largo assortment of Summer Dress Goods soiling ont Al very low nrices. ARPLESS BROTHERS. anti CBES rNuT and EIGHTH Streets TOWELLING—TOWELLING.One bale Minh' Crash at 1.3 c. One bale 'Russia Crash at 14c. One bale Russia Crash at 15c. One bale Russia Clash at 16c. One lot of American Crash at 14c. One lot of AmorMan Crash at 17c.. One lot of Unbleached finckaback„ the nicest in the market, leant, f ine, and witi,„ at JOHN a. STOKES', 71.1 ARCH Street. ILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN the Prices of all our 1.111151 ER DRESS-GOODS. To close out, we have reduced our stock of Black and Gray-ground Silk Grenadines to 75c. They cost from $ll5 to 50. All our 50c French Berens to 25c. All our 60 and 62c French Organdies to 37Mc. All our French-Lawns to less than cost, All our American Lawns as low as the lowest. 100 nieces Choice Styles Chintzes to 16c. Williamsville and Wameutta Mnslins, 35c. Best English Cotton Flannel, at 5700 c. Ef. STEEL dr SON, No. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. VDWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH SE- A-A COND. Street. are now offering BLACK SILKS. AT HErrucED PRICES. Black Silks at $l, 1.123„ and $1.25. Summer Silks at reduced'prices. Foulard Silks at reduced prices. Silk. Grenadines at seduced prices. • Fine Organdies at reduced prices. Tine Dress Goods, all reduced. Fine Modes, Blues. and Pearl Barrages. Plain Blues, Buff, .and Pink. Percales, or French Chintzes, hut received. N. 8.--lust received one ease of superior quality Plain Silks. The colors are Browns,- Blues, Modes, Purple, and Green; price, $L37%; been selling at $1.75. jy.2o-tf JOHN H. STOKES, OFFERS Black and White Plaid Marseilles. Black and White and "Brown and White Linen Cheek, French Nankinetts—plaid and plain. Nankin—nice quality. • Linen Stripes, dark gronnd„ good. Merino Cassiroeres—excellent quality. Plain. Mixed, and Plaid Cassimeres. Silk Mixed Cloths and Caseimeres. Ladies' Cloaking Cloths. Double-width Plaid Flannels for Shirting. 1e27 FANCY CASSIMERES. Summer Coatings. Black Cloths and Cassimeres. Men's Clothing made to order. COOPER dr hr 9 S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. MANTILLAS. Silk Mantles below cost. Silk Mantles and Waterproofs. • Summer Mantles and Shawls. cheap. Odds-and-ends Lace Goods, cheap. COOP.ER carvARD, 17 . 9 S. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Street& DRESS STUFFS.: Black Delaines, Alpacas. Bareays. Silks, &c. Mosambiquea, kenos. Children's Plaids. &Z. Drab Alpacas, Drab Delainea, Drab Mozambique,. Closing sales Lawns. prices low. DOMESTIC GOODS, Of every kind, at lowest market prices: COOPER & COWARD,. 3y9 S. B. corner NINTH and 2,.I.iRKET Streets. dt prices generally below present cost of impor tation, l i.nd respectfully. lavites an laspectiou of his stock. THE HERO OF. BORT HUDSON Reds stiTriting, Read the Book, boys, and see how he became the "eau he is. In a neat box are the ,three Books, now ready at all principal bookstores. I 'Wj. SUMMER BOOKS_ I new and intensely interesting novel, by the anther of "Rutledge." Price $1.60. . lI.—IN THE TROPIC'S. A charming bok of Tropical Life. Edited by Kim ball, author of "Undercurrents." Price $1.25. IFL—DRIFTING ABOUT. Stephen hfastott's rollicking adventures. With comic illustrations. Price CM. . - IV.—MARIAN GREY. delfghtful new novel, by Mrs. Mary T. Holmes, au thor of ''Lenaßivers. " Price $l. 25. V. —RO CKFORD. A dramatic new Society novel, by Mrs. Lillie Deve roux Umstead. . Price $l. , VII.-OLD MERCHANTS OE NEW YORK. *** Sold by, all booksellers, and sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price, by CARLETON, publisher, New York. .iY22-warStf Tj - S. PHARMACOPOEIA. • - Just published by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.. - • - • '715 and 117 MARXIST Street. THE PHARMACOPCEIA OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Fourth decennial edition. By autho rity of the National Convention for Revising the Phar macopceia. A TREATISE ON HYGIENE, with Special Reference to the Military Service. By W. A. Hammond, Surgeon General. _ - _ _ LOST AND SAVED. By the Hon. Mrs. Norton, au thor of "Stuart' of Dunlerth." AT ODDS.- - By- the Ba; oness Tantphemus, author of "Quits," Stc. HISTORY OF THE SUPERNATURAL, in All Ages and Countries. By William Howitt. SPHERICAL AND PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY, By William Cbanven et. 2 vols THE ARMY CHAPLAIN'S MANUAL. By. Rev. J. Pinckney OF mmond. _ TRIAL OF THE CONSTITUTION. BY Sidney 0. Fisher. _- THE COMPANY CLERIC. Showing how and when to make out returns. Sm. By Cant A. V. Kantz- eta MAP OF CHARLESTON HARBOR • L ' -A- AND ITS APPROACHES'. iFrom the United States Coast Survey • showing the Position of the Rebel Batteries and the National Batteries, and also of the .Army and Fleet. Price 25 cents HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE REBELLION. From the United States Coast Survey; showing the Limits of the Loyal States in 1861, and the Limits occupied by the ;United States Forces, July 20, 1863 Price 25 cents. ' For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, au3 . 606 cilEavur Street.' 20 - CENTS 1- APPLETON'S RAIL ROAD 'GUIDE, for Kugnst. and Piro ER'S, 808 C EIESTNIIT STRE ST. NEW BOOKS NEW BOOKS ! HOSPITAL TRANSPORTS ; a Memoir of the Ern haiku': ion of the Sick and Wounded from the Peninsula of Virginia in the summer of 1562. 75 cents. AUSTIN ELLIOT C. by Kingsley. $ 1 25. `THE OON FURNACE. or SLAVERY AND SECES SION ; by Rey. John H. Anghey. SUBSTANCE AND SHADOW. or MORALITY AND RELIGION IN THEIR RELATION TO LIFE: an Es ea fa t 4l P an ic 'U ' V a t a re . , : a ß it r il ore r d y In a ry e Lt, 5 15 with all the amendments, by F. Estee. Nan. $1.50. AMERICANS IN ROME: 113 H. P. Leland. $125. LILLIAN. $l. JOURNAL OF. A RESIDENCE ON A GEORGIA PLAN TATION. By Frances Anne Rambla. $1.25. AMERICA. A Dramatic Poem. 75 cents. THE LIPS. WRITINGS AND CHARACTER OF ED WARD ROBINSON. By ffenry 1), Smith. D. D. 50 ate. For,sale by WM. S. ig ALFRED MARTINA. aul 606 CHESTNUT Street Proprietors. PROVIDENCE, R. I 64 DEBT AND RESOURCES OF TUE UNITED STATES, and tbe Effect of Secession upon the Trade' and Industry of the Loyal States," by Dr. WILLIAM ELDER. This is a 32 pp. Pamphlet. The subjects treated of are: The Present National Debt; The Receipts and Expenditures of the Two Past Years; Rebellion Expenses. Proper; The Loans and Expendi tures af the Rebellion Period compared with- those of England during her war with the French Republic and Bonaparte; The Growth of Extraordinary Revenue; The Relative Rate of Growth of the British and Ameri can Debt; The Burden of Our Debt; Its •Comparative Cost; The Credit of the Government; The Prospective Discharge of the Debt; United States Notes and Bank Notes compared with the Currency of Great Britain in 1812-16; Discount upon. Paper. and Premium upon Gold, in the tv o Countries, in Critical Periods-and the Mar ket Price of their Mocks; The Effects of Secessiomupon our Exports of Domestic Goods—upon the Productive Industry of the Current Year• Prospective Resources of the Nation ; The Territories—Their Mineral, Agricultu ral. and Pastoral Wealth; with half a dozen Tabular Statements presenting statistics concerned in the argn ment. The Washington Chronicle says: So far as our knowledge extends, it is the most com plete exposition 'of the eh:treater of our national debt, the ablest vindication of the. system of Seance to which the American nation is now-committed for many years to come; and the most thorough and 'satisfactory de monstration of our power and resources that we have ever seen in print. The analogies of history teach us much, and the clear and - comprehensive reports of the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the In terior have informed us very fully on these cabin's; but in this pamphlet we have all the points collected together and arrayed before our eyes with a succinct ness and masterly,torce that sets at rest forever the ques tion of our capacity to become the greatest nation on the face of the earth." • . , . Price of Single Copies, ten cents, on receipt of which snm itWill be sent by mail to any portion of the loyal States. A liberal discount I to N h G e W TALT .& B Pu ROWNe,d by 111 and 113 South 'FOURTH Street. smt tfd &W TERCENTENARY MONUMENT OF THE GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH. In commemoration of tbe Three Hundredth Anniver• eery of the Heidelberg Catechism, published under the supervision of the committee of arrangements hynynodi cal order, and in conformity with a resolution of the convention of the church. One volume Svo. Price $B. For sale lrY LINDSAY di BLAKIBTON. _ Publishers and Booksellers, ' iY29 No. 25 8 SIXTH St., above Chestnut AMERIOAN . ROOFING SLATES; rum:- EQUAL - TO THE BEST WELSH SLAWS. - THOMAS 1.2 G-4 M . lin WALXUT RETAIL DRY GOODS. FURNISHING DRY GOODS. LOWEST CASH PRICES, The largest and best assortment Families, Hotel-keepers, And buyers generally 1008 CHESTNUT Street 702 ARCH ST., 10A4CRESTDIIIT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE, WHITE GOODS, all descriptions EMBROIDERIES. do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do VEILS. &c., 1024 - CHESTNIYr STREET. NEW PUBLICATIONS. T'R,IP(..BOBBIN BOY. THE DRUMMER BOY THE PRINTER BOY. THE BOBBIN BOY. J. E. TILTON &I CO.; PUBLISHERS. THE NEW - L-FRANX WARRINGTON IN PRESS: VI.—A LIFE OF VICTOR lITJGO By his Wife, Second Series. VIII.—VINCENZO. By the author of "Dr. Antonio." WANTS. WA N TED-A LAD,FI EEN OR blade( n yenta old, in a Dry Goode %tore. None need apply Except tlfoee who caa produce eatiNfitctory testimonials of hondsry, industry. &c.. &c in handwriting of applicant, B. H. &R. E.," 6.x No. 1032 Phi tsde/Phia Post , Office... an-3t •q A YOUNG MAN, WITH TEN TO A FIFTEEN THOUSAND DoLLeits in cash, would like to eneace in some profftable busmen either in this city or elsewhere; will furnish the best of reference as to character and ability. &c. Add, in confidence. stating' business. Box 285 Ph ila Post Office. aol-B5 WANTED-A SALESMAN IN A CLOTH HOUSE, in NEW YORK One aennainted with thA Trainees. Address Box 270, N. Y. P. 0. au6.6t* QALFSMA`N WANTED-ONFI AC- QIIAIIa7ED with City and Country. clothing and•. Tailor Trade. Also with , the Western Jobbing Trade: adrems, with reference. ii3l.-fniw3t' , Box 27 , 32iP03t nffine DYER WANTED TO GO TO WA.411 IVGTON—One who can come well relommended as a steEdY man. having a thorough knowledge of tho FANCY JOB DYEING AND SCOURING. BUSENE , S, may obtain a steady Situation. Apply. for three days.--: between the hours of It and 2 o'clock to W. IL wYBEATLEY, Room 50, AMERICAN HOTEL, Phila delphia. ani-n, LADY OF BONZEFXPERI@NOE, A- residing near the city. would lika a SITUATION in a. fiCll On or FAMILY. Cau teach English and French. For particulars, addrese "Box 82, Beverly. I'. 0 ,Mas each usf ttu." an4-4t. W NTED- $l5 PER DAY.-WE want reliable, energetic canvassers and agents In every COUPtY. for a genteel business at a commie-don of from 115 to CB per day. No humbug. Experienced canvassers preferred, but room for all. Address C. m. DmIN St Co.. Publishers. At either Cincinnati Ohio; Chicago, Illinois; or 185 READS Street , New York, 89 500 $6,500, $5,000. AND $7,000 I—These amounts WANTED on Fine Improved YAM'S, convenient to the City. Also. V.0,- 000 to Loan in City . Mortgagee. Apply to, E PETrIT, jy3l 309 WALNUT Street:. R 76 ?FR MONTH. GUARANTEED, Testimonial', of Clergymen and ecientitle men sent free. ISAAC HALE, Jr., k CO.. Newbnryport. Maas. je24-2md&W 87F, A MONTH!-I WANT TO HIRE . - AGENTS in every o 7at 6 - moat; ex- Pulses paid, to sell my neweheitpi'at lily a Sevric chines. Address S. MADISON. my6-Smd&W Alfred, Maine. Rgn A MONTHI-WE WANT 44)4J , - , AORATS at 1.30 a month, expenses paid, to sell our Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners, and 13 other new articles. 16 circulars Tres. SHAW Si CLAIM, nty6-3uni&W Biddeford. Mains. 810 000. -THIS AMOUNT TO 9 loan on a City Mortgage or Ground Rent: Will be divided. Apply to 3. P3TTIT, iyl6 309 weLtrur Streetl 2 5A , WANTED--FOR HIS KEEP _ A Family HORSE, to be driven a . conple of houre each day, by a gentleman who will take good care of bim. Address "Box 2146" P. O. au.3mwf-36* Alt DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE.—PNTLADELPHIA. Feb, 9, 1863. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the followingpoints: Tortugas. Key West, Fla. . Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va, Newborn, N. C. Port Royal, S. C. A. BOYD,. fol(4tf nslntilin and 41=14. Qnartnrmo.twr. SUBSTITUTES. TEIBEE SUBSTITUTES WANTED -1- At No. 526 FIFTEENTH Street, above Spring Garden street BOARDING. ----- FIRST,CLASS BOARD, HANDSOME eororannicatins and single morns: private table if desired, No. 1215 WaLNITT street. je2.5..2an. LOST AND FOUND. LOST -ON THE IST OF AUGUST. A -I- 4 black, curly. haired DOG. about 15 in chef high, feet and throat white :`A Reward of FIVE DOLLARS .will be paid on his return to L. C. FRANCIS aus-2t. 724 SANSOIvf st , below EIGHTH. OST OR. MISLAID-CERTIFICATE OF SCRIP. No. 60S. for Twenty Dollars. year 1E5.1, issued to ALEX. DOUGLA.SS by the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company. n0.5-w6:.*l LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PyILADELPRIA.. Estate of JAMES CRAWFORD. deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ANN CRAMMED, Executrix of TAMES CISAWFORD, deceased. and to make distri bution of tbe balance in the handy of the accountant, v ill meet the parties interested. far the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, Sept. 2d, 1563, at fair oclock P. M., at his Office, No. 131 South FIFTH Street (secondstory). in the city of Philadelphia. 115- sofmst . AnditAr. COPARTNERSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP'NOTICE.— cHARL - gs H. DAVIS has this day been admitted as a Partner in my Business, which will hi reafter be car ried on in the name of T. ELLWOOD ZELL .§c CO. T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Nor, 17 and 19 South SIXTH Street. FRILADELPFITA, July let. 1663 atts Ete EDUCATION. TRYING FEMALE COLLEGE, ME CIIANICSBURG,R3 —The attention of Parents having Daughters to EDUCATE is re.E.pctfrilly called to the ad vantages afforded at this Institution for acquiring a t MO rough and accomplished Education. - Thel Institution is healthfully and beautifully located on the Cumberland-Talley Railroad, eight miles west of Carlisle; It employs a full corps of efficient and experienced Teachers; Is chartered br the Legislature, with full po were to confer Literary Honors upon its Graduates; and its terms are as low as they can be made to secure competent In struction ;id comfort to the Students The Fall Session will commence on the 8d of ep em ber. Patrons should write, or come on, and secure rooms in advance. For catalognes address any-wsm6t* A_ G. MATRIATT, President. - FEMALE COLLEGE, BOBDENTO - 6 .- N. J.—Pleasantly situated on the Delaware Elver, thirty miles north of Philadelphia. The very beid ad vantages of a thorough and accomplished EDUCATION furnished in connection with a pleasant home. Only a few vacancies for the Fall Term, commencing Sept ember 16th., For catalogues address ans6w Rev. JOHN EL BRAKELRY. A. X THE MISSES CHAPMAN'S BOARD INGE AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG . LADIES will reopen SEPT. 1. Circulars may be obtained of Mr- HILL, 304 Walnut st. •' of Messrs. LINDSAY St BL ISTON, 23 South Sixthst., or by application to the Prin cipals at Holmesburg. Pa. • 13 , 13 mwf3ms SHARON FEMALE SEMIN ARY- For t4ensuing school-sear. will open for reception of Pupils Sit the 21st of NINTH MONTH (SSFTEAIBER). next For Circulars containing terms, &c., address, JOSIAH WILSON, j3 , 28-Im s DARBY. Pa. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY-A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA. PA.—Thorough course in Mathematics. Classics. Eng lish Branches, Natural Sciences. &c. Military Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keeping. Surveying. and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of gall ages. School opens September let. Boarding, per week, 5A.25. Taition,per quarter, $6. For catalosues. or information: address Rev. J. HERVEY BARTON. jy24.Em VILLAGE GREEN, Pa: PHILADELPHIA -COLLEGIATE IN STITIITE for Young Ladies, 1630 ARCH Street. Bev. CHARLES S WITH, D. D. Principal. The ninth Academic Year will begin on MONDAY, September 14th. For olrcniars, and other information, address Box 2,611 P. 0. RISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL FOR - 1 -•" GIRLS, will re-open on the 7th of Ninth month. For Circulars, apply to RUTH A.NNA. PRIMA, Bristol, Bnoirs co.. Pa. 3.317-3mc MISS MARY E. THROPP WILL RE AT-a- open her English and French Boarding arid Day School for Young Ladies, at 184-1 CHESTNUT Street, on the 14th of September. For circulars, until Septem. ber Ist. apply at the Sunday-school Times, 148 South FOURTH street, Phila., or address Miss Thropp at Val ley Forge, Penna. myl6-410 MEDICAL. DR. SWAYNE'S BOWEL CORDIAL, A sure remedy for Asiatic Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, • Diarrhrea. Cholera Infantum, or Bummer Complaint, pains in the Stomach and Bowels, Sick Stomach, Vomiting, and all relaxed condition of the Bowels. Let no family be without this medicine, it will give im mediate relief. TO OUR BRAVE SOLDIERS ET HAS BEEN OP INCALCULABLE BENEFIT. WIVES,: MOTHERS. AND SISTERS, Whose Husbands, Sons, and Brothers are serving in the army, cannot send them a more necessary article that "Dr. Szoatent'a Bowel Cordial." It has saved many a valuable life CHOLERA INFA_NTIIM, or SUMMER COMI'LAINT.-- This disease is very prevalent with young childrea during the warm season. SAVE THE LIVES OF YOUR CHILDREN from the too ofren fatal effects of Summon Complaint by using SWAYNE'S BOWEL CORDIAL. II is always reliable. CRAMPS OR SPASMS are instantly relieved by its oat- CHANGE OF .WATER is very apt to produce disturb. ante in the bowels. The BOWEL CORDIAL" curet all pain and looseness. No traveller should leave home without it: DIARRHGEA. AND DYSENTERY.—The "BOWEL. CORDIAL" will be found the most pleasant and sure cure. In inflammation of the stomach or bowels, and in the inflammatory stages of Dysentery, when there ix tenesmns or much pain, with frequent desire to evacuate the bowels without the power to effect much discharge, blood frequently passing, as there is in all marked Call* of Dysentery, take two or three teaspoonfuls of the Cot• dial, with a little castor oil, every two hours until the pain is subsided. . This valuable medicine will give relief in the MOW violent cases. Price only 26 cents a bottle ,• Ave bottles for El. Prepared only by Dr. SWAYNF, & SON, No. 330 North. SIXTH Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. OVER THIRTY YEARS HAVE DR. SWAYNE'S ME. DiCINES been hi constant use in all parts of the world, and their increasing popularity is certainly convincing proof of their wonderful efficacy. Dr. SWAYI2 E'S Principal Office, No. 330 North SINT2I Street. above Vine. • jy2 A YER'S COMPOUND EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. —No one remedy is more needed in this country than a reliable Alterative, but the sick have been so outrageously cheated by the worthlesspre parations of Sarsaparilla abroad that they are disgusted even with the name. Yet the drug cannot be blamed for the impositions from which they have suffer. d. Moat of the so-called Sarsaparillas in the market contain little of the virtues of Sarsaparilla or anything else. They are mere elops—inert and 'worthless, while a concen trated extract of the active variety of Sarsaparilla com pounded with Dock, Stillingia, lodine, ete., is, as it ever will be, a powerfn3 alterative and an effectual remedy. Such is Ayer's Extract of Sarsaparilla, as its truly won derful cures of the great variety of complaints which re quire an alterative medicine have abundantly shown, Do not, therefore, discard this invaluable medicine,-be cause you have been imposed upon by something pry tending to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. When y on have used Ayer's—then, and not till then, will you, know the virtues of Sarsaparilla. For minute particulars of the diseases it mires, we refer yon to Ayer's American Almanac, which the agent below named will furnish gratis to all who call for it. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. for the cure of Costive vtees, Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Indigestion. NYeenterff. Foul Stomach, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism Heart burn arising from Disordered Stomach, Pain, of Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Doss of Appetite, Liver Complaint, Dropsm, forme, Goat, Neuralgia, andfor a Dinner Pill. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best Aperient In the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 26 cents per box; five boxes for Do not be put off b u nprincipled dealers with other Preparations which they make more profit on. Demand • AYER'S, and take no otners. The sick want the beet aid there is for them, and they should have it. . -Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AY ER & CO., Lowell, Mau.. and sold by J. M. MARRIS & CO., at wholesale, and by FREDERICK BROWN. .ie22-mwf2m: HOTELS. NATIONAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON. D. G. H. S. BENSON, PROPRIETOR., Formerly of the Ashland Rouse, Philadelphia. He is determined to merit. and hopes to receiye. a tall share of public patronage. METROPOLITAN. HOTEL, (LATH BROWN',__S PENNSYLVANIA - AVSNITS. . Between Sixth and. Seventh streets.. WASHINGTON CITY • A. R. PORTS. rev22-6m Proprietor LANOUR'S OLIVE OIL, VIRGIN OIL OF AIX.--Also, Bacegdnpl &De Posael Fie brands. quarts and pints, for sale by - RHODES & WILLI/04S, int 101 Eolith WATBS Street: AMUSEMENTS. TiBE NATATARIUM, NEXT THIIES. BA, ,National Thankegivinc) will be open nII day and evening for MALE SWIMMERS only, bat a* lemons giyan on that dap. an6-2t* • PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Of TEE FINE AETS. 10E5 CHESTNUT STREET. 02EN DAILY (Bcmdays excepted) from B A. Y. 11. 6 P. M. A dmißsion 25 cents. Children half price. je22-11 SUMMER RESORTS. COL eMBIA MOUSE, CAPE ISLAND, N. GOOD ROOMS TO BE HAD POPULAR HOTEL_ APPLY TO OR ADDRESS J. F. C3AI.E; BELLEVUE HOUSE, NEWPORT, R. L, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Thle bones bas bean very much improved, and in now in tine order. Every exertion will be need to make thIS The Leading and 'Favorite Rouse Of this delightful watering place. jyl4-1m PUTNAM & FLETCHER. VLOBENCE HEIGHTS, FLORENCE, N.J.—This - beautiful. Bummer Resort, situated on the banks of the Delaware.. la now open for the reception of Boardere. - le accessible by F team bnat- and cars 11: - G. SIRKIN. Proprietor. QIIMMER RESORT FOR PHILELDEL. 1, - , PRIAM. THE WADAWANUrIt NotriE. STONINGTON, CONNECTICUT. The WADAWANUCK is delightfully located in a square of two acres, with beautiful grounds, walks, &c. Its rooms are spacions, promenades fine, piazza extend ing around the entire building. Rota ly communi 'anon with the celebrated Watch Bill Reach. the finest bathing in the world. Communication with New York several times daily Address C. B. ROGERS. 3y2.4 VPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS. This beautiful resort, situated in the centre of the "Garden Snot of Pennsylvania," is now open for the accommodation of visitors, and will combine nett! the 20th of October..: The invigorating pure mountain air, the quickly acting properties of its waters upon the se cretions of the liver, and its magnificent scenerY. un equalled in tbe United atates,juetly entitles it to praise above all ethers The enumedioes building..• extended lawns and delightful walks through the mountain from which flows numerous springs supplying the plunge, donebe, slllwer and hot baths at all times Excursion Tickets th XFugh the season will be issued at the office of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, Eleventh and Mar ket streets. Cars leave at 7 RO A. M. and arrive at the Springs in:the afternoon. $2 per day; over two wooks or the season. NO per week. Children and servants hall price. :For further particulars, address the proprietor. tr. s_NEwCODIER, 'Ephrata Mountain Springs," Lan caster county, Pennsylvania. jy23-1m SEA BATHING. NATIONAL HALL, CAPE ISLAND, CAPE MAY. N. J. This well-known Hotel is now open for the reception of its numerous guests. Terms $lO per week. Children under 12 years or age and servants half price. Saverior accommodations . and ample room for 200 persons. te.lo 421 AARON GARRETSON, Proprietor. •EDLOE'S HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, 4 -•" N I. —At the terminus of the railroad, tri the left, beyond the deot. This House is now open for Boarders :yid Transient visitors, offers accommodations enal to any Hotel in. Atlantic City. Charges moderate. Chil dren and servants, half price. 113 - Parties hbonld keep their seats until the cars ar rive in front of the Hotel. .1,319-2 m LIGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY . . This well known Hones is now opea for the reception of guests Invalids can be accommodated with rooms on the drat Boor, fronting the ocean. Splendid drinking water on the premises. Magnificent bathing opposed" ths hones. No bar. JONAH WOOTTON, jel9-'&n Pfoprietor. SURF` HOUSE, ATLANTIC! CITY, New Jersey, WILL BE OPENED ON .113 WE nth. A good Band of Music has been engaged. Those who wish to engage ROOM, will Please addreag E. 6. BENSON, Surf. House Atlantic City. N. J. ieB-2m CHESTER'. COUNTY HOUSE.--THIS private Boarding House. corner of YORK and-PA CIFIC avenue, Atlantic City, convenient to the bead, with a beautiful view of the Ocean. is now open for boarders, and will continue open all the year round. Prices moderate. jele-2m UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. L. Is now °peal for the reception of visitors. Cart reached by Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad froze toot of VINE Street at 7,80 H. jeS-2m* B. A. SHOEMAKER. 6 6 THE ALH AMBRA, " ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., a splendid new honse, southwest corner of ATLANTIC and MASSACHUSETIS Avenues, Is now open for visitors. The rooms and table of • The Alhambra" are unsurpassed by any on the Island. There Is a spacious Ice Cream and Refreshment Saloon attached to the house. Terms moderate. C. DUBOIS .k S. S. YOUNG. Proprietors. CRESSON SPRINGS.—THIS DE. LIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT, immediately on the line of the Central P. R. R. located on the summit of the Allegheny Mountains. 2,:300 feet above the level of the sea, will be open for the reception of visitors on the 10th day of June, 1863, and will be kept open until the let of October. The water and air at this point possess superior attrac tions. The analyses made in the laboratory of Professors Booth, Garrett, and Cana°, of Philaielphia, show Um extmence of valuable mineral elements, the waters of some of the springs being of the iron or chalybeate class, and others containing saline or aperient salts. Pura mountain water abounds; and the guests will also ha 'applied with mineral waters from other sprints, Buchan Blue Lick, Bedford, and. Saratoga Waters. Ample facilities for bathing have been. Provided. new Plunge and donch baths erected, and Hot and Cold Baths san at all times be obtained. The grounds, walks, Sic., have been highly improved. and are of a varied and picturesque character. There is at Cresson Springs a Telegraph. Of and two daily mails from Philadelphia and Pittsburg and inter mediate points. Excursion Tickets can be obtained at the Office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, earner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. For further information apply to GEO) W. ROLLIN, Cresson Springs. Cambria Co.. PL EXCURSION* EXCURSION - TO C APE ATY. —The Steamer EitERATTAN.Capt* Robert Kirby. will malre - an Excursion to CAPE MAY, on SATITRDAY. August Sth, leaving Arch-street wharf at 9 o'clock A. M. Returning on Monday. Tare for the Excursion, $3.50; carriage hire included. Keels extra arls-bi RAILROAD LINES. PriIIAADELPHIA - - AND LONG BRANCH VI& CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AND B.ARITAN AND DE. LAWARE BAY RAILROAD. On and after Monday, June 15th, and until further we• tics passenger trains will leave Vine-street Perry at 7.16 A. M. arriving at Long Branch at 1110 A. M. Returning t leaves Long Branch at 3.361'. M., arrivflut at Philadelphia at 7.45 P. hi. Passengers landed close to the Hotels. N. B.—Excursion parties will be carried onliteggi terms. Apply to L. B. (*LB, Agent at the DePot. Cooper's Point, .BENS. STRONG, Assistant Superintendent. REOPENING OP OF I THE BALTIMORE AND OHM RAILROAD. -This road, being fully. REPAIRED as& effectually GUARDED, is now open for the transports. Hon of passengers and freight to allpoints in the GREAT WEST. For through tickets and all other Info V eta l ieliltantl i rv s erue c . e : corn S e . r 4 ' . f moTAR7r B zo.q-tr President P. W. and B. R. R. Gs. WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD; VIA MEDIA. O_Ml StNejrft I: L. G:,,,FNT On and after MONDAY, TUNE 1, 1363, the trains Will leave Philadelphia, from the depot. Northeast corner of Eighteenth and. Market streets, at 7.50 and 10.30 A. M.. and at 2, 4.50, and 6. 86 P. M. On TUESD IYS and FRIDAYS a train will leave mar CHESTER at 6.60 P. M. Returning, leave Philadellddlt at 9.15 P. M. Trains leave the corner of Thirty. first and Market streets (West Philadelphia) 17 minutes after the start's*" time from Eighteenth and Market. On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia at 8 A. X. aa4 P. M. Leave West Chester at 7. 60 A. N. and SP. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.50 A. M. and 4. P. M. connect at Pennelton with trains on the P. ant B. C. E. R. for Concord. Kennett, Oxford. &c. -tf .HENRY WOOD,. Superintendent W it im SHORE!! SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. On and'after MONDAY, Jane Ifith, IS&R, trains for At. lwie City will leave Vine-street Ferry as follows: MMI train leaves 7.30 A. IL" Express train leaves &dB P. N. Freight train, with passenger car attached—. 9.00 A. II Returning, Atlantic City Hail train Express train Freixht train. . . . _ Fare to Atlantic, $2. ROund-Trip Tickets, good fog. the day and train only, or down on Saturday and up tug Monday morning, $3. An Accommodation Train to R. and D. B. R. R. Jung= tion will leave Vine street at 5,16 P. M.: retttrning neat morning at 6.15. • - EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Vine street at 10.16 A. M. and 145 P. M. 4 . Leave Haddonfield at L 1.1.5 P. M. and 3 P.M. jel3-tf MO. G. ItItYANT. Agent. EXPRESS 'COMPANIES. THE ADAMS EL& PRESS COMPANY, office 21,14 CEBSTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mar. chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its owe lines or In connection with other Sxpreas Companies to all the principal Towns and Cities in the Trialtil States. E. S. SANDFORD, fe2B General Superintendent. INSURANCE; COMPANIES. FAME INSITBA_NI 106 CHBSTNUTStree PHILAD] FIRE AND 'MLA] _ _ _ WSW LPHIA. IND INSDHANC.F. .TORS. I E. D. Woodadr, Oslo. A. West, John Kessler, Jr.: Chas. Stokes, Hosenheirs. Joeeph D. 'Ellis. SUCH. President. ...CHARDSON, Vise Presided VD, Secretary. Cialn:ditt Francis N. Buck, - Chas. Richardson. Henry Lewis. Jr., John W. Everman, Philip 8, Justice. 0. W. Davis. FRANCIS If. CHARLES RI WILLIAM L BLANCHAR sid w i t DAILY LINE TO CAPE MAY. —On and after WEDNESDAY, August 5, the steamer MANHATTAN Captain Robert Rifby, v , will leave Arch street wharf at 9 o'clock A. M.. r y TUFSDAY, THURSDAY. and SATURDAY, for OePE MAY A and the steamer WILSON SMALL. Cantata H. SMITH BRIGHT, every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY. Returning, will leave Cape May at 834 - o'clock, stopping at New Castle, connecting with the Baltimore lines daily, going and returning. Fare from Philadelphia,. $2. SO. Nam , 406. Carriage hire included; Meals extra. Children. and Servants half price. Carriage hire for Servants extra. No freight received after eight o'clock. aub"-if l ar ia t F 0 R ALBANY ' AND TROY —Barge TACONY, W. Rost master, is now loading for the above points.' and will leave on THURSDAY, August St,h, at 9 o'clock A. Per freight, which win. be taken on reasonable terms, apply to S. FL AN SLOANi an3-4t No. 304 South DELAWARE Avenue. DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN TIST for the last twenty years. 119 VINE St.: below Third. inserts the most- heal:Ultra TERTH of the age, mounted on fine Gold, Fianna. Silver, Vri Gorelite. Amber, dro., at prices, for neat and substantial work. more reasonable than any dentist in this city or . State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth. .repaired to snit. No pain in extracting. All work warranted to At. Reference. best families. ied•Sin WYE AND EARN=—PROF. J. ISAADS, m. D., Oculist and Anriet_, formerly of Leyden. Holland, now at No. 511 PINE Street, wham persona &Misted with diseases of the Eye and Ear will be scien tifically treated, and cured if curable. Artificial Era inserted without pain, N. B.—No charge made for ma. 4 PLEASING PORTRA TS.-TO BE satisfied with your choice. get It LINER.!fit, his Life-size Photographs in Oil Colors, accurate in outline and feature. and artistically colored. SECOND street. 'above Green. :HOSPITAL STORESOONSISTINGI A.-"- -- of assorted Jellies, Preserves, EsTrnra. Condensed Milk, Muninger's Beef Tea. Canne.d Fruits of, all kinds. Orange! and Lemons. Farina.:. Corn Starch, Choccilatta- COCOEL. Gelatine,. Pickles. . 31MODBS WILLIAMS . h, al -.VDT South WAT&B Eitzgat ~."• W. JANSEN. PROPRIETOR. J. BEIM . , Proprietor. 4.35 P. X. BAO A. IL .72.06 P. ig. E COMPANY, NO.
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