' The High School Examinatiou.— I The following are the questions given yesterday at ths examination at the Boys’ High School: 1. How are surfaces of similar solids compared With each other! What relation do their solidities bear to each other! S. Define a mesn proportional, a perimeter, and a periphery. s. Give the rule lor finding the .solidity of the frustum of a cone. , Whftt ia th® rule for finding the aide of a square described rn agiven circle! Required thß area of a right-angled triangle Whose base is 7! and hypothenuse .85 perches. Lrlve the result in square yards. 6. How many cubic feet of earth must he re moved in digging a well SO feet deep and 6 feet 6 inches in diameter! 7. The three sides of a triangle are 42,fit, and 72 feet. What is the diameter of a circle containing the game area! 8. Given the thickness of an iron ring 3 inches and its inner diameter 9 inches, to find its convex superfi cea and also its solidltr. 9. What is the solidity of a cube who3e entire Surface is 1350 square feet! 10. The length of a cord which was used as a radius in describing a circular plot of ground was 27.75 yards. What was the area of the plot 1 . Army Cohtracts. — The following array ■Contracts were awarded yesterday, at the Army Clothing and Equipage office 1 : T. Howland & Sons, 700 Long Handled Shovels, Gn cents. J. C. Hand, 3,000 Back Strap Shovels, 5 cents. W. B. Watkins, New York, 20,000 grosß Vest But tons, 48 cents. J. F. Page, 34,000 Blue Flannel Blouses, unlined, SJ2.2IK. ' - Wm. A. Griswold & Co., 30,000 Blue Flannel Blouses, unlined, $2.29 a. H. H. Grata .V Co., 3,916 Canteens, 2i "{ cents. Hadden, Poster, & Booth, 40,000 Canteens, 23 cents. Hamer & Co., 3,000 pairs Bootees, No. 7, $2.08; 3,000 d0.,N0. B, $2.08; 2,500 do., No. 9, $2.12; 1,500 ■do.,No. 10, $2.15; 700 do!, No. 11, $2.20; 300 do., N0..12, $2.26. . Peter O’Brien, 900 pairs Bootees, No. 8. $2.15; 900 do., No. 0, $2.15; ODOdo,, No. 10, $2,16; 900 do., No. il, $2.15; 300d0., No. 12, $2.16. The following contracts for buildings st Fort Delaware, were awarded at the office of the Assist ant Quartermaster: Blobard Sharp, Philadelphia, Hospital, $36,481; Barracks, $1,490,60; Fence, $265. Examination at the Christian Bro- Aoadhmy.—The examination anti distribu tion of premiums at the Christian Brotbers’-A.oade jny, No. 1421 North Second street, came oiFlast eve ning. Among those present were Bishop Wood and some seven or eight priests. The exercises em braced the following: Grammar, Second Division j Education, Master John Donnelly \ Arithmetic, Second Division: [French, First Division \ Poland, Master R. Dillon: Algebra. Second Division; Mensuration, First Di vision ; Be Oonnetable de Bourbon et Bayard, Mas ters Harry Martin and John Albert j Book-keeping, First Division 5 Natural Philosophy, First Division: .Das Gewitter, Master R. Dillon; Geometry, First Division; Latin, First Division. After the ceremonies, Bishop Wood made a few congratulatory; remarks to the pupils. . Verdict. —The Coroner last evening held an inquest on the bodies.of J. Rciger ana Mrs. Hartman, she having died on Monday night, after 2he closing' of our report yesterday. The jury ren dered a verdict that Mrs. Hartman died from pistol shot wounds iQdieted by Beiger, and that he died from woundß seif-inflicted. Arrival of Rebel. Prisoners.—About One hundred and fifty' rebel prisoners, captured in the recent battles, arrived in the oity yesterday, and were placed in the hands of the provoßt marshal, ‘Their destination is Fort Delaware. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, TUB MONEY MARKET Philadelphia, July 7,1363. The chief interest in Third street is still centring on. /War matters, and, consequently, the markets are rather doll. Gold was steady, but inactive, until the thrilling: news from Vicksburg came over the wires, when it fell rapidly from 138 to IS3, with a decided tendency for a lower figure. Greenbacks are'in demand, and all doubt as to the intonliou and the ability of the Government to crash the rebellion is at an end. United States securities are up, and we may look for a glorious record from the books of ; the Government agent here for the five- twenty loan, in vday or two, when, people fully realize the ex tent of the late Union victories. Morey ia again ia active demand, but is plenty at six on good securities. g? The stock market opened very buoyantly, with more disposition-to buy manifest, and the price' of: almost Everything was up. The fancies felt especially the effect of the exhilarating war news, and some of them jumped, Heading sold up to 53, Catawissa preferred up to 23&, North Pennsylvania up to 16X. • State fives sold at par, the coupons atlOG, New City sixes were steady at 108, the old sold at 101J4, Pennsyl vania Railroad, first mortgage, were iu demand at 112; second do. at 108; Camden and Amboy mortgages sold at 108,1888 s at 104; Lawrence county sixes at 25. 90 was bid for North Pennsylvania sixes, 106 for Elmira sevens; Reading sixes werB firm; Schuylkill Navigation sixes, 1582, sold at 35: Union Canal bonds at 26. little Schuylkill Railroad sold at4B#; Camdenand Amboy at 169; Philadelphia and Erie at 24X ; Minehiil fct&i; 'Wilmington at 70. 36 was bid .for Long Island; 86 for Elmira ; GiS for Pennsylvania; 59 for Norristown. Cabal stocks wero more livoly. Schuylkill Navigation Sold at 13K; the preferred at an advance. Morris sold at 72; Susquehanna at 14@141£; Unionpre ferred atSJf; Northern Liberty'Gas at 33; Penn Mining ntl. Passenger Railways dull but firm. Spruce and Pine sold at J6#. The market closed firm, $34,000 Jn bonds and SC, COO shares changing hands. Drexel & Co. quote Government securities, &c„ at follows: United Statesßonds, 1881..*.«•*«■* 106,' @lO6 Certificated of Indebtedness* 100 @IQOA£ United States? S-1G Notes,... 136 @lO7 - ttuartennasters* Vouchers 1 @2dis. Orders for Certificates of Indebtedness Gold. 133 @l3i Demand Notes*..** 133 tfbl34 w Certificates o' indebtedness, new.............. 98M® 93)4 Jay Cooke & Go. quote Government securities, &o.» as follows: United States S&a3,lSBl. United States 7 3-10 Notes Certificates of Indebtedness “ “ New Quartern! asters' Vouchers demand Notes***..#..* ©old v. SalaadYQ--tw.aa£ v Tea.tct'daj r f s6oo.ooo._ Messrs. MTMSchmke Ji Co., No. 16 South Third street, Ctuote foreignexchange for the steamer Canada, from Boston as follows: ' ■ • ' London, 60 days’ sight. Do. Sdavs Faria, 60 days’ sight ■ Do: Sdava; .... Antwerp. 60 days’ sight Bremen,6o days’ sight Hamburg.'6o days’ sight. C010gne,.69 days’ sight Leipaic, 60 days' sight ♦ < Berlin, 60 days’ sight.... Amsterdam. 60 days’ sight - Frankfort. 60 days’sight Market dull. The Little Schujlkill Navigation Railroad and Coal Cojopany have declared a dividend of 3}£ par cent., Clear of Stale and National taxes. - ]• The official averages of the banks in the city of New York, fo|4he week ending Saturday last, July 4, 1863, present in the aggregate the following changes from the previous weekly statement of June 27: Decrease of Loans. ..»•« • $1,345,037 increase of Specie. 36,641 Decrease of Circulation. 8,203 Increase of Undraw a Deposits..,..* 9i,517 i Including the exchanges between the banks through the'Clearing House, and including also the Sub-Treasury statement of Saturday afternoon, the following is the general comparison with the previous weekly report, ,Mid also with the movement of this time last year; *. July 5, ’62. Jnly 4,’63. June 27. ’63. Capital ~...$69,051,000 569,128,000 .509128,000 Loans 148,647,718 171,837384 175.65J.12l Specie .... 31.790.519 38.302.826 38.271.202 Circulation 9,270,815 5.998,374 6,001.177 Cross Dep05it5.....157,446.317 212,199,979 202,675,950 Exchanged 29,919*781 63,557,154 44,136,612 Undrawn.... 127,496,534 158.612,825 158,539,308 & Snb-Treasnry... 9,571340 -24,731,505 24,549,816 ! The following is a comparative Btatemenfof the im (ports of foreign dry goods and general merchandize at. ‘Now Yorkforthe week ending July 3, and since Jan. 1: \. . 1861. 1862.' 1863. Dry Goods $224,264 $995,729 $790,620. general Werch’dEe 1,654.659 1,328,865 , 3,121,273 Total for the week $1,878,823 $2.321,,594 $3,911,893 Prev’lyreported.. 77,730.516 83,719.700 89,789.836 Since Jan. 1...... $79,609,389 $86,044,294: $93,701,729 , Included in the preceding. statement are the following •Imports of foreign dry goods for the same period: • For the week. 1861. 1862. _ 1863. Entered at the port $224,264 $995,729 ~ $790,620 Thrown on market 99,879 1,219,728 552,729 ... Since January 1- 3faxtered at the port $30,038,716 $24,557,750 $30,867,411 Thrown on market 28,532,879 28,343,739 26,788,599 Newark First National Bank.— At a meeting of the stockholders of the Newark First National Bank, held the following gentlemen -were elected direc tors: James L. Dickerson, James J. Dickerson, Charles 3L Lockwood, Aaron Coe, Frederick H. Dorell, Wm; H. Ffurphy, Elfameo M. Noyes, Jabez Cook, and James Bruen. Ihe board subsequently organized, and elected . .James L. Dickerson president, and Stephen S. Barnet ©ashler, The New York Evening Post of to-day says: \®ef«fe the first session gold was Belling at 13S3f@t38tf; "srie lit 95K@95,V; Reading at @los; PittsbuTg at S 6 @B7? Port Wayne at 67@70? Illinois Central, 102, and Jlichigan Southern at 80j^@81. The following tabla shows the principal movements of ghe market as compared-With the latest quotations of yesterday evoni«: To Ady . D „. TJ. 8. A. lSShrsa : —-10l % r, r.S.«»,ISSI, e05....~..105K 106 .. . X ' TJ. 8. seven-thirties.... 1C6% 106% TJ.S. lyearCflrttf «oid..iCO% 101 D.B. lyr. Cert, eorx’ncy 98% 98% X ■; American nU»- 135„ iii 4Ji Vmumm* A - *»• i} Missouri Bs. 71, , 71% •• X Taciils Mail. 182% 161 1% Central.... -1W 'V3M 1 Bile. ...... 96% •.. 94% 1% ■■ Bile preferred -..102% 108* 1 Hudson Elver.—. ...—..179 .169. 10 garlom—- 91% >92%, 2 ariempreferred....—. 93% 92 1% I-• Beading 105% 102% 2% ■ ffloh. Central —109% 106* H . lilcli. SonthariL..... 82% 79% a*- \ '.filch. 80. guar..... US 114% % \ Illinois Contral ..106% 19i -2% \»JfltUbur*. 88% 85% i ■ Galena 93 92% % 'fiSolflsUnd. 96% m 1 ' fortWayno.. M •g~ ? Prairie du Chieu....... 56% 64% 1 ■ • Unton 27% 28% .. 1 Kwiand.... ■■■■ 21% 22 J .. % stuck Exchange Sales. July 7. Spoiled by S. E, Spatmakbh, Philadelphia Exchange. 3 I, ‘ FIRST BOARD. . „ ltawTenceCo6s.... 25 lOSpr& Pineß...... IG% N Liberty Gas 33 ■lO „ d 0............... 16% ~ Wilmington E 70 60 Sara Canal U - EchuylNav Pref.. 26 SOSehuyl Nav MX d0.....-..Pief.. 25% 20MmehiUR; ■■■■■■■■ 64 Reading SIX lOPhila A Erie B.ft. 24% d 0...... bO. 62% 10 _ d 0............... 3414 do 62% 60 Union Canal Prof. 3 H ’ 41Penna 65........100 2000 American G01d....1j8 ' J North Penna R.... 10% 2 Cam A Ami) R..•• -lop j 0... 16% 200SohuyiNay 84% d0.......560wn. 16 68 Morris Canal 73 j City 6sNew.)3ctfs.loB 1000 Cam A Amb 6s ’59.104 J «"" He BETW® BOARDS. ■ SResding.B. Ds*n. g ■ n»gg» 1 d 0.... 52' ,100Susa Canal... b3O. 14>^ lit : J. do....aswn&int.’s2 4000 UBHve'yearoj»tos.lol j. ifofSusa Canal....^°l4 I) 23% !kM sSamK ?! f.' ,' 1 02% 12D00 Schuyi Nay 6s ’as 85 360 d 0... 62% 400 ,d0....."vy"- 84% 100 North Penna R.ss. 16% 4000 Penna Rim 55m.412 700 Penna Minins..... 1 1000 d0...............112 ,1000 Union Canal bdsbS 26 60 tittle Schuyi R ... 48% f CLOSING PRICES.—FIRM. , Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked OB M’S! 108 108 N Penna H...... 16% 16% NS 7-80 Notes... .106 .. Do 6s .90, 93% lmericau G01d..133 134 Do 10s .■ pjuia«sintoff...lM% 105 CatawiesaßCon 7% S . i jpy tiew intoff.lo9 108% Do prfd 23% ■ 23% uxecoOsß...'... ■ • '• BeaverMeadß.. .. , lennatta........ 100 101 Mlnehill R .. 1eadingR.......62% 62% Harrisburg R ,;Do esWIS-108 .. Wilmington H IDo bde ’70..1C6 .. Lehigh Nay I Dobde’B6cony.lo7 ... -Do shares.. 56 68 Pennaß dly off. 64% 66 scrip.... 42 45 jDo ißtmOs.lllJi 112 Cain A; Amb R IDo 2dm65..108 109; Phfla ABrieO’s Little Schnylß.. 48% 60 Sun A Erie 7e .. .. Norris C’l consol 72 73 Delaware Dlv Do prfd.. ...138 140 Do hds Do 6s '76 Spruce-streetß.. 16% 16% Do Sdmtg Arch-Btreetß.... .. 26 tasu Canal .. Race-strsetß.... 11 12 ‘»o 65....... - •• Tenth-strestß... 40% .. jchnylNay 13% 13% Thlrtcenth-st R. SB 35 ”D» prfd..... 26% 25% WPhllaß....". .. 70 VJDo 'bB4% 85 -Do- bonds..... / Umlra A,....... M 37 Green-street R.. 46 50 / Do VPid..... 50 63 Do bonds Do 5f5 ’73....108 110 Cheatnut-stR I Do 10s , Second-street R. .. 79 rud Hax-dy 36 39 Do bonds bds ' Fifth-street R. 61 .GerA No? .. ..- Do- bonds... ** rh Valß- .. Girard College B 27% 28%- bd5.,,.. . •• BeyeatesuttHtS 13 u<% Semi-wccltljr Review of the Philadelphia Tha Produce msrksls continue dull, and thorn ia no material change to notice in any of the leading articles. Bark is without change. Flour is very dull at the ad vance. There is less demand for Wheat, and prices are rather lower. Corn—There is a fair demand, Oats are better. The Cotton market is dull and unsettled. Coal continues very high, but there is not much doing. Fish and Fruit are quiet. Naval Btores are unchanged. Pro visions—The market is steady. Wool ia rather hotter, hut there is very little doing. FLOUR.— -There is vez*y little demand for export, and *y® , - 1 ? dull at the late advance: sains comprise about COO bids, including 1,000 bbls Ohio extra family attrom *6.so@6.7sforcommon te good. The trade are ptij lhg moderately at.prices ranging from $3.87@6 for superfine: s6.2s<c«e. 50 for extra; SG. 75@7.25 for extra fa mily, and $7.5i @8 50 bbl for fancy brands, according to quality. Rye Flour continues dull at $4.75 bbl. Lorn Meal is scarce; Pennaia held at $4, and Brandy- Wine at $125?-bbl. ± ;GRAIN. —The receipts of Wheat are very light, and thereisless demand. Sales reach about 13,000,bushels, mostly at 150 c per bush far prime Pennsylvania reds, and white at from Itft@l7oc peivbush, according tn qua lity- Rye is Heady; small sales of Pounsylvania are making al 305 c bushel. Cora—there is*ve;y little coming in ; pales reach about 15.000 bush at 87c for prime yellow afloat and in store. Oats—there iR roorederaaud. and prices are better; about 16,000 hush sold at from 76 @7Bc weight. PROVISIONS.—The market is steady; small saloaof mess Pork are reported at $i4.25®14.6(J for new, and old at $12.25? bbl; mess Beef ranges at from $l2 to $l5? bbl, cash. Thereisa fair demand for Hams;, about 300 tip.rces sold at lG>£@llfcc for plain, and 12@l2l£c for bagged: Sides at G@Bj£c. and Shoulders at 43S@5>j|c, cash and thirty days. Green Meats-Hams are ia re quest at 83f @10c for pickled, chiefly at the latter rate, and ?&@Bc iorsalted. Lard-tbe stock is light; 500 bbls and tea sold at 10k@-Wn, and KfH? at 11 0, cash. Butter is in fair demand at 14@20c ? fii. Choose ia Ecarce at ll@l3c ? ib. Egga are dull at 18@19c ? dozon. METALS.—Pig Iron continues very dull, and we hnar ofnosales, bnt holders are Vess anxious to sell. We quote Anthracite at s29@3 1 ift ton. for the three numbers; Scotch Pig is held at $35.fi0@36? ton. ‘Lead Is held firm ly, but we hear: of no sales. Copper—small sales of' Yellow Metal are making at SOc, mos. BABK.— little demand for Quercitron. Sales of about 60 hhds are reported at $52 ? ton for first Wo.W-JSSaorfßark is steady at sl4@lB ® cord. OANU^iiß,—in tallow and sperm to ere is very little & l e^?t ma p ll^ ne Wl&F 1 * at cash, the lat ter figure for full weighb Western. coal.—There is a good demand, and prices are unset tled and on.the advance, most of the colleriea being “LP operators gone to the war. COFFEE.— I The market continues very dull: the only sales we hear of are 2CO bags Rio at 28k up to SIKc ift lb, cash and tmie. • COTTOb .—There is little or nothing doing, in the way or sales, and the market is dull and lower: small SRles of middlings are reported at 6S®72c Ift lb. cash. are steady, and command 47@48c for good FISH.—The demand for Mackerel has fallen off, and the sales are only in a retail way fro/n store, ranging froinsl6@2o for extra Is; $10.50@11./50 for 2s; and $5.75 @6. £? r ’■ medium and large 3s, ' Codfish commands e >4^-Bickled Herring 75 $ bbl. hKUir.—TheTe have been no arrivals of foreign, and sales have been confined to Pineapples at s9® 15 the 100. are held with more firmness, , small sales only sales we hear of are small lotsof Peruvian at $95@109 ton. cash. Superphosphate of Lime ranges from $4O to $45 ton. HOPS are selling in a Bmall way at lS@23c Ift lb for first sort Eastern and Western. Old Hops are unsaleable. LuM SER. —There is a good demand, and prices are well maintained. A cargo of Yellow Pine Boards sold at $22. White Pine M. MOL ASSES.—There is a firm feeling in the market,but not much demand, with small sales of clayed Cuba at 57c%4 gallon. 4monthfl. NaVAL STORES.—Th pts 1s Yery little Rosin here, and common sells at $32@S3 3ft bbl. , Prices of Tar and Pitch are nominally unchanged. : Spirits of Turpentine is hold firmly; small sales at $3-62@3 63 gallon. .£ 3 Th erei* very little doing in Fish Oils. Linseed Oil sells at $1.20®1.21. cash. Lard Oilisquiet, and sell ing in a small way at S2@9oc for summer and winter, the latter for the best brands. Coal Oil is quiet; small sales are making at 27@29c for crude; 49@52c for refined, in bond, and 68@62c Ift gallon for free, as to quality. PLASTER is dull. We quote Soft at $3.75@l % ton. RTCE.—The stock here is very light; small sales at BK@S&c f cash. , , , ' SALT.—There has been an arrival of 900 sacks of Li verpool fine, this week, which remain unsold. SEEDS.— I Thereiis very little Cloverseed offering, and it is worth $5 6C®5.75 64 lbs. A small sale of Timothy at 52.45. Flaxseed is takenat bushel. SUGAR. —The market is quiet, but holders are firm in their views; small sales of CubaatlO>£@lO;ifc, on time. SPIRITS. —All kinds of foreign are dull and neglect ed ; New England Rum i* steady, and Whisky source, with small sales at 46>a@48c for barrels, aud 43 for drudge. TALLOW ranges from 11 to \\%o for city, and 10@10Xc for country, with srnall sales. . TOBACCO is dull, and the sales of both leaf and ma nufactured are in a smallway only. WOOL.—There is very little doing, but holders are firm in theiryiews. and only a few small lots of fleece have been disposed of, at 70@70c. cash—closing firmer. Ashes are quoted at $8 for pots, and $9.62% for nearts. Bkkadstuffs —The market for State and Western Flour is heavy, and 5c lower, with a very moderate busi ness doing. \ The sales are 10,000 bbls at s4.fiO@L9s for superfine State; $5.5f@5.89 for extra do: $4 35@4.90 for superfine Michigan. Tndiana, lowa,Ohio, &c.j $5.20@5.90 for extra do including shipping brands of round-hoop Ohio at $5. 55@6.10, and trade brands <lo at $6 25@7.60. Southern Flour is doll and heavy; sales GOO bbls at $6.2C@6.80 for superfine Baltimore, and $8.55@9.25 for extra do. Canadian flour isdull and droouing: sales of 500 bbls at for common, and $0.90@7.30 for good to Bye flour is dull, with small sales at $3.50@5.10f0r the range offine'and superfine. Corn meal is quiet r We quote Jersey at $4. lo: Bran dywine $4.40@4,45; Caloric $4,26®4.40; puncheons $22. Wheat is heavy and one cent lower, with only a mo derate business doing for export. The sales are 49,000 bushels at $1.16@1.32 for Chicago Spring; $1.28@1,30 for Milwaukee Club; $1.39@1,40f0r Amber Iowa"; $1,42 @l.4§ for winter red Western, and $1,46@L48 for amber Michigan, Bye remains quiet at 96@98c for Western, and $1.05 for State. Barley is dull and nominal. Oats are steady and selling at 72@77c for Canada, Western, and State. Corn is a little easier, with a moderate inquiry; sales 60,000 bushels at 70@70J£ for shipping, and 68@69cfor Eastern. ■ ' . < The receipts since Friday have been 3.535 bbls Flour, 4,625 bush Com, and 15,027 do Oats 5 The market for Flour continues steady, with sales at ®5@5,25 for West ern superfine; $5.6C@6 for common extras; $6.25@7 for medium do; and good and choice, including favorite brands St. Louis, at $7.25@9.25 bbl, as to quality. In Southern Flour nothing has been done, and in prices no change. In Com there have been moderate sales at 84® 5 8oc 38 bush for Western mixed, and 86®8Sc for . and Southern yellow. Oats a*© dull? and have bean sold at 75®78c bush.for Northern and Canada. In Kyp,‘small sales at $1.12; shorts, $3O, and dine, feed and middlings at ton. PuovrsToss.—Fork is steady at $12@12.50 for prune, sl2® 13.50 for mess, and $17@17.50 for clear, cash. In Beef, sales at $12@14.50 bhL for Eastern and Western. Lard 10&c, in bbls and tierces, and 11K®12 ’ cents in kfgs; an d Smoked Hams 9X@llc lb, as.to quality. In Butter and Cheese no change, with steady but moderate sales. - ...........106 @lO7 *, • ,106 @lO7 lOl *@lol* ...... 98*# 99* 97H@ 93)5 ......133 @134 @l34 The Fall of Yi cksburg —Tlie official report, which we publish this morning, of the cap ture; of Vicksburg, filled the hearts of our, citizens with inexpressible joy, a feeling which was rendered still more intense on account of the glorious feat ha ving been achieved on the Fourth of July. The impetus which the good news will give to business oan hardly be overestimated. Stocks of almost every description, it is confidently, believed by our Bhrewdest financiers, will advance from ten to fifty per cent, within a fortnight, and Government securi. ties become m6re popular than they have ever been. The great change in this respect was strikingly attested yesterday in the immense demand for Mr W. W. Alter’a Goal, Ninth street, above Poplar] Mr. Alter sella the best quality of coal at the most reasonable prices, and hence the universal prefer ence given to his yard. How to Sate Money.— ln a casual exa mination of the elegant stock of ready-made Cloth ing now offered by the well-known house of Messrs. G. Somerß & Son, No. 655 Chestnut street, under Jayne’s Hall, we were thoroughly convinced that from ten to twenty per cent, might be saved by our citizens in patronizing this establishment in prefer ence to any other. They are their own importers, and have evidently determined to serve the public in the best manner in a way that, while: it will be moderately remunerative to themselves, will be a marked saving to the people. Choice Hot-house Fruits.— Mr. A. L. Yan«aut, Ninth and Cheitnut streets,has nowin store, in addition to the finest stock of French and American Confections in this country, the must tempting clusters of hot-house Grapes—the famous Black Hamburg, and others j also Peacheß, and all the tropical fruits in greatest perfection. Great Reduction in the Prices of CHuratHß’s Straw Hats, at Oakford & Son’s, under the Continental Hotel. ...152 mmx .. 152^@153 .Sf67&@3f72# *..'.sf6s~ @3f7o .....3f70 &sm% ... ...,.109^@110 so&# 61 lOl @lO2 .... 101 @lO2 ............101: @lO2 , 5B 5B @ .. Fine Table Clarets. — The proprietors of the popular old grocery stand of the late O, H. Mattson, Arch and Tenth streets, have now in store a very superior.article of Claret Wine for the table, to which we invite the attention of out readers. s Mr. George Grant, proprietor of the popular Gentlemen’* Furnishing Store, No. 6!0 Chestnut street, makes and gells the beat fitting and in all respects most desirable Shirt of the age. Give him a call—everybody. Fine Military Goods of every cha racter, for Army and Navy Ofhcers, can be had at reasonable prices, at Oakford & Son’s, under the Continental Hotel. , “what’swhat,” frequent Bryan’s “Our House,” Library street, between Fourth and Fifth, where the best of everything may be had. Buck Beer. — This delightful Coverage will he on draught at the Bplendtd and respectably managed place or reaort known aa. Library-atreet Hall, on Wednesday and Thursday, the Bth and 9th inat. Last aprlng, thla brewing waa eapecially made for this new eatabliahment, in order to give every body an opportunity of trying it. Do not forget to call and aee us, CxBSTAYUS BbRSNER. 'Christian Murhbbck. Wab. Correspondence—From the As sociated Preen—l 2 M.—The Rebels have gone to Pot. l|P. M.—l have jnst learnedthat the telegraph now works, and my last telegram should read “Pottsvllle.” OP. M.—The 29th New Jersey are safe. They calculate to escape the draft. 2.40 P, M.—Gen. Lee superintends the raid in per son, 100,000 strong. Don’t believe any rumors as to the force ot the Rebels. ' 3. P. M.—The Governor has called on the Presi dent for more troops. 4P. M.—lt is doubted -whether there is a raid or not, A highly intelligent contraband informs me that he don’t know. 4.30 P. M.—The President has called on the Go vernor for more troops. , 6 P. M.—Troops are arriving. 1 don’t'know Whether they are our own or the Rebels'. 6 P. M.—There are no Rebels in sight of Charles Stokes & Co.’s Clothing store, under the “ Conti nental.” 7 P. M.—Fourth of July has been postponed by order of Gen. Halleck. The Defeat of’ Lee.— The rebel Lee’ has been defeated “ horse foot and dragoons.” The remnants of his-broken army are endeavoring to make their way back to Virginia, but the task ib a desperate one. So 1 much for treason and traitors. In the meantime loyal tmen can go as usual to the’ Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of BockhiU & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, where they can procure the most elegant, durable, and com fortable civilian or military garments. The Fall op Vicksburg.— The news of the fall of Vicksburg, when received in this city y esterday threw the.people into an intense state of excitement. The State-House bell wbb tolled, and the scene in front of the old Hall was truly sublime. People flocked to that quarter from all directions, and the whole square was soon filled. Many on their way down, however, were induced to halt in front of the largsßrown-Stone Building, No. 609 Oheßtnut street, which is ocoupied by Granville Stokes, Fashionable Clothier and Merchant Tailor. The attractions here are very great. First Premium Grover & Baker’s Sew ing MACHINES, with latest improvements. Offices. T3O CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia; MAIN Streot, al Toll Gate, Germantown. jel9fmw-10t Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment cures Bnriw and Scalds immediately. : . Markets. New York Markets, July 7. Boston Markets, July G. Cl T Y IT EM S . Connoisseurs of good drinks, who know ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, OP TO 12 O’CLOCK HAST NIGHT. Jur.r 7— Evening. Continental—Nttntli ■ W b Walloon, Wash, D C Tli os McCormick, Baltimore J W McDermott, Baltimore Mrs McDermott, Baltimore NoriKan Hubbard,Hartford A O Bourn. ProY. RI Goo If Higbee, Now Jersey Wm SBi.ircJ L D Baugb, Carlisle Miss Storrett, St Louis Ihos C, Weeks, Bostou John Hancock. Dayton, O S Manning & la. Ciucinnati Stevenson, fcngland Ral rh Bates, England DrW G Breck. Springfield l>r A P Hooker, Cambridge W Caiicllo, Boston W G Browning, New York G EHersh, York, Pa J M Lamb. Baltimore Prof Henri PaHug, Pa L Hope, New York j w Porter, Chicago Dr J W Ramsay & wf, Va . Mi»« Shaw, Attleboro E K Cooper, Baltimore G W.OdoJl, New York J F Keeler, Pittsburg Mrs HGFant & 4 ch, Wash ' CCHeJJer W McK Gordon, Baltimore 1 Miss McK Gordon. Balt Emil Voeifel, Prussia J T Crowell, New York T ,T Lee, New J ersey Charles H Todd, New York P Cantire, NewVork T S Dawes. New York « JobnELasber, New York- . B Sb aler, New. York R S Foster, New York ' Jas McCord. New York TYoung, New York G W HosmrY, New York GH Briggs, New York w h McGrath & la, Penna 1 JMFalloa - ' Mr Mrs J W King, N Y F N Gove & la. New York H S Mngraw, Penna John P Vincent. Brie Joa M S'errett, Erie 1 W O Black; Erie 1 J R Ward, Elmira, NY N Blun, New York J B Dilwortb, Pittsburg’ Mr & Mrs Wheeler, N York ! N Bliss. Brooklyn Frank Bliss, Biooklyn Girard-Chestnut m David Cooper, New Jersey E Richardson/ ) R Diller, Springfield, 111 Thos H Bopwood, Prov, RI «T A"Perry. Prov, R I G P Bom-ton, Washington Thomas J Wolfe - J Woodruft’, Pittsburg J Williams _ EBider, MkwYork J G Chapman, New Havsn I.t WH Boyd, New York Lt E A New, New York W J Sterrett, Penna JasC Douglas. Delaware .Tamef S McCay Lt C C Plotz; Penna A W Benedict, Huntingdon WH Paul. New York Martin O Paynter, N Y J M Morrison,Aurora - W H Foote, San Francisco Madam Blasco, N Y ilajbr Oscar Demast.U S A L S Cropper, Md A B.RoPenheim, N Y A 1> ".Tones E C Holmes. Sandusky, O Capt John Calhoun,U S A VB Davis, New York . Merchanti’-Fourtl Miss S Lilsfilfier W K Wilson, Highspire J S Flitcher.'Jr, U S A Wm H Baker, Clinton, N J James A Exton, Clinton, N J John Hough, Buckß co F J Hoffman. Lewistown L Leroy. Barrishurg Dr J K Rauh. Lancaster co E L Lloyd, Williamsport . MrsMcYay, Pittsburg Jas L McKee, Pittsburg JasP Morris, Washington Daniel Frawley, Cincinnati Geo Allen, Cincinnati D Weikel, Norri«towa Wm Patton, Columbia, Pa Thofl B Wattaon . Mrs W Jones, Schuylkill co J R Forrest, Geo’town.D C J L Babcsrp, M D, Ohio , J Left, M D, Ohio ■ '* St. Louis-Uheitnut JC Bradford. USN F Ci Manson, U 8 N JSbinn, Alex, Va . Ad.i S W Downs S M Crossley, N Jersey W B KoseDbaum. N Jersey G R Smith Si la. U S N Mrs Capt Sloan J S Waddin, Bradford co John Harris, Bellefonte . A S Valentine, Bellefonte J S Haynes. Penna "Lient J H Tallon, N Jersey Jas E Magee • Delaware J P Titcomb, Boston G H Sleener, Boston P Mav, Fort Delaware MissAndersoni *merlcan-Cheitnut Cant J N Bumtt, Pa-; W Wilson, New York Mrs C Perrine D McConnell, Wash, D C A F Jones, Potter co, Fa A D Leech ,T G Dennett, New York H H Billing, New York Chas F GroshoJz Alex Fort, Huntingdon H H B oucher& w f, D oylest’n WPtewell, Jersey City W E Gould, N Y 8 Dyer Jason Deeper, Mass S B Parkliart & wf, N Y Black Si D H Bechtel, Bechtelville Jos Yonntf, AUoatown Robt Holloway, N Jersey R O Crawford, Lycomingco Chas Harper, Jenkintown A Bookman; Fehna C Morrioon./Rook-viiio J R Cornell, Penaa .. . . J Hersh, Pennsburg W Harner, Pennsburg National—Race sti F H Breinig.-Allentown J Hearinsr, Reading, _ J Franklin, Wash, D C H Moxon, Washington, DC JBpnne, Wash’n.DC John Morris, Washt’n. D C j b faiSSSd.'u I“a D R Jamison, Quaker town. JFoulk, Qaakertown Barley gheaf-Secoi Richard Corson, Bristol J J Lyle, Susquehanna co Henry. Grant, Penna G T Amey, Susquehanna co B H Spencer, Sutqueh’naco C M Cooledge, Masß A J Holt, h unterdon >j A Swartz, Point Pleasant J Pragery, New York States Union-Sixth W O Daniel, Delaware W E Shader, New York T McNiels, Atlantic City D P Williams, Blair co CPaynttr, Delaware H Simmons & la,- Delaware J Maxwell, New York M L Barlow, New York _ Madison—Second sti WmNelißh* Atlantic City Wm Smith, Troy, N Y S Blackwell, Trenton DF Conover ■ . t Mits A Preston, Stockport Tke Union— Arch H R Woods, Baltimore John A Shulze. Penna . M H Dewees, Philada Wm Mentzer, Pottstown Wm Burton&wf.Pottstown R B Crawford, Massillon, O J D Laverty, Lancaster co H Lines, Chester ? Commercial— Slxtli street, abore Chestnnt: R W Lewis West Chester T Lee, New York •/ C Schmidt, New lork Mr Anderson, New York Mr Burne, New York The Fourth. Our assortment of Summer Clothing is the largest and most complete in Philadelphia—our prices much below present values. Shout's Patent Knapsacks. .. A supply just received by lie aggnt, HOLDEE j i No. VOS MARKET Street. Lyon’s Magnetic Insect Powder. Motts in furs, bugsinbeds, Roaches crawling on Tour floor; Rats and mice in'baras and sheds—' ; . These shall never plague yon more, • ‘ • Lyon; with his Powder, slays - ... All the insects that annoy ; And his Pills, beyond all praise. ; Every rat and mouse destroy, Lyon’s Powder is harmless to mankind, but will kill all house insects, garden worms, vine-bugs,&c. L'7 oil’s Magnetic Pills .are sure death, to rats and mice. Sold everywhere* DEMASS. BARNES, jy4-12t Ne w York. One-Price Clothing, of the Latest grxLBS, made in the Bpsfc Manner, expressly for RETAIL 8 ALBS. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi gares. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. OutoWb-Pajce Stb?em: is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES & CO.. 00£ MARKET Street. Hair Lye! Hair Lye!! BATCHELOR’S celebrated HAIR DTK is the Beat in Ike. World. The only Harmless, True and Reliable Bye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect changes Red. Rusty or Gray Hair, instajitly. toa Glossy Slack .or Natural Brawn, without Injuring the Hair or Stain - , teg the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed William a. BatchblOß* all others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, Ac. FACTORY—BI BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor’s New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. - je23-ly • RONEY-HELVEBSON.-On the 2d instant, by Rev. John G. Wilson, Mr. George Roney, to Miasßlizabech; daughter of the late Alexander Heiverson, both of Phila delphia. • , - * BOCK—HEDNBY.— On the fith instant, by the Rev. w, Cathcart, Mr. Nathan I, Back to Miss Annie Jane Hed ney. both of Philadelphia. * ZOOK.—Killed In action, July 2,1863, at Gettysburg, Pa., Brigadier General S. K. Zook, united States Volun teers, commanding 84 brigade, Ist divisional corps, Army of the Potomac. - ■ • His friends are invited to visit his. remains at the resi dence of his father, Mao or David Zook, port Kennedy, Montgomery county,' Pa., on Thursday next, July■ oth, between the honrs of 9 A. M. and 12 M.-after which his body will be conveyed to New York city forinterment.** TAYLOR —Killed, at the battle of Gettysburg, July 2d, 1803, Colonel Charles Frederick Taylor, in the 24th' ye Hisfuneraf o will tale place from, the residence of hi* brother Bavard Taylor, v near Keunett Square, tbi* (Wednesday) aflornoou, July Bth„at 2 o’clock,'and pro ceeds Cemetery.: '; .. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8. 1863. and Chestnut atrsefcv* R W Honp'or, Boston ) Wm H Christian, N Y i PBHavcus, New York Mrs A G Barlow, N Y [ ACNivic, New York Cbas A Milos, Boston ' P Leonard, Mass Wm Johnston, CißCmnati J M Grassee & wf, Wash. M P O’flern, Baltimore Judge Martin,- Baltimore Mr Suothen, Baltimore i JL Graham, Pittsburg Jos Morrison, Pittsburg John Wright, Pittsburg dSewoyer, Jr,Pitisbur* WllMagßl, St Louis • A & La, Baltmore * P Mail, BelLhill, 0 Adi Wg Challenger, Pa Capt W McCaUester. Pa Capt S Campbell, Gettysbrg Capt ,T S' McCullouili. Pa H HIUIo-. USA J\ance, USA. W w Secor, New York W E Rider, New York J F Seymour, Utica, N Y J G Jackson, Winchester Thos S Bradley. N York J S Hart, Ne w York Thoe C Burns, New York Bay Tomplcina, New York Mrs Ackerman, New York Miss Cohen. New York E J Wado, Now York a P Hewitt, Now York J:Richards, Chicago Chas Gr Shaw, Cincinnati John Taylor, Boston 3 A Bershoff, Now York T P Johrson, New York P Martinez - , Cuba Ira D Weed, New York] L Brown, Brooklyn J £ Hewes, Wilm, Dei Capt C Clayton, U S A B Butterwortb, USA W P Christy, U & A Isaac Cross, USA Maj McGee, USA II Ellis, Washington Capt Higiubotham, N York Capt Bliss, New York NRLemau, Jr, Boston B Rippey, Boston - WW Wright. US A F C Adams. Washington John Parrel, New York itreet, below Ninth, MrsN B Proctor, Hunting'n Miss E Benedict, Huntiug'n RCGIFde, Pittsburg Mrs B Glyde, Pittsburg Mrs D S Afacrum, Pittsburg MissEaston, Pittsbuig Mins Dilworth, Pittsburg SFRake C VV Cottmaa, Cincinnati J L Brnel, Boston J S Biebar, Penaa W H Dickinson, Mass' Sami Landis, Middletown J M Lenney, Alexandria Y P Hastings, Michigan Maj Cameron & lady, USA, Master Simon Cameron, Pa S 4 Whitney. New Jersey Mr Cowen. Washington Sam’l J Bimpson, Wis Dr Cylloes & la, Wash Capt W G Graham Lieut G B Perkins, Pa . Lieut D O’SulUvaa.MtVern Geo S Brown. Peuna D R Samon, Penna Yi Parson & wf.Chestea.Pa! HPanhNew York J Stout,New York E Richardson street, below Arete. L L Huntzinger, Pa Geo Able, Easton D W Gemmell, Jr, Del P McEvoy, Lancaster • Z C McCullough, Clearfield Capt Wellington Jones Lt Thompson,Huntingdon. Hon A K Wright, Clearfield Jose 0 Rise. Mexico S H Smith, Johnston W S PaTker & wf, Pittsburg John Wilson, Harrisburg C Lyman. Condersport Isaac B Stead, Muncy, Pa Isaac Addams, Reading Mrs Harris, New Brunswick J AEyster.Chambcrsburg Sam’l Thomas & wife, Pa Patrick Maher H Sucks, Ohio M W Jaftkaan, Berwick Dr J a Wilson, Berwick Street, above Third, John Williams, Ohio John C Houpt, Ohio Thoe Coleman, Reading S S Johnston & wf.St LonU E Husted, Beverly, N J J R Hogeiand, Beverly, NJ J H Grossman, Boston J Cheney, Penna Henry Fox, New York L J McHenry. New York H Kelly, New York • E J Bolings, Haver de Grace John D H Davis, N Jersey J Hannah; Delaware';- T E Banning, New York E H Norton, Waßhingtom a E Buck, New York! Mrs H Craven & da, N Y Master R'W Cravea, N Y ; street, above Flftb. Lt C M Schiely, Cleveland Duncan McGregor, St Louis F Arrowsmith L W Jones, Jersey Shore, Pa C Carmany J E la, Salem' H C'Swain, J J DrF Etter D Pharquhar. Alexand, Ya G J Spangler, M Chuuk Juan Saberts, Havana J W Fov ler. Brooklyn J Dickson, Georgetown. D C J A Reynolds,Newark, Del M H Stroh. M Chunk it. I above Callowhilli David Socks, Allentown TheoYerkee, Penna P N Heminger, Penna M.VB Vanarsdalen',' Penna Mrs r C Yanarsdalan. Penna JphnScbeH; Sumneytown Mrs H'"y©>*iEoe. P#nna. Jenocß Hatle, Penna Jos H S/irneman, Berks co Joel Bo w©r, Penna reet, above Thbrd. M Roberts, Qaakertown ET Ochs, Quakertown J K Carrell, Maryland John Buckley; Pottsvllle Isaac B Jones, New York Jno Mob any. Miners villa Jno Maalnnis, Pottsville . D J Bogary, Middlebury Robt Wilson. Wilkesharre H Collum, Wilkesbarre id St,) below Vine. Ira Ty ion, Cheltenham J Cadwalader, Fox Chase G Pearson, Montgomery co T H Harp, Sucks co A B W Knight,Feasterville 8 Chambers, Davisville Chas Magill, Soleburj- Geo Henry, Hammonton Wm Linburg, Doylestown l and Market streets*^ S-Wilson. Phila ; J Allen. PhUa W-W Warrington, Md J R Simpson, Penna A McClelaud,Deliware t J Dailey, Stroudsburg R Azer, Stroudibnrg reeti'above Market* Geo A Wbittinton, Balt J W Wooten, Delaware Geo SigafooV Backs co. Pa SB Jones &wf,Caicago, 111 itreeti above Third*' J D Burnett. Wash, D C D S Holcombe. New Jersey John. Hanover, Jr L Lindermen, New York Thos Smith ; John F Klumpp, N York R Stokes C Tatman, Jr, Delaware E Dewey, New York J C Gregory, New York E H Stein & la. Luzerne co N P Brower, Doylestown SPECIAL NOTICES. BY. THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. New York resolved to keep this day With all the usual demonstrations. And promised lots of cash to pay_ For squibs, and rockets, and orations, Five thousand dollars was the sum • Devoted by that modern Babel, For eatables and wine Cor rum). To deck the aldermanic table. But Philadelphia thought:the times. Would scarce admit of such expenses, And verj wisely saved her dimes u : To help to pay for her defences. New York has burned a qupMium suff. Of powder to produce a;rattle; .- Penn’s city,thought-the noisy stuff Would be more useful in a battle. To be by circumstances ruled ; Accords with common sense and reason So people, by the weather schooled. Must dress according to the season. And this reminds me,' by the way. That Bennett has a stock extensive Of summer garmenis,\plain and gay. At prices not at all expensive.. TOWER HALL, No '5lB MARKET Street, BENNETT & CO. MABBIHO . X3XEX3. pAYIDB.—KSHed,'at the battle of Gettysburg, on the afternoon of the 3d, Captain Richard W. Davids, of Cd, Or 118th Regiment Penna. Volunteers. Due notice will be given of the funeral. ' ** FALLEN.—On the morning of July G, at Ranniruade, ■Dwaware county, Christopher Fallen, aged 55 years, -The relatives and friends are invited to attend the far neral, from bis late residence, this (Wednesday/ after noon, July Bth, at 4 o’clock « * ELLlS,—Killed at the battle of Gettysburg, Thursday, July 2d, Colonel Auguftus Yah Horne Ellis, 124th New York Volunteers, eldest son of Dr, Samuel C. Ellis, of Haw Tort city-aged 36 rears. * ANDREWS.—On (-undar, July a aliortlli um, Samuel Andrews, Esq., otCamden, N. J. r The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend Ms funeial, from his late resi dence, Cooper street. Camden, N. J., on Thursday afternoon, 9:h instanc, at 8 o’clock, without further notice. »* BATCHELOR.—On Saturday, July 4th, Wm. Batche lor, in the 50th year of hie age. His relatives and friends, also Eagle Council No, It O. U. A M., are respectfully invited- to’ attend his fu neral, from hts late residence,. No. 337 North Thiid Street, this (Wednesday)' aftetnoou, the Bth iast., at 3 ° . Sf» ■ • to proceed to Mechanics’ Cemetery. * Aferi.—-At St Paul, Minnesota, on the Sdinsh, Thomas Cecil Ash, aged 19 years, formerly of this city. * ALBERGER.—On. the Gih instant, Philip Alberger, agad43years. , - * _ CASSIDY.—Oh the Gth instant, Michael Cassidy, aged if years. First Lieutenant Co. B, G)fh Regiment Pa. Volunteers. . * C-RdSbY.—On tbe6Hi instant, Bfri Edwin F. Crisey, in lhe2Btb.yearof liis age. * . HALL.—On the 6th instant, Henry Hall, only son of Henry and Sarah Ha 1, aged 14 years. * KELLY. —On. the 4th instant. Margaret D., widow of Commodore John. Kelly, U. S. N., in the 67th year of her age. * _LUDWIG.—On 4th instant, Mrs. Mary Ludwig, aged -79 years. ■ * T{ESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. jy4 PLAIN WHITE CRAPE SHAWLS. •*- White Barege Shawls; ' Light LamaShawlß; Summer Shawls, wholesale; Black Lace Points. EYRE & L-ANDELLo FOURTH St ARCH Street*. CJUMMEK SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, Foulards reduced; Neat Plaid and Stripe Silks; . Dark Lawns, Kcsambiques, St c. js2o . . EYRE & LANDELL. Kte CITIZENS* BOUNTY FUMD.-THE Pa> master of the Citizens’Bounty Fund has paid the following-amounts to the companies named Captain Wm. B. Maun, Independent company.. ..$1,(130 “ Charles l?chofleld, Uumn heagne...... 8651 •** S. ». Hager, National Guards 850 ■’ Edward Fitzki, Light Artillery. 1.470 Thomas S. Mason, Pennsylvania Militia. .. 940 Alex. Murphy, Corn Exchange regiment. •. 1,010 *(t 7HA WILT,I AH VEITCH, Paymiate". 80. 8 Willing’s alley. Philadelphia, Jaly 7.1863; ■ it BOUNTY FUND, NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS. S. A. MERCEE, Treasurer, acknowledges the follow ing: Bank of North America. $1,001) James R. Campbell & Co.». 100 Ca5h...... 103 Amount previously acknowledged...... 8,430 It’ r-fifc" 1 THE I/ABIES’ GENERAL AID AS ic?a- SOCIaTION OF 'TRENTON. .-if, J.,take this manner expressing their obligations to SIGNOR BLITZ, for the assintancerendered by him. through the medium of a public entertainment, in aid of the fund of the Association. Mrs. J. S. FIbH, President pro. tern. S; B, JorrysTpy, Secretary. - lt # EIGHTYr SEVENTH ANNIVER SARV OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE.—The STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI OF PENN SYLVANIA.—The annual stated meeting of “The State ,Society of the'Cincinnati of Pennsylvania” was held at the La Pierre Hou fi e, on Broad street, below Chestnut, on the 4th-day of July, A.. J). 1863, pursuant to notice, and the usual business transacted. The Officers and Standing Committee of the Society for the ensuing year are aa follows; PSESIBENT, ~ JOBN R LATIMER. VICE PRESIDENT. THOMAS McEDKN. SECRETARY HARRIS L.. SPROAT, ASSISTANT SECRETART, GEORGE W. HARRIS. TREASURER. ROBERT AIUHS. __ ASSISTANT TREASURER, . WILLIAM G. CALDWELL. ; STANDING COMMITTER, Tames Schott, Josi&hW. Harmar, HaU, James Glentworth, William Wayne, Samuel B. Boade, Thomas Robinson. H L, SPROAT, Secretary. TUB AWMUAI. COKUHEBrCEMEWT at H AVBRFORD COLLEGE will take place JULY Bth, 1866. The Order of Exercises by the Graduating Class will be as follows: -An English Ovation—“ Labor and Rest.”'. Thomas Jesse Battey, Burrillville, R. I. An English Oration—“ Cicero at his Tusculan Villa ” William Morrison Coates, Philadelphia, Pa. An English Oration—“ The Uncertainty of-the Fu ture. George Morrison Coatea, Philadelphia, Pa. An English Oration—“ The Poetry of Tennyson." Richard Thomas Jones, Philadelphia, Pa. An Englif h. Oration— ‘ ‘ The Druids, ” William Henry Morns, Philadelphia, Pa. , An. English Oration—“ Reason and Faith." Joseph Gurney Pinkham. Manchester, Maine. ■ The Exercises will commence at OH o’clock A. M, Trams for the College will leave Eleventh and Market struts at 7. SO and 8.40 A. M, jp,7-2t OP THE FRANKFORD 10s*ANir SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER BAILROAD COMPANY, BERKS Street, The Beard of A DAy a DmDEIfD of THREE PER CENT.mpon thf Capital Stock of the Company, out of the Earnings of ths Dast six months; payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives on and after the 15th inst * The Transfer Books will be closed until 15th inst. jy7-dtls CHAS. E ABBOTT, Secretary. OF THE PHILADELPHIA Ic8» city passenger railwaycoaipan y;no 8100 CHESTNDT Street, . . ■ ' Ul^o, . • „ Philadelphia, July 6th, 1883. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day. a dividend of TWO DOLLARS per share was declared, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representa tives, on and after the 16th inst. The transfer books will be closed until the 16th inst’ :: iv7-int w^«^^A-,-r- J rr«a.gUTei7~—- OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE Coinsurance company, *oo walnut st, _ Philabetyphi/--Julv 6, 1863 The Directors "have this aay declared a DIVIDEND OF THREE'PER CENT.,- on the Capital Stock of the Company, for the last six months, payable on demand, taSof“staxes. THOS. H. ftorfTGOMERY. jy7-6t „ - ..r- -. secretary.. NOTICE. —THE EIGHTH IN 3T AD ESPhEst on the Stock the HR9TON VILLE, MANTUA, & FAIRMOUNT PASSENGER, RAILWAY CO. ; » will be - - due and." payable ’JULYI6th,-1563, at the* Office of the Treasurer, JOHN O’BYRNE. No. IAO South SIXTH Street. , R. T. FRAILEY. jy 2-thsmwf v- AID for the wounded he- ROES.”—The Ladies who were connected wit h= the HOSPITAL at SIXTH and MASTER, askthe friends of our brave soldiers to send contributions; to the follovr ingmembersoftbeCommittee: - Mrs. J. V. WEST. No. 908 Clinton street. Mrs. J. M. RILEY, No. 938 Franklin street. Mrsr-D. H. C: MOORE, No. 804 N. Eighth street. Mrs. J. A. NEWMAN, No. 433 Green street. jy7-3l* W<3*~ TO MANUFACTURERS!-AN AJ3- wCp* JOtJRNBD Meeting of Manufacturers will be held .at the Hall of the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, on WEDNESDAY Morning, July 8.atl0& o'clock. General attendance is requested. J. H. TOWNE, Chairman. J. V. Merrick, Secretary, jy7-2t* OH 1 THE FAME TNSTJ RANGE COMPANY, No. 406 CHSBTNUT St. FinLABELPHIA, July 6. IB6i. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Faroe In surance Company, held this day, a DIVIDEND OF THREE PSR CENT, was declared; payable on demand, clear of all taxes. W. I. BLANCHARD, 3y7*6t. • Secretary. eighteenth; ward eblikf FUND. —An adjourned meeting of the Contributors to the fund for the relief of the families of the Volunteers' residing in the Eighteenth, ■ward,'will beheld onWED NESDAY EVENING, July Bth, at 8 the Hall of the Kensington Engine Company, RICHMOND Street, above Marlborough, at which, time those who Lhavenot previously paid will come forward and pay. v JOHN ROBBINS, President, CharlebH. Champ, Secretary. Charles M.. Lukeks. Treasurer, THE PBjrWSrtVASIA COMPASY §SE**oHINSURANCE ON LIYE3 A5H> GRANTING AUNUITIES,hav« this day declared a Dividend on their Capital Stock of Ponr per cent., for the last six months, ■which will he paid to the Stockholders, or their legal re presentatives, on demand. : WM. B. HILL, Actuary. July 6. 1563. : ;jy7-3t« OFFICE BEAVER MEADOW AND COAL COMPANY—No. 4:l* WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, Joly 1.1563. A semi-an Dual Diyidend of FIVE PER CENT- lias been declared this day, clear of State and United States taX ea, payabl, on ani alter Frida 76 J^lo^ tAiN> Treasurer. jy2-tlifmluw .fit*. PENN RELIEF ASSOCIATION- E<3» SPECIAL NOTICE.—TIi© rooms_ of this Asso ciation. N.'E. corner BROAD- and. SPRING- GARDEN Streets, will be open from 8 i M. during-thls. week. Members and others are"urged to come,, your services are greatly needed. Old muslin for bandages, stimu lants, etc., are wanted in large quantities. We appeal; to the citizens for their assistance. The wounded or the Battles of Getty ahurg -must receive aid. jy6-3t* ANNA P. LITTLE, Secretary, No. 1210 CHI OFFICE OF SUPERS RECRUITING COLORED R The following gentlemen li mittee to visit and inspect C ton Hills: Wm. H. Ashurst, Thomas Mott, Morris L.HaUowell, Rev. Phillips Brooks, Horace Binney, Sr., Heory Samuel, - J. Miller McKim, George H. Boker, Wm. Meredith. . Atherton Blight, B.P„Hunt, ; ■ -2„ jy4-6t THOMi CITIZENS’ BOUNTY FOND CttSl- MITTEE.—At a meeting of this Committee held, this day, the following; preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted; - ' .•• • . . "Whereas, The emergency of the present crisis is likely to exhaust the funds in-hand ofthiß Committee, he it Resolved, That the public are hereby invited to send in further contributions to the Treasurer, 8. A. Mercer, at the Farmers’and Mechanics’Bank. . Attention is called to the following resolution jpassed Jnne 16, and to the advertisement of WM.YEITCH, pay master * . . . Resolved, That the sum of TBN DOLLARS," in addi-' tion to the pay from the Government, he and the same is hereby appropriated to each officer and private of every military company that is now or may be organizedia Philadelphia, and received into the service of the State, or the United States, for the length of time they may be 'required for the present emergency: Provided, That the said amount' hereby appropriated shall not exceed the sum ofone hundred and fifty thousand dollars. _ Resolved, That the sum of TWENTY DOLLARS be, and the same is hereby appropriated to each militair company of not less than sixty-two men from Philadel phiareceived into the service of the State or of the United States for the present emergency, for the payment of ad vertising and other incidental company expenses. v THO 6, WEBSTER, vice Chairman. Lorin Bropoet, Secretary. je3o-12t ■a TO THE CAPTAINS OF COMPA IS£r KIES OF YOLUNTBERS RECRUITING FOR THEFRESBNT EMERGENCY.— Having beenappomted PAYMASTER by the disbursing agencx of the CITI ZENS’BOUNTYFUND COMMITTEE ofthe TEN ■ DOL LARS fdr each officer and private from Philadelphia, Son will please furnish me with a certified copy or the taster Roll of your company as early as possible, so that arrangements may he madeto pay the said sum to each man volunteering. • WILIAM VEITCH, je3o-12t • No. 3 WILLING Alley. mac PROTECTIVE WAR CE. /VIM AGE»- CSS» CT'OE THE U S. SANITARY COMMISSION.— At this office, established wuh the approval of the De- SION, are prepared YBEBOF CHARGE^ 130 T CHESTNUT: Street. je23-lm )■ -SccDa. DLUIOND COW COMPANY-NO TICE. -At a meeting eftte Directors of thm com pany. held on the let iust., a dividend oftTHEBE PER CENT, was declared, payable at their office, Ho. 7ld MARKET Street, on and after the 11th mst. , - . . S. ALTER. Secretary. *«-£2=» OFFICE OF THE LITTLE SCHUTL- NAVIGATION RAILROAD AND COAL N 0.410 Walnut Stbeet, Philadelphia. July 6,ISM, The Board of Managers have this day declared a Divi dend of SE per cent., clear of State and Natural taxes, payable on and after Friday, the lOth- jnst. ' The.trans fer "books ■will be closed from an 4. after to'dayun tll Fri day; tbe lOtb insfc. UAttl, jy7.2t* Treasurer. /N AUTION. —THE SUBSCRIBER HAD '• V hiß POCKET-BOOK stolen from instant, containing about ONE HONDKEU Ail 1) SEVEN DOLLARS in Bank Notes; and a Draft drawn All Demons are hereby cautioned against receiving or THRESH LEAVES OF THE BENNE PLANT, for Summer Complaint of Children,picked fresh every day, and for sale at * F. BROWN’S .;vr N.E.e?Z 0 of A ?I D p T C H H : ’ v PHILADELPHIA- |y*-J.Ut T OST—CERTIFIC ATE No. 6,923 A_i reading railroad stock. appn«* H| >“,> IQAdo for renewal. ■■■■. jeSt-vfW The Underelgued were Committee to Or ganize a ABE REQUESTED TO REPi NOIkTHEAST CORNER’OF TWELFTH AND GIRARD "V STREETS. ' • N; ESTMITT STREET VISORY COMMITTEE FOR REGIMENTS. have-beeu appointed a Com- CAMB WM. PENN, at Choi- L. Montgomery Bond, J. J;. Borle, E. W. Clark, Abraham Barker, Samuel S. White, . Dr. Gteorse J.jZiegler, ‘ Wm. Sellers, . Rev. L. J. Pai’vin. A. C. Roberts,. James A. Wright. ,S WEBSTER, Chairman. OFFICE OF UNIOIf MUTUAJL MT -BUSANCE COMPANY, „ A _ -r .. . PHtLATfBLPHIA, JUU9 8, 1883. ■Woticeia hereby given, that Kubscripcioa* to the in creased Capltalof the Union Mutual Insurance Company, „, D Yconveral°n of the Scrip into Stock,” wtli oa-recaiv fa Stlhe officd of the Company, from this data to'Nov. i, 1563, ixx accordance with the amended charter accepted. of tJi e Scripholdere, held Juua 3. 1863. iftio-lmif JOHN MOSS. Secrefci-ry. ■55?“ CUSTOM HOCSE^HILdDKbPHU, 3. 1863.—T0 MASTERS OP VUiaSLU.— Inattention of Masters of Vessels la called to the fol towing Regulation, the strict observance of which is re quired: GENERAL-REGULATION, rprt Jl. a - ISA^2 RY Depautmknt, July 1, 1863, *t,« COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS.—No vessel, other than Steamers or Packets known to be engaged in regu- J ar tines, or in the employ of the Army and Navy, will do allowed to leave port between the hours of sunset and sunrise, until further orders. N n4^T» VfSee ‘* B,^* n ©oteriogjiort, Will forthwith reoortto ine itevenue Cutter or Guard Ship, before proceeding to ".Si 0 !?**- . 8. P. CHASE, . . .• . - , Secretary of tlie Treasury, MILITARY NOTICES. :|j SECOND COAL BBGHMENT IS BEING ORGANIZED UNDER THE SAME LIBERAL SYSTEM 0? BOUNTIES AS THE FIRST - REGIMENT, vvz TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS' I TO BACH MAN, OUT OF THE COAL-TBADK FUND, OVER ASP ABOVE ALL OTHEE BOUNTIE3 OFFERED, A Committee hya boon appointed to secure all other BOUNTIES I This Reeiment is expected to movo to HARRISBURG TO-NIGHT. All persons desiring to serve for THREE MONTHS,- At® requested t» enlist theinselyos TO-DAY, In. the different Companies now forming. Captains are requested to report at 9 o’clock; A. M. for final orders® to OOL. HOPKINSON; • ' Commanding. Headquarters, 803 WALNUT Street. DAVID PEARSON, Chairman. R. N. RATHBUN, Secretary. § WEDNESDAY, JULY . 8, 1863. HEADQUARTERS SECOND COAL REGIMENT, 203 WALNUT Street.—Captains with Companies attached to this Regiment, will place their commands la Camp at POWELTON. THIS MORNING, and report in per son, to the Colonel, at Headquarters, punctually, at 9 o clock A. M., for final orders. By order of ' Colonel HOPKINSON-Commanding. ' It 8.-W. PEKING, Adjutant. UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT. AT A MEETING! OF THE IUNION LEAGT7I3, HELD ON THE 27TH INSTANT, REGIMENT, x UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE LEAGUE. The Regiment will ha mustered into service for T 1111 E E M O NTH S ' Under the Governor’s Proclamation,-* V O LT7 N T E EII S F O R I T ’ORT AT THE QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Such necemary expenses as are not properly borne by the Government WILL BE ‘DEFRAYED FROM A FUND RAISED BY: THE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE, i. CLOTHING, EQUIPAJIK, ARMS, and EQUIPMENTS will he furnished as soon ,as the organiaztion shall ba effected. \A Camp, will be formed Immediately, 7 Eu the. neighborhood of the city. - -J.B;FBY t S. M. FELTON, , ; J. EDGAR THOMSON, 1 ELLKKSLIE WALLACE, JAMES L. CLAGHORN, . HORACE BINNEY, Jr., . MOBTON MoMICHAEL, , GEO. H. CROSMAN, J. I. CLARK HABS, W. D. LEWIB. GEO WHITNEY, ANDREW WHEELER.. S SECOND COBN EXCHANGE BE GIMENT—COLONEL ALEXANDER MURPHY** . Four Companies of tins Regiment have received the. Cofrn Exchange Bounty of T WENTY-FIYS DOL LARS each, and left for Carlisle. t _ Mustering Offices are now open at Prune Btreet—Captain Smith. 533 Chestnut Street—Captain Farron. ‘ Independence Square—Captain Laird. Corn Exchange, South Second Street—Capt.McElroy. • Berry’s Hotel, South Second Street—Capt, Albertson, The commanders of Companies mustering for this Re giment will report immediately at headquarters, corner of Second and Gold. Streets. All recrolts joinlng this Regiment will receive $25 Bounty from the Corn Ex change Regimental Bounty Fund Committee, and all other Counties.awarded by the City and Citizens Bounty Fund Committees. It ie earnestly desired that the ba lance of the Regiment shall leave Tuesday night. Bv order of ALEX., MLarHi, . It . Colonel Commanding. SHEADQUARTEBS OP' COMMIS SION FOR IJ. S. COLORED TROQPS, No. 1310 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia,—All colored men wishing to enlist in the U, 8. .:Army are requested to present themselves at Headquarters, daily, before 2 P M. jys-12t : R. B. CORSON, Agent. u THE MEMBERS OP THE NATION ■ AT, GUARD OF CAMDEN! are requested to meet at ffi ODD FELLOWS’ HALL, 'on THURSDAY AFTER JItNOON 9th instant, at S o*clock, to attend the funeral nt SAMUEL ANDREWS, the late President. ivB-2t» - E. R. JOHNSON; Secretary. S NOTICE! FIRST COAL REGI JMENT.—Men mustered in fortheFIRST COAL REGI- ImENT will apply immediately at aiOK WALNUT •Street for Transportation. : . . ...jyv-iJt* ARMY GOODS. ARMY CAPS AND-NAVY CAPS, GEO. HOFF & CO., No.-J#s North FOURTH Street,. \ * Philadelphia, . Manufacturers of all kinds of • Indigo Blue Army and Navy Caps and Silk Covers. • jyS-lm* Orders promptly ill led, ARMY HATS. ADOLPH & KEEN.; No. CM North SECOND Street. ' ' Philadelphia, > Manufacturers of all kinks of- FELT HATS, have on hand.a large assortment of'all tlie various and most approved styles of ARMY H ATS. Orders by inail from sutlers or jobbers, will be promptly filled at tbe lowest rates. ; je3o-3m GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOB OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS. STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCB DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHUT IN QB. For sale by _ - FBOTHINGHAM A WELLS. Mi-lftfv 0 W. SIMONS <* BROTHER,' ■AMSOH-STKEBT HALL. PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERT VARIETY. ItlS-UMn LEGAL. A UDITOR’S NOTICE—ADJOURNED J\- MEETING OF THE AUDIT/IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF MONTGOi&RY COUNTY. -Tbe undersigned Auditor appointed-by said Ccmrtto distribute tbe balance mthe-hands ; of. AKASI i>KAItJS BY\d fIA’R.RRT BEAN, assignees, for- the benefit or ere ditom, Ac.. i <,r JOHN “ Wake and-wife, of Towa mincer Township, Montgomery county, to and among K“egany “irtled th?roto, will hold an adjourned xWgwN.'.Wm.o- f*i Juiygth, 16W. ~ . JyB-w3t JgOYS’ CLOTHING. BOYS’ CLOTLIIKG. COOPER A CONARD, jyB-12t S. E corner* MARKET. REWARD—FOR T|IE RETURN tftvv 0 f a PACKET, lost or stolen, containing ei?ht hnndred arid sixty dollars in Government funds, in tended to be invested- for the sole benefit of an orphan six years old, by a widowed-mother, now left le?si n the World. The above reward and no questions acked. if left at the Deteciive Police StatiomChief Rug- IRQ South SECONPgßfiffh TJAN AWAY FROM THE SUBSORI- H' BEB. THOMAS HUHCATjFE, an indentured ap prentice to ffie trade of. Bricklaying. Ml persons a» hereby cautioned against .harboring' or trusting “im on my'account.aß I will not pay any debts contracted by Mm fr ?^ l 3tV dat6 * ROBERT STISAXE. ■PATENT ILLUMINATING C -t ' STICKS.— k neat and cheap article, price *l3 pat thousand, with ft liberal discount to the trade. For sale hj, K jji aHT & SON. il* ■■ v '\ ‘ No. CK' COMMEaOK Street. O' ■: X,. r .. Unlaßs sooner discharged, TTSTBITE LINEN DECKS. YY Brown anS White LincnJ) rills. Fancy Drill and other Summer Wear. Alpaca and other thin Coatings. / . Silk mixtures,' Drap d’Ete. Light fine fenojCasstme^^ Desirable fabrics at old prices. . Black Dress Goods at nearly old prices. 8-4 Wide Black BaregefMSW a . COIrAIU)> Je2s-tf S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets, RETAIN DRY GOODS. gDMMES DRESS GCODS CLOSING OUT AT REDUCED PRICES. CURWEN STODDART & BRO., I?oa. 450, 45*, and 45* N. RECOND St. ab. Willow. AT 15 AND 18 CENTS. Closing,out Summer stock ‘ . AT REDUCED PRICES. CURWEN STODDART & BRO., No!. 450,45*,and 454 N. SECOND St , ab. Willow. ]j>T,ACJC DRESS SILKS, Of all widths and grades. AT LESS THAN USUAL PRICES. CURWEN STODDART & BRO., ; Nob. 450, 45*, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. Willow. u'S-ai . _ CARD Tbo report was circulated that we.had packed our stock for its removal, during the past week. Wo. take tbia opportunity to deny it, and also to state tbat no sunh an idea was entertained by us for a moment. Relieving it to be the duty of all citizens to avoid whatever ie calculated to create pauic or excitement, and to ldevote all their energies to raise troops for tbo common defence of oar State and' City, our attention has necessarily been diverted from onr regular nur- BnitS, the past weak. Now that the imminent danger has passed, we are prepared for the regular prosecution of our business. . ' " CURWEN- STODDART & BRO., Uos. 4SS > aai 454 N - SECOND Si., ab. WiUow. j^OTICE. EDWIN HALL & OO.J No. 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Aro now selling off, at REDUCED PRICES, Thd balaacg of their SUMM E R STOCK: . GRENADINES and SUMMER SILKS; ORGANDIES and FRENCH LAWNS; PACIFIC LAWNS, 35 cents; MODES and IMPERIAL BLUE BAREGES; GRENADINE BAREGES and TAMABTINES; and MOHAIRS; A lirge stock of DSES3 GOODS, from cents to 37K SUMMER SHAWLS; GRENADINE and BAREGE SHAWLS; WHITE and BLACK BAREGE SHAWLS; SILK MANTLES and SACQUES; . WHITE BAREGE CIRCULARS; WHITE and BLACK SHAWL BAREGE, by the yard. N. B.—A large stock of superior qualities of BLACK SILKS, FOB MANTLES AND DRESSES. jy6-mws3t TOHN H. STOKES, 702 ARCH St., ' .OFFERS Black and White Plaid Marseilles. Black and White and Brown and White Linen Check. French Nankinetts—plaid and plain. Nankin—nice quality. Linen Stripes, dark ground, good. Merino Cassimeres—excellent quality. Plain, Mixed, and Plaid Cassimeres. Silk Mixed.Cioths and Cassimeres. Ladies’Cloaking Cloths.: Double-width Plaid Flannels for Shirting.' je27 Dress goods at reduced PRICES.—H. STEEL & S 0N L No. tlB and 715 North TENTH Street, : are now closing out the*balance of their stock of Poil de Chevres, all Wool Delaines, Poplins, . Challisa,'Delainea, Mozambique*, Taffete d’Etes, FreuchXawus, French. English, and American Chintzes, Bareges, Silk Tissues. Silk Grenadines, ' Fancy Silks, ana all kinds of Summer Dress Goods, at extremely low prices, SUMMER SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS. CHOICE STYLES PACIFIC LAWNS at 18Xo. 1 lot 2 yards square Table Cloths, Snow Drop and Damask, all Linen, at $1.50. je6 103* CHESTNUT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE; At prices generally below present cost of impor tafcioa. WHITE GOODS, all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES, do do LACES, do do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do And respectfully invites an inspection of his stock. 10a&CHESTiqT' Tj'DWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH SE- Jjj (joND Street, would call the attention of the Ladies to their stock of • - . ■. Superior Black Silks. Wide Mantle Silks. - .iMfgwJsraas. - - - - - Black Silks, from SI to $4, - . ■ N B.—Merchants in want of Black Silks are Invited to examine our stock and prices. je!3-tf nr ABLE DAMASKS. ’ JL' Power-Loom Damasks and Diapers. Fringed Towels, 16, 20, 25, 3L. &c. > 1 Good Napkins. Doylies and Diapers. SHEfcTINGS. . . • Heavy 9-4,10-4, and 11-4 Bleached Sheetings. Shirting and Pillow Muslins. Fhie stock of i'i a imela. :coopEK i[COITEA: _ j G 25 S. E. corner NINTH' and MARKET. || P....N. T E B ’ S HEW STORE. 3T NORTH EIGHTH'STREET. .. The ladle aie respectfully invited to examine tneur W6 U-»“ Bt & f T LBS AND OI.OAKS. ' Consisting** •- , . - _ „ Lace Shawls at $2.50; ■ ■ Lace Mantles from $3.60 to $25;. Silk Sacques from $8 to $10; Bilk Circulars from. $5 to $2O: Cloth.. Circulars from. *6 to $l6. ' ■ Also, Plain and. Striped. POPLINS,. of the best materials, in the most stylish manner, and will be ,ole che ® bl”fouhp elsewhere. . - IVTOSQUITO NETTINGS, jJA. Three, yards .wide, 13 Seven, yards in a piece. Bine and White. Brice $L 66 a piece. Also, Blue Tarletons, . ' • And Bohbinets, in colors, _ S ' <>ICoTerm *SHAEPLESS BROTHERS,. Are Beilin? Oat THEIE LARGB STOCK ' Of SUMMER DRESS. GOODS, At REDUCED PRICES. ■ - Je29 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets OOLDIERS’ shirting flannels. kj 6-4 Shirtings, all wool. 3-4 and 6-.4*Fancy Shirtmge. .Soldiers’Gray Blankets. Ked, White, and Bine- De Baines for Flags. ■ - ■ EYRE & LANDBLL, iv 4 FOURTH and ARCH Streets. COMMISSIOH HOUSES. JOHN T. BAILEY A CO. bags and. bagging 01 BVHBT DBBGEIPTIOJf. ‘ NO. 113 NOBTH FRONT STBEET, WOOL BAGS FOB SALE. WMa MILITARY GOODS., Ji L A G D E P O T ; BUNTING SILK AND MUSLIN F L A. G S OP SUPERIOR QUALITY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. w. H. HORSTMANN& SONS, FIPTH Jr CHERRY Btreeta. T. SNODGRASS’ ARMY AKD NAYY CLOTH HO USE, 3* South SECOND, iso »3 STRAWBERRY Strbkts. FRESH AND FULL STOCK, ’ OF ALL SHADES AND GRADES, Adapted to every position in the N A V Y AND A R M Y. Tha trade and citizens can have (heir wants faithfully supplied at my store, ■ ■ No. 84 SOUTH SECOND STREET. je*-12t - 1770. 1863. F L A G S!!! SILK FLAGS!! BE NT IKG FLAG SI BURGEES. TENANTS. UNION JACKS. STREAMERS: - bunt BED, WHITE, AND BLUE. EVANS & HASSADI4 . MILITARY FURNISHERS, leli-ta ’ So. §l9 ARCH STREET. Philadelphia, FEB MONTH GUARANTEED. HP • O Testimonials of-Clergymen and scUa-tifU man sent free. ISAAC HALE, Jr., & CO., Nawlyuryport, Maßs. je24‘2iad_&W A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE Viff • O AGENTS in ©rery count 7 at 178 a month, ex panses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sawing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON, my6-3rad&W Alfred, Maine.— Sfefifl A MONTH!—WE WANT AGENTS at s6oa month, expenses paid,.to;sell our Evertastinp Pencils, Oriental Burners,and IS other new articles. 15 circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, mys-Smd&W Biddefojrd.Maina^ DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFlCE.—Phisadmphia, Feb. 9, 1953. , VESSELS WANTED imxnediateZr Scf sarry COAL to til* following: points: * Torttyra*. Key West, Fla, Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. Newbera, N. C. , ~ Port Eoyal. S. C. A. KGTD, . relu-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. |B> FOR SALE OR RENT—A CON- T?TT7rr , n ol eu with,a large garden, on THIRT.V FIFTH Street, Mantua,; has a fine view of the Schuylkill rifer* Inquire No. 30 North FOUBTH Street. jvBws2t* • ; R. W. ORUtf' 's& FOR SALE—V ALU ABLE IM —a— PROVED Grain and Grazing FARM, lf7 acres, seven miles from the city. Chester county farm, 80 acres, convenient to railroad station. Also, Penn Manor fann, 190 acres, near the Delaware river, Bucks county. Call and examine Register of Farms. Apply to ' . . ■iyJ E. PETTIT. 309 WALNUT St. m FOR SALE—A DESIRABLE COT- AND LOT IN THE TWENTY-FOTJETH For Bale, the neat two-story COTTAGE, with large Garden; size of the Lot 100 by 123 feet, with frame Stable, Ijtnßtea at the northwest corner of-SENECA and MAB . JttiE Streets, Twenty-fourth ward, only three euuares from the Callowhiil and. Hestonville Eailroad. The honse contains a large Parlor and Sitting-room and ' Kuchen on the first floor: the second story contains four Chambers and Piazza back, and two garret bed-rooms; The house is m good repair. For terms apply to _ ,„ . . THOMAS MARTIN, .. __ , Beal Estate A gout and Collector, co k of and PINE Sts.. Philadelphia. • Houses and Lots for sale, and Houses to rent, in different parts of the citv. ie3o-7tif* "POR SALE—DESIRABLE COUNTRY PLACE, three aoron of siiua.it, l-miie from Church Lane Station, Germantown Railroad. Also several desirable Residences in Vfest Philadelohla.Cheßt nutHilL&c. Apply to E PETTIT Jy7- 309 WALNUT Street. ftUMMER BOARDING ATGBEN- WOOD, near the Delaware^ater.Gap., The loca tion is one of the finest in,the neighborhood. Rooms large and airy. For terms, &c., apply to ••••.•- ‘ _ :• SAMUEL ALSOP, ' - .ie23-12fc . Delaware Water Gap, Monroe co., Pa, T>o ARDING.—SETEBAL PERSONS can he accommodated with BOARDING, at the're- Fidence of the.undersigned, near CONCORD STATION, Baltiroore.Central Railroad, twenty miles from the city.' The situation is a pleasant one, the rooms commodious and well ventilated. Terms moderate. Apply to jy3 ‘2t JOSEPH BHORTLEDGE. THIRST-CLASS BOARD, HANDSOME A communicating and single rooms; private table if desired, No. 131 S WALNUT street. je2slm* tLmS&Z&k GRAND PLEASURE EX cdesion to The staunch, elegant steamers NORTHERN LIGHT and Cm OF CLEVELAND, will each give five arand plea sure Excursions to Lake Superior, leaving Cleveland on the date below named, and visiting all points of interest ,on the route. The/‘round trip ’’comprises the distance of 2,000 miles, and is not surpassed by any other on the continent for variety of scenery and objects of interest. It embraces in transit the waters of Lakes Erie, Bt. Clair, Huron, and Superior, and the beautiful rivers of De troit, St:Clair, and Sautt Ste Marie, (with its-thousand isles), affording passengers an opportunity of visiting the 44 Gault B&pids ” and 4 * Ship Canal, ” the far-dined 4 ‘Pictured Roclrs,” the Iron Mountain of Marquette, and extensive Copper Minea at various points. To invalids it offers the ra ost pure and invigorating atmosphere on the globe, which ever brings health and strength; to the sportsman the enticing inducement of most splendid jlshinu; and the whole country abounds in. mineral .wealth which cannot fail to attract the attention of the speculator and man of science. Besides, it is fast becom ing the favorite Summer trip, and its social pleasures are of the highest order, Good Hotels at all points. For further particulars apply to SOBT. HANNA & CO., Cleveland, Ohio. TIME TABLE, PROM CLEVELAND. “Northern Light,” “City of Cleveland,” Capt. Spaulding. Capt. B. Wilkins. July 6. July 10. July 17. . July 22. July 29. Aug. 4. Aug. 11. Aug. 17. Aug/ 24. Aug. 28. . Passengers taking the boat at Cleveland will have first selection of rooms. je2o-20tif QEBTIFIC ATES I N DEBT E D N E S S RTRUW * arrai.o H E SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TO CONTINUE MY AGENCY and, until further notice, I shall continue AND AT THE DIFFERENT SUB-AGENCIES CALIFORNIA AND SAN- FRANCISCO CIT Y O OIJPO N S BOUGHT. AND- COLLECTED BY AUGUST BELMONT & CO., Q HABYEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, . No.\3J?S WALNUT Street. Stocks and Loans bought and; sold on Commission the . BOARD OF BROKERS. Subscriptions to the 5-20. year six per cent. LOAN sfcil received'sfc.par.•_ . . • No chaise for Commission. QTJBSCBIPTIONS AT FAR FOR THE lO 5-30.81 X. PER CENT. B. S.- LOAN will be received during July, ajtd ko longer, unless the time be again extended by the the ■ jyl-8t Assistant Treasurer United. States. COLLECTION OF U. S. GERTIFL \J GATES OF INDEBTEDNESS.-The ADAMS*'EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect at the -Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One 1 ear Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now-die or shortly ms- Terms made known and receipts given at the offlce, Fo. SaOCBESNUT'Street ' myff-tf A/TAJOB GJSNIRAL MEADE.—A meade" 7 fine Card Pl e&tff^r ral ]jd-3t ‘ T2B CHESTNUT Street. ■vrAJOB GENERAL REYNOLDS.—A J-’A very flue Card Photograph of the date Mai. Gan. PEYNOLDS Me ALLISTER & BRO., jy4 3t T3B CHESTNU V Street, J)R. SWAYNE’S BOWEL COBDIAL, sure remedy for Asiatic Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Diarrhma. Cholera infantum, or > Summer Complaint, pains in the Stomach nnd Bowels, Sick Stomach, Vomiting, and all relaxed condition of the Bowels. Let no .family be without this: medicine, it will give im- - :• ■ mediate relief. - ■ TO OUR BRAVE SOLDIERS IT HAS BEEN OF INCALCULABLE BENEFIT.- WIVES, MOTHERS. "ANDJ3ISTERS..: f Whose Husbands, Sons,, and Brothers are- serving intne, army, cannot send them a more'neceasary article than . “ Dr. Swayne's Bowel Cordial lt has saved many *, T CHOLERAINJANTDM, or BOTHER COIffLAiNT.- Thia disease is very children, during ths warm season. SAYS THE LEVES Oi XOUB CHILDREN from the - too often A‘SiS? M f J,-2nr n Complaint bjr usiniBWAYNE’S BOWEL CORDIAL. It are instantly relieved byita nee. all pain rad lotmmss. No traveller should leave home W DIAHRH<EA AND DYSENTERY .—The “BOWEL rnnnrfiv’ will he found the most pleasrat rad ante cnv? iu iuflammation of tho stomach or bowels, and in the inflammatory staees of Dysentery, when there, ia .rnims or much pain, with fmuent desire to evacuate the bowels without the power to effect much discharge. Wood frequently passins.as there is in aU markedrose. of Dysentery* lake two or three te&spoonfnls of the Cor dial, with alittle castor oil, every two-hours until the Valuable medioine will aiw, relief to most Prepared only by Dr. S WAYNE k SON, No. 330 North SIXTH Street, above . OVER THIRTY YEARS HAVE DR. fiWAYNR’S ME DICINES been in constant use in all parts of the worto* and v their increasing popularity is certainly convincing proof,of their wonderful efficacy. „ OT Dr. SWATHE’S PrihdiialoaM. No. 330 North 8I?TH Btrest, ahovoYUts, In I N Gel WANTS. JPOR SAiB AND TO NET, SUMMER BOARDING. HOARDING. EXCURSIONS. LAKE SUPERIOR. FINAHreiAIu WANTED. DREIKL JfcjDfl. VOU O T " WANTED. BREXKL & CO. HAS AUTHORIZED MB FOR A BRIEF PERIOD. te- receive S v.bscri’iilona to the 5-20 LOAN AT P A]Et; AT MY OFFICE. Throughout the Loyal States* lAY.COOKE, BUBSCEIPTIOK AGENT, No, 114: South Third Street) PHILADELPHIA. O WALL STREET, NEW YORK. PHOTOGRAPHS. MEDICAL. AJHTJSEMEIff'yS. /yvwwvvww . CHESTNUT-3T. THEATRE.— Tnflccn mid W, w 1 of And Of tW *re*f I«ah E^ama, THIS (WEBNE3DAY>3sVENING, Jaly Bth, 186*.' PBBr.v UAL PEE? O' BAY. ■ ■ The scene REBELLION* , . : Of ’9S, mtt ny fifth© incidents and patriotic apeecue*- i have at the pretext time aiffncreaged ©ignificanc©. . Jlißß D. P. BOW»B8 . . Will appear as. • r»w.».l. »•», .•.•»Kaf&leen'Kavaua*a* Hr L, P. Barrett will appear Bai JZ S dtr'Vf^r: Sir. C. Wheatieigh will appear a 5........ .HiackMollin*. ML J. McCullough WHI apperr a.. ..- . ;;h--n Fur 1011. A correct praturh of AN IRiSH. FAIK- , THE B'SACK VA.LCb-Y- Is ctosceded to be one of‘the'best sesisatiot Scenes OVOC presented to the public. . Curtain rises at.eight o J ciock. jf-I X O N ,; S 3 COMBINATION CIKCUS \ will exhibit in GERMANTOWN, WEBI3SBDAV. JttfySttii- FRANKFORD, July 9th. : MaNAYUNK, FRIDAY: Joly totii. SALEM, BATUEDAT,-July 11th. CAMDEN, MONDAY, July ISth. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF TS E PINK ARTS. 10S3 CHEBTJTDT BTEFW,, . OPEST DAILY {Sundays except edifrom*!) Ai'BT, tU| 6P. E Admission 25 cenfe, Children half pri£a. INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.— A LAST WEDNESDAY EXHIBITION of’.thm term/ at P. M. Musical Conductors, Mr. CARLBBNTZ aad Mr. A. K. TAYLOR. Admission TEN dalT-wtl-' SEW PBBOCATIOKSS TVf ILITARY BOOKS. Published by . . J. &. kIPPINCOTT & C 0.,. „ . „ 7JB and 7X7 MARKET Streaft. CAMPAIGNS OF 18® and 2863. Illustrating the Prxa» ciplea of Strategy. By Erail Schalk. SUMMARY OF THE AST OF R. -Written EiifTresalr for and dedicated to the United States Volunteer Army. ByEnril Schalk. UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. Prepared by direction of the War Department. CAVALRY TACTICS. Published by order of the War Department'; H volnnces. COOKE'S UNITED STATES CAViLRY TACTICS 2 volumes. - ✓ . UNITED -STATES.ARMY-REGULATIONS- Eaat re vieecTeoiticn. ORDNANCE MANUAL.' Prepared by order- ot th*. Yfar Department. INSTRUCTIONS IN FIELD ARTILLERY'. COPPEE’S MANUAL OF BATTALION DRILL. COPPEE’S MANUAL 'OF EVOLUTIONS OF THE 'LINE. i Together trith many other Books of interest aad usa. MAPS—NEW BOOKS. - COAST SURVEY MAP OF VIRGINIA, showing the present movements of the Army. 50 cents . NEW COUNTY MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA.' 50 cento. JOURNAL OF A RESIDENCE ON A GEORGIA PL AS TATIONin 1338 and, 1839.. By Frances AnneKembLe. HARPER’S HAND BOOK, for Travellers in Enron* and the East. By W. P. Fetridge. Monaco, Tuck, $3.5§. Cloth. $2.75 bKIRMISHING. By the author of ** Cousin Stel la” $L r : MEMOIR OF THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF THE LATE HON. S THEO.. FRELINGHUYSEN, L. L. D By T. W. Chambers. $1.25. For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED BfARTIEN, jy4 600 CHESTNUT Street. 9/S CTS!—2S CTSI —25 CTB It— PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, holding 12 PICTURES, bound in Muslin, gilt edge. PITCHER'S ALBUM DEPOT, 808 CHESTNUT Street. 50? § L6OI SI.SOI!'—:PHOTO HP 1 GBAPH ALBUMS, holding TWENTY FOtJB PICTURES. Boned 'ltt BEST TURKEY MO BOCCO. PITCITEa’S ALBUM DEPOT. Je27-tf 808 CHESTBUT Street. flfl'o T 0 $45 . —IMPERIAL QUARTO qP-L*' PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, holding 200 and 404 PICT USES, eieeantly bound in. TUfiKEr MOROCCO and RICH VELVET, with Ornaaent3. PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT, 809 CHESTNUT Street. q nnnt —3,000! ! —QYEK 3,000 DlF ")uvvl PERENT CARD PICTUSES FOH PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, at : PITCHER’S-ALBUM DEPOT, 80S CHESTafUT Street, XTEW BOOKS. LEIBIG’S ITA.TURAL LAWS OF HTTSB AN DRY. WEAK LUNGS AND HOW TO 3TVENGTHBN. By Dio Lewis. M. D. WHAT TO EAT, AND H2>WTC-COOSIT. By Piecra Blot. A CRITICAL HISTORY OF FRE3 THOUGHT. A. T. Farrar, M. A., &c. - ALL NEW BOOKS" Of a standard character for sale as aooaaspnbliah.ed.b7 LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers. je27 %S SOUTH BIXTH street, above CHESTNUT. HAZARD'S BOOKSTOBE, *34 CHESTNUT STB33T, 3,toe<ra Sereath and KlsV.lv S£ra£t. All Books nasiJlr to be had ia a FXRST-OIiASS BOOKSTOai*’ Will always be found on our shalvo* AT THS LOWEST PRICES, M-ti IN THE TROPICS IN THE TROPICS. A charmingly natural and clever hook of TropicalLifa and Adventure, edited by R. B. Kimball, author of “Undercurrents of Wall Street,” “St. Leger,\&c* One elegantly printed and bound 12mo. Price SL2S. “A young New Yorker leaves the metropolis and eet tles in Santo Domingo, and here we have a picture of hi* life there. * * It is intimated that Mr. Kimball is really the author ef the book, and it is not unworthy o£ his powerful pen. * * It is one. of the cleverest hooks on Tropical life that has appeared. "—Boston Traveller. -■ ‘‘Whoever, at thiß delightful season, wiehes to enjoy a book written in pure gushing English, attuned to the gentle harmonies of nature, and be refreshed by sympa thy with its kind and grateful spirit," will not faiL t» read “In the Tropics. I ’ Continental Magazine. " *** Sold by all booksellers, and sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price, by CARLETON, publisher. New York, No. 413 BROADWAY, comer of Lispenard at. jy4-P&Wtf ' THE SEA SHORE. rn «fr—h. FOR CAPE ,MAY—THK ■■StoMlHßr safe and commodious Bay Steamer MAN HATTAN. Captain Kirby, will leave ARCH- STREET WHARF for CAPE MAY every Tuesday. Thursday* and Saturday, at halfpast nine o'clock A. M., commenc ing on THURSDAY, July 2d. Returning, -will learn Cape May every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at* eight o’clock, stopping at New Cgetie to connect witk ty Baltimore lines. '■ . • - ; ■jm e - The MANHATTAN is the largest and most convetifSnfc boat that ever run to Cape May, having about fifty sfcaiw rooms and every accommodation that passengers can ai* sire. Fare $2.50, including carriage hire. Meals extra. Children and servants half nrice. Freight at moderate rates. No freight receivedafterS o'clock. ■ - je22 6w A. EEYBOLP. railroad lines. fST—agimi OPENING OP BED yf\Trr> SAILROAD.—The Hunt ingdon and Broad Top Railroad Company have com menced to run trains over the Bedford Road to Bloody Run within seven miles of Bedford. Visitors to tha Springs leaving Philadelphia at 7KA. M. will arrive, early in the evening. Those leaving at IL3O A.M. lie over night at Huntingdon, and will, with passengers by the 10 §0 P. M. train, reach Bedford early next day, having but seven miles by stage over an excellent turnpike. Excursion tickets for Bedford and Broad Top can bo had at Pennsylvania Dfepot, ELEVENTH and MARKER. JAMES LEWIS, jy2-dt SripV Huntingdon and Broad Top B. R. Co. SeBHB phila delf h r a LONG BRANCH VIA CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AND RARITAN AND DE LAWARE BAY RAILROAD. • , „ On and after Monday* June loth, ana until farther no tice, passenger trainb will leave Vine-street Ferry at 7.90 A. Sf. . arriving at Long Branch at 11.10 A. M. . Returning, leaves Long Branch at 3.35 P, M.» arrlvlmff at Philadelphia at 7.45 P. H. Passengers landed close to the Hotels. N. B.—Excursion parties will he. carried on liberal terms. Apply to L. B. COLB, Agent at the Depot. Cooper’s Point. BENJ. STRONG, Assistant Superintendent.^ ffgMMp. REOPENING OF BALTIMOBB AND OHIO RAILBOAD.—This road, being fully REPAIRED aa& effectually GUARDED, is now open for the transports tlon of passengers and freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. For through ticfcets. and all other InformatiML apply at the Company's Office, .corner of BBOAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. 1 8. M. FELTON, apfl-tf Presldent/P.-.W.-and B. B. B. Co. WEST CHESTER and BPjg3gy.EMLr.3MLn PHILADELPHIA RAILBOA®. VIA MEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, JUNE 1,1863, the trains wQI leave Philadelphia-, from the depot, Northeast corner of •Eighteenth and. Market streets, at 7.50 and 10.30 A. M.* and’ at?, 4.30, and 6 55 P. M. ’ Oh TUESD AYS and FRIDAYS a train will leave WEST CHESTER at 6.50 P.-Mx - Returning, leave Philadelphia at 9.16 P. M. Trains leave the corner of Thirty first and Market streets (West Philadelphia).!? minutes afterthe starting / time from Eighteenth and Market. _. ’ Oh SUNDAYS leave. Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and. S •P. M. Leave West Chester at 7.60 A. M. andfiP. M. „ The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.60 A. M.- and A3O P. M. connect at Pennelion with trains on the P. and B. C. R. R. for Concord., Kennett, .Oxford, *c. jel-tf HENRY WOOD, Superintendent. cA P E MA Y . OfficeCapbMat anp Millville H. K _Co, 400 Walnut Street, June 12, ISw. FURTHER OPENING. On and after MONDAY, the 22d of June, the cats will run upon this road to the Dennisville Station, leayln* Walnut-street ferry at 9 o’clock in the-West Jer sey'cars. The cars will run from Cape May Court Honan to Cape May, rednclng'thedif tance by stage to nine mile*. jelS-tf 'C. B. PUNQAJM. President. Bh?«°e®th e ® th E 8 E A - ARRANGEMENT CA3II)BN i A2fD.ATLASTIC’ RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, June 15th, 1963, trains foe Aft* I antic City, -will leave Tine-street Ferry as follows: Mail train leaves 7.30 A. |L Express'train leaves . . 3.45 r. & Freighttrain, with passenger car attached... 9.00 A. a. Returning, leaves Atlantic City: „ Mail train. . £■ S V 5* Express train... S*. Freight train..................J®* Fare to Atlantis, *2. Boand-Trfg Tickets, good fte the day and train only, or down on Saturday and upon Monday morning, . . .j, -d -d t> An Accommodation Tram to R. ana D. B. tion will leave Vine street at Mfi P. M.; returning n» monixnf at HABDO NFIELD TRAINS Leave Vine street at 10-15 A. M F* M. Lmve Haddenfleld at 12. Id Agent, r W for HARTFORD, DIRECT Jd£9BK—yia Delaware and Raritan, Canal. — Steamer MARS, NICHOLS,' Master, now loading all Webster’s wharf, Ist above MARKET Street/ Freight delivered by this line in less time than by any otheJr ronte. Apply on board, or to WH. M. BAIRD *'CO*. Agents. . 13>l SOUTH WHARVES. INSURANCE COMPAMIES. "FAME INSTJBANi X ♦WCHSSTNOTSt™ Francis N. Buck, Chas. Biehardson* Henry Lewis, Jr.» John W. Bverman, • Philip B v J^tico, v " ebancis h. . gbaklesrk WILLIAM L BLAKCHAB titSß' PHILADELPHIA LOCAL A EXPRESS COMP AST. Offlce, Ho. »®. SOOTH EIETH STREET, atlahtS? llohoSrahch. . Packages, baggage, and freight of every description, saßed/or, and'ionfardeda&ieaaonable rates- Baggagechbched through, ftomyourresideaea»t<>At« lantic City and Long Branch. - jrz-flt* TkRAKE*S PLANTATION BITTEBS. yj —ISO 'caaac -Drata’i) Plantation JBtttara.inatra'. CE COMPANY, NO. &t. ►ELPHIA. lnd utsu&^c*. ITOSB. B. J>. Woodrufll Geo. A. Wes*; Jo2iaKesale?wJx» ' Cias. Stokes, A, H. Roßeahsltt. Jo eeph. IV Buis. BUCK* PcesMeat; :GHAKBSON;.Vio»Pieride»i Secretary. Cialfl-iftf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers