COTTON. a market Is firmer, but there is very little doing in the way of sales: anoutl6o man middlings have been dispilsed. of et 57@6Scli tb, cash. - - .FRATHSB.S.—CIood Western are selling at46@49e and the stock light. FISH.—The stocks of Mackerel are very light, and the Market 18 quiet,. New Is are held at $10: Bay is sell at .61:1@l4; Shore do 4;1701e Is, *10.60® 11.00• Na, $69 - 67 r medium to large size: No change in Codif.h or Plea d Herring. New Shad are quoted at $1713 bbl. FRUIT. —There is less doing in Foreign. Pineapples ange at from $6 to $l2 11 hundred. Lolled Frnit of all kinds is neglected,and for Apples and Peaches prices are nominal. Of Green Fruit the supply is increasing. GUANO.—The demand has fallen off, hut prices are unchanged: sales of. Pertiyia n at $95@100 N ton, cash. GINSENG.--The lad sales were 90c N in for erade; a sale of clarified was made private. HAY lain fair demand at 80g00c the 100 lb, HEMP is very quiet, there being but littieotock here out of the hands of the manufacturers: HIDES are dull and sales, unilaportant,'botb. of foreign and domestic. HOPIS are but /Rile inquired after; we quote the first sort at 2Ct 23e 1 4 lb. cash. LUMBER continues in fair demand, and prices are eteadlly maintained for all descriptions; Southern yel low pine sap boards at $22; white pine ranges at Sspgi, 23, and hemlock tit $l2 (@l3't2 31. MOLASSES.—There is a .111:111 feeling in the market, and a moderate demand; sales of clayed Cuba at 87c, and 'Muscovado at 45@43c, 4 months; 215 bbls Neiy Orleans Re' d by unction at S2©47hc Ii gallon. . NAN AL STORES of alt descriptions are scarce,, and common Rosin has advanced to d 50032 bbl; prices of Tar and Pitch tire nominally unchanged ; Ppirito of Tar pentine is in demand; small sales at E3.60g3 IS 7P gal lon, cash. , - • OlLS,—Fish Oils are held firmly, and meet with a steady More dcu and ; Linened Olt is held at $ 1.20@1.21; Lard Oil ranges train 8.50680, the latter for winter ; there le but little Olive Oil here; Red Oil is scarce; float Oil is quiet at 26027 c for crude; Olt 46c for refined in bond, and 52066 c TAgallon, free, according to quality. - PLAVISR.—There is - but little offering; the laat sale of soft was at ton. LICE —The stock - is very light, and is held firmly; Sales of 17.;iii bags East India at SIiI@EINc, cash. SALT.—A cargo of Turks Island has been sold pri- Vide terms, and 1.100 sacks remain unsold. SEEDS. —Th e receipts of Clover , Seed have been light. and it sells frOlo a 5.2.5 to 0.70 `f 64 Ibl; Timothy ranges from di 00 10 di; Flaxseed is w0rt1e51.76@2.60 911 his, as to nualitY. ' ' SUGAlt.—There 4. a firm feeling in the market; 700 hhds Cuba at 103:00 , 11go, and Porto Rico at 11.74(gi12c, on time, and 15Slibus lifeW Orleans, by auction, at from 0% pa l2ko V SPlRlTS.—Foreign continues firm, but quiet; N. E. Hum is 61667; Whisky is better and prices are timer; sales of Ohio ha rrel:e at 4634047 e; tilde at 46c, an d drudge at 15e, V gallon. TALLOW TALLOW is unsettle , ' we quote city rendered at 110 11)•_.e, and country at 1006.0.40 V lb. O • WOL continues very dull; Minall sales are making from 60@70c'11 Ib, cub; for medium and fine fleece. The following are tne receipts of Flour and drain: at this port to-day : 9 nr tlVheat 1,300 bbba 5,800 bum. Corn ' 6,100 bur. Oats 15,360 bur.; View York Markets, June 23. SnßADsrurps.The :Flour' market is dull, hesvy. and G®lo cents lower on ,Western'- grade& Extra is scarce and firmly held. • ' The sales are. 8,506 bbls; at 94.50g/1.05 for superfine State: $5.40(55.70 for extra do; $1 .40®5 for slum - due Michigan. Indiana, loWa, Ohio, Ste; $5.50®5.90 for extra do, including- shipping brands of round-hoop Ohio at $5.80@5,90, and trtde brands do at $6©7.90. Southern Flour is quiet and without material change; sales of nil bbls at su.logu. 95 for superfine Baltimore, and $8.98@9.25 for extr.. do. Canadian :Flour is cull, with sales of 40D bbls, at 11.1.4,5 @0.70 for common, and $5.7507.60 for the range of fine and superfine. Rye Flour is quiet, with small sales at $3.60(45.10 foi the range of line and superfine. • Corn. Meal is unchanged and rather quiet. We quote Jersey at $420; 13raudywin0, $4.60; Caloric, $4.00; puncheons, $22. Wheat °period with a moderate demand for shipment. and the market exhibited more tone and steadiness, but closed up dull - and heavily, The sales are 4 .1 .0,i0 bushels at $1 17@1.35 for Chicago Spring; $1.30@ t. 36 for Milwaukee Club; st.4o(gtl. 41% for amber Iowa; $1.4201.4S for winter red Western; $1.48 1.60 for amber, Michigan, and $1.156 for common. white Ohio. • Rye is quiet; salesl,M)bushels at sl.os—an extreme rate. Barley rernalne .. dall, and there is nothing of any mo nent doing. .. . Oats are lower and dull at 70@79e for .Canadian, Western, and State. . . . Corn opened steadily, but closed up dull and in favor Of the buyer; sales 60,000 bushels at 70g75iic for ship ping, and 74@i60 for Eastern. ITEDICtet. STONEWALL JAONsoll AMONG THE SPl arrs.—The Independent has the authority of Spi ritualists for declaring that, since his death, Stone wall Jackson has become a strong anti-slavery man ! It requires no'such revelation from: the un known world to convince the citizens of Philadel phia that the beet place to buy Coal is at the well known Yard of Mr. W. W. Alter, Ninth street, above Poplar. IVIr. Alter does undoubtedly sell the best and cleanest coal, and at more reasonable prices, than any other coal dealer in this city. FINE QUALITY OP CANNED SUMMER Fauns,—The proprietors of the popular old grOcery house of the late 0. 11. lYLattson, Arch and Tenth streets, have now in store a complete assortment of Canned Summer Fruits, in the very finest state of preservation, to which we invite the attention of Our readers, MAGNIFICENT STOCN. OF SUMMER CLOTH XNG SELLING AT BAIMAINS.—Messrs. C. Somers & eon, No. 7215 Chestnut street, are now giving their numerous patrons and the public generally the-most elegant suits of fashionable Summer Clothing, for the money, that can be bought in this city, and the consequence is, their store is literally overwhelmed With =stemma, whilat many other merchants in this department of trade are doing comparatively SEA SONA 33 LE CONFECTIONS.—Persons about leaving the city should not fail to supply themselves with a budget of Mr. A. L. Vansant , s delicious fine confections, done up in one of his beautiful boxes, for that purpose. His sweet Jor dan Roasted Almonds, fine caromels, bon-bons, French and American mixtures, chocolate prepara tions, together with his splendid hothouse and tro pical fruits, are most delicious and tempting. FINE MD TANY TRAPPINGS of every de- Moription, suitable for army and navy officers, will :be found at Charles Oakford & Sons, under the•Con linental Hotel. FOR THE BEST-MADE and most comfort ably.fittiog Shirts made in this country, go to George Grant, No. 610,Chestnut street. THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF FASECIONABLi SATs for men and boys, in this city, our readers ;ON find at Oakford & Sons', under the Oontinintal THE RAID ON 'OUR BORDERS.—Mr: - tor—Dear Sir :.,Last evening. being the - commence ment Of a new Week at our boardinghouse, the land lady, according to long-standingth eats, made an at tabk upOn us by raising the fare to7s4perweek. She had been menacing our front 'a long tithe, sending into us frequent volleys from her tongue (which I think is a ten• inch bore), to the effect that sugar was SO cents and coffee 40 cents per pound, and other Shrapnel of that kind. I tried to remonstrate, but She said she outranked all of us. I told her I thought the butter did, but she r , didn't see it,i , and one'of ray best johis was lost. Please - . inaert this right over the adrertiaement of Charles :Stokes & Co's. Clothing Store, so that it will be surnto be read. Resliectfully, _ " HARD MODERN INVENTION seems certainly to be greatly mitigating the severity of the sentence pronounced against our race for the first transgres- Sion. Clothing the naked, the unrelieved task of past generations, henceforth is little more than a pastime. And no one has contributed more to this change than Mr. William 0. Grover, of the Grover & Baker S. M. Co. Having created the branch of 'the sewing machine art with which his name is con• Rested, and carried his inventions in that branch be• yond competition, he has by his last productions placed himself at the head of the rival branch of the name art. His new shuttle or lock-stitch machines are as much in advance of otherlock-stitch machines Rs his Grover .& Baker stitch machines are in ad= }ranee of others of that clam ABOUT TAXES NORTH. AND SOUTH. One of our exchanges says: ' , lf anybody is 4 dissat: tidied with Federal money, let him go South and get Confederate money. If anybody :is dissatisfied with United States taxes, let him go South and pay southern taxes. If anybody is dissatisfied with the United States enrolment, let him go South and enjoy the benefits of the Southern conscription And, we may add, that if anybody is not satisfied With the elegant civilian andmilitary suits made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, /et him go to some other establishment and see whether he would have not fared better by adhering 4 1ohlifirst love in the way of wearing apparel. TEE secret of Nessus'' shirt, it is said, . WAY/ a shirt with all the buttons off. It was sent to liercules purposely to annoyhim, and the effect was that every time he put it on, the absence of the but tons used to put Hercules into each a rage that ut• timately it proved the death of him. Had Hercules been living in these days he would no doubt have patronized the one. price Fashionable Clothing Emporium'of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut 43treet. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Continental—Nin six H Lee, New York Bon Covade, Yuma L Hearne, New York W Baker, York ud Chestnut streets. II Brookfield, Pittsburg Green, Pittsburg H Parker, Pittsburg F I“ixbrough. Pittsburg W E Ingram & 1, lon. city Col J H Mason Surgeon Vandersmith J Park & wf, Washington _ W D Sewaly, Baltimore Meigs, Phoenixville Hugh Garnet' John Mullin - W- Rogers, Baltimore .3S Wallach, Wmhington C Eaton, New yo re -Mrs Moore, New York DrH W W Carroll, U 8 A Dr W F Munroe, U S .1 L Dumont, New Jersey Homans, New Jsr eyl H Jeseup, hlontrose, Ya Hawkins Thos J Tapp, Lon+ s si U e. By B Wheeden & NO, Belt A H Marks Jae P Robertson, U S INT Geo W Jefferson, Maryland Hon E Bates & lady, Wash Miss - M. Bates,Washington Wm M Mehrsos, St Louis pS& - Mrs Enap, N.T • sOO Sprague & child Sprague • "Eir-E Kensington 4113.30 J Washburn, Worcester Zas Armstrong, New York Vir S Kelly, & lady, IN Y F Callan, Wash, D C $$ Denton, Cambridge, - Mase Was Stryker,-Lamberi vale Stryker,Lambertvllle J C Delhi, New Yosk Jae B Andrew, N Y W Towers, Bow York M Alextmdt r, NY . . Sirs W H Emery, Boston C L Hardenbergh, Wash Wells Roverly, Harrisburg Dr P Croghan, New York T M Camp. West Chester Lient Cora Braise, U S Df J Fritz,Bethlehem P Jones, U 8 A Metcalfe, By Front, New York Simon W Arnold & lady L Kirkland,Baltimore E B Dodd dit wife, N G W Ifoyte - - W B Fletcher, Prov, It. I H Watson, IVashington Seth Bryant, Boston R C Greilfonbager, N Y 7. Cushing, Boston, ' 0130 C Borsen, Boston ' • IA Green, Boston C Schaerns, Baltimore Oeo Van Sciver, N J Chas F Darchin, Boston J Scranton, Scranton; Plt. [drawl—Cheatuus. T avid i Cooper, New Jersey .1 treet.helovr Ninth. Miss A MSevasey, Hatboro ILL Teesdale, Cincinnati David S Bidding, Cincinnati H TSpark, - Cincinnati Tas R Wright, New. Jersey Mrs S Wright, New Jersey Theo Roland, Madison Miss L Roland;'Madlsou Jas Freeland, Llarrisburg J DI Kennedy, Pittsburg. A L Davis, Easton Chas Houghton, Boston Charles T Parker, Boston CE Culver, USN Mrs Gen Spangler, York, Pa Miss S E Spangler, York, Hon T Jones Yorke; N J Obas W Burlingame, 11l James Willinge, Penne John Moore, Penna Ceo Williams, Camberld co Hughes & 1, Cumberld co T.LeinenrinK, Mauch Chunk Jas A Polk, Mauch Chunk S Schuyler, Albany Jos Morgan, New York W H Maroon Nlbert.White, Delaware R Eby, Harrisbitrg Mercur & wf, Towanda NW Si Mortar, Towanda P Boyer & wf, heading Dissinger, Eligabstb town ai G H Bardwell, Si istln John P Stockton & la, N J 31F Stockton, Trenton, N J Geo H Bangs, Washington R()rob% Boston ichard F Stevens' A Havermyer, New York N T Spencer, New J cr..ey Hartaorn, Cu tWetsville J H Macomber, ri s J P Boxier & wf, Carlisle Ef. Ballade, Rending Dyer, liagerst,vn. IS Hamilton, lialtinwre j Harwood, New-York`' r st. unds—Citesenu t . W Mann, New Yolk J Moran, Now York tialffibir .1) -4/3 Hill, Jr. Weal], D C . 3"" itsle E Hill, Wash, 1) C al''Hill, Wash, D iso S Leger Wash, D J Baltimore Morsop, Clearfield Garland & la, New Jersey, Guth, Allentown Daily Sr la, Brooklyn P Gorsuch, Cc nnecticut lirW Bennett, Hartford G 1' Nix on , & la,- sPenna G Keates Ati,antio City I W Getededa irArtrgiti lißolinee New Jersey street. above Third. 0 F Ackley, Bridgeton, N J Cat Bowen, Alexanaria,Va IR Weber ; New York J H Willits, New Jersey J J B Jones, New ,TerseY. S Mr-irk, Ohio S W Calvert, Illinois' 1 ‘V W Van Ness . IS k Balsrd, II S N f, H White. 'U S N .-' I F Stono, New York . N Sparks, Jeliersonville,lnd J Grason, Jr New York ~T N Hatcher: Harrisburg '., if W Cole: Troy, N Y • )1 P A. Reese, Ma.T.5 ta, • 5 I' Butterfiel ew York L Wong, Ne ark; N J li' N Holley , Onnectiont . . _ . ...„ ... . , , street, above Fifth, EP Bowen, Maryland . , D Johnson, Delaware's W seymonr. Hagerstown B M Ware, Bridgeton. N J J W Roseberry, Pottsville Miss Roseberry, Pottsville Miss Donglais, Peon'a Vieter Douglass, Perm's C B flftll, Bow York CapkGrane k lady, IT 6 A Miss 'Jewett, Brooklyn, Pa American—Chestnut B Lama & 'adj. Washington Geo Smith I' A Hubbard A Nordliuger, New York W D Wilson, Newark Henry Dleffenbacb, Newark G Thompson, Carbondale J W Ready Mrs Cant Nadi OY, N Y - A Waterman, Providence W H Barr, Delaware MerchantiO—leourt J Dickinson, New York .1 It Burnett, Felton, Del L Banna,Franklin; Pa D Barron. New York . J.M.vConuPJ.I. New .fork ENcwlit, New York. T Sinclair, New York . A B AlexandriaNa J E Jones. Williamsport A Thompson, Milroy -; S ltimmell, Hollidaysburg stxect. below Arc h. J P Packer, Holiard W Granger, Detroit G S Mays, Pittsburg J Stambaugh, Mrs 6la , j Wetherell, Peuna 0 W Parsons, Lock Haven tare Smith, Jameatowa J W Williamsport C D Brodhead Sr wf, Palma D Sayler. Monroe co C Roby, Massachusetts reet, above Cheetnut Jac Palmer & la, Oxford A Pomeroy, New York W P White, Carversville a C Nesbitt, Maryland John Sadler, Maryland win MeCallough,Maryland W it Pennington, Maryland .1 - C North, Oxford, Pa I Intardin, Coatesville Geo .Callauder, Morristown Jos Pyle, Ponna S D Chandler. Jennerevilla W Mallard & lady ontmeretal—Sboth at litendenhall,'New Fork C R Cook, Port Deposit. -W L Lockwood. Delaware J Paine, S N T R Arnold, IT N JArnold, S N I J Woodridge, Chester co W Pratt. Prima Cart W F Robinson, Del Limit II C O'Donnell Win If Burt, Coudersport Miss A Sailor, Chambersb'g ,las Thomson, U S JD Richards, U S A d. St" below Vine. S - Nona rt Cooper, Penns, bonallower, %Varioinster fforris Jttrett, Warminner tlarple, Warminster Barley Sheaf--Seto A Valiyton, Nfiestown ' • Chas Horner, Warminster ' J Cadwalader,Fox Chase Mr 'Faxon, Solebury F Krowson, Warminster Jesse James, By berry Thos J Janney, Newtown H A Myers, Montg co, Pa .11 W Knight,Feasterville B W Simpson, Bucks co J Malery, Penna. IS Rice, Solebnry Philip Fretz, Doylestown Capt'R Godfrey, Patina Mrs G R Davenport, Penna Geo Carver, W Chester Al 3 Clayton, Mileatown and. Xarket streets. John Barrett, Boston. N W J Divine, ew York Abner Kirk, Maryland Mrs C W Binder, Phila, 111 re Primrose & son, Phila Sohn Bruner, Lancaster. M. Passel, PI 0, Che.ster co Mrs Passel, Chester co Moses Moses, Chester, Pa Staters Union--Sixth J C Blake, Taunton, jidass Bliielirran,'MeVeytown W Graves,,Wilm, Del , P Richards: Delaware Dlinnyle; Somerton, Pa Mr Marks, Lancaster .1 Hoban, Indiana co, Pa ,D R Watson, Mt Joy Cooeb. kieware, Del H. glazier, Huntingdon, Pa •treet, above. Third. IR Stees, Pine Grove W dau,Yine Grove J Piedman, New Jersey D Bennett, Maryland. A G Whiteley, Delaware. Geo Snyder, Liverpool, Pa S Montgomery, Millersburg Isaac. Gomd, Trenton, N J Leluing, New York Miss Leinmg, New York The Union—Arch e G Vaildenberg,h,Rome J Br . r son, Pa Jas Wiley, Wa=h, D C Ii S Walson, , Delawars • Miss S A Soul T Dl Lauman Sc A Clarke. Naha, 0 • . J G Reading, .L , Zew Jersey. J Lane, Delaware M M Marple P Williams, Pittsburg it,4 above Callowhill. Chas Caller, Noutg co, Pa Barclay Brown. Penna Jacob Loch, Ranbsville G K Bicker, York, Pa Boyer, illahanoy City C Decker, .51ahs,n5y City Jesse Arter. Danville ~ Bald., Bagle7Third P Huber, Fauna J L Farr. Allentown Aaron Waip, Richland ft L Sultzbecir, Marietta DrN F Hallernan,Lehigh co 8 kbafor. Northampton co A Johnson, Nazareth, Pa itbove Calicrwhilll6 P Nier. Row York B Fisher, Springville . J Buckman. Yardleyville :r S Cornell. Feasterville A. Rhoads, Feasterville Black pear—Third S A S Easterly, Readinii, &Deal, Hamburg Chas T Bnell, Reading Wm Darner, Bear sbury John Hersh, Peanc k tnu'Y A Backman, rouna,, eet, above Third. - S Adams, Easton,Pa J B Brubacher, M' JOy,;Pa Geo Weidman, Lebanon co G W Seiler & wf, Milton, Pa Samuel Jeffrie3, Ohio National—Baca at, Jll Campbell, Wffliamspl Eeggs, Washington E W Grover C 13 Grubb E Phillips,Catasnuona reet, Above Market. Dr H D Knowles, Seaford Tosiah Stowell, Penn, C A Stowell, Penne J Bowman, New Hope, Pa Madison—Second at 6 P Craig & fam,Washingt'n Ai V 7 Allen, Attleboro, Pa John L Gordon, N'J J Nichols, New Jersey Win Ent, New. JereeY SPECIAL, NOTICES. THE REBEL RAID. Br TAB BAUD OF TOWER RAM People of the Keystone Etatis, Hostile footsteps press your soil; rause not now for cold debate While your foemen seize the spoil. see, they come; on plunder bent Haste, the mischief to prevent; - - Save the produce of your tillage, Save your fields and barns from pillage; Save J our stores - and dwelling houses. Comfort your affrighted spouses; nahily show those hUngry sinners Ton% not furnish them with dinners. "Hospitable graves," indeed, May they from our kindness claim, When they hither come to feed, Uninvited, void of shame. - Pennsylvanians can't afford These voracious gangs to board, Or to furnish them with coats Paid for with Secession notes. • Customets of such a kind Buyyarr wishes not to find • But to good and true men, he Bargains sells most willingly. The largest stock and most complete assortment of readymade Clothing in Philadelphia; on hand, and sailing much below present market prices, at TOWER. HALL, 518 MAILICET Street, EMMETT & CO. THE WAIL OF TUE FLEA.-BUG. LYON, our remorseless foc, Lays us. by the thousandg, low ; Touched by his magnetic duet, • • Though unwilling, die we must. - If our power but matched our will, We'd that insect-murderer kill ; - For his Powder, sure as fate, Will our raceunnihilate. Lyon's Powder is harmless to mankind,-but:-wilt kill all house insects, garden wormc,vine-bugs, &c. Lyon's Magnetic Pills - are sure death to rats and mice. Sold everywhere. - DEMAS S. BARNES, je2o-11.1 ' New York. EPILEPSY, CONVULSIONS OR FITS. This disease soon becomes firmly fixed by habit, and the more numerous the attacks have been, the greater is their liability to return, and the greater will be the tiff-, ficulty in arresting them. They also repeat, themselves at Shorter intervals, and they gradnally increase'.in se verity,so that what at first was perhaps a mere faintness, with or without slight muscular twitchings, and occur ring - at long intervals, in time' become violent convul sions, of almost daily occurrence: The person thus 'af fected gradually sinks into a state of imbecility, a bu' den to himself arid to his friends, until at length his suf ferings are ended by the band of Death. It is evident that if relief is obtained at all after the disease becoines habitual, it must be some treatment which is permanent in its effects, and,,Which not 'only suppresses the attacks, but also, if possible, removes the morbid tendency to relapse.' Dr. D. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE has been found to an swer this purpose adniirably, gradually removing the morbid tendency and the causes which produce the die ease, and when its use is continued for a sufficient length of time, producing permanent cares. - Prepared only at No. 242 CHESTNUT Street. ' ial9fm&w3t WHATEVER MAY BE THE REMOTE OR PRI MARY cause of. Skin Diseases, the immediate- cause will always be found in an obstructed statelof the porde, which throw off the insensible perspiration, The remedy for this obstruction is JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE, for It re moves not only the obstinate state of the pores, but at the same time frees the blood and perspiration from all iMpurities sad gross particles, which are -so liable to obitruct tie small perspiratery vessels. The very worst cases are constantly being 'cured by this valuable prepa ration. Prepared. only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON No. 242 DEIESTRIIT Street. iel9-fm&w3t 0 - 0 , FIRST REMOIM. ROVER GU JoiAKER SSEW ING biACHINES, with latest improvements. Offices, 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia; MAIN Street, at Toll Gate, Germantown. jel9fraw-lOt 13 AM DYE! HAIR DYE!! ' BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE to the Best in the World. The only Harmless., Trzte and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect--changes Red. Rusty or Gray. Hair, instantly to a Glossy Black or natural Brown, without Injuring the Hair or Stain ing the Skin, leaiing the Hair Soft • and. Beautiful; im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring, pristine color, and. -rectifies the ill effects of Bed' Dyes. The Genuine ie signed. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, all others are mere imitations, and. should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &c; FACTORY—SI BARCL AY Street, New York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. j e 23 -ly ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF 'THE LATEST STYLES, made in the Best Kanner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi cores. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ONE-Pima SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. del2•ly JONES tic CO. - ;604 MARKET Street. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, . OF CONNECTICUT, 18 the author of " Dr.. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." 1%.11-ek - EGRIE.3D- MEIN-AMER —On the 23d inst.-, at the Church of the Assumption, by the Rev. Father Carter, John H. Mein, to Celle H. Amer, second daughter, of William Amer, Eau_ all of this city, APP.LETON—ABBRCROMBIE.—On the 22i1 inst.,. by the Right Rev. Bishop Stevens, Samuel Appleton, Esq., of Boston, to Miss Mary Ernestine, daughter of General J. J. Abercrombie, 11. S. - Army. - * JONES—REHLOGG.—On the 18th Inst.,. by the Rev. Hugh Carpenter, Jos. G. Jones, of Philadelphia, and M Christine L. Kellogg, youngest daughter of .A. Kel logg, of Brooklyn. New York. * • STECHER WILLIAMSON . —Ouithe 18th inst., by the Rev O. Krosh, Mr. Theodore' Steelier; of York, Pa., to Miss Jessie B. Williamson, of Philadelphia. -v DIED. 13ENNETT, --On the 23d .inst., Mr. Wm. V. Bennett, in the 43d year of his age. Ihe relatives and friends of the family, also the Min nehaha Lodge of the Sons of fdalta, the' Masonic Lodge, No. 292, of Frank ford, and the members of the Corn Ex change-Association, are respectfully invited to attend • hie fureral from his late residence, No. 1746 Frankford road. on Friday, the 26th inst., at-JO o'clock, without further notice. Proceed to Abington Cemetery. .**. THOM AS. —On Saturday .evening. 20th inst., in 'the 4Sth year of his age, Martin, son of Moses Thomas. - Funeral from the residence of his father No. 1702 Wal. Put street, this (Wednesday) morning, at 9 o'clock. *_ GRIFFITH—On Jane 22, Fanny Pennington, daugh ter of Wharton and Fanny L: °Maths aged 2years. * mr, LAUGHLIN. —On the 22d inst., Edward McLaug, - lin, in the 22d year of his age. . . Bit friends and those of the family are invited to No. 621 hisfuneral from the residence of hit brother. No. 521 South Ninth street, onFriday morning, at 9" o'clock. Funeral service at St. Mary's Church. ' *** CARTER.—On the 21st inst., Daniel S. Carter, Esq , ia the, 70th year of his age. • • CEUICE. —On the 21st inst.,Doctor John J. eldest eon of the late James P. Crnice, Esq. • DEVINE.—On the 20th inst., Andrew Devine, aged 27 years... EHRET. --On the 21st inst.. John Jackson, son 'of Wm. H. and Emoline Ehret, need 9 years. HARKIN:D.—On the 221 Inst., Catharine Harkins, aged' CALHOUN". —On the 21st inst., Joseph Calhoun; son of. WilEans and Margarey Calhoun, aged 2-years and 9.. months..• BLACK NORWICH CRAPES.-JUST received, Norwich Crapes at 3730. a yard. Black all-wool, double-width Delaines, , Black Mousseline de Lairlo Shawls. Black Camel'a Hair Barege Long Shawls, (two Shawls sntltcient to make a dress.) - Black Silk Chally. Black and White Mohair Plaids, 20 and 28 cents. . Black Gros de Rhine, $l. $1.12%, &c. • Black Poult deScde, or Mourning Silk. BRSSON & SON, Mourning Store, . j e l6 No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. I)LAIN WHITE CRAPE SHAWLS -•-• White Barege,Shawls; Light Lama bliawls; Sown:Ler Shawls, wholesale; • Black _Lace Points. iecOEYRE & LANDELL, • ' FOURTH & ARCH Streets. SUMMER, SILKS AND DRESS GOODS Foulards reduced: Nest Plaid and Stripe Silks; Durk Lawns, Mosamblunes, 14320 - • ' &YR& & LANDELL. 1/•• 0 TIC E.-- THE SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE for'the purpose of Recruiting Co lorOclßeginiente will meet at the UNION" LEAGUE HOUSE.,Dio. 1118 CHESTNUT Street, THIS DAY.: at 12,o'clock Dreeisaly. . •Punctual attendance it .reqtte3ted. It . . RY. BARREL, Secretiry„ FOURTH OF 4-lUtr NATIONAL PROOESSION, UNDER THE DIREOT/ON OF THE UNION LEAGUE IN PHILADELPHIA. ALL ORGANIZATIONS ADD ASSOOIATIONS desiring to take part in ilia Firoceseion will please to give notice of their intention to do'so at once. ALL LOYAL ORGANIZATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS are invited to join it. Those of the following character are particularly mentioned: MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS: of any arm of the tervdec belongink to the United States or to any of the Staten. • INVALID SOLDIERS AND THOSE HONORABLY DIS- CFIARGED FROM AcrivE punt. 'Arrangements will be made to provide for those who are not able to-walk. COLLEGES. AND PUBLIC OR PRIVATE. SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTIONS FOR INSTRUCTION. UNION LEAGUES FROM ANY STATE IN THE' THE TURNER ASSOCIATION AND THE VARIOUS SINGING SOCIETIES. THE NATIONAL GUARD. FIRE ENGINE: HOSE, AND HOOK AND LADDER CODIPANIES, With their Engines, Carriages; and Equipments. These Associations aro particularl requested to furnish 'their Ambulances for Invalid Soldiers. -ASSOCIATIONS For the ptirhoso of Exhibiting in the Procession - TRADES, MANUFACTURERS, AGRICULTURAL PRO ORGANIZEO BODIES OF :VICTUALERS, ON HORSE BACK OR ON FOOT. ORGANIZED BODIES. OF DRAYMEN, ON HORSE - BACK OR ON FOOT: A CAVALCADE OF CITIZENS. • CITIZENS ON FOOT. r: Citizens are requested to DECORATE THEM. DWE LINOS, along the Route'of the Procession, with FLAGS Particular request is made that apPlications for Places in the Procession may be made early, and that full in formation be obtained to prevent confusion. All communications will be addressed to,the "CON MITTEN ON THE PROCESSION," care of - MR. E. G. ANDREWS, UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, 14312-finwt4th No. - CHESTNUT STREET. M• HON. E. N.'STANTON, SECRETA RY OF, WAR; WASHINGTON : On behalf of the citizens of Philadelphia. and its vicinity, the undersige ed respectfully request you to issue the proper authori zation for immediatelykaising three Regiments - of Vo lunteers of COLORED MEN, from this part ' of Penrusyl vania, for the war. The undersigned are happy to be able to state that. in their judgment, such action on your part would be gladly welcomed and earnestly sus tained by a vast majority of their Loyal fellow-citizens; and that the invitation to volunteer for the defence of the Union would be responded to with zeal and alacrity, by the colored men of Pennsylvania.. The undersigned would respectfully suggest that, should you conclude to issue the instruction which they urge, that you order Fort Milne, or some other suitable place, to be:prepared for the reception of the volunteers as fast as they may enlist; that none but co lored non-commissioned officers be allowed to canvass for recruits, and that no individual, no clique, nor .dis tined set of politicians, be exclusively entrusted with this matter. It is the whole people who urge this action, and all classes should be charged with its support 'Fi nally, the undersigned assure you that they are willing to undertake the collection of whatsoever funds may be necessary to defray extraordinary expenses for recruit ing not allowed by the Government, and ; in every other honorable and disinterested way give their hearty ef forte towards raising these regiments of , Colored Men for the mar. Leaving the whole quest cruits to Yen, with. uo ate head, the undersigned solii memorial._ PrinanstratrA. June 10, It Thomas Webster; - -Daniel Smith; Jr., W. D W. C. Keehmle, Wm. D. Kelley. W. H. Kern, - , W.- H. Ashurst, N. B. Brown. W. Retch. Wister, J. W. Field, J. M. McKim, George H. Boller. Horace Binney, Jr., Caleb H. Needlee, John It. Kenney. Henry Samuel, Francis Wells, i s S A. Mercer, Samuel Sinus. H. C. Carey, Daniel Bancroft, H. C. Baird, William Tilghman, J. E. Caldwell & Co., E. R. Hutchinson, George Grant, Walter H, Lewis. A. H. Franciscus, T. Holloway, George Truman, Jr,. E. Lukens, A. W. Little & CO., John H. Brown; Charles S. Wise,'. W. G. McAllister,-' Lemuel Collin, E. Smith Kelly, Marshall Hill, 0. Heaton, Jacob Burnett. C. S. Grove, A. J. Antelo, • M. McMichael, Jr.. Joseph Kerr, J. R. Paul,* Harmanus Neff. Edw. Mitchell, H. Wallace. Bermann Bokum. W. Struthers, - Henry Davis, Geo. b. Bethell, John M. Butler. J. P. Ash, Semi. W. Cade. Wm. A. Ingham, Ch. Lennig, S. C. Markley, Edward Browning, Wass. Keith. J. hiubley Ashton, Thos. P. Tames, A. H. Denckla, Jno. Fallon, Geo. D. Wetherill. B. S. Reed, Theo. Bliss. ' A.R. lilcßenrY. Jno. H. Diehl, Lloyd P. Smith, Alex. J. Lane, Joshua Spering. David WetherlY, Jr., E. Tracy; E. D.Stokes, J. W. Stokes, G. M. Coates, G. H. Roberts. C. 1 , „ Norton, C.'smi,h. Geo. W. Thorn. - . Ch. G. Sowers, -Egan Rogers, Wm. T. Hansen, ' John E. Graff, Edwin Greble, John De - Bret, M. Williamson, James Huddiel, • John S Withers, Geo. Young, Alex. M. Fox, Jacob Naylor, E. G. Kuhn, • C. Sherman, J. G. L.Brown, E. P. Moyer, Geo. D. Stroud, Samuel C. Perkins, James M. Farr, Samuel O. Canby, Chas. M. Peterson, J. Maddock, Jr., Franklin Jenks, B. M. - Needles, M. RuseellTh ayer, John D. Hall, John S. Newbold, Galloway C. Morris; Chas. Cabbt, J. C. Morris, M. D. Chas. Platt, Matthias Maris, Abraham Barker, F. Fraley, Alex. Murphy, Colonel elst Reg't P. M. Al - Alex. Priestly. Philip S. Justice. L. C. lungerich. Benj. Andrews. Wm. S. Grant, J E. Addicks, H. W. Andrews, Thos. P. Stotesbury, John L. Boupt, Wm. Meredith, Wm. Buckuell, John A. Wilson. John F. Meigs, M. D., Wm. R. White, Atherton Bleight, Philip Brooks, Levi T. Rutter, Henry Simons, - Charles T. Yerkes, Alen of officering* these re ,ggestions whatever on that cit an early answen-to this George A. Coffey. Charles Gibbons, Saunders Lewis, Morton McMichael, C. El Clark,. - A. Birgfeld E G. Andrews, William Devine, Stephen Colwell, S. M. Felton, R. P. King. W. R. MeCleeS, ".A. B. Atkins, - Thomas C. Yarnell, John Walker Jackson, Benjamin H. Brewster, George T. Thorn, Daniel 3. Cochran, James Warrington, G. W. Gray, E. Carpenter, W. S. Stewart, Ferd. J. Dreer, George W. Trott, John Tucker. - W. W. Justice, Charles S. Smith, Wm. T. Wainwright, 'Cr 11. Grosman, IT S A S.W. Paul, James L. Claghern, James Bateman, M. A. De W. Howe, George Whitney, . Charles O'Neill, 'Hueco B. Fry, H. Robinson. W. H. Kemble, T. Russell Dawson, John P. Verne,- Thomas Birch, Geo. S BuzbY, Craig T. Ritchie, J. W. Haziehurst, J. B. Fry, J. G. Hollingsworth, • John T. Lewis. Geo. J. Gross, S. A. Caldwell, Chas. Norris Frank B. Beige, W. B. Russell, R. Rundle Smith. Cadwalader Biddle, B. F. Reimer . 'E. Boyd, U. S r . A,' W. Bucknell, Thos. W. Sweeney, H. Geiger, John o.. Davis, Alfred L. Kennedy, John Tucker,: Jr.. B. P. Southworth, B. W. Rathburn, D. T. Pratt, John Thompson, Jas. Pollock, Sue: F. Frazier, Jae. Trimble, W.' G. Thomas, Jas. W. Carson, Theo. Adams, • James N. Stone, George Erety, Charles Gilpin, L. C. Madeira, H. Hopper, E G. Cattell, S. Fisher Corlies, A. S. Leithwork, B.C. - Howell, Charles Watson. George Watson, W. P. Jenks, Robert Ervien, Edward Sitar. Alfred Hunt, W. S. Simon, S S. Kenny, James G relent, Jos. Withers John J. Hartmann, W. Murphy, Francis P. Steel, E. C. - Knight, Andrew Wheeler, Win. Sellers, - - Samuel S. White. N. Rowland, -- - J. Edgar Thomson, Jae. Wilcox, J. B. McFarland. Evan Randolph, W. T. Ashman, John B. Myers, - James T. Farness, A. E. Berle, John Griggg. - - - - Robert - B. Cabeen.-- James M. Aertsen,' Thomas Smith, Wm. Cummings,' A. James M. Longacre, B. H.-Kennedy. Samuel EL Trotter, W. biorris Davis, G. 13. Newhall. ' C: Hering, M. D. , Stephen Morris, Samuel T. Altemus, 8.. Gerhard, - John McArthur, Thomas J. Megear, Kingston Goddard, - Thomas W. Evans, John Davis Watson, Clement S Rutter, Geo. - M. Connarroe. John Clayton, Henry Cohen,- A. R. Jones, Alger S RolMrte, - Wm. -F. Paddock, , Theodore Berry, , Percival Roberts. Charles Wefts, M. D. ASHINGTON, June 17, 1861 : The petition of the citizens ty to raise three regiments of .en eceived 'hy this Depart have been issued for raising the Department will be ex- ME. DWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. THOMAS WEBSTER. Eso of Philadelphia. for anthori , Colored Vo.unteers, has be inent, and the proper orders the troops. The views of plained to you by Major Ste jelB-81 IVIA.SS MEETING OE• COLORED PEOPLE —A . great Mass Meeting of the CO LORED PEOPLE OF BHILADELPHIA, will be held at FRANKLIN HALL, Sixth - street, below Arch, THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, 24th inst.,. at 8 .o'clock cisely ; the object being to advance the intsrests of. the recruiting service among our people. Rev. John Walker Jackson, and other very prominent speakers, will ad- dress the meeting. Signed, - 0. V. Catto, 1 David B. Bowser, . St. George R. Taylor, J. C. Gibbs; J. C. White, Jr., A. B. Adams, Daniel Callery, Rev. William T. Catto, D. D. Turner, Alfred M. Green, Jam E. Brown,' William E. Gibson, Cropper, Jonathan Miller, John G. Johnson, J.-E. Glascovr, - -•John W. Simpson, - George 13. White; 4 ",: Dr. James H.. Wilson, R. M. Adger, Prof.'E. D. Bassett, Thomas J. Bowers, N. L. Dupey • Thomas Charnock, William klinturn, E. Y. Venning, Cyrus B. Miller, James Mecmurrill. 11* M.,11./NUIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, (DEPARTMENT OF , ARTS. )—The. Examina tion of the Junior,' Sophemore, . and Pimshman Classes,' at the close of the Third Terni, will be holt', in- the 'fol lowing order: - . : . ' - : , . Tuesday, June 29d. Froin 9-to 11, Sophomores, by Prof. Fraser, (Dletalie Chemistry,) written:. Yroni 11 to 1, Juniors, by the Provost, (Intellectual .Philosophy,) . . Wednesday, 24th. From 9 to 11, Juniors, by Prof. Kendall, (Differential Calculus) and Sophomores, by Prof. Jackson, (Odes of Horace, ) written. From 11 to 1, Freshmen, by Prof. Allen. (Herodotns,) oral. Thurkd ay, 25th. ' From 9to 11, Sophomores, by Prof. Coppee, (History,) and Freshmen, - by Prof. Kendall, (Geometry;) written. From 11. to 1, Juniors, by Prof. Frazer, (Heat and the Steam Engine.) oral.. , Friday,26th. From 9to 11, . Sophomores, by. Prof Kendall; (AnalyticalY eometry.) written. From 11 o.'t Juniors; by. Prof. Allen, (The. Clouds of Aristophanes-) Monday. 29. From 9to 11, Juniors. by ,Prof. Jackson, (The Atdularia of Plantns,) oral. From 11 'to 1, Sonbo mores, by Prof. Allen, (Thncydides,) oral. Tuesday, 30th. From 9 to,ll, .Freshmen, by Prof. Coppee, (History ) oral. k J Wednesday, July let. From 9 to 11, Freshmen; by Prof. Jackson, (Livy,) oral. GEORGE ALLEN, 9e23-7t SecretarY of the Faculty of Arts. r3=. THE FAIR AT THE UNION- VO LUNTEER IiEFRESIIMBNT. SALOON has thus far been successful, notwithstanding the rush of soldiers the Committee are called .upon. to feed since the excite =ant of the invasion. - • - The Fair itself is ,enough to attract large crowds, and in addition to this, regiments of soldiers are constantly arriving, both on their way from and to the seat of war. Over twenty regiments. were entertained at the Saloon .. • - Persons cannot find a more attractive spend the evening, nor a more worthy institution to aid. It HEADQUARTERS- NATIONAL UNION CLUB, No 1105 CHESTNUT Street (Girard Bow). - The members of the Club are, informed that the Club House will be-.opened one ed for theirush on WEDNESDAY, 24th inst. ALGERNON S. ROBERTS, President S. SNYDER LEIDY, - ReCOrdillg Seereta,r3r. Philadelphia; June 22, 1803. Ma..PHILADELPHIA AND /LEADING RAILROAD COMPANY. —OrercE, 73 SOUTH PHILADELPIIIA; Stine 22,1863. To avoid detention, -the holders of coupons of this company, due on the lst proximo , are requested to leave them at this office on or before the 80th instant,..wh.en re ceipts will be given; and checks will be really 'for de livery on the first proximo,in exchange for said receipts. je23-7t .• . BEADFORD. Treasurer.. lIMPROTECTIVE WAR CLAIR &GEN-) CY OF THS U. S. SANITARY- COMMISSION. — 1 - At this Ogee, established with the = approval of the De .partments' at Washington, all-claims of soldiers sand :their relatives for .BolffiTY; BACK. PAY, AND pRN SLEW, are prepared FREE OF CliaßGE' W..N.:ASHMAN. Solicitor.: 1307 CaEST3ITT street. je2a-lm THE PRESS. -PHILADELPHIA, ,WEDNESDAY, JUNE '24; 1863: 1M THE GREA:T , FAIR OF Tnn • REFRESHMENT COMMITFEE,.; AT THE SALOON, FOOTOF WASHINOTON AVENUE, WILT, CO:CT/NUM • ONE WEEK. LONGER! •' in order to give all a chance to visit us. iteglinents were continently arriving the past week. which did not interfere with conducting or the attraction of the Pelt. FRUIT; FLOWERS; FANCY ARTICLES, SOLICITED: Every: contribution, great or etriell, is recorded on the books of the Committee. • BECK'S RELIVII • Will be in attendance during each evening, An attractive feature of the Fair ie quite a , MUSEUM OF STUFFED BIRDS, &c. GOLD and SILVER FISH for sale alco, a LITHO GRAPH OF THE SALOON, and our paper, "THE FAIR RECORD, "containing our financial report. &a. ie22-Gt - ARAD DARR° WS, Chairman. MOFFICE OF THE SURGEON-All TIST TO .THE ARMY AND NAVY, PmWain rine, October 21, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs,' should apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist • to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street.. - B. FRANK PALMER, ja.9-6m Government Surgeon-Artist Mo OFFICE OF UNION lIIUTU4I. BURA,IICE COMPANY,' • • , rirrLADELPITTA. June 8, 1869. . . Notice is hereby given, that subscription.s- to, the In creased Capital of the 'Onion Mutual Insurance CoMPany. by conversion of the Scrip into Stock." 'will be receiv ed at the office of the Company, from this date to. Nov. 1, 1863, in accordance.with the amended charter accepted at a meeting of the Scripholdera • held Jnnel, 1863. jelo-Imif JOHN MOSS, Secretary. PROVOST ntAirtsnAl. GENERAL'S ri.V . OFFlCE.—Wesnittarorr, D.C. , May 22, 1863. All men who desire to loin any particular Regiment of CAVALRY now in the field, are hereby authorized to present themselves at any time during the next - ;thirty days to the BOARD OF ENROLMENT, in their respec tive tricts. The Board shall examine them, and de termine upon their fitness for the Service, and if found to be tit, the Provost Marshal of the dietrict shall give them transportation tickete to the general Rendezvous. at the Headquarters of the 'A.A. Provost Marshal General of the. State. As soon as they present themselves at this gene ral Bendezvons they shall he duly mustered by a mus tering and disbursing officer, and paid by him the bounty' allowed by law. . JAMES B. FRY, my2B-1m Provost Marshal General. OFFICE OP THE WESTNIORE LAND COAL COMPANY. No. 330 South - THIRD Street, corner of Willing's aIIey.—PITTLADEL wiIe. June 17th. 1863. —At a• meeting of the .Directors, held this day ,a Dividend of FIFTY CENTS PER SR &RE on the Capital. Stock was declared out of the profits of the past six months, payable on and after July Ist, 1833. The Transfer Books will be closed until July 3d next. jelB4Jl F. H. JACKSON,. Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE UNION CANAI, COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. .81.9. y 18, 1883. NOTIok, BONDHOLDERS.—The Bondholders of .the UNION CANAL COMPANY are hereby requested to call at the office of the Company. No. 2,28 WALNUT Street. and surrender the Coupons, as agreed nponlan accordance with the act of Assembly of April 10th, 1862 j my27-1m OSCAR THOMPSON, Treasurer. K QUARTER NIGHT OP STAR OP AIEERICA. LODGE, ..No. N. I, 0 0. F., THIS EVENING. Members are requested to call and pay their quarterly dues. Ilt*2 R 'HERITAGE, Secretary. FIRST CITY TROOP Authority has been received to send a few RECRUITS to ;~.• Each recruit will bey expected to procure his oWn.uni form, equipments, 'arms, saddle,- &c. To such as may be accepted, a horse will be furnished For information, apiky at the Axmory of the Troop, TWELFTH street, iieloxv Chestnut, betiieen the hours of 8 and 9.A. M. and P. M. VII BOUNTY ! FIRST BATTA, LION, STATE CAVALRY, Major Gardiner - \ Gate :Major of Rush's Lancers), commanding, authorized by Gov. Curtin, and Maj. General Couch fok special service.-Armed,' clothed, equipped, mounted and paid same as U. S. Cavalry. A few more good men wAnted. Term of eemicePix months. Apply at leth and Master streets, or 13th and Girard. avenue. Co. Awill be mustered in on Thursday. Capt.GEO. D. STROUD, 0324-2t* (Late of Rush's Lancers. ) ITEADQUARTERS, OF THE SUSQUEHANNA, All scattering . Troops belonging to the 12th and 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry and 37th Pennsylvania Infantry, of Major General Milroy's Command, will report at once co Colonel lee. A: Beaver, Commandant of CAME CUR TIN, near Harrisburg, Pa. , where their wards will be sli g i c ie o d m . mand ' of Majer General V. N. COUCH. je2o-6t . JNO. 8. SCHULTZE, A. A. G . iTO THE CAPTAINS OF COMPA NIES OF - VOLUNTEERS, RECRUITING FOR THE PRESENT. EMERGENCY. —Haying been appointed PAYMASTER by the disbur ring agency of the CITI ZENS' BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, of the TEN DOL LARS, for each officer and private from Philadelphia, you will please furnish me with a certified copy of the MUSTER ROLL of your Company as early as possible, so that arrangements may be made to pay the said sum. M to eaoh all going to Harrisburg under the late call for troops. . Wal. YE= lEf, je22-6t . No. 3 WILLINGS Alley. REDUCTION' IN PRICES OF RICH PARIS MANTILLAS, ALSO, OF . , HURT * ZEPHYR CLOTH CLOAKS, • SUITABLE FOR THE WHOLE, SUMMER.. J. W. PROCTOR & OD. ; 1eS•Iio if No. 926 CHESTNUT STREET. lAt prices generally bel9nr present cost of ham- VEILS, &e,. 8:c And respectfully - invites an inspection of his stock. Tao PARIS CLOAK AND MAN TILLA STORE, Northeast corner of EIGHTH and weusruz. have opened with a. LARGE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, of the MOST FASHIONABLE MAKE, sitd respectfully ask the early attention of ladies wining to 'purchase. - . CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. IVENS & CO.. No. 23 South NINTH Street, hays now on hand an extensive assortment of .sranTa STYLES. of the meat vial:Alai, at the LOWEST PRICES. Ladies; do not fail to give ns a call. BOYS', MISSES', AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, CLOAKS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, . AT LOW "PRICES, N0..13 . 7 South E.T.GHTE Stre:at, Thies doors Above Walnut • THIN DRESS GOODS. 20 and 25 cent Lawns. 25-cent ChitMee and :Mozambiques. Drab solid-color Mozambiques. Camels' hair black Bareses. MODE WOOL DELAINES. - A cheap auction lot, 44 cents. Black Wool Delaines, 50 and 60 cents. Lupin's double-width black Detainee. Mohair Cheeks and Plaids, in colors. Black and white Mohair Checks, 25 cents: THIN SHAWLS. Mozambique Shawls for $3.50. Grenadine Shawls, - White Barege Shawls. Thin Mantles. With Dresses to match. : BLACK SILK-MANTLES Handsome bladk Taffeta Mantles. FANCY CASSIMERSS. several new atteene. - Novel styles for yOnng men. A mammoth stock, at moderate prices. _ COOPER & CONAN% 30-t! E. E. eorner,MlNTMand MARKET Streets, - EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH . SE. COND Street, would call the attentiOn of the Ladies to their stock or_ , Superior Black Silks. - Wide Mantle Bilks. Black Corded Silks, Black Oros de Rhine. • Black Silks, from 41 to N. N. B.—Merchants in want of. Black Silks are invited to examine onr stock and prices. jel3-tf DRESS GOODS AT,REDUCED PRICER-31 STEEL Zs. 50N, "- No. 713! and 715 North TENTH Street,. - are now closing outAhe balance of their stock of. , Poll de Chevres; all Wool Delaines, Poplins, Delaines, Mezambiques, Taffete d'Etos ; FrenchtLawns, French. English, and AmericinChintxeS. Baregee, Silk Tissues, Silk Grenadines,' - Fancy Silks, and all kinds of ' Summer-Dress Goods, at extremely low_prices. SUMMER SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. • BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS. • CHOICE STYLES PACIFIC LAWNS at 18Xc. 1 lot 2 yards square Table Cloths, Snow Drop and. Damask, all Linen, at $1.50. • • je6 f;II N T E . ll IS _ NEW STORE,: 37.I,TORTEL, EIGHTH STREET.. The ladle are. respectfully invited to examine their well-selected stock of , , . . . . Consisting of MANTLES AND CLOAKS. Lace Shawls at $2.50; Lace Mantles from $3.50 to $25: Siik-Sacques from *8 to $10; Silk Circulars.from $5 to $2O; _ Cloth Circulars from $5 to $l5. Also, Plain and Striped POPLINS, manufactured of the best materials, in the most stylish manner, and will be sole cheaper. than - CAN BE FOUND ELSEWHERE,. N. B.—Daily- receiving the most-fashionable Dress Goods. at Cie9-Iml NOBTELEIGHTII. STREET. ENLY GO ODS. A'Shirting:-Flannols. Armßlankets. • : Silk Handkerchiefs. • • - . - Travelling "Shawls. . , :Black Silk Cravats. • - Blue Flannel Coatings. Dark Bine Doeskins". • , • SHAAPLESS BROTHERS', CHESTNUT' and EIGHTH &rae SHARPLESS BROTH - ERS OFFER-- - "-" English Chinties, 25 cents. Colored Brilliants. 26 cents. Figured Bareges, 15 cents. Plaid English Baregee, 18. n. cents. " Neat styles Challis, 26 cents.. " Lawns, 18 cents and 25 cents. • Also, Futie Lawns, Chintzes, &C - • - • Bangs% Grenadines, Grissailles: Pgaineo, Bombazines, and Alpacas. Jo ' CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. _BARGAINS FROM AUCTION . One lot of Black and White Plaids at Pb cents, Worth 8736—a decided bargain. . 623 i n On c e e lo t t s. of largetignr :e e Grenadines ' at. 46 ciente.; Worth one lot of Lawnsnast colors, . 1. One lot of Bleached•lduslins at 18X • I One lot of Gingham Lawns at 3734'..w0ytt OPEN Tilitatillali s t er low•Aßit Strook.z. Je6 DONATIONS MILITARY NOTWES. DEPARTMENT 9 SPiCiALAT I A no. SAT . J B T 1h , 1863 RETAIL DRY GOODS. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE, WRITE GOODS, all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES, do do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do 1034.CHESTNITT STREET. NEW PUBLICATIONS. I\T - EW BOOKS. 4-‘ Just received by • ..T. B. LIPPINCOTT dr CO.. 715 and 717 M&RIKBT Street. LOST AND SA 80. By lion. Mrs. Norton, author of -"Stuart ”f Dunlpith." AusßcitiDiS' CASfP t I a 3' WITH THE FOURTEENTH ARMY CORPS: Or, The Army of the Cumberland. IN THE TROPICS. By a Settler to Santo Domingo. Edited by R. R. Kimball. • ROCKFORD; Or, Sunshine and Storm. By Mm. Lillie Devereux Brasted. ' ATLANTIC MONTHLY, for July. HARPER'S MISCELLANY, for hall' HOWITT'S HISTORY OF THE SUPERNATURAL. 2 vols ,12mo. ADVIYNTURES OP THE COUNT DE GANAY. From the French of , — Chevalier." ' je.23 B 0-0 11 S FOR CLERGYMEN, FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS, AND FOR ME PEOPLE New Books received as Boon ae'ont. Any Rook not on our sheivac wilt, be obtained at the shorteet notice. R PHOTOGAPH ALM:OdB, from all theprinoipal manu facturers, at the lowest prices. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, 1224 CHESTNUT. Street. jelo-tjy3 NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! A HISTORY OF THE INTELLECTUAL DEVELOP MENT OF EUROPE. By John W. Draper. m. D., LL. _ . .THE EXCISE TAX LAW. Approved July 1841862, cs ith the Amendments. By Chas. F. Estee. $1.60. SOUTHERN HISTORY: The First Year of the War. By Pollard,- of Richmond. $2. FRANK WARRINGTON: By the author of Rutledge, MARIAN GRAY; OR, THE HEIRESS OF REDSTONE HALL. By Mrs. Mary J. Holmes. $1.25. LILIAN. LIFE AND LETTERS OF WASHINGTON IRVING. By hie nephew, P. M. Irving; vol. Sd. LEAVES FROM THE DIARY OF AN ARMY SUR GEON. By Thos. T. Ellis, M. D. EL. HARPER'S RAND BOOK FOR TRA.VELLERS IN EUROPE , AND TUE EAST. By W. P. Fetridge. $2 76. OUT-DOOR PAPERS. By T. W. Higginson. SL2S. For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN. jeS GOD CHESTNUT Street. MILITARY BOOKS.--THE SUBSCRI BERShace'on hand a large assortment of Books on MILITARY SCIENCE, including all the recent pab lications, „and the works on Tactics, &c., &c., antho rized`by the Government. Also, works -on MILITARY SURGERY, , MiMary Hospitals, - Hygiene, the Examination of 'ke el-WU, &c:, &c. LINDSAY & BLARISTON, Publishers and Booksellers. jelS 515 SOUTH SIXTH street, above CHESTNUT. J JAZARD'S BOOKSTORE. 24 CHESTNUT STREET. Between Seventh and Eighth Streets. All Books usually to be bad a EIRST - OLASS BOOKSTORE; Will alwaya be found on our &elven AT THE LOWEST PRICES. fee-tf a AI THREE CAPITAL BOOKS. READY TO-DAY. IN THE TROPICS A bright, sparkling, and genial book of residence. travel, and adventure in the .West Indies, with al Luring and picturesque sketches of Tropical. Life,. luxuriant gardens, orange and lime groves, magnificent guava and cocoanut trees, &G. Edited by Richard B. Kimball, author of "Undercurrents of Wall Street," "St. Lsgor,:' &c. One elegantly printed and boundl2mo. Price sl.2i, ROCKFORD. A capital new " Society; Novel," by Mrs. Lillie Dove roux tlinoted s author of Southwold." spirited fic tion, full of incident and vigorous character-painting. One handsome 12.m0 ~ clothbound; price $l. FRANK WARRINGTON. The new and,intensely interesting novel, by the au thor of Rutledge." The sale-of this superb fiction is rapidly increasing; nearly 6,000 copies are already swept off, and the , demand is unceasing. One large nrco., cloth bound; price 41..50. .fW-**.* These books are sold by all booksellers, and sent by mail, free, on. receipt of price, by CARLETON, publisher, No. 413 BROADWAY, New York, . Corner of Lispenard street. MILITARY GOODS. ARMY BLANKETS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GEO. D. PARRISH & CO., 312 CHESTNUT STREET, FOURTH OF JIJIY. FURS !' 'FLUB: , FLARK I WM. - F. SCETEIBLE, 49 SOUTH - THIRD STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. MAli - 17P.1kCTURER OP SILK FLAG& BUNTING FLAGS, COTTON FLAGS, PARLOR FLAGS, 'FLAGS FOR HORSE HEADS. Flags of all sizes on hand or made to order, from 6 inches to 40 feet, CHEAPER THAN ANY. OTHER ESTABLISHMENT IN THE lINITBBISTATES. Be sure you get to 49 South THUM Btreet before or dering elsewhere. - 9e16 tie 24• .1776. - 1863. IA A 'Gr SI:: • SILK FLAGS': BUNTING FLA.GS! • BURG-EES. ITNANTS, UNION JACKS. STREAMERS: B TJ N T N G ! • RED, WRITE, AND BLUE. EVANS Affc kIASSALIA; MILITARY FURNISHERS, led 3-1,4 Iro. 418 ARCH STREET. Philadelphia. G w. SIMONS % BROTHEBj ILDSOM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, Btextrnonnlass OF JEWELRY, - ' FINE SWORDS, • • HILMAR! GOODS, IN ITlMllrilum. GOVER N MENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounee Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky:Blue Kerseys. FARNEIAM, KIRREIAM, C 70., -No. fit 3 -0 CHESTNNT STRIET. 50h.24-302 ARMY GOODS DARK•BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR.OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEM LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT. INGS. Nor sale by FROTHINGHAIif. it WELLS. .e2-If DRUGS. Rat ERI-10EMAItER 0 , . Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS 'AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND'DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS, • MANtFACTETIIERS OF • WHITE .I.E*D AND ZINC PAINTS,' PUTTY, &o AGENTS POR•TEE CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS.' Dealer and consumers supplied at joort i VERY LOW. PRICES FOB CASH REGG & CO.'S NEWLY INVENTED METALLIC REFRIORRATOR,NoId by;WALOOTT & BURNHAM. 721 , CIIRSTNIIT Street, 'is the most beautiful and economical Refrigerator ever presented to the public. This- is a combination of Refrigerator and Water Cooler and requires very little more lee for both than is generilly used. for the Cooler alone. myll-6w*if LOST—CERTIFICYATE No. - 6,923 READING RAILROAD STOCK. •Application is made for renawal. je24-w3t* EMO v AL.--THE WEST. DELPHIA TRUST CO., (late the West Philadelphia Saving Fund and Truet Co.) have removed their Office from No. SOB Market street to No. 1419 .fifalIKET Street,where they will continue their Banking business, ae usual. R. GLENDINNINO, je23-3t* Cashier. - 4p-fr, PER MONTH GUARANTEED. g Thstimontals of Clergymen and scientific men sentfree. ISAAC HALE, Jr. & CO., NewhyLryport, Bfass. TA.CHINE -MEOCIA - J-T-L- and all lands of LIMBIC AMINO OILS, suitable for Mowing Machines, Axle Grease, &c., &c. by the bbl. or less qtiablity: • Also. Deodorized BENZINE, low for cash. ' E. T. WHITELIEA.D & CO., Je24-120 • .11.9'ARCE1 Street. IVORYTYPES. -THE ARTISTIC merits and pleasing style and naturalness of REI MER'S Ivorytypes have won them troops of admirers. Connoisseurs pronounce them perfect.- SECOND Street, above Green. NOTHING - IS'MORE• GRATIFYING or prized in possession than a good likeness. REI MER'S Colored Photographs are fine, pataral and plea sing pictures, at the moderate charge of $l. SECOND Street, above Green. - - • 4 It. • F. ALL-7 PICTURES ~,OFFERED TO the linblic PhotograPlis are' :most worthy of patronage, and adapted to the wants of 'ail; !truthful; durableoand 'cheap. t.V only. SECOND Street, o.m Green. e'er: . it* SPECIAL, IsTOTIOE. UNITED STATES SIX PER CENT. FOR FAMILIES, OVER TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Is rapidly approaching, when the public will no longer have the right to Subscribe at Par for this, desirable Loan. the principal and interest of which is payable IN GOLD. - All parties contemplating investing, in these Six per cent. Bonds, should at onces s forward their money through any of the local agencies, or diiect to CALIFORNIA . . AND SAN: . FRANCISCO. CITY COUPONS BOUGHT AND COLLECTED BY, AUGUST RELAtONT 50 WALL STREET, jag-1m : NEW YORIL EDWARD M. DAVIS PHILADELPHIA In calling the attention of the public to this affair On BLACK PARAFFINE VARNISH, - • the subscribers have only time to say that , it is' very in teresting to those interested, and unworthy te attention of any body else, further than it being the refutation of a lie over the signature of George S. Page gc Bro., Eastern Varnish -Peddlers; ;limply; because they 'object to our manufacturing and selling a Varnish in Philadelphia,in every way superior, for one-half the money than their so-called l'''atent Paraffin Varnish. Any one preferring Pages' to ours can buy it of us; " sworn bids." and half dozen other parties in town, without patting ns to expense; 2.5 cents alderman fees. - As the trade' of Philadelphia, who have so -liberally patronized us since January last, have been thoroughly aware of what they were buying, it le not supposed that they will be led by "Page's Appeal" toy pay extra price, extra freight, extra - cartage , extra package money, for an article in New York, when they can buy the Q. P. IRON BRILLIANT at, home, at less purchase money, without these charges, a better quality, any more than a painter would pay for turpentine, at its pre, sent price, when benzine answers his purpose,. Persons wanting Page's Varnish, residing in distant portions. of the city.' can be furnished with the names of parties selling it in their locality, free of charge, by applying by note to this ofßce. J. N. 'MCMULLIN & CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Black and Bright- Var lash, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Benzine. liaptha, , jei-tf 151 South FRONT Street. F. GIJTEKIcINST'S . Notice is hereby given that, after Judy lat, 1868, all Negtttives made at my galleries prior tolulYlst. 1861. will be destroyed. order at once UMBRELLA CLOTH& For age by . - MATTHEW BINNEY'S SONSi rov29-1 m !FO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE -IL RURAL . DISTRICTS. We are prepared. as 'heretofore,- to supply Families at their .Conntry Residences with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, 420. V _ _ " ALBERT•C. ROBERTS,. urni-tt siEvParra - AND VINE STS:. FINANCIAL. THE BALES OF THE LOAN, CALLED ~i , O ' e Have amonated for many weeks past to DAILY THE FIRST OF JULY JAY 00011Ei SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, ,114 SOTJTH THIRD STREET, PHILA. STOOK AND EXCHANGE BROKER. Jo. 39 South THIRD Street, (up.steirs.) A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANNING BUR , NESS TRAITSACTEA st oc k s and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and. Remitted. Exchange on Europe Sold. Special Collections made. Coin and Cur rency Bought. Interest Allowed on Deposits. apl-Sin S . HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, 3121 WALNUT STREET STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES, bought and' old on Commission. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. 'UNITED STATES 5-20 YEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, furnished at PAR in earns to suit, without any charge for commission. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to _ Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co.. Q6O. D. Parrish, Rm., John B. Myers Si Co., Samuel B. Thomas. Esq.. rarness,Brinleyott Co.. John Thomas, Bsq. apl-Sin if COLLECTION OF U. B. CERTIFI. CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS.-The-ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and. at reasonable rates, the One Year Certificates of In debtedness of the 'United States now due or shortly ma- Terms made kr own and. receipts ILITEM at the office, No. 320 CHESNUT Street. mys-tf INSITRANCE COTKPAWICIE§. VA.ME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. -I- 406 CHESTNUT Street: PHILADELPHIA. FIRE AND INLAND. INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. I E. D. Woodruff, I Geo. A. West, John Kessler, Jr., Chas. Stokes, -"A. H. Rosenholm, Joseph D. Falls. BUCK. President. Francis N. Buck, Chas. Richardson; Henry Lewis, Jr., John W. Everman, Philip S. Justice, 0.-W. F Davis, .. RANCIS N dIURDSON, Vice Presiden t D..%ecret ary. al5-iftf WILLIAM I CIMIMN LEGAL. ESTATE ANGELINA = C. BEEVES, Deceased. Letters of Administration upon the Estate of said- de. cedent having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said Estate will please make payment, and those having claims against he same present them, without delay, to THOMAS A REEVES. N 0.33 Month FRONT Street, Administrator. Or to his Attorney, - NATHAN H. SHA.E.PL ESE, je24-w6t.. No..CeS North SEVENTH Street. mcnrEms. NATIONAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. C. H. S. HENSON, PROPRIETOR, Formerly of the Ashland House, Philadelphia. .He is determined to merit, and hopes to receive, n. fall share of Public patronage. jel9-6m METROPOLITAN HOTEL, (LATE BROWN'S. ) PENNBYLVANIA AVENUE, Between Sixth and Seventh etteete, WASHINGTON CITY. my22-6m PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, kc. JAMES B. EARLE & SON, INFORTF.F.B AND MANUFACTURFaiti OF LOOKING GLASSES. OIL PAINTINGS, _ENGRAVINGS, : PORTRAIT, PIOTIOSE, and PHOTOGRAPH PRAMS. PHOTOGRAPH A.LBTJAGES. =WSW& LOOKING, GLASS wimmooms AND GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, fart 81.6 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelals. VARNISHES. PATENT PARAFFINE VARNISH CAUTION! We hereby caution the Paint and Oil and Ship Chan dlery trade, and "consumers of our PATENT PARAF- F INE VARNISH, agautst purchasing from one J. B. MatIILLIN, of 149 FRONT Street, Philadelphia, as he ceased to act as Agent for us, or SAMUEL PAGE & SON, of Boston. in January last. . Be has imposed upon the trade and consumers a worth less imitation of our PARAFFIN& VARNISH, commenc ing the deceitful and frandulent practice previous to our annulment of his agency. ; MESSRS. HULBERT & CO,, OF 240 ARCH STREET; ARE THE ONLY AUTHORISED AGENTS . . for the sale of the PATENT PARAFFIN& VARNISH in PHILADELPHIA, and any other parties representing themselves as such are imposters. All orders left with Messrs. HIILBUET & CO., will be Tironiptly attended to. Our Varnish:fully sustains its well-earned reputation as a durable. Quick-drying, brilliant and economical application for impartinga, glossy black coating on Wood or Iron. ' MAIDEN LANE,& EEO. 139 New York, Jes.lm if And 111 SMITH'S WHARF, Baltimore. THE KING AND . THE PAGES ; O Q. P. IRON RELIANT. ROMANCE Without any "Meer," Speciallywritten by JOHN PARAFFINE, OsxT., • For the benefit of the PAINT, OIL, AND SHIP CHANDLERY' TRADE, . _ With all the Correspondence, Contracts, &c.. and Caricatures in Black, by Caricps H. OIL, Esq. ' NEGATIVES. ,Parties 'wishing duplicates therefrom, will please F. GUTEKUNST; 704. and 706 .ARCH Street 5 cases 30-inch Blackstone Co. 5 cases 27-inch Social Co. 8 elites 27-inc,h Plain Print Cloth. AUCTION SALE, "HARPER'S FERRY ARMORY. VIRGINIA. ON TUESDAY, June 10th, 1883, commencing at 12 o'clOck, noon, pre cisely, will be sold, at the HARPER'S FERRY ARMORY, =mu, THE FOLLO • CONDEMNED ORDNANCE W AND ORDNANCE STORES, viz: 10, OW Tone Iron Castings. 10 do Iron Slrafting.Palleys,Beyel Wheels, ate. 10 do of Wrought Iron, " 0.000 Musket and Rifle Barrels. 24 Iron Forges. 20 Steel-faced Anvils 2 Force Pumps: 1 Draw Polishing. Machine. • 0 Tilt Hammers; 1 do.: small ; 1 Fire Engine. 4 Stores ; 1 lot Coal ; 2 Proof Beds. 3 Drop Hammer; 'Tempering Forge. 1 2 Fan Blasts ,• lot Fire Brick; lot,' 'Tools. ' I Wagon; rCart, and sundry other goods. TEEMS: — CASH, in Government funds. DANIEL J. YOUNG. Ordnance Agent. By order Brigadier General JAMES W. RIPLEY, Chief' f Ordnance, Washington, D.C. jelo 12t J. B, CANNON, Auctioneer. tri.. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT,. AMJune 3, 1863—Will be sold under my direction. at Public Sale. in the city of Philadelphia, on THURSDAY, 9th day of July next, on account of the Poet Office De partment. the lot and buildings, situate on the west side of SECOND Street, extending to Dock street: bounded on the north by Lodge street, and on the south by Gold street; in said city of Philadelphia, known as the . Penn sylvania Bank Property. " The property will be put up at the sum of one hundred and ten thousand dollars ($110,01). as required by the law authorizing its sale, ^and• no bid for a less amount will be received. Terms cask on , the delivery of the deed. Informa tion in relation to the property, &c., may be obtained by inquiring of C. A. WALBORN, Esq., Postmaster of Phi ladelphia. M. BLAIR, . Postmaster General. Under the above authority. I am directed to explee to public sale, ,on THURSDAY, July 9. 1863, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, the above de scribed Real Estate. • - Imo- ss,oooam . obe paid when the property is amok . off. jel 24iinct 4. .T 2 A C.N tIES A. FREEM, Auctioneer. 2 WALNUT Street, above Flu.rth. WANTED -A SITUATION AS SALESMAN and ACCOUNTANT. by a person of considerable acquaintance with near New Jersey and Pennsylvania trade. Rapid penman and quick at figures. Can give good city reference. Address Mer cantile," Chestnut Rill, Pa. - WANTED- G OOD SUMMER BOARD ING for two email families, not over ten miles from the city. Addiess Box ,24111, Poet Coffins, stating location and terms. .i024-21* A YOUNG LADY, RESPECTABLY -LA- connected, desires a situation as Governess for small children, or. as Companion to a Lady The best reference given. ddress No. 601 North Eigh teenth street. Philada. . ie2l-3t* , 000 . -W ANTED-A PARTNER, active or silent, with from 4 to 5,000 dol lars, in a safe Manufacturing business ; Profits large. Address "5.," Press office. . je24.-2t* WANTED -AN ACTIVE YOUNG Ir MAN, t eyenteen to twenty years of age, one ac quainted with thifelty retailers, to sell Goods by samule ; a good opportunity is offered. Address Box.:1121 Post Of➢ce. je24-St* WANTED---A SALESMAN, WITH A Pennsylvatua trade; in a WOOD AND AVI - . LLOW 'WAREHOLISB. Address aterehant,' this office. Je2l-3V, A *YOUNG JOURNALIST, OF EDU -LA- CATION, experience, and acknowledged ability, is desirous of an engagement, either at his legitimate pro fession, or as private clerk, compiler. amanuensis, Or cor rOPPDE dent. Ad dress ' Manutius, "Premt office. je2:3-315 A RESPECTABLE WIDOW LADY wishes a situation as Housekeeper or Nurse, in a private family. Can come well recommended. Apply at 325 DEAN Street. je23-3tv PIMIADELPHIA. 6 criftlETG GIST "—WANTED A MEEK for a drag store in the western part of this State. A man'of middle age preferred. Apply to TORN M. MARIS & CO.. je22-51* 711 DIA_REET Street. , MONTH!A I WANT TO HIRE 875 AGENTS in every county at $76 a month, ex. pal:meg paid, to Bell mynewelleap Familv Sewing Ma chines. Addresa S. MADISON, .ra.v6-33nd&W Alfred, Maine. $6O A MONTHI--Wt WANT AGENTS at $6O a month, expanses paid, to sell our Everlasting Pencils, Orienta,l Burners, and 13other new articles. 10 circulate free. SHAW ,Si CLARK. nry6-3md Biddeford. Maine. HORSE WANTED.-WANTED a good, sound, gentle FAMILY HORSE. Apply at Philadelphia and Erie _Railroad Office, 230 WALNUT Street. . DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER ~~ GENERAL'S OFFICE.--FitthAimaquA, Feb, 9, VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the followingpoints Tortngs. . Rey West, Fla. - Fort Monroe, Va. .Alexandria_,Va, Newborn, N. C. Port Royal, S. C. A. BOYD, Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. COAL YARD 'FOR SALE.-THE BEST fitted-up YARD in the city. Capacity for doing an7 amount of business. Ingnire on the premises, No. 957 Rein NINTH Street, below Girard Avenue. je2-1-6t. FOR SALE-VALUABLE FARM, 110 acres, beautifully situated:on the. Delaware River, with excellent improvements. Also, - desirable Residences in West Philadelphia, Germantown. Chest nut Hill, &c. Call and examine Register. - .ie23•tf R. PETT IT, 309 WALNUT Street. pi FOR SALE-DESIRABLE COUN TRY PLACE-10 acres of superior Krona, situate four miles from the city; finest quality of Frnits of every description nicely shaded, &c. Also, beautiful FARM, 63 acres, nine miles out, near Railroad Station, 11fedis, Railroad. B. PEWIT, ie23-tf 170. 309 WALNUT Street. Ewi' FOR SALE-A HANDSOME LIGHT no-top WAGON, nearly new,. made by Brewster &Co New York. Apply at P. HIL LY'S START'S, Landis street; runs from Fourth to Fifth, above Spruce. ie23-3t. FIRE PROOF.---A LARGE SE ad COND-HAND New York, donble doors. superior ate, for sale a bargain. Address 704 MARKET ntreet, for particulars. jy2.3-5. TOR SALE-150,000 FEET SPRUCE -1- JOIST, RAFTERS. and two inch PLANE'. from 14 to 32 feet long, at TVVEINTY-FOURTH and LOCUST.: je23-12t. HARBERT, DAVIS, & CO. " 900 7$ 50, ,VOO, AND $4OO WELL , improved GROUND RENTS for sale; aiso,St good mortgage for $2,500. .• _ D. S. CAD WALLADER, 10S Sonth FOURTH Streit. N. B.—Farms; handsome Cottages, and Lots for sale ff,HEGARAY INSTITUTE, FOR 'Li 'YOUNG LADIES, Nos 1527 and 1529 SPRUCE Street, will reopen for the ensuing scholastic year, as usual, on the 11th September. For terms, apply to the principal, Mme. D'HERVILLY. .3e23-12t, R POTTS, Proprietor TtRISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, will re-open on the 7th of Ninth month. For Circulars, apply to RUTH ANNA PEIRCE, Bristol, Bucks co.. pa." - - - :-jel7,3tl* MISS MARY E. THROPP WILL RE open her English and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, at 1841 CHESTNUT Street, on the 14th of September. For circulars, until Septem ber let, apply at the Sunday-school Times, VAS S , lttlt FOURTH street, Phila., or address Miss Throne at Val ley Forge, Penna. myls-4m5 THE FIRM OF BROADBENT & CO -a- Photographers. is this day'dissolved, by the re tirement of S. BROADBENT. - The business will be continued by his late partners, under the name of WENDEROTH St TAYLOR. Mr. Wenderoth, the artist, and the inventor of the ivory type and Wenderotype, who was associated in the late firm for font.- years, will continue at the head of the Artists' Department; and Mr. Taylor, also a partner in the late - firm. willremain as heretofore, in charge of the business in the .Reception Room. . . S. BROADBENT, F. A WESDEROTH, . W. C. TAYLOR .- 912, 914, and 916 caEsrsur Street. PHILADELPHIA, Tune 3, 1863. . - WENDEROTH & TAYLOR (late Broadbent & Co. ) have just opened, in connection - with their old rooms, the most beautiful and spacious Operating Room in the city; and by this and other improvements they intend. to insure more complete attention to the requirements of their increasing business. Every style of picture taken in connection with Photo graPhy, including Ivorytypes, Wenderotypes, . Paintings, Photographs. Cartes de Visite, etc - WEN DEROTH. & TAYLOR, jes-fmwl2t if 912, 014, and 916 CHESTNUT Street. THE SUBSCRIBERS WILL CONTI -a- NUS the DRUG-BUSINESS, as heretofore, at the Old Stand, No. 724 MARKET Street. _ WM. ELLIS & co:; Druggists, jal-tf 72.1- MARKET Street. ICE 1 ICE 1 ICE 1 ICE 1 ICE 1 ICE 1 COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. Families, Offices, Hotels; Shipping; Ice-Cream Saloons, &c., supplied daily with a. pure article of BOSTON' ICE, at the very lowest market rates. Dealers and large consumers gujorptieg at 'wholesale prices. Wagons run in all paved limits of the Consolidated city, and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. THOS. E CAHILL, 325 WALNUT Street. ItPenns. R. & Master Street. Glace!' : North and Tyren ty-fifth streets. apB-3mlf* Pine-street yrharf,SchnylkiiL C 0 A L.—SUGAR LOAF,BEAVER 'L./Meadow, and Spring Mountain Lehigh 'Coal, and best Locust Mountain fromSchrmikill; prepared- es pressly for family use. Depot, N. W. corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Otica, No. 11.2 South SECOND Street. tapi-lyl J. •WALTON $ CO. HEALTH AND STRENGTH WILD CHERR•Y Has proved to be the most efficacious remedy yet disco vered for all pulmonary complain ts, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ho maptysis (Spitting Blood), Short Breath, croup," witsting Flesh, Pains and Soreness. Weak Breast, Tickling Irritation, or rising in. the Throat, Broken Constitution from the abases of calomel and other causes, all Throat -•Breast,- and Lung Complaints. .Let no disease; however bad it may be. or . lengthy of time it may have existed. discourage, you until you have tried this great Afedicamentum. Wonderful cares - have taken place, - when. to all human probability; it could - not be easible. The popu lar impression, strength- ened • by' some scientific opinions, that Consumption cannot be cured, has no doubt hastened the death of many an invalid, by depriving them , of the consolation of hope. Per . sonsn afffictedwith Pectoral disease ' should be supported by every assu rance of a cure, not'alarmed ,by the gloomy, foreboding countenances of those around. For our par t,vre do not be neve that Consumption is incurable; and let physicians theorize as they will, we have a mass of evidence to prove that persons having all the symptoms of Conqumption,; cough; deep bloody expec ore, ion, pains and oppressions sore throat, diarrheca. night sweats, burning-fever,Ac., have been permanently cared y "-DR. SWAYER'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY." ' A good AP petite, complete digestion, strength, and a disposition for active exercise. is sure to follow its use.. Thirty years' experience in this and foreign countries is cluvincing Wildßeware of all preparations.purporting to contgin Cherry, except thatp . repared by Dr. Swayno Son, the original and only genuine. • Dr. SWAYER'S Principal Office, SBA North SIXTH Street, above "Vine, Philadelphia. Sold by Draggists and Dealers. Join L 4 "ICV'SUPERIOR - INGOT 'COPPER; from the Amygdaloid. Mtge, is store and for s„ale in quantities to suit,-at • WOMRATH 416 ARCH Street AUCTION SALE. GOVERNMENT SALE WANTS. FOR SALE AND TO LET. EDUCATIOW, COPARTNERSHIPS. COAL. MEDICAL. TO THE SUFFERING. DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF AMUSEMENTS. NEW CRESTNIITSTREET THEA.. TRE.—Leasee and Manager-Mr. W. WHEATLEY. • TRIUMPnH gaAgNT MO MS D o STINGUISH m D n ATISTE . MRS. D. P. BOWERS. Those distinguished artistes, - - Messrs. L. P. BARRETT. CHARLES wHEATLF.IGH, and JOHN McCULLOUGH, Will appear during the week in new characters. • THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Sane 24. 1863_, Will be presented, for the third time, the Comedy. 1 three act., entitled the WORLD OF FASHION. Mrs D. P. BOWERS. Mr. L. P.-Barrett. ...Mr. B. T. Ringgold. W. H. Leak. ,Mr. J. McCullough. Charles Henri. Miss S. Henry. MARIE ....... . ...... Mons. de.Pontenlec Duke (PA ngea ... . ...... Count de Vieux Chateau. Adolphe Marchioness de Bellerose Lizette Previous to . A REGULAR FIX. Mr. CHARLES WHEATLEIGH ' will appear as HUGH DE BRASS. The performance commences at 8 o'clock, AND CONCLUDES BEFORE ELEVEN. CONTINENTAL . THEATRE, wit_t_ , I , IIIT STREET. ABOVE EIGHTH-. drama, adapted nights of the great moral and reli.iona drama, adapted from Mrs. Harriet B, Stowe's renowned work or • . UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, With the following 'excellent cast of characters: Uncle Tom - Mr. W. H. Bailey, }lllness Fletcher ' Mr. C. M. Lewis. .Deacon Pettibone Mr. This. McKeon. Aunt Ophelia " Mrs. Thayer. Topsy (the child that never was born. with songs) Lotty.Howlandi Gentle Eva La Petite Chapman. Other characters by a full and powerful company. PRICES OF ADMISSION.... . Parquet Circle. 55 cents. Orchestra Chairs, 50' cents. Family Circle, 15 cents. Children under twelve, L cents. Colored Gallery, 15 cents. Colored Box. El cta. Doors open at half past seven. The representation to commence at eight. ... je22.6ts ,IBBARY-STREET HALL, 412 LIBRARY Street, opposite the Post Office and Oeetox Hence. DERGNER'& TrIIII:FILEGK will open this newly-im proved place of comfort and retirement on THURSDAY. June 20th,' on which occasion a most delicate LIINGEE Will be served up. A. GRAND CONCERT, under the direction. of HERR ENGELKE, will continue during the entire day - and. evening,. to be repeated nightly thereafter. Lager Beer, of Bergner's own brewing: Rhine Wines. of old. and late vintages; Liquors and Segars, of the choicest brands: and''Restaurant d la carte, will - be served up in best style at all times., The place itself will form a general attraction for its beauty, and the proprietors shall endeavor to secure the Patrons go of all, who favor them with a visit, by polite and prompt attention to their wants. GUSTAYUS BERGNER. CHRISTIAN AitTEEILECIT. VLEVENTHSTREET OPERA HOUBIIi •A- 4 ELEVENTH Street. above CIIESTNITP. FOURTH WEEK. . UNPARALLELED SUCCESS OF UNCLE TOM'S. CABIN. Admission 26 cents— Children 15 cents- Secured seats 15 cents extra oars open at 7 o'clock, Commence at R o'clock. PERFORMANCE SATURDAY AFTERNOON. je22-6t PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF TPE FINE ARTS. X 025 CHEST:SIFT bx.tsP,F.a, ME FORTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITION IS NOW OPEN, From 9 A. °M. till 7 P. M., and from 8 till 1.0 P. X Admission, 2..ccents. Season Tickets, 90 cents. Annual Tickets, One Dollar. Stockholders. Artists, and Contributors will ready. their Tickets at the Office.... m 7.8-kg INSTITUTION 'Ant THE BLIND. LAST WEDNESDAY EXHIBITION of the tarns, at 3'/P. M. Moment Conductors, Mr. CARL SENTZ and Ir. A. R. TAYLOR. Admission TEN CENTS. 'del7-wif SUMMER BOARDING. SEA BATHING. CONGRRSS HAL - L, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey. is now open for the season. The above Hotel has bees enlarged to double its former size since last year, with. all the modern improvements and conveniences, lulls now capable of accommodating 400 guests. Long Branch as a watering place is unsurpassed,. and. now has a direct railroad connection with Philadelphia: via Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad, leaving Vine street wharf at 7.02 A. 24. and arriving at the Branch at 11 o'clock A. SL. landing,passengers within 000 yards of Congress Hall, which is centrally located and within VXI feet of the ocean. Persons WM•Mim to engage" rooms will please make early application to WOOLHEtIi STOKES, je24-lat Proprietor. TEE WHITE HOUSE, AT ATLAN TIC CITY, is most pleasantly situated, and its pro prietor secures for its patrons all the comforts of a home. It bas recently - been greatly enlarged and thoroughly renovated, and the rooms newly tarnished with spring bedding, clothes-presses. &c Nearly every room faces the ocean, and the house will be furnished with the choicest luxuries of the season. It is located on Massa chusetts avenue, and one of the nearest to the beach of sny on the island. WM. WHITEII - ilrig, je24-15t* Proarietor. LADIES AND`:GENTLEMEN CAN be accommodated by the subscriber with good. BOARD, commodious Rooms, newly famished, at landsdale Betel on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, Doylestown Junction. Plenty of shade nearby. Ad dress, P. D. BAB.TH, LANDSDAIE, P. 0., myBo-Im* Montgomery county. A FEW 111011 E PERSONS CAN 'BE accommodated with SIMMER BOARDIG, at a, delightful, retired situation, within an hour's ride of the city, if applied for immediate33 - .4 Address J. WILSON. jed 5t 5 SHARON, DARBY, Pa. RUMMER BOARDING AT GLEN WOOD, near the Delaware Water Gap. The loca tion is one of the finest in the neighborhood. Rooms large and airy. For terms, &c., applr to SAILUEL AESOP, je 1.8-121 Delaware Water Gap, Afortroo co., Pa. EXCURSIONS. isa giGt GRAND PLEASURE EL CHRSION TO LASE SUPERIOR. The staunch, elegant steamers NORTHERN LIGHT and CITY OF CLEVELAND, will each give five grand plea sure Excursions to Lake Superior, leaving Clevelana on the date below named, and visiting all points of interest on the route. The ' 'round trip" comprises the distance of 2,100 miles, and is not surpassed by any other on the continent for variety of scenery and objects of interest. It embraces in transit the waters of Lakes Brie, bt. Clair, Huron, and Superior, and the beautiful rivers. of De troit, St Clair, and Sault Ste Marie, (with its thousand isles). affording passengers an opportunity of visiting the 'Sault Rapids " and "Ship Canal, " the far-famed • `Pictnred Rocks," the Iron Mountain of Marquette, and. extensive Copper Mines at various points. To invalids it offers the most pure and invigorating atmosphere on. the globe, which ever brings health and strength; to the sportsman the enticing inducement of most sr.lendid faking: and tie - whole country abounds in mineral wealth which cannot fail to- attract the attention of the speculator and man of science. Besides, it is fast becom ing the favorite Summer trip. and its social pleasures are of the highest order, Good Hotels at all points. For further particulars apply - to BORT. HANNA. St CO., Cleveland, Olde. TIME ,TAELE. FROM CLEVELAND. Northern Light," " City of Cleveland," Capt. SPAULDING, Capt. B. WILKINS. • July 6. July 10. July 17. July 22. July 29. . Aug. 4. . Aug. U. Aug. 17. Aug.. 24. Aug. 28. . Passengers taking the boa at Cleveland will have first selection of rooms. je2o-20tif 1863.F0R LAKE SETE- u 263 RIOR. —The Steamers METEOR AL , • and ILLINOIS leave Cleveland. Ohio, for all ports on: Lake Superior daring the -; . pleasure season of 1933, as follows, at a . o'clock P. M METEOR. ILLINOIS. Wednesday, July Sth. Wednesday, July Ist, . Tuesday, July 2ast. Tuesday, July 14th. Monday, August Id, Monday, July nth. Friday, August 44th— Friday, August 7th. Wednesday, August 26th. Wednesday, August 19th. - The above steamers will leave Detroit, Michigan, at la o'clock A. M., the days following. They- are both fitted — . up in the moot luxurious style, and their tables supplied with the best the market affords. Geed music on board. and every effort made for the comfort of pa.sengers. -. Apply to H. GARRETTSON & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. je7.o-12t* J. T. WHITING & Co., Detroit, Michigan. THE SEA SHORE. E ggEa FOR CAPE MAY-THE safe and commodious. Bay Steamer MAN HATTAN. Captain Kirby, will leave ARCH. STREET WHARF for CAPE MAY every Tuesday, Thursday. and Saturday. at half-past nine o'clock A. SL, commenc ing on SATURDAY; June 27th. Returning, will leave Cape May every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at eight o'clock, stopping at New Castle to connect with the Baltimore lines, also touching at Delaware City. The MANHATTAN is the largest and most convenient boat that ever run to Cape May, having about fifty state rooms and every accommodation that passengers can de sire. Fare 62.50, including carriage hire Meals extra- Children and servants half price. Freight at :moderate. rates. [ie22 6vr] A. REYBOLD. RAILROAD. LINES. Wseit sio,?Et THE SUMMER IPRANoEMENT. CAMDEN AND. ATLANTIC RAILROAD • On and after MONDAY, June 15th, 1083, trains for. At lantic City will. leave Vine-street'Ferry as follows: Mail train leaves Express train leaves 3.45. P. M. Freight train, with passenger car attached... 9.00'A. EL Returning, leaves Atlantic City: Mail train 4.35 P. AL Express train - 6.00 A. M. Freight train " ' 12.05 P. AL Fare to-Atlantic, $2. Round-Trip Tickets, good for the day and train only, or down. on Saturday and up on- Monday morning, $3. Accommode non Train to It and D. B. R. R. Jane tion will leave Vine street at 5,15 P. M. ; returning next morning at 6.16 - EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Vine street at 10.16 A. M. and 1.45 P. M. • leave Haddonfield at 12.15 P. M. and 3 P. M ie1341 ` JEW. G. BRYANT. Agent affigipm WEST CHESTER Al4ll PHILADELPHIA. RAILROAD. VIA MEDIA. . SUMMER AItRANGEURATT„ On and after-MO-ii.DAY; JUNE 1, 3963, the trains will leave Philadelphia, from the depot, Northeast corner or :Eighteenth and _Market streets, at 7.80 and 10.36 A. M., and at 2, 4.30, and 655 M. On TUESD LYS and FRIDAYS a trairtarlll leave W 26 2, CHESTER at 6.80 P. M. Returning. leave Philadelphia at 9.16 P. M. -- Trains leave the corner. of Thirty first and Market streets (West Philadelphia) 17 minutes after the startinfi time from Eighteenth and Market. On SUNDAYS, leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M. and- I P. M. - ,Leave West Chester at 7 50 A. M. and SP. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.00 g A. 51. and LSO. connect at Pennelton with trains on the P. and E. C R. R. for Concord. Kennett. Oxford, &c. iel-tf .RENRY WOOD. Superintendent._ asimplime REOPENING OP THE BALTIMORE AND OHM RAILROAD. —This road, being fully REPAIRED and, effectually GUARDED, is now open for the transporta tion of passengers auA freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. For through tickets and all other information apply at the Company's Office, corner of - BROAD< Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. S. :M: FELTON. and-tf President P. W. and B. R. R. fie. =IN CAPE M A . Y . - 02.FICE CAPE MAY ,AND 111..T.LLVILLE R R Co. 409 Walnut Street Jane 12. 1243. - - - - - - FURTHER OPENINg. • On and after MONDAY,' the 22d of Tune, the cars wilt run upon this road to the' Dennisville Station. leavirui Walnut-street ferry at 9 o'clock A. M., in the West Jer say cars. The cars will run from Cape May Court House to Cape May, reducing the du tance by stage to nine miles C. 13: ,- DUNG,IN, President,. am in gc l i TWIT,AD EL PHI A AND LONG - BRANCH VIA CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AND RARITAN AND DE LAWARE BAY RAILROAD. On and after Monday, :Jane pith, and natal farther no tice. passenger trains will leave Vine-street Perry at 7. Se A. arriving at Long Branch at. 11.10 A. M. Returning, leaves Long Branch at 3.36 P. X. arriving at Philadelphia at 7.45 P. M. Passengers landed - close to the Hotels. N. B.—Excursion parties will be carried on libersi terms. Apply to .- . . L. E. EOLE, Agent at the Depot. Coopoi's Point- BENJ. S LEONG, Asiistant.Superintendent. .04 F R ALBANY- AND 'TROY. Steatter MOLLTSON, Eichtnan; master, is now loading for the above points, and will leave on WEDNESDAY, June 24th, 1563, at 12 AL For freight, which will be taken on reasonable terms, apply to S. FLANAGAN. .ie22-3t No. 304 South DELAWARE Avenue. TURTLE AND. CLAM SOUP win be served up daily'. Sundays excepted. bi JANES PROSSER. - .No. SOR IikRKET St. mys4ftf, 30n GROSS MINERALWATERBOIL v- TLES. goo gross. Porter Bothes. - For sale by ' ' H. B. SE G. W.. 3- 8ENNt13.8.... 1 .33-Dn. Dyottvill I'e Glass Works. or 2 8. Front St. IV[ADEIRA WINE, 175 QUARTER . mike and 100 O ctaves, but received per " Laura," sad for sale in bond., by • WWIS. & JAMES CARSTATES, se24l 1,310 !air/am - Pr and `3l GRANITE Streets.- COTTON. SA_TLIDITOK. AND of all numbete and brands; Raven's Duck Awning Tw , il2s, of allr descriptions, for., Tents; Awnings., Trunk, andVagon Covers.. - Also:Paperbismafacturers' Drier Pelts. from 1 tols feetr wide Tarpaulin, Poltinfaall. Twir &c. JONAS"
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