SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expense, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or veudue, on MONDAY Even ing, July 6, 1353, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, e. 1. All that certain three-sto ry brick meesuage or tenement, back buildings, and lo or Piece of ground, si tuate on the west side of Second street, at the distance of one hundred and twenty feet southward from the south side of Bea ver street, in the sixteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; contei slug In front or breadth on said Se cond street thirteen feet. including on the south side thereof the northernmost half-part of a certain two feet wide alley laid out and opened from the said Second atrest to the depth of thirty feet therefrom, where it gra dually converges to a point, and extending in length or depth westward between parallel lined with said Beaver street one hundred feet. (Being the seine premises which Charles Shoemaker, et ux, by deed dated December 3. 3959, and recorded in Deed Book A D B-, No. 93, page 31, ea:grouted and conveyed unto George M. Muster in fee. 1. _ . No 2. All those two contiguous lots or-pieces aground as laid out and numbered 129 and 123. in the plan of the Philadelphia County Real Estate Association, situate at the southeast corner of Columbia avenue and Bailer street, in the late district of Penn, now city of Philadel phia; containing together in part on said Columbia avenue thirty•ilve feet, and extending in depth south— ward of that width along the east side of said Bailey street seventy-nine feet, including a certain three-feet wide alley. [Being the same premises which the Piffle ele'phia Comity Beal Estate Association, by deed dated Senteinher 7 1093, and recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 123. page 252, granted unto George AL Kinder in fee. ] No. 3. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings and improvement's thereon erected, situate on the south side of Diamond street, in the city of Philadel phia, at the distance of twelve feet westward from Reis-. ter street; containing in front on'said Diamond street twelve feet, and extending in length or depth sonthward sixty-one feet nine and three-eighths inches. [Being the same premises which William H. Kern, High She riff. &c, by deed-poll dated February' 9, 1361, and re corded in D. C. Sheriff's' Deed Book Y. No. 6, page 460, Zia., granted unto George hr. Kinsler in fee.] No. 4. The undivided moiety or half-part oa all that certain ground rent or sum of $l5, lawful money, issuing and payable in half-yearly payments on the first days of July and January in every year. out 'of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south aide of Thomp son street, and west side of Alder street, between Tenth and Eleventh- streets, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on said. Thompson street fif teen feet, and extending that breadth in depth - south ward forty feet. [Being the same ground rent which. William It. Paul, et ux, by deed dated August 3, A, D. 1817, and recorded in Deed Book G. W. C., No 65, page 333, &c., granted unto Christian J. Fell and George M. Kinsler in fee, as tenants in common. ] No. 5. The undivided moiety of-half-part of all that certain two-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on. "the southeastwardly side of Allen street, between Shackamaxon and hlarlborough streets, in -the city of Philadelphia, marked number 9, in a plan of lots laid ont•by the executors of Daniel. Deal, deceased; i containing n front on said Allen street twenty feet, and in depth eontheastwardly ninety feet one and a half inches. [Being the same premises which Charles Poulton and wife, by deed dated Novem ber 28, A. D. 1849, and recorded-in Deed Book G. W. C., 150. 32, rage 316, .Sic., granted unto Christian J. Fell and George al. flinger in fee, as tenants in common.] No. 6. The undivided moiety or half-part of all that certain ground rent or sum of twenty-seven dollars. law ful money, issuing and payable half-yearly on the first days of January and July, out of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north aide of Taylor street, an the Nineteenth ward:of the city of Philadelphia, com mencing at the distance of ninety feet west from the westerly side of Amber street; containing in front or breadth on said • Taylor street thirty feet, and extending northward of that width in length or depth sixty feet three incites. [Being the same lot of ground which Christian .1. Fell and George 11: Kinsler and wives, by deed dated June 29, A. D. 1854, and recorded in Deed Book T. H., No 164, page 57, &a granted unto Robert hien in fee, reserving to said. Fell and Kinsler the ground rent of twenty-seven dollars aforesaid.) No. 7. The undivided moiety or half-part of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south. side of York street. one hundred feet wide, at the distance of seventy-two feet westward from the west side of Tulip street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadel phia; containing in front or breadth on said York street thirty-four feet, and extending in depth southward of that width at right angles to said York street one hun dred and twenty-nice feet six and one-eighth inches to Cordon street. [Being the same lot of ground which _Reuben Zellum and wife, by deed dated May '2O, A. D. 1515, and recorded in Deed Book A. W. M., No. 71; page 221, &c. i granted unto Christian. J. Fell and- George M. Similar in fee, as tenants in common. subject to a ground rent of $34.3 No. 8. The undivided moiety or half-part of all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Dauphin street, at the distance of one hundred and seventy-six feet westward from the west side of Tulip street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on Dauphin street eighteen feet and in length or deptli northwardly of - that width at right angles with said Dauphin street one hundred and fifty-four feet six and one-eighth inches to Garden street. [Being the same lot of ground which Hugh Quinn and wise, by deed dated April 25, 1818, and re corded in Deed Book A. W. M., No. 71, page 223, acc., granted unto Christian J. Fell and George H. Koster in fee, as tenants in common, subject to a gronnd rent of MS No. 9. The undivided moiety or half-part of all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the south side of York street, one hundred feet wide, at the distance of fifty-four feet westward from' the west side of Lemon street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on said York street thirty- two feet, and in depth the same width, sonthwardly at right angles with said York street, one hundred and twenty pine 'feet six 'and one-eighth inches to Garden street. [Being the same lot of ground which Joseph M. Thomas and wife, by deed dated May 6. A.D. 1848, and recorded in. Deed Book A. W- M., No. 71, page,Zß, ate., granted unto Christian J. Fell and. George M. Amster in. fee. as tenants in common, subject to a ground rent of $32.] No. 10. The undivided moiety or half part of all that certain frame messuage or tenement and, lot -or piece of ground situate in the city of Philadelphia, on the south westwardly side of Ann, street, at the distance of two hundred and, sixty feet northwestwardly from Bath street; containing in front or breadth on said Ann street forty feet, and In length or depth extending thence southwestwardly, taking the same breadth at right angles with said Ann street, one hundred and eight feet. [Being the same lot of ground which Hiram Chester, by deed dated September fourteen, A. D. 1816. and recorded In Deed Book A' W H., No. 19, page 205, &a, granted unto Christian J. Fell and George M. Rimier an'- fee, as tenants in common, subject to a ground rent of forty dollars. ] No. 11 The undivided moiety or half part of all that certain ground rent of fifteen dollars, chargeable on, half-yearly issuing and payable out of, all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side or l'homP son street, beginning at the distance of fifteen feet west evard from the west aide of Alder street. between Tenth and Eleventh streets, -in the city of .Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on said Thompson street fif teen feet, and Extending of that breadth in. length or depth southward forty feet. [Being the same ground rent which William It. Paul and wife, by deed dated July twenty. nine, ,A. D. 1846, and recorded in Deed - Book A. W; 11., No. 14. page 519.&c., granted and-as signed - unto Christian J. Fen and George M. Master in. fee, as tenants in common. ieo. 12. The wielivided moiety or half part' of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on ehe ectit side of CMGs street, commencing at the distance of one hundred and seventy-five feet north from the north line of Dan pirmhtneerain-the late district or Kensington, now in the city of PhiladElphia; containing _xn Siforit on said Nixth street seventy .sisa feet, ann oxtail ing in trente eastwardly of that breadth parallel with said - Dauphin street one hundred and thirty-six feet ten and a quarter Inches to Fairhill street. Bounded on the north-by ground of James Gray,on,the eolith by ground of Philip • belie, on the east by said I=lllll street, and on the west by Sixth street aforesaid. [Being the same lot of ground - which Henry P. Lees, by deed dated May twentr-four, A. D. 11852, and intended to be recorded, granted and. conveyed unto the said Christian J. Fell and George M. Binder in fee, as tenants in common. ] No. 13. The undivided moiety or half part of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of. Marshall street, commencin at the distance of one ham dred and linty-nine feet fo g ur inches northward from, the north side of Girard avenue, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front or breadth - on said Marshall street, twenty feet, and in length or depth eastward, keeping the same breadth at right angles with said Mar shall street, seventy-one feet two inches. [Being the same premises which Pollard McCormick and wife, by deed dated May one, 1852, and recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 82, page 180, &a., granted onto Christian J. Fell and George 111. Kinsler in fee, as tenants in-coo -- snon.. • . No. 4. 'The nadiVided Moiety or half part of all that certain yearly ground rent or sum - of forty dollare and fifty cents, issuing out of a certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east.sie e of Amber street, at the distance of one hundred and forty feet southward from Wood street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said Amber street eighteen feet, and extending in depth of that width one hundred. and forty feet to Emma street. [Being the same premises which Christian J. Fell and George M. Kintner and wives by deed dated June eight. 1858, and recorded in Deed hook A. D. 8., No 23, page 175, , granted and conveyed unto-John McGuigen in fee, reeery lug the ground rent of forty col lars and fifty cents aforesaid. ] No. le. The undivided moiety or half-part of all that certain ground rent of 840 80 issuing oat of a certain lot or piece of ground on the east side of Amber street, at the distance of one hundred and fifty-eight feet southward from Wood street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on raid Amber street eighteen feet, and in depth of that width one hundred and forty feet to Emma street. [Being the same premises which Christian J Fell and George AI Master and wives, by deed dated June 8, A, D. MS, and recorded in' Deed Book A. D. B , No. 23, page 179, Sui . granted to Robert Mcßride in fee, reserving the ground rent of i-30. 60 aforesaid. ] No. 16. The undiseded moiety or half part of all that certain three-story brick meesuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate in the city of Philadelphia, on the southwest side of Ann street. at the distance of two hundred and twenty feet northwestward from. Bath street; containing in front or breadth on said. Ann street forty feet, and in length or depth, extending thence southweAward keeping the same breadth at right angles with said ann. street. 'one hundred and eight feet. [Being the same zremlses which Ashton J. Davis and Wife, by deed dated august 0, A. D. 1811, and recorded In Deed Book G. B. No. 30, page 131, &c., granted unto _Christian J. Fell andiasorgc H. Kinder in fee, as tenants in common. . . No. 17. The undivided moiety or half part of all that brick building and lot or piece of ground, situate at the northwest corner of Front and Coates streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing:in front or breadth on said Front street thirty feet one inch, and in length or depth on the north line thereof eighty feet four inches, and on the southline thereof along the said Coates street eighty two feet two incite -more or less, and in breadth on the year end thereof thirty feet dye inches and a half; also, the undivided moiety or half part of all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on- the north side of Coates street, at the distance of eighty-two-feet .. two inches westward from the not thwest corner of the said Coates street and Front street, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on the said Coates street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth north wardly between parallel lines, at right angles.with said Coates street on the east line thereof, thirty fest five inches and a haif, anti on the west line thereof thirty feet six Inch es and three quarters. [Being the same premises which Join, B. Budd and wife. by deed dated November :3, A. D. 1341, reco:ded in Deed Book G S.. No. 34, page 94, &c., granted and conveyed unto Christian J. Fell and George M. Kinsler in fee, as tenants in common. ] • No. it. The undivided moiety or half rpart of all that Certain lot or piece of ground, with the naessuage or tone xnent thereon erected, situate on the southerly side of a ten-feet-wide alley or court, left open by Henry Brusstar, deceased, called Brustarr's alley, at the distance of about two, hundred and fifty-nine feet eattward from Queen treet, in Kensington, city of Philadelphia; containing in lreadth east and. west nineteen feet, and in length or depth, extending southward and at right angles with the said alley parallel with Queen street, about forty ffeet, be the same more or less, [Being the same pre ises which Thomas Brusstar and wife, by deed dated arch 4, A. D. 1844. and recorded in Deed Book R. L L., o. 16, page MA cc., granted unto Christian J. Fell and George M. Kineler in fee, as tenants in common • ' CD. C., 317; June T. , '63. Debt,-$1,600. Hieskell. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George M. Kinder. 301110 THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, June 16,1563: je22-3t SIIERIFF'S SALE.=BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Veaditioni Exponas, to me directed, will lie exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve- Ming% July 6, 1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situate in the late North ern Liberties, now Phitadtophia, on the south side of a forty-'eet wide street called Price street, running from Amber street to the Philadelphia and Reading railroad, at the distance of one hundred feet south of and parallel 'with York street, commencing at the distance of two hundred and ten feet east of said Amber street; contain ing in. flout on said Price street eighteen feet, and extend.: ing that width in depth at right angles therewith eighty mine feet, to a twenty-feet wide street called Clymer street. Bounded on the north by said Price street, on the south by said Clymer street, and on the oast and west hy ground. now or late of Henry Norris. Together with'all land singular the ways, streets, alleys, passages, Sm., - with the appurtenances, yielding- and -paying theriout the yearly rent or sum of thirteen dollars and Jiffy cents, in every year, on the tlrst. days or April and October, without deduction for taxes or:assesEinent whatsoever. D. C., 808; June T.'63. Debt *138.16. Wain, Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Reed. N JOHN THOMPSO, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 16,1663. je2.2-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue , on MONDAY Evening, July 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the dis trict of Spring Garden, beginning at a point on the south side of Parrish street, aff laid 'down'on the plan of the said district, at the distance ofi one 'hundred and seven feet ten and one-quarter inches westward from the south west corner Of said Parrish and Warder streets; thence extending,south ward. by ground formerly of - Fforatio B. Pennock seventy feet and one-eighth-of an inch to the middle of Centre street. now vacated; thence westward along said middle forty feet to ground of Charles Fischer: thence northward by said Fischer's ground two hundred and-thirty-two feet eleven inches and seyen-eighthe. of an inch, crossing said Parrish street to the middle of Perry street. also vacated; thence westwardalong said middle forty feet to ground formerly of, Horatio B. Pen mock and thence southward by the same crossing said Parrish street one hundred and sixty-five feet eleven and - three-quarter inches to the _place of beginning. rßeing the same premises which Horatio B. Pennock, Jr., by indenture dated the 26th day of February, 1334, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 63, page ola, &c granted and conveyed unto Charles Fischer it, fee, serving thereout a yearly ground rent of one hundred and thirty.two'dollars.payable half-yearly on the first, day of January and July, for arrears of which this pro ceeding is had 3 ED, C.. 525: June T.'63. Debt; $852.17. T. D.. Smith.] Taken in execution' and to be sold as the property of Charles Fischer. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 15,;1863.'" jell-St . 'S HERLFF SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF s•-' a writ of Venditioni Exponas; to me directed; will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, July 6: 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall., Ail that certain let or piece of ground, with the three istory brick .ntessnage or tenement thereon erected, si tuate on the east side of Erie street, at the distance of one hundred and sixty four feet southward from the south ede of Shippen street, in the Fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing it front or breadth on the said Brie street sixteen feet, and in depth eastward fifty-four feet. to a certain twelve - feet-wide . alley leading from the nail Shippen street to Fitzwater street. [Being the saute premi thewhich Eamuel Septemberd wife, byindenture dated twelfth day of one thousand eight hundred and fifty. four, recorded in Deed Boot T.. 11., 169, page 72, granted and conveyed to Robert J. IMUglass in fee.] ED. 4., 314; June T., '63. Debt, 31361.15. 3. P. OWens. Taxan In execution and to be sold as the property of . Robert 3." Douglas. JOHN- THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Shoriff's Office; Junel3,l3P. je22-3t SHERIFF'S SALES. R,HERIFF'S . SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expense, *me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Julyl6. 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two-story brick dwelling house thereon erected.-situate on the north side of a certain forty-feet-wide street, laid ont and opened for public use from Sixth to Seventh streets parallel with and at the distance of one hundred and ten feet northward from the north side of Morris street, in the First ward of the City of Philadelphia, be ginning at the distance of one hundred and seventeen feet seven inches and a. half eastward from the east side of said Seventh street, and containing in front or breadth on the said Lewis street thirteen feet four inches and A half, and ,extendlng in length or depth northward of that width fifty feet. Bounded northward by ground of Isaac W. Potts, eastward by oilier ground of Luther C. Edmunds; southward by the said Lewis street, and westward by ground of Luke W. Duffel. (Being the same premises which William Clark and wife, by in denture dated the 2d day of May. A. D. 1656, and recorded in Deed Book, D.- W., No. 158, page 66. 71. &e., grant ed and conveyed , to L. C. Edmund's in fee; subject to the payment ofa yearly ground rent of twenty-four dol lars.) No. 2. Also, all that certain. lot or piece of ground, with the two-story brick dwelling house thereon erected; situate on the north side of a certain forty-feet-wide street called Lewis street, - laid out and opened for public use from Sixth to Seventh streets parallel with and at the distance of one hundred and ten feet northward from the north side of Morris street, in the First ward of the City of Philadelphia, beginning at the distance of one hun dred and forty. four feet four incites and. Omit eastward from the east side of said Seventh street, and containing in front or breadth on the said Lewis street thirteen feet four inches and a half, and extending in length or depth northward of that width fifty feet. Bounded northward by-ground now or late of hem W. Potts, eastward and westward by ground now or late of L C. Edmunds, and southward by the said Lewis etreet. [Be ing the same premises which William Clark and wife, byindenture dated the 2d day of May, A. 1&)6, and recorded in - Deed Book A. D. B. No. 106, page 233, &e.. granted and conveyed to Luther:C. Edmunds in fee; un der and subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent; of twenty-four dollars. No. 3. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two-storybrick dwelling-house thereon erected. situate on the north side of Lewis street, beginning at the distance of one, hundred and fifty-seven feet nine inches eastward from the east side , of Seventh street; containing in front or breadth on the said Lewis street thirteen feet six inches, and extending in length or depth northward of that width fifty feet. Bounded northward by ground now or late of Isaac W. Potts; eastward by ground conveyed, or intended to be conveyed, to Julius Fink; southward by the said Lewis street, and westward by other ground now or late of Luther C. Edmunds. [Being the same premises which William Clark and wife, by indenture dated the 2,1 day of May. A. D.. 1356. and recorded in Deed Book A D. B. No. 106, page 223, &c. granted and conveyed to Luther C. Edmunds in fee; under and subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent of twenty-four dollars.) -No. 4. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the tw e-story. brick dwelling-house thereon °recta 1, situate on the south side of a certain forty.feet-wide street called Fisher street, laid out one hundred and ten feet south of and parallel with Franklin street, and ex tending from Sixth to Seventh street. at the distance of two hundred and seventeen feet three inches eastward from the east side of the said Seventh street, in the First ward of the said city; containing in front or breadth on said Fisher street twelve feet, and extending of that width, in length. or depth southward, between lines parallel with the said Seventh street, fifty feet. Bounded northward by the said Fisher street; eastward by ground now or late of Downs Edmunds, Jr.; southward by ground new or late of Isaac W. 'Potts, and westward by ground now or late of Thomas Shaw. (Being part of the earns premises which Robert L. Harris and wife. by deed poll endorsed, dated the 14th day of Starch, A. D. 1659, and recorded in Deed Book A., D. IL, No. page 449, &c., granted and conveyed to Luther C. Ed munds in fee.] No. 6. Also, all that certain three-story brick dwell ing -house and lot or piece of ground, situate at the northeast corner of Prime street and a certain thirty-feet wide street (laid out, opened and dedicated to public use forever by Henry J. Fox- one hundred and twenty feet west of and parallel with Eighteenth street) called Ward street; containing in front or breadth on said Ward. street eighteen feet, and extending of that width in length or depth eastward - along the north that_ of the said Prime street fifty feet. Bounded northward by other" ground late of Luther C. Edmunds; eastward by ground now or late of Isaac W. Potts; southward by the said Prime. street, and westward by the said Ward street. [Being part of the same premises which Charles Harlan. by indenture dated the 20th day of Only. A. D. 1800, and recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 129. page 174, arc.. granted and conveyed to Luther C. Edmunds in fee.] CD. C., 354; June T., 1663. Debt. $1,115. 73. Booth.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Luther C. Edmunds. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. June 18.-1863. je2e-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, July 6.1663. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground and two story brick messnage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the east side of a new street called Barlow street, thirty feet in width, (laid out and dedicated for public use forever, by Martha M. Johnson and -Jacob T. Al burger. ) extending from Wharton street to Read street, parallel with and at the distance of one hundred and twenty-eight feet five inches westward from the west side of Fifth street, in the First ward of the city of Phi ladelphia, (formerly the district of Southwark), com mencing at the distance of sixty-four feet eleven inches southward from the south side of Wharton street; con taining in front or breadth on said Barlow street four teen feet, and extending in length or depth of that width eastward, parallel with said - Wharton street, forty-eight feet five inches. Bounded northward and eastward by ground granted by the said Martha M. Johnson to the said Henry Barry and Riego Taylor on ground rent, southward by ground now or late of Martha M. John son, and westward by the said thirty-feet-wide street. No. 2. And; also, all that certain lot orpiece of ground and messnage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the east side of the said thirty-feet-wide street. beginning at the distance of thirty-eightfeet southward from the south side of said Wharton street; - thence extending south ward along the east line of the said thirty-feet-wide street twenty-six feet eleven inches; thence eastward, parallel with Wharton street. forty-eight feet Ave inches; thence northward, parallel with the said thirty-feet wide street, nineteen feet six and a half inches. and thence northwestwardly, by a straight line, forty-eight feet ten and a half inches, to the place of beginning. Bounded northward by ground now or late of the said Jacob T. Alb - urger, eastward and southward by ground granted by said Martha . M. Johnson to the said Henry Barry and Riego Taylor,. on ground rent, and westward by the said thirty-feet-wide street. No. 3. All that] certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Wharton street, at the distance of one hundred and fourteen feet three inches westward from the west side of DelawaYe Fifth street, in the dis trict of Southwark, in the said county of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth, on the said Wharton street, fourteen feet one and a half inches, and extending of that width, in length or depth, southward, between parallel lines at right angles with the said Wharton street, on the east line thereof, forty feet. more or less, and on the west line thereof thirty-seven feet eleven inches, more or less, to ground of H. Johnson. Bounded westward by other ground of the said Jacob. T. Al burger, southward by the said- ground of H. Johnson, and eastward by ground granted on ground rent to Meg° Taylor, and northward by Wharton street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Jacob T. Alburger and wife. by iruienture dated the 2d day of May. A. . D. 1851, recorded in Deed Book ' - No. -- , page granted and conveyed unto the said Henry Barry and his heirs. No. 4. All that certain lot of piece of ground and three story brick messnage or tenement thereon erected, situ ate on the south side of Wharton street, beginning at the distance of one hundred feet and three inches westward from the west side of Delaware Fifth street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia; oontaining in front or breadth on the said Wharton street fourteen feet, and extending in length or depth southward of that width between parallel lines at right angles with the - said Wharton street on the east line thereof forty-two feet two inches, more or less, and on the west line thereof forty feet, more or less. Bounded on the east by ground In tended to have been granted to Isaac Kelly on ground rent; on the south by ground now or late of Jose oh John son, on the west by ground late of William Wharton, and now of the said Henry Barry, and on the north by Wharton street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Riego-Tay lor and wife, by indenture dated the 11th day of afarch, A. D. 1558, recorded in Deed Book A. D. B. , No. 9, page 401., Scc , granted and conveyed unto the said Henry Barry and his heirs.] No. 6. And also, all that certain lot or piece of ground and three-story brick messnage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the north side of Morris street, at the distance of two hundred and ninety-eight feet four inches westward from the west side of Delaware Front street, in the city of Philadelphia (formerly the district of Southwark); containing in front or breadth on the said Morris street thirteen feet two and a half inches; and extending in length or depth northward between lines parallel with said Front street forty-one feet one inch to a thirty : feet street called Trellis street. No. 6. And also, all that certain lot or piece of ground and the three-story brick messnage or tenement thereon erected, situate In the First ward of the city of Philadel phia, beginning on the north side of Morris street, at the distance of three hundred and twenty-four feet nine inches westward from the west side of Delaware Front street, and thence extending northward parallel with the said Front street forty-one feet one inch to the south side of a thirty-feet-wide street called Trellis street; thence westward parallel with the said Morris street and along the south side of said Trellis street six feet six and a half inches; thence northward still along the south side of the said Trellis street six feet eleven inches and one-half of an inch; thence southward parallel with the said Front street about fosty-two feet four and flve-eighths inches to the north side otsaid Morris street, and thence eastward along the north side of said Morris street thir teen feet three inches to the place of beginning. [Which said several premises Riego Taylor and wife, by indenture data the 11th day of March, A. D. 1855;re corded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 9, page 166, &u , granted and conveyed unto the said Henry Barry, and his heirs ] CD. C., 3;9; June T. '63. Debt. $947. Rawls.] [D. C., NO; June T., '63 Debt, $ 570.65. Ramie. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Barry, (formerly Henry Barry. Jr.) JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Phila., Sheriff's Office, Jane 16, j SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, July 6,1663, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Wallace street, at the distance of one hun-. dredand:flfty-eight feet seven inches westward from the West side of Nineteenth street (formerly called Schuyl kill Fourth street.) in tt e Fifteenth ward of the said city of Philadelphia, (late the district of Spring. Garden); containing in front or breadth on said Wallace-street twenty feet, and extending in length or depth northward of that width between lines parallel with said Nine teenth street ope hundred and sixty feet to a forty,feet wide street, called North street. CD. C., 276; June T., '63. Debt; 8465. 60. F. C. Brewster.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John F. Bird. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 15,1563.je92-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, willbe exposed to public sale or vendue. on ➢IONDAY Evening, July 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of :Wallace street, at the distance of one'hnu dred and thirty-eight feet seven inches westward from the west Bide of Nineteenth street (formerly called Schuylkill Fourth street) in the Fifteenth ward of the said city of Philadelpyia, (late the District of Spring garden); containing in front or breadth on said Wallice street twenty feet, and extending in length or depth northward of that width between lines parallel with said Nineteenth street one hundred and sixty feet to a forty-feet-wide street called North street. (D.C. , 277; June T„ '63. Debt, $166.60. 'F. C.Brewster.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of. John F. Bird. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. June 16. 1863. je22-3t • RHERIFF'S SALE.-BY - VIRTUE OF N-- 1, a writ of Vend Mord Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or - vendue. on MONDAY Evening, July 6, 1863; at 4 o'clock. at . Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the int.-' .provements and buildings thereon erected, situate on the south side of Coates street, at the distance of two hun dred and five feet three inches westwazd fro in the west side of Twenty-third street; containing in front or breadth on the said Coates street thirty-lve feet, and extending in length or depth between lines at right ankles to said Coates street, on the east line seventy nine feet ten inches, and on the west line seventy-seven feet five and one-half inches, thence extending further' southward between parallel lines at right angles with Wallace street, on theeast line seventy-nine feet ten inches, and on the west line seventy-seven feet live and one - half inches to the north side of said Wallace street, on which it contains thirty-five feet. CD. 0., 265; J. T.,'63. " Debt; $244.69. Dennis.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel F. &winner. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. June 12,1863. je22-3t SITERIFPS - SALE-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed'to public sale or. vendue, on MONDAY Eye `nine, July 6.186,1, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. .All that certain three-story brick messnage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side of Randolph street, in the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of one hundred and , eighty. two feet seven inches and a quarter northward froMthe northwest cor ner of Girard avenue and said . Randolph street afore said; containing in front or breadth on the said Ran dolph street sixteen feet. and extending that breadth, in length or depth westward, at light angles with said Randolph street, fifty-six feet six inches to a two-feet; six-Inches-wide alley leading northward' and parallel with said Randolph street into another two-feet-six inches-wide alley, which leads eastward at right angles - with and into the said Randolph street. Bounded north ward by ground now or late of George Kressler, westward by the first-mentioned alley, and southward by ground now or late of John Gay, and eastward by Randolph street aforesaid. Together with the free and common use and privilege of both the aforesaid alleys. Subject to the payment of a certain- yearly ground rent or , sum of one hundred dollars, in equal half-yearly payments on the first day of the months of January and July in every year. C.. 289 i J. T., 1863. Debt, 61500. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Behmen. Street. JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff. Philadelphia,'Sheriff's Office. June 16, 1861 . je22-3t, SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, July 6.1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansonf-street All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Thirteenth street, at the distance of one hun dred and twelve feet southward from the south side of Columbia avenue, in , the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Thirteenth street sixteen feek . and extending eastward. In length or depth of that - width, parallel with said Co lumbia avenue, one hundred and sixteen feet to a thirty two-feet-wide 'street. Sounded -northward. by ground granted to — Keeley southward by other ground this day granted to the said BenjamitiWilson, eastward by the said thirty-two-feet wide street, and westward bY Thirteenth street aforesaid. [Being . part of a large lot of ground which hl. Carey Lea and wife, by 'indenture dated the 16th day. of February, A. D. 1854, recorded in Deed Book T. H. No. OS. page 564, &c.,. grouted and conveyed unto 'William M. Parham in fee.] Together with the free use and privilege of the said thirty-two. feet-wide street as and for a passage-way and water course at all times hereafter forever. N. B.—On the said - premises IS erected a three-story; brick dwelling-house. To be sold subject to a, fearly ground rent of one-borl dred and six dollars. - ? 302; June Term, 63. Debt, sin 31. Baird. 1 Taken execution and to be sold as the property of Benjamin Wilson. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. - Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. June 16,1863. je22-3t SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponae, tome directed, will be exposed to pnblio sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, July 6. 1863, at 4 o'clock. at .B=B°m-street Hall. No. 1. All that, the undivided sixth part of all that certain lot or plebe of ground, situate on the sotithwest side of Marlborough street, at the distance of six hun dred and sixty-one feet eleven inches northward from Prince street, in the late district of Rensington,.now at the distance of eighty-nine feet northwestward from Thompson street; in the Eighteenth ward of the city of Marabdep u h h ; containing n in f font o ( b nwh ho h frhnsa id erected a two-story brick 'ensilage or tenement,) and extending in length or depth that breadth southwest ward two hundred and two feet, to Crown (now called Crease) street, on which front is erected a two-story frame 'negating° or tenement. Bounded northwestward by the next hereinafter described premises. southeast ward by,ground intended to have been granted to John and Benjamin Nagle, southweetwardly by Crease street, and northesetwardly by Marlborough street aforesaid. (Being the same lot of ground which John Baker. et alia. by indenture dated. January 2001,-A. D. 1820,-and recorded in Deed. Book A. M., No. 11, page 097, &e., granted and conveyed unto John Few, the lather of the said David Few, in fee.] • No. 2. All that, the undivided sixth part of all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the southwest side of Marlborough street, at the distance of six hun dred and eighty-one feet eleven inches northward from Prince street, in the late district of Ereneington, now at the distance of one, hundred and nine feet northward from Thompson street, in the Eighteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Marlborough street thirty feet, on which front is erected a two-story brick rnessuage or tenement, and in length extending thence aouthweetwardijr, keeping the seine breadth parallel with the said Prince etred.two hundred and two feet, to Crown (now called Crease) street, on which front is erected a two-story frame =m enage or tenement. 13ounded northwestivard by ground of john Renp, southeastward by ground intended to he granted to John Saunders, now the premises grat above described, eenthweetwardLy by the said Crease -street, and northeastward by Marlborough street aforesaid. [Being the same lot of ground which Clayton Earl and wife. by indenture dated. .Tune the 18t1t, A. D. 1311, and recorded in Deed Book A. M., No. 11, page 686, granted and conveyed unto John Pow. the father of the said David Pow, in fee; and the said John Fow, - b his last will and testament dated the 20th day of April: A. D. 1842, and registered in the office for the probate of mills &c.. for the city and county el Intladolphla, in Will Book No. 30, page 200, dm., devised and borptenthed his real estate, of which the above properties are part, unto his six children, of whom the said David Vow is one, their heirs and assigns. - .-CD. C.. 270; P., VI. Debt, 911,773. 13. Nippee Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of David Fow. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. June 12.1903. j022-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vonditioni Exponas, to me directed will be exposed to public sale vondue, on MONDAY Bynum, July 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom-street Hall; All that certain lot or piece of ground. With the brick building; stable, and sheds thereon. erected. situate on the southwest side of Callowhill street, formerly the DPPer 'Ferry - road, beginning at the distance of two hundred and sixty-seven feet northwest from the north west earner of a former public landing of the district of Spring Garden; opposite to' the southern end 'of Fair mount or Twenty-fifth street, now occupied by the city of Philadelphia us a gas works; t Konen running north westwardly along: the southwest side of Callowhill street in front or breadth one hundred .and eight feet to around granted to Franklin Mitchell and S. S Ritchie, and extending sonthwestwardly between parallel lines at right angles to Callowhill - street in length or depth two hundred and forty-two root live Inches. lasers or less, to low wales mark of the river Schuylkill. Bounded nortbeastwardly by Callow It it I street, southeast wardl v by ground granted to Potter, McKeever. and Conrad, sonthwestwardly :by the river Schuylkill, and north westwardly by ground granted to Mitchell and Ritchie. [Being the same premises which Henry J. Williams and wife, by indenture dated the 10th day or March A.- D. 1867, recorded March 16th, 1863. in Deed Book L. C. 11. , No. 83, page 214. &c..; granted and conveyed unto the said George B. Frick and Joseph H. McClure; reserving thereout a'.yearly ground rent of eight hundred and sixty-four dollars, payable on the first days of January and July in each and every year thereafter forever.) CD. C., 269 t June T.. '63. Debt, $5, 002. 60. Judson, Taken in execution and. to be sold as the property of George B. Frick and Joseph IL McClure. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. - Philada.. Sheriff's Office, June 12.1363 „. M22-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Levari Facies, to . me directed, will be exposed to public sale or veudue, on MONDAY Evening July 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock. at •Sansom-street Hall. Al] that certain lot qr piece of ground, with the two two story brick messuages erected on the rear of said lot, sit uate on the west side of Tenth street, at the distance of two hundred and twenty-five feet southward from the south side of Wharton street, in the late district of Mo yamensinut now in the city -of Philadelphia. aforesaid, containing in front or breadth on the said Tenth street thirty-two feet, and extending in length or depth west ward, between .lines parallel with the said Wharton street one hundred and five feet, to a new street, thirty feet wide, called Austin street. Bounded northward by lot No. 2, in a certain indenture from William D. Lentz and others to Jacob S. Lentz, in trust, eastward by the said Tenth street, southward by lot 41 in the said recited indenture, and westward by Austin street aforesaid. (Being the same lot or piece of ground which Jacob S. Lentz, by indenture dated the second day of May, anno Domini 1653, recorded in Deed Book T. H , No. 121, page 92, &c.. granted and conveyed, inter alia, unto the said John D. Lentz, in fee simple.] fD. C., 295; June T. '63. Debt, 812.204. Johnston. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property' of John D. Lentz. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's °ince. June 12,1863. je22-3t S TlValir 4PS SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, July 6,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Samsom-street Hall, All that certain lot or-piece of ground, situate on the east side of Broad street, at the distance of one hundred and ninety feet northward from the north side of Lan caster street, in that part erne city of Philadelphia late ly called Penn township, in the county of Philadelphia; containing in front or bread th on the said Broad street sixty feet. and in length or depth eastward of that width, between lines para ll el with the said Lancaster street (crossing a certain new street fifty feet wide laid out and openedby Isaiah . Williamson and John Rice for pub lic use, mi T dway between the said Broad street and-Thir teenth street, and extending from the said Lancaster street to Lebanon street) Ave hundred and twenty-eight feet to the west side of the said Thirteenth street. Bound ed northward and southwardly by ground now or late of the said Isaiah IT...Williamson and John Rice, eastward by the said Thirteenth street, and westward by the said Broad street. [Being the eame premises which John C. Mitchell and Rebecca, his wife, by indenture bearing date the 26th day of September, A. D. 1.853, granted and conveyed unto the said George F. McCallmont and Charles M. Burns in fee.] ID. 0.,24; June T., 83. Debt, $4,000. McCall. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George F. McCallmont and Charles M. Burns, JOHN THOMPSON . , Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. June 12,1863. je22-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY "VIRTUE OF a writ of VenditioniPonas, to me .directed, will be _exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, July 6, 1863, at •fo'clock, at hansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situate in the late North ern Liberties, now Philadelphia. on the south side of a forty-feet wide street called Price street, running front Amber street to the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, at the distance of one hundred feet south of and parallel with York street, commencing at the distance of one hun dred and twenty-seven feet -weer` of said Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad laid oitt as a street eighty feet in width; contains gin front on said Price street eighteen feet, and extending, that width in depth at right angles therewith eighty-nine feet to a twenty-feet-wide street called Clymer street. Bounded on the north by said Price street, on the south by said eiymer street, on the east by ground intended to be granted to James A. Hy zer on ground rent, and on the west by other ground now or late of Henry Norris. Together with.. the streets, ways, alleys, &c. ~ with the appurtenances, yielding thereout the or sum of thirteen dollars and fifty cents, in equal half-yearly paymentson the first days of April and October in every year, without dednetion for taxes or assessments whatsoever. - CD. C. 309; June T. '63. Debt *133.16. Wain.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Reed. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.' Philad'a. Sheriff's Office, June 17, 1863. je22-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, July 6.1.563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the late village or borough of Manayunk, now in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia, bounded and described as follows: Beginuirig at a corner on the south side of Margaret street; at a point where Cedar street, intersects said Margaret street, being two hun dred feet from the intersection of Juniper and. Cedar streets; thence extending along by the southerly side of the said Margaret street one hundred feet to a corner; thence extending by lot No. lee-now or late of 'Squire Hunt, twenty-four - feet six inches to another corner; thence extending along , by other ground formerly of Robert Flemming, one hundred feet to the northerly side of the aforesaid Cedar street; - :thence extending along by said street twenty-five feet six inches to the place of beginning. [Being the same premises which Robert Flemming and wife, by indenture dated the first day of January, 1845, recorded. in Deed Book A. W. M., No. 4, page 225, Sm., granted and conveyed unto Samuel Burns and his heirs, reserving thereout a, yearly ground rent of twelve dollars, lawful money of the United States, payable on the first days of April and October in each year thereafter forever, the first halt-yearly pay ment thereof commencing on the first day of October, ]S4S, for arrears of - which said ground rent thejudgment in this case has been obtained.] N. B.—On the above premises is erected a small two and-a-half-story stone tenement, . . [D. C., No. 337; June T., '63. Debt, $113.14. Ramie.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel Burns. JOEIN. THOMPSON - , Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's OZce, Tune 17. 1563. je22-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY - VIRTUE. OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, July 6, 1.8133, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, - All that certain three-story brick messuage or tene ment, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side of Eighth street at- the distance of fifty feet south in - ward from the south side of Wallace street , the'ThiT teenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Eighth street seventeen feet, and extending that width. in length or depth westward. between parallel lines at right, angles with the said Eighth street, one hundred and six feet seven inches to a five-fect-wide alley running from said Wallace street to Green street. Bounded northward by ground now or late of George D. Smith. westward by said alley, south ward. by ground now or late of Samuel W. Bacon, and westward by Eighth street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which John Koenig, and wife, by indenture ;bearing date the sixteenth day of January. A. D. 16 , 1, and recorded in Deed Book- A. C. H , No. 4, pegs 186. &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Bernard Sprungk; in fee; subject to the right of • Samuel W. Bacon, his heirs and. assigns, of attaching a pipe or pipes of conduit to the pipe now laid through the eastern most part of the hereby granted premises as the said at tachment is now made, for, the purpose of supplying the adjoining premises on the south with Schuylkill water.] Together with the free and common use and privilege of the said five-feebwide alley as a passage-way and water course, at all times hereafter forever. - CD. C., 834. J. T., '63. Debt, $1,3C0. E. Spencer Miller.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Bernard Sprungk. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's OHce. June 15,1863. je22-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas. to me directed. will-be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, July 6,1663. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, - All that certain lot or _piece of ground situate in the First ward of the city of-Philadelphia, at the intersection of Tenth street with Fassyank road: commencing at the point of intersection; thence extending Serathward, along the easterly'side of said. Passyunk road, one hundred and eleven feet one half inch; thence southeastwardlY in a line at right angles with said Passyank road, about thirty : ilve feet, to a point; thence eastward, on a line at right angles with Tenth street, about thirty-five feet.lo the west side of said Tenth street: thence northward. along said Tenth street, one hundred. and - ten feet three inches, to the place of beginning. Bounded eastwardlY by Tenth street. northward and westward by Passynnk road, and" southward by ground of - . (Being the same lot of ground. which George Norris and wife, by dead dated Trine 2.3 d. 1951, and recorded in Deed,Book T. H., No. 20, page 539, Sc., granted unto-John.Fitz do in fee; reserving a ground rent of one hundred. . CD. C. 256; J. T. V., . Debt VS& 92. Pile. 1 Taken in exectition and to be sold as the Property of John Fitzpatrick. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. June 9. 1863. je223t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF _ -a writ of Venditioni ExPonas, to me directed, wilt be exposed to public sale or yendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, July 6,1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground (marked in the plan No. 3), and the three-story brick dwelling thereon erected,.situate on the east side of. Beech street, porn insuring at the distance of one hundred and thirty-one; feet three inches, more or less, northward from the north side of Walnut street, in the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front on said Beechrstrtet seventeen feet. more or less, and extending in length or depth eastward between lines parallel with said Walnut street sixty-six feet to the westernment ends of the West-street lots, including the northernmost .half of a two-feet-wide alley, used in common with the property , adjoining on the south. [Being the same premises which John A Brown and wife, by . indenture dated the sixth day of December, anno DOMIlli 1850, recorded in Deedßook A.-. W. M., No. 54, page 359, - granted and. conveyed, inter Oa, unto the s.aictDanielLarkey in fee; reserving there out a yearly ground rent of thirty-six dollars, payable on the first day of the months of January and July in each and everyearlhoreafter forever.] • J D. C., 268; June T. '6l. Debt, $llB 56. Judson.] Taken in , execution and to be sold as- the property of Daniel Lackey. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 12, 1863. jell-It SHERIFF'S SALE:-BY VIRTU E OF a - writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me direefed;will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Jury . 6.1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sausom-street - All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the• wo story frame house thereon erected, situate on the north, westwardly side of a certain forty feet-wide street, laid outset the distance .of two hundred and: ninety-two feet four inches and a quarter northwestwardly from Tulip, street and running, parallel therewith, called Janney street, at the distance of two hundred and.•sixty-two feet one inch and a half.•northeastwardly from Rich mond lane, in the district of Richmond, in the county of Philadelphia; containing in front or••breadth on said Janney street one hundred and twenty-six feet, and ex tending northweetwardly. between - parallel lines at right angles with the said Janney street, one hundred and ten feet, to a certain thirty-feet wide street called Witte street. Bounded northeastq-ardly and south westwardly by other ground intended to be this daY granted to Edward D. - Johnson on ground rent, north westwardly by the -said Witte street, and southeast wardly by Janney street:aforesaid. :.[Being the same premises which Benjamin S. Janney and wife, by ,in denture bearing date the third day. of. January, A. P. 1850, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 67. raze 501, sth., granted, and conveyed unto Edward D. Johilson in fee; reserving. fitment a• , vearly ground , rent or sum of ninety , four dollars and fifty cents, payable half-yearly on the first day of the months of January and July, in every pear hereafter forever.] CD. U., 301; J. T„'63. Debt, MISS. J. B. Townsend.] Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Edward D. Johnson. JOHN THO3fPSON, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. June 12,1868, je22-3t THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, 'TUNE 22, 1863. IMMESEESEEZM SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, July 6, 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, • All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on' the southeasterly side of East Washington street, late in the borough of Germantown, now in the Twenty second ward of the city of Philadelphia; beginning at a stake set for a corner by the side of the said East Washington street (as widened), being twenty-fire feet from, the centre thereof, at the distance of two hundred and sixty fl ve feet three inches southwesterly from the centre of the Bristol-township-line road; thence extending along the said side of East Washington street (as widened/ south forty-two degrees and twonty-flve minutes. west one ligndred and Awenty feet, and extending in length or depth of that width, between parallel lines at right angles therewith, southeastwardly two hundred and twenty•five feet to the side of a new street forty feet wide to be laid out and opened by Charles Clarlim, pa rallel with East Washington street. called ' wary street." [Being the same premises which John V. Brit 6tom, b indenture bearing date the 6th day of June. A. D. 1856, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book MD W., No: Si, Page 435, &c., granted and conveyed unto Tem perance Ann Brown, wife of the said James D. Brown, in fee simple; and the said Temperance Ann Brown being so thereof seized of the said promises, departed this life. having lira made and published her last will and testament in writing, bearing date the 20th day of February, A. D. 1857, since her decease duly Proved and remaining on file in the Register's office at /1111/0111111211a, wherein and whereby she did give and bequeath the said premises unto her husband. the said James D. Brown, as in arid by the said recited laid will. and testa; mint and indenture, re'erenee being had unto them re spectively-, will more fully and at large appear ) To gether with the free and common use read privilege of the said Mary street, with and without horses, cattle and carriages, at all threes "hereafter forever. CD. C. 281; Juno T., '63. Debt, $1,205. A. The lenge Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Mary J. Brown, minilitishatrix of James D. Brown, de. ceased. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Onleo. Awl 12, 1863. *.ie22-3t REIHRIFF'S SALE -- .BY . VIRTUR OF P.-- ) a writ of VoiulitioUl EXPOIIIO, toFnn exponed to pol,Llo nalo or voodoo, on MONDAY' Lyon. big, July U. 3861 at 1 o'olook. ut tirtanoniquroot 1111.11. All that certain four.story brisk rough.miat maintop or Imminent anti lot or piece of ground. HUM() on t h e north side of Elmo street, at tho ilistanco or twouty-ujno fret Mx inches wustward from tho west Milo of Till ['Month_ street, in the city of Philadelphia, thermtrampling north Ivo rd parallel with the sold Thirteenth otrool torty• live feet to a two.feet - oltrld,inehos Wide alley eunnlng Into and from the said Thirteenth street; t moo oX• tending northwootwardly Mong said alloy sly foot tot Inches, more or 10811, 1.014 point; thence won Eward atlll along the said alloy about thirteen loot Ilvo imam to the lino of ground of Mary Sitiolde; thous) smith ward ale g lino of ground or Mary flidolda, natal boll° tho Thirteenth groat, foot lo said Roue stmt., am thence eastward along thu said Paco street eishtoot; root, •more or loos, to the Mao of beginning. [Being tin o room lot of ground which Oharlea Stewart :and Nvifo, by in don. torn dated ihe.lolll day of June, A. D.'1853, rotansithl at Ph liadelphia'in Deed'Hoolc T. IL. No: 00, Pay 6to, granted and conveyed unkr: said t, Sugars) and Edward 8. Pitch in root rotten' log thorranti ho yoarly ground rout or sum of ono handrod and njghty dolara payable half-yortrly on Um: first day or Om Motile of January and July In ovo ry year; tor a renat'a of lat tho Judgmout :Was Obliiinod aped ArldOli thin OXOolltiOlt wan issued.] . . &D. C. 2801 Juno T., nolg. 0107.9.0. 8, Camp. boll.] Titicon lu ogoonlion cold to 1)0 001)1 Ith thu proparly of PLllip R. Engord nod Edward 1 , 1 Piton olftf'PllOgfPBON. MIMI? who, Juni) lite Isll9, 1821-111. StiERIFF'S SALE.----BIT VIRTUE :O na Order of Salo in Pm:Minn to me directed, will be mama to Public sale Or voodoo, on MONDAY live. ulna'. July d.lMi9, at .1 o'clock. at Salmonmilreet No. 1. All that certain throe-story brick mossitata or tenement with the two,etory brick kitchen and lot or piece of ground Moron:lite belonging:situate on Elm south side of Reed street, attlio distance of two hundred ash. fifteen feet five incitekoastward from the Ma nfito•or Fifth street, in the First ward of the said city, lately the district of Southwark ; Containing in front or breadth on the said Reed street sixteen feet, and extending In depth. southward betwowlines parallel with. Fifth street on the east line thereof seventy-eight feet, and on the west line thereof seventy=fonr feet eigh t and ono-half inches, more or less, to ground Mow or late of John 11. llrinton, and in breadth on the rear end about sixteen foot four No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of land, with the two-story frame messuage.or tenement thereon erected, situate on themortheastwardly side of Church street, in the borough - Of' Bridesburg. Bounded and described as follows: beginning atit corner in the middle of a thirty three-feet-wideetreet - called Church street, being elan a corner of John.. - .C,..Sclineideris land, thence exteuMing along the eide of eaidKelaiforth thirtY-eight degrees had three-quarters, easrolif*iiidred and nineteen feet and fifty-two hundredths ofaTdot to a corner of land granted and. conveyed, or intended so to be, to James McCor mick ; thence along the en! of said land south fifty one degrees and fifteen minutes, east fourteen feet and ten. and a half inches to a corner in the middle of a two-and a-half feet-wide alley, left open for the joint use and benefit of this and the adjoining house •; thence along the middle of said alley souththirty- eight degrees and three , Quarters, west one hundred and nineteen feet and .fifty-- - two hundredths of a foot to a corner in the - middle of Church street aforesaid, and thence along the middle of the same north fifty-one degrees and fifteen minutes, west fourteen feet ten and. a half inches to the place of be- No. 3. All that certain piece of ground with the two and-a-half story brick house thereon erected, situate in the district of Southwark; containing in breadth on Queen street eighteen feet, arid in length or depth fifty four feet. Bounded on the east, by Charles Woolfall'e ground, on the south by Queen street aforesaid, on the west by ground granted or intended to be granted by. Thomas Penrose and wife to Izoiah Jenkins, and on the north by ground late of John'Knowles, deceased. To gether with the appurtenances. CD. C., 298; June T., E. M. Paxen. To be sold as the property of Harvey F. Smith and Ann Eliza Smith, Ids wife, late Eliza Sparks, and others. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 13,1563. je22-3t RHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF N. , a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale or vendne. On. MONDAY Evening, July 6, 1565, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two two storybrick messuages erected on Austin street,and the two three-story brick messuages erected on Tenth street, situ ate on the - west side of Tenth street, at the distance of two hundred- and twenty-five feet southward from the south side of. Wharton street, in the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing 'in front or breadth -on -the said Tenth street thirty-two feet, and extending in length or depth westward, between lines parallel with the said Wharton street, one hundred and five feet, to a new. street thirty feet wide, called Austin street. Bounded northward by lot No. 2, in a certain indenture from William D. Lentz and others, to Jacob S. Lentz, in tut eastward by the said Tenth street, southward by lot No. 41, in the said recited inthnture, and westward by Aus tin street aforesaid. [Being the same 'lot or piece of ground which Jacob S. Lentz by indenture dated the .second day-of May. Auno Domini 1833, recorded in Deed T. H. No. 121, page 92, ac., granted and conveyed,' inter' alia, unto the said John D. Lentz in fee simple. ." CD. C. 292 J. T.. !6:3„ Debt: $..551 Johnston.]- Taken in execution and to-be sold .asthe.-ProPerty. - of John D. Lentz. JOHN THOMPSON,,SherIif. Philadelphia, Sherlf's Mice, June 12,-13 . 63. ja223t - kIEDRIFF'S SALE.-BY ' , VIRTUE OF a writ of Lever' Yachts, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on 'MOND 4.l' l Bvereing, July 6, 1863. at 4 o - clock, at Sansom-street Hail. - All that certain lot or piece of ground. with the two two-story brick messuages erected on Austin street. and the two three-story brier messuages erected on Tenth street, situate on the west side- of Tenth street, at the distance of two hundred and twenty•feve feet southward` from the south side of Wharton street. in the late district of Moyamensing, now in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on the said Tenth street thirty-two feet. and extending in length or depth west ward, between lines parallel with the said Wharton street, one hundred and live feet to a new street thirty feet wide, called Austin street; bounded northward by lot No. 2, in a certain indenture.from William D. Lentz and others to Jacob S. Lentz. in trust, eastward by the said Tenth street, southward by lot No. 41, in the said recited indenture, and westward by Austin - street afore said. (Being the same lot or piece of ground which Jacob S. Lentz, by indenture dated the second day of May, Anno Domini 1853, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 121, page 92, &c.,granted and conveyed, inter alia, unto the said John D. Lentz in fee simple. ] . CD. C., 294; June T., '63. Debt, $1,102. Johnston.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John D. Lentz. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. - June 12. 1863.1 je22-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE. C F a. writ of Alias Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, July 6;1863 at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ail those two brick buildings and lot or piece of ground. situate on the south side of Locust street, „between' Eleventh add-Twelfth streets, in the city of Philadel phia; commeneing . fifteen feet six inches east of Mercer street, and containing in front on said Locust street fif teen feet, and in depth, of that width, seventy feet, with the use of a three-feet alley into Mercer street. cp. C. , 311; J. T., '63. .Debt, $ll2. Stover.] -Taken in execution and to be sold. as the property-of Anthony Terradell, and. Massey. his wife. = . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office; June 17,1863. je22-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to medirected.will be, exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening July 6, Isl 3, at 4 - o'clock , at Sansom-street All that certain lot or-piece of ground situate in the Nineteenth,.ward, city of Philadelphia, on-the north west corner of Sergeant and Sepviva streets; containing in front on Sergeant street fifty-six feet. and extending of that width in, depth along - Sepviva street one hun dred and thirty-eight feet one and one-eighth Inches to Fox street. [Recital.—Deea F. Emlen and. J. D. Sergeant, trustees, et, al., to Isaac Thompson in fee; dated April 9. 1550; recorded in Dead Book R. D. W., No. 9, page 621. reserving a ground rent of $7O ] [D. C., 255; June T.'63 Debt, $598.43. Pile.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Isaac Thompson: JOHN THOMPSOJ, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 9, 1863. _..je22-3t p, HERIFF'S SALE.-BYVIRTITE -OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed .to public sale or vendee , on MONDAY Evening - . July. 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Ransom -, street Hall, All that certain two-story-brick messuage and lot or piece of ground, situate in the Fourteenth ward of the city. of Philadelphia; on the-westerly side of Thirteenth street, commencing at the distance of eighteen feet from the northernmost line of Ogden street; containing in front, or breadth on said Thirteenth Area: sixteen feet. and ex tending of that width, between lines at right angles with said. Thirteenth street, westwardly. forty. eight feet. N. B.—The building on the above is a two-story.brick dwelling, about twelve feet front by twenty-six feet deep, built back from the - west side of Thirteenth street about sixteen feet C„ 312% . June-T.'&3: Debt, $2.50, Samuels.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the Property of Henry Sayidge. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ofice. June 12,.1803,"je22-3t • SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF IL/ a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directe_ ,d will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, July 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock; at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain. lot on piece of " ground 'situate on the east side of Dela Ware Seventh street. at the distance of sixty feet southward from the southeast corner of .said. Seventh street and Thompson street, 'in the city of Phila delphia; containing in Mnt or, breadth on said Seventh street twenty feet, and extending of breadth, in - length or depth eastward, between parallel linee:at' rlght angles with said Seventh street, one hundred and seventy-four feet ten inches to Marshall street. [Being the same premises which Edwin Shields and Thomas Lea and wives, by indenture dated the 4th June, 1853, recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed- Book T. H.. No. - 1. 9 A.•page635, granted and. conveyed.nnto James C. English, in fee ; ,• reserving thereont a yearly, ground rent of one hundred and twenty dollars, payable semi-annually on the fourth day of December and. June of each year, without dedac- ' tion for taxes, &c. [D. C. ,320;. June Tr '63. - Debt, $463.66., .Calvert. i Taken n execution 'end to be sold as themroperty of James C.-English.- JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. 'June 15.1863..:,jeff3-3t I R,,BERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me dirPetod, will be ex posed to public sale or.veudne, on MOND.s..Y Evening, July 6,1863. al4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. `All that certain three-story-brick messuage or tenement= and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging, marked' in a certain plan number ten (10), situate on the south. side of Pine street; at the distance of 1it13.--fonr feet, more or less, from the west side of Delaware Sixth.; street, in, the Fifth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in front or breadth on the said Pine street teen feet, and extending in length. or depth southward' sixty feet. Bounded eastward by lot No. 11, now or late: of William Stevenson; westward- by-lot No. 9, now or late of George Ferrell'; southward by a fourteen-feet-wide court leading into said Sixth street, and, northward by! Pine street aforesaid. (Being the same premises, which. Michael Morgan. by indenture bearing date. December 31; A.D. 1899, intended to be then forthwith recorded.grant-. ed and conveyed unto the said James Joshua Gould Bias,- and Elizabeth, his wife, in fee.) .. 'CD. C., 321; June T.,.'63. Debt, $2,739.67. C. G.S. Dough-. . . . Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Elizabeth Bias, Sm.. JOHN TIIOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sherifr's Office. June 12.1863. ae22-3t S VERIP SALE--BY VIRTUE OP 'a writ of Yenditioni Expellee, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even-. lug, July 6, 1863;at 4 o'clock, at Sansotn-streetllall. All that yearly ground rent or sum of twenty-four lars lawful money chargeable upon and 'issuing out of all that certain lot oy piece *of grOund,'ettnate on the north side of Mcllwain, •late Marshall. street, at the distance of sixty-nine - feet westward from the west side of Delaware Fifth street, in late Southwark; containing in front or breadth on the said Mcllwain 'street sixteen feet, and extending of that width in length or depth northward forty-flye feet. [Being the same lot which. Oscar Scarlett, by 'deed dated the twenty-ninth day_of October, A. D., ]357, recorded in Decd.- Book R D. VV.; No. 153, page 62. &c., granted and conveyed to George Plowman,-in fee reserving theteent the afore Said yearly ground rentals therein expressed. ; CD. C., 319; June T., '63. Debt, $252.50. Elijah Tbomas.l Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Oscar Scarlett. - -JOHN THOMPSON,' Sheriff.' t Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. June 12, 1363. je22-3t SHERIFF'S ,SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expongs, to me direoted, 'will be - exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing", July 6, 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Halle " ' that certain lot or piece of .gronnd, with the three story brick tenement thereon erected, situate on the north side of Parrish street, at the distance of thirty-four feet eastward from the east side of Ninth street, in the Thirteenth.ward of the city of PhiladelplOa; containing in front or breadth on said Parrish stroetS2 feet, and ex tending in length or depth nothward of that width, at right angles with the said Parrish street. OR the west' .line thereof, twenty-one feet seven inches and one-fourth of an inch, and on the east line.thereofse.euty-six feet three inches and'one-eighth of an inch. Bounded north ward:by ground formerly of D Lewis, east= ward by ground, formerly of Charles Henry Fisher, _westward party by ground. granted to Benjamin Stoat on ground rent,' and partly by head or eastwardly end , of a three-feet-wide - alley leadingwestward.into the said Ninth street and southward by Parrish street aforesaid. CD. C:; 297; June T. Debt, 5364.3.2. Mueslis.] in Taken execution and to he sold as the property. Of Joseph Rue. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sane 12,1563: ie22-3t SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Eve ning, July B ,l >. at 4 o'clock. at Sausom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, and the mos images throon erected, situate at the southwest corner of Lombard and ficlmylkill Front, now called Twenty second, street, 4n the city of Philadelphia; containing in front dr breadth on the said Lombard street forty-six feet. and in length or depth southward seventy-eight feet. Bounded on the east by the sald Twenty-second street, on the north by the said Lombard street, on the west by other ground late Of William`Phillips, and on the south by ground of Richard Ashurst and others. rWhichlot or piece of ground William Phillips. by in delittlre bearing date the 10th day of March, A. D. 1810, recorded In the °nice for recording deeds for the city and. Windy of rhiludelphin. In Deed. Book G. 8., No. 10, Page 11711, granted unto .Tainee hack in. fee; reserving s.early ground rent of one hundred and thirty-eight dollars, payable in maul ball-yearly payments en the list days of July and January In every year thereafter forever.] N. .11.—On the above lot of ground are erected live three-story brick hinnies on the west side of Twenty second street, the corner house Laing eighteen feet six inches in front by thirty. foot In depth; the eecond, MK leen feet four Inches In frnn ; WO siXted n feet to front; the fourth unit Ilfth, (mob thirteen foot seven inches In front, nod all, except the first, being twenty eight t fontln depth, • rD , C , 11 Thsun° T, '413, Debt; $142.00. McCall] - Tu iron i n exenntion and to be gold as the property o f Anna E. Book, admlnlstratrlir. ote..- or James Buck. de beetted. 30IIN lihorlff. rhuomoth., norm Offlac,.la no 20,1803. 1e22,-ht . IMRIFF'S 5A1:44.--,133r Viir.rl7.E OP Sa 'writ of 'Yonilltionl'Exponno, to mo diroctod, will bo 0x,.. , „,,0 pillfflo 1111111 or VOIOIIIO. on MONDAY livoning, - Jay lBO l l, 91%4 o'olook at No nnom-otroot Hall, - All 5,110.11'111111 lotor, 1)1000 , torgyountl. elluete on Ito oast oh of WHIDyn Mrnot, a. Pm el lortanco ol ono hundrod nod lb tylAyo loot smith ol frown ntrant, in Ito city of Phi 111110101 i a , min dintrfol of Elyrlng (Jordan; anutaliiing• In tivit or rimalli on Odd William stracit iloyontoon foot (looloil lin on Lin south nido Ilinroof Um northorn moot Inlflnlr of a nerluln alley two feel in width by thirty. Lwn kilt lc dopthi, and oxiamlion in longth or dopth °not ward, lie ,wnon paritlltil Moon at right itoglon with tho oold Wit lard ((tree, ono ,Inindred and thirty - fool, to Ililolooni (drool., f suing itie owe lot of ground willeek 11.1 ) 01eue h. WOlll/11011 end wite, _by Indenture clatnit tho Ott Joy of rfnvOnThttri )Ml, rtiOnyried in R ood Book 0, W. 0,. No - , 19,0, 0110°J.11, gronlod I o .11111100 norlco in Poo; ro lio9l.oiftliproola II yoarlY °Too oil ram of pixty.nlllll dol l/1,04°v Inflanionl for arronrasmo of wliinli tlio mom IN 10 1) OD , 1 # i L , (1, NO I ;folio 3', 'O,l Debt, *vivo. Bpeneer. 1 'Po fey, II) osoutitron and' 10 )/0 Hold no lim proyorty of kijoas °Flo : , JO IN PIrOMPBOI9, Shortly ... Mot oioll in, filioriff n Oillon, Joon 17, 10113, Jo 22-4 , ~..,....__ gliTtßlFF'fi kI.AI4III.—ITY VITN:LTIg OF N.t. rtivi4or 4 ill's Y01144/00 lixpoonc, In rail director! ril lin usmool l lull:11141n or Yet Alan, on 11101 1 fDAy V ll - 111 Xi/ I go jot oh 'l/111:4 1g 1iiIi 1 1/ oil I,ii r t s i l g t ir o'n jh diO l ir nor fn . / ° 0 Wi11114116.4r001, It Ida p nionmoo of Iwo bun aro, nvi or.yanvon 100, 01.1 1. 0 111 Wan4WaPi froth Ito WI Man of n 111014144 n 411 tool. (formal/ on11(111 OW) OYI • OWI /myth e.lreet), In thn lfloanth ward oft ho hold nit f "la illildol Wile, (Ipto di n e lot of Horton 0 nrdoil); 0011 , lint 1 1 li4 in front. Or 1)10O,1101 011 nnidwoilaneetrool, twenty 100 4t ril 041egifillig In Kllin) . ne dant)) north Wil rd qt thal. WI I 4 nntignfin Ilium parallol will/ itald Ninoteenth street, COIL 1 IFI FO l l 011)1 OiXIY foot to It forty-feot-wido otroot 0 Jinn i 1 1-0 lisid, It ,I I I ED ( . i Wil S. I, i 'II'), Rohl, $4llO 40. F.(l Breweter.j l'eloi i ovnentrion 011)1 to be Hol!I no Ilia property of nnbort ,11000 l I , , 3011 N THOMPSON, Shoriff. Play olidifit, Nliorlfro OMOO, Jolla 13, 1933. 1022-3 t eItOPOSA.V4. A • Y CLOTIT MG AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and °TRAM) Streets. Jane 20,1863, FIF:ALED PROPOSALS are invited at this Office until FRIDAY., the 20th instant. at 12 o'clock At, to furnish -promptly el the Sulloylkill Arsenal : D-Inab Dark-hlue Silk Lace, rums—full size, Infantry, complete with cage, and sticks: Fifee—B, C, and IS, Common Tents-70-ounce Cotton or Linen Duck pre - !erred, but samples of the kind of duck proposed to he made up must he submitted by the bidder. Hospital Tent Pius, large. Common do do, small., Bugles—Copper, with extra Mouth-pieces. Gaiters—Linen or Cotton: bidders will send samples of the matorial to be used in making them. Nails anti Screws,: that may be required at the Betinyl- Arsonal,from lat July, 1861. to let January. 1864. Bidders will state in their proposals the price, quantity bid for, and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract moat be guarantied by two responsible persona, whose sigataitt% must be amended to the guarantee; and said guarantee must accompany the bid. No bid will be considered that does not comply fully with the above requirements. Sealed Samples, to which all articles must conform, can be seen- at this office, and bidders are invited to be present at the opening of the bide. Proposals must be endorsed, "Proposals for Army- Supplies, ".stating the particular articles bid for. G. H. CROSMAN, je2.2-5t Mat. Q. M. General U. S Army. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLYING THE MINT-WITH ACIDS AND WOOD. MINT OP THE 'UNITED STATER, PHILADELPHIA, June 17. 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS for supplying the MINT with ACIDS and WOOD for one year from the let July, 1863. will be received by the undersigned until 2 o'clock P.M. of the 29th inst, The Nitric or Parting Acid to be of the strength 39 deg. Resume. delivered in tub carboys. The Sulphuric Acid 60 deg. Resume, delivered in box carboys. The Wood to be of the best quality of Hickory, Oak. and Pine. Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for Acids," "Proposals for Wood," respectively. JAS. POLLOCX, jel7-10t Director of the Mint. ARMY`CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE. TWELFTH and. GIRARD Streets, PirmArompare, June 15, PM SEALED PROPOSALS aro invited. at this office until 12 o'clock M., on MONDAY, the 22d inst., to furnish promptly at the.Schnylkill Arsenal: Haversacks, painted or enamelled on linen or cotton: If of cotton, to be equal to the sealed sample Cotton-drill Haversack in this office; and if of linen, to be free from jute, and the material to be equal in all respects to the sealed samples of linen for Haversacks in this office, and the painting and workmanship to be equal to the 'standard sample above referred to. • • Manila-spun Yarn for tying up Tents. Axe Slings. Bidders will state in theirproposals the price, quanti ty bid for, and time of delivery. - The ability of the bßliter to till the contract must be guarantied by two resikinsible persons, whose signa tures must beAppended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must acnomPanY the bid. IW - id will be con sidered:that does not comply fully with the above re-: quirements.- Sealed samples, to which all articles must cOnform, can be, seen at this office, - and bidders are invited to be „present a the opening of• the bids. . , • ProPosals "must be endorsed "Proposals for Army Supplies, '-' stating the particular article bid for. - G. H. CROSMAN, - Assist IV M. General 11. S. A. ARMY CLOTHING- AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. PHILADELPHIA, June 16, 1863 SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office until 1.2 o'clock M. on TUESDAY, the 23d inst., to furnish promptly at the Schuylkill Arsenal: DRUM BATTER H GADS. Do. SNARE do.- . _ HOSPITAL-TENT POLES, per set, the_iron bands to be galvanized. and fastened with screws. TROUSBES, for footmen, army standard, sky-blue. And, also: - for Cutting, Making, and Trimming the same, the United States furnishing the Kersey. Bidders will state in their pror osals, , the price, qllan tity bid for, and time.of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract mast be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signatures must be appended to the guarantee, and said gaarantee must accompany, the_ bid. No bid will be considered that does not comply fully with the above requirements. Sealed samples, to which all articles mutt conform, can be seen at ,this office, and bidders are invited to be present at the opening.of the bide. Proposals must be endorsed " Proposals for Army Sup plies. stating the particular article bid for. . G. H. OROSMAN, jel7.6t Assistant Quartermaster Gen. 11. S Army. r i g i cg s -A l_, zil FOß STEAM SCREW NAVY DEPARTMENT. June 12, 1863. The Wavy'Department will, until the 25th daylof June. receive propositions for - the complete construction and equipment of one or more STEAM SCREW SLOOP-S-OF WAR, of about three thousand tons United States mea surement, as .a double-decked vessel. The Steam Machinery to consist of boilers having not less than nine hundred- square feet of grate surface and .twenty-five thousand square feet- of .heating surface, with engines of sufficient capacity of cylinder to work off the maximum ',quantity of steam the boilers can be made to furnish, with a combustion of not less than fourteen thousand pounds or coal per hour. To be fitted with a surface condenser having an exposed surface of not:less than seven thousand square feet. - The boiler. _and condenser tubes to be of brass. The screw and entire stern arrangement; including rudder pest- and rudder, to be of brass and copper. To be pro vided with eight blowing engines • and eight .steam pumps. The vessel to be furnished with masts. rigging, sails boats, tanks, casks, furniture; spare machinery,- awl. tools, similar and in proportion to her size as the steam screw ships of the navy. -To be in all respects ready for naval service at sea, with the exception of guns, ord nance and other stores, feel, nautical instruments, anchoirs, and cables, flags, galley and cooking utensils, and ready for officers and ere pr. - - The coal bunker-to - be sufficient .to contain,not leas than six hundred and fifty tons of coal. The total weight of the guns and ammunition is esti mated to weigh one hundred and twenty tons,fand the number of the crew three hundred persons.- The proposition must state the names of the parties by whom the hull as well as the machinery are to be built. the gross sum for which the vessel will be delivered complete at a navy yard, the time within which she will be completed, together with the load-draught of water. 'ihe . contract will embrace the usual conditions, and the Department reserves the right to reject any or all the proposals that may be made under this advertise ment, if, in its opinion, the public interest requires. 3016 16 19 20 22 24-6 t PROPOSALS : FOR-,_ LUMBER CHIEF ASSISTANT QUARTERNASTER'S °MOE, Corner of Eighteenth and G streets. WAsIIINGTON, D. a , Rule 11, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until TUESD AY, June 23, 1883, at 12 o'clock 54, for de livering in the city of Washington, at such point as the Depot Quartermaster may direct, one million (1,000,000) feet, of LUMBER, of the followinrkind and description, viz: Eight hundred thousand (800,066) feet 44 or one inch White Pine Common Cullings. Fitly thousand (50,000) feet dressed tongue and grooved White Pine. ' . - T Fifty thousand' (50,000) feet scantling, 3 by 5, sixteen feet - long, Hemlock. Fifty thousand/(50,000) feet scantling, 3 by 6, sixteen feet long; Hemlock. Fifty thousand (50,000) feet scantling, .4.1. /3 , 6. eighteen feet long; Hemlock. ' - All the above-described to be good merchantable Lum ber, subject' to the' inspection of an agent appointed on the part of the Government. All the Lumber to be delivered by the 24th day of July, PROPOSALS -•- . The inn name and poet - office address of the bidder must appear in the proposal. lf a bid-is made in the name of a firm, the names of all the partiesust appear, or the bid will be considered as the indlyl al proposal of the party signing' it. Proposals from disloyal parties will not be considered, and an oath - of allegiance must accompany each proposi- Proposals must be addressed to Captain Edward L. Hartz, Assistant Quartelmaster United States Army, Washington, D. C., and should be plainly marked "Proposals for Lumber." GUARANTEE. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United States District Attorney. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should it be awarded to him, must be guarantied by.tvro respon sible persons, whose signatures are to be appended to the guarantee, find said Duarfsntee must accompany the Bidders must be present in parson when the bids are opened, or their proposals-will not be considered.' Bonds in the gam of five thousand dollars, signed by the .contractor and both of his .guarantors, will. be re quired of the successful bid der upon signingthe contract, _ Form co' Gugraqatee. of the county of eta "State of-, and -, of the county of -, and State of -, do hereby guarantee that --is able to fulfill the contract in accordance with the terms of hie proposition, and that, should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter into a contract in-accordance therewith. . Should the awarded to him we are prepared to become his securities. - [To this guarantee must be appended the official certi ficate above mentioned. ] The right-to reject any or all bids that may be deemed. too high is reserved by the Depot QuaTtermas ter. Informal proposals will be rejected. EDWARD L HARTZ, jell-7t : Captain A. Q M.U.- 8. Army. fIUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF -eir4 FicE. w A_NGITON CITY, March 21, 1863.—Owners of steam -vessels are invited' to send to the Quarter master General's Office tenders for their charter or sale. Tenders 'should contain descriptions of the. vessels, their dimensions, enrolled or, registered. tonnage, actual marrying capacity, material, whether- copPered, whether sidewheel or propellers, whether iron or copper-fasten ed; sizennd power of engines and boilers .1- and should state the price at which they are offered for long or short eharterovith the estimated valve of the vessels in cane of loss, or In Cage the.Gowernment should Prefer to , par ebase instead of chartering, Owners of steam vessels already in- the -service' of the Quartermaster's Department are requested to make knownto the*Departmont any reduction in their present rates which they may be willing to grant, and also this price at which they will be willing to sell them. All such tenders should-be addressed to. the Quarter master General of the United States, at Washington t and should be endorsed "Proposals for Charter or Sate of Steamers." • When incelyed they will be considered, and . the Dir• vestment will endeavor to reduce the heavy expense at tending artily transportation, upon the ocean and - tide. Waters, by substituting, whenever it can do ao. cheaper 'easels of equal capacity for those now employed. ".:Z COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, ..r PRILADELPHII June 16;1865. wiII'PROPOSALSbe received at this Office until 12 M next, for rebinding the old ASSESSMENT -BOONS of the City and County of Philadelphia. Par ties desiring to propose can see' the books to be rebound by calling at this office. Proposals sealed,and endorsed " Proposals for. Rebinding Assessment Books." The bids will be Publicly opened at 12 M:.MONDAY. June 22, 1863. The ;Conominsioners- reserve he right to accept part of a bid, Or to reject all the bids, in their discretion. __ JOHN A. HOUSEMAN. - JOHN JOHNSON. ' JOHN arvni, , : 1017422 City Commismners. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS FOR THE NAVY. NAVY DEPARTMENT. BUREAU OF XQUIPMENT AND .11EORIIITINO, . June 6, 1553. SEALED PROPOSALS to furnish materials for the Navy, for the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1861, will be received at the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting until the 6th day of July next. The materials and articles embraced in the classes named are particularly described in the printed eche dales, any of which will be furnished to such as desire to offer, on application to the commandants of the re spective yards, or to the navy agent nearest thereto, and those of all the yards upon application to the Bureau. This division into classes being for the convenience of deaden* in each. such portions only will be furnished as are actually required for bids. The commandant and navy agent of each station will, in addition to the eche dale of classes of their own yards, have a copy of the schedules of the other yards for examination only, from which 'it may be judged whether it will be desirable to make application for any of the classes of those yards. Offers must be made- for the whole of the class at any yard upon one of the printed schedules, or in strict con formity therewith, or they will not be considered. In computing the classes, the price stated in the column of prices will be the standard, and the aggregate of the class will be carried out according to the prices stated. The contracts will be awarded to, the lowest bona fide bidder who gives proper security for its fulfilment. The Bureau reserves the right to reject all the bids for any class. if deemed exorbitant. All articles must be of the 'very best quality, to be de livered in the navy yards in good order, and in suitable vessels and packages, properly marked with the name of tho contractor. - as the case may be, at the expense and risk of the contractor, and-in all respects subject to the Inspection, measurement, count, weight, &c., of the yard where received, and to the entire satisfaction of the corn in an d an t thereof. Bidders are referred to the commandant of the re spective yards for samples, instructions, or particular description of the articles; and, all other-.things being egaal;,preference will be given to articles of American manufacture. . , . Every offer. as required by law of 10th August. 1516, must be accompanied by a written amaranioe, the:form of which IH hereinafter given, and also by a certificate signed by the collector of internal revenue for the dis trict in wit MY he resides, that ho has a license to deal in the arilolee which be proposes to furnish; or by an affi davit signed by himself, and sworn to before soma ma gistrate authorized to administer Hoch oath, that he to a manufacturer of, or , regular dealer in, the articles he Word to supply, and has a Ilcoune an each manufacturer or dealer, noble enly whom offers may be accepted will be noti fied, and the contract will he forwarded as soon there after aspracticable, which they will he required Co ex matte within len days after its receipt at the poet office or navy agency named by them. The contracts wilt bear date the day the notification is given and deli vertex can be demaed. • Bounties In the'fb ft amount ho required to sign the contract, and their responsibility certified to bya United Staten district JP dge, United States dietriut attorney, col lector, or SAVY FIASSL Aff RddiliADHL security, twenty Per centnto will be withheld from the amount of the hills until the contract shalihave been completed ; and eighty per centent of each bill, approved in triplicate by the conimandante of the respective yards, will be paid by the navy agora at the points of deliverv--unless re quested by the contractor to he paid at other navy agenn within ten days after warrants shall have been passed by the Secretary of the Treasury, It le stipulated In the contract that if default be made by the parties of tho lirat part, in delivering all or any of the articles mentioned in any class hid for in the con tract, or the quality, at such time and places above Pro vided then, and in that case, the contractor andhin su re tied will forfeit and pay to th e• United States a sum of money not exceeding twice .the amount of such class, which may be recovered from time to time, according to the mot of Congress In that caseProVidedo approved March 3, 114,3. No buds for more than one yard roust he encloied in ono envelope, and the same meet be distinctly endorsed, on the outside, "Proposals for material, for the navy, for the• navy yard at" (name the yard) " Claes No , (name the class) and addressed "To the Chief or the En reau of Equipment and Recruiting, Navy Department. Washington, D. C. ". • :Form of Offe. Which, from a firm, mud be signed by all the mem bere• • • .• I, -, or in tlic State of -, hereby agree to furnish and deliver in the respective navy yards all the articles named in the classes hereto annexed, agree ably to the provisions of the schedules therefor, and in -conformity with the advertisement of the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting. dated June 6, 1863. Should my otter be accepted, I request to be addressed at -, and the contrast sent to the navy agent at -, or to --, for signature and certificate. (Date.) (Signature) A. B. Witness. The schedule which the bidder <Meioses must be pasted to his offer, and each of them signed by him. Opposite each article in the schedule the price must be set, the amount carried out, the aggregate footed up for each class, and the amount likewise written in words. , • If the par ties who bid do not reside near the place where the' arti cles are to be delivered, they insist name in their offer a person to whom orders on them are to be delivered. Form of Guarantee The undersigned, -, of -' in the State of -, ' and -, of - in the State of' hereby gua rantee that, in case the foregoing bid of for any of the classes therein named be accepted, he or they 'will, within ten days after the receipt of the contract at the post office named, or navy agent designated. execute'the contract for the same with good and sufficient sureties; and in case the said - shall fail to enter into contract, as aforesaid. we guarantee to make good the difference between the offer of the said -- and that which may be accepted. (Signatures of two guarantors. ) C. D. (Date.) • Witness. I hereby certify that the above-namea are known to me as men of ProPerlY, and. able to make good their guarantee. _ To be signed by-the United States District Judge, United States District Attorney, Collector, or Navy Extract from Laws of the [Tatted States. SECTION It And be it further enacted, That no con tract or,order, or any 'lnterest therein,, shall be trans ferrod by the Tarty or parties to whom such contract or order may be given to any other party or parties, and that any such transfer shall cause the annulment of the contract or order transferred so far as the- United States are concerned ; Provided, that all the'rights of action are hereby reserved to the United States for any breach of such contract by the contracting party or-parties. SECTION 16. And be Warmer enaccea, That whenever any contractor for subsistence, clothing, arms, ammu nition, munitions of _war, and for every description of supplies for the army and navy of the United States, shall be found guilty by a court martial of fraud or wil ful neglect of duty, he shall be punished by fine, im prisonment, or such other punishment as the court mar tial shall adjudge ; and any person who shall contract to furnish supplies of any kind or description for the army or navy shall be deemed and taken as a part of the land or naval torces of the United States for which he shall contract to furnish said supplies, and be subject to the rules and regulations for the government of the land and :naval forces of the United States. Approved July 17, 1562. . SEC. 2. And be it further resolved,- That the chief of any bureau of the rblavy Department, in contracting for naval' supplies, shall be at liberty to reject the offer of any person, who, as principal or surety, has been a de faulter in any previous contract with the Navy Depart ment ; nor shall parties who have failed as principals or sureties in any former contract be received as sureties on other contracts; nor shall the copartners of any firm be received as sureties for such firm or for each other; nor, in contracts with the same bureau, shall one contractor be-received as surety for another; and every contract shall require the delivery of a specified quantity, and no bids having nominal or fictitious prices shall be con sidered. 'That if more than one bid be offered by any one party, by or in the name of his, or their clerk, part ner, or other person, all such bids may be rejected; and no person shall be received as a contractor who is not a manufacturer of, or regular dealer in, the articles which he offers to supply, who has not a license as such manu facturer or dealer. And all persons offering bids shall have the right to be present when the bids are opened and inspect the same. Approved March 2, 1163. The following are the classes required at the respective navy yards EITTERY, MAINE No. 1, Flax Canvas and Twine; 5, Eperm Oil ;7, Cook ing Utensils; 8. Stoves; 10, Leather; 11, Leather Hose; 13, Lanterns; 15, Tar; 18, Tallow; 20, 'Brushes; 23, Sta tionery; 23, Hardware; 24, Ship Chandlery; 25, Copper Wire; 27, Dry Goods; 29, Firewood; Si, ,Tar, Oil, and Neatsfoot Oil. CEURLESTOWN, ItASSACHUSETTS No. I, Flax Canvas and Twine; 5, Sperm Oil; 7; Cook ing Utensils; 8, Stoves; 10, Leather; 11, Leather Hose; 12, Ox Hides, for Ropes; 13. Lanterns and Lamps; 15, Tar; 18, Soap and -Tallow; 2D, Brushes: 22, Stationery; 23, Hardware; 24, Ship. Chandlery; 2.5, Cooper Wire; 27, Dry Goods; 29, Firewood; 31, Whale. Fish, Tar, and Neatsfoot Oil. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK No. I,.Flax Canvas and Twine. 5, Sperm Oil: 7, Cook ing Utensils; S. Stoves; 10, Leather; U. leather Hose; 13, Lanterns and Lamps; 15, Tar . ; IS. Soap and Ta110W; 20, Brushes; 22, Stationery; 23. Hardware; 24, Ship Chandlery; 27. Dry Goods; 29, Firewood; 31, Tar, 011, and Neatsfoot Oil. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. No.l, Flax Canvas and Twine; 5, Sperm Oil; 7, Cook ing Utensils; 10, Leather; 11, Leather Hose; 16, Tar; IS, Soap and Tallow; 20, Brushes: 22, Stationery L 23, Hardware; 21, Ship Chandlery; 27, Dry Goods; 29, Fire wood; Si, Tar Oil and Neatafoot Oil. WASHINGTON, D. C. No. 1; Flax Canvas and Twine; 5, Sperm Oil; 7, Cook ing ittensils ; 'B, Stoves; 10, loather; 11, Leather and Gum Hose; 13, Lanterns and Lamps; 15, Tar; 18, Soap and Tallow; 20, Brushes; 22, Stationery; 23, Hardware; 24, Ship Chandlery; 25, Copper Wire; 26. Furniture; 27,bry Goods; 28, Water Filters; 29, Firewood; 30. Coal Oil; 31, Whale, Fish, Tar, and Neatsfoot Oil; 32. Galley and Buoy Iron 04, Chain Iron; 35, Pig Iron. LjeB-mit 36EGAZ. TN "";T&E ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE p;TY AND couNTuEPTITLADELI'IItd. Estate of RICHARD PHILLIPS, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, sells', and adjust the account of Margaret Phillips and John H. Kinship,. Executors and Trustees named in the last will and testament of Richard Phillips, deceased, and to re port distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countants, will meet the parties interested for the pur poses of his appointment on TUESDAY, the 23d day of June, A. D. 1663. at 3 o'clock P. IL , at his office. Ho. 600 CHESTNUT Street, (23 floor,) in the city of Phila delphia. - GEORGE H. EARLE, jel2-fmwst - Auditor. WHEREAS, LETTERS TESTAMEN . tary to the Estate of GEORGE R. HARMSTAD, late of fluladelphia, deceased, have been duly granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against the same will pleasepresent them, and those indebted thbreto make payment to JOSEPH S. RANDALL, - No. 621 South TENTH. Street, THOMAS SHOWN, ANN JANE. BROWN, • N 0.900 WALNUT Street. Executors; Or to their Attorney, AARON THOMPSON, mylS-m6t* 731 WALNUT Street. ESTATE OF RUTH ANNA COG MTS.—Letters Testamentary upon the Estate pf RUTH ANNA COG GINS,' deceased, late of Philadelphia, hayin been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to the said Estate will male payment, and those having claims will present them to e2ni6t* Eestonville, 24th Ward. -LOST -CERTIFICA.TES.—NOTICE IS hereby given that application has been made to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania for the issue of dupli cates of the following descrihed Certificates •of the Five per Cent.,Loans of the , Commonwealth. issued. by, the' Bank of Pennsylvania; (acting as transfer _agent of the Commonwealth,)in the name of the Honorable Colonel LEICESTER FITZGERALD STA.WHOPE, of the Cedars, 'ThatneY Surrey, in England: - • No. 866, dated'April 6, 1887, act of April IS, IRA for 80,000. No. 866, - do do do do for $5001). No. 357, do do do do for 52,000, .mhsl-3m LOST CERTIFICATES.--NOTIOE IS hereby given that application has been made to the Auditor General of the State of Pennsylvania for the issue of duplicates of the following-described CRIMP!. CATES of Five per Cent. Stocks of said State, created by the Act of 21st March, 1881, issued by the Bank of Penn, (acting- as. Transfer Agent of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania,) in. the Joint names of George Higgins,. of -Furnivars Inn, London, Esg. z Richard Richens, of St. Ives, Cornwall, ESQ. ; and Charles Henry Rhodes, of Denmark Hill, Sorry; gentleman, with benefit of survivorship, which. Certificates hays been lost via :.= - Ho. 1,400, dated Nc..y. 4, 1839, for 5 4,000 dollars. L4Ol, "- ,000 9, 000 dollars. And all persons are hereby called upon to show cause to the Transfer Clerk, at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, in the city of Philadelphia, why such duplicate Certificates should not be issued. = THOS. BIDDLE 3i CO. eplB-8m No. 356 WALNUT St. Philadelphia. "DRAIN PIPE.-S T 01%1N`E WA R E DRAIN PIPE from 2 to 124nch bore. 2-inch bore ' - 25 cents per yard 4 do o d do o. " 30 40 do d do. 5 do 55 50 o o ddoo. d o Every variety of connections, bends, traps, and hoppers. We are now prepared to furnish Pipe in any quantity, and on liberal terms to dealers and those purchasing in arge quantities. , ' • ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS. Vitrified Terra Gotta Chimney Tops, plain and orna mental designs, warranted to stand the action of coal GARDENVASES.cIimate : gas, or the weather A great variety of Ornamental Garden Vases In Terra Cotta, classical designs, all sizes, and warranted to stand the weather. • Also, Pancy Flower Pots, Hanging Baskets, andkiarden Statuary. - PhiMdelphut Terra Cotta Works. - Office and Warerooms 1010 CHESTNUT Street. mla4-wfm tf • a A. HAARISOM. COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS of all numbers and brands. Raven's Dusk Awning Twills, .of all descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trunk, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from Ito d feet wide. Tarpaulin, Bolting, Sall Twilap, JOHN W. EVERMAN & CO.. Invstf . 102 JONES' Alley. CROSSE & BL &ORWELL'S ENGLISH PICKLES. —A full assortment, consisting of Chow Chow, - Gherkins, . Nixed Pickles. •-• Cauliflower. Onions, Walnuts, Quarts and pints. Also, C. & B. Durham Mustard, lbs. and half lbs. For sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, jel3 . 107 South WATER Street. P„„, BERRY WINE.-100 QtritE,TER Casks just receivedper ship "Laara." for' sale in bond. by-. .• CHAS 8. & JAB. CAREITAIRS: ism WALNUT and Su GRANITE Streets. CARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, At MINOWA/a A BROWIWk, 111 & YOURTO JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION IMES, Noe. ANA and WI- MARKET Street. POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS. SHOES, &e. ON TUESDAY MORNING. June 23d, 010 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue , on four months credit— About 900 packages boot% shoes, brogans, cavalry boots. &c., embracing a general assortment of prime goods, of Oily and Eastern manufacture. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH. GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We will hold a large sale of. British, French, German, and Domestic Dry Goods, by catalogue , on four months' credit, • • ON THURSDAY MORNING. June 26th, embracing about 700 packages and lots of staple and fancy articles , In woolerto, linen's, cottons, Bilks, and worsteds, to which we invite the attention of dealers. . N. B.—Samples of the same ear be arranged for ex. amination. - with catalogues,lx on the morning of sale.when dealers will find it to their interest to attend. GILLETTE & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, Jayne's Marble Building, 619 CHESTNUT Street, and 616 JAYNE Street, Philadelphia. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND IM PORTED DRY GOODS, FILENISHING 0001)2, MIL LINERY GOODS, Ste. ON TUESDAY MORNING. Tune 23d. commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, large sale 500 lots American and imported dry goods, included among which will be found 500 doe ladies' and misses' white and colored hoop skirts. of a celebrated make; 200 doe ladies' and gents' white, brown, and colored hose and ka - hose; 500 doe genie' silk, merino. lisle thread and cotton undershirts and drawers;. 200 doe ladies' and gents' silk, lisle thread, and cotton gloves and gauntlets ; also, 100 cases straw goods, consisting of ladies fine pe dal lEe , glish straw, &instable, and. leghorn bonnets, misses fiats, infant's hats, Bcc-; men's, youths', and children's line leghorn and mackinaw hats. Also, 200 cartons rich artificial dowers and buds, bon net ribbons, crapes, &o. Also, 75 lots fancy head necklaces, bracelets, fancy baskets. watch-guards, notions, &c. Also, 2 sewing machines. Also, 50 bottles bay rum. - „ ..... de POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, Ku! June 3, 1863—Will be sold under my direction. at Public Sale, in the city of Philadelphia, on. THURSDAY, 9th day of July next. on account of the Poet Office De partment. the lot and buildings, situate on the west side of SECOND Street, extending to Dock street; bounded on the north by Lodge street, and on the swath. by Gold street, in said city of Philadelphia, known as the Penn- Ryl vania Bank Property. The property will be at np at the sum of one hundred and ten thousand dollars ($llO, 000), as required by the law authorizing its sale, and no bid for a less amount Wilibe received.' . • . Terms cask on.the delivery of the deed. Informa tion in relation to the property, Sm., may be obtained by inquiring of C. A. WALBORN, Esq., Postmaster of Phi ladelphia. M. BLAIR, Postmaster General. Under the above authority. I am directed to expose to public gale, on THURSDAY, July 9, 18(3.3, at 12 o'clock noon, at the MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, the above de scribed Real Estate. de FOR SALE—A VERY DESIRABLE Ara Country RESIDENCE in the borough of . Downing town, Chester County. with 18 acres of land attached, within 10 minutes' walk of the Pennsylvania Rail road and the Chester Valley Railroad Stations. The Dwelling is very conveniently., and substantially built, with. Spring-hones, Barn, and all necessary outbuild ings; a great abundance of shrubbery, fruit and shade tress. Appiy to ABM. S. AMBRIDGE, myl3-2m. Downingtown. Pa. fin DELAWARE COUNTY COTTON FACTORIES FOR SALE.--The valuable Cotton Fac tories, known as AVONDALE and SPRA.TeAvEN, si tuated on Cram Creek, Delaware County, one mile from Westd ale Station, West Chester Railroad, two miles from Leiperville, and three from Chasten, now occupied' by Simeon Lord, are offered for sale. Avondale'in cludes a stone mill 82 by 47 fest, 334 stories high, with dry house.-picker house, 'twenty- two stone tenements, and about 9 acres of land. in Springfield and Nether Providence townships. ``Strathaven" includes a frame cotton mill, 82 by 30 feet, 234 stories high, with picker house, five frame and stone tenements. and about 24 acres of land. in Nether Providence. The properties will be shown by Mr. Lord, on the premises. Early DOS session can be given. For terms inquire of sarGEL FIELD, N. W. corner of FRONT and WALNUT Streets. my3o tf . Philadelphia. VALUABLE' IRON PROPERTY FOR SALE—MATILDA FURNACES AND ORB BANKS. —This property is situated on the Juniata river, in Mifflin and. Huntingdon counties. 'Pa., within one mile of Mount Union Station. on Pennsylvania Rail road. Tho Initiate Canal and Pennsylvania Railroad pass through the property. It embraces about twenty seven hundred acres of land, about three hundred acres of which is good farm land, in a high state - of cultiva tion; the balance is good timber land, would. supply 61HD:dent - charcoal for the furnaces. The improvements are a good substantial furnace,.- stack, steam engine, iron blowing cylinders,; &c., with all the necessary buildings. There is on this property an extensive bed of Iron. Ore, being identical,•in the geological seriss„ With that at Danville and Bloomsburg. This ore can be mined and delivered at the furnaces for about one dollar per ton. Limestone in abundance, of good quality, on this property. The extensive coal fields of the Broad Top and Alleghenies are from forty to fifty miles distant, by Pennsylvania Railroad or canal, and the canal rms.- ping through the property makes it one of the best loca tions for the manufacture of iron either with coke or anthracite. In addition to the dtarcoal, the buildings for the furnace and farm are ample, substantial, - and in good repair. The property will be sold a bargain. and on eau , terms For further particulars address WASHTNGTON RIGHTER, _ COLUMBIA. Lansaster COW/ty• Fs- P. 'S.—For qnantity and cinality of the ore, see Prof. Lesslie's Report on same. ap2s-2m. (Signature) G. H. FOR S ALE-VERY DESIRABLE Furnace property, situated at McVeytown. Mifflin county. Pa., 'within a short distance from the Pennsyl vania „Railroad and Canal. The freehold property com prises a Furnace. 'with machinery o f ample power to blow it, using either charcoal or anthracite coal, about 1,300. acres Timber Land; also, the celebrated Green wood Pipe Iron Ore Bank, containing about 17 acres, which produces in abundance the same ore from which John A:Wright, ESQ.. makes his renowned and j ugly celebrated locomotiye tire and car axles.. This is the only available property in the State which produces the ore reortisite for establishing a business of like character. There is also about 150 acres Land within half a mile of the Furnace, held under long leases, from which abund ance of excellent Hematite Ore can be taken at a cost not 'exceeding $2 per ton, delivered on the Furnace bank, and on which shafts have recently been sank, and will pro duce sufficient ore to supply the Furnace. Soft Fossil Ore is also abundant in the neighborhood. Charcoal in any.nuantities can be bad, delivered at the Furnace. at 6to 6,% cents per bushel. This. Furnace is well situated for the markets, having water and rail communication with Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Harrisburg, and other important manufacturing towns. For price, terms, and further particulars, apply to jel7-12t Mr. H. N. BURROUGHS, Philadelphia. TO ' LET-A COMMODIOUS -waDWELLING, No. 132 North FRONT Street. Rent moderate. Apply to WETHERILL & 880., 0027-t, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street oft FARM FOR SALE—IN CHESTER County, 4 miles northwest from Downingtown; on pike leading from thence to Ephrata Springs, containing about ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT ACRES, beat quality of land, well watered and divided in fields; sufficient wood, plenty of Fruit Trees, in prime of bear ing ; Buildings new and good, large Barn and other buildings; house has nine rooms, spring water at the door. Situation high and commanding,-lawn in front, ornamented with shade trees and evergreens. A moat beautiful place; it will not suffer in comparison with any within thirty miles of the city_ Apply to D. FURMAN, 301 North SIXTH Street, myl4-2m* - Onto:O. PAXSON, on She premises. aft FOR SALE- HIGHLY IMPROVED CHESTER COUNTY FARM, containing 243 acres of Brandywine Land, S 5 acres of which are heavy Timber, situate, near the Old Lancaster Turnpike. 1% miles from a Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad; large and ex tensive Stone Buildings.. Main Mansion, two. Tenant HOUSCE, Barn. 76x10, two Thrashing Floors, Spring House, and all other necessary Out Buildings; Apple. Peach. and Cherry Orcharde, &c. Will - be sold low. Call and examine - Register. Apply to - iel6 E..PETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. sw FARM FOR SALE.-A FARM -a- one mile east of WASHINGTONVILLE, on Jersey: town road, Montour county, Pa., containing 100 acres excellent quality of laud, well watered, and. divided. fields• sufficient wood:. fruit-trees, best quality, in prime of bearing; never-failing, spring of water; frame dwelling, barn, and other out buildings. Last three rears wheat crop averaged 21 bushels, of 64 pounds, to the acre. Terms made easy. For particulars, call on or address C. MATCHIN. jel6 St* DANVILLE. Montour County. Pa. pRrirATE 8A L E .THE UNDER -a- SIGNED, desirous, on account of declining health, to retire from his duties as Principal of EATON - ACA DEMY, /KENNETT sarrARE, CHESTER County, Pa,, offers at Private Sale that well-known and popular In stitute, with seven and a half acres of highly-improved Land, within the limits of the Borough. If not sold before the let of 7th Month next, it will be held for rent. WILLIAM CHANDLER. an27-mwfrtivr GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. —A Choice Bnilding Sitewithin two minutes' walk of railroad station. Over Four Acres of Land with shade trees. Apply daily, except Tuesday and Thurs day morning, from 10 01111 o'clock, at 805 MA_RKBT Street. - mys-ti. VNGINE FOR SALE.-,A VERTICAL -+-• Lever Beam Low Pressure Steam Engine, cylinder 40 inches diameter. 6-feet stroke: Beam resting on a square Egyptian column. Improved governor and Sickles cut off. Also, two boilers, 22 feet long, 7 feet diameter. The Engine and Balers are in good order, and have been used only about two years. Apply to - H N BURROUGHS. 'my2B-24t - 108 South FOURTH Street. NOTICE.--JIJAIELLR'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOGS. If you have a Cough, the best remedy in use is .1 . 17- 11ELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK. As a purifier 'of the blood, it has no equal. For sale by the Proprietor. at * NO. 1525 MARKET Street, And all the principal Drtiggists. jes.3m WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH? GOOD NEWS FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED. Messrs. J. GRIM and T. AILEN. (formerly associated. With Profs. Bolles and Galloway;) having^ removed to No. 733 NORTH TENTH,street, between) Coates: and. Brown streets, are now prepared to treat and. cure all Curable Diseases, whether acute or chronic,- pulmonary or paralytic, without a shock or any . inconvenience. Poor Soldiers will be treated gratuitously. The Ladies will be treated by a lady: Among the diseases for which we will give a special guarantee, when desired, we men tion the following: Consnmptionast &2d stages Heraorrhage Paralysis. General Debility, Neuralgia. Diseases of the Liver or Asthma, Kidneys. Fever and Ague.. Diabetes, Congestion, . Prolapsns Uteri, (Falling Dyspepsia. ' Womb,) Rheumatism. Prolap - sus Ani, or Piles - Bronchitis, Nocturnal Emission, &c. &c. No charge for consultation. Ofilce hours: 9A.M. to 6 P. M. .109-6 m FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! PHILADELPHIA. May 30. 1363. N. a Seidler. Mg., Agent for Litlie's Wee : TMAR. SFR t During the night of May 19, 1863. our Oro eery and Provision Store, at North -Second and Willow streets, took fire at about 2 o'clock A. M. and as the store was a two-story,wood building it burnt rapidly, and before the fire•engines could act upon the- fire, our whole stock of goods, including much combustible ma terial, and amounting to over $2.()0O, were wholly de stroyed. We bad one of your No. 11 Chilled Iron Safes, which was in the hottest part of the Are, and it came out= of the fire not in the least injured, except the melting off of the name, plate and paint. The contents inside were not affected in the least, and we consider the Safe Just as good aprotection against fire now as before, and. shall use it hereafter 'with increased confidence. The lock Lu works as fectly as before the fire. • , Yours truly, - & CROFT, ate 429 North SECOND Street. Attention. to the above certificate is particularlY re quested, as it is the first trial of LILLIE'S SAFES in an accidental fire in Philadelphia. I would say to all parties who want a Fire and Burglar-proof Safe that LILLIE'S WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON SAFES are much the cheapest and the only real Fire and. Burglar-proof Safes now made; and to those who want simply a Fire-proof, I would say that LILLIE'S WROUGHT IRON SAFE is fully equal in all respects to any of the most-approved makers, and. is sold at folly one-third less price. I also am receiving daily in exchange for Lillie's Wrought and Chilled Iron Safes other Safes, , and keep constantly on hand a general assortthent of HERRING'S, EVANS & WATSON'S, and other makers, many of them almost new, Which I offer at, and even below, auction prices. All parties interested are' particularly requested to ex amine the Safes above described at myjkpot. . M. O. SADDIBR L Agent, No. 21 South SEVENTH Street. PA.O - 1110 RAILWAY.-THE UNDER signed will receive proposals to furnish four thousand (4,000) tons of RAILWAY IP.ON, or any Dart thereof, for the track of the First Section of the "Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division." The iron to be of American manufacture, of` the best quality, and to be delivered either at Leavenworth or 'Kansas City. Communications for further information to be address ed to the undersigned, or to SAMUEL HALLETT & CO., No. 58 BRA.YER Street, New York. Terms cash on de livery. J. C. FREMONT, _ President Union Pacific Railway, R D. NEw•Yorm, June 9. 1953. jel2.lot ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, corner of "G" and TWENTY•SECOND Streets. -WASHINOTON,_ D. C. , June 8, 1863. Will be sold at Auction, on WEDNESDAY, June 24th, at the. Coral, near ObservatorY, a lot of Condemned HORSES and MULES, the property of the United States. Terms cash in Government funds Sale to commence at 10 A. M. C. H. TOMPKI NS ,A. jel.o-12t Q. ht., s. MDEIRA WINE.-175 QUARTER casks and 100 Octaves, hiSt received per " Latin and for wile in bond o a s. s. jams oARswRs. •p 24 1118 WALNUT and al GRAIV/TS Stmts. AUCTION SALES. NOR SAME AND TO MET. . . . Xe" $5,000 to be paid when the property is struck off. TAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. jel2.fmwt.iy9 422. WALNUT Street, above F mrth. MEDICA-15. AUCTION,SALES. BRINLEY, &-(10., No. imp MARKET STREET. SALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH. AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING. June 21d, at 10 - o'clock, by catalogue on credit -400 Packers,' and lots of fancy and staple dry cools. SILK CHECK MOZAMBIQUE% BAKAC ES, &c. —cases silk check mozambiques.l cases broche figured barages. CAM; !thine Neapolitans —black and white checks, barage robes. BLACK GROS DE RELINES AND TAFFETAS. 22x40 inch high lustre black grds de rhines. 22x40 ' taffetas. 26x t 8 inch (7 P patent LYONS BLACK SILK VELVETS AND DOESKINS. 20pieces Lyons extra black silk velvets. 20 pieces 3-4 and 6.4 French black doeskins. LINEN DAMASK AND DUCK DRILLS. -7-4 and 8 4 double linen damasks. bleached linen duck drills. farmers' linen drills. 7-4 London mel ton cloths. FRENCH LACE POINTS AND MANTILLAS. An invoice of French lace points and mantillas. M THOMAS & SONS, • Nos. 139 and 111 South FOURTH Street. Sale at the Franklin Iron Works. STEBI-ENGINES, CRANES. BLOWING CYLINDERS, CUPALO, VALUABLE PATTERNS, TOOLS. &c. THIS MORNIN. June 22. at 10 o'clock, at the Franklin Iron Works, Gi rard avenue, between Front and Second streets, by cata logue,-superior steam-engine, 20-bore power: 2 large cranes. capable of lifting, each, la ton: pair 31-inck blowing cylinders; a large lot of valuable iron and wood. Patterns, tools, iron, Stc, AIEW" Full descriptions in catalogues, which will be ready three days previous to sale. EXTENSIVE SALE STOCKS AND -REAL ESTATE. * ON THURSDAY. June . 25th. at 12 o'clock noon, at the Exchange, a large amount and variety of valuable real estate, by order of Orphans' Court, executors, and others, including ele gant and plain city dwellings andvalnable business pro perties t liandSome residences and building lot, German town; one at Media: 41 acres. on the river Delaware, near Andalusia, and other conntry property; large and valuable lot, 611 feet. on Federal street, and several. smaller lots; a Maryland farm &c. Jai" See pamphlet catslognes for full particulars. Sale No. 348 South Sixteenth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. VELVET' CARPETS ace. ON FRIDAY MORNING. June 26th, at-10 o'clock,- at No. 348 South Sixteenth street, above Pine street, by catalogue. the superior household furniture, fine carpets, velvet Carpets, hair mthresses. China and glass ware, &c. - May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. p ANC 0 AST & WARNOCK, AUO• TIONEERS. No. 213 MARKET Street. ' LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AItrERIOAM AND Mr- PORTED DRY GOODS, MILLINER GOODS,WGITS GOODS, dm; by cateloirue. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. Juno.24th, conextenckur at 10 o'clock Precisely- Corising about 600 lots seasonable and desirable goods. - to which the attention of Layers is invited. PHILIP FORD .& CO., AUCTIONEERS, 525 MARRET and 522, COMMERCE Streets. SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BRO. 43ANS. gm. THIS MORNING. June 22d, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold by cata logue, 1,000 cases men's, boys', and youths', calf, kip, and g - rain boots, brogans, &c. ; women's, misses', and children's calf, kip, goat,kid, and morocco heeled. boots and shoes. W . Catalogues ready early on morning of sale. SALE OF 1.000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES. BEO. ' GANS. dm. ON THURSDAY MORNING. June 20th, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold. by ca talogue, 1,000 case's men's, boys', and. youths', calf. kip, and grain boots, brogans, balmorals, Congress gaiters, &c ; women's, misses', and children's, calf. kip, soat.kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, ac. ; also. an assortment of city-made goods. BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER, No. 702 MARKET Street, South Side, above &woad St Regular Sales of Dry Goods, Triramings,_Notlons,&c.., every MONDAY, W. NESDAY. and FRIDAY MORN. LNGS, at 10 o'clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend theta sales. 6cieignments respectfully solicited from Manufactu rers, Importers, Commission, Wholesale, and Jobbing Rouses. and. Retailers, of all and every description of Merchandise. READY-MADE CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, TRIBI MINUS, Sic THIS MORNING, Inns 22d, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, linen and 'damning coats, pants, vests, boys' jackets, delaines, baregeN lawns, ducats, ginghams, tissues. nets, laces, embroi deries, handkerchiefs,. hosiery, gloves, mitts, tape and cord skirts, veils, sewing silk, spool cotton, bindings, trimmings, buttons, fans, soaps, straw hats, bonnets, shoes, &e. Also, brass lettere, bugles, eagles, swords, cannons, &c, M OSES N'AVITA NS, AUCTIONEER, southeast corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. MONEY TO LOAN. in large or small amounts. from one dollar to thousands, for any length of time agreed on. on diamonds, watches, jewelry, gold and silver plate, Pianos, mirrors, fornt ture, dry goods, groceries, hardware, cutlery, clothing, cigars, fowling nieces. fancy articles, merchandise gene rally and of every description, on better terms than at any other establishment in this city. AT PRIVATE SALE, FOR LESS THAN RALF TEN USUAL SELLING PRICES. Fine gold and silver English, American, and Swiss pa tentlever watches, extra full jewelled and plain, of the most approved and best makers, in heavy hunting cases, doable cases, magic cases, double bottom and open-face; fine gold chronometers, in_heavy-htinting cases; fine gold and silver lepine watches. in Minting cases and open face; silver gnarlier watches; doable case English silver watches, and others. Diamonds j ; fine gold vest. neck, guard, and chatalien chains; gold pencil eases and pens silver do. ; setts of fine gold jewel ry, medallions, gold and silver specks, bracelets, English plated vest chains; double and single-barrel fowling pieces, some of them very superior; revolving nerd glasses, &c. M. 'TATHAM. EXPRESS COMPANIES: THE A D AM. SE.X, PRESS COMPANY. office 3%4 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in connection with other Express Companies. to all the principal Towns and Cities in the ilttEed States. E. S. SANDFORD, fe2s .Genetal Superintendent. SRIF'PniG. 44114.,,1 BOSTON AND PAIL A 1)B.L. emenamae - PRIA STEABISHIP LIMB, sailing from NIA port on SATURDAYS, from first Wand above nu Street, Philadelphia, and Long 'Wharf. Boston. The steamer SAXON, Captain Matthews will sail from Philadelphia for Boston, on SATURDAY. June 27th, at 10 o'clocliA.M ; and steamer NORM x7l, captai ti .Bak er . from Boston, on the SAME DAY. at 4P. 14. • These new and substantial steanwhipe forin a recalse line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturday. Inenrancee effected at one-half theprendiumeharffed rat tuttivessele. freights takes at fair rates. Rappers are requested to send Bilp Re:elate sad Mb Lading with their goods. For Freight or 'Passage (hating Ins assozazoasaglai; apply to HENRY WINBOR & CO.. mh9 332 South DELAWARE Avenge. STEAM _WEEKLY TO LIVER - POOL, touching at Queenstown. (Cork Har bor.) The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are Intend ed to sail as follows: GLASGOW .. Saturday. Sane 7n. CITY OP MANCHESTER Saturday, June Tf. CITY OF WASHINGTON .. . . Saturday. July 4. And every succeeding Saturday at noon. from Pier No. 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE. Payable In Gold, or its equivalent in Cnrrenor• FIRST CABIN, SEO 00 STEERAGE, 404. Do.. to London, 8300 Do. to London 35 61 . . . Do.. to Paris. 9600 Do. to Paris, 40 60 Do. to Hamburg. 90 00 Do. to Hamburg. 37 60 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen. Rotter dam, Antwerp, Sre., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, SMI.. 465, $lO6. Steerage from Liverpool, M. From Qt1.84)1t6- town. $3O. Those who wish to semi. for their friends can. buy their tickets here at these rates. . . . For further information, Apply at the Company's JOHN G. DALE, Agent, fes3 111 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. r ak a=l% FOR NEW YORK—NEW DAILY LINE—VIA. DELAWARE AND' RARITAN CANAL. . • Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Con- . pang receive (might and leave daily at 2 P. M.; deliver.• ing their cargoes in New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. - Wll P CLYDE, Agent, • No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia.- JAMBS HAND. Agent, and-tf Piers 14 and 16 EAST RIVER, New York. PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL'S: OFFICE, Wasataayoy, May 23, 113132. Mtn The attention of all officers who have been honorably discharged on account of wounds or disability, and who desire to re-enter the service in the Invalid Corps, is called to the provisions of General Orders No. 105, of 1863, from the War Department, published in the papers throughout the country. Such officers are requested to comply. promptly 'with the provisions of that order, and to send their written applications, as therein provided.' for positions in the . Invalid Corps, (stating the character of their disability,) with. as little delay as possible. to the Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General of the State in which they may be. Such Acting Assistant Provost 'Menthe" General will at once forward the appli cations, with his endorsement, to the Provost Marshal General at Washington. • Officers for the Invalid Corps will be appointed Udine diately upon furnishing the papers required by General - •Order No. 105, of 1863, from War Department. Their pay ands emoluments will commence from date of ac ceptance of such appointments, and not from date of organization of the respective commands to which they may be assigned. S. D. PRY. Provost Marshal General. BEAU'lri.-IF YOU WISH TO HATE a fine. clear complexion, nee HUNT'S. WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL. It will make yon as fair as a lily. Price, 25 cents.' If you are troubled with Tan or Freckles; use HUNT'S BRITISH BALSAM. It Is warranted to remove tbest`; Price, 25 cents. If you want a Color, use HUNT'S BLOOM OF ROSES. It will not wash off, nor injure the skin, and cannot be detected.-Price, 25 cents and 'M. HUNT'S COURT TOILET POWDER is the beat Face Powder in use. Price. MC 25. and 50 cents. Sold at BUNT ,4r CO. 'S, Perfamers, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut, and 133 South SE VENTH, above Walnut. my9-3na E YE AND EAR:-PROF: J. IS.A_AOS, "M. D., Oculist and /mist, formerly of. .Leyderi„ Holland, now at No 511. PINE Street, where paeans afflicted with diseases of the Eye and Ear will be soma tiilcally treated; and cured, if curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain, N. B—No charge made for exa mination:.. • lel-9m GRAVE STONES, GRAVE STONES, AND MONUMENTS, AT REDUCED PEICES.—A. large assortment of Italian Grave Stones. of various de. signs, offeradat reduced prices, at Marble Works of A. STEINMETZ, RIDGE Avenue. below Eleventh. Arse. mh.lo-30) . - . Mannfactu. ere of ors 625 GOLDTHORP & CO., 625. Tassels, Cords, gee Curtains. and Fanalt . 00:rp r eL n Centre Tassels. b. Taseeb3, Blind Trimmings. ings Ribbons, Neck Tlea. el l'i m c p t e tir e e n an rl d ain Ph L o o t Military and. Dress '''''Fio. 65, MARKET Street. etc., etc., yayg-am Philadelnhis. I " I :• 1 grand overstrang square PIANOS from upward. For sale by the maker, 905 MARKET Street. jee-3m5 fln DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN TIST for the list twenty years, 219 VINE St., below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted on line Gold, Platina, Silver, Vulcanite, Goralite, Amber, Ac., at prices, for neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any dentist in this city:or State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to snit. NO pain in• extracting. All wait warranted to fit. Reference, best families. jes.gra EVANS & WATSON'S STOR3I. SALAMAIsTDFA SAM 16 SOWTH.FOURTH STRUT. PHIL/W.I,MT/, PA. / large yartety of En-PROOF SAFES always ON Land. iTO THE 'DIET ABED OF ALLI OLASSES.-111 acute and chronic diseased cured; by special guarantee, at lase WALNUT Street. ' ' Phliadelpht% when desired , and. in 413 e of s tha-' Wet n e o n e s narge is made. t Iva and commodious arrangementehave I been. recently made forpatien ts f rom distance at reasonable nrires a - rding Prof. , 'O. EL BOLLES. the Imader of thf.l nein ! %Ay. A: pamphlet a multitude li3G of der:- 1 tilicated of those cured; also, letters and sompiti I mentary resolutions from medical men and other*: ' will be given to any person free. / N. B.—Medical menand others who desir es knowledge of my discovery can enter for a bai: .. masa of lectures at any time. c Consultation free. BR& BOLLES a GALLOWAY. ' i 1 deg mai wiLwaT Street. u 0 K-E-It'S - - . .!-?I'ATEBT SPRING BED. PATENTED Stuff 111356. Universally acknowledged for Deafness. Uonsfer . f,sna Durability to be the Standard. Spring Heti. - _The above are manufactured a nd for sale by HIRAM TIICEDIM MIL2S.2Di No. II MOIRE Block. Boston Wane;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers