tr . trr y "I" .151 . e.. ------ FLORAL" °LORAL' FAIN E R T i NN BENEFIT OF A '' Outruon.-A Olorid Fair told Strawberry Festival Was opened at NUBiOal Ellia Han, on Monday even bat; last, to continue opep'allof this week, under the auspices of the Churl, of Evangelists, located at gighth and (lather treets, of which the Rev, Samuel L. Durbor W is , rector. This church, as Faany of our reade are aware, was organized about ix yeallt age; a the excellent influence ahem ex ttin, th v e in pity where it is located has often been neMarked They now make their appeal to the üblio in thia,iopular and agreeable way, in order to he the muleite funds to wake certain necessary ressirit, an/ we bespeak for the ladies who have the Sestival it charge a liberal ,recognition on the pare Of our oitzeno. ~, T Er3 l jimsalOST OF PENNSYLVANIA BY THE 1 3 ,,i,,,,..,Xia REl.—The invasion of our Common , yeah by the rebels is no longer a subject of doubt 'speculation, but a reality which stares every free. ( 1 an in the face, and charie. gee his patriotism. All 'who min, will, of course, prepare to "meet the in wader:4 We understand that Alter, the popular coal dealer, Ninth street, above Poplar, has given per hAssion to as many men as can be spared from his immense force to proceed at. once to Harrisburg; ( though, in the meantime, our citizens will be able to supply themselves, as usual, at Alter's yard, With the beat coal in the country, at moderate prices. MAOHIFI6ENT_ STOCK OF SUMMEH.CLOTH- Iwo.—lVlesire. C. Somers & Son, No. 025 Chestnut iltreet,:under Jayne's Hall, have now ready for their 'numerous patrons, and the trade in general, the most elegant stock of Summer Clothing fur men and boys of all kinds, of the most fashionable materials that has ever been offered, in this city, and their prices are lower by a handsome per eentage than a similar uslity of goods can be obtained for elsewhere. This eatablishMent has, deservedly, won for itself a great ,:tame; and all who wish first:class clothing, at rea- . lonable prices, should patronize it. TEAS AND COFFEES. —The proprietors of the popular old grocery stand of the late 0. IL Matt lon, Arch and .Tenth streets, have now in store a lush supply of all the choiceit Green and Black Tette ; also, a genuine article of Old Government Java, and other Coffees, to which we invite the ,attention of our readers. - ' FINr CONFECTIONS AND FRUITS.—To mons leaving the city, we would suggest that they rry With there a budget of Mr.-A. -.L. lebrated preparations, done up in his handsome tiOxes for that purpose. His confections have no parallel in this country. His rich display of Peaches, "(}rapes, and other choice hot:house fruits, daring the last few days; has also excited much interest. iOr invalids these delicious fruits are invaluable. MILITARY TRAPPINdS, Of every descrip tion and inbest style, eas be had at Oakford & Sons, Under the Continents l Hotel.' TEE BEST-FIVING SHIRT of the age is blade by Mr. Geolle Grant, and sold exclusively at ids well-known„..*entlemenls Furnishing Establish.' Merit, No, 610 chestnut street. GENTLF/fEN'S BUMMER FlATS.—messrs. d. Oakfor?-& Sons, under the Continental Hotel, b„, nov in store a superb stock of Summer Hats •I'Or Bi e r and Boys, at reduced prices. IN,IIBTRY.—Every man who acquifes .a y0rt ,..,4 VI , industry is a treasure to himself and .t a ffy, and a profit to his country, by adding to the 00131MOlaitOCk. It becomes a bond which unites him to moolet teaches him refinement, and eventually )earls kin to. the Mammoth Clothing Emporium of • (bran le Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, where he can p Chase his garments at greatly reduced prices. Tin NEW “Loax-STrrai" Sewing Ma thizi No. 9, recently produced by the Grover & Bakfr S. M. Company, 780 Chestnut street, seems to bats nothing more to be required in that branch of the sewing-machine art. 4111 who have witnessed Its iimplicity and marvellous efficiency in operation 'WO44 how the complicated and noisy machines of :this'il ass heretofore in use have been tolerated so long, The price of the machine is only $46. C LEBRATBD AUTHollB.—Steele wrote ex- Vette tly well on temperanee—when sober. Johnson's OM , on politeness is admirable, but he was himself peifect. boor. The gloomy verses of Young give Vintthe blues, but be himself was as brisk as a bee. 'Xiomson's praises of early rising were written in .}.Ad after ten o'clock in the morning, and Goldsmith's homilies on neatress of 'dress were exemplified by the most slovenly of habits in - their author. All 'these inconsistencies are among the strange things Of human nature. If arnan wishes to discourse on 16 neatness" or "econo my in dress," and to be consist- Tait, he must purchase his Clothing at Charles Stokes ac Co.'s "One Price," under the Continental. THE INVASION OF PENNSYLVANIA ! PHILADELPHIA. THREATENED !—The rebels have invaded Pennsylvania, Mimed one town, taken ano ther, and now threaten the seat of government and Philadelphia, In such a crisis,the State expects every man to do his duty, an all who are able should shoulder their muskets, and meet and drive back the invaders. Every man can be useful in his own sphere, and Rocklin & Wilson, of the 'Brown Stone Clothing Hall, Nos. 603 and 605 (2111.3atnut street, above Sixth, are ready to make uniforms at the ehortest notice. SPECIAL NOTICES. CHILDHOOD.— BY THE BARD OP TOWER HALL. Nothing .is half so sweet to me, " In all the range of harmony, As childhood's voice of sportive glee, Fromevery saddening influence free. ,'Tis true, alas! the time draws nigh When clonds must veil the morning sky, _ And childhood's sun. gilt scenes must fly Before the dark and stormy st dfe. The frightful turbulence of life. But Oh! it is a heartless crime To hasten on that dreary time, 'I To cheek the glow of childhood's heart, Aid. bid its joys too-soon depart. - Be mindful that relentless fate, Will give those joys too brief a date; And sorrow cannot come too late. Then let no harsh reproof destroy The evarreacent reign of joy; And oh let Childhood's merry voice Sn tonee most musical rejoice. ' I love to hear such gladsome Peals; My pleasure snob as Beonett feels— When all his customers are pleased. And joy and gladness are increased. Haying the largest stock and best assortment of Ready- Made Clothing in Philadelphia, of all sizes, styles, and prices, we are enabled' to suit all who visit our cash lishment, without delay or trouble. Oar prices sue , Much below Present market value. TOWER HALL, 5113 MARKET Street, BEAPIETI' & CO. DEAF MADE' TO MEAL—ACOUSTIC &SEI GLE& CORNETS, SONOFERONS,- E ARA) RUMS, and over Sixty Varieties of EAR TRUMPETS, at P. MADA MA'S Ear Instrument Depot, 11.5 South TENTH Street, below Chestnut street jell-4t THE tiHMMER MOON WAS SHINING All in the purple sky; MY wife and I, we tossed about, And could not close an eye. I cursed and swore, she scolded me, All t h roug h th e weary night: But 'twas enough to vex a saint, The bodbitgs' savage bite. Yon may be sure I certain went Next morn to. Lyon's store, And home infoyful triumph I Th' Magnetic Powder bore, • Which quickly slaughtered every bug.' Mosquito, roach, and flea. Lyon's Powder kills all insects. LyOn's Magnetic Pills ire sure death to rats and mice. Sold everywhere. je6.3.2t DEMAS S. BARNES. New York. CAUTION.-The. PLANTATION , BITTER BOTTLE is Secured to,us by U. S. Letters Patent. To imitate the Bottle or use it for any other purpose is a criiniz. punish able with lines and imprisonment:. Parties are warned of the consequences of filling empty Bottles with Any Other mixture, whether calling it Plantation Bitters or by any other name. We pay sash, 60 cents per dozen, or $7.20 per gross, for all empty Bottles delivered at our manufactory, 105 LIBERTY Street, New York, thus removing any excuse for ignorance. • Any person pretending to sell', Plantation Bitters in bulk, or by the gallon, is a swindler-and impostor. We sell only in our regular Bottles, all bearing our private United Stites stamp and steel -plate label and signature. P. H. DRAKE & CO., SO% BROAD WAY. -New York. mylll-titthalm ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OP THE LATEST OTTLEB, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL sALIML , ; rl,O WEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Ft ignres. . All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Orin 7 Parox SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. : del2-ly ' JONES & CO., 804. MARKET Street. THIRTY YEARS ' EXPERIENCE OF AN ' OLD itrams. — Mrs. Wigslow's Soothing Syrup le the prescrip tion of one of the beet ferimile physicians and nurses in the United States; and' has - been used for'thirty peals With - never-failing safety and success by millions of mo thers and children. from the feeble infant of one week Old to the adult. • It corrects soldity,of the stomach. . Believes wind col ic .,. , . . Beanlatee the bo wels. • . And gives rest, health, and comfort to mother and Child. 26 cents a bottle. ' . , in.722-lat DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT CUBES Rhertmatirm and never Me: ~dIIRRI~3D. BARLOW—PARKER, —At "The Advent." on the 16th Inst., M by Hey. J. W. Claxton, Mr. C Y. Barlow to little /tattle, daughter of the late r. Samuel Parker; all of this city. NEAFIB—AiIIOBBON. —on the Id inst. at the Panan nel Church, Holmesburgy by the Rev. .1. P: Jacob G. Note, Esq., of the city of Philadelphia, to Miss Mary A. Aaronson. o Holmesburg, Pa, * VON TAGBff—MITCHELL. - . - At..Roxborongh, on the Ilth instant, by the Rev.. Marcus A. To) an. Dr. Charles H. Von Tagen, U. 5.. A., to .Lncla W., .daughter of T. :dawn Mitchell, Esq. I lE3D: _ . VANDERVBEE.—On the 16th inst., David Guy, only !on of and Mary T. Vanderveer, in the 19th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are affection- Stely invited to'attend his funeral. from the residence, of his parents. No. 693 North Twelfth street,on afternoon. 18th lust , at 5 -** SCOTT.-on the 13th instant, .hlre. Esther J. Scott, in the 64th year of her age. I' The relatives and friends of the family are respectful /7 invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her slater, Mrs. Mary H. Helier. No. 2019 Winter street: this (Wedneeday).morning, the 17th Ind.. at 6 o'clock , with oat further notice.. ' o,proceed to Chester Valley Preis byterian Church;,Cheatercounty, Pa., for burial. IptLACK NORWICH ,CRAPES.-JUST `;s reCeived, Norwich Cranes at , 87 )0. a yard. Black all-wool, donble-wid Delaines, SN, 90, $l, m Black Mousseline de Labia Shawls.... Black Camel's Hair Barege Long. Shawls, (two Shawls Egifilcient to make a dress,) Black - Silk • Black and While Mohair Plaids, 20 and 22 cents. Black Oros de Rhine, $l. $1.12,4, hc. Black Poalt de Sole, or Mourning Silk. . !EASON & SON, Sionrnln_g Rad : No. 918 CHESTNUT Strelli..?, BLACK SHAWLS, WHOLESALE. Silk- frizigeil Thibet SHAWLS. -Black.Wool.fringed Shawls. Plain Black Helaine Shawls. Black Barege and Grenadine Shawls. Black Stellar. 'all grades. Matenalafer the' Shawls. , - ShawlAwidtb:Bareges Shawl-wldth.Berinoes. 6 )1 %11'1 - W14th Paramattas: - • . . • EYRE rairtELL, Jell YOITSTII & ARCH Stree ts. FOURTH OF JULY NATIONAL PROCESSION, UNDER THE DIREOTION OP THE UNION LEAGUE IN PHILADELPHIA. ALL ORGANIZATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS desiring to take part in this Proceision will please to give notice of their intention to do so at once. ALL LOYAL ORGANIZATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS are invited to join it. Those of the following charade[ are particularly mentioned: . MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS. of any arm of the 'orrice belonging to the United States or to any of the States INVALID SOLDIERS AND THOSE FIONOR&BLY DIS CHARGED FROM AcrivE MUT. Arrangements will be made to provide for those who are not able to walk. COLLEGES, AND PUBLIC OR PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTIONS FOR INSTRUCTION. UNION LEAGUES FROM ANY STATE IN THE UNION. THE TURNER ASSOCIATION AND. THE VARIOUS SINGIE• SOCIETIES. THE NATIONAL GUARD FIRE lODINE, HOS& AND ROOK AND LADDER COMPANIES, With their Engines, Carriages, arta:Equipments., . . These Associations are particularly regneated to furnish their Ambulances for Invalid Soldiers: ASSOCIATIONS For the purpose of Exhibiting in the Procession TRADES. MANUFACTURERS. AGRICULTURAL PRO DUCTS, &a. ORGANIZED BODIES OF VICTUALERS, -ON HORSE- BACK OR ON FOOT ORGANIZED BODIES OF DRAYMEN, ON HORSE ' BACK OR ON FOOT• A CAVALCADE OF CITIZENS. CITIZENS ON FOOT. • Citizens are requested to DECORATE THEIR Dwv,.. LINOS, along the Route of the Froeeseion, with FLAGS AND OTHERWISE. . . Particular request is made that applicationslor Piacci in the Procession may be made early, and that ,full in f>.....i:os-} - All communications will be addressed to the "COM MITTEE ON THE PROCESSION," care of MR. E. G: ANDREWS. UNION LELCUTE HOUSE. fel2-fmwt4th No. MS CHESTNUT STREET. FIRE DEPARTMENT.—ALL COM PANIES intending to participate in the TORCH LIGHT PROCESSION on the evening of the FOUR PH OF .lIILI , 1863, to celebrate the Eighty-seventh Anni versary of our American Independence, are requested to appoint one delegate to meet in Convention, on WEDNES DAY EVENING, June 17th, 80, at 8 o'clock, at the Hall.of the Fire Association. JOHN O. ROLLICK, Clood Will Steam Fire Engine Company. DAVID R. ETTLER, United Stakes Steam Fire Engine Company. WILLIAM M. MOYER, Good Intent Steam Fire En gine Company. WILLIAM BUTLER, Southwark Steam Fire Engine Company, JAMES NEWELL, West Philadelphia Hose and Steam Fire Engine Company, WILLIAM MOORE, Good Will Hose and Steam Fire Engine Company. BENJAMIN L. HEPPARD, Humane Hoes Company. JOHN G BUTLER, Perseverance Hobe Company. JACOB KIRKPATRICK, Neptune Hose CompanY. HENRY L. , SINNEXSON, Robert Morris Hose Com pany. WILLIAM I. BOGGS, Franklin-Hose Company. WILLIAM McCKIN, Taylor Hose Company. JOHN CARROW, Niagara B oee Company. JAMES McCAWLEY, Fairmount Hose Company. CHARLES VANZANT, Good Intent Hoee and Hook and Ladder Company. _ JOHN F. CLARKSON, Schuylkill Hose and Hook and Ladder Company. OLIVER ALLISON, Union Engine Company. ANDEEW WEILD, Warren Hose Company. C. L. CAMPBELL, Tivoli Hate Company. MARSHALL HEY, Manaynnk Engine Company. THOMAS 8, SPARKS, Shigler Hose Company. E.W. WOLMAN, Union Hose Company. iell•thsW M , ;. TO TILE CITIZENS 'OF . - PHILA.- DELPHI& —The undersigned is instructed by the General Commanding the Eastern portion of Penn sylvania to furnish transportation for all troops from this vicinity to Barriebure. The emergency is most. pressing, the time is !very short. The call is for the MILITIA OP PENNSYLVANIA, and for the PHEiRNP EMERGENCY some organization is necessary, and the smallest organization, that by companies, is adonted, Troops, then, will -be received only 'in Companies of Eighty Men, including the non-commissioned officers. Battalions and Regiments will he formed at Harrisburg,. Battalions of four or six companies, or regiments of ten companies, already organized, will be accepted and for warded immediately; but the - emergency is too great to admit of any delay-for the purpose of organization be yond that of company organization, Transportation is already preYideO, will continue to be provided for all.. and will be furnished to CAPTAINS of Companies on their - personal application to Colonel BUM 11. S. A., at the office of 'the Mayor of - the City of Philadelphia; and it is particularly requested by the General Com• mending that applications for transportation of troops from Philadelphia will not in any case be made to him, but in all cases to Colonel Ruff. Captains t ofCompanies are rogues by the Governor of the State to report by telegraph to the Adjutant Gene ral of the State, the number of men in their respective companies, when they start, and by what road hence to Harrisburg. Captains of companies will, on - their arri val at Harrisburg. immediately report in person td the Adjutant Oeneral of the State. arms and ammunition will be furnished at Harris burg, Pennsylvania. C. F. RUFF, Lieutenant Colonel, 11. S. A. -MAYOR'S OFFICE, CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Jane 16, 1863. lt M. - AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITIZENS' BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, held at 12 M. to-day, June 10, at the rooms of the. Board , of Trade, At was unanimously Resolved. That the sum of TEN DOLLARS. In addi tion to the pay from the Government. be. and the same is - hereby, appropriated to each officer and private. of every military company that is now, or may be or ganized in Philadelphia. and received 'into the service of the State or the United States, for length of time they may be required for the present emergency 3 provided .that the skid amount hereby appropriated sha:ll not ex ceed the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Resolved. That the Kiln of. TWENTY DOLLARS be, and-the:same -is-hereby,= appropriated to. each military company, of not less than sixty two men, from Philadelphia, received into the service of the State or of the United States for the present emergency, for the Payment of advertising and other incidental Company expenses. THOMAS WEIMTER, Chairman. LORIN BLODTET, Secretary. It r:3O. TENTH WARD TO THE RESCUE. —All persons desiring to join a live organization will enroll themselves immediately, in a company to be commanded by C..H. Needles, and attached to the Wash ington Gray Regiment. By order of • ALEX. MURPHY, Cenurg. Rendezvous N. E. corner BROAD and RACE. it* LEVEE FOR scimor. cmtantmN THIS AFTERNOON,. 2 to 6, CONCERT HALL. Tickets only 10 cents See Advertisement of the Grand Floral Fair, Concert Hall. . jel7-3to EIROMENADE CONCERT, THIS 111 4 3 ". ./VENING, COB CHET HALL. deason tickets only 25 cents. which also admit next day. See New Pro gramme, under the head or "The Grand Floral Fair, Concert Hall." jel7-3t* " I CAN'T BEAR SEEING THE enemy invading my native State; I hope the Superintendent Regular Recruiting Service will excuse me for leaving my recruiting office at Philadelphia with out-authority, to go to Harrisburg to check the enemy," are the words Capt. WM. SERCigaN'fi, of the 12th United States Infantry, writes to the Adjutant' at Fort: Hamil ton. Capt. Wm. Sergeant has been all throtutli.the Pe ninsula Campaign, and distinguished himself for cool ness,bravery, and presence of mind, on the battle tield.• The Union and his native State can be proud of such a eon. . UV] It. S. . OFFICE OF THE" DIAL," PHIL- M A. DELPHIA, June 17, Ira —ln obedience to the Proclamation of his Honor, the Slayer, T have tempora rily stopped the publication of THE DIAL. The men of the establishment, under my : command, will leave this evening for Harrisburg. All persons desirous of joining the " Dial Guards," will report at once at the office. S. B. COHEN, It* . 23 South THIRD Street, (3d floor ) CARD.-TO THE COMMITTEES ON " AID TO THE SICK AND WOUNDED.SOL DIERS:" GENTLEMEN: Having a sympathy for the noble-hearted soldiers, who have sacrificed their health, and the maintenance of their families, in supporting our Consti tution, I now offer my-humble services as a benefit to any or alrof thehospilals in the - city of Philadelphia. -I propoee to give niy Sketches of Eccentric Character; or,.Song andChit,Chatil? on any evening, and at any place. which. yon may'ee" fit 'to select. Please address the:undersigned, and state when and where I can meet you to complete arrammments. 'Yours respectfully - TOM-TALKS OF TALIOERTOWN," jel7.2t Philadelphia Post Office. 411‘/.sig. TWENTY. FOURTH' WARD UNION LEAGUS.—ktembers are particularly requested to meet at the LEAGGE,II.OIIBE on THURSDAY- EVE NING, .June 18th. at 8 o'clock. Businese of. importance will be laid before the League . . N. B. BROWNE, President. HENRY C. LEA, Secretary pro. tem. jel7-80 F.W••• CHURCH -OF ST. IS 4.I"THIAS.—A. . FLORAL ' FAIR AND STAWBRY FESTI VALrin aid of the Organ Fund and bunday School, will be held on thellth, 18th, and 19th instant,' at the Hall of the Spring Garden Institute, - N. B. corner ' of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets. • . . jel64t* lir3a. OFFICE OF THE ITNION CANAL COMPANY.' PHILADELPHIA, May 18, ISM • NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS,-The Bondholdere of the UNION CANAL COMPANY are hereby re nested to call at the office of the Company, 80. 228. WALNUT Street, and surrender the Coupons, as agreed uponiin accordance with the act of Assembly of April lath, 196*' my27•lm OE•CAB.THOMPBON; Treasarer. SUMMIT HOUSE. HOSPITAL - PAIR. ^ do— —A-CAMP'FAIR AND STRAWBERRY FESTI VAL for the Benefit of the SUMMIT'HOUSE HOSPITAL for the Sick and Wounded Soldiers (J. Gibbons Hnnt.M. D.,Surgeon, in charge,) will be held in the Woods on the DARBY-ROAD, opposite raid Hospital, on WEDNES DAY and THURSDAY of the present week. Passenger Rail Way Cars; connecting with those running on Market street, leave , thetCorner , of - Darby Road 'and Market .Street,- WEST , PHILADELPHIA, every halt hour, for the Fair Grounds. - - . • jel6-3t*" OFFICE. OF THE SIIROBON-Alt- TIST TO THE 4.11211 . NATT. PioLAnufi rHlA, October 24, 1862. Wounded. Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately . at the office of the Burgeon-Artist to the Government, Ho.. 1.809 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK - PALMER, ja2-6m Government Surgeon-Artist. OFFICE OF UNION-MUTUAL IN. SURANCE COMPANY, rHILADELiIIIA, Jane 8, 1863: Notice is hereby given, that subscriptions to the In creased Capital of the Union Mutual Insurance Company, " by Conversion of the Scrip into Stock," Will be receiv ed-at the office of the. Company, from this date -to Nov. 1, 1863, in accordance with the amended charter accepted at a meeting of the Perlpholdere,. held Jane 1, 1863, jelo-Imif Jong', MOSS, Secretary. MTHE GRAND FLORAL PAIR AT CONCRET HALL is still open; the Hall is su.. perbly decorated with shields flags, banners, .the tables gracefully arched, festooned with- evergreens and flowers, and magnificently furnished. In addition to the profuse display of flowers and fancy articles this evening ae well as to morrow evening the hall will be brilliantly illuminated, and grand Promenade concerts given by Neil's splendid military band, - Season - tickets only 26 .cents, which not only admit during the day but this evening, as well as every day and evening this. Week. i eld-3t5 • Ms.. PROVOST •MARSHAL GIANRRSIOS OFFICB.--'WAsmyarml, D.G. May 22, 1863. All men who desire tojoin' any particular Regiment of CAVALRY now in the field, are hereby authorized to present themselves at any_tiine durir the next thirty d ays to the BOARD OF ..135.ROLMEIU in their respec tive Die tricts. The Board s hall examine them, and de termine upon their fitness for the Service, and if found to be fit, the Provost Marshal of the district shall give them transportation tickets to the general Rendezvous, at the Headquarters of the A. A. Provost Marshal General of the State. As soon as they present themselves at - ~this gene ral Rendezvous they shall be duly mustered by a mus tering and disbursing officer, and paid by him the bountY allowed by, law. ' JAMES B. FRY, . my2S-lm . • Proved, Marshal General. , THE'OREAT•FAIR OF TILE SEA. SON.—The'Ladies of the UNION VOLUNTEER REYBESIIMENT COMMITTEE Ur their FLOKA.L, STRAWBERRY; and FANCY-,PAIR,. FANCPO ~ at the 'Salodir, foot of Washington avenuff, , TßlS' . -DAY,.. June lathi. to con -thine one week, or:longersbr he benefit of the Fund: Tickets canhe procured at all:the Passenger Railroad. Offices, of any of the Committee...or at the Saloon. • Independent of the obiect'of this Fair,•the Managers have made every exertion- to . ..have:the entertainment agreeable and attractive to visitors, and no extortion Will be practised in the sale of. articles. Soldiers of the. Union, free BECK'S BAND 'will be in fittaidancei v dirVe sigh eie-' Doors.openAt 10 o'clock A. M. ARAD BARROWS , 'Cluiitman— . 1111 SAE &u HEN — Klit!g;'D' 4-ta-literevattendl tg the enie:_etiCANCllßltietfeliiiine ats 2511(ortli , THIRTEENTat littnitsthberow , YilieL4 , . sel7 It*. MILITARY NOTICES. ATTENTION! MEN OF PUILADELPHIA. PENNSYLVANIA IS INVADED. PHILADELPHIA IMMINENT. DANGER RECRUITS ARE WANTED TO DEFEND THE CITY AND STATE: APPLY AT ANY . OF THE Followum AIt,MORIES OF THE GRAY RESERVES:: Company A. MARKET. above Eighth. " B, NINTH and WALNUT. " C. MAUER% above Eighth " D, EIGHTEENTH and CHESTNUT " E, EIGHTH and CALLOWHILL F, EIGHTH and GALLOWHILL " a, CHESTNUT, below Eighth. :"4,11, THIRD mid WILLOW. " I. BROAD, below !brace. " K, EIGIITH and CALLOWHILL L, BROAD, below Spruce By resolution of the Bounty Fund Committee TEN DOLLARS CA.SH will be paid in advance to each RECRUIT: also, by action of Council, OliE MONTH PAY IN ADVANCE is secured, and all the necessary equipments will be fur nished Jell VirEADQUARTERS 'HOME GUARDS, CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, June 16,1863. GENERAL ORDERS No. The HOME GUARD of the City of Philadelphia is re quired for the defence of the City and State. Commanding Officers of Regiments, Battalions, Bat teries, and Companies, will immediately dll up their re spective commands to the full complement and report for duty at these Headquarters. Officers on the Staff of this force will .report in person at Headquarters. this day, at 4 o'clock P. M. A neglect , to do so will be considered a resignation of their ap pointments, and their successors will immediately be selected. Al.-n of Philadelphia! - the period foretold to you has arrived. Yon must knock under or fight. Your all is at stake, and you have no other choice. Ladies of Rhiladelihia! spurn from your presence the able-bodied men who hesitate to enlist for your defence —none but the brave deserve the fair. The City 'will guarantee the payment of the troops ehe calls into service. By order of A. J. PLEA.SONTOIC Brig. General Commanding Home Guard. WM. BRADFORD, Astisiant Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS RESERVE BRIGADE; FIRST DIVISION, PENNA. MILITIA, PHILADELPHIA, JUNE 16, 1863. GENERAL ORDERS, No. 15 . . I. Commanders of regiments. batteries, and comPa flies of the .ti Eserve Brigade will Imniediatily proceed to Ell up their commands. and report to Colonel C. F. Ruff, 11. S. A., at the Mayor's'ofilce, who will forward. the troops to Harrisburg. Each regiment must consist of ten companies, and companies of eighty-four men. IL It will be perceived that the CITIZENS' BOUNTY EDED COMMITTEE appropriated to each OFFICER and PRIVATE who is received in the service of the United States or our State the sum of TEN DOLLARS. And also allow to EACH COMPANY TWENTY DOLLARS; For Recruiting Expenses. 111.-The HEADQUARTERS OF THE BRIGADE IS AT THE BOARD OF TRADE ROOMS. 505 CHESTNUT STREET. By order of COL. C. M. EAKIN, • COMMANDING RESERVE BRIGADE. JOHN E. ADDIOKS, je 17.3 t ACTING A.A. GENERAL. t ATTENTION, COMPANY "E," - 3D • REGIMENT, 'R. B.—The ~ inembers will assemble THIS EVENING- at 7,," o'clock. at the Armory—Jef ferson Hall, SIXTH and CHRISTIAN Streets, to en roll themselves for the defence of the State. 'By order of CHAS. E. DAVIS. Orderly Sergeant. -ReCruits wanted. its COMPANY C, 20TH REGIMENT P. M.--.& meeting of the . Company will be held Tars MORNI.D.G at o clock at the Vigilant. Engine House, VINE' street, below Second, to proceed to Harrisburg for the defence . of the State. All persons desirous of minima' said organization are invited to attend. EHGA.R G. SHEBLE, Captain. June 17th, 180. • - 10 ATTENTION ! ALUMNI AND STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYL- ViavlA; —A meeting will lie held at the COLLEGE HALL. at I,o'cleck P. M.,.WEDNESDAY, June 57, to perfect the organization of the Company for State de fence, under the supervision of Captain C. D. HART RANFT, and by the sanction of the Committee of Trus tees. . !, COMPANY A, SECOND REGI WENT. R. B.—RECRUITS are wanted to fill this ,lom pany to the standard. All the Members who were out in September last are requested to report at the. Armory, No. 505 CHESTNUT Street. - - it* E. B. DAVIS. Captain. IBEADQUARTERS, 20Tu REGIMENT P. M., June 18th:1863. ORDERS NO. 2.—Oommandeis of companies will re " por FRONT r commands promptly `THISa ppraisers' stores. and LOMBARD Streets. (W'ednes day) DIORNING. at 10 o'clock A. hi: ' to roceive their equipments, preparatory to leaving for Harrisbn , g. . ' WOl. B. TFIO,If A. 3, It . Col. Oorod't 20th Reg. P. M.- HEADQUARTERS FIRST REGI MINT WASHINGTON GUARDS, - PHILADELPHIA. June 17, 1863 SPECIAL ORDERS No. S. • I. Major HENRY F. YOUNG -is hereby ordered to take a detachment of the Regiment, which is 'to coneist of four companies, to the city of Harrisburg. In the State of Pennsylvania, this P. M. (afternoon), and will there re port to general receiving officers. , 11. Captains of Companies will report at these Head quarters at 10 o'clock this morning, and be ready to move with their companies at a moment's notice. They will hold their men in their respective armories or quarters during the day to respond to this order. 111. First Assistant Surgeon SAIIIHEL L. ORR will accompany the detaclnenk.undar.the charge and care of the said major,Youngowfts - wuvre: ts:lNgt_ By order of • _ WILL7AM F. MULL, Ist`ltegithent-Washington Guards. H. H. K. ELLIOTT, adjutant. It , t' 'SOLDIERS OF THE WAROF 1812. —A mopting of the Soldiers of the War of 1812 will be held THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, June 17th, at 4 o'clock in the -afternoon_ A general'attendince is earnestly requested. - - PETER HAY, It . . President. COMPANY "B;" lsr REGIMENT GRAY RESERVES have removed their Armery to southwest corner of NINTH and WALNUT 'Streete. Roll now open for recruits. lt* j WASHINGTON'GRAYS . - REGl- MENT.—Rendezvons Company •" C," Captain GEO. P. Mclt/LIBING, are recruiting at the office of the Re ceiver of Taxes, southeast- corner -of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. One 'hundred - recruits -wanted 'by 11 o'clock THIS (Wednesday) MORNING, June 17th. . By order of. lt - - ' Col: ALEX. MURPHY. KEYSTONE ARTILLERY i -RE. . CRIIITS WANTED, for immediate service,Tinder the Governor's Proclamation. Rolls open at the City Arsenal, RACE .Street, . below Broad. and at INDE PENDENCE HALL. . jelB-3t* IfATTENTION,` BRAYS!—Citizens, the above-mentioned Corps; being eager to answer the call of their country and State, to repel the invaders of their soil, and also to render any ,service to their country that is necessary, call upon their friends and the citizens generally to come forward and enroll themselves immediately. .Any 7 organization or parts of organizations; that; may, be in existence, are cordially invited to join as. A committee will be in at tendance.- at the Armory- of the , Corps, FRANKLIN' HALL,. SIXTH Street, below Arch, - daily, to give in formation and enroll applicants.- By order of - - - 7 jel6.3t ALEX. MURPHY, Captain.. laT PENNSYLVANIA CHAS- M:MS. RALLY IN DEFENCE OF TFIF. STATE. SIX MONTHS' SERVICE. HEADQUARTERS; No. 505 PRUNE Street. STEAD Place And 40.- 2 RAN FOURTH btreet, above Chestnut, Colonel CHAS. ',RSPB'S, lt* Late Captain in the French Army. _ • HEADQUARTERS ISr REGI IENT P'ENNSYLVANIrk' CAVALRY,__ for TATE DEFENCE, No. 110 South SIXTH Street. All mien desiring to go with the let PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY'Regiwent will meet • at the headquarters, on THIS (Wednesday) MORNING at 10 o'clock, to proceed to Harrisburg forthwith. taro bounty, will be paid to each . . pan. By order of .4'11'4 :JORSC..HESG, r-. - Colonel Commanding: . . . FIRST. ,.. TROOP . PHILADEL PHIA CITY .;CAVALRY.-,-A meeting of the Troep, at their Armory, WEDNESDAY MORN- ItG,at 9 A M. : M. E. NOGMGS, • Orderly Sergeant. ATTENTION,: CO: E., SECOND REGI MENT BLUE RESERVES.-411 mernliers enrolled in Co, B win freport at Armory, EINEETE and C ALLOW HILL, at 9 o'clock, A. M., WEDNESDAY June 17th. .- - By order of WM.- IVENS, Captain. Jog. J. BABCOCK; 0. 5. I.t*. HEADQUARTERS' CO. F. SECOND REHEVIERT INFANTRY, HatlonafGnards, ARCH Ftreet, above SIXTH. Reemits wanted immediately. tile StataDffence. Ws] Captain ELLIS STOKES. "F " 1 CO., IsT' REGIMENT, 'GREY •R ESE RV RS. NOW _RECRUITING at EIGHTH and CALLOWHILL. All men desiroas of en tering the Etate service in the GREY RESERVE REGI MENT, are requested' to come - forwarda.nd enrol their names , THIS DAY before la M. The Company- meet for drill at 9 A, M. R. % oKErdefitztoy. Captain. W., O. E. . - -- It* SECOND COMPANY, HAMILTON RIFLES. —Recruits wanted immediately for the Second Company HAMILTONdiIFLEV now recruiting at Saander's Institute, , THIETY‘MINTH , 'Street: above Market 'Armory open Day and Evening.' -DAVlS,'Captain. AROUSE!, :TO ARMS! AROUSE!- All citizens who 'will aid their country, rand,lielp defend their State from the encroachments of a REBRL FOR, are requested to assemble THIS :EVENING. at the ARMORY, :Thirty eighth and Bridge streets. Twenty fourth ward at "8 o!clock. Addressee will" be delivered by popular 'and patriotic speakers.:awaiting, station opened at the Airway and only.2omoreVuo4yrantedtto 811 np thegompliny. .By order , "'GIRO: .CORRlB,"Oaptain; 11 • 'COMPANY I E:: G :7iHRBERIML be , rivid St4e Defences'tie .•4;01BSII:8tret41.;, ALIMIX Iwoia4 TEN. PRESS.---PHILADELPHIA., , 'WEDNEMitt RINE rt; GiYMNAST ZOIILVES; COMPANY A. 20th P.FGIMENT P M.—RWIRUITS WANTBO. at the CUSTOM ROUSE and PENNS t LVANIA BANK BUILDINCI. Old in-inhere are particularly requeeted to-r. Port at once. Uniforms and.Ectaipmente furnialied in full. 13onnty. SlO. P. V. SMlTH..Captain. FIRST COMPANY HAMILTON RE FLEA.—riocrnita wanted immediately for the Piret Compa.y HAMI t.ToN RIFLES,_ now reoraiting_at Cora misaioner Hall. TR IRTY-SEV taTII ' and ra aß Streets. Armory open Day and F. , ening. Jell St* , B. H. - KNIGHT, Captain. SPECIAL NOTICE. MUM STATES SIX PER ORNT, OTER TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Is rapidly approaching, when tho public, will no longer have the right to Subscribe at rar Per this desirable Loan. the principal and interest ,f which is parable IN GOLD. All parties contemplating invostin,g, in these Sir per cent. Bonds, should at once forward their money through any of the local agencies , or direct to II jell-tjyl 114 SOT= THUD STR CALIFORNIA. AND SAN rwroisco CITY COUPONS BOUGHT AND COLLECTED BY AUGUST BELMONT & CO., 50 WALL STREET. NEW YORK STERLING EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE. ON PARIS BOUGHT AND SOLD/ m7lB-1m EDWARD M. DAVIS, -A ONNEBAL BROKE:RAGS AND BARRiNO BDBI _ Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold. on Commieslon. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted. Exchange on Europe Bold. Sp ecial Collectione made. Coin and. Cur rency Bought. Interest Allowed on Deposita. apl-3m S . HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK. AND BILL BROKER, STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission. Business Paper and. Loans on Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. . . . - 'UNITED STATES 6-20 YEAS SIX per cent. BONDS. furnished at rAs In sums to suit, without any Clltaffe for commission. . • • •• - • • Orders by• Mail stall receive prompt attention. Before - • - Maass& Nathan Trotter & Co. , Geo. D. Paiil sh, Eso. John B. MTers & Samuel . B. Thomas, Hsi., Furnessißnnlesr, 4 Co. Jam. Thomas,Sen:- COLLECTION OF U. S. OEBTIFI. CATES Of INDEBTEDNESS. —The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch; and at reasonable rates, the One Year Certificates of. In-' debtedness of the lJnited States now due or shortly ma Tonne made irrown and -receipts given at the - . ogles, No 320 CIONNITT Street. myd-tf REDUCTION IN PRICES OF RICH PARIS -MANTILLAS. ALSO. OF . c. LIGHT. ZEPHYR CLOTH CLOAKS, SUITABLE FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER. J. W. IPROCTOR & CO.; _ . je6-lm if No. 926 CHESTNUT STREST.I THE PARIS CLOAK AND • MAN TILLA. STORE, Northeast corner of EIGHTH and .WALlfErri;have opened. with a /.A.RGE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, of thi MOST FASHIONABLE MAlM— and respectfully ask the early attention of ladles Wishing LOAS.S AND MANTILLAS. C 'aims & CO., No. 23 South NINTH Street, hays now on hand an extensive assortment "of SPRIMI STYLES, of the attest qualities, at the LOWEST PRICES. Ladles, do not rail to give us a call. BOYS'; MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S -- OLOTiouriG, CLOAKS. .IN ENDLESS VARIETY. AT LOW PRICES. :11; Ef0.1.37 South EIGHTH. Street, Three doors above Walnut. BARGAINS FROM AUCTION. One lot of Black and White Plaids at 25 Cente,worth 37k—a decided bargain. One lot of large-flgare Grenadines at 45 cents, worth RN cents. One lot of Lawns, fast colors, IEX. One lot of Bleached liinslins at 18X. - "One lot of Gingham Lawns at S7i worth 44. OPBI( THIS MORNING, at JOH.2 H. STORM' 3e6 - 702 ARCH Stmt. HALL & CO. 26.SOUTHSE- E COND Street, would call the attention of the Ladies to their stock.of . Superior:Black Wide Mantle Silks. . , ' Black Corded Silks;. • • . - Black Gros de Rhine. .• Black Silks, from $l. to $4. . . M. B.—Merchants in - want of Black - Silks are invlled to examine our stock and prices. jelS-tf ITARD WIDE, 25 CENTS. -a. WO pieces, yard wide, foot colors. French figured Brilliants. • •-•- ' Chintz figures, choice designs. • Colored and White Grounds. ,• • SHARPLESS BROTHERS.' jel3 • CHESTNUT and BORTH streets DRESS GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES.—H. STEEL & SON, _ No. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street, are now closing =tithe balance of their stock of • . Poll de Chsvres, all WooLDelaines, _ Chaffing, Delaines , Mozambique", Taffeta d'Etes, . • FrenabiLawns, French. English, and AmeriainChintres. • Bareges,' Silk -Tisanes, Silk Grenadfles. . Fancy Silks; and all kinds of Bummer Dress Goods, at'extremely low prices. SUMMER SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS. • ' CHOICE STYLES PACIFIC LAWNS. atatMo. 1 lot 2 .yards square Table Clothe, Snow Drop and Damask, -all Linen: at *1.60. . PM_ strAIME-R - GOODS. All-wOol Delaines. Silks for Mantles. Figured Bareges. .Grenadine Shawls. Cloths for Cloake. ' - Table and Piano Ceyers. ' ' -- Calicos and:Chintzes, Very cheap fast colors. ' Yard-wide.Engl;ish Prints. • Men's and - Boys -Wear. - All reduced in price. _ _ _ SHARPLESS BROTHERS. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets, GRENADINE SHAWLS. • :- Black French Orenadine Shawls. Colored Borders, price Si . Also, Cloth Mantles, Silk Cloaks. Barege and Spun Silk Shawls. Light Woolen Plaid andiLlamas. . SHARPLESS BROTHERS, jel3 CHEhTNUT and EIGHTH streets 11. UN T E ' NEW STORE, 37 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. • The ladle are respectfully invited to examine their well-selected stock of - • MANTLES AND CLOAKS, Consisting of r ±~r Lace Shawls at $2.80; • • ' - Lace Mantles-from $3.50 to $2.5; H. - Silk Basques from $8 to $10; - • • SilloCirculais from $ 8 to's2o; Cloth Circulars from $5 to $l5. ,'• Also, Plain and Striped POPLINS, manufactured of the beet materials, in the most styEsh manner, and will be sole cheaper than _ CAN BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. N. B.—Daily receiving •the' niost fashionable D ress Hoods. at (ie9-12t) 311 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. TO MILITARY 'COMPANIES: Army . ..standard Bldneei. Army,atandard Infantry and Cainlry Pants. On hand at HENRY W. SCOTT'S, ,+ jer-St. 533 MARKST , Street. UP gain. T CERTIFICATE' N 67 24; FOR -X- 4 dx alarm in the WALNUT STREIT ... LAND CON PANT', leaned in.the /1141)10 of JAZOB.REAKIRT. having been lost or mislaid. -I intend to make application , to the . Board -Dtrectora. have' a new . onvieened. 'All per sons ate cautioned aping Mmotlatinfithename. -, f,V 3SR N J orth SD OH MU N RE AKIRT, attest MILITARY NOTICES. FINANCIAL. THE BALES OF THE LOAN, CALLUD G~2O'B, HATO AMOCIAtOd for many weeks past to DAILY. TkIE FIRST OF JULY JAY COOK-Ed SUBSCRIPTIO DREXEL & CO. MOCK AND EX(THADTGE BROKER§ No. 39 South THIRD Street. (up stairs.) NESS TRANSACTED No. 31.2 WALNOT STREET RETAfI DRY GOODS. F. J. ` ' SMITH LONDON PISTOLS:, A email lot from the Prize Steamer Bermuda. EVANS & HASSALL, CAVALRY AND AR ICILLERY SABRES AND BOWIE 'KNIVES, Manufactured and for tale Int SHE Etl.F. Bc FISHER. NO. 3 NORTH FIFTH STREET. PHILADELPHIA, jel7-21.. RIFLED MUSKETS AND CAVALRY SABRES. For ego at COST PRICES to persons arming against - THE REBEL INVASION. PHILIP S. JUSTICE, No. 14 NORTH FIFTH STREET, jel6 St* Corner of Commerce FOURTH OF JULY. WM. F. SOHEIBLE; 49 SOUTH THIRD STREET, SILK FLAGS. BUNTING FLAGS, ' COTTON FLLUS, Flags of all aizee on hakd or made to order. from 6 inches to 40 feet, Be enre you get to 49 South THIRD Street before or dering elsewhere. ' tje22. 1776. 1863. FLAGS SILK FLAGS BIINTINU FLAGS! BURGEES. PENANTS. UNION JACKS. STREAMERS; Et U DTTIN •GI RED, WRITE, AND BLUE. EVANS Bc HASSALI4 MILITARY FURNISHERS, ielS-hat No. 4113 ARCH STREET, Phtladelphia. AGENT. CI W. SIMONS a. BECYI'IIEB. N../1 • SAISOM.STRILET HALL, PHELADELP'HIL: . KAIMACITIBIRS OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, AIM mrisrAmy GOODS; IN EVERT VARINEL 1113416 at GOVERNMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounee Cotton Duck; Indigo Blue Flame's. Mixed Twilled Flannel& Sky Blue Kersey& FARNHAM KIRKHAM 4% OC3t4 No. A 3 0 eIiEBTOITT STREET. z01t24-Axt -- ARMY G00Da...• PamanimPar.A. DA_RB43LIIE COAT CLOTHS: DARK-BLUE CAP. CLOTHS. SKY -BLUE CLOTHS FOR OITYCHBS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDAM'WEIGHT. 10-01INCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT: HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK, BROWN AND BLEACHED SEUELMNGS AND SHIRT MG For sale by FROTILINGHA* irk WELLS. .402-fftr - - "LETTER to " FAMILY sEw - MA.4OI3INE ! , with all the new imProyements— Hemmer, Braider, Binder, Feller, Tacker, Corder, Gatherer, &c., is the " -- CHEAPEST ANp BEM 'of all machines for' FAMILY SEWING LIGHT MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. send for a ptunphlet and a copy of " Singer & Co.'s Etazette. 2 , I. M. SINGER & CO.; jelbtf No. 810 CH .STNIIT Street, Philadelphia. CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, .Innell3. 1883. PROPOSALS will - be receiyea at this Office until 12 28 MONDAY next, for rebinding the old ASSESSMENT BOOKS of the City and County of Philadelphia. Par ties desiring to propose can see the books to be'reboand by calling at thin office.' Proposals . Proposals must be sealed, and endorsed " ProPoosis for Rebinding Assessment Books." The bids will be publicly opened at 12 M., MONDAY. June 22, 1863. The Commissioners reserve the right-to accept part of a bid, or to reject all the bide, in their discretion. JOHN A. HOUSEMAN, JOHN JOHNSON. . JOHN GIVSN. je17422 City Commissioners. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLYING THE MINT WITH ACIDS AND WOOD. `MINT OF THE UNITED STATES, _ PHILADELPHIA, June 17. - 1883. SEALED' PROPOSALS for supplying the MINT with ACIDS and.-WOOD for one year from the ht July, 1863, will be received by the undersigned until 2 o'clock P. M. of the 29th inst, . . ' The Nitric or Parting Acid be of the strength 39 deg. Resume. delivered in tub carboys. The Sulphuric Acid 60 deg. Beaume. - delivered in box carboys. - The Wood. to be of the best quality of Hickory, Oak, -Proposals' to be endorsed. "PrOposals for Acids," "Proposals for Wood," respectively. ' jel7-10t -Director of the Mint. PATENT PARAFFINE VARNISH. C A• U T I ' o N 2 We hereby caution the Paint and Oil and Ship Chan dlery trade, and consumers of our PATENT-PARAF FINS- VARNISH, against purchasing from one B. McbiIILLIN, of 149 FRONT Street: Philadelphia, as he ceased to act as Agent for us, or SAIIIIEJEL FAGS & 80X, of Boston,' in January last. _ He has imposed upon the trade and consumers a worth less imitation of our PARAFFINS VARNISH.' commenc ing the deceitful and fraudulent practice previous to our annulment of his , geney. MESSRS. 11IILBURT & CO. OF 246 ARCH STREET, ABE THE ONLY ALITE9RISEN AGENTS for the sale of the PATENT. PARAFFIN& VARNISH in PHILADELPHIA, and any other parties - representing themselves as such are imposters. • All orders lett'with Messrs. HIILBIIAT & CO., will be promptly attended to. Our 'Varnish fully bustains itB well-earned reputation as; a durable; guick:drying, brilliant and economical application - for imparting a glossy black coating on Wood . oriron. . . —GEO. S. PAGE & 8R0.,' • .139 MAID ET Le NM, New York; ' if And 111 SMITH'S WHARF: Baltimore. THE KING AND THE PAGESOR TER' Q. P. IRON BRILLIANT. ROMANCE Without any Wooer," _ - Specially written by JOHN PARAFFIKE, "GENT., For the benefit of the - PAINT, OIL, 'AND 'SHIP CHANDLERY With all - the. Correspondence, Contracts; &c... &c.," and Caricatures in Black, by Carious .H. OIL; Esq. .In calling the attention of the public to this affair on BLACK PARAFFINS VARNISH. the gabicribers have only. time to say that it is very in: leresting to the* interested, and unworthy the attention of any body r elsa; further 'than it being the refutation of alie over the signature of George S. Page & Bro., Eastern Varnish Peddlers; simply, because they object to our manufacturing and selling a Varnish in Philadelphia, in every way superior, for one-half' the money than their "so•called Patent Pars dine Varnish. Any one preferring Pages' to ours, can-buy it of . us. with " sworn bids, and half dozen other parties in town, without patting us to expense; 26 cents alderman fees. -- As the trade of Philadelphia, who have so liberally patronized ns since January last, have been thoroughly aware ofwhat they wele buying, it isnot summed that they will be led by 'Page's' Appeal " to pay extra price, extra-. freight, extra cartage, - extra package money, for an article in New,York, when they can buy the Q. P. ; IRON BRILLIANT at home, at less purchase money, without these charges, ;any "more better quality, any more than a painter would pay for turpentine,,at itspre sent price when benzine, answers his purpose.' Persons wanting . Page Varnish. residing in diStant.:portions of the city, canbe furnished with the names of,parties selling it in their' locality, free - of clorge; by apPl_ving by note to this office. J. N. MchICILLfN & Manufacturers and Dealers in Black and Bright Var insh, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Benzine. - Naptha. &c &c., eB-tf - VA South FRONT Street, SALE OF CONDEMNED PROPERTY. —DEPOT OF ARMY CLOTHING ANTI EQUIPAGE, No. 43 UNION , STREET. ALEXANDRIA, VA. .Will be sold' at Public Auction, in Alexandria. on FRIDAY, the 26th of JUN E, current, at to o'clock A. M., about 200 CONDEMNED TENTS, and a lot of fragments of Tents: Also, a lot of condemned knapsacks. haversacks, can teens, spades, , shovels,• axes, pick-axes, stoves, bugles, trumpets; old clothing, &c.. Terms cash; in Goyernment funds. W.A. HAWLEY, jel7-8t" • " Captain and A. Q. IL 300 GROSS MINERAL WATER BOT FUN. SW iron Porter Bottles. For sale by. • -. H. B. k G. W, BENNERS, mysoare ,Gyottiillo Gismo Works, or 27.8. Front St. MADEIRA- WINR;•7- 175 QUARTER . _ AA& disks and 100 Octaves, jest received per aun." and for sale in bond by " • . dam g. ag.JkliES (iusTAIRs, aD 24 • -- • iNG WA_LbillT sad grA GRANITE Stroets. CONSIDER YOUR . OWN INTEREST if you want a - fine likeneee, and parchane one of 16LEIMEt-PSisrderidid Portraits, life-eigi Photokraphe, In Oil Col Green ors at reduced rices.above, SECOND-Street. TH E WONDERFUL AOcILTRA.Cir and pleasing appearance of REIMER'S , IperYtYPec strike all. who see them. The critical pronalisPethera of rare artisticfmerit..aie,andriadde for nraleilrel• SACO,I3D Street, &boys Orem, . MILITARY . GOODS FOR Si_LR BYI MILITARY FURNISHERS, No. 418, ARCH STREET FLAGS! FLAGS! FLAW ABOVE OSESTNIIT. IktLNI7FALTIIRER or PARLOR FLAGS, FLAGS FOR HORSE HEADS. THE UNITED STATES SIR W IV it:4 'MACH] N PROPOSALS. VARNISHES. NEW PUBLICATIONS NEW BOOKS.- • Just received by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 7.15 fine 717 MARKET Street. FAITH OARTNEY I S CHILDHOOD. By the author of " Boys at Cheqnseeet." A Poll , T OF HONOR. A Novel. SCIENCE FOR THE COHOOL AND FAMILY. Natu ral Philosophy. by W. Hooker, M. D. SUBSTANCE AND SHADOW; or. Morality and Rai earl. Ac. By Henry James. WEAK LUNGS, and How to Make them Strong. By Dio Lewis, M. D. HISTORY OF THE SUPERNATURAL. By William Howig. 2 vole. • AMERICANS IN ROME. By Henry P. Leland. AT ODDS. By the Baroness Tautphceus, author of ``Rults " CB AIIZENET'S ASTRONOMY, PRACTICAL AND SP 11 ERICA L. 2 vole. , Bvo. 1016 TBE () FUNNIEST BOOK OF THE NOW READY: THE LIFE OPINIONS, ACTION.). AND PATE OF HILRONISIUS JOBS, TOE CANDIDATE. 4 A grotesqueco, comico, heroic poem, from the German. by Charlei T Brooks, tranelater of '_'Eaust,'' "Titan," etc, 1 vol. 16m0., printed on tinted laid paper, cloth, red edges, or top gilt Price $1 • Throughovt, heg.nning, end. and middie. A dornAd with woodeute, neat my a fiddle. A gay historin, neat and tore. Writ in new faeltion, doggerel verse." HEINE'S PICTURES OF TRAVEL. Translated by Charles J. Leland; fourth revised edition, 1 voL 12w., cloth. Price 57.60. READY ON THE 20TH: LEYPOLDT'S FOREIGN LIBRARY. Vol.. 1. Cont.: " Who Brealis Pays." A novel by the author " (Jou-' - sin Stella." ' Skirmishing," etc 1 vol. 16mo. , paper. Price 50 cents - In Preps: " SKIRMISHING." A. novel by the author of " Who Breaks Pays." I vol 16mo Psym 50 cents. P. LRYPOLO V, Publisher, Bookseller, and Importer, 1.323 CH ESTNITT PRACTICAL WORKS. WETHER- ILL ON THE MANUFACTURE OF VINEGAR. PRISSE ON PERFUMERY. BEASLEY'd DRUGGISTS' RECEIPT BOOK, new edi tion. PIOOETT ON COPPER MINING, ORES, &c. OVERMAN'S MINERALOGY, MINING, &o. BRANSTEN'S HANDBoOK OF PRACTICAL RE CEIPTS WYTHE'S MICROSCOPISTS' MANUAL. MoRFIT'S 'CHEMICAL MANIPULATIONS. Pablinhed and for sale by LINDSAY & BLARISTON, Plibi inhere and Booksellers. lei 3 115 SOUTH SIXTH street. above CHESTNUT. O O K S OR CLERGYMEN. FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. FOR FAIHLIII.S. AND POE TEE PEOPLE NeW Books received italmon as out. Any Book not on our Mehra Will be obtained at the ehorteNt notice. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. from all the principal marm. ficturers, the lowest prices. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL .BOOK SOCIETY, 1924 CHESTNUT Street. - ielo-tjy3 NEW . BOOKS! NEW 'BOOKS! A HISTORY OF THE INTELLECTUAL DEVELOP MENT OFEUROPE: By John W. Draper, M. D., LL. D.• 63.50. THE EXCISE TAX LAW. Approved July Ist, 1862, ith the Amendments. By Chas. F. Estee. $1.50. SOUTHERN HISTORY: The First Year of the War. By Pollard. of Richmond. $2. - FRANK WAREINUTON. By the author of Rutledge, &O 40.60. MARIAN GRAY: OR, THE HEIRESS OF REDSTONE HALL. By Mrs. Mary J. Holmes. - $1.25. LILIAN. $1 LIFE AND LETTERS OF WASHINGTON IRVING. fly hie nephew, P. M. Irving; vol. Sd. $1.50 LEAVES FROM' THE DIARY OF AN ARMY SUR GEON. By Thos. T. Ellis. bi. D .$L HARPER'S HAND BOOR FOR TRAVELLERS IN EUROPE AND THE EAST By W. P. Fetridge. $2 75.. OUT-DOOR PAPERS. By T. W Higginson. 61.25. For sale by WM. S. & ALFRF,D M kRTISN, jeB 606 CHESTNUT Street. HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, TA* CHESTNUT STRUT, Between Seventh end Eighth Street*. _ ♦ll Books usually to be had in a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, always be found on our shekel AT THE LOWEST PRICES. • fe6-tf ut , 0 A. POWERFUL NEW NOVEL', By the. Author of "Rutledge. "I READY TO-DAY. FRANK WARRINGTON. A powerful new noy n l s tyi l i e hn n u t t is lio , r; of "Rutledge," and One large 12m0., elegantly bound in extra cloth, Price, U. cO: A:L80, - ON THE , SAME DAY, New, elegant, and Uniform Editions, at same price, of IL—RUTLEDGE. 111 —THE BUTEIERLANDS. For many years there has appeared no work of fiction posing such remarkable Power and originality. as "Rutledge." It 'Hashed with brilliancy upon the read ing community, whose curiosity became intense regard, ing its authorship—a mystery which to-day remains un solved. "Rutledga' was • followed by" The Sather lands," deve]oping fresh literary, genius, and the pre sent work— Frank . Warrington' —will contribute ad ditional testimony to the talent and fame of " the author of Rutledge." 1161 F• These books are sold by all booksellers, and will be sent by nail, postage free, on [receipt of price, by CARLETON, publisher, No. 413 BROADWAY, New York, corner of Lispenard street. - 3e6-s&wtt GENTS , FURNISHING' GOODS. fIAIIZE-MERINO VESTS, SHIRTS, AND PANTS. WHIT GOODS AND STAPLE -EMBROIDERIES. The subscribers offer at reduced prices a very large and c7ebice assortment of the above-named descriptions of good•, to which they respectfully invite the attention of buyers. SHEPPARD VAN- MALINGER. & ARRISON, jel-mwflOt if 1009 CHESTNUT Street. 606. ARCH STREET. 606 . ,- ITNE'SHIRT AND WRAPPER DEPOT. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OT GENTS" FITRNISRINk GOODS, AT MODERATE PRICES. FOUR PREMIUMS AWARDED FOR SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, AND STOOKS. G. A. HOFFMANN, . Successor to W. W. KNIGHT. 10:43-Ertrarn 606 ARCH STREET. 606. "I CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. BROTHERHEAD'S CJIROULA , T • TING LIBRABY. —All the NEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is tLe ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not RE PRINTED here. Terms $6 per year ; six months 19; three months $1.60 ; one month 76 cents. or 6 cents per day, 218 South EIGHTH . Street. . m1,23-3m EDUCATION. BRISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, will ire-open on the 7th of Ninth mouth. For Circulars, apply to , RIITH AIWA PEIRCE, Bristol, en.. Pa. joy Rm. MISS MARY E. THROPP WILL It& open her Snell= and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, at 1841 CHESTNUT Street, on the 14th of Septefeber. For .circnlars,'until Septem ber Ist. apply at the B)=day-school Times, 148 S uth FOURTH street, Phila., or address Miss Thropp at Val ley Forge, 'Penna. myls-4m. INSURANCE COMPANIES. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. • 406 CHESTNUT Street. . . PHILADELPHIA.. FIRE AND INL eNO INSCEARCK DIRECTORS. I E. D. Woodruff,. Geo. A. West, John Kessler; Jr.. Chan. Stokes, A. H. Rosenheim, Joseph D. Ellis. lIICK. President. Francis N. Back, Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis. Jr.: John W.' Everman, Philip S. Justice, 0. W. Davis FRANCIS N. CHARLES ED WILLIAM L BLANCHAR CDAIIDSOW, VicePreelden t D, Secretary. Gal6-iftf T HE "EXCELSIOR" HAMS LEE THE BEST IN THE WORLD lONS GENUINE UNLESS BRANDED "J. E. N. & co. mum. EXCELSIOR." J. 11. 1111CIIENEll dr. CO., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, OUR= OF THE CELEBRATED gr-M.2r-CMldsl.oli. Btiß4B-CIIBED.HAMB. • Nos. 14A and 144 - North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Bane streets, Philadelphia. Thejustly-celebrited "EXCELSIOR " HAMS are cured by. Co. (in IL style peCulier to themselves) ear- InoBl3ly . for . FAMILY USE, are of delictous flavor, free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sale. ap6-mw&ftly6 w 0 0 L. Zif i rs FULLED, common, Meditun, and , PELTS. L OCO DRY WESTERN All will be sold low, to close consiv*etite. WOOLEN_ yARNS -3E1,000 ths., 20to 30 ?ants; superior makes. . COTTON' 'YARN.S. 40,003 lbs. Nois: 10 to 20, in warp, bundle, and cop.'; beet standard makes.' - N. B.—Yarns at cost of production day of. pnrohasing. ALEX. WHILLDIN & SONS, 18 NORTH FRONT STREET. my2s-mwftf R EIME R'S COLORED; PHOTO GE Ap . .138, for $l. are pleasing. tri#hfol,,and finished likenesses—naerital that 'ewe them' pernsaalent Baccess. Get them, - at SECOI.t Street..aboye Orem -ltd AND TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. 1 —SEALED PROPOSALS, endoraed "Proposals for Bonding a•Public School House in the First ward . " will be received by the undersigned ati the Office,- S. R cor ner of SIXTH andwADELPHI Streets.. until.' MONDAY. June '22. 1E63, at 12 o'clock M. ' for building a Public School House on lot Southwest oorner of TWENTIETH and CATHARINS Streets. - Said School 0011fle to be built in Accordance with the plane of Edward Y. Arehitect ; to be seen at the office of the Board. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by a certificate from the City Solicitor. that the provisions of an ordinance approved, May SS, 1860, have been com plied with, I tp t ;l; Elg thousand dollars have been appropriated for the erection of said building, including Architect's rles. By order of COMMitten on Property. 1 . 4 'Mair , v - E , JAMES - D CAMPBELL; inw , eskis ' Sec'y Controllers-ftIat'EAQVNI AUCTION SALE eff POST OFFICE D 11,P A. arm ENT, AM 3, Dig—Will be , sold under my direction: at Public Sale, in the city of Philadelphia, on THURSDAY, 9th'day of July next, on account of the Poet Office De partment the lot and buil din go, situate on the west side of SECUND Street, extending to Dock street; bounded on the north by Lodgs street, and 'on the south by Gold Street, in said city of Philadelphia. known as the Penn sylvania Bank Property. The property will be put up at the sum of one hundred and ten thousand dollars (*1.10,09). as required by the law authorizing its sale, and no bid for a less amount Will be receiyo. , 41Ft3- Terms cash on the deliyeri of the deed. Informa tion in relation to the property, &se, may be obtained by inquiring of C. A. WALBORL Rao, Postmaster of Phi , ladelphia. M. BLAZE, Postmaster General. Under the above authority. I am directed to exp use to- Public sale, on THURAP AY. July 9. 1.13&3, at 12 o'clock noon, at the MERCHANTS ' EXCHANGE, the above de scribed Real Estate. 46r- $5,000 to be paid when the property is struck off. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. iel2-finwtjy9 423 WALNUT Street, above F earth. AUCTION SALE; AT . HARPER'S FERRY ARMORY, VIRGINIA GOVERNMENT SALE ON TUESDAY, June 30th, 1083, commencing at 12 o'clock, noon, pro cisely, will he sold, at the HARPER'S FERRY ARMORY, VIRGINIA, TITH FOLLOWING CONDEMNED ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES, viz: - 10,000 Tons Iron Castings. 10 do Iron Sharing. Pnlieys.Bevel Wheels, Btc. 10 do of Wrought Iron, " Scrap." 8,000 Musket and Rifle Barrels. 24 Iron Forges. 20 Steel-faced Anvils 2 Force Pumps: 1 Draw Polishing Machine. 9 Tilt Hammers; 1 do.. small; IFire Engine. 4 Stoves; 1 lot Coal; 2 Proof Beds. 1 Drop Rammer; Tempering Forge. 2 Fan Blasts; lot Fire Hulce; lot 'Mole. 1 Wagon; 1 Cart. and sundry other goods. • TERMS : —CA SH, in Government funds DANIEL J. YOUNG. Ordnance Mont By order Brigadier General JAMES W. RIPLEY% Chief of Ordnance, Washington. D C jel9 121 J B CANNON. Auctioneer. ' WANTS. WA NTED=A SITUATION AS BO OK-- : , BEEPER Best of city references. Adding" s " t4 B. mH. PreeA Office. WANTED -AN ASSISTANT IN A Retail DRUG STORE; gond reference required. Address JOHN G. BROWN & 60N. Pottsville, Schuyl kill county, Pit. N. B.—One who speaks both the English and German languages preferred 3t5 ANTE D-A SITUATION' AS BOOKKEEPER or SALESMAN, by a- person of large experience. .A (lily Coal Yard preferred.-Address Robinson," Box 352 Philadelphia-P. 0. jelB-3t• WANTED -BY A YOUTH,. 18 years of age, a Situation as Assistant Bookkeeper, in a Wholesale Dry Goods or Grocery . Store. Unexcep tionable reference gwen. Address. for three days. "G W. P.," Press office. jel6,2k, WANTED CI;OTHIN G.-PERSONS having Clothing to dispose of will please call OT address C. MILER. 203 CHESTNUT et.mhiSnlWlllnl* $ 75 A MONTH -I WANT TO HIRE • AGENTS in every county at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON, myB-3md&W Alfred, Maine._ MN -860 AGEFTS O at a T mont l h, expen E ses paid , to se T 8 ll = Our Ever LaBting Pencils, Oriental Burner*, and Bother . new articles. 15 circulars/me. SHAW do CLARK, zny6.3md&W • Biddeford.: Maine. WANTED-A FIRST-RATE &Odle ROME suitable for a military offiCer. Apply to WM. B. ROBERTS, Reading Railroad De jel7-3t ma WANTED TO PURCHASE FOR Mal. CASH—in a central and pleasant location, a all built Residence, with all the modern conveniences, Price from $7,000 to 412,000 D. S. ce.owalLauEe., xos South FOURTH Street. N. B.—Well. secured ground rents and mortgages for sale. jell 6t5 At . DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE.—FHLLADELPHIA, Feb, 9, 1863. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the followingpoints: Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, 'Va. Alexandria, Va. Newborn, N. C. Port Royal, S. C. . A. BOYD, Captain and &said. Quartermaster. FOR SALE AND, TO LET. ge FOR SALE--DESIRABLE RESI ma.DENCES in Gerwantown, West Philadelphia, and aylandville; all description of City Property; Country Places, with a few Acres of Ground. -Apply•tc, jel6 B. PETTIT, 309 W &LNUT Street. SO FOR SALE— HIGHLY IMPROVED CEIRSTER COUNTY PARM,containing 243 stria of Brandywine Land, 3.5 acres of which are heavy Timber, situate near tse Old Lam:after Turnpike, 13i miles from a Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad ; large and ex tensive Stone Buildings. Main Mwesion. two Tenant Hem es, Barn 76xE0,, two Tblesshing neors, Sp , in g and all other necessary Out Buildings; Apple. Peach, and Cherry o.rchards, drc. Will be acid low. Call and ex , mine Register. AP Ply to jel6 B. PETTIT, 309 WALNITP Street .FAIIM FOR SALE —A -FARM •••+— nem - Be (tat of WASHINOTONVILAB, on Jersey .town-road, Montour county, Pa , containing 100 acres excellent quality of land, well watered, and divided in fields; sufficient wood; fruit trees, bee 6 quality, in prime of. bearing; never-failiog spring of water; frame dwelling, barn, and other out buildings. • Last three years wheat crop averaged 21 bushels, of 64 pounds, to the acre Terms made easy. For particulars, call on or address . C MAYCHIN. DATMLLE. Montour County. Pa PEREMPTORY BALE-BY THOMAS do SONS,. June 2.3 d. at the Philadelphia Exchange, HANDSOME RESIDENCE, No. 505, loath NINTH Btreet. Lot 20 feet 4 inches by 198 feet deer% to a tmenty•feet• wide street. A subotantial brick stable and cos eh- house, in the rear, on said street. The premises may be examined any day previous to sale from 9 9 to 1 o'clock.' GERMANTO WN - PROPERTY.— ma A LARGE HOUSE, with H acres of LAND. in Month lane, Willow avenue and Armat street, near Church Lane Stall ln and C-43rwantoorri. The house is very conveniently and comfortably built on a rock, very dry and healthy; has Chilsen's furnace, gas. hydrant water—hot and cold—tlfrough the house, bath room, winter and summer kitchen, with ranges, a well'of excellent water, porches on two sides of the house, Sze. ; a good stone stable. with hydrant - water, large - lawns, and ornamental grounds, with fine large old trees and shrubbery; a large and excellent kitchen garden, which can be divided into building lots. Five or ten thousand dollars can remain on mortgage. Two acres of Meadow Lana,. on the opposite side of Willow•avenne. can be had, if desired. . . . . . The place will be shown , by Mr. Thomas Mellor, re siding thereon. Will be sold by M. Thomas & Bon, at the Merchants' Exchange" TUESDAY, June S&L- at 1.2 o'clock. jelo..lot. 1' OR S ALE-VERY DESIRABLE Furnace property, situated: at McVeytown. oRMirt county, Pa., within a short diets nce from the Pennsyl vania Railroad and Canal. Therfreehold property com prises a Furnace with machinery of ample power to blow it, using either charcoal orm uthracite mml, about 1,300 acres. Timber Land; also, the celebrated Green wood Pipe Iron Ore Bank, containing about 17 sores t which produces in abundance the same ore from which John A. Wright, Esa.. makes his renowned and juetly celebrated locomotive tire and car axles. This is the only available property in the State Which pre duces the ore rconisite for establishing a business of like character. . . There is also about 150 acres Land within half a mile of the Furnace, held under long leases,from which abund ance of excellent Hematite Ore can be taken at a cost not exceeding $2 per tor, delivered on the Fortrace bank, and on which shafts have recently been sunk, and will pro duce sufficient ore to supply the FUrnace. Soft Fossil Ore is also abundant in the neighborhood. Charcoal in any quantities can be had, delivered at the Farnace: at 6to 636 cents per bushel. This Furnace is well situated for the malkete, having water and rail communication with Philadelphia, Pittsburg,Baltimore, Harrisburg, and other important in ..nufacturmg tow.s. For price, term., and furt• er partienlars. apply to jel7-12t Mr. H. N. BURROUGHS', Philadelphia. TO CONTRACTORS FOR WHITE- K TIMBER — For sale in Sussex Comity. Del., about 100 White-Oak Trees, from 15 inches in diameter upvards, of excellent quality. For further information address - H. ALBRECHT. je16.30 • No. 246 ARCH street; Pt FOR SALE--,THE STO. C K., GOOD Will. and Fixtarealof a small Trinuring Store in a central part of the city. Address H. B. Box 1345 Post Office. . COPARTNERSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP.-WE THE UN dersigned, have this day entered into copartner ship for the transaction of a Wholesale and GRO CERY Business. under the firm of PETER N. CRUSE & CO., successors to Stevenson & Walker. PETER N. CRUSE. LAMBEhT IL WALKER, '7OO South SECOND Street, corner of ShiPPen..: PHILADELPHIA, Trine _ 9,190. COPARTNERSHIP. -WE, THE trN;' , dersigned, have this day entered into copartner ship for the transaction of a Wholesale and Retail G ,t - CER X -13nsiness,- under the- firm 4:lr L.-R. WA.LIKER•& CO., successors to Wm: C. Stevenson. LAMB NRT R. WALKER, PE rEg. N. CRUSE, 712 South SECOND Street, opposite Almond - PHILADELPHIA, June 9, 1699.- jel7-6t* :NOTICE. --THE FIRM 0 F W. RR LOWELL & CO., Hardware Dealers, is this day dissolved' by mutual consent; either of the partners is authorized to use the name of the firm in settlement, of its business. Those indebted will please call atan early day, at the old ktand , No. 250 North SEC ,, ND Street, and settle their accounts. W. B. HALLO WELL' JAS. HAT a aTH PHILADELPHIA, June 16, 1863. THE SUBSCRIBERS -HA.VING . THIS ÷. day formel a Copartnership under the name and SIM otHALLOWELL & H ANCOCK. will Continue the HARDWARE Business at the old stand of Wm. R. Hal lowell & Co., No. 250 North SECOND Street. • . JAS. SEI A.L LO WELL, CONROW HANCOCK. PHILADELPHIA, 3 . 11136 1,186'.3.-' lt* !ME ,SUBSCRIBERS - WILL_ NUE the tiRUGI BUSINESS, as heretorote, at the Old Stand; No. 724 mirrEz i 7.lll.oo.,Driikests, jal-tf , 724 MAttICET Street. THE FIRM OF .HROA.DBENT & CO., Photographers, is this day dissolved, by the re tirement of S. BROADBENT. The business will be continued by his late partners, under the name of WENDER° rH 3c TAYLOR.- Mr. Wenderoth; the artist,' and the inventor of the ivory - type and Wenderotype, who was - associated in the late firm for four years, will continue at the head of the Artists' 'Department; and Mr. Taylor, also a partner in the late firm, will remain as heretofore, in charge of the business in the Reception Room. S. BROADBENT,- - F. A WEI BROT, •, • 91.5, 9146 and' 916 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, June s, 1863. - WINDBROTH St TAYLOR (late Broadbent dc Co. ) have just opened, in connection with their old rooms, the most beautiful and spacious Operating Room in the city; and by this and other improvements they intend to insure more complete attention to thayeenirements of their increasing business. Every style of picture taken in connection.with Photo graphy, including l'sorytypes, Wanderotypes,• Oil Paintings, Photographs. Carts de Visite, etc WEN DEROTH & T aYLOR, jes-fmwl2t if 90, 914, and 916 CHESTNUT Street. P FAMILIES RESLDING IN THE .RURAL DISTRICTS. , We are prepared. as heretofore, to imply Families al their Country Reeidences with EVERY' DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &a ALBERT C. ROBERTS, my'Zi-tf CORNER ELEV.ENTR AND. VINE STS:, LOST OR STOLEN. ON FRIDAY:. June 12th.. Oil& THOUSAND AND Pint-Dor . LAltS7most if :not all, in :Government moneY;:.The:- finder or bolder will be suitably rewarded by returning . the money to the owner, whose address can be °Mali:44- M this office . " '= FAMILIES AND HOTELS DESIRING. - 1 - - FL really choice and delicate, HAN. shonl4, ask; SO the V. .WHITTAKM SONS & e, St: lanais. so4tir 7 Mired: `They have no stmerior,lnnnlmarkat.- For Sate by all the' principal grocers, and who esale.c&ly by tbair. agents. TA,CIEIt RO.,__Ntnirers, ,- myD-fmarlm 132.'WnJONIT Street: , (Z.p.EGG WL NYKTIfii . N-14 NETAT.LIC byiWATASNV &' NUENHAN; %AL CRASTNTYL - btnaet. le-lhe beautiful and ecoamnical iiefrizere.tor ever.pregeet&3o the prtblic. This is a cOMidnatiob of,,Nefrigeraton zed Water cooler , and. rw.niTen ve4y more tcso for bOtb than in generetly wed, for the cooler alone- irefAibirlit , - • . YE, AND 'EAR:--- - PROF.: J ISA/LOS . :11. A., Ocalist and . Airrict. formerly of LaYdaa, Hdiland, now at - 14 o: tin - NNE Street; where. persons aflliof ed.with 4 isam4es of tha.Eye.and Itar will tie scion tifically. txsated; and.,.ocreil:it.curnhie. ..,ArtlficiaLEyee iffiartedirgbauf Rii4,; . : Zi; u,-..tfo olizr.go &win For exa - - tfila,atigip., !,.., ,-.5„. - • ..10, .f. , , ',. , • ~.. Ael-Saf," AMUSEMEWn.I. NER D CHESTN lIT-STRI4 FT THEA TRE. —twee and Manager—Mr.:W. WHEATLEY. Eugagemont of the celebrated smeriean Actress. MRS. D. P. BOWEa S. L P. 'BARRETT AS R0 1 3.4 - 3r LUDLEY. THTS (W;lfinesday) EVENING, June 17. 1383, John Brougham's Dew Sensational Play, written eg presOy for Mrs. Skewers, entitled THE MYoTERY OE AIEIDLEY (PIERS. from Miss Braddon's novel of ." Lady . AteleiosSeeret "' Lady And ley Mrs D. P. BOWER& Robert Andley L P. Barrett. George Talboys iddlultongk. Luke Marks • Charles - Whaatleigk. Alicia Audley Aire 5. I. Barrett. ACT I.—"BEFORE THE STORK. ''• ACT IL —"A YEAR Ayrgit." , ACT II TH E AVM. ORR " THE MYSTERY SOLVED! The play will be placed upon the stage with that de gree of care and attention which has marked the produc tion of every dramatic work .since the openi ig of this theatre. Duri ag , the evening a variety of popular gems by the Orchestra. under the direction of Mark Hassler. Curtain risesst,S o'clock. _ TBE GRAND FLORAL FAIR AT com m. HALL. CHESTNUT. above - T CVELFTEL is still open. Tbe .is superbly decorated with shields, Asps, banners, dm.; , the tables handsome, gracefully arched, festooned with evergreens and flow ers. and magnificently furnished. PETS AFT gRNOON and TO-MORROW. between 3 and. 6 o'clock.. GRAND LEVEES for`childtem Single tickets only 10 cf pls. . • In addition to the profuse display of flowers and fancy articles this evening, as well - as to-morrow evening. the Fall will be brilliantly illuminated, and % grand Preme. nade Concert given bv Neil's splendid Military Band. NEW PROGRAMME THIS EVENING. 1. Overture • 2 0, Summer Night 3. Greed March - 4 Quickstep. 5. airway Polka. ' INTERMISSION 6. Hail to the Chief 7. Festival March 8. Quickstep—Vatiosal Guards 9. German Waite • - - INTIMACIES LON: 11 Silvery Showers ]2 The Last Rose of Summer 13. Maryland, My Maryland 14. When this Cruel War is Oven... lb Finale—National sirs -- Season tickets only 25 - cents. which not only admit this evening. but also every day and evening this week. jel7•ia* VLEVENTASTREET OPER A. HO TSB; ...ELEVENTH Street. above CHESTNITY UNBOUNDED SUCCESS! ROUSES CRO WDED4 THIRD WEEK Of the Great Moral Drama. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, Mr. T. WEIN as • Uncle 'role Miss 'JOHNSON as Topsy, Mist; MARY AISECKET ' ' Annt Ophelia. Little Miss PLACE as " The Gentle Eva. .Supported by a frill Dramatic Company. Admission 25 cents. secured seats 15 cents extra, Children 16 cents. Commence at 8 o'clock. • MATINEE EVERY SA' URD .A_FTERNOnN. jelite pENNSYLVANLI. ACADEMY ON TF E FINE ARTS, 1023 CHESTNUT STE.Nr.P. TIM FORTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITION IS NOW OPEN. Prom 9 A. M., till 7"P.. M., and froM B.thll ID P. N.7 . ' Admission, 25 cents. Season Tickets; 60 CentS. Annual Tickets, One Dollar. Stockholders. Artists, and Contributors will rennin their Tickets at the Office- . invft-tt TNSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.- 1 EXHIBITION every WEDNESDAY aty. P. hf-'`Ai. mission -. TEN CENTS. Store No. 11 South —EIGHTH THE SEAL SHORE. si gir mi t ,• FOR CARE M.AY. ON THURSDAY, 25th „Tune. She large and splendid steamer MANHATTAN Will com mence' running to CAPE MAY during Bathing Season. The Manhattan is a good seaboat. and is much larger than any boat that ever ran to. Cape May. She will touck -at Pew Castle going and rpturning. _Farther rmtion will be given. . Ciel6-80_ -A R BY.BOLD.. RAILROAD LINES. atlegk thiC FOR THESEA BHOTLE!_ _ ,C _SUMMER ARRANGSIKENT. ADMEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, Sone 15th, 1883, trains for At lantic City will leave Vine-street Ferry as follows: • Mail train leaves 730 A. K. Express train Waves 3 45 P. M. Freight train. with passenger car attached... 9.00 A. X. Returning, leaves Atlantic City; Mail train 436 P. Express train 6 00 A. K. Freight train 12.05 P. Fare to Atlantic, $2. Roun'tl-Trip Tickets, good for the day and train only, or down on Saturday and up ow Monday morning, $3. • An Accemmods Don Train to' R - and D. B. R. R. Junc tion will leave Vine street at 5,15 P. M. ; returning next morning at 6.15 • EXTRA. HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Vine street at 10. 15 A. M. and 145 P. M. Leave Haddonfield at 12.15 P. M. and 3 P. M je3-If .Jl4O. G 'BRYANT, Agent. - =w CAPE MAY. OFFICE CAPE MAT AND MILVTILLE R R CO., 409 Walnut Street, June= MS. I M oj. On and after MONDAY, the 22d of June, the cars wki ran-upon this road to the Dennisville Station. leaving Walnut-street ferry at 9 o'clock A M., in the West Jer sey cars The cars will ran from Cape May Court 8008, to Ceps May, reducing the di, tance ln stage to nine miles. jel3-tf C. B. DUNGAN, President. afr-NPHILADELPHIA ...JAME ATM LONG BRANCH VI CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AND RARITAN . AND DE LAWARE BAY RAILROAD On and after Monday. June 15th. and until further no tice, passenger train will leave Vine-street Ferry at 7.30 A. hl . arriving at Long - Branch at 1110 A. M. Returning, leaves Long Branch at 3.35 P. M., arriving at Philadelphia at 7.45 P M. Passeners landed close to the Hotels.). N. B.—Excursion' parties will be carried on liberal terms. Apply to • L. B. COLS, •• Agent at the Depot. Cooper's Point.' BEZCJ. S MONO., Assistant Superintendent. LONG BRANCH EXPRESS.-THE Philadelphia local Express Company will nut a Daily Ekprees to Long Branch. checking baggage through froth residences in Philadelphia, to be delivered 'at an the hotels. . argigimg W - EST CHESTER AND "PAM CDILLPHIA RAILROAD, MEDIA. SUMMER ,9REtANGEME/PP. On and after MONDAY, JUNE 1, WO, the trains mil leave Philadelphia, from the depot. Northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.50 and 10.30 A. and at 2. 4.79, and 6.5.5 P. M. On TLIESN •YF and FRIDAYS a train WA leave WI CHESTER at 6.50 P. M. Returning, leave. Philadelphia at 9.15 P. M. - Trains leave the corner of Thirty Bret' and Market streets (WeattPhiledelphia>4l minutes afterthe starting time from Eiehteenth and.4fa,ket. On SUNBATS leave Phifadelphia at 8 - d'. M. and II _P. M. Leave-West Chester at 750 & X anal' SP. N. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.60 S. M. and 4.91; P. M. connect at Pennelton with trains on the P. and B. C. R...R. for Concord Kimnett, Oxford, ate. jel tf HENRY WOOD. Superintendent. THE PHILADELPHL& AND EASTERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY is mow prepared to forward FREIGHT from Philadelphia to New York, via Camden mei Port Moi month. _ The attention of. Shippers and Merchants is directed to this new and expeditious RATE - MAD ROUTS, awl a portion of their patronage respectfully solicited. Freight received at third wharfabove Arch street. For further particulars apply to BE° . B. BuseßYLOH,_Freig:kt A 11L ffila UIR NOttil W. F. GUIFFITTS, 71‘,. General Manager, JOHN BITCH, Proight &gent, ray29.4f Pier No. MR NORTH ftiVita. Ifew York. BOARDING. A SECOND-SI ORY FRONT ROOM, _ A for Gentleman and. Wife, No. 156 North RIFIT4 Street. 3t. R,IN GLE AND COMMIINICATING SECOND-STOES ROOSTS, for transient and perata rent Boordprs. IPIS WA GNRT StreAt i.11,2t* HOTELS. 3/rETROPOLITAN HOTEL, -a- (LATE Baown'e.) PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Between Sixth and Seventh eireete, - WASHINGTON CITY. - A. R. POTTS, Proprietor. m9`2 -6m ICE I ICE! ICE! ICE 1 ICE! ICE! COLD SPRING ICI COMPANY Families, Offices, Hotels, Shipping. Ice-crown saloo n s. supplied daily with a pure article of BOST° S . ICE, at the very lowest market rates. Dealers real large coneumere supplied at wholesale Priem. Wagons run in all paved limits of the Consolidated city. and, in the Twenty-fourth Ward. THOS. B CALEfILL. 395 WALNUT Street. North Penna. B. $ Master street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets. apS-Smit" Fins-street wharf. Schuylkill. COAL. C _ .- 0 A ~-SUGAR LOAF; BEAVER bleadow...aud Spring, Mountain Lehigh Coal. sad beet Locust - ;hfountaiu from Schurlkill; prepared ex. Presely.for fainity use. .-Depot, N. W. corner of SIGHTS and WILLOW Streets. - :olffee, No.-1.1% South SECOND Street. - • os:EaP l 7 l 7] J. wArron- MEDICAL. D R: B - WAYNE'S -PAbTA-CEA. - THE GREAT ALTERATIVE -AND PURIFIER. Thelaoit reliable remedy for. SCROFULA. • ' -or King's'Evil:Cancersi. - Ulcerous ,and White Swelling, Eruptions of the Skin." Blotches or Pimples of the face. obstinate or scaly -Eruptions, Boils, which arise from an •lin- Pure habit of blood. • pain in the bones; weakened and debilitated state of • the system, arising either from a long and protracted - case' of ' sickness, or having swallowed a large amount of drags, calomel, Acc., which may have affected - the bones; ;orctlibliu, coveringiuttlied.-;- - - the periostentiOihiel“— sometimes give rise techronle ulcerous dischargwandsmailbenes occasionally comenwaYAltttacks of rhea matism, in consequence ofanlnjared or abused constitution, affectionstortliesvice,J?ropsy, Jaun dice, or yellowness of theAlli;o ll rettie affections of the liver. litarasinus or waktintotileshicerated Sore Throat, Hip Joint Oritophilitt,",,dercurial and. Syphilitic Diseases;CWOrilc Eiyalyellas of theface, dark blc tchener defectein. ' tbe skin; in short,, the-most' loathsome diseitieswhick have pat every other medicine at deft- ' - - - - - ante for more than quarter: of a century, have been per feetly reetoredby thin great "VEGETABLE PAN &CEA. ' This "Panacea" will be found - highly useful in many diseases not-herein specified; it acts as a preventive against the atttachsand.inroade of liseas. especially for those whose constitntio_rvenuires nourishment and new vigor Persons, by its ; tile. will find a great improve ment in their health and'etrength, .as by purifying the blood. will mnove orsfaeles, which may have been scarcely worth noticiiiglat their COMMenCeM.'"iks t it will also have the tendency . regulate the bowels.' u..easen of et:options of the skim. on any Part covering the i.lB - or from any cause. by making use of S WAYNE'S "-- ALL-HEALING - OINT 11113 fir" to rub on in connection With the internal use of the "P&NACEA.,"wiII care the most obstinate eruptive - disease, - no matter of how long standing. Prepared onlYhy • Dg: • SWAYNE St SON, No. 330 N. SIXTH St.. above Vine. Phila. To whom all orders should be addressed. • Deb-tf ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFI.C.g; .. corner of "G" and . .TWESTY SECOND Streets. - WASHINGioc__ — D June 8, 185EWill be sold at Auction, on W.V.DNES - P.A.Y, Jane 2402., at.the Coral. near. Observakory;.=a; lot of Condemned. HORSES' 'aid - MIMES, the property of. thettnited Stated. Terms cashin Government funds.. Sale to commence atlo A. M. C. - It'VOItP.KiNS,. ,g&-% yi D . Capt., A. Q:,?47, - ., 11. • PACIFIC BAILNPAY.—THE UN DU.R sinned will receive_procosals to furnhhfonr.thernSmui 44,006))t0ri5-?of- ikILWAt ?RON, or any uart - FAnrept for the track ofthe First Section of the . llnic4,ragOfts Eastern DivisiOn:"" „ ' of American manufacture, quAlity, and to be delivered either at• leaw.,,zoyettlx, - -6r my XIA AS '-' Communications for further informeiticimtlantidd.; , ?-• -- .. . eitto the undersigned, or to SA M UEL 11914.,F,TF dr GO 8 11 8 BEAV - F4 Street,- env ork„ - Ter - A5: dash oil livery. J C. Ytß t nt)Nt, President Union Pacific Italp i tty, E. D. 'Farr' YORK, June 9, 1863. ' jel2-11)t VURGITNDY WWl_ _711•11, -Casks nat received _vet , "skip "Jaunt '?JsTeal• itl bond, 'byCHAS. 'B. & Jl6ll. 0.06.418kAt - at& ArALMErtiiita GRA. 741 544"--- . BRICK PRESFIFA IRA , i4La curTem . rona• m s oirLim. aiAllAck-i6 L arikeit Tools .:• , way,R4- • 4 trall%lnk. " Nog. South viva sins. TUATIY4 AND CTaA Foarrr t lu-nbe Tuu—,ua up daily..saliam, wAnt.di Tirllßs PRoasE, scp. tra 4.txxv orieratie Dunizetti Web.r Favorite Scot& Gaud .MaehUr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers