ARRIVALS AT . THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 GOOLOOK LAST NIGHT.' d Chestnut streets. °apt C Newhall. U S A ElYßussell,Utla H S Benson,; Wash, D C D Mettre,':Wash, D C Col R F Clarkjf S A Mrs H F Clatk Clemmeht Wm 'l' Poole, Wash; D C Jos H Knight, New York C C MacCeunell, U S A R P Faulkner, Relic, Aro James H Trexl er, Reading N C Taylor & wf, New Yolk A Wallet), New York F Herman, Cincinnati, 0 B B Remoitek. New V•wk ,FN Phelps Sr wf, New York Mitalonnel, Fort Del .T E S Harvey & wr, Hon A K McClure, Penns. R 0 CI aughton, Mumma, V Isaac Entwisle, Alexaod• V Mips A E Entwlsle, Virginia Dr Vellum, U 8 A. - Nen Hoot wf, II A Hee L Drink Water, Baden M Rimelrich, Baltimore Rick H Underhill, B York W 0 Hughart St wife Miss Page (Coo Olney & la, NeW York Mrs P F H. Peek, Chicago L Peek. Ching° Gee I. Ward, Boston - Mai Everts & lady, N y Wm Pate & wife. N Y Miss Pate, New York Ceo Kellogg, Jr, Conn • R A Robinson,•Lonteville C Tiffany, New York C U Kellogg, Delaware H Aneens, New York Mrs Coleman, New York L NCarter & la, Baltimore VOntinental—Ninth At.Frink John B McMullen, Pa J T Laumen, New York AW Wi' bur, California • MU] maga et la, ( - Wachs C Treadwall. Jr. N Y Wrancie Beoppe, New York :Hector Morri , on, b Y Resin New York X McDowell, WP, Del J R Evans, New York Jae McDonough. 13 S , Capt, C E Cadwalader.ll S A Chas Haywood. P S 51 Joseph, New York NJ Joseph, New Noric J A Joseph, New York - Col McCall 0 D Not ton Dr Getty, S A lir & kits G Dell, New York ;Mies Bell e Now York Mars Harrison, New York Mrs Brown & eon, Wash John McGalley, ermout ,Norman Baker, Vermont • Cole, New York P Cole, New York W H Clarke, Peuna Iliss Clarke ' -Penua k Wood, Mntreal W P Noble & wt', Cincin, 0 Mrs Wales, Cincinnati'. U 3531 as Johneton..N.w Murk dliiss E Johbeon, New York .11.obcrtl Nevin LOO , ..a.ster lonia W Gillet, New York Mon A Do Witt, Bless J A Bony, Burton • P Gasnel I. New York T Whitney. P, ttsville 'W B Scott, New York L Hefty, New York Armatrong, Now York Girard—Mettuaut John Morgan & la; Balt Capt H Wheeler, New York Cal W Sackett, US A' Dr L 1 Elder; Rebels PU J Heyman, P ew York W Berge', New :Y ork P' Harris, Pl,w ork Col Haney, Port Royal Lieut Hogan, Ohio • - F Rivera treel. below Ninth. Clot it G Ponta J Morris, Washington, D C C'West'& New York Sties F Wost, Now York H Howard Sr la. Bloomfield Chas Benton, Oboe G iatompeon, Baltimore ti Gibbons St ram, gngtand Chas Gibbo MS New York 'H Tobin, Washington, D C J_Tobin, WitAting,ton, p C Watson, Washington,DC Chas Arthur, Hatro.horg Miss A E Garden; Chesterco D Morton. Maine • M Myers, Jr, Ncw York - B Palmer... New. York _- A C Shaffer & In, Baltimore Copt R Di Rogers, Pa B J HaWoman, Harrisburg W H Lawson., Penne J W Andreas, Ni vi York 40 P Stich ney, Fail River B B Kelsey & la, Lane co J R IeICKT(II3. NCw York Medcalle, New York & Mrs W A Duncan, Pa, R Ward, New York S Samuels & la, N York J C Bancroft New ork' J Lardner, Jr J D Haddingion, New York S R Haddington, New York .1 Coburn, Now York M Coburn, - New. York • I R Diller, SpringfHld, 11l W C McCall, New Jersey - . . W Kimball ar la, Wash J Kimball, Wash, D C •mitisN Kimball. Wash D C .T C Lawrie, New Yuric . . Alexander & son, Puma 0 J B.weinaker, Harrisburg F Hinckley, Lowell, Mass Mai Dougherty, 0 S A Silas Dougherty Mr Grumbark, Penna M Dickinson, Trenton Mai C Ewing, Trenton F G Murray, Wash, D C D Rwartz, Wash' D C Minx I , Sehultz, Fishkill H Schultz. Jr, J L Passmore American—Cheatiau S Foreman, New ,YOrk C Bowen, New York H Aims, U 8 24 Gen Brc,wn, New York, J H Bartboll, New York ' • G R Thompson, aew York J Kerr " - Albert Simpson I. England, Lock Bevan EH Seal Chester co W Denote Hazel, Smyrna, W A Cook, Delaware, • .7 A Erney, York,, Ye, W J {Smith, Aliner . bville Id R Nichols, P,itt,ville D N Reieleri,Pottsville Reuben Jones, Pottsville C H Dengler, Pottsville W F Donaldaou, Ashland Ceo Ormrod, Tamaqua Samuel 13 Bigelow Blercheints , --Foutry W Andersoi & ch, N York J Sanderson,' New York • 0 Carrington, Conn •13 Smith, Johnstown - W Fountain B Heller, York co - D Dialing & la. Clearfield J.Lowther, Altoona Jes Paul, Cincinnati Wiains, Indiana - A Brodhead, 11l Chunk B Barry & Is, Brooklyn P 4 ulane, N Jersey Dr Baines, Bath, Pa R R Desborough, Trenton Dr J R Raub, Prints, O W Hensel. Penn" P J Barry, Tamaqua Mrs Frank, Bedford Mies Reed, Bedford W 0 Dunseatt,'Pittsbarg J Thomas, Penne, Chas Hirsh, Lane:vier A Schnelan, Woodbury A L Buhhofer. Woodbury J hi Barry, Lancaster St. Louis—Chestnut Pehwartz, Tainactua,Pa Wit Depeu J Moyer, Easton. Pa D Potter, New Jersey ThoaStevenson, N Y Gen &bale. Penne 0 W Caning & la, N J trent, Above Th4rd. Mae 'Brnoll, Jr, Trentbn C H Stanton, Ohio. Eli Young, Ohio W G Strong, Mass E White & la, N Jersey P May, e'ort Delaware Jos Mittolberg, Penne C. Hess, Pittsburg Col W W•Hamersley, Pa John T Bechtel, Allentown Cart J C McLaughlin. Emory, N Jersey Lieut H C Swayer E J Hyde, Delaware Jsaac Newhowe. Penne W Bro Ave, Conn • J Parley, Easton M Cook, Penna. • - P Tauter, Chambereburg Jeel Miller, Lane co H Warner, P;ttsburg (3 8 Reynolds, L Jersey The Union—A.loh r J T Turner, Trite:lmre:co, 0 If A Lukens,Tmenrora, eo,u Tboe E Lo lowa D L Coyle, Nevburg W H Beecher, Pottatuwn A'MHerr,Strarbura John F Herr, Stra , burg E Groff, t trasbarg, C Binkley,-StraPburg C Bachman, Strasburg Jos Bowman. StraAsurg Col It Itatchff, Tamaqua J BI Moths, Pottsville Hubbell Nr wf, Puma Mrs H F Felix, Penna M Id Stoner, Wayne,-boro Jae Helen, Sbinpensburg G W Ziegler, Green Castle Miss Ziegler, Gi ean H Malinger, Tatnacom J H Hartman, Bloomberg State* Union—Sixth A Taylor, Westchester ' P Smith, Petersburg .G Reynolds, Rhode 'lsland A Mannabach, blifilintown :John Copp. Masai/of), 0 .1" Edwards dr wf, Delaware D Simpers, Delaware Pi Taylor, Delaware -fGeo Johnson P Shields & la. Pa all Wttletield, Milllintown ,R F Barron, Centre co. Pa Smiley King. Wam'u, Del I $ Coyle. - New Jersey A L McCline, Wil Del •Jas 0 Toole. Jr, Delaware John D 3 Br. Lancaster co John L Russell, Delaware :Jos Bochrock, Deli 14 C Campbell Mr Eastman Mr Livingston Bald Eagle—Third S Zl O Blegfreed, Easton Thoa Lesbef, Easton •Jacob Lesher. Easton .J Hersh, Montgomery co B Gockley, Lancaster Co !Bertruel K Lutz, Berks co peter Brown Lancaster co htilanal Beachdel, Centre no hire Kuntz, Centre co .Elias Brown, Lancaster co .Philip Huber, Lancaster co .3i Johnson, Quake town National—Race AL 71 L Donahoe, Mlnersville John Kemmerer. Allento wn' ,A Shark, Lebanon • .Amos Sourbeer, t'a D Saylor, Sch'l haven Joe A Bowman, Lebanon W P Carmany, Lebanon Brendlinger, Montg co Jas Beiterman, Barks co N Carmany & lady, Pa Commercial—Sixth • L Tiflyln verrsan, Virginia .B Hammond, Chatter 31. Hammond, Baltimore Aaron Baker. Chesterteo J Lepple, Pa Capt F M Yeager, Pa Lieut J H Harvey. Pa .T.Aent A Brower. Pa W Miles Barrisborg 33 Potts, Chester co Black Rear—Third S B Johnson. Pa H Klein, Buell 14 co, Pa dfillßerdlinger.N Hanover A Ratez, New Hanover Wazenhout. Montg co Daniel Shell, Pa 43e0 Hain, Pa Henry Shrank, Pa Madison—Second as Teter Y Baird. New York Thos Ent, New Jersey T F Knowles, Sa.sbu ry.Nd T Whitlock & lady. el J Miss Mary Whitlock, N J linford Marsh, Stroudsburg -Jas Boyes.. Stroudsburg Barley Sheaf, Second St., below Vine. Jacobs, New York < John lfcOaffrey,-New York M Kirk St wf, Forestville Geo Veroff. New York Jos Scott, Hatboro Jas Jarvis New York T P Rowlett, Penlynn , A J Brush, New York Jae Vanhorn, Doylestown Rev Mr Wood, Hartsville YAMS Vanhorn,Doyleste wn Thos Stemple, Horsham 4 G Allen. New Jersey Geo Gleason, Pt Pleasant Smith Harper, Fox Chase Enoch Evans, New Jersey 'l' Atkinson, Backs co SPECIAL NOTIOES. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT IS THE twit remedy for Soren in the known world. S.-T.-1860 -X CAUTION.— ho PLANTATION BITTER BOTTLE is 'secured to us by U. S. Letters Patent. To imitate 'the Bottle or use it for any other purpose is a crime punish able with flues and imprisonment, Parties are warned of the consequences of filling empty Bottles with any other mixture, whether calling it Plantation Bitters or by any other name. We pay cash, 60 cents per dozen, or 11.20 par gross, for all empty. Bottles delivered at our manufactory, 105 LIBERTY Street, New York, thus removing any excuse for ignorance. Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bitters in bulk, or by the gallon, is a swindler and impostor. We sell only in our regular Bottles, all bearing our private United States stamp and steel-plate label and signature. P. R. DRAKE & CO. 202 BROADWAY, New York. mYI9-tuthalm ONE-PRICE CLOTHING , OF THE LATEST rintins, made in the Beat Manner, expressly tor RETAIL GALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain 7i- Mire% All 'Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Oar One-Pawn SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. .All are thereby treated alike. - • c•- del2-Iy. JONES & CO., 1101 MARKET Street. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OP. AN 01,D NURBB.—Mrs. Winsloty's Soothing Syrup is the presc*lP lion of one of the beet female physicians and nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years With never-failing eafety and success by millions of mo thers and children, from the feeble infant, of one week geld to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach Relieves wind colic. Regulates the bowels. • And gives rest, health, and comfort to mother and child. 26 cents a bottle. my22-1m -31ERR's In un i s hi ng CHINA and GLASS establishment. clime SALL. 520._CFIESTNIIT Street, opposite Independence Hall, Philadelphia. Hotels, Restaniante, and Shipping supplied „ . . ri. B.—CHINA' DECORATED to order; also, Initials sad Crests elegantly engraved on TABLE GLASS and CHINA. Orders by mall prompify attended to. nryl6-1m . , . MIDSUMMER MELODY. 'Twee a night in the dog dein. And all through the house • ,IQight prowlers were stirring— - Fleas, bedbugs, and mouse. "'The children, uneasy, . Squirmed this way'and that— The bedbugs preferred thorn Because they were fat: But at dawn, on each Insect . Lyon's death powder fell; -And the rats and the mice, too, Sieeumbed to his Pill. Lyon% PoWdiewill kill all ineects.. Lyon's Magnetic Ifills are sure death tnrats and mice. Sold everiwhere saris-ut '• '''DEM,AI3 S. :HARPIES, New street, above Fifth. his Aston, Columbus; Ohio W P Lander, Now Yolk - Geo P Haut, New York Liam Drinkhouse, _Halton A K Shiebler, New York J S Weisz, Miffileburg L Carbart, Al,ryland Thos Lee, Burlington, N J Hiss Taylor, Delaware Beni Jackson, Clarksville D W Anwell, New York N slttttz,.Penusylvania W H Alexander, Dtquware 0 T i! , hoeuer, 'Tamaqua , B Hall, New York Mrs Garrett, New York W B Billings, New York W Denney, Jr, Delawdre r w• Ready, Delaware i A Welch, II S A street, below Arch. Thos Stough, Newville J .A. Evster & eon. Penna Borst Bracey, Virginia Dr A S Hid, Elk co Chas E Ford, N Jersey Mae C G Van Doren. G J Jas B Walker. Trenton T W Baxter, Trenton. A J McConkey. Peters Creek W Whitaker, Peters Creek Levi. Haines, Peters Creak J Snicker, Milton. S N Snodgrass. Sfiftlinburg Thos Femier, Kingston Alex Fulton, Penna. T Swank, Milton E Evans, St Louis Thos Mager, Bethlehem DI tt Angell. Columbia P Brown, Connecticut J W Woolston, Bristol C L Bowman, Harrisburg S Thomas, Maryland G W McCullough & Aid J K Burnett, Delaware mitteets above Third., Oeo A Jones, Zanesville. 0 Wilson Fairfax Wastrinen T 0 Van Alen. Danville S Newberger. New York Mr. & eirs 0' ',earl , . v Y A Garverick, Harrisburg Z Raymond, Delaware and Market ; W W Gould & la G M Bill ihraddel Mr Eddy Mr Tannenbaum Mr Clifford • E Davis W Jaquett & la, Pa J Spann le. - Perry co, Pa John K Willie York co • P S Hoffman, Madison, Ind Jas S Bell & we. Johnstown Alex Blessing. York co B Cooper, Parry co, Pa P Wilm'n, Dal T M Strob, New Holland Miss M . Dale, Baltimore .T Price. Wilm'n. Let W C Will Indiana P H L Roy. Michigan Jae Connell, New Jersey - t., above Callowhill. a L Fisher, Marion, Pa G Tlig, Stronds burg .Tos Muthera, Reading Geo Fernald, Penna John Bechtold, Barks co H Oxenrider, Barks co Henry Seidel, Reading H Manderbach, Penns J Werner, Penna .amnel Moser, Penna John E Dankelberger, Pa reef, above Third. N Webber. Selig Haven M Rammel, Port Carbon Isaac Gould, Trenton, N J B Smith, Selinsgrove A R Wetzel. Beavertown C Stren. US A • Julia W Miller ebanon El Wood, - White Haven Backenatase, Pa S 9 6birk, Lebanon co, Pa reet, above Chestnut, WA Atwood, Pa W A Fraker, Pa - Chas Bowersauc, Pa Wm Harper, Pa David Ricks, Pa Peter Ripple, Pa. Wm Dobbins, Lancaster co Tao R Ramsey, Oxford, Pa Geo 8 Garrett, Chester co VV T Sharpless. Chester co J Devoe, Weat Chester t., above Callowhlll. Mrs Swoope, Pa Gideon Whetston. Tamaqua C Schreiber. Schuylkill co Solomon: Enterline. Sad co Peter L Diener, Berks co Levi Line, Allentown Steinmetz, Lebanon Teat, above Market. G Lehr. Lewistown Mark Thornton, Mass nhae B Woodnutn,Portiand Miss 6 Kirk, Pa Jos Graver. Lewistown J T Schofield, Pa Lukens Thomas, Pa MARRIED. MARSFIALtt-MICK LE. —At Bethlehem. Ps., 011 FIR 11. day twening, 28th nit.. according to the order of the Society of Friends. Thomas e. Marshall. of , Trenton. N. J., to Sophie B. Mick le. of the former place, youngest daughter of the late William Stickle._. BOWER—SBEINEnK.—On the 28th ult.. hy the Rey. Dr. W. J. Mann. Frank Bower. - Esq. to hEss Maggy Schn , cli, all of ibis city. EL Lis—JOHNSON. —On the 21st ult., by the Rey. John Tetlow. Mr. William Ellis td Miss Frances H. Johnson, of Philadelphia. DI3EI3D. JONES.—Nilled, on the 23d of May, in'an engagement near Newborn. N. C., Colonel John Richter Jones, 63th Regiment Pa. Vols., in the GOth year of his age. I be male relatiqes and friends, and officers of the Briny and Navy and Wolituteer .Corps, are invited to meet at Independence Hall. on ' Wedneeday, Jane 3d, at 3 o'clock P. M., precisely: The interment will take place at the Roxbori.ugh Baptist Church, at about Ski o'clock P. . . cNYDBR.--On the lot instant, Mary "Ann Snyder, widow of David Snyder, Sr. , Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her sun. John 0. heifer, S. E. corner of Thirty-third street and Petrel ton. avenue, WeSt Philadelphia, at 9 o'clock on Wednes day morning, June 3d. TROUTMAN —On Saturday, 30th ult., Henry C. Troutman. aged 50 years. Ms friends are invited to his funeral. from the resi dence of his brother-in-law, 1) W. 0 Moore. No. SU Borth Eighth street, above Brown, on Wednesday morn ing next, 3d inst., ar.lo o'clock. • 5 * SUPLM—Saturday, May 30th, * 166, Edwin Stanton Surdee, infantchild of Nathan It. and Shtria I. Sinner°. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend his funeral, this (Taesdty) Kreming. june 2 I, at 10 o'clock, from the residence of hiaporents, No. 656 North Tenth street, without farther notice. BABI IvOTON.—On the HistAilt.. Kr. John Sahingtnn. CLABK —On the 29th ult., Dr. John Y. Clad:, of thie city. tip ed 66 years. .E.NDRESS.— On the 31st nit., Lide Endress, in the 9 . 2 d year of her age. GETT.INS.—On the 29th ult., James Gettins, aged . 33 Years, RLACK BAYADERE BARE4ES.- 4-- , Black silk and wool Bayadere Bareges at 25, 28, and 31% cents. Black Balzorines, 12%, and 15 cents. • Black Bareges. 22 to 8755 cents. Black Grape Bards, 87% to 60 cents. • Black Bares., Shawls and Points. Black India Sonshewi , and Snrsnets for linings. Black Marcelines and Lustrenes for linings. ' Black 8-4 wide Baregos and Haman Hernani. Black and colored Grenadine Veils, &c. JuSt received by BEASON & SON, Mourning store, jet No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. ICE.BLANKETS LOW. Ice Wrapping And Rugs. 6.4 Tarletons for Mirrors. ErRI3 & TANDEM,. FOURTH and ARCH. 111)1) YARDS FAST-COLORED LAWNS Fine Rich Organdies. Sunirner Mourning Goods. Sea-shore New Shawls - EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH & ARCH Sweats 11 3 , TO THE UNION AND LOYAL LEAGUES AND ASSOCIATIONS, AND LOYAL. CITIZENS OF-THE UNITED STATES: FIELADELPHIA. May 25, 1263, FELLOW-CITIZC : By direction of the UNION LEAGUE of Philadelphia, the undersigned have the honor to invite your attention to the following Resolutions, to wit: Resolved, . — l. That the League will celebrate the approaching Annivenary, of American Independence by appropriate ceremonies, at the Hall of Independence.; "2. That all the Union Leagues and Associations in the United States be invited to participate in the celebra tion, and that they be requested to send deputations from their respective bodies for.that purpose. "3, That it be recommended that the deputies be au thorized to represent their respective constituents in any action that may be deemed necessary and expedient to Perfect the organization of the friends of the American Union and Government throughout the United. States. "4. That the of Correspondence be autho - to prepare a circular letter, communicating these - Resolutions to the Union Leagues and Loyal Citizens of the re.pective Statee, and to adopt such measures as may be necessary to carry them into effect." For the first" time in the history of our Country, the masses of the American people are now invited to com memorate the birth of the UNION, at the place where it was born: To re-assert the great principles of the Declaration, that " All men are created equal, and are endowed by their CREATOR, with the UNALIENABLE RIORTS of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness:" To acknowledge onr obligations to mankind, to main tain those principles as our fathers did. "with a firm re liance on the protectionl of DIVINE PROVIDENCE:" To declare the INDIVISIBILITY of the AMERICAN UNION: To declare the inflexible purpose of the American peo ple, as GOD shall give them strength, to subdue the ene mies of the Union, and re-establish' and perpetuate the NATIONAL AUTHORITY, wherever it has been over thrown by treason or rebellion : To declare to foreign nations, that while we desire peace with them, we shall - hold them responsible for any encouragement they -may give to the rebellion against the Government of the United States: To give to history an appropriate expression of our gratitude to the patriot-armies and navy of the Repub lic: ard To declare our determination to sustain the constituted authorities of ,the Government now and hereafter, in all measures adopted and prosecuted by them for the sup pression of the rebellion WITHOUT COMPROMISE WITH TRAITORS, as she only means of securing an honorable and lasting peace. The Committee are gratified to announce that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES has' accepted an invitation to participate in the proceedings. Fellow-citizens of the United States, we call nporiyou with us in this FIRST NATIONAL CE FA BRATION, and to adopt such measures as yon may deem proper, to make it worthy of a, 'great people who -have inherited, and now possess and appreciate, the blessings of liberty. CHARLES WRECKS, Chairman, MortonMcMichael Jas. L Claghorn, J. I. Clark Hare, Wm. Henry Rawle W.C,Swann.M.D., Evan Randolph, J. Edgar Thomson, Joseph Lea, William Cox, L. Lewis, Jr., J B. Moorhead. Henry Samuel, Wm. R. Ashhnrst, E. Spencer Stiller, Geo. H. Boker, M. EL Messchert, John IS: Myers. H. G. Morris, J. Gillingh'mFell, J. B. McFarland, Jas. C. Band, C. H. Needles, Jos. B Townsend, Gibson Peacock, Jabez Gates, S. C. Perkins, Geo. Whitney, Thos. I. Potts, Charles Gilpin, Craig D. Ritchie, Thos. W. Evans, Geo. X - Robeson, W. Botch I,Vister, Thorop. Reynolds. John Rico. John P. Verree, enry Cohen, Hanson Robinson, F. J. Dreer, W. S. kewart, W. Devine, Chas. E. Smith, Thos. S. Ellis. W. C. Stevenson, Oeo. Erety, Sami B. Thomas, G. W. McMahan, H• C. Townsend, H. C. Howell, Lewis 11. Vail, Persifor Frazer. J. P. Wetherill, J. W. Pan], Henry Davis, J. W. Ontf, Andrew Wheeler, Frank Wells, E D. Whitney, •R. H. Gratz, Geo. .T. Weaver, George Trott, V C: S. War tz, M. D. ; Thos. Kimber,Jr., Chas. T. Yerkes, E. C. Knight, Wm. Struthers, W. H. Kern, Chas.Hartshorne, Jogeph Kerr, M E. Rogers, R P. Ring. G. M. Conarroe, Charles Knecht, - Saunders Lewis, Henry C. Carey, B. Binney ' , Frederick Fraley, Daniel Smith, Jr., Jos. Allison, Benj. Gerhard, Geo. H. Stuart, N B. Browne, Wan. Camac,6l. D.. S. B. Felton, A. E. Borie, Clarence IF Clark, A. (*. Coach. Henry M. Watts, C. S. Grove, John B. Kenney, James Milliken, Wm.M.Tilghman, 'H. C. Lea. E.Hartshorne,llD, Thos. Webster, Ellis Yarnell, C. S. Smith. F. A. ComlY, 'Alfred - hi. `Jessup, Augustus Heaton, Ward B. Baseltine H. P. Borie, Cad wal ad. Biddle, R. Rundle Smith. Samuel E. Stokes, Don!. Dougherty. Geo. Bullock, ''Wm. M. Coopor, S. J. Christian, John W. Forney. S. Fisher' B. P. Kerahow, . 'GenerGE aI ORGE Ff Committee . BC FM- • FIFTH WARD UNION LEAGUE GRAND RALLY FOR THE UNION. r The Citizens of FIFTH WARD, without distinction of Party, are invited to assemble at • FIFTH AND PRUNE STREETS, On FRIDAY EVENING NEXT, sth inst., at 8 o'clock, TO ORGANIZE A UNION LEAGUE. Benjamin GPrhaxd, R. Randle Smith, Charles Gibbons, F. H. Daffee, James Milliken, W. S. Smith, je2-3t And Many Others. E lt i t ß O cc N ,A lt , UNION LEAGUE OF The refttihir PUBLIC 'MONTHLY MEETING or the NATIONAL UNION LEAGUE of the EIGHTH WARD will be held st.t the HORTICULTURAL ROOMS, (CORNER BROAD AeND WALNUT STREETS) WEDN.IiSD SY EVENING, the 3d inst., AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. The unconditional Union men of the Ward, without regard to party distinctions, who are in 'favor of render ing to the. Government a cordial and hearty support in its efforts to crash the rebellion and maintain the inte grity of the Union, are invited to be present, The Hon. DAVID -PAUL BROWN will address the Meeting. jet-2t PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR I PROMOTING AGRRICULTURS. —Stated Meet ing at' Room 326 WALNUT street, on WED/TODAY, June 3d, at 11 o'clock A. M. - jet-2t HORTICTILTUFLA.L HALL, S. W. cor. BROAD and WALNUT Streets. --Subject of d1:011F210II, THIS EVENING, "Cultivation of Small Fruits.", ST. BARN A B AS 7 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH.—The Vestry of this Church have requested the Rev. Dr. CARDEN to take charge of their parish until they can call a p tstor. Dr. Carden has consented to do so. The seats in this Church are all Free. lt Ma.• NOTICE.—TEE ANNUAL MEET ING of the Stockholders of the PHILADEL PHIA STEAMSHIP DOCK COMPANY, for the eleo Hon of Five Directors and the transaction of other busineee, will be held at No. 1.26 DBLAW&RE Ave nue,.(i round floor,) on MONDAY, Jane Bth, at 12 o'clock, noon. WM. DENNIS, ie2s6t Secretary and Treasurer. O. U. A. M.—THE MEMBERS OF LIBERTY COUNCIL. No. 11. are respectfully re que.ted to meet at their Council Chamber, GRRSIA.N -TOWN ROAD, above FIFTH street, 011 thie TUESDAY, - th e 2d instant, at 124' o'clock, to attend the funeral of our late fellow-member, Brother JOHN RIDAY, Jr, By order of the Council, _ ADIOS WOLFINGER, V. C. Aiteet, THOS. ang. Jr., R. Sec'y. It. TWENTY-FOURTH WARD UNION LEAGUE—A.public - -meeting' will be held at -Commissioners' Hall, corner of MARKET and THIRTY --SEVENTH Streets, on THURSDAY EVnNING, June 4, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the Twenty-fourth Ward Union League. AddreeseB will be delivered by several distinguished speakers. All loyal citizens are invited to attend. jo'2-30 OFFICE OF THE UNION CANAL IMCOMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, May 18, 1863. -- NOTICE TO BON DllO I, MRS. —Tee Bondholders - of the UNION CANAL COMPANY are hereby requested to call, at the office of the Company, No. 228 WALNUT Street, and surrender the Coupons, as agreed uponion accordance with the act of Assembly of April 10th, 18621 my27-1m 01.0 ilt THOMPSON, Treasurer. FAIR.—A GRAND FANCY . , Inturr; AHD FLORAL F AIR, for the Benefit of the REV. Mk. SMILEY 'S CONGREGATION, will be' held by ter Ladies, at HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL. Corner of Eighth and Green Streets, commencing TUESDAY, Juno 2d, and to continue day and evening for four days. Levee for Children every afternoon from 3 till 6 o'clock. ,Each child will receive a gift. Season Tickets 20 cents. Tickets for single admission 10 cent., To be had of Mr. Charles Krouse, No. 726 Spring Garden Street, and at the Pair mv3o-6t MPROVOST MARSHAL GRNERA.US OFFICE.-WASHINGTON, D. C. , May 32, 1863. All men who desire to. oin any particular Regiment of CAVALRY now in the field, are hereby authorized to Present themselves at any time durb g the next thirty days to the BOARD .OF ENROLMENT, in their respec tive Di, Wets. The Board shall examine them. and de tet mine upon their fitness for the Service,and if found to be fit, the Provost Marshal of the districtshall give them transportation tickets to the general Rendezvous. at the Rea dqual tars of the A. A. Provost Marshal General of the State. As soon as they present themselves at this gene ral .s endezvons they shall be duly mustered by a mus tering and disbursing officer, and paid by him the bounty allowed by law. JAMES B. FRY, my4B-1m Provost Marshal General. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL 1111BET 'NG of the Stockholders of the Germantown Pas senger Railway Company will be held at the office of the Cempany, corner of SIXTH and DIAMOND Streets, on TUESDAY, Juno 2, 1863, at 12 M. ~at which time and Place an election will be held for Treasurer and three Managers—one of whom shall be President—to serve for the ensuing year, agreeably to an act of the Legisla ture. named ihe 3d day of April, 1863. iny23-tje2 JOSEPH SINGERI t Y, Secretary. "tTHE NEW GYAINASTICS."—Ent.. DIO GEMS, of Boston, will deliver a lecture on PHYSICAL CULTTIBE, and the c ow System of Gym va: tics, at COI.4CERT HALL. on Thursday Evening, June 4, at S o'clock. Tickets ?A cent , . The proceeds - to be devoted to the Sanitary- Commission Tickets to be obtained at the, office of the :sanitary. Commissio t; at Hazard's' Book Store, 7%4 Chestmit street, and at the door on the evening of the lecture. mpg° St° M. ART.—A NUMBER OF ARTISTS IN this city. New York. and other places, have contributed Pictures to be sold, to aid in sending to their homes our incurably SICK AND WOUNDED. VOLUN TEERS. The collectirn can:be seen for a few days 'at the Rooms of James S. Earle & Son. 516 CHESTNUT Street, who have kindly volunteered to attend to their Bale. • my23-10t OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR.. TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY. PEI/ADEL' FRIA. October 24. 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying dirtifieial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office .af the Suigeon-Astist to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. PRANK PALMER, iso-6M. Government Surgeon-Artist. FOR CLERK. OF ALUA.I2,2PER. SES.. lIK.,_I9IONS—JOHN K. MURPHY. my29-thstu Late Catania the 29th Fa. Yel. I. E .A ILEA,U ( A e. R .R T . ). E n rap ß il v al. B R E p t Er2T Put lADELPIIIA, Jane Iglooe. GENERAL ORDER If cr. The fnuer.a of the hit:went. J. HICHTEtt JONES, of the 58th Regiment I'. : V., who, was killed, while gallantly peribrinii g his Now , berm, N. will take place from Independency Hall on WEDNESDAY, the 3d inst., at 8,34 o'clock P. AI t The Regiment mill assemile on the wet side of aebington 'square, right' reeling etreet, oa Vitedneadaythe 3d inst..; at 2s: o'clock P. M. 111. Blue uniforms and white gloiest °facers with full-dress bat, IV. Other military organizations and , officers of the Army, Navy, and Volunteers, wit , cr intend partici pating, will report at the time and placeisdic - wed in orders. B command of Col. CEIeS.. S. B.SiTEI. Oho. B. J3ETb EU, Adjutant. iml-2.t "1M "rIIIIK LADIES OF. THE UNCON VUMINTEER. .REFR EA. , El 111 - ENT COMMITTEE'. open their FAIR at. the Saloon foot of iVAS , EIING Avenue on the 16th inst., to continue one , week, or longer. From the proceeds of their first Fair, with con tributions from. other, sources, we have been able, thus far, to meet all our obligations and discharge our as sumed duties. The many cal is on our, citizens (or other charities eaugn no again to. adopt this method to replen ish our nearly exhausted treasury. Contributions will be thankfully-received,. and orders for tickets supplied by any of our. Comm itteeor authorized agents. As there appears to have heen from the first a, misun derstanding on the part of the public relative to the two Refreshment Saloons,. some .Permas thinking they are one and the same, we may,.with propriety,estate that we have no connection with any other institution for the feeding of ...Soldiers, but have always possessed a sepal ate and distinct waranizadion and fund, and our lo ca lien is at the foot of Washington• avenue. in 2. In w & s 2w AnAIY BARROWS, Chairnian in .1 81 1 3 3 (T1 citk - NaGn - ,r4,3l,fftlitz sznyritiLotp . l64 MONDAY NFXT, at CONCERT HALL. Secure Season Ticketk (only 25 cents), at once, of any who have them. je2-215 - i e. , OFFICE KIigIAILIVOR INSITRANCE CoBIPANY OF PAIL A DELPHIA, 30.8 WALNUP bmet, PHILADELPHIA, Julie 1; 1863: • The directors have this day declared w semi-annual DIVIDENL OF FOUR. PhR orethe Capital Stock, payable to the . stockholders or their legal representa tives, free from all taxes: on and after the 10th instant. THOS. C. HlLL—Secretary. •"AVOID IHE DRAFT." HEADQUARTERS, PROVOST - MARSHAL. FIRST DIST MOT, No.• 245 SO UTFITHIRD STREET, PHILADELPIIIA,• Stine. 1, 1863. Public attention is solicited to the subjoined circular from the Provost Marshal General. All•persons wie!Lug to join - any of the Regiments here ref. rretl , to„will make application to these Headquarters svithin•the next thirty days.. 2 W. E.. LEHMAN, • Provost Marshal, First District. . . All men who desire to join any particular Regiment of in the field, are hereby authorized to pre sent themselves - at any time during the next thirty days to the Board of Enrolment in their respective !Matrices. The Bosrd shall examine them, and determine upon their fitness her the service; and If found to be fit, the Provost Marshal of the District shall give them trans portation-tickets to the general Rendezvous, at the Head quarters of the Provot4 Marshal General of the Stem. as soon as they present themselves at this general Ren dezvous, they shall be duly mustrred by'a mustering and disbursing officer, and paid by him the bounty allowed by law. JAMES B. FRY, el-12t Provost Marshal General. " - AVOID THE DRAY - P." HEADQUARTERS. PROVOST MARSHAL. -*7 FOLIRTH DISTRICT, H. E. con BROA D and SPRIN G•GA.RD Eft Ste. PHILADELPHIA, May 28. 1863. Public aitention is soliciied to the subjoined circular from the Provost Marshal General. All persons wishing to join any of the Regiments here referred , t. will make application to these Headquarters within the next thirty days. Ti. M.LANE,-Captains Provoit Marshal, Fourth District. PROVOST M&IISH AL GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. O. Mity 22,1563. . . All men who desire to join any. particular Regiment of Cavalry now in the field. are nereby authorized to pre sent themselves, at any time during the nest thirty days, to the Board of Enrolment in their respective District 4. The Board shall Pxamtbe them, and, determine upon their fitness for the service; and if found to be fit, the Provost Marshal of the. District shall give them trans portation tickets to.tbe general Rendezvous; at the Head quarters ofthe A.. A. ProvostMarsh.l general of the :hate. As soon as they present themselves at this general Ren dezvous, they shall be duly mustered by a mustering and disbursing officer, and paid by him the boltntvallowed I . )y jacs; my3o-12t, 'STATE OF ANNA BROWN, DEO'D, -B-4 late of Bordentown, N. J.—Letters of administra tion to the above rstate have been granted to the under signed. All perk ono indebted will please make payment; and those having chime against same will present them to SAMUEL B GREBE, Execator, j52-tn6t,` 20535 WALNUT Street, Phitad'a. ESTATE OF GEORGE BLACK, DE CEASED.—Letters of Administration to the Estate of GEORGE BLACK. deceased,- have been granted to the.und ersigned. All persons having claims against said estate will present them. and those indebted will make payment, to WILLIAM PANCHIIIAITH, SEPVIYA Street, between Otis and Norris, Nineteenth ward, Or to his Attorhey, JOSEPH F. st &HOER, je2-tu6a. - 429 WALNUT Street,. A EMT CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets, PEIMADELPFIIA, Jane I, ISO. . . „ SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at , this Office until 12 o'clock K. on SATURDAY, the 6th June inst.. to fur bish promptly at the Schuylkill Arsenal— Wax Upper Leather, to be first-class, oak-tanned, front slaughter hides, well finished. Bidders will state in their proposals the price, quanti ty b d for, and time of delivery.. The ability of the binder to tall the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose eigna tures must be appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the bid. No bid will be considered that does not comply fully with the above requirements. A sample can be seen at Chip Office, and bidders am in vited to be present at the °pelting of the bids. - G. H. CROSMA.N, ie2-51 Ast. Q. H. General IT. S. army. METROPOLITAN HOTEL (LATE BROWN'S.) PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. Between Sixth and Seventh streets, WASHINGTON CITY. - A. B. POTTS, in3 , 22-6ra , • ,Proprietor AVENUE HOUSE, CORNER OF 'PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE AND SE VE NTH STREETS, WASHINGI'ON D 0 The subscriber hasleased this well known and perm, lar hotel, and respectfully invites his friends in Penn sylvania and elsewhere to him a calL . InY6-1m JOHN .CASEY,. Proprietor. ptRA.NDRETH HOUSE' Coiner of BROADWAY, CANAL, and LISPENA.B.D - STREETS NEW YORK. CONDUCTED 01g THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The above Hotel is located in the most central part of Broadway, and can be reached b- omnibus or city care, from all the steamboat landings and railroad dOpots. The, rooms are elegantly furnished. Many of them art constructed in suits of communicating parlors and cham bers, suitable for families and_ parties travelling to. gether. Meals served at all hours. •Single Rooms from 50 cents to $1 per day. Doable Rooms from $1 to $2.60 per day. A.O-Om JOS- OURTTR &no.. of Arrangement. KER. Secretary THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO fore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of. L. G. GRAFF kft GRAHAM, has been this day dissolved, bymutual consent. The business of the late .firm willbe settled by L. G. GRAFF. at 110..201-5 MARKET Etreet. L. G. GRAYE, E. H. GRA.H.AIt". Philadelphia, May 30, 1363. • THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE QUITS day entered into . a Copartnership, under the firm of L. G. GRAFF & CO., for the purpose of transacting a Produce and General Commission Business, nod have taken the Warehouse lately occupied by L. G. Graff & Graham. No. 201-S'MARKET Strent. L. G GRAFF, D. W. DICKSON. Philadelphia, June 1, 1863 jet 6t* THE SUBSCRIBERS WILL CONTI, - 12 - NUE the ,DRUG BUSINESS, as heretofore, at the Old Stand, No. 724 MARKET Street. WM. ELLIS & CO., Druggists. jalLtf • 724 MARKET Street. ICE! ICE 1 ICE I ICE! ICE! ICE! Offices,Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Creara Saloons, gm. „Sic. , supplied daily with a pure article of BOsTON ICS. at the very lowest market rates. Dealers and large consumers supplied at wholesale 'Priam. Wagons run in all paved limitsof the Consolidated city, and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. . . THOS. S CAHILL. - 325 WALNUT Street. Offices . North Penna. R. Si Master street. Lomlfard and Twenty-fifth street& ap.3-Smif* , Pine-street wharf, Schuylkill. CO A L.-SVGAR - LOAF, BEAVER iffeadow, and Spring •Mountain Lehigh Coal. and beat Locust Mountain from Schulkill; prepared ea fressly for family use. Depot, N. W. corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 11% South SECOND Street. • Cap!-ly] J. WALTON & CO. UMBRELLA . CLOTHS_ 5 cases 30-inch Blackstone Co 5 cases 27-inch Social Co. 3 cases 27-inch Plain Print Cloth • For sale by MATTHEW BINNEY'S SONS, my29-tf BOSTON, MASS. SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS-THE "QUEEN OF THE WEST GORE TRAILS."—The best quality and styles of. Gored Skirts to be obtained in this City. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, No. 628 AIICR Street. - - - - - Also—The Quaker - Skirt, extra long • and. medium length Skirts, together with a.full line of Misses and Children's Skirts, from 4 to'4o springs. • Just OnenedAnother supply cf those Cheap Skirts. GREAT BARGAINS-15 springa,7s eta.; 20 springs,Ss eta.; 26 springs. 81: 30 springs, 81.15; 40 springs, $1 25; Me tallic fastened and kid-padded, Diamond-tied Skirts, 25 springs, 75 cte ;'SO spring's, 85 eta ; and 40 springs, $l, FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! • - • FITTLADELPRIA, May 30, 1863. M. C. Sadter.'Ekg., Agent for Lillie's S'ales : DEAR sac: During the night of May , l9, 1863. our Gro cer.- and Provision Stole, at North Second and Willow streets: took fire at about 2 o'clock A. 01., and as the store was a two-story wood building it burnt rapidly, and before the fire. engines could act upon the fire; our whole stock of goods, including much combustible ma- • tin ial, and amounting to over 12.000, were wholly de •stroyed. We bad 'one of year No 11 Chilled Iron Safes. "which was in the hottest part of the fire, and it came ont of the fire not in the least injured, except the melting off of, plate and paint. The contents inside were not affected in the least, and we consider the Safe lust as good a protection against fire now as before, and shall use it hereafter with increased confidence. The lock works as perfectly as before the floe. Yours trulv,. -- IVIoIIIANIIS & CROFT. Late 429, North SECOND Striet. Attention to the above certificate - is plitictilarly re quested, as it is the first trial of LILLIE'S SAFES in an accidental fire in Philadelphia. I would say to all parties who want a Fire and Bnrglar-proof Eafe that L tLLIE'd WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON SAFES are much the cheapest and the only real Fire and Burglar-proof Safes now made; and' to those who want simply a Fireproof, I would say that LILLIE'S 'WRIUGHT IRON SAFE is fully equal in all respects - to any of the most-approved - makers, and is sold at fully one-third less price. • I also am receiving daily in exchange for Lillie's Wrought and Chilled Iron Safes other Safes. and keep constantly on hand a general assortment of HERRINGNS. EVANS di WATSON'S, and other makers, many of them almost new, which I offer at, and even below, auction ' All parties intereeted are particularly requested to ex amine the Safes above described at my dilbt. ie2-tf No. 21 South SEVE&TEI Street. • TUCKE'R'S PATENT SPRING BID, PATENTED JITLYkI&SS. Universally acknowledged for eatness. Oomfort,and Durability to be the Standard Spring Bed. The above are manufactured and for eale by HIRAM TOOKER. Inh26-9in No. REVERE Block. Beaton. Nail, TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL - DISTRICTS. We are prepared. as heretofore, to supply Families at their Country Residences "with EVERY DESCRIPTION. OF FINE GROCERIES TEAS, &O. • ALBERT C. ROBERTS, • my2l-tf CORNER ELEVENTH. AND VINE STS. CIARD_ AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, Nu/ At RINGWALT k szowlirseur 8.-110ITETE MILITARY gOTI.O ES. PROVOST -M 3 RSH A L 0 ENERAVS- OF TICS, WASHINGTON, .1).- . . JANES B. FRY, Provos.t. Marshal General LEGAL. PROPOSALS. HOTELS. COPARTNETitSIIIP. COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. COAL. Vlik DO k ; U SV4 7 JUNE. 2, 1863. . . . JUST: BEI7EIYEWAY THE icrw MOVENING . STORE, RICH FRENCH SUITS; DRESS AND DIANTiLLA 00151PLRU. 9,26 CHESTNUT STREET. ;432,-a & A. MYERS & CO. EYRE & LANDE.L,L, BUMMER SHAWLS.. LACE POINTS. MANTLE SILKS NEW GRENADINES BUMMER SILKS li - EIV FOULARDS - GRENADINE VEILS SUPERIOR MITTS BUMMER SAL-MORALS DRESS GOODS REDUCED. m719-ttithatf N E W SILK CLOAKS NEW SILK CLOAKS NEW SILK CLOAKS Of Spring Cloaks. made in Light Zephyr Cloths, suitable for all summer, now closing out at J. W. PROCTOR & CO.; 920 CHESTNUT STREET. mylB 1.6 t B LACK SILK MANTLES :0 L 0 A K . COOPER & CONARD. MVIMIII!IMRITMIT-Mr=,l. BLACK LACE POINTS FROM THE LATE AUCTION SALES, AT REDUCED PRICES. BLACK LACE POINTS 62.50. BLACK LACE. POINTS 3.00. BLACK LACE POINTS 3-50. BLACK LACE POINTS 4.00. BLACK LACE POINTS 5.00. With a full line of superior Goods and BURNOTiS, TALHAS, AND SHAWLS. GURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. SUMMER SHA.WLS GRENADINE MAWLS. PLAID BAitEST, SHAWLS LIGHT WOOLEN SHAWLS. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 4.54 N. SECOND St., ab. 'Willow. mh,a)-3t MUSLIN S AT REDUCED PRICES, From the late Auction sales. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, RAI'SON'S, CORNER OF EIGHTH Offer to the Ladies, at very low Prices. - ONE LOT ALPACA. BRAIDS, plain colors. ONE LOT ALL-SILK BELTINOS, BUGLE BurroNs,' • • BUGLE GIMPS; BRAIDING BRAIDS, COFFERED SKIRT BRAID RAPSON'S TRIMMING ST'OR iny27-12t . Coiner : EIGHTH and-CHERRY-,Ste;:r. At prieeekenerally below present cost of liinpor- tation. WRITE GOODS, all deacriptlow. EMBROIDERIES. do 'do LACES. do do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. do VEILS, &c., 316: LAnd respectfully Invites an inspection of hit SHIRTING LINENS, FRONTING LINENS, HOUSEHOLD LINEN GOODS, A Nb HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS, DOMESTIC MIISLINS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, At the lowest Cash Prices. . SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, 8t ARRISON, irtya) stuthlOt -1008 CHESTNUT. Street SUPERIOR WIDE BLACK TAFFE TA S[LMS for Mantles, from $1.62.44 to $4 per yard. Heavy Black Corded Check Silks in g - rest variety from 8734 cents up to $1.25. Two lots of neat Stripes very glossy and rich at $L 26. One lot of Plaid Fonlard Silks at 75. Two lots of Black Figured Silks, $1.25. One lot of Blues, Browns, and Mode Silks. Fancy Silks at reduced prices. EDWIN_ HALL & CO.;" • No. 26 South SECON D Street. N. B.—Silk s , Mantles, and • Cloaks of the newest shapes. myl4 'FINEST STOCK OF Fancy Cassimeres in town. Robby Styles for young Gents. Cadet Cassimeree, the right Shade. _ $1 Meltons and Tweeds. 6-4 Mellor's, good mixtures, low prices. - Black Cloths and Cassimeres. • RICH MANTILLA. SILKS, High cost and low price Black Silks. Prices range from $1.25 to $3.25. . Black Wool Delaines, 65 and 60 cts. Lupin's Wide Black do., $1 to 51.31. - Black Tamartines, a bdrgain at 38 cts. - CHEAP BLACK ALPACAS. Best goods in town for 31 and 38 cta. Finer. grades, 40, 50. 62, and 76 cts. Mode Alpacas from 25 to 62Y, cts. Some Light Colors, Choice Shades, at 56 ets. Thin Drees Goods at nearly old prices. COOPER at correin, my2l-tf S. E. corner NINTH and M ARKET Streets. SPECIAL NOTICE.--110ZAK ..--0 BIQUIS—One lot at 37% cts. Poll De Chevres—beautiful assortment. Lupin's 64 Black Wool Delaine. • . Reduced Silk and Wool Plaids. • . Challi Delaines; all styles. at 25 cts. - Plain Brown Foulard Silk. Brown Lawns, neat figures. . Choice Summer Dress Goods. • • Also, for Men and Boys— Large stock Cloths and Cassimeres. Dark Marseilles Vestings, Cottonades, Linen Checks, Drilling, • Satteens, and other wash goods., Barege and Barge Anglais Shawls.' Wamsatta Muslin% always on hand, at JOHN H. STOKES', 70A ARCH Striet. THE PARIS CLOAK , AND MAN TILLA STORE, Northeast corner 'of EIGHTH- and WALNUT, have openetk&th a LARGE sTocßwr SPRING. GOODS, MOST FASHIONABLE MAKE, and respectfully ask the early attention of ladies wimbint to purchase. CLOAKS AND'MANTILLAS. IVENS dr CO., No. Ea South NINTH Street, hay* now on hand an extensive assortment of - - SPRING- STYLES,' of the finest qualities, at the • LOWEST PRICES: Ladies, do not fail to give us a call MISSES, AND` CHILDREN'S. CLOTHING, CLOAKS, 0., - IN ENDLESS VARIETY. AT LOW PRICES, No. 137 South EIGHTH Street„/ Three doors above Walrta. H STEE L & SON: - ; Nos. 713 and 715 ,North TENTH Street, above Coates, have now open a large assortment of CHOICE STYLES OF . FHENCH LAWNS AT THE OLD PRICES Fine French Organdies, at 50 to 6234 cents. French Organdies, at Sic, worth Mi. Fine French Jaconet Lawns, at 37Y.c. Plain Blue, Buff. anti Pink French Gingham% at 37340 CHEAP BLACK SILKS. CHOICE STYLES SILK GRENADINES. Double-width Plaid Mozambiques. ac 45c, worth Bag Plaid Mozambiques, all grades, at low prices, Plain Mozambiques, at 25c, worth 3735. Printed Baregee, at 31 and 373',0, the old pricis. I 14Ew STYLES YACIFIO LAWNS, at 3S%c. nip3o VARD.WIDE CHINTZES. - THREE HUNDRED PIECES Extra quality English Chintzes. Yard-wide Fast Colors. At. 25 Cents a Yard. Same as before the War. SHARPLESS BROTHERS. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets COLORED PLAIN - BAREGES. - 'French Silk and Worsted. Neat Figures and Stripes. _ Checked Mozamblques and .IsenoB. At Very Low Prices. SHARPLESS BROTHERS CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets, 111.134. ER' - PORTRAITS .ARE FAULT .. . . , • • LESS in . coloiing and exeentioi. --See' hie Life;elze PHOTOGRAPHS in Oil Wore, and be convinced of their 'Metier inerite. SECOND, Street; abovu Otewi, RETAIL DRY GOODS. 808 SUAIMER WEAR FOURTH klf1) ARCH, OPEN TCA,DAY, DIA_Nrrii.L.AS; AND MANTILLAS, AND MANTILLAS, OPENING EVERY MORNING, OPENING EVERY MORNING, TEE BALANCR REDUCED PRICES FRENCH CLOTH 450, 452, 451 r SOUTH SECOND Street, Above Willow AND CHERRY STREETS, 1024 CHESTNUT STREET E. M. NEEDLES GEMS FOR FLUB 1024 CHESTNUT STREET RETAIL DRY GOODS. CA SEEL BERRY 45 NORTH • FIGHTR - Sieeet,"'bit.'s now' in 'store; bought at the recent French Auction antes— -1 cake superior arrire Mozaurbiques, 18%. 1 " Laid Alezin . bleame, white grounds, 2 5 cm. 1 " " htic. 3.‘ " Taffeta CirfiaarliriPs, 33 cents. 1" 1 yd. wide Taffeta Olenadiues, 41cts. 2 Thin Goode; at IS3i and 'Eds. 2 lots Bate es, rich 51y1ea,31. 1 4. LACK AND' FANCY SILKS, Black Silks, from 75 eta. to , 135, 1 LiDe of 75c Silks, new cola, a. Lot while ground Slack Plaids, at 88' cts. 1 Lot extra quality small Check Silks, CMS, T.ot plain Silks, all colors, 141 313 t. 4 Luta Fou,ard Silks, 44. a. MOUILAANO GOODS COUNTER, Every description of illoorZov doode, au• !Mourning entutmenti lebe tbao urnal pricer.. STAPLE GOO DS. Muslins, ai El cts. 3 case.Semper Ideal Muelins, at 25 els. Flannels, and all Staple Goods in proportion. LACE MANTLES AND POINTS: Lace Mantles and Points, extra low. Depot for kid Gloves and Corsets; .T. R. CASSELBERRY'S. Mammoth Dry Goods House, 45 North EIGHTH Street.. below Arch. P. S.—The place to buy CANTON MATTINGS, Super quality 4.4 White-Matting,-300, by the PC. Do do 4-4 Cheek do, 33c do. The above goods aro the 50 bent quality. Also other widths, in both kinds,• open in third story. je2 - • CASSELBERRY. MUSLIN S, CB li)APkR TH THE CHEAPEST.—Raving received from auction a large lot of Goods at the reduced rates, I will sell them very one lot of bleached Nuslins, at 12%; have been sold at 18N. • One lot finer and .wider at 15. . One lot nearly yard' wide at 16. Qee lot full Tani wide at 18. One lot tine Shirting, fall yard wide, 25, which has bee? BM) a.t 32 eee ht. WILLPAMSVILLE, lower than onion§ are ceiling them. One lot unbleached, lull yard wide, at 18. Also, every, other make in the market, which I am: selling at the very lowestreduced rates. Sheeting& in every width, from . 1.1 , ; up. One lot heavy brown-Table Linen, 60 mate. One lot half bleach herd loom Goods, at 75. One lot of-the same, finer, at 873. One.lot fine fronting Linen, at 50, worth 65. One lot all linen Towels; $l. - .75 per doe. DoyliPP., fapk iris, and Towels, of almost every kind and quality in the market. One lot Marseilles Ruilts,at $6. One lot Calicoes, at 12% - ; have been sold attaYr. Persons who intend purchasing will save money by examining this stock. • GBANTILLE B. RAISES. jet - No. 1013 MARKET St., above Tenth. 1 - )10)1 SILK MANTILLAS 1 FOR THIS WEEK'S TRADE EZMITtI THE. LARGEST AND MOST" ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF • RICH MANTILLAS to beiound in the city. Also, CLOTH CIRCULARS AND SACQUES, in great variety, at very low Prices. • We respectfnlly request r those ladies who have hitherto confined their purchases to Cbestaut-etreot stores, to ex amine-our Garments, and the great difference in oar prices. We guarantee to them a saving of at least 40 per THE. CHEAPEST `CLOAK STORE IN THE CITY! Fine Silk-Sacques, from $8! Fine Silk Mai.tles, from $10! ' FS Circulars, from $10! Fine Silk Taimas, from $10! HO! FOR ATIAAVIIC CITY AND CAPE MAY! TravelliuglDusters, $4. Travelling Sacques, $3.75. Real Water-proof, $7.50. THE CHEAPEST CLOAK STORE IN THE CITY I je2-5t N. E. corner NIRragBCfIITS`E DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. WELLING, COFFIN, ds CO., -5120 CHESTNUT STREET. Have for sale by the Package a good assortment of Staple - - Styles PRINTS, LAWNS. BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLIN% COTTONADES, PRINTED LININGS, BILESIAE, NANKEENS, CORSET JEANS. ALSO, 6-4 BLACK AND MIXED BROADCLOTHS, - UNION CASSIMERES, EXTRA, MEDIUM,: AND LOW QUALITY SATINETS, NEGRO KERSEYS, PLAID LINSEYS. ARMY GOODS, " &C., &C. ap2l-fuths3m BLACK SILKS. JUST RECEIVED, SEVERAL LARGE INVOICES OP SUPERIOR BLACK GROS DE RHINE, In 22, 24,.26, 28, 30, 32, 34, and 36 inches Which trillbe sold to the Trade at a SMALL ADVANCE ON COST M'L. HALLOWELL & CO., NO. 615 CHESTNUT STREET m3:25-2m jj TAAWSON, BRANSON, Jo CO:, 1. W. CORNER MARKET AND FIFTH 8T13.. (Ka Market Street,) JOBBERS OF ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN DRESS FABRICS, SHAWLS, &c. We invite the attention of the RETAIL TRADE to °Atwell-assorted stock of . ' FOREIGN DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS, which we will sell at the very lowest market price. We pay,especial attention to the large Auction- Sales, arid Buyers can find Ooods in our Store, at much less tab. andfas cheap' its - Weir can.'- be found anywhere T. R. DAWSON. J. Cl. BOMCIARDYER. .0. BRANSON CONMISSIOW ,HOUSES. pHILADELPHIA `BA0" MANUFACTORY. BURLAP BAGS OF ALL SIZES, FOR CORN, OATS, COFFEE, BONE DUST, ho. SEAMLESS BAGS, Of standard makes, ALL SIZES; for eale cheap, for net sastcon delivery. 413-EO. A(3-RICIO; asa-gm Noe. . 219 and 221 CHURCH MT O CIIIPLEY, _HAZARD, - db 11113iTCHINSON; No. 117 CHESTNUT STREET, COMXISSION KERCHANTS s FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. -nlh3l-6m • l OHN T. BAILEY & CO. BAGS AND BAGGING OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, NO. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET, WOOL BAGS FOR SALE. 14628.ent MILITARY GOODS. FLAG DEPOT. BUNTING SILK AND MUSLIN F L A 11 S OP . SUPERIOR QUALITY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HORSTMANN & SONS, FIFTH Sc CHERRY Streets 3e2,4,9,11,16,18,23,25.308dy2,4 UNITED STATES FLAGS. SILK r AND BUNTING-, ALL SIZES. EVANS & HASSAI,I4 MLITARY FURNISHERS, inyl2 , lm SIIVIONS & BROTETER6 BANSOWEITHERT HALL. PHEIGADELPHIL NANIIPA6PURERS OP JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS. AID MILITARY GOODS, II EVERY VARIETY. JaL34lBm , • GOVERNMENT GOODS. - Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky - Blue Kersey& FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, d:00., No. 230 CHESTNUT STREET. 111124-3 m ARMY GOPDS. • DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. • SKI -BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ABM" BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE •DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVI LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETING'S AND SHIRT 1108. for sale by . FROTHINGHAM a WELLS. sea7lftf - REIMER'S OOLOAEMPHO.TO . GRAPHS for 9tl have become a popular • necessity. 'Their value as Likenesses, -and moderate charge, place them within* the reach and desire of U. SECOND *trout; above Green. '- . . .. . • ; . •It 4. jN PRESS AND WILL DE PUB LIMED SATURDAY,"JUJUS 13th, 1.803. Al New Copyright] Work, by Mrs. Henry Wood. Beautifully Illustrated. CAST S }-I] I . BY MRS. HENRY WOOD-, Author of "Verner's Pride," "Shadow of Ashlydyat," "'the Earl's Heirs," " East Lynne," " Chan nin gs," "The lifyetery,'' . " . A Life's Secret," "Squire Trevl in's Heir," "The Runaway Match,' r etc.," etc. Embellished with Eleven large illustrative Engravings of the best scenes in work, engraved from original draw ings made expressly edition by the first artiste in this country, irrespective of cost: THE CASTLE'S HEIR is printed- from the author's Manuscript, furchased direct from Mrs. Henry Vold, and it will be Issued here by na on Attie 13th, in'ad ranee of the publication of the work in Enrope. The interest of the "Castle's Heir" is intense, while, the characters are drawn with the vigor and freedhnrof touch eh aracteristidof this powerfa t writer. Of all female Writers, Mrs. Wood, in our opinion,. takes the lead—a fact which ;we think, must be universally acknowledged. Her stories not only are full of 'great power and interest but their influence is oa - the.sideof morality and virtue —of which both "-The Earl's Heim" and "The'lays . tery," are notable instances.' It will be published complete in two large octavo volumes, beantifully illustrated, and neatly done up in paper cover. Trice One Dollar a copy: or, bound in one volume, cloth, for $1.25. WILL BE PUBLISHED JUNK2OTH SHOULDER-STRAPS. BY HENRY MORFORD: Em bellished with Illustrative Engravings. Complete in two large voluMes, of over - five bundredmages, paper cover. Price One Dollar ; or bound in Cloth for $1.50. SIGHTS A ;FOOT BY WILKIE COLLINS, author of ".The Woman in. White, " " The Dead Secret," " After Dark," "Bide and'Seek,''' "The Yellow Mask," "The Crossed Path," "The Stolen Mask," "Sister Rose," etc., etc. Complete in One Volume, octavo, paper cover. - Price 50 Cents: AV-Booksellers. News- Agents, and all others, will please send on(their orders at once for what they may want of the above Books. Address all orders to the Publishers, T. B. PETERSON & BROS., And they will receive immediate attention. it THE HUMAN EYE; ITS COLOR, language, and functions considered in the light of Physiognomy, Physiology, and Anatomy, with-nume rons engraved illustrations, including portraits of Can ning, Hominy, Nell Gwynn°, Mr. Etty. Smeaton, and. Bishop Bedell, Portrait and character of Dr. Macgowan and the inventor of the Thunderbolt Shell; sketch of Stonewall Jackson, etc. "HOW 30 TRAIN UP A CHILD IN THE WAY' HE. SHOULD GO," by a - distinguished Clergyman. music, its cultivation. The LAW' INHkhITANCE. ETH NOLOGY. THE CEREBELLUM, its fnucta , mi.and other interesting matter, in the JUNE'PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, inc.. or $1 ayear. FOWLER & WELLS, No. 30c Broadway, je2-2t and S. L. CAPEN, 25 S. TENTH St Phila. REFORE GOING TO THE SEA.- -"-." SHORE, BUY YOUR BOOKS, NOTE, AND LETTER PAPER, AND HAVE ll' STAMPED. HAVE YOUR CARDS PRINTED. .0 Everything in the Book and Stationery department will beau :plied at the very lowest price, by CHALLEN, Bookseller and Stationer, je2-6t 3308 CHESTNUT Sweet. BUFFORD'S DRAWING-ROOM -PIOTUBES. - ROYAL AND IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS (1,000 subjects) CHALLEN, Photograph Publisher, je2-61 1308- CHESTNUT Street. NEW BOOKS AT REDUCED PRICES! Marian Grey, by Miss Holmes $1 00 Two Pictures. by Miss Mackintosh 1 25 At Odds. 12mo cloth ' 1 00 Life in Open Air. by . Winthrop - 1 00 History of the Supernatural. 2 vols . • 2 50 Paris in America 1 00. Races of the Old World, by C. L. Brace...:. ..... ... 1 75 Good Thoughts in Bad Times - 125 Asses and the Little Key • BO What Seeress Pipes Saw and Did - 1 00 Conscript, by Dumas 80 Harper. Atlantic. and Godey for June 20 3.030 Vols. of Miscellaneous Books, usually sold at $1 and upwards, will be closed out at FIFTY CENTS PER. VOLUME. -my 27 -tib:•1:•:k G. :W. , PITCHER, SOS CHESTNUT St. NEW BOOKS.- - -•"- Just received by S. B. LIPPINCOTT ‘.ti CO.. 715 and 717 MARKET Street. WASHINGTON IRNING'S . LIFE AND LEPTERS- Vol. third. . • CAPTAIN DANGEROUS; -A Narrative in plain English attempted by George Augustus Sala. A SACRAMENTAL DIRECTORY. By Rev. S. Wilson. EVIDENCE as TO MAN'S PLACE LN RAWER. By Thomas H. Huxley. • MEMOIR OF CHRISTOPHER NORTH—JOHN WIL SON. BY hie dau SPHERICAL rdon. • CHAITVENET'SAND PRACTICAL AS TRONOMY. 2 vols., Svo. MONEY. By Charles Moran. • HOWITT'S HISTORY OF THE SUPERNATURAL. • THE SYMBOLIC CHARACTER of the Sacred Scrip tures: By Rev. Able' jel NEW B 0 !` NEW BOOKS ! THE .RACES OF THE OLD WORLD. , A Manual of Ethnology. By Chas. L. Brace. $2. PARIS 1N AMERICA. By Dr. Rene Laboulaye. 81.25. GOOD THOUGHTS IN BAD TIMES, AND OTHER. PAPERS. $1.50. AGNES AND THE LITTLE KEY ; Or, Bereaved. Parents Instructed and Comforted by her Father. $l. THE GENTLEMAN. By Geo. H. Calvert. 75 ems. THE TWO HOMES; Or. Earning. and, Spending. By Mrs. Madeline Leslie. 75 cts. .' DP THE 1.:1.15Di.12; Or, Striving and Thriving. 11.3 , Mrs. Madeline Leslie. 75 cts. For sale by my 26 THE OFFICIAL ARMY REGISTER for 1863—Alplaab y arranged ; giving the names, date of present and - original commissions, rank, dm,. &c..of all the officers of the U. S. army. PUBLISHED THIS DAY- ALSO. ROBERTS' HAND=BOOK OF ARTILLERY—fifth edi tion ; revised and greatly enlarged. U. S. INFANTRY TACTICS:FOR.COLORED TROOP& All the new and standard Works on Military. Science: For sale by LINDSAY .& BLAKISTON, MediCal and Scientific Booksellers, .iol SOOTH SIXTH street, above CHESTNUT. HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, All Books, usually to be had Ina FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST .PRICES. fea-tf • W • BROTHERHEAD'S CIRCIFLA • • TING LIBRARY. —All the NEW English and American Books, including ALL CLABSES et Literature. This is tLe ONLY Library in the coniltry that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not RE PRINTED here. Terms $6 per year:;.six- months $3; three months 51.60 ; one month 76 cents; or .3 cents per day, 318 South WORTH Street m h7-3m TAMES S. EARLE & SON, IMPORTEES AND MANUFACTURERS OP LOOKING GLASSES. OIL PAINI. 'MOS, ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT, PIOTORR, 371 d. PHOTOGRAPH PRAMS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. IikTENSIVE LOOKING GLASS WAREROOMB AND - GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, Sal-ti' Sift CHISTNTIT Street. Philadelphia. pHILADELPHIA • FIRE ; AND L 1.04 -1-Nosußem7cE COMPANY. , OFFICE. No. 433 CHESTNUT STREET. CHARTERED By THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA This Company is now prepared to make Itumrattes against LOSS BY FIRE on the most favorable terms. Their losses will be promptly settled, and that those for the year 15e2 were so, they refer to the following re cipients: Mrs. Jane Ferree L. G. , -Mytinger & Co. • Beverly R. Kelm William B. Taber John Cundy P. P. Morris W. V. Petit L. G. Mytinger & Co.. R. E. Sellers Other small losses 418 ARCH STREET The assets of the Company are now Mortgages and ground rents Real estate (taken for debts) cost Stocks and bonds - Bills receivable Doe from individuals Cash in Bank Stock notes •t• 1179.662 64 DIBEOTOBB. - 8.. P. King, President, M. W. Baldwin. Vice Pre. Charles P. Hayes. sident, John Clayton, P. B. Savory, Ed. War, Alexander Murphy, T. H. Collins. H. C. Howell, ' J. N. M Cowell,n John Hillgore, 1 4 1 = r t21 tgnsif F. BLACKBURNS, Secretary, F AME INSURANCE COMPANY' NO. 406 CHESTNUT Street.' ' .. - . PHILADELPHIA. ' FIRE ANDIDNLA INSURANCE. TOR I E. D. Woodruff, I Geo: A. West,-' IJohn Header. Jr.. Chas. Stokes, A. H. Rosenholm. Joseph D. Ellis. BUCK. President.-' _ :CHARDSON,Vice President. ID, Secretary. Lials-ikt Francis N. Buck, Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., John W. Everman, Philip S, Justice, 0. W. Davis" W. FRANCIS N . CHARLES RI , WILLIAM I. BLANCHAR R' 8 COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS for Ittl are of intrinsic worth; but good .Likenesses are of incalculable value, and these are most life-like and natural. SACOND, street, adorn Green., . NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEARLY READY. No. 306 CHESTNUT STREET. W: E. — ar ALFRED MARTIEN, 606 CHRBTNIIT Street 724 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Seventh and Bishth Streets. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. PAINTINGS,. ENGRAVINGS, INSITRAWCE COMPANIES. This Company have no unsettled losses BOOKKEEPER WANTED-AN EL: DERLY Man, fully competent to take charge of a sot of double-Putty books. Address, with name and re feren'Ce, Hex 12G9; P: 0. es4t• R,ITUATION WANTED-BY AN Bk. k-d' PERU:NCB') TEACHER, either in that capacity. or ae BOOK.KEEPER. Satisfactory reference') wive 1. drees "F. S ."at tfife office. je2. trith9 It* WANTED -PRIVATE TUITION 'IN fuPy competent teacher will please address ' Pnedo,." Box 577 B. stating terms. lt' W ANTED—A PARTNER, WITH A Capital of WIXOM to jail' in a Commission, Naval Store and Coal-Oil lurshres 4. The Advertiser hai had a long Businees Experience : and extensive acquaintance in the Weal. and Coal regions, Best of reference given and required. Address Box 2711, Philadelphia. - Post Office. - je2-tf WANTED- A SITITATION, Efy AN experienced' Business MAD. Sale . RM9,ll 07 Book.- kerper; has been in the Cloth Bu-isess for nevern.l;years. Beat of reference given. Ad dress JAY, at thin aim .ie2.3t* WANTED—BY A • SILK. JOBBING'- . House. on Market street, TWO' BOYS. from' if to 16 years of age. Ade ress, In handwriting of apnlina.nt.s - , Box 1132 Post Office. Je2-3t. WANTED -BY. A I OIING MAN, 20 years of age. a SITUATION as Clerk or Assistant Book-keeper. Best of reference given. Address T. W. Box 1141. Post Office. . nl Y3o 3!.* WANTED -A LADY OF OFIARAC: ter, reffnement, and domestic inclinations, be tween thirty and forty years of age` (wit - heat 'annum. , broncos), to fake charge of a gentleman's house, where can be enjoyed the comforts of a pleasant and .deatrable home.=• Address ,'6: W. W.," office of The Press. my:Ki-St . WANTED-BY A MARRIED'MAN, v. a SITUATION in any ronpeetable business. With engaged ae book - keeper for one house on Market street for Ililie , years, and liar a good knowledCe of bitsineas generally. The best of oit v rtference can be given. ad drei s "T. E.," Box 15R6 Pdist Office. myeN-7t," A GENTLEMAN HAVING A DE STRABLE HOUSE. deliebtfally located, would like two or three other Gentlemen to join- him: so as to secure a comfortable home at-moderate expense. Address "S. id.." office of The Press. rtiy2l3 87F A MONTH !-I WANT TO HIRE g 9- , AGENTS in every county at W 5 a month, ex pensea paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing chineg. Addreßs mph-3md&W S6OA MONTH!-WE WANT , AGENTS at Sala month, expenses paid. to sell our Everlasting Pencil B,oriental Burners, and Mather new articles. lE;eireularsfree. SHAW SCC1,11111", re y6-3md &W Biddeford. Maine. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE.—PHILADELPIGA, Feb, 9, 18A9. _ VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL' to the following poi nta : . Tortuaan. K - Fy west; Fort Monroe. Va. Alexandria. Va. Newborn, N. C. Port Royal, 8. C. A. BOYD, . felO-tf Captain and Ae , ,ist. Clnarterrnanter. •W. T E ALL-HAVING HAD -the above place put In . good condition, it 10 now ready to receive guests for the summer, and every effort will be made to render visitors comfortable. Take cars at P. It. R Depot, Eleventh and Market, for WHITE HALL STATION ; - six daily trains• or address R. FL BENNETT. je2-52t. White Hall Station, R.' ])OARD AT SARATOGA. SPRINGS.- WASHINGTON HALE (late Ws. Mama's). so long and favorably known to 'flagon' at - the springs; IS NOW . OPEN for the. reception of-enests. The house is-large. delightfully situated on BRoADWAY„ betweon the COI" GRESS and EMPIRS SPRINGS, and is sur , ounded by ample and beautifully shaded grounds. Table first class—and the rooms well adapted for families and large re rtieg of 'friends. For further particulars address `WASHINGTON HAL . L, SARATOGA SPRENGS." je2-Ica • 11EDFORD SPRINGS.---THES POPII LAR SIIII9fERR.ESORT•wiII be opened for the ac commodation of visitors on 10tb. of June, ana will be kept open until Ist of October. The hotel will be under the charge of an experienced Manager. and every arrangement has been made to give entire satisfaction to guests. - The Bedford Railroad will be completed in a few days to Mount Dallas. Station, 6X. miles east of. Bedford, and from that point passengers wilt be conveyed to the Springs in ft rst class coaches. Ample arrangements have been made to supply dealers and individuals with BEDFORD MINERAL WATER, in well-steamed casks, at the following rates, at the Spring: PHILADELPHIA, For Barrel •- Half Barrel All orders addressPd to E. L: ANDERSON, BED FORD, promptly filled. and Water sent to any part of the conntiy. It is desirable that particular directions be. given for marking barrels. • Personuvishing rooms, and any information concern ing the Springs, will please address the Proprietors, Bed ford Springs. • BEDFORD. May IS 7563. .j.l-6ir • HOWLAND'S HOTEL LONG BRANCH, N.. J.; Will be opened on the 211th day of sun next. Can be reached by Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad, from foot VINE Street my3o-lm* HOWLAND, HERBERT, & - LADIES AND GENTLEIVIEN CAN -a- , be accommodated by the subscriber with good BOARD, commodious Rooms, newly• furnished, at Landsoale Hotel, on the Noi th Pennsylvania Railroad, Doylestown Junction. Plenty.of shade nearby. Ad dress, P. D. BARTH; LANDS DALE P.'o., mySO-lm* Montgomery county, SUMMER BOARDING-BROAD-TOP MOUNTAIN HOUSE.-A , -romantic-spot fora SUSI , MER•RESIDENCE. on one of the Mountain Tops of Penn sylvania., reached daily , by the Pennsylvania Central Road and the Broad-Top Mountain Railroad from Hunt ingdon. The House is one of the finest in the interior of the State, handsomely fur nislied; tharequisites for comfort and convenience. Pure air, delicious spring water, romantic scenery, and everything to restore and .invigorate health. Telegraph station and a daily mail, so that daily communication may belled with Philadel phia. The Pennsylvania' Railroad will furnish excur sion tickets through the season. Persons leaving Phila delphia in the Damning canlake tea at - the MOUNTAIN" HOUSE the same evening. Übe subscriber has kindly been.alloNved to refer to the following gentlemen (residents of • Philadelphia) who have been patrons of the MOUNTAIN HOUSE: Wm Cummings, Esq., Lewis Wattson,,Esq:•, lion. 'Henry D Moore, Ricbard*D. Wbod, Dr. Walter Williamson, G. W Falinestock, Esq., Dr. E. Wallace, Algernon S. Roberts,.Esq..,' David P. Moore, Esq., Edward Roberts. Esq.. Terms moderate. For further information, address JOSEPH- MORRISON: Proprietor. BROAII TOP CITY, • A- Huntingdon county, Pa. - I also have leased the well-known J aCKSON HOUSE; in Huntingdon, which will be fated up in complete or der; and kept'under my care. The very -best accommo dation will be kept. and. prompt attention given at rea sonable rates. It is located near the Pennsylvania Rail road and Broad-Top Rillroad'depots, which makes it desirable point forpersons travelling to and from Bedford Springs and - Broad-Top Mbrultain my:M-tf 0A.13D11 G FOR CHILDREN; -IN BEVERLY, NEW .TERSEY.—A lady, having a very desirable and healthy location, would take a few. child ren from 6 to 12 s ears of age for-the summer, or perma nently, if desired, affording them.all the comfort. of a home, with the 'view of commencing inetencieme in the Fall in such branches of education (including Ma sic) as their varents or guardians may desire. References will be given. For further information. inquire of JOHN RILEY, Esq., 4917 CHESTNUT Street my2B thstuut* FLORENCE s EEIGETS,—THIS DE-, -A- LIGHTFDL BOA.RDING - HOUSE. situated on the banks of the Delaware, 200 feet above high-water mark, 26 miles above the city, will be opened on--the 15th of JUNE for the reception of , zuests. Apply at the HEIGHTS, _ or to the WETHERILL HOUSE, SANSON- Street. above Sixth. R: G. my26.6t* Proprietor: SEA -SIDE HOUSE. FOOT OF PENN SYLVANIA Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. A pri vate boarding-honse is now open for the,reception of guests. DAVID SCATTERGOOD. FIFTFE MONTH, 1933. inyl2-24,t* TO TEACHERS -A RARE OPPOR TUNITY is presented fur securing a first-class young. Ladies' Seminary for boarding:and day scholars, now in successful operation and welt patronized The present principal and proprietor, desiring. to re move, offers for sale his property, which is located in a very beautiful- and healthy locality, about two hours! ride from the city. The subscriber will ad:vise as - to. particulars, and give such information as may be desired: J. I) REINBOTFL 436- WALNUT Street. OFEMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR. SALE.—Two handsome Stone Cottaves, on QUEEN Street, near Maine. Apply to WM'. RUSSELL ALLEN, S. R. corner FOURTH and WALNUT,. second door, je2,St. ,:FOR SALE-THE STORE AND. " 211 Dwelling. N. W. corner. SIXTEENTH and. SUM-. DYER streets. Has a large front on each street.- Apply to WEL HOWELL ALLEN, ,8. E. corner FOURTH and- Vg ALB - DT, second floor. je2L3t. . FOR SALE—A V E RY DESIRA .ma BLF. RESIDENCE, with side yard attached. on EIGHTEENTH Street. above. Arch. Apply , to ViAL ROSSELL ALLEN, S. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT, second door. e2-St fi FOR SALE-AT BEVERLY. A neat BRICK HOITOE, containing seven rooms,with• half an acre of ground, shade and fruit trees. in a good location. Apply to 4. MERRITT; jel•2le - WARREN Street. Beverly, N. J. PRIVATE LESSONS ARE GIVEN IN -m- ENGLISH. and in the Natural Sciences , at-the Philadelphia Teachers' Institute, 2:17 South TWAPIe Street. ltk MISS MARY E. THROPP WILL RE , open her Enslish and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, at 1844 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, the second MONDAY in September. For circulars apply at the school, or address Miss Thropp at .Valley Forge, Penns:. during the holidaye, mylS-4m* VNGLISH AND FRENCH BOARD TNG AND DAY SCHOOL.-51rs. GERTRUDE J. CRY will commence the nineteenth session of her school September 14, 1863, and will be at her residence, 16 12 WALNUT Street..evek y Wednesday afternoon until July 14th. to receive application.. mys-tuthf4w* c 6 MEDICINES NO FAMILYSHOULD BE, WITHOUT." Thousands of CaFeS of Pulmonary disease, which have baffled every expedient of human skill, have been permanently cured by this old standard remedy.- To prove this assertion we have certificates of - cures so extraordinarythat skeptics are led to feel incredulous of their truth. No . remedy has ever been offered that can compare with this great ori ginal " Wild Cherry Com -• pund in curing Coughs, Asthma, Sore Throat, • Weak Breast, _ " Bronchitis, - - DR. SWAYNB'S BOWEL CORDIAL. A'quick and sure remedy for Asiatic Cholera. Cholera torbus, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Intantumnor summer complaint, pains in thelttomiteh and bowels, Vomiting, Sea Sickness, Sick Stomach, and all re laxed condition of the bowels. No family • should be without this medicine during the summer months.. No travel should leave home without it. To our brave eel diers it has proved • - of inealcula ble 'benefit. DR. SW 4,VNE'S ALL HEALING. OINTMENT. $1,962 46 918 92 4,646 67 4,894 19 121 87 2.000 CO 60 00 1,493 76 84 16 BO 81 $50.116 48 Tetter, Scald Head Itch Blotches, all eruptions of the skin. Chronic Erysipelas of the face, old ulcers of long standing, that put at defiance every other mode of treatment, are permanentlAcured by . this great vegetable ointment. The use of our "Panacea." internally, as a purifier of, the blood. is a great advantage. and will hasten the DR. BW AYNE'S • SARSAPAR AND TAR PILLS Cure Headache, Costiveness, Billions Complaints, Torpid Liver,-Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, &c. —they are a great blood-purifying purgative. Prepared only by. DR. SWAYNE dr SON, No. 330 N. SIXTH St., above Vine. Phila. Sold by all dealers in medicines. my2s-tf - .,19,870 00 ..-`-21,609 91 . 9,942 91 . 7,874 47 . 1,082 87 . 70,266 00 - .P,YE AND EAR—PROF. J. ISA A.CIS, M. D.; °enlist and Aurist, formerly—of Leyden, Holland, now at No. 511 PINE Street, where persons afflicted with diseases of the Eye and Ear will be scien tifically treated, and cared, if curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. N. 8.--No charge made for exa mination. .101-3 m T . O S T OR MISLAID.—NOTICE IS A-4 hereby given that I-have applied to the Chestnut Hill Railroad Company for the Reissue of csarrn- CATE No. 57, for TEN SHARES of said Stock, dated Aprtl2 1853. ._ ALSD, to the New Creek Company, for the Reissue Of TWO MORTGAGE BONDS of April 1, 1854, for , FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS EACH, with Coupons a'tached. frorn-October,lBs7; the - same having been Lost. or Hie laidr- • C, G, CHILDS% • Mar '26; 11361. • my3o-3t.,* WANTS. S. MADISCO.T„ Alfred, Maine StTM MER RESORTS. FOR SALE AND TO LET. EDUCATION. MEDICAL. SW LYRE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY.. AMUSEMENTS; 'NE* CHESTNIIT-STV,EET THEL -A- Tim—Leases and Manager—Mr. W. WIE - EATLEY. Dngattement of the talented and fisainating • MILS. JOH.M WOOD: ',- Second appearance of the celebrated Comedian and. I Character Actor, • , MR, (MERLES WIPATLEIGH.- - ' THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING,. Jane_2, Will Espresented an Original. Erratic, Operatic, &mi. civi Lind., and Demi-eavage,Extrayaganza. being a per version of Yo'frelfe and Wencierreinfle Hystoile of Ye RennownedTrincesse, • • - PO,CA-HON.TA'S; OR, THE GENTLE SAVAGE, in two acts, by John lltoughani, Esc The MAC dislocated, reset, mad pre,seuted . to public notice through the insetumentality of MARK HASSLER, CAPP JOHN SMITIT.the undoubted origma4 vocal and instrumental in the settlement of Viz.- piula, in love with Poc . aontas, according to this story, though sometch'at at variance with big story.. Mit. (M.S. WHHATLED:V. OLFE' - • 1)1H. W. AI CHAPMA:P. R ll„ P.bINCESS PO. KA IMP-TAB, . MRS. JOHN WOOD WI. POW-HA-TAN I, King of,t4e Tuecarorap, crotclietty Monarch; in taxi .a Semi- - Brave R . W. DAVIDGE; GRAND MARCH OF TEIETUSCARGR&IFGHT GUARD. PreVions towhich, the admirable Ootnedy of MY SON DIANA. MP. SEPTIMUS SMITH. - ....... D: nrcHku.,.. MRS. C. HEM. Air* Corral a rises et 8 o'clock. AVALNIIT-STREET S TIEEATICE. SolA THIII 4T HESDArYiEVENING - , June 22..1031' The old origin at and only CA s.l?liEtL'S MIN EELS , &Tn. prising - ltPi , rfornyers,..alsd their nnrivalle6 REA:SS RIND. TIM TIA , TES aid 'DICK PiNDS, the Cham pion Clog Dancers of the te7o Hemispheres appear at.. Pita - Performance.. Messrs. NED DAVIS,; ..T.O.ENNY BOUNER, and CTAFPORD,the trio of Comdiana and MesFrs. GRAY. HILTON, WAD DEE, and EAST the 70041 4nallette,. a others appear in Song , : Dance, aid Burleone, _Prices:2s wtid rit) cent*, __ 'MEW :NTH-STREET 0 PER. A 110 USE, -A-4 ELEVENTH Street,. above CHESTNUT. The Great Dtoral Drarna_of • . tlf"^Cl.. - E - T051 4 :4 CARIB; • LINGLE TOM'S CkRIN: TINCILYTOSPS - MBIN:: TINGLE TOV'S eteBIN; • IFIsIttE - TOM'S CABIN; 1 4 7,CLR TOM'S CAB TN: I7NOLP;TO3I'S ORRIN: OR, LIFE - AMONG" T R r,OWLY, • Will be produced, with*e. foil Dramatic Company. Now Scenery, &c: NO expense has been Roared' to place it-on the stage in a style commensurate wich - thetauea of the Philadel phia public opnriuGliTerwr:___ . WEDNESDAY, ne 3,•1M41 and continue every evening . Until further - notice. Admission 25 cents. Mil cents: - Fecured seats )5 cents eat)* A Spa cloys Gallery for Coltired VerSons-, Admission 25 cents. , Doors open at 7); o'clock , TocOnamencirsk 8: Box-office opens TO-DAY, at' 1d A. Mt; for the sale of Tickets and Seats. - To avoid a crowd at the , offiNie in the evening, the pub• lie are requested to purchase tickets during the day. FIRST GRAND UNCLE TOM MATI'NEE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON...TUN?: 6th. Doors open at IX. Commence-at 2gi 2 jet-St MIISTC AT FA - IRM 013 . N T. Several gentlemen of the city have made arrange ments with BIItGFELD'S BAND to live Concerts three afternoons a week for one montti,cin PATEN/011NT PARK. commencing 'MON D Sib; provided a sum snfficient to defray the expense in rlledged daring the week. Those who feel disposed to : contribute can find subscription .papers at the Hotels and' princiAl Drug Stores throughout the city. Should this call be responded to, lihr , ral"arrangemente will --be made to continue the ConceltS; dining the enmmer. a_ERMANTA ORCHESTRA , L-P lIBLIO •-• 9 REHEARSALS every SATITR:DAY AFTERNOON. at 3Y; o'clock, at tthe MUSICAL FUND Ef AIX. CART. KERTE, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of live tickets Sa. To be had of Andre & Co., No. 11C-f 'Chestnut street; 3. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the Hall door. NOTICE —The last three Public Rehearsals of the sea son will take place on the 30th of May, - and 6113. and 13th of June. ury2l-tf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF TEE FINE ARTS. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. - THE FORTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITION IS NOW OPEN. From 9 A. M. till 7 P. M., and from 8 till 10 P. IL Admission, 25 cents. Season Tickets, 60 cents. - Annual Tickets, One Dollar. Stockholders. Artiste, and Contributors will recelys their Tickets at the Office. - myS-tf HASSLER'S ORCHESTRA _NEW OFFICE, !ell- South ETGATH Street. below Walnut tie3o4: EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS EX- Wgi; PRESS COMPANY, office 371 CbESTNLIT Street, forwards Parcels. Packages, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and. Specie, either by its WWII lines or in connection with other Euress Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities in the United States. E. S. SANDFORD. fe26 General Buorintendent. RAILROA - 1) LINES. FREIGHT STATION, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Corner THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS. PHILADELPHIA, May M, 1863. FREIGHTS FOR BUFFALO, N. Y., AND INTERbIEDIATE POINTS, HARRISBURG, SUNBURY; WILLUDISPORT, RECEIVED AT. AND FORWARDED FROM THEiI- STATION DAILY For Rates of Freight or other Information, apply to S. B; KINGSTON, jR.; my 29 10t _ giga 11 WEST , D EL CHESTER_ AND YHIA RAILROAD, VIA • VIA MEDIA. SITM - MER ARRANGEMENT. On and after 3163 DAY, JUNE 1, 1353, the trains will leave Philadelphia; from the depot. Northeast corner or Eighteenth and Market streets, at' 7.50 and 10.30 A. M.. and at 2.-4.30; and 6 55. P. M. On TTIESD AN'S and FRIDAYS a train will leave WRM CHESTER at 6.10 P. M. Returning, leave Philadelphia at 9.15 P. M. Trains leave the corner of Thirty first and Market streets (West Philadelphia) 17 minutes after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market. On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia at 8 A. 151. and 2 P. M. Leave West Chester at 7.50 a.. 91. and SP. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.50 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. connect at Pennelton with trains on the P. sad B. C. R. R. for Concord. Kennett. Oxford, &c. jel-tf HENRY - WOOD. Superintendent. THE PHILADELPHIA. - - AND EASTERN TRANSPORTATION COINIPANY is now prepared to forward FREIGHT from Philadelphia to New , York, via Camden and Port Mon mouth. The attention of shippers and Merchants is directed to this new and expeditions RAILROAD ROUTE, and a; portion of their patronage respectfully solicited. Freight received at third whaif above Arch street. For further particulareapply to O.EO. B. McCULOHFreight Agent 7L2/3North WHARVBB. W. F. GRIFFITTS, Su.. General Mans ger, JOHN BlTER...Freight Agent. my22-tf Pier No. ids NORTH RIVER. New York. N 0 TI O E.-OFFICE APE MAY - AND MILLYILLM RAILROAD COMPANT. 409 VtrA.LNIIT Street, May 16th, 1853. —On and after WEDNRSDAY,-20th inst.. the .oarn will run regularly upon this road to PORT ELIZABETH, leaving WALNUT-Street Wharf at 9 o'clock A. M. , myl6-tf , C., B.- DUNOAN, President. aggiNwil WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPEILA - • - ROAD, VIA MEDIA, SUMMER BOARDERS Will find pleasant and 'ample accommodations at the fol. lowing places on or near the Railroad: Trains to and -from the city five times each way daily. COITPON.A.P.ID SEASON. TICKETS AT LOW RATES. ,Near Wallingford Station, Mr. C. W. Thomas, IN MEDIA, THE CHESTNUT GROVE HOUSE, THE CHARTER HOUSE: ' • Near Media, Mr; Peter Worral, Mrs M A. Worrell." Mrs.- Wm. Brooke, Mkt?, Passmore4, Gideon Malin, The. mas Malin.S.Briwards, For farther information inquire of ALEXANDRA. HENDERSON, at the DEPOT IN 'MEDIA., . Near Lenni, H. Fields ; near.Glettßiddle,.s Levis. Near Perm elton, Levi Jobson; near Darlington, Joel Sharpless; near Glen Mills J. Malin; B. Green; near Cheyners Shops, Job Scott, J. Preston Thomas. There are many others near the above and other eta. Mons wbo will take boarders. Ba gangs, &c., collected and delivered by. H. ALEX ANDER. Express Agent, in the DEPOT, northeast corner . of EIGHTEENTH and 'MARKET Streets. apIS-Mt STE AM• PROPELLOR LINE FOR HARTFORD. direct. The steamer MAIM Nichols, master, is now loading at First Wharf above Market treet: Forireight. ikc.. apply to W. M. BAIRD & Co., 132. Sonth-DR4A.WARE Ave nue. or on the boat. m 3,25 mi sl=44, FOR NEW YORK- , -VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. DESPATCH , AND• SWIFTSCRE LINES. The steamers of this line are leaving daily at 12 M., and .5 P. M. fromthe third pier above WALNUT Street. For freight, which will - be taken on accommodatint terms. apply to , WM: M. BAIRD.SE -CO:; mh26-tf 132 South DELAWARE Avenue. m ir in g - FOR NEW YORK NEW DAILY' LIPIE—VIA. DELAW-ARE.AM/ - RARITAN CANAL. Philadelphia and New. York Express Steamboat. Com-, party receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. Id., deliver. ing their cargoes in New York the following day. Freighte taken at reasonable rates. WM. P CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH , WHARVES. Philadelphia - JAMES FUND. Agent, and-tf Piers 14 and 15 EAST RIVER, .New. York. • PHILADELPHIA PHRENOLOGI- T CAL pABINBT AND BOOK STORE. —Examine -4144 Sons, with written or verbal descriptions of Cha re cter, Social Disposition,. Professional Talent, Business Qualification, &c. , are made day and evening. All the publications of - Fowler Sr Well; Wholesale and retaiL JOHN L. CAPBK,' ar7bithsSmif MN South TENTH Street. EVERYBODY LIKES IT. __ ALDEN'S CONCENTRATED COFFEE. A perfectly pure and healthy beverage, guarantied free from Dandelion, Chickory, or any deletenona substance whatever. Price—A, 20 cents per pound B. 10 cent. Der pound. Sold by EDWIN A. THOMAS. my2-Irn. 4St Nortb FRONT St.. Philadelphia. ROGERS & BROTILSR, PRODUCE CommA i nd s . W sT ho le oN iale Dea DlR' Rlers in'C'H••N A Dll D E d D ic !' u l i t t c - ITS .i. B .3. l3 n T e T e Eß e ;' e C ri lltESE; LARD. - No.ll EE.!UYCH..FRON; I:TREE:I4 - - - - - - - PHILADELPHIA. SAMUEL ROUES. . ALEX:MUER' ILOGRES. jel-lm Philadelphia ; Neva,York. GOLDTBORP & co ~625. Manufacturers. 625. Co,idis Fringes, -Ctigain 9f s,- -' and. Furniture eimps, dartain Loops, Centre Tassels. Picture and Phatogra3ah Tassels, Blind Trimmings. Military and Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Neck Ties etc. etc., No. 625 MARKET Street novitiim REGG Sr C.O.'S NEWLYINVENTED G - METAT•LIC RBBRIONRATOR, - sold byWALCOTT .& BURNHAM,. 721 CHESTNUT Street; - is the moat beautiful and economical Refrigerator ever predented to the public. This is a combination of R.efrigerator and Water Cooler, an& requires very little more ice for boa than I R generally need for the Cooler alone." myl4-6w.if BRICK - PRESSES, DRAIN and Clay Temperiag Brick-maker* Tools. Drl39 300 GROSS MINERAL WATER ROT. FOO gross Porkzi3oillos. For .`ale ))3 , H H. & G. W, BENNERS, tny-F0 Dynttvillo Glass Works. pr %7,5. Front Flt. • 411114 TURI'LIo. AND' CLAM. SOUP wish. 'will be Kerr:Nl UP daily. Snarligs eAcePta -1 -` 1 :ONES FRGS $, No. BOS IK 3 / 4 -11W. va3764fil AND ELMIRA, FREIGHT AGENT. S. P.' MILLER. 309 South 'FIFTH Sttroat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers