Thb Influence of. Fashion. — It would tie useless to deny, or attempt to deny, that it is the Jot of mortals to be influenced, In a greater of less degree, by Fashion, and we presume the fair sex will not be displeased if we say thatthey are quick to discern and adopt the slightest changes occurring in the fashionable world. At this time a decided eenßatlon and remarkable effects are being produced 1 by the introduction of beautiful embroidery on ladies' and children's cloaks, dresses, &c. This, when worked by hand, is tiresome , and a tedious job, and our fair readers will thank us, we know, for Informing them that it is performed with marvellous rapidity by the Grover & Baker Machine, which combines this with many other valuable features. The work of days is, by this little indefatigable worker, reduced to minutes, and performed with a neatness and accuracy almost incredible. The Chinese.—The “Celestials” are a .queer race. When they cook a goose, instead of putting the goose on the fire, they put the fire on the goose, thus economizing fuel. In planing a board, they plane towards themselves, instead of from themselves. When you get into a house, you take off your shoes instead of your hat. John Chinaman alwayß writes from right to left ihstead ■of from left to right, as we do. The women wear Irowsers, while themen dressinpetticoats and wear a long twist of hair down their backs. Such a taste j ful and common-sense object is seldom seen asafull / blooded Chinaman promenading the streets in an elegant suit from the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of , Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 60S Chestnut street, above Sixth. ' ! Akauic Provebbs.— l. If your friend be ' ihoney, do not eat him altogether. 2. When there are many captains, the ship sinks. 3, When things tire you at the head, take them by > ’the tail. 4. When you 1 have spoken the word, it reigns over you; but while it is yet unspoken, you reign ••over it. 6. He that passes through the onions or peel will ■Binell of them. \ ‘ 6. Borrowed dresses give no warmth. This latter proverb is hardly Adapted to these “times, whenOlothing is sold bo cheaply as at Charles Stokes & Co.’s, under the Continental, Dean’s Golden Prize Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco— (in bulk only)—Price slxcenta J>er ounce, or ninety ..cents perpound. Manufac tured of Virginia leaf of Sold onlyiby the manufacturer, M. B. Dean, 335 Chestnut Btreet. MN, B. —Imported and Domestic Cigars, wholesale fcnd retail. , * Wilmington, Newark, Trenton, and other Corpo ration- notes, par for Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c., at Dban’s Cigar Store, 335 Chestnut street. Virtue.— Each must in virtue strive for to excel, The man lives twice who lives the first life well.” Many men make a virtue of necessity of cthera go from choice and buy their clothing at the Philadelphia Temple of Fashion, Granville Stokes, JNo. .609 Chestnut street. The choicest summer gar ments now on hand. A Magnificent Rosewood Seven Oc tave Piano fob Sale—Richly carved case and legs; made to order by one of the beat makers in this country. Five months ago' cost $6OO. The owner, being in the army, will sell for leas than half coat, cash. To be Seen at No. 1418 Lombard street, ta few doors above Broad. v my27-4t* | SPECIAL NOTICES. L The .Tobacco Compromise. p BY THE BARD OP TOWER HALL. Mary, and John, a wedded pair. Of worldly troubles have their share, fe Though he is wise and she is fair, 1 They haye some squabbles, I And find it difficult to bear, L Each others Joihlea, ( r Let Mary first make her complaint • i “■'l will be-hanged,’’says she, “if’taint w . Enough to worry out a saint— " This constant smokinp / . It really almost makes me feint, ’Tis so provoking I” Bays John, in making out his case, ** I think that amtjF is out of place -Upon a handsome woman’s face ; Yes, I’m a hooby, ■. If that brown powder don’t disgrace A lip of ruby.” To give up smoking John agrees, If Mary-will her snuffing cease ; This makes an “honorable peace." . And saves expenses, Which serves .their ipardrobes to increase ; And this good sense is. It need scarcely,be remarked, in prose or rhyme, that John obtains the supplies for his wardrobe at TOWER HALL, where-he is always able to select from the mam moth stoek, without delay or trouble, such garments as euit his size and taste at the lowest possible prices. - TOWER HALL, 4:18 MARKET Street, It BENNETT & 00. Dr. D Jayne's Alterative is a standard Medicine—a compound of those articles which long experience has proven to possess the most safe and effi cient Alterative and deobstruent properties, and contain ing no concealedpoisbhß.no'mercurlalorother metallic preparations.'- ■’*Haying before us the testimonials of thousands of persons who have been restored to sound jheaHh from. Us pse, it is recommended to the afflicted with entire confidence, in the belief that it will effectual ly eradicate from the human system, the diseases for Whose cure it is designed. , FOR PURIFYING^THE .BLOOD, the Alterative, will |>e found to beafnost effective medicine. Acting directly ou the circulation, it purifies the blood, and passes with it into every tissaeand fibre of the body, removing every particle of the system. FOR all its forms, whether Ulcerations of the Flesh or Bones, Enlargement of the Joints, Glands, Swellings,Eruptions, Tumors, Ac., the Altera tive has been found pre-eminently successful. By its action on the blood it destroys the virus or poisonous principle from which these diseases originate. FOR BRIN DISEASES, the immediate cause of which Will always he found to he an obstructed state of the pores, Jayne's Alterative is a.certain remedy. It not only removes the obstinate state of the pores, but it frees the blood and perspiration from all impurities aud gross particles which are so liable to obstruct the small per spiratory vessels. Prepared only by DR. D. JAYNE & SON, 243 Chest put street. . my29-3t Dr. Sweet’s Infallible 'Liniment cures Cuts andWdundsimmediately and leaves no scar. A Midsummer Melody. Twas a night in the dog days, 3 And all through the house Night prowlerß were stirring— Fleas, bedbugs, and mouse. The children, uneasy, ; Squirmed this wlty and that— The bedbugs preferred them Because they were fat. But at-dawn,-on each insect Lyon’s death .powder fell; ' And the-rats and the mice, too. Succumbed to'his Pill. •Lyon’s Powder will kill all insects. Lyon’s Magnetic fills are sure‘death to rafa and mice. Sold every where my23-12t DEMAS S. BARNES, New York. S—T.—lB6o.—X, : CAUTION.—The PLANTATION BITTER BOTTLE is secured to us by U. S. Letters Patent. To imitate the ■'Bottle or use it other purpose is a crime punish able with fines and imprisonment. Parties are warned of the consequences of filling empty Bottles with any other mixture, whether calling it Plantation Bitters or |by any other name. . ' ~ We pay cash, eo-cents per dozen, or $7.20 per gross, for All empty'Bottlee delivered at our manufactory, 105 XIBERTY Street, New; York, thus removing any excuse for ignorance. - Any person pretending to- sell Plantation Bitters In bulk, or by the gallon, is a swindler and impostor. We cell only in our regular Bottles, all hearing United States stamp and steel-plate label and signature. . P.’ H. DRAKE & CO., mytt-tuthslm 303 BROADWAY, Now York. - Thirty, Years’ Experience of an Old 1 JflTRSB.— Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Byrap is the prescrip tion of one of the beet female physicians and nurses in the United'Btates, and has been used for thirty years With never-failing safety and success by millions of mo* ./•thers and children, from the feeble infant of one week Void to the adult. It correctaacidity of the stomach. Relieves wind colic." Regulates the bowels. And gives rest, health, and comfort’to mother and •child. 25 cents a bottle. my2'2-lm Kerr-Sw . Furnishing CHINA and GLASS establishment, CHINA HALL, ~sa» CHESTNUT Street, Opposite Independence Hall, Philadelphia. Hotels, Restaurants, and Shipping supplied. N. B.—-CHINA DECORATED to order; also, Initials and Orests elegantly engraved on TABLE GLABS and •CHINA. . Orders by mall promptly attended to. myl6-lm One-Price Clothing, op the Latest Bitles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST, Selling, Prices marked in Plain Fi gures. All Goods made toOrder warranted satisfactory. Our One-Pbxob System is strictly adhered to. .All are thereby treated alike. de!2-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. X/LAJEHEIXSiD. ANDERSON-BROWN-By the Rev. Robt. P. Dußois, •■on the 28th of_May, Mr. Alfred A. Anderson to Miss barah Emma Brown, both of Kennett Square, Chester -county, Pa . . * NSON. —On the 28th instant, at the Residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. P. 8. Henson, 5 1 /* George W. Kreamer to Miss Adaline P. Robinson, daughter of George Robinson, Esq., all of this city. * WATSON BLaGK.—Onthe2Btninstant, by Friends’ if n r i 0 n 1 S, O n liy ' Joseph W. |*i x J^ ratB , on * of Newcastle county, f ela^ r tv (for % rl y ° # , l S a S? o, i e * Kansas,) to Martha *.« daughter of Samuel W. Black, of this city. rwil- Smngton (Del.) and Kansas papers please copy. j * DIED. KAYES.—On the 26th inst., P. Barry Hayes, in the 54th ‘.year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, <corner of Ninth and Locust streets, this (Saturday) after noon, at .4 o clook, without further notice. Funeral St. Mary’s Church. * _ SCHBEINER.—On Thursday morning, 28th instant, C.,wifeofWni. H. Schreiner, aged6oyears. friends of the family are invited to the funeral, from her husband’s residence, No, 2256 North Eleventh street, on Monday morning next. •June Ist, at 9 o’clock, without further notice • ** WETrfjsRILL -On Wednesday, Whinat after a lin- Sering illness, Mary L. WetherUl, in the Md year of her. e relatives and friends'of the family are invited to .Attend the funeral from .the residence of her husband No. 1817 Pine street, to-daj, (Saturday,) at 12o’ciock. Interment at Ronaldson’s Cemetery. * PRIESTLEY.—In Trenton, N. J. ,on Wednesday. 27th Elay, Emma P., wife of Alexander Priestley, in? the 32 ( i ■year of her age. - . - Her Mends and those of the family are invited to at tend her funei al, without further notice, from her late residence, No. 1730 Mount Vernon street, to-day, (Satur day, )at 2 o’clock P. M. v ' * BINDER.—On the 27th hast., Jacob Binder, In the 74th year of hie age. - His friends and relatives are invited-to attend the fune ral, from his late residence, No. 920 Marshall street, on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o’clock. • * THORN.—May 9th, at hospital, near Chancellorville, Va.» of wound received in battle ou the 3d inst. .'Samuel R. Thorn, of Company A, 124th Regiment P. Y.. in the year of his age. If his body is recovered, dne notice of the funeral will —At Melbourne, Australia, of colonial fever on the 9th March, Bara J., wife af Henri J. Hart, Eso ’ J. P., and second daughter of P, S, Rowland, Esq.. of this oity, aged 27 years. * THOMAS.—On Thursday, the 28th instant, aged 10 months, Eleanor Lytcott Hinds, daughter of W. G. and Ann Thomas. * OBITUARY. Jfo the Editor of Th* Press: On Friday, May 22d, 1863, doparted from, this l : fe one of Nature’s noblemen—a true man, a good Christian, and a brave soldier. At tie early age of twenty-two, he sacrificed his life for his adopted country, leaving ■many sorrowing friends here, ana in a distant isle his parents and relatives, to mourn his early loss. Bat they can'be comforted with the knowledge that he lived and died a true Christian. ... , . .!• Being in the same company with him, we were often together. He was a genial companion and a true friend. He had the honorable and hazardous post of color bearer. Tall in stature and manly in behavior, he looked and was every inch a soldier. But. alas! soon that f&taL disease, consumption, took hold of him, brought on by the fatigues and hardships he had gone through. He tsank quietly to sleep iu Jesuß. Beloved and respected by tko whole company to which he was attached; his comrades will never forget the name of ROBERT B. KERR, Company , Gy Anderson Troop (15th Pennsylvania Gavalrr.) * ; - Yours, TXLACK AND WHITE GRENADINE Bareges 18#c. B-lack and white Mohair Plaids, 18% to 28c. , Black and white Plaid Scotch Bareges, 12Kc. Black and white Lawns and Chintzes 18Xc. Grey Chene Moilenas, 12%c. Black Balzorines, 15c. .■**** Black Silk and wool Bareges,.22c.' Black English Grenadine Bareges, 25c. Bl ack Paris Corded Organdies, 25c. White and black Mozambiqnes, 25c. • BESBON&SON, Morfrnlnjt Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street, TOE BLANKETS LOW. -** Ice Wrapping and Rugs. 6 4 Tarletons for Mirrors. ETBB & LANDELL. myM FOURTH and ARCH. Q Hm YARDS FAST-COLORED OjUUU lawns Fine Rich Organdies. Summer Mourning Goods. Sea-shore New Shawls „ ■: BYRE & LANDELL* ; FOURTH & ARCH Streeta. TO THE UNION AND tOYAU LEAGUES AND ASSOCIATIONS, AND LOYAL CITIZENS OP THE UNITED STATES: Philadelphia, May 25, 1963^ Fellow-Citizens By direction of the UNTON LEAGUE ofPhiladelphia,the undersigned have the honor to invite your attention to the following Resolutions, to wit: Resolved,# “L That the League will celebrate the approaching' Anniversary of American Jndependence by appropriate ceremonies, at the Hall of Independence. • “2. That all the Union Leagues and Associations in the United States beinyited to participate in the celebra tion, and that they be requested to send deputations from their respective bodies forth at purpose, V 3, That it be recommended that the deputies be au thorized to represent respective constituents in any action that may be deemed necessary and expedient to perfect tbe organization of the friends of the American Union and Governinent throughout the United States. “4. That the Committee of Correspondence be autho rized to prepare a circular letter,-communicating these Resolutions to the Union Leagues and Loyal Citizens of the respective States, and to adopt such measures as may be necessary to carry them into effect.” For the first time in the history of our Country, the; masses of the American people are now invited to com memorate the birth of the UNION, at the place where it •was born: « To re-assert the great principles of the Declaration, that “All men are created equal, and are endowed by their CREATOR, with the 0 NALIBNABLE RIGHTS of life, liberty, and tbe pursuit of happiness:” To acknowledge our obligations to mankind, to main tain those principles as our fathers did, “with a firm re liance on the protection?of DIVINE PROVIDENCE:” . To declare the INDIVISIBILITY of the AMERICAN UNION: \. To declare the inflexible purpose of the American peo ple, as GOD shall give them strength, to subdue the ene mies of the Union, and re-establish and perpetuate the NATIONAL AUTHORITY, wherever it has .been over thrown by-treason or rebellion: ; Todeelare to foreign nations, that while we desire peace with them; we shall hold them responsible for am* encouragement they, may give to the rebellion against the Government of the United States: To give to history-^an appropriate expression of our gratitude to the patriot-armies and navy of the Repub lic: aid To declare our determination to sustain the constituted awhorities of the Government now and hereafter, in all measures adopted and prosecuted by them for the sup pression of the rebellion WITHOUT COMPROMISE WITH TRAITORS, as the only means of securing 'an honorable and lastingpeace. • The Committee aro gratified to announce that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES has accepted an invitation to participate in the proceedings. Fellow-citizens of the United States, we call upon you to .co-operate with us in this FIRST NATIONAL CE [<E BRATION, and to adopt such measures as you may deem proper, to make it worthy of a great people who have inherited, and now possess and appreciate,'the blessings ef liberty. dfIARLES G’BBONS, Chairman, MortonMcMichael Jas. L Claghorn, J. I Clark Hare, Wm.llenr> , Rawle W.C,Swatm,M.D., Evan Randolph, J-. Edgar Thomson, Joseph Lea, William Cox, L. Lewis, Jr., J B. Moorhead, Henry Samuel, Wm.H. Ashhurst, E. Spencer Miller, Geo. H. Boker, M. H. Messchert, . John B. Myerß, H. G. Morris, J. Gillingn’mFeU, J. B. McFarland. Jas. C. Hand, . C. H. - Needles, , Jos. B. Townsend, Gibson Peacock, J%bez’Gates,. S. C. Perkins, . Geo. Whitney, Thos. I. Potts, Charles Gilpin, Craig D’. Ritchie, Tlios. W. Evans, Geo. M. Robeson v W. Eotch Wister, Thomp. Reynolds, , Johnßice, JolinP. Verree, Henry Cohen, Hanson Robinsou. , F. J. Dreer, W. S. fctewart, W. Devine. . . Chas. E. Smith, Thos. S. KUis, W. C. Stevenson, . Sami B. Thomas, G. W.'McMahan, H. C. Townsend, .H. C. Howell, ' Lewis D, Vail, Persifor Frazor, J:P. Wetherill, * J- Henry Davis, £• Andrew Wheeler, , Frank Wells, . ; E. D. Wlxitney, R. H. Grata. ; . Geo. J. Weaver, GeorgeTrott.J: , C.S.Wurtz,M.D., Chas: T.. Yerkes, E- C. Knight, Win. Strnthers, W. H. Kerm, . Chas. Hartshorne, JoßephKerr, , M. E. Rogers, R P-King, G. M. Conarroe, Charles Knechfe, Saunders Lewis, - Henry C. Carey, H. Binney,.Jr., Frederick Fraley, Dauiel Smith, Jr., Jos. Allison, Benj. Gerhard, Geo. H. Stuart, N B. Browne, Wm. Camac,M. D., S. 18. Felton, A. E. Borie, Clarence H. Clark, A. G. Cattell, Henry M. Watts, C. S. Grove, John B. Kenney, James Milliben, Wm. M.Tilghman, H. C. Lea, E.H&rtsborne,MD, Thos. Webster, Ellis Yarnall, C. S. Smith. F. A. Cf-mly,' Alfred M. Jessup, Augustus Heaton, Ward B. Baseltine H. P. .Borie, Cad walad. Bid die, R. Bundle Smith. Samuel E. Stokes, Danl.Doughdrty, Geo. Bullock; : Wm. M. Cooper, S. J. Christian, John'W. Forney, S. Fisher forties, & P. Kershow, leneral Committee GEORGE H. BC J. If* GOODRICH WILL OF wCS* FICIATE in the Church corner of EIGHTS and NOBLE Streets TO-MORROW MORNING and EVEN ING. Evening subject, ** The Da&ire of all Nations. ” It* WORTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SlXTHStreet, above Green.—TheAn niversary Exercises of the Sabbath Schools of this Church will be held TO-MORROW AFTERNOON, at 3 o’clock. Addresses by Rev. S. P. Henson and Rev. J. Howard Suydam. it* THE BOOK ABOVE AUXiI-THIS Series of Sermons will be continued (I>. V.) by T. H. STOCKTON. ELEVENTH and WOOD Streets, SAB BATH. P.M. Preaching at 10% A. M , by a Minister of the Preshy terian General Assembly, : it* REV. GEO. W. SMILEY WILL. PREACH TO-MORROW, at 10% A. M. and 8 P. M., on . “The Introduction of the Messianic Worship in Heaven-’’ Church in HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, corner EIGHTH and GREEN Streets. It* FIRST REFORMED DUTCH Kr» CHUCH, corner of SEVENTH and SPRING GAR DEN Streets.—Kev. J. Howard Suy dam - will, D. V., Preach TO-MORBOW, at 10# A. M., and BP. Mr. It* REV. FRANKLIN MOORE, D D., KS* will Preach at SECOND- STREET M. E. CHURCH. TO-MORROW (Sabbath> EVENING; at 8 o’clock. It* THE WOMEN OF THE BIBLE.- The next Sermon in this course will bepreachad in the Church of the Epiphany, TO-MORROw-EVEN -ING. Service at So’clock.- ' U* CONGREGATIONAL •CS* CHURCB, THOMPSON Street, below Front.— Preaching by Rev. D.\L. GEAR, SUNDAY, 10 A M.‘ Subject, Christ Healing the Paralytic;’’ and 1% P. M. bermon to the Young. : • . . it CLINTON -STREET PRESBY KS* TERIAN CHURCH, TENTH STREET', BELOW SPRUCE —Rcy. Dr. SaMUEL H. COX will Preach on TO-MORROW (Sabbath) MORNING, at 10% o’clock. Rev. W. S. LEAVITT, of Hudson, New York, in the AFTERNOON, at 4 o’clock: , It* SECOND-STREET M. E. CHURCH. K?* —ftreachjngTO-MORROW, at 10% A. M., .by the PASTOR, and atB P. M. by Rev. FRANKLIN MOORE. Special services at 3 o’clock, when the Rev. J. F. C HA PLAIN, Rev. THOMAS C. MURPHEY, and Rev. E. J. D. PEPPER will he present. . it* ■yg!* SECOND REFORMED DUTCH AC?=> CHURCH. SEVENTH Street, above BROWN.— Rev. T. DE WITT TALMAGE, .•pastor, will preach on SABBATH MORNING, 10%; Evening, at Bo’clock. It* EIGHTY-FOURTH SOLDIERS’ MEETING of the ARMY COMMITTEE, Y.M.C A., connected with tbe CHRISTIAN COMMISSION, will be held on TO-MORROW EVENING, in the Logan Square Presbyterian Church, Twentieth aud Vine streets, Rev. John Patton, D. D., at 8 o’clock. Another appeal to ihe sympathies of the public in be half of the Soldiers is made by the Army Committee. We need all that can he obtained to further the Great Work. Come to this meeting, and give as nest you can. • Addresses from Rev. Henni Johnston, of the Pittsburg Christian Commission; Rev. Mr. Lockwood, of New York, and Peter B. Simons, Esq., Chairman of the Army Committee. It* THERE will be a sunday- SCHOOL DEMONSTRATION in the HAINEB - METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, German town, i TO-MORiiO'WV A at'lo% o’clock. Rev. Robert Givin, Chaplain in U..'S. Navy, will: preach a Sermon “On the Claims of the Sunday School. ’’ At 3 the Children of the Churchefiunday School/will assemble in the Audience Room, and f be addressed by Rev. Franklin Moore, Rev. Wesley Kenny, and; others. At 8 a general Sunday School Meeting will he held, and addresses by Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Rev. Robert Givin, and Rev. George W. Maclaughlin, Pastor. A Collection .will be lifted through out the day in aid of the above cause. it* FAIR.—A GRAND FAC!CY, FRUIT* ftCr*’ AND FLORAL FAIR, for the Benefitof the REV. MR. SMILEY’S CONGREGATION, will be held by the Ladies, at HANDEL. AND HAYDN HALL. Corner of Eighth and Green Streets, commencing TUESDAY,’June 2d, and to continue day aud evening for four days. ■Levee for Children every afternoon from 3 till 6 o’clock. Each child will receive a gift. Season Tickets 25 cents. Tickets for single admission 10 cent*, * To be had of Mr. Charles Krouse, No. 726 Spring Garden Street, and at the Fair. ' my3o-6t |K3e» ‘‘ITJHE NEW GYMNASTIC*.’-DR. LEWIS, of Boston, will deliver a lecture on PHYSICAL CULTURE, and the fl*ew System of Gym nastics,. at CONCERT HALL, on Thursday: Evening, June 4, at 8 o’clock; Tickets 25 cent*. The proceeds to be devoted to the Sanitary Commission Ticket* to be_ obtained at the office of the Sanitary Commission; at Hazard’s Book Store, 7*4 Chestnut street, and at the door on*the evening of the lecture. my3Q st* i THELADIES OF TUB UNION VO lefa LUNTBER REFRESHMENT SALOON, foot of Washington Street, opennheir grand FLORAL STRAWBEERY.AND FAWCY FAIR ou the 15th of JUNE. Contributions are received by and . Tickets' can be pro cured of any of the Committee, or at the Saloon. It ■ • ■ - ARAD BARROWS, Chairman. ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY-A meetingwill fee held on MONDAY EVENING, Ist of Jnne, at 7>£ o’clock, in the CONTINENTAL HO TEL. Members will please attend without further notice. my3o-2t , , GEORGE YOUNG, Sec’y. SPIRITUALISM.-HRS. BLISS. OF Massachusetts, will give her closing Lectures, at - S ANSOM-BTREET Ha LL, on SUNDAY, at 10% A. M. and 6P. M. , on subjects proposed by the audience. Admis sion, 5 cents. ,-r. • .. it* FOR CLERK OF UUARTER SES SION6—JOHN K. MURPHY. my2B-thstu 12* Late Colonel of the 29th Pa. Vol. GIRARD F. Jb M. INSURANCE COMPANY-Office, No. 415 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, May 11,1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of FOUR PER CENT., and an Extra Dividend of THRRE PER CENT, out of the earnings of the last six months, clear of National and State Taxes, payable on demand. : ~ V ALFRED S. GILETTE, ‘ myl24uths9t / . Treasurer. OFFICE OF PORT WARDENS OF PHILADELPHIA, 119 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia, May 2S; 1863. , TAKE NOTICE.—That application having been made to the Board of Port Wardens by JOHN P. VERREE, Esq., for a license to improve his wharf property on DELAWARE Avenue, north of Poplar Street, action win be had ou said application by the Board, on MON DAY next, June latnB63. my29-3t CHAS. S. WAYNE, Master Warden. f^» rt PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL’S OFFlCE. —Washington, D.C. , s May 22. 1863. “ Allmenwho desire tojoin any particular Regiment of CAVALRY now in the. field,' are hereby authorized to § resent themßelveß at any time during the next thirty: ays to.the BOARD OF ENROLMENT, in their respec tive Dit tricts. ’The Board shall examine them; and de termine upon their fitness for the Service,and if found to be fit, the Provost Marshal of.the district shall give them transportation tickets to the. general Rendezvous, at the Headquarters of the A J . A. Provost Marshal General of the btate. ;As soon as they present themselves at this gene ral Rendezvous they snail be duly mustored by a mus-- taring and disbursing officer, and paid by him the bounty allowed by law. JAMES B. FRY, my2B-lm Provost Marshal General. annual meet *NG of the Stockholders of the Germantown Pas senger Railway. Company will be held at the office of the comer of SIXTH and DIAMOND Streets, on TUESDAY, June 2, 1863, at 12 at which time aud Slace an election will be* held for Treasurer-and three lanagers—one of whom shall be President—to serve for the ensuing _yea£ agreeably to an act of the Legisla ture, passed the 3d day of April, 1863 my2s-tje2 JOSEPH SINQBRLY, Secretary. ART.-A NUMBER OF ARTISTE IN this^ity,’New York, and other places, have contributed Pictures to besold, to aid in sending to their homes our:incurably SICK AND VOLUN TEERS. Theioollectlen can be seen fo?a fewdaya at the Rooms of James S. Earle & Son, 816 CHESTNUT Street, who have kindly volunteered to attend to their aale, my23-10t ACADEMY OF THE FINE 4RTB. —The ahnnal election for a Pre sident and twelve Directors will beheld atthe Academy, CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, on MONDAY AFTER NOON, June let, between the hours of 6 and 6. :• roy2B-tjel . JOHN T. LEWIS, Secretary. fS^ n OFFICEOF THE UNION CANAL COMPANY, Philadelphia, May 18,1863. NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS.-Tbe Bondholders of the UNION CANAL COMPANY are hereby requested to call at the office of the Company, No: 838 WALNUT Street, and surrender the Coupons, as agreed uponlin accordance with the act of Assembly of April 10th, IS62J my27-lm OSCAR THOMPSON.Treasurer, PHRKNOUOGICAIi CABINET, RE moved from No. 822 Chestnut street, to No: 35, SOUTH TENTH Street. Examinations daily, by _ _ my23-7t- ...... J. L. CAPEN. MANSELL. ►sto office: union mutual insu- RANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia, May 11.1883. The Board of Directors of this Company hereby give notice that a meeting of tbe Scripbolders will be held at their Office, N. E. corner of WALNUT and THIRD Sts., MONDAY, at 12 o'clock M., dune 1, 1863, to act on an amendments the Charter of the Company for convert ing the Scrip into Stock. JOHN MOSS, f my!3-tjel , , • Secretary,; ■*>» OFFICE! PENNSYLVANIA RAITr ICP 1 ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 15, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State and National takes, payable on and after May 15, 1863. Powers of Attorney for Collections of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. mhl6-tjel . ..THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR flO TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, Philadel phia, October 24, 1862. > Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of tbe National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1600 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, ja9-6m, Government Surgeon-Artist, “AVOID THE DRAFT.” JfgSn HEADQUARTERS, PROVOST MARSHAL, FOURTH DISTRICT. - N. E. cor. BROAD andSPRING GARDEN Sts. _• Philadelphia, May 28, 1863. Public attention is. solicited to the subjoined circular from the Provost Marshal General. All persons wishing to join any of the Regiments here referred to, will make application to these Headquarters within the next thirty days-' D.-M. LANE, Captain, Provost Marshal, Fourth District. ' PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL’S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. May 22, 1863. All men who desire to join any particular Regiment of Cavalry now in the field, are nereby authorized to pre sent themselves, at any time during the next thirty days, to the Board of Enrolment in their respective Districts. The Board shall examine them, and;determine upon their fitnesß -for the service; and if found to be fit, the Provost Marshal of the District* shall give them trans portation tickets tothe general.Rendezvons, at the Hea dquarters ofthe A. A. Provost Marshal General ofthe State. As soon as they present themselves at this general Ren dezvous, they shall be duly mustered by a musteringand disbursing officer, and paid by him- the bounty allowed bylaw. JAMES B. FRY, my3o-12t Provost Marshal General. gHIRTING LINENS, B OUSEHOLD LINEN GOODS, ASD HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS, DOMESTIC MUSLINS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS; &<:., At the lowest Cash Prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, A ARRIS'ON. my!#) stuthiOt . . 1008 CHESTNUT Street. LAOE POINTS FROM THE l LATE AUCTION SALES, AT KEDUCED PRICES. BLACK LACE POINTS &Q. 50. BLACK LAO E POINTS 3.00. BLACK LAOE POINTS 3-50. BLACK LACE POINTS 4.00. BLACK LAOE POINTS 5.00. With a full line of superior Goods and ■: BURNOUS, TALMAS, AND SHAWLS. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 4:50, 4:53, and 4:54 N. SECOND St , ah. Willow. gUMMER SHAWLS GRENADINE SHAWLS. PLAID BAREGE SHAWLS. LIGHT WOOLEN SHAWLS. CIJRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 4:50,453, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. Willow. mh3o-3t . A/TOZAMBIQUES XtX New auction lots good styles. Silk-stripe Mozambique^. Black and white paid Lenos. - < - Drab solid colors Mozambiques. Gray -mixed double-fold Mozambiques. BLACK BAREGES. Fine camel’B hair black Bareges. Black Grenadine Barege, 37>a cents. - THIN SHAWLS. Mozambique Shawls, puiple borders, $3.50, Grenadine bhawls, purple and brown borders. • Thin Mantleß made to order. WHITE LINEN DRILLS. Extra heavy white Drills, 44 to 75 cents. » Mixed Drills for gents’and boys’wear. Colored Ducks and Linens for pants and coats. . BLUE FLANNEL. . 6-4 Army blue Flannel for coats.' Lupin’s 3)rap-d?ute, fine qualities; cheap, * 6-4 Wohby Scotch Caaßimeres. MUSLINS^—,. One case extra heavy yard-wide, 25 cenU_ > Wamsuttas and Williamsvilles, low. - ' • ' Wide Sheetings, by the yard or piece. COOPER & CONARD, It :. Southeast Corner NINTH and MARKET. H STEEL & SON.v • Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street, above Coates, have now open a large assortment of CHOICE STYLES OF FRENCH LAWNS AT THE OLD PRICES Fine French Organdies, at 5D to 62% cents. • French Organdies, at 31c, worth 37%. Fine French Jaconet Lawns, at 37%c. Plain Blue, Buff, and Pink French Ginghams, at 37%c. CHEAP BLACK SILKS. - CHOICE STYLES SILK GRENADINES. Double-width Plaid Mozambiques,- at 45c, worth 63%,- Piaid. Mozambiques, all grades, at low prices. - Plain Mozambiques, at 25c, worth 37% Printed Bareges, at3land37%c, the old prices. | i New Styles Pacific Lawks, at 18^c. • ■ my3Q of Arrangement. )KER, Secretary. VARD-WIDE CHINTZES. a . ;o THREE HUNDRED PIECES - ; Extra quality English Chintzes. Yard-wide Fast Colors. At 25 Cents a Yard, . : Same as before the War. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, myBO CHESTNUT; and EIGHTH Streets. pOLORED PLAIN BAREGES. yy French Silk and Worsted. - Neat Figures aud Stripes. Checked Mozambiques and Lenos, At. Very Low Prices. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, my SO CHESTNUP and EIGHTH Streets. CLOTHS. 6 cases 30-inch Blackstone Co. 6 cases !j7-inch Social Co. 3 cases 27-inch Plain Print Cloth. For sale by MATTHEW BINNEY’S SON'S, my29-tf BOSTON, MASS. CJKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS—THE “QUEEN OF THE WEST GORE TRAILS.’’—The best quality and styles of Gored Skirts to he obtained in this City. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail; No. 638 ARCH Street. Also—The Quaker Skirt, extra long and medium length Skirts, together with a full line of Misses and Children’s Skirts, from 4 to 40 springs. Just Opened—Another supply ef those Cheap Skirts. GREAT BARGAINS—IS springs, 75 cts.; 20springs,85cts,; 25 springs. $1; 30 springs, $1.15; 40 springs, $1 25; Me tallic fastened and kid-padded, Diamond-tied Skirts, 25 springs, 75 cts.; 30 springs', 85 cts.; and 40 springs, $l, my26-otif* A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIP AGE OFFICE, TWELFTH AND GIRARD STREETS. -Philadelphia, May 29,1863. SEALED PROPOSALS are'invited at this office until 12 o’clock M. on the sth June next, to furnish promptly at the Schuylkill Arsenal: . Trowsers, sky-blue, for "mounted men, Army standard. Do. do. do. foot do. do. do. . Blouses, blue flannel, lined, do. do. Do. do. do. unllued, do. do. Also, for making and trimming Trowsers for mounted and foot men. the United States furnishing the cloth'. Uniform Jackets for the “ InvalidjjCorps, ’’ sky-blue, and making and trimming the United States furnishing the cloth. Bidders will state in their proposals the price, quantity bid for, and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signatures must be appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the bid. No bid will be considered that does not comply fully . with thwabove requirements. - Famples can be seen at this office,-and bidders are in vited to be present at the opening of the bids. Proposals must be endorsed on the envelope 4 ‘ Proposals for Army Supplies,” stating the particular article bid for. G. H. CROSMAN, ' mySO-6t Asst. Quartermaster General of Army, TN THE OSPHiNS’ COURT FOR J- THE CiTY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. •The Auditor appointedby the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of STEWART MALONEY, ad ministrator of the estate of JOHN M ALO NEY, deceased, and to report distribution of.balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the pur poses of,his appointment, *on THURSDAY,- Juns lltli, A. D. 1863, at four o’clock in tlie afternoon . my3o‘Stuth-St;DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE J- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, adjust the account of CHARLES ACHESON, Executor of : James Brown, deceased, will meet the parties in inte rest on FRIDAY, June 5,1863, at 4P. M., at his office, 317 South Seventh street. . . . my3o-stuthsi* . DAVID W. SELLERS, Auditor." TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR J- THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of DAVID BROWN, deceased. The Auditor appointed by tbe'Court to ’audit, settle, and adjust the account .of CHARLES ACHESON, Admi nistrator of’David Brown, deceased; will meet the par ties in. interest on FRIDAY, Junes, 1863, at 4 P. M. at bis office, 317 South SEVENTH street. myco-stuthst* . DAVID W. SELLERS, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR 1 THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PBILADELPHIL ‘ -Estate of GUST AVUS SCHWARZ, Deceased. . Notice is hereby given that Catharine Schwarz, widow of said decedent, has filed in said Court her petition and appraisement, claiming to retain property of said dece dent to 4he value of $3OO, as therein expressed, under the act of Assembly of April 14th, 1851, and the several supplements thereto, and that the said Court will ap prove the same on FRIDAY, the 19th day of D. 1863, unless exceptions be filed thereto . v D. BOYER BROWN, my2s‘tnf4t* Attorney for Petitioner. •yOUN G-MEN, SEEKING EMPLOY- A MENT, should avoid a swindling affair laiely esta bllshed in this city. . my3o-2t* T OST OB MISLAID.—NOTICE IS hereby ttiyen that I have applied to the Chestimt Hill Railroad Company for. the Reissue of CERTIFI CATE h'o, 57, for TEN SHARES of said Stock, dated April 2, 18fi3. _ ALSO, to the New Creek Company, for the Reissne of TWO MORTGAGE BONDS of April 1, 1854, for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS EACH, with Coupons attached, from October, 1857; the same having been Lost or Mls hud. C. G. CHILDS. May 26, 1863. ■ ■ ■ my3o-3t* fVET LIKENESSES WHERE YOU being satisfied. . Tako our word for it, BEIMER 6is the place. Life-size Photographs in od are superb likenesses; SECOND St., above Green. It WHY DELAY ?—GO AT ONCE—BEL. v T> MER’B famed likenesses, Life-size Photographs in Oil Colors; pronounced perfect likenesses, are now made at reduced prices at SECOND St., above Green. It A LL ADMIT THE SUPERIORITY OF REIMBR’S true and beautiful IVORYTYPES, In position, arrangement, and coloring, simple, natural, and pleasing. Go to SECOND street, above Green. It XXAMS, SHOULDERS, hRIED BEEF, &c., &o.—The finest quallties. cheaper than any in the city. . H. WANAMAKERS, It* Nos. 1919 and 1519 MARKET Street. 3QQ GROSS MINERAL WATER BOT ■ 800 gross Porter Bottles. , For sale by H. B. &G. W. BENNEBS; xnySo-lm* DyottvUlo Glass Works, or 9T S. Front Bt, BETAU DRY GOODS. FRONTING LINENS, FROPOSAXS. dLEGAIi. Estate of JOHN MALONEY, deceased! Estate of JAMES BROWN; Deceased. THE PKESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 30, IBfi3. HALL & GO., No, 20 SOUTH SECOND STfiEET. HAVE BLACK SILK MANTLES, BLACK SILK CIRCULARS,* SUMMER-SHAWLS, GRENADINE SHAWLS, SPUN SILK SHAWLS, FANCY BAREGE SHAWLS, SHETLAND SHAWLS, FINE LAMA WOOL SHAWLS, BLACK LACE POINTES, WHITE BAREGE SHAWLS, LIGHT CLOTH CLOAKS, LIGHT CLOTH CIRCULARS. SILK MANTLES AND CLOTH CLOAKS MADE TO my26-tntbe3t OKPBB. - ' * . Y R K & LA ND E LL, SUMMER SHAWLS, LACE POINTS. MANTLE SILKS. NEW GRENADINES. SUMMER SILKS. NEW FOULARDS. GRENADINE VEILS. SUPERIOR MITTS. SUMMER BALMORALS. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. myl9-tnthstf jyjOURNING MILLINERY, MOURNING BONNETS, OF THE 1 LATEST* /. PARIS AND NEW YORK STYLES, Always on hand and made to order at the : shortest no “HEW MOURMYO STORE,” 93# CHESTNUT STIIEET. ■ , M. &A. MYERS & CO. myz-stulm jyjUSLINS AT ■, : REDUCED BRICES, From the late Auction Sales. CURWEN STODDART. & BROTHER, pi.ACK LACE POINTS, FROM THE LATE AUCTION SALES. Additional lots~of BLACK LACE POINTS, AT REDUCED PRICES.' CURWEI* STODDART & BROTHER, ' 450) 453) and 454 N. SECOND Street, above Willow. JJLACK GRENADINE ROBES. CUKWEN STODDAKT & BROTHER, 450. 452, and 454 N. SECOND Street.above Willow. gILACK SILKS, OF ALL GRADES AND WIDTHS, From the late Auction Sales. ■ CUKWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 453, and 454 N. SECOND Street,aboye Willow. my-28-3t J>APSON’S, CORNER OF EIGHTH Offer to the Ladies, at very low prices, ONE LOT ALPACA BRAIDS; plain colors, ONE LOT ALL-SILK BELTINGS. BUGLE BUTTONS, BUGLE GIMPS, BRAIDING BRAIDS. „ GOFFERED SKIRT BRAID'. EAESON’S TRIMMING STORE my27-12t- • Corner of EIGHTH .and CHERRY Sts. N EW '"'"C SII.K CLOAKS AND ■ ■ ' MANTILLAS. *. ... . . ■ NEW SILK CLOAKS NEW SILK CLOAKS ANI) MANTILLAS, and mantillas; OPENING BVERY MORNING. OPENING EVERY MORNING. THE BALANCE Of Spring Cloaks, made in Light ZephyrClotlis, suitable for aU summer, now closing out'at REDUCED PRICES. J. W. PROCTOR * OO. f mylBlst Pab CHESTNUT STREET. JJLACK BILK MANTLES ELEGANT GARMENTS AT MODERATE PRICES. COOPER <6 OONARD. my2l-tf S. E. comer NINTH AND MARKET Sts. At priceslgenerally below present cost of Impor .. tation. WHITE GOODS, all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES. do do LACES, do do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do N VEILS, &c., Ac. And respectfully invites an inspection of Mb {SUPERIOR WIDE BLACK TAFFE TA SILKS for Mantles, from $L62)£ to $4 per yard. Heavy Black Corded Silks. Check Silks in great variety from 87# cents up to SL2S. Two lots otneax Stripes very glossy and rich at $1.25. One lot of Plaid Foulard Silks at 75. • Two lots of Black Figured Silks, $1.25. One lot of Blues, Browns, and Mode Silks. Fancy Silks at reduced prices. , : EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 36 South SECOND Street. N. B.—Silks, Mantles, and'Cloaks of the'newest shapes. ' my!4 'C'ES’EST STOCK OF . A Fancy town. Nobby Styles for young Gents. Cadet Cassimeres, the right Shade.' $1 Meltons and Tweeds. 6-4 Meltons, good mixtures, low prices. ... Black Cloths and Cassimeres. BICH MANTILLA SILKS, . High cost and low price Black Silks. ’ Prices range from $1.25 to $8.25. Black Wool Delaines, .55 and 60 cts. Lupin’s Wide Black do., $1.31. • Black at 38 cts, CHEAP BLACK ALPACAS. • ' Best goods in town f0r.31 and 38 cts. Finer gradeß, 40, 50, 62, and 75 cts. Mode Alpacas from 25 to 62& cts. ; Some Light Colors, Choice Shades, • at 55 cts. Thin Dress Goods at nearly old prices. COOPER &JJONABD, my2l»tf S. E. corner NINTH and MAKKET Streets. CP E 01A LN 0 T ICEMOZAM *3 BIQUBS—One lot at 37}£ cts. ' : Poll De Che vres—beautifnl assortment Lupin's- &4 Black Wool Delaine. •' Reduced Silk and Wool Plaids. : Challi Delaines, all styles, at 25 cts. • Plain Brown Poulard Silk. Brown Lawns, neat figures. Choice Summer Dress Goods. ? Also, for Men and Boy 6— ; Large stock Cloths and Cassimeres# Dark Marseilles Testings, Cottonades, Linen Checks, Drilling, Satteens, and other wash goods. • Barege and Barege Anglais Shawls. Williamsville, Wamsutta Muslins, always on hand, at JOHN H. STOKES’ 10% ARCH Street. r FHE PARIS CLOAK AND MAN A TILLA STOKE, Northeast corner of EIGHTH and WALNUT, have opened with a LARGE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, MOST FASHIONABLE MAKE, . and respectfully ask the early attention of ladies wishing to purchase. fILOAKS AND MANTILLAS. rVENS & CO., No. »3 South-NINTH Street, hays now on hand an extensive assortment of SPRING STYLES, ©fthe finest qualities, at the ; ' LOWEST PRICES. Ladles, do not fail to give ns a call. T3OYS’, MISSES’, AND CHILDREN’S, CLOTHING, CLOAKS, Ac., IN ENDLESS VARIETY, AT LOW PRICES, No. 137 South. EIGHTH Street, Three doors above Walnut npo FAMILIES RESIDING IN T&E ■*- BUBAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply Families at their Country Residences with . EVERY , DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, <SO. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, my2lUf CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STS. « TJOQERS' & BROTHER, „ ; ■ PRODUCE COMMISSION DBALBBS. \ f BUTTER, CHEESE, AND HAMS | • RECEIVING TO-DAY. RETAIL DRY GOODS. NOW OPEN: FOURTH AND AKOH, OPEN TO-DAY, .450, 453,454 SOUTH SECOND Street, MEASURE 32. YARDS, at $lO each. AN AUCTION BARGAIN. AND .CHERRY STREETS. TRENCH CLOTH C L O A K S . IQM CHESTNUT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE 1084 CHESTNUT STBEBT. U'N IT E D STA T E S FLAGS, SILK AND BUNTING, EVANS * HASS ALL, my!2-lm Q W. SIMONS tf BROTHER, BAJTSOM-STRKBT HALL, PHILADELPHIA mantjfactueees of jewelry, FINE SWORDS, * Ain> MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERT VARIETY JaW-ÜBm GOVERNMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannelß. • Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. FARNHAM, KIRK MAM, & 00., No. 330 CHESTNUT STBKET. mhM-3m GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. 6KT-BLUB CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HF.AYI LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For eale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. H2-irtf gTERLING EXCHANGE, EXCHANGE ON PARIS, 1 BOUGHT AND SOLD mylB-lm DWA R D M . DAVIS , STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 39 South THIRD Street, (up stairs,) i Philadelphia. A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BUSI NESS TRANSACTED. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted. Exchange on Europe Bold. Special Collections made. Coin and Cur rency Bought. Interest Allowed on Deposits. &pl-Sxn Aboye WiUjw. g HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. 8. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES, bought and sold on Commission. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral- negotiated at lowest rates. UNITED STATES 5-20 YEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, famished at FAR in sums to suit, without any cnarge for commission. - - "■ - Orderß by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter St Co,, Geo. D- Parrish, Esq., John B. Myers & Co,, Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., Furnesß.Brinley.ACo., John Thomas, Esq. gTERLING AND PARIS EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. my4-lm ,i JOHN 0. CAPP &SON, STOCK AN D NO TE BROKERS, Directly opposite, the Mechanics 1 Bank. STOCKS .-AND: BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD OJ» M* 0 N E YIN V E S rr E D NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED mhll<3xs t ON THE BEST TERMS. fIOLLBGTION OF U. S. CERTIPL VCATEB~OF INDEBTEDNESS.-The ADAMS’ EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect at the Treasury Department, Washington, with'despatch, and St" reasonable 'rates, the One Year Certificates of In ehtedness of the United States now due or shortly ma turing/ 1 •• • '.V ' • , •; ■ Terms made krown and receipts given at the office. No.?3BOCBESNUT Street. • . ■. „■ ■ • - myfi-tf FURNACES AND COOKING RANGES. gUSINESS CH AN GE. WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE AND ENAMELLED-SLATE MANTLE MANUFACTORY, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. . The firm of ARNOLD & WILSON-having been dis solved, the remaining partner, W. A. ARNOLD, will continue the business in all.its branches at the old stand. He is manufacturing; and will keep on hand, for sale at Wholesale oi retail, CHILSON'S PATENT CONE AND VENTILATING FURNACES, CHILSONB PATENT DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGBS, LOW-DOWN AND COMMON PARLOR GRATES, EMERSON'S PATENT VENTILATORS, HOT-AIR REGISTERS AflD VENTILATORS, ENAMELLED SLATE* MANTELS, : Particular attention paid to warming and venti •latingpublicorprivate buildings. / ap2s-s&wtmy3oif INSURANCE COMPANIES. -PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE A: INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, No. 433 CHESTNUT STREET. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA . IN 1848. ■ 1 ■ This Company is now prepared to make Insurance against LOSS BY FIRE on the most favorable terms. M Their losses will be promptly Settled, and that those for the year 1862 were so, they refer to the following re cipients :; ' i Mrs. Jane Ferree $1,962 46 L. G. Mytinger&Co... gis 93 Beverly R/Seim 4,846 67 WilliamE. Taber. :....... 4,894 19 John Cundy.... 121 87 P. P. M0rri5........ 2,000 00 W. V. Petit ....... 60 00 L. G. Mytinger St C 0............... 1,498 76 R. E. 5e11er5................... « 84 16 Other Bma.ll losses. 160 81 This Company have no unsettled losses. The assets of the Company are now Mortgages and ground rents Real estate (taken for debts) cost Stocks andbonds Bills receivable. Due from individuals... Cash in Bank Stock notes.... .. - f : $173,662 64 - . *-• . - , MBBOTORS. R. P. Kin*, .President, M. W. Baldwin, Vice Pre Charles P.KHayes, : --sident, John Clayton, , i P. B. Savery, Ed. :\ h : Alexander Murphy, T. K. Collihs, i • - H. C. Howell, J. M. Cowell,.- ... John Killgore, S. J. .Megarjree. . | Srh2B-sthfn3m*if x F. B! XPAMBINSUBANOB COMPANY, NO. 40fi CHESTNUT Street. > PHILADELPHIA.., FIRE-AND INLAND INSURANCE. ■ • DIRECTORS. , Francis N. Brack,. . E. D. Woodruff? v Cbas. Kiehaiwm;- v *Geo. A. "West; • 5 • ‘ ■■'Henry Lewfe; Jr., . John Kessler, Jr.-, John W. Everman, Ghas. Stokes, Philip s, Justice,--V A. H;- Rosenheim, • 0. W. Davis, . Joseph D.< BUlk. , FRANCIS N.-BUCK. President. : : j CB ARLES RICH AKDBON, Vice President. HWILLIAM l.; BLANCHASp, Secretary. Lials-ifcf PBOVOST MARSHAL GENERAL’S A OFFICE, ’ ' '' • .Washington, May-22,1563. Theattention of all officers wlio have been honorably discharged on account of wounds or disability, and who desire to re-enter the service in the Invalid'Corps, is called to the provisions of General Orders No. 105, of 1863, from the. war Department, published in the papers throughout the country. Such officers are requested to comply promptly with the provisions of that order, and to send their written applications, aa therein provided, for positions in the.lnvalid .Corps, (stating the.character of tbeir. disability;-) with as little delay as possible, to the : Acting- Assistant Provost Marshal General of the wbich .they inay be. Such Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General will at once forward the appli cations. with his endorsement, to the Provost Marshal General at Washington. Officers for the Invalid Corps will be appointed i'mme difctely upon furnishing the papers required by General • Order No: & KS, of 3863, from War Department. Their pay and emoluments will commence from date of ac ceptance of t-uch appointments, and not from date of organization of the respective commands to which they maybe assigned; - JT. B. FRY, ‘my29-lm- /; Provost Marshal General, PILES OF THE INQUIRER, BCJL -L LETIN. JOURNAL. PRESS. LEDGER, NEW YORK TIMES, TRIBUNE, and JOURNAL OP COM MERCE, for three and a half years hack from January ‘l, 1863, for sale. Address "B. Z Press office. my292t* TJEAUTY.—IP YOU WISH TO HAVE A* a fine, clear complexion,use HUNT’S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, I tjfljui make you as fair as a lily. Price, 26 cents. • .. • If you are troubled with Tan or Freckles, nse HUNT’S BRITISH BALSAM* It is warranted to remove them. Price, 26 cents. 3f you want a Color, nse HUNT’S BLOOM OF ROSES. It will not wa»h off, nor injure the skin, and cannot be, detected. '“Price,-25 cents and $l. HUNT’S COURT TOILET POWDER is the best Face- Powder in use; • Pricey 25, and 50 cents. Sold at BUNT A CO. 'S, Perfumers, 4:1 South EIGHTH Street, two doorrabove Chestnut, and 133 South SE-. VENTH, above Walnut. - my9»3m Paper patterns op the LATEST FASHION, Wholesale and BstalL New Spring-and Summer Cloaks, Sleeves, Waists, and Children’s Patterns,now ready at Mrs. M: A: BINDER’S Temple of Fashion, No. 1033 CHBSTNDT Street.. Also, Dress and Mantilla Making in all Its branches. Madame Demorest's; Mirror of Fashion and Le Bon Tom ■; ; ; ap29-8m & CO.'S NEWLY INVENTED beautiful and economical Refrigerator ever presented to the public. -Thitf is a combination, of Refrigerator and Water Cooler, and requires very little more ice for both than is generally used for the Cooler alone. myl4-6vr*if T EASE OF TURNPIKE ROAD FROM PHILADELPHIA TO GERMANTOWN. -Proposals will be received for one month by the Central Passenger Railway Company, at- their Office, 909 South FIFTH Street for their: Plank-road, commencing at Broad street and Lamb-Tavern road; thence extending along L&mb-Taverirroad to Seventeenth street ; thence along said street and in. a northwesterly directions ~ Germantown, with right to extend along the Township • line road ; to the Wissahickoa turnpike road,.: mya-Ht* - MIMTARY GOODS," ALL SIZES. MILITARY FURNISHERS, 4:18 ARCH STREET. nNAJNCIAI. DREXEL & 00. No. 31» WALNUT STREET. DREXEL A 00.. 34 South THIRD Street. No. 83 South THIRD Street. COMMISSION, AT THE BOABD OF BBOKBES. 1 And a large assortment of W. A ARNOLD, : 1010 CHESTNUT. Street. SLACKBURNE, Secretary.- NOTICE. HEW PUBLICATIONS* READY, THE STRANGE ADVENTURES CAPTAIN DANGEROUS. A Narrative in Plain English, attempted by George Au gustas Sala, author of “The Seven Sons of Mam mon,” “Journey Due North,” etc., etc. One volume Bvo. paper—Price 60 cents. * ) “ The career of Captain Dangerous was of course no ordinary career, but it would,not be difficult to match it in the actual lives of adventurers who figured in the’ days of our great-grandfathers, and after many pleas an hours spent over its pages we arc in a position to recom mend it from more than one point of. view to readers of widely different tastes "—Londmi Athenatum. ■T. O. 11. P. BURNHAM, 143 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. .Sent by-mail post paid, oh receipt of the price. my3o-sws3t •••• : JJYMISS THACKERAY. REPUBLISHED THIS DAY. THE STORY OF ELIZABETH. Reprinted from the “ CORNHILL MAGAZINE.”. This admirable story, from the pen of Miss THACKE RAY,, the daughter of the Novelist; is having a wide popularity in England. It is reprinted in neat 16mo. voli , paper cover, being the first issue of a “Standard Series. ” Price Thirty Oents. J. G. GREGORY, Publisher, T\TEW BOOKS. Just Received by ■ J. B LIPPINCOTT & CO., 115 and 71T MARKET Street. A MANUAL OF SPHERICAL AND PRACTICAL AS TRONOMY. By William Chauvenet, 2 vols. HISTORY OF THE SUPERNATURAL, in aU Ages and Nations, and in all Churches. By William Howitt. 2 vols. EVIDENCE AS TO MAN’S PLACE IN NATURE. By Thomas H. Huxley. \ LECTURES ON THE /SYMBOLIC CHARACTER OF THE SACRED SCRIPTURES.. By Rev. Abiol Silver. - MONEY. By Charles Moran. THE CRISIS. MEMOIR OF CHRISTOPHER NORTH-JOHN WIL SON. By his daughter, Mrs. Gordon. " AT ODDS. By the Baroness Tantphceus, author of “Quits.” '• ' . : •; 1 my3o , PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS —T H E largest and most beautiful assortment, the most styles, and the cheapest place in the United States to buy them', at all prices.and all kinds, is at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, < No. 306 CHESTNUT St, Phil a. - •VTEW BOOKS—THE LARGEST AS- Li sortment in the city, l for sale at cheaper prices than anywhere else, is at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, It ' No, 306 CHESTNUT St., Phila. D APPLETON & CO., • Nos. 443 and 445 BROADWAY, N. Y., Publish . ON THURSDAY: EVIDENCE AS TO MAN’S PLACE IN NATURE. THOMAS H. HUXLE-?, F. K. S., F. L. S. lvol. 12mo, illustrated, $1,25. contents: I. On the Natural History of Mau-like Apes. II: On the relation of Man to the lower Animals. 111. On some Fossil Remains of Man. - ON FRIDAY: . ’ M O N- E Y , • BY CHARLES MORAN, l vol. 12mo. Cloth, $1.25. Extract from Preface: ‘ ‘ The constantly increasing division of labor daily in creases the exchange of commodities and Bervices, in which money plays so important a part. The subject of money is, therefore, supposed by'the writer to be of suffi cient, general interest to warrant the publication of the present work. If it shall aid in dissipating any of the numerous errors and prejudices so long connected with money, and thus increase, the powerof this instrument to further the well-being and progress of humanity, the object of the writer will De attained and his labors amply compensated.” apl-3m if THE CRISIS.' 1 yoI. Bvo. Paper covers, 95 pages. 50 cents. O N B AT6UR DAY: LECTURES ON THE SYMBOLIC CHARACTER • ... of'thk • 'SCRIPTURES, BY REV. ABIEL SILVER,, Minister of the New Jerusalem Church. lvol. 12mo. 286 pages. $1 25. These lectures, delivered to a mixed congregation, during the past winter, are nowgiven to the public. “The author assures the reader who has not looked into the spiritual sense of the Holy Word, that if he has a desire to do so, and will study the science of corre spondences, and read these simple illustrations of the bacred Scriptures with a sincere deßire to .become quainted with'tbb Word of God, that he may better know his : Heavenly Father, his own soul, and the true way of life, that he may walk in it, the Lord will open to hi* mind a new field of thought, and lead him to a fountain of heavenly wisdom whict he will' prize as more valu able than all things else: for he will find-therein the true life of Heaven. [Extract from Preface. Any of the above sent free by mail, on receipt of price. D. A & CO. WILL PUBLISH NEXT WEEK: A GLIMPSE OF THE WORLD. By Miss Sewell, author of “ Amy Herbert.” A MANUAL OF BUSBANDRY. By Baron LiEUtG.. THE ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA AND REGISTER OF IMPORTANT EVENTS FOR 1862. NEARLY READY: JOHN FOSTER ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF TIME. . A CRITICAL HISTORY OF FREE THOUGHT IN RE FERENCETO THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. my29-2t TUEW BOOKS at REDUCED PRICES! AT Marian Grey, by Miss H01me5...... 00 Two Pictures, by Miss Mackintosh. 125 AtOdds. 12mo cloth.. 1 00 Life in Open Air, by Winthrop. 1 09 History of the Supernatural. “2v015.... 2 50 Paris in America..... 1 00 Races of the Old World, by C. L. Brace. 1 75 Good Thoughts in Bad Time5.,....’;................. 1 25 A gnes and the Little Key. 80 What Jeemes Pipes Saw and Did... 1 00 Conscript, by Duma5............. 80 Harper, Atlantic, and Gndey for June: ... 20 3.000V015. of Miscellaneous Books, usually sold airl and upwards, will be closed out at FIFTY CENTS PER VOLUME.’ my27-tf G W. PITCHER. SOB CHESTNUT St. PUBLISHED THIS DAY, NEW- WORK ON THE SUPERNATURAL. THE HISTORY iOF THE SUPERNATURAL, In all ages and nations, in all churches, Christian and Pagan, demonstrating a Universal Faith. BY WILLIAM HOWITT. J. B. LIPPINCPTT & CO., Publishers, my2s-6t - 715 and 717 MARKET Street. TWO CAPITAL ILm new books, BEADY TO-DAY. _ Malian Crrey.—A charming new tale, hv Mrs. Mart J. Holmes, author of V Lena Rivers,” ‘ ‘ Meadow Brook, ” Ac. One elegant 12m©. volume, cloth bound. Price *#* Mrs. Holmes is a peculiarly pleasant and fascina ting writer. Her books are always entertaining, from their fresh and vivid portrayal of character and man ners, their ready appreciation of the ludicrous and hap py adaptation of circumstances. She has a rare faculty of enlisting the sympathies and affections of her readers, and of holding their attention to her pages, with deep and absorbitg interest. Her new book, " Marian Grey,” will undoubtedly meetwith a large sale. * . * Drifting About $ or What “Jeems Pipes, of Fipesvllle,” Saw and Dill.—A humorous auto biography, by Stephen Mabsbtt. Illustrated with comic wood-cuts, by Mullen. *** One of the most original, comic, exciting, witty, miraculous, anecdotical, amusing, entertaining, remark able bookß ever published It will produce a great sen sation everywhere, so look out for fun and amusement, as “Jeems Pipes” is now ready with his book. Price, cloth bound, 12m0.» $1.25. ' .$50,116 48 . 19.370 00 .21,509 91 . 9,942 91 » 7,374 47 .a 1,082 87 ..70,265 00 >6®* These books are sold by. all booksellers, and are sentby mail, free, on receipt of price, by CARLETON, publisher, No. 413 BROADWAY, New York, corner of Lispenard street. , , my23-w&stf PICTURES ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHS OF NIGHT AND MORNING. THE SEASONS, (Bas Relief), THE EVANGELISTS, (Bus Relief). • All of THORWALDSEN’S (Baa Reliofs). IMPERIAL AND CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, In great variety, comprising all the GEMS OF ART. Also, a full stock of BUFFORD’S DRAWING-ROOM PICT 7RES, Plain andcolored. : CHALLEN, .13.08 CHESTNUT Street, Sole Agent. Agerts Wanted; ~ ; . , -r; • • ; my2B-3t New books. MONEY, by Charles Moran. .’BUXLEYvEviaence of Man’s Place iir Nature.' ■ : ■ SILVER, Symbolic character of the Scriptures."" - WJNTHROP'S Life in the Open Air, Ac. McINTOSH, . Maria Two Pictures, Ac. FULLER, Good Thoughts in Bad Times. , GIBBON, Tlie Artillerists’Manual, a new edition. LINDSAY A BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, my 29 95 SOUTH SIXTH street, above CHESTNUT. MEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! -*-V THE RACES OF THE OLD WORLD. A Manual of Ethnology. By Chas. L. Brace. • #2. ... PARIS IN AMERICA. -By Dr.-RenALabonlaye. $1 25. GOOD. THOUGHTS IN BAD TIMES, AND OTHER PAPERS. $1:50. AGNES AND . THE LITTLE KEY ; Or, Bereaved Parents Instructed and Comforted by her Father. ' $l. THE GENTLEMAN. By Geo. H. Calvert. 75ctsT THE TWO HOMES; .Or, Earning and Spending. By Mrs; Madeline Leslie. 75cts. UP- THE LADDER; Or,'Striving and Thriving, -By Mrs. Madeline Leslie. 75cts. . - • v . For sale by W. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, my 26 . OOG CHESTNUT Street. JJAZARIPS BOOKSTORE, 794 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth Streets. All Books usually tq be had in a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES. fe6-tf JOE! ICE! lOEI ICE! lOEI lOEI COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. Families, Offices,Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Cream Saloons, Ae., Ac., supplied daily with a pare article of BOsTON ICE, at-the very lowest market rates.*’ ,Dealers and large consumers supplied' at wholesale prices. Wagons run in all paved limits of the Consolidated city, and In the Twenty-fourth Ward. , . THOS. E CAHILL, f 395 WALNUT Street. r~ caM 1 North Penna,-R. A .Master street C„ -ces. < Lombard and TwenAWifth streets. apS-Smif* LPine-atreet wharf, Schuylkill. rt O A L.—SUGAR LOAF, BBAVEK and Spring Mountain ; Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain from Schuylkill; prepared ex pressly for family use. Depot, N. Wi corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. : Office, No. 119 South SECOND Street. [aph-ly] J. WALTON A CO. THRESH; SALAD OIL—SO cases vir. A GIN OIL OF AIX, quarts and pints; ICO cases Bacigillupl St rossel Fils’brand, qts and pts; 25 caHes Eellne brand. Quarts. ' ■ ~ For sslo by. RHODES .& WILLIAMS, my2B IOT South WATER Street. f PHILADELPHIA PHRENOLOGI CAL CABINET AND-BOOK? STORE.-Examina tions, with written or verbal descriptions of-Cha racter,. Social Disposition, Professional - Talent Business Qualification;? Ac.are-made day ana' evening." All the publications of ’Fowler A Wells, wholesale aod retail* JOHN L, CAPEN. ap7tutha3mlf 95 South TENTH Street, PUBLISHER, No. -46 WALKER Street New York. WILLIAM HOWITT’S In two Vols., 12mo. COAX.. WANTS, XIV AN TED—BY A Y OUNG MAN, 20 * years of age, a SITUATION as Clerk or Assistant Book-keeper. Beat of rcerence given. Address T. W. G., Box 1141. Post Office. ' my3o*3t* WAN'J ED— A LADY OF CHARAC -" * ter, refinement, and domestic inclinations, be tween thirty and forty years of age (without encum brances),.to take charge of a gentleman’s house, where can be enjoyed the comforts of a pleasant and desirable home. Address “G. W. W.," office of The Press. my3o-3t WANTED—A YOUNG MAN DE "T sire 3 to assist in Double Entry Book-Keeping, or act as Salesman in any Mercantile business; can take charge of a grocery store, or assist; speaking German, also. Satisfactory reference as for industry and capa bility. Please call or address “J. C. 8.,” Philadelphia •City Hotel. FOURTH and WOOD Streets. my23-3t« WAN TED-A [SITUATION AS A V* Salesman in a wholesale or retail Hat Establish ment, by. one well acquainted with the business over ?« e ?» rs, » a ™ C{, n influence considerable trade. Address 8.. Prew office, ray'iS flt W AN TE-D A SITUATION AS •m BOOKKEEPER, io Philadelphia, or in some Manufacturing Establishment m the country. Satisfac &££w e & eD t? e & lvG £- A^ dreB6 , G - Y - M .care of JACOB RErJNER, P. M., Port Kennedy, Montgomery county, Pennsylva.Bia. ■ : j n y27-4t* TyANTED—BY A MARRIED MAN v* a SITUATION in any respectable business Was engaged as book-keeper for one house on Markei street for nine years, and has a good knowledge of business fenerally. The best of city reference can be given Ad re>s "T. E.,” Box 1586 Post Office. .. my26-7t* A GENTLEMAN HAYING A DE. SIRABLE HOUSE, delightfully located, would like two or three other Gentlemen 1o join him, so as to secure a comfortable home at moderate expense. Address *‘ S. M.,* 1 office of The Press. my 26 st* «(&7 f. A MONTH !—I WANT TO HIRE HP ■ AGENTS in every county at $75 a month,* ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON, roy6-3md&W Alfred, Maine.'*"> AM O NT II ! —W E WAN T AGENTS at s6oa month, expenses paid, to sell owt B'oerlastino Pencils, Oriental Burjiers.&nA 13other new articles. 15 circulars free. SHAW & CLARK,' my6-3md&W Biddeford. Maine. ' DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFlCE.— Philadelphia, Feb, 9, VESSELS WANTBD immediately to carry COAL to the followingpoints: - Tortugas. Key,West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. Newborn, N. C. # ~ Port Royal, S. C. A. BOYD, ; felO-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. SUMMER RESORTS. HOWLAND’S, HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J., ■Will be opened on. the 20th day of JUNE next Can be reached by Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad, from Street : my3o-lm* HOWLAND, HERBERT, & CO. I ADIES AND GENTLEMEN CAN -*- 1 be accommodated by the subscriber with good BOARD, commodious Rooms, newly furnished, at Landsdale Hotel, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, Doylestown Junction. Plenty of f-hade near by. Ad dress, P. D. BARTH, LANDSDALE P. 0., ray3o-1 m* Montgomery county, CUMMER BOARDING-BROAD-TOP MOUNTAIN HOUSE.—A romantic spot fora SUM MER RESIDENCE. on one of Tops of Penn sylvania, reached daily by the Pennsylvania Central Road and the Broad-Top Mountain Railroad from Hunt ingdon. The House is one of the finest in the interior of the Stater handsomely furnished, with all the requisites for comfort and convenience. - Pure air, delicious spring water, romantic scenery, and everything to restore ana invigorate health. Telegraph station and a daily mail, so that daily communication may be had with Philadel phia. The Pennsylvania Railroad will furnish excur sion tickels through the season. Persons leaving Phila delphia in the morning can take tea at the MOUNTAIN HOUSE the eame evening/ The subscriber has kindly been allowed to refer to the following gentlemen (residents of Philadelphia) who have been patrons of the MOUNTAIN HOUSE: Wm Cumminge/Esq., Lewis T. Wattson, Esq., Hon. BenryD Moore, Richard D. Wood, Esq., Dr-Walter Williamson, G. W Fahnestock, Esq., Dr. E. Wallace, Algernon S. Roberts, Esq., David P. Moore, Esq , Edward Roberts, Eaq. Terms moderate. For further information, address JOSEPH MORRISON. Proprietor. BROAD TOP CITY, Huntingdon county, Pa. I also have leased the well-known JACKSON HOUSE, in Huntingdon, which will be fitted up in complete or der, and kept under my care. The very best accommo dation will be kept, and prompt attention given at rea son able rates. It is located near the Pennsylvania Rail road and Broad-Top Ra-ilroad depots, which makes it a desirable point for persons travelling to and from Bedford Springs and Broad-Top Mountain House. my29-tf "BOARDING FOR CHILDREN', IN BEVERLY, NEW JERSEY. —A lady, having a very desirable and healthy location, would take a few child ren from 6 to 12 years of age for the summer, or parma nently.if desired, affording them all the comfort* of a home, with the view of commencing instructions in the Fair in such branches of education..(includiDg Mosic) as their parents or guardians may desire.. References wilt he givtn. For further information, inquire of JOHN M? BJLEY, Esq.-, 4*7 CHESTNUT Street my 23 thstußt* COUNTRY BOARDING CAN BE had by applying to C. GILLINGHAM, opposite the upper-end of Chew’s place, MAIN Street, Gerinau town. - my2Q-3t* FLORENCE HEIGHTS,—THIS DE LIGHTFtJL BOARDINGHOUSE, situated on the banks of the Delaware, 200 feet above high-water mafic, 26 miles above the city, will be opened on the 15th of JUNE for the reception of guests. Apply at the HEIGHTS, or to the WETHEKULL HOUSE, SaNSOM Street, above- Sixth. R. G. SIMKIN, my26-6t* - > Proprietor, CE ASIDE HOUSE FOOT OF PENN- SYLYaNIA Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. A pri vate boarding-house is now open for the reception of guests. DAVID SCATTEBGOOD. Fifth Month, 1863. my!2-2*t* BOARDING. TXANDSOME SECOND-STORY COM MUNICATING ROOMS, No. 1315 WALNUT .Street. " my2s 6t* FOR g*lE AND TO £ET, m FOR SALE-HOUSE No. 818 JkiL North TENTH Street, 11 rooms, in good order; or will he rented for $325 per annum. Inquire on pre mises. * my3o-Bt* - FOR SALE-FRUIT FARM OF 25 acres, near Royer’s Ford, on the Reading -road Good buildings, and good location. • • 25-acre Farm on the Bristol pike, one mile above Frankford. - . 27iEcre Farm two miles from Norristown. ; 28*acre Farm and large Mansion, at Holmesburg. •• B. F. GLENN. 133 South FOURTH Street, and my3o-tf S. W. corner SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. : « DELAWARE COUNTY COTTON FACTORIES FOR SALE.—The valuable Cotton Fac tories, known as AVONDALE and STKATHAVEN, si tuated on Crum Creek, Delaware County, one mile from Westdale Station. West. Chester Railroad, two miles from Leiperville, and three from Chester, now occupied by Simeon Lord, are offered for sale. . Avondale” in cludes a stone mill 82 by 47 feet, 3>£ stories high, with dry house, picker house, twenty-two stone tenements, and about 9 acres of land, in Springfield-and Nether Providence townships. ‘ ‘ Strathaven” includes a frame cotton mill, 82 by 30 feet, %£ stories, high, with picker house, five' frame and stone' tenements, and about 24 acres of land, in Nether Providence. The properties will be shown by Mr. Lord, on the premises. Early pos session can be given. For terms inquire of SAMUEL FIELD, - N. W. corner of FRONT and WALNUT Streets. my3Q tf. » Philadelphia.- M fob sale—a handsome Country Hesidence, -with from ten to thirty acres of Land, "beautifully located on Washington Lane, conve nient to thp ‘‘Germantown and Chestnut Hillor v * Worth Pennsylvania Bailroads. ” Is built of pointed stone, finished throughout in excellent style, furnished with every city convenience, two water-closets, &c , and handsomely shaded. Pointed-stone stable and car nage-house, grounds highly improved, stream of water runningthrough, several acres woodland, &c . &c r J. M. GUifMEY & SONS, 5118 WALNUT Street. myco-6i* M for rent—a VERY DESIRA , BLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE, for the Summer Season, with furniture, stabling, and abundance of fiDe shade and variety of choice fruit, (ice-house filled), and large vegetable gar<fen,&c. For particulars, ap ply to W. H. PAXSON, Bridgewater P. O , Backs county, or W. S. BOYD, No. 17 South WATER Street ‘ my3o-6t* . A HANDSOME COUNTRY PLACE to lefc-or for sale, half mile west of Darby,' on SpiiDgfield Koad, six miles from Market-street bridge. Apply to subscriber, J.B. BERTRAM, ♦ or JAMES MALON, BUTTONWOOD HOTEL, Darby. my3o St*. MFOR SALE—NO. 2316, ONE OF the best airy aud open locations in West GREEN street, with all the modern improvements. Immediate -possession given; price low. ' my3o-3t* Ml PROPERTIES FOR SALE. JEir Three and four- story Brick Dwellings, Nos. 1031; 1512, and 1939 Chestnut Street. , - Three-story Store and Dwelling, situated on the south side of Chestnut street, below Tenth, lot 22 by 230 feet. No. 926.: - ! - ; - Three-story Brick Dwellings, Nos. 1212 and 1413 Locust do. 14S1 and 1631 Spruce street, do. 13*29 Arch street. do. * do. ' 1015 CUnton street, do. do. If. WVcor.-Bthand Lombard sis. Fonr*story do. 1727,1728, aud 1730 Pine street Three story f do, 'West-Logan'square, first, house aboveß do. Horth Seventh’street, firathouse above Spring Garden, lot 43 by : do. do. 636 Pine street. , c ’ do. .do. : -814 north Fifth street., • Fourrstoiy do.' 225n6rth Twentieth street. Thfee-story do. 11l south Twentieth street. Four-story do. 1810,1823,and 1325 Pelancyplace. Tfaree-story do. 241 and 1605 north Sixth street. . do. do. 145 north Eleventh street, do. do. 314 south Tenth street. ' do. do. 323 south Fifth street: Brown-stone, West Logan Sauare. Also, several Besldences and desirable Lots, pleasant ly situated, in West Philadelphia. , Apply to ROBERT MACGREGOR, It No. %33 South THIRD Street MG E R M A N T OWN HOUSE— Beady furcished—to rent for the Summer' Apply to mj 29-21* S. EMLEN,G37 MARKET Street. : FOR SALE, LOW—A NEW, SU .■Superior Ihree-story DWELLING,- double bach-build in ge, in ELEVENTH Street, below Jefferson.- Apply*, immediately, to HENRY HUNS, xny29-3t* WALNUT Street, above Fourth. MFOB SALE-i-THAT VERY* DE SIRABLE Three-story DWELLING; with': three story Back Buildings, 'situate at the N. 1 W. corner of Twentieth and Wallace streets; built in the best manner, containing thirteen rooms, replete with all the modern improvements; has a Side Entrance and Office; would suit a Physician. Apply to VAN HORN & ECKSTEIN, 321 MARKET Street. "COR SALE—TWO LARGE FRENCH A, r] a te GilEMante Mirrors,nearly J WRIGHT, southwest comer ELEVENTH and' MOUNT VERNON streets. _ ....... A it* COPARTNERSHIPS. TBE SUBSCRIBERS WILL CONTI. NUE the DRUG BTJSINESB, as 'heretofore, at the Old Stand, No. 724 MARKET Street. ‘ WM. ELLIS & CO.,Droagists, 73* MAfeKETStreefc. . CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. W BROTHERHEAD’S CIRCULA- Tf • TING LIBRARY. —All the NEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Literature. ThlsistLe ONLY Library En the. country that include* all . the NEW ENGLIsH BOOKS that are not RE: PRINTED here. Term* $6 per year ; six months $3; three month* $1.60; one month 75 cents, or 3 cents per day, -SJIB South EIGHTH Street. mh7-Sm CPEJNG GARDEN STOVE AND ITOL- V? LOW-WARE FOUNDRY, NOBLE street, at)ore Thir-i teUnth, > Philadelphia.—The undersigned are now pre pared to deceive orders ior COOKINe and HEATmCt. STOVES OF IMPROVED PATTERNS, also ENAMEL LED and TINNED HOLLOW-WARE, and other goods All orders will be filled with the usual-prompness of our house, as the difficulty; with our moulders has been overcome and our Works are m full operation;' ; , STOART & PETERSON. SADDLE. HARNESS, AND CmriTRnMK FACTORY AMD WASHROOMS. w+T loan MARKET STREET. A large assortment of ' 4 . ■' LADIES’ RIDING SADDLES. ‘ FINE TRUNKS, VALISES. &o LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. Wholesale and RetaiL. _ j tn'O Im* mEaiC clam soup will be served daily, Sundays excepted, I)*' JAMES PROS* SE£, Wo. SOS MiSSST Street. . • mys-Utf. -XT-EW CHESTNUT-STREET ’ TRE. —Lessee and Manager.. .Mr. W WHEATLEY. POSITIVELY L AST NIGHT NEW FAIRY SPECTACLE.- Received for SEVENTEEN NIGHTS with- unexampled success, and must be withdrawn after this evening t® five' place to other Novelties, in which MtS*. JOHN WOOD will appear. NEW AND SPLENDID SCENERY. By J. E. Hayes and J. H. Selwyn, The powerful Chorns and fall Orchestra nuriar the di rection oi Mr. Mark Hassler. Eighteenth appearance of the Charming, Talented: and beautiful • _ MRS. JOHN WOOD, SS ee *°ZComecfy, Burlesque, and Song. THIS (SATURDAY? EVENING, May 30th, 1863, • The Fairy Extravaganza, THE PAIR ONE WITH THE GOLDEN LOCKS. QUEEN LUCIDOBE, ) • PAGE PITCHIN, > MRS. JOHN WOOD. ORIGINAL JACOBS,) MR. D. BETCBBLL, MR. W. A CHAPMAN. MR. W. DAVIDGE, *MR*. C. HENRI and THE BELGIAN GIANT, WILL APPEAR Previous to which, POOR PILLfCODDY, Pillicoddy.. Mr. W. Davidge. Sarah Blunt Mrs - C. Henri. Dress Circle and Parquet go cents Orchestra Seats...... 75 *» * Family Circle . 26- No extra charge for Reserved Seats. Curtain ripen at 8 o'clock. - , THEATRE. " " sole Lessee . .Mrs. It A. r GARBETTSON. .Business Agent.............. Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. 241st, and Last Night of the Dramatic Season. THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER will he sung by the whole Company. After which the Comic Drama of GRIST TO THE MILL. To conclude with the Drama of CAPTAIN KYD The Entire Company appear in both plays : On MONDAY, the ORIGINAL CAMPBELL MIN STRELS, eighteen in number, with their famed Brass Band, appear for a few nights. Cl ON CERT HAL L, V CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE TWELFTH mnTincn LAST THREE NIGHTS, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY. May 28, 29. and 30, . of the PEAK FAMILY. SWISS BELL RINGERS, , GRAND MATINEE. SATURDAY AFTBRNOON. commencing at 3 o’clock. . All children admitted for 10 cents to Matinees - Admission 25 cts. Reserved seats 50 cte Tickets foe sale at J. E. Gould s Music Store, 632 Chestnut street Do<>rs open at 7%. To commence at 8 o’clock my2B-St* C. C CHASE, Business Agent. fJERMANTA ORCHESTRA—PUBLIC V-s REHEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3J4''o’clock,'-at|the MUSICAL FOND HaLL, CAR]. SENTZ, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. - Packages of fir® tickets *l. To be had of Andr6 & Co., No. 1104 Chestnut street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at tbt Hall door. -; *_? ;: NOTICE.—The last three Public Rehearsals of the sea son will take place on the 30th of May, and 6th and 13th of June. my2l-tf PEN N SYLVANIA ACADEMY OF A -• TEE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. THE FORTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITION IS NOW OPEN, From 9 A. M. till 7 P. M., and from 8 tilllO P. M. Admission, 25 cents. Season Tickets, 50 cents Annual Tickets, One Dollar. Stockholders. Artists, and Contributors will receive their Tickets at the Office. ' - myB-tf HA S S LER’S O ECHESTB A - NEW OFFICE, ' »14 South EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. delo-«* QTEREOSCOPTICONS FOR PUBUO S 7 EXHIBITIONS, in large or small halls, witlr views, scenes, and representations of fine'Statnary, both of Europe and America, incidents, places, and battles of the present Rebellion, . Made and for sale by „• , JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., Manufacturing Opticians, 934 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. Full priced and-illustrated Catalogue# sent by mail free. ’ ap3o-lm ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONER Yes. Tj’AMILIES, WEDDINGS, PARTIES, A ..Festivals, Fairs, Excursions, and Boarding Houses, furnished with ICE CREAMS. .CAKE, and CONFEC TIONERY, on the most reasonable terms my2s-6t* GEO. T. RILEY, No. 1115 Race St THE*A D AMS EX PRESS COMPANY, office 334 CE'ESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer .chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own. lines or in connection with other Express Companies, to air the principal Towns and Cities in the United States. * E. S. SANDFORD, fe26 General Superintendent. FREIGHT STATION, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Corner THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS. Philadelphia, May 28,1808; FREIGHTS FOR BUFFALO, HV T., HARRISBURG, RECEIVED AT AND FORWARDED FROM THIS STATION DAILY. For Rates of Freight or other Information, apply to my29ldt SltttttJ-JMItJ THE PHILADELPHIA «W.--MZaND EASTERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY is now prepared to forward FREIGHT from Philadelphia to New York, via Camden and Port Mon mouth. The attention of Shippers and Merchants is directed- tbis new and expeditions RAILROAD ROUTE, and a. portion of their patronage respectfully solicited. ‘ Freight receivpd at third whaif above Arch street . For further particulars apply to GEO. B. McCUi^ClH^Frei^hy^ent^ W. F. GRIFFITTS, Jr. . General Manager, *■ JOHN BUCK, Freight Agent, roy22-tf Pier No. 38 NORTH RIVER, New York. Philadelphia cm WfHiir elmira r. b. line. 1863 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 186* For WILLIAMSPORT. SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all Soints in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave »epot of Philadelphia and Beading Railroad, corny Broad and Callownill streets, at 8.15 A. M. ahd B.SOP. M. V daily, Sundays excepted. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to point# in. Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New-' York, &c., &c. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate Points. Through Express Freight Train for all points above, leaves daily at 6 P. M For further infonnatiou apply to . ' JOHN S. HfLLES, General Agwot THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, and N. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. - ja3l-tf Etol„isrn:-!r.:.L-Cj NOTIC E. —OFFIOH Mr*Tar w -cAPE MAY AND MILLVILLE. RAILROAD COMPANY, 409 WALNUT Street, May 15th! ISS3. —On and after WEDNESDAY,'2Oth inst.,the r Car»- will run regularly upon this road to PORT ELIZABETHS leaving WALNUT-Street Wharf at 9 o’clock A. M., dailr. my!6-tf , ' . C. B. DUNGAN, President WEST CHESTEB AND PHILADELPHIA^HAIL* ROAD, VIA MEDIA. SUMMER BOARDERS Will find pleasant and ample accommodations at the fol lowing places on or near tne Railroad: Trains to and from the city five times each way daily. COUPON AND SEASON TICKETS AT LOW BATES: Near Wallingford Station, Mr.'C. W. Thomas, IN MEDIA, THE CHESTNUT GROVE HOUSE, THS= CHARTER HOUSB. : - Near Media, Mr. Peter Worral, Mrs H. A. Worrell,- Mrs. Wm. Brooke, Mi&s Passmore, Gideon Malin, Tho mas Malin, J. Edwards. For farther information inquire of ALEXANDER* HENDERSON, at the DEPOT IN MEDIA Near Lehni, H Fields ; near Glen Riddle, S Levis. ‘ Near Pennelton,Xevi Johson; near Darlington, Joel- Bbarpiess; near Glen Mills, J. Malin, B. Green; near- Cheyney’s Shops, Job Scott, J. Preston Thomas. There are many others near the above and other sta tions who wilL take boarders. ‘ . . , ... - Baggage; &c., collected and delivered by H. ALEX ANDER. Express Agent; in the DEPOT, northeast corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET. Streets. ap2S-36t euaSSlft FOR ALBANY AND* TROY, N. Y. Steamer,MULL INSOS is. now loading tor tile above joints, and. will leave on-MONDiY, 1 , Jane l; ,;at S, Tor freight ,'which will he taken on reasonable' terms, appiyto; ■ _ - - 8. FLAHAGiU, mySO-a Ho. 3fld- Sooth DELAWARE Avenue. r .«IT-;>. STEAM PBOPELLOR LINE FOR HARTFORD; direct. _ The steamer MARB, Nichols, master, iB now loading at • First wharf above Market r treet. For freight. Ac Apply to W. M; BAISD & Co., 133 South DEtAWAKKivo- Due, or on the boat. EuESh FOR NEW YORK—YI£ AND RARITAN CANAL. DESPATCH AND SWIFTjSURE LINES, - - The steamers of this line are leaving daily at 12 M*. andSP. M. from the third pier above WALNUT Street. For freight, which will be taken oil accommodatin* terms, apply to WAT.' M. BAIRD & COi , mh26-tf » 13g South. DELAWARE AvenuV. FOR NEW YORK-NEW LIUEt-VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. 1 _ - • Philadelphia and New York-Express Steamboat Com pany receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. ML- deliver ing their cargoes in New York the following day Freights taken at reasonable rates. ™ w- P CLYDE. Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVEB, Philadelphia. - JAMBS HAND. Agent, > anl-tf .Piers 14 and 15 EAST RIVER, New York. 1 “ METOCINES no FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT.” WILD CHEERY. ~ , , Thousands of Cases of Pulmonary disease, which h&Yfr baffled every expedient of human skill, have been . permanently cured by this old.standara remedy. To prove this assertion wa have certificates of cures so extraordinary that skeptics are led to feel incredulous of their truth: remedy has ever been offered that ; 4 . can compare with this great ori ginal Wild Cherry Com pand in curing Coughs, Asthma, Sore Throat, Weak Breast. . Bronchitis, &c., &c. DR. SWAYNE’S BOWEL CORDIAL. A quick and sure remedy for Asiatic Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea), Bysentery, Cholera Int&ntumflor summer complaint, pains in the stomach and bowels* Vomiting, Sea Sickness, Sick Stomach, and all re laxed condition of the bowels. No family should be without this medicine during ■ the summer months. No travel . . ' ) ' should leave home without • , • it. To oiir brave sol ' . .% diers it has proved ■ ; of incalcula ble benefit. . • • DR. • • " ALL HEALING OINTMENT. Tetter, Scald Head. Itch ajl eruptions ofth* skin. Chronic Erysipelas of the-face, old.oloers of ; long standing, that put at defiance every other - • 'mode of treatment, are by . v r 1 this great vegetable ointment: Theiise of our V Panacea, n internally, as . a purifier of the blood, is a great advantage, and will hasten the cure DR.SWAYNBS SARSAPAR AND TAR PILLS Cure Headache, Qostfveness, Billions Complaints, Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, &c —they are a great blood-purifying purgative Prepared oaly by v . DR. SWAYNE A SON. : No. 330 N. SIXTH St.; above Vine. PMla. Sold by all dealers in medicines- - my2s-tf fXHABLES lIEIDS lEGK OHAM PAGNB. 1(10 basket* of this celebrated-Wins juft fooeivea. and for sal. in hOT^“ G VwHI&LEY. isjU-la • ; :13f South FKOHT Sttesfc. r. A; M. PORI AMUSEMENTS* EXPRESS . COMPANIES. RAILROAD LINES. AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS, SUNBURY, WILLIAMSPORT, ATSD ELMIRA^ S. B. KINGSTON, JR., FREIGHT AGENT. MEDICAIi. DR. SWATHE'S COMPOUND SYRUP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers