SPECIAL NOTICES. Dr, Sweet's Infallibive Liniment cures H-eaAaclie immediately and was never known to fall. Kerr’s ' Furnishing CHINA and GLASS establishment, CHINA BALL. * 539 CHESTNUT Street, * • Opposite Independence Hall, Philadelphia. Hotels, Restaurants, and Shipping supplied. N. B.—CHINA DECORATED to order; also, Initials find Crests elegantly engraved on TABLE GLASS and CHINA. Orders by mail promptly attended to. / myl6-lm A Beautiful Complexion can be ob talned by the use of HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT SAR fJAPARILLA. March, April, May, and June. be&» months to use a Blood-Purifying remedy. See adver tisement. fe27-fmw3m Auction Notice. , LARGE SALE OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, * TOOLS, NAILS, Ac., 'AT No. »50 North SECOND Street, - The Stock of WM. R. HALLOWELL & CO;, who are quittlng.business. The sale will commence on TUESDAY MORNING, 19th. Inst., at 9% o’clock. 4®- Catalogues are ready, and the Stock arranged, for , examination. * 1 ‘ *** Purchasers are invited to examine this large and Well-assorted Stock previously to the day of sale. * . CHARLES C. MACKEY, anyl6-3t -Auctioneer. ; WE ONCE HAD FOR A NEIGHBOR A "WORTHY, Industrious mechanic. He was also a tonant of ours, and paid bis rent promptly. Unexpectedly,.however, he in formed ns that he was poor, and must leave, not'only ourhottse, but the city. His reasons were brief.; He Baid that we, with others of his neighbors, gave him no patronage. Our house was soon teuantlees, and income touch reduced. So it will wo with all communities that pass by their. own home institutions. Better by far to . patronize the GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY, at 4r15 WALNUT Street, than go abroad for Insurance. . _ my!2 'The Lament of the Flea. . ■ * Long years have I wandered unfettered and free,, And bitten the vonng and the old, And laid in the couch of the rich and the poor. And frightened the warrior bold. But power is waning fastfromme— A Powder Magnetic and strong, Invented by Lyonais' death to our tribe. And away I must travel ere long. liYoa’s Powder is harmless to mankind, but will kill .all house insects, garden worms, plant-bugs, &c. Ly . on’s Magnetic FUls are;sure death to rats. and.mice, •Gold everywhere. ‘' jnyO-hStDEMAS S. BARNES, Now York. Hair Dyk l ■ THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR’S celebrated Hair Dye vKproduces a color not to be distinguished from natures --Warranted not to injure the hair in tne least; remedies fc-She ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the hair for u life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a -■oplendid Black or Brown, leaving' the hair soft , and •'beautiful. Bold by all Druggists, &c. 4®- The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHI !r IEiOR, on the four sides of each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Ltf£e233 Broadway and 16 Bond street. ) my2B-lar • / - • NewTork. ' \ One-Prick (jLOthing, of the Latest ytlbs, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL ♦ BALES. LOWEST Belling Prices marked in Plain Fi- All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory.- ' OarOxE-PBioß System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike../ delS-iy •• JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. IMAHHXEX). Era—COM. —On the 14th inst., by Rev. Dr. Eddy, ) Baptist*'Tabernacle Church, William F. Smith, of Cleveland, Ohio; to Miss Annie Page Cobh, of •delphia, daughter of Bailey Cobb. > * NNA-McCONNELL.-On the 24th ult., by Rev. Chambers, William Hauna to Ann McConnell, all is citj r . * OK—ASHi—On the 29th ult., by Rev. H. F. Hum, am GvDeck, Jr., to Miss Lizzie W. Ash, daughter orge‘W.' Ash, Esq., both of this city. * iDlDßD GDE&—Suddenly,'May 16th. 1803, Frank, son of- H. -and fiaunah P. Yogdes, m the 9th year of his \ relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited'-to-atteudhis funeral, from the residence of his, . parents, No; 543 North Seventh street, this (Monday) . . afternoon, at 3 o’clock, without further notice. * HINKLE. —On the 16th; inst., Sarah Hinkle, daughter . Of Christopher Geiger, and widow of the late Philip i Hinkle, of Berks county, in the 81st year of-her age. \ Farewell,.my children; myfriends adieu, • - Loan no longer stay with.you; My glit’rihg crown appears in view— ;' • All is well; all is well. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully r lnvited' to attend the funeral, from her late residen.ee/ Xfo: 254 North Thirteenth street, below Vine, ou VVednee •. day. at'l o'clock, Unterment at South LaurerHill. -*** " TATEMV-Wh- New’York city, on Tuesday morning, < .Way 12,1863, after a lingering illness, Mr. J. R.' Tatein, , agedfi&resrß. fomerly of this city. , * HIGH.—On the 14th instant, Jacob S. High, in hisssth :• year. • - • * . On; the .?th instant, in the Armory-Square ’ Hospital, Washington, -D. C., of. wounds received in .ihe recent battle at Charicellorville, Va., Sergeant Wm. r H.'Miles; of Company D, 23th Regiment P. Y.» in the ;28th year of his age. . * , THOMSON; —On Saturday; the 16fch, after a long ill-- < nee-v-Addie, daughter..of-.the late Levis P. Thomson, M. D, The friends* of the family are respectfully invited to , attend the funeral, from the residence of her uncle, J." vEdgarThomson, N. E. corner Eighteenth and Spruce, .at 10A. M./oiiTuesday, the 19thinst., without further . notice. - • - . SLEEPER. I—On 1 —On the 16th instant, Girard Sleeper, aged 29 years. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, on Fourth-day, the 20th instant, at 10 ’o'clock A. M„ from the residence of his father, John L. • .Sleeper, No. 820 North Sixth street. , ‘lnterment at Fair 'Hill *** i LESLIE.—On the 17th inst., Edward George, youngest., eon of Julia F. and the late James M. Leslie, aged 3 < years and-8 months. Funeral from the residence of Mr. Farr, No. 731 Pine .street, on Wednesday morning, the 20th instant, at 9 o’clock. *** p SUTTON.—On the 14th instant, Michael Sutton: * *-.®SYPEEED T-On thel?,thinst., in Germantown. Mary .. Ann Syphdrd, late of Chester county, aged 42 years. * Weckly Report of Interments# / Health Office, May 16,1863. * Deaths and Interments in the City of Philadelphia ■ ■ from the Wi to the of May, 1563. V d ■ . jd ■ OAUSBS OF.DEATH. CAUSES OF-DEATH 3 'S 3 .*3 ‘2 <1 o r " < QP •• Abscess i Fever, Spotted’...,** 5 Aneurism of Aorta... 1 •“ Scarlet....... 8 Apoplexv**' —. 6 “ Typhus.mal. 2 2 Burns-and Scalds... - 1 • Typhoid..... 2 1 'iCancar 1 Hernia: 1 “ '-Uterus 3 Hamorrhage......... 1 M - Stomach...... '1 1 “ Jjungs.... 2 > Croup 1 Inflammation Brain- 2 .7 Congestion. Brain... 110 “ Bronchi.... 8 4 Lungs.... 2 3 “ Heart , 1 < -Cholera Infantum... 3 “ Larynx.... 1 “-•Colic —... 1 Liver ‘1 Consumption,Lungs. 34 6 Lungs...... 2 10 v-Concussion,-Brain... 1 • ** Peritoneum 2 - . Convulsious,... 110 “ Pleura ..... 2 ••Cyanosis... «... 1 " S.&.Bowels 2 7 Diptheria«• 6 Inflam’nofOvarium- 1 r.Diabetes «... 1 Intussusception 1 ; Diarrhcea 2 2 Inanition 1 Dr0p5y.............. 6 Marasmus . 1 8 .. Brain 6 Mea51e5.............. 3 'Disease of Brain,.... 1 1 Old Age.. 4 . ** -Heart.. 6 3 Palsy 6 “ -Lung5........ 1 l Rheumatism 1 “ 8100d..1 Scrofula 4 . Debauch 1 Softening of Brain. .. 1 - Drowned .... ........ 2 5ma11P0x........... ■ 4 Debility 11 5 Still-born 14 : Empyema.. 1 Syphilis...... 1 Erysipelas 1 Suffocation . . 1 KEever, Congestive.... 2 Unknown 1 2 “ Malignant... 1 Wounds—Gunshot... 6 1 ** Puerperal... 1 | ’ — 1 T0ta1.................. 126 152 OF THE ABOVE THERE WERE— < Under 1 year.,.. .64 Promt4o to 50.....*..m,.i*-21 TFroin Ito 2 28 " 60 to 60,..,.. 17 “ 2to 6..-. 26 “ 60 to 70 38 . “ Cto 10 18 " 70 to SO 10 " 10 to 15. 9 “ 80 to 90. H “ 16 t0:20...... ... 9 M 90 to 100 2 “ 20 to 30... ......25- “ 30 to-40............. 28 T0ta1..............;..., 278 WARDS. WARDS. . . WARD 3. *Firat ;13 Tenth.; 8 Nineteenth......l7 rSecond ...11 Eleventh 7 Twentieth ]3 "•Third.,... 7 Twe1fth,..;....;. 8 Twenty-fir5t.....10 . F0urth....,,.. .16 Thirteenth.'....; 6 Twenty-second.. 3 1 Fifth -—‘••l3 Fourteenth......lo Twenty-third....l2' >• Sixth 8 Fifteenth ...16 Twenty-fourth..2o -Soventh...- 14 Sixteenth 13 Twenty-fifth.... 6 ‘Eighth........... 9 Seventeenth..... 9 Unknown .■.15 “Ninth............ 8 Eighteenth 16 . Total.., .....278 Deduct deaths from the country. 14 •Net-deaths in the city ; 251 Nativity—United States, 210 ; Foreign, 60 ;TJnkuown, 12. From the Almshouse, 10; People of Color, 13; fromthe ountry, 14. ‘The number of deaths, compared with the correspond- Dg weeks-of 1562 and of last week, was as follows:. ’Week ending May 17, 1562, was 255. ‘■Weekending May 9,1863, was2Bs. Males, 151; Females, 124; Boys, 89; Girls, 63. Deaths and interments of soldiers in the city, 31. By order of the Board of Health. • . WILLIAM READ, Health Officer. T2LACK LYONS TAFPET AS. J-' Glossy Black SILKS, 20to 32 inches wide. BESSOIv & s*oll, Mourning Store, No. 918 CHS3TNTT Street. CUMMER BOMBAZINES—A FULL assortment, $1.25 to $2 a yard. BESSON & SON* Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. -DLA.CKi.ND PURPLE JACONETS.— Rich. Striped, Black, and. Purple French. LAWNS, 26cents. BESSON& SON, Mourning Store, , mys .No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. . MEAT STRIPE FOULARD SILKS A.N for Friends. ' , Neat Plaid Foulard Silks for Friends. EYRE & LANDELL. TjIYRE -& LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, have now arranged for sale a fine stock of Goods adapted to first class gales. Coir Color Yeloutines. Cnir Color Mohairs. New Summer Shawls. Mew Light Sprin* Backs. Summer Silks and Foulards. Beautifttlline of Dress Goods. AN ADJOURiED MEETING OF the Contributors to the Philadelphia LYING-IN, i CHARITY, AND (NURSE -SOCIE CY, for the purpose of adopting the New. Constitution, will be held at the: Home, S. W. corner of ELEVENTH and CHERRY, on gtfONDAY EVENING, the 18th instant, at 8 o’clock. It* . JAB.- M. PARR, Secretary. IREV, J. W. SOaUEN, OFHS VRA cuso N.Y., better known as the greatlUnderground Railroad King, will Lecture at.the A. M.< E. WESCEY. : ZION CHURCH, LOMBARD Street, below SIXTH, TUESDAY EVENING. 19th inst., commencing at eight o’clock precisely. Subject—“ The War against Slavery,: ns Viewed from a Fugitive Slave Stand-point of Obser- • pratlon. ” Admission 10 cents. ■ mylB-2t*- 1 OFFICE UNION MUTUAL INSU RANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia, May 11,1863. i The Board ofDirectors of this Company hereby give notice that a meeting of the Scrlpholdera will be held at their Office, N. E. corner of WALNUT and THIRD Sts., MONDAY, at 12 o'clock M.Y June .1, 1863, to act on an imendment to the Charter of the Company for convert hg the Scrip into Stock. : JOHN MOSS, . . : . Secretary, •15& OFFICE ob* THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY— No. 310 WAL- Street. Philadelphia, April 215t,1863. that a SPECIAL MBETING of this Company'wiH be held at _thfe office, on THURSDAY, May 21at. 1863, at 32 o’clock: 8 to consider the propriety of accepting the provisions' tie* supplement to their oharter, approved April 14, , and authorizing the Board of Directors to increase Capital Stock of the Company. a?22-dtiny2l* A. C. L. CRAWFORD. Sec’v. [ OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 16,1863 ' ' Tie Board of Directors have this day declared a seml- SBhial dividend of FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital took of the Company, clear of State and National taxes, -payable on and after May 16, 1863. • . Powers of Attorney for Collections of dividends can be IMW 11 V ° fflCo °^ ttB Company, 338 ‘j mhl6-tjel THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. SK»3rOTICE.-T'HE ANNUAL MEET -ING of the Stockholders of the Germantown Pas senger Railway Company will be held at the-office of the Company, corner of SIXTH and DIAMOND Streets, on TUESDAY, June 2,-1863. at which time andplace"au Section will be held for President and Treasurer, and three Managers, agreeably to an act of the Legislature, passed the 3d day of April, 1863. .. . / my!Bttje2 JOSEPH SINGRRLY, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE UNION CANAL COMPANY, Philadelphia, May 18, 1863. ’ „ NOTICE TO'BONDHOLDERS.-The Bondholders of • the UNION CANAL COMPANY are hereby requested to call at theofllce of the Company, No. 228 WALNUT • Street, and surrender the Coupons, as agreed upon in accordance with the;act of Assembly of April 10th, 1302. |nylB-6t OSCAR-THOMPSON; Treasurer. library com:pa.- A STOCK VOTE Wllil* BE TAKEN IiIBHARY BOOM;, ON TUESDAY, the 19th inst., between the hours of 9 A. fit and 8 P. M. upon the following questions: ' Ist. Duplication of Stock within the ycaT 1564. 2d. Increasing the Annual Dues of Stockholders to Three Dollars; and of Subscribers to Five Dollar,on and after January 1,1864. JOHN LARDNER, Jn., Recording Secretary. MISS ANNA E. DICKINSON WILL 4®U'’er an Address in aid of the WEST PHILADELPHIA HOME FOR FRIENDLESS- V- CHILDREN, . ‘ AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ON TUESDAY. EVENING, MAY 26, 1663, At S o’clock. . „ Subject, How Providence is Teaching the Nation.” Admission to all parts of the house -25 cents. Reserved seats 50 cents. To be ob'ained at the Academy of Mnsie; and at Gould’s Music Sto're, Seventh and Chestnut streets, on and afterthe 39th inst. ; ' ’ Lx . , , To prevent a crowd at the door, it is desirable that tick ets should he purchased beforehand. , ' Doors open at 7hi o’clock. , ■ • mylo-ot OFFICE OF THE SCHUYLKILL I<£THAVEN AND LEHIGH RIVER RAILROAD CO., ' May 16, ISo3. At nn adjourned meeting of the Stockholders, held THIS DAY, the Judges appointed for that purpose re ported that, on the 14th, 15th,and 10th inst., 14,446 shares of Stock were voted, of which 13 608 shares were for, and 838 against, the agreement for the. merger and consolida tion of this Company with the Minehill and Schuylkill Haven Bailrnad Compang CRESSON, Chairman, Attest : Joshua W. Ash, Secretary. It* OFFICE! MINEHILL AND SCHUYL let* KILL HAVEN' RAILROAD COMPANY—PSILA- IiEnrinA, sth Month, 16, 1863. At an adjourned meeting of the Stockholders, held this day, the judges appointed for that purpose reported that, on the 14th, 15th, and 16th instant, 32,006 shares of stock were voted, all of which were in favor of the merger and consolidation of the Schuylkill Haven and Lehigh River Railroad Company with this Company/ - : : WILLIAM NEAL, Chairman. jgAftost: WILLIAM BIDDLE, Secretary. It* TJNITEDSTATSS CHRISTIAN COM* ■rC? s6 'Mission, Cash Acknowledgments to May 16th, 1863. - Part proceeds of a Fair held April 9th, at 806 Pine street, per Mrs. D. Haddock, Jr $4OO 00 Array Committe Young Men’s Christian Associa tion, Buffalo ' 200 00 Princeton Soldiers’ Aid, per Miss Elizabeth B. Clark..... 115 00 Soldiers’Aid Society, Cranbury, N. J. , pßr J. S. David50n.................... 75 30 Ladies’Belief Society,'Buffalo, Pa--....... 50 00 i/ftdies’ Aid Society, Hightstown.N. J. ,per Mrs. * M. S. M0rri50n........ Bank of Pottetown, Pa. Ladies’ Aid Society t Cochranville, Pa 30 00 “Friends of the Soldiers,” New Castle, Dei 25 00 Ladies’Aid of IrvingjN. J.,perßev. Prentiss de ■ •Yeune...... ..v 25 00 Sundry Persons at MeConnellsburg, Fulton coun ty, Pa.'. 25 00 Citizens of Hadley, Mass •*•• 30 15 Soldiers’;Aid Society, Dnanesburg, Pa., per Ray. Andrew Wy1ie."............. ..................... . .22 00 Trinity Aid Society, Germantown.. ....... ••••■••: . 15 00 Hartwick Seminary, Oswego, N.V,per Rev. Geo. B. Miller. * * 5 00 Ladies’ aid, Lewistown, ParV per Miss Elizabeth H0ffman............ ....................... . 500 Collection at United Presbyterian Church, South Buffalo, Pa’*. 57 15 Collection.at First Presbyterian Church, Wooster, ‘ Ohio; on Fast-day. 50 00 Collection at Presbyterian Church, Burlington, N. 5 J.. per Chas. G. Milnor.... .. 50 00 Collection at PresbyierianChurch, Middlesprihgs, Pa................... 41 00 Collection in Lutheran Church, MeConnellsburg, Fulton county. ; 25 00 Collection in Lawrenceville (N. J.) Presbyterian Church on Fast-day . v ' 23 64 Collection at Presbyterian Church, Johnstown, N. Y., per Rey. Dr. Stewart 20 00 Collection at Presbyterian Church, Charlies, Pa., per Rev. W. Ewing 201)0 Collection at the Church of the Intercessor 14 00 Collection at St. Matthias’ Lutheran; Church, Chester county. Pa.; on Fast-day-..;........... 10 53 Collection at Union meeting of Presbyterian and Congregational Churches,Bath,Steuben county, N. Y., on Fast-day.‘... 9 10 Collection at Union meeting of Presbyterian and Methodist Churches, Stroudsburg, Pa., on Fast day.... .7 7 33 Collection at Upper West Nottingham Presby terian Church, Chester county. Pa 7 00 Collection at Ruuday-schoolat Lambertyille, Pa. 700 Collection at United Presbyterian Congregation of Calcutta, Ohio 5 25 Collection at U. P. Bethsaida Church, Tipton county, Indiana.. 4 00 .CoUection at Morrisville (Pa.) Presbyterian Church on “ Fast-day ” S 31 J. Emory Stone (additional). ; 100 00 : Alady,perß. J. Parvin. 100 00 Chaplain Welch, 6th Connecticut Regiment; ' 60 25 Thomas B. Wattson. 50 00 Stephen C01we11.... 50 00 A. E., Fishkill Landing, N: Y. 50 00 John P. Crozer, additional.;..... 50 00 Mrs. John P. Crozer. ........................V 50 00 Wm. McCallum 50 00 McCallum & Co.. -60 CO Rev. W. F. Williams, Missionary of the Ameri- . can Board in Eastern Turkey.. 50 00 W. H. Tnlcott, Jersey City, additional 50 00 Lewis G. Biown.. 25 00 S. A. Mercer, additional '• 25 00 George W. Roland 25 00 Mrs. K. S. S. Dickinson 20 00 Mies Mcllvaine. 20 00 Ca5h...*......... 15 00 Mrs.’Annie B. Stover 12 53 Cash, from a soldier,. ; 10 00 Mrs. Maggie Lusk, Meclianicshurg 10 00 Mrs. Dr. Nott, Schenectady, N. 10 (10 Miss A. M. A liable 10 00 Mirs C. Sheldon 10 00 J. H. C0y1e.... 10 00 Prof. Barrow, Andover 5 00 Mrs. Hamm..... 5 00 Horace Russell, North Hadley, Mass. .... 5 00 Misses M. M. and A; Richmond. 5 00 Robert Pollock. Burnsville, Hi; .. - 500 S. F. Donance, Kingston, Pa;....... 5 00 A Friend, Uniontown, Pa 5 00 E. R. P......;......... - 3 00 Misses M. M & E. Carlisle 2 00 “An Old Blind Lady ” 2 00 Cash, Oxford, Pa 2 00 J. Wilson. Berwick, Pa... 2 00 S. W. Dripps, a soldier 100 A.Ralston, Carlisle,Pa. 100 Miss R. S. Carey, Wyoming, Pa 1 00 York Springs, Pa., (additional)... 100 Ephraim Lamb, Company G, 6th East Tennessee Regiment 100 Forward Amount previously. Acknowledged. ■ ■ .* $43,570 00 JOS. PATTERSON, Treasurer C. C.. The United States Christian Commission beg to ac knowledge the following additional, hospital stores up to the 12th inst,; : . "...PENNSYLVANIA. Penningtonville, 2 boxes from Ladies’ Aid. . Pine Grove Mills, 2 boxes, -1 can, from Ladies’ Aid. Unionville, 3boxes from Union Relief Society. Germantown, 1 barrel from Madame Clement’s school. Gettysburg, lbox from L. R. Baugher. Philadelphia, I box from Union M. 'E.' Church ,Sab bath. School Philadelphia, 2 packages from Sower it Barnes. 4 4 85 flannel shirts and other articles from St Philip’s Church. Philadelphia. 2 parcels from th&Misses Bellas. • 12 dozen Jamaica ginger from Frederick Brown. Philadelphia, Ihox from Mrs. A. M. Gunn. Hatboro, 2 boxes from Ladies’Aid. Philadelphia, 2 boxes from Ladies’Relief Society St. John’s Luther »n Church. Easton, 3 boxes from Ladies’Aid L. P. Church. Philadelphia, 1 parcel from Rev. A. Stands. • “ 1 box from C. Bosler. Pittsburg, 10 boxes, 1 barrel, from Com. U. S C. C. Jacksonville, 1 barrel from Aid Society. - , Philadelphia, 1 box from an invalid. Cochranville, 1 box from Soldiers’ Aid Society. NEW YORK. ; New York, 11 pels.'from N. Y. Com.U. S. C. 0. 2 boxes. “ “ 44 Montgomery, 1 bbl. from Goodwill Pres. Ch. NEW JERSEY. Camden, 2 boxes from Ladies’Aid. Lambertville, 9 boxes from Ladies’Aid. Burlington, 1 box from S. School Pres. Church. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, 23 boxes, 11 bbls, 3 pkgs. from Army Com. United States Christian Commusion. We acknowledge with gratitude the constant and in creasing liberality of the people. ~ Our holds open more and more favorably. We have delegates in all our armies. There is great need of sup plies in all. Condensed milk and lemons are called for in large quantities for the held hospitals of General Hooker’s army. Send to GEO. H. STUART, Chairman Christian Commission, - It • " 13. BANK-Street, Phila. Kgto CALEB COPE, TREASURER OP AO*.the United States Sanitary Commission, North east corner of Minor and Sixth streets, acknowledges the receipt of the following contributions since the last re port: . From a citizen of Sixth ward. * $2 00 “ A. C. B 25 00 44 a member of St. Peters’Church, addi • ti0ra1..,................................ 50 00 Francis A-Lewis,'additional 20 00 • 44 a lady of Mfc. Holly, New Jersey.....* 5 00 44 a lady.... 100 “ John Grigs', additional 100 00 11 Dallett & Son. 2-5 00 44 Wm. Gullager & Bro., additional 25 00 44 8.-Morris Wain & Co., additional...... 50 00 “ C. H. Rodgers, additional 100 00 44 alady, per Jas. A. Aertson....... 10 00 ‘ ‘ Abraham Ba&er, additi0na1............ 50 00 -V R. M. M*. 50 00 “ L. & M... 10 00 “ Cheltenham M. 35. Church, collection, ‘ Fast Day, per G. W. Lybrand,pastor. 70 00 ‘V W. A. Blanchard,additional 50 00 44 M.B. Mahomy & Co., thirdcontribu tion.. 60 00 44 Samuelß. Thomas, additional.... .... : 50 00 * 4 Furness, Brinley, & Co , additional.... 50 00 “ Jacob R. Smith t 100 00 • 44 8. S A. Mercer, additional 25 00 44 Buckner, McCamman, & Co.,additional .25 00 44 Wm. P. Clyde, additi0na1......... 25 00 44 Noble, Caldwell, & Co., additional.... 50 00 44 S.c 50 00 44 a Jerseyman, additional 50 00 44 Bank of Pottßtown . 50 00 44 Thomas Kimber, Jr..additional 50 00 44 ' Mlchener&Morris........ 25 00 * 4 Miss Elizabeth W. Baker, additional... 25; 00 44 Miss Mary Baker, additional...... 25 00 44 - Richard Randolph, addtiional.... 100 00 “ Harvey Filley 50 00 44 Mrs. H. Filley. 20 00 44 S. Wallis, additi0na1.»*.......... 25 00 44 Oliver W. Barnes, lO 00 4 . Mrs. Joseph Lennig, treasurer Trinity Aid Society, of Germantown. . 15 00 “ a friend, per Miss Annie Bradford 10 00 44 Mrs. Jas. Markoe 25 00 44 Lewis, Brothers, & Co* * 25 00 44 Elizabeth R Fisher, 25 00 44 Werner,' v ltschner,& Co., additional-... 10 00 44 Sunday School, St. David’s Church, Manaynnk . 15 00 44 John R. White, additional 30 00 44 Thaine& McKeene, additional.*....... 25 00 44 John R. McCurdy, additional*. 25 00 44 Joseph Jeans, additional... .100 00 44 C. & H:horie, additi0na1................ 100 00 44 Adaline & Margaretta Sager, additional -25 00 **• Edward E. Law, additional. . 10 00 44 Lieutenant Henry Vezin 20 00 • 44 G.» additional.. 20 00 OFFICE OF THE HESTONVIUIiE. |k> MANTUA, AND FAIRMOUNT PASSENGER RAILWAY;COMPANY.-NOTICE TO ; STOCKHOLD ERS.—Theseventh instalment of FIVE DOLLARS;per share on the stock of said company; willbe due and pay able on the 22dinst , at the office of the Treasurer, JOHN O’BYRNE, No. 116 South SIXTH Street mj6-wfm6l* R. T. FKAILEY, Secretary. , COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENN-' SYLVANIA, Philadelphia, May 5,' 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of FOUR PER CENT. , clear of national and State taxes, payable on demand. my6-wnn6t s. C. PALMER, Cashier. ONE OR TWO SESSIONS!-AN - ADJOURNED MEbJTING - will |be held on* MONDAY EVENING NEXT, IBth instant, a l . :8- o’clock, in tho Church, corner of BROAD and SAN-: SOM Streets, to consider the propriety of having but one Session of the Church schools upon each Lord’s day' throughout the year. ” 1 r Pastors, Superintendents, Sunday-school Teachers, and friends of the cause, are invited to be present? By order of the Philadelphia County Sabbath-School' Convention. . . ' ALEX. KIRKPATRICK, myl6,-2t» Secretary. - ■w-3s» REV. N. L. RICE, D. D., OFNEW YORK, fWill .deliver-a LECTURE in the West Arch-street Presbyterian ChuTch, corner of ARCH and EIGHTEENTH Streets, on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, 19th instant, on “ The Mysteries of Nature and Revela tion.” ■ • • - , ; ' - The proceeds of tbjßLecture will be applied-maid of the First Presbyterian Church, Belmont avenue.. Admittance 25 cents. '* , , Tickets for sale-at Messrs. < Martien’s; Presbyterian Board of Publication; American Tract Society; Ameri can Sunday School Union, and at the door. myl4-t!9 MANDAN MINING. COMPANY, OF lcS» : LAEE SUPERIOR.—The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Mandan Mining Company will be held at-their-Office. N0...33* .WALNUT;Street,,on THURSDAY, the 28th inst., at'll o’clock‘A._M., for.the election of Directors, and the transaction of other.busi ness. . : - B. A. HO JPES, Secretary. . Philadelphia,/May 11,1863. Jjyss* PITTSBURG. MAT 5, I>63.—THE Directors of the EXCHANGE BANK OF PITTS BURG have this day declared a Dividend of, FIVE PER CENT, out of the earnings of the laBt six months,‘pay able on and a-ter the 15th lust. • ' - " Eastern Stockholders will be paid at the Western Bank ofPhiladelphia, - H. M. MURRAY, my7-12t Cashier* OF THE SURGEON-AR TIST to , THE ARMY AMD NAVY, Phiiadei.- PHU,: October 24, 1862. > • Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office Government/No. 1609 CHESTNUT Streot, B. FRANK PALM GR, jad-6m ■ ■ ■■, Government SurgQoa^rtist/: HISTOJftICAE SOCIETY O P PKIIN SYLYANIA.—A Special Meeting will b.- belli on MONDAY EVENING, the 18th inst.. at 8 o’clock. ; By direction of the President. . my!6-3t BAML. L. SMEDLEY, BeoordiugSec’y. HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL,, 1119 CUTJ9BEBT Street—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided, for in the most comfortable manner, free of charge. B. F. GLENN, n022-tf • Secretary of Board of Managers THE ANNUAIi MEETING! OF THE BLOOMBBURG IRON COMPANY will be held at the Company’s Office, Inmdale, Pa., tfn WEDNESDAY, May 20, 1863, for the purpose of electing nine Directors to serve the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other business. WM. E. S. BAKER. Treasurer, ap2o-30t* No. 313 North WATER Street. NATIONAL GUARD OF TWENTY FOURTH WARD—A public meeting of-the Guard will be held ou MON PAY Evening, May 18th. 1863. at Hall, - corner of THIR CT-SEVENTH. and MAR KET Streets, at S o’clock- Hon. ISAAC HAZLEaUßSTwiUdelivery addreas on THE CONSTITUTION AND THB UNION. Also, Frederick C. Brewster, Esq., and others will ad dress the meeting. Tickets, admitting a Gentleman and Ladies, can be had gratuitously of the undersigned Com- Poulson, Thirty-fifth street north of Race. JamesP. Butler, 1 ' “ • t, » Rev. J. W. Mecaskey, Thirty-seventh st. r &. of Market. M. A. Wiltberger, 3947 Market street. D. M. Giese, Haverford st., below Thirty-sixth. Col. J. C. Paynter, Thirty-eighth and Bridge streets. myl3-wsm3t gTBKLING EXCHANGE, EXCHANGE ON PARIS, BOUGHT AND SOLD, mylS-lm S. PEABODY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 8 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Augustus S. Peapody, Theron S. Khapp, (Late Cashier with J. T. Van Vleek.) TOCKS AND BONDS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. A supply of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES constantly, on hand and for sale at- the current market value, COLLECTIONS MADE on all parts of the United States, open to mail or express; also, on the Canadas and British Provinces. York, May 1, 1803. Jj.D WARD. M. D A VIS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 39 South THIRD Street, (up stairs,) A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BUSI NESS TRANSACTED. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission., Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted. Exchange on Europe Sold. Special Collections made. Coin and . Cur rency Bought, Interest Allowed on Deposits. apl-3m g HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 31SJ WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S; GOVERN MENT SECURITIES, bought and sold on Commission. , Business Paper and Loans on Collateral, negotiated at lowest rates. _ UNITED STATES 5-20 TEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, furnished at PAR in sums to suit. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co,, Geo. D. Parrish, Esq. * John B. Myers & Co,', Samuel.B. Thomas, Esq., Furness,Brinley,& Co. ■ John Thomas, Esq. ; apl-3m If gTEKLING AND PARIS EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. JOHN 0. CAPP &SON, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, Directly opposite the Mechanics 1 Bank. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS. MONEJf INVESTED NOTES . AND LOANS NEGOTIATED mhl2-Sm ON THE BEST TERMS. ‘ /COLLECTION OF U. S. CEBTIFI CATES OP INDEBTEDNESS.-The ADAMS 1 . EX PRESS COMPANYare now prepared to collect at the Treasury Department. Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One rear Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now due or shortly ma? turing. Terms mado kr own and receipts given at the office, No 3/30 C~P ESNUT Street.- - . mvs-tf .$2,515 58 .41,054 42 MILITARY GOODS. JJ NT IT ED S TAT E S FLAGS’ SILK AND BUNTING, EVANS & HASS ALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, Q.OVEENMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. " - ■■ Indigo Blue Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. FARNHAM, KIRKH AM, & CO., No. 830 CHESTHUT STREET mh24-3m ■ Q W- SIMONS & BROTHER, BAN som -GTREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY, . FINES SWORDS, MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY, )al3-lfßm BX.XNDS AYD SHADES, gHADES, CURTAINS, CORNICES. RICH LACE CURTAINS, PLAIN AND GOLD-BORD. SHADES, RICH CURTAIN MATERIALS, UPHOLSTERY GOODS, MOSQUITO NETTING, PICTURE, MIRROR, AND CHANDELIER COVERINGS. . The subscribers respectfully invite the attention of Fa milies to their large assortment of the above description of Goods, bought for cash; at reduced prices. Every attention given to putting up and hanging Shades, Cornices,’ and Curtains: the best workmen em ployed, and the best Fixtures only are used. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, myie-fsm&wfit , " 1008 CHESTNUT STREET.- JJLINDS AND SHADES. B . J . 80. IS BOOTH SIXTH STREET. VENETIAN BLINDS JO* The Largest and Finest Assortment In the city, at the Lowest Prices. Blinds Painted and Trimmed equal to now. Store Shades Made and Lettered. ap6-2m HARDWARE AMll CUTLERY. *- $1,978' 00” $65,946‘06 ; HARDWARE. \567.923 05 CLOSING OUT AT OLD PRICES, The Stock of a WHOLESALE HOUSE, comprising ft LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS. 43T MARKET and 410 COMMERCE Streets. apl9-lm B MUSICAL BOXES. Pr SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, playing from lto 12 tunes, choice Opera and Ameri can Melodies. FARR & BROTHER, Importers, ap4 334 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. 461*;.: nfin r e war d.-^stolen- on the night of April 13th, 1863, from the Fire Proof of the. Reading-Railroad Company, at their, upper Freight Depot, at Reading, a Package of Money,' containing TEN’ THOUSAND AND NINETY-SEVEN; DOLLARS. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD will he paid for th© recovery of said moneys or the same pro portion for any part thereof; and a further sum of Five Hundred Dollars-for such information as may lead to the apprehension and conviction of the thief or thieves. . • W: H.'WEBBf Secretary, and Reading Railroad Company, ' my!4-12t • aa? South FOURTH St., Philada. l WERLY CORSETS —MRS. STEELE, * T t -TENTH Street, below Chestnut, has just received' an elegant assortment of • - ! FINE PARIS WERLY CORSETS. * to which the attention of the ladies is invited. , ' i On hand, also, white-Linen . Summer Corsets, and! ’ others of even’ style and texture, and a fine assortment of Ladies 1 .and Misses 1 BKIRTB.> my!s-3t* i & CO.’S NEWLY INVENTED y , METAT.MC REFRISRRATOR,IsoId by WALCOTT! A BURNHAM, 731 CHESTNUT:Street, Is the-ioosls beautiful and economical Refrigerator ever presented to the public. This is a combination of-Refrigerator- and Water Cooler, and requires very little more ice for both' than is generally used for the Cooler alone. myl4-6w*if : myl2to2B. p RIMER’S IYORYTYPES ARE OP J-V pleasing style. and fine:execution. See them, and you .will be convinced of their beauty as. pictures and rare worth as.‘likenesses. SECOND- Street,- above Green. •- ' -'.■ v • 'lt > (COMMERCIAL AND INSURANCE JOURNAL, established January, 1552, contains ah accurate list of ; all responsible Fire, Marine, and I«ife Companies, home and Jtoreign, ,doing business in sylvania, Also, a carefulsummary of all goueral lui tellißeoce, Legal Decisions, &c., relating to its specialty-; »9IYER, Bd. an<l Tropwte, ! THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA; MONDAY, MAY IS, 1863. nNANCUB. DREXEL A GO. A. S. PEABODY & CO. myB-12t Philadelphia. DREXEL & CO., 34 South TBIRD Street. No. J 33 South THIRD Street, COMMISSION, ALL SIZES. 418 ARCH STREET, WILLI A M S , MANUFACTURER OF WINDOW SHADES. l«ETAII, DRY GOODS. J^EW S IL K O L O A K S MANTILLAS. NEW SILK CLOAKS NEW SILK CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, AND MANTILLAS, OPENING EVEBY MORNING, OPENING EVERY MORNING, THE BALANCE Of Spring Cloaks, made in Light Zephyr Cloths,; suitable for all summer, now closing out at . * REDUCED PRICES. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., mylS-15t 930 CHESTNUT STREET. gUMMER DRESS GOODS From the late AUCTION SALES, at greatly REDUCED PRICES. MOZAMBIQUES, of all the popular styles. ‘ BAREGE ANGLAIS, Plain and Brocade. VALENCIAS, in new Designs. * , BAREGES, Plain and Printed. LAWNS, from 12Kc. upwards. : CERWER STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 453, AND 454 N. SECOND St., at). Willow. JJLACK LACE SHAWLS, BURNOUS AND POINTS, Fiom a late AUCTION SALE, at VERY REDUCED PRICES, CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 453, AND 454 N;> SECOND Bt., ab. Willow! my!6-3t : .. ■ ■ tt TILL MORE NEW GOODS, AND STILL GREATER BARGAINS, AT BAMBERGER BROS’. ,105 North EIGHTH Btreet. 600 dozi Linen Handkerchiefs, splendid quality, at 10, 32, and 13 cts., worth fully 15 and 18 cts.; extra fine at 15 and IS cts.. worth 25 cts. Men’s Linen Handkerchiefs, very fine, at 25 cts., worth 38 by the dozen-' Ladies’ Broad Hem Hem-sticked Handkerchiefs, from 31 cts. up, extra cheap. _ SUN UMBRELLAS. The cheapest and best Sun Umbrellas' in the city ; all gizes, colors, and quality. MITTS- MITTS. MITTS. The cheapest Mitts in the city; a very large assort ment of long and short Mittajnst received. HOSIERY. 1 HOSIERY, # HOSIERY. Positively tiie cheapest Hosiery in the city. Just re ceived, an immense stock of• every description at much, reduced prices. Splendid Ladies’Stockings, at'lB,'2o, and 25 cts. •,* best full regular made at only 28 to 31 cents, worth 40cts. Men’s best Half Hose at 18 and 20 cts,'; best full regular made only 28 cts., worth 3S cts.; a very large assortment of Children’s Stockings, very cheap. ladies’,Men’s, and Children’s Gauze, Merino and Lisle Thread Vests, very cheap. ' GLOVES.* GLOVES. An immense assortment of Lisle Thread, stitched backs, and silk kid finißh Gloves, very cheap Corsets at reduced prices. Grenadine Veils, all colors. Invisible Hair Nets, TiDen Bosoms, Morocco Satchels, &c., all much lower than they can be bought for in any other store in the city. „ HOOP SKIRTS, The best make of trail'and other kinds of Skirts, very,, low; warranted to give satisfaction.' Alpaca Braids, all widths, at 3 and 4 cts. a yard,black and colored, Best black'ltalian Sewing Silk3 f 75 cents, an ounce, worth $1.12. Best Needles and Pins, only 4 cts. paper. Best Pearl Buttons.r3 and 4 cents a ddzen. Hair Brashes,’, best goods, from 12 cents up.’ loath Brushes, best at 6,- 8, and 10c. Skirts Braids, finest and widest, full 5 yards, only 9 cts. Spool Cotton, Cotton Cord, Hooks and Eyes, Tapes, Combs, Steel, Gilt, and Jet Buttons, &c., &c., all much-lower than in aiiy other store in the city, at' BAMBERGER BROS., 105 North EIGHTH Street, third store above Arch. - - myl9-tf M. NEEDLES, 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, . IS INRECEIPT OF THE FOLLOWING NEW GOODS : *HEW STTIE GBENADIifE TEIES. NEW BLACK THREAD EDGINGS AND LACES. NEW VALKNCIENNE EDGINGS AND LACES.- NEW VALENCIENNE AND POINTS LACE COLLARS. AND SETTS. NEWJEMBROIDERED AND HEM-STITCHED HAND KERCHIEFS, a barsain. - • NEW MUSLINS, various styles, for-Waists and Bo d NEW NAINSOOK, SWISS, PLAID, FIGURED MUS LINS. NEW. CAMBRIC, JACONET, STRIPED MUSLINS. NEW PRINTED LINEN CAMBRIC DRESSES at re duced prices. NEW PIQUES, FOR CHILDREN’S WEAR, at re duced prices. . ' NEW HANDKERCHIEFS, all kinds ; NEW YEILS, NEW BARBES, NEW COLLARS, NEW SLEEVES,; NEW EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS, NEW FLOUNC INGB AND BANDS, SEW ROBES AND WAISTS FOR INFANTS. New Goods mi great variety ♦ in many instances will be OFFERED AT OLD PRICES. •, . Tbe attention of the Ladies is respectfully asked. E. M. NEEDLES, mj-14-tf 7 1021 CHESTNUT STEEET. QLOAKS AND MANTLES. BRAIDED CLOAKS. PLAIN CLOAKS. ORDERED CLOAKS. SILK MANTLES. AMERICAN CLOAKINGS. FRENCH CLOAKINGS. / FINE CASSIMERES. ... - - v ''DRESS GOODS. 7. BOYS’ FINE CLOTHING;' '■> *' '■. COOPER & OONAKD. «pSO-tf S. E. corner NINTH AND MAHKET 8t«. r THE PARIS OLOAK AND MAN -L TILLA STOKE, Northeast corner , of. EIGHTH 'and WALNUT, have opened "with, a . LARGE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, MOST FASHIONABLE MAKE, and respectfully ask- the early attention of ladies wishing to ' . riLGAKS AND MANTILLAS. IVENS & CO., No: 33 now on hand an extensive asßortmeni of; * • ' SPRING STYLES. ofthe finest qualities, at the LOWEST PRICES. Ladies, do not fail to give us a call. TROYS’, MISSES’, AND CHILDREN’S, CLOAKS, Ac., IN ENDLESS VARIETY, AT LOW TRICES, No. 137 South EIGHTH Street,. Three doors above Walnut. 1034 CHESTNUT STREET. EL M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALS At pricesjgenerally below-present cost of Umpor - tation, WHITS GOODS, all description*. EMBROIDERIES, do LACES. . .do * do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do VEILS. Ac.. Ac. And respectfully invites an inspection of Ms 10»4r CHESTNUT STREET. CTJPERIOR WIDE BLACK TAFFE TA SILKS for Mantles, from sl.62>£ to 84 ‘ per yard. Heavy Black. Corded Silks. - •, ■; • Check Silks in great variety from 87K cents up to $1125. Two lots 01 neat Stripes<very glossy and rich, at $1.25. One lot of Plaid Foulard Silks at 75. Two lotsofß)ack>Figured Silks, SL2S - lot of Blues, Browns, and Mode Silks. ' • Fancy Silks at reduced prices. EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 36SonthSECOND Street. N. B.—Silks, Mantles, and Cloaks •of the • newest shapes. •- - my 14 VERY FINE, REAL WHITE SHET > LAND WOOL SHAWLS-GEORGE W. VOGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT Street, opened this morning one case White Shetland Wool SHAWLS, including some of extra large sizes and of the finest and; most -beautiful qualities ever imported.' : V my!3-6t^ A UCTION AND OTHER BARGAINS. AX Lupins, 6-4 Black Wool Delaines. Fine Black Alpacas under.price.-. Double fold French Mozambiques, 37X cents. Finest Poil-de-Chevres, at old prices. Double fold childrens plaids, 37)4 cents. Crape Plaids and .Stripes. ./■ ,-r' Drab, Slate.Cuirf ana other shades Alpacas, Three lots,mode-Alpacas, 31, 37, and 55 cents, ex - tra'cheap, ; : c Travelling dress goods. : Cheap lot Xavellas, IScents. . ' Shepherd’s Plaids, fine quality, Slcents. : Best English and American prints. . Ladies’ Cloaking stock. ■ Fine Cassimeres—assortment unrivalled. Muslins and Linens—prices are right. Bargains infringed Hack Towels, 19 cents. ■ Honey Comb.ll-4 Bates Quilts. : J Fine Flannels, whites, rdds, Grkyß. - Good and low-priced Hoop Skirts. : COOPER&CONARD, ' apSOtf S. E. corner NINTH-and MARKET Streets. pHEAF DRY GOODS, CARPETS, Mattings, OilClbtlis, and Window Shades.—W E. ARCH AMB AULT,: northeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, will open THIS MORNING, from Auc tion, Ingrain Carpets at 45, 60, 62, 75,87 c, and $l. Entry and Stair Carpets 25 to 87c. White and red check Ma tting 81 and 37c. -Bag, Tarn Carpets3l tosoc. Floor Oil Cloths 45 to 75c. Shades,'Gold and Velvet Borders, 75ct0.52. Buff and Green Window Hol land 31 to 60c. v • ' ’ CHEAP DRV GOODS. New York City Mills Long Cloth Muslin at 25c. Fine- Shirting Muslins 12)4, 16, 18, and 20c. : New Spring Chintzes 18 and 20c. Spring De Laines 25c. Light Al pacas 81 to 62c. - Stella Shawls' $2 to $lO. Cloth Saques $5 to $B. ap2s-lm T IGHT SUMMER SHAWLS-IN Mozambique, Challi. Grenadine, and Barege. FRENCH PLAID CASHMERE SHAWLS AT $6.50. These Shawls cost $8.50 to import. ' Every variety of Thin and Thick Shawls for - SPRING AND SUMMER. Light Cloth Shawl-Mantles and Circulars. Black Silk Mantles and Sacaues. THIN DRESS GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY. Plain Bine and Buff Lawns, Buff Linens. A great variety of Plain Goods for Suits- A great variety of now Dress Goode at low orices. H. 8TBEL"& SON, my 9 v Nos. 713 and Tl 5 North TENTH Street. CHARPLESS BROTHERS IO Offer "by tie package., at tie ' Lowest rates of this season. Pacific 1200 and 1400 Lawns. Manchester Spring l)e Laines, Pacific do. Prints, Do. do. DeLaines.. CHARPLESS BROTHERS. v Mode-colored Silks, Foulards,. ■ Checked Silks, India Silks, Mantle Silks. Black Figures, Bareges, Challles. Imperatrice, Poplins, Organdies, Chintzes, Zephyr and Barege Shawls. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Street*. QLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VEST- Caasimeres for Boys. CassßimeroH for Young Gents. ' Caesimeres for suits; ■? Cassimeres for everybody. Caßsimeres, mixei and plain. i . Caesimeres. striped andjpl&id. Cassimeres, Bteok and Brown. «• Al ,09HE lOTdH S t tW ». L. HALLO WELL <& 00., Have now in Btook. and arodaily i-ocaivinjr, ahaudsom* All purchased since the recent and which wUI be sold at a SMALL ADVANCE FOR CASH. apB-2m , piFTY BALES of the celebrated manufacture of Juat received and for sale at very low prices by M. L. HALLOWELL & 00., Nos. 615 CHESTNUT and 613 JAYNE Streets. my4-12t If pAWSQN, BRANSON, & OO:, JOBBERS OF ENGLISH, FRENCH. AND GERMAN SUN UMBRELLAS We.'lnvite the-attention of the RETAIL TRADE to onr well-assorted stock of FOREIGN DRESS GOODS AND S HAWES, which we will sell at the very lowest market price. " / • ' **V We pay especial attention to the large Auction Sales, and Buyers can find Goods in on* Store, atmuchless than coßtof Importation, and as cheap as they can be found anywhere. T. R. Dawsoh. J. G. Bomoardnbb. 0. Branson. aplB-36t ' HOOP SKIRTS. J)AVID ROGERS, No. 45 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Importer and Jobber of MEN AND BOYS’ WEAR, LADIES’ CLOAKINGS, &C. mhSO-2m* S PR!NG, 1863. YARD, GILLMORE, <% 00., FANCY DRY GOODS, ITOS. «« CHESTNUT AND 614 JAYNE STS., Hare now open, of THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, a LARGE AND HANDSOME STOCK GLOVES, &C. Aleo, a fall assortment of WHITE GOODS, LINENS, FURNISHING GOODS. BH> The attention of the trade is requested. 1863. * spring. 1863 (TO’HNES, BERRY, & 00., (Successors to Abbott, Johns*. dr Co.) No. IST MARKET, and 534 COMMERCE Strata, v PHILADELPHIA, V HCPOETBKS AH» JOBBERS Ot SILK -; “’7V : : :>; lanoy dry, goods, SMr«*moW open ft LARGB AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK nr • _ .DRESS GOODS; Adapted to tbeiSeason. Also, a Fall Assortment in WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, &0., Which they offer to the trade'at the LOWBST PRICES. CASH BUYERS Are particularly invited to examine our Stock.' fel3-tf 1863, spring 1863# HOOD, BONBRIGHT, * 00., The attention of the TRADB is invited to their lam Stock of Among which are choice brands of Sheet ing and Shirting Muslins, Madder Prints, De Lalnes, Ginghams, Lawns, and Newest Styles Dbess Goods. ALSO, MEN’S WtilAß GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO CASH BUYERS. p HILAD EIPHIA "BAG” MANUFACTORY. BURLAP BAGS OF ALL SIZES, FOK COKN, OATS, COFFEE, BONE DUST, &0. Of standard make*, ALLSIZES, for sale cheap, for net cash, on delivery. , GEO. GEIGQ, aplS-3ra . Kob. Sl9 and 931 CHURCH Alley. gHIpLEY, HAZARD. & - - : i ;hut ohinso n * ■ No. 11» CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; /' FOR THE SALE OF PHIIADELF HI A - MAD E GOODS. mh3l-6m' ' ; - y jOfiN T. BAILEY A 00. BAGS AND BAGGING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NO. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET, ■WOOL BAGS FOB SALE. lUMb GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHB. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale l>y . FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. BOS-Iftf FOR THE SALE OF * UNITED STATES TAX STAMPS, -No.- 57 South. THIRD Street, first door above Chestnut. 'ifrull supply of all kinds of TAX STAMPS constantly on hand, and for sale in quantities to suit. * ■ : - Aliberal discount allowed .on amounts of $5O and up ■ wards."".-' • • Orders by Mail promptly, attended to. ; Office Hours from 9 A. M.tofl P. M. JAOOBE.RIDGWAY, deQ-tiolO No. 57 South THIRD S.'cveet. gTRAWBERRY WINE, DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. NO. 615 CHESTNUT STREET, (JAYNE’S MARBLE BUILDING,) assortment of New Foreign PIBCT DRYGOODS BILKS’ DECLINE IN GOLD AND EXCHANGE. FRENCH JACONETS and organdies, DOLLEUS MIEG & CO., FRERES’ KOEOHLIN. IT. W. CORNER MARKET AND FIFTH STB., (SOI Market Street.) DRESS FABRICS, SHAWLS, &o. COMMISSION HOUSES. Importers and Jobbers of SILKS - AND SPRING GOODS, COMPRISING DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS, RIBBONS BROIDERIES, AND LACES. DRY GOODS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, *O. *35 HABKETSTKEET, PHILADELPHIA STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, IN GREAT VARIETY. mh2o-2m SEAMLESS BAGS, EQUAL TO MALMSEY MADB^fLA, Ja»t received. ALBERTO. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. Mf * CORNER ELEVENTH and VINE Btmto. NEW PUBLICATIONS. TYIS COUNT ! DISCOUNT 1! ALL new Publications sold at a discount from Publish ers’ prices: Iron Furnace, or Slavery and Secession At Odds, 12ino. cloth . Actress in High Life Pictures of Travel Incidents in My Life Kinglake’s Crimean War...’. Conscript, by Dumas Tlie Gentleman Book of Nonsense Diary of an Army Surgeon...' 80 Moses Right and Colenso Wrong 80 Arbitrary Arrests In the South 60 Alii he 50 cent Paper Books 0n1y..., 40 »ylB-8t PITCHER’S, No. 808 CHESTNUT Street. ■MEW BOOKS. J-v Just Received by J. B LIPPJ.NCOTT & CO., • 715 and 717 MARKET Street. C U"M MTNG ’• S NEW BOOK-MOSE3 RIGHT AND BTSBOP COLENSO WRONG. By Rev. J. Gumming. THE GENTLEMAN. By George H. Calvert. BEECEBR 7 6 LECTURES TO YOUNG MEN. New edition. •• • • , , : AT ODDS. By the Baroness Tautpbccus. M r SS AUSTEN’S NOVELS. : New Edition. BEJNE’6 PICTURES OF TRAVEL. •• • •' COPPEE’S NEW WORK ON COURTS MARTIAL. SCHALK’S CAMPAIGN OF 1862-’63. New Edition*. my!B - ; NEW BO OKS ! NEW BOOKS! Triumphs of the Bible, by Ret. Henry Talledge, A. M;, $1.50. Mrs. Browning s Essays on the Poets, $l. • The Gentleman, by George H. Cal vert. 75 cts. The Story of. the Guard, Knapsack Edition, cloth, 75 cts.; paper, 50 cts. Moses Right and Bishop Colenso Wrong. By Rev. John Cumming, D. D.» $l. For sale by W. 8. & ALFRED MARTIEN, mylB - 606 CHESTMUT Street. Excise tax laws, CHARGES F. ESTEE, Esq., LATE DEPUTT COMMISSIONER OP INTERNAL REVENUE. NOW HEADY FOR DELIVERY. THE EXCISE TAX LAW. WITH ATX THE AMENDMENTS, Together with the Instructions, Blank Forms, Decisions, and Regulations of the Commissioner, including those most recent and not before published, especially relating to the assessments of the INCOME TAX. A most complete, accurate, and reliable work, with full marginal notes and' references, and a minute Analytical Index. Valuable to Assessors, Collectors, Lawyers, Mer chants, Manufacturers* Farmers, and, in fact, to every taxpayer. Also, important for every Library. ■ Compiied.by Charles F. Estee, Es<v, late Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue. 1 volume octavo, about 350 pages. Price—cloth, $1.50; law sheepbinding, $2.00. _ Sentfree ofpostage upon receipt of price. Orders respectfully • FITCH, ESTEE, & GO., Publishers, No. 3, PARK PLACE, Now York. ■ For sale by T. B.PUGH, corner SIXTH and CHEST NUT streets. . myls-6t eOTTON.— WHERE ARE WE TO GET COTTON? . .... * -• TITE ANSWER. THE HEW YORK MERCURY, FOR MAY SO* '1863,-^ ' (NOW. READY EVERYWHERE, ) . contains the first of three papers on this important sob jeeti comprising a »- ■ • COMPLETE HISTORY OF COTTON from B. C. 445, to A. D. 2863, showing where it can be grown, and interesting alike to the planter, the manu facturer, and : . ' all wearers of cotton.- The Mercury can be had of A. WINCH, 505 CHESTNUT STroet, = Also of all newsmen and Periodical dealers. : my!B-2t THICKENS AND DAKLEY. aJ MESSRS. SHELDON & COMPANY, 335. BROADWAY, New York, Will publish, on SATURDAY; May 16th, A TALE OF TWO CITIES. uniform with the Household Edition of the Wonts of Charles Dickens,'With. designs by V. £>. C. Darley. en graved by N. Balcb. . 2 yols.,'l6hjo. Green. Vellum Cloth. , Price per viol.* $l. This work contains two very spirited designs, which are alone worth the price asked for the volumes. myl6-2fc • . : 1 • A/rAITBIAS’ MANUAL OR RULES XT± OF ORDER. NEW EDITION NOW READY.— A Manual for conducting business in Town and Ward meetings, Societies.. Boards of Directors, and Managers; and other Deliberative Bodies, based on Parliamentary, Congressional, and Legislative Practice, by BENJAMIN. MATTHIAS, A. M. The ninth editioujust published by . LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, ; my!2 35 SOUTH SIXTH street above CHESTNUT. TBE CBURCB AND THE SUNDAY A SCHOOL —Their mutual Relations, Duties, and In terests. 72 pages; 12mo. Price Scents. Just published and. for.sale by-the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. No. 1123 CHESTNUT Street*Phila. myl3-4t xtew supply of royal and -L* Imperial PHOTOGRAPHS OF GREAT PAINTINGS just received by CHALLEN, 1308 CHE3NUT Street. Aiiiateursplease call early. • , my!6-3t ■\TETO SUP'PLY OF CROSS-BAR Lv PAPER AND ENVELOPES (match perfectly). Ini tials gratis. ' CHALLEN, 1308 CHESTNUT St. mvl6-3t tv- O—G —B—E. «439” MAKE YOUR PURCHASES OF. BOOKS, sta tionek y, photograph al bums, CARD PICTURES, ORIGINAL GIFT - BOOK EMPORIUM, CHESTNUT STREET, KEARLT OPPOSITE THE NEW POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. r PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, Ac. JAMES S. EARLE & SON^ IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF LOOKING GLASSES. DEALERS IE “ < OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT, • . PICTURE, and PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. photograph: albums. IXTENSIVE LOOKING GLASS WARDROOMS AND GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, ial-tf 810 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia CIRCULATING LIBRARIES* xxr- brotherhead’s oiroula- Tf; • TING LIBRARY.—AH the NEW English and American Boohs, including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This iB tLe ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLIsH BOOKS that are not RB PRINTED here. ' Terras $6 per year; six months $3; three months t 1.60 ; one month 75 cents, or 8 cents per day, 318 oath EIGHTH Street. ; mh7-8m PHOTOGRAPHS. THE MOST PLEASING AND POPU SA lar likenesses now made are REIMER’S li'e-size Photographs in' oil colors, faultless in appearance, color* ing, 'and expression. Reduced prices. SECOND Street, above - Green. -v .• ■ - ! It *THE 'UNEXAMPLED POPULARITY ■l* of REIMER’S colored Photographs is proof posy^ive of their worthy as likenesses, and merit as naturally colored Only ' $l. SECOND Street, above Croon. ' "... * It rr OM 'THUMB AND' BRIDE, OOM- MODORE NUTTaWMINNIE WARREN.—Card Photographs of the above in ereat variety. McAllister & brother, T3B CHESTNUT Street. CIjOTHES wringers. JJALEY, MORSE, & BOYDEN’S SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGERS, . Are acknowledged to Tie the most practical, and'-.best machine yet invented for Wringing Clothes. There isno iron about them to rust... No thumb screws to regulate the pressure of the rolls, are perfectly self-adjusting, and require loss power to operate them, than any other -Wringer in the market, and are really MODEL MA CH.NES.. A gents wanted in all parts of the country. For.terms, &c., Address. S. H AWES, General Agent, No. 4:DBBROAD\VaY, New York. For sale by WHITE & PECHIN, 433 MARKET. St., Philadelphia' my9:sraw-6t* INSURANCE COMPANIES. LUBE ASSOCIATION. ■A. ' Incorporated, March 27, 1820. Office. No. 34r North FIFTH Street, INSURE BUILDINGS,. - HOUSEHOLD FORNITUBE, AND. MERCHANDISE GENERALLY, ' FROM LOSS BY FIRE. ~ , (In the city of Philadelphia only.) STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OF THE ASSOCIATION, JANUARY 1, 1663. ; - Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the city •. of Philadelphia 0n1y..................-...'.5708,494 66 Ground Rents, “ - 25.L59 97 Real Estate...... ..................... 14,896 13 Cash on hand.,,.,.,.. 34,051 36 . ; , TRUSTBSS. ' , • • .GEORGE W;-TYRON, President, Wm. H. Hamilton, „ JohriSouder, Peter Fritz, -c *• ;-Peter Ai- Keyset JohnPinTbin, John Cariwi Geo. i.' Younjf, Jos- R. Lyndall, LeviP. Coats,, SamuelSparhawk, Charles P. Bower. ■William T. Butler, Seen T7AME INSUKANC X 4Q6 CHESTNUT Street. philad: TIRE AND INLA HIRBG ►BLPHIA. usd insubakg*. JTORB.; ' ; J Brands If. Buck, E. D. Woodruff, Ohas. Bichardson, Geo. A. West, Henry Lewis, Jr., John Kessler, J?. a John W. Everman. Chas. Stokes, Philip S. Justice, A. H. Rosenheim, 0, W. Davis, * Josep D. Ellis. FBANCIS IT. BUCK, President. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice President WILLIAMS 1. BLANCHARD, Secretary. ... [jalMlti CCHEDULE OF PRICES AGREED UPON BY‘THE ICE DEALERS of Philadelphia, to take, effect on MONDAY, April 27,1503: 81bs. per day.. 76cts. per week. 12 “ 44 ...;.90 “ 44 ■ ■■■•• 16 44 4 4 .......105 4 4 44 : 20 44 120 4 * 44 , Customers taking from 40 to 100 lbs., at the rate ox 75 ctß. per 100 lbs.' 100 lbs. and upwards, 70 cts; por hundred, j ap2l-lm*ir JGBI -lOE l ICE I ICE I lOEI lOE I COX.D SPUING ICH COMPANY. Pamilloi, Offlcea.Hotela, Shipping, Ice-Cream Saloon., &c., 4t0., supplied daily with a pure article of BOaTON ICE, at the very lowest market rates. Dealers ana large consumers supplied- wholesale prices. Wagons run in all payed limits of the Consolidated city, and in the Twenty-fourth - 0A . f3»5 WALNUT Street. - . /North Fenna. IL & Master street. Offices. 1 Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets. apB-flmif* (.Pine-street wharf, Schuylkill. COAXf* GO A D.—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER Meadow, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Goal, and best Locust .Mountain from Schuylkill; .prepared, eg pressly for family use. Depot, N. W. corner of EIGHTH and 'WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 112 South-SECOND Street. * CapS-lyl J. WALTON 4 CO; pHABLES HE II) SIE OK CHAM PAGNE. —lOO baskets of this celebrated "Wiiie iatt received, and for sale in bond or duty paid by GEORGE WHITELEY, 131 South FRONT Street. my 14-1 m agfoTCLAM SOUP WILL BE SBRYED up daily, Sundays excepted, by JAMES PROS SER. No. 808 MARKET Street. myS-lftf ■■ GOLD, SILVER, AND LIGHT BLUE STEEL -'IS?- SPECTACLES,: to suit aliases, choap, cor, SECOND aad NEW Streets. J. PRIES., apM-ln!.*' .0.75 .1 00 .1.00 .1.25 •1.00 a. 25 CUMMER BOARDING .-AT A PLEA.. sant Farm House thirty-six miles .from thecitv; ac cess by reli. Gall this day from tea till four, at No. -18 North SIXTEENTH street. It* OEASIDE HOUSE FOOT OP PENN- BTLVaNIA Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. A pri vate boarding-house is now open for the reception of guests. DAVID SCATTEKGOOD. Fifth Month, 1863. . • • : myl2-12t* |§ TO LET, FOR THE SUMMER—A HOUSE and Grounds, near Germantown. Address Box 1346, Post Office. my!3-3t* M TO UIT—ON WARREN STREET, Beverly, New Jersey, a large brick house contain ing twenty-five rooms, with bath, hot and cold water, suitable for a boarding house or two families. S7SS;OS2 32 my4-mwflm !E COMPANY, NO WANTS, WANTED—A. SITUATION IN A * * wholesale house, (on the wharf preferred) by a young man who .understands keeping books and Ims sold goods for four, years. Salary no object. Address ‘ I L. P. E. Press office. mylS-3t* WANTED CLOTHING.—PERSONS "" having Clothing to dispose ofwill please call or address C. MILLER, 303 CHESTNUT st.mbl6-mwt?m* <f&7 F. A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE nP • AGENTS in every county at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON, my6-3md&W Alfred, Maine. ffifl A MONTH!—WE WANT AGENTS at s6oa.month, expenses paid, to sell our Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners, and ISother new articles. 15 circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, my6-3md&W. Biddeford. Maine. M WANTED TO RENT—FOR SIX or twelve months, a house, plea fan tiy located in a good neighborhood, by a small fami ■ly without children. Apply to D. S. CADWALLADBR, 108 South FOURTH. street. . mylB-3t* A GENTLEMAN , REMOVING Jo the country, desires the use of a safe family BOIvSE, for his keep. Will be used only for driving, of care. Apply at No. 2*4c South. NINTH Street. “ myl6-3t* 4&A deputy quartermaster GENERAL’S OFFICE. —PmT.AugT.-pirr, B, 1863. “ - VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL t« the following points: Tortugas. Koy West, Fla. Fort Monroe,Yfc. Alexandria, va. Newbem, N. 0. .Port Royal, S.C, A. BOJD, felO-tf . Can lain and Assist. Quartermaster, BOARDING. cummer boarding at chestnut GROVE HOUSE, MEDIA—This House will again be opened by the undersigned on the 15tb of June, for tbe reception of Boarders. The location is healthy, and the establishment replete with everything which tends to make it a desirable place of summer resort. Address . Mrs.-M. MACK, TpyB-frn>wCt* Box 555341 Phllada. P. O. Qi7 .CHESTNUT STREET—PLEA- ' SANT Rooms, with. Board. Terms moderate. Also, Table Board. my9-12t* BOARD.— HANDSOME COMMUNI CATING Rooms at No. 1315 WALNUT Street. ap3o-12t*if . - : FOB SAXE AND TO LET. H HOUSES IN GERMANTOWN.— The subscriber offers three Houses to Rent, within five minutes 5 wa'k of the Fisher’s Lane and Wagner Sta tions, on the Germantown'Railroad . . - LEWIS H REPNER, ,11* No. 153 South FOURTH Street: A. MERRITT, WARREN St.. Beverly. App y to It* MTO EXCHANGE—VALUABLE FARM, containing 110 acres'; two sets of buildings \ near railroad station, 25 miles from Philadelphia. Apply to Et PETTIT, ay 16 « No. 300 WALNUT Street. XEQAIi. PH THE COUET OP COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. [l .s ] Notice is hereby Riven to all person interested that the Honorable the Judges of the Court aforesaid have appointed M ’NDAY, .the Ist day of June A. D., 1563- for bearing applications for the following Charters of Incorporation, and unless exceptions be filed thereto the same will be allowed, viz. : . Tbe Spring Garden Methodist Episcopal Church. V The Philadelphia Society of the New Jerusalem. •Tbe Sheep-Butchers’ Land and Building Association. Tbe Second Eagle Loan and Building Association of tbe city of Philadelphia. Merrick Building and Loan Association. . The Pascal Building Association of Philadelphia. The . Building' Association of Phila delphia, No. 2., ' The National TTnion Building A ft sociatinn. FREDEBICK G. WOLBERT, Secretary. noylP,26;.iel-3t • . Fr THE ORPHANS’ COURT EOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the HAYES MEGHAN- ICS r HOME. The undersigned Auditor appointed by- the Court to hear parties and report upon the propriety of the convey ance of title by the Executors of GEORGE HAYES, de- as prayed for in said petition, will hold a meet ing ior the purpose of said appointment on TUESDAY, Mav -56,18b3, at 3 o’clock P. M.. at No 138 %South. SIXTH Street. H. E. WALLACE, ' . mylB-mw&fot Auditor: WUKRKAH, BKTTKKS TESTAMENT -I. l' tary to the Estate of GEORGE E. HARiISTAD, late of Philadelphia, deceased, have been duly granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against the same will please present them, and those indebted thereto make payment to \ ' JOSEPH S. RANDALL, No. 634: South TENTH Street, THOMAS BROWN. ANN JANE BROWN, No. 900 WALNUT Street. Executors, ■ r :Or to their Attorney,- AAEON THOMPSON, ; mylS-mßt* . . 731 WaLNUT Street, TTNITED STATES, EASTERN MS trict oe Pennsylvania, sot. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL 1 OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT 0? PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: „ - , WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States lu and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightfy and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath, decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right; title, or interest in the sloop Express, whereof P. L Cary is master,her tackle, apparel.ahd furniture, and die goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, cap tured as prize of 'war, by the : United States steamer Cbocura, under command of Captain William. T. Truxton, to be monished, cited,' and called to •judgment at the time' - and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so re quiring.) You . are -therefore charged, and strictly en joined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the. city of Phila delphia, and in the Legal Intelligence}', yon do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or.interest in the said sloop Express,her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, to ap pear before the Hon: JOHN CADWALADER, the :Judge of the said Court, at the District ;.Courfc room, in the city of . Philadelphia, on. the twentieth day af ter publication of these presents, if it he a coart day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hom*s of hearing causes, then ; and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful ex cuse, if any they have,.why the said sloop Express, her tackle, apparel, and furniture,and the eaidgoods, wares, and merchandise laden on board of said sloop. should not he pronounced to. belong, at the time of the capture of tb e same,to the enemies of the United States,and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to con demnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this be half as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly in timate, or cause iobeintimated,unto all persons afore said, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated.) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not showa reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on.the said capture, and may pronounce - that the said sloop Express, her tackle, apparel, and fur niture, and the said goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board of said sloop, did belong, at the time of the cap ture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, ,to be adjudged and condemned as lawful nrize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in anyyise notwithstanding, and that yon duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this 15th day of MAY, A. D;lS63„and in the eighty-seventh year of the inde pendence of the said United States. . ; • • mylS-3t G.B. FOX. Clerk DisfcrictCoart. TTNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS AJ' TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. ' .THE PRESIDENT OF- THE UNITED STATES, ' TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WHEREAS,' The District Court of the United States iu and for the .Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the uaraeof the United ©tates of America, hath decreed all : persons iu : general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in ten and a half bales of Cotton, and about two loose bales or fifteen bags of Cotton, taken and seized, Ln Warsaw Sound, by a picket boat belonging to the United. States steamer Cimeron, under command of Commander A. J. Drake, as a prize of war, to be monished, cited, ami called tojudgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expreesed (justice so re quiring). You are, therefore, charged and strictly en joined and commanded, that you omit not,-hut that by publishing these presents ,in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Phila delphia, and in the legal Intelligence)', you do monish and cite, or causeto.be monished and cited,peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said merchandise to appear before JOHN.CADWALADER, the Judge o' the said. Court, at ihe Distriet Cmirtrroom. in the eicy of Philadelphia, bn the twentieth day after public ition of these presents,*if itho aconit day, or else on the next court day following, between the nsusil hours of hearing causes, then and there to show,.or. allege, in due form-of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, it any they have, why the said, merchandise should not be pronounced to belong, atthc.'time oi the capture of. the same, to the enemies of tlic United States,, and as goods of their ene mies or otherwise, liable’and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned good and lawful prizes; and further, to do and receive in: this behalf as to malice shallapper ain-1 And that iiitimatc, or cause tobe intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also iutimated), that if they shall notappear at the time aud place above mentioned, or appear and shall not .show, a reasonable aiid lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and wili’ proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and miv.proiiounce that the 'said ten and a half bales oft Cotton, and about two loose hales or .fifteen hags of Cofron, did. belong, at the time of the cap ture o* the same, to the enemies.of the United States'of America, and as goods 1 of; their enemies, or otherwise,' liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation,.to be adjudged and condemhe'd as, lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so- cited and inti .mated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you dnly certify to the said Court' what' you shall do in the'pvemises, t’ogetherwith ••• WifuosstheHtHi-. JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the saidGouri, at Philadelphia,-this 15th day of MAY,'A. J). 1863,-and iu The eighty-seventh yearof the Independence of the said United States.. G: R. TOX, MnylS-Bt Clerk District Gourt. TTNITEi) STATES, EASTERN' DI3- V : TRiCT.'OR-PENNSYLVANIA, SOZI - t THE PRASIDBNT'OE THE UNITED STATES, - TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING': _ • ,• ... WHEREAS,- The Distriei Court of the United States in. and for the EasternDistrici of Pennsylvania, rightly&nd duly proceeding on' a Libel, tiled in tae name of, the United States of'America, hath decreed allpereoas in ge-; neral who have, or pretend to have, any right, .title, or interest in the 1 schooner WANDERER, whereol W. C. • Jones is master,?her'tack]e,. apparel,.and furniture,; and' the goods, ■wares, and merchandise laden onboard there-, of, captured asprize'ofwar by the United Statates steamer Sacramento,* under command of Capt, C. 8 Bogg* to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place nnderwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (iostice so requiring.) You are. thereforo, charged and. 1 . strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two -of the daily newspapers printed and published in the ci'.y of Philadelphia, and in the Legal intelligencer, you do monish and cite, or cause to he monished and cited, pe remptorily, All persons in general who have, or pretend to have any right, title, or interest in the said schooner WANDERER, Tier tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares, an£ merchandise laden on board said schooner, to appear before the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said court, at the ! District Courtroom, in the city, of Philadelphia, on. the TWENTIETH day after publicationof those presents, if it bo a court day, or else on the next court day follow ing.between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a rea sonableand lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said schooner WANDERER, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods; wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, snouldnot bo pronounced to belong, at fhe time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods oftheir enemies or other-' wise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be amoved: and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and farther, to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall apper tain.’ And that you duly intimate, or. cause to be liiti-: mated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is. also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time ana place.above men-, tionea, or appear and shall not show a. reasonable and cause to the contrary, then said District Court; doth Jintend and will proceed to ajudicatipn on the tajd! capture, and may pronounce that the-said schooner W ANDERER, her. tackle, apparel, and fnratture, and the said goods, wares, and merchandise l*xdan on board of said schooner, did belong, at the time the capture of the same, to the enemies ofthe United states of Ame rica,and as goods of their enemies, O'l-'othec wise, liable and subject to confiscation ana cond.«jmua , ion, to be ad jodged and condemned as lawfvj;’prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the person c ited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, nvfl that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents , Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Jndge ofthe said Court, atPtiiiadolphia, this FIFTEENTH day . of May;. A.; D. an* in the eighty-seventh year of | the .Independence of the said United States. . . _ j mylS-3f G.,r; FOX, Clerk District Court. . new ,yorX auction saxe. T-TENBY H. LEE'.OS & CO., AUG AA TIONEERS. . . MAGNIFICENT COLLEC'HC'tf OF MODERN PI CTUEEB. • HENRY H LEEDS & CO. will sell at Aasctron, oa THURSDAY, May 21, and FRIDAY, ftfay22. At 7)4 o’clock each evening, at the Dusseldorf Gallery, s*B BROADWAY, over Dr. Chapin*’ Church, a MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF MODERN FlCf^ , , . TURKS, , being the richest and must costly assemblage of workfrOs ait we haye probably ever bad the pleasure of offering, consisting of original specimens by artists of distinction it* various, countries, selected by a gentleman favorably Known in the art world for the past thirty years, and oS winch a large portion were purchased when in Europe. of the masons of 1818, 1855, 1856, i 057, and 28G0, and others painted to order for the collec tion. The gallery contains the productions'of several artists, or whom examples, owing to their rarity and high cost, have never before been ofiered here: among which will be found the chef d’ccuvre Florent Willems, “Lamonr etla Ftdihte, _one of the most beautiful specimens of modern pre-Raffaeliteart; “A Breroi, Interior/' the prize picture of Theodore de Heuvel; the “ Hamlet/’ br Hamman; the'finest known picture of Van de Sande Barkhuyzen (recently decease* at the Hague), called the “ForestSide.’’audiowhichVerboeckboven added the figures; a Cabinet specimen by Adolf Dillerrs, &e. The Dusseldorf School is represented by a rare wotk, by the inimitable fruit painter Preyer; also, by paint ings of Leatze,Vautier,Camphansen Boettcher, Forster, Meyerheim, Hagelstein, Zimmerman, &c. The French School by examples of Compte Calix, F. Willems, Fauvelt, Tesson, Veron, Pecrus, Lanfont de Metz. Pbillippean, Cerier, &c. - ; The DUTCH SCHOOL, by numerous specimens, by SOHELFHOUT, VERSCHEURE, LOUIS MEYER, VAN GROOTVELDT, EVEESEN. Also, several rare examples by American artists, in cIuding.WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE, by 8.-LEUTZE, being the second and smaller picture, of this subject, and the one from which tbe fine engraving was taken in 3556; Cropsey,Gignoax, Sully, flays, Tait, Eastman, Johnson, G. C. Lamdin, Shattack, Bingham, and Sonteg. ' Together with several choice pieces of MARBLE STA TUARY. - The Gallery is now open to the public, free, with cata logue, and we would recommend lovers of the fine arts to pay an early visit to the collection, the opportunity for examining it at their leisure being then probably more favorable than toward the close of the exhibition, when tne rooms are more crowded ’ mylB 4t CHICAGO AUCTION SAXE. Q.REAT SAT/E OF CHICAGO CITY PROPERTY, AT AUCTION, The undersigned will offer for sale at Auction, in the CITY OF CHICAGO, on ; THURSDAY, llie 4th. day of June, 1,863, At',lo o’clock A. M , Some eighteen hundred Lots in the OKIGINAL TOWN, WIGHT’S, ELSTON’S, AND SHEFFIELD’S ADDI- TIOK.TO CHICAGO, Embracing several thousand feet of very desirable water front, well adapted to manufacturing purposes. Terms of Sals : One-fourth cash.and the balance in. three (3) annual-payments, with interest at SIX PER CENT.' -» ; ~ MAHLON D. OGDEN, my!6-12t Trustee of Chicago Land Co. AUCTIONSALE. fW BAZAAR—NINTH AND SAN SOM STREETS. EXHIBITION AND SALE OF BLOODED STOCK, HORNED CATTLE, SHEEP, SWiNE, POULTRY, &c.—Under the direction'of the Philadelphia Agricul tural Society, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, 20th May, at 10 o’clock. Open for examination, with catalogues,on TUES DAY. *3* Included in the sale will ba -10 Shetland-Ponies, Mares, Geldings,- - and Colts, some of which are broken, .and.fit for-immediate use.' A fine Bay, Morgan Stallion, of extraordinary beauty, form, and actiun. No postponement on account of tbe weather. "4®* Further contributions soliclted'for the above sale. my!6-3t . ALFRED M. HERKNESS, Auctioneer." AMUSEMENTS. ■VfBW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA -l-' THE.—Lasse© and Manager. ..Mr. W. WHEATLST. GENUINE SUCCESS Of the New Fairy Spectacle* nlglitly received with refined and Crowded Houses. • } MEWASD SPLENDID SCENERY, By J. E. Hayes and J. H Selwyn. " Coolest theatre in America; nowin Successful Operation a LARGE STEAM FAN, which supplies a current of Cool Air.'at'fhe rate of sixty thousand cubic feet per minute; amply sufficient to renew the atmosphere of the entire building once in-five minutes. SECOND WEEK, of the Charming and Talented * MRS. JOHN WOOD, The Queen of Comedy, Burlesque, and Song. m MONDAY EVENING, May ISfch, 1£63 YheFairy Extravaganza- • ••. * THE FAIR ONE WITH THE GOLDEN LOCKS. QUEEN LUCIDOBA, ) PAGE PITCHIN, : V MRS. JOHN WOOD. : ORIGINAL JACOBS, 3 MR. D. SETCHELL, as. ] MR. W. A. CHAPMAN. MR. W. DAVIDGE. MR. - C HENRI, MB. J. SEYMOUR, • ' . MRS. C. HENRIS, and THE BELGIAN GIANT, Will appear. Previous to which. THE CENSUS. PETERFAMILTAS Mr. D. SETCHELL Music under the direction of Mr. Mark Hastier. Dress Circle and Farquette . 50 cents. Oj cbestra Seats ; 75 “ Famil y Oi rcl e . -25 NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR RESERVED SE ATS. Cnrtain;riaes at S o’clock. \ffALNUT-STBEET THEATRE. ~. * » • Sole Lessee - Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSON N Business Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. • ' positively last six nights . Of the Brilliant and Successful Engagement of • Laura keene and company. FIRST TIME, in this theatre, the Dramatic Romance,of THE SEA-OF ICE; OB,;A MOTHER’S PRAYER. With New, and Beautiful Scenery by Minard Lewis, of ’Laura Keene’s Theatre, N. Y., and a Superb “Cast. Louire de Lascohrs (the Wife) 1 t- -• ' OrgaiitzCtheWild Flower of Mexico)) Mlss Lanra KeenQ The Whole Company Appear. , * ‘ ‘ THE SEA OF ICE ” conetitues the entire performance. / Doors open at 1 #; Curtain will rise at 8. (71 0 NCEET HAL L. SECOND AN POSITIVELY LAST WEEK GEN. TOM THUMB AND WIFE, AND ’ COM. NUTT AND MISS MINNIE WARREN, THE GREATEST WONDERS IN THE WORLD. A MARRIED COUPLE, A BACHELOR AND BELLE, ALL FOUR'WEIGHING BUT 100 POUNDS. THREE GRAND LEVEES EACH DAY, - ' '• WITH ‘ IMPERSONATIONS, TABLEAUX, SONGS, AND ■ - DANCES. MRS. LAVXNIA WARREN STRATTON, Will avail herself of her-sumptuoas and r costly ward robe to appear at each levee in :• - THREE DIFFERENT-DRESSES,- and at each morning levee the General and his lady' will wear the : Identical wedding .costumes They wore at their wedding at Grace Church'! * * ' THE BRIDAL PRESENTS ’ ’ - will be on exhibition at each Levee.' • • THREE LEVEES EACH-DAY,- ■ From 11 A M. to-12& P. M.. 3to 4 K and Bto 9K P.'M. ... Doors. open Half an hoar in advance.... Admission, 25 cents. Children under ten, 15 cents. nayl2-tf • • .. MASTER- JAMES WILLIAN^S - LTJ - SECOND GRAND CONCERT. In consequence of the great success of the first Concert of Master WILLIAN, he has determined to give a second of the fame sort. , NEXT THURSDAY EVENING. May 21st, 1553, At MUSICAL FUND HALL..LOCUST Street, above Eighth, when he will again give the Public an opportu nity to witness the genius of his wonderful performance. He will: on this occasion produce some of the master pieces of the great artists as Liszt, Thalberg, Gottschalk, and others. Mis. Behrens and others have ktudLy con sented to assist. Tickets 28 cents, to he had at Mr. Gould’s Music Store Seven and Chestnut.and at the Hall on the evening. of the Coucert. ; mylB-4tf Musical -fund hall. TUESDAY EVENING,'May 19ch, 1863. ‘ PHILADELPHIA JEOLIAN’S GRAND CONCERT,' For the Benefitof the • " WESLEYAN LITERARY ASSOCIATION and the LADIES’AID SOCIETY, of the Kensington M.E Church. Tickets 25 Cents, 1o he bad at the door. Doors open.at 7 o’clock. Concert commences at S o’clock. myld-3t* PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF A T? E FINE ARTS, •. ; 1035 CHESTNUT STREET. THE FORTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITION . IS NOW OPEN, : From 9 A. M. till 7 P. M., and from S till 10 P. fit. Admission, 25 cents. - Season Tick ets, 50 cents;: . Annual Tickets, One Dollar. Stockholders. Artists/ and. Contributors will receive their Tickets at the Office. myS-tf rr EEMANIA ORCHESTBA—PUBLIC’ M REHEARSALS: every. SATURDAY .AFTERNOON* At 3H o’clock, at the MUSICAL .FUND HALL, GAS* SENTE, conductor. Tickets 25 cents.. Packages of fift tickets $l. To be had of AndrS & Co., No. HW Chestnut street : J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at ih« Hall door. -' *•- no2?-if HASSL EE’S OR OHE ST BA.- NEW OFFICE, • -• 914: South EIGh.Tr Street, below Walnut. delO-te-4 C TEBEOSCOPTICONS FOB PUBLIC* .EXHIBITIONS, in ; large or: small halls, -with views, scenes, and representations of ; ilne Statuary; both of Europe and America, incidents, places, andbactleeof tile present Rebellion, • - .j: . Made and for sale bv . . ; . JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., Manufacturing Opticians, .994; CHESTNUP Street, Philadelphia. Full priced and illustrated Catalogues* sent by mail 5 free; - : ap3o-lm EDUCATIONAL. 13ELLRYTJE FEMALE INSTITUTE-T --* > A BOAKDIXG SCHOOL FOK'GlBLS.—Tiis.lnsii tution is located about twenty-, inilas from Phi ladelphia, nine miles from Trenton, and seven miles from Bristol, ontha northern limits v of ATTLEBOROUGH, Middletown township,.Bucks county; Pennsylvania—-a rural district unsurpassed for healthfnlnesß and beauty. There are three daily convenances to theorem uses irom Philadelphia during the summer. ' , ; THE SPRING AUD SUMMER TEEM-will commence - euthe r 2otfc of FjFTH month, and continue in session twelve : weeks, through, the most pleasant period of - the The course of instruction is thorough and complete in all the elementary and higher branches of an English, Classical , and Mathematical Education. The French, language's taught by. a .very superior native French teacher, who daily engages the pupils in French conver sations. : -•* '..' •; ' - A Normal Department is in operation for the benefit of those who desire to qualify'themselves for teachers. TERMS.—The charge for tuition in the English branches; with board, washing, fuel, and lights, inclu ding pens and ink, and the use-of jibrary, is, for the Spring and. Summer Term of twelve weeks, $4B. Latin. Greek, French, and Drawing,-each extra. • Circulars, giving full particulars, mav be had on ap plication to the Principals,-Atkeboro'ugh P. Or, Backs county. Pa.; or from Edward’Parrish; northwest corner of EIGHTH and ARCH Streets, Philadelphia. . ■ ISRAEL J. GRiHAME; - JANE-P. GRAHAMS, r Principals. TM JSSMARY K. THBOPP WILL RE ■WI open berEnelish. and French. “Boarding and Day- School for Young Ladies, -it IS4I*CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, the second" MONDAY in’ September. For circulars apply at the school, or address Miss-.Tliropp at Yalley Forge, Penna.. during the holidays. mylS-im? removals. BEAUMONT REMO VED to' 80.9 ARCH St., nearly opposite Lis old.place. :CmyU-12t* PIANO FORTES. dfSNt rrrrr ©»o chestnut street. 9»q nTTfr A LARGE AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF THOSE. JUSTLY CELEBRATED INSTRUMENTS . FROM. THE MANUFACTORY OF WILLIAM B. BRADBURY, , (Successor to Lights & Bradburys,) . ' MAY' BE FOUND AT THE NEW AND ELEGANT - \ WARRROOM. CHESTNUT STREET. 930 “ *' Those desirous of obtaining a eorsaion instrument* should «?a}l smdexam.me before purchasing Tha established reputation, of these instruments fo» TX.QBj.iy thirty vectrs, renders falQiUMt ns household words. ” THEY SING THEIR OWN PRAISES. Tn the arrangement' of our new scale, we have «rcrr improvement which can in any: way tend *o the Tiorfectlon of the Piano Forte; and we confidently assert that, for delicacy of touch, volume, purity, hiiulancy, and sweetness of tone, combined with that atgeagth. anal solidity necessary to DURABLEyKSS, these Sastrumeata are unequalled;. EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FOR FIVR. YEARS. E. H. 08BOEN, A.gent.: mh2o-3m TO SHELTER-TB.NT MAKBRB. Tie indersisißed is praised id sell -the light to use his patehtcutting .maces® «» %®^ B ,A“S S , B. HANSfiLt. Soaih paasr Bffeet. Ms Psteiit Eight- •PLENIPOSO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers