CITY ITEMS. Wabbubton’s Cei.ebkated Felt Hats, <sSiae and Bold exclusively by Mr. Warburton, next fioor to the Poßt Office, are, beyond doubt, the moat (Comfortable Hat of the age. Unlike the common XJew England-made hats, sold by hatters generally, the Philadelphia-made article of Mr. Warburton le manufactured from the finest selected furs , and for beauty and durability, surpasses any other felt hats in the world. Be always frank and free, spurn every •ort of affectation and disguise, have the courage to confess your ignorance and awkwardness, confide faults and follies to but few, and always pa tronize an establishment similar to that kept by •Granville Stokes, fashionable .Clothier and Mer chant Tailor, No. 609 Chestnut street, where the llatest styles of Summer Garments can be obtained at reduced prices. Fine Family Groceries. —Messrs. Davis & Richards, successors to the late O. H. Mattson, Arch and Tenth streets, (dealers in fine family gro ceries,) have now in store the largest and most com plete stock of fine groceries in thiß city. Persons About leaving for the country, and wishing to supply Ihemselveß with a stock of these necessary articles can give their orderß at this store, and have their purchases carefully packed and sent to any of the railroad depots free of charge. Tiie Eastern Market Cheese Stand. -•—Our friend Slocumb, whose Btand ia in the Eastern Market, Fifth and Merchant streets, is justly cele brated as the best judge of good Cheese to be found in the city. He is now prepared to furnish house keepers with i a delicious article of Grass Butter fresh from the churn, and Cheese of every variety, exited to the taste of the most fastidious*. His Ice "Cream 1b also unrivalled for its purity and richness. Tiie Rappahannock.—The great ques tion of the day is : Has Hooker crossed the Rappa kannock'l It is certain that he has crossed it and recrossed it; but whether he has again crossed it is -What puzzles the quid mines, and makes a grand, muddle of all speculations concerning military move-. tnentß. In our own opinion, Hooker is on the right of the river, let that side be whichever side it may be, just as those are -on the right side of wis dom, economy,, and good taste who procure their ? garments at the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of Kock kill & Wilson, No. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, Above Sixth. V A Visit to Gen. Tom Thumb and Lady. -►-We laßt evening attended one of the leveeß of these thimblefulls of humanity, and were well en tertained. We consider Commodore Nutt the biggest part of the show, notwithstanding he is six inches shorter than the General, for his impersonations -and songs in character would do credit to humorists -Of more years and incheß than the Commodore. Of the General’s wife, we can only say that we were pleased on such short acquaintance, and her •Words, like that “Tom Thumb ” we once had at the bead of the Army of the Potomac, were “short, x-Bharp, and decisive,” The General has one ad vantage over other Paterfamilias in this age of dear dry goods, Let him purchase his clothes at Charles Stokes & Co.’s, under the Continental, and he will • save enough in the material to olothe his better-half. Lace and Muslin Cubtalns.—Closing out a large lot of Curtains, held long before the war •commenced, very, fine goods, at very low prices, posi itively to etose ottf, at W. Henry Patten’s West End OCJpholetery Store, 1408 Chestnut Btreet. myls-2fc "Window Shades.—Purchase your Win dow Shades of the old manufacturer, W. Henry Patten, athis new West /End Store, 1408 Chestnut street. myis-2t 'Mattings and Carpets cut, altered, and laid; workmen despatched on receipt of order at W, Henry Patten’s West End 'Upholstery Store, 1408 •Chestnut street. myl6-2t t Verandah Awnings, those pretty, agree able, cool, outside Summer Shades, made to order, at W. Henry Patten’s West End Upholstery Store, 1408 Chesnufc street. mylo-2t Furniture Slips ok Coyers, cut and made by experienced (male or female) artists. Chintz, Linen, and Hollands suitable for clips on hand at lo w jprices, at W. Henry Patten’s, 1408 Chestnut street. . mylfrst __ SPECIAL NOTICES. .Auction Notice. LARGE SALE OP HARDWARE, CUTLERY, TOOLS, NAILS, &c., AT No. 350 North SECOND Street, • The. Stock of WM. K. HALLOWELL & CO., who are 'Quitting business. The sale will c6mmence on TUESDAY MORNING, 19th inst., at o’clock. •4®“ Catalogues are ready, and the Stock arranged for examination. ? V s 'Purchasers are invited to examine this large and •Well-assorted Stock previously to the day of sale. * CHARLES C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment is the bort known remedy for Spvainsand Bruises. A Beautiful Complexion can be ob lained by the use of HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT SAB BAFARILLA. Harch, April, May, and June, are the lies, mouths to use a Blood-Purifying remedy. See adver llscment. , - . h. ' .. f027-£inw3m We ONCE HAD F.OE A NEIGHBOR A WORTHY, -Industrious mechanic. He was also a tenant of ours, and paid liis rent promptly. ‘Unexpectedly, however, he in formed us that he-waa -poor, and must leave, not 'only our house, but the city. His reasons were brief. He that we, -with others of his neighbors, gave him no ■patronage. Our'house was soon tenantless, and income much reduced. So it will we with all communities that passby their own home institutions. Better by far to patronize the X3IRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE-COMPANY, at 415 WALNUT Street, than go ■abroad for Insurance. _ ■ my!2 Lament of the Flea. Long years have! 'wandered unfettered and free,, And bitten the young and the old, . And laid in the coach of the rich and the poor, . And frightened the warrior bold. But power is waning fast from ms— A Powder Magnetic and strong, indented by Lyon, is death to our tribe, And away I must travel ere long. Powder is harmless to mankind, but will kill ’all house insects, garden worms, plant-bugs, &c. Ly on’s Magnetic Pills are sure death to rata and’mice, Bold everywhere, DEMAS 3. BARNES, New York. ©ne-Peics Clothing, o? the- Latest •tyx-eb, made Iff tbeßastMaimer, exjnressly for RETAIL CADES. LOWEST Solline Prices marked in Plaia Pl- Ciues. Ail-Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. ■Car Ohe-Feiot System ie strictly adhered to. Ail are Thereby treated alike. deW-ly JOKES A CO. . BO* MARKET Street. WAHL—PARK.—On the 12th instant, by the Rev. W W. Barr, Mr.-John S. Paul to Miss Sarah Jane Park, all; •of thi* city. + CREAMER—BRUNETN.-Oa the 10th. instaut, byjhe (Rev. J. H. Ivennard, Mr. Robert Creamer to Miss Kate Brunein, both, of this city. DIED. SEVERSON—HULINGS.—May 12th, at Wkarton-streefc Methodist Episcopal Panonaee, 12SB South Fourth streot, by Rer. John F. Chaplain. Mr. Robert G. Severson and "Bliss Mary C. Hulings, both of Poiladelphia. * SIGLER—LAMMERS.—May Ihh, by Rev. John F. r.haplain, Mr. Theodore Sigler and Miss Sarah Jane Xammers, both of Philadelphia. . * ' THACKARA.—On Thursday evening, Mary Thomas, daughter of Ella S. and the late Thomas P. Thackara, aged 2 years and 3 months. ■ . •* 1 WALLACE.—Suddenly, on the 13th inst., Robert A., ‘ oldest son of Robert A. Wallace, aged It years and 6 months. The relatives and. friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday morning, the 16th iast., at 10 p’clock, from-the residence. No. ISIB Naudiene street/ To proceed to Odd Fellows 1 Cemetery. ** Barber.-Suddenly, on the 11th Instant, at Daven port, lowa, Sally G., wife of Samuel Barber, and for merly of this city. * HIESKELL.—Suddenly on Wednesday morning, May <l3l h, James F. Hieskell, in his thirty-sixth vear. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend hie funeral, from his late residence. No. 120 North Twelfth street, tills (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. * DbSILVER.—Monday, May 11th, 1863, FrankDeSilver, aged 49T*tt; o .^* f t°*-fljingering illness. His male friends ana n,re respectful ly invited'to attend the funeral, from his late rc-ia—-~>i 3So. 914 Broad street,, Saturday afternoon,.,at 3.o’clock. Interment at Laurel'flill. " * . , - - SCfiMUCKER. —On Tuesday, the 12fch-insfc., Samuel' JI. Schmncker, LL.D., aged 40 years.., ... ... ,'1 - The relatives and friends or the family are invited to at the lste residence of the deceased. No. 263 N. Ninth street, this (Friday)'afternoon, at 3 o’clock. To proceed to Laurel Dill Cemetery, * SlMONS.—Suddenly on the evening of the 12tn .insfc., Mrs. Catharine Simons, relict of Noah Simons, in her **o3d year The yelatives and friends are invited to attend • the funeral,from the residence of her son, 1428 Poplar street, this-(Friday)afternoon, at4o’clock.,. , . * \ BUSH. —Oo'the 9th instant, at Washington, of wounds received at -the battle of Frederickebarg, Lieut. George W. Bush, Company 1,-9Sth Regiment P. V., in the 38ch year of his age. . * TXLACK ITS?ONS TAFFETAS.— Glossy Black' SILKS, 20 to 32 inches wide. "BESSOEi & t-ON, Monrnim? Store, y mys - No. 018 CH&STNTT Street jOUMMKU BOMBAZINES—A PULL assortment, $1.25 to $2 a yard. BESSON & SON, Monrnlnac Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. "BLACK. AND PURPLE JACONETS J-* Rich. Striped, Black, and Purple Preach. LAWNS, 26 cents. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, jnys \r_ No. 9iB, CHESTNUT Street. "VTEAT STRIPE FOULARD SILKS •’’••for Friends. Kent Plaid Foulard Silks for Friends EYRE & LANLELL. PYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, have now arranged for sale a fine stock of Goods adapted to first class saleß. <* Cnir Color VeJoutines. Cuir Color Mohairs. ' New Summer Shawls. New Light Spring Sacks: Summer Silks and Foulards. Beautiful line of Dress Goods. Jpg' MUSICAL FUND SOCIETY. ' BOARD OR DIRECTORS. 1863-4. PRESIDENT. ROBLEY DUNGLISON, M.D. VTCE PRESIDENT, THOMAS SULLY. TREASURER,; FRANCIS GURNEY SMITH. WILLIAM C LfI?UWbLISON. Yrarkliu Peale, William L- Mactier, Pierce Batler, Thos. R. Maris, M. W. Baidwiu, ■ F. A. Klemm, Bryant Fergußpn, Michael H. Cross, Thos. Fitzgerald, Joaeph Fiiher.. JohnNotman, Chaa.HoweU, Jaa.V.Patterson, MD., Carl H, 0. Sentz, Theodore Cuyler, Francis Cooper, "William R. Lejee, J. Da Costa, M. D., C, F. Stolte, .. S. Winner. * • 00UX8J THEODORE CUTLER, PHTSK Jas.y, Patterson,M.D., i SUPERINTENDENT,' * THOMAS J. BECKETT, At the Musical Fund Hall, LOCUST, above Eighth street. The MUSICAL FUND SOCIETY has been in existence for upwards of forty years. It was: originally instituted •‘for the purpose of forming a fund for the relief and support of decayed musicians and their 'families,” and during-the past year one thousand’five hundred and seventeen dollars havebeen-distributed to professional members or their families ‘‘in needy circumstances.” It is from the rental of its beautiful and commodious Hall that the Society,derives its funds for these benefi cent purposes. ‘ It ? UNION LODGE, 3VO. I*3l, A. Y. M.- The members of Union L r dge,No. 111, A. Y.'M., tvDl meet THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON, at talf past 2 o’clock, at the Masonic Hall, CHESTNUT Street, to at-, tend the funeral of our late Brother JAMES F. HEIS JULL. By order of W. Master. It*. - - • » ALBERT R. FCERINO, Secretary. GOLD, SILVER, AMD DEMAND IcVNOTES WANTED. : DREXEL it CO., apl3-lm / 34 South THIRD Street. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE SCBUYLKU.L HAVEN AND LEHIGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY. . The Directors submit herewith a .joint agreement, ■which they have made with the Mauagars of the Mine hill and fcchuylkill Haven Railroad Company, for the merger ai d consolidation ot the two Companies, under the'provisions of the Act of Assembly of May 16,1551, entitled an Act relating to Railroads. In acting upon this agreement, every share of the Capi tal Stock of the Company is entitled to one vote; and should it be approved of by a majority of the shares voted, the merger and consolidation will be complete, ns soon as the certifica-e -required by the act is filed in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. In order that every Stockholder mav have an opoortii nity for recording his vote, it is propoi 61 that the bailors for aiiii ugainst the agreement shall be received until the 16th day of May, 1863, at 2 o’clock P. JI. The Direct >rs have deemed it proper to enter into this agreement for the purpose of more completely and con vtniemly carrying out a phm for havmomziug the seve ral interests connected with tbe Anthracite Coal trade, ■the basis of which has had, the approval of the manage ment of the corporations interested, and the agreements for which are now in the course of preparation under the advice of counsel. BOOK ABOVE ALL $ OR, THIS Holy Bible the only Sensible, Infallible, and Di vine Authority on Earth. —A series of Discourses by T. H. STOCKTON, to commence-CD V. )in the Church at ELEVENTH and.WOOD Streets SABBATH EVENING, May 17th, 1% o’clock. weekly, same time and place, nntil completed. Seats free. Circulars, for gratuitous distribution, containing a full programme of the course, may be had of Zieber, ‘Martian, rerkinpine & .Biggins, Renioul, (25 N. Sixth street,) or atother Bookstores; and alsuat the business place of the Authors son, Rnbencaine & Stockton, 111-N-. Ninth street, above Arch. IL* OFFICE SIINEHILL AND SCHUYLKILL HAVEN RAILROAD COM PANT—Philadelphia, sth Month. 14," 1863. NOTlCE.—Agreeably to the resolutions of the Srock holdersof the MINEHILL AND SCHUYLKILL HAVEN -RAILROAD COMPANY, the votes-of-the Stockholders in said Company, on the joint agreement for merging and consolidating said Company with the SCHUYLKILL HAVEN AND LEHIGH RIVES RAILROAD COMPAN Y, will continue to be received on the 15th and 16th inst., between the hours of 10 A. M and 2 P. M., at the office of said Company, No. 15 South SEVENTH Street, hall of the Franklin Institute. WM. BIDDLE,. It t '. . • Secretary. OFFICE SCHUYLKILL HAVEN &€*=* AND LEHIGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY- Pbjlapelphia, May 14. NOTlCE.—Agreeably to the resolution of the Stock boldfir? of the SCHUYLKILL-HAVEN AND LEHIGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY, tie votes ol the Stock holders in said Company,, on the joint agreement for merging and consolidating said Comiias-y with the MINE HILL AND SCHUYLKILL HAVEN RAILROAD COIL PANY, will'continue to be received’on the loth and. lo'th instant, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P. M., at the office of said Company, No. 15 South SEVENTH; Street, hall of the Franklin Institute. 2t ___ JOSHUA W. ASH, Secretary. SLLORB, I CHAB. E. LEX. jrAws, - J. DA COSTA, M. D, ■ So far as the Mineliill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company and the Schuylkill Haven and Lehigh River Railroad Company are interested in tho proposed ar rangement* the following explanations maybe of ser vice iu leading to the formation of your judgment on the agreement on which you are about to vote. At present, an agreement exists between the Minehill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company, and the Schuylkill Navigation Company, which is to continue for teu years from the 31st day of December, IS3I, under which the latter company guarantees to the former that the proportion of the charges imposed on coal, <&c , pass ing over tbe Minehill road shall net to its stockholders eight per ceut. per annum on their shares, the number ot which i 6 limited by said agreement. An agreement also exists between The Mineuill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company and The Sohuylkill Haven and Lehigh River Riilroad Company, under which, upon the completion of the road of the latter Com pany, the Minehill Company is to take a lease of said road for 959 years, and to pay the Stockholders thereof eight per cent, per annum in Dividends. The Philadelphia and Heading Railroad Company have obtained, by lease or purchase, the control of all.the rai-roads penetrating the Coal region of Schuylkill county, except the Minehill road, and although at pre sent arrangements exist between.that Company and the Schuylkill tfavigatlon Company which give equal facili ties of access and use of .the lateral railroads, such ar rangements are constantly liable to be broken up by ri valries and competitions. Should such rivalry and competition become extreme, it is quite probable that the engagements into which the several companies have entered could not be carried out, and lienee it lias been deemed important to adopt some p'ani which will give certainty and permanency to the in comes which the Stockholders of the lateral roads are to receive from the great trunk lines, and to keep the latter in the best possible condition for meeting the engage ments contained in their leases and agreements. To effect this desirable purpose is our present object, and the first slep in it is to consolidate and merge the Mine hill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company and the Schuylkill Haven and Lehigh River Railroad Company. This being accomplished, the capital-stock.of the consoli dated company wi»l amount to $4,300,000. This sum of $4,500,0C0 it is capitalize into the sum of $5.733,334 and at that rate for the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Company to purchase from the Stockholders of the consolidated company their shares of stock, on paying for the same say, $66*6 Ser share, of which Ss9“a will be in 6 per coat. onds of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, and $7 per share in - 6 per cent, of Boat and Car-Loan of the Schuylkill Navigation Com*, Panv of the year 1563. ' The Bonds so issued by the hiladelpbia and Reading Railroad Company are to have Fifty years to run and to be secured by a distinct pledge of the property of the Minehill and hchuylkiU Haven Railroad Company so that, in addition to the faith of the Reading Railroad Company, the parties-who accept such Bonds for their stock will have all the security they now hold for their shares, rlt ‘s also agreed that a Sinking Fund of sufficient amount to pay off the said bonds at maturity shall be provided by the Reading Railroad Company, which shall be invested in said bonds whenever they can be had at a price not above par, or, failing in that, in the loans of the United States, or the State of Pennsylvania, or the city of Philadelphia. In addition to the faith of the Schuylkill Navigation Company tor the payment of its Boat and Car Loan at maturity, all the Boats.and -Railroad Cars purchased therewith, and additional Boats and Cars heretofore purchased by the Company, and an annual Sinking Fund, are pledged for payment. So that to every one who will thus sell his stock to tho Philadelphia and Readingßailroad Company an annual return thereon, equal to Eight per Cent, of its par value, is fully secured. • A reasonable time is to be allowed to tbe Stockholders of ilio Minehill Company to sell their shares on these terms, afrerwhich the option of givingsucb Bonds inex change for the fctockis to rest with the Reading Com pany. With the Stockholders of the Minehill Company, who do not agree to sell their Stock on the proposed terms, the following arrangement will he made: An amount equal to Fonr per Cent, semi-annually on the Stock of such refusing Stockholders will be paid over to the Managers of the Minehill Com pany, who, after deducting from it such sum as may be deemed necessary for paying the expenses of keeping up the organization of the Company,.will distribute the re ins inder a mong snch Stockholders as a Dividend on their shares of Stock. , Concurrently with these arrangements, the present agreement between tie MmehiiT Company and the Schuylkill Navigation Company is to be cancelled. The aKreement between the Reading Railroad Compa ny and Schuylkill Navigation Company will ifcipalate that the rate to be charged on the lateral roads for toll and transportation, exceptwben it may be deemed ne cessary to modify them for the purple of increasing the development of the production of coal and tlie increase of business, shall be sufficient to meet the sums to bn paid tor them under the leases and agreements, and that in case of any deficiency, such deficiency shall be met and paid by the said two companies in the proportions of the tonnage which they have respectively had from said roads during the preceding year. ..The advantages of this arrangement to the holders of the stock of the Minehill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad, as -?f i vl U v e constituted by the merger and'eonsolidation, Will be this; that they will hold the substantial guarantee of both the Reading Company and the Navigation Compa ny tor the payment of the annual interest on income as a matter of real permanence, instead of the present guarantee of the Schuylkill Navigation Company, which ‘'''ill cud m 1872, and 'ot the uncertain earnings of the Minehill and Schuylkill Haven and Lehigh River Rail roads after that date _The only remaining feature of the agreement with the Reading Company that it is important to notice is this, that any holder of the present stock of the Schuylkill Haven and Lehigh River Rallrosd Company, who may desire it, has the privilege of selling his stock in the set tlement and arrangement, on the following terms: If his stock hasbeen paid up in full, SO per cent . namely,• B*4o pir share, will be returned to him in cash, and for the remaining 20 per cent, or $lO per share, he will re ceive in the 6 per cent. Reading Bonds and Schuylkill Navigatb n Boat and Car Loans, in the pro portions named for settlement of full-paid stock. Hold ers otstock, who have made partial payments, will have the same privilege of making, by payments or re-- ceipts, their stock equal to $lO per share paid in, and re ceive the same sum of s26!j per share in the loans above’ mentioned. In conclusion,the Directors recommend a hearty con currence m these arrangements on the part of the stock holders as m their judgmeit they will. in th 9 best way, the value and productiveness of all the properties ot the several companies concurring therein, and at the same time give to those engaged in the mining and sell ing of coal the most complete and economical arrange ments for reaching the great markets of the country by the unrivalled facilities of the Schuylkill Navigation Company and Reading Railroad Company. ....... , ;By ‘order of the Directors. - ALEX. J. DERBYSHIRE, Office Schuylkill Haven and' Lehigh River Railroad Com pany, May 13,1563. it HISTORICAL* SOCIETY OF PENN, *<#=» SYLVANIA.—A Special Meeting will be held on MONDAY EVENING, the 18th inst.. at 8 o’clock. By direction of the President. myls-St SAML. L. SMEDLEY, Recording Sec’y. REV. Iff. li* RICE, D. D., OF NEW YORK, will deliver a LECTURE in the West Arch -street Presbyterian Church, corner of ARC H and. EIGHTEENTH Streets, on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT,. 19th instant, on ‘ ‘ The Mysteries of Natnro and Revela tion.” The proceeds of this Lectare will be applied inaidof' the First Presbyterian Church, Belmont avenue. Admittance 25 cents. Tickets for sale at Messrs. Martien’s; Presbyterian. Board of Publication; American Tract Society; Ameri can Sunday School Union, and at the door. myl4-tl9 r-S? 58 ’ OFFICE UNION MUTUAL INSU RANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia, May 11.1863. The Board of Directors of this Company hereby give notice that a meeting of the Scripholdera will be held at. their Office, N. E. corner of WALNUT and THIRD- Sts., MONDAY, at 12 o’clook M. , June 1, 1863, to act on an amendment to the Charter of the Company for converts ing the Scrip into Stock. - JOHN MOSS, myl3-tjel . . . .Secretary. MANDAN MINING COMPANY, OF LAKE SUPERIOR.—The Annual. Meeting of Stockholders of the Mandan Mining Company will be held at Office, No. 324 WALNUT- Street, on THURSDAY, the 28th inst., at 31 o’clock A. M , for the election of Directors, and the transaction of other busi ness. B. A. HO JPES, Secretary. PhUadelphia, May, 11, 1863. \myl2to2B CONIPA NY.t-a Stock vote will be taken a«ii«-irTima.ttV.- ROOM on TUEBDAV, the 19ih inst. /between the hours of 9 A. M. and 8 P. M. vupon tbe following questions: Ist. Duplication of £took within the year 1564. - 2d. Increasing the annual dues of Stockholders to three dollars, and of Subscribers to five dollars, on and after January 1,1864. JOHN LARDNER, Jr., , my7-tf • : Recording Secretary. ' |W£pa» OFFICE OF THE HESTONVILLEj K2* MANTUA, AND FAIRMOUNT PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY.—NOTICE TO STOCKHOLD ERS.—Tbe seventh instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share on tbe stock of said company, willbe due and pay able on the 22d inst., at the office of the Treasurer, JOHN O’BYRNE, No. UC South SIXTH Street my6-wfm6L* R. T. FRAILEY, Secretary. COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENN |Ob> SYLVANIA, Philadelphia, May 5,1533. -. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of FOUR PER CENT., clear of national and State taxes, payable on demand. • - my6-wfm6t S. C. PALMER, Cashier. GIRARD BANK, PHILADELPHIA, I<s=* Mayfi.lßeST ' The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT, out of the profits of the last six months, payable on and after the 15th inst., free of taxes. my6-wfmtls - W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. PITTSBURG, MAY 5, 1J63.-THE |[££r Directors of the EXCHANGE BANK OF PITTS BURG have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT, out of the earnings of, the last six months, pay able on and a f ter the 15th inst. _ , Eastern Stockholders will he paid at the Western Bank of Philadelphia. H.-M. MURRAY, ms7-l2t . . .Cashier. OFFICE OP THE SURGEON-AH- TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY,' Philadel phia, October 24, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying ArtiflciftlfLimbf), should apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Stroet. B. FRANK PALMER, ja9-6m Government Surgeon-Artist. HOSPITAL, IUB CUTHBBIiT Street,—This institution is now open for the reception of lick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner, free of charge. B. F. GLENN, - : n022-tf Secretary of Board of Managers. - OPPICE OP THE AMERICAN §<> FIRE INSURANCE COMPANtf-No. 310 WAL ‘NUT Street. Philadelphia. April 21st. 1863. - NOTICE is hereby given, that a SPECIAL MEETING of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Company will be held at this office, on THURSDAY. May 21st, 1863. at 12 o’clock M., to consider the propriety of accepting the provisions of the supplement to: their cbarter,.approvea April 14, 1868, and authorizing the Board of Directors to increase the Capital Siock of tbe Company. w ap22-dtmy2l* ' , A. C. L, CRAWFORD, Sec’y. • m OPPICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 15, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FOUR PER CBNT. on' the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State and National taxes, payable on and after May 15, 1863. ~, • . . Powers of Attorney for Collections of dividends canbe had on application at the office of the Company, No. 5338 South THIRD Street. ■ mh!6-tjel- THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE IRON COMPANY will be held at the Company’s Office, Irondale, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, »May 20, 1863, for the purpose of electing nine Directors to serve the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other business. - WM. E. S. BAKER, Treasurer, ap2o-30t* No. al3 North WATER Street. WEBLY CORSETS—MRS STEELE, tt TEN'J H Street, below Chestnut, lias just received an elegant assortment of ’ A ~ ... FINE PARIS WERLY CORSBTS. ; to which the attention of the ladies is invited. On hand, also, white Linen SummerfCorsets, and others of every style and texture, and a fine assortment of Ladies’ and Misses’ SKIRTS. ,inyls-3t* 1 TO SHELTER-TENT MAKERS.-- Tlie undersigned is prepared to'sell the right to" use Us PATENT CUTTING MACHINE on favorable terms. B. HANSELL, S»» South FRONT Street. N. B. —AU persons are cautioned against infringing on Us Patent Right. rnyW-af - MUTUAL LIFE F, RATCHFOKD STARR, '■ GENERAL AGENT. /CASH ASSETS, nine and one quarter MITXIONS OF DOLLARS. It is believed that the dividends for the past five years ($3.(.00,000) are larger in amount and proportion to pre miums paid, than were ever declared, m the same space of time by any other Life Company., They may be ap: plied, at the option of the policy holder, either to the purchase of additional insurance, payable with the poli cy at maturity, or in redaction of premiums. By there examples, it will be seen that in some case 3 the ANNUAL REDUCTION granted bvthe Company is LARGER THAN THE ANNUAL PRRMIUM; iu other words, that the policy would be entirely PAID UP for the original amount, and the policy-holder, instead of paying premium to the Company, would actually be in RECEIPT OF AN ANNUITY (to be increased by subse quent dividends) for the remainder of life. DRY-GOODS J OBBERS. piFTY BALES * FRENCH JACONETS AND ORGANDIES, of the celebrated manufacture of DOLLEUS MIEG & CO., FRERES KOECHLIN. Justjeceived and for sale at very low prices by M. L. HALLO WELL & CO.,' Nos. 615 CHESTNUT and 613 JAYNBStreeia. myl-12t if BRANSON, & OO;, K.W. CORNER MARKET AND FIFTH BTS..’ (SOI Market Street.) JOBBERS OF ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERM AH DRESS FABRICS, SHAWLS, &c. We invite the attentloa erf the RETAIL TRADE to our well-assorted stock of FOREIGN DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS, which we will sell at the very lowest market price. We pay especial attention to the large Auction Sales, and Buyers can find Goods in orr® 1 Store, at much less than cost of Importation, and as cheap as they can be found anywhere. ■ „ T. E. Dawsoit. J. G. Bohpardxeb,- O. Branson. ap!3-36t Xi. HALLOWELL <St 00., NO. 615 CHESTNUT STREET, (JAYNE’S MARBLE BUILDING,! Have now ta stock, and are daily receiving, a handsome assortment of New Foreign riHCY DRY' GOOOS SILKS 3 AH'purchasod since the recent DECLINE IN GOLD AND EXCHANGE. j&nd which will be sold at a SMALL ADVANCE FOR CASH. apB-2m • HARDWARE AND CUTLERY'. gARDWARE. CIiO&MG OUT AT OL T> PRIC B S, - The Stock of a WHOLESALE HOUSE, comprising a LARGEFASSORTMENT OF . ALL KINDS OF GOODS. ■437- MARKET and 416 COMMERCE Streets. . apl6-lnr BLINDS AND SHADES. JgLINDS ANB SHADES. B. J'.. Wll> L I A M S i N 0- 16- NORTH SIXTH STREET. MA-NUPACTHSEB OP VENETIAN BLINDS WINDOW SHADES. j(®=- The Largest and Finest Assortment in the city, at the Lowest Prices. Blinds Painted and Trimmed equal to new." Store Shades Made and Lettered. ap6-2m jg| WATOHES! WATCHES! AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. COMPANY’S SALESROOM SOUTHEAST CORNER EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT ST.. I: B. MARTEK, ■ AGENT. Thesewatshes have now Sean in use over twelve years, and, for ACCCJRAOT, DURABILITY, AND RELIABILITY, in every conceivable manner, have proved themselves to he the moat satisfactory time-pieces ever offered to the public. This result has been brought about by a strict appli cation of mechanical science to the construction of the watch from its very inception, rendering, it, when finished, MATHEIVIATIC ALKY CORRECT in ell' its proportions, and necessarily as perfect a time-. keeper as it is possible to make. - . -. . The Company have tested their Watches, m many in-, stances, by actual daily noting, and the result of. this te«t has been that they have exhibited a rate equal ia jegularity to the best marine chronometer. We invite attention to the - - --LADIES’ elaborately finished, and thinner than any "w;e'. haye heretofore produced, with several improvements calcur. lated to secure the greatest accnrady of performance, and to prevent the usual accidents and. derangements to. which, foreign watches are liable. myls-lm. PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY, &<h. A COLLECTOR’S OFFICE, CUSTOM-HOUSE, Philadelphia, May 15, 1863; Sealed and endorsed “ Proposals for BOOKS, BLANKS* and STATIONERY, for the Custom, House, Philadel phia,” will be received at this office, until the !Blhday of j une, inclusive, for supplying the Custom- House* thr one year." fromthe 30th day of June, 186.3, with Blank Books, for Entries, Records, Abstracts, &c. - I’rinted Books of Bonds, &c. Printed Blanks, for Enrolments, Licenses, Reports,. Permits, Accounts; &c. Stationery, viz:'Pens, Ink, Paper, Pencils, &o. The whole probably not to exceed $3,000.• ‘. Liberty is reserved to 1 accept such proposals for the the whole or any portion of the articles therein named. »' It is also to be understood that all such articles as may be required, and which are not expressly mentioned in the schedules, shall be furnished by the contractors at. the usual market prices, or-m^y,'at ?bhe‘option of the' Collector, be purchased in-open market. Pcbedales of articles and estimated quantities, with specimens and other required particulars, iurnished on application at this office. ~ . .. Bonds, with satisfactory security, will be required for the faithful performance of tho contract. my!s-fr4t > WM. B. THOMAS. Collector. OF NATY AGENT, 114 South THIRD Street • - , r . - • Philadelphia, May 14, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received for twelve thousand (12,C00)gallons of NAS r Y>BEANS, of the best duality, at tie BUREAU OF PROVISION AND CLO THING, WASHINGTON, D. C., until 12 o’clock Pitt- DAY. noon. May 22. The Beans to be subject to the in spection of the United States Inspector, and delivered at the Philadelphia Navy Yard without additional charge. The proposals will'oe sealed and forwarded as direct ed, BUREAU OF. PROVISION AND CLOTHING, wASwrNfiTfyN DC ' m°M-6t JAMES S. CHAMBERS, Navy Agent. TN THE. COURT OF COMMON A PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA. - V [i„ s. I Notice is hereby given to . all persons inte rested in the. following accounts, that the Honorable tho Judges of the Court aforesaid have appointed SATUR DAY, tho 6th day of. June, Af D. 1863, for hearing the same, and unless exceptions be filed thereto they will be allowed, viz: • , Eetate of Joeeph Ripka," iccouut of Tnistee, EstateofGeo. Bicking, accountof-Committee. Estate of Jacob and Givenny Ann Streeper, account oi Committee. '' : Estate of Mrs Mary Patton and children, account of Trustee. Estate of Geo. Bunge,& Co., account of Assignee. Estate of Independent Mutual Insurance Company, account of A&ignee. • Estate of James Hart, account of Assignee Estate of George and Mary App,- account of Trustee. Estate of Louisa B. ;Steedrnan, account of Trustee. Estate of Jane M. B. Steedman. account of Trustee. FREDERICK G. WOLBERT, my15,22,29,je5-4t q- .. Prothonotary. : TN TBE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR ■-*- THEjCXTY AMBJJOraTrOTTHILiDISLVHIL | Estate (rfCAB“qTINE~PHI/, deceased. The Auditor appointed hr the Court to audit. Bottle, and adjust the account of.ROBERT P. KING, Adminia tratorof the Eatate ol CAROLENE PHIZ, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purr poeeß of his appointment, on THURSDAY, May 2Sth; 1563, at 4 o’clock P. M.. at his office. No. 50T RACE Street, in the city of Philadelphia. mylo-fmwgt'* ; JOS. . ABRAMS, Auditor. ? ■vrOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT application will be made to the Frauklin Fire In surance Company of Philadelphia to Issue a new POLICY to the Executors and Trusteesunder the will of DAVID KIRKPATRICK, Deceased, in place of Polioy No. 6,143, transferred to him Pec. 10,1855, the same having been lost or mislaid; re. « CHAS. E. "LEX, iuylfi-imw6t* IFor Execntors and Trustees... ABIES HE IDS IE OK CHAM VJ PAGNE. —lOO baskets of this celebrated Wine just received. audfo t BlVl9iut!Qßdor o du o t|Bsidbj,- ETEyi 131 South FBOHT Street. ; jnyH-lta THE PKESS.-PHILADELPHIA; FRIDAY, MAY 15. 1863. INSURANCE PHILADELPHIA AGENCY, ONE AND THEBE QUARTER MILLIOXS OP DOLLARS.’ When Insured, 186 600 2,927 8,815 8,176. 14,243 28,271 Rates of Premium, lower than in most Companies, See Pamphlet. COMMISSION HOUSES,, pAVID ROGERS, Ho. 45 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, MEN AND BOYS’ WEAR, LADIES’CLOAKINGS, &c. HthSo-2mf gPBING, ■ 1863. YARD, GILLMORE, & CO., Importers and Jobbers of SILKS AMD • FANCY DRY GOODS, NOS. «H CHESTNUT AND 814 JAYNE STS.i Hats bow open, of THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, A LARGE AND HANDSOME STOCK OP SPRING GOODS, ‘ COMPRISING DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, RIBBONS. GLOVES, &c. Also. A fall assortment of WHITE GOODS, LINENS, FURNISHING GOODS. EH BROIDERIES, AND LACSS. The attention of the trade Is requested. fo2l-Sin 1863. SPBINB. 1863. JOBNESS. BE.BBY. A CO, (Succeesort to Abbott, Johnes, ft Go.) Ko. IRBT MARKET. and 53* COMMERCE Stress, PHILADELPHIA. MPOKTBBS AND JOBBERS O* SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS; Eat* now csss eLAKOEAITD ATTRACTIVE STOCK Ef .DBB'SS GOODS,' Adapted to the Ssdaon. Also, a Fall Assortment in WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS, GLOYES, SHAWLS, &b, . Which they offer to the trade At the LOWEST PRICES. CASH BUYERS ire particularly invited to examine-our Stock. fel3«tf 11863. spring JS63. ) >' DRY GOODSi -3 l • .•. '■' : ' j MOOD, BONBIOCX, WHOLESALE DEALERS IIT ' * FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Xfe 435 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA The attention of the TRADE Is invited to- their lays* Stock-of BTAFLE AND FANCY eOODS; Amoag which are choice brands of-Shect ing and Shirting Mhslins, Madder Prints,- De Laines, Ginghams, Lawns; and Newbst Styles Dress Goods; ALSO, MEN’S WEAR , IH GREAT VARIETY. GREAT-INDUCEMENTS OFFERED S TO CASH BUYERS. mb2o-2m ■ - ■ , PHILADELPHIA BURLAP BAGS OF ALL SIZES, FOE COE-Ifi OATS, COFFEE, BONE-DUST, aw. SEAMLESS BAGS, Of standard .makes, ALL SIZES, for sale cheap, for not cash on delivery. g HIP LEY, HAZARD, & ibutchinso-n; -■ No. 118 CHESTNUT STREET, . COMMISSION. HEKCHATOS, FOR THE SALE OF FHI LAD EL FHI A-HAD E G HDDS. mh3Ksm '■ JOHN T. BAILEY 4 GO. EkA G S AND BAGGING 07BVEKY DESCBIPTION, NO. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET, WOOL BAGS FOB SALE. !»2&6m ■ GOODS. ' DARK-RLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKI-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. • . DRILES, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVI LINEN DBILLB AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. Tor sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. ae2-lf if JHE “EXCELSIOR” HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. NONE GENUINE UNLESS BRANDED •* j. n, m. & co. rniLiDA. excelsior.” J. XI. MICIIENER «& CO., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, CURERS OF THE CELEBRATED « E ZCEL S X O XV** SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Nos. 143 and 144 North FRONT Streot Between Arch and Race streets, Philadelphia. The justly-celebrated “EXCELSIOR ” HAMS are cnred by J. &. M. A Co. (in a style peculiar to themsel res) ex pressly for FAMILY USE, are of delicious flavor, ’free from the unpleasant taste of salt.-and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sale. ap6-mw&ftjy6 gTBAWBERRY WINE, . EQUAL TO MALMSEY MASSIBA. Jnat received! ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. COBNEE ELEVENTH and VIHB Street*. FOR THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX - STAMPS, No.; 57 South THIRD Street; first door above Chestnut. A full supply of all kinds of TAX STAMPS constantly on hand, and for sale in quantities to. suit. • : A liberal discount allowed on amounts of ssfi and up wards..' Orders by Mail promptly attended to. . Office Hours from 9 A: If. toSP. M. ; JACOB E. BIDQWAY,. :: dea-tjelO , ao. OTSontli THIKD Street. TYESKS, OFFICE AN I) SCHOOL FUR AA nITURE, Book"and Sliow-casee, for eale and mads to oidor ctoy. SMITH, 333 MAS4ET St. wy9:6t* ANNUAL INCOME, EXAMPLES OF premiums 224 00 46 65 175 50 72 50 ISO 00 204 00 64 00 15S 65 317 30 10,000 1,500 6,000 1,000 2,000 10,000 2,000 6,000 10, COO Importer and Jobber of “B A G” MANUFACTORY. GEO. GRIGGv Nos. 3X9 and 331 CHURCH Alley. COMPANY NO« 4CO WALNUT STREET. PAID CLAIMS BY DEATH, FOUR AND A HALF % MILLIONS OR DOLLARS. DIVIDENDS. Dividends which maybe applied, as follows: Total premiums Paid. Additions to Policy of Or in reduc tion of pre miums of 6,959 49' 921 21 3,18357 849 71 !,8!3 63 4,914 14 918 53 1,665 93 1,495 23 4,480 00 933 00 3,510 00 1,450 00 3,213 00 3,264 00 All Policies issued by this Company parti profits. ■ ' DWA R D M . DAVIS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 30 South THIRD Street, (up stairs,) A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BUSI NESS TRANSACTED. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted. Exchange on Europe Sold. Special Collections made. Coin and Cur rency Bought. Interest Allowed on Deposits.. apl-3m g HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 313 WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and BONDS, and aU kinds of U. 8. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES, bought aud sold on Commission. Business Paper ana Loans on Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. UNITED STATES 5-20 TEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, Famished at PAR in sums to suit. Orders by Mall shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., John B. Myers & Co., Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., Fcrhess,Brinley,&Go., John Thomas, Esq. apl-3m if S. PEABODY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 8 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Augustus S. Peabody, Theroi? 8. Knapp, (LateCsshier with J. T. Van Yleek.) TOCK& AND BONDS OP ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Asuppl? ef GOVERNMENT SECURITIES constantly on hand and for sale at the current market value. COLLECTIONS MADE on all parts- of the United States, open to mail oresprcss; also, on the Canadas and British Provinces. Tore, May 1> 1863. gTERLING AMD PARIS EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOUD. JOHN 0. CAPP & SON, STOOX AND NOT 2 BE OKEBD, Directly o?9©slte the Mechanics’ Bank. STOCKS JMD BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON ATTHE BOARD OFB3GKEKS. INVESTED NOTES A m> LOANS NEGOTIATED mhi2-Sm ON THE BEST TERMS. COLLECTION* OF U. S. OSBTIFI yj CATES OriNUKBTEDNESS;~The'ADAMS’ EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared-to. collect at the Treaeury.Departmea.fii I Washington,' with'despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One Year Certiffcstes of In debtedness of the United States now due or shortly ma turing. : „ Terms-'made known and receipts given at the office, NoV 330 CBESNUT Street. mys-tf MILITARY GOODS. te d s tat-es flags' SILK AND BUNTHST GJ-i EVANS & HABSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS; GOVERNMENT GOODS-. Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. . . Indigo Blue Flannels; Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, <6 00., No. 830 CHESTNUT STREET mh24-3m w. SIMONS * BROTHER! BANBOM-STREET HALL. PHILADELPHIA* MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, AKD MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERYVARIETY: Jal3>if3m o O L . 60,0001b5. Fleece and Tub, Pennsylvania-and-Ohio, choice, in condition. .- 4&,fiColbs. Canada and Western Fleece, lightand clean... * SHEEP PEim SO bundles Dry Western. WOOLEN YARNS* .20to 30 cuts fine, of .superior makes, for > Linseye, Do- ; niets, Shawls,’ Hosiery, ftc., &c. COTTON YARNS, rdf best standard makes, all numbers and description. ALEX. WHILLDIN & SONS, ; \ 18 NORTH FRONT STREET.. niyll-mwftf * ■* ■ ®innft BE AVAR I).—STOLEN-: ON tjpl,vUU the night of April ISfeh, 1563, from the Fire Proof of the Reading Railroad Company, at their npper Freight Depot, at Reading, a Package of Money, containing, TEN THOUSAND-. AND. NINETY-S.BVEN DOLLARS. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD, will be paid for the recovery of said inoueyi or the same pro portion for any part thereof; and a further sum. of Five Hundred Dollars for such in formation as may lead to the apprehension and conviction orUhe thief or tliieyes.. 1 •' W: Hi WEBB; Secretary, Philadelphia aud Readingßailroad Company, my!4-I2t 33T Soiith FOURTH St.,Philftdas pREGG & CO.’S NEWLY INVENTED vX ' METALLIC REFRIGERATOR.’soId by WALCOTT & BURNHAM, ; CHESTNUT Street, is the most beautiful and economical. Refrigerator ever- presented to the public.. This is a combination of Refrigerator aiid Water Cooler, and require very little more ice for both than is generally, used for the Cooler alone. myl4-6vv*if /RAILROAD IRON BOR SALE,— -tVi United States Military Ratlkoau Office, 5450 G Strekt-, Washington, May 12, ISG3. The undersigned will,receive sealed bids tor the pur chase of 95S §2O-2240-tons of new RAILROAD IRON, weighing 60 lbs. to .th-a yard. 266 720-2240 tons of the above is at the Cambria Mills, Johnstown. Pa., and the balance, 672 200-2240'tons, is at Pittsburg, Pa. , . |&]n case a bid is accepted, the p*rtv making tho same will be no'-ified as~:soon as r : practicable. If within ten days afrev such notice the party shall fail to make, pay ment in Government funds tothe undersigned, the Iron for which such bid wa3-made will be subject to sale to any other person. > The right to reject any and all bids is expressly re served.' AJI bids,must be sealed auddirected to the un dersigned, Washington, D. C., and endorsed “ Bid for Railroad Iron.”' , - - Bids will be received as above invited until JUNE sth, at which time a decision will be_ given. _ __ H. L. ROBINSON, Captain and A. Q. M. inyl4-tjel TO THE TEADE.— SOO BOSES OAS -1- TILE SOAP, handsomely mottled. 1 Packed and Boxed,after the genuine Marseillaise—and a close imita tion of the same. For sale by. ' MDLFORD & RICHMOND, ; my!4-3t* 5. CHANCERY Lane, south, of; Ittfl ARCH St. DOWEN & OO.’S LIIHOGRAPHIO A* ESTABLISHMENT, Southwest Corner of ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT SU., • AND >NO. 515 vMINOR STREET, , PHILADELPHIA. . Every description of LITHOGRAPHY, PLATE PRINTING, and COLORING EXEOOTBD IN THI MOST BDPRBIOK MANNBB mhlO-tf WILLIAM R.. YEATON & CJ. No. 901 South. FRONT.Streets - - Agents for the sale of the & CO. CHAMPAG .ir* . - Offer that desirable Wine to the trade.. Also, L COO caaee fine and medium grades BORDEAUX-CLARETS. 100 cases “Brandenberg Freres” COGNA'j BRANDI, ' Vintage 1848, bottled In France. • .a:- SO cases finest Tnscan Oil, in-flasks ; 2 joren In case. 60 bblß finest quality Monong&hela V/hisky. • 60 bbls Jersey Apple Brandy. 50,000 Havana Curare,-extra fine. Moot & Chandon Grand-Vin Imperial, “Green Seal" Champagne. Together with a fine assortment of Madeira, Sherry, Port, ... - ■ fe24-ly s GOLD, SILVER' and LIGHT BLUE STEEL M*J _r SPECTACLES, to suit all ages, cheap, cor. SECOND and NEW Struts. J. FRIES. If applied as Reduction of : Premiums. The Premium in future will be And an an nuity to po licy holder. 20 99 nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. 203 01 62 85 236 08 179 80 645 60 127 23 39 15 63 35 4165 ~ Lcipate in the riNANCUfit Peuladelphea. A: S. PEA3ODY ft CO. mys-12t DE&X-EL & GO., 34. South TBIRD Sfosefc. No. 33 Eaath THIRD Street, COMMISSION, ALL SIZES. 4XB ARCH STREET." OF NEW YORK. FREDERICK S. WINSTON, PRESIDENT. TOTAL SURPLUS DIVIDED, OVER FIVE MILLIONS OF' DOLLARS. The Business of this Company is conducted onthe MU TUAL principle, in the strictest sense of the term:, the entire surplus, DEDUCTING NECESSARY EXPENSES ALONE, being EQUITABLY DIVIDED amoug the As sured. Polices are issued, premiums payable in one sum, an nually, half-yearly, or quarterly for life: FIVE or TEN YEARS. The last is generally known as the “TEN-YEAR PLAN.” Pamphlets, giving all necessary information, also blank forms of application, may be had. free of ex pense, by applying by letter or otherwise to F. RATCHFORD STARR, GENERAL AGENT, HO. 400 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE PRESS OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO JUST PUBLISHED, AT ODES: ' By the Baroness TAUTPHtEUS, Author of “Quits,” “ The Initiate, ” &c., &c. COPPED’S COURTS-MAKT [AL, •- -THE FIELD MANUAL OP COURTS-MARTIAL, com prising the exact forms.of proceeding and the duties of all persons connected with Military Tribunals in any capacity, to which are added the modes of procedure in Courts of Inquiry, Military Commissions, Retiring Boards, Boards of Survey, and Councils of Administra tion. . - By CAPTAIN HENRY COPPEE, Late Instructor at West Point. ISmo. 75 Cents, ARMY CHAPLAINS’ MANUAL, THE ARMY CHAPLAINS’MANUAL, designed as a help to Chaplains in the discharge of their various duties, both Temporal and Spiritual, containing also all Laws and A Regolations in regard to Chaplains, together with the proper steps to be taken to secure a Chaplain’s Ap pointment. By REV. J. PINCKNEY HAMMOND, Chaplain United States Army. 12mo. $1.25. SOHALK’S CAMPAIGNS. SECOND EDITION. THE CAMPAIGNS OF 1863 AND 1863, illustrating the Principles of Strategy. By EMIL SCHALK, Author of the * ‘ Summary of the Art of War. ” . PACKARD’S MINOR SUROERY. A MANUAL OF MINOR SURGERY. By JOHN H. PACKARD, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy in the Uniyersity of Pennsylvania. . One vol., 12mo. $1.50.. Wa be published on MONDAY, MAY ISth, Howirrs HISTORY' OF THE SUPERNATURAL THE HISTORY DP THE SUPERNATURAL, in all Ages and Nations; in all Churches, Christian and Pagan; demonstrating a Universal Faith. By WILLIAM HOWSTT. J. R; 3L.IPPINCOTT & CO., PUBLISHERS, mylo*2t Nos. 7X5 and 717 MARKET STREET. Excise tix laws, BY CHARLES F. ESTEE, Esq., LATE DEPUTY Ct‘2C3Sr3SIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE. NOW READY-- FOR DELIVERY, \ THE EXCISE TAX LAW- WITH ABE-THE AMENDMENTS, 'Together with the Instructions, Blank Forms, Decisions, and Regulations of the-Commissioner, including those mosJ recent and not befi&re published, especially relating, to th a assessments of the IKCS'MS TAX, A rao?tcomplete, acciwate r aud reliable work, with full marginal notes and references, and a minute Analytical Valuable to Assessors, Collectors, Lawyers, Mer- Harmers, and, in fact, to every io.a; 2Xtyer. Also, important for every Library. Compiled by Charles K Estke, Esq.late Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue. ' 1 volume octavo, about 350’pages. Price—cloth, $1.50; law sheep binding, $2.00.; Sent freo of postage upon re3eipt of price. Orders respectfully solicited. FITCH, ESTS2E,.& CO., Publishers, No. 3-PARK.PLACE, New York. For sale 3y T. B..PUGH, Conner SIXTH and CHEST NUT streets. . my!s-6t 'J'HE CONSCRIPT!' THE CONSCRIPT?" THE CONSCRIPT! • THE CONSCRIPT r BY ALEXANDER DUMAS, Will be PUBLISHED TO- MORROW (Saturday), com plete in two volumes, with Illustrated Military Covers, in colors. Price 50 cents a volume, or a finer edition is published, bound in one volume, cloth, for $1.50. It is published and for sale by . T. B. PETERSON ft BROTHERS, It ' No. 306-CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. TVTKW BOOKS. Just ReoMvpd by J. S 3 EIPPSNCOTT k CO., 715 and 717 MARKET Street. AT ODDS; By ; the-Baroness Tautphceus, author of “ Initials.” ' COPPEE’S NEW WORK ON COURTS MARTIAL. : GENERAL FRANKLIN’S DEFENCE. BErNRIOH HEINE’S PICTURES OF TRAVEL. INCIDENTS IN MY.LIFE. By 3>. D. Home, with an introduction, by Jndffe Edmonds. : LEAVES FROM- THE DIART OF AN ARMY SUR GEON. By Thos. T. Ellis. THE ACTRESS IN'EIGH'LIFE ter Quarters _ KINGLAKE’S INVASION OF THE CRIMEA. COLENSO ON THE r PENTATEUCH Volumes 1 and 2. EVERY-DAY- PHILOSOPHY. By the Country Par son.- my 15 PETEBSON’S GOENTERFEIX DI TECTOR forfllAYlSis ready this morning. it PETERSON’S: COUNTERFEIT D,E TECTOR for 1 -MAY lfflis read? this morning. - It 9 K NE¥ COUNTERFEITS ARE fully described in PETERSON’S COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR i AND DREXEL’S BANK-NOTE LIST FOR MAY 15, ready this morningiafc the publication office. - T. B> PETERSON & BROTHERS, N0..30& CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Terms—One Dollar a year, monthly; or. Two Dollars ayeai'.semi-moixthly ;. or,.Ten Cents a number. Call and get ope. - , ■ _-±_ It <E>l • AT ODDS. MV •* By tlie AutlKe.of ‘ 1 €iaifcs ” and ‘ * Initials MV *- • myl3-8t PlTCHER*BBookstore. 808 CHESTNUT St. 9Fi CENTS 10 $45.00 U! Photograph Albmns holding from 22 to 200 PICTURES.- PITCHER’S NEW BOOK STORE, 808 CHESTNUT Street. ‘ . j . - -. .' ■. • my 9 6t 45P* O*—G —B E„ “439” MAKE YOUR PURCHASES OF BOOKS, STATIONERY, PHOTOGRAPH AL BUMS, CARD PICTURES, s c., ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM, CHESTNUT STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE NEW POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. PAraTFNGS, ENGRAVINGS,>c. JAMBS S. EAHIiE & SON, IMPORTERS AND MANUF4CTUEEBB* 0F LOOKING GLASSES. OIL PAINTINGS, BNGRAVINGB, PORTRAIT, PICTURE, and PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. EXTENSIVE LOOKING GLASS WARESOOMS AND. GALLERY OB’ PAIN^SNGS* ial-tf «1« CE®STNUT Streep PhllAdelpb^.c. “QOSTAIi’S” " “ COSTAR’S “COSTARD “COSTAR-S-”- “COSTAL J R”' “COSTA.3tffi M -1 k "VERMIN vermin vermin VERMIN / VERMIN *. VERMIN .. / VERMIN ./ VERMIN ‘ VERMIN , , v : •VERMIN VERMIN ■; . VERMIN ■ ** •-'? ;. VERMIN ' I VERMIN • ' ' • • j VERMIN—EXTERMINATORS, ! For KatB, ‘2fice,'lioackes t AntB, 33ed-Bugs, MosquUoes. Moths,* in. Furs, Woolen#, on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &te. - * . £ “15 years establishecUn New York City. ” v “ Ouly iufalUbLeremedies known. 5 ’ - •- ‘‘Freefrom: Poisons." : v : * “-Hot'dangeroua to.the'Human Family. ” “ Rats come out of their holes to die. ” M§F Sold by.all'Druggists everywhere. .4®“ !!! Beware!! lof all worthless'imitations. - • J&tf* Address, ' HENRY R COS TAR,' Ji@- Principal Depot, No. 483 BROADWAY. N. Y. Sold by DYOTP & Co., Principal Wholesale Ageiitß. ‘ T. A. CALLENDER, corn'or THIRD and WAL NUT, Retail, and all Druggists in Philadelphia, Pa. 'mvll-mwflm TVORY TV PES SEARCH THE CITY A OVER, and you : will not'ifthd any to please, you like REIMER’fcI Ivorytype* ; simple in ; stylo.' natural and life-like in coloring.-" SECOND Street, above Green. It BAZAAR-NINTH AND SAN com streets. AUCTION SALE OP HORSES. CARRIAGES, &c.. ON SATURDAY MORNiNG, at 10 o’clock. Included in catalogue, will bo found about FORTY HORSES. Particulars at sale. ALSO, A large collection of new and second-hand Carriages, Deaiborns, Harness, Saddles, &c., with which the sale Will commence. „ ~ Jt&“ No postponement on account of weather. JBSF* Sale of brick stables, and blacksmiths tools ana materials, in Leybraud street, oh 19th May* J®* fcale of line blooded stock, on 20tb May. • It . ALFRED M. HERKNESS, Auctioneer. •WANTED—A CLERK ACQUAINT * * ed with Boobs anil Stationery Best reference re-. quitrd. Apply at J3OB. CHESTNUT Street- 3t WANTED—EM PLOY &EST BY AN * » honorably- discharged SoWier, of moral habits, in any capacity where be can make himself useful. Has ■served five years in a Dry-Goods Bouse, best of re ference given. Address, for three days, “Loyal,” Press Office. . . • It* wanted Clothing.—persons *T havinK Clothing to dispose of will wlease call ,or address C. MfLLEE, gQ3 cnESTiifUT at.mblSmwßm* WANTED—A YOUNG MAN AS * ' Salesman in a Wholesale and Retail Cloth Store. Address CLOTH, this Office. my!4-3t* WANTED CORRESPONDENCE » * By a young Soldier of fine temperament, a corre spondence wiih some fair, intelligent, and loyal young ladies to pass away* the tediousness of “camp life.”. Sub ject—fun, love, or whatever may result from it. He will exchange photographs. Address ERASTUS J. HAR MAN, Co. 1,03 d Regiment 0. V. 1., Murfreesboro, Tenu. myK-jjt* <CJ7P; A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE nV • AGENTS in every county at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address S, MADISON, my6-3md&W • ■ Alfred. Maine. tfjjf-A A MONTH!—W E WA N T AGENTS at s6oa month, expenses paid, to sell our Everlasting Pencils , Oriental Burners, and 13other new articles. 16 circulars/rse. SHAW & CLARK, my6-Smd&W . Biddeford. Maine. JZk DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFICE. —Philadelphia, Feb. 8, 1863. VESSELS WANTED immediately to ca»CT 0012. to the following points: Tortnjcae. Key West, Fla. . Fort Monroe,Ya, • Alexandria, va. Kewbern, K.C. PortEoyal, S.C. A. BOYD,- felO-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster, CUMM ER B 0 ARUING AT CHESTNUT GROVE BOUSE, MEDIA.—This House will again be opened by tbe undersignedbn the 15tb of June, for the reception of Boarders. The location is healthy, and the establishment replete with everything which tends to make it a desirable place of summer resort. Address - Mrs. M. MACK, ' • myB-frmwst* . 7 Box 5*534 Phllada. P. O. CEA-SIDE HOUSE. FOOT OF PENN SYLVANIA Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. A pri vate hoarding-house is now open for the reception of guests. DAVID SCATTEKGOOD. Fifth Mokth, 1863. my!2-12t* A GENTLEMAN WISHES TO OB TAIN BOARDING in a select Private Family. Ad dress, for three days, “Box 2100,‘’ Post Office. It* Ql7 CHESTNUT STREET—PLEA SANT Booms, with Board. Terms moderate. Also, Table Board. myS-12t* Board.— handsome COMMUNI CATING Booms at If o. 1315 WALNUT Street. . apSO-12t*if . fj| FOB SALE" PRICE §?'800 'a * HOUSE, .of § rooms, with latticed, porche s , beauti fully situated on the main street in the town of Riverton, N. J., half hour’s ride from Walnut-street wharf, by Camden & Amboy Railroad. Terms easy. Inquire of wM H. HYDE & SON* Stove Dealers, I?o. 123 North SECOND Street. Philadelphia. _myl-?-2t* 12mo. $175. MFOR SALE, IN GERMANTOWN A pleasant and comsc-rtable DWELLING, eleven rooms, cheerful, well lighted, and ventilated. Cold Crystal Water; Gas and .Fixinres;£ath Hoorn; Garden in complete order, with finer Evergreen and- Deciduous Trees, Shrubs, and fine Climbers; choice Pears, Plums, Cherries,-Peaches, ; Quinces, Crapes in abundance. Cur rants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Blackberries. Cellar, with.mortar floor and provision 'vault,' obviating all ne cessity for ice in'summer; first-class furnace and range. As near as a city house to'good stores, schools, and churches of.five denominations, yet retired and rural, and near to turnpike and steam railroads. Price. $5,000, Apply to Alderman KING, MAIN Street, below Mill, Germantown, oi to : • L, JOHNSON &-CO., myl6-3t 606 SANSOM Street, Philadelphia. m FOR SALE—A FARM AND MILL ■-A-Property, 25 miles from this city, on a railroad. Apply to H. D. PLING’.- - xnyl4-2t* No. 417 MARKET Street. / <l5OO —S PIiENDID CHANCE— "Business or- Investment. Large profits. 335 WALNUT Street: " It* 2y015.,12m0. A(AA A GENTLEMAN WISHES vPv*•' to invest a-limited amount in a good paying. Business, bv purchasing the entire or partial in- 1 Merest 'of an house. Address, during this week, “MORTON,” this Office. myll-mwf3i* Tj’Oß SALE—THE STOCK, GOOD WILL, and Fixtures, of a oroall TRIMMING STORE, in one of ihe most desirable situations in the city. Ad dress H. E., Box 1345, P. Q. . , myl4-2f* WOT SALE OR EXCHANGE—A SU perirrLotof Ground, southeast corner ARCWI and Twentieth streets, 60 feet front, 160 deep to Cuttbert street. Also, one on the northeast corner of WALNUT and' Twentieth suetts, 42 feet front, and 140 feet aeOp . - J. D. KEINBOTH,. ayl4-3t» 430 WALNUT Street. PRIVATE SALE.-THE UNDER SIGNED, desirous, on. account of declining health, to" retire from bis duties as Principal of EATON ACA-' DEMY, KENNETT SQUAKE. CHESTER County, Pa., offers at Private Sale that well-known and popular In stitute, with seven and a half acres of nighly-improved land, within the limits of the Borough. .. -Ifnot sold before the Ist of 7th Slduth next, it will be held for rent. _ . WILLIAM CHANDLER. ‘ ap27-mwfrt jvl* . . ■ 809 ARCH St., nearly opposite his old place! Cmvl4-12t* ■■WS. V/ 1 . %A T OST—LAST EVENING, A BROWN Morocco POETE-MONNAIE, either in or in getting out of a Third-street passenger car, in Third street, above Wood. It contained several important memo randums and papers, of value only to the owner. A liberal reward will be paid for their return, at the LAUNDRY, 335 North SECOND Street, above Tine. It* - - WILLIAM TARDIF, Jk. 1 OST—THIS DAY, IN GOING FROM the Post Office, on Library street, to No. 412 Wal nut street, a DRAFT, drawn by ‘‘The Thomas Iron Company” on John T. Knight, Treasurer; Easton, Pa , for. Four Thousand SixHuudred and Ninety-two Dollars and Twenty-seven Cents, May Ist, lS63,at 60 days, to order of the undersigned. 'The said draft is not ac cepted or endorsed, ana payment having been stopped, the finder will please return it to W. T. CARTER & CO., No. 103 WALNUT Street* or Box 559 P. O. Philadelphia, May 32, 1863. myl4-2t* CCBEDULE OF FRIGES AGREED UPON BY THE ICE DEALERS of Philadelphia, to take effect on MONDAY, April 27, 1568; S lbs. ?er day,... 75cts. per week. 12 “ 44 90 ‘V 16 44 44 105“ 20 44 4t -...120 4 4 4 4 , Customers taking from 40 to 100 lbs., at the rate of 76 cts. per 100 lbs. 100 lbs, and upwards, 79 cts. per hundred. ap2l-lai*if An Episode in Win- JOE J KJE i ICE I ICE l ICE! ICE 1 COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. - Families, Offices,Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Cream Saloons, &C., &c., supplied daily with a purearticle of BOsTON ICE, at the very lowest market rates. Dealers and large, consumers supplied at -wholesale prices. Wagons run in all paved limits of the Consolidated city, and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. THOS. E CAHILL, f 335 WALNUT Street. am... . J North Penna. R.’& Master street." unices. < and Twenty-fifth street*. ap3-3mif* (.Pine-street wharf. Scbuvlkili. BOA L.—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and ■ best Locust Mountain from Schuylkill; prepared ex pressly for family use. Depot, N. W. corner ot EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, NS 113 South SECOND Street. [ap'J-lyJ - J. WALTON & CO. HAIR RESTORED. VJ BALDNESS;PREYENTRD. ' liON2)€>N HAIR COLOR RESTORER ANI> DRESSING., The . ' most safe and.reliablear ' • 'ticleever discovered . for the growth and pre? serration of thehumau hair, preventing gray bair, and resto ring its pi-is’une beauty and color. Also removing any eruptive diseases. -Itching, Scurf, .Dandruff, &c.; Many who werebald and gray ha ve Lad their hair restored fey the use of the -London HairColok.-Kestobeb.” Iss extraordinaiy influence in restoring gray hair to it's original life-like appwtrance is truly wcader- fuL It dees not,require any.,preparation be fore or after its usos keeps: the hair soft, ' smooth and flexible, and is certainly : - an indispensable article in. every, toilet. All 'who wish to have a ■beautiful and glossy head# of hail, in, luxuriQijs. • growth to the latest • period of life, must use the • - XONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER. ' “Asa be&ntiSer it is unsur?*ftssed. LONDON HATH COLOR EESJORER, - .'Will make the hair grow on bald, heads. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER. ■ Will fasten it, and stop its falling. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER. ■Gives tie haira rich and glossy appearance. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER. - . Excitee the scalp, cleanses and invuoratos. LONDON. HAIR COLOR RESTORER, • No lady or gentlemav, should be without it. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER, . Highly perfumed; does not soil bat or bonnet. - - LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER,.: Onlv 50 cents a Lottie, six bottles for $2 50. LONDONHAIR COLOR RESTORER, T>jt only attested article that will absolutely restore the, hair .to its original-color and beauty, causing it to gr.ow where it has fallen off or become thin. Sold wholesale and retail. by ->DR. SWAYNE & SON, apSO-tfif No. 330 N. SIXTH'S!., aboveYine.Phila. TDEAUTY—IF YOU WISH TO HAYE J-' a line, clear complexion, use. HUNT'S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL. It will make you as fair as a lily. Price, 25 cents. If you are troubled with Tan or Preokle3, use HUNT'S BRITISH BALSAM, It is warranted to remove them. Price, 2fl cents. - If you want a Color, use HUNT’S BLOOM OP ROSES. It will not wath off, nor injure the skin; and cannot he detected. Price, 25 cents and SI. HUNT'S COUitT TOILET POWDER is the host Pace Powder in. use Price, 12#, 25, and 50 cents Sold at BUNT & CO. ? S, Perfumers, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doorf above Chestnut,-and 133 South SE VENTH, above Walnut. myd 3m ROA GOLDTBORP & CO., fiOft Manufacturers of' / Tassels,. Cords,- Fringes, Curtains, and Furniture Gimps, Curtain Loops; Centre Tassels. . Picture and Photograph Tassels, Blind Trimmings. ; "Military and Dress Trimmings. Kild'onSj Nedk Ties, etc., etc., , .»«. TOS.MABB.OT Stag • myfi-Gra ' - Philadelphia. PAPKE PATTERN SOP THE JL LATEST FASHION. Wholesale and Retail. TJpw Snrinv and Summer Cloaks,- Sleeves, aists. and rM.dy at Mra.M. A. BINDER’S Temple of Fashion, No 1033 OHBSiflUi street. Also, Dress and Mantilla Making in alius branches. > Madame Demorest’s Mirror of Fashion and to Bon T • ap29-3m PENSIONS.—SIOO BOUNTY. AND A pay procured and collected for Soldiers, Sailor*, and the relatives of such as are deceased, at- reasonable and Ratisfactory rates. Soldiers : who have served two years, and all soldiers. Wh,o have been reason of wounds received in battle, are now entitled to the $lOO bounty: and the latter, also, to apension, JAMES PULTON. Solicitor for Claimants, mbl4 424 WALNUT Street pOFFEEI COFFEE! I COFFEE UI— *V/ The best and cheapest prepared Coffee in the city. A rial will coirrinco the most skeptical, ao charge road* ..f satisfactionis not'rendered.* v —— . Frepaied and for sale at the v ■ ' . - \l SOUP WILL BE SERVED \ g 44»“*i6'Norih M.Oirasfel. : by JAMES PSOa- It 13-30 HOWA&D ’WO3&SIiIu B£B, Ho- 808 B4BSST Street. - tty3-lM AUCTION SALE. WANTS. JBOARDING. FOR SALE ATtt) TO LET, REMOVALS tOST AND FOUND. COAI*. amusements. ■VTEW chestnut-street thea. I* THE. —Lessee and Manager.. .Hr. W. WiUSATLEI. GEHUINE SUCCESS OF THE NEW FAIRY SPECTACLE. With New and Splendid Scenery and. Effects, by S. E. Hayes and J. H Selwyn. ‘ The Queen ol Comedy, Burlesque, and Song, MRS. JOHN WOOD. THE CHARMING, TALENTED AND FASCINAT ING COMEDIENNE , IN THREE GREAT CHARACTERS. _ THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, May 15th, la the extravaganza. THE FAIR ONE WITH THE With NEW SCENERY l £ 3 Uo ° K S ' SEW DRESSES l «iwf^ OMTMENTS EXTENSIVE MACHINERY, AM rWTAn D ,Is BiIjiTO ? A POWERFFL CHORUS The Music under of Mr. Mark Hastier, i MK. W. DAV7DGE,’ H MR W. A. CHAPMAN, MOMS. BrHIN, MRS. C. HENRIE, / will appear in the cast. 1 Previous to which, JOHN JONES AT THE WAR OFFICE. GUYGOODLUCK .... Mr. D. SETCHBLL. Scale of Popular Prices of Admission: Dress Circleand Parqnette 50 cents. 0; chestra Seats. .75 * * Family Circle . 25 '* NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR RESERVED SEATS. Curtain rises at 8 o’clock. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. f* Sole Lflßyee Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSON. Business Agent... Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. ANEXTRABILL, “COMEDY AND DRAMA.” BENEFIT Of tbe ropolar and versatile Aitiste, MISS LAURA KEENE, The whole of the New York Company appear. THIS EVENING (first time), the Romantic Drama of PADLINE; OR, THE LONE CHATEAU. Pauline, Miss Laura Keene. Previous to which the sparkling Comedy of • TWO CaN PLAY AT THAT GAME. Lucy Arundel Miss Laura Keene.' In active Preparation: THE SEA OF ICE; OR, A MOTHER’S PRAYER. Doora opes at 73>£: Curtain will rise at 8. (JONG E R T HALL. THE GRAND PUBLIC LEVEES GEN. TOM THUAiB AND WIFE, COM. NUTT AND MISS* 3 MINNIE WARREN. Will positively close in Philadelphia on SATURDAY, -May 23d. 156(. THE GREATEST "WONDERS IN THE WORLD. A MARRIED COUPLE.. A BACHELOR AND BELLS. ALL FOUR WEIGHING BUT 100 POUNDS. THREE GRAND LEVEES EACH DAY, WITH IMPERSONATIONS, TABLEAUX, SONGS, AND DANCES. MRS. LAYINIA WARREN STRATTON, Will avail herself of her sumptuous and costly ward robe to appear at each levee in. THREE DIFFERENT DP.ESSES, and at each morning levee the General and his lady will wear the »• IDENTICAL WEDDING COSTUMES They wore at their wedding at Gracf Church. THE BRIDAL PRESENTS Will be on exhibition at each Levee THREE LEVEES EACH DAY, From II A M. to 12K P- M., 3to 4% and 8t09% P. If, Doors open half an hour in advance Admission, 25 cents. Children under ten, 15 cents, my32-5t MUSICAL FUND HALL.— THIRD an,d LAST CONCERT of the three young Aitists, BEETTOBROT HE R S, SATURDAY EVENING, May 16, IS6L Mr, GRAF, of the German Onera: SERE THEODORE AHREND, Mens. JEAN LOUIS HERR L. EKGELKE. and the BRETTO BROTHERS will appear. Commencing at 8 o’clock. Tickets 50 cents, to be had as usually; each ticket admitting one child under twelve year* free. my 15-21* PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF TFE FINE ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT STREET. THE FORTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITION IS NOW OPEN, From 9 A. M. till 7 P. M., and fiom 8 till 10 P. M. Admission, 25 cents. " Season Tickets, 60 cents. Annual Tickets, One Dollar. Stockholders. Artists, and Contributors will receiv# their Tickets at the Office. , ' myB-tf /TJJERMANIA ORCHESTRA—PUBLIC " REBEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTERNOOH* at 3>4 o’clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, CA*2& SENTE, conductor. Tickets-25 cents. Packages of ivr tickets 41. To be had of Andr6 & Co., No. 1104 Chestnut street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the Hall door. _ n027-tf HASSLSR’S orchestra. NEW OFFICE, &14 South EIGETH Street, below Walnut. del9*B® QTEREO3COPTICONS FOR PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS, in large or email halls, with views, scenes, and'representations of fine Statuary, both •ofEnrope and America, incidents, places, and battles of the present Rebellion, Made and for sale by - JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., Manufacturing Opticians, 934 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Full priced and illustrated Catalogue* sent by mail free. . ap3o-loi CIRCUtATrarG XIBRARIES. WBROTHERHEAD’S OIRCULA • TING' LIBRARY. the NEW English ani American Books, including ALL CLASSES’ofLiterafcura. This is tLe ONLY Library m the country that include* air the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not RE PRINTED here. Terms $5 per year ; six months $3; three months QL6Q ; one month 75* cents, or 3 cents per day, 318 South EIGHTH Street. mh7-3ro PHOTOGRAPHS, ivrow is the mmi] to decide oj* -*=■* having your Portrait. REIMER’S superior like-- nesses, life-size PHOTOGRAPHS in oil colors are being made, in view of the times r at reduced'prices. SECOND' street, above Green. _ It TOM THUMB-AND BRIDE, COM MODOKE SETT aKD MIKNIE WARREN. —Card: Photographs of the above ia-great variety. McAllister 12& CHESTNUT. Street ALL QUIET ON THE POTOMAO.— A very fine Card Photograph just received by JUCAI&TSTER & BROTHER, 7SB CHESTNUT Street. in CENTS ONLY FOE CARD PHO TOGRAPHSbfThwnb;2Ed Wife, Commodore Watt,, and Minnie Warren. A'laTee warier*. myl3-3t PITCHER'S, SffS‘CHESTNUT St ■DEIMER’S lilFB-SIZE PHOTO GRAPHS in Oil Colovsyou*must see to have an. idea of their worth. Artistic coloring and skilful execu tion have produced superb pictures. (Set one now at re duced prices. SECOND Street, above Green. - It THE BEST AT THE LOWEST J-' prices, TURNERS Cartes de-Visite and Photographs,. £OB CHESTNUT street. Skylight on the ground lioor. - myl3-4t* . INSURANCE COMPANIES. WISE ASSOCIATION. Incorporated, March 27;’'2550. - ~ ■ Office, No. 34-Nbrrh. FIFTH-Street, INSURE BOILDINGS; HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AND MERCHANDISE GENEBAiXY, FROST LOSS BY FIRE! (In the city of PailacJlelphia, only.) STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OF THE ASSOCIATION, JANUARY*!* 1863. Bonds and-Mortgages on Property in the city of Philadelphia 0n1y......... $705,494 65 Ground-Rents, “ ** . ** “ 25.13&57- Real Estate.... - 14,356 13 Cash.on hand 34,0.1136 TRUSTEES^ GEORGE’V?. TYSON* President. Wm. H. Hamilton, - -JstnSourter, Peter Fritz,- \ Peter A.- Keyser, John Philbin, John w. Geo. I. Young, ■ Jcss. Rv Lyndall, Levi P. Coats, Samuel* Sparhawk, Charles P. Botver. I "William-T. Butler, Secre XNSUBAN 406 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. FIBB AND INLAND’INSURANCE DIKBerOBS. ffrancis N. Buck, E;:3>. Woodruff, Ckas. Richardson, Oreo. A. West, Henry Lewis. Jr.» John Kessler, Jr., JofcnW: Evenusa, Chas. Stokes, Philip S. Justice, A: H. Rosenheim, O. W. Davis, Josep D. Ellis. -PBaNCIS H. BUCK, President. CHARLEB RICHARDSON, Vice President, WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. OaIUAI EXPRESS COMPANIES. rmE ABAMS EXPRESS Offica 3*4 CHESTNUT Street* forwards Parcels, F&clr&grsa, Merchandiee, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by Us owa lines or in connec tion wits, other Express Companies,' to all the principal Towns and Cities in United States. fMB. %. s; flAin>FO'Ri>, <Tfl??eraJ Superintendent RAS3LROAD IIXES. grr we s~t g h estek AND PHILADELPHIA, HAIL- ROAD, VIA iMBUIA. SUMMED BOARDERS Will find pleasant and ampio accommodations at th« fol lowing places on or near thewßailroad: Trains to andfrom the times eacVway daily. COUPON AS D SEASON TICKETS AT LOt\r-RATES. Near Wallingford Statioa, Mr. C.W: Thomas, ' IN MEEuAv THE CHESTNUT- GROVE HOUSE, THRfc CHARTERHOUSE. Near Media, Mr. Peta? Worral, Mrs M: A. "Wh/rc.ll* Mrs. Wtd. Braofce, MU&Passmoreu Gideon Malin, Tho mas Ha3in l ‘'J. EdwaTd** Tor further inforirution inquize of ALEXAjSDBIk. HEKESRSON, fU.the OEPOT IN ftSSDIA. • ~ ' Near Lenni, H. EieljU; near GJon Riddle, S Eoria. Near Pennelton, lavl Jobson.;. near Darlington, Joel. Sharp’ess; near Giap. Mills, J. Malin, B. Green; near- Cheyney’s Shops, J*b Scott, J. Preston Thomas There.are many Others near. &he above and ather xsta tions who willtahe boarders. Baggage, &c., collected and delivered. bs B..AT.EX > ANUER. Express:Agent, in the DEPOT, norfhoast.corner ■- of EIGHTEENTH and MAR-NET- Streets. ap2S-36fc . MB m/W AND. EASTERN TRANS PORTATION COMFAN7 is new prepared to forward freights FROM PHILADELPHIA TO SETS YORK* VIA CAMDEN AKp PORT MONMOUTH. Freights received at THIRD wharf above ARCH St The attention ofMarchants and Shippers is direetod t* this new and expeditions rente, and a portion of &«Sjr patronage is reepecrrnlly solicited. For farther particulars apply fcr. QEC. E. MoCTJIjjOH, Freight Areas. 138 NORTH W; F. GETFPITTS, Jr., General Manager. TTNION TRANSPORTATION COM PANY.—We have sold and transferred the bari**- nesß and property of said Company to the PHILADEL PHIA AN!) EASTERN TBANSPOBTAKON COMPANY' of and from this date. • . , Q. W. CASS & CO., Proprietors,' Union Transportation Company. Philadelphia, April 7,1865. aplO-tf PHILADELPHIA AND EA.STEBN A, TKANSPOBTATIOff COMPANT i>:4via?parctm«*a' the property.aod sncceeded to the buaittess. of toe Untold. TransnortatiOß*OompanT. will eoutlooe the«atne as cere- SyiaCAMMlfand POET MOKMODTH: ’ ’ w“. GEIFFITTS. JK-.GewralMaiiaitM GEO. B. McCOLLOH, Freight .strent,' 138 Novtb WHAfeVES, (3d/wharf above Arch. st.-) pagft jr FO S ALBANY ANJ> Barge TACONY, YW S. Rust, master, is now loading for the above point, and will leave on FRIDAY' aiUBN INGr'Maylo, afs P. &L • For freight, which will be taken on reasonable terms* apply to S. FLANAGAN, myl4-2t No. 30drgonth DELAWARE Avenue. FOB NEW YOBK, *BSSmS&»vix DELAWARE AND RARITAN QA* NAL. DESPATCH AND SWIFTSURE LINES, m The steamers of this line are leaving dany at 42 M.,uid SP. M. from third pier above "WALNUT Streets For freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to WM, M. BAIRDii CO., mh26-tf , .133 Sonth DELA'WaR'E Avenue.- . F.OE NEW YOBK—NEW JmSG&gzxDUhr like-via dblawabs ah» 6A BITAN CDHAI.. •_ , Philadelphia and Hew Tori Express Steamboat Ooae* ■ pany receive freight and leave daily s* S P. SL, dellverln their cargoes in Hew Tori the followlas day. Preiyhta taken at reasonable ratee. _ WM. P. CLYDE. Ayent,. Ho.l-1 SOUTH WHASYES, Philadelphia. - ', w - JAMSS HAND, Ajent, anl-lf PUr* 1+ and ,5 EAST RIVER. Hew York. T XI C K B B* S 1 PATENT SPRING BSD, ; * -PATEKtRS JULt 3.1556. ' . . - Universally acknowledged for Neatness, Conuort, and. Durability to be the Standard spring Bed. The above are manttfaotnred an^for^a^bj^_ mb2s-3m No. % REVERB-Bloch.'Bostou^Maea. $785;082 12 my4-mwflm IS COMPANY, NO.
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